#i want axel screentime too
jadeazora · 1 year
More of this dynamic next season please. I want them to get more screentime. 😂
Seems Scary Girl has a thing for Damien('s screams), she definitely acknowledged him the most compared to the rest of the cast.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
My hopes for S2 of the total drama reboot:
More Axel screentime! Honestly, I felt like Ripper really should have got voted out that ep because he was less useful to the team and the nerds were already annoyed by him. It felt like they booted her just because she's like Eva in the episode where they voted off Eva.
Julia keeps the bun the entire season
Maybe I'm getting my hopes up, but Priya x Millie? You can have it be one-sided if you want to make Priya x Damien canon. But they had just as much, if not more romantic tension then the canonically queer couple! (not a bad thing, I love Rajbow too!)
Speaking of Rajbow, I DON'T want season two to introduce artificial drama between them. I don't think it would make sense from a character driven perspective, because Bowie knows how to play the game too well for that. I think that in season two, its likely he'd put his relationship on hold to better persue the million.
Emma Villain arc, but like in a sympathetic way. She really wants to win the million and prolonged Chase exposure might cloud her judgement on what she will do to get it.
Nichelle and Julia alliance. Or just any interaction between them. Please. I need to know how she'll react to Julia's true colors.
Speaking of Julia, I want to see her come back next season with a new fake personality. Maybe have her be a fake gamer girl idk. Nobodies buying it.
For Priya and Millie, I want to see them both working on a book TOGETHER next season. Maybe a total drama survival guide?
Less fart jokes from Ripper. More of a personality that does not revolve around fart jokes from Ripper.
MK learns from her mistakes and gets farther in the next season. I want her to pull a Noah.
In between seasons, Damien watches Total Drama and becomes a fan. Maybe he and Priya geek out about it?
This one's never gonna happen but if the writers make my Autistic!Priya headcanon official I would literally die of :DDD
Either vote Caleb off first again, or give him something distinct from Justin and Alejandro. This is silly, but the first thing I thought of is that he dislikes his looks because its hard to make genuine connections with other people when all everyone wants to do is get in his pants.
More humor based around Zee being an amputee. As a physically disabled person, I thought it was hilarious and handled respectfully.
Bowie and Emma don't become friends again, so WAYNE takes over trying to help Emma out with Chase.
What do you want to see next season?? Please tell me in the RBs I'm curious!
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Missing Potential About Organisation XIII Members
Some things about Organisation XIII members that I thought was a shame we haven't seen (yet)
The events of Chain of Memories being touched on. Like, how do Lea and Riku interact with Aeleus, Ienzo and Even? What about Saïx’s involvement, how much of it was from Xemnas, Saïx or just Axel's initative? Imagine Sora dealing with Marluxia and Larxene in KH3 with their history remembered. And let's not forget Riku Replica.
Marluxia and Larxene actually share very little one-to-one screentime for two villains who are working together, they only have a single short scene in KH3 before other characters show up. What was their relationship as Nobodies like? How did they come to trust each other enough to try and orchestrate a coup together and be loyal enough to die fighting together twice? We know Marluxia didn’t remember his past, but what about Larxene? Does the history of their Somebodies still factor in, even though they might not even remember?
Seeing the Organisation’s earlier history. How and when did they claim the World That Never Was as their base of operations and start working on completing the artificial Kingdom Hearts? How did they all get their powers and weapons and learn how to use them? How was it run before Saïx became mission control, how did he get that job and what kind of training and missions were they assigned to turn it into the Organisation we see in Chain of Memories, Days and 2? What are the details of Axel and Saïx’s story, how they lost their hearts and plotted their coup, how Axel got his teardrop tattoos and how Saïx got that scar and got possessed. How did Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene get recruited (twice)? The original Organisation XIII doesn’t actually get to be an organisation of 13 people for very long, if at all, and there is only a brief period at the beginning of Days where we have a chance to see all members interacting with each other. I know there were at least two coups being plotted but they are never seen acting collectively as a single unit.
Lea still keeps his affinity for fire magic since being recompleted, but what about the other recompleted members of the original Organisation? I’d have to assume that the others still keep their powers post-recompletion too, and if so it’s a shame we don’t get to see the Radiant Garden crew using their powers more. Or Aeleus and Dilan showing off their fighting skills in general (even in a war), they are castle guards after all.
The Radiant Garden crew adjusting back into society after all the human experiments they did, especially if they remain respected authority figures.
Lea losing much of his potential character development in KH3 - exploring what his keyblade and being a wielder means to him, making up for his mistakes and fighting to get his friends back and earning all of those things - in favour of ignoring a lot of the harmful things he did and turning him into comic relief who doesn’t contribute much to the war. He deserved better than that.
The whole possession thing is kind of glossed over in KH3, in that it doesn’t really seem to affect the Real Org members. The way Xigbar described it in DDD makes it sound like some kind of hive mind to me, so I wondered about Xehanort being able to completely control any of them at any time, all of them forced to share the same thoughts and feelings from Xehanort about what he wants them to desire (or even sharing or sensing each other’s thoughts and feelings?), and in the Keyblade Graveyard none of them are themselves at all until their deaths. There was a reason Xehanort did this after all, and it would not only keep the members trapped and make betrayal more difficult, but make it even more impressive that Saïx, Vexen and Demyx were able to pull it off despite this.  
The traitors in the new Org doing more than drop off a replica body at Radiant Garden right when it was needed. Maybe there could have been more communication between the traitors and the guardians to make cooperation easier and give the plan greater chances of success, maybe even pass along information about the organisation's plans and movements (easily done by Demyx if he was always sent on recon missions). This is really more of an idea I had.
Group dynamics in general. So many contrasting personalities and motivations with so much potential for interesting interactions just by putting some of these characters in the same room for a few minutes.
All the former Nobodies adjusting to having a heart again after being recompleted. Even though there would be a lot that's similar for them, I think each of them would experience it in their own way, with their own unique challenges, needs and coping methods about the process.
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ryansjane · 1 year
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axelle judges bl shows > Bokura No Shokutaku
summary: Yutaka lives a lonely, boring salaryman life, which lightens up once he meets little boy Tane and his older brother Minoru, who bring him into their lively family life.
where to watch: dramacool
grade: 8,5/10
this is SUCH a heartfelt show. it's quiet and subtle, but talks about trauma quite extensively & truly allows its characters to FEEL. which makes it immediately in the best jbls I've seen bc it is a love story but it's also more than that & is highly relatable just for that. the writing truly is beautiful & near perfect in my opinion!
the acting is excellent, and I truly felt everything the characters were feeling on screen & much more. minoru's actor has some serious heart eyes on him!!! the kid who plays tane also did an amazing job & was adorable!
similarly, the chemistry was really, really good, and didn't feel awkward at all (unless it was needed, that post-confession conversation in the café still haunts me with how good it is!)
the pace is really good! I feel like some of the episodes kinda felt similar in the beginning, being just yutaka going over to minoru's place for a hang out with tane, but apart from that I think the show utilized its screentime almost perfectly & it was a really engaging show from beginning to end, even with its slower, more contemplative quality!
the characters are so fucking endearing AHHHHH!!! I also was really glad to see there's not that many characters & none of them is truly horrible or "the villain" (even yutaka's brother who gets redeemed eventually), bc they got to be developed quite a lot & really made me attached to them.
the first episodes aren't super deep or focused on the love story which makes the second part of the show more powerful to me, but at the same time I didn't feel too bored or like I'd stop watching, and in fact only made me want to keep watching even more.
would I rewatch it: yes!
I'm gonna be honest, I started this show expecting it to be very mediocre, but instead I absolutely enjoyed every second of it & it way surpassed my every expectations! I honestly couldn't recommend it more, it's not too long, sweet, extremely well written, heals its characters' trauma & has an absolutely beautiful love story!
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roxasboxas · 1 year
The "Luxu is Ventus' Dad" Theory 3rd Anniversary Remastered Edition
AKA: Theorizing two characters are related based on their lack of screentime together. Because this post is now 3 years old and we have some more information, I'm finally rewriting it.
Due to the release and completion of Dark Road, we now have a more solid idea of Luxu's personality and can say with relative certainty that we never met the original Braig. That was always Luxu. This was always likely, since as far back as BBS the guy was trying to snag MoM's keyblade back from Xehanort, but Bragi's mannerisms being revealed as Luxu-isms basically confirms it 100%.
This means that Braig's one (1) shown interaction with Ventus is also Luxu's one (1) shown interaction with Ventus.
The interaction goes as follows:
Braig (who is Luxu): How 'bout you leave the popsicle with me, so you can go have your little fight with Terra. You can't be too happy about him deep-sixing your Master. Aqua: Who are you? Braig: You think you two have got some grand role to play. As if. You're only here so that when I finish you off... Terra will succumb to the darkness. So... who wants to go first? Ventus: Shut up! Braig: Oh, so this kiddo thinks he's a full-fledged Keyblade wielder? He's got the angry look down. Aqua: Go ahead if you want to waste your time. Keep trying to drive us apart with your mind games. It'll never work!
Now, this is admittedly not immediately promising, but it actually gives us a lot to work with. It's their only interaction, and it's not exactly a positive one. Even though it's only a bluff, it's still a pretty heavy threat.
[Please note, lots of things after this point, Tumblr has eaten at least once.]
But then, if it's their only interaction, then...
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Why does he talk like there have been more?
For that first bit, we know he's not talking about Roxas at that point in KH2: Roxas doesn't glare at him like that during Days.
And the second image is even more interesting. Most people at this point are seeing Xion as Sora. Axel, one of her best friends, sees Sora's face. Xemnas, the guy who's made of Terra (who trained alongside Ventus for multiple years) and Xehanort (who trained Ventus for a time and grew up dreaming memories of someone else’s life that include him) sees Sora's face.
Xigbar sees Ventus. I dunno about you, but to me having one hostile interaction with a teenager ten years ago does not override psychic mumbo-jumbo better than knowing that teenager for a cumulative 4 or 5 years. Even if you have amnesia-- especially by Kingdom Hearts rules, those memories are still there, even if you don't have access to them.
(Before that line, he also comments "What a blast from the past." Wouldn't be a "blast" if they met, like, once.)
And, as of Dark Road, we know that Luxu is willing to let the people he cares about die.
Bragi's confrontation with Baldr begins with him saying "You... It was you..." in reference to Baldr having killed, like, a decent chunk of the people they know. This is not an emotionally detached reaction! Luxu cared about these people! Maybe not as peers the way they cared about him, but he did care! He does care about the ones that are still alive!
So what does he say after revealing his identity and disarming Baldr in a single motion?
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He's not gonna do shit! He demonstrably could kick this guy's ass, but he chooses not to. Even though he cares about these people. Even though one of them is the grandson of someone he already demonstrably has a connection to from back before he wound up this jaded. That one, which he later on again did nothing to save, even with more and more reasons to do so stacking up.
Let's go back to the scene where Luxu and Ventus actually, you know, talk to each other, because there's actually a subtler detail in it that I want to talk about.
"Oh, so this kiddo thinks he's a full-fledged Keyblade wielder? He's got the angry look down."
In this one line of dialogue, Braig calls Ventus "kiddo." You might be wondering, "What's the big deal? He calls Roxas that all the time!" Yes, he does. He also calls him "Tiger," and Xion gets called "Poppet," both with notable regularity.
Contrast that with how he talks to, say, Sora. He still talks down to him, but he uses nicknames much more sparingly. In fact, he doesn't use any for Sora until Dream Drop Distance. All through Kingdom Hearts 2, the Organization is trying to stir Roxas' consciousness within Sora, but Xigbar doesn't call him any of the nicknames he used for and around the guy the whole time.
Not until DDD, when they've already given up on that plan. He starts out with a "sleepyhead", but there's a very specific moment I want to draw your attention to. A moment I may have neglected to mention earlier in this post, despite its relevance.
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Xigbar comments on the thing Sora does that reminds him of Ventus. Then he calls him "Kiddo." And then he never calls him a nickname ever again. I'm not kidding. Never ever.
We don't see a lot of him interacting with young people outside the Heart Hotel, but we do see once in Kingdom Hearts three he calls the Real Organization's Riku Replica "Kid." Not "Kiddo," but "Kid." An interesting distinction, don't you think?
So, to recap so far: One interaction, yet Xigbar talks about Ventus consistently. He's the only one to see Xion with Ventus' face. He uses nicknames more often on kids that remind him of Ventus, and specifically uses a different variation on a kid that doesn't.
"Okay Ace," you're probably thinking, "I can accept that this proves a connection definitely exists between Luxu and Ventus. But why are you so sure that they are father and son specifically?" Well, I have a few reasons.
We don't technically know how old Luxu is, but he is an adult when Ventus is like 10 or 11. It's not impossible for them to be, like, siblings or something, since some people have kids pretty far apart, but it's not dreadfully likely to me. Based on my own experiences with my big sister, they don't really act like siblings to me, but I suppose that's a personal thing. You could say Luxu "sounds young" in Back Cover, but once you hit a certain point a lot of peoples' voices stay the same for a long time.
Nomura has stated that the next part of the series will be focusing on "bloodlines." We already know we're probably gonna be seeing Eraqus' grandfather in ML and that guy's probably gonna be Brain. Xehanort's already descended from Ephemer. Characters are already descended from each other.
Luxu is short for Luxuria, the sin of Lust. So, from a certain perspective, Xigbar canonically fucks.
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longdeadking · 8 months
dashboard simulator
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👯 crows-on-a-log
guys im literally undergoing a crisis right now can anyone hear me
#my dad goin craaaaazy #he stole the lightbulbs out of my ezbake oven for the fifth time :( #vent post #delete later
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☠️ williamaftonshugepersonality 🔁
😶‍🌫️ boypenis Follow
😃 blogname-here
did yall see the new episode......... glopp sploinky was sooooooooooooo
#im normal about him! #<- blatant lies #media liveblog
(24 notes)
😼 discourse-haver Follow
i just dont see why we have to portray every male character in Media as female....... cant we just leave them male, as the creators intended? lol
🪴 rational-thinker
what world do you live in that people are being forced to hc male characters as female????
😼 discourse-haver Follow
youd understand if you were a fandom elder like me.......
🪴 rational-thinker
your blog is a month old
(104 notes)
😚 trustedmutual 🔁
👙 cup-size-tournament Follow
glopp sploinky propaganda:
he's literally just a cisgender man with 5 minutes of screentime
Woman McAwesome propaganda:
she has a canonical rack, she's a lead character, she's super buff and could crush you, she has an interesting arc and her emotional narrative factors into the main plot in impactful ways
#vote glopp sploinky!!!! #GLOPP SPLOINKY SWEEEEEP!!!!! #thats my husband! fuck woman mcawesome lol
(1,267 notes)
🖌 supercoolartist 🔁
🖌 supercoolartist
made a little doodle <3
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if you dont reblog my art ill kill you btw <3
#self rb for the morning crowd #glopp sploinky x blorbo C #gloc fanart
(12 notes)
Based on your Likes!
😈 guy-you-have-blocked Follow
hey anyone want to hear the worst take of all time as shown through a low-effort meme that i stole from reddit?
(127,363 notes)
😚 trustedmutual 🔁
💝 fandomroyalty Follow
i would let woman mcawesome step on my face
💝 fandomroyalty Follow 🔁
10k woman mcawesome hornyposting
#happy woman mcawesome hornyposting wednesday
(11,560 notes)
#long post #dashboard simulator
13,498 notes
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🍊 the-real-onceler
all im saying is that homestuck is actually a modern epic poem a la gilgamesh the oddesey the journey to the west etc. essay below the cut if you want me to cite my sources
Read More
#onceler essays #i literally wrote my thesis on this
1,045 notes
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🤡 puns-are-for-losers
goncharov ebby deepy glup shitto blorbo old man yaoi vanilla extract post simulators tournaments tumblr live homestuck 2 barbenheimer. we didnt start the fire
656,099 notes
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🦋 axels-random-blog 🔁
🌹 girluterus Follow
what if weevils had tumblr
👤 burrowing-for-goodies-deactivated-2024
guyssss i just found the juiciest tomato to chow down on.... hmu for my location in the garden
150 insectoid notes
🐛 evil-weevil
attention garden dwellers!! do not eat the fresh produce in the southwest corner of the garden!! the humans just sprayed insecticide on them, so if you eat them you will die!!!!
🪲 carapace-is-popping
wtf this is blatant misinfo..... my buddy @burrowing-for-goodies just ate some tomatoes from the southwest corner and hes fine. youre just hoarding bro its so obvious
12k insectoid notes
🪲 carapace-is-popping
hey ummm has anybody seen @burrowing-for-goodies recently? hes not responding to dms. im going to go look for him
🍃 random-bugg
op is your friend ok? what happened?
🪲 carapace-is-popping
4,506 insectoid notes
🔴 girluterus
what was that
10,041 notes
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🔮 the-wizard-hatter
she fireball on my small enclosed space til i TPK
9,156 notes
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💀 longdeadking
do you guys think post simulators have gone too far
1 note
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chesblob · 1 year
my opinions on every total drama reboot character yippeeee
these are js my opinions, im rewatching it rn so i can analyze the characters better
bowie : an actual slay queen. prom king AND queen. he shouldve won tbh i would pay sm money thag i dont have rn to see that
zee : yes. he acts high but lowkey hes cool and js overall a good character with cool development, js a likable guy
julia : ooh GIRL. SHE HAS BEEEEFFFF WITH THAT DINOSAUR. when me and my boyfriend watched the season for the first time on a teams call , the dino scene came up and we laughed for an hour straight about it 😭😭 shes iconic. “ crystals are real. prayer hands emoji.”
priya : tbh , i could tell she was gonna win from the first episode. it was really obvious tbh and i feel like the plot wouldve been better if bowie won? her characters cute tho fsfs
emma : girly ate those lil dancey dances UP. her friendship with bowie was so good. and also her mocking mk was so yes “i thought it was haalff 😖”
caleb ( HELP I ACCIDENTALLY PUT JUSTIN INSTEAD OF CALEB LMAO) : i wish wish wish he wasn’t eliminated first. he had no character development other than being a token hot guy, he had MAYBE 3 lines in the entire first episode before he got ELIMINATED
nichelle : she ate everything up , but what if shes js jerry in a wig. im paranoid.
chase : ehhhhh ew ngl cos he drove emmas car into a pet store and now shes pressed
mk : i feel like she couldve been cool if she had more development, i feel like she was kinda a wasted side character ://
millie : i have beef with millie for no reason. 😭i js hate her and she pretends to be loyal but girly was so terrible
damien : not bad tbh ! hes nice too so yk
scary girl / lauren : she’s interesting defooo!! im sad that she didnt get that much screentime this season , and im so pissed that shes getting voted off first next season. ALSO THE THEORIES THAT SHES DAWN IN DISGUSE SHDHDNDN 😋😋 ID BE SO HAPPY IF THEY WERE TRUE
axel : wanted to see more of a personality from her, for now shes known to me as a saner version of jo or eva 🥲
chef : consistent since 2009, biotches
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thefreshchannel · 8 months
about to start the last two eps but here are some thoughts and criticisms also s2 finalist/winner spoiler (again i havent watched the finale so thoughts not final)
The concept of priyaleb was cute but. It really did take the whole season….like. Its not even a fun will they wont they kinda watch anymore its like when tda hyperfocused on gwent and duncney, like sure u got things going on in the background like the mkulia alliance that was happening and damien finding his edge, but it all feels so minimal compared to the screen time priyaleb gets in my opinion. In contrast, when in tdwt aleheather was the main focus, they shared a lot of their screentime with other things going on in the background or even took the backseat to give other (not so good) plot lines a shot.
Maybe it’s just the 13 ep format instead of the 26 eps the old seasons had, but in here it feels like you want to see more of everyone else so much. Damien and nichelle found an edge, but were pushed to the very back or written out early so not a lot was explored. Ripper and axel got together and nothing else happened with them, sure they can a funny watch but when they realized they didnt want to do anything w them anymore they just sent them out.
I’m on ep 11 rn and raj JUST got kicked out. Theres 2 eps of the season, we barely have enough time to make him learn to be independent from raj??? I feel??? I dont know i dont feel he did much of ANYTHING to guarantee him a spot in the final 3, let alone winning the season. I am just not connecting w him. Like sure he is nice but when i think of him i just see him only as raj’s buddy. We dont know much about him other than he likes hockey, he’s supportive of his friend, he’s nice, he’s not very smart. But nothing in him screams finalist/winner to me? He was just very much in the background until now.
Maybe i’m being too judgy and could change my mind in the next two eps, we’ll see lol
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fraudulent-cheese · 9 months
Ripper/Axel - yeah this is. A BIG one. Total Drama has a bad habit of eliminating one or both characters in a couple right after becoming official (usually the girl gets the boot too, with two exceptions). To my knowledge 2023 hasn't escaped this pattern in season 1 since Raj got eliminated right after rajbow got established, so there's a pretty big chance Ripper or Axel will get the boot in the next few episodes. Im betting on Ripper, mostly because Axel hasn't screwed up in any major way in challenges before and im assuming that pattern may continue.
Priya - come on, she won last season! She's 100% getting voted off the second her crush with Caleb gets resolved! She's not even the only athletically talented contestant remaining on her team, both Nichelle and Axel are still around so it wouldn't be a big loss to them! I'd prefer pre-merge so the contestants eliminated earlier last season get to shine a little more, but im not too picky.
MK and Julia - the cheating yeah, it's the cheating subplot. It's gonna bite them both in the ass eventually, and im assuming it'll get exposed mid season, maybe episode 8? Just gotta hope they kiss before that tho because if they dont i think half the fandom's gonna want Terry McGurrin's head on a spike
Bowie - Ngl, i think Julia could convince Wayne to vote Bowie by pointing out that he's fine with the cheating and he's lied to Raj about it. Either way, i don't know if Bowie will go far either (he's the canon runner up soooo) but Total Drama has let previous season runner-ups/winners get pretty far in later seasons (Duncan got 5th in WT somehow and Gwen got 4th in AS)
Zee - he hasn't done much this season yet, unless he gets in a ton of drama soon he's probably gonna go... Maybe pre-merge but idk
Nichelle - same thing as with Zee? The writters haven't given her much screentime... At all despite her training?? She might go in this batch of episodes but i hope not. Still a possibility tho!
With that out of the way, im gonna predict Scary Girl will either come back either for mid season or for the finale, and sit back as we wait for the new episodes to leak on youtube!
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miss-bluerose · 10 months
TDI23 Season 2 ep 1 thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead.
*I did see the earlier leak of the teams and first boot btw*
Chris is bonkers as usual and Chef is pretty much the same so far. I expect that to change if my theories about Lauren are right.
The opening being the exact same as last time bugs me a little bit but I guess they are avoiding spoilers that way so meh.
The team names are pretty lame tbh but whatever.
I liked the challenge for the most part and how everyone got to compete. Axe Hatchet is a total badass and I wouldn't mind seeing her again. 10/10 side character.
I feel bad for Sally, Chris is such a turd.
I'm on the fence about the elimination. More on that down below.
Now onto the contestants:
Team Rat Face
She's the only winner of season one which I didn't fully expect but it makes sense given her storyline and her parents are insane. Especially her dad, my god. She's an official team leader and is still holding a grudge against Ripper lol. Her concern over Millie in the challenge was sweet. I hope she goes far again and learns to stand up for herself against her parents.
Her sassing Bowie was funny to me but she didn't read Priya's Total Drama guidebook and tried way too hard in the first challenge. It kinda seems like she didn't want to come back or something. I hope she reads the guide before she gets eliminated early on like so many people are saying.
I'm glad she broke up with Chase but they need to STAY BROKEN UP. Her giving Nichelle the cold shoulder was really mean and a little unexpected. It seems like her and Bowie aren't speaking to each other and I'm curious to see how that plays out. Not sure where she'll place, maybe in the middle?
Seems like he's trying to be strategic instead of villainous so far and struggling a little bit thanks to Millie. I hope he doesn't hurt Priya in some way. It's nice to see him getting more lines and screentime. He'll probably go far.
I didn't expect him to still be a scaredy cat after what he said last season. If he doesn't change for the better soon I'm going to be extremely disappointed. No idea where he will place.
She says that she's going to try to be nicer this time but I have my doubts and Ripper seems to be the exception lol. She might go far or she might go early again for being hot-headed.
My favourite of season one is back and a soda influencer now which I didn't see coming. I really hope it doesn't get him eliminated early like it did in the challenge which was total crap. His soda was "moving" but he wasn't so he should have been fine. I would also like to see him interact with Priya more because I kinda ship them a bit. Both of his closest friends are on the other team so it could happen. I hope he goes far.
She trained in the offseason and it paid off! I think she'll go far as long as it doesn't go to her head.
Team Skunk Butt
The other official team leader. His sass towards Chase was great but I thought it was weird that he picked him for his team. A lot of the cast is mad at him for last season and with that half-hearted apology, he seems to be digging himself into a deeper hole. His romance with Raj is still sweet and I hope it stays that way. I personally think he'll get booted early.
I don't know if he'll go early or later but I think he'll help Emma and Bowie become friends again at the very least.
I would like him to go farther I think but I don't know what storyline he could have if he does. Might be an early boot unfortunately.
Her and MK suddenly getting along is super weird and I fully expect one to backstab the other. I was impressed how she took Emma out of the challenge though. Another middle boot?
Still dumb and still over confident. I could see him going early just for that and not listening to Bowie during challenges.
Seems to be on friendly terms with Julia but I think it's an act and she's going to backstab her at some point. Has an idea for the extra intern uniform and her hitching a ride on Caleb's back during the challenge was funny. She might go really far this time.
Lauren/Scary Girl:
Her new outfit is so weird but points for trying to fit in. Her scaring Bowie early on was kinda funny but her elimination was dumb. I don't know what Chef was going to say to her but her speech felt kinda forced and her team forgetting that she's a powerhouse when focused bothers me. I get why they did but still. Plus now they're on her bad side after voting her off. I fully expect her to be living in the woods and giggling in the middle of the night just to mess with them. She could also sabotage challenges somehow and be a genuine threat for everyone on the island. It'd be great to see Chris legitimately be afraid of her and her antics, he hasn't had that reaction to someone in a while. I'm excited to see more of her!
He was friendly to Axel at first, didn't fart at all and knew who Axe Hachet was. Was still rude to the acting team leader but he seems to be a bit better than last season so far. Could stick around a while?
And that's everyone! All of the episodes might come out at once tomorrow like they did in April so if I do another post like this, it'll be after I finish the season. Thanks for reading!
TLDR; I'm rooting for Zee and Priya the most and for them to have more interactions! 👀👍😁
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
do you have any total drama (2023) season 2 predictions?
thanks for the ask, anon!
these are all based on the four episodes I've watched and the stuff I've seen circulating tumblr abt the season!
imma split this up to make things easier for everyone-
goddammit I need more axel and nichelle screentime pls and tyvm--tumblr has got me shipping them and I can't get out of that hole
but seriously, I hope now that they learned from the mistakes they'd made this season, next season they get far--preferably post-merge
popular take but: CAN CHEMMA FUCKING BREAK UP IN S2?? like emma realizing all this isn't worth it and splitting it off with chase (or, for whatever reason, the other way around--only bc I've seen posts speculating on that happening lmao, or they mutually split it, or what-fucking-ever. I literally do not care how they split or who's the initiator, I just want them split!)
I need more of MK!! I heard she gets booted pretty early :( but I'm hoping in s2, she's back and better than ever!
this is smth I haven't seen a lot when it comes to asks like this, but some solid ripper characterization would be neat--without the fart jokes, might I add. like I saw this post talking abt ripper realizing that his "manly disposition" isn't getting him anywhere and he gets close to certain ppl in the show and have to move past his previous beliefs and embrace his inner soft side that he's repressed.
no but seriously, I don't rlly like ripper all that much rn, so this happening in s2 would be rlly cool to his character!
bisexual emma pls??? and possibly bisexual chase??? idk if fresh will make that happen but a girl can hope, ig lmao
bowie and emma repairing their friendship-
idk I like the idea of a bowie and caleb rivalry bc bowie got caleb voted off, so maybe caleb feels some resentment for that and wants to get even in s2?? and ofc since it's bowie, he's not gonna take that lying down-
need more millie & priya friendship fr
I’ve heard that damien and priya have cute interactions so I hope they get more time to grow??? not strictly as a ship btw but I wouldn’t be opposed to that (my multishipping ass trying to find middle ground here lmao)
I need more damien and scary girl interactions, those two were hilarious
I know most of these are my hopes rather than predictions, but what I will say is that there will def be more raj and bowie moments. like that's a no-brainer, Fresh would be pretty dumb not to have that happen
this is more of a combo of a hope and a prediction, but more multi-dimensional characterizations of scary girl, caleb, nichelle, damien, and axel?? none of them got enough screentime to add more to their characters so I'm betting s2 will focus on them...hopefully
chemma breakup--there's no way that ship can be fixed lmao, they're better off not together and--if fresh rlly wants it--with other ppl
bowie's prob gonna make it post-merge but not to the final two again. idk abt priya but I'm hoping it's the same for her too bc I love both of them sm-
I've seen discussions of a potential 'wayne and raj separate teams' arc, and while that would be crushing, I feel like that could happen?? it'd certainly bring forth some sort of tension/drama
these are all that I can think of. maybe once I finish watching the season, I can give a more lengthy list!
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chrismcleaneatspants · 5 months
Hot take: I prefer Damien in season 1 over 2. Sure he had a shorter run, but he at least made better use of his screentime and made the most of each episode he was in. His interactions definitely felt more important there too with Priya, Millie, Ripper, and Scary Girl despite competing in less episodes. Even his elimination episode was better (despite the farting) since at least he was relevant the entire time and there was a more valid reason for him getting booted (not properly communicating with his team that he wanted to stay).
Compared to season 2 where he's likable, but kinda meanders a lot more despite lasting twice as long with only the idol plot as his main plot (though that didn't begin til the merge). And his interactions are a lot less with only Priya, Zee, and Millie's interactions with him across 10 episodes being relevant with his friendship with Nichelle being in the background, his interaction with the Hockey Bros being off-screen (despite Wayne apparently seeing him as his number 2). And his elimination episode had him written out of the challenge halfway through and still felt tertiary in the episode compared to Priya, Caleb, and Julia, his brief conflict with Julia feeling tacked on purely to justify why Priya wasn't voted out by Julia. Of course this falls under the greater issue of season 2 gradually making only Julia, Priya, and Caleb the sole focus of the season as the merge went on (with Ripper/Axel getting booted early in the merge becoming Gidgette 2.0, Raj and Wayne kinda hit a lull in relevance and become purely comic relief after Bowie's elimination and don't become plot relevant again until the final 5 onward, Zee's booted the moment his role in keeping Prileb's secret is done) with Damien's writing being among the casualities of this.
I should probably clean out my inbox cuz I've been given a bunch of essays about reboot season 2 being doodoo lol
but yeah, i agree. damien lasts double the episodes in rematch but it doesn't feel like it. it's like they tried to be subversive with him because his arc post season 1 seems too obvious but instead it just came across as self sabotage. they were unironically better off just telling a familiar but good story instead
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resisteverything · 1 year
How I would arrange total drama eliminations and why.
His character is obnoxious and adds nothing. I've had to cover my eyes multiple times because of his fucking farting because I couldn't watch this shit. And he was annoying me even before the farting. Get him off the show as early as possible. This is the most dramatic choice.
(Caleb is gone because Wayne and Raj are leaving at different times now, and Caleb has literally been done before, more than once)
He's really boring. Like so boring. His story arc isn't something if miss, and it would be honestly more satisfying if he got a happy ending where he was able to leave when he wanted to. Make him want to leave back in episode one and get eliminated then.
Nichelle is the only character I didn't want to give more or less screentime. So I guess she ended up here by chance.
She was too fun to have eliminated this early on. Like there was so much that could have happened with her that didn't, but not that much. So episode four she goes.
He's only this far in because I want to have Emma's story with him play out, and also have a big part of it be her getting him kicked off. That's a way better ending then them getting back together.
Her leaving as soon as the alliance started was so disappointing. She could have been a tension inducing wild card that had Priya and Millie never sure if they could really trust her or not, with the audience not knowing either.
I don't really have a reason for this choice, he just had to go somewhere and this is where he ended up.
Emma goes here because I want to see her confront why she is the way she is, and also confront her issues, but also I'd rather see other characters more than her.
MK should have done more than this, so here she goes. She seemed to be going somewhere with her story but then she wasn't.
Wayne or Raj
I don't know which one should go first. Maybe Wayne has to spend time without Raj and find interests of his own, because Raj has a whole thing with Bowie but Wayne is just heterosexual Raj. Or maybe Wayne goes first and Raj gets an episode without him that he spends with Bowie.
These two definitely go here because how could you get rid of Raj right as his relationship with Bowie was starting? Especially when Raj is so pure and wholesome and Bowie is a self-identified villain who manipulates his way to the top. The drama/comedy/character development practically writes itself.
These are just the choices the show made so... I don't think I need a reason to leave them like this.
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Kingdom Hearts Characters: Xion
What I think of the character: Xion is a cute character and sweet kid, but she doesn't have much of a distinct identity. She shares a face with Naminé and Kairi, has the same origins as the Riku Replica and the same story as Roxas, and she doesn't really have much depth in the games. I get that that's kind of the point at the beginning, being a blank slate slowly gaining a personality and identity of her own, but she has a big disadvantage that stops her from really growing out of it like Roxas did, since Roxas is the main POV character with the most screentime. Xion has the least amount of screentime, taking the first third of the game to be part of the trio and spending most of the last third either running away or in a coma, and her dialogue doesn't reveal much about the kind of person she is. It's especially highlighted when compared to the people she shares the screen with - Axel, Roxas and Saïx - who are all very clearly defined and have enough depth to fill a whole character study essay. It's inefficient use of screentime that harms all of them. Without this, Xion becomes a plot device defined by how other people react to her - something for the two sides to use in their plots and for two popular male characters to chase after and angst over. I also kind of feel like the games try too hard to make you care for her and feel sorry for her in a way that feels quite manipulative and obnoxious, milking the angst for all its worth. I like her more in the manga and in fanfiction where she has more of a personality. A simple fix for this is to have Xion arrive on the scene sooner, have her and Roxas investigate their origins together when they get suspicious of Axel and she only goes with Riku (the Org would have drilled it in that he's the enemy to keep her and Roxas away from him) right at the end when she makes Axel cave in about the truth by reminding him that Roxas is in a coma because of this. That way, there's more screentime devoted to developing her personality and bond with Axel and especially Roxas.
Her particular traits as a replica are mixed. Xemnas using a replica to copy Sora makes a lot of sense. Everyone seeing her differently helps to explain Saïx's behaviour, but how would it go unnoticed by eight people for over a year and how could people like Xemnas, Vexen and Saïx expect her to pass as a Nobody with that in mind? Maybe instead they originally intended to use her like Riku Replica but she unexpectedly developed her own appearance and identity because the person she copied wasn't a complete person at the time, so they had no choice but to integrate her into the organisation and pretend she was like the other Nobodies, and Saïx would just be aware her appearance was just a kind of unfixed illusion (at least until she grows a heart of her own). The whole memory thing and being forgotten just seems like a very convenient and poorly justified way to write her thoroughly in and out of existence when the writers want and solve a problem that came from her being retconned into the series in the first place, and just artificially inflates the angst and melodrama even more.
I do like Xion herself, just not the writing surrounding her.
Headcannons: These are inspired by the manga.
Since the person Xion was originally meant to copy was not a complete person at the time with an intact heart, she never locked onto a particular identity to copy and absorb completely like the Riku Replica. As a result, she can copy anyone’s powers and weapons temporarily with some kind of trigger, and she prefers to do this by holding hands with the person she is replicating. It becomes easier, the effects more lingering, as she copies a particular power more frequently.
When she’s comfortable around someone, Xion expresses a lot of her affection physically with lots of nudges, cuddles and hand holding.
Has a fondness for animals in general no matter what they look like, especially dogs. Maybe she could bond with Isa over this, since it's a trait they both share?
Roxas and Lea/Axel: I have a couple of problems with the trio, and one of them is about what I said before. Xion doesn’t have a lot of depth, so her relationships can’t have much depth either. Without a enough of a distinct personality, a character can’t bounce off of other character’s personalities and develop a relationship with them. Xion has the least amount of screentime of the trio, doesn’t say much that tells a lot about her as a person, and isn’t involved in the more meaningful clocktower conversations. As a result, Roxas and Axel are the only ones who have any kind of chemistry. It’s especially lacking with Axel, and in fact it’s actually surprising how little direct screen-time they share together that doesn’t involve Axel keeping her in the Organisation in some way. I still like the idea a lot though, the dynamic can be pretty cute with Axel being like a big brother and I enjoy portrayals of them where Xion is more of a character.  
Isa/Saïx: These two are going to have quite a grace period to get through, but I imagine Isa is going to try and be so gentle with her after everything that happened. I headcannon that Saïx took her under his wing in the Real Organisation XIII, taught her how to fight with his claymore and use the Berserk form and the two eventually came to an understanding at least. I like the idea of them mending fences and him becoming a mentor/father/big brother figure eventually, once they’ve sorted everything out.
Hayner Pence and Olette: They have yet to share any screen time really, but they’d be good friends her age to hang out with and show her what normal teenagers are like.
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natsubane · 7 months
i was thinking that i should reflect on kh2
(before i forget what it was like playing the game lol)
i genuinely think kh2 was really fun but i think it's somewhat funny that the most memorable scenes in the game for me were mostly concentrated into the scenes where roxas appeared. (the prologue made me cry at least twice. i had to pause fighting him because i was crying. i cried through his last conversation with axel. when he showed up literally every other time i was fighting back yelling bc they really did a superb job of Getting You Attached To Roxas in the prologue that i spent the whole game getting excited to see him again.) as a character i really enjoyed him and i'm glad to be seeing him again in days... i like how well they showed his confusion and struggles in the prologue and it just. makes him so easy to empathise with and root for him. and also the twilight town trio... i really want to see the real trio interacting with roxas........
i think also with the whole "defeat org13" plot i really wished we got to see the org more because pretty much most of the time when we meet org members it's either sora and co immediately antagonising them (which is for justifiable reasons considering that they worked pretty hard to fix the worlds in kh1 and now they're being told that org13 is fucking around in them again.) or they're kinda just throwing very context-loaded information at me which. isn't necessarily bad but is hard to remember and process all at once... and also the fact that we don't get to see who's talking + i don't recognise all their voices so the whole scene where zexion is being talked to about ansem/xehanort was a whole blur to me HALSDHFSKDLFJSD i didn't hate it, though i feel like a lot of it felt like going straight to fighting without trying to understand the org...
...which ig is also understandable. i did really enjoy the (surprise surprise) scene after beating roxas where sora is trying to process the fight and donald and goofy tell him that Obviously the black coats are trying to deceive him and he shouldn't dwell on it when it clearly made him stop and think and hesitate...
either way. i think after getting through com (reverse/rebirth especially) and also the prologue i was expecting a big character moment or sort of culmination at the end for sora similar to how riku accepts his darkness as part of him and how roxas pieces things together but i guess the ending was a bit. strange to me because it just kinda was an "our hearts are connected so here's a happy ending" which didn't really make sense to me bc. the door to light just showed up because sora read kairi's letter to him? and while i kinda get it, it made me so confused for a while because i was trying to think of a proper explanation for it before just accepting it's just an "our hearts are connected" thing and magic happened (shrugs). that said, while i liked the conclusion sora and riku come to at the end when they're stuck at the... uh.... dark beach place......... where they're happy to bear the darkness so that their friends can continue living in the light, it kinda... felt completely moot when the door to light thing happened. and also i'm glad that roxas and namine got to meet again and i really . really liked seeing them in the ending movie but Man I Really Wanted To See Them More. i feel like i am complaining too much about that
also with riku i felt like i was expecting a lot more screentime from him but i think the way he acted reflected the conclusion he made at the end of com and i really liked that sora and kairi were able to accept him even when he was in ansem mode... like. if that's not friendship then What Else Would Be. in terms of kairi i had to ask mage about her keyblade and their explaining that the game is just allergic to kairi doing anything actually. makes a lot of sense bc i really wished she was also there when sora/riku/the king opened the door at the end!!! (it also made me wonder when riku's sword turned into a keyblade but i think that was also waved off as a "he became worthy of wielding a keyblade again" thing) (and also where the hell did he get kairi's keyblade from. the fact that not even mage knows this one is not comforting lmao)
actually going to talk about gameplay now and i think i remember hearing people say that the boss fights and gimmick battles are what make kh2 Really Shine and i think i kinda understand... the boss fights being made unique with the reaction commands was good and i did enjoy some of them... the others though. i still find it extremely funny how i survived demyx perfectly fine but then i got walled on XALDIN (not to mention marluxia fucked me up so badly i raged on him)
i don't hate com's battle system and kh1 was pretty similar on a base level so i can't say much about comparison but i think . i think it should be easier to level up drive forms. i really think drive form grinding was awful because i Almost Never used drive forms until i realised they gave you movement abilities WHILE I WAS ALREADY HALFWAY THROUGH THE GAME. i played the entire first half WITHOUT DODGE ROLL LMAO. and then i had to grind all of them all at once. awful.
anyway. i did enjoy kh2. i promise i will go back and do the cavern of remembrance and try the data fights + lingering will at some point. it just might take me a while. hrhfhgfhgffdj. it was a good game though i liked it
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just-emerald-star · 8 months
WARNING: This post contains spoilers for both seasons of Total Dram's Reboot. Just as a head's up.
Since I never intend on discussing the series on my channel (at least not until it gets an official release in the US...thx for that WB/Max) I'll share my thoughts on the Total Drama Reboot (both seasons in context) here in detail. I'll be doing so through explaining my thoughts on the characters.
If you want my basic thoughts on both season first, here's the gist:
SEASON 1: Excellent from start to finish. Minus a few glaring issues the show has been known for (gross out jokes/fart jokes), it was absolutely phenomenal. A real & true breath of fresh air after a streak of shit seasons (not including Ridonculous Race <3) | 9.5/10
SEASON 2: This season had a lot to prove since it was gonna bring back the cast and we all know what happens when Total Drama insists on keeping characters longer than necessary. I was pleasantly surprised when they dodged a bullet and made a damn good second season with the cast. The new writing team has given this series a much-needed edge to put it back on the map. That said, some of the characters very clearly stayed on for too long or in one person's case...won the whole damn season. It suffered from keeping certain characters around for too long but it did give some (mainly my boi Caleb) some much needed screentime and development. | Gets a 8/10.
Now onto the character stuff.
First things first: Here's the tier list I made for the cast. It'll help as I explain myself per each placement.
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Ok so let's start from the bottom and make our way to the top cuz I'd like to end this on a positive note.
No. Just. No Tier
Chase: Easily one of the most annoying characters in the entire show. I know that's the point, cuz he's a shitty influencer type who cares mostly about himself and the views. I totally get that. But that's ALL he was. We often saw him be a nuisance who cared more about himself or impressing Emma. I didn't laugh at him not once. He was just plain awful. And if that was the point, then good shit writers, I guess lol
Emma: Sadly she suffered from being attached to Chase. Her whole reason for being on the show was just connected to Chase. It was also the point for her but what gets me is that she was a tour de force outside of Chase's shadow. This was proven when she tried focusing on herself and was besties with Bowie. Those were glimmers of hope. And I was hoping she'd come back stronger post-S1 upon learning that Chase lied to her. But in the end, Emma was just...kinda there until she left.
Millie: Nah fam, I couldn't stand her. Started out fine enough and was fun to have around, but once she started moving forward in the game with Priya in the alliance, I started growing tired of her. I'm glad she started taking the game seriously but man oh man it was too late. Didn't need to see her in that finale, but she's lucky it was for the sake of reconciling with Priya. And the less said about her time in S2, the better. Just glad she left early.
Ripper: Fuck Ripper. He wasn't funny. He had a few good lines here & there but was just...not great. If you like him, that's cool. His relationship with Axel was admittedly adorable though. Not enough to make me like him but still cute nonetheless lol
Gonna combine these two since they have one character each in there.
Nichelle: Sweetie, I'm so sorry. We were all rooting for you. you were a victim of high expectations just by design alone. And it's a shame cuz you could've been great. You left in S1 so early & that hurt like hell. But then you came back swinging in S2 and kicked ass...until you fell for such a shitty tactic. Brilliant on Julia's part but fuck y'all for not giving Nichelle more time to shine.
Axel: I don't have much to say on her tbh. She was just kinda in the middle for me. She honestly would've been much higher if she wasn't dragged down by her lovey-dovey relationship with Ripper as S2 went on. Still adorable pairing tho. Glad she was around a bit more in S2 tho.
Wayne: I suppose I'll start with S2's winner. I love Wayne. He's a great friend & ally to Raj, on top of just being hella funny. Love what he was all about. Sadly, S2 didn't do him any favors. He was still the lovable goof we know & love but it felt like his IQ took a bit of a nosedive between seasons. And on top of that, IDK how tf he reached the finale over Raj. Again, I love Wayne. I really do. But him winning S2 was...a choice.
Zee: Funny af guy. Crazy how he got sent away for similar reasons twice. I don't have any critiques of the guy. He was funny everytime he was on screen. He's just good. Not great, but good. Loved him.
MK: This lady would've been a bit lower if I was only talking about S1. But the writers gave her a major glow up in S2. Seriously, her & Julia's friendship is some excellent TV. Seeing them work together and fuck around with everyone was fun to watch. She's never been a fave for me but I do appreciate having her around.
Damien: Oh honey, you were robbed. Damien was one of my faves from the beginning. Was hoping for more from him in S1 but realized he left at the perfect time, otherwise he would've gotten annoying af. S2 however...my man stepped the fuck up & I'm so damn glad. He was SO GOOD and he made merge. And then my heart broke when he got sent packing. I knew the moment he found that idol he was done for. He was gonna lose it. I hated it. He could've reached the finale.
Scary Girl: Scary motherfucker who had some of the best lines/moments throughout S1. I appreciated the writing for her in S2, even if it didn't quite stick the landing...that is, until she returned in the finale. She was back to her crazy self and I loved every minute of it. Entertaining character from start to finish.
Julia: Easily the second best antagonist in this reboot. One of the best surprises in the reboot. Holy shit, Julia was given all the good shit. Whether it was the writing or character moments, Julia basically delivered what I look for in villain in Total Drama. One thing that bitch is gonna do is find a way to win immunity by any means necessary and honey, she's a challenge beast in the right circumstances.
Priya: Ah yes, S1's winner. One of the best competitors in Total Drama. She was made for shit like this, as explained to us by her lol. I loved her in S1, cuz she was hella focused and stayed in the game despite being let down by Millie at every turn. Don't cross Priya y'all homegirl will win lol. S2 Priya was solid and I especially loved her budding relationship with Caleb, despite all the hiccups. She kinda lost her focus when Caleb came up but even that didn't entirely stop her from kicking ass. Also kudos to Total Drama & I having characters named Priya.
Bowie: The baddest bitch out there. I've spoken at length about how I'd love to see more prominent queer black rep in mainstream media not centered around being punchlines or tragedy. And Total Drama delivered just that to me on a silver platter. Bowie is literally everything I was looking for in great queer rep. Best part? He was well-written. Dude was written perfectly from start to finish in S1. Every move he made was executed well. Even when he fumbled, he found a way back on top. His rivalry with Julia is perfection. His friendship with Emma was cute...wish they rekindled it. And of course his relationship with Raj was so damn cute. Speaking of Raj...
Raj: Y'all gave me not one but TWO queer POC in the same season?? And they ended up together??? Total Drama you're spoiling me! Raj is one half of the hockey bros. And he was my fave of the duo. Raj just kept surprising me as the show went on. When I realized he was gay, I screamed. Jaw dropped...I really thought Bowie would be the only one. So glad I was wrong. Similar to Wayne however, his IQ did drop a bit in S2 but it wasn't as bad compared to the former. I would've preferred him to reach the finale over Wayne. Raj v. Caleb v. Julia would EAT DOWN.
And finally...
Caleb: From a first boot to a literal king of the game. Caleb was one of the biggest surprises in the show and I'm so thankful he did the dam thing in S2. Seriously, Caleb could've been another one of the show's infamous first boot punching bags. He was the one I was cautiously optimistic about coming back for S2. What was he gonna do? Was he actually a threat as Bowie assumed? How will Caleb turn out character-wise beyond the good looks? All of that was answered and then some in the first ep of S2. He made a point to be a great asset to his team. He's the embodiment of the hot guy who's got a great balance of brain & brawn, while also being a very nice guy. I especially appreciated his whole thing with Priya. I was almost certain they were gonna reach the finale ngl lol. If there were ANY justice in the world, it would've been a Caleb v. Julia finale instead of what we got. But hey, at least he made it to the end. Biggest glow up from a Total Drama character.
Annnnd that's all I've got. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Share your own thoughts in the replies below. These are just my thoughts and I've been holding them in ever since S1 got leaked last year. With both seasons out, I just felt like it was time to finally speak on them since I had no plans to make a video. As I said, maybe I'll still make one if there's interest...but no promises.
Anyway, thx again for reading & until next time, peace out!
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