#i want to be held by him right now but i just have me
CASUAL pt.2— lando norris (angst)
pairing; fem!reader x lando norris summary: it took lando too long to realise it wasn't just 'casual'. warnings: a LOT of angst, toxic relationship, sexual implication, not proofread a/n: casual part 2 was not really a part of the plan but the audience had demands 🦧also i think this was too long lmao. AND IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG DELAY OMG
part 1 - casual
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miami grand prix: the biggest pr nightmare for every driver—especially lando norris.
the media had been all over him that weekend, going to the lengths of literally calling him 'the hottest catch on the single market'. hollywood stars and instagram models were so desperate to marry him and have his kids that they didn't catch on the fact that he was a 23-year-old racing driver who couldn't give a fuck about them.
because he was stuck on you.
for weeks, he'd waited—hoping you’d reach out, or at the very least, watch his instagram stories. he posted shirtless photos, sun-kissed photos—hell, he even threw out a thirst trap just for you. But you didn’t take the bait. you didn't take the fucking bait.
you hadn't texted him or spoken to him since the moment you walked out of that hotel room weeks ago, so he didn't try to reach out either. "would've been a blow to my ego," he'd told sainz.
but now, he didn't give a shit about his ego. he was tired of waiting.
his eyes darted across the packed club, friends and guests scattered all around. he couldn't wait to get out of there.
he hadn't been drinking. didn't really feel like it. truth be told, he hadn’t been feeling much of anything at all.
pool parties, clubs, yachts, champagne and girls.
he was tired of the glitz and glam of his life, and you were the only escape from it.
but you were gone.
his mind wandered to that morning, when you had kissed him and the two of you had ordered room service. when he had held you for the last time.
he hated how the only thing on his mind was you. how it was the only thing on his mind all through the celebrations, as hookers danced around him and people tried to pour drinks into his mouth.
for fuck's sake, he had won a grand prix for the first time in his life, and yet he was unhappy.
how did he get here?
he looked up, eyes falling on a group of men in the VIP section, the lights illuminating their faces.
everyone could tell something was off with lando. he didn't want to do any of this.
all he wanted was you. you, you, you.
the girl who had left without an explanation.
why had you left, anyway? no calls, no texts. your friends avoided him, and you avoided his friends. it was like the two of you were nothing.
lando norris was many things, but he was not a fool. he could recognise when something was wrong, or when a situation had escalated beyond his control.
he knew that there was a reason why you left, but the reason never clicked in that thick brain of his. what had he done wrong? where had he gone wrong?
"i'm not feeling too well, mate." he muttered, handing the beer bottle back to the guy standing next to him.
okay, maybe not admitting his feelings for you had fucked things up. but, what could you expect? he didn't have the time to give you what you deserved.
not right now, at least.
lando norris had the world on his fingertips. he could have any girl he wanted. anyone, really.
"what are you waiting for, then?" the other man asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"just call her, bro. i know it's about a girl because there's no way any sane man would say no to expensive beers and a million hot hookers."
did lando even know this man? probably not.
"i can't call her. she doesn't want to talk to me. trust me, i've tried."
"have you?"
he didn't know how to deal with rejection. not like this, not with you. you weren't supposed to leave.
"judging by your sulkiness, i doubt you're going to find a girl like her again. and you'll never have her if you're here."
lando didn't have a heart of stone, as much as his social media persona might suggest. he didn't care for any of this. the women, the money, the fame.
he wanted to hold you again. kiss you, tell you he loves you. he wanted to hold your hand. he wanted to be near you, and only you.
so, when his feet hit the floor and he found himself walking towards the exit, he wasn't surprised.
yeah, it was foolish of him to leave a party full of women who were celebrating him (literally) for a girl who had ghosted him, but the need was stronger than his pride.
out of the yacht, he was dialling the only number he'd ever memorised. the phone rang, and then it rang again.
would she be wearing his clothes, or would she have gotten rid of everything related to him?
maybe she'd found another man, finally realising that lando was a bad investment.
as the phone rang, you were hidden in your apartment with blankets wrapped around you and a youtube video playing in the background.
it had been months since you'd heard the word 'casual' leave his mouth. months since you had fled london and monaco to move to miami.
at first, his words had echoed in your mind constantly, and you'd cried yourself to sleep a few times more than you'd like to admit.
but just like every heartbroken poet in history, the hurt faded and the pain slowly morphed into hatred. and anger.
you wanted to slam your head against a wall. scratch that, you wanted to slam his head against a wall.
it was so stupid, and you hated yourself for believing he'd been genuine.
it was just sex. that's all it ever was. it truly was just casual.
the phone was still ringing. your finger hesitated over the answer button. you weren't going to answer it.
it wasn't worth it. you didn't want to hear his voice. didn't want him to have the satisfaction of knowing that his words had hurt you. you didn't want to know if he was sleeping around, if his girlfriends were prettier than you.
so the line went dead.
lando stood by the harbour, watching as yachts and ships sailed past him. the air was humid and his t-shirt clung to his body, the heat almost unbearable. the sound of waves, the distant laughter and music, and the sound of his ragged breaths.
he ran his fingers through his hair, looking around. where was his car?
he had to find his way back to his hotel. he was a mess, and his clothes were sticking to his skin. he needed to fix his appearance, buy a bouquet a flowers.
he checked the time on his watch, and cursed as he saw the numbers. it was almost 3 am. he wouldn't find flowers anywhere at 3 am.
"fuck it." he said, running over to his car. the drive was quiet, save for the low hum of music and his occasional swearing when someone drove a little bit slower than he'd like.
lando norris had the world on his fingertips. he could have any girl he wanted. anyone, really. but he only wanted you. he was a hopeless romantic, and you were his muse.
when he pulled up outside the apartment, his nerves were going haywire. he ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath before getting out of the car.
he knocked twice on the door and when it opened, his eyes lit up.
you stared back at him, sleepiness in your eyes and confusion etched on your face.
and god, did you look gorgeous.
he loved you, he realised. he had to cross his hands behind his back to stop them from reaching out and holding you close.
"lando?" you breathed out.
he had grown a slight stubble since you last saw him. his hair were still the same, except a little bit longer. his blue eyes were wide as he looked at you.
"hey," his voice was shaky.
"what the fuck are you doing here?"
he wanted to say so many things. ask you why you left, where it went wrong, why you moved to miami. he wanted to declare his love for you, press his lips to yours, hold you by the waist. he wanted to hear you say that you loved him too.
he was so in love with you, and you had no idea.
"lando? why are you here?" you asked again.
he was at a loss of words. what could he say? he couldn't exactly just stand there and say nothing.
"because," his voice cracked, "i miss you."
your throat went dry. he could not just say that.
it had been weeks. weeks of him not contacting you, weeks of you not speaking to him. the phone calls had stopped, the text messages had stopped, the late night chats had stopped. everything was just gone.
and now, he missed you?
tears welled up in your eyes, a lump forming in your throat. you shook your head, pushing back the tears, "go away."
"what? no, wait. wait. don't do this." he pleaded, his voice fragile and desperate, like a child trying to avoid bedtime.
he interrupted you, voice louder than before. "can we please talk about this?"
"what is there to talk about?" you were raising your voice. you hated him. how could he act like this after all that happened?
"everything. just—please, can i come in?" he sounded so pathetic. he felt so pathetic. his hands were slightly hovering over the door, ready to push it open and walk in.
the request took you by surprise. "i-no."
you missed him. there was no denying that.
you wanted him to tell you it was okay. wanted to go back to that night in his mclaren, the night he told you he liked you. wanted the weekends spent in london with his family. you wanted him, all of him.
his curly hair wrapped around your fingers, blue eyes staring at you, soft lips kissing you. his cold hands grabbing yours, and his voice saying your name. you wanted it to not be casual.
"i just want to talk to you."
he was drunk. there was no other way he would've showed up here, let alone begged to talk to you. the fact that he needed to be drunk to have this conversation made your blood boil.
"do you still have my jacket?"
of course, you still had his stupid jacket. the one that had his smell embedded into the fabric. it was an exclusive print mclaren had given him, and he had swung it around your shoulders after the night you had first made love to each other.
but he didn't care about the jacket, and neither did you. it was just a reminder.
you were silent for a while, taking in the sight of each other. it was his breath mingling with yours.
"i love you." he whispered.
your breath hitched in your throat, the tears finally falling out of your eyes as you sighed.
"i love you," he repeated to himself. "yes, i do. and i've known that since the day i met you."
you choked back sobs as you shook your head, "you're drunk, lando."
"i'm not," he chuckled, "maybe a little, but not enough."
then, he added, "i mean it. i love you." his voice was steady. he truly meant every word. but he didn't know what would happen now.
"what do you want me to say, lando?"
he sighed, "anything."
you laughed bitterly. anything, he said.
anything would've been better than what had happened.
"i don't think i can do this, lando."
"we can take it slow."
"you've never done slow."
he fell silent again because you were right. he'd never done slow. he didn't know how to take things slow. he was a fucking formula 1 driver, after all. slow wasn't something he did. he'd always lived life like it was the last day. and that's how he had lost you.
"i'm sorry," he began, his voice breaking. "i should've been a better person. i'm sorry for everything i did. i should've given you more, i-i should've loved you more, because you deserve so much more. i'm so, so, sorry."
"lando," you whispered, "it's not—"
"don't make excuses for me, please. i love you, i realy do. and if i have to spend the rest of my life proving that, i will." and he meant every word. "i just want you back."
your mind was racing, a million thoughts running through it. it was like a movie. his blue eyes, his voice, the desperation in his tone, the way he stood before you.
"okay," you muttered.
"wait, okay? does that mean—"
"you're gonna have to work for this," you said.
"i know, and i will. i promise."
you sighed, rubbing your temple. this wasn't a good idea. "get in."
lando's face lit up, and before you could change your mind, he had walked into the apartment. he hadn't really been here before, considering you moved here after the two of you had stopped talking. but the apartment was lovely, homely. everything you.
you closed the door behind him, watching him look around the living room.
"how'd you know where i live?"
he chuckled, turning to face you. "i'm a famous driver. i have my sources."
"i'm sure." a tense silence followed, neither of you knowing what to say.
"i'm not letting this happen again," he blurted, "i'm not. i don't know how, but i won't."
"i don't believe you." you scoffed.
"fuck, baby, what do i have to do for you to believe me?" he stepped towards you, closing the distance.
"stop calling me that."
"you are my baby." he tried to joke.
"lando, i'm not joking."
"i'm serious too," his voice was sincere, "i love you, and i'll do whatever it takes for you to believe me."
you had been through a lot together. the highs, the lows. you had seen him at his best, and at his worst. the good and the bad.
he moved closer, reaching a hand out to hold yours. you didn't know why, but the moment his hand touched yours, it was like a switch had flipped inside of you.
you let his hand wander over yours like a ghost, his calloused fingertips tracing over your knuckles. he intertwined your fingers together, eyes casted down.
"i've never cared about anyone the way i care about you." he admitted in a soft voice.
and then he pressed his lips to yours. his other hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
and god, did he taste the same. lando had a way with his lips. it was a talent. he kissed you like he needed your lips to survive. he was desperate for your touch as if he had been starving without it.
you were so lost in the feeling that you hadn't realised how far you had pushed him until the back of his knees hit the couch, and he fell on top of it.
his eyes were wide, mouth hanging open. his shirt was halfway unbuttoned, exposing his chest and toned abs.
the two of you stared at each other, eyes searching the other's.
"i love you." he murmured for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.
maybe it was the way his blue eyes bore into yours, or the way his lips quivered, or maybe it was the fact that he had driven across the city to say this.
but for the first time that night, you believed him. suddenly, the anger was gone. it was all gone.
"i love you, too." you whispered.
it was the only thing the two of you needed. the confirmation, the reassurance. the love.
you leaned down and connected your lips once more, hand reaching up to his curls and tugging lightly. he moaned into the kiss, pulling you on top of him.
your tongue entered his mouth, the taste of him making you lightheaded. his hands roamed over your body, the feeling of his skin against yours.
"baby," he whispered between kisses, "i want you so bad. i've waited so long."
his lips trailed along your jaw and down your neck, sucking marks into the sensitive skin.
"i want you," he murmured against the crook of your neck, "so fucking bad."
but he pulled away, flipping the two of you over so he was on top of you. he took off his shirt, and rested his head on your chest. he cleared his throat, "i should've asked this question earlier, but are you single?"
"yeah." you chuckled, running a hand through his curls.
"so, can i be your boyfriend?"
"lando norris," you hummed, "did you finally get the guts to ask me out?"
"yes," he smiled, lifting his head up to look at you, "yes, i did. will you be my girlfriend?"
"you're a dork."
"that's not an answer."
"yes," you laughed, "yes, i'll be your girlfriend."
lando grinned, and you grinned back.
it wasn't casual anymore.
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(u guys im so sorry if i've tagged someone who doesnt want to be tagged i just had no idea how to let non-followers know part 2 is out bcs tumblr is not letting me reply to comments😭if anyone wants their tag removed, feel free to dm me!! i hope u liked this) @oscarpiassrri @meglouise00 @f1fantasys @technicallypleasanttree @ggaslyp1 @obxstiles @nataliambc @prudyhoo @idkwtdwml123 @ushygushybaby @emilyroxy @yootvi @fishingarden @pillowprincess4him @herexpertcollector
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veritasangel · 2 days
Kinktober Day 1 - Sex Tape with Simon 'Ghost' Riley
sum: simon wants to have something to watch when he's away for work
contains: nsfw content (mdni), fempov, pnv (unprotected), creampie, filming a sex tape, i'm sorry guys i made him soft again :') - for more kinktober - here
a/n: this was meant to be day 10 but i switched them around because i wanted to write this one first - wc: 2.5k
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The camera sat propped up on a makeshift tripod across from the bed, a little red light indicating it was recording. The curtains were half-drawn and it covered the room in a warm orange from the sunset. Everything about this felt strange and new, yet so oddly comforting in its intimacy.
Simon sat at the edge of the bed, still in his jeans, a black shirt stretched tight across his broad chest. His mask was off—a rare sight reserved only for you. His face, usually hardened with a soldier's intensity, now softened with a mix of longing and something that made your heart squeeze: vulnerability.
"You sure about this, love?" His voice, deep and rough as always, held an edge of hesitation. His thumb traced small circles into your palm as if grounding himself in your touch, not quite ready to begin. "Don't want you to think it's... y'know, too much. If you don’t wanna-"
You gave him a soft smile, squeezing his hand back in reassurance. "Simon, it's for us. I want you to have this, for those nights when you’re out there and I’m here, missing you, just as much as you miss me.” 
He lifted his gaze, his dark eyes locking onto yours. There was a fire there—an intensity that was always present but now simmered with something deeper, more intimate. His fingers trailed up your arm in a way that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Alright,” he said, voice low. “This stays between us. It’s just for me, okay? Nobody else sees it.”
You nodded, biting your lip in anticipation, “Not your boys?”
“No. Unless you want me to, but I don’t really plan on letting them see you like this, only me.” His words were firm, almost possessive, but there was something protective about the way he said it.
Simon was always careful when it came to you—his job might be dangerous, unpredictable, but he kept you tucked safely away from that world. And this, what you were about to share, was sacred in its own right.
His hands, warm and rough from years of battle, moved to your waist, tugging you gently towards him. "C'mere," he whispered, his voice lower now, looking at you as though you were a precious gem he didn’t want to break.
You climbed onto his lap, straddling him, feeling the warmth of his body even through the denim. His hands settled on your hips, holding you there, not letting you go.
Neither of you said anything for a moment. You could hear the quiet hum of the camera still running in the background; it faded into the periphery of your perception, so it was just the two of you wrapped in this bubble of time.
His forehead leaned against yours while his breathing was warm against your lips. "I hate leavin' you," he whispered, his voice rough with frustration and longing. "Every bloody time, it gets harder."
“I know,” you whispered back, your fingers sliding up the back of his neck, tangling gently in his hair. “But this time, you’ll have something more. You won’t just have to imagine me.”
A low, almost guttural noise rumbled from his chest, and his grip on your hips tightened, pulling you even closer. His lips brushed against yours, a feather-light touch that sent sparks through your skin. “I’ll watch this every night if I have to,” he murmured against your mouth. “Keep me sane out there.”
His words, raw and unfiltered, made your heart swell, and you kissed him back, slow and tender at first, savouring the way he tasted. His lips were soft, contrasting with the roughness in his hands as they roamed across your back, holding steady to keep himself anchored to you and in this moment.
He deepened the kiss, his hands sliding under your shirt, fingertips grazing your skin and sending shivers down your spine. He touched you in such deliberate ways, taking his time, committing every inch of you to memory before having to leave again.
He drew back far enough to peer into your eyes, his dark with a need that went far past the physical. "You're mine," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Always- doesn't matter if I’m a few miles away or thousands. You got that?"
You nodded, heart pounding in your chest. "I'm yours, Simon. Always.”
For one instant, the ferocity in his eyes gave way to softening and his lips caressed yours once again, the pace languid now as every moment was cherished. His hands kept on with their exploration, touching and leaving trails of heat wherever they ventured. You could feel the strength in him, the restraint he was holding back, wanting to make this moment last.
When his lips found your neck, you let out a soft gasp, your body arching into him. His breath was warm against your skin, and the way his lips and teeth teased at the sensitive spot just below your ear sent electricity shooting through you.
“Gonna miss this,” he growled softly, his hands moving lower, gripping your hips tighter. “Miss you.”
You cupped his face, guiding his gaze back to yours, your thumb brushing over his jawline. “You’ll have me with you,” you whispered, your voice steady despite the desire pooling in your stomach. “Whenever you need me.”
He groaned softly, his lips claiming yours again, this time urgent, desperate. It was as if he wanted to leave an impression of himself within your soul, something you might hold on to when the nights felt too long.
The camera watched silently, recording every moment: how his hands roamed your body, how your lips danced together in some rhythm only the two of you knew. This wasn't about physical closeness; this was holding onto one another in the only way you could when the distance would soon tear you both apart.
Melting into him, your bodies moved together in perfect sync, every touch, every kiss burning with the unsaid knowledge that the time was running out. You tugged at his clothes, and he did, yours. His lips had left yours, pressing a path of kisses down your neck; his breathing hot and ragged against your skin. "I need you," he muttered, his voice rough and almost broken. "Need all of you.
You moaned softly, your head tilting back as his hands roamed lower, his fingers skating across the edge of your underwear. The feel of him touching you-so gentle yet so intense-only served to increase your need for him. He was unravelling you, piece by piece, until all that was left was the raw undeniable need that pulsed between you both.
His lips brushed your ear, and his breath came in short, ragged bursts. “Tell me what you want,” he rasped, his voice thick with need, but still controlled, still in that deep, gravelly tone that always made your knees weak. He wanted to hear it, needed to hear you say it.
“I want you,” you whispered, your fingers curling around the back of his neck, pulling him closer until his forehead was pressed against yours again. “All of you. Now.”
Something in him snapped at your words. He groaned, low and primal, as his restraint melted away. With one swift movement, he lifted you, shifting your body so you were beneath him. His hands gripped your thighs, spreading them as he settled between your legs, his touch firm but careful, always making sure you were okay, that this was what you wanted.
You nodded, breathless, your body already arching toward him, craving his touch. His hands moved with purpose now, sliding your underwear down and tossing them aside before he paused, his eyes locking with yours once more. The intensity in his gaze was almost overwhelming, like he was drinking in every inch of you, committing this moment to memory.
“Perfect,” he murmured, his voice barely audible as his hand caressed your inner thigh. His lips found yours again and you moaned into his mouth, your body trembling with need.
His other hand moved to his own waistband, undoing his belt with a practised ease. You could feel the heat between you intensify, the space narrowing until there was nothing left between your bodies but the aching need to be as close as possible.
He positions himself at your entrance, his tip teasing you, rubbing along your slit and making you squirm with anticipation. He taps it against your pussy, smirking at the sound, “She’s already wet for me.” he purrs as he momentarily pulls away to grab his phone. “Want a better view- Two films just for me”
He holds the phone camera just right as he spreads your folds, slowly pushing himself inside you, filling you inch by inch until he bottoms out. The moment he entered you, both of you let out a shared groan of relief, like this was what you had both been waiting for.
He was careful, always so careful, but there was something raw in the hunger of his filling you, the motion of his hips gentle yet insistent.
He stilled for a moment, his forehead pressed against yours, eyes closed, savouring the sensation of being connected in the most intimate way possible. "God, you always feel so good," he breathed, low, his voice breaking with emotion. "So fucking good-
Then he opened his eyes, and the way he stared at you-as though you were his entire world-made your heart skip a beat. The vulnerability in his gaze-an unspoken fear of losing you and not having enough time-stared right back at you. Yet, so much love almost overwhelmed you.
Simon finally started to move, slow at first, each thrust deep and deliberate, as if he was trying to imprint the memory of you onto his very soul. You clung to him, your body responding to every movement, meeting his rhythm with your own, your moans mingling with his groans, creating a symphony of raw, unfiltered need.
“Don’t stop,” you gasped, your nails digging into his back as the pleasure began to build, overwhelming your senses. Every touch, every thrust sent you spiralling closer to the edge, and you could feel him getting lost in it too, his movements becoming more erratic, more desperate.
“Never,” he growled, his lips finding yours again in a fierce, hungry kiss. “I’m never letting go.”
He pulled away from the kiss so he could get the perfect angle on you, one he knows he’ll watch a million times when he’s away on a cold cot in the middle of nowhere. With every thrust, your breasts bounce enticingly, and the camera shows every detail.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful," he whispers, his eyes dark with desire as he drinks in the sight of you. "I'm going to watch this over and over again, remembering how perfect you feel." he continues, running his hand up your chest to fondle one of your breasts in his free hand, as his hips falter slightly and he tosses the phone to the side.
He starts pistoning into you again and again, desperate as the pleasure mounts. "That's it, baby," he says low and huskily, "take it all. Take every inch of me." He shifted slightly, changing the angle of his thrusts a little, and you cried out in pleasure as he hit that particularly sensitive place inside you. Your nails dig into his back, urging him on, and he returns the favour with a groan of his own, hips snapping forward with renewed vigour.
The camera on the side captures it all-a memory Ghost will always treasure, especially when he is far away from home, yearning for your skin against his. "I love you," he says, words spilling off his tongue with no hesitation. "I love you so fucking much."
The lens centres in on the point of contact between your bodies as his cock disappears inside you, stroke after stroke. The camera captures every nuance, every slight movement, so that when he watches this back, he'll relive every moment as if he were with you.
The camera captures a look on your face, too, as he manages to hit that special spot inside of you, your eyes rolling back in pleasure, your mouth twisted into a silent scream. The camera focuses on how your bodies shine with sweat; muscles ripple in his arms and back as he supports his weight, driving deeper into you with rising urgency.
With every thrust, the camera captures the wet, obscene sounds of your bodies coming together, punctuated by the occasional gasp or moan from one or both of you. The audio is crystal clear; Ghost can hear every breathy whimper and desperate plea when he watches it later, which makes it even more real and hard-core for him.
Ghost's own breathing grows heavier, his movements becoming more erratic as he feels his own release approaching. He reaches down with one hand, his fingers finding your sensitive clit and rubbing in tight, fast circles. The added stimulation sends you both over the edge, and you come together in a shared cry of ecstasy.
As Ghost climaxes, his cock throbs and pulses inside you, releasing a thick load of his cum. The camera picks up everything from the tensing of his muscles to the look of pure bliss plastered on his face. His cum coats your walls, filling you as best he can, a physical manifestation of the love and desire he holds for you.
The camera focuses on the point where his cock meets your entrance, gliding through your folds, as Ghost can see how his cum is mixing with your own juices in an erotic display of shared pleasure. The wet, obscene sounds of his final thrusts are amplified, ensuring that he'll be able to hear every last detail when he watches this back, reminding him of the intense connection you share.
He falls onto you, spent, both your bodies still joined together. The tender moments of soft kisses pressed to your forehead, caressing hands roaming over your body and holding one another close are all picked up.
After a few moments of basking in the afterglow, Ghost slowly pulls out of you, his cum dripping onto the sheets below. The camera captures the erotic sight of your hole clenching and fluttering around his softening cock as he withdraws.
He settles beside you, pulling you into his arms and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "That was amazing," he whispers, still low and satisfied. "I love you so fucking much and I swear I’m going to lose my mind with how much I’ll miss you."
You burrow into his embrace, feeling the warmth. "I love you too," you whisper back, your fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest. "And I'm glad we have this, something to keep you company when you're gone."
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@hishearttohave @crybabysiri @wingedmoviesfashionbat @fairyboygenius
@lifelessvessel @sapphire-jelly26 @clowniej @nctislifue
@eeveedvck @needtoloveoutloud @macaroni0213 @betelgeuse420
ღ general m.list
© veritasangel ↣ do not copy or translate any of my works
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chlorinecake · 2 days
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▹ PAIRING — experienced husband heeseung x virgin f. reader
▹ GENRE — smut, fluff, newlyweds au
▹ SYNOPSIS — As teens, you were the uncanny duo that fell in love at first sight. Some odd years later, and you’re now a newlywed couple, spending your first night together in a fit of nerves as you navigate sex and other new feelings…
▹ WARNINGS — KINKTOBER SPECIAL, basically just pussy drunk!husband!heeseung making you squirt for hours on the night of your honeymoon, marriage themes (duh), mentions of food, dom and sub dynamics, kissing with tongue, overstimulation kink (reader cums multiple times), oral sex (f. receiving), fingering, petnames (baby, angel, pretty, sweetie), that’s all
▹ WORD COUNT: 3.3k — DAY 1
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YOU AND HEESEUNG were like Romeo and Juliet; two people from totally different walks of life, and honestly, no one ever would’ve guessed you two’d end up falling for each other.
Sometimes, it’s hard to tell any time had passed between the first moment you met Heeseung with a hickey on his neck in the lunch hall to now as you sit before him on a king sized bed, ring fingers clad with beautiful bands to match as you stared into each others eyes, speaking a love song of unspoken words.
“You’re fine with waiting til marriage?” You remember asking him a few weeks after you first started dating as teens, “you won’t think I’m a prude for wanting to keep things traditional?…”
“Of course not, sweetie,” you remember him answering while cupping your face in his hands, “a girl like you is worth the wait—” He whispered in between kissing your lips, “—and so much more…”
Since that moment, you and Heeseung have stuck to your guns, not even so much as showering together to keep your purity intact until the right moment…
… That fateful day when you’d say “I do” and he the same, right before venturing off into the sunset on angel’s wings to explore another country together.
Another life, might I add, as a married couple on your extravagant honeymoon…
Everything was so magical in your head, too… but regardless of that, Heeseung was too big of a fucking dork to let himself be romantic for once.
Just an hour ago, he had told the hotel receptionist “you too” after she congratulated you both on getting married—
“Grrrrrrrrr,” he pouted, scrunching his nose at you.
“Did you just… growl at me!?”
“Yes, and I’ll do it again if you keep resisting,” Heeseung threatened playfully, pointing an accusing finger at your frame now.
Sighing, you raised your hands beside your head as a sign of compliance, parting your lips slightly as you held your head back for him.
“Alright, don't move this time, alright? We can do this!” He ordered more passionately this time, cradling a single grape between his fingers before angling his wrist backwards and launching it towards your mouth.
“Oh my gosh, I finally caught it!” You shouted with excitement, words coming out a bit slurred as you bit down into the sweet fruit, “Tastes like victory,” you continued, making Heeseung grace you with his thundering ovation.
“Brava!” He began to cheer, but the rest of his sentence was interrupted by his own burp, which only elicited a fit of embarrassed giggles from the both of you…
Two empty glasses of wine sat on the hotel nightstand beside the bed you were currently sat on, and if it wasn't obvious enough, y'all were already starting to experience the giddy effects of the alcohol dancing in your systems.
“So,” you smiled, a laugh still present in your throat as you fed him a white grape from the bowl between you two, “we're the couple that eats pie in place of dinner now?”
“Sure... but not just any pie,” Heeseung corrected, leaning closer to your ear as he whispered, “blueeeberry pieeee.”
You're not sure if it was the wine or the honeymoon high, but you can't help yourself from laughing out loud at Heeseung's behavior in this moment—
“You’re a legend for always vibing with my horrible sense of humor, y’know that?” Your husband remarked while tilting his head at you endearingly.
“Your humor is definitely one-of-a-kind, but I wouldn't want you to change a thing about it,” you returned tenderly, right before feeding him a fork-full of blueberry pie from the dish between you two, feeling your heart swell as he smiled into the bite.
The kind of smile you’d have a hard time getting out of your mind later—
“Thanks, babe,” he said, a bit of dark blue jam resting in the corner of his mouth now as his eyes sparkled with what you could bet was pure flattery.
You always liked it whenever you managed to get Heeseung all flustered before you, considering how he was usually the one to make you a blushing mess with only his words.
“You've uh...” you stammer slightly, “you've got a little something on your lip there...”
“Yea, just... let me get it for you real quick,” you continue, licking the pad of your thumb before leaning forward to dab at the jam on his mouth.
That's when you noticed his lips curving into a subtle smirk as he whispered in a low voice, “You got it, baby?”
“Y-yea,” you stuttered again, feeling your face heat up at his words, and if you didn't look so hot to him right now, he would've pinched your cheeks—
“Whoops,” Heeseung gasped facetiously, pouting at the streak of blueberry jam he very intentionally just smeared on your lower lip, “must be the wine making me so clumsy today...”
Your eye almost twitched at the sight of him licking his finger clean, a rush of nerves swarming in your stomach now
“I-it's okay, Heeseung,” you said while lifting your thumb to your mouth, “I've got it...”
“No you don't,” he chuckled at your shy demeanor, right before closing the space between you two, taking your face in his hand and kissing you.
And yes, you saw this coming, but it took you a few seconds to fully close your eyes, letting them flutter shut as you both sighed at the taste of each other, almost as if the contact relaxed you…
The kiss was slow at first, with you and him simply breathing against each other’s mouths as his velvety lips moved against yours.
But that pace didn't last long once Heeseung broke from the kiss to move the bowl of grapes and pie out of the way, a few of the glossy green ovals hitting the ground with light thuds as his right hand found the small of your back, pulling you even closer to him.
The kiss grew more intense from there as both your heads were tilting into each other, wet smacks filling the room now as his tongue prodded against yours with every passing second.
“God, you taste so sweet,” Heeseung groaned, desperately clinging to your waist which only made you moan in response.
You and Heeseung had made out countless times in the past, but you could tell something was different this time... you never felt this worked up with him before, and you knew it wasn’t just gonna end with a kiss—
“Can’t wait to taste other parts of you, too, baby…” he hummed, kissing along your neck while pinning your delicate wrists above your head.
And that’s when you felt it…
The twitch between your legs and the heat rushing throughout your entire body…
You were wearing a plaid pajama skirt and white top that matched Heeseung’s plaid sweatpants and long sleeved shirt, as you simply expected to only eat some dessert, discuss the rest of your honeymoon plans, and head straight to sleep right after.
Now though, you knew you wouldn't be able to get much rest with your emotions like this… at least not comfortably, that is…
You’re between his lap at first until he guides you onto your back, kissing down your neck, between your breasts, and down your stomach as he lifts your top, stopping at the waist band of your skirt given the way your body tensed up suddenly.
“Is everything alright?” He asked softly, glancing back up at you with a swollen look to his pouty lips, given all the kissing they had just done.
You knew what was happening right now..
Heeseung was doing exactly what you had asked him to do, and as much as your body craved it, your mind kept fighting it for some reason…
“Just… don’t make it too… formal, okay?”
“Formal?” Heeseung repeated with a slight chuckle as you sat beside each other on the plane that morning.
“Well, yea… I just don’t want to make a big deal out of it—”
“But it is a big deal, baby,” he cut you off by placing his hand over yours. “We’ve been waiting a long time for this, y’know?… Not just to have sex but—” he leaned closer to you as he whispered this in your ear, “—to make each other feel good… in all kinds of ways…”
His breath tickled your ear in that moment… similarly to how his lips were tickling you now as you laid before him on the mattress, his head hovering over the space between your thighs.
“We don’t have to go any further until you’re ready, love—”
“I’m ready, Heeseung,” you said while nodding, but he waited to continue, knowing in his heart that there was still something you needed to get off your chest.
He backed away, pulling your shirt back over your stomach and sitting on the bed normally now.
“Heeseung,” you said again, drawing his sparkly doe eyes back to you.
“I’m listening, love,” is all he replied with, offering you a warm smile, “what’s on your mind?”
What’s in the way? You internally asked yourself right after, knowing deep down that you had no reason to feel so nervous with him right now…
Heeseung had never alienated you because of your inexperience with sex before, and was always very understanding of your moral and sexual boundaries.
But now, things were different; you were a married couple, and one of the many perks of that was being able to explore each others body in a comfortable way…
Turns out though, it was all just your own insecurities clouding your judgment, and you hated that you couldn’t shake the nerves bubbling in your stomach…
“It’s just that,” you started nervously, fidgeting with your manicured nails, “I… I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“Yeah, I know,” your husband nodded sarcastically, trying his best to resist the urge to kiss you again—
“And…well, you have a lot more experience than me with this kind of thing,” you continued, lowering your head.
“So what?”
“What if I don’t meet your expectations?…”
“Expectations? What do you mean, ____?”
“Well, you’ve been with a lot of other girls and what if I’m not as good as them? What if you don’t like sex with me?…”
Heeseung’s heart would’ve otherwise dropped at your words, but instead, he smiled softly, taking your chin in his hand and lifting your head towards him. “You’re nothing like those girls I was with in the past, ____, and that’s my favorite part about you,”
You looked into his eyes as he continued, “I’ll be happy with whatever happens tonight. You wanna know why? Because I did it with you, and I love you with my everything, princess…”
“I love you too, Heeseung,” you replied meekly, flashing him a soft smile as he kissed your cheek.
“No expectations tonight, then… okay, baby? I just wanna please you,” he whispered, slowly guiding your body back down against the mattress with a secure hand. “I wanna make you feel so good,” he continued, placing another kiss to the center of your lips. 
Heeseung started by letting his plush lips wander all over your body again, lifting your shirt up once more to leave open-mouthed kisses all over your stomach.
“You're so beautiful,” he murmured with warm breath against your skin, caressing your inner thighs with his hands until you naturally craned them open, inviting him to your pulsing core.
Your breath hitched once you felt his nose burry between your clothed folds, but your little sounds only excited him even further, and he wasted no time in removing your panties completely now.
“Heeseung,” you whined, watching him through half-lidded eyes as he spat on your cunt, toying with the moisture there using his middle and index finger.
“Just relax for me, angel,” your husband cooed with a soothing tone, and you're not sure if it was the alcohol or the petname he just called you in his bedroom voice, but your head was starting to feel very dizzy.
And if you weren't so horny, you would've felt bashful in front of him like this... half-naked, and trembling when he's hardly even touched you yet.
The coldness of his wedding band against the warm flesh of your thigh sent shivers down your spine, and he wasted no time in inviting his fingers into your sopping hole, one at a time until your walls practically sucked him in.
He then started to leave kitten licks against your sensitive bud, complimenting the pace by pumping his wrist towards your pelvis with his digits still exploring the gummy walls of your cunt.
Admittedly, you had tried fingering yourself in the past, but it never felt as good as the way Heeseung worked wonders inside you right now, but you still needed something...
Something to hold onto… something to grab, and Heeseung could immediately tell once your nails started weakly nipping at the bed sheets, your pussy throbbing more and more—
“Hee,” you moaned, feeling his fingers curl deeper and deeper inside your tight cunt, “need to touch you so bad...”
“Yea? Wanna hold my hand, pretty?”
All you can manage to do is nod desperately, making him chuckle slightly at your neediness.
“If you hold my hands, I need you to promise to keep your legs open for me on your own... can you do that for me, love?”
“Y-yes,” you stammered, and with that, Heeseung got to work on licking your slick from his fingers before finding your hands in his.
But your core was already missing the stimulation, making your hips rise up and down as if thin air would provide enough friction to ease your craving.
And that's when he licked his first stripe up the center of your pussy, and you're sure your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the sensation.
It didn't take long for the pleasure to escalate from there, either.
His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked you in like a starved out man. His tongue was applying pressure in all the best ways before sinking into your hole, filling you up just enough to have you arching your back on the bed.
You felt your first orgasm wash over you, but you knew your husband had no intention of stopping so soon.
You were mewling beneath him at the overstimulation, thankful that he at least slowed down the pace of his tongue, even though he was still very earnestly slurping at your juices…
“Could eat this pussy for hours, princess… you’re just too delicious…” he groaned, and you felt the bed shaking from the way he was rutting his crotch against the mattress, furrowing his eyebrows as his kept eating you out.
“Come on baby, let me hear you,” Heeseung practically begged, his tone sounding so hoarse, so drunk as the vibrations from his voice only tantalized you even further, “tell me how good it feels...”
“F-feels s-so fucking good, baby,” you moaned, words coming out in fragments given how cloudy your brain was becoming, and you're pretty sure you had your second or third orgasm shortly after as your hands squeezed his, so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
His tongue was licking between your folds so well, the textured muscle making your skin tingle all over but in the best way imaginable.
Heeseung didn't plan on any of this to happening, which is why it felt so good in the first place. It was natural, raw, and so so messy…
Your own cum was dripping all over his chin and lips, and he was loving every single second of it.
He was obsessed with it. The way your clit throbbed against his lips, the way you squirted your juices all over his face, the way your thighs squirmed while struggling to stay open, and your angelically desperate cries of pleasure as he drew out orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.
He wished he could watch your face contort with need as he fucked you with his face and tongue, but he couldn't look back up at you no matter how hard he tried… He had to keep his face buried between you…
Your strength eventually gave out and your grip released his hands that soon found one of your tits, gripping the mound of flesh in a way that only drew you even further over the edge.
Your hips had even developed a mind of their own, humping against his face like a bunny in heat as he whispered filthy nothings against your cunt, as well as sweet somethings that you'd hear for the next hour or two that Heesueng spent with his pointy nose brushing against your clit.
“You're so fucking wet for me, angel...”
“Love it when you come all over my face.”
“Pull my hair, baby... harder than that...”
“So so beautiful, and just for me.”
“Keep those pretty thighs open just like that, baby…”
“You taste so fucking divine...”
“Please don't tell me to stop... just one more, baby... I know you've got it in you...”
He found just as much enjoyment being between your thighs as you did in having him there, making you cream on his tongue again and again until you finally hiccuped the words, “N-no more, Hee... p-please, I can't t-take anymore...”
But your begging only made Heeseung even greedier, letting his fingers find your clit where he applied enough pressure and stimulation to break that last orgasm out of you, leaving you a shaking mess as he kissed you down, harder than a bullet in his own pants from getting to see you like this so many times and for so long in just one evening.
A series of shaky whimpers filled the room now as your husband crawled back over you, kissing you with his swollen lips while caressing the side of your fucked-out face. “You did so good for me, baby... especially on your first night...”
“Th-thank you,” you said with a weak chuckle, still feeling your orgasms fresh in your hips and thighs as he kept soothing you with his touch, your breath shaky in your chest after hours of coming undone with him…
That's when he moved over to lay beside you, and your eyes almost immediately caught sight of the thick bulge resting behind his pants, and you couldn't help but feel a little bad now given how he didn’t get much action the whole time.
“Do you want me to...” you started timidly, moving your hand to touch him up til he stopped you.
“Not tonight... we can have fun with that tomorrow,” Heeseung smiled, making you giggle again as he changed his position to make the bulge less noticeable, “for now though, let's focus on getting you cleaned up... sound good?”
“Better than good,” you replied tenderly, kissing him on the cheek before he got up from the bed and headed toward the hotel bathroom where he planned to run you a nice warm bath.
“Wait!” Your husband called out suddenly, just as he caught you trying to get out of the bed on your own.
Running over, a confused look remained on your face as he picked you up from the mattress bridal style, carrying you to the bathroom.
“I didn't forget how to walk, Heeseung,” you giggled, keeping your hands secure at his shoulder as he cradled you into the tub.
“I know,” he laughed, helping you get your top off and over your head as the water ran in the background, “I just didn't want my precious wife accidentally stepping on any of those grapes I dropped earlier...”
It went without saying that Heeseung had always been a loser, but he was your loser, and that fact alone was the bandaid that covered up every preconceived notion of him you ever created in the back of your mind…
You didn’t see him the way other people saw him… as the former man whore, troublemaker, or hopeless goof from high school, ‘destined’ to never change…
You saw him as the adorable nerd who accepted you for the things you saw as flaws… as the guy who still wore character themed PJ’s every once in a while that you now get to call “Hubby,” “lovey,” and “mine…”
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⋆♱✮ Huge thanks to everyone who read this little fic of mine, which actually concludes DAY 1 of my Kinktober Event !! If you're interested in reading more works like this, feel free to check out my main enhypen masterlist or my kinktober masterlist by clicking one of these links !!
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s-awturn · 3 days
Out Of The Plans || F1 Grid
cw: angst, pain, crying, lack of communication, breakup, fight, They are idiots, no exceptions..
starring: LH44, CS55, CL16, LN4, OP81, MV1
a/n: just angst and a feeling of heartbreak. Appreciate me because I wrote this in the middle of a horrible migraine
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It had been like a shock to your brain, this couldn't be happening, not at that moment. You held the pregnancy test in your shaking hands and checked the label again to make sure of the result.
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A little line: negative.
Two little lines: positive.
And on your test there were two bright red lines, telling you in your face that you were pregnant. Oh God, you were pregnant and unfortunately there was no more inopportune time for a pregnancy. Okay, everything would be fine when you told Lewis, he always wanted a family, everything would be fine.
“This shouldn’t be happening, Y/N!” he paced back and forth in the huge living room of the apartment you shared. "Should not!"
Your stomach churned in fear, this wasn't exactly the conversation you were expecting to have when he got back from Singapore.
“Well, that happens when two partners have crazy sex and forget the condom!” you said as energetically as he did.
“You said your birth control was up to date!” he paused, looking at you with nothing but rebuke.
“Of course they were! But they don't work miracles, Lewis! Especially for the two of us who have sex almost every day without a condom!" you stood up and stood in front of him. "Now there is no point in pointing fingers and saying who was wrong, we have a baby on the way and we need to think about everything.”
Something strange flickered in Lewis's dark eyes and his heart sank.
“I can’t,” he hissed, pulling away from you. “I can’t deal with this right now, my life is a mess, I can’t deal with a baby right now.”
You felt your heart stop beating, what the hell was he saying? How come he couldn't deal when you were the one who would have to change everything?! Because abortion didn't even cross your mind.
“What is it like?”
Lewis licked his lips nervously, tearing his eyes away from yours, the tension in the room was raw and thick as fog, which made you even more apprehensive. He couldn't be saying what he wanted to say. Not Lewis.
“I can’t compromise the rest of the season, my performance with a baby now, especially since I’m almost at Ferrari,” he said it all quickly, in one breath. And you froze in place, blinking slowly as it sunk in that your boyfriend was saying he didn't want the baby.
You took a deep breath, you wouldn't let yourself cry in front of him, not anymore.
“Are you serious, Lewis? Are you really serious?”
He continued to look out the window, staring at the Monte Carlo marina, not having the courage to look at you.
“You, who always wanted a family, who made plans with me, are you saying you don't want the baby? That you can't handle it when I'm the one who's going to have my whole life changed to bring him into the world?!” It was his turn to walk around the room.
“But you didn’t even want a child now! You just got promoted at work! You can’t be judging me for that!”
That fell like a bucket of cold water on you, really, having a baby at that moment wasn't the best thing that could happen, but it was already there, it happened and the baby was already there.
“Alright Hamilton, the baby and I won’t hold up your championship, if you have any chance of overtaking McLaren, but either way, don’t worry, you won’t have to deal with that.” You said pointing to yourself, your hand supporting your still flat belly.
“Y/N, we can solve this another way-” he started, but you held up your hand to silence him.
“For the love of God, shut up, don’t make me hate you, Hamilton” you said and turned away, going to the bedroom. It was obvious that it was over, because there was no way you were going to abandon the baby too. Fuck Lewis and his problems.
He went after you, but was met with the suite door slammed in his face. You packed your things, only what you bought or took from your own apartment, you didn't want anything from him besides the little resident who rented your uterus on a nine-month contract .
“Everything is fine, baby, it’s going to be okay, I promise,” you said, standing in front of the mirror, imagining what your belly would look like as the months went by. “I will take care of everything”
You left the suite with a suitcase and two handbags, you had no idea where you were going at that moment, but anywhere was better than there with Lewis.
“Why are you going? We can work this out, honey—”
“Oh my God, Lewis!” you exclaimed, calling the elevator, “we can’t work anything out! You don’t want the baby, you don’t want us, so obviously this is over and I’m leaving! A great championship for you!”
When the elevator doors closed, you allowed yourself to cry, you never imagined Lewis would do that, never! You sniffed, wiping your nose on the sleeve of the only sweatshirt you stole from him. You wouldn't take anything else from him.
“We don’t need him, baby,” you whispered, as if the baby could hear. You took one last look at the apartment that had been your home for four beautiful years and with a heavy heart said, “Goodbye Lew.”
The doctor's words echoed inside your head.
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Pregnant, you were twelve weeks pregnant, or three months. That was unexpected, very unexpected because you and Carlos didn't discuss starting a family, this discussion never reached you even after years of a stable relationship.
“Miss?” the doctor’s voice sounded distant to your ears, you were still focused on the blood test results.
Your mind fell into limbo and the last thing you saw was the doctor running towards you, calling your name.
The smell of antiseptic and alcohol made you wake up slowly, your head felt like it weighed a ton and your eyes were still blurry, you struggled to remember what had happened and like a bomb exploding, the word ‘pregnant’ popped into your mind.
“Calm down, calm down, you can’t exert yourself too much right now, Y/N.” You recognized the voice of Andie, your best friend from college. “Here, drink some water, the doctor said it would help you.” She handed you the glass, expecting you to drink all of the contents. “How are you feeling? You were unconscious for almost all day long, I almost died when they called me.”
“I’m fine, I guess... What did they tell you?” you handed the cup back to her.
“Nothing, the doctor said you felt unwell... What are you-” she was interrupted by Carlos’ abrupt entry into the room. He was a mess, still in his Ferrari training gear and with his hair a mess.
“¿Estás bien, vida mía?” (Are you okay, my love?).
“Yes, yes I’m fine... I just felt sick” you twisted the bed sheets between your fingers, how would you tell Carlos that you were expecting a baby, that you would be parents in six months or less? You looked at Andie, silently asking her to leave, the girl nodded and left you two alone. “It was just a scare,” she muttered, swallowing hard. “I got the test results back, remember how I was feeling really sick last week?”
“Yes, yes, I knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to eat that steak tartare...”
“It wasn’t because of the steak tartare, Carlos.” You looked at him, feeling your nervousness tighten in your stomach. “I’ve been sick all week because I’m pregnant, I’m three months pregnant.” you said abruptly, watching Carlos lose color in his face and stagger away from the stretcher.
“Pregnant? B-But we were being careful!” he said, you couldn’t understand the emotions that showed on his face.
“Accidents happen, Carlos... Not that getting pregnant is an accident, especially when you have sex without a condom...” you said, waiting for him to calm down.
“This shouldn’t have happened! I don’t want children now!” he said exasperatedly. “I don’t!”
Something inside you broke when you heard him, you weren't ready to take on motherhood yet, your internet work was finally bearing fruit, your relationship with Carlos was going well, you never thought you'd include a child in that equation, but there she was. But none of that was as scary as the idea that her boyfriend didn't want the baby he helped conceive.
“You don’t want to?” you repeated his words slowly.
“No! Of course not! A baby now would get in the way of my career!”
And suddenly, it all came crashing down on his head like an anvil. Tears stung your eyes and the words came out before you could filter them.
“Go away, Carlos,” you were surprised to notice how firm your voice was. “Get out of here, get out of my sight.”
"But amor... We never talked about children, you never told me you wanted them!” The Spaniard tried to touch you, but you backed away, avoiding him as if he were burning you.
“It’s not about what I want or don’t want, Carlos,” you snapped. “I really didn’t want a baby, but I’ll have one in six months, with or without you! So decide whether you’re with me or leaving!”
“I-I can’t... I-I don’t want kids, I need to dedicate myself to the fullest and a baby will get in my way” he stammered, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Go away Carlos, I’ve heard enough” you turned your face away so you wouldn’t see him, ignoring his attempts. It was only when the door closed with a dull thud that you could let your strong facade fall and allowed yourself to cry to the point where you didn't notice when Andie came in and wrapped you in a protective hug.
“What happened? Carlos left as if he was being chased by the devil” she rubbed your back, trying to make you stop crying. Between sobs, you explained what had happened, feeling her embrace tighten. “Oh love, I’m so sorry this happened, I didn't think Carlos was a son of a bitch... What do you intend to do?”
“I-I don’t know... Maybe I should give the baby up for adoption, I don’t have the courage to have an abortion...”
“Whatever you decide, I’m with you, sis.”
You snuggled into her loving embrace, unsure of what your life would be like in the coming months.
“When are you going to tell him, dear?” Your mother asked you as the two of you set the lunch table, it was Sunday and once a month, religiously his family gathered at his grandparents' house. Charles had already attended so many lunches that when he didn't show up, his grandparents and uncles would ask. You loved knowing that your family loved your boyfriend. “I'm sure he'll be happy, Charles loves children.”
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You nodded and a small smile appeared, confident that he would love the news. You discovered you were pregnant a few days ago and had already noticed the signs. You had decided to tell her about the pregnancy after lunch, even bought a pair of children's shoes with a Ferrari design on them. Who could judge you? You were so anxious!
Soon, the family gathered around the table, talking loudly and laughing nonstop, preventing any thoughts beyond the conversations and laughter. The conversation you were having with one of your cousins was interrupted by your grandmother, questioning when you and Charles would finally have children.
Charles choked on his wine and cleared his throat. “Mhmm well... I thought Y/N mentioned that I don’t want kids.”
“You never told me that, Charl...” you said just for him to hear “I never knew that”
“No?” he looked surprised. “Really?”
Silence fell uncomfortably over the table, you gripped the handle of the cutlery you were holding, feeling your anxiety grow in a negative way.
“You’re great with kids, dear, you’d be a great dad.” your grandmother said, surprised. After all, the Monegasque was adored by the children in the family and got along very well with them all, hearing that he didn't want children was a surprise.
“I’m a good uncle,” he gave a modest smile. “I’m not made of father material, meaning no children, ever.”
Maybe it was your fault, you and Charles didn't have that conversation, so you couldn't know he didn't want children. But it was painful anyway, mainly because you were already pregnant.
Hours later, as you drove home, you couldn't stop thinking about his words.
I’m not made of father material, meaning no children, ever.
“You are very quiet, mon cher” He said, resting his hand on your thigh. You jumped, caught up in your thoughts, you didn't even notice his presence until he touched you. “Did something happen?”
“I was thinking about the lunch conversation...”
“It was a strange atmosphere, wasn’t it?” he gave a weak laugh, giving her leg a gentle squeeze “with so many children there, do your grandparents still want more?” his laugh sounded strange to your ears, just like that conversation.
“I’m pregnant, Charles,” you said suddenly and screamed when he slammed the car on the brakes. “CHARLES?!”
He guided the car to the side of the road and looked at you, he was as scared as you were.
“You are what?!”
“Pregnant, Charles! I was planning to tell you today, but I found out you don’t want kids!” you exasperated, loosening your belt.
“That can’t be true, you’re joking,” he said nervously. “Y/N I don’t-”
“I know! I know that, Charles! You don’t have to repeat yourself.”
You saw pure terror in his eyes and braced yourself for whatever he would say.
“I don’t want this baby, Y/N, I don’t want to be a father, not today, not ever” he said.
You took a deep breath, feeling your head throb with the headache that would soon come.
“Well then I guess we can’t go through with this, Charles,” you said, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I will not give up my son for you or anyone else.”
“Mon cher, a child would disrupt our lives forever, we would no longer be able to travel, we would lose our peace and tranquility”
“You won’t lose anything, Charles, you don’t need to worry… Now, if it’s not too much to ask, can you continue? I intend to move out of your apartment today.”
“Beau, (beautiful) It doesn't have to be like this... This child-”
“Don’t say anything else Charles, don’t turn the love I feel for you into resentment” you begged, avoiding his eyes.
The rest of the way was done in complete silence, despite the grief that broke your heart, you would not let it consume you. A life outside of that would be born in a few months and you couldn't let bitterness stop you from living the good moments that the future would bring you.
Charles still tried to stop you from leaving, saying he would leave you with the apartment, but you didn't listen to him or give him a chance to convince you.
“I hope you’re happy, Charles,” was the last thing you said before you left. From then on, it was just you and the baby.
There were at least five tests done on the bathroom counter and you were in a panic, pure panic. It wasn't the time to have a baby, no way. You took a deep breath, trying to stay calm as you thought about the situation, there was so much at stake.
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You had to decide what you were going to do, whether to have that baby, how you were going to tell Lando... Oh God, there was still Lando. You couldn't even think about what his reaction would be. There were mentions of a son, perhaps after he had won a championship or two and had achieved everything he wanted, but not at that moment, in which both were still building their lives, their careers.
“I’m here, honey!” he shouted from the living room and you threw the tests in the trash without thinking. You checked your appearance in the mirror, trying to dispel the look of astonishment that covered your face.
You put on a fake smile and ran into the living room, finding your boyfriend stretching his body. It was clear that he was exhausted, but he was glowing, winning made him feel very good and you admired the Briton's bright eyes.
“Congrats on your victory, Lan!” you jumped into his arms, kissing Lando all over his face as he laughed.
“I wish you were there, honey, but you’d hate the weather… Anyway, how about we have dinner to celebrate?”
“That’s a great idea! Why don’t you take a shower while I get ready?” You gave him a peck on the lips. “I took a shower just before you arrived and I’m already moving our time forward... You know I take a long time to get ready.”
“Ok ok, will it be sad to take a shower without you? Yes, but if it means we won’t be long in getting out, great!” he said playfully and you responded with a light slap on his arm.
“You’re ridiculous, Lando Norris! Go take a shower, you clown!”
He laughed, grabbed his carry-on bag and went to the bathroom. You let out a breath you hadn't even realized you were holding and went to the closet to get ready. Despite being happy for your boyfriend's victory, you didn't have the slightest desire to go out and celebrate anything, but denying dinner would make Lando suspicious. You would take the time of dinner to think about what you would say, the panic gradually subsided, allowing you to think clearly.
You were finishing putting on your makeup when Lando came out of the shower, he still had the towel wrapped around his waist. From the position you were in, you could only hear his footsteps approaching the closet.
“Y/N, what does this mean?” he appeared in your field of vision, holding up one of the pregnancy tests. “Are you pregnant?”
You felt like the ground was disappearing beneath your feet and the earth was swallowing you up. From the look on Lando's face, you wanted the earth to actually swallow you. You'd never been claustrophobic, but that closet looked terrifyingly small.
“Answer me!” he exclaimed, making you jump. “Are you pregnant?”
“Yes! Yes, I’m pregnant!” You shouted back. “I found out today.”
He laughed, there was no humor in his voice, just sarcasm and disbelief. “I should have guessed.”
“W-What are you talking about?” you stuttered, dropping your makeup on the vanity and taking a tentative step towards Lando.
“This whole shit, I should have known that at some point you would do this, who doesn’t want to get pregnant by a Formula One driver, right?” he said furiously and threw the test at your feet.
Reality hit you like a punch. Lando was claiming that you got pregnant on purpose. He thought you were a gold digger.
“Are you suggesting that I wanted to get pregnant on purpose?! Lando, I just graduated! I don’t even work yet, why the hell would I want a child now?” You yelled at him.
“Work?” he laughed wryly, running his hands through his hair. “As if you would think of that, not being supported by my money!”
His every word felt like a stab to your chest.
“I never wanted a penny from you, Lando! I always refused any thing or privilege from you!” you answered him, sitting down. Your body felt heavy, full of tiredness. “I never wanted anything from you but yourself!”
“You’re a fake, a liar like all the others!” he accused you, pointing his finger in your direction. “Get your things and get out of my house, I don't want to know anything about you anymore” he took a deep breath and for you, the rejection was nothing compared to the pain of being called a gold digger, a dowry hunter. That was a hard blow to his dignity.
You threw your clothes on the floor, only the ones you had taken to his house. After dropping all the clothes on the floor, you grabbed some bags to put all your belongings in. At that moment, Lando had already dressed and was standing in the middle of the suite.
“Tell me where you will be staying so I know where to send the child support check.” He demanded and you glared at him, you were just as angry as he was.
“You and your fucking money can rot in hell, Lando. My son and I don’t need you at all, you're dead to me, Norris, completely dead and buried.” you left the room and ignoring his screams.
Lando and his money could go fuck themselves, you never wanted to see him again!
Sorry, I can't see Pastry in this scenario 🫣
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That saying “in the blacksmith’s house, the spit is made of wood” made a lot of sense to you, being a doctor you knew when people were unwell just by looking at them, it was a joke not to have noticed the signs of pregnancy. So imagine how surprised you were to find that not only was your period late, but you were also experiencing frequent nausea and episodes of dizziness.
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Even though getting pregnant wasn't one of your dreams, you were happy, after all, everything in your life was going well: you had a stable job, your finances were going well and your fiancé was great. Even though it wasn't planned, you were already more than excited for the baby's arrival.
You decided to tell Max during his week off, where he would be more relaxed, without the stress of work. Until his week off arrived and you were jumping up and down with anticipation to tell him, you waited for Max to relax enough. You knew he would like it, Max loved kids.
“Honey, I have something to tell you” you took advantage of the fact that he wasn’t playing and sat on his lap.
“Sure, mijn liefje (my love), I’m all ears” he took off his headphones and turned off the monitors, it was always like that when you talked to him, nothing else mattered to Max other than what you said.
“Straight to the point, I’m six weeks pregnant—”
“What do you mean you’re pregnant? That’s not possible, still more than six weeks”
An alert sounded in your mind, was Max really suggesting that you might have cheated on him?
“I was in the middle of a series of races, we barely saw each other during that month” he argued, making the doubts he had even more obvious.
“Max, you can’t be suggesting that!”
“In that case, explain to me how you are pregnant if we weren’t together!”
“Is your memory so bad that you don’t remember that we were together in Spielberg?!” you threw at him, irritated by his distrust. “I spent the entire Austrian GP weekend with you!”
“We had sex once that week, there’s no way that it was that sex that was rewarded with a child!” Max looked increasingly distraught.
“Are you kidding me, Max? I never cheated on you, I barely have time for you, let alone another man!” You were nervous to the point of shaking, you sat back down, trying to keep calm.
“I don’t believe you, Y/N, I’m sure this child’s father is that pediatrician at the hospital!”
“I’m not going to listen to anything else, you’re delusional,” you mumbled, tears blurring your vision.
“You better go away, I don’t want to know anything about you or that child!”
You wiped away your tears, feeling humiliated, hurt and offended.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make a point of letting you know anything about us,” you assured. “I'll send someone to get my things, or leave them at the reception and I'll pick them up later, I don't know!" you put on your shoes and grabbed your bag.
“Be grateful if I don’t throw it away.”
“Whatever Max, do whatever you want, I don’t care” and with that, you slammed the apartment door hard enough to knock the picture of the two of you off the wall.
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snowballseal · 2 days
hihiiii I adoreee your writing, it’s so good! genuinely so fun to read. if it’s not too much trouble, could I possibly request some sylus fluff?
maybe something along the lines of MC craving lots of affection/being a bit clingy towards him and just wanting to be near him after a while of being apart?
absolutely no rush or obligations if this doesn’t exactly pique your interest!! have a lovely day ❤️
Sylus X Reader (LaDS)
Summary: Just a little fic of you and Sylus reuniting after a while apart. You doesn't want to be apart from him and he obliges.
Word Count: 818
Note: Hi anon! I know this isn't super long, but I hope you like it! I love describing how soft Sylus can be for MC, and it felt like a cute, simple piece. I can write something longer if you'd like, just let me know!
The man lets out a low chuckle as you practically throw yourself at him. He catches you with practiced ease, arms wrapping securely around your waist as he spins you around. It’s like one of those cheesy romance flicks, other travelers rushing around you to greet their own waiting families, a bubbly yet tired kind of mirth warming the frigid, fall air.
It had been a month since you’d seen Sylus. A long, grueling, horrible month. While you love your job, you hate the extended training camps you have to attend every few years. Always in the middle of nowhere. Always with limited contact with the outside world. Limited contact with Sylus.
You don’t know how many nights you spent staring at the blank walls of your tiny dorm room, sleep nowhere to be found when all you could think about was how much you missed his touch, his warmth, him. It was like being terribly homesick, and all you wanted was to be back in his arms.
And now you are.
Even when your feet touch the ground again, you don’t want to let go. And neither does Sylus. His arms stay curled around your waist, face tucked against your hair as he pulls you impossibly closer, just breathing you in. You all but melt into his warmth, nuzzling against his chest with a happy, content noise.
“My, my, it seems my little kitten missed me,” he murmurs, low and teasing against your ear. You can practically hear the smirk curling his lips.
“Can you blame me?” You draw back a fraction to pout up at him. Those vermillion eyes glint down at you with a smug amusement, but you don’t mind fanning his ego a little right now. “We barely even got the chance to talk on the phone. It was awful and cold and exhausting. I don’t know why they wanted us training in the north, we were all just a bunch of sad popsicles.”
“Mm, sounds quite tragic,” Sylus hums, the corners of his eyes crinkling ever so slightly. Your theatrics are endearing, and who is he to not play along? Hands tracing slowly up and down your waist, Sylus gives you a look of teasing sympathy, “Poor kitten. Perhaps I should take you home and find a way to warm you up, hm?”
Home. God, you love the sound of that. You’re home. With him. The thought fills your chest with a fluttering sort of excitement.
“Home sounds perfect,” you sigh, nuzzling back into him with an absolutely giddy smile. “Just, don’t let me go, mkay?”
The man softens and for a moment, he’s not Sylus the leader of Onychinus. He’s just Sylus. Your Sylus.
You make him different. You turn him into something soft, something tender, with your love. Like a balm soothing his sharp edges, his harsh nature. He never thought himself capable of such gentleness until he held you, until he felt the plushness of your body in his hands. Even though you are one of Linkon’s most capable hunters, something in him desires to treat you like porcelain, something otherwise vicious and bloody. Like a feral dog, licking your chin, body curved to be small and nonthreatening despite the sharpness of its fangs pressed against your skin.
And you never once flinched. Never once pulled away from his hands, even when his grip would edge on painful, even when his teeth would sink into your skin with a sinful need to possess something so soft, so sweet.
Though, he’ll play nice tonight, seeing as your body curls so tiredly into his, practically all your weight in his arms.
“Alright, sweetie,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple, “I accept your conditions. You won’t have to worry about anything tonight, I’ll take good care of you.”
You hum your approval, though it sounds more like a purr. A smirk dancing across his lips, Sylus leans down and curls an arm under you, lifting you like you weigh nothing. He grabs your bag with his other hand, and starts back towards his motorcycle.
You forget all about the cold that night. Even the soreness in your muscles seems to fade away as you lay curled against Sylus’ side on his couch, a large, fluffy blanket thrown over the both of you, some movie humming quietly in the background.
And Sylus keeps his word. Not once does he let you go. Even when you start to yawn, eyelids heavy with sleep, Sylus simply lays out across the couch and drags you over his body, until you can stretch out like a cat over his chest. He keeps an arm locked around your waist, making sure you won’t fall as you finally, finally give in to the sleep your body so desperately needs.
It’s perfect.
He’s perfect.
And you hope you never have to go on another blasted training mission again.
I'll be real, I think my personal headcannon is that Sylus is like a feral yet loyal dog. I use the comparison a lot, I feel. Like, he can be vicious and wild, but he'd bow for you, he'd get himself killed for you (if he could lol). He would have a loyalty so unwavering, and that's terrifying in a way. But also? Kinda sexy 👀
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moonlight-prose · 1 day
this one from the touch-starved prompt list w logan 😩🫶:
when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine
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don't mind me
a/n: i need you to know this is pure softness and i am swooning at the thought of how sweet it is. logan is such a gentlemen (cue his words in the wolverine about being old fashioned) and just this thought of him being gentle with the reader, but also respectful. i'm dead. i'm also attached af to this dynamic and would be so open to exploring more with these two. i see the logan here as dofp!logan (especially at the end with that shirt).
summary: you refused to admit that you were smitten with the man who melted your otherwise intelligent mind. you were however...horrible with subtlety. luckily the same could be said for him.
pairing: logan howlett x reader
word count: 1k
warnings: none, fluff, logan howlett is a tease, blossoming of a relationship.
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Chaos remained the baseline state when it came to life at the mansion. You couldn't find a way to escape something so natural—a piece of your existence that settled in close to your heart. You liked hearing the children's voices raise in pitch the more excited they got. You liked being showered in hellos as you passed through the halls.
You'd even grown fond of the way you always somehow found yourself stuck in this particular situation. Standing in the kitchen, searching for food, as Logan attempted to make his way through the busy environment.
Few things made you smile the way seeing him in the mornings did. Mussed hair, eyes glazed in partial drowsiness, as he sought for the largest mug tucked in the back of the cabinets. A gag gift from Scott with the claim that the Wolverine needed a cup that could handle him.
(Neither of them would admit it, but the gift remained Logan's favorite piece in the house. A staple in his usual rushed breakfast.)
"Have a nice night?" you asked, attempting to keep your gaze from dropping to his chest.
The white beater he wore never seemed to get old; you absolutely didn't mind seeing him in it at the start of your days.
He grinned, polite and gentlemanly and never anything more. There came days where you wondered if the tension you felt hanging in the air was merely a figment of your imagination. Possibly a delusion to help you cope with such early time slots and late night papers to grade.
"I heard you down here last night."
A grunt rumbled from deep in his chest as he took a sip of coffee large enough to scald his mouth. Screams filtered in through the open doors, quickly followed by a group of kids ready to rummage in the cabinets you both occupied. Which meant your short allotted time with him would soon come to an end, forcing you to pick it up tomorrow morning.
"You want something to eat?" Nodding to the stove with a pan coated in leftover burnt bacon (Scott's attempt at cooking for the kids), you watched Logan's face screw up slightly.
Who could blame him. You wouldn't eat it either.
"Coffee's fine," he mumbled, pouring another helping before small hands were shoving open the door to a variety of cereal. "Gotta get to my class."
You nodded. "History. Right."
He hummed, entirely aware of what occurred inside your chest. How you fidgeted slightly with the watch on your wrist, your eyes unable to remain stuck on his for longer than a few seconds at a time. Logan wasn't an idiot. He understood the tells long before you would dare to admit them out loud.
Clearing your throat, you set your now empty mug in the sink—shifting out of the way to give the students more room. Though the mornings began with enough chaos to keep you on your toes, it was seeing Logan that put you on edge.
The emotions that rifled through your mind mere moments after stepping into his proximity. You began to wonder if there was a way to fix this. Put a stop to how you pined (rather pathetically) over a man who clearly held no interest. You had half a mind to ask Charles for assistance—knowing full well you'd never get over the sheer mortification.
He might laugh—ask if you were in your right mind—but he'd never hold it over you like the others.
But that predicament would have to be settled at a later time. As of two minutes ago...you were late for your first class. The lecture notes were still buried in a stack on your desk; you made a mental note to pick them up on the way.
"Have a good class." Offering a smile, you moved to step out of his way.
Only for the timing (and quite possibly the universe itself) to lead towards you stumbling back from three students barreling towards the kitchen.
His hands latched onto your waist, steadying your movements with a soft grunt, and you tried your best not to choke on your spit. That sound. His touch. You wouldn't make it through the day without those small aspects of him entering your mind—distracting any viable insights you might have had on astronomy as a whole.
Did he have any clue what he did to you?
Or was he merely toying with you on purpose?
Glancing over your shoulder, you caught the small grin that appeared on his face. Barely there yet bright enough to punch a hole right through your chest. He stood tall behind you. A wall you could very well fall into without any worries. That alone left you clutching for some bits of your sanity—whatever remained now sparse enough to be considered laughable.
You tried not to think about the skin you caught small glimpses of in training last week. The sight haunted you for a week—fraying the edges of your mind and turning you to mush. For fucks sake you were a professor. You held enough intelligence to keep Charles Xavier on his toes when wrapped in conversation.
Yet Logan fucking Howlett managed to undo everything that made you the person you were before him now. He muddled what aptitude you had and rendered you entirely dumb.
Some days it left you seething—desperate for a chance to get back at him.
Other days you longed for its familiar warmth.
"You alright there bub?" he rasped, hands still pressed to your hips.
Fighting against your own mind, you plastered a smile on your lips—hoping he might ignore the flutter of your heart. "I'm fine! Thanks for that."
"Have a good day," he replied, his palm brushing the base of your spine as he stepped around you.
Chills clashed with a bewildering heat and curled around your stomach, teasing you with the prospect of his touch somewhere else. You watched his grin deepen, eyes dark with something you'd never before witness from the Wolverine. Want.
"Yeah..." You sucked in a breath, flustered beyond what you could contain in your own body. "You too."
He ducked out towards the hallway long before you had a chance to melt into the floor. A small chuckle resounding in the small confines of the kitchen. Slamming into your chest with enough power to leave you winded.
On your rush to the classroom you finalized your decision.
You'd make that meeting with Charles after all.
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fastandcarlos · 2 days
Whole World On Your Shoulders : ̗̀➛ Lewis Hamilton
summary: with the pressures of his upcoming move weighing down on him, lewis counts on you to reassure him that he's doing the right thing
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Your eyes followed Lewis carefully as he walked through your home, watching him drop his bag with a thud, brushing his hands over his face. You placed your phone down, studying him closely as you noticed the frustration that was evident in his expression. 
“Everything alright?” You asked, offering Lewis a soft smile, only for that to drop when he didn’t return it. Instead, he scuffed his feet on the ground, throwing himself down beside you. 
“I can’t win,” Lewis sighed, feeling your arms quickly wrap around his frame, pulling him into your chest. “I’m doing well with Mercedes but people keep making me feel guilty about leaving. And now I’m winning again, Ferrari are telling me about all these expectations they have for me.” 
“I'm sorry," you whispered, pressing a kiss against Lewis' head as he cuddled himself into your side, desperate for a touch of comfort from your hold. 
Your head rested on top of his, entangling your legs in with his own. “I’ve got so much pressure on my shoulders right now, there’s so many people who I need to try and impress, what if I mess up and just end up disappointing everyone?” 
“That’s not going to happen Lew, you’ve not disappointed anyone in nearly twenty years of racing.” 
It broke your heart seeing how frail Lewis was as he held you, struggling to maintain his composure. For quite some there had been a little bit of pressure, it was only natural for someone who was about to sign with Ferrari, but as contract start came closer, the pressure was only mounting more. 
“What am I supposed to do baby?” Lewis nervously asked you, tilting his head back slightly to try and look up at you. 
His voice sounded as if it was on the verge of desperate, a tone from Lewis that you hadn’t heard for quite some time. He liked to be composed and not let you in whenever he was struggling, but today it seemed as if he had decided that he was going to do the complete opposite. 
“No matter what I do I’m upsetting someone, it’s bitter for Mercedes but a joy for Ferrari that I’m doing well right now,” Lewis continued to huff, “they keep telling me they’re happy for me, but I know they don’t mean it, they don’t want me to go.” 
Your hand brushed gently over the top of his head, “you don’t need to worry about all of them, you need to focus on doing what’s best for you, regardless of who you upset.” 
Lewis hummed in agreement with what you had to say, he’d spent so long working as part of a team, but now his new decision was a selfish one. His career didn’t have much longer left and he wanted to make the choices that would be best for him, not for anyone else. 
The biggest cheerleader for him when making that decision was absolutely you. You’d encouraged him immensely to make the call that was best for him. Whether it was Mercedes or Ferrari, you were going to support him with it regardless. 
“Thank you,” Lewis whispered, “for always being here for me to help me out.” 
You never wanted to be thanked by Lewis, you never expected it from him either. All you did was care, and if you were needed to pick him back up and give him a boost, then you were going to do that without even having to think about it. 
“You know, people would dream about being you,” you told him. 
“They'd be stupid too," Lewis scoffed, "I wouldn’t want anyone to have to work under the pressure that I'm working under. The only reason I manage it most of the time is because I have you here.” 
“I’m nothing to do with this,” you laughed, only for Lewis’ head to shake as you spoke. 
He wished you saw more of the impact you had on him and how helpful all of the little things that you did were for him. “Just you being here means the world love, the feeling of knowing I’m not alone makes such a difference,” he admitted. 
You could feel in Lewis’ hold just how much he wanted, or needed, to have you there. He was terrified of you letting go, the one person who he could always count on leaving him. You didn’t even need to do or say anything, just being there was more than enough for him. 
“I’m incredibly proud of you, I don’t tell you that enough,” you mused. 
Your words were like music to Lewis’ ears, the perfect pick up that he needed. At times it felt like no one was proud of him now, they were disappointed, confused, some even angry, but they didn’t understand Lewis like you did, they didn’t understand why the decision needed to be made. 
“Will you be there at the last few races?” Lewis tentatively asked, taking a tight hold of your hand. “It’s going to be tough, and I’d really love for you to be there, for me.” 
Without even thinking, your head nodded in response to his question. If he was honest, he was terrified of leaving Mercedes, leaving everything that had become so comfortable over the past decade, it was a goodbye that was going to be far from easy. 
“I don’t say it enough, but I really am thankful for all that you do,” Lewis told you once again, “not many people could put up with someone like me.” 
It had its difficulties dating Lewis, you couldn’t deny it, but that was far outweighed by all the positives. You didn’t want the easy life, you enjoyed the challenges, the highs and the lows, all the boring bits and the exciting bits that left you thrilled. 
“I’m going to be right here to ease that weight you’re carrying on your shoulders,” you insisted, “you don’t ever have to worry about carrying it alone.” 
“I know,” Lewis smiled, “that’s what makes us such a good team.” 
You hummed in agreement with Lewis, you two clicked perfectly together, you had such a clear understanding of one another and knew exactly how to be there for the other. 
“I don’t quite know how the next season is going to pan out, I can’t promise that next year will be easy, but I’m still going to be there and putting you first,” Lewis assured you, kissing against the top of your shoulder. “It’s going to be a rollercoaster, but that’s how we like it.” 
“You always promised me life wouldn’t be easy.” 
Relief hit you as a chuckle came from Lewis, “I’ve no doubt it’s going to be amazing, because we’ll be right there together.” 
Ferrari was going to be new to everyone, but you had every confidence that it would work out, if anyone knew how to overcome a challenge, it was definitely Lewis. 
“Try not to worry about everything that’s coming our way,” you whispered, “for once, we’re going to be selfish for a while.” 
Lewis nodded in agreement, “it’s about time that we put ourselves first for a little while, don’t you think?” 
“I couldn’t agree more, we’ve got to be our number ones for once.” 
“Screw what anyone else thinks anyway.” 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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toji-sweetheart · 2 days
𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐞 | 𝐭. 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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synopsis: After your breakup with a long-time boyfriend who decided that stalking is the best way to get back to you it seemed that you needed protection and since you've heard good things about hybrids it was time to go adopt one, you just had no idea it would end up with him being more than just a protector. 
wc: 5.7k
tags: 18+ ONLY content + explicit smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + not beta read + reader has pubic hair + hybrid/modern au + knotting + possessive! toji + stalking + oc! ex-boyfriend who is also fucking crazy and does/says a lot of weird shit
an: idk I hate this slot but I also love it? anyway feedback such as comments and reblogs are highly appreciated, those kind words mean a lot and encourage me to do more writing ♡ - kinktober '24
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Kaji deserved for you to ghost him or break up through a text message for all the things he put you through, and to be honest he probably deserved worse than that, but there was no way you could send the sentence ‘we’re over’ because you knew he’d lie about never getting the text when he did.
It had to be face to face so he wouldn't come back with “but I never read the message” or say that you can't break up with him because why would you? To him, Kaji was perfect with no flaws and you were lucky to be with him. 
It felt like someone held the bottom of a hot frying pan against your nerves burning them completely to a crisp as you got ready with his things packing up the eight-year relationship in a small box. Part of your heart yearned to make it work for him, starting over sounded scary in the new world of dating. 
Too many horror stories you’ve heard from your girlfriends about the dates they went out on only to be stood up after dinner was done and they were left with the bill or the men who said they wanted love but couldn’t stop talking to other women, and can’t forget the men who just want sex. 
Your head throbbed with an oncoming headache that medicine would have to dull later, it was best to get this over and done with instead of letting it drag on.
Above you, you heard your neighbor and the new hybrid they had adopted arguing about a mess they made making you think that you’re glad you didn’t have someone else hanging off your back like that, it wasn’t a new concept to have the half-human, and half animal be your protector or just be added to the family for whatever reason they had. 
It was strange at first to be walking down the street and seeing a human with a collar attached to a leash that their human owner had in their fist, while they are hybrids it was only a few physical features that they inherited, most of the attributes of whatever animal it was they were part of went to their personality. 
More shuffling could be heard then the door opened and shut signaling that he was more than likely taking his dog for a walk, although his pet was a lot taller than him and outweighed him by at least close to seventy-five pounds. 
“I can’t think about them right now.” You mumbled to yourself and looked through your apartment once more to make sure that you grabbed everything because coming back home after telling Kaji you didn’t want to see him ever again only to call and let him know that you had more of his things would be hell. 
You knew he’d try to fight against your subconscious and dig in like he always did to make you second guess yourself thinking that maybe he was a good guy but you knew that he wasn’t. A heavy sigh left your lungs making breathing a bit easier knowing that soon you wouldn’t be under his thumb. 
With the box in the backseat, you got inside and gripped the steering wheel practicing the speech in your head on the way to the restaurant, however, the idea of food made your stomach turn. Five minutes too soon you pulled into the parking lot and sat there for a moment before getting out. 
You knew that Kaji was likely to follow you to your car so you grabbed the box and made sure to set it by his tire once you made sure he was already inside. Taking a deep breath, you headed to the side entrance and saw him in a booth with two drinks waiting by so many people it made your stomach hurt. 
He saw you and waved, his smile dropping once you got closer. It was like he could smell the break up on you. “Hey babe, I’m glad you wanted a date.” 
His voice was once upon a time something you ached to hear, now all you wanted to do was bawl up the napkin and stuff it in his mouth, a thought you would’ve never had until the last two years with him when he showed you his true colors, the man you had fell in love with was no longer around. 
Was he there to begin with? 
Without even knowing it Kaji turned you into a mindless doll to play with, contorting your life to fit his like a puzzle piece, but no longer would he get to do so. You were beyond tired of the fighting, the silly and petty arguments and him coming home late at night or not at all leaving you home alone. 
Deep down you knew you deserved better, it’s just eight years is a long time to spend with someone but you somewhere down the line you checked out of the relationship a while ago. 
“It’s not a date Kaji, I’m here to break up with you, we can’t keep going at this and I’m done with you.” Your sentence came out rushed and tears pricked at your eyes, a burning sensation filled your head as you sighed. 
It wasn’t supposed to be spilled out like this, you wanted to sit down and explain why you couldn’t be with him but maybe this was better. 
He blinked trying to take in what you said while cocking his head to the side much like a dog would. “You’re breaking up with me after everything I’ve done for your ungrateful ass?” He hissed, spittle forming in the corner of his lips turning them white like rabies. 
Your face twisted in anger and embarrassment feeling heat rise. 
“I am, and you haven’t done nothing but drag me down to the pits of hell.” 
Kaji’s eyes burned with anger and something else that made your skin prickle with fear, the hair on your arms stood at attention as dread wrapped its icy fingers around your spine. He stood from his seat now cool as a cucumber. “Fine, but don’t come running back to me when you can’t find anyone new.” 
The whole situation left you paralyzed for a moment then you realized you never even sat down, and as you did you replayed how Kaji flipped like a dime, one moment he looked broken and sad then he was beyond pissed. 
Everyone watched as he stormed out taking the emotional storm with him. Once he was gone you sat down and ordered water to dry your mouth, it felt surreal that you were single after such a long time. 
You waited for ten more minutes in hopes that he wasn’t waiting in his car before venturing back outside in the cool air, the October wind wrapped you in cool arms as the scent of falling leaves and the strong smell of coffee followed you out the door as you leaned against the building with a sigh. 
Quickly you peaked your head around the wall to make sure Kaji wasn’t there and when you didn’t see his car you made a beeline to yours and got in with a rapid heartbeat as sweat dotted your hairline even though it wasn’t hot out enough for that to happen. He had that effect on you, it was a curse. 
On the drive home you had hoped Kaji wasn’t waiting there for you, the absence of his car relaxed your muscles that you didn’t know were so tight from having them tensed for so long, it was almost painful when you did so. 
Over the last two years, Kaji loved to play mental games having you walk on eggshells around him so you were always on edge for a long time, darting his moods wondering when it would end and why you couldn’t leave him.  
If one of them broke then it was hell on earth and World War Three would happen inside your apartment but it was a silent battle, he wouldn’t yell or raise his voice like he did today, it was all about the warfare inside your head that made him smile while playing his favorite game, him as the victim. 
Truly he belonged locked up, not able to meet or date anyone else. 
After another sweep of the parking lot you bolted out of your car and raced upstairs with a pounding heart thankful that you could relax now with him out of your life and apartment it felt like you could take a deep breath and not worry or not if that would upset him. 
Your peace did not last long, however. 
Two days after the cafe scene your mailbox was filled with letters upon letters from Kaji writing in graphic detail about the sexcapades you two had while dating, some were soft and sweet but the others made sure to highlight the pleasure he gave you and the hold he has on you for making you cum. 
It was something you could ignore because he didn’t have that hold over you anymore and it provided paper that could burn in your fireplace, although you weren’t sure when he came by to drop them off, and you were certain he used his cum to seal the envelope. 
As days passed Kaji’s insanity seemed to slope off a bit, the letters would still come and some held a few pictures of you sleeping which were promptly ripped up and tossed in the fire to be forgotten. 
Out of the eight years you were together you were sure Kaji never showed any signs of being unhinged until the last two, that’s when his mask slipped a bit to reveal the soulless creature that he was. Part of you wanted to be angry at yourself for not seeing it but you were so in love with him it didn’t matter. 
By the end of the week, you were ready to stay in and relax, you had declined any invites out with your friends seeing that you spent time with them this week for dinner where you explained what it was that was happening. 
They already knew because Kaji got a hold of them, each got a single message claiming that you were cheating on him and the person he chose was funny, his father who happened to be dead but they didn’t know that and after you explained that he was no longer here their faces twisted in disgust. 
To lie about something like that is beyond soulless. 
Now it was Friday night, a thunderstorm was rolling in and you had plans to stay inside, eat some candy, and watch the reruns of horror movies while snuggled up in a blanket, to have some alone time after being with Kaji you felt excitement bubble in your veins as you gathered everything for the evening. 
A loud clap of thunder sent the hulking hybrid upstairs in a frenzy and the rest of them that resided in the apartment building. Rain dumped down from the sky with lightning and strong winds that dimmed your electricity. 
Your TV flickered a few times as you settled on the couch with your favorite blanket wrapped around your shoulders, the soft glow from the screen was the only light you had on and when the storm knocked the power out your whole place was blanketed with a darkness that made your nerves jump. 
Being alone in a storm isn’t what made you scared, but knowing that Kaji could be around put fear into you as you grabbed your cell phone to use as a flashlight before making your way around the place in search of candles. 
Midshuffling in your drawer a loud knock scared you causing your phone to crash to the floor illuminating the ceiling. Pure terror gripped you as you glanced behind your shoulder sure you were going to see someone there. 
It was impossible you knew but thanks to the horror movie it felt like it. 
Another knock made you tense up, it was a familiar pattern. Kaji. 
Of course, he’d show up in the storm. 
Timidly you made your way to the door and looked through the peephole sure enough to see your ex-boyfriend standing there drenched from the rain as was the bouquet he had, the flowers had wilted from the impact of the storm. 
“I know you’re looking at me. Let me in, I want to talk.” His voice was low and controlled, edged with something that made you nervous. 
It was a demand as his hand wrapped around the knob jiggling it. “I’m not letting you in Kaji, you need to leave right now.” You hissed, irritated with him ruining your plans for the evening. 
Kaji barked out a laugh and leaned his arm against the door to press his eye on the peephole. “Do you have another man in there?” He asked through gritted teeth as he kicked the door making it rattle. 
You took a step back and gasped as fear filled your entire being. 
With no weapon nearby you decided to call the police until you heard Kaji grumble something and leave the flowers by your door. You made sure he was gone before scurrying straight to each window making sure each one was locked before getting into bed until the sun rose bathing your room. 
Despite not wanting to take care of someone else you found yourself scrolling on the most popular adoption sites for hybrids, ones that were dropped off or found roaming the street and according to the law they had to have an owner. 
Your eyes scanned the dog pages, all of them filled with breeds that wouldn’t give you the protection you wanted until you came across Toji Zenin.  
A tall man with broad shoulders, black shaggy hair that blended in with his floppy furry ears, and a scar that hinted at something more than words could ever tell. You read his bio and looked through the photos knowing he could tear Kaji to shreds if needed. 
He was perfect. 
It felt wrong to adopt a hybrid just for this reason but he also stated in his about me section that he wanted a home where he could be left alone which is perfect for you for a lot of reasons and he could take the couch. 
After filling out the application and sending it in you decided on a shower thankful that the power came on. Last night played like a horror movie in your head as you got dressed to leave when you were greeted by a box placed by your front door. 
Skeptically you nudged it with your foot and decided against opening it until you came back, there was no name on it but you knew it was Kaji who dropped it off, not sure when, just like a cockroach he didn’t show himself during the daylight hours because that meant you’d catch him. 
Your mind was fuzzy as you shopped for things on your list when your phone beeped with an email saying you were approved for adoption, followed by the number to call and confirm an appointment to meet Toji first before anything. 
Once approved they still wanted to make sure that you and the hybrid got along so they didn’t have to make extra room if they were brought back. 
You hurried your shopping hoping against all the odds that you and Toji could at least stand being in the same room. With everything packed away in your trunk, you headed to the hybrid society all but flooring it hoping that you could take him tonight. 
When you arrived you made your way to the front desk with a small smile as the woman behind the computer looked up with a pinched face until she saw you. “Please tell me you’re here for Toji Zenin.” She begged pushing herself away from the desk to walk around it and stand in front of you. 
Your smile dropped as she took note of it before explaining. “Oh! Nothing is wrong with him I promise, just the others are scared of him and they refuse to do anything with him around.” She guided you down the hallway lined with doors where the hybrids lived in separate rooms.
It felt almost like a cruel jail. 
“I am yes, and what do you mean they’re scared of him?” You asked peeking into the room where Toji stood in the middle, a black collar wrapped around his neck as he caught sight of you, and his lips curled into a smile. 
“Is this my meal ticket out of here?” He asked, his voice reminded you of a smooth whiskey that left you feeling warm. The woman glanced at you and nodded before gently nudging you into the room where she stood by the door watching the man walk closer to lean in and sniff you. 
His nostrils flared and your eyes met briefly and you felt a tug of something deep in your chest, he was everything you were looking for in a hybrid. “I am.” 
Toji shrugged and held your gaze with a smile. “Cute. I’m ready to go home then.” 
You turned to the woman and gestured to the hallway before following her. 
She sagged against the wall thinking about wrapping you in a tight hug for making her job a lot easier. “I’ll need you to sign some forms and you can take him home.” With that you waved your hand at Toji and walked to the front desk with him trailing behind, his eyes scanning you. 
Once the papers were signed you turned to Toji unsure what to say or do so you headed to your car where you took his collar off. “You’re still human, but I need your protection.” You explained and let him get in on the passenger's side. 
“I don’t plan on sticking around anyway. What do you need protection from? A nasty boyfriend?” He asked not giving you another glance as you felt your blood thicken with irritation while he trifled through your things in the glove department. 
You stayed silent for a moment and sighed trying not to take notice that Toji was huge, filling up your car and pressing down on you, his scent was musky with a hint of something woodsy. “I adopted you, if you run away I’ll call the pound and they’ll come get you and then you will never be adopted.” 
It was a cheap blow, you knew and so did Toji. 
Steely green eyes met yours when you stopped at a stoplight. “Please? He tried to break down my door. I don't want him near me.” You begged a soft whine as you held his gaze gripping the steering wheel. 
His ears twitched as he nodded feeling himself soften for his new owner, even though your little threat he could tell you were desperate, and since you busted him out of that hellhole this was the least he could do and it had to be better than listening to the others cry. 
“Thank you, I won't mention what else he's done.” 
Out of habit, you skimmed the parking lot looking for his car while getting out. Toji followed after then made sure to stay close as you guided him to your place aware of his presence that put you at ease, even though you didn’t want another person to take care of it seemed that Toji didn’t like it either. 
With the door shut you let a deep sigh out and kicked your shoes off. “I haven’t had a chance to prepare for your stay, but my couch is nice and you can sleep there, and help yourself to any food.” You told him showing him around watching as his black shaggy tail wagged back and forth a bit. 
You nodded and moved to the kitchen to make something to eat as Toji followed and sat down at the counter. “What does your ex look like?” He asked wanting to know who to look for. 
He listened to you speak about Kaji, the disdain for the man evident in your tone as you described the last eight years, but mainly you focused on the last two when he changed turning you into a different person as well. 
“During that storm, he came to my place and I thought he was going to kick my door down and to be honest I didn’t want to adopt a hybrid because you are all still humans that happened to be affected by a science lab explosion which was no fault of your own.” 
Toji almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A lot of people thought the opposite of you, they always looked down at the humans who had to experience an unfortunate event that changed the trajectory of their lives. 
You went on for another hour even as you both ate and clicked like two puzzle pieces, he went even as far as to make you laugh and helped you clean up. “I'm sorry for what I said earlier, you know about calling the pound, I can admit I’m desperate.” You admitted as the last bit of the dishes were put up. 
Despite your wariness at first about the whole thing, you were glad to have him here and his presence, one that didn’t make you feel like suffocating. 
Toji leaned against the counter crossing thick and bulging arms over his chest. “I know, I can smell it on you.” He murmured and pulled away to walk to the front door where he dropped his bag before heading to your bedroom. 
After a few moments, you finally followed after Toji only to catch him taking his shirt off, his muscles rippled as he stuffed it in your hamper before pulling a pair of your shorts out to eye it before pressing the fabric against his nose. 
You watched as he inhaled your musk deeply with a soft growl. 
A burning started deep in the pit of your gut as you watched him, it should make you feel angry that a stranger was sniffing your clothes but something about it made your blood simmer with heat. 
He heard you shift your weight and put the fabric down before you came in. “I got the couch made up, if you need anything just come and knock.”  
Once you were dressed and ready for bed you slid under the covers thinking about the last twenty-four hours and how your life has played out from breaking up with Kaji to bringing a hybrid home. 
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“Morning, are you hungry?” You asked looking up from your phone when Toji came into the kitchen the next day, his hair was a ruffled mess and his shirt was rumpled. He shook his head and took a seat on the barstool.
“Okay, well I have to go to work today, do you mind walking me there? It’s less than ten minutes away so I don’t drive, no point and it saves on gas.” You asked hoping he would say yes, walking alone was never fun at night. 
He scratched at his ear and looked at you, his expression unreadable. “Not a problem, let me use the bathroom then we can go.” 
All you could do was nod and wait for him to do what he needed before you got ready yourself, grateful for Toji. 
An hour later you were behind the counter selling convenience store items making enough money to just scrape by and that was hardly as is. 
You wondered if Toji would get one to help with bills, hybrids weren’t exempt from having jobs.
The time trickled by like sand in a timer stuck in slow motion and the more you watched the hand on the clock the slower it seemed to go, that was until it was reaching dusk and the store was desolate at this time then the door chimed as you mopped the aisle and looked up to greet the customer. 
Your smile faded and your heart thumped in your chest as you stared at Kaji who leaned against a rack. “What’s with the long face baby? Aren’t you happy to see me?” He asked with a faux pout as he tilted his head to the side. 
“Why would I be happy to see you? You’re nothing but a roach who ruined my life, now you need to leave.” You hissed gripping the mop handle and glaring at him. Kaji dared to take a step forward when the door opened again. 
Due to his stature, you could see Toji’s face, his lips set in a grim line as he sensed the tension in the air, and his ears were flat against his inky silky strands indicating he was on the verge of turning aggressive toward Kaji. 
Before you had a chance to say anything else your protector stood next to you, one thick arm wrapped around your waist in a possessive hold as he dipped down to place a wet kiss on your lips making you flustered as ever. 
Kaji watched dumbfounded as he took in the scene. “You’re fucking someone else already? Makes sense, a bitch would seek out another.” He spit hot white rage at you, the flecks of anger sizzling into your flesh as you tossed the mop down and stepped forward with a bout of courage to slap Kaji. 
You leveled your gaze with him and poked his chest. “You are the world's biggest asshole, and you deserve-” Before you could say or do anything else, Toji wrapped his arm around your waist and tugged you back growling at Kaji. 
“This isn’t over, you think just because you adopted a stupid hybrid to fuck that you’re not mine, you will always belong to me.” He whispered looking down at you, the blue eyes you once loved were now filled with a burning hate. 
You and Toji watched him leave the store taking the cloud of anger with him. “What a piece of work. I can’t believe I stayed that long with him.” You sighed and picked up the mop before looking at Toji unsure what to say or do.
You could still feel his lips on yours, his arm around you waist.  
“Thank you for protecting me.” You told him with a grateful smile after a long beat of silence. 
He shrugged his broad shoulders and grabbed a few random things. “It’s my job and that guy is more than just a piece of work. He’s an asshole.” 
You couldn’t agree more. 
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Over the next few weeks, you and Toji fell into a routine of him walking you to and from work and hanging out. He still slept on the couch to keep you safe and sound in case Kaji returned during the middle of the night. 
Tuesday evening brought another heavy storm in, splitting trees in the middle, branches flying everywhere with the rain's downpour and thunder and lightning. You were reminded of Kaji trying to break in a bit ago. 
Now you were settled on the couch with Toji, your head resting on his arm. “Watching scary movies isn’t the best idea, especially ones with stalkers.” He pointed out, his eyes shifted toward you as you shrugged. 
“Horror movies are my favorite, and you’re here now so I don’t have to worry.” Toji could hear the genuine gratefulness you felt for him and his protection. 
Without thinking about it he slung an arm around you and let you move to crawl in his lap. He held you tightly nosing your neck inhaling deeply making you shift feeling his hard cock that felt thick. “Toji..” You breathed softly. 
“What do you need?” He asked cupping the back of your head. 
That’s all it took for him to lean in closing the distance to press his lips against yours in a soft kiss that grew needy once his tongue parted the seam of your lips, you tasted like hot chocolate and marshmallows, sweet and warm. 
He licked into your mouth with a soft growl letting you situate yourself to face him while you wrapped your arms around his neck subtly grinding back and forth feeling a tinge of frustration from not being able to get the friction you needed. 
His large palms smoothed up and down your body then under your shirt where his fingers brushed along your breast before taking it in his hand to give it a squeeze before playing with your nipples making you moan. 
Your pussy now had a frantic heartbeat in your clit making it throb. Pulling back you tugged your shirt off and got off his lap to remove the rest of your clothes slowly but surely giving him a teasing view of everything. 
Turning around to face the TV, you bent at the waist and pulled your panties off hearing him exhale followed by a low groan. Toji’s mind was now focused on one thing, again without thinking he pushed you forward on the plush carpet. 
“Hey! Warn me next time!” You scolded him thankful that it wasn’t a hard push or anything but a warning would be nice. 
Toji didn’t answer, instead, his hands were on the globes of your ass kneading them watching your pussy split apart, slick like sap strung from your lips making his mouth water. Leaning forward he licked a wide stripe from your slit all the way to your clit where he swirlred the tip of his tongue against the nub. 
Your arousal collected in your pubic hair that tickled his lips as he ate you out, downright moaning at how good you tasted, groaning and growling as he lapped at you with slow measured licks that made you shiver. 
You curled your fingers into your palm as he made out with your cunt so sloppily spreading his spit everywhere while making sure to hit all the spots he discovered you like then his fingers prodded at your slick entrance. 
Slowly he pushed two of them inside making you whine and buck your hips trying to get more. “Greedy aren’t we?” Toji husked pulling back while keeping his fingers knuckle deep in you. 
“Please don’t stop.” You begged turning to look at him with glassy eyes as you wiggled your hips like your cunt was a bone for him. His cock twitched in his soft pj pants when a loud crack of thunder shut the lights off again bathing the room in complete darkness. 
Toji took the opportunity and leaned back in to kiss your pussy while his fingers curled to rub your g-spot making it feel like your body took a screenshot as he suckled on your clit making you squeal and push back. 
Having him behind you like this in the darkness made it more exciting and soon you were panting like a dog in heat wanting to feel him. “Fuck me please!” You cried with your face smooshed in the plush carpet. 
He wasn’t one to argue or tease anymore, not when it felt like his dick was going to burst. It’s been too long since he’s been with anyone he forgot what it was like. Sitting up on his knees still, Toji fisted the base of himself wishing the lights were on so he could see how your pussy looked taking him. 
You could feel him breaching your wet slit before pushing in slowly then pulling out a few times letting you get used to him then he bottomed out making you moan. He wrapped his arms around your waist mounting you as he began a slow pace. 
With how thick Toji is, it was all you could focus on, and the fact that he was pinching your clit between his fingers while fucking you with deep strokes that made your head fuzzy with bliss that washed over you in warm waves. 
Each roll of his hips had you grasping at the carpet wanting to push back more into him or pull away, Toji was thick and long filling you in ways you never thought was possible. He felt too good inside you, something you could get addicted to.
Toji moved to lay his feet flat on the floor to mount you more. 
His breathing was ragged and hot against your ear as he nipped the lobe feeling his orgasm already, ripe like a peach that he wasn’t ready to pluck just yet. He wanted to make sure you came first. “Cum for me.” He rasped. 
Another stroke of his fingers against your clit you fell apart in his arms panting and slurring your words when you felt something swell inside you making you buck your hips. “Shh, I’m knotting you and making you all mine,” Toji assured you with a kiss on your shoulder riding out his high knowing you two would stuck like this for a while. 
Heavy breathing filled the room followed by a knock on your door. You attempted to pull away from Toji in order to get dressed but his knot wouldn’t let you, he was nestled deep inside and refused to let go. 
“We’re going to be like this for a while and it’s your stupid ex knocking, I can smell his stench.” 
You sighed and melted in Toji’s arms as he kept you snug against him, his chest pressed to your back feeling you take a breath each time inhaling Toji’s scent, committing it to memory. 
After thirty minutes of enjoying the afterglow he pulled out leaving you to feel completely empty making you whine softly. 
He couldn’t see the cum dripping from your leaking pussy but he felt the thick warmth of it and pushed it back in you with his pointer finger before standing and helping you to your feet catching you when your knees gave way. 
“I think he left, and now I think we should move where he can’t find me.” You sighed and turned in Toji’s arms to press your face into him thankful that you have him with you while feeling stuffed full of his cum that leaked down your thighs. 
Toji helped you clean up the best he could before letting you guide him to your bedroom. “Sleep with me.” You told him with a smile. 
Who is he to disagree? 
feedback such as comments and reblogs are highly appreciated, those kind words mean a lot and encourage me to do more writing ♡
tagging: @mcharris747 + @l0v3m3-p13as3 + @actuallysaiyan + @snugglyshoji
259 notes · View notes
1d1195 · 3 days
Honey VII
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Read Honey here | ~6.2k words
From me: I just want Harry to be jealous literally all the time. I'm sorry that's so toxic. I know Cece has aged like two months in a very short frame. But we're gonna slow time down a little. Only a few days are passing (if any) right now.
Warnings: angst - some more Miss Honey trauma, pining (both parties), fluff and some MORE angst
Summary: “Say bye, bye Daddy,” she whispered to her and kissed the top of her head. “Say bye, bye,” she repeated. Cece just giggled making her heart fill to the brim with love.
“Bye Miss Honey,” he hummed and hung up. “Well, Cece,” she turned the little one toward her and held her out in front of her before bringing her close. “I don’t know about you, but I think Daddy needs a pick-me-up."
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It was incredibly awkward for the next three days.
The weather was still crummy. The power continued to go out at random intervals. Harry had been working nonstop, coming home to see his baby before she went to bed but then getting right back to work in his home office. His goal was to make it so that when he took his leave, he wouldn’t have to do anything extra outside of the days he was going to go in. He decided he would have to go to work two days a week. Which days were best was still something he was figuring out.
Regardless, Miss Honey was leaving for the first two weeks of his leave, in which he would have uninterrupted Cece time. While that was grand, he was already dreading the days without her around as well.
He hoped the days he was home with her and Miss Cece were the days he was going to make her fall in love. Make him trust her. Make her believe that he loved her for her and not what she did.
How the fuck was he going to do that?
The awkwardness was most palpable when he got home from work. Mostly because she didn’t change a single thing about her routine. Dinner smelled delicious. The house was always clean, his laundry was folded. He found Cece and her giggling on the floor as they played with her toys.
All he wanted to do was kiss her and thank her for doing those things and being herself.
Then he wanted to strip her in the middle of the kitchen and enjoy her body like it was a meal she prepared especially for him.
But instead, he gave her space. He didn’t beg her to sit around and watch TV with him. She went to the basement and ran on the treadmill. When the pipes whined from her shower, Harry wondered if it was normal for him to be jealous of a shampoo bottle that got to see her naked form. Instead, he thanked her for dinner and asked how her day was. He tried not to think about how pretty she looked coming on his couch and how her smile made him feel like he had won a trophy.
They didn’t talk about their night together.
Even though it was just about the only thing he thought about when he was alone and not actively worrying about Cece. It was definitely the only thing he had been dreaming about.
Hopefully, when he took his leave, and she returned from her trip he could convince her that this wasn’t some one-off. This was something he was very serious about.
Having sex with Harry was simultaneously the most wonderful thing she had ever experienced and also the dumbest thing she had ever done.
Whoever settled down with him was a lucky lady. She already envied the blissful feeling that woman would experience probably on the daily. It made his heart skip a beat. She was an idiot, fucking her boss. Who did that?
When she woke up holding the little baby that she loved wrapped in the arms of a man who made her feel... good and cared for... All the thoughts of her first nanny family came rushing back. It terrified her and made her spiral. This was almost worse in some ways. At least last time she wasn’t painfully aware of how attractive her boss was.
Harry was right, she didn’t talk to her best friend very often. But Eliza was a busy woman, and this was an idiotic thing to do. It seemed silly to bother her when she didn’t even know what she was doing. But she texted her anyway. It was probably a phone call worthy conversation, but she wasn’t sure she could have it without giving up part way through.
I slept with Harry🤦‍♀️
Eliza. Seriously.
Was it good?
Oh who am I kidding, I’ve seen pics of him of course it was good. Wow I’m getting tingly for you.
I’m just want to make sure I understand. He’s hot as fuck, babe. Good for you.
No. Not good. That was stupid. I just complicated my career.
Did you force him?
No of course not!
So what are you worried about? You OBVIOUSLY like him
...Tell me it’s not obvious please.
I mean... It’s obvious to me. But that’s only because he’s so goddamn hot
You are supposed to be helping me!
I AM helping you
Do you think he didn’t like it or something?
Oh, sweet Jesus. She hadn’t even thought of that. I think I have to end it.
What your job?
No my life 😭
Oh, for the love of God 🙄 You’re a grown woman and you slept with your boss. So has almost a third of the country has too.
Not helping.
Her phone rang with a FaceTime call. Eliza looked like she was at her house. Hopefully alone. She didn’t need her husband knowing all the details of her epic fuck up. “What do you want out of this?” She asked. Eliza was her extraverted, bold, wonderful friend. She was the one that dragged her to parties and was the dad-friend to their group. They were a team, and it was nice to have her. She got right to the point. Hence her congratulatory text. She perched the phone on the floor, resting it against the bottom of the entertainment center while Cece rolled on the floor. “Oh hello,” Eliza cooed. “Cece, you are so precious,” her face looked on with adoration a faux frown pulling her lips down.
She smiled proudly, unable to keep it in. Like Cece was hers which only made things worse. It was like her first nanny family but worse. Maybe it was because her second family didn’t have little babies, just children. She had been with Cece for extremely formative months, helping the little baby discover the world. The last time she was around a baby for these formative months, she became too attached. What if something happened down the line where she and Harry were something and then weren’t? It wasn’t like last time.
Her whole life was wrapped up in Cece and it had been hardly any time at all.
“Eliza,” she whispered, her throat catching on her name as tears overwhelmed her. “I love Cece. So much.”
“So tell Harry,” she said softly. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you on FaceTime, he adores you.”
She bit the inside of her cheek. “What if...”
“It’s not like last time,” Eliza finished already knowing where her spiral was going. She swallowed and looked away from the screen locking eyes with the sweet baby who babbled nonsense and giggled about her feet. “Babe?” She asked. “It’s not like last time. You know that, right? Harry appreciates your opinion. He wants you there. He is kind and thankful to have you. He wants you there. But he wants to be there too.”
She nodded. “I know.”
“He would let you love her completely.”
“If her mom was alive,” she whispered.
“Then you wouldn’t have met him, okay? Don’t... don’t do that. This is different. This is something good that you deserve. You love Cece. You love Harry. And quite frankly? You were going to love whatever baby was lucky enough to have you in their life so it may as well be Harry. I get why you got so worked up over Tucker,” she said. She flinched hearing his name. Her sweet little friend. “This is different. You’re lucky, of course. Harry adores you. You could have this. It wouldn’t be selfish. He’s nothing like Cody thank fuck.”
She smirked and watched Cece she rolled onto her tummy and then pushed herself towards her. “Cece!” She shrieked.
“What?!” Eliza asked, alarm falling over her face.
“She crawled!” She gasped. “Oh, my goodness, Eliza, I have to call Harry, I’m sorry!”
She didn’t even say goodbye before she hung up and called Harry. She never called him so she should have realized he probably would have answered immediately—worry etched on his perfect features. “Hi, love is every—”
“C’mere Cece! Show Daddy what you just did!” She cooed and held the phone out at Cece’s eye level turning so it was in a selfie position pointed at her. Cece scooted toward her (and Harry) again and her hand went to her throat.
“Oh, my sweet girl,” Harry praised. “Look at you, baby,” his voice was so soft and happy. “No solid food, but you’re going t’crawl, hmm? Jus’ determined t’make me sad with y’growing up,” his voice was a little forlorn. But he was happy and proud. She was glad she couldn’t see him, she would probably cry. She wiped the corner of her eye, as it was. Cece giggled rolling onto her back as she got close to the phone.  Harry chuckled. “Thank you, love. That was really nice t’see,” she turned the phone back to her. When she answered she didn’t see Harry’s face. He was in his office, the sunlight hitting his face and hair so perfectly. His dimple and smile made her melt. The adoration was plain on his face. “M’not having a very good day,” he admitted. “I was nervous t’see y’calling. But that was... that was really nice.”
She grinned shyly. “Of course. I wanted you to see it.”
“Thank you,” he repeated. “I think m’going t’be late,” his beautiful smile turned into an exhausted, frustrated frown. “Y’don’t have t’leave any food out or anything,” he said. “I’ll order something here later,” he assured her.
But she knew he would forget. Because she texted Niall to make sure he ate lunch or dinner or whatever you called the half-assed meal he sometimes ate between lunch and dinner time. Most days Niall said he didn’t. “If you’re sure,” she said quietly. “I don’t mind.”
“I know, kitten,” he had been using kitten now that he had made her come three times in one night. It made her heart flutter. Made her feel flushed and happy. “Thank you,” he hummed. “If...if you go t’bed before I get home, I hope y’have a nice night and sleep well.” Her heart felt achy knowing he was having a bad day. “Can y’show me Cece again? I want t’say goodnight t’her,” he smiled, unaffected by his bad day with the thought of his sweet girl. She scooped up the little babe into her arms who was crawling into her lap at that point without her even noticing in because she was so focused on Harry’s worry.
“Good night, my love,” he smiled. “I love you so, so much. Be good for Miss Honey,” he winked and waved at her.
“Say bye, bye Daddy,” she whispered to her and kissed the top of her head. “Say bye, bye,” she repeated. Cece just giggled making her heart fill to the brim with love.
“Bye Miss Honey,” he hummed and hung up.
“Well, Cece,” she turned the little one toward her and held her out in front of her before bringing her close. “I don’t know about you, but I think Daddy needs a pick-me-up,” she stood from the floor and headed for Cece’s room to get her belongings and change her before she attempted to make Harry’s day better.
Niall invited himself into Harry’s office while he was eating lunch. His sticky note with his name and a heart in her handwriting was pressed on the collar of his shirt like a badge of honor. “Hey,” he smiled. Harry’s eyes narrowed at the thoughtfulness of her sending lunch to Niall. He hated that they chatted. Hated that she laughed at his text messages.
Because Harry was jealous. Extremely, completely jealous and felt it was unfair she could talk so breezily with Niall and walked on eggshells around him. “She doesn’t like me,” Harry grumbled and continued looking through the documents on his desk and all the meetings and schedules.
“I doubt that’s true.”
“Oh?” Harry raised his eyebrows. “You and your new best friend talk ‘bout me?” Curiosity was in his voice but so was his unwavering envy.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous,” Niall grinned. “Are you jealous of her or me?” He asked. Harry kept his eyes on his work again. “Don’t worry Harry, I’ll always be your best friend.”
“If you caught on fire, I wouldn’t help,” he grumbled.
Niall put a hand over his heart. “So sweet,” he smiled. “Why do you think she doesn’t like you?”
Harry sighed and ran a hand over his face and glanced at his open door behind him. Niall shut it with a kick of his foot and then sat in the chair across from Harry. Then Harry began pacing. Running a hand through his hair as he explained all the sweet things she did and the power outage (he mentioned but glossed over the things he did to her body). Niall didn’t even flinch. Unsurprised and simply kept eating his meal. When Harry finished rambling, he smiled, delight in his eyes. Then his expression softened at his friend. Because the teasing, while hilarious, wasn’t so funny at the moment. Harry didn’t just like her. He didn’t just enjoy her personality or even her body.
“You love her.”
Harry dropped to his own chair and laid his head on his desk ignoring what Niall said. He couldn’t love her already. Right? But maybe Niall, with an outside view, knew more than he did. “Niall, she’s gorgeous, funny, sweet, and she’s probably the smartest person I know,” he swallowed. “How can she think I only like her for the stuff she does?” he asked.
“Maybe because that’s all anyone has loved her for in her mind?” Harry frowned knowing that he was probably right about that too. She said just as much. “Do you love her for only the stuff she does?”
“Of course not!” Harry grumbled. He frowned and ignored the fact that Niall said love again. “S’kind she cares so much. She doesn’t want t’be noticed; s’not t’say she’s helpful. She just is. But it’s the only thing I notice. Maybe people only loved her in the past because of the things she did but I love why she does it,” he didn’t even pause to think about the L-word. “She jus’ genuinely loves the people in her life. S’probably her love language or something,” he shrugged.
Harry and Niall talked about a lot of stuff together. They discussed their business, golfing techniques, music, new restaurants, girls, and sex. They gushed about their families and even video games.
Talking about how he felt about someone so lovely was new to Harry. He had been in love before—or so he thought. This was different. She was different. Niall could see it. It wasn’t anything in particular. It was just her.
Harry swallowed. “She probably thinks she’s convenient,” he murmured.
“I mean...” Niall shrugged. “She is, isn’t she?”
Harry scowled. “Whose side are y’on? You’re supposed t’be my friend.”
Niall shrugged with a smirk. “I am. It’s just... you’re thinking about how you feel. Not the way she feels.”
“She’s not convenient,” he repeated.
“Harry, she is your nanny, and she does... everything,”
Harry frowned. “Did she say something t’you?” Harry was going to unceremoniously gouge a paperclip in his eye if he made her feel less than.
“I had no idea you had sex with her, if that’s what you’re asking. Can’t wait to Lord that over her for another three months’ worth of lunches.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “I know I’m stuck with you. Why is she friends with you?”
“Oh, we just bond about how much we love you, Harry,” he winked.
Harry’s phone beeped with his secretary at the other end before he could respond to his friend. “Mr. Styles, are you in a meeting?” He asked.
Harry liked Stephen well enough. He was well aware of the procedure for his daughter and Miss Honey. He was organized, punctual, and good at his job. He liked to golf like Niall and enjoyed chatting with Harry about music. He fit in well and it seemed like a great addition to his office. Especially after it took several weeks of temp people to find the right fit after he fired the incompetent woman he had before.
“No, Stephen. Jus’ talking with Niall. S’matter?” Harry gathered the papers he was reading in his hands prepared to pause his conversation with Niall, regardless, so he could get home at a semi-reasonable hour. Which was already going to be hours later than he wanted.
“Please don’t fire me, Mr. Styles, but your nanny is really gorgeous. And she’s here, asking to see you,” Stephen had a smile in his voice.
“Oh man, poor kid is toast,” Niall chuckled as Harry wrinkled the papers in his hand.
“She said your door was closed and didn’t want to disturb you, so she let me know. She’s in the break room with your daughter... is she single? Holy shit, I swear I’m blushing.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Harry growled. “Can’t have a woman because she’s jealous of her, can’t have a man because he’s obsessed with her,” he rubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath before he did something insane like smashed the button on the phone to answer Stephen. “Please refrain from drooling over her, Stephen,” Harry’s voice was clipped. Niall snickered. He put the lid on his Tupperware and left it on Harry’s desk for him to take home so that it could be refilled with her next yummy creation. He watched the agony on Harry’s face as he listened to Stephen talk about the girl he adored so much.
“I’m trying not to, but holy shit,” Harry knew all the inappropriate thoughts he was thinking because he thought them himself. “Watching her with the baby?” he sighed dreamily. “I think I’m ready to start a family.”
Harry yanked the phone cord out of his phone so hard, he was lucky plaster didn’t come with it. He shoved his chair back with so much force as he stood it tipped over and without caring he strode out of his office. All while Niall cackled behind him. “You.” He pointed at Stephen angrily as he approached the main desk on the floor. “Don’t even fucking look at her,” he strode past to the breakroom. Stephen stared at him wide-eyed and confused while Niall laughed behind him.
“So she is taken?” Stephen asked.
Harry turned to glare at him, but Niall leaned down on his desk. He mumbled something, quietly to Stephen, his eyes nearly laughing as hard as he did in the other room. Niall waved him off toward the breakroom again and Harry turned toward it but bumped into someone as he spun back around sharply.
“Oh!” She wasn’t prepared for Harry to be so solid (even if she knew he was) or for him to be right there as she approached him hearing Niall’s loud laughter before she saw either of them. Nor was she prepared for him to be mid-stride with the momentum of him turning and walking sent her already unbalanced body while holding Cece knocked her entirely off kilter. Which landed her right back onto the floor.
“Jesus Christ,” Harry grabbed his crying daughter immediately even though she was perfectly fine, Harry watched her clutch Cece tighter to her chest as she fell, even though it meant she landed so hard on her butt and back it had to have killed. “Niall!” He snapped.
Niall didn’t have to run far but he did all the same. “Hey, darling what an entrance,” he reached for her but Harry passed him Cece immediately before his hands met hers. Niall didn’t pay any mind to the change in which of Harry’s girls he held but he smirked thinking about how Miss Honey was one of his girls anyway. “Oh, I know, Miss Cecelia,” he cooed and kissed her temple. “That was a big fall, hmm?”
“Are y’okay?” Harry asked, crouching and grabbing her hands to help her sit up. “M’so sorry, love,” he cupped the side of her face. “Are y—”
“Is she okay?” She asked brushing Harry’s hand away gently. Her eyes were watery. Maybe it was the impact of falling or the embarrassment—Harry wasn’t sure. But if she was in pain, she didn’t seem to care. Her gaze was trained on Cece, alarm all over it.
“She’s fine, love,” Harry promised, ignoring Cece’s dramatics for the moment while he looked at her. “Are y’sure you’re okay?” He repeated.
“I’m fine, just embarrassed,” she put a hand on her face and winced as she stood and turned to Niall. “Are you okay, pretty girl?” She cooed. “Did I hurt you?” She frowned.
“No, not even a little,” Harry put a hand on her lower back. “Y’hit the ground hard, love. Are y’sure you’re okay?” He repeated.
“Harry, I swear I’m fine.”
Cece reached for her tearily, trying to wiggle her way out of Niall’s grip. “Aw,” he clucked. “You just want to make sure Miss Honey’s okay, little Miss?” He asked with a wink in her direction. As soon as her arms were around his daughter, Cece nuzzled into her embrace against the front of her shoulder; her little hands gripped either side of her shirt right around her chest. It was adorable and Harry was very jealous of the attention his daughter could give her like that.
“Are you alright?” Stephen approached.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Harry’s voice was quiet as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I’m fine,” she kissed the top of Cece’s head and rocked her gently. “Just pretty embarrassed. Any chance you can erase that from your security cams?”
Stephen chuckled at her. “No one gave me a straight answer, I’m sorry to be so blunt—I know it’s poor timing since you just had a little tumble there...but I have to know. Are you single? I would love to take you on a date. You are so beautiful and—”
“Alright, Stephen,” Niall gripped his shoulders and steered him back toward his desk. “If you want to keep your job you’re never going to speak to her again,” he winked at the blushing girl over his shoulder. Harry was trying not to scream, fingers pressing to both his temples and covering his closed eyes. He was taking deep breaths to quell the angry jealousy that was boiling in his blood. How did this get so goddamn messy in such a short amount of time?
“Are you alright?” She asked.
He exhaled deeply, totally frustrated. “Am I alright? I asked y’that at least three times,” he grumbled.
“I told you I’m fine!”
He opened his eyes after rubbing his hand over his face. “What are y’doing here?”
She frowned. “Do you want us to leave?”
“God,” he wanted to slam his head into a wall. This day couldn’t be worse. “Can we get out of the fucking hallway?” He asked.
She nodded, her cheeks turning red again. The moment he entered the breakroom with an angry expression on his face, the few of his employees in the room made a swift exit. He pulled a seat out for her and watched as she winced as she sat. The table had a plethora of bags on it. A food bag, the diaper bag, the car seat, and her purse. “M’going t’ask if you’re okay, again,” he said quietly. “Please don’t lie t’me if y’feel uncomfortable.”
She smiled and nosed at the top of Cece’s hair where she was still snuggling. “I feel a little awkward telling you my butt is definitely going to be bruised.”
He snorted and rolled his eyes. But at least she told the truth. “Are y’okay?”
“Other than a little embarrassed and a little bruised, I’ll be okay.”
“Good,” he sighed and ran a hand on the back of Cece’s head. “Hi baby girl,” he cooed, smiling for the first time in what felt like hours.
“Who’s that?” She asked. “Is that Daddy?” She giggled. “Do you want to give Daddy some of these snuggles? He’s having a bad day and needs one, I think,” she whispered and turned Cece toward him. She went willingly—excitedly, snuggling just as easily into his embrace. It felt like a warm glow settled over him. All the frustration he felt dissipated, and happiness started to bubble through him.
“That’s better,” he mumbled and kissed the top of her head. The only way it would be perfect was if he could hold her as well.
She smiled. “I brought you dinner,” she reached for one of the bags.
“Just Harry?” Niall asked from the doorway.
“Get. Out.” He growled.
Niall snickered closing the door behind him, which made her laugh as well. Harry rubbed his hand up and down her tiny little body while she set the food up—she even cut up Harry’s food into bite sized pieces so he could continue to snuggle his sweet daughter while he ate with one hand. She munched on whatever she purchased as well. “This is good,” he mumbled. “Where’s it from?”
“There’s a restaurant down the road. I stopped once after one of our visits,” she explained. “I would have made something myself, but I wanted to see you sooner rather than later.”
If he was questioning his love for her before, when Niall had asked earlier...
There was no question now.
He loved her with every breath. Every atom of his body.
He loved her.
Day four and five post power outage came and went without much fanfare. Harry worked late. She brought Cece to the library and made sure she was entertained, learning, and growing. When Harry got home late, he said goodnight to an already sleeping Cece in her crib before he returned to the kitchen where the woman of his dreams was setting a plate of food out for him.
They didn’t speak much those two days, but he couldn’t help but notice she didn’t leave the kitchen while he ate. She packaged the food neatly for him and Niall the next day. She cleaned the dishes and counters. Hardly looking at Harry while he watched her. His eyes roamed over her body as she worked, desperate to see what was underneath her clothes again.
“Are you staring at me?”
“Mhmm,” he didn’t even bother hiding it. She had to know how much she meant to him.
“Harry,” she sighed, turning around and leaning against the counter. Her skin was flushed that pretty reddish pink tone that made him imagine the other three times he saw her skin change to the same color.
“Yes, love?” He smiled innocently. “Jus’ thinking ‘bout your bruise.”
Her skin turned a shade darker. “I bet.”
He took another bite of his food, smiling less than innocently. “Are y’okay?” He asked. That was serious.
“I actually don’t have a bruise. Or at least surface wise,” she explained. “The bone is still sore,” she admitted.
“I could rub it for you,” he offered. She turned back around without letting him see what shade of red she was turning. She braced her hands on the counter and tilted her head up to the ceiling.
He smirked.
But that was nothing compared to breakfast. Harry came directly to the kitchen in nothing but his towel making her put a hand on her throat. She put Cece in her highchair and turned to the fridge. Was she cooling herself off in there? Harry wished he could find out.
This had to qualify as sexual harassment in the workplace. It was her workplace after all.It wasn’t that Harry didn’t care if it was harassment, of course he wanted her to be comfortable. But she was comfortable. Wasn’t she? He didn’t imagine that chemistry between them. There was no way he imagined it!
Her tank top looked so pretty showing off so much of her soft cleavage that he just wanted to bury his face against her body. There was so much more than just her taking care of Cece or taking care of him. He wanted her to crumble. Only because he wanted her to crumble right into his arms. He would give her everything she wanted. Whenever she wanted it. They could make another baby right then. Right at the kitchen counter (or maybe after she put Cece down for a morning nap).
Harry stood and moved beside her next to the fridge. “Harry,” she whispered. “Please...”
“Please what, kitten?”
Her cheeks burned bright red and she looked away holding yogurt in her hands for Cece to try next.
“Do I make y’uncomfortable? Because I’ll stop,” he promised.
Ever so slightly, she shook her head. “No,” she whispered. “You’re just... making it really difficult not to flirt with you.”
Harry chuckled his mouth close to her earlobe. He inhaled along her hairline aching for her pretty smell. “Y’can flirt with me any time y’want, love,” he assured her. He pressed a hand on her arm, squeezing just above her elbow. It was the least erotic place but it made her heart skip a beat and the heat between her thighs spread throughout her body. Her eyes fluttered close, and Harry moved back to Cece leaving her cold and ridiculously turned on and he didn’t even do anything other than exist.
She was so. Goddamn. Screwed.
Harry’s stupid, insanely hot body was the only thing she could think about while the rain poured outside. More of the storms that lined their region wreaked havoc over the last couple of days. Which meant she was stuck inside with no escape from all that smelled like Harry, reminded her of Harry, and screamed of how much she wanted to kiss Harry until she died from breathlessness.
Sitting on the sofa where he made her come was a poor choice. She put her book over her face briefly before she sighed, unable to read any of the words that were in front of her because all of the letters on the page seemed to turn into the same five letters over and over. Just her brain screaming for the beautiful man that was kind, sweet, utterly adorable with his daughter.
And also, really good at making her come.
Cece had just fallen asleep in her swing for her afternoon nap. The soothing back and forth motion made it easy for her to drift along with the sound of the rain against the house. She had a book in her lap and was listening to the quiet instrumental playlist she had playing to keep Cece asleep. A cup of coffee was right beside her and other than her heart freaking out that she had slept with her boss and now it was really awkward, it was really peaceful.
For half an hour.
The power went out again. Fortunately, it was a little lighter out than it was during the storm where she let Harry pleasure her. Despite the swing turning off from lack of electricity, she noted Cece hadn’t stirred an inch. Frowning, she grabbed her phone to let Harry know.
There was no service. The storm must have knocked out the cell towers as well. Or maybe someone hit the pole outside Harry’s quiet neighborhood. Or maybe still, a repairman had knocked it out again trying to fix something to prevent further damage.
But when she peered out the drawn curtains, she immediately realized that the streetlight at the end of the driveway was still on. “Huh,” she hummed trying to piece it together.
Of course she wasn’t a mother. But having children around in her life and taking care of them for so many years, she felt she had developed some kind of mother’s intuition that someone else wouldn’t have if they didn’t have her job. She didn’t want to see it, but she swore she saw something move. Someone. Something like a shadow but worse, and it moved along the side of the house just out of sight.
No. No more crime dramas before bed. She thought to herself.
No one would come here to harm them—to harm Harry or Cece, right? They were just ordinary people.
More than ever, she was grateful for the soundly sleeping baby—she prayed the six-month regression she was going through wouldn’t make its appearance known. She hurried to the living room, scooping her out of her swing. She grabbed her favorite stuffy too. She took the stairs two at a time, careful to refrain from jostling Cece and waking her. She brought her to Harry’s bedroom. She refused to go in there after... She shook her head at that thought. That blissful, perfect thought. Harry was going to be home in no more than a couple hours, but it didn’t make this any easier.
“Okay Cece, you need to dream for a while,” she whispered. “I love you so, so much, okay?” She placed her in the middle of Harry’s closet floor, found a notebook on his nightstand. She tore a blank page from the back and scribbled a note on it hoping Harry would understand she was doing what she needed to do. She left the note in the closet as well. “Just sleep,” she whispered and kissed her soft little forehead.
Silently, she prayed for Chloe knowing she would be around. Quietly begging her to keep Cece safe while she dealt with the sound of a window smashing on the floor below.
She hurried downstairs with a pounding heart. Two men were climbing their way through the window. “What are you doing!?” She shrieked.
One held a gun up at her. Her hands went up instinctively. “Who are you?”
“I-I’m the nanny. What are you d-doing?” She repeated her heart in her throat interrupted her normal speech.
“Where’s the baby?” The other one snarled.
She shook her head. Terror pulling at her in every direction.
No, she’s just a baby. They can’t want her. “She’s not here,” she croaked praying her lie wasn’t obvious. She would throw herself in front of them, by all means, but she wasn’t dumb. They were a lot stronger than her. They couldn’t get past her. “She’s... she’s with her aunt,” she prayed that Harry wouldn’t hate her again. She would do anything to protect Cece. Harry already lost too much and if he lost his baby girl…
She shook her head at that thought, willing it out of existence. Harry’s worst fear was leaving Cece alone and she had just left her in a closet. Even if it were for the greater good of her safety it killed a piece of her to do that. Worry strung her mind wondering if there was another, better option. Leaving her alone without a bottle? What if she was there for hours? How long would she sit in her diaper? What if she cried so hard she dehydrated herself? God, how was anyone supposed to make this kind of decision?
“Jesus Christ, you said she was here!”
The man without the gun looked nervous. Clearly, he wasn’t the one in charge, but he had been right. She was there. Hiding in the dark. She prayed that she didn’t wake or make a peep. She just needed them to get out of the house.
They almost ignored her while they talked through a plan, the gun never straying from her vision. Slowly, she made way for her phone just out of reach. The man chose that moment to remind her that they hadn’t forgot about her. He walked closer to her making her throat close around a sob. “Let’s go,” he ordered darkly.
“Go?” She whimpered. She was going to be sick. “Go where?”
The one not in charge glanced at his own phone. “We have three minutes.”
“Walk,” he ordered and shoved her toward the door.
“Wait, please let’s just talk about this—”
“There’s no time to talk. You’ve seen too much. Either I shoot a bullet through your brain right now, or you get in the car.”
“You don’t need to do this!” She was glad the tears and sobs were quieting her voice. It was anything but fake. “I won’t tell anyone—”
“Save it,” he snapped and put the gun on the back of her head. She choked out another sob. “Can you take us to the baby?”
Her heart ached something fierce. Like someone had ripped it in half. “No, I don’t know where his sister lives,” at least that was true.
“Then you’re stuck with us,” he snarled. “You better be worth a pretty penny.” Kidnapping? Kidnapping her? She was good at her job. But not that good. Harry wouldn't take out a ransom for her. Would he? No... his daughter, of course. But not her. She was just the nanny. Someone he slept with out of convenience. Harry would be glad that Cece was okay. Even if she left her alone after she told him he never would. God, her heart hurt. “We only have another minute. Kill her or don’t. We have to go.”
A fresh wave of tears filled her eyes as they walked out of the house. “Okay, okay! I’ll go.” She sobbed. She hoped they didn’t notice they were tears of relief.
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aangelinakii · 21 hours
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— step-dad material.
summary : you're a single mother dating gotham's very own jason todd. here's a little insight into his relationship with your daughter <3
note : reader is afab and the child is a seven year old named tanya, also female :)
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need me to pick up tanya today? x
you kept reading and re-reading jason's text, chest warm with adoration — or was that the fever?
after dropping off your daughter to school this morning, whilst at work you began to grow horrificly ill. judging by the clammy sweat running down your forehead, and the way your features sunk into your face, you were allowed to go home early.
but this meant not being able to pick up tanya; not in this condition, at least.
jason, the man you were dating, as he did every day, texted you a good morning, and asked if you wanted him to swing by after you got home from work.
super sick, just got a bad fever out of nowhere?? don't think you should come round, don't want to give you anything
but you should've known jason would find a way to handle things, to make your day easier. that's just the kind of guy he was.
after lingering on the text for a few moments, your fingers tapped away at the screen. that would be amazing, thank you jace 🩷
car, not bike, you quickly added.
as much as you loved impromptu motorcycle rides, arms wrapped around his waist, fingers able to trace the muscles in his stomach through the fabric of his shirt, it wasn't something you wanted your daughter to be doing. especially on her way back from school.
with a stuffy sigh, you clicked your phone off, screen going black, and reached over to place it down on the coffee table.
bed-ridden by your new ailment, you'd decided to set up post on the couch, just in the middle of it all — kitchen right there, toilet next door, tv and all the netflix movies at the click of a button. tanya had a few fuzzy disney-themed blankets, which you'd bundled up in.
apparently it's best to sweat out a fever, no matter how excruciating it is.
if you weren't already sick, the thought of your child having to be returned home by the hand of another would send you trembling. you trusted jason — more than anything, you did — but, as a mother, there was always that fear in the back of your mind that something could happen. she was only seven, but you'd have to let her go eventually. best to start weaning off it now.
by the time you'd decided on a meaningless show to play as you drift off asleep, the lock on the other side of the door began to jiggle momentarily before creaking open, and you pushed yourself up to peer over the back of the sofa.
out of the shadows of the hallway, your two little bundles of joy shuffled into the apartment, tanya coming through first.
immediately, as soon as she spotted your lazy smile, tanya's face brightened, and she came bounding towards you.
"mama!" her cheerful voice chimed through the flat as she shrugged off her backpack, discarding it on the floor on her way to the couch.
from behind, jason, metres above her, gave a soft, undisguisable smile as he watched her, placing the chain of the key you'd given him on the empty coat hook beside the door. he was sure to kick off his shoes before treading into the rest of the flat, steps soft despite his size.
as he approached, he leaned down for a moment to pick up tanya's bag by one of the straps, the sheer size of it smaller than both of his hands put together.
reaching over the back of the couch, you held your hand out for your daughter to take. "mama's sick, so i don't want you getting too close, okay?" if the words weren't enough, tanya's nose scrunched up at the hoarseness of your voice, causing you to chuckle. "how was school today?"
"school was fun!" tanya's high-pitched voice squeaked as she ran around the couch to sit next to you (and to probably change the channel to cartoon network, or whatever it is she likes to watch nowadays). conversations were always fun with her; not too commital.
while she wasn't looking, jason stepped toward you and smoothed a hand over your hair, before pressing a soft, silent kiss to it — the only part of you not covered in a slick layer of sweat.
"and how are you, handsome?" you hummed, grinning up at him as he placed tanya's pink rucksack on the cushion beside you.
tanya shot the two of you a grimace as she bounced onto the couch, kicking off her school shoes. but as soon as you willingly handed her the remote, her expression brightened, and she was quick to change the channel.
"just glad to see my two favourite ladies," jason replied, smiling at you charmingly all the while. the smile you fell for, and just seem to keep tripping over. and then he focused on the telly, as it switched over to a kids' show. "what you watching, tan?"
barely sparing him a glance, tanya sunk back into the pillows of the sofa, absently tugging one of her princess blankets from your body to pull over her lap. "my little pony. twilight's brother is getting married, but his wife is actually queen chrysalis, and his real wife was kidnapped! it's my favourite one i've seen."
jutting out his bottom lip and nodding, impressed, jason gave a soft gasp. "sounds interesting. what happens in the end? does twilight's brother get married to the one he truly loves?"
maybe it's the fever-induced hallucinations, but you swear you saw him glance at you when he said that; but it was gone as soon as it came.
"of course he does!" tanya grins, finally able to pull herself away from the screen to look up at him. "that's why it's my favourite; because they love each other like you and mama do."
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lilacgaby · 3 days
˗ˏˋmy last, my everything ୭ৎ ིྀ
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pairing: exmafia!katsuki x reader
❥ read this first!
summary: katsuki had vowed to you to stop this, to make sure you two could live safely from now on. but when you get thrown into the fight again, is he able to save you?
tags: fem!reader, wife!reader, mafia mentions, violence, angst to comfort, cursing, blood, pet names, no quirk au!, threats, guns, mention of death, character death
(a/n: i went with the more interesting ending.. take that how you will)
wc: 4k
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he wouldn't fail. it wasn't even an option. the sight of you bloodied on the floor ran through his mind, fueling the fire of his soul as he drove back
he had been forced back to HQ first, that idiot only working at irregular hours of the night.
it was three a.m. way past his bedtime, you'd know as he forced you to sleep alongside him at eight. sometimes the sun was even out when he'd go in for the ‘night.’
he breathed a sigh of half relief and half annoyance as he saw the annoyingly flashy red car in the parking lot of the ‘casino’. he walked in to be greeted by the group of them sitting at a poker table, deku at the head.
katsuki took a seat by the rear, eyes closed but ears open. they had started talking already, but minutes were millions with that idiot. so deku had to ask his questions quickly.
“we just wanted to ask if you'd sold any information on any of our former blood.” midoriya started, eyeing as hawks grew a smirk on his face, his expression one of mock thoughtfulness.
“well, i did. but on who and what will cost you extra, but you know that already.”
“we'll pay, just say it.”
hawks shrugged, examining his fingers as he suddenly spoke quickly and quietly. “let's just say a cloaked man bought the information out of me. wanted bakugo katsuki's addresses and affiliates, former jobs and things he'd been involved with. he offered a lot of money, so my hands were tied. you get it.” a smile broke out onto his face, “but a little birdie told me he trained under eraserhead, i'll give you that for free since i caused you some problems.”
“we already figured that out asshole.” katsuki grumbled. “thanks for your help hawks. ah.. he's just upset, and to be frank i am too.” midoriya said, his voice gaining unusual stoicism in the latter half of the sentence. “you caused issues for me, you know that right? and you can't even give me his identity… it's just an utter disgrace.”
hawks put his hands up in mock surrender, “hey, hey. i didn't say i didn't know who he was. but, fact is that it'd cause you a lot of money to buy his identity in full, you know i'd have to break my code for that.”
“you didn't mind when you sold out bakugo though, did you?” todoroki muttered, flipping a coin in his hand.
“heh, yeah.. i guess i do owe it to you all then. well it's settled,” hawks clapped his hands, “i'll just give you the gang they work under for free.” he slid an envelope over to midoriya. “thanks for the business, sorry for the trouble bakugo.” he rushed out as quickly as he came, the sound of the car speeding out the runway the only thing heard while midoriya tore through the envelope.
written in red ink, with a small smiley face on the very corner, was the name of the gang. “shiketsu?”
midoriya yelled shocked.
they had recently just called a ceasefire to the years of carnage spread between the gangs, the handshake all might did with shindo signified it.
“why would they attack bakugo? it just doesn't make sense.” iida pondered, “though, i guess he did rough a lot of them up back in the wars we had.”
“but there's no reason for them to hold it against them, we had an agreement. we all drank together and everything!” kirishima exclaimed, his hands gesturing around.
“we'll have to go over there ourselves.. likely someone has held something against kacchan for a while.” midoriya ordered. “get your things ready, i don't want any weapons noticeable. concealed and carried, burners too.”
“got it.” they all agreed in unison and got prepared. katsuki was hit with a wave of nostalgia at the notion, putting his favorite gun in his hilt. he always carried, even now, but it was different. this was different.
as he loaded into the car, fist bumping kirishima, he felt almost nervous. he hadn't done anything like this in a while, let alone go to a gang that clearly had something against him. against you.
the ride was quick, kirishima and kaminari blabbing on about how cool it was for him to be back, patting him on the back and smiling. assuring him that they'll find the guy who did this and punt him to the ground.
katsuki could only hope they were right.
they arrived outside the club, walking in immediately to the back. at the sight of deku they opened the doors, nodding at him slightly while letting the group in.
“kacchan, you come with me. everyone else,” he moved to face them, “stay here. on guard, and play nice.” katsuki followed behind him, moving to shindo’s head court. they had to go down an elevator, it was odd really. the last time he was here it was to beat the fuck out of him, and now it was to ask why the hell he picked a fight. with his wife.
it was now six in the damn morning, katsuki was as pissed as ever, midoriya telling him to cool down or he'd leave him behind.
he was a hypocrite though, as he walked in uninvited, a displeased air surrounding him. shindo, who usually invited him over randomly, always accommodating his presence as they were good friends, noticed this odd aura. “midoriya, what brings you here? seems you're not happy with me.”
midoriya took a breath and sighed. “i don't think you would betray me shindo, but facts are facts. one of my men– sorry former men,” he gestured over to katsuki, “had a loved one attacked.”
“that's horrible.” shindo commented, “you don't think i did that though.”
“not you specifically, but.. hawks himself said the one who did was associated with shiketsu.”
“hawks??” shindo almost jumped out of his seat. “well it wasn't me.. definitely not. couldn't have been any of my closest blood either, the only ones who it could've been..” he snapped his fingers like a realization dawned upon him.
“must've been this newbie seiji and his quadrant. he's a new guy, a sniper, he had a crazy good background. he worked fo–”
“eraserhead. right?” katsuki finally had spoken, stepping forward. “right. well, i caused you two a bit of problems huh? lll help you locate him. that's all though.” shindo stood up, handing them a tracking device.
“a tracker?” midoriya questioned, eyebrow raised. “all fresh blood are unknowingly tracked. it's just protocol here, you get it.” shindo shrugged sheepishly.
“right.. remind me to not get on your bad side.” deku joked, laughing about some nonsense joke. katsuki guessed he'd temporarily forgot about the situation, so he snatched the tracker out his hand. “hey!”
“this is…,” his heart dropped, hands sweaty and shaking slightly as he started to recognize. the street names, the buildings, his building.
“why is this fucker close to my house?!”
all of their eyes collectively shot up. you were home, did it already get out that you were alive?
heart pounding, katsuki went rogue. he blasted out of the room, ignoring midoriya’s calls behind him. shoving past his blood and the people in the club, only one thing on his mind: you.
kirishima chased after him as he'd ran into the parking lot of the club, hot wiring a sports car and speeding off.
he threw the burner over to kirishima. “call her, now.” kirishima barely caught the phone, the car drifting and slamming him to its sides so often he felt queasy. “chill out bro!” he dialed the number, but you weren't picking up. he had it on speaker, so the voicemail tone was heard.
“again.” katsuki ordered, his hands gripping the wheel. “call her again.”
“fuck– she's not answering man. we're almost there, she'll be fine.”
“you don't know that. that– that crazy bitch is there.” the tracker now found itself in kirishima’s other hand, the location reading inside his house. “youre not gonna want to hear this.”
“don't fucking tell me. we're here.” he barely pulled in to the driveway when he jumped out the car, braking it abruptly. “back me up.” was all he said as he continued moving forward, not looking back.
he walked up to the door, doing his best to stay quiet as he hopped your white fence and entered through the glass door. he saw you.. and.. surely enough a man he's never seen before.
you seemed off as he barged in, unmoving as he screamt, “[name]! move now!”.
at your silence and stillness, he walked closer to you. only to stop at the red dot aimed at your forehead.
“katsuki. don't move, please.” you were crying, tears streaming down your face as your hands shook. your knees looked like they were about to falter under your extreme fear, your eyes wide and horrified. “stay back.”
he stilled as well, noting the man who had just the rifle at point blank range. he smirked at katsuki, who had his fists balled in anger. kirishima hadn't revealed his presence, hidden behind the sliding door of your home.
“i don't like to leave my work unfinished, you know?” the man said, keeping his finger close to the trigger as he continued speaking. “i don't know how or why, but she managed to avoid my first shot. man my teacher would be pissed.”
“yeah, eraser. he told me all about how you embarrassed my blood a couple years back. how you drove over half the members to the brink of death.”
“yeah, i did do that.” he felt weird talking about this in front of you, you never like it when he spoke about his job in front of you, and now was no different. other than the bullet in your direction. “there's a cease now. we're okay, the fucking shit is over.”
“who gives a fuck? not me. you– you expect me to believe they don't want you dead? that they don't hold some shit against you?”
“they don't. put down the gun– she's not even involved in this.” he slowly moved forward, his hand nearing his gun.
“stay back! or i'll shoot.” he hung his finger right over the trigger, “i'll blow her brains out. back the fuck up.”
katsuki stilled, “don't do this. why her? why not me if you're problem is with me?”
the man scoffed, purple hair covering his eye as he sneered. “because i know that wouldn't hurt you as much as this. as much as killing her in front of you. you're life must've always been disposable, all of us are. normal people don't join gangs.” he laughed, continuing on and on about something as katsuki tried to grab his gun without him noticing.
“who– who fucking tipped you off huh?” katsuki grumbled, attempting to take his attention off his wandering hands.
“well, it started with shinsou. i stole a couple of his bullets, real easy. that dumbass is trusting as long as you're associated with his teacher.” the guy laughed, “hawks though? i offered him a crazy number, asking for your addresses and shit. he gave in easily.”
he eyed the hand towards katsuki’s waist. “drop your gun, do you think i'm fucking stupid?”
katsuki tsked, “you sure do look it,” pulling out the silver ghost and putting it on the floor. it fell by his feet. “kick it away, ill ignore that remark since im feeling gracious.” he did so, making it ricochet off your foot.
filled with a newfound sense of confidence, the man chuckled, going closer to you. he brought his body closer, gun still pointed at you. he was rambling now, his words weren't anything katsuki was focused on. he was looking at his moments, waiting. waiting for a moment to strike, a moment of weakness, something.
and he saw it. his gun faltered, the weight of the large sniper not meant to be freely held in the air finally affecting him, as he had to switch hands to keep supporting it. he was quick to try and fix its position.
but katsuki was quicker, headbutting his stomach. a shot rang out, thankfully the gun had been pointed towards the ceiling, only hitting a random area in the roof. the two on the floor were fighting, fists full of rage as they pushed each other.
the sound of smashed bones and hits so strong katsuki knew they'd bring bruises to his knuckles the next day rang throughout the room, they were both in blinded rage.
after they had been knocked away from eachother, they eyed the gun next to them, chests heaving and body parts broken. they lurched towards the gun, the purple haired man closer to it.
he was going to grab it first, katsuki internally panicked, but the sight that came after only made him worry more.
the sight of you grabbing the gun out of his reach.
you had picked up the gun. you who could barely stomach stomping bugs or killing wasps. you who hated watching horror movies because doing that to people seemed so cruel. you, who had cried when he taught you how to shoot a gun, hoping that this situation would only pop up in his worst nightmares.
you who shakily held up the gun towards the man’s head, making him scoff. “put down the gun, princess. you won't do it.”
your chest was heaving, your knees felt like they were about to give out. your heart was racing, your fingers fumbling over the trigger. “b-back away.”
katsuki didn't know what to say, neither did kirishima who'd burst in from behind you. if he told you to put down the gun, you'd both be in danger. he could take it from you and kill all of you. fuck, why did this have to happen?
“put down the gun, little girl. you're not cut out for this life, so just hand it over. maybe you'll see your husband in purgatory, sure as hell not going to the same place though.” his hand was nearing the gun, his head was so close to the barrel. your hands shook, your eyes closed, eyebrows scrunched, a shaky exhale escaped your lips. katsuki recalled that look from ever shot he'd made you shoot at a range, the face you made when you finally grew enough courage.
the man's eyes widened as you shot him, point blank rage. his blood splattered over your hello kitty pajamas, but you'd never forget the look on his face when you opened your eyes. the white of his eyes staring at you, the hole that pierced his head and ruined the white of your carpet, the hand that had tried to cover his wound in the millisecond that he had left of his life.
people, people you didn't recognize barged in to the front of your house. they didn't look horrified at the corpse at the floor, they looked more scared of you.
you'll never forget how they all treated you. approaching you like you were a nut case, coaxing you to throw the gun away from you like you didn't want to run away from this whole situation. baby-talking you like you were insane.
you'd never regretted marrying katsuki, but standing here. bloodied and a murderer. that was the first straw for you.
but like always, he'd save you from the mess. when the gun dropped to the floor, on top of the body with a sickening clank! he grabbed you, carrying you up to your shared room.
in your solitude you sobbed, wailing into his chest like you'd done just a day prior. the sun had just risen, illuminating your tears as you shook on your shared bed.
he held you close, reading your mind. “you're not a monster, or a murderer.”
“how can you say that though? i just killed him!” your eyes widened, heart beating like crazy. “it was self defense, he would've killed us all. you did good [name].” he held your face in his hands, letting you see him with his bruised and cut up face.
“you saved me. you saved yourself. you saved anyone that would've been targeted by that freak.”
you finally calmed down enough to go shower. the blood washing off your body didn't help to calm down the storm brewing in your head, the anxiety overcoming you, but he did. he always did.
as he helped rinse the blood of your face, your arms and where it'd been caught in your stomach, replacing it with suds of rosy soap that he'd bought because it ‘smelled’ like you, the voices in your head came to a slow stop.
he was the only one who understood, the only one who had gotten his hands bloodied the same way as you, even worse. as he held you that night, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, holding your body close to his as if you were to disappear, you felt normal again.
all traces of the body were gone the next morning, the dent in the ceiling the only remnants of the situation. as katsuki cooked breakfast for the two of you, you couldn't believe how regular it all felt.
how nothing seemed changed, how when kirishima and kaminari came over to cheer you up and check on the two of you they didn't seem phased. how you all sat around your dining room table as normal, katsuki drinking his black coffee while holding your hand under the table, all of you joking around as regular.
how when you went back to your bakery everything was fixed already, a little green sticky note standing out from the display case that was empty because of your absence.
‘sorry for the inconveniences mr and mrs. bakugo, take this as our apologies.’
-midoriya, shindo
there were two small doodles of them on the corner, making you laugh as you gawked at the renovation done to your lovely little shop.
you showed it to katsuki who only scoffed, a small smirk on his face as he looked over the fresh paint, tiles, and replaced tables. “damn nerds.”
you didn't feel so up to baking today, which katsuki understood perfectly. you left the store hand in hand, noticing how the glass of the entrance had been fixed too.
you'd walked to the ramen shop you'd had your first date at, taking the booth in the corner like always. katsuki held your hand, clinging to you more than usual.
he barely let you out of his sight, even offering to feed you, which made you laugh and smack his chopsticks away.
“hey, 'suki.” you asked, poking his side. “it's over right? you're coming home?”
he nodded, swallowing his food before answering. “asshole’s off the streets, that's all i wanted for you, and for us babe.”
“ew don't kiss me when you just ate!”
“do you not love me woman?! we almost fucking died!”
what you didn't know wouldn't hurt you, that's what katsuki thought as he reasoned his white lie.
he pondered how he'd make it up to you. technically he didn't do anything wrong in your eyes but he'd still feel internally guilty. he'd take you out to all your favorites, get you a new purse, do all the chores for a week. that sounded good to him as he made his way back to HQ, his hands in his pockets as midoriya eyed him with a knowing look.
you shouldn't and wouldn't want to know about his true final day right? how he'd ordered kirishima and kaminari do round up the rest of the quadrant. how he'd told them to leave them all for him in the basements of the HQ.
how he truly earned back his reputation of being explosive, leaving the three assholes who'd dared to conspire with a guy like that mangled and unrecognizable. if not for the names written in sharpie on their arms he wouldn't have remembered which one was which either.
he dropped the hammer from his hand, looking down at his work with a sense of satisfaction. he changed out of his clothes into the clean ones he came in with, throwing the bloodied ones into an incinerator.
he let iida and shoto handle the bodies, they were always good at leaving them left without a trace. fast too.
he thought about you the entire walk home. he felt giddy at the thought of seeing you again, excited to just exist in your presence. he stretched his body, working up the courage to see you as he opened the door.
“babe, you're home! where have you been?” you crashed into his chest, tightening your hold around him as you hugged him.
“out, finishing up loose ends y’know.”
as you looked up at him, trust and love in your eyes he knew.
he knew that he'd go back, leave, and kill all in a vicious cycle if it all meant coming back to you at the end.
because you were his everything, so he'd do anything for you.
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tags: @miguellover6969 @lotusstarr @dragonscribble @theplacetoputfics @hannahk
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tradgedyinwaves · 1 day
Part two of this
Poly141! x fat!reader
tw: social anxiety, self-doubt, drinking
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A month. You didn't go back to the bar for a full month. Avoided the place like it was the birthplace of the plague. And it was to you. You didn't want to run the risk that they were there again, that the man in the mask would berate you for making eye contact with him that night despite knowing he'd probably forgotten about you 30 seconds after. Social anxiety was a bitch.
But they were there. EVERY. FUCKING. FRIDAY.
Ghost thought he was going to lose his mind. The others had started to think he'd imagined you or had a hallucination of you. So when they sat down on the fifth Friday, there wasn't a mention of you from them. Simon still kept his eye out for you.
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Surely a month was long enough that they'd have moved on, gotten bored with the dark, dingy bar and the same crowd every Friday. Arriving with your friends, your heart was in your throat and there was a swirl of nausea in your stomach.
They're not here. They're not here. They're not here.
The mantra was on repeat, but you couldn't help checking the back table anyway. You froze where you were standing as your eyes landed on the four larger men, your friend bumping into your back and asking what was wrong. You shook your head and gave her a weak smile, claiming you thought you saw someone.
You took your usual seat at the bar, tucked into the far corner where you could see the table of men and watched as your own friends filtered out onto the floor again. It was so easy for them to just introduce themselves to men, flirt their way to free drinks and possibly a nice little one night stand.
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Ghost clocked you the moment the bell above the door dinged pathetically against the wood door and you walked in with three of your friends including the little blonde that informed them that you would be there every Friday. His gloved hand reached out and smacked Soap center chest, incidentally grabbing everyone's attention at the table as well.
"That her, LT?" Soap asked, eyes darting between his lieutenant and you. Soap eyed you for a moment, taking in the open scoop neck long sleeve shirt and the swell of your breasts that weren't hidden very well.
"Tha's 'er. Pretty thing, hm?" Ghost replied before picking up his glass and knocking it back, mouth suddenly dry as the Sahara. You were as pretty as he remembered and the urge to have a picture of you with him at all times roared to life in his chest.
Gaz being on the end gave him the best view of you, taking in the jeans that hugged your plump hips and ass. He could also see the way you held your jacket over your stomach to hide your belly as best you could.
Price could tell you were uncomfortable, watching you watch your friends with a hint of resentment and disdain in your eyes. He hadn't missed that all of your friends were "conventionally beautiful" and he could see that it bothered you.
"Go get her," Price suggested to Gaz, nudging him a bit as he knew Gaz was the proper man to send. You'd never come over if any of the rest of them approached you. Ghost made a disgruntled noise, looking to his captain for a brief moment of silent communication before he nodded, conceding to his superior.
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You ordered your whiskey, sipping on it as you flipped between checking on your friends and scrolling mindlessly through your phone. You couldn't help but to let your eyes flick up from the dim screen to check on the table in the corner every once in a while.
Which was where your eyes were now, but there was one missing, the pretty one. Oh, he wasn't missing. He was settling himself against the stool next to you, looking down at you with those molten eyes of his and a friendly smile. "Come join us for a drink. Promise we won't bite. Well, I make no promises about Johnny."
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Yup. I did a part two. This is really speaking to me right now for some reason.
Hope you guys liked it!
-> Part Three
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primalsouls · 1 day
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pretty like a gem
'malipo' kinich x gn! reader
as long as i don't show you what's ruining my head funny thing about you is you read me pretty well
theme: fluff
warning: none, probably ooc
summary: the little beading gemstone twinkled under the ray of sun peeking through their window. can (name) find the courage to give kinich this gift? or would kinich find out himself, again?
notes: made another one lol i just really love kinich right now. so enjoy this fic too~ reblogs, comments and other feedback are appreciated!
the beads of the bracelet twinkled under the heated rays of the sun. the gemstone showed its marble beauty. (name) was happy with the way the bracelet turned out. They requested it from a jeweler in inazuma after finding a pretty gem in one of their shipments. The color of the gem reminded them of a saurian hunter they started to date not too long ago. 
(name) didn’t plan to keep it to themself. they wanted to gift it to kinich but they haven’t found the courage to handle it over to the dendro user. The bracelet rested beside their nightstand in a small present, just waiting to be gifted to the hunter. (name) sighed. their own eyes stared at the wrapped box. a hand reached out and took the bracelet out of its box, admiring it all over again since they first laid eyes on it. would kinich even wear the little jewelry? they were sure ajaw would make fun of kinich for wearing such a silly thing. 
even when the annoying little bastard wasn’t around, (name) could already hear the berating comments thrown towards them. 
The merchant looked up from their sulky position when a few knocks bounced off their wooden door. 
“coming…” they called out, placing the bracelet inside their pocket. opening the door, they were surprised to see the person they were just thinking about. “kinich!” they greeted, smiling widely at the hunter. kinich opened his mouth to speak but a certain entitled digital dragon blocked his view of his partner. 
“you should be addressing the almighty dragonlord k’uhul ajaw first! then kiss our feet the moment we waltz into your messy home!!”
“hell no.” (name) deadpanned, their eyes void of warmth when they looked at the little creature.
“what!? you dared disgrace your dragonlord in such a distasteful manner!? i’ll have you kno—” kinich quickly grabbed the little lizard and threw him over his shoulder, closing the door right away to keep him out. (name) bit back a laugh at the interaction, grinning over at the dark-haired hunter. kinich glanced at the seller, a faint smile on his light tanning face. 
“sorry about him.” kinich began but was interrupted by a pair of lips he had come to enjoy for the past couple of months. his arms wrapped around the merchant’s figure, pulling them closer to deepen the kiss. (name) pulled slightly away from the kiss, their eyes locking in with the dual-colored ones. yep, just like the gemstone. the electro user gave a warm smile, pulling away from the embrace. “i’ve come by to let you know the tribe would be holding a gathering for the traveler’s help with the mountain king.”
ah, (name) had forgotten about the situation regarding the giant beast who rested underground. they remembered how kinich expressed the value the mountain king held for the tribe. they were glad the legendary duo was able to help their boyfriend out. 
“sounds festive.” (name) commented, watching kinich peek out the window. perhaps to check on the dragonlord he dealt a pack with. “i’m glad you guys made it out safe. Well, except for ajaw, i guess.” (name) joked, earning a soft chuckle from their boyfriend. their hand reached into their pocket where the bracelet was hidden away, a debate going on in their mind. kinich turned back to his partner, seeing a look of concentration aimed down at the hand inside their pocket. the saurian walked over, quietly reaching over to take their wrist and pulled the hand out of the pocket. his eyes narrowed a bit to squint at the item in their closed fist. (name) snapped out of their zoned space the moment their hand was held out. kinich nodded at the bracelet in their hand. “oh.. i-i, um…” (name) was at a loss for words. so, wordlessly, they took kinich’s hand and placed the bracelet on his palm. 
“is not yours?” kinich asked, looking over the little jewelry. 
“no... it’s meant for you,” (name) muttered, swallowing their nervousness before continuing. “it matches your eyes…” a faint blush decorated their cheeks, their gaze avoiding the other’s eye, who’s widened at the gift. kinich stared between the jewel and his partner, the corners of his lips curled upwards. 
“thank you… it’s pretty.” the dark-haired hunter said, placing a cherished kiss on their blushing cheek as he placed the bracelet on his other wrist. “c’mon, let’s go celebrate.”
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hitomisuzuya · 24 hours
AHHHHH I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH YOU LITERALLY MAKE MY DAY <3 Can I have some Stepcest with jealous Scara! That’s all TYSM!
Stepcest, DNI if uncomfortable! Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Blowjob. Sex toy. Degradation. A jealous Scara is a mean Scara😳 Tartaglia mentioned.
Hello dear❤️ You weren't really specific about what you wanted other than jealousy so this what I came up with. Thank you very much🥺
Everyone had that one friend that was always over. For Scaramouche, it was Tartaglia. Normally, you didn't mind just chilling and playing video games with them, however, you'd been feeling really needy all day.
You tried tempting him into sending Tartaglia home early, even. But, Scaramouche knew you were needy. It was oh so cute to purposely make you wait. Your determination, you supposed is what landed you in the position that you were in now.
You flirted with Tartaglia. It was a calculated but harmless comment about how the blue in his eyes put any ocean to shame.
The glare hooded in Scaramouche's eyes as he looked down at you sent a shiver up your spine. "What were you trying to pull earlier?" He growled, smearing precum from the head of his leaking cock head on your lips. "Open up that mouth you were so intent on running earlier, slut."
You wanted to answer him, but it was really hard for you to think when your body was twitching in pleasure due to the ribbed thrusting rabbit ear vibrator pumping in and out of your pussy. The ears skated and rubbed on your throbbing clit, making your thighs tremble.
A blush dusted your cheeks as you nuzzled your cheek on his pelvis, your tongue flicking out to curl around the tip. Grabbing a handful of your hair, he prodded his cock head on your lips. It always set him off whenever you flirted so openly with Tartaglia. And now he was going to fuck his cock into the same mouth you'd used to flirt with that ginger haired imbecile.
You played with your tongue in his precum, slowly licking the slit before scooping the head into your mouth to suck on. His grip tightened in your hair for a moment, and he smoothed his fingers through your hair in a momentary approval.
"At least you know your place," He cooed condescendingly, "On your knees sucking your step brother's cock like the slut you are," You are his, and it seemed you needed to be reminded of that
Your eyes lit up with absolute adoration for him. You absolutely knew your place. You were right where you wanted to be all day: on your knees worshipping his cock in the way he deserves. If he wasn't so angry he would've chuckled at your reaction.
Your hips jerked to grind your clit on the ears of the vibrator, opening your mouth obediently with a muffled moan as he bullied his cock into your mouth. The wet sucking noises your pretty mouth was making sent his cock to pulse on your tongue.
"Flirting with him," He spat the word, bobbing your mouth on his cock, "and sucking me off so well with the same mouth. What a whore," He groaned feeling your throat spasm on his cock as he pushed it into your throat
The vibrator was bullying your sweet spot just as relentlessly, drool pooling onto his cock as you muffled a moan each time it hummed and nudged against it. If it wasn't for the ears of the toy massaging and rubbing your clit, you would've pinched and played with it to further show your need for him.
Husky, angry sounding moans and growls accompanied the lewd sucking sounds of your mouth as you flattened your tongue on the vein of his cock. Groaning, he held your mouth down on his cock.
"So quick to submit to me," Scaramouche hissed, his knees nearly buckling as you ground your mouth around his cock, hollowing your cheeks and vibrating a moan. "Good little slut. Look at me while you cum," He smoothed his knuckles on your scalp, lost in taking out his frustration on your mouth.
The vibrator proved to be too much for you. You let out what he thought sounded like the sweetest moans as he watched you cum on the vibrator, drooling on his cock like the good girl you always are for him.
You quaked in pleasure as the vibrator fucked into you through your orgasm, the ears of the toy making you see stars as it massaged your clit. The sight of you coming undone on the toy pushed Scaramouche over the edge. His thrusts into your mouth turned somewhat careless as he chased his high.
Scaramouche held your mouth down on his cock, cum spurting salty on your tongue as it pulsed. His eyes nearly rolled back into his head as you swallowed with his cock still in your mouth, slowly thrusting into your mouth while you sucked him through his orgasm.
He checked your mouth to make sure you swallowed it all.
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luviwon · 2 days
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kinktober day 2! back to the masterlist here!
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☆ stylist!jungwon x model!reader
; jungwon always finds the most fashionable pieces of clothing for you to try out, but when one day he decides to wrap you up in his own hands, well that becomes your new favourite fit.
genre ; smut
taglist ; @blushbunini @moonpri @blackp1nkfan @mitmit01 @pasteltheghost16 @harukayoiiiiiiizzz @mlywon @lhspeachie @seraphira @kaykay11sworld @winuvs @yuniesluv @shhth @rizzki09 @mylettterstoyou @d-dilemma
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“i don’t think that fits well,” you complained loudly, without any sort of shyness. “i want something that screams that girl, you know? something to turn heads when i walk by, something that no one else has”
what a hard life, indeed. you pouted while laying down on the leathered sofa, throwing away the last piece of dress you’ve tried on. unhappy, disappointed and frustrated. these were 3 amazing words to describe the exact way you were feeling. it did, although, make sense, as the [brand name] fashion week was approaching by and all you could do was pray you will find something unique before that.
on the other side, jungwon snorted at your gesture and picked up the delicate dress from the floor, making sure to get rid of any dirt before putting it back on the hanger. it’s been nothing less than 6h since all the wardrobes in the building were emptied out for you to try every single item, but your expectations were somehow higher than the 24th floor you were on.
“look, giving their most recent collection, i believe we need to definitely include denim. it’s basically their signature, we couldn’t not take advantage out of it” the stylist explained in his simplicity while closing the doors of the closet. “what about a denim skirt? that’s both stylish and comfy; although going for a sleeveless denim top would be just as great”
you nodded, having a look around you. there were now low chances to try something new on as you were more than 99% sure you put on everything already. "i shouldn't be doing this," jungwon mumbled under his breath, casting a quick glance over his shoulder as if someone might walk in at any second. your interest piqued immediately, sitting up straighter on the sofa, eyes glued to his every movement. he turned his back to you, walking towards a wardrobe that had a small lock to it. he effortlessly took the keys out from his pants' pocket, following to unlock the mysterious closet.
the soft clink of the lock turning was like music to your ears—something forbidden, exclusive. jungwon swung the door open with a sense of purpose, pulling out a garment that instantly caught the light. a smile tugged at his lips as he walked over, holding up a stunning denim corset.
"now this—this is what you've been waiting for," he said, carefully laying the piece across his arm like a treasure. it wasn’t just any denim. it had the perfect balance of structure and softness, the kind of piece that would mold to your body, hugging your curves in all the right places. the corset was minimal in design but bold in impact, with sharp seams and an impeccable cut that made it scream sophistication. there were no buttons or zippers, just a sleek back, held together by what looked like a barely noticeable magnetic closure.
"oh my god, jungwon," you gasped, practically leaping off the couch to inspect it closer. your fingers itched to touch the fabric, running across the smooth denim that was far softer than you’d expected. "this is perfect. no, more than perfect. this is exactly what i was talking about." he chuckled at your excitement but quickly added, "there’s just one little thing... it’s not out yet."
your head snapped up, eyes wide in disbelief. "wait, what? this is from the new collection?" jungwon nodded, grinning but looking a bit mischievous. "yeah, technically, it’s part of an unreleased line. i’m not supposed to show it to anyone just yet." you blinked at him, utterly floored. "but... you’re showing it to me?"
he shrugged, smirking like this was all part of some grand conspiracy. "i figured, if you’re just wearing it for the fashion week—after the official release—then we can make an exception, right? besides, this is the piece. the one no one else will have."
you could barely contain your excitement. "oh my god, yes! no one else is going to have anything like this!" you practically snatched the corset from his hands, already picturing how it would look paired with just about anything. the versatility of it was unreal—denim, but with an edge that made it feel couture.
“try it on,” he urged, standing back to give you space.
with a grin, you quickly shed your current outfit, slipping into the corset like it was meant for you. as jungwon helped close the back, the magnetic closure clicked seamlessly, feeling almost like magic—no fuss, just an instant fit. you turned to the mirror, barely recognizing yourself in the best way possible. the corset cinched your waist, accentuating your figure in ways that made you feel like a walking masterpiece. your reflection practically screamed that girl, exactly as you had wanted.
“how does it feel?” jungwon asked, watching your reaction closely.
“it feels…” you twirled, taking in every angle. “it feels like i’m going to break every neck at fashion week.”
jungwon smiled, a mix of pride and amusement. "good. that’s what we’re going for."
you couldn’t take your eyes off the mirror, completely mesmerized by your own reflection. the denim corset hugged your body in all the right places, accentuating every curve. the sharp lines of the piece sculpted your silhouette, making you feel powerful, like you were already walking down the runway at fashion week. a smile tugged at your lips, growing wider with every second you spent admiring yourself. you had to admit, jungwon had completely outdone himself with this.
but as you stood there, swimming in the confidence the corset gave you, you found yourself subtly adjusting it. your hands instinctively moved to your chest, pulling the corset up a little each time. it fit your waist perfectly, but around your chest, it felt like it was slipping ever so slightly, not quite sitting the way you wanted it to.
jungwon, who had been silently watching from behind, couldn’t help but admire the way the corset shaped you. the way the denim cupped your waist, accentuating your figure—it was flawless. his gaze trailed over your body, lingering on the soft curve of your hips and the way the fabric contoured to your form. his breath hitched as his eyes moved upward, taking in the way your cleavage was framed by the low-cut neckline. it wasn’t just the fit; it was the way the corset transformed you into something almost untouchable.
"wow," he muttered, voice low, almost like he was speaking more to himself than to you.
you caught his reflection in the mirror, his expression a mix of fascination and appreciation, and your smile widened even more. "you like it?" you asked playfully, even though you could already tell by the look on his face.
"it looks incredible on you," he said, stepping closer. the admiration in his voice was undeniable, and his eyes never left your figure as he moved. "every curve, the way it fits your waist—it’s perfect."
his gaze shifted to the neckline, noticing how you kept adjusting the corset. "except maybe here," he added, gently reaching up to pull the fabric up a bit for you. his fingers brushed against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. "feels like it’s not fitting you quite right up top."
you nodded, looking down at your chest and laughing softly. "yeah, it keeps slipping a little. not the best fit for my, uh, chest."
jungwon tilted his head, his eyes still locked on the way the fabric clung to you. "we could probably make a small adjustment to the top. just enough to keep it secure without losing that sleek look."
he stood directly behind you now, his presence warm and steady as he eyed your reflection in the mirror. his hands hovered near your waist, not quite touching but close enough that you could feel the energy between you. "but honestly," he added, voice dropping, "it’s hard to notice anything wrong when it looks this good on you."
you met his gaze in the mirror, cheeks flushing slightly at his words. there was something about the way he looked at you—like he was seeing more than just an outfit.
your heart fluttered as jungwon's words hung in the air. his gaze, warm and intense, never left your body, and it felt like every second he spent behind you made your skin tingle. you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, and before you knew it, you were looking down, trying to steady your breath. your fingers played with the hem of the corset, pulling it up again, even though that wasn’t really the issue.
get it together, you thought to yourself, chewing the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning too wide. it’s a professional relationship. he’s your stylist. this is what he does.
but every time you dared to glance back at the mirror, your resolve cracked just a little more. jungwon was still there, standing close behind you, his eyes lingering on you like you were the only thing in the room worth paying attention to. and it wasn’t just the way he looked—it was the way he felt standing there, like the air between you was charged with something you couldn’t quite name.
your heart skipped a beat, and despite trying to keep your composure, you couldn’t stop the small smile from creeping back onto your face. god, get a grip, you scolded yourself, but it was impossible not to feel something when his gaze was that intense.
he seemed to realize it too. there was a moment—a brief flicker in his expression—where he caught himself staring. almost like he forgot for a second that this was supposed to be all about fashion. jungwon blinked, then let out a soft, almost embarrassed laugh, quickly brushing his hand through his hair. his fingers tousled his dark strands, and he turned away from you, moving toward one of the racks like he was suddenly very busy.
"so," he began, his tone light and casual, as though he hadn’t just been admiring your every curve moments before. "should we go with shorts or a skirt? i feel like either could work with the corset, but we should go with whatever makes the most impact for fashion week."
you exhaled quietly, feeling the tension ease as he busied himself with the clothes, his back now to you. he was already flipping through hangers, acting like nothing had happened, but you could still feel the lingering energy between you two.
jungwon rummaged through the rack with practiced precision, flipping through various fabrics before his hand landed on something. "ah, here it is," he said, pulling out a sleek skirt with a satisfied grin.
you watched as he held it up for you to see. the material was a smooth, structured twill—something that could perfectly complement the denim without clashing. the fabric had a bit of shine to it, just enough to elevate it beyond casual wear, but what really caught your attention was the unique detail at the waist. there was a thin, adjustable thread running along the top, almost like a drawstring but far more elegant, allowing you to tighten the fit as needed. it added a subtle edge to the skirt’s design, making it feel more versatile and modern.
"this could be perfect," jungwon said, his excitement matching yours. "the material’s got just enough weight to balance the denim, but it won’t overwhelm it. and with this thread detail," he ran a finger along the waist, showing how it worked, "you can adjust it exactly how you want it to fit."
your eyes lit up the moment you saw it. "oh my god, yes. it’s perfect." without even thinking twice, you reached for the skirt, your fingers brushing against his as you took it from him. "i’m trying this on right now."
he stepped back with a grin, giving you space as you slipped out of your pants and into the skirt, the fabric sliding smoothly over your legs. you turned to the mirror again, adjusting the waist with the thread until it sat snugly against your hips. it hugged your body in just the right way—tight where it needed to be but still comfortable, and it gave your whole look a balanced, polished feel.
you couldn’t help but smile, feeling an overwhelming sense of satisfaction as you twirled slightly to see how it moved with you. "what do you think?" you asked, your voice barely hiding your excitement.
jungwon was watching you again, eyes filled with approval as he nodded. "it’s everything. the corset and the skirt—it’s like they were made for each other." his gaze lingered just a moment longer before he added, "and they were definitely made for you."
you looked at your reflection once more, the outfit transforming you into exactly the vision you’d had in your mind since the beginning. "i love it," you said, beaming. "this is it. this is the look."
you couldn’t contain your excitement. the outfit was perfect—beyond perfect, and it made you feel unstoppable. without even thinking, you spun around and practically launched yourself into jungwon's arms. "oh my god, you’re the best!" you squealed, throwing your arms around his neck in a burst of joy.
he barely had time to react before you were in his arms, your body colliding with his in a tight hug. His grip instinctively tightened around you to steady the both of you as he let out a soft, surprised laugh. "whoa, okay, glad you like it!" he said, still smiling, clearly amused by your reaction.
but just as you buried your face into the crook of his neck, something unexpected happened. you felt a soft click behind you. for a split second, you didn’t understand what it was. then, suddenly, you felt the denim corset loosen completely.
your eyes widened in horror as you realized what had happened. the magnetic closure had come undone, and before you could even react, the corset slipped down, hitting the floor. you froze, every muscle in your body stiffening as the air around you seemed to stand still.
"oh my god," you whispered into his chest, your voice muffled and filled with embarrassment as you buried your face deeper, cheeks burning. you wanted to disappear, to melt into the ground and pretend this wasn’t happening. "oh my god, oh my god…"
jungwon’s body tensed at first, clearly just as surprised, but then, almost instinctively, his hands found their way to your waist. the warmth of his palms rested gently against your skin, holding you in place as if to steady you, even though both of you were standing perfectly still. his breath hitched for a moment, but he didn’t say anything.
the two of you just stood there, glued to each other, neither knowing what to do. you could feel his heartbeat against your cheek, a steady rhythm that seemed louder in the silence, while your own heart raced wildly, your face still hidden against his chest.
you let out a shaky breath, unable to move or even think straight, trapped in a whirlwind of embarrassment. "i—i didn’t mean for that to happen," you mumbled against him, voice small and apologetic, barely above a whisper.
jungwon, who had been frozen for what felt like an eternity, finally spoke, his voice low and soft. "it’s okay," he said, his hands still resting on your waist, as if anchoring you both in the moment. "it was the magnet."
you both laughed nervously, a quiet, shared moment of awkwardness but also something else neither of you could quite name.
jungwon's hands still rested gently on your waist, his touch warm and steady, grounding you in a moment that felt anything but. your heart was racing, and you could feel his pulse thudding just as strongly against your cheek. the awkwardness between you grew thick, heavy, as you tried to make sense of what had just happened.
but then, without saying a word, jungwon's hand moved from your waist, gliding up slowly. your breath caught in your throat as his fingers gently tilted your chin upward, coaxing your face away from where you’d buried it against his chest. your eyes reluctantly met his, wide and uncertain, your body instinctively pushing closer to him to keep your chest covered.
his touch was soft, yet there was something deliberate about the way he held your chin, guiding you to look at him. you could feel the heat from his fingers, his thumb grazing the edge of your jawline, and for a moment, the world outside of the two of you didn’t exist. it was just the quiet, the subtle rise and fall of his chest beneath your hands, and the intensity in his eyes as they locked onto yours.
but he couldn’t stop himself. his gaze flickered, almost unwillingly, sliding down from your face, tracing the line of your neck before settling lower. his eyes dipped, just for a heartbeat, to where the corset had fallen away, and though you’d pressed tighter into him, he could still catch the soft curve of your bare skin. his eyes did a slow, unintentional marathon—from your eyes, to your chest, and then back again, as if he was trying to fight it but losing that battle with each passing second.
you felt a shiver run through you, your entire body hyper-aware of his presence, the closeness, the heat between you. his fingers still held your chin, his grip gentle but firm, and the way he looked at you—like he was seeing you in a way he never had before—sent your heart pounding even faster.
"jungwon…" you whispered, your voice barely audible, not even sure what you were asking, or if you were asking anything at all. maybe just for the moment to slow down, or speed up—something. your cheeks burned with embarrassment, your arms still wrapped around his waist, pressing tighter as if that would somehow make everything less exposed, less vulnerable.
jungwon’s gaze was intense, almost overwhelming, and you felt your pulse quicken under the weight of it. his eyes seemed to linger just a moment too long on every part of you, tracing your features with a softness that made your breath hitch. unable to take the intensity any longer, you instinctively turned around, trying to break free from the moment, hoping to gather yourself.
but in your flustered state, you didn’t realize the full gravity of what you’d just done.
the cool air on your bare skin suddenly felt more noticeable, your nipples hardening in an Instant, and before you could react, you were standing there—completely uncovered—facing the massive mirror. your heart skipped a beat, panic flooding through you as it hit you: jungwon was right behind you, already facing the mirror. his eyes had a perfect view of everything reflected back at him.
"oh my god," you gasped, realization crashing over you like a tidal wave.
before you could move, jungwon was already there. his reflexes were quicker than you expected, and without hesitation, his hands shot forward, gently but urgently covering your exposed chest. his palms pressed against your tits, shielding you from both the mirror and himself, the warmth of his touch sending a jolt through you.
the room seemed to freeze for a moment, the tension so thick it was almost suffocating. you could feel jungwon’s breath behind you, shaky and uncertain, his hands resting protectively over you. your pulse raced beneath his fingers, the intimacy of the situation more than either of you had anticipated.
“i knew they would fit just right in my hands” jungwon whispered merely for himself but your ears couldn’t ignore it either. his hands were warming up your chest a lot in that moment, and if before you’d be positive that your nipples are the hardest they could be, well, jungwon decided to prove you wrong and circle his palms around them to make them even rock hard. he couldn’t stop staring at the mirror, at the way your body was glued to his, at the manner in which there was only one obstacle from seeing your beautiful chest and that was his own hands.
you bit your lower lip, resting the back of your head against his chest as he lowered his head to place a wet kiss against your exposed skin. you trembled under his touch as his plumped lips left saliva on your beautiful neck, following to be licked off by his long tongue, going all the way to your ears. and because he couldn’t leave them just like that, he bit your earlobe, still, so gently. his hands continued to tease your nips against his palms, now your shoulder being devoured by his hungry lips, kissing, licking, sucking and nibbling all over.
naturally, one of his arms went lower to unwrap the thread along your skirt, causing it to fall down so carelessly, exposing your simple, pale pink panties, along with a wet stain against them. “do i turn you on, y/n”? jungwon asked, eyes locked on the mirror, pushing his hand lower to cup your pussy completely. he rested it there, using his middle finger to press against your hole, hidden behind the drenched piece of lingerie.
“mhm” you nodded, closing your eyes as arching your back in response, unable to resist to his soft, attentive yet dangerous touch. you pushed your chest up, the lonely left breast showing off its round and perky shape. jungwon smirked at the view of that, turning you around and pressing you against the mirror. the cold touch of the glass gave you a short shiver, followed by another one coming from jungwon, who couldn’t help but get on his knees in front of you.
“as a model, you should control yourself regardless of the circumstances, is that true?” he asked you on a deliberate sarcastic tone, a mischievous smile appearing on his face. he stuck out his tongue, licking his lips like a hungry animal. “let’s see if you can keep your moans to yourself then, sweetheart” he added, just before pulling down your panties, his hot breathe hitting your soaked pussy immediately. you felt your legs getting weaker already, but jungwon made sure to hold you still, his mouth taking a full bite of your dripping wet cunt. if before he presented himself to be the greatest gentleman, now he surely proves the contrary. jungwon aggressively sucked on your clit, using a finger to push inside you unexpectedly.
you whimpered out, loud enough for the whole staircase to hear. “shh” he whispered to you, pushing his finger as high as possible and taking it out to make you desperate. his lips were taking over your folds, giving each of them their own turn, leaving wet kisses and fainted marks. additional to his index finger, another one joined him, pushed hard inside you again, letting another moan out, even louder this time. jungwon smirked, and curled them inside you, making your legs tremble. you clenched around his fingers, his tongue giving your clit now all of his attention.
at this point, you had no more strength to stand still and kept going lower, his fingers deeper inside you. “ride my fingers” he urged you, raising his head to see your face full of pleasure, rolling your eyes back with each movement. he stopped moving his hand now, and waited for you to do your turn. with a small gulp, you pushed you body lower until his finger were all hidden inside you again, biting your lips not to let another sound escape from you. it felt so good you couldn’t raise anymore, legs still shaking in pleasure. that’s when jungwon’s patience went down to 0 and his fingers curled again inside you, this time his thumb rubbing your clit in sync.
“do you like how i finger you, sweetheart? your wet sounds say it all”
his smirk couldn’t leave his face at all, not for a second, nor could his gaze let go of yours. he was obsessed with the way you rolled your eyes back, the way you pushed your chest up and the way your shaking legs couldn’t help you stand still anymore. all of this because of him, because of his hands, his fingers, simply him, his voice, his touch.
“i feel so close” you whined, the words barely coming out of your mouth correctly. but to be fair, how could you say anything right when all you could feel was pleasure? hearing your statement, jungwon stood up and pulled down his jeans along with his boxers, revealing his hardened length. “then cum around my cock” he imposed as he pushed his dick covered in precum inside your cunt. he pressed his hands against the mirror, pumping himself into you. he threw his head back, speeding up his rhythm as your tits jumped up and down.
“j-jungwon” you moaned aloud his name, crying along with it. you did not have a single thought on your mind anymore, all you could feel was jungwon’s cock hitting your g point a million times, until your body couldn’t take it anymore. “jungwon i-“ you started saying, but before you could finish, he was already painting your walls white. you let go of your pleasure and came on his cock, throwing your arms around his neck to find some support.
legs shaking, you were still trying to catch your breathe. completely naked against the dressing room mirror, you felt a shiver down your spine and a moan was shouted out again when jungwon pushed himself inside you one more time. he chuckled, seeing your reaction and lifted you up, walking effortlessly across the room to the leathered sofa. he sat down on it, you still on his lap, his cock still buried inside you.
“round two?”
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fakevalentine · 2 days
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— FLUSH ! 🃁 🃊 🃋 🃍 🃎
female reader x sevika
cw — nsfw. public sex. exhibitionism. oral ( sevika ). finger sucking. spit play. humiliation?. sev has body hair!
disclaimer i have no idea how to play poker also this is kinda long i just love sevika so much i had to put my whole pussy into her!!!
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no matter how many times sevika literally sat down and explained the rules of poker, you never understood. she told you step by step what to do, even a lost a round while letting you take her turn to practice.
but no avail. you remain clueless and, well... useless.
sevika drags you to the last drop every friday, and tonight was dragging on for an annoyingly long period of time. she enjoyed gambling and won a lot, spoiling you if you acted right. you didn't want to take that away from her— even if you were bored out of your mind sat beside her.
she had sent you up to the bar with a handful of coins for 'a whiskey and whatever you want.'
thieram (or chuck, as jinx calls him) the bartender, knows exactly how to pour her drink. he's nice to you, offers some small talk and maybe a friendly compliment, but doesn't let his eyes linger on you for too long. and that's about it.
you take her whiskey over ice from the bar, not bothering to get yourself anything since you were still sipping on your beer you got an hour ago. you keep forgetting to drink it.
sevika drinks too fast, you tell her all the time. but it takes a whole lot to get her drunk, she wasn't even tipsy yet.
her attention is solely centralized on her cards splayed out between her metal fingers and held in place by her thumb. you glance at her face as you sit down and slide her drink over; she's unreadable as ever. her poker face is impressive.
her flesh hand reaches over to pat your thigh in thanks before wrapping around the glass of whiskey and taking a gulp, sighing and sitting back on her chair. her legs are spread wide, and you're suddenly distracted by her thick thighs.
and she's fully aware. "bored?"
you look back up at her face when her deep voice rings through your ears. she's looking at you now, her piercing bright eyes basically staring through you. "no. just thinking." you reply.
she raises an eyebrow, not believing you, "about...?"
riding your thighs— "nothing important. are you winning?"
she huffs at your question, "guess." she wins every round, and has. her pile of winnings only growing higher, and you know you're eating good for at least a month.
you smile softly, looking around the poker table at her men that were clearly distressed. it wasn't looking so good for them, their wallets collecting dust every time they played against sevika— and yet they came back every friday and threw their last coins on the bet in hopes of suddenly getting lucky.
"i know you're bored." sevika murmurs, and you feel a little guilty because you know how much she genuinely enjoys playing poker. but it was boring you to death.
you frown and look up at her, "sorry, babe..."
she shrugs, her hand finding your thigh again as she looks back down at her cards, "i got an idea."
"don't tell me you're gonna make me play again.." you giggle a little, and the corner of sevika's mouth turns up just a little at the familiar sound.
"fuck no," she squeezes your thigh, your muscles flexing under her grip, "not a chance, girl."
you reach for your beer as she talks, taking a few sips and admiring how the low light of the bar highlights the scars decorating her brown skin, "so what's your idea, sev?"
"get on your knees."
you choke on your drink, eyebrows scrunching together as you stare at her for a few seconds. "seriously?"
sevika rolls her eyes, looking over at you. "it'll keep you busy."
she barely blinks before you're setting your drink down and slipping under the table between her legs on your knees, always eager to please her. the men at the table look up from their cards, watching you scramble under their table before exchanging looks with eachother.
"keep your eyes on your damn cards." sevika snaps, spreading her legs a little wider as your hands slide up her thighs and finds her heavy belt buckle, the metal clanking as you undo it. you then pop the button on her pants and pull her zipper down.
you know her boundaries, and you know better than pull her pants down any more than needed— even though you want to. so you shimmy then down along with her boxers just enough.
her boys aren't completely stupid, they know what you're doing under the table. but they also know not to mention it, not wanting to piss sevika off, paired with them being used to the very little decorum you and her have. anytime, anywhere.
so of course this wasn't the first time you knelt at your girlfriend's feet on the sticky bar floor, hence your lack of hesitation.
sevika's hand comes down to your face, squishing your cheeks before easing two of her thick fingers into your mouth, pushing them further until you gag. you know she would be smiling that pretty tooth gap grin if she wasn't putting on her poker face, but admittedly, both were hot.
she presses her thumb against your chin to tilt your face up, putting pressure on your tongue and sliding her digits along your muscle. she's doing this for a few of reasons, the main one being to get herself wet— and to torture you, of course.
she fucks her fingers in and out of your mouth and you probably should be embarrassed by the nasty gagging, clicking sounds you're making. you know the people around you can hear, and you should be ashamed.
she sees your thighs press together, shoving her fingers down your throat with a groan. "fuck is wrong with you?" she scowls, waiting until you gag again before pulling her soaked fingers out, smearing the slobber over the bottom half of your face and smudging your lipstick.
well she's soaked now, fucking your throat always works a charm. you can see the hairs on her mound glistening with arousal, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth at the sight.
she pulls your lip from your teeth with her thumb, sliding the pad over it. "c'mon, get to work."
you scoot closer to her, lowering your face between her thighs and flicking your tongue out to taste her. sevika just takes a deep breath, her thigh twitching a little.
you latch your warm mouth onto her, moaning against her clit at her taste as you suck on her gently. she hums in approval, reaching her hand down to thread through your hair to shove your face further into her cunt.
you happily oblige, looking up as you mouth at her messily. your hand slides up her body to slip under her shirt, feeling the slight contractions of her abdomen, her happy trail tickling your fingers.
the only thing you disliked about doing this was that you didn't get to see her pretty face scrunch up, or her head fall back as she pants heavy and tries not to let out little high pitched moans. but you also don't mind her cold stare, barely acknowledging how your tongue pressed against her hole, humming when you taste her arousal leak out.
she just grunts, letting go of your hair and grabbing a cigar, shoving it between her teeth and lighting the end of it— mostly to keep her own mouth busy to conceal the moans and groans brewing in her throat.
"keep goin'."
that's your sign that she's close, and you knuckle down, moving your head up and down slightly. her right leg jerks, smoke blowing out of her nose as she exhales deeply and tries to keep her composure.
you smile against her at the sight, and her eye twitches in annoyance. she knows you know— both that she's close, and the way you make her feel. it drives her insane that you know her so well, that you can make the most feared woman of the undercity a puddle in your mouth.
sevika grunts, shifting her hips and looking down at you. "come on." she mumbles, smoke escaping between her teeth and making you a little dizzy.
you shake your head slightly to heighten the friction, her clit throbbing against your tongue as her jaw clenches. her leg jerks up again as she cums, her knee knocking against the poker table and making the chips jump. you flinch a little but keep sucking as she grips your hair, keeping your mouth on her as her head falls back on her chair.
she lets out a huff, rubbing her hand over her face and pulling your face away from between her thighs. she scans your face, taking in your pussy drunk expression, her slick covering the bottom half of your face.
you smile up at her, and she smirks. both at how cute you look, and how god damn slutty you are.
one of her men clear his throat awkwardly, shifting in his seat. "you two need'ta get a damn room."
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