#i want dabi so badly bro
aangelkeii · 21 hours
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❝ 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 ❞ | Hey - Luci4 ❦ ❀
Kinktober Day 2: Mutual Masturbation
A/N: okay wow so i am currently writing this really late at night. this month is gonna ruin my sleeping schedule. anyway, more proud of this one right 'ere, so hopefully it hits the spot for everyone else. lemme know if i need to improve on anything. dedicated to the one i love. i love u, ho.
`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
wc: 4.5k (that's what i'm talking about! hell yeah) | warnings: fem! reader, masturbation (m and f), fingering, jerking, li'l touch of praise, petnames (sweetheart, baby), uhhhhhh a large coke, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a half dozen donuts.
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You knew it would be a bad idea befriending a villain. 
You supported the cause against the heroes from the beginning, and you were always secretly rooting for the bad guys during every fight, but never in your life did you think you’d come face to face with a literal criminal. And somewhere as normal as a farmers market? You recognized him even with the medical mask that he had on, the discoloured scarring down his neck and on his ears weren’t hidden very well with the flimsy sweater he had zipped up. You’d expect the guy wearing the torn up, very well-loved black zip up to be the biggest prick at the market, but he actually paid the vendors. 
I’m a villain, not a monster.
That’s what he said to you. Corny ass.
Dabi could feel you staring, he knew he'd been found. He couldn’t decide whether he should run for it or confront you, but he saw that pin on your bag. It was some kind of internet thing that someone made, a cheap knock-off of the League of Legends logo, incorporating the League of Villains in with it. It was supposed to be an inconspicuous way of showing support for the villains without explicitly stating that you’d rather watch the heroes rot in hell before you agreed with their methods of operation. You knew yourself that it was stupid or whatever, but it was literally worth two bucks and a lollipop. 
When the two of you made eye contact, you saw something akin to fear in his eyes, like his attempt at trying to support himself during these dire times would be ruined because some prissy bitch decided to run her mouth. You stayed silent though, only giving him the tiniest of smiles and went back to browsing the stands. The next time you looked up he was nowhere to be seen, so you figured that he got what he needed and left before he fucked something up. 
Nope! That fucker followed you home. You lived maybe three blocks away from where the market was set up so obviously you just walked there and back. He came up behind you and put an arm over your shoulder, bending down a bit to your level, and told you to keep your mouth shut or you’d be toast. Literally. He questioned you about your pin, and told you how stupid it was to parade your support around in public, and you must’ve said something impressive because now you can’t get rid of him.
He found himself staying with you over the next few months, crashing at your house whenever his recruitment was going on, and you always covered for him if someone got just a little too curious. It was for their safety, not his. You’d rather not have the local authorities show up at your door because someone caught a glimpse of some man climbing onto your balcony. You let the others stay at your place, too, because you became someone that the League could trust (to a certain extent). Mainly, though, it was just Dabi.
He’s been spending the last couple of weeks at your place, his recruitment not going as he had planned, often coming back frustrated and ready to burn your shit down. He knows better than to actually set your place on fire because you’re the luckiest thing that happened to him and the League. Instead, he sulks in your guest bedroom and spends his time throwing a switchblade into the wall. He might be kind enough to not burn your pace down, but he’ll still cause destruction to whatever he can, his victim being your walls. You’d watch from time to time as he chucks the blade towards your wall like he’s training for the olympics. You’ll fix it when he eventually ditches you.
Even with a wanted villain seeking refuge in your own home, you still had a life to live, and you threw caution out of the window the moment you made eye contact with him that day. Isn’t the smartest idea to leave him alone at your place, but he hasn’t caused too much damage just yet, so you figure you have a bit more time. He’s definitely not the greatest roommate. Sure, he doesn’t leave a mess everywhere and he only occasionally eats everything in the fridge, but he’s loud and inconsiderate of the fact that you have your own routine. You’ve lost count of how many times he’s almost broken down your door because you lock it at night. You should’ve known he would go straight to your place when his mission went south.
It was the weekend now. No work, no plans, nothing to do but waste the day away doing whatever bullshit you can. You thought that maybe you should run to the store before everyone else would get off of work and ruin the peacefulness with traffic, so you yelled out to Dabi and told him you’d be back in a bit.
Dabi doesn’t have many ways to vent his frustrations. He stabs the walls, sets something on fire here and there, but he doesn’t have a healthy outlet. Well, unless you can call fucking his fist ‘self care,’ then he’s the healthiest bitch alive.
Looking down as his hand pumps his cock, pre-cum beading from the head as he thumbs over the slit and drags it downwards. The rough scarring of his hand gives languid strokes up and down the length of him, legs spread as he sits in the cheap desk chair in the room. His head is tilted to the side, royal eyes half-lidded and pierced lips parted with quiet grunts and huffs. He doesn’t jerk off to porn or anything. He has an irksome imagination that plagues him with vivid images of you; underneath him, legs on either side of his hips as he piston his dick in and out of you, head thrown back into the pillows with your throat bared. He’d lean down and lick your jugular from collarbone to jaw, the salty taste of your sweat spreading across his taste buds. 
His thighs twitch with every upwards tug of hand, twisting when he reaches the head again, sucking a breath through his teeth. The familiar tightness in his pelvis is the only form of pleasure he can find these days. His head lolls back, fist tightening around himself as his breathing turns choppy. His whole body grows overbearingly warm and a curse leaves his lips–
“Holy shit.”
Dabi let his guard down. His hand jolts away from his dick and he twists in the chair, the armrest barely blocking your view from it. He feels like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sure looks like it, too.
“What the fuck?” He breaks out of his deer-in-the-headlights moment and yells. He covers himself up with his hand, brushing over the sensitive underside of his dick, hissing and shuddering. He was so close, so fucking close. 
You’re shell-shocked. Never did you think you’d walk in on a villain trying to get himself off in your home. The sound of his hitching breath meets your ears and something grows within your chest. He stares as you stare, dilated pupils meeting yours, nothing else but the quiet, ragged breathing from the scarred man to fill the space. 
His brain is all muddled from the intense pleasure that was prematurely ripped away from him, the frustrations that he’s been trying to cope with only bubbles back up with your stare. “You just gonna stand there?”
You don’t understand what he’s implying with his words, but since he’s never been the kind of guy to shy away from weird innuendos, you think he’s inviting you to finish the job. A part of him knows that his words can be twisted into something they’re not, he has this weird way of speaking in cryptic riddles that make no sense until you think about them. He’s confused when you carefully step into the room and close the door behind you. The lights aren’t on, and the sun isn’t facing this side of the building, so only the reflected sun from the adjacent building’s windows brings light to the room. It isn’t enough to see the expression on his face or yours, but it’s enough to see your silhouettes; his naked chest rising and falling unevenly, hand still covering whatever dignity he has left, and your unsure posture as you stand.
“Wanna help me out?” Dabi twists in his chair a bit more towards you, enough for your eyes to catch the glint of something shiny below his waist. It’s not his rings, it’s too tiny, but your eyes hone in on the barbells on the underside of his cock. Of course he’s got a fucking jacob’s ladder. The pre covering him in a thin layer of gloss below the belt seems to be the only thing you can see right now.
You manage to tear your eyes away from his dick to walk closer to him, sitting at the foot of the bed in front of him. The eye contact makes him twitch underneath his hand as he waits for you to finally speak. 
“What were you thinkin’ about?” Your voice breaks through the quiet, careful and calm. You must approach this situation with a level of professionalism, it’s not everyday that you’re invited to help a friend get off.
“Who do you think?” Not what, who. You could say that you had no clue, try to ignore the way his eyes shine through his lashes, but the truth is right in front of you - right in front of him. 
Ever since you took him in like some kind of stray cat, his appreciation turned into infatuation, and now he’s obsessed with you. He takes all of these recruitment missions as an excuse to spend time with you.
You shuffled forward, placing a hand just above his knee, feeling just how warm he is even through his sweatpants. Up close you can see the flush across the unscarred skin on his ribs, and it only gets darker with your touch. “I want you to tell me.”
Where did this confidence come from? Dabi’s brows raise slightly in surprise, lips quirked up into a teasing smile. “Look at you, sweetheart, ordering me around.”
The tension in his shoulders dissipates and he leans back, fingers flexing over his dick until he finally brushes the pads of his fingers upwards. He gets a good look at you, as well as he can with this lighting, and his thumb presses into the slit of his cock again. 
“Want me to get into detail?” The heat starts to glow through his bones again. He scoffs lightly at the meek nod you give him. “You were beneath me, heaving like…”
Sometime during his retelling fantasy, your hand moved off of his leg and snuck under the waist of your pants. You could feel your pulse between your legs and your knees flinched closer together when your finger met your clit through the thin fabric of your underwear. The slight hitch of your breath made Dabi falter with his words for just a slight moment, quickly recovering with a new sense of pride in his chest. He so badly wants to close his eyes, but he wills them to stay open, needing to take in the sight of you as desperate as he is. 
“You ever think ‘bout me, baby? I bet you do,” his fingers run over the silver of his piercings. He keeps his pace slow and soft, building back up to where he previously was, allowing you to catch up with him. “Always complaining when I show up, running your mouth. I should shut you up one day.”
“You’re full of it,” your voice was just as broken as his, but the last thing on your mind is your appearance. You lean back on one hand to give you some more space, widening your view of him before you; cock slick with cum, barbels of his Jacob's ladder glistening with every jerk of his hand, florid skin growing ever warmer with your gaze. Dabi feels like an experiment under a microscope, your eyes studying and reading him for reactions. “It’s only fair if I daydream about you, too.”
His hand slows. “Pray tell.”
“Between your legs, letting you hold me down on your dick as you fuck my mouth.”
His head lolls back, eyes fluttering shut for a moment. Electricity blooms through his body as he imagines you in that position. By the sound of it, you’d enjoy it. He squeezes his hand around the base of his cock to keep him from blowing his load prematurely. When his eyes open back up, he sees your hand moving a bit more under your pants, then a sigh leaves your lips as you’re finally skin-to-skin with yourself. 
Seeing you so hot and bothered makes his thoughts fuzzy, and before he’s thinking about his actions, he takes his hand away from his cock and moves towards you. You allow him to get closer, allow him to pull at your pants to rid you of them, and before you know it he’s sitting between your legs with your back on the blankets. His spread legs keep you from closing your own as he stares down. The both of you are naked save for your underwear, and the wet spot on the gusset of your underwear makes his mouth water. That’ll have to wait for another day.
He replaces your hand with his thumb, pressing into your clit over your underwear with tiny circular motions. This makes your hand flinch upwards to the pillows, nails digging into the skin of your palm. A cocky smile graces his lips and he applies a bit more pressure, eyes flickering between your face and the slick seeping through your underwear. 
His cock bobs between his legs, twitching with each pitchy huff of your breath. Pride fills his chest when your hips shift closer to his hand, your skin prickling with each circle of his thumb, something unspoken in your eyes as you stare up at him through your lashes. Dabi tilts his head to the side in question.
Silently communicating, your hand unclenches and moves down to your legs, motioning for him to take your underwear off, a plea for him to touch you properly. He laughs.
“I wanna make this last, baby. You gotta be patient for me.”
You know he’s just as desperate to get off as you are, probably even more, so you don’t understand why he’s trying to prolong his pleasure just for some slight teasing. It makes you want to do the opposite of what he’s asked of you. Still making eye contact with him, you reach for his neglected cock and pump your hand without a warning. That cocky smile is wiped from his lips.
He stutters and arches closer, abruptly bucking his hips into your hand. God, your hand feels way better than his. He watches the pre bead from his slit to your hand at the base of his cock, watches as you let it dribble over your fingers and swear it over his shaft. He moves closer to you, making your legs spread wider over his thighs, letting him press his thumb just the slightest bit closer to your clit. The building orgasm that’s been held in his pelvis all this time is growing rapidly and you can tell by the way his eyes threaten to roll into the back of his head. You speed up your jerk, no longer thinking about getting your way, more focused on making him finally come.
“Fuck, fuck, wait,” Dabi stammers when you show no sign of stopping. His muscles feel so tight, and they strain against his will of staying still. It makes him shake and pant. Brows turning up with the increasing tightness in his lower stomach. “G-gonna come, fuckfuckfuck–”.
At least he was kind enough to warn you. Your hand strokes over his piercings and the stimulation brings an intense shiver through his body until finally the pent up frustration of failed missions and loss of dignity is worth it. Cum spurts from his cock and slides down your fingers, lips open with throaty groans, hips bucking with the pull of your hand that doesn’t slow until a pitched noise leaves him. You’re staring at your cum-stained hand, mesmerized.
He huffs. Chest heaving, one hand braced beside your hip, the other gripping your thigh. His eyes are clenched shut. He hadn’t even realized that he stopped touching you. He hisses when you retract your hand and spread your fingers, his cum stringing between them and snapping.
“T-that,” he catches his breath. “That was mean.”
“Should’ve gotten me naked.”
He scoffs at your bite and, almost like he hadn’t just come all over your hand, he pulls at the band of your underwear with a frenzied look in his eyes. The stitches strain against your thighs and some do snap from the tension, but you manage to close your knees a bit and hitch your hips up enough to keep him from destroying them entirely. You’ll probably never see them again anyway. Dabi is a freak.
With your legs resituated across his thighs, both of his thumbs pull at your lips and watch as your wetness slips from your hole, cock jumping back to life at the sight.
“You minx,” he grits. Not out of anger, but out of restraint. It takes so much of his power to not dive between your legs and eat you out like a man starved. “Getting off to me being pathetic. Should’ve known.”
His fingers on the underside of your thighs keep you from closing your legs. They dig into the plush between your thighs and hips, calloused hands metaphorically burning your skin in the best way possible. 
His thumb resumes its previous circles over your clit, and he practically giggles when your hips buck up. His head - the one attached to his shoulders - feels like it’s floating. He moves down and collects the slick, dragging it back up to make his motions smoother. The action makes you keen.
His eyes dart back up to your face, bashful and so clearly turned on that it almost looks unbearable. He feels bad, maybe, for working you up then stopping so suddenly earlier. A small, mean part of him says it’s payback. He’s not going to be mean, though. Not right now.
“I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for letting me stay here,” his thumb slowly moves away from your clit and his middle and ring finger replace it, sliding side to side before dragging down. “Let me show you just how grateful I am.”
“What’re you talking ‘bout?” The words barely leave your lips before his middle finger pushes into you, long and thick, immediately finding your sweet spot and pressing against it. You clench around him, and considering how easy it was for him to plunge in, he figures that you deserve one more. 
Adding his ring finger creates a slight burn, discomfort visible on your face. Your hand reaches out for his arm. He doesn’t push in any further, waits until the crease between your furrowed brows soften and your lips part with a pleased sigh. The bar is so low, but the moment is sweet compared to how he usually is.
Your hand on his arm loosens and slides down the scarred skin, the texture a satisfying contrast to his softer parts. There’s a sudden shift in the air with your touch, his fingers easing into you once again, your shoulders slumping against the pillows.
Wordlessly, Dabi leans forward. You think that maybe he’s just trying to get a better angle, but when the cold silver of his side labrets brush against your bottom lip, your eyes close and you chase after the feeling. His lips slot over yours, a perfect fit, destiny. He draws his fingers out and slides them back in, absorbing the quiet moan that you choke out. His free hand moves up your skin, warm palm cupping the side of your neck and angling your head to press his lips closer, forcing the kiss deeper. Your lips part at the same time that his does, a small startle when your tongues brush together.
Like you’re thrown headfirst into molten lava, your whole body warms beneath him, soaking through his skin and penetrating his bones. He shares the moan you give him, letting go on the side of your neck to join his other hand between your legs. His thumb once again resumes the circlet around against your clit and you clench around him once more. He smiles against the kiss, enjoying how you react to his touch.
With three points of contact, you’re starting to feel trapped beneath him. As much as you’re enjoying the soft touches and gentle caresses, you can’t just lay here and do nothing for him.
Your hand meets his cock again, tacky from the slowly drying cum, but still wet enough for a pleasing slide of your fingers down to the base. He groans against your lips and attempts to move away, but your other hand grips his hair to keep him close. Even as his eyes open just slightly to stare at your closed lids, the furrow of your brows and muffled sounds of pleasure eggs him on. If you want to touch him, he’s not going to stop you.
His fingers pump in and out of you, starting off slow and languid until they pick up the pace, matching the increasing flick of your wrist around him. He manages to pull his lips away from you despite your obvious protest. 
“Feel s’good, sweetheart,” he purrs, his piercing no longer a cold sting against your lips. He curls his fingers inside of you, pressing right up against your g-spot, chest tightening when you moan. Your hand tightens around him and your thumb smoothes underneath his cockhead. “Wanted to touch you for so long.”
“Yeah? Why didn’t you?” Your breathless voice cuts through to his muddied brain. 
“I’m a villain, not a monster.”
His vexing smile returns. You fail to push down the laugh, fisting his cock faster in return to his quote. His laugh joins yours, albeit stammered, speeding up the pumping of his fingers. The pads push up against your sweet spot with each ‘in and out’ motion, your knees bending and thighs falling open wider around him. He invites himself closer to you and licks your lips, groaning when your tongue reciprocates. 
“Gonna make you come on my fingers,” he slurs against your lips, mouth full of your combined saliva. “Can you do that for me, sweetheart? Be a good girl and come f’me.”
The sudden praise gives you whiplash, and the coiling tension in your stomach grows warmer and warmer, muscles burning and hole clenching around his fingers. His lips mutter soft praises and encouragements, bringing you closer to the edge. The non-stop pump of your wrist brings him closer, too, seemingly stronger than before. 
“Dabi, fuck,” his name on your tongue makes him want to burrow into your skin. His infatuation is growing into pure obsession. “Y’close?”
He feels you tense around his fingers, holding yourself back from coming before him, but he’s quick to reassure you. “Mhm, so fuckin’ close, baby.”
Your nod makes his lips brush against yours, but neither of you can pull yourselves out of the headspace you’re in to act any further on it. The ache between your thighs grows evermore hot and suddenly you feel that creeping pleasure morph into a rush of fire down your spine. You make a small noise in warning, not able to find the words, but Dabi knows exactly what’s happening because he feels it, too.
“Come for me. C’mon, sweetheart,” his gentle words turn into a desperate begging as he humps his hips into your hand. He nods along with your keening moans, joining in with pathetic pleas for your cum to soak his fingers in return. 
With a final searing fire through your body, your head falls back and your mouth falls open, breath hitching and thighs twitching against his bare hips. He doesn’t falter his fingers, staying constant with his speed inside of you and the circuit of his opposite thumb against your clit. Seeing you fall apart beneath him, mouth hung open with your throat bared to him just like in his fantasies. His next orgasm sneaks up on him, his cum shooting from his cock once more, landing on the crease of your thigh and hip bone. He can feel just how hot you are underneath his hands, and his praises just keep going despite how choked they sound.
Your own orgasm was prolonged with his unfaltering movements, the hot feel of his cum dribbling down your fingers, and the swift shift of his body towards yours. His tongue licks from the tip of your collarbone and up to your jaw, tasting that salty sweetness he’s been craving for so long, hinging his mouth open wider to suck at your neck. He’s careful of your pulse, he can feel it rushing under his tongue, but he’s responsible enough to stay clear. Only when your hips start to squirm away from him does he finally stop his hand, retracting it and bringing it up between the two of you. He spreads his fingers and watches as your cum strings and snaps. Now he knows why you did it.
Dabi sticks his tongue out without a second thought, licking his fingers clean like he’s done it plenty of times before, not bothering to comment on your attest of his actions.
“You’re nasty,” you wipe your cum-covered hand on your shirt, rolling your eyes when he smirks around his fingers. He wipes his spit-covered hand on your shirt and leans in closer until his forehead meets your shoulder.
“You get off on it,” he snarks back. He laughs at your weak attempt to push him off of you.
Your muscles cry out when you go to move your legs, ignoring it in order to pull your pants back on. Dabi stops you from doing so, standing up on clumsy feet over to the dresser, pulling out two pairs of boxers. He throws one pair to you and heads to the nightstand, pulling open the drawer for a pack of wipes. He shrugs at your look of question.
“You leave me here a lot, may as well use that time for something good,” he helps clean between your legs, apologizing when you buck away from sensitivity. He then cleans himself, disposing of the wipes, then flops onto the bed beside you. He pulls you close against him and traps you halfway underneath him.
You make the slightest noise of annoyance before you accept the new position, wrapping yourself around him. “Nasty.”
He bites into the meat of your shoulder, unyielding with your push against his head. “Get used to it.”
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© aangelkeii - do not repost, translate, plagarize, or claim any of my works as your own.
taglist: @ggriwm @ppsucker3000 @cstandsforchaos @jakeyjakies @cphlo @dumbwaystolive
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d/abi snzcanons under the cut!! a sort of sequel to my h/awks ones here
again as last time please do tell me your own personal hcs 🫶 i would love to hear
- hawks never has enough free time because of hero work (and when he does he just wants to spend it sleeping, or working overtime) which means his apartment is always crazy dusty and this doesnt mix well with dabis dust allergy!
- hes uber sensitive around where his piercings are. like a crazy amount to the point where if hes putting on a shirt and the neckline brushes past his nose youre guaranteed a few sneezes. twisting/messing with his studs also makes him sneeze so badly its like the piercings are triggering every single nerve ending in his nose .
- dabis buildups are very quiet and you only really hear if the environment is quiet or if youre sat right by him (UNLESS hes inducing with his piercings. then his buildups *start* quiet, but very quickly progress to super desperate & pretty vocal hitches. see above (also. kink!hawks absolutely losing his shit over how desperate he sounds?? yes please))
- his millisecond-before-sneezing face is somewhat akin to a snarl, almost as if hes trying to fight it off while its happening. hot
- cat allergy. i have no thoughts about this with which i can elaborate but take my word for it
- er. dabi honeymoon rhinitis anyone?? he cant HIDE when hes turned on because hes SNEEZING. and this works so well for kink!hawks too bro. i imagine hawks can immediately tell when its That and not just a regular sneeze or allergies or something because dabi tries to be quiet about it like hes almost shy of it??? IM SO NORMAL
- he doesnt sneeze as Much as hawks does when hes got a cold but his cold snzs are a lot lot harsher than normal. and often painful too like they like rip through his throat. ouch!!
- also he snzs in singles usually . like for just regular snz but with allergies its in multiples (or fits depending how bad it is) and colds its usually doubles with the occasional triple
- he stifles till he physically cant (or till it just. stops working). like eventually the tail end of each sneeze escapes and at that point he just gives up
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
hi! if you're still taking asks about your aus: for the villains quarter au, do you have an izuku and katsuki reunion in mind? if so, how would it go? and how did katsuki feel after izuku disappeared?
I do not stop taking asks ab my AUs, do not worry. Its the main feature of this blog and also brings me great joy! Sometimes I drop off the face of the earth for like a week but this is just who i am as a person.
I have a few ideas for the way a reunion could go! Ill expand on my favourite, but the options are:
Izuku becomes Aizawa's ward and joins UA's gen ed class where he runs into Bakugo (closer to a canon rewrite, izuku doesn't become a hero).
Izuku becomes Kurogiri's official ward, they open a restaurant within the actual city which is shockingly not a money laundering scheme that is frequented by UA students - Bakugo gets dragged there and runs into Izuku (if this au was a slice of life manga).
And, my favourite: things go roughly like canon, though Aizawa is even more overworked bc he's taking more night shifts and he recognises Shigaraki and Kurogiri at the USJ where he feels betrayed on both his and Izuku's behalf. Like, you have a kid at home!! Don't be a villain jesus christ! They go on ab how they are making the world better - for him and for everyone. No one gets too badly injured here bc they aren't going for the kill because Eraserhead is cool and only terrible people kill children (and also if they were terrible people Izuku would be sad and might not serve them food which would be worse than death.)
Oh as an aside, poor Aoyama. All for One didn't actually threaten his parents, it was more like a "I'll pay you, I know your son wants to be a hero so he'll be applying for UA" but they both interpreted that as a threat and also want money, so Aoyama is under the impression his family will be slaughtered if he doesn't act as the traitor. Poor boy.
Anyway! Shigaraki still has Bakugo (and Todoroki, in this AU) kidnapped and brought to the bar. Todoroki was a request of Dabi's bc their old man sucked ass and he wanted to give his little bro the option to just get the hell out of there. Bakugo was both an attempt to recruit someone from Shigaraki, but also he found out he was from the same middle school as Izuku - a middle school full of bullies and abusive teachers. He's honestly kinda concerned for Bakugo's mental health actually.
And then he sees Izuku bringing out dinner for the villains and the poor kids they picked up.
Bakugo's voice was - uneven. Tomura had snatched him out of UA's hands and the only emotion he'd gotten from the boy was rage, but this? It was unsettling. As was the crash that followed it. He turned around, coming face to face with Izuku, paler than he'd ever seen, broken bowls and spilt food at his feet. Tomura scrambled to his feet to help, just behind Kurogiri who had pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, probably to wipe what had to be blisteringly hot broth from his clothes.
Their Izuku was a cry baby - they'd discovered after that heart wrenching week of empty desolation he'd shown when Tomura had first found him. He cried when he was happy, when he was sad, sometimes even when he was excited. Tomura had expected the happy tears of seeing an old friend, or the angry tears that popped up when Tomura did something he though was stupid, but -
Izuku's eyes were dry.
He took a step back, and then another, slipping onto the ground. Still, he crawled backwards, horrified eyes on the boy they'd taken.
"Deku? Deku! You were fucking dead - we - my mum and dad fucking cried for you you piece of shit, and for what? So you could run off and be a fucking villain? What the fuck is wrong with you! You should have jumped off that fucking roof when I told you to you pathetic -"
A little blue marble clattered to the floor where Bakugo had sat, shutting up the tirade before it could continue. Still. Still.
Izuku was already gone.
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roxy-writes · 2 years
i think we need to talk about this. *clears throat before the ted talk* quirkless au dabi wants to become a musician, but his scumbag father wants him to take over the family's company so bad he does ANYTHING to stop dabi from pursuing music, going as far as to even manipulate him and threatening those who encouraged him into music, hence why he leaves house (aside from the continuous fights enji) as soon as he hits 18-19 uwu
ok thank you for saying this bc im now rolling on the floor of my room. ok but i want to listen to music with him so badly. like i want us to have a shared playlist. quirkless au dabi would spend so much time at our house to get away from his dad bc we're like one of the only sources of comfort he has. i specifically like guitar player dabi and if bro played that shit in front of me i would be ON him in 2 seconds. like homie would 100% play the most goofy ahh emotional music you've ever heard in your entire life and then just be like "yea" like someone tell me he doesn't pour all his emotions into every piece he plays. and you'd be able to see it in his face. im about to actually die. i hate his dad so much how did his dad even help create him. like how did that even happen. sorry if this is incoherent lol
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phyrestartr · 3 months
"...but the fact that THAT wasn't built up as a motivator Touya over the Enji drama is so aggravating bc the payoff doesn't match up."
EXACTLYY!!! I love mha but it's one of the animes that i wish was dragged out more 😭😭😭,, horikoshi creates a lot of really cool plots and characters and does a lot of world building, but I want them to go FURTHER!! I'm neutral on Dabi dying and I don't necessarily hate Endeavor, but the scenes we get of him grieving the loss of his son feel kinda one-dimensional, because he rarely comes in contact with Dabi!!! I'm not saying I wanted to see Endeavor suffer but I also kinda wanted to see Endeavor suffer
im hungry for todoroki family interactions good or bad,, ALSO UR SO RIGHT ABOUT THE ERI THING!! At the very least Dabi/Toya deserved that 😭😭 sorry if everything im saying seems to go all over the place i suck at making sense || ALSO!!! Can I be 🥭 anon?
BRO I GETCHU. Idk if I would have wanted it dragged out, but I would've wanted more elaboration on just a few condensed plotlines LOL. I feel like MHA has waaay too many characters and too many POVs to switch between that they don't all get their time to shine beyond the A-plot, so it's kinna leaves some plot bits at surface-level imo
MAN I want him to live so badly and I feel like him dying is just a cop out o(--( it would have been much more bittersweet if he'd woken up with a GASP the same way he had back when he was revived after burning alive the first time, and if he was fixed again thanks to Eri's quirk--the parallels in the panels could've been SO GOOD. And instead of him waking up alone, he's with his family like GRAAAAAH THAT'D BE SO SATISFYING AND MEANINGFUL. THEN THEY COULD ALL GET THEIR DO-OVER FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH *PUNCHES WALL*
I wanted to see Endeavor suffer frfr like I love Enji, but he failed as a father to Touya and did not have to put in the work to be better for HIM. His eldest boy is simply going to wither away into nothingness with only the tail end of his life bearing fruit, and that's so, so sad. Enji abused his family, killed his son, could've done the same thing to his youngest son, and nuked thousands of lives by proxy of Dabi because he was such an abusive fuck up who was never held responsible, SO I would've loved to see in-depth discussions and conversations that included Touya in the end bc it's so unfinished and Natsuo's got a point w going no-contact frfr
and yes! 🥭 is yours!! U7U
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herofics · 11 months
Heyy idk if u do requests but can u do a pt 3 to big bro Dabi? Maybe how him and teen! Reader met? Tyy
A/N: The previous two "big bro Dabi" posts can be found here and here in no particular order, because it doesn't matter. I wanted to write a scenario for this, since the previous two are also scenarios and I wanted to keep that going. This is platonic, obviously… and I didn’t know how to end it so I just took the lazy way
Dabi was wandering the streets once again. Shigaraki had pissed him off and he had left the hideout, disguised as to not draw attention to himself. His appearance tended to attract people’s attention and he definitely didn’t need that right now. There probably wasn’t a person in Mustafa who didn’t know his face. It was exactly the kind of notoriety he had been looking for, but right now, it was a pain in the ass.
You needed money. Your mother had broken your headphones and you needed to buy new ones. The problem was, since your parents didn’t let you work, you didn’t have any money. So for a couple of months now, you had been pickpocketing. You’d gotten pretty damn good at it too. You targeted people in big crowds, since it was easier to disappear into the sea of people, and no one really thought twice about being bumped into in a crowd. You picked the pocket of some guy who was dressed completely in black clothes. You slipped into a nearby alleyway, completely oblivious to the fact that you hadn’t gotten away with it and that you were being followed.
Dabi was pissed, so he was looking for an excuse to make someone suffer. Someone picking his pocket was the perfect excuse to spread some hurt. He followed you at a distance, almost losing you in the crowd in the process, but he caught up to you as you slipped into an alley.
He followed you deeper into the alley away from prying eyes.
You could hear the footsteps getting closer and when you looked back, you noticed the person whose wallet you were going through. You started running, but were stopped by a flash of blue flames that shot past you. Was it actually him? Was it that villain who had been burning people alive recently? Dabi? Why was your luck so shit?
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” you exclaimed, bowing repeatedly and offering his wallet back to him.
Maybe you could get out of this with minimal injuries if you just didn’t antagonize him.
“Give me my cash” Dabi hissed as he looked through his wallet.
In your panic, you had totally forgotten about the cash you had stuffed into your hoodie pocket. You started pulling it out, but your hands were trembling so badly you dropped most of it.
“So-sorry, I’ll pick it up” you stammered, kneeling down to gather the cash.
“You kids these days have no common sense. Why would you just pick anyone’s pocket? You gotta pick your targets better” Dabi muttered, not actually expecting you to answer.
“I need new headphones because my mom broke mine” you explained, wondering why he would ask you something like that.
“You do realize I wasn’t actually lookin for an answer, right?”
“Yeah, I don’t really know why I answered” you muttered as you stood up and handed him his cash.
There was just something so pathetic about you, maybe you reminded him of himself back in the day. Lost, broken and with no place to belong to. It’s not like he was going to give you his money, but he wasn’t going to hurt you like he had originally planned. Perhaps you could be of use.
“What kind of quirk you got?” Dabi asked.
“I can speed up people’s healing while I’m touching them. Why?” you answered cautiously, figuring it was probably best to be honest.
“I’m givin you a choice, you can come with me and do somethin with your life or just go on with your shitty existence until you pick the wrong person’s pocket and end up dead in a ditch somewhere”
You were pretty damn curious about why a villain like Dabi would want to help someone like you. Although you weren’t sure if he actually thought of it as helping, or as just furthering his own agenda, you were quite sure it was the latter. Your curiosity got to be too much, so you decided to go with him. How much worse could it really be than your current situation?
That’s how you ended up with the League. By picking the pocket of one of the worst villains alive.
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Bro not dabi stans drawing the line in child abuse. Dude literally wants to kill his baby brother 💀 and this is coming from a dabi fan
Right?? I fucking love Dabi's character, but part of the reason I love him is because he's so fucked up. He wants to fuck up his family, *especially* Shoto. Some fans want so badly to project their own personal feelings towards their family onto him and that's why the fandom version of Dabi got so skewed. AU's exist if they want the family reunion to help heal their inner child but I wish they wouldn't ignore canon like that.
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shipcestuous · 1 year
Ok. Talking about a manga that has a shitty writint MHA (I cant stop myself from saying this, Hori is a bad writer...its fascinating even)
Anyway. 2 things
1) a minor character named Geten is revealed to be from a clan that does inbreed. Which as far I know no one react with super disgust .
2) Toya Todoriko aka Dabi is SUPER OBSSESED with his dad. Yes, nothing sexual happens(its a shonen) but damn Toya wants Daddy's attention so badly he TRIED TO KILL HIS OWN YOUNGER BRO.
MHA is a shitty manga and Hori is a bad writer but...hey, it has its moments.
My Hero Academia has come up before. The Todoroki family, big surprise. Sounds super suggestive!
Geten's clan is new. Very cool.
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Bro I don’t think you have rockstar dabi having his scars? I don’t remember im not the brightest but I feel like if he does he’s uses his tattoos to cover up most of the burn marks. A little Drabble that makes me think of his look on his burns and why he gets them covered
He gets them cover not because he thinks it’s ugly it’s just to not remind him of his pass. That he can somewhat rewrite his pass and hide the old him. Almost like he’s burying his pass self.
The ones he didn’t cover Is the ones that still have to be treated and have to have medication still on it because the skin is tender and still really painful. He probably wears compression sleeves and things under tanks or baggy T’s and his fans and media thinks it’s a style and do it too but really it’s just to help his burns.
You’re the only one who truly knows about his burns. That it happened because of his dad, that it’s something he has to deal with for the rest of his life and that even tho he has this tough personality his actual skin is actually really delicate and scarred so badly. No one knows he has “bad days” the band just thinks he’s wasted, hung over, or on drugs but really he’s In a lot of pain from the burns. His body aches so deeply it makes him want to rip his skin off and he has very bad phantom pains in the parts that are healed. Those are the days he desperately NEEDS you. He NEEDS you to dab a cool rag on his sweating forehead, he NEEDS you to rub lotion, oil, and medication into his healing skin, he NEEDS you to talk softly to him and tell him he’s okay and he can get through this and he’s so strong and brave and that no one will nor can hurt him anymore. He gets sick and high fevers so easily which causes the aches to be so much worse.
Sometimes you wish you could just go back in time and save him. Save him like no one else would, save him from his parents, save him from his ego, save him from himself but you can’t. All you can do is love him now and there’s nothing more in this world he would want more. He isn’t someone who commits but I can see him wanting to propose to you. Maybe not even ever get married but just to see you wear his ring.
AHHH I just wanted to gush over him he reminds me over 90s to early 2000s metal bands like korn or deftones.
Damn, nonny. This is amazing! Now I kinda wish i had written Rockstar Dabi with scars 😫
Oh well.
Another time.
But this was really beautiful. Love it! Thank you.
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
hello mr simp do you have any thoughts on the leeks 👀
Okay, it's no secret that I'm an All Might stan. I LOVE All Might. Very very much. Not just as a simp, but genuinely, I enjoy his character SO MUCH.
--And unlike what some people may think, I'm not totally blind to his flaws. I know he sucks as a mentor and that he's done way more harm to Deku than good. He's.... not perfect. in every sense of the word. The whole point of AM's character is that he is a DEEPLY FLAWED individual— but at the end of the day, still good.
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This new chapter gave me SOOO many new feelings. I'm not gonna lie to y'all and say I was a Stain apologist beforehand because I wasn't. I disliked Stain to a certain degree, but I also knew he was morally grey enough that I was able to still quite appreciate him as a character. This chapter was about EVERYTHING to me because I honestly did NOT expect Hori to go in this direction and for things to happen the way they did. It was too good to be true! Too fanfic-y! The disbelief I felt when I read what happened was on par with when Bakugou and Deku had that apology and kinda-hug in the rain!
But this disbelief is not because it was a bad thing.
I think the writing in Chapter 326 is phenomenal. The moment that All Might was really beginning to lose hope in not just himself as a hero, but himself as a PERSON... we finally hear the opinion of someone who would abso-fucking-LUTELY make or break the last of his spirit.
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Stain is, as much as his views are pretty agreeable and his label is that of a vigilante, still a pretty shitty guy. He's tried to kill literal kids who got in his way, even if said kids made pretty dumb decisions. AM hearing what he has to say is absolutely mind-boggling to him because he knows all of that. He knows Stain is a shitty person and that his worldview is perhaps terribly skewed. He knows Stain has spent a hot minute frying his brains down in Tartarus and isn't good at making judgment calls. Knows that for all intents and purposes, Stain's opinions are not to be trusted.
But the thing is... Toshinori also knows that Stain, regardless of the soundness of his mind, is telling the truth.
Regardless of how fucked-in-the-head Stain is, we as readers are able to acknowledge that he isn't blinded by hero worship. Sure, he's bitter, cynical, and quite the absolutist--but Stain is still clear-headed enough to be able to see AM's flaws for what they are and accept them, ultimately proving to Toshinori that the power of All Might was never his own but rather the legacy that he inspired.
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The society MHA takes place in is flawed. We all know this. Heroes, as a concept, had been corrupted into being purely about good and evil. Purely winning fights for money or fame or the abstract concept of victory (coughs Endeavor and the no.1 spot coughs), making heroism as we know it about flashiness and power instead of mercy and the desire to help others.
All Might symbolizes the ideal version of the Hero Society. He represents doing the best you can. Being a hero until you reach your limits, and then going even past that. He symbolizes pure intention and the desire to be a hero not for material gains but because of the pure want to make society a better and safer place. Stain refers to Kamino Ward and the statue as a "holy land" because he believes that through and through, AM's only had the purest of intentions and morals. To him, Toshinori was like a deity that had no fault in making society what it was in the present because that accountability fell on the generations of heroes that failed to fulfill his legacy.
The point being, Stain understood that All Might was fundamentally not about 'being there' for everyone 24/7, but rather the message his presence had sent.
All Might's monologue at the beginning of the chapter essentially boiled down to the ideas that:
A. He regrets not being there properly for Deku
B. His image was a delusion that ultimately led to the downfall of hero society.
To break this down, his problem with Deku is his inability to be a competent mentor. It shows that he has led him down dangerous and horrible paths (Deku's stubbornness to do things by himself and his 'dark' arc post-war), and is unable to bring him back into the light even if he tries. It was only when Class 1-A had intervened that they were able to get Deku to rest and let people tag along, after all, which is why Toshinori was far too embarrassed to follow him into UA's walls even after everyone had come out with umbrellas.
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Stain disproves this in two ways.
First, he says that it was never about All Might's ability to actually be there for people. The whole point of what inspired Deku to be the inherently good-hearted "true hero" he is today is because of the values that AM's brand had instilled in him as a child. AM's biggest positive impacts came from behind the screen where he was used as the proof that true heroes can and do exist. Deku does want to be exactly like All Might, yes, which is why we see Toshinori leading him down the same path that he walked--but the underlying message of this is that the very first thing All Might gave him even before OfA was the courage to help fix society.
I do believe Deku is an innately compassionate person. Most people in the series are. However, what makes All Might's smile so uniquely impactful to what it did to Hero Society is the way it gave people courage to help people. Less hesitation. Less bystander syndromes. The ability to move without thinking. Because you can feel the want to help a person, but the courage to be nosey and actually do it? That's portrayed as something AM's image teaches people.
The second way he disproves AM's insecurity of dragging Deku down is that he makes it clear that this pain is somewhat of a necessity in reforming society. He says, interestingly enough, that this is but the 'middle process' in reforming society. This spills over to how he addresses Problem B, but what Stain is essentially saying here is that this sort of brutality and isolation that Izuku faces is impermanent. A phase. It implies that even if Deku is struggling and Toshinori is unable to help him, it is something that needs to happen before they re-realize the ideal heroes All Might's image is meant to create.
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The second problem in regards to how All Might feels about current society (how it's collapsing because of him, etc. etc.) is more interestingly addressed. There are many things that Stain says--like how Toshinori doesn't need to actually be the one to fix society with his bare hands. The current society is not his fault because of the fact that it is not finished developing. I'm not sure if I can go so far as to say that Stain means this in the sense of the Scorched Earth method of tearing everything down to build it back up better-- but I can say that Stain still has faith in society to rebuild after this period of chaos.
This rebuilding starts with the old generation of heroes correcting what they messed up (i.e. Endeavor v Dabi) and more importantly, paving the way for a better generation of heroes that was inspired by All Might's image. Heroes that are led by people like Deku, who is defined by his proclivity to help without thinking. The violent deconstruction of society is about exposing society to the raw truth of All Might's image that not everybody can be as strong as him-- which is why we have to take care of each other.
When the lady comes in to remove the sign and start cleaning the statue, it's symbolic. It's a clear metaphor that the past few chapters are the turning point for society as a whole, and how people are starting to remember what real heroism is. From the distrust that was seeded in society ever since LoV had surfaced, we are seeing that trust being returned TEN-FOLD now that people can see not only the mask of a hero's smile, but also the person underneath.
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I think it's some really neat symbolism here too about how Deku, who's metal mouth guard was literally all about representing All Might's smile, is shed.
This is hero society dropping their masks. Letting people see them for as they are. Toshinori revisiting the statue in this form makes all the more impact because he shed his mask ages ago during the Kamino Bust, so this is him coming face to face with the image he's created and seeing the differences between them, and how his image continues to live on even after he's almost completely Quirkless. The lady cleaning the All Might statue shows off the fact that things can be repaired again--that society can be clean (hehe stain pun) again.
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It's interesting to me here how Stain offers the information from Tartarus.
He doesn't care anymore about his life. It's evident. He disagrees with what the LoV is doing, but believes enough in Deku to think that it's time for him to retire the mantle of 'Stain'. Unless this is another test, it's very odd for me to hear that Stain is offering a blade and his life to someone he isn't even sure is All Might.
But the impact of this action reads loud and clear.
This is Stain taking pity on All Might. This is him realizing that All Might too is a person behind the hero. That Toshinori Yagi is incapable of doing anything past the image he had already created. By offering that knife and information on Tartarus, Stain is giving control back to Toshinori. He is giving AM the chance to do something big again to help society's reconstruction. To be a part of the revolution that he so badly deserves to see. That knife is essentially an exit ticket from the sidelines, and one last chance for All Might to be able to see what his image has done for people.
I personally think that the main reason Stain is willing to die then and there by Toshinori's hand, despite not being sure that he is All Might to begin with, is because of the final impact it creates that it isn't about Toshinori Yagi's true power as a person, but the image of All Might. It is because he looks like the symbol of peace, that Stain (the literal HERO KILLER) feels comfortable laying his life in his hands and giving away valuable information.
If that isn't a great testament to the power of AM's image, I don't know WHAT is.
I guess all I have to say is I absolutely love what Stain did in this chapter. Everything felt so incredibly symbolic and emotional and as someone who absolutely ADORES All Might and what he stands for in the story, this felt like a cool balm after seeing Deku tragically reject his bento box a good few chapters ago. I have a few more opinions about symbolism, and how I think Deku's generation of heroes is going to stray from the old gen, but I think that's a discussion for another time.
Thanks for reading 'til the end!
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ao3-deviance · 3 years
5 times Bakugou thought "I love Kirishima" +1 time he said it.
Kirishima was the sun.
Warm and bright and large enough personality for others to orbit. It hurt Bakugou's chest for him to stare at him too long, eyes tracing his scar, his smile. His laugh caused the same heat down his spine as a sun flare, sudden and all-consuming, bringing a flush to his face.
Bakugou loved him.
He didn't lie to himself. He didn't really lie at all. Bakugou was curious after USJ, more interested after the Sports Festival. It was after Kamino that it hit him, when he was alone after police interviews and fussing parents and worried hospital staff. He was in his bed, staring at an All Might nightlight that hasn't been used since he turned four and decreed that only babies were scared of the dark. His blankets were tight around him, heavy, and they both suffocated him and kept him grounded. Bakugou wanted to hide under them completely; he wanted to shove them off and run. Closing his eyes brought back memories he didn't want, the feeling of All for One's aura, Dabi's hands on his neck, chains and muzzles and wisps of dark shadows, cool on his skin. He had goosebumps.
His phone lit up with a text. Bakugou hadn't touched his phone since getting back, but now he reached for it, desperate for a distraction.
'Hey, bro. Are you finally home? Wasn't sure if they'd keep you at the hospital.'
Bakugou swallowed. His fingers were shaking so badly he had to type extra slowly.
'Yeah. I'm home.'
Even that much felt like too much. He found his finger hovering over the 'Send' button. Without reason, his eyes welled up and he let the tears run silently. He was so tired. He was so scared. He needed to sleep. He didn't want to let his guard down.
He didn't press 'Send.' He pressed 'Call.'
"Bakugou?" Kirishima answered on the first ring.
"Kirishima," Bakugou rasped. He clutched his phone tightly, eyes burning as he stared at the nightlight.
"What can I do?" He didn't ask if Bakugou was okay. He clearly wasn't. Bakugou swallowed.
"Talk to me," Bakugou asked quietly. "Don't hang up."
"Okay. Want to hear what Kaminari did?" Bakugou hummed and Kirishima went into his story. Bakugou didn't know if it was true, he didn't care, and at some point he realized he was listening more to Kirishima's tone than the actual words. He blinked tiredly, a bold three a.m. showing on his phone.
"Kirishima," he interrupted. The other grew quiet. It was the first long pause he'd taken. Bakugou didn't understand someone having that much to say. He was so grateful. "You can go to bed now."
"Nah, I'm okay," Kirishima denied. He laughed. "It's not often you let me talk your ear off. Just let me get done with this story. It's okay if you fall asleep."
Bakugou didn't interrupt him again, eyes hooding, blinking slower and slower until they were too heavy to lift. He hummed whenever Kirishima had a brief pause, to show he was still listening. The dark wasn't so scary with Kirishima's voice around him, taking up space and shining his light.
"Bakugou?" The voice was far away, distant, but soft, fond. "Sleep well, man. I'm here. Always got your back."
When Bakugou woke up hours later, near ten, he saw their call still connected. He smiled, ending it and sending Kirishima a text.
'Thank you.'
It wasn't until a couple hours later when Bakugou got a response.
Bakugou's chest bloomed, warmth chasing the chill that had lingered all day away from his bones. The corner of his mouth lifted in a small smile.
He loved Kirishima.
Bakugou couldn't decide if Kirishima was oblivious or being patient.
Bakugou had a reputation. No one touched him casually, he didn't go out of his way for others, he wasn't nice. But Kirishima could drape himself over his back while he was cooking, he could throw his arm around his neck, he could lay his head in his lap, he could brush his hands through Bakugou's hair. The blond allowed it, relished it even. When Kirishima was hungry, Bakugou was already cooking, dishing out two plates instead of one. When Kirishima needed help studying, Bakugou had his books out. When Kirishima was down, Bakugou was quick to offer either his shoulder for the other to hide, rest, or offer his own brand of encouragement, blunt words of sincerity, when the other felt insecure or not good enough.
Bakugou loved quietly, through action. He didn't know any other way. He certainly hadn't learned the words from his parents, hadn't learned the touch of love either. His mom's love was a slap on the back of his head and his dad's love was an apologetic gaze.
Kirishima sighed, slumping tiredly over their homework. He dramatically dropped to the side, head landing in Bakugou's lap.
"I can't take any more tonight, bro. My brain's maxed out."
Bakugou glanced down. The other had his eyes closed, not looking like he had any intention of moving anytime soon. He looked at the clock. They'd been at it for two hours.
"I guess we've done enough tonight," Bakugou relented, probably too easily if the way Kirishima opened his eyes to look up at him in wonder meant anything. Bakugou grabbed a handful of his hair, shaking his head a little, trying to save face. "But don't think I'm going easy on you next time."
Kirishima smiled. "Wouldn't ever doubt you, man."
Bakugou felt warm at that, something clenching in his chest and going all the way down to his toes. His toes curled a little, nervous, and then he softened his hold on his hair, daring to comb his fingers through the red strands. Kirishima melted against him, turning his head into Bakugou's touch.
The quiet was comfortable. Kirishima didn't seem inclined to fill it and Bakugou felt settled. He couldn't remember ever feeling like this while in the presence of someone else: calm, relaxed, peaceful. If this was what he got, if this friendship was the full extent of what Kirishima would offer, Bakugou would accept it. He used to see love as a weakness, a hurdle that could keep him from becoming number one, but he saw now that he was wrong.
Loving Kirishima was simple, the easiest thing he'd ever done.
Maybe Kirishima was oblivious. Maybe he knew how Bakugou felt and was waiting for Bakugou to bring it up. Or maybe he knew and was just comfortable where they were too.
Right now it didn't really matter all that much. At that moment, the only thing that mattered was Kirishima's head on his lap, Bakugou's hand in his hair, and the smile on the redhead's face.
Bakugou slammed his door shut, standing in the middle of the room. His eyes closed, fists clenched. His whole body ached from his fight with Deku; his chest ached from the sting of failure. He knew which was worse.
He was a little relieved, to be honest, that he and Deku had managed to reach some sort of a truce. He knew he was the one who'd caused the rift, who'd misread Deku's intent for years, who'd pushed and lashed out instead of communicating. He could make excuses, but he wouldn't. He had bullied Deku. He would own up to his own failures.
He dropped his head, clenching his teeth against the welling tears. The feeling of failure was heavy over him tonight. He'd failed to get his provisional license. He'd failed his promise to himself to not turn into his mother, with harsh words and a harsher hand. He'd failed Deku, who was once his first friend. He'd failed All Might. Aizawa. Kirishima. Himself. Failure, failure, failure--
A knock at the door.
Bakugou exhaled shakily. He heard his door open softly.
Kirishima's voice was gentle, quiet. Inquisitive. Bakugou knew the moment the other had actually seen him and taken him in, hearing a quick hiss between sharp teeth.
"Dude, what happened? Are you okay? What--"
"Kirishima," Bakugou rasped, cutting him off. Kirishima's jaw clicked shut audibly and Bakugou heard him shuffle closer.
Bakugou felt something in him cracking. He was exhausted, hurting, and he wanted nothing more than to let go. He was trembling all over, losing control, and he bit his lip, tasting iron. He looked up, meeting the other's gaze for the briefest of moments. Kirishima’s eyes widened and then he immediately came into Bakugou's space, arms wrapping around him and pulling him close. Bakugou grasped his shirt automatically, forehead dropping on the other's shoulder and gasping as a sob broke through, bringing his walls crumbling down. Kirishima held him tightly, secure and warm, and Bakugou couldn't find the will to fight him, letting him hold him up as he cried.
When he finally managed to start getting himself back under control, he was completely wiped, head pounding with a headache. He sniffled, pulling back to wipe at his face roughly.
"Sorry," he murmured, voice raspy.
"Hey, no, no," Kirishima whispered back, hands hovering like he wanted to reach out and touch him again but wasn't sure if he could. "Don't apologize. I'm always here for you," he promised.
Bakugou swallowed, exhaustion weighing him down, but he still felt a wave of affection, managing a small smile and finally lifting his eyes to meet Kirishima's. The redhead smiled at him with relief and Bakugou could've melted under such a soft look. Daringly, he reached out, meeting Kirishima halfway and taking his hand, giving the smallest of tugs.
"Will you stay?" Bakugou whispered, hesitant.
Kirishima stepped closer again, his hug something slower, softer, with less desperation to hold Bakugou together and more purpose of imbibing warmth back into the blond's bones. Bakugou melted against him, arms wrapping around his waist.
"Let's go to bed," Kirishima said. Bakugou nodded and they both climbed into his bed, Kirishima flicking the lights off. Perhaps it was strange that it wasn't strange, but it was as easy as breathing for Bakugou to rest next to Kirishima, lying on his side facing him. Kirishima took his hand, intertwining their fingers, smiling sleepily. Bakugou's eyes hooded and he squeezed his hand.
It hadn't been a good day, definitely not what he'd expected when he'd gone into the exam. He had a lot of work to do to catch up. But he didn't feel so hopelessly defeated now, not with the shining redhead next to him. He would move forward.
He could imagine his future, being a pro. He'd been imagining being Number One since he was five. But this time when he thought about it, he wasn't alone. There was someone at his side, a sturdy horse, a shield, a partner. His heart thumped heavily at the idea. Funny how he'd never considered the long term of loving Kirishima. Having him by his side, working through the ranks together, taking down villains together. Bakugou smiled at the idea. He peeked an eye open to see Kirishima already asleep, breathing soft and even. Then he lifted their hands to his lips, kissing the back of Kirishima's hand softly before finally letting himself rest.
Seeing the raid on TV, their class' first clue into what secret mission the others were involved in, was surprising.
Bakugou wasn't worried. He wasn't. As they watched what little footage the newscasters could get from such a far distance, he had faith in his classmates. He'd even seen Deku's green lightning, seen a couple people floating, a flash of green with a long tongue.
He didn't see red.
He wasn't worried.
Kirishima was strong. He knew he was. He trusted him. He trusted the heroes with them. Aizawa was with them, there was no way--
A glimpse of red. On a stretcher, stark against the white. Bakugou froze.
Fatgum was almost unrecognizable, thinner than Bakugou had ever seen him, moving slowly next to the stretcher.
Red was a common color. Fatgum was close to a lot of heroes. It didn't mean it was--
As they loaded the stretcher into the ambulance, the camera caught a glimpse of his hair. Someone gasped, someone else cried out with concern. The class erupted into worried shouts.
Fear churned in his gut, bitter at the back of his throat. Kirishima had to be okay. He had to be.
The waiting was the worst.
When they finally got word that most of their classmates were coming home the next day, there was a sigh of relief. But they'd said most. Kirishima had to stay for a couple more days.
Bakugou felt distracted as he tried to make himself focus, taking more detailed notes than usual so he could give a copy to the redhead. He'd tutor him anyways, but it usually helped Kirishima if he had the steps written out for him too.
Between classes, training, and his special classes to make up for his failure at the provisional license exam, he never got a chance to visit Kirishima at the hospital, though he knew some of the others had. It made guilt nearly overwhelm him that he didn't. He wanted to see Kirishima, wanted to be there for him like he was for Bakugou. He needed to do something.
The night they were finally letting Kirishima come back to the dorms, Bakugou felt inexplicable fear. They hadn't talked. He hadn't visited. He didn't want to see Kirishima upset, didn't want to see if it didn't matter to the other; either way, his heart clenched. He went to bed early, a retreat, ignoring Kaminari's teasing. He was running and he knew it.
It was hours later when he heard footsteps shuffling in the hall. Slow and heavy with exhaustion. He heard them pause, but there wasn't the sound of a door. He sat up like a bolt when he heard a sniffle, staring wide-eyed at his door. He didn't wait.
Kirishima looked over at him with surprise as he came from his room. There were silent tracks of tears down his face and he was trying to find his roomkey. He wiped at his face roughly.
"Bakugou? I thought you went to sleep, man, sorry, did I wake you? I didn't mean to--"
Bakugou cut off his babbling, grabbing him around the shoulders tightly and pulling him into a hug. Kirishima melted against him, hiding his face against his shoulder. Bakugou squeezed him tighter when he felt a sob break through, wracking through Kirishima's frame before he gasped for breath.
"I broke," Kirishima croaked out through tears. "I'm pathetic. I failed. I couldn't even do the one thing--"
"Hey, the mission was successful," Bakugou growled. He didn't know the details--no one did outside of those involved, it was highly classified--but he knew it had involved the little girl he'd seen around a few times and he knew they'd been successful. He knew Kirishima had helped with it. He didn't have to know anything else. "You didn't fail. You were a shield. And you got back up when they knocked you down." He squeezed him. "You're strong, Kirishima. So strong."
Kirishima keened, a low whine. His hands twitched as he held onto Bakugou.
"Would you...Could I...Can you...please?"
Bakugou didn't need him to ask.
"Come on, let's go to bed," Bakugou murmured, helping Kirishima open his door with steadier hands before coaxing the other into bed. Then Bakugou crawled in behind him, covering his back and placing himself between Kirishima and the door. The redhead sniffled, clutching at the hand Bakugou rested over his stomach tightly.
"Bakugou, I--"
"Shh," Bakugou shushed him gently, squeezing his hand back. "I've got you. Not going anywhere."
Kirishima turned into the pillow, pressing back against him as he seemed to silently plead for comfort. Bakugou held him tightly.
"I'm so proud of you," Bakugou whispered. Kirishima cried out, turning suddenly and latching onto Bakugou, hiding his face against his neck.
"Thank you," Kirishima murmured once he'd calmed down.
The only words Bakugou could manage to say were "Always got your back," but with the way Kirishima had hummed, contentedly nuzzling under his chin, melting against him and intertwining their limbs, Bakugou hoped he'd heard the silent I love you underneath it.
The blond smiled, closing his eyes. If Kirishima hadn't heard it, it would be okay.
He'd say it out loud one day.
Bakugou grinned. Kirishima instantly returned it, making grabbing hands.
"Show me, show me, show me!"
Bakugou sighed like it was some hardship but he didn't wipe away his smile as he handed over his new hero license.
"License and a debut on the same day," Kirishima said, shaking his head and chuckling. "You're always so dramatic, man."
"Not my fault the shitty villains picked a bad time." Bakugou was not preening. He wasn't. He wasn't.
"Looks good," Kirishima said, eyes on his license. "You even took a good pic." He glanced up. "Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight?"
"It's a fucking good name," Bakugou argued, snatching his license back.
Kirishima laughed. "No, no, Dynamight fits you." He looked to the side slyly. "I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with anyone who we may know and may be in this room mentioning looking for inspiration from existing heroes that you looked up to or anything like that."
Bakugou shoved him lightly. "Fucker. Least I didn't steal All Might's whole-ass name. It's original."
"Hey, Red Riot's original!"
"You just picked a damn synonym!"
"But it's original."
"Red and Crimson aren't that different."
"Dynamight and All Might aren't that different."
"Oi," Bakugou growled, teeth grinding. Kirishima giggled and Bakugou instantly deflated. "Whatever," he mumbled. "Thanks for the idea, I guess. Couldn’t think of shit." He swiped his thumb over the lamented surface of his license. "And hey, don't, uh. Don't tell anyone my name yet. I want to do it properly."
Kirishima's smile softened and he nodded. "Okay, I won't. Thanks for telling me."
Bakugou snorted. "Fucking duh I'd tell you. You're--" he paused.
My best friend. Special. Home. The only one that matters. The one I love.
Kirishima bit his lip. "Yeah?" He whispered, like he'd heard it all and more. Bakugou swallowed.
"Yeah," he rasped.
"You too, Katsuki," Kirishima murmured. "I'd tell you too."
Bakugou set his license aside, eyes looking over their homework and taking nothing in. "I'll, uh...I'll tell you the rest too. One day," he promised quietly, not looking up. He could still hear the smile in Kirishima's voice and it made his chest warm, made his face turn red.
"I know you will," Kirishima assured him. "I'm not going anywhere."
I love you so much, Bakugou thought.
They both went back to their homework. And if their empty hands migrated closer until they were holding hands, well. They'd talk about it one day.
They weren't going anywhere.
"I love you."
Kirishima looked at him, surprised, before tilting his head and smiling warmly.
Bakugou grabbed his hand before he could say anything, lacing their fingers. "Come hiking with me this weekend."
Kirishima swung their hands together as they walked.
"Okay," he agreed easily.
Bakugou leaned against his side and they both ambled without any rush. Class was over, tomorrow was a free day, and everything had just seemed perfect enough today that the words had come out without much thought by Bakugou. He was glad they had.
"By the way, I love you too," Kirishima added belatedly.
Bakugou chuckled. "Yeah. I know."
Kirishima burst into loud laughter. Bakugou couldn't help but follow him, squeezing his hand as he laughed. Kirishima was the sun, and Bakugou was nothing but a sunflower, always seeking him out, always hoping for just a few more minutes of his time.
Bakugou loved Kirishima.
And Kirishima loved him back.
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 329 Quick Spoiler Notes
So, I’ve been sick for the past couple of days (tested negative for COVID thank god) and my energy levels have been lower than usual.  I’m better now, but still low energy.  Because of this, I don’t have a Spoiler Analysis this week.  Instead a few quick notes:
I’m glad Horikoshi has acknowledged Spinner as being a mainly a bodyguard up until now.  Spinner’s an interesting character, but he hasn’t done a lot.  So, it’s interesting to know that Spinner’s become kind of an icon for people with mutant-type quirks who feel like they’ve been discriminated against.  I wonder if he’s going to have an even bigger role in the future.
Interesting that we didn’t see Mr. Compress in this chapter at all.  The rest of the LoV are shown, but Compress isn’t.  Then again, I think he’s still being treated at Central Hospital last we heard.  Horikoshi has mentioned bringing him back again one day, though. 
Of course AFO is playing 4-D chess while everyone else is playing checkers.  It makes sense that the most evil dude on the planet would have influence all over the world.  The whole world is screwed until someone can beat that potato-faced jerk to a pulp for good.
Bro, we need to know Star & Stripe’s Quirk.  If she’s the most powerful woman in the world and if AFO thinks her Quirk is THAT big of a game-changer, then it’s gotta be insane.  Like, we gotta know what it is.
We still don’t know where Toga is, but she’s alive.  Dabi’s in a forest somewhere too for some reason.  Maybe to train himself for when he inevitably fights Shoto and Endeavor. IDK...
And Shigaraki’s awake and ready to reek havoc on everyone and their mother.  Including Star & Stripe.  God, I’m so worried for her.  I want her to live so badly.  She must be strong enough to hold her own against Shigaraki, but also IT’S SHIGARAKI!!!  Dude nearly massacred some of Japan’s best heroes, Deku, Shoto, Bakugo, Nejire, Iida, you name ‘em.  Ngl, if she dies the in the next few chapters, I’m throwing hands at Horikoshi. 
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pwnyta · 3 years
You know I haven’t read BNHA in years but… from what I gather through your ranting… I just have a feeling that Horikoshi is incapable of writing about serious problems in a mature way. OR he wants to do it, but bc of the fact that his core audience consists of teens he just. Can’t? Like, bro, you would think that an ADULT manga ka would know that to write a disgusting, abusive father and then give him an easy redemption is wrong. Like. Cmon? Get a grip? I understand that his reasoning to give Endeavor redemption probably have something to do with how popular this character is… but you know, I still can’t get over the fact how easy this whole thing is going for Shouto. As I said, I haven’t read manga in years, but the last time I remember Endeavor trying to win his son’s forgiveness was kind of played for laughs? I mean, listen, I wasn’t abused like Shoto, but I remember several times when my parents would threaten me with violence and those moments will forever be with me, and I am a full grown adult. The fact that Shoto so easily got over the fear of his abusive father and started to treat him more like a joke is… appalling? What I am trying to say is that for an ADULT Horikoshi sure feels like a teenage kid who doesn’t understand that physical/mental abuse can scar someone for life. Like, look at both Deku and Shoto. Sure, the level of abuse is very different, but still! The fact that the victims just “get over” their trauma for the sake of plot, while their abuser hardly get any punishment SUCK. Like, i believe no one have ever found out that B*kugo was bullying Deku for years? I mean, if I knew this information about my classmate I sure as hell would have thought worse of him. And the fact that part of Enji’s shitty actions are now blamed on his kids is just… BRUH. Sorry, my thoughts are all over the place, I’m just so angry. That’s exactly the reason why I’ve dropped BNHA years ago, I just feel that mangaka talks about a lot of hard/heavy/interesting themes, but he never elaborates on them and when he does, it usually goes to shit ://
Yeah its not great. It didnt get better at all.
There was a bit of a tonal dissonance to how Endeavors abuse was introduced as this horrific, intense moment that deeply effected Shoto and the rest of his family in a way he couldnt break until someone got through to him and helped him take the first step into moving on from it...
To Horikoshi bending over backwards to make Endeavor look better and even throwing Dabi under the bus... who in the previous flashback was shown to get on with his siblings just fine to him being deranged and trying to murder a literal baby out of jealousy. Effectively ruining both Dabi and Endeavors story because Horikoshi didnt know how to redeem Endeavor any other way.
I mean were shown him being abusive to his wife again in a later flashback sure but seeing good guy Endeavor so butthurt that All Might is better than him that he does a complete 180 and becomes this monster for 10 years is so fucking weird and just makes it obvious that that was never what Horikoshi planned...
And he really laid it on thick with Hawks and his literally out of nowhere flashback to show he'd been through something similar just so he could go 'Well I dont think Endeavors bad.' or to have Deku brush it off of all people...
And Shoto never having any real say or attachment to Endeavor during basically this whole situation?
I can understand how it could be insulting to people whove been through this (my dad and my moms next boyfriend were abusive to my mom but I was a baby at the time so I dont actually remember) but even beyond that... even just as a storyline its just badly written. Endeavor is such a poorly written shitbag character.
I suspect Horikoshi is trying to make him well liked so he can kill him in a blaze of glory with Dabi... the whole dance in hell thing... but who knows.
But yeah I get it. Its like he chickens out in the end and wants to please fans more than write something that has a strong point.
Ive always had a problem with Horikoshis treatment of characters like Bakugo and Endeavor and it has extended to villain characters like Overhaul as well who literally dont have anything going for them.
Maybe im too desensitized for a 'this shitty violent abusive guy is kinda sad now :'''C isnt that so sad???? Isnt this a good character moment?!?' storyline.... But especially from Horikoshi because hes so fucking bad at it.
I know he can write a good bad guy... Stain still holds up somehow.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 278: MOMO IN CHARGE
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Kacchan were all “SIR, THAT’S OUR EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SENSEI” and got really ferocious and made a very passionate attempt to blow Tomura up and it was great. It basically did nothing, but it was still great. AFO was all “COME HERE LIL BRO”, and Tomura was all “silly Sensei, you can’t just take over my mind and body just like that”, and he was very confident of this despite there really being no evidence to back it up, but okay! Gran was all “time to make the fandom mad at me” and grabbed Tomura by the collar and yelled at him about Nana a bit, and then Bakugou and Endeavor made an even MORE passionate attempt to blow up Tomura, which may or may not have done some actual damage. The chapter ended with Gigantomachia battling Mt. Lady, just kinda out of the blue, which is FINE, but she had better be all right, though!
Today on BnHA: Everyone is all “WAUGHH IT’S GIGANTOMACHIA” and running around freaking out about it. The U.A. alums all kick some ass, and pretty much everyone else not from U.A. does jack fucking shit. Mt. Lady, who I plan on naming all of my future children after, does her best to stop Machia but he keeps flinging her aside. Kamui Woods is all “here I come with Midnight to put Gigantomachia to sleep!” and is PROMPTLY FUCKING MURDERED!? by Dabi because he’s a flammable tree man, and so Midnight falls all the way to the ground and is badly injured. So then she’s all “well I better call the most competent person I can think of to fix this mess” and dials up YAOYOROZU FUCKING MOMO, who proceeds to take charge LIKE THE BOSS SHE IS, and mobilizes the rest of the kids. And honestly I have more faith in them than in any of the adults at this point, so yeah, you know what? Let’s do this.
so I am possibly a bit spoiled on this chapter because I did a “top five predictions” post earlier this week, and someone replied to that yesterday on Thursday saying that they were mostly correct. I don’t know exactly how close to the mark I was though, and in any case most of the predictions were just “so-and-so shows up, probably”, so it’s not too bad. we’ll see how it goes!
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I mean, CLEARLY they’re all about to be in horrible danger, seeing as Jirou is about to inform them of the whole “THE BIG GUY EVERYONE WAS AFRAID ABOUT WAKING UP WOKE UP” thing, but in the meantime at least Kami and Toadette and Honenuki made it back to the group safely
also Kaminari’s use of “Jirou-Jack” here is fucking inspired and I want him to teach a class on nicknames. isn’t he the one who coined “Yaomomo” as well? this boy has a gift and it needs to be appreciated
so Jirou is all “SOMETHING REALLY BIG IS COMING”, and actually she says “INSANELY HUGE”, which if anything is still an understatement, hard as it is to believe
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“A BAD GUY IS HEADING THIS WAY?? SOUNDS LIKE IT’S TIME TO ABANDON THE CHILDREN IN THE WOODS” kjlfakh okay you know what?? fine!! you weren’t even going to do anything anyway so let’s not pretend!!
holy shit it’s like Mt. Lady isn’t even there
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look at those speed lines!! goddamn. I just felt this huge rush of empathy for Mt. Lady though. like can you imagine growing up with this super-destructive quirk, and managing to become a hero with it against all odds, and having to put up with the manga making fun of you all the time just because sometimes you have a tendency to DESTROY A LOT OF STUFF, but it’s not like you can help it!! but the upside has always been that when your quirk is on, you are fucking UNSTOPPABLE though. so even though it’s been a hell of a rough ride for you, it’s worth it because you’re a complete badass and the number of people who can beat you out in terms of sheer physical strength is probably in the single digits. and you’re working really hard too, and lately you’ve been moving up through the ranks and actually becoming a damn fine hero if I do say so myself (and I do), and it’s like, about time though?? like finally, finally it is all starting to come together for you. and then this snarling trashrock person suddenly comes stampeding along and you put your all into trying to stop him, and it doesn’t even do a damn thing. like, holy shit. that’s just not fucking fair and YOU DESERVE BETTER, MT. LADY
anyway so she’s still hanging in there for now though so let’s check in with our villain squad riding on his back
lmaooo they’re all “I don’t even understand what is going on here”
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YOU GUYS, THIS IMPLIES THAT THEY WERE ALL PLUCKED OFF THE GROUND BY THE SCRUFFS OF THEIR NECKS AND THEY HAD ABSOLUTELY NO SAY IN THE MATTER OMG. like I’m picturing Spinner being held by his cape pinched in between Machia’s thumb and forefinger, and awkwardly trying to lecture him like a mom with his hands on his hips all, “BAD GIGANTOMACHIA! NO! NOOOUAGH -- !” and cutting off with a yelp as he’s dropped onto his back
and I am glad they got Toga some clothes! I like to think Gigantomachia grabbed those for her as well. so thoughtful
wow Skeptic actually wants to go back to Re-Destro??
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color me legit impressed. I underestimated your loyalty my dude. and let me also just take this moment to extend my gratitude toward Horikoshi for leaving the rest of the MLA out of it because good fucking riddance to them, goodbye forever hopefully!!
I guess they’ll be needing Skeptic’s quirk down the line for some reason? maybe he is meant to be like a new, less out-of-control Twice. smdh y’all out here trying to replace your dead buddy like a pet goldfish
who is this “they” Dabi is referring to
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do you mean the heroes? lol yeah I guess they’re pretty distracted by the literal fucking kaijuu you’re currently piggybacking on
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“the Jakku team must’ve made a mistake” BOY, I’LL SAY. you know what, don’t even talk to me about that yet. it’s still too fresh. suffice it to say that your suspicions are correct and things in Jakku are not very daijobu right about now
anyway here’s a closeup of this bubble person just cuz
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they are everything and I want them to be my friend. also there’s a squid person a few paces behind them who can probably do anything a squid can do. or they might actually be a shark person, actually. I don’t know. either way I love them
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1) hey so Cementoss is legit terrifying who’d’ve thought
and 2), did Cementoss always have a mouthful of gigantic perfect teeth each the size of a slice of bread, or is this just something I’m only noticing now because I’m behind the curve. either way, let me just say sincerely, DKJDLKFJLSKJG
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@waywardfacegarden​ you asked the other day which are the characters I actually dislike, and this is one of them lol. he’s just a big ol’ prick, and on top of that has the audacity to not even be interesting in any way so as to balance it out. anyway so apologies to any Re-Destro stans out there but I basically spend every panel he’s in hoping that someone will punch him in the face hard enough to finally make him shut up
anyway so my man Edgeshot is here though, finally!! but of all the people for him to fight! this is a real predicament for me. the most soothing character in the series contrasted with the character who grates my nerves the most. Edgeshot’s sexy ASMR voice is gonna be drowned out by all of RD’s punching and self-important ranting in the anime and I’m lowkey devastated but I’m gonna pull myself together and read on
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Edge, if you can liberate us from having to put up with his insufferable ass once and for all I will be so grateful to you. can you do this. please. for me
and it looks like some other boring MLA villains are following along behind Machia so I’m gonna need someone to kick their asses as well. please
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okay so now I see what that comment on my prediction post was referring to lol. I did indeed have my fingers crossed that these two would show up again, and sure enough! THE GANG’S ALL HERE YAY
and Mt. Lady is being sumoed aside!
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anyone want tonight’s lotto numbers. during this brief fleeting moment of having my predictions be actually credible, I would just like to say that Hagakure is the U.A. traitor. thank you and goodnight
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HE LOOKS SO PANICKED?? OUT OF THE BLUE I SHIP IT SO MUCH?? I keep forgetting they’re on the same team and stuff and wow, I need to calm down
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I wonder if her quirk will actually be enough to take him down? this is something I’ve been itching to see for a long time, actually. just how powerful is she? we know her quirk is more effective on males than females, but is anyone actually capable of resisting it? imagine if she really did just knock Gigantomachia out after all of this buildup. that would be some god-tier shit omg, DO IT
(ETA: I am just going to assume that since Horikoshi had to go to elaborate lengths to take her out of the fight, this means that her quirk really was capable of knocking them all out. another tragic case of Too Badass For The Plot. y’all better respect Midnight.)
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is she stripping. you know what -- don’t think about it. I won’t let you ruin this for me Horikoshi. Midnight’s gonna be a badass because the ladies are fucking ruling this arc and that’s all there is to it
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oh thank god, she’s all right. BUT KAMUI ISN’T THOUGH DLKJSFLKSJDG??!
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did Kamui Woods just... die
(ETA: okay but for real, is there an actual curse in effect on the Billboard Top Ten right now, though?? did one of them accidentally disturb the tomb of some ancient king??)
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( ・ั﹏・ั)
oH MY GOD!?!
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(ETA: Horikoshi is seriously just yanking our chain at this point. when Majestic finally does show up, he or she better have the coolest fucking quirk of all time, that’s all I’m saying.)
okay how badly injured is Midnight here, though?? she just fell all that way?? DO I NEED TO BE REALLY MAD. I CAN WORK MY WAY UP TO IT PRETTY QUICKLY, JUST SAY THE WORD. I’M ALREADY HALFWAY THERE HONESTLY. WHERE’S KAMUI WOODS
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holy shit. “a quirk that can stop that thing,” she says. and goes and calls YAOYOROZU FUCKING MOMO y’all I am barely holding myself back from SCREAMING right now I...
you guys
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you guys. if Midnight and Yaomomo team up to take down Gigantofuckingmachia using some sort of MOMO MADE A MACHINE TO SPREAD MIDNIGHT’S QUIRK strategy, or whatnot?? I will fucking die on the spot. you can end the manga right there. Kacchan you can keep your quirk I don’t even care
“IT MIGHT BE AGAINST THE LAW” lmaooooo insert John Mulaney “WE’RE WELL PAST THAT” gif here. holy shit. listen, that is fine. if anything it’s even better
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(((( ;°Д°))))
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[GRABS HORIKOSHI BY THE COLLAR] listen, you. if you only just now, for the first time ever, gave us a lady hero actually mentoring another lady hero, which we have somehow NEVER HAD BEFORE in almost three hundred chapters, only for you to then KILL OFF THE MENTOR IN THE MIDDLE OF HER GODDAMN SPEECH TO THE MENTOREE, I will... there’s... I’ll... okay, listen. DON’T. THERE WILL BE A RECKONING. CAPSLOCK SUCH AS THIS WORLD HAS NEVER WITNESSED!!
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so the other kids are all “what the fuck” and “so Momo’s in charge??” which, YES!!! IT’S THE ONE GOOD PART ABOUT ALL THIS SO DON’T YOU DARE QUESTION IT
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hell, it’s not even just an “I believe in you” thing, because it’s not just belief, it’s fact. you motherfucking can do this, you are the most capable and brilliant student in 1-A, you just gotta have faith and let yourself shine!!
so now there are some more panels of Machia running and the villains and heroes fighting, blah blah blah. and Momo screwing up her face as she makes her decision...
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lol she’s all “Jirou use your ears and scientifically calculate how long it’ll take him to get here”, and Jirou is all “I can literally fucking see him, he’s gonna be on top of us in like two seconds” WELL OKAY THEN
thank god there are no adult pros left to fuck this up. is that weird that this is a real and honest and completely sincere thought that just ran through my head? like, at this point if any of the adults were around I’d just be afraid of them dying honestly. but with the kids I actually feel real hope that they’re somehow gonna do this. of course it helps that unlike the adults they’re pretty safe from being killed off
also! way to represent the entirety of class 1-B there Honenuki lulz. sorry, The Rest of Class 1-B
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lmao at Shouji using his power of “putting some extra eyeballs on my arms” to inform everyone that Gigantomachia is Right Over There and Very Big
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good job Shouji
oh my glob I have so much love for Momo right now that it can’t even fucking be contained. brb wildly flailing my hands around a little to try and release some of this excess excitement
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maybe Momo can be president instead and Mt. Lady can be the vice president
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Kaminari is so fucking brave right now I just want to crush him in a hug?! we know he’s still scared!! look at his eyes!! and he was freaking the hell out earlier too, and now the situation is much worse! but he doesn’t give a fuck because his friends need him! he is ready to be a hero, my little baby boy is all grown up and I’m so proud??
Mineta’s face in the bottom right corner is everything. I know, I know, boooo Mineta, but that’s still the best face anyone has made in the entirety of this manga
Tetsutetsu’s out here all “I humbly request to also represent class 1-B” and Momo is all “okay fine I guess we can have two of you guys”
can we all just stop for a moment to appreciate how KamiJirouMomo is alive and well. like, we had interactions between all three of them in this chapter, in all possible permutations? do you know how happy this makes me?? I am vibrating with joy??!
I really can’t stress this enough -- I have no clue at all what these little soda can things are (anesthetic, I guess??? you know, like how you sometimes buy cans of anesthetic at the supermarket?? what do you mean you don’t do that??), or what they’re gonna do with them. I have like negative clues. but DAMNED IF I GIVE ONE SINGLE FUCK. the next chapter can be them all fucking hurling them at his face for all I care. THE DETAILS OF HOW SHE KICKS HIS ASS DO NOT MATTER!! GOOD MORNING TO YAOMOMO AND YAOMOMO ONLY!! MY MOMO ACADEMIA
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
Uh dude?? Hello!? Your burnt izuku au? Absolutely fucking slayed me! Baby Izu and big bro Dabi? Iconic. Burnt punk bros? We stan. The angst? Immaculate!
gfhfg Thank you! I have a few directions I’m thinking about going into, but some ideas I’m sold on include:
Izuku stubbornly teaching himself and Dabi the rest of their middle school curriculum seeing as neither actually finished. 
Izuku making friends with Dabi’s neighbour, Bubaigawara Jin. Izuku is trying to teach himself to cook because he’s pretty sure Dabi is going to get scurvy one of these days and Jin kinda just joins in some days. (Izuku’s presence as someone he can trust ends up preventing his major breakdown, but he still has DID). Izuku accidentally prevents two people from becoming real villains through sheer force of personality.
100% having he and Dabi do some less than legal, Stain like stuff. Izuku isn’t a fan of the whole murder thing so what they end up doing is Izuku writes was is basically a really well-sourced hit piece and then they beat the crap out of the Hero to make sure it gets into the news. Also, general vigilante stuff because Izuku is a chronic hero and Dabi wants him to stay alive.
100% become Aizawa’s collective problem. He goes from letting them do their thing without to much bothering to trying to take them in in earnest when he realises just how badly burnt the two of them are and how young Izuku is. He's determined he's going to get these two medical attention and, hopefully, a way out of their shitty situation. 
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tonya-the-chicken · 3 years
I’m not going to change your views but it does feel a bit dismissive when you say it wasn’t that bad because he had rich parents who neglected him but hey they got a maid for him and he probably wasn’t outcasted or bullied so hey it’s not that bad right 🤷‍♀️! I don’t know he definitely didn’t have the worse out of the villains but I don’t know it felt a bit dismissive is all. Although we need to all remember these are fictional characters so have no idea why the other anon needed to get so aggressive! Also the person in the notes I don’t know how to say it but uh the whole the Todoroki’s had a rich father they didn’t have to work a day in their life take is not a good look. Just because someone has parents with money it doesn’t derail the fact that neglect can cause trauma.
Anyways for the real reason I sent this, you wonder why Dabi is so insane. Well take into account the neglect alongside the fact that he burnt to near death up on that hill alone at the age of what 13? That’s got to be extra traumatising, especially for a child that was already not mentally ok. We also don’t know what his circumstances were like after that fire, like was he homeless? Or picked up by someone nefarious? Kind of like AFO(not him exactly but someone nasty) who maybe fed on his brewing anger and hate instead of positive healing. I’m sure we will find out at some point? I don’t think it was just what happened in the Todoroki household or the fire that broke his mind? There had to be other factors after the fire after his “death”!
[[WARNING!!! I love Dabi as a character but I am not a woobifier so if you are too much into him don't read!!!! No complaints taken, y'all will be blocked for being rude I am too old to deal with people unable to interact with me in good faith (anon it's not for you, you are good and I can't understand your point of view I am just not as good as a person and too old for that shit)]]
I don't think I will change my mind either but I feel like the belief that every trauma is equally bad is just... Simply wrong. Like, we can legit compare this stuff and how badly it affects our brain, what do y'all think psychologists research 🤷‍♀️ Like, your therapist won't tell you this because it's not their job to make you understand you not the centre of the Earth (and it won't help because it is a legit trauma response that is very valid but is annoying you're fucking 25 yo). And to say that, neglectful parenthood is probably the worst parenthood style, as far as I know XD I wrote coursework about this (neglectful bitches are having a lot of need to make us the biggest victims (the bitches is me))... It also feels really American to me? Like, are we going to pretend people who got to live in a nice house and were neglect somehow got it as bad as people living in poverty or warzones? Hello? Imagine telling some orphan "I know you have no parents but actually, my trauma of my father not spending enough time with me is just as severe as yours". Bruh couldn't be me sorry... Like, even taking into account the fact that we can have weaker or stronger nervous systems or be more prone to depressive episodes *looks in the mirror and cries* I simply wouldn't find the guts to say my trauma is as severe as idk people who had physically abusive parents or no parents at all or who were disowned for being gay
And like **again** I am not saying that neglect is not traumatic I WAS NEGLECTED THIS IS TRAUMATIZING AS FUCK. I just am living in a country at war and with lots of discrimination problems and I like... Can't say I am the biggest victim. Sorry I can't though there were times when I was a lot more bitchy especially before being in therapy so I understand where you are coming from and I know what I am saying won't resonate with everyone (it's ok go on your own healing journey I believe in you) but this doesn't mean it is garbage and won't help me or someone else... I've already talked once about it but as a person, I am very easily irritated and envious and really not your local Jesus and partially my trauma turned me like this so being more humble about my sufferings helps me not be a complete bitch (believe me or not but people with traumas and mental illnesses are often insufferable *looks in the mirror* not me though I am perfect... BUT IT IS OK TO BE INSUFFERABLE OK??? like, bitch, that's normal. That's normal to stink when you are depressed it's ok to be a bitch when you are hurting. Forgive yourself because I forgive you (when you are not being an abusive asshole but if you apologize and explain yourself I will forgive that too)
The reason why I talk about the fact he is rich is that I've got a disease called leftism and I am a person of several marginalized identities and since this fandom LOVES looking at characters like real humans, I looked at Dabi this way. And if Dabi was a real human, I wouldn't sympathize with him one bit. I would fucking hate him for being the biggest entitled asshole who commits crimes for the reason his Daddy didn't give him attention. Bitch, my Dad didn't give me attention either! But somehow I don't kill people! And I don't even have money!!!! But like... I am not denying that neglectful parents are not a problem. It is. But he is overreacting, bro. He needs to humble down and recognize the fact he is a fucking idiot (he is). He has inherently so much more resources to recover and heal himself than I had... Yes, I am just being jealous at this point but honestly. Making an entire country suffer for you is not a good thing and y'all need to stop using trauma and mental illness as an excuse for people. No! Being abusive to people because of neglect is not valid, is overreacting and you had no reason to do that. I am dismissing your trauma because you are exaggerating it to make me sympathize with your asshole behaviour. I won't judge people with different sets of standards as I judge myself
I bet it would be dismissive and bad if I said it in conversation with someone who is currently struggling with mental health and is not a murderer. But guess what! I don't talk with humans and my friends the same way I talk on my Tumblr about fictional characters 🤷‍♀️ Not to mention I don't have rich friends akabsksbxm
I think with Dabi there's this whole thing where we saw him at 14 (poor baby boy) and 24 (a grown-ass boy) and... Like, I am so sorry for 14 years old Touya not receiving the help he needs (bruh so relatable) but I am not gonna act like 24 years old bitch can't get his ass to a psychiatrist (extremely unrelatable and infuriating). We shouldn't apply the same standards to kids and adults. We can talk all day long about how society is bad and how our parents ruined us but at some points, you gotta take your life into your own hands and do something and be an adult. And it's fucking hard when you're born with a shitty brain that was fucked up by your parents even more in a society where no one gives a fuck but I sincerely don't know another way to live. You will feel bad and want to die but you either keep on recovering or keep on getting worse and at this point getting worse is Dabi's *choice* That's how I live, that's my framework and I am, of course, extremely fortunate in a lot of ways but I just don't know how are you supposed to survive without the notion that grown people are responsible for themselves and their mental health. We can't act like adults are babies
But as a character, Dabi is fucking hot ngl. Like, do I sometimes want to murder my entire family, make them suffer AND commit terrorist attacks? We all do. Dabi is the dark fantasy of us neglectful bitches craving some attention. Gotta kill the president and tell everyone that my Dad sucks. Imagine the entire country hearing your Dad sucks? That's the juice, that's the dream. Trauma makes you vicious. I get the sentiment. Imagine all those fuckers who made you feel like shit pissing their pants and crying? Imagine your Mom being afraid of you the way you used to be afraid of her? People do have the desire for some violent justice but like... Think of bullied kids committing school shootings. But instead of a kid, it's a grown man who graduated school and who also have a rich father
Ok too much about irl stuff and philosophy shit. I know my way of talking is kinda brute so just know the way I treat people is different from that I treat fictional characters, in particular, I don't call real-life humans submissive and breedable... And stuff...
Damn Dabi is kinda good to project your hatred of your parents in bruh, I should write a fanfic about that (would be cathartic)
To the plotline, I am also very interested in what the hell happened with him after burning because... How the hell he wasn't found? I kind of DON'T want him to be groomed at this point because I feel like it won't be as cool as him just more naturally evolving into what he became. Like, surely, he is an asshole but consider this: as a villain, he is morally obligated to be an asshole
I feel like someone hiding him and Touya overstating the gruesomeness of his living conditions to the dude so he feels *bad* for him and hides him and feels sympathy and Touya gets attention but also begins to reassure himself in the fact his Dad needs to be punished... Idk it's a lot of mystery but I feel like more suffering won't deliver the point the way I want it... I mean it CAN be handled this way and initially I thought a lot about Dabi being brainwashed a bit or having his memories altered so it seems worse to him or even him being groomed or lied too but nowadays I am not into it. I mean I believe in Horikoshi and that he will handle him well 🛐
I talk a lot so I will summarize
If we judge him as a real human
24 yo Dabi - go fuck yourself bitch you older than me and act like a child and kill people, I couldn't care less about your trauma rich boy
If you want me to talk as his psychologist
Yeah, it is painful and sad, I understand him so much and surely, his trauma is valid as is his hatred but probably revenge won't bring him what he wants. And what he wants is love and attention. But he gotta make choices that will lead to his healing. He needs to *want* to heal. And we will step by step go to the healing because it is possible. He is loved and he is enough. AND YOU ALL MOTHERFUCKERS WILL HEAL I BELIEVE IN YOU BESTIES
Also his therapist (behind his back)
You won't believe it but my client is the most infantile attention whore I've ever met
But if we talk about him as a character... Very delicious soup
If you talk with your friends
Please, if your friends are being abusive to you or someone else don't even LET them say how their trauma made them this way. No. Nothing allows you to be an abuser. Call them out and stop them and make them talk to the therapist. Like, surely, there are extreme situations like severe mental illnesses or extreme neglect where we should be more forgiving but babying adults won't do you any good and won't make them recover
Yeah, I guess this is what I forgot to say. When I say "it wasn't that bad" what I mean is that I would be more forgiving to people who had it worse. It's more of a personal measure where I can tolerate stuff from people who had particular traumas or from those who suffered greatly (it's not my place to be a bitch here). I can forgive 14 years old or a poor person for stealing stuff but not the 25-year-old man who got no need for money and is not a kleptomaniac. I would be more forgiving to Shigaraki than to Dabi because Shigaraki was groomed a whole lot. Same for Toga, who is not even an adult or Twice who is a poor orphan. But that doesn't mean I would forgive them completely. All of them are shitty people. It's just that they had fewer resources and possibilities to not be what they became while Dabi had more but he acts like he is extremely hurt and the biggest victim which is like... There will be people like this in your life, please, don't make friends with them, they WILL abuse you
I talked a lot damn. It's adhd I can't shut up
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