#i wanna make that perfectly clear XD
pokemon-ash-aus · 1 month
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Note: I got permission from the original Artist, i did not just yoink these willy nilly! I actually requested some art peices to render and these folks kindly offered them to me!!
Just wanted to render some stuff that wasn't my own! Added and redid some backgrounds for some of these of my own volition! It was really fun and i thank all that allowed me to do this!
Huey and Mew belongs to @xxtc-96xx
Aurora Borealis belongs @shiny-cubone
Stone and the Lucario/Gardevior fusions belongs to @mewtwoevolution
Chili and Okita belongs to @penumbramewtwos
Mysterytwo belongs to @a-shy-mimiktwo
Odysseus (Ody) belongs to @phlurrii !
Rendering done by yours truly! You should be able to find the originals on their blog,
Thanks again to all the artists that let me destroy their art /silly
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the-crimson · 9 months
I was gonna make a comment on someone else’s post but I’ll just make a new one cuz I don’t wanna derail theirs XD
(This is aimed at the fandom, the characters being confused about 4halo is perfectly fine lol)
In regards to 4halo, I think the fandom needs to keep in mind that cc!bbh has said q!bbh is aromantic. That means that you will never be able to put any of his relationships into neat little boxes of platonic or romantic.
I’m aromantic and I’ve had people tell me my relationship with one of my closet friends has to be a romantic one because of how close we are/how we act with each other when it’s not in the way they are imagining. We aros often joke that we’ve unlocked a “secret third thing” but a lot of times relationships aren’t as cut and dry as you’d like to believe even between allosexuals - especially within the queer community.
A romantic relationship is not defined by what people do with each other or how they act around each other but by their attraction to each other. Q!bbh has made it pretty clear he has no romantic or sexual attraction to anyone so trying to put his relationships in those boxes is going to leave you disappointed.
As an aromantic person, it’s difficult to classify my relationships into these simplistic categories so I usually just avoid the question or change the subject. Q!bbh does the same.
Part of it is that cc!bbh is a troll and is obligated to always chose the dialogue option to create maximum drama but the other part is q!bbh probably doesn’t know how to explain the nature of his relationship with Forever in terms of romantic or platonic because it doesn’t fall into either.
It’s just like his relationship with Skeppy. They are immortal soulmates who are extremely possessive and codependent but good fucking luck trying to put their relationship in a box.
I think trying to look at 4halo through a purely romantic or platonic lens is doing yourself and the characters a massive disservice. You cannot forget or ignore that fact that q!bbh is canonically aromantic when analyzing this ship. Yeah go on a write ur romance or smut or what ever but when looking at the cannon, do not forget it or you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
Spotify Wrapped Prompts !
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Sorry it took me a week!! 😅 But here they are, for those of you who requested in the comments section ^^ (Those of you who requested in the ask box, I will answer you individually cuz its just easier ^^ )
Some are much longer then others. Some are just sentences. Its just whatever came to mind regarding to song! And no, I'm not giving you the song XD Just a line or two. If you wanna do sleuthing that's your prerogative but its mostly country and I know that's not everyone's cuppa tea 😅😅😅 Without further ado- here we go!
Included down below; Professor Ratigan (3), Judge Claude Frollo (6+7), Bill Sykes (13), Percival C McLeach (14), Wheezy Weasel (39), Hades (66) and Jafar (77).
3. Professor Ratigan Prompt 🎶'If you go down, I'm goin' down too'🎶
"You are my husband. If you go down, I go down with you. There are no if's and's or but's about it."
"My dear... That's not going to happen."
"I know- I know." Do you? You should, because he's so smart and you trust him, but still there's a nagging itch in the back of your mind telling you that one of these days one of these things is gonna fail. Taking a deep breath, you squeeze his hands in yours. "I just... want you to know."
With one of those dark and sinister smirks on his face, Ratigan gives you a kiss on the forehead; speaking lowly only to you. "Then we'll go down together, hmm? Two burial plots side-by-side~ "
6. Judge Claude Frollo Prompt (Fem Reader) 🎶'Jezebel, you're bound for Hell.'🎶
You're a woman who murdered her father's lover (You couldn't bear for your mothers heart to be broken) and find yourself under the judgment of one Judge Claude Frollo.
Will he send you to the gallows for your crime? Maybe not, if you keep flirting with him from across the courtroom.
Bat your eyelashes, Smirk those pretty lips, Make sure he gets a good look at your legs when you shift in your chair, do all these things in order to survive. Maybe you're only doing it to survive, maybe you actually like it. The way he looks at you.
7. Judge Claude Frollo Prompt 🎶 'Don't lie, I know you think about it in the back of your mind' 🎶
You're just a secretary in the office and the judge has made it quite clear what he wants from you. You refused him steadfast, of course, because you have dignity. And you're saving yourself.
But you cant stop thinking about it. What it might be like to say yes.
You know perfectly well that you shouldn't but with every day that goes by, your resolve grows thinner and thinner.
13. Bill Sykes Prompt 🎶'Thirty-one, waiting tables. She has They have a voice of an angel. Out of money and power. She only sings in the shower'🎶
You were working a dead-end job, living a dead-end unloved life until Bill Sykes walked into the diner you wait at. He walked in at the stroke of 4 in the afternoon, when you were supposed to leave- so, you weren't happy about it that day but had to go help him.
It was a curse at the time but now he has you singing at beautiful clubs and you have a penthouse and you don't have to wait anymore. People love you.
And yes he scares you sometimes- but the terrible man can be undone by your voice.
14. Percival C McLeach Prompt 🎶'I like em unavailable; guess that's just me.'🎶
You have a long history of going for the Wrong Guy. They're wrong because they're always taken already, a fact you only discover after the fact.
Now here's this guy- a rugged Australian guy from the middle of the outback. He's older and kindof uneducated and kind of brash but he always takes his hat off when he talks to you and opens doors for you, and... you're developing feelings for him.
He's completely not your type- you don't think he's ever dated before, and he definitely wouldn't have the sense of subtlety to pull off cheating. He wants you to be his one and only.
He thinks you're amazing. He thinks you're smart, funny, interesting, and beautiful. You feel kind of... greedy... finally having someone who just wants you.
But you're gonna make the jump. Whatever happens, happens. But at least this one truly wants you.
39. Wheezy Weasel Prompt 🎶'It's genius It's gonna be awfully rough on those children'🎶 This one's a little different! You got a Newsies Song, The Bottom Line (My favourite) so I- obviously- had to do something sticking with that theme XD
Imagine you're in the position of Joseph Pulitzer's secretary (Hannah's character). You only got this job to be a help to the Toon Patrol (Wheezy, especially ^^). In this position you could easily sway the writing in the papers in the patrols favour, striking out any bad press. Yes, they would still get a bad reputation via word of mouth but it would be unofficial. Good notoriety in the papers would at least offer them some mystique.
This is hard enough on you. You hate deceiving people. You hate what the Toon Patrol do! But you love Wheezy, and you have to help him.
When Joseph bumps up the price of the papers, making life so so much more difficult for the newsies- the poor children, - to do their jobs and earn enough money to even feed themselves- you go home overwhelmed and in tears.
Wheezy's there to gather you in his arms and glare at Smartass when he sighs at you (How silly you are (Its just business)). He never wanted you to do this job! He never wanted you to be apart of this crap.
And now here you are sobbing because you're so stressed out and so sad- and- he's gotta get you out of this. He will get you out of this.
66. Hades Prompt 🎶'Dressed to kill'🎶
Imagine being a indebted servant to Hades along with Meg except you don't do a whole lot of the... communications work, that Meg does. So you don't have to look as nice all the time. You're often in the underworld with Hades helping him strategize and doing paperwork-type stuffs. You're closer with Hades then Meg is but it has never been a flirty thing, with you two. Just friendly. He's grown to actually like you- he's happy when you're around- you can calm him down when he's starting to lose his temper.
And honestly you like him, too. Despite the indenture. Somehow.
One day by some miracle Hades is in such a good mood, he lets you and Meg go for the day. You can do whatever you like but be back by sunset or he'll be pissed.
So you take the opportunity to wear something prettier then usual! Why not??
... When Hades sees you both leaving, that's when the penny finally drops.
He loves you.
How the hell did this happen!??-
77. Jafar Prompt (Fem Reader) 🎶'He don't know it 'cause I sure don't show it. When I kiss him goodbye and I wish him good luck'🎶
You try so hard to hide it; pretend like you're the perfect wife and you have no secrets. When you kiss your husband goodbye before you separate for the day, him going to the kitchens to work and you to laundry rooms, you look like the perfect young couple.
No one expects a thing.
Except you're truly being courted by a tall, dark, devastatingly handsome man you cant tell a soul about. And your husband, likewise, has a gentleman of his own to hide.
At night Jafar will meet you in the gardens where no one but the princess and the Sultan are allowed to roam, except they're asleep when you slip by. You're all his then and, truly, you're all his all the other hours in a day.
And he's all yours ^^
-But you cant tell a soul.
These are all Free to Use if you want ^^ Please tag me if you do use them! I so so wanna read them! ^^
Thank you so much for participating! ^^
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blackkatmagic · 14 days
are you okay with people playing around in your sandboxes? i have a plot bunny running about set in one of your 'verses but don't wanna overstep.
if not, that's completely fine! i love you works and i just. ADORE everything that your write, you're so amazing!!
I'm perfectly fine with it as long as you make it clear where the original AU came from, and that your fic is an AU of mine, not directly related.
And like. I'm sure I don't have to say this to the vast majority of people, but as long as AI isn't involved in the creation of that piece of media. I know most people wouldn't do that, but just to be sure. xD
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Alcina’s trying to give up smoking
18+ Minors DNI
Alcina: *Rummaging through her desk, throwing cigarette cartons away*
Y/N: *Walks in, tilts their head* What are you doing, babe?
Alcina: *Looking quite proud of herself* I’m going to quit smoking, draga.
Y/N: *Eyes widen in shock* Wow! Really?! That’s awesome! *Goes up and hugs her legs* I’m sure you’ll feel a lot better once you stop. *Whispering to themself* And I won’t have to make out with a walking pack of menthols anymore…
Alcina: *Didn’t hear that last part* What was that, draga?
Y/N: Oh, uh, nothing! Just happy for you, Alci!
Alcina: *Smiles, kisses Y/N* Thank you, my darling. It will be a challenge to quit so suddenly, but I think I’ll manage.
A few days later
Y/N: *Running happily into Alcina’s room* I could go for some pussy! Wanna get railed, Alci?!
Alcina: *Sitting and reading a book, glares at Y/N* As usual, you sweep me off my feet with your elegant foreplay, Y/N. *Rolls her eyes*
Y/N: *Cringes at the look Alcina’s giving them* Um, I meant to say… Pretty, pretty please can I rail you?! *Gives her puppy dog eyes*
Alcina: *Sighs and rubs Y/N’s head, thinks they look adorable* Well, I must say that was an improvement at least… Alright, draga.
Y/N: Yeah! *Eagerly begins undressing Alcina, places kisses along her neck*
Alcina: *Moans lustfully*
Y/N: You’re perfect, babe. You’re gorgeous. I love your soft skin and your- *Stops abruptly once they pull Alcina’s dress off of her* What the fuck?
Alcina: *Whines as Y/N stops kissing her* D-Draga, why did you-?
Y/N: What the hell are all of these things?! *Points at Alcina’s body*
Alcina: What are you talking about, Y/N? *Looks down at herself, gasps, bites her lip in embarrassment* Damn, I forgot to take these off.
Y/N: What’s going on, Alci?
Alcina: *Clears her throat nervously* Um, well… I’ve got… Nicotine patches on. They’re supposed to help me with my cigarette cravings. *Goes over to grab a box of the patches* See? *Hands it to Y/N*
Y/N: *Looks at the box* It says you should only use one a day… *Chuckles* Hehe, cheater.
Alcina: *Cheeks flaming* I am not cheating! I’ve smoked for more than a century, Y/N. Old habits die hard. And besides, I think we can both agree I’m a little different than most people! (A/N: Pick me girl Alci XD)
Y/N: Well, is using all of these patches at once bad for you? Do you feel weird or anything?
Alcina: No, draga. I feel perfectly fine. *Pondering for a moment* Well, there was something odd that happened a bit earlier…
Y/N: *Worried* What was it?!
Alcina: *Crosses her arms, looks away, suddenly bashful* Err… I don’t want to say…
Y/N: Babe, what happened?! You’re freaking me out!
Alcina: *Knows that Y/N isn’t going to drop this, groans, hides her face in her hands* Ugh, fine! When I peed this morning, the whole bathroom started to smell like an ashtray! Happy now?!
Y/N: Hahahaha! What?! *Tears streaming down their cheeks* Yes! Very happy! That’s hilarious!
Alcina: *Pouting* It’s not funny, Y/N!
Y/N: But it is, babe! It’s like you can make your own perfume. Picture it. Eau de Alcina: The scent of nicotine and eternal life! *Laughs wildly* What do you think? I can already see it on a shelf at Macy’s or some shit.
Alcina: You’re so weird, Y/N! No one would want to smell like that, draga. That sounds horrible.
Y/N: Well, I have an uncle who always smells like piss and cigarettes. Maybe he’d like it!
Alcina: *Mortified* Nasty! Why does he smell so badly?!
Y/N: Huh, I don’t know, actually. I’d ask him, but I heard he just got arrested again.
Alcina: *Eyes widen* Arrested? Why?
Y/N: *Shrugs* Trespassing and dumpster diving for used panties behind a strip club.
Alcina: >:0 WHAT?!
Y/N: Don’t worry, that’s normal for him. In fact, he- Oh… Wait… Yeah, I bet that’s why he always reeks. *Puts a hand to their chin in thought* Honestly, it’s a wonder he doesn’t smell worse…
Alcina: I should have known you’re descended from actual degenerates.
Note: Yeah… That part about Y/N’s uncle… Might have taken inspiration from my own life. Blech. Everybody’s got that one damn uncle, I swear.
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yandere-romanticaa · 9 months
my two cents abt bsd is ive never rly been a fan of the way the fandom treats its characters. i think they ship too much for my own taste. i somewhat see myself in dazai and some of the others. i see all of them in a platoic relationship because to me, platonic is better than romance. theres just smtg about strong camaraderie that goes beyond friendship but not lovers. not everything has to be about romance (i feel like im gna get so much shit for this opinion lmfaooo) also im getting kinda bored seeing aku and atsu duo all the time. i wnna see someone new he can experiment his combat with XD
Anon. My dear, sweet, darling anon. You've put all of my feelings into words perfectly. Why can't they be just friends?? 😭 To make it clear, I won't dunk on you if you ARE a shipper but this is for the really extreme cases - just because characters have banter, that doesn't mean they're madly in love. Dazai and Chuuya literally cannot stand each other, Atsushi and Akutagawa kinda have to work together if they wanna stay alive lol. The way in which some people go nuts over these ships really makes me wonder if those same people have ever had a true friend, like an actual friend they would put their life on the line for, someone they know they can trust. It's some food for thought.
As for Atsushi, I also agree. I know that Akutagawa is his parallel and it's all symbolic but it would be cool if he and Aku cooled down just a smidge. I see where you're coming from here.
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altraviolet · 5 months
Going off the last few asks, how would you alter MTMTE shockwave not necessarily to fit into TEG, but be more like a character instead of an empty shell? What kind of character development would you give him? How would you make him better?
ah ok so to answer this, which I am probably going to fail to do to be honest, I need to write out some stuff
MTMTE Shockwave was a fine character. he wasn't an empty shell at all: he was a Senator with a face and a color-changing hobby who groomed (?) Optimus Prime in some capacity that I never fully understood. he was vocal about... stuff... against the current regime (pre-war senate), and therefore was horrifically punished with the empurata procedure. his head and hands were removed so that he looked like his G1/usual design.
so, I wanna be clear that MTMTE Shockwave (which you specifically mentioned) is fine. the rest of the stuff IDW did with him was incredibly confusing. I didn't read all those comics, but it was something like: Shockwave traveled back in time and established himself as a god and then ??? and then he was a senator and then he got empurata'd and then he went back in time. also at some point he sent a bunch of magical ores out to different planets. IDW somehow wrote it so that Shockwave was, like, responsible for all of the major milestones of the IDW universe in regards to TF. or something. honestly, like I said, I found it incredibly and unnecessarily confusing
if you happen to know what shockwave did and you feel like replying to this or reblogging with the answer, go ahead, but please know, and I mean this in the kindest way possible, I don't care xD they couldn't make me understand it the first time and it's too late to appreciate it now. again, it is a respectful apathy, lol.
so I'mma re-imagine your question to be "how would you alter IDW shockwave... What kind of character development would you give him? How would you make him better?"
and to that I say... I'm honestly really tired, lol. ok ok I'll try. uh. so, IDW had a specific and (apparently) long-entrenched plan for him. he's a huge part of that universe. entwined with the fabric of its reality. what you're asking for is a very big question: what does Shockwave do? and the answer is like... infinity. there are a ton of things one could do. what would I do? I can't help but take this question very seriously, and that's why I mention the fact that IDW had a big plan for him. how could I have changed him and kept aligned with the canon? is that an important part of what you're asking?
if I'm not making any sense right now, I guess an equivalent would be: this pound of ground beef was made into a burger. what would you have done with it instead? and my answer is 1) I don't eat beef so uhhhh, and 2) are we at McDonalds? are we still adhering to the burger-ness? Or can I make something completely different, like stew? I prefer chicken: can I use that instead?
did that make any sense at all xD
ok ok but let's just say I don't have to fit Shockwave into the larger IDW universe. I can do whatever I want with him
again it's hard for me to answer because Shockwave works in conjunction with other characters. what is Megatron doing? what resources does Shocky have available to him? where is he? are we pre-war?
maybe the faster thing to do is tell you what I wouldn't do: I wouldn't have him time travel back in time and become a god and then ??? and then ??? and then be a senator.
maybe I'd concentrate on the senator aspect. maybe I'd take him in a different direction after the empurata. I think it'd be more fun to explore him with clearly-defined goals after empurata. maybe the empurata wouldn't work perfectly: he'd still care about some things. maybe he'd be himself, but really fucked up, like how in stories when people die and come back, they come back wrong. maybe I'd brave some Shock/OP and make you all cry until your tear ducts burned, with the yearning and the loss and the visceral pain of what Shockwave was forced to endure. Remember me as I was is fucking hardcore.
sorry, I realize this answer is really long and possibly a pain in the ass to read. I have a brain that sees infinity and worldbuilds until it eats itself, so it's hard for me to narrow down an answer for you on the fly. I hope something here was entertaining or interesting, and if you want to narrow down the parameters in a further ask, I can hopefully give a better answer
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naffeclipse · 1 year
I needed to process everything so it took a bit to get this finished. (and some personal stuff delaying it further, along with me just being slow,, sorry,, and I'm sorry these are SO LONG! I have so much to say and still there's more! Sorry for giving you comments that look like essays..)
Naff, I can’t tell you properly with just words how much I’ve enjoyed Cryptid Sightings, it’s been nearly all I’ve been thinking about since late october last year! I think you might have an idea of how obsessed I’ve been X3
Before I start with my reactions and rambling I just also wanna tell you that this ending is PERFECT, it’s such a satisfying and beautiful ending to such a wonderful and gripping story. It leaves you with more than enough to make you wonder what might happen next but still to a very satisfying degree. It sticks with you in the best way.
Alright here we go! *rubs hands together*
You still spit darkness. Occasionally, Sun reaches over to wipe away a black tear that sprung from your watery eyes.
I love how traces of the possession stays behind, reminding you of what the horrors you were put through. It’s so dark and horrifying. It also makes me think, are all of Glitchtrap really gone? Does this substance still count as part of him? A part of him that sticks to you until it’s all expelled and can dissolve, or does it stay around even after that.
Just thoughts.
A weak smile decorates Vanessa’s lips before you coax her to try and eat a chocolate granola bar you have stashed. She refuses, almost crying violet tears.
There’s more of the fluid,, also I wanna give Vanessa a hug,, I hope she’ll still be able to make her tea! :’0
The doctor becomes a little pale when she spares a glance at the robot, but you’re pretty certain Moon didn’t scare her too much.
In the end, no hospital employee tells him to leave.
Oh I’m sure he didn’t scare them too much, dude just gave them the demonic grin and eyes they give everyone that comes in the way of them and their heart, no biggie!
You can’t linger on what would have happened if you had succumbed to the vampire bite.
I love this throwback!! I NEED to reread The Lost Episode, along with the rest of the fic!!
You return, and don a t-shirt that reads ‘Everybody gangsta ‘til the pants start walking’ with a cartoon depiction of the Fresno nightcrawlers. Moon’s grin widens. Vanessa wants to know how you keep finding shirts like that.
I wanna know too!!!! I NEED Y/N’S SHIRTS!!!!!!
She reaches up and rubs her eyes. You contemplate pulling over but she lifts her head. The wetness in her eyelashes is clear and bright.
There we go, clear tears at last. She and the rest of them still have so much to recover from, but at least they’re not haunted by the presence of Glitchtrap anymore. I’m just hoping there aren't any more traces left hiding away somewhere.
“I trust them with all my heart.” You say it simply and ardently.
“I would hope it’s quite obvious, little hunter.” His fingertips move to press against the small of your back. On reflex, you work your arm around his slender waist and hold on. He lightly dips you down. “But since there have been habits of missing what’s right in front of you, allow me to be perfectly clear.”
FJKGHDLSJKFGHDFJKGHADKJFGHLKÖGJÖGKLHADLFJK Way to call them out!! But aaa this is soooo cute! And I’m getting emotional from it too just AAAAAA!!
“I’m sorry, I’ve never danced with anyone before,” you admit. You feel lightheaded and connected to earth, all at once.
Moon spins you around to face him. His grin is sharp as he utters, “Good.”
I love them, I love them so much!!
“Are you sure you want to give it to me?” you caution, unsure if you’re demanding something that is not yours.
The deep laugh, hearty and raspy, echoes from their wide jaws.
“If we had a heart, we would give it to you.”
Live Meep reaction: *Wailing and bawling on the floor* Where have they learned to talk this sweetly?!? AAAA I WANNA SQUEEZE THEM!!!!
Their first kiss saved you. You can only imagine what their second kiss will do to you.
I’m. I’m normal about the fact that their first kiss saved their life. I’m.. I’m normal. So normal…
Actually. NO.
I’m shaking you Naff!!! You made us wait until the second to last chapter until we got the first kiss! And it SAVED Y/N’S LIFE!!!!! And still you didn’t even give us a nice one with no threat looming around it until THE LAST CHAPTER!! NAFF I LOVE YOU FOR DOING THAT!!!!
Tlehoolcha! There it is! Tlehoolcha!! We’ve waited so long and here it finally is! Tlehoolcha!!! I love their beautiful name!! It’s so otherworldly and it fits them so well! I love to say it too! Thank you for helping us pronounce it correctly and letting us hear you say it with your wonderful voice ❤️
“Are you scared?” they rasp.
“No,” you whisper. “I care about you so much. It makes my heart do weird things.”
aaaaaaaaAA my heart!!! This melts me to the core!! I’m just,, I have so many feelings towards these two,, Them being happy together is all I wanted and here we are!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also man I hope Vanessa will be able to get her own truck and airstream or just place soon, for her own good ya know pdjdhfhdjdj XD
Aaaaand of course, The X-Files fkngaklfdjghldfkj
The last sentence has me melting into my cushions..
A fun thing that comes with a story ending is that you can finally see it all in its full glory! I’m turning the whole of Cryptid Sightings around in my hands and looking at every detail, I’m squeezing it and shaking it like it’s a beloved stuffed animal!! I love being able to see it all through from beginning to end, it all fits together so neatly and aaaAAA I LOVE ALL OF IT!!! I’d LOVE to have a physical copy of it, I wanna hold it all in my hands!!
Lovely chapter as always!! Thank you Naff for this beautiful gem, this has been a fantastic journey and I cannot wait to see what worlds you’ll invite us to next! <3
Ah, Meep! Please don't apologize for being 'slow to read' the fic is always there when you're ready ♥ I also love essay-like comments so don't you worry about that! :D
There's so much that makes me scream in joy that you commented on, especially the little details and, hehe, the ending scene between Y/N and the boys! I'm so happy you love their name ;-; I was nervous to share my voice but I do want people to be able to pronounce it right! It's very important to me ♥
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Ahhh, thank you, Meep! I am smooching you *mwah* I love and appreciate all the fanart you've created and I adore your designs of the cryptid boys, and you are such a big inspiration and supporter. Thank you, babe!
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cyndrastic · 8 months
i’m making a new au
idk if anyone has actually seen Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero, but it aired on Disney XD in the early/mid 2010s and was one of my all time favorite cartoons.
If you’ve never heard of it, there’s a synopsis linked here
if you wanna watch it for yourself, here’s the first episode (this link definitely doesn’t also lead to a trusted website where you can watch the entire show for free along with a ton of other cartoons, movies, and anime’s and definitely isn’t how i watch South Park without having Paramount + 👀)
if you don’t feel like either of those here’s a link to an out of context video that i think will be easy to understand without having watched the show and that shows character dynamics well.
anyway here’s the characters:
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i’m gonna add a cut here so if you don’t feel like reading/watching something to get a feel for these characters, i’ll explain them (also it’s kind of an excuse for me to rant about how this show takes traits from common media and twists them perfectly to still have identifiable character types while having the characters be unique and mix well together in the show)
Kyle will obviously be Penn Zero himself, part-time hero, who’s the main character. I mean, come on, even the main guy has curly read hair! It fits too well. Penn also has some established anger issues, and sometimes has a hard time putting his personal emotions and morals aside for the sake of a mission. He’s snappy, witty, and good hearted but sometimes he can lose sight of the right thing when he gets in his own head.
Stan and Wendy will be Boon and Sashi, Penn’s best friends.
Stan is Boon, part-time wiseman. He’s a stereotypical dumb best friend, but he’s pretty philosophically mature when he needs to be. This is actually the only show I can think of where the “dumb best friend” trope isn’t annoying as shit, cause normally I hate characters like this. But here, Boon never feels like a burden to the episode and him being a little slower never makes him less capable than his friends. No one ever complains about him being too stupid and his best friends never belittle/infantilize him for not being as smart. He’s a great moral booster for the team and it’s clear how much his friends enjoy his company care for him despite him being kinda dumb. I don’t understand how no show since this one has been able to get this trope right.
Wendy is Sashi, part-time sidekick. She’s a total badass, having more fighting and strategic skills than the boys. She’s also the one to keep the mission on target and is willing to do whatever it takes to win the day. However, she’s never the stereotypical “i’m the responsible one so i hate fun” or “i’m a girl who can fight so therefore that’s my only character trait.” Shes aloof, isn’t the best at social ques, highly competitive, and shows her love for her friends by being fiercely loyal and protective of them. Even though she can get annoyed and tired of the random antics her friends cause, she never talks down to them. She also takes her role of sidekick very seriously and even though she’s a much more skilled fighter than Penn, she listens to his instructions and never undermines what he says unless what he tells her to do will lead to them failing. She’s a fiery spirit and can and will kick your ass if she sees fit.
Cartman and Butters are Rippen and Larry, the Stendyle trio’s part time villains.
Cartman is Rippen, part-time villain. Rippen is a very stereotypically evil guy. He doesn’t really have a motive, he just wants to win. Does he ever? No. Is it his fault that he loses most of the time? Also no. He’s a genuinely good villain but it’s often the people he works with or some Deus Ex Machina for the heroes that keeps him from getting to victory. Despite being a good villain, hes also pretty aloof. He’s a hilarious character simply because of how annoyed he is with everything all the time (especially his henchman Larry/Butters). Despite this, he does genuinely care for some things, like his stuffed animals and his co-villain (though he’s hard pressed to admit it). In the show Rippen is an art teacher who hates everything, but in this au Cartman is just gonna be another student who loves to mess with Kyle.
Butters is Larry, part-time minion. He works under Cartman and honestly sucks balls at being a villain. He’s silly, doesn’t really know how to take a situation seriously, gullible, easily distracted, and very kindhearted. However, he is incredibly loyal to Cartman and will do whatever he says without hesistation, he’ll just usually do it wrong or twist it so it’s a nice thing to do. Most of the time Butters is just there to stand by Cartman and do his own thing. It’s also a running gag in the show that Larry will just ramble on and on about literally anything and it drives characters actually insane, and Rippen will sometimes use that as a weapon, which is a very Cartman thing to do. In the show Larry is principle of the school Stendyle attends, but like with Cartman, i’m just gonna make Butters another student. However, in the show, Larry is also rich as fuck, which is really funny so i’m keeping that. Like, it’s rarely brought up, but there are some episodes that take place in his mansion and it’s great. (“Cartman, you know what i’d do if i had a million dollars?” “Butters, you do have a million dolla-“ “I’d buy everyone in the world a portrait! I did that once in my neighborhood. my neighbor said ‘you shouldn’t have!’ and I said ‘no worries Mark it’s my pleasure happy birthday!’ and he said ‘it’s not my birthday and my name’s Tyler’…” <- actual character interaction from the show almost word for word, tell me that doesn’t sound Cartman and Butters coded)
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novelmonger · 9 months
Okay, 7 from the Star Wars Universe:
Bant Eerin
Mace Windu
Siri Tachi
Lando Calrissian
Mara Jade
Wedge Antilles
Admiral Ackbar
From this ask game
Oh dear, I only know Mara Jade from hearsay/fandom osmosis, and don't really have much grasp on Wedge or Ackbar's personality - I haven't read much of the EU, especially not post-OT ^^' But I'll do my best!
Go grocery shopping with - I really don't know why, but somehow I wanna go with Mara Jade for this one? Maybe just because it would be interesting to see what kind of groceries someone from the galaxy far, far away would go for? Depending on when in the timeline I'd catch her, maybe she'd even bring her son along to ride in the cart, which would be fun. And depending on who's picking up whom, maybe I'd catch a glimpse of Luke.
Have lunch with - Lando is a great conversationalist and likes to talk, so he'd probably keep the conversation going pretty well over lunch, and if I felt awkward (which I probably would at some point), at least I'd have something to do. The only catch is that I'd probably be wondering the whole time if he was going to betray me to the Empire at some point :P I'd also have to make it very very clear that this is not a date.
Have coffee with - I think it would be really interesting to have a little chat with Wedge, find out more about what sort of person he is, hear some cool stories about his time in the Rebellion, and so forth. Maybe I could frame it as an interview, so I could always fall back on pre-determined questions in case the conversation started to flag.
Go thrift shopping with - I don't really like thrift shopping (unless it's thrift books), because I can never find anything that's in my size and not also the most hideous thing you've ever seen in your life, so it would be really good to go with someone friendly who has a calming presence to counteract my growing irritation and grumpiness. Bant fits that description perfectly, and it would also be really interesting to see what sort of clothes a Mon Calamari would go for.
Explore a museum/art gallery/aquarium with - Okay, because it said "aquarium," I immediately thought of Admiral Ackbar XD It would be kind of fun to go to an aquarium with someone of an aquatic species who could probably give some interesting insight into life under the sea. Maybe he could even, like...talk to the whales or something :P
Go the library/bookstore with - I think Siri would be fun for this! She would probably be very focused and driven, knowing exactly what she's looking for, but once we warm up to each other, I think we could have fun laughing over some of the dumber titles we came across.
Have as a plus-one at a wedding - Mace Windu. Okay, first of all, he wouldn't be my plus-one, I would be his plus-one, because the only way this would be happening would be if he asked me. I would be scared stiff at first, but eventually he'd put me at my ease. He has that effect on people. I also like to think that he's not bad at dancing, and if anyone could convince me to go out on the dance floor, it would be Mace Windu. I would be like a duck waddling around a sleek tiger, but still. You can't say no when Mace Windu tells you to do something. Especially if you're not even a Jedi.
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hiya-im-mary · 1 year
In Light Of Girly Teengirl
So,We’ve all seen the talk about Girly Teengirl from SpongeBob and how she deserved better,right?? And I agree!! We all love Girly Teengirl,and I hope she’s doing alright in Farawayville right now-!!
But while we’re on the topic of fictional girls who deserve so much better than what they were handed,I wanna give another example to the world-!!
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THIS GIRL!!!!! She has no actual name,but I’m gonna call her Becky. Say hi to Becky,everyone!!
You probably reconise her from the Girlfriend music video…in which was pretty much a whole video dedicated to making her day a living nightmare (Aswell as Avril clips too)
Let’s start from the beginning.
Becky and her…honestly really douchey boyfriend (Let’s call him Aiden) are on their way to have a date at some sort of activity centre!! It’ll be a lovely day for the both of them,right?
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And Jade has decided to go out of her way to ruin Becky’s day and love life. Because she wants her dream emo boyfriend and considers preps as sub-human.
The moment Becky and Jade cross paths,things go downhill immediately. For Becky,anyway.
Let’s review the various acts of meanery Jade has enacted on Becky!
Made her crash during the car racing event (That might’ve been in the rules,but it was so she can test Aiden’s Will to cheat)
Forcefully threw Becky out of the PhotoBooth to snag some photos with Aiden,as well as her lacky friends blocking the entrance for Becky. (Let’s just call them Ray and Shay. Have fun guessing who’s who! )
As Becky and Aiden were reenacting the famed noodle kiss scene from Lady And The Tramp with a churro rather than a spaghetti noodle…Jade rudely interrupts and steals the churro for herself,clearly rubbing it in Becky’s face. There was good money payed for that churro?? Did Jade even eat it afterwards?? That’s a perfectly good churro put to waste :(
During golfing,one of Jade’s lackey friends notice Becky **GASP** Actually enjoying herself??? HOW DARE SHE?? So Jade tries to shoot her Golfball to go Spesifically for the readhead’s,well…head. And it works! It sends Becky tumbling into the water,and they all laugh at her misery! Full out,pointing as they laugh cackling!!
And to finish it off…Jade swoops in. She gets all personal with Aiden…and they kiss. They do the cheating. Much to Becky’s understandable rage! Which unfortunately goes no where as her attempt to tackle Jade doesn’t work.
So,I think you get my point!! Jade is a meanie head. She was aiming to get her grubby hands on Aiden and pull her out of Becky’s hands if it’s the last thing she’ll do-!!
But what’s even worse…Aiden was into it
It’s quite clear in the music video that Aiden is not very good at boyfriending for Becky. If he was,the moment Jade started her antics,he’d pull out the “Woah,chick!! I have a girlfriend who I’m happy with!!” card!! But NOPE
He was definitely enjoying Jade’s advances more than he was than being with Becky. He was clearly gonna go with goofing around in the PhotoBooth with Miss PunkRock rather than have a churro with his BORING prep girlfriend
He wasn’t even attempting to help Becky get out of the water when she fell in!!
And of course…he cheated.
He had not a care in the world for Becky. Who cares about some preppy redhead who gets happy for doing the easiest golf hole ever??
He’s no heartthrob!! He smells like disloyalty and 10 cans of Monster Energy!
It’s Potrayed as all fun and goofy in the music video,but you gotta take it into view!
Realistically,what did Becky even do?? Yeah,you maybe can say her body language and acting Potrayed her as a “mean girl”,but I think she was moreover just increasingly ticked off by Jade and her punk pal’s treatment of her and her boyfriend’s disloyalty!!
So what am I getting at??
I just want to see how many people agree with me!! I’ve been thinking about that music video a lot…I REALLY hated how Becky was treated XD
Well…Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!!
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exlwandering · 5 months
Found a writing prompt, it was "How to Perfectly Cook Your Human" took it and ran, gets a little weird and gross so CW for gore. Cannibalism, and misuse of a medical cadaver. Also lots of cooking descriptions. Enjoy 🔪🥩
How to Cook Perfect Human: A Tutorial
Hey, Im dead. I'm also called cadaver 23. Not my name but who the hell and I to tell the doc what I’m called. Today’s topic of discussion is not how horrible Mr. William Burke is at his job at selling corpses, today we talk about a very viral topic indeed. Can anyone guess it? Well, it’s CANNABILISUM!!! Exciting I know! And today's meal? Me. and tommorows and the day after… Probably for a while honestly im about 180 pounds and people tend to not eat over a pound of meat for like a whole week so… I’ll be on the menu until I go bad, guess he’s stuck with me. But enough about me and how many portions I am, lets talk about the real reason you’re here, to eat. 
Step One:  Get the meat. (This is arguably the easiest step apart from actually eating lol) First you need to find the right person tho, this is done by looking for people like Mr. William Burke, a freelance Broker (somone who sells deep people, aka people not fun at parties, like really dude, so many jobs and you pick seeling dead  dudes… I’m not one to judge tho.) Someone like him is slopy, (I mean it’s not like he has any idea what he’s doing??? He literally took my head off with a chainsaw in his back yard??? xD Guess I am one to judge lol) Any way because he’s got no Idea whats going on, and frankly neither do I, he sells for really cheep. The Rich B**** TM cadavers are worth like 5,000 big bucks for the whole thing, but people like me , ya boy, are like a couple hundo for all of me and like 200 for just a leg (I mean common, talk about a bargain baabaay!!!) After you’ve confirmed that I’m cheep all you gotta do is send some emails! I mean like, he’ll try and sound like he knows what he’s doing so he don’t get sued by a cadavers family but like… It’s not like he doing back round checks or anything so… You know what to do ;)
Step Two: Get Your Ingredients!!!  I suggest, since you’ll be getting me for like a bargain, you totally need to be buying some good spices for me, like rosemary, garlic, (running out of spices here…>:/) you get the gist. You also need to figure out how youll be cooking me! My personal fave would be a pot roast. Before I became a cadaver I lived for a good roast, it was my favorite meal growing up, so obvs you should be cooking me like that! For me!!! My Memory! Ya know, what I would want… Yeah. But. Ya know that’s totally not the only way to cook me. You could make pulled human, I heard human tastes and acts like pork so. You could also grind me up and make human burgers. Or even stake, make me look like an expensive dish! You get the idea, anythings on the table, just don’t burn me… Unless that’s what you want. Then I guess do it. :< It would make a sad tho. 
Step Three: Cook Me. Before we go forward, I wanna make something clear, I never ate human, or cooked it. So I’m not an expert on this part, I am on step one, not so much step two, I could never really buy expensive stuff before being Cadaver 23 so, I don’t know much, but these next steps I’m completely in the dark here. SO >:) From now on I’ll be talking about what I directly experience as I’m cooked. HERE WE GO!!!! The cooking requires some prep, one of the first things I felt happen was the skin being removed and placed aside, while this was happening I hear the guy preparing me talking about how tasty the skin can be when fried, like pork skins! Mmmm, yummy, (TBH one of my most fav road trip snacks). After this My thighs and calves are pried from the bones, said bones maserfally ripped apart from each other. After this, the four biggest bones and are put on a cutting board before being split right down the middle. They did this four excruciating times guys (talk about over kill). He places each bone of a pan with pepper to taste before putting them in the oven to roast the marrow. Both of my claves are cut into medium sized cubes, the exsus being thrown away, like nothing. Each side of my cubes are placed on a frying pan before sauce is put in with me, and I’m left to simmer until thoroughly cooked. One thigh is cut into sizable pieces before being put in a dutch oven with spices and hearty veges like potatoes and carrots and one big thing of garlic to roast us together. When I’m cooked they take forkes to me and pull me apart, mixing in some rosemary and other things that they desired. One thigh is cut into one thick slab before being placed in a cooker with large cut vegies like potatoes and celery and carrots, (woldn’t you know it their making a healthier meal with me than I ever ate before being… yeah. Their meal.) I’m a fancy steak, a pulled human, and most importantly I’m a pot roast now. But that’s not all, like they promised my skin is used, cut into rectangle shapes and placed into a large bowl of boiling oil, my skin bubbles and curls in on itself before becoming translucent and hard, easily snapped. My bones are finally pulled out of the oven, my marrow scooped out with a spoon and placed in a small bowl. I’m finished.
Step four: enjoy. I can feel their teeth. There’s three of them, which explains the three cooking methods. The fork goes through my muscles in one plate, on another I’m scooped up by a fork and pressed down by a partition of cubed potato, and finally on another plate- no a bowl, I’m picked up by a spoon filled with hot broth that burns everywhere it touches. Carrots, potatoes, and celery floats beside my thigh muscles. The slow grinding of my flesh is constant and thruming until I am mush. I crack and squelch between their teeth. My Skin snappeing and mosining and turning to mush and then nothing, only sunsitnace for their bodies. I’m also in the bowl next to the bread, still warm as My Marrow is scooped onto a butter knife and scrapped atop toasted bread slices and once again swallowed. I am in three bowls. I am in two plates. I am in three bellies.
I don’t know much about how to cook a human to perfection, but I do know one thing, I am now a perfectly cooked human. That’s all. Finally. 
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moontheoretist · 1 year
"Wait a moment." Stephen uncurled from his pose and reached out to Pepper's stack of contracts. "You have a basic prenup drafted up, right?" "After a certain incident in 2003, yes." Tony frowned then his face cleared. "Oh, yeah! Man, she was quite the...oh, uh, no one. She meant nothing to me." Stephen rolled his eyes and picked up the contract. It was standard—in the event of a divorce they retained the assets they brought into the marriage and split what was earned while in union. Considering Tony's net worth it was pretty generous to the other party, who would definitely be earning far less. He scanned the pages and held up a hand. "Pen, please." He signed on the dotted line with a flourish. "There. Problem solved." Tony beamed. "God, I wanna spend more money on you now." Stephen winked in return. "You two deserve each other," Rhodey sighed. "We do!" "So, when are we heading out? Knowing you you're doing this today. Is Fi staying behind?" Asked Rhodey. "Oh, everyone's already gathered—I just had to get you two. Ready, babe?" Tony said. Stephen stood and summoned a portal with a quick gesture. Pepper screamed while Rhodey jumped out of his chair and reached for a gun he did not have. Stephen stared at them in shock before his eyes narrowed and he glared at Tony. "You didn't tell them." "…Ooh, shit. I knew I forgot something." They stared at him. "Uh, magic's real!" Pepper trembled as she stepped through the portal. She looked bad enough that Christine moved forward to check on her. "What happened? Is everything okay?" She asked. "My soon-to-be-husband is an asshole." Stephen sent him another glare. Tony did feel bad—it had honestly slipped his mind! "So nothing out of the ordinary?" "Perfectly normal." "Hurtful." Tony turned to the assembled group. "Thanks for coming—whoa, hey, Blade! Didn't expect you!" The dhampir shrugged and said, "I was bored. And finishing up a thing in Salem." "Good enough for me. You sure you're okay to be here, though? I thought vampires couldn't enter places like this." "… …This is a city hall, Stark." "Oh, yeah. Just making sure." "You and Strange deserve each other." "I know!" "Is there anything else we should know about?" Rhodey asked, voice faint. "I am so glad you asked, honey bear. It's important you meet the in-laws. This is Eric Brooks, a.k.a Blade—he's a half-vampire who hunts vampires." "…Okay-" "You know Christine (she's still single you should go for it—you, too, Pep). This is Jacqueline Falsworth. She's our new au pair and also a vampire…mostly. Sinéad O'Connor and Wong over there are Steph's magic mentor and second BFF, respectively-" "Just Wong? Like Rihanna?" "No, no, more like Beyoncé." "Right." "You know Fi." She waved and hopped up and down. "But some extra news! She's an alien, apparently? Stephen's daughter by blood ritual? I don't get it—I've learned to mind my business." "What the fu-" "And you know Zoe, her tutor. She says she's normal, but look at us!—we don't believe her." "I-I'm so happy you invited me, Mr. Tony! You and Dr. Stephen won't even know I'm here, I swear!" Zoe practically vibrated on the spot. "Breathe, ZZ Top. Well, I guess that's it-" Stephen's scarf then reared up and slapped the back of his head. "Oh, right. This is the Cloak of Levitation. Stephen's other, other BFF." "D-Did that piece of fabric just move?" Pepper whispered. Stephen looked apologetic. "Yes. Cloak is an ancient relic. It can change forms so it chooses how it wants to look in public." Both Pepper and Rhodey were at a loss in what to say.
Have Time — Will Travel by flower-of-el (NibelungVelocity)
Supreme Family? More like Supernatural Family XD
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andypantsx3 · 8 months
ANDIE OMG I know I already vomited all over your tags, BUT. I need to convey just how much I fucking loved Incendiary. You had me cackling like a madman right out the gate with your little social media excerpts (like you always do). You knew what you were doing with the "my guy out here with a pencil sharpening quirk" and it was MAGNIFICENT. (once again you tricked me into attempting to click the read mores, shame on you). But. the crown jewel of this fic was the pregonant reference. I choked, Andie. fucking choked and couldn't stop laughing. You're a fucking genius.
That being said, let me tell you all the ways in which I loved this story. Because oh boy, there's a lot:
I love every single side character in this. They were all so distinct from each other, it was such a joy to read. I fucking loved how you wrote Jeanist. The way you described his actions, his mannerisms… it was perfect.
I have nothing but undying love for the way you not only set a scene, but put is right into reader's mind with just a phrase. The "his proximity somehow making him more physical, dimensional" did a number on me and I can't even begin explaining it in an adequate way. All I can say is that it forced me to put myself into reader's perceptive in an almost physical way (like pulling at a memory of sitting next to someone who felt larger than life at the time). Same once in the safe house, the way you describe it at first, how you convey that feeling of isolation and emptiness. And later on, how that shifts into a more crowded situation, if you will.
I love how quick reader is to make assumptions in her mind and just go with it. We all have moments like that and having a reader that does that as well was fun. Also, idk how to explain this, but you made it believable? The way in which you introduced reader's reasoning and train of thought made it perfectly clear how she got from one point to the other, even if we obviously knew she was wrong about it.
On the topic of reader. I loved how every single interaction between and Bakugo went, but I specially loved every time she snapped. XD You have a gift when it comes to writing outbursts and I love it every time. And again, I love how you show it over and over until it boils over into walking out and breaking safe house rules. You make the whole "so pissed she risked her life" angle make sense. It feels natural and I just love it.
AND WHILE I AM AT THINGS THAT FELT NATURAL. The amount of staring and noticing and thirsting. Also one of my fave things about your readers. I want to believe I'd be a civilized person around someone this fucking pretty, but I know a part of my monkey brain would be behaving exactly like this. And I love it. Yes, may fucking hate him right now, but look at those arms.
As usual, I love your Bakugo. I like this rougher version of him you've written this time. This version of him that is more than just a little shit. He's a raging asshole when he's introduced, too preoccupied with the shit inside his own head. Too angry at the person he used to be to sit down and listen. Loved the way Jeanist handles him too. Once in the safe house I love how he doesn't bother to play nice, he's here to complete his assignment and his assignment does not include being nice. I love how he cooks for himself and fuck anyone else. He's perfectly capable of maintaining week long silences (and I loved that reader was the same). I love that the thing that sets him off is the microwave potato. sdalk;lsdkadas THE VERY SLIGHT BUT VERY OBVIOUS SHIFT IN HIS BEHAVIOR AFTER THE ATTACK. The slightly softer yet still rough and brash Bakugo that we love. The way his actions make it clear just what kind of tension had been building and the way he just loves to make it worse. asjdlaksjdasd;;; sorry no longer coherent, moving on---
In short - I loved it, Andie. It's one of those stories that take you into a trip and it's over you're like "I WANNA GO AGAIN". This goes straight into the S-Tier pile, right alongside savvy, statistically significant and cover shot. I know I'm gonna be rereading this many times to come.
Thanks for sharing such a great, funny & hot story, Andie. Loved every word of it. ♥
Tiph omg TIPH!!!!!!! I am smiling so hard right now LMAO I feel like my crush just asked me out or my boyfriend just proposed or like, I just won the super bowl or something LOL.
Your message by itself literally is enough to make me feel like it was all worth it to write this fic. 🥺🥺🥺 I am so so so happy you finally got to read it, and am so so so beyond thrilled that you loved it.
I feel like I learned so much while I wrote incendiary, and I'm so happy it sounds like some of it shone through for you!!! I think this Reader is my least reliable narrator yet and I had so much fun working on her. Like, she's always had to make snap judgments about people & situations to keep herself safe, and so it manifests immediately with Bakugou, and of course he doesn't help himself any by being an uncommunciative little fiend. But of course meanwhile there is this physical tension between them, and so she reads it as anger instead of all the other underlying things it is between them, and it builds and makes the situation worse.
It's only when Bakugou of all people draws on the mindfulness that we've seen him trending towards in canon as of late that they're able to come together as a team and use the combined power of their anger to combat the unjustice that they both once stood on different sides of. 😌
Anyway you have made me so happy with how you picked out all of the things I hoped I would work!! And that you love the social media memes as much as I do lmfao. I think they go such a long way in drawing humor into the situation and it's always interesting to think of how other people would perceive and react to something of yours if it ever went public.
I am kissing you directly on the mouth, Tiph. You continue to be one of the kindest, most supportive, most incredible people in this fandom!!!! And you have literally made me so happy I have to zoom around my house now lol. Love you.🥺🥺🥺
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 year
Which brushes do you use for CSP 😳??
oh i always dreaded this question lmao-
ill be honest and clear cut with yall~
✨I have no idea✨
ok lemme explain, [tho if you dont wanna read all this just skip to the images in the end that i posted of my dumb self made and modified brushes] i have always used different mediums in my art~ ive used SAI, Gimp 2, CSP and occasionally Photoshop for the effects, filters and some brushes~ and i almost never remember where i downloaded them from because, first off, they were free anyway and i also almost always change them to fit my style beyond recognition to how they originally looked by default XDDD
MOST of my work is usually with SAI with almost the only brush i use in general for everything [ Inking, Coloring the edges, Shading, Lighting, and most other hand drawn shapes and hatching and etc ] is used with these settings. i never change it because i had years of experimenting to finally be comfortable with these and i will die a painful death if anything happens to my laptop before i could save these settings so i keep it in my art files just in case lmao~ [i do NOT like change and trying new stuff is2g i need therapy-]
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HOWEVER when it comes to CSP i have had..... very depressing progress yay :D ... SAI in my experience has been a bit sucky in being able to handle large sizes and layers or anything else and having the possibility of crashing but the way it makes some things easy has been a MIRACLE for my lazy ass, i might have given up art before i ever even started if SAI didn't exist, but as how all EASY things usually are they start lacking in variety after a while, and i realized since one of my friends had bought me a CSP a long time ago, heck i might as well use it and oh my GOD the anxiety it induced ended me up with an IV and several trips to the hospital for injections to calm me down [and potentially temporarily blinding me] im not even joking. i mean yeah i was going through stuff back then that did NOT help my situation in general but the fact that CSP doubled my anxiety cuz i just couldn't draw with it made me have several existential breakdowns where i thought i will never be able to improve my art as a self proclaimed artist anymore because i had gotten so used to only working with what i found PERFECTLY comfortable to my own tastes that im just useless at getting used to anything else... so what happened was that i went on the most violent weekly spree of downloading any brush i could that even resembled REMOTELY to what i wanted- i also searched for brushes on tumblr or google or anywhere else- i watched so many CSP transition videos on youtube my brain was spinning and i was on a rout of self destructive agony to make this WORK. so now i have a bajillion downloaded brushes and all of them have spawned 20 other copies that i have aggressively modified beyond any sort of resemblance to what they used to be- it doesn't help that the file names and the brush names are different so i cant search for them either 😑
but if the brush names could help you in finding them uhhh, heres like.... 1/10th of the brushes i downloaded and modified that i actually did NOT go back and delete because they are fun to have around XD
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have fun, //goes to cry in a corner-
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theladyyavilee · 2 years
alright, confirmation (to a degree xD) has been aquired (thank you to kym, jess, nova and also my best friend who knows nothing about 911 xD) so here goes
UHM, well, so???? I think? one of my icons made in on live tv on FUCKING FOX? (well, less than a quarter of an icon, but I think it still counts) still not 100% certain that I am not making it up or hallucinating right now tbh but ANYWAYS
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(in order of appearance a section of the pinboard bts that was posted today, right next to my actual henren vow renewal in lesbian pride colors icon and a section of the original screencap I used that shows it originally had hen’s mum and a flower shrub in the background xD and then underneath an untouched screencap from episode 6x6 when hen looks at the pinboard (yes this is the part I am screaming about the most, ngl) because it shows the pinks a little more, whereas the bts pic shows the oranges more, because printing and photographing obviously made the colors a little funky, but yeah you can actually tell where I fumbled with the colors under her chin and EVEN MORE SO where I absolutely fumbled hen’s lips because the contrast to toni’s face was soooo low skjlhfdaskjhasklashj I am like 99,9% certain here xDDD)
(i just wanna make it perfectly clear that this is literally the best thing that ever happened to me, I feel like I am maybe going to pass out and/or sob until my body runs out of water, I am NOT complaining, I literally just feel like I am losing my whole entire mind ISTG AND I DON’T WANT ANYONE IN ANY WAY APPROACHING CAST OR CREW ABOUT THIS, THIS BETTER NOT BREACH CONTAINMENT)
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