#i wanna make a more polished piece for him later
ratxklng · 10 days
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slimy fucker.
extra doodle below the cut
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nohoney · 2 months
touya x drug dealer! reader has been an idea that i’ve been wanting to do for a while. i had thoughts of cute flowing dresses, flutes of champagne, strawberries with brown sugar, and a powdery compact mirror with a credit card lined with white at the edge ♡
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Touya hates going to the country club. He hates having to get ready to wear the stupid polo shirt and pressed pants his mother picked out for him. He hates having to take out most of his face jewelry, only leaving his eyebrow piercing as a slight rebellion to irritate his father. It’s all so annoying to him but to be fair—
They all hate going to the country club together.
It’s only an obligation for them to attend as a family. To show up so that Enji’s professional business ties can remain intact if the event is important enough. It’s the only time everyone agrees together as a family. Despite the fact that going to the country club is meant to be a luxurious get away, the Todoroki’s see it as anything but.
With the exception of Shouto who is too young to partake in anything, the rest of the family cope in their own ways to survive an agonizing event that none of them want to attend.
Enji smokes in private with the other men, Rei quietly nurses a glass of white wine as she makes polite conversation with the other wives, Fuyumi and Natsuo discreetly pass a weed pen between one another, and Touya…
Well he’s got his special friend that he knows where to find.
All throughout the club, there’s little signs that lead to a certain someone who exchanges little treats for just the right price. It could be money or it could be secrets or something else entirely, but the exchange given has to be deemed equal in value to what is handed out. There’s bouquets that are found throughout the entire club, all seemingly of the same variations except for one flower that’s meant to point you in a certain direction.
Touya walks through the club, noting the one flower that sticks out in the bouquets as a subtle sign of where to find you.
Following the secret path, it leads him this time to a room with only a single piano in the center and the white curtains drawn over the windows.
It’s a beautiful grand piece of shiny, lacquered black and is maintained regularly in its tuning. No music is being played though, all that’s heard is the tinkling laugh from one of the two people that are sitting on the piano bench. Touya walks with his hands in pockets, leisurely in his step when he approaches you. Next to you is the caddy that often accompanies your father on the golf course, amber eyes lifting to him and giving him a friendly nod.
“Touya, so nice to see you again!” you greet with a warm smile. You’re graceful in the way you stand up from the piano bench, sliding your hand along the caddy’s shoulders as you make your way to Touya. He leans down, used to the customary greeting of kissing each cheek from you. The perfume you wear is new, smelling more like citrus and freesia than the usual florals he’s used to.
Turning back to the caddy, you wave him off. “I’ll meet you later Keigo, okay?”
The feathery blonde haired caddy stands from the piano bench, pressing a kiss to your temple first before making his way out.
“So, what can I do for you today Touya? You wanna be perked up? Or you wanna relax?” You ask him immediately, leaning against the grand piano and clacking your manicured nails against the surface.
“You ever think that maybe I’m just here to see you? And nothing more?” Touya playfully nudged his shoe against your ankle, also noting the clean polish of your pedicure. Strappy white heels are your choice of shoe today to compliment your tea dress.
You’re this vision of a good girl, prim and proper, soft and sweet. All the mannerisms you exude are perfected and practiced, taught firmly from the all girls school that you attended. On the surface, you’re just simply the rich daughter to the man who owns the country club. You’re known to love lounging by the pool or reading under the shady trees by the garden. The older adults love to fawn over you, even trying to set you up with suitors but only if they’re screened through your father first.
Rolling your eyes at him, you flash him a smile that sends the message of ‘yeah right’ before you wave him over.
You lift the piano bench where your current stash resides. It’s organized meticulously of all types of different pills and already measured bags of different powders. Nude colored nails hover over the selection that you know him to always get, but you’re polite enough to ask first for confirmation before plucking the packed substances from their spot.
“The usual?”
Touya pulls money out from his pocket, the same exact amount that he’s paid every single time he’s seen you. “The usual.” he confirms.
You hold two baggies for him, one with two blue pills and the other filled halfway of white powder. Touya takes it from you and waits for you to take out the held out cash.
“Mm, this dress doesn’t have pockets. Can’t take it.” you smile as you shut the piano bench, “I’ll take a kiss though.”
Touya smiles back, pocketing his cash alongside the goodies you’ve given him. “Is that how you’re taking payments today? With kisses?”
He knows you want him, you’ve been wanting him ever since he had fucked you at your father’s birthday party just a few months back. He can still recall the champagne he tasted on your lips, the silky material of your party dress as he pushed it over your hips, the smell of peony and honey spritzed onto your skin when he had bit your shoulder. It was an amazing fuck, one that he thought about going back for, but he liked to see you dangle yourself for him. Beg him with those pretty eyes and try to seduce him with low cut dresses or leave lingering touches that you hoped pull him in.
You shrug your shoulders and play coy, stepping into his personal space to smooth your hands along his shoulders as if you were going in to hug him. “Special just for you, I’ll figure it out with the rest.”
His hand slides along the small of your back to pull you in and close the space. “You are so bad.”
“I happen to be a very good girl, my record shows that.”
“Your records were expunged by your dear daddy.”
“So therefore, I have done nothing wrong.” you giggle, “C’mon, stop teasing me like this. You never want to see me outside of this place. I only see you when you and your family come to the club for an event, and you guys always look so miserable.”
“And that’s why I’m here,” Touya’s hand drops lower, grabbing at your ass and relishing your little gasp, “because you help me get through these aggravating events.”
He teases you, has you chasing after him and keeps him entertained whenever he comes to this ridiculously posh club. You play the polite girl when you’re out among the crowd but he’s always felt your eyes on him whenever the two of you are in the same room together. If you could keep your eyes on him the entire time you would, but sadly you have to get pulled aside from so many people. From your inner circle, to polite introductions to your father’s colleagues, to the ones who want a little something to get them through the night. You carry yourself with grace and good posture, more than any girl that he had ever met.
You’re the classiest little drug dealer he knows.
And like every deal, a transaction has to be completed. So he leans down to kiss you, holding you tightly by your waist to bring you closer to him. You’re so eager for him locking your fingers behind his neck, sighing sweetly that makes him reminisce of that night you had together. The plush of your lips takes him back to that night, back when you smelled more floral and warm, when he had found you lounging alone at the pool and bored from your father’s party.
Surprisingly you pull away from the kiss. “I like you Touya, c’mon we had so much fun together at my daddy’s party. Don’t you wanna have fun again?”
“I never said that I didn’t want to do it again.” Touya points out as he takes a seat on the piano bench, “It’s crossed my mind.”
You pout at him, the gloss from earlier kissed off slightly sticky on his lips instead. Carefully you wipe away the remnants of the gloss from his lips, smudging it on the pads of your fingers. “You’re so mean, you know that? Don’t you know to not make your plug mad?”
“Ah, how can I make it up to you, princess? Please oh please,” Touya wryly plays along with you, “what can I do to get back in your good graces?”
You hold out your hand to him, “Take a walk with me.”
Walking out hand in hand with you, he is led out of the piano room and allows you to take him to wherever it is you have in mind. You pass by one person that you give a subtle signal too, Touya observing how they make their way to the piano room with a key in hand. He wonders how much you’ve paid off certain workers inside the country club to help and protect you.
He admires that about you, not being afraid to exercise your power. Maybe it just comes with being a spoiled brat who can get her record wiped clean when she calls her daddy with crocodile tears. All this wealth at your disposal and the only thing that entertains you is being the unofficial country club girl scout for xannies, oxies, and other treats.
Touya is led to different halls throughout the club, some he recognizes more than others, but not as well as you do. These are your grounds after all. The caddy from before is seen talking to a group of gentlemen, the elders clearly enjoying conversation with him if the boisterous laughter and the friendly pats on his back are anything to go by. Hell, Touya’s father is apart of the group and even he looks to be amused from whatever quip the feathery haired young man doled out.
Keigo must sense your presence nearby as he immediately looks up to see you. You blow an air kiss to him and he pretends to catch it in his fist. Touya can swears that when he looked at you, you mouthed ‘love you’ to him as they passed by.
He doesn’t know much about Keigo, only that he was brought on by you and that he happens to be very charming with many people. Looks wise, he can see why you went for him but Touya hasn’t taken any personal interest to get to know the caddy.
People pass by and give you pleasant greetings, all of which you returned kindly but never paused to have a conversation. There’s excitement running through you as Touya follows behind, wondering where exactly you’re taking him. He can tell by how eager your pace is that gives it away. It’s precious, he enjoys it too much.
You want him that badly.
Touya’s not sure how he’ll explain to his mother how his pants got so wrinkled, but it’s a thought that gets pushed out of his mind as he smothers you in a kiss. He’s trying to recall his last excuse when his mother questioned how he became so unkept. The answer isn’t quite coming to him; all he can recall is just the adrenaline he had afterwards from fucking you so good. Normally he’s very smooth with his words, lying easily to anyone when it pleases him, but he had gotten pussy drunk off of you and his brain just wasn’t operating the same.
You and that cunt of yours.
He’s almost upset that he’s been denying himself this entire time. There were plenty of nights recalled the sloppy kisses from you, the elegant way you crooked your finger to bring him to you, and when you pulled on the roots of his hair when he had eaten you out. Truthfully he had wanted to chase you just as much when the deed had been done. But as he’s got you on your knees for him, Touya remembers why he decided to not give into you so easily.
“Please Touya? Please, pretty please?”
It’s so sweet when you beg.
He remembers after coming down from the high that arrogant look on your face when he had helped zip your dress back up. That because he had shagged with you then he was surely to come at your beck and call. Instead of giving in, Touya decided that he’d like to see you chase after him. To have you be the one sending text messages or letting late night calls go unanswered, declining private invitations from you to keep you frustrated.
He still has all your voicemails of you breathless and needy, begging softly for him to just want you back.
Your voice is small and pitched, whiny almost as you pathetically tug at his belt as you sink to your knees. You’re practically drooling for it, eyeing his bulge and caressing it gently through the fabric. Christ, he really made you that in love with his cock. “Oh princess, don’t tell me you’ve been pining after me.” He coos over you and tilts your head up to look at him, “All this time?”
“Yes, god yes!” You admit and jut your lower lip in a pout, “I would wait around for you, hoping you’d answer me or even come visit! I’ve always been so nice to you Touya, and you just ignore me!”
It is the spoiled brat in you that’s making you act this way. You’re such a good girl, a nice girl, a pleasant and sweet and pretty girl that there shouldn’t be any reason to give you this awful treatment. That’s how you see it. That you’re the one who blessed Touya with the rare gift of giving him personal access to you so therefore, he should be grateful and be falling at your feet.
Touya has his own pride though.
“Is that darling caddy you’re so fond of not enough for you?”
“I adore Keigo, I love him,” you admit, “but I want you too.”
You want him desperately, slowly crumbling your pride as you beg softly for him. This is what Touya wanted from you. To see you throw a bit of dignity away just for him.
“Yeah? You mean that?” he asks you, using a single finger under your chin to lift your gaze up to him.
He could probably ask anything of you in this moment if it meant that he’d give himself up to you. Something that you would find worth it for him to finally cure your ache. Admittedly one of his fantasies with you is to use one of your fancy lipsticks to draw the filthiest names on your body and take pictures for evidence. He wants to write slut at your tits, whore written in fat letters on your back, maybe even cumdump on your tummy with an arrow pointing down to your cunt. Touya wonders if that would be too much though.
He wants to demean you so bad, knock you off your high horse and make you look pathetic.
Yet there’s also some desire in him to cherish you too. You are the darling of this club, adored and revered and Touya falls into that crowd too. That it wouldn’t be so bad if you were to wear a dainty necklace with his initial, have you in his car for leisurely joy rides down by the coast, and go on those stupid fancy picnics that you posted on your instagram.
“Need you Touya, need you!” you whine, catching his hand and leaning your cheek into his palm. Aw look at you, trying to look sweet for him, giving him doe eyes and batting your lashes.
There’s some laughter outside, just a small group passing by the room you’ve locked yourselves in for privacy. There’s a little sign that you hung on the door handles: the art gallery is closed. Nearby is a sculpture of a nude woman, crafted by one of the local artists here and was in the club’s newsletter not too long ago. Touya glances to it, finding it beautiful and better in person than in the photo they had taken of it. Art is usually better to see in person anyway-
You’re not on your knees anymore for him, standing to your feet and smoothing down your dress. Ah, you’re upset now—actually upset at him. “If you don’t want me, then just fucking go. You’ve been playing these games with me and I’m tired!” you huff and try to pick up your heels that you discarded onto the floor when you had locked up the room, “Keep the stuff I gave you, I still won’t charge you for today.”
His hand goes to your wrist and he’s pulling you back to him, wrapping you up in a hug as he hushes you, “Don’t be so upset, it’s not a good look for you.”
“Well I wouldn’t be if you would just look at me!” you almost cry, sinking into his body and making a small noise when he hugs you tighter. “Everyone else wants me, why don’t you? Don’t you want me?”
It surprises him how genuine you’re being. You can’t be this upset, can you?
It makes Touya happy that he can make you this way.
“Never said that I didn’t, princess.” he admits finally, “I like you back, is that all you need to hear?”
He’s given a little nod, feeling your hand press at his bulge again. Your hand caresses his cock through his slacks and you sigh a little, slightly tilting your head up and nosing along his jawline. Touya bites down the smug smile that wants to sprout up on his face—this is how he wanted you, on his terms and not on yours. So now that he’s got you right where he wants you…
“Ow!” you cry out when Touya roughly grabs a handful of your hair right at the root, pulling you just enough to make you look up at him. He holds tightly and coos over your shocked expression, your wide eyes looking up at him with a small sense of betrayal. How could he switch up on you so fast like that? “T-Touya..!”
You pout up at him, your lips tempting him to kiss you.
“You’re not the good girl you make yourself out to be. Like you got everyone wrapped around your little finger, huh?” Touya speaks haughtily, his grip flexing slightly and tugging slightly on the roots of your hair, “Good girls don’t sell drugs out of a piano bench and fuck around with the piss poor caddy that’s so popular around here.”
“Maybe not other girls,” you hiss through your teeth, “but I can.”
You can do whatever you want, it’s how you lived your life. If there are any rules you’ve broken, you’ve always been very good to take care of it yourself mostly. Look at how you flout about, walking around with your pretty heels and waving the help over with darling manicured hands, discreetly handing cash and speaking with the sweetest lilt to get people to do what you please.
Touya snorts, but he does admire you all the same. If he had more drive to do anything, he’d probably be working under you too.
But he hates being inside this stupid country club, which is where you typically are when you’re not traveling or with your own gaggle of friends. This is where you like to work after all, and will be yours to run once your dear daddy passes.
“God, you’re fucking beautiful.” Touya sighs out before leaning down to kiss you. He’s unexpectedly soft considering the tight grip he still has on you, slotting his lips against yours too intimately for someone who also wants to ruin you all the same. It’s a long kiss he gives you, that it even gets the butterflies fluttering inside of his chest.
He pulls back and releases the hold he had on your hair, twirling his finger in a circle to indicate for you to turn around. You present your back to him, getting flashbacks to when Touya had first undressed you. His fingers are cold as he fiddles with the zipper at the back and pulls it down slowly. The dress loosens from your body and you shrug off the thin straps. It falls to the floor in a pool surrounding your feet, and you’re left standing in a little cotton panty that’s lined with lace. Your nipples are perked due to the chill of the room but you don’t bother to cover yourself to retain some modesty.
You’ve been wanting to be like this in front of Touya for the longest time.
You’re given another wordless command, blue eyes briefly glancing down to the hardwood floor. Kicking your dress off to the side, you kneel down in front of Touya once more and watch as he unzips his slacks and pulls his cock through the opening. Your mouth practically waters upon seeing his dick again, so thick and with the prettiest color at the tip you had seen. You’re about to go in when he stops you with a simple little tut.
Glancing up at him, you wonder what he could possibly have to say.
“Don’t get too sloppy, can’t walk out of here with fucking drool stains on my crotch.”
Touya hopes to fuck you in his bed one day, have you squirt on his sheets, and then cum all over your face. But while the two of you are here, the two of you have to be able to come out look presentable. He can’t go as wild as he wants on but he fucking swears that he’s gonna make you fucked out by him one of these days.
You nod in understanding before swallowing his cock into your throat. There’s some dreamy sigh from you as you bob up and down on his cock; you really must have been aching for this. There’s enthusiasm as you swallow all his inches, looking up at Touya and going all doe eyed for him. See how much you wanted him?
He admires your small gags, the way your body lurches when you choke deeply on his cock, but he reminds you again to try to keep your drool from getting on him. Touya wants to fuck your face, he wants to make you cry from fucking your mouth too hard, and even slap your cheek. There’s so much he wants to do but this isn’t the time or place to do any of it.
You’d be pissed off too if he even attempted.
You pull off his cock, a line of drool connecting your lips to his cock still but it gets wiped away quickly by the back of your hand.
Touya grabs your wrist to bring you to your feet, pulling you to the nearest wall to fuck you against. Your hands brace the flat surface, grunting when Touya uses one hand to jut your ass back to him and the other presses your head to the wall. With your back arched, he admires your elegant form under the soft lighting of the art gallery. The lovely still life painting of a bouquet does not compare to how fucking beautiful you are in this moment.
He can’t wait until he can ruin you to tears.
He offers his fingers to your lips, your mouth obediently dropping to lick and spit on them. It tickles a little with the way your tongue drags along his fingers but he doesn’t allow it for long. Touya only needs just enough to finger your hole, even spitting on his own fingers before he does a careful but quick prep after pulling down your panties.
“Oh god… oh fuck…” you mutter, your eyes shutting as relishing in his touch, “Fuck me please!”
“Relax.” Touya is firm in his tone, acting cool and masking the equal desperation that is surging throughout his own body. He wonders if you notice how eager his fingers are to be inside you, biting his lip to force down the wolffish smile on his face when he feels how wet you are. All that teasing before that he had done to you was worth it.
It was worth all of it to lead up to this moment.
His fingers withdraw and he sucks on them, savoring the taste of your slick along his tongue. Touya recalls how he ate you out at your father’s birthday party, driving you wild with his tongue on your clit and the sweet noises you made. It would be nice to do it again.
Your body shudders a little as the head of Touya’s cock nudges against your pussy, a sharp little breath sucked in as the first few inches sink into you. “Fuck!” you quietly curse.
Touya would like to savor this, to take his time and work you up into a sloppy, pretty little mess. To finger your clit until you cry out of frustration and then choke you if you give him an attitude. There’s so many things that he wishes he could do in this moment. But you remind him—
“Please hurry, we can’t be in here for long.”
Because you’ve got people waiting for you. People waiting to eagerly meet you, whether at your piano bench or if you’re needed somewhere else to help maintain your father’s appearance. No matter how much Touya has this vision of what he wants, he knows that he truly can not have you in his own way.
But he’s grateful to get you anyway.
He thrusts in, sinking in smoothly but with a sharp clap of his body meeting yours. Your pussy tightens up on him from the brief shock that is also coupled with a small gasp. His hands grasp your hips tightly and he pounds away at you, noticing how you help with the motion by moving back into him as well. It’s quiet inside the art gallery so all Touya can hear is you and the sound of his skin slapping against yours as he fucks hard into you.
It’s just as sweet as the first time, observing how you occasionally look over your shoulder at him and give him sweet doe eyes again. But this time they’re glazed over, your eyelids dropping as you get lost in the pleasure, relishing in everything that you had been waiting for. Touya wonders how many nights you spent fingering yourself to him, he imagines your embarrassment when he would leave your needy voicemails or nudes in his inbox unanswered, and he dreamt more than a few times of you riding that pretty boy caddy in front of him.
I want to fuck you again.
Those words almost slip out as he reaches a hand to finger your clit. Your knees buckle but you maintain yourself, your own little sounds struggling to be kept in. Touya can feel it already, he can feel you just about ready to snap if the way your cunt is clenching around him is any indicator of anything.
“Please cum, please cum!” you desperately whisper, “Please cum in me!”
I need to fuck you again.
Touya fucks harder to get himself to cum, looking down to see that you’ve creamed all over him. He’s grateful that he pushed his pants down enough so that none of it catches onto his clothes. It’d be nice if you could clean up his cock with your mouth after he cums in you, but you’ve got to come out looking as proper as you can be.
So no hair pulling, no spitting in your mouth, no crying to ruin your makeup, and no marks are to be left.
But if you’re going to beg him to cum in you, you should be able to accommodate a reasonable request.
Touya leans over, feeling his control ready to let go as he’s about ready to burst as he mutters in your ear, “Keep my cum in you, keep me inside you.”
His words have your eyes rolling back, answering him with a jittery nod and a sweet yes hissed into the air. “Yes, fuck yes!”
I am going to fuck you again.
Touya jolts into you one last time, pressing himself so deep that you whine his name. He’s emptying himself into you, spilling cum into that delicious cunt of yours. He chances putting a hand at your throat to choke you, his fingers careful at your windpipe and peering down at you as your orgasm wipes your mind blank and has you going limp that he has to catch you.
And then there’s silence.
He’s holding your body against him, carrying your weight as your mind tries to start back up again. Touya drinks in this moment because he knows he won’t get a repeat of this. He may never get the upper hand again now that he’s given you what you’ve been aching for.
He wants to keep coming back not to just buy off you, but to keep seeing you.
“Good, Touya?” you manage to find your voice and lean back against him, patting your hand against his arms that are still holding you tightly.
“The best.” He answers
You chuckle, nodding your head and still remaining in his hold with his cock in you. He wonders why you haven’t bothered to start making yourself proper—
The door to the art gallery unlocks and it has Touya jolting. All the curse words he knows flash in succession in his mind but you pat your hand against him. “It’s okay, it’s Keigo.”
Sure enough, it is.
The pretty caddy with blond hair is approaching the two of you with two small towels in hand. Had he been waiting outside the entire time?
Touya wonders if every move you’ve made has been calculated. Did you know for sure that he would finally fuck you today after keeping you waiting for so long? And to have your favorite toy waiting on hand to clean you up as well?
He takes the offered towel from Keigo but doesn’t offer a thanks. Touya wipes off the remnants of you off his cock, throwing the towel over his shoulder as he pulls his pants back up. His belt buckle clinks as he makes himself presentable.
“Can we stay and talk for a little Keigo?” you ask leisurely as the caddy places the towel over a wooden bench for you to sit on. You’re smoothing down your hair as you sit down, Keigo kneeling down on one knee to massage your calves. Your dress and heels still lay discarded as you appear to take your time getting ready to leave.
“Just for a little, okay? Hana is looking for you—“ Keigo informs you and laughs a little as you groan at the name. It seems he has the sense to not continue the sentence.
Touya is dressed, his pants not as wrinkled as he hoped they would be. Rei will probably take notice like she did last time but this time, he has enough clarity to give an answer that he knows his mother will not believe but does not have any backbone to question.
He supposes that he should go out there.
He’s got what he wanted anyway.
“See ya princess.”
“I’ll see you out there Touya.” You call to him just as he’s out the door.
Stopping by a restroom first, he puts himself in the privacy of a stall after locking the door. He retrieves the dime bag and admires the scaling of the cocaine inside the plastic. He fishes out a key from his wallet, using the tip of it dip into the bag. He inhales a sizable bump into each nostril, wiping his nose clean before flushing the toilet for the sake of seeming as if he had used the facilities.
He joins Natsuo and Fuyumi, the weed pen offered to him as well but he declines. Just a little further down, Shouto is with two boys that he seems to have made friends with. One of them is blond and huffing his chest while the other has hair the color of an evergreen tree and seems to be the mediator of whatever fuss is going on.
Touya leans back into his seat, just a touch more awake as he tastes the drip at the back of his throat.
It’s a relief when it’s finally time to leave.
Enji and Rei are side by side, she’s holding onto his arm for balance, teetering slightly to the right but is corrected by her husband as he helps her into the car. Shouto is waving his friends goodbye before going along to Fuyumi’s side. She asks him if she had fun and he answers yes. She is no longer high but Natsuo takes a small hit of the pen one last time to tolerate the car ride.
Touya is about ready to take his place inside the car when he hears his name. He looks back to see you walking towards him and he decides to walk to you so that none of his family eavesdrops.
“Thank you for seeing me today, I really enjoyed your company.” you speak with a bubbly lilt and your smile more pleasant than usual. Of course you’re happy—you and Touya finally fucked again.
“Thanks for having me.” Touya responds a little flatter than he intended to, just trying to keep his family off his tail so that they don’t ask questions.
“Text me later.”
It’s not framed as a hopeful question; you’re telling him to text you.
“I will.”
He means it.
No more ignoring or being coy, not anymore since you got what you wanted and Touya knows that he’s given up the power to you. It was nice to briefly wield it but he knows in the end that you are the one to hold all the cards and have things aligned with how you want them.
Touya avoids his father’s gaze as he gets into the car. He leans back into his seat at the very back of the car, crossing his arms over his chest and feeling the buzz of the coke starting to wind down. He chances looking back and you’ve hung around in your same spot, appearing to see him off.
The windows are tinted and he’s sure that you can’t see him through the glass but you wave anyway, as if knowing that he’s looking at you. He resists waving back.
And as the car starts, someone joins you. Wearing all black and with slightly unkempt white hair, Touya recognizes your foster brother. He’s only seen Tomura around a handful of times—unlike you that leaves a trail to be found, he���s a bit elusive.
The car starts to pull away, Touya watches from his seat as your foster brother leans down to you. One would think that he just leaned down to kiss your cheek but he swears that it was a kiss on the lips. It was hard to tell when enough distance had blurred the interaction.
Not that it matters to him anyway.
Later that night, Touya does as promised and he texts you. All the previous messages in his inbox from you were one sided but now he’ll be expected to reach out to you. Maybe you can meet him at a different place occasionally, take you for a ride in his white mustang or share a sorbet with you in the downtown area.
He knows that he will have to meet you more often at the country club though—it is where you work after all.
Touya hates the country club but he’s only ever gone to have a chance to see you.
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frogaroundandfindout · 5 months
Random highly specific dick grayson fanfics I’ve been craving
An exhausted 18/19 yr old Dick finding Jason trying to steal the wheels off of Nightbird (his car) and instead of reprimanding him he just launches into a really proud rant about his car and how much work he put into her and god kid you got a good eye for parts. I just replaced the tires with ones where the rubber self heals. And none of that commercial crap either, actual self healing rubber that could get a bullet shot through it and still close up a second later. Oh and did you notice the seats? Just polished the leather on em! Go on sit, sit! Comfy, huh? You wanna get a bite to eat? Cool. I think bat burger’s hero-meal comes with a bat-mobile toy. Not as cool as my lovely lady of course, but close enough. Jason is absolutely baffled. This is Nightwing? The one all those new gangs that moved from bludhaven decided facing was worse than fighting for territory in the narrows? Fleeing unsuccessfully might be add considering Nightwing’s presence in gotham. He was so…nice? In that weird slightly off putting way that most of the real good people he knows have.
Dick and Damian both longing for the days where it was just them: Batman and Robin. The best. Dick having a whole moment where he curls around nearly completed adoption papers and sobs because Damian was his. For a year Damian was his to protect, his to guide, his to love. But now they aren’t even in the same city and barely go on patrols together let alone have movie nights cuddled up on the couch (it’s only reasonable Richard. Penguins huddle to conserve body heat). And Damian in the manor staring blankly at his drawing of gotham that Bruce hung up in his office. He didn’t make it for him. He made it for Richard. But what was he supposed to do when Father saw a piece dedicated to “dad” while Damian was flipping through his sketchbook? Tell him it was actually for his oldest son instead of him? Tell him that sometimes Damian wishes bruce never came back so that Richard didn’t have step back from them?
Dick who cooks tons of different cultural dishes within the same meal (like rice and curry served at the same time as sushi and fried plantains) and when questioned about it he’s just like ???? That’s what my mom used to do??? We lived in so many different places it felt weird limiting our food to one culture per meal.
Dick being like Garfield Logan’s big brother long before Jason comes into the mix. Gar frequently turning into a baby elephant just because it makes dick coo over him more than any form. Even a kitten!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 3 months
As far as public bathrooms go, the one at Ocean’s Edge isn’t all that bad for throwing yourself a pity party in.
The sinks are all sleek and modern-looking, with gold faucets and polished stone basins. Large oval mirrors hang above them, and—true to the club’s name—little neon fish swim all over the navy-blue walls. [Speakers somewhere in the ceiling play the lulling sounds of waves rolling against the shore.] There’s even an air freshener plugged into the corner that puffs out coconut-scented mist every ten minutes[, so that you can truly feel like you’re in a tropical paradise while throwing up from however many drinks it takes to make you forget about a shitty day.]
The black stall isn’t exactly roomy, but Morisuke has just enough space to stretch out his legs while he perches on the edge of the toilet, chewing his bottom lip as he stares at his phone. The screen is bright in the bathroom’s dim lighting and draws all of Morisuke’s attention like a moth to a flame. 
Please, reads the last message. It had been two weeks since then. Kuroo, talk to me. What did I do?
Kuroo never responded. Rereading the conversation makes Morisuke feel like he’s dragging the claw of a hammer across his heart, but he keeps scrolling farther and farther back. 
Let’s end it, Kuroo had written. This didn’t really mean anything, after all. I have better things I could do with my time.
Six months. Six fucking months, and none of it meant anything, apparently. Not the late nights they stayed up to make fun of inaccurate sci-fi series, or the times they met early at the cafe for breakfast because it was their only chance to get together for the day. Not even the time Kuroo opened up about his mother, his gaze distant, and Morisuke had held his hand to anchor him to what was real and here and whole. He still remembers that soft smile Kuroo had given him after, the way they'd curled up on the couch like two puzzle pieces slotting together. Morisuke had offered him tea, hot chocolate, whatever he needed. Kuroo just laughed and kissed his temple.
All I need is you, he had said. You're perfect, Yakkun. i couldn't ask for anything more.
And then not even a week later, Morisuke was getting dumped over text.
"Stupid," he says out loud now. “Dumbass. Idiot. Why the fuck did I ever fall for him?”
The bathroom door creaks open, letting noise from the club spill in, but Morisuke doesn’t pay it any mind until he hears a familiar voice calling out his name. 
“Morisuke? Are you here?”
“No,” Morisuke grumbles. His voice echoes off the bathroom walls. “Go away.”
“You made me promise to stop you before you do anything stupid.” Footsteps fall closer until they pause right outside Morisuke’s stall. Damn Sugawara Koushi and his unwavering loyalty—he’d probably break in if he had to. “Are you planning on doing anything stupid?”
Morisuke unlocks the stall door and lets it swing open. He glares at Koushi, who just smiles back at him. It’s a hot summer night and they’d been surrounded by heated bodies on the dance floor, but Koushi still looks totally put together. Meanwhile, Morisuke is sweating through his socks and the back of his neck feels way too warm.
So, yeah, he’d needed a break. It’s not like he came to the restroom just to feel sorry for himself. 
“You had me worried,” Koushi says. “The last time I saw you, you were downing your seventh shot. And that was after the two drinks you already had.”
Was it really? Morisuke hadn’t been keeping track. He’d just asked for something strong. And again. And again. And then for one more, perhaps two or three times. Maybe five. 
Whatever. Morisuke is feeling perfectly fine. His head is a little foggy, sure, but he’s fine. He can totally think this through. 
“I wanna text him.”
Koushi makes a choked sound. “Oh, no. You are very drunk, aren’t you?”
“I’m not.” Morisuke frowns at his phone. “He never told me why. I want to know that much, at least.”
The door to the stall next to Morisuke’s flies open with a bang, and he and Koushi jump. A body wedges itself between them: tall and broad-shouldered, with artfully-tousled chestnut hair, glasses framing brown-sugar eyes, and a jawline that could cut through steel. Hot, but not Morisuke’s type.
Kuroo had been Morisuke’s type.
-- an excerpt from don't text your ex, a kuroyaku exes-to-lovers fic where yaku gets unsolicited advice from a stranger in the club bathroom
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
hi bestie do u have any ff writing advice ?? ur flow and imagery and STYLE is so so good i love it. how do u come up with such good ideas??
hi ! first of all thank you SOOOOOO much that means sm to me it genuinely makes me so happy to know that you enjoy my writing. !!
speaking of writing..it took me a while to figure out a system i was comfortable with. i'm a little all over the place in general and that translates a lot in my drafts ESPECIALLY LMFAOO if you caught one glance at my drafts it's mostly just a prompt of a few sentences and w spelling mistakes in every word cus i write them down so fast so as not to forget them LMFAOOO. but it really works for me !
i know a lot of people say it but it really works, literally just write ! it doesn't have to come out as a full beautifully crafted piece immediately, just write down anything you can and polish it up all you want later ! forcing inspiration to come to you almost always has the opposite effect, for me anyways !
for flow, i think i like to mostly write dialogue between characters out first and then write my descriptions and actions around that ! i always get more excited about writing dialogue more than descriptions (not that those can't be fun ofc !)
oh , this might help for imagery ! and idk if you've noticed but the structure of a lot of my writing is heavily based on animes and manga. like the set ups and punchlines. (massive nerd ik) like if you read some of my one shot's like this one, this one (probably one of my fav fics i've done btw) or my first born series FBRC, (especially this part) (this part was actually the one i was most excited to write, and it's heavily based off of kobayashi's dragon maid's actual good and not weird moments and soundtrack, listening to music also helps me out a lot too!)
i try to model my speech to what i think an anime episode of the scenario i thought about would look like. visualizing my writing helps me write a lot as well, if that helps ! a little fun fact for you, fujimoto's writing has influenced a lot of the way i describe situations in fics, since i really like the sorta 'childish' descriptions over super fancy ones (cus i can't write those, but i don't really like them veerry much, but a lot of them are enjoyable to read!!) i find it very endearing and it's one of the reasons why i enjoy writing childhood friends to lovers so much. it's this sorta simplistic level of thinkin that kids have if that makes sense and it works out really well if you wanna write fluffy pieces if that makes sense
some examples ! :
"he drags you around a little too hard but it's to show you something he knows you'd like and you repay him by being patient with him and letting him drag you around to his hearts content. he let’s you use the crayons he’d just denied another classmate seconds ago and when it’s really early in the morning and you’re still sleepy unlike your more energetic friend, he waits for you. sitting with you in the reading corner quietly commenting on a little bit of everything in the book you’re sharing until you’re awake enough to start the day because katsuki wanted you to be together through anything no matter what, starting the day without you was simply unimaginable."
"despite his quieter presence he always seemed to stand out to you. his bag is big enough to carry everything he needs without having to shove anything inside or leaving it half opened. he wipes his mouth with a tissue after he's done eating his lunch alone and his handwriting is pretty. his lashes are long and he's pretty."
"you hated it when people said that because the shoto you knew wasn't like that. he knew people talked about him and he hated being associated with his father. he likes the caramel you sneak in for him at school and you like the way his eyes light up when he guesses the flavour of fruit candies you make him taste. the shoto you know that ties your shoes for you and shares his umbrella with you, the one who half heartedly stomps into wet puddles with you, the one with the pretty lashes and pretty smile and pretty handwriting isn't like that."
there are a lot of other examples (im OBSESSED with this trope can you tell.) i like these sorts of simplistic childish ways of love. tiny little specks of affection that make the heart so much fonder in such little big ways..if that makes sense :>
i dunno if im just very..special, but since i have a lot of oc's and scenarios constantly flowing in my brain, most of my ideas just tend to be what i dreamed about the night before, or what i daydreamed about LMAOO. even random things that happened to me at school sorta go from "oh it would be funny if this happened to [insert character]" and then they snowball into more and more thorough ideas !
and of course as cheesy as it is the most important part is to have fun ! i cannot stress enough how important it is to be in the mindset when you're writing. it's like when people say to force yourself to draw so you don't 'lose it.' and i do think it can work to jog inspiration, but i believe that as long as you enjoy it, you'll never truly lose it. so i say, write when you feel like it and don't write if you don't, it can truly be very draining. but it's all up to what feels better for you !
anyways, i hope my insane ramblings helped you out a little bit, and have fun writing !!
much luv xxx
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darkhymns-fic · 5 months
Switching shifts (wip)
Husk rapped his knuckles on Alastor’s door, which finally made it give up on its intended purpose and fell flat on the ground with a giant thud.
“Welcome home!” Niffty popped right out from between the sofa cushions, lint and quarters clutched in both hands. “Oops, hehe. Sorry. I'm so used to the boss making an entrance.” She blinked, staring at him with interest. “Ooo, whatcha got there?”
“Chicken noodle soup,” Husk said through a mouthful. He brought the bowl to his mouth to take one last big slurp, sighing in satisfaction after. Then he tossed it to the side to have it land in the kitchen sink. “So is he up yet?”
“Nope! He’s still sleeping and muttering under his breath!” Niffty clutched more lint in her hands. “I’m gonna leave all of these underneath his pillow.”
Husk wasn’t even sure if this was a thing that Alastor would like, but he wasn’t about to protest. The room was still fairly neat, if the floors looked a little too polished from Niffty’s obsessive cleaning. But the bookshelves had also been repaired, even if the books were placed haphazardly, and the grotesque animal skulls were back serving as assortments of centerpieces over the mantle.
He saw that even Alastor’s chair had been repaired–or as well as it could be. It looked like Niffty had gotten every piece together and arranged it like a puzzle, threading it all together with stitches so that it resembled a monstrous version of an armchair, with stuffing still coming out of the leather, and the seat cushion embedded with sharp wood pieces like it was some sort of torture device.
“Oh yeah, I fixed it!” Niffty proclaimed once she saw where Husk looked. “Good as new! Just don’t ever sit on it, I had to use roach parts to glue some stuff together.”
“Geez, Niff, ya didn’t have to go all out,” he said. She must have worked on it all morning, even if it was functionally useless. “You just had to watch the guy.”
“I did! I watched him all morning!” She smiled very wide, the pupil in her eye shrinking to a miniscule dot. “I watched him sleep…I watched him dream…”
Husk waited, but Niffty just stared out into the distance, her gaze clouded with nostalgia. “Uh–”
“But that got very boring, so I did some extra cleaning! I vacuumed and dusted, got the laundry started, hand scrubbed the toilet and and only fell in it once, and am now going to go to the market to get my dear Sir’s favorite venison to put in the oven. That means I’m a keeper, right?” She breathed a little hard, then rushed over to Husk to grab at his arms and shake them. “Right?! Right?!”
“Y-yes, you are! Any guy would be lucky to have ya.” Husk never ventured just what exactly entailed Niffty’s past, but he’d known a few housewives in his living days who…got into their role a bit too much. “If you wanna go shopping now, I can take over babysitting duties. And nothing happened at all?”
“Nothing!” Niffty nodded vigorously. “He screamed a few times in his sleep, but that’s normal.”
“Ugh, I know…” He scratched his head, looking toward the half-open bedroom door. He ignored the trepidation in his chest, the soft discomfort that had gone hand in hand in his life so often. 
So before he could go back on his word, he twirled around Niffty in his arms, taking her hand delicately in his as she giggled from the motion. Some quick steps over the carpet and the various bug traps he now saw spread around, another little twirl to distract Niffty and…
The girl was now standing out in the hallway, blankly staring at Husk who grinned down at her. Realization took hold about a few seconds later.
“Aw, you danced me out of the room!” She folded her arms, pouting. “You’re too good at that.”
“When I’m good, I’m good. ‘Sides, you wanted to go shopping anyway. So hurry and get a move on.” He gave a short wave, stepping over the broken door. “We’ll fix this later, or whatever.”
“Oh yeah, I have a chore!” Niffty bounced on her tiptoes, then quickly made a mad dash down the hallway. “Chooooores!”
It was only when he couldn’t hear her excited yelling anymore that Husk let his grin fall. He gave another look around Alastor’s room, the writing table to the back wall, and the phonograph off in the corner, both somehow having escaped last night’s carnage. He didn’t see the open vintage he and Alastor had shared before, probably broken to hell, or drunk dry by whoever held his boss’ leash.
It was routine for Husk to head for the bedroom.
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undoing-anobrains · 1 year
you bring me home
part six
series masterlist
wc- 3.6K
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They always seem to find each other in the moonlight. As if there's something instinctual and magnetic awoken in them once the pearlescent matter rises in the distance and the sun disappears from sight leaving an explosion of colour in its aftermath. In the dusk Matty can't resist the pull Caroline has over him - he treasures the stolen moments they share in the dim light.
Caroline had been trying to make the time to listen to the boys' latest album in its entirety without being interrupted but she was struggling. She'd heard the singles in the lead up as they were released and she was confident she knew the majority of the other tracks as well just from sharing the studio space with them for the past few weeks but she hadn't yet gotten the opportunity to listen to the final product.
She was the type of person who needed complete silence and darkness to properly absorb music, at least for the first listen, but she also felt rather embarrassed playing it around the boys. There was no reason for her to be because there was absolutely no shame in acknowledging her brother and her friends' talent and she would fully admit to being a fan but they had never witnessed her reactions to their music before. Even if he was her brother, she figured George would have been slightly concerned if he'd seen her reaction to 'I always wanna die (sometimes)' two years ago. The point being their music was a cathartic release for her but she didn't want her initial thoughts to be under the magnifying glass of half the band.
On a random Tuesday evening though her efforts were once again delayed because of Matty's arrival in her room. Lately he'd been turning up at her door earlier and earlier, sometimes to talk, sometimes just to content to linger in silence to be close to Caroline as she browsed journal articles. His head typically ended up on her shoulder and more often than not she found him following them as well. It was rather amusing when he'd ask her at the end 'what the fuck does hypofractionation mean?' and 'I don't know how you read this with a straight face love' when she was reviewing data on the acute side effects a potential breakthrough drug had on gut function.
This time though he was flicking through her belongings absent-mindedly until his fingers danced over the black bottle of nail varnish she kept on the wooden dresser alongside her makeup. Seconds later Matty was eagerly asking her if she'd do his nails and Caroline obliged because she'd never been able to say no to Matty. Not when she should have and certainly not now.
The nail polish let out loud clinks as they hit against each other inside the clear container she stored them in. Caroline placed it gently on her bed in between her and Matty. The potent smell of chemicals intensified as she slowly twirled the lid around until the bottle of black nail varnish was fully open. Taking Matty's hand in hers sent her spiralling. Her fingers brushed against Matty's constantly these days but neither of them had ever dared to be more intimate with it.
Honestly it was kind of insane that she was this receptive to the simple action of holding his band, a seemingly innocuous touch but it ignited an unexpected spark within her. The sensation, so subtle yet electrifying, sent a quiver through her fingertips and settled like a whispering secret in her chest. If only her seventeen year old self could see her now.
Their hands fit together like pieces of a puzzle, as if they were always meant to be intertwined in this way. She could feel the warmth of his palm against hers, a connection that spoke of unspoken understanding and a burgeoning affection. Her breath caught in her throat, a subtle shiver racing up her spine. Holding Matty's hand, her own artistically inclined fingers seemed to tremble with the touch, as if his warmth had triggered a symphony of sensations within her.
Her gaze flickered up from the task at hand, meeting Matty's eyes. His lips curled into a knowing smirk, a spark of playful mischief dancing in his gaze. He was aware – oh, he was all too aware – of the unsteady flutter that had taken residence in her chest.
"Steady there, Caro," his voice, a velvet caress, danced upon the air. "You make it seem like holding my hand is a monumental task."
Caroline's cheeks flushed, a rosy hue that mirrored the delicate patter of her heartbeat. "It's not that," she murmured, her voice betraying her flustered state. "It's just... I didn't expect..."
Matty's grin widened, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Didn't expect that holding my hand would send your heart into a frenzy?"
A soft huff of laughter escaped her, a mixture of embarrassment and fond exasperation. "Oh, fuck off, dickhead. It's not like I'm accustomed to... well, this."
His fingers curled gently around hers, a reassurance that echoed far beyond the playful banter. "I'm just messing with you. You're doing great, love."
She met his gaze again, a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude painting her features. "You know, you really have a way of making the simplest things feel... significant."
Matty's smile softened, his thumb brushing across her knuckles in a gesture that spoke volumes. "Maybe it's the significance we assign to them that matters most."
Caroline's breath caught at his words, the air between them thick with unspoken sentiments. "You're so pretentious, but I suppose you're right," she replied softly, her voice carrying the weight of a newfound understanding. "We have a way of infusing meaning into the smallest moments, turning them into something memorable."
Matty's gaze remained fixed on her. "It's like painting a canvas," he mused, his voice carrying a hint of wonder. "A single brushstroke can change the entire tone of a piece. And sometimes, the most unassuming strokes create the most profound beauty."
It never failed to astound Caroline how Matty could romanticise the smallest actions with words that would leave the poets weeping. Just one stroke could completely alter an artwork - just like one moment could forever change two people after years of build-up.
Cautiously she continued to flick the colour across each individual nail with as exact precision she could manage with ever so slightly trembling hands. Caroline could feel herself biting the inside of her cheek as she examined every little stroke ensuring it was as perfect as possible. Even though Caroline's hands were shaky they were nothing compared to Matty's. He could never stay still which made it way harder not to smudge the first coat of black polish. She repeated the process with each nail once they were dry before giving Matty a pointed look "Don't move them for the next ten minutes," and at the incredulous one he sent her in return she sighed "you'll fuck them up if you don't let it dry first and then they'll look like shit."
To her surprise Matty seemed to actually concentrate on keeping them still after that so Caroline asked something which had been playing on her mind recently in as casual a tone as she could manage "So, have you guys been planning any post-album release celebrations?"
Matty's eyes held a playful glint as he leaned back a little, clearly welcoming the diversion from the drying nail polish. "Yeah actually, it's been a weird one to figure out but when the rules lighten up a bit next week Ross, Hann and Carly are going to come out here for the night" he replied with a nonchalant shrug. "it's just going to be a chill little party with the boys, it's kind of weird you know - this is the longest we've ever been apart and I genuinely think if I hadn't had George here I would've gone mental."
“I get it," Caroline nodded "you lot are genuinely like brothers. It must have been really hard to be apart from them for this long. But the party's a good shout, we all need it."
Caroline was actually thrilled to hear the other half of the band were going to be joining them next week. Adam had been one of her closest friends for years now but she hadn't seen him or Ross in nearly a year now because of everything that had gone down and how busy work had been for her before that. The last time had been when they headlined Reading and she'd gone to support them.
“It has been," he nodded in agreement "but luckily I've had this really cool girl to keep me company."
"Oh yeah,? Caroline raised a brow "do tell me more."
"Well, this really cool girl happens to have an uncanny ability to make even the most mundane moments feel like an adventure. She's got this way of brightening up the room with just a smile, and her laughter is like music that you can't help but dance to. And even though she's got shit taste in wine I can't stop thinking about her."
Caroline was proud of how neutral she was able to keep her expression after the string of compliments, instead a playful smile tugged at the corners of her lips "sounds like quite the character. I bet she's a handful."
Matty's grin widened, his gaze locked onto hers. "Oh, you have no idea. She's a whirlwind of wit and charm, always keeping me on my toes. And seriously intelligent it's amazing - she's got this incredible depth to her, I've never met anyone like her."
Caroline felt a warm blush creeping up her cheeks, his words painting a picture she never quite saw in herself. "You're exaggerating, Matty."
He shook his head, the sincerity in his expression unwavering. "Not at all. You're one of a kind, Caro."
Their banter had taken on a more earnest tone, a subtle shift in the air that made their words feel weightier, more significant. As their gazes locked, a fleeting moment passed between them, an unspoken understanding that went beyond the playful façade.
"You're not so bad yourself, Healy," Caroline replied, her voice softer than before. "In fact, you're kind of growing on me."
Matty's laughter rang out, a warm and genuine sound that filled the space around them. "Growing on you, am I? If I recall correctly I think you're underselling it love."
Immediately deflecting, Caroline examined his nails which were luckily dry now so she could use it as an excuse "would you look at that," she remarked "my artistry is dry now so you can move again."
"Very convenient timing," he hummed with a small smirk "thanks love, I'll see you later."
He was infuriatingly pleased with himself for being able to rile her up and it showed with his giddy walk out of her room and smug expression. And Caroline was left with the realisation that she couldn't possibly deny that the feelings were reciprocated after that.
Their interactions had become charged with an unspoken tension, a magnetic pull that neither of them could resist. Caroline would catch herself openly blushing at the double entendres that slipped from Matty's lips, and she'd respond with a witty retort that left him grinning. Their playful back-and-forths were a testament to the growing fire that burned brighter between them with each passing day.
Late nights in the studio turned into stolen glances and lingering touches. Matty's fingers would brush against Caroline's as they shared a laugh, and the electricity that sparked between them was undeniable. Their conversations grew more intimate, delving into deeper topics as they shared their hopes, dreams, and fears. It was as if they had built a bridge between their worlds, allowing them to cross into each other's thoughts and feelings.
And then there were the stolen moments—those fleeting instances where their eyes would lock and time seemed to stand still. In those moments, they communicated without words, a silent exchange of emotions that left them both breathless. Yet, despite the undeniable chemistry that simmered between them, they both held back. It was as if they were standing on the edge of a precipice, gazing into the depths below, unsure of whether to take the plunge. Fear of crossing that line and risking their friendship held them back, even as their hearts yearned for something more.
But the tension was becoming too much to bear, the unspoken words hanging in the air like a melody waiting to be sung. As they sat in the studio one evening, the dim light casting shadows across their faces, it was as if the universe itself conspired to push them closer together. Matty's fingers brushed against Caroline's hand, his touch lingering longer than usual, and she looked up at him with a mixture of vulnerability and longing.
Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the world around them faded away. The unspoken words hung heavy between them, and it was as if they were teetering on the edge of a precipice once more. The uncharted territory of their feelings was both exhilarating and terrifying, and they could no longer ignore the undeniable truth that had been building between them.
Matty would strum a few chords on his guitar, his eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that made her heart race. He'd playfully croon a line or two, his voice low and seductive, leaving her momentarily breathless. Caroline, never one to back down from a challenge, would respond with a teasing smile, her voice laced with a hint of suggestion.
"Is this your way of serenading me, Healy?" she'd quip, her fingers tracing patterns on the edge of the mixing board.
Matty would chuckle, his eyes never leaving hers. "Maybe, Caro. Or maybe I just can't resist showing off for you."
Their playful exchanges were like a secret language, a way of communicating their growing feelings without the need for overt declarations. Matty's touches became more lingering, his fingers brushing against hers when passing her a cup of coffee or playfully tousling her hair. Caroline found herself leaning into his proximity, relishing the warmth of his presence and the electricity that crackled between them.
Nights spent in the studio became their haven, where they shared whispered confidences and private jokes that only they understood. Matty would strum his guitar while Caroline lounged on the couch, their eyes locking in a silent understanding that transcended words. And when the music faded, it was replaced by a charged silence, a moment permeating unspoken desires.
Their game of flirtation reached its pinnacle during a game night that Louis had organized. The atmosphere was relaxed, the laughter contagious as they played rounds of charades and board games. Matty's eyes seemed to follow Caroline's every move, his gaze lingering on her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.
During a particularly competitive round of Monopoly where they'd been secretly robbing money off of George all night, Matty leaned in close to her ear, his voice low and sultry. "I have a feeling we'd make a pretty good team in private too, Caro."
Caroline's breath caught, her heart racing as his words sent a rush of heat through her veins. She shot him a playful glance, her lips curling into a smirk. "Oh, is that right? Are you suggesting we team up for some private games?"
Matty's lips quirked up in a mischievous smile. "You have no idea what kind of games I have in mind, Caro."
Their eyes locked in a charged moment, the air between them thick with unspoken promises. And as the game night continued, their flirtation took on a new level of intensity, a dance of desire that left them both exhilarated and yearning for more.
In the midst of their playful banter and lingering touches, they both knew that the line between friendship and something more had blurred beyond recognition. The studio, once a place of music and creativity, had become a canvas for their emotions, a space where their hearts were laid bare through stolen glances and whispered words.
And as the days turned into nights, and the flirtation evolved into something deeper, they found themselves standing at the edge of something beautiful and unknown, on the precipice of crossing the boundary from friendship to romance. The studio's walls held the echoes of their laughter, their music, and the unspoken promise of what could be—a love story in the making, written in notes and lyrics, and sealed with stolen glances and tender moments.
Caroline's heart raced, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "Oh, is that so?" she replied, her voice a playful whisper. "Are you suggesting that we're becoming dangerously close?"
Matty's lips curved into a smug smile. "I wouldn't say dangerously," he countered, his tone dripping with flirtatious charm. "But definitely... intriguingly close."
Their banter was a dance of words, a playful exchange that carried with it a magnetic pull. With each passing day, their boundaries blurred, and what had started as friendly teasing began to hold a deeper resonance.
One evening, as they lounged in the living area of the studio, Caroline let out a contented sigh. "You know," she said softly, her gaze fixed on the flickering flames in the fireplace, "I never thought I'd find myself in a place like this."
Matty's gaze shifted to her, his expression curious. "What do you mean?"
Caroline turned to meet his eyes, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "I mean, in the company of someone who makes me feel... seen, appreciated. It's been a long time since I've felt this way."
Matty's fingers brushed against hers, a gentle touch that sent a shiver down her spine. "Caroline," he said softly, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity, "you deserve to be with someone who sees your worth and appreciates you for who you are."
Their eyes locked in a moment of quiet understanding, and Caroline felt her heart swell with a mixture of vulnerability and hope. In that instant, the flirtatious banter, the shared laughter, and the unspoken emotions came together to form a tapestry of connection that felt undeniably real. And as the future remained uncertain, one thing was clear: they were no longer just friends; they were two souls entwined in a journey of discovery, where each stolen glance and whispered word carried the promise of something more.
The studio held its secrets like a silent confidante, the walls witnesses to the clandestine dance between Matty and Caroline. Their newfound connection had blossomed into something they both yearned for, a tender and exhilarating romance that sent their hearts racing with each stolen moment.
It was a game of secrecy, of stolen glances across the room when they thought no one was looking. Matty's fingers brushed against Caroline's whenever they passed each other, a fleeting touch that left her skin tingling with anticipation. Their conversations were laced with double meanings, every innocent word carrying a hidden subtext that only they could decipher.
Late nights took on a new intensity. As Louis and George retired for the evening, Matty and Caroline found themselves alone, the world reduced to the confined space where music and emotions intertwined. They would sit side by side on the couch, their shoulders brushing against each other, as they whispered secrets that only the night could hear.
"I can't believe we're sneaking around like teenagers," Caroline would murmur with a soft laugh, her eyes locked onto the moonlight streaming through the window. Thinking of how she would have freaked if she'd known this was how things would end up with Matty all those years ago.
Matty's hand would find hers, their fingers entwining in a silent promise. "It's like our little secret," he'd reply, his voice a low, intimate whisper that sent shivers down her spine.
Caroline would often find herself perched on a stool, her eyes fixed on Matty as he played. The way his fingers moved across the strings held a hypnotic quality, as if the music was an extension of his soul. And when he looked up at her, the intensity in his gaze left her breathless, a silent acknowledgement of the unspoken connection between them.
They would steal kisses in the dimly lit corners of the studio, their lips meeting in stolen moments of tenderness and longing. Every touch was electrified, every glance a promise of what was to come. It was the result of what felt like a lifetime of yearning and restraint, a beautiful torture that neither of them wanted to end. Like the contents of a snow globe come to fruition and Caroline found it almost impossible to believe something so inherently beautiful and sacred could be hers, could be theirs - and only theirs.
taglist: @indierockgirrl
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amyispxnk · 11 months
Neon green
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Halloweeny drabbles with Joel Miller!
30/10- spooky nails
Summary: you and Joel paint your nails
A/N-Not insanely Halloweeny but this popped into my head and I just had to write it.
Joel Miller x f!reader (can maybe be read as gn)
Word count: 895
Warnings: pet names, fluff
You're sat at the dining table, foot propped up and an assortment of nail polish in front of you. You're trying your hardest to make cute Halloweeny designs on your nails with your new glow-in-the-dark colours, but it's proving to be very difficult.
You hear a low chuckle from the other side of the room as his keys drop in the little bowl on the table by the door, kicking his boots off and walking up to you.
"Now, what are you doin'?" He questioned, finding your positioning - head resting on your chin with your toes positioned between some strange separating device and one hand far away from you on the table as you painted with the other - incredibly amusing.
"I am painting my nails." You announced, holding your free hand up and showing it to him. "Look, I already did these - do you like them?"
He carefully held your hand and studied the nails for a moment, before humming a noise of approval.
"'s nice. I like the.. cat." He murmured, looking at your pointer finger's nail.
You frowned slightly. "It's supposed to be a witch." You replied, taking your hand away from him and looking at it yourself now. Okay, maybe it looked more like a cat. Somehow you messed up that badly.
"I thought the hands were good, so these are definitely worse." You gestured to your toes which were painted with slightly simpler designs, cobwebs and the such.
"No! No, they're good. Real nice sweetheart." He bent down and kissed you on the cheek, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear and out of your face before walking over to the kitchen to make some food for himself.
10 minutes later, you had finished your nails and mostly dried them, looking at them and trying to figure out if they looked okay.
"Joel?" You called for him, heavy footsteps sounding from above you as he came to the living room.
"What d'ya need?" He said as he rounded the corner of the couch to stand in front of you.
You showed your nails to him once again. "What's the verdict?"
"They're.. good. I can definitely tell that this one is a spider."
It was indeed a spider, so that was a good sign.
"I feel like I could've done better." You commented.
"Well, you can always try again some other time. I think they look great though." He said as he turned to leave - but an idea popped into your head and you grabbed his arm, forcing him down onto the couch a little roughly.
"Coulda just asked me to sit down." He coughed, sitting upright and looking at you.
"Sorry! Just- gimme a sec."
You hurried over to the kitchen where some of your nail polish still was, bringing it back with you and sitting down on the couch beside him, making his eyebrows raise even higher.
"Your nails are already painted."
"They are." You answered, unscrewing the cap to the neon green polish
"So what's the plan exactly?"
"I wanna paint your nails Joel. It'll be easier doing the designs on yours than mine."
His eyes bulged out of their sockets and you couldn't help but giggle slightly at the look on his face.
"Wha-at!" You laughed.
"But- I thought that, yknow, that's not exactly.. it's like a girl thing." He said, watching as you got the brush covered in varnish and held it above the bottle so it wouldn't drip on your table.
"'s not a girl thing, Joel. C'mon pleeeeaase let me paint your nails." He sighed, holding his hand out for you.
"The things I do for you."
"'cause you love me so much." You grinned, relishing in the victory and starting to paint his nail.
"Yeah you got me there." He murmured, watching as you painted his nails.
Joel had never done anything like this before, growing up surrounded by all the 'girls only do this and boys only do this and they can't swap it around' stereotypes, and a guy having his nails painted was very strange to him. He didn't find it weird, he had just simply never seen it before, and that's probably why he was so fixated on his nails as you worked, barely even noticing you were done until you were blowing on his nails and telling him to flap his hand around so it dried quicker.
"Well, what do you think? Any better than the first attempt?"
He was stretching his fingers, spreading them apart and turning his hand to get a view of each one.
"So nice, baby. You did a really good job." He praised, before turning to you.
"Maybe do the other one too?" He asked tentatively. "For more practice."
"Or you just realised you actually like having your nails painted but you're too shy to admit it..?" You exposed him as you took his other hand and began painting.
"Yeah, got me again." He chuckled softly.
When you finished and turned the lights off to make his nails glow in the dark, he actually gasped in awe at the sight of them, complimenting you again and saying how you'd improved so fast and how good they looked in the dark and how you should do this more often with him, warming your heart and your cheeks as he continued gushing about the nails.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open. 💞
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beautifulchris · 1 year
mischief managed
pairing: han jisung x gn!reader
wc: 3,2k
featuring: lee minho, kim seungmin, sf9’s chani, nct’s jaemin
summary: jisung tries to break every single rule with you
genres: hogwarts!au, partners-in-crime!au, ravenclaw!jisung, slytherin!reader, fluff, comedy
warnings: swearing
notes: I wanna apologize to jaemin for doing him so dirty, my baby doesn’t deserve this sdjkfqlk feedback is always appreciated! moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland
tag list: @badwithten @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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On the King’s Cross train station on your very first day, you almost missed the train because your dad absolutely wanted to take the best pic of his precious kid going to the mythic Hogwarts school. So you ended up in an almost empty compartment. The other compartments around were full and there was just this boy alone.
“Hey, can I sit here?” You probably startled him because he looked up at you with wild eyes but instantly smiled at your sight.
“Yeah, sure.”
“What are you doing all alone?” you asked as you sat in front of him.
He shrugged. “Looking at my chocolate frog cards collection.”
“Wow, nice. Can I see?”
He handed them to you, “Yes, of course. I’m Jisung by the way.”
“I’m Y/N.”
Since that day, you were inseparable and soon became partners-in-crime. Being put in different houses didn’t stop you.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿ฺ
After learning Alohomora in charms class, you wandered in the castle to find a forbidden office to open and what better one than the caretaker’s where a whole lot of interesting things were stored?
There, you found a few dungbombs that Jisung instantly took, confiscated brooms and chains. A lot of perfectly polished chains hung on the walls.
“I understand why he doesn’t stay here often,” you snorted and returned to your inspection. In a dusty cabinet named ‘Confiscated and Highly Dangerous’, you found an old piece of blank parchment. It was mysteriously well conserved taking into account where it was so you put it in your pocket. Further inspection will be done to know how a simple parchment could be ‘highly dangerous’.
“I’m kinda disappointed. Sure we’ll use the dungbombs wisely but I thought there were more interesting treasures.”
“Don’t be so down yet Ji, I found a mystery to resolve. Let’s go before we get caught.”
Fortunately, you didn’t get caught. You both went to your common room, being a quiet place with almost no students at this hour. You showed Jisung the parchment and counted on his intelligence and logic to figure out how it worked. After a few minutes, he looked up at you and smirked.
“I feel like it’s in good hands now.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Instead of answering, he put his wand out of his pocket and pointed it to the parchment.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” he simply said. You were going to question him when the parchment caught your eye. Ink was spreading on the paper and soon you could read:
“Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present…”
“The Marauder’s Map,” Jisung whispered with stars in his eyes.
“What is this? Open it!”
Jisung did as told and both of you were dumbfounded by what you discovered. A map of the whole school, including the secret passages that are hidden within its walls and the location of every person in the grounds, portrayed by a dot. This map, a true masterpiece, within your hands was a disaster for everyone else.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿ฺ
Three years later, you knew everything you could possibly have learned about the school. Neither Ravenclaw or Slytherin could win the house cup as long as you both were in Hogwarts. No matter the amount of effort Seungmin, Changbin and Minho would make to earn points, they could never make up for your wickedness. You did earn points sometimes in classes when you answered correctly to a teacher’s question and you weren’t the only one to lose points either so you didn’t feel so bad. You did lose more points than you earned but shhh. Let's not talk about that.
One day, on your way to the lake after lunch, Gryffindor Jaemin called your name so you stopped in your tracks and waited for him to join you.
“Hey, Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to study with me after class? For transfiguration.”
Uh. Jaemin has never been your friend and the most he ever said to you before now was “Get out of my way, filthy Slytherin.” the second day of your first year. Therefore you were startled, to say the least. Plus you wanted to study with Jisung, not some acquaintance you never talked to and weren’t interested in.
“Not really, I already have plans for tonight. Thank you for the offer though.”
You tried to sound as nice as you could but without much convection and left before he could reply. A few meters away, Jisung saw the whole scene and wondered what you had told him because he looked displeased. He joined you and you smiled at him before intertwining fingers.
The next day, Jisung and you were sunbathing with a nice autumn breeze on a bench in the courtyard when someone came in front of you, preventing the sun from warming your face. You opened your eyes and were met with Jaemin and a few of his friends.
“Can you move please?” you politely demanded, since you didn’t want to start anything.
“Are you dating him?” he asked, pointing at your best friend.
“Then why did you reject my date proposal?”
Oh my god. Really? You were going to put him in place but Jisung’s mocking laugh stopped you.
“Really dude? You want to do this here?”
“I don’t think you’re in the conversation.” Jaemin’s glare didn’t please you.
“Should’ve asked to talk to Y/N in person then instead of creating unnecessary drama.”
Jaemin looked like he was going to throw hands so you spoke before it went too far.
“Guys, let’s stay civil here. I rejected you cause I’m not interested in you, there's no other motive. Now can you let us be?” His friends laughed at him and you could swear you heard one of them say something about a bet.
“Wait, asking Y/N out on a date was a bet?”
“And what about it?” Jaemin said cockily. Jisung was fuming and you were disgusted by the boy.
“Can’t you respect people? No one deserves to be a bet’s victim. You guys suck.”
He scoffed. “I’m sure you’re the type of guy who hides when it comes to fight.”
“Try me.” You knew by his glare that he wasn’t playing anymore. Jaemin was smirking but not for long.
“Let’s duel.”
Jisung was so fast to put his wand out, it surprised Jaemin. You tried to stop them but it was useless because their pride was at stake.
Before you could blink, Jaemin ended up mouthless and you heard a woman screaming but you didn’t listen, being amazed by the spell’s effect. Jisung took your hand and ran through the corridors, hearing the professor yelling she would remove twenty points from his house.
You managed to catch your breath while Jisung was answering an easy riddle —for him— to enter the Ravenclaw common room.
“I can’t believe you really did it.”
“He challenged me! You know I can’t say no to that,” Jisung sighed.
“I know. That was brilliant, by the way.” You sat on one of the comfortable chairs like you lived there —it wasn’t totally false— and you were followed by your partner-in-crime.
“Thanks! I practiced this one a lot, I couldn’t wait to use it for real.”
“I hope you didn’t do anything foolish,” said a voice behind you.
“Oh, Seungmin! I didn’t see you there.” Jisung turned around and smiled. Seungmin was reading a book in a blue armchair. He closed it and gave his attention to his friends. “I hope you’re not hoping too hard.”
“How much?”
“What do you mean?” Jisung’s innocent act didn’t work since the second time he used it but he was still trying three years later.
“Twenty,” you answered. Seungmin gave Jisung a look and he shrugged.
“It was fun and I don’t regret it.” He folded his arms and pouted like a grounded kid.
“Of course you don’t,” Seungmin loudly exhaled.
“You’ll make it up for it, won’t you?”
Seungmin sighed deeply. He felt like he had to work twice as hard to win back the points Jisung made their house lose but it was never enough. “I always do, but don’t you think you should calm down a bit?”
“Absolutely not. There’s still a lot of rules Y/N and I haven't broken yet, so many adventures and exciting moments to live.” Jisung smiled widely at you while Seungmin implored you with his eyes to stop him. Your gaze went from one to another without really knowing what to say and before you could, someone sat next to Jisung and typed on the table.
“What mischief are you going to commit today pals?” It was Chani, one of the chasers of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and a fellow 4th year.
“Hey Chani! Already done, Jaemin asked for a duel and I used Oscausi on him.”
“Oh I don’t know th-” Chani started.
“OSCAUSI? Jisung, are you crazy?” Seungmin got up so fast he startled everyone, including others around him.
“Don’t worry, he got his mouth back,” Jisung waved his hand with indifference, Jaemin deserved it after all. “Eventually.”
“You’re going to be the death of me, really.” Jisung and Chani just laughed at that and Jaemin unofficially became your target for a lot of future mischief.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“I haven’t lost any points in days, maybe I should start to pay attention in arithmancy class.”
It was this time of the year where the air was so cold you just stayed in your or Jisung’s common room and studied to prevent boredom.
Jisung pulled his robe hood over his head and gently slapped you in the back of the head. “Transfigure this quill into a rat and put it onto Jaemin’s head.”
“I mean, yeah, that’s a funnier idea.”
You lost ten points for it but you found it so fun you were back on track until the next cold day.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
You always loved the Ravenclaw common room. You didn’t dislike the Slytherin one, but it was cold and unfriendly when you weren’t a Slytherin yourself. Plus you loved warm places. What you liked the most about the Ravenclaw common room was the domed ceiling painted with stars. You could literally watch it for hours until having to go to your own dorm to sleep. If you weren’t friends with Jisung, you probably would never have been able to lose yourself in the stars because you weren’t that close with Seungmin or Chani and you didn’t really know any other Ravenclaws.
You were currently lying down on one of the couches, your head on Jisung’s lap, helping each other revise (yes, it happens!) for the history of magic test about the goblin rebellions you would have the next day, more concentrated on the stars than the subject. It was calming and it helped you stress less about the tests.
“Where’s Muffin?” you asked out of nowhere.
It made Jisung flinch but when didn't he? Just like she knew her name, she appeared next to you, purring loudly. You put her on your belly and patted her head lovingly.
“Don’t forget she’s my cat,” whined Jisung as he closed his book and put it on the coffee table next to the couch.
You smirked. “Don’t be jealous cause she loves me more.”
The elegant Siberian cat got up and rubbed herself against your best friend’s chest, waving her tail on your face.
“You were saying?”
You rolled your eyes and opened your transfiguration book which was on the floor. It was going to be a long night and you’ll probably have to go back to your dorm after curfew. Bless the marauder’s map in those moments.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
The Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was coming up and Jisung had to practice more than usual as the seeker. He was going to play against Changbin after all. They both were really good so you wondered who would win the match. Gryffindor had won the first match against Slytherin and Ravenclaw won the one against Hufflepuff thanks to Jisung’s agility and speed.
You always followed Jisung at his training, it was the only moments he wasn’t trying to break the rules. He was pretty serious about Quidditch actually, even if after each training since your 3rd year, you went to drink a mug of butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks with Chani. It was like tradition.
The day of the match, you cheered on your team and your friends, so basically both teams. The competitive mindset of the two seekers could be felt from afar, everybody knew the match was going to be intense. At the end, the score was 350-200 for Slytherin, because Yugyeom, one of the Slytherin beaters, sent a bludger on Jisung’s broom, causing him to spin around and allowing Changbin to catch the golden snitch. It was a good game and Jisung didn’t fall so it was a double win.
Of course you would say that cause you're a Slytherin.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
Ravenclaws shared the defence against the dark arts class with Slytherins so, naturally, Jisung and you were seated together.
“Hello everyone! Today’s lesson is about acromentulas.” As the professor proceeded with his lecture, you felt your strong partner-in-crime shiver in his seat. You looked at him and were surprised by how much he looked terrified of acromentulas, not that you could blame him, these giant spiders were scary as hell.
“You okay there, bro?” He didn’t answer and was so pale you thought he was going to faint. You tried to comfort him but he was frozen.
The professor, not giving a care about what was happening in front of his face, decided to show some photos of acromentulas and as if it didn’t trigger Jisung enough, he eventually showed a real one in a big cage. From what you’ve seen in your books, it was nearly a teen so it wasn’t that big compared to his adult size but it was still big enough to scare the hell out of Jisung. He literally fell off his chair and the sound made the professor pay attention.
“Jisung? What happened?”
“He’s really scared of acromentulas, sir. Can you please put it away?”
“Oh. Yes, of course.”
While the professor finally put it away, you helped Jisung sit back.
“You okay?”
“Not really. That shit’s so grim.”
“I know, take deep breaths. It’s gone, everything’s alright.”
His breathing was unsteady for a few moments but he quickly got his composure back.
“I’m sorry Jisung, didn’t mean to frighten you. Class’ dismissed. Except you, Jisung.”
Everyone left except Seungmin, who checked on his friend, Jisung and you.
The professor went to his office and came back with chocolate.
“Here, eat this, you’ll feel better. I didn’t know it was this horrifying for you.”
He accepted the chocolate and ate it slowly. “It’s okay, you couldn’t know. Arachnophobia isn’t cool.”
“I won’t show any spider in this class from now on, I promise.”
“Thank you sir.”
“You can go now, drink water and rest.”
As you left class, Jisung whispered in your ear. “I don’t need water, I need a good butterbeer.”
You both chuckled and, after saying bye to Seungmin who certainly left to go to the library to do his homework, went to the Three Broomsticks using the secret passage beneath the one-eyed statue by the stairs of your last class to drink one or two mugs of butterbeer.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
Two months before the end of the year, Jisung had the baddest yet boldest idea so far. It was remarkable how he never failed to impress you.
“I’m going to use this potion on Jaemin, he’ll definitely leave you alone after that.”
“He left me alone after I put a rat onto his head but suit yourself, bro.”
You were hiding behind stairs on the third floor, waiting for Jaemin to walk down. Jisung was holding his flask tight in his hand. When you heard people talking, you discreetly looked up and saw Jaemin. Jisung didn’t hesitate and before you could react, his flask was emptied on Jaemin’s head. His hair slowly stood on end but it wasn’t all, it also turned into candy apple red. He somehow added Colovaria to the hair-rising potion and you were about to congratulate him when you got a glimpse of Minho upstairs.
Jaemin left, horrified, to the nearest bathroom to see the damage while Minho was casually walking down the stairs. Jisung lost his smile when he saw him and swallowed hard. Once arrived at your height, he opened his mouth.
“Rules are put in place to prevent hundreds of magically gifted hormonal hazards from accidentally turning themselves into sharks or losing an eye, or provoking the wrath of a giant spider, or blowing themselves up, or whatever. But here you are, trying to break every single one of them.” You almost felt relieved he didn’t scream at you.
“Look, I’m stupid, okay? And stupid people do stupid things. That’s a fact.”
You could have laughed at his excuse if Minho wasn’t staring at both of you like he was about to end you. He wasn’t generally scary but he was a prefect so when you did something wrong… well, let’s say you better not be seen by him.
“Do you use this lame excuse every time you do shit?”
“My other excuse is that it was Y/N’s idea but no one buys it.”
You looked at him in disbelief. Of course no one bought it, you were more like his sidekick than the mastermind.
“Not surprising. Anyway, fifteen points from Ravenclaw. I would have taken twenty but adding a transfiguration spell to a potion was really clever.”
He asked Jisung for a favor, talking privately in the nearest classroom for a few minutes. Then Minho left and Jisung came back to you with a big smile and you high-fived him. The Marauders Map usually prevented incidents like this and he wasn’t near this place when you last checked the Map. Minho literally came out of nowhere.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
On a fine and warm day, as Jisung and you successfully pranked Jaemin for the umpteenth time that year, he turned to you still laughing.
“You know what’s the strength of a duet? It’s to be two.”
“Thank you for your encouraging words. I now know you need me,” you winked.
The laughter slowly died down and the atmosphere became somehow serious. He sat on a bench and you joined him.
“Are you kidding? I’ll always need you.”
“Always? Sounds like a really long time,” you chuckled, more to tease him and put aside the fact that you need him just as much.
“Just wishing we’ll stay together forever,” he blurted out, his eyes concentrating on his shoes.
“You’re sweet. I would love that too.”
He lifted his head and looked you in the eye.
“Really? No need for the Imperius Curse then?” You blinked a few times, about to smack him when he smiled wildly. “Just kidding, I would never.”
“Anyway, go train for the match against Gryffindor, wouldn’t want Mark to catch the snitch before you, would you?”
“Won’t happen.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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sonicboomseason3 · 4 months
Amy + Shadow + Eggman.
(idk, i'm just trying to make it as random as i can)
ask game: send me AT LEAST 3 emojis (the more random the better) and AT LEAST 2 characters from sonic boom and i’ll come up with a little drabble in response!
"It's a beautiful night tonight," Amy remarks as she briefly looks up and out her window. "There's even a full moon out. Should we go out stargazing after this?"
"What? You promised we'd play Fuzzy Puppies!" Eggman's voice comes out in a borderline whine. "I didn't cancel my plans to attack the village tonight just to look at some stupid stars, you know."
"They're not stupid," Amy protests. "And we can do both! We can just set the game up outside."
"Okay, fair. As long as the wind doesn't blow the pieces away, I'm game."
Amy nods and resumes what she was doing before: painting Eggman's nails red and yellow, alternating colors between each finger. The two of them scheduled this hangout a few days ago to celebrate the release of the new Fuzzy Puppies figurine, Chunky Chihuahua. Despite how highly coveted it was and still is, Amy somehow got her hands on it on the first day through means that Eggman is desperate to uncover when they play later. That's really the only reason he agreed to be here tonight. That, along with his belief in the importance of nail care.
He wasn't really aware that Shadow would also be here until he ran into him in front of Amy's door earlier, though he certainly isn't complaining about the additional company.
He turns his head to acknowledge the third person in the room. "What about you, Shadow? Do you wanna be Fuzzy Puppy buddies with us?"
Shadow is lying on his back on Amy's other couch, his hands folded across his chest in relaxation. Between his facial mask and the two slices of cucumbers on top of his eyes, his expression is even more difficult to read than usual. Thankfully, for what his countenance lacks in clarity, his words more than make up for it. "I'd rather be mauled by real dogs."
"Oh come on, it's real fun. Don't let the name fool you, it's a legitimate game that centers around strategy, cunning, and aggression—"
"I know what the game entails, you buffoon. Dave keeps talking about it and trying to get me to join him. My answer to you is the same one as the one I always give him. Unless they start selling a spinoff featuring cats and not dogs, I have zero interest." He peels a cucumber slice off of one of his eyes so he can shoot Eggman a warning look. "Now stop with this absurd offer of yours before I forcibly oust you from this house."
His glare may have been a bit more effective if he didn't look the way he currently does, but Eggman nevertheless figures that it may be best if he doesn't ruin one of the few times he isn't actively on Shadow's bad side. "Alright, yeesh. If this hypothetical cat spinoff ever comes out, don't expect me to play with you when you show up at my door."
Shadow scoffs but says nothing, instead opting to toss the cucumber slice in his mouth rather than putting it back on his eye. Once he swallows it, he grabs a chocolate chip cookie from the platter on the coffee table. He and Amy scheduled this hangout a few days ago to eat some of the treats she baked. Despite his aversion to the idea of friendship, Shadow ultimately decided that indulging his sweet tooth would be worth the various sacrifices he would have to make to his established character. That's really the only reason he agreed to be here tonight. That, along with his belief in the importance of exfoliation.
He wasn't really aware that Eggman would also be here until he ran into him in front of Amy's door earlier, and he certainly is complaining about the additional company. In his head.
"You know, speaking of the full moon being out, I have this recurring dream where I destroy half of it with a giant laser," Eggman supplies as a change in topic. "Not sure why."
Amy stops in the middle of putting the second coat of nail polish on his right middle finger to look up at him, a mixture of horror, confusion, and anger on her face. Shadow also looks a little taken aback as he devours his cookie and reaches for the next one, even if he seems to be doing his utter best to completely ignore him.
"What? I'm not saying I'd actually do it!" Eggman cries. "Do you know how many negative effects that would have on the planet? That's not my brand of villainy!"
Amy exhales in relief. "Good." She'd much rather not have to send Knuckles up to space again. Her contentment transforms into irritation when she hears an especially loud crunch coming from Shadow. She turns to glare at him. "Shadow, will you stop eating while you're lying on my couch?! You're going to get crumbs everywhere!" She pauses as she looks down at the cookie platter. Assessing its contents, she adds with even more annoyance, "And don't eat all the chocolate chip! Save some for Eggman!"
Shadow doesn't verbally respond to any of her demands. He simply turns his head to stare at her with his single open eye as he takes an additional two chocolate chip cookies from the platter. He stacks them underneath the cookie he already started eating, then chomps down on all three with his fangs, making sure the ensuing CRUNCH echoes throughout the entire house. He continues to stare at her.
"Ugh." Amy is the one to break eye contact first, because of course she is. She can't even say she's surprised at the lack of respect in the face of all her hospitality.
She scheduled separate hangouts with Eggman and Shadow a few days ago as part of her efforts to be the bigger person. She even tempted them with sweets, board games, and cosmetology!
And then they showed up at her front door together, one looking far more enthused than the other, and it was then that Amy knew that she accidentally double-booked. Maybe she can't complain, since she knows for a fact that things could be going a lot worse than they actually are.
"He can have all the chocolate chip he wants, it's an overrated flavor anyway. A snickerdoodle though? That's where it's—hey. Hey!" In the middle of his sentence, Eggman finally looks down at Amy's handiwork and becomes indignant. "Don't paint Orbot and Cubot's faces on my nails! What makes you think I want those two buckets of bolts anywhere on my body?!"
"You wanted red and yellow!"
"Yes, to go with my coat, not my robots!"
"Well then, sorry!" Amy snaps as she uses her finger to rub Orbot and Cubot's faces away. What a shame; she thinks she did a pretty good job with them. "What do you actually want to put on your nails? Because they feel too plain with just the colors."
"Hm..." Eggman purses his lips and rubs his chin with the hand Amy isn't in the middle of fixing, taking extra care to not accidentally rub any still wet nail polish against his skin. "Hmmm... Hmmmmmmmm..."
"Get on with it," Shadow, staring up at the ceiling, grunts as he munches on a snickerdoodle, having already gone through all of the chocolate chip. Amy's fairly certain his choice to go through the snickerdoodles next is solely to spite Eggman.
Eggman throws his hand up in the air in a well-what-can-you-do fashion. "Draw a compass pointing north on my pointer finger."
Amy levels him with a very puzzled look.
"What," Shadow mutters incredibly judgmentally.
"Hey, come on, don't either of you get it? Compass pointing north on my pointer finger? I point at things a lot?" When neither of them have a visible epiphany, he rolls his eyes and sighs at what he perceives to be their slowness. "It symbolizes that I have a sense of direction! When I point at you and your team and yell, 'ROBOTS, ATTAAAAAACK!' it shows that I lead my creations!"
"Okay, but... a compass of all things?" Amy questions. If There are so many other things that can carry the same message. For example, there is the classic arrow, which would definitely look a lot better on a fingernail than a freaking compass.
"You have no so-called 'sense of direction.' If you did, you would have already conquered this pathetic village long ago. In addition, you wouldn't be sitting around the house of one of your enemies getting a beauty treatment."
Amy wisely chooses to ignore Shadow and his blatant hypocrisy in favor of trying to understand Eggman's muse. "And why do you want it to point north anyway?"
"Oh, easy. To represent my eventual rise in power once I build my theme park," Eggman explains casually. "It's important to have aspirations. Reaching for the heavens, you know."
"Did this fool just imply that he thinks that north is the same thing as up? As in the direction of the sky? Or 'the heavens,' as he calls it?"
"What's wrong with..." Eggman pauses as it dawns on him. "Oh. Well, it's the direction closest to being up! It's not any less up than east is!"
"Hey, it's okay, you don't have to justify this," Amy cuts in quickly before he can get too into defending his logic. Mainly because she knows that once he truly starts, there's no shutting him up. "I'll paint you your compass if that's what you really want."
"Sure. And when one of the villagers asks him which way is north, he can use that finger to point upwards," Shadow says snidely, as he grabs the very last cookie off the platter. Raising it to his lips, he adds, "Given the average intelligence level of these people, they'll believe him, too."
Eyeing the cleaned plate warily, Amy makes a silent note to bake a bigger batch of cookies next time. That, or prohibit Shadow from gaining any access to them and miraculously getting him to comply with that.
"It doesn't hurt to be a little less mean, Shadow," Eggman chides as Amy resumes her work on his nails. "What would Maria think if she saw you with this attitude of yours?"
"Who's Maria?" a clearly uncaring Shadow asks through a giant mouthful of oatmeal raisin.
"My cousin. And I think you asking that just set off everyone reading this, so we should wrap this up now."
Shadow only hums noncommittally, peeling the cucumber slice from his other eye and popping it into his mouth.
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
congrats on ur milestone!!! u deserve all the love and followers!!
can we get a margarita with matt something super angsty that turns out could be solved by talking or maybe some jealousy from him? up to u if it has a happy ending lol
i'm going to apologize in advance if this isn't the drink you ordered (& you're welcome to send it back and order another) but I saw 'angst' & 'matty' & 'up to you if it has a happy ending' & i'm rewatching season 3 of daredevil and I was clearly in a fucking mood (mario's in that damn gatorade again) so...
between emo matty & listening to sorry by halsey (which is the song that came to mind while writing this and is also v matty coded) this is what my gremlin brain came up with. 🤷🏻‍♀️
blurb below the cut
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don’t realize how mean i can be
“No one has ever spoken to me like that. Not a stranger, not someone who doesn’t even like me, and certainly not someone that claims to love me.”
He wished that he could say he had never spoken that way to anyone, but that certainly wasn’t the truth. Ironically enough, he never thought of himself as an explosive person, but maybe it’s inevitable when you mix alcohol with a temper-fueled fire already blazing with ferocious anger and resentment. You hadn’t started the fire within him. You were just one of the many pieces of the bridge he was hellbent on destroying that night. Managing to make three different people hate you and erase you from their memory in one night had to be a personal record for Matt. He knew you wanted an explanation, but he didn’t have one. 
Was it even salvageable? All Matt could see was ash, nothing really left to restore. He wondered, what was the point? He couldn’t take back the words that he said. And maybe you could forgive, but you wouldn’t forget. He made sure of that. Perhaps you two could start over, put on a brave face for one another, pretend that the past wasn’t hanging around your heads like an ominous storm cloud threatening to pour at any moment. Maybe that would work. But it would be as effective as putting a bandaid over a bullet hole. Sooner or later, there would be nothing but blood. 
Why did he do it? How did it come to this? When did you become these people? Maybe Matt lashed out because he felt you slowly slipping away. The sun once rose and set with you. There wasn’t a moment you weren’t speaking, talking about your days, baring your souls to one another once the early hours of the night crept into the sky. But then Midland Circle happened. The he happened, and somewhere along the line, the messages came fewer and far more in between. You had both changed. You were out living a life he didn’t seem to play a leading role in anymore while he was still putting back the pieces together of his, and he was torn between feeling indignant and remorseful. But the blaze of anger didn’t even start because of you. It was someone else that lit the match. 
But you were the one out of them all that stayed.
Maybe Matt resented the person you thought he was, because he knew he could never be that person. You had this vision of him in your mind; gilded and polished. A man that was intelligent and kind, charming and passionate, maybe fucked up from time to time but always with the best of intentions. He wanted to believe it. He wanted to believe he was the man you saw. Not the moody asshole that destroyed everything he had built, except the barbed wire fence he encompassed himself in to avoid letting anyone too close. He wanted to be good, and he wanted to be worthy of your compassion and faith. But maybe he knew the truth all along, that he never would be.
So what do you do when you wanna bury all the evidence? To avoid being caught as a fraud and imposter who never should have come into the picture in the first place? Burn it all to the ground. Pour gasoline over everything you love, strike a match, and set a fire that burns so bright even God himself can’t fucking look away. And you do it with all of them until there’s nothing left. And if you wanna do one damn thing right, you set them free. You set her free. You take whatever’s left and your last match and you do the right fucking thing. 
So that’s what he did. 
He took whatever was left of that fucking bottle and poured it over himself instead of down his throat, taking his place among the embers and waiting for the flames to destroy everything that he had become until there was nothing left.
Maybe Stick had been right all along.
“I don’t know what else to say except, I’m sorry.”
You said that you needed time and space. He nodded, mumbling something that resembled an understanding, but he knew that you were gone, and you were never coming back. It was all gone. There was no second chance, no miracle, no do overs. It was done, and it was his fault. You were the flame that lit up his darkest moments, and he had put you out. You weren't perfect, but you were one of the best people that Matt knew. 
He always told you that you deserved more than the way people treated you that had claimed to care, yet he had been worse than all of them combined. Matt felt foolish for all of the times he had sank to his knees in desperation, begging God for someone, anyone. He begged for a sign, that his life wouldn’t always be plagued by trauma and pain. Maybe you were it, and he took it all for granted. 
You said you would call when you were ready to talk, so Matt waited by the phone. 
And he waited. And waited. And waited.
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday
I was tagged by @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @watchyourbuck thank you <33
I was gonna post exactly seven sentences just for fun, but the bit I wanna share has a bit more than that, so sticking to the sevenish pattern oskaoskoaksas. Anyway, here's more of my attempt at physically hurting Buck for a change, she is pretty much done, I just need to polish off the last bit, so check back later in the week if you're interested kosaoskaosk prev snippet
“You can get out.” “No, I can't.”  The truth is Eddie could. At least leave the very exposed position they’re both in right now, because pieces of concrete are still falling dangerously close. There’s nothing physically stopping him. But he can’t. He’s not sure he can move at all.  “Eds.” Buck sounds like he has already given up, so Eddie resorts to the only defense he can use. The one he keeps hiding behind.  “Don't make me go home and tell Chris he lost another parent.”
imma tag @eddiebabygirldiaz @bucks118 @housewifebuck @honestlydarkprincess @disasterbuckdiaz @captain-hen if they feel like sharing something today <3
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comfort-person · 1 year
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Match made in heaven
Request: hi, I was wondering whether you could do something along the lines of y/n wanting to get matching tattoos with Harry, and it’s just like really cute? If not no worries! But thank you(:
Trigger warnings: mention of needles
“You know I think I want to get a tattoo… with you.” You murmured, a soft smile tugging at Harry’s lips as he looked at you raising his brows “oh yeah?” You nodded as you kept a hold of his hand your other hand delicately holding the nail varnish brush in between your fingertips as you delicately and carefully painted his fingernails a light blue colour, his eyes were full of adoration as he kept a cheeky smile on his face. You were adorable to say the least and he wasn’t afraid to admit that. “Was hopin’ to get maybe a lyric of yours written on my wrist… but in your handwriting” you murmur stopping for a moment just so you could look into his eyes and he smiles at you his expression softening “that’s so sweet… would make sense you getting a lyric tattooed on you” he said unable to take his eyes off of you “oh yeah? How so?” You ask with a little grin as you continued to gently paint his nails “because you’re the muse of all my songs… every one of them is about you.” He answered you softly using his free hand that had already had been painted and had time to dry to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear lovingly,
“Not the sad ones I hope” you say with a little smile but you found it adorable that he wrote songs about you, it made your heart ache but also yearn for him more and more. “ ‘Course not, but love songs don’t come from nothing… when you’re upset and just wanna be held I use that as a stimuli to write from.” He uttered out his eyes glowing with happiness and warmth before he leaned in pressing a kiss to your lips. “The sad one’s personify more than heartbreak though, sometimes…” he said and you hummed listening to him “often the sad ones describe how I feel when on tour. The immaculate adrenaline before and during the shows but afterwards it’s the end of concert blues I suppose… but also when you’re not there I feel a bit lonely. So instead of eating something after a show and celebrating I go straight to sleep because I know I’ll be back in my happy place all over again…. And be able to make you proud.” He said softly and the more he spoke the more captivated you became. He was just the sweetest. You screw the lid of the nail polish back on as you gently place it down before cupping his cheek in your hand “you’ll always make me proud, H. You’re amazing. And maybe sometime soon I could come along with you on tour, hm? Since I’ll be earning more money and have time off… and the job I have is flexible with working online and stuff so?” You said your words seeming to light something up within him his whole face lighting up “that’s a perfect idea… perfect.”
Later on that day Harry’s friend, Jake had popped over, his friend was a skilled tattooist whom was chill and cool. “Alright you can both get whatever you want… as many as you like for just £10 since you’re both my friends.” His words made Harry chuckle as he shook his head “that’s just ripping you off, man, no way. I’ll pay you something way more than that.” He assured but that was Harry for you… always wanting to make sure that his friends knew their worth. He always brought that to his concerts too- wanting to make sure every single individual in that room was seen, was heard, felt comfortable to be themselves he knew he had a few younger fans and he knew how growing up in a world with such hateful things and issues was draining sometimes and so he wanted to create a safe place for people of all genders, sexes, nationalities, sexuality’s… everything… everyone was human after all but in that room together they were all family. No matter what… those people meant the entire world to him every single one of them and he wanted to get that across to them as best as he possibly could. Spread love, not hate.
You and Harry both decided to get something small first, you got a little ‘H’ just on your wrist, the H accompanied with a few tiny butterflies and Harry got your name tattooed on his ankle, and the first letter of your name just in the centre of where his thumb and index finger met just so whenever he looked down at his hand he could be reminded of you. “It’s so pretty” you complimented with a wide happy smile before you looked towards Jake who was smiling as well. “Could I tattoo Harry?” You soon asked making Jake pause as he looked at his friend as if to make sure he got his consent first “hell yeah, go ahead. Why not.” He said with a soft smile and you grinned gloving up as you took the tattoo gun into your hands, Jake giving you a quick introduction to it and making sure you knew he was there to help at any point. “So what would you like?” You asked looking into Harry’s eyes and he shrugged his shoulders “you choose.” He said with a little grin and you gave him a playful look before nodding “okay- but you have to pick what lyric I have on my body and where.” You say and he nods his head “deal.”
You held onto his wrist gently his hand lightly grasping onto your elbow as if giving you some more leverage to the situation, as if also assuring you, you weren’t hurting him and so you carefully began designing a small tattoo on his skin and as it began to progress more and more the smile on your face began growing and growing until eventually you had finished jake seemingly impressed and you let out a happy laugh “okay look!” You exclaimed excitedly and Harry did just that his eyes landing on the tattoo his eyes instantly lighting up as he let out a soft laugh “oh my gosh… that’s just too sweet…” he said happily and you smiled “the heart symbolises my heart and the plaster symbolises you… you healed my heart.” You said Harry’s eyes locking with yours “oh baby” he murmured giving your hand a squeeze. Yes it was cheesy but he didn’t care… he loved the cheesiness. It made his heart melt and his eyes slightly tear up. You were always so sweet and he absolutely adored it. “Love you so much” he murmured pressing a kiss to your lips as Jake set up the next needle for the tattoo gun and you smiled kissing harry that little bit deeper pulling him close to you “love you more and most” you murmured out against his lips happily and he smiled “forever and always.” He said and slowly pulled back once jake was giving you both a rather playful side eye making you giggle out and Jake rolled his eyes “grosss” he said playfully “alright, you want to tattoo her Harry or want me to?” He asked and Harry was quick to shake his head “you can. You’re professional… besides my hands aren’t steady enough for that. Would be worried to hurt her.” He said and Jake smiled “alright. Show me what to do and I’ll do it.”
And so you sat there whilst Harry showed Jake exactly what he wanted on you, and Jake soon nodded his head Harry coming up behind you as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders his hands covering your eyes as you smiled “no peeking allowed sorry” he whispered into your ear as he peppered kisses all down your neck in a loving manner, seemingly doing this to distract the hell out of you because it was most definitely working. The pain on some of the tattoos got that little bit more painful and so you kind of figured why Harry was doing this, he soon left little hickeys on your skin completely distracting you from the slight jabbing pain your fingertips gently locking into his hair as you pressed kisses to his cheek and after a while the tattoos had been done “okay Harry come check these out before I show.” Jake said and Harry did as he was told, his smile saying it all. “They’re perfect… y/n you can look.” He said with a wide smile and so you looked down just at your wrist where three paw prints had been tattooed, you had always told Harry you wanted paw prints tattooed but never had the time- your eyes lighting up “oh my gosh! I love them” but then you looked down to your forearm where a tattoo of lyrics had been drawn “I cant read it” you said with a soft smile and unbeknownst to you Harry had asked that to be done purposely,
“It says ‘just let me adore you’ cute right?” He said a little laugh falling from your lips as you smiled widely, it was written in his hand writing too… just as you had asked. The smile on his face was happy, the personification of happiness and love… “oh my gods… yes super cute” you said blushing harshly as you shook your head playfully. This man and his flirting. A blush remained on your cheeks as you just smiled unable to keep it off of your face “and the last one just here,” he lightly turned your hand over the words written on the back of your hand but on your wrist so it looked like a bracelet and it said ‘you’re enough. You’re beautiful. You’re brave. Believe it’ and you without even thinking about it wrapped your arms around him tightly “it’s perfect… thank you.” You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. He always knew how you struggled with your confidence, with your mental health… with your body… with everything for so long but this seemed to make you be seen. Helped you… of course you were much better now and had down days occasionally but this was just perfect. He helped boost your confidence for so long until you believed you were beautiful and now this little tattoo, as simple and personal as it was now meant the entire world to you and you couldn’t be more grateful for him. For how kind he was. For how much love he poured into you… you were so in love with him so much so it hurt and you’d never stop loving him and best thing was you knew his love for you was never ending… he wouldn’t stop loving you either. Whenever you looked at him you felt safe… secure… full of nothing but love and happiness but when you looked at him you also knew one very important thing. You were home. Harry brought you home. He was your home. You and him were a match made in heaven.
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cursedcupcakemaster · 1 month
This is a birthday gift for one @melodyseashell22
Notes:I don't own Melody Seashell she belongs to @melodyseashell22 or any of twisted wonderlands characters they belong to Disney and Yana Tobosos wonderful mind, I own the characters of Nikki Iriscope,Bonnie Hattleaxe and Celine Perrine since I made those three
Small warning:implications of abuse and starvation
Type:Birthday cake
Floyd Leech x Melody Seashell
A sweet surprise
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It wasn't too often Melody was able to celebrate her birthday. That was to be expected when her parents were pieces of garbage and she was essentially isolated her whole life.
She hadn't even had friends aside from her siblings until she awoke from that coffin which brought her to NRC.
She managed to make friends who made her feel like she didn't have to hide or run. Melody had also found a partner in the boy called Floyd Leech. He always knew how to make her laugh or smile despite his usual temperament. Floyd wanted to make sure Melody could enjoy her birthday for once but in order to pull off his plan he needed the help of some of the friends his angelfish had made.
Floyd found the two while they finished up service for the day in the monstro lounge. He didn't often go to Celine or Nikki but in this case it was an emergency.
"Floyd? What's up ?" Nikki inquired as Floyd kept a serious face
"And why do you look so serious?" Celine asked not used to seeing the moody eel in such a mood.
"I need a huge favor from you two, it's angelfishs' birthday tomorrow, can you two distract her until the party is ready?"
Hearing this made the two smile
"Sure thing Floyd Mel Mel deserves some fun" Nikki said
"Shouldn't be too hard" Celine agreed
Floyd grinned "thanks~ see you~" he then walked off now setting to prepare his loves party.
The next morning Melody was greeted by a knock at her door and once it was opened she saw it was Celine and Nikki who smiled.
"Hey Melody~ " Celine greeted
"Hey " Melody greeted back
"Wanna hang out with us? " Nikki asked
Melody nodded and the two led her away
Elsewhere Floyd had to deal with a rather irritating situation
"Come on Azul, she's never had a birthday party" Floyd glared at the Octomer
"So I'm supposed to shut down the lounge for this party?" Azul asked while looking over paperwork
Entering the room Jade walked in with tea
"To be fair it would encourage the party goers to attend the lounge more and boost employee morale would it not Azul?" He asked
The bespectacled man seemed to think it over a minute before smirking
"Fine you can have your little party Floyd, but what are you going to do to keep her away until it's all ready exactly?" Azul asked
"I got that covered already" Floyd laughed
Celine and Nikki took Melody to Nikkis room where she got out some nail polish including Melodys favorite color a good hour later she had Seashells complimenting each other finger on Melodys hands making a smile come to her lips
Elsewhere Trey was a little dumbfounded that Floyd had come to him
"You want me to do this?" The 3rd year asked
"Yeah I mean Melody likes your cakes so I wanted her to have some for her birthday"
Trey remembered when Melody first came to NRC she was extremely thin and looked at his desserts as if they were forbidden treasure so Bonnie would invite Melody to unbirthday parties in hopes of encouraging her to eat just a little more. It had taken a while but relief came when she had more than one helping of Treys food and her weight seemed to adjust properly.
"Alright I'll help" Trey said getting out the ingredients needed to make the masterpiece for the party
Celine smiled as she took out a box wrapped in dark blue wrapping paper with bats on it
"Happy birthday Melody " she said giving it to Melody
Melody raised a brow before unwrapping the gift and lifting the lid saw a light purple dress with subtle hints of glitter
"You might want to put that on for tonight" Nikki chimed in before Melody nodded with a smile
"Thank you both"
After a few hours had passed Melody was led to the monstro lounge but the lights were off
"Why are the lights off?" She asked as the two led her inside the building
"You'll see" Celine answered before they were in the main foyer and the lights turned on
"Surprise! Happy birthday Melody!" Everyone yelled, it was all the friends they had made through the past year
"What what's all this?" Melody asked before Ace piped up
"The twins said you've never had an actual birthday party before so we kinda had to fix that "
Melody felt genuinely happy in this moment, her birthdays had never been a cause for celebration in her family and yet her friends had thought it was.
A hand laced with Melodys own as she finally snapped from her trance
Floyd smiled at Melody
"Happy birthday angelfish ~"
"Thank you Floyd" Melody blushed smiling
After some cake and presents Floyd lead Melody back into the dorms
"Thank you for everything Floyd" Melody said
"I do have one more present for you Angelfish " Floyd grinned
"What?" Melody asked before she felt his lips against hers reciprocating the kiss once the temporary shock wore off
Safe to say this was the best birthday she had so far and the look in Floyd's eyes filled with love was enough to know this was only the start
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Match made in heaven
Request: hi, I was wondering whether you could do something along the lines of y/n wanting to get matching tattoos with Harry, and it’s just like really cute? If not no worries! But thank you(:
A/N: thank you for the request!! This is just so cute, I hope you like this one! Happy Easter everyone hope everyone has a good time!!
Tw’s: mentions of needles. Pure fluff.
“You know I think I want to get a tattoo… with you.” You murmured, a soft smile tugging at Harry’s lips as he looked at you raising his brows “oh yeah?” You nodded as you kept a hold of his hand your other hand delicately holding the nail varnish brush in between your fingertips as you delicately and carefully painted his fingernails a light blue colour, his eyes were full of adoration as he kept a cheeky smile on his face. You were adorable to say the least and he wasn’t afraid to admit that. “Was hopin’ to get maybe a lyric of yours written on my wrist… but in your handwriting” you murmur stopping for a moment just so you could look into his eyes and he smiles at you his expression softening “that’s so sweet… would make sense you getting a lyric tattooed on you” he said unable to take his eyes off of you “oh yeah? How so?” You ask with a little grin as you continued to gently paint his nails “because you’re the muse of all my songs… every one of them is about you.” He answered you softly using his free hand that had already had been painted and had time to dry to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear lovingly,
“Not the sad ones I hope” you say with a little smile but you found it adorable that he wrote songs about you, it made your heart ache but also yearn for him more and more. “ ‘Course not, but love songs don’t come from nothing… when you’re upset and just wanna be held I use that as a stimuli to write from.” He uttered out his eyes glowing with happiness and warmth before he leaned in pressing a kiss to your lips. “The sad one’s personify more than heartbreak though, sometimes…” he said and you hummed listening to him “often the sad ones describe how I feel when on tour. The immaculate adrenaline before and during the shows but afterwards it’s the end of concert blues I suppose… but also when you’re not there I feel a bit lonely. So instead of eating something after a show and celebrating I go straight to sleep because I know I’ll be back in my happy place all over again…. And be able to make you proud.” He said softly and the more he spoke the more captivated you became. He was just the sweetest. You screw the lid of the nail polish back on as you gently place it down before cupping his cheek in your hand “you’ll always make me proud, H. You’re amazing. And maybe sometime soon I could come along with you on tour, hm? Since I’ll be earning more money and have time off… and the job I have is flexible with working online and stuff so?” You said your words seeming to light something up within him his whole face lighting up “that’s a perfect idea… perfect.”
Later on that day Harry’s friend, Jake had popped over, his friend was a skilled tattooist whom was chill and cool. “Alright you can both get whatever you want… as many as you like for just £10 since you’re both my friends.” His words made Harry chuckle as he shook his head “that’s just ripping you off, man, no way. I’ll pay you something way more than that.” He assured but that was Harry for you… always wanting to make sure that his friends knew their worth. He always brought that to his concerts too- wanting to make sure every single individual in that room was seen, was heard, felt comfortable to be themselves he knew he had a few younger fans and he knew how growing up in a world with such hateful things and issues was draining sometimes and so he wanted to create a safe place for people of all genders, sexes, nationalities, sexuality’s… everything… everyone was human after all but in that room together they were all family. No matter what… those people meant the entire world to him every single one of them and he wanted to get that across to them as best as he possibly could. Spread love, not hate.
You and Harry both decided to get something small first, you got a little ‘H’ just on your wrist, the H accompanied with a few tiny butterflies and Harry got your name tattooed on his ankle, and the first letter of your name just in the centre of where his thumb and index finger met just so whenever he looked down at his hand he could be reminded of you. “It’s so pretty” you complimented with a wide happy smile before you looked towards Jake who was smiling as well. “Could I tattoo Harry?” You soon asked making Jake pause as he looked at his friend as if to make sure he got his consent first “hell yeah, go ahead. Why not.” He said with a soft smile and you grinned gloving up as you took the tattoo gun into your hands, Jake giving you a quick introduction to it and making sure you knew he was there to help at any point. “So what would you like?” You asked looking into Harry’s eyes and he shrugged his shoulders “you choose.” He said with a little grin and you gave him a playful look before nodding “okay- but you have to pick what lyric I have on my body and where.” You say and he nods his head “deal.”
You held onto his wrist gently his hand lightly grasping onto your elbow as if giving you some more leverage to the situation, as if also assuring you, you weren’t hurting him and so you carefully began designing a small tattoo on his skin and as it began to progress more and more the smile on your face began growing and growing until eventually you had finished jake seemingly impressed and you let out a happy laugh “okay look!” You exclaimed excitedly and Harry did just that his eyes landing on the tattoo his eyes instantly lighting up as he let out a soft laugh “oh my gosh… that’s just too sweet…” he said happily and you smiled “the heart symbolises my heart and the plaster symbolises you… you healed my heart.” You said Harry’s eyes locking with yours “oh baby” he murmured giving your hand a squeeze. Yes it was cheesy but he didn’t care… he loved the cheesiness. It made his heart melt and his eyes slightly tear up. You were always so sweet and he absolutely adored it. “Love you so much” he murmured pressing a kiss to your lips as Jake set up the next needle for the tattoo gun and you smiled kissing harry that little bit deeper pulling him close to you “love you more and most” you murmured out against his lips happily and he smiled “forever and always.” He said and slowly pulled back once jake was giving you both a rather playful side eye making you giggle out and Jake rolled his eyes “grosss” he said playfully “alright, you want to tattoo her Harry or want me to?” He asked and Harry was quick to shake his head “you can. You’re professional… besides my hands aren’t steady enough for that. Would be worried to hurt her.” He said and Jake smiled “alright. Show me what to do and I’ll do it.”
And so you sat there whilst Harry showed Jake exactly what he wanted on you, and Jake soon nodded his head Harry coming up behind you as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders his hands covering your eyes as you smiled “no peeking allowed sorry” he whispered into your ear as he peppered kisses all down your neck in a loving manner, seemingly doing this to distract the hell out of you because it was most definitely working. The pain on some of the tattoos got that little bit more painful and so you kind of figured why Harry was doing this, he soon left little hickeys on your skin completely distracting you from the slight jabbing pain your fingertips gently locking into his hair as you pressed kisses to his cheek and after a while the tattoos had been done “okay Harry come check these out before I show.” Jake said and Harry did as he was told, his smile saying it all. “They’re perfect… y/n you can look.” He said with a wide smile and so you looked down just at your wrist where three paw prints had been tattooed, you had always told Harry you wanted paw prints tattooed but never had the time- your eyes lighting up “oh my gosh! I love them” but then you looked down to your forearm where a tattoo of lyrics had been drawn “I cant read it” you said with a soft smile and unbeknownst to you Harry had asked that to be done purposely,
“It says ‘just let me adore you’ cute right?” He said a little laugh falling from your lips as you smiled widely, it was written in his hand writing too… just as you had asked. The smile on his face was happy, the personification of happiness and love… “oh my gods… yes super cute” you said blushing harshly as you shook your head playfully. This man and his flirting. A blush remained on your cheeks as you just smiled unable to keep it off of your face “and the last one just here,” he lightly turned your hand over the words written on the back of your hand but on your wrist so it looked like a bracelet and it said ‘you’re enough. You’re beautiful. You’re brave. Believe it’ and you without even thinking about it wrapped your arms around him tightly “it’s perfect… thank you.” You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. He always knew how you struggled with your confidence, with your mental health… with your body… with everything for so long but this seemed to make you be seen. Helped you… of course you were much better now and had down days occasionally but this was just perfect. He helped boost your confidence for so long until you believed you were beautiful and now this little tattoo, as simple and personal as it was now meant the entire world to you and you couldn’t be more grateful for him. For how kind he was. For how much love he poured into you… you were so in love with him so much so it hurt and you’d never stop loving him and best thing was you knew his love for you was never ending… he wouldn’t stop loving you either. Whenever you looked at him you felt safe… secure… full of nothing but love and happiness but when you looked at him you also knew one very important thing. You were home. Harry brought you home. He was your home. You and him were a match made in heaven.
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pluck-heartstrings · 2 months
Here I be, tainting you're robot fic tumblr with *other* robot fic because I can not understate that even if I'm not sure where it stands, Behavioral Patterns would easily be in my top ten list of top fave fics of all time. I forgot how much it absolutely consumes me. I've got this internal image of all this rumbling and crooning probably looks normal to Shrike's robot brain but sounds like a chainsaw with autotune to a human. Shrike crying is just dialup screams as their sub programs try to connect to guardianship programming manually. The blankets look and feel soft to them but its straight up chainmaiI. think about Optimus being the only crazy one in the room for once because the Matrix can not handle parental protocols and has him running at 1000% caveman efficiency and how like, Bots who arent organic life fans are looking at the Human happy autobots treating human kids a lot like they do sparklings (looking at you optimus and your preteen sidekicks) and on top of a big old piece of "dredges of cultural ptsd from the quintessons" the Autobots probably look like those folks who are fighting with their parents over "treating their grandchildren right" and said grandkid it's a mostly hairless and toothless chihuahua. Like activating guardianship protocols over shortlived ugly little organic creatures probably isnt a great look.
I screamed when Megateon first showed up. I'm a Prime and Beastwars baby with a smidge of Bumblebee movie but I love me a complex megatron and I had no idea what Earthpark Megatron is like. BIG SOFT UNCLE! I love throwing Shrike at the Prime verse decepticons. A bunch of big eyed, freaked out, hackles raised giants who dont dare to move because they might hurt the tiny little thing using them all as a jungle gym and sounds like a wind chime their armour is so thin
Knockout: children are disgusting. You are disgusting. Come let me polish you in protest
Shrike with a grinch grin who is a little shit: new pranking favorite
Soundwave: hold up I got kid experience with my gestalts and stay inside all day they should stay with me
Shrike: New Pranking fave
Megatron: just keep the pathetic weak little thing out of my (vastley uncomfortable with this) sights and away from like, dangerous shit. But dont let it leave I wanna rub this in Optimus' face
Miko: hey what's your problem with autobots? They rule and decepticons drool
Shrike: (vents about Optimus and lack of freedom)
Miko: hold up. (Busts through Autobot base door holding a wrench) "HEY! EVERYSINGLE ONE OF YOU! COME GET YOUR LUMPS ALSO WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?"
I think about the future and if Shrike ever gets siblings. I think about them being spoiled rotton and becoming just the most conceited, egomaniac but still not as bad as Starscream. They are the "but I'm baby" meme in metal flesh. I think about millennia down the road, cities rebuilt and the last vestiges of neutral parties coaxed home. Maybe they are suprised afterall in hidden seekers in the stars. And a Shrike the little royal baby in the crystal city.
I think about that big dumb medic being big dumb and far, far to old for kids finally giving Shrike cousins. I think about Elita one definitly being the favorite auntie and it driving Starscream up the wall.
I think about what would have happened if Thundercracker had noticed them a few moments later in the battle and they had gotten to the hatch? Thundercracker trying to coax them out as the world explodes around them. Maybe the trine and kid dont make it to the ship at all and are stuck on and hunted down on earth?
I think about what if Shrike's brain had decided to wipe their human memories from the start to avoid trauma (only to trickle in as the get more comfortable as a mystery)? No doubt their relationship with Rachet would be better, and their thoughts about Prime not as strong, but the clashing personalities and field resonance would doubtless still drive them away, even if the pull to the Trine is a little less overwhelmingly onesided. More open eyed wonder and less "sounds fake but cool" in response to things.
Or maybe a world where their origional room didnt blow up? In either case they are situated with Ratchet but are drawn to the explicitly forbidden from Trine. Shrike with no memories getting to have some interactions with humans before they leave earth because *noone* knows they used to human and optimus is showing them off at a top secret level like "look at my child. Please do not interfere with our departure anymore because if the transformer masses find out we can successfully make sparklings on earth we are all going to have a bad time explaining why we cant just wipe out the comparatively juvenile and underdeveloped organics to make earth into a nursery BUT LOOK ITS A NEWBORN" (earth scientist frantically writing "does the robots have a puss puss?" In his notes) " "ok but your newborns are our size, built like a shit brickhouse, move like a chuckie cheese horror movie animatronic, and TALK" (Rachet crying) "I havent held a neonate in millennia I need you humans to understand how new they are" "you're neonates TALK... and are making some very worrying references and turns of phrases" "GOOCHIEGOOCHIEGOO"
(Shrike is less than impressed)
Shrike being much more Attached to Rachet even if by Virtue of Rachet "being warmer than cold" and maybe even not being in the carriers when the battle happens but with him. (Maybe Ratchet actually realizes something is wrong since he doesnt blame the off frequencies on previously being human and doubles down on the defensiveness and worry. Optimus being in full blown denial over the flight sickness because *there can't be something wrong with the brandnew sparkling* its freshly forged. The emberstone can not make defective sparklings. Its beyond his ability to cope with) Shrike being blandly apathetic at best with their situation. Minor Autobot infighting as they all throw their hats into the guardianship ring despite Ratchet's claim. Rachet keeps trying to like, just a tiny bit passively engage the parental imprinting program but keeps being subconsciously rejected by Shrike and the series of tiny heartbreaks that causes. Shrike getting colder and more listless and duller by the day. They dont gain any colors and become less willing to engage. The Trine's plan works and they end up on ship and the autobots doing everything they can to let them *never* find out Shrike exists. Shrike finds out about them anyways and goes to explore and spends ever damn second they can scrape together alone sneaking off to bond with the Trine. DO YOU SEE HOW MUCH THIS FIC CONSUMES ME! IM FANTASIZING AU HERE
I think about G.H.O.S.T. *a lot*
I think about how they'de probably use "have overly developed and independent offspring that thrive quickley* as an excuse to categorize Transformers a life form more in line with rodents than sentice for their own gain, and that one person that might actually be touched beyond the racism seeing the care and love and obvious affection and go "but their offspring are very slow to grow and spend most of their time in intellectual pursuits and their behaviours are ticking a lot of sentient species boxes and also um they have kids, which is not a thing we thought they did in our "they are just computers and thus tools to be used" agenda?
my grimdark ass is hella focusing on G.H.O.S.T. and like, inherent tragedies they bring. And the universal need from a fandom nerd to make characters suffer. Shrike being small enough to hide in one of the Trine (probably starscream's if ghost is involved) armour if he got captured. Moving around to avoid detection like a tiny scared koala bear. *screams into pillow*
I reread and redux this fic to *death* do you know that?
Nelly I shared this with my beta and it promoted a full-blown discussion about Behavioural and our favorite parts, it means so much to me that you've read both. Behavioural was me finding my voice in writing and becoming comfortable with writing regularly. I shouldn't have been able to write PMH without Behavioural.
Now if you'll exist me I have to print out this all and read it a thousand more times
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