#i wanna put them in a blender together
rosietrace · 24 days
“Midnight Waltz”
| Malleus Draconia + Victoria Shard | 🐉 + 🪞 |
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✎ᝰ. synopsis : Malleus held out his hand to her, his eyes glowing under the darkness of the hall. There was a strange tug in Victoria's system, somehow urging her — convincing her — to take that step closer and intertwine her hand with his.
✎ᝰ. content warnings : takes place post-glorious masquerade, Victoria's dress description is inaccurate to the event color scheme due to this being written pre-redesign, potentially ooc
✎ᝰ. genre : romance, canon divergence, oc + canon character
( ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ ) a/n : I have so many drafts in my docs its almost EMBARRASSING ☠️ so I saw that this was already finished among them and decided, “why the hell not?” and boom. I've finally posted it. Good for me ig [ dividers belong to the amazing @cafekitsune !!! ]
✎ᝰ. : reblogs > likes
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“And just where do you think you're going?”
Whatever mood Victoria was in prior, it had immediately soured. Malleus Draconia came into view at the turn of her head.
“I'm leaving.” It was an answer, simple as that. It didn't warrant any other explanation; the festivities of Noble Bell had come to a close, and no matter the fireworks, the glimmering lights, and the enthusiasm of their schoolmates— none of it mattered.
It would all become a distant memory, one way or another. Maybe it would be something she could look back on with fondness.
Or maybe she'd forget a moment such as this. Just like so many others that came before it.
Her response made Malleus appear all the more displeased than usual. “Already?”
“It's past midnight, Draconia.”
“And I thought the festivities would finally get you to loosen up, Shard.”
“What point would there be in doing so?” So you could hold it over my head and mock me? She sure as hell wouldn't allow that.
“It's rare for you to not be so… yourself.”
Malleus didn't know how else to phrase it, it seemed. Even the sound of his voice bothered Victoria, almost as much as looking at him and his emeralds for eyes.
“... You're not in your masquerade garb,” Victoria acknowledged. Now all the prince wore was his Diasomnia uniform— complete with the boots and, in Victoria's humble opinion, equally ridiculous hat.
“Is that a problem?” he inquired. His stance militaristic, arms behind his back, head held high like any awaiting king would.
Oh, how Victoria yearned to knock him off that pompous throne. To be the one wearing the crown and staring him down, watching as he groveled.
Well, Victoria, you can't have everything, she told herself in mild disappointment.
It was already late into the night, and the bell at the top of the tower had ceased its ringing when Midnight struck. They shouldn't have been here, near each other, looking at each other.
Malleus spoke again, the bastard. “And what of you?” His hand lazily motioned to her. And for the slightest moment Victoria wished there was one more garment she could wear as a barrier between him and her.
She refused to let that show. “What of me?”
His eyebrow arched. “So late into the night, when everyone is tucked safely into their sleeping quarters…”
“And yet here you are: all dressed in white like a bride left at the altar.”
“Like you're any better,” Victoria shot back with a sneer. “You fancy an unchaperoned midnight stroll, Draconia?”
“The stars are of better company than the likes of you, dearest Shard.”
“How flattering.”
“I should hope so. It's probably the only genuine compliment you could ever get.”
Her eyes narrowed down into slits, her lips pressing together before she said, “Do not challenge my patience, Draconia.” Patience that was hanging by a very thin, very fragile thread.
But Malleus Draconia was a prince not so easily deterred. His eyes wandered. To the large stained glass windows at his right, the moon illuminating them in a strange yet no less stunning disposition of color.
His eyes focused back on her, raking over her from head to toe. How irritating that he remained with an obscured and masked face. Perhaps that was a blessing, Victoria wanted to convince herself.
“Would you care for a dance?”
The question came in a matter of seconds. Straight-laced, firm, not sounding even the least hesitant.
The hesitancy she expected radiated off of her, instead. He chuckled at the baffled expression on her face, his lips curving into the barest hint of a smile.
Naturally, Victoria wasn't quick to accept. She took a step back, one foot forward and the other backward, she folded her arms across her chest.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Then beg.”
“Don't play games with me, Draconia.”
“And what makes you think this is a game, Shard?”
“You don't have a reason to dance with me. Not willingly,” Victoria took another step, this time towards him. “Have you perhaps been spiked with some sort of hallucinating serum?”
Malleus scoffed. “Don't be daft…” yet he didn't say anything to what she'd said before that inquiry.
“Being daft is more in character for you,” Victoria said in a mockingly crooning tone, clasping her hands together and bringing them close to her cheeks, rocking slowly.
“You are crossing a line.”
“I've crossed many bridges, Draconia. All I've done after is watch them burn.”
“Do you only speak in metaphors?”
“Do you do nothing but annoy me for your entertainment?”
To which Malleus gritted out, “A dance is all I ask of you.” It seemed she'd done her job of tugging at his strings well enough.
Her lips curved. “And why do you think I'd agree to something like that?” They stared each other down, eyes blazing in intensity.
Malleus held out his hand to her, his eyes glowing under the darkness of the hall. There was a strange tug in Victoria's system, somehow urging her — convincing her — to take that step closer and intertwine her hand with his.
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Malleus guided her to a vacant music room. It seemed to be lacking in actual use, all the inhabiting instruments covered in dust and stained with a spider's intricate cobweb.
Victoria sent him a look. He knew she was wondering how he'd come to discover this room, but he was better off ignoring the silent question for now.
Bringing forth a self-conducted orchestra was as easy as flicking Malleus' wrist. The instruments burst with life, floating mid-air and playing a tune for them to dance to.
With a turn of his heel, Malleus went back to facing her. Victoria, dressed like some ghostly bride, iridescent in a dress so white it bordered on blue.
He bowed, even if it struck a chord in his pride to do so. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, wasn't it?
He heard her release a huff. He kept his eyes to the ground, hand still extended to brush against hers when she finally gave in and reciprocated.
The ends of Malleus' lips ticked upwards as he pulled her close, his free arm snaking around her waist.
Victoria already held a deep scowl in her eyes. It only seemed to deepen in intensity once he'd made that gesture clear to her. “Draconia…”
“And what is it now, Shard?” said Malleus, far too smug for the better of others, or his own.
“Don't act sly,” Victoria sneered, synchronizing with his movements. “You don't look good when you're sly.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “So when I'm not, I do?”
She didn't say anything about that comment. When he felt a sting of pain in his foot, he knew that she stomped on it with her heel.
Malleus was more surprised about the lack of a puncture wound than the pain itself. With how sharp her heels were, he half-expected his foot to start bleeding.
But did that stop Malleus Draconia, prince of the Briar Valley abyss, to move forward and engage in a waltz with her? No. No, it did not.
There was little surprise in the way their movements synchronized; Victoria made for both a formidable academic opponent, so Malleus felt little shock with her formidability on the dance floor.
“You seemed to enjoy yourself,” stated Malleus, giving Victoria a twirl. “When the celebrations came, I mean.”
“Tsk.” Victoria's footsteps were hard against the floorboards of the music room. “What, did you expect me to rejoice when the crimson blossoms wreaked havoc?”
“With the kind of woman you present yourself as, I would hardly be surprised if you feigned outrage.”
“I don't need to feign it when all I have to do is look at you.”
“How flattering.” Malleus' eyes rolled heavenward. Why should he bother at this point? No matter what he did, Victoria Shard would not take kindly to him being… well, himself.
He jolted, his face grimacing with a sudden hiss of his teeth. Shard…
He looked down at her, at her sapphire-like eyes and the smug look on her face that dared feign ignorance.
“Shard.” Malleus glowered.
Victoria huffed, and he could've sworn she was trying desperately hard not to laugh in his face. “What, Draconia? Already so tired from our dance to forfeit?”
If this were a challenge, Malleus made the immature decision of stepping up to the challenge.
This woman— Malleus thought with gritted teeth after each hard, deliberate stomp Victoria performed directly on to his feet. More likely than not, he'd lost count at how many times she'd done it.
Perhaps at some point, Zenith would give him some sort of petty participation award. Preferably titled, Endured being repeatedly stomped in the feet by Victoria Shard.
“In all my centuries of walking this land, never have I encountered a woman as egregious as you.”
“Then I find myself lucky.”
“You simply can't help but make my blood boil, can you?”
“Oh, Draconia.” Victoria batted her eyelashes with a croon.
“It's my favorite pastime.”
How crude of her. Malleus felt his pride get struck by some arrow. Be it an arrow from Orion, or one by Eros, he could not tell the difference.
He wanted, so badly, to put her in her place. To set his foot down and speak sternly, warning her not to be so bold in any future interactions between them.
But it was difficult. Difficult having to deal with a woman so high on her horse that she's arrogant enough to try and kick him off his; Difficult to constantly maintain order when it became very clear that it was the very thing she didn't want out of him.
Difficult to know that— no matter what he did— he couldn't take his eyes off of her.
He dared stared longer than necessary; at her frame, the dress she wore, the choker around her neck, the color of her eyes.
Her lips.
Malleus came to an abrupt halt. In doing so, so did Victoria, as were the instruments that only played at his command.
Victoria nearly stumbled, but the arm around the small of her back kept its grasp secure to prevent her from truly falling, lest her pride be wounded even more after agreeing to this.
“Draconia?” She'd called out to him, with an arch of her brow and a honeyed edge to her voice that made him want to fall apart.
Malleus remained ever still, unsure of what to make of himself after thinking such accursed thoughts. He barely heard her.
“Draconia?” She could repeat his name a thousand times, for the rest of time, and the only thing it would ever do to him was make his heart melt because she was saying his name.
He wasn't staring at her. Not directly. Not at her eyes, or any of her accessories— but at her lips. His eyes locked on to them, his breath uneasily jagged.
A part of him wanted to let go. To give in. To finally reach out and indulge in something for his own sake, and not for the sake of his kingdom, no matter what consequences he may face in the long run.
But he didn't. Malleus was better than that— his pride was better than to stoop to the levels of some desperate loon.
Victoria grew restless, calling out to him once more. “Draconia, speak,” she demanded. “Say something, damn it. I don't care what you have to say, just say—”
A small yelp came out of her as Malleus pulled her closer, their noses brushing. Neither of the two tried to break the gazes they held— though in the case of Victoria, her eyes seemed wide in a manner that, to Malleus, appeared almost otherworldly.
The hand that intertwined with hers broke free of its own iron grip, soon making itself known by caressing her cheek. His thumb brushed over her lips, but this time his gaze never wavered while looking into her eyes.
That familiar, gorgeous ocean-like pool that he'd drown in, for as long as time would allow him to.
Seldom were the visions that plagued his mind. He shan't bring himself to indulge himself. For the good of his people, of his kingdom.
Of himself.
“Save your voice for after our waltz, my sweet villain.”
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“... What the hell am I looking at?”
Miren rubbed his eyes a good three times, blinking all the while and even going as far as pinching himself. Anything to try and prove to him that what he was looking at was a dream.
Turns out it wasn't.
There he was, Malleus Draconia — prince of Briar Valley, ruler of the abyss — dancing with Victoria Shard.
“Well this just got interesting,” uttered Rosemi, lightly shoving Miren to the side so she too could take a peek through the barley open doorway.
Miren's eyes narrowed. “Rosemi.”
“Miren.” Rosemi’s voice remained perfectly pleasant, a tight-lipped smile on her face as she maintained her focus on the incredulous sight before her and not the glutton beside her.
“Oho, how scandalous, Miss Shard…”
Miren grimaced. Maybe it was the weird mumbling on Rosemi's part that was getting to him, but a part of him felt… bewildered? Regret? Whatever it was, Malleus and Victoria dancing was the source of it all.
But the moment looked — and felt — intimate. Peaceful. A calm before a storm that Miren didn't know when it could strike.
Yet Miren was no stranger to the obvious look in Malleus' eyes. His lips pursed, unsure of what to think.
Perhaps it was best to keep his thoughts to himself.
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【 Taglist / Credits 】
↳ In order of Character appearances/mentions
Malleus Draconia
Victoria Shard — Me 😈
Zenith Devi — Also me 😈
Miren Lockhart — @authoruio
Rosemi Columbina — Also @/authoruio
@starry-night-rose | @jasdiary | @nem0-nee | @fumikomiyasaki | @sakuramidnight15 | @geminiiviolets | @valse-a-mille-temps | @hallowed-delights / @terrovaniadorm | @twistedsongstressofstarz | @twsted-princess @mystery-skulls-ghost | @absolutelyobsessedkiya | @lueerhythm | @cecilebutcher
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catgirljaneway · 10 months
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Janeway and Tuvok are my Roman Empire!!! Nothing in Star Trek can ever compare to Them for me ❤️
Her face??? I wanna die!!!
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mayoiayasep · 3 months
^ thought about aoi kureha again
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happi-tree · 1 year
hmmmm fic titles huh.... maybe something like Figments n Fractures..? (hope ur having a lovely day hehe <333)
aaaaaa ty, Cal!!! Hope you're having a lovely day, too 💜💜💜
Now gays and theys don't shoot but! Hermie and Scary fic.
Not really a romantic one per se - more of a character exploration of the two of them and how they approach life like a performance rather than - well, living. I just think it would be really funny to see Hermie being so intrigued by space-maddened Terri and Terri studying her new husband like a bug, trying to figure out what it is about him that feels so familiar to her but yet so unreachable at the same time. It's the whole thing of hiding who you are until your facade Fractures versus not knowing who you are and being so terrified of that fact that you throw yourself into increasingly elaborate personas - Figments of yourself that aren't really you.
Am I making sense? I don't know if I'm making sense. I just think that they're really messed up and neat <3
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kethabali · 3 months
figured out the recipe for the perfect smoothie consistency and taste so now i'm gonna eat smoothies everyday
#i have a blender immersion blender AND an air fryer now#so i shall never go hungry or eat only processed again#tentative#we'll see if it works this time#i've tried to make my kitchen as accessible as possible so i'm not afraid of using it#weird bc i love cooking but still not used to this apartments kitchen i guess#but its improved a lot since move in#vacuum helps with food crumbs immediately#i need a chair for the kitchen tho#i'll put my current desk chair in once i build the computer chair i bought#so i can sit if i wanna cook stews or stir fries#while i wait for it#i also got parchment liners for air fryer so its easier to clean and so i will be motivated to use it more#immersion blender to mash vegetables together when i dont feel like eating them whole so i can just make soup/broth to cook beans or meat i#its all about texture and how easy cleanup is#and having these tools make clean up quicker bc less dishes and tools make different textures#chunky smooth crispy ...#best of the best...#oksy bye#🧃#now if only my work schedule would stop getting in my waey and making me spend money grrrr#i only work 3 days a week but somehow i still haven't managed to prep meals in the other 4 days i have off in the last 3 weeks of working#but i am excited after having a numerous good attempts in the kitchen last few days#so maybe tmrw i can come home early do some kitchen stuff#i wanted to go to the park but i feel i should do this first#usually i would say just go to the park bc fuck chores but this chore will make me feel better and improve quality of life#meal prep spend less money less consumerism better mental health#and clean kitchen means more food at home more nutritious and also tastier bc i can adjust flavors and balance it#i'll still go to the park just not the big one
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moonstruckme · 3 months
poly!marauders x reader helping her move into their shared flat! maybe a little angst cuz she doesn’t wanna impose but also fluffy
Thanks for requesting!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
“Angel, we’ve got it,” James says again, warding you off with a playfully stern look when you get too close to your own dresser. Sirius, clutching the other end for dear life, looks less confident. “Go start putting things the way you like them, we’ll handle the rest of the big stuff.” 
You give Sirius a guilty look as you do what you’re told, going into the kitchen where Remus is opening your taped-up boxes with a butter knife. 
“Best to stay out of their way,” he advises you. “Jamie will fully let go of that dresser before he lets you near it, and we’ve got a busy enough day ahead of us without taking Sirius to A&E.” 
You grin. “Too true.”
Remus makes a funny cooing sound as he pulls your heart-shaped measuring cups out of a box. “Oh, these are precious.” His bottom lip curls softly. “Is it odd that this feels sort of like opening gifts? Do you have a zester? I’ve been pining after a zester for months.” 
“I do,” you say, somewhat giddy at the prospect of having your things amongst theirs. “It’s in the other box, though.” 
“Fuck, it’s like Christmas.” Remus tears into that box, leaving you to the first. 
It helps that you already have a sense of where things go in the boys’ flat, having stayed here many nights over several months before they’d asked you to move in. You grab the next thing out of your box and reach for the cabinet behind Remus, minding his head as you open it, and look for an empty space on the top shelf. 
“Oh.” The word drops limply from your lips.
“You already have a blender.” 
“Yeah, Jamie’d never get by without one,” says Remus with a fond eye roll. “He all but lives on those protein smoothies.” 
“Right. Yeah, I forgot.” 
“You can put yours in there next to it, love.” He looks at you over his shoulder, a slight bemusement in his expression at your dispirited tone. “He leaves that thing dirty in the sink all the time, it’ll be nice to have a backup.” 
“Okay.” You slot yours in beside it, but your eyes fall to the neat stacks of plates and bowls on the shelf below them. Somewhere in the bottom of one of these boxes, you have your own plates and bowls, mismatched and collected from different stores over time. These ones are uniform, a matched set. “Do you think my dishes will go okay in here?” 
“What do you mean?” Remus turns around, following your gaze to the cabinet. “We’ve got plenty of room.” 
“I know, but…” But with your dishes added onto theirs, they’ll be stacked nearly to the top of the shelf. More than anyone needs. “You all picked yours out together, and mine don’t match. I don’t want to add things you don’t like.” 
“You won’t be.” Seeming to sense you need it, he wraps his arms around your shoulders, standing with your back to his front. “Darling, we picked out these dishes because when we moved in here, all three of us had only been using paper plates. It wasn’t a big decision, we just needed to feel like adults.” You can hear his smile close to your ear. “Don’t worry about matching, alright?” 
“Alright,” you say, sinking into his hold, but your mind is already cataloging every way you could be intruding. 
Your glasses won’t go with theirs either, and neither will your pots and pans. The cabinets will be full to bursting. By the window, their little kitchen table has three chairs. The couch in the living room is only big enough to fit three, the armchair they’d bought to accommodate you when you started coming over regularly sitting off to the side. Separate. 
“Hey,” says James, popping into the kitchen. You’re partway through unloading your kitchen things, your guilt mounting with every overstocked shelf. “Do you want to come tell us where you’d like your dresser? We’re having some trouble, it’s a bit of a tight fit.” 
“Yeah,” you say weakly, following him down the hall. Remus, the unofficial master of logistics, comes behind you. 
In the bedroom, Sirius is trying to jam your dresser in between a nightstand and the wall, shoving it with his shoulder and threatening to take off the paint in the process. 
“Stop!” you and Remus say in unison, him rushing forward to grab Sirius while you hang back, open-mouthed. 
“You’re scuffing the wall,” Remus tells Sirius, not unkindly. “Don’t try to make it fit if it doesn’t, love.” 
The words ring around in your head, an omen. 
“I don’t need it,” you say. All three boys turn to look at you, various degrees of befuddled. “It doesn’t fit, it’s fine. I can get rid of it.” 
“It’ll fit,” says Sirius. “We’ve hardly tried yet.” 
“Angel, you love that dresser.” James looks like a confused puppy, clearly having caught onto the fact that something’s wrong but unsure what it is.
You shrug, trying to look nonchalant. You do love it, truthfully. It’s been with you since you moved into your first place, collecting tiny scratches and absorbing the coalescent scent of the candles you keep in the top drawer. It’s been the hallmark of every home that’s ever been your own, but this place isn’t just yours. Your boyfriends are already doing a lot by sharing their space with you, and you don’t want to be more trouble than you’re worth. 
“It doesn’t fit,” you say simply. “It’s okay.” 
“We can put it right there,” Remus says. The three of you turn, and there is a wall by the door, entirely blank. You’d completely forgotten about it. 
“Perfect. Genius, Rem.” James beams at Remus, his expression gentling when he looks back at you. “Okay, lovely?” 
“Yeah, thanks.” You smile weakly. Sirius makes a tsking sound, regarding you through narrowed eyes. 
“You’re being weird. Spill.” 
You shrug again, arms wrapping around your middle of their own volition. “I just didn’t think about how much stuff I have until now,” you admit. “You guys already have everything perfect in here, I don’t just want to…cram my stuff in when it’s already the way you like it. I don’t know, it…” You study the floorboards, unable to look at any of them. “It feels like I’m butting in a bit.” 
For a thick, dreadful moment, the boys are silent. 
“We want you to have your things here,” Remus says softly,  “because we want you here, dove.” 
“Alright, let’s not act as though that was ever in question.” Sirius shoots you a smile, dimming a bit when you look at him sheepishly. “Sweetheart, obviously we want you here. Why would we have asked you to move in if we didn’t?”
You nibble the inside of your cheek. “It’s okay if you’ve changed your minds. You guys work together so well already.” 
“We work together with you even better.” James comes up behind you, wrapping you up in a hug like he’s unable to help himself. He sets his lips on your shoulder, words buzzing against your skin. “It wouldn’t feel right if you were here and none of your stuff was. There’s plenty of room, but if in some places there’s not then we’ll make room. We want you here, okay?” 
You nod, trying to make yourself believe it. 
“Let’s have a break,” Remus suggests. “There’s lemonade in the fridge.” 
“Yes please.” Sirius is quickly onboard. “I can feel the soreness coming on already; my muscles have never been so terribly abused. I’m going to need a massage tonight, definitely.” 
“I’ll do it,” you offer. James keeps you tucked under his arm as you all start back down the hall. “Seems like the least I can do.” 
“In that case, I think my thighs are taking the brunt of it. Better pay the most attention to those, sweetness.” 
“These are privileges which you shall have from this night onward,” says James, mashing a kiss into your hair. “Welcome home, angel.” 
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luveline · 6 months
I can definitely see a steddie x reader where reader is just enjoying their banter bc she thinks they’re being adorable and Steve is annoyed and Eddie is just being cheeky
Reader would definitely be just smitten about it, in all honesty-
“You’re not doing it right, Steve.” 
“Am too.” 
“You are not, babe.” 
Eddie sounds so genuine, like he truly cares that Steve’s not doing it right, but you can tell he’s messing with him. It’s in his smile. He sees you noticing him and puts a finger over his lips. 
“You owe me,” you mouth. 
“What did I do wrong?” Steve asks, agitated already. 
“You have to press the plastic down,” Eddie says, stepping behind Steve where your boyfriend tries to grate a head of broccoli using the food processor. “This bit. Babe–”
“Stop with the babe, you’re patronising me.” 
“That is not true.” Eddie takes him by the hip, reaching around him to shove the hand guard down onto Steve’s broccoli. 
“You’re seriously patronising me.” 
Eddie talks close to Steve’s ear. “Now why would I do that, Steve?” 
Steve smiles but pushes him away. “Get off of me, I can do it. Go irritate Y/N.” 
“I’m just trying to help,” Eddie says. 
“You’re not, you’re trying to make me mad.” 
“Is it working?” 
Eddie dives away from his shove and ends up hanging on you instead, arms slotting over your shoulders, warm and relaxed as he turns his flirting to you. “What’s the damage?” 
“He figured you out pretty quickly. No charge this time.” 
“How generous.” He sounds as warm as he feels, leaning in to draw a line on your cheek with his nose. “Think he’ll take the bait again?” 
“Aw, don’t,” you laugh, though really you want him to. Steve is a good looking guy and it’s worse when he’s playing mad, he gets loud and his brows draw together, darkening the honeyed brown of his eyes to a more shadowy colour that you adore. “He’s just trying to make dinner for us. He’s so nice.” 
“I’ll make it up to him,” he promises, kissing your cheek. 
Eddie once again approaches Steve, this time with a softer disposition, like he might be giving him a kiss. Steve lets Eddie touch his arm, lets Eddie wraps his fingers around his wrist and press a cheek to the top of his shoulder. 
“Don’t try and say sorry now,” Steve warns. Then, after a few seconds, he wraps an arm behind Eddie's shoulder to rub his arm roughly. It’s fond and annoyed at once. 
“I’m just trying to help.” 
“I know how to use the blender.” 
They sound in love. It makes you laugh, one because it’s nice to see, you love them too, and two because Eddie’s messing him around again. 
Steve looks back at you suspiciously. 
“I know you know how to use it, I’m just trying to help,” Eddie says. 
“Are you?” 
“Sometimes you get kind of stubborn.” He encourages Steve’s face back to his with a kind hand. Steve sticks his tongue in his cheek as Eddie tucks a lock of stray hair behind his ear. “You know, on account of you being extremely stubborn,” Eddie whispers. 
Steve rolls his eyes and shrugs away from him. “I’m used to being right. You know, on account of you being an idiot.” 
“Don’t act like that.” 
Steve lets Eddie link their pinky fingers together, even as they continue to argue about the blender. Feeling a little left out, you slide off of your barstool at the island and sidle up on Steve’s other side. 
“What are you doing?” you ask. “Broccoli and cheese?” 
“Uh-huh. Don’t know why I bother,” Steve side eyes Eddie, the one out of the three of you who loves broccoli and cheese soup more than breathing. “He’s making it more difficult than it’s worth.” 
“It’s gonna be done at bed time if you keep taking so long.” 
“Don’t start on me too.,” Steve says, though he leans in for a kiss soon after. 
Eddie tries to high five you behind his shoulders. You grab his hand and wrap it around Steve’s shoulders, who then tries to sweep you both in for a hug, assuming an Eddie style apology, and regardless of all the teasing he’s endured. 
“I don’t wanna cook anymore,” Steve mumbles. 
Eddie feels sorry, then, and tries to kiss his neck. 
You pinch him. “Let’s just order takeout.” 
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stevebckley · 1 year
Steve finds out early on in his teenage partying years that tequila and him don’t mix well. It leads to terrible decisions and waking up in someone else’s bed.
But he doesn’t wanna be a party pooper when Eddie shows up for the Party’s pool day with all the stuff for margaritas and a grin on his face. He says that someone needs to put Steve’s fancy blender to use anyhow and he makes the best strawberry margaritas ever so Steve relents easily, resigning himself to try just sipping at the same one all afternoon.
He can’t stick to that though.
The first sip is like heaven. Cold and sweet on his tongue with just a hint of the sheer amount of tequila that must be in it. Eddie literally cackles at the little moan that slips out of him at the taste.
‘Told you, Harrington! I know what I’m about!’
The afternoon slips on, Robin and Nancy stopping after two so that they can drive all the kids home but Eddie just keeps filling up Steve’s cup before he can even protest. He’s floating a bit by the end of the day, not enough to be drunk but enough that he can’t stop himself from staring at Eddie.
Eddie has been in and out of the pool all day, water making his swim shorts cling to every single muscle underneath them. Steve can’t help but giggle at the sheer lack on ass on the guy but when he turns to face Steve, he has to actively try to keep his jaw shut.
He can see a perfect outline of Eddie’s dick. Even soft it looks big enough to choke on and Steve has to drag one of the towels over his lap quickly lest other people see how hard he got in the last thirty seconds. Luckily the kids are packing up now, calling their goodbyes.
Letting Nancy and Robin lead them out the door until it’s just him and Eddie left. Eddie is watching him curiously, and the attentions makes Steve flush from his cheeks all the way down his chest. ‘You doin okay, Stevie? You look a little warm’ Eddie sounds like he’s teasing, but there’s an edge to it that does not help Steve’s situation. Eddie practically glides forward toward where Steve is sitting on the lounge chair. Steve has to hold back the whine in his throat when Eddie leans over him, hands braced on either side of the chair.
‘Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?’ Eddie’s got a sharp grin on his face, close enough that Steve can see the pink staining his tongue from the drinks and he can’t hold himself back any longer. He drops his death grip on the towel so he can tangle his hands in Eddie’s hair, yanking him down into a searing kiss.
Eddie loses his grip on the chair, practically toppling into Steve’s lap, noses smushing together as they both try to keep from disconnecting their kiss Steve uses one hand to grab Eddie by the waist as he falls, using the momentum to pull him into his lap. Even as tipsy as Steve feels, it’s delightfully easy to move Eddie where he wants him. He can’t help himself when he rolls his hips up to meet Eddie’s, the wetness of their shorts making it slightly uncomfortable but Steve doesn’t give a shit right now.
He’s finally getting what he’s been wanting and Eddie seems just as into it. Eddie rocks downward in a slow, steady grind of his hips, his dick hard and hot where it presses against Steve’s. He shudders under the deliberate movements, praying to whoever’s listening that he can get Eddie to fuck him just like that.
For now though he desperately needs to get his mouth on Eddie, pulling away from the kiss and taking in a shaky breath. ‘Inside.’ He whines into Eddie’s ear, gently taking the lobe in between his teeth so he can bite down.
Eddie scrabbles off his lap like a cartoon cat, making Steve giggle at the sight before a thought pops into his head He stands, steadying himself for a moment before crouching slightly, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s waist and throwing him over his shoulder in a fireman carry.
Eddie fucking moans, using his position to shove his hands down the back of Steve’s shorts to grab at his ass. ‘This should not be so fucking hot what the fuck’ Eddie mumbles, half to himself as Steve carry’s him to the living room and tosses him on the couch.
He doesn’t miss a beat before dropping to his knees in front of Eddie, tucking eager fingers into his waistband and dragging them down his legs. When Eddie’s dick is finally exposed, Steve feels all the blood in his body rush south, a whimper falling from his open mouth at the sight.
It’s as big as it felt, long and thick nestled into a pretty thatch of curls at the base. There’s a bead of precome gathered at the tip that he can’t stop himself from leaning down and lapping up. Eddie hisses at the feeling, hands fisting into the cushions under him.
Steve can’t have that, gently peeling Eddies hands open and guiding them to his hair. Eddies mouth is slightly open, a look of awe over his features as Steve leans forward to run his tongue from base to tip before sealing his lips over the head. He doesn’t care that he’s never done this before.
The only think he can think about is making Eddie feel good, and he gotten blowjobs before so how hard it can be? He steadies himself, wrapping a hand around Eddie before taking a few more inches into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks as best as he can.
Eddies fingers tighten in his hair, not pushing but just grounding himself. Steve pulls off with a pop, nuzzling his nose into the downy hair smattered across Eddie’s stomach. ‘Want you to use my mouth. Had dreams about you fucking my face.’ The look on Eddies face is enough to make Steve grind the heel of his hand into his own cock, nearly crying at the minor relief it brings.
He lets Eddie guide him back, sinking his mouth down as far as it can go before letting his jaw fall lax, tongue sliding forward to cushion over his teeth and lower lip
He squirms when Eddie’s hips roll up carefully, his brain already going delightfully fuzzy from the solid weight of hands in his hair and the ache developing in his jaw. ‘Oh baby you’re already cockdrunk aren’t you? This what you needed? Someone to take you down and apart?’ Eddie coos at him, movements growing more bold as he pushes a little further with every thrust.
The condescension makes Steve squirm and whine, vibrations in his throat dragging a moan out of Eddie. Steve loses the thread after that, his world narrowing to just Eddie and the way he’s making him feel.
Every thrust nudges at the back of Steve’s throat, the occasional too hard thrust making him gag and drool around Eddies length. He feels proud of himself when Eddie speeds up, rhythm faltering as he gets closer to the edge. It only takes a few more thrusts and a few moments of hard suction before Eddie is spilling down his throat with a shout.
Steve does his best to swallow it all, only missing a bit that drips down his chin. He feels high now, the tequila starting to wear off a bit. When Eddie pulls back, he’s just got a dopey grin on his face, eyes practically crossing in pleasure.
Eddie drags him up from the floor into his lap, smashing their lips together before reaching between them to shove his hand into Steve’s pants. He stills quickly and Steve’s face heats up as he realizes what he found.
‘I uh, I came when you did.’ His face burns with shame but Eddie looks like he could go again right then and there, dragging Steve into another heavy kiss. When he pulls back, he’s met with Eddie laughing. ‘Well I guess Nancy was right. Tequila really does make you outrageously horny!’
He’s still laughing when Steve registers what he said. ‘
Wait, what the fu-?’
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scoupsahoy · 27 days
i wanna talk about The Ship War going on right now in the 911 fandom (largely on tiktok and twitter) and i'm not a bnf especially in this fandom (and i wouldn't want to be) but i'm kind of hoping people on both sides are willing to read this post anyway because i cannot be the only one completely turned off by it
i finished writing this so i wanna clarify: this is officially aimed at buddie shippers (i am one of you) because i genuinely want to have meaningful discussion and also i'm not exactly defending tommy here. but! i think if bucktommy shippers were interested in reading, there is stuff in here for you too
i have to split this up into sections which is annoying but i won't be able to make any sense without sections so. sorry
1. pre-tommy buddie shipping
so like a lot of people i knew about 911 and buddie entirely through tumblr osmosis, and there was a general attitude of confidence: buddie WILL become canon. if it doesn't... something something. i don't really know the season 6 finale was hard for a lot of you. and after watching, i do really understand why. but.
from an outside perspective, this fandom attitude was nothing like i'd ever really experienced before. i stopped watching supernatural around season 11, several years before gaycas, when confirmed bisexual dean was genuinely outside the realm of possibility.
i was a tjlc believer. i was an episode 4 conspiracist. i have been delusional about gays on my television screen before. so i was really apprehensive at the way buddie fans were moving. not only was buddie GOING to happen, but if it didn't it would be a failure of the network and the showrunners and the actors and it could have been the greatest love story ever told and shipping was not ENOUGH. it had to be canon in order to matter. shipping anything else was fruitless and offensive. this was what i was seeing. and i was like. well there's no way that's going to happen
and then season 7 started airing and there was this reignited hope
and then 7x4 aired.
2. the birth of bucktommy
so i started watching 911 after 7x4 aired. a lot of people did. i'll be honest i did genuinely think that eddie was out and gay and i was like "oh shit is it finally happening??" and then i realized it was some other guy and spend like 4 straight days tumblr deepdiving into it
like i said i was almost exclusively following buddie shippers so my consensus was like. buck and tommy are cute but it's obviously (TO ME) a steppingstone for buddie. after watching the entire show i do still feel that way.
here's the thing though: shipping isn't about what is going to be canon. i'm a marvel fan. my first fandom was fucking icarly, okay, my track record of shipping non-canon couples that actually end up together starts and ends with nbc sitcoms and even then barely. shipping to me is about character analysis and smooshing barbie dolls together with my friends. shipping to me is putting some guy in a blender and another guy performing frankenstein experiments on them
it doesn't matter to me actually that a ship isn't going to end up together, even if i like them. i'm not saying some bucktommy fans don't overstep certain boundaries (that i'll get into) but a FAIR BIT of them know this. a fair bit of them were buddie shippers and a fair bit of them still are. and there's a reason theyre put off
3. social media discourse
the first real piece of morality discourse came from tiktok. i won't namedrop this creator but if you're on tiktok you know who i'm talking about.
this person started the tiktok talking about something that i genuinely do agree with: fans who love tommy but hated all of buck's ex girlfriends should probably perform some self-reflection on the very real misogyny problem in 911 fandom and fandom in general. this i am 1000% behind. a call-in of sorts: hey guys! check yourselves! it is really easy to fall into misogyny especially with gay shipping. though i will argue that buddie shippers could stand to do the same thing (looking at you, people who write fanfic where ana flores is ableist for no reason)
they went on, however, to say that bucktommy shippers Must only like bucktommy because they are a gay ship, And Also Therefore, these people Must Be gay fetishists, as the only reason you would like bucktommy over buddie is because you just want to see men make out with each other. You People don't like gay shipping in the Correct way that i do, you like to gay ship in a nasty fetish way (only slightly exaggerating). you saw that buck and tommy kissed online and you watched the entire show just to watch men make out with each other which is Bad And Wrong.
aside from the fact that this person also literally started watching the show after 7x4 aired (and like i said so did a lot of people. one would think this is a morally neutral thing to do), this struck a nerve with me. this take (which was repeated ad nauseam by everyone in their circle) is just plainly irresponsible.
it is inappropriate to suggest that someone is like. morally reprehensible for *checking my notes* shipping a canon television couple. is tim minear a gay fetishist for writing the bucktommy kiss? is the average viewer a gay fetishist for going "oh i didn't see that coming! they seem like a nice couple"? is my mom a gay fetishist? are you calling my mom a gay fetishist??
this is an argument that i've seen happen in a billion different ways over the past decade and a half of being in fandom spaces by the way. are women allowed to read gay fanfiction? what about gay porn? what if they get off to it? are they allowed to write it themselves? what if they're not straight? what if they're not women? was casey mcquiston fetishizing gay men when they wrote red white and royal blue? is the romance genre allowed to exist with gay men and straight women in it? do you have to check everyone's gender or sexual identity at the login page for ao3 and tumblr dot com to determine if it is morally okay for them to participate in fandom at all?
and then there was the comparisons between bucktommy and buddie fic stat breakdowns: bucktommy's are writing more smut And That's Bad and buddie fans are writing stories with plot And That's Good.
it. is. irresponsible. it is oversimplifying. it is judgmental and above all else it is irrelevant. people could like bucktommy because they think they're hot or because they think theyre interesting or because buck realized he was bisexual or because they think tommy has potential as a character. it is a ship. creating a dichotomy where one ship is the morally good thing to ship and one ship is the morally bad thing to ship is irresponsible and not in the spirit of fandom.
morality and purity conversations in fandom are like. an entirely different can of worms to talk about and this is going to be long enough already. but bucktommy shippers shot back with the same energy:
if you don't like bucktommy then you are homophobic because tommy is gay
i did see quite a bit of this argument because a number of people that id been following did get into bucktommy and i do still follow and like these people
i covered most of my feelings about this type of argument above but to reiterate: it is possible to like different ships without making it a morality competition. it's disingenuous and annoying.
especially that brief stint where people were saying that the bucktommy shipname was a slur against gay men. you can just not like it. you can just not like it and have it end there. it's an ugly shipname but you don't have to make it a moral issue.
especially because then buddie shippers pulled out the trump card:
4. the tommy problem
because these people just watched the entire show in like four weeks (again, neutral statement, i did the same fucking thing) they remember tommy from hen and chimney begins. and. okay
i'm not about to be taken out of context here. i watched bp's video when it came out, i think what was said was wrong, i'm not about to say that being racist was like. cool or excusable 20 years ago. i think there is a discussion to be had here about this though. there's a reason i'm typing this out carefully:
i want to say firstly that there IS a conversation to be had about the social landscape in 2005 and especially pre-obama america for the purposes of a bunch of 20 years olds who were not alive or fully conscious yet. people told casually racist jokes (casual in that they are told casually without intent for violence, not that they are not violent. all racism is violence) and there were fewer social ramifications for those racist jokes in 2005. that does not make them Magically Not Racist. they were. it was not okay. it was, however, Extremely Common. does that make it okay? no.
i'm saying that largely because it seems to ME that tim or whoever wrote that particular episode wrote that joke to paint a picture of where the characters are in the story. chimney is not under bobby. he is not being treated with respect. he is 15 years in the past (from when the episode aired. whatever) it is different. it wasn't supposed to matter who said it
(it did matter and it does matter that it's tommy who said it by the way. because that's like. the universe of the show)
(though my theory - and i'm just being stupid for a sec indulge me it's 3am - is that tim and ryan both LOVE writing in guys named tommy. seriously i've been rewatching glee and when i watched 911 i noticed this too that there are so many characters that we never even meet named tommy. abby's ex for one. my theory is that tim wanted to bring in some guy named tommy for buck's awakening and he realized he already had one. lol.)
SECONDLY. sorry that was longwinded. secondly, i am a person who believes that people are capable of change. 20 years is a long time to grow. even as an adult. again, this does not excuse racism, but it is important anyway.
this is all theoretical but i want you to walk with me: it is possible for a 20-30 year old closeted gay white man with a homophobic captain pre-obama to pick up and not experience consequences for inappropriate comments and casual racism and even be seeking out a parent-like validation from someone who encourages it AND THEN, after 20 years wherein he realizes he's gay, comes out of the closet, i believe it is POSSIBLE for him to unpack his internalized racism, apologize, and grow as a person
obviously these are fictional characters but it is important to my fucking philosophy of life that people are capable of change and having empathy or understanding that in fictional characters is so fucking baseline.
it is important that we as a society can agree that someone's behavior, ideology, and/or biases can change. that like. that just HAS to be possible.
caveat #1 that does not mean that any people of color who are fans of the show have to like tommy or even forgive him (or even like. hen and chim lmao it's kind of clear to me that at least hen doesn't) and i am not going to tell them to
caveat #2 i also understand that there is no explicit acknowledgment of this on screen (i think this is because tim forgot which i find funny but like i said. it still matters that it's tommy regardless of intent) and because of that there technically is nothing To forgive
even if we are assuming that tommy has learned nothing and has not changed at all. the leap from "tommy is/was racist" to "shipping bucktommy or finding tommy interesting Makes You Racist" is heinous to me.
sometimes people like characters who are shitty people. some of you like tony stark. sorry
it's ridiculous to me because there are plenty of other reasons to dislike bucktommy that doesn't like. vilify random people on the internet. he's not even framed as a particularly good boyfriend! we don't even know if they're boyfriends, for one thing!
i've been complaining about buddie shippers for this entire time but i literally am one of you and that's what pisses me off. you threw the first blow in the morality competition and you are bigger - and you KNOW you are bigger because you are proud of the fact - and you are winning.
you are right about a lot of it: tommy isn't a good guy. there is an active racism problem in this fandom. there is a misogyny problem in this fandom. but by and large buddie shippers have been in the game longer and have much larger followings and there is nasty shit i'm seeing which brings me to
5. social media discourse 2 electric boogaloo: twitter edition
twitter is a cesspool in the best of times but i have seen some shit in the past two weeks that makes me never want to write fanfiction for this fandom or even interact with most of the fans ever again. and i'm serious
there is a big buddie fanfic writer who is like. beloved. if you read buddie fanfiction you've read their work for sure. they started writing bucktommy and buddietommy fics around april. and people are being so nasty about them on twitter it is actually fucking embarrassing.
AND LIKE. god. fandom etiquette is so simple.
when i first started reading buddie fanfic the first thing i noticed was how many fics are locked. and i was like "i wonder why that is"
just look at these tweets. i have kept the author's handle here uncensored but please be normal do not bother this person. i'm sure their ao3 comments are hell enough already
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what the fuck is your people's problem i'm serious
i'm like actually appalled. this is embarrassing. this isn't even the most embarrassing thing i've seen buddie stans do recently and it is NOT uncommon. it is not small accounts. you guys are the majority. these tweets have hundreds of likes.
i don't give a shit what this person was writing. i actually don't care. their fics are locked. they write for free.
to take someone's fic outside ao3 is considered bad fandom etiquette. to talk about an author where they don't have an account is generally considered bad fandom etiquette. to complain about fanfiction openly is bad fandom etiquette. i don't care if this is y'all's first fandom. in what world are you going to take to twitter and openly complain about someone writing fanfiction for a ship you don't like.
if i were them i would delete all of the buddie fics or never write buddie again i'm so serious. this is so ridiculous.
and this is sort of the nail in the coffin for me, seeing this tweet the other day:
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this tweet has over a thousand likes
this is a larger fandom issue as of recent with the use of like. mental health terms as insults but it actually fucking disgusts me!
i looked at mark's twitter. it's pretty clear to me that he's a troll/having fun/provoking people on purpose but on TOP of that his tweets get at most 35 likes. i checked and this tweet got 21 likes. and over a thousand likes calling him schizophrenic. 24 replies doubling down. 25 retweets. 47 quote tweets. 62 bookmarks. over a thousand likes.
and buddie shippers are the good guys
it is ridiculous to me that as a fandom buddie shippers have created a space where it is impossible to have a meaningful discussion about fandom misogyny, racism, of homophobia because everyone who disagrees with you is morally opposed to you, and yet it is this side of the fandom with enough traction and support to openly bully and mock these people that you have decided are morally reprehensible.
6. in conclusion i'm sorry i know no one read this
fandom in general post-covid has become less of a community based in sharing creativity and the love of something (and i know this intimately as a kpop stan lol). online spaces in general have become something i don't recognize or want to participate in. which sucks. i've been here for a long time.
i know there's not really any way for that group of like 5 or so tiktokers that complain about tommy ad nauseam to see this or even take it seriously. i know there's not any way for those people on twitter to magically understand fandom etiquette or just block the people they don't want to see.
everyone would be happier if they just. blocked and moved on. i know i would. and i have! in a lot of cases. there's a reason i blocked out the names on those tweets (note: i blocked mark's twitter handle. the person who screenshotted it so he wouldn't be notified and then called them schizophrenic did not. because they do not care) because it's not about THEM it's about the whole fucking thing.
and a lot of these people want to be mad. it's why they're so hung up on tommy. like i'm sorry if any bucktommy fan is still reading this but GOD TOMMY HAS BEEN ON SCREEN FOR LIKE TEN MINUTES TOTAL IN THE ENTIRE SHOW. HE DOESN'T EVEN MATTER. JUST ADMIT THIS IS ABOUT A SHIP WAR. IT ISN'T ABOUT HOW GOOD OF A PERSON YOU ARE OR ANYONE IS. IT'S JUST A SHIP WAR. and they want to be miserable. they want to sit in their little echochamber of morally upright big name fans and they want to provoke bucktommy fans into saying something shitty and they love it because they don't really fucking care about the show.
you know how i know? because tommy is the least important part of chimney begins. that is in the best 3 episodes of this entire television show and none of y'all have anything to say about it. because you're just as obsessed with tommy as they are.
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Ur nefero fics are soo good😙 Could you write something like maybe how much he worships reader?? Thank uu<3
Great minds think alike bestie I'd love to write this sooo here we go!
Male Nefera x fem! Reader
Prompt: Nefero but he's just worshiping you
She her pronouns
Fluff/kissing/female worship/
Image not mine found in pinterest
(I'm obsessed this is literally how he sees you full goddes)
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Nefero looks at you with adoring eyes as you talked about the book you had just finished,eyes lit up,hands moving all around for emphasis on a specific part of the story that you said in I quote "was the most unrealistic thing ever" you keep talking/rambling off to your boyfriend at your table in the (just them since he liked days where it was just the two of you).
[Name] let out a frustrated sigh as she finished speaking "like it's totally crazy right Nefie?" You stopped waiting for his response "yes very" he nodded his head hoping you'd continue talking till your heart's content "thank you ugh, you get me" then she continued for the remaining lunch time while taking breaks to actually eat.
"Is there something on my face?" [Name] asked, quickly getting out a small mirror "No your fine, my jewel excuse my rudeness" he sets down the mirror from your hands and took it; placing it back in your purse "oh well that's okay, I love when you stare though please tell me i have nothing on my face next time haha" the ghoul looked away sheepishly "it's always nice to know you still look at me that way really" she said earnestly "I'll always admire your beautiful self,all day if you asked me too" Nefero took her hand in his smiling wide "hehe you got smile lines Nefie" "WHAT?!"
In their class Nefero is yet again looking at [Name] with heart shaped pupils in his purple eyes, he watched as you reapplied your lip gloss "so you like this color on me?" You turn your head to him and pointed at the lip gloss bottle and then your lips ``it looks absolutely Divine on you my queen" he told you sincerely
The two walk out of school the day had finished and now it was time to get you home "are you gonna stay home with me? I'm making dinner today" you asked your boyfriend looking at his hands intertwined "of course my jewel but I need to go home and change first" [Name] looked at him perplexed "but I have some of your clothes at my house, why not shower and change there?" She tilted her head "my jewel you only have my shirts not pants or shorts" he teased
"Ohhh haha right" she looked to the side "maybe I should steal your pants so you won't have to go and change" "What?" [Name] looked at him "Well if I have some of your clothes other than shirts you won't have to be apart from me! Plus we could shower together, did you know that can save our water bill" you tried to play it off with some "statistics"
Nefero held your face in his hands smirking at you;making your face feel hot"My dear we can do that anytime you wish no need for an excuse" he leaned in and kissed your lips gently,you hummed through the kiss then separated making Nefero pout "oh stop you big baby let's get going so you can change quickly at your house and take me to mine" "but don't you have to start dinner?"
"Nah my parents won't be home till late I have time" you explain " now come on I wanna choose your outfit" taking his hand [Name] dragged him to his limo
[Name] is seen in her kitchen cooking up a meat stew and some rice she wears a "kiss the cook" apron which happens a lot when Nefero is around so she thought why not buy it
She hums along the song on the radio as she puts in a some herbs in the stew and then stirred it thoroughly
Nefero is at the stool of the kitchen island sipping at the strawberry smoothies he made for the both of you with your blender "it smells incredible my jewel" he compliments, [Name] turns around with a smile "would you like to try the stew?" He eagerly nods anything you make was bound to be heavenly he felt so lucky he gets to try it first "Alright here" your bring a soup spoon to his lips and he opens his mouth and swallowing the the liquid gold, it was savory and spicy the meat was tender and with the potatoes, corn, and carrots made all the better.
"Ahhh that is absolutely exquisite" he looks into your eyes with a smile as he leans forward making a move to kiss you and you obliged "muaw!" You gave him a quick kiss dramatically sounding it, he immediately pouted "I want an actually kiss" you sighed and go around towering over him seductively "oh really?" He nodded again
"Alright only cause you asked" you lean down grabbing his collar and pulled him into a deep kiss, he opened his mouth and let you in, moaning as you dominated his tongue then you let him go "there" you panted " *deep exhale* thank you my queen" Nefero wraps his arms on your hip and leans his head onto your stomach while he's still sitting down.
[Name] ruffles his hair up giggling at his cuteness "of course my king" you stayed like that for a few more minutes until you said you had to check on the food which he whined but let you go
He can't help the way your presence makes him feel giddy with excitement, the smell of your sweet perfume, holding you in his embrace, bodies squished together, hearing your heartbeat as he rests his head on your chest at night.
"You look absolutely gorgeous" he said all of a sudden at the dinner table as you ate in comfortable silence "really?" Nefero nodded "you do and I just can't help saying it, in fact it's my duty to tell you any time I see fit, which to be frank is all the time" [Name] looked at him bewildered as if this was a new thing
Yet it wasn't but still it warmed your heart he still looked at you that way for a moment you didn't say anything then with a smile you responded "thank you, my love it means alot that you still admire me like this" she admitted "my queen" he held her hand "I cannot fathom a second in my life where I don't worship your entire being, it's in my nature to do so, for only you"
He lifted her hand and kissed it then continued up until he was met only inches away from her face, looking at her eyes [Name]'s breath hitch then Nefero kissed her cheek gently "would you let me worship you tonight my queen" he said above a whisper "well..." she looked at the clock "they won't be here in about another 6 hours..." she thought about it then looked at him patiently waiting 'why not' [Name] got up and dragged him by the sleeves and up to her bedroom "Let's see how much worship I can get you to say, that suddenly it sounds like a prayer~"
I feel conflicted with this one, I like the way I wrote it but idk if it truly captured the promt but I feel like this is better than what I write previously
I tried my best but head empty no thoughts I guess, still hope you like it maybe I'm just having imposter syndrome
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napakmahal · 2 months
Moving in with Tadashi blurb
“God where did all this crap come from?” Tadashi dropped a cardboard box with shoes written on the side in black sharpie. “Seriously, I shared a room and your old place wasn’t that big.”
You scoffed looking around at all the boxes with just his name on them. “It’s all your crap. I could sell all your tech shit and we could buy ourselves a small house.”
Moving into your new apartment was scary, tiring, but so exciting. It would be Tadashi’s first time living somewhere he couldn’t just look over and see his little brother sleeping there. It would suck and he and Hiro had a pretty long conversation about how he wouldn’t be around as much anymore. Hiro swore he would be happy he got his own bathroom but he was genuinely sad to see his big brother go. You decided that the pull out in your very small living room was designated just for Hiro to come visit.
“Ha-ha,” He laughed sarcastically. “But at least we got all the boxes up here.”
You breathed out and grabbed one of the bright orange box cutters. “I know, I think I just lost five pounds. We cannot do this ever again, like I’m so tired. Can we just stay here forever?”
“This place is the size of my old bedroom. We cannot stay here.” Tadashi joked and started unloading the boxes of kitchen supplies. When you announced you’d be moving in Cass gifted you two a blender, toaster, pans, pots, plates, cups and lots of silverware. “Besides this is just one stop before we get our house.”
“A house? Damn Hamada, we should’ve started saving last year.” You looked back at him as you unpacked some wall frames. “Seriously, I don’t know how Cass does it. The rent on that place has to be in the thousands.”
You laughed together and picked out a few more things. In one of the boxes was an air mattress GoGo gifted you when she moved in with Honey. So you’d sleep on that until the mattress you ordered showed up.
So you divided and conquered. You went for the kitchen and dragged your new kitchen supplies behind you to wash and put away. A few hours past when Tadashi came jogging out of your new room sweating and out of breath.
“I did it, I finished the bedroom.” His breathing was weirdly rapid.
You pointed at him. “Why are you so out of breath?”
“The pump stopped working mid-way and I had to blow up the mattress manually.” He took a sip out of his water bottle.
“Oh my god,” you laughed still washing the new appliances. “Sit down, just relax.”
He did, for a while as you just washed the dishes. The whole thing was so mundane. Was life going to be like this all the time? You weren’t married but what if this what it was like?
Suddenly, as you were drying them you felt to arms snake around your shoulders. Tadashi dug his nose into the side of your neck.
“Hi.” You said sweetly.
He replied, muffled, “hi.”
“What’s up?” You asked.
He sighed and pressed kisses to the side of your neck. “I miss my family.”
“Aww, baby. They’re not very far, it’s like a 30 minute drive. And next week we’re having the over for dinner.” You dropped the towel and turned around.
Tadashi’s dug his head into your chest. “I know, but it’s so quiet without them.”
Your voice was quiet and you started petting his head with your fingertips. “Hiro’s at school right now. You wanna call him over?”
“No, not today.”
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Love Is In The Air For Blender
Works in Cycles & Eevee 
Blender 3.3 and Higher
Auto Denoise
100 % My Mesh
VDay Balloons
Never Wanna Leave Me Heart Cake
Vday Cards: 8 Swatches
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Text On Both Cakes Can Be Edited
Colors On Cake, Icing and Solid Balloons Can Be Changed
V-Day Cards Can Be Changed
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Do Not Share My Content (Always Free After 2-3 Weeks)
Recolors Allowed Do Not Include My Mesh
Do Not Use/Altar My Mesh To Make Your Own Content
Do NOT Share IN Discords, Facebook Groups or Give Away In CC Folders.
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innalheid · 4 months
Here it is!!! Part 1 of our first cake!!!
I'll make a separate post with just pictures and explanations for those of u who aren't video people c: in the meantime, enjoy part one of our yummy yummy cake - the praline paste! Basic recipe under the cut c:
Transcript hopefully coming later, feel free to add your own (transcribing is a lot of work o.O)
(Pst - if you like this video, and wanna see more, or want me to get cooler ingredients, consider sending a few dollars my way! P*yp*l is innalheid)
Praline paste
54g peanuts
60g white sugar
Water, as needed
Splash of rum or vanilla extract
Splash of neutral oil (I used olive oil)
Roast peanuts in 350⁰F oven for about 5-10min, until you can start to smell them. Place sugar in a pot on the stove and wet sugar with water. Leave no sugar dry!! Put on high heat, and watch carefully until sugar has cooked to a caramel colour. Immediately removed from heat and stir in roasted peanuts. Stir until caramel starts to get sticky and coat nuts, then remove from pot onto parchment paper and leave to cool.
Once fully cooled and hardened, break up caramel coated nuts into smaller chunks. Blend in food processor, blender, or with a stick blender until smooth. You can add a splash of extract for flavour, and splashes of a neutral oil to help your paste come together a little easier. Transfer to a sealable container and store in the fridge for later use!
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 month
Fic recs, please!
Maybe my beloved Connie Contraire or my good friend Reynie?
Two wonderful characters. I will try my best to find good recs and also hopefully get the text size right/consistent this time because that last post was horrendous. I'll also try to indicate if it's show or book versions.
Constance Fics by category:
Firefly Nights by @sophieswundergarten, cute fluff of Constance and Sticky (Book Versions)
petrichor by @mahpotatoequeen, more cute fluff of Sticky and Constance walking home in the rain (book versions)
Sugar, Butter, Flour by @never-wake-up, cute fluff of Constance, Rhonda, and Number Two as sisters
Angst and Hurt Comfort:
Constance Discovers Capitalism by @acollectionofcuriousreblogs, angst involving Constance haunted by the memory of Dr. Curtain (book or show characters would work here)
Lifeline by @mvshortcut, angst involving Constance finding herself as an unlikely ally to her uncle, Dr. Curtain (a mix of book and show elements)
Families of Choice by @sophieswundergarten, angst involving a "what if Mr. Pressius took Constance?" scenario (book version)
Ten Years of Constance Contraire by @myfairkatiecat, an account of Constance's birthdays and how she spends them before she finds her family (show version)
After the Whisperer by @heyitsthatonesmolgay, Constance angst in the Whisperer's aftermath (show version)
Nicholas Benedict's Home For Misfits by @fandom-queen-13, an AU involving science experiments and strange abilities (show and book versions)
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Epistolary Bullying Campaign by @mvshortcut. This is one of the highest rated fics in the fandom for a reason. It's hilarious. If you wanna see Constance bully Curtain, this is the place to do it. (Show Version)
Now for Reynie Muldoon:
For anything involving Reynie or Sticky, you honestly have to have a separate section just for the fics by @sophieswundergarten. So...
Fluff (Sophie's):
Fractal Patterns, a sad fic about Reynie, but it all ends okay when he finds a family in Miss. Perumal. (Book version).
Of Missed Opportunities and Scaled Fences, in another world where Reynie Muldoon never took Mr. Benedict's test, the society still finds him (books or show version)
The Best Solution to Nightmares is Buying a House, Reynie and Sticky buy a house together (book versions)
Angst and Hurt/Comfort (Sophie's):
Safety is a Fading Memory in the Rear-view Mirror (But With You I Feel Home Again), Reynie and Constance fight the ten men (Book Versions)
Reynie Blender Time Heeheehoohoo, this is what she decided to title the fic, Reynie gets beat up by the ten men again, you can't say she didn't warn us (book or show version)
An Averagely Cold Winter Storm, Reynie nearly dies in a snow storm
Sparks, Reynie is tortured by the ten men (again, book version)
Chance Encounter, Reynie sees an old childhood bully (book version)
Lights and Sounds (And What Comes After), Reynie gets sick (book or show versions)
Reynie Going Comatose Apology Fic Where it Actually Ends Happy, it's exactly what the title suggests (mostly show but tagged as both)
Mental Literature, before the society, Reynie didn't have many or any friends (book or show versions)
AUs (Sophie)'s:
Once Upon a Time (Perhaps), a fairytale AU involving Reynie and Miss. Perumal. A very sweet and creative fairytale retelling.
And now for some other Reynie Muldoon centered fics:
the learning curve by @mahpotatoequeen, a series of one shots of the Perumal family (book versions)
these hollow bones also by @mahpotatoequeen, Reynie is an empath au, I wasn't sure whether to count this as an whole separate AU or where to put it. (book versions)
Angst and Hurt/Comfort:
Rolie Polies by @plentyghosts, after the waiting room, bugs are terrifying (book versions)
Safe to Say I Don't Like It by @seirve, Reynie deals with anxiety (show version)
Resonance by @/stainedglasspanel (I'm sorry I don't know what their tumblr is, someone please tag them if you do!), Curtain puts Constance in danger (mostly show with book elements thrown in)
here's to (never) growing up by @mollyhats, the kids deal with nightmares (books and show)
Sunday Tea (Is Still The Same) by @mysteriouseggsbenedict, adult Reynie talks to Mr. Benedict and goes to him for comfort years later (books or show)
I Saw You by @heyitsthatonesmolgay, in an AU where everyone has superpowers and SQ, fed up with his father and the society, decides to become a villain, he confronts Reynie.
A Traveling Song to Ease the Ride by @/lesboholic (please note: that is the AO3 username, I believe the tumblr username for this fic is @crow-in-springtime) a fairytale AU.
The Sweat Beneath One's Eyes by @phtalogreenpoison, an AU where Reynie starts out on Curtain's side
Old friends, Old Enemies, I had trouble hunting down Reynie centric crack, which means sadly I have to recommend this. I made this for Sophie and Milk for Sophie's birthday. Milk agreed to help with zero information as to what they were agreeing to. They both like the fic. They both struggled not to laugh while eating and in the company of other people. Will you like it? Or will it make you concerned about my mental health? You be the judge.
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zinzabee · 1 year
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omfg I'm a fool. I'm so sorry. I just realized that I never posted the original designs for my Kaiju TMNT AU on tumblr. oTL
I'm still debating if I wanna go more kaiju-looking on them like in my previous post, or if I should stick with these designs, tbh. I like them both? So maybe I'll figure something out.
In this version they are all so close in age that Splinter just treats them like quadruplets. There's not really an older/younger sibling dynamic. For the most part everyone is treated as equal.
Leo becomes the leader naturally because of his extroverted personality and strategic skills. He's outgoing and encouraging of his brothers, and doesn't like to be left by himself for too long. A little sassy at times, and definitely a prankster. I liked the easygoing nature of Rise's Leo, and wanted to mix it with Mutant Mayhem's. (Scorpion Mud Turtle)
Donnie is just a lovable dork. He likes to take things apart and put them back together again, and his big thing is studying coding. He's also the smallest and most agile of the group. I wanted to pull back from the "jack of all trades/techs" type of Donnie and give him a focus. Pulling personality traits more from Bayverse and the 2007 movie, honestly. (Wood Turtle)
For Raph I confess to just dumping my two favorites (2003 & Rise) in a blender, both visually obvious through the species & color scheme, AND the personality. Very protective of the others, but also teases/bullies them constantly. Very aware of his strength and temperament. Brooklyn accent 100%. (Alligator Snapping Turtle)
Mikey I wanted to make the biggest because I felt like the gentle giant vibes fit his personality. That laid back 'surfer dude' attitude mixes well with it. He was the unofficial leader for their childhood just because he was the biggest and it was easy for the others to follow/hide behind him. He did his best, but was glad that Leo stepped up. For him I looked to 2012 and 1987 Michaelangelo in terms of personality. (African Tortoise)
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asexual-spongebob · 3 months
wail the siren incorrect quotes. 😭
Keef: *about Zim and Dib* They make a cute couple, huh?  Skoodge: They certainly are standing next to each other.
Zim: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Dib!
Dib: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Dib: The stars are so beautiful...
Zim: They're just giant balls of gas.
Dib: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Zim: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Dib: Oh...
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Keef: Why do you look like that?  Zim, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?  Keef: Like you’re dead.  Zim: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.  Skoodge: Zim accidentally called Dib “babe” in front of everyone today.  Zim: *sobs into the floor*
Keef: *sees Dib and Zim together*  Keef: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.  Skoodge: You mean... you ship them?
Gaz: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.  Tak: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.  Gaz: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??  Tak: Is it working?
Gaz: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.  Tak: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Tak: I’m in love with you.  Gaz: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.  Tak: I know.  Gaz: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Tak: Fight me!  Gaz: *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring*  Gaz: Fight me for the rest of our lives.
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Tenn : Are you sure Keef’s going to be able to handle that IKEA furniture? They’re not very good with technical stuff…  Skoodge: Why are you worried? IKEA was never complicated; these days, it’s even easier! Everything’s color coded, numbered, and there’s even an assembly robot option to make it even easier for Keef, which we’ve obviously opted in for. All they need to do is press the clearly labeled ON button, scan the QR code on the front of the box, and it’ll take care of the rest. Even a monkey could do it!  *Skoodge’s phone rings*  Keef: Hey, so I’m at Lowes…  Tenn : …  Tenn : I should have gone with the monkey.
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Zim: Dib kissed me!  Keef : Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!  Zim: It was unbelievable!  Keef : Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!  Skoodge : Okay, we wanna hear everything. Keef , get the wine and unplug the phone. Zim, does this end well or do we need tissues?  Zim: Oh, it ended very well.  Keef : Do not start without me! Do not start without me!  Skoodge : Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?  Zim: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it.  Skoodge : Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back?  Zim: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair.  Keef and Skoodge: Ohhh.  *meanwhile*  Dib eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed them.  Tenn: Tongue?  Dib: Yeah.  Gaz : Cool.
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Keef : What time is it?  Skoodge : I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out  Skoodge : *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*  Tenn: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXOPHONE AT TWO IN THE MORNING  Skoodge : It’s 2 am
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Mimi: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.  Gir, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
Zim, tending to Dib's wounds: How would you rate your pain?  Dib: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
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Dib: Crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid.
Zim: You always act stupid.
Zim: Wait.
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Zim: Goodnight to the love of my life, Dib, and fuck the rest of y'all.
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Gaz about Dib: he’s going to go jump in the water and cry now.
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