#i want to be a wrestler myself
novampiresremain · 26 days
i have a lot of passionate feelings about wrestling right now so i suppose ill go on about them in the tags
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menstitsillness · 1 year
ik i've gone on abt this A Lot recently but it genuinely is so exhausting to exist as a queer woman in sports fanbases but especially in football recently because i love the highs and lows of emotions i experience when watching my favourite teams and players but seeing ppl you look up to and admire for their work casually embrace generally shitty people but specifically shitty towards women hurts man, and that's not even to Begin taking about the casual sexism and general queerphobia so many fans display
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inbabylontheywept · 27 days
i did wrestling in middle school. on one hand, i was actually quite good at it, which was nice. being good at any sport was a new achievement for me. on the other hand, i was bi, and i was trying very hard not to notice that i was bi, and getting folded into knots by very kind, very muscular dorks made that task somewhat difficult.
adding fire to the problem was that my parents and my grandparents wanted to watch my matches, because they were very proud that their Gangly Nerd Son was actually Sporting, and they wanted to cheer me on. which would've been sweet and all, but if there are four people you do not want there during a key part of your Burgeoning Sexual Awakening, it is your mom and your dad and your grandma and your grandpa.
right? i mean, imagine some guy's got your head in his armpit, and you're going you know, old sweat smells bad, but fresh sweat has a sort of and then you make eye contact with your grandpa in the stands and you remember you're swearing spandex so if you pop a boner people aren't just going to be able to see the outline, they're going to be able to count the veins, and the only way you will be able to restore your family's honor after that would be by moving to siberia and renouncing joy, forever. that, or lift your entire body up by your kneck then twist 180 degrees without paralyzing yourself.
it’s a lot of pressure, is what i’m saying.
still it did motivate me to win my matches really fast. because i was so tall and skinny, i was stupidly good at the double leg takedown, and then once someone was knocked down, i'd just do the half nelson and kind of flip em over for the pin. then the ref would count to three and i’d win. EZPZ.
i had one match where that went great. won in the first ten seconds, sat back down, and prepared myself for a good hour or two of doing fuck all. didn't even feel bad the parents/grandparents were gonna be bored. the matches went up from me in 5 pound increments (i was in the 115 lbs division) and it was going great until we got to the 145 lbs division. the other school's wrestler stepped onto the mat, and she turned out to be a girl so our guy flipped, because for straight guys, wrestling a girl is not a pleasant experience.
i'm not entirely unsympathetic. my experience wrestling dudes was definitely a little traumatic. but also, i dealt. guy could've dealt too. instead, he refused to wrestle, and the coach went - fine. not even worth fighting over.
so he went to the 140 pounder, and that guy said, nosir, my mom said mormons can't wrestle girls. next guy down, 135 pounder, now he knew he could pull the same card and thus did. 130 pounder, 125, both tapped out. he got to the 120 guy, and that guy was catholic, but he said he was considering being mormon, and thus would have to pass. as a precaution.
coach blew up a little at that. he said "is there anyone - anyone - on this entire goddamn team that is willing to wrestle a girl?" and then he pointed at me and said "YOU. MAT. GO."
and i'll be real, if i'd been paying more attention, i'd have pulled the mormon card too, but i'd just been putting all that audio into a buffer file because i was reading, so i was halfway across the mat before i even processed what had been said and by then it was too late to turn back.
still i had a plan. and my plan - my beautiful, perfect plan - was to do what i'd always done. tackle, flip, pin, win. sit down. read. bore my family to death. move on.
i got the first part right. she was bigger than me, but she wasn't taller. just an incredibly stout woman. god built me like a snake with glasses, just as he built her like a combat cube. the problem was the half nelson. soon as she was down, i tried hooking my arm under hers from behind and for both genders, the defense for this move is just clamping your arms really fucking tight against your sides. if you're a guy, that's whatever, but if you're a girl - especially if you're god's chosen combat cube - that pins your opponents hand right against your boob.
so, i got the hook in, she clamped, my whole arm pressed against something soft, my coach was yelling THE HALF NELSON. BABYLON! JUST FINISH IT! FINISH THE HALF NELSON! and i was just trying to press hard enough to finish, when then my brain went
and i flipped out. of course i flipped out. i like girls, and touching a boob is an elemental experience, and i was not ready. i was not prepared. i had not committed the sacred rites. i recoiled like i'd just brushed my arm against the surface of the sun, stood up, and backed away. nobody in the room knew why i'd given up. all they saw was me, right about to win, suddenly flailing around and scrambling. so everyone started screaming at me to just get the half nelson again, and i couldn't really yell back there's a fuckin' boob in the way and it was very distressing, and the only way i could think of to make them stop was just doing it over again the right way.
so i did.
i hunkered down and prepared myself for Wrasslin' Attempt #2: The Sequel.
i knocked her down again, EZPZ. i went for the half nelson again, but she knew what i was about to do so she super clamped, and i knew she was gonna super clamp, so i wound my arm back like a pop-eye cartoon punch before swinging my arm through the gap between her bicep and her side, but the amount of time i spent winding back super signalled what i was about to to do, which gave her time to clamp even harder, which somehow redirected the entire force of the popeye punch to the bottom of her bra.
it spat out a single boob the same way an action hero might spit out one single tooth after getting a solid crack across the jaw. as if to say:
*ptooie.* "that all you got?"
i did not actually see this. my experience was that first there was an arm, then there was a bit of boob, but i was braced, i was ready, forward at all costs, tatakae motherfuckers, and then the boob went away, and i didn't know where it went but my team, and the audience, and everyone who was in front of me, they all gasped like i just kicked them in the stomach. except for my coach. he was behind me, and thus one of the four people in the room who did not see the boob. now my mom, my dad, my grandma, and my grandpa, they all got flashed but nooooooo, coach thunderbutt was behind me, and he didn't see shit so he was still yelling NOOOOOO BABYLON WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST FINISH THE NELSON! GO FOR THE KILL! BABYLON! BABYLON!
but i did not go for the kill. i stood up and she stuffed her boob back real fast, and we just kind of circled each other awkwardly until time ran out and i won on points. that's not technically allowed, but the ref had some mercy on me.
my coach did not.
i barely had time to sit down before he strode over to the bench to chew me out.
"babylon," he said, in that very calm way people get when they're too pissed to yell. "why didn't you pin?"
and i didn't know how to say well coach, i tried, but there was a boob, and it kept getting in the way, and my mom was watching, and so was my dad, and so was his dad, and his mom, and god (like bible god) and that's a can of worms because i'm pretty sure he was already mad at me, and i'm wearing spandex, and i think i might have to move to siberia, so instead i said
"i uh. i forgot how to do the half nelson."
which is actually impossible. forgetting how to do the half nelson is like forgetting how to swallow your spit.
and he looked at me, like i was the dumbest person in the entire world, and i looked through him like i'd just survived my 250th day in a trench at verdun, and he said: fine.
but we're all going to practice it for an hour tomorrow because you forgot.
and then he left.
and my buddies had the gall to be salty about it. i got so many comments saying "dude, why didn't you just tell him the truth?" and i said "you can if you care so damn much. you could've wrestled the girl too. maybe someone else should do the hard thing today."
but they didn't. so the next day, we did an hour of half nelson drills, and i spent a decent amount of time getting thrown around the mat, and it was pleasant in exactly the way that i hated and the year after that, to the surprise of everyone but myself, i quit wrestling and joined the trivia team.
and if you want more reasons to love my mom, my grandpa joked after the match that i might have to talk to my bishop about it, and my mom told him he would be allowed to make jokes after he stood in front of a crowd of 110 people in spandex underpants while wrestling a woman that was not his wife.
he paused for almost five seconds after that. then he said: aw. hell. sorry babylon.
and i'd have preferred my apology from god, but getting it from him was pretty good too.
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wannabeanotter · 4 months
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Fucking tops. It's Friday, nearly midnight and instead of dancing I'm stuck in the washroom at a gay club, hiding from some shithead.
"Tops, right?"
Next to me is a tall guy in a flannel shirt. He's pretty hot, but, urgh, he's the last thing I want to be thinking of right now.
"Yeah," I try to sound chatty, but it's clear I'm pretty annoyed "How did you know?"
He turns to me and crosses his arms, grinning, "Oh, you know. What happened? I bet you have loads of guys chasing after you"
It's true. I mean, look at this ass
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"Urgh. This guy grabbed me from behind and started grinding against me. Can you believe it?? He didn't even ask, all I did was wink at him."
"Hmphh, you winked at him? Sounds like he was giving you what you wanted. You know, all you bottoms are the same. Needy. Demanding. Seeing real men as just dumb grunting animals. Maybe that guy was trying to do you a favour?"
I groan and turn around to leave "Oh, fuck you." Just what I need, another smug shithead.
He heckles me from behind. "God, twinks like you are so fucking lame. Maybe we're fed up of being nagged all the time?". He sounds kinda angry, but I ignore him, and roll my eyes.
"You know what, grab your dick."
I freeze, and my eyes go wide with shock. Why am I so shaken? That's not the worst thing I've heard at a club. I try to move but I can't, I just sputter, "Wh- what?? I'm not doing that"
He grins, "I'm not asking"
I feel something pull against my pants, but I look down and see it's my own arm
"WHAT THE FUCK! Are you... you're doing this?" My arm creeps down, playfully running my fingers over my tight stomach, and slips down through my waist band.
"Haha, yeah I am bro. So, bottom bottom bottom. What to do with you. What if I open your eyes a little?"
I, I start to shake. Something in me feels good. Beefy guys start to flash through my mind, and whatever's taken over my hand knows what it's doing down there. Athletes, wrestlers, big bulges in tight clothes...
"Here's the thing. There's enough brats like you around here bro. Someone's gotta do something. Think of it like, uh, giving back to the community."
The images in my mind start to change. The models get smaller, swapping out athletes for tight twinks in tighter shorts. Instead of biceps, I'm thinking of big, curvy asses, and my hand... I can't control myself. I wanna grab someone, anyone, and start grinding.
But then, one of my crushes slides by - Jason, a HUGE wrestler on my college team. Biggest pecs I have seen in my life. Thank fuck, finally, a real man. He looks at me with his big, brown eyes and oh my god, my heart flutters. I look up at him and in my mind I start to walk towards him
The guy in the flannels shirt is egging me on, "Go on, do it." How does he know what I'm thinking? Whatever.
I reach out, and Jason smiles. That big, goofy, handsome grin... and then he turns around. He gets down on the mats, on his hands and knees, raising his big, firm ass into the air. I'm looking right at it.
I squirm. "Oh god. No. No no no no no"
"Uh, actually, yes." The guy in the washroom grins. "I want you to be a dumb, grunting animal, you will do that for me. Are you starting to understand?"
I lean down over the sink, but in my fantasy I fall against Jason. I hold him tight, pinning his big sweaty form down against the mats. At first, there's barely anything I can do to control him - he's WAY bigger than me, but soon I start to feel... bolder. Firmer. He tries to roll me over, but I slip my arm around his shoulder and a vein pops up over my bicep. My legs strain and my glutes start to stretch. Fuck, my whole body is throbbing.
I grunt, and slam him downwards, which gives moment to catch my breathe. Does he feel less sweaty? I wipe my forehead. Wait, am I more sweaty?
"Yeah bro. I know what you're thinking, I know how much you love guys after they've worked out. Damp clothes, that manly smell... it's exactly what every bottom wants these days. Now it's yours"
We twist around each other, and I reach my arms across his body. Wait, all the way around? His shoulders have gotten smaller, thinner... twinkier. And, well, mine are the opposite. He lunges, but I grapple him. All the mass has gone from his legs, meanwhile, my biceps are big enough to crack a skull.
"I want to make you a real fuckboy, you know? Someone who just thinks with his dick. Gym, sex, gym, sex, gym, sex... I want you to always be turned on, I want it to control you, I want you to never get a break."
I've got him, firm between my legs. Jason's tiny now, the same size I was 2 minutes ago, and I start to grind my bulge against his soft, bubbly ass. Fuck. Fuck! It's so good. This is the best fantasy I've ever had in my life. I want to fuck him so bad.
My whole body is throbbing, shaking. Blood is pulsing through my, through my everything. Fuuuuuck. I feel almost dizzy. Everything about this almost feels real. I go to lift up my shirt, but it's gone, and I run my other hand over my stomach. It's like I can really feel the abs
I cum. Oh my god, did I just cum in a... a washroom at a night club? And, I was thinking about topping a guy??
"Ahem". I turn to stare at the guy next to me. He looks pleased with himself. Very pleased.
"There bro! How do you look?"
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I look in the mirror, and it hits me like a fucking brick. My body... my clothes. Oh my god, everything's gone. THAT WAS REAL? I look like some stupid fuckboy. Am I a stupid fuckboy? Is that a JOCKSTRAP? My jeans are gone, now just a pair of shorts. Very short shorts. Is that it? Is that all I'm wearing? Over the top of my huge pecs I see my converses are gone too, swapped out for some worn down gym shoes.
This can't be real. If it is, my boyfriend is 100% going to break up with me. How do I even explain this? That I'm like, ripped now? No, wait... that's not it. I try to imagine him topping me but, but, fuck, it feels so gross. A total turnoff
"Of course you don't want to let him top you. You're not a bottom anymore... that's kind of the whole point."
But he would never let me top him. But maybe we don't need to have sex for a while. That wouldn't be so bad, would it...
"AHAHAHA, sorry, with your new sex drive? What part of a fucking animal don't you understand"
There's no way he would want to stay with a horny fuckboy, but, but...
what if I am a stupid fuckboy? I'm already thinking of a nice, tight twink. I'm not that interested in him anyway - he's too tall, too beefy. All the guys I saw earlier are racing through my head. The skinny guy I danced with with the great ass, that cute short one by the bar... urgh, he had those perfect legs, that cute crop top, tight stomach... I bite my lower lip and reach down...
I start hyperventilating. "This isn't me. I'm not a jock, I am ABSOLUTELY not a top. And," I lift up my arm, "there's no way I actually smell like this"
He laughs, like he's having the fucking time of his life. Maybe he is. "HAHA, sorry dude, yeah you do. And, yeah, you are. Think of that fuck stick like a gift, not just to you, but also to every cute boy you see on grindr. You'll get used to it, trust me"
His words flood my head... I imagine scrolling through the app in bed later, looking at the sea of boys all desperate for me... I reach down again...
"NO! Fuck! Make it stop. Why are you doing this to me?!!"
He pauses for a moment, then sighs and shakes his head. His expression... he's looking at me like he thinks I'm stupid. Does he think I'm stupid? No way - this motherfucker!
"Really? I know I fried a few wires up there dude, but you cannot seriously be asking that. Why do you think I'm doing it?"
"I - I..." I can't find any words. I really don't know. I just don't fucking get it. He's ruining my body, my LIFE, and for what? Fun? Revenge?
But he laughs, and looks at me. I'd think he was being pitiful if he wasn't grinning so fucking hard.
"Bro," he says, "I'm doing this because I think it's hot."
My heart sinks. "You're doing this because, because it fucking turns you on? Don't you give a shit about me at ALL?? I'm going to lose my boyfriend, I'm trapped in this horny, sweaty, disgusting body..."
"Just stop complaining. You know, so what if you don't get in a say in this! Sometimes you just gotta take what life gives you, and right now that's a huge fucking cock"
I feel like I'm about to burst out crying. He grabs my new, boyish face, and pulls it up towards his. "So, yah! Glad I could clear that up," he laughs, "Look, ok, this isn't gonna work if you're gonna be such a fucking loser about it. It's also not gonna work out if you don't work out - you gotta be going to the gym from now on. Those biceps, those pecs... you're chiseled like a statue and I'm not gonna let those new muscles go to waste. You need to be in there DAILY."
He gives my cheeks a squeeze, then lets me go. I clutch my face. It feels different, unfamiliar. Am I crying?
"URGH, bro, will you just quit looking at me like that. Puppy dog eyes, I shouldn't have made you so fucking handsome... Look, I'm gonna give you one last chance, ok: cheer up, right fucking now, or else I'm gonna have to do some rewiring. Right now, all your decisions are being made up there", he flicks my forehead, and then he smirks and grabs my crotch. "But, if I flick the switch, this guy gets to do all the thinking. You'll be so dumb, so horny, HAH, you'll be drooling over your own dick. A real fucking animal. Got it?"
If I don't get a grip, it's over for me. But what do I do? I gulp, and try to swallow my tears. I wash my face a little in the sink. He stares down at me, and the two of us stand in silence. It feels like forever, but it must have been just a minute.
I look up at him, and let out a squeak. "Yeah. You're right. I got it"
"No." he says "I don't think you do."
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Damnnnnn, look at these pecs. Fuck, what was I doing? Whatever, I gotta get back out there. See if that blonde guy by the bar is taken. Just thinking of him and his ass makes me wanna... I grab my crotch, and let out a moan.
Wait, is that cum? Yoo how did I not realise. I clean myself up and slide my waistband back over my jockstrap, letting it snap into place against my cum gutters. I flex, and light shines off my glistening, sweaty muscles - if someone were to see me now, they'd think I was a greek statue. These strong, firm thighs, the perfect curve of my glutes... these shoulders look like they were made by fucking Michelangelo.
Nah, I'm way better than that. A statue doesn't have a dick. See you at the club, bro
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bodyhopper-files · 4 months
Wrestling with my roommate.
My roommate stood in front of me, his once scrawny frame now bulging with muscles. He had been transformed into an exact duplicate of Preston James, the star wrestler at our college, thanks to my magical abilities. I couldn't contain my excitement as I handed him a tight red singlet to try on and show off his transformation.
"Are you sure this looks okay on me?" he asked hesitantly, still not fully comfortable in his new body.
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"Bro, it looks perfect!" I exclaimed, slipping into the persona of Jordan Ridge, another hot jock from our wrestling team who I had transformed myself into. I'd dressed myself up in a bright blue singlet, and my muscles were bursting out of it, ready to be put to the test. "Let's wrestle!"
In no time, we were grappling with each other, utilizing the skills of Preston and Jordan while also giving into our nerdy gay desires. It was an intense battle for dominance between two nerds in the bodies of campus' hottest stud jocks.
As we fought, our muscles pumped up and we began to sweat through our singlets, filling the room with the scent of a locker room. Finally, I pinned my exhausted roommate down.
"You still don't think you look good in that singlet?" I panted, breathing heavily.
"No bro, I love wearing this," he said with a smile, collapsed in my arms. While he may have been talking about the singlet itself, I knew he also meant how much he loved wearing Preston's jock body.
"We can be these two studs whenever we want!" I enticed him before going in for another round. This time, when I pinned him down, I was going to fully indulge in all my fantasies and fuck him like a true college wrestling stud.
----- ----- ----- Original story and AI Illustration by @bodyhopper-files
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fandomfucker · 4 months
Can I request poly! Judgement Day x virgin fem! Reader?
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Mixed with this request: TJD X female reader story where they're all just chilling at home (rest and relaxation day) and the day ends with the devils tango?
WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT!! (Condoms used, oral f&m receiving and giving, spit, fingering, vaginal penetration, choking, pet names, anal mentioned, praise, slight degradation, hair pulling)
A/N: Sorry its taken so long ���
Word Count: 4,816
Reader's POV
As a pro-wrestler in a polyamorous faction, we took our days off very seriously. We didn't get many and even when we did get one, despite all being on the same show, the five of us were rarely all together.
Now, for the first time in almost two months, we all had the day off together. And we were going to make the best of it.
The first thing we all did together was sleep in. We had pushed two king beds together for one massive bed to fit all five of us when we moved in and we loved it. Not only could we all cuddle together at night, but it gave us more room for sex.
Having never been in a relationship before this at all, much less a poly one, I had been waiting to have sex with any of them. Just until I felt completely ready for it.
My other partners however, relished in the new amounts of space with each other. They would always reassure me that it didn't matter to them if I never wanted to have sex, so I've always felt very secure in my choices.
I woke up tangled in a mass amount of limbs. Being in the middle of four other people was usually wonderful but could also be suffocating at times.
Damian clung onto my back, his face pushed into the back of my neck while Finn clung to his. Dominik laid in front of me with his forehead resting against my chest while Rhea laid in a similar position as she spooned him from behind.
Taking a second to just breathe them all in, I snuggled back into my cocoon between Damian and Dominik and just enjoyed the moment. For once, there wasn't an alarm clock forcing us all to get up and leave, and all five of us were finally together.
"Mornin' sweetheart."
I lifted my head as best I could at the voice, still wrapped up tight in the boys' arms.
"Mornin' Mami," I grinned back.
"You want some breakfast? It's already almost 10:30." Rhea asked me, sitting up and beginning to stretch as her eyes roamed over the situation I was in and huffed a small laugh in pure amusement as I just stared up at her.
She began trying to gently pry Damian's hands from my waist where they were locking me in as she rolled Dominik over so he was also away from me.
"Come on! Get up!" Rhea playfully huffed as she grabbed my arm and began to pull me up.
Groaning, I made myself dead weight which only made her try harder to get me up.
"Can't we just stay here all day?" I pleaded, using my best persuasive voice.
"We can, but got to get some food in you first, my love."
Rolling my eyes I finally conceded with an "okay, okay, jeez" and let her pick me up to carry me out of bed so as not to disturb Dominik.
As soon as I was removed from his grasp, I heard him grumble his half-asleep annoyances before moving into the spot I'd just vacated and cuddling up to Damian who immediately wrapped his arms around him.
Rhea and I awed at them as she carried me out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. Sitting me down at the kitchen counter, she kissed the top of my head before walking over to the fridge and examining the contents inside.
"What do ya' feel like?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at me.
I hummed to myself in thought as I looked past her into the fridge. "Can I just have some yogurt and coffee?"
She raised a brow at me. "That's gonna hurt your stomach."
I just waved her off and gave her a big toothy grin as she rolled her eyes but gave me my yogurt and began making a pot of coffee.
Heavy footsteps padded down the hallway and before I even had the chance to turn around to see who it was, a large hand landed on the top of my head, pulling me into them.
A kiss was planted on the top of my head, with a mumbled "good morning" before I was released and the chair next to me was pulled out and filled in by Dominik.
"Mornin', Mami," He greeted Rhea sleepily.
She threw a small smile over her shoulder, bidding him a good morning in return before going back to what she was doing.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dom scrutinizing me from where he sat not even a foot away.
"What?" I asked him.
Instead of responding to me, he just frowned and leaned down, grabbing the leg of the stool I was sitting on and pulling it towards him so that the seats of our chairs touched.
"That's better," He mumbled to himself as he slumped against me, holding me tight as he closed his eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep.
My cheeks quickly heated as I looked over to Rhea in confusion, who was now watching us in amusement. She just shrugged at me before moving to the cabinet to grab some mugs.
I wrapped my arms around Dominik and began to lightly stroke his arm, tracing his tattoos.
Goosebumps began to spread out across his body underneath my fingers and he shivered, making me giggle. I cradled his head against my chest and gave the top of his head a kiss in apology.
His grip tightened on me and he snuggled his head further into my collarbone.
Rhea came over and placed two steaming hot mugs of fresh coffee in front of us, making Dom's head shoot up but his grip on me never faltered.
He stuck one of his knees in-between mine to keep me close as he reached out only one hand and grabbed my mug, beginning to cool it off by blowing on it.
Watching him do this simple little gesture of affection and care made me fall even harder for him. Once he had cooled it to what he deemed to be an acceptable temperature, he handed it to me, accompanied by a forehead kiss, before grabbing his own coffee and doing the same thing.
Sipping my perfect temperature coffee I just stared at him in wonder and love. In all the other relationships I'd been in since I was a teenager, no one had ever cooled off my coffee for me simply because.
He caught me staring at me and looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes mid-blow.
My cheeks flushed again and a ducked my head down, staring at my coffee to avoid eye contact.
I could hear both Dom and Rhea laughing at me but before either of them could say anything, Finn walked into the room, followed closely by Damian.
"Mornin' loves," Finn went around the kitchen giving all three of us a kiss on the head before seating himself at the head of the kitchen table.
I myself gave him a small grunt in greeting as I began to shovel my yogurt into my mouth so we could all go back to bed sooner.
"Woah, woah, woah. Take it easy, mi amor." Damian took the spoon out of my hand, forcing me to swallow what I already had in my mouth before taking another bite. "What's got you in such a rush?"
I stole my spoon back, receiving a quick frown in response as Rhea answered him for me.
"She just wants to spend the whole day in bed with everyone. But everyone else still needs to eat first too so slow down, babe." She reprimanded me.
Dominik stole my attention away from our girlfriend by resting his hand on my knee.
"I'm not hungry so once you finish we can go back to bed until everyone else is done, okay?"
Nodding happily, I took my time and slowly finished the rest of my yogurt, taking sips of my now lukewarm coffee in between bites.
Rhea made Finn and Damian some more coffee while Finn made the three of them a proper breakfast. Watching them just interact with each other as I ate my own breakfast made me happier than anything.
I sat and watched Rhea, swatting Damian's hands away from trying to take her vegemite away from her. And then Damian complaining that her kisses would just take like vegemite now, and her putting even more onto her toast.
She pulled off a bit of the crust with a much smaller amount of the vegemite on it, and handed it to me. I happily grabbed it and popped it in my mouth, thanking her as I enjoyed the Australian treat.
Of the four of us non-Australians I liked vegemite the most. Not anywhere near the degree that Rhea did, but I did like a small bit on occasion.
Once I had finished my yogurt, Dominik took my hand and helped me off the stool. I went and gave Finn, Damian, and Rhea, who had now joined them at the kitchen table, a kiss on the cheek before taking Dom's hand again and letting him lead me back to our bedroom.
Immediately I catapulted into the bed, scrambling to get under the covers and comfy as I possibly could be. I heard Dominik laugh at my antics before also jumping into the bed, landing right next to me as he also scrambled under the covers.
Fully enveloped in the blankets, we stared at each other in the dark, giggling like we were little kids hiding from our parents after doing something we weren't supposed to.
Dominik kissed me on the nose before rolling over to lay on his stomach, and I quickly followed suite.
Our whispers filled the bedroom as we huddled close together under the blankets, as if we actually had any secrets from the others. The others who would soon walk into the room and stop dead in the tracks at the sight of us underneath the blankets, our whispers having ceased the moment we heard them cross the threshold.
"Gee, I wonder where Dom and Y/n are!" Damian playfully exclaimed before immediately divebombing on top of us. Dominik and I both let out a grunt as the air left our lungs and the blankets were pulled back to revel Damian's grinning face.
"Whatcha' doing in there?" He waggled his brows at us, resulting in me slapping his chest lightly as a light blush coated my cheeks while Dominik giggled beside me.
I ducked my head down to hid my face but was immediately brought back up by Rheas fingers underneath my chin, only increasing the heat on my face as our eyes locked.
She grinned at me, leaning in to give me a kiss on the top of my nose before settling under the covers next to me.
Still blushing, I settled back fully under the covers, situating myself to now lay on top of her. My arms rested together on Rhea's plush tatted thighs, my head laid atop them as she massaged my head with her nails.
The feeling of her nails on my scalp soothed me and pretty quickly I was falling asleep. Not that I minded, as Rhea's legs are always the best place to fall asleep. However, I was rudely awakened not long after by Dominik calling for my attention.
I peeled an eye open, seeing Rhea glaring at him from above me and slowly pushing myself to sit up.
"What?" I asked grumpily. I heard Rhea chuckle above me before she started scratching my back with her nails, something I often did to the four of them as well.
"There was an update on your game!" He excitedly showed me, shoving my Nintendo Switch in my face. Disney Dreamlight Valley was a game I had started playing by myself a little while back as it was a very relaxing, peaceful, game. Dom and Rhea both wound up getting into it a bit as well and would play on my world just to get me more materials and money. If we weren't all playing together then sometimes they'd take my phone to help me level up as well as was the case currently.
"What? No way! It's not supposed to be 'til tomorrow!" I excitedly grabbed my phone back from Dominik and began looking around in the game and checking for updates. I heard Rhea make an "ooh" noise behind me and soon both of them had joined my world and were running around with me.
Finn and Damian posted themselves at the ends of the bed, Finn cuddling into Rhea with Damian into Dominik and me in the middle of them all. The TV turned on and the two eldest of the group began channel surfing, Rhea imputing her opinion every so often of what she didn't want to watch. In the end they settled on Tattoo Wars again.
For the next few hours, I just played my  on my switch, while the TV played in the background, my partners surrounding me on both sides. 
Eventually, my legs started cramping and my eyes burned from the bright glare of my screen. I put my switch to the side and slide down the bed, under the covers, and rolled onto my stomach. I laid my arms back across Rhea's thighs and began idly tracing her tattoos.
Her leg twitched, nearly kicking my own leg, as she let out an involuntary giggle from above.
The covers lifted above my head and I looked up, meeting her eyes. "What are you doing, bug?" I grinned up at her innocently, dragging my finger up her thigh again making her shiver.
Like a panther, quick as lightning she lunged for me and had me on my back with my hands pinned above my head as she straddled my hips. She gave me a grin of her own now as I was completely in her control. Or as she and the others liked to say, under her spell.
My eyes widened slightly and I could feel my core grow hot with lust as I stared up at her above me, her necklaces dangling in my face. All three of the boys had now stopped what they were doing and watched us from where they each sat around the bed.
Breathing became harder as each of us refused to break eye contact, her looks quite literally taking my breath away. She leaned down and grazed my cheek with a kiss, making me shiver now.
Pining my wrists together in only one hand as the other one trailed down to my exposed thigh. She trailed her finger up and down the center before inching her way towards the inside of my thigh.
On pure instinct, my legs parted, making way for her hand to do whatever it pleased. "Good girl." She whispered in my ear, pulling away to grin wickedly at me as the ends of her hair now tickled my face.
The small pool of wetness between my legs only grew with her words. Her hand began to tease the brim of my shorts as she lowered her mouth to mine.
I moaned into her, the taste of her vegemite toast still on her tongue as she used it to explore my mouth. My hips lifted up into her hand, chasing friction as she slipped under my shorts, tracing circles on my clothed core.
A gasp left my mouth at the sensation of her cool fingers on my hot skin. "Be a good girl for Mami and I'll give you what you want, hm?" She murmured on my lips.
I nodded as another gasp escaped me, putty in her hands as she rubbed circles around my clothed clit.
She sat back a little and looked around at the boys who were now watching us raptly. "Can the boys join in too or do you want them to leave?" Rhea leaned back down to ask me quietly, just in case it would hurt the boys' feelings.
"They can join." I replied, albeit shakily.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure." I smiled nervously at her.
She kissed my lips again, leaving me chasing after her as she pulled away from me, slinging her right leg back over my hips to sit on my my right side.
She moved the both of us so that she was on her knees, back against the headboard while I sat in front of her with my legs extended. She kept me there with a tight grip on my shoulders as Damian moved to be in front of me.
Rhea massaged my shoulders, her hands traveling up and down my arms sensually as I tried to focus on Damian in front of me.
He laid a hand on my thigh, the other hand coming up to cup my face. Leaning in, he placed his lips against mine. His hand on my thigh traveled up to the bottom of my shorts while one of Rhea's hands traveled down to cup one of my breasts through my shirt.
"Wait, wait, wait," I stopped, pulling away from Damian's lips.
All four partners immediately stopped in their tracks, whether they were touching me or not, and the ones that were pulled away.
"Are you okay?" Finn asked me in concern from the other end of the bed.
I nodded, "Yeah, um but...c-can we..."
Damian gripped my chin, gently tilting my head up to look at him. "Anything you need, Princesa. Just tell us what you want."
Blushing at the nickname, I wet my lips nervously before taking a deep breath.
"Can we use condoms? I know y'all usually don't and Rhea and I are both on birth control but I feel better with the extra protection."
"Of course carino, whatever makes you more comfortable." Dom piped up from where he now laid under Finn.
"Do you just want pregnancy protection or do you want me to use some too? 'Cause I have some in the drawer." Rhea questioned me. She still sat behind me on her knees massaging my shoulders and has now started up again.
I smiled at the genuine worry in her voice, truly willing to do whatever I wanted to make me comfortable. "No that's okay, babe. Just for the vaginal stuff with the boys. Everyone's been tested and hasn't been with anyone outside the group right?" I received four nods in confirmation. "Then I'm all good. Just nervous." I grinned up at her.
She grabbed my throat, forcing my head back even further, "Perfect. Just lay back and we'll do the rest."
She leaned over me and kissed my lips, still keeping a tight grip on my throat. Damian grumbled in front of me at the loss of his position and moved himself between my thighs. He hoisted up my hips, pulling my sleep shorts down and off my legs, my underwear entangled with them.
Reaching over to the bedside table, Damian withdrew three condoms from the drawer. He took one for himself and passed the other two to Finn and Dominik who were off to the other side of the bed but just close enough for me to reach them.
Rhea slid her lips down my chin, all the way to my throat, just under my ear and began her assault there, biting my skin only to lick away the hurt a second later. Breathy gasps left my mouth as she left her mark on me.
My shirt was ripped off my body for better access, my nipples hard and aching under her sensual touches.
A hand on my upper thigh made me turn my attention back towards the man in front of me. I'm met with the sight of his now covered cock standing stiff as he strokes himself, watching me and Rhea together.
A particularly hard bite makes me yelp at the same time Damian grips my thighs, harshly pushing them apart to bare myself to him. Sliding his hand up my thigh, he dragged his thumb up the center of my folds before leaning down and spitting right where his hand just was.
Upon seeing this, Finn and Dom both scooted their way over, moving around so each of them was sitting on either side of me. They each gripped a thigh and leaned down, adding their own spits to the mix.
And Rhea had no problem leaving my neck to move down and spread around the mixed spits of our partners with her tongue through my already soaked folds.
Without Rhea behind me now I was able to lay back on the pillows like she had told me to, as my partners all had their way with me.
I could tell they were still holding back a little and taking it slow though.
Finn and Dom were both naked now as well and I stroked each of their cocks just as Finn had instructed me to as Rhea fucked me with her tongue, using our partners' spit as lube. Damian watched over us all and positioned himself behind Rhea, pushing down on her upper back as she laid bent over on her knees before me.
He pushed her head further into me, making me moan aloud and squeeze the boys' dicks as well, causing them both to moan too. Dominik moved closer to my face and motioned for me to put his dick in my mouth. I did as I was told but wound up having a bit of difficulty still stroking Finn at the same time.
Dominik gripped my face in her hands, cupping right where my jaw met my throat. "Just focus on Finn, cariño."
I followed instructions and just focused on Finn as Dominik gather my hair in one hand, keeping the other hand cupping my jaw as he began to fuck my throat. "Tap my thigh if you need me to stop." He huffed out, continuously slamming his hips into me over and over again.
Not having to focus on two things at once now, I was able to stroke Finn faster, stretching my fingers down to knead his balls, making him throw his head back in ecstasy.
Rhea kept eating me out, fucking and sucking with her tongue until I was practically vibrating with the pleasure. She hummed onto my clit in amusement as my thighs squeezed around her head, only adding to the pit of fire brewing in my stomach.
I watched as Damian kneeled behind Rhea and, without a word, slammed himself into her, making her moan as she was thrusted into my pussy. When he had even taken her shorts off was a mystery to me.
Being the most unexperienced one there, I came first. My thighs clenched and shaking around Rhea's head as her metal tongue piercing swirled around my clit, being pushed and pulled into me as I watched from my vantage point Damian fuck her hard and quick.
"Fuck!" Dominik exclaimed right as he came hard into my mouth. Pulling out, he gave me the option to spit or swallow it.
I maintained eye contact with him as I swallowed it, the grip he had on my hair getting tighter as he watched it go down.
"Good girl, you beautiful little slut." He praised, kissing me on the mouth before pulling away and turning my head towards Finn.
Taking Finn's cock into my mouth, I set the pace this time as I felt Rhea dislodge herself from between my thighs.
I sucked Finn off until he abruptly pulled out of my mouth and came on my tits instead of in my mouth.
He grinned at me hungrily as he watched the liquid slide over and down my breasts, mixing with my sweat and making them shiny.
"Ah fuck!"
I turned and saw Rhea on her stomach just to the side of me with Damian still fucking her from behind, his hands holding her hips tight.
Just by the look on her face I could tell that she was coming pretty hard. I bit my lip as I watched the two of them together.
Damian moaned and gave one last large thrust as he also came into the condom he wore, still inside of Rhea. He head was thrown back, his eyes closed but when he turned to look at me it was like there was no one else in the world.
"You wanna get in on this?" He questioned me, moving away from Rhea to take off and throw away the condom. I nodded eagerly and awaited my instructions.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dom and Finn already back on top of each other, kissing each other like their lives depended on it while Finn fucked Dom.
"What do you want then, sweetness?" Rhea breathily asked me as she pushed herself up.
My face grew hot at the nickname. She hadn't called me that one before and it caught me off guard, not to mention, I was too embarrassed to tell them I wanted her to sit on my face while Damian fucked me blind.
Sensing my nervousness, Damian reached out and tucked back the strands of hair stuck to my forehead with sweat.
"Y/n, I promise you, whatever you want is totally okay with us. We've probably done it before anyways," He smiled at me. "Just tell us what you want so we can make you feel good."
I sucked in a deep breath, before just speed-running my words. "I want Mami to sit on my face while you fuck me."
"That, we can do." Rhea grinned cheekily at me. Gripping my shoulders she gently pushed me down to lie flat in my back, throwing some of the extra pillows behind me to the floor for more room.
My hands reflexively gripped her thighs as she swung her left leg over my hip. Smiling down at me, me began making her way up my body until she was directly over my face.
She stroked my hair as I held onto her upper thighs for dear life. "You ready?"
I nodded, the more than perfect sight of her bare pussy over top of me more than enough to steal my breath away.
Rhea leaned on the headboard with one hand while the other stayed entangled in my hair as I felt Damian put my legs up so my knees were in the air. 
I felt him situate himself between them, gripping my own thighs for support as he rubbed his cock up and down my pussy.
Rhea turned back towards him and gave him a nod but before I could ask them about it, Rhea spread her knees out and rested all her weight on top of me, while Damian simultaneously inserted himself into me, straight to the hilt.
My back arched in ecstasy as Damian began to pound into me, the same way he had to Rhea. I kept my tight grip on her thighs to keep myself grounded as I reveled in the sensations from both partners.
Rhea's grip on my hair tightened when I stuck my tongue into her cunt, making me go deeper and faster than I thought I could. Keeping one hand on her leg, I brought the other one down to rub on her clit.
I could feel Damian doing the same thing, thrusting into me as he drew circles on my clit making me moan into Rhea's pussy, only adding to her own pleasure even more as she grinded down on my face. 
Soon, I could feel both of our thighs beginning to shake on the verge of orgasm as well as Damian's thrusts beginning to become erratic.
With a final thrust of both tongue and cock, all three of us came, shaking and panting.
As soon as Rhea was able to move again she removed herself from my face, resulting in a whimper from me as her slick stuck to my chin, strings of it connecting the two of us as she pulled away.
Feeling a weight that wasn't Rhea on my stomach I looked down to see Damian's exhausted head lying on my lower belly. I smiled and ran my shaky fingers through his hair, a smile tugging at his features as sweat shone on his skin.
I didn't even notice Dom and Finn's absences from where they had been next to us until Finn was holding a wet wash cloth and making Damian get off me. He kissed my thigh before spreading them apart again and starting to clean me up.
I smiled at him in thanks, still at a loss for words as my head rolled to the side, watching as Dominik cleaned up Rhea.
"I think I'm ready for actual food now." I announced. "And maybe a shower," I scrunched my nose in fake disgust, watching as my partners all looked at me like I had hung the moon.
"Actually, I'm thinking we have a girls only bath time, hmm?" Rhea responded, holding out her hand for me to grab.
Once my hand was enveloped in hers, she led me off the bed and into the master bathroom, locking the door behind us to the annoyance of the boys.
That night started me and Rhea's tradition of taking a bath together after every group session. Not only because we both despise being sticky, but because it also gives us a little bit of girl time after being with all the guys.
Which 90% of the time just led to more sex between the two of us. The boys don't need to know that.
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jeysbvck · 6 months
you made a mark on me (a golden tattoo)
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welp, here it is! cody has been my favourite wrestler since 2007/2008, and i NEVER thought i'd write a fic about him, but here we are! after mondays segment, i couldn't get this out of my mind and i hope you all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!! please reblog & comment, they are really helpful & motivating to fic writers!
taglist; @nightmare-viper @harmshake @wrestlezaynia @alyyaanna @xtripleiiix @afterdarkprincess @courtninacole @crxssjae @wrestlingprincess80 🫶🏻 (if u wanna be taken off the list or added, lemme know!!)
warnings; teasing in public, f receiving, m receiving, slight praise kink, p in v penetration, slight exhibitionism, jealous!cody (if i've missed anything please let me know!)
word count; 2.7k
summary; once again, teasing Cody works wonders.
Even from the other side of the room, you could feel those blue eyes on you, staring so hard you were sure you'd find a burn mark on your cheek when you looked in a mirror. You leaned your elbow on the bar, twirling a piece of hair around your finger as you half listened to Damian; giggling and playfully slapping his arm or chest at the right times. You could barely pay attention to Damian. All you could think about was Cody and how he was reacting to the very obvious flirting happening. You could picture his face clearly in your mind; the way his usually soft gaze would be hardened watching the scene play out, the way he'd be clenching his jaw or biting the inside of his cheek; waiting for the moment he could drag you away without causing suspicion.
The moment came sooner than anticipated when Dom dragged Damian away to rejoin the rest of The Judgement Day in the booth they'd occupied all night. You looked around the room, searching for Cody, but when you couldn't find him, you opted to join Sami and Jey, who were waving at you wildly. Before you could, someone came up behind you, and their hand gripped your bicep tightly.
"I know what you're doing," Cody said, his voice low in your ear.
You craned your neck so you could smile up at Cody. "What? I was just having a very lovely conversation with Damian." You said innocently.
Cody spun you around and glared down at you, his eyes looking brighter under the dim lights. "It won't work." He told you, and you tilted your head, pouting slightly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You replied, batting your eyelashes, making Cody roll his neck. "You wanna dance?" You quickly asked before he could say anything else.
He glanced at the mass of people dancing and pulled a face. "We really shouldn't..."
"Come on, I was dancing with Jey earlier. It doesn't -"
"You were dancing with Jey?" He asked, his nostrils flaring as he narrowed his eyes. "Fine, let's dance." He conceded, unable to hide his jealousy as he pulled you to the dancefloor as you giggled.
You took advantage of the number of people on the dancefloor and pressed your body up against Cody while snaking your arms around his neck. His hands rested on your waist, and he raised his eyebrow, to which you shrugged, a smile dancing on your lips. "Sorry." You mouthed, and he shook his head, unable to hide the smile. "You're terrible." He replied, making you grin.
"Oh, you know you love it." You said, massaging the back of his neck with your fingertips, just like you did when you were curled up in bed together. Being this close to him was driving you wild, and if you couldn't touch him the way you truly wanted to, you'd revel in driving him just as wild.
You pushed your pussy into Cody's bulge as you danced, and his grip on your hips tightened. "Don't tease me," He warned, his voice almost a growl. "I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself."
You lifted yourself onto your toes and whispered in Codys' ear, your breasts pushing against his chest. "Who's asking you to control yourself? You could just let go."
Your breath on his neck and your scent in his nostrils was intoxicating. It sent a shiver down his spine, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled through his nose; a futile attempt to control the effect you were having on him. His hands made the journey from your hips to your ass and you glanced around the room, thankful that nobody was paying any attention to the two of you. Considering neither of you was ready for people to know about the two of you, you were playing a very dangerous game. Teasing each other and flirting around other people, stealing kisses and secret moments in crowded rooms, sneaking into each other's hotel rooms or onto Cody's bus; it was all so thrilling, and it was a miracle nobody had caught onto the two of you.
"Baby, you gotta stop." He groaned, squeezing your ass. "You're killing me."
Your eyebrow arched upwards, followed by a smirk. "You want me to stop?" You questioned, slipping your hand in between your bodies, sliding your hand down his shirt until you stopped at his belt buckle. "Just say the word, and I'll do whatever you want."
Cody dropped his head onto your shoulder, a low, almost animalistic sound emitting from his throat. He rutted against you, nipping at your neck as he did, the action making your pussy throb as you caught a moan in your throat. Before you could move your hand lower, Cody promptly grabbed your wrist.
"How about we continue this somewhere more private?" Cody said into your ear. He'd posed it as a question, but it wasn't intended as one— which was apparent when he didn't wait for your answer and practically dragged you out of the main party room and through the hotel lobby.
With his hand on the small of your back, he pushed you through the doors, the cold night air pinching your naked arms. Cody guided you around the corner, and before you knew it, you were up against the wall, his lips attaching to yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth. You reciprocated the kiss, tongues wrapping around each other; both moaning in harmony as he fondled your breasts over your dress. You unbuckled the belt and popped the button open, and when he bit down on your lip, you grinned. You tried to slip your hand into his boxers, ready to feel his cock in your hand, but Cody pulled away, breathless.
"Not here." He said, lacing his fingers around yours. You walked hand in hand across the parking lot, towards where trees lined the edge of the lot. The closer you got, the more you noticed the large outline of Codys' bus, hidden in the shadows of the trees, tucked away from the moonlight. 
"You brought your bus here?" You laughed. "You couldn't use the car?"
Cody unlocked the door and ushered you up the steps. "It's a good thing I didn't, isn't it? I knew you'd try something." He teased, slapping your ass lightly. You turned to face him.
"I knew it'd work." You said, reciprocating the soft smile he sent your way as the lock clicked. He took a few steps towards you, his eyes boring into your soul. They were mesmerising, like two oceans you were certain to drown in, and you wouldn't mind a single bit if you did.
"Of course, it worked," Cody said softly. "It'll always work."
You couldn't wait any longer. You pulled Cody towards you by his tie, your lips smashing together forcefully, his fingers tangled in your hair as he tugged slightly, deepening the kiss. He was like a drug you were addicted to, one that you'd never want to give up.
Cody spun you around and slowly unzipped your dress, peppering your naked back with kisses. The black, velvet number fell to the floor, and you turned to face him, standing in just your heels and black panties. He took a step back and carefully studied you like he was looking at his favourite work of art. He grinned and licked his lips as he arched his eyebrow.
"Get on the bed." He ordered. You stepped backwards until your legs hit the edge of the small bed, and you lowered yourself down, the mattress dipping under your weight. Cody pulled at his tie until it loosened and unbuttoned his shirt, smirking at you as he did.
He stood in front of you, his trousers still open from the make-out session outside, and you maintained eye contact as you pushed them and his boxers down his thighs, freeing his cock from its restraints. Cody's tongue poked out of between his teeth as he smirked, his eyes dark as he flicked his thumb across your bottom lip before he lined his cock up against your mouth.
You stuck your tongue out just enough for it to brush the tip, the simple action making Cody buck his hips. You opened your mouth wider, taking as much of Cody's cock as you could. His hand bundled your hair into a ponytail and as you closed your mouth around him, a groan left his lips as he pulled on your hair, throwing his head back. You dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock, the sensation making it twitch in your mouth. You flicked the tip before curling your tongue around it,and you grasped the base of him, taking a moment to look up at him while you pleasured him.
Cody's eyes were glazed over, profanities spilling from him while he guided your head and fucked your mouth. You loved the noises he made, loved the look on his face whenever you were together. He was usually so calm and collected, so to be the one who made him lose control, to fall apart because of you, it made you feel incredibly powerful and confident; something you didn't have much experience with until you met Cody.
He found himself in a rhythm— one that you wanted to disrupt and so you rolled his balls in your hands, massaging them gently as you took the rest of his cock, choking slightly as the tip hit the back of your throat. The noise Cody made was sinful, and you weren't sure you could be any more turned on until you looked up at him through teary eyes. The sweat was beading around his hairline, his teeth almost biting through his lip as he grunted and thrust into your face.
You wrapped your tongue around his cock and he forcefully pushed your head into him before he couldn't take anymore. He tugged you off by your hair, a Pop! echoing out around the bus. You watched him lean towards you and you crawled up the bed slightly, until Cody was leering over you, his eyes full of lust. He wiped your wet cheeks with his thumbs and kissed you; so much passion in the soft and tender embrace. The longer the kiss went on, the more fierce it became, and your back hit the soft sheets, bringing Cody down with you. His mouth followed a path, planting little butterfly kisses down your jawline, your neck, down to your cleavage  — where he latched onto your breast, sucking and biting as your hands ran down his shoulders, fingertips scratching his back. His mouth then continued its journey down your sternum to your stomach while his hand caressed your breast and rolled your nipple with his fingers. 
Cody hooked his thumbs under your underwear line and ripped them clean from your body. He threw them over his shoulder and held your hips down with one arm, his other hand snaking back up to your throat. He flattened his tongue against your slit and slowly dragged it up your cunt, beginning his feast.
Your hands grabbed the back of his head, and you attempted to buck your hips, but his arm wouldn't let you. "Ohhhh, Cody," you whimpered through little gasps, "feels so fucking good!"
You felt him smile against your thigh as he kissed along the insides before burying his face back into you. "You're such a good girl." He said. "You're my good girl." He said, before flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your hips bucked again, and his grip on your throat tightened as did the grip on your hips. Cody was great at everything he did, he had that Midas touch, but he was incredible at making you feel amazing.
You squeaked as he pushed his tongue into your entrance, releasing your throat so he could caress your clit with his thumb as he fucked you with his tongue. You writhed underneath him as much as he'd allow, pushing his head deeper into your cunt, gripping your thighs against his head, unintelligible sounds leaving your throat as your toes curled.
"Co-Cody, please! I'm gonna cum!" You gasped. He chuckled, picking up the pace and your moans got louder. You were certain that everyone in the hotel would be able to hear you, and that the bus would no longer be hidden from everyone— but you didn't care one bit.
You came undone in seconds, and Cody released your hips from his grasp so you could ride his face, his name spilling out of your mouth. His kept working as you rode the wave of your orgasm and when he came up for air, you giggled breathlessly.
Cody climbed up your body like a lion hunting its prey. He needed to be inside you, to feel your walls clench tight around him as he fucked you hard. He rubbed his cock against your slit, sliding it between your lips, without penetrating. You wrapped your legs around him, attempting to pull him closer to you, trying to force him to give you what you craved. He laughed, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth and rubbed your entrance with the tip of his cock.
"Cody, please -" You whined, your heels digging into his ass cheeks.
"Use your words, baby."
"Cody- I want your-" His tip teased your cunt again and you groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. "Cody, please fu-fuck m- ohhh ffuck!"
He slammed into you, guttural groans passing through his lips at the euphoric sensation. He would never tire of any of this— of being inside you, making you scream his name and lose control at the slightest touch. He loved feeling your body underneath him or on top of him. Even the smallest of gestures; the slightest touch of your pinky fingers secretly interlocking around people and his favourite— when you placed your palm on his cheek before a match, a little good luck ritual you'd implemented long ago. He would never get enough of the sparks that coursed through his veins when you touched.
His pace quickened when your walls clenched around him. Your moans echoed around the room, in harmony once again, and as another orgasm reached its peak, your arms reached around Cody's neck and pulled toward you, pressing your lips together. The kiss was messy and toothy, and he interlaced your fingers together, sending his free hand between your bodies, his finger circling your clit. You quickly became unglued and your head thrashed against the bed, screaming Cody's name, just the way he liked; as Cody reached his own orgasm, his mouth found your neck, biting down hard before he lapped at the skin with his tongue.
He dropped his body onto you, and you wrapped your arms around his back, enjoying the weight of him on top of you. He nuzzled his head into your neck, pulling the sheets over the both of you, and you closed your eyes, feeling content. With his chest on yours, your heartbeats combined, like your two hearts were one. There were so many reasons for you to go public with your relationship, to let people in on your secret. You wanted to scream from the rooftops about how lucky you were to be the one Cody Rhodes wanted to be with. But you also wanted to stay in your bubble, in your own world where it was just the two of you, nobody else mattered, or even existed.
Cody lifted his head off your chest and leaned onto his elbow, tilting his head as he grinned at you. "You okay?" He asked and you turned to face him, reaching your hand up and placing your palm on his cheek, smiling at the beautiful man with the hearts in his eyes that were for you, and only you.
"I'm starving." You whispered, grinning at him. He rolled onto his back, reaching for a phone that was on the bedside cabinet. He settled back onto the bed, and you found your usual space on his chest. "What do you fancy?"
"Apart from you?" You asked, tracing circles around his chest. Cody laughed loudly, and you grinned wider. "Chinese."
"Whatever you want, you shall receive." Cody replied, making you blush. "Yeah?" You asked, and he nodded, planting his lips on your forehead softly.
"Of course. Always."
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pandorasfavorite · 7 months
can u do a dom x fem!reader and basically shes an interviewer at wwe and dating dom and decided to try the pheromone perfume thing on him and it drives him wild and then smut 🤭
Perfume is Powerful
I'm clawing at the walls writing this.... and were pretending baby boy is in his Champion era.
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You and Dominik have been dating for close to a year but no one knows. There have been rumors, but of course, there was no concrete evidence, you guys were careful. You hate to be a woman who is displeased by her boyfriend... the sex is great every time without fail. But part of you longs for something more feverish, quick, risky. Anytime yall fuck it's passionate and in bed, you want that movie type of sex. The kind that makes you throw your head back and have your mouth muffled by his big hands while he plows into you. Truly when Dominik steps into work he is instantly into character, but regardless his character is still in love with you....
You are dressed up in a business casual type outfit, a skirt that was a bit shorter than normal, that the cameras couldn't see. But your shirt was skimpy, covered by a coat that would conceal you during the interview. What brought the whole thing was the new perfume you bought, all the reviews say it makes their boyfriends go crazy, so you had to try it out. You roll the perfume onto the sides of your neck, your wrists, and just a bit on the insides of your thighs...just in case.
Dominik has yet to come to the interview but all the cameras were set up when it goes live. Dominik couldn't be around you before the interview otherwise his character wouldn't be as pronounced, and it would be too obvious. He walks in with that usual swagger his face etched with a frown, that mean look always gave you goosebumps in the best way. You couldn't help but smile and Dominik was holding back, his lip just barely quirked up at the sight of you before he suppressed it. The directors told you both it was time. You and Dominik stood nearly shoulder to shoulder facing the camera. "3...2...1...were live!" the director yelled.
You smile directly at the camera to start your introduction, "I'm joined by NXT champion Dominik Mysterio, who got a front row seat to his opponents match for tonight, that his father set up. How are you feeling going in?", you turn to ask him and immediately you are struck. Dominik looks bent out of shape all of the sudden, his jaw is tight as if it was wired shut and his fist is clenched to his side. He shakes his head and coughs trying to play it off, "Well, my back hurts from carrying this company on my back for past almost two years now. I already beat Dragon Lee twice with my dad in his corner". Dominik speaks to the camera but its clear to you that his mind is elsewhere, his hand is twitching at its side now...towards you.
You smile at his cocky response moving on to one more question with your own twist, "Standing here with Mr. 'Dirty' Dominik Mysterio has been a great pleasure, we have one more question for you.".
Dominik swallows and you noticed he has started to sweat, pulling at his shirt to get some air. "Yea".
Your directors nodded at you, they knew of this news, but Dominik is just now finding out on live television. "What is your advice for a new wrestler such as myself?", the roars of the crowd were booming loud enough for the cameras to pick up on. Dominik's eyes went comedically wide and he nearly dropped his belt right off his shoulder. He breathes shallowly, he gathers his bearing just enough to say, "You don't need any advice". This means Dominik had complete confidence in your abilities. You turn your attention back to the camera and you smile. The crew instantly packed up their things and rushed out of the room in a matter of 30 seconds, on their way to other segments.
The door clicks shut and you hear Dominik's belt smack on the ground. He unbuckles his belt, ripping it off of his body and he rushes towards you. His large hands grasp and squeeze your waist, his nose nustling into your neck, and then you hear a loud muffled moan. His mouth is open sucking on your neck while he takes deep breaths, inhaling the natural smell the perfume brought out. Your fingers run through his hair, and you giggle at his reaction, "You okay baby?".
Dominik thrusts your body against him, with no space left for yourself. "You smell good", he says in an uncharacteristic deep voice, your eyes light up. You kiss his cheek, "Don't I always?".
"This is different, mierda mami. You're driving me crazy", in a second you feel his teeth scrape across your collar bone. His hands work at the buttons of your skirt pulling it down till it falls to the floor. He tosses his shirt of quickly and sinks to his knees to connect his lips to the soft of your legs. You spread your legs just enough for Dominik to get between them and the moment he does the groans at the same smell, his hand falling from your leg to his cock. He lays his forehead on one of your legs and his eyes are squeezed shut, you rub his head trying to see what's going on. "Dominik? What's wrong?", your voice is overflowing with concern, you didn't think he'd react this strongly. "I think I'm gonna cum", he sputters out, his fingers leaving red marks on your thighs. You can't control the gasp that flies out of your mouth, you knew that was going to be burned into your mind for a year... maybe two.
You sink to your knees in front of him, your hands cradling his face now... not that it helped considering you put it on your wrists as well. "Do you need a minute?", you ask so sweetly. He answers with a deep inhale, nearly tilting his head back at the pleasure you bring to him just by your natural pheromones. God the way he was acting you didn't need any prep, he could slide right in. "I need it now hermosa, tell me you can take it, tell me mami", he looks up at you with wide, glossy, dilated eyes that take your breath away. "I can take it", you whisper to him trying to diffuse some of the tension he is feeling.
His face splits into a major grin and he pushes your thighs apart so he can get in between them. In that moment he gets close to you, only to push you back by the chest, a hand behind your head when it hits the floor. You lay on your back, your feet flat on the floor and your legs spread. Dominik pulled off your coat but simply unbuckled your bra from under the shirt, tossing it off to the side. His patience was wearing thin, he pulled your shirt just above your boobs and his hands instantly go to touch them. His mouth follows and the closer he gets to the smell of you he can feel himself lose control over again. Another groan of pleasure and a bit of pain from denial brings him back to his twitching cock. "I can't be easy, I have to fuck you-tell me-", you sit up on your elbows for just a moment to look at him. "Fuck me", you say with absolute certainty.
He follows your instruction, pulling out his cock quickly and pushing into you with one fluid motion, the girth stretching you in the most pleasurable way. Your mouth falls open with a moan/whimper. "I know mami, it's going to feel so good in just a second", he says like a promise, though he was feeling as if he was going to cum on the spot. You tug at his hair, your wrist right by his face, the smell driving him to a frenzy, he thrusts into you at a relentless pace. The sounds of his hips smacking against your ass was loud enough to echo, your moans come out loud and high-pitched... too loud. Dominik think the sounds from your mouth are the hottest thing he's ever heard but you both cant risk getting caught. His hand clasps over your mouth, his hair dangling in front of him, his hips working rhythmically, his body looking like a Greek god. He slows down and goes deep inside of you, groaning as you moan, "I'll give you some advice if you want to walk- don't wear this shit. My cock was hard the moment I got close to you", he rasped into your ear.
The sensation felt so good, his deep thrusts hitting the spot inside of you that only he could reach. Every roll and rock of his hips made your walls clench around him and you felt it coming before you even realized it. Your head just barely tilted back and your back arched, Dominik knew what was coming just by that. He pressed you back down harshly, pressing down on your stomach just to the point you could feel that pressure. "Cum. You know you go first", he grits out feeling himself getting close too. As you cum your pussy convulsed around Dominik's cock and the pleasure was astronomical for him. The wet slick and almost painful tightness brought him over the edge moments after you. He cums with a groan, his face falling into the side of your neck.
He inhales and pulls back with a groan, his face made as he glares at you. "You still smell so fucking good. I just came mami-", now he sounds like he's whining at the effect you have on him.
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mazikeenhyde · 28 days
Oh Baby... Pain is Pleasure
Here we go again people!
Y/W/N – Your Wrestling Name 
Y/W/N/F – Your Wrestling Name Finisher
Oh Baby…Pain is Pleasure 
The crowds’ cheers and chants echoed throughout the stadium, the floors under the feet of the thousands of fans felt like they would give way from the excitement. A completely sold-out arena had been packed full to the brim with carboard cutout signs and fandom shirts as far as the eye could see! From the millionaire front row viewers to the cheapest seats way up in the rafters, to the millions of fans watching from home, everyone had been awaiting this moment! The artificial bright and colorful lights flashed all over as the music blared throughout the stadium. The smoke and fog machines mixed together engulfing the walkway and the surrounding edges of the ring, adding to the already tense atmosphere. 
This championship match had reached its peak, Women’s World Champion Dakota Kai vs Y/W/N! I had fought and clawed my way to reach WrestleMania and now I was inches away from becoming the new Women’s World Champion!
Running at each other from the ropes I swung for a clothesline, but Dakota ducked under and with a straight elbow to the face I fell to my knees, my vision blurred, and the blood began to trickle down from my nose. I knew it was broken, but that wasn’t going to stop me. Besides… I kinda liked the pain. It reminded me being back home in bed with Rhea, Damien, Finn & Dom. Our rougher nights of pain and pleasure had certainly helped prepare me for this ‘No Disqualification’ championship match tonight! 
Grabbing her hands around my face she pulled my hair back and got me into a tight headlock with her arms desperately hoping I would tap out. The ref waving his hand in my face repeatedly asking if I was okay, if I was done, if I wanted to quit. 
As my face turned a gentle crimson, and my lips turned a pale blue I gave Dakota a devilish grin and winked at her. Shimmying under her grip to gain back some movement her frustration built ever more. 
“What the hell ya bitch?! Tap out! Just tap!” Her grip got tighter with fury. “Why won’t you quit?!” 
I moved my head up just enough to get out a few words to her, much to the delight of the WWE management team who knew it was far too late to censor as the live camera feed had picked up each word. 
“You’re cute… but Damian… chokes me harder than that in bed.” I turned my eye line to the camera and blew a soft kiss to Damian before throwing myself back and pulling up my legs to kick Dakota off and send her to the opposite side of the ring and into the post.  Her anger was almost at boiling point as she saw me trying to recover. 
I crawled up to my knees taking in a deep breath and shaking my hands trying to fight the pins and needles and get the oxygen moving through my blood stream again. 
Running over at me Dakota lept up at once again wrapping her legs around my face this time and we hit the mat with a loud thump. She locked her legs in tight and pulled me back to get me into an almost perfect submission once again. Her thighs tightened around my head as she held her weight up with her arms screaming at me to tap out. Once more the ref waved his hand in front of my face, but he looked both concerned and surprised as a soft giggle from my lips escaped me. 
“THE FUCK?!” Dakota shouted in anger, and she looked under her arm to my face smirking at her. 
“Rheas…thighs…are stronger” I choked out my words knowing full well my lovers out the back would be dying of laughter watching this match. Whilst Hunter at this point would be firing this camera man who was doing his best to pick up every explicit comment that came from the center of this ring. 
Dakota was done, she knew this was a no disqualification match. There were no rules! So, letting go of me she kicked out and sent me headfirst into the corner ring post and rose to her feet. Rushing out of the ring Dakota grabbed a chair from under the ring and threw it over the ropes before sliding back in. 
Grabbing a handful of my hair she dragged me to my feet, slamming my face into her fist repeatedly as the blood smeared across my cheeks and down her arm. Dazed and lost she threw me over the chair headfirst positioning me with my hands to the mat. She ripped the Judgment Day shirt down from my back exposing my pale skin in the artificial light before unbuckling the belt from her ring gear costume. 
Bringing the thick leather belt down across my back the loud slashes echoed throughout, and they were relentless, one after another after another. Then, kicking out the chair from underneath me I fell weakly to the mat with a heavy thud as Dakota once again tried for the pin. 
“1…2…” The Crowd chanted. 
I kicked out before 3 and pulling my arms up over her head I wrapped myself around her and whispered in her ear smiling once again. 
“Daddy Dom would be proud, but you should get Finn to give you some advice….when it comes to a public spanking” I coughed out catching my breath and planting a soft kiss on her cheek. I dragged the both of us up to our feet before leaping in the air and pulling her face down onto my knees as my back hit the mat and Dakota stumbled back, now half in and out of consciousness. 
I looked up over my shoulder to the top rope, it was now or never.  The last time I had done a finisher from the top rope I had ended up on the injury bench for 6 months. But this was WRESTLEMANIA BABY! Do or die, Live or Lose! So, I set up the final move, a turnbuckle power bomb into the Y/W/N/ finisher! 
Backstage the WWE stage management were frantically rushing around as the show headed towards its finishing line. Production crews, lighting technicians, camera men and more bounced off the walls completing one task after another, switching from one feed to the next, sending word to and from the announcement desk where Michael Cole  & Pat McAfee were losing themselves in excitement. 
“TURNBUCKLE POWER BOMB Y/W/N/F ! TURNBUCKLE POWER BOMB Y/W/N/F! SHE’S OUT, SHE’S OUT!” Michael Cole was stood throwing his arms in the air as Pat McAfee tried to climb onto the desk in front of them. 
“What the….” Cole paused to look up at the sky.
Suddenly, as if on cue the skies above opened and as if to add the cherry to the top of the icing of this glorious display, the rain began to pour down soaking the ring. Lighting illuminated through the sky as the thunder boomed in time with the WrestleMania theme music that was blasting through the arena. Even with the weather not one person could have felt the cold, not one person would have known the temperature had dropped. The heat from this match was powering everyone through! 
 “Can it be…. Lightening?! Jeez people I don’t know what could possibly happen next, we’ve seen it all tonight, here live at WrestleMania!” Cole added. 
“A STORM IS BREWING COLE! DO WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION?! DO WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION?!” McAfee couldn’t contain himself any longer as Michael Cole held onto his leg keeping him stable. 
From backstage Damien, Rhea, Dominik and Finn had all gathered around watching on the monitor. Dominik had Damien’s arm in a tight grasp as Rhea held onto Finn’s hand, all of them watching and waiting to see if their girl could do it. Each of them slightly turned on from their girlfriends’ antics in the ring. 
“Go Bunny…GO!” Rhea bit her lip as her eyes fixated on the screen, she ran one hand down her tight black skinny jeans, trying to contain the pulse that was beating out from in between her legs. Dom was quick to slide his hand into her side jean pocket and nuzzle into her neck planting soft kisses and gentle nips to her skin. 
“Come on baby girl...” Damien whispered under his breath, palming at his crotch in an effort to keep his hard on at bay ,until he could get Y/N and the rest of the group backstage and into the Judgment Day clubhouse. 
Rhea held her breath, unable to gather in any air with nervous anxiety reaching a new high as the monitor feed lite up and they watched Y/N climb to the top rope and send Dakota through the center of the ring. 
“PIN HER! PIN HER!’ Finn shouted slamming his hand against the wall behind the monitor making Dom the ever submissive jump. Damien moved to wrap his arms around the young boy kissing the top of his head and rubbing his arm gently, his eyes still firmly locked on the screen. 
Dom turned his head for a moment over to the management desk who looked concerned, like something was wrong. He caught Hunters eye for a moment and the look they shared, they both knew, this wasn’t going to end well. 
I dragged myself to my feet and stood only a few inches away from Dakota. My entire body was exhausted, that final power bomb had taken Dakota out, she lay motionless in the center of the ring. But at what cost, because here I was, my shoulder was fucked, my knee was fucked, I could barely see, I could barely stand. 
Still, something willed me on, something moved me forward. The crowd screamed and their chants echoed around me, as if they were stood right next to me and also a million miles away. I tried to collect my thoughts to focus as I moved one foot in front of the other, falling on top of Dakota Kai to get the pin. 
“THIS IS IT COLE!” Pat jumped up and down before slipping off the table from the rain residue and onto the arena floor scrambling his way back up to get a glimpse at that final pin. “ THIS IS IT!!”
The entire stadium joined in with that collective… 
The Judgment day panicked and scrambling they pushed past the crew and management staff in the dark trying to find their way to the ring. 
"MOVE! MOVE!" Damian shouted launching camera men out the way as the group ran to protect their girl.
The entire stadium went pitch black. The crowds screamed, young kids cried, and every last piece of music faded out to nothing. 
Every tune fell silent. 
Every note.
Except one….
An all too familiar piano key played out to the arena as smoke filled the walkway and a single spotlight illuminated the ring. 
Silence filled the stadium.
‘Urr Cole? What’s happening?” Pat questioned as the two presenters clung to each other like Shaggy and Scooby doo, shaking in fear. 
“It’s…The Wyatts.”
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jeysmullet · 1 month
Love your writing! I was wondering if you could please write about Roman surprising the reader who is also a wrestler, with his Summerslam return? Still not over it, so happy that he's back 😭 Take your time, thanks!!
Just the way we were | Roman Reigns
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roman reigns x female!girlfriend!reader
warnings: swearing , fluff, fluff, and more fluff, a tiny little bit of suggestive language at the end.
Y/n L/n
Throwing my towel onto the couch in my dressing room, letting out a loud groan, throwing my shoulders back to help relieve atleast a small bit of pain from them. I hissed in discomfort as I felt a sharp pain form in my shoulder blade. I massaged it as best as I could before I allowed my feet to drag me over towards my suitcase before bending down and scouring through it.
I grabbed a red hoodie and a pair of leggings before grabbing my new underwear. I groan as I stand back up straight before grabbing my toiletry bag and a new towel. I walk over to my bathroom, closing the door, before placing my clothes onto the closed white toilet lid. A whimper fell from my mouth as i reached for the hem of my gear top, feeling the pain in my shoulders once more. I carefully slid the top over my head, throwing it on the ground, as i brought my hands to the back of my bottoms and unzipping it. I slid the shorts down my legs along with the underwear i was wearing. I threw them alongside the top on the floor.
I made my way towards the shower, sticking my hand in it to turn the water on, before placing my hand under the water making sure it was the appropriate temperature. I stepped into the shower with my back towards the running water. I let my body relax as the hot water cascades all over my body. I lean my head back, allowing the water to go onto my face. I turn around, so I could face the water and grabbed my body wash from the edge of the shower. I grab the washcloth and place some of the soapy liquid onto it. I place the bottle down before bringing the washcloth and cleaning everything off of me.
I take my place at a table in catering, sitting beside Gionna, who also had a match tonight. “Good match tonight boo! New mrs. wwe women’s world championnnn” I heard Gio say from beside me.
“Girl, let’s talk about you. Everybody loved you and Doms little moment.” I smiled looking over at her. “Yeah, I was hoping everything went good. I loved the crowds excitement and engagement with the whole match. It had me pumped.” I smiled and nodded before I brought my focus back onto the tv in front of us. It showed Finn getting involved with Damian’s match, which ended up costing him the match and his championship. There goes the judgement day.
I pulled my phone out of my red hoodie pocket before unlocking it and scrolling on twitter. I switch apps, going to my messages before clicking on Joe’s text tread. I send him a quick text telling him that the night was almost over, but I notice that it doesn’t go through. I tilt my head confuse but just brushed it off as I heard Solo’s music play and watch as he walks down to the ring. Time passes quickly after Cody comes down to the ring and the match finally starts.
I was intently watching the tv as the match unfolds until i hear a familiar theme song play. I straightened my posture as i leaned in closer to the tv, placing my elbows on my knees, to steady myself. I pay attention to make sure I wasn’t just imagining things. I knew I wasn’t imagining things when I saw my husband walk from backstage towards the ring. It was a blur from when Joe speared Solo till I saw Joe in all his glory right here in front of me. He was here in front of me, when i thought he was still at home. “What the fuck?” I spoke looking at him shocked.
He smiles down at me, “What’s up baby,” he wraps his arms around me and gently picks me up. “You asshole, you didn’t tell me that you were coming back.” I laugh and push him back a little.
“I wanted to surprise you. I didn’t want to take your attention off of your match, Mrs. Women’s Champion.” Joe smiles up at me while i’m in his arms. I lean forward and pull his face closer towards him placing my lips onto his. He places me down before placing his hands on my face holding me there. I pull away from him before pushing him again.
“I’m still mad at you, you could’ve told me, Joe.” I told him while crossing my arms over my chest. Joe grabs my hand before speaking, “I’ll make it up to you if that’ll make you feel better.” I saw a smirk form on his lips before I started smiling. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me towards my locker room to grab my stuff, before taking me to the bus to focus on our very long night. :)
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sanjisluvbot · 2 months
As Above So Below
Kure Rain X Black fem reader [ All are welcome but I always write with black y/n ]
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Synopsis: You had your entire life just beginning, fresh into college, and as a treat, you were going on a trip across the world where you find out what your father truly does for work and why you were able to move into a nice new home. A normal young girl thrust into a world where she needed to relearn everything she ever knew and escape the clutches of an assassin clan who wanted her as a wife.
Warnings: specific warnings will be in each chapter
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There had never really been too much talk about what your father did for work, where he went to once a year for five days, and that was simply what it was. All you were told when you asked was that he liked fighting tournaments and his job required him to travel—this year had finally been different for multiple reasons.
Your father got a promotion that had you move out of your two-bedroom apartment that you called home your entire life and the whole family would be coming with him on his yearly endeavors. 
It was your first year of college and spring break was the time when your father would go on his trip. The news was brought to you one afternoon in February and from then on you had spent time planning outfits and hoping that the weather would be warm enough for a short dress.
The day had finally neared and you left your morning class giddily, having multiple appointments to doll yourself up and having your father pay for it was a true treat. 
After running your errands you went home hoping to double check your bags again before dinner. Opening the door your father called out for you from the kitchen. He explained the trip's basic ins and outs, including the tournament.
“Are there going to be any well-known fighters at the tournament? Like from wrestling or something?” you questioned. 
“ Well, I do believe this year there might be a famous wrestler but I don’t think he is on your radar, I also wanted to mention why I go on these yearly trips in the first place,” he explained.
You sat on a chair paying full attention as he went through the betting system, he explained his boss sends him to his place to either represent his company if they had their fighter or simply just to place his bets. The tournament was five days long and companies worldwide including many world elites attended placing billions of dollars in this secret tournament, With the information overload your eyes widened from shock. 
The Kengan association was not only a secret fighting ring for elites which initially shocked you but, the amount of money that goes into these tournaments had your jaw hanging to the ground. The excitement had steadily built up the rest of the night even through dinner. As you were getting ready for bed a crashing sound went through the house. 
“ Have you lost your mind !” You froze in fear hearing your mother scream through the house. Quietly, you tiptoed towards your door placing your ear to hear the conversation happening across the hall. There was a constant back and forth, your mother’s anger and your father raising his voice now and then which usually meant not only was he wrong for whatever he did but—- he was trying to rationalize his misdeeds. 
Your face scrunched up hoping to hear more than just bits and pieces and you finally creaked open your door. You heard the exasperated sighs of your mother, “ How could you even wager something like this, to sign your name on those papers knowing there is a fifty percent chance you will lose it all… and for what?” 
“ I didn’t have much of a choice, you don’t understand! If I didn’t sign something could’ve happened to myself or one of you. I needed to take that chance.” My father said solemnly. 
Your head was now sticking out of your door as your curiosity grew. Hours before the first family trip in years they were fighting and it seemed to be serious, analyzing the conversation you could understand just how idiotic your father had been. He signed his life away with whatever contract and decided to come clean. You wanted to dare yourself to get a little bit closer as their voices returned to regular volume but the possibility of getting caught in their crossfire limited you. 
“ Are you going to tell y/n? Or are you going to let her know only if you lose? Truth is you don’t have the option because if you don’t do it I most certainly will.” 
Your father sighed and you heard him begin whispering, gnawing at your lip didn’t cease, and the excitement of being sneaky was trying to overpower your senses. Releasing your lip you carefully inched out of your room praying to all above that your creaky door wouldn’t be so creaky today. Just as you were about halfway out your door whined, slowly and loudly. 
Thinking fast you ran to your dresser grabbed your cup and continued out the door, your mother soon appeared out of her room. You scrolled mindlessly on your phone hoping she thinks your demeanor is natural and head downstairs. You groaned internally as she followed knowing she was going to question whether or not you heard the conversation. You continued your act as you got your drink and she finally spoke up, “ I know you heard me and your father, I need to tell you the full situation.” You groaned internally and turned around leaning on the edge of the sink. 
“ I wasn’t really eavesdropping you guys are just way too loud…”
She laughed softly and made her way to the cabinet grabbing a wine glass. You watched her like a hawk, she was going to tell you something that could possibly give you a panic attack and this laid-back attitude was already sending alarms to your brain. “ I’ll cut to the chase… Your father decided to sign a contract binding the entire family on whether or not his boss wins or loses,” She said popping her bottle of wine. As the shock began to spread across my features she poured her class silently before making eye contact. 
“ If the fighter we represent loses we will lose everything, no college, no home, nowhere to run and his boss knows that. My theory is that your father’s boss wants to ensure that the losses don’t only affect him and use us as his shield.” 
I couldn’t think clearly, her voice fading out as the reality of my situation began settling in. How could someone who claims that his family is everything— the family who he worked so hard to move them up in life— how could he forfeit our freedom so easily? My vision focused back onto her as she moved towards the island sitting on one of the stools, I quickly moved towards siting beside her. 
“ I heard the last few bits of your conversation earlier, he said he didn’t have a choice but it was his choice to start this gamble in the first place,” you said irritably. 
She sighed and shrugged her shoulder in agreement before continuing, “ Honestly I should’ve known your father was in too deep when we moved into this house only a month after his promotion.” As she spoke my mind felt like it had become clear as if the rose-tinted glasses were taken off. You had always held my father in high regard alongside my mother, they kept you happy and you’ve lived a decent life and never truly had to ask for a thing.
However, this recent promotion after twelve years made no sense when you look objectively. Being sent away to the same place every year for five years, never truly knowing what your father did for work other than ‘ he is a businessman, you and your mother were purposefully kept out of the truth to ensnare your father in a devious relationship.  
“ I think he owes us the truth, what is really going to happen if we lose the fight? What has he been doing for work and why he got this big promotion.” You declare. She nodded in agreement and continued sipping her wine. There was a comfortable silence between you now as you had no choice but to make peace with the fact that your father was a liar who signed away your entire family’s freedom. 
You both sat there for a while and made small talk about what went on during the day, how you both went out to prepare for the trip, and what you were excited to see. Anything to distract each other from a terrible reality. Sometime thereafter you heard your father softly make his way down the stairs, you looked over to your mother and saw the anger that seethed beneath her soft features, it festered hotter as he grew close. 
When he appeared no one said a word. The sadness in his eyes was clear as day and you could almost hear his thoughts racing, wondering what exactly he was going to say to his wife and daughter that could justify his carelessness. 
“ Before I say anything else— I want to apologize for putting the two of you through this.”
He sat the opposite of us and you had to keep your eyes away from him, not ready to see such distraught emotions your father had never once showed me in all my years. He cleared his throat and proceeded, “ My boss… he is a very powerful man and unfortunately, I am just being shown his true colors. After working so many years I never thought he would make me sign such a contract, I had signed multiple NDAs for the tournament this time of year I didn’t really put much thought.” He further explains how his boss spent years crafting him into the perfect vessel, the one he would sacrifice if everything went to shit.
Your father went in depth about the manipulation he faced, his boss convinced him their relationship was tight nit and he trusted my father with these tournaments because he always got the job done without ever messing up. 
The night continued and the horrible truth unraveled. The contempt for your father was on a rollercoaster, you couldn’t truly decide if you felt sorry for this poor bastard or if you wanted to scream at him till your vocal chords were raw. You settled with keeping quiet as your mother vocalized her anger for his selfishness and reckless behavior. Deep into the night, you all returned to your rooms as the flight would be at nine sharp. Laying down you laugh to yourself, a trip that was supposed to be fun and filled with new adventures was replaced with a trip that would determine the rest of your life.
The morning came fast and you were out the door before you knew it, the brisk air of the morning was waking you up faster than you would like. The drive had been quiet, with no singing and laughing everyone just running scenarios of the worst outcomes through their minds. The airport was emptier than usual and after checking in you were greeted by a group of men dressed like men in black. 
You looked towards your father as they handed him a letter, he quickly opened it to view its contents and then nervously smiled at the men before him. Looking over to me and my mother he explained that these men would be escorting us during our entire trip and we would be riding privately. On a regular day, most people being told they not only had an escort but were riding privately to their destination would be a dream come true but we all could see between the lines. This was to keep us in check and to make sure we knew, there was nowhere to run. 
The plane was luxurious, the seats more comfortable than your own bed and the people doting on you made you almost forget the sinister undertone. Mimosas, full meals, everything you could ask for was just handed to you, who wouldn’t feel like an elite? The flight went smoothly but the guards were stationed all throughout the plane and even though their glasses were tinted you could feel the eyes watching your family’s every move. 
Fourteen hours seemed to go quickly when you had no choice but to sleep or have a starring contest with a group of guards. Once you landed you were escorted in a car bringing you to your first destination. One of the guards told us we would be brought to a hotel to get ready for the night, our luggage would be boarded onto the yacht that was going to bring us to the island. 
Arriving at our destination you could tell you were by the docks, the hotel was small and truly fit for a one-day stay. The room you were provided had two twin beds and a window that showcased a wonderful view of all the boats. A smile made its way to your face seeing such a sight and you decided to relax a while before you would get ready. The guards left us to ourselves for a while and you could feel the tension in your shoulders dissipate. Your father clarified that the guards were only heading out to get the clothing we were going to wear on the boat. 
A few hours passed and the sun soon began its descent, a swift knock came to the door and your mother opened it allowing the guards to enter with bags and boxes full of clothes you couldn’t even name. You were provided formal wear and then told your family needed to be ready to leave before the sun went fully down. The next hour was spent with everyone showering and rushing past one another in and out of the bathroom. Although the situation was far from perfect you had relaxed into it letting excitement run through your veins for the first time in seventy-two hours. 
The dress fitted perfectly along with your shoes, you bit your lip thinking about the fact that your sizes were known to these people and knew that was only the bare minimum of information they had on you and your family. Half an hour later when the moon was shining brightly into the room there was another knock signaling it was time to go. You kept your head down when leaving the hotel wanting to bite back the urge to burst into tears. These next five days would determine everything but you refused to show such vulnerability to evil people who would surely laugh in your face. 
The boat was magnificent, you were quickly escorted into a ballroom where already hundreds of people filled in. The guard urged your father to mingle stating the boss wanted to make new connections and maintain current relations with overseas companies. You held onto your clutch ferociously as you smiled into the crowd, your father making his rounds introducing you to people you’ve read nasty articles about. The entire situation was so surreal it all felt like such a fever dream until your father ran into an old man with onyx-colored eyes.
Chills ran down your spine as you discretely looked at the people surrounding this man, they all had black eyes and a menacing aura surrounded them. The old man smiled shaking hands with your father and you could’ve sworn you seen your father gulp. 
“ It is nice to see you once again Mr. L/n, and you’ve finally brought your family I see.” The man commented. 
“ It’s a pleasure to see you and the rest of your clan once more Mr. Erioh,” 
“ Your boss and I spoke earlier, I am so glad you decided to sign the contract, we both knew you would eventually crack,” The man laughed sinisterly. You bit your lip as you looked at the people surrounding the man, they were surveying your family thoroughly making you want to run and hide where they couldn’t find you. You looked amongst the group and made eye contact with a man with spikey blonde hair. 
He zeroed in on you and a smirk etched its way onto his face. He could tell just how much you didn’t want to be there and you could tell just how much that excited him. You broke eye contact and returned your sight to the floor hoping this interaction would end quickly. From your peripheral, you see the man lean towards the old man and whisper something into his ear and your worst fears come to fruition.
The man cleared and then motioned toward my mother and me before speaking, “ This is your wife and daughter correct?” It felt like the alarm for the purge was sounding off as the spotlight was brought to you. You lifted your head to see everyone with black eyes staring at you and your mother like you were meat. 
“ Yes this is my daughter y/n and my wife // “
Your mother spoke up first, introducing herself, and then clasped your hand tightly in hers silently nudging you to speak up. You robotically introduced yourself and noticed the blonde man fully breaking out into a smile and chuckling to himself while you spoke. 
“ And how lovely they both are— Tell me if I’m correct, you daughter, she is in college?”
“ Yes she is attending one of the top schools, it is her first year,” 
The old man smiled towards you congratulating you on your accomplishments. You thanked him and begged silently for the attention to go toward something else not liking the amount of eyes ( especially the beadily little eyes that were drilling into you from the blonde ) that focused on every ounce of your being. 
“ I hear she has played many sports including boxing, taekwondo, and basketball to name a few,” 
Your father nervously laughed and nodded his head, “ Yes she has always been a very active girl and we made sure she had her outlets,” 
The man hummed before snapping his fingers, the blonde quickly leaned towards him and the man spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, “ Raian I believe you have a lot in common with young y/n please accompany her for the rest of their trip. I think it would be great if the two of you got to know one another a little bit,” 
Your eyes widened and you looked over to your mother in fear. You wanted absolutely nothing to do with this man and the people surrounding him, your stomach turned in knots and your mother squeezed your hand once again before releasing it. You let out a huff in disbelief, she turned away from you and moved closer to your father as a sign for you to go with him. 
Your brain short circuited when the man stood tall in front of you smiling down at you insidiously. He placed his hand on the small of your back turning you towards the rest of the party, he quickly ushered you to walk without a word and you panicked pushing his arm off of you and turning towards your parents for an explanation. 
“ Y/n let Raian escort you for the rest of the night, your father has much to talk about with Mr. Erioh,” Your mother said pleadingly. 
You softly nodded and turned around, if your mother was begging you to just go with it you knew these people weren’t ones you wanted to piss off. Still, this nagging feeling in the back of your throat wouldn’t go away, there was something more to this— this entire fiasco wasn’t as simple as your father explained and your mother was trying her best to keep it together as well. 
You followed the man out of the ballroom silently hearing your heartbeat pounding throughout your eardrums like a symphony of death. The voices began to fade as the man directed you down many halls, there were fewer people as you continued your journey and you were opening your mouth every once and again thinking of what to say first. Finally, as he directed you onto the deck and into fresh air you stopped in your tracks and stared into his blue irises.
“ Do you mind explaining what exactly is going on here?”
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🪼: if you’d like to be tagged for this series please give me a thumbs up below ! And lmk your feed back
A/N: Ik you’re probably like… didn’t you say you were gonna post ch 2 of Isekai Yandere op. Yes!!! And I will however, I’m in a bit of a rut because of school and honestly the pressure of living up to thw first part lol. A lot of you really liked it and more people began writing for it so I don’t want this continuation to be underwhelming. I’m going to make a separate post abt everything but I hope you enjoy this like I did! Mwuah 🫶🏽
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hubbypossession · 4 days
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Time for a new fleshie... Who to pick? I floated around the gymnasium looking for a new body. Wrestling matches were always great places to pick up a body that was exactly my type. I could find someone a bit burly and muscular without being overweight. I eyed the hot wrestlers in their musky singlets, thinking it would be fun to inhabit one of them when I suddenly heard their coach yelling instructions from the sidelines to his students.
"Oh hellloooo Daddy." I say puckishly as I float closer to the DILF of a man. "You'll do nicely."
I align myself with the man's back as he watches the match and push myself forcefully into him, immediately rushing into each of his arms, legs, head, and even dick.
"Atta boy Rob! You're getting the hang--- oh hello!" I suddenly yelp as I assume control in an instant.
"I wasn't expecting my cock to be that sensitive!" I say as I absentmindedly start rubbing my bulge through my new slacks.
"Suddenly, a bunch of the wrestlers and bystanders stare at me as I acquaint myself with my new body.
"If everyone will excuse me, I need to take care of some, uh, let's say, unfinished business. Take 5 everyone!" I call out in my new sexy deep voice. "Rob! You're looking fabulous out there hun. Keep it up. And do some extra squats while you are at it!"
I playfully stroll towards the locker room and make my way immediately towards the mirror once inside.
"Nice, broad chest. Check. Nice sexy bearded fuckable face. Check. Dump truck thick ass. Also check!" I exclaim as I slap my ass. "I should play with my new manhood."
I seclude myself in a stall and immediately plop myself down on the toilet seat and pull out my new bull cock. I start rubbing one out as I moan and familiarize myself with this new body. As I edge closer, I take out his phone and unlock it with FaceID. I download Grindr on the phone and take a few unseemly photos of my new stolen face and dick.
"Oh fuck yeah Mr. Lowe! You're enjoying this aren't you! I know I am!" I scream in his voice as I cum all over my shirt and face. "I'm gonna enjoy being you and getting a piece of hot ass later. Hope you don't mind if I completely humiliate myself!"
Just then, his phone started ringing. It was Mr. Lowe's wife. "Oh shit. Well, I'm not in the interest of ruining your life. Just want to have a little bit of fun. Better get into character." He answers the phone, putting on his best impression of the old Mr. Lowe.
"Hello honey! You're never going to believe the day I'm having..."
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fanficsformyfaves · 2 months
I Don't Wanna Live Forever Pt.2
Rhea Ripley x Fem Prostitute!Reader (Pt.1)
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WARNING: ANGST, Depressive Episode, Harassment, Bar Fight, Violence, Confrontation, Confessions, Hurt to Comfort
PREFACE: Reader was Rhea's favorite girl to call on a Saturday night, but little did she know that the wrestler was falling harder and harder with each visit
A/N: Special Appearance by The Judgment Day!
Shed a couple tears over this, but it's cool
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The radio silence was unbearable. It had been weeks and with each day that passed, I began to regret what I did more and more. If I'd truly done the right thing, why didn't it feel like it? Why did it feel like I'd just lost a part of myself losing her? I had only myself to blame, so it was unfair of me to be angry at her, but I was.
I was angry at the longing stares and the gentle caresses against my bare skin. I was angry at the inside jokes and little secrets that were shared beneath her sheets. I was angry at all the nights we spent in each others arms. All the things that got me in this mess in the first place, but most of all...I was angry at myself.
Angry that I was too much of a coward to tell her that her feelings were in fact reciprocated.
With where my head was at and how devasting everything was, I decided to completely resign from the service that was using me. In no world could I imagine continuing to be in other peoples beds, when all I wanted was to be in hers. Out of every low point I'd hit before, this was by far the worst one.
I could barely get out of bed without tears immediately streaming down my face. Days felt empty and nights felt suffocating like my body knew something was missing. Even simple tasks like eating and breathing had now become burdensome.
I didn't know whether or not I'd make it out of this one, but by some miracle, I was met with a chance at starting over.
An old friend of mine that used to work with me in the same service recently reached out upon hearing about my departure from one of the other girls. I found out, shortly after leaving, that she got a job at a bar closer to the city and that they were hiring new drink-runners. The pay was decent and I needed something to keep me busy, so of course, I said yes to being interviewed.
I sent in my resume, went in on Monday and the next morning, I got a call saying I was hired, which brings us to right now.
The night started of fine with me just serving the drinks and food, when I heard the bell signaling someone came in. It was a group of obnoxiously loud men that immediately had me and my friend rolling our eyes. I picked up some menus and reluctantly headed over to the table they chose.
"Welcome, what can I get started for you guys?", I say,
Placing down the laminated papers.
"No fucking way!", I heard one of them exclaim,
And when I turn to see who it was, my heart dropped. It was a guy that I previously serviced.
"Yes?", I asked,
Playing clueless.
"Oh, come on, don't tell me you don't recognize me...or the fun little night we had"
I could tell by the way he slurred his words that he was incredibly drunk. His group immediately began snickering and raking their eyes up and down my body.
"I'm sorry, sir. You must be thinking of someone else"
"Nah, I'd recognize those tits anywhere", he declared,
Causing 'oohs' to echo from the table.
I held my composure and took a deep breath through my nose.
"Excuse me, gentlemen", I said,
Walking away and heading back to the bar.
"What's up?", my friend asked,
Seeing the irritated expression on my face.
"Old clients at table 6"
"Ugh, again? Do they not have jobs? They're here every night"
"Yeah, you haven't been scheduled past 8 yet, so you were lucky enough not to run into them", she explained,
"Well, I guess I'm shit outta luck now", I joked.
And as if the universe couldn't have had worse timing, another group walks in and the sinking feeling in my chest had now become a burning sting.
"Wait, isn't that-"
Before my friend could get her words out, I immediately hid in the kitchen. I hear her calling out to me as I left, but didn't bother turning back to look.
Out of any place on earth and out of any bar, she just had to show up at the one that I work at? This had to have been some sick joke. What was I meant to do now? It's not like I could just leave and risk getting in trouble on my second week.
I stayed still a few minutes to recollect myself and once I was successful, I take in one last deep breath, before heading back out.
"You've got this", my friend reassured,
Handing me four menus.
I made my way towards her table and the closer I got, the harder it became for the both of us to ignore the other's gaze.
"Welcome, what can I get started for you guys?", I say,
Putting on my best customer service voice.
"I'll take chicken tenders", the one with the mullet answered,
"We both want steaks, medium rare", the tallest added on,
As I jotted down their orders.
"Alright and...for you, miss?", I asked,
The hesitance in my voice giving my nerves away.
"Just some gin for now", she answered,
Avoiding eye contact.
As painful as it was, I decided against asking any further questions at the risk of making things any more uncomfortable.
"Those should be right out", I nod my head,
Walking off, but as I was headed towards the serving hatch to put the orders in, I felt a hand grab my wrist.
"What time do you get off?", the asshole from earlier questioned,
Causing me to rip my arm away.
"Excuse you", I scolded,
Going to turn away, when he grabbed me by the arm next. I could feel the panic start to set in and my eyes start to water.
"Get off, seriously", my words trembled,
"Oh, what? Does the slut think she's too good for m-", his sentence was cut short by a tissue holder hitting the back of his head,
Causing him to fall over.
"She said get off", Rhea warned through gritted teeth,
"Handle this, I'm taking her home", she ordered her friends,
They all turn to each other smirking, before sauntering over to the table full of the guy's friends. They all immediately took off, leaving him behind to fend for himself.
"Come on", she urged,
"My shift isn't over", I shakily muttered,
She sighed, taking out her wallet.
"Dom, make sure to let the manager knows what happened and that (Y/N) went home", she instructed,
Pulling out a couple hundreds, before dropping them on the table.
"You got it, mami", he said,
Picking up the guy and dragging him outside with the help of the other two men.
"Wait, what are they-"
"Doesn't matter. Come on", she throws an arm over my shoulder,
Leading me outside and helping me into her car. The last thing I saw before driving off was the three men completely pummeling the guy into a pulp. Not to say he didn't deserve it, but, I still couldn't help but feel uneasy.
The car ride wasn't much help either. Besides the quite hum that came from the engine and the passing cars, it was mostly silent. She must've noticed, as her hand gently gripped my knee in an attempt to calm me down.
"Are you hurt?", she finally spoke,
"My arm's sore", I answered hesitantly,
Causing her to let out a shaky exhale through her nose.
He did yank me pretty hard, so I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up to a handprint on me.
"We're almost at mine", she lets me know.
As if I didn't already recognize the street we were on. I mean I'd been down this road too many times not to.
"We're here"
She pulls into her driveway and gets out to open my door for me. She then leads me into the house, urging me to take a seat on the sofa.
"I'll get an icebag. Wait, here"
"It's fine-"
Before I could object, she had already left the living room.
The tension was so apparent, I felt it in my bones. She was cold and guarded, but I had no right to fault her for it. I was the one who ended things and now, I had to lay in the bed I made.
She returns with the ice and lifts my sleeve to press it against the bruise, causing me to wince at the ache.
"Who was that guy, anyways?", she questioned,
"An old client. I don't work there anymore though"
For the first time this whole evening, her eyes finally met mine.
"I quit last month. I couldn't do it anymore", I admitted,
As her gaze softened.
"It's not important", I tried to brush off,
"It doesn't matter-"
"(Y/N)", she called sternly,
Causing tears to prick at my eyes.
"Did someone hurt you?"
"Then what?"
What was I meant to say? That I was the cause of my own hurting? That I left the only life I'd known because someone showed me that I deserved better than that? That that person was her?
"Then...what?", she pressed further.
With a single tear rolling down my cheek, I finally confessed.
"Because of you", my voice waivered.
Her eyes widened, as she slowly put the icepack down.
"Since the last time we spoke, I've been going through the worst time"
A tear rolled down my cheek and my entire body began to chill. Her brows met in a sadness that was too deep to describe.
“I thought I could get over it, but I couldn’t have been more wrong and it didn’t hit me till I left your house”
“Then why did you?”
It was as if all the words were caught in my throat with no way out.
What was I meant to say? What could I say? Anything I thought of wouldn’t excuse the way I’d walked out on her. I would be lucky if she could’ve even look me in the eyes again, much less forgive me.
“I was a coward”
She shakes her head, averting her gaze down to her lap.
“So much so that it made me lose you”
I hear a sigh and I couldn’t decipher whether she was disappointed or annoyed.
“I should’ve stayed. I should’ve given this a fighting chance. It was unfair, cruel and undeserved. You were the first person to show me kindness and it scared me. I didn't know how to receive that kind of care and I know that isn't an excuse, but that was the reason and I can't tell you how sorry I am"
The silence was the most painful part. It sent knives straight through my chest and there was nothing I could do to alleviate that burn.
“I understand if you want me to leave. I deserve that”, I sobbed,
Picking at the lose thread on my uniform, when she takes my hand.
“I don’t want that”, she finally spoke,
"You leaving did hurt me and it was something that I thought I'd be angry for, but...I wasn't. I was sad. Sad because I thought you didn't care for me the way I cared for you. You were my favorite part of every single waking moment. Your laugh, your smile, the way you talk, the heart you have, I've never seen anything like it"
I felt every piece of me break with each word.
"This whole time, that's all I could think about. That you didn't feel the same", she continued,
Gathering her own tears now.
"Rhea", I muttered,
Taking her face into my hands.
"You don't understand how much I love you"
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ripleylove · 3 months
Show me.
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requested by @judgementdaysunshine saying: Can I have Jey Uso x Fem reader with the prompts "Remember, you're not alone" + "You're my home" with fluff and soft smut?
pairing: jey uso x fem reader.
genre: fluff,smut
warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. nipple play,fingering,oral (reader receiving),orgasm and I think that's all!
summary: after Jey announced your relationship to the wwe universe,people started to give you mean comments,and Jey's here to show you that you're his one and only love.
A/N: first time writing smut,kinda a challenge! but I did it for one of my dearest moots so it's okay!
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
Sometimes you felt low,sure,but not as low as you were feeling today.
As Jey's girlfriend,you knew you had to be prepared when you knew that Jey wanted to tell the world you were in a 7 months relationship.
And you were,but,apparently, not enough.
As Jey announced it on Raw,you couldn't help but be scared.
You were scared of what people would think,and you were scares about the hate you or Jey were gonna receive.
The crowd had mixed reactions,some gasping and some shouting,while Jey happily talked about the strong and faithful love you shared for each other.
While he was rambling about you (with obvious heart eyes), you felt your phone lit up with notifications from twitter and instagram.
"Here goes nothing." You took a deep breath,and opened twitter.
Surprisingly, many people were happy and congratulated the both of you,but there always had to be the negative side.
@jimmyusoreturn9099: no way she isn't with him for money.
@_chaey2k: she doesn't deserve him,bffr. just leave the boy alone,you witch. 😘
@jeyusomainevent: he was happier with his ex!
You tried to not make your tears fall while scrolling on the cruel comments,but it was of no use.
Why did they they have to be so mean?
As your boyfriend's music hit in the small tv in his locker room,where you were,you hurriedly put away your phone,while trying to look presentable (and to make it seem like you didn't just have a mental breakdown.) .
It took a few minutes for Jey to barge in his locker room,since a lot of fellow wrestlers and staff workers congratulated him on the way.
"Hey,baby! Did you see me on tv? Have you heard what I said?" He asked,excitement evident in his voice and in his behaviour.
But,that excitement didn't last long,since he saw your tear stained cheeks and your watery eyes.
"Yeah,I did baby. You were grea-" You were gonna compliment his speech,but you got interrupted by him.
"Hold on,hold on,hold on. What gotchu crying,mhm?" He came closer to the black ottoman you were sitting on,and got on his knees,facing you.
You couldn't even look at him in the eye,and suddenly your nike shoes looked deeply interesting.
His pointer and middle finger raised your chin,forcing you to look at his chocolate brown eyes,capturing your every feeling.
"It's nothing,really." Your voice was quiet,and your tone was unsure,you didn't even believe yourself.
Jey sighed and caressed your soft and red cheeks,causing you to lean in his warm touch.
"C'mon,ma. I know you,and I also know that you ain't crying for nothing." His words combined with his touch mesmerised you,and you gave into his wishes.
"It's just that I've read some comments about me on twitter and they were a bit too mean,but don't worry. I should've prepared myself." You admitted,and he kissed your cheek,stopping tears that you didn't know formed again.
"Ma,let me see 'em. I'm gonna make them regret it all." He said and you handed him your phone,watching him scroll through all the mean comments from his "fans",and he immediately got irritated.
"Jealous bitches. Those hoes think I'd give them a chance. They can only wish they were me 'cause I got a girl like you by my side." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
You giggled,liking this side of him.
"Watchu laughing at,huh?" He said jokingly,starting to tickle your sides. Your laugh filled the whole room,and you were sure that even out of there people could hear you laughing.
"Oh my god! Please stop! Oh god!" You said between laughs and giggles,and Jey finally stopped,while you were catching your breath.
"But seriously, baby. Don't listen to this jealous fuckers,cause I got you and you got me,hell,you're my home! Remember,you're not alone,and I'm always by your side. I'm like a guardian angel! A strong and hot one,I must say." He said while cockily showing off his muscles,and you slapped him on the chest.
"Oh,so you are my guardian angel now?" You smirked jokingly.
"Oh hell yeah,ma. Want me to show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me?" He asked while peppering your neck with kisses.
"Do it then,show me."
smut below!
Without wasting anytime,he softly attached his lips to yours,tongues heavenly dancing together.
His hands roamed on your paradise-like body,touching every inch of your body.
The trail of kisses arrived to your soft breasts,and your breath hitched.
As he took your nipples in his mouth,he already felt delighted.
He was sucking on your left nipple,and stimulating the other with his right hand,and viceversa.
As his kisses continued their way down your body,you felt a familiar hot ache in your core,begging to be touched.
"Please,Jey." You said with a sigh caused from the immense pleasure he was making you feel,and you gripped his fluffy mullet,pulling him down to your pussy.
"Please what,mama? What are you begging for?" He asked teasingly, stopping his kisses on your belly,completely looking at you while waiting for a response.
"Please,touch me,Jey. Please!" You said whining,and he didn't waste a second to go down,eyeing your throbbing core.
He removed your panties that were on the way,and he admired your sweet nectar.
"All wet for me." He said groaning,slipping his digits in your silky folds that embraced his finger gladly.
You moaned when he inserted two of his fingers in your hole,while his tongue was working wonders on your clit.
As his pace started to speed up,you started to feel the knot in your stomach grow,and,soon enough you came on his fingers.
He slowly slipped out his digits,and you whined at the feeling of emptiness,while he licked the wetness off his fingers.
Your chest was going up and down quickly, and he caressed your now sweaty forehead to make you calm down.
"Such a good girl for me,aren't you?" He asked,and you mindlessly nodded,starting to doze off thanks to the intense orgasm he gave you.
"I love you..." You softly whispered,and she smiled fondly at the sight.
"I love you more." He whispered in response,planting a kiss on the crown of your head,sealing a secret promise to protect you.
Maybe he really was a guardian angel.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @thegalacticnacho091
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myluvrrhea · 4 months
Wrapped in your arms | D.Priest
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Request — Can you write an imagine about reader and damian priest being friends to lovers where they are forced to share an hotel room and she ask him shyly to cuddle and he agrees and he plays with her hair and caress her cheek
Pairings — Damian priest x Fem!Wrestler!Reader
Warnings — None just fluff
Song for this fic — Light Shower — Melanie Martinez
I felt the exhaustion hit me as I entered my dressing room. I sat down on a the couch , steadying myself and gulping damn near my whole bottle of water. I soon heard a knock at the door thinking it might have been liv, or Iyo . So I responded.
“Come in!” 
But what I didnt expect was one of The Judgment Days members to come walking in. The archer of Infamy, Damian priest. He wore his classic Senor Money in the bank T-Shirt , with black leather pants and a black belt to match. I felt confused as Damian never really cane into my dressing room. Sure we were close, but he knew his boundaries and I knew his. We cared about each other’s privacy. That was That.
“Oh, Damian what are you doing in here?” I asked. The confusion evident in my voice.
“I know I never go into your locker room , but this is important. We have to room together. I mean we haven’t in the past but Hunter said something about “getting to know each other” or whatever . So why not just share right? Plus who knows maybe you’ll join the judgment day,”Damian replied a smile forming on his face after the last sentence.
I giggled a bit , trying to hide the blush that creeped onto my face. My nervousness was now clear as day as I began to fidget with my fingers. But nonetheless, I replied back.
“Hey if you want I could drive you there,” Damian spoke. 
“Oh yeah..sure,” I felt my hands sweat up as I spoke.
Damian gave me a smile and nod as he left my
Dressing room, phone in hand. I sighed as I thought aboit the interaction. What did he mean when he said we fit together? Discarding the thought, I changed into more comfortable clothes ,and began to pack my stuff and head to Damians rental.
Location - At the hotel
As me and Damian had arrived at the hotel , I found his presence to be comforting and soft. So unlike his onscreen character. It was safe to say we had gotten to know each other way better than we had before. Sure we had been friends for a little over a month , but that didnt mean we knew each other like we thought we did.
Our laughs got quieter as Damian parked into the hotel driveway. That was also the point where I got into deep thought. What did he mean when Triple H said we had to get to know each other? were already friends so why? And what did Damian mean when he said I might join TJF. I cleared my thoughts as I hopped out the car, leaving Damian in a confused expression.
When we arrived to the lobby , I found one of my good friends Rhea to be sitting on one of the couches. Once she spotted me a smile formed on her face.
Me, Damian , and Rhea talked for a while but me and Damian found ourselves giggling and laughing while talking to each other. I felt my face grow hot as he mentioned how well I was at wrestling. Telling me how he loved my gear and it made my beauty stand out. 
“Alright you two stop flirting with each other,” Rhea said with a smile.
“What I-” 
“No we weren’t-“ 
Me and Damian spoke over each other. 
Rhea giggled and began to get her stuff together.
“Whatever just check in. I’ll talk to you both later” Rhea spoke as she grabbed her keycard and headed to her room.
Next up was me and Damian. I was about to put my bags down when they slipped out of my hands. Into Damians. I looked at him for a quick second seeing a sly smile on his face, before checking in for our room and grabbing our keycard.
— In the hotel Room 
It had only been about 15 minutes since we checked in and unpacked our stuff, picking our beds and chatting a bit. Although it hadn’t been long, I had felt safe and comfortable with him. Telling him more about my past and things I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone. I felt safe.
I felt safe with him
“Hey Im gonna take a shower we can talk after, yeah?” Damian spoke. In which I nodded in response.
After he finished up in the shower, gotten dressed and ready for bed, we found ourselves i found myself zoning out as i looked at his features.
“Hey Y/N you there?” Damian asked. Small giggles leaving his lips.
“Oh yeah I’m fine.” I responded.
Damian tried believing me, but it was the way I looked at him which made him think differently.
“Whats on your mind chica?” He asked. 
“I was wondering if we could sleep in the same bed, I know it might seem weird but-“ I was cut off.
“So you wanna cuddle?” Damian asked with a sly smile.
“Yeah if thats fine…” I trailed off scared of him rejecting me.
Instead of answering, he stood up and laid facing my front. His arms wrapping around me. I felt my heartbeat pound faster as he got comfortable.
“Relax mariposa,” he spoke in a whisper.
For the rest of the night, I felt calm and safe as we laid with each other. One of his hands playing in my hair as he started falling asleep. Me softly snoring after him.
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