#i want them to get stepped on by the Belmonts
the-crow-binary · 6 months
Sometimes i just wanna see Dracula or Mathias be pathetic/get humiliated ngl
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rethcore · 6 months
sometimes i feel like i'm getting so invested in palia lore that it's breaking my heart and driving me insane :'Dt
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thewritetofreespeech · 7 months
Could I request Alucard finding his s/o drunkenly bragging about how awesome he is to the point he has to step in?
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Alucard hated the smell of stale beer and body sweat. It was why he hardly ever frequented taverns and the like. If he had his choice now, he would not be in this one either. Sadly, he had no choice as you hadn’t come back to the inn yet, and with a town this small there was only one place you could be.
You were easy enough to find. Even with the small crowd. Again, the town was small. All there was for folks to do with their evening was drink, pray, or stay cloistered away in their homes. Judging by the crowd here, these men would rather do anything than stay at home with their wives and children. Drunkenly rambling on and one about the lives they could have had if they left their small town and not married young.
“Adrian!” You greet him with a drunken smile. A tankard of ale in front of you. Lord knew how many you had had before that, but it was clear you weren’t making it out of here on your own. “What are you doing here?”
“We need to leave.” He told you. “I’ve come to take you home.”
“Home? We’re going back to Belgraves?”
“No, [Y/N],” Alucard said with a sigh. “We’re going back to the inn.”
“Oh….that makes more sense….” You took another sip of beer. Which was exactly what you needed in his situation.
“What if they don’t want to leave?” Another drunk at the table asked him.
“Yeah! They can make their own choices!”
“They can.” Alucard agreed. “But I think it’s best if everyone calls it a night.”
“You’re telling me what to do now?! Pretty boy.” The man poked two fingers in his chest after he stumbled to his feet. It didn’t hurt, of course. And Alucard didn’t even move when he touched him. It was more annoying than anything to be touched by him. He’d have to wash this coat now.
“Hey! Don’t talk to him like that!” You argue in his defense. “Adrian is a very pretty boy, but you don’t have to say it like that.”
“This is not helping.” Alucard told you.
The man doesn’t even seem to register his comment as he turned to you. “Pretty boys like this don’t ever amount to anything. They don’t know hard work. They don’t know nothin’!”
“Adrian is super smart and a hard worker!” You snap back. “He’s way stronger than you!”
“Oh yeah? Well let’s put it to the test then, pretty boy!”
“I would rather not.” Alucard replied with a dull expression.
“Yes! No gumption at all! He’s a coward too! I bet he doesn’t want to get those pretty blonde locks of him mussed by a real man.” The drunk took a swing at him then. A bad one.
The likelihood of him connecting with Alucard, if he hadn’t caught his hand, was very slim. Nevertheless he did catch it, twisted his arm until there was a sickening crack heard over his scream, and dropped him. He was sure he hadn’t broken it, but he was definitely going to have to wear a sling for a while. “May we please go now?”
You stood up from the table and went to Alucard’s side as the men all stared, dumbfounded, before they found their voices again. They all started shouting at the couple like they had pulled some kind of trick and cheated. Not helped by you shouting back at them while Alucard pulled you from the tavern by the arm out into the street.
“Why don’t you want to go back and fight those guys?” You asked him. “You could easily take them!”
“I’m not going to get into a bar fight like some two-bit thug.” He told you ask you head for the inn. A flash of Trevor Belmonts smug face flickering in his mind.
“But the things they were saying…”
“Every slight doesn’t need a response.” He replied. Opening the door to their room when you both arrived and letting you in first. “Verbal or physical.”
You sit down on the bed with a heavy flop of all your weight. Letting out a drunken huff. “I guess. I just didn’t like what they were saying to you.”
“And I appreciate your call to my honor. But next time, let’s just leave.”
“Ok.” You told him. Reaching out your arms towards him with a drunken smile.
Alucard smiled slightly back and fell to his knees between yours to be wrapped in your requested hug. “You’re not mad at me then?”
“No.” He said. “I could never be mad at you.” Especially when they had the best of intentions. Even if they were misguided. He would just blame the alcohol.
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kayesfanfics · 1 year
General Alucard Dating Headcanons
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A/N: This takes place post Season 4, if he didn’t fall for Greta of course and just became friends with her
He absolutely adores when you call him Adrian, he doesn’t really like being called Alucard by you, since that’s more of his title than his actual name. He didn’t share his real name with you for a bit, but one day he asked you if you could call him by his given name, Adrian, and of course you respected his wish. But there was something about everyone else in the village calling him Alucard or The Alucard, and you were one of the only people to call him by his name. It made you feel special, and it made him feel more close to you when you said his name
It took awhile for him to open up to you fully, after what happened with Sumi and Taka, he needed physical space from you. Physical touch was iffy for him, he had to take baby steps into it with you. First it was linking pinkies, then holding hands, then hugs, and it took a long time for him to finally kiss you. But once he did, he never stopped wanting to, your lips fit perfectly against his and your sweet and love filled kiss didn’t hold any malice or ill intentions. More intimate things like sex would come later into the relationship, but for now you were content with kissing him
HE LOVES CUDDLING WITH YOU. After getting used to you touching him and feeling your arms around him, he felt so safe in them. They held him after nightmares, held him when he cried, held him when he wanted to express his love for you. Likes when you play with his long hair and scratch his scalp, his own hands often scratch your back with his long nails, or his thumbs rub your hips where his hands are rested. When he feels lonely in the castle, he finds you and asks if you to hold him. It never takes much convincing, so you find a comfy place to get comfortable, whether it be him sitting in a chair and you on his lap, on a couch or getting cozy in bed for a nap together
Loves watching you help the people around the village. You help the men hold things up to build houses, help cook meals with the women, play with the children while their parents were busy. You and Sypha would often chat together, complaining about your S/O’s bad habits, like Trevor’s constant thirst for beer and Adrian’s clinginess when you were busy
Adrian: “I am not clingy…am I?”
Trevor: “When you got drunk with me you cried about wanting Y/N and kneeled before her.”
Adrian: “Oh-“
He likes to gather and cook you dinner personally, it feels more intimate and with love that way rather than just bringing you a plate of food someone else made. Likes to set up romantic dinners with a velvet tablecloth, candles, and a vase with flowers for you, and cook you your favorite meal after a long week of running a village with him
He gets so embarrassed when the orphans of the village call him ‘dad’ in front of you. It always makes you giggle and brings a red blush to his pale cheeks, and he freezes until one of this kids tug on his sleeve to answer their question. Whenever he sees you playing with the kids, he can’t help but imagine what it will be like when the two of you have kids. Belmont and Sypha are already expecting their first, maybe soon the two of you would as well in the near future. He would bring the idea up to you, and you had the same thoughts for some time as well, thinking that Adrian would make the cutest kids with you, hopefully they’d have his luscious blonde hair
He definitely wants to turn you into a vampire, he doesn’t want to live his immortal life without you. Of course if it is your wish to remain human, he will respect that, but if you allow him to turn you, he will do it gently and hold you through the painful transition. Would love to always kiss where he bit you while turning you, so lots and lots of hug from behind followed by the soft peck of his lips on your neck
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copperbadge · 2 months
Mr. Badge, I don't know if I'm more impressed or horrified at the very CONCEPT of spending that long on trains and buses and swapping between them all, never mind doing it. But! With that said, congratulations on your achievement! If you do end up doing a spreadsheet - or just recommendations on what lines to definitely use/don't use for folks planning trips to chicago - I'd be delighted to see it (please don't feel pressured to though!)
I was a bit worried about spending that much time on transit, I admit, but the time more or less flew by. I brought a book and a few other things to do, but mostly I just wrote up my experience and then was in transfers and stuff. It didn't feel like eleven hours, although the half hour on the Belmont platform did feel like eleven years.
I did pull all my posts out of tumblr and into a google document, and the spreadsheet is at the end!
You can read my routing journal and check out the timing spreadsheet here.
What train or bus lines you use really heavily depends on why you're in Chicago and what you want to see while you're there. Like, I can tell you not to take the Red Line north on a Cubs game day unless you're going to the game, but that's not helpful otherwise. There's no line that's especially dangerous or less pleasant than the others, at least in my opinion. Generally when I warn people what not to take in Chicago, I say don't take the Metra, because you will be tempted, but the Metra is evil. Few heed my warnings in time. :D
I will say if you just want to get on an El train and ride it because you like riding trains, doing a circuit around the loop is pretty fun, takes 15-20 minutes usually, and you get to see a lot of good architecture. Catch the Pink Line at Clark, the Orange Line at Harold Washington Library, or the Brown Line at Quincy (I'd say Washington/Wells but Quincy has old-timey signage and looks cooler) and just get off at the stop before the one you got on at, you'll be like 2-3 blocks from where you started. I'd do Orange, that way you get to see the big downtown library and step off near the Art Institute.
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
Our kids are going to be *mwah*! Please with Alucard?
A/N: love babies love Alucard love the idea of him being a FATHER ;; hope you enjoy this drabble, thank you for the req MWUAHHH
"Our kids are going to be *mwah*!" x Alucard
It was finally that time of the month again! You were honestly so excited, you didn’t think you’d be as excited as you were, but now you look forward to it each month. Alucard, as stoic as he was on the outside, couldn’t help but feel jitters whenever the time came. You always had a bit more pep in your step, waking up a bit brighter, smiling a bit more. If not for the actual occasion itself, he loved seeing you so happy. 
It was date weekend for Trevor and Sypha, which meant it was your weekend with the baby.
The couple promised each other they’d still make space for alone time, though they weren’t sure how on Earth they’d do it, considering Sypha’s family was nomadic and Trevor had none to begin with. You overheard them talking about it once while they were over with their son, and you couldn’t help but interject, probably a bit too loud: “I’ll do it! I’ll babysit!” Sypha gasped, all at the same time as Alucard sighed. Even with different tones, they both looked at you with the same question on their tongue: “Really?” You shot a dirty look to your lover before looking at the couple before you all smiles. “Yes really. I love kids. Just tell Auntie when you need her, I’ll take good care of him!” Turns out, you were really good with kids. Sypha and Trevor warned you of what little outbursts he could have, when he needed to be fed, along with all his special toys and blankets to ensure he wasn’t too much of a hassle. But he was perfectly well behaved. So much so that they were shocked at how smooth everything went for the weekend. They were sure he’d cause just a bit of trouble, no more than a normal baby would but still. You just shrugged it off, covering his belly with smooches to hear him squeal and giggle before handing him back off to his mother. “Perfect little angel!” You stated, proud. Alucard was even shocked to find out how well he did with you and away from his parents. He had to tease Trevor for that one.
And then it became tradition: you’d take him for a weekend while the two had some alone time. Alucard had always wanted kids, secretly, although he’d never talked about it with you. It just never felt like the right moment. Always too busy around the village, around the house, and before that? Too busy fighting monsters. Life has calmed down, but it still felt too busy to bring up wanting children. He knew you enjoyed them, figuring you liked them the way most people do: until they’re tired and want to return them to their parents. Even after the second and third month of doing this, any time their baby boy would huff and puff, and stir a bit of trouble, you took it with stride, doing everything in your power to soothe him down. One night he even kept you up for hours because he wasn’t tired and simply wouldn’t fall asleep. Alucard tried to take him from you, urging you to rest, but you simply shook your head with a tired smile, saying something along the lines of ‘I have to start preparing for my own, don’t I?”
Alucard brushed it off, as your tired brain didn’t comprehend what you said. It did though. You meant it. But the conversation never came up again. 
And now it was time for you to pick up the baby Belmont with Alucard in tow, grabbing at the pack Sypha graciously packed for you both before bidding them adieu. “Look at this sweet baby! Look how big you’re getting!” You’d coo, lifting him up high and spinning him while he babbled and giggled away, small arms swinging in the air. Alucard’s heart ached, you were so sweet with him, seeing you cradle the sweet babe against you made him want to bring up children right now. Maybe after the weekend. (Unless you beat him to it.) 
You sighed, sitting him down on your lap as you fed him, leaning into Alucard’s touch while he kissed your temple. “Adrian, do you think we’ll have a baby soon?”
“I think we should, they’d be so darling wouldn’t they?” You mindlessly spoke, spooning in some mashed carrots into the baby’s mouth, cooing when he took a big bite. Alucard was stunned, blinking in shock. “They’d have your eyes, I hope. But maybe my hair? Definitely your long lashes, I get jealous every day!” You huffed a laugh, wiping away some of the food that dripped onto his cheek. “We’d make the cutest kids, I think. Yes, absolutely, our kids are going to be *mwah*!” complete with pursed lips, hand gestures, and everything. “I’m sure you want someone to play with don’t you baby boy? You’d be a cool older cousin, taking them under your--”
“--you think about our future children?” 
You paused, looking over your shoulder to Alucard, who had up until recently been sitting there in surprise. His eyes were side, unsure of what to say. You blushed, face heating up more than you expected. You hadn’t realized how much you really said. “Of course I do...I think about that often, you know.” You spoke, barely above a whisper, cleaning up baby Belmont and sitting him down on his favorite blanket surrounded by toys to keep him occupied. “I know we’ve never talked about it, but I hope one day you’ll be ready for them?” You asked, hopeful.
He hadn’t realized how much thought you put into your shared future. He always wished you’d be his end game--the only person he’d be with for the rest of your lives. But he was never quite sure, doubt creeping into his veins like a nasty infection. But of course he shouldn’t doubt you, you’d never given him a reason to. Always so vocal about how you loved and cherished him...it was silly to think otherwise. You pressed on. “I was...I was hoping that babysitting for them would make up your mind.” You didn’t look at him, only the baby, scared and nervous to see how he’d react. “Oh darling” he sighed, grabbing the sides of your face delicately and pressing kisses onto your lips, your cheeks, your forehead: anything he could get his hands on. He ended with a passionate, slow kiss that took your breath away. “You have no idea how happy a man you’ve made me.” He murmured, kissing you once more--before pulling away with a salacious grin.
“Let’s start trying after his parents pick him up, yes?”
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cressidagrey · 3 months
I breathe flames each time I talk - Chapter 5
The story of how Oriana Fireborn Belmont finally meets her mate's family.
Also the story of how Rhysand, The High Lord of the Night Court, finally recognises that by the cauldron, there is no fury like a female scorned.
Azriel would just like everybody to get along.
Rhys Bashing, Serious Injury
I put a lot of world building into this. If you don't recognise it from canon, I probably invented. Or I forgot that canon existed.
(thanks to @firefly-graphics for the super pretty dividers!)
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“Stop moping.”
“Excuse me,” Rhys garbled out, looking up from where he had been staring at the same roll of parchment for at least an hour. 
He had not been moping. He had been…regretting his life choices that had brought him to that moment. 
Feyre looked less than amused, though her face had softened. She didn’t look utterly furious with him, which was a step up from Morrigan, who had nearly taken a bite out of him. 
Granted, he probably deserved that. He also deserved the cold indifference that Amren had shown or the fact that Feyre had been ignoring him…that Cassian was fucking furious with him and that Azriel hated him. 
“Stop moping around,” Feyre repeated herself. “You big Illyrian Baby,” she added with a small quirk on her lips. That was something at least.”
“My brother hates me,” Rhys gave back, his voice quiet. 
Azriel hated him. He had only tried to do the right thing and still, he had…only messed it up even further. It shouldn’t even surprise him anymore. 
“He loves you,” Feyre disagreed. “But Rhys, you really didn’t make that easy on either of them,” his mate said pointedly, coming to sit on his lap. It was a piece of peace that he didn’t really deserve right now. Not really. Not like that. 
“Feyre Darling…” he started but Feyre silenced him with one look. 
“You hurt Azriel really badly by saying things to him that were not at all thought out,” she told him pointedly. “You didn’t take his feelings seriously and you also took a choice away from him and away from Elain. And worst of all…you never even apologised for it, because you didn’t even think you were in the wrong, Rhys.” 
He didn’t think he was. 
“You never even tried to fix it,” Feyre said the worst thing of it all. 
He didn’t. Not really. 
“I tried to get him angry. I figured that would help,” he admitted. “It used to.” 
“When you were children?” Feyre asked. He nodded. 
“Sometimes he got so angry and didn’t talk, the only way to get him to talk was to badger him long enough that he threw the first punch,” Rhys admitted quietly. “And then keep at it until he was absolutely exhausted…sometimes then, he started talking.”
“Well, that worked for a child. You haven’t been that in 500 years,” Feyre said drily. “It’s an abscess. And you have let that wound fester under the surface for nearly three years, Rhys.”
“So what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to fix it, when Cassian told me to keep away from him and from Azriel…and when Azriel’s mate is out for blood.”
“Well, for an abscess you would typically need to lance it,” Feyre said drily. “You know, poke a needle in it…let all the pus drain out.”
This just sounded horrible.”
“Give it a little time,” Feyre said finally. “And about that mate of his…Oriana Fireborn,” she said with some amusement. “So what happened to your favourite jacket?” Feyre teased him and he sighed. 
“You don’t want to know,” he told her and Feyre just grinned at him. 
“Don’t I?” she teased him. “How bad could it be, Rhys?” 
“I was young and stupid,” he finally said with a sigh. “And I didn’t listen to Amren…And I got it in my head that…Oriana’s sister would make a good bride,” he admitted with a grimace. 
Enya. The Healer. Not Titania, the heiress, but the middle sister. Beautiful, Educated, Magically Powerful…she had ticked all the boxes he had once upon a time had for the Lady of the Night Court. 
“Shut up,” Feyre said and started laughing, much to his bemusement. “You flirted with her sister and she wasn’t having it, was she?” she asked and Rhys sighed. 
“I was turned down flat,” he complained and Feyre just continued to giggle.
“So what did you do?” she asked, trying to keep her laughing under control and he scowled. 
“Well, I figured that she was going to fall for my charms,” he explained, trying to hold onto the shreds of his dignity.
“Let me guess, she didn’t?” Feyre asked and he just sighed. 
“She definitely didn’t,” he said with a sigh. “So I, in my incredible wisdom thought that…well. If the middle sister wasn’t an option…maybe the youngest could be,” he recounted with a grimace. 
If Enya had turned him down flat, Oriana Fireborn had been worse. 
“Her response to my flirting was to put my favourite jacket on fire in the middle of dinner. And when that was done, she started on my trousers.”
Feyre was laughing so hard that she had started to cry, holding onto his shoulder. 
At least somebody was finding the whole episode entertaining. 
Amren definitely hadn’t thought it was funny, especially because Adara hadn’t been very amused by her two youngest daughter’s antics.
Or his for that matter. 
“Well, I mean, at least you got to keep your hair,” Feyre finally said. “Cassian wasn’t that lucky.”
Rhys thought with a grimace at Cassian's hair that he had finally shorn off because that was the only way to deal with the uneven singed edges. A hand came up to self-consciously touch his raven-black waves. 
“Though maybe don’t tell Azriel that you tried to make his mate your wife,” Feyre added. “I don’t think he is gonna like that very much.”
Yeah, he also doubted that.
“Just let the first wave of anger subside. And then start with an apology.”
That seemed reasonable. 
The problem was only that Rhysand wasn't always reasonable. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Azriel listened. 
Mostly at least. With the help of the shadows and lots of potions…and soft kisses, with her crawling into his lap so that he wasn’t going to strain any muscles…she got him to stay in the bed for the next day. 
She had straddled him again after breakfast, letting his hands gently touch her waist, brush against her ribs that were still twinging with every second movement and was kissing him like they had all the time in the world. And maybe they had. Maybe they did have all the time in the world. 
For a moment at least it felt like that, with soft kisses being pressed to her face, being peppered against her skin, her hands buried in his hair. 
She would have liked to continue down that road, if she didn’t feel her ward ping with something. 
She had reworked her warning net, adding bits and pieces and fixing the burnt-out stones. 
And currently, it was telling her that there was somebody that that had never been there before. 
“Somebody is there,” she told Azriel.”
“Cassian and Nesta,” he answered, immediately, obviously having had a shadow on the lookout. “He’s a horrible mother hen,” he told her with a sigh as she moved off his lap with a laugh. 
“I don’t know, it’s cute that he checks on you every day,” Oriana disagreed. “He loves you.”
“He does,” Azriel agreed softly. 
“I’ll let them in. I don’t think Cassian is ready to lose any more hair,” she quipped as she gained her feet, hearing Azriel chuckle lightly as she left the house and walked towards the ward boundary. 
There was Cassian, waiting, behind him a female, tall, light brown hair braided into a cron on her head. And Oriana smiled softly as she recognised her and her own handiwork in the pins that kept the braids in place. 
“Good Morning,” she greeted them, holding out a hand for Cassian. 
“Good Morning,” Cassian responded, clasping her hand in his, surprised as she pulled him towards her and through the ward. 
“Did you change it?” he wondered. She just shrugged, before she offered her hand to his companion. “Oriana.” She introduced herself. 
“Nesta.” There was recognition in these silver eyes as she stepped through the ward, shivering slightly. 
“I never…felt anything like that,” Nesta admitted. 
Cassian’s mate. Azriel had told her about her. But even if he hadn’t, she would remember the young woman from somewhere else. Still, that didn’t matter right now. 
“That’s good because I invented it yesterday,” she quipped drily. “Thank the cauldron, you are here, I am running out of ways to keep Azriel busy.” She turned towards Cassian. 
“I am surprised you have managed to keep him in one place this young,” Cassian admitted drily. 
“I am quite creative at making threats,” she said drily, making Cassian laugh. 
She turned to the kitchen, leaving Nesta and Cassian to say hello to Azriel but she wasn’t surprised at all as she turned towards the meatballs she was making that Nesta had come back into the kitchen, hesitantly standing at the edge. 
“I remember you,” she said quietly and Oriana smiled softly. 
“I remember you too,” she agreed. From a few years ago and a night in a music hall. She had pissed off a guy that was going to take advantage of a very drunk Nesta and had then delivered her to her home because Oriana could never quite manage to leave good enough alone. 
“I wasn’t sure if it was really you. The name was the same but…” Nesta trailed off. “Thank you,” she thanked her. “For that night.” 
“Did it get better?” she asked Nesta, lifting up her gaze to look into her grey eyes. 
“Yes. Some,” she admitted. “He helps.” A sharp nod in the direction of her bedroom, where Oriana could see Azriel and Cassian talking in low tones. If she concentrated, she would be able to pick up on that. 
“I can understand that,” she agreed. Azriel also helped. In a lot of ways that she never even thought he would. It was so easy to just be herself with him, to not need to be anybody different. Ever.
“You love Azriel?” Nesta asked quietly. “He’s…He’s a good man. A good friend.” 
“He’s my mate,” Oriana responded, forming another meatball. 
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Nesta said with a shrug. “Do you love him?” she insisted. 
“I do,” Oriana answered truthfully. “I love him. I loved him from the moment I first saw him at that market in Verlairs because he was my mate, but I fell in love with him, because it’s Azriel. And he may never believe that he is a good male, but he is a righteous one. And I have learned that that is worth much more,” she said quietly. 
Nesta seemed to turn her words around in her mind for a little while like she wasn’t quite sure what to think about it. Oriana finished her meatballs, not bothering to light the fire on the stove as she made it roar with a flick of her wrist. 
“Is that a Tartera thing or…” Nesta asked suddenly and Oriana looked up as she put her meatballs in the oven. 
“It’s a me thing,” she said, as she washed her hands and then dried them. “My father came from the Autumn Court. Tartera are fireproof but they can’t control it. I can do both,” she explained with a shrug. 
“Do you have silver flames?” Nesta asked suddenly and Oriana mustered her. Azriel had mentioned something like that to her, though she didn’t know the full story. 
“No, I don’t,” she answered honestly. “I can control magical fire to some extent, though that can still hurt me, just like every other Tartera.”
Nesta seemed to take that at face value. 
"Cassian said that you made the hairpins,” Nesta said suddenly. “Thank you. They are quite…”
“Beautiful and deadly,” Oriana ended the sentence with some amusement. “It’s good that you found use for them. There is nothing worse than making something that nobody can find a use in,” she said thoughtfully. Every time she melted down a piece, it broke a little bit of her heart, even when she could make it even better. 
Still. It was something that she had created with her own two hands and her own magic. 
“You have a jewellery shop down in the Rainbow?” Nesta asked and Oriana nodded. 
“Yes, I do. I used to be an Enchantress, but I fell out of love with that…so I left the mountain…and took up my creed in Velaris. Now…Since I met Azriel, I went back to my roots. I was never somebody who forged weapons. But I was the one you went to when you needed protection ,” Oriana explained, fiddling with her tea towel. “That was always my goal, what I strived for.”
Nesta seemed to mull that over in her head. 
“I need to know, did you make anything enchanted for Azriel?” she asked Oriana, sounding definitely amused. 
“I made him new armour,” she admitted. “But he wanted to test that before actually using it.”
“Don’t let Cassian hear that, he hounded Az for weeks about the siphons,” Nesta said with a laugh, the sound like tinkling bells. Oriana grinned.
“I made some for him. You two can take them back with you if you want to.”  Nesta nodded, before she grew serious, one hand reaching up to touch the hairpins. 
 “Sometimes I forget how…many different things you can be in this world,” she admitted quietly and Oriana sighed softly. 
How weird their world must be to a female who spent most of her life in the human world? That was still so young. Oriana had lived for nearly 2 centuries before Nesta had ever been born. She was just a few years older than Althea was, her niece.
“Every time I invent something new, I am in awe at magic,” Oriana said quietly. “And that’s something I have done for centuries. You are still so young. And you didn’t even grow up in this world.”
“How old are you?” Nesta wondered. 
“225 years this year,” Oriana answered honestly. “Though to be honest, I stopped really counting some time after I turned 100…I got married when I was 18. He died a few months before we celebrated our 80th wedding anniversary.”
Nesta stared at her. “You know how weird that sounds to somebody like me?” she asked weakly. Oriana couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Yeah, I can imagine,” she agreed, as she pulled her meatball from the oven, pulling out spices to make the sauce. 
“You know he’s not usually that bad,” Nesta said suddenly. “Rhysand, I mean,” she clarified at Oriana’s look. “He’s an asshole, definitely, but he tends to mean well,” she said quietly. “And I am also the last person you would ever expect to defend him. I don’t particularly like him, but… he wants the best for his people.”
The noise must have made it very obvious that she didn’t agree but Nesta cocked her head to the side as Oriana added spices to her pan. 
“You don’t think so?” she asked, sounding curious. Like she had never even thought about it. Maybe she hadn’t. She hadn’t been born into this world. She hadn’t been surrounded by it by centuries. But then, maybe she hadn’t already grown jaded to it. 
“You know…I…I am not completely High Fae,” Oriana said quietly. “I am a half-breed. Half Tartera, Half High Fae. I belong to both societies and to neither in a sense,” she explained. “I grew up sitting at my grandmother’s council table in the mountain. We are a smaller society than the Night Court at large by far,” she warned Nesta. “That means, that I am very much aware that the way, my grandmother governs can’t be replicated on a grand scale. My grandmother knows every Tartera in the mountain. She knows who they love, who they hate, who they want to be. She knows all of that. Rhysand can’t know that. How should he?”
“But…Hewn City,” Oriana said with a sigh.
“Yes?” Nesta asked, sounding curious. 
“Do you think Hewn City is fair? To it’s inhabitants? I don’t mean the old faes that chose to stay there. They made their choice. They can live with the consequences. But every child that is born in that place, every girl that is married off to a male that treats her like dirt…they didn’t choose that. Innocent children are born there every day and their parents and families prejudices poison them until they are just like them . Of course, they are. Why should they have a different opinion? They never even knew a different way of life,” Oriana said fiercely. “It’s not fair to the children.” 
Nesta stared at her, swallowing. 
“You…you have thought about this,” Nesta said quietly. Oriana nodded. 
“I am not saying the mountain is perfect. It’s not. We are far from that. Arranged marriages happen there, my own was…but children are seen as incredibly important and must be protected at all costs.  If you willingly choose not to have them…no Tartera will understand that. My sister never married. She gets to hear about that every damn day. As do both my brothers. And our justice system is harsh. Capital punishment is used…more freely than it…should. We don’t  have a stomach for war, but we had a harsh walk to that realization.”
“Still. As a Fae…all you have is time. Once you have your first century under your belt, all the time you have…you can spend it thinking. And you start to have opinions about everything,” she said drily. “Not just serious political ones but also about what kind of Fireale is superior. The better-tasting one or the one that gets you drunk faster? Is there a better way to forge silver? Opals just don’t look good with marigold yellow and I much prefer working with yellow gold over rose gold. See? A wealth of opinions.”
Nesta looked at her like she had lost her mind for a moment.  
She opened her mouth to respond but then Oriana felt her warding snap, like the maw of a waiting bloodhound. 
“We got a visitor,” she said drily, putting out the oven with a wave of her hand. 
She could feel who it was. 
Still, the sight of an Illyrian half suspended in midair like a fly in amber made her grin. 
Her warding net had become visible, a glowing golden dome surrounding the Lakehouse. 
“Oriana Fireborn.”
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thegreatirene · 2 months
Traveling Witch (Adrian Tempes x witch!reader) Part 3
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Rated: Mature
Warnings: language
Sorry for taking long on this chapter😅 having writers block is the worst but this one I was able to finish it in like two days. I’m not sure if this is considered fluff? But if it is then let the fluff commence. Hope you guys like it!
Part 1
“I really think you’d like my time period. You seem like you’d be a big foodie. Ooo no I can see you making YouTube videos of like the different art stuff and what you got from so high end clothing stores.” Adrian rolled his eyes at what he thinks might be the 20th time that day. He didn’t think you’d be this talkative if went on your little adventure.
He turned back to see that you fell on the ground and got back up.
“I’m fine, so like I was saying” you continue to walk and talk as you told him about the things you had back in your timeline. He doesn’t think he’s ever met someone quite like you…well Belmont sorta comes to mind but still. He ponders for a moment and then stops in his tracks.
“Y/n what was your family name again?” He aske. You couldn’t be, right?
“I don’t think I told you,” you turned to look at him and found him a little closer than you thought. You could really see the glow of his beautiful golden eyes and the sharpness of his nose. The way his hair glittered in the sun as a soft breeze dance through each strand of hair. He really pisses you off with how beautiful he is.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He questioned.
“I hate how beautiful you look” you hissed as you stepped back. Your eyebrows frowned as you cursed at him under your breath.
“You don’t happen to have any blood ties to Belmont do you?”
“Who?” This time you looked at him with confusion.
“Belmont is one of my friends that traveled with me a while ago. You remind me of him”
“I don’t know if I should be offended that you said I remind you of a man or be touched cause it’s one of your friends”
“I think it would be the former if you knew who he is” Adrian said as he walked past you.
“What was that?”
“I said I think I’ve seen one of those rocks you were talking about running that way”
“No you didn’t!” You jogged after him as he continued walking.
You made it to a clearing of the forest and looked around at the ground. Just grass and pretty looking flowers everywhere you looked. No trovants but the flowers make up for the lack of stones. You made your way to the middle of the field and sat down.
“This is nice” you sighed as you laid back in the tall grass and watched the clouds pass by. You would think you were in heaven if you didn’t remember the monsters that lurk around.
“You don’t want to continue to look around?”
You looked to Adrian as he stood to the side of you and then back to the sky. You shrugged your shoulders as you laid your hands over your stomach.
“I’ll happen upon them sooner than later. I got time so I’m not much in a hurry”
Adrian looked at you for a moment and looked around the field. Nothing was around besides the deers that came and ate. He couldn’t hear or smell anything dangerous close by. So he sat down next to you.
“You would have to go into the country side to get this kind of quiet where I’m from” Adrian looked towards you.
“I live in the city for work. I guess for you is like a village but with like a lot of people. There’s like loud noises everywhere not just from the people. So it’s countless of noises. You get used to it but come out to a place like this is a luxury” you looked at him with a small smile and then back at the sky.
“Do you travel a lot?” Adrian asked.
“Mm every now and then. I mostly do it for my own benefits”
“What do you do for work?”
“I guess you could say I’m a witch. Well it runs in the family. We all practice it so we work with it to make money. Nothing bad mostly selling crystals and potions for people to use.” You looked over at him and could see how shocked he was.
“I know about your mom…she would be loved in my time. Shit a lot of people like to pretend they come from a line of witches but it’s so small” you sat up and turned to sit facing him.
“You ok?” You want to reach over and take his hand but the way he’s been you don’t know if you should. Instead you let him sit in the silence as you picked at some flowers and start to braid them together.
Adrian thinks about all things his mother has done for her people. The countless lives she’s helped to improve. Her life taken from her because they didn’t know better. Yet here sat someone who is like his mother. Helping others and educating them in the art that she does. He’s happy that at least in hundreds of years from now people are more welcoming. There’s hope.
You placed the braided flowers in Adrian hands once you were done. He looked at them and twirled them around. He wasn’t wrong about humans but he was wrong about this one. He smiled at you as he reached over and placed the flowers behind your ears.
The walk back to the castle wasn’t so bad. The air between the two of you was light and whatever resentment Adrian held was gone. He walked a little closer to you and even walked at the same pace as you. His energy was soft and more relaxed. You don’t think you said much back in the fields but maybe you did. Adrian once again cooked dinner for the both of you. But this time he started up the conversation. He mostly talked about where he got the ingredients for the foods and the village that is nearby. It was still nice that he was opening up to you. What really surprised you was when he showed you his parent’s laboratory.
“Holy shit” you marveled at the whole room. It shined so beautifully you could live here forever.
“Adrian this is so cool! Is that the solar system! Holy shit this place is so huge!!” You ran around the place looking at everything. You went over to the gigantic telescope that was pointed towards the night sky. The lights went out and you turned to look at Adrian but he was already at your side. He gestured towards the telescope as permission for you to use.
Excited you behind the telescope and looked through the lens. You could see the many stars and galaxies. You gushed about the many stars and colors.
“This is amazing Adrian,” you looked towards him, “thank you for showing me.”
“You can come here when you’re bored. You can probably find books on the rocks you’re looking for as well.” He melted into the darkness and the lights flickered back on.
“Thanks Adrian” you turned to see him sitting in one of the chairs with a book in hand. He smiled at you as he opened the book and started to read.
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0and0its0doctor0 · 2 years
You Belong to Me, I Believe
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David Rossi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Not smutty but not clean either, CM Violence, Unwanted kissing by unsub
Summary: An unsub gets a little too flirty with you. David steps in.
WC: 1,021
Thank you @my-mummy-dust for helping me with everything and being my muse <3
You and David are sitting in the interrogation room in a tiny police department in Belmont, Louisiana. The unsub sitting in front of you was accused of murdering 8 women with another two still missing. David was asking him questions but he was refusing to answer anything, all he would do was stare at you practically drooling from the mouth. You and David walked out of the interrogation room and you ran a hand across your face with a sigh. It was hot, you were already sweating in your button up shirt and this interrogation was going nowhere.
“I have an idea. Just go with it.” You said taking off your over-shirt leaving you in a tight form fitting tank top and letting your hair out of the scrunchie that was holding it in a loose bun on top of your head. “What are you doing? You aren’t going in there like this.” David said stubbornly. You just looked at David with a raised eyebrow as you walked into the interrogation room. There was a low whistle from the unsub and David wanted to shoot him right then and there. 
You asked him the same questions David asked him and he answered most of them. He flirted relentlessly with you. “I’ll tell you where the girls are if you let me touch her.” He said and David smacked the table glaring at the unsub. “You don’t get to touch her. Only I get to do that.” He snapped, his voice low and threatening. “Let him.” You said stepping closer to where the unsub was chained to the table. You leaned forward just enough for him to run his chained hands through your hair. You were pulled back by a seething David Rossi.
“Get ready.” He said angrily into the radio as the unsub told you where to find the missing girls. Once David gave the information over the radio he pulled you out into the precinct. “What were you thinking?” You had never seen him this mad. “I was thinking we needed to find the missing girls and I was going to do whatever it took.” You folded your arms across your chest. He unfolded your arms and pulled you into a rough kiss tangling his hand in your hair and pushing you flush against his body. 
The kiss was sloppy and heated and angry. His hands were all over you and you felt your cheeks flush bright red when you remembered you were standing in the middle of a podunk police station with your entire team watching with rapt attention. When he finally pulled away you were panting and the color of a cherry tomato. “Do you guys need to go back to the hotel?” Aaron asked with a slight smirk to his face. David looked down at you as you were trying to straighten out your shirt.
“Nope. Just reminding her who she belongs to.” He said casually walking away leaving you there blinking. Emily walked up to you, the biggest shit eating grin on her face. “You have lipstick on your chin.” She said laughing as she walked away leaving you to run to the bathroom to sort yourself out. You couldn’t believe that just happened. Well if the team was going to find out about you and David dating might as well be in the middle of a small police department in Belmont, Louisiana. 
You were both standing in the hallway when the unsub was brought out, they were re-cuffing his hands after un-cuffing him from the table when he got loose and booked it towards you. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a forced kiss, the entire precinct burst into action. David pulled his gun pointing it at the unsub who had you held tight against his body. The officers that were originally handcuffing him managed to pry him away from you as you got shoved towards David who caught you and quickly walked you to the other side of the room out of harm's way. You were shaking trying to process what just happened.
“Hey. Are you okay?” David asked, his fingers gently grasping your chin so you were looking directly at him. “I uhm. I wasn’t expecting that to happen.” You said shakily, all of a sudden you were very cold. He leaned forward to kiss you but this time he was gentle and he caressed your cheek with his thumb. “Do not move.” He told you, stepping away from where you were leaning against a desk because you felt like your legs were going to give out. You watched as David walked up to the unsub and decked him. He walked back over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his side.  “Come on. We’re done here.” He grabbed your upper arm and guided you towards the waiting SUV’s. “But what about the girls?” You asked as he buckled you into the front seat. “You're the only girl I’m worried about right now.” He got in the driver's seat and took off towards the hotel. 
Once you arrived at the hotel and were safely inside David’s hotel room you sat on the edge of the bed not really sure what to do. “Hey kitten. You’re okay.” He said brushing some of your hair back. You surged forward practically knocking him to the ground as you aggressively pressed your lips to his licking your way into his mouth. He growled and wrapped his hands around your waist walking you backwards till you were flat on the mattress. His lips left sloppy wet kisses across your chin, down the curve of your neck and you groaned as he sucked a bruise into your clavicle. “I love you baby.” He whispered into your ear, licking the curve of it causing you to shudder. “You know I love that.” You said breathlessly causing him to smirk. “My beautiful girl.” He said into your ear before placing open mouthed kisses along your exposed skin. And that was how your bra wound up tossed across the room landing on a lamp.
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gucciwins · 2 years
heartbreak, hospitals, and apologies
Word count: 4996
A/N: hi friends! the wait is over. here is part two of bel and harry's fight. hope you enjoy :D
warnings: angst...with happy ending
first part // love on tour series
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You huff, sitting on the hospital bed, assuring the two nurses there was no need to call anyone. 
“Miss, it’s protocol,” one of them responded, repeating this for the fifth time. 
You relent, “fine, can I give you a number?” 
“Is your emergency contact not the same? We can change that right now.” 
This is harder than it seems. You can’t explain to the kind nurse who’s only doing their job that you don’t want to call your boyfriend because you’re in a fight and haven’t spoken to each other in a week. 
“No,” you sigh, leaning back against the hard pillow on your bed. “Go ahead.” 
“Thank you, Miss Belmonte. The doctor will be in shortly.” 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to remember how exactly you got here. 
A car ride is something you would have done if you were in Los Angeles, allowing you to run down PCH with the windows down and music blasting out but here in London, driving isn’t something you preferred; walking seemed to be the thing that helped clear your mind the most. 
Hampstead Heath is the place that made you fall in love with London and where on one or more occasions, you would meet with Harry to talk about your days or simply enjoy time together. Today, you were spending it alone. You laced up your running shoes, promising yourself you’d run a mile, knowing it’d make you feel better, and then walk the rest of your time there. 
The mile went well if it meant feeling your lungs burning by the end of it due to the cold weather. If you were being honest, you preferred to do your morning yoga routine, but Harry always leads each one, and doing without him fills you with hurt.  There weren’t many people meaning no need to say excuse me every few minutes. You smiled at a mother pushing her pram as you slowed to a walk. It’s safe to say the quiet at home was getting to you. Naomi told you that picking up your phone to call him is a good first step but not when you were drowning in anger and pain because you hurt Harry. 
That was never your intention. 
As much as you enjoyed being outside, you preferred to sulk in the comfort of your own home. Your cool down would be the walk home and stretch inside where no one could see you cry. 
A small dog was barking as you and its owner waited at the crossing. Once you got the go-ahead, you moved forward, unaware that the dog had stopped barking or that no one else had stepped forward. As soon as you were about to take a second step, the man next to you pushed you back, causing you to stumble and fall to the side, hitting your head and feeling the breeze of the car zooming down the road that would have taken you with it if not for this stranger helping you.
“Shit, are you okay?” He asks, bending down next to you, but everything feels fuzzy. You hear him talk to someone on the street about an ambulance, and you know this is not good news. “Hey, miss?”
“My head hurts,” you reply after a moment. You raise your hand to touch it, but the stranger stops you. 
“Don’t do that. You’ll be okay. Help is on the way.” 
You decide to trust him because what else can you do for the moment. It could have been two or fifteen minutes. You’re not sure when the paramedics arrived and lifted you on the gurney as if your body was fighting, keeping you awake because as soon the ambulance door slammed closed, your world went black. 
That is not a memory you want to remember. Your head hurts thinking about lying on the ground. You fear the media will get a hold of this and run with it. There were so many strangers by the time the ambulance arrived. Still, for once, it’s not a problem you want to take care of, not when a nurse was currently calling your boyfriend, Harry, who you had not spoken to in a week because you felt embarrassed and ashamed for hurting him the way you did. You know that if you had remained calm, the argument wouldn’t have escalated to a full-blown fight with him asking you to leave. 
A knock on your door breaks you out of your thoughts, welcoming in the nurse once more. “Miss Belmonte, we got no response from Mr. Styles but left a voicemail. Is there anyone else we can call?” 
“Not that currently live here,” you told her honestly. 
Harry never liked answering unknown numbers. It’s something you both had in common. It came with the life rather be safe than sorry. He could have mistaken it for a spam call. He couldn’t know it was a hospital trying to reach him about his injured girlfriend.
“Can I try?” You offer.
“Of course, I’ll give you some privacy.” Nurse Lana walks out of the room, closing the door behind her and leaving you alone once more as you try your best to calm your shaky hands as you go to your favorites list, Harry being right on top. 
It rings once, twice, and a third before sending her to voicemail. 
You sigh, waiting for the machine to beep to begin your message. “Hi, Harry,” you breathe out, your voice shaky, and hope isn’t able to pick up on it so that he doesn’t get worried. “I don’t want to alarm you, but I’m at Royal Free Hospital, and I know you’re busy, so you don’t need to worry about showing up. I’m not expecting you to because I know why you wouldn’t want to see me either way,” you add on, “but I thought you should know that--uh, I got in a small accident. All I got was a minor scratch, but it was all precaution, as you know. I’m fine,” your voice trailing off. 
“Miss the Doctor will be in soon.”
“Thank you. Sorry, H. Don’t even worry, Emerson will be here soon enough,” and you hang up without a goodbye or an I love you. 
You feel overwhelmed and sad because you want Harry here holding your hand but know you don’t deserve him. Now that the most important call is done, your breathing still feels heavy and uneven. The heart monitor hasn’t settled down yet, and you’re not at all surprised. It seemed Harry had that effect on you, no matter the situation. Your next phone call was to your manager, Viola. She’s quick to answer; it’s something you have always loved about her.
“Y/N, why in god's name are you calling me at six am!!!”
You wince, forgetting about the time difference, but go straight to the matter. “I’m sorry, but I’m in the hospital.” 
“Shit, darling. You okay?” Y/N could laugh at the shift in tone but knew her head would begin to throb. “What happened?” 
“A car was coming too fast at a crossing, and a stranger pushed me out of the way, but now I have stitches on my temple.” 
“Oh dear, are you alright? Is Harry there?” 
You sigh, not at all surprised, she asked for them. Everyone knew that when Harry and you were in the same city, there was no separating the two of you. “Harry and I got into an argument and haven't spoken in a few days. Left him a voicemail but don’t know if he’s busy or even in London still.”
“I’m sure he’ll reach out. Do you think the media got a hold of it yet?” 
“Maybe,” you shrug and hope that’s not the case. “That’s why I called but also just to check-in. Not feeling too good. Possible concussion. Do you think you can inform Naomi and her family? That I’m okay, but no calls, for now, it hurts my head.” 
“Absolutely, I’m on it. Emerson will be at your house prepping everything, pick you up too if you need it.” 
“Thank you,” a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, knowing Viola has everything under control. 
“No need, darling. I’ll update Emerson and ensure she’s on her way to you soon enough.”
“It’ll be a few hours, no rushing her.”
“Oh, you’re a doll even when injured,” Viola tells you before hanging up. 
You close your eyes, your two phone calls done and shut your phone off. The light had made your head throb, and the nurse said resting was okay, so it’s what you intend to do. The doctor could wake you up when he was in to do his round; for now, you want to rest. 
You wake up to chatter inside your room, groaning at the light shining in from the window. Someone was quick to close the blinds, which you were grateful for as you slowly opened your eyes, careful not to move your head. You focused on the person standing before you and were surprised to see Harry standing next to a doctor. He looked tired, a frown set on his face, and you knew he was upset and didn’t want to be here with you. It caused your eyes to well up with tears. You didn't want him to see you cry, so you turned away.
“Hi, Miss Belmonte. I’m Dr. Bloom. How are you feeling?” 
“The headache dulled,” you respond in a whisper. 
“That’s good. I was telling Mr. Styles here that your scans show a minor concussion which is common for a head injury. As for the stitches, you’ll come back to us in three to five days to have them removed, and we’ll do one final exam to check there is no other injury,” Dr. Bloom explains. 
“Meaning another MRI,” you sigh, knowing it’s going to be a tough week. 
“Afraid so, but we’re hopeful everything will come back clear then. We’ll begin the discharge paperwork now, and you’ll be free to go home in a few hours.” 
Dr. Bloom excuses herself, and you’re left alone with the man who’s been in your dreams every night since you walked out of his house. You remember how awful you felt when you walked out and how you were fighting to turn around and tell Harry you’d say everything, but your hurt heart pushed you away from the one person you loved the most. 
Now he’s standing in front of you, not a hint of emotion on his face. It’s like you were staring at a stranger. You hate that you caused this, that you were selfish in keeping something quiet, that you’ve lost your other half. 
“Harry,” you whimper.
It seems to break the tension in the hospital room because he steps toward you, sitting on the side of the bed as he scans every part of your body to see where else you’re hurt and what he can do to help. 
“How you feeling? Hmm,” he asks, even though he just heard you tell the doctor how you were feeling. 
“I’m okay, tired.” You tell him honestly. 
“Em dropped your clothes off.” 
You frown, “she didn’t stay?” 
Harry shakes his head. “No. Viola has her doing some things for you.” 
If Viola needed her, that was okay. You settle down, letting Harry’s voice ease down all the emotions you had stored inside of you. You don’t deserve to have him here, but you won’t be asking him to leave. Harry falls silent, and you know he must have a million thoughts running through his head, just like you do. 
There’s so much you want to say, mainly sorry. Sorry for hurting him. 
“Harry, I’m sorry,” you let out, letting your eyes meet his. 
He looks confused for a second, but it clicks, and you see the shield rise to keep you out. 
“You have to know I never meant to hurt you,” you plead for him to understand. You don’t even notice the rise in your heart monitor, but Harry does.
“Not now.” He tells you sternly. “I don’t want to talk about that right now. I just want to make sure that you’re okay.” 
You deflate, feeling your heart sink, and know that this really must be the end. He only showed up because he was obligated by hearing your voicemail and the hospital's. He knows you don’t have anyone here you trust, not without relation to him. You nod, trying and failing to offer him a smile, so instead, you close your eyes hoping the nurse returns soon to let you go home. 
No more Bel. 
It seems you were really losing Harry, and there was nothing you could do. This was the beginning of the end. Harry would take you home, and you’d probably never see him again because he couldn’t forgive you for breaking his heart.
“Why are you crying?” His voice was soft and full of concern. 
You feel his thumb wipe away a tear, and you wonder how you managed not to feel them escaping you. 
“Sorry,” you apologize. 
He frowns, not able to understand what you’re apologizing for. 
“I’m sorry for not telling you about Dylan and leaving your house upset. For not calling you all week until I needed you.” 
Harry knows you’re not in a secure emotional state for this conversation. It isn’t fair to him, and it isn’t fair to you. He stops you once again. 
“Now isn’t the time,” his tone was firm and final. 
Your mouth falls close, and you feel your face fall. Usually, you’re better at hiding your emotions, but after the day you had, there’s no facade, and Harry can see every bit of emotion on your face. It seems definite that when you have this conversation, you will lose Harry, and he’s too considerate to break up with you in a hospital. 
“Bel,” he sighs, running a hand through his already messed-up hair. “I’m not giving up on you. Now and here is not the place for that conversation.” 
A hospital is definitely not how you saw this conversation with Harry growing; if he wanted a different environment, you would allow him that. He deserves better, and you have to start proving to him it could still be you. 
After signing endless forms, you were free to go, released in the care of Harry. The nurse promised to personally see you in five days to remove the stitches. Your job–or Harry’s- was to ensure the wound stayed clean and uninfected. 
By protocol, you were brought down to Harry’s car in a wheelchair, where Harry stopped to take a photo of where he promised to only show Mitch and Sarah. You rolled your eyes, not caring who he showed because you trusted him. Harry helped you buckle in, making sure you were comfortable before getting in and driving you away from the hospital you hoped to never visit again but knew it would be unavoidable as you’d be back in a few days. 
Harry had piano tunes playing in the car, and you know he did that when he was headed to the studio. You wondered if Harry was at the studio when he received the call or was on his way there. You wondered if you ruined his day by hearing the news you were in the hospital. 
“Naomi called me,” Harry tells you, breaking the silence. 
“Was wondering how you’re doing?”
“And what you tell her, Doc?” 
Harry shoots you a funny smile, “told her you’re taking it like a champ.” 
You’re unsure about that, and you decide to brush past that. “When’s her flight landing?”
He laughs, shaking his head, “what?” 
You shrug your shoulders. “I’d be on the first flight out if it was her.”
“She arrives tomorrow afternoon with Viola. There were things both of them had to reschedule before flying out.” 
That does not surprise you. It’s hard to drop everything you’re doing for someone who lives oceans away. You’re thankful for them and will remind them to show them when they arrive. You focus back on the road in time to see Harry take a right turn instead of a left. You frown but don’t say a word until he stops outside your house gates. 
 Harry presses the remote for your gates and pulls up the driveway. He parks next to your car, looks over at you and takes note of the frown on your face. 
“Hey, you’re home. What’s wrong?” 
You shrug, hoping he lets it go, and you go to get out of the car when he stops you. 
“You can tell me, Bel.” 
“It’s selfish,” you mutter.
“What is?” 
“I-I just thought you’d take me home with you.” 
Harry sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I thought you didn’t want to be there. You gave me my key back.” 
You reach for his hand but stop yourself, unsure if he’s comfortable with that small action. “That isn’t why I gave it back, Harry.” 
The silence lingers in the air, and you aren’t sure where to go from here. 
“Are you sure you’re up for this conversation? You haven’t even made it inside.” 
You drop your head, trying your best to keep your tears in, something this headache broke in you was how much you seemed to be crying, but if you were being honest, the reason you keep crying is because you know the possibility of losing Harry is high. “I can’t keep doing this, avoidance,” you croak out. 
Harry exhales a long breath, looking at your house and then back at you. “Can we go somewhere else? Not sure I want to taint your house with any bad memories.”
You know he didn’t mean to hurt you with his words, but the wound is so fresh that your heartaches at the memories you have left him within the home he opened you into with open arms. Now, he’ll always relate it back to when you hurt him the most by walking away and not being willing to fight for him. 
“Anywhere you want, H. I’d follow you anywhere,” you tell him honestly. 
That gets you a hint of a smile, one that you haven’t seen in over a week and miss desperately. 
“Alright, buckle up again then.” 
You’re not sure if you should prepare for the worst or the best, but for now, you’ll go in with an open mind to show Harry you love him and will not give up on him.
Harry drives for some time up an unfamiliar road. It’s full of greenery and the occasional farm animal. You aren’t sure how long he’s been going, but you’ve seen him relax through the ride, no longer gripping the wheel like his life depended on it. Instead, one hand was on the steering wheel and the other on his lap. You know that hand used to rest comfortably on your thigh where he’d give you a squeeze every few minutes to check in on you. You took it to mean I love you. Now, you’ve been tiptoeing around each other, not allowing each of you any kind of touch to each other. 
He pulls up a beaten path to display a small lake with only a handful of ducks swimming around. You look at Harry, waiting for him to tell you more about where he’s brought you, but he tells you to wait for him to come around to help you. He watches your every move as he guides you out of the car. Harry begins walking up a dirt trail, he grabs your hand, placing it on his bicep, and you let him guide you. This lake is secluded, with no sign of other people and many birds chirping in the trees. It must be a place many are unfamiliar with because, from the looks of the run-down bench, there is no upkeep happening. 
“Sit with me, Bel.” 
You feel your heart in your throat but do as he asks. The entire ride, you have been thinking about what you were going to say, but there are so many ways this conversation can go, and the thing you want most is to walk away knowing Harry still has your heart, and you have his. 
“How’d you find this place?” You ask, genuinely curious. 
Harry smiles, “early days after buying my house in London, I wanted to get away without being recognized, and I kept driving until I took a wrong turn and ended up here. I like meditating here or running. There’s a start of a trail about a quarter mile away,” he points behind you to the trail you had initially started on and sees the entrance straight out of a fairytale book as if stepping behind the tree line will take you to a new world. 
“It’s beautiful.” 
“I enjoy it. Now don’t go breaking my heart here, Bel,” Harry jokes, trying to break the ice to this challenging conversation. 
The fact that Harry has said those words to you more than once makes your chest tighten up. You hurt him, and it’s clear it's not something either of you will easily move past. You might never forgive yourself for hurting him the way you did. 
“Harry, I–that’s the last thing I ever want to do. I’d break mine a thousand times before thinking of breaking your heart. I hate that you keep saying it,” you confess and know he’s heard you because he’s fallen silent once more.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “There’s so much we need to say, and I hope we can let it go here,” he offers. 
You nod and turn your body to face him. This will not be easy, but you have to confront all the emotions you’ve been holding back. Harry deserves all your honesty. It’s silent for a moment, and you know Harry is waiting for you to begin because, in your eyes, he has nothing to apologize for. 
“I’m sorry, Harry,” you start, your voice wavering as you fight back the tears. “I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Dylan. He was–he’s a big part of my past I don’t look back at because there’s so much hurt connected to when I first met him. Even when we met again, our connection was the pain he was going through and nothing more. I know I should have told you, but it didn’t seem important, not when I hadn’t seen him as anything more than a friend for years.” You’re careful to wipe away your tears, not wanting to mess with the bandage on the side of your head. “He’s a friend, one that had the honor of meeting my family, but that doesn’t change a thing for me because you’ve also met my family. You’ve seen the people who care the most about me, and they love you. I love you,” you remind him. “You don’t have to forgive me. I was selfish. You opened up to me in a way that no one ever has, baring their soul to me, and I-I think by keeping a few things close to my chest could be my way out if you ever hurt me.”
“I never planned on hurting you,” he tells you in a low tone. You hear the crack in his voice.
“I-I know,” you cry. “From the moment I met you, you showed me kindness and respect. It's why I fell in love with you. From the first moment, I felt safe with you.” 
Harry cracks a smile at your confession. “I believe you. I–I hate the way I found out. That your friends still joke about him or know about his feelings towards you.” 
“You have to know I would never hurt you like that. Cheating is something we’ve both shared how we’ve seen it hurt others and ourselves, and I would never forgive myself for betraying someone like that, let alone you, H.”
“Thank you.”
“As for Naomi and Sarai, I’m not sure why they said he is still in love with me. Dylan’s been a good friend throughout my career, and as far as I know, he’s very much in love with his girlfriend, Allie. He hasn’t made anything public, but he’s always going on double dates with Logan and Ana.”
Harry takes in all the information, and you no longer feel a weight on your chest, but you’re still nervous because he can accept your apology, but it doesn’t mean he forgives you.
 “Do you have other secrets?” He asks.
You shake your head, “no.” 
“Positive?” He teases. 
“Naomi listed everything out to me if you want to check with her,” you joke. “You can really put her through the test.”
“She says you haven’t been calling,” Harry changes the subject. 
You sigh, raising your hand to rub your temple, feeling the beginning of a headache coming to you. “She’s told me to call you every day. I ignored her because I felt like I couldn’t because you asked for space. Then I got into my own head, thinking I deserved the pain I felt for hurting you.” 
“When you gave me that key back, I thought that was it,” he confessed.
“Oh, Harry.” You reach your hand out to him and smile when he accepts it, raising it to his lips to give you a kiss. “I felt like I had broken your trust and didn’t deserve the key and what it signified. Not when you trusted me so much. That was me respecting your space.”
“Maybe it was too far,” you add, knowing that in the heat of the moment, you weren’t sure how to feel but looking back now, there’s so much you would have done differently. 
“A bit,” he teased.
“I am really sorry, Harry. It was never my intention to hurt you,” you feel him squeeze your hand and let out a sigh of relief that he didn’t let go.
“I know, Bel. I know.” Harry looks out to the lake, resting your intertwined hands in his lap. “It just felt like you didn’t trust me when from the start you said honesty and communication were an important foundation to have in a relationship.” 
“I trust you with my life, H. The relationship I had with him was not something I saw lasting, as I didn’t want to be known as his girlfriend. There’s a reason I never went public with him. Our views were too different.” 
“Did you feel like I forced you to announce our relationship?” Harry asks, and you know he’s referring to the final night in New York. 
“Not at all,” you assure him. “It was different; with you, we were taking steps to get to know each other as I traveled with you. We did things out of order, but it made me love you even more. I told you that day I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t sure about you. Harry, you’re the biggest constant in my life. When I feel lost, I look to you as my north star. You bring me home wherever you are.” 
Harry sniffles, taking in your words. “I love you, Y/N. The love I have for you can’t even be described, and when I got those voicemails from the hospital and I–I didn’t know if you were okay. I was scared that the last memory I would have of you was walking away from me, and there was nothing I did to stop you because I was the one who sent you away.” 
“Harry, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think—I’m so sorry.” 
“The relief of seeing you on the hospital bed with only a minor injury was enough to know that I’d do anything to work through this with you because I want you through the good and the bad. I want it all with you, baby.” 
Harry stands up, pulling you with him, and he wraps you in a big embrace, careful not to squeeze you too tight but enough to assure himself that he’s got you safe in his arms.
“Te amo, te amo con todo mi corazón,” you promise him.
“I love you too.” He kisses the top of your head. “I forgive you.” 
“H, you don’t have to say that.” 
Harry pulls back, gently cupping your face, “hey, look at me.” You stare at him with tears in your eyes. “I forgive you because I love you. We’ll work through this, baby. It’s you and me.” 
“Tu y yo.”
“That’s right, Bel. Now let’s get you home. You’ve been gone long enough.” 
“Wait,” you stop him.
“Baby, please. Let me take you home, run you a nice bath and give you cuddles.” 
You feel your face flush, thankful to know you’re going to be okay, that he loves you and you love him. That you might have been selfish, but not anymore, not when you were close to losing him. Harry is the love of your life, and you know that will never change.
“I want a kiss,” you whisper. “Can I kiss you, Harry?” 
Harry melts at your words, closing the gap between you. “These lips have been lonely, huh,” he teases. “I can fix that.” 
He leans in, pressing his lips against yours as they move together like no time has passed. You missed his kisses and touch; you mostly missed being with him. Harry filled you with love and safety, and not having him made you realize how much you love him. Some people are lucky enough to find their other halves, their soulmates, and you know you found yours. 
You know you and Harry would argue in the future, it was inevitable, but there will also be happy times, and no matter what, you would always find your way back to him. 
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thank you for reading mis amores 💜 come tell me what loved
taglist: @alienorknight @harry-is-on-route-66 @myfavfanficsever @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @japanchrry @lechairr @golden-hoax @harryspirate @thurhomish @itsmycorneroftheinternet @tenaciousperfectionunknown @thelovecayon @shawnieeboyy @dontworrysunflower @a-strange-familiar @caramello-styles @seguin-styles1996 @jjsgirlp4l @nctphobia @msolbesg @soullikestyles @willowpains@sophiaedits
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
About the Infant Skull in the Belmont Hold
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Trigger Warning: Sensitive topics below.
In a post I made last year, I pointed out the small skull in this display is case belongs to a baby.
The 'crack' down the center of the forehead is a frontal suture which closes between the ages of three to nine months, and to showcase the fact it's not just a cracked bone, the animators included a fontanelle between the bony plates of the skull, which closes before the age of two.
There is the skull of an infant in the Belmont Hold.
So what's the story here?
Theory 1: The Skull is a Vampire
This could have been a human baby that was turned by a vampire for whatever reason. Maybe this was some vampire's twisted idea of a pet. Maybe it was a horrifying, psychological trauma where a human woman lost her baby and after becoming a vampire, turned an infant into a vampire so as to never experience that pain again whilst tragically blind to the fact an immortal infant would never grow up.
If either of these were the case, whichever Belmont found this child could have viewed his or her death as a mercy. Since the baby would be immortal, it would be impractical to keep it alive forever, not to mention almost cruel because what kind of life is that? And it would be equally inhumane to leave the vampire to starve to death, so the options are limited.
The skull was brought home not as a trophy but as a specimen to study and serve as a grim reminder of a harsh reality.
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Theory 2: The Skull is a Dhampir
Carmilla's above comment gives me the vague impression that it's not unheard of for a vampire to have a child with a human and then turn the human into a vampire, creating a family unit. (Just the way she says it. Like the unspoken line was, "You married a human, you succeeded in getting a child off her, so she was free to become a vampire after, no?" Turning Lisa after Adrian was born was the next natural step in her mind, so it baffles Carmilla why Dracula's wife remained human.) So maybe dhampirs are uncommon, but Alucard is far from the first one to ever exist.
So if the skull belonged to a dhampir like Alucard, this opens up another set of possibilities, but before I go into those, I want to address the Belmont Clan's potential view towards vampires and human-vampire hybrids. It's not clear if Alucard needs human blood to survive. He eats human food, but so do the vampires. Lenore comments they get their essential nutrients from blood, but whether or not this also pertains to dhampirs is up for debate. In the Gresit Underground Keep scene, it does look like he had some form of blood transfusion system possibly sustaining him, but this could arguably be a life and death situation. As in, he doesn't need blood to survive, but it can also save his life if need be.
There's also the possibility the blood-drinking is not the same across the board. (Say Alucard doesn't need blood to survive, but another dhampir was saddled with the shitty genetics that make blood a requirement.)
For the Belmonts, I can see dhampirs being a controversial subject. From Leon to Trevor's time, there are four centuries and countless individuals with their own set of similar but unique values and opinions, so it would be understandable for various Belmonts to have points of contention as well as shifts in viewpoint down the generations as new information about the enemy comes to light. Some members might have the stance of, "Dhampirs do not need blood to survive, are not a threat to humanity, and therefore it is unnecessary to hunt and kill them," while others may have taken the more extreme stance of, "Dhampirs are unnatural creatures that do not belong in this world any more than vampires do." Without the precedent of Alucard and Trevor having a common enemy, there would be nothing to sway the entire family one way or the other.
So if this is the case, the skull could have come from a vampire family similar to Dracula, Lisa, and Alucard's, and that family could have been discovered by a Belmont who made the decision to eradicate the them, including the dhampir for whichever reason:
The existence of dhampirs hadn't been discovered/confirmed yet, so the infant was assumed to be a vampire and it was viewed as a mercy killing out of ignorance. (Remember, Trevor thought Alucard was a vampire when they first met, so there is no visual difference between the two species.)
Dhampirs are assumed by the Belmonts to need blood to survive and are therefore a predator to humans that needs to be put down, again out of ignorance or just plain malice.
This particular Belmont was a heartless psychopath who had no qualms killing an innocent baby just for existing.
Theory 3: It's a Dhampir and the Belmonts Have a Really Fucked Up History With Dhampirs
There is also the possibility the mother of the dhampir child was a human woman that was raped and impregnated by a vampire. (Surviving somehow...?) In this scenario, there is a woman terrified by the idea she is about to birth a monster and goes to the local vampire experts for help. The Belmonts take her in until she delivers this unwanted child and the fate of the baby dhampir is entirely in their hands, which brings us back to the mentioned controversy among the family members.
If the mother abandons her 'monster' child, the Belmonts are left which the choice, "Do we kill it before it grows up to kill someone or do we give it a chance and let it live?"
Another possibility is the dhampir was brought up within the household for the purposes of 'studying' or 'rehabilitating' its nature. Say the family discovers dhampirs don't need to subsist on human blood and are relieved. "Wonderful. Dhampirs can live as humans and there is no need to kill them." The dhampir grows up happily among his or her adopted human family.
But then there is a tragic accident where he or she doesn't know their own strength and fatally harms a family member. The Belmonts then make the decision: Lock them up or execute them as a monster.
Based on this precedent, the family then closes off the idea that dhampirs can live as normal humans forever and they subsequently commit infanticide against any future dhampir children that cross their path, a blanket decision based entirely on a one-time misfortune.
Theory 4: The Belmonts Were Not the Cause
This again calls into question how dhampir physiology works, but maybe the infant died of an illness of failure to thrive. Alucard is strong and healthy, but that may not be same for other dhampirs, especially ones that may have been rejected as a 'freak' by both humans and vampires. He had the advantage of having a loving family and a safe environment in which to grow up. Other dhampirs might not have had the same good fortune and their health suffered for it. (Or they got dealt a bad hand in the gene pool.)
As for how the skull wound up in the Hold, it could have been one of the 'weird stuff' the Belmonts found and brought back home with them.
This could also apply to a situation where a vampire killed a rival family and kept their skulls as trophies, and the collection simply wound up in the Belmonts' treasury after destroying said vampire.
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"It's like a museum dedicated to the extermination of my people, so no. Not thrilled."
Whatever the truth of the skull, I'm inclined to believe Theories 2 or 3 because this scene struck me as a very subtle nod to how no side in a war is completely innocent. On the one hand, vampires like Carmilla, Cho, Godbrand, etc. hunt and toy with humans for sport and view them as lesser beings, and so the Belmonts seeking to eliminate them would be an understandable measure to protect humanity.
On the other hand, the presence of the infant skull indicates a tragic and bloody history of poor choices, old prejudices, potential atrocities committed by the 'heroes,’ and generational trauma. A past history even Trevor isn't particularly proud of for all the pride he has in his lineage. It really showcases the line between man and monster and aligns with the recurrent theme of 'we can be better than this' that occurs throughout the series.
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But let me know if you've got any theories/headcanons different from what I have listed above. I'd love to hear it. Crediting Theory 4 to @thetvpenigma. Thanks for your help!
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tgmsunmontue · 7 months
Team Player 3/7
Hangster. Jake's cousin plays for the Sydney Roosters and gifts him with merchandise regularly. Bradley has an unexpected realization.
                “Where am I going to take him?”
                “You really need to calm down.”
                “Nat, I asked him out and he said yes.”
                “Mmm. A complete surprise. Shocking. Truly.”
                “I’m sorry, he’s sort of the type that thinks poking fun of someone is a way of letting them know he likes them… most boys outgrow it before they leave high school.”
                “He likes you. Has liked you for years. Just… you never seemed to like him back. And now… you do.”
                “I want to fuck him, I think liking him back might be stretching it a little.”
                “You want to do more than just fuck him. You’re lying to yourself and it isn’t making you look good. You only wanted to fuck him when you saw him plastered with your call sign. You want him to be yours. Like, locked down and married type shit.”
                “I know, I know. You’re going on your first date, but just let me call dibs on being your best man when you get married.”
                “Are you broken? You seem broken. You’re saying what a lot.”
                “I’m not broken. You’re talking about me and Hangman getting married.”
                “Just calling it like I see it. Feel free to try and prove me wrong, although I think you’ll be happier if you just go with my prediction.”
                “Can we focus please! Where should I take him?”
                “Dinner? Movies?”
                “Wow, really original…”
                “I can leave.”
                “No! Sorry. I’m just…”
                “Nervous. I get it. You like him.”
                “I do. Fuck. What’s wrong with me?”
                “Well, did you want a list or a pie chart?”
                “Sorry. You’re allowed to like him. Apart from his justifiable large ego, he’s actually a decent guy.”
                “Okay, yeah. I know. Okay. I think I might take him to Belmont.”
                “I thought you said before that you didn’t want anything competitive?”
                “We can just do the rides.”
                “You both fly fighter jets for a living and you’re going to go thrill seeking at Belmont? Huh. That’s actually not a bad idea.”
                “Yeah? You think he’ll like it?”
                “Seriously, you could suggest watching infomercials and getting pizza delivered and he’d do it, and like it…”
                Bradley pulls a face, because he fucking doubts it, but he feels like Belmont Park will be okay. Fun. He lets Natasha leave, insists he doesn’t need her help anymore. He’s decided, even if he’s a little jittery thinking about the fact that he didn’t leave himself more time between asking Hangman out and them deciding the next day was a good day and time. He showers and dresses, pulling on his darkest jeans and oh fuck… maybe he should have kept Natasha here after all. He picks up his phone, opens it up to send her a message and there it is. A message telling him what to wear and he laughs. God she knows him so well. Not a Hawaiian shirt, he can manage that.
                He blasts his rev me up playlist on the way to pick up Hangman, hoping it might fill him with some confidence, and it all slips away anyway as Hangman walks down the steps toward him. He looks relaxed, also wearing jeans though his are lighter colored, and he’s wearing a hoodie, something he doesn’t think he’s ever seen Hangman wear.
                “Am I dressed okay? You’re wearing a proper shirt…”
                “Uh, you’re fine. Thought we could go to Belmont.”
                “Oh cool, I haven’t been to Belmont in years.”
                “Yeah, I thought we could do some rides, eat overpriced food, maybe do some games. I didn’t want to pick anything solely competitive…”
                “Afraid of losing to me?”
                Bradley rolls his eyes, but Natasha’s words from earlier and running through his head, that this is Hangman’s way of flirting.
                “Already got a date with you, pretty sure that’s all the winning I need.”
                Jake blushes. Fucking blushes and Bradley looks away and grins, realizing he can throw Jake off with sincerity. He can do that, especially because Jake is even more gorgeous when he looks a little flustered. He reverses back onto the road and heads out, wonders if it’s going to be awkward but Hangman is filling the silence, asking questions about what he’d done with his day off today and talking about what he’s done. The twenty-minute drive goes by quickly, easily, and it makes him feel better about the date ahead. He parks the car and gets out, locking it and then looks up, Hangman has his back to him, is staring up at something, he can’t look because his eyes are fixed on the back of Jake’s back, the word Roosters stretched between his shoulder blades.
                He is so fucked.
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xxladyballadxx · 10 months
My Love, My World, My Treasure
Richter Belmont x f! reader
❀ Dividers by @saradika-graphics ❀
ꕤ I recommend listening to Two Slow Dancers by Mitski while reading this ꕤ
Summary: A week had passed ever since you finally killed the patriarch that used you as a weapon to rage against wars. The nightmare was over, you were finally free. Then…you became more aloof, distancing yourself from everyone. Richter and the others knew what was up. Tera and Maria decided to help Richter out to do something special for you, to bring out a smile on your face once again…
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“Richter, where are you taking me?” You asked in curiosity while having a blindfold over your eyes. “Hold on, we’re almost there.” Richter reassured you, holding your hands steadily that way you don’t trip or bump into anything. Still wondering what Richter was up to. Your eyes remained close behind the blindfold. “Okay, my sweet dove, we’re here.” Richter released your hands, hearing the steps of him walking behind you to untie the knot of the blindfold. 
With the blindfold no longer shielding the surprise, you lit your eyes open and felt the warm breeze crawling up on you, your hair dancing mid-air as it flowed over some parts of your face. 
You gasped, reeling in joy and happiness. Your eyes wandered around the place, you were taken to a field full of gorgeous flowers by your amazing boyfriend Richter Belmont. So this is what he wanted to show you. 
Roses, daisies, tulips and many other flowers were blooming beautifully on the green shining grass. “They’re beautiful!” You beamed out, bending down to touch the petals with your fingertips. “I know you haven’t been feeling like yourself recently.” Richter spoke calmly while he went over to you, a worried smile appearing, “I wanted to do something special for you, to bring a smile to your face once again. To cheer you up…” 
You stood up, walking over to Richter with a sweet loving smile popping up, “Richter…” he held your hands and motioned his eyes to gaze at yours, “I hope this isn’t too much, you’ve been through a lot and I realized we were never able to spend more time together since we were so focused on things that were dragging us down to the fucking dirt. You mean a lot to me, (Name).” He squeezes your hands lovingly, his blue oceanic orbs falling up on you, “I can’t bear to see you suffering like this…” 
Richter was hurting deeply inside, for you and he figured out that you haven’t been your usual happy-self for the past few days. This is why he did all this for you… 
“Oh Richter…” You held up your hand, caressing the side of his face while he looked at you worryingly, “This…all this means everything to me. I love what you did with the flowers…” you pulled away to look down to the blossoms. “Somehow they remind me of a beautiful garden back home in London, do you remember?” 
Richter chuckled, recalling the moments you spent more time with him when you were both children, “I always plucked out the rose from the bush and removed its bloody thorns before putting on your hair. Sometimes I get yelled at by one of your butlers since I wasn’t supposed to take the flower from a bush.” He picked out a Chrysanthemum and placed it behind your ear, admiring how stunning you look with it. “You love to make those flower crowns and put them on my head, wanting me to match with you.” 
You smiled fondly, “Oh yes. I even made a flower ring for you too. “ Those were the greatest days for you and Richter. You were much happier back then, running around in the garden with Richter while he chased you wildly. “I..missed this…I missed the moments we had together when we were kids.” 
Richter held your hands together in his palms, gazing his blue sea orbs upon you, “I do too, (Name). Nine years and here I thought…I would never see you again. The person whom I held so close to my heart.” 
You recalled the time where Richter rescued you from that cult, he couldn’t recognise you at first. You never prayed for someone you knew to come and rescue you. Richter Belmont, the close friend you ever had, rescued you. He came back to you. During the invasion in London, with the vampires slaughtering the citizens, Richter thought you were killed along with your family. 
He regained some parts of his happiness when he found you, so did you.
Richter sat beside you as you began to make garlands, creating a crown out of various flowers. He watches you making one, his gaze unmoving. “Where do you see us when this is all over?” Richter had been wanting to ask you for a while, he never got the chance to for some reason. Perhaps he was too focused on taking down the Messiah and her army. 
You put down the unfinished crown on your lap and face Richter in his direction, “I truly wish I have an answer for that. I never thought about it that deeply. Maybe…somewhere nice…perhaps in a cottage. Living there peacefully I suppose..” 
Richter shone a warm smile, holding your hand into his, “That would actually be quite nice…for you and me.” You gave him a kiss on the cheek in return before finishing off making the garlands. Richter knew you would need this, wanting to get away from all the terrible things that were dragging you down. 
You set your eyes towards the warm blue sky, the yellow-red burning sun shining brightly on your face, “It’s quite lovely out here, isn’t it?” you stood up with that finished flower crown in your hands you finished making. 
Richter got up on his feet, standing next to you. His eyes wandered around the area, a little speck of gleam going through his pupils, “It really is. Not as beautiful as you though.” 
Your face flushed at his compliment, you turned towards his direction wanting to look him in the eye with that flourishing reddened face of yours. Richter found it quite adorable seeing you like that, it brings him much joy just by spending his time with his lover. Seeing a girl he truly loves smiling once again. 
He took the flower crown off your hands, slowly planting it on your head. A sparkle of happiness painted over Richter’s face, “You look beautiful as ever, (Name).” The wind dancing through your hair, parts of them flowing over your face as a radiant smile shone across your lips. 
Richter gripped your hands, inching you closer to him. He held your head leaning in for a kiss. You closed your eyes when his lips touched yours sweetily. A slow, passionate kiss melting onto your soft lips. Richter moved his head away from your face to say, “I love you, (Name), so damn much.” 
Your eyes pricked with tears, “I know. I love you too.” You wrapped your arms around him lovingly, your head burying into his chest, “My love, my world, my treasure.” you looked up to his face, smiling as you shed more tears of sparkled joy, “You are the one I need. You, Richter Belmont, are my precious treasure.” 
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
a/n - Hello everyone! I hope you all like what I've written on here! I wanted to tear up so much while writing the ending for this (╥﹏╥)
Anyways, keep yourselves warm in this very cold season and make sure you take care of your health! ( • ᴗ - ) ✧
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
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yugenwrites · 1 year
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∗ —— Adrian “Alucard” Tepes x D.
∗ —— Part one, part two, part three, part four ( coming soon ).
∗ —— NOTES: This story is inspired by some of the fanart that is done by tender miasma / suzannart! The worlds of Castlevania and Vampire Hunter D are connected to one and another.
“Belmont said that you have fought with his ancestors. How old are you D and now many of his ancestors have you worked alongside with?” Sypha asked the dhampyre but the man did not answer, only sighing in response. He didn't feel like striking up any type of conversation, he just wanted to get away from the three of them since they did nothing but bicker.
“He's very old,” the left hand spoke like D had done a couple of minutes ago, he had dug his nails into the face of the parasite but this time with an irritated scowl.
“Enough of your foolish antics.” D was bothered by not only his companion but the three fools behind him. “Once we are finally free from this area, I will be parting from the three of you. I did wish that it was four.” Of course he was referring to the fourth person as his hand.
“If I could leave you, I would but you would be absolutely miserable without me,” the hand exclaimed at the dhampyre who curled his fingers downward and into his palm, nails digging into the flesh for the third time. “That hurts you bastard!”
“We all need to stay together. The faster we can get to Dracula's castle the quicker we will be able to put an end to this.” Sypha took a couple of steps forward in a quick motion, now walking beside D who didn't bother to look at her.
“I work alone and the people of Wallachia will need someone to look after them before they get devoured by night creatures.”
“I'm sure that they would have some dislike towards you as well, you may be half of a human but I am sure as long as you have vampire blood or genetics, you will be seen as a monster nonetheless,” Alucard stated as D began to turn away from the trio.
“Anyone can be considered a monster whether they are human, vampyre, or a demon. Even if I am a vampyre hunter, I am aware of the many things that a mere man or even a child is capable of doing. No one in this world is truly innocent but it is enough to try to change such a thing and help those who are in need of it.”
“And what if they aren't willing to take some of your generosity? Would you still provide aid to those even when they push you away?”
“I cannot force anyone and shall not do it. Not everyone is willing to accept aid and some will look down upon it.” Alucard couldn't help but to think back. To think back how a year ago was when his mother was burned down to ashes because of her so-called witchery when the only thing she wanted to do was help those who needed it. “I'm sure that you three alone would be able to make it to the castle by yourselves without my aid. I will make sure that the creatures of the night do not come in between you or your travels.”
“So . . . You are helping us basically?” Trevor questioned.
“In a sense, yes, but it's more for the people and not for your benefit.” D had paused in his tracks and turned his head to look at Alucard, eyes narrowed and nothing but a frown worn upon his face. “You. Be wise of the choices that you decide to make.” With those words, D had continued to walk away from the trio and Alucard found himself averting his gaze.
Alucard knew that the man didn't trust him, he thought that he was going to end up like his father and become full of rage to the point where even he was going to cause destruction to Wallachia and its people. The blonde wasn't a fool, he was able to control his emotions despite being saddened and upset about his mother's death. As much as it was unfortunate, it was something that was bound to happen one day.
The only one that seemed to really believe that he had good intentions was Sypha and the other speakers who believed in the story of the sleeping soldier despite it seeming more dramatic than what it needed to be. Lost in his thoughts, he had walked away to clear his head in a secluded area while Trevor and Sypha went to meet up with her people. He would join them a little bit down the line but for now he needed some time to himself even if he had spent a whole year sleeping in a coffin. Some things needed to be planned out and organized and he wanted to do such in silence.
The night was rather cold, the fear that the people had worn on their faces was nothing but clear. D held his suspicions of Alucard. Even if he had swore that he was going to kill his father before he creates any more damage, he doesn't know what he may do afterwards or even beforehand. “Maybe you were a little too rude to him. He's just a kid,” his left hand commented despite his own rudeness to the dhampyre earlier.
“He is no child, he is a full adult. I'm sure that he is able to handle the things that will be thrown at him with the decision he has chosen to make.” Even the parasite of a hand could think that the dhampyre was rather cold towards others at times, such a thought was rare considering his own personality.
“Don't give me that shit, you could have been a little bit nicer to him and you know it.” After all, Alucard had just lost his mother a year ago and to be able to stop the upbringing madness being caused and the possible end of the existence of humans, the blonde would have to kill his own father. A soft huff escaped D’s lips, maybe he could have but he wasn't going to during all of this. There was business that needed to be taken care of.
“This is no time for mourning and treating him with sympathy. The fate of the world lies within his hands.” His eyes narrowed underneath the tip of the hat that he wore so low and his lips were curled downward into a frown.
Only a couple of hours had passed until the sun slowly began to shine within the sky, the people who were hiding in their homes soon coming out to see that they were alive. D made sure that the night creatures didn't lay a single hand on a civilian or even glanced in their direction. Not many had shown up, maybe at least seven. Most of them were killed in the horde from earlier on when night took its course. The vampire hunter walked around and tended to people's needs even though they were skeptical of him due to his vampirism.
“Ye could have fuckin' stopped this!” There was one man who pointed at the black haired hunter, poking him directly in the chest.
“No, I couldn't have. The only thing that I can provide for you right now is safety from the creatures of the night after the people decided to burn down that woman you call a witch.” The hand was swatted away and the tip of his hat was pulled downward to hide his irritated expression.
“Cause she was a bloody witch!” The man shouted, rather angrily. D fell silent upon those words. He knows well that marrying a vampyre would be more than enough to get her killed though he doesn't know the whole story. After a couple of seconds, he had found himself walking away from the male, hearing curses escape his rather vulgar mouth. Humans in Wallachia didn't seem like the best group of people, rather inappropriate and stupid; blind. Seeing that most of the people were fine, he decided to leave them be for a moment and see if there was anything that he himself had needed.
“Hunter D!” He heard a familiar voice come from behind him which made him turn his gaze.
“Speaker . . .have you grown tired of them already?” As much as it seemed like it was a joke, the tone of his voice was serious.
“Well yes and no. I left the two of them alone so I would be able to find a covered wagon and some horses for travel. We can't move as fast as we want to on bare feet, you know?”
“That didn't seem like the best idea to leave them alone with one another. Maybe they are going at each other's throats right now.”
“I wouldn't be surprised. They haven't stopped their stupid bickering.” The female would let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes in the process. “I was wondering if maybe you can tag along with us. I know that you wish to tend to the people but it will be faster if we were to all travel together, don't you think?”
“As much as that seems to be true, I do not think that I will have the patience to deal with those two and if I went off on my own and fought off those night creatures before they reached you, it would make travel much smoother.” Sypha nodded her head, that would probably be the best option and she is sure that the small dispute between him and Alucard may get worse.
“Just promise that you won't get yourself killed, alright?”
“How insulting, I am a hunter. I am only doing my job.” D turned himself away but before he could walk away, a bag of coins was tossed in Sypha's direction which was caught. “This should pay for what you need for now. Between the three of you alone, I am sure that you wouldn't have enough.”
“Thank you, I'll make sure the two idiots don't get a hold of it.” With that being said, she watched D as he began to walk away from her before leaving herself to go the opposite direction. She knew it may take some time for her to find someone who sold wagons, nonetheless horses. It was likely that the night creatures could have destroyed them to stop the people from leaving but with their journey, the trio needed one.
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smallestapplin · 3 months
Little love
This was commissioned by @bellafragolina who asked for found family Trevor Belmont before meeting the others.
Word count : 1,521
No warnings!
When Trevor first found you, he didn't know what to do, he's a Belmont, not a babysitter. But he just saved your village from monsters, more specifically he saved you from being eaten. Your small chubby hands gripped onto his shirt, silently sobbing into his chest as he held you.
You've been traumatized, not wanting to make a sound in case more monsters come back. It sickens him, you couldn't be any older than five, and this is the world you were meant to be raised in?
"I got you now. Let's go find your parents, yeah?"
The mention of them just made you sob harder, it made his blood run cold.
They are probably dead.
Well, that's at least something you two have in common.
He shakes that thought from his head and tries to pull you away, just so he can see your face and ask a few more questions, only for you to cling to him tighter, mumbling something he couldn't understand but it sounded like pleads.
Fuck, he can't just leave you, but he's not exactly child friendly, and it's not like you can talk much, seemingly only knowing a few words.
When taking you with him, he asked around the village women how to take care of such a young child and what you could eat. He soaks up their cooing and praises while also getting the information he wanted before he stocked up and set off.
You're like his little shadow, always one step behind him like a duckling.
"Alright, you gotta name?"
You didn't answer, just held onto the end of his cape as you two walked.
"Well, aren't you the life of the party?" He snorts, running a hand through his messy brown hair.
"Hm, if you're gonna be my shadow, we are gonna need to train you. Can't have you gettin' hurt on my watch."
You're not like him or his family, you're supposed to be a normal child running around, scraping your knee, living a normal life, he's sorry it had to be this way but he will ensure you at least have a fighting chance.
The first night with you was a nightmare, he was so paranoid about monsters finding you he didn't sleep, any small noise had him on high alert, the only thing that calmed him down was looking over to your sleeping form all bundled up in his cloak, sound asleep.
It's also the first night he doesn't go to a tavern and drink himself to sleep.
Any new mission he spends getting a room first, booby-trapping it to hell and back, and placing protection symbols everywhere to keep monsters at bay. Anytime he goes to leave he makes sure you have food and water, and that the windows are shut and locked tight.
He crouches down to your height, handing you a rather sharp knife.
"Now, if someone knocks what do you do?"
"Don't open."
"Good! And if they claim to be me or the inn keep?"
"Don't open."
"And if they try breaking in?"
"Under the bed, go for the ankles."
"Good job, little love. I'll be back as soon as possible, do not open the door for anyone unless I give the code."
You nod your head, clenching the handle of your blade to you, holding it just like he taught you for maximum danger.
It's not ideal for you but it's to ensure you're protected while he hunts. He spends hours away at a time, fighting tooth and nail to kill vampires, ghouls, whatever those bastard bat monsters are, just to return to the tavern and drink and drink and drink.
Until his body feels warm.
It's then he returns to the room, knocking in a set pattern before muttering the goofy code he gave you. He smiles hearing the soft sound of your feet pattering against the wooden floor. After a few minutes of movement, the door opens, revealing you rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"Ah, m'sorry my little duckling, seems I lost track of time."
You don't say much, just moving to let him in, and following right behind him as he flops face-first into the bed, groaning as he can finally relax his muscles.
Trevor can't help but chuckle, feeling you climb into the bed as well only to keep going until you're laying on his back.
"Swear you're like a cat."
You just get comfy and quickly pass out, having been so tired waiting for him.
He may have only found you months ago, but he doesn't know when he got so attached, he swore he'd never be a father or a father figure, swore he was destined to be alone and wear the weight of his clan's duty on his shoulders.
Being the last Belmont holds some pain to him. Everyone around him dies, he's not meant to have anyone.
So why did he cave and take you in?
You're just like him when he was young, though he was a much rowdier child, he can't fault you for changing with your environment.
You lost everything, you were alone, you had no one.
Just like him.
But he didn't want the cycle to continue, he didn't want any more lives lost.
He had no one.
He wanted you to have someone.
Months turned into years, he watched you grow, watched you pick up on people's lies, watched you pick up your training fast, being able to handle yourself while he's not around so he no longer fears what could happen to you.
He still never got a name from you, maybe you didn't have one or wanted to lose that part of your life, but whatever your reasoning he doesn't care.
Two years on the road together, he couldn't imagine not having you with him. Deep down in his gut, he knew if anything happened to you he'd be devastated.
But that's a price he's willing to take.
He's killed people for trying to take you away, killed those trying to hurt you, and he's proud you can take on smaller monsters on your own.
It doesn't stop him from picking you up and sprinting when needed, but you seem to have fun, even giggling when you get to sneak into small crawl spaces to help him reach something or overhear something.
"I get to be a monster Hunter just like you!"
Oh, he wants you to reconsider, he wants you to live a normal life but with him as your guardian that won't be possible.
You'll end up in his profession where people often die young.
But he will do what he can to make sure you are ready for it, to make sure you live longer than those fallen before you.
His little love.
His little duckling.
He will make sure every monster is vanquished to make sure you're safe.
For now, he will stay in this temporary room making silly voices as he tells you a story, smiling at how you squeal and laugh as he tickles you like he's the big scary monster.
You are his daughter in everything but blood.
The circumstances may not have been ideal, but he'd do it all over again.
Every argument, every tantrum, every cry, every laugh, every gleeful ramble, every excited question.
He will do it all over again.
Just to make sure you're safely by his side. Even if it's just you and him facing the world.
As your journey takes you closer to Wallachia, a place where the monsters seem to be spawning from, he still holds you, carrying you tightly to his chest as you sleep soundly.
He will have to set up camp soon if he doesn't have some inn close by to sleep at, but it's all worth it, even as his legs ache from walking he won't stop.
A mumble catches his attention. Pausing in his step he looks down at you, seeing you sleepily looking up at him.
"Something wrong, little love?"
Trevor chuckles, brushing some of your hair out of your face.
"Just sleep, we are almost to a resting spot."
You just hold onto his shirt tightly, almost as tightly as you did the night he saved you from those creatures.
"Are you okay, did you have a scary dream?"
"Can...can I call you dad?"
His heart swells, and his blue eyes are already shimmering with unshed tears. His throat feels tight, closing as he tries to stop himself from sobbing.
You have no idea how much he's thought of it, how much he's wanted to hear you call him 'dad' instead of 'Trevor.'
The days and nights he's spent taking care of you, protecting you, teaching you the basics of the world while teaching you how to fight.
"Of course. Everything but in blood we are family. I will sooner perish than let anything in this world hurt you."
He can't believe he's grown soft.
But every day he wakes up with a new sense of motivation.
And that's to take care of you.
You are his daughter.
You are a Belmont all the same.
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spacebobastories · 3 months
Something Real
Chapter 2 - The Omega
Summary: When John got the mission assigned to him to retrieve an important item, he didn’t think nothing of it. With hardly any information presented to them, they were in the dark. But, what they found shocked them. Why didn’t they know about this facility? Maybe they didn’t want to know.
Parings: Poly 141 x OC (Louis Belmont)
Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe, I’m not an expert on military so there will be inaccuracies, panicking from Louis.
Author’s note: You guys have no idea how bad I want to do daily updates lol. But I have to force myself to do weekly updates so I won’t become burnt out. I have so many ideas for this story it’s not even funny. I want to just write little head cannons but don’t want to really spoil anything.
Previous Chapter —> Next Chapter
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“So we have no idea what we’re supposed to retrieve?” It was quiet in the office as John Price sat at his desk. Laswell was on the other line, a small exhausted sigh came from her. It seemed like the higher ups were running her ragged as well.
“Not really. All they told us was that the item could either be extremely dangerous or not. Look Price, I don’t even know if the ‘item’ they’re talking about is even real. But if the higher ups want it, then it must be extremely important.”
John leaned back in his chair, it creaked softly under his weight, and let out a sigh of his own. He reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache start to form behind his eyes. He’s been up for three days straight now dealing with paper work and the higher ups. He hasn’t even had the time to even take a quick nap.
“Right. This is exactly what I wanted. To go blind in a mission.”
It was eerily quiet as Ghost and Soap moved through the building, checking their corners and staying close together. When they touched down in Old Washington, there wasn’t any surprise to how old and rundown the city was. It was abandoned since the Omega War 33 years ago. No one but the desperate stayed here. So, when they finally managed to find the building they were looking for, surprise washed over them.
It was a hospital but the deeper they went underground, the more the hospital…didn’t look like a hospital. “What the hell is this place?” Soap muttered softly, his voice echoing lightly.
“No idea. But keep talking to a minimum. Dont know what’s here.” Ghost’s baritone voice doesn’t echo as much because of his mask but it didn’t make it less eerie. The walls were cracked and some had fallen in, the building creaked and groaned. They had to make this quick, but there was no way of knowing what the hell they were looking for.
But whatever this place was, it didn’t look like a basement to store things. As they passed by a few rooms, shining their lights in, they saw skeletons on the floor wearing lab coats. There looked like some medical equipment but looked more sinister than normal equipment. Soap felt a shiver move down his spine at the thought of what they did here. *Why are there so many skeletons? How many people died here?* he thought as a bead of sweat rolled down his temple.
It took them longer than they thought to make it to the last door. The door was different than the others. As the regular doors were made of wood and were small, this door was massive and metal. But, it was slightly ajar. The sign above it read ‘Cryo Chambers’
“Didn’t they say the item could be dangerous?” Soap spoke as Ghost glanced over at him and let his gun fall to his side. “Yeah, be ready for anything.” He muttered as he grabbed the edge of the door and with a grunt, began pulling it open. It was heavy even with Ghost being strong, it was still hard to open. But he managed to get it open enough to the point they could slip in. He grabbed his gun once more and stepped in.
Inside the large room it should have been dark, but it was dimly lit by the cryo pods that lined the walls. Some of them were off while others were on. But it looked like a lot of the people inside were dead. Soap and Ghost slowly moved down the middle, shock moving through their bodies. *What the hell were they doing down here?* was the thoughts that went through their minds.
Soap swallowed thickly as he saw that the people in the pods looked…odd. They were bigger than most but some had horns while others looked like they had wings. *Experiments? They were experimenting on people?* Soap felt anger move through his body but glanced over as he felt Ghost bump his side. The Alpha also looked angry, he could see it in his eyes. But there was nothing they could do.
At the end of the room was a larger cryo pod that was brightly lit. The small screen on the pod had the vitals of the person inside. The heart monitor was still moving and there was a green light on the screen. That had to be a good thing right? Ghost reached up and wiped some of the condensation off the glass. Inside of the pod lay a man with deep red dreadlocks that almost looked like blood in the light of the pod. His locs were loose, lying down over his shoulders and seemed to stop below his chest. His skin which looked to be umber had a dark-yellow tone to it which paired nicely with his hair. What caught Ghost’s attention the most was the black and silver gas mask that sat on his face. It didn’t cover his entire face just the bottom half of his face.
The life monitor also had the name of this person. Ghost looked at the monitor, reading the name: Louis Belmont. Then shock washed over him as he stared at the status below the name. Omega.
*An Omega? An honest to God Omega? Here?* he thought and looked over at Soap who was looking at the pod in anger and shock. “A fucking Omega? What the hell is this place?” The brunette breathed out and Ghost stepped back.
“I guess we’ll find out from him.” He looked around the pod for a handle or something to open it. It took a few tries but they finally managed to get it open and they quickly stepped back at the pod began to open.
Ghost watched as the omega’s eyes fluttered open, he was once again shocked and surprised as the whites of his eyes were black and his eyes were an extremely beautiful gold. The color looked like molten gold and was actually…glowing.
“Holy shit, L.T, you see what I’m seein’? ” Soap breathed out as the Omega’s body leaned forward and they were ready to catch it but they froze as his body turned into smoke, falling to the ground only to turn right back into a solid body. Soap breathed in sharply, both tensing up and not knowing what to do. Until the redhead took off his gas mask and took a deep breath only to start coughing. It was the type of cough that shook his whole body, making him hunch over in pain.
Soap moved first, moving over to the omega and placed his hand on the man’s back. He rubbed his hand slowly, trying to calm the man’s coughing down and once he finally stopped, he placed the mask back on.
Louis seemed to be processing what was going on as he slowly lifted his head and looked at Ghost. “Can you stand?” Ghost asked, silently cursing. Of course he can’t stand, he looked like he barely knew where he was.
“What…year is it?”
The man’s voice was scratchy, like he hadn’t used it for a long time. The labored breathing of the gas mask didn’t help either.
“3055.” Soap spoke up, still beside Louis and the omega’s eyes went wide from shock and disbelief.
“33 years? I’ve been in there for…33 years?” It sounded like all the air had left his lungs as he stared at Ghost in shock then down at the floor.
Ghost felt the urge to console him, make him feel better but he refrained from doing so.
“Soap, pick him up. We need to go.” Ghost watched as the beta nodded his head and fixed his gun before reaching down and picked up the man. The redhead had on black pants and a black muscle shirt that showed off his muscles.
“We have the target, Captain.” Ghost reported to Price, not wanting to say more until they got back to a safe place. Gaz nor Price will believe him until they bring the Omega in.
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Pain. Pain. Pain. painpainpain. It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Golden eyes shot open, Louis breathed in sharply as the pain seemed to intensify as he was now fully awake. His eyes frantically darted around at the figures above him, darkened out by the blindingly bright light above him. His heart was beating so hard he thought it would burst out of his chest. *No! Not again! Not this again!* Panic gripped his brain tightly and his breathing picked up speed, but his eyes locked onto the figure who was speaking.
"How is Louis behaving?" The voce was feminine as she was handed something, a clipboard.
Louis could hear the light fluttering of paper as she lifted the page to look at something. That's right, he was here again. The tests, the pain. It never seemed to end. It was like a loop of pain that got worse and worse over time. The Omega swallowed thickly, painfully. His mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton, he couldn't swallow and it was hard to speak. "W-where...am I?" He managed to get out, his mind foggy. He had a vague recollection on where he was, but couldn't put anything together.
The pain was excruciating as he laid on that table, pain shooting through his body. He could feel IV's were in his arm, but he didn't know how many there were or what they were pumping into him. Louis's body twitched as jolts of pain shot through him and he gasped sharply, suddenly arching his back. Tears pooled in his eyes then rolled down his cheeks, he could hear himself sobbing, begging for the pain to stop.
He wished he could see the people above him, see their faces to memorize them. Louis wanted them to pay for making him hurt. Pain...pain...it hurts so much.
"He's doing surprisingly well with the chemicals in his body. It hasn't killed him yet." The voice sounded excited. It made him sick. "B-bastards." He croaked out and through his blurry vision, he could see their heads tilt down towards him.
"I'm surprised he can even speak. The pain must be excruciating. Fascinating." One of the figures reached out to wipe the tears from his sweaty face, he flinched at the touch, trying to focus on the person. But it was too hard to focus on anything, his head throbbed and it felt like he had ran a 10 mile marathon with no break.
"Hush now, child. This is for a good cause." Someone moved beside him and he let out a weak cry of protest as something sharp pricked his skin. A needle.
Louis felt his head become heavy and he let it roll to the side and looked at the person beside him. A woman, by the way she smelled. It was still hard to see and with his vision becoming more blurry by the second, he didn't try and focus anymore. "Go to sleep, Louis. The pain will subside." The voice was unnervingly calm, it made him shudder with discomfort. But his eyes started to grow heavy and the sounds around him grew slow and mixed together. He fought to keep his eyes open, but soon the blackness took him and he fell into a deep sleep.
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Louis's eyes suddenly shot open and he quickly sat up, not hearing the surprised gasp from the nurse in the room. He was shaking from terror, trying to not have a panic attack. But it was hard, he was out of the cryo pod, was he back under testing? The Omega's eyes quickly locked onto a nurse who was standing a little away's from the bed. She looked like she was giving him space but his terror filled brain was telling him the opposite.
A scream of surprise was heard from his room as he slammed his shoulder into the door, slamming it open. He stumbled forward, falling into the wall. His eyes darted around the few hospital staff that roamed the halls. They were now frozen in shock and he narrowed his eyes at the military uniforms that some of them had on. His breathing became labored as he now realized he didn't have his gas mask, but when one of the staff moved forward, he growled loudly and stepped back. "Woah, calm down. No one here is going to- Wait!!"
Louis didn't give him a chance to continue as he turned and began running the opposite way. The alarms started going off as he ran down the hall, roughly pushing people out of the way. He dodged those who were trying to catch him. All the while he felt like his lungs were on fire, he felt and tasted blood on his lips, knowing his body was healing and decaying at a rapid rate. But he didn't care. If he was here, then they were going to do experiments on him again. He couldn't go through that again. Never again.
"There he is!" Louis panted hard as he skidded around the corner, slamming into the wall before running again. He could feel his body shifting into his shadow form, quickly shadow stepping further away from everyone. But his body couldn't keep up with him, not with him still recovering. So, his own body forced him back in his solid state and he let out a surprised yelp as he stumbled and fell to the ground. He rolled to a stop, his back hitting the wall and he struggled to get up, feeling his arms shaking as he slowly crawled to a corner.
"There you are." A masculine voice came from behind Louis and with the last of his energy, he quickly turned around, moving into a crouched position and growled loudly, snarling at the man in front of him. Or should he say men. There were now four men in front of him, although, the one who spoke looked and sounded familiar. *A mohawk?* Louis thought, growling again as the mohawk man stepped closer.
"Stay back!" Louis yelled but suddenly began coughing hard. He wanted to keep his eyes on the man but couldn't, covering his mouth as blood seeped through his fingers. "Shit..." A baritone voice caught his attention but he couldn't really look as he was literally coughing up a piece of his lung.
Louis noticed it went quiet, the alarms weren't blaring and no one was speaking.
"Y-you're...not taking me back." His breathing was labored as he finished coughing, flicking the chunk of lung off of his hand. He felt his lungs regenerating and he watched the men, faintly picking up their scents. But it was mostly drowned out by the strong scent of his blood.
"We're not taking you back, wee yin. Promise. We're just here to help" The one with the mohawk spoke again and Louis now recognized the man. He was the one who carried him out. And...Louis quickly looked over and locked eyes with the large one in the ghost mask.
"Names." Louis didn't relax but he at least remembered the two men who were there. The other two, a very pretty man with chocolate brown eyes and a equally handsome man with beautiful blue eyes and a mustache, he did not recognize.
"Soap. The one with the skull mask is Ghost. Kyle is the pretty one. And the one with the mustache is Price." Soap quickly listed their names and Louis locked eyes with all of them before looking back at Soap.
"What now?" He breathed out as he could feel his body slowly shutting down, wanting to sleep again. But he fought the feeling.
"We get you back in bed so you can rest." Price spoke but kept his distance and Louis looked at him with suspicion.
"That's it?"
"That's it."
Louis kept eye contact with him, making sure he wasn't lying and when he felt satisfied, he went to stand but his legs gave out under him and he saw the ground getting closer. He closed his eyes, waiting for the pain, but it never came. Instead, he landed against a warm chest and into strong arms. His face landed against Soap's shoulder and Louis couldn't help but to breath in his scent. The almondy scent of a beta invaded his nose, making him calm down, becoming like putty in Soap's arms. But then his natural scent came through, he smelled like watered down aftershave and coffee. Warm...so warm.
Louis let out a deep sigh as he was picked up bridal style, held close to that warm chest. "You're safe now, bonny. Rest." Louis let his his body relax and he felt himself grow heavy before once again slipping off into a deep sleep.
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This was one long chapter. Phew!! I hope you guys enjoyed that! If you have any questions feel free to ask away!
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