#i want to expand knowledge and experience with my friends and feel free again
fishnapple · 15 days
Use your 3rd house & Mercury for manifestation
Finding your own manifestation method that gives consistent results, at a consistent frequency is peak life magic for me.
My manifestation method is called "Written coloured words on calendar". I have a theory that since Mercury is associated with The Magician in Tarot, it has something to do with manifesting, especially by using verbal or written words. Mercury will help manifesting the themes of the house that it rules. While the energy of the planet that rules your 3rd house will be the tool to communicate and express your messages.
Do give it a try and tell me if it's effective for you too. If you have your own manifestation method, feel free to spread the magic.
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1. What you need
Coloured pens (the colour of the ink of the pen or the lead if you are using pencils, not the colour of the case)
A calendar that has space to write on (other things like a piece of paper or notebook don't work)
Basic astrology knowledge & your chart: you should know what planet rules your 3rd house and what house does Mercury rule in your chart
2. How I do it
The colour: Choose the pen with the colour that matches the colour associated with the planet that rules your 3rd house.
The phrase: I write "I want/need change" with that coloured pen around the space of the present day on the calendar. The phrase should be short, with a broad meaning, conveys the matters related to the house that Mercury rules in your chart. Don't be too specific like I want a red dress or I want 100$, start with general terms like asking for changes, surprises, chances, opportunities, helps, guidance.
Timing: the manifestation will happen within the next week, without fail, this is how it worked for me, the speed might depend on the planet that rules your 3rd house.
Example of how it works: I have Mercury rules my 3rd house & 6th house so it can be straightforward, whenever I wrote "I want change" with green (colour of Mercury) pen on the calendar, within the next week, a new business partnership/offer & more works (3rd & 6th house matters) appeared, I met someone new who would have Gemini or Virgo or both placements in their chart, who I would do business with, work with, travel with or became my friend (3rd & 6th house matters).
So you won't be able to manifest other things related to different houses & planets other than 3rd house and Mercury? → Most likely, I've tried with different houses & planets but it usually had short-term effect or no observable effect, while 3rd house and Mercury gave more long-term effects.
Each manifestation works only once, if you want it to happen again, you will need to write again.
3. Colours associated with each planet & their effect
Here is the list of effects I have observed through the years practising this. It can change depending on your chart though, try to experiment with each one yourself.
Yellow - Sun: Joyful events
Grey - Moon: No observable effect
Green - Mercury: Business, friendships, partnerships (strongest manifestation power, at least for me)
Pink - Venus: Interactions, pleasant exchanges
Red - Mars, Black - Pluto: Immediate unpleasant effects like traffic problems, meeting people in bad moods, troubles with machines, things become more hectic
Navy - Saturn, Blue - Uranus, Teal - Neptune : No observable effect
Purple - Neptune/Jupiter : Increase or decrease of interactions with people, can give rise to popularity but can also slow down your progress (I haven't really figured out this one yet)
Orange - Jupiter: Chances to expand your perspective, be more brave, test your resolution and faith. Some events can be negative at first but will turn out alright, after that you will learn some valuable lessons.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
After the Wish - Adrien's side
Hi, everyone! Are you ready for some scene analysis? Like the title says, this post will focus on Adrien's scenes following the Wish.
Before I start though, I am very well aware the ending bring a lot of very passionnated and very opinated minds. This is why I am asking to please keep an open mind and keep things civil. I won't tolerate any bashing or rude comments. Both on this post and in my inbox. Keep in mind this analysis in my own interpretation of the shots and scenes based on my cinematographic knowledge as well as my viewing experience and memory of the 5 seasons of Miraculous.
I am sharing this analysis because I love the show and because analysing helps me better understand what I see.
Also, this is a leak free analysis. I only analyze and make conclusions based on what it is shown to us on-screen.
So, if you are ok with staying respectful and open to see the episode through my lens, you are more than welcome to continue reading.
Without further ado, let's go!
After the whole universe was engulfed by the light of Gabriel's Wish, the white screen fade to a close up of Adrien sleeping. Marinette's head then block the shot temporarily before Adrien awaken, smiling. We can guess she kissed him.
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This shot personally reminds me of the fairy tales in which the knight kisses the princess to awake her from her curse. And it isn't coincidental if the very first image we see after Gabriel made the Wish is Adrien. There is meaning in that. In fact, I want to point out the shot choice itself because I find it unusual.
We are facing a tight close up facing directly Adrien while he is sleeping and then awakes. Normally, we are more used to a medium shot which allow to see the character is lying down and frame both characters. The camera is also normally placed on the side and not directly facing one particular character. Again in order to see both actors at the same time. Think of Disney Snow White or Sleeping Beauty for example.
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And even in more modern ones.
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You know which other character in the show who had their eyes closed, often shown in a frontal angle and who we were anticipating to wake up? Émilie.
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Except this isn't Émilie who awakes, but Adrien.
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Not only this tight close up gives a lot of importance and relevance to him, but Adrien is so in our face that it feels like nothing around him mattered, not even the kiss Adrien received. What matters is Adrien. Solely him. And Adrien is smiling.
Then the camera starts to expand little to little to unveil Adrien's "new world". In cinema, we are quite used to start a scene is with help of wide shot before cuting to closer shots. Here, it is the other way around. Which confers a sense of mystery to the scene.
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The first thing Adrien sees is Marinette, the girl he is in love with, at his side, bathed by the summer sunlight. The light choice hints we got a time ellipse between this moment and the previous scene.
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As Adrien rises up we see their friends having fun in what we guess is the Agreste Mansion Garden.
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The artists are painting a mural inspired by Delacroix's famous painting Liberty Leading the People where the characters are remplaced by La Résistance members and led by Ms Bustier depicted as Liberty herself. She is leading the youth to freedom, to a better future.
The rest of the class and their allies are playing in the pool or chilling together.
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This series of shots show us the Agreste Mansion garden flourishing with life. In the background, the flowers are all in full bloom, the plants cover most of the gray stones of the mansion, garnishing those with vibrant green tones. On-screen people laughing and having fun.
Hawkmoth (Party Crasher) : I don't feel any negative emotions. There's only... Joy? What is going on in my house?!
This series of shots shows how we are at the opposite at how life used to be for Adrien. His friends can come over and party with him. We see members of both his family and found family. Adrien isn't trapped inside his home-prison anymore. He isn't isolated anymore. He is surrounded by people who love and care about him. And Gabriel is absent from the picture.
Like Bug Noire said earlier during this episode, Adrien already had all of that before the Wish. Adrien went to school and made friends on his own. He wanted to have a birthday party at his home (Bubbler). He wanted to hang and have fun with his friends on multiple occasions. But Gabriel was always the biggest obstacle for Adrien to have those moments, those memories.
It is Gabriel who kept his son isolated. Because Gabriel was living in the past and was unable to move on with life while Adrien decided he wanted more in life than being stuck inside a cocoon. And at the end of Revolution, Adrien knew what he wanted :
Adrien : Father, please, I know what I want. Let me live my life here in Paris with Marinette and my friends. Gabriel : You must go through with this like an Agreste. That's what your mother would have wanted. Adrien : No, I'm sure that Mom would have just wanted me to be happy.
And, in the end, Adrien's wish is fulfilled.
One last sidenote before I continue concerns that one shot.
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Despite not being in the center of the shot, Nathalie seems to be doing better than the last time we saw her. She has a least more colors and has gained her red streak of hair back. Her pose however seems... limited. Maybe her body is still weak from the illness afflicting her. Maybe it is due to budget constraint. Or maybe it is both. And remember what Bug Noire said to Gabriel at the end of their fight : she estimated Nathalie had only a few hours left. And we are weeks from now. Either Bug Noire was wrong in her prognostic or Nathalie survived.
Émilie : Adrien will be well surrounded. He'll have you Nathalie, and he'll have his father, if Gabriel agrees to give up on his madness... and on me. Adrien will have all the love he needs to be happy.
Anyway, the group pauses their activities to watch a new show called "Monde Nouveau" (litteraly "New World") and hosted by Alec.
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Alec as we know, has changed to become an icon about being yourself and making your dream come true. And him being the host of that new show instead of a character like Nadja, means that we are looking at an happy and positive vision of things.
He interviews Caline Bustier, now both Mayor of Paris and mother of a girl named Harmonie. She shares her program for a better future to us, the audience.
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As she talks about her eco-rules, we see sketches supporting her vision. At the bottom right, we recognize the Tsurugi company logo, but next to it there is a new one we haven't seen before.
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Next, we see an unveiling of the statue of Gabriel Agreste, which confirms that Gabriel has died. His statue is made of recycled Alliances put out of commission after Monarch's last attack.
Gabriel's statue is his entire height. Gabriel was already a tall character when he was living and his statue is even taller than him. His chin is up, proud. It is almost like he is superior, looking up like that. The camera slight low angle also contributes to this impression I have. Also, he holds a pencil like the designer he is.
Tomoe : Beyond the visionary entrepreneur and the genius creator, it's the hero we celebrate today.
This is how the Parisians in-universe see him. They are unaware of Gabriel's secret identity. They are unaware of the truth. They only know of the image the professional him gave away and they believed he died in an attempt to stop Monarch.
I want to point out the fact Gabriel's statue is made of Alliances. The very tool he uses to try and defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir. He turned Adrien and Kagami's image into avatar for this product against their will to sell both the Alliances and an illusion. He deformed the truth with their avatars by presenting them as a couple (Revelation), or make deepfakes out of them (Representation and Conformation). Now, Gabriel's statue, his image, is made of the very same tool he used. And the Alliances, despite being put out of commission, still contribute to blur the line of what is truth and what is false in regards of his character to the masses.
With this statue made of Alliances, the parisians are honoring the "perfect" and "pure" image they have of Gabriel. I cannot help but think that this huge statue is bound to create great shadows. And even if the real Gabriel is gone, something of him remains and will continue to have an impact.
Tomoe then talks about continuing Gabriel's legacy. To us, the audience, those words have an ominous double meaning as Tomoe was Gabriel's ally until the end and helped him in many of his schemes. And she confirms she will continue that work.
Caline then gets to talk about her new school model which pleases very much everybody as they cheer all together. It will allows Marinette, Adrien and all their friends to remain together while allowing them to explore and grow in the field that please them respectfully.
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Then we cut the the sun setting as the cheers are fading away. It is the end of the day and everyone has gone home.
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Adrien is now alone in the garden where his mother's statue used to be. White butterflies are flying around. Marinette joins him as he is fidgeting with his parents' twin ring.
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Marinette : You are not wearing it? Adrien : When Ladybug gave it to me, she told me how my father helped her defeat Monarch. At the risk of his life.
With this, we know that Ladybug granted Gabriel's dying wish.
Gabriel : Marinette. Make sure that Adrien never knows about the villain that I was, but instead, that he remembers the times I tried to be a good father.
Was it Marinette's place to accept that burden to cover the truth? To acquiesce to her archenemy's demand? Of course not, but that is how kind she is and how flawed she can be. For Adrien's happiness, Maribug is willing to do so. We, as the audience, know it can only last so long the secret is sealed. And no one among Gabriel, Marinette, Nathalie, Félix, Kagami nor Plagg is aware the secret was already breached outside the family circle.
But for the time being, everyone who knows will keep the fact that Gabriel was Monarch a secret.
But even without the truth, Adrien is conflicted about his feelings towards his father. We see that as Adrien answers Marinette's question, he leans a bit towards her, but there is no contact. His eyes are fixated on the ring. Adrien is distant and inside a bubble of doubt about himself. There is a weight, a legacy, he associates with that family ring that he is not sure if he can bear.
Adrien : I don't know if I'll ever manage to be like him.
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It is only when Marinette puts her hands on his, covering the ring and the expectations that come with it, that Adrien finally look at her, brought back to here and now. Marinette reassures Adrien he doesn't need to be like his father. Adrien can just be himself, without having to live up to any expectations placed upon him.
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Marinette then proceeds in slips the ring on his finger. Adrien is free and in control of who he wants to be, of what he wants to do, no matter his background. The past doesn't matter anymore. He can just focus on what is ahead of him.
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In this short shot reverse shot, we see a bit of Marinette's head in Adrien's shot, however in Marinette's reverse shot, she is framed alone.
This bit has of a shift in the discussion. Marinette made contact with Adrien, entering his "bubble". She has established a connection in their discussion. Her words are reaching him and moving him.
Adrien : You always find the right words, Marinette. When I'm with you, I feel so... free!
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And now they are in synch. Both say "I love you" to the other at the same time, which make them laugh. And Adrien wraps Marinette's hand as if he never wants to let her go. As if he will protect and cherish her with all his might. She makes him that happy.
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As the white butterflies illustrate, there is no negative emotions around. Only pure hapiness. Only love. And they are kissing where Émilie's statue used to be.
Émilie's message in Collusion : Adrien shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of our mistakes. Our little prince has the right to create his own vision of happiness.
In other words, Monarch did not win. Émilie won. Gabriel has used the Wish, yes, but his wish was different than the one he wanted to make for 5 seasons. And it is not unusual for Gabriel to do everything in his power to grant any of Émilie's wishes. And her final wishes were : for Gabriel to let go of his madness, to not bring her back, and for Adrien to be happy.
And the ghost of Émilie can now rest in peace and stop haunting these walls. And Adrien can fully love Marinette the way he wants without any obstacle in the way anymore.
And all points to the Power of Love has ultimately won. Even the most important characters in those scene all have a link related to love.
Adrien was created by love. Ms Bustier promotes love as one of her teachings and she was akumatized twice out of that very emotion (spread love, protect the children's future). And she got elected as Mayor. Alec who interviews Ms Bustier is also another character who is now full of love and care. And Marinette fought for love. Even the Agreste Mansion Garden is associated to love. Gabriel and Émilie got a scene there during Evolution. Marinette and Adrien got a romantic date there as well. Heck, this is even where Nathalie shares she was ready to help Gabriel out of love.
Love may falter or even fades away for a time, but right now, in Adrien's scenes, love is fully blooming.
Back to the scene, as Marinette and Adrien kiss, the camera zoom out at the shot crossfades, giving the impression their kiss is everlasting. And ultimately fades to white...
... before the white suddenly cut to Nadja Chamack's news report where she interviews Professor Du Bocquale about the international event that had happened.
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Using both the news reporter and the scientific, we transitioned to Marinette's Guardian of the Miraculous pov. The sentimentality and dream life is over, it is time to get back to the facts and reality. The Happy Ever After is not quite accomplish yet.
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And that will be developped in second eventual part because I am reaching the limit of images allowed in one single Tumblr post ^^;
Anyway, thank you for reading this far and stay tuned!
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skaterfc · 6 months
Ooo what’s Niki up to in your rewrite? Does she still join the syndicate?
How perfect to follow the Jack Manifold question!! :D
Yes, she still joins the Syndicate, and the Syndicate even has a bigger cast of members this time around! But eventually, in the epilogue of the story basically, she sort of retires from the syndicate and goes to live in Snowchester.
At first, in her Team Rocket mindset and her post-doomday mental heath crisis, joining the syndicate is great for her mental health. Having people to rely on and that listen to her is really important to her and really helps this first stage of her character growth! She is still working on her underground city underneath Kinoko Kingdom with the hopes that one day all her friends will come down to live there with her. (i especially wanna say that this is totally a metaphor, at least in my version, for her wishing that people could be there with her in her bad mental state she could have people to relate to. But as a consequence would have the other people's mental health suffering as well. the best thing for her would be to leave the underground, but she couldn't see herself doing that, leaving to live with the syndicate. After all, when you are in the depths of depression and mental health crisis, you can't see a world where you are ever out of it).
Niki DOES NOT help to free Dream from prison. In fact the syndicate has no involvement with Dream's prison breakout, thats all Punz and Enderwalk!Ranboo. Then once dream does break out, as I said in the last post, he gets up to some SHIT and the server decides to form a rebellion to strike back at him!
When the syndicate allies with the Rebellion to take down dream, she moves into the underground area the rebellion is stationed out of. A side effect of this being that now she is constantly around the people that she sort of hates and used to be her best friends back in L'manburg. But this tight nit community, being around these people constantly, actually is the next big step to her healing arc. Where she is reminded that what she was searching for all this time was the community and sense of belonging that L'manburg gave her. In fact, this experience of her reconnecting with Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, Eret, and even cWilbur, encourages her to show some of the newer members who never got to see Golden-Age L'manburg what it was really like. This changes their perspectives becuase they always thought it was either like new L'manburg or worse and they never understood why these guys had so much devotion to it. But now they do! She also starts up a little bakery shop in this underground area and works to expand and decorate it to make it feel more home-y.
She's then later involved in 2 major battles against dream, as well as the final fight! And like I said, after the whole thing is said and done, She goes to live in snowchester with Tubbo, Jack and Puffy. (oh yeah, she's still dating puffy! though they prolly had some rocky moments with everything going on) To help once again foster that sense of community and be around people that care about her. She doesn't quit being apart of the syndicate though.
Thank you so much for the question!! Love getting to put my character knowledge to the works! If you think there is anything aggressively ooc in here, let me know! the rewrite is not technically finished yet and I want to make sure everything is sound as can be!
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furbygoblinxiv · 1 year
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For Inktober, I like doing personal challenges. This year? That challenge is gonna be detailing out some of the media rewrites/aus that I have laying around, compiling my ideas into one spot.
First up! Miraculous Ladybug! A show I stopped watching after 2 seasons but kept up with tangentially lol. I used to have a lot of ideas and expectations for this show, but sadly never had those fulfilled. I will likely never post anything Miraculous related again btw.
More rewrite info, elaboration, and the villain picture below! Warning you tho, this is like a personal archival post for me, so the following is Very Long, like 3k words. You've been warned.
if this makes no sense then actually yes it does anyways
So! This idea originates from how I found out about Miraculous Ladybug. I saw art of it, I googled it, and the Wikipedia page filled my head with so many ideas that are never expanded upon in the show. Marinette is a fashion student and a hero! That love for fashion would be such a fun thing to bake into her character and the world! And yet while they up something like that in the show, it's never fully realized. Hence, rewrite.
The basic frame of how my Miraculous AU rewrite (that's been cooking since like season 3 i suppose) would be based on the idea of logos, pathos, and ethos. Marinette as being logos, the brains of the operation, the solver of puzzles. Adrien being pathos, the empathetic and playful one, in tune with the emotions of others. And Gabriel, with ethos, having immense credibility due to his status and wealth. I kinda tweaked their characters and the plot to reflect this focus on how they're three parts of the same narrative. Also, Adrien and Marinette are highschoolers.
First up, Marinette! I wanted to fully lean into her being a fashion student. While she does have friends and hobbies, her passion that she spends all her free time on is fashion. She knits, sews, crochets, and weaves to make clothes. She even volunteers for the local community theater making their costumes in order to get experience! She's not really a games or media nerd, or else she'd do cosplay, but she definitely helps others like Alya with their cosplays. She really like the technical aspects of fashion, and she's quite good at having an eye for things around it. She could eyeball someones measurements pretty accurately if she needs to tailor something for them, guessing their height and wingspan with ease. As Marinette, she's a bit of a scatterbrain when she isn't focused on something she's innately interested in (like clothes). She's fidgety and forgetful and rambling, and can get loud when she's passionate about something. She has her own systems of organization, which from the outside appear to be completely random and scattered.
As Ladybug, she's cool and confident and in control. She enjoys using her skills and brains to help people, and the work of saving Paris is just another puzzle that she needs to solve to help everyone. She settles down when focused, a feature that's reflected as Marinette. Her Ladybug outfit is different every time she transforms, the fashioning of the outfits reflecting her moods and mindset at the time of transformation. Her eye for technical fashion stuff comes in handy. In this au, the villains that Hawkmoth sends after Ladybug are completely unrecognizable due to how over the top their costuming is. Ladybug is able to use both her logical deduction skills and critical fashion eye to deduce who might have been transformed, and use that knowledge of them to formulate plans to pacify and save them. While she loves being able to use her deduction skills to save people, she prefers being the brains BEHIND the operation, and thus tends to avoid the press and public appearances where she can.
Also, something I think would be fun and would give Marinette a connection to Gabriel and play on her fashion interests would be if she actually managed to land a role as his intern. I feel like this would give them a dynamic thats like the opposite one to the lovesquare dilemma. Marinette sees Gabriel as her cool mysterious aloof competent boss who she respects and wants to imitate, and Ladybug hates Hawkmoth and resents what he keeps doing to Paris. Gabriel, while definitely viewing himself as above Marinette, does respect the work and ideas that she brings in. Meanwhile as Hawkmoth hes like plotting Ladybug's downfall. It'd also open up plotlines that include Gabriel as Gabriel as opposed to Hawkmoth, as well as more Marinette and Chloe interactions, since Chloe is a prominent model in the agency.
Also she owns a cat that acts lowkey like Plagg but lazier.
Next up is Adrien! Adrien is a normal human boy in this au, btw. I'm gonna explain his back story more in depth than Mari's since I didn't change too much about hers. He was raised by two rich famous parents, with Emilie being the one generally in charge of what he did. Under her direction, he was home schooled, learned music, and learned dance. She was artistically inclined, and wished to refine his skills in the arts, hoping he would be a cultured figure in the future. He also occasionally modeled for Gabriel, but that was more of a once a month type of deal, and he had plenty of free time to watch movies and play video games. He never left the house. While both of his parents worked frequently, he saw Gabriel less often, and viewed him as more of a distant influencing force in his life that he respected.
Then, not too long ago, Emilie fell into a seemingly permanent coma, which caused the rift between father and son to grow even more distant. Suddenly, Gabriel was spending even less time in the house, and the person who was directing Adrien's free time and education was gone, and neither pursued any therapy types of resources. Adrien spent some time grieving his not even fully dead mom while alone at home before Gabriel decided to change things. He started pushing Adrien to model even more, in a twisted attempt to spend more time around his son and ensure he kept him safe and supervised. He also promoted Natalie to his own personal assistant, giving her full reign over what happened to Adrien and their estate. While she cared for Adrien, she was never fully able to reach him on his level, especially following Gabriel's orders.
It actually ended up being Chloe, a girl he met while modeling, who became his first friend and actually started trying to drag him out of his depression. She watched movies with him, supported him at photo shoots, and most importantly, she actually listened to him and what he wanted. Under her questioning, he realized that what he wanted to do in the future was become a teacher. She's the one who pushed for him to go to public school, both so she could have a friend there and so that he could have more opportunities to pursue this dream. So long as he shows up to model, Natalie actually ends up lying and saying he's being homeschooled in order to cover for Adrien going to public school. For public appearances on tv, he acts like the perfect extrovert, but he's actually a quiet and reserved introvert, which is how he acts at school.
Chat Noir is an extension of Adrien's play at being an extrovert. He's also Adrien having the chance to let go of the guilt and the strings attached to all of his public appearances he does for his father. As Chat Noir he's a performer! He has showmanship! He's having fun and cracking puns! He also uses it as a chance to get out all his pent up jittery energy from being inside and inactive most of the time, especially in terms of talking to people. I want him to love talking to people, chatting with the random citizens of Paris, wanting to meet and get to know everyone. He's just a little stir crazy from being inside and isolated for so many years. He's also the one who willingly and happily does all the press appearances that Ladybug tends to avoid, which he has fun at due to being able to say whatever under the mask of anonymity. Also, after some time as Chat Noir and realizing how much he enjoys performing as this eccentric and energetic character, he ends up using some of his precious free time to go join the local community theater.
Also, Emilie had a little yapper purse dog that Adrien ends up taking on once she's comatose, because I think it'd be funny.
And now for the villains, all of whom have something to do with status wealth and credibility because of it, and side characters:
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Gabriel is a well known and well respected man in the fashion industry and in Paris. He spends all his time away from home, focused on his job and furthering his fashion empire and career. His wife was also a prominent public figure and a working woman, and while he loved her, he didn't spend enough time with her. In her youth, Emilie was actually a villain with the peacock miraculous that she stole in her youth, with Gabriel being a hero with the butterfly miraculous who opposed her when he stumbled across it by accident. They fell in love and gave up their miraculouses, especially after the peacock got damaged. However, Emilie used it as a last ditch effort to stop a home invasion and save Adrien, and even that one transformation was enough to damage her body and lead to her going into a coma (this attack is also what led to Gorilla getting hired). Gabriel was determined to get her back, so hired a team of specialized doctors to care for her and keep her stable while he donned the butterfly miraculous to try to find and take the mythical ladybug and chat miraculouses that Emilie had told him about so many years before in order to wish her back to health.
See, while I like the drama of Adrien not knowing where his mom is and one day being able to stumble across her preserved corpse in the basement, if Emilie is a public figure and disappears, there'd be a manhunt for her. If she's said to enter a coma? Not only is there no manhunt, but Gabriel gets a perfectly curated tragic image to garner sympathy and support from the public, and Adrien has the opportunity for angsty moments of visiting his mother in the hospital
Hawkmoth is the form he dawns when hunting down the miraculouses. His outfits are over the top flamboyant runway style outfits, with his face obscured in abstract ways with each transformation. His lair is actually his office at work, not in his basement, part of the reason why he started spending even more time at work after the "death" of Emilie. Having to keep up the appearances of being at work is why he starts sending off akumatized people as scouts to do his work for him. Specifically, he uses his targets as bait to get the magic box holder to distribute the the ladybug and cat miraculouses in order to combat the problems he's causing. As things progress, however, and he gets more info on the powers, routines, and profiles of the miraculous holders, he gradually starts making more in person appearances as Hawkmoth.
Natalie started off as Gabriel's work assistant, who had worked with his company since graduating college. She had immense amounts of reverence and respect for both him and Emilie, and he in return had immense amounts of respect for her. After Emilie fell ill, he promoted her specifically to his personal assistant, giving her parts of the responsibilities that Emilie had in the company as well as over Adrien at home. At first, she takes her role over Adrien incredibly seriously, not really listening to him in favor of filling out Gabriel's orders. Over time, however, she finds herself getting incredibly attached to Adrien, wanting to connect with and help him wherever she can. She doesn't always understand him or his moods or his interests, but she cares for him nonetheless. It's after this point that she accidentally learns about Gabriel's identity as Hawkmoth. Since he trusts and respects her, he offers her to join him, though she knows she doesn't really have a choice. She ends up joining him and not voicing her concerns, determined to stay on his good side in order to continue being able to be there for and support Adrien. She still has respect for Gabriel at this point, especially once he explains his motive, but as time goes on, her motivations and allegiances become more and more muddled.
Chloe is another villain of credibility, but lessso. I really liked Chloe as a character, so I wanted to do a take that gave her more depth. Chloe's mother is an international superstar, and her father was a peer of Emilie's who died when Chloe was young. Chloe's mother married the mayor of Paris not too long after that. Chloe has grown up in an environment of money, privilege, and nepotism. She got into modeling work at a young age because she wanted to become famous and show off how beautiful she was, and her dream is to become just like her mother one day. Due to her upbringing, she looks down on those she sees as beneath her, but is actually incredibly kind to those she sees as equals. I wanted to kind of paint her as a foil to Adrien. Both have a distant parent and a parent no longer with them, and both have different responses to people and the world around them because of it. Adrien cares for people but tends to be reserved, while Chloe is cruel to others and tends to be loud. However, she does genuinely care about Adrien, and tries to be a nice person, it's just that this is all she's known. She has no idea that what she acts like could even be considered cruel since no one's ever told her before.
She worked alongside Adrien without much thought, but after he started working more due to the Emilie situation, she became fast friends with him. They shared a love of comic books and a desire to go on grand adventures, as well as a similar enough sense of humor. Chloe, having never had anyone willing to be kind to her and also build on her ideas and challenge her like Adrien does, gets attached. She thinks she's in love, but really the feeling was just friendship. She's the one who pushes Adrien to go to public school. I also think it'd be interesting if it was a reverse of what happened in the origins episode, where Marinette is the one viewed to misstep. Something she said is misinterpreted by Chloe to be a diss against Adrien, who she then defends with a passion as he is sad. Marinette, in return, feels genuinely awful for misstepping and hurting the feelings of the new boy even if she doesn't really like Chloe. By the end of this, Marinette ends up seeing Adrien as this aloof mysterious hot classmate of hers, and starts catching feelings. Adrien, meanwhile, ends up seeing Marinette as what could be considered his second friend, much to Chloe's chagrin.
Yes Chloe does eventually get the bee miraculous. That plus her realizing that are two reasons she dislikes Marinette so much: 1) she's leeching the attention of her best friend and 2) why is such a pretty girl so focused on her best friend and not her anyways, and uh oh Chloe accidentally develops a crush on Marinette lol. for the lols. anyways.
The only plot I care to develop beyond what's mentioned above is irt Alya. Logical Alya and logical Marinette, and brainiac duo. Alya, without knowing Marinette is Ladybug, starts doing independent research to track down who Hawkmoth is, just based on journalist curiosity. She uses things like cctv footage and areas of Akumatization to narrow down location and suspects. After learning about her research, Marinette tries to learn more, but Alya actually blocks her from learning more for her own safety. Eventually, Marinette reveals her identity to Alya in order to work hand in hand with her to track down Hawkmoth. Meanwhile, also for safety reasons, Ladybug and Chat Noir haven't revealed their identities to each other, despite Chat Noir's requests since he has a crush on Ladybug lol.
Beyond that, again this is a show I haven't actively watched since season two, so i dont really care about explaining every detail out lol (despite like three thousands of words to the contrary above). This is just how I would have shaped Miraculous if I was in charge of it or a reboot. If you've read this far and any of this sounds at all intriguing to you, especially if you're a miraculous fan, I encourage if not beg you to steal any ideas wholesale, idec about getting credit lol. I explain this every so often, and the initial typed explanation is in a screenshot of some instagram DMs, so this is all from memory with the hopes of preserving this au in a place I can actually access again the next time Im discussing ML with an irl and wanna reference what i'd change lol. If you're reading this still i genuinely like actually cannot fathom why but thanks i guess?
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lumarijosonn · 2 years
Lu Mari Joson
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There are seven billion people on our planet, and each individual is unique. Nothing in this world exists without a purpose. Everything serves a purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each individual is unique. As a result of writing about myself, I'm here to express myself about what I see, what I experience, and what I intend to do with my life. I strive to be modest, enthusiastic, devoted, industrious, and truthful.
Hi! I am LU MARI JOSON, 17 years of age came from the province of Isabela. I love playing badminton and table tennis. I love taking pics of skies and sunsets it makes me feel fulfilled and free. I also enjoy reading. I, too, am an ambitious individual who relishes taking chances. I like to do something new instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. Learning new things is something I always like doing and I keep up with current events. And no one enters this world without the help of family and friends. Actually, everything you become is solely due to your family. I am the middle child. I am the most trustworthy of my siblings. I aspire to guide and care for my younger siblings. My parents are both passionate about their jobs. My parents taught me the value of time, honesty, hard work, and dedication to a goal.
I am kind to my part that still learning and healing. I don’t take so much that was never to carry…..I set it all down whenever I'm ready. My guards are always down, fighting quietly, suffering silently, and merely surviving. A wound that’ll never heal even as much as time passes by….I’ll just let it be since it has been part of me. Slow in progression, feel like always a few steps behind, am always stuck on the same page, and find it hard to move forward because of acceptance
Life has not been easy for me, but through determination, I have been able to make the best of it. I am a really self-assured individual. go deep within yourself and think that you have the potential to overcome all of the hurdles and challenges that you experience on a daily basis. I have faith in myself. I've reached the stage where I must first believe in myself before others will. Three of the most important characteristics that have helped me succeed in life are as follows. I am a patient person. I am considerate. I am a person that is brimming with life.
I don't think much about where I want to be in ten years. To be honest, I'm worried that I'll be twenty-plus years old and that my youth will be over. One thing is certain: if God allows me to live to that age, I will make the most of my time and work hard to grow into a successful and happy person. How certain am I that in 10 years I will be where I want to be? The truth is that nothing is definite in life, thus I am truly uncertain. But if I put in the work, I can make every step worthwhile. I'm working hard to get to where I want to be in ten years. What matters is that at that moment in time, In my life, I have accomplished my objectives and assisted other people, I realized my dreams, I lived freely, and lived a life free of regrets Life is too short to waste it. Every second counts, so I must work hard and make myself happy
And yes, the STEM strand is the best option because it corresponds to the profession I want to pursue in the future. I want to expand my knowledge and abilities so that I am prepared to pursue the path I have chosen. I want to be a dentist, and the STEM strand provides subjects and information that will prepare me for the dentistry course. They will teach me the basic knowledge that will aid me when I start college.
Dentistry had sparked my attention as a career path since I was a child. Dentistry appeals to me mostly because I have always wanted to work in a field where I can help people. My interest in human biology, particularly human teeth, has also influenced my professional decision. Most importantly, I find human teeth fascinating, at times. Since of my sensitive personality, I have long known that I wanted to pursue dentistry as a career because I get to develop relationships with my patients and work face to face with many people. I'd be lying if I said that the high pay wasn't one of the reasons I chose dentistry, but on top of that, I get to satisfy the needs of every patient, help people ‘hands-on’.
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waostudy · 6 months
Mera Pasandida Mashghala Essay in Urdu PDF
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Hello everyone! I hope you are feeling good. Today, I want to share a PDF with you of an Essay in Urdu about My Favorite Hobby (Searching and Reading Books) titled "Mera Pasandida Mashghala". The world of books holds an important place in our lives, The world of books provides us with knowledge, education, and spiritual light. For me, books are the keys to unlocking doors of new worlds and gaining new knowledge. Let's dive into it and explore the importance of reading books in our lives together.
Exploring Books:
I am always busy in searching for new books on various topics. There are different types of books like literature books, history books, science books, philosophy books, and religious books. I am searching for books of every kind so that I can find new knowledge and expand my intelligence.
Reading Experience:
When I read the books, my heart fills with immense happiness. The books help me to understand the depths of emotions and assist me in exploring new ideas. I don't like to leave my favorite books behind for a single minute, always seeking opportunities to read them again.
Mera Pasandida Mashghala Essay in Urdu PDF:
The PDF includes: - An essay on Mera Pasandida Mashghala (My Favorite Hobby). Open in New TabDownload
How to Download:
To download the PDF on the essay about Mera Pasandida Mashghala (My Favorite Hobby) which is about searching and reading books. Just click on the "Download" button given above.
In conclusion, searching for books and reading books is Mera Pasandida Mashghala (my favorite hobby). It brings happiness, gives peace to my soul, and enriches my life with spirituality and understanding. I will continue to get the social and personal benefits of searching for books and reading books. So, what about you? Do you share the same love for books as me? Feel free to share your valuable thoughts with me! Thanks for reading and giving your important time to our articles, and PDFs. I hope you enjoyed it and got a lot of information. So, Feel free to share it with your nearby, friends, family members, and everyone who has any Favorite Hobby.
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We have more Valuable PDFs available, don't forget to take a look at them. - Mera Ghar Essay in Urdu. - Subha ki Sair Essay in Urdu. - Youm e Azadi Essay in Urdu. - Mehnat ki Barkat Essay in Urdu. - Tandrusti Hazar Naimat hai Essay in Urdu. Read the full article
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k00297839 · 7 months
Movement project
I explored the concept of movement through my daily activities, which have always and will always contain dance.
My disciples for this project were Animation, Sculpture and Fashion. I landed on clothing used by dancers to suit all of these electives.
As someone who has danced her whole life, dancing to me is the only time I truly feel free to express myself. So I wanted my art to do the same for this brief. I think that was most evident in my fashion designs.
I started this brief off with sculpture. After brainstorming was movement was to me I was busting with ideas. However I quickly realized that sculpture wasn’t something I was in fact good at. The creating of the sculptures was a messy situation and the end results weren’t giving my any inspiration for ongoing weeks.
So in my second elective, animation, I decided to brainstorm again. I found much more success this times I have had no experience with animation before so unfortunately I didn’t get any practice in. I did however vastly expanded my knowledge on animation instead by exploring other artists.
In my final disciple, fashion, I focused in on the dancers clothing. Using the photos I took of my friends as inspiration, I created some very interesting designs. This process was very enjoyable and probably the strangest project I’ve done so far.
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l8nitewriting · 9 months
Some info before we start :)
Hi! So I made this account to be able to post my story ideas and random thoughts, I would've on twitter but I don't know how anything on twitter works and it keeps having problems with the writers I follow so I'm going to just stick with what I know and post my garbage here :)
I like to write for fun and for myself and thought I had some pretty good ideas every now and again and thought I could share them so that maybe I could inspire some talented artists and writers to do their thing.
I write some weird things, stuff that include :WARNING FOR TRIGGERS: Murder, assault (I don't glorify it in anyway and would like anyone who see's what I write in result of it to tell me if I did or said something wrong and I will adjust accordingly) Serial killers (fake ones based off of real ones that I will warn everyone of who and what) some offensive words but never anything racial seeing as I am a white woman and do not have any knowledge or experience with it and have no right to mention those words, offensive phrasings in the idea of a bad character and/or a messed up character is aiming to demean and hurt another character, drug use, graphic content such as how the characters died and what bodies are like after death, violence, and depressive idealisms and unhealthy ways of coping with them. I WILL tag and put the appropriate warnings before I post anything and again will take down anything that truly harms someone's well being because I never want to hurt anyone with my mindless writings. Also another warning is that I cuss a LOT! Like an absurd amount of cussing its almost annoying sometimes.
Another weird and possibly annoying thing I do is that I misspell a LOT. I love to write and do it quite often but I still can't spell things or most times don't make sense with my phrasings or meanings. I will include pictures, songs, poems and many other references to try and convey what I mean when I go off on a tangent.
Please feel free to expand on any idea I have, tag me in the work and I'd absolutely love to read and witness your work! It would be appreciated if y'all would offer KIND AND HELPFUL criticism in my writings or other ideas.
Thank you for taking the time to read my whole rant and I hope to make some new friends on here and make some memorable work here :)
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fancy-rock-dove · 1 year
My two cents on the recent Tumblr Strategy Post
Some thoughts about the recent Tumblr Core Product Strategy summary post:
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This? Genuinely kinda exciting. I know we all joke about the search function but it really would be nice if it were easier to find things again.
Tumblr please, please, if there is ever a possibility to let me search within my own liked posts? That would be so, so useful.
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This? Is this what they call the increasing move to make Tumblr inaccessible without a login? This has been so, SO annoying recently, trying to share things with friends who are increasingly unable to see the content.
I support them incentivizing the ability to like things and find them later (rather than the screenshot platform cross posting that I think most people seem to use instead, e.g. Pinterest pins or twitter posts of Tumblr posts). But I think this would be far better served by the above point, making things generally easier to find within the platform, than trying to keep other people from seeing things.
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NO. Please NO.
It’s the “all feeds” part of this that I hate.
Please do not touch my “Following” feed. One of the huge appeals of Tumblr is my control over what I see via rules which are known and predictable to me. Please do not change every available option such that it shows me things I didn’t ask for and hides or de-prioritizes things it’s decided I don’t want.
The organic, interactive nature of the site grows partly out of the fact that my experience is dynamic depending on the interests of the people I interact with, and isn’t some algorithmically-enforced horror that only shows me content for things that have interested me recently. I like having my horizons expanded thanks.
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If this means they’re not showing the same post if more than one person has reblogged it? Then please don’t do this.
Seeing who among my mutuals has also found the same thing, and what each person is saying about it, is part of the real time conversation surrounding that thing.
What they say above this about keeping better track of different conversational branches on a reblog chain? That I could get behind. That I could be excited about.
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I’ve seen a lot of people talking about this one.
Lots has been said about how dismissive this is of the fact that this is a microblogging platform, not social media.
I get what they’re saying about the difficulty of being very small and new, but I hope they’re talking about adding more to the “For me” feed, specifically. I feel horror at the prospect of losing my algorithm-free, chronological “Following” feed.
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If I want to be here I will be here. I HATE this assumption that products need to insert themselves and be omnipresent and constantly remind me of their existence.
That apps and products in general have a right or even a duty to reach out and poke me, to grab my attention while I’m doing other things.
Sure, yeah, theoretically this will get you more of my attention, this will advance the baseline goal of more engagement hours, but it belongs to the same class of thought that wants to expect absolutely no buy-in effort or knowledge from new users: maximizing certain blind metrics of “engagement” in ways that fundamentally change the nature of that engagement.
To me, this feels like Tumblr leaning into the mindset that it’s their job to shape what specifically people do and experience on their platform just because they’re doing it with a product provided by them. It’s the thing that, IMO contributes both to the wild engagement and the mindless, “junk food” feeling of both Twitter and TikTok.
Yes, it’s less work for users if you expand platform functionality to curate content for you, to start conversations for you, to want to open the app for you, to check for new content for you.
But the thing is, all of these things that we’re used to doing manually? That’s the essence of what engaging with the content here *means*. That’s part of the stuff we put in. It forms the core of the activity we are coming to tumblr.com to engage in. Right alongside writing posts or creating art or what have you.
Doing this stuff manually is part of what makes actively engaging with Tumblr more an act of creation and less an act of blind, thoughtless consumption than on other platforms.
The latter is easier, it maximizes engagement numbers, but in being easier it also loses substance.
Not to be over dramatic, but what is wrong with just providing a platform and letting people use it?
This is like buying a sewing machine and being told I don’t even need to do all those cutting and sewing steps because the machine will do it for me.
Like, thanks, but that’s kinda missing the point.
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lumarijoson · 2 years
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There are seven billion people on our planet, and each individual is unique. Nothing in this world exists without a purpose. Everything serves a purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each individual is unique. As a result of writing about myself, I'm here to express myself about what I see, what I experience, and what I intend to do with my life. I strive to be modest, enthusiastic, devoted, industrious, and truthful.
Hi! I am LU MARI JOSON, 17 years of age came from the province of Isabela. I love playing badminton and table tennis, it makes me feel fulfilled and free. I also enjoy reading. I, too, am an ambitious individual who relishes taking chances. I like to do something new instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. Learning new things is something I always like doing and I keep up with current events. And no one enters this world without the help of family and friends. Actually, everything you become is solely due to your family. I am the middle child. I am the most trustworthy of my siblings. I aspire to guide and care for my younger siblings. My parents are both passionate about their jobs. My parents taught me the value of time, honesty, hard work, and dedication to a goal.
I am kind to my part that still learning and healing. I don’t take so much that was never to carry…..I set it all down whenever I'm ready. My guards are always down, fighting quietly, suffering silently, and merely surviving. A wound that’ll never heal even as much as time passes by….I’ll just let it be since it has been part of me. Slow in progression, feel like always a few steps behind, am always stuck on the same page, and find it hard to move forward because of acceptance
Life has not been easy for me, but through determination, I have been able to make the best of it. I am a really self-assured individual. go deep within yourself and think that you have the potential to overcome all of the hurdles and challenges that you experience on a daily basis. I have faith in myself. I've reached the stage where I must first believe in myself before others will. Three of the most important characteristics that have helped me succeed in life are as follows. I am a patient person. I am considerate. I am a person that is brimming with life.
I don't think much about where I want to be in ten years. To be honest, I'm worried that I'll be twenty-plus years old and that my youth will be over. One thing is certain: if God allows me to live to that age, I will make the most of my time and work hard to grow into a successful and happy person. How certain am I that in 10 years I will be where I want to be? The truth is that nothing is definite in life, thus I am truly uncertain. But if I put in the work, I can make every step worthwhile. I'm working hard to get to where I want to be in ten years. What matters is that at that moment in time, In my life, I have accomplished my objectives and assisted other people, I realized my dreams, I lived freely, and lived a life free of regrets Life is too short to waste it. Every second counts, so I must work hard and make myself happy
Yes, the STEM strand is the best option because it corresponds to the profession I want to pursue in the future. I want to expand my knowledge and abilities so that I am prepared to pursue the path I have chosen. I want to be a dentist, and the STEM strand provides subjects and information that will prepare me for the dentistry course. They will teach me the basic knowledge that will aid me when I start college.
Dentistry had sparked my attention as a career path since I was a child. Dentistry appeals to me mostly because I have always wanted to work in a field where I can help people. My interest in human biology, particularly human teeth, has also influenced my professional decision. Most importantly, I find human teeth fascinating, at times. Since of my sensitive personality, I have long known that I wanted to pursue dentistry as a career because I get to develop relationships with my patients and work face to face with many people. I'd be lying if I said that the high pay wasn't one of the reasons I chose dentistry, but on top of that, I get to satisfy the needs of every patient, help people ‘hands-on’
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I'm sincerely getting sick and tired of this whole situation... just wish this nightmare of sorts would stop because I feel like my mental health is deteriorating further but at a slower speed than before. I want to be able to feel like myself again but I'm so sick of everything and all the people in my path who only make it worse. Though I know it all starts with me wanting to recover and doing the effort for it while not seeking validation because I can do it, truth is somehow I am self sabotaging myself constantly and I am sick of it. It's like I've started suppressing myself from the start because I knew that it wouldn't feel the 'same' and it just spiraled down from there and I feel like I can't trust anyone save for my dog. I'm so sick of this. I just want to be able to see my friends again and live happily.
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thevalleyisjolly · 4 years
Hi there! If you feel up to it, would you be willing to expand a bit more on the idea of white creators creating poc characters who are ‘internally white’, especially in a post-racialized or racism-free setting & how to avoid it? It’s something I’m very concerned about but I haven’t encountered a lot of info about it outside of stories set in real world settings. Thanks & have a good day!
Hey, thanks for asking, anon!  It’s a pretty nuanced topic, and different people will have different takes on it.  I’ll share my thoughts on it, but do keep in mind that other people of colour may have different thoughts on the matter, and this is by no means definitive!  These are things I’ve observed through research, trial and error, my own experiences, or just learning from other writers.
The first thing I guess I want to clarify is that I personally am not opposed to a society without racism in fiction.  It’s exhausting and frankly boring when the only stories that characters of colour get are about racism!  So it’s a relief sometimes to just get to see characters of colour exist in a story without dealing with racism.  That being said, I feel like a lot of the time when creators establish their settings as “post-racial,” they avoid racism but they also avoid race altogether.  Not aesthetically -they may have a few or even many characters with dark skin- but the way the characters act and talk and relate to the world are “race-less” (which tends to end up as default white American/British or whatever place the creator comes from).  Which I have complicated thoughts on, but the most obvious thing that springs to mind is how such an approach implies (deliberately or not) that racism is all there is to the way POC navigate the world.  It’s definitely a significant factor, particularly for POC in Western countries, but it’s not the only thing!  There’s so much more to our experiences than just racial discrimination, and it’s a shame that a lot of “post-racial” or “racism-free” settings seem to overlook that in their eagerness to not have racism (or race) in their stories.
A quick go-to question I ask when I look at characters of colour written/played by white creators is: if this was a story or transcript I was reading, with no art or actors or what have you, would I be able to tell that this character is a character of colour?  How does the creator signal to the audience that this is a character of colour?  A lot of the time, this signal stops after the physical description - “X has dark skin” and then that’s all!  (We will not discuss the issue of racial stereotypes in depth, but it should be clear that those are absolutely the wrong way to indicate a character of colour).
This expands to a wider issue of using dark skin as a be-all-end-all indication of diversity, which is what I mean by “aesthetic” characters of colour (I used the term “internally white” originally but upon further reflection, it has some very loaded implications, many of which I’m personally familiar with, so I apologize for the usage).  Yes, the character may not “look” white, but how do they interact with the world?  Where do they come from?  What is their background, their family?  A note: this can be challenging with diaspora stories in the real world and people being disconnected (forcibly or otherwise) from their heritage (in which case, those are definitely stories that outsiders should not tell).  So let’s look at fantasy.  Even the most original writer in the world bases their world building off existing things in the real world.  So what cultures are you basing your races off of?  If you have a dark skinned character in your fantasy story, what are the real world inspirations and equivalents that you drew from, and how do you acknowledge that in a respectful, non-stereotyped way?
(Gonna quickly digress here and say that there are already so many stories about characters of colour disconnected from their heritage because ‘They didn’t grow up around other people from that culture’ or ‘They moved somewhere else and grew up in that dominant culture’ or ‘It just wasn’t important to them growing up’ and so on.  These are valid stories, and important to many people!  But when told by (usually) white creators, they’re also used, intentionally or not, as a sort of cop-out to avoid having to research or think about the character’s ethnicity and how that influences who they are.  So another point of advice: avoid always situating characters outside of their heritage.  Once or twice explored with enough nuance and it can be an interesting narrative, all the time and it starts being a problem)
Another thing I want to clarify at this point is that it’s a contentious issue about whether creators should tell stories that aren’t theirs, and different people will have different opinions.  For me personally, I definitely don’t think it’s inherently bad for creators to have diverse characters in their work, and no creator can live every experience there is.  That being said, there are caveats for how such characters are handled.  For me personally, I follow a few rules of thumb which are:
Is this story one that is appropriate for this creator to tell?  Some experiences are unique and lived with a meaningful or complex history and context behind them and the people to whom those experiences belong do not want outsiders to tell those stories.
To what extent is the creator telling this story?  Is it something mentioned as part of the narrative but not significantly explored or developed upon?  Does it form a core part of the story or character?  There are some stories that translate across cultures and it’s (tentatively) ok to explore more in depth, like immigration or intergenerational differences.  There are some stories that don’t, and shouldn’t be explored in detail (or even at all) by people outside those cultures.
How is the creator approaching this story and the people who live it?  To what extent have they done their research?  What discussions have they had with sensitivity consultants/readers?  What kind of respect are they bringing to their work?  Do they default to stereotypes and folk knowledge when they reach the limits of their research?  How do they respond to feedback or criticism when audiences point things that they will inevitably get wrong?
Going back to the “race-less” point, I think that creators need to be careful that they’re (respectfully) portraying characters of colour as obvious persons of colour.  With a very definite ‘no’ on stereotyping, of course, so that’s where the research comes in (which should comprise of more than a ten minute Google search).  If your setting is in the real world, what is the background your character comes from and how might that influence the way they act or talk or see the world?  If your setting is in a fantasy world, same question!  Obviously, avoid depicting things which are closed/exclusive to that culture (such as religious beliefs, practices, etc) and again, avoid stereotyping (which I cannot stress enough), but think about how characters might live their lives and experience the world differently based on the culture or the background they come from.
As an example of a POC character written/played well by a white person, I personally like Jackson Wei and Cindy Wong from Dimension 20’s The Unsleeping City, an urban fantasy D&D campaign.  Jackson and Cindy are NPCs played by the DM, Brennan Lee Mulligan, who did a good job acknowledging their ethnicity without resorting to stereotypes and while giving them their own unique characters and personalities.  The first time he acted as Cindy, I leapt up from my chair because she was exactly like so many old Chinese aunties and grandmothers I’ve met.  The way Jackson and Cindy speak and act and think is very Chinese (without being stereotyped), but at the same time, there’s more to their characters than being Chinese, they have unique and important roles in the story that have nothing to do with their ethnicity.  So it’s obvious that they’re people of colour, that they’re Chinese, but at the same time, the DM isn’t overstepping and trying to tell stories that aren’t his to tell.  All while not having the characters face any racism, as so many “post-racialized” settings aim for, because there are quite enough stories about that!
There a couple factors that contribute to the positive example I gave above.  The DM is particularly conscientious about representation and doing his research (not to say that he never messes up, but he puts in a lot more effort than the average creator), and the show also works with a lot of sensitivity consultants.  Which takes me to the next point - the best way to portray characters of colour in your story is to interact with people from that community.  Make some new friends, reach out to people!  Consume media by creators of colour!  In my experience so far, the most authentic Chinese characters have almost universally been created/written/played by Chinese creators.  Read books, listen to podcasts, watch shows created by people of colour.  Apart from supporting marginalized creators, you also start to pick up how people from that culture or heritage see themselves and the world, what kind of stories they have to tell, and just as importantly, what kind of stories they want being told or shared.  In other words, the best way to portray an authentic character of colour that is more than just the colour of their skin is to learn from actual people of colour (without, of course, treating them just as a resource and, of course, with proper credit and acknowledgement).
Most importantly, this isn’t easy, and you will absolutely make mistakes.  I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that you will mess up.  No matter how well researched you are, how much respect you have for other cultures, how earnestly you want to do this right, you will at some point do something that makes your POC audience uncomfortable or even offends them.  Then, your responsibility comes with your response.  Yes, you’ve done something wrong.  How do you respond to the people who are hurt or disappointed?  Do you ignore them, or double down on your words, or try to defend yourself?  Just as importantly, what are you planning to do about it in the future?  If you have a second chance, what are you going to do differently?  You will make mistakes at some point.  So what are you going to do about them?  That, I think, is an even more important question than “How can I do this right?”  You may or may not portray something accurately, but when you get something wrong, how are you going to respond?
Essentially, it all comes down to your responsibility as a creator.  As a creator, you have a responsibility to do your due diligence in research, to remain respectful to your work and to your audience, and to be careful and conscientious about how you choose to create things.  It’s not about getting things absolutely perfect or being the most socially conscious creator out there, it’s about recognizing your responsibilities as a creator with a platform, no matter how big or small, and taking responsibility for your work. 
In summary:
Research, research, research
Avoid the obvious no-no’s (stereotypes, tokenization, fetishization, straight up stealing from other cultures, etc) and think critically about what creative choices you’re making and why
Do what you’re doing now, and reach out to people (who have put themselves out there as a resource).  There are tons of resources out there by people of colour, reach out when you’re not sure about something or would like some advice!
Responsibility, responsibility, responsibility
Thank you for reaching out!  Good luck with your work!
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reuska · 2 years
Aw very cool! Hopefully things go a little better for her in liyue. . . (And gosh please feel free to elaborate I'd love to learn more!!! <333)
Well ^^; You'll have to be the judge of that. I feel the need to explain that the story I described in the previous answer was originally supposed to be all of her lore, she was supposed to marry Diluc and live happily ever after. But my headcanons tend to live a life of their own, things happen that expand them, in this case I became a diehard Zhongli fan.
Despite the sudden expansion of the story, Hette actually did meet Zhongli when she and Vinn were still hiding in Birghtcrown Canyon because my friend's Snezhnayan OC Iskra brought him there (our OC stories interlace). Issa is Hette's only friend from the Akademiya, also the only person besides Diluc who knew where she and Vinn were hiding. As a journalist she decided one day that she needed to find some piece of ancient info on Dragonspine and hired a certain consultant to accompany her as a walking encyclopedia. She wanted to pay a visit to Hette but didn't know she was bringing the retired Lord of Geo along and dendro slimes are skittish so they started freaking out so hard Hette thought the whole Abyss decided to take them on. So she snapped and attacked the arriving company first.
Not that she left any scratch (Stabilize!, you know what I mean xD). To make things short, Vinn and Diluc decide they wanted to join the pocket-sized expedition too - leaving Hette little choice but to come as well because literally the only three people she cared for went. I even made a pic of their silly company :D Retired deity and tundra-born girl being ok with the cold.
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At one point the group gets separated by an avalanche, Zhongli and Hette being in one group, her loved ones in the other - so she's freaking out and pitying herself over possessing a mere Dendro that is useless on this frozen rock. Zhongli, who mostly kept to himself before, gives her an encouraging speech about how unique Dendro is for being able to manipulate life, mentioning an "old friend" who once told him that with the right approach, Dendro can reach behind flora and touch actual conscious beings too. Which Hette immediately tries to find her brother and fails miserably so she feels even worse.
However, later, after the group reunites, they get attacked by a huuuge Durin-blood-enhanced matachurl. When it corners Vinn, Hette snaps and tries that ability again and this time the adrenaline gets her through. For a short moment she senses every living being in the vicinity. Their lifeforce does feel a lot like that of young trees but then there is one ENORMOUS among them. Hette assumes that's the matachurl and mentally attacks it. It so happens the Matachurl keeps closing on Vinn while it's Zhongli who suddenly struggles to move. It takes Hette a second do realize the mistake and then she successfully paralyzes the matachurl so the boys can finish him off.
BUT. This experience together with all the small hints from before (talks about "old friend", vast knowledge of everything, the generally "older than the looks" behavior) leads her to conclusion about Zhongli's identity (Hette is smart after all). She does approach him later to apologize and indirectly reveals she had connected the dots. He warns her about using that ability again to which she replies she has no intention to (it was very ugly, violating experience). And then they part ways - presumably to never meet again, case closed. (Now the story expands from what was originally planned.)
Later, when she's finally free of fear about Vinn, she goes to Liyue and settles in the Harbor because she needs to make money to meet daily needs and fund her research. She gets employed by an old eccentric lady selling premium tea which naturally means one day Zhongli shows up in the door coming for his weekly dose.
The unexpected reunion progresses to surprised Hette automatically making one of her remarks and Zhongli actually genuinely laughing at it instead of sending a rock down the roof (which petrified Hette expected for a few seconds). Seeing the actual fricking Rex Lapis in the flesh not taking himself too seriously and most importantly SHARE her sense of humor... it just completely wins her over in an instant. At this moment he is added to her loyal-to-death circle and he could ask anything from her, she would try to accomodate him.
From that moment on they do meet now and then in the store, occasionally elsewhere, and they develop a nice friendship. Zhongli finds her company very entertaining because she gives him "mortal treatment" while knowing his true identity. He always had to go incognito if he wanted to experience mortals to treat him like one of their own. But Hette keeps interlacing their communication with tons of hidden remarks targeting his true nature, remarks only he can understand and that's a new level of fun for him. As for Hette, she's just mindblown, she adores him (platonicaly) - I often compare their dynamics to a Two-Nobel-Prize-winning professor and his favourite devoted student. That's what they have.
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Until one day Hette disappears. Zhongli finds out four days later when the old shop owner asks him about her. Her landlady also hasn't seen her for days. He tracks her down to a man in the marketplace who tells him she wanted to help him find his lost sack of Mora when suddenly "the ground ate her".
What happened is that Hette wanted to call the slimes to help her look for the man's Mora but it happened to be too close to a leyline disorder. Since she mentally enters leylines in order to reach for the slimes, she came in contact with the disorder and it just sucked her in and threw her back in time to the north of pre-archon-war Liyue.
Now it's finally getting interesting but i will cut it here for now. If you still want to know more, just let me know. I already love you for being interested in my girl ♥♥ Thank you sm!
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lumarijosonn · 2 years
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There are seven billion people on our planet, and each individual is unique. Nothing in this world exists without a purpose. Everything serves a purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each individual is unique. As a result of writing about myself, I'm here to express myself about what I see, what I experience, and what I intend to do with my life. I strive to be modest, enthusiastic, devoted, industrious, and truthful.
Hi! I am LU MARI JOSON, 17 years of age came from the province of Isabela. I love playing badminton and table tennis. I love taking pics of skies and sunsets it makes me feel fulfilled and free. I also enjoy reading. I, too, am an ambitious individual who relishes taking chances. I like to do something new instead of repeating the same thing over and over again. Learning new things is something I always like doing and I keep up with current events. And no one enters this world without the help of family and friends. Actually, everything you become is solely due to your family. I am the middle child. I am the most trustworthy of my siblings. I aspire to guide and care for my younger siblings. My parents are both passionate about their jobs. My parents taught me the value of time, honesty, hard work, and dedication to a goal.
Life has not been easy for me, but through determination, I have been able to make the best of it. I am a really self-assured individual. go deep within yourself and think that you have the potential to overcome all of the hurdles and challenges that you experience on a daily basis. I have faith in myself. I've reached the stage where I must first believe in myself before others will. Three of the most important characteristics that have helped me succeed in life are as follows. I am a patient person. I am considerate. I am a person that is brimming with life.
I don't think much about where I want to be in ten years. To be honest, I'm worried that I'll be twenty-plus years old and that my youth will be over. One thing is certain: if God allows me to live to that age, I will make the most of my time and work hard to grow into a successful and happy person. How certain am I that in 10 years I will be where I want to be? The truth is that nothing is definite in life, thus I am truly uncertain. But if I put in the work, I can make every step worthwhile. I'm working hard to get to where I want to be in ten years. What matters is that at that moment in time, In my life, I have accomplished my objectives and assisted other people, I realized my dreams, I lived freely, and lived a life free of regrets Life is too short to waste it. Every second counts, so I must work hard and make myself happy
And yes, the STEM strand is the best option because it corresponds to the profession I want to pursue in the future. I want to expand my knowledge and abilities so that I am prepared to pursue the path I have chosen. I want to be a dentist, and the STEM strand provides subjects and information that will prepare me for the dentistry course. They will teach me the basic knowledge that will aid me when I start college.
Dentistry had sparked my attention as a career path since I was a child. Dentistry appeals to me mostly because I have always wanted to work in a field where I can help people. My interest in human biology, particularly human teeth, has also influenced my professional decision. Most importantly, I find human teeth fascinating, at times. Since of my sensitive personality, I have long known that I wanted to pursue dentistry as a career because I get to develop relationships with my patients and work face to face with many people. I'd be lying if I said that the high pay wasn't one of the reasons I chose dentistry, but on top of that, I get to satisfy the needs of every patient, help people ‘hands-on’.
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elytrafemme · 3 years
PLEASE talk about writing its so interesting AND yours is awesome so hearing what you think would be so cool thumbsup
OKAY OKAY OKAY you and enderbooenjoyer are enabling me okay okay i'll shove some of this under the cut because i got a LOT to say . just know i'm also a teenager who REALLY likes English i'm not professional or anything the most like knowledgable i'd get in THAT sense is probably non-fiction and i'm not talking about argument writing or op ed writing rn :D
OKAY so the coolest thing to me with writing is perspectives! because i think the perspective of a piece (fictional ofc, this doesn't apply to non fiction :/ but would probably be similar albeit a bit different in a poetic form i would imagine since that has a lot of perspective as well, less observation, ETC.)
i think the most important stuff i've learned about in my writing, too, is how to handle perspectives. i've learned two important things about it:
1) you can personalize someone's POV to their personality and the writing style can actually shift to accomodate this (learned this by reading my friend's works, who does a really good job of this)
2) the perspective of a piece can vary in distance from the actual protagonist (learned THIS at a writing summer program i went to for 3 weeks!)
now both of these are sort of kindred ideas! to elaborate on the latter to expand on the first, the distance from the protagonist in perspective shapes a LOT of how thoughts and observations work! if you have a protagonist who is very DISTANT from the perspective, you could indicate this by having very objective observations, as if those observations were coming from the NARRATOR rather than the PROTAGONIST. another example would be very distinct separation of thoughts from introspection-- usually in italics with a speaker tag or something of the sort! this example can ALSO be stylistic though so i wouldn't really say it HAS to be related to this. conversely, if you have a protagonist who is very CLOSE to the perspective, their observations are colored by their experiences, and their introspection is almost anecdotal in nature, somewhat? their own dialogue quirks ENTER the narration, and it's VERY different from the way that other characters think about things! it makes it really interesting to do this and have several perspectives, because everyone would have very different writing styles! (and, if you want to bring the thought idea back, the thoughts could be imbedded in introspection rather than separated out! again, stylistic, though!)
now let's talk unreliable narrators! i think that if you write something distant from the protagonist, you can still have a lot of unreliabe narration! this sort of banks on some dramatic irony oftentimes, because the dramatic irony established between the narrator and the audience while the protagonist unreliably views the world clues into that unreliableness! it doesn't HAVE to have that though; it can be largely inferred from characters and stuff! GOD unreliable anrration is so cool sorry for the typos i'm getting SO excited okay okay okay. now if the narration/perspective is CLOSE to the protagonist, unreliable narration is pretty different, yet kinda similar-- the reader has to make their own distinctions amidst the perspective! you see their inner thoughts and can sort of see their perspective on the world, but you can make your choice on whether you agree or disagree. and if you have varying perspectives those can all pull together a large worldview
please forgive me for talking about my fanfictions feel free to skip this section, i'll mark it off with italics if you wanna skip me talkinga bout it :)
OKAY so let's start with cough syrup! in cough syrup, the narration is very CLOSE to cs!ranboo and cs!tubbo respectively. (for the sake of not being too redundant, from here on out i am going to just call each character by their name and disregard the tonal indicators after the setting is established.) both of these characters have stylistic differences in their writing, or at least that is the intent! tubbo, to draw back to the whole thoughts topic, has all of his thoughts embedded into his narration. he tangents quite a bit in his introspection, and his own writing quirks come into his perspective! ranboo has his thoughts both included in spirals AND separated by italics, and he tends to notice a lot more details than tubbo does, meaning he could arguably have a more 'complete' perspective, just because both of them are perceptive in different ways-- ranboo notices the people crossing the street across from him, etc. their mental health issues and struggles ALSO add to unreliability, since we see tubbo denying his own mental health issues with dramatic irony established (excluding the establishing i do outside of the narrative) by his own hesitations + other character's perspectives. ranboo forgets details about himself and that builds over time, meaning that the audience has to pull all of that together, because it's not CLEAR what facts are true. i can say for a fact that in ranboo's narration, he says INCORRECT information that he believes is true, and following that narration to him reaching these realizations keeps the audience invested and everything. i don't specify details of the outside world that they wouldn't notice, so those are up to interpretation, and any cues that they miss socially, etc. are missing. if the writing was farther AWAY, their perspectives would sound very similar in writing and everythiing, but instead, ranboo has these LONG paragraphs of rambling introspection and spiraling, while tubbo has more curt thoughts and everything. ranboo says "oh God" in his narratives because he is somewhat a believer; my intent is that tubbo doesn't.
in 'lungs of the universe' etc (long title don't wanna type it) the narration is a LOT farther comparatively! you can still see 30!ranboo's perspective in the narrative, but you also see a lot of more objective observations, just to describe the scene. his speaking style doesn't interfere nearly as much with the actual narration, and this isn't necessarily done for plot purposes, but rather as just a broader stylistic thing! i want there to be a tone set that the environment and situation of ranboo is out of his control, and while cough syrup has almost conversational perspectives that make it easy to read and make everything feel personal, i don't intend the same for lungs of the universe! lungs of the universe is supposed to be impossible, almost theoretical in a sense, and far off! which is why ranboo isn't super personal with the narrative-- it would feel like a recount of a traumatic scenario, which is fine and i explored it in my rp blog, but it isn't really what i want? i want it all to feel like a thought experiment almost. rather than a concrete thing.
cough syrup is grounded in its emotion and realism. lungs of the universe is elevated to its theoreticals, as if it were a documentary playing on a screen. at least, that's my goal. you'll have to tell me if i succeed in that.
i can talk more about my other wips when they come out, but seeing as these are the only two i have, that's just some info about them!
i am absolutely OBSESSED with this stuff, because it's really neat how the smallest details can change the perspective so much, and the perspective can shift the mood and plot! it's in EVERYTHING: how you handle thoughts and whether they're separated or not; how objective the observations are (does it feel like someone recalling a memory with only the most sentimental/important parts, or someone describing a place in as much photographic detail as possible? is it the stuff you would tell someone as you drive past a familiar place, or how you would relatively tell someone to get there?); is their speaking style influencing their observations?; are the inaccuracies shared with the audience, or does the narrator show you where the holes are?; what is the completeness of the narrative held in: the perspective alone, or piecing it all together?; how do they refer to themselves in their perspective (their name, you, i, we, etc.); ETC.
this isn't even TOUCHING on POVs or other things i absolutely LOVE but i just wanted to talk about this because i've been thinking nonstop about it for several months. thank you guys for enabling me with this
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boiling-potato · 3 years
Game anon hereee!🎮✌ I have never been on your blog but hello! :> I really love your ocs! Hopefully you've seen me from your mutuals blog,but if you haven't,here is a small introduction!!!
I go by game anon or 🎮anon! I create games to entertain blogs :))
So here's the most recent game I have given out:
Place some voice lines/dialogues from your ocs! There is no limit,go crazy and have fun 💕💕🎮
Aww! Thanks! I'm really glad you liked my OCs! That's very sweet of you to say! ^^ 💖
Oh And yeah I have seen you before! And I gotta say your games are really interesting! Can't wait to see more of them!
But anyway on to the question, of course! here:
Lunie 💙✨
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- "what a pain.."
- "... I'm sorry but.. what's your name again? ... I... Forgot.."
- "for the last time I am not a detective anymore I quit a long time ago so please just go find someone else who can solve it..."
- "my sister Ink is the only one who can calm me down.... I miss her so much..."
- "... I wanna go home.."
- "I'm so tired.."
- "... God must really hate me...."
- "hurt my sister and I'll f*cking kill you.."
- "I'm in my limit... I'm so tired....... F*ck it I'll just sleep here"
Trickster 💚✨
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- "you know... You don't really need to cry I'm only trying to give you a meaningful death I don't want people to forget you...... Why can't you people understand that I'm only trying to help you?....."
- "hey there! I'm..... Well my name doesn't matter! What matters is that I wanna be friends with you! what's your name??
- "I don't get why people gets so sad when they lose a loved one.. I mean dying is a part of life and besides aren't they supposed to be happy that their love one is finally free from this cruel world??..... Hmmm"
- "you only have one life to live so live your life to the fullest! Appreciate every bit of experience, knowledge and happiness because one day it will all end and you'll end up regretting that you didn't enjoy every last second of it!"
- "Hahahahah!! Hah!... heh.. Oh wait your serious?"
- "I wonder what will happen if all of us were worms instead of humans"
- "you should've seen Lunie's face when she finally got home from work at around one in the morning to see her house full of balloons, confettis and sprinkles!! Her face was priceless!! Hahahahah!..... Oh wait you don't know who Lunie is.."
- "O-oh me??... I.. I-I umm I don't umm... S-sorry but I don't umm..."
- "you know... your not so bad after all. "
Farris 💜✨
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- "this better be important for you to waste my time.."
- "sorry I don't associate let alone talk to a commoner like yourself so if you'll excuse me I've got more important things to take care of."
- "Do. Not. Touch. ME"
- "Ink is.. surprisingly a very remarkable person she respects boundaries but at the same time she loves to expand and make people comfortable around her.... she loves to listen.. I.. she maybe the first commoner I feel comfortable with.."
- "Lunie it's already 3 in the afternoon, for the love of God get up already!"
- "I'd rather spend my time on the library rather than spending time communicating with... People"
- "ugh... Too many people.."
- "with all your talent you could accomplished so much as long as you use it to something productive.."
- "I despise leaving my palace but I especially HATE it if my parents, siblings or my *ahem* "friends" force me to socialize with.... People"
Luke 💛✨
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- "I'm craving to hear music right now!"
- "I wonder what Lunie is up to right now... Hmm I'm betting she's sleeping somewhere that is not her room, Heheh!"
- "I'm going to write some music! do you want to make a topic suggestion?"
- "believe it or not I actually love math! It's my favorite subject and if you want I could help you with it next time!"
- "Hahah yeah I kinda understand why you would think that but no I'm not an elf I'm just naturally born with a pointy ears heheh!"
- "hey! you should come and watch me on my upcoming performance! I'll even give you a free front seat pass!"
- "I really wish that Lunie will be in band practice."
- "Lunie!! Go to sleep! It's three am if you don't your going to hate yourself in the morning!
- "I would really like some sushi right now."
Ink 🧡✨
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- "hey there sorry to disturb you but may I ask, are you ok? "
- "hmm? Oh no my real name is not Ink it's just a nickname given to me by my sister because I really love doing arts!"
- "oh my drawings? They're here! Umm Would.. you like to see them??"
- "hmmm I wonder if Lunie's ok.."
- "trickster is.... Interesting.. though she can be really mean sometimes.. and by mean I mean she will try to kill you sometimes"
- "please try and appreciate yourself though you might think it's meaningless coming from someone you don't even know just keep in mind that this person you don't know cares about you and not only this person but I'm pretty sure a lot of people do."
- "please try and always see the good in things especially in any kind of situation your in, keep in mind that you can achieve anything if you just try."
- "I really wish Lunie is ok.."
- "I really love animals! Especially those who have soft fur! I would really love to cuddle in bed with one too!"
I had so much fun doing this!! Thank you so much!! ^^
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