#i wanna sleep for a few years or smthn
sneezefiction · 1 year
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ddejavvu · 2 years
u and James r dating (the dream) but haven’t said the L word yet. ur in bed completely conked out just absolute deep sleep in the middle of the night and say it, james OBVIOUSLY says it back even tho he knows ur literally fuckin unconscious rn but in the morning is like :)) hi bug :)) u um :)) u got anything you wanna tell me :)))) or tries to do lil things/actions for you where you’d end up telling him or smthn
James isn't sure if it's the best thing that's ever happened to him, or the worst. Well, it definitely can't be the worst. There's nothing terrible about the three sweet words that tumble from your sleepy lips, face mashed into his chest as his thumb bends over the screen of his phone. What's terrible about it is the timing, that you say it while you're sleeping.
The grin that grows over his face is so bright that he's surprised it doesn't light up the room. Now, saying it for the first time (to your face, not in the mirror pretending his reflection is yours), his heart soars, he's over the moon, and.. and you're asleep.
You nestle further into his pec, completely unaware of how you'd just singlehandedly created the best moment in James Potter's life. Your breath fans out over his neck as if you hadn't just made his day- no, year. No, century. You've got him set for another hundred years.
He thinks that if he dies here and now, he'll be a happy man. But he chooses sleep instead, sure that his dreams will be filled to the brim with sugary sweetness.
He wakes up with a grin on his face. You're not sure how he does it, but when his eyes flutter open they're dancing with joy. They land on you immediately, and you try to pretend you weren't staring.
"Morning, love," He rambles, raspy in the haze of waking up, "How are you?"
"Good," You hum, curling tighter against his chest, "How'd you sleep?"
"Good," He mimics you, then, "I loved it."
"Fantastic," You let out a slight giggle into his chest, befuddled by his drowsy word choice, "I love that you loved it."
"Oh, really?" He drags his arm up your back, hoisting you out of his chest and maneuvering you so that you're nose-to-nose with him, "You love that I loved it? Do you happen to love anything else?"
"James," Your brow furrows, "Did you take expired allergy medicine last night?"
"Not by more than a year," He shakes his head, grin infectious even though yours is plagued with confusion, "I just think that we should love more. Like, we should talk about what we love."
"Right," You laugh cautiously, "I love when you make sense?"
"Of course. I happen to love when my girlfriend talks in her sleep."
Your expression darkens, "What did I tell you?"
"Not where you've hid the body," He assures you, a light eye-roll accompanying his teasing, "But you happened to reveal how much you love a certain man..."
"Oh no."
"Who has curly dark hair," James presses on despite your growing horror.
"And wears glasses," He continues.
"And is in this bed with you right now!" You're certain if you hadn't been weighing him down on the mattress, he'd have leapt to his feet to point accusatorily at you. Instead, he leers over you, face entirely too bright for the humiliation you feel.
"I'm sorry," You whimper pitifully, face flying like a magnet into his chest to hide your grimace, "I didn't mean to say it this early."
"This early," James marvels, "Darling, early?"
"It's only been a few months!"
"I told you I loved you on our first date, Y/N."
"Yes, James," You huff, pulling back to look him in the eyes, "After I told you I liked Queen. That wasn't real."
"Wha- That was real to me!" James's eyes blow up to the size of saucers, "You mean you didn't know I loved you?"
"I knew," You conclude cheerfully, tracing the line of his jaw, "My good old-fashioned lover boy."
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pray4saint · 10 months
angel i’m sad 😞.
Do you think you could write dteam x college!reader? where reader is stressed out about college and goes to them for comfort?
(i’m struggling and i’m only 5 days into the school year, literally been running around my college trying to find my classes because my schedules all messed up and the Dean won’t fix it 🙄)
– ugh yes courtney my dear of course, here's a couple little blurbs for you 🫶🏽
you huff, walking off campus to bf!dream's apartment, just hoping he'll be there. when you slam the door shut, he jumps in his spot in his bed. your first stop was his kitchen, where you grappled through his fridge and cabinets and pantry for something to eat. unfortunately, through all your frustration you couldn't pick a single thing. ”y/n, baby, is that you?” clay called out, and almost as if on cue, you trotted through his bedroom door, another loud sigh escaping you. ”okay, i'll take that as a yes. what's up?” he set his textbook and his phone aside, stretching his arms out to pull you into him. your head lied against his chest and for a moment you didn't say anything, taking in his scent. ”jus'wanna sleep. don't wanna work on class work.” you could feel his eyes trained on the top of your head, where his hand scratched at your scalp. ”then take a nap, i'll wake you up in an hour and we'll go get something to eat, does that sound alright pretty?” you nod into his shirt and he smiles, lying back, pulling you up so your head is on the pillow, leaving his arm in the arch of your neck.
bf!sapnap stops by your dorm after classes only to find it empty and ends up dragging his sorry self back to his dorm. when he opens the door, there you are on his bed, curled up into an upright ball, textbook splayed out a few feet away from you. ”you alright peach? was lookin' for you in your room but here you are.” you pulled your head from your knees and crossed arms, letting out a heavy exhale. ”m'just really goddamn stressed, i got wayyy more after class work than i expected.” you were somewhere between tears and passing out and your voice conveyed it. sap slid his bag off his shoulder close to the nightstand before sitting down beside you, hand immediately flying to your knee. ”well, what's the hardest?” he asked, a gentle smile painted on his face. god did you love him.
bf!george calls you during his study hall. when you answer, he's surprised to recognise the surroundings better than usual. it's his bedroom. you're lying in his bed, wearing his hoodie, tucked in his blankets. his heart melted a little bit at the sight but his face just looked confused. ”y/n are you okay? why are you in my home?” he asks, moving his phone to be more centred in front of him, both hands around the device. ”started getting overstimulated after english lit, so i went where i felt safe.” again, a little more heart melting. you felt safe surrounded by his things, in his things. ”oh love i'm sorry. i'll be out in a couple hours, alright?” he glances up around the room at the endless bookshelves. ”i'll pick you up something to eat and then we can study together, okay?” you nod at the screen and he smiles. ”i love you george.” now he smiles, ”i love you y/n.”
– also now i think i should write this with situationshp!dteam or smthn w smut in it idk im feral for situationship writing
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dollsuguru · 3 months
i am going feral over this and idk where it even came from but????? this might even be ooc but i HAVE to tell someone about it or i'll go insane!!!!!
imagine? suguru?? in his slump and really sad and just angry and depressed era and idk he's become borderline toxic while dating you [reader] and POTENTIALLY cheats on you oh god i can't imagine that sweet man doing it BUT BARE WITH ME!!
ur ass leaves him of course maybe even ghosts him when u find out and he is devastated and shoko/satoru give him shit and no one wants to indulge him in anything about you
then a few years later ur back? maybe u even unblock him because u've moved on and all and he's trying so hard to win u back but u always say once a cheater always a cheater but over the years he's gotten his shit together and he knows what he did and he's willing to take every precaution possible so that u never have doubts! AND HE's 100% changed! but ur so hurt!!!!!
AND IDK WHERE IT GOES BUT IN SOME SCENARIOS IN MY HEAD! u guys end up sleeping together!!!!!!! but u do not want to go further into anything emotional and he just wants to be so close to u that he doesn't even care if he's just a part of ur roster.
but omfg… I SEE THE VISION omfg why do i kinda wanna write this now (since it’s your idea i won’t don’t worry! i’m NAWT an idea stealer!)
ALSO! i feel like i can see suguru being somewhat of a cheater just because he in canon is a Betrayer… he’s devoted in certain lights he’s scummy in others and in this case i can see him being a toxic “bf” and cheating on reader and then vomiting with guilt </3 ALSO YESSSSSSSS SHOKO & SATORU BEING ON YOUR SIDE AND NOT ENTERTAINING SUGURU!!!!! i think satoru especially would be disgusted w suguru… maybe satoru used to have a latent crush on you or smthn and now he’s like? i didn’t go after reader bc of THIS fucking fool and THIS is what he does to reader???
AND YES!!!! even if suguru has genuinely changed, i PERSONALLY would never forgive him + would pray on his downfall + would break everything in his house and also his bones in a fit of rage 🩷 but reader is better than me ig 🙄 so them unblocking him in a way of moving on does make sense! it’s like… he’s not even on their radar anymore!
OOOH AND THAT LAST PART… maybe it’s bc i’m a Certified Hater™️ and have extreme pride and it’s informing the way i would see reader but i don’t think i can see reader sleeping w him 😭 but i do see where you’re coming from, it’d be delicious to see that for reader it’s just a physical thing w no emotional attachment and for suguru it’s So Much More… it’s emotional to him! i also think suguru would be like “i’ll take what i can get” but i can’t even grant him that bc he’s gotta suffer hehehehehe
it’d be so fun to see reader get w someone like toji and reader + toji genuinely hit it off and suguru sees them one day and he’s like oh i fucking hate my life… well… DESERVED! SUFFER BITCH!
anyways omg your Mind anon……. Your Mind…. it’s so deliciously evil i’m in love <333
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rewatching lost girl and i now realize why middle school me didn’t root for the sapphic love interest..
i just don’t believe their chemistry bc ig het ppl were writing it and don’t know how sapphic relationships work is one. everytime they have sex or lesbian sex is happening they still got like mad clothes on even though in the het scenes they are butt NEKED is two. and i’m telling u that this love interest in moving like the most toxicist lesbian ever. also f4f is totally cool but like would’ve been mad interesting if she was butch. but lemme tell u this lady is CRAZY toxic. FIRST, the first time they sleep together it’s bc her boss tells her to do that so she can be kept from saving someone from being unjustly convicted to death row. and she find out after they had sex and she basically taking it personally that this girl basically is kinda owned by her boss. but little does she know that she chooses to be there. why? BC SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. oh okay she’s in a coma oh it’s been 5 years. i’ll give her some leeway some GRACE. BUT NO. NOT ONLY. not only did she not find out from her but from someone else that she worked like a bitch for to get something to get her free of this boss BUT SHE SUDDENLY DECIDES SHES PLATONIC WITH HER AFTERRRRR SHE FIND OUT. whattttt??!!,?:! like u’ve gotta be kidding me. then she go out the country and back liek three times to relieve this girlfriend of the coma. and when she come back, THEY EATING EACHOTHER FACE. like what happened to thank you???? and then she finally get home after a long day..her BIRTHDAY btw to a surprise party yay!!! NO! she come WITH HER GF to the party and give her a wack as impersonal ass gift. GET OUTTTTTTT!!!!! THENNN the gf obvi sees like things are weird but she attached to her hip cause it’s been five years yada yada and this girl ASK FOR HER CAR to go to a lake house with her gf. WTF IS WRING WUTH YEW???????? and u expect me to believe that they still like each other. THEN they’re back from the trip and this gf is sick whatever and later find out she POSSESED. and she end up having to kill the gf. which was like a pity kill. but like my sis got her lick back anyways so whatever. like it’s not her fault but like idc. also while this girl was possessed she was tossing ppl around and shoving knives into ppls face. GO TO CHURCH!!!! anyways gf is dead she feels back cause she killed her even though the gf was literally asking to like don’t be selfish this girl is goin thru ur let her die. but after she hasn’t seen her for a few days she goes to her house askin for smthn cause they work together and she wanna catch and attitude!!!????? like girl ur gf is dead it was short lived but like not the move…..truly. and then she gon show up to her house askin to sleep in her arms????? WHATTTTT????!!!!! and then when she come to her house she’s like oh u need to heal let’s have sex, cause she a succubus, and she’s like no….i just need an aspirin…GET OFF OF HER LIKE DAMNNN. and her friends are like go be with ur girl….who’s girl. bye.but also she’s being so complacent in this like STAND UPPP. SHES TREATING U LIKE CACA
MEANWHILE the male love interest is a wolf shifter (bonus points) who was deeply in love with her and only her until he traded his love for her so that she could survive some final battle type….knowing that he only could love one person ever in his life…DAMN. THATS GOOD. and he was like not whole without it like damn. po thang.
like i feel like it has the sapphic plot line (BIG REACH) and the sapphic toxicity…but not the emotion or execution..and i’m not really a big fan of toxic relationships. like yearning is alr okay.
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limerancy-fics · 2 years
venti has to pin xiao down to put sunscreen on xiao bc xiao will otherwise not do it
xiao would have the picnic basket and the towels and the umbrella and probably prefer to chill out either on the shore or in some tide pools (during low tide)
venti would be all over the place: building sand castles, looking for shells, playing in the water, climbing rocks (which ages xiao 50 years venti pls be careful), checking out the lil creatures he finds
venti would eventually convince xiao to play w him n xiao would have fun despite his initial misgivings
they would build the biggest sand castles together except they wouldn't be able to finish it before high tide n a giant wave would soak them n wash away their castle
-> xiao is just like "an example of the impermanence in life, how quickly things can disappear, how easy it is to let your attachments wash away. this is how life is, and it would be remiss to try and fight against it. it's easier to let things go and keep moving" n venti's like "aw darn our sand castle......ANYWAY let's go find some sea urchins and give them little hats"
venti brings an instrument of some kind and composes a madrigal or motet abt the beauty of the ocean and sunset and the beach teeming w life and how his love for xiao is as endless and cyclical as it all
after eating their lunch, venti falls asleep on top of xiao (this is what xiao expected and the exact reason he brought the umbrella and towels and whatnot so they could snooze when venti inevitably crashed)
somehow, kids find them and they end up becoming babysitters for a few hours bc these kids are just insistent on playing w xiao n venti until their parents find them n apologize profusely but venti actually gets a lil disappointed when the kids leave (he likes teaching them the things he knows abt the ocean n the critters that live in it n what sand is made of n what these shells are n how crabs walk etc etc etc)
so many chus....sweet lil chus, underwater chus, chus as they put each other's sunscreen on, chus as they fall asleep, chus as they wake up, chus on top of the rocks, chus in the tide pools, chus between waves, chus around the sand castles....so many chus...
they stay the whole day!! they probs either live nearby or have a hotel or will just sleep in their car or smthn (beaches can get cold at night....and windy....u don't wanna sleep on a beach at night it sucks trust me) (unless ur like...in socal or a similar climate) (then it's not as bad) it's one of their common dates n also a way for them both to destress n relax n forget abt responsibilities n work n all that
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Ok I hope this is ok and not like super weird and rude. But I was stuck in like Insomnia Land(tm) a few weeks ago and was thinking about Janus in Pieces and Durant in laoft and wanted to share some of my thoughts
Cus middle of the night me was like “oh I wonder if/how Janus will ever be added to laoft, I really love how Violet writes him in pieces” bc I just.... lowkey forgot Durant was pre-name reveal Janus lol. And then I remembered but then i was like... well what if he just added him anyway??
And then bc it was the middle of the night and I have adhd I just started brainstorming that idea so ima leave it here. (Again hopefully that’s not rude I don’t wanna seem like I’m trying to take over ur AU or anything!)
Anyway here’s my rambling/brainstorm:
- so u know how Virgil is literally born of shadows and fear? Janus is the same, but with deception
- specifically the deception when Durant poisoned Virgil. The betrayal was so strong it literally spawned a whole new fae
- except this fae is a little.... off.
- he comes to consciousness rather slowly. It’s like a few weeks of this hazy in between of not quite existing but also not quite not existing. But when he eventually wakes up in the clearing where Durant poisoned Virgil he remembers Durant’s deception.
- Janus looks very similar to Durant. There are only slight differences, his eyes are slightly brighter and his hair is slightly darker. He looks a bit younger too. The most obvious is that where Durant’s scars were, Janus has discolored scales in a matching pattern
- the other major difference? While every other Fae can only speak the truth, Janus can only speak in lies. He is literally deception givin form. Literally Deceit.
- any fae he meets in the forest is pretty hostile to him because they see him as “cursed” or “unnatural”, since he literally somehow inverted one of the rules of their world
- so for the hundred odd years Virgil is sleeping Janus just kinda fucks off as deep into the forest and as far away from other fae or humans as he can
- he specifically tries to avoid both Virgil and Durant. Virgil bc he figures “who wouldn’t hate the physical manifestation of that time their brother attempted fratricide?”. And he avoids Durant bc he knows the Truth and knows Durant would probably kill him to keep him quiet
- he’s not necessarily guilty about being born from Durant’s deception, but he is far from proud of it
- anyway Janus does a decent job of hiding from the majority of fae, untilllll he meets Remus in the woods. Oops?
- this is like. Post-therapy Remus so he’s at the point where he sees “Dee” and is like U BITCH and just immediately attacks him
- and ofc he’s like “dee how tf are you alive?”
- poor Janus WANTS to say “I’m not him” but what comes out instead is:
“Yeah hi I’m definitely Durant.”
Bc he’s just panicking and his brain automatically just takes true statements and flips them and that’s basically what he says to people
Anyway it’s very confusing for a hot minute but they eventually figure stuff out. Remus probably wants Janus to go meet the others while Janus definitely does not want that. It’s also mildly triggering for Remus, Roman and Virgil but ya know they figure stuff out and it’s all chill in the end!
Anyway that’s my little ramble lol I hope you found it mildly entertaining? I didn’t stick really as close to real fae lore (though I guess you could argue Janus still kinda has to tell the truth he just speaks in like opposite talk or smthn lol). Bshdhh yeah you don’t need to do anything with this I just figured u might find it interesting?? Sorry again if it’s rude I wasn’t trying to be hdhdhhhdhfh
V: i love this so much!! not presumptuous at all, i love recursive fic, tho i will probably never add a second deciet character to laoft myself
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videostak · 3 years
i really wanna be a different more grown adult person by new year. im not setting any goals that ill disappoint myself by not achieving or anything but def have a few things that i wanna be consistently doing by then like i wanna have my license by then or atleast just be comfortable behind the wheel. and then i wanna try to get a job for real but thats alot more in the air obviously.  and then i wanna get up early and eat breakfast more often and start the day on a good note as opposed to crawling out of bed at 1 and doing whatever it is i have to do for the day and then sleeping at 3 am lol. obv exercising is on the list too i wanna be more in shape and more consistently exercising day to day cause my stomach is really sticking out compared to the rest of me but i think im more interested in just being like fit and not getting exhausted quickly as opposed to being interested in losing fat or anything. i just wanna feel active and alive really lol. and also really this past month has made me realize that my family really is like difficult and they have alot of problems being helpful and actually helping one another. like they jump to very individualistic modes of thought when im doing smthn and ask for a small favor and i really have to get my shit all together cause it can be v stressful doing all their dishes and always having to do small chores that they could easily help w/ or that we could take turns doing its insane how much they just make no effort to be kind human beings when work has to be done. but ya theyre like that and im gonna have to be in top shape to do all the housework that they could help with but wont and if im in top shape it rly wont mean much to me and will make me feel good to do work for myself. theyre also v liek idk what the word is but they sorta make it hard for me to grow as a person so i have to push myself twice as hard i think. anyways ive been really happy lately really identifying where and how i want my life to go cause i really feel like iWasted the shit out of these past 3 years in college. i had nice experiences and met my closest friend there which was great and am grateful to have been to a community college but i had no business being there w/ the disorganized state my life was i was just kinda going cause it was expected of me. Covid obv made this more apparent but also made college way more difficult for me. Im an adult and i am happy to make decisions about my life and i hope i grow more within the coming years. theres alot of love in my heart and i have a lot of interests and passions mainly in the realm of art and i hope i can grow and become more efficient at the things i love and can enjoy everything more because of it. <3
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redbeansesameball · 3 years
tagged by @deadnpc​ ty :)
tagging @romanticommunist @mothband​ @darrylthefish​ and any mutual who wants to 
name/nickname: ilah/[last name]/gumby/gumby but pronounced in a lot of different ways
gender: sexy
star sign: aqua
height: 5′8
birthday: feb
fav bands: gorillaz, cibo matto, alvvays, the avalanches
fave solo artists: fiona apple, sidney gish, rina, ezra furman, mitski
song stuck in my head: dream a little dream of me has been on repeat in my brain
last movie: 9 to 5 i love u dolly parton
last show: it crowd -_-
when i created this blog: sometime in 2016 i think
last thing i googled: uzumaki read online junji ito
other blogs: iloe and then like 7 sideblogs that are just not worth getting into
followers: smthn around 420 on this one i went on a blocking spree tho so idk
following: 580
why i chose my url: its a movie. and what a movie
average hours of sleep: 7 to 9 unless i stay up all night to watch kdramas 
lucky number(s): i like 21
instruments: took like a year of piano/violin and trumpet for a few years but nothings stuck
what i’m wearing: a shirt i stole from my brother and pants that i got from kai
dream trip: china with william or maybe idk scotland. i wanna take a train
favorite food: pork vermicelli. like at any moment
nationality: american
favorite song: rn its gotta be dream a little dream of me ive decided to stop listening to all contemporary music its just ella and louie and billie and edith and nina and cab now
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: whisper of the heart world. or howls moving castle world. or walter wicks ispy.
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isolctions · 3 years
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@thvndcrstrvck​ asked: ultimate relationship tag for mars & teyani :~)
relationship tag*
*only accepting for established ships. (domo gets a pass bc i luv them <3)
who is more likely to raise their voice? — i feel like they do an equal amount of voice raising. the only real difference is that i feel like mars is more loud in tone & the type to go “i’m not yelling!!!!!” whereas teyani’s yelling takes on more of a stern tone. who threatens to leave but never actually does? — mars, prbly. who actually keeps their word and leaves? — teyani. she absolutely served him papers while he was at work. who trashes the house? — nobody, tf? they’re too old for that shit. do either of them get physical? — i...would think not. because teyani is extremely passive & if mars would’ve tried it, she would have left earlier. so no. how often do they argue / disagree? — it prbly wasn’t often in the beginning of their relationship, but one of those “when it happens it’s messy” type of arguments. now, best believe it’s an argument every two hours as their relationship is incredible strained. who is the first to apologize? — teyani.
it’s me having no idea what their sex life is like bc we haven’t plotted out this far, #help. they did the do until they no longer liked each other, now they don’t.
we also didn’t plot out this far. but i mean, teyani having her daughter is canon so she and ines were/are a package deal (like was she pregnant before this relationship??? after??? was ines already born??? chile, idk.) and i’m sure mars was cool with helping her while they were together. mmcht.
who likes to cuddle? — teyani is a big cuddler. who is the little spoon? — truthfully, mars! as much as she likes being held, she also likes to do the holding. you never know when ur partner needs that kinda comfort. who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? — while doing this, i kind of have this idea in my head that neither would like to inconvenience the other when they’re doing smthn important. but if they’re watching a movie on the couch or some shit, teyani might be the one to start sneaky touching. who struggles to keep their hands to themselves? — boffum. depends on the mood. how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? — if they’re not already asleep, maaaaaaybe an hour? hour and a half max? who gives the most kisses? — teyani. what is their favorite non-sexual activity? — teyani likes hand holding. mars might like doing smthn hands on like helping cook or some shit. where is their favorite place to cuddle? — the practical places, such as the couch while unwinding or in bed before going to sleep. who is more likely to playfully grope the other? — maybe mars. how often do they get time to themselves? — not mf often!! which is why teyani tries making the most out of it whenever they’re around each other.
who snores? — mars. do they share a bed or sleep separately? — they once shared a bed, but now they sleep separately. either in different rooms or one is in a different location all together. if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? — used to cozy up until one steals a blanket or gets hot. who talks in their sleep? — prbly teyani. what do they wear to bed? — um...pajamas? are either of your muses insomniacs? — it would more than likely be teyani. it can be hard to sleep sometimes when spirits keep bugging you at all hours. can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? — nope. do they wrap their limbs around each other or stay side by side? — it prbly was a slow transition from being wrapped around each other to laying back to back. real divorcee shit. who wakes up with bed hair? — um, mars keeps his hair short & teyani got a bonnet or a scarf on. who wakes up first? — teyani’s always been an early bird. plus she was prbly already up anyway. who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? — NO ONE!! get ur ass up to eat! like, they’ll make a PLATE for the other but you better get tf up if you wanna eat it. what is their favorite sleeping position? — teyani tends to lay on her side curled up, while i feel like mars is more of a ‘lay on the stomach sprawled out like a starfish’ kinda guy. who hogs the sheets? — mars. so selfish. do they set an alarm each night? — ya, they got jobs. can a television be found in their room? — i wanna say, like...tv’s in bedrooms are so common now...but also...i feel like no??? idk i’m making shit up who has nightmares? — mars? i mean he for the streets, so i’m sure he has nightmares? who has ridiculous dreams? — teyani has visions that mars would prbly write off as ridiculous dreams, ergnerjk. who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? — i said mars so it’s the law now what time is bed time? — uh? idk? 11pm maybe? any routines / rituals before bed? — bathing & brushing teeth. teyani does skin care and moisturizes and twists her hair. mars does...whatever he does...idk him like that who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? — depends on how much sleep they got
who is the busiest? — they both have busy work schedules, considering they both have full time careers. but whereas teyani has more of a schedule, mars has the most unpredictable hours & his lil’ hannah montana ass double life. who rakes in the highest income? — hannah marstana. are any of your muses unemployed? — nope. who takes the most sick days? — maybe teyani? i mean she has a one year old? who is more likely to turn up late to work? — i feel like neither, but again, it would likelier be teyani. who sucks up to their boss? — eye roll. i think teyani did at first. what are their jobs? — computer analyst / medium. surgeon / liar. do their muses enjoy or despise their careers? — nah, i think they both enjoy it. are your muses financially stable? — with or without mars, she good!!
who does the washing? — teyani. who takes out the trash? — boffum. who does the ironing? — teyani bc she already does laundry bc she likes it. who does the cooking? — boffum. who is more likely to burn down the house just trying? — HMMMMMMMidk. who is messier? — teyani is honestly more prone to being messy, but at least she cleans up! who leaves the toilet roll empty? — i feel like men always do this. so i’m choosing mars. who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? — teyani. but again, she goes back for it later. who forgets to flush the toilet? — ew, no one. who is the prankster around the house? — the spirits that follow teyani around. i’m not joking. who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? — teyani. who mows the lawn? — they pay somebody to do it, idk. who answers the phone? — whoever is near the damn phone? duh? who does the vacuuming? — they do their fair share. who does the groceries? — both? they’ll go together if it’s smthn specifically they want but it’s mostly just whoever calls the other and goes “hey what do u want” who takes longest to shower? — teyani if she’s washing her hair, but mostly mars. who spends the most time in the bathroom? — teyani! she has big hair! and glowing skin!
is money a problem? — no. teyani gets paid fairly well, mars is a surgeon, and also has...extracurricular activities. how many cars do they own? — teyani has to take a train to her job, so i guess one overall? maybe two if she has to go out somewhere? do they own their home or do they rent? — owned, but teyani now rents an apartment. do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? — closer to a coast. do they live in the city or in the country? — city, babey. do they enjoy their surroundings? — i mean, it’s what they’re used to. what’s their song? — ..........we’ll come back to this. what do they do when they’re away from each other? — teyani just works, really. she has a few hobbies that she tends to. has ines to care for. mars i feel like is the errand runner, and would spend his day like, doing Something. where did they first meet? — this is literally killing me i’m never doing this for a brand new ship again how did they first meet? — UHHHH whatever let’s go with they were set up. who spends the most money when they’re out shopping? — neither? at least, not intentionally? if so, it’d be on practical things like groceries. who’s more likely to flash their assets? — neither. who finds it amusing when the other trips over? — teyani. like mars is so serious...when he does smthn dumb, you just have to laugh! any mental issues? — i mean, teyani had a bout of postpartum once. who’s terrified of bugs? — not terrified, but teyani’s not exactly fond of them. who kills the spiders around the house? — mars, while teyani fearfully leads them outside. their favorite place? — the crib! who pays the bills? — boffum. do they have any fears for their future? — they are literally in the middle of getting divorced. maybe if one of them died or smthn? who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? — mars, when he feel like bein sweet. who uses up all the hot water? — mars. which is fine. who’s the tallest? — prbly mars. but teyani isn’t exactly short, either. she 5′7. who’s more likely to just randomly hop in the shower with the other? — teyani. who wanders around in their underwear? — neither. who sings the loudest when singing along with the radio? — teyani, but mostly to be annoying. what do they tease each other about? — teyani sneak-helps gianna make fun of mars abt literally anything. who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense sometimes? — i mean...they both dress kinda basic i think? do they have mutual friends? — shit, prbly. who crushed first? — teyani. any alcohol or substance related problems? — i don’t...think so? who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? — uh, maybe mars? who swears the most? — boffum.
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Ninjago / Avatar au Part 5
On to Book two! (I have more concrete ideas on this than Book 1, so I might have to put Book two things on more than one post)
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
Also, if you like this au, check out this awesome art by @spirit-elementmaster!
Team Avatar is looking for an earthbending teacher for Lloyd. Wu and Morro are on the run in the Earth Kingdom. And Harumi is on the hunt, but she’s gonna need some help...
Enter Skylor, the laconic, acrobatic, chi-blocking daughter of a Fire Nation high-up, and Akita, the borderline feral knife-wielding niece of Vex, the warden of the Boiling Rock, who ran off to join a circus. Harumi ‘recruits’ the two girls, who she had ‘befriended’ years ago when she was first brought to the Firelords palace, to help her track down the Avatar. They were also sort of friends with Morro when they were kids too (there will be no ships between these four. They might be shipped with other people, but not with each other.) Also, Akita is a little younger than the other three, but won her right to hang with the ‘big kids’ by being able to pin a fly to the wall with a toothpick at thirty feet when she was 8 and the others were 10-11.
Wu and Morro are working their way to Ba Sing Se, under the guise of being refugees. There are shenanigans. (Wu 100% makes tea out of the poison bush thing. Morro almost broke his neck rolling his eyes at that) There are stupid fake names. There is bonding. They don’t end up splitting up like Zuko and Iroh do, but they do get unintentionaly separated at one point (more on that later).
Also, Kai’s acting a tad more overprotective than normal bc of what happened with Zane. And he’s acting that way toward everyone, including Maya and Garm. That will be addressed later.
Team Avatar is heading to the city of Omashu to try and find an earthbender they had meet there before, a guy who was actually a friend of Koko’s from her travels before she settled down in the South Pole. I have no idea who this character will be yet and am open to suggestions (mb one of the Serpentine Generals? Or one of the Elemental Masters? They’re some of the side characters I like, so they might work but idk). They stop briefly at an Earth Kingdom base, where they meet one General Kozu, who has the brilliant idea to try and weaponize a thirteen-year-old boy.
This does not go well. Garm, Maya, and Nya are staunchly against this, Kai thinks if they had a sure-fire way to get it to work without hurting Lloyd they should go for it, but if he thinks Lloyd is in danger he will step in, and Lloyd is scared, but thinks that if they can get this Avatar State plan to work and end the war now, long before the comet arrives, then it’s worth the risk. Kozu does the thing where he makes it look like he’s trapped Garm underground to suffocate (what happened to Katara)(also, there will be no ships between Lloyd and any of the ninja or Morro). Kozu gets his butt whooped and his base trashed.
And now we get to the next ninja to join the plot! In a second. Maya, Nya, and Lloyd are practicing waterbending, Garm and Kai had been doing a little firebending practice but had started chilling. And then they meet the nomad musician stoners, who are a few of the Elemental Masters. Jacob (Sound) is definitely one of them, a couple I haven’t decided on, and Jay! Jay’s a nonbender (I couldn’t for the life of me come up with a way to make him a firebender so he can use lightning) and an inventor who is following these weird flower hippies around bc they said they could get him to a city where he could try and sell his inventions. That was months ago. He has not seen a city. He has not been able to properly bathe. He is regretting several life choices.
Jay is instantly enamored with Nya (sorry if you hardcore ship Jaya, but that ship aint gonna happen here. I don’t like, hate the ship, but it’s really not my favorite), the strong waterbender who was instantly intrigued by his inventions (I think a character in Legend of Korra has some kind of lightning glove thing. One of Jays inventions is something like that) and was able to understand and keep up with his technobabble. He thinks he’s found his dream girl, and an excuse to get away from the smelly flower people! Jay begs Team Avatar if he can come with them. They say yes.
They can’t make it over the mountain, so they have their adventure in the Cave of Two Lovers. They get separated into three groups, Ultra, Garm and Maya, Kai and the musicians, and Jay and Nya. Jay keeps trying to awkwardly flirt with Nya, who actually doesn’t realize that he’s flirting bc she’s worried about her family and focused on getting out of the caves. They find the crystal path thing when their last torch either burns out or gets dropped and snuffed out. Kai and the hippies befriend the badgermoles. Garm and Maya, who were thoroughly done with this whole lovers cave adventure, used their bending and Ultras help to brute-force their way out (the badgermoles fix the cave later).
They get to Omashu, but it’s been taken over by the Fire Nation and the earthbender they were there to find was taken captive by the Fire Nation and sent to an earthbender prison. They have their first run-in with Harumi, Skylor, and Akita.
They have their little swamp adventure, they have some not-fun visions. Garm sees his dad (which scares the crap out of him), Maya sees her dead mother, Kai sees Zane, idk who Nya sees (mb Ray I guess? She misses him but he isn’t like, dead or anything so it might work?), or who Jay sees either (his birth parents I guess? That could be part of a character arc) and Lloyd gets a vision of his earthbending teacher. Y’all can probably guess who it’s gonna be, but I don’t wanna spoil it right now. And you know that one swampbender who bent the water in the vines to make a big plant monster? That’s Bolobo, the EM of Nature.
That Avatar Day adventure happens. Lloyd tries out that free lesson at the earthbending school, and they go to Earth Rumble 6. Kai gets way too invested in this underground fight club. Karloff is The Boulder, nuff said. And the reigning champion, whose stage name I haven’t decided on is Cole. Now, here’s the thing: I don’t want to make Cole blind just bc Toph was, but I do love the whole ‘listening to the earth’s vibrations to become a powerful earthbending master’ thing. So here’s Coles deal. His father is a rich and famous performer, and his mother was killed in an accident (possibly Fire Nation related, possibly not) that lead to Cole losing his legs (below the knees). He was just learning how to earthbend when it happened.
Something I’ve noticed in A:TLA is that earthbenders seem to use their legs and feet much more than other benders, with strong stances and stomping moves to connect to the earth. So to an earthbender losing their legs, losing their way to connect to the earth, would probably be one hell of an obstacle to work around. Cole’s father used his wealth to get Cole some nice prosthetics (Sparky Sparky Boom Man had two prosthetics, so I know they exist in the avatar world. Coles aren’t intimidating metal ones with some kind of mechanism to move like a real foot) but they don’t allow him to feel the earth like he needs to. So he painstakingly makes himself some new prosthetics. It looks like he’s just got bulky boots made out of stone, but Cole spent years working to be able to feel the earth’s vibrations through these prosthetics, to the point that he could be blindfolded and still be able to ‘see’ and earthbend fairly well. He can even get them to move like their his real limbs a little bit.
He can’t move with as much speed and agility, but he makes up for that by being a freaking powerhouse. But Cole can’t wear his earth prosthetics for super long periods of time bc he had no idea how to actually make them comfortable and make it so they don’t damage his stumps after long periods (after he joins Team Avatar Jay and Nya help him combine his professionally made prosthetics with his earthbending ones so he can wear them full time). Lou had become very protective of Cole after the accident, which is why Cole started participating in Earth Rumble 6.
Things go similarly to cannon, Cole shows his dad how powerful he is as an earthbender, and while Lou does ban Cole from going with Team Avatar at first, he actually does change his mind and let Cole go with them. He even sees them off. It’s a sweet moment.
So what have Wu and Morro been doing? Traveling, dealing with the occasional rude fellow traveler, and getting seperated in a storm turned flash flood. Team Avatar also get split up in this storm turned flash flood, Garm, Cole, and Jay get separated from everyone, including each other. This leads to Maya, Kai, Nya and Lloyd flying Ultra around in a small area to search for them, and makes it really easy for a tank occupied by three dangerous girls to track them for a good two days, leading to some mild sleep deprivation. (Dragons don’t shed fur, so that’s my fix for that bc I really like “The Chase” and wanted to include it)
Morro was looking for Wu, but finds Harumi and starts following her (he’s hoping that she might lead him to Wu, or that Wu might start following Harumi and they’ll run into each other, or smthn. And if he’s able to catch the Avatar there’s a chance that he and Wu will be forgiven by the Firelord. He’s not banking on it, but it might work). Jay and Cole find each other, and then run into Wu, who was looking for Morro. Maya and the kids split up to cover more ground and to try and to try and lose the tank and the girls. Lloyd goes one way, Kai and Nya go in another, and Maya takes Ultra to find a place for him to nap.
Harumi follows Lloyd’s trail, and Skylor and Akita go after Kai and Nya. Meanwhile, Cole and Jay have some tea and conversation with Wu. No idea what the conversation is about, but it gets cut short when Garm finds them and tells Jay and Cole to get away from Wu. There’s a bit of a stand-off, since Garm doesn’t trust Wu and hasn’t read his letter yet, and Wu is getting a little frustrated at his brothers stubbornness, (and is wondering how he keeps collecting children) even though he does understand why Garm would be cautious around him.
They work together to find a trail, have some awkward small talk, the brothers start to reconnect a little bit, meet up with Kai and Nya (who fought off Skylor and Akita), and they all go after Lloyd and Harumi. They find them in a three-way fight with Harumi, and Morro is going all out with his airbending for the first time in his life. Everyone gangs up on Harumi and corner her, and when she notices Garm is a bit distracted trying to subtly check on Lloyd, she tries to fire an attack at him-
-only for Wu to push him out of the way and take the hit. Wu goes down, hard, and everyone attacks Harumi, but she gets away. Morro blows Garm away away when he tries to get to Wu, calling Wu his father for the first time, and he kicks up a wind storm to keep them away. Maya shows up on Ultra, who got enough of a nap to fly for a few hours and let everyone get some much needed rest. Everyone that is, except Garm, who finally sits down to read his brothers letter...
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jinfilms · 4 years
@moonchildjunoon​ mars tagged me in the ‘get to know me’ and ‘50 questions’ tags (thank u sweetheart!!! i love these hehe) let’s go~
get to know me tag >
name: hannah
birthday: may 7
zodiac sign: taurus
height: 5′8″
hobbies: photoshop, drawing 
favorite color(s): pink, blue, black
top 3 (friend)ships: jungkook and hoseok, yoongi and hoseok, jin and yoongi~ da boys 🥺
lipstick or chapstick?: chapstick pls
last book: expose me :( uhh idr the last one that wasn’t a manga honestly so in that case i think it was dungeon meshi or dorohedoro
currently reading: dunmesh (ongoing) 
last song: i like that by janelle monae
last movie: to all the boys i’ve loved before i think ? its been a while omg
inspiration for muse: oh tbh i don’t think i feel inspired by things a lot of the time :( i suppose i take a lot of inspo from my peers but not through anything interesting like music or smthn
dream job: florist maybe ... 
meaning behind my URL: just taetae :3
for this one i’d like to tag @btsaudge​ and @yoonmochiiii​  ♡ ♡ ♡
50 questions >
What colors is your hairbrush? light purple
What food would you never eat? fish 
Are you usually hot or cold? hot :(
What did you do 45 minutes ago? i was cooking a sandwich :0 spam and egg and cabbage
Favorite chocolate? milk
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? nope
What was the last thing you said out loud? uhh i think i said “no thank you” when my mom offered my a mozzarella stick lol
Favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry maybe... i don’t eat a lot of ice cream
What was the last thing you drank? coffee currently
What kind of wallet do you have? a dark purple kate spade wallet
What was the last thing you ate? my sandwich!!!
Did you buy clothes last weekend? yes...i ordered from yesstyle which was so stupid of me bc i didn’t realize they probably can’t ship here right now... :( i’m an idiot
What was the last sports event you saw? i don’t think i’ve watched a live sports event since high school which was probably a tennis match i was participating in lol
Who was the last person you texted? 
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Do you like camping? not really :(
Do you eat vitamins? djsjdsdj no i wish these questions would stop exposing me for being lazy!!!
When was the last time you travelled? i went to montreal a few years ago and i wanna go back!!
Do you like sunbathing? no i wanna protect my skin
Asian or Italian food? asian but nothing w fish... i’m picky either way
Do you drink soda? no. naste
What color socks are you wearing now? no socks~
When was the last time you were speeding? i don’t speed >:(
What are you afraid of? heights
What can you see if you turn left? just my dresser
What kind of housework you like the least? cleaning the bathroom...thinking of pulling hair out of the shower drain...ugh
What is the first thing you think of when you hear someone talking in a language you don’t know? usually it’s while i’m at work and i get nervous and guilty bc it feels like i can’t help them to the best of my ability :( not counting kpop or kdramas ofc because duh
Do you sleep on your back or side? back bc i can’t breathe on my side :(
You crave fast food, where do you go? hmm taco bell...quesarito :)
What is your lucky number? 3, 9
Who was the last person you talked to? my mom
Do you eat meat? yes
What was the last song you listened? i’m listening to interlude : shadow rn !
Last book? not this again omg
What is your favourite day of the week? whatever day i don’t have work lol
Do you know the alphabet song backwards? no wtf
Favorite coffee/tea? iced caramel macchiato... or a cold brew... green tea 
Favourite shoes? prob just my white slip on vans bc they’ll go with most outfits...i don’t like having to think too hard about clothes
When do you usually go to sleep? uhh any time between midnight and like. 5 am jfksdjlfdlk ugh
When do you usually wake up? i don’t like to sleep past noon ever but never at the same time every day
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
Do you like your bed soft or hard? hard
Describe the plate you are eating from? plain white plate w cherry blossoms painted on it 
Your favorite type of alcohol? i’m only 20!!! :|
Do you like board games? yes hehe
If you had a car, what kind would it be? i don’t care about cars...save the earth use public transport idk idk i don’t have one anyway
Do you know how to change car tires? nop :(
Dream country? hmm maybe one w a pretty countryside like france 
If you could choose from any jobs in the world, what would you like to do? still a florist...i wanna go around handing out flowers and make pretty bouquets for my future wife/partner
What would you like to try to do? And what is stopping you? id like to hold hobi’s hand but we’re in quarantine so i cant :/ it sucks...
for the 50 questions tag i want to tag @angtaelic​ @hansjisung​ @baehyungs​ and @yoonkitty​ 
if i tagged u in either of these games please don’t feel pressured to~ i hope u guys are having a good monday! ♡ i love u lots!!!  ♡
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btsabo · 4 years
RULES: answer 20 questions (+6) and then tag 20 people you wanna know better!
thanks for tagging me @talksopretty <3
1. Name: Savannah
2. Nickname: sav! but only a few ppl call me that
3. Zodiac: cancer
4. Height: 5’3 (but 5’4 on a good day LOL)
5. Language: english
6. Nationality: american (ethnicity: mexican, cuban, italian)
7. Favorite Season: fall 🍁
8. Favorite Flower: tulips 🌷
9. Favorite Scent: Cinnamon Vanilla
10. Favorite Animal: can i say all? i love cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, manatees, elephants, pandas etc. it’s so hard to choose 🥺
11. Favorite Fictional Character: there’s no way i can answer this one omg ! i think at the moment it’s todoroki shouto but my answer will change all the time bc i consume A LOT of media
12. Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate: TEA!!! it’s part of my brand i love it. but hot chocoalte is my depression drink and coffee gets me through my 8am class.
13. Average Amount of Sleep: like 6-7 hours
14. Favorite Color: right now, pastels! lavender/lilac, baby pink, baby blue :)
15. Dog or Cat Person: SO HARD!!! i cannot choose i love them equally
16. Number of Blankets: okay so i’m rlly weird and i sleep with like 5 or more blankets regardless of the temperature bc i can’t sleep if i’m not bundled up fndjsjs
17. Dream Trip: to visit all of europe and asia!
18. Blog Established: ngl.. idk!! i’ve been on and off tumblr since around 2013. but this specific blog started around the end of summer/beginning of fall 2019
19. Follower Count: 504 :)
20. Random Facts About Me: i’m a singer! i’m studying voice and music education at my university :) i play guitar, i really love makeup. my favorite shoes are vans.
21. How Did You Become a Fan: i became a fan of 5sos because my best friend showed me she looks so perfect in the lunch line at school! i fell in love with michael and stanned so hard instantly :)
22. Age: i’m 18!
23. Favorite Books/Movies: books - i don’t read as much as i used to sadly so my favorite books are from when i was younger. my fav growing up was the percy jackson series. i had a fan page at like 12 and would make edits. my peak was 3k followers! but then i gave away the acc (idk why! i still kick myself for it) in middle school looking for alaska and the perks of being a wallflower were some favs. also the books reboot and rebel (sequel). sooo good and one of the characters is named calum! movies - i LOVE nightmare before christmas. i have so much merch it’s ridiculous. the movie 50/50 i love as well :) all the films with saoirse ronan and/or timothée chalamet :)
24. Favorite Musical Artist: okay so ik this is a primarily 5sos blog but my favorite artist/band of ALL TIME is paramore. i’ve been a fan for 10 years and i love them more than anything and everything.
25. Why did you start this blog: i had a lot of free time when i started and i needed smthn to do. so i just started posting ab 5sos and fangirling and now i’m here LOL. before this i had a cody fern/ahs page and before that was a paramore. and before that pre-split panic! ...i’ve been through it all y’all dnsnsms. all kidding aside though, i wanted to meet other 5sos fans and make some friends! i’m very grateful to those of you who follow, like, reblog, etc. it means so much :)
i’m tagging: @lvrboycal @i-calumhood @ashtonspolkadots @ghostofcth @clffrd @ghost0fy0u @carryoncake @hallowedhemmo @calinthewatermelonshirt @darlinghemmo @calumthomcs @honeybunchcalum @sanrioluke @daggerluke @irwinkitten @irwindoll @cthelements @mytmichael @lietomichael @maluminspace
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tiloz · 6 years
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oh, we live ?! word ok. what’s up, y’all i’m princess aurora but call me rory lmao . that was corny lmao @ myself delete it. i’m from the gmt timezone and i use she/her pronouns. anyways i’m currently operating on an hour of sleep so if this doesn’t make sense, my uh ... bad ? hfjshlk im rushing through this so i can go to bed asap. i have discord but i don’t remember my pass so hit me up in the ims or smaSH this like and ill im you ig if you wanna plot some stuff ... perhaps i’ll force myself to remember if we do a gc or smthn hdfsldjkh. anyways under the cut is a lil about my boy, cody ! 
( kj apa, cis male ) did you hear how CODY TILO is applying to columbia university as a FORENSIC SCIENCE major ?! the TWENTY ONE year old is living in the EAST CAMPUS. i heard that they got in because they are +CONSCIENTIOUS and +EBULLIENT, but honestly i think HE can be -RECALCITRANT and -FACETIOUS. they’re a real INSURGENT. oh well, only time will tell if the JUNIOR will make it til the end.  
+ empty water bottles, messy sheets, text messages left unread, ripped acid wash jeans, scuffed up converse, bed hair all day, cologne collections, too many open tabs.
cody was born to two money hungry and fame seeking parents: james tilo & sofia ellis-tilo.
they’re both high rated attorneys and in the early nineties even opened a law firm in los angeles and due to being incredibly popular with celebrities, they became like loaded and rly well known. 
for a good few years, things were going well for mr and mrs tilo… until competition arose and their firm wasn’t in the media as much, which meant less clients and less money. they were still terribly rich, but they wanted more. they needed to get their name out there again and what better way to do that then to have a child? 
july 4th 1997, baby cody was born. just as his parents predicted, the tabloids lapped it up.  “CELEBRITY LAWYERS: JAMES & SOFIA TILO WELCOME BABY BOY TO THE WORLD. More on page. 3.” 
their competition was being forgotten about and the tilo’s were rising once again. however, they needed a calm place for their son to grow up, they didn’t want the craziness of hollywood to intervene with his upbringing but their jobs were also important so they moved to the upper east side of ny and bought the largest house, of course they needed the whole of nyc to know how rich they were.
unfortunately, they had no plans to stay and look after their son as being a lawyer and running their own firm is a 24 hour business. they hired some of the best house staff to take care of their home and most importantly, just not to james & sofia themselves, baby cody.
cody tilo was raised by strangers her parents hired, who eventually became more like family than his real parents. he saw them once a month, if that and every time his parents had an important event to attend - they can’t leave the person who put them back on the map at home. soon enough, james & sofia’s guilt kicked in. on cody’s eighth birthday, his parents not only bought him his first car (despite not being able to drive yet) but also set up his own bank account – with a starting amount of $500,000 and an extra $100,000 being transferred bi weekly. 
anyways bc his parents were like never around, he used to act up a lot in school and became a lil rebel, skipping, not doing homework, refusing to cooperate and he rly only did it so they’d contact his parents n they’d come home but uh they didn’t . his house staff had to deal w him.
when he got to high school, he changed his tune a lil bit, he was still a dumb lil rebel but he started listening in class. he watched these dramatic ass crime shows n decided that’s what he wanted to do. and he properly worked hard n studied so he could study forensic science at columbia ( and hey lmao he got there ) 
his parents were not impressed bc they wanted him to follow in their footsteps n obvs cody didn’t want to . but like he was scared that they were gonna complete ignore him, like move away n focus on their career n just leave him :(
so ( and he’s still doing this now ) he still wants to advance in forensic science but whenever his parents need him for some sort of celeb event or magazine family photoshoot / interview he’ll drop everything to be there for them , even tho he’d rather stay out of the limelight his parents have created for him. 
but yk he’s a lil baby n doesn’t wanna lose his parents so he’s gonna do it. 
anyways this got long for someone who is tired as hell lmao so im gonna end this here n just say hit me up n we can plot connections n shit !
@ the people whom im’d me bc i liked their intros last night, i love u already and ill get to yall after ive slept xoxo.
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lucacangettathisass · 5 years
‘There’s just nothing inside you, nothing at all.’
The Southern Raiders Episode And Kataang Zutara Katara
so a few years ago (i wanna say 2014? smthn like that) @irresistible-revolution mentioned wanting to write a meta about the southern raiders episode of atla and how it’s really about katara and not kataang or zutara. i’ve just finished the episode and i have my own thoughts on that so i’ve decided to get them out and dedicate the following meta/word vomit to her.
(also @gameofdooweeoo since u seem to enjoy my word vomits and @mythaelogy since u asked for content. i know it isnt the meta i was talking about, but hopefully this can tide u over until then.)
spoilers ahead obvi.
so, i think we can all agree that atla is a far more mature show than what is usually aimed at children. from the themes of war, imperialism, lost innocence, and compassion and the lack thereof (still working on that meta, gonna finish the show before i really knuckle down and get started on it), among many others, it’s safe to say that it’s an incredibly mature show, and an episode that best exemplifies that is ‘the southern raiders’.
quick recap: when they were still children, katara and sokka’s mother, kya, was killed during a raid on the southern water tribe to find waterbenders (the show only has katara and sokka say their mother was taken from them which implies imprisonment, which did happen to previous benders, but it’s far more heavily implied that she actually died. kinda weird how they kept that ambiguous considering all the other stuff that was included but eh.), and the raid was lead by yohn ra. years later, after joining the gaang, zuko offers katara, who still harbours hatred and anger towards yohn ra, a chance at revenge and closure. now, here’s where some of the shipping wars and conflicts arise.
full disclosure, i ship both of these ships and have done for years, so i never really focused on that aspect of the episode, however i can see why other people did.
i don’t involve myself in shipping discourse, but from what i’ve seen there are some zutara shippers (as well as non shippers) who say that zuko is helping katara deal with her emotions, while aang invalidates them. i would like to respectfully disagree.
in this point in time, zuko is still dealing with his own intense emotional trauma and learning to let go of his anger as well as trying to get katara to like and trust him, and he sees this as a way to accomplish the latter. he was raised in an environment that encouraged aggression and violence, and no doubt getting revenge would’ve been part of that. and i don’t just mean his homelife/childhood, but we’ve seen how society in the fire nation is also geared towards violence (as is typical of imperialist, warmongering nations, but that’s a meta for another day), so it would make sense for him to jump to that as a course of action. i also believe he’s living his own revenge fantasy vicariously through katara, he was unable to save his mother as a child, and perhaps sees this as a way to make up for that (even though he was, y’know, a child). this is not to say that zuko’s thinking was inherently wrong. his thinking and view of the world had been so thoroughly warped by that stage, that to him, getting an eye for an eye was more than fair for katara. he may have changed sides, but it takes far more than that to undo such intense cultural conditioning. his feelings and opinion on how katara should deal with her grief are every bit as valid as aang’s.
another moment for disclosure; i 100% agree with aang in this instance, no question. revenge is all well and good, but an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind and whatnot. one of the biggest messages of atla is how violence begets violence and that breaking that cycle is the only way forward (this will be further discussed in that ‘atla and compassion’ meta), and aang has shown this attitude throughout the series. despite the fact that he’s literally the most powerful bender in the world, aang has consistently shown to value non violent approaches to conflicts, as he was taught by the monks (who, as we all know, were based off buddhist monks). and when he tells katara he understands what she’s going through, he means it. don’t forget, he’s the last airbender, the lone survivor of a genocide. when he went to the southern air temple and saw the destruction, he was enraged and went into the avatar state over it. he carries that weight and anger and loss and grief with him every day, the same way katara carries hers. he knows this pain, knows it all too well, and he doesn’t want it to drag katara down. she’s a lively, vibrant, compassionate soul, which he (and myself and i’m sure many others) loves, choosing to exact revenge on someone, however ‘deserving’ of it they may be, could easily twist that. if she does it then, what’s stopping her from doing it again and again and again? and what’s to stop anyone else from trying to exact revenge on her? the cycle continues, the wheel spins, and nothing is changed. in the end he does concede that this is something she needs to do and accepts that, although not without some trepidation, because it’s about her and her feelings. and he’s right.
now for katara.
here’s the thing about katara: as a character, she truly is one of a kind. she’s a young woman (of colour) who is shown to be kind, loving, compassionate, friendly, and brave, all the good things a person should aspire to be. but the writers don’t try to kid themselves or us into believing that that’s all she is. she’s also ruthless, can hold a grudge like nobody’s business (obvi as a grudge is the catalyst for this episode), and possess a temper that is honestly rarely seen in a female character (ur fave could never, as the kids say). and that side of her is on full display this episode. the writers never once make katara seem ridiculous or vindictive or petty for holding onto this anger, they are totally honest about it. sometimes even kind, sweet people we love and hold dear to us are capable of extreme hate and violence, and we need to reconcile that. and we also need to deal with our grief and anger in our own ways.
the loss of her mother is significant to katara in ways that are different to sokka. this is not to say that losing his mother didn’t affect sokka, of course it did, but it was different for them both. katara had become the mother to both her and sokka (sokka himself said in ‘the runaway’ that when he tries to picture his mother’s face, he sees katara), which is a huge responsibility. there was of course gran gran and hakoda, but sokka’s comment is very revealing. katara and sokka lost more than their mother that day, they lost their innocence, and katara specifically lost her chance at girlhood. she had to, or at least felt like she had to, step up and replace her mother, a responsibility that was no doubt kicked up a notch once hakoda left for war (possibly another reason why she resented hakoda for leaving? discuss.). after all gran gran was an old woman, expecting her to care for two children, one of which was their tribe’s last waterbender, is somewhat unrealistic. and while there is a feeling that everyone in the southern water tribe would’ve pitched in and raised all the kids together, katara still felt the need to become the new mother (and considering sokka’s pre-series sexism, it’s unlikely he was a big help), while not knowing what to do. sure she would’ve learned from gran gran and the other women, but there’s more to motherhood, self imposed or not, than just tasks. there’s being an emotional support, a voice of reason, an example of bravery. being all of these things is taxing on an adult, nevermind a heavily traumatized child. yohn ra made katara grow up too fast. he ripped her girlhood away from her. it’s only fair she rips what’s left of his life from him.
when we meet yohn ra, he is far from the fierce raider commander from the flashbacks. he’s now an old man, living with his (implied to be abusive) mother, and tending to a garden. while he still displays some skill at firebending, it’s clear that he’s no match for zuko and katara, who in a previous scene expressed a willingness to bloodbend despite her reservations about it in ‘the puppet master’ (a prime example of just how fierce she can be). katara is able to stop some of the rain, creating a dome of cover for the three of them, after revealing that she was the last waterbender in the southern water tribe, not her mother. she creates a flurry of sharp icicles, all of which look like they could easily impale yohn ra, and throws them at him.
and then she stops. she calls off the attack.
yohn ra takes the opportunity to try and placate katara, admitting that what he did was wrong (was he sincere or just trying to save his ass? discuss.) and beg for mercy, offering up his own mother’s life (an eye for an eye). katara says that before, she couldn’t imagine why someone would do something like take away a person’s mother. and she says that she’s understands now.
‘there’s nothing inside you, nothing at all. you’re pathetic and sad and empty.’
it’s something that i’m sure many victims/survivors wish they could say to the people who traumatized them. you did this horrible thing to me, nothing you do or say can undo it or untraumatize me. you’re pathetic, sad, empty. you’re nothing. for katara, it’s no doubt a cathartic moment. throughout the years, despite not knowing his name, yohn ra was the monster that lurked under her bed. the shadows that seemed to move on dark nights. the nightmares that chased away pleasant dreams and sleep.
yohn ra cries, begging for mercy.
and katara grants it.
she tells him that as much as she hates him, she can’t do it. she can’t bring herself to take a life the way he did. yohn ra may be pathetic and sad and empty, but she is not. she has her family, her friends, her promise to aang to help him defeat ozai and end the war. a war that took her mother and brought her to that moment. she has things and people to live for and love, she has happiness and joy, she has fulfillment. she is not yohn ra. she will not act like she is.
i haven’t read any interviews/discussions from the writers on the episode that talk about why katara spared yohn ra instead of killing him. perhaps it was to help foreshadow aang’s show of mercy to ozai. maybe it was to keep katara’s status as a heroine and not have her ‘go over to the dark side’ so to speak. i don’t know, and to be perfectly honest, i don’t really care (death of the author babey!!!!!!). for me, this episode was about katara growing as a person, learning that exacting violence on someone for the violence they exacted on u (whether directly or indirectly) is never good and will not lead to a sustainable society. to kill yohn ra, despite the things he’s done, would solve nothing. her mother is still dead. she is never getting her girlhood back. and she would never be able to undo killing yohn ra. by sparing yohn ra, she showed the kind of grace and mercy that many real world adults are unable to show, and that’s extremely powerful. i can only imagine the kind of strength that goes into that kind of restraint.
she hasn’t forgiven him. perhaps, despite aang’s hopes, she never will. but she can learn to let the anger and grief go, and fill herself with other things, like forgiveness for zuko, and love for aang.
she will not be nothing. or pathetic. or sad. or empty.
she will not be him.
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arcanelaurels · 6 years
could you write something with like angus sleeping in taako and kravitz's bed bc he had a nightmare or smthn?
I will since you asked me to but I would also like to point you in the direction of this fic by @inkedinserendipity bc it’s so soft and good and I’m gonna have to try hard not to accidentally mimic it 
Taako’s ears twitched and he woke up with a yawn. He was laying on his side with his arm thrown over Kravitz, who was sleeping on his stomach next to him. Looking around, he could easily see that it was still the middle of the night. Great.
 Taako stretched cat-like and rolled over, hoping sleep would take him again soon. He often woke up in the middle of the night. His and Lup’s scrappy childhood, his years on the Starblaster, Sizzle it Up With Taako, and being an adventurer had all contributed to making him a light sleeper. Kravitz, meanwhile, slept like a log. The lucky bastard.
A new sound had Taako’s ears swiveling towards the door. It was the distinct sound of small feet retreating down the hall. His eyes cracked open again and he stared at the wall for a few moments before hoisting himself up into a sitting position with a grunt, listening for any indication that the footsteps might return. He looked down and assessed his clothing situation. A tank top and shorts. He looked over at Kravitz. Sweatpants and no shirt. With a sigh, he used one hand to prod his fiance while the other summoned one of his t-shirts.
Kravitz groaned in irritation at Taako’s pokes. When they became more insistent, he lifted up slightly so he could twist his head to look at him. “What is it?”
Taako held a finger to his own lips to shush him and shoved the shirt in his face, his ears still straining to listen for sounds outside.
Getting the hint, Kravitz took the shirt and put it on, then immediately flopped back down on the bed, already almost asleep again. Taako scoffed, always surprised that someone who was dead - and therefore didn’t need sleep - was so hard to wake up.
After a moment, he heard the sound of footsteps cautiously approaching the door again. He could easily picture Angus, hesitating with his fist raised to knock. 
“Agnes?” He called out. “I know you’re there. You can come in.”
There was a moment’s pause before the doorknob slowly turned and the door opened, the head of a little boy hesitantly poking in. The nervousness on his face was clearly visible. Kravitz craned his head so that he could see Angus as he stepped inside the room, wearing his Caleb Cleveland pajama set. Held in the crook of one of Angus’s elbows was the stuffed dog that Magnus had originally carved from wood, then asked Taako to transmute to a more huggable form.
“Angus?” Kravitz’s voice was thick with sleep. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh! Um,” Angus spoke with forced cheer. “Nothing! I was actually just walking past your room to…get a snack!” He turned and started leaving. “Sorry to wake you, I’ll go now-” 
“Angus.” It was both Taako’s warning tone and his use of Angus’s real name that caused him to freeze. “You have terrible Deception.”
Looking guilty now, Angus stepped back inside and fidgeted with the hem of his button-down pajama shirt. “Um, I just…had a bad dream…is all.”
Taako hesitated. Bad dreams were something he knew well. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
Angus looked a bit surprised by Taako’s seriousness, and stared down at the floor as he continued fidgeting with his shirt. “It was, um…I had a dream that…the Hunger came back. And, um…you…you both…”
He fell silent, but it was easy to fill in the blanks.
Angus looked up and his hand flew to his face as if to adjust his glasses, but he wasn’t wearing them and ended up passing it off as scratching his face. He forced cheerfulness again “I just wanted to see you and know you were okay! I can go now.”
Taako felt a tightness in his chest. Those weren’t the kinds of concerns an eleven-year-old boy should be having. “Don’t be ridiculous. Listen,” He reached behind him to put a hand on Kravitz’s shoulder. “Do you know what Kravitz does when I have a bad dream?”
“He tells me everything’s okay and holds me till I fall back asleep,” He said matter-of-factly. “Now,” He adjusted himself to make space between him and Kravitz. “Hop on up, boychik. There’s plenty of room,” He patted the bed to punctuate his statement. 
Angus hesitated, glancing at Kravitz, who flipped himself onto his back with a grunt and waved him up. He hesitantly approached Taako’s side of the bed and climbed up - the stuffed dog still held tight in the crook of his elbow - while Taako grabbed a pillow to put between his and Kravitz’s. 
Taako moved the blanket so that Angus could easily crawl up and get underneath it, still looking uncertain even as his head hit the pillow. He turned to look at Kravitz, who seemed to be asleep again, then turned to Taako. “Is he always this sleepy?” He whispered.
“You could say he sleeps like the dead,” Taako responded with a smirk.
Angus held the dog to his face to help him stifle his laugh.
“Well,” Taako said, reaching out with one arm and pulling Angus a bit closer. “Guess I’m on snuggling duty since bird brain can’t keep his eyes open.”
Angus readily snuggled closer to Taako, who kept his arm around him as the two fell silent for a few moments. He heard Angus’s breathing start to even out, indicating that he was drifting off.
“Everything’s alright, pumpkin,” Taako murmured sleepily, feeling like the comment was a bit late. “We’re safe.”
Angus was silent for a few moments, and Taako was sure that he’d fallen asleep until he heard him respond, his voice barely audible as he spoke while letting out a contented sigh, fully drifting off.
“Thanks, Dad.”
Taako stiffened, heat rushing to his face all the way to the tips of his ears. He pulled Angus closer and curled around him protectively, his throat feeling inexplicably tight.
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