#i want it to be exciting and stuff and as a comic it wouldnt be as exciting as. a video game
sometimes i like to imagine a future where i write that (y/a or adult targeted) dragon book series i desperately want to, but i know that i wouldn't be able to do it without including art in the book. every time a new important character is introduced the next page would have to be a reference / art of them to Show What They Look Like
#i dont think id be able to handle like. publishing or whatever Without that#maybe that stems from my control issues maybe im just an artist at heart#but i would also need there to be a glossary and a detailed map and maybe footnotes or a basic bestiary-#but then sometimes i wonder if i'd want it to be like... a comic instead#manga style in a way??? i wouldnt color it. it'd be in b&w with only the occasional colored spread or somethin#but all of that If Possible or plausible is a very long way off which is okay its okay#ill get there ill get there#unless something changes and i want to do something Else but its been a goal for many years already#its only recently that ive buckled down on the worldbuilding and character crafting and genuinely considering the plot and themes#its a hot mess! but theres something in there! im determined to find it#its definitely a couple years yet of changing things and switchin stuff around and Thinking....#who knows if ill ever get there! i hope i will!#but yeah it'd be a book with a bunch of art shoved in it httyd style (kinda)#bc if im gonna Make something im gonna combine my favorite hobbies as best i can#absolutely unprompted#its an exciting but daunting prospect. writing an actual Thing#mostly the plot part of it#i can craft characters i can do worldbuilding#but the plot? oof#there's this other one ive been working on since 8th grade#and its still... barely anything lmao#its for my favorite personal characters - my very first real oc my special boy light of my life but Man.#plot has hands!!!#and then ofc there's my beloved idiot squad... i want to do something for them some day maybe....#so many ambitions so little energy... i will strive to make future me healthy enough to achieve Something we so desperately want!
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technovillain · 4 months
everyone always says "don't make your first comic project one that you're overly attached to" for the sake of 'your big idea you're in love with is probably way more ambitious than your skill level will accommodate for' and that is a statement that i generally agree with. not me though, i'm different. /silly
i just feel like there is an alternative to that statement too which is both "you can start it anyways but just accept that later your early work will not be as good as the later work, creating a bit of a quality gap over the span of the comic" AND "the power of hyperfixating on your own characters for years at a time can make you actually do the big project so dont let the generalized advice about starting an overly ambitious project snuff the fire of your interest by making you feel like you have to wait 'until you're talented enough'. like you can always go back and re-do the old parts once you're better and that's okay. or you can leave them as a reminder of how much you've grown with your big passion project"
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mbat · 2 years
tfw you have quite possibly the most ambitious idea of your life and it sounds amazing and like a dream but its basically impossible and will quite literally never happen
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Anyways the “essay” about the energy sword to character development pipeline below the cut
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Ok so like yea tucker-crunchbite-junior is, obviously, the first instance of the sword-quest-companion theme/trio that im like, rattling in my head rn
Tucker finds the sword, crunchbite shows up and theres the “quest” that challenges tucker both in the false intent (you need to be the hero) and the true intent (SA leading to Junior which is not handled well but it IS important) which is a push against tucker’s character thus far in that he’s the comic relief, make everything a sex joke archetype— he doesnt take it seriously, he doesnt see himself as important beyond getting just enough recognition to be “hot” and now he’s made to be the so called “hero” and the true plot puts him in the one position that he probably never thought could be him. Bc he wants to get laid so… yeah. Pushes his character if you give it like three seconds of critical thinking and not just the standard “haha alien baby bullshit” (that said, i do enjoy fics that explore crunchbite more and play with the potential of the “joke” shitty character into someone less sinister, but im doin my best to stick to canon rn)
And JUNIOR, oh man, because theres the thing that really solidifies this for me like
The dude who doesnt care doesnt bother is all jokes and ‘man whatever’ energy is a dad, and it starts with him trying to avoid it but he really fucking quickly steps the FUCK up for Junior and its the start of his development that people are like “oh he learns to be a leader on chorus” which i mean kinda yeah but he never struck me as a Leader even on Chorus even tho he does decidedly lead, its not the same as when kimball leads or when wash leads or carolina
He’s leads as a dad bc he is a dad
Not always a good one, but he’s trying and yea sometimes that means being the asshole, sometimes that means screwing up but it also means you fucking care and you take responsibility and you put yourself in danger first (the rescue mission, leaving the lieutenants behind)
And that doesnt start on chorus! Its the most evident there sure but
it starts with junior
It starts with him going after tex to protect his son, it starts with him trying to be a diplomat so they stay together, in sending junior away so he is safe while tucker buys time protecting the temple, it STARTS with him looking at church and going “leave my kid out of this” and yeah the way rvb was written and approached does Not take that seriously bc it wouldnt and if it did it would be a very different show but the implications are there and its acknowledged with tucker’s photograph of junior with his 5th grade basketball team (“i know right? Who carries actual pictures anymore” -tucker) which i could go on about THAT too but suffice to say its very clear that tucker cares so gd much about his kid and yeah his character development isnt super linear but you can basically pinpoint when it starts with the sword and junior
The second run of this trio of things is actually grif which is admittedly, a stretch, a big ol reaching for straws (okay, TECHNICALLY grif is the third run, but i’ll address that in a minute) largely a stretch bc grif… does the pattern backwards
This IS S16 stuff so if ur a shisno paradox hater i respect that, i however am gnawing on it with everything i have and will be going feral so this is your warning thank u for reading the tucker side of it mwah appreciate ya
Grif does his plot backwards during timetravel shenanigans
He gets the alien companion/friend who contrasts his character first in Huggins
Grif is a loyal friend, but he is lazy, even after s15’s breakdown and apparent change of tune, he’s still looking to take the path of least resistance, avoiding the call, trying to keep things from moving
Enter Huggins: zippy, full of energy, excitable and just so different in that she is not only so proactive she puts herself in danger (which helps everyone in the long run/plot but its the principle) but shes so fucking lonely
As far as she knows, her family is dead, except for muggins who is so dettached from her, he might as well be a coworker and not her brother
Compared to grif, who has a family even when he tries to push them away (the reds, the blues, KAIKAINA) but hates taking action
Huggins is the start for grif’s arc of “it sucks but someones gotta do it” which in their case is best shown as the trudge across the bottom of the english channel which is so fucking funny to me but it really pushes both of them and puts them firmly in the friends category
Huggins cant zip ahead without grif, grif cant stop moving because huggins wont let him, so they find their little balance of gas vs brakes and together they cruise along p well
The actual push of the “quest” is grif having to be the one who steps up (kinda like tucker but its to the left) he’s the one who starts getting everyone together again across the timeline, even if he is very,,,
Well he’s very Grif about it, but it is still fundamentally, the change in character
Tucker isn’t a always good dad, Grif isn’t always a good instigator of action
But theyre trying and theyre working on it and grif’s arc suffers a Little from being so late in the show and thus not having much of a parallel to pull on but you could argue he gets the parallel from s15 anyways with the refusal of the call (from fake church/loco) and rescue mission but i hesitate to call that a parallel bc its literally back to back but an argument could be made for it which i love
Enter part two: the alien quest giver
“Wait wasnt that huggins”
NOPE huggins was alien companion! The Bestie in grif’s case,
The alien fetch quest comes from atlas, in that stupid wishing sequence but cmon it wouldnt be rvb if the character development wasnt sandwiched inbetween obnoxious gags and stupidity
The quest is less important here admittedly bc again, with grif doing this in reverse its not the challenge to his principle character that it was for tucker, his connection to huggins was the challenge, and this becomes the final push into the development, the “you have a role, now play it” that gives grif the final shove into Doing Things literal!! And his prize? For this character development arc? An alien sword
And thus the inverse version reaches an end, sort of (im pissed that technically he loses his sword, im also ignoring that he loses it in canon bc he fucking earned it okay this is a bit of canon i will ignore and loophole my way around it)
And now we track back to Chorus and to the second iteration of the sword-quest-companion plot
Now okay i will admit this is conjecture and pepe-silvia-on-corkboard-with-red-string fuckery at this point but hear me out okay!
He gets the sword with Felix’s death. We know this. What we dont know is how the fucking hell he gets off Chorus! We just see him show up later with A’rynasea. The vaguely alien (maybe sentient?? AI? Its implied with the way he addresses her but we literally have her for like two episodes) ship that seems to be the driving force (literal) (bc shes his ship) behind his chosen redemption arc where he pushes himself to help others at no apparent benefit to himself, but because it is, and i quote “the right thing to do”
Arguably, Santa could be Locus’ quest giver, seeing as how he is the one who triggers the whole shift in view for Locus in the first place and that is, technically, what crunchbite does and what atlas finalizes for grif! But the problem is we simply dont have enough of A’rynasea to draw the parallel between her and Locus as personalities, as companions for it to work for me??? But that might just be me overthinking? But it does make Locus’ version is a bit messier depending on who you consider his quest-giver but as far as I’m concerned, he’s still on his quest snd its just up to interpretation if A’rynasea is his companion?? or if theres a secret third alien for Locus that we never wouldve seen even if they planned for that bc its red vs blue and im just delusional about locus and his role in plot and this is just me firing concepts blindly into the sky at this point like - yeah i could still theorize what kind of companion characterization i think locus would work well with bc its more about the wielder than the companion in this sense (sorry junior and huggins i love yall i promise) but thats a completely separate rant at this point and not nearly coherent enough at this exact moment to add it PLUS its ridiculously self indulgent and only marginally canon compliant/adjacent but i will never not be amused by this very specific plot beat happening enough to draw these parallels, as tenuous and vague as the parallels are
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enden-k · 4 months
it always makes me really happy to see artists that are more 'fandom-centric' by nature posting their OCs and other things along that line and getting positive feedback, which then in turn causes them to create and post more OC stuff tbh (this is meant 100% genuinely, i apologise if the way i phrased it is a little stilted or odd, i just love seeing non fandom content on my dash)
anyways, feel free to use this ask as a free pass to give us some random tidbits about your OCs and their stories! whatever is swirling around in there that you haven't been about to find a spot to talk about just yet would be great /gen
tbh i always drew my own characters and stories since childhood but started doing fanart when i joined my first big fandom back then (which was bleach in my teenage years); i kept drawing my own things until college between fanart here and there but the moment i made my art blog here i neglected my works more and more and did more fanart instead (for fgo back then). i havent drawn any of my comics again for 4 years or smth but now that my sister got back into hers again she motivated me to pick up my old stories again!!
i think bc ppl were so excited abt my fanart i always knew my own stuff wouldnt get as much reaction so i didnt even try and then just stopped working on it hhjhdfkj but yea, now that my sister gave me motivation and energy and now that i see ppl are actually liking my stuff its smth else aaaa. sry for rambling, i just wanted to clarify that im not fandom-centric by nature, it just happened over the time
anw idk what i should babble abt so uhhh have a fun fact:
not only is this specific story the first proper, planned through one i drew in my teenage years, its also the one that got me in trouble and caused a lot of serious pain bc my adoptive father snooped in my room back then and stole specific pages (like gore or smut scenes, yea i was edgy but also heavily traumatized and in a very bad place) and made up random shit about it to make fun of me, expose me by showing my friends and others and claim outrageous stuff. i tried to remake it later but always stopped with each version and never attempted to revive this story again bc it always filled me with shame and horror knowing he still owns these pages. me redrawing it now is lit the first time in YEARS that i touch it again and it feels very healing, like im seeing my teenage self again drawing this stuff with sm passion and not the person anymore who trampled on it and used it to cause me pain. bc that exact thing was what kept me from working on it again. i just couldnt do it.
(as usual w personal stuff, im just sharing this very dry like facts and i get uncomfortable when people send comfort so ye, reminder to not do that please)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
the way i have absolutely flooded the kubosai tag is crazy😭most of the recent posts are mine.. my bad..
... anyway, im thinking about kuboyasu picking up different hobbies as a form of anger management, teaching himself coping mechanisms and to use his hands in more gentle ways and let himself make mistakes without taking his anger out in unhealthy ways..
knitting, crocheting, art (he already draws but he wants to do it more and start painting n stuff too), or even scrapbooking or journaling ?? he also already stress bakes/cooks lol.
and since he does it so much, he has so many little pieces of art and he ends up gifting most of them to saiki.. because kubo thinks theyre crappy, but saikis eyes lit up in a way kubo doesnt get to see often when he caught sight of kubos crocheted little pink cat with a suspiciously saiki-like grimace on his face.
so now saiki has all kinds of little knitted/crocheted blankets, pillow cases, stuffed animals, gloves, sweaters, etc. (he made a lot of scarves, bags, hats, coasters, etc. at first since those are easier for beginners, and at first he was keeping them for himself and his mom but the house has too many damn coasters and they do not need that many accessories and sweaters.. so the whole friend group started getting them, but mostly saiki.. and saikis mom started receiving some too).
and little paintings of cats (because kubo definitely loves cats but also saiki just reminds him of one so he draws/paints them for him a lot.. he doesn't know if saiki actually likes them, but he says he doesnt mind so..) and some cute paintings of their friends.. he makes a lot of vent art but saiki obviously does not receive that stuff☠️.
he also tried to learn yoga.. but he learns quickly that he just isnt very good at keeping his hands still and unoccupied for too long.. he might revisit that later, but for now hes just trying to at least learn slow and calculated motions with his hands..
he probably also starts helping kusuo and kurumi with their gardening (because they definitely have a garden). i doubt arens mom has a garden but i bet he could convince her to help him start one after enjoying it with the saikis so much.
the scrapbooking/journaling he mostly keeps to himself.. its mostly pictures of him and his mom, his friends, and him trying to document his feelings in messy pages of writing/doodles/choas..
i love the idea that he starts collecting stickers+fun pens+washi tape to use, which is something he totally would not normally fixate on but he starts getting really excited about it..
tbh it's probably mostly silly stickers from anime he likes, like one piece and dragonball.. a lot of his other interests like the yakuza movies wouldnt have stickers he could get so he just doodles the characters.
but he starts branching out into sillier and more colorful stuff, mostly thanks to chiyo, kokomi, kusuo, and shun. chiyo+kokomi have lots of girly stickers and glitter pens that they give him when they catch wind of the journaling..shun has lots of silly stickers from comic books and theres a surprising amount of harley quinn+poison ivy along with the mcu stuff(mostly spiderman).
chiyo+kusuo have like vocaloid+prosekai stickers, but kusuo mostly is just the reason aren has lots of bright pink+green on a lot of his pages hehe..
anyway, a lot of the gifts he gives to kusuo start getting really.. obvious ? he once gives him this crocheted pink cat with a blank expression and a purple dog whose taller and smiling, both wearing glasses, that are permanently knitted together holding hands☠️and kusuo just.. accepts it. and a lot of the stuff he receives along with their other friends are suspiciously more detailed than everyone elses and there are a lot of hearts and the cat+dog thing becomes a frequent motif and theres so many coffee jelly stuffies and keychains its insane
shun will get like.. a black and red sweater, meanwhile kusuo gets a purple sweater covered in pink hearts+matching gloves+a scarf+socks+a tote bag+a headband ??? aren are ur hands okay seriously
kusuo keeps every single gift obviously, and the first dog+cat plushies along with some other gifts are on his desk so he can look at them literally all the time..
yet somehow they arent dating yet😭aren basically professed his undying love with all the hearts and romantic ass offerings but neither of them have really said anything out loud yet☠️☠️
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crystalcanis · 9 months
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Teaser for 2024!! Chapter 1 might have ended but the horrors continue.
Where to read my comic! LINK (coming to tumblr sometime this year hopefully)
I'm going to put some personal thoughts regarding chapter 1 below, it's there if you want context on how I see this story, but it can be ignored if you don't want to read a wall of text! I hope the teaser looks nice and spikes interest! I think this next chapter is going to be a fun one.
Arc 1 Chapter 1 was written when I was still in highschool, I have graduated college by now :' ) So needless to say, I am very excited to be jumping into the second arc of this story and be done and over with the stuff my teenage self wrote. 
I scripted Arc 2 Chapter 2 relatively recently (almost done scripting Arc 2 Chapter 3 too), so it has my current writing style and pacing! I'm really proud of it personally, I think its fun but I guess there is that underlying fear of people maybe not liking my current approach to the characters. Specially because I know this comic seems to be the favorite amongst my current two because of how long it's been around! Even if I made little edits on the way, Chapter 1 was basically the same script my teenage self wrote... I had to follow the planned pacing and events, and oh gosh there are so many scenes I would write differently (all the ones before we meet Noriel, basically.)
My biggest personal complain with chapter 1 is that I don't think I was clear enough with the theme of the story nor did I give it much justice : ( and that in part goes with my younger self just, not having enough experience writing heavier topics at the time. This story is based on my personal experiences with xenophobia, it's about xenophobia, back when I scripted chapter 1 I knew how it FELT like, but now as an adult I have been able to go deeper and analize why I feel that way, why people treat me the way they do, and much more that I plan to properly explore going forward. This doesn't mean that other people connecting with this story through other forms of bigotry like racism, transphobia, homophobia etc is wrong, though! I have seen your explanations for why and it's sooo so fair, I don't mind this story reasonating with how general bigotry feels like at all, intersectionality is a thing for a reason. But I wish to explore xenophobia as it was intended :]! It's personal to me. And the world of Ales is so HUGE! Chapter 1 did not give the worldbuilding justice either! There is so much to explore and I'm excited! I can't believe my younger self wanted to end the story here, man. Insane.
The only thing that's closest to my current writing style in chapter 1 is actually the flashback with Noriel and Kana we saw this year! That wasn't part of the original script, and I added it in preemptively, knowing I would need it for context in the new chapters but that I wouldnt have space for it later, it needed to happen Now or never. So I guess that's a good reference for what to expect! But fear not, just because chapter 2 and onward is technically an updated approach to things, that doesn't mean what happened in chapter 1 wont affect anything! Quite the contrary oh boy! What happened in chapter 1 is a big catalyst for so many things that happen in this story, and why Noriel and Kana act the way they do. I think it's going to be great and I can't wait to share it, I just hope other people like it as much as I do!
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zirconie · 4 months
i was actually excited for comic-con but tbh it wasnt good. its the one thing that happens every year that i actually want to do and put effort into doing but it was terrible this year. I understand that alot of these are nothing burgers, but being stacked on top of eachother made me fucking miserable.
Cons - 1. busiest con ive ever attended 2. first timer children barging you out the way was way worse this year 3. noise cancellation on my headphones are good, but it was still too loud 4. was so hot i couldnt actually wear my headphones for long because overheating is worse than the noise so i had to raw dog the overinfo 5. whilst all of that is going on, my friend was yanking and dragging me around like some sort of doll which pissed me off. 6. did not get to see addyharajuku (she left early for med reasons, im not blaming her at all.) 7. said friend also bought a shit load of stuff and i didnt want to be crammed against a huge wall of people/ wanted to browse more but she wanted me to stay and wait for her to pay every time. 8. when i did walk away (like 10 ft) to look at other things she blew up my phone until it died so i had to pay full price for the tube because it wouldnt accept my physical card (even though it was the same card on apple pay) 9. i could tell my other friend was getting annoyed aswell because we ended up just doing the rest of artist alley by ourselves so they could leave early and not have an episode in the middle of the isle like last year. 10. because said phone died i then couldnt access my national train tickets so we botched getting home. Pros- 1. lain cosplay 2. heather mason standee 3. i didnt die, but i thought i had heat stroke All in all i quote that a fucking failure. Making me question if i should even consider going next year because it was just shit on multiple levels that i didnt list, and if its just getting busier and busier im not going to enjoy it so theres no point going. Guh, fml.
Edit: I’ll end up going anyway because we stay silly >w<
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cheshirette · 2 years
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Happy New Year!
here's some of my thoughts of 2022 and what i want to do in 2023 ↓
This year started off nice, I got to work on cool projects and I tried out so many new things. Unfortunately halfway through the year it went downhill and despite being hired for my first ever job, it sucked and I fell into depression.
Fuzee visited me at home for the first time ever, and he stayed with me for a few months. This was probably the best highlight of the year for me because I missed him for so long... I was seriously struggling mentally and just having him here with me has done wonders. I was determined to work hard so I can eventually move out and stay with him.
Living here at home isn't doing so well for me. I still live with my parents and I have a very controlling Mother. I've been purposely avoiding her so that I can be at ease, and I would put so much effort into locking myself up in my room or going out with friends. I hope I can finally get away from this next year.
Emotionally, I was doing really bad. October was super bad, and my friends were nice enough to help me get back on medication. I feel like ever since I went back to fix myself up, my long lost motivation came back and I've been drawing so much and it feels so good! I'm really happy I got to go back to this.
Lots of friendships crumbled this year, but I also befriended many people this year too. I'm still really sad about this separation and I continue to yearn for the old times where all my friends hung out together and nothing was wrong, but I have to leave those memories behind. I do miss them a lot but.. I dont know, I was left conflicted for so long.. I'm still grateful for all the friends I met this year.
I finally opened up design commissions as this was something that many friends encouraged me to do, and so many people were interested. I was worried it wouldnt go so well but I was surprised to see the demand!
I did a lot of new things and picked up old hobbies I've long abandoned due to depression. I bought lots of new books and read a lot of them and bought a new sketchbook from the farmer's market and decorated it with stickers I had lying around. feels weird how I got over my sticker anxiety but its soooo nice decorating things and it makes me feel so relaxed!
Commissions were super slow and I feel like it was hard for me to get around with my absence during my last job. I need to work harder.
I recently started getting back into drawing things with backgrounds so I hope I can keep this up.
I got more comfortable in streaming and didnt feel so anxious after having meds. I even hosted my first birthday even and I'm glad it was successful!
This year I have a weird goal where I want to collect as manu stickers to the point that I can fill up a box. I like using stickers and tapes for decorating my sketchbook so I hope to collect more.
My biggest goal for this year is to move out of this house with Fuzee. I cant stand being in this toxic household and I havent felt safe in a long while. I plan on raising money so I can get out.
I want to make merch, stickers or small postcard prints sound nice
I want to make little comics on my ocs again like I did years ago, especially now that I feel like I can draw anything
I aim to explore doing Live2D stuff so I can do commissions for it in the future
I hope to get hired for some job position again. I wish I could get hired for character design 💦
I wanna do weekly(?) community drawing session with viewers and enhance my stream setup and hopefully upgrade my computer.
I wanna go on a trip next year somewhere, I think it would be nice to go to the mountains again.. 🏔️
I want to try and do silent vlogging. I got invested in it last year and I want to give it a try ✨
There's probably more but I'm just generally excited since it's bunny year 🐇 Thank you all for sticking around with me, I'll try my best this year!!!!
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volskayadottxt · 4 months
v conflicted bc i know ppl wanted ventures comic to be like a Heartfelt Pride Story but im honestly p excited abt sombra dragging them into conspiracy hunting and the increasing amount of evidence talon is going to try and grab anubis.
this prolly wouldnt have been an issue if t4 had confirmed mauga at launch and keeps teasing stuff abt zarya. not sure where any of that is going.
but at the same time DOOMFIST is in SPACE and shit is going to happen ON MARS probably abt the CONSPIRACY and I AM EXCITED ABT THAT!!
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goremet-chef · 10 months
DREADFUL so dreadful but the only step is to just reach forward. like all i need to do is pick up my pen but i cant. wish i could tho
art will always be my passion, even if it bothers me sometimes. its all ive ever been good at, fantastic outlet for creativity and emotional buildup but i just. sometimes i cant move and i dont know why and its literally inches away from me but i can hardly move forward yknow? im fine physically, but mentally its like this huge step that seems so intimidating
i feel like i live off of outcomes and when the outcome isnt certain my brain goes haywire and holds me in place until the outcome can settle. but? this outcome IS the same. its so easy, ive done it before. reach and grab, draw what yr dying to draw
im drowning myself in lethal company things im so excited and im . all my minecraft ocs and my sotf ocs like i have so much i need to make and just.. no will to do it. but i want to! want to more than anything. id feel better if i did, which is true i would feel better. when it builds up inside you its OVERWHELMING like insanely so. i can get it out and free myself if i just DO it but theres always this barrier between what i want and what i actually do yknow? very lame
yknow art is my passion even if it hurts me sometimes it makes me very happy and i like to create, everyone likes to create. i like to see what i can do, like to bring all these buzzing thoughts to reality. can hardly hold onto them long enough to do that but i try at least. sometimes i feel really really unreliable and i dont know why?
i dont do commissions anymore, i pretty much ONLY draw for myself. who are you disappointing? who do you THINK yr disappointing? no one even remembers all the times you say "im drawing this 😼", YOU dont even remember all the times you say that. theres no pressure, you can do it whenever you want, it doesnt make you worse or anything. art is for you, you'll get to it when you can
yes :] i think i probably will. im just trying to make myself feel better honestly its something that eats at me and i dont know why?
its like some HORRIBLE combination of impostor syndrome and bpd fears like "oh no im not good enough!!! i need to provide i need to create for others to consume to prove im worthy" and then when i DO create, when too many people like it its.. i feel like ive conned them, surely i didnt make something that good, i must have faked it somehow and the attention is undeserved
SHIT LIKE THAT honest to god all my mento illnesses come together and hold hands like some really fucked up version of the power rangers. all of them collide in the WORST ways possible its. what is bro doing in there !!!! seriously its actually comically tragic but i live in spite this, i probably always will live in spite of it. sometimes im like wow lets let everything wash over and give up, this hell isnt worth it. but isnt it? back and forth black and white, world is ending world is beautiful type shit. when it feels over i just try to remember all that stuff that and it forces me to remember that there is no giving up on this, wouldnt give it up for the world. its mine and ill keep it
as i was saying tho, i feel so much happier drawing when i try to keep it out of mind. like yes, of course i love the attention. who doesnt? but i used to be INCREDIBLY numbers driven for like. hefty chunk of my art history. like little 11 yr old me breaking coppa on dA had so much fun just drawing hot garbage and sharing it and it never got like any likes but i didnt even CARE i just. to be able to create and share is the best part of all
i wish i was like him again. im not that boy, not anymore, but i remember him and i keep him close. all that cringe bullshit and i was having so much fun
ill give myself some credit yknow. im an adult, money is a necessity in this world. art becomes more of a chore and something i feel pressured on because logically its the only thing i can DO right to make a quick buck like. its the one thing i know i can do. but having my passion turn into something like that? dreadful
sometimes you cant avoid it, i just have to do my best to look past it and recognize that beneath all that shit. theres something in me that needs to draw, the same thing that forces me to carry sketchbooks and pencils with me wherever i go, even if i never use them. just this lingering presence that screams at me and tells me that i will create. i will! i will create
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plane pillow
where peter planned to play video games with ned through the whole flight but fate decided to take another turn....
*A/N: this isnt related to far from home nor the ending of endgame, just pretend infinity and all the movies after didnt exist since i imagine pete 16 in here. i dont know why 16 i just like that age on him lmao, enjoy reading!*
pairing: peter x reader
status: strangerz (well sort of since they haven't talked to eachother but they're in the same school)
peter's POV
"the flight will be amazing! i heard they'd installed the new game we were talking about" i gushed to ned, excited for the whole flight to be filled with video games.
"im excited" ned stated practically jumping from excitement and i shook my head laughing
"OK CLASS!" Mr Harrington clapped his hands getting our attention "we're boarding the plane in a few minutes so pack your stuff and lets goooo" he pointed at our gate dramatically.
we walked to the gate, scanned our ticket and sat on our assigned seats, ned and i sat on the three seater, he took the window seat by winning a 3 round match of rock, paper, scissors *sighs angrily* and i obvious got the middle, kinda scared of who'll sit beside me though.
we had to wait for a few minutes, since we boarded the flight early. ned and i obviously started playing video games, too entranced by the small glowing screen infront of me i haven't realized a girl.
she hadn't really acknowledged me either because she looked tired, i cursed at the screen for losing the game too quickly and my dumb ass still didnt realize a GIRL, MY AGE, looking PRETTY FUCKING ADORABLE was sitting next to me. oh dear god.
after a couple more games and me being the most idiotic teenager known today for not looking at my right to see her  the flight attendant alerted us that the plane will take off so we the screen will freeze any moment. ned and i decided to sleep, it was very early in the morning and we need to rest if we plan on gaming most of the flight.
i closed my eyes and shifted a bit in my seat, and slept. the plain was moving at the time trying to find the best place to take off. i guess i was really tired that i havent felt someone sleeping on my shoulder.
i was peacefully sleeping still agitated from the uncomfortable seat but i heard a loud noise that frightened the life out of me and due to my spidey senses i sensed a hand on my right, so what did i do? i fucking held the hand. hard, may i add, from the fright.
i opened my eyes quickly and jumped a bit, turning around to see who's the stranger that i held hands with, startled as well. i sighed in relief knowing our plane was safe and it was just about to take off. but then i took a good look on the perso- her, took a good look on her, on her? OH MY GOD ITS A GIRL calm down peter and please dont scare her off. i couldnt stop looking at her and to my luck she was looking at me as well, but none of us spoke
i couldnt help but notice the small part of her y/h/c hair that was shown from her hood looked so shiny and smooth, her eyes were the most perfect shade of y/e/c. the extremely large hoodie looked so comfortable on her which made me think of her wearing one of mine, how big and long it'll look on her body sent butterflies to my stomach. she looked small, and precious so fragile yet she held her body confidently.
the voice of the flight attendant echoed through the speakers which made us both stop our trance of one another. even though the lady's voice wasnt scary it still frightened us. i mean no hate towards miss attendant she called me a cutie and gave me extra blankets
but coz we got startled again we held hands....again looking for the sources of the noise. we visibly relaxed once we realized what it was, looked at eachother and laughed, her laugh was angelic and soft, hands down the best sound ive ever head. she looked rather embarrassed from the encounter but i bet you a thousand dollars i look worse, i could practically feel the blood rush through my cheeks once she realized how long ive stared at her
"i- uhm i-im so sorry for sleeping on your shoulder, and- and holding your hand and stuff" she apologized, it only made me even more baffled by her. how could a voice match with a face so perfectly.
"no no its fine uhh i dont mind *nervous laugh* and for the hand thing i was the one who grabbed yours so i-i should be the one apologizing...im sorry" i rubbed the back of my neck. this is why i dont talk to girls, ever. well mj is an exception since shes like the closest thing i have to a friend other than my best friend obviously.
"i-im y/n, by the way" she lifted her hand properly introducing herself
"peter, peter parker" i shook her hand, it was nice feeling the warmth of her hand again. we probably held hands (for the third time today by the way) longer the we should have but who am i to say i was bothered. i definitely wasnt.
"nice to meet you peter" she smiled shaking our hands one last time then sitting it on her lap. scratch what i said about her gorgeous laugh, hearing her say my name was the best thing ive heard in my 16 year of existence. (her laugh is obviously the second best)
before i could ask anything else, the plane decided to finally take off. i adjusted myself to the seat, not turning to my right side anymore and closed my eyes trying to think of smiling puppies. ive been on a plane before, in fact a private one last year but that was it. this is my second time flying away from new york and i was a bit nervous.
y/n somehow noticed my sudden tense form, who am i kidding i looked like i was about to die coz of my nerves. and held my hand. and i immediately opened my eyes again, the feeling of her skin coming in contact with mine brought chills down my spine, good ones obviously
"you looked rather tense, is this ok?" she leaned into my ear so i could hear her. i looked at her confused on why she would want to help me but nodded as a reply. a smile crept on my face and i couldnt seem to take it off.  the take off went smoothly thank god. and ive occasionally squeezed her hand, usually when the plane made very loud sounds. but i made it! woohoo
i didnt know if i should stop holding her hand or not, even though i didnt want to. will she think im a creep? and if i did, will she think im rude? but i guess it didnt seem to bother her if she went back to sleeping. so i figured i should do the same
i shifted in my seat a couple of times trying to get the perfect comfy spot....nothing. this seat will be the death of m-
"you can sleep on my shoulder if you want" she whispered. "i figured since you let me sleep on yours which im very sorry about, you could sleep on mine" she smiled
"thanks, but i dont wanna bother you or make you uncomfortable"
"oh nonsense! my body is screaming right now cheering for me, well partially scolding at me for saying something risky like that to a good looking guy, its ok" she laughed, her eyes widened in shock from what she confessed. i smiled at her and rested my head on her shoulder
"you think im good looking?" i whispered playing with our fingers, i dont know when i got the sudden confidence but hearing someone like her think a loser like me is cute did something to me.
"shut up" she playfully shoved me and i laughed.
"are you from midtown?" i asked her
"no im from queens" she joked
"oh you're definitely from midtown" i chuckled, next thing i know i was having a normal conversation with me laying my head on a girl i just met like we knew eachother for years, it was nice to talk to a girl i potentially thought was cute instead of talking gibberish
she was very understanding and looked like interested into what i was saying, i was gonna skip my geeky side when she asked about what i like but to my surprise, she mentioned it when i asked her the same, she said she loves comics and likes watching sci fi movies. i asked her if she watched star wars and she said she didnt...yet.
"wanna uhm watch it together?" i played with her fingers absentmindedly nervous if she'd reject me.
"yeah sure" her eyes lit up like she was waiting for me to ask her that. we watched the movie in bliss, thankfully she liked it! and immediately said to put the second one. and surprise surprise, we finished it.
when the credits rolled in, i saw her yawning, shifting in her seat again, i decided to be bold so i lifted her head off my shoulder pulled the arm rest away from us, took a pillow and patted my lap. immediately after doing it i regretted it, she barely knows me, what the fuck peter.
"you sure?" she asked smiling a bit, she looked like she felt something giddy inside which made me feel at peace again and i nodded.
"good night" she whispered snuggling her head on my lap, i hesitantly put my arm over
"good night, y/n" and we fell asleep like how ned slept the whooole time i was talking to her, wow we have a lot to catch up on
peters pov
i didnt know the whole plane (our class) practically gushed over my interaction with y/n, i know its been a while since i liked a girl but betty and the rest (including Mr Harrington) practically begged mj to take photos of us since she was the closest, not that she wouldnt have done it without them asking her....
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*A/N: idk what this bonus was lmao but i had to add the school feeling happy for our boy pete*
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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nitroish · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons for Wind or Hyrule?
yep here u go
hyrule gets lost on purpose sometimes. it isnt like he doesnt know the general direction of where the others are. sometimes he just needs some quiet. sometimes he just wants to get lost again and explore. sometimes he wants to be found. sometimes he just wants to see things that he normally wouldnt. wilds and he wander together for that reason - wilds slate tells them what things are if they dont know already. they love it.
hyrule is literally a badass. hes the uwu hold my flower babe, not the one saying i got it babe kick their ass. he wont hesitate, bitch. this is less hc and more fact so lets make it one: sparring? he hasnt really done it before, didnt have anyone to spar with. the minute he gets hang of "tap them theyre out" hes a fucking menace. you can not stop him. he has god and anime on his side audio here.
hyrule cant cook, but its probably not as bad as it could be despite popular belief. he lived on his own in ruins of a hyrule; he just knows what to make using stuff he finds in his era. it isnt really his fault if ingredients are bad - theyre what hes got and able to get. imo if you give him some good ingredients and some simple instructions to walk him thru it that he could make something good. and if you juat want him to make something on his own? he makes a mean fucking jerky guaranteed.
wind, the mad lad. easily excitable and he deserves it considering he made the gods choose him. tanner than the lu comic, freckles if youre feeling extra flair-y. hes in the sun, hed not be a raw pancake.
wind is so funny to me. "its going to rain" "how do you know" "i can smell it" because he just fucking would wouldnt he? when he and the chain are wandering around and he smells something beachy and warm? it reminds him of home and ah, yeah, btw its gonna rain. what a fuckin thing to say. he likes the rain too. hes the equivalent of those videos where people lay on their backs in the rain for the good vibes.
wind doesnt get cold easily, until he does. the sea is freezing, hed be used to at least Some cold wind and weather n shit to a degree. he can handle cold weather some of the others cant, aside from maybe wilds stupid cold season. but logically nobody can really best that weather so haha fuck u. he can handle the cold until he gets wet, or theres snow, or he doesnt take proper care of himself. his old tunic came in handy for something and it was the fact that despite it being hot as fuck on the island it sure as hell helped during cold nights on the ship.
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svankmajerbaby · 4 years
i know nobody cares nd i sure wouldnt if my brain wasnt solely dedicated to it out if sheer boredom but
diablo cody penned powerpuff girls live action show for the cw
is the Absolute Most chaotic media product of the year (if it ends up being filmed and released by the end of the year) and im also really excited for it?? pls forgive me martin scorsese steven spielberg my film school professors etc etc
but really, people comparing it to the fate winx saga shit... diablo cody is a good writer tho. she can write comedy and drama and relationships pretty dang well. and the fact that shes working with producers of the cw dc comics shows kind of gives me hope? like, its a tv budget, but maybe the effects wont be absolute shit. maybe it will balance the superhero stuff~ nicely with the character drama and interactions. the aesthetics of the show and general tone will definitely be tricky, especially since the girls will now be in their mid twenties, which i think is genius, partly because they wont be oversexualized underage teenagers, they will already have a history and personalities defined, and also because they were meant to be like five years old in the original cartoon from 1998, which does put them around 23/24 years by 2022. and also thats the general age of those of us who grew with the cartoon :^)
but dove cameron (the bubbles actress) has said she thought the pilot script was really funny and i like that! you shouldnt take powerpuff girls too seriously, even if theyre adults and have issues and problems and conflicts. thats also something i like of diablo cody, she can balance these moods really well. as i said, its not easy, but i think she can pull it off.
besides that, the cw and especially their superhero shows are pretty colorful and fun looking on a first glance, so i wouldnt worry too much on them making them all gloomy and dark and desaturated. im more worried about good costume design that isnt jeans and hoodies and tshirts. i want vibrant color! i want prints! i want variety!!!!!
i have no reason to believe this is good, but i also have no doubts. so yeah.
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juni-ravenhall · 3 years
reactions (mild spoilers!) on sso comic song of darkness
bc i read it before bed. this is a mix of random reactions + commentary/criticism. no pics sry! under cut bc spoilers, but i dont spoil the story itself, just some content -
- the pages at the intro with character information for some reason made me feel really nostalgic and happy, like, “wow this is a real comic” idk its hard to explain. it reminded me of reading stuff like W.I.T.C.H. as a kid (ive read a billion comics in my life but i compare to this bc its closer in general vibe) 
- anyway wow sso comics. on paper. wow (yeah i have clouds over silverglade but that was a while ago)
- hhehehehehhe south hoofers and raptor in the bg!!!!!! after this panel i kept looking at the bgs for other cameos kjhdsfg
- i can tell the swedish translation is... a bit... meh. like, yeah this is standard, especially today’s standard, but it could be smoother and more natural, which would make it more fun to read (and supportive of the language in the country where sso was made like? idk...)
- AVALON?? U HAVE A FACE??? he looks way more like evergray than i’d have thought though, youd have imagined he wouldnt want to style himself similar to him lol
- its a bit depressing how even tho this comic tries to express everyone’s personalities, lisa still barely feels like she has a personality. she can sing! ok... and... we’re wating... what else? (there are plenty of “boring” people irl, but in media you usually want to exaggerrate or simplify things a little bit) the current lisa seems like she could have more anxiety/depression in her narrative, the old lisa looked like she was tough in a different way than alex, both of those are things that could be pushed. or anything else. 
- my only like, “art related criticism”, also relates to the above - i think more work could be done in using individually unique expressions. im generally not a person who agrees with the idea of “same face syndrome” (often its a stylistic choice which is fair) but i think here it could be a good idea to work a bit more with various expressions - you can have charas who would almost never make huge shocked eyes for personality reasons, charas who always have a very obvious expression (alex does have this a lot in this comic!), charas who always look annoyed or frustrated or scared alongside whatever new emotion they get, etc. just very simplified description bc im already rambling. but basically, letting all charas emote in a similar way also removes layers of personality expression. 
- it’s cool that kora is in here!! love to see many known charas!! not rly interested in random new charas since sso already has a ton to work with 
- was a bit surprised when they said “mistfall, so youre a long way from home?” to kora when they.. were riding to firgrove from valedale? i could have understood this if they were in like epona or golden hills.. but firgrove?? shes specifically not a long way from home? confused
- i do like that the horses’ personalities get expressed, altho it does feel a bit shoved in, it’s still nice to see them. many of us are here bc of loving horses after all, and this comic delivers in featuring them a lot, even if they dont talk. i get that theres a level of “explaining everything to newbies” in this whole comic, even though i could wish that wouldve been done less blatantly. (kids arent dumb!) 
- i do kinda wish the overall story hadn’t been a standalone random thing but something more tied to what we have, exploring parts of the story & charas in sso in more detail, BUT, i think thats a valid direction to go with comics and its more just a personal preference for me. i would anytime take more sso comics that are standalone random stuff than to not have sso comics at all. 
- it seems like the reason concorde is an alive adult in this comic, is bc its an AU where concorde “almost died” but didnt, if i understood it right (they just said “she almost lost concorde”). i think thats a bit weird BUT valid, its ok to have differences in canon between different media of the same story, it tends to be like that between books and movies for example. however personally i wouldve preferred to see comics that explore, for example, the 2 years (?) between SSL and SSO, or each soul rider’s life history in general until now, or exploring in more depth events that happen in the main storyline (in sso or ssl which counts as backstory to sso)
- there were times i committed small giggle during this comic even as an adult man, tho arguably a childish adult man, but just to say that it was enjoyable, and overall i thought it was really exciting and fun to read a full sso comic book, and i hope to see a lot more (even if i’d prefer stuff like what i described - more exploration of existing story/charas). like i said at the beginning, i also got good nostalgic feels etc. i feel a bit sad now that its “over”, i wish i could have a whole pile of volumes to read for the rest of the summer. 
(when i criticise something, it means i care enough about it to criticise it! i tend to criticise stuff i love - aka sso - way more than stuff i have no interest in or dislike, which i just dont talk about much bc that would be a waste of time.) 
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mieczyhale · 3 years
@itsallaboutcalum : “yeah i gotta say i agree. like. i love the show so much BECAUSE of the umbrella academy. the og seven mean the world to me. season two was okay. it could have been better in my opinion but i didn’t dislike it. the new season though………. i don’t want new characters. i want the focus to be on the original seven like please??? my gosh but they erased ben and i’m kinda irked by it”
(okay further rambling thoughts on this below bc my reply got kinda outta hand sdk;lsd)
 i’m so glad i’m not the only person with these takes bc honestly it was really starting to feel like it. everyone else seems SO excited about the sparrows and i just.. could not care less if i tried. the only new character they brought in for s2 that i felt worked really well, and that i loved, was ray (and carmichael, but he at least exists in the comics. and they fucked him up anyway -  letting the handler eat him instead of five. a weird thing to be salty about maybe but here we are)
you add in too many characters and you lose track of the original, you stop giving them and their story lines the attention they deserve (s2, imo, proved that) and because of those things you’re more likely to forget what the characters are supposed to be like, and what made them lovable in the first place. s1 did so well for so many reasons but among them was: pacing, character introductions and development, creative story lines woven together in a way that brought everyone together seamlessly for the events of ep10. it never felt like one character was getting more attention than another, even with the apocalypse centered around vanya it never felt like she was the only main character.
s2, and maybe this is just me, but it really said “fuck everything from s1, and we’re mixing powers around, and this is about vanya, and another apocalypse that was unnecessary for the dallas story line, and we’re gonna take all the things people loved about s1 and kill it with fire including ben - simply for shock value and to bring in the sparrows but we could have had the sparrows without rekiling ben but oh well! - all the dysfunction and genuine humanity in the characters?? mostly gone. the fan fave, klaus?? here’s a comedic shell that looks like him. trauma who?? everyone is fixed!! oh and here’s the soundtrack! none of it means anything.” yknow. to list a few of my problems with it dont get me wrong! it had its good moments and stuff. but it wasn’t even remotely on the same level as the first season 
and i’m keeping my expectations for s3 dirt low right now because of it. s1 was so perfect of course my expectations for s2 were high. and then the trailer for s2 looked amazing but it was.. meh. just so upsettingly meh. im not going through that level of disappointment again lmao it took me quite awhile to convince myself it was actually good and that i loved it, so i wouldnt have to feel like i wasted my time and energy, but i simply Can Not anymore. not with the stuff they’ve posted about s3 so far. its just sparrow shit.
where are our babies?? our fucked up umbrella family?? give us more of the characters we know, love, and care about or get the fuck out of my face. you can’t like.. sideline your main characters for newbies and expect that to work out. if we dont get og hargreeves family content soon (GOOD og hargreeves family content) i can guarantee im gonna lose even more interest in tua. and i hate that! so much! bc s1 and the hargreeves live in my heart rent free, they’re so important and special to me, and it feels like s3 is gonna be the same as s2: a huge disservice to both the characters and the fans
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