#i told him i realized i wasnt ready to date again yet and he goes ‘oh well maybe we can go out as friends :)’
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opiumvampire · 9 days ago
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tastyykpop · 4 years ago
hii! can i request a jeno very angsty scenario where its his s/o and his anniversary but he forgets abt it bc the dreamies wanted to go to an amusement park and then the managers took his phone so when he comes home his s/o and him get into a fight and they dont talk to each other but she always goes their dance practices since his s/o is so used to taking care of him and he gets sad bc his s/o doesn't look at him at all and he's tired because since he's so stressed with the cbs he just wants love but he knows he's wrong and they make up and stuff:) I'm sorry if this is long! you dont have to do it if you dont want to:)<3
a/n: jdjsjsjsj thanks for this beefy request it was fun to write :)
Sitting on your bed, you wondered when your boyfriend was coming home. After texting him where he was and wondering when he'd come pick you up to celebrate your guy's anniversary, youd started losing hope seeing as he never answered or bothered reading them. You knew jeno to always answer after just one second but it was like he was ignoring you.
Furious and heartbroken, you threw your phone on at the other side of the bed and decided to just take off the dress you were going to surprise him in. It was his favorite color too. A deep shade of blue silk, comfortable and cute yet still appropriate enough to wear at the fancy restaurant you guys were planning on going to. But those plans were thrown out the window quickly once you noticed how late it was.
"Why do men?" your eyes rolled as you moved in your bed, trying to get comfy.
"Why do men what?" You shot up in the bed from the sound of jenos voice as it basically frightened you back to reality. He was so quiet, you didn't even hear him walk through the door.
"Its about time you showed up." Jeno raised an eyebrow at your sudden aggression, not knowing why you were suddenly angry at him. He thought you'd be excited to see him.
"Woah why are you getting mad at me?" He questioned as he started changing out of his work clothes and into his pajamas.
You grit your teeth. How could he forget this special day that only comes once a year? "Did you forget what day it is?"
Jeno cocked his head to the side, "Um...Tuesday?" He really was clueless on where you were going with this, but your face made him realize he was missing something.
"Jeno..." your head fell into your hands, your boyfriend sat next to you in the bed, still wondering what he was missing and why it was on the tip of his tongue, "Our anniversary, you missed our damn anniversary."
The boys eyes bugged, he knew he missed something and the whole day he couldn't figure it out. He had been so stressed with the recent comeback and the upcoming one that even something as simple as an anniversary date slipped his mind.
God, he felt so bad just thinking how excited you probably were today to go out with him and enjoy your guy's day together, but because of him, your day was long gone and passed up.
"No wait, that was today!? Babe I'm so sorry, I was with the dreamies at the amusement park and I didn't have my phone with me because my manager took it and-" jeno stopped mid sentence before noticing he still didn't have his phone and forgot to get it back from his manager. He messed up bad today.
"You could've told me beforehand you were doing something with dream, although I still wouldn't have appreciated you missing our anniversary, but at least you wouldve told me where you went." You showed your annoyance by rolling over in bed, ignoring jeno.
Jeno growled at his sudden frustration, he already apologized and explained himself why are you still mad? "You know what? At least I told you what the hell I was doing and why I couldn't respond. Yeah I missed the anniversary, but you know what? Its just the fucking time of year we started dating, the day will come again."
"So what you're telling me is you don't care about the day we started dating? Whatever I'm not in the mood to argue right now." You never turned to look at jeno once you finished talking, needless to say you didn't care what he was going to reply with. It wasnt like he cared anyway.
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The bass of the music boomed in the practice room. Everyone was so tired these past few days and were anxious for the upcoming comeback that all they wanted to do was relax for once and take a break.
Jeno especially.
After the little argument you both had last night, he couldnt get that out of his head. There were no words spoken to him this morning and you didn't even spare him a glance. His heart broke for sure and he didnt know what to do because he knew he messed up bad. Saying those words to you and knowing how much it meant to you, was something he wish he could take back and start over.
Walking through the practice door, you took a seat on the floor where you rested your head against the wall with bags of food for the members. They were doing so well preparing for their comeback you wanted to congratulate them for working so hard. Plus, you wanted to make sure jeno had eaten today.
"Is that food for us!?" Chenle came barging towards you, giving you a strong squeeze as you laughed into his shoulder.
"Yeah I got food for everyone to congratulate you guys for working so hard." You smiled and handed the bags of food to chenle who looked about ready to take it for himself and eat it.
"Thanks so much y/n! You're the best!" He hopped away happily with the food. Jeno stared between the food and you. He loved how you took care of everyone and still came to their practice though you both weren't on best of terms at the moment, but you weren't even looking at him or acknowledging his presence again, only returning your attention to your phone.
Jaemin wrapped an arm around jenos shoulders as he was eating a chicken wing and looked at the you as well, "Whats up with the both of you all of a sudden? Normally you guys are being so disgustingly cute that I have to walk away for a solid 5 minutes." Jaemin sighed.
"I-its nothing. We just-"
"What is it?"
Jeno shook his head and put on the best smile he could muster while patting jaemins back, "its really nothing jaemin." He said and walked over to the food.
You on the other hand felt bad for causing jeno to be this way. He was silent and didn't really interact with the members when they were eating and goofing around. Not even haechan or mark could crack him. You sighed, putting your phone down and leaned your head against the wall. The only way for all this tension between the two of you would be to settle this and forgive one another. It shouldn't be that hard.
"Jeno," you called, startling your boyfriend who perked up with full cheeks, "come here please."
The dreamies silently watched jeno amble towards you, too invested in what was going to happen to continue talking. You didn't seem to care though, just wanting to get it over with and talk with jeno.
You still stared at the ground avoiding eye contact with jeno, but he couldnt take it. All he wanted was your attention on him.
"Can't you just look at me," he muttered before taking a seat in front of you, "I know I messed up, but please?"
You blinked up at him, "wait...jeno are you tearing up?"
Jeno sniffled back the tears and looked at you with big puppy eyes, your heart sank at the sight. You didn't intend to hurt him, you were just sad and angry about one important thing. And now you think maybe ignoring him had gone too far.
"Please dont cry." You took his hand into yours, softly caressing his knuckles.
"I-im sorry I cant help it. I know I messed up and now you're ignoring me and its just so frustrating because of the comebacks and I'm so used to you taking care of me that I can't even go one day without you loving me." Jeno teared up again. If just a day could hurt him, imagine what would happen if you kept this up.
"You think I dont love you right now?" You asked. Jeno nodded his head slowly, "Babe, of course I love you, I was just mad you forgot or anniversary and went to the amusement park with the dreamies." A sigh fell from your lips before you lifted jenos chin up, "I shouldn't have acted the way I did last night and argued. I dont expect you to be perfect jeno."
There was a smile on the boys face as he brought a hand behind your head and kissed your cheek, "Im sorry, I really am baby. I promise ill make it up to you." He said.
"I know a really cute restaurant. We can have a cute date later." You smiled and jeno nodded his head happily until you heard a groan come behind him.
"This was so disgusting. I need to walk away now."
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chocolate1721 · 5 years ago
Hello chocolatiers here is a new idea, and this is one of my altime favorites so far.
Ok so, Marinette and Jason are siblings who got separated. Jason is adopted by Bruce and Marinette is adopted by Tom and Sabine. Jason becomes Robin and dies. Marinette is informed of his death but isn’t able/allowed to attend the funeral. She never meets Bruce. Marinette is bullied by Chloe and then Lila and the class. She becomes ladybug and chat is useless.
Even though things in class are tough. Marinette makes a fabulous class trip. She has them set to go to New York (with tours of Stark Industries, and New York Times along with Broadway production tickets), then they are to go to Starling City (where they get to tour Queen industry, and their parks), next they go to Central City (they have some basic tours of some museums and stuff), finally they will end in Gotham (tour Wayne Enterprise and the gardens).
Marinette had a good time in New York, Lila lies all day every day, but she ignored it. They had a fligh to Starling City and Marinette had to use the restroom or something before they left, but when she got back to the gate the plane was gone, and so was her class. She had no clothes (those were on the plane) and she didn’t have a lot of money. She was having a hard time breathing when all of a sudden Tony f*cking Stark struts his way over to her and helps her breath again (couldn’t decide if she has a panic or anxiety attack).
Tony and Peter were coming back from Wakanda. Peter knoticed Marinette and points her out to Tony, making some joke of if she is a lost Stark or something. Tony looks at Marinette and immediately knows she is having an attack, he knows how that feels, so he immediately goes over to her and helps her through it. He finds out that Marinette got left behind by her class and this pisses Tony off. He then tells her he can/will help her out. All three of them then head to the Avenger’s Tower.
She meets the Avengers, and she is totally normal. No stuttering, spasming, tripping, or anything but treating them like they are normal. This intrigues the Avengers. They invite her to watch some of them train while Tony looks into getting her back to her class. While she watches them train she ends up handing Steve his shield (like it was a piece of paper), and Thor his hammer (like it was nothing), this shocks everyone.
Steve: Hey Thor, does this mean this kid is now the new ruler of Asgard?
Thor: . . . . . I must introduce her to the Allfather. Come child of earth.
Tony: *runs into the room, body slamming the door on his way in* DONT GO WITH HIM!!!!!!! IM ADOPTING HER!
Pepper: *appears from nowhere* no you’re not
Peter and Marinette become close friends. The hulk also meets Marinette. The team is worried, but Hulk just kinda picks her up and says “Baby” and tries to burp her. . . . . . . . Tony gets plenty of pictures of this. Marinette is a grumpy sunshine child, and she threatens Tony and Peter if they post any of those pictures.
Tony tells Marinette that he has a friend in town that lives in Starling City and he has agreed to take her with him when he returns home. Marinette will be getting picked up in a few hours, so Tony, Peter, Steve, Thor, and Pepper take Marinette out to get some clothes. This ends in chaos, mayhem, emotional trauma, and the Avengers learn how truly terrifying teenager girls are. Pepper is now wanting to adopt Marinette.
Later that evening Oliver Queen and Roy Harper show up at Avenger tower to pick Marinette up. Roy thinks she will be like all the other girls he knows, shallow and a gold digger or a super hero. He isn’t prepared for the absolute angel that is Marinette. He is love struck, and he becomes the gentleman that Oliver has tried to teach him to be. The only thing Oliver is thinking is “did Bruce get another one?”
Marinette and Roy hit it off very well (roynette is endgame people) they talk for hours. They exchange numbers. Oliver finds out that no, she isn’t adopted by Bruce <not yet anyway>. But she was born in Gotham, she had an older brother who died when she was younger. Oliver found out she is MDC and immediately wanted to commission a suit. She agreed and they were talking suit styles and colors until they arrived in front of her hotel in Starling City. They told her not to hesitate if she needed anything.
Her class didn’t even knotice she was missing. She got her room key and went to sleep. The next morning she was the first one up and downstairs. The breakfast pasteries were gross so she went to the kitchen and taught the staff how to make a good crossaint. She was putting a fresh batch out in the buffet area when her classmates arrived. Lila pauses when she saw her. How had Marinette gotten here? She made sure to destroy her plane ticket. Anyway Lila lies the entire trip as well. She convinces Max to hack into Marinette’s phone and change her alarms. On the day they head to Central City, Marinette’s alarm goes off 30 minutes after the bus leaves.
Marinette sighs and calls Roy. Roy is pissed that her teacher left her behind AGAIN. So he calls up Barry Alan (I watch the Flash tv show so those are the characters I will be using). Roy tells him about how the teacher is incompetent and left a student behind. Roy arrives to pick Marinette up, only to see two guys hitting on her. Roy stops that sh*t real quick. Then they head to Central City. They swing by Star Labs and Marinette meets Barry and his friends. They fall in love with Marinette. She is sweet and kind and adorable. Barry sees her as an innocent sister who must be protected. They take her to her class. He convinced the chief to let the class come visit the precinct. Lila is taking credit for everything, while Marinette gives out pasteries that she made at Star Labs. The officers love Marinette, especially Joe. He sees his daughter in Marinette. Some of the officers offered to teach the class some self defense, in case they were in trouble, and they refused to say how scared they were when Marinette took them down. It was way too easy for her to take them down. The tall kid with frosted tips didn’t do half as well as she did. Roy and Barry only seen that level of skill on hero’s or black belts. Lila started gushing about how she trained with some famous martial artist but had to stop due to her arthritis. The class got held hostage by Captain Cold. Marinette distracts him long enough for the hostages to escape, and the police and hero’s to arrive. She talked about everything from how he could make more money by hiring himself out as a ice machine to people in third world countries to his lack of fashion. By the time the hero’s arrived she was redesigning his entire wardrobe. He was just confused. The officers that arrived on the scene recognized Marinette and were horrified that her class left her in the hands of a criminal. Marinette just brushed it off as no big deal, she was used to it. This had them in near tears. The Flash helped her get back to the hotel. Barry was freaking pissed, so he took a couple pictures with Marinette, took her to get ice cream, and then took her back to her hotel; all before the class arrived.
When the class did arrive at the hotel they started accusing Marinette of working with Cold, but then they saw the Flash. Alya immediately started interviewing him. Only for him to snatch her phone out of her hand and delete the video. She wasnt happy about that, but Barry didn’t care. He stalked over to Bustier and started tearing her apart for abandoning a student. He then went to the police chief and let him know what happened.
Joe finds out what happened and knows that the class’s next stop is Gotham. He calls an old friend, Gordon, and tells him what’s going on and to keep an eye out for Marinette. Gordon agreed but doesn’t think that any teacher can be that stupid.
He is proven wrong when he goes to greet the class only to find that Bustier left Marinette behind. Gordon is dumbfounded, then furious when she said that Marinette can handle herself. Gordon then calls for a manhunt for this child. 15 minutes later he gets a call from Bruce that he has Marinette in his custody. He has permission from her parents to take care of her while she is in Gotham. Gordon starts compiling evidence of criminal neglect to send to the French Board of Education.
Roy was woken up to a call from Marinette. She got left behind again. He calls his friend Jason and tells him about what’s going on and if it’s ok if he stays with him until Marinette goes back to France. Jason,doesn’t know this is his sister, says yes. Roy and Marinette become an official couple on the way to Gotham. Bruce is trying to get everything ready for a non hero to come to their house, even if only for a few hours.
What no one expected was, when Alfred led them into the house. For Marinette and Jason to lock eyes, and for Mari to body check Jason. They also didn’t expect for Marinette and Jason to start crying, or for them to be siblings. Marinette slapped Jason a few times for making her think he died.
Roy pales when he realizes that Jason is her brother. Jason is furious at Roy for dating his sister. Marinette tried to keep her brother from killing her boyfriend, which is a struggle. She tells Bruce what happened with her class and he excused himself to go call her parents and inform them of what has happened. They give him permission to take care of their daughter while she is in Gotham. He also sets up future visits for Marinette to come to Gotham.
While Bruce is away, Damian arrives, sees a new dark haired minor, and immediately concludes his father has adopted another. He then proceeds to attack her, but Marinette takes a sword from a nearby knight and parries him. She barley keeps him at bay, when he realizes that she has some very basic knowledge of swordsmanship. He stops attacking her and starts teaching her. Thus an impenetrable sibling bond has formed. She cookes with Alfred. Dick teaches her how to trapieze. She gives Tim her illegal coffee recipe. Her and Jason talk for hours.
She also finds the Batcave. Only because she went to the library and tried getting a book, that happened to be the hidden enterance. She chews Bruce out for not dealing with the Joker in time to save her brother. She was just letting out her frustrations and everyone knew it. She met Louis and Clark, who she pulled to the side and told him to find a better disguise because it is obvious he is superman. She pats his shoulder and walks away. Louis slips Bruce $10.
Bruce invites the class to the Wayne Gala and provides clothes for them to wear. Marinette refuses the offer and makes her own dress. She also makes gifts for the Batfam.
Marinette is finally able to see Lila’s lies fall apart, at the Gala, and she refuses to forgive the class. What they did is not something that she can get over that easily. All of the abuse, the lack of loyalty, the manipulation, and demand for her time, energy, and supplies to give them what they want. She. Is. Done. She burned those bridges.
When the class is heading back to Paris their notifications go off. They are getting tagged in pictures of Marinette with the Avengers, Oliver Queen and Roy Harper, of the Central City Police force, with the Flash, with the Wayne’s, and Louis and Clark. They were shocked. How could Marinette get the opportunity to meet all of these people when she was with them the entire time. That’s when they realized, she wasn’t with them. The only time they remember seeing her is when they were on tours or she suddenly appeared in the places they were heading to. She was never with them when they left.
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gloriafc · 4 years ago
Amazing Wife
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Jack never expected to let anyone close to his heart, until he met you. You had it the instant he laid his eyes on you.
You're a surgeon, a prodigy attending. You're friends with Miranda and Ben, when she was grumbling under her breath you asked her what was wrong, "Ben forgot to grab his lunch, so now I have to cancel my meeting to take it to him." "I can take it. My shift is almost over. I'm just finishing my paperwork."
You walked into the firehouse and Jack instantly walked over towards you with his charm on. "Can I help you with something?" "I'm just looking for Ben. He forgot his lunch." As soon as you finish your sentence Ben rounds the corner, "Prodigy! What brings you here?" You quickly toss the lunch box to him, "You stressing your wife out." Jack watches the two of you interact a little jealous of Ben for the moment. He instantly perks up when he hears Ben offer you a tour of the place, "Alright. I'll bite, only if theres coffee involved."
When you get to the end of the tour Ben shows you the kitchen where almost everyone is waiting for the girl they noticed instantly caught Jack's attention. They attempt to get to know you, not expecting you to be a super human. "Why does Ben call you prodigy?" "I sort of am. I specialize in multiple areas of surgery. Fetal, peds, gynecology, neuro, and plastics."
It takes Jack a few weeks of begging to get Ben to invite to one of their outings after work. Ben gets Miranda to agree to bring you drinking with everyone.
That night Jack manages to get your number, Ben eventually telling him he couldve just asked him for her number, "But what's the fun in that without the chase."
After a few months you begin dating. And Jack doesnt know how to explain it, but dating you is different than all the other woman hes dated before you. Eventually he figures it's because you're way out of his league, but soon realizes it's because you are different from ever single woman hes dated.
He can see how other men look at you, you're young and successful, and you're hot, what couldn't they want? And normally he'd get jealous but he trusts you with his life. The times he does get jealous or you look like you're getting uncomfortable he'll grab you by your hip and pull you close and he'll refuse to let you go for the rest of the night.
After a few years you get married and he finally knows what it's like to have a family of his own, even if it's just the two of you. You manage to talk him into considering getting a cat. And as much as he hates the idea, and hates how much the cat takes up all of your attention he'd get you another one if you asked.
After being married for two years you find out you're pregnant and at first Jack doesnt know how to feel, he doesnt want to end up like the parents hes never met. But you eventually ease him into the idea and then he couldn't be happier especially when you start to show. He's slightly upset he can't lay his head on your stomach as you watch tv anymore, but he's settled for drawing random shapes on your belly and watching the random movements from your child.
Jack is amazed when hes able to feel the baby kick. He goes as far as feeling it at least once a day minimum, if his hands could permanently stayon your stomach they would.
One day the two of you go separate ways, he heads off to work as you take advantage of your day off and decide to run some errands.
When he gets a call hes talking to Dean about random things like always. When they show up at the scene they get the rundown about the scene. "Three car accident, the last cars brakes failed as they were going down the hill. It rammed into the back of a parked car, that pushed it forward. There was a person walking between the second car and the one in front of it, squishing them." Jack looks at the scene and instantly recognizes your car as the one squished in the middle. Dean does as well and instantly tries to hold Jack back, "Jack you need to calm down." "CALM DOWN! THAT'S MY WIFE AND MY CHILD!" "Hey I get that. But the call says only one person was injured besides the driver." Jack freezes seeing you pop up on the side and start looking at the person stuck between the cars.
Before you realize what's happening you're trapped in two arms, and after a few seconds you realize its Jack from his cologne. You understand immediately what he was thinking and instantly start soothing him, "We're okay. I was inside using the bathroom when it happened okay?" After a few moments Jack's back in action. You get told to stay off to the side because of any fumes that may have been released from the cars. You watch everything happen until the person starts to seize.
You quickly grab a mask and a pair of gloves before climbing over your car and climbing behind the patient. "Y/N get down." "You're pregnant." "That's not safe." "Are any of you a neuro surgeon? This person will continue to seize unless you relieve the pressure in his head, can any of you do burr holes?" When no one answers you continue, "Then I suggest you listen to the pregnant person and get me a drill."
Ben assists you, being the only person with surgical experience, as you do the burr holes. Everyone watches you in amazement as the patient slowly stops to seize as the blood build up is released. You stay behind the person, using your lap as a head rest as they start to move the car off of him. Jack makes you take his jacket when they have to bring out the saw, which gets him scolded at but he could care less, as long as he's keeping you safe. Everyone listens as you talk to the person, keeping him calm. "You two must be married." "What makes you say that?" You laugh when Ben jokes, "Their playful banter?" The guy chuckles as he mindlessly stares at the trees around him, "That's how I was when my wife was pregnant with our first child." You keep the man talking when he sucks in a breath, "How many kids do you have?" "Four. How'd you learn to do that?"
You smile at the man who's referencing to the burr holes you did. "I'm a surgeon at Grey Sloan. Neuro is one of my practices. One of the first things I learned as an intern actually." "Just one of your practices?" You let out a chuckle, "I like working with kids, so I took up pediatrics, then came fetal because why wouldn't a pediatric surgeon know how to fix a baby while it's still in the womb. Then gynecology because I might as well know how to deliver a baby. And finally plastics. Youd be surprised how many kids go through plastic surgery, especially disabled kids." The guy looks at you surprised, the fact that hes literally in a sandwich completely forgotten, "What made you decide to do all that? How'd you manage that?" You chuckle, "Grey Sloan has an amazing program and I jumped at the opportunity. It's sort of what happens when you get told you'd never be able to do something amazing. You prove people wrong and you go above and beyond." "Who told you that?" You let out a chuckle, "An ex actually. My dad wasn't too happy about that one." "What'd he do?" "My mom had to pick him up from jail for smashing every single window on the guys car."
Jack jumps in, "Her moms the one to be scared of though." You let out a laugh as the guy says, "Its always the mom. My wife would murder for our kids." You let out a laugh making the guy smile.
You ride in the ambulance, being one of the only people who'd be able to stabilize the man if he were to start seizing again, and your ride home completely totaled now. When the guy is taken away for surgery Jack bugs Miranda until she agrees to look you over, "Jack I wasnt even in the accident." "You were near it, the fumes and stress cant be good for the baby." Bailey smiles as the two of you go back and forth, "Y/N just lay on the table. You're both stubborn and we'll be here all day if no one stops you two." You give in and lay on the table as she does an ultrasound, the rest of the firehouse watch from the window in amazement as they see the baby on the small screen and they all couldn't be happier that Jack finally got his own family while they also get a niece or nephew, neither of you telling them what you're having just yet.
When the fire station has to leave Miranda is the one who offers to take you home if you're willing to wait for thirty minutes. You make dinner, Jack getting home right on time then you both continue your nights like you usually do. When it's starting to get late you find Jack looking at his laptop, eyebrows furrowed. "What's got you thinking so hard over here?" You come up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and resting your chin on his right shoulder. "Cars? Really?" "We're going to have to replace the one that got totaled today." "Not one with... Military grade metal? Why dont you just look for tanks on sale?" "You think they have room for carseats?" You hit his arm at his joke making him laugh.
You end up going past your due date, so now it's just a waiting game for you both. As Jack is getting ready to go into work, knowing he can't sit still at all, especiallywhen hes so anxious to meet his kid, he finds you in the kitchen hunched over with your eyes closed and face twisted in pain. He immediately starts to rush over but almost slips, he sees the puddle of water on the ground and looks around confused. When he sees the wet spot on your pants it hits him. "When did your water break? We need to get you to the hospital now." You let out a groan when he tries to help you stand up straight, "When you started coming down the stairs."
Jack helps you to the car, before starting to speed his way to the hospital. He calls Sullivan on the way there, "I wont be there today. Y/Ns water broke.... shit. I forgot the hospital bag." You smile in your seat and between breaths say, "It's fine. There's. One in. My locker. Bailey has one. In her. Office. Too."
Jo and Meredith are the ones to see you enter the hospital, both immediately knowing what's happening, "Jo page Carina and get the hospital bag from her locker. I'll take her to the delivery floor."
You're in labor for most of the day, your friends stop by through the day to check on you and give their congratulations. Jack is by your side the whole time, he's a nervous wreck honestly but hes managed to stay calm until you have to start pushing. By dinner time you've welcomed a baby boy, who has very healthy lungs. Your room is filled with balloons from your friends, as you both sit watching the sleeping boy.
Before the night can end you look at the doorway where the firehouse is standing with even more balloons, along with flowers and what smells like stew. "Hey." Dean is the first to push into the room, he quickly hands you the tupperware of stew before turning to his best friend, "Where is my nephew?"
Everyone gives their congratulations as your son is passed around, "What's his name?" Jack immediately says, "Jack jr." You simply roll your eyes and shake your head before looking at the boy who's now in your arms, "Its Jaxon. With an x. Cant let Jack's ego get too big now."
When everyone is gone and it's just your small family in the room you happily lay next to Jack, now able to press your face into his neck without a giant belly in the way. As you're falling asleep you hear Jack say, "Did we really have a baby today?" You smile and kiss his neck, "We became parents today. You became a dad." You chuckle when you hear Jack huff, "That's going to take some time to get used to." "You'll be fine. We have eighteen years to get it right."
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bishiglomper · 3 years ago
I had a MHA dream. Makes sense, I was binging a bit yesterday. Dream brain is calling me tf out on my crush on All Might. 😂
So I was hanging around some of the characters. I noticed pretty much right away that.. I wasn't really acknowledged. So I just puppy followed Deku or All Might around. I didn't want to address whatever situation landed me there so I ignored it to just observe. Lol
But at some point I saw my sister there. A few of them were outside, doing or discussing something..
Now the weird part was I could physically interact with people- they just didn't seem to realize that I was. Like I remember just holding Deku's hand and him chattering away at whoever he was already talking to.
And at another point I guess I needed a ride because I got him to give me a piggy back ride. Which he still didn't acknowledge that he was doing. So that as odd. Comforting to my anxiety though lol
Kid went right up to All Might while toting me which made me nervous 'cause I super like him, and "what if he can see me?!" But no he just smiled at Deku. I was relieved. Yet disappointed. 😅
So anyway. I saw my sister hanging around. So I started poking at her, squishing her cheeks to get her to look at me all "Hey! Can you see me?"
At first it was like trying to ignore a distracting child but then she saw me like "oh, hey". She told me I was a little translucent. I tried to explain that nobody could percieve me and for some reason making her notice me was really draining.. I got fatigued.
There were a few more scenes of me just being there.
At some point All Might was driving the two of us. I had a big tub of popcorn. My brain insinuated that we made it a habit to go on dates where we'd hit a game or something and get a big tub of popcorn. Which is weird because A) I would never get popcorn for myself, B) I highly doubt a man without a stomach should be eating popcorn and C) I'm not into sports so wtf. But alright. (I mean, quirk driven sports might be cool actually)
I actually sat there in the passenger seat and asked if he should be eating popcorn but I still wasnt being perceived. So I just sat there and quietly munched on it while we drove.
I guess I managed to break through a bit by that night though. Because All Might was chilling on a futon and I was napping on the floor beside it. I was Fatigued like I was forcing perception and just kinda drifting in and out.
I guess I was feeling snuggly because I wanted to be closer to All Might. So I snuggled as close as I could get to the corner of his futon, pretty much resting my face on it, wrapped in my comforter. All Might was sitting up, reading or something. So I just tried to sleep.
After snuggling in closer I was thinking I want his hand on my head. A few moments after that, I did feel his huge warm hand on my head. But instead of just an affectionate caress or something he was just straight up petting me. Smoothing over bangs I haven't had in a decade. 😂 But like, whatever. It was lovely. 💕
Some more drifting and I vaguely register him get up. Went to the restroom or to get ready for bed or something. And I'm like. I wanna hold his hand. And dorky pathetic me was struggling getting the courage to just slip my hand up there and hope he takes it.
So he comes back. And sees I'm kinda awake but just smiles at me in greeting but doesnt say anything. Just goes back to reading.
So then I'm laying there like Wtf IS our relationship anyway??
So I just kind of do the asl sign for "friend" (cause I'm too shy for words, leave me alone) which is clasping pointer fingers together, and switching and doing it again. With this puzzled look on my face. He sits up, kneeling, and looks at me like he's thinking. Makes a 'trying to figure something out' face.
Then he looks up and hesitantly offers 👉👌 with this slightly sheepish expression.
And inside I'm like "WE'RE WHAT!?" Just sitting there frozen in shock and embarrassment.
Because mentally I may want to snuggle this man like a koala but I'm still very asexual, even in my dreams, thank you very much. 🤣
I'm pretty sure it was a case of, you know, when you whisper and the person replies automatically also in a whisper. I think it was like he didnt know any better sign for "dating", which, conciously, I dont either, so. Next best universal sign I guess. 🤣
Honestly I'm more aegosexual, and if there was an exception, I mean... maybe. 👀
But anyway. The next step in this conversation would have been actual words to communicate; also I was already scheming my next move which would be to climb into his futon and cuddle him but I started to wake up at this point. 😒 Damn.
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a-lonely-tatertot · 4 years ago
(Unlocked spoilers) this WASNT meant to be a fanfic so I’m not sure what it became
Pretty soon after Keefe gets dragged back to the Lost Cities, he goes to Tiergan’s house to practice some mental exercises with him in hopes of controlling his tone as well as thoughts a bit more.
He arrives in the middle of the day, about when Tiergan told him to, and Linh is the one who answers the door to let him in. He’s admittedly a bit early, so it’s not really surprising when Linh tells him that Tiergan isn’t quite ready yet, but he’s home and making lunch, so she brings Keefe to him anyways.
Keefe greets him with a little bit of an anxious wave, embarrassed that he got there too early, but Tiergan seems completely fine with it and is even making enough food for him to have. He asks Linh to take a Keefe to the dining room table while they wait.
Keefe and Linh sort of sit at the table awkwardly for a moment before Linh starts catching him up on some things he’d missed. She’s halfway through her story when all the sudden...
Linh just gets this look of- like- pure terror on her face for a moment and then all the sudden there’s Tam, sprinting down the stairs and crashing into walls to get to them. His face is pink and the emotions Keefe can feel through the air are, what he assumes to be, embarrassment, anger, and... fear?
“Did you ask- did- Jasper-“ He can’t even finish his sentence.
Linh stands and nods before Tam takes a deep breath. Keefe is watching in amusement.
It takes a few seconds before Tam speaks again. His voice is soft- deadly soft. “I’m going to kill you.”
And then he’s chasing a screaming Linh around the dining room table scream-asking her why the hell she did that only for her to scream-respond with “YOUR LOVE LIFE NEEDED SOME HELP”
Keefe is still watching in amusement- and also mild interest- as they chase each other around the table and Tiergan walks in. The man doesn’t even looked phased as Linh then Tam- who’s hot on her heels- passes him. He looks at Keefe, sighing.
“Can you grab Tam before he murders his sister?”
Thankfully, the Tam is too busy screaming threats at Linh as Keefe stands up from his seat and grabs Tam’s arms, holding him directly in front of him with a grip made of steel.
Except, Tam is still fighting him, trying to get to Linh who’s stopped and is catching her breath. He’s still being loud too, so Keefe has no other option but to put his arms under Tam’s and hold him that way. He adjusts to use one hand to cover Tam’s mouth as well.
“What’d you do?” Tiergan demands at Linh who gives a sheepish smile.
“I just asked a cute guy to call Tam - AND-“ she adds as Tam begins to fight again- “I also told him that Tam had no idea I was asking or anything like that.”
Tam goes back to attempting to break free from Keefe’s hold the second she finishes her sentence. He’s trying to say something too.
Keefe looks back at Tiergan for permission to let Tam talk.
Keefe covers Tam’s mouth omce more to let Linh speak her defense.
“Tam, you realize I cancelled plans to binge watch Disney movies with you- my brother- last night, right? That’s kind of sad.”
Tam has given up the fight against Keefe by that point, but Keefe can still feel the embarrassment and anger in huge waves.
“Linh.” Tiergan begins.
“What? His love and friendship life both need major help this is sad to watch.”
Tiergan sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. As Tam yells something into Keefe’s palm.
“In fact...” Linh is far too pleased with whatever she’s about to say, “Keefe, why don’t you hang out with Tam. You two can go out for coffee tomorrow- oh! Or even tonight!”
Tam is so flustered Keefe is amazed he hasn’t burst into flames.
Keefe makes sure his voice is soft and quiet before he speaks. “If I take Tammy Boy on a date, will you two stop trying to kill each other?”
Linh seems estatic. Tam... Keefe can’t even tell what Tam is feeling between the waves of humiliation and maybe even mild joy.
Either way, the Shade is back to trying to escape, but he seems less like he wants to kill his sister and more like he wants to run into the woods and never resurface.
“I wasn’t really trying to kill him,” Linh says, smiling, “but yes. I’m sure the same goes for him!”
Tiergan sighs again and Keefe is red- if he wasn’t already- at the reminder that the twins’ adoptive father is still in the room.
“Keefe, I’m so sorry for this all, but can you bring Tam to his room?”
Tam’s head whips to the side as he tries to look at him. He says something, gesturing at Linh. Whatever he said, he isn’t happy about it.
Tiergan looks towards the girl now. “And Linh, you’re making Tam’s bed for a week.”
Tam argues- or, tries to- again only to receive a shrug.
“You got a date out of it, did you not?”
Keefe let’s Tam speak once more as he turns to drag him out. The good news is that Tam has completely given up- the bad news is that Tam has completely given up and is therefore going to have to be dragged like a literal rag doll to wherever his room is.
“I don’t wanna and neither does Keefe.”
“Don’t speak for me and don’t lie.” Keefe huffs, dragging him across the room.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *continue that for like four more lines*
So because of this I read the unlocked wiki summary so thank you to the people who updated that and all I have to say is I LOVE THIS LIL THING LIKE AAAAAA (if you make one of their date you wanna wanna hand that over too-)
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words-for-holland · 5 years ago
The Songs in Our Life: It’s Not a Date
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/N & Tom learn more about each other on their night out together...but remember it’s not a date.
Inspired by: I Wanna Know You - Hannah Montana & David Archuleta
Album Description | Track 1 | Track 2 |
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Waiting. It’s the action of staying where you are to delaying something until a certain time has come or something happens. 
For instance, Y/N and Tom were due for a date at 5:40pm, and the wait was almost unbearable for them. Not that it was ever an official date....but the idea of seeing each other again the very same day brought a feeling of excitement. Something that neither had felt in a very long time. Seconds, minutes, and the remaining hours passed. Y/N had clocked out of work, shoved her laptop in her bag, and made her way down to lobby to meet Tom. As she approached the area, her steps slowed and ultimately stopping in her tracks. Seeing Tom, casually waiting brought a new found feeling. She smiled at him, already thinking about the possibilities of the if’s and’s & wants in her future, but immediately shook out the thought. 
“C’mon Y/N it’s way too early to be thinking like this. You haven't even gone on a date with him yet and you're already thinking about a future. Jesus.” Y/N muttered to herself, verbally smacking some common sense into her brain. 
As she continued to walk towards Tom, he looked up to meet her eyes and started walking to her direction. “Fancy seeing you here, darling.” he greeted with that boyish smile. He offered his hands, gesturing to allow him to carry her bag, but Y/N simply shook her head and declined the offer. “It’s okay. I got it.” 
“Are you sure?” he asked. 
“Of course, but would it be okay if we stopped by my apartment to drop this off?” Y/N replied to him. “I really don't want to be carrying this around while I blow your mind with the best food in the city.” 
Tom hadn’t replied to Y/N’s question, he was too busy thinking about..well...her. In his mind, he would have been more bold and responded to her question like ‘Aw, here I was hoping you were just going to invite me in to stay there and I can show you a really good time’. Or ��Nothing blows my mind more than you’.
Instead what came out was “Yeah, sure that’s fine.” he smiled back, mentally slapping himself for not being able to pull off something smoother.
“Okay, let’s go. It’s not that far.” Y/N lead the way, with Tom following behind. There it was. That awkward-but-not-so-awkward tension coming up as the two walked in silence to Y/N’s apartment. Both knew it wasn’t an official date, so why was it hard to just strike a conversation? Y//N and Tom fought with their inner conscious as they tried to figure out how to make the first move. It was then when both Tom and Y/N, took a deep breath and said out loud their questions the same time.
They laughed at their failed attempts to strike a proper conversation, and tried to make it better by saying “You first.” in unison and then “No you.” 
Tom gestured to Y/N to speak first. “So how was your press interview? Did you get in trouble for being late?” Y/N asked as they continued to walk the streets of 34th Avenue.
Tom looked at Y/N’s way, recollecting their first meet up. Indeed Tom was extremely late, but if he hadn’t been he wouldn’t be in this position right now with her. “Yeah it went well. I just got in a little bit of trouble, but it’s okay. Sometimes you’ve got to live a little dangerously.” he winked, which made Y/N’s cheeks display the most delicate shade of pink. “What about you? How was work?”
Y/N shrugged at his question. “Can’t complain. Im still new to the company, but the projects are fun and everyone’s welcoming and a pleasure to work with. Just hoping I dont mess it up.”
“Im sure you won’t. You dont seem to be that type.” Tom responds truthfully.
Y/N looks at him and smiles. “Oh? And what type do I seem to be?” She challenges him, but before he could speak, they make it to Y/N’s apartment.
She jiggles the key in and opens the door for Tom, allowing him to enter first. The first thing that catches his eyes are the cream colored walls and soft blue furniture accents. Papers are piled up on a table, and pictures of Y/N with her friends and family placed decoratively on the walls. Candles were lit and the T.V. was softly playing in the background. “Wow...this is really cozy.” Tom reacts, intaking the surrounding. “Though I must say I usually get invited inside the house on the second date.” He laughs at his sorry joke.
Thankfully Y/N’s sense of humor was extremely easy tonplease, and she laughed along with him, playfully hitting his shoulder. “Oh stop, I told you I need to set my stuff down. I —”
“Hey Y/N I was wondering what—” Y/N’s roomate and best friend comes in to the living room seeing a rare sighting of Y/N with a man. “Oh...I didnt know we had company.” She smiles, trying her best to contain her excitement for her best friend.
“Oh right.” Y/N closes her eyes briefly in hopes that her best friend doesnt embarrass her. “Um Tom this is Kaitlyn, she’s my best friend and roomate. Kaitlyn this is Tom H—”
“Believe me. I know who you are.” Kaitlyn smiles widely. “It’s...wow..a surprise really. Nice to meet you.”
“And it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Tom greets back shaking her hand.
“So are you two like...” Kaitlyn gestures as she squiches her hands together. “On a date?”
Both Y/N’s and Tom’s eyes widen, both of their cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. They knew it wasnt such a bad thing to consider, them being on a date and getting romantic. But they just met, neither wanted to risk the chance of screwing it up. “Of course not. I was just planning to show Tom around the city, since he’s not from here.”
Tom would be lying if he said his heart didnt drop just a little, but he wasnt going to let that show. Even though he wanted it to be so much more than a hang out. “Yeah, I figured why not....since we’re friends.” There it goes again..that awkward silence.
“Uh huh. Im sure you both will enjoy your friendly hangout. Y/N knows all the best places to eat.”
“I wouldnt doubt it.” Tom smiles.
“And we should get going...uhh Kaitlyn you’re welcome to join us if you want?” Y/N interjects as she and Tom get ready to go out.
“Oh. It’s fine! You two go out. Im good here.” Kaitlyn rejects and winks at Y/N.
Y/N rolls her eyes as she leads Tom out. Not far from her home, the two make it to Chelea’s Market, where they indulge in all things Italian. From the flavorful pasta, to the fresh steamy focaccia bread that comes right out of the stone oven. It was Y/N’s go-to place to impress anyone visiting. The food was great and the scenery outside was beautiful.
While the food was incredible, Tom’s prescence was where the real magic came to play. She could only imagine what hanging out with a celebrity would be like, but Tom was another story.
She took in how engaged he was with her stories about growing up in a small town in New Jersey with her family, how Kaitlyn and two other friends had stayed together since they were 6, and how her life had felt so barred until she moved here in the city, feeling free for the first time ever.
He was interested in all of it. Tom’s eyes looked at her with endearment, and his smile grew the more he heard about her most heart touching memories, his laugh becoming more robust and joyus when she told him a funny memory. He was falling for her, even though he didnt want to admit it just yet. While he got a good chunk of her life, he wanted to know more.
Y/N on the other hand, wanted to turn the tables. “So what about you?” She asked, as they both made their way to the High Line, warm latte in hand.
“What do you mean?” He questions back, displaying a coy smile.
“C’mon you know what I mean. What’s your story? And when I mean story I dont mean how you got famous.” Y/N explains as they continue walking.
Tom looked down at the ground, thinking. He couldnt remember the last time a stranger wiuld ask about his life, and not just the story about his career. “Well, I have 3 younger brothers. A set of twins named Sam and Harry and a younger brother name Paddy but we like to call him Padster. I lived with my best mate Harrison for 4 years. Love sports but golfing all time has to be my favorite. Ironically, Im terrified of spiders and I hate cheese.”
Y/N took in his 5 minute biography, and thought about how genuine he was. Just like she did, Tom gave stories about his brothers and best friend, and the more he talked the real he felt to Y/N. Their friendship was blossoming and in this moment nothing felt out of place. “Wow, you hate cheese?! Cheese is single-handely the best creation on this planet. I feel sorry for the girl that had to deal with that.” Y/N stopped her tracks, realizing what she just slipped in. She didnt mean to mention about a potential girlfriend he did or didnt have, it just...happened.
“Haha Im sure she doesn’t mind. She doesnt particulary like cheese either.” He plays along, but Y/N’s spirit started to lower. So there was a girl after all. She should have known.
“Oh, so there is a girl. Isnt there?” She speaks in a monotone.
“Of course! Tessa shes been with me for awile. Cheeky little dog, but I love her so much.” Tom laughs as he takes a sip of his coffee.
Y/N shook her head as she caught on his words. Dog? Upon realization, she shook her head looking down at the ground hiding her embarrassment.
“Sorry. I had to.” He continued to laugh, “but your face and attitude was priceless. Its almost as if you we’re jealous or soemthing.”
“What?! Me jealous?! Please.” Y/N tried miserably to play off.
“C’mon I saw those lips purse and that cute nose scrunch. You looked wee bit jealous.” Tom stated as he lifted her chin to meet his eyes. The moment was tense and silent but not akward. They took in each others features, lips getting closer, eyes slowly closing until... “It’s getting late.”Y/N whispered. Both let down by the moment being ruined.
Tom pulled away with a look of disappointment. “Yeah...you’re right. I’ll walk you back? My hotel is not far from your place.” He offered.
“Of course it’s not. It’s the tri-state area. Everything here is 30 minutes or less.” She jokes, trying to lighten the mood. “I would like that a lot.”
They continued to walk back home, side by side with light conversations. Almost forgetting their almost-kiss on their unofficial date. As they reached the steps of Y/N’s apartment. The two bid their farewell.
“Well I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you Y/N.” Tom said smiling at her as he held her hand.
“Likewise. I cant remember the last time I had this much fun.” Y/N admits, hoping that this wouldnt be the first and last time she’d see him. “Maybe we can do this again?” She bravely suggests.
“I’d love that. See you soon, darling.” With that he kissed her goodbye on the cheek as he made his way to the hotel, but not until he made sure, Y/N got inside safely.
Proceed to Track 3.
Taglist (Send an ask or message to be added):
@horanxholland @peterspideyy @stan-ish230403 @averyfosterthoughts @eridanuswave @greatpizzascissorstaco
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drkcnry67 · 4 years ago
we will split the gatherings (day 10)
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A/N: @obxmermaid​ this is day 10, this is gonna be where both the readers parents and dracos dad meet the young couple for seperate dinners or so we think. full of twists and of course turns. here is another pile of word vomit. so sorry about the word vomit. 
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
prompt: visiting relatives
tags: none that i can think of 
mentioning @obxmermaid​  &  @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the events of this story take place after hogwarts finds out about yours and Draco’s relationship. after you both had spiked nog at the three broomsticks, after those events it seemed appropriate to set dates to meet with both yours and draco’s parents and introduce you guys as a couple to them. 
after sending a fire message to your parents they said they would meet you over the break in london to have dinner. you didnt tell them about draco, you wanted it to be a surprise. 
Draco got a response from his father that said leaky cauldron, 3pm dont be late and your mother will not be joining us. 
that was it it was all set. one day would be your parents, the next day draco’s father. draco knew why his mother wasnt gonna make it but you and Draco talked to Minerva and got permission to use flue system to get to london for the day. told her you both would be back the next evening.
she agreed and released you both to use the flue, to meet with your parents first in london. you walked through the streets holding on to the arm of your loving boyfriend. 
YN: im so nervous...
Draco: love, everything will be fine. please dont worry too much bout this... alright we go in, have dinner with them, talk with them, then we will head to stay at the 3 broomsticks for the night and meet my father tomorrow afternoon and use flue to get back to hogwarts right after that. 
YN: i hope that this goes well cause this is going to make things easy for us. by that i mean if our parents bless our being together we could be married right out of hogwarts... or ya know at least living together. where would you.. ya know...
Draco turns you to face him as you both stop walking. 
Draco: i will be happy anywhere you are, you have my heart, you hold it in your hands. i dont care what my father or anyone says i belong with you as you belong with me. these jewelry pieces proove that no matter what we blong with each other and thats what matters. we make our own destiny and we have to seize the moment. so lets go in and have this dinner and then head to diagon alley to shop round before we head back to hogwarts. 
YN: that sounds perfect. 
you set it up, you walked in holding Draco’s arm and a waitress approached you.
waitress: may i help you?
YN: we are part of a party of 4, its under YLN
the lady looks at her tablet for a moment before grabbing 2 menus and leading you and Draco to a booth near the fountain and a semi-secluded area. you watched the look on your parents faces when you approached with draco at your side. 
draco took your coat and hung it on the nearby coat rack the same one your parents stuff was on. thats when your mom and you stood up and you hugged her to which she returned the hug, your father approached you next with another hug.
laura (your mom): its good to see you daughter we have missed you.
yn: its been a long time mother...
Dillon (your father) : I trust daughter that you have a perfect explanation as to why you did not mention that you were bringing a male to this dinner. Where's Hermione?
Yn: father mother this man beside me is my boyfriend Draco Malfoy. Hermione couldn't come anyway she had divination. We came here to introduce us as a couple and we wish to ask for your blessing. It's a long story.
Laura: it's very nice to meet you Draco. Daughter please tell us the story of how your relationship came to be. We would love to hear this. Wouldn't we Dillon?
Dillon stares at Draco for a moment before his eyes go wide and he reaches for his wand.
Dillon: his father and mother are supports of he who must not be named. How can you sit here with us and act like everything is alright.
Yn: father he is nothing like his parents. I saved him from his parents. 
your father looks at you in complete shock. 
Dillon: YN have you lost your mind. his parents are followers of you know who and they will not rest till the will of him is done. what is to stop this boy from switching to the dark side and killing you. what makes him different and worthy of your love. 
YN: cause he is my soulmate. i hid this from you guys for almost 2 years cause i knew how you would react. so what you would rather me marry some snobby pureblood jerk. i gave Draco my heart, he has my heart and my love dad. im beginning to think this dinner was a bad idea. 
Laura takes your hand, you takes draco’s, Laura takes Dillons, together you and Draco show your parents the love the bond between you both to make them see that this union is not going away. 
once the connection is broken, your father breaks into tears. he now realizes what you both have been through the sneaking around, the lying, the rivalry rouse, telling your friends, confessing this to the entire student body plus the professors at the feast, the laughter, the passion, the gifts of recent. 
Laura: my my its happened. he is your soulmate darling... 
YN: yes he is, and it took us almost our entire eduation to realize it. when the professors found out we were confronted by our main teachers and the headmaster but we were given their blessing to bring our relationship into the light cause Dumbledore saw the love we had for eachother. we didnt bother hiding it from them after we confessed. I'm so sorry I hid this from you guys. I wanted to tell you but I was sure that we would not have a civilized dinner or conversation if I had been blunt about it and not approached this with caution.
Laura: I guess I have my choice made... What about you Dillon?
Dillon had to think about this, for he knew that if he didn't give his blessing you would never ever ever forgive him for that. But if he did he would gain a son-in-law that would keep his little girl safe.
Dillon was about to speak when a magic barrier appeared inside the restaurant, you all readied your wands just in case. None of you knew what this was but it was a good thing that no muggles could see this cause you 4 were in the magic section.
Thats when lucius and narcissa malfoy walked into the restaurant, and up to your table.
Draco: mother, father. What are you doing here?
Lucius: i had a feeling about why you wanted to meet, so i tracked you here. Who are these people and why is there a brat attached to your arm boy.
Dillon: why dont you grab some manners malfoy?
Lucius: ah dillon still running around living among the non magic folk in these streets.shocking.
Dillon: i was just about to guve these children my blessing... they are in a relationship.
Lucius and narcissa both took haste in pulling out their wands. Aiming them for you ans draco.
Narcissa: draco, lets get out of here and away from these people. So you can fill the purpose that the dark lord has for you.
Draco: never. I'm not going anywhere with you guys and i do not serve he who must not be named.
You smiled as you kept one hand attached to Draco and one hand pointing your wand defensively at his parents. Your parents then stood in front of you both then and there between you and Draco and his parents.
Laura: you both are treading on dangerous ground. Leave now or give them your blessing. There is no need for this to get ugly.
Lucius: I have a better idea.
He takes his wand and points it at you.
Lucius: either you both stand down or I kill your brat.
Draco: you won't harm any of us again today..
With the wave of his wand you Draco Laura and Dillon all disappear in a cloud of smoke. Only to land in olivanders wand shop. Your parents cloaked all of you.
Dillon: draco you just saved our lives. You both have my blessing. Now I assume that the plan is for you both to finish school first.
Yn: yes and we are gonna work very hard to make sure that we both graduate and make sure that no harm comes to any of us.
Laura: and how are we gonna feeling after that mess of a dinner.
Yn: honestly not sure how I'm feeling I'm just happy we are all OK. It wasn't easy though seeing them taunt you guys and Draco like that. I wanted to use some of the dangerous non vocal spells that I know on them but I didn't for our safety and that of the people around us.
Laura was by your side at that moment so was Dillon they surrounded you and Draco putting a cloak on you both that hides you both from any evil thing.
Laura: now we have to go tell the ministry what just happened with Draco’s parents we wont speak about you 2 but you might want to speak with cornielius sometime soon. But we will be in touch soon.
Your parents both disappeared after hugs were exchanged. This left you and Draco in diagon alley in olivanders.
Draco: your still shaking love.
Yn: I thought I was gonna loose you.
Draco: that's not gonna happen. your not gonna loose me ever..  the ring and the necklace are like promises that one day in our lifetime in our near future we will be married and this will serve as a forever reminder of our love. 
that was quite the day to be had. this was the most excitement of their entire relationship. but the journey isnt over yet
~to be continued~
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minerva26love · 6 years ago
Just Say His Name Part 2
This is now Part 2 to my story! I am still not sure how many posts there will be!! Thank you for reading and liking my story so far! This one is a little bit longer. My computer keeps crashing so im sorry if there are any typos. 
My heart was beating so fast. Everything around me started to spin, and i couldnt breath. I sat on the bed and closed my eyes. I havent had this kind of panic attack in a long time. WIthout me knowing Remus was by the door. I was still hyperventilating and shaking, I couldnt control it. Remus came in my room and wrapped his arms around me.
“(Y,N), its Remus, tell me 5 things you can feel.” I took a deep breath still a little shaky.
“You holding me, the blanket on the bed, my jeans, my cat, and the pillow.” He lays his head on mine. My head is on his chest now. Also without me knowing everyone comes in the room. Remus gives them the wait sign, everyone stays quite.
“Good now give me 4 things you can hear.”
“Your heartbeat, my cat, you breathing, and people talking.” I feel him hold me tighter now just out of protection
“Good now give me 3 things you can smell.”
I waited a minute to smell things in the room. “Chocolate, your cologne, and laundry detergent.”
“2 things you can see.”
“My friends stalking us from the door, and you.”  They all laugh from behind the door
“1 thing you can taste.” I bit my lip for a moment. Im obviously not eating anything. While leaning against Remus i could feel and hear his heart beating faster. He was obviously nervous, and i knew why. There was that feeling again. Like nothing else matters. I looked up at him. He looked back at me playing with my hair. I dont think he knows how badly i want to kiss him. I slowly lean in, and kiss him softly. He was at first surprised then kissed me back just as soft. We pulled apart as we heard some whistling.
“You.” I said and smirked. He cleared his throat.
“Feel better?” Everyone laughed and i nodded. Remus shooed them away and it was just me and him again. He pulled me onto his lap, his arms were still wrapped around me.
“Thank you, for grounding me.” He kissed my head and still held me.
“Anytime.” There was a knock on the door. “Yes, you all can come in.” All the friends came in the room and found something to sit on.
“Whats grounding?” Sirius asked
“Well, when someone has a panic attack, you give them something to think about to distract them. So i was giving her things to give me through her senses.” Everyone nods.
“Yeah, what happened?” I feel Remus get tense. He knows it was his fault but not really knowing why it what his fault.
“I said something i obviously shouldnt have.”
“You didnt know its ok.” He kissed my head in an apology.
“Kids! Lets get going to Diagon Alley! We are meeting everyone's parents there! We need to get school supplies!.”
“Coming!” we all yelled. One by one we went into the fireplace and landed in Diagon Alley. It was magnificent. Looking around there are so many witches and Wizards. Everyone is going shopping, grabbing a bite to eat or getting school supplies. Im still looking around in awe. I feel arms around my waist. I jump.
“Sorry, did i scare you?” Remus smirked. I slap him in the arm and laugh.
“Yes, you did.” He kissed my cheek. We all walked around and met up with everyone's parents at the ice cream parlour. While walking up to everyone's parents, for some reason this kind of felt intimidating. I saw one couple, the man looked just like James, so i assumed that was his parents. The next couple were talking and looked like Alice. The last couple i saw was talking to the Potters, they looked very sweet. The girl had the same hair color as Remus. I almost felt nervous meeting his parents. I mean i wasnt sure why its not like we were dating. Getting closer to everyone Remus gave my hand a tight squeeze and winked at me.
“Hey mom and dad!” James and Sirius said together. The Couple laughed and hugged the both of them. Remus said hello to his and his mom kissed him on the cheek.
“How is everyone? And i see we have a new face to the crew.” I blushed.
“Oh yes im sorry, (Y,N) this is The Potters, Longbottoms and Lupins.” I waved and they all said hello back.
“So what did my boys break today.” Mrs. Potter asked. The boys looked offended.
“Mother, how dare you think that we-
“He broke her flower pots.” I told them.
“Im so sorry again i will be talking to the both of them later.”
“I like her Remus.”  Remus’s mom said looking at him. Remus blushed. We all after that got ice cream and walked to get school supplies. “So new books this year and Remus honey we need to get your robes re fitted.”
“Oh yes i agree the boys need that as well.”
“(Y,N) doesnt have her robes yet so why doesnt she go with you and get hers.” We split off in different directions. We went into Madam Malkins Robe shop.
“Hello Potters and Lupin family! How are we today.”
“We are all fine thanks, the three boys need to be refitted in their robes and (Y,N) here is new this year.”
“Well Welcome my dear! Boys go over to the dressing rooms their and put on your robes. (Y,N) and the moms why dont you take her over to the ladies dressing rooms and start measuring her.”
“Come on dear its over here.” I look back at Remus and he nods to go ahead.
“I'll be over here if you need me.” Remus said.
“I'll be over here if you need me my princess.” Sirius and James mocked. Remus punched the both of them.
“ Alright dear lets start measuring you.” James mom takes out the tape and measures will Remus’s mom starts writing them down.
“You know (Y,N) out of all our boys Remus is a good choice, My boy James is obsessed with Lilly and Sirius just does whatever the bloody hell he wants.” I blush and dont really say anything. Its kind of weird doing all of this without my own mom. She went with me to get my first pair of robes. I didnt realize that a tear fell down my cheek. Mrs. Lupin comes up to me and crouches on my level.
“Sweetheart, i know your mum and dad arent here. If you ever need anything or anyone to talk to, please owl us. I lost my mum a couple years ago and its hard not having one. I know it will be hard to get in touch with your family. You have another family right here and you know what?”
“What?” Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Lupin look at eachother and smile
“My son couldnt take his eyes off of you.” i giggle as i we finish the measurements. We head back up front, Remus is still getting fitted. Mrs. Potter nods to me to go talk to him. I walk over to him while hes fixing his robes. I look back and Mrs, Potter nods. He was trying to put another safety pin in.
“Here, i'll do it.” I start fixing his robe. Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Lupin laugh from a distance.
“How do you know how to do this?”
“I love to sew actually. My mom taught me how to sew my own clothes. I actually made this sweater.” He looked surprised and impressed.
“Well im glad my robes are in good hands.”  I cleared my throat nervous.
“Well im all done here.” I run back to the adults and stand near Mrs. Potter. We all finished paying. My robes should be done by the end of the day. We all walked around to get the rest of our supplies. By the end of the day i got all my new books and i was just waiting on my robes to be finished. I was sitting there reading and i glanced over to see Remus talking to his parents. They nodded and i went on to reading my book trying not to be nosy. Remus walks up and sits next to me.
“Hey, so im staying at James’s house since we leave for school in a couple of days. I was wondering if you would like to hang out tonight.” I stopped breathing for a moment. I bit my lip. “There goes you biting your lip again.” I smiled.
“(Y,N) your robes are ready!)” I get up and start to turn away from Remus he looked heartbroken. I smirked turned toward him.
“Yes.” I kissed his cheek and turned toward the shop. Whistles were heard behind me as i walked in the shop.
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cordytriestowrite · 6 years ago
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Keeping Up Appearances
Bucky x Reader
Fake Dating AU
Chapter 2 - All Other Chapters
Summary: When an old friend comes back into your life you struggle to maintain the lies you've told. Bucky Barnes has no idea what he's gotten into by agreeing to be your fake boyfriend, but you have no idea what to do about the very real feelings you have for him.
Manhattan glimmered in what remained of the day's light. You could see it as you crossed the Manhattan bridge in Bucky's car. It's like it was mocking you, presenting places you remembered vividly, like how you would remember a dream right after waking up. You had hoped the memories, like your dreams, would fade over time until the specifics were so fuzzy it wasn't worth trying to recall, but here they were cutting through your mind like sharp scissors.
Most of your Manhattan memories included Pepper. Shopping, dining, living, dancing, roaming the streets at three in the morning just to see who was awake; that was who you used to be.
Bucky let out a low whistle as he passes La Bernardin looking for a place to park. You quickly look down at your dress. You hoped Pepper didn't recognize it, having helped you pick it out on one of your many shopping trips. The black fabric was only slightly faded and you hoped the lighting of the restaurant would stave off any notice. You quickly swiped your eyes over Bucky again, hair brushed and styled, shirt unwrinkled, he didn't shave but you liked the way the stubble framed his full lips.
You hadn't noticed he had pulled into a parking garage not far from La Bernardin until he was unbuckling his seat belt. You checked the time displayed on the dash before the car was shut off: 5:52 pm. You released yourself from the seat belt and turned your body awkwardly towards the driver's seat prompting Bucky to remain in the car despite the air rapidly becoming hot and stuffy.
"Whatever level they reach we have to match it, otherwise it won't look real."
He nodded, but the look in his eyes told you he did not really take in the significance of your words. He hadn't met Pepper, he doesn't know the way she thinks.
"I'm serious. If they are holding hands, we have to hold hands. If they feed off of each other's plates we do too. If they kiss-"
"I get it! I get it!" Bucky says with a laugh, escaping the uncomfortable heat of the car. You followed him out and took the slight slope down to the garage entrance.
"I do want to draw a line right now. If he starts sucking on her toes I'm not doing that. Feet creep me out."
You shoved him lightly for his joke but didn't protest when he came back to you so that your shoulders brushed closer than before. You needed his jokes, you needed his casual attitude to anchor you down. Was this how you always used to be? So on edge and guarded, thinking every word and action thoroughly before execution; how had you survived this. You didn't you thought bitterly, you only prolonged the inevitable.
She was seated at the table already, facing the door and giving you no time to compose yourself or stop Bucky's oogling as he took in the decor. You should have told him to act like he had been here before.
She waved, her movements the perfect mixture of relaxed and controlled, the wave of royalty. You lifted your hand back and wiggled a few fingers, feeling like your hand was too big all of a sudden and you realized your nails were still short and unpolished. You brought your hand quickly to your side. She stood as you reached the table and drew you into a hug.
"How are you?" She gushed, he voice loud in your ear but soft in the hush of the restaurant, "I've missed you so much. Come on, sit."
Bucky, who had stood a respectable distance back as you reunited, strode forward as you parted. He grabbed the back of his chair and pulled it out, sitting before you. Pepper raised an eyebrow, in the minute way she did when she found something interesting. You lowered yourself into your chair next to Bucky and across from Pepper.
"So, where is he? I thought we were introducing boyfriends today." You tried to play it off as a joke, keeping your smile affixed to your face, but inside you were fuming. If her boyfriend didn't show up then you and your 'boyfriend' would be the main show for the evening and the facade wouldn't make it through the first course.
"He's running a little late." Was all she said.
The waiter came around with sparkling water and a wine menu which you studiously ignored, needing your wits about you. Bucky didn't seem interested in the wine or the water, and his face was becoming more and more of a grimace as his eyes read each line of the menu.
"Babe," you called, the word sounding odd in your ears as you looked at Bucky, "introduce yourself to Pepper." You added a subtle hand to his knee under the table, hoping he would respond to the pet name but ready to squeeze if his attention did not redirect to your friend.
He looked up and smiled wide, first at you, then at Pepper, "Bucky Barnes."
His hand reached out dangerously between the glasses to shake hers. You watched Pepper accept his hand with grace and quirk her eyebrow just so again. You wanted to bang your head against the table. You wish you had had more time to coach Bucky, he didn't even know the basics!
Pepper opened her mouth, as if to ask Bucky a question, but her eyes moved from him to just behind you. Her face broke out into a wide smile, her shining eyes crinkling. She looked so happy it took you aback. You turned slightly and watched the object of her attention stroll toward your table, head high and confidence palpable. It felt like he owned the room and very well might have, because he was Tony Stark. The Tony Stark!
"Holy shit." Bucky muttered in disbelief, you should have scolded him with a glare or a squeeze to his knee but you were just as shocked. Tony Stark rounded the table, kissing the top of Pepper's head before settling himself into the last empty seat at the table.
There were no need for introductions, everyone knew Tony Stark and Tony Stark didn't care to know anyone but Pepper. He flagged down a random waiter and ordered a bottle of wine so quickly you couldn't even catch the name. He must come here a lot or expect wherever he goes to have exactly what he wants.
"Sorry, conference call ran over. Did you order yet?" He said to Pepper and only to Pepper. You must not even register on his radar. You started when you felt an arm encircle your upper back. You turned to look at Bucky, the first time your eyes had left your latest dining guest. His head tilted slightly to the couple across from you and you noticed Tony's arm draped over the back of Pepper's chair as they spoke quietly. You turned back to Bucky and smiled with a nod of approval.
You breathed deeply and settled into the crook of Bucky's arm, half wanting to seem at ease and half finding yourself actually at ease, feeling warm and comfortable as you inhaled the scent of his deodorant. It wasn't expensive or heavily perfumed, in fact you were sure Bucky used Old Spice bought in packs of two or four but the smell mixed appealingly with his own scent and you breathed in deep and greedy wondering if you would ever get to be this close to him again, wondering if next time it could be because he wanted to and not just for show.
Tony proceeded to order for everyone when the waiter came back with the wine. You smiled in thanks as a glass was poured for you but did not touch the expensive alcohol. You continued to smile so politely it made your jaw hurt. You weren't a fan of the oysters Tony got for the table.
"So how did this happen?" Bucky asked when the waiter left, his free hand moving back and forth between Peoper and Tony. Your hand, which you just realized was still on his knee, was warm and sweaty. You moved it up and down in short strokes along his pants to dry it.
"We actually met at a friend's wedding in Scotland." Pepper began with a gush of happiness, your painful smile relaxed. You were happy to see her so happy.
"We both knew the groom-" Pepper continued while Tony was leant back against his chair, sipping wine. His eyes remained only on Pepper behind his purple tinted glasses. They looked happy. They looked like they were in love. You hoped you and Bucky looked the same.
"-After a few months of long distance I ended my trip early and came back home to be with him." She finished, bringing her body back against her seat and looking into Tony's eyes. They were lost to the outside world for a few moments and you felt Bucky shift uncomfortably next to you. They broke their connection when Pepper turned to face you again.
"Tell me how you met. You have been so secretive about this one in your letters." Pepper said with a finger trained towards Bucky.
Your eyes widened and your breath hitched in your throat. You hadn't thought of this, hadn't come up with a cute story of how you two met. You were so screwed.
"We met when she moved in next door to me about two years ago." Bucky began in your silence, "The day she moved in was very noisy. I could hear her all day though the wall of my bedroom. Around eleven I was in bed and I heard this loud banging that was rattling my wall. I got out of bed so pissed off and I stomped over to her door and banged just as loudly as she had been doing on my wall. She opened the door and all anger I felt melted away." He looked over to you then as if you were the only two people in the room as he continued. "She just looked so adorable in her pajamas with her hair a mess. We got to talking and...here we are."
Bucky was good. Very, very good. It wasnt the exact story. Yes, you had met the day you moved in and yes you had been hammering a few nails into the wall you didn't know you shared with Bucky. But when Bucky came around banging on your front door late at night there was no beginnings to a love story. What you did could barely be considered talking it was more of a screaming match.
"Do you know what time it is?"
"Do you? Because you're the one banging on my door at almost midnight."
"You're the one banging on my wall at almost midnight."
The whole thing ended with you slamming the door in Bucky's face. Since then you had calmed down, especially as your friendship with Sam blossomed and you ended up seeing Bucky more and more. You realized Bucky was looking at you in soft amusement that to the others probably looked very romantic. You couldn't help leaning forward and kissing his cheek whispering a thank you in his ear before pulling back.
"Cute." Tony's tone was short and clipped, like he didn't think the story was that cute.
Pepper was watching you with interest, absently rubbing her pointer finger with her other hand.
"Such thin walls..." she mused, and your spine straightened, ready to find an excuse for your cheap apartment. Before the conversation could continue the first course of dinner was served and the table went silent as they ate or, in the case of Bucky, poke at the small, strange portions of food.
Throughout dinner and with each glass of wine Tony loosened up into a more engaged character. He was charismatic and a pleasant storyteller and kept Pepper's attention off of you and Bucky effectively blocking any opportunity to delve too deeply into your relationship. The whole table was laughing along with a story Tony was telling about his trip to Machu Picchu and the alpaca who decided Tony was his new mother when the check arrived.
You had been dreading this part more than anything else. The time to pay hundreds of dollars for a meal Bucky barely ate and you could barely stomach around your nerves. You fingered your credit card with anticipation of being handed that small black booklet containing your check.
"Thank you Bradly." Tony said to the waiter as he handed him a platinum card without making eyes contact. Your shoulders sagged in relief as Bradly walked away from the table.
"Thank you." You said, hoping not to sound to relieved as you put away your card.
Tony nodded once and waved you off draining the last of his wine.
"Any friend of my fiance is a friend of mine." He slurred. Pepper smacked his shoulder harshly.
"Tony!" Pepper chided. Her brows were furrowed in anger but her smile battled to win the feelings fight. She turned to you with a wide smile and pulled a chain from under her collar. Hanging from the end was a stunning, gold band with a large, sparkling diamond practically blinding you and it swung from the chain.
"Well, the secret is out. We're engaged!" She squealed with delight practically bouncing in her seat.
"I can't match that doll." Bucky whispered hurridly in your ear before you rose out of your chair to join Pepper in her excitement.
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adventurously-awkward · 6 years ago
okay so!! pirate/mermaid au because I love pirates and mermaid are cool,, a lot of this is incoherent, so warning
a lot of names/dates/specifics are yet TBD
there's like three rival pirate gangs
Spectra is the captain of one of them
Charles is the captain of another one (he's a bad guy again hhh)
C's pirate gang has control over a lot of islands/ports but they want to take over every area not owned by them
Elizabeta is a strategist/advisor and Lazuli is a mapmaker on the third gang
the third gang (it feels weird to keep saying "gang" but) is the smallest, but actively fights against Charles's group
the third group's captain (TBD,) is informed that Charles is planning an attack on Spec's ship
Lazuli and Elizabeta (maybe a few others?) are sent to warn Spectra about the attack and negotiate an alliance to help defend them and stuff
while the negotiations are happening Charles attacks the third group's ship instead, basically terminating the third group (whops)
Spectra lets Eliza/Laz join her crew basically as janitors because she still doesnt fully trust them
Charles tries then to attack Spectra's gang but their counter attack is ready
pirate fighting happens
Lazuli somehow ends up falling into the ocean during battle (mayhaps,, he trips?)
because of all the fighting and commotion mer people are observing
maiya and shihiro see that Lazuli falls in near them, and although they're warned against it they go and rescue him
Lazuli sees them before he goes unconscious
once the fighting settles down they put Laz on some damaged piece of wood or other debris for the pirates to find
Lazuli gets rescued and stuff
while Eliza and Laz are sent to clean up Lazuli tells Elizabeta about what he saw
Elizabeta is skeptical, and when no one's around Lazuli tries throwing stuff into the ocean and yelling out
Shi and Mai dont understand the screaming human but?? theyre glad he's okay
eventually Lazuli gives up
the ship goes to a port for resources and stuff
Lazuli and Eliza are on guard duty
Shihiro and maiya are still keeping an eye on the humans
they know that the Charles's crew is the Bad Guys and when they see one of them trying to sneak onto the ship they try to warn Lazuli
they cant speak and dont want to reveal themselves (yet) so they throw some seaweed and it hits elizabeta
Elizabeta finally sees Shi/Mai and realizes there's an intruder
Eliza and Laz alert the rest of the crew and an ambush is prevented
when Elizabeta tries to locate Mai/Shi they disappear again
"I told you I wasnt crazy" -L
Spectra congratulates Eli/Laz for preventing the ambush
they accidentally let it slip that mermaids warned them
Spectra brushes them off
regardless, they're both promoted
Spectra and Elizabeta start hitting it off and stuff,
one night Elizabeta hears something and wakes up Lazuli
Shihiro is throwing rocks and junk at the ship to get their attention
L/E see Maiya and Shihiro supporting someone unconscious
they row out and its Emory
he has injuries from hooks and scratches from fishing nets and stuff
because these injuries came from human hunting they need L/E's help
they sneak the three mermaids onto the ship and try to help Emory as best they can
that's as far as I got hhhh
there's a lot of fine tuning that needs to be done obviously
but yea
Im not proof reading this before posting so theres a bunch of errors!! sorry
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sagittariusboyfriend · 6 years ago
What have been some creepy encounters you've experienced? Story please?
ive waited quite some time to respond to this message, like literally a long ass time lol, probably more than a year, sorry. i feel like i have several encounters to tell you about, but what im going to relay to whomever might be reading this right now is a thing that went on over the course of an entire year.
quick backstory: during the better part of 2017 i lived with my then boyfriend (who now is just my best friend since we broke up in october this year) in the old parts of the city center. all buildings in that area are from around 1870, and the building where we lived is one of the first ones to have been erected. his aparment was on ground level and it has all the features of turn of the century housing with the fireplace, original floors, weird nooks and crannies etc, and looks as if it was meant to be lived in by service people/kitchen personnel. it also had its original door (i suppose) with the kind of springy locking mechanism where you have to turn the key and pull down the handle real hard simultaneously to open from the outside, the knob is very tough to turn from the inside, and it locks itself instantly once you close it (so if you forget your keys youre basically screwed). it makes a loud brassy springy clicking noise when the lock shuts or opens. takes a lot of effort to open this old door and its loud, is what im saying. the entire apartment is all original details, the flooring in the corridor has its original wood planks, original ventilation, weird but beautiful glass panels on the door etc.
the key and the door unlocking from inside
first off, when he moved in, the landlord was missing a key in the set of four. my then boyfriend, lets call him C, didnt really think about it. he moved in, gave his dad one of the extra keys. the first weird thing that happened was when C got back from work in the afternoon maybe two weeks after moving in. in the middle of the corridor, on the floor, he sees the missing key. like smack dab in the middle of the narrow corridor leading from hallway to the bathroom, next to his boots. its too far in to have been thrown in by someone through the letter slot in the door, and could not have been dropped there by neither him nor his father since they had all of their keys. so he’s like, weird, but doesnt really think about it. he also told me that around that time he heard coughing from the corridor when inside his bedroom (it opens up to the right from the corridor once you step inside the apartment), but also waved it off since it might as well have been neighbours just outside in the hall.
next weird thing that happens is after we had started dating and i pretty much lived there with him, and this time i experienced it. i started work around noon whereas C left around 6 in the morning. so im in bed and its maybe 10 o’clock, and i wake up to that loud, springy clicking noise of the locking mechanism in the door. and im like, what is he doing home at this time? so i get up, but no one is there. the door is also juuust a little bit askew, as if someone was going outside but then decided not to, like its just shoved open enough for the lock to click open, but the door isnt opened, its still within the width of the doorframe if you get what i mean. so i look outside and the hall is empty. i should have been able to hear steps in the very echo-y stairwell (which is also old and the acoustics are fantastic because we hear everytime a neighbour passes by, and subsequently opens the building entrance door which is also a loud, heavy door), but heard neither steps, up or down the stairs in the hall, nor anyone opening the heavy entrance door, or any evidence of human activity. all is quiet. i get a bit freaked out, because that means that unless someone else had a key, our door was unlocked from inside.
i tell C when he gets back, and after this is where shit starts to ACTUALLY go down.
im going to try to remember all of this in the correct order, but i know it started in january 2017, and went on until he moved out in december.
the song in the hallway
C talks a lot in his sleep. sometimes he even sings, he speaks in english (we’re swedish) and  he has been known to get up and take a shower at one in the morning while still asleep thinking hes late for work. for those who are on heavy sleeping medication, u get it. its not weird, mostly its funny, and its just because of the medication. these things go on literally every night and it was a bit hard to fall asleep to loud talking and incoherent words sometimes because he used to go to bed three-four hours earlier than me, but i managed just fine. one night we were in bed, it wasnt that late but C was asleep, i was on my phone next to him. i hear this weird melody being hummed, thinking its coming from C i take out my earplugs and check, but its coming from the fucking hallway. again, no one outside in the stairs, just someone or something humming a melody in the hallway. i remember my hair standing up all over my body and i was glad i slept closest to the wall, C shielding me from being viewed directly from the hallway. somehow i manage to fall asleep. and this part is going to sound weird and like its made up, im very aware, but having been through this crap i dont really care because i know it happened: the morning after C was off from work, and i for once woke up before he did. if i wake him up and his medication hasnt ‘wore off’ yet i guess (dont really know how that works) he’ll be disoriented and it takes a few minutes for his brain to register that hes awake and he can speak coherently. i did not poke him, i did not try to wake him up, but all of a sudden i hear him humming that same melody, very much deep asleep. that freaked me out.
the mimicking begins
another night around that time, i was up at around 2-3 am to go to the bathroom. i wiggle out of bed, out into the corridor, at the end of the corridor is the bathroom. when im done, i scurry back into the bedroom, information of value here i guess is i always sleep with my socks on so im wearing socks, aka i dont make a lot of noise when i get up. when im back in bed, looking at my phone, i hear footsteps - from the corridor. the freakiest thing is its like they are imitating the way i walked back from the bathroom, i can so CLEARLY hear sockless, BARE feet on the creaky floor of the hallway, literally stepping at the same pace i did. that was my first thought; someone is imitating my footsteps. i can hear them from behind the wall in the hallway, coming to a stop at the opening into the bedroom. like someone is standing there, watching. i get so scared i hide under the covers and press myself close to C and cant stop feeling icy shivers down my spine. i also cant stop thinking that someone or something waited for me in the kitchen, then walked behind me, mimicking me, and is now standing at the beedroom threshold, watching me. somehow i fall asleep, or i dont, i cant remember.at this point, im thinking somethings up with that hallway.
the poorly covered hole
this part isnt anything scary/supernatural really, just uncomfortable and kinda sets the tone for living in this apartment at the time: in the bedroom, C had placed a clothing rack next to the old 1900s floor-to-ceiling ventilation pipe that is plastered into the wall in the corner. literally just a wide ass pipe in the corner of the room that isnt in use anymore. behind the rack, leaning against the pipe, he had put a rarely used pink neon tube light and i decided it would look cool to try it out, but it was dusty in that little nook thing where it was so i had to clean it up a bit. while moving the clothing rack to vacuum, i realize there is a hole at least as big as my hand in the side of the pipe. i was like ??the frick is this? and i poke into it and there is just this thin paper membrane covering it. you could almost fit an entire head through there, and i can literally feel wafts of cold wind moving through it. there probably used to be an attached pipe of some sort to allow smoke from the kitchen to go up into the ventilation like a hundred years ago, but the thought that this at least 1 meter wide pipe, wide enough to fit a person, goes up through probably all apartments above us, up through the attic, ending as an open chimney in the roof, has this big hole in it is just… unsettling to me. obviously the pipe is not in use anymore, but that kind of only made it scarier. ive seen enough scary movies for that to make me feel a bit paranoid lol. i was almost expecting a hand to push through that paper when i touched it. but i covered it back up with the clothing rack and nothing really happened with that.
the mirror incident
one night, me and C were getting ready to go out. im getting ready in the hallway, because thats where the big wall-sized full figure mirrors are (of course). C comes out of the bathroom, runs past me infront of me, veering off to the left into the bedroom, wearing only underwear. i look after him in the mirror, i can see him in the bedroom, in front of his clothing rack. im fixing my hair at the time, both hands on my head. to my direct left is the front door and the space with our shoes and jackets. right in front of the door, for a split moment while im turning back to keep looking at myself in the mirror, i see what looks exactly like C but paler, wearing only underwear, standing in the same position as me, turned away from me as if the thing is also looking in a mirror. heads on its head like its fixing its hair, just like me. imitating me. i get shivers just typing this down. i tell C what i just saw, i literally went: ”uh C? i just saw a man infront of the door”, dumbfounded, and we both got a bit freaked out, and got out of there pretty quickly.
learning about demons
a few weeks later, C invites his friend to comes to visit. im not there at that time so i never met her, but she apparently had a knack for sensing ghosts and picking up on energies etc. he told me that when he got up to get them more wine from the kitchen and left her alone in the couch in the bedroom, she said she really felt very uncomfortable sitting with her back to the hallway corridor. she also told him that ghosts and spirits are usually not malevolent and you can get by fine living in a ‘haunted’ house. but when he told her what we had experienced so far, she told him that ghosts usually dont behave that way, and that a rule is that if something is imitating or mimicking you, its probably not a ghost, but might be signs of fucking DEMONIC ACTIVITY. apparently demons like to mock and impersonate people. friendly caspers dont do that. fun.
realizing the triangle/cursed ground
so, yeah. weird things kept happening. but we had jobs, sometimes you just gotta ignore that shit and try not to live your life terrified of demons. which we still were for the record; i dont think we ever left each other alone in that apartment for any longer than necessary after that, i remember C actually staying at his dads during the time i went away to see my family.
anyway, when we had started dating C had introduced this podcast to me. its a swedish one where a guy called jack reads creepypastas, analyzes spooky stuff, old folklore, all that stuff, and also reads original content and real stories written by listeners. its really good and really creepy. so that podcast had been going for maybe two years by then so i had a LOT to catch up with, wich wasnt a bad thing at all. i remember by this time is was summer and i was out on the street smoking a cigarette after doing dishes, and the episode i was listening to was about the last of the execution spots/gallow hills (?? i guess is the correct term? not sure) in sweden. remember, we lived in the old part of the city center, in the northern part of the city. very old buildings, very old everything. so jack commences to talk about the famous last gallow hill in [our city] and where it was located, when the final execution took place and for what, how many people had been killed there and its entire bloody history. i almost drop my cigarette, because he says it was located on zenithgatan (”zenith street”), and where the gallows used to be there is now a kindergarten. so im on our street, just outside our kitchen windows, looking right at that specific kindergarten. just across the main road. i will provide a screenshot of a map and a street view of what i was looking at to let you know i am not making this up:
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so the street we lived on is called döbelnsgatan (”döbeln street”, döbeln is apparently a city in germany, i just googled that), at the very end of the street, our citys main old cemetary is juuust beyond our line of sight to the right from the kitchen windows and where i was standing. however, across from us: zenithgatan, with all of its bloody history. i couldnt help but to wonder how far the blood could had flown from there and where the bodies had been thrown, if this entire part of town is built on bloody ground etc. it really gave me massive creeps.
a few years later (which would be a few months ago, when i moved in to the room where i live presently) i happened to land a conversation about ghosts with my new flatmate. turns out she also used to live in those neighbourhoods, in an apartment on the third floor literally overlooking the cemetary, but on celciusgatan, which would be the next street over from döbelnsgatan (see map). and she told me, without me having said anything at all about all of this, that that part of town including her apartment has always been haunted. she used to see a shadow of a man through frosted glass doors, moving around in rooms that were closed when both she and her son and her sister were in the kitchen. she didnt experience any malice however, and also had someone come check it out for her, but apparently she just had nice ghosts. but we agreed that yeah, these buildings are literallty inbetween a cemetary and the gallows; there are probably bound to be a lot of lost souls wandering around.
this could also be over-analyzing it, but if you draw lines from the cemetary to the site of the executions to döbelnsgatan/celciusgatan, it makes a perfect triangle. while googling the translation of ‘döbeln’ just now it says right in the wikipedia description that it is located ‘somewhat in the middle of a triangle, made up by three cities’. coincidence, perhaps. probably. but still. by now im pretty conviced of anything that could hold any significance about all of this.
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the painting
later on, maybe by a few months, and C tells me when i get home from work that he had woken up that day, after i went to work, from the painting atop of his big secretaire/chiffonier/bookcase (its really a big piece of heavy furtinure, but lets call it bookcase just to be simple) coming crashing down behind it. that painting had stood there since january, at least 9-10 months, and had not fallen down ONCE. it was leaning against the wall, perched safely and steady on the bookcase, with at least a centimeter bookcase until the gap between wall and furniture. i remember thinking last time i looked it was covered in dust because no one even as much as dusted that thing off, and there had been no weird vibrations in the walls that would have shook it either. by this point we’re both very, very uncomfortable in this apartment.
the painting and the hollow in the wall
and here comes the final thing that happened before he moved out, the part that we have on film. ill have to ask my ex for the footage if anyones interested in it, which is fine.
C was doing a collaboration with some people on instagram, an educational account about depression, self-harm, anxiety and such. they gave him the assignment to film himself talking about personal experiences, i think they wanted maybe 13 videos or something like that, the theme being ‘death’ (those videos are still up, im unsure if they posted this one as it kind of strayed from the mental health stuff a bit, but i know C has it still). so at this time - maybe september or october? i really dont know exactly when this was, i could probably scroll on their instagram account but im too lazy - he was filming himself a lot. so, he brought up the painting crashing, and filmed us both while demonstrating how it physically could not have moved and crashed down behind the bookcase because of the way it stood on top of it. it would have been one thing if it fell forward, but then it would have landed on its front and fallen in front of the bookcase, probably shattered the glass. but it fell BEHIND it. on camera, you can see my hands pushing on it to demonstrate the way it went down into that snug space inbetween. you would have had to physically push on it, at least a centimeter back, from the front. so for some reason, i get the very random idea to knock on the wall behind it. which means, i stand in the corridor and knock on the corridor wall that divides the bedroom from the hallway. and i swear to god, this is ON FILM. i knock all over the wall and its all concrete - except for THE SPOT EXACTLY BEHIND THE FUCKING PAINTING. the wall is hollow. right behind the painting. where it stood leaned against on the other side. i cant explain why i all of a sudden tried knocking all over the wall, or why the actual fuck there is a hollow square in the middle of the corridor wall, but that really fucked us up. there were just too many weird coincidences, you know.
like, all of this happened, or seemed to be centered around, the corridor. as if our hallway was some nexus for supernatural activity. and with that hollow thing, it was like it was starting to make its way into the bedroom, you know? unsettling.
thankfully, C moved out of there in december and we didnt have to stay there anymore, but i sometimes pass by and think about asking the current tenant or the neighbours if they experienced anything strange. its just so eerie. the mimicking parts were the scariest to me, and i get chills thinking about them and reading it even now.
so, thats my long, long overdue creepy encounter. i am VERY aware i sound insane but, hey. what can i do. i am not one for lying and i know that so thats all that matters tbh. i have other encounters as well, but living in that apartment takes the fucking cake.
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kcookendrick · 7 years ago
don’t take my sunshine away
who: adam levine and anna kendrick (anam) @hfamelevine
when: august 31st 2018 
where: adam’s home in california
what: adam’s nervous about chace crawford meeting up with dusty, so anna goes over there to try to calm him down about it. 
mentions:  @bxprinsloo and @chacethechance
Adam: He had been irritated since the other day. Particularly he couldn’t help it. Even if he had eventually told Behati yes, part of him had just been telling his ex-wife what she wanted to hear. Three weeks as opposed to three months was incredibly different, and right now, he was just not happy about the fact that another man was about to meet his daughter. She had been Adam’s everything, and like he had told Behati, he would rip the world apart for that little girl if he had to. There was no way in any sort of hell—would anyone take that away from him, especially Chace. While he had spent most of the day with Dusty, Anna was coming over and Adam was attempting to change his mood. He had taken all of his aggression out at rehearsal earlier this morning while Dusty was with her babysitter, and now, Adam was in her room with her. He was sitting on the rocking chair with the toddler cuddled up in his arms, the chair gently rocking away as Adam was whispering words to a song gently in her ear.
Anna: She knew that Adam had been a little off but she wasnt sure about what. She figured it had something to do with Behati and the women wouldnt be too surprised if it wasnt. With her mom being in town, Anna left her at a shopping center and told her she’d be home later and that she was visiting Adam. Once arriving to his place, the women took the hidden key and opened the door. Texting him she was here, Anna walked up and stood in the doorframe of Dusty’s bedroom with her arms folded across her chest. Smiling big at the site in front of her, Anna whispered “I love you, you know that?” Anna questioned and walked in, she leaned down and kissed his lips softly “Hi fiancé”
Adam: So much of the reasoning behind why Adam had kept to himself a lot had been because he felt like nobody really understood him. That nobody really understood him, his thought process, why he would be angry or upset over the things that had happened to him. He was incredibly fucked up and the one thing that had meant most to him, was Dusty. It was Dusty and making sure that she had grown up not seeing that, and seeing that Adam instead was being the best person, the best father that he could be to her. Anna was the only other person who had understood him in that sense, because more often than not, the two of them realized that they were both just as fucked up as one another. Maybe it really was what drew them so close together, but Adam would be lying if he said that he minded that. He didn’t, not at all. Since his phone had been in his bedroom on the charger on his nightstand, he hadn’t gotten the text from Anna, but he heard those words from her lips that had indicated that she was there. Looking back at the door frame for a few moments, Adam smiled a little, and then kissed her back as she walked further toward him. “Hi, baby.” He whispers, but then quickly turns his attention back to Dusty. “How’s your mom?”
Anna: Anna was worried about him, she was worried because the brunette knew he was going through a difficult time adjusting to the fact that there might be another man in Dusty’s life now, and she didn’t blame him for not being happy about it. If that’s what this whole thing was, him not being happy and a little off. Seeing him smile, Anna still couldn’t believe she was wearing a ring on her finger and seeing him with Dusty had made her fall in love with him more and more. Hearing him whisper, she kissed him once more deeply and then got behind him “She’s good.” Starting to rub his shoulders, she kissed his neck “You okay?” Anna questioned, and then went to go and face him again
Adam: This was something that he kept to himself. Sure, Anna had known through the grapevine that Behati and Chace has been dating now, but Adam hadn’t told her about going to meet with Behati over him possibly meeting Dusty. Of course, he would have to get over it, get used to it because of Dusty’s birthday in just a few shorts weeks, but today wasn’t that day. “Hm,” He makes a slight noise in agreement to kiss her back, but allows himself to relax as she rubs his shoulders. That was something he one hundred percent needed, considering the tension. “No,” He sighs. “I…I don’t really want to talk about it in front of Dusty.”
Anna: “You want me to put D back down?” She questioned, and then took a breath “And then I can continue to do this…” She whispered, while walking behind him again and started rubbing his shoulders once more. Kissing his neck again, she moaned a little “Talk to me, are you okay? What’s been going on?”
Adam: He nods, but it’s after he makes another soft noise of contentment due to Anna’s movements and soft kisses against his skin. He looks down at Dusty, realizing that she had indeed fallen asleep after he had sung to her, before finally looking back at Anna. “…I saw Behati the other day.” He said, softly. “I…I didn’t tell you because we were with my mom, and…your mom showed up…”
Anna: Still kissing his neck softly, Anna let out a soft hmm and then stayed quiet when he mentioned Behati’s name. Sure, she was over the jealousy but Anna couldn’t help but still feel a little worried about him.Taking a breath, Anna nodded “It’s fine, what did you two talk about?” She questioned, and then sighed “I’m worried about you.”
Adam: Clearing his throat slightly now, Adam shakes his head. Sure, Dusty had been asleep now, but they were still in her nursery in all places of his house. He carefully gets up from the rocking chair that he’s sitting in, and moves over to the crib to put Dusty down again. “She, uh…” He starts, clearing his throat. “She wants Chace to meet D.”
Anna: Once she watched Adam put Dusty back in bed, Anna waits for him and takes a breath when she hears Chace’s name. Sighing, the women looked down at the floor and then up at Adam once again “Baby….” Was all she could say at the moment, Anna knew that he and Chace didn’t get along so she didn’t blame Adam for not wanting Chace to meet his kid right away
Adam: “They’ve been dating for three weeks. Three. At least we had months under us until you met her.” He begins to frown, shaking his head. His mouth closes after that, and he looks down at the floor as he makes his way to the door to leave the room. “I don’t want him to meet her yet and apparently I don’t have a choice.”
Anna: She nodded, but couldn’t help and disagree “But I…, I wasn’t ready to meet her and I’m not good with kids.” Shaking her head, Anna stopped herself and then chewed her lips “I know baby, I know. You, you have a choice. You’re her father, but..” Stopping herself again, Anna didn’t really know what to say without screwing everything up
Adam: “I know that, Anna but it doesn’t…” His frown deepens and he shakes his head. He knew that it was silly, that he probably shouldn’t have a choice anyway considering—but he was threatened. He couldn’t help it. Walking out of Dusty’s room now, he can’t help the water that begins to fill up in his eyes. “It’s…it’s different, okay? It’s just different.”
Anna: Seeing the water form in his eyes now, Anna took a breath and sighed. Walking up to him, the brunette wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly “Baby it’s okay.” Anna whispered, and then kissed him again, now pressing her forehead against his “Listen, I know you don’t want to hear this coming from me… but Chace he…” Stopping herself, she looked at him “Chace is a good guy, and I /know/ you’re scared that he might take your place but he isn’t going too babe. He’s not.” She whispered, and then kissed him again “Listen to me, Dusty loves you. She loves you so much.”
Adam: “No—I don’t wanna hear that. That’s exactly what I don’t want to hear right now.” He continues to try and clear his throat from the sobs that are beginning to bubble up there, but it doesn’t help much, if at all. The tears that filled in his eyes began to fall down his cheeks, over his face and he shakes his head. “I would…walk on broken glass for her if I had to.” Adam says, sniffling now as he looks down at the ground after she kisses him, “That’s…that’s /my/ baby.”
Anna: “I know, I’m sorry.” She whispered, and then sighed when she heard him crying. The women wasn’t sure what that feeling of replacement felt like, especially since he was a parent but Anna just took a breath. Wrapping herself around him, it was now finally Anna’s turn to wipe his eyes and she held his face in both her hands. Pressing her forehead against his, Anna kissed him deeply “I know” She whispered, and then kissed him once more “And Dusty will /always/ be /your/ baby.”
Adam: He doesn’t say anything. He just swallows and he swallows hard, trying to gather his thoughts the best that he can. The tears are still steadily falling down his face as she wipes them from his cheeks, and he shakes his head as he kisses her back. “…I…I can’t help it, Anna. I can’t…she told me that she’s kept them separate as long as she could and that’s…that’s bullshit. We were dating three months until you met her, I was doing fine keeping things separate. She’s just…she’s not being considerate, as much as she’s saying she is. She’s not.”
Anna: Kissing him back once more, Anna continued to press her forehead against his softly and nodded “I know baby, I know.” She whispered, and then looked at him. Not knowing what to say, Anna just wrapped her arms around Adam’s neck and swallowed hard. Taking a breath, she sighed “Chace isn’t going to take Dusty away from you.” Anna whispered, and leaned in to kiss him
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defineyourlimits · 6 years ago
August 15, 2019
In a text to Sarah:
Hi sorry it’s so late i just remembered that I never told you the Koby update. I think the last time I talked to you about it was before he had asked me on a date. So not last Saturday but the Saturday before I was at home and we were texting and he asked me on a date for the following Wednesday so of course I said yes. When I got back into town on Monday he came over and everyone was hanging out then slowly people left and everyone went to bed so it was just him and I in the living room.
We put on a movie and we start flirting and stuff back and forth and he ends up kissing me and stuff so we like cuddle and make out for the rest of the movie. He stays until 3:30 so I finally end up going to bed at like 4:30 ish because I’m just flipping out over us kissing. I wake up pretty early the next day so I had like 5ish hours of sleep. Then Tuesday all the girls were hanging and I stay up late and wake up early again. So I have another night of 5 hours then it’s Wednesday so it’s date night. I get dressed and nervous and what not and we have a cute date. He took me to this Chinese place he loves then we came back home and hung out. We went to Walmart with Magen and Carrie Grace for awhile. Everyone goes to bed so we go to my room and we make out and talk until 3:30 again. The issue is, I have to wake up at 5 because we’re going to 6 flags.
It wasnt an entire issue though because honestly I would have let him stay until 5. So I have one hour of sleep and get ready and go to six flags. We talk through out the day and then I invite him over after we get back. I hop in the shower and I just randomly get this overwhelming feeling that he is going to end things with me and that he doesn’t really like me that much. I tell Magen and she like calms me down and what not. So we’re all hanging out and he’s not acting any differently or anything but I’m still low key freaking out that he’s gonna end things. We watch disjointed and this scene comes on where this dude tries weed for the first time. He has issues with depression and ptsd so they show this like cartoon depiction of the weed like going into his body and brain but it ends with these like unsettling images and it just took me directly back to the night I was high at Anna’s and realized what had happened with Colton. So I try to shake that off and what not. After that episode ends, Magen goes to bed so Koby and I go to my room. After a few minutes we start making out and I start feeling panicky because I’m thinking about Colton and Koby and I are kissing and he’s touching me. I get to where like I almost can’t breathe so I get off of him and sit at the foot of my bed as far from him as I can and try to catch my breath. I try to like play it off but he can tell that I’m freaking out so he’s like asking what’s wrong.
I tell him nothing so he was like well come here and cuddle me so I do. And he’s like are you sure nothings wrong, and I say yes but he said that I hesitated. So I tell him like, look koby, it’s a really big thing like it’s a big deal. I’m just trying to like not tell him what happened. But he wants to know so I literally say “so we were watching disjointed and they were showing that guy getting high then having the like PTSD episode and it took me back to when I was high at Anna’s a few months ago and realized that back in November I had gone to rounders and gotten drugged and you can assume what happened from there.” I just really didn’t want to say the word to him. He like paused for a second then asked if he could hug me and I said yes.
He basically said that he was sorry that it had happened to me and that he had friends who had gone through similar situations and that he never wanted to make me feel uncomfortable and what not. And he had said that to me before that night had happened too. We keep talking and stuff for awhile and he mentions that he didn’t want to rush anything and make stuff official because he wanted to take things slow and do it right because he didn’t want to fuck things up. He stayed until 3 again (I’m really trying to emphasize the lack of sleep I got) and I had to wake up at 8 to go back to winfield because my dad and I were suppose to go to South Carolina to go white water rafting.
I lock the door behind him and I can’t even make it to my room before I start crying. I like go to my room and ball my eyes out for almost an hour before my exhaustion kicks in and I fall asleep. So I sleep for like 4 hours, wake up, pack my shit, and drive home. I stop at Jacks and get a biscuit and coffee. And I love Jack’s breakfast like normally I down my biscuit within 5 minutes of getting it not even exaggerating. But I’m so sick over what happened the night before that I’m shaking the whole drive and I don’t even touch my biscuit until I’m out of Tuscaloosa. And even then I only ate half of it. I cry the whole way home because I’m freaking out because that’s the first time that I’ve been in a situation where I had I guess like a flash back almost to Colton. Because we were even in a position that Colton and I were in when I freaked out so that didn’t help.
And I was freaking out that Koby was gonna end things and think I’m dumb or weird or crazy or lying or something idk but it scared me because I really like him and I’m just really afraid of being alone because I hate it and I felt like I ruined my chances with being with him because of my freak out and Even though I knew deep down that I was glad he said he wanted to take things slow and not make anything official I was also afraid that he had said that because he basically already had one foot out the door. So by the time I make it home I had made myself so sick that I had to throw my car in park and swing my door open and I dry heaved twice into my front lawn. Nothing came out but I felt so upset and sick. I was at home for an hour before I was suppose to have lunch with my parents. I calm myself down then go to where we’re having lunch. I get my food and I’m still so sick that I don’t even pick up my silverware. I tell my parents that I ate breakfast late and that I will eat my food later.
I was texting Magen and Carrie Grace the whole morning about everything that had happened. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t text you. I think I was just so overwhelmed and you weren’t here so I didn’t even think about it. Well I’m sitting in the restaurant and I get a text from Magen and I’m reading it and feel myself start to get overwhelmed again so I tell my parents I’m going to the bathroom. Well someone is in there so I stand outside trying to calm myself down but I start crying so I walk outside of the restaurant and sit on a bench outside. I try to stop crying but I can’t so I just try to stay quiet. I finally call my mom and tell her to bring my keys and meet me at my car. We sit in the parking lot and I explained to her what happened. My dad and brother ended up heading back home while we were talking. She like comforted me and told me I should talk to my counselor soon. She tells me that if I don’t feel like going on the trip that dad would understand. I tell her that I don’t think I will go.
I drive her back to work then cry the rest of the way home. I get back and hug my dad and tell him that I don’t feel like going. I go to my room and sleep for 5 hours. I get up and go tell me dad everything that happened. My mom gets back home so we eat dinner then I go back to my room. Im messaging Koby and he asks if we had made it to South Carolina and I told him that we weren’t going because I wasn’t feeling well. He asked what not feeling well meant. I basically said that I was freaking out over what had happened last night and that I hadn’t talked to him much about it but that he was the first guy I’ve talked to since I realized what happened and that everyday is like a process for me and that I know this is a lot and that he didn’t ask for any of this and that if he wanted to go back to being friends that we could and it wouldn’t change anything between us. I also said that he didn’t do anything to make me uncomfortable, this is just kinda my life now.
And he just like straight up said that he like me for me and that nothing I said had changed his mind about anything. He said that he was an open book with me and that he wanted me to be one with him. He said that he wanted to go through this process with me but if that I felt like I could only handle a friendship that he would be willing to do that. I told him that I really liked the pace that we were going at now and that I would be as open as possible with him and that if he had any questions I would be willing to answer them. So that eased a lot of my anxieties and stuff and since I’ve been back everything has been so natural and wonderful with him.
I’ve gotten to see him at least for a little bit everyday and like nothing has made me happier. We haven’t really had the chance to talk about it in person because he has band camp all week but I assume we will soon. I just feel really lucky that I’m going through this with him and I really like being with him. He makes me feel so comfortable and he and I have been friends since last summer so we know a good bit about each other and I feel like our personalities click so well together. I literally can’t say enough about how happy I am that we’re together (even if we aren’t official yet).
0 notes
thepositivescientist · 8 years ago
Serif’s Charm Part 3
[1] [2] [3]
In which Sans goes crazy and Serif makes a fool of herself.
@aglitchandagrump @hiddeninshxdows
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 9:17 PM
Eliot sits up with a yawn. he gets up tucking in Serif and stands deciding to sit at the edge of the pool staring at the water, glad his dream wasnt as bad as her last one
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 9:52 PM
Sans stirs a bit, groaning a bit in protest to himself as DT began to yell at him to wake up. With a small growl he opened his eyes, spotting Serif once again and becoming a flustered mess. Except.. he couldn't get away from Serif's snuggling.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 9:55 PM
Eliot was deep in thought, kinda humming to himself, not even noticing that charm just woke up from his slumber
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 10:01 PM
Serif snuggled closer to Sans in her sleep. She was really comfy here and didn't seem ready to wake up yet.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 10:02 PM
Sans had to fight back a small whine of embarrassment... Or maybe happiness? He didn't know but DT began chanting an annoying song and he wanted it to stop before he appeared and he looked crazy.  "It's too early for this.." he mumbled to the voice who responded immaturely with a raspberry.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 10:14 PM
Serif stirred a little when he talked, her hold on him loosened as she stretched lazily and resettled. She made a sleepy little whine that sounded almost like a squeak as she did so.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 10:16 PM
He melted a bit at the cute noise, looking over at her a little. She was so cute! This apparently caught DT off guard, angering him, and he yelled to get Sans' attention. This caused him to jump a bit, letting out a small yelp and quickly freezing as to hope he didn't wake Serif up.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 10:23 PM
Serif shifted again at the noise and sudden movement, making another little whine that sounded more annoyed. Her hand closed around some of the fabric of Sans' jacket. After a moment she sighed and reluctantly opened her eyes. She tilted her head that was still resting on his chest to stare blankly at Sans as she actually woke up. "heya...."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 10:26 PM
He was flushed bright blue. "U-Uh, h-hey! Morning! S-S-Sorry to wake you up!" Haha! You woke up you're girlfriend! He bit back a growl at DT's teasing, his nervous smile falling briefly for a look of annoyance as he barely whispered angrily. "Shut the fuck up you twat!"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 10:31 PM
Serif squinted in confusion. Did she really hear that last part? Probably not, she was just still dreaming or something. "uh....it's fine. probably time for me to wake up anyway....did you sleep well?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 10:36 PM
"Uh.. Yeah!" Oh thank god she hadn't heard it. Ooo, risky move~ He forced back a growl, his smile only faltering a bit.  "How 'bout you?"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 10:41 PM
She nodded sleepily, still resting her head on him. "mmhmm! you make a good pillow." She was half tempted to just fall back asleep again. "soooooo....how long have you been awake?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 10:46 PM
"Not all that long!" He beamed at her, grateful DT didn't make any snarky remark. "I can't believe I fell asleep again -- right after coffee too!" He chuckled a bit.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 10:49 PM
She laughed. "it was pretty funny! maybe i just bore you to sleep! or you just really want to sleep with me~" She added a lazy wink for effect.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 10:51 PM
His blush just got brighter. "Wh-What?" Looks like someone's got you figured out, Cripple~ "No! I don't like her like that!" He said a bit too loudly, his blush just getting brighter. Fuck.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 10:56 PM
Serif stared in confusion. "uhhh...did i fluster you so much you forgot how to use words?" She wasn't sure what to make of that....Well actually she did have one idea. If she didn't her face wouldn't be turning blue at the moment.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 11:00 PM
"Y-yes! Uh- Yeah. U-uhm, j-just don't know what I was s-saying." He laughed nervously, silently scolding DT that was currently laughing hysterically. "N-No idea.."
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
"y-yeah uh...." Gosh she was losing her words. "um....wanna go get some coffee? or something. oh uh...and i guess i should change..." She forgot that she was still in her swimsuit and was suddenly very embarrassed about that. Sure it wasn't a bikini but still.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 11:13 PM
Sans suddenly realized she was in a bathing suit and got even bluer. Oo, nice score, buddy. "Shut up." He muttered again, not processing a lot of this. "B-But u-uh, y-yea! sure! uhm, I-I-I'm up for s-some coffee! P-Promise I won't fall a-a-asleep this time!"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 11:24 PM
She was getting mixed signals now with his weird muttering. She was fairly sure she didn't imagine that...Oh well. "okay then." She rolled over and stood up, grabbing Elly's blanket at the same time and wrapping it around her so by the time she was on her feet it was around her waist like a skirt. "be back in a minute." and with that she hurried off to change.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 11:25 PM
Who knew Eliot could be so deep in thought, or is he sleeping? its hard to tell, though he is nodding off a little too close to the pool's edge
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 11:27 PM
He sat up, rubbing his skull as a familiar entity popped up in the neighboring chair. He growled, not even glancing over at DT. "If I could kill you, I would." Haha, no you wouldn't. You know I would be killing you. Not the other way around. "Fuck. You." *Hey, I'm not the one with the crush. "I don't have a crush!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 11:31 PM
Charm's talking disrupted Eliots train of thought, He turns around only slightly annoyed  [if your gonna argue with your imaginary friend, please whisper, im kinda in deep thought]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 11:33 PM
They both looked at him in shock, Sans' blush reappearing. "Fuck.." Told you were crazy. "Yeah I fucking know that." He was whispering now, as requested. DT, not so much, yelled at full volume. Sans was the only one who could hear it though. How does it feel, Cripple? Enjoying my company? "Why don't you go bother Gaster or something?" He ain't fun. You respond with more then just glares. To that, Sans responds with a glare.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Eliot breaths in glad he's much quieter, he turns back to the pool relaxing once again, he really needed to relax anyway since he's still a little stressed out from his dream that was once again trying to make him believe things he didnt wanna hear "~xaler ot woN" he started humming to himself to calm his mind
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 11:40 PM
Serif returned in a few minutes, glad to be back in her normal outfit. She set the blanket near Eliot before turning back to Sans. "ready?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
he grabbed the blanket thining it out and hooking it back onto the skull decoration, he missed his ribbon thing thats always around him
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 11:41 PM
He turned away from DT, his smile returning. "Yeah!" He said, accidentally a bit loudly. Yay! Date time! Without thinking he turns back to DT and growls. "Not. With. You."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 11:45 PM
Eliot rubs the sides of his foreheads repeating in his mind 'there is no one here but me, there it only silence'
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 11:46 PM
Serif cocked her head in confusion. "uhhh....sans, you alright?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 11:47 PM
He realized what he just did and turned away from DT's smug face to look back at Serif with a bright blue face. "U-Uh, yep! J-Just thought I h-heard something." You bet you heard something.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 11:49 PM
"well...okay then." That was really odd. She tried to shrug it off. "hey eliot, we're gonna go get coffee, be back soon. oh, and you want anything?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 11:50 PM
he turns to them and thinks "....food" he smiles a little not particualty realizing that he's making nearby shadows a little sharp from stress
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 11:53 PM
Dude, that dude is making some weird things happen with those shadows. Sans noticed them, but decided not to speak out on them. "Got it." He muttered, beginning to walk off with DT following.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 11:54 PM
Serif knew she should probably comment on the shadows....but it probably wasn't a big deal. and Sans was already walking off. "o-okay then. be back in a bit." She trotted to catch up with Sans.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 11:56 PM
Sans walked in, accompanied by DT and Serif 
Serif [SecondQuill]-Today at 12:02 AM
Serif trotted in with Sans, she'd expected to go to the indoor bar but this was better anyway. It was out in the open where she could see the sky. She stretched her arms and took a deep breath of fresh air. She thought she'd never get sick of being on the surface.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Today at 12:04 AM
"So what so you want?" I certainly know what you want, Cripple. A barely taller glass of smoking hot- He was cut off as Sans suddenly stomped his foot to the side, directly on DT's foot. His smile never faltered.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Today at 12:12 AM
"just a coffee is fine!" She thought for a moment. "and if they have any sugar free cookies that'd be nice too! gosh i wish i could eat sweets more. heh, actually, it was here, on my island of course, that i realized how bad of a sugar problem i have. hawke got me some icecream and uh....i kinda ended up running the whole length of the beach in under a minute?" That was actually one of the less embarrassing things she did. She wondered if Times had the same thing happen to him...
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Today at 12:18 AM
He couldn't help but laugh a bit. "I'll see what I can find!" He walked behind the bar, searching. Meanwhile, DT was sitting on stool, rubbing his foot. He decided to "talk" to Serif. Y'know, toots, Cripple really enjoys sugar! He'll take all the sugar from ya. "Hey Serif, how about you have a seat there?" he suggested, gesturing to the one DT was sitting in.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Today at 12:22 AM
"sure!" She trotted over and flopped in the seat. Completely oblivious to DT. "so uh, what's your favorite place on the island? besides the hot springs of course~"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Today at 12:25 AM
DT was pushed off, landing on the ground with discontent. He grumbled as he got up and sat on the next still over.  Asshole. "Stop talking about yourself like that, it's not good for self-esteem." he mumbled, hopefully not audible to Serif. He turned back, sliding her a mug before turning to look for cookies. "Uh.. I don't know. There was a carnival and that was pretty great, but I don't think I've explored all that much."
Serif [SecondQuill]-Today at 12:31 AM
She thought she heard him mutter something but couldn't make it out. She shrugged it off and gladly took the mug. "there was a carnival here too? me and charmy went there in my world. it uh....didn't end exactly the best...but it was fun! too bad they don't have the carnival here the whole time." She sipped at her coffee happily. "i really like the gardens, but that was probably obvious."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Today at 12:35 AM
"Yeah... The food was really good." Unfortunately you never got to taste what you really wanted. Sans walked over, his own mug in hand. He leaned over the counter, tilting the freshly brewed coffee over the rim to fall onto the stool. DT hissed in pain, wiping off the liquid. Sans, once again kept his smile up. "It probably helps that you read so much about it. If I could read then maybe I could have more of a passion for something like that." he sipped at his coffee, not noticing his slip. DT did though, smirking a bit.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Today at 12:41 AM
Serif was looking at the stool that Sans had just seemingly poured coffee on for no reason. She would have said it was an accident but it really didn't look like it. "uh....yeah...maybe when you learn more about it then you'll...be more interested...?" She kept looking from the stool to Sans for some sort of explanation.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Today at 12:44 AM
DT huffed a bit that Serif didn't notice, letting his chin fall onto the bar. Sans just kept smiling at Serif as if everything was normal. "Definitely. I have a feeling you'll help a ton with that."
Serif [SecondQuill]-Today at 12:48 AM
"um..y-yeah! i'm sure that will be great! i have lots of books to pick from too!" She kept looking at the stool wondering why he did that. Maybe she should just ask. "so uh...is there a reason you dumped coffee on that stool? because there are better ways of getting a hot ass."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Today at 12:51 AM
He laughed a bit at her joke, even DT snickering a bit, getting a bit blue. "Nah, that was just an accident." Accident my apparently hot ass. Sans once again poured coffee out of his cup, this time right onto the bar and onto DT's skull. He growled. Same thing twice, huh? and begun wiping away at it. Sans, at a delayed reaction looked down at the spot where coffee was. "That... That was an accident too."
Serif [SecondQuill]-Today at 12:57 AM
Serif laughed, assuming that it was a joke of some sort. "looks like you need to put a lid on those accidents." She pointed to a coffee mug with a lid on it. "unless you wanna spill the truth and tell me why ya really did that." Her tone was joking, she didn't think there was anything else to it. At most she guessed he did it to make her laugh.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Today at 12:59 AM
He laughed a bit nervously at her second joke, thinking she knew something was up. Yeah, tell her the truth, Cripple. "Actually, I think I might skip out on coffee today." He proceeded to throw the rest of the contents into the air and all over DT who actually fell out of the chair.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Today at 1:02 AM
Serif just laughed all the harder, actually snorting from how hard she was laughing.  "o-oh my gosh s-sans! y-you could at least pour it on a plant or something!" She was trying and failing to stop laughing.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
Sans couldn't help but smile at her laughter, unable to stop little heart's forming as his eye lights. "I think the ground enjoyed it more."
Serif [SecondQuill]
Serif finally managed to calm down, embarrassed at her outburst. She tried to take a drink of her own drink but the image of Sans throwing his coffee made her laugh again and she accidentally did a spit take on him and fell off her seat laughing. How graceful.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He was taken off guard by the coffee, standing there with a "wtf" face as DT burst into laughter as well. How does it feel Cripple? Not so nice, huh! He slumped a bit, glaring at DT before grabbing some napkins and drying himself off.
Serif [SecondQuill]
Serif was flopped on the ground failing to stop her laughter. She grabbed onto the counter and half dragged herself up, resting her head on it. The sight of Sans just made her laugh more. Her face bright blue. "a-are y-you o-okay?!"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He smiled a bit at her. "I'm fine." he chuckled, wiping at his shirt. "Probably deserved it anyway." Yeah ya did.
Serif [SecondQuill]
"d-deserved it? w-PFFTTT- wh-why? y-you're a-already h-hot enough!"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He got blue at that sinking into his coffee stained jacket. "I-I don't know about that.." If you're hot then I am literally on fire.
Serif [SecondQuill]
She took a few deep breaths to calm her laughter to giggles. "o-oh gosh! i stained your jacket!  uh i might be able to get that out later." She pulled herself back on her seat, her giggles dying down as she started to feel sheepish. "s-so..w-what were we even talking about? i forgot. h-hah..."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
"Its fine, don't worry." he reassured, leaning against the bar again towards her with a soft smile. DT seemed to be getting either bored or tired but was slowly fading away, much to Sans' pleasure. "I don't even know."
Serif [SecondQuill]
Her mood lightened a bit when he didn't seem mad. "uh....was it....books? yeah. books. a-and reading! excited for that!...so uh....what's some things you like to do?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
"Well.. I like to cook and make music." he starts out. "That's about the extent of my normal life outside the multiverse." he chuckles, DT all the way gone.
Serif [SecondQuill]
"oh! i like to cook too! although my skill is about as good as times'  sooo...yeah. i'm lucky if i don't burn the house down." She laughed awkwardly. "uh, maybe you could teach me! i read to you and you teach me to cook!"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He smiles brightly at the idea. "I would love to teach you! We would just stay away from sugar stuffs." He gave a friendly little wink.
Serif [SecondQuill]
Serif beamed, chuckling a bit at the wink. "yeaaah no sugar for me. unless you want a crazy swap bouncing around." She thought about taking a drink of what coffee was left in her mug but she didn't trust herself not to laugh. "you mentioned music? i didn't know you made music! what instruments do you play?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He chuckled a bit, about to comment on that when she mentioned music. No one usually asked about that. "O-oh, I play guitar, piano, and drums but I mostly sing."
Serif [SecondQuill]
Serif's eyelight sparkled. " wowie! you're like a whole band! i bet you're a wonderful singer! especially since you're charmy's alternate. i wish i could sing. charmy tried to help once but uh...it never really went anywhere. at least i don't need a good voice to play piano and violin. oh! do you have a favorite type of music?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He kinda took a moment to stare at her, his face melting again into one of awe and love. He was too far gone. "I guess I like anything that has a meaning. Anything that can move a crowd to tears, motivate someone not to give up hope, just telling a story is enough for me." he told her, his eye lights taking the shape of little hearts. "I would love to perform with you some time, if you'd like."
Serif [SecondQuill]
His words sounded wonderful! Like a poet! She loved songs with meaning. Things that had emotion were just perfect- She paused in her thought process as she noticed the shape of his eyelights...were those? Hearts? Oh shoot did she somehow charm the charming prince? Times was going to be furious- oh wait. Duh. He was probably just really passionate for music! Hah. Yep. "thats exactly what i love in music! and i'd be more than happy to preform with you sometime! we could have our own little two person band!"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
His smile never left, his posture sinking more and more as he leaned on the bar, simply finding joy in listening to her speak. It took him a moment to realize she had stopped. "That sounds awesome! We will have to fit it in between all the other plans we're making." he chuckled, a little blue blush appearing. He didn't know what he was feeling but he wasn't complaining.
Serif [SecondQuill]
Serif laughed. "think we're planning more than we can handle! that's okay though! we'll just have to split it up into more get togethers!" She decided to try drinking her coffee again, managing to finish it off without laughing. "have you listened to much human music? i'm not sure how it is in your world but it can be a little hard to come by in mine. most of the time i get lucky and find something in the dump. like mcr stuff! don't know why anyone would throw that out though."(edited)
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
"I'm up for seeing ya more." he smiled, "I have heard some human music -- Arial is good at finding it. She gave me a sound track to a musical about American history recently and from what I've listened to it's badass."
Serif [SecondQuill]
"oh! my arial gave me a dvd for a recording of that! she told me to watch it with charmy and i keep meaning to ask her but of course something always gets in the way. i bet times has a dvd of it too! you might ask to watch it with him. it sounds like it will be awesome!" She half looked over the counter. "oh yeah, did you manage to find any cookies?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He would have to keep that in mind. Arial did say something like that to him about it. He stood a bit taller when she mentioned the cookies. "Oh right! Sorry, I forgot." He chuckled nervously before quickly turning away to try and find them. After a few minutes, and a few taste tests, he was able to find the sugar free ones. He made a small platter of different kinds, spinning as he set it done in front of her with some flair. "There we are!"
Serif [SecondQuill]
Serif waited patiently, just kicking her legs softly and looking around at the area. She switched her attention back to Sans as he spun. Her smile just growing at how dramatic it was. "thank you, oh master cookie finder!" She bowed her head in gratitude. She gladly took a cookie and shoved the whole thing in her mouth. “gosh i love sweet things! maybe thats why i like you so much~” Her words might have a little more effect if she wasn’t talking with her mouth full.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He smiled brighter at her, grabbing a cookie himself to munch on while he returned to his slouched position. His blush returned, a wide bright blue line visible across his face. It didn't seem to matter if her mouth was full or not. He looked over to the side, trying to keep his blush under control as he chuckled nervously. He glanced over at her and all that seemed to do was make it worse.
Serif [SecondQuill]
She had to resist laughing as to not choke on her cookie. Gosh he flustered easily! Even more than Charmy it seemed. "ya got a fever or somethin? your face is looking pretty blue~ or did i just burn you with that coffee?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He chuckled again, rubbing the back of his skull as he still avoided Serif's gaze. "N-nah. You should know I don't handle that type of stuff good." Especially not with her. When it came from her.. It was different. He just felt his soul get tighter and his ribcage twist... In a good way.
Serif [SecondQuill]
She'd half expected some sort of witty comeback. Must have really flustered him. "yeah, sorry about that. you probably get flustered enough by your 'brave knight.'" She picked up another cookie and shoved it in her mouth. "so how's times doing anyway? haven't seen him since...uh..." They filed divorce papers after the night they got drunk and ended up married somehow. "haven't seen him in a while."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He finally mustered the courage to look at her again, his blush staying control at the change of topic. "He's good." He said simply. "It's been a bit since I've last seen him too.. But that'll change soon. I'm gonna need his help with something. I can say hi for you if you want."
Serif [SecondQuill]
She laughed nervously and shoved another cookie in her mouth. "uhhh best not. we don't get along very well. he's gonna be pissed as is that i've been talking to you. plus after recent events between us- um...." Her face turned bright blue remembering their stupid antics. "i'm pretty sure h-he's trying to avoid me."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He can't help but smile a bit, leaning on the counter a bit more towards her. "Well, now I'm curious. What happened?"
Serif [SecondQuill]
Her blush got even worse and she tugged her bandanna half up her face. "n-nothing! j-just s-swaps being swaps! HAHAHAHA...."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He couldn't help but smile a bit wider, mischief crawling into it and into his voice. "Aw, come on. It can't be that bad."
Serif [SecondQuill]
"w-well considering that w-we c-crashed a car, left seb to die, almost g-got arrested, and jumped in a river, i'd say it was that bad." She shoved another cookie in her mouth. "andmeandtimessortagotmarried." She hoped he couldn't understand that last part.(edited)
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
Any other person would laugh at that. Any other would find that oddly frustrating. His blush grew and his smile fell. "O-oh."
Serif [SecondQuill]
"y-yeah...." She coughed awkwardly. "it was a pretty wild night. a-anyway, things are pretty much fixed! seb is fine, albeit furious with us. we found the person who owned the car and paid them back. and uh....me and times got things worked out. kinda. it's still really awkward but hey, we were drunk off our asses so at least we have an excuse." She sunk into her bandanna. "I guess it was our fault we ended up drunk in the first place though..."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He would have to lecture Swap later. He shrinks a bit himself, deciding to try and quickly change the subject. "U-uh- who's Seb?"
Serif [SecondQuill]
"s-seb is another a-alternate of ours. we thought he was j-just a normal one b-but it turns out he's half human! isn't that weird? n-not in a bad way! just, i never thought that possible." She tugged at her gloves. "we kinda found that out a-after he got shot. it's a little hard to h-hide when he w-was bleeding so much...." She still felt bad about that. Especially because in her drunken state she'd said some pretty nasty things about him. And then left him to die.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
"Geez." He fell silent as he thought about that. A half-human alternate of Swap? That held many questions. But he was curious. Maybe he could help that guy out -- if only being there as an understanding supporter. "Maybe I can meet him one day." He couldn't help but smile a bit. "I could probably help him out if he needed it."
Serif [SecondQuill]
"he's actually been wanting to meet you for quite a while! ever since times started talking about you at the meetings. i think you'd get along great! and uh...maybe you could throw in a good word or two for me?"  She tugged at her gloves. "i said some pretty nasty things to him and he hasn't even let me apologize...i d-didn't mean them! i just...i dunno, i was drunk and panicking and..." She sunk more into her bandanna. "he didn't deserve to be called such things. or to be left behind. heck, he coulda died there. more likely than not."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
His gaze wonders off. "Yeah, I know that feeling." He muttered. Seems like they could get along better then he originally thought. He managed to look back to her and give a reassuring smile. "I'll try!"
Serif [SecondQuill]
She managed a smile. "thanks sans, you're the best!" If he wasn't on the other side of the counter she'd hug him. She thought for a moment. "not sure you'd get along with many of the other swaps. red is more of an asshole than me and times and he's doesn't have a charm. you might get along with clover and fluffle but you better be prepared to hear absolutely EVERYTHING about their families. they are huge talkers. whisper doesn't talk much, he didn't even make his own nickname, we picked it out for him. lavender if nice, but you have to deal with the wrenne side as well as the swap side. sparky is nice but he's always so nervous and he never talks about his world. and tiny is an asshat, we all hate him. but who doesn't hate their younger selves?" She realized that probably everything she said didn't make sense. "oh gosh! sorry about that! i rambled again didn't i? hah...there are a lot of us if you couldn't tell."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He listened with interest -- they all sounded better than his alternates. Far less scary, at least. He kept smiling at Serif, it falling from reassurance to a lovestruck grin once again. Her rambling was so cute. "It's fine." He chuckled. "They all sound so interesting. I'd love to meet them, really."
Serif [SecondQuill]
"maybe you could come to a meeting sometime! next meeting is actually coming up pretty soon. although i should probably clear it with the others first. I'm sure they'd love to have you though!" She took another cookie. "just be warned, they are clingy as heck and you'll probably be bombarded with hugs."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He couldn't help but laugh at that. "For some reason that doesn't surprise me in the least." he took another cookie himself, breaking one in half and munch on it. "But I'd think it would be interesting to see ten other Swaps in one room."
Serif [SecondQuill]
"heh, interesting is one way to put it. more chaotic to be honest. if it wasn't for lavender  we'd never get anything done. i don't know who's 'smart' idea it was to cram a buncha alternates that hate eachother in a room and try to get them to talk to eachother, but eh. i mean some good comes of it, like getting to meet you."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
His blush returns and his smile grows a bit more, his little eye lights forming hearts again, little to his knowledge. "Well, from the sounds of it if Wrenne is apart of him somehow that makes a lot of sense."
Serif [SecondQuill]
"oh yeah! i forgot to explain that. apparently somehow wrenne died? and so her swap absorbed her soul so they are this sorta fusion. he doesn't look much different except his eyelights are the color of wrenne's soul, lavender! and he got a little taller. wrenne can take control to talk through him and she tends to do it a lot. i feel bad for the guy, he can't do anything by himself anymore. i mean, sure he's with someone he cares about but i wouldn't want to be fused with my mom, er, dad i guess." Oh shoot she was talking too much again wasn't she? "a-anyway they are like the leader of the group." She shoved another cookie in her mouth to 'hide' her embaressment.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He shudders a bit at the thought of absorbing a human soul. But he still couldn't help but smile at her rambling. "Poor guy. Having someone in your head is... well, it can be suffocating." He knows from experience.  "But at least they can keep everyone under control."
Serif [SecondQuill]
His wording seemed odd. It wasn't like he'd had to deal with that personally had he? "yeah, i can hardly deal with myself. having to deal with someone else in my head? i think i'd go crazy! lav seems to be doing okay though. a bit on the secretive side but he can't really keep many secrets to himself anymore. i don't know why but we swaps just like keeping secrets. even from ourselves. been told i'm more open then the others though. times teased me saying it's because i'm a 'chatty girl.' i swear, we got along much better when he thought i was a guy....i do talk too much though..."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
"I don't mind." He told her, smiling brightly at her with the returning heart eye lights. "I think your rambling is rather, uhm.." He caught himself, growing a bit blue. "Uhm.., uh," Shit. What could he say? Maybe just take a leap of faith? Yeah. Screw it. "Cute?" He tried, his voice raising a bit.
Serif [SecondQuill]
Serif stared at him for a long moment as things finally clicked. The heart eyelights, the dreamy smiles, the blushing. Her face turned bright blue and little sparks of magic zapped around her. "o-oh." She sunk more into her bandanna. She felt a mesh of feelings. Like the light feeling of drinking alcohol and the energy of a sugar rush all at once. "i-i u-uhhhhhhhhh i-i'm-" She just sorta tilted off her chair and flopped on the floor ungracefully. This was bad! No wait, it was good? No it was bad! Really bad! Right? She made a high pitched sound that sounded like a mix between a muffled scream and a squee.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
Oh no. That wasn't good. "Serif?" He leaned onto the counter more, almost climbing on it as he looked down at her. Crap. He broke her. He fell down from the counter, going around to look down at her with a worried and apologetic expression. "S-Sorry. I wasn't expecting you to shut down on me."
Serif [SecondQuill]
Serif just got more flustered when he came over, stuttering the starts of a billion sentences that never went anywhere. Did he actually like her?! HER?  Blue sparks buzzed around as she looked up at him. She took a deep breath to calm herself but it wasn't really helping. What was she even suppose to say? "I-I'M FINE!" She shouted at full volume, her eyelights flipping shapes. Okay okay calm down and think....HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSE TO THINK? THIS GUY LIKE LIKED HER! HOLY SHIT- TIMES WAS GOING TO BE SO MAD AND SHE WASN'T EVEN SURE SHE CARED WHAT HE THOUGHT BECAUSE FUCK THE CHARMING PRINCE LIKED HER. BUT SHE DIDN'T LIKE ALTERNATES LIKE THAT, RIGHT? She had no idea to be honest.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He took a step back, a few bits of dust flaking off as his worry for her grew. He really messed up hadn't he. Great. Just great. His hands fiddled with each other, his eyes darting everywhere. He didn't know what to do so he just stood there awkwardly. He didn't even know what he was feeling or what he was supposed to make of this reaction. He just mumbled another apology, staring down at the ground and his shuffling feet.
Serif [SecondQuill]
Oh shoot was he upset? She didn't mean to upset him! She awkwardly flopped back to her feet and gave him a rather stiff hug. "IT'S P-PEREFECTLY F-FINE! HAHAHAHA! U-UH Y-YOU'RE G-GREAT!"  Fuck that sounded really stupid. "J-JUST SWELL!" She was making it worse. "G-GRAND-" Her voice was getting higher and higher with every word she said. She pretended to be looking at her watch not that it mattered because he couldn't see what she was doing from that angle. "OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME I TOTALLY FORGOT I HAD TRAINING I BETTER GO BEFORE ALPHYS GETS MAD AT ME HAVEANICEDAYTHANKYOUFORTHECOOKIESSEEYOULATER!" She bolted at sonic speed through a portal back to her world, before it closed a surprised yelp and a splash could be heard. Probably should have been more careful about portal placement.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]
He wasn't expecting the hug, and when she did she trapped his arms. Her words were off and he didn't know what to make of them. Eventually when she left he was left standing there, staring at where the portal had been before he more or less just slumped. Mentally and physically. He ran a hand down his face. "Sans you fucking idiot." he sighed, walking over to the stool and laying his head on the counter. He didn't understand anything of what just happened, nor how he felt, but he could tell he really messed up. Just great.
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fanfic-factory · 8 years ago
Love at First Sight (Chapter 38)
4 years later p.o.v Rachel its finally down to the day before mine and Rocky's wedding.i am totally excited but totally nervous at the same time. it would make sense because this most likely happens to pretty much everyone the day before they get married. so tonight is the rehearsal dinner and Rydel and Keara are helping me pick out the perfect outfit. we went through my closet for like 20 minutes but couldn't find anything good enough to wear so at about 11:00 we decided to go to a few dress stores to see if we could find something there. after a good few hours of looking around we found the perfect dress! finally a about 2:30 we found the perfect dress for me to wear! the dress we had decided on was a really pretty baby blue strapless dress that goes almost all the way down to the floor. "its perfect!" i said looking at myself in the mirror. as Rydel and Keara looked at me in the dress both their jaws dropped at the same time. "oh my god you look amazing!!!!!!!!" Rydel said while completely in awe. "you absolutely have to get that dress!!!!!!!!!" keara added. "well it looks like ill be getting this one" i said. with that we paid for the dress and headed back to my house so we could get ready for the rehearsal dinner. p.o.v Keara After Rachel, Rydel ,and i finished finding the perfect dress for Rachel to wear at her rehearsal dinner the three of us headed back to Rachel's house so we could all get ready for tonight. we got back to Rachel's house and Rocky wasnt there. if you haven't already guessed, they bought an apartment together last summer. the time went by really fast and then the next thing you know we only had one hour left until the rehearsal dinner and its going to take about 15 minutes to get there. since we didnt have much time left until we had to leave i figured i would do Rachel and Rocky a favour by picking up Rebecca from Rachel's parents house. "hey guys ill be back soon i just thought since you two are busy that id do you a favour and pick up Rebecca from your parent's house so we can get her ready for the rehearsal dinner. With that I left to go pick up Rebecca. I pulled up to Rachel's parent's house I went up to the door and before I could even knock or anything Rebecca burst through the door and hugged me. "AUNTIE KEARA!!!!!" She practically yelled in her little four year old voice. God four year olds are so cute! "Hey Rebecca! Wanna go see mommy?" I asked her "yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!" She responded very excitedly. "Say bye to your granny and poppa" I told her. "She ran up to them and gave each of them a big hug and said "bye granny, bye poppa, see you later!" with that I Rebecca and I got in the car and I did up her seat belt and we headed back to Rachel and Rocky's apartment. P.o.v Rebecca After auntie Keara and me got back to the apartment we went inside. I thought it was just gonna be me auntie Keara and mommy but when we got in the house I saw auntie Rydel getting ready with mommy. "AUNTIE RYDEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled while running towards Rydel. "No hugs for me?" My mommy asked. After I heard her say that I let go of Auntie Rydel and Ran to mommy. "MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled "you look pretty mommy!" "Thank you sweety" mommy said to me. We finished getting ready and went to mommy and daddy's rehearsal dinner. P.o.v Rocky My brothers and I are at mom and dad's house getting ready for the rehearsal dinner because Rachel, Rydel, and Keara are at mine and Rachel's apartment getting ready. After my brothers Ellington and I finished getting ready we headed to the rehearsal. *at the rehearsal dinner* When we got to the rehearsal dinner the girls were already there. As soon as we all got out of my car we were greeted by Rebecca. "Hey sweety!" I said as my beautiful daughter as she hugged my legs. We ran through the dinner and everything went awesome! And Riker's best man speech was perfect. Right after he finished his speech everyone clapped but then he continued talking. P.o.v Riker I ran through my speech and everyone clapped. After the clapping died down I started talking again "but before I finish I would like to call up my beautiful girlfriend Keara!" After I said that she stood up and came to my side. "Keara, we have been dating for quite a while now, and I think we have come to the point in our lives that we both know that we are meant to be, your my other half and I don't know what I would do without you. I guess I'm trying to say, Keara, will you marry me?" I could see tears slowly filling her eyes "yes" she said as tears of joy rolled down her face. With that I slipped the ring on her finger and everyone congratulated us *The next day* P.o.v Rachel It's the day of the wedding! I am incredibly nervous but incredibly excited at the same time. So much has happened in the past few hours, Riker and Keara got engaged last night, we all had the rehearsal dinner and it's just overall a lot to take in. I'm completely stressed out because I am scared that things are going to go wrong because a lot of the time weddings tend to go wrong in some ways last minute. I started panicking so bad that I really needed to talk to someone apart from any of the girls. I wanted to talk to rocky but it's supposedly bad luck for a bride and groom to see each other the day of the wedding before the actual ceremony I tried to think of who out of Rocky's brothers would be the most comforting and understanding and that's when I decided who I should talk to. P.o.v Keara "Hey Keara can you go get Riker for me! I need to talk to him!" I heard Rachel say. I was a little confused but from what I have seen in the past I know that you should not question a bride when she is worried or panicked and in some cases just don't question them at all. With that I went on my way to go find Riker. When I found him I said "hey babe Rachel says she wants to talk to you." He looked at me slightly confused. "I know but I just chose not to question it" I said. "Oh well that makes sense" he responded. With that we went back to where Rachel was. We got to the room and Riker said "so you wanted to talk to me?" To Rachel. P.o.v Rachel "So you wanted to talk to me?" Riker said sounding slightly confused. "Yeah" I responded while motioning for Keara and Rydel to leave the room. After they had left the room I instantly broke down in tears. Lucky for me I didn't have my makeup in yet because if I did it would be completely ruined right now. "What's wrong?" Riker asked me while I was sobbing. "Am I doing the right thing?" I asked him sounding confused and overwhelmed and a million other emotions at the same time. "What do you mean?" He asked me calmly. "Am I doing the right thing by marrying your brother?" I responded between sobs. " with that he gave me a long hug, wiped away my tears and asked me, "do you truly love Rocky?" I looked at him like the question he asked me had the most obvious answer in the world and right now I truly feel as if it did. "Yes I do" I said realizing where he was going with this. "And I know for damn sure he loves you just as much if not more" he added and with that I thanked him as he left the room and the girls came back in. "You ok now?" They asked me. "Yeah! and Keara?" I said. "Yeah?" She responded. "You have a great fiancée, don't let him go." With that she smiled and we proceeded to get ready. After we were ready the girls went out and I waited until it was time for me to walk down the aisle. I was sitting in the back room alone until I heard a knock on the door. "It's time" I heard my father say from the other side of the door. I opened the door and when I saw my dad I noticed that he had tears in his eyes. "Dad please don't cry!" I began to say as I was choking up a bit. "If you cry I will cry and then my makeup will be ruined" I said trying to hold back my tears the best I could. After that I heard the music begin to play and with that we were on our way. When I saw Rocky at the other end of the aisle I instantly felt a smile on my face. All of my worries disappeared. All that mattered in that moment was Rocky and I. We made it up to the altar and my dad gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked off to the side. With that the ceremony began. Finally after a while my favourite part of every wedding happened. The vows! Rocky and I each said our vows and then the priest finally said "you may now kiss the bride"
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