#i tried to convey that she appreciates the flowers but she just
whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#35: The Buildup (1.04)
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gif cred: @perryabbott
This moment. This moment. This moment. Where to even begin? Let's just start by saying - hottest scene ever. 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥 When Richonne get back to that apartment there’s a whole stretch where they don’t do any talking...but yet they still have some very riveting communication 👌🏽...
They seriously tried to send me up into the afterlife with this whole moment, but it’s okay, I forgive them and thank them profusely. 😋
Y'all, I adore the way this pivotal, palpable, and incredible depiction of intimacy plays out. And the mind of Danai to turn both this buildup moment here and the love-making scene into something so deep and layered. Genius. 👏🏽👑
Rick and Michonne returning to this level of intimacy with each other for the first time in almost eight years was already going to make it pertinent to the plot and a purposeful development in the story - but for Danai to be of the mindset that she didn’t just want to stop at pertinent but instead communicate something profound and emotionally complex with Richonne's lovemaking moment. She deserves every flower for the thoughtfulness put into this. 💐
And TOWL in general was Andy and Danai getting to display their talent and chemistry to the max but from this moment on they broke the damn dial with the way they turned the volume all the way up on their talent and chemistry. 🙌🏽 🔉
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source: @ririchonne
Genuinely, not even being hyperbolic, what was captured in the following passionate events feels out of this world and so of course when reveling over it I have to be...
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This whole buildup moment in the apartment before Richonne heads to the bed is the hottest part for me. 🔥 The amount of tension and desire that they convey is crazy good. Richonne's hunger for each other is just visceral and it's like you can almost tangibly feel the way they're burning up for each other. ❤️‍🔥
So Rick and Michonne make it back to the apartment and we know adrenaline rushes really help set the mood for Richonne so the sexual tension in the air is thick immediately.
They’re both just breathing hard and then the temp controller chimes in to welcome them home again which I love. 😊 And this time they really are about to come home to each other in a sense.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Like Michonne came really close to leaving but now that events have led them right back to each other in this apartment I feel like the thermostat is trying to get Richonne's attention like ‘hello, y’all are home to each other.’
Michonne is standing a bit ahead of Rick and looking around...and Rick ain’t looking anywhere but at her. Like homeboy is fixated. I feel like even if a dang meteor could be seen plummeting from that big window Rick wouldn’t peel his eyes off Michonne in this moment. 😋
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I think after coming close to losing her several times in the last hour he’s a bit more aware of how much he needs to appreciate that she’s here with him. 
Michonne lifts up her sleeve a little because I think she can fully sense this hungry man behind her and what's on his mind (and her mind too.👌🏽)
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gif cred: @nat111love
And the temp controller says, “Temperature control malfunction” and that’s probably because the temperature is already record levels of hot with Richonne's sexual tension permeating the air like this lol. 🥵
Rick slowly approaches her and Michonne slowly turns to him as they get up close and personal. The way Richonne can communicate without words, I feel like a whole lot gets said in their eye contact and kisses during this wordless sequence. 
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gif cred: @nat111love
Also, I like how this scene parallels when Rick and Michonne were first in front of each other with the PRB earlier in this episode.
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During that PRB moment, Rick was looking at Michonne like 'I know what we want to do but we can’t. ' And then now here when they've returned to the apartment he’s looking at her like 'I know what we want to do and we must.' They're starving and they can’t resist anymore.
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Honestly, whenever Rick is within kissing distance from Michonne he looks like her presence consumes his mind and those inner magnets make it near impossible to not just lean in every time.
Also, I always get reflective of Richonne's overall journey and I just love how Rick and Michonne really went from this to this.
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A love story for the ages. 🤩
So Rick looks down, mouth all open, and just again transfixed as he slowly reaches out his hand to touch her. One thing I love about this buildup moment is the slowness of everything. 😊 Like every movement takes its time.
And it makes sense that Rick is moving at a slower pace here because he’s trying to see if it’s okay to initiate all this after everything they just went through. But while the movement is slow, his heart looks like it's racing rapidly as he becomes pretty much intoxicated by her.
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gif cred: @nat111love
...And Michonne can’t resist, y’all. 🤭 Like she knows she’s technically supposed to still be mad at Rick after the awful things he’s said but it quickly becomes clear that she misses him even more than she’s mad at him. 🥲
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gif cred: @nat111love
And she misses all of him, including the parts she has yet to reunite with…but that’s soon about to change.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Rick slowly puts his hand on her arm and she doesn’t pull away. And then Rick looks in her eyes like he hasn’t had a good glass of water in 1000 years and Michonne is the only woman that can quench him. Like the yearning in his look was really something.
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gif cred: @nat111love
And then, y’all I thought it was laundry day the way our girl Michonne proceeds to fold. 😋 And of course, she folds. That's her baby and the love of her life and she hasn’t been able to be with him like this in years so...
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Before Rick leans in for the first kiss, he’s already in the process of winning her over cuz she leans in a little first basically letting him know she does want this. It was giving magnets when she did that. 🧲👌🏽 
And her super subtle lean-in is all Rick needs to finally fully lean in and kiss her and I love Richonne’s slow single kisses. 😊 So far in TOWL they’ve been understandably ravenously making out and so this moment stands out for how much they let each kiss breathe a little. It’s so good.
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gif cred: @nat111love
But also y’all, when I first watched this, knowing this is def building up to their first TOWL sex scene, I was sounding a lot like Nat. Cuz I was looking at Michonne like, “Sis...
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I just wanted to be sure Michonne was going to be making love with her Rick and not the Sergeant Major who's been saying hurtful things and still hasn't asked anything about RJ.
Plus, I had a feeling Rick still had a little audacity left in his system and wasn’t yet going to agree to go home with her. (And that ended up being correct 🙃)…But look, it’s been a long time and so Michonne was like we’ll address all that later. 😅
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gif cred: @kimwexlersponytail
So Rick kisses her once and then leans to the other side as Michonne puts her hand on his face, letting Rick know she doesn't want him to stop. They kiss a second time with a little more lingering on that kiss as things slowly but surely ramp up.
When they pull away Michonne looks at him like she maybe has 1% left in her that remembers she’s still supposed to be mad. The other 99% of her just longs for him.
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gif cred: @msanonships
And then that 1% disappears into thin air during this next kiss and it’s my favorite part. 😊
Cuz Rick proves that it may have been some years but he still knows his wife and knows what gets her going because, while they don’t fully show it, you can tell that he definitely seems to have reached down to her derrière and that’ll do it for her, honey. 😋
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gif cred: @fishalthor
Cuz when he does that and pulls her in closer to him, he has Michonne inhaling hard and fully leaning into that third hungry kiss. At that moment I was like...annnnd he got her. He got her and she ain’t mad no more. It worked like he knew it would. 😊
It’s also probably his first time even really being able to touch her like that since again those layers of clothing in previous eps were sort of a barrier.
There seems to be a consistent thing set up that her grabbing his hair gets him activated and as her husband, he definitely knows that grabbing her backside gets her activated...and him too lol. I think Michonne’s presence in general just gets Rick activated. Every part of her is a feast to him. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @msanonships
And that last kiss just felt like they were about as ready to be intimate as they've ever been. After all that pulling each other closer in the previous kisses of this miniseries, this was the moment of them wanting to be as physically connected as possible and now they finally had the space to be.
Interestingly, they film a lot of this kissing moment where you mostly see Michonne’s response to Rick. I think that’s because she’s the one having to make the decision right now on whether she’ll let him in after everything he's said and done. And um I think her decision is clear.
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gif cred: @msanonships
It's great how Rick is the one person who can make Michonne let go and get fully lost in the moment no matter what else is going on. And you know she has that same effect on Rick too. 👌🏽
I love how locked in they both get with that third kiss and how they turn things up a notch with it.
Those three kisses were communication. And, on top of them both communicating 'I need you and want you bad' in each kiss, the way I interpret the wordless conversation is that the first kiss was like Rick expressing, “I’m glad you’re okay and that you’re back” after the whole Michonne walking out and then later getting trapped by that chandelier stuff.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Then that second kiss felt like Rick expressing, "I'm sorry" and Michonne receives that unspoken apology even tho when she looks at him there's a part of her that feels like there's still a lot for them to address and resolve.
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gif cred: @lousolversons
And then y'all, to me Rick's little reach down with the third kiss was him saying, “Can I make it up to you?” And honey, Michonne's response said she'll definitely let him.
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gif cred: @lousolversons
So then they really want to turn it up a notch when Rick proceeds to pick Michonne up. And clearly he’s done this before because Michonne is ready for it, and I love the way they just seamlessly transition into this. 😍
One thing I never questioned is if Rick would feel anxious about loving on Michonne with one hand. I knew that man would be like as long as I’m breathing that’s all I need to find a way.
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gif cred: @nat111love
So Rick picks her up with ease and he’s basically just like 'alright you’re coming with me' and Michonne is like yes I am lol. And I also adore how even once he picks her up they immediately go right back to passionately kissing. The way these two fervidly desire each other is always 👩🏽‍🍳💋.
And I, of course, have to reflect on the overall journey once more because I just love that we went from Rick picking Michonne up on Day One of meeting each other as strangers, to now Rick picking Michonne up as husband and wife ready and eager to express their love in a way they haven't been able to in a long time.
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gif cred: thewalkingdeadgifs/@msanonships
Seeing Rick and Michonne just get to operate fully in their husband and wife energy here was great to see. 👏🏽 They crave each other deeply and this scene captured that perfectly. ❤️‍🔥
The way their electrifying kisses slowly ramped up, it was clear that now that Rick and Michonne finally had the chance to reconnect in a way that they hadn't been able to with each other, nor allowed themselves to with anyone else, for several years, there was no way they were gonna just stop at these kisses here.
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gif cred: @lousolversons
So y’all, this scene alone was already so hot it could break a temperature controller...but then the steamy sensual vibes continue. And as Richonne is finally intimate for the first time in years, the deep, passionate, and emotional moment is, in every way, a roller coaster ride. 🎢 😌👌🏽
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 2 months
I will never love any interpretation of Ghost, Hollow and Hornet more than I love the interpretation of them being ultimately good, fighting for peace for everyone around them, caring deeply for Hallownest (or what remains of Hallownest at least) and caring deeply for each other and peace for their family at last.
I love kind Ghost.
Ghost who goes out of the way to gift flowers to lonely bugs.
Ghost who will rescue Zote whenever given the opportunity, without thanks or any form of reward.
Ghost who rescues grubs because they are trapped and crying to be freed.
Ghost who despite having limited ability of expression, will find some way to convey appreciation for others. (Sitting beside them. Listening to them talk or sing. Bowing out of respect.)
Ghost who is excited when in the company of good friends.
Ghost who spares the life of the nailsmith.
Ghost who mourns the loss of those fallen.
Ghost who eventually remembers their past, remembers being abandoned by their sibling, and still chooses to fight, to do everything that it takes, to free the hollow knight. To put an end to their suffering. To take Hollow's place, or to die.
There is no reward for this. There is nothing to gain. Ultimately Ghost is willing to suffer forever or to die in order to give others peace.
Ghost makes many many mistakes, and can make selfish or reckless decisions, but ultimately, Ghost is forgiving and loving.
I love Hollow who genuinely wants the people of Hallownest to be at peace. (Ironically just wanting that alone made it impossible for Hollow to grant them that peace.
But still, Hollow wants that.)
Hollow who loves Hallownest. Who loves their father and who loves his kingdom.
Hollow who is relentless in protecting it. Who would suffer for over a hundred years protecting whatever there is that can possibly be saved.
Hollow who has had the radiance influencing it all that time. The radiance who hates the king, who hates his people. Who tried to convince it to hate them to.
Hollow who loves them regardless.
Who feels empathy for everyone. Who understands their suffering more than anyone and wants nothing more than for them to have peace.
Hollow who, after finally being freed, chooses to live a kind life. To be understanding and gentle.
Who has every right to be bitter and angry and closed off, but who, after finally receiving the opportunity to live, to actually live, chooses to find everything good left in the world that they fought so hard for.
Hollow who learns to love openly and to no longer be afraid.
Hollow who is eventually excited to be able to express love in small ways.
Hollow is stalwart and just. But kind.
Hornet who, despite everything that she went through, despite losing so much, nearly everything, continues to stand and to fight for life because it still matters to her.
Hornet who fights to honor those that she lost, especially her mother.
Hornet who is hesitant to be hopeful, but is hopeful anyway.
Hornet who is hesitant to form any friendships out of fear that she will lose them, But who longs for friendship, for family..
Hornet who is proud of her siblings, who loves them despite not wanting to, who feels guilt knowing that the fate of the kingdom must rely on them.
Hornet who will rush in to assist her siblings in their final battle, knowing that she may very well die.
Hornet who, after given the opportunity to be with her siblings again, wants nothing more than to help them heal. For them all to heal.
Hornet who loves and is loved in return.
Ghost and Hollow who love, and are loved in return.
A little broken family that understands each other, understands that nothing that happened to any of them was fair, and who forgive each other, who love each other because after all this time..
They finally can.
Not one of them is without their (sometimes severe) flaws. Not one of them isn't damaged after everything that has happened.
And still they choose love.
This quote by Mary Shelley captures my interpretations of the siblings perfectly.~
"Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it”
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princessaxoxo · 1 year
Strangers to lovers Part 3
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Sherlock x reader
Summary: Being Enola’s sitter was an adventure, but not as much as falling for her brother, Sherlock.
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, Unprotected public sex (p in v), very little fluff, angst as well, kissing, cussing
Word count: 1.9k+
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Sherlock has consistently shown up at your house carrying flowers for the past week. You conveyed your appreciation for each of them; they were all beautiful. It started off the same way as usual when he arrived early today with a fresh bouquet of your favorite flowers-lilies.
"Sherlock, all of the flowers are beautiful," you remarked as you opened the door. This, however, will not mend what you broke. You cannot buy my trust with anything."
"Will you kindly give me an idea of sorts? I am really trying my best," he muttered.
"No, you will manage. You are, after all, the notorious Sherlock Holmes. You have probably experienced worse moments."
You shut the door after saying those final words to him. Although doing something like that made you feel terrible, it was a good decision.
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Your cousin Miranda made the decision to pay you a visit after sending a letter to your family. "Is everything okay? Your letter sounded worrisome."
Even though you were not very close to Miranda, you reasoned that it might be okay to hear her opinion. She grinned when you told her you had fallen in love.
"Please try not to get too excited. There is no happy ending to this story." When you said that, her face fell. "He left me not too long ago; in the most horrible way, I think it is possible to leave someone you love." You told her everything that had happened in the past. Now that he has returned, he wants me. And, my goodness, I want him too. I just cannot be with him yet, though. I need him to show me because it does not feel quite right. He has not done anything but buy me stuff. Love and trust are not things that can be purchased."
She listened carefully. "I am not sure what to say," she said, leaning her head against her palm and sadly glancing at you. "Do you still love him?" You sighed. “I will always love him more than words can describe. You do not realize how close I was to giving in to his pleas for me to stay with him. How I was able to say no is still beyond me.”
"Though I do agree with you, could you perhaps be a little lenient with him the next time you see him?"
"Be lenient with him? You must be joking. He deserves this. You do not realize how painful it was because you were not present, Miranda.”
"I understand, but if he asks, just go out with him for a day and see how it goes."
You decided to see him after giving her a farewell for the evening and considering what she had said.
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When you had not seen or heard from Sherlock for a week, you were taken aback. You were already dressed when he knocked on your door and said, "I have a day prepared for you. Please come." And you had nothing planned for yourself.
He extended his hand for you to grasp.
Gazing upon it, you inhaled deeply and grasped his hand.
The two of you took a carriage to a location of which you were unaware. You asked once, but he wouldn't tell you. “It’s a surprise." You wanted to ask again but decided against it. Not wanting to appear eager.
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You hadn’t known how long it took, but the carriage came to a stop. Sherlock stopped you and said, "Cover your eyes.” You gave him a look that told him he was ridiculous for suggesting such a thing.
Still, you tried to get out, but he was blocking you. “Cover your eyes, and I'll help you out."
You huffed but did as such.
Sherlock guided you, telling you where to step and what to watch out for. “Okay, we’re here,” he mumbled under his breath, but you managed to hear what he said.
“Are you ready?” he asked. “Yes, now let me see!"
He removed his hands, and you saw a huge picnic set up for the both of you in a beautiful vineyard covered with tons of flowers.
You’d never seen such a view; you were at a loss for words.
“Sherlock, this is breathtaking. You really did all of this?”
“Of course, I thought you would love it."
He took your hand and led you to sit down on the blanket.
Sherlock sat across from you, curiosity got to you, and you reached to open the basket that was in the middle and started pulling out the produce.
There were various fruits, vegetables, and meats for the afternoon lunch he planned.
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Sherlock and you were having a marvelous day together. It was as if nothing had changed; it felt the same as it did four years ago. Just the two of you, enjoying each other and not wanting it to end.
He was eyeing you diligently, especially the way you would reach for a strawberry and how your lips looked when taking a bite.
The sound of your laugh made goosebumps rise on his skin.
He hadn't noticed how much he missed making you laugh, along with your infectious smile.
“Sherlock, this was something that I won’t forget. Thank you for all of this."
“No, don’t thank me. I don’t deserve that, but you deserve this. All for you, y/n."
Sherlock ran a hand through his curly hair that fell in his face, and you gave him a smile.
"Oh, you have,” he said, stopping mid-sentence and reaching his thumb out to wipe away some of the juice that came from one of the many strawberries you had.
His face became eerily close to yours; without thinking, you moved towards him, and his thumb caressed your cheek. You took his thumb in your mouth and sucked on it—the familiar taste of a strawberry on your tongue.
His lips found yours in a slow kiss.
The dress you wore slowly moved upward, and his large hands squeezed your thighs in a needy way.
He kissed and sucked on your neck, causing a moan from you.
His lips grazed your neck up to your mouth, and his nose nudged against yours before going in for another kiss.
He pulled down your underwear and rubbed your clit with his index and middle fingers. “How does that feel, baby? Does that feel good?”
“Mhm, yes, it feels so fucking good; please don’t stop."
His hand started to gently caress your breast, and you moaned into the kiss you two were sharing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he laid you down carefully.
He removed his hand from underneath your dress.
You pulled up your dress past your hips, and you helped him unbuckle his trousers. He pulled his cock out and eased his way into your pussy.
Both of you moaned simultaneously, and his movements started to quicken.
Your hands grabbed his buttocks, and your legs wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you.
No words were spoken between the two of you.
Just this moment with him was enough.
Your mouths and tongues moved in sync with one another like they always had. His grunts started to become louder, along with your cries of pleasure.
Your back arched, you were breathless, and you felt Sherlock's hips still with his seed pouring into you.
His head hung low in your neck, and as you started to come out of your sex-filled haze, you realized what had happened.
This wasn’t what you had planned.
This shouldn’t have happened at all.
You scolded yourself for being stupid.
“Sherlock, this was a bad idea.” He looked at you, and you could tell that what you said hurt him.
'What do you mean this was a bad idea?"
“We had sex, and while I enjoyed it, it shouldn't have happened."
He pulled his cock out of you and put it back in his trouser while you pulled your dress down, trying to cover yourself as best as you could. Suddenly, an anxious feeling started within you.
Sherlock lowered and shook his head, and then moved his hand down his face in defeat.
“Would you please take me home?”
"Is that wise?" he asked, looking at you. "You look as if you don’t want me near you again."
You didn't have words for him, although what he said wasn’t true. You wanted him near; you wouldn’t be here with him if that were true.
“Are you going to leave? Again? I know who you are and what you do. Sherlock, you don’t need to explain that to me anymore. I can see you’re trying; you’ve bought me tons of flowers, my favorite ones. Which I’m grateful for, and you planned this whole picnic for me. And sweet gestures like this are what have been meant to earn my trust and get me back. But in the end, is this all worth it if you end up leaving?”
He looked at you and lowered his eyes. “I don’t know what the future holds, but I know I want you, and I’ll want you always. And if one day I must go, then I would hope you’d come with me.”
“You would want me to pack up my life here? Is that what you would want me to do?”
He waved his hand. “No, I would never make you do something you wouldn't want to; we could find common ground, a compromise? If you want this as much as I do",
You did; you wanted it more than life; you wanted him.
But you had nothing left to say to him. “May we go, please?"
He let his shoulders drop in defeat but ultimately said yes.
He packed up the picnic, and the mess that was caused by the sex you had a few moments before
The carriage ride to your home was silent—a silence that could kill. A storm blew over London, which fit the mood of how the day was ending.
You sat picking at your nail beds for the rest of the ride until the carriage reached your home. Sherlock helped you out. “Thank you,” he said, but he still walked you to your front door. “I wish you a good rest of your night,” he said before walking off. You watched as he walked back to his house in the cold, groggy weather instead of the carriage.
Walking back into your house, you aimed straight towards the shower to wash away his scent and the sweat that formed on your skin from the sun earlier, combined with the sex you and Sherlock shared.
The water was hot and refreshing on your skin; you felt renewed once you were dressed in your nightgown and in bed.
You tossed and turned for the rest of the night, Sherlock on your mind and wondering what the future held for the both of you.
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Sherlock walked along the pavement, enduring the London rain, as he came upon a pub. He walked in, needing a drink. He sat in an open chair, the barman appearing in front of him. “How many?”
Sherlock got lost in thought about the question he was about to answer the barman when the barman answered for him, “Let’s start you with one, and if you wish for more, let me know."
A few seconds later, a lager was put in front of Sherlock; he analyzed it for a moment before downing the drink.
Without a second thought, he ordered another one to forget the prior events that had taken place; it was going to be a long night ahead.
Taglist: @mysticwitchcraftco
Part 4
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Relationship headcanons for Clorinde? 🥺 I need more Clorinde in my life 😭🫶
Due to her not having much screen time yet, this may end up being OOC after later genshin updates but oh well. I hope you enjoy these!
CW: none GN Reader
Clorinde relationship headcanons
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Sadly due to her position as both champion duelist and Furina’s bodyguard she is often away from home and you. Of course you understand that she has very important work, so you aren’t angry with her. You knew what you were getting into when you started dating her, yet she always feels a pang of guilt when she has been away from you for a while.
It’s hardest for her to leave for her job in the mornings. You and Clorinde are cuddled together in bed, holding each other close. She loves the feeling of having you in her arms, but she has to get up early so she can fulfil her duties. Due to just how early she has to wake up she lets you sleep, unless you distinctly tell her that she should wake you up so you can get ready for the day together.
You sometimes go to places where you know Clorinde will be due to her job as Furina’s bodyguard just so you can see her. Of course you don’t disturb her work, you just try to catch her eye and wave at her so she can see you. She always appreciates it, it may not be a big gesture for many others, but to her it showed that you wanted to see her, even if she couldn’t interact with you. 
Someone who does not know her that well may not see it, but you do see the small smile that forms on her lips during these moments. It’s one of the reasons you do it. 
Now you best believe that once she finally has off days, she makes sure to spend them with you as much as you want. She still wakes up rather early, but she lets you sleep longer as she tries to make breakfast. Sadly…she isn't that good of a cook. Clorinde can make amazing coffee and tea if you drink that but when it comes to food and not beverages…she is terrible. But she tries her best, both in cooking and not setting the house on fire. 
You of course always appreciate her efforts, though you can’t help but tease her a bit. It's not malicious in any way, it's just so you can see the light blush on her face that she won’t admit is actually there, even if she can feel the warmth on her face.
Clorinde is not someone who is verbally affectionate, she feels words fail in describing the emotions she feels for you. So she lets her actions show what she truly feels. Be it holding your hand as you walk through the streets of Fontaine, buying you flowers after she hasn’t been able to spend time with you for a while, or just simply lying on the couch, with you resting your head on her chest as her arms wrap around you. She feels these moments convey her feelings better than any words ever could.
Though holding hands in public is as far as she will go with PDA, she has an image to uphold after all. When you two are alone though, Clorinde loves to pull you into kisses. Her kisses always faintly taste of coffee, but not of a bitter kind, rather a sweet kind where you’d hardly even guess it was coffee. She is practically addicted to the feeling of your lips against hers, so if you will allow it she will pull you into kisses whenever she can.
She would never admit it, but she loves it when you wear her clothes, be it if they are too big or small or fit you perfectly. Something about seeing you in her clothes gives her this warm fuzzy feeling in her chest. If she could she would let you wear her clothes out in public, but alas her job and image would not allow that.
Please play with her hair and give her massages. Clorinde is a stressed woman, so feeling you card your fingers through her hair, or massaging her shoulders gently will have her melt into you. It is as if all the stress that has been on her shoulders falls off and she is able to fully relax in this moment with you. You are sure that if she were a cat she would be purring in these moments.
All in all, while Clorinde may not be the most openly affectionate lover, she is a gentle one that makes sure that you know how she feels about you. You are her home, her safe haven, and she will make sure that you are protected from any danger you may face. The thought of you ever being hurt scares her, so she makes sure it is not going to happen anytime soon. (Future possible Clorinde angst headcanon? Who knows)
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mytyldotwav · 4 months
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Freesia is a song from Guilty Gear XRD. But it could have been released in Strive and still hit just as fucking hard. That's because it's applicable to multiple aspects of the story.
Sol Badguy is one of the most powerful characters in the GG universe. At least, he's in the top 10 (probably??). Despite that, he's a grown man who is a grief-stricken mess and has questionable direction to his life.
In my opinion, this song is best interpreted as coming from Frederick. Not Sol, the Badass god-like gear that has saved the world on several occasions. Frederick Bulsara, the man that lost everything important to him.
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The start of Freesia is someone reaching out to Frederick. Because really? Frederick does a lot of brooding and self-isolation. He wouldn't reach out to someone otherwise. His head isn't in the clouds, it's in space, drifting aimlessly amongst the stars.
But everything is fine, Frederick says. There's enough air for at least 2 people where he's at, and he's alone. So everything is ok. Frederick, or more accurately, Sol, has everything he needs. He's achieved great feats normal humans only could dream of achieving. He's reached greater heights than anyone ever has, and yet? Something is still missing.
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There's enough air for 2 people up there. Boundless information. Wisdom beyond that of any normal human. But there's enough air for 2 people. And he knows why, but he can't bring himself to say it.
"The whole world is kind to me"
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Yes, Sol has reason to be happy. Everyone has rewarded him for saving the world. Everyone appreciates what he has done in some way, and every day brings fresh start. The world has been ushered into a new era of peace; but there's someone missing. But Frederick can't bring himself to tell anyone what it is.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry..."
It'd be ungrateful for him to imply something was missing, or that something could be wrong. Sol apologizes, but laments his cowardice.
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This next portion feels more like Frederick reaching out, or at least telling someone in passing about how miserable he is:
"The world may crumble down with just one piece missing"
Now, he is (to the best of his ability) trying to be genuine and honest about how life's trials have affected him. Frederick is saying that if he can't get that one thing back, if he can't reach his goals, why continue? Without this thing he's been pursuing for DECADES, actually being obtainable, his life has no purpose. He's just a shell of a man looking for comfort in the past.
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This is where the dam breaks. This is where Frederick and Sol's lives converge into one. Frederick Bulsara is Sol Badguy and vice versa. He can't pretend that his reasons for fighting and living don't come from a place of loss and pain. He's not just bounty hunting for money, not just traveling the world because he can. His emotional strength isn't there because he's fixed all of his problems. His experiences have made him physically stronger, but mentally? He's exhausted and desperate for rest. Everything he has done up to this point has been for Aria Hale. But if she's gone, everything falls apart. There is no point.
That's why the song is named Freesia. A Freesia is a flower from South Africa that is commonly seen at weddings. They typically convey deep trust, friendship, thoughtfulness and sometimes purity.
And then the line hits. You know the one.
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This moment in the song is an outburst of love, both platonic and romantic. This is the moment where Sol can't hide that he's still Frederick. He's still human. And damn it, he still loves that woman-- as Aria or Jack-O.
"Here I am" is a resignation. He tried ignoring the emotions building up inside of him for so long, neglected his humanity, acted as nothing but a weapon for so long, and he is tired. The mask falls off. He is finally allowing himself to be vulnerable and honest with the world.
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Sol isn't proud of it.
He shouldn't have isolated himself for so long.
He shouldn't have lied about his emotions.
He shouldn't have pushed so many kind people away.
If he had done those things, maybe there would be less blood on his hands. Maybe he would have lived a more normal life.
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But he knows that's not true. Aria meant too much to him. Sol would still miss her as desperately, even if he continued down a different path.
Yes, he had reasons to feel the things he felt. But at the same time, there were also so many people willing to help him start again. and he sees it now, as clear as day. Aria had been his world for so long. But he was missing so many beautiful things because of it. Frederick had spent so much time trying to save Aria that he became single minded in his endeavor. It led him to become isolated. It kept him from living his own life and that's what Aria wanted for him so badly. She didn't want to weigh on his mind, she wanted the happy memories of them to help Frederick continue living.
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So the apologies tumble out again for the last time.
Frederick was surrounded by, and floating through galaxies. Worlds of people surrounded him and yet everything was touch and go. A passing greeting. A quick handshake. Knowing glances. He had recognition, respect, power, and yet, when the fight was over? Sol would leave it all behind again and move back to Aria. But that isn't what she would have wanted.
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Reading through the lyrics, I initially thought Frederick was saying that he couldn't protect or save Aria, and that was what the final line meant. But I believe that's not the whole message. Frederick wasn't able to prove himself to Aria: Sol didn't keep living on like she wanted him to. He forgot her final wishes in his grief, and for the first time, he sees that. Now, finally, Frederick is ready to fulfill them.
• ○ ● Thanks for reading! ● ○ ●
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haru-natsuka · 1 year
The fate (Anastacius x Female Reader x Claude)
Chapter 4 : An angel
Pain was not something he was not familiar with whether it is in physical or emotional form. He was hated by the empress and his own father. His bestowed name was proof of it. His body was hurting so much and whatever he tried to do, it just never went away. This is it, maybe his body had finally given up to fight and yet he received help to let him survive. He could barely open his eyes but he recognised that radiant light shine in front of him. Claude, for the first time, witnessed an angel...
Female reader will be named as Celestrial
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I know it is Athy but let's pretend for this to be Claude😌
After three days Celestial passed out, only then did she regain consciousness. Ethan, her personal bodyguard did convey to her that the crown prince kept on visiting her every day as whenever he had free time, he would stay by her side the entire time. Might be out of responsibility as she did help Claude before. He even wanted to call for the royal physician but Ethan never let him, which was a great decision as no one should know the power she held. It might be used as her weakness one day.
Celestial woke up and the only person accompanying her was her bodyguard and the crown prince still yet not paid her a visit due to his tight schedule for the day. It was not like she wanted to meet him anyway as she desired to do the opposite. She wanted to avoid the endless question about her power or what she did for Claude. No, she never wanted to share the information at all. She did save the second prince out of humanity and sympathy so the other side should only be grateful right?
With a new set of floral dress that just reached up to her knees, the princess went to the garden filled with a field of white flowers which happens to be part of the view of her room. She laid down on the ground where the height of the flower was enough to cover her tiny body. Somehow, the scent from the white flowers were followed by the scent of serenity. Having time for yourself sometimes was just a good feeling to have. Celestial closed her eyes to appreciate the cozy warmth of the sun more which unconsciously drove her to the dreamland.
Although the princess fell asleep, she still had a high sense of her surroundings. Being born royal just turns you to be alert of your surroundings in case danger would approach even if Ethan would always be around her. It is just better to be as careful and cautious as possible. Therefore, when she heard a rustling sound near her, her pair of violet eyes immediately opened, only to find someone was staring back at her.
The intruder bore the same crystal blue eyes of the royals as Prince Anastacius. Celestial almost thought it was the second prince if it was not for the braid hair. The doe eyes of the person in front of her keep staring back at her like she was scanning her entire being. Was there another illegitimate child of the emperor? An abandoned princess perhaps?
"Angel..." The child whispers quietly as her hands reach out for Celestial's face. Her fingertips caress the cheek part lightly as she admires the said angel who appeared to be around the same age as her. As if she was finally out of her trance, she pulled back her hand in flustered.
"I'm sorry for being so rude. Forgive me"
"It's fine though. I don't mind, princess" Celestial sat up so the girl had no need to look down at her and yet as their gaps became closer, the little girl tried to back away from her. It looked like she wanted to run away from Celestial but at the same time she wanted to stay. This little girl had low self esteem and there was only a way to approach someone like this.
"Your braids look so pretty. Does the maid do it for you?" Complimenting someone's appearance was the best way to boost the confidence of others. Celestial compliment was never a lie as indeed she admired the little girl's cute looks. She always loved anything that was cute looking in her eyes and this girl was one of them.
"No, it's my bro-" The little girl averted her eyes to the side as she fiddled with her fingers while trying to communicate with Celestial. Her words were cut short when another intruder came into the place. The person who the Selene's princess tried to avoid from.
"Claude, you are running too fast and it's good to see you again, Princess Celestrial." The crown princess lightly jogged to join the two.
"Same goes for me, Prince Anastacius." Celestial greeted the prince back out of politeness as in truth, she just wanted to hide herself or her effort to avoid the prince today would be in vain. She could only hope he would not mention it at all. The little girl from before hid herself behind Anastacius as she peeked her head a bit to look at Celestial.
"Now, Claude. Dont be shy to greet the princess. She is kind, I assure you." Anastacius tried to persuade his little brother to introduce himself by changing the position of him and his brother so his brother would be in front of him.
"This is your brother? I mistaken him for your sister for a while there, Prince Anastacius"
"Is it because of his hair? I played with my mana before and tried to style it but somehow it turned into braids and princess, in this kingdom there is only both of us. Claude, I will change your hair back to normal." Anastacius explained the situation.
"No, I don't want to. I would like to keep it." Claude distanced himself with his brother a bit so his older brother could not change his new hair style.
"Don't you hate it? You even run away because you are mad at me."
"Not anymore..." Bashfully he uttered the words while sneekly glances back at the princess.
"Let it undone by itself then. Now, Claude, introduce yourself to the princess."
"Greetings, Princess Celestrial. I'm the second prince of Obelian...." There was a long pause as the little brother was contemplating his decision to tell her his name. He was very embarrassed of his own name as it did not share the meaning as great as Anastacius, instead his name meant something to be looked down to, crippled.
"...Claude de alger Obelia. Nice to meet you. You can just call me second prince" He chose to still let the princess know. Sooner or later should find out eventually his big brother even addressed him that before. However, he still did not want himself to be called by his name. Bad names like his should not be remembered after all, especially someone as radiant as her.
"I'm sorry if this sounds impolite but may I call you by your name, Your Highness? You have such a great name as in my country, your name has the meaning of strong willed." Celestial was not dumb to notice Claude reluctant in mentioning his name so she just encouraged him that his name was wonderful by stating the truth. 
"Look Claude. I told you, your name has a great meaning!" Anastacius tried to motivate his brother more.
"Uhhh...sure, the princess can call me Claude." The redness on his cheeks brightened more as he was shy and it might become worse as time goes by.
"Thank you, Prince Claude" Celestial just wanted to pinch that cute chubby cheek of the second prince. She was glad she could be a help during the difficult time for the prince. A feeling of protectiveness filled her heart the more she looked at the boy.
Chapter 3 << Previous, Next >> Chapter 5
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eddiemunsonw · 1 year
Paint me red.
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part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're one of Vickie's best friends. Her girlfriend, Robin, is in need of a distraction for her best friend, Steve Harrington, who you vaguely remember from school. Which is where you come in.
CW / Disclaimer: A bunch of cute stuff, just a nice feel good fic about our dear boy Steve.
Author’s note: It was time to write about Steve Harrington, so here it is. Four parts, can find them both on here and on my ao3: eddiemunsons. Enjoy!
Words: (of current chapter) 3261 / (complete fic) 13059
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Vickie stood on your doorstep a bit after dinner on Saturday, complimenting you on your outfit immediately. You honestly didn’t think the plain white tee and jeans combo was anything to write home about, but appreciated her kind words. Vickie herself had gone for a blue and purple patterned flower dress along with a baby pink turtleneck. She looked absolutely adorable and straight out of a fairytale.
“I like your boots, by the way. They look a bit like mine don’t you think?” Vickie mentioned as she drove off. While you tried to remember if she was right, you just nodded. Knowing Vickie, it was true.
“Yeah, I think they do. So… are you any good at mini golf?”
“A little. Used to do it a lot as a kid so I know my way around it but some obstacles are very tricky.” She glanced at you from the corner of her eye. “What about you, ready for today?”
“Uh… yeah? It’s just mini golf, right?”
“Mhm, mhm, yes,” Vickie quipped. “That and saying hi to Steve.”
“You make it sound like it’s such a big deal,” you remarked, giving her a raised brow. Vickie shrugged and took a moment to reply as she had to avoid a man on a bike who seemed to have no sense of direction.
“Asshole. Uhm, no it’s not a big deal, I guess. I just feel kind of weird for even asking it, you know? Just wanted to check in with you if you didn’t feel uncomfortable or anything. It’s kind of an odd request to make.”
“Don’t worry about it and anyway, wasn’t it Robin’s idea?”
Vickie nodded. She sighed to herself, her shoulders sagging from relief. It was obvious that she had been overthinking everything, which was something she tended to do a lot. You knew she just needed some extra reassurance sometimes.
“I’ll just say hi, shrug out some hole in ones and earn myself a lasting memory on his retina or something,” you smirked, even though it couldn’t be further from the truth. Apart from the saying hi part.
“Robin would kiss you if you did that. Platonically,” Vickie said, holding up a quick finger and you snorted.
The place was bustling with people. You were quick to notice Robin behind the counter near the mini golf course and you both made your way there. When you reached the counter, you realized you had subconsciously been looking for Steve who seemed to be nowhere in sight. Vickie greeted her with a hug as soon as the customers in front of you had gone.
“Hi,” Robin said to you, a reserved smile on her face.
“Hi!” you greeted her back, your eyes briefly falling on her fidgeting hands. While Robin and Vickie fall into easy conversation, you look around the place. You hadn’t been there before, though you’d always been curious what it would be like. The whole place seemed to be in a sort of purple-bluish hue. The barriers separating the course from the path were decorated in bright neon pink, yellow and green. The paths were a mix of blue and purple as well, muted but kind of sparkly. The seating was more of a lavender shade, at least in this light. Suddenly, your eyes fell on a similar shade of lavender T-shirt that disappeared into a pair of black jeans followed by white sneakers. Glancing upwards again, you spotted his name tag, which got closer and closer until he was close enough for you to be able to read his name off of it. You turned your head again to listen to Robin who was talking about a weird customer from that afternoon. While smiling politely to convey that you were listening, your glance drifted to the nearest couple playing mini golf. It wasn’t until you felt a little nudge against your upper arm that you lifted your head to look up at him, as the angle made it obvious it was Steve doing it. He looked down at you and gave you the subtlest wave with his hand.
“Hey, I’m—”
“Steve,” you finished for him, giving him an easy smile. “I’m—”
“Y/N,” Steve interrupted you with a soft smile. “Nice to see you again. It’s been a while.” For a moment, you could only stare up at him with a blank expression. The last thing you expected was for him to remember you. The most words you had ever exchanged was when he asked for a pen one day. How in the world did he remember you? You weren’t exactly known for your popularity, hair or the amount of women you had given a good time in your high school years.
“Uhm, yeah, sure has,” you said awkwardly, feeling your mouth subdue into a thin lipped smile. Steve combed his fingers through his hair once and nodded.
“Yeah. I should uh— get back to the— over there.” He was gone even quicker than he had arrived. You watched him walk back towards the course and quickly turned to the girls.
“Well that was…”
“Painful,” Robin finished Vickie’s words, a dead panned expression on her face. You scrunched up your nose and sighed.
“What else did you expect?” you asked. Robin shrugged, though a tiny smile was tugging at her lips as she glanced over at Steve. You followed her gaze curiously, only to find Steve staring at you and quickly averting his eyes as he stumbled over an obstacle in the course.
“Nothing. Although, on the other hand, exactly that,” Robin said as she gestured towards Steve dismissively. “He’s got a weak spot for sex on legs.”
“I am anything but sex on legs,” you retorted with a frown.
“You have boobies. That’s all he needs,” Robin sighed. “Don’t tell him I said that.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” you shrugged. Vickie giggled and nudged Robin’s arm and pointed at the wall behind her.
“Could you give us your finest putters? I want to impress someone.”
Robin smiled and shook her head.
“You picked the wrong girl if you think you can impress me with sports, Vic,” she remarked dryly although her expression was quite fond when she handed her a putter and a ball before handing you a putter as well.
“Who says it was about sports?” Vickie teased, leaving her with a wink. “Just have to make sure I look my best.”
“Oh— r-right,” Robin stammered, a flush creeping on her cheeks at the winking. “Have fun!” Vickie blew her a kiss and then hooked her arm through yours to guide you to the first hole. The first five were manageable. You got them in two or three tries at the most. The sixth was already trickier, but it started to feel impossible around number ten, where you basically had to make the ball fly into a net for it to land in the hole. Even after all ten tries, neither you or Vickie had managed to get it in, so you just went to the next. A few obstacles later Robin came over to see how you were doing (and to flirt with her girlfriend), which was the perfect opportunity for you to take a quick bathroom break.
“Where’s the bathroom?” you asked them, already looking around.
“Oh, it’s a bit of a maze here, but Steve’s going as well so if you just follow him, you’ll find it,” Robin said as she pointed her finger towards a retreating lavender shirt. You nodded, handed your putter to Vickie and quickly paced your steps to catch up. The DGMG was bigger than you expected it to be from the outside. You passed an arcade, a bowling hall and a paintball arena by the time Steve finally opened a door to the— What? 
Light nearly blinded you after walking in the dark hallway and you watched the door close before you reached it, as you had kept some distance between the two of you to not seem weird. However, when you followed him, you realized the blinding light hadn’t just been a couple of intense tl lights but in fact, the sun going down in the distance. Steve was fiddling to wiggle something out of his inner pocket and didn’t hear the door open and close again. Feeling a little stupid, you couldn’t help but state the obvious.
“This is not the bathroom.”
“Jesus Christ!”
Startled, Steve turned around to face you, the cigarette he had just stuck between his lips threatening to fall. His quick reflexes prevented that. Once your eyes had adjusted to the bright light coming from the low sun, you realized you were in the private parking lot for the employees, from the looks of it. Steve rested against a low wall that followed the length of the building behind you apart from a gap where employees could walk through to get to their cars.
“Sorry— Robin said I’d find the bathroom if I followed you because… you were going to the bathroom?” you said awkwardly. Steve pressed his lips together, looking caught.
“Which… you weren’t. Okay. Uh, I’ll just walk back to where I came from,” you added awkwardly when he didn’t say a word. 
“Do you want one?” he asked, holding his pack out to you. You shook your head with a polite smile. The last time you tried smoking had been at a party a couple years ago and you weren’t about to start a whole coughing fit in front of him.
“I’m good, thank you.”
Steve nodded and lit his own cigarette, making sure he didn’t blow the smoke in your face as he exhaled. You crossed your arms as you let your eyes adjust to the light while you watched him.
“Rob doesn’t know I still smoke. I told her I’d quit. So I uh… didn’t tell her when I didn’t. Can we…?” he pleaded, not even finishing the sentence.
“It’s our little secret,” you offered and he smiled gratefully.
“She thinks it’s disgusting, which it is, to be fair… But that clearly didn’t stop me,” he adds with a shrug.
“I’m not a huge fan of it either,” you admitted. “I don’t care either way though, people should do whatever. Sometimes it looks hot.” The statement was followed by a shrug of your shoulders and when Steve’s eyebrows raised up to his hairline long before his smirk appeared, you realized what you said.
“I mean—”
“Only sometimes?” Steve interrupted you with a curious smirk. You watched as he wrapped his lips around his cigarette again, inhaling, holding, exhaling, all while looking at you and awaiting your answer.
“Well, yeah. It looks weirdly attractive sometimes,” you admit reluctantly, “don’t know how they do it.”
“Hmm. So…? How do I do?” he asked, his head slightly tilted to the left.
“Are you asking me if you’re an attractive smoker?” you asked, raising your brow. You wondered briefly how words tumbled out of your mouth so easily in front of him. You felt relaxed around him, somehow.
“That’s… exactly what I’m asking, yes.” A dry chuckle escaped him and he shook his head, as if he couldn’t really believe himself. “Forget about it, I was joking.”
“Hmm.” You smiled at him and uncrossed your arms while you moved a few steps to the left so that you could stop squinting against the sun. It was mostly behind the trees by now but some persistent sun beams managed to shine through.
“How’s mini golf going?”
“I suck. No idea about the score though. Ever since ten it went downhill. Though that one was harder than the three after that for sure.”
“Ten is a mean one. I could show you how it’s done sometime, if you like. Once you get it, you’ll never miss again.”
“Last time I heard you’re not allowed to pick up the ball and put it in the hole,” you remarked jokingly, causing him to grin at you.
“I am hurt you think I’d cheat,” he feigned. “No, there's a way. An actual, honest to god, putter smashing the ball kinda way.”
“Alright then. I think you should show me sometime. Before that, though. Could you maybe show me to the bathroom? Whenever you’re done with paving the road towards your lungs, that is.”
Steve smirked and gave you a nod. “Yeah, gotta pass by there anyway to freshen up. Add some deodorant to mask all this.”
“You’re really going out of your way, huh? Don’t you think she’ll smell it regardless?” you asked, one eyebrow raised. Steve shrugged and took a last drag of his cigarette before dropping it and crushing it under his shoe.
“She’s never mentioned it. Let’s go back in.” He pushed himself off the wall and held the door open for you with a gentlemanly gesture before following you inside. You had no clue how you got from outside to the bathroom as it was, in fact, a maze, but Steve promised he’d wait and lead you back. You were just relieved you only needed to pee. His face lit up when you emerged again and he definitely smelled like some strong deodorant to the point that it caught in your throat a little. Smelled nice, but deadly.
“I think the only reason why she might not have smelt it is because she doesn’t dare to approach you any closer than this in fear of suffocation,” you remarked as you took a slow, deep breath. Steve knit his brows together in a frown only for a moment before he grinned. You wondered why words tumbled out of your mouth so easily with him. Normally you wouldn’t dare say anything that could be taken the wrong way with a relatively ‘new’ person. You still considered him new since you had never really talked.
“That… is possible,” he laughed. “If it works, it works, I guess. Can you smell anything, though? Might as well find out once and for all.” He stared at you expectantly and you inhaled through your nose, really making a show of it. A giggle escaped his lips but it died in his throat quickly when you stepped closer and inhaled again, your chest nearly bumping into his. You took a small step back so you could look up at him.
“Exhale?” you murmured, wondering where the sudden confidence came from. Steve’s lips parted in surprise but he did as you said and exhaled, eyes fixated on yours.
“Hmm… gum is advised,” you opted casually and you revealed a pack of gum from your pocket. “Can definitely smell some smoke.”
Hesitantly, Steve held open his hand and popped the gum into his mouth after you dropped one into his hand.
“Thanks. For the gum, and your surprising honesty,” he mumbled, a soft smile on his lips. His smile was reciprocated by one of your own as you stepped back and took a piece of gum as well.
“My pleasure. Honesty goes a long way.” 
Before you could get back to Robin and Vickie, Steve was interrupted by a customer and he smiled at you apologetically as he walked away. The girls were already in sight and you could admire his pretty backside while he walked away so in that sense it didn’t matter, but you still wished you could have talked for a little longer. 
He was nice, apparently.
“There you are! I thought the bathrooms had changed into a black hole or something, sucking you away from us,” Vickie pouted, though you didn’t miss her quick glance towards Steve’s retreating figure. “What took you so long?” 
Robin eyed you curiously as well and you just shrugged.
“Oh, we just got distracted talking. He waited for me so I could find my way back,” you explained. Robin narrowed her eyes at you suspiciously and Vickie quickly chimed in.
“What did you guys talk about?” she asked in her usual, chipper voice.
“Oh, uhh… everything and nothing, I guess?” you replied while you clawed at your brain trying to remember what you actually did talk about apart from smoking.
“Golf!” you suddenly exclaimed loudly, happy to remember it. “We talked about mini golf. About the one with the net.”
“Steve’s good at that one,” Robin nodded and then glanced over to the counter. “I have to get back, work,” she mumbled before she spared a sweet smile for Vickie which she then granted you as well. “Have fun.”
Together with Vickie you finished the other obstacles and in the end, Vickie won with three points. In all fairness, both of you sucked at it and it wasn’t exactly a score to be proud of for either of you. You’d had fun though, and that was what mattered. Both Robin and Steve were at the counter, cleaning off the balls and putter handles.
“... away for a while,” you heard Robin say as you approached. Robin glanced at you for a moment before focusing on the putter in her hand again. Steve hadn’t heard you approach as he was very stubbornly rubbing the ball in his hand.
“Yeah, I picked up trash on the way to throw it outside and that’s when we ran into each other, so we just chatted.”
“Oh, you met outside?” Robin asked, a smile playing on her lips as she looked up at you again. You had a feeling she was trying to catch you both on something so you quickly cleared your throat and put both you and Vickie’s putter onto the counter, along with the ball.
“Hi, here to return these.”
Steve looked up immediately, lips parted in surprise. Vickie suppressed a giggle as Robin gave her a look. His expression relaxed into a smile and he took the putters from the counter.
“Thanks. Hope you had fun?” Steve asked, glancing at both you and Vickie. The redhead nodded brightly and nudged you with her elbow.
“Maybe we can convince her to join us for paintball sometime? We’ve talked about needing a fourth person before, so…”
“And your kids are way too aggressive,” Robin said with a quick glance to Steve.
“Your kids?” you asked curiously.
“Long story,” Steve shrugged. “Just a bunch of kids a couple years younger than us that I unironically seem to babysit without the actual babysitting part. Although—”
“That does not make sense to anyone Steve,” Robin sighed. “Point is, they’re too passionate about winning. Last time we did that I had bruises everywhere.”
“Are you up for it?” Vickie asked you as she used her pleading puppy eyes. “It’ll be so much fun! Me and Rob against you and Steve—”
“Hold on, we already decided on teams now?” Steve asked quickly, glancing from you, to Robin and lastly to Vickie. You put your hands on your waist.
“What, you don’t want me on your team?” you teased. Steve rolled his eyes, huffing out a quick laugh as he shook his head.
“That’s not it, I was just surprised, alright. Anyw—”
“Alright, that’s settled then!” Vickie interjected, too excited to hold back. “How about next weekend?”
“We both have shifts all weekend. Thursday evening could work, though?” Robin proposed, looking at Steve for confirmation. He shrugged.
“You know my schedule better than I do, so I guess I’m available, sure,” he smirked.
“Thursday evening it is,” you nodded, smiling softly as your eyes met with his.
After you said your goodbyes, Vickie and you left the DGMG and she only managed to not mention it until the second you were back in her car.
“So! You and Steve…”
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Next part
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sixosix · 10 months
IM HERE. IVE ARRIVED. I HAVE THOUGHTS. when i said i might not come back here cuz i was busy? yeah, FUCK THAT. only divine intervention can keep me away from ur account. THE NEW THAWED PART?? WHAT THE FUCK. i wake up this morning expecting a chapter like, late afternoon but i forgot TIMEZONES EXIST . so u can imagine my absolute shock when i check my notifications bar and hit tumblr writer user sixosix posted new thawed part?? dude. the scream i scrumpt when lyney recognized the reader OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD. i knew it was over when the flower landed by her feet but him saying her name had me DSINFIDSJFJDS?!?!!??! DURING THE SHOW TOO. HE DIDNT WAIT UNTIL IT WAS OVERIJ DSJUFUDJSFIJDSAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! even rereading that part now as i write has me going crazy like i cant even put my excitement into words its SO?!?!?w??VFDXJDVNDSFNC god. okay. the scene where he grabs THE READER BY THE WAIST. 'CAUGHT YOU' ????? YEAH AND I CAUGHT FEELINGS YOURE NOT SPECIAL LYNEY?? THE GRIP ON THE WAIST. AUUUUUUUGH. ARUEGJHHH. ARHGHHRJGFDKD... IM ON MY DEATH BED!! TAKE ME TO THE BEACH SO I MAY GAZE UPON THE SEA ONCE MORE!!!! the mr lyney. miss lynette. falls to my knees. dies. dies. dies. BUT GOD THE FACT THEY THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD TOO? no wonder lyney chased after her !!!! if my girlfriend (one-sided (?)) turned up alive out of no where i would do the same fr. a real man would drop to one knee and propose right there (grow some balls lyney) LYNETTE!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! IM GONNA BITE HER SOKFDOSAKDASIJD THE SLOW APPROACH LIKE A TIMID CAT AND THEN THE SMIEL AUHGHDJFSKJFD?!w?FDDJNFODSJKFND!!!!! i cant imagine how she felt finding her bff again im so AUUURHGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! i know she knocked some sense into lyney afterwards LMAOO also reader pretending to be working under tart... ohh i know thats gonna backfire on her later in the story. ALSO CHILDE MENTION YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i have my doubts about lyney and lynette believing readers lie? absolutely. you dont grow up with someone and not know when theyre lying.. especially lyney. have u ever watched barbie in the dreamhouse?? theres this episode where ken tries to get a job but he doesnt bc each time barbie has an emergency, so he just becomes a (barbie)house-husband.. thats the vibe im getting from lyney and reader the 'i'm happy to see you' from lyney, and reader (kinda?) dismissing it with the 'goodbye miss lynette and mr lyney' ????? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH ??????? sending u the number and email to my therapist rn ure paying for my next session. also i love aether, paimons and readers friendship, especially their little banter at the end. ALSO. SIGH. reader calling rosalie maman. when i tell u i screamed i MEAN IT. THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME. I LOVE THEM SO BAD IM GONNA SOB!!!! ............im gonna say, im a bit paranoid though.. youre not gonna hurt rosalie right. righ.t Right. blinking at u. blinking at u. blink blink blink . BLINK. BLIIINK !!!!!!!!!! ok sorry for clogging up ur asks with this . i have no idea how to end this its so long LMAOO. there are so many other parts i loved (brief melusine scene, audience reactions, etc) but i just didnt know how to convey my feelings into words ifgjdifjdji. i love thawed and ur writing SOSOSOSO much and im so excited for future updates!!!!!!!!!!! THATS ALL I GOT TO SAY!!!!!!! ramble mode OFF!!!!!!!! BYEBYE AND TAKE CARE MUAAAAAAAAAH
HIII LIS!!!!! ohh seeing your asks rlly brighten my day. LMFAOOO your comment actually had me laughing out loud “I JUZT WOKR UP WHAT RHE DICK” HAHSA
YES. DURING THE SHOW!!! i want to emphasize that lyney did not care about the audience or the weeks of practice for this very moment if he sees the reader !!!! HELPPP nooooo dont lie on your death bed yet we still have a few more chapters to go through 💔💔
ONE SIDED GF 😭😭😭 IJBOL he definitely wouldve proposed if it wasnt for aether im telling u. YESSS LYNETTE APPRECIATION i love her so much i try to add her as much as i can bc her interactions w lyney are so fun. Theyre literally siblings 😭❤️❤️
CHILDE MENTION !! this is definitely gonna bite her in the ass later but hey thats for another chapter
YES I E WATCHED BARBIE DREAMHOUSE IMQHAHSHEH thats so funny that you said that im saving that as a screwnshot LMFAOOO
Yes i want to up the angst and pain. reader my self destructive thawed!reader … ❤️ but i also need the therapy please do send my number
Rosalie. rosalie, rosalie, rosalie. our maman. reader’s maman especially. Anyway.
AWW its okay!!! dont ever worry about your asks being too long !! i meant it when i said i love reading through them. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ❤️❤️❤️❤️ TAKE CARE TOO LIS MWA MWA
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thewatcher727 · 6 months
The Aftermath Is Now Live!
A few more hours of restful sleep embraced Tails, and as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the window, coaxing him back to consciousness, he stretched with a languid yawn. Eager to greet the new day, he swung his legs out of bed and slipped into his trusty sneakers.
As he stood, the dawn of a fresh morning prompting a sense of renewal, Tails whispered to himself, a quiet affirmation echoing in the stillness of his room.
"It's a new day, Miles... A new day."
With determination lacing each step, Tails made his way downstairs, the sunlight painting golden hues across the familiar surfaces of his home. The open bedroom door beckoned, and he instinctively moved toward it, the anticipation of the day's possibilities invigorating him.
However, a sudden surge of panic seized him as he found the room empty. A fleeting fear gripped his heart, threatening to unfurl into a full-blown panic attack.
Just as the tendrils of anxiety tightened their grip, a flash of vibrant green caught the periphery of his vision. Against the backdrop of the surrounding nature, Cosmo stood in the garden, tending to the flourishing plants. A sigh of relief escaped Tails, the tension in his shoulders dissipating as he observed her engrossed in her gentle task.
With a small smile playing on his lips, Tails descended the remaining stairs, the promise of the new day underscored by the presence of his newfound companion. The garden, a haven of serenity, seemed to echo the sentiment that life, despite its occasional tumult, could still blossom into moments of quiet beauty.
Intrigued, Tails quietly opened the backdoor and approached the garden with a measured step, mindful not to disrupt the tranquil scene. A gentle clearing of his throat preceded his greeting.
"Good morning, Cosmo."
Cosmo, engrossed in the delicate task of tending to a flower, turned towards Tails with a warm smile. "Good morning, Tails," she replied, her voice a soothing melody that seemed to harmonize with the rustle of leaves in the morning breeze.
Tails tilted his head in genuine curiosity. "What are you up to?"
Cosmo's attention returned to the flower in her hands, her fingers moving with a grace that spoke of an intimate connection with the natural world. "Your garden is truly lovely," she began, her words carrying a gentle sincerity. "Back on my home planet, flowers hold a special significance. They're not just beautiful; they represent the life force that connects us all. Each bloom tells a story, and when we tend to them, it's like nurturing the bonds that tie us together."
Her explanation unfolded like petals unfurling in the morning light, and Tails found himself drawn into the ethereal narrative of Cosmo's connection to the floral tapestry. It was a glimpse into a world beyond his own, where the language of flowers conveyed sentiments and stories that transcended mere aesthetics. The quiet beauty of the garden took on new meaning as Cosmo wove her tale, and in that shared moment, the morning seemed to carry the weight of a profound understanding between two souls bound by an unexpected friendship.
Tails' smile lingered, a reflection of genuine warmth as he absorbed Cosmo's explanation. The juxtaposition of her gentle nature with the harrowing experiences inflicted by the Nocturnus Clan stirred a profound empathy within him. It was a stark reminder that even the most resilient spirits could be tested by the cruelties of the universe.
Kneeling beside her, Tails observed the delicate bloom with newfound appreciation. His gloved hand hovered near the same flower, the contrast between the organic fragility of nature and the mechanical precision of his inventions striking a poignant chord.
"I don't get a lot of time to do gardening," Tails admitted, a touch of self-reflection in his tone. "I tried to make some devices to make sure the garden was taken care of. But," he paused, scratching his head with a boyish grin, "I don't know, I guess something about a garden requires a gentle touch."
Cosmo's gaze softened, understanding the sentiment behind his words. "On my home, my mother taught us that flowers bloom and thrive when nurtured with care and respect. It is our duty to tend to the garden of our world so that every flower can reach its fullest potential."
A subtle undercurrent of melancholy lingered in Cosmo's voice, a wistful longing for the home and family she had left behind. The weight of her unspoken sorrow tugged at Tails' heart, a shared pain that underscored the gravity of her displacement.
Every day, the reality of their predicament gnawed at Tails—the uncertainty of Green Gate's fate, the potential destruction wrought by the Nocturnus Clan. Yet, he quelled the insidious "what ifs" that threatened to overwhelm him. Instead, his focus remained steadfast on the responsibility at hand—providing solace and comfort to Cosmo in her newfound home.
Standing up, Tails extended a hand toward her with a genuine offer, a bridge from the contemplative moment to the tangible world of shared experiences. "Ready for some breakfast?"
Cosmo's smile, though hesitant, blossomed at the prospect. However, she hesitated, acutely aware of the soil staining her hands. "Oh, I don't wanna get your gloves dirty."
Tails chuckled, a lightness in his demeanor that sought to dispel any concerns. "That's okay, I got about fifty pairs."
Cosmo's uncertainty melted away, replaced by a gentle acceptance. Her unadorned hand, distinct from Tails' gloved one, met his in a tender union of fingers. As Tails helped her to her feet, the brief connection spoke volumes—a silent promise to navigate the challenges ahead together, hand in hand, forging a path through the uncertainties of the present toward a future yet to unfold.
Continue Reading:
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14341784/1/After-The-Storm
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54817303/chapters/138943699
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wndybyrd · 1 year
@petersprize​ :: closed starter !
faery dear ,             give me wings.              i want to hear            the faeries sing.      up and away.        i cannot stay.                   when mother comes ,              i’ll be far away !
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thin streaks of light peaked through holes in the ‘hanging tree’ and kissed at her face to wake. earthy scents of dirt, bark, and morning dew invaded her nose—an unusual comfort. the girl stretched and yawned, stirring ever so slightly, despite desperately wishing to crawl further into her makeshift bedding for just a few minutes longer. it was only the ring of a pan’s cock-crow from outside, signaling the official start to their day, that possessed enough power to tempt those heavy eyes open, blinking away the hazy feeling of sleep. 
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but wendy’s bones were sore, the collection of bruises had begun to darken, and a litter of cuts she’d accrued ( tiny reminders of her embarrassment at battle ) had become ugly scabs. she was in no mood for cleaning or cooking, for playing or bickering. she was in no mood to play ‘mother’, a part that went without the praise or appreciation once earned. in fact, she was in no mood to do anything at all. 
instead, a ball of achey limbs, she curled into the soft nest of furs and fingered through the pages of one of her few remaining books ( though she’d read it a hundred times now ). whooping laughter slithered its way into her ears from the distance, but the noise was no bother. in fact, wendy hardly noticed at all, her thoughts too far lost in the novel’s familiar tale. it was only the jolly jingle of a tinkling bell that managed to tear dour eyes away from her pages. wendy watched with utter loathing as the little ball of golden light 'n’ iridescent dust flitted around the tree’s shadowy corners, a thick knot forming in her stomach with each passing second.
tinker bell had eluded her for some time since returning to neverland, though she would not deny her pleasure in the little creature’s absence. it was a shame, really, for as a child she’d imagined the fae to be enchanting and marvelous beings like those in her stories. but tink had never brought any wonder into wendy’s life . . . just the continuous threat of misfortune. a part of her had secretly hoped peter’s pet had tucked tail and ran to wallow on some other island far, far away. no such luck.
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book in hand, she slowly rose out from under her covers and crouched forward. her feet barely padded against floor of packed mud, quieter than a mouse, as she crept closer to the little devil. then, in one swift motion, she extended her arms and snapped the spine of her book with a sharp ‘CLAP’. but, as lovely as it would’ve been to flatten the smallfolk like a pressed flower between the book’s thick pages, she missed tinker bell by inches.     “ oh my. “     , she hummed, her tone void of any apology her words tried to convey. her face cracked into a pearly smile that was ruined by a dark brewing behind her eyes.     “ i’m so sorry, tink ! why, i must have mistook that pesky buzzing for a mosquito. “
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kamyru · 1 year
I like flowers (Ryoga Buto x MC) (Shorts)
Author's note: It's inspired by a reel where the girlfriend asks her boyfriend what is the equivalent of giving flowers for a man. And he says this:
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Words counting: 663
MC knew that Ryoga wasn't the sweetest at expressing his feelings through words. His abrasive tongue could hurt without him intending it. His sarcasm was funny till it wasn't. However, Ryo did his best to make MC know she was important to him. So, he compensated through his actions, caring nature, 200% commitment hugs, and flowers that he gave her with and without occasion.
Being only twenty-three, MC and Ryoga had their share of life experiences that still didn't eat all the naivety and novelty of the things around them. So, it wasn't so hard for the man to put the most genuine smile on his girlfriend's face with a bouquet he grew by himself in the backyard of their house.
However, every smile that appeared on MC's face after receiving another bouquet added problems for her soul. What could she give her boyfriend back that had an equal meaning as the flowers? What was as simple yet as important to him?
For weeks, MC stared into Ryoga's soul, trying to find the answer to her dilemma. And for weeks, it remained a mystery. Until she understood that she was staring at him while his eyes fell on the flowers.
Ryoga Buto, the manly man from the PLUST, the gym bro as Mikoto called him, the sarcastic meany, looked fondly at the frail petals he worked so hard to grow.
"What do you think about flowers?" MC whispered and was a second away from regretting talking aloud, but saw a soft expression on her boyfriend's face.
"I like flowers," was everything the man of few words said while sniffing the aromatic roses in front of him.
And after weeks of searching for sophisticated answers, MC understood that the clue was in front of her. She didn't have to think so hard to get it. Flowers weren't just for women. Men liked flowers too.
So, the day when the bouquet Ryoga gave to her dried up, it was MC's time to shine. With a dictionary of flowers and their meaning, she planned to send her boyfriend secret messages through her bouquets. He wasn't one to talk about his feelings, so she tried to translate her inner world into something he would understand.
When Ryoga came home after practice, MC waited for the other members to leave them alone. Her heart was beating fast against her ribcage. It was as if she was the first time in a foreign country whose language she studied in school. Theoretically speaking, she was supposed to communicate with everyone, practically - it was hard to open her mouth. But she had to. She had to show Ryoga that she appreciated how he tried his best to convey his feeling to her and speak his language. Taking a deep breath and hiding something behind her back, MC asked her boyfriend to close his eyes, to which he reluctantly obeyed. Her tender fingers touched Ryoga's ear for a mere second, but enough to make his heart beat faster.
"What did you do?" the man asked after opening his eyes.
MC showed him her best smile and put him in front of a mirror. Ryoga's eyes got bigger. Behind his ear was a flower of forget-me-not. He touched it slowly, not to adjust it, but to make sure it was real. Looking from his reflection to his girlfriend, he silently asked for explanations.
"You always give me flowers, and you said you liked them. So, I decided to do the same for you. Do you like it?"
The dancer didn't know what to say. Answering this was above his knowledge in speaking. So, he hugged MC as hard as possible, squishing her between his strong arms and hard chest. Then, with the softest movement, he put away a strand of hair and kissed her forehead. He wasn't going to tell MC, but he already knew that he would dry that flower and make a charm out of it, to keep it forever.
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theloud · 2 years
At noon today (eastern time) Sam Gabriel, voice actor extraordinaire, will record chapter 4 of In the Bleak Midwinter, one of my fanfics, to turn it into a podfic. Anyone who enjoys amusing flubs can tune in to my Discord server. He’ll edit it into a polished podfic later.
This chapter has a lot of fun dialogue, so I’m looking forward to hearing Sam’s interpretations. I’m copying and pasting a bit here:
Cecilia was seated at her writing-desk by the window, with her back to him. She did not immediately turn around, but continued writing. Her blonde hair was even shorter than when he’d last seen her, revealing her graceful neck. Finally, she put down her pen and turned to him. Her blue eyes took him in. She crossed her ivory-stocking-clad legs, slender ankles and shapely calves, and Tom completely forgot what he’d planned to say. “I used to have a cat,” she said.
“Whenever he killed a mouse he would bring it into my sitting room and offer it to me as a gift. He thought highly of his mouse and it was beyond him to realize that anyone might have a different opinion of it.”
Tom looked at his bouquet in horror, for he certainly could not meet Cecilia’s cold gaze.
“I gave that cat away,” she added, salting the wound.
“For what it’s worth,” he tried, “I’m not particularly fond of purple hyacinths either, but the shopgirl assured me that they’re just the thing to convey deep regret and a request for forgiveness. If they don’t work, I’ll return them, as they’re clearly defective. That flower shop lacks the standardization and quality control that today’s customers expect from a modern business.”
He anxiously observed the effect of his words. Cecilia tried to suppress a smile, then gave up and tried to suppress a laugh, then gave up even that and let out a sound that was half laugh, half sob. “Oh Tom!” she cried. “How can you come here with two legs and two arms and a head as if you were a human being, when you’ve already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are instead a catastrophe? You’re a train derailment, Tom. An earthquake. The Black Plague. An iceberg in search of an ocean liner. You’re probably responsible for erupting all over Pompeii. It would take more than a bunch of flowers to fix your reputation.”
“So what will it take?” asked Tom eagerly.
Cecilia sighed. “Do you have some list of caddish behaviors that you’re running through? Does your wife know you’re bringing flowers to your ex girlfriend?”
“That’s a metaphysical question I’m not qualified to answer. You see she’s dead. Hence my somber attire.”
“Oh, that’s rich. You’re still flashier than a peacock, Tom.”
“You used to appreciate—”
“I was a singularly stupid girl taken in by your deceptive charms. Well, not singularly, I was just one of the stupid girls. I mean, there was me, and Merope, and how many others?”
“What?! No, there was no one else.”
“Why would I believe anything you say? Now you’re saying your wife is dead? Is that some bizarre attempt to gain my sympathy? You just killed your wife in the hopes I’d feel sorry for you, didn’t you?”
“No! That’s a slanderous accusation.”
“So what did you kill her for, then?”
“I did not kill her! Well. I mean. Not directly.”
“Oh my god.”
“She died in childbirth, all right? So in a way it was my fault, but these things happen. I have the death certificate and everything. And a son, now. Suddenly everything’s different. So I thought, as long as everything in my life is changing so radically and unexpectedly, well, I might as well see if I can get you back in the mix somehow. I know that getting you to trust me again seems impossible, but a lot of impossible things have been happening to me as of late, so why not try for one more?”
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jiiaian · 7 years
the color of roses // a shortfic for @rcttedpeach
He was allowed to take one flower. Each day, just one, trimmed at the joint to keep it growing.
“What do you need them for?”
“There is someone I owe many flowers.”
She smiled knowingly, nodding in the direction of the daisies. No sweet scent, but pretty in a simple, straightforward way. Just like his beloved lady.
He thanked her, bowing too low, and began his work. He chose his daisy at the end of the day and tucked it gingerly into the fold of his shirt.
He always made a point to lay it at her feet like a sacrifice or an offering. She was often sitting at her desk, still, into dusk, but she would always move her chair out from beneath the wood to sit beside him. This evening he chose to kneel before her, staring holes into the floor to avoid looking at the utter shock on her face. Surprise bordered too closely on disgust...
“What are you doing--?”
“I brought you something from the garden.” He fished out the daisy from within his clothes. Its stem had gotten a little battered, but the petals remained.
“O-oh...thank you.” She took it with some hesitation, but she did hold it close to her chest. He smiled, unable to help himself, glad that he had pleased her.
“There are tulips blooming quite beautifully, you know.”
He snipped a yellow one at the base and wrapped it carefully in tissue paper this time.
He knelt before her and bowed his head, setting the singular bouquet upon her lap. She giggled.
“You don't have to kneel...”
“I do.” There is a deference he cannot shake. He feels it only for her, and he must be ever at her feet. She sets the tulip upon her desk and leans forward to pat his head. Platonic, patronizing. But still she has blessed him with her touch.
“There are roses. Be careful of the thorns.”
He took two, because he could not decide between red and pink. Greedy, he was becoming.
He tied their stems together with twine and held them in his palms to her, knees beginning to sting of late. Hours in the garden, time on the wood of her floor. This time she smelled them, noisily, grinning wide. She kept the roses in her lap and squeezed his face between her hands. She ought to have been able to feel the radiant heat, the pulsing through his temples.
“You've been so sweet.”
“I must.”
He must, so staunch he was, once he believed something. Once he had a habit. Flowers each and every day...
On the fourth day, it rained. The plants needed it, but he felt as tearful as the sky. His boss sighed apologetically, placing a hand upon his back.
“I'm sure she'll understand.”
He clenched his fists at his sides.
“But I owe her flowers. Every day.”
She folded her arms then put a finger to her chin. She disappeared and came back with a little book with a flower pressed between its pages.
“You can take this. Read the haiku in it.”
He was unfamiliar with the form, and poetry was difficult for him to understand. But he needed something to give her. He got sent home early from work because of the rain.
He looked over the book as he stood in the hallway of her division. The fairest lilies/do grow even when plucked/drying in windows. He blinked. Lily-of-the-valley...
He read it at her feet, stumbling over the meter, face red in bashfulness as he'd never once read a poem aloud. The book was set in her lap, his knuckles on her knees, the crushed flower laying bare. He saw the page turn wet, and he raised his eyes. She was crying. Yet again. He always seemed to make her cry. In a panic, he slammed the book close and held her hands to his chest. The flower fell out from between the pages and the petals fell off upon the floor.
“What is the matter?”
“I told you, you don't have to be so nice...”
“But I--”
“Don't.” Stern, as if angry, though her face, if he's studied it enough (and he has, staring when he oughtn't be, memorizing her eyes and lips--) just looks sad. Or maybe frightened. What had he done? “Don't say you have to because you love me or whatever bullshit--”
Like a pike through his chest.
Though she wept, her cheeks were the color of roses. His too. He coughed.
“I will not say it anymore. But I will bring you flowers on days when it's not raining.”
“It rains a lot this time of year.”
“Then I will bring you seven flowers if it rains all week.”
She pursed her lips. He held fast onto her hands. Eventually, after what felt like hours of listening to nothing but the pounding in his head and the rain pouring down, her shoulders sloped and she sniffed back any more crying.
She nodded, and motioned for him to stand as she laid her head in her hand upon her desk. He did as he was told, as always, head bowed as he went for the door.
“Thank you,” she croaked, but a whisper as he stood at the exit. His clothes were just beginning to dry. He'd soak them again soon on the walk back to his room.
“For the gifts? Or for leaving?”
A long silence. He did not turn around.
“Both, Cang. Both.”
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Soo... Selene with a reader that also have a domestic spirit but have to work, so they wake up a little early so they can make her breakfast? 🥺
Seriously I just want to spoil this woman so much....!!
"What's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?"
The question came from nowhere. Selene flushes from being put on the spotlight; stammering.
"O-oh, well, I'd probably have to say blueberry pancakes. My mother actually convinced me I had an allergy till I was about eight due to me going through a whole cart by myself when I was a baby before she had a chance to eat a single one. Why do you ask, dear?"
"No reason..."
The next morning, Selene wakes to noise in the kitchen. Removing her sleeping mask, she finds that the sun hadn't even fully risen; the clock beside her reading a little after dawn. She usually got up an hour later to make you some breakfast or pack something for lunch. You weren’t in the bed either. How odd. Slipping on her house shoes and robe, she heads into the kitchen to see what was going on.
Entering the room, she finds you hunched over the waffles iron; mixing bowl and a cartoon of blueberries beside you. A small stack of the cakes had already been filled to a plate, you adding another to the pile as she walks in. Hearing her voice, you look back.
"Oh, hey, Selene. I was just about to come wake you up."
"What are you doing?"
"Making you breakfast. You always do the same for me, and I don't usually have the time to make you anything due to work, so I got up early today."
You pick up the plate and set it on the kitchen table, pulling the chair out for her. "Come on before they get cold."
Selene walks over and sits down. Alongside the waffles; syrup, flowers, and a small note rest on the table. You had seen the vase while you were out picking up the fruit; deciding to add them to the surprise. A smile made from blueberries had been arranged over the waffles with too eyes to match. Before picking up her fork, Selene skims over the note.
"Have a good day. Love you! - Y/n."
A warmth hotter than anything she's ever felt spreads across Selene’s face; spreading to her chest. She tries to find words to say, but they all feel too dull to properly convey the way she was feeling right now. This is what it feels like - to be loved; she reminds herself. You had displayed tokens of affection in the past, but every new one always felt like the very first time. There wasn't anything she wouldn't give to show you how happy she was.
"Selene?.. Are you alright?"
She hasn't even realized she started crying; a stream running from her right eye. She quickly wipes them away.
"Yes.. of course, yes, I'm just... so happy right now it's hard to put into words. Thank you, honey."
You smile, kissing the side of her head. "No problem. I have to go get ready, but I'll see you before I head out."
You wonder off, leaving her in the afterglow of the occasion. Picking up her knife and fork, Selene takes her first bite. She can taste the love that you poured into each waffle; trying her hardest not to cry like a baby. She had always been such a sucker to her emotions.
After you shower, and kiss her goodbye, Selene sorts through the cookbooks her father had left her; searching for the perfect meal for dinner. She heads out and buys you the biggest bouquet of roses she could find; picking up an adorable stuffed animal she spotted match. She planned to do everything in her power to show you just how much she appreciated you and that she loved you just as much as you did her, if not moreso.
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the mondstadt crew
characters included: diluc, kaeya, and jean
gn! reader as always <3
tw: fluff??? domesticity??? crack??? ideal relationships w people who will never be real??? also mentions of alcohol!
an: so i’m back w a sequel to my “fluff/relationships w the liyue crew” since you guys seemed to really like it <3 thank you my heart is literally melting 😩 this post was getting too long so i excluded some of the characters but expect a part. 2 (more like part 3 but part 2 to the mondstadt version)! 
man. this MAN.
that’s it, that’s the headcanon. 
he would literally be the most doting lover in the softest ways
SUCH a soft romantic like you thought you knew love??? nah this man will show you what love is
will constantly leave you things around the winery to convey his silent thank you’s and appreciation for you putting up with him being busy for most of the day
it’s always the most thoughtful things ever too like-
you mentioned how nice it would be to have some fresh lemonade with the hotter weather outside but it was too late in the day to actually go to the market in search of fresh lemons 
the next day you walked downstairs only to be greeted with a pitcher of cool lemonade with a side of lemon bars
there was a note attached to the handle of the pitcher <3 
“i recall you mentioning how lemonade would be perfect for the warmer weather so i decided to make some for you this morning. i hope it’s still cool by the time you drink it. love, d” 
pls sir your hand in marriage
he secretly loves it when you usher him to bed after waking up in the dead of night to see him working by candlelight on reports 
soft hands on his cheeks gently whispering about how, it’s been far too long and come to bed, darling and there will be time for this in the morning
his protests are light given the dark purple hues under his crimson eyes but he’ll still make a little fuss 
don’t let this man fool you tho he’s so so touched that you care enough to check up on him and drag him to bed!!
sometimes on the days he has a bit more free time, the two of you will quickly grab your dinners and race to the highest spot in the winery to watch the setting sun
these moments are always filled with laughter, something you’ve found you’re easily able to pull out of diluc, simply because it’s you 
uncontrollable sobbing
he would let you paint his nails black like the angsty man he is 
frankly he would let you do anything to him if it makes you happy <3 
ok but wait diluc w bLACK NAILS?? AND RINGS??? i would die on the spot ⚰️
on the topic of makeup, this man is surprisingly really good w it 
i like to think he learned after practicing on kaeya when they were younger bc kaeya was really into makeup
you found out after babysitting klee one day and trying failing to draw eyeliner on the sweet girl after her “big brother ‘bedo!”
you hastily grabbed some wipes, gently wiping off the messed up design before attempting to dive back in 
diluc however, had some down time so he decided to check up on his favorite chaotic duo 
only to be met with a pile of dirtied makeup wipes, your frustrated expression, and klee’s growing jitteriness 
swiftly moving to your side, he quietly asked if you needed help 
you glanced up quizzically before handing him the eyeliner, already looking around to find more makeup wipes when this inevitably goes wrong 
to your utter surprise tho the eyeliner is perfect??? two perfect winged lines??? in less than a minute??? WHAT
you just stood there like 😦 before diluc got back up and handed you the eyeliner 
you were short-circuiting, klee was ecstatic, diluc was worried about you 
ok last thing abt diluc 
crack! warning but the both of you like lowkey pranking kaeya 
for diluc it’s revenge on his annoying brother; for you it’s good - natured sibling rivalry fun 
every time the two of you see kaeya, one of you always swipes something of his 
small things really, it could be a pen or a handkerchief
one time, diluc swiped kaeya’s spare eyepatch and from the looks of it, kaeya’s only spare black eyepatch bc he was frantically looking for it yk he’s desperate when he even asked diluc if he saw it
the two of you spent an hour nearly laughing your asses off 
all in all, life w him is so sweet 
pretty boy? pretty boy. 
while i can’t guarantee stability, life would never be boring w this man that’s for sure
piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 
he LOVES it, the feel of you on his back while he’s walking around mondstadt most likely carrying you to your commission 
he finds it comforting especially since he can hear the rumble of your voice against him while you recount stories, or just babble on about everything under the sun 
he is SO dramatic so obviously when y’all reach the site of the commission he has to kill all the monsters even tho the both of you agreed to split it up evenly 
he makes quick work of his set before stealing some of yours much to your chagrin 
you scold him but can you really be mad at him when he looks drop dead gorgeous freezing the hilichurls the answer is no, no you cannot be
oh my god ok wait-
he does this thing where he tries to spook you in public 
so say you’re getting groceries at the mondstadt general store
you round the corner just minding your own business, looking around, taking in the sunshine 
and suddenly you just hear someone drop in behind you but before you can register anything you hear a soft “boo” and hands circle your waist 
you jump SIKE let’s be honest you shrieked 
meanwhile kaeya’s just laughing his ass off 
you can hear his rich peals of laughter while you attempt to regain your bearings 
he does this so often you SHOULD be used to it but you really aren’t bc mans is SNEAKY-
he cards his fingers in your hair whenever you’re speaking 
he doesn’t know why, it’s just a cute habit and he finds the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing
oH on the topic of comfort, kaeya really likes resting two fingers on the back of your neck???
ik he seems like the type to throw his arm around your shoulder which yes he totally is but during more serious conversations his hand automatically seeks out the warmth of your neck 
your neck feels amazing especially during the warmer months due to his chilly fingers contrasting with your warm skin  
he likes that he’s able to access such a vulnerable part of you and you would willingly let him 
no i will NOT take criticism on this i just kNOW he’s that type of guy
it would be those stupid “i’m his” and “they’re mine” sweatshirts like BYE 
it’s so cringy but for some reason it’s oddly adorable and you truly despise it but you can’t seem to say no whenever he asks 
you pretend to ignore the look of pity diluc throws your way whenever he sees you like this
kaeya really loves accessories so i think he would be the type to give you a promise ring or something similar to show that he truly does care for you 
he would brush it off, flirting a little like usual before handing you the ring 
with the way his cheeks softly darken though, you know he’s being genuine 
TICKLE FIGHTS ik i mentioned this for childe but shhhh
he has tickle fingers??? his hands just loOK like they’re itching to tickle someone so you’ll most likely be the unfortunate victim 
he will not show you mercy. at all. he’ll tickle you until there are tears streaming from your eyes, your face is hot, and your voice is hoarse from laughing so damn hard 
it gives him such a rush of serotonin its SO CUTE 
i feel like this goes without saying but he’s super into pda,,, anything and everything is on the table 
hand holding? duh. ass grabs? ofc. carrying you bridal style around mondstadt? why not 
ik he’s typically very playful but once the relationship reaches a certain stage, he’ll slowly start to let down the walls that surround his facade 
very very slowly show you the more realistic parts of him 
the real, damaged pieces of his soul 
he’ll be carefully monitoring your reaction though, any sign of fear or disgust will have him recoiling within himself again and you most likely will never see his true nature ever again 
once you’ve seen the parts of him he’s offered to you, the hushed whispers of his past, and the uncertain lines of his future, he will take off his eyepatch 
pretends like he’s not super nervous but he’s SWEATING- 
the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen though hands down 
you can understand why he covers it up but you would like it if he felt comfortable enough to take off the eyepatch occasionally when he’s with you 
also!!! sleeps with his eyepatch side facing you (in the event he wears it to bed) 
if this happens you KNOW he trusts you bc it’s his blindside <3 
anyways life w kaeya will never be boring but he is a very complicated man 
stay with him though, i promise it’ll be worth it 
the key to jean’s heart is coffee and food 
i am begging you she deserves it 😭
the poor woman works so hard bc the knights are so mf understaffed, this is literally the best way you can ever show her your love and appreciation when she has work
she will MELT if you have a hot shower and dinner waiting for her when she inevitably returns later than she promised
will completely refuse at first with, “you did not have to do this, it’s too much” but shush her as you shOULD bc she deserves the entire world 
she’s the definition of “you do something for me, i’ll return the favor ten times grander”
you leave a flower on her desk bc it reminded you of her??? you’ll wake up to find a whole bouquet of the prettiest windwheel asters you’ve ever seen the next morning along with a thank you note
she’s so sweet BYE
she gets flustered extremely easily so you obviously use this as an opportunity to tease her 
when you’re in public rest your hand on her waist and inch it higher until your hand is underneath her shirt and in contact with her warm skin 
she’ll actually short-circuit its quite adorable 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and you’ll hear whispers of her insecurities 
“am i a good grand master? will i ever be as valiant as vanessa?”
reassure her!!! tell her that she doesn’t need to be like vanessa, she’s already amazing as jean 
if you haven’t seen her in awhile, track her down and schedule a lunch date 
she never misses appointments and if it’s for you, she’ll gladly make time to see you even if she has to stay up even later than usual 
she has so much tension and the sorest muscles from hunching over papers and running around on errands 
if you sneak into her office and quietly stand behind her before gently pushing down on the sore tendons of her neck, she’ll genuinely fall over on her desk 
so make sure you steady her 😀
after you feel how tight her muscles are though, you drag her to barbara bc she needs a healer asap 😭
while most of your time is spent in her office - you helping out in the ways you can while jean is overseeing knight duties - you still have your fair share of life outside of the favonius headquarters
jean never likes to sit still so whenever you have free time, the both of you head off looking for monsters to clear
bouken da bouken???
adventuring w jean is seriously the funnest thing you could ever do 
it’s just non-stop you accidentally getting into trouble and her having to come help you 
even tho the both of you are dead tired after fighting, what? 20 hilichurl camps now??? the laughter and joy in your eyes shows how you both truly loved every minute of it
it’s both a stress reliever, good fun, and a work-out <3
you’re definitely prone to getting dragged to angel’s share w kaeya 
kaeya and jean sometimes hang out after work at the tavern so inevitably you’re dragged along too 
all three of you are drunk out of your minds which just makes everything a MILLION times funnier 
kaeya slurring over his words makes the two of you start cackling endlessly while diluc just shakes his head making sure to not give you more wine despite your pleas 
angel’s share ft. kaeya and bartender diluc are always the best times fr fr 
life with her literally feels like y’all are married 
so much domesticity it’s so NICE ALJDKSFH
your house is always so clean and the color scheme is impeccable bc jean has such a good eye 
you have a chore schedule 😎 but it almost never works out bc jean ends up doing everything without you knowing- 
you always confront her abt it and she’s like 😁 “i had some time so i did them! no worries tho” like i- time??? where bitc-
oH- she has amazing style so you can bet shopping w her is literally the best experience 
she takes you to all of the hidden gems some places lisa recommended and helps you pick out things 
will 100% get really blushy if you come out in something and ask her for her opinion tho she’s literally the cutest
basically jean is a sweet girl who deserves the entirety of teyvat that is all. 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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Reader Who Makes Preserved Flower Epoxy Resin Charms + Receiving A Gift From The Reader
Type: Blurbs
Characters: Ningguang, Ganyu, Xiao, Childe, Jean, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, and Eula
Notes + cw: Apologies if some seem longer than others, tiny death mention cw in Zhongli’s but that’s it maybe
Ningguang is aware of your craft. She buys everything you ask her for your hobbies, even setting aside a room in the Jade Chamber for your work. She is always ready to offer you monetary advice if you want to earn money from your craft, but understands if you do not wish to go down that route and does not pressure you over it.
Upon being gifted the preserved glaze lily pendant, Ningguang holds the trinket close to her chest. Anyone can go out and buy her an expensive trinket, but a handmade gift from you is priceless. It shows her you are willing to dedicate hours of your life towards her, crafting something that comes from your own efforts. She keeps it tucked close to her own heart, viewing it when she misses you.
Ganyu finds your work with resin concerning for your health, but respects your dedication to the craft. She finds your passion genuinely inspiring. Upon being gifted a qingxin flower paperweight, she treasures it gingerly in her hands. For the first few weeks she stresses over keeping it looking nice and fearing the day she gets too hungry and tries to eat it, but as the weeks pass these concerns melt away. Her hands wrap around the paperweight, and she always smiles seeing it on her desk. It makes her stresses go away. And maybe a little hungry.
Xiao is silent, inspecting the small qingxin flower charm in his hand. “It’s...beautiful.” He whispers, his voice barely audible. His mind worries it might get shattered and bring you misfortune. He would never forgive himself if that happened. He thinks of giving it back. He doesn’t want the things you spent so much time and effort on to get damaged or even tainted by his karma. Then your hands clasp over the one holding the charm. “You’re even more beautiful. Keep it.” You say. Xiao is unable to protest against your request. How can he, when you told him to keep it just now?
He wordlessly puts it away in his pocket.
Later he hangs it off his sash.
Childe smiles brightly as you present him a preserved sweet flower with starshell pieces floating in the resin, making it glitter in the sun. “Thanks for the good luck charm, sweetness. I’ll keep it close!” He holds it up to the light, watching the sun shine through the flower. The clear resin reminds him of the unforgiving ice of his homeland, the starshell bits freezing cold diamond dust, but the sweet flower blooming within will always remain eternal. Resolute and undying.
Yes, he thinks, this is a fine gift from you. He has it molded to a pin and kept on his scarf, proudly wearing it like a medal.
Jean becomes briefly speechless when presented with the dandelion puff resin necklace. She wonders how much time you put into it for her and almost feels embarrassed accepting it, but she knows it would break your heart to refuse it. She finds it quiet pretty, the sunlight refracted in the resin making the dandelion puffs shimmer bright in her hand. “Reader, thank you very much.” She says.
Lisa catches a glimpse of the necklace and won’t stop teasing her about it, making Jean flush red. It’s such a romantic gesture out of the romance novels she’s so fond of reading. It also reminds her of your own smile, sweet as the gentle path of a dandelion.
Zhongli’s slitted eyes trace over the epoxy resin preserved petals and leaves in the bookmark you present him. He can easily identify silk flowers, glaze lilies, qingxin flowers, sweet flowers, mist and fire flower petals in the bookmark. He knows the exact places those flowers bloomed as well. He treasures such an item. Zhongli is always willing to tell you the best places to get the prettiest flowers and the ideal preservation conditions to keep them fresh looking until you preserve them.
One day, he can hope to preserve your wedding bonquet this way. So he can remember the happy times you shared with him when you’re gone.
Kaeya chuckles when presented with the resin preserved Calla Lily trinket. The resin is clear with mist flower petals framed around the single calla lily bud.
“I don’t need a good luck charm when I already got the best one right next to me.” He teases, hooking an arm around you and pressing a kiss to your forehead. He holds it in his palm, admiring its beauty. Kaeya then smiles at you. “I’ll keep it close. It reminds me of you, after all.” He keeps the charm hanging off his belt next to his vision.
He feels a little less lonely whenever he’s wearing it, and he appreciates that so much more than he can ever outright say.
Diluc, much like Ganyu, worries for you health but remains supportive of your passion. Everything you make is a reflection of you, and he loves it all. He always offers to buy you resources you need. When presented with a charm you made, he handles it gingerly in his gloves. A flat rectangle with a falcon feather and small lamp grass buds in the clear resin. He holds it as if it’s a delicate piece of glass and not a chunk of firm material.
“Sucrose helped me treat the lamp grass with something to help it glow in the dark even while dead in the charm, but I made it small if you want to hide it away for stealth purposes.” You explain. “Or just don’t expose to light.” Diluc nods. He doesn’t say anything.
“Is something the matter?” You ask, worry setting in that he doesn’t like it.
Diluc begins shaking at your words, eyes watering. He’s unable to hold in his feelings.
“It’s beautiful. I’ll cherish it.”
Eula holds the teal dandelion puff and dark blue mist flower petal charm in her hand. She folds her fingers over it. Her grip on it reminds you of the crushing way she destroys the symbol of her family when bored. The strength and passion behind that simple gesture always entranced you. Here, though, you get a safe, protective sense from her strong grip. As if her fingers are a jealous snowdrift burying a mountain peak from the world so time could never mar it with its passage. A part of her almost doesn’t want to wear it but keep it to herself so it wouldn’t get damaged. But it wouldn’t be fair to you. She slides it in her blue hair.
“No words could ever convey how much this means to me.” She says. “I’ll proudly wear it always.”
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