#i wanna gts forever
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girlyteengirl16 · 1 year ago
i should’ve killed myself when i was a kid
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nomstellations · 1 year ago
how about m1m1kyu? They’re cute and the z move is already right there
Getting a job at a year-round scare mansion was the best idea you ever had. The pay could be a lot better, but that's not why you and your buddy wanted the job. Truth be told, you both had a real passion for scaring people.
Your boss was pretty lax, not taking things as seriously with you two as they would with the other scarers. Just give them what they paid for and have fun, right? That gave you both some pretty novel ideas on what to do, and you both soon settled into a routine that worked best for you. The room you two were active in was an old and dusty girl's room, full of creepy dolls and worn out stuffed animals. You and your buddy were two particularly...large and lifelike dolls. Of course, you were just dolls...you wouldn't come to life and jump at anyone, right?
Yuuki really sold the part of a big old plush well. They laid limp and slumped against the wall, their worn stitched together clothes fit the theme perfectly. They kept their body covered and their face was hidden beneath their costume, so all people saw were the limp bunny ears and the creepy-but-cute stitched smile and button eyes. You both watched a small group of people make their way through, sizing them up for the perfect opportunity. One of them wasn't exactly a good sport- loudly complaining and chastising his groupmates for being wimps. You cast a glance to Yuuki when their backs were turned; knowing they'd understand what it meant.
When they tried to leave, the door wouldn't budge. That was your cue to jump into action! Slowly, you and Yuuki started to move. The bells on their costume jingled quietly, catching the group's attention. That big creepy bunny doll was moving, its empty button eyes seemingly staring them down from where it stood on the opposite wall. Then, it started to walk closer. Slow and meticulous, but with an unnatural gait that didn't seem quite human. And another doll was standing up- you were sitting up from where you rested on the dusty bed. "R-R-RUN!"
The group panicked, shaking at the door handle with everything they had while Yuuki only drew closer. You stayed where you were to watch it play out. "You guys are a bunch of pussies," sneered their colleague, "It's just a person in a shitty costume." Regardless of that, Yuuki continued to shamble forward. The door only opened at the very last second and let them all free, but when their cohort rolled his eyes and moved to leave too...it slammed on him. When he turned around, Yuuki was looming over him.
"Oooh, you got me. What're you gonna do now? These scare houses are so stupid, I swear...I should've never agreed-" Rip. One of the seams on the costume's mouth ripped. Then another, and another, until they all opened in an open, jagged smile. The man scoffed, unimpressed. "How frightening. Can I go now?" Yuuki grasped at him, both hands holding onto him firmly. Then from the inky black darkness of the inside of the costume's mouth, a clawed hand stretched forth and gripped him by the collar. "H-hey, wait, what's th-"
His head is yanked into their mouth, with his body already being yanked deeper. Their arms held him in place, leaving him to kick futilely at them while the fabric muffled his yells and protests. They lightly chomped at his body, swallowing him down with a practiced ease as you glimpsed shadowy hands reaching out from their mouth to help his descent. You had to give it to them- Yuuki was a pretty good hunter. Soon nothing was left of the spoilsport, now reduced to a struggling bulge pressing and kicking out against the fabric of their body. The stitches on their face fixed themselves as if they had never been torn open, but you could tell their smile was somehow more pleased. You flopped back down on the bed, watching them waddle over to their plush pile to hide and enjoy their meal.
The fear of people who think they're above this place is the most delicious. Hopefully you get one like that now that it's your turn to "scare" someone... This job was perfect for you both. You got paid to eat people!
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starry-toya · 6 days ago
I'm fucking cryiny
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cyncerity · 1 year ago
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i’m so happy i’ve been a part of this little community for as long as i have. everyone is super nice and inspiring and unbelievably talented, and im so glad to be posting content with people like y’all.
it’s absurd to think i’ve been doing this for 3 years and that i almost have 800 people here seeing it, but the love and support i’ve received over these years has been incredible. given that this is such a small community and i’ve either spoken with most of you or have at the very least interacted with your content, i feel confident in saying that every single person here is incredible in their own right and truly are the reason i stay here. you guys are genuinely the best, even if i forget to answer your asks or sometimes leave you on read for a while (i do that with everyone i’m so sorry) i mean it when i say that i do consider a good portion of you my friends. even if it’s been a while since we messaged or talked, you’re all awesome. and if i don’t know you personally, please feel free to message me! i love making friends, especially in a community like this that has time and time again proven to have some of the genuinely nicest people on the internet <3
i love writing and drawing and i’m not leaving here for a long while yet. the asks i’ve received saying that i inspired people to write, draw, or post are some of the nicest things i’ve ever received, and i truly mean it from the bottom of my heart when i say that those have changed my life. the self confidence and love for my craft that i’ve gained from being here is immeasurable, and that’s thanks to all of you, whether you’ve been here for years or are new to this blog.
given that this is an anniversary thing, i wanna thank @bittydragon, @baka-monarch, @wendy130, @darkeninganon, and @awesome-slime-lover for introducing me to this community. i was stalking their blogs on google far before i had an account here, and i only made an account so i could send them fanart, so you have them to thank for dragging me here lmao
i also wanna tag @plant-gt-thought-box, @kayla-crazy-stuffs, @blurrybunnie, @apersonstories, @funtimemoth, @mysticalblue09, @corysmiles, @pixy-stix-art, + some others who are not on tumblr anymore for being friends with me and actually being some of the kindest and funniest motherfuckers. Ik i haven’t spoken to some of you in forever, and i hope this isn’t coming off as parasocial, but you guys are awesome and i wish you nothing but the best (and if you wanna message more or get on vc again some time please lmk cause i am a social wuss)
and if i’m gonna list people i might as well tag the people who even if i don’t know as well, are all super talented and leave me marveling at everything they post on here (whether or not you post mcyt g/t anymore, you’re all still incredible creators who make me want to improve my own work): @eyes-eye-eyes (my /p wife <3), @wren-writes68, @jkknight98, @arc852, @brick-a-doodle-do, @oh-i-need-a-name, @quotemenevervore, @melissa-s23, @i-am-beckyu, @random-tinies, @archaxwii, @itty-bitty-rainbow, @goosedawn, @beansthough, @make-a-memory, @aslitheryprinx, @avengerofsquids, @thatoneteadrinker666, @shushiyuii, @x-pair-o-dice-x, @jammanthejam, @trouble-off-grid, @lunar-but-little, @frickfrackiwastakingabath, @chequered-career, @bio-nerds-corner, @dingbatnix, @cottoncandythetrashpanda, @sprite-addicted-artist, @colossal-red, @sheena-yuet, @quackxolotl, @local-squishmallow, @nobodywritingao3, @deity-of-keys, @astraymetronome, @a-xyz-s, and tumblr has now told me that i’ve hit the max of 50 mentions so i will have to reblog this with the rest of you (crazy to think that there’s that many of y’all but i really do want to shout out everyone) (also if you’re one of these blogs that doesn’t post mcyt anymore and don’t want yourself associated with it, just lmk and i will remove your tag from my list, just know that your previous work in this community was admired and appreciated <3)
also can’t forget the anons and the followers that aren’t outwardly a part of this community (don’t have g/t blogs, don’t have mcyt blogs, or just don’t post in general). i’m lucky enough that i’ve never received hate from an anon before, everything you guys have ever sent is so nice and you also have great ideas! I am so sorry if it takes me forever to share those ideas publicly, but know that each of you are appreciated. and for my followers, i truly wouldn’t be anywhere without you guys, so thank you for supporting me <3
anyway, i might be getting over sentimental about all this, but 3 years is a long time, and over that time i’ve grown very attached to this little group of creators and i just wanted to let you know how loved and appreciated you are
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mayearies · 2 years ago
… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
miles morales
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˚ʚ property of ©hiimayee ɞ˚
genre: fluff | warnings: a snowbunny (for you gwen dislikers), shade towards gwen (from rio and jeff and mayyyybe from miles a lil), maybe a little ghostflower idk?, spanish authors input: made it a series lmao translations: sabes que todavía estás conectado a tierra, ¿verdad? / you do know you’re still grounded, right? . sí mami, lo sé / yes mami, i know . te vi tratando de poner tu mano contra la de ella, no te hagas el tonto / i saw you trying to glaze your hand against hers, don't play dumb
summary: hard choice. or is it? ♬ song: I THINK by tyler, the creator
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ <- prev | next
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after the whole interrogation with the guidence counceler and his parents, the arguement with his parents at the party that celebrated his father’s promotion to captain, e1610 miles dragged himself to his room with an annoyed set of mind. he had too much going on for everything to be considered alright.
he threw off his puffer jacket and sighed as he sat on his bed, his sketchbook flipping open as it flew off the bed to a drawing of, well—gwen.
he had something to confess, he couldn’t choose. he tried to but he couldn’t. ever since that day he met you, he couldn’t get you off of his mind. even if he hadn’t seen you in a minute. but then again, he missed gwen. and how she was basically the first friend he’s made since his life changed forever. in a way, she was there every step of the way.
but you, you did enough for him by just being in his line of vision. just sitting next to him in math or physics, making small talk. your voice he was lovesick for. but he felt like he couldn’t share sensitive things with you yet. like how he was spiderman, how he’s seen multiple dimensions, etc. he wanted to wait.
he furrowed his brows, sighing again as he put on his headphones and leaned back into his pillow. but it just kept coming back. an image of you and her in the same frame. he wishes one of you were here with you right now.
“miles! got a minute?”
the celebration on the roof of the morales’ apartment building could be heard from below. but if you were close enough, you could hear two teens just talking about life. which would be inturrupted by two parents. it didn’t entirely peak your interest, you were just hungry and wanted something from the bodega.
“shoot! shoot, i have to go.” “really?”
gwen gave miles a look that basically said ‘you know why, just dont make it obvious’ before turning her attention back to his parents. “yeah, i just- forgot to get my steps in! y’know, cardio woo!” “it was nice catching up, gwe- i mean gwanda.” “yeah, it was… nice to see you again.”
as she left, he held a look of sorrow. he didn’t entirely want her to leave, but he knew his parents somewhat did. the first impressions of her were not the best. y’know, the whole first name thing. he sighed over the railing with his face in his hands.
his ma stayed behind him whille his dad went somwhere else. she felt bad for pretty much embarassing him infront of her. she could tell he liked her. “i hope i didn’t ice your game, man.”
“nobody my age says that, mom.” “well, she seems like a nice girl.” “hm.” “y’know, you’re a really transparent boy.” “what does that even mean, ma?”
straightening his posture, his mom was able to fix him up a little. bruhsing dust off his jacket, straightening his shirt, fixing his hair. things a mother should do.
“it means you’re not good with hiding your feelings, miles. i can tell you gravitate heavily towards her. you wanna see her again. and i’m not saying i don’t approve of it, it’s just… seeing my little boy who was shorter than me a little over a year ago is growing up and finding his new self. something about that pains me. but i need to gt over it, as every mother has to do at some point. but promise me something.”
“mhm?” “take care of that little boy for me. wherever you go, wherever he goes, take care of him. and bring him back home safely to me. it’s all i ask of you to do. if you fail we will turn that four months into a year or two. sabes que todavía estás conectado a tierra, ¿verdad?”
miles laughed as he playfully rolled his eyes, “yes ma, i know.”
“in spanish. don’t think i forgot about that B.” “sí mami, lo sé.”
she stared at him with proud eyes, but just as he was about to leave, hs dad came back. “miles, ahem. this young lady says she’s here to see you.”
he guestured towards you, who was standing in the crowd awkwardly. you weren’t that big of a fan of big gatherings, but at least the food was good. hispanic food always tasted good when cooked right.
you gave miles a small wave as he came down and his parents followed. he looked excited to see you. “hey! what’re you doing here?”
“oh! ganke told me about your father’s promotion. i just wanted to stop by and say ‘hello’.”
rio butted in on the small conversation you and miles were having, distruping him from looking into your eyes. he liked doing that. “oh, you’re one of ganke’s friends?”
“well, more or less, ms. morales.”
she looked at you with an impressed face then eyed her husband who also had the same face. miles stood beside you and smiled awkwardly but deep down he was screaming inside.
even if not calling them by legal name was the bare minimum when meeting someone’s parents. “well, when were you gonna introduce us to her? you didn’t mention her earlier!” jeff crossed his arms. “have you enjoyed your time here so far?”
“well-” “oh, i liked the food. thank you, mr. morales. i’m not keen of public places.”
miles once overheard his mom say something along the lines of being respectful to one’s guardians makes them more attractive, and it’s how she found her now husband. like mom like son, huh?
you all taked some more, engaging in the questions that his parents asked you. he tried to block out the really embarassing ones. people were starting to depart and that also means you had to go. but miles wanted to spend more time with you.
“wait, uh- we can catch up in my room before you leave. just- wait for me down there.”
as you left, miles let out a sigh of relief. well, that relief would soon be over once his parents started talking again. “well! i think i like her more than gwanda actually.”
“daad!” “oh please, te vi tratando de poner tu mano contra la de ella, no te hagas el tonto, miles. “moom!”
well, they were right. he did fall for you harder than he did gwen. was that just second nature or? cause he felt something deep down when you showed proper respect to his parents. touching his face, he could feel it was pretty warm. he didn’t feel this way around gwen.
after the night was over, he felt content with his day. he got to see his two favorite people, technically at once. one went well and one went… somewhat well.
that night, he sat in his bed listening to his playlist and found himself starting a new sketchbook since he had filled his other one. now, that one had started with a drawing of gwen. but this one, it started with you.
˚ʚ I THINK i’m fallin’ in love-
“this time i think it’s for real.”
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viewer-of-many · 4 months ago
HWLR/Monster High AU: A Wheel Good Time
HWLR/Monster High AU by @thunderstomm
"Look at that car go! This is the race of the century! Newcomer Coop is about to make history in his favorite car, the GT Scorcher!"
The young phoenix had a confident look on his face; this race was his to win!
"You wanna race? Heh, how you like these hot wheels?"
Some of the others tried to block him, but he could get by easily!
"On your left!"
Time for a real show: "It's not the same without the flame!" He activated his car's power, while also opening the window to let his own fire through.
"Look out, here I come! On your right!" He gets his car to do a flip as it approaches a jump point. "Above you! Yeah!" He crosses the finish line, having his car do a spin as he jumps out into a flying flip of his own. "I did it, I'm Camp Champ!" The crowds cheer his name...
"Coop, you're nightdreaming again!"
The real scene reveals itself; Coop is in an elevator with his dad.
"Sorry Dad, I was thinking about how awesome camp will be at..."
The elevator doors open.
"Whoa...the Ultimate Garage!"
The place is huge, and clearly, the sight of it so close up inspired a sense of awe.
"Wow! This place is so cool! Oh! Those must be the other campers!"
There were five of them: a vampire, a werewolf, a sea monster(with a prosthetic right arm), 🟡a simulacrum🟡, and a gargoyle.
"I hope I have what it takes to be a real Hot Wheels racer." "If anyone does, it's you Coop. If you ever have doubts, just remember what you tell me: a Hot Wheels racer always says..." "Challenge Accepted!" They fist bump, and then, the sound of a car can be heard.
"Oh, that's my cue! Gotta go, Dad!"
A green car races into view of the campers, as they watch excitedly. It starts to spin in a big circle around them. "So cool!"
The car opens up, revealing the driver, a Ceryneian Hind. "Hey there campers, I'm..."
"Dash Wheeler! 10 time Hot Wheels 500 champion!" "Leader of the Ultimate Garage!" 🟡"And a big fan of booberry waffles!"🟡
"Well, I guess we can skip my intro. Welcome 🟡Spark🟡, Mac, Brights, Axle, Sidecar, and Coop! You six were chosen because you have what it takes to be the next generation of Hot Wheels racers. We're gonna race Hot Wheels cars, build amazing tracks with the Track Builder, and learn what it means to be a Hot Wheels racer. The one who gets the most points gets to be Camp Champ!"
The campers all cheer at that.
"Buckle up, racing school starts now! Behold, the wonders of the Ultimate Garage! Take it away Squeakers...Squeakers, uh, where's Squeakers?"
"I'm coming, hold on!" Everyone looked around: there was a robot hidden between some boxes. He pushed the boxes out of the way and rolled out toward the crowd, his wheels squeaking the whole time.
The robot used one of his tools to reveal all the cars that the garage had to offer.
"Whoa! I can't believe my eyes!" "Experimotors, Street Beasts, the full set of Acceleracers!" "It's every car in Hot Wheels City!" "Sure is! It's not called the Ultimate Garage for nothing! Every car has a special power. You'll use these racing gloves to choose one and complete the challenge. Now, go check out the cars, we will begin in one hour! In the meantime, I'm going to get me a booberry waffle."
🟡"The Twinmill, Dash's favorite car! It's won more races than I can count!"🟡 "I wanna find one that gets me big air!" "I like the taco car!" "So many cars! Awesome!" "It doesn't matter which car any of you pick! I'm gonna be Camp Champ!" "Yeah, he's gonna be Camp Champ!" "Don't worry about those two; Dash picked us because we all have a chance to win!" "How about you Coop, is there a car you're pumped for?" Yes, there was, and right then, he saw it. "The GT Scorcher! I've been dreaming of this car forever!" "No way! If anyone's driving the GT Scorcher first, it's gonna be me!" "I don't think so, Axle!" They both flew off toward it, but being less experienced in flying, Axle bumped into Coop, sending them both off course.
🟡"Look out! Dash's Twinmill!"🟡 Coop slammed into the tire as it was being changed, his fiery wings setting it alight as it began to bounce wildly around the city. "Oh no, the tire!" From so high up, the campers could see all the damage the flaming tire was causing. "So, you launched a flaming tire into Hot Wheels City. I'm sure that happens all the time."
"Breaking news: a flaming tire has been launched into Hot Wheels City for the very first time!"
"Don't worry dude, you probably won't get in trouble."
"Whoever caused this crazy chaos can bet they are in big trouble! Oh no, it's coming straight for me!"
"Well, it was nice knowing you...not!" Axle laughs a little, then continues. "No way Dash lets you stay at camp after this!"
"I can't get kicked out on the first night! I need to stop that tire before it wrecks the whole city!" "Well, you're not gonna do it alone." 🟡"Agreed."🟡 "I'll stay here and work the Track Builder!" "And when you fail, Sidecar and I can laugh in your face!" They both begin laughing, perhaps as practice for what they think is going to happen.
"We gotta put the pedal to the metal. Hot Wheels racers, let's get that tire!" They put their gloves on and select their vehicles. "I want a racer fast enough to catch that runaway wheel. I choose: the GT Scorcher!"🟡"I need a car that can bounce that tire back home. I choose: the Rodger Dodger!" 🟡 "And speaking of bouncing, this truck will get me big air! I choose: the Baja Jump Truck!"
With the cars selected, it's time to get in and go. "You can do this!" The cars go up the lift, the track is made..."Let's race!"
Those still at the garage could see everything. "Whoa, that was awesome!" Provided, of course, that they weren't distracted like Dash was. "Now, where are those waffles? What's an Ultimate Garage hero have to do to get some waffles around here?"
"I see the tire!" 🟡"Coop, let's catch it before it gets away!"🟡 "You don't have to tell me twice!" He sped off to try and get to it, but quickly realized..."This was way easier in my nightdream!" He approached a series of loops ending in a ramp. "Now I know how my underwear feels in the washing machine!" The others took a different path to reach him as he landed.
🟡"Are you okay?"🟡 "Yep, just a little spun out." He looked to see where the tire was. "The tire's going to destroy the city!" 🟡"It feels like we're never going to catch that tire."🟡 "We have to try: a Hot Wheels racer always says, Challenge Accepted!" "We won't be Hot Wheels racers if the tire won't stay on the track." 🟡Flashback time: there was never a flaming tire bouncing around the city before, but there was a regular one, and to stop it, the racers used..."The Track Builder, that's it!"🟡
Time for a video call. 🟡"Brights, come in, this is Spark."🟡 "Brights and Squeakers here!" 🟡"We need you to change the configuration of the tracks to keep the tire on it."🟡 "Rodger that, Rodger Dodger! Squeakers and I are on the job!" A few button presses was all it took. "Track Builder, go!" Now, they just needed to find the tire. "There is it Squeakers! Let's catch it before it does any more damage!" Working together, they managed to redirect the tire back toward the others. "We did it, Squeakers!"
"One runaway tire, heading your way!" "Racers, let's roll! Keep your eyes open; Brights should be getting that tire to us any second!" They looked over..."There it is! Okay team, now's our chance!" They raced off after it. "Okay, let's catch that tire Hot Wheels style!" "Oh yeah! Time for some big air!" Mac went up a curved incline, launching his car into the air and bouncing the tire back. "On your left, Spark!" 🟡"Coop, one runaway wheel coming your way!"🟡, she said as she hit the wheel with the front of her car, bouncing it right in front of his. "Got it now!" He approached a hill shaped road, but as he did, the top of it started to disappear!
"Brights, part of the track is missing!" Back at the Ultimate Garage, Axle had managed to take control of the Track Builder away from Brights. "Axle, you're ruining the track! Coop's gonna fall off!" In her nervousness at the situation, Brights began to bite her right arm. "Looks like your time at camp has officially stalled out, Coop!"
🟡"Oh no!"🟡 "He's not gonna make it!" "I'm not gonna make it!" 🟡"There must be something we can do!"🟡 "We tried everything!" "We tried racing..." 🟡"The Track Builder..."🟡 "The power of friendship..." "Wait, power! What did Dash say about power?"
Every car has a special power...
"Every car has a special power! That's it!" As he approached what was now a jump point, he knew what to do. "Ok GT Scorcher, let's see what you got! Super Speed Burst, activate! Go Hot Wheels!" Just like in the nightdream, it was a flip over the jump point that did the trick! The tire fell on it's side, finally stopping. Coop went over to it to put the flames out while everyone except Axle cheered. "I did it!"
Later, back at the Ultimate Garage: "Hold up, explain this to me again, one more time." "Dash, please don't blame Mac and Spark. I knocked the Twinmill's tire off...and set it on fire. If anyone deserves to be kicked out of camp, it's me." "Wait, wait, who said anything about kicking anyone out?" "What?!" "The point is, you made a mistake and you fixed it. You should've seen the stuff I got into when I was a camper." Squeakers, who was replacing the tire, agreed by saying, "No kidding!" "Yeah, there...there were skid marks. Smart move choosing the GT Scorcher; you picked a car fast enough to catch that wacky wheel!" "The key was to never give up!" "Plus, he had help from his super awesome, totally cool new friends!"
"I'm glad to hear it, because if you thought tonight was wild, buckle up! We are just getting started. Who's ready to race?!" Everyone shouted in excitement, ready for whatever comes next!
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bcbdrums · 2 years ago
Do you think Drakken tries to get rid of his flowers post finale? Or do you think he keeps them forever? I want to say he keeps them, but I also think he would find it embarrassing when they act out his own thoughts. I also think it would be cute if he kept them, and every time he wanted Shego closer to him, his flowers acted on it.
man.... i have been back and forth on this SO much. a lot of this answer is going to be personal opinion, but i WILL say what i think Drakken would actually do.
so, initially, i couldn't stand the mutation. initially my headcanon was he gets rid of them immediately and life goes on as normal.
part of my reasoning for this is because when i can't rationalize something scientifically in my brain, it collapses. and since the mutation is unrealistic as depicted (just like Shego's powers), i couldn't find myself writing for it logically.
in fact, i have more than one WIP with the mutation killing him. or the happy ending where he gets rid of it. that's how much it bothers me scientifically. it's one of those things where "it's a cartoon" can't break through to me, as much as i argue that point for KP on many other things.
if you've read my fics, you'll notice i never call Shego's powers "plasma" or anything like other writers. i stick with "fire" and "glow" and i never try to explain any of it, because, it cannot be explained. scientifically it doesn't work. and as my brain can't handle this, i had to just accept it as part of her character. but weird space stuff is easier for me to deal with than the plants.
so.... in my heart of hearts, i want him to get rid of it.
HOWEVER........ fantastic art and writing, by the likes of @cocoa-night, @gothicthundra, and others, have me seeing deeper possibilities for it.... especially cocoa's art. she really shows the cute side as you mentioned, and the vulnerability involved with the mutation. GT shows the same in her writing. i have many other WIPs due to this fabulous influence that deal with Drakken's emotions over being a freak, how to deal with these new powers, and whatever else it might do to him... iiii should finish some of these, lol.
in all my published post-canon writing, i either don't mention the mutation at all, or in Forget the Days Gone By (a Shego backstory fic, post-canon told through flashbacks) i have him working on removing it very easily. cartoon reset sort of vibe. so…. while my brain can't handle the lack of science with it, for creative purposes i can really see the possibilities.
(also see @split-n-splice's writing for fantastic depictions of Shego's powers and dealing with them)
so......as to what would probably actually happen? one of two things. if show writers didn't wanna deal with it, which they likely wouldn't, he'd get rid of the mutation offscreen w/o explanation. but realistically with a mutation that involved and with the power to control sentient plants... he'd keep it for world domination. actually i don't think he could remove it... i think it's permanent and would kill him. there's my science brain again... but, the cuteness factor and the humor factor? oh, yes. very yes. that's a goldmine right there. instead of blushing, he could burst into bloom when Shego approaches... the neck-petals could be an embarrassment thing... there's all manner of possibilities for fluff, humor, plot device, angst, etc etc... it goes on. many creative opportunities.
i think he wouldn't actually like the mutation, but Drakken's a renaissance man... he'd use it to his advantage immediately. and...yeah i don't think it's actually removable, realistically.
hope all that rambling answers the question and makes sense! thanks so much for the ask!
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avareiahgt · 9 months ago
GT July Prompts 2024
Day 5: Fawning
—Don’t mess with me, Connor, I did nothing— Hanna said pointing at me with a tiny finger I could barely see.
—I spent years of my life for Alec to tell me his whole family story and now he tells you after some weeks? Doll, you sure have an effect on him— I said, smirking.
We were both sitting on Alec’s couch, Hanna sitting down on the top of the back while I looked up at her form from my lying position.
—I didn’t push him or anything. I guess I just asked the right questions—she explained.
—Maybe if I were a small sweet pretty girl in a hurry, he would tell me as well… But, oh! Wait—I made a dramatic pause— I’ve always been a small sweet guy in a hurry, even today…
—Not small enough— she smirked down at me. In confidence she was kind of a teaser. Something told me she was not this salty with Alec. Otherwise, he would had thrown she away… would he?
—Not that my actual height gives me some advantage in life right now—I spilled, half joking, half serious.
—Trust me when I say you have it way better— she stated and a hand made its way to her leg, forever marked.
—It really amazed me that you survived that thing, tho—I started—. Your life was quite on the line, you know?
She made a soft sound, like showing she was listening but thinking at the same time.
—I’m so persistent— she simply said.
—I can see that— a soft but true laugh scaped my throat.
—What did you do to convince Alec to tell you his story? —curiosity was my favorite sin, also the most dangerous. I didn’t think long my response.
—I just followed him until he answered— I shrugged.
She lowered herself a bit to look down at me from her privileged seat.
—Really? That was your strategy? —she seemed surprised, not for long, anyways.
—Of course. I met his sister before, but I didn’t know they were siblings until he insulted me some day.
—What? He did insult you?
—Yeah, tons of times, but that was our first meeting. I have photographic memory; I could quote every single day of my life since I was six with no mistakes— I explained.
—Wow… that’s impressive and quite useful—she whistled in amazement.
—Also, I got to remember all the bad things I would love to forget— I commented.
—Sure… Nevermind, why did he insult you on first place? — she insisted and I appreciated avoiding the memory curse theme.
—I got tangled in some… hairy situations. All my fault of course. The thing is that Vecca, his sister, dismissed me and I found a grumpy teenager calling me an idiot, in addition to my unemployed state. Actually, he was right and Vecca was right to dismiss me, too.
—Do I wanna ask? — she wondered.
—You can— I submitted myself.
—I assure you don’t want to ask, just let him flatter you some more— Alec’s voice came from where he was standing on the corridor doorframe.
—Or we could keep talking about your bravery and the stubbornly that took you to live enough to have this chat— I said as if the idea was mine.
—You’re connecting fine, I’m back to work— he muttered and disappeared into his study once more.
—Excuse him, he’s not the chatty type.
—Really? He chats with me so well— Hanna said.
I got instantly offended.
—Why he doesn’t with me? I’m so sad now— I sat up and my fast move thew Hanna off balance even sitting. I held one of her arms to keep her from roll. My head was now some inches below her. I freed her arm when she was stable again and she touched it like it burned. Maybe I was being rude with so much physical contact.
—Maybe if you keep adoring me, I would give you some advices for talking to him, but I warn you it won’t be as effective as if you were a small pretty girl.
—I will sign the deal— I accepted, offering her a finger for a handshake.
She used a tiny hand I almost didn’t feel on my skin and shook it, sealing the verbal contract.
—Now, you can keep talking about how beautiful and well-behaved and strong I am—she smiled.
—Did I say all of that stuff?
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dballzposting · 2 years ago
hey i just related a probably significant life experience to dragon ball and thought you would give me the least normal answer out of anyone i could ask
so i just got back from therapy with my glasses BROKEN IN HALF in my pockets because i was so tense and crying so hard I CRACKED THEM LIKE A FUCKING PENCIL WITHOUT EVEN NOTICING WHILE TRYING TO CLEAN THEM
and i remembered "hey GT Trunks had glasses" so i wanted to ask you specifically if you think that might have been something that happened to him too because i feel like he could very well get to that point of stress in GT specifically like in a meeting he would get so stressed but try to disguise it and try to clean his probably fake glasses and end up breaking them in half
also it could work in your brain as well because i figure that getting bullshit pseudo psychoanalyzed by SON GOTEN would do that to him too but i don't think he would cry in that kind of situation i feel like hes too Vegeta to cry if Goten ever said something remotely true about him in his rambles spawned via Gohan books he should not have been reading because you know how a broken clock is right at least whatever the fuck the saying was?? well i feel like if that ever happened Trunks would just instinctively break anything he had in his hands at the moment or alternatively if Goten said something so wrong it offended Trunks to the point of violence, which should be a lot because he probably prides himself in being civilized and The One In Control when he really fucking isn't but he tries to be even if its pretty fucking shallow he gets points for effort
Also Future Trunks would probably break something he was holding by accident if you scared him, kinda guy to go super saiyan on accident actually even if it's like once in a blue moon because personally at least i think Future Trunks LOOKS like he would a very calm and understanding person and he is about trivial topics! but he's very emotional and prone to anger otherwise, at least TEEN Future Trunks is very prone to act first before thinking even if it might seem that is not his preferred approach to most situations but like he does act rather rashly all throughout Z so i feel like you could scare him into breaking something or anger him enough to make him go super saiyan accidentally (additionally he would feel bad after realizing he had broken something because yknow when you don't grow up with much you don't really wanna be breaking shit even if your situation gets like better and all? not something that would happen to present trunks, who is rich and should be kicked in the balls or something)
But then again there is Old Man Super Future Trunks (He is forever 17 lol)(He is a 30 year old man in Super)(So he's not even that old but like even Goku looked at least a bit older at 30)(Actually no he didn't he kind of looked the same he did at 18 at 29 never mind) Who i believe is a lot more calm by nature of just being.. Sadder. That is a sad man right there he is pretty fucking miserable but he still has hope he always has hope that's his thing anyway he is soo sad i don't think you could scare HIM into breaking anything or turn him super saiyan on accident i feel like he has his strenght under control these days and if you made him angry enough he would have a very toned down reaction unless it was like a universe threatening deal in which case he would go berserk like he would've as a teenager yknow as he does
also back to the glasses.. I like the idea of the glasses not being fake for some reason i think trunks should get glasses since saiyan hybrid vision CAN deteriorate as seen with Gohan being BLIND AS FUCK so i feel like at some point Trunks would end up damaging his vision since well- i'm pretty sure it was just like flavor text somewhere but Future Trunks enjoys tinkering with machines and as we previously discussed (months ago the fucking bra electric car saga) Trunks would probably be alright with hardware at least, so i find it fun to think that young Future Trunks would try to like fix the dragon radar or something and he'd be either holding it comically close to his face or he'd be completely hunched over like a shrimp and Bulma would walk in and be like "Ooh there is something wrong with his eyes. fuck." and Future Trunks would be like "Oh yeah that makes sense.." and his Gohan never really got to the point of needing glasses but he would probably choose something Gohan would have for his new frames
And if Present Trunks was in that same situation he would drop to the floor defeated and punch it like he was just told he was gonna die tomorrow because he thinks glasses are for nerds and he isn't a fucking nerd and he would refuse to wear them and years later he would be like "Shit i do need glasses alright i'm the smart one anyway i can rock that shit"
This would however not happen to "relatively normal for a saiyan" grown ass man GT Trunks. He would notice if something was wrong with his eyes and get his dumb fake glasses some real lenses.
ok bye goodnight i have nothing else to say EXCEPT look at this picture i found in trunks' wiki
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that's it. buenas noches, gente *se cae la lona en la carpa de circo y quedamos a oscuras*
i think it's important to get that sort of energy out when you have it .. Im glad your broke your glasses. But the expression of such energy is more effective and consummate when you are really aware of how your body feels when feelings come on and when you move your muscles. Next time you should break your glasses with more attention and purpose and while really feeling through how it feels to engage those muscles in order to discharge the energy mobilized more efficiently. if you can. for greater healing. If it's not overwhelming in the moment . Not that I care or anythinf .....
Trunks takes his glasses off to clean them as a way to create space between himself and what bullshit these executives are spinning in his meeting room .. And then he looks down and in his hands there is just. Shards. Crumbs if you will
THANK YOU for seeing and acknowledging that Goten "bullshit pseudo psychoanalyze[s]" him. Thank you for knowing that it's bullshit and inspired by his cursory-not-really readings of Gohan & Videl's books. It's so important
I think that it's interesting to see Trunks as someone who purposefully keeps himself composed and calm, even in front of Goten, ESPECIALLY in front of Goten, because Goten just does not work like that. And with all of his time with Trunks, he should be able to see through Trunks's exterior, so even if Trunks is putting up a front (which Goten would take offense to since theyre such good friends), Goten would see through it no problem. And if Trunks doesn't succeed and in that moment breaks his glasses in his hands, Goten would probably definitely notice.
I don't know what he'd say ... Goten would be on again about Trunks's emotional armoring and how his circumcision factors into that (he had a brief conversation with Videl about certain theories by Wilhelm Reich ONCE and now he thinks he knows things and he believes what little he knows 100%). And Trunks takes his glasses off to rub his eyes because he's sick of hearing about his circumcised pingo. And then Goten says something about how Trunks's skin always goes cold when Goten tries to give him kissies and Goten thinks it's because that Trunks rejects the feelings of affection in that moment because he doesnt trust Goten with his feelings since Goten, despite always being emotionally available, has always been player 2 and the younger one, and Trunks doesnt think he can trust little Goten with his feelings + he doesnt want to burden him with that + to give Goten his feelings would admit that Trunks isn't that grand or cool and that his momentous inner self is actually totally manageable, thus retroactively delegitimatizing the way that he's kept to himself his whole life, tobbling Trunks's entire self-image. And Trunks wants to say that this is bullshit but he wants to put his glasses on first and he moves to do that but they're just fucking shattered in his hands
Very interesting about Future Teen Trunks ... I definitely thought that he was calm, careful, and utilitarian. But I also remember watching it and feeling strongly "you can tell he's 17" and maybe that's what I was seeing? The passionate conviction that is perhaps orchestrated with more fire than is due? If he accidentally broke something he would have a proper burial for it like Gohan taught him.
Future Trunks in dragon ball super would not break anything ever becasue he's trained himself not to but I think that deep down he still wants to. He feels feelings and he just wants to squeeze really hard. He just wants to snap something. But he refrains. And that sucks
Future Bulma WOULD notice her son's eyesight. Present Bulma would not. This is becasue she does not notice that her own eyesight is not thsat good. She would be like "here put these goggles on so you can see better" she doesnt think like "hey maybe he and I should wear glasses ALL of the time" becasue she deosnt need to see that well unless building something sooo. Lol. Her vision is good enough. When everyone else can see something she can't she assumes it's just because they're a warrior and they train. If she saw her son hunched over trying to build something she would be like "Stop playing all those video games, you're ruining your eyes!" and then she goes to stare at a screen for 11 hours coding something
Im glad you remembered Bra Software Legend i really liked all of that
HE WOULD FALL TO THE FLOOR AND START PUNCHING IT!!! HE'S NOT A NERD!! But then later he would be cool with it because it makes him look smart and he IS the smart one anyway so it works. HE JUST CHANGES THE CONNOTATIONS OF THE GLASSES SO THAT IT SUITS HIS SELF-IMAGE .. so that he can justify WEARING THEM and BEING ABLE TO SEE!!! thats so perfect ... he just redefines reality
You're right if GT Trunks had to put real lenses in his frames then he would. And quit it with this shit
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That's a nice picture Vegeta's such a cunt
*circus closes for the night*
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stupidgtblog · 1 year ago
OK so in no particular order!!1
Ok so my first g/t OC EVERR is Solaria! (My first post on this blog is art of her!) she's a giant, (cursed obv, I barely if ever write born giants, I find made giants MUCH more interesting) She's a bit of a nerd, shy, the works. Her arc is mainly about dealing with the shame she feels about herself, overcoming the EXTREME loneliness of just being like, in a house in the woods, alone forever (or so she THINKS) but yeah shes cool.
Ok, the next one is Sylvia!!!!!!! She's kinda my favorite tbh. She's basically the same setup as Solaria (I'm cursed, oh nooooo) but imagine getting cursed by your (now ex) boyfriend and constantly having tiny little people trying to kill you! And you kind of hate everything and start terrorizing people to try and feel something and getting into a toxic cycle of self-hate and hate of others and u also have a really big axe. And then you meet a girl who u save from almost certain death and now you're stuck helping her and oh no you like her but you CANT fall in love again because the FIRST time you did that u got CURSED bro, PLUSSS THIS IS UNSPECIFIED MEDIEVAL TIME PEROIDSETTING YOU CANT BE GAY!!! Yeah, she's cool.
Ok, Mira next! She's the girl I was talking about in Sylvia's part. She's a witch (kind of, just mild healing spells) BUT medieval time period, they wanna catch her and prosecute her and pull a Salem on her. (I just realized you have a Celestia pfp oh em gee this fits so well) but yeah they wanna kill her and stuff so she runs face-first into a classic G/t Injured Tiny™ situation and becomes Sylvia's girlfriend problem.
Magnus next!!! He's a little less fleshed out than I'd like, but cmon I wanna write atleast ONE male character, let me have ONEEE!! Ok he's a bit more generic, but yeah. He kinda got cursed like... right in the middle of his town. Like, evil like imperial mages and knights and stuff (bc we hate authority here) kinda wanted to destroy his town for like, more land, and this baker boy idiot was like "nuh-uh >:(" so yeah they RUINED his shit right then in there. Like, the extent of his cursedness is a little more than the rest. He's still the same like cognitively, but he's def a bit more "monstrous" than the rest??? Idk. The main like thing is that he lost the ability to speak (not like he lost his vocabulary and cannot form a sentence, he can write just fine,) but like his biology FORBIDS (not completely, it just like, really hurts) to talk. Like, imagine you swallow a cup of fangs and they just stay there forever. Yeah. His gf, Qiana is SOO unfleshed I'm not even gonna give her a section but literally imagine Mira had an older, more adventurous sister. That's literally her. Her arc is about admitting when you need help, that you can't do everything, and being kinder.
uh thats everyone worth talking about THANK YOU
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rippza · 2 years ago
i wanna gts forever
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the-firebird69 · 7 months ago
So he wants to start another project within a project in Automotive trucks and other items trailers to move things the heavy stuff too it's important he wants to have huge factories that are laying dormant even in our area and outside it we have a ton of cars and it's more everyday and just sit there and he wants to hire people out here and it would really change the mood from this asinine talk and to have them tear in the car apart and have the parts go down a qc line there the guys tearing in part of the first ones if it doesn't pass it goes in to be shredded and they didn't start doing it but some of the motors might work and there is a way to test them and it's not hard and we're going to go ahead and do this this is one of the best ideas i've ever heard well to make a factory and you sort at each factory the type of vehicle and the year is a different line and really there's just certain cars there rare cars would have different several different factories or a few at the first and we wanna test it and start doing it the guy say they did it and they have data and they send the parts out and they refuse them a lot of times because of because of quality. And they sorted them pretty good but it's hard to get original parts about 30% were refused and it will probably increase as your car supply decreases it just keeps fluctuating but you still have enough parts to do the job but we'd be forced to go in because they're trying to target our people and it's something we really need and we would be able to figure out what they're doing but at the end of the line you're gonna run out of cars and you'll not be making parts but he's right right now you're just gonna choke it off and there won't be an in for the industry and those factories will have people who want to have the new parts and then warehouse or they'll assemble or they'll have part of the part business in making them and will make other parts this is a way to do it so I'm gonna submit it. And he wants us to set up a factory and he says they're not making many corvettes and the new Corvette goes back quite a few years he thinks almost a decade and it's true and he wants the guys to set it up and depart it out and they've been doing it in LA forever so he wants to get out there and start doing it and have several shops do it in an area for a particular car and Corvette would be one to do out there so now they say they've got the idea and they're gonna start doing it is there already is a plan to do it but we do understand it and we've run tests i'm gonna put that we move forwards this is a great idea and he came up with it before we did go through this before he remembers it till it's hard though in there so we're gonna go ahead and it's a nice idea the Corvette is a great touch there's not that many GT 40s no but the ones that they find they should do so hero Hera and it says hero so he leaves it there to show ppl and i had him put this statement in yes after...me Hera and he wants her to get involved and he hopes she does. this rocks we do this now
Thor Freya
we put it in to do and now
Nuada arrianna
and now ok all now Arrianna
and we men it
Lobo Proxima Midnight i hve my area i put in for it and that is how good
Olympus now alll lets mvoe huge factories willbe up. nad recycling madness. now ok need it ad we have tons. we use it nee it all and he is right the r ubber is better metal steel all is refined. event eh plastic interirio and we have some
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topfloorprincess · 11 months ago
Lmfao I do wanna gts forever
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georgegraphys · 11 months ago
why is mercedes not releasing anything about george even though he came ... i dont like this ...
Hi anon! I'm not a Mercedes Benz admin nor am I an Ola Källenius but uhh i think i can give my speculation? Please do remember that my speculation might be far from true or true idk myself. But i hope this calms you down?
So Mercedes is releasing a car. That is the point you must grasp first.
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At times like this, they wanna focus on posting about the cars. The interior, exterior, talk about the specifications, what it can do, etc. The people invited to the Benz show are just figurines (i'm very sorry if this sounds rude, idk the better word for that rn). They're not the main character there. They do help the PR and publicity of the launch a bit like what Travis Scott and Kendall Jenner did. But they won't be the full highlight. The highlight is the car and the company wants to achieve that. They wanted to stick the image of the G-Class by using these public figures. A George fan will go to Mercedes Benz acc and check out George pics (there's none yet) and they'll see the pics of the car as they try to find out. Same as Kendall/Saweetie/Travis fans and others. But regardless of who it is, the car remains as the highlight. And this will continue for the next few days to weeks or even months.
What about George pics? BFA released his pic then there's a content about the G-Class that George did. I'm pretty sure we will get it soon. In a few days or a week or more. We will get it but not now. Same as LH's visit to the GT launch, it gets released days after. Again, i am not an admin of Benz, but I'm guessing it's to keep the overall spotlight on the cars first then let the public figures upload the contents days after as a 'second wave' to the PR and publicity. This is to avoid the sudden 'content bomb'. It's a pretty basic strategy ig? First, let the car get the hype. Then when the hype calms a bit, they'll release the pics of the public figures to now attract the fans of those public figures to pay attention to the said product. It's like the first wave then the second wave. I suggest we wait. This is a Benz event, there is no way they'll keep silent about it forever if George is coming. Give it some time. This is all strategy, even down to the timing of when the public figures talk/start talking about the event to the smallest article bits of the launch.
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purrrrrrna · 2 years ago
thank you @wingslikeiicarus for tagging me <3
Relationship status: if anyone wanna hmu, you're very welcome :D
Favourite colour: blue, maybe royal or indigo blue heck any shade of blue honestly
Favourite food: ooooookay that's...that's a really tough one, i have sooo many but most favourite would be uuuhhhh momos yeah
Song stuck in my head: fire on fire by sam smith
Most recently googled: kkr vs gt lmaoooo yeahh
Current time: 9:15 pm
Dream trip: visiting the scandinavian countries always and forever !!!!
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years ago
today i learned that i hate the fact that every pseudo-legendary pokemon is found like super late into the game.
like,,, i don’t even know where you find dratini in original red and blue (in the let’s go games you can find it by surfing on the route above cerulean city), in gold, silver and crystal larvitar’s post-game, i don’t know where you get bagon or beldum in the hoenn games, nor do i know where you get gible in the sinnoh games, or deino in the unova games, in x and y goomy’s on the route leading to the town with the sixth gym, in the alola games jangmoo-o’s found during the final trial, so the very end of the game, and idk where you get,,, whatever the first stage of dragapult is in sword and shield.
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