#i wanna be held by a friend or partner but no I’m going to die alone
louisisalarrie · 8 months
Lmao about to jump on your bbg discussion here. My issue with the scenario of ending with a paternity test has always been that GP will always still believe that he at the very least, slept with a woman. I was under the impression during 1D years, particularly the later years with RBB, that H and L wanted to eventually come out as a couple, thus the hinting about Larry. Obviously things can change over the years and perhaps they don't want that anymore, but if they do, then the only way to actually do that and have it make sense is to literally tell the truth as the ending. Like a legit tell all about being forced into the closet, the beards, the fake pregnancy, everything. Because he can't logically say "I thought this hookup gave me a kid for the past 8 years" and "H and I have been together since 2010" and not have people be ??? But do you think coming out with the legit truth is ever possibility at all? Or no matter what, will people always think some aspects of the stunts were true? As I said though, maybe H and L don't really care at this point, they know larries know the truth? Just something I've thought about a lot!
Helloooo anon! Lovely to hear your thoughts and thanks for joining in the discussion! I’ll try and break this down a bit into main points so I don’t ramble about everything all at once and it ends up illegible hehe.
Alrighty, so I think that the GP always thinking louis had slept with a woman because of bbg ending in a paternity result is what it is. As long as it stops the stunt, that’s what matters to him and to us. This is a Step 1 of the coming out process, and once those headlines die down about it, then it’s deciding how H and L come out. In my opinion, there are a few ways this could go after bbg ends:
a) harry comes out first, Louis comes out months later (long enough for it to not be immediately connected by gp), then they start being seen together and a “new” relationship between them is seeded and say they’ve never been together until now
b) louis and harry come out together in a relationship, say they’ve never been together until now
c) louis and harry come out together in a relationship, say they’ve been together since 1d, and expose all the stunts by breaking their NDAs
Now… all 3 of these options work with the narrative of a paternity test. In all options, they are still able to define their sexuality as whatever they want it to be when they come out, but will obviously lean towards both of them at least having previous interest in women. Louis could be like “yeah I always thought I was straight but I did some soul searching and realised I’m gay” and harry could stick with the assumption held by the GP already that he is bi, or say something similar to the above.
I assume option A is how things are gonna go, because B links too closely to C and doesn’t line up with the current narrative of them being weirdos on opposite sides of the planet to each other at all times lol. Ideally, option C would be extremely satisfying and would give both of them incredible PR, and bring S*mon and co to their knees, but that truly depends on what H and L think they wanna do, and how big of a war they wanna keep fighting.
Hear me out here now… I’ve talked about multiple ways to end bbg in the past, but what if Louis was just like.. a sperm donor? Very early on in bbg there was a theory that B was a surrogate for H and L, but that definitely doesn’t add up. This theory, however, would require louis to come out at the same time as bbg ending, all in one go, and it also keeps F as his son which isn’t ideal, but separates him more from it in terms of sexuality. But hear me out… what if there was a headline that looked like this?
“Louis Tomlinson announces he donated his sperm in generous act for good friend B whose long term partner struggled with fertility issues”
While this headline looks a bit funny to us, I think the GP won’t question it thaaaaat much. His direct non larrie fans would, because they have seen AOTV, they’ve seen louis call F his son multiple times, but… in this narrative, he IS his son, he’s just not having sex with women because he’s gay lol, and he’s just a sweet guy, ya know? And things could be broken down a little like:
“Tomlinson, 32, says that he loves F and was happy to help B out as he’d always wanted to be a father himself, but has announced to the world just this morning, that he is in fact gay.”
It’s frustrating because in a way, it ends bbg, but it also keeps F connected to Louis to a degree. Ugh. Idk. But that is how you would ensure that the GP don’t have proof that louis has had vaginal sex anymore.
To your point about harry and louis doing a tell all, it would rock the music industry like crazy. Imagine it!!! There would be a million other celebs wanting to come out and share their stories of how badly they’re treated too, and people would be on Larry’s side. It would be powerful. It would help stop what happened to them, happen to other young gay kids. And it would ruin S*mons life, which I love. But… I think a tell all will happen, but not for a long time. I would love it to happen now, trust me I would, but I feel they’re still in too much of a sticky situation with bbg and Harry’s stunts.
I think larry see what we say, they love that we know, and they care a lot about us. But truly I think they’d love to show the world their true colours. Harry’s dancing with pride flags and is MUCH more free now in expressing himself, and I think he would actually wait for louis to be in a position where they can come out together, to take the heat off just one of them doing it. I think they’d love to walk down the street and hold hands and be cute, because they were told for so many years they couldn’t. And being told you can’t, makes you really want to. So I think they’ll do it together, and I think they want to. In saying this though, I do agree with the theory that they decided to put coming out on the back burner for a little bit while they enjoyed their tours and let the dust settle a bit after so much happening, and are just enjoying their private love life while they’re older and have a bit more freedom. But they’ll come back with a vengeance, and they’ll come out together. I’m sure of it xx
(Also sorry I totally rambled)
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openheart12 · 2 years
Spend It With You
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A/N: fell down the FBI rabbit hole and i honestly wasn’t expecting to love it enough to write for it but here we are, first time writing for them so i’m still trying to figure out all the characters and i’m just now getting to season 4 so my apologies if i fuck anything up
also i love them as friends and as a couple, i cant choose but this is on the romantic side
song by Kodaline
Warnings: mention of blood, gun shot wound, talk of maybe dying
Summary: An incident in the field leads the two of them to finally confess their feelings.
WC: 950
The resounding bang echoed through the woods as she fell to her knees, clutching her side. When she pulled her hand back, it was covered in blood. The bullet had exploited the weakness of the vest and left her vulnerable. 
“Maggie, what the hell was that?” OA asked through her ear piece. The two had separated to run after the perp, to cut him off. 
“O-Omar…” it was so hard to breathe, that was the only word she could get out. 
He retraced his steps to make his way back to her, his heart racing. ‘Please be okay, please be okay,’ he repeated in his head. The trees blocked his view and as soon as he saw the familiar FBI vest, his heart dropped to his stomach. Running over to her, he saw blood pooling around her abdomen, staining the ground underneath. 
“Agent down, I need an ambo to our location immediately,” he ordered into his ear piece before crouching down to her level. “Hey, you’re gonna be fine,” he promised, brushing the hair out of her face. He inspected her wound that was still heavily bleeding. “I have to take off the vest.”
She nodded weakly. 
Carefully, he removed the vest and applied pressure to the wound. She let out a groan, squeezing her eyes shut. “I’m sorry, Mags, I’m sorry.”
“OA, what’s going on?” Jubal asked. 
“Maggie was shot. How far out is the ambulance?”
“At least another fifteen, twenty minutes.”
“Dammit, I told you we needed back up out here.” “They’ll be there, did you get the suspect?” “No, Miller’s in the wind. Last seen headed north. And Jubal, get that ambulance here as soon as possible.” He lowered his voice so Maggie couldn’t hear, “she’s losing a lot of blood.”
“OA… give it to me straight, how bad is it?” She asked, trying to even her breathing. 
“You’re going to be fine.”
“I… I don’t wanna die,” she cried, a lone tear trailing down her cheek.
He moved positions so that he had her head laying in his lap, taking his coat and putting it over her abdomen. “Hey, I’m right here and I’m not letting anything happen to you. You just gotta stay with me, alright.”
“I’m so tired.” Her eyes kept fluttering closed, no matter how hard she tried to keep them open. 
“What do you wanna eat tonight?” He asked out of no way. 
Opening her eyes, she glanced at him. “I have no idea.”
“Whatever you want, I’m buying.”
“That’s tempting,” she laughed softly before grimacing at the pain that tore through her stomach. “OA… if I don’t make it, I need to tell you something.”
“Don’t talk like that Maggie, please,” he begged, he couldn’t imagine it. She was his partner, his best friend, the woman he loved, but was too afraid to tell.
What he didn’t know was that she harbored the same feelings as him, both too afraid to tell the other for the fear of losing them. Being on the brink of death gave her the push she needed to finally confess. “I know it’s bad timing, but I don’t want to risk it. I love you and I have for a long time.”
“Agent Zidan,” a man’s voice called out, tearing their attention away from each other. Two men came into view carrying a stretcher. 
“Looks like my ride’s here,” she teased. 
The three of them loaded her onto the stretcher, making the long trek back to the ambulance, but he held her hand the entire time. When he tried to get in the back of the ambulance with her, one of the guys stopped him. 
“I’m sorry sir, but she’s gonna have to go straight to surgery when we get to the hospital.” The medic explained.
He was about to protest when Maggie spoke up. “I’ll be okay.” 
Nodding, he squeezed her hand before letting go. “I’ll meet you at the hospital.”
During her ride to the hospital, she couldn’t help but think she may have screwed everything up between them. 
Some time later, she slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the fluorescent lights in the room. She looked to her right where a beeping noise was coming from to see herself hooked up to the monitor and that’s when she noticed the weight on her legs. OA had fallen asleep, his head perched on her calves. Reaching out, she gently touched his face, his beard rough beneath her fingertips. 
He stirred, opening his eyes. “How are you feeling?” He asked, sitting up and grabbing a hold of her hand. 
“Like I was shot.”
“Annnnd she’s back,” he smiled.
A silence followed after that, there was no taking back what she said earlier and would just have to deal with it.
“Listen, OA, about what I said earlier-”
“If you’re going to tell me you regret it or that it was just in the heat of the moment, I don’t wanna hear it because I waited too long to hear you say that.”
“You did?” To say she was stunned was an understatement. 
“I love you too, Maggie. I was always too scared to tell you, to ruin our friendship or partnership.”
A huge smile broke out across her face. For someone who could’ve died a few hours ago, you never would’ve guessed. “Now what?” She asked.
He leaned up, reaching his hand out to cup her face before leaning in. Giving her a couple seconds to back out if she wanted, instead she closed the distance between them until their lips met. 
It was a short, sweet kiss. When he pulled back, they shared a smile. “Now, we see where things go from here.”
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dailyaudiobible · 11 months
11/8/2023 DAB Transcript pt3
And then there are a number of examples of this, clarifying that each individual person is personally responsible for the covenantal relationship with God, and each person will reap what they sew. Which leads us to God revealing His heart about all this. Do you think, God said, that I like to see wicked people die, says the sovereign Lord. Of course not. I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live. And there it is. There’s God's posture of heart toward the people that He's speaking to. And He goes on to say, repent. Turn from your sins. Don't let them destroy you. Put all your rebellion behind you. Find yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. Why should you die, O people of Israel? I don't want you to die, says the sovereign Lord. Turn back and live. And of course, we've all heard the word repent. Repentance is to change, to change what's going on inside you, to change the way you're looking at things, to go a different way. So God is saying look, each of you have this choice and this choice affects your destiny, and I'm telling you flat out, I want you to live and prosper. It's all I’ve ever wanted for you. But this is a covenant and there are terms, if you want the benefits of the covenant, the benefits of me being your God, then you’ll have to obey the covenant. I’m obeying it. I expect you to be faithful and loyal to it as well. But the choice is yours, and that my friends, echoes its way across history and plops itself squarely in our own laps. You can't blame God for what you have done. But you can repent and come running home. And the choice is yours.
And so, Father, we allow that to sit in our laps, we sit with that, we invite Your Holy Spirit to reveal the ways that we’re breaking the covenant. That we’re being unfaithful to You. You use the word adultery and adulterer many times in these prophecies in order to explain what it feels like for You and what's really happening. And so, we don't want any part of that. It's leading nowhere but destruction. Come Holy Spirit and show us the places that we’ve compromised ourselves, that we’re stepping out on You, that we’re cheating on you, and then blaming You for the repercussions of it. We’re sorry, we’re sorry that we've done this, we're sorry that we do this. We invite Your Holy Spirit to correct us in this, we choose another way, we repent, we turn around and face You and come running back. Come Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus name. Amen.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link, it's on the homepage. Thank you for your partnership. If you prefer the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And of course, as always, if you have a prayer request for comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today, I'm Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Brian, it’s Brian from Huber Heights, it's Spark from Texas. I wanted to let you know I heard your call and your son Mitchell and yourself are going through some changes in life. And I wanted to reach out. It’s ironic. I’m really tired today, I didn’t sleep well last night. And that’s what this app does, it wakes us up and helps us see other…other people, rather than ourselves. And I wanted to, I wanna pray for you and your son. As you know, you might not, I…I had substance problems and jail problems throughout my life and also, in your situation divorce. I’ve been divorced also. So, let’s just go to God real quick. Father God, I ask that You be with Brian and his son Mitchell, whose getting ready to be released. The addiction problem with Mitchell God, has held him down in life. Lord, I ask that You be with Mitchell and even let him hear this. And help him to have another drug. The other drug of happiness of You telling us that we are enough. That You will guide our lives and there’s a feeling of happiness and peace that comes along with You. And it is better than any other drug that ever gave us a minute of satisfaction that made us chase more. God, I ask that You be with Brian also. Help to guide him as he’s going through his divorce. Help him to just take this time to be with You and not see this as a burden but a time to love. Amen.
Hello, my sweet family, this is Manita. I heard Kyle from Pennsylvania asking for prayer for his 3-year-old daughter, Rylee. And she also has down syndrome, I hear. And surgery will be in November, what, 11 I think you said. Kyle, I wanna say a prayer. Father God, in the name of Jesus, You are so wonderful and You are merciful. And You are the God of miracles, Father. And we all come together in one agreement, Father, boldly Father, before Your throne, dear God. In the name of Your son Jesus, lifting up Rylee, to Your throne, dear God. I pray that You put peace, dear God, in his parents, in Kyle’s heart and soul, dear God, and mind Father. I pray, dear God, for that peace that surpasses all understanding. Father, when something we don’t understand and we have questions, Father. We hand it out to You, dear God, and You, Father God, give us that peace, Lord, that will never die, dear God. So, I pray Father, in the name of Jesus, for this little girl, Father. We pray for a miracle in her life, Father God. Lord, that You guide the surgeons, dear Father, every staff that going to be taking care of her, Lord. In Jesus name, I pray. I love you, my brother. And I will continue to pray, okay. Please keep us posted. God bless you. God is strong. God is good. And He does things in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. We all believe that. He is merciful. And he loves the little children. He even says it, in the word. Let the little children come to me. So, I pray, we’ll be praying for you guys. God bless you. A big hug. Love you.
Good morning DAB. This is Romans 12:2. I wanted to pray this morning for Rylee, the 3-year-old that’s going in for surgery. Father, we just lift up Rylee to You, in the name of Jesus. I just thank You, oh God, that You would go before her. You will go before the surgeons, Lord. Father, that You would be the one in the room, Lord. You said You would never leave us, nor forsake us. So, I stand today with her parents and the other DABers, oh God. Father, that You would make everything straight, Lord. That Father, You would make crooked paths straight. That You would complete the healing that has begun in Rylee’s body, in Jesus name. Father, at three years old, we know the anxiety of the parents and even possibly Rylee, Lord. But we lift that up to You, oh God, and we pray that You calm every fear. Father, we thank You, Lord God, that You will do the surgery Yourself, oh God. That You would guide the hands of the surgeon. Lord, we know nothing is impossible for You. And we thank You, oh God, for the good report. Lord, I also pray for others, oh God. Who are getting different medical procedures done, Lord. Father, the worry, the fear, the anxiety oh God. Lord, I lay it at Your feet, and I pray, oh God, that the joy of the Lord will be our strength. I pray, oh God, that You would help us to lay down every weight, Lord. That’s what the word says. That we should lay down every burden and every weight, Lord. That You care for us. That You will carry it. You are the burden bearer. And You are the heavy load sharer. So, we thank You today, oh God, for what You’re doing. We thank You, oh God, that You would give us the grace Lord, that we will trust You, as it all comes down to faith and trusting You. Help us, oh God, to trust You, oh God, for the impossible. Help us to trust You for situations and circumstances that we don’t see the answer. But You have our best in mind. We thank You and we praise You in the name of Your glorious Son, Jesus. Amen.
Hello hello hello, Daily Audio Bible fam. How are you? Checking in, it’s Saturday, November the 4th 2023. This is His Girl Warrior from Alabama. And today I’m grateful for light, specifically the light, the sunlight that was dappling through the really beautiful leaves today as I was hiking. It’s amazing the way it reflects so many colors in the leaves this fall. And that Jesus is the light of the world and that He shines through us and that He’s so gracious to shine through us. And so, I’m gonna lift up the people who are feeling the darkness. And it seems that the darkness is about to overwhelm them. God, we thank You that You are a bullwork and our standard against the darkness and that Your light shines and penetrates all. God, I pray that Your word would be a lamp to their feet, and a light to their path. God, that the word that Brian shares with us, that we would hide that word in our heart that we may not sin against You. God, I pray for all the people who need to see the light. That You would take the scales off their eyes and that they would see it. And God, thank you for all the ways that You show us Your light in the world, out in creation. We love You Jesus. Thank You so much for loving us and for pursuing us. Oh great light of the world, just fill us. Fill us up. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Like the Cowboys | Dr. King Schultz x m!reader
Anonymous asked: Can you write something whit a m!reader and Dr. King Schultz whit the prompt " "It fucking hurts, okay?" Were they get In a fight because King refuses to be more careful while working and the m!reader is angry at him for being so careless?
Also maybe an accidental love confession? 👀
Thank u -🪴
summary: it’s hard enough to worry about your friend being a bounty hunter, but when you fall in love with his partner, that worry gets to be too much. 
tws: swearing, mentions of violence
word count: 1237
From what Django was telling you, King was going back to his old ways, being more and more reckless, and although you didn’t think anything of it at first - as he had Django with him, and if there was anyone you trusted the most with anything and everything, with anyone and everyone, it was him - you started to realise that King was indeed putting his fucking neck in the noose; he was being an idiot, if you were honest, and he was refusing to take your advice when you told him to start being a little bit more careful, to start thinking twice about what he was doing and when he was doing it. Outside of Django, King was the only person you deeply cared about; although the love that you held for the two of them was very different, Django was your best friend, King was… something else that a man like you wasn’t allowed to admit to in certain territories. You didn’t want either of them to be hurt, but King worried you; his recklessness and his boldness would get the better of him one day, and that was something you dreaded to think. That was something that left a hollow feeling in your chest when you thought about it. It made you swallow thickly when you met up with them, it made your hands tremble when you found your trail was the same as theirs. 
So, naturally, you decided that you would confront King about it, but you had to wait for the right time, as you didn’t want Django to hear or see what was going on; you waited until you were at a local saloon, and while Django was distracted by making friends with a trapper, you pulled King outside and sighed heavily, running your hand down your face, glaring at him. 
“Are you a fucking idiot?”
King raised a brow. “Not as far as I know, why?”
“What the fuck do you mean why?” You hissed. “You’ve been so goddamn reckless and stupid lately, I’m actually fucking surprised you haven’t had your brains blown out!” 
He scoffed, folding his arms across his chest as he leaned against the wall and shook his head. “Mister (y/l/n), you’re a wildlife painter, I don’t think-”
“I think you ought to shut your fucking mouth,” you growled. “Do you wanna die?”
“No,” he said calmly. 
“Then why the fuck are you being such a fool?” The way you glared at him, the way you were speaking, King would have to have been ignoring you to miss the pain, the agony, in your eyes and voice. 
He hung his head, licking his lips as he sighed. “Why do you care so much?”
“Because it fucking hurts, okay?” You snarled, breathing heavily. “It fucking hurts to think that you could have your fucking brains all over a curtain! And I’d…” 
“You’d what?” King questioned, looking up at you as he raised his brows, expecting an answer. “You’d move on again? You’d simply continue going around the country painting animals for little cigarette cards?” 
“No,” you said flatly. 
“Because you’re not there,” he continued, “you aren’t there when Django and I are getting shot at. You don’t work in the same field that we do.” 
“So that means I don’t get to say that I’m worried?” You spat. 
“Not particularly, no.” 
“Real nice,” you huffed, shaking your head. “Real, real fucking nice.” 
“Well, what do you want me to say?” He shrugged. “That I worry about you when I have no right to? That I know the kind of bastards that are out there, who would just love to steal an innocent man’s horse and rob him blind before killing him and stealing his paintings, too?” 
“It’s a bit fucking different when that shit could happen by pure chance,” you started, “but when it fucking comes to you, you’re out there every goddamn day! And you’re not even using a rifle, which would be a lot fucking safer than using that sleeve gun you got!” 
“But at least if it happens to me it wouldn’t be for no reason,” he growled. “If it happened to you, there would be no reason behind it. No morality, or any sort of justification. If it happened to you, there’d… it would be easier that it happened to me, not to you.” 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean, King?” You huffed. “That, that you’d rather you died if it meant that there was one less fucker likely to rob me?”
“More or less, yes,” he stated with a curt nod. “I care about you, (y/n), I don’t… the thought of something happening to you pains me just as much as the thought of something happening to me pains you.” 
“I highly doubt that,” you told him. “I highly fucking doubt that.” 
“Oh, really?” He took a step forward, and the next thing you knew, he had you pinned against the wall he had been leaning up against. “Do you doubt that if you died, I would blame myself? Because I wasn’t around to make sure nothing happened to you.” 
“And, what, you doubt that I don’t fucking worry every day?” You asked. “You doubt that I wished, so fucking badly, that we could just settle some place out west and mind our own goddamn businesses? You, me, Django, Hildi? You doubt I want that? For all of us to be safe?”
“You’re a fool,” King sighed heavily. “You are an absolute fool… I worry, because I want that for us - I want me and you to find a place out west and to settle down. We could be… we could be like the cowboys.” 
“Then why did you say that I have no right to worry over you?” You questioned, shaking your head. “You can’t… you can’t have it both ways, King.” 
“So I can love you and be in love with you, but not worry about you?” He scoffed. “You tell me off for being reckless, but you could get robbed, mauled, shot, trampled, bitten, you could be-” 
“Did you just tell me you love me in the middle of a fucking argument?” You asked, all anger leaving you as you dared to laugh a little. “Seriously?”
“Not on purpose but, ja, I did… but-” 
“You fucking idiot,” you breathed out, cupping his cheeks and giving him a quick kiss. “Why the fuck do you think I’m so worried? Huh?”
King smiled when he noticed your little spark of joy, a faint blush coming to his features as he sighed. “Because you love me?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “You idiot.” 
“Mein maler,” he whispered, licking his lips as he swallowed thickly. “Maybe we can compromise? Me and Django travel the country, I don’t doubt that we’ll inevitably see some wildlife that you can paint. And you may even find some… what are they called? The big mean looking ones with red, orange, black and yellow.” 
“Bull snakes?” You asked, and when he nodded, you shrugged. “Maybe… in certain areas.” 
“Will you think about it?” He pleaded. “And if I’m still reckless and careless, you can tell me off.” 
You couldn’t help but to laugh as you nodded, letting out a sigh. “Sure, I’ll… I’ll think about it, I’ll let you know by morning.” 
“Bitte,” gently, he took your hand as he cleared his throat. “Like the cowboys?”
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ravennatheraven · 2 years
Billy x gn reader Death in the Family
In this, all the slashers exist to some extent including Danny as his iteration of Ghostface. I wrote this as a way to distract myself from anxiety so it's not my best work. I hope you enjoy it!
Death in the Family
He hadn’t come out of his room since it happened. (Y/N) was getting worried, they understood that he would need time alone and time to grieve. It had been two weeks though. Two weeks where he had only come out for food. Two weeks where he refused to see his significant other.
Stu’s tragic death had hit Billy harder than he ever thought it would. He had never thought that the wisecracking funny man would leave such a large void in his heart. He sat on his bed holding his dear friends mask. It still had Stu’s blood on it. Memories came flooding back of a victim they thought was dead hitting Stu in the back of the head with a hammer. The sound of his body hitting the ground rang through his head. He saw red in that moment and eviscerated the person. He and (y/n) held a small private funeral with some other slashers in a quiet hidden place. The public couldn’t know that Stu had been one of the Ghostface killers. Stu would’ve loved to know the Haddonfield Shape, Michael Myers came to his funeral. 
 He ouldn’t help but think about if he had been quicker or smarter or something, anything that would’ve kept him alive. He blamed himself. (y/n) knocked on the door hoping that they could come in. “Go Away!” Billy yelled shakily. 
Another week went by and that’s when (y/n) decided to call in reinforcements. They called Danny and Hannibal. They knew very well that Hannibal would help Billy since he was a psychologist and that Danny would maybe be able to convince Billy to go out on a hunt with him for one of his latest victims. Dr. Hannibal walked right into the room and shut the door behind him. 
“Damn really thought THE Hannibal would be a bit more talkative.” Danny said to (y/n). They smiled a little before replying “He’s here to see Billy not you. I don’t think any amount of therapy could help you.” Danny feined hurt at their words.
After about an hour Hannibal walked into the living room with a sullen Billy. Both of the men sat down with Danny and (y/n). (Y/N) moved to sit on Billy’s lap. He quickly pulled them close as if he needed to feel their weight and warmth. “Hey uh Billy wanna join me on a hunt? It might help to feel a victims blood on your hands again!” Danny asked hoping that it’s cheer his friend up and not upset him further. Billy glanced at Dr Lecter before answering. The doctor gave him a slight nod as if giving him some sort of unspoken encouragement.
“I guess I’ll go. But if you pull any stupid shit I’m coming right home.” Billy replied finally, Danny fist pumped the air in victory. 
“First let me have some boyfriend time” (y/n) spoke up. The two guests understood and walked to the kitchen where Danny proceeded to raid the fridge. (Y/N) turned to their partner gently holding his face. “Please don’t hide away again. I know it hurts, I cared deeply about him too but please please come to me more so I can help.” (y/n) pleaded. Billy nodded “I will I promise. I’m sorry for being so distant. You better not die on me too. You die and not even Danny’s stupidity will help.” Billy replied nuzzling into his partners chest. 
Billy was suited up and ready to go on a hunt with Danny. Hannibal had agreed to stay for a few days to continue to help Billy. Danny would later that night decide to stay for a few days because of the free food. 
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Until The Battle Is Won
BOTW Link x GN!Sheikah!Reader
Final part of Memories of You!
AN: Hey everyone!! This is the final chapter of this story. I wanna thank everyone for sticking around with my lousy update schedule ':). Anyways, I've loved writing this story and I'm kind of sad to see it end but also I love this ending so much- even though it hurts. So grab some water, maybe a snack, some tissues, and strap in. This is long and pretty sad.
TW: gore, reader death, descriptive injuries
Summary:  The final battle is here. Hyrule is in ruins as Ganon tears through every defense they had and now, the final champions must protect their Princess in the race to deliver them to their destinies.
It was dark.
Link was running through the forest, another hand in his as Y/n led the way. Their white hair was a beacon amongst the trees as he surged to keep up with their gazelle-like pace. He was focused on keeping up with the Sheikah warrior when he felt the hand slip from his. Link skidded to a stop, shouting for Y/n over the pouring rain. He knelt in front of Zelda, watching as she dug her fists into the mud beneath her. “How did it come to this? The Divine Beasts. The Guardians. They’ve all turned against us. It was... Calamity Ganon.”
Y/n had made their way back to the pair, carefully falling to their knees beside Link. He felt their hand curl around his, sensing the turmoil in him. It was all falling apart around them. They had worked so hard, faced so many trials, and made so many friends. And it was all for nothing. The fight was stacked against them, so much so that even Link was feeling the knot in his chest. They all felt helpless.
“Mipha, Urbosa, Revali, and Daruk…trapped inside those things...” the princess let out a heart-wrenching sob. “It’s all my fault!”
As Zelda cried into her hands, Y/n reached out to pull them back down, carefully pulling away the strands curled into her fists. When watery green eyes met red, the young Sheikah gave a pained smile. They linked hands with the princess and the knight, giving them both a firm squeeze. “I know it feels like we’ve already lost, like everything we’ve done has been for nothing. But we can’t think like that. We have the power of the master sword and the sealing light of the Goddess. As long as we hold our heads high and give this fight everything we have, Hyrule will survive this.”
“But I can’t use the sealing power!” Zelda pulled her hands away, fisting them in her dress to stop the shaking. Maybe if she weren’t such a failure, Hyrule wouldn’t be in danger. Her friends wouldn’t have to give their lives to face that monster. Why couldn't she do this one thing right! “I’ve tried everything and still I keep failing. Because of me they’ll die fighting the very beasts they were meant to pilot!”
“None of us can save them!” Y/n was looking down at the ground and, even through the rain, they could feel the tears sliding down their cheeks. “We can’t go back from where we are. We don’t have the time or the ability to save them from those beasts. So we must move forward. If we give up now… everything we went through…everything they are going through... it will be for nothing. And Hyrule will fall.”
Zelda surged forward, collapsing in her friend's arms. She clung to both as a sob tore from her throat. None of them could be strong. Not strong enough. Pressing his hand against Zelda’s back, Link reached out and placed a hand on Y/n’s arm. His voice was gruff, the stress and pain of what they were about to do- what they had already done, was too much for any person to bear. “All that we can do is keep fighting for their sake. We have to keep moving or we lose. We can win. We have to.”
He met Y/n’s eyes and they gave him a soft smile. They pressed their hand against his back and the princesses shoulder drawing both pairs of eyes to them. “No matter what happens, our friends will be by our side. Their wills become ours. And when you face down Ganon, you won’t be doing it alone. You’ll have the love and support of all your friends. All of Hyrule. So save your tears until the battle is won.”
Zelda sniffled, bringing a hand up to wipe at her cheek- not that it did much help with how muddy they had gotten from being on the ground. She wanted so badly to give into the crushing weight of everything that had happened. Just this morning she had held hope within her as she climbed mount Lanayru and now… she had lost everyone she loved. Her kingdom had fallen along with her father. All she had left sat here before her. Gazing at her with matching weight on their shoulders. They too felt the chains of destiny closing in around them. But they stood tall. These two bore the weight of the world without complaint and now, they placed their belief in her. The failure of a princess would not fail again. She refused to fail her friends. “Then we have no choice. We have to fight for them… and for each other.”
Y/n smiled at the princess, carefully pulling the trio together so their heads touched. “When this is over we can do as many crazy experiments as you want.”
Laughter bubbled up amongst the trio, smiles breaking through the tough exteriors they had adopted the closer Calamity had gotten. Each of them had suffered at the hands of destiny, and now they would face what could be their final battle.
Y/n choked back a sob as they thought of the sacrifices that had brought them to this point. The sacrifices they would need to make to save Hyrule. All they wanted was for their friends to be able to look over their homes with smiles. For the weights to finally be lifted from their shoulders and allow them to live their lives without the looming threats of their destinies. They knew the knight and the princess could never go forward after all that had happened since Calamity broke through but, if there was something they could do to protect those they had left, Y/n would do whatever it took.
Link watched his friends with a tightness in his chest. They were ready to face Calamity Ganon. He would protect them in the final battle and, when the time came, they would finally be free of the weight of Hyrule. He stood up, reaching a hand to the princess to pull her to her feet. Y/n placed their hand on his cheek, wiping with their thumb as he watched them. They gave a smile and he knew. They had confidence in him. He never viewed himself as a hero, no matter how many times his partner had called him one. But when Y/n looked at him it was like that pressure lifted. Like he really could defeat Ganon. And he would. No matter how long the fight lasted. To finally be able to spend his days doing what he wanted with the person he loved. To be free.
The trio took off again, heading towards the castle. Y/n stuck close this time so they could discuss battle plans with Link. They knew the most Guardians were in the fields near the castle so they would need to find a way past them. They couldn’t release the Guardians from the corruption so they would have to destroy them if they were spotted. The question was if they could destroy that many.
Y/n was starting to wish they had Robbie's anti-Guardian weaponry, even if they weren’t perfected.
The answer was no. They could not defeat the Guardians.
They had barely made it halfway through the fields before they were spotted. Once one Guardian had seen them, the rest followed. They were surrounded in seconds and, no matter how many Link and Y/n took down, it seemed like 5 more took their places. They were more than outnumbered. They were losing hope fast.
Y/n shot three bomb arrows into Guardians eyes, barely dodging blasts from two others. As the Guardians collapsed to the ground more followed. Mechanical limbs crushing their brethren to the ground with a deadly screech. They only cared to destroy the champions that stood below them. And it was starting to feel like they would.
Another blast echoed in Y/n’s ears and they felt the burn of the laser against their cheek. Too close! They knocked an arrow when the screech of metal sounded behind them. They barely managed to roll out of the way of a destroyed Guardian collapsing to the ground where they stood. They barely came up from the ground when they were knocked back down again.
Y/n could barely hear their scream over the shrieks of metal and the ringing in their ears. Flames crackled around them but the heat was nothing compared to the agony in their shoulder. They had been hit. Their skin still burned like thousands of needles pricking their way across their chest. They could feel nothing and everything at once. Like every nerve in their body was exposed and on fire. They couldn't focus, flames and metal blurring into one. It was over, wasn't it?
“-n… Y/n… Y/N!” Y/n felt the arms around them, a sob tearing through their throat as a hand brushed against the wound. Red eyes finally focused in on teary green orbs. It was only when their vision blurred did they realize tears were falling. The princess was crying too, shouting over the noise as the young Sheikah lay limp in her arms. Her hands slipped on the blood surrounding their shoulder and Y/n shot up with a silent gasp of agony.
“Y/N! You’re okay!”
Y/n stared at the princess in front of them. “Where’s Link?”
Zelda pointed to the center of the battle where the champion fought. Y/n shot to their feet, ignoring the pain that tore through them. They drew back their bowstring. “Whistle so he comes this way princess.”
She whistled as loud as she could and Link spun to the duo. His eyes widened as an arrow streaked past him and he took off. The champion slid behind the pile of fallen Guardians as the bomb arrow exploded. Dust and flames shot into the air creating a cloud over the battlefield.
Y/n ducked under the fallen Guardian with the others, heavy breaths escaping them all. It was only a moment. A single breath of time to plan their next move.
Link was the first to move, lunging forward to inspect his partner. He had seen them fall. Seen the princess holding them in her arms. And he had thought that was it. But here Y/n sat. Injured, but alive. And that was what mattered. That they were alive. He brushed hair away from their face with a shaky smile- honestly more of a grimace. He couldn’t find the words to explain his relief. How much he needed them and that he was happy they were okay, so he stuck with simple. “I love you.”
Y/n smiled back. They always knew what he meant, like they could read every thought in his head. They had felt it too. That moment of fear that they would never see each other again. But they were still here, giving him that goofy grin he loved so much. Despite their pain, Y/n was a rock- solid and unmovable. And they gave him hope. Y/n could smile at him and he could fight until his last breath. “I love you too.”
They sat in each other's arms, taking in the moment they had together. What could be their last moment with each other. Because Y/n had a plan.
“You have to go ahead without me.”
Y/n watched their friend’s faces morph to shock, then anger. Y/n knew they would fight the idea, but they had no choice. Even as their friends protested the idea, the Sheikah held up a hand. “If you and Zelda are to make it to the castle you need a clear path.”
“You can’t take on the Guardians alone!”
“It’s the only choice.”
“You said we fight together.” Y/n met Link’s eyes and they almost broke at the agony in them. They had never seen so much painted across his visage, the boy keeping a stoic face for the sake of his role. But here they were. There weren't enough words to describe the pain they both felt, physically and mentally. They were fighting on the losing side, and now they could lose each other? It was hard to see a point in the fight with so little left.
“Leaving you is my last choice… but I need you- both of you- to survive.”
“And what about you!?”
“I’M NOT THE CHOSEN ONE!” Y/n finally allowed the tears to fall. They didn’t matter. What mattered was guiding the chosen pair to Ganon. As long as Link and Zelda survived, they had completed their duty. Their life never mattered. It didn’t hold the same weight. Choking back their sobbing, Y/n tried to smile. They had their happy moments. Made friends. Fell in love. And now they had to fulfill their destiny. No matter how much it hurt. “Right now our destinies have to part ways… and I don’t know how long we’ll be apart. So I need you to keep fighting, even when I’m not beside you. Because together I know you can beat Ganon.”
“We shouldn’t have to leave you.” Tears were swimming in his cerulean eyes. The only thing that kept Link from crying was the promise he made. He wouldn’t cry until the battle was over. “I can’t lose you. You are my life… and I can’t live without you.”
“You can.” Y/n reached out, caressing his face in their hands. “You will… because I love you. I love you in this life, and the next, and every one that follows. I will stand by you until there isn’t a reason to fight and even then, I’ll stay with you. I. Love. You.”
Link surged forwards, pressing his lips against theirs. It was desperate. He needed to convey everything he felt in the few moments left. That they would stand together no matter what time they were in. They could be ripped apart or thrown through time, or even lose all their memories and they would still share this bond. As long as destiny brought them together, they would connect like perfect halves. They completed each other.
Link was the first to pull away, hands running through Y/n’s hair and over their face. It was like he was trying to memorize every detail about them. Like if he focused he could commit Y/n to memory. He needed to be able to find them again, even if it was only within his own thoughts.
“You need to go.” Y/n broke the trance, whispering the words neither of them wanted to hear.
They had to part ways.
Link pressed a final kiss to Y/n’s forehead before he stood up. Zelda lunged forward to hug the Sheikah, sobs escaping her. She squeezed so tightly Y/n had to bite their tongue to keep the whimper at bay as pain shot through their injuries. They would bare the pain for this moment with their friend. Pulling Zelda close to their form, Y/n whispered encouragement and thanks for their time together.
When Zelda pulled away, she wiped her tears before giving a grin. She may not hold the same belief in herself that the others did, but she would do what she could. She would hold onto the strength of her friends and use it as her weapon. Everyone had protected her for a reason. She would show them it was not in vain.
With their final goodbyes Link and Zelda took off, weaving through the corpses of Guardians. Y/n waited until they had reached the open fields before stepping out from their hiding spot and whistling. Mechanics whirred to life around them as Guardians rose to defense. Y/n drew back their arrows, white hot pain flaring as their shoulder stretched. This would be their final stand. They would give it their all, here and now, so their friends could go on.
The next few moments were a blur of exploding arrows, machines being crushed, and the blasts of lasers. Y/n couldn't keep track of how many times they had pulled back the string of their bow, loosing arrow after arrow in order to keep the masses of mechanical beasts focused on their being. They reached for their quiver once more, red eyes focused on the glowing eyes of the Guardians targeting them, only to come up empty. There were no arrows left.
There was no more hiding. All the Sheikah had left were the dual blades strapped to their side and the hope their speed would be fast enough to survive.
Y/n pulled out their blades, taking off towards the closest Guardian. They jumped up the front, thrusting their blade into its eye before flipping onto the next. The process of picking off Guardians continued as the Champion flipped and twisted their way through the masses of mechanical monsters.
Flipping off the top of a Guardian, the Sheikah noticed Guardians getting away from them. They had noticed the others! Y/n ran towards where their friends were and, in their panic, missed the giant arm heading their way.
With a strangled cry, the Sheikah champion hit the ground. They tried to stand, curling in on themselves as they hit the ground again with a sob. There were too many. Y/n was exhausted. Everything hurt. So. Much.
Letting out a cough, Y/n felt a warm liquid trickle down their face. They could hear the Guardian closing in on them. The rest seemed to have lost interest when the champion fell, allowing this one to make sure it was for the last time. Propping themselves up, Y/n could see the red target on their chest. Mustering all the strength left in their body, they launched their sword at the Guardian. It struck the eye and, twitching in its failure, the beast fell. Unfortunately, this drew the rest of the Guardians back to the young Sheikah on the ground. Y/n fell back to the ground.
Guardians picked their way over mounds of mechanical parts.
Y/n closed their eyes.
At least it didn’t hurt anymore.
Golden light erupted across the fields of Hyrule, extinguishing the flames and sucking the light from the Guardians deadly eyes.
It was warm.
Y/n smiled. Zelda had done it. She wasn’t a failure. She had unlocked her sealing powers and finally, Ganon would know defeat once more.
Y/n watched the clouds clear from the sky, stars beginning to light up the night. They supposed Ganon had pulled back from the golden aura. Maybe one day they could lay under the stars with Link. Swallowing the metallic taste of their blood the fallen warrior reached a hand up. They basked in the light of the stars twinkling above. It was like they were waving the champion up to their sides. As Y/n’s light faded, the stars grew brighter, blurring together into one light.
And with a soft breath, the Sheikah Champion allowed themselves to rest at last.
100 years later Link stood there watching over the fields of Hyrule. Calamity Ganon had finally been defeated. Zelda was safe as was Hyrule. The duo had made their way down from the wreckage of the castle, ready to begin their new adventure. They were free of their destiny, but the memories would follow with them forever. The Hylian Champion felt a tug and he spun back to face the castle. There above floated the spirits of his fellow Champions. Finally free from the corruption of Ganon and his malice beasts. But what stole the breath from his lungs was the spirit of the one he loved- Y/n- floating there with a grin on their face. Noticing him watching, they sent him a goofy wave, knocking their spectral arm against Revali. Link let out a snort. They never changed. Their lights began to dim as the Champions began to walk away leaving him to watch their final goodbyes. He smiled softly as he saw Y/n mouth ‘I love you’, a hand pressing against their heart, something he was quick to respond to. With one last wave, the Sheikah Champion faded away. And as Link watched the spirits of his friends- his love- fade into light, he let a tear fall quickly followed by more.
The battle was won.
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soobasaur · 3 years
「 jisung as your skater boyfriend 」
i used to see you on the sidewalk, standing in your high tops
han!jisung x gender!neutral reader
a/n: i saw this photoshoot of jisung with a skateboard and my mind just shortcircuited and now i have a pinterest board full of skater boy jisung so here we are,,,if u see any skater fics tAG ME
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you didn’t think you’d ever take up skating, after falling the moment you put on roller skates when you were younger you thought it was hopeless to even try
but that was before you saw him.
it all started when your friend jeongin took on a new obsession with skateboarding and you took on a new obsession with the boy at the skate park
you only tagged along to hang out with jeongin and for the ice cream stand that was right next to the skate park
and jeongin always offered to buy you some so why would you say no to that (n˘v˘•)¬
but your obsession started when you watched jeongin start talking to some boys you didn’t recognize, when you later asked he said he met them from the park
one of them in particular caught your eye
he almost always had on a some sort of hat and band tee on, his hat usually falling off when he was halfway through with his tricks
you had been trying to build up some courage to talk to him but didn’t know what to say since you didn’t skate yourself :((
cute boys made you nervous !!!
especially ones who could do cool tricks on their boards !!!
jeongin picked up on your little crush since whenever he asked you to watch him do a new trick your eyes always wandered off to him
he teased you about it but ended up telling you his name and a bit about him
han jisung, he was around your age and went to a campus not far from you, which is why you had never seen him around
one day, when you were actually paying attention to jeongin for once, you saw a hat lying forgotten in the middle of the park and immediately recognized it as jisungs
you were to the point where you could recognize what brands he wore shjdjf
you rushed over to pick it up, dodging jeongin’s board as you did so, and made your way back to your table, clutching it protecting in your fists
after scouring the park for a tuft of his brownish hair you came up empty, deciding to pocket the hat until the next time you visited
when you offered to come to the park the next day without jeongin begging you to do so, your best friend knew something was up
he pestered you until you finally surrendered and showed him the hat, your ticket to starting a conversation with jisung
“i could just introduce you two,” jeongin chastised, rolling his eyes playfully
“that wouldn’t be memorable though! i want him to remember me as the person who saved his hat!”
“....imma just pretend i don’t know you.”
〴⋋_⋌〵 “jeongin !!”
you eventually spotted him waiting in the shade for his friends to skate and mustered up enough courage to walk up to him
why did that come out like a question (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
he turned to you after realizing you were talking to him, “hi?” he sounded startled, but you didn’t miss the way he quietly checked you out
“uhm so i’m y/n and you dropped your hat the other day? this is yours right? i notice you wear this brand a lot and uh, anyways! i just wanted to return it to you—,” you held out the hat and shut up before you started rambling and embarrassing yourself even more
you say his eyes flash in recognition as he reached out to grab the hat, then took his hand back just as quick
“actually...you can have it. keep it as a gift! i’d rather you give me your number instead,” he winked, before taking out his phone to hand to you
( ・_・) snkdkfkfkgovkovijskd wHAT
you somehow managed to grab the phone with shaky hands as you typed in your number, saving yourself as “y/n ❤️” and handing it back before you could stop yourself
you saw him smile at the contact name, pocketing it before looking back at you
“i’m jisung by the way...do you wanna get some ice cream?”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) was this perhaps...a date?
“sure...oh! what about your friend?” you asked, gesturing to the boy he seemed to be waiting for
he waved them off, “we can join them later, come on, my treat...i’ll race you there.” and he threw his board down and skated off towards the nearby ice cream stand as you ran off after him, yelling at how that was unfair
true to his words, jisung bought you ice cream and you guys sat down at a worn down bench
unfortunately, it was right out in the sunlight so you kept squinting to lick your ice cream
after seeing your suffering he took the hat he gave you from where you placed it on the table and plopped it on your head, adjusting the straps to fit you
“there, now the sun won’t bother you and we can twin!” jisung smiled, pointing to his current hat which was the one you were wearing in a different color
your little date was soon interrupted with his friend running over along with jeongin, who kept giving you suggestive faces as he stood behind jisung
“cant belive you buy your new partner ice cream and not your friends!! removing you from your best friend position!” his friend whined, he had long blond hair and you didn’t miss how jeongin eyed him discreetly
“shut up hyunjin,” jisung glared, a fond smile on his face as he handed over his friend some bills from his wallet and ruffled jeongin’s hair, “i might as well be your guy’s sugar daddy.”
you couldn’t help but notice how he didn’t deny the part where hyunjin called you jisung’s new partner (ᗒ//ᗕ)
hyunjin and jeongin took the table behind you guys as you continued to talk to jisung
you found out where he went to college and his current major (music production ?/$:&:&) and how he minored in dance so he could have a class with hyunjin, who begged him to join
that made him ten times more attractive and you felt a little shy telling him you were an art major, and the only instrument you could play was the piano due to lessons as a kid
but he thought it was cool and let you rant about your annoying professors and dumb projects you had to complete
in return, he showed you some of his songs and let you watch a couple of his performances before getting bashful and hiding his phone away
jisung rapping made you feel butterflies shkddndj
you two hit it off and bounced off of each other as the conversation went on
after a while jeongin pestered you to go home with him to help him on the project he procrastinated on
it was getting late though so you agreed
jisung asked where you guys were heading and offered to walk you both, since hyunjin didn’t seem keen on leaving jeongin either
hyunjin and jisung instantly put down their boards to start skating to you guys’ dorms before you admitted you didn’t skate
jisung looked pretty shocked at the revelation before kicking his board back up
“hmm, why do you come to the park then?” he asked as you guys ended up walking back, hyunjin and jeongin ahead of you as they decided to skate back
“jeongin bothered me to come with him before he met you guys, then i just started tagging along to see you—, to just hang out.”
he waggled his eyebrows at you as you jogged ahead of him, “to come see me?- hey get back here!”
the four of you finally ended up home, hyunjin walking jeongin to his place a little further from yours as jisung took you to your dorm building to send you in
“oh, before you go, take this.” he mumbled, handing you his board
why was he handing you his board ಠ_ಠ
“isn’t this yours? why are you giving it to me?” you asked all confused
“i have a ton at my apartment, and this one has a cute design on the back,” he turned the board around and pointed at the art, “you said you like this style of art so i thought you’d enjoy it, and next time you come to the park bring it with you so i can teach you how to ride it”
he shyly scratched the back of his neck as he handed it to you, “take care of it, yeah? i’ll call you later y/n, bye~,” he shot you some finger guns before lamely moonwalking off your porch and running off towards where hyunjin was waiting for him
you carefully clutched the board and made your way inside, your heart beating at the thought of jisung remembering something so minuscule like your favorite art style
you and jeongin didn’t end up finishing his project that night and ending up screaming about your new crushes
true to his word, the next time you went to the park you brought the board with you and he taught you how to ride it
he took you to some smaller ramps in the back and placed the board down, holding out his hands for you to step onto it after noticing your hesitancy
you grabbed ahold of his palm and stepped onto the board, the wheel skidding as you felt like you were gonna tumble off
jisung kept you steady though by placing his free hand on your lower back as he let you find your balance
“make sure to angle your feet a little more that way—yeah like that! keep the board near you at all times.”
he watched as you pulled the board towards you and adjusted your stance a little, looking towards him for guidance
he gave you a big smile in return
“okay now imma pull you around a bit so you get comfortable,” he removed his hand from your lower back, (which you were a little sad about) and started to slowly pull you around
you started to death grip on jisungs hand and screamed how you were gonna die when jisung started pulling a little faster
“i got you,” jisung said fondly, as he pulled you in a little circle
“great, now imma let go for a second,” he let go of your palm before grabbing his other board and stepping his right foot on it
“now your gonna put your dominant foot on the board and push off, like this, and just let it take you to the end of the park.”
he pushed his board away before gesturing for you to push
you gulped before letting loose and pushing your foot off, you stumbled a bit before you felt jisung straighten you up, and then you were off
jisung started to jog beside you as you skated towards the other end of the park >///<
he stayed alongside you until you slowed to a stop and you jumped off, a little shaken from the experience
“you did so well!” jisung cheered, hopping over to give you a short hug, before pulling away with flushed cheeks
“thank you,” you mumbled, your own cheeks dusted pink
you guys walked over to where jisung dropped his bag and he tossed you a water bottle, before plopping onto the curb
“you did so much better then me when i first started, i fell off and twisted my ankle, i’m surprised i decided to get back on the board after that...”
“if you never went back to skateboarding, we never would’ve met.” you joked, downing half of the bottle before handing it back to jisung “and i’m only doing good cus i have a great teacher,” you winked as you adjusted your hat
“us never meeting is a sad thought,” jisung mused before drinking from the same bottle, “hey we just indirectly kissed.” he laughed, before looking down sheepishly
why was he so confident and shy at the same time shdjkkffk
“what if we directly kissed?” you asked before you lost all confidence, which you didn’t have much to start with anyways
you saw jisung shortcircuit before turning back towards you, and after getting a nod from you he leaned forward and captured your lips with his own
he tasted like chocolate ice cream and it made your heart go beserk
when you pulled back to breathe he chased after your lips and brought you back in again
your brain rn: sbjdkfklck
after a little make out session he took you back out until you were able to skate a little by yourself and even do some turns with jisung’s help
and if he gave you little kisses for every time you didn’t fall off that was for the two of you to know
bonus headcanons:
it didn’t take long for jeongin and hyunjin to get together after the both of you set them up
which meant double dates at the skate park!!
jisung made it his new life goal to teach you how to skate enough to go a long time without his assistance
:(( he wanted to go on skate dates with you in the nearby city
your favorite thing was to watch jisung do cool tricks you didn’t know the name of on his board, you were scared he was gonna crack his skull open with the stungs he was pulling (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
jisung mentioned in passing how he wanted a board with this specific design but he couldn’t find one anywhere and gave up
so for his birthday you painted a custom design for him and got it printed onto a skateboard
to say he cried was an understatement he started bawling when he unwrapped it
he almost didn’t wanna use it cus he was scared of scratching it, but you assured him it could be repaired and he took it out for a spin
you eventually got the hang of skating, (you couldn’t do any tricks and had a trouble coming to a stop but hey it was progress)
which meant skating through the city dates !!!!
jisung would give you his other airpod and you guys would skate around the city at night listening to your shared playlist
you loved it when he gave you an enamoured look whenever a girl group somg came on and you started belting out to a loona song
jisung could play almost any instrument and he often sang to you whenever you came over
you could just be lying in bed half asleep and he’d sing to you
you even started to pretend to fall asleep just to hear him softly sing to you and play with your hair
you ended up just using his old skateboard for the time being until jisung bought you a new one
he said he wanted to paint you one but wasn’t sure of his abilities so he got one that matched the design with your old one but was brand new
you also cried <//3
he couldn’t paint, but he could write songs!
he would write songs after you all the time and sing you cheesy love songs to embarass you
you would even draw him if he stood still long enough, and seeing the happy expression on his face whenever he took a look at your sketches was worth it
he gave you a lot of his hats so you guys could match together
he liked being the cliche matching couple !! so sue him !!
it was just the cutest relationship and jisung took good care of you and vice versa <33
jisung best boyfriend !!
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thanks for reading ⁂
(gif by user hyunjins)
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albertasunrise · 3 years
Just Another Conquest - Part 1
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Warnings: You were sweet, innocent and completely infatuated with Javier Peña. After an incident at the Christmas party, you become the talk of the secretary's at the embassy and everything starts falling around you.
Pairings: Javier Peña x Reader, Reader x Original Male Character
Warnings: Angst, Kissing, Mentions of sex
Notes: There are some touchy subjects at the end of this chapter. If you’re easily triggered this might not be for you. Don’t wanna add too many tags as it’ll spoil it.
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For two years you had worked at the embassy as a secretary. You kept your head down and your nose out of trouble and so no one noticed you.
Except Greg.
Greg was sweet. You’d been on a few dates and you were taking it steady. Too many times you had jumped in headfirst into the flames and gotten burned so this time you were going to take things slow, Glacial, but Greg didn’t seem to mind. Greg was sweet.
Someone who wasn't sweet.
Javier Peña.
He had bedded most of the single or unmarried secretaries in the embassy. Even some of the married ones. He flirted with everyone. Well everyone except you and even though that stung a little you were glad. He couldn’t tarnish you if he couldn’t see you.
You’d been infatuated with the man from day dot at the embassy. He was a smooth talker and painfully handsome but you knew you weren’t his type. You were plain, a little on the chubbier side and uninteresting. You'd seen some of the women he’d slept with. Your apartment was across from his and they were all beautiful. The polar opposite of you.
It was the day of the Christmas office party. An event you looked forward to as it gave you a chance to dress up a little. Greg had bought you a stunning dress for the event, something you’d spotted in the window of a shop one day and told him you liked it. He’d managed to find out your size and had snuck back to buy it for you and you had swooned. No one had done anything like that for you before.
The dress fit perfectly. Highlighted all the right parts of you and for once you actually felt pretty. You did some simple makeup, pinned your hair up in a loose bun and wore the only pair of heels you could walk in. Greg was there to collect you when you were done, his jaw dropping to the floor when you emerged from your apartment building and you chuckled at his reaction. You both then got a taxi to the embassy and he had been unable to keep his eyes off of you or his lips from yours. Maybe tonight was the night that you’d let him into your bed.
You arrived a short while later and made your way inside, people excitedly bussing around you as you made your way to where the party was being held. The hall in the embassy had been decorated in traditional American fashion. Tinsel, baubles and lights adorned the walls and a large, audacious, tree sat in the centre of the room with presents surrounding its base. You gazed around in awe of what you were seeing and Greg couldn’t stop watching at you.
Little did you know, neither could Javier Peña.
He had spotted you as soon as you’d entered. He had seen you around over the past few years but until now had never spared you a second glance. He watched you as you entered with Greg from accounts. He’d spoken to Greg a handful of times and he always seemed nice enough, if not a little dull. His attention was so stuck on you that he didn’t even hear Steve talking his ear off until his name was shouted in frustration. Pulling the agent from his fancy.
“Oh no, you leave that one alone.” Growled Steve when he noticed who Javier was staring at.
“What… why?”
“Because I know what you’re like and she’s sweet. She has worked hard to keep herself out of the limelight and you paying her any sort of attention will destroy that completely.” Stated Steve, downing that last of his drink as he watched you head to the bar with your companion “Besides she’s dating Greg anyway.”
“Greg’s dull.” Mumbled Javier and Steve barked out a laugh.
“Greg is nice and perfect for her.” Asserted the blonde agent “Leave her alone.” He warned and Javier simply rolled his eyes, waving his partner off as he stood.
‘Another.’ He asked as he lifted his empty glass and Steve nodded before turning his head to seek out his wife in the bustle of people beside him.
Javier watched you as he approached the bar, taking you in as he came to a stop a few stools over. The dress you wore fitted your form beautifully, highlighting your small waist and larger breasts. You had a perfect hourglass figure and he practically salivated at the sight, wanting nothing more than to worship every inch of you but you were forbidden fruit. Which made it all the harder to resist you.
You hadn’t noticed Javier watching you but Greg had and he felt resentment start to simmer beneath the surface of his skin. If Agent Peña had set his sights on you then he had no chance. No one could resist that man's charms. He was relieved however to see that you remained blissfully unaware of the man’s attentions so he did his best to keep yours on him.
“They’ve done a wonderful job with the decorations huh?” He spoke as he wrapped his arm around your waist and you nodded eagerly in reply “You’re the most beautiful thing here though.”
“Oh shush Greg.” You chuckled, you’d never been very good at taking a compliment.
“No seriously.” He said as he gazed longingly at you “These last few months have been… Well they’ve been wonderful and I know you want to take things slow and that’s fine. Just know that when you are ready, I will make sure to show you just how beautiful I think you are.”
You swooned at his statement but Javier scoffed and then as the narrative repeated in his mind he became intrigued. The two of you hadn’t slept together? How serious can you really be if you’ve never fucked? So he decided you were fair game. God help him, he was going to taste those lips before the night was done.
“Would you like another?” Javi asked you as he motioned to your empty glass.
You jumped at the sudden question, turning your head to see Javier Peña staring back at you. A mixture of thoughts and emotions rushed through you at once but the one that lingered was lust. The way the man opposite you was looking at you went straight to your core and you found you were losing yourself in his dark chocolate orbs.
“Oh uh… Yes please.” You fumbled, the shock of your current situation lingering.
“You look lovely.” He said sweetly as he motioned at the barman to refresh yours and his drinks “A little different to your usual get up.”
“How would you know what I usually wear?” You questioned, a little taken aback by his statement.
“I’ve seen you around.” He stated, shrugging his shoulders.
“Right.” You sniggered, taking a sip from your new drink “Thanks for the drink, Agent Peña.” You finished as you turned to leave only to be stopped by his hand grasping your arm.
“Call me Javi.’ He said softly as he smiled at you.
“Well, thank you again Javi but I must be getting back to my date.” Giving him a last nod you sauntered away, unable to miss the scowl plastered across Greg’s face.
“What did he want?” He asked as you came up beside him.
“He got me a drink.” You replied nonchalantly “That was all.”
“That isn’t all he wants from you.” He growled and your head shot back in shock at his change of tone.
“Greg, I am in no danger of attracting Javier Peña.” You snort, rolling your eyes at him.
“Have you seen how you look?” He snapped and you found yourself growing irritated.
“I have and I am not his type.” You spit “He’s only interested in slim, tall, perfect skinned beauties and I am none of those things Greg. You have nothing to worry about.”
Little did you know, he had plenty to worry about. As the evening went on the music started to die down and people began to say their goodnights, thinning the crowd down to the younger staff members of the embassy. Greg had remained possessive of you, noting how Javier would watch you as you danced with your friends or talked with other people from your department. He’d picked his prey and you were it. Greg, helpless to stop it.
“Would you like to dance Hermosa?” Came a deep voice from behind you and you shivered at the effect it had on you.
Turning you see Javier smiling down at you, his suit jacket long since discarded and tie also. He’d unfastened the top three buttons of his shirt and you couldn't help but lick your lips at the sight of his golden skin beneath. Then suddenly your brain caught up with the rest of you and you shook your head as you looked back up at the man that was towering over you.
“I shouldn’t.” You replied, shaking your head as you looked around nervously “I should get back to Greg.”
“Greg is stuck in a deep conversation with a bunch of other accountants.” He countered, taking one of your hands in his “Just one dance. Will be perfectly innocent I promise.”
You tried to find another reason to say no, anything, but you were coming up blank and so you were unable to resist when he pulled you gently towards the dance floor. The song was slow, soft and you glanced around at the other couples close to each other, slowly swaying to the music.
“Relax.” The agent whispered against the shell of your ear and you shivered,
“Why are you doing this Javi?” You questioned, looking up into his eyes.
“Doing what?” He asked with a mildly bemused expression on his face.
“This. Dancing with me, paying me any form of attention.” You elaborated and his brow furrowed “We both know I’m not your type so this isn’t some ploy to get me to sleep with you, or at least I hope it's not. You’ve never spoken to me before tonight so why? What’s this all about?”
“How do you know what my type is?” He questioned, dark eyes watching you closely.
“Because I live across the hall from you and so have seen many of your conquests leave. All thin and beautiful which I am not.” You chuckled to yourself, glancing at Steve who watched the two of you.
“Well firstly, I think you are beautiful.” He stated and you rolled your eyes “Really, you don’t believe me?”
“I believe you’re a smooth talker that’s good at getting women to fall in love with him.” He snorted at the, glancing at Steve a moment before returning his attention to you “I know I’m not beautiful.” You shrug “I came to terms with that a long time ago but I don’t like to be teased or played with. So if this is some sort of game or bet. Please don’t involve me.” You pleaded and Javier felt his heart ache a little that you’d think such a thing.
“This is no game Hermosa.” He said softly “I like you and I wanted to dance with you.” He continued, bringing one hand up to cup your cheek “That's all that is going on here.”
“You like me?” You questioned, unable to help the squeak in your voice.
He nodded as he smiled at you and then time seemed to stand still. Your eyes flitted to his lips as you gazed at each other, the world around you falling away as Javier Peña cupped your face and kissed you softly. You didn't react for a moment, shocked that this is even happening and then you responded, kissing him back as your hands gripped his wrists and when he pulled away, all eyes were on you.
“Can I take you home Hermosa?” He asked quietly as he gazed at you, smiling when you nodded in reply and then he was leading you out. Greg and the party were all forgotten.
“I hope you don’t expect me to sleep with you this evening.” You chuckled, smiling shyly at the man driving you.
“A man can always hope.” He replied, glancing at you a moment before returning his attention to the road.
“Well, I’m not that easy.” You stated, sticking your tongue out at him playfully which elicited a throating laugh from the agent "I like to be wooed first."
You loved his laugh. It brought you all new waves of pleasure to hear it but as your building seeped into view, along with a familiar-looking truck parked out front, the realisation hit you like a freight train.
“Oh my god.” You sobbed as you hopped out of his truck, clutching your middle as you cried.
“Hermosa what’s wrong?” Asked Javier, his tone panicked as he sprinted to your side.
“Greg.” You choked and he noticed you staring at the vehicle parked in front of his “I kissed you, and I left him there. What… Why would I do that?”
Javier pulls you into his arms, holding you as you cried over the relationship you know you had destroyed. He pulled you with him, taking you inside and into his apartment where he sat you down on his couch and poured you a drink.
“Thank you.” You hiccuped as you took the drink from him, staring at the glass as he sat beside you “I liked Greg.” You started, eyes not wavering from your glass “He was sweet. Liked me for me and I’d never had that before. All my previous boyfriends wanted one thing and I got burned so much I gave up on the idea that someone could want more with me.”
“You have to go through some hurt to find the right man.” Javier replied, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close “You’ll find him I’m sure. You deserve happiness.”
You sat there and talked for a little longer. Until your eyes were so heavy you could no longer keep them open and when Javier noticed you dosing off, he scooped you into his arms and carried you to his bed. He didn’t try anything. Just simply held you and it was the best sleep he’d had in years.
You had no idea you’d be the talk of the office when you returned from the holidays. Greg hadn’t spoken to you since that night and neither had Javi. You’d snuck out the next morning before he’d woken up, mortified that you’d fall asleep at his. You knew you hadn't had sex with him but you’d still slept with him and that brought on all kinds of different emotions. Did he like you the way you like him?
“So how was it?” Asked Kirsten as sat down at your desk, her eyebrows lifting.
“How was what?” You asked, your confusion evident in your features.
“Your hot night with agent Peña.” She elaborated and you almost choked on your coffee “You did fuck him right?”
“No, I didn’t.” You expelled, already feeling sick to the stomach at the realisation you were the talk of the office.
“Oh come on.” She rolled her eyes at your denial “No one goes home with Javier Peña without him having his way with them. You’re so lucky.” She sighed “Although poor Greg left with his tail between his legs. No one blames you for going to the better dish though… Javi is quite the meal.”
You abruptly grabbed your bag and stood from your chair, not stopping to pick it up as it clattered on the stone floor. All you could think about was getting out of there, and fast. You couldn’t miss the sniggering as you swiftly left the office, only to be stopped by two hands grabbing your shoulders.
“Woah what's up?” Asked Greg as he pulled you to the side.
“I uh… everyone's laughing at me.” You sobbed, eyes skirting around and catching peoples stares.
“What did you expect when you went home with Agent Peña.” He scoffed and you looked up at him with a broken expression “All those months clearly meant nothing to you as you dropped your panties for him the moment he called.”
“What? No… I didn’t sleep with him.” You assured, head shaking tears loose from your eyes “I swear to you I didn’t. He kissed me and that’s it.”
“Didn’t see you pushing him away.” He growled and your stomach sank “Despite what you pulled, I still care about you so I will have a word with the others. Just try to keep your head down from now on yeah?”
You nodded, sniffing as you watched him walk away but as you looked around you could see that everyone was still looking at you, talking about you.
You needed to leave.
Your sprinted to the elevators, uncaring of anyone else's attention and pressed the button vigorously, willing it to arrive. You didn’t even look when it opened, just shuffled inside and pressed the button for the parking level. You’d explain later why you’d left.
“Everything okay?” Came a soft Southern voice and you turned your head to see Steve beside you “Rough day?”
“Putting it lightly.” You replied, letting out a watery chuckle as you threw your head into your hands.
“I told Javi to leave you alone. Fucking prick.”
“No this is all my fault.” You sobbed as you looked up at him “Javi was sweet. I should really talk to him but today isn’t the day. Right now I need to go home and wallow.”
“Well, you can do that together if you like.” He chuckled and you looked at him in confusion “He ended up taking today off.
“Right.” You replied as you pulled your bag tighter over your shoulder as you exited the lift and headed towards your car.
Maybe you should speak to him today.
You’d more or less talked yourself out of it by the time you'd made it back to your apartment building. You pulled into your allotted parking spot, sprinted up the stairs and made it to your front door, only to be stopped by a familiar voice.
“What are you doing back?” He asked and you turned to face him, noting how his brows were drawn together in concern.
“I uh… Well, let's just say I’m the talk of the office.” You replied plainly as you pulled out your key, desperate to escape this inevitable conversation.
“Why?” He asked and you looked at him again in amazement.
Did this guy seriously have no clue?
“Well, let's see Javi. I turned up at this year's Christmas party with Greg, the guy I was seeing and then left with you after you kissed me in front of all of our colleagues. Why do you think that I’m the subject for office gossip?” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you awaited his response.
“We didn’t sleep together thought?”
“They don’t know that” You replied, rolling your eyes at him “So that’s what everyone assumed happened. That I waited months to take that step with Greg but one kiss from you and I give you what you want.”
“I’m sorry Hermosa.” He replied, his eyes taking on a sad puppy dog quality that immediately had your anger melting away.
“Why aren’t you at work today Javi?” You questioned as your body language relaxed and you turned to put your key in the door.
“One of my informants died.” He announced and you immediately turned to look at him “She uh… Well, she was ratted in by one of her colleagues. We found her last night mutilated and raped.”
“Oh Javi, I’m… I’m so sorry.” You replied as you gave him a sympathetic look, your heart breaking from the pain that was so evident on his face “Did you want to come in?” You asked innocently and he nodded, taking the hand you offered and following you inside.
Little did you know that this time, you really would give Javi what he wanted. You talked, you consoled each other, you kissed and then finally when the kissing became heated and passionate you fucked him, allowing your own troubles to be dissolved by pleasure. You allowed yourself to lose yourself in him and he buried himself in you to escape himself but when all was done and you lay their sated in his arms you started to wonder.
Maybe he did like you.
It doesn’t take long for word to spread around the office that you had fucked Javier Peña now. Someone else who lived in the building overhearing your activities and telling the entire office the following day so when you’d turned up the following feeling more relaxed, it was quickly ripped away from you.
“So decided to skive off for a fantastic fuck with Javi Peña eh?” Kirsten asked as she winked at you, the colour completely draining from your face “You lying slut though. I knew you were shagging him.”
“I uh…”
“Oh no use in denying it, you were heard. You’re apparently pretty vocal in the sack.” She sniggered as the other girls in the office started to chuckle along with her “Oh Javi.” She mocked “Oh Javi yes… just there-“
You left before she could finish her berating, tears streaming down your cheeks as you made your way through the halls to the bathrooms in the hope you could cry alone in there but sure enough, you were not to be so lucky. Greg grabbed you as you tried to scurry past but there was no sympathy in those blue orbs anymore, nothing but anger.
“You fucking slut.” He growled, eyes burning you “I courted you for months. Treated you right and the first moment you get you fuck man whore Peña?” He spat and you flinched at his outburst “You just used me. Did you even fucking like me?”
“Yes, Greg.” You sobbed, fat tears flowing freely now “I did like you... I do even. I like you a lot, I swear I didn’t use you.”
“But you couldn’t resist opening your legs for Javier Peña.” He growled, snarling at you as he watched your face crumble “You know he doesn’t commit so good luck regaining any credibility you had here.” He finished, leaving you sobbing in his wake.
You quickly sprinted through the halls, people's mocking laughter filling your ears but you just pushed forward. You looked up a moment and that's when you caught eyes with him, the man from which all this trouble had stemmed from and you stopped, giving him a hopeful look as he grabbed your arm and pulled you to one side.
“What's the matter?”
“You seriously the only person in the embassy not to hear the latest gossip?” You asked, noticing the genuine confusion that spread across his face.
“We were heard Javi.” You explained, wiping your cheeks with your sleeves “Someone heard us and has told everyone.” You sobbed, face leaning into his hand as he cupped your cheek “But you can set everyone straight, tell them that this is different? I mean, it was different right?” You asked, eyes pleading for him to soothe your worries.
“Hermosa…” He trailed off as he dropped his hand and shook his head, your stomach dropping “Hermosa I-.”
“You said you like me.” You choked, eyes growing wide as you shook your head in disbelief “That I’m beautiful.”
“I do and you are.” He assured you “But I’m not a commitment guy.” He paused and you felt sick “What we did was just two friends comforting each other. Nothing more.”
You can’t believe it. How had you gone and done this again? You’d given yourself to someone body and soul only to be stomped on again. You were a fool and you knew it. There was never going to be a chance of Javier Peña want more than to bury himself in you. You were plain. Simple.
You left without another word. Darting into the nearest bathroom where you emptied the contents of your stomach before crying yourself dry. When you did finally emerge you were called into your manager's office and were instantly told to take some time. You had some leave to take so they advised you to take it. Let the scandal die down a little. You couldn’t be the talk of the office forever.
So you do. You take the two months you accrued and you leave, numb the entire drive back to your apartment. You thought about going home, actually taking a vacation but then you’ve never been one for adventure. You don’t have anyone back home. No family or friends to speak of so you decide to spend it here. At home. Wallowing in your own self-pity.
2 months later…
Javier had noticed your absence and he’d also noticed that you never left your apartment. At least you never left it when he was around to see it. He knew you were due back today, one of the other secretaries informing him that your leave had ended so why weren’t you here? It wasn’t like you to be late. You were always in before most of the other office admins were, sipping your coffee as you went through your daily schedule.
No one else seemed to be worried about your absence. A few assuming you’d forgotten that you were due to come back but they were a little surprised when Agent Peña had started asking around for you. Everyone knew that things between you and him had crashed and burned, your very public refusal being the next hot topic for the weeks that followed. So when he came up short with your colleagues he went to your boss, his worry growing by the minute.
“I’m not sure why it matters to you where she is.” Stated your boss as they continued to skim through the paperwork in front of them “It’s because of you that she ended up taking leave.”
“I understand that but…”He paused a moment, trying to carefully plan what he needed to say “She lives opposite me. I’ve not seen her leave in two months or even heard a peep from her apartment. I know that her suffering is my doing but I do care about her well being.”
“Well, you should have thought about her well being before you dragged her name through the dirt.”
“Do you know where she is?” He growled, growing more and more impatient by the second.
“Yes, I do.” They replied plainly.
“She’s in the hospital.” Javier’s eyes shot open, stomach dropping as he stared at the older woman across from him.
“What… what happened?” He asked although he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
“I can’t tell you that.” She stated and he let out a frustrated sigh
“Is she at least going to be okay?”
“She’s in a bad way.” She paused as she finally placed the documents in her hands down “If you want to see her I can’t stop you. Just know… it is very likely that she won’t want to see you.”
She told the agent where you were and watched as he left, knowing that deep down he had a right to know what had happened to put you there.
A few flashes of his badge and he was soon led to your room, stopping the doctor as he left your room and demanding he be told what was wrong. He could see that you were sleeping inside and he felt himself ease a little seeing that you weren’t bloody and beaten. So what was wrong?
“She was poisoned.” The doctor explained in Spanish and Javier felt his anxiety shoot through the roof again.
“Poisoned?” He asked “How? By who?”
“By herself.” The doctor stated and Javier’s stomach dropped.
Had he really hurt you that badly?
“She tried to terminate her pregnancy using an old home remedy.” The doctor elaborated and Javier jumped at that.
“Yes.” The doctor nodded “She is around 2 months pregnant.”
Javier knew instantly it was his and a mixture of emotions coursed through him. Why had you not come to him? Why did you feel like this was the right thing to do? If there was a baby involved he would do what was right. You had to know that right?
“She is sedated.” The doctor continued “The baby survived. The remedy did not work but it did nearly kill her. She was hysterical when she arrived. Begging us to save it.” He paused, glancing at you before returning his attention to Javier “I don’t think she really wanted to get rid of it. She was just desperate and scared. She should be okay though. We will continue to monitor her and the baby. ”
Javier nodded before stepping aside so the Doctor could leave. His mind was racing as he stepped inside of your hospital room and taking a seat at your side. He would wait. Wait until you woke up and he would talk to you. He needed to understand why you did this. Why you felt you had no other option.
You were shocked to find Peña dosing in the chair beside your bed when you woke up. How did he even know you were here? Your head was pounding and your mouth dry so you turned your head to find the bottle of water a nurse had brought you earlier, only to knock it when you went to grab it. The agent woke instantly and you groaned in frustration. You didn’t need his lecture right now.
“Hey.” He said softly as he grabbed the bottle and opened it before bringing it to your lips “How are you feeling?”
You shrugged as you sipped the water, relishing how it soothed your sore throat and dry tongue. You nodded when you’d had your fill and watched as he screwed the lid back on and placed it back on the table.
“What are you doing her Javier?” You rasped and he flinched at your inquiry.
“I was worried about you.” He stated, sad eyes locking with yours “The doctor said you and the baby are going to be okay.” He said with a smile and your eyes started to water.
“So you know?”
“Yes.” He replied plainly “He also told me you tried to get rid of it.” He paused, stroking away a tear that escaped from your eye “Why?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t want it.” You replied, lip trembling as you spoke “And I didn't want to raise it on my own.” You paused, watching him process your words before you go for the jugular “Besides, I was just another one of your conquests. Can't go tarnishing your record and I’ve destroyed my reputation enough. Having your baby will just destroy whatever integrity I have left.”
“So what are you going to do?” He asks, stomach twisting.
“I’m going to leave Javier.” You said plainly “I will leave and I will raise this baby on my own. No one will ever need to know you have a bastard child with one of your many whores. I want nothing from you so you can go now.”
“Hermosa I-“
“Leave.” You growled, angry tears staining your cheeks “I’m giving you the out you want. Take it.”
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Part 2
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
I read the Diavolos ball and angsty stuff, can I please please please get a happy ending to go with it?
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This has been a highly requested and I must give my poor followers comfort after this straight up angst
So everyone, let's get into it! Some hurt and comfort to soothe your hearts
Warning: angst, long
I'll be putting this under readmore as it is long and I have had someone before say they wanted me to add it on long posts, I never really got any feedback about what I could do better and how this will help with people's viewing but I understand why, long posts can be annoying
If you guys think I should do this with all my long posts please comment or dm me or even state it in asks/requests - I wanna do what I can to make things enjoyable for people
Part 1 - beginning
Diavolo's ball aftermath
It's been a few days since they've seen you; they expected to find you in the dorm. Some fear you went back to the human world; there was no messages, no note - there was nothing. You were completely gone.
Everyone was losing it. The brothers got more aggressively with each other, no longer able to have you come between them. Your presence was so soothing to all of them but now you were gone. As soon as they realized you were gone the whole air of the dorm shifted. It wasn't right.
Mammon got desperate to know where you were. He handed one of his crows a necklace he got you, you promised to never take it off. His heart shattered when he saw it was on your desk. He wasn't sure what he did wrong - why did you take it off? What happened to you?
It wasn't long before the crow came back to the devildom; reporting that you were in fact in the human world. The brothers were devastated. They had to tell the others and they had to watch the hopeful shine in their eyes die.
They could all feel thankful you were unharmed but you were so far. You did this to get away from them. You didn't even leave a damn note!
Diavolo ordered everyone to go to the human world. They all split up into different parties to get you, whoever could get you first had to interrogate you. It didn't take a genius to understand that the Noble told you something horrible - why else would you have such a reaction? Barbatos was tasked to 'calmly discuss' that night with said noble but regardless of how rough and merciless he was; he refused to talk.
It was wasting time and energy. If he wasn't going to talk then they had to get the answer from you. A few were able to gather the gist of what he told you from your conversation before you disappeared; you were convinced you were being used and just a replacement, a pawn to them.
They wanted the full story. The whole reason. Anything! Just to understand why you would push them away and disappear like this. What have they done to make the nobles words feel so real to you? They needed to fix it.
The demon brother's split into a team of two; eldest and youngest, the royals stayed together and the elder exchange students were a double team aswell.
The crows lead the teams their way, splitting up to different routes to see if they could circle you so they could talk to you even if you decided to run.
In the end they found you, you were across the pavement, a train coming. The pedestrian stop dinged as it commanded people to stop but the men couldn't help themselves.
You whipped around, shocked. You thought your ears were playing tricks on you but there was the boys. Your boys. Tears bubbled in your eyes. You couldn't believe it. They followed you to the human world.
The world slowed down; the wind blowing against you as your eyes widened at the sight of them. They looked exhausted, some even with tear streaked cheeks. The more impulsive bunch being held back so they don't go running towards you. The street lights illuminated all of you; their appearance looked just as broken as their hearts.
The train rammed itself between you all. Disturbing the moment with its blaring horn, the screeching wheels ringing in your ears. It was the second you had to decide; do you run? Or do you stay?
To let them get you and finally face your emotions or run away, avoid everything and keep letting despair consume you.
You stayed. You couldn't move at all. It was if you were glued to the spot. But you knew it was just your heart aching for them; desperate to hold them and cry out your pain.
As soon as they could, they all rushed to your side. Hugging you, grabbing at your arms and head to pull you close to them. You choked on your tears as you let the 11 men hug you and check your face and clothes. All just wanting to make sure you were really there and unharmed.
You missed them all dearly and you were so happy they missed you too.
But then the big question was asked.
"what happened that night?"
"he said he was happy to meet me...asked for a dance and I said yes, I never should of, he kept telling me I was just Diavolo's pawn, Lilith's replacement and convinced me none of actually cared for me....I believed him.....I felt so unsure and he knew so much about us I just couldn't stop the doubts in my head....I'm so sorry-!"
He couldn't believe that noble said that to you
He hastily grabbed your face, wiping away your tears
"You will never be and never have been her replacement, you are your own person, your connection to our sister means nothing other than comfort that she was able to be happy and that's it - I apologize if we have made you feel like you are a replacement and have compared you to her.... please understand we just miss her very dearly but we all want you in our life more than anything."
You buried your face into his shoulder
Sobbing your heart out as you kept chanting apologies and gratitude in a broken voice
He silenced you, holding you close
The prideful demon hid his face as best as he could and let tears drip down his cheeks
He was so relived to have you back
It seemed that noble wasn't only going to be visited by barbatos
Lucifer was not known for being merciful
He grabbed your arm and hastily tugged you towards him
His other hand cradled the back of your head
"Don't ever run away again, you understand?! I'm supposed to be the one protecting ya and how am I supposed to do that if you're off running in different realms without telling anyone??!! That noble doesn't know anything! I don't know how he knew about Lilith but you ain't her, you're (Y/N) And that's it! You are your own person - you gotta call out my dumbass-ary if I compare or make you feel that way, I would never do it on purpose! I like you and only you! I can't lose you again!"
He pushed his forhead against yours
A shaky exhale leaving him
You tried to apologize but he cut you right off, hugging you closer
He was going to make that Noble pay for ever making you doubt yourself like this
To doubt how much he loves you
He was already crying
He was crying before you even considered crying
He rushed to you and grabbed your hands
"I got so scared I did something, Don't listen to that normie! Normies are losers for a reason! There's no one else I would want as my best friend - no one will ever be a better game partner than you! You always make me feel happy and proud to be me-! I couldn't ask for anything more from you! I miss Lilith but I miss you even more! You're my favourite person, you're not some replacement, you're you! You're my player 2-! I'm sorry if I made you feel like you're not as amazing as you are, please don't leave again!"
It wasn't long after his speech he hugged you
Squeezing you tightly as he relished in having you back in real life 3D
since you were gone he kept playing as your game avatars
Using ai set ups to feel like he was with you again in VR
That noble will not stand a chance against his fury
He wasn't sure if he was mad at you or himself
It was most likely both - mad you left and let someone just destory so much work and progression in one meeting
But mad at himself for not making you feel secure
He couldn't bring himself to hug you but that was because he was scared he wouldn't let go
"I knew that Noble was nothing but a menace-! You can't listen to people like him, he's just trying to get to you and tear us apart - I don't know why he would do that but he isn't right, he will never EVER be right! You are yourself and never will be Lilith, I didn't get to me her or really know who she was but I do know you will never be her and never were her! I care so much about you and I will make sure to keep my stupid brothers to never make you feel that way again, I've missed you so much (Y/N)."
In the end, he fell into your arms
Holding you tight as he let out his tears of frustration go
You apologized but he just told you to shut up, he didn't want you to be sorry for being the victim
He already had plans on what he's going to do to that noble, trying to push those thoughts away
Focusing on how wonderful it is to have you close
As soon as he could reach you, he pulled you into an embrace
Shaking his head as tears streamed down
His makeup already starting to to drip along work his tears
"No! No! No! Noooo!! Don't listen to that horrible noble! He isn't right at all, he doesn't know anything about us or you! He obviously doesn't know how much we care about you and like you as your own person, I never meant to make you feel as if you were some sort of replacement! Lilith was her own being and so are you, your connection means nothing! I i will always be happy knowing my sister got to live the life she wanted but you aren't apart of that, your life is your own and you are nothing like her! I love you because you're you! I couldn't imagine ever loving someone as much as I love you, please come back to the devildom!"
He nuzzled his cheek against yours
Thankful to have you back in his arms again
He didn't like getting his hands messy but no one was going to make you feel that way ever again
He didn't care about that demons status
His hand landed on the top of your head
You flinched not expecting such a gentle pat but it only broke his heart more
"That noble knows nothing about you or any of us, he's turned my sister into an enemy to our relationship and I will not let that go on for any longer! You are not her and not her replacement, how dare he make you feel that way! you're apart of my family and I'll have it no other way, I really love you and missed you everyday you were gone - I was scared I'd never feel full again, you make me feel complete and when you disappeared I knew I wouldn't be able to protect you, I would of never forgiven myself if you got hurt! I want to always be able to protect you and have you by my side and make you feel happy - I promise I won't fail you again."
He almost fell to his knees once he was done
He was ready to swear to you on one knee, like a true knight
But instead hugged you
Mindful not to squeeze too hard but let himself be selfish and hold you tighter than he would normally dare to
He was one prone to be violent unless it was in sports or he was starved - the Noble starved him of your touch and kindness
He'll break more than just rooms once he gets his hands on that Noble
He spun you to face him
Needing your attention on him
It was only a few days but it felt like forever since he's had your eyes on him
"You're no pawn and no replacement, you are you and that's all I want, I don't want any one else, I know I've made you feel like a replacement - i did something horrible to you and then tried to make it seem like it was all okay after, I'm always trying to make up for that day but I know that is something that will always effect us! I missed you so much....you are your own person and you've helped me be a better person, come back home and let me make this right......you're all I want and need."
He broke down crying
Hanging his head low and it dropped onto your shoulder
He loosely held your waist whilst you gripped onto him tight
If everyone thought choking you was bad, just wait until they see what he plans to do with that noble
He couldn't stand seeing you so upset anymore
He gently held your arm
Giving it a small squeeze as tears built up
"He said all that? I'm sorry he made you feel like that, to feel such confliction and dread, You are never will be or were my pawn, you're a fantastic student and wonderful person who's did more than I've ever imagined Someone could do, if I could have asked you myself properly to be apart of the exchange program I would of but the world is not yet ready to merge and be aware of our existence.... please you have my deepest apologies and regrets that you felt this way and I've allowed such a person in my court, I will do whatever I can to make this right."
The tears finally fell and he became selfish
Hugging you tight against him, his fingers brushing against any skin he could touch
He couldn't dare to think how he'll be when you finally do leave the program
But until that time comes he needed to make it a good experience for you
If what barbatos did to him wasn't enough to convince him then he will not go back on his word
He'll fix this and do whatever he can to make all the pain stop
He sighed in relief seeing you in the flesh
Knees buckling as he stood before you
His knuckles bloodied and bruised under his gloves
"I should of been more comforting when I found you, if I had known that was what he said I would of never let him be apart of the lord's court or be at that party, believe me when I say you are not a pawn or someone's replacement - you are so much more than that, you are you and someone that's made me feel closer to the present, to act quicker and stop using endless time as a excuse, I will fix this and make him regret ever uttering a word to you, I promise you."
Your touch was as gentle as ever
He caved, leaning against you
Happy to be able to make amends and fix the situation
The nobles dealt with him once and no matter what he did it wasn't enough
But he was merely holding back to be a gentleman, even if that noble now looks like a beaten raisin
It seemed he will have to do much worse to send everyone's message across
His face was gentle yet scolding
He gently brushed your cheek, wiping away a stray tear
"don't run off next time something like this happens, your life is so short and I hate to think would could happen if I lost you because you felt isolated even from me, you though you could find solace as both of us are humans but I was slow to understand your needs - you are deeply loved by everyone, I envy how much love you get and that's why I can't stand to see you run! I also love you and your presence, you have been so kind to me and I still have so much to teach you- please believe me when I say you're no one's pawn or replacement, you're important because you're you."
You crumbled completely
He hugged you as you apologized, calling yourself an idioit
But it only made him tsk, rubbing your back as he filled your ears with praises
He was sure the demons were going to rip that Noble to shreds but he couldn't help but desire his own revenge
Seeing you like this hurt him so much
He was so quick and gentle you could of mistaken him as a feather
He embraced you, cradling your head and rubbed soothing circles between your shoulder blades
"I was worried about you, I took you home and then I learn you've completely disappeared! No warning or note behind, you ran away - your feelings are extremely valid and I understand why you did this, It must of been so conflicting and you needed space to think and reflect, you're so strong (Y/N)! but you are also smarter than this, I feel ashamed knowing I haven't showed you how much I appreciate you being in my life and make sure you feel secure in the Devildom, I want to look over you but I've failed you already, that Noble does not know what he's talking about regardless of the information he has! I would never let anyone use you or let anyone treat you as some replacement, we all care so much about you."
He slightly swayed with you in his arms
Overwhelmed by his fears and the emotions that were rushing through him
He promised to never harm an innocent soul
That noble did not have one
He will leave the more physically destructive rage to the others
Wanting to merely talk and show the noble the error of his ways
You were back in the Devildom, Everyone was making sure to spend extra time with you. So happy to have you back and wanting to work on making you feel more secure. You couldn't stop how fast your heart was beating from all the overwhelming joy you felt.
It felt so good to be back. But you nagging worry remained in your head; what was going to happen to the Noble? you wished you could go up to him and yell at him. Prove him wrong and make him regret ever making you spiral like that.
When you brought up the idea, the men all looked at each other. A knowing look in their eye.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but I think it's best you don't see him but rest assured, we've dealt with him on your behalf and understand your wishes - let us know how we can help you feel resolved from that situation if this is unsatisfactory."
Diavolo answered. If it weren't the state the noble was in they'd happily let you chew him out but your heart and mind have been through enough already. No need to add on to the hurt with seeing what was left of him. They couldn't stand to see you upset again.
But you agreed, thanking them for their support and handling the situation. Unaware of their true actions. They all wished you a great day before going back to their own private meeting.
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Long Story Short (3/3)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Modern AU)
Description : 
Long story short, it was the wrong guy Now I'm all about you I'm all about you
Word Count : 2.2k words
Warning : fluff, ex Steve, Bucky Barnes my beloved, Just Bucky being an amazing partner
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Bucky Barnes does not do relationships. Well, to put it in better words; Bucky Barnes did not do relationships until he met you. As a marriage counselor, he had advised many couples to just get a divorce, and even though he had saved a lot of marriages, the bad ones always hurt him more. To be the person to witness unhappy couples was not the best profession. But again, to be the person to save a marriage or bring back the lost love made his profession the best in his mind.
He did not have hope for a future relationship. He tried dating, it did not work out, and then he became the man who always left after the night and never stayed over. Not only that, but he thought his life would remain the same, and he would become a miserable 60 years old that hated lovesick teenagers and would die in his bed alone.
Bucky’s life changed when he met you on the flight. You, with your obvious shittier life, changed everything for him that weekend. And that was two years ago.
He fell in love and that changed it all, things just started falling into place perfectly like a domino effect going smoothly. He called you the moment you landed and asked you out. Likewise, he was scared that what happened back in his hometown was some sort of escape for you. Luckily, it wasn’t, you said yes and he was ecstatic. 
The date went splendidly, you talked about everything from your careers to your embarrassing high school moments that still sometimes haunt you at night. He told you about his family and he came clean about what went down with Dot (She wanted a relationship, he didn’t and then he bolted). It scared you, Bucky was so different, you’ve never been with someone who didn’t plan everything out, but it was exciting nonetheless. He assured you that he wanted a relationship with you because and let's be honest, he was already very smitten.
He thought that was the best weekend of his life. You proved him wrong, every day with you was the best day of his life.
“This is technically our third date,” you suggested.
He gasped, dramatically placing his hand on his chest. “This is our first date to me and you’re already trying to get in my pants. Give me some respect, lady.”
You laughed, shoving a hand on his arm playfully, and he held your wrist, bringing your body closer to his. He wrapped his other hand around your waist and leaned down to leave a longing kiss on your lips. “ As much as I would love to stay the night. I wanna do right by you, doll.”
You smiled and leaned in for another kiss, foreheads pressed together, before you jokingly said, “FYI, I have already been in your pants before.”
That was the moment Bucky knew you were the one for him. 
Alpine fell in love with Bucky quicker than you could. On the fourth date when Bucky finally let you take him home, Alpine came from her hideout in the kitchen and sat on his feet. Alpine never did that with anyone, your friends had told you that you had the most hostile cat ever. Whenever a new person entered your apartment, Alpine either ignored them or attacked them, but with Bucky, she was affectionate.
For you, it wasn’t one moment that made you realize you were in love. Unlike Bucky, you had a lot of issues to deal with before you could give yourself completely to him.
Bucky never judged you, he gave you the time you needed and never pushed you when he was ready to acknowledge he loved you. 
Of course, the insecurities were also present, you’d have urges to go throw his phone or stalk everyone he follows on Instagram. You told Bucky, hoping he doesn’t call you crazy, but instead he gave you his phone’s password. Yes, now your face could unlock his phone too. He told you he trusted you, and you were it for him so if that’s what you needed to be sure, he would happily oblige and wait for you.
It took you six months to finally acknowledge your love for him.
When you were working on a divorce case, the wife told you that when her husband walked into a room, she didn’t feel anything. You got lost in her story and told her how when your boyfriend, your Bucky was nearby you felt calm, lighter even. She smiled and told you she would like to have a love like that. And your mind just went, ‘Holy shit, I am in love with Bucky’. After wrapping up for the day, you immediately rushed towards Bucky’s office, you couldn’t wait to tell him about your recent discovery.
You sat across from him at his office, anxiously fiddling with your finger. “Bucky, I need to tell you something important.”
He looked up from the file on his table and closed it before giving you all of his attention. He always did that which made butterflies erupt in your stomach. “Go ahead, doll. I’m all ears.”
 “I... I need to tell you something important.”
He nodded his head, encouraging you to go ahead.
You exhaled and said, “I don’t know how to tell you this.”
Bucky studied your features, concern quickly replaced intrigue. This is it, he thought. You’ve realized that he was a rebound and now you were breaking up with him.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
 “I love you.”
You both said at the same time.
“What?” you queried, standing up from your seat and moving towards his chair.
You settled on his lap, cradling him, one of his hands rested on your thigh and the other on your lower back, holding you still on his legs. “What?” 
“I love you,” you confessed, taking his cheeks in your palms and you gently pressed a kiss on his lips.
“Say that again,” a grin spread across his face, the corner of his lips almost reached his ears.
“I love you,” you said, beaming with adoration in your eyes.
“God, doll. I love you so much.”
After dating for a year, you decided to move in together. Every day with you had been the happiest day of Bucky’s life. It had been exactly two years since you met Bucky and he was so head over heels for you that sometimes he couldn’t even voice it. Maybe that is why he had a velvet box in his pocket, so that he could express his love for you without gathering the courage to say it.
Both of you decided that for your second anniversary, you were going to have dinner in your shared apartment that you made home. You planned to order take out with movies followed by lovemaking, whereas Bucky planned to make you his fiancé by the end of the night - which was also followed by intense lovemaking.
While on his way home, he stopped to pick up your favorite flavor of the cake. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he quickly picked it up without checking who it was.
“Hey, pal,” Steve’s voice greeted him, taking him by surprise. Bucky hadn’t talked to his best mate since - well, since he found out what he did to you. Bucky was furious that he hurt you like that and made you doubt yourself. The selfish part of Bucky was thankful, not for hurting you, but for leaving you because Bucky couldn’t imagine a life without you. And hopefully, after the proposal, he wouldn’t have to.
“Steve,” Bucky said. A silence lingered where both of them could hear the other breathing, but none of them knew what to say, if anything was even left to say. Both of them broke the silence together at the same time.
“Peggy and I are getting a divorce.”
 “I’m going to propose to Y/N.”
 “You what?” Steve asked.
“No, you what?” Bucky countered.
Steve exhaled through the device connecting two old pals and spoke, “Yeah, we tried, but it just didn’t work out. I don’t even know why I went back after the first time. I lost so much by just doing that.”
Both of them were aware of what he was talking about; you. Steve lost you from falling into old patterns with his ex-wife. Steve regretted it. Peggy’s pregnancy wasn’t planned and when she told him, he tied down the knot for the sake of his future family. It took Steve two months to realize that he loved you and not his wife. He didn’t contact you, you asked him not to. The only reason he invited you to his wife’s baby shower was so that he could win you back. He hoped seeing him would make you want him again, but when you walked in with his best friend’s hand in yours, he didn’t know how to react. He had lost you to Bucky of all people and he hated his mate for this, for taking away the best thing in his life. 
“Are you sure about her?” Steve questioned, hoping to raise some doubts and second thoughts in his best pal’s mind. He knew that was wrong, but he desperately wanted you back. 
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” Bucky answered dreamily and Steve could feel his heart crack.
Steve should have stopped, he shouldn’t have relented but Steve wasn’t a good man like you thought he was. Good men don’t cheat on women, good men aren’t selfish. “It's gonna change everything between us, pal. Is she worth it?”
Bucky didn’t hesitate in his answer and hung up the phone instantly. He realized quickly that anything that separated him from you or even tried to was not going to be in his life. Bucky was a possessive man and he would die rather than give up his two best girls, you and Alpine.
When Bucky came back, you didn’t expect him to kiss you so feverishly, as if he let you go, he’d lose you. He would never lose you, that you were sure of.
Your anniversary went down as you planned. Eating pizza and talking while the movie became a background noise was peaceful, domestic and everything else you desired. You could spend the rest of your life like this. Just you and him — and Alpine, obviously. 
Bucky was hiding something that much you could feel. You both always knew when something was up with the other. A tiny part of your brain panicked that maybe Bucky was cheating on you. He wasn’t; there were no signs, but your brain always mustered up the worst condition as a defense mechanism.
So, when Bucky got down on one knee with a ring in his hand as you were bringing the cake from the kitchen, tears welled up in your eyes. Bucky gently took the cake from you and placed it on your dining table before getting a hold of your hands in his.
“Doll,” he started, and tears were already starting to stream down your face. “ I love you so much that it physically hurts me sometimes. I never thought I would be fortunate enough to be happy, but God, you make me so happy and I can’t even…”
A lump formed in his throat and he tried again, “I had this whole speech planned and now I can’t even get a sentence out without crying. They make it look so easy in those rom coms.”
You chucked, stifling a sob that was threatening to break out. ” Nothing about us has been conventional. I mean, from the way we met to the way I’m proposing, but that is what I like about us. You are already my home, my family, my everything and I would like you to be my wife too. So, Y/N Y/L/N, would you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me? ” 
“Yes! God, yes, Bucky.” you beamed, holding his palm tightly, supporting him to stand up. He situated the ring on your finger before claiming your lips in his. He kissed you with so much passion and adoration that you felt that even if the earth swallowed you whole at that moment, you still wouldn’t mind. You’ll be glad because you got the opportunity to know and love a man like Bucky. 
After the very anticipated and passionate lovemaking, you settled your head on Bucky’s chest, limbs tangled together, and his arms wrapped around you, igniting you with warmth and love, so much love.
“Alpine is gonna get mad that I took her man,” you remembered, repeating the words you said all those years ago in a hotel room. You did not know where it was going then but God, you wanted it to go somewhere. Somewhere like this, engaged to him.
Bucky chuckled, reminiscing that night and weekend before pulling you closer, placing a kiss on top of your head and promised, “Alpine is not the love of my life, my future wife, my everything, doll. You are.”
TAGS : @ladydmalfoy​ @niffala​  @vicmc624​ @leyannrae​ @priii​
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Semper Meus
Part 71
Scotty acted like he was in trance. He followed Jim into the bathroom, he let Leah take care of his hands. His hands which had been covered in blood. Khan’s blood.
Tears streamed down his face when he looked up at Leah. Her eyes were as glassy as his own.
Khan had betrayed her. He had played the role of Jacob to lure her into a trap. He had used her.
And it was all Scotty’s fault. Khan had broken out of jail because of him. He had meant to claim him, like his nightmares had always shown Scott.
“I’m sorry Leah. I’m so sorry.”
He broke down to his knees and buried the face in his hands, crying.
If it hadn’t been for him, nothing of this would have happened. Leah wouldn’t have fallen for Khan. Leonard wouldn’t have been poisoned.
What if he died? What if the poison killed Leonard?
Scotty couldn’t do it. He couldn’t live without him. He couldn’t go on without Leonard by his side.
Arms wrapped around him and rocked him gently.
“This isn’t your fault Scotty.”
He shook his head at Leah’s soothing voice.
“I killed him. Leonard will die. Because of me.”
“No he won’t.”
There was a new voice and Scotty turned around and looked up, startled by it.
Standing in the doorway was no other than Dr. McCoy.
Scotty didn’t know if his heart should sink or if it felt relieved about the words.
“We found the flask that man kept the toxin in. It was an adders. This way we could get the right first aid done. Your friend Keenser already told the doctors that Leonard was possibly poisoned when he called the ambulance. He once saw a man bitten by a snake on a working trip and was able to identify that it was toxin. The paramedics had a bunch of antidotes with them thanks to him.”
Leah sighed and hugged Scotty once again.
“Thank god!”
Scotty couldn’t believe it. Leonard… would live? Leonard would live!
He tried to get back to his feet but nearly stumbled. David caught him.
“Take it easy, boy.”
“I… I need to see him. I need to be with Leonard.”
He looked over Dr. McCoy’s shoulder to see Khan, standing in the room with handcuffs on his wrists.
Lt. Uhura’s bright haired partner was with him while the Lieutenant herself was talking to Jim.
Khan, only able to open one eye, looked at Scotty. There was… rage in his gaze.
“I tried to save you! I tried to take you to better a place! And this is what you reward me with?!”
He wanted to break free, to lung for Scotty, but the police officer held him back.
“Get that bastard out of here,” she told her co-workers and handed him over.
David had stepped slightly in front of Scotty. And… the Scotsman was grateful for it, but he didn’t need to be protected from this monster anymore.
Scott looked around. The paramedics were placing Leonard on a stretcher.
“Where are ye taking him?” He asked, panic in his voice.
“They want to make sure he’s okay so they’ll bring him to the hospital,” Dr. McCoy explained as he placed a hand on Scotty’s shoulder.
“I wanna go with him.”
“I have a few questions first,” Lt. Uhura said, but eventually she realized what she was saying was nonsense.
“But…. I’m sure that can wait.”
Scotty nodded at her and then ran over to Leonard’s side. He reached for his hand and held it tightly as the stretcher was carried out of the mansion and into the ambulance.
This should have been the luckiest day of their lives… and to Scotty it somehow still was. As long as his love was alive he was the happiest man in the world.
“I’m here, mo gràdh. It’s gonna be okay.”
Part 72
He’d done it. He’d gotten out his last words after seeing Scotty one last time. If he was about to die at least he’d told Scotty he loved him one final time. He could go peacefully now if he had to. McCoy let his head fall forward again. It had taken every last bit he had left to raise it and look at Scotty.
His eyes had closed again and it felt as if his lungs were being squeezed. Drawing in a breath was hard and McCoy knew he wasn’t getting enough air.
Sounds began to blur around him. Words became indistinguishable. Wet slapping sounds were happening near him. Voices spoke. What they said he had no idea.
Someone was touching him. His hand could move again and it fell to his lap. The other followed a moment later.
The slap sounds had stopped. His hand was moved again and this time warm heat was pressed right to it. Then his body was moving. His body was laid out.
Could he sleep? He wanted to. Dark nothingness was calling him. A wave of cold hit his chest. Something warm touched him there.
A burst of noise suddenly was overwhelming. The pressure on his hand was gone, but other places were being pressed now. Tense voices called back and forth. The dark was calling again. He wanted to sink under it and rest. The voices were a nuisance. He wanted them to stop.
For the first time in an age his chest filled. He breathed out and it filled again. Words. He could hear words again. Poison. Pockets. Flask. Syringe. Those made sense somewhere deep in his brain.
He heard Scotty’s name. McCoy tried to open his eyes. Could he see Scotty again before the darkness covered him? He moved. It wasn’t much, but he moved. Something held him still. He wanted to fight but had no strength.
The air kept filling his chest. He tried to open his eyes again.
“He’s coming round.”
That was about him. Had he died? His own thoughts were confused still. Where had the darkness gone? It had been right there, ready to take him, to let him rest.
“Stabilize that.”
Light. Everything was bright again. He’d done it. He’d found it somewhere within him again and gotten his eyes opened. He blinked against the light. His eyes adjusted. He was surrounded by unfamiliar faces.
Something was on his face. A clear mask. The air that was filling his chest; that was clearing his brain. He looked past the unfamiliar faces. The bedroom. He was still in the bedroom. He was alive. He was alive! Was he going to make it?
A familiar sensation on his head. A hand. A hand through his hair. He looked up. He knew that face. His father.
“It’s alright son. You’re going to make it now. Let everyone do their job.”
He would. He’d lie still and let others do the work. His part was done. He had made it. Khan wouldn’t have the satisfaction of ending him. Faintly under the mask he smiled.
“Ok, let’s move him.”
He was lifted. Then he heard it. The sweetest sound of all. Scotty. He was alright.
“I wanna go with him.”
Scotty’s sweet voice. Clear as day. He turned his head to look. There he was. Looking as handsome as he always did. McCoy smiled again. He wanted to call out to his love.
“I’m here, mo gràdh. It’s gonna be okay.”
Leannan. His hand was being held tightly. He was being moved, but the hand holding his never left. He curled his fingers around the other. He wasn’t letting go. No. The darkness was gone and he wasn’t going to let it take him for a long, long time.
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tranquil-turbulence · 2 years
SasuSaku Month ‘22 Day 21
Day 20 | Day 22
Day 21 Prompt: Overrated
-Youtuber AU-
"Hey, check it out," Tenten said one day as she scrolled through social media. Turning the phone, she showed the younger girl her screen. "That Shuriken guy spiked in subscribers again."
Sakura paused mid-sip of her drink, eyes following her friend's thumb as she scrolled down.
"Cool," was all she said before going back to gulping down her water bottle.
"I'll say." She huffed a laugh. "He really knows his stuff. Thanks to his videos, I found like two new topics for my report on medieval weaponry."
She didn't pay much attention when the brunette started to ramble. It'd been like this for the past two weeks, and she was beyond caring about whatever some guy on the internet had to say about kunai knives from 600 AD.
She'd checked out his videos before, but weaponry wasn't a sphere of interest and his bland, no-frills way of speaking completely lost her not even a minute in the first video recommended.
She hummed here and there, giving non-committal "Wow"s and "No way"s, if only to humor her friend. Tenten was the only person she knew in her martial arts class, and it would suck to lose her favorite sparring partner.
"--and yeah," Tenten was finishing, brushing her bangs out of her face as she put her phone away and got into position to stretch. "You should check him out sometime. He hits on some pretty interesting topics."
"I'll... think about it," she said carefully, setting the bottle down. "To be honest, I got a video of his in my recommended once and I was so bored I couldn't even watch half of it."
"Whoa, seriously?" The brunette actually looked surprised, slowly lifting her right leg into the air and holding position. "I'd never peg you for that type. You're practically a human supercomputer - since when does something uncommon bore you?"
"Just not into weapons, I guess," Sakura mumbled, helping her into the next position.
Nearby, one of the other students shot them an annoyed glance. One of the more experienced among them, Sasuke was quiet and methodical. Sakura had never beaten him in a spar, practice or otherwise.
Something about him was annoying, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
She held her legs in place for several seconds before letting go, and Tenten slowly rolled backwards until she was sitting on her knees.
"Well," the older woman grunted, getting up from the ground. "How's your studies going? Aren't you at midterms?"
"Almost at midterms," corrected Sakura with a heavy sigh. "I've still got a whole chapter left to take notes on. Then I've gotta start studying for real. I'm gonna die."
Tenten let out a sympathetic noise and patted her back. "If anyone can do it, you can do it. You aced the MCAT, after all."
"Yeah, well," she huffed, adjusting her ponytail. "Knowledge is half the battle."
Sasuke half-listened in, half-focused on his katas. The conversation from the beginning had been so dull he'd almost tuned them out, but then their senpai had mentioned his YouTube channel and his attention was turned.
Something warm filled his chest when Tenten mentioned liking his videos. He knew his content wasn't for everyone but it felt different hearing someone else talk about his work in such a positive light.
"Look, Sakura," Tenten was saying, pulling her in. "You sure you don't wanna watch Top Ten Worst Medieval Weapons By Design? It's literally his best video."
"Tenten," the pinkette's voice was flat, "no offense, but I honestly think he's overrated. His videos aren't that good."
Overrated? Not that good?
Yeah, well, his mind retorted, and he narrowed his eyes as he turned away, I'd like to see you do better. He'd been making videos since middle school; who was she to call him overrated? He only had a million subscribers; relatively small considering how long he'd been active.
"Sakura!" Tenten gasped sharply. "Sacrilege!"
"Sorry I don't like hearing someone drone on and on about a boring topic for sixteen minutes."
Double ouch.
It was hard keeping his cool and resisting the urge to whirl around and tell her to mind her own business if she hated them that much. Instead he took a deep breath through and out of his nose and shifted into his next kata.
How did she know what quality was? She probably didn't even make videos of her own.
"But you literally made a whole trilogy about passing the MCAT!"
Eyes narrowed, Sasuke ventured a peek at the two older students. Sakura's face was pinched in annoyance and Tenten's eyes were wide as she raised her arms in exasperation.
"That's solid, helpful information that people deserve to know," she said coolly. "Besides, I'm not looking for fame. All I did was make a step-by-step process that I wish I'd had when I was studying to get into medical school."
Pulling out his phone, he began typing. Now he was curious.
The first result was "So, You Wanna Get Into Medical School", parts one through three.
The thumbnail was the same pink-haired girl with an unimpressed look on her face, gesturing towards a whiteboard labeled "MCAT: Dos and Don'ts".
"Ugh, whatever," he heard her sigh. "Thanks for sparring with me today. I need to get home and study."
"Good luck on your exams," Tenten replied quietly. There was a hint of bitterness in her tone. "If anyone can do it, you can."
He popped in a wireless earbud and began watching the first video as the two parted ways. He glanced up when he felt her walk by, air brushing by his shoulder with the short pink hair gathering about her shoulders.
"So," her voice greeted his ears as he turned his attention back to the video, "you decided to get into medical school." The Sakura in the video paused before continuing, "Let me tell you right now: this will either be the biggest mistake of your life, or the best thing you've ever thought of."
She wasn't as animated as he assumed she would be - her intro was short and to-the-point, and her voice naturally dipped and rose as she began to explain the topic in length. She certainly wasn't boring to listen to, as he'd spitefully thought; to his irritation, he actually enjoyed the video.
"Oh," Tenten's voice piped up, and he turned to see her with a lopsided smile on her face. "I didn't know you watched Sakura's videos."
He shrugged, pausing the video. "Never had a reason to," he murmured. His voice was quiet enough that she apparently didn’t recognize it, because she kept talking.
"Well, I'll be the first to say she really knows what she's talking about." The brunette gave a short laugh as she hoisted her bag over her shoulder. "Hell, she makes me think I can retry the MCAT myself. I've probably watched this about twenty times."
Humming, he turned his attention back to the video, barely acknowledging her pat on his shoulder.
As annoying as it was to have someone trash his work... he wouldn't stoop to her level. He'd have to watch every video before he made his judgement.
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imaginefan · 2 years
Too Close *Part 3*
Jake Armstrong X Reader
Word Count: 698
Requested: Anon @asunshine15​
Request: Part 3 of too close Jake from secret circle AND Can you do more Jake Armstrong one shots? Please
*Part 2*
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Since the attack on the house you had all stayed close to each other making sure that you never went anywhere without a partner, you were still angry at them for leaving Jake for dead so you refused to be at any gathering that wasn't specifically about getting rid of the witch hunters. They all knew that they had upset you but none of them seemed to want to apologize so that was why you were sitting in your room, your floor covered in papers that had your scribbling on them as you tried to think of a plan that was going to work without getting someone killed. You were so involved in it that you didn't see Jake climb in through your window and sit at your desk. "As much as I love to see the chaos in your mind what the hell are you trying to do?" Jake asked making his presence known, he saw you jump before you recognised his voice and turned to him.
"I'm trying to find a way to get rid of these witch hunters." You explained picking up a piece of paper before throwing it away again and picking up another. "Have you asked your friends for help?" He asked. "My friends, don't know if I have any of those." You mumbled as you continued to look for something on the floor, Jake frowned as he stood up and walked toward you, he placed his hand on your shoulder and hold you still. "What are you talking about?" He asked "your part of the circle for a reason." "I'm not talking to them at the moment." You answered as you glanced at him quickly before going back to looking for something. "Hey stop that for a second, I wanna talk to you." He said as he pulled you up from your knelt position on the floor, he walked over to your bed and sat down, you stayed standing so he spoke again. "You're not talking to them?" "They wanted to let you die." You shrugged "I don't agree with that." "So you stopped talking to them?" He asked. "Mm." You hummed. "For me? Someone you met a couple of months ago, but you've known them all your lives?" He asked as he looked up at you trying to catch your eye. "Mm." You hummed again, this time you were actively trying to avoid his eyes and he smiled reaching out and holding your chin and finally making eye contact. "Why?" He asked. "You know why." You mumbled. "Well, I hope you do." "Hope I what?" He asked pulling you to straddle his waist squeezing where your hands rested on yours. "Do do that." You frowned. "Do what?" He asked. "That thing that you do because you know that your hot and that I like you." You glared and he smiled at you pulling you closer to him. "You can't keep ignoring them." He said softly. "Not because of me." "What would you have me do instead?" You asked. "Nothing, you need them to help get rid of the hunters, we couldn't do it on our own if we tried." He reminded you. "Fine but I'm not forgiving them for what they did." You warned him and he looked at you and nodded. "Alright, there is one other thing that we need to talk about before we go find them." He said softly and you looked at him and nodded. "What?" You asked. "Well, you are sitting on my lap right now." He reminded you "your lips are very close to mine." "Oh right um.." You tried to get up but he held on tighter. "I didn't want you to go anywhere." He eased you back to him. "I just want to know if you want more than this?" "More? Like official stuff?" You asked and he laughed. "Yeah, official stuff." He answered. "I'd like that." You smiled. "Good." He said pressing a short kiss to your lips, you chased after him but he nudged you back with his nose. "You get a better one when you patch things up with your friends." "Fine." You rolled your eyes standing up "let's go."
Requests And General Questions
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otp-holic · 3 years
Will this be the night? (ALSO IN A03)
A random piece of online advertising unleashes some movie memories of a Summer afternoon in 1932
1.5 Ks Fanfic + Pictures Inside. Part of the Never let us lose what we have gained series (AO3) Silly drabble born from my love of classic movies... that ended up not having anything to do with classic movies.
Poster for Cary Grant's Retrospective. Printed paper 2025.
A poster for the upcoming month long celebration of the movies of Cary Grant to be held in Brooklyn.
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Bucky is not expecting a vivid memory of the past to jump at him from a piece of online location-targeted promotion popping on his phone as he and Steve are wandering around the neighborhood on a random Friday.
But the 21st century works in mysterious ways and Google is kindly inviting him to check “Cary Grant: A Celebration”, a month-long chronological retrospective of all his movies taking place at a nearby hipster cinema starting… in half an hour.
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He beams as a long string of memories of the both of them in different afternoons and movies plays in his head; how they counted the cents for the admission price, and how Bucky learned to sneak into the movie every time that did not add up to two full tickets.
“Buck, you’ve been smiling at your phone in silence for a whole minute,” Steve interrupts his daydreaming. “Should I be jealous? Worried?”
“Sorry,” he answers, still smiling about the memories. “I think I’m leaving you for Google, they see inside my one hundred years old soul; But I might give you another chance if you don’t mind a change of plans for the afternoon.”
“Lead the way, but can you give me some heads up?” Steve chuckles, more than used to Bucky’s ways.
He takes Steve’s hand to direct them towards the movie theatre and thinks about how much information he wants to share.
Although he is the one who still relies on the comfort of 30s and 40s movies whereas Steve keeps getting bolder with his options, Steve has always loved Cary Grant and Bucky thinks he’s going to appreciate his choice since this particular movie has a history (sad history, maybe) for them, so he debates on whether to tell him or not.
“We are going to the movies. But the real ones, not that shit on Netflix you keep choosing,” he settles for half-disclosure.
“Damn, mister life in black and white strikes again. Embrace the 21st century, Barnes, I think you’ll like it!”, Steve laughs.
“Hey, I embrace it more than you do! At least I look the part of a mid-thirties man from it instead of a fifty-year-old hiding in fucking khakis. Albeit a very hot one, I’ll give you that.”
They both laugh. It’s not the first time these remarks fly between them and having a routine, running jokes, and running pet peeves is very soothing after everything they have gone through.
They’re getting closer to the cinema now, and Bucky can already see the Billboard announcing the retrospective and a small queue forming upfront. He takes a side look at Steve to see if he has noticed and he can certainly tell that his curiosity has peaked.
“Surprise! Call it a win-win, it might be up my alley, but you used to love Cary Grant movies,” Bucky smiles as they reach their place in the queue and glance at the program for the afternoon.
‘This is the Night (1932)’, the poster says, ‘Cary Grant's feature film debut on the big screen’
Bucky is deep in nostalgia, remembering a summer day of 32 when they were waiting in line for the same film and how the evening turned out, but when he looks in search of his partner’s reaction, it’s not what he expected at all.
“Steve, you ok?” he asks, worried at seeing Steve frozen in place.
Steve nods. His whole face is deep red, but at least he is responsive. He looks ashamed and Bucky is shifting from worried to curious.
“Jesus, this movie,…” he chuckles now.
“You seem to remember, then. I thought you might.”
It was not a happy memory: Steve had felt really ill halfway through, looking white as a sheet of paper and about to die on Bucky. They had to leave the unfinished movie and run home, as per Steve’s request. But as far as Bucky remembers, nothing to be ashamed of.
“Why are you acting weird? Oh my god, Steven, are you allergic to this movie?”
The silence before Steve answers is a little too long and the queue moves forward.
“Shit, this is not easy to say and I’m sorry in advance.”
“Duly noted, but could you try to explain? I’m lost and I didn’t expect a full-on confession of something to be sorry about when I decided to follow Google’s intelligent advice to an unfinished movie. I just thought it was a good excuse for a change of plans. And kind of closure.”
Steve takes a breath and starts talking.
“I wasn’t honest with you, Buck. Back then…” he stops, searching for words, nervously musing on his beard. “Ah, I cannot believe this hasn’t come up at some point, but there it goes. I absolutely lied to you that day: I wasn’t sick or half dying and I am very very guilty of using my poor health to run away from that place and that movie, but I did the only thingI could think of.”
Bucky is at a loss for words, he’s still deciding if he is angry, curious, or somewhere in between.
“But… but you were feverish and white as a ghost and you said you had palpitations!”
Steve seems to think for a moment again and the bastard laughs so loud they get a curious look from the people behind. And taking advantage of the queue moving up again, he gets really really close to Bucky who honestly thinks he’s going to try to kiss himself out of the situation since it’s a bulletproof strategy.
But he doesn’t: He goes for Bucky’s ear instead, and whispers.
“I had a boner like you wouldn’t believe.”
Bucky gasps loudly totally taken aback while Steve takes a step back and looks at him in the eye more amused and hungry than ashamed, but still blushing.
“But hey, not all lies! I was somehow sick. And pale since my blood was… otherwise occupied. And I was barely 14!”
Bucky laughs at the dork. His dork. But the information is still making its way into his brain.
“Oh my God,” he exclaims as it starts to settle, “You piece of shit, you pulled the poor sick child card when you were just plain horny. I was worried to my bones as we run to your home. Shame on you Rogers!”
“Me? It was your fucking fault! Yours and Cary Grant’s and your stupid grins and stupid chins, those clefts!” he’s screaming in whispers so Steve Rogers’ teenage boner doesn’t make it to the news, but he’s talking as if he was pronouncing an important speech to the UN, “What was a 14-year-old in the fucking 30s popping one upon seeing an actor who kind of looked like a very tall version of his very male best friend to do?”
He is about to say something, but Steve literally covers his mouth with one hand giving Bucky no other option but to stick his tongue and lick the palm.
“Gross, Buck. I’m not done!”, he dries his hand on Buckys’ shirt before he goes on. “I’m not done because as I was still processing all that, you kept brushing your goddamned hand with mine when you went for popcorn! Over and over and over. It was torture. I have palpitations now just thinking about it.”
Bucky full-on laughs. One of those real ones that come more and more lately and that he honestly thought he would never get to experience again.
They have reached the box office, so he doesn’t push it further. For now.
“Two tickets for `This is the Night´, please.” Bucky smiles at the box-office guy. “He is paying, tho. I paid last time we tried to see this one and he didn’t have the decency to stay until the end.”
He actually feels like a teen as Steve takes his hand into the theatre, as he very intentionally buys popcorn to share, and as they start full-on making out on their seats during the commercials once the lights are out.
“Wanna know another secret, Buck?” Steve whispers a few minutes later, eyes on the starting movie as he brushes Bucky’s hand with intention over the popcorn bucket. His flustered face and recently kissed lips bathed by dancing lights and shadows coming from the screen. “It’s a good thing we were already together in ‘38 when “Bringing up baby” came out because I was able to plan ahead and lure you into that memorable window fuck at our old apartment before the show, or we would have totally missed one of our favorite movies, too.”
Bucky hates Steve with the force of the universe. Or maybe not, but he’s not playing clean.
“Raincheck on the movie?” he manages to whisper back as he drives Steve’s hand to his already noticeable hard-on. Two can play this game.
“Oh, poor Buck. Do you have palpitations” Steve chuckles, lips wet on Bucky’s ear and gripping harder on his bulge instead of letting go. “Was that the memory of the window fuck? Or all the making out? Tell me so I don’t do it again.”
“You are a punk, Steve Rogers,” Bucky answers before standing up to leave, closely followed by a smiling Steve.
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Argh, sorry for deleting and uploading again, but i had technical issues with this.... so here it goes again. I need to free myself from this one!
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andreafmn · 3 years
I'm Not Afraid - Chapter 3
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Word Count: 3,195
Characters: Female Reader Argent Character, Original Male Argent Character, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Teen Wolf, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and MTV Network. The only thing I own is Argent Reader insert, her immediate family, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ storyline.
Chapter: 3/?
Warnings:  brief mention of attempted suicide
A/N: If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 3
"Time!" Mr. Harris looked up from his watch. "If you catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal."
I looked down at my beaker and saw a horrible concoction of half crystal and half goo. Thanks to Stiles, my last partner of this weird-ass rotation the chemistry teacher had us partake in. Yet even though I didn't get with Stiles that well I was relieved that he was my partner. Isaac had been completely insufferable these last few days and I couldn't handle that.
"Now this part of the experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy. You can eat it." I was bummed that I couldn't eat mine and I guess Lydia noticed.
"Hey, (Y/N), we can share mine. Don't frown." I smiled at her and she returned it.
After Lydia gave me half her rock crystal, Scott just stood up and screamed our names to stop, and everyone else just stared at us. We both turned and gave the boy a weird stare before diverging our attention back to the candy. After clinking our candies against the other, we savored the sweet treat.
Allison's POV
"Derek is outside waiting for (Y/N) and Lydia," Scott said.
"Waiting to kill them?"
"If he thinks one of them is the Kanima, then yes. Especially after what happened at the pool."
"It's not Lydia."
"Stiles, she didn't pass the test, man. Nothing happened."
"No, it can't be her."
"Well, it's not (Y/N) either."
"Well, it could be her."
"What is that supposed to mean?!" What the hell was his problem?
"Well, we have no idea who she is, and she hasn't really proven to be a good person. And the attacks did start after she first arrived at Beacon Hills."
"You don't know her, I do. Believe me, it's not her. I've known her my whole life. I think I would have noticed her turning into a killing lizard and I don't think I would be here to tell you. So, we can cross her out." We both sighed. "But it doesn't matter because Derek thinks it's one of them. So, either we can convince him that he's wrong or we've got to figure out a way to protect them."
"Well, I don't think he's gonna do anything here. Not at school." Scott stepped in.
"What about after school?" I asked and he sighed. "What if we can prove that Derek's wrong?"
"By three o'clock?"
"There can be something in the bestiary."
"Oh, you mean the 900-page book written in Archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that." Seriously Stiles, not helping. At least I was trying.
"Actually, I think there might be someone who can translate," I said thinking about our guidance counselor.
"Uh, I can talk to Derek maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove it's not either of them or... But if anything happens you guys let me handle it, okay?"
"What does that mean?"
"You can't heal like I do." I stared at him. I wasn't a defenseless baby. "I just don't want you getting hurt."
"I can protect myself." I took the crossbow out of my bag. He said nothing. "What? Did something else happen?"
"I just don't want you getting hurt. Seriously, if anything goes wrong you call me, okay?! I don't care if your dad finds out. Call or text, scream or yell; whatever, I'll find you as fast as I can." He stared straight into my eyes.
"We have until three."
He turned to leave until my crossbow went off. "Ooh." Scott quickly turned around and caught the arrow.
"Aah. Sorry." Stiles handed me the crossbow. "Sorry. Sensed a trigger on that."
Scott's POV
Currently, Stiles was on Lydia's and (Y/N)'s trail, and I was on the field with Boyd trying to find Derek.
"I wanna talk to Derek."
"Talk to me."
"I don't wanna fight."
"Good. Cause I'm twice the size of you" I looked up to find it true.
"True. Really, really true." He smirked. "But you wanna know what I think? I'm twice as fast." I smirked back and tackled him to the ground. Once we stood up, Derek appeared by our side.
"She failed the test." His face held his iconic scowl, and his arms were crossed.
"Yeah, but that doesn't prove anything. Lydia's different."
"I know. At night she turns into a homicidal walking snake."
"I'm not gonna let you kill her."
"Who said I was gonna do it?" I looked back to the school and realized Erica and Isaac were still back in the building. I tried to run towards it, but Boyd threw me down. "I don't know why you think you have to protect everyone now, Scott. But even so, Lydia has killed people and she's gonna do it again. And next time it's gonna be one of us."
"What if you're wrong? For all we know it could also be (Y/N). She didn't pass either, and how is it a coincidence that the attacks started after she arrived?" For a second I could have sworn there was a sign of desperation and worry in his face. But as quick as I blinked the look was gone.
"Lydia was bitten by an alpha. It's her."
"You saw that thing up close. You know it's not like us."
"But it is! We're all shapeshifters. You don't know what you're dealing with. It happens rarely and it happens for a reason."
"What reason?"
"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are." He gave me his hand and helped me up. "Even Stiles calls her cold-blooded."
"Well, what if she's immune? What if she has something else inside of her that makes her immune to the bite which is why she didn't get paralyzed."
"No one's immune. We've never seen it or heard of it. It's n... It's never happened." He argued.
"What about Jackson?" He looked away. "That's why you tested him, isn't it? Because you gave him what he wanted, didn't you?"
"You said the bite either kills you or turns you. You were probably hoping that he would die. But nothing happened, right? You have no idea why do you?"
"No." Derek's jaw clenched and I knew I struck a never, so I pressured on buying more time.
"I have a theory. That she's immune and that somehow, she passed it on to Jackson. You know I'm right."
"You can NOT do this!"
"Look, I can't let her live! You should've known that."
"I was hoping I could convince you but then, I wasn't counting on it." He looked at me frazzled as to what I meant, I just smirked.
(Y/N)'s POV
Being stuck with Stiles and Lydia in the library is torture, an experiment I did not want to know the result of. Actually, just Stiles. Ever since Chemistry he had been on our trail like a lost puppy. Lydia and I had a project to work with, and he was just in the way. He was acting so weird and fidgety, more than usual.
"Hey, Allison. What are you doing here?" Lydia said looking behind her.
"Oh nothing, just wondering if you wanted to get together for a study group."
"Sure, that would actually maybe let the tension leave this group," I said and as we were leaving, Jackson joined.
"Study group? I'm coming with."
"Great." We left through the back door of the library, lord knows why, and we were walking at top speed.
"If we're doing a study group why don't we just stay in the library?" Lydia said. I was asking myself the same thing but since everyone else had stood up, I just followed.
"Because we're meeting up with somebody else."
"Why don't they just meet us at the library?" I asked.
"Oh, that would have been a great idea! Too late."
"Okay, hold on..." Lydia started saying but Jackson stopped her by grabbing her arm.
"Lydia, shut up and walk." Jerk.
We all got inside of Stile's jeep since he thought it would be faster that way because we were already late. It was an awkward ride to what I learned was Scott's house. No one said much except for the casual groan or scoff coming from Lydia.
"If we're meeting at Scott's house, where's Scott?" Lydia asked.
"Meeting us here. I think. I hope." Stiles said as he led us up to the front steps and into Scott's house.
Once inside he closed every single lock there was on the door. My reaction was involuntary as I stared at the slim boy in front of me as if he was another worldly creature.
"Uh, there's been a few break-ins in the neighborhood." He then put a chair on the doorknob and now Lydia joined in the stare. "And a murder. Yeah, it was bad."
"Lydia, follow me. I need to talk to you for a minute." Jackson spoke up.
"Seriously, what is going on with everyone?" Lydia said exasperated.
"Actually, I've been thinking the same thing. What the hell is going on?" I asked once Jackon and Lydia were out of sight.
"Nothing. Like we said it's just a study group." Stiles answered and I crossed my arms against my chest. Groveling for an answer seemed completely futile in this situation.
Allison's POV
"You know what, (Y/N). Why don't you go into the kitchen and help yourself to anything or go upstairs and lay down? I think Scott will take a while."
"O-kay?" She headed upstairs with an audible sigh and I motioned to Stiles to give me his phone to dial Scott.
"Hey, it's me. You need to get here. Quick." I looked outside and saw Derek and his pack waiting. I looked at the phone after Scott hung up and started dialing my dad's number.
"What are you doing?"
"I think... I think I have to call my dad."
"But if he finds you here, you and Scott..."
"I know." I stared at him. "What are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, okay, they're here to kill Lydia... Or, or even (Y/N)." We stood in silence and I debated on whether if it would be a good idea to call my father. If I did my relationship with Scott would be completely and truly over and if I didn't there could be a chance I would be down a friend or even a cousin.
"I've got an idea." I looked at a nervous Stiles. "Shoot one of them."
"Are you serious?"
"We told Scott we could protect ourselves. So, let's do it, at least give it a shot, right?" I debated for a moment.
"Okay." I don't think I sounded too confident.
"Look, they don't think we're gonna fight, so one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll take off. So just shoot one of them." His reasoning made sense. I looked outside.
"Which one?"
"Um, Derek, preferably in the head."
"Stiles, if Scott can catch an arrow, Derek definitely can."
"Okay, ah, just shoot one of the other three."
"You mean two?"
"I mean three." Quickly he moved the curtains aside and looked outside to check on the pack. "Where's Isaac?" Without being able to think I was attacked and thrown to the ground and so was Stiles. I don't know how but Isaac found a way in.
(Y/N)'s POV
I was laying down on the bed of what I hoped was a guest room, scrolling through my phone when I heard a crash downstairs. I guess Lydia heard it too because when I looked outside the hallway, there she was. We moved slowly and carefully. After, I started to hear snarling and crashing.
"What's happening?" Lydia cried and I half hugged her as reassurance.
"Get back. Someone's trying to break in, okay? Go." Allison appeared from around the corner.
"I can help," I said.
"Stay." We didn't move. "Guys, go!" We both ran back to the room she was with Jackson and closed the door. Yet, Jackson was nowhere in sight.
"Jackson?!" Lydia screamed and we made our way to the bathroom locking the door.
"Who are you calling?" I asked Lydia as she took out her phone.
"Hi, I-I need the police. Th-there's someone trying to break in." She turned off the light and I heard the door outside slam.
"Stiles! It's here!" Allison screamed. What the hell was IT? Then the door crashed down. Lydia started squirming so I engulfed her in a hug and tried my best to calm her nerves.
"We're gonna be alright." But honestly, I was just as scared. Once silence was the only thing surrounding us, I checked the room. "Okay, I think it's gone. We'll go out slowly."
She nodded and followed me out of the bathroom and later out of the room. We made our way calmly down the hallway and the stairs. That's when I heard the worst screech ever and it was not human. We both ran outside to see what had made such an awful sound and were met by Derek, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Scott, Stiles, and Allison. What the hell were they all doing here, and why were Erica and Isaac limp on the floor?
"Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"
"It's Jackson," Scott said. What could that possibly mean?
After everyone had calmed down, Stiles took us back to the school to look for our abandoned cars. As I made my way to my bike, Allison stopped me. Claiming that she was too worried about my safety. Not having the energy to fight, I obliged and got into her car alongside Lydia, who was still a bit shaken from the events.
"I need you to promise that you both won't say anything about what just happened." Allison staged the statement as a request but it was clearly a command.
"I promise not to say anything about what just happened if you could tell me what the HELL just happened," Lydia said, exasperated.
"I'm with Lydia on that one."
"It's kinda complicated." Allison sighed.
"How about you start with why Derek was there?" I spoke. "And Isaac and all of those kids from school?"
"Or where Jackson went or what is wrong with Erica?" She looked down. "Need to come up with a possible lie?"
"Part of the reason I am asking is because Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other, okay?" Seriously? That's your excuse "So it's better if you just keep what you know to yourselves."
"Fine. I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend, which is nothing, to myself." Lydia started to get out, but Allison held her back.
"Hey, he's not just my boyfriend, you get that right?"
"Let me go." The strawberry blonde spat.
"Just for one second, please try and remember. "
"Remember what?!" Lydia turned.
"Remember what it feels like. All those times in school when you see him standing in the hall and you cannot breathe until you're with him or those times in class when you can't stop looking at the clock because you know that he is standing right out there, waiting for you. Don't you remember what that's like?"
"What do you mean no? You've had boyfriends."
"Not like that." She closed the door and left. Allison stared at her until she had reached the door to her house before starting the car back up.
"I know you're lying. This has nothing to do with your relationship with Scott. Maybe like five percent but when you look at the whole picture it's not. So, why don't you actually tell me the truth or I swear I will get out of this car."
"We're moving."
"Doesn't mean I won't jump out."
"What do you want me to say?!"
"The truth. Just tell me why the hell everyone has been acting so weird?"
"You're one to talk." She scoffed.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"You! Ever since you've arrived you have pushed everyone away, even though all they have been is nice to you. You're alienating yourself for no reason."
"No reason?! How about the fact that I don't want to grow attached to anyone because I know that once the year ends, I'm gone? It has been like that for almost ten fucking years. Allison, you have only had to move about three times in your life, maybe four. I have been moving every single year since I was eight years old. Don't you think that it doesn't hurt to leave behind people you have grown to love and won't see again, possibly forever?"
"I didn't think..." she sighed.
"Exactly, you didn't think because you don't understand. The last time I grew close to someone, I had to say goodbye and you know what happened?" She shook her head no. "She was bullied into attempting suicide. I did that."
"Are you talking about Josie?" I nodded, roughly wiping away the tears that had spilled. "That wasn't your fault. It was tragic but there was nothing you could have done. You didn't do it."
"I did. She was alone because I left, and I couldn't protect her. She won't even answer my messages. Now, I don't associate myself with people so I don't have to care about what happens to them. That way it doesn't hurt once I leave."
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I didn't know you felt that way. But don't push me away. I will always be a constant in your life. I'm your cousin, I will always be with you." She hugged me and wiped away any other tears left. "I love you but get out."
"Dude, you just ruined the moment."
"No, I mean we're at your house and I have to get home. I love you." She smiled and I got out of the car. Before I could say anything else, she sped off. She knew there was a conversation still lingering and she was trying to avoid it. I just hoped I didn't have to explain myself to anyone else.
I entered the empty house, making sure all the doors were locked, and made my way up the stairs. Opening my bedroom door, Brody jumped off my bed and onto me, slathering my face with kisses.
"Hey, buddy. I missed you too," I laughed. Being near him instantly calmed me and helped me feel more at ease after the night I had.
I changed into my pajamas, too tired to shower, and cuddled with Brody on my bed. Talking about my past always made me tense. I tried my best to stray away from the topic and reveal as little as possible as I could, but it always found a way to be uncovered. As hard as I tried it was the dark cloud that would always follow me around. All I could do was avoid the whole thing as much as I could and hope they didn't bring it up again.
With Brody's warmth next to me, I quickly nodded off to sleep and melted the stress of the day.
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“Please, you can’t die now” for Ashton?
A/N: This will be a heavy topic. I have been trained as a first responder in my country and if you want to become one, please get informed on how to do it in your country. I will leave some resources of information here.
Not Ready (a.i)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x fem! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of characters death. Language. Hospitals. Resuscitation. Trauma
Remember that Reblogs, Feedback, Comments and likes are very important and help a lot 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
Disclaimer: this is one of the realest angst I’ve written. It’s based on a irl experience of mine and a story time I saw on YouTube from creators I admire. Read with caution.
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Suchalonelysunflower 1K+ Celebration
It was very quiet, too quiet. And you didn’t know if you liked it.
In all the nights you slept next to Ash he was never quiet, but you got used to his snores by now, almost to the point where you found it hard to sleep when he was not around. But tonight he was quiet, and it was a sudden kind of quiet, the one that could make goosebumps appear by the side of your neck.
First, you thought he was asleep, although sleep hasn't come easy for him lately. A few days ago he started to have a horrible cough caused by the smoke in the air of L.A, a common occurrence thanks to the fires and the heat, but the coughs were so bad it almost prevented him from getting any sleep at all. He was coughing not too long ago, maybe a few hours ago? maybe minutes? So the silence unsettled you to the point of near desperation.
Something was wrong, you could feel it.
“Ash?” You asked in a whisper, but he wasn’t answering “Ash? Are you alright?” Still, no answer.
You could hear the sirens going out at the back of your head “Something’s wrong” They said, “Has it ever been this cold?”
You turned immediately, finding Ashton laying on his back with his eyes closed in a peaceful frame, but that didn’t make you jump out of the bed. No, it was the fact that his chest was not moving that got you up on your feet in less than a second.
“Ash!” You yelled but you got no response.
His hands were cold and clammy, a greyish color tinting them as you could feel him slip away. And you were not going to let that happen.
It took you less than a second to call 911 and put it on speaker as you took off the sheets from his body and started compressions, thanking every god there was for that class you took to become a first responder.
You counted in your head each second that passed you by, measuring your compressions to the beat of that old song, 1, 2, 3… till you got to thirty, laying down to breathe into his mouth a couple of times before starting all over again.
All the weight of your body was pushed through the heels of your hands, pressing firmly and steady into Ashton’s chest.
“C’mon baby!” You cried, feeling how your tears fell from your eyes into his chest “Please, you can’t die now! C’mon!”
In the back of your head you could already hear the front door opening and the heavy footsteps of the paramedics climbing up the stairs, but not once did you stop until you heard the “M’am! Please step away, we’ll take it from here”
You felt a hand wrapping around your arm and pulling you away from Ashton’s body as another paramedic took your place and started doing compressions.
“Please, help him!” You yelled between sobs as the other paramedic led you out of the room and closed the door “Please!”
“Ma’am,” The paramedic said, “Is there someone that you could call? You shouldn’t be alone”
“M-my phone,” You stuttered through a cry “My phone is in the room”
The lady nodded and walked right back into the room, just in time for you to hear a “I can’t find the pulse!”
You felt the way your knees gave out as you fell to the ground, sliding your back down the wall as earth-shattering sobs ran through your body and made you shake uncontrollably
Ashton can’t die. He can’t. He’s barely in his twenties, he has so much to live for! His fans, his friends, his family… How are you going to tell Anne Marie about this?! What can you say? What can you do? It was only a cough! And now he was-
“Here,” The lady said, handing you the phone and placing a hand on your shoulder. “We’re doing everything we can. But I have to tell you that it doesn’t look too good and that you should probably call someone to be here with you. The police were already informed and they’re on their way”
She nodded “It’s the law to call them when-” But she didn’t finish the phrase, she didn’t have to. You already knew why.
With shaky hands, you called the first number that came through your head, the only one you knew would pick up this late and that would be here the fastest. If what you thought was happening was really happening, then you knew he would want to be the first one to know.
“Hello?” Calum picked up immediately, and despite his sleepy voice, you already knew he was up from his bed “Y/N? It’s two a.m. What’s happening?”
But you couldn’t even say it. How could you say it? How do you tell someone that his best friend might be-
“It’s Ash. He’s- He-” You managed to say between the sobs, breaking down completely.
“I’m on my way” Was all Calum could say before ending the call as he sprinted to his car.
You sat there with your knees pressed to your chest, hearing the muffled voices of the people that were surrounding your bedroom.
A million things were running through your head as you cried silently. You felt a crushing pain through your shoulders but you paid no mind to it, after all that pain will disappear with time, but the pain of losing Ash? How could you ever come back from that?
You weren’t ready. You weren’t ready to say goodbye, you weren’t ready to let him go and live your life without him. It was too soon, too sudden. It didn’t feel like the end but what if it was?
“Y/N!” You heard someone call at the end of the hall.
Calum was standing there, panting heavily almost as if he ran there in the middle of the night. He was wearing his sleeping sweats and a big shirt, mirroring your own outfit as your world fell apart. You got up in a jump, running to him and engulfing him in a hug, hiding your face in his chest as you let yourself break down again. Seeing him there made it all real.
“Shh, it’s okay” He tried to calm you, but you could tell by the beating of his heart that he was just as scared as you were, he was just better at hiding it “Y/N, what happened? Is he okay? Where is Ash?”
But before you could answer, the door to your bedroom opened as a bunch of paramedics took Ashton in a stretcher to take him to the ambulance.
The image of your boyfriend’s body surrounded by doctors and pumps that helped him breathe would haunt you for as long as it needed, but it’ll always be accompanied by the words:
“He’s back! We have a pulse and we’re taking him to the hospital”
The white lights were blinding and burning your eyes. You haven’t been able to sleep in almost two days but you barely felt tired, all the adrenaline of that night still lingered on and as you held Ashton’s hand, you wondered if it’ll ever go away or if you’ll have to stay alert at all times.
Ashton glanced at you from time to time as the doctor explained what happened, tugging on your hand with reassurance for he knew that reliving that night must be very hard for you.
“... It wasn’t just a cough, Mr. Irwin. It’s possible that you already had a pre-existing condition that was affecting your lungs and the smoke in the air just made it trigger; it expanded to your lungs and heart, making it impossible for the air to run through smoothly. We were able to fix it thanks to the quick response of your partner, had she waited just a couple more minutes to start compressions we might’ve had a different ending today”
You closed your eyes and pressed your lips on a thin line as the tears came crashing down silently. Just thinking of what could’ve happened made your entire body go limp as the images of Ashton laying in your bed, cold-stone and without breathing filled your head.
“Thank you, doctor,” Ashton said with a hoarse voice, still recovering from everything. “Can I have the room, please?”
The doctor nodded and smiled kindly at the two of you before walking out and leaving you alone in the hospital room. And only then did you allow yourself to let out the cry that’s been burning at the back of your throat, letting your head fall on top of his hand.
“Baby,” Ashton cooed, softly running his hand through your scalp “It’s okay, Y/N. I’m okay, you hear them say it”
You lifted up your head, holding tightly to his hand as your red, puffy eyes took him in. He still had the same smile that made you fall for him in the first place, and you don’t ever want to imagine a life without it. Ever.
“I lost you…”
“And I came back,” He said, cupping your face delicately. “I came back because of you. You saved my life” You shook your head “Baby, you did. If it wasn’t for you I-”
“Don’t say it,” You begged, swallowing hard “Please don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it ever again”
Ashton’s eyes softened, he had no idea what you went through in those moments for he doesn’t remember anything other than going to sleep and then waking up in a hospital bed surrounded by you and his friends, all of you with tears running down your eyes and dressed in your pajamas.
“I’m sorry I left for a moment and you had to go through all of that” He softly offered and you chuckled despite yourself.
“You know you can’t use the “I’m sorry I died” excuse forever” Ashton laughed.
“Can I use it on Michael?”
“Maybe,” You smiled at him, wiping away some of your tears. “It was really scary, you know? I was really scared”
“I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, just - just don’t do that again, please?” You asked, letting out a breath as you held his hand tightly “I won’t be able to do all of this without you. I’m not ready and I won’t ever be”
“I wouldn’t dare” He smiled, bringing you closer for a small, sweet kiss “I’m not ready to let you go, either”
tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @conversecake @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @hoplessromantic727 @fivesecondsofonedirection @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom @lukeisstillapenguin @sadcupofcoffee @superstarmarvel @personalmuyverypersonal @cnco.angels @vtte @as-hs-blog @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss @darrensos @whywontashloveme
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