#i want the gays as much as you i prommy
askmstau · 1 year
So canary, If its the weekend for you guys yet, what was that plan or whatever it was involving Hotguy? 👀
i WOULD answer this as jimmy but like. i feel like i should explain?? basically, scar only is hotguy on the weekends bc yk. teacher. (hence the quote) the thing is, its one of those things where i WANT to draw it, but CANT bc i have artblock on drawing that specific scenario apparently so,,, i might write it out properly??? i feel like itd work better as a drawing, but yk if that doesnt work we have WORDS baybee also i want it to be a surprise <33 (tldr: its mods fault not jimmys lmao)
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sluckythewizard · 4 months
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stole the joke from this comic. its so funny. i couldnt stop thinking about it. i should be working on other stuff right now
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moongothic · 7 months
May I ask for married lizards head cannons (Dragon x Crocodile)
Unfortunately, honestly, I don't really have Dragodile headcanons at all, mainly because we know so little about Dragon it's kind of hard for me to imagine what he'd be like in a relationship with anyone, let alone with the meanest reptile on the planet
Aside from Dragon being the worst lay Crocodile ever had but to be fair that is at least 38% a joke headcanon
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galacticgraffiti · 30 days
If You Want to Give Me Anything (Then Give In) - Part III
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x John 'Soap' MacTavish
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 4.5k Summary: The helo ride back is intense. Price is the funniest unintentional (or not so unintentional?) cockblock of all time. bon appetit. CW: blood, gays yearning, memories of blood-licking and knife-licking, blood kink (i guess?), definitely knife kink, lewd thoughts, making out against a car, angsty ending (all will be well i prommy) A/N: Found the dividers here. Kisses to @patchmates for loving me through the ghoap brainrot.
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Part III
Ghost is staring at him. The whole helo-ride back to base. Dark eyes fixed on Johnny, half-lidded and sweet and full of sin. A promise to him, maybe. A threat, for anyone else.
When Price ordered them back from that building, his calm voice for once unwelcome only because it interrupted something holy, Soap’s mouth still tasted like blood: Ghost’s blood, bitter and coppery and yet the sweetest thing Soap had ever tasted.
The change was sudden, swift: Ghost pulling Soap to his feet, tugging his mask back down in a smooth, practised motion, and collecting his knife from the floor as Johnny stared at him, the taste of Simon’s skin still on his lips, the salt of his blood still on his tongue.
“Let’s go, Sergeant.” A soft order spoken through the bloodied mask. Ghost’s hand squeezed Johnny’s before he let go.
The way to exfil was quiet, and the Captain already waiting for them when they got there, tapping his foot, smoking his cigar.
“Got me,” was all Soap mumbled when Price shot him a questioning look at the blood that still stained his teeth.
Ghost’s mask was soaked in red as well, but who could tell the difference between black and blood-darkened fabric?
Price nodded at Soap’s half-hearted explanation, said nothing, though his gaze flicked between them, but then he just… shrugged to himself. Lit another cigar and fucked off to the copilot’s seat as the helo took off.
Just the three of them in here, plus the pilot. Soap pulled on the headphones, conscious of the dark eyes that had been fixed on him ever since he put the knife to his own mouth. Felt like Ghost hadn’t blinked even once, Johnny’s reflection a constant in the black ring of his pupil. 
Now, Soap finds himself staring right back at Ghost. Eyes glued to every tiny movement, to the sliver of skin that’s exposed where Ghost’s shirt has ridden up, revealing pale flesh and an even paler scar on his hip.
Soap wants to lick it, can feel himself twitch at the thought of getting to taste Simon’s skin, salty with sweat and sweet with sin. He indulges for a moment:
How the ground had felt between his knees when he looked up at Simon, begging for his knife in his mouth. How it had felt to be sliced open so meticulously by blade and gaze alike, to be disected, pulled apart and made to come undone by the feeling of Simon’s lips against his own. How Johnny had wanted, had wanted more – had wanted Simon’s knee slotted between his thighs, had wanted to grind down, to push up against the broadness of his chest, had wanted to feel Simon grow hard for him, had wanted to plead to hear the quiet, moaned whispers that fell from his lips, had wanted to push his hand into Simon’s boxers, to feel him, to know, to wrap his mouth around him and let himself be used until he forgot the cruelty of the world. Had wanted to lick the blood off Simon’s neck and know that he would be Johnny’s own to keep, that Simon’s heart might replace the one Johnny had given away to him.
Yes, Johnny lets himself indulge. Presses his lips together so he doesn’t groan when he thinks about the feeling of Simon’s hot tongue in his mouth, licking at the bloodied gash in Johnny’s tongue, sucking on it, greedily, like he would never get enough. Like this meant just as much to him as it did to Johnny.
Minutes pass that feel like hours.
At first, Soap doesn’t mind. He likes looking at Ghost. Likes looking at Simon even more. And it’s Simon now who is looking at him: His brown eyes large and softer than they ever are in battle. It takes some of the worry away that has settled in Johnny’s heart: What all of it means. He still isn't sure, but this must be something. Right? With the way Simon is looking at him… It must be.
A mean glint in his eyes, maybe, but Soap thinks that’s just a trick of the light. He thinks he could stare at him forever and be content. Count his freckles rather than his scars. Sink into the soft wrinkles around his eyes, make them deeper, make Simon smile every fucking day until his happiness would be etched into his face… Yeah, Soap would be content. Fucking elated, actually.
Simon watches him, still, when Johnny runs his finger along his lips, tracing them in the memory of the blood he spilled, and the feeling of his teeth ripping into Simon’s skin until they drew blood as well, received an offering in turn for the gift that Johnny had given so freely.
Soap isn't even trying to wipe away the blood that has long since dried, is just keeping his hands busy, but–
It’s a sharp command, even though Soap can barely hear it over the noise of the helo, in spite of the com device in his ear. Even though Ghost is almost whispering, because there are people in here with them, and they are not alone; like there is anything he could do that would make Price turn a deaf ear. Like he would care, even if it is anything. The Captain is a good man.
The word is whispered, but it’s an order nonetheless, and Soap drops his hands in his lap immediately, feeling almost ashamed by his own actions. Ghost stares at him through silvery lashes, seemingly satisfied at the immediate effect his scolding has.
Soap blinks, gazes at his own fingers like they betrayed him; stained now with speckles of dried blood.
It hadn’t even been a conscious action, just… something to do. Idle hands have never suited Soap. Neither has an idle mouth. His tongue craves a taste, something to swirl around, to play with. A piece of gum would do; even better yet a fucking lollipop. Soap has always liked the rainbow coloured ones that taste like all artificial fruit flavours run through a blender. A cigarette would be nice, too. Or, best of all– well. The thing he would like most of all, he can’t have. Not right now.
Gum is the only option he does have, but if he popped a piece of fucking gum right now, he’s pretty sure Ghost would punch him in the mouth. Put the taste of blood on his tongue again.
Soap can feel himself firming up properly now, cock twitching at the thought of it, what it might be like; what it was like: His tongue gliding along Ghost’s knife, worshipping a deadly blade like it’s a holy thing, worshipping it the way he wants to worship Simon. Tongueing at it, lapping at the tip the way he would at the head of Simon’s weeping cock, revel in the salty taste of it, press his face between Simon’s thighs and inhale him deeply, let himself be buried by the smell, the taste, the presence of him… the sound of him:
Would be a sin to taste you less than pure, Johnny. My sweet boy, my perfect boy. Sweet’eart.
Soap shifts in his seat, presses his thighs together. Pointedly tries to think about something else. Anything else. And fails miserably. He quietly wishes once again that he had a fag, nicotine to calm him down, tar to clog his lungs that won’t take any air in anyways; something to do, keep his hands and mouth busy–
“Stop squirmin’, Johnny.” Ghost’s rough voice, right in his ear, and Soap nearly bangs his head on the fucking metal sheet behind him.
“Fuck ye,” he grumbles, and is rewarded with a short, deep huff of laughter.
“Maybe if you’re good, I’ll let you.” Large eyes framed by golden lashes stare at Johnny as he says it. Like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Like seven words from his mouth aren’t all it takes to shatter Soap’s brain, to send it spinning off its fucking axis.
Ghost doesn’t move, just keeps staring at him with those fucking eyes, so dark they are almost lost in all the eyeblack if it weren’t for his pale lashes, weren’t for the whites of his eyes shining in the shadows.
“You heard me,” he finally says, quietly, just a breath in Johnny’s ear.
Soap swallows thickly, thigh bouncing up and down, trying to will down his own erection, trying so desperately not to think about it all. Trying to make it through this hellride so he can press Simon up against a wall back at base, grind into him until they’re both panting, bury his hands in his hair, in the meat of him, get on his knees and show him exactly what he can do with his mouth.
“Fuckin’ hell, LT,” he whispers.
Ghost leans forward, sudden and unexpected. Places a hand on Soap’s knee until the bouncing of his leg stills, shivering underneath the touch. Two layers of clothing between them, and yet, Soap thinks he can feel the heat permeating off Ghost’s skin in waves to match his own.
“Quiet down, sweet’eart. You’ll need the energy later.”
“I… wha- steamin’ Jesus, Ghost. Ye need tae– fuck.” Soap shakes his head, inhales deeply. Is simultaneously glad for the fact he’s wearing tac gear and fucking hates it, because every little movement he makes, hunched over as he is, has his hardening cock grinding right against the edge of his tac vest, begging to be touched properly.
Ghost leans back, keeps watching with intense eyes. Slowly, he pulls the knife from its sheath, the one that now has a dark stain of Johnny’s blood on the handle. Runs his hand along the wood, stroking it sweetly, feigning innocence.
Johnny chokes on his own spit, hips almost bucking off the bench at the sight of it.
“What? Just makin’ sure it’s still sharp. Can’t be too careful. And the handle… well. Know a little trick to get the blood right out but maybe… maybe I’ll just leave it. Nice little reminder of your… loyalty.”
Johnny’s thigh starts bouncing again, fingers drumming a fast rhythm as Ghost peels off one of his gloves to run his pale thumb down the blade. Red blooms in its wake, blood dripping suddenly from the finger, and just like that, Ghost presses it right next to the stain Johnny left on the light wood of the handle, rubs it in slowly, almost gently.
Soap’s cock jumps, and he thinks distantly that he shouldn't be so turned on by the sight of blood, shouldn’t go stupid at the way Ghost’s hand closes around the handle of the fucking knife and strokes it, slowly, deliberately, eyes never looking away from Johnny.
“Careful now, Sergeant. You’re already filthy, no sense in staining any more of your gear, yeah?”
Soap chokes, considers telling Ghost that he isn’t the one bleeding, isn’t the one staining his gear – feels the way his cock is weeping and knows it will be a lie. For a moment, he seriously debates crawling over to Ghost, to bury his face between his thighs, breathe him in to satisfy this aching fucking need, begging him to fuck his mouth with the handle of the blade, to give him the real thing, even – give him anything, his fingers, even gloved, just anything- to give him what he craves until tears are running down his face and all he can think about is Simon.
Soap huffs, strains against the straps keeping him in place. Folds his hands over his groin, surreptitiously grinds the heel of his hand against his aching cock, and– 
And stops when Ghost shakes his head.
“Be home soon, Johnny. Be good for me now.”
Soap almost whines, like a scolded fucking dog, but Ghost shoots him another warning glance. And, because he is a merciful god, slides the knife back into its sheath and into his thigh holster.
(God, his thighs, his fucking thighs. Johnny needs to feel them, wants to kiss them, trace his tongue along all the scars he knows they bear, kiss every patch of unmarred skin he can find so Ghost can feel his mouth, really feel it, and know that Johnny lov- know the extent of Johnny’s feeling. Johnny wants to press his face between them until there is no air to breathe that doesn’t smell like Simon, wants to sit between them, on them, grind his aching cock down on the muscular thickness of them until he can rub his come into the skin, make Simon smell like him, know that they belong together–)
“We better fuckin’ be home soon,” Soap mumbles to himself, almost groans when he shifts again and the seam of his trousers rubs up high against his inner thigh. “I need ye tae– if ye don’t fuckin’-”
“Alright now, ladies, keep it in your fuckin’ pants until I have plausible deniability, Christ.” Price’s voice crackles suddenly through their headsets. “You would think…”
The rest of the sentence is lost to the fact that he grumbles the words  into his stupid beard (Soap loves the Captain’s beard) and takes a drag of his less-than-up-to-regulations cigar (Soap hates the Captain’s cigars. He wants one so bad, wants to twirl it in his fingers, close his lips around it while staring Simon dead in the eye, wants to busy himself. God does he hate those fucking cigars). 
“Yes, Sir,” he responds, sounding vaguely chastised though he can’t find it in him to feel guilty. With interest, he notices the way Simon’s hand twitches in his lap at Soap’s words. Price’s voice pipes up again.
“Good lad.”
And Christ if that doesn’t do something to Soap. He’d prefer it be Simon’s voice speaking those words though, gritty and dark, with his thick accent and his cut-off consonants. Sweet’heart. Good lad.
When Soap meets Ghost’s eyes, he knows that maliciously teasing glint was not a trick of the light after all. He looks demonic, otherworldly, ethereal: An angel melting into the darkness, eyes barely blinking, never flicking away from where Johnny’s hard-on presses desperately against the cage of his jockstrap by now.
And suddenly, Soap minds the fact that this helo ride seems to take forever very much. Because nothing will ever be enough when it comes to Simon. Nothing.
Because he’s everything.
The helo lands eventually, almost without Soap noticing, too lost in all the things he wants to do to Ghost – wants Ghost to do to him, too lost in the memory of the taste of his blood that still lingers on Soap’s lips, too lost in his heated eyes that tell Johnny exactly what Simon is thinking about right now.
“Let’s go, boys!”
An SUV is parked by the landing strip across the runway. Very thoughtful- base is only a few minutes away, but a tired ache has started to creep into Soap’s bones now that the adrenaline of battle is slowly subsiding, though his body is so keyed up he is nearly vibrating.
Ghost is eyeing the driver’s seat, but Johnny quickly hooks his fingers into the straps of his tac vest and pulls him back.
“I’m no’ gettin’ in that fuckin’ thing if yer the one drivin’, LT. Fuckin’ menace ye are behind the wheel. Christ, bloody wonder I survive every time, got closer tae death drivin’ shotgun with ye than I have in fuckin’ active warzones, ye rocket.”
Ghost stares at him, then drops his gaze down to where Johnny’s hand fists his vest.
“You got a problem with goin’ fast, Sergeant? Wouldn't have taken you for the type.”
His eyes flick back up, catch on Soap’s lips.
Soap swallows, although his mouth is fucking dry, because he’s so close to Ghost, finally, and if Price wasn’t standing right next to them, Johnny would have already bent over the hood and asked Ghost to fuck him right there. Or pressed his hands between the muscled wings of Ghost’s back and bent him over instead, if his earlier words are anything to go by.
Steamin’ Jesus.
“No problem… Sir.” Soap can feel Ghost shudder for the fraction of a second before he regains his composure. “Like it fast, actually. Jus’ wanna make sure I make it oot alive. Be a shame tae have made it through tha’ hell only tae die because ye cannae keep yer foot off the gas fer a fuckin’ second, aye?”
“Watch your fuckin’ mouth, MacTavish,” Ghost spits, but he’s smiling beneath the mask. Soap can tell. Can always tell. He leans a little closer, lowers his voice, doesn’t care about the way Price rolls his eyes and pointedly turns away from them.
“Like ye watched it when I was lickin’ the blood off yer knife, LT?”
“I’m goin’ for a fucking fag, you twats,” Price announces, suddenly, loudly. “Give you a minute to sort… whatever this is… sort it the fuck out. Heaven forbid we make it back in one piece for once, gotta be at each other’s throats now? Bloody wankers, you are.”
He turns and gestures at Ghost.
“Give me a fuckin’ cigarette, Lieutenant. Come on, I know you have one.” Takes it out of Ghost’s proffered hand, lights it, takes a deep drag. Looks both of them up and down with his brows drawn together. “Gonna go talk to the pilot, be back in ten. Pull yourselves together until then, Christ alive.”
He starts walking, eyes cast steadily forward, but then he turns around once more, points the cherry of his cigarette in Ghost’s direction.
“And I’m fuckin’ driving!”
Soap snorts, until Ghost’s hands settle on his hips, pull him closer, right up against him. Soap can feel the hard muscles of Ghost’s thigh against him, the uncomfortable edges of their tac vests sliding together. Gloved fingers hook into the belt loops of Johnny’s trousers.
The air crackles in Price’s absence. They’re all alone– well. Alone as they can be, for now. 
Soap’s fingers are still entangled with the straps of Ghost’s vest, his breath warm on Simon’s fabric-covered throat.
Ghost cocks his head, stares at Johnny. Gloved fingers trail up Soap’s back, fist into his hair, and Soap can’t suppress the huff of air that escapes him when Ghost pulls, until Johnny is staring right up at him, those few inches difference between them seeming like the world right now.
When Ghost bends down, and simultaneously presses a thigh between Johnny’s legs, the world fizzes at the edges.
Ghost’s voice is dangerously low, and traitorously warm when he finally poses his question, staring right into Johnny’s soul, bullying his thigh between Johnny’s until Soap lets out a stifled whimper when his cock grinds against corded muscle.
“Tell me, Sergeant… this too fast for you?”
Johnny shakes his head, surges forward instead, inhales the sweaty scent of Ghost so deep it makes him dizzy.
“Never, LT. Been waitin’ fer it fer ages.” His hands leave Ghost’s chest, loop around his neck instead to drag him down so Soap can press his hot mouth to the mask, right where Ghost’s mouth would be.
The fabric tastes like dust and blood and sweat, but Johnny doesn’t care. Nothing could keep him away now. His hips develop a rhythm of their own, grinding down against the thick thigh offered to him as he licks and bites at the fabric that covers Simon’s face, getting more frantic with each passing second.
“Fuck,” he breathes, inhales the scent of Ghost, revels in the small huffs and the strangled sounds that escape Simon’s mouth. “Fuck, Simon- love– c’mere, fuck, let me taste ye- please- I need tae… I need–”
Hasty, trembling fingers hesitate at the edge of Ghost’s mask, silently asking permission, and when Simon doesn’t stop him, Johnny pulls up the mask, bit by bit, until pale skin is revealed, the scars that carve an eternal smile into Simon’s face, and, finally, his plush, pink lips that Soap wants to lick and taste and bruise until the world caves in.
Johnny presses up against Simon, stumbles backwards with him until his back hits the metal door of the SUV, licks into his mouth and moans when Simon’s tongue darts out to lap at the bloodstains covering Johnny’s neck, his cheeks, his chin.
“Taste so fuckin’ good, sweet’eart,” Simon mumbles, warm and sweet against Soap’s skin. “So fuckin’ good– carved yourself open for me, didn't you, all to let me taste you- all of you– Christ, you want that, Johnny? Want that again? Tell me… tell me that’s what you want, need to hear it–”
“I want that,” Soap breathes, tries to press himself even closer to Ghost, rutting against his thigh desperately, begging for it, starving for it. “Please- would give ye anything– anything tae have tha’ again, want tae taste ye again, all of ye– everything– please, love- please–”
“Mhh, good lad, Johnny.” Simon’s mouth trails along the shaved side of Soap’s head, hot tongue licking along his jaw as large hands squeeze to keep him still. “Good lad.”
Soap can’t help the shivers that wrack his body at the sound of it- finally – finally-
Simon laughs quietly, and it’s the most angelic sound Johnny has ever heard, honeyed and dark and golden like the sun. Soap can feel Simon’s lips twist into a smile against his cheek, a real one.
“That do it for you on the helo, the Captain calling you his good lad, hm, sweet’eart? That what got you all hard?” Ghost says it casually, like it’s a joke, and if Soap didn’t know him so fucking well, couldn’t read all of his tells, he would laugh and tease, and tell him Yes, it was the Captain, just to get a rise out of him.
But Johnny can hear the slight pause between Simon’s words, hear the hesitation, the fucking fear. Fear that he might not be enough, when he is everything and more.
“Nothing the Captain could say would get me hard, love,” Johnny purrs, rubs up against Ghost, presses his barely contained hard-on right up against Ghost’s hip, sneaks a hand down to trace along the outline of Ghost’s cock, finds it just as hard as his own. “It’s all you, doll. Everything you do… everything you say��� everything I am– God, Simon, it’s all for you.”
Simon groans, eyes slipping shut as he leans into Johnny’s touch, pushes his hips forward into Johnny’s hands, loses himself for a moment, and Johnny is there to hold him, keep him safe, take care of him.
When Ghost pulls back, a flush has spread down his neck, the scar bisecting his lips pink and raw from Johnny’s kisses, and a small smile playing around the corners of his eyes.
“Fucking- Christ, Johnny. How the fuck–”
“ –did we get here? Did this happen?” Soap leans back, ignores the throbbing of his cock when he does, stills entirely against Ghost, cradling his scarred face in his hands and staring up at him. “Feels like a fuckin’ dream, aye?”
Simon’s eyes go impossibly soft.
“Bloody well does, Johnny.” He closes his eyes a moment, takes a deep breath, and again, Johnny is struck by the incredibility of this whole situation.
They stay like that for a moment, catching their breath; knowing time is almost up. For now.
Then Ghost shifts, breaks the spell and pulls away, though the pained look in his eyes tells Johnny he doesn’t want to, that he wants to keep going, wants to have this. Still, Soap needs to hear it.
“Simon, tell me that-”
“Boys!” Price’s voice barks across the dark field. “Get the fuck in the car, we’re leaving. Hands to yourselves, or bloody Jesus have mercy.”
They let go of each other reluctantly, squeezing into the backseat of the car, thighs pressed up against each other.
The car ride isn’t long, a few minutes staring out the dark windows, but somehow, it feels like an eternity even more than the helo did. They’re so fucking close.
Johnny can’t face Simon, can’t be held responsible for what he will do if he allows himself to look at his face, at his lips, even though they are hidden beneath black fabric and white paint once again.
Ghost’s hand creeps over, comes to rest on Johnny’s thigh, and Soap presses the heels of his hands into his eyes, leg twitching away from contact, because if Simon’s hands move a fucking inch higher, he’s gonna come in his pants like a teenager.
Ghost seems to understand, pulls his hand away, doesn't try anything else. And Soap attempts to steady his breath, stares out the dark window, thinks of trees and of calm, rolling hills, and the taste of blood and Simon’s skin and- no. Stop it. Pull yerself together, ye lovelorn cunt.
Nothing Soap tries will soothe the desperation burning in his core, the want to be touched, the need to be close to Ghost. That insatiable desire to feel Simon come apart, to watch his cheeks flush and the rise of his chest, and to taste his skin afterwards, see if he might taste like Soap’s own sweat. To kiss him so deeply Soap will feel it burning on his own lips from beyond the grave–
The car stops, the lights of the base popping up suddenly and snapping Soap out of his musings. He scrambles out to fresh air, breathes in deep like anything could steady him now other than the touch of Ghost’s hands, the taste of Ghost’s mouth.
Ghost gets out of the car on the other side, slams the door shut, nods to Price, his eyes cast down, his body hunched over.
And he turns around and leaves Johnny standing there, like a dog in the rain, as he takes off without a word, stomping into the sleeping building. Abruptly, Soap’s brows draw together.
Tae fuck was tha’, then?
Price puffs his smelly cigar and stares after Ghost, then places a careful hand on Soap’s shoulder. Soap shrugs him off, refuses to look at him. Wonders quietly if he was right after all: Maybe it’s not anything. Maybe now that the adrenaline has worn off, Ghost wants nothing to do with him. Maybe–
“Well, go fuckin’ after him, you tosser,” Price grunts and lights another cigar. “Don’t make your Lieutenant wait, MacTavish. Have your fucking head if you do this one wrong.”
Soap’s brows shoot up, and he wants to ask Price what he means – what he knows – but with the way Price stares at him, softly shakes his head and gestures towards the entrance with his chin, he knows he won’t get any answers out of him.
“Debrief of the mission tomorrow at 0-600, Sergeant. Remind him of that, will you?”
Soap nods curtly, worries his lip. And goes after Ghost, heart thundering and cracking with each of his steps.
It could be something. But if it’s not… Johnny doesn’t finish that thought. Thinks it might kill him if he did. Just legs it and hopes Simon hasn’t changed his mind after all.
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Part II ⮜ ♦ ⮞ Part IV [coming]
I've added a CoD option to my taglist!
taggies for those stuck in the brainrot with me @ulchabhangorm @pinkiemme @purgetrooperfox @certified-anakinfucker @patchmates
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xoxoemynn · 2 months
I was tagged by @edsbacktattoo, @summerlinenss, @spirker, @piratecaptainscaptainpirates to share the favorite things I've written! I've loved seeing everyone's responses to this and have been adding to my ever-growing MFL. 💕
First we have my "heart story," my magical realism fic The Merry Strays of Lighthouse Sanctuary, which is technically two stories because I wrote the first one in a day for Our Flag Means Party, and then that little idea exploded and I ended up writing another 115K to go along with it. The basic premise is "what if a house was built with so much love it came alive?" Took a lot of inspiration from The House in the Cerulean Sea in terms of vibes, so if you like that, you'll probably enjoy this one. Feels like being wrapped up in a big gay hug. Also recently re-read this one and made some minor edits to prepare it for a book binding and have to say, it holds up. I cried at the end.
Next I'll highlight my beloved Clock Boys, which I feel like was my Peak Writing for OFMD experience. I came up with this idea when I passed a clock repair shop and went "heh, dark and mysterious shop, what a great place for a PWP. Hey, this reminds me of a random clock fact I picked up from one of my favorite shows. Hey, let me do some googling. Wow, clocks are really horny and also have a ton of nautical ties. Cool." I posted the first PWP fully expecting it to be too niche to resonate with most people. It is shameless smut with more clock puns than I can count. But NOPE. People were INTO it. And maybe it's weird to get sappy when people tell me they love my PWP but I do get really sappy when people tell me they love the clock boys just because I never expected anybody else to do so. ANYWAY currently three stories, planning on a fourth for AUgust, probably mostly stand alone if you want. Just have to know Ed's a (w)horologist and Stede is horny for c(l)ock.
Next, I don't write a ton of canon fic just because canon is so perfect to me I don't want to touch it much, but I did really love how read me like a book came out. We have Ed going through great lengths for a Big Romantic Gesture and Stede always willing to "yes, and" him, even when he doesn't have a clue wtf is going on. It's unhinged, it's silly, it's romantic, it's got a lot of banter in line with those cut improv scenes... it makes me happy.
And finally, I'll highlight forever is our today (who waits forever anyway). I, uh, struggle keeping things short, but I managed it with this one and I think it may be one of the loveliest things I've written. Ed is a sea god who falls in love with mortal Stede and they're both punished for it. It's a lot of bittersweet, but also Buttons and the Swede are muses, so. You know. Got some silliness. And a happy ending. Prommy.
I've lost track of who's been tagged on this so apologies if you've already done this, but I'll tag @bizarrelittlemew, @ghostalservice, @petrichorca, @veeagainsttheday, @adhduck, @saltpepperbeard, and @chocolatepot. (And if you have already done it, link me to the post so I can add to my list.) 💕
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s1lv3rp4w3dc4t · 12 days
its funny watching you rb abt inanimate shows as someone who has not watched one for ages (i remember binging battle for dream island (god was that even the name. cake time) as a kid but honestly thought it was a feverdream when i remembered it later) because i just feel like the embodiment of the ARE YA WINNING SON? meme. are those inanimates insane mutual?? (sources suggest yes they are)
highly insane! just like me. (<- REFERENCE??????)
I'm begging you, I've been vague blogging about it but I BEG you. skip through s1, watch s2 up to ep14 then watch as much of s3 as you want and finish s2. genuinely the twist in the latest thing (or should I say TWISTS (I shouldn't!)) is insane and the reason I was screaming earlier
begging PLEADING down on my KNEES
there's SONGS that go HARD there's GAY PEOPLE that are GAY there's TRAUMA that. infects the silly guys
there's a reason I yell about these guys so much. in my brain. they live there
and yes, I am winning. WINNING THIS SEASON OF INANIMA--
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Where Evil Nests
Chapter 2: Saying Yes
so after i put a poll up the vote was overwhelmingly in favour of naming this AU “Where Evil Nests”. so yay!!! we have a name that doesn’t suck now :DDD
uhhhhhh, this is probably a good time to mention that will is an unreliable narrator. fair warning to the henry apologists/appreciators that this is not a pro-henry story. aha. :fuckboy_emoji: :fuckboy_emoji:
in case ur curious, or even if ur not: this AU takes place several years before canon starts. i went with the “4 years ago” date from the original montauk pitch for when joyce and lonnie divorced, which puts will at about age 8 and jonathan at like 12. anyway, that’s why ~12yo henry is so much bigger than will lol, i prommy i’m not just shit at scaling 🙏🙏
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
@gay-stranger-things asked to be tagged in the continuation so there ya go. if anybody else wants to be tagged in future lmk i guess, tho i’m also gonna be tagging everything with #Where Evil Nests for mostly my own benefit
rambling below...
apologies for the serious inconsistency in the art, even within individual pages. you can literally see me putting progressively too much effort in with each page lmfao. a bitch been hella busy the past couple of weeks and i’ve only been able to work on this very sporadically. also doesn’t help that i had to redraw and redraw and redraw like half of this chapter. the 2nd page pains me particularly bc in my initial draft i had the door on an angle to show the rose window and spent H O U R S messing around with it to make the perspective work, before realizing the angle didn’t match the direction will was facing in and i didn’t want to redraw him. the worst part is that it looks better compositionally the way it is now ToT
hmmmm i put way too much text slanted to the left and like none slanted to the right... oh well i am not changing that i will scream if i have to touch any of these pages again
i can make no promises abt when chapter 3 will be up bc i start a formal art course soon and idk if i’ll have any motivation to draw outside of it lol
okie it’s almost 5am. again. i gotta get a better sleep schedule dude <///3
OH WAIT I JUST WANT TO CLARIFY THAT PANEL WITH LONNIE IS ***NOT*** IMPLYING C/S/A. I JUST REALIZED U COULD INTERPRET IT THAT WAY BUT THAT WAS NOT MY INTENTION. i reworded that line slightly to make it scan better but in retrospect perhaps i should have left it be bc Yikes
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lonelyroommp3 · 1 month
☕️ rpf
good and noble but my god sometimes you guys try to put very square pegs in gay holes. the two major manifestations of this i see in f1 fandom, my rpf haunt of choice, are
trying to ship every single teammate combo together regardless of the level of irl chemistry, lore, or interesting potential. like i'm sorry but not everyone is going to be a brocedes or a sebmark or a maxiel or even a cute little yukierre. sometimes these guys are just coworkers. we don't need to force anything here
trying to approach every ship like a tinhatter instead of just admitting that you want to imagine two of your favourite guys fucking. for example, i have written lestappen fic and even i'm sick and tired of it because everyone keeps trying to do this fated soulmates symbolism thing with them every time they're so much as in the same press conference room together and it's just exhausting to me lol. this sounds like a direct contradiction to my previous point because now i'm saying "guys you don't need actual lore or chemistry to ship two drivers you are allowed to just go haha would that be funny/fucked up/cute/hot or what" but i think it's actually connected because i'd probably find the incessant teammate shipping a lot more tolerable if more people admitted they were just being silly and playing with dolls instead of trying to convince me that no seriously lando norris and oscar piastri are genuinely always seconds away from tearing each other's clothes off irl, i prommy
send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it
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616phyla · 1 month
hi! as the thanos adam warlock connoisseur may i ask what u think of the Jim starlin tales of them? as in all, including the infinity saga concluding with "the infinity ending" back in 2019!
i read infinity gauntlet a while ago and those. 2 are stuck in my head and knowing starlin wrote a bunch of other stuff with THEM front n center has me going crazy but i dont wanna get disappointed so i want.. the expert vouch...
jim starlin is THE thanos and adam warlock writer <3 i love everything he has written for them both and i can really recommend all of it! i think he did a wonderful job of defining them as characters and their relationship and development of it all over the decades is soooo good to read.
i think if u liked infinity gauntlet and them in it you'll especially love the rest of the stuff he wrote for them!! i'm happy they're rotating in your mind from that it just gets More Gay lol
the infinity saga trilogies that you mentioned are also so good theyre some of my fave thanos and adam stories! a lot of my fave moments are in there it really shows how much their relationship has grown and how comfortable they are with each other and how much they need each other lol. i think they r in love or whatever.
i do recommend reading the stuff starlin wrote about them that came before if you want like the Full Story and impact of everything but i hope you have fun! you won't be disappointed i prommy that's all the good sauce.
*whispers* also i have my reading guide with all the comics i recommend for them if youre curious <3 all starlin stuff is included lol + other writers i think were good
have a look at them btw (from the infinity finale). but yeah 100% recommend starlin's work for them i hope you have a good time reading <3 i'm happy to answer any more questions or discuss anything ^_^
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emgeneticist · 1 year
Arei in my Dracula au
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drdt would be 0 chapters long if they gave arei a fuckin knife
anyways. I came to realise i had only drawn her profile (and once before, crying her eyes out) and i’m so pissed at myself because i have SO much i want to do with her. i’m not exactly sure how i want her dress to look, but i think for most scenes i will just depict her in a nightgown, considering she spends nearly the entire story in bed due to her sickness. She is engaged to Eden and I need to draw them together. i need to draw her more generally, seriously.
In art club one of the teachers asked if she could see my art for the au and i just lied and said i only had it on my computer cause ommmg the yaoi is so embarassingg.... i’ll show her the non suggestive stuff eventually i swear omg but i panicked i hate being gay and stupid. that makes me sound like an unironic fujo fuck but it’s true, i’m embarassed as HELL about all the xanvid in my hard drive. but Um. besides that point.
I opened my ask box if anyone has questions about the au, or drawing requests or prompts or anything rlly... if you like... >_>
i swear i will draw arei more  and i will draw more xanvid   and eden. i prommy. nico and min too. fuck!!!
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offireandflesh · 2 months
Basic Info
Of Fire and Flesh is an AU set in modern times, but wow!! zombie apocalypse !! all the characters were in the same big city when the break out happened, so they're all in the same vague area and cross paths.
This is primarily a horror survivial AU, and to be blatant and open about it, apocalypses are my special interest and I despise the genre for its impracticality, lack of focus, and male power fantasy; this AU is not that. it's about survival, trusting in each other, and creating a future humanity can thrive in again. Even if it takes time to get to that point.
The story isn't necessarily told in a linear story and may jump around based on what I wanna do lmao. If you're confused on the timeline don't be afraid to ask!
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the colour palette;
For the sake of the more dark and gritty vibes as well as a fun challenge for myself, I use a very limited colour palette in this AU across the entire cast and any backgrounds. If you'd like to draw anything for this AU you don't have to follow it by any means !!!
There is linkshipping in this AU. What's canon and not canon will be very spotty, but you can go ahead and ship anything you want.
Since it's lozverse and not just linkverse, there's also possibility for wacky crossover ships of different kinds~
Just as a note because I don't talk about it much, in general with my AUs while I might write characters with my own gender and sexuality headcanons in mind, you can think whatever you want of the characters, and I'll indulge any hcs.👍I'm here to have fun this is a big part of that to me.
This is an aggressively transgender and gay and queer as fuck space. Queerphobes can fuck off kindly!
My main is @slaingelo if you like the four swords manga and want to see more from me! I use it/she/he pronouns.
Because this AU started on my main as an FSA au, you can find some old posts and a ficlet in the tag over there. I'm unsure if I'll move them to this blog or not; I might edit the fic to repost it, I dunno, we'll see! If I get into writing enough for this au I also might just make a collection on ao3. Shrug!
The program I use is clipstudio paint and I tend to just stick with the default pen real g-brush for my lines.
If you have questions or comments about the AU feel free to shoot them at me! Whether I'll do art suggestions is very on and off depending on whether or not it fits what I have going on for the characters in question in terms of plot, but even if I reject a suggestion I prommy I won't be mean so don't be scared. I'm not scary !!! I'm just fluffy wolfgirl ok?
Also since this isn't like a comic or a coherent single fic, you're free to just ask about plot related stuff and I'll ramble about it lmaoo I have too much on my plate with another AU I'm making a fancomic for to worry about keeping this one's story hush hush before I find some way to finish it.
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majorasnightmare · 1 year
TotK AU Where I Shamelessly Indulge Myself In Consistent Worldbuilding and Lore That Makes Sense. And Also Ganondorf
im an autistic gay bitch and zeldas loosey goosey worldbuilding and magic drives me UP the fuckin WALLLLLL like GOD CMON can we get some fuckign CONSISTENCYYYYYY
im writing on mobile so like. idk how to do a readmore.
also totk spoilers
my biggest primary issues with totk are
a) the treatment of zelda
b) the treatment of ganondorf
as a villain ganondorf has no motives. he has ambitions, but without reason. he has goals, without ideals. WHY is ganondorf evil? his memory cutscenes are curt, and short, merely demonstrating the fact of his evil rather than provide any substance behind it. the dragon tears, and more specifically the geoglyphs, are massive decorative landmarks visible from the skies and detailing some representative element of the memory contained within. to get rid of them entirely would be to remove a massive amount of visual interest from the map. but as we see most clearly from the true final tear, the tears themselves are. small. and furthermore we are working with a massive period of time via the memories. like. an absurd amount of time. an unspecified and potentially limitless amount of time. we get memory cutscenes from non geoglyphs already. wh. why not MORE like. WHY.
how long was zelda in the past? how long did ganondorf feign fealty? these two questions determine how much time we have for potential character building interactions with the entirety of the past hyrule!cast!
why dont they talk? how come ganondorf never talks to anyone outside of Being Evil?
i havent even touched on zeldas primary role in the narrative is as Passive Observer and, SOMEHOW, botw giving her MORE agency as a princess locked in a malice cocoon than a game where she can move talk and walk the entire time.
so i figured. if i wanted to make an au to address these things, i might as well go all in right? might as well go Full Indulgence
my city now
more past! interactions between zelda and ganondorf
more exploration of ganondorf as gerudo king and why hes considered a hero of the gerudo
more rauru and ganondorf
more mineru and zelda
patch updates: dragon no longer operates as narrative fridge. gets fight cutscenes
patch update: ghirahim
not fridging sonia with a warlock punch to the back that somehow vaporizes her organs and gets her 3 stocked
patch updates: more ocarina of time references
semi consistent soft magic system
zonai Lore (read me being so autistic about them)
the crux of the matter. bringing demise back. and also playable zelda and playable ganondorf. i am SO normal about them i prommy (lying)
yona (yona)
its legit too much to put in One Post but i have So Much for Basically Everything because im literally throwing au alterations at @villalunae as i play thru the game so like. i CAN and WILL elaborate on any and everything. idk how to structure posts or write teaser blurbs. literally just posting this so anyone and everyone who sees it and is interested i can talk their ear off too
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ohh-fiddlesticks · 2 months
pinned post thingo… pt 3 !
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hiii my name is 💥 micah 💥 and this is my selfship sideblog! i use he/him and im a certified transsexual 🔥 aroace and gay as well. its a complex and wondrous thing yk how it is ‼️ i’m also australian 🎉
i tend to see my selfships as more on the fictional side; i like to explore the relationships like any other relationship in fiction, meaning that it wont always be the healthiest, so… keep that in mind i guess 👍
i dont like to associate this blog too closely with my main but if you get notifs from a blog with a url starting with d and a rainbow pfp of castiel, thats almost definitely me! if u wanna know the exact url feel free to ask and i’ll let you know 👍
you can also check out my strawpage for some general info about me and an f/o list, etc. :^)
i draw sometimes ‼️ i tag all my art with “#my art”
my main f/os are dave s.trider & c.handler bing but ive also got a couple more in the bag!
proship and closely associated please kindly don’t follow 🙏 strictly nsfw or 18+ blogs preferably dni too closely also . generally tho i’ll just block people i don’t want interacting
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f/o list, sharing boundaries, etc. below the cut!
for romantic f/os, my general policy is that i’m not particularly comfortable with sharing and while you’re free to follow or interact if we share f/os, keep in mind i’m less likely to follow back— this ofc does not apply if i follow first. platonic, familial, etc. f/os im totally fine with sharing, in fact i think thats awesome
also! i have no tagging system— that being said, if you want me to tag a certain ship for filtering purposes or similar, i’d be happy to do so
characters i talk about in a romantic manner (some are f/os, some not, it’s complicated):
dave strider (homestuck) — f/o. thats my boyf riend . basically my first proper f/o i heart him lots 💗
chandler bing (friends) — f/o. thats also my boyf riend. my beloved sarcastic repressed boring yet not boring guy. this may come as a surprise but i also love him lots
hitch (ruby redfort) — f/o. i dont talk about him as much but i do love him. middle aged secret agent who’s afraid of crocodiles and is secretly silly :-)
prismo (adventure time) — f/o. also dont talk about him as much but i love him i prommy. idc that he’s 2D i will find a way to give him a kiss 🫡
jonny goodman (friday night dinner) — fictional crush or something i dont even know. i was briefly obsessed with him during my fnd interest period and i still hold him dearly and sometimes rewatch some fnd episodes and think of him
bernard black (black books) — i truly dont know tbh i just love black books and am a little obsessed with him. manny & fran too but i dont have gay little crushes on them so
jeremy usbourne (peep show) — practically an f/o atp but im in denial. side effect of my recent peep show obsession was developing a secondary obsession with this freak
characters i have some sort of weird little qpr situation with
foxy (fnaf) — idk how to explain it he was one of the first characters i started selfshipping with in some variety and i like him :-)
the nice cream guy (deltarune) — he’s a developed character 2 meeee. we’re gayass boy best friends
red guy (dhmis) — who knows but it’s not a normal friendship folks
characters that are my friendssss my familyyy etc. you get the idea
toriel & asgore dreemurr (deltarune) — my parents:)
kris & asriel dreemurr (deltarune) — my siblings:)
basically the entire rest of the main characters from the other medias ive already mentioned — my friends:)
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cambriancutie · 3 months
2, 5, and 26? For any of your characters you feel like answering this for…. I like leander and guava and humphrey a lot though if you want specific ones ^_^
ok.. i will do those three... because youre awesome!
2. i have not thought about this. i havent thought about this at all! a shame really. i think leander is a fake metal fan were has a bunch of metal tshirts but actually only listens to like. cavetown or something (only kind of gay music i can think of right now). guava would be into jrock and shoegaze cause thats the music i like. i think he downloads everything onto an mp3, also he collects cds and has a really old cd player. humphrey would tell you that they HATE listening to music but they have every single off the hook and squid sisters album.
5.oh this one will be fun… i always default to tshirt and sweatpants for all my ocs..but i prommy they actually dress themselves properly. guavas fashion is very splatoon (2015) for the wii u. i dont know how else to explain it. like all the promo material from back in the day is outfits HE would wear. and he still dresses like that, almost 10 years later…wow!
when leander isnt wearing tank tops and sweats i think hes a turtleneck fan.even though ive never drawn him with one. i think he dresses very nicely but still eccentrically (ie, nice dress shirts but they have ugly patterns). peak nice otufit for him his a black turtleneck with a button up on top..but i never draw him as such. he wears a lot of loose clothes at home cause he can move around better in them.
humphrey tries to keep their clothes monotone, i think they miss growing up in the domes… they are ALWAYS wearing the neo octoling boots (splat 2) when they can. both because it reminds them of their childhood and i imagine they make a nice clacking sound. other than that i think their fashion at home is pretty random cause their always taking other peoples clothes (mainly guavas or lychees). also when they dont want to be a good teammate theyll dress up as a newbie player. just so they can get away with being a bad player. teehee
26.i also havent thought about this, i dont imagine my characters moving that much. leander walks slowly and shuffles his feet, hes also a sloucher. guavas walk isnt notable at all. i think humphrey tries staying upright at all times but naturally slouches, also they move their arms a lot.
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yuripoll · 1 year
making good headway in reading (or rereading) everything for propaganda collection & rec writing, but @whysapphics suggested posting the list of titles for season 3 in case anyone wants to read things beforehand
still subject to change if i end up quibbling over what to include, but here's the current roster (under the cut)
dark forest, white road <- yoshida chiyu (high school drama including a blind girl)
ayaka is in love with hiroko <- sal jiang (silly office romcom)
the moon on a rainy night <- kuzushiro (high school drama including a deaf girl)
serendipity <- mimiyori (webcomic about an overworked magical girl)
handsome girl and sheltered girl <- majoccoid & mocha au lait (silly miscommunication romcom)
aoi hana <- takako shimura (classic schoolgirl yuri)
composing spring in this room where cherry blossoms bloom <- tokuwotsumu (angst. ough.)
makoto no momoka <- sumiko arai (oneshot)
i decided to fake a marriage with my junior to shut my parents up <- kodama naoko (exactly what it says on the tin)
sakura namiki <- takahashi makoto (OLD old. proto-yuri)
i'm not cut out to be a princess, so i'll elope with the villainess <- yamagata atsuka (isekai oneshot)
netsu wo obiru veil <- sakura togane (oneshot about unrequited love)
muted <- miranda mundt (fantasy webcomic)
the girl that can't get a girlfriend <- mieri hiranishi (autobiographical lesbian dramady)
a lady's table <- hwemi (girl dinner <3)
because you are a red rose <- mokuzuko (oneshot about unrequited love... again. im not having issues i prommy)
that time i was blackmailed by the class's green tea bitch <- xian jun (silly high school romcom)
2dk gpen aftertime <- yayoi ohsama (anthology including an epilogue to 2dk gpen alarm clock)
kanojo ni naritai kimi to boku <- takase umi (kind of a stretch to call it yuri (for spoiler reasons) but about a girls crush on her childhood friend who recently came out as trans)
indigo blue <- yamaji ebine (down to earth josei drama about a writer cheating on her bf with a woman)
destroy it all and love me in hell <- kuwabara tamotsu (so THIS is the toxic yuri ive heard so much about)
mahou josei chimaka <- kaiju (webcomic turned real comic about an ex-magical girl who needs to save the world again; no longer available online which unfortunately means i wont be able to read this one at the moment... hmu if anyone knows of an ebook sale for it ToT EDIT: oh im dumbbb i looked at the submission to double check for content warnings and its on IA)
savior <- junqi & jo9 (vampire yuri)
to die in june <- kuragenanami (alternate history where young girls were recruited to the jp army in ww2)
soulmate <- wenzhi lizi & ke ran bing (woman gets bodyswapped with her 17 year old self)
yuki and the authoress <- nagori yu (historical romance)
blooming sequence <- lee eul (college student romance)
you are my angela <- murasakino (short romance about an angel)
maria-sama ga miteru <- konno oyuki & nagasawa satoru (classic schoolgirl yuri)
a kiss and a white lily for her <- canno (modern schoolgirl yuri)
ohana holoholo <- torino shino (gay josei family drama)
kakegurui <- kawamoto homura & naomura tooru (not strictly yuri but, like teppuu, ive been led to believe its homoerotic enough to break that barrier)
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scariercnidaria · 2 years
WHY hasnt anyone made the connection yet between ice pick joe and leon trotsky. in the movie with the inexplicably russian names. like the movie is clearly a metacommentary on the USSR with goncharov becoming more and more of a stalin-figure (also the moustache?? the scarred hand??????????? hello????? why arent you all seeing this), irredeemably corrupted by his ambition for power literally culminating in him ordering the death of amarro. BY ICEPICK. in the goriest scene of the film (im not going to say most violent bc. the andrey scene was intense.and heartbreaking and oh my god the quietness of it made it so much harder to watch even though you dont actually see his hands around andreys neck its just goncharovs face as he carries it out and then its done im sorry its a tangent (its what everyone is here for dont lie) but the performances in this film were fucking electrifying).
Like He Is Sentenced To Death Via Icepick. bc goncharov doesnt want to expand his horizons. Its time to think about franchising but weve seen everything goncharov has gone through to get this far. naples is his home. hes already strangled ANDREY his best friend his rival his gay boyfriend gay sex lover homosexual boyfriend to get to where he is and he was promised naples one day and amarro just wants... to move on? he wants to franchise and give goncharov the franchise, so he can keep naples under his thumb and goncharov can have piss-all in comparison. Like amarro knows that its fucking the end like Winter Has Come To Naples that its best for goncharov to take the operation to a shiny new city but goncharov doesnt know that. like its winter. his boyfriend is dead and he killed him. goncharov is left in the snow.
also like. winter=nuclear winter. goncharov is the new shiny weapon hes the next evolution of warfare hes the up-and-comer the scrappy kid with nothing to lose He Is The Bomb he destroys himself and everything around him.
and like Another Side Note bc im writing this verrry disorganised sorry i keep thinking of things bc theres SO MUCH to think about w this movie im just trying to get it all down while its fresh in my mind. back to the USSR stuff while i take slight issue w this portrayal bc its clearly a very capitalist take (the ussr did not operate like a mafia... to say so is a shallow take grossly informed by propaganda starting and ending at 'muh mob hits are just like secret police'. Ignoring the fact that every country has police) (dont come at me about it here if youre just gonna call me a tankie this is a goncharovpost) it was written by an american in the 70s and the ghost of mccarthy haunted all production so Eh what can you do. i do think it was unexpectedly sympathetic to goncharov though? like maybe this is just me being internet blorbo poisoned to the extent that i see a fake dude with a moustache cause untold harm and go Gonna Put Him In The Jar "he just like me fr" (in a queered transgender irony kind of way. i prommy. none of you who are gayposting about gonchandrey are morally superior to me youre all doing it)
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