#i unfollow from here and follow from my main lol
snowcollector · 8 months
CARLYRAEJEPSANS is a proshipper who lies about it, ships char(asriel and is mutuals with popular UTDR in(cest shippers, necrophil(ia fic posters, UTDR ra(pe fic posters, sh(otacons and groomers
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readmore for triggering content since people requested it after my last callout
first of all carlyraejepsans posted this on their good omens blog which shows that they think anticest people on their utdr blog are basically stupid children and they talk about having a nec(rophilia/corpsef**cking mutual
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and as you can see in the first few screenshots they HATE people who are against in(cest fic. they're also friends with imptwins who they used to have blocked for making under(age UTDR art
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but now they're friends again.
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IMPTWINS makes r(ape fic of S(uselle (drugging and r(aping her) and carlyraejepsans used to have them blocked for their reputation but doesn't care anymore and unblocked them but they definitely know about it
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imptwins also admitted to committing actual se(xual assault against real people and downplayed it by saying it's just what all teens do.
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despite Imptwins admitting to se(xually assaulting multiple people carlyrae has defended this and changed the story so it was just one person in a bad relationship imptwins se(xually assaulted and then threatened to beat people to death for bringing it up
imptwins and kimberlyeab made friends with a minor who read their s(mut (like the Suselle drugging/ra(ping fic they advertised in the main UTDR tags with no content filters so it can't be blocked or filtered) and invited the minor into their private discord servers and sent the minor into my askbox to defend them and "prove" they aren't being groomed.
carlyraepesans is also mutuals with wordbending who is a sh(otacon
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who is a supporter of kimberlyeab and wordbending loves in(cest, as you can see here
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wordbending also makes in(cest fic of underage UTDR characters including char(isk s(mut which carlyraejepsans reads because it's aged up and they think aged up Frisk is hot
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they also think it's okay to se(xualize the kid characters and age them up to do it
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(this was about flowey/asriel but they use it to excuse them reading "aged up" sm(ut of charisk and finding frisk attractive)
carlyraejepsans is a big supporter of fictional in(cests and thinks toby fox is too
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they interact with people who have proship DNI because they don't care.
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they unfollowed Ish_Bruhh after they made a callout post for Zixzs (who makes in(cest porn of Kris/Toriel) but they used to follow them
and they support kimberlyeab who lies about their age and intercts with a 15 year old who reads their utdr ns(fw content and blocked me for telling them kimberlyeab was a groomer (proof post here) and liked this tweet AFTER I showed them proof kimberlyeab was a groomer
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they also ship char(asriel which is an in(cest ship
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they also lied about having the tag blocked because they often reblog art that open tagged ch(asriel which they wouldn't see if they had the tag blocked
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this was reblogged from their mutual wordbending who again writes s(mut of them char(isk and char(asriel and likes sh(otacon
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carlyrae pretends the reason they don't interact with wordbending anymore is because of the sh(otacon thing but it's actually just because wordbending got banned, imptwins also retweens lol(isho and carlyrae is still friends with imptwins.
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carlyraejepsans knows about what these people do and says that who they interact with is none of my business even though they're admitted pe(dophiles who have committed irl se(xual assault
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so if you're wondering why they blocked you for no reason it's probably because you're against in(cest and und(ragefic and sh(otacon and all their friends and mutuals are into it but they're hiding it from the public for their reputation so they can keep following people with proship DNI in their profiles
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the-monkeies-girl · 2 months
okay i’m so sorry and wishing you love and light i’m just so lost with all the monkey fucking you wish to do 😭 what is planet of the apes? why are we attracted to them? why do they get one shots? what is going ON IN MY MULTIFANDOM FOLLOW
Well, first of all they're Apes, not monkeys lol. Anthropomorphic, tbh. I really do suggest watching the movies for more of the back story on them ( Outside of the thirst of them, the stories are very well done and the CGI / Motion capture for them are revolutionary!!! )
Essentially for a recap though, there is a drug that a human develops to cure Alzheimers and the Chimps they were testing on and exposed to the injection gain advances in intelligence and other aspects.
The offspring of the Chimp that is exposed to it first is the main of the first trilogy ( Caesar ) and he leads the Apes to freedom while the next wave of the drug begins to kill humans in an event called the Simian Flu. Some Humans are immune, with this they are able to survive in smaller colonies/camps.
We just started the ball ( haha pun lol ) rolling on the second trilogy ( Starting with kingdom ) and the main here is Noa and will follow his story for two more movies.
And there is intentions for there to be another trilogy after this current one wraps up that they want to use to bridge the gap between the Original old movies and the new ones ( There is a lot of time between them, haha. ) They really want one big continuous timeline!
Secondly, it's a large franchise that started way back in the 1960's. I write only for the rebooted series from 2011-present day. ( Rise, Dawn, War and Kingdom. )
Let's take a look at the Harkness Test for wanting to fuck them:
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Let's get to the nitty gritty here.
Attraction is in the eye of the beholder, but I mean? There's implications of sexual Human/Ape relationships that date all the way back to the original movies. ( Literally there was a test for a hum-ape hybrid lol. )
There's a kiss in the original between a human male and female ape.
The rebooted ( And failed ) attempt by Tim Burton showcases a Female Evolved Ape being infatuated with Mark Wahlberg's character and they share a very tender moment and kiss.
There's a lot more I'm missing but you probably get the point here.
Alrighty let's fuck up our Ape Men!
They're very pretty.............. And a lot of the attraction comes from their personalities which are all varied and very interesting to dive into and their actors too given these movies are in motion capture and a lot of their facial features are very human-like in nature.
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Blue Eyes:
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They are smart.
They are cool.
They each have individual qualities personality and appearance wise so everyone gets a little taste of what they like!
And my blog is a shame-free zone so if you don't vibe with the monster-fuckers and the Chimp Simps, feel free to unfollow.
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twig-tea · 2 months
oh my god if you don't like wandee goodday let it fucking go already or at least don't put it in the tag, as if you're not watching so much worse lol
I'll take this opportunity to remind folks that tumblr is an experience you can and should curate for yourself!
If you don't like what someone has been saying about a particular show, you have options: You can unfollow or mute them for a period of time, or filter their specific tags. If you don't like what I have to say, for example, but still want to follow me for the other content I reblog, you can mute the tag I use for all of my original content, "typed so that I can stop thinking it". Block people who engage with content in ways you don't enjoy. You can always check back in and unblock or unmute later, it doesn't have to be dire or permanent.
If you don't want to read negative posts, when a post starts "I'm going to be talking negatively", stop reading. Why do that to yourself?
I don't agree with the philosophy of leaving critical commentary untagged, so my advice on this one is: Don't assume a shared tag will be curated for your taste. As general etiquette goes, if you're shitposting a show I can understand leaving the tag off, and I wouldn't tag e.g. a ship name if I were to talk negatively about an actor in that ship, but serious engagement with a show deserves to be in the tag for that show whether or not it's positive. I like thinking critically about the media I consume, and sometimes that means I'll have negative things to say. I for one find it useful to see the negative comments in a tag alongside the positive; if I'm going into the tags, I want to know what folks are saying in general, not just on the positive side.
[Slight aside re: which shows I choose to publicly criticize. I do consider the origin of the media when deciding what to say about it, but one of the largest media conglomerates in Thailand doesn't need protection from my opinion. So in the case the original anon is referring to here, I weighed the positive benefit of having like-minded folks commiserate with my experience and weigh in with their own insight over the potential pitfalls of highlighting the negatives in, for example, a show that really needs a signal boost in order for anyone to even know it exists. If I'm being negative about a show on main and tagging it, it's generally because I either wanted to warn folks or wanted to commiserate with like-minded people. Again, if you don't want to see that, there are options available to you as per above!]
Finally, if you get rude anonymous asks, consider turning them off. [I wanted to own here that the onus is on me as well to similarly curate my own experience as needed.]
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barbatusart · 8 months
hello new folks coming in from the music posts (which is baffling to me haha) welcome aboard! PLEASE before you remain following a couple of things you should know:
- right now im like balls deep in baldur’s gate 3 so anticipate a fair amount of shitposting & prelim pages of a fancomic called De Rerum Natura (linked in full for your browsing enjoyment if you’re interested, 75ish pages so far with heavy act3 spoilers)
- my main bread & butter is pretty intense body horror & gore. the more extreme things i do tag with gore w, but typically they’re only tagged for & not under a cut. (unless the post in question is related to an existing intellectual property, then itll be placed under a cut for the sake of tag browsers) please have your tag mute function ready if you want to remain following but don’t want to be smacked in the face with that kind of material!
- i am an adult man in my mid 30s. while tumblr has banned pornography i still consider what im able to post on here to be adult material; that & from time to time i link to pornography ive drawn whenever the mood strikes me. as such, i am not comfortable with anyone under the age of 18 following this blog, and i would deeply appreciate it if you would please unfollow asap if you are a minor. thank you for respecting my wishes on this matter.
please feel free to unfollow for any reason if any of the above is not something you want to come across! i take no offense lol; im of the opinion that everybody should curate their online experience for the most enjoyable browsing possible. if you would prefer to stick around, i thank you for your time & hope the things i do can entertain you!
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dogwittaablog · 5 months
Link to part 1: (X)
*Bare with me for some spelling grammar errors, also if you have more info or have picked up something I've missed feel free to let me know.*
So obviously it’s been quite an event for nolpat nation these past couple days… and it’s very evident people are aware of the burners and have been following or interacting with it.
If you aren���t aware @ gollpatter is the first acocunt that was inactive for a bit before it was suspended/locked, and then @ shottergallas was the secondary account…
So after I guess by the saving grace of god??? He ended up regaining access back to his first account that had more of the the problematic tweets, likes and questionable followings.
This was his first tweet he posted after being back on the account… which also is now deleted. #lolz
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Okay so obviously his name is Pat Oliveria on his main and some are probably confused or thrown off by it. My assumption to the name is... obviously ''Pat'' is part of his last name and well-known nickname and ''Oliveria'' was most likely taken from the Brazalian MMA fighter Charles Oliveria... and we all know how much he loves MMA.
The account actually went private for a moment and then went public again… then also decided to unfollow a specific group of people *cough* all the obvious friends and some influencers.
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Pretty much any tweet that people would interact with the account would get deleted. Which I think most of us have already witnessed.
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Here is some other tweets that have now been deleted. (X).
After this all went down some of his mutuals went private (some have unprivated now) and even one deleted.
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A notable mutual user that deleted is (@ basket_458462). I think not many people saw what went on, on that account… since It deleted pretty much after 1-2 days after the burners were under fire… you thought anything was bad on the NP burners, this one was 10x worst lol. NP off (@ gollpatter) liked a good amount of tweets off there page, pre much all pertaining to WJC 2018, and weren’t the greatest takes either. The Basket 4 page was pretty active interacting with stan twitter.
Though literally all those mutual burners hold very debatable content and most of it? Well you guessed it! It’s all pretty much red pill, zyn bro misogyny.
The Basket 4 account was just a different breed and every tweet or like was constantly victim shaming and blaming the girl involved in the WJC 2018 incident. Probably explains the profile picture too… yikes.
Just thought it was funny how some decided to go private or delete, which shows to me they’re aware of what’s going on.
Maybe a big coincidence but NP started unfollowing people off his main ig account just about a day after shit hit the fan, though this is pretty common for him to randomly do mass unfollowings just found the timing to be ironic.
If some of you were aware he has a private finsta account. He had the username that went by @ gollasperoutdoors and then changed it to @ youngglasp. You're able to see how many times the user changed their user and how long they had the account for, the username was changed 5 times throughout the past 4 years. He changed the username to the account about 2 days ago... he's most likely had the user (@ gollasperoutdoors) for a hot minute as well… don't know why he decided to change it now... also changing the clearly evident nickname of his to just “glasp”.
I also kind of have a theory that one of his finsta account usernames at a point in time was probably @ gollpatter (the same as his twitter)… You aren't able to view their old users, but I just thought about it since it's been changed multiple times... though impossible to prove because most of us probably don't remember his older finsta users or even knew he had one to begin with.
It’s pretty obvious and simple to why the account has done none of those things and is limiting/stopping activity.
If the accounts started blocking evident hockey stan twitter accounts or accounts that interacted with them, deleted high volume of tweets especially the problematic ones, went private or deactivated. It would fully be more evident that we are most likely right on our assumption on who’s running it and that they’re fully aware on what’s happening LOL.
Also probably another reason why the account unprivated so quickly + tweeted a bit even after getting called out is because whoever is running it most likely wanted to play it off… Even tho the deleting of directed tweets + unfollowing specific known friends and influencers and other activity was already enough for most to throw the guilty charge.
To tie things up I don't think the accounts will delete anytime soon or even at all and will just slowly be abandoned. I guess the one smart move on his part was that the account wasn't under his actual name and there isn't a definitive way to prove its him unless you know details about him, so it's not clockable to the general public. (Shout out to the anons for this part!).
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allamericansbitch · 8 months
being a swiftie for this past year has felt so isolating 😔 I still love her music and want to see edits, discuss lyrics, celebrate tour etc but ever since the joe breakup I've felt so distanced from both taylor and the fandom, I've had my issues with the fandom (and taylor) in the past but never to this extent. I do thankfully have other interests I follow on here but the taylor fandom has been my main online community for years and it's sad to be having to let that go and to be unfollowing so many mutuals just because I can't bring myself to join in with what seems to be the only way to be a fan these days (obsessing over her personal life and becoming a travis stan). I guess on the brightside I've come to really appreciate the others who feel similarly to me (including you and many of your anons)
i feel exactly the same, i've unfollowed so many mutuals and apparently made enemies because of this (the vague posting oof they really think they’re doing something to this day lol)
but i will say there's something so nice and beautiful to me about sizing down and actually finding a small group of people who make you feel sane and have the same thoughts and mindsets as you (aka healthy ones). like i wouldnt trade it to go back at all because now it's quality over quantity and while i do feel farther away from the fandom as a whole, i feel closer to individuals and i think thats way better in the long run.
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kzdigiarc · 18 days
hi friends, hope everyone is doing well!
so as you all can see i’ve been pretty inactive as of lately. truthfully i’ve had no motivation to write and don’t think I’ll be able to for a while. i have so much going on in my personal life, it’s all just a bit too much for me right now. i was seriously debating on how I was going to move forward with my accounts here and i was honestly really close to just deleting them. but i was talked off the metaphorical ledge and i now have a better idea of how to go about it (everyone say thank u cat & maya). i think i really just need a restart so…
firstly, i’ll be going on a hiatus so i will be logged out unless i’m working on reconstructing my account. if you’d like to reach me i’m on twitter (@/urwonnly) and discord (@/k1zavrse, dm me and i’ll add you).
moving forward i am converting hoshiseon into a digital archive of sorts. so the entire account will be under construction and only my writing posts will be kept up. i’ll also be changing the user and unfollowing everyone, starting this account completely fresh.
and @urwonnly will be my new main account. if you’d like to send asks, see my posts, and possibly my writing when i come back from hiatus then you can catch me there! this account is enhypen & riize centric so all writing will be for those groups but of course i’ll answer asks and may still do short writings for the other groups i like. (ateez are still my day ones i promise lol)
desire series will also be on a hiatus until i decide what to do with it. once i have the time, energy, and motivation i may continue writing it bc i really do love that story. if i start it back up, it will be posted to a new account :]
not many people follow me there but my personal acc (@kkvras) is probably going to be converted as well. i’m thinking of making that a strictly reblog account but i haven’t completely decided on that.
tagging mutuals so you all are aware of the change: @agustdiv1ne @angelwonie @beamtori @cha0thicpisces @desirehorizon @hoshologies @owlbeforesunset @planetdream @togeqii @wuahae @a1sh1teruu @jaehunnyy @sungbeam @halaqueen @moonhoures @tohokuu @seonghwaddict @taesankisser @nebulousbrainsoup @kwanisms-replies @kwanisms @yourlocaljonghoe
thank you guys so much for making this a fun and safe space for me, i really appreciate all the friends i’ve made here. i srsly L word you all <3 any of you feel free to reach out anytime, sending love 🫂
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fuckfuckgoback · 9 months
paracosm dashboard simulator
Inspired by @maddgical-boy :D
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🌃 justice385627 Follow
Repeat offender caught west of main. Subject has short brown hair, brown eyes, and was known for pickpocketing. Confiscated goods are pending return.
🤺 bcbd-group Follow
caught west of main
thats our area you fucking leeches what the hell
🫐 orions-belt Follow
We actually ran into them in the mid city, and chased them all the way over. 😅
🌃 justice385627
And we wouldn't have had to if any of you could do your jobs.
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🕶️ monsterfucker378 Follow
something about that slime guy from last week... c'mon police just let me visit i could fix him
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🌃 justice385627 Follow
In reference to the reblog below this: Let him figure it out on his own.
🪨 scumoftheearth Follow
girl he's been posting pics of baggy Ts with khaki shorts please let me intervene
🌃 justice385627
K told me to reply "It's a canon event" and you know I'm not a girl?
#confusion aside it hurts me as well but he has to start somewhere
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🫐 orions-belt Follow
does anyone have any fashion advice
🫐 orions-belt
like, how it works?
🫐 orions-belt
where do people buy clothes...?
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This attack on our city cannot go ignored. The public should not fear humanoid monsters or people creating electricity to destroy and steal from our community stores. It is revolting.
Possessing powers at all makes these individuals inherently dangerous, but we should not ever see them used to their extreme like this. Action must be taken.
🕷️ gayspiderlover Follow
oh to be able to summon lightning and take down capitalism with my spidergirl girlfriend
These people are causing real chaos and destruction. You are sick for joking about this.
🕷️ gayspiderlover
#happy six year anniversary to this post #and the attack ig #i hope theyre still together
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💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee Follow
"his pronouns are she/her!" - E probably
🌃 justice385627 Follow
What? I am well aware tack uses she/her pronouns.
🫐 orions-belt Follow
It's a joke, it's based off a different meme, I think they're just saying you'd say something like that.
🌃 justice385627
This site is a waste of time.
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🥼 ethical-lesbian-crimes Follow
been experimenting with making small bombs recently and i put one in my bag and almost brought it home on accident. if my little sister had found that....
what is it with these fake self proclaimed "vigilante crime fighters" nowadays trying to be so cool? we know you don't make bombs, quit stroking your ego
🥼 ethical-lesbian-crimes
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if you have any of the slots on your ci ring set to anything fancy unfollow me immediately. its frankly quite rude to switch into that in front of your friends who can't afford something so expensive
a ci ring is $6000??????
LMAO imagine complaining about not affording a suit yet owning the rich person identity stealer 2000
#everyone here died 💀 #anyway its super easy to make knockoffs
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💕 fangirl-hours Follow
whoes that new guy with the blue hair? I think hes been running around with the team down by the bottom of the hills? vigilante fans help me out here!
🫐 orions-belt Follow
thats me actually! I am newer around here but I'm with E's group. my hair might stand out a little too much lol
💕 fangirl-hours
OMG. uh hiiiiiiiii. youre very cool I love when you do stuff with uhh gravity. wanna hang out sometime?
🫐 orions-belt
uh, E doesn't really want us meeting up with anyone outside the group in our secret identities. so probably not.
💕 fangirl-hours
oh well can we still dm?
💕 fangirl-hours
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💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee Follow
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🪨 scumoftheearth Follow
definitely left
💁‍♀️ gender-fucked-nbee
poll canceled everyone my partner is here 🥰
🌑 night-fight Follow
doesn't your blog say you're aroace?
🪨 scumoftheearth
yeah and it also says that im in a qpr with them so whats your fucking problem
#do people on this site not read?
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📌 tack---- Follow
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Hi! I've seen you receive a (rather rude) message in the past about the 12-hour later reblogs of new polls - I am not here to be rude about them. They are kind of frustrating for me and hard to filter off my dash. I'm guessing the reason for them is so people don't miss the polls. Is there any chance you'd make a poll for who likes/wants those reblogs and who doesn't?
Ah, yes, so the purpose of the 12th hour rbs is basically to cast a wide net for those in different time zones/people who are going on Tumblr at different times of day. If you see one poll on your dash, you may be motivated to pop in here to see what else you might've missed and so on.
The problem with removing them is, I have consistently seen large numbers of votes come from the timezone reblogs, moreso even than letting the polls run for more than one day, so they are, on a significant level, vital to the health of the tournament.
I guess the main thing I don't necessarily understand is what specifically about them makes them hard to filter out vs other posts you want to filter out? I am more than willing to update aspects of the tagging system if there is something about my specific tag that makes it difficult. (Additionally, if you are primarily a desktop user, X-Kit allows you to minimize and even entirely hide filtered posts, though these settings apply to all filtered posts.)
If that parenthetical isn't a solution, there is always the option of following the poll tag specifically (#uptunderdogtournament) and unfollowing this blog. It exists pretty much for that purpose. I'm not sure how many people do that but it was at least one for the main tournament.
But yeah, because of how important it is, I'd even be more inclined to switch to one day polls than to remove the timezone rbs (not that that's on the table—no one has complained about the 1-week polls). The only other option I can think of is to switch them to halfway reblogs, which wouldn't reduce the number of self-reblogs at all, but at the very least they'd be more separated temporally. I had originally thought of implementing this in the main tournament but figured the cons (even more clutter, scheduling conflicting with other 12th hour rbs) outweighed the benefits. The problem with switching to this only is that it de-emphasizes the importance of wanting to deliver these polls to the full international audience, at least within the same 24 hour period.
There is, of course, a lot more to say specifically about the strategy of these rbs. For instance, reblogging only a few does mean less clutter, but it also unbalances the polls—some people won't check what they've missed—so this is not an option... But I figure you sending this ask was not an invitation for me to write a full book on why I see them as vital lol, so just know like there's more than what I included here.
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chaotic-on-main · 2 years
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Hello y'all! I'm not new to Tumblr, I've been on this hellsite since I was 12. This blog serves multiple purposes for me, so don't be surprised to see a mess of things on your dash ranging from my own personal delusions (fanfiction) to the dumbest shit you've ever seen (everything else) if you decide to follow me. It's chaos here all the time. 🧸 🌸 Taglist ➸ here
🌸 Ko-Fi ➸ SkylettLove
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➤ I'm a 90's baby and live in the US. Unfortunately, I only speak English at the moment. I have a myriad of hobbies but of course my main ones are writing, visual art (moodboards), and videogames. I'm very understanding yet socially awkward so if there's ever a miscommunicated issue, please let me know! I want to be as good as a friend to you as I can! ➤ I also go through obsessions like the changes in weather, you will get whiplash. Reiterating, I post a lot of random shit and I will never be mad if you need to unfollow due to that lol. ➤ I'm a video game streamer in my down time, you can find me on Twitch!
➤ I reserve the right to block blogs. With the insurgence of bots on this site, if you don't have a pfp or anything that resembles you being a human on your blog, I WILL BLOCK. Save you and I some strife and personalize your blog a little. Also minors, I love you, but please save me the trouble and DNI with my NSFW posts. I don't post NSFW often but it can and will pop up.
➤ Known triggers -> here
🚧 this is a WIP, blog reconstruction is undergoing! 🚧
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➤ Attack On Titan, Levi Ackerman, Leon S. Kennedy, Critical Role, Vox Machina, Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Toge Inumaki, Persona 5 Royal, The Last of Us, Fruits Basket, Kyo Soma, Hades (the game), Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Percy Jackson, Taylor Swift, Baldur's Gate 3, Nanami Kento
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➤ Masterlist ➤ AO3
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➤ Masterpost (work in progress)
➥ writing resources, tips, tools, prompts, etc.
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I do not give permission for anyone to copy, translate, continue on (whether in person or with AI), and/or repost my works anywhere.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
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re. about
ren (or rimz for cool kids). he/him. twenty five. black. queer. neurodivergent.
i'm redoing this because i'm losing steam (thanks work) and i'm pulling back on a lot of projects to mostly focus on things that make me personally happy. as is the nature of my brain, i will still jump back and forth between projects when i lose the flow for another, but i’ve narrowed my important wips down to just three main ones. other projects are currently being shelved, or put to the side as half baked ideas that i still need to keep in the oven before i introduce them to anyone formally.
(so if you don’t see a wip listed in the wips tab, it’s either shelved indefinitely or i want to work on it on my own for a bit. you can ask me about my other wips if you know/remember them but i can’t guarantee i’ll answer about them at this time. this also doesn’t mean i won’t ramble about them when i feel like it.)
important sideblogs = no pressure to follow just fyi
@babylonsfalling -> all my fandom and other nonsense goes here
@todazzlingreading -> this is a personal checklist for things i want to read by y’all that i don’t have time or spoons to get to at the moment i see it. once i read a post there i’ll delete it from that blog and rb it over here with any comments in the tags :3
to find my art commissions, please look here: https://www.tumblr.com/vacantgodling/715216537870532608/commissions-are-open
re. disclaimers / interaction
i mainly write fantasy; it’s a broad overarching label that covers all of my interests and it’s my first love in writing. horror and horror adjacent elements always make an appearance in my works. i emphasize complex mlm relationships and male leads, and romance is a great love of mine as you’ll notice from the king of my current wips. worldbuilding is also a great love of mine. i also love writing smut and talking about my characters having sex.
as such some disclaimers: following me is a very much curate your own experience. i don’t want to hold back talking about adult and mature themes so if you’re uncomfortable with anything i talk about i’d just suggest you unfollow lol nothing personal.
i’m open to asks and talking about anything but there’s no pressure. anons are always cool. i’m probably not gonna do writing based tag games too too much bc writing has been nonexistent lately but character asks or ramble ones i will do :)
also, as a personal ask: please do not refer to any of my characters as babygirl or girlie(s). shit makes me squick thanks.
re. main wips
linked are the main tags & once i finish the wip intros for paramour and tcol (revamping them) i’ll link them as well. feel free to ask to be on the taglist for any of these (i’m going to do better with these) — taglists will be activated for all writing and official posts. this won’t include ask games or random babbling.
PARAMOUR || “saved” from an imminent social death through arranged marriage, HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL is whisked away to The Chateau aux Aisles D’or, where an unlikely sexual relationship with his butler AMON leads to far more than he bargained for.
THE CHRONICLES OF LATHSBURY (check out the crash course HERE) || The Aegean Guild of Explorers, led by the mysterious newcomer to Lathsbury Madja Fandel welcomes its newest contingent after the guild bid: PIPER FAIRWIND a MBW with a fighting spirit and desire for money and glory, DEUX UNDERSHIELD a naive protector seeking answers for her brother’s spurn, SANDRA “SAN” DEARBORN a vicious hunter with a chip on their shoulder, CLEAR BRIGHTENDALE a medic with a host of dark secrets, and FORTE SYMPHONIA a ranger seeking his own destiny, are as ready as they’ll ever be to enter the fray, to conquer the mysterious and dangerous LABYRINTH. Forces that have been in motion since before their lives even began are finally reaching their peak, and the five of them will have to use everything they’ve learned and then some to stay alive.
re. navigation
talking -> musings and personal thoughts
about renjamin -> insight to me / who i am
ren analysis -> when i get meta about my wips
ren mix -> a treasure trove of my music taste
ren polls -> any polls i make
ren reads -> for my ramblings and analysis as i try to get back into books
friends tag -> talking with friends or boosting my friends work
others work -> boosting other writeblrs work
hall of fame -> praise / things that make me happy that i want to keep
ren writing -> all of my writing in one place
ren poems -> all of my poems in one place
ren fic -> all of my fandom related writing in one place
ren art -> all my art
q eh you eh -> queue
sex mention -> tag for any sexual content.
worldbuilding -> all of my worldbuilding notes across all my wips
find the word tag -> for this game specifically so i can find it
last line tag -> for this game specifically so i can find it
ren hot cakes -> specifically for my overly opinionated opinions
writing recap -> tracking my writing journey so i can hold myself accountable
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xavieryaa · 9 months
Making My Own Tumblr Year In Review
So tumblr is not doing the individual years in review for 2023 like they did the last couple of years :(
This is the first year I’ve really been active on Tumblr and used it as my primary social media, so I was really sad to hear that. But then I decided…why not do it myself?
Tumblr media
I posted 1837 times in 2023. That’s 5 times per day.
1748 (95%) of my posts were reblogs, and 89 (5%) of my posts were original.
Blogs I think I reblogged the most? Not in order.
These are just based on me cmd-f'ing my blog using the names of blogs I remember reblogging a lot. It's probably wrong.
My top 15 most used tags (not 5 because i love tagging and want to show more):
#bts - 1045 posts (yeah obviously)
#bts pics - 803 posts (yeah obviously x2)
#queue attack my heart - 691 posts
#memery - 312 posts
#namjoon - 308 posts (i am so mentally ill)
#hoseok - 167 posts
#jungkook - 166 posts
#seokjin - 138 posts
#jimin - 138 posts (i wrote down seokjin's tag first so i put it higher)
#yoongi - 119 posts
#fic & writing - 108 posts
#taehyung - 103 posts
#bts birthdays - 99 posts
#serious posts - 92 posts
#namjoonposting - 59 posts (my favorite tag)
By the way this was so fucking annoying to do. The archive does not show how many posts you have in a certain tag. For every month I counted the amount of rows in a tag, multiplied it by 8, and added in any rows that didn't quite get up to 8. Then I added all those months together. I had to do that for every tag. Tumblr why is there no easy way to see the number of posts in a tag.
My top 5 posts of 2023:
5. Luffy Tab - 20 notes
Still can't believe we just. got a luffy tab. i just woke up and had a luffy tab
4. BTS Post Search - 27 notes
As it turned out. the poster changed their name to something else so that's why i couldn't find the post from tumblr user soupmoths -- they were an entirely different person. oopsie
Also I ended up being able to reblog it! Someone tagged me!
3. 3D Rant - 32 notes
This post got me my first hate reblog <3
In case anyone is wondering. I still agree with everything I said here.
2. Porn - 99 notes
Not doing the big link preview for this one since that on its own is kinda nsfw. Minors don’t click that link.
But yeah. That makes sense.
Even though there’s only 5 reblogs people find it semi-frequently (especially the past few days, no idea why), so I guess it’s spreading somehow? Which makes me happy :)
The Reddit Post - 2.1k notes
Obviously that was going to be it lol, over 20 times the amount of notes than anything else. My notifications were Dying.
Also, this stuff wasn’t in the actual Year in Review(s), but I’m adding them in for fun.
I liked 21k posts in 2023.
I followed 426 blogs in 2023 (not including the accounts I unfollowed).
I gained 69 followers in 2023 (excluding porn bots and regular bots). Nice.
I started 4 blogs on this account, 1 main blog and 3 side blogs.
I gained 15 mutuals in 2023 <3
All this data was as of December 18th, 2023.
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daryascurse · 2 months
here are my spoiler-free thoughts on longlegs after some more thinking, though i still want a second and third watch. also, i'll clarify, it's not direct spoilers as to the plot, but i'm putting it under the cut anyway because it might constitute as a perception that if i had seen going in, would have probably influenced my own first viewing in a way that i wouldn't have appreciated without the choice. but that's just my preference for a movie like this.
like going into civil war - i KNEW that it wasn't going to have the actual "reason" for the war. and i personally DID like knowing that because it adjusted my expectations and let me watch / think about the movie without being bogged down by that nagging unanswered question. -- but idk if i would have wanted the same for longlegs.
the problem with media that slowly reveals the actual plot and unraveling of the truth until the end of the film is not that it makes the audience do mental work instead of spoon-feeding. i respect a movie that respects its audience and the ability of the audience to follow a story and piece it together. the problem is that since the audience is (/should be) so engaged with trying to track and solve the "mystery" or understand where things are going, that any unanswered questions or unfollowed threads left hanging are glaringly hard to ignore. i find myself agreeing with those saying the payoff is lacking. i like the literal ending that we are presented with, especially the final frames, but thought that a lot of the "answers" to the questions had a stronger taste of deus ex machina than having grounded understandings in the reality we had been led to follow throughout the movie. it's almost too realistic in that sense - of, what would happen if supernatural stuff was actually real and you discovered the truth of that suddenly in front of you too late to figure out what to do about it? but something about that was also unsatisfying to me in the actual pace and reveal. (i actually am realizing it is hard to speak clearly without giving detailed spoilers, lol.)
also, i would consider there to be two major plot twists that i called almost immediately (i would consider the third to have been pretty clearly insinuated in the trailers so). and i hate being proven right when that happens. not that i think we should have GOT "subversion" of expectations that do make sense in the narrative, but, the reveal of those twists was not only not a surprise or dreadful, but rather seemed inevitable in an uninspired way. the only specific plot thing i'll say now: the conversation the main character had with her mother and then first visit to the mother's house, specifically with some dialogue from the mother and a question the FBI daughter asked to her mother without loooooking at her to see her answer - it gave away the game immediately to me. and not in a sense that filled me, personally, with dread and swept me up in following the narrative, which perhaps was the intention. instead, it left me hoping that the reveal of those insinuations would make me feel that dread. they did not.
that being said, there's a lot i loved. i generally think the first third was excellent and i was prepared to love the movie from that alone. cinematography is a very important part of a film experience to me, and the choices in camera shots and timing and colors were perfect. the sound and soundtrack/ score were fantastic. i think the acting was terrific and by and far i liked the characters and the way they were written. nicolas cage and maika monroe were both superb in different ways and brought the exact vibes and energy that was required of them. i think there's a lot of excellent allegory that can be pulled out of it - i think an argument could be made that there are metaphors for child abuse and the role of family in that and understanding its truths and trauma as an adult; at the same time, i think an argument can be made about mournful innocent familial love and the inherent unavoidable grief in watching loved ones grow up. i think both allegories can exist in the same media and i'd like to watch the movie again multiple times considering one angle and then the other. but i think this also leads to the abruptness i felt at the climax and ending of the movie without much satisfaction.
i liked it, i think that the adverts did actually creep me out, and unfortunately the film failed to do the same. but i still liked it. 3.8/5 for me.
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(Re)introduction post
I seem to be gaining a lot of new followers atm (migrants from langtwt, I’m guessing! In that case: hello and welcome to langblr!) SO here’s a little bit about me and my blog!
About Me
I mostly go by Victoria online and it's what I prefer
In my 30s (yes I am a Real Adult with at least some of my shit figured out)
UK born and raised (East Midlands), although I'm moving to Japan soon!
I currently teach English as a foreign language on italki to students of all ages (current age range is something like 5-60), but will be teaching at an Eikaiwa from January
I'm also an aerialist (pole and hoop), which I teach and perform, a stilt-walker and fire performer (you can go visit my sideblog @jo-jenova if you're interested)
I'm also a fan of gymnastics, dance, writing (fantasy/sci fi/general fiction), baking, buying and owning books (and occasionally reading them), vikings (not in a weird white supremacist way), corvids, cats, Star Trek and, of course, linguistics
I’m currently awaiting an ADHD and autism assessment. I’m 99.9% sure I have ADHD and have pretty much no doubts that I’ll get a diagnosis (autism I’m less convinced of, but we’ll see what the experts say)
My native language is English (British - close to modern RP)
I also speak Norwegian and it is my main love/target language. This year I took the official B2/C1 exams and got C1. I write bokmål and speak a variety of Oslo dialect.
I'm also learning Japanese (current level: not quite N5). My goal is to reach a comfortable N5 level before I go there.
I largely understand Scots (more written than spoken), Danish (more written than spoken) and Swedish.
Languages I love and have some experience with but am not learning right now include: Finnish, Icelandic, Ukrainian, Tswana, Spanish
Wishlist: Korean, Cornish, Irish, Old Norse, Old English, Chinese
I can speak/understand a bit of French because I learned it for like 12 years but I've forgotten most of it (I do appear to be dabbling in it a little again though whoops lol)
I post primarily about Norwegian, Japanese, other Nordic languages, Celtic languages (Scots included as an honorary member) and linguistics, but occasionally I'll post about other things too.
About My Blog
My blog focuses primarily on my own personal language journey. I'm not really about aesthetics (you might get an aesthetic picture once in a blue moon) or pretending to be more advanced than I am. I mostly try to reflect where I am.
Sometimes this means I come across as bragging when I’m proud of myself or attention-seeking when I’m feeling down. That’s not my intention; I mostly just aim to be honest with myself and everyone else.
I post language logs once a week. These are so I can keep a track of what I've been doing and how I feel from week-to-week. They're not to show off how much I did or make anyone feel like they should be doing more. But if they make you feel that way and need to unfollow me because of that, then I understand.
Other things I post may include vocabulary lists, grammar posts, things related to linguistics, challenges and links to things related to my target languages that I find interesting.
I don’t do drama or discourse. I feel no obligation to respond to inflammatory asks and usually delete anything that I think is contentious. This is a language blog and it’s pretty rare that I deviate from that (I have a side blog for all my non-languagey stuff). But of course you can ask me questions about me and my life!
My blog is absolutely a safe space for people from all walks of life regardless of sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, colour, religion, size, IQ, background etc. If you consider that to be an issue, then you know where the unfollow button is.
I’m kinda terrible at replying to messages, so please don’t take it personally if I never respond to you.
My ask box is always open and anon is always on, so please feel free to send me any questions you have! (But uhh like I say I’m bad at replying sometimes so please just give me a nudge because honestly I may have just forgotten)
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grandmcff · 5 months
Tumblr media
mutuals    only    &    selective    roleplay    blog    for     𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙵 𝚃𝙰𝚁𝙺𝙸𝙽    from     𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒 . this    blog    will    contain    mature    content    (    violence,    gore,    etc.    )    so    please    only    interact    if    you    are    over    the    age    of    21 .
BLOGROLL . @wasteturns ( the ghoul from fallout ) , @twilekd ( twi'lek oc )
001. No drama whatsoever. I'm too old for it and quite tired. I am here to write my character in my silly sci-fi show. Curate your own experiences and do not police mine. I hardblock if I break a mutual if only due to Tumblr and it's glitch where it likes to make blogs think they accidentally unfollowed each other. It saves the awkwardness of any refollowing!
General dni criteria applies. No racism, anti-lgbtqia+, bigotry. I won't write rape, incest nor underage scenarios either. Basically if you're a creep leave me and my blog the fuck alone, lol. Mun =/= Muse and do not godmod mine.
002. Shipping happens rarely and with chemistry. For NSFW it's strictly beneath a readmore and written with those I trust. Despite that smut is not what I'm here for at all, and is at the bottom of my priorities in regards to this blog. Please respect that.
003. This blog is low-activity and slow replies. I run other blogs and tumblr itself is not my main priority. I have a life outside tumblr. Know I rarely drop threads, and if I do I will promptly notify you. I do not care about reblog karma. Just send something in every now & then and we'll be fine!!
As for follow backs they may take some time as I am mobile bound and prefer to read everyone's rules thoroughly as well as check out your blog. Assume if I do not follow back within a week I am not interested!
Anon is on but know that any hate I get is deleted and said anon blocked. If you have an issue with me please come to me privately so we can discuss it like adults, or use the block button. I promise I won't ever be upset if you need to block my blog!
004. My name is Werner (or Iggy) and I am 26. I use they/them pronouns and like long walks in the woods. Please know my DMs are open to any who may need them, and my discord is available to mutuals upon request! Tysm for reading my rules and I hope we can write soon!!
** I also feel I should stress my Tarkin is trans (ftm) and while he won't really express it due to the views the Empire has, please know that is a part of my portrayal of him. I plan to touch on this more in a future post. This comes from my original Tarkin blog of the same url!
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ofmoonlily · 1 year
I will keep these straightforward. If you are confused with anything, please come to me directly.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. One thing I will not tolerate is bullying, shitty behavior, mind-games, manipulation, vague blogging, and drama. I am not against using hardblock if I must.
My triggers are the general; r*pe, inc*st, any type of assault on a minor, callouts, chain letters (ex; if you don't send this to 3 people you/a loved one will die.)
There will be blood, NSFW, and gore on this blog. Therefore, I will tag them accordingly. That said, if you follow me, and you do not tag your posts, I will refrain from following you for my safety. Thank you for understanding.
Please, for the love of all things holy, if you have no intention of interacting with me, please do not follow me. I do not care if you followed for the sake of being nice. What is not nice is following when you know, for a fact, we will not be threading, speaking, or overall have 0 communication and dismissing somebody who is trying to reach out.
I imagine that would be annoying on the other side too. Constantly getting inbox prompts from a muse you have no interest to engage, and you just wish they would go away. I understand that. What I do not understand is why keep em hanging by a thread?
So yeah, long story short. I do not practice follow4follow.
Hardblock or softblock me if you have to. ^^ No hard feelings.
Minors, homophobes, r*cists, transphobes, personals DNI.
When you follow me, you agree you are 18+ (preferably 21+ as I am 30+ and do not feel comfortable rping with somebody who cannot even legally drink.)
I do not practice exclusivity or mains, or shipping exclusivity or shipping mains. It blocks potential threading content. I will gladly write with whoever wants to write with me.
Take care of yourself! If you see content I am dishing out with a mutual that triggers you, come to me directly. I can create the appropriate tag just for you! I like to think of my blog as a safe space for everyone. (If you rather just block me all together, I understand.) We all must do what we have to in order to have a sane mind and a safe writing journey!
If I do not follow back/unfollow, please don't take offense! Rarely do I ever not follow back/unfollow. And if I do, it is usually because of the following;
You do not tag your posts.
I know absolutely nothing about your muse or the world they are in. (I usually follow back even if I know just the name and where they came from lol).
You have written something that doesn't make me feel safe to be tuned into your blog.
You have broken one of my rules.
You harass me for replies. (I have a job. I sometimes won't get to things as quickly.)
We do not interact / show no interest in interacting (ex; never sending memes, never replying to comments, never replied to a meme(s) I sent months ago, overall avoidance.)
You constantly delete/remake your blogs in a span of a week without so much as a warning and continue doing so. I will begin blocking.
Will add more if I can think of any or if the situation crosses!
I'm someone who matches my partner's energy. If my partner is as excited to write with me as I am with them, I will likely gravitate into sending lots of memes and ooc screams and yellings. ♥ If my partner shows interest in other things, (or is tired) I will give them space. It's nothing against anyone. It's a bow of respect. I want my partner(s) to indulge in ther hyperfixations. Once they are ready for other interactions, I will be here.
Now. I like smut as much as the next rper but please refrain from using my character as smut fodder. I like my muse to develop meaningful relationships instead of having meaningless sex. I don't detest anyone who practices smut foddering, but please respect my boundaries if that is your flair, and skip onto somebody else who shares your mutual interest. Thank you so much! ^^
OATH I vow to keep your safety and best interests in my radar! I will ensure our RPs are fun, satisfactory and to our liking! Let's create a world together!
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