#i want a full proshot of this so bad
pardonmydelays · 9 months
so it's been a few days since you saw waitress, what are your initial thoughts?
thank you so much for reminding me and sorry for being quiet about it for so long, i've been meaning to write this mini essay but i really needed to take a deep breath & collect my thoughts first. so...
sugar, butter, flour... (it's been ringing in my head for days)
i honestly didn't really know what to expect when i started watching it. i knew a little bit about the plot, not that much tho, & i knew who wrote the music for it, the rest was a mystery to me.
i always say the best musicals are the ones that make you cry & this was definitely one of those. it made me feel... so many things at once. so first of all, i think the proshot was absolutely beautiful & i wish we could see more musicals this way. second of all: the characters! all of them so incredibly written & so real!
ok, i am really trying not to be chaotic here, but it's not easy (i've cried multiple times while watching it, ok???). jenna's story completely broke my heart. also, as a person who ended a very toxic relationship not that long ago, i must say i could feel her pain & struggle even more (earl reminded me of my ex so much it hurts, but we are not going there). but she wasn't the only relatable character here, this may be surprising for you, but i literally had a mental breakdown on "when he sees me" cause i found a little bit of myself there (wow, i've got issues)... another song worth mentioning is definitely "she used to be mine" (that was the moment i had to stop watching for a second cause my eyes were so full of tears i couldn't see anything lol). and don't even get me started on "you matter to me"... especially when you think about the ending...
the ending was really surprising for me, but not in a bad way i guess? as much as i wanted a happy ending for jenna, i didn't want it to be all perfect cause that's the thing about life, right? it's never perfect. but she did found herself & her happiness eventually & to be completely honest with you anon, i love a good story that shows us we can be happy without men (even tho it broke my heart a little bit). also, she wasn't left alone. she had amazing friends (another thing that always makes me cry because friendships are so important to me & they are always my favourite part of the plot) & her little daughter! & her own place! & omg i think i'm gonna start crying again...
so, like, you know. i will probably rewatch it pretty soon, i'm also gonna listen to the soundtrack more cause my thoughts are really chaotic at the moment, but overall i think this is such a great musical, definitely one of the best i've seen so far and i am dying to see it live! the choreography was absolutely incredible, the whole cast was amazing, the music was really, really good and the plot made me cry like a baby. this is all you need to know. i loved it so much!!!
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annabelle--cane · 7 months
if we're sharing deh opinions i think the character dynamics are so interesting & i wish ppl would see that bc theres a lot of potential there but unfortunately the mass online hate towards the deh movie (which was a mediocre to bad adaptation anyway) has probably driven away a lot of ppl . & maybe this is just me but i think the hate towards ben platt during that time was way overboard , & a good chunk of what i saw veered into antisemitism & bodyshaming . criticizing him is fine but the ppl who constantly went after his looks were just unnecessarily rude. ben platt honestly didnt even look like , as old as ppl were saying he does. i saw a tiktoker saying his age is "ancient" & like jesus christ at the time he was like in his late 20s.
i feel like ppl think teenagers look a lot younger than they actually do. im in high school right now & ive seen sophomore boys with full beards who look like they could be adults & no one bats an eye. nik dodani looked about the same age as ben in the movie but no one went after him. i feel like a lot of it was just dumb ppl wanting to jump on a bandwagon to make fun of someone on the internet regardless of who it is or how much they know or care about dear evan hansen
personally i think if they had just released a proshot the response wouldve gone on better & mightve even attracted more new fans but we'll never know now i guess. feel free to ignore this i tend to ramble when deh is brought up
big agree, there was plenty wrong with the movie but honestly I stopped noticing the age thing after the first school scene, evan just reads as one of those unfortunate high school boys whom puberty hit like a truck a little too hard.
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opera-ghost · 1 year
I saw an old post on here with screenshots of JOJ with Katie Hall flirting on twitter back when they were together in poto, it's so cute! John & Katie are my Erik and Christine, they actually matched the characters in Leroux's story. They should have been the 25th anniversary leads... biggest injustice in musical theatre history what they did to JOJ. I wish there was a least a full boot of them in poto or a proshot :'( so frustrating. And I want to see his ponr with Gina so bad. I'd do anything to play christine opposite to JOJ.
this sounds really familiar
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gxilgramore · 3 months
I Think My Musicals Hyper-fixation is Coming Back!
This is going to be sort of an aimeless post celebrating a form of art that i like, so keep that in mind while reading
I'd treat this as a negative thing, because y'know, musicals are not a popular form of telling stories so i'd be really afraid of caring about them again, but nah, if it comes back i'm fine with it.
A bit of context, it was in 2019, one of my favorite youtubers at the time jacksfilms made some inside jokes of 2 videos he had done some years prior, some videos about Alexsander Hamilton, i was curious and watched the videos and then discovered they were based on a broadway musical, at the time i didnt watch musicals so i didnt care at first, until i wacthed it and fell in love, that was the start of a 3 year hyperfixation with musicals, mainly hamilton but musicals in general, and in that time i discovered some of my favorite stuff ever, In the Heights, Book of Mormon, Avenue Q, Beetlejuice, it was great, of course with some bumps since wacthing broadway musicals is hard when you don't even live in the US (thank god), and by being a hyperfixation it was a nightmare for my friends that dont like musicals to listen to me yapping about them for hours.
The fixation was falling in 2020 but a thing, a tragic tragic thing happened, Hamilton on Disney+ happened and my musicals fixation was back at full swing, i don't like Hamilton anymore these days, my opinions on politics evolved to the point of seeing this musical as just a jerk-off for a friend (a right hand man if you will) of a guy who had a shit ton of slaves, and i cant accept this a progressive statement anymore, i just see it as a united states legacy jerk off, and nedless to say i dont like the united states very much. But yeah, because of this my musicals fixation insisted until 2021 where i did a video of one of my favs, the SpongeBob musical, a video im still proud of to this day.
Fast-foward to 2024 and my Doctor Who and videogame soundtracks came back without a warning and i feel like slowly my musicals fixation is coming back, probably because of some Musical Hell videos, i love Diva so much, im sad she abandoned the reviews, im watching them once a day for a week now and it has being a blast, she is funny and her videos are thoughtful, they are not Nostalgia Critic style, where he just complains about the movie with shitty jokes, it sparked my interest again a little bit.
But some things have changed, im not interested in broadway anymore, maybe on off and off-off broadway but not broadway, the more i stared at the current state of broadway it just feels like a tourist spot instead of a place for artistic expression, i may be wrong but thats how i feel, but theater as an art form is more interesting to me, if it actually comes back full swing ill be focusing my energy on finding more experimental, left field or independent shit out of the broadway end, im not saying all broadway is bad tho, we still have great art there, im talking more of broadway as a capitalist institution instead of a creative body, the soul feels like it left the body ages ago somewhere more interesting, im excited to find new stuff that shows me why theater is great again, if you read this to this point and have any recommendations im really willing to listen, mainly if they have a proshot.
I love art in general, try to see everything i can and i hope i can see more musicals, and plays than ever.
I told you it was pretty aimless, writing things in boredom does that to you, but hope you liked it if you read all the way through, and if you want to write an aimless comment about your love for musicals you can talk about it, i will answer everyone, bye for now
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isolationstreet · 4 years
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Davit Hovhannisyan and Valerie Harmon in Michael Pink’s Dracula
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There is no position that I am more diametrically opposed to (that like objectively does not matter) than "stop making mediocre musicals movies" which I'm seeing a lot of in the wake of the wicked casting. I have some thoughts about this, and then I just start ranting, let's go:
No musical movie is ever going to be the same as the show. They are fundamentally different art forms that communicate their stories in very different ways. Even movies that are objectively not good™ have moments that elevate them that you simple don't get onstage. Things like close ups and montages are film devices that can change a musical text for better or worse, but either way you're getting something new. The changes made to one don't influence the other in nearly every case.
Movies are able to reach way more people than anything else. You say you want accessible theatre, you say you want your favorite show to tour or stay on Broadway longer? Well it's not going to if there isn't interest. You get a lot more community theatre productions after a film is made, please, go see them. In the the wake of the very bad into the woods movie, my local theatre put on into the woods and it was great, they had an elaborate cow puppet and everything
How many people got into Phantom, Sweeney Todd, Les Mis etc after the movies were made? All of which are.... Oscar Nominated. Not winners. They're all not very good. So many more people are going to see Wicked (202?) Than have ever seen it or in some cases heard of it. We get into a bubble of what is popular hear on tumblrdotcom but than we all saw how shocked people were on twitter after learning what Dear Evan Hansen was About.
The wicked casting really shows of the damned if you do damned if you don't nature of musical casting. People in the tags are asking for unknowns- well that's what they did for in the heights and nobody saw it. The key is, the are not trying to please you wicked lover, they want someone who has never seen wicked to buy a ticket because they really liked thank you next and they watched victorious when they were little. That being said, Cynthia Erivo only had 21 credits on imdb, 5 of which haven't even come out yet, 2 of them are podcasts and ONE OF THEM IS AN EPISODE OF THE BOSS BABY SHOW so while I'm not saying she's unknown, it is safe to say she is not a household name in anyway. Alexia Khadime is the only black woman to ever play Elphaba full time, Erivo's casting is huge deal and in many ways Ariana taking Glinda allows for this to occur
Proshots are good and I want them all very much. But you're living in a dream world of you think the general populace cares. Hamilton was an anomaly, and even then people were clowning on the staging and the theatre acting and the spit and it does not bring wide appeal! You think the Sweeney Todd pro shot brought anywhere near the number of people to be fans of the show as the 2007 movie?? No! And that proshot is excellent, but it is not what most people want! And there's no way we would have gotten the Royal Albert Hall Phantom without the 2004 movie.
More than one version and vision of a show can exist!!!! Let this be!
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margridarnauds · 3 years
❤️💜🤣📜 for the musical theater asks hehe
❤️- What’s a show that makes you feel pumped up
Oddly, given the subject matter, 1789 - Yes, it ends with the full knowledge that almost everyone is going to die, but the characters pass the revolution on to YOU, the audience, and basically say "We couldn't do it, but everyone should be allowed to change history. One day, we can still create that future." It's easy to view the story of the French Revolution as one of loss, especially when you look at the human cost of it, but it's also one of hope - Of a group of people who believed, genuinely, that they could change the world, and they did. A group of commoners - Whether they were lawyers, fishwives, or peasants, took down the divine, going straight to their door to do it. They did what was, at the time, considered to be the undoable. And now here we are, two centuries later, learning about them, possibly coming one step closer to creating that world. It's self-aware, especially in the Toho, of what's going to happen, but there's also that message of hope.
Also: Newsies. Love Newsies and Legally Blonde.
💜- What’s an unpopular opinion you have about a show?
When I was going through the Korean production of Chicago, it really, really struck me that Fosse's choreography is repetitive, slow, sleazy, and boring after the tenth time seeing the SAME MOVEMENT. And the sad thing is that Fosse's choreography kind of....IS Chicago to some extent, I like Chicago, but you can't remove the choreography without the show collapsing, so I don't know how to fix it. I just know that I hate Fosse's choreography so much.
Fiyero's a good character, you guys are just mean and pissed off he isn't Glinda and that Glinda isn't him.
I honestly don't care about the POTO changes - From my point of view, they look fine, and I'd honestly be fine with the zombie being put out of its misery after running for all of this time, anyway. Being used to the world of Japanese and Korean musicals, I'm just....used to shows having quick runs and quick revivals? It keeps things fresh instead of having to hear "Music of the Night" for the TEN THOUSANDTH TIME. (That being said, I would die for the new cast and wish them the best.) (Part of this might or might not have to do with the....controversial casting choice in 2016.)
I really don't think Broadway could do Elisabeth - I don't really want to see it exported to the States, especially not now when the tide's against it.
Dance of the Vampires Broadway wasn't as bad as people generally think and a lot of its original sins are there in the original show.
I have a TON of others, but I feel like I've said enough to get a hit put out on me so I'll call it.
🤣- Can you fake a laugh?
📜- What’s your opinion on Hamilton?
Honestly? ...in many ways, it's brilliant. In terms of lyrics, in terms of staging, in terms of music, it's as close to perfect as you can get. (Do you KNOW how much I wish I'd thought of "History Has Its Eyes On You" first?) "Wait For It" alone has gotten me through multiple bouts of depression and imposter's syndrome. I own the Hamiltome. It's a masterpiece, and, honestly...I DO think that it deserves the praise it got, since it essentially revitalized the musical industry. (Though some of its successors, like Great Comet and Six..................tried too hard. Too, too hard. Great Comet suffers from trying to be too Artistic, Six suffers from trying to be too relevant.)
That being said....since 2016, I DO understand the criticisms that have come out about it, especially with its portrayal of the Founding Fathers and slavery. I understand the debate over the color conscious casting and whether it's right to have black people playing slavers. (Especially when you have the British portrayed as white, which really....implies that the colonies actually CARED about real change as opposed to getting lower taxes. It shifts the narrative) I feel like LMM could have done more with Laurens and his relationship with Hamilton than a throwaway line (without tossing the women under the bus), and I do feel like all of the women are fundamentally there to revolve around Hamilton, including Maria Reynolds who deserved so, so much better. Also, the show in general embraces a bootstraps narrative.
I think, to some extent, it's the marked difference between when Hamilton came out, in the twilight of the Obama years, VS where we're looking at it now, with the Trump Era only barely behind us. I won't claim Obama was perfect, he wasn't, but there was....a certain general naivety back then. (And please, hardened leftists, don't come at me with "Not for all of us", I know, you're so much smarter and more aware than the rest of us, take your congratulatory cookie and go - I'm talking about the general mood between the two eras.) I don't know, but it's hard to hear Hamilton talk about how even orphaned immigrants can rise up when we've all seen the absolute darkest side to the American Dream™ the last four years, and we keep seeing it.
Also, they really, really should have released the proshot earlier - It was a fool move to release it over 4 years after its height. You don't make more money that way, you just lose relevance.
Overall - I honestly do still like the musical. I think it deserved the praise. That being said, I do think that we're at the stage where we can look at it with a more circumspect eye, while acknowledging that, on a technical level, it's very, very good. The question of how to put history on stage is always going to be there, and I feel like Hamilton's only really the tip of the iceberg, even though it definitely opened the dialogue.
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i was tagged by @webbyisastupidbitch and i’m bored and waiting for the new Parks and Rec ep so lemme give you some of my unpopular (?) theatre opinions:
i prefer the west end Heathers album to the off broadway one (but i’ll listen to both) 
the songs in Pretty Woman, Freaky Friday, and & Juliet are fun you guys are just mean 
the npgc1812 vs deh fight never made sense to me because CFA is better than both and it should’ve won the 2017 Tony idec
Rent isn’t outdated it’s a period piece
just because someone is older and more “famous” than other nominees doesn’t automatically mean they deserve a Tony award. (not going to say who i’m referring to. but it was one specific award in the past five years.) 
shows shouldn’t sweep the Tonys just because they’re Best Musical caliber. less critically acclaimed shows should win awards too for things other than best musical/score/book/etc. (what tf was up with Once winning Best Scenic Design in 2012 when it was up against Newsies and SMTOTD. and that’s just one example. come on.) 
they should not have waited until next summer to release the ITH movie. they should’ve released it on streaming services in June when they were supposed to and then when it’s safe again, re-release it in theaters (if that ever happens -- i mean, we don’t even know if the movie theater industry will survive this.)
Corey Cott deserved the same hype for Bandstand that Ben Platt got for DEH. period. 
stuntcasting the Wicked movie for the main roles would not work out in their favor. it’s popular (pun unintended) enough that they can make a movie without stuffing it full of big names (unlike The Prom, for example). stuntcast Morrible, Wizard, Dillamond if they really want to, but not the core 3. 
people who flat out deny the significance of bootlegs (without thinking of people who literally can’t see live theatre) need to check themselves. i recognize the many downfalls (lack of consent, illegal, etc.), but they are not all bad. in fact, they are a big part of why the worldwide theatre community is as big as it is. until proshots for popular musicals are widely available and for cheap (or even free), this is the hill i will die on. 
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crystal-lillies · 4 years
A few positive things from 2020
So we all can agree 2020 was hardly much but chaos and struggle, but there were some good things I don't want to overlook on this last day. Therefore, in no particular order, here are some bright things we had this year.
-We got the finale of Steven Universe Future, the end of the SU saga, and it was full of emotions of all kinds, but ended with our boy getting love and care from all his family and friends and that's all that matters yknow?
-Infinity Train books 2 and 3 holy shit man they both slapped so hard, one at the top of 2020 and the other in the middle. Wild. I really hope we keep getting more but what we've got was spectacular.
-Continuing the line of animation, like, The Owl House? Absolutely superb??? Hello??? Finally some good fucking food??? Lumity watered my crops, cleared my acne, saved my life??? Not to mention Eda and Lilith and Hooty and Willow and Gus oh gosh they're all so great
-ATLA got added to Netflix mid-year, and a whole swarm of new fandom was brought into the mix. with this came a lot of Zukka, and honestly not bad tbh.
-we got Sonic the Hedgehog this year y'all and lemme tell you it was honestly a solid movie which we were all not expecting at all. I went to see it twice and it was the last movie I saw in theaters. Totally worth it.
-Movies kinda got shot in the foot this year, but the ones I got to see in theaters besides Sonic were Dolittle, Knives Out, and Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of one Harley Quinn), along with a collection of animated short films nominated for Oscars this year. That last one was a pretty rocking experience ngl, and all of the ones in that collection were incredible.
-Speaking of that collection of short films, Hair Love won best animated short film, and even though there were so many incredible ones, Hair Love was so sweet and heartwarming and gorgeously animated, it was a deserving win.
-I think it goes without saying that Animal Crossing New Horizons has been one of the best things to come out this year, period.
-for better or worse, Hamilton proshot was released on Disney Plus in July, and In the Heights was pushed to next summer. Hey, we got to see everything from King George spit and everyone's sweat to every heart wrenching emotion and fun background actors you don't get to appreciate when watching bootlegs or listening to the album (particularly thinking of the Bullet character).
- do I need to mention the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, or the double full moon of October? Absolutely brilliant.
-Fruits Basket Reboot!!! Holy hell has it amazing this year!!
-BNHA got lots of crazy reveals and arcs coming to heads this year with all kinds of fun in store for the next season of the anime
-y'all. Y'all. TWEWY not only got an anime adaptation announced with trailers that look amazing for a drop next year, but WE ALSO GOT NEOTWEWY....TWEWY2.....AFTER ALL THESE YEARS.....
-Doctor Who season 12 went hard all the way through and was so exciting to watch weekly the old fashioned way this year
-on a personal note, I got a couple amazing art commissions from my good friend @ghoststrawberries, and while I wanted to do more, I'm so so happy with getting what I was able to this year. (And I highly recommend commissioning them)
- Also another personal note, I was able to keep in touch with a lot of my friends, even some I haven't kept in good communication with, via letters and messages this year, and I've got a sweet collection of letters and cards from everyone I've connected to this year, and it's really nice.
-I participated in Camp NaNo April and July along with regular NaNoWriMo this year. I set and reached goals of 30,000 and 40,000 words for the Camp NaNo challenges and wrote every day; while I wasn't able to hit 50,000 words for NaNo proper per my hoped plans, I wrote about 10,000 more words than I did the previous year, and I'm proud of that considering how crazy my November was this year. Even though I didn't get to finish a second draft of my middle grade novel, I was able to work through a good amount of the research and worldbuilding through NaNo, and I'm proud of that.
It's been a hell kind of year, and I don't discount any of the struggles faced. But I wanted to just touch on some good stuff before closing out 2020. There's plenty more I didn't cover bc I'm 5 minutes away from sleep and am just listing off the top of my head, but I like this tradition of taking the good and appreciating it every year before the new one comes.
I hope you all stay safe and take care ❤ happy New Year, and I wish all of you good vibes into 2021!
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theclockworkraker · 4 years
Things I want when Korea puts on their 10th Anniversary production of Elisabeth Das Musical in 2022
1. Updated staging. The production has existed for 7 years and the staging has mostly stayed consistent all this time. But it has gone stale and is in need of improvement. Many scenes are flat and uninspired, like “Mama, Wo Bist Du” and “Die Maladie” where the stage is either very static or bare or “Der Letze Tanz”, where there is movement, but very little purpose. I rag on the Toho production for a lot of their choices, but at least their production has evolved a lot and has been through multiple phases of change since 2001, and their staging has only improved greatly. Oh, and remove “Kein Kommen Ohne Gehen”. That number only serves to make the show worse.
2. The casting of Der Tod. We must acknowledge that there is a trend of “stunt-casting” of idols for the role of Der Tod (Thankfully the roles of Elisabeth and Lucheni and the rest of the cast have always been filled by veteran theater actors so far). While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing (I thought Junsu did an okay job despite having little experience with musicals in 2012), other examples have not worked out so far (See Park Hyung Sik and LEO in the 2019 production who were not vocally strong enough and were sometime overpowered by their co-actors). Okay, maybe “stunt-casting” will required to draw in more ticket sales, but I hope they only do so in moderation (Unlike the 2019 production). Since they always do triple-casts, I hope that only one slot will be filled in by an idol (Not Junsu please. He has been in it 3 times already) and the other two will be filled by theater veterans. Perhaps one lot can be filled by a previous actor who has played the part (Park Hyo Shin or Jeon Dong Seok would be great) and the last slot can be filled by casting a new actor who has not played the role before (Park Kang Hyun, Son Jun Ho or KAI would be pretty great. Or they can even upgrade Park Eun Tae from Lucheni at last. I’m privately hoping Hong Kwang Ho can play the part, but probably not alas). Or even more revolutionary, they can have Ock Joo Hyun play the role ala Takarazuka (She already sang Der Letzte Tanz at one of her concerts, proving she has the range)
3. Cast album!!! Hopefully, not a lazy highlight recording but a full one of the whole show. Maybe a proshot at last? (Not likely though)
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sagebaileyspeaks · 4 years
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The day is finally upon us and Hamilton has finally reached Disney+ and I just want to say: I’m glad they got this proshot right. 
My experience is limited to Cats and Spongebob but both of those left a few things to be desired. Cats is definitely bizarre and entertaining the lack of audience presence is apparent and gives the film a distance that doesn’t emulate live theater and in the case of Spongebob...listen I’m glad that they took the time to film this musical for the sake of posterity but the proshot of Spongebob is TERRIBLE. Especially if you’ve seen the show live or any of the slime tutorials that are floating around. That proshot suffers from the amount of material that was cut, the lackluster audience and the incredibly stiff direction. When you see the Spongebob Musical live there is so much ENERGY that the director just could not capture. And you can’t tell me that it was too hard to do, because they did it with Cats back in 1998 and they did it here with Hamilton in 2016.
Mini rant out of the way, I think this proshot is amazing and embodies both the experience of live theater and the sheer power of this particular musical. I mean just look at the trailer. I saw a video late last year, coincidentally about Cats, and how the proshot allows you to get those characters more personally and that is absolutely true here. 
Having seen a variety of slime tutorials (sorry Lin!) and the show live in SF, I can tell you with certainty that there are things you just can’t pick up because everything moves so fast in front of you. Facial expressions, slight movements of the hand, I NEVER realized the look of complete devastation on Burr’s face in “The Election of 1800″ but now I do! And in high definition!
In regards to what I think of the musical as a whole: I think that Act 1 is a great representation of the “Double Consciousness” and Act 2 is war of the assholes. And what I mean by that is that on the surface, you have a musical about how great the Revolutionary War and our Founding Fathers are and underneath you have a group of POC going back and forth about best way to approach an oppressive system.
You have Burr who is very much about respectability politics who embodies the, “if we just educate ourselves, talk proper and dress nice and not make too many waves we can rise in this system,” and then you have Hamilton who says, “Fuck that, burn it all down, revolution we get rid of the oppressor by force.” And in these times, lines like “this is not a moment, it’s the movement,” “I’d rather be divisive than indecisive,” “when you’re living on your knees you rise up,” have a lot more meaning than they previously held.
Act 2 on the other hand is when you see that one person who called for revolution get a little bit of power and then sell out the entire movement because it’s now below him. It’s tragic that Burr, Mr.Respectability Politics, can’t rise any higher until he starts acting like a revolutionary, but Hamilton, the self proclaimed revolutionary, rises high because he challenges the system and becomes apart of it. 
If nothing else, I see Hamilton as a musical about how POC in America navigate a system of oppression and work within it. Also Ham’s an asshole, Jefferson’s a snazzy asshole and Burr is a sympathetic - but murderous - asshole and I love it. I’ve read a few articles that say the musical is wrong for painting them as “heroes” but honestly...honestly...every single one of them puts their assholeishness on full display and they’re just fun to watch because they’re terrible people. Like, I don’t watch Jefferson and go “what an amazing job,” I think, “You entertaining son of a bitch.” But that’s just me.  
I think another element that added to my enjoyment was the fact that my experience with the musical live was not great. The actor who was filling in Burr did not have the vocal range required for the role, the person playing Lafayette/Jefferson was - in my opinion - hucking and jiving for white folks (shaking his Afro like JJ from Good Times,) and the audience had an audible negative reaction when a dark skinned Maria Reynolds appeared on stage. The other core numbers “Yorktown,” “Satisfied,” “One Last Time,” and “Schuyler Sisters” were phenomenal, but honestly even watching the slime tutorials weren’t enough to wash the bad taste out of my mouth - but this was! I feel like it was a great substitute for the live experience.
All around Hamilton on Disney+ is a huge recommendation for me ESPECIALLY if you have kids of color. 
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sleepyspoonie · 5 years
I would pay for your view on the hades town lyric rework for broadway and stuff, because i myself have some OPINIONS
OK i didn’t answer thsi when i first got it because i hadn’t digested everything in full, but i ABSOLUTELY have opinions on this, to an absurd degree.
Full disclosure upfront, I wildly prefer the NYTW version to the Broadway version, with the exception of one or two really awesome things from Broadway (the bridge in Wait For Me, for example, or making the parallels in Persephone and Hades’ climate change theme more emphatic in Chant I, etc.). I’m a big fan of subtlety and abstractions and stuff like that, and I feel like the NYTW version has a lot more understated nuance than the Broadway version.
Like, I get why they made the changes they did—they appeal more broadly to a wide audience and make the story easier to understand, but unfortunately, doing so removes some of what I liked best about the original version.
Without a doubt the thing that has me the most miffed about the changes to the Broadway version was the loss of Persephone’s “when I was a young girl” part in Chant II. On top of hands down being my absolutely favorite part of the show, I felt removing it stripped her of a lot of her own agency in the story.
Rather than being someone who just like, exists, and is running around in Hadestown and is something that Hades wants back, she instead like, she loves him! she wants him to get his shit together! she’s disillusioned and tired and frustrated about being controlled all the time, but he’s still someone that she loved and still loves and wants to fix things with.
I feel like they do express the relationship between Hades and Persephone more overly in other songs than they do in the NYTW, which I think is great, but Seph losing that part of Chant II I felt was a bad move.
Honestly, in that verse, the changes they made over time before gradually removing it were perhaps the most telling shift in the role that Persephone’s character serves. In the first iteration, it’s about her. Then in the second and third iterations, it’s about how Orpheus can save the day.
No longer is it a woman supporting another woman in her pain, but it’s been transformed into a woman talking about a guy who can hopefully get her husband over himself. While I think having that information somewhere in the play is fine, I don’t think they should have cut Seph talking about her own feelings with Euridice in that way to showcase it. Plus I LOVED the parallels between her talk and Hades’!
Of course, then it’s cut altogether, which is almost worse ):
Another thing that bothers me a bit about the Broadway version is that it lost some of its intensely Southern influence. Obviously, Andre De Shields is a great actor and a lot of fun, but the NYTW really captured like, old timey country music in Hades and Hermes’ musical styles.
Hades, of course had and has that old, like, talk-singing country style, and Hermes had that really jazz-blues thing going on. And with the fates all Gospel choir, the southern influence was abundantly clear. But my personal opinion is that De Shields doesn’t bring enough lively energy to the role of Hermes, and I don’t prefer his performance.
All of that said, I LOVE Hadestown! The Broadway version may not do it for me, but this is still one of my favorite musicals. I’ll die happy if they release a proshot of the NYTW version, without a doubt.
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xornwaswrong-blog · 7 years
I would love to trade, but I can gift if you’re new to the bootleg world. I did not film any of these. Please don’t try to “trade” YouTube videos with me. Also, respect NFT dates. If I forgot to include one, please message me nicely and I’ll put it up. Feel free to ask whatever questions you need to ask. If you’re only interested in VOBs, please ask if I have VOBs of what you want, because I have them for a lot of the shows I have, but it’s easier for me to access my mp4s and I may forget.
Abbreviations I use: OBC = Original Broadway Cast OOBC = Original Off Broadway Cast OBRC = Original Broadway Revival Cast NFT = Not For Trade
3 Musketeers with Aaron Tveit
9 to 5 OBC
13 OBC
1776 (1997 Cast)
21 Chump Street
25th Annual Puntnam County Spelling Bee OBC
A Bronx Tale
A Christmas Story OBC
A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder OBC
Aida with Idina Menzel
A New Brain Original Cast
A New Brain Jonathan Groff
Annie Get Your Gun Bernadette Peters
Annie Get Your Gun Megan Hilty
Aladdin OBC
Altar Boyz
Annie OBRC
Anyone Can Whistle Patti Lupone, Michael Cerveris and Audra McDonald (Ravina production)
Anyone Can Whistle Donna Murphy, Raul Esparza and Sutton Foster (Encores Production)
Anything Goes with Stephanie J. Block
American Idiot Broadway
American Psycho OBC
Anastasia Hartford
Anastasia OBC (NFT until Nov. 1)
Avenue Q OBC
Bandstand OBC
Bare the Musical Off Broadway
Bat Boy Kerry Butler
Beauty and the Beast OBC
Blood Brothers 1989 Proshot
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Broadway
Book of Mormon OBC
Book of Mormon Nic Rouleau Ben Platt
Book of Mormon London Gavin Creel
Book of Mormon Workshop
Bridges of Madison County OBC
Bright Star Closing Night
Bring It On OBC
Cabaret 1987 (Joel Grey)
Cabaret (Raul Esparza)
Cabaret (Emma Stone)
Cabaret 2014 OBRC
Camelot Richard Burton and Christine Ebersole
Carousel 1994 (Audra McDonald)
Carousel Live from Lincoln Center (Kelli O’Hara, Jessie Mueller)
Carousel (Steven Pasquale Laura Osnes)
Carrie (Off-Broadway)
Catch Me If You Can OBC
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Broadway
Chess in Concert
Chicago OBRC (Ann Reinking, Bebe Newirth)
The Color Purple OBC
The Color Purple OBRC
The Color Purple with Heather Headley
Come From Away OBC
Company in Washington DC (John Barrowman, Alice Ripley)
Company Raul Esparza Proshot
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime OBC
Dear Evan Hansen OBC
Debbie Does Dallas Sherie Rene Scott
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels OBC
Dog Sees God OOBC
Dogfight OOBC
The Drowsy Chaperone with Bob Saget
Evita OBC (Patti Lupone)
Evita Tour (Raul Esparza)
End of the Rainbow with Tracie Bennet
Equus with Daniel Radcliffe
Falsettos OBC
Falsettos Mandy Patinkin
Falsettos OBRC (2 angles and the proshot rip)
The Frogs Nathan Lane
Fun Home OBC
Fun Home Tour Kate Schindle and Carly Gold
Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum (Nathan Lane revival)
Grey Gardens OBC
Groundhog Day OBC
Guys and Dolls 2009 Revival
Gypsy with Tyne Daly
Gypsy Bette Midler movie
Gypsy with Patti Lupone
Gypsy London proshot
Hair (Encores with Idina Menzel and Jesse Tyler Ferguson)
Hair Actors Benefit Concert (This cast is crazy awesome, PM me for details)
Hairspray OBC
Hairspray OBC conductor cam
Hairspray Aaron Tveit
Hairspray Andrew Rannells
Hairspray OLC
Hamilton OBC
Hamilton OCC
Hamilton Javier Munoz u/s
Hamilton Javier Munoz & Lexi Lawson u/s
Hamilton Act 1 Andrew Rannells
Hand to God (Jim Parsons and Sean Hayes)
Hands on a Hardbody
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Heathers (understudy Heather Chandler and JD)
Heathers Full OC (bad angle, bad filming, only Act 1)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Off Broadway proshot, JCM
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Andrew Rannells
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Darren Criss
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Jason Cameron Mitchel (Crate Show)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Taye Diggs
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Lena Hall as Hedwig
Hello Dolly Bette Midler OBRC
Hello Dolly Donna Murphy (NFT until October)
Honeymoon In Vegas
How To Succeed… Daniel Radcliffe
If/Then Jackie Burns
In The Heights OBC
In The Heights Krysta Rodriguez
In The Heights London (a LOT of understudies, though. PM me for details)
Into The Woods 2002 OBC Off-Broadway
Into The Woods Regent’s Park
Into The Woods (Amy Adams, Donna Murphy)
Into the Woods (Heather Headley, Rob McClure)
InTransit Broadway
Jersey Boys with Andrew Rannells
Jesus Christ Superstar Arena Tour proshot
The King and I Donna Murphy
The King and I Kelli O’Hara
The King and I Marin Mazzie
Kinky Boots OBC
Kinky Boots Brendon Urie (starts at Sex is in the Heel)
Kiss Me Kate Rachel York proshot
La Cage aux Folles (both revivals)
Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill
The Last Five Years Norbert Leo Butz and Lauren Kennedy
The Last Five Years OOBC
The Last Five Years Betsy Wolfe Adam Kantor
The Last Five Years Katie Rose Clarke Adam Halpin
Legally Blonde OBC (proshot)
Les Miserables (Sutton Foster as Eponine)
Les Miserables (Drew Sarich as Valjean)
Les Miserables (Lea Salonga as Fantine)
Les Miserables (Kerry Ellis as Fantine)
Les Miserables 2011
Les Miserables Dallas
Les Miserables 2014 OBRC
Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Concert (proshot)
Lightning Thief Concert
Little Foxes (Laura Linney as Regina)
A Little Night Music Bernadette Peters
The Little Mermaid (Broadway, not out of town tryouts)
Little Shop of Horrors Florida Tryouts (Alice Ripley, Hunter Foster, Billy Porter)
Little Shop of Horrors OBC
Little Shop of Horrors Jake Gyllenhaal
Love Never Dies
Man of LaMancha (2002)
Matilda w/Lesli Margarita
Memphis OBC (proshot)
Merrily We Roll Along Raul Esparza
Merrily We Roll Along 2013
Miss Saigon Lea Salonga Will Chase
Miss Saigon London Revival (Proshot)
Miss Saigon London Revival (bootleg)
Miss Saigon Broadway Revival
The Music Man (Robert Sean Leonard and Rebecca Luker)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Revival Cast)
Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 OBC (two of them, one from December)
Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 Scott Sangland
Newsies OBC
Newsies Jeremy Jordan Kara Lindsay (proshot)
Next To Normal OOBC
Next To Normal OBC
Next To Normal OBC (Matinee, VOBs)
Next To Normal 2nd Broadway Preview
Next To Normal Alice Ripley, Jennifer Damiano, & Brian D'Arcy James’ Final Performance
Next To Normal Jessica Phillips & Kyle Dean Massey
On Your Feet OBC 10/17/15
Once OBC
Once with Arthur Darville
Once Upon A Mattress OBRC (Sarah Jessica Parker)
Pacific Overtures OBC (proshot)
Pajama Game Kelli O'Hara Harry Connick Jr.
Parade in Concert (Jeremy Jordan and Laura Benanti)
Parade 2009 LA Production
Passion Patti Lupone 2005 (Lincoln Center)
Pippin Toronto (proshot)
Pippin 2013 OBRC
Pippin with Kyle Dean Massey and Ciara Rene
Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary (proshot)
Phantom of the Opera Norm Lewis and Sierra Bogress
The Pirate Queen OBC
The Prom World Premiere
The Producers OBC
Priscilla Queen of the Desert
Ragtime OBC
Reefer Madness OOBC (Kristen Bell)
Rent OBC Opening Night
Rent 10th Anniversary Reunion Concert
Rent Closing Cast with Renee Elise Goldsberry (proshot)
Rent Hollywood Bowl
The Robber Bridegroom (Steven Pasquale)
Rocky OBC (Andy Karl)
Rocky Horror Show OBC (Daphne Rubin-Vega and Joan Jett) [yes, that Joan Jett]
Saved! (Aaron Tveit)
Scarlet Pimpernel
School of Rock OBC
Scotsboro Boys OBC
Secret Garden Concert
Seussical (Rosie O’Donnel)
Side Show OBC
Sister Act OBC
Shuffle Along OBC
Something Rotten OBC
Something Rotten Rob McClure
South Pacific Kelli O’Hara (bootleg)
SpongeBob Musical Chicago Tryout
Spring Awakening Krysta Rodriguez (PM me for details on the understudies)
Spring Awakening Deaf West
Streetcar Named Desire John C. Reilly and Natasha Richardson
Sunday in the Park with George OBRC (Jake Gyllenhaal & Annaleigh Ashford)
Sunset Boulevard 2017 (February 24th)
Sweeney Todd OBC
Sweeney Todd Angela Lansbury proshot
Sweeney Todd 2012 (Imelda Staunton Michael Ball)
Sweeney Todd Concert (Emma Thompson, Christian Borle)
Sweet Charity with Sutton Foster
tick… tick… BOOM OOBC
[title of show]
Thoroughly Modern Millie OBC
Twelfth Night (1998)
Urinetown OBC
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike OBC
Violet OBRC (Sutton Foster)
Waitress OBC
Waitress Sara Barellies
War Paint OCC
War Paint Broadway previews
We Will Rock You (Kerry Ellis)
The Wedding Singer OBC
West Side Story with Karen Olivo OBRC
Wicked OBC previews
Wicked OBC but Taye Diggs is Fiyero
Wicked Kristin Chenoweth’s Last
Wicked Shoshana Bean, Jennifer Laura Thompson, and Joey McIntyre
Wicked Idina’s “Last performance” Joey McIntyre’s last performance (Shoshana Bean, Jennifer Laura Thompson, and Joey McIntyre)
Wicked Julia Murney Broadway
Wicked Victoria Matlock
Wicked Megan Hilty’s Last Broadway Show with Eden
Wicked Eden Espinosa’s Last Broadway Show
Wicked Eden Espinosa and Megan Hilty LA
Wicked Stephanie J. Block and Analeigh Ashford
Wicked Dee Roscoli
Wicked Willemijn Verkaik and Katie Rose Clarke
Wicked Mandy Gonzalez and Andy Karl
Wicked Lili Cooper and Kara Lindsay
Wicked Laurel Harris and Kara Lindsay
Wicked Kerry Ellis
Wicked Jackie Burns (no fly)
Wicked Jackie Burns 2010
Wicked Donna Vivino tour
Wicked Donna Vivino and Ali Mauzey
Wicked Rachel Tucker and Jonah Platt
Wicked Kara Lindsay and Jennifer DiNoia
The Wild Party Encores!
Wonderful Town Donna Murphy
Xanadu OBC
You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown Revival
I haven’t watched all of these yet, so I may have some cast details slightly wrong (understudies and the like). Please PM me for trading. Be sure to follow me.
Avenue Q with Rob McClure
Any Carousel I don’t have
Evita with Eden Espinosa (ready to kill to get this)
Last Five Years with Samantha Barks (one of the only audio trades I will accept)
Any Last Five Years I don’t have
Les Mis in general
Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 w/ Oak and/or Ingrid Michaelson once the NFT date passes
Any Natasha Pierre…. I don’t have
Next to Normal Marin Mazzie
Any Rent that I don’t have (especially if it’s with Sherie Rene Scott)
She Loves Me in general (not the 2016 livestream)
Sunset Boulevard in general
Wicked with Susie Mathers
Wicked in general
And generally anything I don’t have
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tveckling · 7 years
What are the top 5 plays you would recommend to someone new to The Sparkly Hungarian Fandom™?
Ooooh *rubs hands* this is a very excellent question, Nonny. I, like every other person ofc, have my biases so do be aware of that. Also, I have no operetta in the list because... I actually haven’t seen any yet... at all. BUT this will change in May at least~
Before the list I’d like to share this link here which is the greatest resource for you. Honestly. Here are musicals, operettas, concerts, and more. It’s the best resource for any Sparkly Hungarians fan hands down. All the musicals mentioned below are in this post!But for the list (guessing here btw that you mean musicals. I do know a couple plays that seem awesome and is on my to-watch list when I know more Hungarian, but uh... yeh) :
1. Rómeó és Júlia - guessing this one doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone. This musical has a filmed proshot version with subtitles on yt, as well as two other non-subtitled bootlegs. Great actors, great singing, great costumes and songs and story and characters and aaaaaaaa. And god. The choreography. Dear god, the choreography for Verona *fans self* let’s just say I am not even ashamed over having gone and watched this physically multiple times.
2. Rebecca - A Manderley-ház asszonya - based on the German musical, which was based on the book by Daphne du Maurier. This is a musical that doesn’t play any longer, and unfortunately it never got professionally filmed *cries* However, there are a few relatively good bootlegs on yt! Without subtitles, but the synopsis of the book on wikipedia should be enough to let you know what happens. The music here is just so so good, I cannot stress this enough. I bought the soundtrack (unfortunately not all songs, but still) and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to it. The official soundtrack and my personal favorite bootleg have Szinetár Dorá and Bereczki Zoltán in the main roles. Full of intrigues and unlikable characters so many I want to smack *glares as Maxim especially* and so much mystique. And let me remind you of the very very great music, because it’s truly great.
3. Ördögölő Józsiás - this is apparently an operetta not a musical? idek dude, but I like it a lot. It’s a nice fairy tale Marin, I actually wrote faily at first this is your fault with the hero Jósziás saving the fairyland from the devils trying to usurp it. Has really catchy songs and so much ham and leather and it is so good. I personally always feel bad for Bakzsen even though he is.... well. But I always feel bad for the villains, so no one’s surprised. My goal is to watch this one live one day soon grrr. (Vándorének gets stuck in your head so freaking easily is2g) Marin made post about first act here and second act here, with helpful links to particular songs and all. Go listen and fall in love ;)
4. Szépség és a szörnyeteg (Beauty & the Beast) - i saw this in person in february, with other actors (Sorry Zsolt, but Sányi is way more preferable Beast okay) and while the first act was.... honestly, pretty boring, the second act was just soooo goooooooood. I love Beast’s solo song, it’s the best song in the whole musical. If you like the disney movie and/or the songs from it you’ll like this one too.
5. Szentivánéji álom (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) - glitter, leather shakespeare, fairies, pranks gone wrong, fire, even more glitter and leather; what more do you want pfffft. i just... adore this musical a lot, okay (and even though Zoli plays my least favorite character seeing him have so much fun in the role makes me so happy)(and we shall not even begin with KMM as Puck, that’s just... yesss) Favorite part of this one is that they spend more time on Titania and her feelings after what happens. I will never not find her and Oberyn’s ending strange however. But still, kudos.
So that’d be my top 5. I really really must stress that THIS link is invaluable. So many musicals, and you can choose according to which actor/s you like most! what no ofc I have seen musicals that doesn’t have Zoli in it..... I mean, I saw Ördögölő Józsiás? >>
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xornwaswrong-blog · 7 years
I would love to trade, but I can gift if you're new to the bootleg world. I did not film any of these. Please don't try to "trade" YouTube videos with me. Also, respect NFT dates. If I forgot to include one, please message me nicely and I'll put it up. Feel free to ask whatever questions you need to ask.
Abbreviations I use: OBC = Original Broadway Cast OOBC = Original Off Broadway Cast OBRC = Original Broadway Revival Cast NFT = Not For Trade
3 Musketeers with Aaron Tveit
9 to 5 OBC
13 OBC
1776 (1997 Cast)
21 Chump Street
25th Annual Puntnam County Spelling Bee OBC
A Christmas Story OBC
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder OBC
Aida with Idina Menzel
A New Brain Original Cast
A New Brain Jonathan Groff
Annie Get Your Gun Bernadette Peters
Annie Get Your Gun Megan Hilty
Aladdin OBC
Altar Boyz
Annie OBRC
Anyone Can Whistle Patti Lupone, Michael Cerveris and Audra McDonald (Ravina production)
Anyone Can Whistle Donna Murphy, Raul Esparza and Sutton Foster (Encores Production)
Anything Goes with Stephanie J. Block
American Idiot Broadway
American Psycho OBC
Anastasia Hartford
Anastasia OBC (NFT until Nov. 1)
Avenue Q OBC 
Bandstand OBC
Bare the Musical Off Broadway
Bat Boy Kerry Butler
Beauty and the Beast OBC
Blood Brothers 1989 Proshot
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Broadway
Book of Mormon OBC
Book of Mormon Nic Rouleau Ben Platt
Book of Mormon London Gavin Creel
Book of Mormon Workshop
Bridges of Madison County OBC
Bright Star Closing Night
Bring It On OBC
Cabaret 1987 (Joel Grey)
Cabaret (Raul Esparza)
Cabaret (Emma Stone)
Cabaret 2014 OBRC
Camelot Richard Burton and Christine Ebersole
Carousel 1994 (Audra McDonald)
Carousel Live from Lincoln Center (Kelli O’Hara, Jessie Mueller)
Carousel (Steven Pasquale Laura Osnes)
Carrie (Off-Broadway)
Catch Me If You Can OBC
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Broadway
Chess in Concert
Chicago OBRC (Ann Reinking, Bebe Newirth)
The Color Purple OBC
The Color Purple OBRC
The Color Purple with Heather Headley
Come From Away OBC
Company in Washington DC (John Barrowman, Alice Ripley)
Company Raul Esparza Proshot 
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime OBC
Dear Evan Hansen OBC
Debbie Does Dallas Sherie Rene Scott
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels OBC
Dogfight OOBC
The Drowsy Chaperone with Bob Saget
Evita OBC (Patti Lupone)
Evita Tour (Raul Esparza)
End of the Rainbow with Tracie Bennet
Falsettos OBC
Falsettos Mandy Patinkin
Falsettos OBRC (2 angles and the proshot rip)
The Frogs Nathan Lane
Fun Home OBC
Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum (Nathan Lane revival)
Grey Gardens OBC
Groundhog Day OBC
Guys and Dolls 2009 Revival
Gypsy with Tyne Daly
Gypsy Bette Midler movie
Gypsy with Patti Lupone
Gypsy London proshot
Hairspray OBC
Hairspray Aaron Tveit
Hairspray Andrew Rannells
Hamilton OBC
Hamilton OCC
Hamilton Javier Munoz u/s
Hamilton Javier Munoz & Lexi Lawson u/s
Hamilton Act 1 Andrew Rannells
Hand to God
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Heathers (understudy Heather Chandler and JD)
Heathers Full OC (bad angle, bad filming, only Act 1)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Off Broadway proshot, JCM
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Andrew Rannells
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Darren Criss
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Jason Cameron Mitchel (Crate Show)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Taye Diggs
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Lena Hall as Hedwig
Hello Dolly Bette Midler OBRC
Hello Dolly Donna Murphy (NFT until October)
Honeymoon In Vegas
How To Succeed... Daniel Radcliffe
If/Then Jackie Burns
In The Heights OBC
In The Heights Krysta Rodriguez
Into The Woods 2002 OBC Off-Broadway
Into The Woods Regent’s Park
Into The Woods (Amy Adams, Donna Murphy)
Into the Woods (Heather Headley, Rob McClure)
InTransit Broadway
Jersey Boys with Andrew Rannells
Jesus Christ Superstar Arena Tour proshot
The King and I Donna Murphy
Kinky Boots OBC
Kinky Boots Brendon Urie (starts at Sex is in the Heel)
Kiss Me Kate Rachel York proshot
La Cage aux Folles OBRC
Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill
The Last Five Years Betsy Wolfe Adam Kantor
The Last Five Years Katie Rose Clarke Adam Halpin
Legally Blonde OBC (proshot)
Les Miserables (Sutton Foster as Eponine)
Les Miserables (Drew Sarich as Valjean)
Les Miserables (Lea Salonga as Fantine)
Les Miserables (Kerry Ellis as Fantine)
Les Miserables 2011
Les Miserables Dallas
Les Miserables 2014 OBRC
Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Concert (proshot)
Lightning Thief Concert
A Little Night Music Bernadette Peters
Little Shop of Horrors Florida Tryouts (Alice Ripley, Hunter Foster, Billy Porter)
Little Shop of Horrors OBC
Love Never Dies
Matilda w/Lesli Margarita
Memphis OBC (proshot)
Merrily We Roll Along Raul Esparza
Merrily We Roll Along 2013
Miss Saigon Lea Salonga Will Chase
Miss Saigon London Revival (Proshot)
Miss Saigon London Revival (bootleg)
Miss Saigon Broadway Revival
The Music Man (Robert Sean Leonard and Rebecca Luker)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Revival Cast)
Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 OBC (two of them, one from December)
Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 Scott Sangland
Newsies OBC
Newsies Jeremy Jordan Kara Lindsay (proshot)
Next To Normal OOBC
Next To Normal OBC
Next To Normal OBC (Matinee, VOBs)
Next To Normal 2nd Broadway Preview
Next To Normal Alice Ripley, Jennifer Damiano, & Brian D'Arcy James' Final Performance
Next To Normal Jessica Phillips & Kyle Dean Massey
On Your Feet OBC 10/17/15
Once OBC
Once with Arthur Darville
Once Upon A Mattress OBRC (Sarah Jessica Parker)
Pacific Overtures OBC (proshot)
Pajama Game Kelli O'Hara Harry Connick Jr.
Parade in Concert (Jeremy Jordan and Laura Benanti)
Parade 2009 LA Production
Passion Patti Lupone 2005 (Lincoln Center)
Pippin Toronto (proshot)
Pippin 2013 OBRC
Pippin with Kyle Dean Massey and Ciara Rene
Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary (proshot)
Phantom of the Opera Norm Lewis and Sierra Bogress
The Pirate Queen OBC
The Prom World Premiere
The Producers OBC
Ragtime OBC
Reefer Madness OOBC (Kristen Bell)
Rent OBC Opening Night
Rent 10th Anniversary Reunion Concert
Rent Closing Cast with Renee Elise Goldsberry (proshot)
Rent Hollywood Bowl
The Robber Bridegroom (Steven Pasquale)
Rocky OBC (Andy Karl)
Rocky Horror Show OBC (Daphne Rubin-Vega and Joan Jett) [yes, that Joan Jett]
Scarlet Pimpernel 
School of Rock OBC
Scotsboro Boys OBC
Secret Garden Concert
Seussical (Rosie O’Donnel)
Side Show OBC
Sister Act OBC
Shuffle Along OBC
Something Rotten OBC
Something Rotten Rob McClure
South Pacific Kelli O’Hara (bootleg)
SpongeBob Musical Chicago Tryout
Spring Awakening Krysta Rodriguez (PM me for details on the understudies)
Spring Awakening Deaf West
Streetcar Named Desire John C. Reilly and Natasha Richardson
Sunday in the Park with George OBRC (Jake Gyllenhaal & Annaleigh Ashford)
Sweeney Todd OBC
Sweeney Todd Angela Lansbury proshot
Sweeney Todd 2012 (Imelda Staunton Michael Ball, very low quality, but it exists)
Sweeney Todd Concert (Emma Thompson, Christian Borle)
tick... tick... BOOM OOBC
[title of show]
Thoroughly Modern Millie OBC
Urinetown OBC
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike OBC
Violet OBRC (Sutton Foster)
Waitress OBC
Waitress Sara Barellies
War Paint OCC
War Paint Broadway previews
We Will Rock You (Kerry Ellis)
The Wedding Singer OBC
West Side Story with Karen Olivo OBRC
Wicked OBC previews
Wicked Kristin Chenoweth’s Last
Wicked Shoshana Bean, Jennifer Laura Thompson, and Joey McIntyre
Wicked Idina’s “Last performance” Joey McIntyre’s last performance (Shoshana Bean, Jennifer Laura Thompson, and Joey McIntyre)
Wicked Julia Murney Broadway
Wicked Victoria Matlock
Wicked Megan Hilty's Last Broadway Show
Wicked Eden Espinosa's Last Broadway Show
Wicked Eden Espinosa and Megan Hilty LA
Wicked Stephanie J. Block and Analeigh Ashford
Wicked Willemijn Verkaik and Katie Rose Clarke
Wicked Mandy Gonzalez and Andy Karl
Wicked Rachel Tucker and Kara Lindsay
Wicked Laurel Harris and Kara Lindsay
Wicked Kerry Ellis
Wicked Jackie Burns (no fly)
Wicked Jackie Burns 2010
Wicked Donna Vivino tour
Wicked Donna Vivino and Ali Mauzey
Wicked Kara Lindsay
Wonderful Town Donna Murphy
Xanadu OBC
You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown Revival
I haven't watched all of these yet, so I may have some cast details slightly wrong (understudies and the like). Please PM me for trading. Be sure to follow me.
Avenue Q with Rob McClure
Any Carousel I don't have
Evita with Eden Espinosa (ready to kill to get this)
Last Five Years with Samantha Barks
Any Last Five Years I don’t have
Les Mis in general
Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 w/ Oak and/or Ingrid Michaelson
Any Natasha Pierre.... I don’t have
Next to Normal Marin Mazzie
Any Rent that I don't have (especially if it's with Sherie Rene Scott)
She Loves Me (not the 2016 livestream)
Sunset Boulevard in general
Wicked with Susie Mathers
Wicked Jennifer DiNoia and Kara Lindsay
Wicked in general
And generally anything I don't have
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