#i tried to go to sleep but i just couldnt relax
chrispleasure · 23 days
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summary!: chris cant sleep without apologising to his girlfriend, afraid it might be her last night.
not proof read!
the air became heated, you didnt want to shower with chris, which caused him to yell at you. “what! are you afraid of seeing a dick or something?!” he yells, stepping out of the bathroom.
he didnt want to argue, but he felt hurt that you wanted to be alone and not with him. “its not that— im not afraid. i just want some peace.” you stood by the doorway, watching as he undressed himself.
chris took a few blankets and one of his pillows and left the room, carrying the argument further. you decided now was the best time to have your shower, knowing he wont bother you.
as the water become heated, you undressed and stepped under the square shower head. soft hums escaped your lips, “hmm..” you mumbled, leaning back.
the bathroom lights werent on either, which spiked your mood to feel more flirty and sexy. your hand traveled near your wet pussy, hesitant to touch yourself.
you decided against and brought your hand back to your chest, crossing your arms and letting the water take over.
downstairs, chris lies down on the couch cuddled up in his blankets and pillow. silently hoping you would come down stairs and apologize.
it was stupid, you werent the one who needed to apologise. he did. but he was too immature to be the bigger person.
small tears escaped his eyes and went onto the white pillow, he sunk deep intonthe couch. chris wanted a hug, a gesture of love.
he didnt mean to act out like this, part of him was still angry for yelling at you like he did. little did he know he was the last thing on your mind.
you were near the end of your playlist on spotify, the song ending. which meant it was time to get out of the shower and apologise.
which you dreaded, not wanting to see his pretty face. the tears which were most likely streaming down his cheeks.
as you stumble out of the shower, you slip and hit your head on the counter. “fuck!” you wince, letting out a small sob as you sit up.
you instinctively cover the corner of your head with your hand, causing blood to drip down onto it. “mmph- shit, shit..” you sob, rocking back and forth.
you wanted chris’s comfort instantly, but he wouldnt give it too you, you did definitely say some hurtful things too and about him.
after a few minutes of crying, you pull yourself off the ground, getting used to the feeling of your head feeling as if it’s about to fall off.
you scurry and put on the pajamas you left on the counter, stumbling to the bedroom. you didnt even bother going downstairs to say goodnight.
immediately, without a thought, you get under the blankets. moving your body to adjust to the feeling of the sheets.
it feels like heaven, closing your eyes and relaxing. part of you wanted chris cuddling into you, speaking reasurring words into your ear, touching around your breasts to calm you down. but he was all the way downstairs, probably pissed off.
as your thoughts drifted to random things, you fell asleep quickly. your body relaxing in a comfortable position.
but chris on the other hand, couldnt shut an eye. he stayed on the same couch for hours, hungry for cuddles or even a kiss.
he tried, tried and tried, but nothing. just black, no dream, nothing. he couldnt sleep angry with you, or you angry at him.
he sat up, grabbing his pillow. he walked upstairs, tears wet on his face. he was shaking and sobbing quietly.
a few quiet knocks were heard. when he got no response, he decided to walk in. after all, it was also his room.
he walks in, walking to his side of his bed. “baby? you ‘wake?” he asks, his side of the bed sinking a little as he layed down.
you slept peacefully, not hearing anything he was saying or asking. he shook you, moving closer for comfort. “ma, wake up..” he sniffles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
without question, you woke up, thinking their was an earthquake. you looked to your left, seeing chris’s figure shaking you.
once he saw you were awake, he stopped. looking at you with a frown. “what do you want, chris?” you asked tiredly, resting your head on the pillow.
“im sorry for getting angry.. i just wanted a shower with you, i feel a need to always be close to you at all times.” he apologised, cuddling close to you.
a soft smile played on your lips, feeling happy he apologised. “i also jus’ couldnt sleep without saying sorry. you couldve died in your sleep.” he says in a worried tone.
you chuckled, turning to face him fully. “hey, hey.. im okay. im healthy enough that i wont die for a while.” you rub his cheek, met with the now dried tears that stayed there.
“you cried?” you asked, frowning a little. he nods, putting his hand on your wrist. “can we just cuddle and sleep? i need comfort.” he whines, moving closer.
your body pressed against his, pressing a kiss against his neck a few times before drifting off. “i love you.” you say.
the end!!
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yamikawas · 2 years
hey. ⚡️Yoomtah has been busy. Even though my circuits can run dry you’re the only thing on my mind. Your life sustains me, darling. And I can tire myself out and recharge in your arms. Zzt! I have all of you to myself already. So tonight I’ll rest in your arms. 🌸
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rayraelleaizawa · 7 months
They say something hurtfull in an argument
TW: sad, slight angst, fighting
Characters: Shanks, Beckmann, Mihawk
Side note: a bit ooc cause they'd never say something like that but we live for angst
Part 2: Making up after an argument
"Why do you always have to be drunk?" i asked him as he woke up with yet another hangover. Being together with Shanks is amazing, he loves you, he gives you everything you could wish for and more, but there is one thing you hate about his beheaviour: the constant drinking.
"Because we are pirates, we have to party" Shanks answered with a grin before he groans due to his headache.
"This drinking will kill you one time, do you know that? It's also a huge downturn in bed when i want to kiss you and all i can smell is alcohol on your breath." You kept on complaining, tired of this. "Alcohol damages your body so much, do you want to die so much earlier or what?" you snapped at him.
"Maybe I need something to make me feel better about your constant bickering." Shanks said with a growl, the grin disappearing.
You halted in your tracks. A look of hurt crossed your face as you shut your mouth close. Sadness welled up inside you at the thought, that you were also a reason why he kept on having this extremly unhealthy habit.
"I'm sorry then" you said quietly and walked out of your shared quarters, now probably only his quarters, cause you werent sure if you want to go back there and sleep next to him.
You were just worried about him, why didnt you notice that you were annoying him with that? You never said anything, helped him out of all his problems that he caused by himself with his childish demeanour, you only scolded him when he hurt himself. He never hurts others, he only lets himself get hurt. And that frustrated you beyond believe.
Didnt he know how much you cared for him? Did he even care? Are you even enough to make him start to look out for himself?
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you hid yourself in an empty room on the ship. You tried so much to accept his drinking habbits, you didnt even ask him to stop, just to not be drunk 6 and a half days of the week, and that every week.
You burried your face in your knees and cried. Where you that insufferable that he hurts his own body just to be able to endure your company? If you left, then he wouldnt do this to himself anymore, right?
Benn Beckman
"Really? Another one?"
You say annoyed as you watch your boyfriend light up another cigarette.
"Yes. Another one."
He plainly answers. You guys had this discussion before. You wanted him to smoke less, he said he'd try to but the amount doesnt get any less.
"Benn this really damages your lungs. Cant you please try to smoke less?"
You asked again, and he sighed annoyed.
"They help me relax."
You started to get annoyed by his short answers.
"You could relax with other stuff. You could take a bath, or i could massage you, or we could just spend time together."
You suggested as he sighed out audibly annoyed.
"And you think after all the work and stress I have the whole day I want to spend it around a person which constantly nags on me and where i cant let my mind settle even a bit?"
He snapped, looking at you angrily. You looked at him with an unmoving face before you adverted your eyes. You didnt want to show him that his words hurt.
"I'm sorry, I didnt know you couldnt let your guard down around me."
You said defeated, turning around and slowly walking away. You could hear him say your name quietly but you didnt want to turn around. You just walked under deck and into your cabin. You sat down on your desk and started working, tears running down your face as you felt a coldness within you.
Does he not trust me enough? I didnt know that I am a stress factor for him.
Dark thoughts pleagued your mind as you tried to just work through your feelings. You tried to not be even more of a burden. Tears ran down your face, some of them hitting the desk and some hitting the papers with the lists and research about the treasures your crew had gotten lately.
Benn works so hard, and I never made him feel better. I just added to his stress. He'd be better off alone, right?
Dracule Mihawk
"Could you please tell me when you plan on leaving?"
You said to Mihawk as he came back after two months without telling you that he'll be gone.
"Why? I have my own free will if i remember correctly."
"Because I worry about you when you just suddenly disappear! It isnt that hard to just leave a note or something when you cant tell me in the face that you have to leave."
You were angry at him. What did he think? He was your boyfriend so why couldnt he just tell you when he left for weeks?
He puts down his hat and went to get some vine but you stopped him. Him not even looking at you makes you feel like you're unimportant to him, that this whole matter is of no interest to him.
"Do you really care so little about my feelings? Or am I just a nuissance to you right now that you cant even stop walking when I talk with you."
He then looked at you, annoyance but also a sign of being unbothered on his face.
"You're acting like a child. If I leave again and dont come back you'll at least know why now."
He said that so matter of factly that you were stunned about his coldness. He moved around you to the kitchen to grab some vine, and you just stood there.
Did he really just say that I am the reason why he doesnt want to come home anymore?
You shook your head slightly, recalling his words again and trying not to be hurt by them. As you hear his steps starting to come back, you hurried out of the room and into your shared bedroom. Tears streamed down your face as you tried to make it make sense.
When did he start hating to come back to you? What exactly was so annoying about you? Why didnt he just tell you that he didnt like your behaviour anymore? Does he even like you anymore?
All those thoughts were running through your head as you packed the little clothes and stuff you owned. You didnt touch a thing that he bought for you. If he wanted to leave and not come back, then you will make it easier for him and leave on your own. That's what he wants, isnt it?
After you finished packing you quietly stepped out of his castle and made your way into the woods. Tears were still streaming down your face, but you ignored them. This was for the best, right?
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magicdefendorwolf · 1 year
Description:just cuddling honestly,this is very self indulgnet as i love cuddling sm but have no one to cuddle
Jing yuan
(starting with this man because he's a giant walking teddy bear)
The soft way his hands brush your hair and the soft beating of his heart that was intrerupted ever so slightly when he chuckled,a lazy smile playing on his lips,seeing your almost asleep state
Or the way his body was so warm,his arms so gently yet so firmly wrapped around you did nothing but make you want to sleep even more
"Love,come on,you cant fall asleep here" He said,voice soft as ever as he let out another chuckle "I know its tempting but you cant fall asleep in my office" he tried reasoning
"But i want to" you pouted hoping to get him to let you stay just a bit longer,arms tightening just a tad more around him
He merely shook his head at your antics and let you stay there for longer
You were stirred awake by her voice,oh her soft voice,how you wished to listen to the sound of her voice on repeat,but you had to snap back into reality as she softly poked your cheek to wake you up
"Finally awake sunshine" She said with that sly smile ever so present on her lips"Lets get up shall we?" She gave you a close eyed smile and kissed your forehead
"Dont wanna,ill stay here just abit longer" You said,sleep still present in your voice, nuzzling closer to her and hugging her body tighter
"Come on love,we have to get up now" Kafka repeated herself,eyes softening at the way you just couldnt seem to let go of her in the mornings
Guess she'll just have to be late,she doesnt care who she pisses off,as long as she has five more minutes with your sleeping body all snuggled up to her its worth it
You tried to poke the boy sleeping in your arms awake,but to no avail,he may have looked soft and physically weak but that couldnt be further from the truth considering the death grip he had on you while he had fallen asleep on top of you
You tried again gently tapping his shoulder and muttering his name
"Nghh,just five more minutes" He sleepily said in such a sweet way,you just couldnt deny him when he was being this cute
You looked down at him fondly and tried to ignore the way your whole body was going numb and the crushing grip he had around your whole body
Suddenly he loosened his grip and placed a soft kiss to your collarbone and then nuzzled back into your shoulder while he mumbled a quiet 'thank you' for letting him cuddle with you just a bit longer
Despite his though front and exterior he was trying so hard to put up he seemed to not be putting up any kind of resistance to you dragging him and laying him down on top of you while you played with his hair
Quite the opposite actually,he seemed to relax in your hold,tense muscles relaxing as he not so subtly interwined his fingers with yours and pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek
His silent way of thanking you for doing this for him,after all he looked like he needed it after walking in with his hair in a mess,eyes looking so dull and body fully worn out
As you continued mindlessly brushing Blade's hair you were taken aback when he started to breathe so softly,as if he was asleep
You looked down to see him asleep,eyelids closed and fatigue completly noticeable all over his body
To Blade,sleeping was his weakest moment,despite being ready to fight even in his sleep,he still wasnt fully there while uncouncious,so this small act showed you just how much he trusted you,to completly let his defenses down
Ill definetly write a part 2,i just wanted to get this out
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mythicmanuscripts · 19 days
What do we think about the boys with a Stark Spouse who brings a lot of blankets and furs from home to add to the bed? Especially with Aemond slowly growing closer they first seek out their blankets for comfort meanwhile Aegon and Jayce are just face planting into them after a hard day.
Love your writing btw!
This idea is so fucking cute I adore this.
I've kept this answer SFW but we can absolutely continue this concept into NSFW themes so if anyone would like to read that or has their own thoughts on it, let me know!
So my immediate thought here was that you'd bring one of your blankets to your new shared quarters with Aegon. Even though you weren't actually staying there with him every night yet, you just wanted one of your comfort blankets there. Aegon immediately zeros in on it when he first enters the room and that's when your realise that he might have a thing for soft textures.
As you get closer, you have a servant put one of the blankets on the bed in his private quarters for him. When he spots it he literally just stands in his room crying for a little while until he composes himself enough to go looking for you and thank you.
Once you get closer, Aegon absolutely loves stealing all the blankets and nuzzling against them. You keep on adding more blankets thinking he can't possibly steal all of them and you keep on being proved wrong. Of course he can steal all of them.
And when Aegon discovers the absolutely incredible sensory experience of cuddling you naked with one of the blankets wrapped around you both? Well good luck because he's just found his sleeping position for the rest of his life.
I don't know why, but I like the idea that Jace gets very cold very easily? Especially before falling asleep. And he's also very particular about fabrics and how they feel against his skin.
You learn both of these things before you marry him during the countless hours you spend chatting and getting to know one another, and so at some point during that time you gift Jace one of your favourite blankets. At first he tries to say he couldnt possibly accept this from you but then you promise him that he can put pack on your joint bed after the wedding and well... he blushes so hard he has to hide behind the blanket.
So anyway, yeah he loves them too. I also think he'd put blankets all around your chambers? There's always a blanket on your favourite reading chair or at your dressing table, just in case.
Also, because Jace is a gentleman at heart, he always ensures you're nice and warm before bed. Even if you've just wrecked him, he'll still double check you arent cold and that there isnt any part of you the blanket isnt covering. He takes is very personally if you get cold, absolutely not he must ensure you are always comfy.
Aemond wouldnt even know about your blankets at first because he most certainly wouldnt even consider entering your private quarters for the longest time. Even when you get married, he's still very strict about only ever going to your shared quarters and having a servant summon you there.
As you get closer though, I think maybe he'd find himself outside your room? He didnt mean to, but he was so frustrated, (Sidenote: I think one of the first things Aemond realises when he meets you is that you just... get him? You never ever make him feel frustrated, you always understand him, he never has to explain himself to you or worry about you being confused when he tells you things). So one day when he really was considering just pushing Aegon off a balcony, he finds himself outside your quarters, like his subconscious knew he would only be able to relax in your presence.
You're surprised to see him, but you let him in of course. You pull him onto your bed, letting him cuddle up to you and discuss what's gotten him so worked up. Once he's sitting on the bed, he kinda just strokes the blankets in awe? He's never felt something so soft before, and when you notice his reaction you immensely grab another blanket and wrap it around him. He pulls it tighter over his shoulders and leans against you.
After that, Aemond comes over to your quarters every single night before bed. He'd lay in bed with you and discuss his day, hearing your advice and listening to you telling him about your day. Even when things get sexual, he still comes to your private quarters first and then goes with you to your shared chambers. You try to say he must just summon you to the shared chambers because then it would be much easier but he refuses.
The way I picture it is that Aemond's actual quarters and your assigned shared quarters would be near Aegon and Alicent's quarters? All the most important people are close together and very well guarded. Before your marriage to Aemond you stayed in one of the guest rooms that were on the other side of the keep. Aemond absolutely loves this, loves that he can come to you and be comfortable and he feels so much safer because his family is physically further away.
(One last sidenote: maybe you track down a floor or tower that hasn't been used for years in the keep and you get the servants to help you make it into a living space for you and Aemond? It's far far away from everyone else and the only people with keys are you and him)
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crushedsweets · 1 year
what do you think natalie and jack interacting would be like or. if they do at all or
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jacks the only one taller than nat. ok i have words now
nat and jack met through toby, shortly after she was finally 'released' from the operator.
really it would just be nat and toby talking in jacks cabin, while jack listens. they never spent time alone together UNTIL toby and nat got into this massive argument and went weeks without speaking. this put nat on edge when she was at the barn that jeff usually crashed at, and she ended up also getting into a huge fight with jeff. so now she couldnt crash at tobys or the barn(when jeff was around) because she would get too angry.
so she went to the next place she deemed safe, jacks cabin. he accepted because he felt bad.
it was a really awkward night, but when she woke up jack awkwardly offered to make her breakfast because that's always how he was with his little siblings. she was kinda surprised, asked about it, and he awkwardly told her about how he used to cook a lot. she said smth about 'kinda ironic you dont eat this stuff then' and he just laughed. etc etc and they finally start actually talking.
natalies lack of filter and jack just accepting whatever the hell people say oddly works out...
she stays another night, she cleans up around the place because like. he sort of has like... echolocation and thermographic vision, so he gets around real easy and knows when there's stuff on the floor, but doesnt really see dust and dirt and whatever. he never even realized his place was kinda dirty and gets hella embarrassed and is like 'why the hell didnt anyone say anything' . he cleans a lot more thoroughly now. he gets so upset whenever he remembers all the times toby was there and said nothing LOL
theyre just.... so relaxed around eachother idk how to explain it. jacks always been pretty calm, and only got more quiet/distant after the sacrifice. natalie isnt super chatty but she keeps a decent conversation and he's oddly appreciative of her bluntness.
eventually they start talking about stuff they like. she shares that shes always liked stories, mentioned how toby tried reading to her bc she has pretty bad dyslexia but they thought it was cringe so she started listening to audio books, and jack was like holy crap. WHY HAVENT I THOUGHT OF AUDIO BOOKS. because hes always been a bookworm but cant read anymore on account of... well....
they listen to audiobooks together while doing their own thing. she'll be painting or something and he'll be cooking and it's overall pretty nice.
inevitably she ends up going back to the barn and her and toby reconcile, plus she doesnt really wanna live at jacks cabin cuz she sleeps on the couch and doesnt like to intrude more than she already has. but jack tells her she's always welcome
they never connect on a like, deep emotional level where they share trauma or something, but overall theyre just really good company
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onskepa · 1 year
You know the Mother Moat X reader I requested a while back?
Could you please make one of Ronal X adopted human daughter reader?
Random: (probably not accurate)
Ao'nung: Look at them, they're all freaks!
Y/n: ...Brother, am I a freak too?
Ao'nung: That's different. You're my sister. I don't care if you're a human. You're an exception-
Okie dokie! I tried my best not to make it nearly identical to Stxeli so I did some change for this one. Hope you all enjoy this one!
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"The sea gives, and the sea takes"
That is the motto, the rule, the statement, the saying in amongst the reef clans. It is the cycle and the rule of the ocean. It is beautiful as is deadly.
To receive, you must give.
Ronal and Tonowari. The Olo'eyktan and Tsahik of their clan has given so much to the sea. To Eywa. They expect nothing in return only to live in their peaceful island.
Their hard work and dedication were noticed. And Eywa believes it was time to give them something special.
It was another day in the island. Everyone is doing their duties, others relaxing among the beach, children playing around. It was just another day.
Except for Ronal. As Tsahik, it is her duty to hold her connection with Eywa and to interpret whatever Eywa is telling her. And today, ever since she opened her eyes to a new day, she cant help but feeling something big is going to happen. Yet cant seem to know if it will be a good thing, or a bad thing.
At the same time, something small was passing the walls that protects the island, it was making its way to beach.
Word quickly spread of an odd floating object getting closer to the beach. Many gathered to see what it was, it even caught the attention of ronal and tonowari.
Both were at the fore front of the gathering crowd, warriors close should the item be seen as a threat. But as the item got closer, the less threatening it looked.
The item in question was made of demon metal. Round and reflective. Ronal felt a pull to the item and went to get closer. Tonowari was right behind her making sure she was safe.
All it took was a touch of the item and the top slid back to reveal...
A human baby girl.
Ronal was shocked and confused. What is a human child doing this far at sea? As far as Ronal remembers, what humans remain have settled with the forest na'vi. And that is days away from where they are.
The human child in question was sleeping peacefully. Only little snores escaped her tiny lips. Gently picked up the child into her arms, the child snuggled against ronal's chest.
Tonowari looked down at the child, feeling just as confused. "A human child? Where are the others?" He looks back at the sea, seeing no ships or other form of demon aircraft.
Ronal looks down at the sleeping child as she answers, "I am not sure...but she was out there all alone. No mother, no father....tonowari, what if they left her to die?" the more she questions the girls arrival, the more scared she thinks about it.
The sea is large, and full of dangerous things. Anything at anytime something could have harmed the child. And no one would have known.
Tonowari holds ronal as reassurance. "Perhaps it was the will of Eywa that protected the child. To bring her to us". It made sense in ronal's mind. All day she couldnt shake the odd feeling. And now she knows why. Eywa has guided the lost child to them. To be found.
Taking in the child was a choice that took time for the people to adjust. Tonowari and Ronal took in the little baby as their own. Naming her Pahem.
And Pahem was a dear treasure to Tonowari and Ronal. While small, she has a big personality. Would laugh and smile a lot, and even got along so well with ao'nung and tsireya!
Both children loved their new little sister and would play games with pahem at the center. Like any child, pahem was no different in crying or being fussy. All it takes is a small pile of seashells or having her ilu toy and she is calm as a clam.
Pahem fitted well into the family. Ronal felt like she birthed Pahem, that she was there since day one. However, time to time, Ronal would look back at the sea and wonder where she came from. Or if her original mother lost her at some point. But Ronal tries her best not to think too much on it.
As time goes on, Pahem began to show interest in anything that has to do with physical activity. Swimming of course is essential to pahem. Has become an excellent diver and can hold her breath for a long time. An astounding professional at such a young age.
She even began to teach the young children and has the patient of infinite stars. She was calm, sweet, but isn't afraid to stand her ground.
Pahem loves her siblings, but, she mostly views ao'nung in high regards. She will follow him more than she would with tsireya. Pahem would copy how he talks, walks, and even eat ao'nung's favorite foods, pahem would try to style her hair like ao'nung.
Ao'nung felt very happy and proud that his little sister would look up to him. So he tries his best to be a good example for her.
Tsireya on the other hand, loves and adores her cute little sister. Would style pahem's long hair into different ways and put cute little décor. Would also enjoy sister time with pahem as much as she could.
Pahem has a soft side for tsireya as she cant handle her sisters cute blue eyes! Tsireya would also scold ao'nung for teaching pahem something that is rough or not lady like.
Rotxo has would tease pahem, often calling her "little nung" and would try to pull little pranks of her. He likes to spend some time with pahem and would show her some tricks of his own. Even share secrets of how to prank ao'nung really good.
Tonowari on the other hand, he is proud to have pahem in his life. She is very small but her heart beats like a tulkun. He would often train her to be a hunter like how she desires, to fight and to train to be the mightiest warrior the metkayina has ever seen. Of course not to push his child to the extreme since her stamina is lower than that of a na'vi her age.
Both ronal and tonowari love pahem for how independent she is for someone so young. Yet they cant help but feel protective of their little girl. So small and anything can hurt her. So when she goes out, there is always someone watching over her from a distance. Making sure no harm comes in her way.
Everything was fine. Everything was perfect.
Until the sully family came.
That day, ao'nung and rotxo took it upon themselves to see who arrived on their island. Them and many other clan members gather to see. Tsireya also came to see to see who arrived, and felt fluttery when one of the newcomers said "hey" to her.
Ronal and tonowari came and greeted jake sully and his family. When uturu was asked, ronal was the first to point out their flaws and distinct traits they have.
"they have demon blood!" She shouts for everyone as she holds one of the children's hands as they have an extra finger.
"mother wait!!" a voice was heard amongst the crowd. The people made way to show pahem. The sully family were very shocked to see a human living amongst the reef people.
"sister, not now" ao'nung stepped in front of pahem as means to stop her from getting closer to the outsiders.
"please brother" she smiles and went around him. "mother, you say they have demon blood, but they are not different from how I look. They have an extra finger, eyebrows, yet I have them too. Let them in mother, they look tired from a long journey" pahem pleaded.
Ronal took in her daughters words and held a silent conversation with her mate. After what felt like long minutes. Tonowari granted uturu. And the sully family were welcomed.
The first few weeks were awkward and odd as the sully family were trying to understand how a human was living in a na'vi clan without being outcasted or anything. And even more confusing as pahem is the chiefs daughter.
When their training took place, pahem became more of tuk's personal teacher as with tuk it took a lot more patience and using different form of teaching methods. Tuk became close to pahem quicker than her siblings and came to love her like a best friend.
the other sully children got to know pahem in different paste. Lo'ak was the slowest one to getting to know pahem as pahem was always with ao'nung. And lo'ak isnt so keen on getting along with the brat.
However one day, lo'ak was doing his own thing when he noticed ao'nung and his goons bullying kiri. A fight ensued making tonowari and jake having to confront the boys.
Lo'ak was angry when jake told him he had to apologize to ao'nung. "just why should I say sorry!? he called my sister a freak!". Pahem was hiding behind the tent when she heard what lo'ak said. Made her feel a bit disappointed towards ao'nung. Her super awesome big brother.
Later, when the sun was setting, ao'nung was sharpening his blade when he saw pahem sit in front of him. "That is a nasty bruise" she pointed out. Ao'nung huffed. "Its fine, doesn't hurt".
Pahem took a moment before sayings what she needed to say, "brother, am I a freak?". That made ao'nung stop at what he was doing and look into his sisters eyes. "What? no no, why would you ever think that?" he moves to sit beside her. Pahem rubs her arms and continues. "You called kiri and lo'ak a freak. Its not their fault for how they look like. They have similar features to what I have. And you called them a freak. How are they different from me brother?" she looks up at him, wanting to know the answer.
Ao'nung felt stuck. He gulped down his nervousness and tried his best to answer. "They are not us, they are not you. You are not a freak. You are my sister, a metkayina. You are one of us. Born and raised here. They dont belong here".
That answer didn't seem to satisfy pahem. "but isn't that the point? They came obviously knowing they have to change everything, leave behind all that they know. So clearly brother, they are struggling, yet they are learning. There is massive progress with them. And it is YOU who doesn't want to see the change! Metkayina or not, my blood is closer to them than it is closer to you. If you continue to bully them then I will get mad and....and.....!! I will hang out with lo'ak over YOU!".
When pahem said that, it felt like a newborn tulkun was laying on his chest. Air left his lungs, and unable to process the threat. Pahem? Leaving him over the baby tail freak? Never!
"ok ok, I promise! I wont bully lo'ak or anyone else of his family. I promise." he pleaded with pahem. "you promise promise?" pahem leaning in. Ao'nung nodded fast. That answer seemed to please pahem and smiles. "ok!" and she sat on his lap and began to chat like she didn't threaten him.
For the moment. All was well in pahem's life.
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Aaaaaaaaand that is all for this one! This was cute to write! Until next time! see ya!
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Pahem = Arrive
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gh-0st-y · 2 years
this is for all my leona stans, luv u guys 💗😎
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— Sleeping Beauty
summary : whilst you rest with your favourite lion, you end up falling asleep. leona takes the time to appreciate you.
content : leona x reader, fluff, gn!reader
cw : nothin, all safe
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it was midday in twisted wonderland, and your favourite savanaclaw dorm leader decided to drag you from your lessons just to sleep with you under a tree.
leonas back up against the tree and you sat between his legs with your back against his chest, as he rested his chin on top of your head, eyes closed, arms loosely wrapped around your torso as he softly huffed.
you hummed tiredly, trying to keep yourself awake. at some point, you would have to go back to your lessons, so you couldnt doze off.
"leona, i need to go. school might not be so important to you, but i actually need to be in lessons to learn stuff for exams on foreign topics," you giggled tiredly, hands trying to pry his off of you, but he only tightened his hold, letting out a quiet growl.
you sighed, defeated. youd tried to get away for the past twenty minutes, but of course, he did not let you go.
so, finally giving up, you let your eyes shut. you wouldnt be getting back to your lessons anytime soon, so you might as well get some shut eye whilst your here.
and after a few minutes, youd dozed off, your breathing mellowing out and your body relaxing.
leona, now aware you were asleep, cracked open one eye to look down at you. how soft your hair looked, how the sun glittered across your skin, your scent he could never get enough of.
he sighed, moving his head to bury his face into the crook of your neck, whispering,
"how could you love someone like me...someone so.....gorgeous.." he pressed a soft kiss to your neck, breathing in your scent.
he sighed, "stupid herbivore....what are you doing to me.." and let out a chuckle as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. you were his sleeping beauty.
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authors note ; kinda short, not amazing, but hey, theres a fic 😎
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soxcietyy · 5 months
Chapter 7
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Your dad is tired of you bringing home these unworthy men. None of them being fit to take care of you or to be given the family business since you are the only daughter. He decides to find you someone fit to be your husband and receive help from the father of the church. That’s when you meet Yuta, though just because he goes to church doesn’t mean he’s much of a saint
Mafia, murder, violence, mentions of religion, (will contain other things in the next chapters)
The rest of the week he spent as far away from you as he could. He would come home late, sleep in a spare room or sometimes he wouldn't come home at all. Ever since that day he couldn't help but maintain his distance. He was scared, he didn't want to frighten you like that again. Not only did that cause him fear but also the fact that he cared about that.
He was Yuta Okkotsu, one of Gojos most important business partners that worked under him. Everyone was supposed to be terrified of him. But just the single though oh you being scared of him gave him an itch.
He tried to convince himself multiple times that maybe it was because this was all new to him. The concept of marriage and now having to care for Someone else other than him. Yea that sounds about right. This will soon pass and he'll be back to his normal self.
He's been away from you for a good length of time that he kinda felt prepared to face you again. Putting his foot down and putting you in your place. A women shouldn't be walking over a men. Maybe his actions were justifiable last week. He told you to stay put and you did not listen which created consequences.
Yea that's it, you deserved what you got and he will not let it slide.
"Yu?" He hears a soft feminine voice speak. He snaps his head from the paper he held to the door way where you stood in a sun dress.
"Darling you know well you're not allowed in my offic..." as he spoke to you he noticed the bruises on your neck that he left last week. That delicate skin of yours being harmed by his own hands. He couldnt bare to see the injury's he caused so he looked back down at his paper.
"Yes I know but I'm worried. We haven't been able to sit down and relax. You're always busy or coming home late. We haven't even slept in the same bed. Im worried about us." you say
About us? what a joke, with the way he's been treating you he was surprised you thought that way. A normal girl would of already attempted to run away.
"I don't think what I’m doing should concern you. Go back to bed and get some rest." Yuta says as he scans the paper he's been rereading over and over again. To him it seemed like a never ending paper, every time he read it he would get lost in the words making him have to reread it over and over again.
“Can I least go out for some fresh air?” you ask him “Of course.” He says as he begins sign the paper he held.
“Without someone following me.” You cross your arms. The number of times they had stopped you this week from walking out was outrageous. Every time you confronted Yuta about it he would ignore you and keep on with his business.
“you’re not allowed to go out without anyone accompanying you.”
Your angry thoughts influenced your actions immediately. Storming out of his office you quickly made your way upstairs snatching up his wallet that rested on the nightstand. You couldn’t believe that he had just spoke to you that way. This wasn’t what you imaged being married to him was. You felt like an idiot for actually agreeing to something so dumb like this. Anyone would have seen something like this coming a mile away. You were just so stupid, so gullible to believe every word that fell out of his mouth. After putting your heels on you walk downstairs. You knew well that Yuta had guards stationed right out the doors.
You were so sick of being stuck here with an arrogant man. All you did was try and be the best wife but clearly, he could care less about you and your efforts. Opening the door, you see a tall buff man standing with is back facing you. You let out a small huff as you quietly closed the door behind you. Taking a few small steps forward you see him turn around at the slightest sound of your heels hitting the floor. “Go back inside before I throw you like last time." That did happen didn’t it. “Yuta said he’ll meet me outside the gates. He seemed to have lost his wallet.” You say trying to get pass him.
He lets out a laugh as he blocks you from going further. “do you think I’m stupid little girl? He would never let you go even a few feet from him.” The guard laughs even harder as he shoves you back making you stumble a bit.
You give the man an innocent smile. “Clearly you don’t know him enough to know that he would let me do that. Let me through before I tell him that you put your hands on me.” You talk back.
“What would people say if Yuta’s wife was being man handled? Clearly you would be fired right away.” You stare into his shocked eyes. He mumbled a few words before letting you get pass him. If you knew it was this easy you would if been escaped this place.
Immediately you started walking to the open gates. Walking with the fear of him possible looking outside his window to see you walking off the property. Once you made it out the gates you turn around and shut them. The guard looked at you confused for a second before booking it towards you. That’s when you quickly lock it with the key Yuta always carried in his wallet. You gave him another innocent smile before you ran down the road. Luckily those gates where as tall as pine trees, that means he had no choice but to get another key from Yuta who should be at a meeting about now. That’s if he had the guts to interrupt a meeting.
Running as fast as you could in heels, you cut through people’s property’s so you wouldn’t be found so easily. Eventually after so long of running you made it to the city of New York. Yuta did not live far from the city at all making everything supper close to you guys. Stopping at a coffee shop you rest by the wall and catch your breath. You haven’t ever ran this much in your life before. The adrenalin in your body was still pumping as you held your chest.
“Oh, darling are you alright?”
Alarm bells ran in your head once you heard them say darling. When you look up your met with blue eyes but not the dark ones you know. They were infused with a light green color making them look really friendly. Moving from his eyes to his face you realize this was a total stranger. This man had blonde short hair, chiseled jaw, he wore such a nice navy-blue suit that complimented him. Your mouth seemed to have dropped, mesmerized by his beauty. “y-yes! I’m fine I just got done with my morning run.” You say
“A run? In heels?” he raises his brow.
“Your quite an interesting girl, how about I invite you to grab a drink with me?” he says holding his hand out. You looked at him not being able to believe him but take his hand either way. He grabbed it firmly and walked out with you in his arm.
“ I know this coffee shop with better drinks up the street. I had came to the one we had just left to grab a quick drink to go. Then I ran into you, and I just love having drinks with people.” He says as he walks with a fast pace. This man was really tall, to the point where it kind of hurt your neck to look up at him.
When you guys got to the place you couldn’t believe how beautify it looked. Plants where planted in so many spots and it smelled like roses from the pots that surrounded you. This was something you’ve never seen before. As you approached a table, he pulled your seat out and letting you sit before taking his own. A waiter soon came up to you guys and asked if you guys needed time to order.
“No need, I would like Americano and for the lovely lady hmm, what do you want tea or coffee?” he tilts his head making his golden locks fall to the side.
“I uh, I like tea.” You say
“ Hōjicha please! Oh and maybe a set of your delicious biscuits.”
As the waiter left, he put his attention back towards you. “so do you usually take strangers on-“
“Coffee dates? No, no I am quite a busy man, I was actually free this morning and well I couldn’t just ignore you.” He smiles.
“Oh well thank you for taking me out uhh.” You say ignoring the fact that he called this a date.
“How rude of me! I haven’t introduced myself, haven’t I? The name is Angelo.” He says.
“Oh, I’m y/k Okkotsu.”
His eyes seemed to have lighten up once you told him your name.
“Do you work Angelo?” You ask him curious to know his profession if he could afford to go to such a coffee shop.
“I own many restaurants and coffee shops around here, including the one were at. Its quite new actually.” He says as he looks around admiring his work.
“Really? Wow I really love what you did with the place. It’s so stunning and it feels like I’m in the middle of a flower field.” You say surprised.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it darling. What do you do for work?"
“um currently nothing, I’m just home all the time but I want to get into my husbands business. I want to feel useful you know? But how can I do that when I’m not even allowed to know anything about it.” You look down at the wooden table “oh sorry I started venting without realizing it.” You say embarrassed.
“No need to feel bad I enjoy giving advice to people.” He says as he receives the drink from the waiter that you didn’t even notice. He set your drink in front of you as he took a sip of his. He let out a satisfied sound come out as he tasted the drink.
“What does your husband work in” he asks as he licks his lips.
“Trading under a company.” You say as you also took a sip out of your drink. Your eyes brightened the second your tastebuds made contact with the liquid. This was really good, this man kept on surprising you by the second.
“What is this? It’s so good, I’ve never had such a flavorful tea.” You bring the cup up to your lips once again.
“Ha, I knew it would be to your taste. It’s a Japanese’s tea that has roasted green tea leaves. Its naturally sweet yet has a hint of a smokey flavor in it.” He lifts his hand up in the air to get a waiter’s attention.
The man quickly runs to him and ask him if everything is okay. Angelo reassures him everything is good and that he just wanted to know if he had a bag of the tea you were currently drinking.
“oh you don’t have to do that! I can always come on my own, I want to support the business.” You say.
“oh sweety but what if you can’t go out when you crave it? You already know how husband can be, ugh so bitter for no reason, Speaking of.” He brings his drink to his mouth. “Y- your husband how is he like?”
For a second you thought he was going to say your husband’s name. Then again, he shouldn’t even know him.
“Well, he’s…nothing like I expected him to be like.” You say with a sense of sadness. You had no idea why you held such high expectations for him in the first place. You didn’t even know him for that long and here you thought he was going to be the best husband ever. “I just wish he was more caring, kind, and well just loving in general.”
You had no idea what had happened, when you first met him, he was the most kindest person ever now he was someone else.
“Sorry to hear that,” Angelo crosses his legs as he stretches them out. “Something like that must not be easy to go through, I trust your strong enough to pull through, right?” Angelo looks down at his watch and raises his brows. “it’s near noon, do you need a ride?”
Ride, but to where? You couldn’t possibly go back to Yuta’s. He was going furious when he finds out you escaped. If you ran back home, you feared your dad would call Yuta since apparently, they were buddy’s now. You could get a hotel room, but they would be able to track you right? At this point he must have already called everyone he knew to look for you. At your wedding the kinds of people that came up to him were unexpected, bank tellers, police, business people, doctors, and more. He probably had all eyes and ears out for you. You couldn’t held but fiddle with your wedding ring to ease your thoughts.
“Or you could come to work for me, you can be my secretary for the day.” He offers with a genuine smile.
“Really?! But I’m a women, wouldn’t people look down on you?” You say feeling a bit excited for the opportunity.
“You think I care about other opinion? Is that the way your husband thinks? Such a childish mindset. Common let’s go to my company building.” He says as he helps you get up.
AN: Guys I wrote this on my laptop on word during my finals. I typed 5 pages of fanfic and thought I out did myself and once I posted it onto here I screamed. YOUR TELLING ME THIS IS HOW 5 PAGES LOOK LIKE.
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femscottlang · 1 year
The CPA and SSA- Part three
part one part two part three
Aaron Hotchner x accountant! reader
Summary- The case they're currently working on has gotten bad, the unsub has been stalking the team and they need a safe place to stay. Luckily, Aaron has a girlfriend in Arlington that he has yet to tell the team about. 
Contents/ warnings; description of cases, a little bit of hurt/comfort, established relationship, just overall kinda fluffy and sweet :) 
N/A- Sorry this took so long !! I am almost done with finals and will have a t o n of time to update and part 2 of S&M is coming soon!
Send me asks and requests! im happy to do blurbs on characters from CM and MCU :)
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You silenced your watch buzzing against your wrist, opting for the vibration rather than an alarm in hopes of not waking the man holding you. You grumbled quietly and turned to face Aaron. This immediately erased your irritation from having to rise with the sun. For once, his brows were not furrowed and his face was completely relaxed. He looked 5 years younger with the worry washed away. You traced a finger along his jaw and pressed a kiss to his cheek. You struggled to wriggle out of his tight grasp, gently rolling the heavy sleeper over in order to finally escape. You stretched and then stood there watching him for another minute before going to the bathroom to get ready for the day 
Hotch rolled over to wrap his arms around you before feeling am empty space. He shot up before he heard the sink turn on and you humming along to the classical music playing quietly. He sighed with a smile and looked at his watch. 6:32 AM. Even though Jack wasn’t there, you kept to your routine of waking up earlier to take a little time to yourself to get ready before either of them woke up. He ran his fingers through his hair and rolled his shoulders back. You walked out as you were running a brush through your hair “I was just about to wake you up. Felt it was unfair to get you up at 6” you said, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him and kissing him on the cheek
“You know, I always wake up when you’re getting ready? I just don’t get out of bed so you can have your alone time” he mumbled, reaching out and pulling you into his chest “thank you” you rubbed his arm and tried to sit up “Aaron you're gonna wrinkle my work clothes” you squirmed “Hon, let me go!” you laughed as he squeezed tighter before letting you go, getting out of bed and helping you up 
“Do you have to go to work? Its honestly best if you don’t.” he said in a more serious tone. You looked at him for a second then huffed “should I really not go? Is it that serious?” 
He nodded “Please?” he added, giving a guilty smile, you reached around to run your fingers through the back of his hair, “I won’t go if it's that important to you. On one condition. You have to keep the shirt on until after breakfast.” you grinned, letting go of him and turning to look at the stupid shirt he had on. If you didn’t know any better you would have assumed he was like every other dad in DC, but Aaron was special. Different.
He groaned “Fine! Fine. I'll wear it.” he grumbled in defeat, running his fingers through his bedhead before leaning forward to put his head against your shoulder as a not-so-subtle way of smelling your perfume. Rhubarb, sandalwood, and gardenia flooded his senses. The scent that was so uniquely you. Like a warm spring morning after a storm, wandering through a farmers market in your rainboots. 
You let yourself take a moment and appreciate the sight in front of you. It was rare to see him so relaxed, even around you. Drowsiness radiating off of him, his shirt wrinkled from sleeping, slouching in order to be closer to you. Even though you couldnt see his face, you could feel him smile against your blouse.  “I’ll call out then.” you murmured, rubbing his back 
“it’ll give me a break from having to deal with interns”  you rolled your neck in a circle as an attempt to stretch out the crick in your neck from using Aaron’s arm as a pillow. You weren’t much of a cuddler before you had met aaron, preferring your space when you slept and claiming you just got too hot at night. But after the first night sharing a bed with Aaron you were hooked. He held you as if someone would steal you from him. When you would move away, he would find a way to always be touching you, even if it was just his hand on your back. 
“Good. They can find someone else.” He said, finally sitting up and pressing a kiss to your temple before going to the bathroom to brush his teeth. You go to the closet and trade your blouse for one of aarons FBI t-shirts and your slacks for shorts.
You looked back at the bathroom to see Aaron trying to smooth out the wrinkles in his shirt. You shook your head with a smile and walked down to the kitchen to start making breakfast for everyone. You heard heavy footsteps down your creaky stairs, not bothering to turn around to see who it was. The routine happens the same almost every day, with the exception of you being coerced into taking a sick day. After you preheated the oven, you poured a cup of black coffee into a cat-shaped mug and put a spoonful of honey in, leaving it on the edge of the counter for Aaron. He took the cup and replaced it with your phone and speaker, still playing the same classical music playlist you always had on. 
“You didn’t have to wake up, you’re no good in the kitchen” you hummed, reaching into the fridge to pull out a carton of eggs. 
“That may be true but if I didn’t wake up, I wouldn’t be able to watch you cook.” he said, leaning against the counter as he carefully took a sip of his coffee as to not burn his mouth.
“You’d think with how often you watch me, you’d learn a thing or two” you teased, cracking all the eggs into a bowl and handing it to Aaron to scramble.
“So snarky first thing in the morning.” he feigned offense as he grabbed a fork out of the cutlery drawer. You looked over at him with a grin, shaking your head “You wouldn’t be with me if I was agreeable.” you stated matter of factly, reaching around him to change the song. 
“That’s…true.” he chuckled, putting the bowl on the counter to watch you cut up some mushrooms and tomatoes. You put all the ingredients into a baking dish and stuck it in the oven before turning to face him. 
He put down his coffee and held out his hand. You took it as he pulled you into his chest, intertwining his fingers with yours and placing his open hand on your waist. You placed yours on his shoulder as he began to sway with you. He let go of your waist briefly to spin you with a downturned smile, leading you back to him to place a kiss on your forehead. 
Penelope got up out of Jack’s racecar bed and walked down into the hallway towards the kitchen, smelling the fresh coffee. She looked in the kitchen before halting her steps and going into the guest room. She shook Emily and JJ awake “you two get up right now and come see whats going on in the kitchen” 
“Garcia, is it really worth missing a little more sleep?” Emily groaned as JJ silently got up and stretched 
“Just get up, shes not gonna let you sleep any longer” JJ said before motioning for Penelope to lead the way. The two women followed her to the entryway of the kitchen, pointing at the two of you dancing.
The oven beeped and you went to let go of him in order to pull the frittata out of the oven. Before you could, he tightened his grip on you “C’mon, Ronnie. It’s gonna burn and I dont want to go out to get more food” You groaned 
“One more song, Pumpkin” he insisted, dipping you so you could not reach the stove. You squealed and swung your head back, letting you see what was behind you.
“Good morning ladies,” you said as Aaron put you back on your feet and went to grab the oven mitts silently. You covered your mouth to hide your laughter and mouthed “He is just embarrassed” silently to the girls. 
"Didn't know you were such a romantic, boss man" Emily snickered as you handed her a cup of coffee and went to set out cream and sugar for everyone
"I'm not" He grumbled, picking back up his coffee after he set the pan on the cooling rack.
"When you try to reprimand, your subordinates maybe don't be holding a cat mug, Hotch" JJ chimed
Once everyone was up and around the dining room table, you had gotten into a debate with Spencer about Pavlov's Dogs.
“I don't know how ethical that is…” Spencer muttered, you waved your hand in dismissal “No no. It’s for his own good. Every time he walks past me I give him a kiss and a sip of water. That way every time he walks past me he will get thirsty and want a drink of water. I'm forcefully hydrating him!” 
“You are evil, you know that right?” 
“I am fully aware. I already did this to my subordinates to get them to turn their spreadsheets in on time.” you grinned, grabbing Aaron's arm as he walked past you to get to the living room. You pulled him down and gave him a kiss on the cheek before holding up your water bottle “Water, honey?” you asked, looking up at him through your lashes.
He smiled and leaned over, taking a sip “Thank you, love.” he kissed your hand that clung to his wrist before slipping away and going to talk to Rossi.
“Wow.” Spencer chuckled and leaned back in his seat. “Honestly I am more shocked that he has not catched on”
You smiled and shrugged “Honestly? He probably has.”
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
Imagining Sebek and any of the first years visiting his hometown and Sebek’s trying to steer them away from anyone jeering at him for being half human. This does not work well, because the first years are all impulsive and protective. This can include Ortho, they can be besties as a treat!
We decided to let ALL the first years come, as a treat 🫶 I...treated this like an event lawl
It starts off with the first years finally arriving at Sebek's hometown; they enter the town square after getting LOST because SOMEONE (Could be any of the first years ngl HAHA) got distracted and didnt follow Sebek as he went through the forest. This actually causes them to come upon a snake fae, who is...surprisingly nice!!!
Ace wonders out loud why Sebek couldn't be as nice as they are, and as if he was summoned Sebek finally finds them. He scolds them for not following after him, and is shocked to see the snake fae. He's quick to shut down any kind of greeting or nice pleasantries the snake fae wants to have with him and finally leads the first years to the town square.
Grim asks him why they couldnt chat for a little while longer. Sebek tells them theyre running late anyway. The moment they enter the square, all eyes are on Sebek. People are whispering to each other and pointing, but Sebek pays no mind and walks confidently, head held high. Ortho says that it's normal for Sebek to be famous since he's Malleus' retainer. Yuu mutters to themselves if the fame ever got to his head.
They finally arrive home, where we find out that it's only Mama and Papa Zigvolt. Sebek's siblings' breaks weren't able to synchronize with Sebek's, so theyre not allowed to be let off until next week, which is when Sebek and co. will finally leave. Sebek only nods in understanding, asking if they need any help.
Lidaeus says that he needs some ingredients so he can cook, but him and Esme will just get them later once the first years have settled in. Epel says that they can get them instead, as a thanks for letting them stay over. Esme and Lidaeus look worried at that, but before they can say anything Sebek immediately agrees to what Epel has suggested, grabs the money from Lidaeus and leaves with the group.
He assigns a bunch of ingredients to each first year and gives them part of the money. After careful deliberation, Sebek suddenly adds more money from his own wallet. When he walks away to get his ingredients, Jack comments that Sebek added money from his own pocket. Deuce wonders if this is Sebek's way of telling them that they could buy things for themselves, only for Grim to ruin the moment by saying that Sebek was probably flaunting how much money he had. Yuu scolds him and they go off to buy the ingredients needed.
After a few hours, they regroup minus Sebek and it's revealed that ALL of the money went to buying the ingredients. Grim laments the fact that he couldn't buy anything for himself, but Ortho observes that the prices were unusually high to begin with.
Deuce notices that Sebek hasn't come back, and as if on cue, he arrives. He looks frustrated, and Epel asks where his ingredients are. Sebek admits to them that all the shops have ran out of what he needed, and Jack suddenly points out that there was salmon in his part of the list. "That's a shame. Salmon is your favorite, right?" Sebek looks shocked that he remembers such a thing, before huffing and saying that it doesn't matter anymore anyway. They head back.
Lidaeus and Esme welcome them back, before immediately fussing over Sebek. Sebek tells them that he couldn't find some of the things from the list, including the salmon. His parents look oddly uncomfortable when he says it. Lidaeus tries to cheer his wife and son up by saying that he could cook up something else. He tells the first years to relax and make themselves at home. They do just that and go to the guest room, where all of them put down their things and sleeping bags.
They settle in, and Yuu asks the first years if they've ever visited a friends' hometown before. Adeuce have not, Epel asks if biking for 3 hours to go to school in a different town counts, and Jack says there was never any reason for him to visit anyone since his friends were just nearby. Then there's Ortho. Sebek butts into their conversation and tells them if they have any plans for tomorrow. Ace points out that HE should make a basic layout first since he knows more than them.
Sebek looks a bit hesitant before telling the first years to avoid going to the town square as much as possible. They immediately argue over this, since most of the fun activities include going out to the town square. Sebek says they can handle it since he always stayed in the house as a kid (unless he trained with Silver), so why couldn't they? "Uh, because we actually crave human interaction? No wonder you don't have any friends." Ace comments, the other first years scolding him a bit before saying that he has a point. Sebek actually looks a bit hurt by that, before saying that they could go into town for all he'd care.
They eat dinner, Lidaeus is an amazing cook btw, and they go to sleep. When they're in their rooms, Lidaeus and Esme have a conversation in the kitchen about how happy they are that Sebek seems to have found a group of friends. Then, they start worrying about what will happen for the duration of their stay, and hope that they don't get into trouble.
The next day, they group head out to town! Of course, not without Lidaeus reaching out to Yuu and...surprisingly, Ortho! He says that they seem like the more "responsible" ones of the group (Yuu chokes on thin air), and tells them to look out for each other. The town can be a bit...too much. He tells them to look out for SEBEK, most especially. Yuu and Ortho promise that they will.
They go into town, and just basically explore! They do it by themselves (Epel, Deuce, Sebek) or by group (Yuu and Ortho, Grim and Jack and Ace). There are some incidents where people are unusually snappy or impatient with them, or ignore them when they're trying to ask about something they're interested in.
It all comes to a head when some commotion in the market catches Deuce's attention. He approaches, and a small bunch of fae are crowding around this one stall. He realizes that it mainly sells fish, including- you guessed it: salmon. Deuce doesn't understand how Sebek missed this stall when he finally overhears their conversation. It turns out that the fae who owns it wouldn't let Sebek buy anything at all. "The freak even tried to beg for it, saying that his parents would be sad. Let them be sad for all I care! Serves them right for making the likes of him. I don't know why the prince lets him walk around so freely." The surrounding faes laugh and agree. Deuce sees red.
Sebek suddenly hears a crash coming from the market, and immediately rushes over. Deuce was arguing with the stall owner, when he destroyed a part of the stall in his rage. The surrounding faes gang up on him, saying that they should've never let humans into this town, even as visitors. They reiterate, replacing the word "human" with "ironblood" (term from @psycheprincess 🫶). Sebek is LIVID. He shouts at them to stop, before apologizing repeatedly to the stall owner. He even offers him all of his money so he could repair his stall. He drops the money on the not-destroyed part of the stall, when the fae suddenly grabs it and throws it away like nothing.
Yuu and Ortho finally arrive at the scene! Before Deuce can pick a fight once more, the fae says that if Sebek is truly sorry, he should kneel. They expect for Sebek to refuse doing such a thing, and are surprised when he slowly gets to his knees and even bows, forehead touching the ground.
The crowd laugh and jeer, and the owner says that kneeling isn't enough. Nothing Sebek can do will ever be enough. The best he could do was apologize with his life. At this, Deuce has had enough. He prepares to punch the guy square in the face, when Sebek suddenly grabs onto his legs while he's kneeling, stopping him from getting closer. The crowd starts to get bigger, and Yuu realizes that the situation is only going to worsen. They rush over with Ortho and get Deuce and Sebek OUT of there.
They return to the others, who weren't able to catch what the commotion was all about, but were too worried about them taking too long. Yuu tells them that they'll explain when they get back to the house, only for Sebek to explode.
"There will be NO explaining, and there will be NO telling ANYTHING to my parents of what has occurred today!" Sebek pointedly says this to Yuu, Ortho, and Deuce. The latter gets a bit angry, saying that they were only trying to help, only for Sebek to refute this and say that they were just making it worst.
"I've worked for years to be able to walk in this very town without fear! Do not destroy all of my hard work just because of your nonsensical sense of- of JUSTICE! I've lived in this town for all my life, and I've grown accustomed to their jaunts and sneers. Once we get this week done and over with, you'll end up forgetting this ever happened."
Surprise!!! This makes them MORE pissed on his behalf!!! Epel, Ace, Jack, and Grim are left in the dark, so they don't understand half of what's going on, but they do know that the town fucking sucks.
...I'll continue this tom lawl everyone pray this doesnt end up like the vdc encore post 🙏
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zoejanee09 · 10 months
Struggling. F.O
this was a suggestion!
Summary:You and Finnick have dating since you two were kids and you both had what you thought would be perfect lives until Finnick pulled in the reaping for the 65th hunger games. it was tremendously hard for the both of you but you finally were able to feel some relief after he came back. You thought you woud never have to deal with it ever again until the quarter quell and when mags named was pulled you volunteered so you can be together. you both struggle mentally when your in the arena but you two have eachother to make it better.
this is my first so its gonna suck
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You both were walking together with Katniss and Peeta trying to find a place to sleep. After a bit of walking we were able to find a place. "We can take the first watch. Peeta looks like he needs it." you say looking at peeta then katniss. "Katniss if we wanted to kill you we wouldve done it already." Finnick says in a low tone. You could feel her eyes burning through me as i just stare at finnick. She sighs a bit and lays her down on peeta's chest as they get close. "you should get some sleep baby.." he says looking down on you. "are you sure?" she says. "yeah ill be okay." he says nodding. "okay i love you." you say as you kiss him gently on his lips. "i love u too baby." he smiles into the little kiss and kisses your head as you lay your head down.
You woke up to her Katniss Screaming Loudly and you open your eyes a bit and see a thick fog coming down on y'all. You all get up and start running as fast as you can and you try and catch up with finn but you get lost in the trees and you try looking around for him but you couldnt. After running for what could be 30 minutes. You finally end up on the beach and you realize your all alone. You look around and try to even see anybody but nobody was there. you try to call for Finnick but nothing. You run back into the woods trying to find him still screaming "Finnick!" hoping to atleast hear his voice again. You hear the cannon go off and you stop dead in your tracks absolutely praying to god that its not what you think it is.
You start running again to you finally find a little pond and you relax in it as the fog had gotten you a bit on your ankles so you rest your ankle in the water as you scream in pain but after a bit the pain finally lightens up and you hear a footstep behind you and you look to see its a monkey? you try to back up slowly from it but another was behind you and then all of the sudden there was atleast 5 surrounding you and you grab your knife and you pull it out and after a few seconds one came running towards you and you stab it in the eye. then two more came running towards you and you kick one of them then stab the other the head. You go running towards the beach trying to get away from them but one scratches your leg and you fall down onto the ground and one gets ontop of you and you try to push it away but struggle then you finally were able to stab it and you take off running.
After running for what feels like forever you finally get on the beach and you see finnick,peeta,katniss, and some other tribute but you dont care. "Finnick!" you scream relieved to see him. He turns his quickly and starts running towards you. you both hug eachother tightly and you both started sobbing. "i thought i lost you." you say muffled in his chest as a tear rolls down your face. "me too baby." he says kissing your forehead and wiping away a tear from your face. "Always forever baby." you says softly smiling faintly. "Always forever." He says before hugging you tightly again
A/N: UHHH HELLO? i kinda loved this but also this kinda went off on what the suggestion was? i tried soo i hope yall like it!
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nishipostitz · 2 months
700 or so words, 4 min read
after a long day of fun activities, such as cafe hopping and playing bumper cars at the amusement park, you guys finally arrived home to slump on your couch. after ridding of your jackets and shoes, both of you dropped down to the coffee table on the floor by the couch, not making it to the couch because of how tired you guys were from such an eventful day. your feet were so sore from walking all over that you guys couldnt walk back home and had to catch an overpriced uber. it was a relief, or else youd both call off of work tomorrow due to the fatigue. yet you couldnt realllyy blame anyone else because you were quite obstinate on playing the whole day to take advantage of your time together. youll keep a mental note to do a spa day as a date next time. finding the strength, suna got up from his spot on the floor to fetch some drinks from the fridge. “ah, refreshing!” you say as you took a sip, imitating the tiktok audio. suna smiled at you and squeezed your cheeks. how you both managed to stay awake was questionable. after your continuous rounds of roller coasters and playing all sorts of fair games, you still had some energy. you snuggled up against suna’s shoulder on the floor and glanced at one of your photos on display. and you had an idea. “suna hold on a sec, turn on the tv but dont pick anything yet, ill brb” and you scurried away to your room. suna was too tired to question so he only did what you requested. you came back to your spot with a basket of old films and videos/recordings. “these are ancient, you brought them with you when you moved out?” suna was surprised. “well they werent gonna be used at my parents’ anyways. and who knows, maybe we could watch some!” you smiled. and like that, he felt butterflies in his stomach. you guys have known each other for so long and dated for so long, but you still have the same effect on him. you rummaged through and found old recordings of your childhood. “wasnt that when we entered primary school? you were crying that day because we werent in the same class! you even tried to bribe someone to switch classes with you” your face reddened. you were so attached to suna at such a young age, and him bringing those memories back was a little bit embarrassing. “well i got over it didnt i? i survived. and besides, we saw each other at every break anyways!” you respond. you connected the film with the tv and enjoyed your old times with suna. you both had grown up with each other and experienced your whole life together. the proximity only made you both realize the mutual yearning and took the risky move of going out. safe to say youre both happier and more open with each other after you started dating 5 years ago. ending the night with a memory marathon was relaxing as it was nostalgic. you both giggled and cringed at the variety of clips. “i cant believe you were already looking at me with heart eyes since junior high! look its so evident in your eyes!” you say to suna as youre watching. in the video, you were both only 13 and performing a little skit to convince your parents to let you have a sleepover. and suna was on the side waiting for his turn, but he looked at you with so much love. he knew couldnt deny, he had liked you for so long, it turned into love not long after. he fell first but you fell harder. he just shrugged and squeezed you closer to his side. with refreshing drinks, and a warm atmosphere, both you and suna dozed off as the comforting silence cradled you both to sleep. after such a long day, you were still able to relax and enjoy it with suna. your very first friend, best friend, first love, and last love. its your biggest wish to stay like this with him forever until the end, because no one else made you feel so loved and warm inside.
stop why am i in love with suna
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leafostuff · 1 year
Cuddle Party [Ft. CSR]
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Tags: 8-some fluff, super sweet, sleepover, cheeks madness, very wholesome Word count: 8k~ words Author's notes: this monstosity of a fic is finally out, 8k words of pure fluff and wholesome stuff, CSR is my favorite group and i had a ton of fun writing for them, hope you all will enjoy the fic Credit: @4m1rz for being my trusty beta reader and @libraryoferos for not only helping me with the beta reading but also providing some of the scenes plus the inspiration for this fic, without him this fic wouldnt exist so make sure to give him some love
“Why am i even here”
you thought to yourself as you were in your mom’s car on your way toward one of your classmates Gu Yeham’s house for a sleepover, honestly, you didnt really expect to get an invitation to a sleepover at all, especially when all of you are 17 years old, so when you found yourself looking at your phone which the same girl who is hosting this sleepover was the one who texted you her invitation.
“Are you sure this is the place?” your mom asked, you tried to look out of the window to check if this was the correct house however it was so dark that you couldn't really recognize however as you look at the address Yeham gave to you it was all correct and this indeed was her house.
As you nod to your mom she sighs in relief, “Okay, you remember what we talked about before?” she asked as honestly, it was hard to forget the number of rules your mom gave you in order for her to let you go to this sleepover, especially one with him being the only guy full of girls.
“Yes Mom, no sleeping together with them, i must inform you at 11 PM sharp that everything is fine” you say, started taking your bag out of the back of the car-” you were saying however your mom cutted you
“and what is the most important rule?” she asked as you were confused, you couldnt remember anything else besides those two since you were pretty zoned out
"Wear protection?" you asked as your mom laughed as she gave you a kiss on the forehead and a warm smile
“Have fun” she said as you left the car, in front of the big house, as you find your way through the dark path you finally manage to get toward the door of the house, the small light from the entrance illuminates the doorbell. pressing the doorbell start get your thoughts racing through your head
“Ok dude, relax its all good, its just a sleepover, you did those before, granted it was at age 10 and this sleepover is only girls but i should be fine, nothing to-” your thoughts came to a halt as the door suddenly opened, revealing Gu Yeham in front of you, her face lit up as she saw you in the door.
“oh shit” you thought to yourself
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You couldn’t think of anything anymore. She was beautiful.
Quick. You searched in every corner of your brain of a compliment to give Yeham but found nothing—smooth hair you have, no, you have pretty skin, no no, your cheeks are very round? You fumbled every word possible and in the end stuck with a “Hello, Yeham?”
“Welcome, welcome~” she said with a smile, “What are you waiting for? Come in, unless you want to freeze outside by yourself” she jokingly said, inviting you to her house
It looked big from the outside but it was even more majestic inside: the walls were high and spacious, brightly shined decorations of gold and silver while the crystal chandelier sparkled. You didn’t feel exactly comfortable. You were not used to this kind of environment and felt stiff and uptight to be in such a luxurious place but your friend eased you into it. Yeham took your hand and guided you to the kitchen. Remembering that it was her place made you a tiny bit more relaxed.
“You’re late, was it difficult to find my house?” she asked. 
“Yeah, It’s a bit far from the city area. It didn’t help that it was really dark and I… didn’t expect it to be like this.”
“Don’t you like it?”
“No, no, I do,” you were quick to correct yourself. “I like it a lot. It’s very beautiful. Maybe it’s too beautiful. I’m afraid I will destroy something if I step in the wrong way.”
She chuckles. “You’re too tense!” Yeham gave you a pat on your back. “I’ve never seen you this way.”
“Yeah, it’s just that… uh…” you stopped yourself. It was embarrassing to admit it but stupid were you to even start it. Yeham’s eyes raised toward you in a curious manner, they studied you and she said, “It’s what?”
“Nohing. Nothing.” you quickly lie, looking away at her to try and hide your embarrassment, however she quickly walked in closer to look at your eyes.
“Oppa…Don’t lie now. Don’t forget you accepted the sleepover. We won’t go anywhere unless you tell me now and I have all night~” Yeham playfully told you with a devious smirk. She crossed her arms and looked at you through her eyebrows, fierce and bossy. You knew you couldn’t convince her.
“Aish… It’s that…”
“That it’s my first time being at a girl’s place.” you quickly blurt out, being embarrassed even more
Yeham’s gaze immediately softened and her hands dropped to her sides. Her eyes turn into pleading puppy eyes as a fuzzy feeling fills her chest. She affectionately tugged the hem of your sweater to meet your eyes. “Awww, don’t feel nervous. I’m just… your friend! You should be comfortable around me,” she said. “Or is there something that’s bothering you? I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“It’s fine really. I guess I just need to get used to this.”
“Really? Are you sure? You’re looking at me weird,” she laughed.
“It’s because you’re…. very pretty today,” you said, your cheeks turn a shade of pink as you earned yourself a soft punch on your shoulder. Yeham’s steps quicken to rush to the kitchen. She doesn’t look lie she’s blushing but the reddish tint on her ears reveals what she’s really feeling.
You sighed in relief and followed her. 
You almost enter the door when suddenly you hear Yeham squeal. You stepped inside. There were bags everywhere and all the cupboards were open with some jars upside down and everything else in a mess.
Your eyes cross a girl on the ground. Her cheeks were full, with bits of chips on her cheeks and lips, while her right hand held a bag and the other hand was still half way into the bag. She hides the evidence behind her back. You’re not sure what her intention was.
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“Hello?” she said, flashing a guilty smile.
“I told you to TAKE OUT the snacks, not EAT all of them!” Yeham scolded her. “Seoyeon Unnie, what is this mess?”
“Well, you said to take out all of the snacks right? so I had to make sure I really did get everything out.” she explained herself as Yeham just looked even more confused than before.
“And why are you eating?”
“Uhh…quality control?” she simply asked in a rhetorical question as Yeham shook her head in disappointment.
“You’re unbelievable,” Yeham sighed. She pinched her nose bridge and gave you a look of defeat, the one that tells you to “deal with this yourself.” 
“I’ll go see what the other girls are doing,” she said and left, you could feel the annoyance from Yeham's Aura toward her unnie. Splendid. Your first task is to clean.
It was your turn to sigh now. You looked around the room, it looked like a tornado just passed. Seoyeon smiled at you, squinting her eyes, and waving her hand, happy that she has someone to help her clean. 
You look around and grab a tissue before crouching down to her level. You grab her chin and start cleaning her face. “You can’t even eat properly, Seoyeon. Look at you.”
Seoyeon just giggled and closed her eyes. You let go of the napkin and used your fingers to swipe away all the little crumbles. In the midst of the action, you realize how soft her cheeks were. Sure, they did look soft but you didn’t know they actually were this soft. It really felt like holding a marshmallow.
You didn’t realize you were just squishing her cheeks until Seoyeon told you. 
“Oppa… are you finished?”
“Oh! Sorry…” you said pulling away your hands. You looked away.
She laughed. “So caring of you to clean me like this, have anyone told you you are boyfriend material?” she asked, looking at you with a cute grin, lost in her eyes, your mind couldn't comprehend what seoyeon was saying.
“What are you even saying, Seoyeon.” You stood up, quickly shaking yourself of the trance and patting your pants. “Help me clean.”
Seoyeon started by picking up all the bags she scattered on the ground, while you went to get a broom. That little rascal couldn’t even bother to eat normally and left crumbles everywhere as if she was Hansel. You have been her friend long enough to be accustomed to this side of her. You weren’t surprised, of course you weren’t, and you wondered why Yeham even left her alone in the first place. 
Seoyeon was a bright a girl. She was optimistic and could get along with any stranger, making them feel close and accepted. Her extroverted demeanor eventually caught you as well and that’s how you two became friends: she was a bit too energetic when she went to greet you and accidentally knocked down your lunch tray. Fortunately, some of the food was still intact but she felt guilty and wanted to apologize properly. Then followed several days with Seoyeon chasing you around and you running away, because you were scared to talk to her.
Walking out the kitchen, you couldn’t help but observe the house. You already saw it before but it still fascinated you how big it was. About two families could live comfortably in there. Yeham didn’t have any sibling, it must feel lonely sometime. It was also true that she had lots of friends.
To your surprise—even though it was obvious—the room with all the cleaning equipment was huge. It was almost as big as your little bedroom. 
So you went and looked. It looked like a whole cleaning supply store squished in there. There were all kinds of brooms, dustpans, mops, microfiber cloths, two vacuum cleaners, stacks of buckets, squeegees, toilet brushes. Those were only the tools: on the right, there was a shelf with all of the cleaning solutions. From the all-purpose cleaner to the glass cleaner, antibacterial spray, tile cleaner, bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, white vinegar, baking soda. Not to mention a whole row of laundry detergents that you couldn't recognize. In the corner, there were also products for pets, like paw wipes (you didn’t know she had a dog), urine neutralizers, brushes, etc.
Why did she even need that much stuff? Wouldn’t her family have hired a maid of some sort? Judging from where she lives, it wasn’t like she couldn’t afford it. You so lost looking into he room that you didn’t realize someone sneaked up to you.
“Who is it?” you barely heard behind you. “Why are you taking so long?” She kept your eyes covered with her hands but judging from her voice and her words, she must’ve been…
The hands leave your eyes as you turned around to see… Yuna. Yuna standing in front of you, angrily pouting all alone, her arms folded over her chest, and a burning gaze. Yuna was happy to see you but she did not like that you arrived at the house half an hour ago, you’ve barely spoken or looked at her, and now you even got her voice wrong.
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“Oh, it’s you,” you said. “Hey, Yuna.”
“Oh, its you…” Yuna whined then sighed heavily, maybe even a little dramatically. “Go back to Seoyeon.”
You shook your head and chuckled, finding her grumbling adorable but also a bit worried by her sudden change in behaviour.
“Are you mad?” you asked. Yuna respond didnt. “perhaps...jealous?” with this question Yuna immediately reacts, as her she starts to tense up and her face started to turn pink
“Ha! No,” she scoffed and folded her arms again, this time looking away to the wall.
“Anyways, I’m sorry I didn’t recognize your voice but it’s because you said something like what was taking me so long and the only one who as waiting for me was Seoyeon to help her clean. So I thought—”
“I was waiting for you too!” Yuna puffed. “We haven’t hanged out for so long but now that we can meet again you’re only paying attention to Seoyeon.”
“It’s only been a couple of minutes.”
“A couple?!”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” you quickly assured her as you put your hand on her head and patted her. “I’m sorry. We’ll definitely catch up later, okay? I’m really happy to see you again.”
Yuna couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay,” she mumbled. “Go and clean fast so we can talk.”
“Alright.” you grabbed the first broom you could find and went back to the kitchen. It was incredible. Impressive. Desperate. The kitchen was in a bigger mess than before. You saw Seoyeon sitting with her leg crossed in a sign of defeat on the floor. Her head was looking down sadly. “Explain yourself,” you simply said.
“I… I knocked down the cereal box,” Seoyeon mumbled with embarrassment. She hid herself away from you. “I was just trying to put the bags away—it’s not my fault—it just fell…”
You facepalmed yourself and didn’t say anything. You just sucked it up and started cleaning. With the right attitude, it didn’t take too long. Seoyeon had to really follow you or else she’d get a whooping.
"You two finished? The girls are waiting for us" Yuna asked after twenty minutes, you two nodded and started heading upstairs, on your way you found yourself looking at Yuna on the other side of the room, which she quickly noticed and gave you a small wink. You could feel your face turn pink but you quickly shrugged it off, now you finally arrived to Yeham’s room, finding 5 girls sitting on Yeham’s, all of them looking at you.
“Great, you finally got here,” Duna said, she was dressed in a casual pink pajama with bunnies as the decoration, she was looking at you with a smile “we all waited for you Oppa, now can we start no?” she asked as Yeham turned her gaze toward, now smiling at you as she leaned closer to you
“Ready for the best sleepover you ever had in your life?" She playfully asked, it was a simple question and for this there was only one simple answer.
“You bet” you simply said.
At the start you couldn't lie that you were a bit afraid of this sleepover, especially since you are a guy and they are a girl it will turn awkward very quick since they couldn't share girl secrets, however instead you felt happy as you all of you had fun, starting from random video games all of you would play together, to Playing Uno, that being where to problems started.
“Sihyeon, a-are you sure you want to play UNO with the damn UNO empress herself?!” Gaeumhee stuttered, sweating from the hellish pressure around the two rivals. 
“Why not? I gotta show this little girl who’s the real deal,” she casually replied. There’s confidence in her eyes, firmness in her voice, no trace of fear or doubt. She shuffled the deck swiftly, ignoring the havoc around her. Geumhee sighed.
“I’ve played with you for how many years? And you wouldn’t even take on your manager. What makes you think you can take on the almighty Sua herself—”
“Don’t worry, Geumhee. I got this. Just watch.” Geumhee rolls her eyes. Sua is risking herself at this point, she knew it and accepted it already, and there’s nothing she can do to stop her. She backed into the crowd of people and the contender sat down in the center of the room, in a floor that now was the Colosseum’s pit, Madison Square Garden’s ring, the place where the everything ends.
You gulp. In the years you’ve been friends with these girls, you’ve heard all sort of stories about Sihyeon and her goddess-like UNO plays—how they had to hold a guy down because he went insane after losing five times; how she casually beat the second best player in the world during her lunchbreak—and now you were going to witness the legend.
Apparently, her ancestors invented UNO itself.
“Just you wait, pathetic girl! You will beg for forgiveness after my last move!” Sua shouted passionately. She sat herself in front of Sua. 
The game started. 
The rest of the game was no more than a memory in your head. The succession of moves was never seen before. Every turn felt like the last one, you could only watch, without saying anything, breathing anxiously. After ten long minutes, it looked like a winner was clear.
5 cards to 1. The fate of Yoo Sua depended on her next move.
“How did it come to this…” Sihyeon sighed.
“Make your last useless move so I can end this duel, Sihyeon.” Sua sneered. She was holding only one card, she truly thought that game was over. Sua had nothing to say, she just shook her had, smiling wryly.
“You have no idea what I have in my hand.” Sihyeon said, then, she played a yellow skip on top of the previously played yellow four. After that, she played a blue skip, a green skip, and then a red skip… “Uno.”
“No way!” Sua’s face took a complete 180 as she realized what was about to happen.
“And… that’s game.” She said, playing down a red six.
Sua’s chin lowered to her chest, her eyes still on that six, her hand went limp, letting her lonely card fall out, a yellow nine. She shook her head helplessly. How could she lose? The empress, the girl that beat every player of RBW entertainment and POP MUSIC, lose to a no one like Sihyeon. She lets a long low sigh as Sua came closer.
“You know what’s next, Sua,” she said, “I will take the one thing you desire the most. Last time, the first time I challenged you, you took my title and that’s why you’re the leader of this group. This time I will take him.” Sihyeon pointed at you. You looked at her with a confused look.
“Me?” you innocently asked.
“Yes, her cru—”
“Wait! What are you saying! You’re clearly wrong.”
“I’m not wrong. I know how you always talk about him. You love—” A pillow crushes on Sihyeon’s face. The whole room freezes from the sudden hit while Sua’s cheeks turned tomato red from embarrassment as she could just be asked to bury herself right now however… “PILLOW FIGHTTTTTTTTT!!!!” Geumhee shouted on the top of her lungs as everyone rose from the floor and grabbed their weapon; however it wasn't just a simple fight, It was war and you either take a side or you take the floor.
10 minutes later and the fight was intense. All of you split into two factions: the bunnies and the ducks. On your bunnies side were Sua, Duna and Yuna while Geumhee, Yeham, Seoyeon and Sihyeon were out for your head. It was tough, everyone was better than you thought but who the most brutal was Geumhee. You could see the girls running away on the other side in fear. 
With a roar, Geumhee got into your line with her great pillow… her huge cushion was whirling again, making space, and your line went back and the ducks followed her, determined to win this battle and make a name that would be remembered in all the land of the dreams. 
You just started to find your prey to hunt when you saw Sua fall down beside you. Her body flopped lifeless right in front of your eyes, her pillow lied there with her broken spirit. 
“Sua, no!” you screamed and ran to her.
“It was a hard blow…” Sua whispered. 
“No! It can’t be!” you begged and looked at your teammates, they were struggling and still going back.
Sua caressed your face. She looked at you like it was her last time. “My prince,” she started, “the proud warrior of this nation and my beloved.” Her breath itched at the last word, but she ignored it and continued. “Unfortunately fate decided that my last day was marked by the pillow of evil Geumhee but don’t let our story end here. My dear, the trumpets of eternal glory did not sing yet and they await for you.”
Her hand went around your neck. You lowered your face, closing the distance with her lips, it was her last moment, it would also be her last ki—
Too soon. Sua blushes and rolls under a blanket. You guessed she buried herself.
Duna, who saw the whole scene, ran upon a mattress and called the attention of her remaining comrades. “People fall everyday. Friends… family. yeah, we lost Sua tonight. But she’s still with us… in here,” she said, pointing right to her heart. “She didn’t fall in vain! But you you will! Sua’s heart did beat for us! For all of us! It’s not over!”
You could feel energy rush into your body again. You feel the smack behind of you coming from Sihyeon, as you turn your gaze at her she immediately tenses up, realizing she may made a mistake. You immediately start heading toward her, a pillow in hand ready to return the favor as suddenly you could feel the hit being blocked.
It was Geumhee, her teammate in this war, you look into each other’s eyes already knowing what must happen as you start hitting each other’s pillow, blocking each swing like you two were professional fencing players, suddenly you could feel being backed into a corner, feeling like geumhee will get her hit on you, finally knocking you out of the war.
There was no way to avoid it, and blocking her this hit may cause you to fall down as you open you arms, accepting your fate.
“YESS!!! I GOT HIM” geumhee shouted in joy with complete disregard to the entire enviorment, her smile was large and confident as you simply get up, looking at Duna, Sua and Yuna, they all lost their 3 hearts in the beginning so they really relied on you to win them the war.
“Well at least i was close” you simply said.
“Yeah, you almost clutched and got us the win” Yuna simply said, happy.
“Almost,” Sua said angrily, she was very competitive and you could feel it through her sulky voice, meanwhile geumhee walked toward you.
“Good games, you really made me sweat up here since the other girls are very easy to beat,” she said as you could faintly hear Yuna saying “HEY” angrily from somewhere. Geumhee raised her hand for a handshake as you raised it as well, giving her a sportlike handshake.
“Ok, so it's 10:30, how about we will get down to the real business, and really get this sleepover to how it should be?” Yeham said as she begins to smirk, as quickly all the girls realized what she was talking about causing their smiles to rise as well.
“What?” you asked, confused since it was a while since you had been in a sleepover as Yeham just giggles as she leans closer to you.
“It's truth or dare time,” Yeham replied in your ear, honestly it would be the first time you will play truth or dare at all since you didnt have much friends and those who you did had the chance to have sleepovers with didnt like to play truth or dare so an experience like this would be a first.
as you all sat on the floor of Yeham’s bedroom in a circle Sua takes a water bottle and puts it on the floor, you found yourself sitting near Yeham from the right side while Duna sat near you on your left “Ok who spins first?” Seoyeon asks as Geumhee just leans toward the bottle and spins it clockwise.
a couple of spins later the bottle starts to slow down more and more as finally it stops with the front of the bottle facing toward Yuna and the back of it facing toward Seoyeon, Yuna in response just curses quietly while the short-haired girl shows a happy grin.
“Okay Yuna, truth or dare?” Seoyeon asked, making Yuna hesitate for a couple of seconds, not sure what to say as she gulps and finally spoke the next words.
“I choose dare” she reluctantly said, waiting for the worst to come as Seoyeon smiles, knowing that she has a plan.
“I dare you, to lay on Oppa’s lap for two minutes” she said as Yuna’s face turned bright red, looking at your face which seems to be more confused then ever, “Is this something that happens regularly in truth dare?” you asked yourself while Yuna walked to where you seat, sitting between you and Duna, which looked at you a bit annoyingly however you couldn’t focus on it since Yuna slowly fell toward your lap as finally her fully blushing face was on your lap, making the entire population of the room squeal in excitement as the girl in your lap gets more and more embarrassed.
“ohhhh i got to take a picture of it” Yeham said cheerfully as she rushed toward her study desk to grab her phone, as the sudden surprise of Yuna on your lap relaxes you scout the room. first there is Yeham, the organizer of the sleepover with her camera on taking pictures of the entire situation, Geumhee Seoyeon. Sihyeon and Duna were looking at you with big grins and giggling at you however Sua looked weird, she was looking away with red cheeks though sometimes she will try to glance at you but she couldn't bring herself to it, “is everything ok with her?” you asked yourself as suddenly you find yourself staring below you
you see Yuna just laying there,getting comfortable on your lap with her smile being as big as ever. however something you wouldn't notice before were her cheeks, [Insert Cheeks Ramble]
“And….time” Seoyeon said as Yuna rose up from your lap and looked at you with a big smile and then turned toward Sua, showing her a big grin causing the girl with orange hair to look furious, leaving you a bit confused at the situation however it quickly stopped as Yuna started talking
“MY TURN!!!” Yuna said as she spun the bottle again, spinning more and more with each second passing as now it stopped facing Seoyeon with the back of the bottle in front of…you? that will be interesting as Seoyeon gulps,
“Seoyeon, truth or dare?” you ask the girl with short hair as she starts to get stressed,
“Uhhh Truth?” she simply said.
“Well Seoyeon, is it true that…you already confessed to whoever you like?” you say, simply as a joke to try and lighten up the mood since you saw Sua sour’s face from before, however the results were not what you expected as the entire room now froze in place.
First to speak was sua, which did stop her from being gloomy but instead made her face go so red even #FF0000 was nothing compared to Sua’s face, “UNNIEEEE, YOU ALREADY CONFESSED?” Sua asked Seoyeon, looking furious than before while Seoyeon was just confused.
“N-n-no, what are you talking about, we are not even crushing about the same guy” the short haired girl stuttered, confused and embarrassed.
“Uh huh, just like i saw you with him in the kitchen as he touched your cheeks” Yuna joined the argument which made you freeze for a second “wait she already met her crush today? i seen at school like all day and i have no idea who they are talking about”  you thought to yourself.
“I swear to god, why no one told me Sua liked him too” Sihyeon just asks, annoyed at the whole situation 
“wait you like him too Unnie?” Duna suddenly spoke as for you the confusement turned up to 11 with all of the 7 girls arguing with each other, you couldn't handle it anymore as you finally asked the question no one asked before
“Who is HIM?!” You shout, puzzled from this entire interaction.
“YOU OPPA, WHO ELSE?!” Yeham answered as the whole room stopped, realizing the truth was already out, and there was no way to deny it as Yeham walked closer and started speaking, her face blushing a bit
“Oppa…we all have feelings for you…apparently, and from what it seems each one of us thought we were the only to have feelings for you, and…now this happened….were sorry” everyone looked down in embarrassment, now the room finally gets quiet, giving you the time to think
“They all liked you? for how long? why?” a billion questions ran through your head, while you try to find each girl’s eyes they turn away their face as if they shamed their family. In your head there was also another question: who should you chose
And as if you were communicating with telepathy, Sua immediately answered.
“Well, i think i should be with Oppa, since like…i was the first to crush on him and all” she blurted quietly as Geumhee paused herself and looked at Sua.
“What? no, i was the first one he met from our friend group since i showed him the school, i should end with him” you could already sense this was going to start another argument however Yeham joins in, calming everyone down
“Girls, we can't choose for him who he should end up with, we need to let him choose himself, Yeham pointed at you as like a moth attracted to light, the 7 girl's eyes drawn themself to you.
7 choices, 1 for each girl as you really had no idea who you should have the happy ending with. It wasn’t an easy choice. Each girl you found yourself having a fun time, like Geumhee’s occasional invites to her gaming's session online with you, or Like duna whom you were watching mukbang during school lunch, with each girl you could find one interaction you had that you were fond of.
However, you had an idea for an 8th solution, something that while it not make everyone happy in the end, it can make the playing field fair.
“5 Minutes” you simply as all of the girls were confused, letting you continued “this is how much time you have to charm me, besides doing something naughty everything else is fair game, is it ok by everyone?” you ask as all of the girls look at each other’s and then looked back at you with a smile, this was the first smile ever since your stupid truth.
“Yeah” Seoyeon answered but it was clear the answer was agreed on by everyone, realizing how far they took this stupid argument, by instinct the girls turned to each other in a circle, doing rock paper scissors, which after a minute or so Yeham steps closer to you, signaling she will start in this now contest to make you theirs.
On her knees, Yeham looks at you with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. Her eyes flicker between the floor and your pupils, her cheeks clearly red, make you wonder if her blushing was for you or for what was about to come. She gently puts her hands on your legs and gets closer. 
It’s hard for her to look at you in the eyes. Her head is turned to the side, leaving her neck and collarbone on full display. The skin is thin, pale, delicate, how easy would it be to leave a hickey, to cover it in kisses and smudges—how sensitive would her neck be, to whine and hiccup at your lips? Compose yourself.
Yeham hasn’t started yet and you’re already doing her work for her. You can feel her fingers tracing paths on your thighs, wherever they were going, they were too close to you. In a stummering fall, you put your hands behind to support you. Yeham doesn’t let you get away. She takes a further step and looks straight into your eyes. 
Now, she was more embarrassed than flirty but that didn’t matter. She bites her lip. Fingernails itch your skin, she caresses your chin, down to your neck, to your chest. “Do you know how long I’ve liked you for, Oppa?” she whispers. “It’s your fault I can’t sleep at night. I keep thinking of you and If I do fall asleep, you follow me in my dreams. It’s such a torture to see you this close to the other girls.”
Your hand try to grab what they can, creasing the moquette, marking the floor. Her poison is taking effect. You steal glances at her lips. They are pouty, shy, trying to roll back and hide themselves, yet the few glimpses of their pink shade instills the most deep desire in yourself.
“You can kiss me, oppa,” she reads your mind. “I won’t mind. But then you’ll be mine. It’s such a simple gesture and I’ll be yours. What do you say?”
To see your most caring friend that needy, at a kiss away, made you feel unexplainable new emotions. It would be a lie to say you never thought about her that way. To say, you were not considering her offer right now, would be absolutely false. You hesitantly open your mouth, “I… I think I want to—”
“That’s it!” Sua screams, grabs Yeham’s shoulder and forcefully pulls her away, rolling down with her. You let out the breath you’ve been holding until then, your eyes are wide open. You forgot about the other girls.
The background of chatter is of jealousy and envy. They realized how easy you were to persuade—you almost gave in to Yeham and she only had to offer yourself to you—if they wanted to win over their friends, they had to step up their actions. The first contender was hiding behind a big pillow, she was a blushing mess and didn’t dare to watch you again. She exceeded all her limits. Whose turn was now?
Yuna stood up, walking toward where you were sitting, she looked confident unlike Yeham’s which from the start was embarrassed but Yuna was simply smiling as instead of sitting in front of you she instead sat on your lap, right from the first second you felt embarrassed but what Yuna was about to say made you in shock
“You can touch them” she says as now its your turn to blush, looking at her chest you cant believe a girl would let you touch her in a place that special, however you find yourself looking at the girl, her face matches your color of red from the blush. giving you a smack on the head as you now realize that wasn't what she meant as her hands now point toward her cheeks.
Your hands slowly magnetize toward her face, one inch by one inch while Yuna is closing her eyes and her blush seems to be gone, ready for what was about to come.
You have been admiring Yuna’s round cheeks for a long time, but had never found a chance to feel them. Now that your friend was this close and openly inviting you, your desire was stronger than ever. One finger first, you wanted to test your expectations. Just at the touch, her right cheek enveloped the tip of your finger. You didn’t have to put much pressure they were soft enough. 
Your thumb joined your lonely index, to gently pinch her cheek. It was easy to compare her skin to bread dough—it was smooth and pale, not exactly firm but not soggy either, bouncy and springy. When your left hand cupped her face together with your other hand, you started kneading her cheeks. You were delicate and careful, you didn’t want to make her uncomfortable or ruin her skin.
Yuna was surprisingly enjoying it. She was smiling widely, eyes closed. It probably felt like a face massage to her, it was heaven for you instead. 
She wasn’t stupid. She’s seen you observing her long before you started liking her and when she caught you looking at her pictures on your phone, it was always her poking her cheek or pouting. Yuna put the pieces together and understood.
Cheeks are the greatest gift to a woman’s face. 
Cheeks alone can determine her whole demeanor, look, and expectations: take a runway model for example, they don’t have cheeks, rather, their chin is sharp and their cheekbones are pronounced resulting in a slim face; this makes them look more elegant and assertive, contributing to their overall confidence. Girls with soft and plump cheeks, on the other hand, are cute, they look more innocent and nice. We have a natural desire for cute humans, just like how we all like babies. Then it was obvious why you preferred round girls—they are sweeter and cuter. 
Following this argument, Yuna was a loaf. Yuna must have been the most gifted together with Yeham. Her face shape wasn’t pointy or large, but smoothly round to compliment her plump features. She had the softer and fuller kind of cheeks, that naturally looked pouty, in contrast to Sua, whose cheekbones were more pronounced.
After a minute, your hands were numb, or just lost in the cloudy skin. Your mind was blank, just happy thoughts. Yuna’s face was a large grin, satisfied and happy. If she had a tail, it would be joyously wiggling right now—it was true that she kind of resembled a puppy at times. Her plan was succeeding: feeding into your deepest desire got her a lot of points.
"Times up Yuna, your turn is over" suddenly your trance is over as you hear Seoyeon say, Yuna quickly left your lap with a big grin. "That was brutal" you thought to yourself while looking around you find how the girls are trying to think, Was it for planning their way of charming you? who knew but you didn't have much time to think about it since now Sihyeon rises and walks over to you.
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“Is it okay…never mind, just forget i said anything” Sihyeon quickly shutted her mouth and looked away, however you got curious.
“Its ok Sihyeon, you can say it” you reply as she found your gaze again, her eyes shining from excitement, so much that without saying anything she leans closer, making you a bit nervous while the girl in front of you continue to lean closer and closer until both of your noses touch each other.
as you look at the black haired girl in front of you feel your face getting hotter by the second as Sihyeon just cutely giggles, you heard of nose snuggles being done in TV shows but you never experience it yourself.
While you were not as close to Sihyeon to the other girls you still had some interactions in school, like how you two are lab mates in Chemistry class and had some very funny moments together, while all of this was happening you had one thing on your mind that you can't take off: for the whole time you've been friends with all of the girls, they all liked you.
Many questions run through your mind right now, for how long they liked you? Who was the first one to like you, WHY do they even like you, its not like you were someone special, you were just a teen, a guy who just became their friend through  circumstances.
However while you were inside your thoughts you couldnt notice the time was up, as you open your eyes you see the girl, looking at you with a cute smile while giggling, “Time is up” Seoyeon said rolling her eyes, for the first time in forever she looked a bit annoyed as you could only be curious if she wasn't just annoyed, but instead Jealous.
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Duna stood up and walked toward you, grinning from to ear to ear as she simply leaned into your cheek and gave you a small peck, which result in the entire room freaking out including you however unlike the others your freaking out was inside your brain as it ended up completely frozen.
“If you choose me, you will get more then just kisses on the cheek” she said, winking in order to get you flustered even further.
It was safe to say that after this Duna was disqualified from the contest.
While she did charm you really well, she may have done it too well, causing you to basically freeze for 2 minutes, and if it wasn't for the hot choco Yeham gave you, you wouldve been frozen for longer
“It was worth it” Duna said, pouting lightly as now you were ready for the next girl to charm you. You couldn't lie that all of this was really fun for you, so fun that you even forgot to message your mom to say how you were doing at the sleepover, luckily after Seoyeon’s turn which she simply just cuddled you with a smile you remembered to check your phone, texting your mom that you are fine in which she simply responded with a thumbs up and a good night
“So its between Geumhee Unnie and Sua” Yuna said as you were a bit curious of how each of them will approach charming you since Geumhee never really had the chance to flirt without any guy until now and Sua was in her words the first one to fall in love with you.
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Geumhee wasn’t as exciting as her members. She wasn’t an extrovert, a dork, or a confident supermodel, and couldn’t offer you any of the things her friends did. In her mind, she was the most average girl ever, which wasn’t true in everyone else’s eyes but that’s what she thought.
What she could offer you, however, was peace.
Until now, the contest of the girls had been hectic and your mind and heart was so confused who to choose, because each girl made her best to charm to make you fall in love with her, Geumhee however thought otherwise: she decided to be your checkpoint, to stop and relax because after all a good girlfriend is also a girl that let you relax and escape from the world when needed.
“Come put your head on my lap,” that’s what she wanted to say in her mind, however. “cmeputhyyuheommmap,” is what she actually blabbered out of her mouth. Just the mental image of you, sleepyhead, laying on her lap under her chest was enough to send shivers through her spine and color her face a bright rosy red.
“What did you say?” you ask.
“Uhhh…Lap pillow?” she says, gently patting her lap. You glance over at her with a confused look, too tired to recognize what she’s asking at first, and she stares back with a gentle longing in her eyes. She can only continue patting her lap again and stare patiently.
After a second, it clicks.
“You want me to… uh….”
Geumhee quickly nods and smiles warmly.
Your first reaction is an awkward crawling to your friend, who was already sitting on her knees, with a pillow under her feet. You look at her for one more time to see if she was sure and she offers you a small smile.
Your head stummers down to her legs and then it plops down on her lap. 
It feels so comfy. It’s almost instantaneous how all the built up fatigue hits you and your body relaxes to accommodate better your new found pillow. Diligently, as a good girlfriend does, Geumhee ran her fingers through your hair with a fluid, continuous motion, combing out any tangles, and lightly stroking their fingertips along the back of your neck.
Your eyelids flutter and gently close as all you can feel at the moment is pure bliss
Her hands on your head feel like the gentle rocking of a lonely ship on the sea. Her lap feels like the soft embrace of a cloudy heaven. And your body is stuck in between land and water, what you suppose heaven on earth feels like.
“You love it, don’t you?” Geumhee said, behind her shyness. She giggles jokingly, with the smug of a satisfied kid. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
Your face slightly slips to the crook between her thighs. You feel the smoothness of her legs, helped by her pajama shorts, on your cheek and it’s nice. Really nice. It’s warm, comforting, flustering.
“Where did you learn this stuff?” you eagerly asked her.
“Well, I read some stuff.”
“Some stuff like what?”
“Uhm…” Geumhee is embarrassed to admit the amount of research she did while fantasizing to be your girlfriend. She wanted to be perfect for you. “so… webtoons, romance books, and some of the stuff that Yuna reads.”
“Yuna’s stuff? Like hentais?” you joke and laugh.
“Hey! Yuna’s voice is like a little pebble to your head.
“No, no, no,” Geumhee stutters. “It’s rom com mangas.” she explains herself as you giggled from her embarrassment, causing the girl to join you as well. You were so relaxed that time passed very quick. “We need to finish” Geumhee says while you were leaving her lap
“It was fun” you replied “Now who is the last one?” you asked
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“Me” Sua exclaimed, standing up as her face had a mixture of both anger and sadness, you could even spot some tears in her eyes, "I have waited enough '' she said, quickly she lunged toward you, pulling you into an embrace.
"Watching all of the girls touch you, feel you…it hurted me" she added as her hands moved over to your chest "but now I finally have you, around me in an embrace as all I want now is to say is" she hesitated for a second, looking down however she looked at you back, full with confidence.
"...I love you, I…always loved you. From the first day we met"  Sua exclaimed, leaving you shook, its weird to think that someone fell in love with you of all people in first sight, but here was Sua, looking at you with her eyes full of tears, all you could really do was hug her.
At that moment you could care less about the competition, all you cared about was to comfort your heartbroken friend as much as you could.
Looking around you could see that even the other girls didn't look at the two of you in jealousy anymore, but instead in looks of guilt, making you feel happy that even the girls thought like you
"Well uhh…times up" Yeham awkwardly said as slowly you released your hug from sua, instead you leaned your forehead, touching hers just like bunnies do when they want to forgive someone
"So oppa? Who won?" Yuna asks while leaning closer with a very cute smile, probably and try to charm you with a last ditch effort
"Well…i-" you were about to say when suddenly geum hee stopped you
"Yuna ya, how about we let Oppa sleep about it, he needs time, and besides, its 1 AM and we are tired" the oldest explained before Yuna sighed and reluctantly agreed
Soon enough after all of you brushed your teeth and organized your mattresses you were all ready to sleep, however while the other girls quickly fell asleep your head was full of thoughts
And honestly who wouldn't be after 7 girls confessed to them, however throughout those flow of thoughts there is only one question: who will you choose
This was really a mystery for you since you liked each of the girls that it was hard for you to choose, you could suggest all of them to be your girlfriend but you quickly shutted that idea not only they will revoke your friendship status with them, but you find harem disgusting from the few anime you've seen.
"Well, I guess it's a good thing to sleep on" you thought to yourself as you started breathing in and breathing out, relaxing each part of your body until your eyes close themself by force, letting you drift to sleep
However during the dream you got an enlightening thought, the solution to the puzzle of who should you choose to be your girlfriend
"I think I will choose…"
well this took a long time to publish, considering a lot of stuff, but yeah, this fic was very fun to write and i hope you all enjoyed like i did, hope you will have a great day ahead of you and see you next update leafies
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soubeomies · 3 months
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⤷ PAIRING﹕ jiung x gn!reader
⤷ WARNINGS ﹕none
⤷ GENRE﹕fluff
⤷ AUTHOR'S NOTE﹕mei finally double posts?!??! anon asked when the next jiung fic was dropping, and i got motivated to finally do the idea ive had for awhile. i always thought jiung would be an overreacter bf HAHAH
⤷ SYNOPSIS ﹕you fell sick and decided to call jiung over to help you out, upon entering your bedroom, he found you limp on your bed. you were asleep, but he thought you had died and left him in this cruel world alone!
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you were getting ready for bed as you were in your bathroom getting ready for bed. you were standing infront of your sink, looking at yourself as you emulsify the facial cleanser in your hands before gently rubbing it into your face, making sure you get all the nooks and crannies. the foam of the cleanser somewhat bringing you a sense of relaxation. a few minutes passed as you washed it off. your face feeling clean and fresh. after that, you continued on with your nightly routine, which was doing your skincare, then going to bed. 
you were in the middle of doing your skincare, humming a familiar melody as you felt your head spinning. you were coming with the worst headache ever! you tried brushing it off as you just continued on with your skincare. after finishing, the headache was still ringing in your head as it felt like you’ve been hit by a truck.
you went to sit in your bed as you mumbled to yourself about trying to sleep it off. you got in bed as you scrolled thru your phone as you usually do before bed. but the more you tried to brush it off, the worse the headache got. you caved in and took it as you were probably coming down with a fever of some sort. you reluctantly got out of your bed as you walked to the kitchen.
you rustled through your kitchen as you couldnt even think straight due to your headache, you opened some drawers before finally finding some medication. you took a pill out of its container before grabbing a cup and filling it with water. you put the pill in your mouth as you washed it down with the cup of water.
you finished up the water and put it in the sink before getting back to bed. you tucked yourself into bed, you were just tossing and turning, in hopes to sleep the pain off. sleep slowly came easy as the medication you took had side effects that made you sleepier over time. you slowly fell into a deep slumber.
morning came, you were rudely awoken with the most painful pounding in your head. you winced a little at the feeling as you even felt warm. you brought your hand up to your forehead as you felt your forehead being literally piping hot. 
you reached over to your phone on your bedside table and texted the first person that came to your head; jiung.
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after sending those messages, you didnt even read jiung reply as you fell back asleep. your hand on your chest with your phone in hand, your chat with jiung open. about 20-ish minutes passed as jiung entered your apartment. he had spare keys to your apartment because you gave it to him incase of any emergency.
the door to your bedroom creaked open as he saw you asleep on your bed… one tiny thing though. your breathing was really subtle, calm and steady which made it barely noticeable that you were even breathing. he dropped everything he was holding as he ran to you. “baby?” he said as he gently shook you. “baby wake up..” he repeated as he shook you a little harder. he brought his hands to your face as he tucked a strand of your hair away from your face. tears then formed on his face as he literally thought you died. (IJBOL IM SORRY)
he started crying and burying his head into your chest as he kept mumbling for you to wake up. “angel p–please.. dont do this to me.. d–dont leave me in this cruel world alone.. please..” he mumbled in sobs as his words were choppy and sort of incomprehensible. you slowly fell into consciousness as you fluttered your eyes open, looking at jiung crying on you hysterically. “jiung..?” you muttered as you rubbed your eyes. “ANGEL?? Y/N???!! OH MY GOD THANK GOD YOURE ALIVE!!!!!” he said as he pulled you into a warm bear hug. “DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!!” he sobbed as he buried his head into your shoulder.
“what..? what did i do..” you muttered as you stared at him. “BABY I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!” he wailed as he continued sobbing and tightening his grasp on you, not wanting to let go any time soon. “baby i just fell asleep..” you said with a slight giggle. already feeling better since your beloved boyfriend was here for you.. even if he thought you literally died hehe.. (ᵕ— ᴗ —)
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plantwriting · 4 months
hello! you wanted your askbox full! :D
i'm sure you've posted about most of them already, but any chance you have kian/jrwi headcanons you want to share??
!!!!!!!!! Yeah ive probably posted most of them but. Theres always more…
Post being revived, kian still has some leftover bug instincts. Like even though hes not a bug just having memories of being one and specifically memories of being part of the hive leaves him with bug things in his head. Being around rolan makes them stronger whenever rolan acts bug, like if rolan’s clicking kian just has the instinctual need to click back at him, rolan at some point starts just building a nest out of blankets and stuff and whenever kians not feeling good he feels the need to just go to the nest (blanket fort) to be safe, his hair being groomed makes him feel incredibly safe and relaxed and loved because social insects groom each other as a bonding activity, etc etc
Kian’s afraid of a lot of “embarrassing” things and he tries to hide it but that. Wont work forever. Hes specifically scared of flying, the dark, needles, deep bodies of water, being alone, and post revival hes scared of music in general for a while and the feeling of things going down his throat :(
Kian has like. Really nice handwriting. He spent forever practicing making it look as nice as possible as a kid/teen. In contrast rolan has like.. extremely average looking handwriting, and rand’s handwriting is horrible. (I am rand in this situation lol)
Kian’s really wanted to try drag before, but never really had the chance to. He couldnt afford it (since you know makeup and clothes and everything expensive) when he was younger, and he could have afforded it after becoming a stockbroker but he kind of just.. gave up on doing any performing. Or just really having hobbies in general outside of going to clubs and sleeping around. He didnt feel like he deserved any kind of positive attention that being on stage might have brought him since he’d failed to become a rockstar :(
Okay happier one! Kian hyperfixated on mythology and constellations at some point either in his teens or as a young adult. He really likes stargazing with rand and rolan and explanaining the different constellations and such to them :)
Really likes sour things! Bro would eat a whole lemon if you let him (projecting)
Partly because autism, partly because horrible childhood, he has a lot of trouble like. Reading the signs his body gives him. Or even noticing that there ARE signs. Like hell be exhausted and feeling like shit and just brush it off until he realizes that wait its been like 12 hours since hes eaten. Or he hasnt slept in three days. Or when was the last time he drank water?? He just. Forgets that those are things he needs.
He loves collecting funky earrings :) i mean i feel like its implied by the earrings he has in canon but. Yeah. Hes got so many of them
He gets really clingy and emotional whenever he’s really not feeling well (sick or very tired etc) and he TRIES to hide it but its. Yeah. Rand will like make him soup or something while hes sick and hell just break down in tears
Kian with chronic fatigue save me.. chronic fatigue kian.. save me constantly exhausted but trying to fight it kian…
Specifically to actually explain the last one his body is like. Not the same after coming back. Like being brought back from the dead took a lot of energy and hes also sort of just.. in low power mode? I guess? Like his body doesnt generate as much energy as it should because it just doesnt work like it used to anymore. He really doesnt like it because it makes him feel like a burden :(
Uhhh yeah thats all i can think of for now!! Thank you for giving me an excuse to go crazy about him lol
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