#i told ya'll I would make more and you have all been so sweet on my other ones!!!
eggy-the-boy · 2 years
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some more memes of the gang + a Kipps (because he grew on me)
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babyangelsky · 3 months
The maids kids know everything
Yeah so I'm not done yapping about expressions this week and ya'll can blame @almayver , @slayerkitty , @prapaiwife , @fallsouthwinter , and @crispywizardtale for enabling me.
I wanted to talk more about Meena in my expressions post because the second I saw her adorable, sweet happy face go from this
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to this the second she saw her grandfather waiting for her after school, I knew we were going to be in for a lot.
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And boy howdy, were we.
First though, can I say how much I already LOVE Nina? Baby girl is 10 years old and she absolutely blew me away. She's doing a great job. Her expressions as Meena are clear and excellent and telling in the very same way that Tongrak's are. It makes it feel like they're really related and like she's grown up around him her whole life and picked up his mannerisms, it's incredible to see.
Of course, that also meant that she ripped my heart out.
Meena is sweet and cute and intelligent and it's obvious that she's the absolute light of Tongrak's life. She's also very precocious, which means that she knows everything to an extent that no child should.
This baby girl is very aware of how messed up her family is. She knows her grandparents' history, she knows her mother is afraid of her grandfather, she knows her uncle is even more afraid of her grandfather, and even worse than all that, she knows she should be afraid of her grandfather.
When her grandpa shows up at her school, she knows to take a picture and then go in the opposite direction of wherever he is. She knows to tell Tongrak right away. She makes the decision not to tell her mother because she knows it'll stress her out.
She says THIS.
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Do you know how fucked up it is for a child to say this so casually?
For all that Tongrak and Kwan have been traumatized and harrowed by their upbringing, it's clear to me that they've done what they can to shield Meena from suffering because of it too. She seems like a bright, happy little girl.
But it's precisely because they're harrowed by it that Meena knows as much as she does. Kids see things. They understand more than they're ever given credit for because so few adults see them as actual people. Even if neither her mother nor her uncle said a word about their family history, Meena would pick up on all the things that are wrong and all the things not being said.
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For god's sake, she won't even let her uncle pick her up from school because she knows he's terrified of her grandfather. No child should have the things on their mind that she does.
Yes, it's fucked up that there's even anything for her to be aware of in the first place and that she's having to think about comforting the adults in her life, but being aware of things helps to protect her. There's less of a chance she'll be hurt by her grandfather or anything else if she knows to run away and that she has safe places and people to go to.
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And that's why it matters so much that Mahasamut told her the truth about his feelings for and relationship with Tongrak.
No one is ever direct with children. No one dares to be frank with them or meet them on a level they can process and understand because again, children aren't always seen as people. There's always this feeling of "you can't say that to a child" or "that's too much for a child!" and I'll agree that most children don't need to know absolutely everything.
Meena isn't most children, however.
I didn't pick up on it the first time for my expressions post, but when I went back and rewatched the scene in Tongrak's living room, I clocked this expression from Mahasamut.
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He makes this face the second Meena brings up her grandfather. He wasn't really paying that much attention to the conversation before this but after? He zeroes in because he knows it's important.
There is no world in which Mahasamut wasn't going to offer--insist even--to pick Meena up from school. Ain't no way. He's just learned exactly how cruel and fucked up Tongrak's father is and now here this child is telling her uncle about how she saw that same man was waiting for her after school. In this exact moment he set himself up as one of those safe people for Meena to go to.
And I really think Mut realizes that in order to be that for her, he has to be honest with her. He tells her and she understands because she is intimately familiar with what it means for one person to pay another for their company. Once he's honest with her, he can then reassure her that he isn't with Tongrak for the money and that he sincerely cares about him.
Meena wants a happily ever after for her uncle. She can pick up on the sadness and loneliness in his novels. She sees that Tongrak takes care of everyone but that no one takes care of him.
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When Mut asks her to root for him to get to be the one to take care of Tongrak and that he's confident that he can be, her whole face lights up and she has fight back her smile.
Maybe most kids don't need this level of frankness, but Meena does. I can only imagine how betrayed and hurt she would feel if she were to find out later from someone else that her beloved uncle's relationship began with money like her grandparents' relationship did because she has already seen how that ended.
Mahasamut has known this child for like an hour and already he's treating her and her feelings with the same respect and consideration that he shows to Tongrak. And that is exactly what she and any child deserve from the adults in their life.
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honeykyeom · 8 months
white noise / track 3: ghosts (teaser)
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pairing: lee seokmin x afab! reader
series summary: your best friend seokmin has always been there for you. after a particularly rough heartbreak, you find out he's there for you in more ways than just one.
series notes: uni!au, best friends to lovers, friends with benefits, kpop 97 line antics and shenanigans (specifically seventeen & loona), 18+ (smut is outlined/warned beforehand)
teaser notes: suggestive kinda but no smut, seokmin is a SIMP, two idiots being idiots tbh and there's absolutely no way this could go wrong!!
teaser wc: ~900 words
a/n: heeey...... hey... how ya'll doin? yeah i never thought i would be far enough into writing that i could ACTUALLY post a teaser for the next track.. shoutout to my accountability buddy @smileysuh, ur the best babe. wouldn't want anyone else to cheer for my maybe 800 words a day lol. also congrats to @bitchlessdino my bb i can't wait to see you walk down the aisle so take this lil treat as a token of my love ♡ also pspspspsps @onlyseokmins (love u wife)
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If you had told Seokmin that he would be in the position that he’s currently in, he’d think you’re full of shit.
But here he was, sinking into your sectional as you grind on his lap and making his head spin with the ease in which you pull at his roots. Seokmin keeps telling himself it’s a fantasy, one of his many recurring dreams where he’s finally with you, the person he’s been in love with for the past two years. He repeats it like a mantra, to will himself it’s all in his head until it’s something he can no longer deny when a moan leaves your lips, sounding more ethereal than any dream he’s ever had.
Seokmin’s lips slot between yours perfectly, his tongue gracing your bottom lip. Your mewls ring like bells in his ears, sweet and inviting–he can’t help but smile into your kiss. He’s determined to continue hearing your noises, his nerves firing against every logical thought in his brain.
The kitchen counter of your humble apartment is littered with chips, stray alcohol & red solo cups. Neither of you pay it any mind though, too preoccupied with the present moment as Seokmin’s hands graze your lower back and you straddle his hips, your bodies sinking further into the soft fabric of your sectional. 
Seokmin’s lips chase yours when you pull away from him, not wanting to lose your warmth. He’s completely dazed as you view him from above, eyes glazed over in lust and desire. You giggle, bringing your hand to his chin and supporting his head to keep his eyes on you. 
“Are you still with me, baby?” 
He blacks out at the pet name–his brain short-circuiting at the way your breath warms his skin as you speak, only getting enough energy to respond with a soft yes as Seokmin watches you smile at him.
It’s baffling how you have him under your spell and you’re oblivious to that fact. 
Seokmin slowly comes down from his high of the past 20 minutes–registering the words that you’re speaking to him.
“We need to talk.”
“This…” you take a pause, your thumb caressing the soft skin of his chin as you focus on the oceans of brown in Seokmin’s eyes before you continue. “Us.”
Seokmin quickly sobers up, his hands removing themselves from your waist but laying purchase on your thighs. He tries his hardest to keep his composure–you’ve always been able to read him like a book, better than anyone else in his life. You were able to capture every tell with ease, down to a small eye twitch or throat itch. Knowing this, he finds it hard to believe you’re unaware of his feelings for you–the immediate red shade of his ears appearing when he’s in your presence.
‘Breathe’, he tells himself. He does just that before focusing back to the present moment, with you, instead of stuck in his own thoughts.
“Okay. What about us?”
“We need to establish some ground rules.” You take a quick pause, brief, but enough for Seokmin to notice the small drop of sweat growing on the tip of your eyebrow. “Just so we’re on the same page.”
“Ok then. Rule number 1?”
“This stays between us. Can’t tell the rest of the group.”
“Ok… Seems fair enough.. Rule 2?”
“No unusual PDA.”
Seokmin retorts with a small pout, “So I can’t hold your hand in public anymore?”
You bring a soft smile to your face, slightly giggling at the sincerity in his tone. Running your hand through his hair, you respond, “No, that’s not what I meant! We just don’t want to give ourselves away. So, hand holding between friends is okay.” Leaning closer into Seokmin, he’s suddenly falling into the swirls of color in your eyes and into a trance when your voice gets quieter as you speak. “But kissing,” you punctuate your statement by connecting your lips to his. Seokmin has to swallow a moan as he gets lost in you, pulling you closer and molding your body to his. His hands come to grasp at each side of your face, gentle yet desperate to keep you two moving in unison. 
His efforts were futile, though, as you pull away from him with a smirk, leaving him with the inability to catch his breath. “Isn’t allowed.”
Seokmin is only left able to stare at you, his hands feeling clammy as they still rest on your cheeks. His thumb brushes across your face, his own body heat making your skin hot to the touch. All he can do is chuckle, shaking his head at the predicament he’s found himself in before he’s looking back at you. “Okay. Fine. Is that it?”
“One last rule. No seeing other people without us talking about it first.”
‘Easy,’ Seokmin thinks, but he still has to play it cool.
Raising his eyebrows, a playful tone enters his voice as Seokmin asks, “So, we’re exclusive fuck buddies now?”
You roll your eyes. “Not exactly. It’s more of a safety thing, you know?”
“Yeah, I’ll pretend that you aren’t just keeping your jealousy in check.”
“Do we have a deal or not, Lee?”
You present your pinky finger in between you, a lighthearted ritual that holds the weight of the future of your relationship with Seokmin. It seems too lax for such a situation, but he knows this is as important to you as it is to him with the small appendage in front of him.
“Fine. Deal.”
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hehe <3
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willalove75 · 1 year
Hi im the anon who asked for Rebecca x Pregnant!reader. Now looking back I feel I didn’t give detail to my request so if it’s not a problem. Would you be able to write Rebecca with pregnant!reader and she visit Rebecca at work and they meet ted and the team etc. or they watch a match together and reader goes into labour. Your writing is amazing💕
Hello again anon!! Thank you so much for adding some details to your request! It's absolutely not a problem at all!💕 I hope you enjoy!
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Gif source
"Good mornin' boss!" Ted says, happy as ever on his usual morning stroll into Rebecca's office. "I got you your favorite!"
"Good morning Ted, thank you!" Rebecca says as she eagerly grabs the little pink box from his hands.
"I also got a little extra today for that beautiful wife of yours!" Ted places a second pink box onto Rebecca's desk.
"Oh Ted, how kind! She is going to love them!"
"Don't mention it boss. Although I gotta say, I know we were all at the wedding and all, but I'm beginning to think the whole thing was just a ruse and that she don't actually exist." Rebecca gives Ted a look and he chuckles. "You two have been married for how long? And I've only met her twice, including yall's nuptials."
"Well Ted, we've been very busy, and now that the baby's due date is coming up things have been even busier."
"Ya'll should come to the game this weekend! I know the baby is due soon but it'll give you both the chance to hang out and have some fun before the real fun starts!"
"Ted, I don't know-"
"I ain't takin' no for an answer unless she calls me and tells me no herself!"
"Alright Ted, I will speak to her about it tonight."
"Alrighty then! Catch ya on the flipside, boss!"
As you're laying on the couch, flipping through channels, you're beginning to realize that there's nothing good on tv anymore. No more good shows to just throw on when you're bored. Luckily, right before you feel like you're about to die from boredom the front door opens.
Rebecca walks into the house and closes the door, immediately kicking off her shoes and hanging her coat on the coatrack. Looking up, she sees you slowly sitting up on the couch.
"Hello there my love." She says with a warm smile.
"Hi baby, how was your day?"
You go to stand up and it takes you a few tries before you can even begin to pull yourself up off of the couch.
"Be careful! Here, let me help you." Rebecca says, rushing to your side.
"I'm okay baby, don't worry."
Rebecca helps you stand and cups your face in her hands.
"I know my love, but I can't help but worry."
Even without shoes on, Rebecca towers over you, so you get up on your tip toes and softly kiss her.
"You're adorable."
"Never more adorable than you."
A slight blush creeps across your cheeks and you wrap your arms around her and hug her tight. Damn hormones.
"How was your day?"
"The usual, busy as always. Oh! Before I forget-" Rebecca walks away from your grasp and you pout. She grabs her purse and walks back over to you after pulling out a little pink box. "Ted made an extra box of biscuits just for you."
"Aw! He shouldn't have-" you open the box and the sweet scent of biscuits fills your nose. "Oh my god." You moan and your eyes roll back a little. "These smell amazing."
Rebecca looks at you with a smirk on her face.
"I've never seen anyone or anything other than me make you make that face before." She says with a wink.
"Rebecca Welton!"
Rebecca laughs and pulls you in for a kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Oh, and Ted was on my case once again about meeting you and invited you to the match this weekend, but I told him it probably wasn't going to happen."
"Why not?"
Rebecca looks a little surprised.
"Well I know how tired you've been and the baby is due soon and I don't want to overwhelm you."
"You're adorable, but I would love to go see a match. It would be nice to get out of the house for a little while anyway."
"Are you sure? You don't think it'll be too much?"
"Baby I'll be fine, I promise. Let's go and have some fun."
Rebecca gazes into your eyes and you feel like you've fallen in love all over again. Her emerald green eyes pull you in so deeply you forgot where you were for a moment. You're brought back to earth when she leans down and gently kisses you.
The rest of the week flies by and before you know it, it's game day. It's also two weeks before your due date, something that both you and Rebecca are so excited about, but you can tell her anxiety is starting to sky rocket.
"Are you sure you're okay with going? There's some stairs and a little bit of walking, the seats aren't comfortable and we'll be in them for a few hours." She rambles on while pacing back and fourth.
"Baby," you say, trying to pull her out of her spiral, but she doesn't stop. "baby!" Rebecca finally stops and turns towards you. Walking up to her, you cup her face with your hands and look deeply into her eyes. "Everything will be fine, don't worry, okay? We're going to go, have a wonderful time, come home and go right to sleep, okay? I'll be fine, I promise."
Rebecca stares back into your eyes for a few moments before nodding her head. You pull her down and bring her in for a kiss. Her body relaxes into yours when your lips meet and she lets out a peaceful sigh.
"I'm ready when you are my love."
The two of you get into the car and head to the stadium. You both decided to get there a little early to say hi to everyone since you've only met most of them once or twice before.
Rebecca leads you into the locker room and the room goes silent when she walks in.
"Good afternoon boys, good luck out there today! I want to introduce you all to my wife, y/n."
As if it was rehearsed, all of the boys greet you at the same time.
"Hi everyone, it's great to finally meet you all!"
"Well I'll be darned! You sure do exist!" Ted says as he walks out of his office. "You owe me 20 bucks." He says to Coach Beard who pulls out a £20 and slaps it into Ted's hand.
"Hello Ted, you remember y/n, y/n, you remember Ted."
"How could I ever forget my favorite boss' wife?!" He says as he pulls you in for a hug. "How're ya feelin'? You're due soon, right?"
"I'm feeling really good. I feel gigantic, but good. And yes, the due date is two weeks from today actually!"
"Well how about that! Coach Beard, get over here!" Coach Beard walks over to the three of you and he nods at Rebecca, who nods back. "Coach, you remember y/n, right?"
"Could never forget her. How are you?"
"I've been good!"
"Hey! Roy! Nate! Get your butts over here and welcome our guest of honor!"
Roy and Nate walk over and you all greet each other. You only met Nate one other time, at your wedding. He's sweet but very nervous, but in a cute way almost. Roy you've met a bunch of times, you, Rebecca, Roy and Keeley have gone on your fair share of double dates over the last few years and you've gotten to know him quite well.
Rebecca introduces you to some of the players, some of them comment on how you're glowing. One player, Jan Maas, says something about how large you look and every one of his teammates groans and throws their towels at him. That made you laugh so hard you almost peed yourself.
After mingling for a little while, Rebecca brings you out to the stands to your seats. Keeley and Higgins eventually join you and before you know it, the match it starting.
As the boys play, the crowd goes wild. Both teams are giving it their all and it quickly turns into an intense match. Richmond shoots and the other teams goalie just barely knocks it away. The other team takes the ball across the pitch and shoots. Zoreaux dives, catching it in a perfect save.
Just before half-time Colin has the ball and is running down the pitch, he passes it to Jamie who looks like he's about to kick the ball into the goal but instead kicks it across to Sam who sinks it into the net.
The crowd goes wild, all four of you jump out of your seats in excitement as chanting rings out into the stadium.
Half-time comes and goes and the match starts up once more. Both teams come back with a fire in their hearts and play with even more passion than they had in the first half. Jamie gets possession of the ball and sprints to the other end of the pitch, right before he's about to score a player from the other team slide tackles him and kicks the ball away to his teammate.
A collective "ohhh" echoes through the crowd and you feel a cramp in your abdomen that causes you to bend forward a little.
"Are you okay?" Rebecca says, her eyes instantly filling with worry.
"Yeah, I'm fine baby, I promise."
A few minutes later, another cramp appears and you take a deep breath as you breathe through it. Rebecca looks at you with concern and you give her a reassuring smile. The two of you turn your attention back to the intense game and she grabs your hand, giving it a squeeze. You can tell just by the way she's gripping onto your hand that she's nervous, when you look over at her you can see her thoughts going a million miles a minute.
Just as you're about to comfort her, another, much stronger cramp hits and you double over gasping for air. Before anyone can react you feel a gush between your legs like you just peed yourself.
"Oh shit."
"What? What's wrong? What happened?" Rebecca says in a panic.
Looking over at Rebecca you see worry and fear painted across her face. It breaks your heart a little seeing her so scared.
"I'm okay, but don't panic, alright?" Rebecca stares at you silently and you grab her hand. "I'm fine, however, I'm pretty sure my water just broke."
"NO FUCKIN WAY!" Keeley yells.
"Rebecca! Baby, calm down, it's okay!"
"I knew we shouldn't have come here, god damnit."
"Hey, hey, listen to me." You say, cupping her face. "Look at me, it's okay. Everything is okay. The match isn't why this is happening-"
"But you're not due for another two weeks!"
"It's okay, remember what the doctor said? I can go into labor as early as 38 weeks and that's totally normal. Okay?"
Rebecca nods her head with her eyes still filled with worry. Another cramp, which you're pretty sure is a contraction at this point, hits.
"Shit!" You say, grabbing Rebecca's hand. Breathing through it, Rebecca rubs your back and gives Keeley a worried look. Once it passes you look back up at Rebecca. "Everything is fine, however, we should definitely go to the hospital now."
"Yes, you guys go, we'll take care of everything else here, right Higgins?" Keeley says.
"Yes! Of course!"
"Right, yes, okay. Come on, let me grab your things, uh- my jacket, shit, my purse-" Frantically, Rebecca grabs both of your things and helps you stand up. She leads you out of the stadium and into the car and the driver takes you to the hospital.
The labor was long and painful but once they placed the epidural the pain was much easier to deal with. After the doctor came in to examine you again she said it was time to push.
With your legs in the stirrups and Rebecca's hand in yours, you begin to push. Every time you felt that now familiar pressure you pushed, you felt like you were going at it for hours, even though it had only been thirty minutes.
Exhaustion begins to take over and you feel yourself losing steam. You lay back for a minute to take a breath and Rebecca looks into your eyes.
"You're so close my love, she's almost here. Just a little more. I'm so proud of you, you're doing such an amazing job." She gently brushes a strand of hair out of your face and smiles at you. After a minute you feel the pressure again and push harder than you have before.
Just when you think you can't keep going, the most beautiful cry rings out into the delivery room. As you lay back the doctor places the baby in your lap and they dry her off. Carefully, you bring your hand to her head and caress her with your thumb. Rebecca's grip on your arm tightens and you look over at her to find that she has tears streaming down her face.
The nurse whisks the baby away and you reach up and wipe Rebecca's tears away.
"She's perfect." She whispers.
"She is." You say with a smile.
After a few minutes the nurse comes back with the baby and hands her to Rebecca. Moving over to Rebecca can sit next to you, she claims the spot and looks down at your daughter with wonder in her eyes.
The next few days were a whirlwind, learning how to breastfeed and to get the baby to latch, recovering from giving birth, just adjusting to the new life the two of you stepped into. It's been chaos but also beautiful.
As you're laying in bed with the baby in your arms, Rebecca is sitting on the recliner reading her book. Everything is peaceful and for the first time since giving birth, you're both actually relaxed. A knock on the door takes your attention away.
"Knock knock!" You hear, accompanied by a distinctive southern accent.
"Ted! What are you doing here?" Rebecca says, getting up from her spot.
"Well I heard we got a new member to our Richmond family and Beard and I couldn't say no to givin' 'em a visit!"
Coach Beard steps into the room along with Keeley, Roy, Higgins and a few other players from the team.
"How did you manage to get so many people in here?"
"Southern charm goes a long way in these parts." Beard says.
The baby gets passed around a little, Beard and Roy both declining the opportunity to hold her. The second the baby is placed into Keeley's arms she sobs and sinks into the chair Rebecca was sitting in. It came as a surprise to no one that the second Keeley got her, no one else got to hold her for the rest of the visit.
The team brought lunch, something you were grateful for because you were sick of hospital food at that point.
Beard comes into the room with extra chairs, where he got them from, you have no idea but no one dares to question it.
Everyone takes a seat and you all eat lunch together. This is the most one-on-one time you've spent with everyone. Even though it's kind of weird that it's happening in the hospital after you give birth, it was nice really getting to know everyone finally.
As everyone was finishing up their lunch, the nurse comes back in and it taken back by how many people were in the room.
"Hello everyone!" She says.
"Howdy, I'm Ted Lasso, great to meet ya!" Ted says, getting up to shake her hand.
"I'm Rose, y/n's nurse, there are a lot of you in here, wow."
"Yeah, well, ya know, southern charm still goes a long way overseas."
"I can see that! Unfortunately, the lactation nurse will be here in a few minutes so I'm going to have to ask everyone to leave."
"Oh sure, not a problem at all, right team?" Everyone nods. "Well, we'll get outta your hair."
Everyone starts to say their goodbyes and Keeley tries to walk out with the baby before Roy stops her. Reluctantly, she turns around and hands you your daughter.
"Auntie Keeley loves you so much." She says with tears in her eyes and gives her a kiss on her head. "You guys made the cutest fucking baby I've ever seen."
"Congratulations boss, y/n, she sure is a beauty." Ted says.
"Thank you, Ted." Rebecca says and gives him a hug.
"Thanks Ted, she's perfect." You say, looking down at the infant in your arms.
"I'll catch ya'll later!"
After another day in the hospital, you're finally discharged and able to go home.
Rebecca carries the car seat inside and the two of you take the baby up to the nursery.
After you take the baby out of her car seat, you sit on the rocking chair and feed her before laying her in her crib. After the baby is fed, Rebecca takes her and lays her in the crib. She fusses for a minute and Rebecca starts to softly sing.
You wrap your arms around Rebecca while she sings to the baby and you rest your head on her chest. With on hand gently caressing the baby's cheeks, Rebecca wraps her other arm around you and pulls you tightly into her. As she sings, the baby calms down and within a few minutes she's asleep.
Standing there with your wife, watching over your new daughter as she sleeps, you're the happiest you've ever been.
Rebecca brings her hand to your chin and tilts your face up towards her.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Rebecca."
She leans down and places a soft but firm kiss on your lips. Nothing could ever take away the love and joy that's filling your heart right now.
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chickenkupo · 8 months
Treasure Hoard
Summary: As Neuvillette returns from his spontaneous trip from Liyue and delivers some gifts to Wriothesley, the duke starts to notice odd things happening around their shared living space. More objects keep appearing in their bedroom, treasures that don't make sense to Wriothesley such as shells, trinkets, gemstones and even various different type of tea cups. He swears up and down he hasn't been the one to purchase any of these goods, and when questioning Sigewinne about it, she's just as lost as he is.
What exactly is going on, and why does Neuvillette seem so pleased with himself?
Recommendations before reading: This little short story is a continuation of I Promise and Now For the Next Act. But, if you don't feel like really reading those, just know that Wriothesley and Neuvillette are mates, and they live together in a little sanctuary in Fontaine that was created for Neuvillette specifically by the Focalors.
Also, I'd highly suggest playing through the Lantern Rite event. I did most of it tonight and it was amazing and the adorableness of Neuv and Wrio was just MMMMM.
Warnings: This is a tame work, a little cute fluff treat. I told ya'll I'd be keeping you fed the week of Valentine's, and I meant it, so take this as a little sweet treat for you all. A Tumblr exclusive, if you will. You all have been wonderful to me here, and I'm glad to bring some entertainment to your days.
NOTE: This has not been beta-read, and I'm literally just typing this up on the Tumblr page thingie so it's gonna be a mess, but we are going to have some fun.
Wriothesley scratched his head as he took in the sight before him. In their shared bed lied a copious amount of seashells, scattered in every direction. Some were small, others almost comically large, but all of them unique in their vast differences in coloration and patterns. In fact, a lot of these shells were ones that he had never seen along the shores of Fontaine before, so he began to wonder just where exactly did this come from, and who would have done this.
Okay, let's be real. Neuvillette would have torn up anyone that had dared crossed into their chambers that wasn't himself or Sigewinne. Wriothesley had already confronted the Melusine about this, thinking that this must have been some sort of prank against him after he told her about how much tea Neuvillette had brought back, as well as the stone slate that contained a legal codex. It confused the man at first, but taking into account how loyal Neuvillette was to his position and status, it took a moment or two for him to realize that such a gift from Neuvillette was a great thing. Hence, why he did make a little section of his office in the Fortress of Meropide to house it, something that he could stare at everyday to remind himself that he was always on Neuvillette's mind.
So, Wriothesley concluded the only logical answer was that for some reason, Neuvillette had began to hoard all sorts of trinkets he must have found on his now random outings. The duke and the traveler made sure to convince him to take more breaks and to go out and see the world as much as he can, and it looks like the mighty dragon took their words to heart and had started doing just that. Only, it seems that for some reason, Neuvillette had begun to bring back all sorts of things he found during his outings. The young man only prayed that Neuvillette would break out of this mood soon, but didn't mind allowing it for now, just as long as the dragon was happy on his adventures and seeing Teyvat for what it really was, in all of it's mysteries and splendors.
As much as he wanted to daydream about how his man would look during different locations, such as the grassy hills of Mondstadt, the electrifying peaks of Inazuma, or even how the Sumeru sun would reflect beautifully off of the elegance that was entirely Neuvillette, he had to bring himself back to reality.
This was all getting ridiculous. The shells on the bed covered it almost completely, and he had no real room to put them in, maybe some storage containers they had from where Wriothesley's belongings had to be moved once he began residing there. The duke sighed as he grabbed an empty container, getting to work and putting the myriad of shells into it, tired from the work of the day and just wanting to relax in bed for a bit for a quick nap. He made sure to keep the box of shells close by, knowing that it would crush the dragon if he had tossed whatever he had decided to collect.
Yawning, Wriothesley removed his coat and clothing, stripping down and getting dressed in a pair of simple black boxers, before he snuggled underneath the soft sheets of their bed. He had been craving a nap all day, no amount of tea drinking seemed to deliver enough caffeine into his body to keep him awake. Surely a small nap wouldn't harm anyone, right? Besides, if he slept in too late, he knew that Neuvillette would wake him up and demand attention from him in one form or another.
Yeah, a nap sounded pretty good right now.
As the young man started to awaken from his slumber, he began to stretch out his limbs with a loud yawn as he normally did, until both hands and legs seemed to crash into something, the sounds of various things falling off the bed as he continued to stretch out his limbs. This startled the duke who immediately woke up in a state of confusion, causing his limbs to turn and twist more, causing even more items to fall, crashing into the floor.
What the hell was going on?!
The man arose, being careful not to make anymore sudden movements until he could gather exactly what was happening. His eyes widened in further confusion and panic as he saw just how stuffed the room was now. Sure, the area where the water surrounded the bed was clear, but the pathway out of the bedroom and around the bed itself felt like some sort of ancient loot hall from a temple of old. Dozens of gold and silver trinkets littered the floor, statues and plates, necklaces and gemstones of various colors and details. There seemed to also be random boxes of tea scattered around, as well. Some were new boxes that Wriothesley had become recently familiar of since the Steambird's articles began releasing after the Lantern Rite event. Others seemed like old brews that were, at this point, probably more for show than for actual consumption.
There were other goodies laying about as well. Books that dealt with true crime or laws of old, scrolls that were in languages that Wriothesley was very unfamiliar with, but there was one thing that seemed to stand out to the duke. It appeared that the bigger gold and silver pieces were placed near or on the bed, as if he were the one that was sleeping in a treasure vault and taking joy in all of the splendors, the further away the goods were from Wriothesley, the less vividness and preciousness the items seemed to hold. It was as if Neuvillette kept his closest valuables towards Wriothesley, with the duke himself seemingly being the most valuable one.
As Wriothesley was about to get up and try to figure out what to do with all of this, he heard the door connecting the bedroom to the living room open, Neuvillette walking through with even more goods in his arms. This time, it appeared to be various fruits and wrapped baked goods, a large smile appearing on his face as Wriothesley took in the scene, a slight glare in his eyes.
"Neuvillette, what the hell are you doing?!" the young man growled out, still stuck in place as he was afraid to move and make anymore of a mess.
The dragon put the items down in one of the few free spaces still left, his eyes never leaving his mate, as he tilted his head in confusion.
"Oh? What do you mean? I saw how happy you were when you received those gifts from Clorinde and I, and I couldn't resist. I was awful before, never thinking to shower you in actual physical possessions, because of my ignorance and fear of leaving my position for any sort of leave. Now, however, I have all of the time in the world to make up for it. See, here even, I ventured out all the way to this bakery on the outskirts of Fontaine, the breads appear to be truly delectable, at least that is what Furina told me. Here, you can see-"
"Neuv! Honey, you don't need to do this you know!" Wriothesley uttered out as he shoved away the trinkets and treasures near him, so that he could create a path for himself to reach his ridiculous lover. Neuvillette merely paused, blinking in confusion as the duke wrapped his muscular arms around his dragon, hugging him tightly and sighing.
"W-Wriothesley?" the dragon questioned, obviously welcoming the hug as he began to return the favor, wrapping his own arms around the broad chest of the man, as best as he could.
"You can be such a big idiot sometimes, you know that? You know every law of the land, every crime with every punishment to match it, laws old and new never forgotten by you. But you just don't get the simple stuff sometimes, do you?" the young man asked, kissing Neuvillette on the cheek, which made the dragon blush, still blinking with questioning eyes.
"Listen, Neuv, love, I don't need all of these things. Sure a gift here or there is nice for anyone, but I never held it against you that you didn't really do that before. We're both busy men with schedules that drive us insane sometimes. Look, just being able to come home to you and spend time with you and being able to look into those eyes of yours every night before I drift off to sleep, and waking up to look into them too, that's the best gift I could ask for, okay?" Wriothesley relayed to his mate, in such a calm manner that it almost seemed like a whisper.
The dragon's eyes widened as he listened to his lover, holding him tightly as his mate continued explaining. In a shocking show, small droplets of tears started to form at the edges of his eyes, before a few started to roll down his cheek, which Wriothesley wiped away, smiling softly and understandably at his mate. As much as Neuvillette was such a stoic and strict man, Wriothesley knew that he was starved for genuine love and appreciation, and even though his life was forever changed by this man and his want to keep him at his side forever, it was now more of a blessing to him than a curse would ever be. If he now had an eternity to live, then he would spend every waking moment of it showing that Neuvillette is appreciated and loved dearly, in return.
"Now, let's try to clean up this mess so one of us doesn't trip and break our necks just trying to get out the door, okay?" Wriothesley chuckled, planting a few more kisses on Neuvillette's cheeks, loving the way that his man's blush would deepen with every kiss received.
Neuvillette merely chuckled as he smiled a most gorgeous, heartfelt smile that he had ever mustered, in all of his centuries of existence.
"Of course, my most precious treasure."
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mishapocalyse · 1 year
Sweet Like Cherry Wine
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Description: Miguel O'Hara had tried his best at trying to figure out how to live his life without the constant reminder of his responsibilities. Running away was one of the most difficult decisions he had to make. Even more so —he makes it out of his dimension far from anyone on another, he makes it work on his own.
Until he meets her.
Until he meets you.
Pairings: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Warnings: None…yet.
Author's Note: This is OOC but IC. Deal with it. Ya'll know me well enough to know how I write.
“Can this wait?” says Miguel O'Hara more annoyed than ever, while he pinched the bridge of his nose.
Lyla had been eavesdropping; close enough to hear that Miguel had been on call with Peter B. Parker, who he had become more and more annoyed with as he showed him photos of his child.
Since the untimely arrival of Miles Morales, there was little to nothing that the man could do except find new hobbies. All the while, turning his back on all of this as a whole.
He wanted out of this life.
There would be times where O'Hara would look back, reminiscing with memories of his time as a teacher— a father.
Formerly, a friend.
It was a shame that nowadays, no one would know who he was.
After all, who would remember Miguel O'Hara?
No one.
Now, Spiderman? Everyone would remember him.
Peter was trying to get him to come back, finish what they started, but to his own friends dismay, Miguel had ignored the frantic pleas, knowing that he wasn't going back.
"Miguel. Look buddy, I know things have fallen apart-"
"Fallen apart? Fallen apart is an understatement. Try crashing and burning. There is no coming back from what's already happened, Peter." A sharp knock on his apartment door had alerted Miguel.
"Didn't think you'd be having company over, Miguel." said Peter, in which earned an expected glare from the man.
"I'm not." Miguel had hung up the call without another word, as he set down the goober watch on the coffee table. He slid into a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, his bare feet smacking against the cool wood floors.
Pressing his face up to the eyehole he relaxed his shoulders.
It was only you.
The two of you had met when Miguel had first came to this Earth. Yes, it may have been Miles Morales's Earth of 1610 but it was a place where no one would bother to check first. So it was easier to slip into the shadows unnoticed. You had ultimately bumped into each other one day when he had taken off after an anomaly and after defeating it, ran into you on his way back.
You seemed happier back then.
He had made you spill everything in your arms, he offered to help pick it all up but you light-heartedly told him it was alright and made it seem like it didn't matter. You had been late to work, in which he offered to give you a ride.
You took the ride.
Days turned to weeks to months, the two of you were inseparable. He found out you were married not too long ago, and both you and Miguel became the best of friends.
Things don't always last though.
Her eyes and words are so icy Oh but she burns Like rum on the fire
The same sad look that stretched across your swollen cheeks while you stood in front of his door.
Hot and fast and angry as she can be I walk my days on a wire
He could sense from you that it had been one of those “rough nights” meaning you were running from your problems-instead on working on them.
It looks ugly, but it's clean Oh momma, don't fuss over me
This was how it always was.
Always had been, with you. No matter what happened…you would somehow end up on his doorstep. Miguel paused, towering over you with a stoic, blank face.
The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
You blubbered, “He-he hit me again.”
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
All the blood flushed to his head, as this winded his gears to the point where his ears smoked; his ledger dropped with red.
It had taken you months to finally realize the man you married was bad news. Whether or not the dread of him coming after you or that somehow he would try to gaslight you into staying with him made you more afraid.
You weren’t alone in the matter.
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
You had Miguel O' Hara to thank, for giving you his company—providing his comfort.
He had always been kind to you.
Miguel still furrowed his brow --his gaze concerned, yet the rising anger you could tell grew much more hostile as he took in your presence.
There was no telling of what would happen knowing Smite had reached his limit. Hitting him? That was one thing…
Hitting you, however…
“Please. I don’t want to be alone.” You cried, doing your best to not sound clingy.
Miguel hushed you, slowly reaching for you, tucking you into his embrace while he leaned to take you in.
Calls of guilty thrown at me
“You’re not alone, cariño.” He didn’t dare to let you go. Holding you closer than ever, pulled you inside of his apartment, closing and locking the door behind the two of you.
Miguel carried you to the couch, plopping you gently down.
All while she stains The sheets of some other
“I’m going to get you cleaned up. Don’t move I’ll be right back.” He stated charging out of the room and back in with first aid and a pair of his own clothes to change into.
“He wouldn’t stop yelling. He kept saying I was leaving him for you. Over and over and over again. I didn’t know what to do.” You began through half lidded eyes.
“He didn’t appreciate it when I told him that that wasn’t going to happen. He called me—“ you stopped, your bottom lip trembling.
Thrown at me so powerfully Just like she throws with the arm of her brother
“You’re okay. It’s safe now. You don’t have to worry about him anymore. “ Miguel reassures you.
But I want it It's a crime That she's not around most of the time
Miguel knows that her husband wasn’t going to be alive for much longer. Especially after almost breaking your nose.
He helped you undress and ran you a hot bath.
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
Once you got in the hot water cascaded down in a way that made you feel more at home than ever.
Miguel laid his head on the baths siding. Keeping you as much comfort as he possibly could muster up.
Blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
He didn’t care to stay with you. Unbothered by the state of your bathing body you looked down at him as you saw his eyes were closed. Reaching a hand out to touch him, you rested it on his shoulder, stirring his slightly.
There were no amount of words to describe the experience of the two.
Miguel raised his head to peek at you which made you giggle slightly. Which is why you decided wholeheartedly that you gave him one of these smallest kisses on his cheek.
Her fight and fury is fiery Oh but she loves
Miguel raised up fully and looked at you. Turning bright red, Miguel hesitated, before reaching for you, pulling you into a kiss.
Like sleep to the freezing Sweet and right and merciful
He half-hazardously leaned over the side of the tub to where you had risen halfway to hold each other. Miguel almost falling in chuckled to himself.
I'm all but washed In the tide of her breathing
“You deserve the world, mi vida.” He whispered with a hushed tone.
And it's worth it, it's divine I have this some of the time
There are some things left to heal and go over.
The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine
Miguel would never let you fall again. He loved you.
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
Miguel placed his forehead against yours and with a sigh, his eyes trailed up your form.
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
“I love you.”
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Omg I saw your moon dominance post and I have to share something 😭
I have a friend whom I went to the same school as, we still talk sometimes but not as much.
She has always been quite a charismatic person, and is a relatively small built, conventionally attractive blonde white girl. Needless to say she is considered quite “soft and feminine” - I only mention race because racism would naturally prevent her being perceived that way.
I like her, she’s very diplomatic and intelligent but MY GOD the manipulative tendencies she had growing up😭😭😭
It’s been a couple years since I was regularly in close proximity to her so I can’t remember that many examples of her lying (also because it was a such a common occurance), however I remember it getting to the point where she herself would awkwardly joke about it.
What I *do* however remember quite distinctly the way she’d occasionally have these “tantrums” after I gave her any mild criticism.
For example, one time we were all having lunch together as a group and she made a mean spirited comment on someone else who was nearby. I pointed out that is was a pretty mean thing to say, not in a particularly accusatory tone, and she quite literally started shouting at me saying “WELL THATS QUITE BIG OF YOU TO SAY BC YOU TOLD ME [insert minor joke about manipulative Snapchat fboys that therefore was nothing to do with her] AND IT REALLY UPSET ME [insert sob story about having a disabled brother] etc etc”
She also had a similar public outrage at me after I asked her if she brought her present in for the Secret Santa, and she responded by kicking me in the shins and going on a tangent about how her life is really stressful and how I only worry about “school and sleep” 💀
However the interesting part that I vaguely covered at the beginning is that she had mastered the whole sweet innocent teenage facade. She had people, primarily older men in authority, entirely wrapped around her finger. She developed this oddly close relationship relationship with one of our teachers, which never got inappropriate, but he would direct like 80% of his energy to helping her over other students (who were equally if not more needing of help). Similarly her therapist literally UNRETIRED to help her personally 😭 I can think of so many examples of authority figures literally bending over backwards to be of service to her.
(She also attracted a kind of unreal level of male attention that was way above the average)
To finally conclude:
She is a hasta sun, moon and ketu with PBP ascendant. Her birthtime isn’t exact but I feel as though PBP is more likely than UBP.
There was also an incident of her sleeping with a teacher in his 20s when she was 17 😬 obviously it’s on him, but it’s interesting to consider that she has Jupiter in the 9H in Chitra (mars) - aswell as a mercury chitra which sits in her 4 planet 8H stellium.
Sorry for this extremely lengthy ask😭 it’s more of an info dump than an ask but I hope it served as an interesting example of moon dominance (+ a little bit of mars influence) in women
bestie never apologise for spilling tea 😂i love reading what ya'll have to say, otherwise i feel like im talking to a wall. and i feel you about this moon bestie of yours, im glad you're out of that toxic friendship!!
a few years ago i had a toxic moon dominant bestie who like you said lied so much and manipulated things so much, its hard for me to even make a list of the shit she did lol, yk how a lot of poc parents will whip their kids or yell at them or something and afterwards act extra nice bc they feel guilty?? I've noticed that Moon dominant people are like that to some extent. my "friend" would say the nastiest most vile derogatory things about me TO ME and then when i responded with radio silence she'd be all 🥺🥺im so worried about you, have you eaten? have you done all the assignments?? here's mine, you can refer to it🥺🥺,, like i was always sooo confused by her but then i started seeing thru her bullshit, how she's only being nice cause she feels guilty lol,, she had a tendency to criticize other people A LOT like your friend and honestly its tiring to listen to that shit, so i think i started saying nice things in return like "oh but xyz is so sweet, she's always so thoughtful" and then she'd say some shit "its so crazy you'd say that because i felt like xyz and abc always hated you" like classic manipulation lmao, like she hates those ppl and if i say one nice thing about them, then she'll try to convince me that those people hate me so that i can be on her side in bitching about them lmfao.
Moon dominant people are soooo insecure its sad,, they feel the need to be so rude and nasty af to others to mask their own insecurities. Obviously I'm only talking about unhealthy Moon influence, im sure there are nice ppl out there as well.
u guys pls feel free to dump any gossip/tea u have in my inbox, i love reading this stuff!!
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madangel19 · 2 months
kisses all over the face for cumulus and aurora
Let's go Lesbians! Thank you for sending this in! This is gonna be so fucking sweet and sappy. I hope ya'll are prepared!
Word Count: 642
Content: Just straight up fluff here ya'll. It's ridiculously sweet
“Where are you taking me again, Rory?” Cumulus asked, her vision obscured by the blindfold the smaller ghoulette had put on her.
“It’s a surprise, Lulu. Just follow my lead,” Aurora chimed, holding on to her hand and guiding her up what felt like a staircase.
Cumulus smiled, eager to find out what kind of surprise she had in store for her. Aurora had been acting strangely over the past few days. It seemed the other ghouls knew what was up and wouldn’t tell Cumulus much of anything whenever she asked around. Even Cirrus kept her mouth shut, which was strange since her mate always told her everything. 
The staircase seemed to be going on forever the more they walked up. This had to be one of the church bell towers they were going up, but why would Aurora bring her there of all places? It had been a while since she had gone up to the towers so it would be nice seeing the view again. 
Her legs were starting to hurt after several moments, but she wasn’t going to complain. Aurora had a surprise for her and she wanted to see what it was.
“We’re here!” Aurora announced.
Cumulus took one step and saw that she was no longer on any stairs. Thank goodness! She could hear the wind whistling past her and she could tell they were in one of the higher bell towers.
“Can I take the blindfold off now?” She asked.
“Not yet. I gotta get you in the right spot,” Aurora giggled, guiding her a few steps forward. The smaller ghoulette then moved behind her, her arms wrapped around her middle and her head resting on her shoulder.
“Now you can take it off,” she said.
Cumulus nodded and took the blindfold off to see a vast expanse of fluffy white clouds before her. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw that she was standing in the vast window of the tallest bell tower. She inched forward and saw the church grounds below her. It looked so much bigger from up above. She looked down again, memories of flying around the towers with Cirrus and the rest of her pack flooding her mind. It had been too long. Being so busy with the band had prevented her from taking a moment to come up here.
She looked back and saw Aurora smiling at her sweetly and the large bell behind her. 
“Oh Rory. It’s been so long since I’ve been up here,” she cooed. 
“Cirrus said you really like being up in high places and she showed me this spot. I really like seeing the clouds up here. They…remind me of you,” Aurora said, her cheeks going pink as she gripped her tail with a nervous smile. Absolutely adorable. 
“You’re so sweet, Aurora. Thank you for bringing me up here,” Cumulus purred, turning to pull Aurora into her arms. The smaller ghoulette let out of the cutest chirps as Cumulus kissed her all over her face, her smile beaming and making her all the more sweeter. 
“You’re welcome, Lulu,” Aurora said, giggling like a drunken idiot when Cumulus stopped to admire the work she had done. Dark lipstick stains decorated her face that Aurora made no effort to wipe away. 
“Have you ever just watched the clouds and see shapes in them, Rory?” Cumulus asked, taking her hand and kissing it.
“I haven’t. Do you wanna show me?” Aurora replied.
Cumulus chittered excitedly as she led her back to the large window and they sat together, watching the clouds and pointing out the different shapes they found and pausing to kiss every few moments. It was a perfect afternoon and a perfect surprise that Aurora had for her. Cumulus smirked as she thought of really showing her appreciation to Aurora later on. She deserved it.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 21- Lorelai's Graduation Day, Aka The Best Episode That Ever Episoded, My Heart Will Soon Be Asploded. Part 2
Read part 1 and all other commentary here
Yesterday I realized I've been doing these little insane ramblings of mine on Tumblr for over a year now! If it took me a year to watch two seasons, I guess I'll see ya'll in September 2024 for the conclusion of season 4. Anyway, Lorelai is about to have the Consequences Of Her Actions thrown in her face in just a moment, which is something I enjoy seeing.
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Luke and Lorelai have to kiss and make up in this episode or the next, I would think? I don't remember any unresolved animosity between them going into the third season. But what do I know after not seeing this show for 3 years.
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How's that "Trying to avoid someone in a small town" thing working out for you, dear?
Lorelai: "I guess it was inevitable we'd run into each other. It is a very tiny community." Ya think? Lor: How's the diner? Luke: It's still there. Except in your absence, an extra table opened up for somebody who will actually pay for their food. Lor: Hey Luke, do you think we could talk? Luke: No, I gotta go. Although I haven't watched Teach me Tonight in years, I can still go off of what other people have told me about what went down and Luke is pysssssed.
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There has GOT to be some kind of Emmy award for fake food presentation. Rory has shown up on Gramma and Grammpa's door step wanting to talk about something. Seems as if she's going behind Lorelai's back to invite Emily and Richard to her graduation ceremony and she makes a pitch to them. Again, my memory is foggy but I do know they attend the ceremony, I think Emily arrives with a professional photographer? Which annoys Lorelai., and pleases me. Rory: As you know, Mom's been going to business school for three years. What??? Huh? 3 years? Someone please school me on whether this "Lorelai goes to night school" was actually mentioned any time before the last few episodes, or if this is just something that was made up in the name of TV Convenience.
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Debatable. Later that day, back at the Gilmore abode... Lorelai mentions she is going to Hartford Community College. Did I google whether or not such a school exists? You bet your sweet bippy I did. The answer: there is no such place (although there are two community colleges in Hartford).
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I'm at a payphone, trying to call home, all of my change I spent on you... Let's just enjoy little bit of Literati On The Phone apprecation.
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ARGH! My little lovesick stepcousins!!! 💔🐶💔🐶
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The next day at Chilton, Rory is so lovesick for her long distance stepcousin that her mind is completely lost in outerspace even while her local lover Paris Geller rambles on about authors and half eaten bananas. It matters not, but how did Rory ever get away with playing hooky?
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Going years between viewings is a game of Memory Roulette for me and honestly that's what makes this fun. Like, what insipid detail will I remember at the same time that I'm forgetting something vitally important? More importantly, what horrible surprises have I let lapse in my memory? When should I be wary of Dean/ and or Crusty lurking around the corner? The answer is always. As you can see, you can never let your guard down and say "Huh, I haven't seen Dean and/ or Crusty in a while", because they can strike at any time.
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Okay, okay, calm down Salty. The future is incredibly bleak on the Christopher front after this episode, but in this particular episode, he Lores his way through a 1 minute phone conversation and that's the end of him.
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Look, Lore, I know we're often at odds with each other and normally I'd say something like "I hope you open the basket and a nest of angry hornets flies out at you", but this time LORE, I'm imploring you, do not open a box from Crusty Hayden.
Michel says he refused to touch the package which is good because you don’t want to get your fingerprints on it and become an accomplice in a CrustyCrime.
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So, a bowling ball or a human head.
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A BOMB? No, no, he's not that smart. All I know is it better not be a fucking engagement ring or something (a heavy one)
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Other contents of the CrustyBasket: A youth hostel card, a disposable camera, a manual for job hunters, an application to join the Army (She really could use some humbling by a nasty drill seargant who doesn't put up with her crap, so I'd advise she keep that), a DVD of The Graduate. Okay, okay, I get his shtick here. Haha, Lorelai is an adult graduate so it'll be a hoot to give her stuff that's like, for a teenage graduate instead. So funny. (oh the irony that a high school graduation is something she barely scraped by on realizing for no other reason than you planting your Crusty Sperm in her).
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However, based on Lore's reaction to the necklace, this thing is still emotionally weighty and she is not amused. To her shock and dismay, (He claims) it's even real pearl and not just something that dropped out of a gumball machine like the QuarterOnAString Dean gave to Rory.
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THE NERVE. He can't come to the graduation because of reasons and we will take it and not question his motives, as this may be one of the last (nearly) Crusty free episodes in a while. Ugh. But with him and Dean both out of the picture for the rest of the episode, the Stepcousins can finally begin their big city adventure. Stay tuned for part 3!
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Rewatching One Piece
With Egghead Arc coming out, Miles and Ganke decided to rewatch One Piece. They had made a serious commitment to binge watch on Friday. This means these two cute nerds had to make sure their own busy schedule is at hand.
Miles had told his friends and boyfriend during their lunch time, "Wait, so you're going to be with Ganke most of the time over this anime?" Gwen asked.
Hobie didn't like this one bit, he couldn't help but be jealous. His sweet Sunflower cuddling with his best friend under a blanket while watching a long ass anime. Nope, he can't handle it still. It's hard to not let his jealousy get the best of him, but seeing Ganke, a success Computer Nerd with so much worth... his insecurities is getting the best of him.
"Not just any anime. It's ONE PIECE!" Pavtri said happily, "Me and Gaytari started watching it when we saw our Live Action one!"
"Yeah, me and Ganke binge watch that one! Caught up with the manga, too! So, we decided to rewatch it all for fun and refresh our One Piece knowledge. Egghead Arc is coming up." Miles happily said unaware of his boyfriend's facial expression.
"How many episodes are there?" Gwen asked being so out of touch with anime. It was never her thing.
"Over a thousand!"
"Holy shit, dude. How- That means you and Ganke are gonna spend a lot of more time, huh?" The blond Spider-woman glances at Hobie tensed up having to awkwardly sit up on his seat.
"Yeah, but it's not that bad." The twenty three year old grins widely, "Anyway, I can't wait for me and Ganke to spend some time. Been a minute since we actually got to hang out." Even though, they're roommates in an apartment, they hardly see each other. When they do it's mostly Spider-man stuff.
"Awe, that's so cute. You and your bestie!" Pavtri giggles, "So ya'll gonna make out."
Hobie awkwardly sat up again giving a grunt. Miles snorted as he slurp his soda through a straw, "Nah, we don't do that no more!" He chuckles.
"Hahaha, that's crazy when you and Ganke would always pretend to be boyfriends back in the day! Ya'll just kiss whenever you saw each other. Like 'Hey, bae' MWAH!" Gwen laughs out loud at the memory.
When Miles and Ganke went to parties during their teenage years, they always pretended to be a couple. Or they try to kiss in front of weird creeps so they get the idea to leave them alone.
Of course, Ganke and Miles kissed in front of the Spider Band at a party and it was so casual. Hobie was so jealous that day, he crushed his beer bottle being so annoyed.
Till today Hobie hated that memory. Miles wraps his arms his boyfriend, "Hahaha, nah. Ganke got a girlfriend and I got my boyfriend, right Hobie!"
"Yeah..." Hobie leans over to lift his boyfriend's chin and kiss him, "I am." Miles melted by his boyfriend's hand around his jaw.
"Ohh!" Pav and Gwen watched with a red tint across their cheeks. That's such a confident move! Should they be watching this?
Lyla appeared between Miles and Hobie, "NAH-AH! Miguel say keep yo hands to yourselves!"
Miles blushes by Hobie's hungry kisses, OMG, they were full out making out with tongue, again. Hobie grunts at Lyla, "It was nuthin' but a measly little kiss."
"OHHH!" Pav's and Gwen's eyes widen. Measly kiss? Then what do they do behind close doors?
Lyla's avatar fumes, "No! It's clearly a full blown make out!"
After lunch, Miles and Hobie were at Hobie's houseboat just for some fun. The punker left some soft jazz playing while he smoke his joint. Nothing like good sex and getting high. "Mmm, Karl did a mighty ace job on this one," He coughs a bit knowing the weed is top A-Grade!
Miles lay his head on his boyfriend's bare chest, "Mmm, really?"
"Yeah, luv. Try it." Hobie handed it to his Sunflower.
Miles dabble on weed here and there, so he took it to inhale it. "Mmm-" He starts coughs, "Fuck, that shit is good, bae."
Hobie laughs seeing his boyfriend coughs, "That good, huh?"
"Mmhhmm," His Sunflower inhale again this time with caution, and hold the smoke in. Then turns to Hobie with his hand waving him to come close to his lips.
The punker grins widely as he leans over, knowing Miles want to share his smoke. The young man got close to Hobie's mouth then gently blew in the smoke in his mouth.
Hobie happily inhale Miles' second hand smoke, then inhale it and hold it. Miles let out a boyish giggle, then his boyfriend lift his head up to release the smoke with an O shape. "Mm, bloody fantastic, luv." His voice low.
"Mmm, is it." His Sunflower snuggles while nuzzling his head on his partner's chest, "Mmm, that feels so good. I think...."
"You think?" Hobie purrs lowly knowing his Sunflower is horny.
"Mmm," MIles' hand slid down under the sheets being daring, "I wanna go another round."
"I know, you do, darling." Hobie's voice low with a little growl, his hand grabs Miles' neck to pull him into an intense kiss.
Miles ain't complaining, he loves it. Letting out a submissive mewl, "Mmm," He softly chuckles, "Give me another, mi amor."
"Like this." This time his punker boyfriend added tongue.
"Mmm..." Miles happily melts, again. When they pull away, Miles' phone rang. "Oh fuck, I think Ganke is calling."
"Ugh, luv, you don't have to pick it up!"
"I need to. We're planning on cooking on Friday to binge watch the anime!" Miles picks up the phone, "Hey man, what's up."
Hobie rolled his eyes. Now, he's not in the mood anymore just high. He got up to get a beer from the fridge, while his boyfriend noticed. "Um, yeah... get some bacon, gummy bears is fine, oh- buy those juice boxes. Yeah, Billy loves those. Thanks man..."
It wasn't a long talk, Miles hung up after a simple goodbye then saw his boyfriend leaning by the doorway drinking his beer. "So? How's your sweetheart?"
Sweetheart? Oh God, not this again!
"Bae," Miles groans, "don't tell me, you're jealous!"
"Okay, I'm not." Hobie casually went back to his bed with his beer bottle set on his nightstand. Miles gave him a look being very unimpressed. He sighs, "Luv, you told me and our mates that we won't be seeing you for a while, because your going to spend most your time with yer friend!"
"And your upset over Ganke?"
"Mmm, yea and no... I don't like being without you."
"But it's only on Fridays and Saturdays and it won't be long, baby." Miles got on top of his boyfriend, then his hands caress his punker's face, "You know, we're just hanging out." Miles leans over to kiss Hobie, "I love you, baby."
"Mmm, really?" Hobie being like a happy puppy.
Miles kisses him again, "Yeah, you're mine, baby."
"I like that very much. Another kiss." Hobie purrs.
*Kiss* *Kiss-Kiss*
-After two weeks-
Hobie didn't like this, he felt so lonely without Miles. There was no lie to this, he's started to tweak out without his man. It's like he was on crack. He loves spending time with his Miles anytime he wanted.
So the next thing he did was to visit his Miles' place. It's not like he wasn't allowed too. When he got to Miles' apartment, he saw the lights on.
"Yay! One Piece!" Sweet five year old Billie happily bounced on the couch to watch some episodes with her brother and brother, Ganke. She holds her sippy cup, "Mimi! Mimi, hurry up!"
"I'm coming!" Miles brought a bowl of popcorn while Ganke had hot dogs wrapped in bacon with the works! Her big brother came by to place the large bowl of popcorn on the table, "Boo-boo, you forgot your straw hat!"
"Oh no!" Billie touches her head being in shock! She had her Luffy costume on being one of her favorite outfits to wear ever since her brother made it for her for Halloween.
Miles went over to the arm couch to get the lonely straw hat then placed it on his little sister's head. "Hehehe. Gracias, hermano!" She happily grab her strawhat to pull it down some more to fit right in place. Good thing she didn't have her Afro-puffs, but cute long braids with butterfly clips and large hair balls.
Ganke set a tray of hots dogs on the coffee table, "There. Just need the drinks." He saw the coffee table with spread of snacks.
Miles grins at him, "Nice. You're gonna make a wonderful hubby with Danika." He playfully nudge his friend.
"Popcorn!" Billed chimed out loud with her arms reaching for it, she didn't want to move from her spot on the couch.
"Oh hahahaha," Ganke blushes, "Ya think?" He watches Miles handing the bowl of popcorn to his sister.
"Yeah, man. Always." Miles chuckles, "If not I'll marry ya."
"Sheesh! I'm hubby material for Spider-man?" The two laughs out loud.
Hobie hears this from the slight open window. Billie hears this quickly turning her head, she gasps, "HOBIE!" She uses her web-shooter at him. The Punker grab the little plastic dart with half his body in the apartment.
Miles quickly turns his head having his Spidey Sense coming late, because he's use to Hobie coming whenever he wants so many times. It wasn't view as a threat. Ganke blink in shock, "Looks like I won the bet."
"Bae! What are you doing here?" Miles went over to help open the window to let his partner easily get into his apartment. "You could've called me."
"Hello, luv. Where's the fun in that?" He asked having to stand once he slide his way into the window.
Miles dust off the dirt from the bottom of window, "Still..." He kisses his boyfriend.
"I miss ya, luv."
"Oh yeah?" Miles didn't seem to believe that. Hobie is always clingy, which is surprising when they started dating. Miles always thought he was the clingy type, but nope!
When Hobie spends months with his band in his own world or some serious Spider-man stuff, Miles never seems to be bothered by it. Or did he would visit the way his partner does. It's pretty funny.
"Yes, luv. I miss you!" He hugs him.
"Hehehe, okay, bae. Well we were watching some episode but took a break for snacks." He show him the way.
Billie chews on her popcorn, "You like One Piece, Obie?"
"Not really, lil bloo." Hobie commented.
"Well, we're at Arabasta arc right now." Ganke said.
"OH yeah, the good part is coming." Miles grins widely. "Sit with me, bae." Ganke sat on the left side of the couch. Then it's Billie in the middles, next Miles and lastly, Hobie.
Hobie saw them playing the episode looking confused, he remembers his partner watching One Piece. He never understood it. Billie happily got off the couch being hyper when Luffy came on. "LUFFY!" She jumps.
Miles said to Ganke, "Some fans believe Oda will end One Piece on Skypia."
"Oh no way! That'll be a great throw back."
"For real, I was like make sense. Skypia wasn't shown as much as the other islands, so it got me wondering what plans they had with that place."
"I wonder if it's something big!" Ganke said. "I bet you Noah's Arc was the boat for Joyboy to use when the World Government drowned the world."
"Whoa, sick ass theory man!" Miles took a bit of popcorn to eat.
Hobie slouches on his boyfriend, "Luv, what's dis biblical talk about Noah's Arc? And why you bringing up Joyboy?"
"You know Joyboy?" Ganke asked.
"Joyboy is a popular Caribbean folklore... my mom drunkly mutters about it." Hobie said then stares in more confusion, "Luv, I'm lost about this carto-" he felt a dart hit his cheek, dark eyes glanced over with an upset Billie. "SHHH, NO TALKING! LUFFY IS FIGHTING CROCODILE!" She jumps happily.
Hobie sighs being lost. "You know, this is why I didn't invite you to this. You seem to hate it." Miles sighs at his boyfriend.
Ganke said, "I'm surprised he does. This is totally his stuff. There's mentions of genocide, fascism, racism, politics, slavery... Do I need to keep going?" He uses his fingers to count how many things are involved in One Piece.
"And you think I like that?" Hobie asked almost being offended.
"No, bae. He meant Luffy and his crew fights off those stuff. They kick ass. Like- Okay, you are totally watching this anime, because it's annoying how much you don't know." Miles began.
"And most of the characters are diverse. Luffy is Brazilian, Name Finnish, Zoro Japanese, Sanji French, Robin Russian, Usopp African, Chopper Canadian, Franky American, Jinbe Indian... I see him more of a Samoan in my opinion." Ganke added.
"Brazilian? You mean to tell me that lad is Brazilian?" Hobie's eyes went on the television to see Luffy's face.
"Yup." Miles chuckles, "Come on, bae. Pay attention to the show and don't focus on your jealousy. I know you came here thinking me and Ganke are doing something, huh?"
"Pfft, he's still on that." Ganke laughs.
Hobie looks embarrassed, "Love! Don't be cruel." He snuggles against his boyfriend.
"No, this time your gonna watch One Piece and your gonna like it!" Miles said in a serious tone. "Or else I'm giving you the silent treatment." He crosses his arms with a huff.
"Shheeeshhh!" Ganke chuckles.
Hobie whines, "No! Anything but that, darling!"
Billie came to jump on Hobie, "Shhh! I'm watching!" She playfully fights him.
--after twenty episodes-
Hobie watched with his eyes glued intensely at the episodes. "Well?" Miles handed him a beer bottle. The young man sat back down, he saw Billy and Ganke knocked out.
"Luv, this is freakin' fantastic!" Hobie sat up after watch Luffy kick the shit out of Crocodile, and had free the island of Arabasta. "And he does this?"
"Yup. He wants to be the Pirate King, because being the Pirate King is being free. Warrior of Libration, bae." Miles happily said.
"Warrior of Libration, huh!" Hobie finally understands. "You say he went against the Government?"
"The World Government, baby. I think you're gonna be a big fan of this anime." Miles went to pick up Billie so she can sleep comfortably in his room. "Still wanna watch?"
"Yes! Darling, you can't show me gold then deny me! I need to watch this." His punker said!
Miles giggles, "Okay, bae. I'll put Billy on my bed. She's is knock out."
"And yer mate?" Hobie looks at Ganke sleeping.
"Can you put him on his bed? He's worn out." Miles asked.
"Sure thing, luv." Hobie had no problem lifting Ganke and carrying him to his room. The young man sleep soundly on his bed. When the punker came, Miles was on the couch ready for him.
"Your gonna love the Skypia Arc, bae." His boyfriend said.
"Oh yeah?" Hobie asked as he sat down cuddling next to his boyfriend. Miles wrapped a large blanket around them. They snuggle and cuddle together while eating snacks.
"Mmhhmm," Miles kisses Hobie's cheek, "love you, baby."
"I love you, too, Sunflower." Hobie kisses him back. "Now, shh! Luffy is something." Miles only rolled his eyes at how his punker became a fan of One Piece.
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artist-emerald · 7 months
Trollstopia: I Never Stopped (Trollsona x Canon Fic)
Trollstopia, midday, another harmonious day for all the Trolls. A day filled with singing, dancing, and hugging. Queen Poppy was doing her rounds, making sure everyone was doing okay before she met up with her friends for Girls' Night. As she was finishing up, she noticed Branch carrying a bunch of supplies back to his bunker. She happily skipped over to him to see what he was up to. "Hey you, watcha up to?" Poppy said cheerily. "Oh, hey Poppy. Just some stuff to keep some of my bros busy while they're visiting." Branch said, gesturing to the wagon full of activities.
Poppy and Branch chatted for a bit before being interrupted by the sound of an accordion. They looked around, searching for the source of the noise. Then, from the brush, appeared a country western troll dressed in gray overalls, and a large white hat cowboy hat with an arrow through it. His skin was a light, pastel green, and his hair was a bright golden blonde, large and sticking out the back and sides of his hat. In his hands he held a chocolate colored accordion, the unique sounds being played from it.
When the troll looked up form his playing, he stopped in his tracks. His ears perked up and his eyes shifted between Poppy and Branch. "Howdy! This wouldn't happen to be Trollstopia, would it?" the troll asked in a friendly tone.
"Why yes, yes it is! Welcome! I'm Poppy, queen of the pop trolls. This is my boyfriend, Branch." Poppy was very excited meeting a new troll, even more so since he was looking for Trollstopia. "Well ain't that just powdered sugar on a deep fried donut! My name's-" but before the troll could finish he was cut off by the excited cheer of another troll.
"Yeeeeeeehaw! Emerald Waters, is that you!?" country western troll, Holly Darlin, called out excitedly from behind Branch and Poppy. "Holly Darlin!? Shoot, I didn't know you were here!" the troll, now revealed to be named Emerald Waters, quickly stuffed his instrument into his hair and rushed over to Holly and greeted her with a tight hug, picking her up and swinging her around.
"I'm sorry for interrupting, ya'll, but I heard the sound of an accordion and I just had to check it out! Poppy, Branch, this is a dear friend of mine from Lonesome Flats, Emerald Waters!" Holly said excitedly, her legs doing a small jog in place. Emerald blushed as Holly talked about him. "It sure is great to meet ya'll. And I'm pleased as punch to see you again Holly!" Emerald said.
"Holly, how come you never told me!?" Poppy asked. "I guess it never came up? A lot's happened since I moved here, sugar, and I haven't been able to yell ya my whole life story." Holly said. "Buuuut, Emerald's a friend of mine who's been traveling for a while. I used to get his letters from his travels every now and then, but since I moved we must have lost contact."
"Well any friend of Holly's is a friend of ours. It's always nice to meet another country western troll." Branch said, extending his hand for a handshake. Emerald's face winced, "Well actually, I'm not technically a country western troll. I'm actually a parody troll!" Emerald shook Branch's hand, and then Poppy's. Branch and Poppy looked at each other confused, and then back at the other trolls.
"I can see that, that's a new concept to you. Allow me to explain! I specialize in changing lyrics to existing songs, or putting different songs to together into one big melody to the sweet sound of polka!" Emerald explained with a big smile on his face. "Oh! Well in that case, I, Queen Poppy, welcome our first parody troll to Trollstopia!" Poppy exclaimed.
"We'll have to throw you a welcome party and do a tour tomorrow, but you've gotta be tired, sugar." Holly said rubbing her hands together. Poppy and Branch glanced at each other briefly as they noticed how Holly and Emerald acted around each other. "I will admit, I am a bit beat." Emerald said as he stretched out his back. "I'll take you back to Country Corral, so we can get you a place to rest! Later ya'll! I'll see you at Girls' Night, Poppy! Oh, everyone's gonna be excited to see you again!" Holly said as she led Emerald back to Country Corral where the other country trolls lived.
Poppy and Branch waved as they watched them leave. "Hey Poppy?" Branch began to ask, "I get the feeling that those two have a lot more going on than just being friends." Poppy held Branch's hand, "I think so too, heart. Quick couple's scrapbooking session theorizing about?" Poppy said, giving Branch a sly look. Branch nodded excitedly as they rushed off.
Hours passed, and the girls met up at Poppy's for Girls' Night. They were swapping gossip, braiding hair, scarfing down snacks, and just enjoying each other's company. They had noticed, however, that Holly was a lot more cheerful and bubbly than usual. "Wow Holly, you seem pretty tonight. Anything interesting happen today?" Smidge asked. "Oh didn't you hear? An old friend of Holly's from Lonesome Flats came into town today." Poppy chimed in, a tight grin on her face.
After hearing that, the girls stopped what they were doing in hopes to hear more about it. Holly told them about what happened earlier that day, and how excited and happy the other country trolls were when she brought Emerald back with her. "He must be a pretty special friend for you to be so happy to see him." Val teased. Holly's face turned red, "whaaaat? I don't know what you're talking about." Holly laughed nervously as she fidgeted her fingers around.
The other girls kept giving her eager faces of varying degree, wanting to get some kind of answer from their friend. Holly sighed in defeat, "okay okay. We used to date." The girls' jaws dropped, "he's your ex-boyfriend!?" they shouted. "Yeah. We used to date back home, but when he decided to leave to pursue his dream of being a parody troll, we broke up. But we still stayed friends, and I'd get letters from him every now and then, talking about his adventures." Holly's words seemed to bittersweet, and her smile started to fade.
"But?" Poppy asked. "I...I still have feelings for him, but I'm so scared of hurting our friendship that I don't have the courage to say anything. He's just so cute, sweet, and he really knows how to make a troll feel special." Holly stroked her hair as she reminisced. Her friends all looked at each other with a bit of worry.
"He said he'd be staying for a few days before leaving again. And I know those looks you have on ya'll's faces. Don't you be trying anything while he's here!" Holly scorned. The girls promising not try any sort of convoluted plan to try and get her and Emerald back together.
The days went by, and Emerald Waters was introduced to the other trolls and their cultures while they got to meet and learn more about him and his ways as a parody troll. He was master on his accordion, and really brought out the joy and whimsy to a party. Then the trolls learned that, even though Emerald is great at parties and in large crowds, if he's left alone with any single troll, he gets incredibly anxious.
The country trolls explained he got lost in a mine when he was younger and found a monster that disguised itself as a troll. Since then, he gets anxious and scared when being left one on one with other trolls. And then there were the cute, but awkward situations between him and Holly. At a glance one would assume they'd been friends forever, but whenever they got too close or a bit too affectionate, they'd get all shy and pull away from each other.
On the final day of Emerald's visit, Branch got a confession from Emerald that he still had feelings for Holly too. That leaving her behind at Lonesome Flats was one of the hardest things he had ever done. Traveling by himself was difficult, but thinking about Holly and writing her letters put him at ease. While he wrote and played such happy music for others, when he was alone he'd play some of the saddest songs you'd ever hear.
One thing led to another, and Branch told Poppy, who tried to tell Holly. Holly, on the other hand, was having a hard time believing her. "Holly please, just listen!" Poppy pleaded. "I thought I told ya'll to butt out of our business. When he left, he told me that he couldn't see us anything more than friends! That he had to leave to find his calling, but that I would always be his best friend! I went home that day and cried my little eyes out, my heart broken. The most important troll in the world to me, only wanting to be my friend. I will not go through that again!" Holly's voice cracked, her face turned red, and her eyes welled up.
Poppy gave her a hug to console her. "I won't force you, but if he leaves now, who knows when you might see each other again. I don't want to see you wind up regretting this in the future." Poppy left to meet with Branch, who tried to convince Emerald to try the same thing, but to no avail.
The day went on normally, albeit with a bit more awkward tension between Emerald and Holly. They barely spoke, they'd stare longingly at each other but look away if the other looked, and they weren't as energetic as they were at the beginning.
Then the time came for Emerald to leave. He stood in front of her at the entrance to Country Corral. "Well, I guess this is it." Emerald said shyly. "Yeah, I guess it is." Holly replied, her hands fidgeting behind her back. "Promise you'll write?" she asked with a blush. "Cross my heart, dust in my eye, till the wind takes my hat and makes it fly." Emerald said without skipping a beat, staring into Holly's eyes.
They embraced in one final hug, and Emerald turned to leave. Holly watched as left, her feelings churning inside her, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach, and a pain encroaching on her heart. She couldn't do it, she couldn't let him get away again.
"EMERALD WATERS, YOU STOP RIGHT THERE!" Holly yelled in protest. Emerald stopping in surprise and turning around, face red. Holly ran towards him and grabbed him by his overalls. "I still love you, you goofy man! I never stopped! I never stopped thinkin' bout you, and I don't want you to go!"
He was speechless, his face red, and his heart racing. He looked down at the orange country troll, tears forming in her eyes, and lower lip quivering. He placed his hands over her's, "I never stopped thinking about you either, Holly. Truth is, I never stopped loving you either. I just...didn't think I'd make a good boyfriend for you, what with my anxiety troubles."
She smiled, reaching up to the brim of his hat, grabbing it, and pulling it down. She pulled his hat down revealing an enormous mass of hair, bigger than her's. "That doesn't matter to me, it never did! I love you because you're kind, sweet, considerate, and seeing that smile on your face makes my heart flutter something fierce. Don't push me away this time. Let me help you through them hard times." Holly said assuredly.
All the other trolls watched in anticipation, some of them holding their breath. Emerald began to chuckle, which turned into a laugh as he picked up Holly Darlin and swung her around in a warm embrace. "Well dang, Holly, now I just feel all silly." Emerald said as tears fell over the smile on his face. "After that, I ain't going nowhere!"
Holly jumped and cheered in excitement before pulling Emerald in for kiss. The spectating trolls cheered and applauded, happy for the two love-trolls. Holly and Emerald went off, hand-in-hand, to spend their time together, as a reunited couple.
One, that never stopped loving each other.
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sacredcyber · 1 year
Get To Know Me~
Thank you sm for the tag @bishicat!! :DDD
Favourite colour:
I have a lot lol, but I love viridian, any kinda forest green I'm about it.
Currently reading:
Kudos by Rachel Cusk, interesting and very conversational, the writing style is neat. I just bought issue 1 of BRZRKR by Keanu Reeves and it's great. I love that it's basically a self insert but him as an immortal warrior. I just got a lot of books on my kindle, lotta romance and some cozy mysteries to peruse.
Last song:
Criminal by Fiona Apple, her voice is beautifullllll
Last movie:
My own Private Idaho and secretary (2002) both make me sad for different reasons but good shit. Young Keanu and River are fantastic and maggie gyllenhaal is awesome in secretary, so awkward and relatable.
Last series:
Mr. Inbetween!!!! I fucking cried I got EMOTIONAL, a hitman trying to balance his family life and his seedy life? so damn good
Sweet, Spicy, or Savoury?:
Can't pick I literally love all three
uh,,,,congee, I'm sick atm and I'm gonna make some congee with chicken stock and dried squid today
Tea or Coffee?:
Both but I vastly prefer coffee, I'm drinking an iced coffee rn for tea I love earl grey and orange pekoe
Currently Working On:
drawing wise? nothing atm, I've been experimenting with painting in greyscale and fucking about with hues and values. I wanna draw more veruca and johnny being sweet and tragic together because I love them.
writing? outlining Mila's story and I'm really excited for how it's coming together. me and some friends will be doing nano this year so hopefully some much needed writing time will happen.
I'm in the middle of my current semester for grad school, I need to do midterms before cyberpunks patch drops on friday because I deadass told my family "I'm preoccupied that day lol love ya'll"
No pressure! tagging @pixie-dream-brat @terriblymundane @wistereia @lovejohnnysilverhand77 @pspspspspspd @psuedoendotrizine @efingart and anyone else that would like to share <3
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pastafossa · 2 years
i’m curious and idk if you’ve answered something like this before but what type of music do you think matt and jane like, both individually or maybe what they’re introduced each other too etc etc
ok so I've been thinking about this since it came in but haven't had time until now BUT
Matt first! Matt mentions in S2 at the gala that he likes to listen to 90s Top 40. This includes a shit ton of good stuff - you've got everyone from Whitney Houston and Elton John to Nirvana and Green Day (no way teenage Matt didn't have a Green Day period). On top of that, in the comics iirc he mentions enjoying Jazz, and I know Charlie's been asked the same question and said he imagined Matt would like listening to classical (if I was building on that last one along with Matt's stated fondness for 90s top 40, I'd say he'd especially enjoy, say, an artist like David Garrett who frequently does rock covers with his violin). I could pick just one of those to lean into as to what Matt likes, but I don't think I need to. I think it's far more likely that Matt's a blend of musical tastes, because with his heightened senses, there'd be different things to appreciate with each. And while I do think there are songs and sounds he finds unpleasant, I think he can swing around pretty easily between genres. I see him listening to a fair amount of 90s/2000s rock (tends to drown the world out, and the rebellious streak in him probably takes some pleasure in enjoying what he might have been told was 'worldly listening' by nuns). But I also see him as enjoying a fair amount of softer classical songs or pop and folk (easier on his ears, or nice for dates as we know), as well as jazz (relaxing). This is great for Jane, because it means Matt would have an excellent talent for pulling out old hits she only vaguely remembers listening to but really enjoyed, and also for following her on whatever musical journey she takes - he'd also be a little more up to date on music than her, so he'd probably introduce her to some new(ish) alt artists, softer sounds usually - Jaymes Young, some of Hozier's newer stuff, songs he thinks she'll connect to.
Sweet moment: somewhere lost in the mountain of asks in my box I vaguely remember someone saying they could see Matt liking to play Jane love songs to see if he could get her to sing them later, like she was singing to him. And I love this and agree with it. Especially on bad and broken, self-loathing days, cause he needs love on those days, wants to hear Jane hum or quietly sing the words, because then it's like she's singing all that love to him. And once she figures out that's what he's doing, she makes a point of doing it more often, even putting on the songs herself and mumbling them quietly as he lays with his head on her chest, her fingers in his hair.
Jane next. I had to think about this for a while (and as always, as musical preferences are VERY personal, ya'll are free to disregard this). I can tell you that while she's ok with classical now and can even enjoy it sometimes (first date), she had to work at that one with Ciro since there was a lot of classical played 'for brain development' while she was at White Coat's facility. Outside that though, she wasn't sure what she liked when she first came out. She tried a lot of things with Ciro and Eli and Sophia, much like she did with food, hunting for what she enjoyed. I think, at least initially, a lot of the music she heard - classical, pop, jazz, country, ballads, Disney even - was too... gentle. Cause this poor kid? She was angry. She felt awkward, out of place. She still felt trapped by nightmares and PTSD, and wanted to feel free, to shout, to revel in something that wasn't slow and measured and soft, something that seemed to acknowledge the pain of what she'd went through. But you know what channeled those feelings really well? Fucking punk rock. And if we assume she's close to Matt's age, then at 16 she was freed at the right time to roll right into Green Day, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance. I think she vibed hard with that genre during those few years with Ciro before going on the run again, and it's something she'll always have a fondness for even if she's now expanded her tastes - because ultimately I think, with where she's at now, she's become a bit of a racoon. She'd delight in listening to artists across multiple genres based solely on some random quirk or line or chorus that stuck in her head, just because she can. Which means Matt's just as likely to come home to Jane howling along to a nostalgic punk rock song as he is to her blasting some random Broadway tune she heard in a cab (no one is immune to Lin Manuel) or a Taylor Swift song on loop because this sounds like us, Matt, what the fuck, have you heard this?
Funny moment: needless to say she is not prepared for Dance Dance to be her song of the evening as Matt walks through the door one night - she freezes, wondering if this is going to be an Ow My Ears song.
At least until he throws out, 'I'm two quarters and a heart down' and tosses his cane as her eyes light up and he grins-
-then the chorus hits and they both fucking rock.
They both wind up collapsed on the floor giggling. And that's when she is reminded that, yet again, Matt is the perfect man to go with her wherever her music journey takes her.
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wanderingrain · 2 years
Blogging through Till the World Ends Ep 9
Boys why are we just standing around? if I saw a bloody knife sticking out of the steering wheel of my car I would just quietly close the door and leave. Feels too much like an ambush for me.
"It's the same knife they tried to kill me with." How would you know?? It's literally just a kitchen knife. You know, the kind that lives in the kitchen. And once again HOW WOULD THEY HAVE FOUND YOU?? AND WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING AROUND??
"ThE gUn Is GoNe." No duh!! I told you!!
"Art do they know where your house is?" Well now they do because you said that thanks P'Gus. If we meet Art's brother only to have him die I swear...
Lol why is P'Gus driving again after they made a whole point of telling us he'd driven all night and then he didn't even take a nap like he was supposed to. Oh ok now Golf is driving.
Oh geez the moon is so big and scary. That last episode really put that fear deep into my heart didn't it.
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Ohhh I like the contrast between the sun and the moon.
P'Gus breaking down is honestly how I feel they would all have been acting this whole time if this was real life. Lol. But where's the fun in that?
This scene is sad and cute but I can't help but ask do we really have time for this? Lol
Great flashback. I hope we're not all going to end up dying on this mountain.
Golf ruining the moment by not returning the secret handshake. What was that Golf?
Not the nail clippers
Once again though, is this really the time? If you don't get to the bunker on time you won't ever be able to have sex again so this seems a little strange just saying.
Ya'll are really gonna get to the bunker at the very last minute aren't you. You're not even a little bit concerned that you're about to have only one more day left? I would've immediately started the car and torn out of there if I woke up and it was suddenly night time and I realized I'd wasted so much time.
Aww Art's the one holding Golf. That's so cute and sweet.
Lol such a sleepy boi
P'Gus is going to die. He's not planning on staying at the bunker with them.
If they think the gang is following them WHY are they shocked to discover evidence that the gang is following them?? "That's not our car." No duh Art!
Well those don't sound suspiciously like last words at all. "Take care of each other."
I love how they haven't given Art a weapon btw
You just told Art to be quiet why are you yelling now? You just lost whatever element of surprise you might've had.
IS THAT A THIRD CROWBAR??? Art does your family make them or something?? What's going on?? (The crack is back and it's crackier than ever.
How are the cuddles so cute though? Am I just too soft for cuddles?
Seriously how can these two be so soft? Guys I think this is the softest moment in the show and these guys have killed and eaten people.
Not the nail clippers coming in clutch. I guess that's why we had to have them in that scene earlier. This show is so great.
Babes why are you making so much noise? Untie them.
If Golf does anything to get these boys angry again now that they've decided they're leaving I'm going to be very angry. Prediction: Only Art and Golf make it out of this house alive.
Also why are you going back in when you just decided to be done with this whole thing??
Is Art gonna kill LONG??
Nevermind of course the "bottom" can't handle a gun, what was I thinking?/s
I'm still enjoying this show but I'm worried what my actual response will be if they all actually do die in the end. That's why I wasn't letting myself get too attached to the characters. But Man I really hate that trope where everything is about to be alright and then the characters mess it up for themselves. There was a moment where our gang boys decided, you know what? Everyone lives today. And that's great. I like stuff like that. But now I'm pretty positive they're both going to die.
Prediction: Golf kills P'Joke. Long kills P'Gus. Long can't live without P'Joke and unalives himself. Do Art and Golf make it to the bunker? Does it really matter if they do or not? I've been leaning towards the idea (for a few episodes now) that they probably will choose to die instead of staying in the bunker. Either they'll go to one and they'll hate it like that Uncle did so they'll leave, or they just won't make it.
I just hope the ending feels satisfying but I'm not really sure if they'll be able to pull it off for me personally. Especially if my predictions come true and Golf and Art are the only two who escape the house alive.
Well, on to the last episode.
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onlybeeewrites · 3 years
Home again (Pt. 3 of Gone series)
A/N: This was so much fun to write! Also, I would love to write for more of the Madrigal family so make sure to send in some more different requests besides Bruno! Hope ya'll enjoyed this series, I loved it<3
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x Fem!reader
Warning: angsty but with a happy ending
Find Part 1 here and Part 2 here
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Raising children was difficult. You knew this. But raising two children whose father was Bruno Madrigal, was much more difficult than you pictured. Of course, you imagined they were a mix of you both. But no. both Carina and Pedro were carbon copies of their father. So the look in their eyes, and their mischievous laughter as they got older. They were just like him.
And a part of you hated it. That you had two little reminders of him running around hurt a part of you. Now, it wasn't that you hated your children. You loved them more than anything in this world. There truly was nothing that you wouldn't do for them, to protect them. But you longed for your husband to be there, to see and raise them. It was a missing piece, that you were trying to fill, but nothing seemed to fit properly like he did.
As the years went on, the two little rascals grew up. The more time spent the more their personalities grew. The twins were best friends, truly attached at the hip. Pedro was just like his father, rather why at first. While Carina was incredibly outgoing. She was bold, adventurous, and fearless. You weren't sure where she had gotten that from at all.
But Pedro would get comfortable as long as his sister was there to coax him out of his shell. Around your family, they loved their cousins. Making noise and up to no good.
Years and years continued as you watched your babies grow. But inside the walls of Casita, so did Bruno.
He watched every day his two children grow more and more into themselves. Discovering who they were and their personalities. Bruno would agree that his son was just like him. But looking at the two of them, they were just like you.
Pedro was kind, considerate. Always wanted to make everyone smile and laugh. He would do small things. Like gift his Abuela little arts and crafts things he made or made little friendship bracelets with Mirabel. And he had your smile. Your beautiful smile. Bruno was glad that such a feature was passed down to his son.
And Carina. His sweet Carina. What a little spitfire she was. She was fierce and never shied once for telling anyone what she truly thought. It was just like you. She had your personality, even if you didn't see it, or recognized it. And she had your eyes. The same ones that shinned at him when he said some stupid joke.
And you. Oh, you. His wife. Who deserved so much better than what he was doing to you. He watched you juggle taking care of the twins, chores, cooking, laundry, cleaning, everything. And at the end of the day, once the kids were down, you would sit alone. Exhausted. He knew you were too stubborn to send the kids to your parents. And even with his family's help, you were exhausted. All the time.
He wanted to do nothing more than to climb out of the walls and give you the true break you deserve. Maybe one day he would be able to, but for now, he would just have to continue to mumble apologies on the other side of the wall.
Five years then passed.
It was the twin's birthday and you had been getting them ready for their gift ceremony. Alma was eager, but everyone was tense, including the townspeople. The last gift ceremony...didn't turn out so well. And Alma was eager to see if it was the end of the miracle or just some....mistake. But you told your kids, the moment they were born: Gifts do not define people.
You had told that to Bruno so many times, and even over the last few years, you've told that to Mirabel as well. You knew Alma put too much pressure on the need for a Gift, prioritizing it as well. It always put unnecessary pressure on the kids, so you always made sure that gift or no gift, it didn't change anything.
Carina rolled her eyes dramatically as she nodded, "I know, Mama! Are you almost done?" she was clearly eager. Her green dress fit her well, as you finished putting her curls up into a braid. Pedro had a green dress shirt on, and tan dress pants. To represent their father's side.
You chuckled as you nodded, "Yes, amor. Just finishing." you hummed before looking at them both, letting out a sigh. "You both look perfect. I am so proud of you," you say as you pull them both in for a kiss of the forehead.
"Mama? Do you think Papa is proud of us too?" Pedro asked in a more quiet voice than his sister's. And his question brought tears to your eyes as you nodded immediately.
"Si. I told you, your Papa is always proud of you. I know if he could be here tonight he would be in a heartbeat." you reassure, as you gently push his messy mop of curls out of his face. "So let's go make your papa proud hm?" you ask before leaving the room and going downstairs.
You stood on your own next to Alma, as your twins walked through the crowd. Past the townspeople, and passed your family up to their doors.
First, Pedro went first. Placing his hands on the candle, glancing at you nervously. Only after a reassuring nod from you, he turn to his door placing his hand on the doorknob. It took a moment, before the door glowed with his name, along with showing his gift. Alma let out a small breath of relief, along with a bright proud smile.
On the door, of course, it was him but also what looked like a happy and sad face. Pedro looked at the door confused before looking at you, seeing the tears in your eyes. "Oh, no...Mama don't cry!" he said as he reached and held your hand. Almost instantly you felt a rush of happiness run through you. He could manipulate emotions.
"Sorry, baby. I'm just so excited," she said, as everyone watched in awe at his new gift.
Then it was Carina's turn. After the same speech, she placed her hands on the candle before touching her doorknob, right next to her brother's room. Soon, her name and image showed up along with her hands up, almost like Bruno's. But there were flames coming out of her hands.
She raised an eyebrow before holding out her palm, her eyes widening as a small controlled flame came from it. Oh boy, that will be fun when she has tantrums. You thought to yourself.
Alma smiled proudly, "We have our new gifts!" she announced as everyone cheered. You knelt down and held both children in your arms. "I love you both so much,"
Bruno could hear it all happening. The cheer for his kids. He should be there. He should be there...
Another five years passed, and Casita had crumbled to the ground. The last effort got everyone out. You held your now ten-year-olds in your arms, checking them over and over to make sure that they were alright.
"We're okay, Mama," Pedro said, placing a hand on you to try and calm you down but he couldn't. Their gifts were gone. "I know." you said with a sigh before looking up, "Mirabel's missing?" you had asked Julieta, "Come Mijo, Mija, let's look for your Prima," you instruct before you all rush to find the missing Madrigal.
Little did you know that she had been found, along with your husband. And as they returned, he was truly the last thing you had expected to see. Bruno finally met your eyes after ten, very long years.
Neither of you knew what to say, but you just ran to him sobbing. Your arms wrapped around his waist tightly as you cried in his chest. You had tried to convince yourself he was alive. But after so many years you had thought he was gone. So to have him alive, in your arms, actually here...it was almost too much for you to take.
Bruno sighed as he finally had you in his arms again. He held you tightly as he kissed your head, rubbing your back softly. "I know...I know, amor. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will explain everything. I will make it up to you and the kids. Mirabel told me...I promise. I love you," he reassured in a nervous ramble as you sniffled and nodded in his chest.
Pulling back slightly, you wiped your eyes as you cupped his face. "You have so much time to make up. Especially for our kids. If you left, I know it was for a good reason. Just don't ever leave me again okay?" You believed him. You trusted him. You always had, and even after all these years that never faltered. You were too good.
Bruno smiled and nodded, "Pinky promise."
"Mama?" Carina asked as she and Pedro slowly approached the two of you. Bruno suddenly got incredibly nervous. What his they didn't like him? Hated him for being gone?
You just smiled and pulled away. "Niños, this is your father. Bruno. He finally made his way home," you said in a slightly teasing tone. But your kids saw the look in your eye before looking to their father. Carina and Pedro shared a look before the two raced over to hug him tightly.
"Mama said you would come back. We knew it," Carina said as the two hugged him. Bruno stood there awkwardly before he embraced his children for the first time. He never wanted to let go. You did such a good job raising them so far, but now you wouldn't have to do it on your own.
"I promise. I am never going anywhere again," he reassured before Pedro pulled back, "Papa, what's moving in your shirt?" he asked in confusion before the little rat popped out of his poncho, causing the kids to look at the little creature in awe.
"Oh, this is uh, Hernando."
You laughed and shook your head as your kids marveled at the rat your husband had. They were his kids alright. And seeing them all together filled that void in you. That spot that left that night with Bruno. Your heart swelled seeing your family finally together. It may have taken a while to get there, but Bruno was finally home again. And you could not be more grateful.
Taglist: @bambi-laufeyson @mit-suri @shipper--mania @ccoffeeholic @brunosswife @staygoldsquatchling02
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justapurrcat · 3 years
Rebound | t.s.h.
Pairing: Tom Holland x fem!reader
Excerpt: “It wasn’t Tom's fault that you got your heart shattered, and it certainly wasn’t his fault that this was by no doubt the most painful heartbreak you ever went through.
There was only one person to blame for all that, and that person was you.”
Word count: 8k
Warnings: English not being my first language, (once again, poorly written) smut (if you're younger than 18, don’t read this), angst, fluff.
Rebound Masterlist
Tom Holland Masterlist
General Masterlist
A/n: ... so here we are! I wasn't expecting part one to receive such a huge response, but ya'll have been so amazing and made me cry like a baby, I'm not joking. I love you all and I hope you like this 💜
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Tom remained there, petrified and completely lost, wondering whether he should run after you or leave you be. Eventually, he ended up opting for the latter: he hated to admit it, but it looked like the wisest thing he could do. Truth be told, every part of his body itched to get out of that door and follow you and he almost did…
But that look in your eyes, the way you reacted when he called your name, and how you recoiled from his touch, kept him right there where you left him, torturing him as they replayed in his mind like a painful broken record.
You even called him ‘Thomas’ and you never called him like that. It’s not like he had a problem with people using his full name, but on your lips it sounded like an off-key note in a beautiful melody. It was wrong: he wasn’t ‘Thomas’ to you. Only ‘Tom’ or ‘Tommy’.
She doesn’t want me around.
A lump formed in his throat at that thought. You’d always go up to each other whenever something wrong happened: you were there for him and he was there for you.
This was the first time you ever ran from him.
And the worst part was that he was the one who caused you to get so upset. Tom was sure about it, even if he had no idea what he had done.
His gaze landed on his counter, on the packet of cocoa powder he bought especially for you. Every time you'd spend the night at his place, he would always make you hot milk chocolate in the morning, knowing how much you loved it.
For a moment, he swore he could see you there, sitting on the counter with your legs swinging, waiting patiently while he prepared it for you. You were wearing one of his shirts, hair pulled up in a messy bun and a sweet smile on your face as you laughed at a stupid joke he made.
Tom let out a long deep breath as that image vanished from his mind and dragged his tired body to the bedroom. He flopped onto the mattress, burying his face into one of the pillows. Which, coincidentally, was the one still stained with your tears.
The one that still smelled like you.
He rolled onto his back, holding it to his chest like he would’ve held you, closing his eyes and inhaling your sweet scent.
You smelled sweet. You tasted sweet. Your lips, your skin, every part of you tasted sweet. Maybe that was the reason why you loved milk chocolate so much. And maybe that was the reason why he began to love it too.
And maybe it was because he hadn’t got to cum, or maybe because you tended to have that effect on him, but that thought made his cock stir in his pants.
Unable to fight that sudden urge, he palmed himself through the fabric. It was wrong, he shouldn’t be doing that after what just happened, but he missed you so fucking much…
He licked his lips as his hand slipped inside his pants, wrapping itself around his length to find it still coated with your arousal. As soon as he did that, he realized he hadn’t touched himself in a while. Ever since this whole thing with you started, to be precise. His fingers were longer, thicker, more calloused, not at all like your slender, soft ones, but they would have to do. Al least, he could try to mimic your movements, stroking himself the way you would have.
Soon enough, moans of your name filled the room and, behind his eyelids, the darkness shaped itself in the form of your face.
“Fuck, y/n.”
It took him nothing to get fully hard again as the fresh memories from earlier, before it all went to shit, came back to him.
Tom groaned loudly, teeth sinking into his bottom lip so hard they almost tore the skin. He was doing his best to imagine you there with him, teasing him mercilessly and then letting him have his way with you…
“Oh God, yes…”
You were everything he could ever ask for and even more. You were perfect. He had never felt this good with anyone else. Not even with Meg. It was stupid, but almost every time he was with you, his brain would automatically compare the two of you.
And God, Meg didn’t stand a single chance against you.
He had no idea why, but everything was easier, more spontaneous and natural with you. And that didn’t only apply to sex. You were always there in the back of his mind, constantly with him even when you weren’t. Your arms felt like a safe haven, your smile reminded him of the calm after a storm and the sound of your laugh was as relieving as the first sip of fresh water after days of wondering in the desert. You were light, a fire that burned without scorching him.
Just the simple thought of you was enough to make Tom wonder what was it that had made him fall for Meg back then. Making him question himself if he ever even loved her if it was so easy to forget his feelings…
He increased his pace, crying out for you and tightening his hold on the pillow, mind completely lost in a spiral of memories. And the focus of said memories was always the same.
“Darling, I’m close!”
Of course, he received no answer, but in his brain you were there. Now you were under him, your soft pliant body taking his rough pounding, your walls clamping down hard on him as tide after tide of pleasure washed over you.
And it was then, in the middle of that extremely accurate fantasy, just as he was about to reach his climax, that it hit him: he called you ‘Meg’.
His movements came to a sudden stop, eyes shot open at the realization. He stared at the ceiling in disbelief, that quickly turned into disgust towards himself.
He called you ‘Meg’.
He fucking called you ‘Meg’. Again.
Tom brought the pillow up to his face, screaming all his anger and frustration into it. No wonder you got mad at him: he was fucking furious at himself.
I called the girl I love by the name of my fucking ex.
His breath hitched in his throat. His heart skipped a beat.
He loved you.
He was in love with you.
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You held your knees up to your chest, resting your forehead on top of them. Your hair was still dripping wet after the long shower you took in the desperate – and unsuccessful – tentative to erase any trace of him from your body, and the couch would certainly get wet, but at the moment you couldn’t have cared less.
Because no matter how hard you tried, all you could think of began and ended with Tom. You were still covered in the hickeys he’d left, still sore between your legs… and you could still feel his touch all over you, your nose was still filled with the scent of his skin, you could still taste his kisses on your lips. He was still there with you.
He had stolen your attention away from any other thought and taken for himself all the room you that there was in your heart. And then shattered it with the words that kept echoing in your ears.
“I love you, Meg.”
You sighed, already feeling your eyes getting watery. You were sure you’d run out of tears, but apparently you were wrong. And it wasn’t the only thing you had been wrong about.
It wasn’t Tom’s fault that you got your heart shattered, and it certainly wasn’t his fault that this was by no doubt the most painful heartbreak you ever went through.
There was only one person to blame for all that, and that person was you.
You had underestimated the risks of the whole situation and you had been so stupid that you didn’t understand nor realize your own feelings until it was too late.
And on top of that, you’d treated Tom like shit. You could’ve solved it like the two grown adults that you were, but no, you had to go and say ‘fuck reason and logic’, losing your best friend and the man you loved all in one go.
Great job, y/n.
You already missed him so much and wanted to reach out to him so badly. You wanted to apologize, no, you needed to. And you wanted to hold him, cry on his shoulder, laugh with him. You wanted to take his hand in yours, kiss his cheeks, mess up his hair. And then you wanted to rant to him about your day, help him with his lines, tell him about your dreams and listen to his…
But you knew he probably hated you know, so you were terrified at the idea of facing him again.
You raised your head when you felt a paw touching your leg, finding Grimm staring at you with his single eye. You scratched him behind his ears and he purred happily.
“At least I have you”, you told him softly.
But the sudden frantic banging at your door frightened you both, causing him to escape to your bedroom and you to jump and almost fall off the couch. Eyes rounded in fear, you held your breath, not daring to move.
“y/n, it’s me. Please, open up.”
A cold shiver ran down your spine as soon as you heard that voice.
“Darling… please, please, open up.” He begged, sounding so desperate that you simply couldn’t find it in your heart to send him away.
Standing up on shaky legs, you walked up to the door, your hand trembling so much it made it difficult for you to unlock it and turn the knob.
Tom was there.
And it wasn’t just a figment of your imagination. He was really standing there in front of you, hair dishevelled, cheeks reddened by the cold and eyes glossy with tears, in the same clothes he was wearing back at his place, the only additions being a pair of boots and a heavy hooded coat.
There was a mug in his hands and you recognized it in an instant. It was the one you bought him for his birthday, when you first met him eight years ago.
You were not even supposed to be there, but your brother had basically dragged you to his place, forgetting to inform you that the party was actually the birthday party of his boyfriend’s friend. You casually found out only a few hours before…
“Are you kidding me, Alex?! Not only I don’t even know who this guy is, not only I’m showing up uninvited, but empty-handed, too?!”
“Relax, sis, you know no one there: you’re not expected to bring a gift.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? It’s a birthday party! Who doesn’t bring a gift to a birthday party?!”
“The birthday person?”
“Thank your good star that you’re my brother, Alex, or I would fucking murder you with my bare hands. Quick, tell me what you and David got him: I’ll pay my part and we’ll say–”
“We already gave him the gift this morning…”
“Shit… what can you tell me about him? What does he like?”
“Uh, he drinks a lot of tea. He likes golf. And he’s an actor, so he travels a lot.”
“Wow, that gives me a lot to work with.”
“He also likes dogs.”
“Everyone likes dogs!”
“You like cats.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t li–why are we even having this conversation?!”
You ended up finding a purple travel mug with cartoonish Staffies – another information you had managed to gain from your useless brother – drawn all over it, telling yourself that at least you could laugh it off as a joke gift.
The guy had turned out to be Tom. And, much to your surprise, he had absolutely fallen in love with that mug. He would bring it with him every time he left, never forgetting to send you a picture of himself drinking from it to let you know that he was putting your gift to good use.
The two of you always liked to joke about how your whole friendship started with a mug.
That very same mug he was now handing you. “I-uh… I brought you this”, he said nervously.
You hesitantly reached out for it, disbelief painted on your face, ignoring the small sigh that escaped his lips when your fingers brushed against his. Not knowing what else to do, you stepped aside to let him in, closing the door immediately after.
“It’s milk chocolate”, he informed you, breaking the silence after almost half a minute spent staring at each other. “Hot milk chocolate, of course. God, at least I hope it’s still hot… b-but I’m not saying that the mug doesn’t work: it works perfectly, it’s the best present ever, it’s just… i-it’s really cold outside and it’s even snowing, so I don’t know if–”
“Tom, why are you here?”, you asked in a small voice, interrupting his anxious blabbering.
He seemed taken aback, but it didn’t last long as his confused expression shifted to a pained, but determined one. “I’m an idiot.”
Your mouth dropped open in surprise. It wasn’t at all what you were expecting him to say.
“I’m an idiot because of what I’ve done”, he kept going. “… and I’m even more of an idiot because I didn’t realize it.” He shifted uncomfortably, running a shaky hand through his hair, guilt filling his eyes. “I’m so fucking sorry, y/n.”
“Tom”, you tried to reassure him, now knowing perfectly well where this was going and being absolutely terrified by it. “You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I do, y/n”, he insisted. “I called you by my ex’s name.”
There. He finally said it.
You were thankful for the mug still in your hands, since it was literally the only thing preventing them from shaking. “It’s fine.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is”, you stood your ground, feeling all the sadness starting to turn into irritation. “We’re not in a relationship.” It came out way harsher than you intended, but you just couldn’t hold back. “Fucking me every now and then doesn’t make me your girlfriend.”
Tom looked as if you’d just punched him in his stomach, a mixture of shock and pain fighting on his face, a sight that made you regret your words instantly.
“Fucking you every now and then…”, he repeated to himself, his voice so low you almost couldn’t hear him. “Fucking you every now and then?!”
The sudden raise in his voice startled you, making you take a few steps back, the mug almost slipping from your hold.
“You fucking stayed at my house for almost three weeks last month!”, he yelled. “And you even got your period on the second week! And I knew it would happen when I asked you to come over! Why would I have you over while you’re on your period if my intention was only to fuck you?!”
You gulped at that memory, feeling even worse for your mean words.
“And we went on holiday together! Just the two of us.” He pointed out the last sentence gesturing between your bodies. “Have you already forgotten about Florence? I don’t remember fucking you there, but I do remember the whole day we spent just cuddling in bed!”
You looked away, biting the inside of your cheek. There was no way you were ever going to forget about Florence and those eight days of pure bliss…
“And every time I’m back in London this is the first place I come to”, Tom continued, taking a step in your direction. “Not my place, y/n, yours.” He took another step, getting closer to you. “I always spend my first night back in town sleeping next to you.” His voice sounded just as broken as he looked, the tears in his eyes threatening to spill. “Sleeping, ‘cause I’m too bloody tired to even try to do anything else… and the only thing I can think of is that I just wanna be close to you!”
His desperate rant came to an end, leaving you absolutely speechless, poised between joy and pain, between the love you had for him and the hate you felt towards yourself.
“Fucking you every now and then…”, he muttered again under his breath as if he just couldn’t believe it. “Is that all that this is to you? All that we are to you?”
“O-of course not!”, you tried to object. “But…”
“But what?”, he croaked out. “y/n, you’re probably the person I spend the most of my time with. You’re the most important person in my entire life!”
In any other circumstance, that admission would’ve made you the happiest girl on Earth, but now it only caused you to see red.
You resisted the urge to throw the mug on the ground, slamming it onto the counter, instead. “Well, I’m also the person you started fucking to get over your ex!”, you spat, venom dripping from your voice. “And I guess I’m not even that good of a distraction, since you keep dreaming of her every time you are with me!”
“It’s not like that!”
“Oh, isn’t it?”, you scoffed. “Tell me then, have I ever called you ‘Ethan’?”
A deafening silence fell between you after you pronounced that name and you just remained like that, staring at each other. Not daring to move despite how difficult it was to resist the invisible force that tried to pull you together.
“Yeah, thought so…”, you muttered after a while, your own words hurting you just as much – if not even more – as they were hurting him. “I get it, Tom. Meg is the great love of your life and you will never forget her. I already figured that out, but thanks for coming here to rub it in my face.”
“I swear to you that it’s not like that, y/n”, he pleaded, daring to take another step in your direction. “I no longer have feelings for her.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sure you don’t.”
“I don’t.”
“Then why did you fucking call me ‘Meg’?!”, you exploded.
“Because you’re not her!”, he shouted back, but then quickly realized how stupid and nonsensical that sounded.
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!”
“You…” Tom paused, taking a long deep breath and trying to think of the right words. It was finally sinking in: this could be his last chance to tell you how he felt. He couldn’t let it go to waste.
“Being with you does make me think of her”, he confessed, the words burning like liquid acid on his tongue. “… but not in the way that you mean it.”
Staring at him in silence, you just nodded lightly, to let him know that you were willing to listen to what he had to say.
“You’re nothing like her”, he explained. “Everything is different, better with you. I feel better with you…” His hands were aching to cup your face, to pull you close and never let you go, but he kept them still along his sides.
And you, you were hanging on his lips, your heart regulating its beating to his every word.
“Being with you makes me wonder if I ever even…” He made another pause, knowing that there was no going back from his next words. “… if I ever even loved her the way a boyfriend should love his girlfriend.”
Unable to hold his gaze, you looked at your feet, the weight of what he just told you crashing you down on your shoulders like a bag of rocks. Scaring you to death.
“… and I’m not just talking about sex.”
“Then why does it keep happening during sex?”, you mumbled weakly.
“Because…” He lowered his eyes in shame just as you raised your head, looking like an adorable child with his cheeks flushing red. “Because that’s when my mind gets the most… clouded.”
It almost made you smile how embarrassed he was when he admitted it. Almost.
“That’s also the reason why it took me a while to realize what I’ve done…” He scratched the back of his neck, mentally yelling at himself. You probably considered him an idiot now.
“And I was afraid.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I kept clinging to her memory because I got scared of how much I was letting you in.” While saying that, ‘letting you in’, he grabbed his shirt, right over his heart. Whether he did that on purpose or without realizing it, you had no clue.
But it was a gesture that both made your heart soar and sent shivers down your spine.
“I got scared of how good it felt. Of how much I didn’t consider it enough. And of how much more and more I kept wanting.” As he was opening his heart to you, all that fear seemed nothing but a faded memory. A stupid, pointless faded memory. “It felt so right it terrified me.”
Just as hearing you say this is terrifying me…
“Is that why…”, your voice betrayed you halfway. “Is that why you didn’t want me to touch you?”, you found the courage to ask him.
He cocked his head to the side, honestly clueless. “I didn’t want you to touch me? What are you talking about?”
“When you made me let go of your hair…” The memories came back to your mind, hurting you like salt in a fresh wound. “… and just kept me there, face down on the pillow, so you wouldn’t have to kiss me…”
“You…” His eyes widened, mouth dropping open. “You think… oh, fuck.” He covered his face, the curse getting muffled against his hands.
“What is it?”, you asked worriedly.
“I did it because I thought you didn’t want me to touch you”, Tom explained. “Because I didn’t want you to think I was too clingy…” His hands moved back, uncovering his face and running through his hair. The bewildered expression he saw on your face felt like a punch in his stomach, making him feel even more stupid.
“When I told you you were beautiful…”, he went on sheepishly. “You seemed bothered by it, and I got scared I might have overstepped… I didn’t want to weird you out.”
“I…” You couldn’t move. It was as if your feet had been glued to the ground. You could physically feel your surprise climbing over your body like braches of wild ivy, covering it entirely, so that you could no longer move. “I can’t believe it.”
“You’re telling me…”, he laughed faintly, frustration clear in his voice. “God, I fucking suck at communication.”
“We suck at communication”, you corrected him. “I treated you horribly, instead of talking to you and telling you what the problem was.” You bit down on your lip, regret and guilt constricting your chest and throat. “I’m so sorry, Tommy. I really am.”
“But things can get better now.” His eyes were shining now, not with tears but with hope, as he got closer to you, taking your hands in his, gently brushing his thumbs over your knuckles. “We can be better now.”
You looked down at your joined hands, wishing you could keep them like that forever. But you couldn’t. “No…” You forced yourself to drop them. “No, we can’t.”
“W-what? Why?”, he panicked.
Folding your arms around your body and stepping back, you shook your head repeatedly. “I can’t do this anymore, Tom.”
“I’m not asking you to. I don’t want that anymore.”
“Then why are you here?”, you sobbed, not sure of how longer you could hold back your tears. “What do you want?”
“Because I love you.”
And that was when you felt it: the small spark in that cold dark pit that occupied your chest. “… you… y-you…”
“I love you, y/n”, Tom repeated, and he didn’t just do that with his voice. You could read those words in his eyes, you could see them in the way he was fighting to keep his hands from shaking. “I’m in love with you.”
It was all it took for the spark to grow into a fire that brought your frozen veins back to life, spreading all over your skin so rapidly and with such strength that it almost made you lose your balance.
“Shit, what’s wrong, darling?” He rushed to your side, grabbing your arms to keep you from falling. “Are you okay?”
Your hands gripped the fabric of his shirt, in an attempt to ground yourself. “No… no you’re not…” You were shaking, crying, blabbering, the strong emotion making it hard for you to even breath correctly. “You can’t be… it’s too beautiful, it can’t be…”
“Shh shh, look at me, love, look at me…”, he told you, taking your face in his hands. “Just breathe, okay? Focus on my voice and breathe”, he tried to remind you, but when he realized that your legs were about to give out, he held your trembling figure to his chest to prevent you from falling.
Careful not to hurt you, he sat on the pavement with you between his legs, rocking you gently and reminding you to breathe, like he always used to do help you calm down.
And like it always happened, it worked. He did know you like the back of his hand, after all.
You curled up against him, resting your head on his shoulder.
Tom cupped your cheek gently, brushing his thumb over your tears. “You okay, love?”
You just nodded.
He sighed in relief. “I’m here, y/n”, he promised, laying a kiss on your forehead. “I’m here and I love you.”
“Stop…”, you murmured, raising your head to look at him, nose bumping against his, your lips so close they were basically touching. “Please, stop. Stop saying that or I’ll believe it.”
“I love you, y/n.”
“I said–” You couldn’t finish the sentence as Tom cut you off with a kiss.
Your eyes fluttered shut, your protest dying in your throat while that familiar warmth spread all over your skin. The pain and the cold were long gone and you felt safe.
At home in Tom’s arms.
But just as we was the one who kissed you, he was also the one who pulled away after a few seconds. “I’m sorry, I shoul–”
“Don’t be”, you shushed him, tracing the line of his parted lips with your fingertips, the touch so delicate it almost felt unreal. “I need you, Tommy.”
It was all Tom needed to hear.
He claimed your mouth again and pulled you up in his arms like you were weightless, carrying you to your bedroom, his lips never parting from yours until he gently laid you down on the bed, hovering over your body.
“We made it this time”, he joked, getting rid of his coat and kicking off his boots.
You were about to answer him, but an annoyed “meow” distracted you, making you both turn. Grimm stretched, glaring at the two of you for ruining his peaceful nap, then jumped off the mattress and trotted away.
“Sorry, Grimm…”
“Well, that cat certainly knows how to read a room. I guess I might like him”, Tom commented, but left you no time to respond, claiming back your attention. He kissed you again and settled himself between your legs, immediately starting to rub his clothed core against yours.
“Tom”, you whined into his mouth at the friction, gripping his shoulders, both hating and loving how incredibly responsive your body was to whatever he did to you. That, combined with how sensitive you still were from before, was making you lose your mind.
“Yes, darling?” He pulled back slightly to look you in the eyes, not ceasing the tormenting movement of his hips. “Tell me what you want, love, I’m here for you.” He smirked when a particularly sharp thrust had you yelping. “I’m yours.”
You tried to answer him, but the only thing you could put together was a pathetic ‘Please’.
“Please what? What do you want, y/n?”, he breathed against your throat. “You want my mouth?”, he offered, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. “My hands? My cock?”
“I-I want you”, you stuttered in a desperate whimper. “A-all of you.”
“All of me?” A small chuckle escaped his lips. “I can do that.” He left a trail of heated kisses down your throat and along your collarbone, then proceeding to move lower and lower down your body, biting and sucking at the feverish skin as his nimble fingers undid each button of your shirt, until he reached the elastic of your pants.
You impatiently wiggled your arms out of the sleeves, taking off the garment and throwing it across the room.
“Someone’s eager, huh?”, Tom laughed, leaving a love bite right under your bellybutton. “That’s adorable”, he cooed, then hooked his fingers into the waistband and slowly, teasingly, pulled it down your legs. “No panties?”
You rolled your eyes at his fake surprise. “You know I don’t–”
“Wear anything under your pajamas, I know.” He hastily took off his shirt, then resumed his place between your legs, throwing them over his shoulders. “That’s even more adorable.” And he slapped his mouth on you.
You moaned, both in surprise and pleasure, as he started to eat you out like a starved man. Your hands immediately flew to his hair, tugging slightly at his soft locks.
Tom had always been generous when giving you head, but this time it was as if he wanted to push both his and your limits. He was giving you his everything, sparing no energy, alternating between sucking on your clit and pushing his tongue inside you, using the muscle to fuck you, and letting out a small laugh from time to time and only to enjoy the way your body reacted to the vibrations.
“You taste so sweet. Got me fucking addicted, love.”
Your eyes were in the back of your head, your mouth filled with his name, your back arching off the bed and your hips keeping still only due to the strong hold he had on them.
“I jerked off at the thought of you right after you were gone”, he murmured, his teeth grazing over your clit and making you shiver. “Couldn’t cum though… because of what I did to you.” He splayed a hand over your stomach and the other one grabbed your wrist. “Besides…” He raised his head to look at you, ignoring your whine of protest, and grinned like a devil with his chin glistening with your juices. “There’s nothing like this…” He placed a delicate kiss on your palm. “Nothing feels this good.” His tongue swirled around your fingers. “Nothing feels like you.”
All you could do was watch, hypnotized by both his actions and his words. “Tom…”, was the only sound that left your mouth.
“I haven’t touched myself since I started fucking you, you know?” He let go of your wrist, fingers brushing over your folds. “What about you, though?”
Your lips pressed into a thin line as he circled your opening. “I…” Any possible chance of a coherent answer vanished into a loud gasp the moment he pushed two thick fingers inside of you, finding your g-spot in no time. Tom knew your body like he was the one who created it and wasted no occasion to remind you that.
His fingers sat still inside of your heat and you clenched desperately around them. “Tom…”, you pleaded.
“Have you touched yourself when I wasn’t there?”, he questioned, eyes boring into yours, the intensity of his look practically making it impossible for you to even think about lying. “Answer me, darling, or I won’t move.”
“Y-yes”, you admitted in a mumble.
“Tell me more, darling.” He gave you a lopsided smile, placing his thumb on your clit and starting to rub circles on it. “How many times?”
“O-only… fuck.” It was already hard to think straight, let alone form a complete sentence. “Only once.”
“Mmh…” Satisfied with your compliant behaviour, he finally indulged you, moving his fingers at a slow pace. “When?”
Your hands grasped at the sheets. “T-the first time–”, you blabbered. “T-the first time you c-called me…” You couldn’t bring yourself to say it, the pain still clawing at your chest, but Tom understood exactly what you meant.
He frowned a bit, guilt flashing through his eyes. However, that didn’t cause him to stop his actions. You may have already forgiven him, but for him to forgive himself, he needed to know exactly what he did to you. He needed to understand how much he hurt you. “Go on.”
“I… I got so mad and I didn’t even know…”, you began, stumbling over your own words as his free hand caressed your thigh and he turned his head to leave delicate kisses on it. “I wanted to get back at you… so bad…” You interrupted yourself again when his teeth sunk into your skin to mark you up. “I tried to think of… of…” you tried to focus, to remember your ex-boyfriend’s name, but it was impossible, no matter how hard you tried. So you gave up. “B-but I all I could… all I could think of was…”
“Yes”, you breathed out, now shamelessly fucking yourself on his fingers. “You. Only you, Tommy…”
Your words made him groan. He soothed the bruised skin with a gentle peck of his lips and then removed his hand from you all at once, chuckling at the loud annoyed noise that you made. “And you never did it again?”
The view of Tom between your legs, licking your arousal off his fingers with that cocky grin plastered on his face, was the most deliciously painful torture you could ever ask for. It was Hell combined with Heaven.
“It was pointless.”
“My poor girl”, he murmured, placing one last kiss on your inner thigh. “My poor sweet girl.” He pulled away to free himself of the rest of his clothes, then quickly came back to you, covering your body with his, careful not to hurt you. “You’re an angel and I’ve been a dickhead to you.” He cupped your face in his hands, nose brushing against yours.
You held him close, running your hands up and down his back to comfort him. “Stop saying that, Tommy. Everything’s fine. I mean it.”
“And I love you, y/n.”
Hearing him say those words was so beautiful that you still couldn’t believe it was real. It was almost making you feel like an undeserving impostor. Adverting your cheeks starting to heat up like they had been set on fire, you lowered your gaze.
But Tom wasn’t having any of that, making you raise your chin so that he could lock his gaze with yours. “I mean it”, he added, before kissing you again.
Tasting yourself on his tongue made your head spin like crazy and your walls clench painfully around nothing. You tried to rub your legs together to get some relief, but he was in between them.
“I know, darling, I know”, he cooed reassuringly, peppering kisses all over your face.
You tried to push him away, so that you could turn on your stomach.
“No”, he stopped you, taking your hands in his. “I want you like this.” He placed them at the sides of your head, fingers intertwined with yours. “I wanna look at you.”
His tip rubbed against your folds, making you both whine at the same time.
“That okay with you?”, he asked you breathlessly and you simply responded with a frantic nod of your head, not trusting your own voice.
He pushed inside of you slowly, as if you were doing this for the first time, making you feel every single inch, his eyes never abandoning yours until he finally bottomed out.
His head fell in the crook of your neck. “Shit, I’ll never get used to how amazing you feel.”
You threw your head back, closing your eyes while you tried to regulate your breathing.
When you were about to actually beg him, he started moving, teasingly dragging his cock along your walls, almost pulling out entirely and then sinking back in, never failing to find your g-spot, each thrust slow, but incredibly strong and deep.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, allowing him to get even deeper, to claim you fully, clenching around him when you felt him touching your cervix.
“Easy there, I'm not gonna last long if you keep doing that”, he warned you, biting your earlobe softly. But then he decided to reward your patience, gradually increasing his pace until he was fucking you into the mattress.
“There”, he panted against your neck. “Is this what you wanted, darling? All of me?”
“Take it then. Take me.” He was ruthless now, pounding into you so hard you were sure the entire area would be covered in bruises tomorrow.
You loved it.
His hands slipped from yours, one of them tangling itself in your hair as he caught your mouth in a searing kiss. “Touch me”, he breathed against your lips. “Please, y/n, touch me.”
You didn’t need to be told twice, clinging onto him for dear life, softly scratching the skin with your nails and then soothing it with delicate touches.
His free hand slipped between your bodies, fingers tracing circles on your throbbing clit as soon as they found it.
“Tommy!”, you cried out, clamping down on him, the pleasure so intense it neared pain. “I-I can't...”
“I got you, love”, he whispered. “Let go for me.”
Next thing you knew, you were falling apart under him, arching against his chest, fire exploding under your skin, strings of his name falling from your lips, your walls squeezing him so hard that your release triggered his.
“Oh God!”, he groaned, pumping his seed inside you as if he wanted to make sure it wouldn’t go to waste. “I love you, y/n...”, was the last thing he managed to say before he collapsed on top of you.
The two of you remained like that, minds clouded in the haze of the afterglow, his cock still twitching inside of you, the soft breathing of your recovering bodies being the only sound that could be heard in the room.
As you felt him trying to pull off, you tightened your hold on him. “Please, don't”, you murmured in his ear. “N-not yet.”
He complied, kissing your shoulder. “As you wish, darling.”
You hummed contently, already starting to doze off. “… Tommy?”
“I love you”, you murmured, before sleep claimed you.
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The persistent tickling of the rain against the window was the sound that woke you up.
You stretched and rolled on your back looking for Tom, but the only thing you felt was the cold mattress, covered with crumpled sheets.
Your eyes shot open and you quickly sat up, ignoring the dizziness caused by the abrupt movement and looking around in fear. He was nowhere to be found.
Maybe it was just a dream… you told yourself, not wanting to think that Tom could do something like that to you. No, he couldn’t. Not after breaking your heart. Not after showing up at your house in the middle of the night to tell you that he loved you.
Not after making love to you...
However, that hypothesis got completely shattered in a few seconds: you were naked and still sore between your legs, something a dream couldn’t definitely have caused…
But then, just as tears were about to form in your eyes, you saw something: his coat and boots were still in the room.
Your heart filled with relief at that sight and you got up, wincing a bit at the slight pain. You took your time pulling your hair up, gathering your clothes and putting them on: falling face first on the ground before you even left your room wasn’t exactly the best way to start your day.
You found him in the kitchen with his back facing you, so busy making hot chocolate he didn’t realize you were there. Leaning against the door frame, you didn’t dare to make a sound, allowing yourself to admire the view, heart bursting with happiness.
The only thing that distracted you was Grimm head-butting your leg, so you smiled down at him and took him in your arms, placing a soft peck on his missing eye and one on his forehead. “Good morning, love.”
“Good morning to you!”, Tom greeted you gleefully, turning around, but his smile dropped as soon as he saw you. “Oh…” He squinted his eyes at your cat. “I see I’ve already been replaced.”
“Nonsense.” You replied, scratching Grimm under his chin. “He was here before you. You never even stood a chance.”
“Right. Got it”, he pouted, turning his back to you again. “No hug for me, then.”
You did your best to hold back a chuckle, then let go of Grimm and walked up to your favourite man-child ever. You waited for him to finish pouring chocolate into the mugs and then wrapped your arms around his middle, pressing your front against his back. “Good morning, lover”, you said, singing the last word and leaving a kiss on the nape of his neck.
He pretended to ignore you, but you didn’t miss on the light shiver that ran through his body. So you decided to have a bit of fun with it. “You look so cute when you’re all pouty”, you whispered, loving the way it made his ears turn pink.
“Makes me wanna ride that sour expression off your face.”
Tom gasped loudly, the bright pink turning into an angry crimson red. “Shit, y/n…”
“Too much?”, you teased him. “I distinctly remember you telling me far worse things, like when you told me that you wanted me–”
“Alright, alright!”, he interrupted you. “You win, I’m not mad anymore.”
You let go of his waist, allowing him to turn around and face you. He returned your hug and he was no longer frowning, but you could tell that something was still bothering him.
“What is it?”
“Nothing. Just remind me to bring you a couple of my shirts next time”, he muttered. “No offense to your… feline pajamas, but I prefer you in them.”
“What about my legs?”, you questioned. “They’re bare, I get cold.”
He squeezed your waist affectionately. “That’s what your hot boyfriend is here for, darling”, he winked at you, causing your heart to skip a beat. It still didn’t feel real.
You smirked, pulling at the elastic of your pants, letting them pool down at your feet and stepping out of them. “Better?”
“Much better”, he nodded in agreement. “We can work on the top, but much better.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Speaking of tops…”, you murmured, lightly pulling at the hem of his shirt. “I prefer you without one.”
“I might have a solution for that”, he gave you a smug grin, reaching up and undoing the button of your collar.
You stood there, admiring his focused expression as he kept going at a slowly, teasing pace. When he was done, he carefully pushed the fabric off your shoulders, letting it fall on the ground, leaving you to stand completely naked in front of him.
He let a few moments go by, his gaze running all over your body in religious silence, then slowly proceeded to take off his shirt.
You immediately understood his intentions and, without a word, followed his lead and raised your arms, letting him slip it on you.
“There”, he murmured, fixing the collar and pushing the stray locks out of your face.
Leaning in, you pressed your lips against his and threw your arms around his broad shoulders. He didn’t skip a beat, his hand grabbing at the back of your thighs to pick you up. He hoisted you up on the counter, quickly placing himself between your legs, arms encircling your waist to get closer to you.
“Perfect”, he panted after breaking the kiss, eyes still closed and forehead touching yours. “You’re perfect, y/n.”
You drank your chocolates like that, stealing tender kisses between each sip, with one of your hands tangled in his unruly curls and his free arm looped around your waist, as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“This is by far the most uncomfortable way to drink something we could ever find”, you complained playfully after a while.
��I beg to disagree”, he countered, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I’m doing great. And this is the best chocolate I’ve ever had.”
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for someone with a sweet tooth.”
“I wasn’t. It’s all your fault, you temptress!”, he accused you, letting out a theatrical sob. “You ruined me.”
You chuckled, running your fingers through his hair, earning a content hum as you massaged his scalp. “I’m sorry, Tommy.”
“Mmh, you’re forgiven.” He took one last sip, then set his empty cup down and waited for you to do the same to engulf you in a proper hug. “What do you wanna do today?”
“Uhm…”, you trailed off, sparing a glance at the raindrops beating against the windows. “I dunno, it’s raining.”
“Oh darling, with you, I’d dance in a storm in my best dress”, he declared solemnly, sounding like he was reciting a sonnet.
You arched your eyebrow, pleasantly surprised. “… did you just talk Taylor to me?”
“Are you even surprised?”, he dismissed it, acting offended at your question. “It’s basically the only thing you listen to: I had to learn your language for the sake of communication.”
“Why don’t you just admit that you like her too?”, you wiggled your eyebrows at him.
He shook his head exaggeratedly. “You’ve already turned me into a chocolate addicted and led me to believe that my freckles are stars, isn’t that enough?”
“Mmh… don’t know about that.”
“You’re heartless”, he complained, clutching his chest and throwing his head back and sighing like a diva. “I can’t believe that I’m in love with you.”
“I like the sound of that”, you said with a smile, pulling him close to you again by the waistband of his pants.
“Of what?”, he questioned, running his hands on your thighs. “Me calling you ‘heartless’?”
“No, you saying that you love me.”
He pulled back a bit to look at you, a satisfied smirk on his lips. “I love you.” He rubbed the tip of his nose against yours. “I love you.” Then he kissed it. “I love you.” Then it was the turn of your chin. “I love you.” And he went on like that, kissing every part of your face aside from your mouth, those three words falling from his lips like a prayer.
You giggled, closing your eyes and giving yourself up to him entirely, getting lost in that perfectly happy moment.
“I love you, y/nn.”
“I love you, Tommy.”
It was the only thing you managed to reply before his lips captured yours. You melted into his touch, your mouth moving with his in perfect harmony. Tom was in love with you and you were in love with him. Finally, everything felt right. Perfect. He was perfect. And, in that moment, you felt perfect, too.
“So…”, he said after breaking the kiss, resting his forehead on your shoulder. “I know I-we totally fucked up the order of things, but do you wanna go on a date with me?”
You placed a soft peck on his temple. “I’d love to, Tommy.”
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A/n: ... so, yeah this is the end end. I'd really love to know your thoughts! Thank you so much for your support and for reading my story, it really means the world to me 💜
Taglist: @pure-ghost @bigdickjerry21 @375fullsun @ellastark00 @supraveng @viwihere @furiousdreamvoidalmond
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