#i wanna keep this out of the main fandom tags but if anyone reblogs it you can do whatever
tendril-perversion · 2 months
Fandom: Stormlight Archive Pairing: Tyn/Shallan Davar Rating: Explicit Details: No warnings, ~2,900 words, oneshot, technically maybe canon compliant. if you have a huge brain Summary: butch tyn make shallan go brrrr; or, what if i rewrote the wor chapter 'tyn' to be about oral instead A/N: I just reread this chapter then a few hours later wrote this so I probably completely made up what her tent looks like/how some of the canon dialogue went but who cares theres lesbianism afoot
"If I can say, you've got quite the tongue on you, Brightness," the man laughed across the campfire at Shallan.
Shallan curled her legs in under her tighter and looked at him blankly. "I've never had anyone's tongue on me", she said, the words coming out of her mouth before she could review them. Curse this tongue indeed! But she would not react, delivering the quip as dryly as she meant to. The merchants howled at it, including Gaz, who slapped his knees. "It ain't half bad, miss," he said in mock lechery, "It's quite nice, actually." He was a man with rather base interests, but they both knew any serious attempt at seduction would embarrass and offend both parties. She leveled a look at him and he raised his hands in surrender. The caravan went back to their activities, Gaz brushing the leather of his boots with a cloth and Shallan to her note taking. She turned to a blank page of the notebook and wrote the names of the men she was with, as well as Tyn and the slaves. She tapped her charcoal pencil against the edge of the book, thinking. She didn't know what to make of the bunch yet, having only been with them a few days. Certainly, it was a busy few days, filled with travel and violence, but it was just under 60 hours by her calculations. Not nearly enough time to get a proper sense of anyone. And besides, if she was pretending to be a smooth and domineering woman like Jasnah, who's to say they were who they said they were?
She went down the list and found Tyn's name. She wanted to get her alone and talk with her. Maybe there was something Tyn would admit in private when she wasn't being the leader of her Caravan. Shallan drew a column beside the list of names and labeled it "Initial Impressions". Maybe this could be an incriminating document if anyone here got their hands on it, but Shallan doubted any of them could read women's script. She also decided to write in Veden, lessening the chances of it being read. Down the line it was easy to reflect on her initial impressions of the men. They were largely deserters, gruff and not very bright. There were some hidden gems among them, but it was more like finding a skychip among your clearchips. Worth more, sure, but hardly brighter.
She found herself back at Tyn's name. Beside it, immediately she wrote "masculine". That was easily the first thing of note. Masculine, but in a way that didn't feel like a piece of circumstance. Shallan had met women before who wore trousers, or gloves. Usually dark eyed work women. And those women seemed to only do so because their job demanded it of them. It's hard to milk a sow with a sleeved hand, Shallan imagined. Or cut someone's hair. Or drive a caravan. The women who wore trousers always knew they had a dress waiting for them at home, for occasions they could shed the trappings of their dull, lower caste life and be women, fully as they desire to be. Shallan could see that in how even when scraping excess crem off her father's steps after a storm, the housekeepers still wore rouge on their cheeks. They still kept their hair up in ornate combs that could very well have been a precious gift to them. They still carried themselves with a feminine gait, much like the one that was trained into Shallan by her tutors. There was a grace and beauty to making anything you do feel feminine. Some women oozed the sweetness of their gender out of their ears it seemed. Those women could make shoveling chull dung out of a pen feel as feminine as painting a bowl of fruit while someone played the flute and another combed your hair.
Other women, ones like Tyn, had the opposite effect on things. She wasn't brutish or clumsy or dirty, of course, it wasn't an antithesis in that respect. It was more like everything she did held the masculine beauty that Princes, or particularly handsome men did. Using her safe hand didn't feel awkward for her, it didn't draw attention. Watching her with her sword gave the impression it was merely an extension of her arm, stretched out to defend her and her crew. The way she reached up to pull her hair back was masculine too, like she's never had anyone do it for her and has perfected doing it with both hands and grace. She sat with her knees open, none of the practiced positioning of a woman in skirts but all of the confidence and ease of someone very comfortable with their body and clothes. The thought of that made Shallan fidget. Were dresses uncomfortable for her? No, she liked them, liked how pretty they were. Liked how secure and modest she felt as they drape and shift over her knees. Looking at Tyn in her trousers with her legs spread like that was nearly profane, nearly erotic.
Shallan flushed, suppressing a squeak and shutting her book. Maybe she'd reflect on the members of her caravan later. She probably just needed to go for a walk. Though it was already growing dark, the fires of the caravan would offer enough of a lit perimeter for her to clear her head in. But before she could banish any thoughts about the suave woman she had only just met, one of her slaves approached her to inform her Tyn wished to see her.
Tyn's tent stretched out on the leeward side of her wagon, held up on thin but sturdy reeds and staked into the dirt so it wouldn't blow away Obviously it wasn't designed to weather a high storm, but rather to be quick to fold up should one come up unexpected. Right inside the door-flaps was her bedroll, which Shallan stepped carefully over. The rest of the area was occupied by a stack of crates with a board on top, and two more crates to either side, each with a small grass-stuffed pillow on top. Tyn sat on one of the makeshift seats at the makeshift table. Before her were two bowls, hers a dark red and heavily spiced, with a lighter dish on the other side, Shallan's. The intimacy of having both a man's meal and woman's meal at the same table wasn't lost on Shallan. But this was the frost lands, a long way from propriety anyways. Besides, Tyn was a woman. Shallan sat primly, carefully tearing off some bread to dip into her bowl. Now was her chance to get to know Tyn better.
After both bowls were scraped clean, and a glass of yellow-green wine to be had each (Shallan downing hers after sampling a bite of Tyn's curry, unaware of just how HOT food can get), their conversation had drifted. They had already talked about each other's motives, and had decided to go into the business of being confidence women together. For now, at least, until either got what they were looking for at the shattered plains.
"So," Tyn said in her raspy voice, reclining. "You've really never had a tongue on you?" This elicited a cough from Shallan, who was caught unawares by the shift in tone. She flushed, easily thanks to the mild drink within her. Tyn laughed. "Relax! No, really though, never?" Her tone was more than a little incredulous. "Never," Shallan admitted, not meeting the warm pale brown haze of her dining partner. "Not even any of the tradesmen-?" "Tyn! Of course not! I am betrothed after all." Shallan bristled at the idea of doing anything, ANYTHING, with the likes of Tvlakv and company. They were close to thrice her age to begin with! Tyn was one of the younger ones, and she still probably had more than five years on Shallan's 19. It was hard to tell with her. "It's a causal," Tyn reminded her. "Besides, everyone fools around a bit sometimes. Never even as a kid?" Shallan bit down on an admission that she was kept sheltered at home, only really ever seeing her family. She settled for shaking her head. "Storms, girl."
Tyn shifted in her seat, moving to face Shallan more directly. She brought her bare safe hand (the glove tucked into her belt, as she need not cover it in her private quarters) up to cup Shallan's jaw. Shallan inhaled sharply, praying Tyn didn't notice the slight flicker to the gemstone lamp in the corner of the too-dark tent. Of course Tyn didn't, for she held Shallan's gaze in her own eyes, whispering so quietly that even if anyone was listening they wouldn't hear. Shallan felt Tyn's hot, spicy breath on her lips before her words registered. "Have you done this with anyone yet?" Tyn waited only a beat, giving Shallan a chance to rebuke her, before leaning in to kiss her. Shallan froze momentarily, ten thousand thoughts filling her head at once, each and every one of them getting stuck in the sap-like ichor of wine and good company that resists such busy thinking. She opened her mouth against the kiss, taking Tyn's upper lip in between hers. She covered Tyn's hand with her own, which made the older woman hum appreciatively. As suddenly as it had happened, it was done, however. Tyn pulled away, standing. She held her hands down and out for Shallan to take.
"Come here, girl." Dazed a bit, but thoroughly entranced, Shallan took her hands and let Tyn lead her to the bedroll. They stood there, nearly brushing the roof of the cramped tent with their heads. Tyn had to lean down, even, something she didn't seem to mind as it let her put her face closer to Shallan's. Her fingers went up to the clasps of the front of Shallan's dress, near her neckline. "May I, Shallan?" Shallan nodded, swallowing thickly, and gasping as Tyn's lips, then tongue, found her neck. Tyn made quick, careful work of the frog ties that held the two halves of the dress together across her bodice. Storms! Shallan's heart pounded in her ears. What was she doing? Anticipationspren wiggled silently around her feet. Should she stop this? Tyn knew she was promised to someone else, but that was to a man. This was different, right? It wasn't like this counted as violating the marriage bed, right? Never had Shallan felt such a gentle focus on her like this before. It was certainly lust that had her entranced. Infatuation or love had no part in this. Her heart continued to thud relentlessly under Tyn's lips. Storms, the men were right, it does feel quite nice to have someone's tongue on you.
Tyn's hands slipped into the top of Shallan's dress, cupping her breasts through her slip. Shallan wasn't stupid, she knew this was part of… well part of… sex. But she had never indulged herself like this, with fingers circling her nipples, ever before. She usually had nursemaids to bathe her, and tutors declaring it wrong and unladylike to even think about. She'd seen a diagram, once, and got the briefest of explainers from a tutor in the general mechanics there upon, but that was what it was like with a man. This was Tyn, who while masculine and leading the way, was no man at all. Shallan didn't know where to put her hands. They fidgeted at her sides and up to touch Tyn's back and back down between each shaking breath she took. Oh, Almighty this was…. something so new. There were senses being activated she didn't know she had and-
Tyn kissed her again, skipping her tongue into Shallan's mouth. Tyn spun the pair of them and lowered them to the bedroll, Shallan on her back and Tyn, still kissing her, above. She pulled away, kneeling back and looking at Shallan. "Whew," she whistled. "You're something else, girl." Shallan blushed at her state, disheveled and half dressed. She moved to cover her chest, but Tyn swooped in, capturing a dark brown nipple in her mouth. Shallan keened, tipping her head back against Tyn's pillow. Oh! That is what they meant with the comments about tongues. Tyn's tongue flicked around the stiff peak, suckling at it greedily, her hand massaging the neglected breast in turn. She pulled away, switching sides and returning to her efforts to rip every breath from Shallan the second she inhaled them. Shallan curled her fingers into the bedroll, shuddering. Tyn was being so gentle with her, yet so focused on giving Shallan everything. This reminded Shallan nothing of what crass talk she'd heard her brothers or the sailors make. That had always made it sound so violent, so transactional. But nothing about Tyn's mouth and hands lavishing her breasts made Shallan feel like a whore. It made her feel good. Really, really good.
Tyn slid back off Shallan, but not before stealing another kiss, the taste of Shallan's salty caravan-trodden skin mingling with the lingering spice of the curry on her tongue. "Don't stop? Well, if you insist," Tyn laughed, and Shallan only then realized that she had breathed the command at the conwoman. "I've got something else in mind though, I promise you'll like it." She scooted back, carefully running her hands up Shallan's legs under her skirts. Shallan blushed, realizing she hadn't been wearing bloomers, just the blue dress and slip. The one pair she had were borderline unseemly to wear, and she hadn't had a chance to wash them yet. Tyn lit up at this discovery, flicking Shallan's skirts up to her waist, exposing her thighs and crotch. "A girl after my own heart," Tyn chirped, before petting Shallan's thighs and coaxing them apart. Tyn was still fully dressed, so what could she possibly want with Shallan's- Shallan inhaled sharply as Tyn's warm brown fingers traced through the thatch of red curls at the apex of her thighs and in between. Shallan didn't realize she could be so sensitive there, so sensitive in such a wonderful, delicious way. Tyn rested her forehead against Shallan's, practically panting like someone who had ran a marathon. "I didn't expect you'd be this slick for me, Shallan," Tyn gasped, pleased. "Just you wait." She pressed on with her fingers, teasing at the top of Shallan's slit, massaging circles into something that felt so so so so so good. "I know it feels good," Tyn whispered. "Let it."
She leaned back, moving to lay on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, her mouth puffing hot breaths onto Shallan's lower body. She wouldn't… would she? That can't taste- it can't be clean! How filthy! Shallan thought, shaking with pleasure at the thought. What would anyone think, to see the only heir of house Davar, a proper lighteyeed woman, betrothed to a prince, be taken apart like this on a dirty bedroll in a slaver's caravan, by a woman in trousers. Shallan bucked her hips up against Tyn's face as soon as her lips brushed her skin. Tyn reached around her thighs, holding Shallan in place so she wouldn't float away into the skies as Tyn's tongue parted her folds. Her tongue flicked its way through the warm, slick, and terribly sensitive slit, before circling that spot again. Tyn sucked it in between her lips, brushing it again and again with her tongue. She lapped at Shallan, who had abandoned all pretense of trying too keep her head on straight, a long breathy whine falling from her mouth around a bit knuckle. Unconsciously, her other hand found one of her nipples and pulled at it, desperate for something, something just out of reach, that maybe if she just overwhelmed herself, if she just kept feeling everything she'd find it-
Shallan came apart beneath Tyn's ministrations with a choked cry. Her thighs shook in Tyn's arms, the other woman drinking in Shallan's pleasure. She carefully pulled herself from Shallan and pushed herself up to her knees. Shallan looked positively ravished, her bodice undone and bearing her small pale breasts, nipples red and pebbles against the cool air and a faint bruise starting to blossom on the side of one of them. A little momento Tyn left for her. Shallan heaved another breath deep from her chest again and again, trying to will her soul to cram back in her body for a single thundering minute. Sweat stuck hair to her face, and she released her knuckle from her jaws to brush it from her face, teeth marks denting the flesh on either side. She felt the cool wind whisper through the flaps of the tent and against her wet thighs and groin, which she pulled her skirts against the chill of. She looked up at Tyn, who looked as pleased as a mink who had found a fish. Tyn pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her face and her hands with it. The room, however drafty, hung with a scent Shallan had never encountered in such pungency. "That, Shallan, is what it feels like to have a tongue on you." Shallan sighed, drained of any energy to reply with more than, "I think you mean it's what it feels like to have a tongue in me, Tyn."
a/n: this is the first fanfic ive written in literally half a decade. also if theres typoes: no there isn't. you're imagining things. i refuse to have my shit betaed
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anxietyfluffy · 9 days
I dont try to make posts like this as it sucks all the fun n life out of the tags at points but theres a person in the tags rn who is openly homophobic and I feel the need to call them out on it. The user in question is @bradwongsgffrrrr . They change their name often from what i saw, so here is the post in question, which is a ship edit of Diego and Evie. Another edit of theirs gets mentioned a lot as well, which is an edit they did of Joe Warren and Louis Leroux
Here is the discussion that happened where they said some pretty gross stuff:
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The reason me as well as others assumed the Warren & Leroux edit was a ship edit was cus of the fact people reblogged n replied to it saying how they loved the ship as well as the fact the audio used was a ship audio. Anyways, just wanna warn you all as of there are plenty of queer artists in the CC fandom, so seeing this kind of stuff is always sucky. I will also say, religion is NEVER an excuse for homophobia. Even if you yourself aren't comfortable with queer people, especially in a fandom like this you need to keep it to yourself as even the game itself goes against your beliefs with having openly queer characters. What you personally believe in doesn't give you the moral highground to sit there and judge others for living their lives, especially if it isnt hurting anyone. While there are also other suspicions me as well as others have noticed with certain accounts only reblogging and liking newer/popular posts in the tag and then this person's content, them being around the same time on the exact same date and being very obviously newer accounts with all similar writing styles and images that couldve been taken from google, Pinterest or Tumblr and easily can be accounts that were made for possibly botting notes on this persons posts -
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-The main issue is just the homophobia and the doubling down on said homophobia, especially in a fandom as queer as this one. And its clear this person is truly just outright homophobic, it is clear when you read through the messages shown above that they at the very least have a distain towards gay people.
Again, sorry I have to make a post like this, i always hate posting drama-related things instead of fanart or content for yall but this is important as i know so many people in this fandom, esp people who make content for it here, are queer and i dont want people having to experience this. So, I recommend blocking them.
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project-retina · 2 months
Signing off!
Yeah. to put it bluntly: I just am not interested in the idea of this ask blog anymore. I had fun while it lasted, but, I don't think it'll continue. I'll keep the blog up for archival reasons, and if anyone else in the fanbase wishes to pick up where I'm leaving this off, they can feel free to do so.
The reason i'm officially ending it here is because 1, I don't wanna pull a valve and leave y'all waiting for closure any longer 2, I just have better ideas for the IEYTD franchise. Better Au ideas etc. etc. 3, I was way too ambitious with the scope of this AU. Took on more than I could chew, yknow?
I will definitely continue creating IEYTD content every now and then on my main blog (@bugtoast) in case any of y'all are worried about that, but as for this blog, I think i'm done.
I'm really sorry to anyone who was enthusiastic about this blog (especially my besties in this fandom YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE /positive), but it just isn't continuing.
I'm forever grateful to anyone who sent asks or drew fanart or even just reblogged with little messages in the tags! you all gave me all the encouragement and more that I could've ever needed. To you, thank you.
Anyways, as promised when i made this blog, here's what the plotline of this comic WOULD'VE been if it had been finished. Spoilers will be present under the "Read more".
Basically, Phoenix does the third game missions (with juniper now being stuck with Handler), but when they awake on the beach, they're found by a zoraxis member.
The Zoraxis member obviously brings Phoenix to Zor, and Phoenix learns of Zor's next master plan: To find a way to control time, so that they can go back in time and destroy the agency before it even started.
It's here that we learn that Zor used to be Reggie(Handler)'s Handler before something happened that forced Reggie to retire to his current position, and that Handler and Zor used to have a similar relationship to that of Phoenix and Handler's current one.
There was more, but I honestly forgot what happens next. All i remember from here on out is that Zor and the Main crew end up teaming up, destroying the Agency (which was the real villain the whole time) and all ends up good.
I know it isnt the best plotline, but its the one I came up with and had in mind for this ask blog while writing it.
I don't really have much else to say. Just? thank you for reading, and thank you all for supporting me up until this point.
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worm-brainzz · 8 months
"My name is Regina George Wilbur, and in case you're keeping score, Cady Candyyz may have won the battle but I will win the war."
-Taylor Louderman, Mean Girls Original Broadway Cast Recording, "World Burn".
Hello!! I'm will! Heres an intro post to get to know me :D
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basic stuff:
names: xander/wilbur/crow/icarus (and any nickname you come up w/
pronouns: he/they/it/meow/vamp/star/angel/silly/heart/kitty
gender: vampcatgender, angelstar, sillygender, angeliwhore, mikucharic, argoscharic, mrplantcharic, heartfloweric, starrycattic, guitarvampic, crazymusicgender (MANY MANY XENOS. HOUGH BOY.)
sexuality: achillean
age: 13 hourgh
i have generalised anxiety disorder and autism. please be nice. im begging.
i also have the worst spine problems known to man (exaggeration)
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(EDIT: i took starry, divine and pax out cuz i wanna stop worrying abt the situation. happy emoji)
(EDIT 2 FOR TODAY HOLY.: added prince to the dni list cuz of personal stuff :3)
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discord: worm.brainzz
wattpad: mercuryheartss
insta: p0is0n.appl3 (wont let me change it)
bandlab: mxrcuryheartss
medibang/art street: worm.brainzz
youtube: worm.brainzz
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ashur gharavi cinematic universe
project sekai
project diva
hazbin hotel
lacey flash games
village roadshow themeparks
doki doki literature club
nyan neko sugar girls
aussie world (theme park)
pretty dresses hehe (as in like. princess shit. yk.)
sammy j and randy on ricketts lane
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music taste:
franz ferdinand
ghost & pals
tally hall
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@cloudxxiii @bi-squirrel @poisoned-sugar11 @aroace-polysho @devilish-parrot @statictelevision @reinagony @m0nst3rgunxz @voidbeau @machathecat @ang31ey3s-d3mons3edz. ACK /POS.
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active: @worm-brainzz @ask-angel-argos, @wormbrainzz-reblogs
inactive: @v0idbr34d, @larva-heartzz
#explosion_sound_effect.mp3: txt
#worm making theories??? rare occurence???: one of the only times i will ever make theories
#mega worm brainrot: talking abt stuff that wont get out of my head
#queue could be my unintended choice to live my life extended: queue
#will's inbox: my asks
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Tag game ✨
I was tagged by @itsallaboutbl Thanks love💜
1. why did you choose your url?
Two main reasons. First it's because I wanted this place to be my happy place, where it's all about the joy, because irl I wear whatever the opposite of rtg is. And it was also about the bl bubble, although I didn't call it that in my head at the time. And I just like the expression. And I got a new name out of it so that's nice.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
this is my sideblog. my main one I started years ago and wanted to keep it separate. this one is mainly for ql and occasionaly other asian dramas.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
since 2010 if I'm not mistaken.
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do. #rosyq I don't use the queue a lot though.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I got tired of lurking the bl fandom and wanted to try and make some gifs.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
because he's the best boy. I adore him and will protect him at all costs. I do change them quite a bit though.
7. why did you choose your header?
because I really like the imagery and the show.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
from this year it's this one from Young Royals. One of the few times I giffed something other than qls.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I have no idea.
10. how many followers do you have?
way more than I ever thought I would.
11. how many people do you follow?
the exact number I want to.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I work on my laptop from home so a lot of the time tumblr is just opened on a tab.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
in my head, all the time.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
usually doesn't really influence my decision or make me feel any type of way.
16. do you like tag games?
I love them. tag me.
17. do you like ask games?
yes. although as soon as I get questions I start to regret it cause then I have to make use of my terrible memory.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
is this a thing?
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
do I?
20. tags?
Not this time. Although I feel a bit more comfortable tagging people these days, I've been doing it a lot lately so this time I'm just not doing it. I really don't wanna be a nuisance. But if anyone see this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged here.
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chatting-menagerie · 6 months
Welcome to Chatting-Menagerie!
A Multi-Fandom Multi-Muse askblog! This blog focuses on my (Mod Alien) ocs in the various settings they're in! You can ask anyone at any time, but for the best experience, check out the current setting!
Current Setting: Monstra
(My Monstra characters: TOYHOUSE )
My Toyhouse | Original Content | Fandoms
My Blogs:
Main: @alien-shmalien
Art: @art-alien
Fandom Reblogs: @alien-menagerie
Pokemon Askblog: @lairmadness
Webcomic: @who-killed-kismet
This blog follows from and replies from @alien-shmalien
Confused? More information below!
Who are you?
I'm Mod Alien! They/Them and I'm an adult! You can find my carrd Here. (Some might know me better as Dox!)
What is this blog?
This is Chatting-Menagerie, an askblog for ANY of my ocs- I've been wanting to make an askblog for many of my characters but it would've made my blog list a million and 1, so I decided this would be the best idea! You can ask questions To or About any of my characters- though your best bet is to see what the current setting is! that's what i wanna draw the most :)
Anyone at Anytime?
Yes! If you know about the character and want to talk to them or know more, Feel free to send in an ask! However, You're more likely to get answered if you send something related to a character I'm currently fixated on... Additionally you MUST specify if you're asking to a specific, Non-current focus character because...
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(Number may be outdated, but Yes I really own that many!)
So If you send in a non-specific ask it may get used for the current setting!
Can my characters interact with yours?
Of course!! Even Cross fandom interactions are highly encouraged! I love interactions!!
Some extra stuff:
This blog may feature adult themes, but it'll be properly tagged and flagged!
This blog does not condone or tolerate proshippers, terfs, shitstirrers and various people alike.
Characters will be tagged "OC: (full name)" or "OC: (full name) (Fandom)" for certain characters
Some asks may be ignored for various reasons- Please be respectful even if yours doesnt get answered!
In that same vein ITS OKAY TO SEND MULTIPLE ASKS THAT ASK DIFFERENT THINGS!! Send as many messages as you want!!
More may be added here! Keep an eye out!
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thetrashbois · 6 months
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Hey! I'm Spooky! I'm 25 years old, and use she/they pronouns.
I've had this blog for a very long time but it's been very on and off being used, And yet I keep coming back 👉👉
This blog is my vibing place for my self shipping! This can go anywhere from just reblogging my blorbos, to me actually making stuff! Mainly art and writing!
This blog is 18+ only. No minors. I like to keep all my content for this on one blog so that includes more sinful content. Though it will be tagged accordingly if you don't wanna see it! (Tags at bottom!)
I tend to switch around a lot to different fandoms and interests. It's rare I'll stop liking a fandom or character though. I have many Blorbos and the number only grows uwu
I have a lot of mental health stuff going and self shipping is a big coping mechanism for me. ✌️
I'm a system! I don't really plan to talk about it much on this blog, but on the off chance it comes up I'll say it ™️
I have two amazing partners, @calamari-minecraft-corner and @angelover44 . ❤️
My main is @spooookyqueen, I follow from there!
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I'm not gonna do a full DNI this time cause I don't have the braincells, and people don't always respect them anyway, but I will set a few ground rules.
Obviously any basic DNI stuff would apply.
I wanna keep discourse of any kind off here for the most part, it stresses me out and if im gonna talk about that sort of thing it would be on my main and not my self shipping blog.
For the most part everyone is welcome here, just don't be an ass or just straight up make me or anyone uncomfortable.
I do on occasion post darker topics here, especially given I like a lot of evil or fake characters. I don't not support anything of the sort irl. This obviously does not include the obvious no-nos.
Anything with dark content will be tagged accordingly. If anyone needs me to add more tags I will gladly do so. And if I forget, please don't hesitate to let me know. (Just don't be rude about it)
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I can't promise any form of logic for when I post and what I post. My ADHD makes me a bit all over sometimes so there's no schedule or anything. Sometimes I might not post for a long time, it's really just up to what I see, feel up to.
Asks are always open! Just don't be rude or disrespectful is all I ask. I am just vibing here after all.
I'm not above blocking if y'all can't behave though.
I have many silly aus and such. Sometimes crossovers. What one with a small brain might call "cringe"
Jokes on your cringe culture is dead though and I killed it 💜
FR tho, Were all just having fun here 👉👉
Also sorry for any spelling/grammar issues on here or on any other post of mine, I struggle a lot sometimes with my ADHD since my brain tends to be faster than my hands. And if I don't type quick enough I tend to lose my thoughts
Main Tags I use below, Will add F/O Tags as I go ✌️
General Tags
#Cala my beloved Posts involving @calamari-minecraft-corner
#Katlyn my beloved Posts involved @angelover44
#Suggestive Not quite going into sexual territory but the implication is there
#Sinful Mature content, namely the sexual sort
#My Memes
#My Edits
#My Art
#My Writing
Blorbo Tags
#Wesker or #Albert Wesker Albert Wesker from the Resident Evil franchise & Dead By Daylight
#Eddie or #Eddie Gluskin Eddie Gluskin from Outlast: Whistleblower
#Darkiplier Darkiplier from Markiplier's Ego Videos (Or as I call them the Markiplier Cinematic Universe)
#Damien or #Mayor Damien Damien from Markiplier's Ego Videos (Or as I call them the Markiplier Cinematic Universe)
#Celine or #Seer Celine Celine from Markiplier's Ego Videos (Or as I call them the Markiplier Cinematic Universe)
#Astarion or #Astarion Ancunín Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3
#Gale or #Gale Dekarios Gale Dekarios from Baldur's Gate 3
#Raphael Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3
#Miguel or #Miguel O'Hara Miguel from the Spider-Verse Movies
#Spot, #The Spot, or #Johnathon Ohnn Johnathon Ohnn/The Spot from the Spider-Verse Movies
#Vox Vox From Hazbin Hotel
#Lucifer or #Lucifer Morningstar Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel
Will add more as I go, anyway, thanks for reading ✌️
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monsterfuxkermarya · 1 year
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STATUS: off to sfw </3 (indefinite writing hiatus srry)
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Get to know me!!
You can call me Marya, 18 (she/they/it), and I’ve been a long time lurker. I don't tend to write a lot, so if I go missing after like, a three week spree, that's just me being an idiot. And also, it may not all be monster smut! I’ll write what I write! I am the totally all-knowing supreme source for monster smut (no I’m knot)
Yes this is my main account. Yes I will post things that are not smut or weird. Yes, I’m a human with big feelings that I don’t know how to express.
Fandom list//interests (get to know me / should we be moots essentially)
Requests are always open unless stated otherwise!
I have a SFW/Nsxl account that im decently active on and I will not name, but if you would like to reach out to me on that account, please feel free to message me and ask for the name reach out @trias-tiny-time. I don’t feel comfortable linking my SFW to my NSFW I'm linking it in case anyone wants to contact me since I'm kinda sorta abandoning this blog in favor of writing over on AO3. If your blog isn’t kid safe (wouldn't show it to an actual kid), please don’t ask for the account - it’s to keep me safe.
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Tags you can find me under! monsterfuxkermarya // mfmaryareblogs
#monster_fuxker_marya: my general writing tag, anything I write will have this.
#mf marya reblogs: my reblog tag.
#mf marya rambles: my rants/vents/random shit
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If you wanna read my stuff/follow me on AO3, do so here. It only has fanfic!!!!!!!!!! tumblr works stay on tumblr.
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CREDS TO @/cafekitsune FOR THE HEARTS DIVIDER, @/mmadeinheavenn FOR THE FANGS, AND @/bratschool FOR THE HEADER TYSM ❤️
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clover-the-awesomest · 11 months
Here’s my Masterpost I guess…?
Hello hello! Here’s my currently unofficial master-post! My name is Clover, (she/they ig 😕) and this is my main blog where I reblog a bunch of stuff I like! It’s all mostly Wander Over Yonder and Rise of the TMNT, so if you’re not interested I suggest you keep on scrolling. However, if I take a liking to something that doesn’t require it’s own blog, I’ll reblog that as well.
This masterpost is currently made for understanding my boundaries and for organization purposes. I’ll likely update it whenever any of these things change or whenever I wanna add some more 🌟Personality🌟 to the post. Please respect these following guidelines:
Please don’t message me. It’s very very likely I will never respond or I’ll get too attached or something. I’d like for the messages to only be between moots or people I know irl. Speaking of which…
Do not send me an ask questioning me about anything personal. There isn’t really much special about me in real life, especially considering I’m on Tumblr, and besides. This is literally the internet. Things such as my name, age, where I live, who I live with, who I know, etc. All of that is off limits. Please do not expect me to reveal anything of the sort.
This is also not really a “Family friendly” blog. Swear/curse words are very much allowed, but my language is not very “Colourful.” Always refrain from using any swear words that are offensive against a certain group/minority or any slur within that range. If you don’t know what I mean, don’t ask.
In this same vein of thought, I need to mention I AM A MINOR. Anything nsfw is strictly prohibited. I do hope this doesn’t need to be elaborated on any further.
On a more positive note, my asks are open to anyone! It doesn’t matter what fandom you’re in, I’ll be willing to answer anything from Undertale to TGAMM! Obviously though, I will not tolerate anything rude or uncomfortable, and of course there will be no bots in my asks. (Hopefully)
As for organization, everything is split up into multiple different tags for convenience. WOY stuff, however, is for now stuck under one single tag, as this blog started as just an ROTTMNT blog and all the other tags are related to that instead. You can go around and look for what you want by searching each tag in the searching bar at the top of my blog.
My tags are actually pretty unique to this blog! Here’s an example or two: The tag “ew” refers to the ROTTMNT comic called “Emperion Weeping,” and the tag “swanny boi” refers to another Rise comic called “Swanatello.” Idk if that’s the comic’s official name but that’s the one I remember.
I do this for originality purposes and so that it can just fit my blog’s personal style. It’s relatively the same for my other side blogs as well!
Speaking of which, here are all my active blogs! (Not including this one cuz ur on it right now)
Lego Monkie Kid blog: www.tumblr.com/justmeclover
Sonic the Hedgehog blog: www.tumblr.com/my-name-is-jefferooni
Undertale/Underverse blog: www.tumblr.com/i-just-do-reblogs
These are all side blogs and this is my main, so there may be some days where I’m silent on those while others I’ll just be hammering out reblogs! Check em out if you want!
By the way, I’m working on an ROTTMNT fan comic myself for my “New Home AU!” It’s currently unfinished and I have no idea when I’ll get the courage to post any pages, but any asks about the AU are very VERY much appreciated! I’ll be very happy to respond to anything that doesn’t delve too much into the story… Just the basics.
To follow up on this, yes I do draw and I am willing to share my art with you. It will be a while before that happens though since I currently do not have access to a laptop, so posting my art will be more difficult.
And as a final guideline, no, I am not on any other social media platform and hopefully I never will be. My goal is to stay out of as much internet conflict as possible, so do not request for me to get like a Twitter or a Wattpad.
Thank you all so much for reading this far! Hopefully in the future this masterpost will be way shorter than it is right now. I’m still kinda new to all this posting shit right now, so. Yeah. I really appreciate how far you’ve made it.
Hope you can also continue to enjoy this blog! Have a good day/night!
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twosgays · 2 years
Hiya! Call me Twos or Twosday ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
This blog is mainly furbies and reblogs of whatever show I’m watching! All my main socials can be found on my linktree and you can follow my furby instagram (where I tend to be more active)!
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☆ Linktree to my art socials
☆ Furby instagram
☆ List of all my furbies
☆ Furby wishlist
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✧ I’m 24. I’m a nonbinary asexual lesbian and my pronouns are they/them! Really just a mexican american artist trying their best out here\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
✧ love all things gay and cute 💜
✧ I currently have 33 furbies in my furb family! Been a furby fan since I was 6 years old. My very first furby was Felix, a 2005 furby I got when I around 9/10!
✧ This blog is SFW but keep in mind I AM an adult. Some likes/reblogs may be suggestive in nature (will be tagged and will never be full nsfw). Be warned.
✧ I’m typically very quiet but I love hearing about furbies! If you ever wanna just info dump info about them (or your furbies in particular) my dms are always open! Additionally if you are curious about any of my furbies and how I fixed them/where I got them, I am more than happy to answer!
✦ My furbies are my lil dudes so I’m not a fan of people commenting about how creepy/weird/evil they are. I don’t mind light teasing from those in the fandom, e.g. “my furby steals teeth”, “this pic is so cursed”, etc. Though should anyone be intentionally malicious I will warn others. ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง
✦ Although I’m generally cool with everyone, I prefer idle/friendly chats to come from those 18+! Please do not be offended if you are a minor! Y’all are cool but this is my preference.
✦ General “get the fuck outta here” if you’re homophobic/transphobic/racist/xenophobic/right-wing/etc. I curate my online space and block liberally.
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The Grimoires of Several Magicians
An Incident-Recording Project led by Marisa Kirisame
Contained in these collections are the findings of me- Marisa Kirisame- as well as some friends of mine and some locals in other worlds, many of which are beyond the borders of Gensokyo. Each of them tends to have incidents to resolve, and other resolvers to resolve them while we note them for anyone else who might face them. Who knows? Someone might find this stuff useful like the Kirisame Magic Shop or my grimoire on Spell Cards! Wanna see it? [Click here to access the Wiki’s post about “The Grimoire of Marisa” that inspired this blog’s theme]
But Sumireko and our Editor (me, this blog’s mod) just call a lot- if not all- of these notes “informational guides for mobile games.” Why? So they can make that information more accessible on a social media site like this one… yeah, this one. While Sumireko is our go-to source for a lot of firsthand outside world knowledge, we’ve got other friends here to help out.
While borrowing information from existing sources like those might be simple for this, the others insist on having those sources cited so you can see what they wrote and if it’s right, wrong, or missing. We’re only doing this because our two knowledgeable outside world people started talking about the problems with “borrowing” information, the legal penalties the outside world has for this sort of thing, and how others can’t “take back the stuff I borrowed after I die” because of credit where credit is due.
But if you wanna ask us about stuff here in Gensokyo or anywhere else really, just send us your questions! We’re ready to answer!
Editor Mod’s Note: Considering the rather unusual message Marisa wrote for this cover page, this blog is a collection of informational guides on mobile games with a creative texture in the form it’s written. The blog’s purpose is to make such information from the games and wikis more accessible on Tumblr. Sources found that are of considerable value will be attached as so: (link to external source 🔗)
The ask box is open for character asks (see the Staff Board section to see who’s available), questions about the stuff I post, stuff about the games we cover, or really anything about Touhou. The last part is mainly for the blog’s theme and perspective and because the fandom thrives off the vast creative side flourishing under such an open-creativity IP, and that I really just wanna talk about this stuff with other people since I sank into this fandom not too long ago. Anyways… happy reading!
Bookmark Tags
Tags for sorting & easier blog navigation.
#pages of the grimoires - Posts that are part of our informational grimoires.
#grimoire’s table of contents - The primary master post full of links and text leading to other posts.
#grimoire chapter - A secondary master post linked directly from a grimoire’s table of contents. Also usually has a large number of links.
#reblog that page - Posts from somewhere else that would fit so well into a grimoire we have here that we reblogged it.
#resolving the main incidents - Content about the “main/story content” that surround each game.
#a party a day - A party a day keeps all the youkai at Hakurei Shrine! Need to find some dailies we covered? Check here!
#the collectors of magic items - Need to horde or farm high-end items and coins for something big? We’ve got you covered.
#alice’s collection of dolls - Content that requires the presence of a friend or an entire guild to access. Everyone needs to play their part here!
#lunatic difficulty - Watch out, these stages are VERY hard to beat, either seen on the label or via experience.
#patchouli’s one week routine - Covering the weekly cycling routines in everything.
#isolated incident notes - Limited-run event coverage.
#aya’s bunbunmaru news coverage - Game news for the stuff we’re observing.
#more than four seasons - Seasonal and/or monthly stuff we watch and announce.
#the whims of joon - Offer seem kinda sketchy? Here’s our take on it before you cave in and spend your money on in-game content you’ll definitely regret later!
#the fairies’ box of mischief - Gacha or luck-based content that relies mainly on luck (and usually a pity factor) to get the main content.
#editor’s notes - Primarily mod posts that usually don’t cover anything.
#staff rambles - Random dialogue from the staff board, either by themselves or by responding to other interactions like asks or reblogs. Can be roleplay oriented to a certain extent.
#epic art - Art about a game we’re looking at that looks wonderful!
#chats about gensokyo - Just miscellaneous talks about Touhou since that’s the overarching theme of this blog, even though the things we cover aren’t always that.
Staff Board
The people helping out with making these tomes and the jobs they have. A few of which come from the outside world…
—————Upper Management—————
Marisa Kirisame (L1) - Lead Author, Project Director, Magic Research
Reimu Hakurei - Assistant Director, Miscellaneous Incident Resolution
Sumireko Usami - Information Gathering, Outside World Informational Source, Proofreading
Yukari Yakumo - Sage Reference, Rapid Transportation, General Management
—————Alternate Universe Branch Office—————
Marisa Kirisame (K4) - Information Gathering, Communications Across Other Worlds
Renko Usami (K4) - Geographical Research, Communications Across Other Worlds
Maribel Hearn (K4) - Rapid Transportation, Field Research
Marisa Kirisame (L80) - Rapid Transportation, Magic Item Research, Apocalypse Theory
Marisa Kirisame (Z1) - Advanced Magic Theory, Tactical Bullet Tester
—————All-Purpose Workshops—————
Kosuzu Motoori - Information Gathering, Fact-Checking, Keeping Books In Check
Hieda no Akyuu - Information Gathering, Archive Management
Patchouli Knowledge - Magic Research, Proofreading, Keeping Books in Check
Alice Margatroid - Shop Maintenance, Magic Research
Aya Shameimaru - News & Information Amplification
Nitori Kawashiro - Shop Maintenance, Reconstruction & Testing of Large Mechanical Systems
Reisen Udongein Inaba - Tactical Bullet Tester, Medical Professional
Sunny Milk, Luna Child, & Star Sapphire - Additional Assistants
Kagami Kitakami (Original Helper) - Architecture Maintenance, Information Gathering, Deliveries
—————West Mountain Original Editors—————
“Meringue” - Lead Editor, Representative of the West Mountain Anomaly
Yukari “Kit” Kamimaru - Assistant Editor, Greater Representative of the West Mountain Anomaly, Dimensional Research
Hinako “Ninefluff” Takahara - Dimensional Research, Outside World Reference
The Grimoire Collection
Book I: The Lost Word Incidents (Touhou LW) - Ready
Book II: Derivative Magic Timeline Incident No. PM3/z1 - awaiting launch
Book III: The Millennium Suitcase Incident - planned
Book IV: The Squad Rift Incidents - planned
Book V: The Salem Time Loop Incident - planned
Book VI: The Revenant Garden Incident - planned
Reference Books & Additional Bookmark Tags
Generally organized lists of things sorted by topic. Noted items are collected from every tome we add here. These will also have their own tags and secondly tagged as #reference grimoires.
Tome of Teamwork: For the Friends & Colleagues We Meet Along the Way - planning in progress
Marching Orders: Your Guide to the Servants & Fairies You Lead Beyond Your Mansion - planning in progress
Not-A-Spell Spell Cards: A Collection of Spell Cards, Not-A-Spell Cards, Not-A-Card Spells, and Not-A-Card Tactics that May or May Not Be Allowed In Other Danmaku Battles - planning in progress
Youkai & You, But Not Every Enemy is a Youkai: A Common Guide to Definitely Not-Friendly Enemies - planning in progress
Unfair Struggles: Be The Boss, Beat The Boss! A Field Manual to Boss Battles: Limited Edition - planning in progress
Grimoire of Relics: Records of Magic Items With Varying Magical Powers - planning in progress
Lunar Founded Engineering Hangar - Version K4: A Builder’s Manual to Materializing Structures & Vehicles of the Past & Future with Ingenious Kappa - planning in progress; content warnings in effect, suggestions proposed to reallocate publication to another blog
Spell Card Battle Rulebook - The Rules of Different Games of Danmaku & Strategy - planning in progress
Editor’s Cookie Bookcase
The Cookie Run series will be covered in considerably low depth in our research here because I have a whole Bookcase of content about it. More stuff might be added in the future. After all, I found that rabbit hole first. And I’m not adding those tags to this post.
@crepearchives - Basically this project but Cookie Run information archival
@bakersstreetirregulars - Basically this project but Cookie Run news
@timekeepertwister - A Cookie Run AU which has Touhou character references planned within its other mobile game themes. Will periodically share content with this blog’s collections
@lilywhite-space - Another side of the above blog’s AU story, but more in-depth stories of one world in particular
Kirisame Print Shop Journal
Where all the lore surrounding this blog and other blogs run by the same blog mod is posted. These things are original writing content and are not canon to anything else. Posts like these will be tagged as #kirisame print shop journal entries. Sometimes crossposted/reblogged/re-linked to @paradise-in-k4 as that doubles as a writing blog of mine.
The Resolvers’ Incident
Someone’s Summer Home
Red Marisa’s Rescue
Red Seal Crystals…
The Right Team
The West Mountain Anomaly
Marisa’s Grand Opening
Universe K4
Universe L80
0 notes
p3rry-pi3 · 1 year
Pin pooooost!
Updated: 9/17/2024 :3
I cannot believe I didn’t bother making a proper one sooner
Anyways, info under the cut cause this thing is long as heck, and I didn’t mean to make it that way.
Uh. I shall give a gold star to whoever reads the whole thing, but DO NOT SKIP the DNI part.
I also want to clarify that I have a section with Palestine content, I know people aren’t willing to always look under the cut to actually look for that kind of stuff (I’m saying this as, most people not generally, but sometimes I do the same thing, as shitty as our attention spans are, I think it’s still important that you check these posts out and reblog them. I have been DEATHLY terrified to reblog and post on this account but that shouldn’t stop anyone from at least reblogging this stuff seeing as this stuff is 1000x more important.)
I’ve copy linked posts where you can find: journalists to support and follow, how you can help Palestine donations or not, what you can do to prevent the voting for more weapons in Israel <- this could be outdated!!, and what to boycott.
Do not, and I mean DO NOT skip that part. I can’t control your actions but YOU can control YOUR OWN. I trust you to reblog, like, and share the posts I link.
Let me know if I should make this a separate post for you to reblog, but I hope this makes it GLARINGLY CLEAR on where I stand.
TW; teeth as header in the start and end :]
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Main info
Hey! I’m Perry! Short for Peregrine :)!
I’m a minor (above 10+, I wanna keep this a 13+ space cause of the cussing and my interests in horror art and other scary games. You kind of have to be 13+ to be on here anyway.)
I’m pretty spiritual
I’m a 4w5 intp. Idk what this says about me to others but uhhhh yeah.
I study the Paranormal and psychology
I like making headcanons and theories :]
I genuinely enjoy character analyses and overall enjoy video essays on media like indie horror and video games
I love hardcore horror and gore arts of all sorts. So beware of some of that. Ofc I’ll put warnings, just lemme know if I missed something. I also cuss a lot on here! So beware of that :)!
It’s come to my attention people have been posting real life gore of stuff like hyenas and actual victims so…That’s not the gore I meant. Fictional gore; FICTIONAL!
I’m new to the tagging system even now, so figuring stuff out is hard, but I’m equipped with enough knowledge on it and will put warnings in tags and captions since I recently learned you can block tags. Which helps loads.
Please be patient with me!^^
I’m trans, transmasc, and genderfluid. My pronouns are he/they.
I’m also working on getting a career or two in film :)!
Extra info
My favorite colors are purple, red, black, white, and neon pink.
I’m multifandom
Reblogs are much more appreciated but I’m grateful for likes.
I like mixed media.
Pls use tone tags :]
Please reblog artwork! Shitposts are fine for just likes. Text posts to.
I usually stick to canon ships because certain fandoms make it weird, but I haven’t seen anything in the main fandom I’m in, so I like to ship some.
I’m a multishipper. (Again, this applies to certain fandoms.)
I’m generally inactive here and there, but I like posting most of my fanart here when I can or remember I also post stuff on here.
I cuss on here so beware of that ig
I am half Samoan :]!!
I speak fluent English but I am learning some German.
I have social anxiety and anxiety so posts can sometimes be slower than usual since I’m almost always on my own toes. And because I have anxiety, if I’m being awkward, it’s nothing you did or said, I’m just like that in general.
I have horrible memory so if I post twice on the same day or hour it’s prolly because I forgot about it.
I reference lots of lemon demon and jack stauber.
I blame the jack stauber fanbase for my lemon demon obsession.
I’m the oldest of two brothers so you might hear about them here and there but rarely so.
I’m kind of an idiot, so please be patient if I ask you a third time to repeat what you said.
I have ADHD took a lot out of me to confirm I do. So posts may come later or at the same time due to this.
Biiiggggg undertale and fnaf nerd.
I’m an over analyzer who loves theories. Did you know I’m also an overthinker? (<- sarcasm.)
I don’t dream. I have nightmares instead. That’s where I get most of my OCs.
None of my stuff has age ratings unless it’s like tough topics to touch on or something horrifying.
I ramble lots and ramble even more in tags, so there’ll be lots of tags of just me rambling
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸🍉
It’s a genocide not a war!!! Z//onists FUCK OFF!!!!!!
I tried to make little watermelon emoji borders so they wouldn’t be confusing, but idk lmk if the borders help section it
I will also continuously update it if needed, and I take constructive criticism if I need to change anything, and no, ‘the only criticism I have is the fact you support Palestine’, or something, isn’t valid criticism. I’ll block you, and it’s not even a funny thing to joke about.
Links I have so far (I wanna remind ppl that if you don’t like seeing your link here just lmk and I’ll take it down, I’m just tryna share the word and I’ll soon make a post on its own abt this cause I think it’d be really important to make a separate post on this)
Help Heba!!!
(This one is sort of just based off someone else answering an ask but I wanted to copy link this one anyways since by the looks of it, they have a lot of pro-Palestine posts)
How YOU can help Palestine.
Palestinian journalists.
No more weapons for isntreal, ceasefire now.
This could be outdated or time sensitive.
What to boycott.
Places you should go
My unvale
Yapping account that won’t let me link for some reason
Pfp creds:
https://pin.it/1Jt3pb5eS on Pinterest :3
Tags I think u should check out on here!^^ /nf
Some doodles :) (doodles that are 9 times out of ten fandom related)
Bugsnax ramblings (I ramble about headcanons, theories, characters, in game stuff, etc.)
Mind rambles (theories, it’s a new tag I’m working on updating soon.)
Rambling about shit (shits and giggles at 3 AM)
Bugsnax shitpost (mother load of idiocy from yours truly)
Some doodles (not aware this existed prolly isn’t even from this blog, not used as much. At least I don’t think I dunno.)
Lemon demon
Jack stauber
Mother Mother
Indie horror art
Analog horror
Spiderverse ITSV & ATSV
Undertale AUs
Mr. Plant (from Ashur Gharavi)
CoD MW2, Cold War Black ops (18+ content CoD blogs DNI)
Venom (Mostly the movies, but I also enjoy the comics.)
TF2/Team Fortress 2
Death Note (anime) (pray for me…)
Attack on Titan (anime) (I’m revisiting my anime phase, clearly…)
Furry haters/anti-furrys
MAP (not the art collab meaning, but the other meaning)
Anti-microlabels (it is extremely important to me that you understand this is something that’s part of me to a spiritual level. I will fight you.)
In terms of the fandoms Death Note and CoD, I’d like it if you’re not a 18+ CoD blog. I am a minor and since 18+ is unwelcoming to minors - pls do not interact. Mello x Near shippers are thin ice but it’s not like you can’t interact. They just make me uncomfortable when shipped together cause I view them as brothers more than anything and I see them as L’s little honorary brothers (or his kids as canon was originally gonna be) too. So any Meronia shippers are not unwelcomed but I am hesitant to accept any interaction from them. Matt and Mello shippers are fine. Same with Matt and Near.
If you’re anything of the above, please get off my page/blog.
I don’t have much of a DNI, just be respectful and mindful.
Might expand if needed.
Did you read it?
Did you read the whole thing or at least the “DNI” parts?
Here’s a gold star, as promised: ⭐️
Alright. Go nuts. Be respectful.
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0 notes
sforsus · 2 years
Info for this blog. I recommend reading it.
—Introducing myself-
Hiya! I’m Spoot! I’m the one who runs this blog, I’m a fumbling 18 year old who likes art. And appreciates writing, sadly however not all this art and not all this appreciation i can show on main. As being Suspicious on main is never a good idea-(Don’t do it it’s not worth it-).
This is a side account so I don’t have a posting schedule unlike my main that has one, so do NOT expect a solid posting schedule, but DO expect at least one or two posts a week.
—Why I make art:
•I make art to help me love myself, wether that be with my dysphoria or just not feeling well. And me being a trans-masc individual(you can see where this is going) there will be many many men(and sometimes women) here! In many many situations, for lewd eyes to enjoy in their entirety- you will be subjected too my fantasies so you’re walking into this willingly-. I’ll post from whatever fandom I’d like here as well, it won’t all be Submas.
•I also make art to cope with every day struggles, like depression and anxiety/ADHD, so on so on. So anything I deem too adult too post on main will also go here, that includes Vent art.
•I finally make art like this to practice anatomy, being nakey isn’t always sexual, or sad, sometimes it’s just beautiful. I’ll be posting anatomy practices of the nakey verity I do here as well. Like I said being nakey isn’t inherently sexual, but I will be putting it here anyway. Because I don’t want to put it on main.
(Will add more if need be)
—What tags do I use?:
List of tags and what they’re for👇 (I may use multiple of these on one post, so make sure to block a tag of mine if that content is something you don’t want to see from me. Like my vent art, so on.)(Don’t worry about memorizing these or anything, I’m serious, I just love being overly organized-)
•#SForSus , General tag that I will be putting on all my posts. To make them easily found and recognizable as mine(You might wanna include this tag if you’re reblogging something of mine, entirely up to you.)
•#SForSpread , My reblog tag I use when reblogging materiel I did not make <3
•#SForSweaty , Explicitly sexual content. Aka content that I’ve made or reposted that is inherently sexual.
•#SForShowy , Nakey things that is not supposed to be sexualized. Either made for appreciation, used in vent art, or for anatomy practice.
•#SForSorrow , Vent art/posts from me.
||Fandom tags/others||
•#SForSubmas , Submas posts <3
•#SForSelf , posts of self insert things
•#SForSelfMade , oc posts <3
—Big No No’s and yes yes’s
Yes yes I will/accept:
•Asks in my ask box
•ideas for future posts
•Always tag my posts correctly using the tags I have listed.
•include trigger warnings, content warnings when needed.
•try my hardest to be respectful, honest and kind to everyone.
No no I will not/not accept:
•Allow anyone under the age of 18 onto this blog, anyone who doesn’t have their age in their bio And follows me will be blocked as well without question.
•Allow BlankShippers/Incest/Rape/(Blantant and Genuine)Homophobia/Transphobia/Racism/Sexism anywhere near me. If I find you are engaging in these behaviors, I will block you without hesitation.
-Closing thoughts
I hope that you enjoy your stay here! If you’d like you can check out my other art on my main. I won’t be even alluding too this tumblr on my main, as I want to keep these separate from each other.
But other than that!
-Introducing the regards, Spootie boi!
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kissinvampires · 2 years
I am... gonna rant. Cuz I've been feeling... some type of way.
That way is very very very pissed off, by the way, just to set the mood for what's under that readmore. 😤😤😤
Okay so.... ive been posting more writing on my writing blog. And its been nice. People have been nice.
But here's the thing. And yes this is about the like/reblog ratio again. Because its been upsetting me. And yes im also on my period so im even more emotionally wacky but i have to get this out.
I made a small, teeny tiny vent post, that was incredibly sarcastic and bitchy and very clearly just me venting my own shit. I even explained in the tags that i was feeling really disheartened by it all and just needed to let out my feelings. And then i got this response:
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And i GET it. People like things for reasons and blah blah blah BUT . I didnt know this person, nor did they know me. And they talked to me like i didnt fucking know how this goddamn website works, like i don't goddamn live here. It is not the same as any of that. "Its not that deep" I dont KNOW you!!! And you dont know ME! maybe it is! Maybe it IS that deep to me. I was obviously feeling upset enough to make a ranty post???
And they talked about not wanting things on their blog but they reblogged my personal bitchy post with a comment.... like... that could have been a reply!!! Or even better.... dont say fucking anything. It wasnt even a fandom blog. I dont know how they found the post, i didnt even tag it. I assume they follow someone who reblogged it, but i dont think it had that many reblogs. NOT THE POINT!
The point is, mainly, that... its nice getting attention for writing. Or any art you put out onto this little website, but like... my writing blog, which I've had for YEARS just NOW hit 10,000 likes like a couple days ago. And im not trying to sound ungrateful. Because likes are nice. They really are. I like posts all the time.
But the fact that i wrote a 12,000 word fic the other day, posted it, and it has 15 fucking notes, total. 2 of which are mine, because i reblogged it on my main blog. 5 total reblogs. And only one of those has tags. I understand that not everyone uses tags, thats chill.
BUT!!!! The fic was even NSFW and i dont write that super often, but its what i see most, its a popular genre, and the fic STILL only has 15 notes.
And it just... feels like I'm doing something wrong? Like, no matter what kind of fic i post, if it not just a tiny text post it feels like no one interacts or cares at all. And it just... fucking ... it's disheartening and exhausting and it fucking hurts.
Like why do i even fucking write anything? Or post anything? If no one gives a shit? Like, people dont get it, i know artists and gif makers, and literally anyone putting out content gets it. Because we put in hard fucking work and then get nothing back???
Like i have this amazing fic idea about plus size reader x eddie munson and i KNOW its gonna be fucking cute. Its eating away at my brain its so cute. But like.... .... i don't even want to write it now. Because no one will care. No one will interact with it.
It just sucks. I wanna write stuff and share stuff and know that people like it too. But like, if people only interact with posts that are like a paragraph long why the fuck should i even keep writing and posting stuff?
And i know im not the only one who feels this way. And it sucks. But to be complaining about it in my own space and have someone fucking come onto my post and tell me "it's not that deep".... like honestly, fuck you.
ESPECIALLY since i didn't know them??? And they didn't know me. And then came and talked down to me like I'm an idiot who doesn't know how this website works.
This is a sharing website. Its based on shares and sharing and thats how things get more views, and get more people into things, and the sharing and nice comments from others is what sparks more creativity and sparks more art and writing and gifsets and content.
And i don't know where im going with this, i don't really have an aim here i just needed to fucking rant. Because i got pissed off about it again and needed to let it out. But its goddamn exhausting when i put my heart and feelings and shit into my writing and then just... no one cares or interact or whatever and just uugghhh
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griseldafandom21 · 2 years
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I posted 4,005 times in 2022
That's 4,005 more posts than 2021!
4 posts created (0%)
4,001 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 65 of my posts in 2022
#legend of zelda - 27 posts
#my art - 21 posts
#clone wars - 21 posts
#princess zelda - 20 posts
#zelda - 19 posts
#the legend of zelda - 14 posts
#crossover - 11 posts
#queen zelda - 11 posts
#griselda's march madness challenge - 9 posts
#gmmc 2022 - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello! Griselda here. Welcome to my sideblog. This is where the bulk of the things I reblog from fandoms will be posted, mostly from the following:
The Legend of Zelda
Star Wars (mostly The Clone Wars)
J.R.R. Tolkien's works
My main blog is: @griseldafury21. My original posts and non-fandom stuff will be there.
The opinions I express on main won't be expressed here, to avoid alienating anyone that doesn't want to be bothered by that stuff.
Edit 2/18/2022: I challenge you! Details here!
0 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Ever since I've started following the Legend Of Zelda tag, I keep finding people's headcanons and hot takes and most of the time, like 99% of the time, I'm either going "I thought I was the only one who considered this!" Or "I thought this was already agreed upon??"
Makes me wanna start putting out some of my own thoughts just to see how it would be received.
1 note - Posted November 28, 2022
Custom items in Mario Kart 8 deluxe are something else
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See the full post
1 note - Posted December 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Just cheesing a shrine puzzle
2 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cybersoldier82 · 3 years
Decided to man up and make a pinned post, so here we go. Please read before you follow, and if you have any questions, my DMs are always open.
Artist Description: Hello, Name's Kyle. But you can also call me Cyber if yah want, it doesn't matter. I'm an 19 year old artist that's trying his best to improve, damnit. I am also on the autism spectrum so please keep that in mind if you ever wanna hit up my DMs. I am a Demisexual/Demiromantic, polyamorous, omnisexual/omniromantic, he/him and he/they male that is pro Choice, BLM, and pro LGBTQ+. I don't post art that often but I'm trying to remedy that so bare with me here. I am a walking shit post that is always trying to make everyone laugh as often as possible. I consider myself a nice person so if you ever wanna chat or RP my DMs are always open, and will welcome you with open arms.
What I do here: Now about my content... I am an oc/alien artist. HOWEVER, my content does contain some things that some ppl may not enjoy, I will tag anything that falls under that category accordingly.
Here's what I will Draw/Discuss: Gt/general size content, Aliens and Sci Fi in general, Anime, Random facts about animals, game lore and autism, furry/scalie content, and vore. Bare in mind i am NOT a vore or gt/giantess artist/account, I am an oc blog, but my content does, can, and will contain those things, and I am a proud member of said communities so please be advised. Again, just so we're clear here I am NOT a vore blog, I am an oc/alien blog. I just draw, reblog, discuss, and am a proud member of aforementioned communities. If you find any of these uncomfortable or it just ain't your cup of tea that's fine, I will and have tagged those things, and will put up content warnings as a heads up.
Fandoms and Franchises I'm part of/will discuss: Dragon ball(kinda), Steven Universe, Halo, Resident evil, Warhammer 40K(kinda), Mass effect, Transformers, Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk edgerunners, Cyberpunk Red, Star Wars and Star Trek, Starship Troopers, Helldivers, Starfield, Signalis, subnautica, Ratchet and Clank, Trigun/Trigun Stampede, Cowboy Bebop, Alien/Predator, Red bs Blue, Fallout New Vegas(kinda), Half life, Portal, gt/aize difference in general, vore, and the furry/scalie communities, respectfully.
And in reference to the vore and gt bit... For those of you to whom are curious, I see vore (specifically size difference vore) gt as a means of comfort, story telling devices, and possible meme/shit post fuel. So please keep those things in mind.
My don'ts and won'ts list: Permanent fatal vore is a huge nope for me (fatal with a respawn like system is fine tho.) Same thing goes for unaware vore/ unaware gt, or some wombo combo of those(again, some form of respawn must be included). Cruel gt is another nope (playful teasing and some fear play is ok tho).
Who can’t interact with this acct: porn blogs, terfs, bigots, proshippers, inflation accts( nothing personal jusy not my cup of tea/lh) and ppl who don’t respect the dni of others get the hell off my blog and don’t come back, you aren’t and will never be welcomed in this place. KINK/FETISH BLOGS DNI IF YOU SEE VORE AS A FETISH GET THR FUCK OFF MY BLOG, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY BLOG AND DONT COME BACK, I’ve had it up to here with you and I’m putting my foot down. Y’all wanna disrespect others dni’s and boundaries get the hell out y’all are never and will never be welcome here again, I don’t do fetish shit here so kindly fuck off. “Dhdhshs but vore and giantess is a fetish” to you maybe but not to me so either you respect that or go the hell away.
Who can interact: basically anyone who isn’t in the dni list, just respect my rules and we’ll be good.
Commission status: open(2 slots)
Popular posts(posts/amount may changer over time): Donkey got game. SILENCE
Oc/sona ref sheets for main universe(will also change over time): Kyle Uhn Benji Uhn Kyler “Unit” Uhn Kyles Gear Mackenzie Jacobs Mackenzie’s gear ref Requis Jacobs Nata Uhn Ruhod Stahin Ti’cth Udavae Kaida Tiamat Padak Fayke Dhid Yawmid Jake Achor Halcyon Walkman Buffalo Uhn
Oc/sona/universe lore and world building
Kyle’s origin Kyles base/armor weight what is a Soldatin how the government works circa 2224 kyles undersuit currency time boys how mack and kyle met Synth blood is neat Timeline of Humanity/Soldatins Human gun lore Soldatins are bullet proof(kinda) main casts pride stuff
Ocs not for my universe
Seris(Minecraft) MG(transformers) Slade(mersona)
And that's it. Bare all the things I've said in mind and have a nice day y'all.❤️
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