#i want to drink a tiny hot cocoa out of this
sunnysidesunshine · 3 months
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woke up and someone spilled vanilla extract all over my dash, so as punishment you strange little beasties are getting all the VANILLA FACTS i know:
vanilla is the 2nd most expensive spice in the world (2nd to saffron)
which is why more than 99% of what we call "vanilla extract" is actually vanillin (vanilla's dominant flavor compound) and is not extracted from real vanilla.
luckily, even professionals struggle to tell the difference when it comes to things like baked goods. but there is a distinct difference in non-heat treated products like vanilla ice cream. real vanilla has a more complex, individualized flavor profile.
why is vanilla so expensive? because it is a ridiculously delicate & demanding crop. complete primadonna.
vanilla beans come from vanilla orchids. these crazy flowers bloom for A SINGLE DAY and have to be HAND-POLLINATED in a process that is exhausting, delicate, and requires specialist knowledge passed down over generations.
then, if you're lucky, you get vanilla beans.
which then require months of further specialized treatment.
the entire process takes about a year and can go wrong at any stage
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vanilla has been cultivated for over 800 years (possibly much longer). the first known cultivators are the Totonac, an indigenous people of Mexico.
the Aztecs used it as a sweetener to balance out the bitter taste of cocoa. it was popular in a drink called xocolatl--the precursor to modern hot chocolate!
it is only pollinated by a very specific orchid bee!!!
which is why no fruit could be grown outside of Mexico until the 1800s
Edmond Albius, born into slavery, invented the pollination method we still use today--launching a global industry when he was just 12 years old.
today, the majority of the world's vanilla is grown in Madagascar
if you want real vanilla, read the labels carefully--it's harder to find than you think!
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in conclusion, those tiny black specks you see in fancy vanilla ice cream? those are vanilla bean seeds! itty bitty orchid seeds!!! they are delicious and also a PRISSY BITCH!
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pricelessemotion · 1 year
Never really over | S.H.
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summary: [4.2k] you and steve fall apart, then fall back together.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: so much angst, best friends to exes to lovers, language, gratuitous taylor swift references
a/n: exes to lovers is one of my fave tropes so i hope i did it justice! reader is vaguely asian-coded by accident (though there shouldn’t be any direct references to r's appearance!) lmao happy AAPI heritage month to all my fellow asians
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The day after your breakup, Steve shows up at your house with a bag of takeout and a six-pack. He kicks off his shoes at the front door while you’re in the kitchen, already grabbing napkins and chopsticks. The light on the floral rice cooker on the counter just turned from cooking to keep warm. Steve is nothing, if not right on time. 
To most people, the situation would seem peculiar. But you and Steve were best friends before your break up and you had promised that you would stay best friends after it. 
You settle in on opposite sides of the worn-down loveseat, a rerun of Golden Girls playing on the television. You’re just about to ask him if he remembered to get extra sauce for the chow mein when Steve, seemingly anticipating your question, silently hands you a small cylindrical container. 
The night goes on as it usually would, with Steve lamenting Keith’s tyranny and Dustin’s antics. He helps you clean up when you’re done, scooping the leftover rice into a Tupperware container saying I gotta get myself one of these, it’s so convenient! He even does the dishes, washing while you dry, never commenting on the fact that you have a perfectly good dishwasher that you never use. 
Once he’s standing in the entryway, shoes back on and keys in hand, he instinctively leans in for a chaste kiss goodbye. 
You flinch, turning your cheek at the last second. The moment becomes a sobering reminder as to why you decided to break up in the first place. Instinct over time starts to feel like routine. Routine over time starts to feel like a chore. Another thing that you have to cross off your to-do list.
For a while, it was grounding. It felt good to be normal. Normal felt like warmth, like coming in out of the freezing cold and cozying up next to a blazing fire. But you knew from experience that the cold always comes back. As the days drew darker, the once roaring hearth settled into a pile of ashes. Being grounded can feel like being tied down. It’s only natural to want to break free. 
You didn’t realize freedom would feel like this. 
“Right.” Steve huffs out awkwardly, swinging his car keys around his index finger. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He shuffles out the door while you offer a weak goodbye. You know you’re letting the cold in by watching him as he gets into his car. You do it anyway. 
Steve and Dustin have taken to visiting you while you’re on shift at the coffee shop. You’re not sure why. The arcade next door seems much more fitted to their shared interests, but they still come and visit you all the same. Usually, when you come upon them, they’re standing on the other side of the till having a whispered conversation that dies the moment they notice you’re there. 
“A latte for me, and hot cocoa for the kid.” Steve says, ruffling the younger boy's hair. 
“I’m fourteen!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Maturity. Did you want a coffee? I’m sure our girl over here has some great recommendations.” 
Dustin only grumbles in response, muttering insults under his breath. Steve refuses your offer to comp their drinks, paying and dropping his change in the tip jar.  
You set both drinks down on the counter when they’re done. One is a simple steaming cup. The other is piled high with whipped cream and sprinkles, decorated with a tiny plastic snowman left over from the holidays. 
“Thank you,” Steve says, leaning against the counter. “Y’know, you’re my most favorite barista in the whole world.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m the only barista you know, but you’re welcome.” 
“So, would you be interested in movie night tomorrow?” 
“Wow, let me think.” You feign contemplation, sarcasm dripping from every word. “I’ll have to check my schedule. I have a meeting with some venture capitalists but I might be able to squeeze you in.”
“It’s a date.” 
“So… you guys are back together?” Dustin darts a confused glance between the both of you, his irises going back and forth as if watching a ping-pong match. 
“No!” You and Steve both blurt out at the same time. Then you both take a moment to look at each other as if to say, I know why I said no but why are you saying no? 
Is it really over?
Dustin, as observant and tactless as ever, gives off a little shrug. You mutter something about needing to go to the back to do inventory. As you’re walking away, you hear Steve say something that sounds a lot like Nice going, doofus!
Dustin answers the door when you ring the bell. Steve’s house has the usual suspects for movie night. Max and El are cuddled up together on the floor, practically laying on top of each other. Robin and Nancy are on the loveseat to the left, so wrapped up in each other that they barely even register your arrival. You presume that the sounds coming from the kitchen are Mike, Will, and Lucas, no doubt making one too many bowls of popcorn in the microwave.  
Steve is sitting, his arm draped over the back of the couch. Before, there would’ve been no questions as to where you would sit. The empty couch cushion practically had your name on it. You would’ve already bounded across the room and snuggled up to the boy that felt like home. 
You search the room for another option, but come up empty. Unless you want to pointedly avoid sitting next to him by crashing on the floor with the kids, which would undoubtedly draw attention to the very thing you want to ignore. 
Taking a seat next to Steve, you toe the line between platonic distance and romantic distance.
“What’s on tonight?” You ask no one in particular. 
“The Princess Bride.” Lucas replies, coming from the kitchen with a bowl of fresh popcorn. 
He barely gets a chance to put it down before the three other boys tumble onto the floor and begin shoveling the savory snack into their mouths. Max and El whine about their lack of civility, yelling at them for having spilled popcorn on the floor before the movie has even started.
“Ah, that’s my favorite!” 
“I know.” Steve finally speaks up beside you. 
“We’ve only seen it like a million times.” Max says, rolling her eyes and resting her head on El’s shoulder. 
“Hey! Little shits who eat my food and use me as a taxi service don’t get to complain about my movie choices.”
“Whatever, Steve.” The redhead remarks, with an unmistakable fondness in her voice. 
You settle into your seat. The January cold has seeped into the house and, despite the heating being on full blast, you’re freezing. Steve notices, tugging the comforter in his lap over your frame, enveloping you in a warmth you didn’t realize you missed so much. You murmur a quiet thank you that you’re almost sure goes unheard until he turns, giving you a small smile before returning his attention to the screen. 
In order to properly share the blanket, you have to scoot in even closer. You tell yourself that it’s a perfectly reasonable platonic distance, that you used to do this all the time before you were dating. If Steve is experiencing even a fraction of your inner turmoil, he doesn’t show it. He just keeps looking ahead, paying far too much attention to the film. The palm that would usually come to rest upon your shoulder stays gripping the back of the couch. 
Sometime after Buttercup and Wesley enter the forbidden forest, you fall asleep.
It’s hard to make out anything through the dense fog. The trees around you loom large, foliage so lush and thick that it blocks out the sky, making it unclear if it’s day or night. The only light source comes from an oil lamp. 
The lamp casts a shadow over the face of the person holding it, emphasizing his strong brow and straight nose. You go to move toward Steve, but you can’t. You’re stuck. Ankle deep in sand, coarse and with the consistency of molasses, that slowly creeps up higher and higher. It takes you a moment to realize; the sand isn’t getting higher, you’re getting lower. 
You’re sinking. 
Desperately, you begin grasping at anything and everything that might get you out. It’s futile. The more you move, the further you fall. You’re waist-deep now. Steve is still standing there, stone-faced, oil lamp flickering. He turns, walking into the fog and taking the light with him. 
You open your mouth, wanting to scream. Needing to scream. But only one word echoes throughout. It does nothing to stop Steve’s retreating figure. 
“Hey,” Steve is tugging on the sleeve of your sweater. “Wake up.” 
The fog dissipates. Feeling slowly returns to your limbs. The first thing you realize is that you fell asleep on Steve’s shoulder. The second thing you realize is that, due to your impromptu nap, the distance between the two of you is practically nonexistent. You recoil, sliding yourself as far away from him as you can. Steve flinches at the sudden movement. 
“Are you okay?” His voice is soft and comforting, like a childhood blanket that you can’t sleep without. “It seemed like you were having a bad dream.”
You blink your eyes furiously, trying to shake the sinking feeling that has settled deep into your stomach. 
“Where is everyone?” You ask, avoiding his question. The once lively living room is now empty. Remnants of movie night surround you in the form of stray pieces of popcorn and a nearly empty tub of Red Vines. 
“They all went home about twenty minutes ago.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You seemed so comfortable. I didn’t wanna wake you.” He shrugs, saying the next words gently. “Are you having nightmares again?” 
Before, you would tell him yes. You always talked to Steve about your nightmares. Most of the time he was there to witness them firsthand, waking up to your shouting and thrashing. Some nights, he would be able to coax you back to sleep with soothing words and tender touches. Other nights, he would stay up with you for hours, talking about nothing. The next day, the deep bags etched under his eyes would serve as another reminder of just how tiring you could be.
“I’m fine.” You wipe the corner of your mouth, cringing at the slight dampness you find there. Great. Not only did you fall asleep on Steve but you also drooled on him. “I think it’s time for me to head out.”
Leaping from the couch, you get to the foyer in record time. Your shoes are already halfway on before Steve appears, standing in between you and the door. 
“You don’t have to. You know the guest room is always made up for you if you want it.” He bargains. 
“I— I have to go. I’m sorry. Goodnight Steve.” 
“Please, you’re tired. At least let me drive you.” He’s practically pleading, already moving to grab his car keys.  
“Just let me go, Steve!” Your outburst echoes throughout the empty house. 
Steve takes a step back away from you. “I’m sorry.”
Regret washes over you like a tidal wave. You can feel yourself being ripped under the current. You curse yourself, not for drowning, but for dragging Steve down with you. 
“No, don’t apologize. Fuck, I’m sorry. I just—” 
“Have to go?” He supplies. 
He sounds dejected like this is another battle with you that he’s already resigned himself to losing. You fumble through another apology, another goodbye.
You don’t dare to look behind you as you make your way to your car. It isn’t until you’re halfway down your street that you spare a glance at your rear-view mirror. Steve is still standing there, the door wide open. 
You don’t know why you keep having dreams where you ask Steve to stay. 
You’re the one who is always leaving. 
“She was totally flirting with you!” You scream whisper, keeping in mind that the diner is mostly empty aside from the loyal patrons that come in every weekday for a hearty serving of beef and potatoes.
Steve showed up to the coffee shop today, sans Dustin, asking if you’d like to grab a bite to eat after your shift. You obliged, hoping to make up for your outburst from the other night. He still hasn’t mentioned it. For your sake, you hope that he won’t.
“No, she wasn’t.” You thought Steve’s obliviousness when it came to romance only extended to you. Apparently, you were wrong because he was completely ignoring the way that the waitress was batting her eyelashes at him.
“Yes, she was!” You take a fry from the basket and Steve pushes his strawberry milkshake toward you, already knowing that you were going to subject him to the gross combination and he might as well get it over with. “Y’know, if you wanted to ask her out you could. Don’t let me hold you back.”
“You’re not holding me back. Anyways, isn’t it weird, having your ex-girlfriend be your wingman?”
“I’m still your best friend. Besides, you totally helped me out with Brandon so I just thought I’d return the favor.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve asks, causing you to furrow your brow at him. Despite having loved him for a long time and having known him for even longer, his inability to read a room knows no bounds. 
“Last week at Family Video?” You utter the words with slow precision, but recognition fails to make its way across Steve’s face. “Brandon Clayborn asked you for horror movie recommendations and you sent him to me.”
“And he asked you out?” Steve gapes at you from over the rim of his milkshake. The idea of grabbing the glass and slogging the pink confection at him crosses your mind, but instead, you clench your fists at your side. 
“Is that so unbelievable?” At your response, Steve’s brows pinch together. He toys with the wrapping paper of his straw, folding it over and over again. 
“And what did you say?”
“I said yes.”
“Oh.” Steve finally stops fiddling with the piece of paper. It’s shredded to pieces in a pile in front of him. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the bulging leather wallet. “I’ll be right back.” 
With that, Steve slides out of the booth and walks up to the counter. The giggles of the waitress can be heard throughout the diner. You turn toward the window so that you don’t have to see her scrawl her number on the receipt, and you catch your muddled reflection. You don’t know if you look like you’ve seen a ghost or if you’ve become one. 
Due to unforeseen circumstances, your second date with Brandon had to be rescheduled. A literal rain check. He’d sputtered out numerous apologies over the crackling phone line, saying how the picnic he had planned didn’t account for a torrential downpour. You promised him that it was fine, that you didn’t even wanna leave the house in this weather. You didn’t think anyone would want to leave the house in this weather, which is why you grew shocked at the sound of the doorbell ringing. 
Then you promptly remember that this is Hawkins and that anyone or anything could be behind that door. Grabbing the old wooden bat you keep under the couch for emergencies, you inch toward the door. The frantic ringing of the bell matches the beat of your heart. Peering through the peephole, you sigh in both relief and frustration before flinging the door open.
“Are you insane?!” You practically scream at the soaking wet boy. “You scared the shit outta me.”
Steve stands in the threshold, shaking his head like a dog would to get all the water out. You flinch as the droplets inevitably fall on you. The fine mist and wind that he’s brought in with him chill you to the bone. 
“Sorry.” He smiles sheepishly.
“How did you even manage to get this wet in the twenty feet from the street to the porch?” You ask, peering behind him to look for the familiar maroon vehicle. It isn’t there. 
“I walked here.”
You balk at him. Sure, Steve has been known to act recklessly from time to time, but never without reason. Instead of taking the time to berate him for being so stupid, you take one look at the soggy shivering boy and shut the door, turning on your heel towards your bedroom. You don’t need to look behind you to know that he’s following you. 
“C’mon, you’re gonna catch a cold if you stay in those wet clothes.”
You rummage through your drawers, managing to find a t-shirt and sweatpants that you had stolen from him long ago. Now is as good a time as any to give it back, right? Stuffing the items in your arm, you thrust them into Steve’s hands and direct him to the bathroom. He doesn’t need direction. He knows the floorplan of your house just like he knows you–all too well.
While Steve is in the bathroom, you go to shut the drawers that you had left open in the rush to find him something to wear. The bottom drawer has always had a problem, getting stuck at the most inopportune moments. Lifting it just a little, you slam the drawer back into place which causes the contents on top of your dresser to shake with the force. The silver picture frame falls on its face and you go to place it right side up. 
It’s a photograph of the two of you from last summer. Robin had pointed the camera at you and at the very last second Steve grabbed you and placed a sloppy kiss on your cheek, causing you to squeal in delight. The memory stings. You almost want to put it face down again so that you don’t have to be reminded of what once was. Instead, you’re interrupted by the sound of a lock turning and quiet footfalls on carpeted floors. 
The moment Steve steps into your bedroom, you’re drenched in nostalgia. It’s been months since you’ve seen him like this–standing in his pajamas in your bedroom. It’s moments like this that are the hardest. The ones where you can feel how everything and nothing has changed. It feels like relief and restriction. 
You realize you’re still standing in front of the dresser and go to sit on your bed. You need to put space between you and Steve. He has this insane gravitational pull and you know that if you stay around him like this for too long, you’ll end up back in his orbit.  
He steps cautiously around the room like he’s afraid of stepping on a landmine. One wrong move and everything could blow up. Standing in front of the dresser, he takes the dreaded picture frame into his hands. He’s still using a towel to dry his hair when he finally speaks. 
“It’s a good picture.” He says, simply. The pads of his thumbs wipe away the layer of dust that coats your sunbleached faces. 
“It is.” You manage to choke out. “Why are you here, Steve?”
He places the picture frame back down on the dresser. It’s perfectly angled towards you. The ghost of your smiling face taunting you in your own bedroom. 
“It’s funny, y’know?” Steve lets out a mirthless laugh.  
“What is?”
“We broke up and the only person I wanna talk about it with is you.”
All of the air has been sucked out of the room. Steve has always been good at taking your breath away. 
“I mean, I get it. I get why we broke up. I do.” He lets out a deep breath before continuing on, not giving you a chance to interrupt. “Except, I don’t. I can’t wrap my head around how one day we were fine and the next day we weren’t. I know that I’m not good enough for you–I’ve always known that. I guess I just wanna know when you finally figured it out.”
His words make you ache. A tightness blooms in your chest and spreads all the way down your arms to your trembling fingertips. You want so badly to reach out to him. He’s on the other side of the room but he might as well be on the other side of the world. You don’t know how to bridge the ravine that you’ve put between the two of you. You know for him you’d make the leap, uncaring of the abyss below. The thought scares you so much that your fists tangle in your bedsheets, hoping for something to keep you from falling back in.   
“The last thing I wanted was for you to feel like you weren’t good enough for me. You’ve always been good enough, Steve.”  
You can tell from the shake of his head that he doesn’t believe you. 
“I thought that maybe you just needed a little space, a little time. Then I have to watch you go on dates and move on like it’s easy. Like the fact that we’re not together anymore doesn’t eat you up inside.”
“It’s not easy! It’s killing me!” Tears collect in your eyes, blurring your vision. “I don’t know why I can’t just be happy with you. I want to be happy with you.”
“What are you so afraid of?” Steve begs, his question punctuated by a boom of thunder and a flash of lightning. 
You found solace in the eye of the storm. Once the storm passed, you didn’t know what to do with the wreckage. Calm didn’t provide comfort. Instead, it only reminded you that there was likely another storm to come. Steve has always been better at picking up the pieces and patching things up. You didn’t want to become just another thing he had to fix. So, you pushed him away. 
He still came back.
This time he brought the storm with him. 
“I’m afraid that the minute I actually enjoy everything, it’ll all get taken away from me.” You confess, roughly wiping away your tears. 
Steve crosses the room and kneels in front of you. His hair is still slightly damp, a stray strand hanging in front of his forehead. You brush it out of the way and he catches your wrist, placing a kiss in the palm of your hand. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” He murmurs, lips still brushing your skin. He says it like a promise. You wish the words were tangible, that you could close your fist around them and hold them close. “Tell me what I can do to fix it.”
The words simultaneously endear and exasperate you. Here is this boy who loves you, sitting in front of you telling you to let him love you. Here you are, about to tell him that he can’t. 
“What if you can’t fix it, Steve? What if I’m unfixable?”
He doesn’t respond immediately. Instead, he takes both of your hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. 
“Then I’ll still love you anyway.” 
Steve looks up and the clouds part. You’ve been so caught up in your doom and gloom, that you’d forgotten what it felt like to see the light of day. You lean down, closing your eyes, pressing your forehead to his. 
“Why?” The question comes out watery and wanting. 
“I can’t help it.” He breathes out. 
You understand the feeling. 
You bridge the gap, uncaring of the abyss that lies below. You’d fall through eternity if it meant you got to do it with him. His lips feel exactly like you remember them–like home. He kisses soft and slow, hands anchored at your hips as if to prevent you from floating away. When you break apart, both of you gasping for air, there’s uncertainty in his eyes. It fades away as soon as you lean back on the bed, pulling at his sleeves and dragging him with you. 
The night is composed of soft apologies and even softer sighs, accompanied by the din of rain against the roof. It isn’t until far into the night that the storm finally subsides, leaving the pavement to glow in the morning sun. 
Waking up next to Steve is a revelation. You don’t know how you ever survived without it. He’s all sleepy smiles and tired eyes, drowsily pulling you closer to him. Resting your head on his chest, you’re soothed by the rhythmic thump of his beating heart.   
“Y’know, you didn’t have to walk in the rain just to say that you wanna get back together. You’re so dramatic.” You joke, hoping that it isn’t too soon to start poking fun. 
His chest rumbles with laughter, the reverberations quelling your fears.
“In my defense, it wasn’t raining when I started walking.” He says, voice still thick with sleep. “Besides, you love it.”
You smile contentedly to yourself, not offering up a response besides a hum of agreement. He’s right. You do love him. Rain or shine.
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likes are appreciated, comments and reblogs are cherished ♥️
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chlorinecake · 9 months
Hey can you make something like "kissing I hope they catch us " but for a black reader please?
Hot Cocoa Kisses —��� N.RK (西��力) ☕️
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Pairing… ₊˚⊹ ᰔ boyfriend!riki x girlfriend!reader
Warnings… ₊˚⊹ slightly heated make-out session, teasing, pet names, fluff, rushed
Words… ₊˚⊹ ᰔ 867 -> “Your lips taste like hot cocoa”
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It was a chilly winter day when you and your boyfriend Riki sat in the living room together.
Cradled in the fluffiest blankets you two could find, you sat in between Riki’s legs on the couch, reading a manga he received as a Christmas gift out loud as he braided a tiny section of your hair. Not to style it, of course, but just out of pure endearment for you.
“So what’s happening now?” Riki asked, mostly focused on carefully overlapping the three strands of hair he was working on.
“Hmm… I actually stopped reading the words a few pages ago. The illustrations alone are much more interesting in my opinion,” you replied, just as he kissed the center of your scalp, letting you know that he was done playing with your hair.
“Let me see,” he said, taking the comic from your hands to examine it for himself. “Yeahhh… the dialogue is pretty impressive, actually. No wonder a little baby like you only wants to look at the pictures though,” he giggled, tickling the spot beneath your jawline before getting up and walking towards the kitchen.
You weren’t ready to leave the warmth of the cozy couch yet, but you understood that Riki wanted one more thing before y’all continued to spend this lovely winter evening together: Hot cocoa.
Your arms found Riki’s waist as he reached for the top cabinet, grabbing the box of hot cocoa mix from the top shelf.
“Almost forgot about these,” he said, pulling down mini marshmallows next.
You put yourself in charge of warming the milk for your drinks, followed by stirring the cocoa mix into your mugs and then waiting for it to cool.
“Are they finished, yet? It’s not like we’re making “cold cocoa” anyways,” Riki sighed, leaning over the counter on his elbows.
“Well if we add the marshmallows now, they’re just gonna melt again, see?” You said, grabbing one of the cups to take a sip, “I mean, it’s not as hot anymore, though, if you’re just tired of waiting.”
Upon saying that, Riki just stared at you for much longer than necessary, holding back a smile as his eyes glittered with amusement.
“W-what?” You asked, poking him on the shoulder which only made him laugh out loud this time.
“It’s the braid you did, isn’t it?,” you continued with a pout. He shook his head at your words, walking up to you and taking your face in one of his hands, swiping some moisture from your upper lip with his thumb before tasting it himself.
“You had a milk mustache, silly,” he smiled softly, eyes not leaving your lips as he licked his own, leaning in with a soft kiss.
Humming into the embrace, a smile creeped upon Riki's face as your hand found his neck, supporting yourself against the counter for him to only pull you closer.
“Riki~,” you mumbled while disconnecting your lips, “where’d all that come from?” you asked, still in a daze as you felt heat rush to your face.
He bit his lower lip, looking you up and down through hooded eyes as his hands rested on either side of the countertop, caging you in before his intimidating frame.
“Nowhere,” he smirked, pecking you one last time on the corner of your mouth before continuing, “your lips taste like hot cocoa and I just couldn’t resist.”
Playfully smacking your boyfriend’s chest, he released you from his arm cage, watching as you went back to the other counter, shaking marshmallows in both your mugs before sealing the bag closed.
He took so much delight in seeing how flustered you appeared now. You even fumbled with your fingers as you tried closing the bag all thanks to his actions.
“Are you sure you don’t want something cold to drink instead? You seem warm all of a sudden,” he teased, wiping the spilled remnants of sugary mix from the countertop with a napkin.
“Do I? Maybe it’s because you keep looking at me like this,” you teased back, dramatically reenacting the way he looked at you earlier, biting your lip to seal the deal.
He laughed with his entire body, leaning over the counter as soft giggles rumbled from his body. But then, his cocky side returned.
“Is that the only thing I did that got you flustered, or is there more?” He asked, voice deepening slightly as his piercing gaze scanned you once again.
“Hmm… well… you also touched me like this,” you said, cupping his face in your hands, “and then I nearly fainted when you kissed me like there was no tomorrow!”
“No tomorrow, huh? That sounds romantic,” he smirked, trying to mask how giddy you were making him feel in this moment even though the pink hue staining his cheeks and ears made it impossible to hide.
“That’s because it was romantic, Riki,” you smiled lovingly, kissing your finger and placing it on his rosy nose before walking back to the living room, warm mugs in both your hands as you returned to your seats on the cozy couch.
The same place you knew Riki would eventually start to kiss you again the moment you sat your cup down.
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❆ Thank you for reading this quick little fic, and special thanks to my bbygirl for requesting this !!
❆ Feel free to check out more cute and fun reads like this at the pinned post on my blog :3
❆ Taglist: @squoxle @ashgonedash @nikisdubblchococake @yourmomscuntis2tighy @watamotee33 @noodlesimp @microwvdstrawb3rri3s @star-yawnznn
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Let Me Spend Christmas With You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Mentions of Sex
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.0K
Summary: With the Holidays around the corner, Rafe only has one goal this season.
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As the semester comes to an end, the Holiday break is fast approaching. Y/N is packing her suitcase for her flight home while Rafe pouts on her bed. “I still don’t get why you don’t want to come to Guadalupe with me and my family,” he grumbles as she packs another knitted sweater. “We weren’t together last Christmas.” The corners of her lips are slightly curved downward and her head swivels on itself. “I know we didn’t get to have Christmas together last year and I really do want to spend the Holidays with you. But I also want a white Christmas. You know, snow, fireplaces, and hot cocoa,” she argues. Rafe gets up from the bed and holds onto her arm, “Come on, Angel. Who needs those things when you can have beaches and sex on the beach? The drink and the act. Please, let me spend Christmas with you, Angel.” It’s rare to see Rafe begging, expect if it means he gets to spend more time with Y/N. “Rafe, that sounds really nice. But what about my family?” she asks, wrapping her arms around his neck. His eyes bore into hers, “They can come too. There are more than enough rooms in our beach house for your family.” He watches as a sparkle starts to form in her eyes, alongside her smile. “Really? I’ll go ask them if they want to go now,” she pulls out her phone and dials her mom’s number. 
Rafe’s hand is on the small of her back as he guides her down the stairs of the Camerons’ private jet. Y/N can feel water start to pool out of her pores. “Thank you again for inviting us on vacation with you guys,” he can hear Garth thank Ward ahead of them. Ward shakes his head, “No problem. Last year, Rafe was so sulky without Y/N with him, so I’m glad to do anything for them to be together this year.” Overhearing the men’s conversation, she giggles at the thought of her boyfriend missing her. Rafe frowns at her and brings her to his side. “Don’t laugh at my misfortune,” he laments, kissing her cheek. She throws her hand up in the air, “I’m sorry, but you are just so darn cute.” 
Christmas morning is a little bit different for her this year. Y/N and Rafe had found a secluded beach on the island and after they spent Christmas Eve with their families, they snuck away to it for an amazing night together. The grains of sand shift under her weight as she twists in his hold. The towel they are lying on barely does anything to keep the sand away from their skin. Her eyes flutter open to see Rafe’s still breathing shallowly. She kisses his lips and watches as he starts to wake up. “Merry Christmas, Rafe,” she whispers, burying her head in his neck. His lips press a kiss in her hair, “Merry Christmas, Angel. We should probably head back home. I know Wheezie is going to be dying to open the presents.” She agrees with his statement and they both get their bathing suits on to go home. 
“Looks like the love birds have finally pulled themselves out of wherever they were. Come on you two, we were just about to open presents,” Candace beckons Rafe and her daughter as they walk through the front door. The couple makes their way down into the living room, where the Christmas tree is, and settles on the floor. Rafe and Y/N’s hips brush against each other because of how close they are sitting. 
Each family member takes turns opening a gift with the watchful eyes of the other members. The next gift placed in Y/N’s lap is a rectangular prism wrapped in paper with tiny reindeer on them. The card sticking out behind the ribbon has her name written on it in Rafe’s chicken scratch and his name under it. She keeps the card and takes the time to take the tape off of the paper to preserve it. Underneath, she finds a white cardboard box with no identifiers as to what is inside. She gives Rafe a raised eyebrow and he encourages her to open it. Her thumb slots in the gap of the box’s lid, pulling it open. Inside is a mason jar decorated with ribbons and tiny hearts. The label says One Hundred Reasons Why I Love You in cursive writing she has never seen before. There are folded paper slips in the jar. She opens it up and picks one out. The writing is in the same effortful cursive. Reason #47: You never judge me for my mistakes. Instead, you help me grow from them. She is touched that he took the time to work on her gift because she is sure each reason is something just as thoughtful as this one. Tears brim in her eyes as she pulls him into a hug. “Thank you,” she murmurs in his ear.
Next to open a gift is Rafe and it just so happened to be Y/N’s. He removes the tissue paper from the bag, folding it nicely for Y/N to reuse later. He finds a folded article of clothing inside. It is a jean jacket and on the back, there is an embroidered picture. The beautiful work shows Rafe and Y/N kissing. He turns the jacket so he can see the front to find Angel written in a heart on the breast pocket. Y/N has obviously put a lot of effort into the gift and he loves it. He brings her in for a kiss as a thank you. She smiles at the feel of his lips on her skin. This Christmas might not be spent in the snow, but Christmas in the sand is just as good. 
Rafe is getting lunch when Jaiden walks into the kitchen. Rafe’s back is facing the doorway so he doesn’t notice the other boy’s appearance. Jaiden stares at Rafe’s back in amazement. “Your jacket is so cool, Dude,” Jaiden compliments, heading to the fridge to get a beer. Rafe turns toward his fellow brother and beams with pride. “Why thank you, my angel made it for me. I’m one lucky guy,” he gushes. “Well, she did a great job,” Jaiden adds before leaving the room. Rafe can’t hide his grin as he finishes lunch and brings it upstairs to his angel. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @queen-shadow22 @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
Ouuugh so many good options, i suppose 9 or 15 for the prompts
9. "It will be better in the morning."
"I've decided," Tim announces, "that I have a cure for nightmares."
He doesn't look like he's in much of a position to be announcing any kind of breakthrough; he's swaddled in a throw blanket and curled up against Kon's chest, his hair impressively disheveled and his cheeks still a little blotchy from tears. He kind of reminds Kon of one of those baby chicks that've just hatched and are mad about it, with the barely-dried downy fuzz sticking every which way. The yellow lamplight glimmers in his eyes as he peeps up at Kon's face, expectant.
Kon hums. Purrs louder as he keeps rocking the recliner back and forth, slow and gentle. "Is it drinking your hot chocolate and listening to Car Talk until you fall back asleep?"
Tim scoffs. "No." He pauses, wrinkling his nose a little. "I mean. I'll drink the hot chocolate, since you made it for me and all. But no. I'm simply never gonna sleep ever again. Foolproof."
Kon snorts, scrunching his hand through Tim's hair. Tim takes a soft breath, only a little shaky, and then smushes his face into the crook of Kon's neck again. His breath tickles a little against Kon's skin.
"Babe," Kon says. "Sorry to break it to you, but you literally fall asleep on me every single movie night. You're, like, the archetypical dad from every single tweet about dads who fall asleep five minutes into movies. And you aren't even an actual dad."
Tim huffs, a tiny puff of token offense. "I could change." His fingers curl into Kon's shirt. "Can't have a flashback in your sleep if you never sleep again."
"Yeah, you'll just start having sleep deprivation hallucinations." Kon kisses the top of his head. It's late enough it's almost early; he stifles a yawn. The last thing he wants is for Tim to feel guiltier than he already does for keeping him up. "Besides, you love sleeping."
Tim heaves a great, despondent sigh. "I do love sleeping," he admits, a little morose. "Sucks when sleeping doesn't love me back."
"I love you back," Kon coos.
He can feel Tim's lips quirk into a tiny smile against his collarbone. "You're such a giant cheese," Tim mumbles. He doesn't say it back, not with words, but the brush of his lips in the tiniest whisper of a kiss tells Kon everything loud and clear.
Kon purrs a little harder. He likes having Tim here, bundled up in his arms. Likes knowing he makes him feel safer. Likes that he can make him smile after he woke up screaming. "Too bad you're lactose intolerant, huh?"
"I already took my Lactaid to drink the hot chocolate, so shut up." Kon just knows he's rolling his eyes.
"Speaking of which, it's probably a good temperature now," Kon says, and wraps his TTK around the mug to float it over from the side table. "Here."
Tim's hands creep out of the throw blanket to wrap around the mug. He shifts in Kon's arms and sighs again, sitting up to take a tiny sip. His face already looks a little better, cheeks a little less flushed. "Mm. Yeah," he agrees. "...Thanks."
"Always." Kon gives him a gentle squeeze. "Drink up, and then we can just chill before we go back to bed. It'll be better in the morning."
"Mn." Tim makes a noncommittal noise. But he does keep sipping his hot chocolate, and his heart rate is a lot closer to baseline than it was a little while ago. "Guess so."
He twists in Kon's arms suddenly, cups Kon's jaw in one hand, and kisses him. Kon melts like sugar in the rain, the way he always does when Tim kisses him. Tim's lips are a little chapped. He tastes of cocoa and marshmallow fluff.
Tim breaks that kiss, then bumps his nose against Kon's, a silent gesture of gratitude. He blinks at him once, then goes back to his hot chocolate.
Kon smiles and holds him just a bit tighter. The marshmallows on Tim's mouth are definitely sweet, but he can think of something sweeter.
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kissitbttr · 10 months
hello! i read you miss having asks and i don't know if you maybe miss having some requests (in case you aren't taking any you can ignore this and i hope you'll have a good day <3)
but what about some domestic Miguel and spending your first Christmas together? just imagine sitting on the couch in front of the TV, with a blanket covering both of you, watching some way too romantic soap opera, while drinking some hot chocolate and just enjoy the moment <3
(i know this is so early and we are still in November, but I swear, I can already feel the nostalgic feeling of Christmas </3)
xmas with miggy? say no more baby!!
it is absolutely one of your favorite holiday, ever. the music, the decorations, the presents for your loved ones, the cooking and baking. everything about christmas just screams fairytale,
miguel has never been the one who’s fond of this specific holiday, or any holiday for that matter. he would drown himself in work to avoid any invitations from friends. sad but anything to get away from interacting with strangers.
now ever since you stepped into his life, he can’t help but see how this year’s christmas would be different. having you with him to celebrate together just changes his perspectives. now he has someone to hold and love, this christmas would bring joy into his life.
you and him had been pretty busy with the decorations and stuff. buying a Christmas tree, getting pretty ornaments, looking for presents etc.
“need a hand, baby?” miguel steps into the kitchen, seeing you take out fresh cookies from the oven. you look so… comfy. dressed in his old t-shirt with your hair tied up in a bun—his clothing is basically a dress so there’s no need to be putting on some pants other than underwear—
you nod, looking up at him before setting the cookies on the counter. “can you put those hot chocolates on the table, my love?” you ask with a smile,
his heart soars at the nickname before grabbing the two cups of hot cocoa with tiny pink marshmallows in them. “you pick or i pick the movie?”
you’re quick to raise your hand in a child-like manner, causing him to laugh. “me, duh!” you answer as if it’s the most obvious thing. “we’re tuning in The Mafia Dolls and La Reina Del Sur”
miguel groans at the choice, shaking his head as he put the tray down on the table before grabbing a blanket. “you just want to watch Kate Del Castillo because you have a crush on her” he points out,
shrugging you showcase an expression of no shame. “she’s hot. you know i would leave your ass for her”
miguel jaw drops open, hand over his heart as he watches you stifle a giggle. “i’ve had enough time dealing with men trying to hit on you on a daily basis and now i have to compete with Kate Del Castillo too?!”
“her and Eva Mendes” you nod, arms crossed, smiling to yourself as he rolls his eyes before throwing you a playful glare and sit on the couch. “you’re going to pay for that comment”
you give him a cheeky smile. grabbing two cookies as you stride towards him, his large arm coming to wrap itself around your waist. he gently pulls you down on the couch, letting your head rest against his chest as you feed him a cookie.
“mhmm” he hums in approval. “new recipe?”
“yeah. you like? grandma sent the recipe to me. said that i have to treat my man something nice every once in a while” you giggle to yourself as he put his arm behind you. his lips plants a kiss on top of your head.
“tell her i said thank you” he mumbles as he turns on the tv. “i like this you know?”
a hum rumbles from you as you lay your back comfortably against him, taking another bite of the cookie. “what is?”
then he smiles, eyes landing on you. his fingers move to stroke your soft hair gently, catching that sweet scent of your strawberry mint shampoo that he finds obsessed over.
miguel can’t exactly remember when he had something like this. probably in his childhood? not quite sure. even if it was true, he doubts that it’s actually memorable. he remembers there were a lot of screaming match and broken plates though. maybe that’s why he avoids christmas like a plague. it was never magical.
but you… oh god, you.
you changed it for the better. the decorating christmas tree, wrapping up presents for each other, counting fails at an attempt to create gingerbread house, cooking up delicious traditional food instead of unseasoned dish that he sees people are making. and it might not be a big christmas party like in movies or how his co-workers do it, but that’s okay really. that’s just how he prefers it.
you, him and christmas.
“being with you” he responds, not minding the chatters coming from the tv. “estoy agradecido por ti, princesa”
“so, so grateful” he mumbles, pressing another quick kiss on your temple.
his words cause your gaze to soften. you slowly turn your head to look up to him from the tv, who’s eyes glued into the screen. your heart warms at the sight of miguel being comfortable with you, a small smile attached to his face.
leaning forward, you give him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. he sighs out of contentment at the gesture, hand around your waist tighten.
“i’m grateful for you too.”
aaa this feels like it’s rushed but i hope u like it anon! I’m sorry it took too long:(
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eliecasa · 10 months
Moody Man Simon Riley LOVES the holidays. I will not accept any arguments as this case is CLOSED!
(ノ´ з `)ノ!🎄 I’m feeling festive ¡
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• A constant side-eye during turkey day dinner, knowing you’ll make him and everyone else get up and help with the decorations sometime soon.
• Simon complaining about the stench of cinnamon sticking to him for days on end.
* “C'mon Simon, you smell great!” You tease, patting him on the arm. The man merely waved you off and headed to bed with red eyes. “I think I’m allergic to that stuff.” to which you would scoff and reply with “And I’m allergic to washing the dishes, you don’t see me complaining.”
• Your bulky husband hiding upstairs when your nieces and nephews visit; knowing you’ll force him to put on that itchy fake beard as well as the too-squeaky boots that he tried to get rid of.
• Simon randomly deciding to mess with you by pouring a cup of snow on you whilst you were in a trance, watching ‘The Polar Express’.
* “Thats payback for the cinnamon shampoo.”
• Having to keep replacing the tree’s candy canes because of someone being a peppermint addict.
• Simon dying on the inside when carolers show up.
* Looking at you for an escape that you avoid with false claims of checking on a nonexistent baby.
• Having tiny disputes on where to set the tree.
* “Why would you want it directly in front of the window? Blockin’ the sun out,” he reasons, standing in front of the tree as a guard. Your eyes turn to slits. “Because I worked hard to decorate it and the neighborhood should see it.” He’s unconvinced, eyebrows pinching as he stares back at you, but he doesn’t say anything further. He would rather implode than admit that he would maybe enjoy the sight of the winter's first snowfall.
• Simon has a preference for older Christmas movies and says the new ones are all cringeworthy romcoms or too emotional.
• Inappropriate sweaters together <3
* SWEATing his ass off when your parent insists that he takes his coat off for dinner. Maybe stopping by with a reindeer shagging another on his sweater wasn’t the best idea.
• Flirting with him, asking to sit on his lap for a new ‘wish’ every day.
• Simon having at least three different videos of you slipping on ice and busting your ass.
* “Simon~” you whine, eyes getting watery from anger and pain. Your husband would let out a haughty laugh and begin to trek through the snow. “Don’t cry, I’m comin’,” he would tease you until his boots suddenly gave way and threw him face-first into muddy snow.
• Lovey-Dovey cuddle days, holding hands and playing with his ringed hand.
• Taking credit for Simon’s beautiful handwriting on gifts with a massive grin on your face.
• Kissing him when you notice that his lips are chapped.
* He would smirk, looking at you with confused pleasure. “What was that?” to which you would just shrug and coyly look away, paying mind to the Christmas parade. “Thought you looked a little chapped ‘is all.”
- He would SO call you cheeky for that.
• Your husband getting protective when your male coworkers give you gifts that just seem (in his words) ‘Too Thoughtful’
* “Simon, seriously?” you scold, hand on your hip and he seriously pouts on the sofa, “It’s just a cheap perfume.” But those dark and untelling eyes would glance at you before he turned back to the television, grumbling “Bought you that because he wants you to smell nice for him.” He’s such a man-baby during the holidays.
• Simon being passionate about hot cocoa.
* Do NOT make your cocoa with water around him. This man will look at you as if you were drinking a mug of dirt.
• You stuffing him with treats and seasonal recipes as he watches you cook.
* Smiling with a cupcake in hand, you trot over and gently lift his chin, “Mint red velvet with some caramel, trust me.” But he would pause and slowly bring his eyes to the cupcake in horror. You lost him at ‘Mint’. But hubby would never say no to you.
• Making each other search for their hidden gift on Christmas Eve.
* You’d follow Simon to your bedroom, rubbing your hands together like a mouse. You hid his gift in your toiletry drawer. It was the perfect strategy and he would never-
“Is it in there?” he would stand in your shared bathroom, pointing to the only drawer he's never used, his eyes blankly blinking at you. “You cheater!”
• Husband putting his cold hands in the back pockets of your jeans.
• The two of you deciding to pull an all-nighter for Christmas, drinking wines and dining on finger foods until it was time for gift opening.
• Underneath your tree would be LOADED with gifts for each other, more than your friends’ gifts combined.
• Simon giving you that look as you beam at him, holding the very thing he said he wouldn’t buy for you because it was apparently “Too expensive.”
• Smothering him in kisses and thanking him in different ways.
• Watching your husband as he cooly tries on the new clothing and shoes you bought him. He would shrug his new coat on and look at you with a smirk. “Like it?”
- Heart Eyes.
• So many pictures are being printed after New Year's, and most of them are candids of your friends and family, as well as your dearest, Simon Riley.
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sneaking back into the writing game👀
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veeluvss · 9 months
✮⋆˙ christmas retreat
day 3 of 12 days of Christmas !
Elle x reader
1043 words
Elle takes you away for a Christmas holiday
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A few hours later, she began waking you up. She played with your hair and blew softly on your face making you giggle.
“Wakey wakey baby,” she muttered.
“Why?” You questioned. You were away on holiday, you didn’t want to be awake.
“We’ve got plans,” she said. “Plus it’s snowing.”
You gasped and jumped up. You adored the snow! You launched out of the bed and Elle just laughed as you went to the window and whipped open the curtains. Sure enough, snow was falling, settling a blanket of serenity across the view. Trees rose all around the cabin you were in and the snow was so pretty. It was as if a million tiny angels were flying down from the heavens.
“It’s almost as pretty as you,” Elle whispered, coming over. She snaked her arms around your waist and put her head on your shoulder. You smiled and tried to hide your blush as you stared, together, at the peaceful scene.
“Okay, are you sure you're ready to go?” Elle asked. You nodded and double checked your pockets.
“Awesome, let’s go.”
You headed out into the thick snow and laughed as Elle immediately groaned.
“It’s pretty but so impractical,” she muttered, locking the door.
“Yeah,” you said, not paying attention. You kneeled down in the snow and took a handful of it. You manipulated it into a tight ball as Elle began to turn around.
“Y/N…” she warned. A devilish smirk spread across your face as you threw the snowball towards her. It exploded as it collided with her chest and you laughed loudly. She gasped, standing there frozen in shock.
“Oh you’re going to get it now,” she smirked and began picking up piles of snow and just throwing them at you willy nilly. You howled as you ran away, into the trees, being chased by your snow covered girlfriend; who was shit at throwing snowballs.
After your playful diversion, you ended up in a sweet, log cabin cafe. You’d grabbed the best seats in front of the flickering fire and Elle was ordering you both hot chocolates and some mince pies. You loved this time of year. You piled your snow coat, scarf and other cold remedies onto the armchair and sat down on the love seat. You felt so at peace. Away from work, away from all the nasty criminals who didn’t take breaks for the holidays. Elle had made you save up your holidays for this week, she’d been planning it for a while. You felt like a princess.
The cabin you were staying at was the best holiday you’d ever been on. You craved comfort and warmth and even though you were surrounded by snow, having chunky blankets, gentle fires, hot cocoa, books, christmas films and the most amazing, cuddly girlfriend, made your soul warm.
“One hot chocolate for the baby,” Elle said. She handed you the mug, as big as your face, and you gasped. In a beautiful swirl on top was whipped cream covered in chocolate sprinkles, marshmallows and a small gingerbread man stuck out the side.
“This is insane!” you said.
“Only the best for you my darling,” she smiled and sat beside you. You blushed again..
“Thank you, baby.”
“You’re most welcome.”
You stayed in silence for a while, drinking your drinks and watching the fire burn away. Elle’s fingers brushed the outside of your thigh and you sighed contently.
“Angel,” she whispered. You turned your head to look at her, urging her to continue. “Do you ever think about marriage?” Your heart skipped and a smile emerged. You didn’t say anything for a few minutes, staring at her eyes and thinking about marrying her. How gorgeous she’d look in a dress, heading towards her as you walk down the isle. Feeling her lips on yours after you pour your hearts out to each other. Thinking about dancing with her all night long, hand in hand and spending the rest of your life with her.
“Do you?” she asked again, moving her hand to your hair. She turned, pulling her leg up so she was facing you properly.
“I do.”
“Geez, I only asked if you thought about it -” she laughed and you laughed too, noticing the pun.
“I do think about it. Regularly,” you admitted.
“Really? And you want it?”
“With you I do.”
“With me?” she blushed and you nodded, moving closer to her on the love seat. “You want to marry me?”
“I’ve wanted to marry you since the day I met you,” you replied, looping your arm around her waist. She didn’t sat anything. You put your head on her chest and joined both hands behind her. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer and you felt her kiss your head.
“I know-” she began then paused. You waited, feeling her heart pound in her chest. You lifted the edge of her top and began drawing small circles with your thumb on her skin. “I know this probably is awful timing and I will make ot perfect for you eventually but-”
“Spit it out Greenaway,” you giggled as she paused again. She hit your back gently and you smiled, looking up at her from her chest. She looked down at you.
“Will you marry me y/n?” You moved up and took her lips into a deep kiss.
“Yeah, yeah I think I will.”
You got your ring a week later and she asked you again. Christmas day you got matching jewlery set for the ring and she asked you again. The night before your wedding, she asked you again and when you reached the end of the isle and took her hands in yours, she asked again.
“I will marry you a million times over Elle. I love you, forever.”
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eddieschains · 1 year
Trick Or Treat
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A/N: a cute lil fluffy fic about Eddie and your little sister on halloween
Word Count: 1.2k
TW// i don’t think there’s anything other than i didn’t proof read so pls ignore any mistakes 🫶🏽
Eddie and your little sister always had a special bond with each other. He treated her as if she was his own, and made sure she always felt welcome in his home. Sometimes after school when you had to work later than normal, she’d take the bus to the trailer park just to spend time with him. He always took care of her just as well, if not better than you.
There was one thing they bonded over the most. Halloween. She loved the idea of carving pumpkins, watching scary movies, and trick or treating. She had asked Eddie to take her this year, but as he got busier with work and the band, he had to stay behind. But he promised to make it up to her by the end of the night.
You took the day off of work, knowing how much she loved this night, you wanted to be with her for every moment of it. From helping her with her costume, to making a route for trick or treating so she’d hit all the good houses with the king size candy bars.
You walked around Hawkins for a good couple hours before making your way over to the trailer park to spend the rest of the night with Eddie. Little Kelsey skipped all the way down the gravel road, singing one of those Dio songs Eddie had taught her.
You try your best to keep up behind her, but once she spots the Munson trailer, she’s off. She sprints over to the driveway, excitement filling her tiny body as she notices Eddie’s van in the driveway. You finally catch up to her, having to hold her back from barging inside.
“Hold on, you gotta knock on the door.” You tell her as you both walk up to the front porch. She knocks her fist on the door furiously as you both wait for Eddie. Soon enough, the door swings open, as Eddie stands in front of both of you with a wide smile. “Trick or treat?” You ask with a smirk.
“Depends on if you’re the treat or not.” He smirks back, wrapping his arms around you and planting a deep kiss to your lips.
You giggle in his arms before he feels a small hand tugging at his jeans. He looks down to see Kelsey’s bright eyes staring up at him, before he’s removing himself from you and picking her up, swinging her around in his arms.
“There’s my little munchkin.” He smiles, blowing raspberries across her face as she bursts out laughing. He sets her back down on the ground, ruffling her hair. “Well aren’t you the cutest witch of the west.” She giggles and mumbles a soft thank you.
Both of you walk inside, Kelsey immediately jumping on the couch to start going through her candy. You join Eddie in the kitchen as he prepares some hot chocolate for you all.
“How was work?” You ask, wrapping your arms around him from behind, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“It was alright. Couldn’t wait to see you guys though.” He smiles, turning his head to kiss your cheek.
He pours the drink in 3 mugs, topping it with whipped cream and mini marshmallows, just the way he and Kelsey like it. He sits down next to her, handing her the cocoa as he turns the TV on.
“Beetlejuice?” He asks, turning to Kelsey as she nods, taking a sip of her cocoa. He smiles and turns the movie on, cuddling her into his side. “Get anything good?”
She starts going through the candy in her little pumpkin bowl, pulling out all the best ones. “There’s this one house by the school that was handing out the big ones. And she let me take three!”
“Oh really? You gonna save one for me?” He teases, grabbing the candy from her and pretending to start opening it.
“I guess we can share.” She sighs, letting him take one of the bars. You both chuckle as you continue watching the movie. Eddie and Kelsey eat the candy as he listens to all her stories from tonight.
Whenever Kelsey was around, she was all Eddie paid attention to. You might as well not have even been there. But you didn’t mind. You loved watching them bond and have fun together. Those were honestly some of your favorite moments.
A couple hours pass by and the movie ends. You look at the clock and notice it’s getting late, so you stand up from the couch and start gathering your things.
“Alright, I think it’s time to get you home, huh?” You say looking at your sister.
“Noooo I wanna stay.” She pouts as she curls closer into Eddie.
“Kels, it’s late and Eddie and I both have work tomorrow.” You argue.
“It’s okay, let her stay the night. You can stay too.” Eddie responds, earning an annoyed look from you. He wraps his arms around her as they both look at you with their best puppy dog eyes, and in unision let out a whiny pleaseeee.
You sigh, eventually giving in. “Fine. But you’re going to sleep by 10pm sharp.” Eddie looks at her and winks, grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch and wrapping it around her.
You sit next to Eddie, cuddling into his other side as he places a blanket on top of you as well.
“My favorite girls.” He smiles before placing a kiss on your forehead as he starts another movie.
The three of you watch the movie in almost total silence, until Kelsey’s soft snores break through. Eddie looks down at her passed out in his lap, and he starts playing with her hair to soothe her.
“When can we have one?” He asks unexpectedly. You were focused on the movie while nearly falling asleep yourself, so you didn’t fully register it at first.
You lift your head up from his shoulder and mumble a simple hm?
“When can we have one?” He asks again with just as much sincerity, this time turning his attention towards you.
You scoff, thinking he’s joking before his face tells you a different story. “Oh, you’re serious.” He chuckles softly and kisses your lips softly.
“Deadly. This is all I want. Spending nights with you and our own little munchkin.” He looks back over at a sleeping Kelsey, smiling from ear to ear. “What a dream.”
“We’re only in our 20s, babe. Haven’t even got a place to ourselves yet.” You were always the voice of reason in situations like these.
“So we’ll get a place. We’re looking anyway. We’ll get a place, and we’ll save up, and… and we’ll have a baby. A family.” He continues trying to reason with you, his eyes practically pleading with you to say yes.
You think about it for a moment, think about how nice it would be to start a family with Eddie. But, you know it’s not something you can just decide right now.
“Let’s talk about it tomorrow. Just get some sleep right now, okay?” You kiss his cheek and cuddle up closer into his side, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
He smiles and nods, wrapping his arms around the both of you and placing a soft kiss to both of your heads. “Goodnight, sweets.”
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fairykazu · 9 months
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WARM SMILES & HOT COCOA FT. KAZUHA contents // meet-cute, reminiscing on memories, blooming est. relationship, strangers to friends to lovers, feminine reader masterlist
if there was any season, you'll ask kazuha which he'd liked the most, he would pick winter in an instant. although, if you asked him before dating him, he would say autumn. he would clarify first that he loves every season, but autumn is his favorite because of the weather being not too hot or too cold and how the leaves are crunchy.
you've asked since the season your boyfriend would always reply with was autumn. it was his go-to season. so when it was a sudden change you wanted to ask why and why did he say "you have changed my brain chemistry!"
who taught him this???
finding it strange, you thought otherwise but he insisted that you did. you snorted quietly as kazuha persistently asked you why you reacted that way. "it's because you've liked autumn for so long, i don't understand why you would change it all the sudden." kazuha wrinkled his nose a little out of confusion, sitting down on the brown couch as you draped a blanket over him.
he kept you closer to him, eventually, you were pulled into his lap as he replied, "not because of how much it snowed so you could build a snowman and catch the snowflakes on your tongue. nor the reason to ice skate or drink hot cocoa without looking crazy. it was the season when i met you."
you hid your small smile into kazuha's neck, he could feel the smile against his skin. "why are you hiding your face from me? my beautiful girlfriend?"
"stop being corny, kazuha."
"sweetheart, im not being 'corny', im being honest."
˚₊ ❄︎ (flashback)
today was a disaster not only it started to snow, your blind date, which hu tao went out of her way to set up, stood you up. now you're freezing your butt off in the snow that's at least two or more inches tall, thankfully, there was a bookstore next door. trudging in the snow, the windows displayed books littered around all over two white shelves on both sides. if you could, you would just admire and stare at the display choosing which book you'd read but it's not the time nor place for it.
the bell rang when a blonde guy opened the engraved oak door for you, you thanked him as he walked behind you. a gust of warm air hits your ruddy cheeks, you felt as if heaven came to you just to kiss you with warmth. you stood on the outskirts of the bookstore, shaking off the snow off of you. leaving the small cluster of snow in a corner, you walked through the bookshelves filled room. as the overhead lights set a warm setting, you went to the cafe that was placed in a corner of the bookstore. it was basically like a barnes & nobles.
although your spirits about your blind date shattered into pieces, this barista at the cafe somehow revived not only your pride but also your heart. "hello, miss, welcome to the cozy corner cafe, as you can see, we are placed in the corner of the store." he nervously laughed at his own joke. even though, it wasn't really funny, you laughed along too.
he visibly relaxed as he continued to speak, "what would you have today?"
"um, this is such a hard choice," you looked briefly at the menu, which was, written on the chalkboard. maybe a tad too tiny. should you go basic and say a hot chocolate? or something else to energize you like a coffee?
"miss, if you're having a bad time trying to choose then tell me what you like and i'll try to concoct a drink for you."
"i don't know about that." you replied, tapping your foot lightly out of sheer anxiety. "sure, you're cute but how would i know if you wouldn't throw a 'potion' in there." you have no idea what the hell you're saying, this guy is so cute and you feel like you're fumbling.
thankfully, he didn't make a comment on the potion joke, his ears turned a slight shade of red, "you can trust me. if you don't like it, you can order something else and i'd throw a cookie on the house."
letting out an exhale, you questioned, "on the house? really..." you squinted at the namecard plaque. "... kazuha?"
"yes, really."
"if you say so... i like my drinks a tad bit sweet but not kid in a candy store sweet, you know? just something warm."
"okay, one mystery drink for a cute girl coming right up."
˚₊ ❄︎ (end of flashback; present time)
even though some of the parts of your point of view of the story was true. that wasn't how kazuha had seen it.
you pulled away from his neck, "what do you mean it didn't happen that way?"
"because it didn't!" kazuha insisted.
˚₊ ❄︎ (flashback)
when kazuha was restocking the romance section of the bookstore, his friend, heizou, pulled him into the cafe's region. "kazuha, it's your shift."
kazuha wrinkled his nose in confusion as heizou grabbed kazuha's apron from the back. tossing the fabric to kazuha, in which, he caught.
"what? i didn't have a shift at the cafe today?" suddenly a light bulb was lit above him as heizou sheepishly hid his face. "...wow okay, pushing me to do your job, aren't you."
˚₊ ❄︎ (end of flashback; present time)
"okaay," you said, interrupting kazuha's storytime. "obviously, i wouldn't know this part of the story."
"i know but this is backstory and for context!"
"okay, okay, continue."
˚₊ ❄︎ (flashback cont)
heizou cried, kazuha thinks that he could even see tears starting to form, "im late to my blind date, dude!" the brunet nervously laughed. "it started at 2. it's freaking 3 right now."
kazuha snorted quietly, "so your date thinks you stood her up."
heizou placed his hands on his head, stressing out a little, "...yes and our mutual friend even planned it out. think of that one romance book but me and a pretty girl next to me."
kazuha rolled his eyes as he tied the apron's strings behind him, "why would a pretty girl be with you?"
the green eyed guy rolled his eyes, "ok, kazuha, but seriously, i gotta go. i didn't know restocking books would be so long." that was because he never memorized how to do it more efficiently.
"ok but like who would fill in my spot at the register?" the cafe is owned by their friend named kokomi and since it was winter season, she strategized to have her conventionally attractive employees not only to attract more customers being eye candy but also, she had a soft spot for meet cutes. "did you even tell kokomi you had a date today."
"umm thoma and no..."
"this is completely on you. but yes, ill fill in your spot as long as you can get thoma here." kazuha replied as heizou frantically gets his phone from his pocket, texting the assumingly blonde.
"done, he says hes on the way." kazuha nodded as heizou quickly grabbed his coat from the back, dashing out of the door. by the time the door's bell rang, thoma arrived and so did a new customer.
as kazuha was prepping for another customer's drink, they asked for helpful yet oddly detailed drink. it was something with peppermint, vanilla pumps and something... something sweet flower extract? ok, maybe he forgot the order but if they like it regardless, it's a win. "the sweetest drink ever for..." he read out the name. "sucrose?"
a green haired girl walked up to him; a messenger bag filled to the brim with various books. one of the pockets of the bag had different bookmarks and little knickknackeries. she adjusted her glasses, taking the drink from kazuha's hand, "thank you, um, kazuha?"
"no problem, sucrose. please come again!"
then the most beautiful girl he ever laid his eyes on walked into the cafe, a little soaked from the snow from outside. just one look from her and his heart would be out of his chest. oh, wait, she did... oh GOD, kazuha's heart is gone, leaping out of his chest, simply dissipating as you bore into his eyes. oh god, he thought, i think her beauty gave me an instant lobotomy.
as his heart jumped back into his button up covered chest, as it tried to cause a resurrection to his brain, he opted for automatic mode, "pret-" he cleared his throat. oh my god, i almost blurted out "pretty girl". he winced at himself a little. "hello, miss, welcome to the cozy corner cafe, as you can see, we are placed in the corner of the store." maybe, reviving back his brain wasn't a good choice.
he nervously laughed at his own joke, oh my god, this is the worst. i am fumbling! he thought as he frantically needed to put his hands to work. grabbing a cup from the stack and waiting for you to say your order but thankfully, you laughed at his joke too.
"um, this is kind of hard?"
kazuha was trying his best to "ball" out his embarrassment but also wanting to talk to you more, "miss, if you're having a bad time trying to choose then tell me what you like and i'll try to concoct a drink for you."
noticing you fidget a little, he instantly knew he just fumbled right there. please don't leave, please don't leave
"i don't know about that." you replied, tapping your foot lightly out of sheer anxiety. "sure, you're cute but how would i know if you wouldn't throw a 'potion' in there."
oh my god, she called me cute. he hoped you couldn't tell that he's now raditating with pure joy, his ears flushed a little. as for your joke, he was assuming a "potion" would be like poison, kazuha tried to reassure you, "you can trust me. if you don't like it, you can order something else and i'd throw a cookie on the house."
letting out an exhale, you questioned, "on the house? really..." you squinted at the namecard plaque. "... kazuha?"
she knows my name!!
"yes, really."
"if you say so... i like my drinks a tad bit sweet but not kid in a candy store sweet, you know? just something warm."
"okay, one mystery drink for a cute girl coming right up." he turned around after saying that, praying you didn't cringe like he did when he realized he just said that. peeking to the other side, you didn't!!! you were just as flustered as he was.
he quietly whispered to himself, "A WIN!!"
˚₊ ❄︎ (end of flashback; present time)
after hearing kazuha's side of the story, you get why he change his favorite season from autumn to winter. you had heard that before you even want to change your favorite season from (fav season) to winter. just kidding, luckily, your initial fav season has been winter so beat that kazuha!
"wait, heizou had a blind date and supposedly stood them up?" you asked as kazuha squinted to the side, trying to remember.
"yes, he did."
"oh my god, remember when i said that my blind date stood me up?"
"well, sorry to admit it, but im glad." you chuckled as he tried to explain himself. "'cause if he didn't, i wouldn't have had the most wonderful, out of this world, running out of words to say to describe you because your beauty if indescribable girlfriend and don't you dare call me corny for speaking my truth!"
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swee7dream · 6 months
the types of littles cg!dreamies would take care of caregiver!nct dream x gn!reader
a/n this is agere content ! all inappropriate interactions will be blocked. please don't interact if you sexualize age regression. thank you ! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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mark lee (ᓀ‸ᓂ)
a regressor on the older side! probably someone that can communicate their needs and wants with ease.
i feel like mark would be the type of cg that loves teaching you about his passions. he would sit you on his lap and have his hands over yours as he helps you play hot cross buns on the keyboard.
out of all the dreamies, i feel that mark's tiny would be the most fascinated with music and all its elements. you and mark would most likely spend a lot of your tiny time together in a band where the drums are cups and your sticks are pencils.
he's definitely patient and does his best to fulfill his baby's requests no matter how deep in their imagination they come from.
you want a unicorn drink? he'll do his best to make a unicorn with whipped cream and chocolate chips on top of your hot cocoa! you want to go to mars? a trip to the space museum!
huang renjun ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა
a middle (12-15) regressor is definitely someone renjun could go tit for tat with.
you do have lots of little arguments that leave you with your arms crossed but you're always grateful for renjun at the end of the day.
he definitely holds you accountable for habits you know are good for you but you just don't want to for one reason or another.
but it's not as if renjun is a dictator!
renjun is a big fan of dressing up. he's like a little kid on a field trip except instead of asking 'are we there yet?' he asks 'am i pretty? you're making me pretty, right?'
for some reason, i feel like renjun would like to take pictures of you (or pretend to if you don't like being pictured when little). he just thinks you're the cutest thing in the whole wide world! if his tiny felt embarrassed by his fawning he'd only kiss the embarrassment away before continuing to do it some more.
lee jeno ૮ .◜◡◝ა
regardless of age, lee jeno is less of a caregiver and more of a stuffed animal come to life. or maybe a gentle guard dog.
he's usually snoozing on the couch while his tiny plays in the same room. you may think he's asleep but when you try to leave just for a second you hear him go 'where are you going, gumdrop?'
he's a little overbearing at times, which could be a problem especially for regressors on the older side, but he means well!
despite what others might think when first looking at him, jeno is not an iron-fist type of cg. unlike renjun, jeno's tiny can get away with poking his buttons most of the time. keyword: most.
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ
cg!donghyuck screams teenage babysitter. he likes kids, but he's kind of too embarrassed to admit it so he tries keeping a distance.
the best pairing for donghyuck would be a bratty little, someone that makes him care. someone that's so unapologetically themselves that he also begins to not care about the anxieties plaguing his mind.
he's still a little annoying as a cg; knocking a piece of track a little to the left so your train rolls off its route, beginning to build his own ice cream store with the block you were about to use, holding up your animal crackers in exchange for some cute and embarrassing poses.
donghyuck and his tiny are fighting the war of getting on each others nerves and neither side is ever gonna win but they fight on anyways.
"i love you, Angel." "...love you too, Channie."
na jaemin ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
not to put all age regressors in a box, but i feel that jaemin would do well with the image you get in your head when you think of agere. pastel colors, pacis, the whole shebang.
like renjun, he likes playing dress up but specifically enjoys dressing you up. always the prettiest dresses or suits, never letting you even close a button by yourself.
more than dress up though, he definitely likes playing royalty. he likes being either a brave knight that protects you from an evil dragon or your trusty and loyal butler.
jaem as a caregiver would be the most fun thing ever (in my opinion). still, that doesn't mean he's a total jeno i mean pushover. who wrote that? wow that's crazy...
anyway, cg!jaemin is a scary guy. it's at those times when you know you messed up, maybe you broke a vase or something, and you know he should be mad but he's not. he's disappointed. that's a thousand times worse somehow and so you promise him in tears that you'll never do it again.
zhong chenle (ᯟ︿ᯏ)
this guy. this guy is the scariest.
if you have any little buddies and chenle is your cg? you will probably hang out everywhere but his place.
it's a total illusion though, he's not scary at all. he's a big, loud, goofy guy. he's just a little blunt and the fact he wears sunglasses indoors that it scares all the more shy littles away. i feel like this is a bit of a struggle because i imagine that, like chenle, his tiny would be a very friendly social butterfly and their 'baby radar' is nearly 99% infallible.
chenle's tiny is like a well-behaved version of hae's. they're both little gremlins at times but chenle's would definitely keep it under wraps about it.
chenle's tiny has a phd in malicious compliance to chenle's manner rules. lots of "stern" stares full of longing and 'i need this' along with "juice box, please. juice box, please. juice box, please. juice box, p-"
however, they also double majored in kisses and crayon portraits so chenle doesn't even have a chance to get mad.
park jisung (∩˃o˂∩)
jisung's tiny is so teeny tiny and shy, even around him.
jisung is a one in a million man because he's the only one that can instinctively, telepathically, via sign language knows exactly what his baby needs without them having said a word.
it's usually quiet when you're little. maybe you're drawing, maybe you're sleeping, maybe you're just staring off into space. for jisung's little, their regression is just a time when everything can freeze for a second and all that matters is that their favorite plushie is clean and ready to cuddle with.
if jisung had one word to describe the role he has with his little, he would have to say a wall. something firm, something strong, something that ensures that nothing outside is let in and nothing inside seeps out.
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a/n hello ! i'm working on some other projects but in the meantime, have this ! i have been posting some of my work also on ao3 so in case you're not on tumblr often, you can also find my one-shots there ! i think i'm gonna keep the bulletpoints here for now tho. i'm hoping you're all having a great start to your springgg (or autumnif ur in the southern hemisphere). oh, i also have question for you! putting aside ur actual dream bias, who do you think would be the best cg for you? me personally, i feel like either jisung or jaemin hehe
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krisdreaming · 1 year
Hi! If you're still looking for fall ideas, what about getting some sweet warm drinks with Ushijima...and he gets a little whipped cream on his nose... 🥺🥺
Omg of course, this is soooo cute 🥺 I think I got a cavity writing this. The fact that it's been in the 90s F the past few days where I live is irrelevant, shh.
(ps to the other fall requests they're cominggg I promise!!)
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x gn!reader
WC: ~900
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You've been having a wonderful time with Wakatoshi at the pumpkin patch, picking out the perfect pumpkins to carve later and sampling all of the delicious treats. Still, the autumn chill has begun to settle in, and you're starting to feel it in the tips of your toes. You nonchalantly hug your arms around yourself for a few moments, trying to produce just a little extra warmth without making it too obvious. Wakatoshi still notices, though.
"Are you getting cold?" He asks, his hand at your back as he dips down so his soft question can be heard above the din of the crowd.
"No," You say quickly. His brow crinkles into a slight frown, and you laugh softly. "Well, just a tiny bit," You amend. It's rare that you get to do things like this with your boyfriend, so you want to make this day last.
"Hmm," He hums, then reaches for your hand, tugging you back toward the food stalls. "I think I saw hot chocolate at one of these stands. Would that help?" He asks as you walk.
"Definitely," You grin. "That sounds really nice, actually." The thought of the creamy, warm cocoa already has you feeling a bit less chilly. When your turn comes up, Wakatoshi orders two cups. The woman smiles. "And would you like whipped cream?" Wakatoshi merely glances at you, and you nod quickly.
"Yes please!" It always makes the last few swallows the best part. Soon enough, she presents two steaming cups of cocoa, dolloped with whipped cream and topped with tiny pumpkin sprinkles.
"Sorry, Toshi," You nudge him gently with your elbow as he scans the area for an empty table. "I should've asked for the whipped cream only on mine." You know he doesn't care for overly sweet things, and the cocoa alone is more indulgent than usual for him.
"It's fine," He shrugs as you take a seat at a nearby table. "It'll be nice for a treat." His lips quirk into a smile, and you can tell that he means it.
You draw in the aroma of the sweetened steam, and soon lift your cup to your lips for a careful sip. When you finally look back at him, you realize he must have done the same. It takes everything in you to stifle your laughter. That perfect dollop of whipped cream is now partially smeared on the tip of his nose. He seems oblivious to it, which makes it even more adorable.
"What is it?" He asks with a frown as your giggle slips out.
"Toshi," You crook your finger, "Come here."
"Why?" He asks slowly, but he does as you beckon, leaning across the table until he's in reach and you can swipe the cream off his nose with your fingertip.
He jerks backwards slightly, frown morphing into a look of surprise at your sudden movement. "You got a little on your nose," You laugh, displaying it for him for a few seconds before popping it in your mouth, enjoying the sticky sweetness.
"Oh," He murmurs, the slightest tinge forming high in his cheeks. "Thanks." He lifts his own hand and scrubs at his nose, inspecting it to be sure he'd gotten all of it. "Is it gone?"
"Yes, it's gone," You assure him, taking another sip of your cocoa. Maybe you should've captured a photo before you cleaned it off, you think belatedly. You can't keep the smile from your face as you admire him across the table. "It was cute," You add teasingly.
"Oh?" He shakes his head slightly, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Well then." He takes another sip, tilting the cup far enough that it will certainly tip more whipped cream onto his nose, and it does. "Maybe I should leave it," He muses with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Toshi!" You blurt in a peal of laughter, lifting your hand to your lips before any cocoa can spatter out. "I can't believe you just did that!" Soon he's chuckling too, the sound sending tendrils of warmth through your middle. It's not often you get to see your boyfriend acting silly, and you want to savor it.
He finally swipes the whipped cream off of his nose, and you settle into a comfortable silence as you both continue sipping your drinks. You're glad he seems to be enjoying the day. It had been your idea, and part of you was worried it might be boring for him, but the smile on his face tells you it had been well worth it.
"Oh, hold still." He says suddenly, and he reaches out to steady your face with his fingertips as he swipes at the corner of your lips with his thumb. "There." He nods. "You had a little bit of cream stuck there," He explains.
"Oh, thanks," You wipe the back of your hand quickly across your mouth. "None on my nose, though?" You ask with a teasing grin. "Am I clean?"
"None on your nose," He agrees softly, eying you more critically. "But..." Instead of responding, his fingers are back at your chin. Before you can react, he leans across the table, slightly tilting your face as his lips press to the corner of yours.
"There. Now you're clean." He looks a little too pleased with himself, and you? You certainly aren't feeling cold at all.
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
Traditions - Angel Reyes x Reader
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Part of @storiesofsvu Holiday Bingo! The square was Decorations!
Tagging: @witches-unruly-heart @keyweegirlie @trhett21 @annetje @infinity-mars @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @thatonesexycancerian @weiwei0210 @anime-weeb-4-life @multifandomloversworld @harperdoodle @cheyrenee @fanfic-n-tabulous @deliriousfangirl61 @daydreaming-belle @est1887 @thanossexual @creativitybeware @librarian1002 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @spaghettificationandpretzels @joyfulfxckery @nu1freakshow @thebaileybugle @legally-a-bastard @bonsaijoons @justreblogginfics '@crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @storiesofsvu
Following on from the Taken!Series
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It’s the first time since Marisol’s death that Felipe’s house is being decorated for Christmas. Angel, EZ and Felipe don’t usually celebrate the season, instead they have a couple of beers, watch a few movies and let the day pass them by. You’re not much different. You’ve been on your own since your Nana died, you used to spend the day in the fields with your music on, collecting buds or in the apothecary making the balm that soothes away all of those aches and pains. Now there’s a child in the mix things are different. Angel’s decided to go all out and that apparently includes buying the largest Christmas tree known to man.
“She’s four months old.” You remind Angel as him and EZ wrestle with getting the tree through the front door. “I don’t think she minds how big the tree is.”
“I tried to tell him.” EZ tells you as he guides the trunk into the stand and begins to twist the pins that hold it in place. “But he was adamant, it had to be this one. I think Valeria’s first Christmas is making him a little nuts.”
“Then I guess we’re doing this thing.” You say, your palm brushing over Valeria’s fine dark hair as she snuggles even deeper into your chest.
“You are doing this thing.” EZ corrects you, kissing his niece on the top of the head. “I have hampers to deliver, you get to deal with all of his madness.”
“Traitor.” You accuse as you walk him to the door.
EZ gives you that shit-eating grin of his as you shoot him the middle finger. You watch him climb on his bike, raising Valeria’s hand to wave goodbye before you close the door behind him. When you turn to face the tree, it feels like it’s even bigger than it was two minutes ago. You can hear Angel in the other room, rooting through the box of decorations that he’d brought down from the attic.
“OK kid, your dad’s gone a little crazy but we’re gonna lean it into it ok?” You say to Valeria as her tiny fist grips the fabric of your shirt. “We’re just gonna lean right into it.”
Valeria is asleep by the time you’ve finished decorating the living room. The tree glows from the corner of the room, bathing it in a warm light as the two of you sit on the floor alongside Valeria’s bassinet. The scent of pine floods your nostrils, the sound of Bing Crosby’s Christmas album playing on the decade’s old stereo. You’re both drinking hot chocolate, not the instant kind. One made from traditional cocoa, something Angel had picked up along with the whipped cream and marshmallows.
It's perfect, this moment. Your little family taking a breath and enjoying the holidays. It’s been a hell of a year with everything that happened with Skye and then your recovery but you’re here celebrating the holiday season with your lover and daughter.
“You know, I thought you’d gone a little insane with all of this but now I get it.” You say as you survey the room, the tiny family heirlooms on the mantlepiece, the fairy lights intermingled with the wreath. “It’s beautiful.”
“You thought I’d lost my mind, didn’t you?” Angel teases as his lips brush over your temple.
“A little.” You admit, taking a sip of your hot chocolate. “But I get it. You want the perfect Christmas for our little girl, something like the ones you remember from your childhood.”
“My mom used to make it so special.” Angel tells you as his gaze comes to rest on the tiny handmade ornaments he’d made with his mom once upon a time. “Even when we were grown, we’d still come over, help her decorate. I want traditions like that with Valeria, with you...”
His hand comes to rest upon your stomach, his thumb smoothing over the place where his son resides. He knows it’s a boy, he can feel it in his bones. “Our new baby.”
“You haven’t told anyone right?” You murmur, your palm coming to rest upon his. “It’s still too early.”
“No Mi Reina I haven’t.” He says, tipping your chin up so you can meet his gaze. There’s such love in those eyes, such tenderness, such adoration. His lips brush over yours and it’s the sweetest kiss, so soft, so meaningful. His thumb ghosts along the line of your jaw and he smiles just a little as you moan into his mouth. “Isn't that what got us here in the first place?”
He draws away as Valeria mumbles grumbles in her sleep, his gaze slipping to his daughter.
“I can’t believe how blessed I am.” He tells you, his warm fingers splaying over your abdomen. “You, Valeria and little peanut are the best gifts I could have asked for.”
“It’s going to be a great Christmas.” You say entwining your fingers with his. “The best one yet.”
Love Angel? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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black-amortentia · 9 months
Despite the Darkness | Lights - Snolidays 2023
Severus Snape x Professor!Reader | Warnings: Secret relationship, hints of seasonal depression, just fluff, barely proofread so please excuse mistakes!
This is my story for week two "Lights" of Snolidays 2023! Like last week, I decided to take all the prompts together and use them to inspire one little story. This is a follow up to my story for Week One, and I think the next two weeks will all follow the same narrative.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Winter days grew shorter and shorter, and it seemed like you spent less and less time with the warmth of the sun. Darkness rarely bothered you, but sometimes it just felt like too much. Tonight was one of those nights, you thought, alone in your quarters.
Wand out, you conjured a string of tiny magical lights, threading it around the room. Meant to add a touch of cheer, the blinking lights only reminded you of the holiday blessings that seemed so far away. Standing back to admire your handiwork with the lights, you heaved a weary sigh.
"Something on your mind?" Severus drawled from the doorway.
You looked up, surprised by a visit from the potions master. He didn’t visit often, lest he be seen by one of the other professors. "No, just a little out of it. What do you need, Severus?"
His black cloak swirled around him as he stepped through the door, closing it behind him. "Just you."
You smiled at the softness that crept into this voice. Your Severus, not the man he still showed everyone else.
"What’s this?"
"Fairy lights." You shrugged. "Something to cheer me up."
Severus’s eyebrow raised ever so slightly. "I wasn’t aware you needed cheering up."
"Just in something of a mood. It’ll pass."
A shudder of hesitation ran through Severus, and then his hand clasped yours. Your heart skipped at his fingers around your skin. His other hand withdrew his wand and pointed it at the fireplace. The dying fire roared with new life, filling your office with light and heat.
"Oh! This should be warm now." You flicked your wand, and a small cauldron warming over the flames levitated from the fireplace to your desk. "I made hot cocoa. Do you want some?"
"Sure." Severus spoke as if he were indulging you, but you caught a spark in his eye. You always felt pride in your little victories of learning something he allowed himself to enjoy, even if he hid it well.
Cocoa in hand, the two of you sat in front of the hearth, backs against your desk. Wrapping your fingers around the warm mug, you took a sip of the cocoa. You scrunched up your nose, causing Severus to raise an eyebrow in amusement. He almost smiled, even.
"Missing something."
"Such as?"
"Cinnamon!" You grabbed a small pot of the spice and stirred a pinch in your mug.
Though Severus seemed unsure at first when you offered it to him, he followed your lead and added some to his own drink.
"Thank you for coming to Hogsmeade last week. I enjoyed having you there." You tilted your head, letting it rest on his shoulder."
He tensed, an automatic response, but then relaxed. His arm skated up your back, hand landing on your shoulder, fingertips gently squeezing. "I enjoyed seeing you smile, and knowing that I was cause. In part, at least."
You sat like that for a while, watching the fire, sipping cocoa. The rhythm of Severus’s breathing soothed you, his thumb stroking your arm. Finally, the cocoa was gone, and the feelings weighing on you were too heavy to ignore. Lifting your head from his shoulder, you looked at the man in front of you.
He turned to look at you, your noses almost touching. "Yes?"
"Do you believe in miracles?"
The answer was quick, no hesitation.
You faltered. What had you expected? Some romantic words proclaiming you his miracle? Maybe.
Severus searched your eyes, his expression changing when he finds what he’s looking for. The words remained unspoken; they didn’t need to be said aloud. Severus couldn’t give you what you sought, not yet. Your eyes darted back to the fire, unable to meet his any longer.
Despite this, he wasn’t ready to let you go. His arm tightened around your shoulder, drawing you close.
"That does not mean," he began, the low timbre of his voice resonating through you. "That I intend to take the goodness in my life for granted."
He tilted your chin up with a single finger until your gaze met his. The fire cast flickering shadows across his face, but his eyes burned with an intensity all their own. They dropped briefly to your lips before returning to capture you in their depths.
Severus’s lips claimed yours, passionate and hungry as his fingertips traced your jaw. Your hand crept up his shoulder, inching into his hair. Severus leaned into you, meeting no resistance as he laid you down on the floor. You pulled him against you, his body covering yours.
Kisses trailed down your neck, breathy sighs drowning out the crackle of the fire. The flames painted your shadows on the walls as Severus chased away your cold and darkness with the warmth and light he showed no one else.
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simpscripts · 2 years
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Say My Name ( Bernard the elf x Reader)
Part 1 of Naughty or nice series, Smut next chapter, 18 +, Nsfw, Brat reader, afab reader, she/her reader pronouns
Summary: You decide to skip out on work and mess with your favorite head elf.
The snowy village was peaceful as you sat outside the small cocoa cafe waiting for your drink. You loved this blissful moment in the last moments of November before the holiday season swept everyone into a frenzy. From your spot you can see the front of the workshop, plenty of elves coming and going with a few loitering outside in groups planning their game of tinsel football. A few shops also had some elves bringing out their big Christmas decorations out early to start prepping. It was calm and happy, no stress yet with all the hope and excitement of the month to come. This moment was special and warmed your heart. A moment you doubted the others even noticing it happening every year like clockwork.
The calm was a nice ritual but is only one reason why you snuck out of your office. You knew here soon it would be too busy for you or any other elf to be anything less than perfect at your jobs. So one last opportunity to hopefully mess around with the very busy head elf you loved to tease was the top priority right now.
You take in the calm while you can though, knowing sooner rather than later he will come find you. The waitress comes by delivering your cocoa and you take a moment to admire the whipped cream and sprinkled mug before taking a sip. The cocoa warmed your veins, sugar giving you the energy you’ll need here shortly. Then you heard his voice clear as a bell from across the square.
“Not now, Curtis!”
Looking up you spot him charging down the steps of the workshop, head flicking frantically side to side as Curtis ran alongside him, desperately trying to keep up. Curtis spots you first and freezes to watch this play out, quickly giving up whatever purpose he needed Bernard for. You watch with your head resting on your palm until you see the head elf himself freeze as he spun around and catches your gaze from across the way. You reach your other hand up to give a simple wave and a cheeky grin, which is all he needed to push himself out of his trance as he continues his path over to you.
“You’re supposed to be working, not drinking coffee, does Santa pay you to drink coffee?” He says sarcastically after he stopped his march and crossed his arms.
“Oh, hey Bartholomew.” You toss to the side without taking your eyes away from the beautiful whipped cream towered mug in front of you.
“Bernard.” He spit out with a curt click of his teeth. “You have several reports I have yet to see on my desk, and you didn’t request a break. So you need to stop drinking your coffee and Get. To. Work.”
You smirked to yourself, taking a short sip of your mug letting the tall tower of whip cream coat your upper lip and skin. You loved riling him up, and it was so easy to do with him. His eyes scrunched up, his voice cracked with the volume he reached sometimes, and his cheeks became flushed the angrier he got. You had a tiny tree you decorated in his honor on your work desk with each little bobble a different shade of red for each stage of his anger.
“Don’t get your stockings in a twist there Bernie.” You smiled before turning to face him. Your chest always bubbled in excitement when you see him in his usual grumpy stance with hands on his hips. Maybe it was the look in his eyes, or you wanted a new red ornament to adorn your tree to commemorate another special memory between the two of you, but you knew you were going to try to push him to his limits today.
“And you do know it’s hot chocolate not coffee right? You should really get those old eyes of yours checked out.” You finished with licking up the whip cream before letting your tongue drag slowly back inside your mouth.
Your cheeks burned with happiness watching his eyes narrow in on your action, his face flaring a shade darker, and chest rising with deep breaths that flared his nostrils. Your whole body already wanted to celebrate but you had to keep it cool to push him to his breaking point. So much restless energy flowed through you already that you have to push it all down to wiggling your toes excitedly inside your plush boots.
“My name is Bernard, we have known each other for centuries, and we are the exact same age.” He grinds out once more, voice raising in pitch. “You will give me the production and quality reports I need by the end of today or else Y/N.”
“Or else what, Baxter?” You beamed up at him, realizing that he has inched closer to you and now towers over your sitting form.
“For the love of snowballs its Bernard! You need to get back to work, respect your superior elf by calling me my correct name, or I will bring you straight to Santa and let him deal with you.” He starts leaning down to get in your space.
You watched as the light snowfall collected on his hat, tips of his ears, and nose. Your own nose tickled at the soft minty breath that fanned across your face as he spoke, it warmed your heart a bit more knowing he indulged in some candy canes in secret today. You have caught him in the past hiding around corners to have his candy breaks, scrambling to hide the evidence whenever you jumped out.
Your breath always hitched a bit whenever he heated up like this and you craved it. This was still just a small altercation and you couldn’t wait to push and push until he popped like a jack in the box.
“Make me” You quickly stuck a finger into the mug and scooped a bit of the whipped cream before smashing it into his nose and dragging the cream covered digit down his lips, chin, and neck. “Barney.”
“For Frosty’s sake!” He snaps before roughly grabbing your waist and with a surprising amount of strength that makes you yelp, he pulls you over his shoulder.
“Jeez calm down Blaine, and theres really no need to drag Frosty into this, the poor snowball has been through enough.” You chirp as he bounces you along through town towards the workshop. Despite all the fun you’re having, you still take the opportunity to hide in his curly hair to avoid the stares of all the other elves. The younger ones were drawing more attention to you with their snickers and ooo’s. Most are acclimated to this sort of reaction when the two of you are involved together but with the war path he carves through the snow paved town they knew you were being nothing short of naughty.
“Isn’t Santa supposed to be gone taking Ms. Claus on a trip before the holiday season?” You mutter out, anything to distract yourself from the knot in your stomach. Every part of your skin tingled like frost in the way his arm wrapped around your waist, fingers kneading into your stomach. His other hand clung to one of your legs just above the knee to keep you from fleeing or kicking.
“He got back this morning and has had plenty of time to unpack. Now he can deal with you.” He grounds out, voice evident of his growing frustration.
“Jolly old Nick loves me Bailey! That big old softy can’t even hammer a toy correctly in fear of breaking it.” You yelp out an oof as he jostles you around roughly at yet another nickname you’ve presented.
“Luckily as top elf I can and will break it as long as I have his expressed permission to do so.” His hand flexes around your leg once more, sliding a bit more up the leg as he tries to get a better grip with your wiggling.
Your thighs instinctively clenched and your gut was pulsing from the way he grabbed onto you. You were faced once again to acknowledge the slight crush you’ve been harboring for centuries. Your mind is running laps in this close moment, nose being overwhelmed with his slight cinnamon scent as he pulls you through the workshop. You no longer care about the stares as your mind drifts off to fantasize and think about the surprisingly strong elf carrying you.
You’re more than guilty for stirring up trouble for him just to have the chance to speak to him. Although you report to him its usually just a brief moment of contact before he zooms off to be the strict, serious, and hardworking head elf he takes prides in being. The more you teased him, skipped out on work, and lead him on a series of chases meant the more time you got to spend with him.
You prided yourself a bit on helping him earn his strict reputation, most of the elves being scared straight just by seeing his most strict moments when he reprimanded you. He wasn’t just a hard gumball all the time though. He only gets so worked up because he cares, more than any elf you ever met, about Christmas. His bossiness just came with a deep need of it all to go right but you could always see the care behind his actions despite his angry tones and fell more in love every time.
Even with your bratty elf behavior he always gave you a beautifully wrapped gift every year. Always hand made and always perfect. Whatever current hobby you indulge in, books you are reading, or food you craved he always got something completely perfect for you. You hoped it was a small sign he didn’t truly harbor any frosty feelings towards you.
Your mind started twisting from nice to naughty fairly quick the more his hands squeezed. Now most of your wiggling was to shake away the tingling need begging for attention which only caused him to squeeze more.
Suddenly he pulled you back to the ground right in front of ‘the big mans’ ornate wooden door. Your heart clenched as his hands pulled away from your hips, your dreaming hazed state hoping it wasn’t just you imagining his fingers lingering for a moment. You didn’t have to endure the madness of his skin leaving yours though, as he quickly wraps his hand around your wrist and leans down to stare you in your eyes.
“You have been acting up nearly every day the past month so you are going to go in there and tell him everything you have done.” He clipped through some heavy huffs most likely from caring you the whole way.
“You don’t have to talk to me like I’m 200 and why do I have to be the one to tell him?”
“Because I’m head elf and my seniority means you have to listen to everything I tell you to do.” The more he bosses you around the more your mind clouds with dirty thoughts of listening to some different commands from him.
Without giving him a response you knock on the door and walk in with the call of puppets screaming to enter. You quickly bounce in as nice as sugar, twirling the bells adorning your skirt, and toss a wave towards Santa. Bernard marches in and stands tall right in front of Santa’s desk, ready to exert his rank. You happily slide up next to him and give him a small jab of your elbow.
“Uh oh.” The puppets immediately call seeing you and Bernard enter, causing Santa to laugh brightly.
“Oh Ho Ho, its never a good sign that both of you are here.” Santa chuckled, sparing a glance at Bernard and raising his eyebrows at the state the elf was in. “So what squabble brings the two of you here again?”
“I’ve been nothing but Jolly to him I swear Santa.” You smile brightly before leaning in. “And can I just say that you look positively glowing with that tan. We should put you at the top of the tree this year.”
“Rednoser.” Bernards quickly coughs out before looking to the side and up.
“Carol killer.” You snip back at him just as quickly under your breath.
“Blizzard box” He shoots back.
“Tinsel tool!” You raise your voice as you both continue slinging insults.
“Toy Twat!” He pivots his view from Santa to stare you down.
“Stocking sniffer!”
Both of you start raising your voices in unison, throwing insults and yelling every thought that can cram its way out of your throats. The volume in the room triples as the puppets start mimicking your fighting and start smacking each other with rolling pins.
“Hey stop it, everyone stop right now!” Santa’s voice cuts through, lacking any real bite but filled with exasperation. Every one takes a moment to collect themselves as Santa stares at both of you while rubbing a hand through his beard.
“Oh boy, those were some new ones. I really hope the younger elves don’t hear those.” Santa hums to himself quietly for a bit in contemplation before sighing and leaning back in his chair.
You shoot a quick glance at Bernard a shoot him a smirk as Santa makes a series of contemplating noises as he rubs his temples.
“Bernard do I really have to deal with this, I just got back and haven’t even taken my boots off, and I need to check on Mrs. Clause.” Santa huffs out in a plea.
“Of course not Santa, I just need your permission to deal with her.” Bernard easily slips back into his head boy pose.
“Alright but it’s officially Christmas season and I really need you both to work together so please go easy on her. Oh and go somewhere private, I don’t need the rest of the elves distracted by your boxing match or to hear your colorful language.” He ends with a chuckle.
“Of course, thank you very much Santa.” Bernard quickly nods and grabs your hand before pulling you out with him.
“And Y/N don’t try to shove a snowball down his pants again!” Santa calls out quickly.
“No promises!” You shout back before stumbling to keep up with Bernards pace.
The march to presumably his office is quiet besides the thud of shoes on the floor as he pulls you down hallways. His silent anger was frightening you just a bit so you decided to poke the bear a bit more for a reaction that would end this silence.
“Brad you really need to slow down!”
His grip on your hand tightens but for now he keeps quiet.
“You heard Kringle, you should be nice to me. I think your heart may be two sizes too small Ben.”
Again no response and the silence was starting to gnaw at you. You were desperate to be acknowledged by him, anything was better than silence.
“Bill? Did you hear me?” Nothing, the fear and guilt start climbing your throat.
“Bob?” Your hands are getting sweaty.
“Benedict!” You finally scream while taking note of how fast your approaching his office door.
“Son of a nutcracker!” He finally screams out, yanking open his door and pulling you in quickly.
“You know my name Y/N! You snarky sarcastic sadistic snowflake! We have know each other over 1,000 years and you still don’t call me, your superior, by my proper name!”
You relished in a brief moment of happiness when he spoke again but it quickly corrupted to a warmth spreading through you again as he paced in front of you. Every time he spared a glance in between each turn of pace his eyes bore into your own, melting away your resolve and making your legs shift under his gaze.
As he slowed his pacing down he leaned back against the wall, breathing deeply as he glared at you. Every muscle in his body looked tense as he awaited whatever snarky comment you were constructing in your mind. Usually your quick wit would take over but your eyes stayed glued to his teeth gnawing on his lip. You sat back against his desk unable to speak, pushing yourself up to sit on the flat surface.
After a few moments he pushed off the wall and approached you, step by step. Finally his legs stopped a breath away from your knees, so close the fabric of his pants brushed past your skin as he shifted his weight back and forth. He breaths out a huff, lowering his eyes to be at level with your own, and boxes you in with his hands resting at either side of your thighs.
Your lungs ceased working, time froze as you waited for him to talk. You’re left with endless amount of time focusing on how cold the room suddenly felt, goosebumps pricking your skin and air bubbles clogging the back of your throat. Your pelvic floor was clenching and it caused a pressure too sharp and needy for you to handle, and you’re quickly trying to unclench and relax.
“What do I have to do to get you to respect me?” His voice came out low, frustrated, and coarse.
Before you knew you even opened your mouth, the words tumbled from your lips. “Make me.”
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