#i want to feel good even when im not of use to someone
pandorem · 2 days
Genuinely find it fascinating from a writing perspective that Edwin’s propensity for playing trauma olympics is a well established trait of his that plays so interestingly into his relationships with Crystal and Charles and Simon especially, and how it works in his character arc and how it both plays into and CONTRASTS his incredible capacity for forgiveness. How it’s a flaw that makes so much sense with how much he’s suffered that it’s hard not to be sympathetic towards it or even agree with him sometimes, but that it IS a flaw and comes up at times that are less fair as well. Im not sure I have a real point to this yet, it’s just something I want to chew on for a while.
for one: Edwin’s tendency to put his trauma as worse than others’ (no matter how literally correct he might be) is set up directly to parallel Crystal’s own self centered tendencies and her character arc. They BOTH have a tendency to not consider other people’s feelings and pain until someone points out to them that they are being dismissive. They are mirrors of each other and I love them so much. I also wanted to push back a bit on some things I’ve seen about how Edwin’s reaction to her yelling at him in episode one was completely justified (“what she’s been through? I spent 70 years in hell!”) because of how their traumas interact and how she let David in the first time that feel too dismissive of Crystal’s trauma. Yes, their trauma’s with demons interact in ways that it makes PERFECT SENSE that Edwin reacted the way he did, and I even sympathize with him, but something being sympathetic does not mean it’s justified. Taking away the metaphor of the Demonic nature of it all, Crystal was just cornered and threatened by her abusive ex boyfriend who has succeeded in isolating her from her entire social circle/any safety net she might have had before the boys. And uh. We don’t say about people getting out of abusive relationships that it’s justified that people were mad at them for getting into the relationship willingly. So.
Also. While Edwin’s measuring of their traumas is more sympathetic in the first episode, the moment in a later episode where Edwin (nearly lightheartedly) dismisses Crystal’s nightmare about her abusive demon ex because “the living know nothing about true nightmares” is less so, and I think is there to confirm that this is a genuine, deliberately written character flaw that he needs to grow out of, just like Crystal needs to grow.
And that brings us to Simon. The character who Edwin is THE MOST justified to be angry at, to blame and to compare their punishments. When he rages that Simon damned him to decades of being ripped apart while Simon sits quietly crying in a room, getting paper cuts from tearing pages out of books, it’s honestly difficult not to agree with him, to not feel that same righteous indignation. But then despair lays it out for him: he was about to gloat over another’s torture. And even without yet knowing more about Simon, Edwin is horrified by the idea. I think it says so much about Edwin’s GOODNESS that the time this character flaw of his feels the most justified and right is also the time he works through and past it to empathize with the pain of the real person on the other side of that. It is after he comes back, needing Simon to know that he didn’t mean to gloat, that he is then able to see Simon as a real person, as someone he shares pain with, the pain of being closeted and terrified in the 1910s. Simon was a kid, same as Edwin, who was terrified of his own nature and let that fear and humiliation lead him to cruelty that ended in consequences that he never intended. And it says so, so much about Edwin’s goodness that once he is able to see past his own pain and empathize with someone else’s, he feels for and maybe even forgives the one person that he would be most justified in NOT forgiving. That connecting with him is literally what saved Simon’s soul in the end.
(It’s also worth noting- Simon thinks that Edwin is “another trick” when he first sees him. He says that “the headmaster will be angry”. In keeping with the theme that we shouldn’t compare traumas or decide that we know what other people are going through, it seems clear to me that what we saw- sitting alone and getting paper cuts- was NOT the entirety of Simon’s hell.)
And then there’s Charles. Now. Edwin has a lot of 1910s sensibilities that make him connecting the dots on what Charles went through a bit difficult for him. But Edwin never, ever suggests that his trauma is less or isn’t worth getting upset about. Because it’s Charles, and Charles deserves no amount of pain ever, in the world. I don’t think it would ever occur to Edwin if I’m honest. Of course it’s because he loves him and Charles is his favourite person in the universe, but also I wonder at the fact that their very first meeting, so soon after Edwin had escaped hell, was one of complete empathy and compassion. Maybe seeing the bullies made him see himself in Charles but it sort of circles the point I think I’m making- Edwin’s very real flaws contrast against and thus highlight his INCREDIBLE kindness and goodness.
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deansapplepie · 2 days
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You couldn’t lose each other
Summary: You were pregnant, then you weren’t.
Warnings: ANGST, pregnancy, miscarriage, mention of character death, mention of “putting someone down”, soft Merle, on purpose asshole Daryl, blood, hurt, mental instability, hurt, stubborn main characters, loss, grief, and maybe more. 18+, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
A/N: I never experienced miscarriage and am writing everything based on my knowledge through series, movies, soap operas and books, so it may have inaccuracies. If you are sensible to any of those topics please don’t read, your mental health is more important!
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It had started about a week ago, heavy dizziness and morning sickness (which didn’t happen exactly only in the morning). On top of that your period was late, which you tried to atribute to the sub nutrition all of you went through while on the road, but as soon as other symptoms started… you knew it was probably other thing.
You went on a run with Daryl to get more baby formula for Jude and just discreetly added a pregnancy test on your backpack, in a part you hoped Daryl wouldn’t look because he never did. As soon as you got to the prison and had some alone time you risked yourself going somewhere, no one would see you or find you, to pee on the damn thing and find the truth. The truth was… you knew it, you didn’t need a test, you were undoubtedly and very much pregnant.
One end of afternoon, Merle sat by your side and didn’t bother to tip toe around you. “When are ya gonna tell ‘im?”
“What?” He took you back with his question.
“When are ya telling my brother ya’re with his baby?” Your eyes widened at his question. “Daryl ain’t the only one with observation skills. Who ya think taught him everything? I saw the symptoms and the pregnancy test you hid on your pocket the other day.”
“Fuck you Dixons.”
“Ya already do it to one of us.” He sassy replied, you rolled your eyes as usually happened during your banters.
“Soon. I’m just waiting the whole governor thing end. He already has too much to worry about, he’ll freak out if I tell him now. He’ll probably put me on bubble of safety and not let me do anything.” You stated, Daryl could have the rough exterior but both of you knew how he was, how he cared about people. Also he had changed so much the last months, and it was for the better. “Don’t tell him, let me do it.”
“Al’ight.” He surprised you, you had learned how to deal with Merle, but he wasn’t the same asshole as before. Still an asshole though. “It’ll be good have a mini Dixon around. I’ll help to keep ya’ll safe.”
“I know, you can be a jerk sometimes but I know you care about your family.” You gave the older Dixon a small smile and squeezed his hand to reassure him. That had been one of the nicest things he ever told you and coming from Merle, that was a lot.
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The governor had asked for Michonne to leave your group alone, you didn’t believe a word of it it, but Merle did or at least he had to try. That morning he disappeared with her and all of you knew what he was up to. Daryl went after them, you wanted to go too but of course he wouldn’t “allow” you.
Some time after, Michonne arrived, alone. You asked about Merle and Daryl, and she told everything that happened with Merle. He had set her free and went by himself. It wouldn’t end up well, you could feel it in your guts, and your feeling just confirmed to be true when Daryl arrived alone.
Everyone gathered around him to know what happened and he told you with teary eyes. The others left to give both of you some time.
“Daryl, I’m sorry.” You said, both of your hands cupping his face, he averted your eyes. “Hey, look at me.”
“Leave me alone…” he grumply answered trying to get out of your grasp.
“We’re together in this, huh? I’m here for you, we both cared about Merle.” He snorted.
“Ya cared about Merle? Ya never liked him!”
That wasn’t true, he knew it wasn’t. He was hurt, he had to put his brother down, there wasn’t anyone else that could do it for him, even if there was… it had to be him. Somehow, in his abused mind, he thought it was all his fault. Merle died because he wanted to be a better person, he wanted to protect his little brother as much as he could in this fucked up world, and that was the way he found to do it. It was just a matter of time for you to do the same and it would be entirely his fault if you ended like Merle. You were the last thing he had from the old world. You were the only good thing he had, and if he had to push you away to keep you alive, that was what he was going to do, because he couldn’t afford living in a world without you.
“This isn’t true, Daryl. You’re hurting, I get it…” he cut your speaking before you could finish.
“Ya don’t. Ya never will!” He distanced himself when you tried to touch his arm. “We should break up.”
“Ya heard it.” He confirmed.
“Ok, when you’re not speaking no sense we can talk, I know you’re not ok, but there’s a limit of shit I can take.” You wouldn’t continue to insist on it if he was going to continue acting like that. You knew he was suffering, but so were you and he was being a prick.
“There ain’t gonna be another talk. I said what I said.” Those words left his mouth as if they were nothing, but each of them felt like a knife in his throat.
“Is it really the moment for you to dump me?” You knew he was emotionally unstable, no one make good decisions like this.
“Did I stutter?” The moment he threw the harsh words, he knew he had got what he wanted, the hurt in your eyes pained in his chest and this time he was sure he had lost you for good.
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Since that day, you didn’t talk to him and he also ignored you. You asked Rick to not put you both working together anymore. You moved your things to Carol’s cell, now also your cell. Woodbury had fallen, now the survivors of the town had joined you at the prison.
Your little secret was still yours, or sort of… Carol was a mother. She went through all the shit you were going through, all of you saw Lori going through it. She knew it already, but didn’t tell you anything until one week after everything that happened.
She asked you, “aren’t you telling him?”
This time you didn’t even got surprised and already knew what she was talking about. “No.”
“And when it starts to show?”
“I’ll tell I just fucked someone and was too drunk to remember.” You stubbornly replied.
“You’re being childish, he deserves to know.” She was right, but you were tired and emotionally damaged already.
“ ‘cause he’s being a fucking kid too. I get it, he’s suffering, but he needs to stop hurting people every time he’s hurt. It’s time he grows up and man up.” You said arms crossed.
“You know his past better than I, I thought you from all the people would understand.” The older woman wisely said.
“Carol, I appreciate your concern, he’s your friend too, but you don’t understand.” You said, was it you? Was it the hormones? You couldn’t know. “Please, don’t tell him. It’s not your place to do it.”
“I won’t. You’re the one that should do it.” As soon as she answered, she left you alone.
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One week later, or a little more, it seemed like Rick had forgotten his promise that he wouldn’t put you ti work with Daryl as he put both of you on fence duty to kill the walkers. Ok, there were more people with you, but you couldn’t help but feel yourself being watched and you knew the weight of his stare. You could feel it in your soul. Also, you couldn’t help yourself and from time to time look at him, because you would be a liar if you said you didn’t love him anymore or that you didn’t find him handsome and attractive, and what’s beautiful was made to look at.
It was middle of the morning, even though it was starting to get cold the sun was strong for whoever was working under it. You had sweat and few stains of blood from the walkers you had killed through the fence. You were feeling extra tired, you thought it was because pregnant women got more sleepy, so you didn’t think about it so much.
Some minutes after you felt a sharp pain on your lower stomach. Weird. ‘Please let it just be a stomachache or gases’, you thought.
You continued working then you felt the pain in the same place but sharper. ‘Please, don’t let it be anything with my baby’, you thought again.
You kept doing your job, this time more slowly as you felt the pain irradiating through your body, until you felt a stabbing pain in the same place and something hot going down your legs. You looked down and saw blood. “NO!”
You shouted and that called people’s attention Daryl’s specially. He looked at you and all he could see was blood. Did you hurt yourself with the weapon? Did the governor came back and wounded you? Did somehow a walker managed to bite you?
“Nooo-hooo-ooo.” You shouted cried throwing yourself to the ground.
In seconds he was kneeling by your side. “Hey, hey, look at me. What is it? What happened, doll?”
“I lost it.” You said, crying more at your realization. “I lost it.”
“What did ya lose, babe?” He asked, he thought you were delirious due to the blood loss. His hands around your face trying to make you look at him, trying to ground you. He was panicking, where were you hurt? Was he going to loose you anyway and he had spent the last weeks loosing his time with you?
You cried. “Our baby, I lost our baby.” You said between sobs.
It hit him like a punch on his stomach. You said your baby, a baby from both of you, a baby he didn’t know existed, a baby that… his abused mind played with him again. A baby that could be possibly gone because of him. “Stay with me, love. I’m taking care of you.” Who were you? Just you? You and the baby? Was there any chance this was a weird bleeding but the baby would still be ok? He didn’t know. He knew nothing about it.
He didn’t think twice, he took you in his arms and started running. “HERSHEL!” He yelled the doctor’s name again and again, until he found him and had you in the infirmary.
Before getting to the infirmary you had passed out, maybe it was the shock or it could also be the blood loss, you’d never know.
Hershel examined you. Daryl stayed all the time by your side, making questions to the doctor. Teary eyes while he explained everything. You were indeed pregnant, and yes, you had lost the baby. Daryl’s hopes were shattered at pieces, he cried. He the big rough man that didn’t like to show his emotions cried, it was Hershel. He was a friend. He was family after all.
After making sure nothing had stayed in your uterus, the old man had a talk with the younger one. Hershel made sure Daryl knew it wasn’t his fault, at this point he already knew the archer well and knew he was guilting himself for it. He ensured it was something that could happen at this early stage, you were at the maximum 2 months pregnant according to the tissue your body expelled from you. That small tissue was what would be your baby. The feeding poor in nutrients could have harmed your body, it was pretty much a disorder in your uterus so that happened. There was no one to blame, besides the end of the world.
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Some time had passed when you woke up, you were as much as clean as they could got you and you had warm feeling on your right hand. You looked to your side and you saw Daryl worried and guilty eyes.
“It’s not your fault.” You said. You remembered everything.
“Maybe.” He said, even if Hershel had already reassured him. “But it doesn’t make it less worse. I could have lived it with ya for the little time we had.”
“I was the one that didn’t tell you.” You turned to your side and extended your left arm till you were touching his face. “I’m sorry.”
“I AM sorry.” He said giving emphasis to that. “I… I dun know what I was thinking.”
“I know.” You knew he was lost at that moment, but it didn’t hurt you less when he pushed you away and both of you needed each other. “Merle wasn’t your fault. The baby neither.”
At the mention of Merle’s name and the baby, your voice quivered and the tears threatened to leave your eyes, and they did. They fell from your eyes and you couldn’t do anything about it. “I ain’t pushing ya away anymore. I… I was so afraid of losing ya too.” Tears also slipped on his face.
“Merle was happy, he knew he was going to be an uncle.” You remembered the conversation you had with him the day before he sacrificed himself. “He noticed it and asked me about it. I was going to tell you when the governor shit was over.”
You also felt guilty about Merle’s death. You knew sometimes he didn’t take some smart decisions, but did he tried to face it all alone because he also wanted to be a better person to his nephew or niece? He had told you he would protect all of you.
You sobbed. You both cried together, now your arms thrown around his neck and your face hiding in it. You both had lost too much already, you couldn’t afford losing anything else. You couldn’t lose each other.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325 @hayley1998 @shadowcitrine @vaniniweenie @cupidelocke
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wickjump · 1 day
Tbh I thought it was kinda weird how Cross used to act (like all mean for no reason). I'm so glad he had his personality changed bc if I had his childhood I would not be acting like that, i didn't even have half the trauma he does and i am a huuuuge people pleaser😭like wouldn't he be afraid people are gonna hurt him for being disrespectful? Like especially since he didn't have the resources to heal and deal with that stuff and deconstruct allbthat
Anyways pathetic cross my beloved..... <3
no it makes PERFECT sense. i was a mean as SHIT kid for years, although as i grew up i went more people pleasy. anyway warning for wickrambling (sigh)
cross only acts like a dick to people who don’t hold power over him, or when he believes himself to be under the control of someone else.
he was never rude to xgaster, especially growing up, he’s respectful to his toriel and asgore, implied to be respectful to his superiors (though not his coworkers, whom he feels comfortable enough to banter with as he grew up with most of them). and while he’s mildly rude to nightmare, it’s because he was still following chara, not nightmare. he viewed nightmare as an ally, not a new ‘owner’. chara was in charge, in his mind, not nightmare.
chara is somewhat of an outlier to the ‘never rude’ rule, because he blames chara for a lot. yet he still follows orders, most of the time blindly. he disagrees, he says he disagrees, but he follows along. he banters with chara but ultimately submits to his whim until they’re separated.
it’s a defense mechanism. if they want nothing to do with him, or they think he’s confident enough to act rudely, then he’s not someone they can influence or harm. and given the amount of internalized anger he has, he also needs to burn it off somehow. in a place where nobody has the power over him to ‘punish’, he’s not in nearly as much fear. if someone else is ‘in control’ of him or ‘owns’ him, they’re not there to witness and then punish him for his behavior. or hell, maybe it’s an attempt at pushing the boundaries, seeing the limits to what he can and can’t do when he’s not explicitly told the rules.
the switch in his behavior as of late is nice i think, definitely showcases other sides of his character that was painfully ignored at first, but the anger issues fits him. i personally view the change in his behavior as cross slowly burning out that anger, like i did as a kid when i finally escaped my abuser. it took a few years, but im not nearly as angry as i was. i don’t pick fights like i used to, and now I’m conflict avoidant. i like to think that’s how cross operated, too.
he gets angry and then he gets burnt out. my mom always told me ‘anger is a secondary emotion’, either for sadness or fear or self-hate or something. i dont fullllly believe that, but it applies to cross. he’s angry because he’s not emotionally intelligent enough to figure out why he’s feeling the way he does after being compliant to others his entire life. it bubbles to the surface and he doesn’t know what to do.
and now that he’s with xgaster, i feel he’ll be angry then, too. but i also feel he’ll eventually submit, even if his goal is to. not ruin the multiverse like xgaster wants to. but only time will tell and honestly whatever route jakei goes for i feel will be a good one. if cross is angry, it would be accurate. if he submits, it would be accurate. if he’s fearful, it would be accurate. trauma is complicated and different for everyone.
anwyay i also like cross a lot maybe too much actually,, yayaya. he deserves to be pathetic but that’s not all to him i feel. he’s got a wide array of trauma and thus a wide array of ways to act about it!!! :3
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dayabelle · 2 days
If I loved you, I'd lie and say I didn't
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Pairings: Aizawa Shota x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cursing, mention of death, mentions of sex, age differences, I can't use words for shit use your imagination when needed, not a oneshot,
Summary: Old friend of Toshinori Yagi's decides to step out of the spotlight and work at UA highschool, she swore she wouldn't create any relationships that went further then her and Yagi's friendship, but the universe always had a different plan for her.
- Chapter two soon
Y/n L/n, she liked to think she was nothing special. She honestly believed it, she became restless thinking she had to be someone special for the rest of eternity. It was harder thinking about who she would become and all the possibilities. She had even considered ending it when her best friend sooner or later died.
She wanted just a few more good years with him, Toshinori Yagi, before that time. Nighteyes prediction didn't help because now there was a certainty it would happen. And she told him she would kill him if he ever read her future. She meant it too.
Overthinking how her future years would map out, her days of fake smiles and laughs, haunted her perception of her future. Her very very long neverending future. Because she was immortal, and she didn't want to spend it being a hero. Living through one lifespan as a hero was already killing her. She looks at old photos of her younger days compared to the present time. It feels like she's looking at a different person.
Bubbly, bright, kind, hopeful, and so many more things that ended up being lost in time. Things she slowly and unknowingly let go as a young adult. She was once so beautiful, her personality practically radiated off her. She was a brightly bloomed flower that had wilted and turned Grey, sure she was still pretty, but nothing could ever bring back the beauty of her young self. Curse that women who gave up, because now she felt like she couldn't try again and find hope. Maturing was the best and worst thing that's happened to her.
She had just turned 51 two days ago, and she might be old, but physically she was still 25. Literally.
Beforehand, she wanted to go down to Japan and visit her best and only friend Toshinori Yagi to celebrate her downgrade as a hero. This downgrade was good news unlike the word itself. She wasnt formally hanging up her cape, just simply stepping out of the big business. The big spotlight she had worked for ever since she was a girl. And to work along with a tiring Toshinori at a highschool? Didn't sound like anything to celebrate, but she felt her high time hero days were expiring. She could go on effortlessly, she still looked twenty five physically because of the incident. So keeping the title of America's No.3 hero was a no brainer if she had reason to. But it didn't feel the same without her best friend. If he was slowly losing his power, she had no more reason to stay in that lifestyle of a hero. And nobody knew, nobody knew about her being immortal exept for Toshinori, his little detective friend, Sir Nighteye, and that little Mr.Principal Nezu. Because if All might trusted the mouse with his secret, hers wasn't a big deal if he knew or not. But if he used it against her in anyway she would skin him and cook him for dinner. She hasn't even met the 'lovely' principal Toshinori talks about who has now offered her a place at UA. She knew she probably wasn't going to be a teacher, but most likely help Toshinori with the Foundational Hero Studies and Heroics classes.
But her plane kept getting fucking delayed because of bad weather not even close to the plane route, that's America for ya, though the hundreds of not so spread out McDonalds were a plus side as she waited in her car by the airport.
Toshinori Yagi and Y/n L/n had been friends every since their big debuts as young heroes. They always reached the same milestones at some point in their lifespan. She was there when he was having doubts about dating his first crush, even if he was fucking 30, and he was there when she had sex for the first time at 17 even after he heavily advised her not to, well he wasnt really there of course but he was nevously waiting at her apartment with every single plan B and after pill that had possibly ever been created. He also brought baby clothes because apparently he thought she wouldbe to stubborn to take a pill, and she was. Fortunately no baby, that was more exiting news for him rather then her, because the amount of looks he got at the drug store for buying that many pills was enough of a reason to hang up the cape and disappear.
She never listened, never, and he always did like a dog. That's what held their friendship, it's not as bad as it sounds, they liked it that way. He kept her in line, and she made his life brighter and broke rules for him to be happy and not overwork himself. Because the ultimate big time Hero dream was Toshinori's, and Y/n just followed along and winged it as she went. Until it happened.
She died, but she came back. Its as simple as that. Thanks to her handy quirk. It scared the living crap out of her, a tragic accident happened at the age of 25. Honestly, they had both been affected.
Young Toshinori was preoccupied at a interveiw, smiling, talking endlessly about nothing. Though unaware of his best friend getting beaten to death not even a mile away.
She was sick that night, highest fever Toshinori had seen in his life. Her consciousness fading in and out. Toshinori cursed himself for listening to a sick women and leaving for the interveiw, the whole time he had been biting his tounge. Her words banging constantly like a drum through his mind, the words of the interviewers faded into echoes while he blindly answered them with "oh yeah's" and "of course!", and whatever he could blabber out in the heat of a second. He knew something was wrong, his gut feeling just told him that he needed to leave. As a hero he knew to trust his instincts, even if it led to him saving Y/n from a tragedy he felt deep within his gut, or if he just returned to nurse her and feed her potato soup. Either way he needed to get out.
"Toshinori get the hell out of my house and go to your interview, I'm fine, and will be fine when you returnnnna"
She was sick and he just left? It felt so wrong. A stupid little interveiw would never be more important than Y/n. Her slurred words clawed at his consciousness, his finger nails still eating away at his skin till this day. Even after Y/n forgave him the moment she arose from the dead.
He felt terrible, like the endless hours he spent training meant nothing. Both of them realized how easily you could lost somebody no matter how big and strong you are or how much you train. Somebody out there will always need help and never get it, people are constantly dying all around the world. And spending a lifetime enslaving yourself to the dream of being a hero will never change that, your only wasting your time. Well that's what she thought, in fact that was the first thing she told him when she woke up in her casket, somehow she couldn't explain it she just had that on her mind when she awoke. Although, unlike the typical nonchalant women he knew. Who woke up saying she wanted some Vodka, Toshinori used it as a lesson. As motivation, he always had Y/n's picture somewhere on him as a reminder to why he became a hero in the first place. He almost lost her, but he didn't based off pure luck off her quirk. And he wanted to be that luck people hoped for, he wanted people to hope that he would be there just in time to save the day and prevent that heartbreaking feeling of loss he once felt.
It hit him so hard because he had nobody but Y/n, she knew everything about the real him. Not All Might. Everybody knew Allmight, but only one person knew Yagi. And he couldn't afford to lose that.
But enough about Toshinori and their past for now, this is about Y/n and a certain special coworker of Toshinori's.
She ended up boarding the plane two hours late. She was seated next to a very hungover hooker whom she doubted was supposed to be sitting in first class.
All this whore did was blab on and on about the love of her life. Apparently he was a pirate and was following the plane on his mighty ship. But Y/n humored the girl when the flight attendant got suspicious of her and covered for her by distracting the attendant with a selfie. Which almost always worked, in this case it did.
"Now, I did you a favor little girl. And to return that favor... Please, shut the fuck up before I throw you off this plane myself"
A little harsh but the girl shut up after that, and not much later did she fall asleep. Y/n already had a fight with a McDonalds worker who claimed she would whoop her ass. But it was too humid outside from the 'weather' Y/n swore didnt exist, to prove her wrong and she let the bitch 'win' her onesided beef.
On the other hand, Y/n hated falling asleep on planes. Afraid if she did she would wake up dead again. Not that waking up dead made any sense to a regular person, but in her mind it was terrifying.
Because she didn't know the full extent of her quirk, she didn't know if she died again would she wake back up? Or if she would stay in nothingness. She didn't like explaining what being dead felt like. Because she felt like nothing. Like how blind people say they see nothing. She was engulfed in a bunch of nothing. As she was there, she was aware but was basically nothing. Then she felt something grow in her, she looked down and her body was there. It didn't hurt, it felt like nothing. Her vision turned into tiny little stars, like when you put to much pressure on your eyes closing them. She was in darkness and saw stars in the shape of her heart? Or maybe she was just crazy.
She hated explaining how she then saw something. Didn't know how to describe it. The whole memory was basically a fever dream. A vivid memory from when you were a child.
She didn't know if it was a angel, or a ghost, or whatever mythical creature was there but she felt herself being dragged. Just dragged and she felt water rush over her, a wave? Wind? Then it suddenly stopped, everything turned back into nothing and the pain she felt before she died returned. Then she woke up in her casket.
A horrible experience, she regreted talking about it on talk shows and to reporters. But she wanted people to know, she wanted others who may have experienced this to find her. She needed an explanation. She wanted to just call it seeing white before your last moments, but it was just nothing and then suddenly bliss washed over her. Then she felt her quirk appear in her and she was back? She researched it for days and settled on something simple.
When we perceive a situation as a threat to our existence; our sympathetic nervous system activates rapid emotional, psychological, and physical changes. When quirks developed, they seemed to react when the body started to decline in health and activate by itself in anyway possible it could to prevent death. But all the research made her sick, because her quirk had a second side so none of that information could acutally relate to her.
When she wasn't sleeping in her bed, this is what she thought about. But in all honesty, as time went by. She healed and set it at the back of her mind. She was alive now and if the time ever where for her to possibly die. She would be fine with that, she's lived. And if her quirk was truly immortal in all ways and she couldn't die. She would bear with it the best she could for Toshinori's sake. She was living now, there was no time to be worrying about what's to come when she isn't even finished yet. She will worry about it when she has nobody left.
It was like that every single plane ride, this one wasn't any different. Always thinking about her near death experience and her stupid future she thought too much into. Forget it, she convinced herself while she stared out the plane window the whole damn ride.
The plane landed early in the morning it seemed, she didn't have her phone set to Japan's time set since her phone died. The sun was rising when she set foot off the plane. She liked the mornings, no particular reason why. Just a reminder she made it through another day ok. She liked the feeling of warmth, the sun on her skin even if it hurt her eyes. She liked it because everyday she sat on her porch with her dog and drank coffee while she sun bathed. Until the mosquitoes found her...
Then there was the Airport, she always waited in her car when she had the chance. But Toshinori had promised to send someone for her when she arrived so she didn't bother arranging for her car or a Taxi. If they had Taxi's in Japan, probably something different maybe. Honestly, she only visited Japan 5 times in courtesy of it being Toshinori's home country and all.
Thank the lord it wasn't humid here, it ruined her hair and she absolutely HATED humids affect on her. Not a good look. And it ruined her precious mornings.
When she entered the airport lounge, she dug the charger out of her bag and walked around until she found a plug. On her first trip to Japan, she thought EVERYTHING would be different. And to be fair, it wasn't too different to a point she couldn't get around. She even learned to speak the language for Toshinori's 40th birthday. She graduated from high school with a 5.0 GPA. Honestly, if it wasn't for her promise as a hero and her high IQ, she would never have gotten a 5.0. Since she always skipped and got suspended, she was inside juvenile detention a lot. But in her last year at UA, and yes she was in Japan for highscool, she really straighted up and worked her hardest all year. AP, dual credit, and IB and whatever they had to offer. She studied all the time, even did chores and errands for her homeroom teacher. She did have good grades all three years because she was smart, but she also had way too many suspensions and write ups. Not to mention her homeroom teacher begging the principal on his knees making excuses for the juvenile hall incidents. Life was simpler back then, more old school style so it was easier to get away with all that rather then nowadays. Sure there were consequences but life was more old school. Japan wasn't her home country anyways so that news would only stay in Japan for a while after she left with Yagi.
She sat on a lounge chair in the airport lobby, her leg crossed over the other, her foot swinging in the air while her elbow rested in the armrest holding her dead phone. She stared at it, as if that would make it go faster. Then some tall and bulky dude stomped by her, his fists balled and his hair and mustache on fire. He looked angry as hell. He was stomping behind some kid with two toned red and white hair, perfect middle part.... No way, endeavor?
- Y/n Pov
"SHOTOOOOO!!!! DONT YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME!! SON GET BACK HERE" he yelled, everyone around stared at him in utter shock. Who wouldn't? He was stomping around his poor kid throwing a adult-like tantrum in the middle of an airport and screaming at the top of his lungs. Jesus, and I thought America was bad.
I settled my phone down on the arm rest, if anyone were to try and take it they would be in for a hell of a beat down.
Standing from my chair, I paved my way through the people that stopped around the father and son. Or the big hero yelling at some ignorant looking kid. gently tapping him on the shoulder, his yelling stilled as he looked behind him in disgust.
"WHO- you. WHY ARE YOU HERE" he yelled, seemingly fumed more by my presence. His son bore his eyes away from his phone, ice cold mismatched eyes staring into mine. It would seem ignorant, but i knew better then that.
"Well, hello to you to endeavor. Your disturbing people you know. Not very 'Allmight' like, wouldn't you say" I said, looking over towards the boy who forcefully hid a grin at his father's discomfort. Honestly that insult was trash, jet-lag was soon to hit me like a brick, and i was tired. To tired to think of a better insult. But it worked, endeavor always had a problem with All Might. So when he tried to offer me a quirk marriage, I told him I would rather marry All Might as a joke. Then he learned my relationship towards All might was deeper then the rejection towards him. Me and All Might were actually friends. Which angered him more than my dismissal towards him.
I ignored the glare endeavor shot towards me and poured my full attention to his son,
"Hello there, you must be Endeavors son. My name is Y/n L/n, I'm sure your father may have mentioned me?" No
Oh wow, blunt and cold. I didn't expect much less.
"Oh I figured as much, after all most people can't handle rejection as well. What's your name son?" I said, pushing endeavor to the side and glaring at him, I really don't feel like dealing with his bullshit infront of his son. I did my research, he's been accepted into UA recently on recommendations. The place where I'm now going to work alongside Toshi. I Want a good impression, I want him to have someone other then his father who knows about the whole situation, even if it's not me I want him to know I know. But not yet I just arrived and this isn't my business And of course I do know about it, I visited his wife before. Why? Because I know endeavor is a asshole who's greedy and hungry for power. And I've also been good friends with Rei because I used to check up on her.
"I'm not your son, my name is Shoto Todoroki" he said, bluntly and oblivious, seemed like that was his whole personality. It may have come off as angry. And did Endeavor teach this kid anything? Seriously it's an expression.
"It's an expression honey, it's nice to meet you though! I promise I'm not a random fan, in fact your and i father absolutely hate each other, we go way back" I said, shining a small comfortable smile at him, not paying attention to the raging baby glaring at us from the food stands all the way across the lounge. But god i sounded old, we go way back? This boy didn't smile or show any emotion, he just seemed empty at the moment. But there was more, I don't know why I know but he wasn't just cold, he seemed angry.
"We have something in common then" he said, holding his hand out as I gladly took his hand in both of mine. I grinned. Who wouldn't hate his father? Well exept for Toshinori because he trys to find the good in everybody. Which means I end up scaring the bad ones off because he's too nice to.
"I hope to be meeting you again soon at UA, I heard you got accepted. Congratulations, I have to get going though and make sure nobody stole my phone. I'll see you around Todoroki!" I said, patting him on the shoulder before smiling and walking back to my seat before the raging baby had a chance to cause another fit over my existence and me fawning over his son.
I looked towards my chair, and boom. Gone. Do not yell Y/n Calm down.
"WHO THE HELL TOOK MY DAMN PHONE I SWEAR- IMMA FIND YOUR ASS AND-" I yelled in fury, before getting interupted with a tap on the shoulder.
"Exuse me young lady, is this perhaps yours? Uh I grabbed the wrong phone deary" a sweet little old lady said, her voice tiny and slightly cracked.
Seriously, im too old to be yelling like this, and of course I look over to see Endeavor snickering at my outburst. I sucked in the embarrassment and give a sheepish smile and wave at them. He doesn't need to know I call him a raging baby behind his back and then do the same thing. In my defense, my reasons are better then his, by 100%.
"Oh I am so so sorry ma'am, truly forgive me" I said calmly, bowing down and retrieving my phone from her outstretched hand. I needed this phone so I could find my ride, I was too exhausted to call a cab and find my way to UA by myself until Toshi finally answered his godamn phone. Yeah, while I was on the plane. Before my phone died, I had texted him and asked him for any information before I turned my phone off. And I waited and checked my phone every chance I got, without the hooker interrupting me. But he never answered, then when I checked it last, my phone was on 2% and I had been left on read for 40 minutes. I waited then it but HE STILL DIDNT ANSWER. He was always bad with technology and answering but he wasn't this bad. But right before my phone died, he messaged me and told me he had a co worker that would be picking me up. It was a single message, then he started typing again.
Then my phone died, but now it's on 5%. Good enough. Turning on my phone, I prepared for one or two unread messages. Not 30 missed calls sprung onto my weirdly bright screen.
3 voicemails and 7 unread messages. Seriously what could be that important? We will get in contact eventually. I clicked on his messages because I hate voicemails, and read his sorry paragraphs and information I could've used an hour ago.
Toshinori, I hate you sometimes
Aizawa sat in his car, waiting for the last 30 minutes for Toshinori's friend to make an appearance. This sorry guy was horrible with communication, over the phone was worse then his blood spurts and studdering in real contact.
He had given him her number and a little information about her.
Long H/C hair that reached to her waist, E/C eyes, No.3 hero of America. Yeah like that wouldve helped him more. Her name was Y/n L/n. Hero name Vampira. And her quirk is Vampire. And that's all Aizawa got out of the disturbed man, juggling random things in his arms and struggling to look at his phone.
Of course it ended up being Aizawa to do this without complaint or an exuse. Unlike Hizashi and Kayama.
-2 days ago-
Cementoss, Present Mic, Midnight, Thirteen, Ectoplasm, and Eraserhead were the only staff in the teachers lounge. Kayama and Hizashi chatting away, acutally yelling, about some stupid Romance they claimed to have witnessed with their bare eyes. Cementoss and Thirteen talking in a corner, and Ectoplasm sitting at his desk shuffling some papers. While Eraserhead sat, sandwiched between Hizashi and Kayama in his desk. Minding his own business until they decided he needed company. He expected nothing less from them, toning them out was easy because they knew and didn't bother to include him in the conversation. But they liked to acknowledge he was there no matter how much he would rather them just ignore him.
The students had just been selected and assigned classes. Aizawa ended up with the kid who broke his arm and got 60 rescue points. He really hoped he wouldn't get that one, but of course luck was never on his side. Just like when Bigfoot and chicken little walked through the door and ended up ruining his Saturday.
"Hello everybody!!" Nezu yelled, throwing the door open causing some papers to fly. He was so little, most employees have been caught opening the door for him or lifting him up. Yet he just made the door fly open, how logical for a nut like him.
"Me and Toshinori have a question we need answered at the upmost urgency, no pressure! Go ahead Yagi" Principal Nezu piped, climbing onto a nearby couch and folding his hands on top his lap. Everyone in the room payed their attention to Toshinori. He coughed awkwardly rubbing at the nape of his neck. He would have to get used to nezu, he tended to put people on the spot a lot. He also created anticipation because he was sometimes unpredictable when matters weren't completely work related.
"Well, for starters, I know it's to soon to be asking favors since I just started working here. But, I have a old friend arriving in Japan this Saturday, but I have a press conference and I won't be able to pick her up from the airport. And nezu isn't allowed to drive anymore, so I was wondering if one of you would maybe pick her up? I'm so sorry-" He stuttered and mumbled, afraid they would all attack him like wolves for simply asking a favor. In between words he coughed, and wouldn't stop rubbing the back of his neck. It started to get repetitive.
"Oh! And she's also going to be working here alongside Toshinori for the time being which is why I need one of you to go pick her up, don't make excuses yet. I think you all would quite like her indeed!" By nezu's tone, he wasn't asking, he was telling them this wasn't a favor in his own way. So one of them would end up having too do it, and if someone didn't then they would bring out the real wolf. Nezu's maniac side nobody liked dealing with.
"Wait another new staff member? Already having the No.1 pro hero is already a lot for this school year. Who is this exactly?" Cementoss asked, causing a bright smile and a clap from Nezu. It was this new thing he was doing, nobody knew where it came from. Everybody stared at Toshinori waiting for him to get the cue it was his turn to speak. He looked around frantically before stuttering once again
"O-oh sorry! Hah, well. I don't know if any of you would know her. She's the No.3 Pro hero from America, Vampira-"
"WHATTTTTT?????" Mic yelled, shaking the room a bit while his mouth hung open, everyone covered there ears and shared knowing looks and eyerolls at the frantics from the loud hero. While Aizawa looked unbothered by everything.
"Let him finish Hiz" Kayama said softly, her finger pushing his chin up closing his agape jaw showing his dramatic shock. Everyone was already used to Mic's outbursts and dramatic flares so they all waited for Toshinori to get the memo to just continue.
"Ah ha, well she's a friend of mine from my prime days in America and just lately she stepped down from her title"
"Sorry nem, continue boss man!"
".... and she decided to move to Japan for a while and work with me here at UA, on nezu's suggestion of course ha" Toshinori slouched, looking back towards nezu waiting for him to take over. Toshinori wasn't really to familiar with all of the staff just yet so this was tuff for him to ask.
"Damn man, why on a Saturday of all days. I totally would dude but I've got a show to host that day" Hizashi said bummed he couldn't pick up the No.3 American hero, he looked towards his best friends while everyone else then looked around at each other, either thinking of excuses or waiting for someone to step up or let Toshinori down. But no one would dare make the mouse mad, and upsetting the No.1 pro hero of Japan in the flesh was out of question.
"Well I've got a hot date I can't afford to pass up that day, Shota.." Nemuri said, both her and Hizahsi making sadly attempted puppy dog eyes at him. He wanted to refuse, he could have. But he had nothing to do that day but nap. That didn't make him want to do it. He's always accepting things from his pouty friends without complaint or excuses because he's the responsible one they assume he'll do it.
And that's exactly what he did. Wondering if he would regret it.
-Present time-
Aizawa sat in his car, he has been listening to radio music for the past 35 minutes, this whole situation had already thrown him off schedule. Not that he was so busy with the starting school year. He had set up lesson plans ahead of time, overveiwed each of his new students files and performance in the entrance exam. He seemed ready to expel two or three but he would wait on it for the time being. Until he was done running Nezus stupid errand. He knew this was a friend of All mights, and she had been hired by Nezu. That seemed to be all anyone knew, her hero life wasnt as open as normal top ranking hero's. Sure Nezu could be a schemey son of a bitch, but his plans had reason and support behind them. He always thought first and did what he did with reason. Even if sometimes it seemed irrational to Aizawa, he knew to trust Nezu. Which is the only reason why he's still waiting in this damn parking lot. And another popular top pro hero? What was he thinking, they didn't need any more teachers. It frustrated the daylights outta him knowing he would never figure out why Nezu did the things he did until it was all said and done.
Then his phone buzzed, he grabbed his phone out of one of the many loops in his scarf and viewed the message from her number. She finally answered his text from half an hour ago.
1+ ###-###-###: hey, sorry I didn't answer your text earlier! Toshinori gave me such little information about this whole situation. He's really bad with communication. I had to charge my phone so it took a while, I'm sooooo sorry to have kept you waiting I apologize! I will yell at Yagi later for it. I will meet you out in the parking lot if your still there
This was the number he texted earlier, and she also seemed to understand Toshinori's bad communication aswell. Aizawa had very few interactions with the man and he already knew.
1+ ###-###-###: it's alright, he did the same thing to me. I'm still here and parked in the third row, black SUV at the front. I'll honk when I see you.
He replied, not caring enough to wether or not his response was professional. Really just honking was fine considering he had been waiting here for half an hour.
1+ ###-###-###: lol okay ;D
Aizawa stared at the message before huffing, she texted exactly like Nemuri did. Placing his phone down into the cup holder. Or as Hizashi liked to call it, the bunny holder. There were bunny stickers all inside the cup holders. He always reminds himself to never let Hizashi borrow his car. Scratching them out would only ruin it more so he let it be as reluctant as he was.
He scanned the parking lot, looking for a woman with the description Toshinori gave him. After a moment he saw her walking towards him, he honked once. She looked towards the car, smiling and waving as she walked towards the passenger door. He unlocked the door, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding until she opened the car door and sat herself down. Closing the car door, she turned to him and gently smiled.
"Hello, I'm Y/n L/n" she said softly, holding her hand out towards me as I stared at her appearance.
She sure did have the looks for a top ranking American hero, she dressed like a regular civilian. Black and tight fitting tank top, and some black sweatpants, she had bracelets on her wrists and a fancy ring. Some beautiful golden earrings he had never seen before. Her jewelry reminded him of Kayama. Her hair was messy but not hobo looking, but she had eye bags that almost amounted to his. She looked like she got no sleep, even after traveling 11 hours. She had bandages wrapped around her knuckles and elbows. And had a rich looking purse he felt he knew the name of, Nemuri had one before....
Aha, a coach bag with leopard print. It's all she talked about since she could never find one.
"Aizawa Shota" he said gruffly, reaching out and meeting his hand with hers. They were soft and small in his, not childlike small but really soft. To think she was a top hero was unbelievable. She had a slim physique it looked like. Did she even eat? He honestly didn't believe for her to be the No.3 pro hero in her country. It was none of his business though, he was just the chauffeur. Not that he really cared.
"I'm sorry for the confusion and I'm sooo sorry to make you wait this long" she said, letting out a huffed smile as she turned and fastened her seatbelt. The car had already been started for half an hour so he waited for her to get situated before reversing back and starting to drive off.
"It's fine, it wasn't that long of a wait" he said, his eyes fixated on the road. He honestly didn't expect her. He didn't know what exactly he expected. He also didn't bother to make conversation. She seemed nice and all but he didn't care to be there with her. His main priority is finding out why Nezu thought she would be useful to these children. He didn't underestimate her, how could he? She was on a different level then him. He noticed how she looked younger then him. Somebody so young in the top ranks and stepping down from the title? He didn't like anything about this. He couldn't figure out her purpose or logic, he didn't know if he wanted to. Questioning someone like her seemed to be wrong, he knew to just give the higher up officials what they wanted to hear and he could just go back home. But she bugged him in the wrong way.
She seemed to be mindlessly commenting on things, but he didn't pay attention much. He was deep in thought. She noticed but didn't really seem to care.
"Not much of a talker?" She questioned, her eyes ogling everything she saw out the window.
He simply hummed, taking a left turn and silence took over. He drifted back into thought. Both of them were good at reading people, the silence didn't seem heavy or awkward. She did though comment on little things or talk about Toshinori, but after a while she fell silent. He didn't mind her talking unlike most people. Maybe it was because her comments weren't stupid or directed at him.
She looked about in her 20s, somehow in the top ranks, but moving to Japan to step down from her pedistool? Her high place in the hero ranks at 20? Nothing about this made sense. What on earth had Nezu gotten him into. He also remembered Toshinori mentioning her being a friend of his from way back. This irritated him, he clenched the wheel as he pulled into the UA parking lot. He hated being in the dark, especially in a situation like this. He needed to know more, he knew what prying into Nezu's decisions meant, but if he didn't he would be blind if anything were to happen to his students because of her. He hadn't even met them, but he was a workaholic and only cared about doing his job right. As a hero, and as a mentor for the next generation.
Normally he wouldn't care as much, her smile as she thanked him for being so patient and giving her a ride, her wave goodbye as she got out the car and hugged Toshinori like she had known him forever. That man was at least in his 50s.
Aizawa stood by his car door, locking it and walking in the opposite direction towards the UA front doors. Those two seemed occupied enough so he felt no need to wait for them
As soon as Y/n was done hugging him, she smacked him upside his head.
"Ha, ouch Y/n. Don't hit an old man now" He breathed like he was out if breath, and she regretted it as soon as he started to cough up blood.
"It's as bad as I thought huh? Yagi when are you going to retire?" As soon as she said it, he wilted down. His mood dropped as he drifted to the side. Distraught at the subject he always avoided on the phone.
"No, Yagi, look at me. Don't do that," she said, stepping to the side he was facing to get his attention. Her hands found his face, cradling his head upwards so his downcast eyes were on her.
"Don't change the subject, we talked about this. It's ok to retire, and remember I'll be there right with you." She said, trying to dismissed whatever insecurities that clouded his head. They covered his better judgement with self doubt and self pity for growing old.
"I don't want to do this right now Y/n, how about later.. please?" He said, his hands taking hers off his cheeks and holding them down in his own before letting go with a smile. She smiled back, happy to discuss this another time. He had been saving both Japan and America for ages, it's his turn to finally relax. And he's running out of battery juice she didn't want his end to come faster then it should've just because he's a workaholic. She swore to herself she would take care of him until his final breath and she would be there until the end. But that end will not be coming soon.
"We don't have to, I know you hate talking about it snd you already know how I feel. But I'm staying in Japan for good with you now! I'm basically retired just not officially..." she laughed, starting to walk ahead as he followed. It had been ages since they last saw each other, facetiming didn't always work for him. Either it was the sound or never being able to use the camera correctly. So call and text where what they settled for.
Y/n moving in was a big change, one they were both ready for. Toshinori was wearing down, and Y/n was right there with him. Stepping out of the hero light and settling for teaching the next generation. She didn't know if this UA thingy would be permanent. But she would try. That's all she could do anyways.
They both walked into the UA highschool. Yagi standing at a good 7'2 in height. While she stood at a good 5'9, he towered over her and she had to look upwards to acutslly face him. But the sneakers she packed turned out to not fit snd she ended up wearing Black stiletto pumps under her sweatpants. The pants were hobo-ish but comfortable for a plane, feels like home.
As they reached Nezu's office, she stopped causing Yagi to stop abruptly behind her.
"What are you doing?" He asked, turned her around trying to read her expression. Even though right now, she didn't feel enough to make an expression. Just exhausten.
"I want to really think, what will I be obligated to do when I become a teacher or whatever. I've never done this before" she said, taking two strands of hair and twirling it around her fingers. She wasnt nervous, just hated thinking about a possible future in an inexperienced feild of work, she hated quitting at things so she made sure to know what she was getting into first.
"I haven't either, yet I'm here. The staff are all heroes, they are accepting. I've needed help a lot since I got here and I was never judged. Well exept by eraserhead but he means well on his part" Yagi chuckled as they both faced the door. He waited for her to think, like he always did.
And really, what did she have to lose? She had 51 good years of hero experience, a near death encounter, hundreds of hero training and hours, the being a hero part was no problem. It was her quirk.
Sure people in America learned to love it once she turned it into something somewhat hot and cool. But this place is new, and at first sight. A blood sucking human didn't look good for a bunch of teenagers in disguise as aspiring young heros.
Present mic quirk intro: Y/n L/n, Quirk: Vampire.
With this Quirk, Y/n can basically do everything those silly vampire myths say they can do. But way cooler! Her senses are all rapidly hightend. Hearing, smell, strength, mobility, and normal human functions. Jumping and flying also seem to be apparent! The amount of blood she consumes is like a basic energy source that determines how strongly everything is heightened. But in reality, she's stronger than some of the strongest top heroes in the world! Her strength is multipled along with her speed. She can run as fast as a cheetah in the blink of an eye, and it's effortless, according to her. All of these heightened body functions depend on the amount of energy she has, which is acquired by drinking blood. Her blood lust amounts to that of a humans need for food but tripled. Her body seems to heal almost automatically on its own, depending on the damage. Being a vampire also means having a heightened body healing process. This seemingly causes the immortality when the heart stops but isn't fully destroyed, so she can not die! Unless her heart is ripped out and torn apart. (When she died before, that was when the immortality developed and her body stopped aging and her bloodlust rose, and so did her abilities)
Side effects:
1. whenever she ears regular food, she sends up throwing it up sooner or later
2. Unworking digestive system
3. If she doesn't get enough blood, she'll start to go crazy and try to eat the next person she sees uncontrollably. If she hasn't consumed any blood and enters that crazy state, she will feel a raging amount of pain and her normal abilities will triple and her body will act on is own. She will smell blood from mile away and act like a savage beast to get it. She will start to feel pain if 58 hours pass after that state without blood and the body will go into a temporary coma until blood reaches her system.
"It's about my quirk Yagi" she said somberly. Her quirk never was a problem in America. They were used to it and heroes were much more... violent there. But she had no experience here, she just hoped the kids wouldn't get freaked out like they did when she was growing up.
"I knew this was going to come up, why do you do this everytime Y/n? Ha, you know your amazing. I dont know why you bother *cough* doubting yourself." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder. He was never good at comforting people in his smaller form, but right now he was All Might. She guessed not everybody at UA knew about his declining hours and small form.
"Yeah yeah, I know" she laughed, smacking his hand before knocking on the office door. She stared around mindlessly, bouncing on her heels before a faint 'come in' was heard. As obliged, she opened the door and held it for a second for Yagi. She glanced around the room, taking in every detail. A cabinet of collectors Tea cups, small mouse in a chair, Grey walls and mahogany wood desk. And a yellow worm like sleeping bag in the corner. Nezu couldn't possibly fit in that.
"Oh hello Ms. L/n! I was getting worried there for a second, please sit you two" he said, pointing towards the two chairs propped in front of his desk. She nodded, smiling at the cheery form the small principal welcomed her with. Almost everything wood in this room was mahogany.
"Love the mahogany, and I'm sorry we're late. Toshinori just doesn't know how to communicate very well. I'm honored to be here" she said, eyeballing dramaticly towards Yagi next to her as the principal laughed.
"Why yes I seemed to have picked that up?
"Oh and consider it an honor for us to have a fine hero such as yourself working here at our highschool. How was your trip?" Nezu said, trying to sound less obvious about her apparent eyebags.
"I look exhausted, don't i?" She said, smiling and giggling at the silent nod of the principle.
"Hm well, I don't really like to sleep while on a plane. But the trip was amazing. God, I forgot how much I liked this country" she said, silently kicking Toshinori's foot under the desk. He coughed but stayed silent, his side eye spoke for itself though. She didn't want to be thought of as the no.3 pro hero of America here.
"Well it's nice to know that you'll be staying for good! I just wanted to go over your attributes for working here if that's alright!" Nezu said, pulling out three hot and steamy teacups. What the fuck, was exactly what she thought as her stared shocked.
"Care for some tea?"
She looked down and closed her eyes, softly chucking the at principals attempt to please her. It was sweet tea, very sweet tea. Just how she liked it. She saw by the light brown swirling around at the top. Just the way gee mother made it for her, and how Yagi eventually learned to make it.
"Of course, that's alright with me" she said, taking the teacup in her hand and slowly sipping it. Hoping for the heat not to burn her lips. The principal clapped his hands before shoving the papers in front of me with a pen, while he pulled out a notepad from nowhere and a mouse pen. This guy was a nut. She also noticed the design of the glass teacup. It was a collectors teacup, the cabinet to his left seemed to be full of collectors teacups. The one she was holding was from Royal Doulton, Booths Real Old Willow, Flat Cup & Saucer Set. She knows so much about teacup sets because she spent 3 weeks in a hospital that only had channels about collectors teacups.
"Wonderful! Let's start simple. In the email we already talked about Toshinori's position here and how similar yours would be. But seeing that you are smarter then Toshinori, no offense, you could also be of help in a classroom whenever your not teaching with Toshinori!" He said, more enthusiastic when he brought up the classroom.
"Yea, I know what I would have to do when teaching Toshinori's class, but in a classroom? I have no experience in a class room." She said, looking at him smiling but confusion evident on her face as she looked down at the papers. They were a job description all layed out for her. Every detail, she had already accepted the job but never got a full description from the principal.
"Yes and I have considered that fact, but with your past highschool grades and knowledge and years of experience in hero work you would be perfect for both positions! And it would benefit the students to have another hero here that has worked in your line of work for so long. And when I say teach in a classroom, I mean idly substitute from time to time. You don't have to start in a classroom right away we would like for you to hold classes with Toshinori and just stay with training the students" he blabbered, his smile never leaving his face as he sipped his tea. She knew what he was trying to convey, and really she didn't see anything wrong with it. She would love to train these young students. But he didn't talk about the real reason she was here to work.
Because Toshinori was losing his hours, and they had talked about her eventually taking over when the day came. She was here to teach the kids Allmights classes when he couldn't anymore. But Yagi knew nothing about this. The whole classroom thing was a distraction.
But, she smiled. Toshinori didn't need a reminder of how weak he was getting. He has the reminder following him around everyday. She wanted to make it less harder for him but when the day came. She felt that the only thing that could make it any easier for him was to burn out fighting like the hero he is.
"Okay, I'll take it"
I'm going to stop here for now, this isn't the only part and I didn't really mean for it to be this long. It isn't going to just be mainly about Y/n and Toshinori for long. I was just trying to start of the story. And I will most definitely not be bolding them talking anymore.
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starlightsuffered · 6 hours
Make Her Finish (Hal)
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Info - possessive Hal, horny Hal, discussing waiting till marriage to have sex, high sex drive, Hal being insecure, discussing faking orgasms, Hal not being verbal during sex, knife play, carving initials in skin, cutting away clothing, spitting in mouth, demanding praise, unprotected sex, accusing someone of faking an orgasm, ass slapping, slapping cock on body, injury, licking blood
"It is so good to see you sister," I said smiling.
"Yes, I was gone a long time, but it was well worth it. Edward is the love of my life. You must thank Hal for introducing us," she smiled.
"That's wonderful. I know you were waiting for your wedding night," I said. With how voracious Hal's sex drive was that hadn't been a possibility for us and I was happier for it. My sister had saved herself. "Was it all you dreamed?"
Her expression soured and she looked out the window. The grip on her tea cup tightened.
"He has, he has yet to me make me finish," she said dismally.
"What have you done?" | asked in genuine fascination. Hal never had this issue. I wondered what he would do if I didn't?
"I've been faking," she sighed.
"Faking? How would one even do that?"
"You moan and say you feel good and make your walls contract, it seems to work well," she said sheepishly.
"You need to tell him!" | urged.
"Why?" She asked. "He'll only be upset."
"Or he would try to get better," | offered.
"But, can you get better?"
"Absolutely, I've told Hal everything I like and he's given into my requests. I'm not sure what the monarch would do if he had found l'd faked an orgasm," | chuckled.
Very soon after my last sentence my husband came stalking into the room. I knew the lust filled look in his eyes.
"Do you need me your highness?" | asked immediately.
"Yes!" He said, and dragged me from the room. My sister seemed astonished but Hal was like this. He wasn't used to having his desires ignored. If he wanted something, he went and got it.
Once in his chambers I was thrown against the wall. He was always rough with me and I adored it. He kissed me hard and I gave him the same force. He lifted my skirts and harshly pressed my clit. He swallowed my whimper.
He broke our kiss to get his sword.
"You know, one day you'll empty the crown's treasury with all the dresses of mine you need to replace," ! chuckled. He loved cutting my clothing away instead of dealing with the skirts and lacing.
I could finally breath properly with the corset slit. Sure a little more belly protruded, but Hal often went on and on about my natural form. He was disrobing quickly.
He threw me over his shoulder, landing a smack to my ass. I adored it when he threw me down and was over me in an instant. His eyes were darker than I'd ever seen.
He grabbed my jaw, forcing open my mouth. He spat into my mouth, but kept it open so he could speak his words into it.
"Im going to fuck you, and all the the while you will tell me how good I feel," he said darkly into my mouth. I nodded obediently. He let go and I swallowed his saliva.
"Yes my King," I swore. He sheathed himself inside me after slapping both my thighs with my cock.
"Hal, you're so deep," | whined as he began to rut into me at a nearly unimaginable speed. He plunged in and out of my hurriedly. I heard his little grunt of effort and traced his popping veins. He was really pushing himself.
"You're so good at this. You were made for sex my lord, the length and girth of your cock, the speed you always have, the selflessness of the pleasure you provide," | praised him.
"Oh, fuck, your cock is the only thing that could make the Queen swear," I moaned as I writhed. He pulled out with a wet sound and I whined.
"Hal, what's going on?" I asked. He got his dagger. His eyes looked wild, he was in a different mind frame than me obviously. He was all desperation. He didn't even have the foresight to use the handle, instead he gripped the blade of the dagger, and without pushing too hard, carved his initials into my upper thigh. It only stung a little and his possessiveness made it worth it. He threw the dagger away and plunged back into me.
"Oh yes my king I'm yours, brand me if you like," I said bringing his injured hand to me. I let my tongue flick over the two parallel bloody lines. He let out a whimper at the sight.
'So good to me Hal, how do you outdo yourself every time?" | asked and he began to come, his expression bliss filled. I felt my eyes roll back into my head as his cock hit my g spot over and over. My walls clenched him. I sucked on his bloody hand as I came undone, my walls convulsing uncontrollably.
"That was amazing my King, but I do wish you would have talked more, I love your voice. I must ask though, it seemed like you were trying to prove something. Is there something on your mind?" I asked.
"You told your sister you faked an orgasm with me," he said softly.
"I did not!"
"You said you didn't know what l'd do if I knew," he countered.
"That was hypothetical. I've never NEVER had to fake with you. Every one is incredibly real. Her husband wasn't pleasing her and I was in wonder because you always do it perfectly," I said.
"Oh, sorry about your leg then," he said and bent to kiss the spot he'd cut.
"I don't mind," I smirked. "I like being marked as yours."
"I love you," he moaned.
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clownwwx · 2 years
sometimes i look at the ~relationships~ part of my natal chart and god its just all . just so damn difficult and harsh and it makes me want to abandon any hopes for anything good ever
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puppyeared · 3 months
Why have sex when u can watch blackhead removal videos
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ganondoodle · 10 months
i often really do feel like an .. unwanted part of the fandom, i dont draw beautiful landscapes, i have unpopular but strong opinions im constantly annoying about and rarely change, dont like/dont draw the pretty young popular twinks and hot gurls to fanboi over nor do i turn characters into one, the opposite moreso, draw only one ship no ones heard of really, got little energy to interact with the few people that are nice to me and send me asks so it probably looks like im ignoring everyone and unfortunately but still rarely get so stressed i get overwhelmed and emotional about pehaps seemingly minor things and spiral almost into a breakdown feeling super embarrassed about it afterwards but the damage is already done and i look like a freak or agressive weirdo
#ganondoodles talks#also probably sounds like self pity#but this feeling hits everytime i see a super popular artist be the popular cool artist#i am a little weird i know that and thats not somethign bad i think#but the internet never gets to see that much of me#i tend to write posts when i am at my worst bc it has to go somewhere#so the image it tells people is that im a weirdly strong opiniod freak that gets breakdowns over nothing#i also dont feel like im otherwise -cool tm- enough to balance that out#i dont think my art is as stylized or as inventive as others nor am i cool to interact with bc idk how to be cool to interact with#i feel double bad when i misstepped with someone i used to talk to bc of something stupid ... or just dont know what i did wrong#im guessing its especially when i am in that spiraling state of mind where i really am not myself tbh#it still feels very bad bc i feel like i can never make it up to anyone again#sorry i acted like a jerk my brain was exploding in emotions in a desperate attempt to deal with something idk how to deal with-#-and made me not act like myself but now i feel really dumb about it#doesnt sound like a good excuse#... i want to thank those that do stick with me#even if i acted strange sometimes- even if i disappointed sometimes- even when i couldnt keep a promise#there are little things that still make me angry at myself#like that one time i asked in the tags whod read as long as the end of them and if someone did shoudl send me an ask so id draw a lil thing#and i got two#and i kept trying to remeber oh shit i need to do that and forgetting again/not having energy for it in a loop#i still feel like a jerk about it but now its probably too late#i wish i could answer all asks i get but man my energy for that is always rock bottom#no matter how much i enjoy the ask#and i love getting asks!!!#im sorry :((
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having thoughts about how Husk actually has very little left to redeem bc he started his journey of self-change before even coming to work at the hotel, but at the same time redemption isn't even his goal- he ain't even aiming for heaven, he just wanted to be a better person and maybe now with friends and especially Angel, who he supports so much and wants to see succeed, maybe now he has a reason to be a better person
#hazbin hotel#husk#warning I am about to ramble in these tags O7 I have a ridiculous amount of thoughts about this cat bird man#thinking about that word of god from vivzie that Husk is actively fighting his gambling addiction in hell#which besides the pilot we've only seen his gambling mentioned in the past#and idk if it's just because they had to focus on other things but we don't see him drinking as heavily as he did in the pilot#and first few episodes. like he actually wants to be sober#we know he used to be an overlord and we assume that comes with all the terrible overlord qualities#(aka there's no such thing as a good slave owner)#but the Husk we know now has been on both sides of this chain#he knows and respects boundaries. consent is super important to him. this feels like a moral you can't really have to be an overlord#he also sees everyone as more than just what they can do for him specifically. he gets NOTHING out of being Angel's friend#he gets NOTHING out of defending Angel and Cherri during the fight with the Exorcists#he knows when to open up and who to open up to and trust. and he extends a hand to someone in need. someone he ain't even close to-#and if it hasn't changed he is trying to beat his own vices despite not even being a guest of the hotel. he's staff. he doesn't HAVE to#participate in their activities or try to change. he was dragged into this#but dammit he does it anyway#(also if he is still trying to beat his gambling addiction I wonder if the pilot was a relapse. hm)#anyway ig what im trying to say is husk isn't a guest at the hotel but plays the role of a guide for the guests bc he's already#got a very strong and *GOOD* set of morals considering they're in hell#like his level of morals we've only seen /explicitly/ shown in hellborn. and yeah consent and boundaries is rock bottom even for Earth#but they're in hell so somehow the bar manages to be even fucking lower than that so I consider it a win#ALSO THE FACT THAT HE STOOD BETWEEN ANGEL & CHERRI AND THE EXORCISTS??? this mf is willing to DIE for these people#I am 100% sure that if Husk's soul didn't belong to Alastor he would already be redeemed#we don't know what he did in life and we don't know how bad he was as an overlord but we know who husk is /now/#and that person is a pretty damn good guy#he might have some work to do sure but he's already at least started his redemption before the show even began and#we're just seeing the tail end of it#god damn I really rambled in these tags i am so sorry#I just have so many thoughts about him
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i only just found your au and i need everyone to have a happy ending so badly im gonna cry ;-; sally is gonna be so freakin upset when she wakes up for real and sees she decimated barnaby.
oh, Barnaby already has his arm stitched back on when she wakes up! and really, even if he didn't, that'd be the Least of her worries. she wakes up into a Real nightmare - partially of her (unintentional) making
#happy endings... well... yes and no. depends on what act you look at#act one? no! actually things get So Much Worse in an entirely festive new way!#act two? eh! sorta! its more bittersweet than anything#act three and four blend into each other so much that three doesn't have an 'ending'#but the final act - act four... well. who's to say! im still workshopping what i want to happen#but i do know it's still gonna have at Least a bittersweet tinge to it#wh lights out au#rambles from the bog#there are consequences and not everyone Makes It. i dont like stories where everything wraps up perfectly fine#even if it hurts! i like it when things hurt in a good way. those stories where the ending is overall positive#but Enough Happened that its just... its an ache. looking at where someone used to be. you know?#my favorite shows and books and fics have ended with me smiling while sobbing bc it yes it Hurts but it was So Fucking Good#and while i wouldnt be able to handle rewatching/rereading due to Emotional Damage...#i think of them fondly and often and theyre Important to me#perfectly happy endings just rub me wrong. it always feels like there's something Missing despite it all being idyllic#i cant let my own stories - original or aus or whatever - have that kind of end#so if thats what people are hoping for! you've come to the wrong person and the wrong au!#i like to be kind but that rarely extends to my creative works!#i like it messy and painful and bittersweet and i like to be Ruthless with my creations with no compromise#sometimes characters need to fight. or leave. or die. or make serious mistakes. etc.#but anyway! anyway....#i will say that there isn't a happy ending for Everyone. and for others it's... complicated. again - bittersweet
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syntheticpaperd0ll · 4 months
im feeling it tonight so this one goes out to all my girlies (gender neutral) with addictions. recovering from addictions. who don't want to recover from addictions. who are relapsing or have relapsed. who have moved from one addiction to the next. who cant recover from addictions. this one is for people with addictions other than drugs. shopping. sex. internet. food. self harm. all the weirdest and worst addictions that people may or may not consider normal. for all of you also trying to live in a world where addictions are so demonized, i see you. i love you.
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widevibratobitch · 25 days
something about being told im 'the leading person at this whole academy when it comes to interpretation and stage intelligence' by the husband of the woman im trying (not really. but i mean. who knows) to seduce... ok boy you got me. lets make it a polycule.
#im playing it all cool and funny now but atm i legit burst into tears lol#like he said i have a 'good voice too of course' but i know realistically that is not my strongest asset#and even if i were technically perfect. which im NOT lol. the voice itself is just nothing special. it's there ig but that's about it#but its nice to know i may not be 100% useless after all#(just 90%)#also apparently the most feared and respected professor who came to the concert said. again. that he likes me the most.#which again. crying real actual tears about this all rn this means literally the world to me this is everything i have#and i have no one to share this with because im not gonna say it to my uni friend cause i dont want her to feel like im boasting or sth#(even tho she has no such qualms herself but probably because i know how. not great. it feels when someone keeps talking about themselves#and about how great they are and how easy everything is for them. i dont wanna do it back at her.#well there's also the fact that i dont think im great and this is not fucking easy to me at all lol#but idk i think the difference between us is that she actually admitted she sees no point in singing if she cant show off (thus she hates#the duet we're singing because she sings the lower part and cant show off her high notes or coloratura.#which is like. an insane take to me. i mean it i get it. kinda. if i had a voice like hers maybe id be like that too fuck knows.#but that just feels so. idk. sad to me. so self obsessed and empty. like you dont care about the music itself? about you being a part of it?#also immediately made singing with her not fun anymore. i thought we were creating something TOGETHER. but thanks for the confirmation#that you only really care about being 'better than'. yikes.#like idk this behaviour is funny and iconic in old school opera legends like yes go bite each others dicks off.#but it hits completely different when it's your own colleague let alone your friend. like damn girl. damn)#) anyway. the husband is kinda hot too now that i think of it. i really should seduce them both.#except its realistically not possible since they've both seen me cry now (she saw it like a hundred times lol)#so ive lost the hot and mysterious card alas. no uni professors romance for me
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bunnihearted · 13 days
#i've been thinking about this quite a lot on and off for a while#but to try to process it more i just wanna try to vent:#my sexuality is very messy. even inside my head. so scary. so complicated...?? so just thoughts of it are scary#and like there has only ever been one person who like just thinking about sex with has felt like good#not scary or terrifying. not with all of my avpd symptoms woven in (like one is that idk if i could ever have sex w someone#like actually be with them and be able to look them in the eyes and then also keep talking to them afterwards and not just run away and#never see them again. that's just one thing and this isnt abt that so anyway#like yeah just thinking about sex w him feel ok. safe and comfortable. and enjoyable and like i can and want it#which is smth like... with my other crushes before i've fantasized abt having sex w them but it felt bad and scary ://#and like i didnt actually want sex w them...#and with this person that isnt there. it's scary in a way since like im not experienced at all and idk how it feels irl 💀#but not in the way i usually feel abt it!!!!#so this just in my head#plus the fact that like talking and expressing some of my thoughts TO him ... felt good and safe and comfortable#is actually such a gift from him.... and i'll always treasure this (one of many things haha ^^)#bc he made me experience this and that i can feel good and ok and safe about it#i do feel sad that when this was current i was so cautious and shy bc it was so new to me#i was feeling smth real and genuine emotionally w him and i wasnt just saying stuff ... if that makes sense lmao#hmmm... yeah i've never felt good abt it before that w him. so it was so so new. and i couldnt quite get used to it fast#now im getting messy in my thoughts again sksksk#i just feel like this meant so much to me to just have had it#and idk im just so happy to know that these feelings are possible for me .. and i feel thankful for him that he gave me this not so little#thing/feeling/experience#now... the thing is... he is the only one i've felt all of the things with. like attraction/safe/comfortable/taken seriously etc etc.... so#umm what do i do now? 💀#ig either way im glad i know that this exists for me and that im not incapable of it. even if my avpd makes me feel that way#ok.. skurr skurr?#but yeah sexuality is so fkn scary for me idk it just gets too much i wanna cry T-T
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the-kneesbees · 22 days
just watched my brother graduate
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electricabsolution · 1 month
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god its easy to write dirk off as a bad guy esp with hs2 happening + his insistence that he’s evil and manipulative but man. he cares SO fucking much about all his friends and he tries so hard to understand them. this is just such a strikingly KIND thing to say.
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rithmeres · 10 months
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genuinely these panels are going to make me ugly cry
#i'm not back for real yet i think i want to stay away longer. i'm just here to put more things in the queue and answer messages#i really enjoyed trimax vol 4 idk something about it was less miserable than 1-3#might have been the first volume that i wasn't grimacing the entire time i read it. or maybe i'm just desensitized now.#unironically this prayer is soooo beautiful to me. give us this day our daily bread. not bread for the week not bread for a year#just enough for today.#lately when i've been praying it just looks like#please for the love of god please please please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPL#things are not looking good for the community house.. lots bureaucracy with the city. and the church that funded us is falling apart#i don't know what i'm going to do if we get shut down it's the one thing in my life that's worth anything#all those kids... where are they going to go. who is going to help them. where is the neighborhood going to get their food.#in two days it will be the anniversary of [REDACTED] and i am so so so scared#just sat in my room today and fruitlessly scrolled thru jobs im not qualified for & tried not to think about thinking about killing myself#i don't WANT to kill myself i don't want to think about it i hate thinking about killing myself i will never ever kill myself or even try#but there is a demon or perhaps a ghost or evil wizard that tells me there's an easy way everything can go away. and it's A STUPID. BITCH.#please do not reply to this post i know you all mean well but i just don't think i can handle it.#talking about it i mean. and hearing people say nice but empty things.#i just wish i had someone to sit next to me.#personal#i don't want to go to church tomorrow :( it all feels so fake and i do not ever feel fed.
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