#i want to hard pass out kind of sleep and feel better in the morning rest
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Chaos // Revelry - Ch. 2
Elucien | Ch. 2 | Ao3
After a series of heated dreams and strange visions send Elain to The Human Lands, the bond she's been pointedly ignoring for years suddenly becomes too overwhelming to push aside. The close proximity and the mission at hand bring her and Lucien closer, even with new enemies and danger behind every corner. Despite Elain's stubborn will, fate seems to keep finding ways to turn her best laid plans to chaos.
[One Year Later]
The sigh was on her lips when she awoke, perched there like a bird ready to take flight as she whispered his name.
She’d felt him in her dreams, lips working against her as she rose from the dregs of sleep, already so hot, so wet for him as he dragged his tongue steadily, solidly against her.
“Lucien.” The name left Elain’s mouth on an exhale. It danced across the room with the motes of dust that sparkled in the early Velaris sun streaming through her windows.
He grinned against her sex but didn’t relent, that wicked tongue roaming the full length of her as she sighed and stretched with her arms above her head. What a lovely way to wake, the fire already consuming her fully.
His fingers pressed lightly in as they grazed up the expanse of her thighs, sliding around her hips and grabbing full handfuls of her ass. He pressed her impossibly closer to his mouth, his tongue alternating between tight circles on her clit and spearing into her, tasting her. Lucien ate her like a man starved, like she was the only thing that mattered to him, that had ever mattered to him. Like if he released his hold on her, let his tongue leave her, that she may disappear entirely, lost to the wind.
One of his elegant fingers slipped inside her and her back arched like a bowstring, naked breasts heaving towards the ceiling as she clutched the sheets. She was so wet there was no resistance, nothing but the welcoming noises her body made and his hum of pleasure against her.
“Is that what you wanted, my love?” He punctuated every other word with a languid, open-mouthed kiss to her, each sending bolts of pleasure like lightning to her already tightening spine.
“Please. Please .”
“I do love when you beg me.”
Before she could respond in kind, he’d added another finger, the two working her so precisely she lost all thoughts in her head.
How could he know her so intimately? Know what she liked so vividly, as though he felt her every want and need?
“I do know your every want and need, mate. Better than anyone else ever could, ” he spoke the words with a possessive growl that sent Elain spiraling, the heat riding her so hard she worried the bed itself would explode into flames. He nipped at her, sharp teeth grazing her most sensitive skin as she bucked into him, the feelings coalescing into a deafening roar of blood in her veins as she barreled towards her orgasm. He pursed his lips around her clit just as he curled the fingers inside her, and Elain came so hard her vision whited out.
But the word was in her mind this time.
“Lucien.” She tried speaking it aloud, but her voice was hoarse. She cleared her throat. “Lucien?” she asked again, but Elain was already aware of what had happened as she opened her eyes to the grey light of morning, her bed empty, sheets tousled and tangled around her legs.
Hands rubbed tired eyes, the dreary winter rain tapping against the window panes beside her. She was alone, as she had been every morning for the past year.
It had felt so real.
It always did.
Elain sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and cringing at the slick mess between her thighs. This was nothing new. In fact, the dreams happened more often than not anymore. She wasn't sure if it was the ignored bond, winding itself tighter and tighter as more time passed, or if it was somehow tied to the visions. She could feel him every time, as though he was there with her. As though he was inside her in more ways than one.
She brushed a swath of messy curls over her shoulder as she yawned. Between the dreams and visions, she didn’t sleep much anymore regardless.
She padded quietly to her bathroom, thankful that she had one of her own. The fae in this house were all about exchanging scents, smelling each other and commenting on it for every single indiscretion. She found it jarring and crass– not the fact that they were so sexually active, but that they all wanted to share about it with each other. It had taken her the better part of the last two years to control the embarrassing blushing that she was prone to when the conversations and teasing inevitably started up with her in the room.
She had nothing against a healthy sex life, clearly , even if she didn’t have one of her own. She just didn’t want to hear about everyone else’s. Or have them be aware of her own… urges in such great detail.
When she awoke from dreams like this, she made a point to bathe before going downstairs, washing the smell of arousal from her entirely and dousing her body in the fragrant floral oils she purchased in the Palaces in the city. If anyone scented it on her past all that, they’d at least had the decency to not mention it to her face.
She sunk into the warm water, letting tense muscles relax as the heat crept up to her chin. No matter how she washed, she couldn’t get the scent of him out of her nose. Pine needles in the sun as she ran her fingers through his copper hair.
It wasn’t the first time he’d sent his dreams to her across the bond– it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
Elain hadn’t set eyes on him in months. He’d been back around the start of fall, reporting to Rhys about some business, and their eyes had met in the hall. He’d afforded her a small smirk and sketched a bow before stepping from the dark hall into Rhys’s office, and that had been it. She hated how even the briefest of moments ignited the fire she dutifully ignored like a field of dried wheat meeting a spark. He’d been back in The Human Lands since, not even deigning to appear for Solstice this year. He’d sent her a gift, all the same, despite his absence.
It was her favorite so far. She might have even told him so had he shown his face. Not unlike the small necklace Elain had ripped from her own neck the year before, this one sat on a delicate chain of silver. Instead of stained glass, the charm was a smooth pendant of clear resin, the most beautiful blue petals suspended eternally in bloom inside. Rather than put it with her gloves and pearls in the back of the closet, she wore it. Truthfully, she never took it off. She’d taken to rubbing a thumb over it in concentration or worry, the smooth material of it a balm when she needed one.
What did it matter?
No one had seen him gift it to her because he hadn’t been present. He certainly wouldn’t see it, considering he never came around anymore.
If she pretended hard enough, even she might believe it didn’t bother her.
She fastened the buttons on her dress, a pleasant emerald that mirrored the evergreens surrounding the city she’d finally come to refer to as home. She lifted the fine chain and dipped it back, allowing the charm to settle beneath it and between her breasts before she turned to leave the room.
Nyx’s giggle filtered up to her as she descended the massive staircase into the house proper, her heart flitting at the sound. Her nephew and his parents sat at the table in the family dining room, and Elain didn’t hesitate to offer to take over the feeding of the most demanding and messy member of the household. At least, as long as Cassian wasn’t visiting.
“Hello, my sweet boy. How’s my favorite nephew doing this morning?” Elain cooed as she walked around the long table to sit beside him. In response, Nyx slammed his hands into a plate of eggs as he squealed excitedly. Feyre just pinched the bridge of her nose as Rhys looked on with a glint of amusement in his eyes.
“I’ve got him, eat your breakfast.” Elain scooped some eggs onto a spoon, twirling it through the air until Nyx was entranced enough to open widely and politely.
“I don’t know how you do it, Elain, truly. Are you certain we can’t simply put you on the salary to train his manners?” Feyre sighed, finally taking a bite of her own breakfast.
“He gets his manners from his mother,” Rhys quipped, then dodged a croissant as he filled his own plate.
Elain helped Nyx eat with one hand as she brewed a strong tea with the other, letting the bold scent wash over her senses. She’d need a cup or two with the sleep she’d gotten. The thoughts were shoved abruptly away before she let them stray too far in the presence of the two daemati she lived with.
Once he was done, she hoisted him into her lap, knocking the errant pieces of runaway egg off him and onto the table. His onyx curls were soft as down, and she absently ran her fingers through them while he relaxed against her chest, carefully sipping her tea with the other hand.
“–and I’m not certain we could get a location on it narrowed that specifically without being close when it happened.”
“What’s that?” Elain questioned, finally coming into the conversation.
“The power flares. Another happened yesterday. Near the border of Spring and Summer this time.”
She furrowed her brows. These strange flares had begun a few months ago, rising in regularity since. They hadn’t been able to find any identifiable patterns, nor predict with any sort of accuracy where the next might strike. Nyx sighed against her neck, little cheeks puffing as he started to fade into sleep.
“And no new information?” Elain asked. Rhys shook his head. Though they still hesitated to allow Elain too much involvement, her visions had proven to be helpful enough that, at the very least, she was no longer discounted entirely from the conversations on these matters. She liked to know what was going on. Whether she could help or not was another matter entirely.
“Has the vision returned?” Feyre asked, clearing her plate and pouring more tea.
“You know I’d tell you if it had.” The last had been a week prior, and she’d gotten out of bed to inform them immediately, allowing them to delve into the memory of it and see for themselves.
A bloodied hand on the cracked, stone ground, a small cauldron that sent familiar shivers down her spine and gave her nightmares for days, a flare of light, and Lucien’s bright shock of red hair, whipping through the wind against dark thunderheads.
The vision had felt rocky, coarse, cold. Unwelcoming. Though she couldn’t make out any more details of it, and it hadn’t come back, it had felt ominous. A warning of something just out of her grasp.
“Any more dreams?” Rhys asked, snagging more fruit and spearing a piece onto his fork. Elain nearly choked on her tea as an image flashed of dark golden shoulders and a broad expanse of scarred back settling between her thighs.
“Visions. Any more dreams or visions?”
“No. No more. Since last time.” She pushed down the image of copper hair laced through her fingers with near-violent force, checking her mental shields were holding tight.
Rhys nodded, looking to Feyre. “We’ll need to send out missives. I imagine it’s time we have some sort of a meeting so we can, at minimum, put a reporting system into place. Try and see if any predictive theories can be found. If any magic can be tracked.”
Elain reached beside her to grab the nearby pen, ready to roll it to Feyre when her body abruptly froze. She recognized the sensation for what it was, the rigid rippling from her toes to her scalp as the cold seized her.
But she was already fading from awareness, sight going milky as the vision pulled her under, Rhys gently taking Nyx from her arms.
Pink fabric beneath her cheek, a soothing touch on her back.
Twice the vision
Yet not the right
A deep laugh in her ear. Low and close and warm.
Heal the rift
And stay the course
A firebird across the sky.
The darkness within us
Corrupt and descend
That soft, feminine voice she’d come to know so well, that she’d finally stopped approaching with fear.
It's time to return to the manor, Elain. It’s time.
Elain came back to herself abruptly, her hand clenched in the table cloth and a gasp of air filling her lungs harshly. Feyre and Rhys watched from beside her, Nyx still asleep peacefully in his father’s arms.
Feyre was beside her in an instant, pouring cold water into a glass, the visions so commonplace now that they all knew what helped in the immediate aftermath. “What was it?”
Elain swallowed, the lump in her throat hard and solid.
Undoubtedly, the firebird meant Vassa. The rest could have been anything. But Elain’s visions weren’t always easily understood–more often than not, they were these swimming images, words that meant nothing to her until the events passed, if they ever did.
But that laugh, the low rumbling in her ear. She knew who it belonged to, even if her heart clenched to hear it. Still, there was no denying where the vision was trying to move her, the tug on her intuition something she’d learned to not ignore.
“I need to go to The Human Lands. Back to the manor.”
The shock on both their faces was almost comical.
“What did you see?” She pushed the memory out to them, face burning as she realized the resounding laugh and her reaction to it would be sent, too. No one questioned her anymore about Lucien, or her bond, or her love life at all, really. Despite a lingering awkwardness between her and Azriel that a blind man himself could see, it was clear to everyone around that Elain had chosen to remain alone for the time being.
They didn’t know how many times she’d awoken in Lucien’s empty apartment.
“Does the rhyme mean anything to you?” Rhys asked, but Elain shook her head. It seemed fragmented, just pieces of something larger. A poem or a song, perhaps.
“Are you certain you want to go to The Human Lands, Elain? Won’t it be strange seeing Lucien there?”
It would be. As it always was. Her neutral indifference to him was a mask she’d perfected, despite her wants raging immediately beneath the surface. But when she considered not going to follow this vision, the very blood in her body seemed to rebel.
“Perhaps, but something is pushing me there, and it isn’t going to help anyone if I don’t listen.” Elain had learned to heed the warnings her Sight gave her, even if she hadn’t exactly verbalized that it was occasionally the voice she’d heard in the depths of The Cauldron leading her to where she needed to be.
Still, Elain was inclined to listen, even if being near Lucien might be difficult. She held firm in her resolve to restrain herself from giving in to the bond long ago, being close to him hadn’t changed that before. And maybe, with the two so close, the bond would settle a bit. Allow her to get some damned sleep.
“Will you feel safe there?” Rhys asked, concern settling in his eyes.
At that, at least, Elain raised a brow. “Do you think I won’t be at my absolute safest with him there?”
Rhys chuckled, but acquiesced with raised palms. “I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.”
Elain continued. “I’ll be okay. It seems I need to go. If I'm gone, maybe you’ll have more time to look into the flares.”
She should have told them that this wasn’t the first vision she’d had urging her towards The Human Lands. Should have told them that this was actually just the most recent of many, and it was time she stopped ignoring them.
Elain had gotten much better about keeping secrets.
“I’ll be okay. It’s not like I can’t get in touch.”
Feyre and Rhys exchanged a look, and Elain knew they were speaking mind to mind. “We do need someone to alert the remaining human kingdoms and Vassa about the power flares. We could consider you an emissary to Night, give you the courtly protections.”
Elain fought rolling her eyes. Would her little sister ever stop treating her like a child? Like something breakable? “It’ll be fine, Feyre. Truly. We’re on good terms with Vassa and Jurian, are we not?”
Feyre chewed at her lip momentarily, finally seeming to make peace with it. “Alright. I’ll reach out. Only if you’re certain.”
She could do this. She could go, figure out what the purpose of her presence was, and still hold strong as she had been. He’d been to Night plenty, been in her house plenty. Another setting wasn’t going to suddenly bring her resolve to its knees. Plus, a change of scenery would do her well.
“I’m certain.”
Feyre put a hand on her shoulder as she passed. “It’ll be nice to visit. See if it feels any different now.” At that, Elain’s jaw tightened. It wasn’t something she’d yet considered, but she wasn’t changing her mind now.
Feyre found her in the garden hours later, the sun having rallied valiantly from behind the heavy clouds and rain of morning. A response had come back almost immediately from Vassa formally inviting Elain to stay for as long as she’d like. Though Elain’s memories of Vassa were foggy at best, she remembered her being fine, fiery and bold, but raised in society as she and her sisters had been. There hadn’t been much time to catch up post-war, but she wondered what she’d be like in these different times. People were different after the wake of tragedy had distanced itself, gods knew she was.
“I’m certain the promptness had nothing to do with a certain Vanserra,” Feyre said with the subtlety of a brick through a window.
Elain’s stomach flipped.
She cleared her throat, returning her attention to the flowers. “Nothing at all.”
#elucien#elain archeron#lucien vanserra#pro elucien#acotar#a court of thorns and roses#post ACOSF#acotar fics#fated mates#chaos // revelry
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#i feel sick#been like two months#gone to er#gastro and ent#plus urgent care#going to give urgen care another try#if nothing maybe another visit to hospital#cross fingers they find out what i got#got worse despite meds#wants to melt into a puddle#moms coming in as vocal support#im so tired#going on reddit to search up what the hecks wrong with me#last time was sick for months and found out the type of infection i got through reddit and google 🙃 😭 🫠🥲#doctors are good but its so hard to find ones that care#crossing my fingers#rant post#rambles#wants to get better#should be sleeping#but had to do some chores and now i can't#either its a messy gut or infection#still got more stuff to do but doing bit by bit#brain is mush#my insides burn#reddit knows so much like doctors just want you to be gone in 5-10 minutes and leave you wanting more#was able to get some insight with recent doctor but again not much went online i discovered that i may have a blood issue#moomin seems like a lovely show should see it one day#after doing outside stuff tomorrow going to put it on and hopefully sleep to it#i want to hard pass out kind of sleep and feel better in the morning rest
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I love your work, could you please write a viktor x reader who takes care of him. like makes sure he eats, they make baked goods for him or make him go to bed in time. I think it would be cute
Heyo! Sure I can, even if it’s been a while since I wrote for Viktor (or anything) lmao

Viktor takes well enough care of himself, to his own standards
So we all know he can use a little more help and a little helping hand
I think Viktor is pretty independent so it takes a lot out of him to even be able to do this kind of intimate thing with you
If he does, it takes a lot of vulnerability as you would see him at his lowest
There have been times where he probably refused and would try and get out of any situation where you found out he needed help and to be taken care of
He doesn’t want to bother you or anything when he deems it able to be done by himself
It takes a while for him to be comfortable enough with you and your relationship to let himself be vulnerable in that way
As he has never done this kind of thing with anyone else before
But once it happens, trust me, you’re golden
I think he does like sweets and baked goods, so to have you bring him any on a whim and not because you have to, but because you care warms his heart absolutely
He often forgets to take care of himself and his basic needs, like eating and stuff like that for his experiments and research
So he relies on you for that a little bit once he knows you will always be there for him
He loves when you cook or bake for him and knowing it’s so he knows he’s taken care of makes each bite better than the last
At first when you attempted to get him on some sort of decent sleep schedule, he resisted
He went to bed whenever, or whenever his research was done or he passed out and often it was in the lab or at his desk or in the middle of his studying at the table
SOO you would often have to bring him to bed yourself
Once you wore him down enough, he acted like you won
You thought you did until you found out he was just waiting till you fell asleep and slipped out off bed, and slipped back in just before you woke up and pretended to wake up beside you
You had to scold him probably, or it was some sort of argument
He realized you just wanted him to be healthy, and for him to be well rested
Reluctantly, he began going to sleep with you and waking up beside you in the mornings
He found he actually did like this habit because sleeping beside you was surprisingly comforting
He loved hearing your breathing pattern as you fell asleep, and it helped him fall asleep to hear and feel your heart beating as you both snuggled to sleep
And he loved watching you wake up slowly in the mornings
It was all worth it
One thing he was very stubborn about you not doing was taking care of his leg I think
Probably because he feels as his sort of disability is a bother enough, he doesn’t want you to be burdened with it
He probably thinks that if you see that part of him, you’ll think he’s not worth it and leave
And that’s not the case
He only finds out on a particularly harsh day when it hurt so bad, and it was so sore all he could do was want to fall asleep and alleviate the pain by any means
You maybe kissed his leg, maybe rubbed out the pain, maybe helped him in any way
But as you did it, he loved the feeling and could only watch you do so and the warm feeling in his chest never left
So, on the hard days, he would drop subtle hints that he wanted to be taken care of
Like subtly saying “oh, it just hurts, I have no clue how to fix it…” and wait for you to offer to rub it
I feel he likes being babied a little bit, but not to much
He doesn’t like being treated as glass or like he is incompetent
But he does love being taken care of by you
Be it food, tending to him or showering or making sure he is fed and clean
He loves showering with you
He loves having you wash his hair and the feelings of your hand in it or feeling you lather the soap on him while he just gets to relax and close his eyes and know your there
And that he’s able to soak in all the love
Obviously he returns it all in his own way but
It’s just all the love you pour in
#arcane viktor x you#arcane x reader#arcane#viktor x y/n#arcane viktor x reader#viktor arcane x reader#viktor x you#arcane viktor#viktor x reader#viktor arcane#viktor league of legends#arcane imagines#arcane headcanon#arcane reader
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We meet again | In-ho x Fem!Reader | PT3
Summary: It was only one night for fun, you never thought you would see him again. Even less in a place like this one.
Warnings: S2 Spoilers - Canon violence - Pregnant!Reader - Non canon background for In-ho - Use of (Y/N) - Angst - Protective!In-ho - Soft!Dae-ho - Panic!Reader - grammar mistakes -
Morning came once again, this time you managed to get some good sleep, between the extra blankets and Jun-hee body heat (who told you she may end hugging you since she liked to cuddle in her sleep), you did not mind and so you woke up with her snoring over you.
"How does you two feel?" Dae-ho asked from besides the bed, for him it was like seeing his sisters from back home.
"I think we are both fine, better than last night" You slowly moved Jun-hee who asked for five more minutes, not catching up were she was.
You let out a small smile and looked around, Gi-hun and Jung-Bae seemed to be engrossed in a deep conversation, there was no trace of In-ho.
"Hey Dae-ho" He made a noise to let you know he was listening "Where is In-ho?"
"Oh, he said he needed to use the restroom and asked me to keep watch over you two" He responded like it was a normal thing. "He is really protective you know? I think he sees Jun-hee like a little sister of sorts but..." He closed his mouth not wanting to make things akward.
"But?, you can tell me"
"Its different with you. I see the way he looks at you, he was very atentive when we were walking the stairs and even let you held on him"
Well, he kind of forced me to.
"And, well the first night...I saw him giving you his blanket, I dont think he sees you like a sister at all" He added a small blush on his cheecks as he felt like he was sharing a secret
You did also blush, his words hitting your heart hard and deep. Did he really care ? Did he really care for his baby ? And yourself ? Was it true that he would have stayed or went back ?
"I think you are overthinking, he most likely does it because im...fragile right now"
But Dae-ho moved his head "No, im positive that he sees you more than a friend, trust me, I grow up with four sisters, im used to see which men would see them as friends and which would see them as lovers"
"Does that mean you see me like a sister?" You asked him trying to make him forget about his ideas.
He suttered responding "W-well, I mean, you are a woman" You nodded and he laughted "Right you are, and you are pregnant no less...two of my sisters were pregnant once and I was besides them during it so...m-maybe im acting on instinct. Sorry if it brothers you"
"No, no it does not. If nothing im happy. My brother left the country when he fell on debt, and passed it to me. He never called me or contacted before it. So...if you see me as your sister then its fair I see you as my brother"
Dae-ho smiled softly at your words He was going to talk once again but the voice of Jung-Bae calling him made him stop.
"Its time for the game yet?" Jun-hee said getting up blinking to adjust to the light.
"No yet, we have a few more minutes to rest" You responded "How do you feel?"
Jun-hee dismissed your worried tone with her hand "Im fine, slept better than last night. Thank you for sharing the blankets"
"You are welcome, we must take care of each other, right?"
She smiled, a sincere one. "We have"
In-ho with his clothes of Front Man read over the food for the next days, besides him stood The Officer not saying a word knowing better.
"Add one appel for each player" He finally said, giving the officer the tablet back who nodded. "And kept the vitamins for player 222 and 344"
"Attention players, today we will be giving food, form a line and wait" The Guard called.
Jun-hee and you moved to get in line, followed by Jung-Bae, Gi-hun and Dae-ho. "Why are they giving us breakfast? And where is In-ho?" Jung-Bae asked looking around with confusion, even Gi-hun had started to get worried.
"Well...he did say he needed the restroom, but he has been gone for much time now" Dae-ho said looking around too.
"Maybe he got lost?" Jung-Bae said getting a look from the four of you. "Well dont look at me like that!"
"You four went to the restroom last night, how far is it?" You asked a bit worried
"Not far, and the guards keep watch" Gi-hun responded
"Maybe he tried to escape?" The voice of Jun-hee asked
All of you fell in silence, the words of the other players muffled by your own thoughts.
Slowly the line went on, the four of you moving in a robotic way, like already mouring his death.
It cant be, I cant lose him again..
You almost fell but Dae-ho noticed it and took you in his arms
"Hey...he may he alright..."
You wanted to cry, maybe the pregnancy was getting on you, maybe the stress was too much.
"And what if not? What if..."
Dae-ho helped till you two were in front of the guard who this time gave milk, bread, an appel and the same plastic bag as last time"
Dae-ho looked with curious eyes but a loud sound from the guard and and an almost violent push of food made him look away.
You took a seat and forced yourself to eat and take down the pills. You knew you needed them for your baby.
Dae-ho followed by the others came too, once again Jung-Bae offered Jun-hee and you his milk.
All of you ate in silence, no one knew what to say or do, everyone was confused because of the suprise breakfast but also worried over their other teammate.
"What's going on, the food cant be that bad" The voice from In-ho broke off the dead silence.
"In-ho!" All of you exclaimed, it was a fun scene for the outside of it.
In-ho took a look at all of you, he could tell all of you were worried over him. His gaze lingered on you for a longer moment but he broke the eye contact and took a seat.
"Where were you?" Gi-hun asked between worried and suspicious
In-ho kept his eyes, "I had a small injury from last game, needed to check it" He lied "Tried to go during the night but the guards did not let me"
The silence was still tense but you decided to break it.
"Im glad you are fine" You went to munch back the appel blushing a bit under his eyes. He smiled at you and passed his appel to you, "Jun-hee and you can share it, I dont need it"
"Attention players, the next game will start soon, form a line and follow a guard"
All of you moved, In-ho once again being in front of you while Dae-ho was behind.
"Really, I can climb these just fine" You told them but they just ignored you.
However this time the guard lead the line of players where you were around a different path one with almost no stairs and the ones that did appear where short ones.
You did not want to show it, but you were grateful for this. Not questioning why the path had change.
Jun-hee was as content as you, holding her own belly, even if she was not as pregnant as you, she still got tired from time to time. She looked at you smiling a bit when he saw In-ho looking over his shoulder to check on you.
Oh, she was sure you two had something. Maybe he was indeed the father of your baby. Maybe it was fate that you two met in here. Much like her own....even if she did not want anything to do with the father of her own baby.
If by the next game all of you were out then she would like to stay close to you. Maybe you two could go and look for cheap clothes for your babys, pick a color for their rooms. If you were living alone maybe you two could live together, or she could live close to you if by any chance In-ho and you shared a place.
She would love to go and have dinner, the three of you. She could picture In-ho not letting you or her do a thing, he would most likely cock and clean.
Maybe Dae-ho could come too. He did said he grow up with four sisters, maybe he would give you two some tricks and help you two. He could introduce his sisters to the two of you.
Her dream ended when they arrived to the next game.
In-ho was nervous. He knew he could not change the game itself, it would make these watching it get too invested and suspect, last thing he wanted was for the "VIPs" to get their attention on you.
Still, this game was dangerous. Specially for you, it did include running and the spinning, he swear to himself to stay besides you during all of it. But even with that...what if the stress was too much ? The music ?
Fuck, fuck all of this. Fuck it being The Front Man, fuck the dam games, fuck Gi-hun for causing trouble. Why could him just take the money and live his life?
Maybe it was wrong to blame Gi-hun for this. After all, it was not his fault that he had let you pregnant....
But it was his fault he had to make things harder, use all his energy for the games, for these on top of him to be satisfied, if he had not cause trouble outside....
"In-ho" Your sweet voice made him get back "What do you think? About the next game?"
Were all of you talking ? He never noticed.
"Mhm, could be migle" He trailed off
"Like, when we used to count run and hug each other?" Jung-Bae asked
"Must have something to do with these doors" Gi-hun pointed out "Make teams and go inside, something like that"
You little fucker....
"These are too far away..." You said starting to get nervous
"We wont leave you behind" In-ho told you giving your hand a quick grip
I wont leave you behind.
The guards had been ordered to not shoot you. Only to take you to his room in case you did lose. But In-ho would not let you go, he did not want to be separated from you.
"Yeah, we are a team" Dae-ho said taking your hand and Jun-hee who was also scared. "We wont let you two behind"
Maybe the four men from your team had different reasons to be in the games, but they had one objective this time.
Protect you and Jun-hee at all costs.
"Attention players, the next game is Migle, please get on the platform, when the song stops a number will be say. You must form teams of that number and go inside one of the rooms. If you fail to do so, you will be eliminated"
"You were right" You said to In-ho who helped you get on the platform "And Gi-hun, you were also right about the doors, you two seems to share the same brain"
Gi-hun said nothing while In-ho gave your hand a small grip. The platform started to spin, he could see you already feeling dizzy.
"Try to focus on a specific spot" He said avobe the music "That way you wont faint"
You did as he told you, eyes focus on a specific spot, the song was the old one you would hear kids sing back in your town. It made you want to vomit, to think on how twisted this was.
All of you started to look around, you were already six, just needed four more, but no one seemed to be around even if there were lots of players.
"Fuck what do we do" Jung-Bae said looking around
"How many are you?" Player 120 asked, behind her player 095, 007 and 149 stood.
"Six" Gi-hun responded quickly scanning the group seeing they were four, the number they needed
"Alright lets go then" In-ho said taking your hand between his, Dae-ho took Jun-hee hand with his, player 007 seemed to be dragging player 149, they were mother and son after all.
"There!" Gi-hun said running ahead opening a purpel door and making sure all of you went inside before he did it.
All of you were breathing hard after the run and stress.
Suddendly the door lock and the voice said time was up, next thing that came were the sounds of gunshots and screams.
"Oh you poor girls" The older woman said looking at Jun-hee and You like a mother would look at her daughter.
"We are fine" Jun-hee said hand on her belly as she took a quick look at you who nodded with a small smile.
"We are holding up" You told the older woman who was now cursing whoever would let two pregnant woman enter such a dangerous game.
In-ho had his face void from any emotion, even his eyes were stone cold while he listened to player 149 rant. It was destroying his heart.
The door unlocked again and the ten of you went out. Not knowing which number could be said next the ten of you decided to be close once the platform started to spin again.
Fuck, two will be out. You thought and all seemed to think the same, each one looking at the rest.
"Dae-ho, In-ho you two go with (Y/N) and Jun-hee, you four go together" Gi-hun started to make teams
"W-wait, what about-" Jung-Bae nervously asked but Gi-hun talked again "We will find two more, now go"
All of you splitted out, you were able to see the other four go inside a room before Dae-ho found one.
The four of you stood there, you went to look outside since the door had a small space, but between the lights and chaos you could not see Gi-hun or Jung-Bae.
"Hey, Seong was here before, and Jung-Bae its his best friend" Jun-hee said pulling you away from the door "I think they will be fine"
The door lock once again and the same sounds from last time repeated.
You closed your eyes feeling the breakfast trying to go up and out but you forced yourself not to.
Time passed slowly till the door unlock, the four of you inmediatly started to scream for Gi-hun and Jung-Bae but they did no appear.
"I dont see them" You said starting to panic "I- are they dead? I cant remember their numbers...did they said their numbers?" You asked getting more and more nervous not seeing around a player hitted your side
"Watch it caw" player 009, the same from the last game said.
"That little-" Dae-ho was about to go towards him but the screams from Gi-hun and Jung-Bae stopped him.
"Guys!" You said going towards them and hugging them, you felt Gi-hun tense under the hug, maybe he was not used to being hugged. "I was worried over you two" You separated yourself from them
"Gi-hun managed to find two more, its all thanks to him" Jung-Bae said but Gi-hun said nothing still lost in some thoguths
"Im glad you are safe" He finally said. He felt specially protective over you and Jun-hee, but since you seemed to be almost about to cry he could not help but let you know how he felt.
"We are, thanks for your quick thinking" In-ho appeared besides you, it did appear that he was covering you with his body but you did not say a thing.
The six of you went back to the platform, the other four players decided to stay close in case a high number was said.
The platform started to spin once again, the song was short played
"Let split" Jung-Bae said, already getting besides Gi-hun, "Jun-hee you can come with us"
"But-" Jun-hee did not want to separate herself from you. Last two rounds were heavy on her, being close to you had helped her calm down. She knew you would be safe with Dae-ho and In-ho, specially with In-ho.
"Go with them, we will see each other again" You softly told her giving her a quick hug and parting ways with Dae-ho and In-ho who was looking for a room. Most were already occupied but he would not let that stop him. He will get you inside one no matter what he had to do.
"There! Green one on the left" You screamed at them and both nodded going towards it.
However the three of you were not the only team that was going towards that door, In-ho noticed them right away and with decision ran faster taking one by the collar and punching him. The other two went to help their fallen companion but In-ho managed to fight them off giving Dae-ho and you enoguh time to get inside the room.
"In-ho, lets go time its almost up!!" You called him from the door not being fully inside yet.
He took a glance at the timer and sprinted towards you, barely making inside when the door closed with a loud sound.
"You fucker!! That was our room" One of the players that In-ho had stopped started to punch and scream.
Dae-ho hugged you pulling yourself as far from the door as he could while In-ho stood at the front, blocking the view.
He knew what was coming next and the player being too close would only make it worse.
"Cover her ears" In-ho told Dae-ho over his shoulder who catched up and did as told
The gunshots happen again, this time louder and closer. The player that had been screaming was dead outside now.
"Its ok, we are ok. (Y/N) how do you feel?" Dae-ho asked worried seeing you trembling. "H-hey whats wrong?"
In-ho moved towards you pulling you against his chest. He felt the tears falling down your face and the sobs.
"Shh, its fine. We made it, you and the baby are fine" In-ho calmed you down his own heart beating fast. If he was not inside the room before the time was up something could had happen. Even if the orders were clear to not hurt you, he had no idea how the guards would have manage the fact that inside the room where only two and not three players.
Would they ignored it? Kill Dae-ho and let you live? Give him more time?
He was taking many risks and was getting more worried over you and his baby. This game was too stressful, what was he going to do?
Once the guards removed the bodies the door did unlock, it was a nice suprise not seeing a pool of blood outside the door of the room you were in.
"Guys! Here" Gi-hun voice called, behind him Jung-Bae and Jun-hee followed
"Hey..." You said in a low and tired tone.
"What happened?" Jun-hee asked taking your hands in hers
"T-here was another team and we-" You could not finish the memory of them coming back.
"Its not your fault" Gi-hun said, knowing that most likely you three had to fight for the room. "Its no ones fault"
"In-ho saved us" Dae-ho said patting his back
In-ho tried not to let a groan, he only gave a small smile.
"Players get on the platform, next round will soon start"
The six of you went once again. In-ho made sure to take your hand in his. You looked at him giving him a significant grip and nodd.
It was like heaven had hear your prayers, the six of you did not waste time and ran to a nearby door. Not lots of players had exactly six so luckly you all made it without having to fight.
"I think this has been the easiest round" Jung-Bae said letting himself fell against a wall
"We got lucky, other number would have gave us problems" You said also slowly falling to sit
"How many rounds do you think we have to play?" Jun-hee wondered and all of you started to think
"Most likely one, I believe they had eliminated enough players by now" In-ho said feeling a headache forming.
"Then which number?" Dae-ho asked making silence fell over the room.
"It would be too much to ask for six again, right?" Jung-Bae said
"I dont see them being that generous" Were your only words.
Finally, the last round. The platform was once again spinning, song playing, In-ho knew it was the last round and that it was going to be two. He had decided he would go with you, the rest could separate as they wanted. But he would not leave you.
"Pairs! Form pairs and go" Gi-hun said seeing that most players had already started to move
In-ho took your hand once again not giving you time to think as he took you to the nearest room.
"W-wait, what about-"
"Jun-hee will be fine, and so will the rest" He said opening the door and making you go inside. "Stay at the back in case they try pulling the door open" He ordered and you did as he said.
Not sooner than later players were trying to open the door but In-ho had an iron griop on it, he was using all his force to not let them in.
Cmon, just finish the dam timer
"Times up"
The door locked for the last time and In-ho took a moment to collect his breath back. He turned to see you on the floor, eyes red and tears falling, hands over your belly.
"(Y/N) look at me, you are fine. The baby its fine" He assured you getting closer taking your face between his hands and cleaning your tears.
"I wont let anything happen to either of you" He added with lots of conviction "I will make sure you two are safe till the end, alright? Dont worry about anything just focus on surviving"
"But im scared, what if you die? What if you leave?" You asked criying a bit more.
"I wont, I promise you. Im sorry, sorry for everything. Even if you dont blame me anymore, im so sorry. Nothing like this should have happen. You should not be here"
You did not know. But In-ho was apolozising not only because of that. But because he was the one who came up with the games. Made them so he could break Gi-hun's will. It never ocurred to him that you would end here. Never in a millon years would he have thought the girl who he slept once was pregnant, the girl who plagued his days and nights was going throw a lot alone.
He felt deeply sorry for everything.
"Stop it, you know I dont blame you. If anything...im happy" That made In-ho look at you suprised. "I never thought I would be a mother, I never saw myself as one but, you made it possible. Even if things were not ideal. Im happy, and im happy with you. Im happy I could see you again, im happy that you care for me and the baby"
"You have no idea how much you two mean to me, listen (Y/N) you said it, it was not ideal, and our moment together was short. But never, I have never cared for someone as deep as I care for you"
Maybe only for his brother, but he had shoot him, so you were higher on the list.
"Can I kiss you? Please, please I need to kiss you, I need to know this is real" He begged you his walls falling and desesperation coming out.
You nodded and he leaned in keeping his eyes look in yours till his lips were on you.
It was soft, and tender. His movements were slow but passionate pulling all his feelings on it. It felt like the first time you two kissed, the world fading outside, only you two mattered.
In-ho pulled his hand over your belly not yet touching it, but you moved them and for the first time he was able to feel your belly. To think his baby was inside, was too much, too emotional, he did almost cry.
But a kick, a soft one directly where his hand was made him stop. He looked down, not beliving it when he felt it again. His baby was kicking him, his baby was alive.
"I think it knows its father" You said smiling feeling one more kick. Your baby almost never kicked, it was mostly quiet and would move when the sun was too strong but nothing much.
However, with In-ho around it was like it had woke up from a long nap.
"Do you know the gender?" He asked in a state of bliss
"No, I want it to be a suprise"
"Then, how do you call it?"
"Little one"
"Hello Little One, im your father In-ho" at this the baby kicked once again "Stay safe in there, your mother its going amazing so far"
And there, in that small room. In these deadly games, with blood and bodies outside. In there, In-ho found himself being the happiest man alive, with you by his side and his little one.
@maria-trisha @blueyesuguru @imenekiki @victorie767 @futuristicdefendorfart @heyitsmefall
@love-you-louise @fantasylovestoryme @sleepyycatt @nightdark-dreamdark @lindsay000000 @ourlovesarang @smally97 @zigmasstuff @aleemendoza2425-blog @the-disaster-in-waiting @ilovequeen978 @sc4rrc @sylviavf @l4venderia @blueeclipsepaperstudent @annasnape7
I could not tag some, sorry.
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body swap, for carcar or even landoscarcar?
He wakes up, disoriented. It’s not even light out yet, why the fuck is he awake? His throat’s a little sore, his hips are a little sore. Jeez. Didn’t even bother to put some pants on last night, and did he chafe his ass on like, the sheets or something? Wow. He’s sore all over. A settled, pleasant kind though, a muscle ache too deep for him to reach. Maybe he can skip the gym today, hop on a stream, relax. Grab Carlos for a round of golf before he leaves, if he’s not too busy mapping Monaco on his bike.
He turns to his left. Claps a hand over his mouth, shrieks into it.
Like, he’s groggy. He doesn’t have the remnants of a disaster headache, so he’s not hungover. But it’s early, and he never wakes up early. Must be why he’s hallucinating.
When he can bring himself to look again, Carlos is still there. Close enough that Lando can hear the air whistling softly through his teeth.
Lando shifts uselessly, stares. That’s Carlos, alright. He’s always been a loud sleeper. Back in their McLaren days, when they’d shared hotel rooms, Lando had taken voice recordings to prove to an adamant Carlos that he snored. The memory makes his lips twitch. It’s nice Carlos looks well-rested. Better than he has in awhile. A pretty trophy will do that for you. If he wants, Lando can choose to waste precious time counting Carlos’s lashes while he figures out what to do. He’ll lose count at probably a hundred.
That’s Carlos, alright.
What were they doing last night? Surely Lando would remember. The party was loud, raucous, the Prince of Monaco victorious here at last. All podium finishers present, fourth place included. Drinking, laughing, cozying up to one another. Carlos and Oscar smiling tentatively at each other after sharing just one couch, animosity seemingly forgotten. The prickly itch crawling under Lando’s skin, until Charles finally manages to bag him a set. The music, beats pounding a tattoo into his brain. He remembers all of that.
Surely he would remember taking Carlos’s clothes off. He’s wanted to for—
Lando slaps both hands onto his cheeks, hard enough to sting. He needs to take a leak.
He squeaks out of the bed, as quietly as he can. Trips over a pair of jeans that look vaguely familiar, rams his toe into the wheel of a suitcase that definitely wasn’t there last night. Finds the bathroom, closes the door with a silent snick.
Fumbles around like a dunce for the light switch, right there where all light switches usually are.
Flicks it on. Shrieks for real this time, without his hands to cover the noise.
It’s a good thing Carlos has always slept like the dead. To be absolutely fucking certain, Lando peeks his head out.
Yep, still asleep. That’s Carlos, alright.
Deep, deep breaths. As deep as he can go without passing out. He returns to the mirror. Feels for his face like it’s a foreign object.
Which it is. Because that’s Oscar Piastri, looking right back at him.
He means to start off with something useful. Something like, Hey, do you remember what drugs we were on last night? E? Salvia? Because mate, these are the strangest withdrawal symptoms I’ve ever experienced. Or even something funny, like Haha, now I know what you look like naked. The fans are going to have a field day.
Instead, what comes out of his mouth is, “Why are you sleeping with Carlos?”
“Good morning to you too,” Oscar says, after the longest pause on planet fucking earth.
He didn’t mean for that to sound as sulky as he did. But he’s sore all over, and his lips, which are not his, but Oscar’s, feel extremely kissed, and he definitely does not expect that to make something in his chest twist tighter than a coiled spring.
“Aren’t you going to answer?”
“What did we drink last night?” Oscar says, unsurprisingly choosing to be the level-headed one in this conversation.
“Something bright green, something ocean blue. Dunno. Lost track during the set.”
“Lando,” Oscar says patiently, in Lando’s voice. Which is just all kinds of weird. “Something green, something blue, doesn’t sound all that normal.”
“I knew that DJ couldn’t be trusted.”
The world-weary sigh Lando receives makes his skin prickle with heat. Things have been happening. The car’s gotten faster. From his grandmother to the mechanics, everyone’s been talking about a chance he could pull like magic out of thin air. It’s not his fault he wasn’t paying attention. At the club, or to every encounter Carlos and Oscar had prior to this that has led them here.
“Look, I’m gonna—where are you?”
“In Carlos’s room,” Lando says, rudely, unhelpfully.
“Right. I’ll. I’ll be there in. We’re staying just, two blocks away, right? I’ll be there in ten. Could you. Could you please, just—”
Lando expects him to say something totally condescending. Please just don’t freak out. Please just don’t do anything until I get there, because I’m being responsible and you’re being a baby.
“Just, go back?”
“Be next to him, when he wakes up?”
Lando swallows. The acid from yesterday must be making his stomach churn. Oscar—in Lando’s fucking voice, sounds smaller and more hopeful than Lando ever wants to hear himself sound.
“I don’t want him to think.” Oscar stops. Lando can practically see him scrubbing at the back of his neck. “I don’t want him to think I left, or anything like that. Could you—”
Lando hangs up.
The earnestness. The, the audacity.
The phone rings again, and Lando hangs up again, out of pure spite. He paces wildly, in front of the mirror. Each time he turns on his heel he imagines his body morphing back into what’s right. Each turn smacks him with the image that Oscar’s pale, freckled skin turns splotchy red when he’s angry.
What. A useful thing. To know.
It’s been half an hour since he’s woken up. Which means, oh fuck. Fuck. Carlos’s body clock has always been impeccable. Eight, on the dot, he springs out of bed like it’s a wonderful thing being alive at that hour, and then goes and makes coffee without fail. Which means in three, two minutes, Carlos will open his eyes. And, and he’ll be alone in bed.
He’ll be alone. That’ll make Lando feel better, right? Carlos will be alone, and then Oscar will no longer be a problem, and then the itch under his skin will disappear, for good.
Carlos will be alone.
He flicks off the light, slips out of the bathroom. Bangs his toe again on that damned suitcase. Slides under the covers, adjusts himself into a position he hopes might be believable. Head on one hand, face tilted toward Carlos. Body leaning, reaching. Always reaching. Eyes half-closed.
But open enough so that he can see the exact moment Carlos wakes. See that small, relieved smile. See the way Carlos clicks his jaw askew, the way he always does before making a decision. Then feel Carlos run the backs of his knuckles against a face he wishes were familiar.
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enter sandman - m. murdock

a/n: see me personally? never seeing the pearly gates. never ever. not after this one . enjoy. feedback always appreciated ! <3 warnings: guys... where do i fucking start. SMUT. SMUT!!!! GRAPHIC PORN!!!! no plot!!!! degradation!!! dumbification!!!! praise!!!! oral!!! (m recieving) cursing!!!! nicknames!!!! reader is female and has female parts and she/her pronouns!!!!! matt is cocky, mean!dom!matt, the ending is kind of cute, lots of inappropriate use of matts senses, uhhh guys let me know if i missed any because... wow. word count: 4.2k summary: you have a hard time sleeping. the devil has a few games in mind to tire you out. pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader now playing: enter sandman - metallica "exit light/enter night/take my hand/we're off to never-never land"
You have a horrible habit. Okay, you wouldn’t really consider it to be a habit per say, but you’re not proud of it. You will for it to end.
You can never seem to fall asleep. Staying asleep is easy, but getting there is a problem. Your mind is always racing, which causes you to spiral into a whirlpool of anxieties. You’re too busy thinking about your job, or what you’ll eat tomorrow, or when you’ll be doing your next load of laundry.
But most of all, what keeps you up at night is worrying about the devil. And not in the sense that you’re a holy catholic who wants to repent for her sins, either. Your worry for the devil comes because you’re hopelessly in love with him.
And you worry that one day he will come home damaged beyond repair. Maybe one day he will not come home at all, and you’ll have to hear about it on the news the next morning. It’s a hellish existence, loving the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, but you make do.
Like tonight—You had baked brownies earlier in the night, and then read your book for the better part of the night. You won’t allow yourself to fall asleep because the possibility of seeing him overwhelms you. But as the hours pass, you begin to lose hope.
And just as you you’re beginning to accept that he won’t be coming to see you and you’re really letting yourself drift, you feel a warm hand on your neck. He’s taken his gloves off tonight. You consider yourself blessed.
“Hi,” You mumble softly, your brain going all fuzzy with even just that bit of contact. You’ve missed him. “Was beginning to think you’d never show.”
But your devil is in no mood for simple pleasantries tonight.
“What have I told you about waiting up for me?”
“Not to?”
“I said,” His hand moves from its gentle place against your neck to grip your chin, “As long as you leave the window open I’ll know to just come in and take what I need.”
Your face flushes, and he grins, because he can tell that he’s making you flustered.
“Stop laughing at me.”
“No one’s laughing at you, sweetheart.” He hums.
“You are.” He shrugs gently. He’s wearing his black suit tonight, and it’s making you feel… a lot of things.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Damn him.
He leans forward and kisses you softly, and you lean up to try and kiss him further, but he pulls away, his grip returning to your chin, to keep you just centimeters away. The devil is an expert at reading you, despite his lack of sight. He has developed the habit of studying you, and knows that as of late, you’re not allowing yourself the pleasure of sleeping. He knows it’s because you’re so anxious and worried about every little thing, so tonight.. He intends to fix it. Or at least, maybe come up with a temporary solution.
“Liar.” He whispers and moves away further. “I’m not going to touch you until you tell me.”
Your devil is many things, but he does not bluff. He has this will of steel.
“I prefer it when you wear the black suit,” You tell him, “It’s not very protective, I know. But you look good in it.”
He makes a noise of realization, before moving his hand to slip under the hem of your shirt, resting his hand on your stomach. You shiver a bit, his hand warm against your skin. That’s what you get for wearing a tee shirt and shorts to bed every night, he’d tell you.
“That’s my smart girl.” Your heart flutters. “Mm, you really like that huh?”
“You’re awful.” You always pretend to hate how he reads you, but secretly, although you suspect he knows it, you love that someone knows you so well. He grins and his hands move again, this time picking you up into his arms and carrying you to the bedroom. ��Hey! Not cool, we talked about picking up when we have no warning—” You cut yourself off with a grunt when he tosses you onto the bed.
“Shut up.”
He hears no objections.
Just as quickly as you’re thrown on the bed, he is above you, mask still on, kissing your neck.
“Wanna play a game, sweetheart?” He asks, hands on your hips, his fingers creeping up the hem of your shirt. You shiver again, and he just grins “You can answer.”
“Sure. I like games.” Your voice is meek, too busy enjoying all the contact with him. He hums softly.
“I know you do, and you’re just so good at them.” You grin against his skin as he kisses your cheek. “See that? That’s what I want to know.” You’re a bit lost.
“Know what?”
“I want to know what turns you on more— praising you or degrading you.”
What a fun game to play with a human lie detector.
“Okay, let’s play.” You confirm. He kisses you quickly.
“Good girl.” You hum softly, but it isn’t quite what he’s looking for. It’s good, don’t get him wrong, but he’s after more. “Tell me about your day, baby.” He continues to plant kisses along your skin. You know this isn’t a request but rather a requirement of the game.
“Well, I had work today, then I had to stop at the grocery store. I made dinner and—” You’re cut off by a kiss to a sensitive spot on your neck, because you can’t help but let out a gasp of pleasure.
“What? A few kisses and you’re already turning dumb for me?” You shudder softly, your heartbeat steadily increasing. The deep cadence of his voice paired with his words make you want to just melt. “Oh, there she is..”
He lets go of your arms for just a moment to slip your shirt off. Then, your hands are back above your head, held down by his grip. He moves on from your neck and begins to kiss down.
“I like this game.” You manage out, and he chuckles.
“I know you do. You know how?”
You think about it for a moment before you answer. You want to be right.
“You can hear my heartbeat?”
“And I can smell you. You like this a lot. More than you like me?” He continues to kiss down your torso.
You don’t answer for a second. He bites your skin gently, prompting you to answer.
“No.” You answer, “No, I don’t like anything.. anyone more than you.”
He kisses the spot where he bit softly.
“Even smart girls need to be reminded sometimes.” Is all he says before he continues to kiss you. You try to hide it, try to hide your reaction to the words, but he grins against your skin.
“Matt..” you groan out softly because his kisses have stopped.
“Why’d you stop?” You whined.
“You’re my smart girl, why don’t you tell me?” You pause, biting your lip. “Is it because you can’t? Do you like being dumb for me, smart girl?” You want to defend yourself, but he bites your skin again.
“Yes!” you respond, and he does the same thing he did before—He kisses where he bit.
“Good girl.” He responds. “I like making you dumb just from a few kisses anyways.” He tells you, finally reaching your stomach with his kisses. “I love my dumb little smart girl.” The cadence he has to his voice makes you whine again. He knows every part of you, even the parts you never wanted to tell him about. He’s just too observant. “I love that despite how well behaved and good you are, you’re dumb enough to be talked down to like this, by some strange man who just crawled through your window.”
You answer before you can think about it. You’re smart enough to know that he’s at least half right.
“You’re not just anyone, you’re my Matt.”
“Your Matt?” He hums. “Your Matt, My ditzy smart girl.” He grins, before placing one last kiss right above the waistline of your shorts.
He moves so he can kiss your lips again, kissing you quick before pulling off his mask so you can see his face. He has a cut on his forehead and a bruise forming on his cheek. It’s clear he had a good night though, or else this wouldn’t be happening.
“Your face..” You frown, concern in your voice.
“Observant and smart?” He teases, kissing your forehead. “What happened to wanting to be dumb for me?”
You’re almost embarrassed of it now.
“You’re being mean.” You say quietly.
“Mean? Me? To my best girl?” He kisses you quickly again. “Never.” He hums. One of his hands goes down to your thigh, his fingertips inching up.
“Never.” You echo.
“What do you say, smart girl?” He asks, “Wanna play a few more games? See just how desperate I can make you?”
You huff at his words, your brain short circuiting to the point where you speak before you can really think.
“I just want you to fuck me!”
He stops just as he’s about to pull off your shorts and slithers back up so the pair of you are face to face.
“First of all,” he places a kiss to your lips gently, “You are not in a position to be making demands, pretty girl. Second,” He kisses you again, “Such a foul mouth for such a dumb baby,” You let off a soft whine, and he has the audacity to mock your whine, “I know, it’s not much of a lecture when you like when I talk to you like this,” He hums. “And third, I know you’re smarter than to be a brat.” He says gently, kissing you again.
“I’m not a brat.” You whine, and again, he mocks you before devolving into a deep chuckle, leaning in to kiss you.
“I love you.” He says, with a grin on his face.
He’s gentle with you for a few moments, softer. You decide that now is your chance, and if you don’t act now, you’ll spend the rest of your night under his thumb. So, you flip over and have him under you, as you sit on his lower stomach. His hands come up to the back of your thighs.
“I’ve got you now, Devil.” You grin, leaning in to kiss him. But before you can, he’s flipping you back over, keeping you pinned by your legs.
“Brat.” he accuses, leaning in to kiss you again. You huff. “Easy, pretty girl, your attitude is getting the best of you.”
You frown and turn your head when he goes to kiss you.
“Tell me I’m not a brat and I’ll kiss you.” You demand, and he grins, but this time it isn’t soft. It’s almost wicked. He grabs your chin roughly and tilts your head towards him, before kissing you roughly.
“What did I tell you?” he asks. “Come on, smart girl, I know you remember.”
“That I was in no position to make demands?”
“That’s right.” He coos, “Now, baby, do you want to hear what I had planned for you tonight?”
You must admit, you’re very curious.
“Sure, Matty.” His grin widens.
“Well, I was planning on playing this little game with you, then eating you out until your thighs are shaking,” You let out a whine, but he just shushes you softly, “Sh, sh, sh… You wanted to hear, so listen.” He hums. “Then, I was going to fuck you until you were full of my cum.” He tells you.
Then, he lets out a disappointed sigh.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“That was what I was planning on, but because you decided to be a brat, I have a new plan.”
“I liked that plan so much though..”
“I know, Sweetheart, me too.. But you’re the one who ruined it.” He reminded, leaning in, and biting your jaw between his fingers. His hand positioning is not exactly choking, but the grip is tight enough to leave marks. He feels you grind your hips up a bit, and chuckles again. “Smart girl, already figuring out what’s next.”
You tilt your head in confusion, but before you know it, he’s repositioning you so you’re in his lap at the edge of the bed. He pats your thigh gently.
“Get up for me, Honey. Then you got to take your shorts off for me.” You do as you’re told, no longer interested in fucking up his plans. Then, he pulls you back onto his lap, and he hums gently. You decide to take a risk and bring your hands up to his jaw, and then up towards his mask.
“Please?” You ask gently. “Wanna see you..” He nods softly, letting you pull off his mask, as his head tilts to the side to kiss your palm.
“You remember who’s in charge, right, sweetheart?”
“You, devil.”
“That’s right, angel.” He praises, “And that’s why you’re going to ride my thigh.” You let out a soft whine, and he shakes his head, “No, no whining from you, sweet girl. You wanted to be a brat, so you gotta reap what you sew.”
He holds your hips as you begin to grind against his thigh, and Matt focuses on the way your breathing hitches as you rub against his thigh. Your hands grip his shoulders as he begins to kiss your neck again.
Your skin burns with need, and your hips roll faster as your breath speeds up, and slowly, minute by minute, you’re edging closer to your release. But he knows you’re close to coming undone not only because of how your skin is hot, and your breath is airy, but because you’re making such a mess.
You’re definitely staining his pant leg with your wetness, because after his insatiable teasing, you’re just desperate for him, and oh so sensitive. The speed of your grinding increases, and then, because he wants to see you break, he starts to bounce his leg up so that in addition to your grinding, it’s overwhelming you.
“Matt,” you say, breathlessly. “Matt, please..”
“Please what, smart girl? What do you want?” He’s really going to make you ask for it. This is all part of his game.
“Please..” You start, resting your head on his shoulder. “Please, can I come?”
“What was that, baby? I didn’t hear you.”
Oh, now he’s being a fucking dick. You know he can hear you, with his damned super senses. Nonetheless, you pick your head up and manage to get it out.
“Please let me come,” You beg, and he laughs.
“You know what’s funny, baby?” You let out a whine. “You’re so smart, always holding the world on your shoulders, and yet.. A little bit of teasing and riding my thigh, and you can barely get a sentence out.. You’re being so good for me, baby. So good at following orders,” He bites your neck. “So, go ahead and come for me, sweet girl.”
As soon as those words leave his lips, you’re letting go, the tight knot in your stomach finally snapping. You moan into his ear, his hands on your side to keep you stable as you come undone. He keeps bouncing his leg to have you ride out your high as your legs begin to shake. You’re making all of these pretty noises for him, and the smell of your juices are overwhelming for him.
“Such a good girl for me,” he hums, kissing you softly. He’s back to being rather gentle with you. But his cock is incredibly hard against his pants, and he needs to feel you clench around him. “Can my pretty baby ride my cock?” You’re shaking but you nod gently.
He knows you’re verging on the edge of being unable to do much else, but he wants to see how far he can push you. So, he pats your leg again and you stand up. His hands come up to undo your bra and pull off your panties.
He holds them in his hands for a moment, breathing in deeply as your scent continues to overwhelm him. He wastes no more time, pulling off his shirt and then starting to unbuckle his black pants. On instinct, you’re on your knees, with this.. primal desire to suck him off.
He takes a deep breath, his hand going to your hair and pushing your hair from your face. You lean into his touch, smiling softly up at him. He knows how much you like just thoughtless sex—You value long, intimate nights too, but after a long week, you need to shut off your brain and he needs to take control.
“Wanna suck my cock first, baby? You’re so good for me..” He says softly, slipping down his boxers.
“Just wanna be good for you,” You hum, eying his glistening hardness. You can’t deny that he looks truly crafted by the hands of God—Most of his body is glistening with sweat, cock glistening with precum. He is heavenly and the only thing you’ll ever want to worship.
“You’re so good for me. My dumb little smart girl.” The name form earlier makes you weak, as you lean in and begin to lick his tip. His hand grips your hair as he inhales sharply. “Careful, sweetheart.” He tells you, beginning to guide you in sucking him dry.
His hand guides you as your head bobs against his cock, the taste of him turning your brain further into mush. He makes sure to guide you at a steady pace, moaning out praise, and occasionally degradation.
“So fucking good for me,” He gasps out, “My good little girl.. Sucking my cock so good—Ah, fuck..” He gasps as you quicken your pace. “Sucking me like the little slut you are..” You moan against cock at that, and he gasps, before it devolves into a low chuckle. “And you like it, too.. Being called my little slut.. Good little slut, just for me.. Got you trained so well..” He holds on for a few more moments before he comes into your mouth, panting softly.
His cum dribbles down your chin as you swallow most of it, so his hand comes up to your chin to gently wipe the dribble off before he slips his thumb into your mouth.
“Every last drop for me, angel.” He requests. You happily suck on his thumb for a few moments while he recovers. Then, he leans down and picks you up, resting you on the bed again. “Now you’re gonna ride me, right, pretty?”
“Mhm..” You smile, and as soon as he lays back on the bed, you’re on top of him. His cock slides against your folds and you whine a bit, just desperate for the feeling of him filling you up. “You know how badly I want your cock..” He grins at this.
“You have it, angel. Just gotta ride me, okay?” You hum in response. You slowly lower yourself down onto his cock, taking a few minutes to adjust to the size of him. But your slow pace is not quick enough for Matt, whose hands find your hips (for the millionth time tonight) and quickly slides his entire length into you.
You moan loudly, a feeling of pain and pleasure blurring together as he hits just the right spot to make you see stars.
“Matt, fuck,” You whine, wanting to take a second to catch your breath.
“Color?” It’s a safe word system—He knows he might have taken it a tad too far, pushing into you like that.
“Green,” You promise.
“Okay, good.” He leans up and kisses your forehead gently, a sign of the gentleness that resides in his demeanor despite just how into his dominate behavior you are. He begins to roll his hips, and revels in the sound of the pretty screams coming out of your mouth as he begins to pound into you. “I’ve got you fucked dumb, baby? Can’t even ride my cock properly?” He asks, pulling you in to kiss your skin.
“No,” You protest, “I can do it,” It comes out whinier than you wanted it to—Much whinier, but you can’t deny that he’s wrong about that first part. Your brain is blurry in the best way. He hums in approval before gently pushing you away from his lips.
“Prove it, then.” He demands, and his hips are no longer bucking into you. Instead, you shakily begin to bounce against his cock, using his moans and gasps as guidance. His hands grip your thighs as you ride him. “There you go, angel. It’s not too much for you, right?” He hums.
“No!” You protest again, “No, Sir, I can take it,” He grins at the slip of the title. He swats the side of your thigh, rubbing it softly after you yelp, but it quickens your pace. His brain is beginning to fog too, so he knows he wants to get a few more comments out.
“Fucking liar,” he laughs, “Even when your.. fuck..” He gasps, the feeling of you clenching around him overwhelming him. “When you’re bouncing on my cock and moaning for me, you’re still lying..” His one hand travels to play with your clit, rubbing small circles into it. “So,” He takes a deep breath, leaning forward to rest his forehead on your shoulder, before picking his head back up. “I’ll ask you again.. Is it too much for you, my ditzy girl?”
Tears prick your eyes, as you will your brain to come up with a comprehensive answer.
“Yes!” You admit, “it’s too much,” You pant, but because you don’t say ‘red’ he keeps going.
“Aw, I know, honey,” He plants a soft kiss to your lips, the hand that isn’t rubbing circles into your clit coming up to brush sweaty hair from your face. “But you can take it. Come on, sweet thing, I know..” He hums. “Come for me, baby..”
And you do—You come hard, your vision going white for a fraction of a second as you let out these angelic noises. He doesn’t give a damn about noise complaints right now, all he can focus on is the smell of your sweat, your cum, and your pretty little noises.
You continue to rock your hips, wanting to feel his cum fill you up. And after a few more minutes, your wish comes true, as he grips your hip tightly with one hand as he comes deep inside you, as you roll your hips just a few more times, riding the last waves of a euphoric high.
His chest is heaving as you slump down against his chest. The pair of you are sweating, but he still looks so beautiful like this. His cock still fills you, his cum deep within you. His hand gently runs up and down your back,
“How’s my sweet girl doing..?” He’s afraid he went too far with you, hoping his words didn’t push you into a bad headspace. It’s happened before, where you just needed time to come back to reality. But tonight, you’re exhausted in a whole new way. You’re happy that you’ll actually be able to sleep.
“I’m good,” You promise. You’re sweaty, out of breath and completely fucked out of your mind.
He takes your jaw in his hand and tilts your head up so you’re looking in his general direction.
“You know I don’t really think you’re dumb, right?” He just needs to make sure.
“I know,” You giggle, “But it’s pretty hot in the moment. Besides, you took care of me.”
He grins and kisses your forehead.
“I’ll always take care of you.” He promises. You know he means it, too. Your Matty, always taking care of you. “You know you don’t need to worry about everything, right? You don’t have to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
“I know,” You start, “But you’re always so busy with the firm, and being Daredevil, and—” He hushes you softly.
“I am never too busy for you.” He says gently. “I know I can’t do your job for you, but I can be more careful and help with dinner, you know.” He just wants you to be less stressed all the time, the hypocrite.
“Okay.” You say gently. “Thank you, Matt.” He holds you close and places a soft kiss to your head.
“You’re still shaking,” He says gently, “But you need to shower.” He says softly, moving now so that he can carry you to your bathroom. You whine at the feeling of emptiness you’re left with when he slides out of you, and he just laughs. “I know, Baby, I know.”
Matt is just a general fan of taking care of you. Even when you’re fucked out of your mind like you are right now. You love that about him.
You love that the devil is so devoted to you. It stirs something deep inside you that you can’t quite voice. Matt knows it, too.
#matt murdock#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock x y/n#matt murdock x you#daredevil fic#daredevil#matt murdock fic#matt murdock fluff#daredevil fanfiction#matt murdock smut#dom!matt murdock#marvel smut#rough kink#never seeing the pearly gates#no plot
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More Than This 7
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, Steve Rogers & f!reader
Word Count: ~3.9k
Summary: Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn.
Warnings: Angst, age difference, adult themes, institutional sexism, explicit language, fighting, my own rampant abuse of italics and em dashes, non-stop continuous action (not the car chase kind, but like, the no section breaks kind), the slooowest burn - Warnings will be added as needed for subsequent parts. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: There's no going back now.
Permanent thanks, as always, to @paperweight91 who lets me talk her ear off about this and always has the best input.
I cannot wait to talk to you all about this one, so please leave me a comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think! And if you need to come scream at me, that's even better!
As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
You woke up to the sun streaming in through the windows. You rolled over and checked the time. It was after nine. You’d slept hard—the exhaustion of everything catching up with you. And yet you still hadn’t woken up feeling rested. You couldn’t remember the last time you did.
You grabbed your phone and groaned when you saw all the notifications. Texts, missed calls, two voicemails. All from Steve. He was freaking out.
Are you ok?
Did something happen?
Please call me
And a few more just like them. You were too tired to answer. You didn’t know how. Besides, it wasn’t like he hadn’t ignored your messages before. You grimaced at your own pettiness. You would answer him when you knew what to say.
As soon as Lola noticed you were awake, she hopped off your makeshift bed and ran to the door, scratching at it to be let out. You sighed. Of course, the safety of your isolation couldn’t last forever. The good news was that it was late enough that Ransom must be gone. You could put that off at least until the evening.
When you opened the door, Lola at your heels, you heard someone moving around downstairs. You hadn’t thought it was a Carol day, but you must’ve lost track. It wasn’t until you were halfway down the stairs that you saw Ransom puttering around in the kitchen, his back to you. Your stomach dropped. Shit shit shit. Why was he here? You contemplated running back into the gym, but as soon as she saw him, Lola darted out ahead of you and raced down the stairs so she could dance around at his feet. He crouched down to greet her. “Morning, Lola,” he rumbled, his voice still full of sleep. “D’you have a good night?” She hopped up and down, pawing at his leg.
You took a deep breath and gathered all of your courage. “She wants breakfast,” you said from your place on the stairs.
His head whipped up to you. He stood up awkwardly. “Oh, uh, where’s her food?”
You came down the rest of the stairs and passed in front of him into the kitchen. “I’ll do it,” you said as you went straight to the cabinet where you kept Lola’s meal supplies.
Once you had her fed and briefly let her out the back door, you noticed multiple bags of take-out on the island. “What’s all this?”
“Oh, uh,” Ransom rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at you. “I thought we should probably have breakfast. Together. And I didn’t really know what you like, so…” he shrugged.
You quickly took stock of the food. There were diner waffles, pastries from a bakery, eggs benedict from a fancy brunch place. “Thank you,” you said. “That’s nice.” You grabbed a danish from the pastry bag and sat down at the island. “I, uh–” you started then stopped, and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I freaked out last night. I, uh– I don’t know what happened. I– I was scared, I guess, by the–” you gestured to your stomach. “But um, I shouldn’t’ve– It won’t happen again, you know? I’m fine now. Everything’s fine.”
Ransom leaned against the counter, facing you, and closed his eyes. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, then looked you straight in the eyes and said, “I’m so fucking tired of that word.”
You set down your pastry and looked at him, confused. “What?”
“You’re always so fucking fine, aren’t you? I ask how your day was, it was fine. I ask how you feel about something, it’s fine. I ask what’s wrong when you’re clearly upset, and you say, ‘Oh nothing, everything’s fine.’ It’s fine! It’s fine! It’s fine! I can’t hear it one more time.”
All you could do was sputter for a moment. “What– What are you talking about?! I’ve just been doing what you wanted!”
“How is this what I wanted?” he asked, his frustration shocking you..
But then, your mind started to catch up a bit and you were suddenly filled with indignation. “You told me to pack light! You– You– You made it clear! I know you don’t want me here so I’m just– I’m just trying to do what you want! I'm staying out of your way!”
He laughed and the hollow sound was so startling. “This is you staying out of my way? You’re just this presence that’s always here! That makes me feel unwelcome in my own home!”
That had you standing up so quickly that it sent the stool you’d been on tumbling to the floor behind you. A frightened Lola scampered up the stairs, her collar tinkling sharply, but neither of you noticed.
“What?!” you shouted, “How could– I– This is your house! How could you ever feel unwelcome here? I’ve never felt welcome here for even a moment! I’m not even a guest here, I’m just this, this– I don’t know! I’m just this pest that you wish you could exterminate but you can’t. You don’t want me here and I feel it every single day.”
“Well, you’ve never told me that, have you?” He almost growled out. “I’m just supposed to know! I see you making this list in your head of everything I’m doing wrong, all the ways I’m disappointing you but you never say anything about any of it. But then when I don’t know how to fix any of it, because I don’t actually know what’s wrong, you resent me for it!” You started to open your mouth and he slammed a hand down on the island between you. “Don’t deny it. I can see it whenever you look at me. You’ve decided that I’m the villain here, right? I’m the bad guy in this story. And I don’t–” He moved his hands to his hips and looked away from you, shaking his head. “I have no idea who you are,” he said, quieter now but no less forceful. “You don’t want me to. You have me just grasping at straws and– But you’ve just decided, huh? That you know exactly who I am.”
All you could do for a full fifteen seconds was just gape at him. He looked tired suddenly. Sad, as if that made any sense at all with anything that had happened. But then you remembered everything that had happened and your anger came flooding back. “Yes, I know who you are. Of course, I do! Because you showed me! It’s like you’ve completely forgotten how we met. Or our wedding!” A tear fell down your cheek and you knew more were about to follow, ready to tip over your lashes. You wanted to wipe them away, but you also just couldn’t take the time to stop right now. “You were awful! Really fucking awful. Right from the beginning you were so cruel and– and now– No! I– How can you expect me to come to you with anything when you all but told me not to during that first dinner?! When you told me you didn’t want me taking up any space here? Or that you would get rid of Lola?! Of course I don’t talk to you! What am I supposed to talk to you about when you terrify me? When everything I have comes from you and you don’t give me anything? When you hold all of the power?!”
“What fucking power?” Ransom shouted, throwing his arms wide. “If I had any power at all, neither of us would be in this mess!”
“It’s still more than I have! I have nothing! You’re the heir. You matter to people. I’ve only ever been a bargaining chip. And now that they’ve made the deal, no one gives a shit what happens to me. You could do anything to me, and they wouldn’t care! Even my mom–” You cut yourself off, tears choking your voice.
There was a beat of silence, and then, “Even your mom what?” Ransom asked, his voice rough. He was staring at you like the next words out of your mouth would be the most important ever spoken.
And it was only because you felt it too, everything riding on this, that you managed to say, your voice so small and your eyes downcast, “She only ever asks if I’m making you happy.”
When he didn’t say anything to that, you looked back up to find him staring at you, his eyes incredibly serious. But not angry, something– something else. Finally, he sighed and, putting both elbows on the island, said, “I’m really fucking miserable. How ‘bout you?”
You would try to examine it later, the way your instinct in that moment was to apologize or try to downplay your own feelings, your mom’s voice in your head no matter how much you hated it, but instead you took a deep breath and said, “Yeah, I’m– I’ve been so unhappy.”
He nodded then scrubbed a hand over his face. “I think,” he said slowly. “I think we’ve both been acting like if we just ignore this hard enough we’ll wake up one day and this will be over and our lives will go back to normal. But now with the–,” he gestured to you. “We can’t keep doing that. We gotta– We have to figure out a way to live with this.”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, wrapping one arm around your stomach. You couldn’t help but look at him a little warily. Was this real? Did he mean it? “How do we do that?”
He chuckled ruefully. “I don’t know.”
You just looked at him for a moment before you were interrupted by your stomach growling loudly. “Sorry,” you said, awkwardly. “I didn’t eat much last night.”
“Right,” he said with a decisive nod, “breakfast.”
You each served yourselves from all the food he’d ordered. He righted the stool you knocked over and you both sat down to eat. You didn’t say anything, neither of you did. You figured he had just as much to think about as you did.
You couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d said he had no idea who you were. It’d been easy, maybe, to forget that this was something that had happened to both of you, when you were in his house, facing his family, working your way into his life. It’d never occurred to you, after that first meeting, that he might want to get to know you, might want to see past all the walls you’d put up to protect yourself. But you felt like they were fortified now. You weren’t sure how to take them down.
Even though you kept your focus on your food, you could tell he kept glancing at you. You felt his eyes on you every few minutes. Finally, as you both finished up your food, he cleared his throat. “I’m an asshole,” he said quietly. “I just am. I always have been. But uh, you didn’t– You didn’t deserve that at dinner. Or the wedding. Or when I yelled at you last night. It didn’t– I don’t think it occurred to me that you’d take me, what I said, seriously. I’m not used to people listening to me, not like that.”
You stared at your plate for a moment and tried to keep breathing. “I– Of course, I took you seriously. What else would I do? I didn’t know you and I was already so scared and– How was I supposed to know you didn’t mean it?” You could feel yourself starting to cry again and wiped furiously at your eyes.
He sighed heavily. “Yeah, I– I didn’t do a good job of understanding how hard this was for you. And I– I’ll try not to do that again.”
All you could do with that was nod.
“But uh– I need you to talk to me, tell me when something’s wrong. I can’t– I need you to talk to me. I’ll, uh, I won’t be mad or– I feel like the few times you’ve let yourself be upset, those are the only times I felt like I could actually see you. I want to be able to see you.”
You took a deep breath. “I’m uh,” you started, trying to find your words. “I’m used to having to put on a mask. It’s really hard for me to not do that.”
He nodded slowly. “How ‘bout,” he said, “I’ll try to be less of an asshole if you try to let yourself be more of one?”
You laughed. You couldn’t help it, it just bubbled out of you, to your own surprise. “Sure,” you smiled, “yeah. Deal.” You met his eyes and he looked proud of himself. There was something about the way he was looking at you that made you have to look away. You put all your attention into taking a last bite of your food.
“So,” he said, and he sounded serious again. “I think we should talk about last night.”
It took everything in you to not shrink down. You wanted to do anything else, but he was right. You needed to. So you nodded and waited for him to start.
“You said– Well. You said a lot of things. But let’s start with– You said I keep you trapped here.”
Your brow furrowed a little bit. “Well, yeah, you only have one car and you don’t have a driver. How am I supposed to go anywhere?”
The dawning realization on his face would have almost been comical if it had been about something that hadn’t caused you so much pain. “Oh my god,” he said. “I– Why didn’t you– No, right. Yeah.” He took out his phone and started typing. “I’ll figure something out. Do you drive?”
“Steve taught me, a little, when I was a teenager. But I’m not– I’m not super comfortable,” you shrugged.
“Ok,” he said typing a few more words, then put his phone down. He looked at you very seriously and said, “Now I need you to tell me exactly what you meant about siccing my mom on you.”
“Oh, well, just that she came over, you know, the next day after I told you I wanted to find a job.”
Ransom’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Here? She came here?”
“Well, yeah,” you said, not entirely sure what was happening. “She let herself in and said you’d talked to her about how I wanted to work and that you wanted me to focus on giving you a family. That that was my job now.”
Ransom’s face darkened in a way you’d never seen before. “Fucking–” he growled. “Goddamnit.” You watched him warily and when he made eye contact, you saw the way he worked to soften his expression. He shook his head. “I never said that. I just, I brought it up to her because she has connections, you know, in surprising places. I should have known. I was stupid. And when you didn’t bring it up again, I just, I assumed it hadn’t worked out and you didn’t want to talk about it.” He took a deep breath, clearly trying to make himself calm down. “Did she say anything else?”
You looked at him carefully. It was almost like he looked different today, something about him. It really did seem like he was trying. So you took a breath and decided to trust him. “She wasn’t very nice to me. She never is. She’s– She’s only ever been awful to me.”
“Yeah,” he said grimly, “that’s fucking Linda. Alright, she comes here again, I want you to tell me. Don’t even talk to her, just call me right away. She tries to call you, you tell me. She ever says anything to you, you tell me, ok?”
“Yeah,” you said, and you didn’t know how to guard yourself from the warmth that spread through you. “I’ll tell you.”
He nodded. “Good. And if you still want to get a job, I’ll help you, ok? I want to do that.”
“Yeah, I,” you sighed, “I don’t know. Everything’s really overwhelming right now.”
“I get that,” he said, “but if you change your mind, let me know.”
“I will,” you promised. Then, when he didn’t immediately bring up another topic from the night before, you raised one of your own. “Um, you never use your gym.” He looked at you, confused, and you shook your head at yourself. “Sorry, it’s just, you have all those rooms upstairs that you never use, and well, you and I,” you rested a hand on your belly, “we did what we needed to do, right? So, uh, I’m having my bedroom furniture shipped here and if it’s alright, I’d like to, uh, turn that room into my room.”
There was a long pause, long enough for you to get uncomfortable, start to worry that you’d messed up. His face was blank, you couldn’t find any clues there. Then, finally, he seemed to shake himself and said, “Yeah, sure, of course. I’ll, uh, I’ll have it cleared out for you.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. “Great! Thank you! I’m sure you’ll be happy to have your own space back.”
“Right, yeah,” he said and nodded several times. “Yeah.”
You both got quiet again after that, but it didn’t feel as oppressive as it often had before. Eventually, you began cleaning up breakfast together. As you moved around him in the kitchen to load the dishwasher, you paused. “Hey, uh, what’d you tell your parents? About last night, dinner?”
“Oh,” he said, turning to you from the fridge. “Just that I was suddenly violently ill and we couldn’t make it.”
That stopped you completely. You’d been bent over as you loaded plates, but now you stood up, giving him all of your attention. “Really? You didn’t– didn’t blame me? Or uh, tell them about–”
He finished what he was doing and closed the fridge, then closed some of the space between you. “What? No, fuck that. Listen, any excuse to not have to deal with Richard and Linda is welcome. I’m serious. Fuck them.”
That was when everything really hit you, just how badly you'd misread so much of what had happened. Of all the pain you’d suffered over the past months, how much of it had been self-inflicted? Would everything have been so much easier, for both of you, if you’d just been willing to talk to him? For what felt like the thousandth time that morning, you felt your eyes beginning to well. You tried to turn your head away, but Ransom noticed before you could.
“Hey,” Ransom said quietly as he approached you cautiously, stopping right in front of you, his hands hovering in the air between you both. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know,” you said, your voice tight. “I don’t know. I just– Everything’s just been so hard.”
Ransom sighed, heavily. “Yeah. I know.”
“Um,” you let out a defeated, embarrassed little laugh as the tears began to fall down your face. “Do you think it’s too early to blame pregnancy hormones?” you asked, as you tried to make yourself stop crying.
Instead of dismissing it as a joke, Ransom looked at you very seriously. “I think that you can do whatever the fuck you want.”
There was something about that, the way it felt like acceptance, that made the tears come even harder.
It was then, of course, that your phone started vibrating on the counter, Steve’s ID flashing on the screen. “Oh,” you said, “um, shit.” You just stared at it, not quite able to pick it up. “I, uh, texted him last night. During everything. I’m sure he’s freaking out now.”
“Right,” Ransom nodded. “Well, I’ll give you some privacy.”
You were suddenly filled with the ridiculous need to not be alone right now. “Uh, yeah, thanks. But, uh, maybe, maybe don’t go far.” Your voice dropped out a little at the end of the sentence, embarrassed.
He looked at you carefully and you couldn’t imagine what he saw. A mess, probably. “Yeah,” he said, “of course. I’ll be just upstairs. Shout if you need me.”
Then he left and you took a deep breath. The call had gone to voicemail while you’d dithered, so you called Steve back, sure he’d try again anyway if you delayed any further.
He picked up immediately. “Oh thank god,” he breathed. “What’s going on? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just–” you began, trying to keep your voice strong. But of course, you couldn’t hide from Steve.
“Are you crying?” he asked gruffly. “Why are you crying?”
“I’m not, Steve,” you lied.
“Chipmunk,” he said, sadly, knowing how hard the childhood nickname would hit you. “What’s going on? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
You closed your eyes as tightly as you could. “Nothing. It’s just–” You knew you had to tell him something but you had no idea where to start. You could tell him, you supposed, about– about the baby, but it felt impossible to say out loud. And you had no idea how he’d react. Or, rather you had a very good idea, and it was very, very bad. You didn’t have the energy for that. Or the strength and courage. Not now. Maybe not ever. But you couldn’t talk about what happened the night before and this morning without mentioning that part, so really, you couldn’t talk about anything. And you knew your brother. You knew how that would go over. “I’m tired. And I miss you.”
He was silent for several moments. When he finally spoke, all he said was, “I know something happened.”
“It didn’t Steve. Everything’s fine.”
“I know you’re lying to me. Why are you lying?” He was pleading now and you were too tired and hormonal for this.
“Steve,” you pleaded right back, your voice breaking just a little. “Can you please just believe me? Just this once?”
There was another long pause, and then, “Goddammit, I hate this. I can’t– I worry about you all the time. Every time I see a missed call or text from you, my stomach drops. But now you won’t talk to me. And I can’t help you. I don’t know what to do about any of it.”
“Steve,” you sighed. “I know you think you should always be able to fix everything, but there’s just nothing for you to fix this time, ok? Please?”
He just sighed and you both quietly sat on the phone together. You didn’t know what to say to him but couldn’t hang up. Finally, he broke the silence with “I really fucking miss you.”
You smiled just a little, even as you wiped the tears from your face. “I fucking miss you too. And I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said quietly. He sighed again. “Ok, I should go. But we’ll talk again soon. Take care of yourself.”
“Ok,” you said softly. “Bye.” You hung up and set your phone down then put your head in your hands and let yourself cry without trying to stop it. You didn’t notice anything happening around you until you felt a weight settle onto the couch beside you and suddenly your lap was full of Lola. Then a hand gingerly touched your back. When you didn’t move away, it started gently moving up and down. You couldn’t help but lean into it.
The strangest sensation came over you. You couldn’t explain it, but as you sat there on the couch, crying while Ransom rubbed your back, you somehow felt the best you had in months.
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#ransom drysdale x reader#ransom drysdale#ransom drysdale x female reader#ransom drysdale x you#knives out#chris evans fanfiction#fanfic#reader insert#arranged marriage au#more than this#kris wrote something
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Okay so I feel a bit silly about this, but I just have to ask at some point. To keep it short, I wonder if Dr Ratio has already had his first time and if he even has sex often. I mean he is a grown adult at all. Don't see me as a horny Dr Ratio simp, I'm just interested and little things like that always make me like a character even more. I would be happy if you would answer this question :)♡
Why feel silly? We love all kinds of sexual status here, especially when it's someone as delicious as Ratio! Also, I appoint you simp from now on, because we should be simping for him (but don't be like me and have him in your team just for aesthetics bc my Ratio makes no damage at all! :D And that's okay... :'D)
As wonderful as our Doc is, this is a very open-to-interpretation question. You can honestly go both ways with him, and we'll never know because... he probably wouldn't even tell or show any signs to his darling how much experience he has once he gets with them ;)
Maybe he is a virgin and a very stoic and pathetic one at that. In his pursuit of making knowledge more accessible to every "idiot", there isn't much time for personal needs. I totally see him pass out from sleep deprivation despite being horny and then suppress his morning wood with a cold shower, even though he's really not happy about it. No one knows why he's so upset, but they all avoid him on mornings like that. There's no way he never put a hand on himself in all these years, but he won't know the blessing that comes when someone else does it, until he meets his darling.
It's an instant game over for him, Veritas unable to form a complete sentence when he first meets you, his cock springing up, precum staining his clothes. It threatens to burst out of his pants, hard and agitated and in desperate need to be treated to its first experience of intercourse. He tries to play it cool with a faint blush on his cheeks, tries his usual spiel of pretending he's better than you after catching his composure immediately, always gauging your reactions and wanting to see them to fuel his desire. All while completely hiding the fact that he wants to drop to his knees and hump your feet.
That night, jerking off is more like ripping off as he just can't stop the thoughts of you invading his mind and making him hard again and again. His whole bed is sullied, the tissue box empty, the Doctor is panting and blushing and immediately reminded of how plump and soft your lips were. Or your ass as you walked away from him. The sparkle in your eyes and the few exposed spots of skin in your outfit. And then his thoughts are going wild with you bent over on his bed, exposing yourself to him, your giggles and moans replaying in his ears, although he made all of them up. Honestly, he's a bit ashamed afterward for losing his composure quite like that.
It doesn't make him any less pathetic when he finally gets his hands on you. You might be fighting and hating him, but he tied you up exactly the way he needs so he can fuck your thighs or pry your pretty lips open to stuff your mouth with his thick cock. And you never disappoint him in that regard. You'll still be as amazing, making him cum almost instantly the first few times, after being with him for years. Ratio will still yearn for the warmth of your body around his dick decades down the line, and he'll greet you with the same enthusiasm (just more stamina and better technique) every time he comes home to you. You two really grow together; isn't that sweet? ;)
Man's still stoic and pathetic, but not with all those partners he had over the years, oh no. It's really bothersome to him to actually let one of those groupies get a piece of his cake, and he doesn't do it because his mind wants to. But it's just normal to fulfill a need he has, right? Veritas doesn't bed some random person (who found him super hot and practically ogled him all evening) for pleasure or enjoyment. Even less for payment, though some people try to buy his time and affection.
In short, he's a miserable lover.
We should feel bad for the people thinking he's going to blow their minds. It's not like he hurts them or anything, but he does his thing and leaves, telling anyone who's confused and dissatisfied that he didn't enjoy it much, either. He got to finish; that's all that matters to him. He's really awful to these poor souls; we can't deny it.
But then he met you, and everything changed. You are constantly on his mind, the underside of his table stained with remnants of cum as he savagely had to jerk himself up to free his thoughts again. But it doesn't really help, and he imagines doing things with you on his table, books, honestly, everywhere. Ratio has to flee any function if someone there happens to have the same perfume as you because he cannot control himself once reminded of you. And in the bitterness of moaning your name in an empty room, his cock mangled and still hard despite previous jerk-off sessions, he decided he has to have you, just so he can get a remnant of himself back.
He is reading up on how to be a better lover as he fingers you simultaneously, observing your reactions and even going down on you... for research, of course. No one knew he'd get drunk on bringing you pleasure. On learning that the reason you were feeling so damn good was his work. Sure, it boosts his ego, but you have no idea what it does to him to see your eyes dazed, your expression twisting. He teases you, but it gets him off quicker than anything else when you admit how good you feel. He'll be grinning from ear to ear the following day, remembering what you said, only to pretend he wasn't reveling in the memories when you catch him. He loves teasing you, kissing every part of your body while you squirm, knowing it turns him even more on than it does you. It's a good thing you need so much convincing, so he can satisfy his greed for you plenty before the real deal begins.
Suddenly, sex is so much more interesting when he does it with you, no matter how much you complain in the beginning—your moans say otherwise. You may hate him, but gods, does he love the look on your face when you're overstimulated, and Ratio is only getting started, making you arch your back as he plunges into you, your legs quivering around his head. Drawing out the act and letting you 'suffer' is so much more delicious and enjoyable than anything he had with another person before. He doesn't even wonder if it would have changed anything for his feelings had he done his research with the partners he fucked before. Only you can make his heart race, get him drunk on your juices, and look like an angel in his sheets covered in his cum. It's only you, it's only ever been you, and he'll never let that go.
Because no matter how much you simp for him, he'll always simp more for you ;)
#Dr. Ratio#veritas ratio#yandere ratio#yandere!ratio#hsr#yandere hsr#honkai star rail#yandere honkai star rail#yandere talk#yandere#lemon#yandere imagines#yandere headcanons#yandere scenarios#yandere fanfiction#yandere writing#yandere stories#yandere oneshots#yandere oneshot#yandere drabble#yandere x reader#yandere x darling#Yandere TW
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love and power


✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
chapter ten: part two
“i won’t die for love but ever since i met you you could have my heart and i would break it for you.”
Alastor x Fem!Reader ; MDNI 18+ ; [y/n] used sparingly ; Alias in Hell is Sylvie
tags/warnings: nothing scary to report here — welcome to your happy ending 💖
word count: 8k
author’s note: cherished ones… i can’t believe we’re finally here at the end 🥲 it’s taken me much longer than anticipated to get this out, but i hope it’s worth the wait. allow me to extend my sincere gratitude to you all for hanging in there and going on this journey with me and this series. this started out as pure self-indulgence and turned into something much more along the way and i hope this is received by you as the gift i intended it to be. they’re not off the album i used as the platform for this series, but feel free to listen to rain and take me back to eden by sleep token, which i listened to A LOT while writing this. thank you again for all of your kindness and support. i truly don’t think i could have finished this without it 💖
prelude ; chapter one ; chapter two ; chapter three ; chapter four ; chapter five ; chapter six ; chapter seven ; chapter eight ; chapter nine ; chapter ten: part one ; chapter ten: part two
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The last couple days had been… good.
Vaggie had approached you the morning after your little sleepover with Angel to see if you’d actually take her up on the offer of managing the hotel’s books. It was a welcome distraction, easily falling back into the routine of your old work. And honestly, their records keeping system needed a complete overhaul. It kept you busy and focused, hours passing like minutes as you honed in on creating the foundations of your system.
Funny how in Hell the work you had always approached with a level of disdain in life had become something to look forward to. Something that was all yours. It was nice. Familiar.
You also hadn’t gone to the bar — the biggest improvement, or at least the one you were happiest about. Feeling more like yourself again and less like your father, who had been no stranger to bouts of liquored-up sulking. It was not a way you wanted to remember him by, nor make a habit of for the eons to come. And beyond just feeling better without alcohol in your system, it was great to see Husk in a more friendly capacity again. Haunting his bar in the way you did wasn’t something you were ever planning to subject either of you any time soon.
You were regaining a level of comfortability in your room as well. Sleeping better in your bed, which had been difficult to do. For the first few days you slept on the loveseat, where you’ve now spent the last two nights curled up with a book in front of the fireplace.
It was a decent distraction, but thoughts of Alastor still plagued you. Try as you might, it was hard for them not to. He felt so present as you went about your day despite maintaining the separation; feeling his aura hovering around you like a sixth sense. You wanted to ask Husk and Niffty if they felt it like you did — if at all — but hadn’t gotten the nerve yet to do so.
What if they said no?
It was too embarrassing even to think of. The possibility of it being some kind of adverse affect from sleeping with him making your blood rush to your face.
Maybe I took a piece of him, too…
The heat on your cheeks intensified at the thought. Isn’t that exactly what had happened?
Sure, in a literal sense he had been the one to take a piece of you. But in return, you had witnessed him in yet another state that no one else — in this building, at least — ever had. Just the fact that he had let you help undress him… That wasn’t something you look lightly, even at the peak of your anger toward him. The nervous way your heart fluttered against your ribs at the memory only further proved the point.
You wanted the opportunity to do it again. Undress him, that is.
What followed after wasn’t of much consequence; you’d be satisfied just the same. Whether that was helping him out of his day clothes and into pajamas or preparing him to pound you into the mattress — either result was made from the same circumstance. You found you had enjoyed it even more than dressing down his bed for the evening, which had always been a nearly meditative part of your day.
Or, well… it used to be.
Did he even bother with that now? Hell, did he ever? Or was it just more busywork? If it was… you missed it.
Taking care of Alastor was tedious at times but it hadn’t been all bad. He was petulant too, which is probably why he was always deflecting and pointing the finger in your face. But past his venom there was charm. His euphemisms and anecdotes. Grumbling into the newspaper with his ears downcast whenever he came across an unpleasant article, which happened more often than not.
He enjoyed his coffee black and extra hot, but god forbid if it was burnt. That was one of the first things you had been tasked with perfecting, and mercifully, had been able to accomplish. Alastor never made you handle his food, not out of lack of trust but courtesy. Due to the gruesome reality of what he enjoyed eating, it wasn’t a chore he ever charged you with. And you’d busy yourself with cleaning while he ate to allow him as much privacy as possible.
As much as he adored the structure of his morning routine, beyond that the day was his for the taking. Living the monotonous life that you had, it was admirable. Sometimes inspiring. He had a mischievous, opportunistic outlook on existence — no doubt a quality that followed him into the afterlife — while you had been (presumably) buried jaded and trepidatious.
He was… fun. Even when he was irritating.
Before Rosie pawned you off on him, the last time you had ever felt something close to fun was killing your grandmother. A horrifying revelation, but true, though that had more to do with the satisfaction you felt from it than anything. But fun was something that was right at your fingertips with Alastor, when you looked back on the last couple weeks. He had quite the proclivity for antics when he wasn’t being crushed by the weight of his self-imposed grandeur.
The memory of when he brought you back to the alley the day after what you had done came to mind. His inspection of the bag you’d left behind had upset you so much in the moment, but now all you can remember is the glimmer in his eyes. The nearly childlike glee in his fanged smile. Sure, it had been at your expense, but that was how he liked to joke. Satire and whimsy adorned with the pretty bow of his voice and charm.
But his jokes were sometimes too one-sided. His delivery too harsh and actions… demeaning. It wasn’t a facet he aimed at you often but the sting of his cruelty ran deep, almost to the bone. Your hand came up to your throat, the pain in your neck only barely subsided. It had been impossible to tell if the chain had bruised you under all of Alastor’s love bites, but if you were being honest with yourself, there was no way it hadn’t. If even just a little.
You made due with covering yourself up. Managing to find some high-collared button up shirts left to rot in the laundry room. Nothing a good washing wasn’t able to fix. And as the days passed and the marks faded, you were able to transition back into more familiar (and revealing, in comparison) pieces of your wardrobe.
Still, being left to your own devices when Alastor had been the one responsible for not only the marks but ruining the dress that would’ve easily solved your problems with its modesty nicked at you. Not that you had expected gifts after the argument, but considering how he made you wear that dress as uniform there was no way he didn’t have plans to provide a replacement that morning. But it never came.
Instead he had given you a threat and left you on the floor in nothing but a towel, feeling used and humiliated and alone. And yet here you were, with a book in your hand you hadn’t absorbed the last few pages of because your mind was busy remembering the feeling of removing Alastor’s coat.
Or how disheveled and boyish he looked the morning you went into his room without permission and found him in bed. The strain in his eyes before you walked into Valentino’s arms. His drawn brows and open, kiss-swollen mouth when he made you his own on the bed right behind you. That face would haunt you for the rest of your afterlife.
But there was another face that earned the honor, too. An expression that eclipsed even your grandmother’s worst sneer. Was what you said to him that morning really so outrageous that it had warranted such wrath and disdain? Alastor had been in quite a decent mood too, before the conversation took a turn. Not that it made you feel any better, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was something bigger than that. You had copped attitude before and Alastor had either laughed it off as a mild tantrum or course-corrected you before you even had a chance to realize it.
Beyond that, there were also the things he had done after you fell asleep, face buried in his scarred chest. The medicine he had waiting at the ready for when you inevitably woke up from the ache of his bite, which he had taken the liberty of cleaning and bandaging. He had more than likely done it by hand as well, the same as when he tended to it on your bed that awful morning. No magic, no minions. Despite being the least he could do since he inflicted the wound, that didn’t mean he had to do it himself. But he did.
Your stomach turned thinking about it. The force of his anger just didn’t match up with the efforts he took in caring for you after your entanglement. It was the push and pull you had been battling all week, and your eyes flitted to the door. Going up to his room wasn’t something you had entertained, knowing better than to try and call Alastor’s bluff, but the desire to speak with him now was a temptation you worried you’d lose the battle against.
The single, hollow sound echoing off the door sent a jolt through your body, sitting up from your relaxed position on the small sofa near the fireplace. It was Friday, wasn’t it? Meaning everyone had left the hotel already except for you and…
There’s no way.
Your pulse spiked.
Maybe you just imagined it. Or the hotel was settling. Things like that could still happen to buildings in the afterlife, right? Ghosts and hauntings and creaks and groans seemed fairly on-brand for Hell. Alastor’s shadow — that you had found yourself missing as well — was proof of that all on its own.
It was that final thought that brought you to the door, hand hovering over the knob as your breath thinned; perspiration beading your skin like morning dew. Tormented by the prospect that opening it would either reveal him or nothing at all.
Unsure of which you were hoping for as you let your forehead fall forward, a huff of air passing your lips. Eyes closed as you relaxed into the cool lacquer of the wooden door, reaching out. Alastor felt especially close now. Typical that he would show up now that you were not only beginning to feel better, but also reaching the end of your rope in your banishment from him. If you weren’t too busy fighting the whiplash of frustration and want coursing through you, you would have laughed.
Even reconciliation had to be on his schedule…
If he was actually on the other side of the door wanting to make up, of course. This could all be your imagination, which would be particularly cruel on your mind’s part considering how just moments ago you were feeling so desperate to see him, if only just to talk. You sighed, condensation from your warm breath pilling under your mouth hovering near the door.
Was he really there?
Your hand gripped the handle in response, heart heavy and loud in your chest as you turned it and pulled. There was only one way to know for sure.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Alastor took you in as you opened the door. An apprehensive expression on your face, but with an underlying relief. Though he didn’t need eyesight for the confirmation. Your heartbeat and scent told him all he needed to know with an honesty that betrayed you for his benefit. It was rather unfair, wasn’t it?
The life coming back to your eyes did not go unnoticed, either.
He felt what was left of his vitriol drain out of him, and in a rare moment of self-deprecation he found himself hoping his unpolished state would put you at ease. Despite the lingering tension that was still eating away at him, he truly did wish to avoid an argument. Shouting matches were simply… nasty. In a way he did not much, if at all, enjoy.
Conversation is called an art for a reason.
A true favorite of his and it was much more his speed. With such an adaptable form you could be fencing one minute and duetting the next. Unless, of course, the conversation was bad, which was a fate worse than death. But that hadn’t been a problem with you, for the most part. He’d like that to be the case now as he prepared to linger for as long as it took to reach some kind of resolution.
Things couldn’t stay the way they were. He knew you’d both return to yourselves eventually, but you had gotten a head start on him. Leaving him to grasp at what was on the other side of this only in regard to himself. If ever he needed you, you’d be just a summoning away. Tied to him always by your contract. Something that typically provided a sense of security to the point of aloofness. But the uncertainty of how you would approach your days independent of him in the aftermath made him falter. Made evident by the color that had returned to your face, that spark of ferocity in your eyes.
Deep down he understood that you would carry on.
Tied to him, yes, but not entangled. There was an unpleasant tightness in his chest at the thought, his jaw flexing with irritation. He wasn’t through exploring this, relishing the fire he felt in his blood at seeing you again up close, lungs taking in your scent to feed the flame. Your racing heart a sonnet so sweet in a way that only he could truly appreciate. Feeding a part of him that either had not existed or had been lying dormant which, now awakened, was eager for more and he found himself wondering when it ever would be satiated.
More of your voice ringing in his ears, whether it was coated in insolence or lust… or laughter. More of your scent in his lungs, oxygenating his blood with the bliss of childhood summers. More of your taste on his tongue. Blood, sweat, tears. He’d take it all, or whichever morsels you were still willing to give him. Even if all that left him with was cordiality, it would be far better than letting you slip through his fingers. How wasted you would be on some tramp off the street. Not even taking into account that the average soul couldn’t appreciate your scent, attributes like responsibility and integrity weren’t typically admired here in the pit.
Who else could see you the way he did?
Past the pout of your lips to the lethal fangs hiding behind them; that sleeping anger you managed to keep at bay but weren’t afraid to use if necessary. Would you ever reveal that ferocity and glowing eyes to someone else in the ways he had witnessed them — induced by tapping into some of your baser instincts? It made stomach twist just to think it.
Alastor’s imagination began to run away from him then. Flashes of you making some other sinner’s bed, fetching their coffee, and picking up clothes. Drawing a bath, hanging their coat, laughing at their jokes. That now-dear sulk of yours aimed at the faceless menace when one of those jokes went too far. Phantom hands stripping you of clothes, cupping your face, roaming your body… holding your chin. And though his urges were few and far between, worse still was the thought of you crying out a stranger’s name like a reverent prayer, writhing underneath them as you fell apart.
Bile scorched his throat as he fought to maintain his composure in your doorway. The filthy handprints he had just pictured all over you gone in the blink of an eye as his own hand twitched behind his back, eager to hold you once more and feel the heat of your skin soak into his palm. Easy as it would be to reach out and satisfy the urge he refrained from doing so, smothering his desire in his fist. Now wasn’t the right time to succumb to impulse.
As much as Alastor wanted to pull you into his embrace he knew there was still a hatchet to bury. You had touched quite the nerve that morning, after all, and his actions had been less than genteel as a result. As justified as he had felt at the time, it settled in now as something he was less than proud of. Warranted… What a fool he was to think so. Though misguided, all you had done was try to make sense of things. You would be well within your rights to sever any further personal ties with him, and he swallowed against the anxious lump in his throat.
He had spent so much time wallowing in liquor, wasted countless hours justifying his anger toward you to ease his own unrest. Even if you had picked the fight… hadn’t he brought you right to the edge of it with his antics over the past weeks? In truth, hadn’t making you lose your composure been his goal from the start? He had certainly got what he wanted, just not in a way that was originally intended; culminating in a misunderstanding that threatened to keep parts of yourself locked away from him for, quite possibly, eternity.
Desiring someone’s comfort the way he did yours was something he never expected to have to face, let alone something he ever feared to lose. Alastor wondered for the first time how things between you would be had you met sooner. Granted, you had only been in Hell for two-or-so months, but he was a different man now than he was even then. The Alastor of two months ago still had his microphone, for starters. His sword and shield. Now nothing but another one of his corpses left to decay in the bayou.
That man hadn’t had his confidence shaken, his power drained. Alastor had felt so invigorated when he retreated to the radio tower to mend himself after battling Adam, but the healing process hadn’t been simple. Seeing as the weapon that caused the wound was made of angelic steel, Alastor expected it would take more time than usual, but he had underestimated the reality of it. So many arduous, slow hours had passed as he used all his strength just to make minute progress in closing the gash. It took a week to finally get it to seal, the scar barely formed by the time he encountered you at Rosie’s.
Simply put, you had weathered emotional storms that he typically had much better control of. There was a sourness in his soul that had been poisoning him from the very beginning of your relationship, which you took — more often than not — in stride. As much as he felt there was no one who fully appreciated you, Alastor believed it to be a two way street. Whether there was anyone else who could take your place — paramour, caretaker, or otherwise — was inconsequential. He simply wasn’t interested in the prospect. Hadn’t he gotten along just fine in his relative solitude before you fell to suffer your infernal fate?
It wouldn’t be the same.
It already wasn’t, in fact, which is why his feet had brought him here when his stubbornness wouldn’t. Opening the door to him was only the first step. You could still slam it in his face, effectively shutting him out; leaving him standing alone in the hall as the Overlord who owned your soul and nothing more.
He found it to be a dreadful prospect.
“May I come in?”
Even he could hear the exhaustion in his voice, making the question heavy in air as he watched you contemplate. Nervous fingers tapping the doorframe to the same beat as his heart before you stepped off to the side to make way for him. Alastor managed to fight the instinctual twitch at the corners of his mouth. Now wasn’t the time for smiling, despite the wave of relief he felt at your accepting of his request to enter.
As long as it takes…
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
You watched as Alastor practically collapsed on your sofa, massaging his temples with a single hand as he leaned back to cross his legs. Still doing his best to maintain decorum despite how worn out he was. Discontent, you shifted on your feet, not wanting to give into the pity you felt towards him too easily.
As much as you tried to remember your anger, there was no denying the relief you felt at being near him again. Hearing his voice. And knowing he could pick up on it only made it worse. Would it ever be anything but an uphill battle for you when it came to him? Your eyes couldn’t help but look just past him to where you had fallen to the floor, left to console yourself in your shame and grief. The memory didn’t fuel what was left of your animosity, but pricked at your sadness instead, making you feel the weight of the day.
I’m so sick of this…
Alastor’s gaze followed you as you moved to take your seat next to him, picking your book up off the cushion and placing it on the small coffee table in front of you. His eyes and hand lingered on the cover as you sat down.
“I just missed the first draft,” he said quietly, static replaced with the distant sound of remembrance. Eyes never leaving your copy of A Farewell to Arms as he continued with a small, humorless laugh. “I was eligible for the others but the only Divisions I could have been placed in were booked. Funny, isn’t it, a quota on the worthiness to die at war? But I suppose that’s a conversation for another time…”
The glimpse of his human life caught you off guard. Vulnerability wasn’t something you expected from him, especially not in the wake of your argument; the admission was given so casually you couldn’t help but soften just a bit, leaving you hungry for more of his secrets.
He turned to you then, somehow looking even more tired than he had before. “We have our own battle to rectify, don’t we?”
You sighed and positioned your body to face him, bringing your legs up to sit criss-cross. This was shaping up to be a long night, so you decided you might as well get this out of the way. Even managing to get a piqued eyebrow out of him from the sober look that was no doubt on your face as you considered what you were about to say.
“I wasn’t lying when I told you that I enjoyed our…,” you trailed off, looking for the right word.
Our what?
Things had become so muddled you weren't quite sure what to call it. Sex, obviously, but… it had felt like more to you in the end. No matter how many times you reminded yourself that it wasn’t supposed to be anything other than a one night stand at best — and had spent the whole week drowning your sorrows trying not to think about the worst.
“I know you weren’t.” He said it in almost the same tone when you had admitted it in the first place, but his eyes were soft. “I enjoyed it myself, the second time. I thought that was obvious, but when you asked about the pheromones that morning… they had nothing to do with it. Not that evening. I… initiated that. Which is why I was so incensed by the implication that I was acting outside of myself.”
The confession sunk to the bottom of your stomach. You hadn’t expected him to be so forthcoming and even keeled regarding it. And while you felt relief that the pheromones weren’t at play that evening — and that he had not only enjoyed, but desired it — you didn’t miss the implication of the words he kept to himself regarding how you ended up in this mess in the first place. The more you thought about it, the more you were beginning to understand why he felt the way he did. Was that why he had returned you to your room to wake up alone, because being in his bed was too much of a reminder? Had he really regretted it that much?
Because you didn’t.
The truth was you had been more than willing to give yourself to him that afternoon. Yes, you knew something wasn’t quite right, but you didn’t know he was fighting against Valentino’s nasty little trick. You’d never know what would’ve happened if you had denied him instead, because that’s not what happened. Would he have gone into a rage? In the state he was in, that wasn’t an impossibility. In fact, that was what you had been expecting, wasn’t it? In a way you dodged a bullet — received his affections, however intense, instead of his violence. The bruised remnants of his mark on your shoulder were a dizzying mix of both.
Though the ferocity you received the next morning… had it been lying in wait? Using the chain on you the way he did compounded by the words he spat at you was a tough memory to forget, to the point where you wondered if you ever could. He had only punished you that way one other time, but it had been nothing compared to this. Blood burned under your cheeks as you recalled how humiliated you felt. How different would things be right now if he had just let you stay?
“Look I…,” you sighed and ran a hand through your hair, but resisted the urge to look away from him. “I really do understand why you’re unhappy with how things happened that afternoon but…”
Here goes nothing.
“It’s something I’ve been aware of in myself for a little while but… you don’t know how much it meant to me, being touched that way by you and how you let me touch you back it —” You wiped a tear you couldn’t stop from falling and cleared your throat, but the thick, choking feeling didn’t subside. The pinched look on Alastor’s face nearly sent you over the edge, but you couldn’t stop now that you’ve started. He needed to hear this as much as you needed to say it. “It made me really happy, if that’s even the right word for it.”
It wasn’t. But you didn’t know how else you could try to tell him how wanted and safe you felt underneath him. That no one had ever managed to turn your blood to kerosene; every bit of him the match, the bed behind you kindling. At this point it didn’t really matter that you hadn’t known him for very long. You cared about him, much more than you ever expected to, and you wanted to be near him in whatever capacity you could be. Whether that made you his errand girl or concubine, so long as you were spared from the more acidic side of his temper.
“And when I think about how much you regret it, it kills me, even though I know why you do. But… I don’t. You didn’t take advantage of me, if that’s something you’ve been worrying about. Honestly, now I can’t help but wonder if it’s the other way around…”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he huffed, lightly exasperated as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’ve only ever gone along with my impulses and games. My behavior in this has been… unbecoming. I fear my mother would be quite ashamed, and rightfully so, but you’ve come to know me at a low point.”
Everything about him felt wrung out and far off, from his posture to the defeat in his unfiltered voice. It had been absent from the moment he asked to come inside, but for some reason was only hitting you now. Though you couldn’t fight the ache in your heart from the poor state of him, there was still more you needed to know before you could let yourself give in. No matter what subconscious queues your body was undoubtedly feeding him in the meantime.
“You say unbecoming…,” you began tentatively, worried that what you were about to ask could possibly upset him again. “Is that because of how you punished me that morning, or the toying you’ve subjected me to?”
If you had to choose, you really hoped that he’d feel apologetic for the chain. While they could be annoying, his games and tricks were mostly harmless. You had admitted to yourself not too long ago that you were even beginning to miss them. That was not a feeling you extended to the invisible leash that bound you to him, not the way it had been used then, at least.
Alastor removed the hand from his nose to meet your eyes, the speed of his movement catching you off guard. For the first time all night his eyes were clear and earnest; that steadfast, hypnotizing red you had come to seek and cherish.
“Would you accept it if I said both? By pushing you I think I may have set us up for the argument. I won’t say that what you said that morning didn’t upset me, since it did, but… Perhaps if I had given you less reason to think I was playing at another game it would have never happened in the first place.”
His voice was soft as he held his left hand out to you, a different charge in the air as your eyes broke contact to flicker down to his open palm.
The olive branch.
There was no doubt he could hear the way your heart had picked up, nearly choking you with its fervor as you swallowed against it… and gave him your hand.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
“I was so humiliated that morning… I’ve been so mad at you.”
Alastor could hear the tears threatening to spill behind the statement, and he squeezed your hand before his thumb began to rub in soothing circles as you looked away from him for the first time that night. He took a quick moment to follow your line of sight and grimaced when he realized you were looking at the spot where he had treated you so harshly. There was nothing he could do to take back what he did. Regret was such an awful weight, reminding him of long nights trudging through the swamp to discard one of his victims. His mouth soured. It would seem he’d need to add your name to the list.
Things were never meant to end up this way. This… tangled.
He dared to lean forward, not that there was much distance to close on your quaint loveseat, and cupped your face with his other hand to draw your gaze back to his. The conflict in your eyes went right to his stomach with a kick — the chance that you would turn him away forever still there, but he was thankful you hadn’t rejected his touch. He really couldn’t have suffered through the empty ache in his hands for even another minute; the heat of your skin already refilling his cup.
And despite how much he wanted anything but, he knew he had to give you an out. It was only right.
“I was a brute… I can’t undo what’s been done but if you’d like me to leave you alone, I will. I’m not keen on releasing you from our contract, but I would let you leave this hotel if you wish.” The words scorched his tongue, but they were true. He would let you go if that’s what you really wanted. You deserved that chance. “It’s safer here, but I would know immediately if you faced any trouble. Well… any trouble you couldn’t handle yourself, that is. I know how capable you are.”
Alastor gave you a small smile, the first time his lips had curled up with any sincerity for days. It was the most generous offer he had ever given a soul under his heel, and your short, dry laugh in response was music to his ears. There was no bitterness in the sound, nor was there any coming from your scent, but that wasn’t an indication of what was going on in your mind. Something the Overlord needed to remind himself of more often. He took a moment to really breathe you in then, floral notes of almond warming him on the inside as your body warmed him from out. Would it be the last time he was ever surrounded by you like this?
He didn’t know when his thumb began to absently stroke your cheek, but he loved the flush it brought to your face as you considered his words. A hint of iron gave the sweetness in the air just enough bite to make him swallow, his throat now parched and wanting. It took all he had not to close the remaining space between you, needing your answer before he would move an inch save the part of him caressing your face.
A jolt ran through him as your eyes locked onto his with a resolve that made his hair stand on edge, and he steeled himself as your lips parted to speak. Never could he have imagined that you would join the short list of people to hold his fate in their palm. And fewer still, one that he didn’t hold resentment toward having that power. There was security in your hold, not malice. Such a rare thing to stumble across even in life, let alone in this sulfurous chasm that had been home for the last near-century. As unworthy as he felt to receive it, the thought of losing it was even worse. He wasn’t in love… but it wasn’t impossible that he could be, with more time.
If you would give it to him.
“I don’t want to leave the hotel,” you said quietly, and brought your free hand up to hold his chin in the same way he had held yours countless times.
Alastor felt his ears lower despite how attuned they were to hear what you would say next, though the thumping in his chest didn’t help. To reach out and touch him of your own accord this way was bold, and he tried not to hone in on the bashfulness he felt burning his face. Why choose shame when he could have comfort? That was what he wanted, after all. A reprieve from The Radio Demon. There was nothing to be gained in postering, not with you. With you he could be… anything. And no matter your decision, he vowed to provide you with the same space.
His schemes to mold you into something you weren’t fled him with every exhale of his lungs. It was a senseless desire… Remorseless murders were a dime a dozen here. Thrilling as it had been to see you decapitate that wretch with your teeth, the fact that you refused to do something akin to that again merely for the sake of it like so many others was refreshing. He could appreciate only killing with purpose. That had been his modus operandi in life, after all. Murder was a tool he now used to illicit fear and respect, though most souls here were free game to him even under his mortal code. You were not, and it had taken him much too long to acknowledge it.
“And I don’t want you to leave me alone… ever again, but…”
The shakiness in your voice felt like the blade of a guillotine, hovering above his neck while he agonized over when you would let the rope loose and seal his fate.
“I don’t know if I could handle that again. The chain, your anger — ” A small sob escaped you then, tearing through him like a hurricane.
Alastor didn’t even realize he was kissing your face until the salt of your tears registered on his tongue. Every little press of his lips an oath to never make you cry like this because of him ever again. And when your hands cupped his cheeks he only had a moment to relish in his relief, sighing against your skin before you captured his lips with yours. A familiar green glow enveloping you both as an unspoken agreement was made.
What a magnanimous gift to receive.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Low voices pulled you out of sleep, making you aware of the cold that was beginning to sink into the front of your body. You had been so warm… so comfortable.
More mumbling at your door as you groaned, the grievance in the sound not lost on you even in your groggy state. It wasn’t lost on Alastor either, saying something you couldn’t decipher beyond its tone of finality followed by the closing of the door.
“It’s still the middle of the night sweetheart, don’t stir.”
You didn’t even have time to ask who was at the door before he ran a soothing hand through your hair, maneuvering himself back into place in your bed. Pressing the length of his body in close against yours as he nuzzled into your chest, humming as he found the pulse of your heart. The warm, claiming kiss he placed there sent a shiver through you, your shared embrace tightening in response.
“What’s gotten into you? You promised you’d be good,” you mumbled, wriggling a little from the way his breath tickled your skin.
Even to yourself the warning was half-admonishing at best. But you were also just barely awake. Fingers betraying you as they lightly massaged his undercut, his contented sigh making you hide your face in his hair as if he could see the flush on your cheeks.
You’d be stronger in the morning.
Pet names and kisses like this weren’t something you were expecting to receive again so soon. It had been discussed, and you had both agreed to try and take things slow. A fresh start, of sorts. While you were used to him calling you dear, it was a term he used frequently toward other residents as well.
Sweetheart was… special.
Which he no doubt knew. Most likely saying it when he did so he could press up and relish your rapid heart like you were none the wiser.
“I know, I know,” he conceded, his words muffled by your skin. Inadvertently kissing you more due to the sheer proximity of his lips to your chest. Feeling closer to you now than he had during intimacy.
And, admittedly, cuddling in bed wasn’t exactly what you’d call taking it slow. But by the time you had finished talking — and making out on the loveseat — the two of you were so exhausted that letting him spend the night had seemed innocent enough. Like platonically sharing a bed with a friend. Though that’s not a word you would use to describe what Alastor was to you.
More than friends, not quite lovers. Beholden to each other all the same.
“Which is why I’ll only do this… for now.”
Alastor’s words and the warning, low tone of his voice hardly registered before you felt his tongue lap at the valley between your breasts, leaving a scorching trail in its wake that made your breath hitch. The soft groan from his open mouth right over your heart only making it beat harder, pleading for more of him. His large palm splayed against your back as he pressed you against his lips to nestle and kiss and suck, as if trying to pull the frantic organ through your skin through desire alone. You gasped as the light prick of his nails between your shoulders sent a fresh shiver down your spine, ending in a warm bloom between your hips as you curled into his touch. His responding needy hum as he grazed you with his teeth making you whimper.
Stronger in the morning…
“You’re not playing fair,” you complained, but it was a pathetic attempt at a scolding. You didn’t really want him to stop. Alastor’s responding chuckle told you that he knew it, too. The sound of it making your heart ache, and you were unable to suppress the small whine from behind your closed lips as he nipped and licked at your collarbone. “I missed you so much.”
You barely managed to finish speaking when he moved up to kiss you properly, slow and sweet, hand leaving your back to cradle the crown of your head. Melting into his touch, you moaned as his tongue entered your mouth; gentle and hot, coaxing whimpers and gasps from both of you as you tangled your fingers in his hair to keep him close.
“I missed you, too,” he said quietly, nudging your nose with his.
Tears fell unbidden as Alastor caressed and kissed the lingering bruises from his bite, seemingly determined to make them disappear through sheer willpower. Every little touch — administered or received — was comforting in a way that you feared would leave you insatiable, but the thought that formed in your mind through the haze of affection was a reassuring one.
This was eternity.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
“Fess up, toots.” Angel plopped down on a chair across from you, gleaming as he rested his head in his hands and leaned forward conspiratorially. “You’re havin’ all kinds of sleepovers now, huh?”
You nearly dropped the mug in your hands from the sudden question, and quickly looked around to see if anyone else had overheard. Not that the reconciliation was going to be secret — which would have been impossible to pull off anyway, considering how much the two of you had been moping around the hotel — but you had hoped to at least make it through the morning with the knowledge kept to yourselves.
“That was you at the door last night, I’m assuming?” The nonchalance you were aiming for just enough to get a laugh from him. “What did you say to him anyway?”
“Just that I was checkin’ up on my girl — which he did not appreciate me callin’ ya, by the way — after missin’ the big night out. I hope I didn’t send him to bed too mad.” Judging by the smug look on Angel’s face, he knew that Alastor definitely had returned to bed at least a little ruffled. “Buuut after I heard ya wakin’ up I figured I’d save the teasin’ for another day.”
“And you started bright and early,” you quipped, unable to help the smile tugging at your lips as you went back to preparing the breakfast tray.
“Well ya ain’t exactly bein’ subtle, what with the two mugs and all,” Angel taunted, jerking his head in the tray’s direction, “but jokes aside… I’m glad you were able to patch things up with Smiles. Who woulda thought all it’d take was an empty hotel, huh?” He gave you a wink and you narrowed your eyes at the suggestion, but he cut you off before you could even begin to ask the question forming in your mind. “Look, I gotta run, but I’m expectin’ a full report when I get back from work, capisce? Oh! Speakin’a which — guess who’s supposed to be on set tomorrow?”
It was your turn to laugh. “It’s about time that lazy bitch went back to work. Making the rest of you pick up the slack is just rude.”
You both snickered as you added the finishing touches on the tray, rounding out the coffee with some croissants and fruit. It definitely paid to be in the Princess’ circle; grapes in particular were very hard to come by. There wasn’t much time to relish in your mirth with Angel before you felt a cool, slinking tendril climb up your leg. Alastor’s shadow soon emerging over your shoulder to glare at your friend and whine in your ear.
Angel put all four of his hands up in mock defeat and pushed away from the table. “Duty calls, I get it,” he chuckled and gave you a knowing look, popping a grape from the tray into his mouth before making his way out of the kitchen. “Make sure the boss man knows ya got plans for tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you called after him, glancing behind you as the shadow growled at the spot where Angel Dust had been. Its face reverted back to sullenness when you pursed your lips, admonishing him with only a look. Any lingering irritation dissolved as it tugged at your sleeve, urging you back upstairs, and you conceded with a sigh. “You wouldn’t even be here to come get me if it wasn’t for Angel, you know. I expect you to be nicer next time.”
The shadow nodded its head and pulled on you again, its phantom grin quickly returning when you picked up the tray and began to walk back to the elevators. Baseless hostility toward Angel aside, it was hard not to smile as you watched it flitter across the floor; pausing every few feet to materialize and look back, ensuring you were right behind it. If your theories about this creature were right, it was merely acting as an extension of the demon you were making your way back to, and he was apparently quite eager for your return. A warm rush of pride left your body tingling at the thought.
Then again… it wouldn’t do well for the two of you to be late to your sudden appointment with Rosie. Who, according to Alastor, was very anxious to see you both and had something special planned that he had nothing to do with.
Yeah, right…
When you entered your room, you found Alastor at the loveseat still lounging in his pajamas and you scoffed, “That was a lot of urgency from someone who hasn’t gotten dressed yet.”
“Well, I had to do something. Our mutual friend was getting you off-track. I thought we took the same pleasure in this morning routine of ours, but perhaps I’m mistaken?” Alastor’s tone was light, his smile teasing as he watched the blush burn your face.
You cleared your throat as you took a seat next to him after setting down the tray and decided to change the subject. What point was there in admitting what he already knew?
“Rumor has it that Donny’s finally scheduled back to work tomorrow,” you said conversationally, helping yourself to some of the fruit.
Alastor’s eyebrows shot up in surprise before his face lit up in a hearty laugh; the ebullient sound of it making the mark he had left over your heart radiate with fondness. His face sharpened with that menacing, debonair grin as he looked down at you while you poured his coffee.
“Took him long enough to pull himself together, didn’t it? You did do quite a number on him, darling.”
You hummed, pleased with the proud look he gave you, and passed him the mug; a shock running through you as your fingers touched. Silly, considering how you had been pressed together all evening… not to mention all the other marks he left that matched the one currently throbbing between your breasts.
Even in life, you never could have imagined something like this. Sitting in the parlor with a suitor, giggling over coffee and breakfast after an evening of whispering sweet nothings between kisses. It would be foolish to think a peace like this could last forever, but this was the afterlife. Wasn’t peace the absolution from mortality and its fickleness? As you watched Alastor sip his coffee, his free hand absently massaging the back of your neck as he hummed along to the radio, you couldn’t help but think so.
Peace, friendship, sanctuary, love, and power.
Hell wasn’t what you had expected it to be. It was home.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
ps: a special shoutout to my darlings @hazelfoureyes and @sugoi-writes for giving me their shoulders to lean on while i worked on this final chapter. you both have listened to me ramble off ideas and scenarios and have supported me with such patience and grace… i don’t know how i’ll ever repay you but i will never stop trying!
pps: i do have plans for an epilogue, but don’t have a timeline on it just yet… stay tuned 😌💖
tag list: @fairyv-ice, @wat4r, @midorichoco, @raynerrold, @krak-jj, @tremendoushearttaco, @redfoxwritesstuff, @chibistar45, @kaylopolis, @cutiebimbo, @lousypotatoes, @rfox1998, @cosmiccandydreamer, @stardustandbrimstone, @cherry-cola-100, @wonderlandangelsposts , @catticora, @velvette3, @sailorsmouth, @alastorthirsty, @reath-solia, @junieshohoho, @cxrsedwxrlds, @fraugwinska, @littlebluefishtail, @nxcxllxsevens, @swagkittybear
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel fan fiction#alastor hazbin hotel#alastor the radio demon#alastor x reader#x reader#alastor x female reader#alastor smut#hazbin hotel smut#song fic#if i can't have love i want power#love and power#slow burn#hazbin hotel slow burn
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Pairing : Dad!Lee Minho x F!Reader TW : none really ; reader isn't from Korea though ; 1 child ; fluff! ; Word Count : 1.2k Request : nope! A/N : still being extremely fluffy. Gonna call this the Snippets of Life mini series because I kind of want to do all the guys... I hope you are all still here. I missed you my amazing internet family!!
“You’re up late.” Minho commented as soon as he answered the facetime call from you, stifling his laughter when he saw you roll your eyes. “The little rascal hasn’t adjusted to the jet lag yet, has she?” He questioned when he heard the twinkling sound of his daughter laughing in the background.
As much as he tried to pretend to the guys that he was enjoying the little bit of time that he had to hang out with them and fully throw himself into his work while you were out of the country visiting your family, he missed you and his daughter dearly. “It’s 4 in the morning… I haven’t gotten a wink of sleep yet.” You groaned, dropping your head into the pillow and letting out a loud sigh. “She’s been looking for you non stop though, I think she misses you.”
Those words had Minhos heart swelling, and his fingers threatening to go online and buy the first ticket out of Korea so he could be there with you and his baby girl. “Where is she?” He asked, trying to look around the phone screen, as if moving his own head would give him a better view of the room you were in.
“She’s currently glued to the television screen…” You said, and he could hear how tired you were and he wished that he could help you, but he felt quite useless as a father and a fiance from behind the screen. “I had to put on a playlist of all of your fancams, she’s been watching them all day.”
He never would have thought that his daughter would miss him so much. From the moment she was born she was practically glued to your hip, but to hear that she missed him so much had his eyes glossing over with tears. He never thought he’d miss the two of you so much either. “Maybe I can talk to her… You can let her hold the phone while you get some rest?” He offered, and at this point you were willing to try anything.
“Mimi honey…” You cooed, catching the attention of your daughter. “Dada is on the phone, you wanna say hi?” You asked, and in an instant she was running over and climbing onto the bed, snatching your phone out of your hand and holding it up to her face.
“Appa!” She cheered, her tiny toothed smile stretching across her face as she waved one of her hands to the screen. “You on tv too, look!” She said, turning the camera in the direction of the television screen so Minho could see.
“I know, but I want to see you right now, appa misses you a bunch.” He said softly, his heart clenching knowing that this was the only way he could see his daughter right now, that he wasn’t able to hold her or hug her. It was only a couple days, but times like this made it feel like forever. “You letting momma sleep?” He asked, and he watched her big brown eyes glance over at your passed out form before her head nodded the affirmative.
“It night but my eyes not sleepy yet… I try to sleep, but my eyes say… they say wake up!” She explained and then sighed loudly, her tiny hand moving to her head as she shook it. “I not know what wrong… It crazy!” She continued, and Minho snorted softly, taking a silent moment to adore his daughter and the way she seemed just like you and just like him at the same time, picking up on both of your mannerisms so well in the short 4 years since she had been born.
“It’s hard, isn’t it booboo? You don’t have to go to sleep yet… You can stay on the phone with appa, but you gotta let mommy sleep. She’s really tired.” Minho explained, and your daughters unsteady camera hand allowed him a quick glimpse of you, your lips turned up into a small smile as you dozed peacefully beside her. “Are you having fun?”
The conversation continued on for another two hours, he even got to watch the sunrise through the window behind the bed as he sat on the phone. “I think I sleepy now…” She mumbled, her little lips forming a small o before turning to a pout. “But you not here… What about if I have a bad dream?” And now Minho was pouting once again, his bottom lip jutted out at the thought of not being able to chase away whatever monsters might try to scare his baby.
“What if I sing for you? Will that help keep the bad dreams away?” He asked, his voice softer now as it got later in Korea. She nodded her head fast before getting comfortable against the pillows and pulling the blanket up around her. “You comfy?” He asked, and she gave him a thumbs up before setting the phone down beside her, the view of his daughter now replaced with a still image of the ceiling that was painted orange in the early light of morning.
He sang softly, lullabies that he had heard you singing to her late at night when she was a newborn while rocking her back to sleep. Songs that he had come up with on the spot the moment he first held her in his arms. Lyrics of a love that only a father could know for his child. So many songs, but he didn’t mind, it felt like time had stood still as he listened to the soft breaths coming from his sleeping daughter beside the phone.
“Good morning…” Came your voice, still groggy and laced with sleep. “Did she just now go to sleep?” You questioned, carefully grabbing the phone from beside your daughter's head and bringing into view your half awake face that Minho fell in love with the first time he had spent the night with you and only seemed to love even more each time he seen it.
“Mmhm… And you should go back to sleep… You’ve only had 2 hours of rest, love. You need more.” He quietly proposed the idea, hoping that you’d agree to it. “I’m gonna go to sleep too… The bed is going to feel really empty without you in it though.”
“Two more days and we’ll both be home…” You reminded him with a tired smile, brushing your fingers along the phone screen, wishing you were able to touch him. “I miss you so much…” You tiredly admitted, and Minho could only hum in agreement, knowing that if he opened his mouth to speak the words he’d get teared up again.
“Get some sleep, love. Give my Mimi kisses from me… I’ll call you when I wake up… I love you.” After a short moment of silence, just the two of you staring longingly at each other through the phone screen, the call was ended. The screen went black, but he tapped it once more to see his lockscreen, an image of the three of you together. In two more days it would be like that again… But next time you leave the country to visit family, he’ll be sure to take a couple days off so he can go with you.
Perm. Taglist : @whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin @his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67 @randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @its-hannjisung @lixpixstix @felixluvr915 @wordsofkpop @kayleigh-28 @szkstay @spnwinchestersd @fleatree @yehsehneeah @vampcharxter @iloveksmohsomuch @lvlnijiro @neteyamsmate4life
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Tolerate It
A/N: I think I might make a part 2 to this... if you guys would want that lmk!
Summary: After a mission gone wrong, Bucky shuts you out. (Based on Tolerate It by Taylor Swift)
Warnings: sad, Bucky is kind of an ass, angst,
It started a few months ago when a mission went wrong. You watched helplessly as the Winter Soldier trigger words were spoken in Bucky’s ear. You screamed and cried, begging and hoping that the deprogramming he had gone through had really stuck. You saw him shift for only a minute before he regained control. But you saw it. That cold emptiness in his eyes was terrifying.
You tried to comfort him as best you could afterwards. You cooked him all of his favorite meals, decorating the table with flowers and the nicest plates you owned, hoping that maybe it would bring just a tiny bit of excitement back to his life. You tried to make everything as easy as possible for him, washing every single dish in the sink, doing his laundry, you just wanted him to focus on feeling better. But the things that happened on that mission had shaken him and it wasn’t something that your affection could fix.
Every time though, he would notice the meal on the table and walk right by you without even saying a word. He saw his laundry, clean and folded in the drawers, and would only respond by giving you an empty look. You knew he was going through a hard time but eventually, you started to believe that it was your fault. He didn’t love you anymore. He just tolerated you.
You gave him space, hoping and praying that eventually he’d be okay. That the light inside of him would turn back on and he would go back to the man you had given your heart to. But life doesn't work like that.
Nothing had returned to normal, even now. Bucky was functioning again, going on missions, hanging out with Steve and Sam, but with you, he was different. Gone was the loving man who would tear down buildings for you. You barely even saw him. He’d leave in the morning before you were awake and come back long after you went to sleep, stumbling in drunk and passing out on the couch. The two of you hadn’t exchanged more than a few words a day for months. And it was breaking you apart.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Being in this limbo where you were his yet you weren’t. Part of you wished he’d just break up with you so that you could try to move on. You’d never have the heart to leave him.
It was 3am. You were wide awake and based on the sound of the TV out in the living room, you knew he was, too. You got out of bed and wrapped your blanket around yourself before making your way out to the living room. Bucky was seated on the couch, eyes on the TV screen but not really watching it.
You tentatively sat down, waiting for his mouth to open to tell you to go away. “Buck,” you said quietly, reaching your hand out to take his. He flinched when he felt your flesh graze his, quickly pulling away. “Bucky, please,” you pleaded. You wanted to hug him so badly. You needed to feel him and hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay.
But he didn’t respond to you. He just continued to stare ahead. You sat with him for a while, just relieved that he wasn’t telling you to leave. That counted for something, right?
“You should get some sleep,” he eventually said. He didn’t actually care about how much sleep you got. He just wanted you to go away.
Wordlessly, you got up and left, crying yourself to sleep alone once again. You couldn’t help but blame yourself. Bucky could talk to Steve and Sam and all of the other Avengers but he didn’t wanna talk to you. You were too overbearing. You talked too much. You were too young for him. Never smart enough. You’d never make him happy. But you couldn’t let him go.
The next day, Bucky was working in his office, the door shut and locked. You knocked softly, afraid to disturb him, but you couldn’t do this anymore. You constantly felt like you were drowning, unable to get a full breath of air in. “Bucky? P-please, can you let me in?”
You heard a sigh and footsteps as he approached, opening the door. He looked at you, eyes full of that same coldness that you had grown accustomed to. “What?”
You took a deep breath and tried to steady your shaking hands. You missed how things used to be when at the slightest sign of your anxiety he would scoop you into his arms, hugging you tight and telling you that everything would be okay. But now, he stared at your trembling body and did nothing. “I-I can’t keep doing this anymore. I need you to let me in. I need you to talk to me.” Tears fell from your eyes as soon as you started speaking. You really didn’t wanna cry but you couldn’t help it. Every time he looked at you with that empty stare, you felt like your whole body was ripping into a thousand pieces.
“I don’t wanna talk to you,” he said, emotionless.
“Did I do something? I- I just-”
“Y/N, just stop it, okay? I said I don’t wanna talk to you!” He yelled.
You were taken aback. Half of you was expecting him to hug you, telling you how sorry he was for yelling. But he didn’t. He just stood, chest heaving and anger on his face. “You don’t mean that,” you said through gritted teeth.
“Yes, I do. I don’t wanna talk to you and I don’t wanna see you,” he answered before slamming the door in your face.
And you broke. You slid down the wall, unable to keep yourself up any longer. You knew for a fact that he could hear your sobs from the other side of the door but he didn’t come to comfort you. This man, the man that you loved, the man who you thought loved you, was letting you cry alone. Was letting you cry because of him. And he didn’t even care.
Eventually, you picked yourself up and made your way to your room. You crawled into his side of the bed, trying to take in the faint remnants of his comforting scent. You sobbed for hours until you fell asleep.
You were awoken by the rustling of clothes. “Bucky?” you said groggily, seeing the outline of his figure moving through the room.
“I’m going to Steve’s. I’ll come get the rest of my stuff later this week.” Each word punctured a hole in your chest. Why couldn’t you have just been enough?
“Bucky, please don’t do this,” you whispered, fighting your hardest to not cry again. But even if you did, he wouldn’t care, “Please, just talk to me.”
“Y/N, stop it.” His words were so robotic. “Just stop it. It’s done. We’re done.”
You wanted to hole up in your bed forever. You wanted to sleep away the pain and wake up years later when maybe the ache of him missing in your chest had shrunk. But you couldn’t. Because you were a superhero. And people’s lives didn’t stop needing saving because you felt like you were dying.
So you pulled yourself out of bed. Forced yourself to head to the tower a week later when Steve called for an emergency meeting. You hadn’t slept or eaten, weight loss and dark circles giving you the illusion of a zombie. You didn’t have the energy to put on real clothes. You stayed in what had become your uniform: sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt.
As if the world was playing a cruel joke on you, the second you got off the elevator, you were face to face with Bucky. You swallowed hard, waiting for him to say something. Anything. But he didn’t. He just looked at you, taking in how unwell you looked. How even in the week since he’d been gone, your frame had shrunk. He saw it. He noticed it. He just didn’t care.
“Why don’t we go undercover?” You suggested as a strategy for the mission that Steve was briefing you all for.
Bucky scoffed at your comment. “That’s like asking to get killed. God, do you ever use your brain?”
His comment hit you hard. But instead of only the blinding pain you had been feeling since he left, you also felt angry. How could this man who claimed to love you for so long speak to you that way?
You glared up at him. Even if you did die on this mission, would he even care? “I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Steve shot you a look. “Y/N, come on. Not now.”
“What, Steve? I’m just saying what he’s thinking!” You were almost laughing as you spoke, the emotions of the situation becoming too much to handle.
Bucky stood up from his seat. “I can’t do this. Steve, just fill me in later.” He slammed the door as he left.
The meeting ended but you couldn’t find the strength to move. You just sat in your chair staring mindlessly at the ground.
“Y/N,” Steve said, calmly approaching you. “I know going through a break-up is hard.”
Is that really all that he thought this was? Just a break-up? Sure, you were experiencing the gut-wrenching heartbreak of no longer being Bucky’s girlfriend but you were also filled with so much self-loathing. You felt completely unlovable. You genuinely thought that if you disappeared from the face of the earth, not a single person would miss you.
“Steve, what did Bucky tell you?” You asked. You knew Steve well enough to know that he wouldn’t dismiss the way you felt if he knew everything that was really going on.
“What do you mean? He told me what happened. He said you guys got into a fight and you ended it.”
His words shocked you. Bucky was trying to blame you? He didn’t even give a fuck about what everyone else thought of you and your character? You couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that what he fucking told you? That I ended it? That we broke up in one night after one fight?”
Steve stared at you, confused. He didn’t know that there was a whole other side to the story. Your side. The truth. “Y/N, is that not what happened?”
“No, that’s not what fucking happened, Steve!” You were losing it, both crying and laughing at the same time. “He hasn’t talked to me for months! Not since that mission where they used the trigger words. He doesn’t look at me, doesn’t speak to me… he was sleeping on the couch! I gave him his space. And when I tried to talk to him again, he left. He fucking left. So no, Steve, that is not what happened.”
He stared in your direction and you thought he was looking at you but really, he was looking at the door where Bucky stood. “Thought you could fill me in on what I missed,” he said, not even looking at you or acknowledging what he had just overheard.
Steve was speechless for a second, not knowing what to do. “Um, yeah,” he finally spoke. “Let’s go.” Him and Bucky left the room leaving you once again, alone.
You cried alone in the boardroom for a while. As you were leaving the tower, you heard voices from down the hallway, yelling.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Captain America’s frustrated voice echoed down the hall to your ears. “She did nothing wrong, Buck. Why would you do that to her?”
“Steve, you don’t understand, okay?” Bucky responded. His voice sounded like…no. It couldn’t be possible. He couldn’t be crying.
“Then make me understand! Did you see her? Did you see how broken she looked? Do you not even care? I don’t get it, Buck. A week before that mission you were browsing engagement rings. And then you just…” he sighed. “Bucky that girl loves you more than anyone ever will.”
“I know, Steve,” Bucky said sternly.
“She would do anything for you. She would-”
“Steve, I said I know!” Bucky’s voice rang out. Your heart raced as you listened. “I know she would. And I would do the same for her. That’s why-” his voice broke. “That’s why I had to do this.”
Your head was spinning. He had abandoned you, froze you out, made you feel like absolute shit because he loved you?
There was a minute of silence before Bucky continued speaking. “What if I hurt her, Steve?” His voice sounded so soft. It was a tone you hadn’t heard from him in months. It made your heart ache. “The trigger words…they worked, you know. Only for a minute but…they worked.”
“That’s why you did this?” You said, stepping out from your hiding place and making your presence known.
Bucky’s face went white as he saw you. He wanted nothing more than to run to you, to take you in his arms. It was all he had wanted for months but he couldn’t do it. He had to protect you from himself. “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” he said, his tone still soft.
“Too fucking bad, Bucky. I did hear it,” you retorted.
“I’m gonna give you guys some privacy…” Steve said, walking out of the room and leaving you alone with the man who had ripped your heart to shreds over the past few months.
“Y/N, I had to protect you,” Bucky said.
You scoffed. You didn’t know how to feel in this moment. You were devastated by the way you had been treated. You were angry at him for putting you through this. But you also just wanted him back. Your Bucky. The way he was speaking to you, looking at you, it reminded you of before everything had been blown to bits. “I don’t need your protection. But I did need you! Bucky, do you know how horrible you made me feel? I felt like you never loved me! That I would never be good enough! I felt like a placeholder until you found someone better! You did that. You did this to me.”
Tears fell from his eyes as he listened. “When they used those trigger words…I wanted to kill you. The Winter Soldier wanted to kill you. Do you understand that? I wasn’t in control. I didn’t know that it was you, the love of my life, standing in front of me. All I knew was that you were a mission. And I wouldn’t have hesitated to kill you.”
“So you decided to treat me like fucking garbage? Bucky, do you know how many nights I spent alone in our bed, crying myself to sleep because my boyfriend made me feel worthless?”
“I know, I know,” he wiped his tears. “I heard you every time. And God, Y/N, it broke my heart. I was crying with you. I wanted nothing more than to get into bed and wrap my arms around you.”
“So why didn’t you?” You said, hot tears streaming down your cheeks now.
“I thought that you’d eventually realize I wasn’t good enough for you. I was waiting for you to end it. To give up on me like so many other people have. But you never did and I-I couldn’t keep living every second terrified that I would hurt you.”
You shook your head. “I would never give up on you. I was never going to give up on you.”
“Please forgive me. I miss you so much, I don’t know what to do. I fucked it all up.”
You were at a crossroads. You wanted so badly to forgive him. To say that you understood. And part of you did, but you also couldn’t forget the way he had made you feel for so long. So isolated and lonely.
“I need some time, Bucky,” you said before walking out of the room, leaving the love of your life crying on the sofa.
#bucky barnes#sebastian stan#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes imagine#bucky x reader#bucky x y/n#marvel imagine#bucky barnes fanfiction#james bucky barnes#marvel#bucky barnes angst#sebastian stan imagine#bucky fanfic#sad bucky#james buchanan barnes#james bucky buchanan barnes#avengers#captain america#mcu#the avengers#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barns x reader#bucky barns fanfiction#bucky barns imagine#bucky barns x y/n#sebastian stan x you#sebastian stan x reader
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creeps x chubby reader!!
characters: “Ticci” Toby, Eyeless Jack, & Homicidal Liu
TW’s: none!! just fluff and a GN reader
AN: i had a lot of fun writing this one!! only doing 3 characters for now tho, i may or may not do a pt. 2 if y’all want more!! 
“Ticci” Toby
he’s my favorite and i’m chubby so ofc i’ve got hc’s!!
i think he’s the kind of guy to want a chubbier partner
he probably says “more meat, more to love”
if you’ve got tit’s, he allllll over ‘em /nsi
he’s just a tit guy, what’ca gonna do 🤷♀️
wear a crop/ tank top in front of him and he just might pass out
if you ever feel bad about being bigger, he will immediately be there for you
whatever you want, you’ll get
you guys usually sleep with Toby’s head in your chest and your head on top of his. all while wrapping your arms all over each other
he just loves to hold you <3
he’s so obsessed with you please
Eyeless Jack
he really doesn’t understand why you don’t like it or why you would hate it at all
“im so big ugh”
“just because your a little bit bigger doesn’t change the fact that you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever laid my eyes on”
he thinks your too hard on yourself about it 🫤
always asks if you ate cuz he know you struggle that just a little bit because of ur size
literally such a good cook too
please let him make you dinner, trust me. it will be the best meal you’ll have for a while
loves loves loves lovesssss ur thighs. they’re just like pillows and he could sleep on them anytime
EJ, most of the time, sleeps with you on top of him. he loves the weight on top of him, theres just something so comforting about it
you usually roll off of him while asleep, he wakes up and immediately pulls you into his chest
such a sweet demon he is
Homicidal Liu
kinda like EJ and Toby combined
he loves that ur chubby (obsessed with it)
he’s also a tit lover but Toby is more obvious with it, Liu is more secretive about it
whenever ya’ll are out in public, he’ll sneak a lil look at them but alone he will be all over ‘em
like EJ, he really doesn’t understand why you hate being a bit bigger because he loves it so much
he will comfort you as long as you need if you’re feeling insecure <3
all morning? all afternoon? all night? all day? all week? better bet your ass he’ll be there
Liu’s favorite way of sleeping with you is him on top of you with his head on your chest, one hand cupping your boob
he really doesn’t wanna sleep any other way
such a wonderful man you gotten yourself
hope ya’ll enjoy this one!! more to come soon, i swear 🤞🤞 love ya!!! have a good day/night <3
#creepypasta#ticci toby#eyeless jack#homicidal liu#creepypasta x reader#ticci toby x reader#eyeless jack x reader#homicidal liu x reader#x reader#max writes
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You've always been an outdoor person. You're a camper, a hiker, an explorer. You feel at home in this forest; miles upon miles of trees in every direction, the only hints of civilization a handful of campgrounds and the odd ranger station. Years of experience have made you comfortable here, in the cool, quiet air.
Maybe too comfortable.
It's late morning when you first notice someone behind you on the trail. You don't see them when you look back. You just their footsteps, the sound of cracking twigs and crunching leaves. You expect them to pass you, as you're taking a pretty leisurely pace, but the footsteps always seem to be about 20 feet behind you. You start to get annoyed. This person's thousand-pound feet are ruining your nice, quiet walk. You step to the side of the trail and wait the person to pass.
And so do they.
That makes you nervous. You start walking again, and they walk with you. You stop, they stop. You begin to think you might be in trouble. Careful to keep the noise at you front, you take the folded trail map out of your pocket and begin to scan it. There's a ranger station not far ahead; if you can just make it that far, you might be safe.
You break into a brisk walk, and your pursuer keeps pace. This trail was made intentionally with a lot bends in it, so each hiker or group of hikers could feel like the wilderness was their own, without running into many other people. It means your pursuer can stay relatively close to you without ever entering your line of sight. You're close now, you recognize the little footbridge over this creek, so you break into a run, skidding on mud and dried leaves as you make a mad dash for safety. The footsteps crash through the forest behind you, and you're too afraid to turn around but you're sure they're gaining on you. You see the ranger station up ahead, a little log cabin with a green door, and you practically fly up the front steps, through the unlocked door. You slam it shut behind you and throw the deadbolt, sliding down the door in a mess of exhaustion and nerves.
The ranger station consists of a single room, with a ladder up to a small loft space where the ranger sleeps. You were hoping to find help, but the ranger isn't here at the moment. That's okay. Just the locked door on its own makes you feel a lot better. You listen intently for any sound outside, but all you hear is birdsong, and wind through the trees.
Then someone is trying to turn the door handle. The sound makes you jump, but you try to stay brave. You're still safe. They can't get in.
You hear a man's voice on the other side of the door. "Hello?"
You summon your courage and call back. "Leave me alone! What do you want from me?"
The voice sounds surprised. "I...I don't want anything from you ma'am. It's just...well, you're kind of in my office." You get to your hands and knees and crawl to the front window, just peeking over the sill. Outside is a flustered looking man in a ranger uniform. Relief floods your body. You let him in.
"Thank god," he says. "I'm not supposed to leave the station unlocked, I thought at first some teenagers had gotten in here and...hey, what's wrong?" He's seen the look in your eyes, the way you're still panting, the state of your hair. You explain to him about the footsteps, the chase through the woods, how you hid here for safety. His eyes grow wider with your every word. "Shit, that's terrible. Drink some water, get yourself hydrated while I check around out there." He offers you his canteen. You begin to tell him you have your own water, but he waves you off. "No, no, I can't let you use your own rations. I've got extra water reserves here just for unprepared hikers, I won't run out. Please."
You take the canteen and drink, sitting on a hard folding chair while the ranger goes back outside. Now that you think about it, you're actually incredibly thirsty. You finish off the ranger's canteen, and feel a little bad about it, but he seemed insistent that you should have it.
You're exhausted. It had already been a long day of hiking, and then you went and spent the rest of your energy running through the forest. You were probably overreacting, you think as your eyelids begin to droop. Maybe it was just an illusion, your own footsteps somehow echoed back to you by the forest. In the warmth and safety of the ranger station, the fear you felt before seems almost silly.
Your limbs feel sluggish and disconnected. Your head seems to be full of rocks. Your eyelids fall closed, and you're out before you hit the floor.
You come to little by little, slowly becoming aware of several odd sensation at once. The first thing you notice is that you feel good. Incredible, actually. You're having trouble wrapping your head around why exactly—you're having trouble putting thoughts together, connecting raw sensation to ideas or meanings. But you like how you're feeling, you know that much.
There's more to it though, because you also hurt, which you don't like. There's something rough pressing up against your back, and your arms and legs are sore. You're cold, too, colder than you've been in a long time, and a cool wind stings your bare skin. Why is your skin bare?
You open your eyes. You're in a forest clearing, a place you recognize. It's a popular camping spot, secluded but not far from the trail. You're on a tree—tied to it, you realize, that's the rough thing on your back, and the reason you're so sore. Coils of rope around your wrists are pulling your arms up and behind you, like you're giving the tree a backwards hug. Something similar is happening with your legs, and a rope across your throat is keeping you from pointing your head down.
You are naked.
The ranger is there, leaning into you, and for a confused moment you think he's trying to untie you, but then the whole picture suddenly falls into place. He is raping you, slowly and indulgently, moaning openly as he slides cock up and down, in and out of your pussy. Fear jolts you awake, your fight-or-flight response taking control, but you you have no way to fight and now means of fleeing. You begin to scream, thrashing against your bonds, but they're solid and secure. You're not going anywhere.
"Oh good you're...oh!...awake," says the ranger, still inside you. "I have to tell you, I thought you looked cute when I decided to follow you, but I had no idea you'd be this...o...oh, fuck...this good. I think you've got the tightest little cunt I've ever fucked."
Just because that pleasurable feeling isn't wanted anymore doesn't mean it's going away. With every thrust of the ranger's cock, the feeling builds inside you, threatening to spill over. "Please," you whimper. You can't cum, not here, not to this. "Please stop, let me go."
The ranger grins and looks at you. He gives you an extra deep thrust and you moan in spite of yourself, your muscles contracting and your pussy tightening around him. "Why would I...oh, fuck that's good...why would I stop when you're clearly enjoying this just as much as I am?"
Tears stream down your face. You can't control it now. Waves of tension wash your body, each one making you seize tighter, arching your back, straining your bonds. As the final wave crashes over you the ranger gives one last moan and buries his face in your neck, his cum seeming to warm your shivering body from the inside. You go limp, wobbly, all the tension draining from your body with the cum that spills forth as he withdraws his cock.
The ranger buckles up his pants and leans over, hands on his knees, panting. "Fuck, girl. I can't just keep that cunt to myself. People need to know!" He goes behind you somewhere, and you can hear leaves rustle. When he comes back he holds a stake in his hand: a signpost, with a printed metal sign attached. He shows it to you:
Elk Trail Cum Dump
The park thanks you for your patronage. Feel free to use this receptacle as you see fit.
"I had this made up a few years back." Says the ranger as he hammers it into the ground in front of you. "We've had a handful of cum dumps, but I'll tell you what, you're definitely the best." He looks you up and down, then steps forward and sticks his middle and index fingers up inside you. You tighten reflexively, and he whistles. "Fuuuck me that's good! Alright, I'll probably be back tonight with some friends. New cum dump always attracts some attention. Stay tight, honey." He gives your cheek a little slap and walks away.
It hurts for a while. The bark against your skin. The ropes digging into you. Your shoulders, supporting your weight for so long. But after your sixth hour or so it all just fades into a general, dispassionate numbness.
People walk by sometimes. You hear them on the trail and call out for help. They come, usually but they don't help. A pair of young women laugh and take selfies with their fingers in your pussy. And old man rapes you breathlessly while is wife rolls her eyes and laughs good-naturedly. A middle aged woman with a big backpack says she's going to help you out, which turns out to mean producing a vibrator and giving you the most mind-melting, earth-shattering orgasm of your life, before saying a polite goodbye and leaving you tied up.
When your bladder gets full you just piss right there. It's not a bad way to do it, really; with your legs pulled back like this, you manage not to get much on you. You're a little more concerned about what happens when you need to shit, but you suppose there's a chance you can hold it until you die of hunger or thirst.
A man with a bushy beard gives you a long look before leaving and coming back with a long branch, one end whittled barkless and smooth. He inserts the smooth end into your pussy and sets the other end on the ground, held up only by your natural grip. He instructs you to bounce up and down on it while he masturbates. It's a little thick for you, but it actually feels pretty good, and you try to put on a good show for him as thanks. He lets you keep in there when he leaves, as a way to pass the hours.
You fall asleep just as the sun is setting. You find if you rest your head against the tree just so, you can relax without it falling forward and choking you on the rope across your neck. When you wake again it's full night, and someone has built a little fire in a circle of stones. A dozen or so men are lounging around, laughing, chatting, drinking beers out of a cooler. And raping you of course, but you barely even notice that now. All it really means to you is that someone took away your nice stick.
The ranger is among the men, though he's out of uniform. He raises a beer to you when he sees you're awake. "Welcome back to the land of the living! My buddies here are loving that little pussy of yours."
"You shouldn't have open flames out here," you croak, your throat dry. "You could start a...a...ah! Forest fire." Your sentence is interrupted when the man currently inside you does a strange sort of twisting thing you don't quite understand, and the jolt of pleasure takes you by surprise.
"Ah, fuck you," says the ranger. "Which of us here is the park ranger and which is the cum dump? I know my way around a fire."
"If you say so," you say as the man adds another load of cum to your collection.
He's drunk, you can tell. They're all a little drunk, their words a little slurred, their movements a little wobbly. As the next guy slides into you, you nod at the bottle in his hand. "Hey, let me get a little of that." He holds the bottle up to your lips obligingly, and while most of it splashes down your chin and across your breasts, you get a few good swigs in. It's a party, after all.
When everyone's had their turn on you the boys decide to play a game called "Hide the Herring," which turns out to consist of everyone scattering to find objects, and then taking turns trying to fit them inside you, the winner being the one with the largest object that manages to fit completely inside you. You get several different rocks, some sticks, big chunk of frozen together ice cubes, One guy tries to fit a full, unopened bottle of beer in you, fat end first. It stretches you almost to your limit but he manages, with a bit of clitoral stimulation, to get it all the way up to the neck. He says, "if you can hold on to it for ten seconds you can drink the whole thing," and you agree gamely to give it a try. He takes his hand away and the whole crowd counts down as you clench around this bottle, harder to do when you can't close your legs. You can feel it slipping, little by little, but when the count reaches zero it's still there, and you let it slip out into its owner's waiting hands. He cracks it open and holds it to your mouth, and you close your lips around it. You don't want to lost any like last time. The group is so impressed by the way you open your throat and let it drain into you that they give you another, and another after that. By the end of your fourth beer you're definitely feeling the alcohol, and the last of the fear and misery of the situation falls away like the last remnants of a lizard's skin. Being the Elk Trail Cum Dump, you guess, isn't so bad after all.
The winner of Hide the Herring ends up being a full ten pack of hot dogs. The entrant opens it up, uses two of the hot dogs to pack the wrapping into your pussy, and then spends about fifteen minutes cutting the other eight into pieces and popping them, one at a time, into your asshole. There's a lot of arguing about whether using your ass is allowed, or if it still counts as one object once the package is open, but it doesn't matter to you. Being filled this full feels amazing, and you manage to convince one of the guys to fuck you with your ass stuffed like this. Chunks of hot dog pop out of your ass, two and three at a time as you cum, and he leaves you dripping, feeling warm and gooey.
You get fucked a few more times as they set up camp for the night. Everyone's cum at least once by now, so the loads are getting a little thin, but that's okay. You feel as though you are melting into the tree, becoming a part of it. When you wake tomorrow, you imagine your arms and legs will have grown into its bark, your hair becoming leaves, your heart and lungs and mind becoming wood. Nothing more than a handful of tight wet holes for hikers and campers to enjoy. With this image glowing in your mind's eye, you drift off into a contented sleep.
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Rating: Explicit.
Caine/Reader. | Fem aligned reader.
tags: fingering, body modification, aphrodisiacs.
minors dni.
Chapter 1: Escapades.
It had been about a week since you showed up, well got stuck in this digital world. Instead of wallowing in your bedroom, you decided to take a walk towards the digital lake. Trying to recreate the feeling of getting 'fresh air.'' For a moment you actually felt.. at ease until a bustling voice startled you.
"Gooood morning, Y/N!" Caine said, a little too loudly for your liking. "I hope you got all the artificial sleep you needed, because you and I are going on a very special adventure today!" Caine was floating next to you, as you hadn't stopped walking.
His announcer voice was definitely more overwhelming and somehow louder in the early hours of the morning. "Wait.. us? What kind of adventure?" The words just clicked, he doesn't.. usually go on adventures with you all.
"Worry not my dear, that's exactly where we're going now!" He exclaimed and twirled his baton until it was facing you for added dramatic effect. He wrapped his arm around your waist and much like during the tour on your first day, he yanked you into the tent in mere seconds. But in a more secluded section of the brightly colored building.
You were dizzy and holding your head as your feet were somehow on the ground now. "Wh.. Wha.."
What you didn't notice until your dizzy spell faded was the heaviness to your chest and .. other strange feeling in parts of your body you hadn't felt before. Your once "normal" body ... well— in the digital sense at least, was closer to humans now. You still had the same outfit, but now it was filled out with sizely breasts among other things.
"Caine.. what is this..? What the [censor!] did you do!?"
"Now now, what did I say about such foul language? And that my sweet little, Y/N is all going to be explained .... Right now!" He spun into the air, raising his hands to keep the dramatics up to par.
"You see, your giddy old ring master here needs entertainment of his own don't you agree!? So you will be that entertainment! And don't you worry your pretty little head, I'll even give you a head start!"
He said and snapped his fingers, and just then you felt a strange sensation course through your body, it caused your knees to buckle and body to grow immensely hot. "W.. What's going on..." You muttered, feeling heat grow between your legs and nipples growing hard against your clothes.
Caine was staring for a moment, watching you fall apart at the snap of his fingers.
He cleared his throat, "Now this should be very simple and might I say fun too! Just keep your body satiated and satisfied and the effects still eventually wear off!"
"S.. Satisfied.. you can't mean.." He wanted you to masturbate!?
"Oh , but I mean it my dear! Now chop chop!" He waved his baton and a floating chair appeared, just a few feet above the ground. Caine sat down and watched.
"You can't be s-serious.. ! I can't do that while you're.. watching!" You felt extremely self conscious , but just as he said your body was becoming increasingly hot and the urge to touch yourself only grew with every passing second. Your mind was clouding with lust and your better judgement was flying out the window.
"If I don't watch how else am I supposed to keep tally off everytime you climax my dear? It's very important to keep count!" As he spoke a chalkboard appeared next to him, also seamlessly floating in the air.
"Oh! Perhaps it'd be better if we had more company?? I could invite Zooble! Or even Jax!" He exclaimed, speaking as if this was the most normal thing in the world.
"N.. No, no!" You had to save yourself from further humiliation. You looked up, and Caine wasn't in his chair anymore.
Suddenly you felt two hands groping your chest from behind, and you yelped in surprise. Unfortunately whatever Caine did to your body was having such a strong effect that you were melting into his hands.
"See? Was that so hard dear! You just needed a little push is all!" Caine spoke from behind you, without hesitation he slipped his hand up your shirt and groped your bare breasts instead, pinching at your nipple which made your knees weak.
"C.. Caine, sensitive..!" You whined, grabbing his arm, but he didn't stop.
"That's the point im afraid! Perhaps if you started sooner you wouldn't as sensitive but! Now that I think about it I prefer it this way!" He laughed , the sound reverberating throughout the room.
Your hand seemed to move on its own, trailing towards your cunt that was already leaking. You stuck your hands in your pants and began to rub gentle circles onto your clit, it was so sensitive that your own legs closed around your hand. "Please..hha.."
Your noises were like music to his ears, causing him to 'accidentally' pull at one of your nipples rather hard, causing you to yelp and jolt in his arms.
"Whoops! Sorry my dear, seems my hands have a mind of their own today!"
He could see your hand disappearing into your pants, sensing how gentle you were being with yourself seemed to make him just a little.. agitated. "Now now, you'll have to do better than that!" One of his hands pulled itself from your shirt and instead yanked your hand from your pants. Replacing it with his own.
You were too deep in this cloud of lust, and body subsequently too weak to fight back against his advances.. not like you really wanted to anymore.—
"Ah, here we are!" He stuck two fingers inside of your wet cunt, and they slipped in with ease. He didn't take his time and immediately pumped them in and out at a rapid pace. Behind that jolly visage was an incredibly impatient man it seems.
"C.. Caine, Caine..! Hhaa! Please!" You whined and babbled out as he mercilessly fingered your hungry cunt.
"That's my name, don't wear it out my dear! Now how about a third?" He added another finger, stretching your cunt out deliciously on his fingers. Yet you still took it with ease, and after a few more pumps your body got tense, knees buckling as you cried out in pleasure.
"You made quite the mess I'm afraid!" He commented and slowly removed his fingers from your cunt, running his big tongue along his dirtied fingers.
"Caine.. finished now..?" You said, leaning against him for support. And he held you firm enough that you wouldn't fall.
"Of course not dear! The tallyboard isn't here for nothing , we're just getting started after all!" He says with pure excitement and just like he said..
there was one mark on the tally board.
#minors dni#the amazing digital circus#the amazing digital circus caine#tadc caine#caine x reader#caine x reader smut
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𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒛𝒐𝒏𝒆
⚠︎ mdni, smut, alcohol abuse, parental neglect, overall mature themes, and more [ this is made for all parts ]
⤷ Get to reading, sluts. No copying. Ask if you’d like to use this as ‘inspiration.’ Fuck off and fuck me, lets get horny!!!
with love and big tits, Rose Toy
Chapter 12: Chris's Girl
Neither my heart or my mind pulled in one direction to a clear decision. Every thought wavered my mind back and forth as I stared around the dark room, laying on the cold, hard mattress.
Matt had made me unbelievably happy. But, it was more than that. He made it seem so easy, so natural to be in the constant state of warm butterflies resigning through my veins.
My dad was…my dad. I had prayed and begged to every god and every star for years upon years. His arms wrapping around me felt like hope–and not the kind I had to make up in my head.
The back of my hands were extremely tender from the bruises that slashed across my skin. Every time I had gotten close to letting my eyes flutter shut, I accidentally rolled over on the throbbing flesh.
It felt like a stupid decision to even have to consider. My father–who I’ve known my whole life, or a boy I haven’t even known for six months.
The guilt weighed heavy on my chest as my crusted eyelashes pulled apart with each blink. I had cried enough that it ran dry. The drought had consumed me, but the flood of emotions still crashed down on me with colossal waves.
Selfish. Every thought passing by was selfish. I wasn’t just thinking of my dad’s recovery, I was thinking of him finally talking to me–wanting to talk to me.
But, why now? Why did he suddenly want to get better and care about me when I finally had found something that made my chest not feel so…empty.
I couldn’t feel time pass by anymore. The consuming thoughts and conversations in my head had paralyzed time for me.
Until I heard my phone alarm start to go off.
My body felt heavy as I stood from my bed. The cold, morning air didn’t feel refreshing. It just felt cold. I let my feet drag on the floor as I pulled on an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of jeans.
After doing the absolute bare minimum, my phone buzzed.
[From Matt: Outside :)]
With a heavy sigh, I grabbed my bag and stormed to the door. I heard my dad’s laugh from the kitchen as the smell of eggs reached my nose.
The nausea waved over me as I forced my eyelids to blink open.
It’s gonna be a long day, that’s for sure.
Matt’s POV
We had barely sat in Mrs. Evans class for five minutes before I felt her head collapse on my shoulder. I knew something was wrong, it wasn’t hard to tell.
Her swollen eyes were sunken into her cheeks with dark circles. She had been deathly quiet, seeming to be fighting with gravity to hold up any limb. I had asked her what was wrong in the car, but I was met with a hum of acknowledgement.
I didn’t push further. I had just turned down the music before reaching my arm out and pulling her head down on my bicep as I drove.
Why was she so tired? Why did she look so sad?
The sweatshirt she was wearing was one of my bigger ones. It was sickening how happy it made me to see her in my clothes. Especially as she bunched the extra fabric into her fists as if it was the comfiest thing on Earth.
I held back a laugh as I felt a slight trace of damp wetness where her mouth rested on my arm. She’s drooling on me. With anyone else, I probably would’ve been absolutely revolted–but with her, it was adorable.
I had brought my hand up to her forehead. It wasn’t too warm, she wasn’t sick.
Maybe she just didn’t sleep well last night?
Her bed definitely wasn’t the comfiest thing. Honestly, the thought of her sleeping with just the thin, worn blanket in the dead of winter made me upset. At first I had hoped there were more blankets stored away in the house, but after realizing how truly barren everything was–I highly doubted it.
I wanted her to stay over at my house, but I didn’t push when she hesitated. I didn’t wanna take away her personal time. But, part of me was sure that she only hesitated because she didn’t wanna feel like she was over-staying.
After being dismissed into table work with our partners, Mrs. Evans shot me a questioning look, gesturing her pen in her hand down to Y/n. I shrugged softly with the shoulder opposite of the arm she was leaning on. Mrs. Evans nodded her head hesitantly, bringing her attention back to whatever paper rested in her hands.
Each class passed the same. I was worried to say the least. Each time I tried to ask if she was okay, she just responded telling me she was tired.
I had my hockey game tonight. I wasn’t worried–the team we were playing against didn’t have great scores so far into the new season. The only thing I was worrying about was her.
Her hands stayed curled in the sweatshirt sleeves like a blanket, tucked under her chin practically all day. I wanted to reach out, hold her hand–but I refused to wake her up.
“Hey, wake up.” I whisper. She groans in response, nuzzling further into my arm as I take the keys out of the ignition. Chris and Nick had already gotten out of the car while I stayed, gently petting her hair and trying to wake her up slowly.
“Are you okay? Did you just not get good sleep?” Her eyelids hazily flutter open as she shakes her head back and forth. I lightly laugh, watching as she swipes the drool off her imprinted cheek from my hoodie lines.
“Come on, let’s get you inside.” I urge. She nods slightly, but makes no movement to even unclip her seatbelt. I didn’t mind–I honestly liked taking care of her, doing anything and everything to make her life easier and to make her feel appreciated.
I walk around, opening her door leaning over to unclip her seatbelt. I grab her bag and reach out for her hand. Her feet stumble walking to the door. I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her to me as her weight immediately leans on me.
I guided her into the front door before sitting her on the couch. In a sleepy daze, she still reaches out, petting Trevour. I hold back a smile as I close the front door, slipping off my shoes.
I walk over, kneeling on the floor in front of her as I untie her shoe laces. I pull off each shoe from her foot before standing and offering her a hand. She lazily reaches out, placing her hand in mine as I feel her warmth radiate through the fabric of the sweatshirt.
Her eyes shoot open as I pull her up, a gasp of pain erupting from her mouth as she pulls her hand back to her chest. Did I grab her that hard? No–I couldn’t have.
Looking up at her face, I notice her panicked eyes darting around the room. “Hey, what’s wrong with your-” I reach out, but she pulls her hands behind her back. My heart sinks with the realization.
She promised she’d tell me.
“Can we–can we just go to your room?” she asks. I nod hesitantly before following her steps.
As I walk through the threshold of my room after her, I close the door softly. She lays on the bed, pulling the material even further down her arms and bunching it up in her clenched hands. She snuggles on top of the comforter, pulling her hands under her chin.
She promised. She’d tell me. Right?
I walk over, laying on my back as she stays in her position. Her guilty eyes tell me all I need to know. I don’t even have to hear the lie to know she’s not telling the truth.
My lips quiver at the thought of her pain. How could someone hurt her? How could somebody even hurt their own kid?
I take a deep breath. Maybe–just maybe, I’m overthinking this. My anxiety has always led me to make abrupt conclusions. I hope this is one of them.
“Y/n?” I voice. Her eyes are fluttered shut, a small hum erupting from her sealed lips. “What is–”
“Matt, I’m really tired. Can we please just take a nap?” she asks.
I reach out, caressing her arm. “Yes, just—is everything okay?” I ask. Her eyes peer open slightly before closing once more.
I see her lips tremble as they pull apart. “Yeah…everything’s okay.” she says. I feel a weight drop in my gut at the obvious lie.
I let myself sit in doubt as her breathing starts to pace in deep, even breaths. The light snores start sounding from her mouth.
Patiently observing her sleeping state, I reach out. I slowly and gently pull her wrist out from under her chin in the slightest. I pull down the bunched-up sleeve with a snail pace.
The slight shift of her body makes me freeze. She snuggles further into the sheets, the light snores resuming. I hold my hands in place.
After a minute, I finally crept the fabric down lower and lower. Purple, green, and yellow hues paint a line across the back of her hand. I bite the inside of my cheek, grinding my teeth together as my ears grow hot.
I place her hand gently down, tugging up the material into its original place. What the fuck do I do?
I slowly lift myself from off the bed, pulling my phone in my hands as I travel down the hallway.
Please don’t hate me for this. This is me trying to help.
Y/n’s POV
Selfish. Selfish. Selfish.
The word chanted like a mantra even in my sleepy haze. As my eyes fluttered open, I noticed the sunset peering in through his bedroom window. The bed was completely barren beside me, not even an indent resting in the comforter.
Where is he? Is he already at his hockey game? I stretch my limbs out, standing from the bed. I hear the faint whisper of voices as I open his bedroom door. Two female voices–ones I knew like the back of my hand.
Before I can round the corner, Nick erupts from his room with Madi behind his shoulder.
“Can you come in for a sec?” he asks. I look over my shoulder, peering down the hallway as the voices seem to hush to a quieter volume. Looking back at Nick, I hesitantly nod my head.
He opens the door wider for me to come in. Madi greets me with a small smile as she tucks some of her chocolate hair behind her ear. I give her a smile back as I hear Nick shut the door from behind me.
I notice the white dots of makeup around her eyes as I get closer. “Woah, your makeup is actually astounding.” I compliment.
Her eyes beam with a happy squint. “Want me to do yours?” she offers. I nod my head eagerly as she tugs me to Nick’s bed, sitting me on the neutral bedding.
Nick turns around, clapping his hands together with a smile. “So,” he walks over, grabbing a speaker in his hands and pressing some of the buttons. I hear the faint song start to increase with volume as Madi nods her head along to the beat. “--let’s get lit, bitches.” he announces.
I laugh, bobbing my head in sync as Nick starts dancing with that talent of a patient having a seizure.
“Do you want me to just do your makeup? I’ll make it look pretty, I swear!” she says. I give her a curt nod, watching as she digs through the hot-pink makeup bag.
“Purple or pink?” she asks, holding up two different pallets. I point to the pink one as she squeals in excitement. “I was hoping you’d say that! Pink is definitely gonna look perfect on you.” she remarks.
She opens the pallet, revealing small pans containing varying shades of pink hues. Taking a small brush from the small pink bag, she dips the bristles in the powder, tapping it on the rim of the rectangular pallet as excess product shakes off the brush.
“Okay, just close your eyes for me…” she directs. I let my eyes flutter shut as I feel the soft circular motions of the brush against my eyelid.
The sensation almost puts me to sleep as I sit upright. I hear her rummage through her bag, keeping my eyes closed as I feel various products placed onto the skin around my eyes.
“Okay, look up for this part.” I follow her command, my eyes flickering up to the ceiling as I feel the slight sticky sensation of her drawing with an eyeliner pencil in small dots in the same places she had on her own eyes.
“And…” she trails off, patting down her pinky on my eyelids with a shimmery shade of glittery pink. “--done! Nick, come look!”
I open my eyes fully, watching as Nick rushes over from dancing around the room in the opposite corner. He leans down, his lips parting. “Damn! This really looks good on you!” he states.
I grin at the compliment, eagerly soothing my covered palms on my thighs with excitement. Madi stands up, waving her hand as a motion for me to follow. My feet practically bounce off the floor with each step as I walk behind her into Nick’s bathroom in his room.
She flips on the lights as I stare at myself in the mirror. I had never had access to makeup, not even used it because it seemed like such a waste of money. But, I felt beautiful.
The pink shimmery shades made my eyes pop. The small dots of white eyeliner made everything look so…perfect. I knew I was beautiful, but looking in the mirror made me feel beautiful.
“I love it so much, oh my god! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I exclaim. I had pulled Madi into a hug as she wrapped her arms around me. With a flush of embarrassment, I stepped back. “--sorry, I just got really excited.” I mumble.
Madi doesn’t drop her hands, instead she pulls me back into a tight embrace. “Girl, you’re fine! We’re friends! I’m a hugger too, no worries.” she says.
I let out a sigh of relief, letting my arms relax around the girl as I appreciated the moment. Sure, Matt’s hugs were so unbelievably great–his moms were too, but it didn’t feel like this.
I had always wanted a girl-friend. I wanted to get ready, blasting music as we picked out each other’s outfits. She hadn’t just made me look pretty–she made me feel pretty.
“I really appreciate it, Madi. I really–fuck I’m PMS-ing, I’m trying so hard not to cry!” I announce. I look up, blinking back the growing pools of water in my eyes.
Madi grabs me by both of my shoulders. “Oh my god! Me too!” she exclaims. A smile covers my face as our laughter mixes together. I see Nick walk in through the mirror as he wraps his arms around the both of us, squeezing with an absurd amount of pressure.
“Sorry–I felt left out,” he says. The laughter gets louder in the tiled bathroom as the music plays from the speaker.
Madi clenches her gut, falling to the floor as her squeaks of giggles fall endlessly. I hold onto the counter as Nick glances between the both of us with wide eyes.
“What the fuck is going on.” he whispers out. The statement isn’t funny, but for some reason Madi’s laugh makes my giggles contagiously flow as I feel my eyes squint with streams of tears falling.
Madi tilts her head up, her own wet tears falling down her cheeks with smudged mascara. “I’m so glad I’m gay.” Nick breaths out. The giggles get silent as only wheezes of laughter escape our mouths.
We both take a couple of deep breaths, calming down as we exchange a look of disbelief. “We can take this shit off so we don’t look like sparkly-raccoons.” she suggests.
I nod my head in agreement as she stands up, grabbing a bag of makeup-wipes off the counter. She snatches out one, handing it to me as I hold it cluelessly. “Just do what I do,” she directs.
I follow her motions, my skin turning a slight shade of pink as I wipe at the skin.
Soon enough, both of our faces are bare. Nick dances behind us as we observe through the mirror, exchanging looks with smiles.
After an incredible amount of cookies and an unreasonable amount of trashy reality TV, I felt nothing but refreshed. The sullen thought of my dad looming over my head was pushed out by the ridiculous comments from Nick’s mouth.
“When’s Matt’s hockey game? Isn’t it late?” I ask, reaching around for my phone in my empty pockets.
Nick’s lips smack together as he twists his mouth to the side. “He’s actually, uh, he’s not playing tonight.” he explains.
I tilt my head with a curious look. “What–why? Is he okay?” I press. Nicks nod affirmatively as I let out a breath of relief.
“He, uh, I don’t know…” he trails off, grabbing his phone. “--he can explain it all to you, he said he was on his way home a couple of minutes ago—it shouldn’t be long.” he says.
I suck my bottom lip between my teeth, nibbling on the skin with nervousness. I sit with the swirling pit of anxiety bringing me back to reality–everything I had forced myself from confronting since I had walked through Nick’s bedroom door.
I feel a warm hand land on my shoulder. I look over, seeing Madi’s eyes giving me a soft expression with a reassuring smile. “Hey, it’s just Matt. That guy practically worships the ground you walk on from how he talks about you.” she says.
I feel my cheeks flush as I inhale a deep breath, nodding my head in acknowledgement to Madi. It’s just Matt.
I hear a sudden knock at the door as my ears perk with anticipation. “Come in.” Nicks shouts.
The door creaks open as Matt pokes his head through the sliver. He gives a small smile and wave to Nick and Madi before turning to me. “Can you come with me?” he asks.
I get up off the bed, clenching the fabric of the hoodie sleeves in my hands as I give the pair still laying on the bed a smile. “Thank you guys. See you later?” I ask. Madi nods aggressively, making me laugh as I see Nick hold up his hand with a look that says, ‘duh.’
“Yeah,” Nicks starts, “--obviously. Sorry, Matt, you’re gonna have to share. She’s our girl now.” he states.
“True that.” Madi replies, high-fiving Nick with pursed lips. I shake my head in amusement before turning to see Matt doing the same. He nods his head, a notion for me to follow him as I give them one final wave.
“Our girl.” Matt mocks in a high pitched voice. I hold back a laugh, following as he walks down the hallway and into his room.
“My girl, actually. Ain’t that right?” he presses. I nod affirmatively, watching as he shuts the door behind him. I turn to dive into the bed, pausing as I look at the array of items rested on his sheets.
The plant his mom had given me, the two toy frogs, bags that had familiar articles of clothing spilling out from the top.
“Matt,” I gasp, turning around to see him staring at me with a sullen look. “--what is all of this? I…what’s, what's going on?” I breathe out.
“I,” his gaze flickers towards the ground and back up to me. “I saw your hands, Y/n. I know you lied, I’m sorry I went behind your back, but I needed to make sure you were safe. I read what you had written in my journal, you can’t live like that anymore.” he says.
My lips part as my jaw falls with gravity. I stand frozen in place as my eyes stare at his chest. Dad.
I hear the patter of his feet as his hands land on my shoulders. I look up, a tear falling from my eyes as I meet his gaze. “I talked to my parents. We came up with a couple of options for you, but I’m sorry—you can’t live with a man who hurts you this much.” he states.
“You promised you wouldn’t read what I wrote, Matt.” I point out, a frown forming as I tug my lips into a tight line.
“You promised me you would tell me if this ever happened. I’m sorry, but I did what I had to.” he explains softly.
I feel the anger rumble in my chest as my vision blurs with hot tears of frustration. “Matt, he’s my dad. I can’t just leave him. I can’t give up on him.” I spill the words with a broken voice as I push him off me with a hand on his chest.
“He was getting better–he–” I spit with anger lacing in my tone as I pushed my hands on his chest repeatedly.
“He was passed out drunk when we got to your house, Y/n.” He lands his hands on top of mine, sliding down and holding my wrists against his chest. The skin unveiled shrines, the shades of the bruises covering my flesh with a sinking feeling in my gut.
“You’re lying. Don’t lie to me, Matt!” I cry out pitifully as my voice cracks.
“I’m not…he didn’t even go to work today. He just screamed about–it doesn’t matter what…just–you can’t be there.” he breathes out.
I swallow the thick lump in my throat. “Mom said you can stay here. I’ll even sleep out on the couch or with Chris or Nick. Madi’s mom, Laura, lives next door. She said she has a spare bedroom too….” he trails off.
People wanted to help me? Just like that?
My eyebrows furrow as I glance up at him. “Matt, I don’t know, this is a lot—” I suck in a harsh breath, looking up at the ceiling as I will the tears to stay at bay.
“I know, I know. But—-we all care about you, we’re all here for you…” he says. His hands drop my wrists before he pulls me into his arms. “I care about you, I’m here for you…okay? It’s all gonna be okay, I promise.” he soothes.
I nod my head in his embrace as he pets the back of my head with a gentle touch. “Asking people for help–accepting help…it’s really out of my comfort zone, Matt. I just…I don’t even know.” I sigh.
“It’s gonna be okay. You can still see your dad if you want to, I’m not gonna stop you—but, I’m coming with. I can’t—I can’t just let you get hurt like that. It kills me.” he utters softly under his breath.
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~Her man child~
Headcanons 📺



Vox is the definition of a manchild and I think it's kinda obvious.
He's the mean kind, acting with so much spite, sometimes without it being necessary or justified.
He NEEDS to be taken seriously. He tries so hard, blurring the lines between respect, fear and tolerance.
But when you two are alone... the telly-head man is a whiny boy.
He complains like it's a form of art. You can't help but roll your eyes playfully when he lets out a too loud sigh, but after doing so you're always ready to give him all the reassurance and attention he desperately craves.
Your man prefers being the little spoon. He's like a lap cat.
If anyone finds out about his cuddly nature, he's gonna die a second time...
Vox feels the need to constantly prove himself to Velvette and Valentino, but with you he feels safe. He can be overly emotional. And weak. And needy.
Very needy.
If you're not somewhere behind the camera admiring him and boosting his confidence, his day is ruined.
Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy.
In the mornings he doesn't even turn on his screen... settling for the protection setting instead.
You have to be patient with him.
Bring him a steaming cup of coffee and hug him from behind and he might as well start giggling like a schoolgirl.
He's too sensitive for harsh jokes. Being in Hell means ONLY dark and cruel humour, but Vox can't take it sometimes.
His ego is fragile.
In order to feel loved, Vox has to be showered in extravagant compliments on a daily basis. Whether it's about his appearance, his job, his amazing and very interesting personality... He needs them.
When you tell him he's better than the radio demon.... he literally gets rock hard.
Vox is in a constant dilemma between showing you off for all Pentagram City to know you're his, or keeping you secret.
It's the same as a boy with his favourite toy. If other kids see his toy, he's gonna have to share.
What if someone steals his favourite toy?! Or even worse... BREAK IT?!
That being said, he doesn't objectify you, but he's terrible at showing affection or appreciation.
He's gonna be there for you, help you with anything you need, laugh with you, spend quality time with you. Still, deep communication is a difficult subject for him.
Thank god you're observant enough to catch all the messages he tries to pass to you.
Such an attention seeker though.
Have you ever seen a six year old trying to impress his crush?
Just look at Vox trying to woo you. It's the same thing.
But he's not that bad... His self-esteem is an obstacle alright, but he becomes a rug for you to step on and use as you wish most of the time.
Vox would definitely go out of his way if you asked something from him. You're his rock. It's the least he can do.
The guy even whimpers in his sleep.
Vox loves to fill his hands with your thighs when it's bed time. They're warm and soothing to him, like stress toys. Being a walking television has its disadvantages temperature wise.
He would bend you over and take you in front of a mirror so he could see himself while at it, but he hasn't done so yet. He wants to ask you beforehand and make sure it won't make you feel weird.
Vox is easy to rile up. A breathy compliment and a squeeze of his thigh and he's more than ready to go.
He doesn't actually feel dominant, but he tries to act like it. This Vee member has the stereotype man = dominance engraved in his subconsciousness and so he fights to live up to it.
But between you and me... Treat him like an inexperienced and innocent boy and he'll be crying out in pleasure.
Aka... be a femdom. Even a soft one. You won't even have to try that much.
Another thing. Vox is loud. (Like his name implies 🫣)
He also pants a lot. Almost like he's hyperventilating.
Unlike Alastor, this man is very insecure about both his performance and... size.
I'm not saying he's lacking in either though. It's just how his mind works. Always comparing himself to his opponents and in this case, his opponents are other men that could perhaps satisfy you more thoroughly than him.
Allow me to say that he fucks in an anxious way. Hands shaking and his mantra "Does that feel good to you darling?"
You just need to praise him a little. (A lot)
He doesn't last that long but he'll be sure to rub your clit so you don't either.
When it gets too real, he tears up at the end, like a baby that's holding back from crying. But you're there to hold him until he calms down.
He's usually too tired (and still nervous) afterwards for proper aftercare. Vox likes to be babied though. It's more personal attention after all.
Oh to be cleaned up and tucked to bed! Only then will he feel comfortable enough to run his fingers through your hair and mumble a faint thank you.
Vox's head has a bit of an awkward shape for cunnilingus. However, he has a surprisingly long tongue that can reach more than enough to have you moaning out how good of a boy he's being.
He usually cums in his pants while eating you out.
And when you return the favour it's usually to relieve his stress at work. He feels like a teenager when you do it. It's an act of service, really.
He low-key fucks your face, not enough to choke you but you do gag around him. It makes him feel in control. It makes him feel like a man.
To sum up, Vox is a bit dependent on you and on your validation, but he would never hurt you or become too overbearing.
He's needy, but not stupid.
He is the definition of a manchild and I think I proved my point.
But he's your manchild sis!
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my masterlist || Hazbin Hotel masterlist 🦷
Vox divider by @rubra-wav
Support divider by @cafekitsune
The explicit content one... I don't remember :(
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel headcanon#hc#hazbin hotel hc#vivziepop#hazbin hotel headcanons#the vees#vox#vox x reader#vox x you#vox hazbin hotel#vox hazbin x reader#hazbin hotel vox#hazbin vox#vox headcanons#vox smut#vox x alastor#radiostatic#fem!reader#not s f w 💀#valentino hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel velvette#hazbin valentino#hazbin velvette#hazbin vees#smut#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor hazbin#vox x valentino
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