#i usually really like the first season or two of crime shows
sorypsoid · 9 months
i want a murder/mystery/cop show that is just one fully solved murder per episode and stays that way. sick of all the ongoing interpersonal drama and convoluted overarching stories that start popping up in these shows after a few seasons, i just wanna see these people solve a murder and call it a day, do it all over again tomorrow with no character development thanks
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
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MK and Mei’s Friendship
Wukong and Macaque’s Fallout
Mei isn’t the next “warrior”, and she would 100% beat your ass for implying she’s like Macaque
I’m going to preface this for anyone who might want to leave early- I personally dislike this theory!
Because to me, it isn’t a theory- it’s just wrong.
And usually it’s so wrong that it shatters the reality of MK’s and Mei’s character for the sake of forcing them into little “Sun Wukong” and “Macaque” shaped balls.
And so often it starts with demonizing MK/Wukong.
I see, so often, this portrayed in two ways:
1. MK loses his mind and becomes a vicious monster that must be collared and restrained for the good of all around him.
2. MK becomes obsessed with power and fighting, thus driving Mei away.
And both of these are done in an attempt to “link” the kids with the monkeys.
MK-Wukong and Mei-Macaque
We don’t really need to talk about the first two- most of the show is about MK interacting with the Monkey King and learned to handle his legacy and foes- we’d be here all day.
But, what sort of interactions do Mei and Macaque share? Well, for Mei, it’s:
1. Being a victim of his violent and murderous actions
2. Being extremely close to his other frequent victims
3. Bafflingly having no negative opinions on the man who led an assault on her people’s palace, tried to murder her friends, and forced Tang to unleash the Samadhi Fire, nearly killing her in the process.
4. Being a weaker character for her lack of hostile dynamic with someone who has hurt her again and again and again
5. Having a worthless “team-up” with Macaque without the show ever having her address what he’s done to her and her loved ones
6. Weaken her character by taking away characteristics like “willing to call people out” and “gets violent when people try to hurt the ones she loves” for the sake of a boring and short “team-up”.
…yeah, thats not a great list.
Already, Mei’s non-violent interactions with Macaque leave a lot to be desired- and don’t hint to anything even close to her being a “successor” to his story like MK is to Wukong.
Back to those two first bullet points, now, right under the read more.
Sun Wukong and MK are not; and never have been, “mindless monsters”, in spite of MK’s destructiveness in his monkey form- it is explicitly made clear that he’s in control of himself.
“There’s nothing “mindless” about this.”
And he was right. MK is completely awake and aware in his monkey form, with full mental faculties. He’s verbally capable of shredding Azure and decrying his crimes in an efficient fashion, all while kicking him around.
MK wasn’t “going insane”- he was having fun.
(That’s a rant for another day, though)
Nor did Sun Wukong solely drive Macaque away.
The crux of Wukong and Macaque’s fallout is clearly displayed in the show, in the fourth season of Monkie Kid- it started from a single fucking argument.
Now, I’d like to preface again: this is the first point that I see many, oh so many theorizers, artists, writers, etc- get wrong.
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Sun Wukong is trapped. For attempting to overthrow the Jade Emperor, he is sentenced to FIVE HUNDRED YEARS trapped under a mountain.
Let me elaborate for anyone who doesn’t sympathize.
For the next five hundred years, Sun Wukong will be 75% immobile and alone under a nearly lightless mountain. There will be no noise, no stimulation, and no company. He will suffer in silence, and he will suffer alone.
But you know who ISN’T being punished for an attempt to overthrow the Jade Emperor?
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Now, this is funny. Wukong leads a six strong band of brothers against the forces of the Celestial Realm, but only ONE of them faces consequences for the rebellion- himself.
Even five hundred years later when Wukong is set free and traveling with his fellow pilgrims…
No one else has faced consequences for the rebellion. All five of Wukong’s “brothers” (Azure Lion, Peng, Demon Bull King, Yellowtusk, and yes, Macaque) get away scot-free to continue their plans and schemes.
I would be pissed. You would be pissed. There is not ONE SINGLE PERSON in this world that would NOT be pissed about how blatantly unfair this is.
Especially not after spending five hundred years nearly immobile under a dark and lonely mountain.
So, even before all, here and now, under that mountain, before five long and lonely centuries have passed, faced with the current injustice of his predicament-
Wukong lashes out and blames Macaque.
No. Fucking. Shit.
All of us (none of us are saints, do not try to say otherwise) would have snapped in anger.
All of us would have been angry. Each and every last one.
Mostly immobile and imprisoned alone to take the blame of six guilty men, Wukong lashes out at the nearest person.
And what does Macaque do, when blamed one single time for something that is mutually the fault of six men, including himself?
He lies and runs away.
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No the fuck you didn’t.
Macaque nudges the idea. He implies the idea. He hints, quietly and softly.
“You’re really going through with this?” Is not him shutting down the idea of fighting the Celestial Realm.
It’s him being a coward and trying to dance around the issue without a direct confrontation.
Not even once does Macaque say: “We shouldn’t fight the Jade Emperor.”
Macaque directly LIES to present himself as being the better person during this fight.
(But because it’s their ‘pewfect pwecious Maccy’, the fandom blindly ate this blatant dogshit lie up and took it at face value. Y’all don’t deserve unreliable narrators and mature themes go watch cocomelon/s)
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The moment something goes wrong, what do these two do?
Blame each other to absolve themselves of sin, and then one runs away and chooses to never come back.
This was fucked up and toxic from the start- Macaque was a cowardly little bitch, and Wukong was a power-hungry idiot.
And both of these dumbasses have ZERO communication skills.
You know who doesn’t fall into those categories? OUR KIDDOS.
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Mei and MK fight too- as soon as the first season.
And what does Mei do when her best friend accidentally wrecks her bike and nearly costs her a race that was EXTREMELY important to her?
She forgives him almost the moment he apologizes, and he immediately works on making it up to her.
Well, hold on a minute! That doesn’t sound like, I don’t know…
Lying to make yourself look better, throwing the blame around instead of accepting it, and running away for five entire centuries?
Huh. It’s almost like, maybe, instead of being built on one-sided adoration and tenuous “brotherhood”, Mei and MK see each other as, of all things-!
Equals. Friends. Partners.
Mei will NEVER abandon her best friend. Nothing could make her. Even when facing down lethal odds, her first response will ALWAYS be to run to him.
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Even if she has to be forcibly dragged away, screaming and in tears, Mei will always fight to stay by MK’s side.
Nothing in the world could tear them apart. Not a petty fight. Not a presumed death. Not demons or celestials. Not an inky scroll of eternity inscribed with the past.
There is ONE circumstance in which she runs away from him-
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When she’s overwhelmed by the Samadhi Fire and terrified of hurting the person she loves most with a
then, and only then… does Mei run.
That is what it takes to drive her and MK apart. Not an argument. Not a game of flinging blame. Not a mishap or a tumble.
But fear for his life.
She runs away because, even if she wants to stay- Mei loves him.
And she loves him too much to think of putting her own life and desires before his.
Mei and MK are not the “hero and the warrior”.
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This is not MK and Mei. And it never will be.
This is Macaque and Wukong, two people driven apart by boldness that was brashness and cleverness that was cowardice. This is a tale of adoration and anger and heartbreak and betrayal.
This is not MK and Mei. And it never will be.
Because they love each other too much to ever be “the hero and the warrior”.
And they’re all the better for it.
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tokuvivor · 2 months
Let’s talk about Huey.
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He’s the responsible triplet. He tries to keep his brothers in order. That’s the weight that comes with being the oldest brother.
But let’s face it. Even he needs someone to look up to. Not necessarily as a parent or guardian, like he would Donald, Della, or Scrooge, but as more of an older sibling.
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Which brings me to the main point of this post: Today, I will be discussing three characters that have acted like an older sibling towards Huey at one point or another in the show (and in the case of one, has signs pointing to that happening more consistently post-canon).
Let’s start with Lena.
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In the first two seasons, we didn’t really see Huey and Lena interact one-on-one much. Then we get to The Split Sword of Swanstantine! (which we saw yesterday for Movie Night, and inspired me to make this post at all), and these two paired off together to find the blade of the Sword of Swanstantine.
I cannot say enough good things about who the writers chose for each pair in the episode (them, Dewey and Webby, and Louie and Violet), and just how well they all played off each other.
Back to Huey and Lena, though. Their main adversary in this episode is Steelbeak, who resolves to take the blade with brute force, which Lena wants to match him with, but Huey would rather take a logical approach to it. So they enter Huey’s mindscape, and after repeated attempts to outsmart Steelbeak fail, Lena discovers a mysterious door to…The Duke of Making a Mess.
It’s this wild, feral creature that lives inside Huey’s mind, and Lena sees it as a way for Huey to get an edge on Steelbeak. But Huey doesn’t want to use it, as he’s uncomfortable with that side of him. But Lena gives him some advice as the former shadow of Magica De Spell: that he can’t ignore parts of himself he doesn’t like. He’s gotta own them.
So, after embracing both the madness of the Duke and his usual, logical self to thoroughly hand Steelbeak’s ass to him to get the blade, Lena called it the most beautiful butt-kicking she had ever seen.
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Just look at how proud she is of him! She really didn’t think much of anyone besides Webby in Season 1, but now, she’s not only owning her past trauma, she’s using it to help Huey with his own demons (well, demon).
Sure, she took pictures of his various disguise fails versus Steelbeak, but that doesn’t change or diminish how much she helped him out in the episode. With all of that encompassed, Lena definitely gives off big sister vibes towards Huey in this episode (and I definitely feel like moments like the Duke one between the two of them would carry on down the road). Also, they have the connection of both being oldest siblings in general.
Next up: Fenton.
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Of the three dynamics I’m covering here, Huey and Fenton’s gets the most coverage over the course of the series. After their first encounter in Who is Gizmoduck?!, Huey became enthralled with Gizmoduck after he saved his life, then disillusioned by him after he essentially sold out and became WaddleDuck, but in the end, it was Huey who realized that the perfect core processor for the suit was Fenton’s own mind, because Fenton is Gizmoduck.
In The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!, Huey (along with Webby) helped Fenton with his date with Gandra at the lab (“It’s a Date!” intensifies). Even though this episode more establishes the beginning of the relationship between Fenton and Gandra, Huey’s support for his friend throughout is rather admirable.
In Astro B.O.Y.D.!, even though they didn’t really share a main storyline here, Fenton was willing to help Huey out regarding Boyd, and he was also the one that suggested that Boyd be used to fight crime in Tokyolk. This really shows that Fenton and Huey’s dynamic goes both ways in regard to one having a problem, and the other finding a way to help them out.
In The Trickening!, even though Fenton himself does not appear in the episode, Huey dressed up as Gizmoduck for Halloween, and he really went the extra mile with his costume. He even imitated Fenton’s Gizmoduck voice really well (“Halt, citizen!”).
In Beaks in the Shell!, after finding out that Fenton and Gandra are indeed together, Huey helps the two keep their relationship a secret, even going so far as having Louie dress up as him so as to not crack under the pressure of M’ma Cabrera’s interrogation. And, of course, Huey, along with M’ma and Gyro, help Fenton and Gandra take down Mark Beaks in the Gizmocloud. Even though Fenton kept their relationship secret from even Huey for so long, the fact that Huey was still willing to help cover it up just a little longer shows just how much trust the two have in each other.
Huey and Fenton are really two peas in a pod. With Fenton as an only child, and Huey as the oldest triplet, the brotherly dynamic is perfect for the two of them. It makes sense to me that as life goes on for the both of them, they’ll still show up for each other, no matter what.
And finally, Gandra.
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This is a tougher one to go strictly by canon on, because Huey didn’t share any scenes with just Gandra in the show.
In The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!, Gandra was probably confused by the whole romantic setup in the lab, and thought that Huey and Webby were mostly just in the way in regards to her getting close enough to Fenton to swipe the Gizmotech for Beaks (even though the partnership was temporary). Nothing direct between the two of them in this episode, so hard to say here.
Regarding their dynamic in Beaks in the Shell!, besides the above GIF where Gandra put a weighted blanket on Huey because he was freaking out, you can also piggyback the whole “keeping-the-relationship-a-secret” thing with Fenton onto Gandra, too, since it’s also her relationship. Plus the “taking-down-Beaks” thing.
They also had a couple brief interactions in The Last Adventure!, but beyond that, it’s up to interpretation. I think that with Gandra free from F.O.W.L., whether she sticks to her own projects, works with Team Science in some way, or both (again, up to interpretation), with Fenton’s existing friendship with Huey, it’s completely reasonable to suggest that Gandra ends up forging a friendship with him, too. And Huey would definitely like finally getting to work with her.
For as much as I love fanon’s takes on Fenton and Gandra’s relationship, in the past, Gandra didn’t usually get much else in the way of stories where she connects with other characters. Huey is absolutely a missed opportunity on that front; they’d definitely have a cool dynamic. Huey just has a way of worming into people’s hearts, and I think after some time, Gandra realizes how much she genuinely cares about him. This is not meant to be a buildup to shamelessly plugging my Gandra and Huey story, Bridging the Gap, but then again, it kinda is. If you want to read it, click here.
So there you have it. Huey’s a great big brother, but if you really, really think about it, he’s also a great little brother.
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oneatlatime · 10 months
Yet More Sokka Thoughts
I rewatched Bato of the Water Tribe for the millionth time and I made a connection I hadn't made before. When Sokka's dad says "Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most" baby Sokka takes it as 'being a man is to lead.' But what his dad is actually saying, which he makes clear in his next line ("right now, that's here protecting your sister"), is 'being a man is to serve.' You can roll those ideas into one and point out that to lead correctly is to serve those you lead. To be a man is to serve, which will incidentally make you into a good leader as well. This led me to two interesting thoughts:
-Where I am so far in the show (The Serpent's Pass), I feel like Sokka has unconsciously absorbed his dad's lesson, but unconsciously only. When things aren't too serious he still likes playing at being the boss. Like when he takes the lead on the 'investigation' into Aang's past lives' crimes in Avatar Day. He's goofing off, sure, but he's also acting in charge the same way he was playing at being in charge of his posse of four year old warriors right at the very start of the show. But when the shit really hits the fan, as far back as the second episode of the first season, Sokka chooses to serve. Usually as a fairly ineffectual human shield. When Zuko's ship crashes into his village, he's not standing on top of his lookout tower ordering his child soldiers into formation; he's standing between the ship and everyone else. In the season one finale, he lets Yue go only after she references that dying for the fish is the duty she owes to her people - how she will serve them for the last time. In that moment, service was a language that Sokka spoke and understood. When Sokka's not in a situation where he has to be serious, he leads by bossing. When things get serious, he leads by serving or by sacrificing, usually himself (or at least attempting to). At this point it's probably a good thing for Sokka's long term survival that he hasn't consciously learned the lesson yet - characters who define themselves by sacrifice have a very slim chance of surviving series finales.
-Do you know how refreshing it is, in this age of Andrew Twat manosphere nonsense, to have a show for kids present masculinity as service to others?
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cloveroctobers · 5 months
HOLD UP — Roman Reigns x black! Reader
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A/N: not me attempting to write for this man and I’m supposed to be on a writing break?? I had a storyline in my head, heard this song from my girl (finally), and I’m about to go on a SWAT binge-watch once this season is over so that’s my excuse for all of this. Hope you have your popcorn ready!
WARNINGS: language, famous reader, slight cross-over with another show hence the tags, hint of toxicity, infidelity, crime, + me not knowing much about wrestling or S.W.A.T. but winging it! It’s only fiction!!! 😉
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“You know what? Fuck her and fuck you too!” You yelled, smacking the food that was already prepared right towards where Roman stood.
It didn’t have to be like this.
What could have been a great normal Saturday evening, turned for the worse all because a man, who was supposed to be your man turned around and played you. How? By sleeping with the “friend,” (turned assistant) he told you not to worry about. You were just getting into a pretty solid choreo to Beyonce’s, “Tyrant,” over a steaming pot with the headphones blasting into your ears when your phone started going off more than your version of usual.
It was to the point you were ready to put it on Do Not Disturb but your gut told you to get into it. Sure it could have been anybody: your family, your manager, publicist, or even some friends…in this case? It happened to be the whole damn universe.
The headlines is what really got you:
“Entrepreneur Tribal Chief Roman Reigns Sex-Tape Leaked!”
Along with the shady subtitles underneath: The multi-business owner’s intimate moments at what seems to be one of his places of business the casino half hotel: “The Medallion,” have been leaked! By the looks of it, it doesn’t appear that the woman in the video shares any resemblance to girlfriend and actress…but does look a whole lot like his personal assistant Celosia “Losi,” Darlington. Perhaps they aren’t as secure in their relationship as actress…claims! See below for the steamy video.
At first you didn’t want to believe it, firmly wanting for your girl delulu to kick in but unfortunately you knew this time you could believe the headlines. The declined calls you had to keep hitting as you took a breath to just play the video. You had to see with your own eyes what had been done, it’s always about actions more than word of mouth and Roman showed you exactly who he was.
A no good piece of shit.
You met him back in ‘13 after taking on an action role, which would be filmed at the newly built casino: The Medallion. That same place of business that always got him into some shit—yet he always knew how to polish everything up so nicely regardless of any heat that went his way. Of course there was some attraction that formed over the six months of filming although he didn’t have a major role on screen versus behind it, his presence was surely felt. It took two years after that at the premiere of another film of yours for any relationship besides professional to form and sometimes you wished you would have stayed away.
This was one of those times.
To be in a relationship since mid 2015–minus the minor breakups just for it all to truly crumble now was the biggest punch in the face. And you may not be one of his Bloodline fighters but you were sure about to hand him one.
When he enters the house, not long after you’ve been going into a deep dive of everything from watching the video to various gossip websites and landing on Twitter of all places, you place the phone down face up as you rest your hands on the island counter. He pecks your cheek multiple times as he holds your hip, not picking up on the tension just yet before he takes a place on the other side of the island. Your jaw was set as you used the sleeve to wipe his kisses from your skin, eyes burning flames at the clueless man across from you.
“Smells good as hell in here. How was your day?” Is the first thing he says, finally looking up from his phone.
And you can’t help but to scoff at this, “it was going well baby, until I found out that you and your dick went swimming at The Medallion.”
Which lead to a heated stare from Roman, “…What’re you talking about?”
“Stop being stupid, Joe! Unless you can’t help it. Everybody knows including me! Y’all played in my face for who knows how long and you thought coming in here all regular was gonna be cool?” The pointer and thumb finger were jabbed right in his direction as you spoke before you were gripping the island so tight, it should have snapped but only quality was allowed in this house.
Roman kept his face straight as he clips, “I think you should start with watching your tone and talk to me with some sense.”
“Why? When you don’t have any?” Your head was tilted to the side, just begging for him not to continue to get smart with you because things will start to fly in a minute if he kept it up.
His big ass included.
Roman clenched his eyes shut in frustration before replying, “i honestly don’t know what you’re talking about, so please feel free to enlighten me.”
Humorless laughter bubbled past your lips as you decided to play this game just for a bit, “honestly, when’s the last time you saw Losi?”
His shoulders lifts, “a day or two ago. She’s taking personal time off, why?”
“Sure she is! Right on time for everything to unfold like the messy bitch that I told you she is.” You exclaim with your hands up in the air, “was this y’all plan all along? To humiliate me?”
As the silence filled the kitchen, it was shortly interrupted by the vibrating of your phone which rattled on the counter and finally the pinging from Roman’s own phone. A quick glance Roman sends to the device, it was a simple text from Losi herself which read: “I’m so sorry ro!”
He’s truthfully had a blind eye to what has been happening. Roman’s been back and forth between the casino and the ring along with a few meetings in between that he barely looked at his phone until he walked through his home’s front doors. There’s a furrow of his brows then at Losi’s text but it doesn’t take him long to figure it out when he thinks back to the accusations that you previously just thrown in his face combined with your attitude.
Your head was still tilted as you cooed with petty intent, “Uh oh…doesn’t look like there’s a smile on your face now when reading anything Losi says.”
Roman runs his hands down his face in exhaustion and guilt. When he opens his eyes, yours are still glaring at him. This conversation was going to be bad tonight whether he wanted to have it or not. He made this bed so now he had to lay in it.
“Na uh! Don’t start that shit now because you’ve been caught.” You held your hand up in the air, “Weren’t you the one who told me that you didn’t want to fuck her? Then you went and did it! When?!”
Roman runs his tongue over his bottom lip and bites down on it, “I don’t even—a few weeks ago? It didn’t mean shit though and I want you to know that. I don’t and won’t ever love her the way that I love you. I fucked up and i can admit that.”
If this was love then this man can keep that shit forever. Never did you ever think at this point in your relationship that the downfall would be Roman’s attention turning to another woman for a night.
“You can? Were you ever going to if this didn’t come out? You’ve been sitting on this for weeks and she’s been smiling in my face and more chatty—ohhh.” You knocked your finger into the air in realization, “she’s been plotting on this moment.”
Roman blinks with a shake of his head, “what? No.”
“You let the balloon stuffed booty fool you, baby.” You clapped, “along with the cute shy office siren thing she had going on the outside. I been knew she was feeling you and I couldn’t be mad at that! I knew what I had. As long as she didn’t try anything but it only took a year for you to fold right when everything was falling into place.”
He had another personal assistant who’s been working for him since The medallion began to stay consistent in flourishing, Ms. Charlene, who was older in her mid-fifties and actually good friends with your aunt. She was probably the best one Roman was ever going to get but she decided to retire early? And moved all the way out to Liberia but still did her original role as a tax preparer on the side but you didn’t hear that from me—your narrator.
“What do you mean?”
“Think about it, joe. The gym just had its successful grand opening after its bombing a month ago, you just announced that you were expanding the medallion to be worldwide with plans of doing the same for Bloodline. I’m hosting the Tony awards, you’re planning to propose, and Losi is trying to start her own business by creating some plant spa, which gives her just enough motive to leak the tape so she’s financially taken care of while we’re here looking dumb as fuck.” You deeply exhale while Roman pressed his tongue into his cheek in thought.
He didn’t want to believe that either but one thing about you? Your mind was always going and connecting the dots. He knew that there was something about Losi that you didn’t rock with and he didn’t see. When it came to his businesses he wanted to be the only one running things and sure he never wanted to make you uncomfortable yet he and Losi went way back and her resume was top notch. Overall Roman believed that the two of you could just coexist at some point, although Losi put in more effort to be friendly with you, you weren’t feeling it.
Ultimately you had to agree to disagree on the subject. It wasn’t a big problem until it unfortunately became one of course. He didn’t have the ring and it’s been in the works since last year but he knew what he wanted it to look like based on your preferences and kept the sketch secured and out of sight…so he thought.
He knew he wanted forever with you but he allowed himself to get stupefied by someone he thought was a friend and should have stayed in that place.
“Nah Lo’s not like that, she’s a good girl.”
Roman didn’t know if he believed that himself anymore but it still came out of his mouth.
You felt your eye twitch, “you keep telling yourself that and that’s probably what you praised her with when you were hitting it from behind too right?”
“Relax,” his stare is hard from underneath his eyelashes, as if he’s attempting to command you in doing so, “I didn’t know she was filming us, Alright?”
That much you could tell.
“Yeah okay, so that makes it better?!”
“No it doesn’t! And I’m aware of that. I want to marry you which you somehow know—
“Then why do this to me? To us?! We were doing so well and came so far just for you to ruin it all like this was for nothing.” You tried to focus on your breathing but from Roman’s stance he could see that it was more of a panting from you, to keep from crying.
The last thing you wanted was for him to comfort you but he did find himself reaching his hand out some over the island, just in case. He hated that this was happening, that he was causing you pain and not the fact that this was biting him in the ass, he knew what he had done and had to pay the price, he could take that but he didn’t like the twist in his chest at the sight of your anger, your pain, yet he didn’t really have a reason to justify this. There was no justifying the infidelity or the past gaslighting of your concerns you expressed once Losi came along. You had dreams and took that as a sign just as much of what you witnessed in person. Roman would always reassure that it was just your mind lying to you and being paranoid until he proved everything to be true.
“It’s not for nothing…we’ve been through so much shit together that we can get through this too.” Roman states with determination in his eyes, “I don’t know what exactly you want to hear from me but I’m telling you that choice I made that night meant nothing. It happened once, I was on one that night, should have known better than to let my guard down and I told her we won’t ever do that shit again because I’m in love with you. I need you.”
It was your turn to bite down on your lips and nod your head, “that sounds nice, really but there’s no way you expect me to just leap back into your arms just because you’re looking at me that and all the sweet nothings you hand over will magically make this okay when it most likely won’t be.”
He swallows, “What are you saying?”
“Look around! You can’t have that much trust in her to believe this wasn’t calculated can you? I mean you trusted her enough to not let your hot steamy night get out but look where that got you. A tape! You had that girl in my face, in this house, trying to get us to be besties long before and this is what y’all go and do? The disrespect is so real so…you know what? Fuck her and fuck you too!”
Roman dips in his head in understanding, even if he has to make a jump back from the plates of sides that are sent his way but that doesn’t mean he has to take it. “I get that you’re in your feelings but I’m telling you right now, I’m not gonna take any more of you talking crazy to me tonight. It’s been a long day.”
“Excuse me?!” Your brows are raised, “I’ll call you every name until the sun comes back if it makes me feel better—
“But that’s the thing, it won’t so why waste your breath?” His chin is raised in such arrogance.
It’s your turn to be wide eyed now. Did Roman expect you to just not react like he was good at doing? You studied him then, noticing how stoic he was but his eyes said different before he tightened his stare. He was letting his ego come out to play and that was a dangerous game.
“Hmm let’s see what will? Should I dump this gumbo right in your face? Mess your precious house up? Or get in touch with Jey to see if he has any insight to how quickly the success of Bloodline got back up and running. He’s been quiet since the grand opening and that’s not like our boy.” The smirk on your face was enough to get Roman to charge over to you and get in your face.
Jey was family, always would be no matter how ugly the business got. First it was his twin, Jimmy who Roman kicked out and you knew Jey was feeling not only a way about that but also Roman’s big headed authority. It was only a matter of time before Jey stepped down and you knew it was coming based on conversations you had. Roman also had a feeling that you knew more than what you were saying and withholding information was a huge negative, although you weren’t part of the business you would be if you took that title of being Roman’s wife.
You stared up at Roman sweetly while he pressed his forehead harshly into yours, “you don’t scare me and you don’t want to ever cross me, love of my life or not.”
Running your hands up Roman’s clenched torso and up over his biceps to grip his shoulders tightly you say, “well…this old love of your life, is about to show you just how much you’re gonna lose and I know how much you hate to lose.”
He squeezes your neck pulling you so that you’re nose to nose, “if that’s how you want to play, then you better not miss.”
“Great talk, baby. Now let go.” Her nails dig into his shoulder blades while it’s Roman’s turn to tighten his jaw.
Eventually he lets go, running a palm over his mouth as you get back to breathing although your insides want to ache but you numb it down. You crack your knuckles before reaching forward to wipe the crumbs off the counter into the sink and turn to leave but not without glancing at the contents on the floor.
“Hey, I think I would have loved being your wife but the world is always turning right? Better luck next time I guess.” You shrug your shoulders, “and you might want to clean that up before you get some ants that look like Losi. See you soon, Joe.” You explain with a cold wink that reminds the man to breathe after you leave the home for good.
Roman didn’t know what he was going to do just yet or what you had in mind but for right now, he had to sit on his loneliness over a meal that you prepared which he didn’t get to share with you at the end of the table this time around.
[2 weeks later…]
The saying April showers brings May flowers could apply here, depending on how you looked at it. It was difficult being back in your own space, once sharing it with the Cane Corso, “Atonga,” that Roman gifted to you last year for your birthday and what you sent back days after you left his house. You were ready to send everything back (or donate) but Roman wasnt having that, anything that got sent back to his place or his businesses he redirected most to your parents with the power for it not to be sent anywhere else.
As for Atonga, he was waiting for you on your doorstep one morning with a simple message attached: he’s closer to his mom.
The gift of Atonga was for protection and you built a strong bond with the dog, overall you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss the boy so you didn’t put up much of a fight when it came to him. As for the outside noise? The paparazzi followed your every move even more so now, you didn’t keep your head down but you kept it on mute with every outing. You didn’t need the advice of your publicist on what to do because regardless you had your own media training due to previous work and would ultimately do what you felt.
You didn’t have to offer the world a damn thing.
Your relationship with Roman was one of the most trendiest relationships to talk about and it was killing them not to know much more of what was going on. However Roman gave some crumbs on the recent interview he was on and spoke some with the paps that followed him around but it was enough for people to speculate you have broken up again.
A relationship that had so many sides to it was stuck on being face up at this time.
Over these two weeks you weren’t cooped up in the house crying over this mess, you got to deep cleaning, self-care appointments: nails done, hair done, everything did, spent time in the gym mostly with a personal trainer that Roman never cared for but he mercilessly stopped responding to your meeting requests after the second day, which left you to train with the twins and Naomi instead, and being in the club with the widest of smiles.
After all that you were slowly getting back into work. Thankfully your manager agreed to put a pause on the work load until you were ready, where you got the outline on paper on how award shows were meant to run, then you would make the trip in a few weeks to see how the stage was in person.
“YO,” Jey calls out your name from downstairs, his voice echoing all throughout the house that you forgot he was even still here. Probably eating up all your food while watching ghetto ass Tubi or BMF—they were the same thing honestly.
Getting so wrapped up in the outline, you push yourself off your bed and head out into the hall and call back, “what I tell you about using your outside voice in my house, jey?!”
The barking that sounded as you got to the steps made you frown, actually making you put more speed in your steps as you went down them. When you peered up on the second to the last step, you spotted a familiar face standing at the front entrance of your home while Jey stood off to the side holding Atonga back.
There stood Miguel Alfaro, a ex-boyfriend of yours who sported his dark SWAT attire.
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“You got company,” Jey muttered as he eyed the pale buzzed hair guy.
Deeply exhaling you step down and make your way over to the men and fold your arms, “Miguel, what’re you doing here?”
“Can’t be anything good,” Jey adds while he continues holding Atonga by his collar.
Miguel blinks at him and then the dog, “Mind if you put him away so I can have a civil conversation?”
Jey sucked air between his teeth with a grin, “oh this little guy? He’s a sweetheart.”
Miguel raises his brows in disbelief, one hand that was resting on his waist moved to where his firearm was, which the two of you noticed. Jey met your eyes and with a nod of your head, he quickly pulls the dog away to one of the guest rooms for a moment before making his way back.
“You don’t look that happy to see me,” Miguel attempts to joke with a raise of his hands, “that kinda hurts my feelings.”
Lifting your shoulders you reply, “I can’t say the expression on my face would be any different if you didn’t have that monkey suit on but—
Jey snorts out a laugh, which he clears his throat afterwards once Miguel sends him a sharp look before Miguel turns his attention back to you.
Miguel shortly exhaled through his nostrils, “Right, this suit is actually doing you a favor so I’d be a little more thankful.”
“Whatchu mean by that?” Jey clasps his own hands in front of him, defense mode was activated now.
You exhale, “Miguel, I don’t have time for this push and pull shit you commonly like to do, so just spit it out so you can get out my house.”
“I see your attitude still hasn’t changed. I thought we squashed our beef and it was all love?” Miguel’s mockery was still there and highly irritating.
Tilting your head to the side you cackle, “was that before or after you trashed my character to the tabloids over a little relationship when we were what? Eighteen?”
Miguel frowns, “I wouldn’t call my first serious relationship of three years to be little. Which is why I said what I said, if things don’t benefit you then you couldn’t care less. Maybe that’s why Roman did what he did and you didn’t give enough.”
“You don’t know me you spineless bitch!” And you stepped to him but an arm goes right across your torso from Jey before he shields you completely from Miguel.
Jey shakes his head while Miguel breathed out a laugh as he pinches at his straight nose, “I think you should stop instigatin’ and just say what you need to say, bro.”
“That’s officer to you, bro.” Miguel clarifies with a sharp stare but Jey just mockingly nods his head back and forth.
“My fault, officer pig.”
You grip Jey’s wrist and move to stand beside him, meeting his eyes to show him that this was mainly your problem not his.
Miguel ran his tongue over his teeth in annoyance but to your surprise he takes the higher road, “you’re right, I apologize.” He starts but directs that apology mostly at you, “I didn’t come here to start shit, I truthfully came to tell you something that’ll benefit—that’ll be useful to you.”
Clapping your hands together you rolled your hands about, awaiting for him to just say what needed to be said since he first opened his mouth to you.
“It’s Roman.”
Both you and Jey felt your blood run cold at this.
Miguel flicks his eyes from the both of you as he says his next words, “He’s been out in Florida this past week and recently made a purchase on a building to potentially expand either The Medallion or Bloodline. Miami’s team been watching him since he’s touched down in their city but a major red flag went off after recent events.”
Both you and Jey shoot confused glances at each other.
“Don’t tell me you two aren’t aware that Celosia Darlington was found dead yesterday night off route 41?” He deeply scans their faces for any changes in their expressions, “It appears that she was in a hit and run accident, she was thrown from behind off her motorcycle and it’s being investigated by my team.”
Jey has his eyes in slits, “and you think Roman had something to do with it? You just said he was in Florida when this happened.”
“Correct, yet a vehicle registered to him was found on surveillance…which leaves us to believe that he knows what happened and who was driving his vehicle.” His eyes lingers on you for some time before carrying on, “Also the building he purchased in Miami belonged to Celosia’s step-brother, who has been missing since March.”
Massaging the space in between your brows you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “What does Celosia’s step-brother have to do with Roman?”
“Roman loaned Celosia’s step-brother the funds to purchase that exact building back in January and her step-brother has a history of money-laundering.”
“Fuck.” Jey hisses.
This was bad, real bad.
Roman wouldn’t just loan a large amount of money without purpose, especially to someone he couldn’t trust. If he did this for Celosia’s step-brother, there had to be a reason and if he was missing? Then things really were turning to shit and it’s possible that Roman had something to do with it. However you and Jey both would never reveal that.
Miguel continues, “He’s been arrested and flown in to us. And I’m here to let you know that you’re also being suspected. The team will be here in the next fifteen so…that’s just a tip from me to you.”
“Why are you looking out for me?” You suddenly ask.
“Because believe it or not, I really loved you once upon a time,” Miguel disclosed with a soft sigh, “I want you to win and don’t want to see you get hurt any further. Especially if it’s at the cost of a grown ass business man who goes by: The tribal chief.”
“Aye, watch yourself. You’re not part of what we got going on, so you wouldn’t get it.” Jey warns while Miguel raises a hand in surrender, although he wants to laugh in the bronzed skinned man’s face, thrilled he could return the favor of striking a nerve.
Miguel looks at you one last time affirming, “fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes.” You dip your head, “Thanks, Miguel.”
“Ah, don’t mention it.” He winks, “but also don’t forget it.”
Which makes you roll your eyes although a small smile appears on your lips which Miguel mirrors with a crooked one. Jey breaks that up real quick, waving the swat member towards the door, followed by a forceful close of the door after Miguel takes his sweet time whistling along and eyeing the downstairs of the home.
Jey blows out a breath, “I see your type is assholes.”
“Jey, now is not the time.”
“I know sis.” Jey grips the back of his neck feeling some stress coming on, “I think I need to slide, hit up Jimmy, Sikoa and check on bloodlines where the rest of the family is most likely at.”
“Yeah you shouldn’t be here when they get here but please be careful…they’ll probably be on all of our asses now.”
Jey nods and steps forward to grip the side of your neck and place a kiss to your forehead while you hold your hand on top of his. “Can I take Atonga with me?”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re trying to steal my dog.”
“What can I say? Everybody loves uncle Jey!” He pops his collar with a grin while you fan your hand at him as a signal for him to do so.
Fifteen minutes gives you enough time to set a timer, change from lounge clothes to another set, have a cup of raspberry lemonade, and have your bag near by ready to go once that knock came at your door. You kept offline because you’re sure anything you did up to the time swat came to your door, would be monitored.
You kept calm as those fifteen minutes came around quickly and took your time getting to the door once the harsh knocks sounded. Turning the tv down, you take some seconds before getting to your feet, remote still in hand as you head to the front door, eyes fixated on the tv as you pull the door open.
Turning to the familiar three faces you meet each of their eyes in faux surprise, “Hondo, Deacon, Tan? I’d say it’s good to see you but I’m sensing this isn’t a friendly visit.”
Hondo dips his head to confirm that as he says your name, “hey…we’re gonna need you to come with us.”
You blink, “okay…and it takes three of you to do that?”
“It’s a special situation,” Deacon tells, “involving your boyfriend—ex-boyfriend? Roman Reigns and his personal assistant Celosia Darlington who was murdered last night.”
They all watch your face at this news.
Sucking in your cheeks you answer, “Well…I guess you’re right then, it is a special situation.”
Tan and Deacon share a glance at your words.
“Target the people that had the most interactions with the deceased.” You nod.
Hondo tries to ease how this appears to make it sound better but he knows you’re smarter than to believe his attempt to smooth over the truth of your words.
Tan is the one to speak next, “You know it’s nothing personal and how this goes.”
You give a tight lipped smile, “right so…which one of you is going to watch me grab my bag or…do one of you want to grab it for me?”
How did you have ties to SWAT? Your father was part of a team out in Long Beach back where you grew up and did some work with the twenty division in his remaining years before a serious injury left him paralyzed ending his career. You ended up following in his footsteps at twenty-one, working for the LAPD and working your way into the S.W.A.T. field before you gave that up to…you guessed it! be a full-time actress once you caught your big break.
And sure they still liked to give you shit for “abandoning,” them but it was evident that’s not where your heart laid, although you proved how big of an asset you were for the short time you were part of S.W.A.T..
“You’re not being charged with anything so that’s not necessary.” Hondo states with a hand for you do so.
Tan mutters, “Yet.”
Which earns him a warning glance from Hondo while Deacon does in fact, keep his eyes on you. You’re turning off the tv, reaching for your bag, then heading back to the front door, and hold up a finger to step back and grab your keys off the side table by the door. They give you time to lock up your home before you follow them to the charger.
You’re quiet on the ride to headquarters and the men aren’t sure what to make of that but they decide to not press you on the ride.
There would be enough of that once you’re in the questioning room.
Holding onto the strap of your bag, your eyes are looking all around the building seeing how much has changed and what hasn’t. There’s mostly new faces that already made up their minds as they eye you on your way by.
When you see Roman in passing, in handcuffs being lead in the opposite direction by the commander, it feels like many films you shot before with this moment being in slow motion. Roman can’t take his eyes off you and you see just how everything was taking a toll on him. He may appear collected to everyone else but you saw the stress underneath his eyes, along with the longing for you in them and how his hair was left hanging instead of neatly slicked back into a bun.
You don’t owe him any comfort but you’re not sure if you want to see him suffer either. When you love someone, that means you open up your heart but what happens when you open it up too far and that person leaves it badly bruised?
Start looking out for yourself and hold your own, that’s what.
Shifting your head, you carry on as Roman is almost breaking his neck watching you leave from his sight yet again. He was waiting on his lawyer and had nothing else to say, which meant he was being sent right back to the holding cell while it was your turn to speak your peace.
“Colombian?” You quiz Tan who slides a mug your way with a plastic cup full of ice on the side.
Tan is half sarcastic and half joking, “only the best for our superstar.”
You snicker, knowing just how to get underneath his skin for simply existing before he leaves you alone with Hondo.
“Given the circumstances, you can already guess why you’re here.” He starts as he watches you carefully plunk the ice cubes into the mug before using your pinky finger to spin the contents together.
You sip at the homemade iced coffee, “Losi’s been murdered and the sex tape she made with my—Roman was leaked. Did anyone find out if she was behind it?”
“We can confirm that she was and was supposed to receive $25,000 for it but only received $10,000.” Hondo responds with his hands clasped on top of a folder.
You snort, “tough titties.”
“How so?”
“It’s evident that she was money hungry.” You notify, “I don’t get involved in Roman’s businesses but I know he had to be giving her a good amount since he didn’t have a separate assistant—that I know of—to take care of the gym business. Bloodline has much more value to him than the casino.”
“Right…because he comes from a family full of fighters except for his mother.”
“Yup.” You answer and add more sugar, stir, wipe your finger clean on a near by napkin and take another sip.
Hondo opens the folder and spins it to face you before spreading the crime scene photos along, “Was the money the last straw for you? Enough to make you so angry to chase Celosia down the freeway, run her down, get out the car, and finish her off with specific shots to the body: one to the Radial Artery as she pleaded for her life, one to the Aorta, and right to the head to end it all? Did it make you feel any better?”
You swallowed the coffee as you looked away from the photos to meet the bald man in front of you, “It’s real tiring, hearing how everyone dictates how I should feel or questioning how I am feeling because of some shit someone else did. I get by and no I wasn’t expecting to hear how tragically Losi’s life ended, yet I can’t say I’ll shed a tear for a snake.”
“A snake that also asked you for money over the phone after the tape got leaked and you laughed at her.”
You lifted your shoulders not bothered that they knew this information, “what else was I supposed to do? I didn’t owe that girl a damn thing after she slept with my man.”
“Then you killed her.”
You stare up at the ceiling in frustration thinking about how it was once upon a time on the other side, “I’ve played a criminal in a few movies, doesn’t mean I am one in real life.”
Hondo pushes his lips out with a shrug of his shoulders, “Sure but you’re also dating a crime boss.”
You laugh, “Hondo, are you forreal? No. Innocent until proven guilty.”
“You’re still covering for him.” Hondo sighed with disappointment, “we know that both the medallion and bloodline partly stands for some underground organized crime and if we can’t get Roman for the murder of Celosia then he’s going down for the disappearance and presumed murder of her step-brother. Along with drug-trafficking, aggravated assault, and conspiring to commit money laundering. When he goes down, so will everyone else involved with him.”
You nod, “that’s the thing…I’m not involved with him anymore and I don’t have any clue about any of what you just mentioned. I’m also innocent.”
“Bullshit!” Hondo slams his hands down on the table, “you know, I’d hate to see everything you worked so hard for go right in the trash because of someone like him. I thought you let go of Swat to have a different safe life but you’re in just as deep. On the wrong got damned side! Are you sure Roman ever loved you because if he did? You wouldn’t be sitting here.”
Those words had weight especially training underneath Hondo. It stung but one can’t forget, you were also part of this team not too long ago, so you would never show just how much it did.
“Hondo…are you charging me or am I free to go?”
Funny, Roman said the same thing pretty fast with the request to call a lawyer and they had more on him than on you.
“I think you should keep that seat warm a little longer and I’ll be back.” Hondo advises with a stern look before he scrapes his chair back to exit the room.
In the quiet you sit, one hand on the cup of coffee while the other rests on your lap. It’s parallel to Roman who sits in the cell, elbows buried in his knees as his wavy hair curtains his face. He couldn’t believe he was here, how everything was slowly crumbling all because of a screw up, although he’s had many voices tell him before that everything would catch up to him at some point.
He didn’t think he’d see the day, not when he was just getting started. It was just like you said, he wasn’t good at taking any loss and he hasn’t yet. If he had to lose it all then he was damn sure determined to build it back up again with his bare hands if he had to. And every king needed its queen no matter which way she decides to play her own cards.
Roman’s played defense before and his queen wanted to be offense. There became more than one head of the table (secretly) when he met you so perhaps now was the chance for you to make some shots, not all.
Lifting his head, he closes his eyes and cracks his neck before clasping his hands together.
And he waited.
The door behind you opens, revealing heavy footsteps that tap rather than clunk as they make their way around the table. A small smile forms on your lips at the rim of the mug as you swallow, lowering the cup back to the table.
The man in the tan suit chooses to sit on the edge of the table and sends you his award winning smile as he says your name in greeting.
“Rock,” you address the burly man, “what took you so fucking long?”
His body lifts in laughter, “I’m a busy man lady but I always make time for family.”
Which lets you know he’s made a visit to the bloodlines first. You didn’t call him but you knew who did.
“So how can I help?”
“Can you go back and make joe not stick his dick in Losi?”
Rock exhales, “wish I could but you and I both know that was a Roman move not Joe.”
Which you already had time to think over. You had your own stage name and persona you had to put out into the world. Except you didn’t do too much in the public where it’ll reflect badly on who you were behind closed doors.
“I know,” you breathe out reaching over to rest your hand right on top of Rock’s who turns his own to squeeze yours warmly, “doesn’t make it hurt any less though.”
He pats your hand with his other, “we’ll get through this, we always do. Just hold on.”
“Always do, my grip is vice.” You wink while Rock nods his head, getting back to his feet.
“So I’ve heard, and that’s why you’ll always classify as a bloodline and if you ever want a career change—
You snort, “ha! I think I’ll choose early retirement before I change anything else.”
“Hold up, what’re you?! Thirty-one? You’ve got more fight in you than you say, this I see. So c’mon and continue to give ‘em hell so that they’ll never underestimate what the vice is all about.” He rests a free hand on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze before the door is pushed open, revealing Hondo and Deacon.
Rock fixes his suit jacket, “my client and I are finished here.”
“Wait a minute, aren’t you going to stick around for further questions?” Deacon’s eyes are in slits, clearly finding this suspicious.
Rock sends them his beaming smile, “you must have forgotten how well she’s capable of handling herself. You have nothing on her and all of this is just theories. I give you the next thirty to forty-five minutes to release my client and if you’re not done by then, I’ll remove her myself.”
“You have no authority here.” Hondo bites.
Rock’s smile never falters although a brow threatens to arch, “ah, so you haven’t checked my credentials yet…huge error on your part don’t you think? Gentleman.” He bids his farewell and Deacon follows him out with a clenched jaw.
Hondo turns back to you, resting his hands on the cool table as he leans towards you, “the hell are you all playing at?”
Wiggling your fingers in the air you sit back against the chair, “I’m just an actress.”
“Yeah…well we’ll see how good of an actress you really are.” Hondo snaps as he begins pacing before folding his arms, “now start talking, from the point you found out about the tape.”
Rock got a head start away from Deacon, sneaking his way into the holding area which is empty besides the person he’s looking for. He’s whistling now, shades covering his eyes as he strolls through the quiet area. He knows he has to be quick but he also knows that Deacon has lost sight of him. Rock makes his way over to the cell, still whistling as he spins, pressing his elbow against the cell before tossing his arm back with a white slip in Roman’s direction.
“Uce,” is all rock says before he circles back around, still whistling and then exits back out of the area unseen…well that’s until they look at the cameras later.
Roman waits for Rock to leave his sight before he pushes up to his feet, walks to the space where the white paper is resting, covering it with his foot before he shuffles all the way back to the bench. Once seated, he bends an arm down to pick at the edge of paper underneath his shoe and carefully unravels it.
His eyes quickly peers over the words and a smirk appears on his lips.
Offense: 1
S.W.A.T.: 0
Defense: ?
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. ₊˚ʚ ᗢ
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physalian · 6 days
“Why doesn’t the villain just kill the heroes?”
Ah, plot armor. If you want to be a real go-getter and think up a more creative way for the heroes to always narrowly escape death out of sheer dumb luck, the villain being too slow on the draw, or the villain simply not thinking of it in the moment, you have to come up with a reason for why the villain doesn’t just kill the hero.
Four examples today.
1. Zhao & Aang
In “The Blue Spirit,” Aang is captured by Zhao, a man normally not above anything to further his agenda, including murder. The Avatar is the largest obstacle in his way, second to the Earth Kingdom, and all he has to do to take Aang off the gameboard is to kill a twelve-year-old. He’s got Aang in chains, not quite powerless but harmless enough, and could do it quickly.
So why doesn’t he? Per Zhao himself, if he kills Aang, the Avatar cycle will continue, born into some random water bender that may take them years to track down. Sure, they’ll be harmless for a few years and the Fire Nation might get lucky and find them easily, perhaps even sway the new one to their side, but what if the waterbending Avatar is born into the Foggy Swamp? Or they end up having to kill them, too, and then have to track down an earthbending Avtar across the entire Earth Kingdom? Does Zhao really want to take that chance when he can just keep Aang alive? Just barely?
Of course not.
Killing the hero in this case might stop the immediate threat, but it will just delay the inevitable, thus it’s in the villain’s best interest to exploit a loophole while likely committing war crimes in the process. He gets to secure a Fire Nation victory and make Aang suffer for the rest of his life.
Ozai doesn't kill Aang until the first chance he gets, which just so happens to be the series finale. And we all know why Aang has a no-kill policy.
2. Sam, Dean & The Angels and Demons
Hahaha it’s the show known for its refusal to kill its heroes. We’re gonna ignore everything past season 5. There’s obviously meta reasons—kill the main characters and you have zero supporting cast that could realistically take over the show.
But in season 4, despite multiple deaths already for both of them, so begins the “if you die we’ll just bring you back” threat, because they’re angels and angels can do that. Similar to Aang, Sam and Dean risk a fate far worse than death if they don’t cooperate with Zachariah’s plans. He happily gives them both a slew of diseases and illnesses to get his way whenever he gets the chance and reminds them both that if they just kill themselves to escape the Apocalypse, he’ll happily revive them. The Demons won't kill Sam and Dean because they're necessary to further their own plans by breaking certain seals on Lucifer's cage, though they're not above breaking bones and killing bystanders.
Fate worse than death is a popular threat, but usually the heroes offing themselves is still a viable, if deeply unpopular, option. Supernatural removes it entirely and for such a simple little detail, it does a lot to make their survivability believable.
3. Batman & Joker
Ahh the age old furious rant by people who don’t understand Batman: If Batman killed his villains they’d stop busting out of Arkham and murdering innocent civilians, Batman has so much blood on his hands—
Babe. Babe, he’s a comic book character. By his very nature, he can’t kill his villains otherwise he’d have no rogues gallery. Comic books are like a giant board of Monopoly, going around in circles and occasionally having a timeout in jail.
But the in universe reason there’s no killing has been essayed about extensively and so has why Joker doesn’t try harder to kill him, but I couldn’t not include these two. Batman does not kill because he is not judge, jury, and executioner of his villains, most of whom have mental health issues and while they certainly know better and their crimes aren’t justified, his villains need actual therapy and help and medication, not death. Even those who he might agree must be stopped and there’s no other way except murder, Batman himself will not be the one to pull the trigger. He must remain a hero, so that no matter who he comes across in the dark alleyways of Gotham, they know he’s not here to kill them, be it criminal or victim.
Joker doesn’t kill Batman for a much simpler reason, and Heath Ledger literally says it: “I won’t kill you because you’re too much fun.” He does not need a more convoluted reason, he enjoys the game, the chase, the tug of war (most versions of him, at least) and to kill Batman would be to end his greatest form of entertainment, and the only person probably in the whole world who is neither afraid of Joker nor dismissive of him as simply a freak.
4. Optimus and Megatron
Optimus Prime and Megatron are very similar to Batman and Joker but with literal eons of history between them. In most serialized Transformers media, as opposed to movies where the plot is more urgent, Megatron both wants to win Optimus over and just can't quite let himself finally win. Who is he without his rival, after all this time?
Optimus is in the same boat, refusing to kill him because he's still holding out hope for Megatron's redemption, that there's a peaceful way to end this war (no matter how much collateral both leaders end up causing). Shit gets real whenever Optimus breaks the unspoken rules of their no-kill rivalry and Megatron gets incredibly pissy about it because he's in love.
Suggestions to workshop this plot hole in your own narrative:
The hero staying alive is absolutely paramount to the villain’s plan (in which case, you have to have rock solid reasons for why they keep narrowly escaping capture)
The villain is so confident in their plan that they don’t even consider the hero a proper threat
The villain doesn't really have a bodycount, but if they kill the hero, suddenly all the other powers that be will take them seriously and they'll have a huge mess on their hands
The villain is so full of themselves or so in love with their rival that it’d break their heart to have to kill them just to win
The villain is simply not capable of murder either physically or morally (perhaps because the hero is a child)
Killing the hero would make them a martyr and the villain would end up with a far bigger mess on their hands when the lone hero is replaced with an avenging army
The villain is too proud to simply kill the hero and wants to win fairly in a proper fight on the battlefield and not take the cheap and easy shot
The villain does not have a phyiscal form or real presence in the plot, acting through their minions, and their minions are incompetent
It’s simply not fun if the hero dies/the hero is the only one who understands them and they’d lose far more than they’d gain by killing them
The villain still wants to try and win the hero over and is so dedicated to this path that they regularly sabotage their own plans desperate to change the hero’s mind
The villain firmly believes in a fate worse than death and while the hero’s survival isn’t crucial to the main plan, they want the hero to watch their own failure/become the villain’s minion/ prisoner/ partner by the end
There’s a million examples out there to pull from and I could keep listing them all night. So long as whatever it is doesn’t come out of nowhere or open a plot hole of “why didn’t they just do that earlier?” you can get quite creative.
One last example that’s a personal favorite of mine to implement: In Eternal Night of the Northern Sky there aren’t too many opportunities to ask this question, but when it does arise, Villain A has Hero B as a meat shield, and while Hero B’s love interest, Hero C, is more than happy to shoot through them to incapacitate Villain A, the person they take orders from isn’t so reckless, which later leads to Drama and Issues.
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vanvelding · 11 months
I'm going to say one of the nicest things I can about a show about Star Trek: Lower Decks
They played us like a string quartet.
(Spoilers for 4x09: "The Inner Fight")
Lower Decks was sold a Star Trek/Rick & Morty mashup from the start. The first scene is a drunken Mariner literally harming her sidekick, Boimler. It practically screamed, "Mariner & Boimler a hundred tours! Double-u, double-u, double-u dot Mariner and boimler dot com!"
But of course, it also had Star Trek references. One of the earliest is "Who would win in a fight? Khan or Roga Danar?" Why would anyone else in The Federation know or care who Roga Danar is? And there's no imagination on display for the oldest referential paradigm, "Who would win in a fight?" Lazy. Bullshit.
Of course before the end of season one, Lower Decks showed us it was more than that. Boimler was gaining the kind of experience he needed. The story hinted very strongly that Mariner had been in Starfleet a LONG time. She wasn't a omnicompotent mary sue; she was a Commander with her own philosophy/trauma that compelled her to remain an Ensign.
It was a good show and it stood on its own. The references were used well to create interesting stories ("Twovix"), as part of the setting ("Hear All, Trust Nothing"), or just as a gag here and there ("Kayshon, His Eyes Open" and, like a dozen others). The references to the setting become the background radiation, remarkable in how deep a cut they really are (Vendorians?). I've described it to many people as "Star Trek, but everyone has watched Star Trek."
What it wasn't, was related to its namesake. "Lower Decks" was a surprisingly heavy episode about the younger members of the Enterprise crew and their perspective on the missions of galactic import that the viewer usually enjoys an omnisicent view of.
Lower Decks mentions our main cast don't have that omniscient view, but Mariner is a stone-cold badass, Rutherford was part of a secret effort to develop artificial intelligence, Tendi is the Mistress of the Winter Constellations, and Boimler--actually Biomler is no more exceptional than any other Starfleet officer.
So when we get our main cast and the senior officers into a room and they mention Nick Locarno, our thought is, "LOL, another reference. This one from TNG. Not particularly deep. LOL, Boimler is a Beverly Crusher fanboy. I guess it makes sense, they have the character model from the episode with Tom Paris. Clearly, Robert Duncan McNeil is happy to do some voice work. We'll probably make a reference to how much he looks like Tom Paris.
Look, if you figured it out then pat yourself on the back. Me? I filed away another reference. I didn't realize that Nick Locarno was connected to the episode of TNG that was this entire series' namesake. The characters even say, "Who?" which is one of the first times they don't get a Star Trek reference. Because Nick Locarno isn't a part of the Star Trek universe they view with an enthusiastic fandomness; it's part of their dramatic history, whether they know it or not.
"ha-ha, I guess Nick Locarno is too deep a cut for the show that called back to Morgan fucking Bateson."
But whatever, A-plot/B-plot. Gags about Starfleet habitually rolling up to seedy establishments in uniforms while looking for information, which is subverted by Captain Freeman being fucking genre savvy (also, wasn't she going to be promoted before getting arrested at the end of season two? I guess getting framed for a crime was deemed to be not very 'admiral-able'). Mariner ends up in a cave with a Klingon taking shelter from a crystal rain.
The pieces are there. Mariner was an ensign during The Dominion War. Two to three years before The Dominion War, Wesley Crusher left Starfleet, our Nick Locarno expy Tom Paris was recruited to Voyager, and Sito Jaxa was an ensign.
And Nick Locarno is in play.
We could have figured it out! We're in the narrative and emotional third act of this series (Tendi gave us the "We'll always be friends" speech last week)! Everyone regular just sat in a room trying to figure out how to help Mariner; we were one fruit salad analogy away from an intervention with Dr. Migleemoo!
Mariner escapes from Cardassian interrogation chambers for fun!
But Locarno is just another TNG reference, like Beverly Crusher. Background radiation. The season's story arc is something original to Lower Decks, which it's proven it's unafraid to do at this point. The series has no relation to "Lower Decks"
And then they fucking hit us with it; Beckett Mariner knew Sito Jaxa. They were friends. Then Jaxa died.
That's Mariner's trauma (that and The Dominion War).
And I didn't see it because I came to see Lower Decks as a series that stood on its own merits as a show while calling back to earlier Treks in a light, non-committal way. And I credit that solely to the writing of the show which leveraged both of those qualities to make an entertaining show that I like before, but now respect.
Just amazing stuff.
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notmorbid · 1 month
yellowjackets, season 1 [pt. 1].
dialogue prompts from the first season of showtime's yellowjackets.
i still get chills just thinking about it.
i'm going to talk to you like an adult. is that okay with you?
i don't talk to reporters. but i'm guessing you already know that.
shouldn't we say a prayer first?
remember, anger can be good.
this already does not feel like a meaningful conversation.
just admit you did it on purpose.
you're the best friend i've ever had.
it's a good luck charm. now nothing can touch you.
i took the red cross babysitter training class. twice.
does that usually work for you?
you are so mad and yet so wrong.
i take it you know why i'm here.
i have a lot of theories, but do you want to go first?
talk about someone who didn't want to be found.
i come bearing gifts. you're welcome.
are you making fun of me?
for the record, i was trying to save you.
look at me and tell me what you mean.
i guess i didn't make much of an impression.
you're not out of the woods yet.
what about you? any secrets big enough to crash a goddamn plane?
dying is nothing to be afraid of.
we think we know what we're doing, but really, we have no clue.
if you want me busting kneecaps, it's gonna cost extra.
you should've brought your rifle.
are you sure this is a good idea? what if the neighbors see?
you can learn so much about a person by going through their personal refuse.
you're not that much of a bitch.
i didn't come here to fight crime.
home? yeah, what's that?
you two are the worst for each other.
it's so easy for you to judge others with your perfect life, right?
what's the point in having connections if you can't use them?
you're beautiful when you're honest.
do you know how weird you are?
uncomfortable silences make me uncomfortable.
i don't know about you, but i'm really scared.
i just need my best friend right now.
the worst is behind us, okay?
i know you're not asleep.
i'm different from what people expect, and it scares them.
the police are coming. we have to go. do you understand?
i think bad things happened here.
you said you wanted to make up for your misspent youth.
i know when you look at me, you don't see someone you should be afraid of.
if i win, you have to tell me something personal about yourself.
r.i.p., sorry. it was worth it.
i'm like a well you whisper your secrets into.
i've heard the official story.
you had to know i was like, totally in love with you. right?
it doesn't matter how shitty they are. it still fucks you up when they're gone.
i think the ghost decided it was time to get some sleep.
you've never been good at being anything other than yourself. it's your superpower.
i don't know how much longer i can keep doing this.
you taught me how to be like this, you know.
you make people feel like things are gonna be okay just by showing up.
if we can laugh at all this, maybe it'll help us feel better.
you know, you never get the time back. none of us will.
are you seriously doing magic right now?
when did you fall out of love with ____?
you're so not fine. do you think i can't see that?
you poisoned me. why?
have you ever heard of mutually ensured destruction?
i was just going to keep you company, if that's okay.
you won't tell anyone, will you?
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lizzyscribbles · 28 days
You know what I realized yesterday through an event that I desire to never deal with again in my entire life?? Toga’s parents really did suck.
Today’s Rambling Thought: Toga, and why her parents deserve hell.
Picture this, it’s the evening, I’m getting ready to get on a discord call with my friend because we’ve been watching MHA together and we usually chat between episodes (it’s their first time watching the show, we’re in season three). I go to use the bathroom and what do I find?? Remnants!!! Of a bird!! I’m not talking about a few feathers here, I’m talking bones, a pile of internal organs, and a half mutilated wing covered in blood and God knows what else. Completely dismembered. Of course, there are two potential culprits in this crime scene, both cats. (I should mention these aren’t my cats, I was watching them for a friend), but I’m pretty sure the one circling my feel and meowing proudly is the one. So, I get to clean up bird guts at like 8PM, trying my hardest not to gag.
Nothing. I patted his head and gave him a scratch.
All this delightful context to put into perspective this realization that came to me later that night, how is it that I - someone who actually had to clean up a mutilated bird - nicer to a cat that ISN’T MY OWN than Toga’s parents were TO THEIR OWN DAUGHTER. Now I’m no saint, and I realize a cat and a human are completely different, but come on, for real guys?
I don’t think we’re told how old Toga is in the scene where she’s offering her parents the bird (if you know please share) but we know she’s a little kid. Like I’ve said before, I’m studying psychology in college and I worked with kids in foster care, so if I know anything at all it’s this: Children are little sponges, and they automatically want to do whatever it is you tell them not to do. It’s a natural part of development, and actually something we don’t really lose as we get older (the specific term is rebel psychological reactance I think). So it’s really no surprise that after years and years of being told nothing but no when it came to these urges she had, she eventually just snapped. The kids I worked with were the same, the longer they were in the shelter I worked at the less they felt inclined to listen when we told them no, and I don’t think I need to explain why that’s dangerous.
Now, I’m not saying that consuming another’s blood as a child or gnawing on yourself in your sleep is normal behavior or something a parent shouldn’t be concerned about, but there’s a reason therapy focuses on replacing negative coping skills with positive ones. Did they ever go beyond just calling her weird and creepy? Did they take her to a doctor get a blood test and find out if maybe there’s a reason she was doing this beyond just being freaky? Does she have an iron deficiency?? I’m just rambling now and that’s pure speculation, but no, they just kinda insulted her over and over, told her not to, and sent her to quirk counseling which IS NOT a substitute for actual therapy I’m sure. The bottom line here is that you can’t take something away and not add anything in. You can’t tell someone not to do something and not supplement it with something else.
It’s little wonder that once she snapped, she went straight to “I just want to do whatever I want”, because she spent her whole life being told not to be something. I think it’s easy to forget that Toga is still legally a child at the start of the series, one who has not been taught how to safely deal with her urges. No wonder she felt more at home with the league of villains, they gave her what she never got. No wonder Ochaco’s actions in the final chapter shocked her so much. She was never accepted for who she was until then. She was never treated like she was a normal person.
The people who were supposed to love her most in the world saw her as a disease to be rid of, and I that disgusts me more than a dead bird ever will.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, I’m gonna go ramble about how, as an author and a fan, I love her end even if it makes me so sad, and Ochaco’s part in it.
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
I felt like my faith in humanity was dying reading the tags on that Atla poll. Half of the hero team and one whole villain squad were women ffs, during a time when most shows still had on designated girl slot on the team, or maybe two for tomboy and girly girl.
"Being motherly is Katara's whole character" I see, I see
Wanting to master waterbending -> being a mom
being fed up with her own slow progress and lashing out -> being a mom
stealing back a cultural heirloom in spite of the consequences -> being a mom
taking on two waterbending masters and defeating one with their own technique -> being a mom
standing up for the oppressed and exploited -> being a mom
ecoterrorism -> being a mom
suggesting a kiss between herself and Aang and being offended by his idiotic reply -> being a mom
having big and impotant battles in all three season finales -> being a mom
lmao about the ecoterrorism you're so right and she was so right for doing it.
Yeah there was a tag that Katara's entire character was "being a Mom and her trauma" which again, I think it just straight up misogyny disguised as feminism. I've never heard anyone say "all there is to Zuko is his trauma" despite the narrative spending so much more time on him grappling with it.
Why is it when it's a female character, having trauma and exploring that trauma is a bad thing? Katara's pain and anger and hatred and grief is just as important as a male character's, but instead it gets dismissed and used as a point to get her. When it's a male character, it's "complexity" but when it's her she's a stereotype. The fact her trauma was taken seriously, that she got mad and wanted revenge and was terrifying when she attempted revenge in a way that was usually reserved for male characters is actually really important to me! There are so so many male characters that have this kind of trauma and it makes them cool and angsty and badass.
(lmao now I'm imagining someone saying "all there is to Batman is being a dad and his trauma". Why have we never heard that. god the misandry).
That's all there is to her character? Like what about her staunch commitment to justice and desire to put herself on the line to help anyone in trouble without caring about the consequences? What about her constant stubborn rage and desire to challenge the establishment? What about her resistance to sexism and willingness to challenge tradition? Her tendency to hold massive grudges? Her desire to make fun of her brother every chance she gets? Her passion for honing her waterbending and commitment to her craft? Her desire to fight and get better at fighting? as you said, her intense jealousy when Aang catches on to waterbending better than she did, to the point where she lashes out at him (she's clearly momming him there SUCH a Mom)? Her anger at her father for leaving her and her brother behind? I could go on.
"she and toph are not as complex as aang and zuko" no you just care about them more. Skill issue. (love how poor Sokka gets left out).
TBH I do think "The Runaway" exaggerated her motherliness (and in framing her as a wet blanket. she LOVES having fun and committing crimes. Though you could argue her concern there had to do with the gravity of what they were about to do and the possibility of getting caught, which is what she emphasized rather than it being "wrong" (i mean it was wrong. but Katara didn't seem to care lmao). if anything it was ooc for Sokka to be so into it considering his earlier commitment to the schedule and previous disapproval of theft.) But it also made the point she was very much forced into this role at a way-too-young age as a result of absent parents.
And she, notably, RESENTS that. One of the first things we learn about her is she resents that! She screams at Sokka that she's sick of keeping the family together, sick of doing his laundry, that how she's treated is sexist...it's not something she enjoys, and that makes sense! in the Big Joel comments I saw a lot of comments related to how she's parentified (using that specific term).
I don't think her love and protectiveness of others falls under being a mom, btw. There are plenty of times she acts as a peer to the others, or is even the immature one in the situation. Especially in the first season, where Sokka really had the role of the wet blanket (he was kind of parentified too, fandom just doesn't really focus on that. It just manifests in a different way because he was asked to be "the man of the house". His early sexism, his need to be in control, the way he often chides Aang and Katara for goofing off, his (sometimes very justified) paranoia about things going wrong and hyper vigilance about protecting the group and keeping them on task ,those are all things that partly come from thinking he has to assume a parental role imo). It is an established part of her personality but every time she looks after someone or holds the team together is not "being a mom".
If you want to see a Katara that's entirely defined by her trauma (her anger left out) and relationships with men, just go watch the netflix show or the movie. You'll notice the difference!
Well i just really went on a rant there. But I do deeply love Katara and she's my favorite and fandom misunderstands her so much. As much as I was talking about the atmosphere of 2005, I think there's something much more insidious about dismissing female characters but dressing it up as "feminist critique".
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hey! if you don’t mind could you elaborate on why TLOU is racist and zionist? i kind of get the racist part but i’m really lost on why it’s zionist
The entire first game and first season of the show is to build up the relationship between Joel and Ellie and make you care about their relationship.
So that when Joel is murdered in the second game and (likely) the second season you feel so much empathy for Ellie that you don't even question her motives when she goes on a revenge homicide spree.
So you understand hate. So you understand the pull of violence when it comes to people who hurt you and the people you love. So you can understand "both sides" of the genocide happening in Palestine. So you understand Israeli soldiers who commit war crimes. So you understand why Israel keeps going and won't stop. So you understand that conflict can't end until "both sides" put down their arms. So you personally can feel & understand why peace can never be realized. To justify Palestinian genocide as an inevitable of human nature.
Which is absolute horse shit to any non-bigot of course, doubly so for anyone aware that Israel is definitely the country perpetuating a literal genocide and most violence commited against them is out of defense and self preservation.
The creator of the game and show Literally said this himself.
The real horror in zombie fiction is usually not the legions of undead, but the frailties and cruelties that they expose in the living. The differences between stories in the genre come from the specific fears and frustrations that they render into their metaphors. The Last of Us Part II fits perfectly within these genre conventions, but what's different here is its sources of inspiration.
The Last of Us Part II focuses on what has been broadly defined by some of its creators as a "cycle of violence." While some zombie fiction shows human depravity in response to fear or scarcity in the immediate aftermath of an outbreak, The Last of Us Part II takes place in a more stabilized post apocalypse, decades after societal collapse, where individuals and communities choose to hurt each other as opposed to taking heinous actions out of desperation.
More specifically, the cycle of violence in The Last of Us Part II appears to be largely modeled after the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I suspect that some players, if they consciously clock the parallels at all, will think The Last of Us Part II is taking a balanced and fair perspective on that conflict, humanizing and exposing flaws in both sides of its in-game analogues. But as someone who grew up in Israel, I recognized a familiar, firmly Israeli way of seeing and explaining the conflict which tries to appear evenhanded and even enlightened, but in practice marginalizes Palestinian experience in a manner that perpetuates a horrific status quo.
The game's co-director and co-writer Neil Druckmann, an Israeli who was born and raised in the West Bank before his family moved to the U.S., told the Washington Post that the game's themes of revenge can be traced back to the 2000 killing of two Israeli soldiers by a mob in Ramallah. Some of the gruesome details of the incident were captured on video, which Druckmann viewed. In his interview, he recounted the anger and desire for vengeance he felt when he saw the video—and how he later reconsidered and regretted those impulses, saying they made him feel “gross and guilty.” But it gave him the kernel of a story.
“I landed on this emotional idea of, can we, over the course of the game, make you feel this intense hate that is universal in the same way that unconditional love is universal?” Druckmann told the Post. “This hate that people feel has the same kind of universality. You hate someone so much that you want them to suffer in the way they’ve made someone you love suffer.”
Read the article. It's Extremely informative and lays all of it out clearly. It's a very well written analysis.
Personally I'm going to be side eyeing Anyone who agrees with Ellie's sentiment that "they deserve it at any cost, no price is too high for me" when season 2 is released. Season 2 will be serving as a litmus test tbh.
I had no idea about any of this until the show came out, I posted about it (cuz I used to love the game), and someone sent an anon. I googled it, looked through some tags, read this article, and decided the show nor the game are worth my time anymore.
It's inherently Zionist. To play the game or watch the show at all means consuming Israeli genocide propaganda. There is no way to avoid it and thus no reason to watch it "critically" as I assume people will try to say justify keep watching it.
Besides that most people who say they will watch it critically already analyzed the game and the Zionism went right over their heads. Which is case in point that most people who use that excuse simply do Not have the knowledge or skill necessary to do so in the first place.
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dullgecko · 12 days
What I think the Bad kid’s favorite shows/movies were as kids (obviously the fantasy variations of these shows, also some of these may just be American shows)
Fig: Power puff girls and My little pony. Fig still loves these shows, during freshman year when she was still a trying to be edgy she would have denied it.
Adaine: Wasn’t allowed to watch tv, but she did read the Frog and Toad books front to cover over and over again. She had to hide them at a certain point because she was “too old” for them.
Riz: Scooby-doo, he’d have it whenever it on, He knew the exact hours it aired. He’d solve the mystery himself before the show was over but he still loved them. Sklonda got him a dvd compilation as a gift one day and then he’d just watch it over and over.
Kristen: Also wasn’t allowed to watch movies (unless they were religious), but once she got to watch Winnie the Pooh and she fell in love with the character. (I 100% picked this because of Ally’s Pooh push).
Gorgug: Wonderpets, he was just fascinated with the way it was animated. His parents made him little metal figures of all of the character that he keeps on his shelf.
Fabian: Peter Pan, he loved the book, though he didn’t like how they portrayed the pirates. “His papa wasn’t evil.” When he watched movie came out he wanted to watch it over and over again. There was times where Cathilda might as well dragged him to bed.
Fig: 100% All her school books were covered in stickers and drawings from her favorite kids cartoons. She had shirts and purses and hairclips and all kinds of pink and frilly accesories with the characters on them that she was STILL wearing right up until her horns started coming in. Now that she's mellowed out a bit you might catch her with an occasional hair-clip or tshirt that doesnt really match her aesthetic anymore but somehow doesnt look out of place with her other clothes.
Adaine: Still loves her books and the bad kids bought her a new set after her house burned down, plus some more they thought she'd like along the same vein. Girls nights are usually spent introducing Adaine to all the sugary sweet childrens television she missed as a kid and she gets really into it. Kristen also gets to broaden her cartoon knowledge this way so its killing two birds with one stone.
Kristen: Tried to introduce her friends to some of her favorite cartoons as a kid but only got a couple episodes in before they were all horrifed about how culty it was and never tried to watch them again (she honestly did not remember them being this bad). Fig has made it her mission to educate the other two bad girls on the joys of childrens media and every two weeks they spend a night not sleeping and binging entire seasons of cartoons.
Riz: Loved Scooby doo but, inexplicably, hates police procedural shows (aka Law and Order) because they're so unrealistic and have dumb twists 90% of the time. He loves crime documentaries with a passion but his mom has to watch them first because if he watched one and they didnt reveal the killer at the end he would not stop trying to investigate it himself to solve the mystery. She had to flat out had to ban him from watching documentaries on cold cases because obviously they dont know who commited the crime in those instances and it hooks into his brain too strongly. He's solved at least two since sophomore year (evidence and tips were sent anonymously to the authorities and arrests were made) but it screwed with his already messed up sleep schedule to the point where he made himself physically sick and Sklonda had to put her foot down.
Gorgug: Didnt really watch all that much television as a kid but used to watch a lot of gnomish cartoons when he did, or shows with talking animals (there tends to be a big overlap in this regard). He preferred playing outside and would take the cartoon figurines his parents made for him on his own made up adventures.
Fabian: Peter pan, Hook and The Princess Bride were basically on repeat in Fabians house when he was growing up. He knows that Peter Pan and Hook were portraying pirates as bad but reasoned they must just be mean pirates unlike his Papa. His Papa defeated all the bad ones and got rid of the Pirate King after all. The pirates in all those shows were still undeniably cool though to his child mind.
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miami-lolz · 1 year
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In hindsight, this quote hits a lot harder considering “Mortyest Morty” isn’t even his Morty. And he’s not the “Rickest Rick”.
Does not include any spoilers for Season 7.
I feel like this quote is slept on a lot because it makes you wonder if he was even aware of the implications of what he said or if he said it knowing Morty wouldn’t understand. I don’t even think he would want to admit it, but he’s not “The Rickest Rick” mainly because he cares. Specifically, he gives a shit about a Morty that isn’t even his.
It’s shown subtlety throughout the show, like in the Season 1 Finale, Ricksy Business, when Rick got teary-eyed over a slide show showing Morty throughout his life. In A Rickle in Time, where Rick is willing to let himself die to save Morty, his last wish is for Morty to grow up better than him. As jaded and backward as he may show it, Rick definitely cares. Rick has had to switch to multiple universes and watch various versions of his family including his original Diana and Beth die throughout the show. Morty was his only constant, though, and he’s grabbed onto that. But for as much as he cares, Rick has a habit of pushing away, which comes into effect in the later seasons. Morty tries to help and relate to Rick to an extend. He constatly extends a branch to Rick, who almost always puts him down.
However, the more Rick pushes away, the more frustrated Morty gets. He starts calling out Rick on his BS and has even cussed him out several times. He’s threatened to stop going with Rick in the early season, but those were practically mute. Rick could easily force him or make him forget he started refusing. Rick only started taking Morty seriously when he began acting out. The more that Rick pushes back, the more the Prime part of Morty comes out, usually at the expense of anyone around him. I think that is the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back and pushed him to leave in Forgetting Sarick Mortshall with the two crows thing. Something that still upsets Morty if someone mentions it in season 7.
It also makes you think that the reason Morty has gotten progressively more aggressive and violent over these past couple of seasons is that the Prime part of him is getting more prominent. For example, in Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat, Morty got so obsessive over a future that he didn't brutally die; he quickly brushed off Ricks's death. It's somewhat out of character for him, though. He also attacked other soldiers and the general populace, just for him to find out it wasn't really worth much. Rick is getting more combative because he sees that part of Prime in Morty, which scares him. The episode Looks Who’s Purging Now was the starting point for his volatile behavior; Rick seems genuinely shocked and somewhat horrified as Morty's anger problems get the better of him, and he lashes out, killing many people even when they are hiding. Rick lied to Morty because he didn’t want him to know what he could do. Near the end of The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy, Morty threatens Ethan with the machine Summer used after he ghosted her and messed with her body issues. In the after credit scene, we see a deformed Ethan stumbling in pain, implying Morty used the machine on him.
In Promortyus, Morty also showed little remorse for killing off all the aliens and went out of his way to cause damage, though he regretted it once he had to come back. A Rickconvenient Mort, Jerry was genuinely disturbed to hear Morty admit he murdered the Tina-Teers. And during the scene, Morty was extremely brutal. Its not the first time Morty has committed some diabolical crimes for someone he's interested in or generally cares about. In the episode Mort Dinner Rick Andre, his violent streak hits its crescendo. Once he got fed up with the Narnia people, he committed mass genocide out of frustration, and by the end, he didn't show much remorse.
I think the most damning evidence is the episode Rickshank Redemption, where during a stand-off, Morty is so fed up with Rick yelling at him during a standoff that he shoots Rick in the head. Not an arm or leg but in the forehead. He absolutely shot to kill. And yeah, you could say it was a spur-of-the-moment action based on frustration and impulse, but I think that was put in the episode not just a funny bit but a glimpse of what Morty is capable of. It was Morty basically saying "If were all going to die, Ive earned the right to be the one to take you out." There’s something symbolical about Morty killing both his best friend and the person that’s hurt him for years.
Its an interesting dichotomy as Rick seems to be mellowing out; Morty is slowly getting more comfortable with violence and generally more confident with himself. Rick is someone who gives off the bravado of a uncaring, cold hearted galactic criminal. However, the truth is Rick is someone who cares deeply for the people he's close to, and gets no enjoyment out of violence. Morty, on the other hand, is someone who tries to be caring, mercy full and forgiving. That being said, deep down he wants to stop having to constantly take the high road and give back all the pain and abuse he gets from others. These personality traits between the two constantly clash and the longer the live together, the more you see their original persona's corrode.
The season six finale, Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation, adds to this as Rick compares Morty to a “suicide bomber” because he was reckless and says he gets that from Prime. But C-137 is the only constant in Morty's life. He’s been through multiple universes and timelines but has had the same Rick for most of his life. Most of Morty's issues stem from things he had done or witnessed with Rick C-137. For example, the Vat of Acid Episode is what I would consider Rick at his absolute lowest. It's almost the kinda behavoir you would expect Prime to pull. Messing with Morty's head and killing a bunch of other Mortys just to say, "I told you so." Even going as far as gaslighting him by saying he COULD have listened to Rick tell him how it worked, even though Rick probably wouldn't have told him either way. It caused communication between these two to break down. At that point, you can tell Morty doesn't have much trust or faith in him, and when Rick replaces himself with a robot that treats him just a little bit better, Morty immediately notices. He even thought Rick was messing with him and brought up the vat of acid episode. This is another example of how the Ricks action leaves permeate consequences and effects on Morty. Don't get me wrong, Morty is far from perfect and flawed, but so is Rick. They have real emotions and conflict, and it's these factors that separate them from Prime (at least from the glimpses of him that we have seen)
However, Morty does exhibit certain traits unlike what we've been lead to believe is normal "Morty" behavior. In Rickmurai Jack, Morty tries to lie to Rick and even goes as far as to age himself nearly 40 years to get him to come back. Another example is in The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy, Where Morty coaxes Rick into going on an adventure with Jerry to keep him from committing seppuku, though there's a good chance it was just to get a break from adventures. Rick can’t really blame most of Morty's behavior on Prime because any behavior he picks up past season one is from him and him alone. But even then I don’t doubt that there are behavioral similarities between him and Rick Prime. The Prime universe was everyone’s personality amplified.
Rick almost likes to pretend his the top dog, the Rickest Rick but as few others, including Bird Person and the toxic version of himself, has pointed out, he’s not. He’s highly capable but he’s also vulnerable. Season 6 ended with Rick getting Morty more involved in the search for Prime, forcing him to face the truth of Mortys origin. But regardless one thing is for certain, Morty is really the Mortyest Morty in the finite central curve, and that scares C-137.
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Look the real reason so many book fans are mad about the wheel of time adaptation instead of having a great time with it regardless of changes, is that the production is putting a very strong focus on updating the worldbuilding and characters in specific ways, as well as changing individual events in favor of a more streamlined way to make The Same character beats happen.
Because this is an adaptation to film, and of course they have to change stuff. Come on people. Be realistic. You know how long the series is.
And there are parts of the book series that Do need updating. RJ was trying to be as progressive as he could in a lot of his approach to the series, but what was progressive in the 90s is not as progressive now so of course they are updating it. If you didn’t think this show was gonna have queer people and polyamory then sorry about it. Dear Mr. Jordan was Really Good at writing romantic relationships between women when he thought he was just writing friendships, he did it A Couple times. I would Bet Money on Avilayne becoming canon. This series is being created by a queer showrunner he is absolutely doing a queer reading of these books. Which I am Very Here For.
And he is doing a reading, and changing things. Which again, is Necessary. The book series is Super long and they have 8 seasons to do it in. They’re gonna change individual events to make sure that the main characters go through all the necessary character beats. And you’re just being recalcitrant if you can’t admit that season two Rules in a lot of ways. They are still making sure every important character has all their moments. And each individual episode has focused on some of the most powerful themes of the Entire book series. Including the inherent tragedies inherent to channelers such as: being cut off from the one power in various ways through shielding and stilling, having their own control of the one power taken over by others through weaves and ter’angreal, and living extended lifespans and thus leaving behind their loved ones. They’re doing a Very good job of keeping to the core themes and character beats and also changing stuff around to make the story work on a shorter time frame.
Also they’re working really hard to make sure Every character is as well fleshed out as possible. Meaning that yes, a lot of focus is being spent so far on the other main pov characters and all of the important aes sedai who will matter in the conflicts to come. That’s a good thing. Sorry to the people who only cared about the ta’veren boys or whatever but RJ wrote a ton of interesting and powerful women and they’re all getting their Due in this adaptation that is a feature not a bug.
It’s not like there isn’t stuff to be improved in the original! There is a huge chunk of the wheel of time that a lot of fans refer to as the slog! Where most of the main characters are separated and the plot is barely moving so some characters only show up in like two chapters of a single book, because there are so many individual things happening, before the plot starts moving faster again towards the end of the series. (And then there’s the crimes committed by Mr. Sanderson on the last three books but we’re not going to talk about that right now.
Which personally I would disagree that the slog is where the series is least enjoyable. The section I usually skip when rereading is the first two books, #having a great time right now actually with the show skipping through as much of the minutiae of books I and II as they can. The wheel of time is not a perfect series and Robert Jordan kept trying to finish it in one to three books at first and the first two books suffer as a result.
If you stopped reading in books one or two PLEASE just try to make it to three Trust Me. Or just watch the show and then read the battle of falme in book II and then read book III. You will appreciate books one and two more on a reread after all the stuff he does bring up there has really paid off. And also just have fun watching your faves be more happy than they are in later books ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The show is not Trying to be the books and frankly I’m glad it’s not! This is another turning of the wheel, another version of events, a parallel universe to the randland of the books. And I think they’re doing a pretty brilliant job of telling a version of that story so far this season.
Adaptations will change things. That’s a good thing. Judge it on executing the ideas it is bringing up and staying true to the core of the character arcs and themes of the original. And frankly it’s enhancing a lot of character arcs right now. There are many things that I think the show is already doing better than the books did tbh (Min, Liandrin, Selene, making Perrin spend less time dithering about the Wolf Stuff, speeding up Mat’s healing from the dagger so my best boy gets more time to shine)
Adaptations are transformative works. To lesser and greater degrees they reinterpret a work through a different artistic lens and medium. The changes are not bad because they are changes. Judge it on the execution of the story it’s actually telling instead of a close comparison to the books. And they are keeping as true to the books as they can whether you acknowledge that or not.
If you’re a person who reads fanfiction but you can’t judge a film adaptation for what it is instead of what it’s not then please try Slightly harder.
And if you’re just mad that it’s all queer and polyamorous now and the boys aren’t the only main characters then die mad I guess. I will continue having a pretty great time watching this show chock full of extremely powerful (and sometimes evil) women. I think RJ would have liked it tbh.
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ericdeggans · 1 year
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My current TV obsession: edited clips on Law & Order's official YouTube channel
It may be cheesy and full of copaganda. But Law & Order remains a TV show that I love so much, I'm glued to edited clips of episodes on YouTube.
Note I am not talking about the new revival now airing on NBC, which is so wedded to the classic formula of creator Dick Wolf it’s been leached of nearly all creativity. And not the various spin offs, especially long-in-the-tooth Special Victims Unit, which mostly rely on the charisma of longtime stars like Mariska Harguitay to keep viewers hooked.
I’m talking the original flavor of the show, which ran from 1990 to 2010 -- especially during its heyday in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Wolf, who was a writer on the classic cop show Hill Street Blues, built a series which captured the gritty, world-weary atmosphere of New York City, welding cops and lawyers stories into a formula which felt revolutionary at the time.
Half the episode focuses on discovering the crime and the search – usually by two acerbic NYPD detectives – to find a suspect. The other half of the episode follows the district attorney’s office as they try the accused and attempt to put them behind bars.
It’s a rigid formula, with act breaks punctuated by the trademark Dun! Dun! sound effect, that packaged a surprising amount of creativity and style.
So imagine my delight when I discovered the show’s official YouTube page offers edited clips of episodes ranging from Season 20 in 2010 all the way back to the first season. I binged them like televised potato chips, inspiring me to write a passionate essay about Law & Order on YouTube for NPR’s digital series on obsessions, I'M REALLY INTO.
To check out the full essay, which takes on the show’s drawbacks and features shout outs to both John Mulaney and Idris Elba, please click here.
Read the essay, check out the YouTube clips and after you’ve spent an evening falling down the rabbit hole of suburban moms-turned-murderous sex workers and teenage high school students who turn out to be murderous twentysomething grifters, you can feel free to come back to this page and thank me.
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For more cool stories, check out my obit for Law & Order star Jerry Orbach (on the far right above), where I recall hanging with him during a visit to the show’s set in 1998, and a fun feature on the Law & Order character Tony Profaci, a minor role which turned out to be the only character who had appeared in every season of the show when I stopped by the production back then.       
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911 Spoilers Season 4: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 4: What’s You’re Grievance?
Who did it Pool Mystery: Eddie and Buck walking towards the crime scene together. They stand at the edge of the pool about 2 feet apart, looking down at the body. Eddie really observing from afar.
Chimney says excuse me as he passes in front of Buck. Buck being confused by the interaction and mentioning to Eddie that Chim is acting weird.
Eddie immediately asking, “How can you tell?”
At first glance I was confused as to why Buck thought the interaction was weird. If you really don’t think about it, it’s something that can be easily overlooked. But Buck is hyper aware of how Chim usually reacts with him. In those types a moment when Buck is in the way, Chim would throw a cheeky insult or make a joke to try and lighten the mood.
Buck eagerly pointing out that the gate was kicked in, assumed that was caused by the murderer. Athena pointing out that she was the one to kick that gate in.  Eddie starts looking around and asks how did the murder get out if everything was locked before police arrived.
Eddie and Buck huddle together, starting to discuss theories regarding the possible mystery.
Eddie looking around the crime scene making note of the mail on the table, and how none of it was addressed to the victim. Buck walking over to Eddie as he vocalizes what Eddie was implying, that the victim was stealing mail. Buck providing the theory that she saw something she was not supposed to see and that is what got her killed.
Athena jokingly calls them, “Cagney and Lacey”, which is apparently a show from the 80’s about two female police officers, and tells them to wrap it up.
Chimney tells Maddie that she needs to tell Buck about the secret she recently revealed to him. She explains that she can’t because she promised her parents she would never. Chim points out that was an unfair secret for her parents to make her keep.
Maddie is at Buck’s telling him that she invited their parents over for a visit. Buck is completely confused by the decision, and tries to comprehend why she did it and understanding that she only told him last second, so that he couldn’t talk her out of it.
Buck makes it a point to say they are a united front, and she is not allowed to leave them alone with him.
Eddie walking up to the Kitchen, Bobby asks him about Buck’s whereabouts. Eddie tells them Buck is having an emergency therapy session, so he can ask about de-escalation techniques. This prompts Bobby to make a joke about Buck’s parents visiting is starting to sound like a hostage situation, causing Chimney to fumble and become noticeably awkward.
Hen asks what they think the parents are like. Then implying that Maddie and Buck are different and that there is an obvious story there. Chim reacts awkwardly again. Everyone looks confused as Chim starts to ramble. Eddie in particular, has his arms crossed, attention fully on Chimney and a face that just screams, please elaborate further. Chim runs off and Eddie is the first to vocalize, if they even want to know what that situation was about. Both Bobby and Hen say no, but Eddie responds with a reluctant “Kay.”
Eddie obviously wanted the chisme, but accepted that he was not going to get it.
Buck had brought over a lot of alcohol to Maddie and Chim’s place. Really focused on the tequila bottle and he described all the options. Turns out Chimney specifically requested those bottles. Dude was stressed.
Buck being a bit uptight, had apparently told Albert, he wasn’t allowed to wear jeans and instructing him to turn on the oven to bake bread. This caught Maddie off guard and prompts her to ask when he started baking.
The moment is interrupted when they hear a knock at the door. The energy in the room shifts and Buck takes a deep breath before Maddie opens the door to her parents, who seem to be carrying a lot of gifts.
Buck slowly approaches his parents and stands near Maddie. Very awkward greeting and when Albert addressed Buck as “Buck,” Mom is quick to make a comment, in a judgy tone, about the nickname.
 Buck making light of the moment and telling her that it is just a nickname.
Maddie and Buck reassuring themselves that they are a united front and pinky promising at the same time.
Maddie and Buck are sitting near each other as their parent’s are across from them on the couch. They are having small talk about the weather. Everyone looks uncomfortable.
Mom is really quick to comment about “Maddie’s condition” it’s in the same judgy tone as before. Buck, looking down and smiling. Mom continuing to add small digs.  Buck jumping in to defend Maddie.
Dad joining in and making a small dig towards Maddie, then quickly asking Buck about therapy.
Buck being slightly taken back by learning Maddie revealed that to their parents. He proceeds to justify going to therapy because of the job and how it is beneficial.
Maddie and Buck being surprised by the news that their parents have seen a therapist. There is a slight shift in how Maddie and Buck are sitting, they kind of perk up at the news. Up until they revealed they went to a therapist to talk about Maddie’s problems. And justifying the comment by stating Maddie didn’t reach out to them about the problem, they had to hear about Doug dying because thru Buck.
Buck revealing, he only told them so that they didn’t hear the news from date line. Buck and Maddie are slouched, they look exhausted. Chim and Albert cutting in as a distraction, offering to bring stuff back into the kitchen. Buck offering to clean up too.
As soon as Buck gets up and heads to the kitchen, mom comments about how she thinks Buck is doing fine. Maddie telling her that Buck is good at seeming fine.
Ex-employee Bomb threat: Eddie is instructed on handling electrical. Buck is instructed on shutting off gas.
Eddie is inside the building; he has shut off the power and announces over radio that there is apparently a janitor in distress. Chimney is sent in to help.
Bomb squad shows up. Eddie is going up the stairs, hasn’t found the janitor. Chim and Eddie head in separate directions.
Chim finds the janitor and quickly realizes that he is the bomber. At this exact moment Bobby calls on the radio, asking for Chim and Eddie to evacuate, Bomb Squad is ready to enter. Buck is next to Bobby looking concerned when there isn’t an immediate response.
Eddie calling for Chimney, asking if he didn’t hear his radio and reiterating that bomb squad is moving in. Eddie’s tone is angry, he offers to help move the patient. Chimney stops Eddie from moving any closer.
Eddie pauses and looks closely at the situation, he realizes that Chim found the bomber and makes a run for it. Letting Chim know that he is now aware of the situation and will be letting Bobby know.
Eddie runs out of the building, screaming wait repeatedly. He lets every one know that Chimney is with the bomber. It cuts to Buck’s concerned reaction.
Chimney is trying to talk the bomber down. Outside, Buck and Bobby attempt to keep bomb squad from moving in, until they know more about Chim’s safety. Eddie, out of breath and hands over his head explains what he saw, Buck standing next to him, concentrating on every word. Buck not understanding why Chim wouldn’t just run off.
Chimney has apparently revealed the big family secret to this Bomber. The Bomber is shocked by the secret and trying to comprehend how a family could hide that information from him.
Eddie is explaining to Buck that he didn’t know what to say in that moment. It wasn’t like he could ask what kind of device he was he holding, that it just felt like Chim really wanted Eddie to get out of there.
Buck proceeds to start explaining the function of different types of detonators, Bobby cuts him off, explaining they know the difference.
Eddie suggests that Chim is trying to talk him down. Buck asks, “What do you think they are talking about?” Having no idea, they are talking about him.
The Bomber noticing Buck’s jacket and calling out to him. Chimney becoming panicked and trying to get the Bomber to quiet down. Buck is confused at the interaction, especially when the bomber just starts making this obscure comments.
Buck is in the locker room, oblivious. As Hen makes the realization that Chim has been acting weird because what ever he knows is related to Buck.
Buck at the table, looking down at his food, fidgeting as his mom and dad comment about the rescue and their dangerous jobs. His dad making a comment about how he’s heard about all the times “Evan” has been in the hospital.
Buck looks up at this moment and points out how he’s only heard of him being in the hospital, but never being there to visit him. His mom trying to justify not visiting, because they are not good with hospitals.
Buck repeating back the line, amplifying how ridiculous the statement sounds. Mom becomes defensive, starts to whine about how Buck does not know. Maddie trying to get her mom to stop. Buck looking over at both of them, mom collects herself and starts to calm down. They attempt to change the subject.
Dad asks about a box they brought with them. Chimney goes over to the living room to grab it. Their mother takes the moment to make a back handed compliment about liking Howard. Buck is quick to tell his mother, she is being rude.
Mom starts to whine about not understanding what she did wrong.
Turns out to be a box filled with items from Maddie’s childhood.  It’s a sweet moment until Buck asks if he’s going to get his box. There is an awkward pause, and he know he doesn’t have a box. He’s visibly disappointed.
The moment starts to feel sweet, up until mom begins to say too much.
Mom’s overall tone pisses me off easily. It’s slightly judgy in nature. The whining that sounds like she might just cry, really irks me. The comments she make do not initially sound bad, but when you pause to think about it, they are always back handed. The father makes the same kind of comments, his tone is also judgy, just not whiney. They just keeping making these small little jabs.
Buck interrupting his mom’s comments. Maddie trying to stop him from making a scene, Buck looking up at Maddie, fuming. His eyes piercing over at her as he reminds her of their united front.  
Buck calling out his parents for not going to Maddie’s wedding. Mom trying to justify not going because Maddie was making a mistake. Buck telling her that is a terrible excuse and that you don’t just give up on her like that.
Mom and dad again try to justify being absent I Maddie’s life, and if they had known she was getting hurt, they would have been present. Tried to stop it.
Buck is angry, he explains that they should have known, they lived in the same city. If they made an attempt to be apart of her life, they would have known.
Buck can’t hold back, he starts yelling at his parents about how absent they were/are. Maddie is attempting to hold back tears as Buck stands up and explain why he is in therapy. He expresses how he’s always felt like a constant disappointment. Dad is sitting there quietly listening as Mom is at the verge of tears.
“I have, walked, through fire every single day of my life because of you.”
Dad and mom instead of listening and processing what was just said to them and try to shift the blame back over on to Buck and Maddie.
Maddie tears in her eyes argues back against that sentiment, repeating they where just kids.
“Evan, I don’t know what you expected us to do!” (This moment makes me so angry on behalf of Buck and Maddie. The way mom tries to act like the victim, it’s infuriating)
Buck pauses and looks down at his mother. His face reading the hurt he feels as he says, “Love me anyway.” That cry for help hurt me so much. Especially as he walked away.
Buck aggressively punching a punching bag as Eddie stands to the side watching him. Buck punching harder as he tells Eddie about the night. Buck is angry walking around expressing how he felt like he was 12 again. Eddie leaning against the pillar, quietly focused on Buck, taking the information in.  
Eddie quick to tell Buck he doesn’t need to apologize. Buck pauses to look at Eddie a bit confused by the comment. Eddie proceeding to ask why would he apologize, if everything he said was true. Eddie expressing that yeah, he could have used a different tone, but if that’s how they made him feel, he has every right to feel that way and vocalize that.
Buck tries to dismiss Eddie’s comment, stating he doesn’t need any more therapy and starts punching the bag again.
Eddie reaches out and grabs the bag, stopping Buck from throwing another punch when Buck vocalizes that all he wants to do is hit things, After Eddie has Buck’s full attention, he reminds Buck, that he went thru a similar phase and that he doesn’t recommend it. He looks at Buck in in the eyes as he states that.
Buck is still upset, but is distracted momentarily by Maddie calling his phone. This call causes Buck to aggressively kick the punching bag. Eddie walks away as he sarcastically makes a comment about not understanding why Maddie would be worried.
Buck sits down and starts to catch his breath.
Buck and Maddie talking about how the dinner went. Buck expresses that he is embarrassed about the way he went off on his parents. Maddie stating that he didn’t need to defend her, that she could handle it herself.
Buck points out that she shouldn’t have to, especially not from her own parents. Buck apologizes to Maddie.
Maddie making it a point to tell Buck he is not a disappointment.
Buck pulls out the baby box his parent’s gifted Maddie, expressing that he didn’t realize their parents could be so sentimental. Maddie reminiscing about how their parents were once different, even happier. Buck finding that hard to believe.
Buck finds a photo of what he believes his him. As he looks closer at the photo, he notices an issue with the year it was labeled, and how he wasn’t born yet. Maddie zoning out, before dropping the bomb that they had a brother named Daniel, who died.  Buck looking confused and trying to process what Maddie just said
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