#i thought the wings were normal but this is getting weird
So many warlocks make pacts with demons, fey or eldrich horrors imposible to comprhend, but i just want to be driven mad by angels and turn my enemies into pillars of flaming salt. Any tips from my fellow angelic warlocks?
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kideternity · 4 months
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Uhmmmmm soo. Over the past few months I've been seeing a lot of complaints or comments that digimon has too many designs which essentially boil down to “There are too many designs that are just humans in costumes.”
And for a while I just nodded my head and went Yeah Alright, because I Understood where it was coming from (the way most perfect + ultimate levels tend to become more humanoid over their predecessors) and thought it was a valid complaint even if I don’t agree. But eventually it got to the point where I got legitimately invested in wanting to know How Many Digimon there were that you could classify as “basically humans” and well. Here I am.
For the past week or so I came up with my own “categories” and counted how many digimon fit under each category to then later put into a graph like the one you see above ^
I did all of this for like, first and foremost My Own Interest, but I decided to share the results anyways in case someone else thinks this topic of discussion is interesting? I'll include as well under a read more a more in depth guide to the data i've accumulated as well
FYI, Important disclaimers: This is all highly subjective. Im not trying to claim these are any sort of objective categories canon to Digimon or that the results are objectively canon. You may think some or all of these categories are deeply redundant, or you will disagree with me over what counts as say, A Monster or A Furry or A Humanoid, and that’s fine. There are also digimon excluded from the total, most notably digimon that are cameo/minor characters in a singular digimon property, or recolours (ie Gabumon versus Psychemon) or which had minute design differences (Like, almost all of the different Agumons) because I thought including all of that was redundant or unnecessary. If there was a major difference in designs (ie Original Falcomon versus 2006 Savers Falcomon) however I did consider it as a separate design. Also, no X antibody designs were included, because oh my god there are already so many digimon and the X antibody designs could probably merit its own pie chart.
Baby 1 + 2:
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 89
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 17
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries, inclu robotic anthros): n/a
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: n/a
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: n/a
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 73
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 26
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 7
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 7
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 4
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 96
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 51
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic designs): 18
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 23
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 6
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 64
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 46
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 39
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 46
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 9
Ultimate + Super Ultimate:
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 68
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 41
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 48
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 95
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 17
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 7
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 4
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 6
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 8
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 7
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 40
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 5
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 11
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 7
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 1
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vadlings · 9 months
Represention of Autistic Frustration in Laios Dungeon Meshi
Like many other autistic people, I related strongly to Laios Touden while reading Dungeon Meshi. This post isn't going to spend time disputing whether he displays autistic traits or not—while I could do that, I want to focus on why specifically his portrayal struck a chord with me in a way the writing of most other autistic-coded characters has not.
Disclaimer: as the above suggests, this post is strongly informed by my own experiences as an autistic person, as well as the experiences of my neurodivergent friends with whom I have spoken about this subject. I want to clarify that in no way am I asserting my personal experience to be some Universal Autistic Experience. This post is about why Laios' character feels distinct and significant to me in regard to autistic representation, and while I'm at it, I do feel that I have interesting things to say about autistic representation in media generally. This also got a bit long, so I'm sticking it under a read more. Spoilers for up to the end of chapter 88 below.
The thing that stands out most to me in regard to Laios' characterisation is the open anger he displays when someone points out his inability to read other people. This comes up prominently in his interactions with "Shuro" (Toshiro Nakamoto):
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The frustration pictured above (Laios continuing to physically tussle with Toshiro, using crude language toward him) becomes even more notable when you remember that this is Laios, who, outside of these interactions, is not easily fazed and often exists as a lighthearted contrast to the rest of the cast. Then we get to Laios' nightmare.
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In Falin's words: "Nightmares love emotional wounds. Wounds you hold in your heart. Things that give you stress, or things that were traumatic for you. They aggravate memories like that and cause the dreamer to have terrible dreams." (chapter 42, page 10.) (damn. i'm properly citing for this post and everything.)
Thus, Laios' nightmare establishes an important fact: even if he is unable to recognise social blunders while he's making them, he's at least subconsciously aware that other people operate on a different wavelength to him, and that he's an outsider in many of his social circles (both past and present). His dream-father's disparaging words stress the impact this has had upon his ability to live up to the expectations set out for him, and we also get a panel of kids who smirk at him (presumably former bullies to some degree). Toshiro's appearance only hammers home how much Laios is still both humiliated and angered by his misunderstanding of their relationship.
I've thought a lot about anger as concomitant to the autistic experience. When autistic representation portrays ostracization, it's generally from an angle of the autistic character being upset at how conforming to neurotypical norms doesn't come easily to them; as a result, they express a desire to 'get better' at meeting neurotypical standards, a desire to become more 'normal' (whether the writing implies this is a good thing or not). In contrast, not once does Laios go, "I need to perform better in my social interactions, and try to care less about monsters, because that's what other people find weird." His frustration is directed outward rather than inward, and as a result, it's the people around him who are framed as nonsensical.
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The Winged Lion starts delineating Laios' anger, and Laios' reaction is to think to himself, "It can sense all my thoughts, huh?" (chapter 88, page 16.) This is the scene that really resonated with me. I'm not saying I have never felt the desire to conform to neurotypical norms that is borne from insecurity, but primarily, I know that I don't want to work toward becoming 'normal'—I don't want to change myself for people who follow rules I find nonsensical. It's the difference between, "Oh god, why can't I get it," and, "WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT?" (phrasing here courtesy of my friend Miles @dogwoodbite). And for me personally, Dungeon Meshi is the first time I've seen this frustration and the resultant voluntary isolation from other people portrayed in media so candidly. Laios' anger is not downplayed or written to be easily palatable, either.
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The culmination of Laios' frustrations in this scene wherein we learn that Laios has fantasised about "a pack of monsters attacking a village" drives home just how alienated he really feels. I need not go into his wish to become a monster himself, redolent of how many autistic people identify/have identified with non-humans to some degree as a result of a percieved disconnect from society (when I was younger, I wanted to be a robot. I still kind of do.)
Obviously, wishing death upon other people is a weighty thing, but the unfiltered nature of this page is what deeply resonated with me. The Winged Lion is laying Laios' deepest and most transgressive desires bare, and they are desires that are a product of lifelong ostracization by others (whether intentional or unintentional). This is the brand of anger I'm familiar with, and that my neurodivergent friends express being familiar with, but that I haven't seen portrayed in writing so explicitly before—in fact, it surprised me because most well-meaning autistic representation I've experienced veers toward infantilisation in trying make the autistic character's struggles easy for neurotypicals to sympathise with.
Let's also not neglect the symbolism inherent to Laios' daydream. "A pack of monsters attacking a village". Functionally, monsters are Laios' special interest—he percieves everything first and foremost through his passion for monsters. His daydream of monsters attacking—killing—humans, is fundamentally a daydream of the world he understands (monsters) overthrowing the world that is so illogical to him, that has repeatedly shunned him (other people). I joked to my friends that it's an autistic power fantasy, and it actually sort of is. And in it, his identity is aligned with that of the monsters, while his anger manifests in a palpable dissociation from the rest of humanity. This is one manga page. It's brief. It's also very, very raw to me. I think about it often.
To conclude, I love Laios Dungeon Meshi. This portrayal of open frustration in an autistic character meant a lot to me, and I hope I've sufficiently outlined why. Also, feel free to recommend media with autistic representation in the notes if you've read this far—I would really like to see if there is more of this nature. Thank you for reading. I'm very tired and should probably sleep now.
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jazjelspen · 8 months
my angel baby
(alastor w/ angel daughter reader)
(notes: alastor joins charlie and vaggie in heaven to convince them about the hazbin hotel. angel reader physically resembles a fawn. )
(right now this is considered a oneshot, unless there is a very high demand for a part 2 I'll happily make another one for funzies!)
(PART 2 IS OUT!!!)
(also apologies if alastor's last name isnt actually altruist LMAo I kinda just wrote it assuming so 😭 )
You made it to heaven, lucky you.
Heaven was surely a treat, you lived your days with the upmost happiness, the light of heaven shining on your skin with kisses as if praising you for your goodness and your sacrifices,
all your sacrifices.
You were currently taking the job over for St. Peter at the gates of heaven for just a few minutes to await for any wondering souls to appear, to help guide them while he came back from a lunch break. Normally they wouldn't allow a human soul like yourself with little experience in this kind of task to take charge of such an important job, but you were close to many of the high ranking angels and you have proved your proficiency in tasks that you set your mind to, so you were glad to help those in need.
You stood there reading through the millions of pages looking over all kinds of names, all seemed like names that you wouldn't normally hear back in your time when you died. Some you liked, others didn't exactly pique your interest much, but the advancement of names since the 1930s surely proved how much times have changed and how quickly time seems to pass in heaven.
You wonder if it is in hell too.
'Hell?..' you wondered as you shook your head and sighed, your mind has been on that place lately and you wondered if it was even worth the rent free space in your mind.
You were currently slouched over the book and decided to close it with a glum look on your face, your elbows now resting on the golden podium and your hands cupping your face.
Geez, and you've been thinking a lot about your old man.
What-- no wait-
You shouldn't call him your old man, let alone your dad, not even father, pops-- not even by his damn name.
Even so, as much as you hated it.. you couldn't help but still use his last name sometimes since it's what you were given when you were first taken in.
Your last name?.. why, you're forgetting already?
_____ Altruist is who you a---
You snapped out of your thoughts as your head slipped from under your palms, face planting onto the cover of the enormous book. In embarrassment you snapped your head back up and your wings followed suit, spreading open behind you in shock as your eyes searched for the voice that called out to you from below.
You finally darted down to see three oddly shaped figures, your panicked vision soon relaxing to see two girls and a man dressed in red from tip to toe.
How peculiar.
Your eyes only set on the girl at the moment since she was the one waving at you and basically begging for your attention.
"Hello hello! uh.. Down here!" The girl with long locks of pale yellow hair waved, her smile widening when seeing she's caught your attention.
"Ah- yes yes! Hello hello! Welcome to Heaven! May I.. uh-" you scrambled nervously to open the book in the middle of it, "May I have your name please?"
She nodded, also returning a bit of a shy attitude back "Yes of course! My names Charlie Morningstar!"
Just like that you flicked the pages to go to the names that sounded similar to the girl's, mumbling her name under your breath as your finger traced down each name on the list.. to your dismay you couldn't find it.
"You don't seem to be on the list ma'am.. how weird.. does this usually happen with St. Peter?.." you spoke in concern, mumbling the last part to yourself.
The girl then started to explain something about her dad getting her a meeting, your mind a little clouded still trying to find her name until you heard the forbidden name that no one inside the pearly gates ever attempted to say out loud.
"-- maybe try, Lucifer.. Morning...star-"
And just like that you slammed the book closed, no words coming out of your mouth but an exasperated look of shock freezing your face.
"Oh-hoho... that explains so much--" you gave her a small sheepish smile, awkwardly looking off to the side where your eyes couldn't help but drag themselves to the man dressed in red.
"Miss you don't think.. you could've..." your eyes at first looked at the man's waist, his coat lightly shredded at the ends and the stripes of the long suit guided your eyes upwards "-gotten..." up and up and your eyes met his. The red eyes, the ears, the small horns, the horrific aura, and..
Oh dear, you'd recognize that damned smile anywhere.
"--lost..?" the end of your sentence dragged on, taking a long while to finish since all you could think about is how this man is at the front door step of the place he shouldn't even be considered in being let to enter.
Alastor, your father from the living realm. Not connected by blood but by life and connection.
The man where you got your last name from by being taken in and called his daughter.
The red deer demon seemed to recognize you as well, a spark in his devilish eyes proved it so, but it was very brief since he more or less also seemed to relish the look on your face with his smile stretched further up.. however further up it could get.
Charlie seemed concerned at your reaction, waving her hand in front of your face gently as if to get you out of this trance. "Heyyy... are you okay?.." she asked with genuine worry until all of you were focused away from this bizarre moment when a set of three angels befell before you all. The two seraphims and finally-- St. Peter off from his break.
"_____. We can take it from here, we appreciate the help." The highest and oldest seraphim announced your name and her appreciation while gliding down a bit more earlier than the blonde angel you covered for, she and the younger seraphim's forms going from their true to more human-like appearances.
"_____! My dear friend thank you so much for covering for me, always a real helper you!" St. Peter popped beside you as he praised you while gently flying beside you, you looked up at him with a small nervous smile before opening your own wings to flap down from his podium and let him get back on the job.
"It's no problem at all, you know me! Always.. happy to help.." you spoke your last words to him before your wings gently took you down to set yourself beside another one of your friends, Emily! You never talked much to Sera that wasn't in a formal setting but Emily seemed so easy to get along with. She gave you a tight squeeze of a hug while saying hello which eased your nerves a bit more, of course they never fully disappeared with the man who ruined everything before you let out your last breath.. standing right in front of you.
The man that brought you up here in the first place.
The seraphims introduced themselves to the three residents of hell, the deer demon more quiet until finally finding a spot of silence to jump in and introduce himself as well.
"Why hello, a real pleasure meeting you two quite the pleasure! Never thought I'd ever get to see an angel up this close in my life HAHA! The names Alastor!"
The voice, the radio static over it, his name.
It was him, you recognized it as if you listened to him on the radio just yesterday, your own personal hell.
Whatever reaction or words the higher ranked angels said seemed to fizzle out of your brain as they were replaced with the memories of your last moments on earth.
"Father!" you screamed as you ran up to your childhood home, the home to which you were raised and kept in, your home in which you lived in with your father, Alastor Altruist.
For sometime you had suspected foul play when it came to your father's weird actions when the night came, the tone he spoke through his radio show when announcing several murders happening across and haunting New Orleans. You just didn't want to truly believe that the man that found you, a poor little orphaned baby, and raised you would do such disgusting and diabolical crimes.
You couldn't believe it.. until you finally saw it.
Your legs scrambled and fought each step to become faster, finally reaching the door of your home you slammed it open with a strong kick after jiggling the doorknob didn't work.
You knew the next murder he would commit would happen in your home.. you thanked whatever force that made you disobey him and look through his study since if you didn't you wouldn't know that right now there was blood to be shed.
The door opening and with your kick full of adrenaline and panic it made the door barley cling onto it's hinges. There your father was, on top of a wounded man that seemed to be gurgling and gasping to breathe as the victim attempted to claw at Alastor's grasp. Pieces of glass and wood broken across the entire floor, walls bloodied and worn out, pictures that hung neatly now cracked and lopsided or shattered on the floor.
Whatever happened in here, the victim was sure a fighter in the beginning.
You immediately without hesitation with full force pushed Alastor off the man, pulling the bloodied stranger by his wrist. The victim and you stared for a moment, him mostly realizing that he's being saved by a young girl like you. His lips parted to thank you but you could see Alastor raise his kitchen knife in the air and sprinted toward him to stab him on the back.
With no words left to share or spill you grabbed the stranger by the shoulders and with all your might pushed him and yourself away so that in the end Alastor ended up stabbing nothing but air.
Alastor grunted in frustration, his bloodied smile yet never faltering despite the challenge you now gave him.
The man snapped his head at you, eyes fixated at you before snapping back to his victim and raising his knife up once more, in a haunting motion his steps creeped and creaked towards the injured New Orleans citizen stricken with fear and terror.
Just like that, Alastor slams his knife down with no hesitation. The knife fully in his prey with no inch of the blade uncovered.
Oh-- wait.
That shriek, the sobs, the shaky breathing and the coughs of blood.. that wasn't his victim.
It was you.
His daughter, he stabbed his daughter.
For a moment you could see his crazed smile falter, the humane part of him uncovering itself for a moment, for you.
His little girl was covered in her blood because of him, the little baby he found on that cold rainy day is dying because of him, his bundle of joy that he took years to take care of is leaving him.. and it's all his fault.
He didn't know it was you-- he didn't know you'd be that stupid to sacrifice yourself for some random prick.
He didn't know that in the end, someone as evil as him could have raised someone as selfless as you.
"p..papa..?" you whimpered, your painful coughs of blood spilling out and going down your chin and your neck. "It hurts-- g.. it hurts so much papa.." you cried as the knife in your chest seemed to feel as if it was melting into your skin, becoming one with you. It obviously wasn't but the pain was just that painful.
Alastor's smile faltered and kept trying to stay up, his own set of tears falling down his face and onto your cheeks that were slowly losing life. Regret stabbing his own heart the way he did to yours. He let go of the knife and instead cradled you in his arms, just like how he used to when you would have nightmares as a little girl.
"Shh.. Shh.." he shush you softly as he gently patted your head, moving away any uneven strands of hair he could spot with his hands trembling in regret. "Little one.. don't worry about a thing, papa's here.. " he mumbled, the gentleness replacing what once was pure aggressiveness.
Your eyes slowly started to flutter closed, your pulse slowing down, breathing less profound, your limbs going limp, and your face.. contorting into a peaceful state of slumber.
Alastor watched as you passed in his arms, his faltering smile picking itself up once more to stretch itself across his face with tears pouring out his eyes. This wasn't a smile of joy, it was a smile to hide what he truly felt.. to lie to himself. "My little angel, forgive me please."
Those were his last words to you, words that in the end you couldn't hear.
And that man he tried to kill earlier? He escaped when he was given the chance, Alastor was sure the cops were to invade his home soon.. now there was just one thing left to do before he'd be found once again to pay the consequences.
He took your body to a beautiful forest filled with flower meadows. Alastor knew this was one of your favorite spots as a young girl, why not let you rest here.
Ah but as he was preparing to bury you in your final resting place... that darn deer hunter.
Well, you know the story. Mistaken for a deer, shot, that's the end of Alastor Altruist and his darling daughter, ______ Altruist.
As you stood there you were awoken from your thoughts with the high angels escorting the princess and her other female companion into the gates of heaven, St. Peter welcoming them humbly with one of heaven's popular songs.
You were frozen, in shock. A chill went down your spine as you felt a foreign energy come closer.
You felt long fingers grapple themselves onto your shoulder which made you dramatically turn towards the hand and away from it.
Your father wanted to talk to you.
Your contrasting colors and appearances made this reunitement even more uncomfortable for you, his demon form seeming to match his disgusting self that he hid from the human world before.
His face was hard to read, especially with that signature smile of his that even in death he would never get rid of.
"Little one, my darling daughter.." he spoke, his voice seemingly trying to seem genuine but the radio filter over it made it feel condescending to you.. as if mocking you.
The look on your face was evident, you missed him so much but hated him with your entire being because of that hidden side he kept for years.
He continued "My little ____... out of all places I never thought I'd see you here. Oh but it's definitely much better than down under my little dove.."
Geez what was he even saying?? What were his intentions..?? You couldn't tell.. after all this time, you couldn't forgive this man, this serial killer, this demon, this.. monster. You couldn't.. not this soon anyways.
You took a deep inhale and exhale before fixing your posture and stance, trying to seem more professional and confident. "Sir, your hosts and companions are ahead of you. You wouldn't want to miss your introduction to a place you'll never see again after this day." Your voice stern and professional, trying your best to be void of emotion.
"Darling.. is that truly a way to greet your dear ol' father?" He spoke, hand stretched out while the other held onto his staff.
"Your friends are waiting on you, don't be late Alastor."
Just like that you turned your heel and gave him the cold shoulder, your wings spread and started flapping. Taking you up and away further into your home.. Alastor watched you as you left him once again, this time by choice.
Ah but he knew, he'd have his darling daughter back soon. His little angel that he cared for will forgive him.. he knew you had to.
With his grin widening even further he walked to catch up to the Princess of hell and her partner into the pearly gates, to see what other thing could entertain him while his daughter snapped back to her senses.
(hello!! thank you so much for reading I had a blast with this. as you can tell. once again thank you so much for reading! hope to see you soon! mwa mwa!)
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suguru-getos · 2 months
-> Kid Gojo running away from home, meets kid F!Reader. <3
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It was weird, the scorching sun of Kyoto was humiliating her very body. Gasping, panting, heavy breathing, she had just run from a few bullies who wanted to take her limited edition water bottle away. For a child who was so doted on, overbearingly so, but somehow it all being a facade, Satoru couldn’t understand his own life, part of him thought it’s fun & he gets to have whatever he wants. Part of him craved what normalcy means, and how he could possibly achieve it in a stigma of innate power & pedastal he’s crowned with. His birthday recently passed, so many gifts & yet gift giving could lack warmth that much & include agendas? Unbearable. This world was unbearable.
His eyes were powerful, he had been practising with his own given the strict routine of Jujutsu being taught in his clan… Gojo clan, Zen’in clan, Kamo clan… how do normal people behave? Ignorance is bliss indeed, or that is something Satoru swears by for the non-sorcerer community.
Ignorance is utterly blissful, why else was she running towards him without a fear of her life? His eyes widened, school uniform, tattered & bruised knees, beautiful hair that are utter opposite to his, eyes gleaming, happy— kind— before Satoru could say anything, both her hands clasped his arm, using him as a leverage, she hid behind him.
Now, Satoru can handle all the trouble in the world. Small kid with small hands knew his worth, knew his birth shook the sorcerer community & he is god-like. Still, this normalcy felt endearing. The fact that she didn’t ask him, or bow in front of him to be allowed to touch Satoru was, new.
He turned his head to look at her, what was she running from. His gorgeous blue eyes met hers, thick lashes batting in curiosity, “Ano- what are you running from?” He asked, a slight snobbish arrogance lacing his sentence. He just isn’t used to any other way. Could it be that she was being haunted by a curse? What was tormenting this beautiful girl?
“How old are you?” Satoru continued, asking another question.
“I’m eight, turning nine soon. My name is Y/N. I am running from a few people in my school, they want my water bottle & they get anythin’ they want from anyone…” she pouted big, showing Satoru her water bottle. It looked cute, he’d give it that, but for someone who always has whatever he wants, the idea of people bothering someone else for materialistic things seemed unfit.
“Pretty bottle.” He said, taking it from her & examining it further. Maybe he’s missing something? There has to be something valuable about it… he even tried using six eyes to understand, nope… nothing. Just an ordinary bottle in the hands of an ordinary girl.
“They won’t bother you, I am here. I’m really strong.” He grins, so far he’s always been told he’s really strong but this time he has used this to forge his own identity. “Yeah?” She raised a brow, slightly skeptical.
“Yeah- I am already ten years old. Senpai.” Satoru smirked again, what a tiny lady being bothered by a tiny bottle.
“Well, if you really can protect me from those bullies, I can take you home and make you meet my mom. She makes amazing cookies, & she is making a cake today, Fridays are baking days.” This time, the girl grinned back, just as chirpy and excited. Happily accepting herself to be under Satoru’s wing.
The strongest sorcerer in the world, was still a kid. Needed to be loved like a kid. “I could get any cookies I want.” He shrugged.
“Yeah, not my mum’s cookies.” She resisted, pouting & yanking the bottle away.
What was about her mom’s cookies which could be that special? Satoru raised his brows, he has promised to protect someone & what kinda man would he be if he doesn’t keep his promise?
“Okay, I’ll go home with you.” He nods, besides, there is a special naughty joy that erupts in his childish psyche to imagine his butlers being scolded.
Satoru Gojo didn’t have a normal life, yet. This was a good start, maybe a frequent spot to visit when he escapes his gruesome trainings & his role to save the world.
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natsaffection · 2 months
Heated pt. 2 | N.R
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Warnings: G!P Natasha, Details of Pregnancy, Details of Torture, Angst, Blood, injury’s
Word Count: 6,3k
A/N: Okayy, I don’t know ow how to feel about this.. I apologize in advance if something is weird, but this is the first time I'm writing in this properly, soo.
I tried to incorporate all your Ideas and thoughts and this is what came out of it.
Part 1
The sterile smell of the medical wing always made your stomach turn, but today was different. Today, the nausea had nothing to do with antiseptics or hospital lights, but everything to do with the gnawing suspicion that had been growing for weeks. Dr. Helen Cho had asked you to come in after your last bout of unexplained nausea and fatigue.
You sat on the edge of the examination table, drumming your fingers nervously on the cool metal. Your mind was racing, a whirlwind of thoughts and fears. What if it was something serious? What if it affected your ability to fight? And, deep down, a thought you barely dared to admit... What if you were pregnant?
Dr. Cho entered, holding a file with a concerned expression on her face. She gave you a reassuring smile, but it did little to ease the tension in your chest.
"Y/n," Dr. Cho began gently, "we have the results of your blood tests."Your heart pounded in your ears. You forced yourself to breathe, to maintain your composure. "It looks like you're pregnant," Dr. Cho said quietly, her eyes full of compassion.
The words hung in the air, a heavy, inescapable truth. It felt like the ground had disappeared beneath your feet. Pregnant. The word echoed in your mind, mingling with a thousand thoughts and fears. You were an Avenger, a fighter, not someone who had time to think about raising a child. And then there was Natasha.
A mix of emotions surged within you. Disbelief, fear, anger, and somewhere, deep down, a small spark of hope. You clenched your fists, your nails digging into your palms as you tried to process the news. Your mind was a chaotic storm of questions: How could this happen? What would you do? How would this affect your role with the Avengers? And Natasha... How could you ever tell her?
"How... how far along?" you managed to whisper.
"About 9 weeks," Dr. Cho replied. "We'll need to run some more tests to ensure everything is progressing normally, but as far as we can see, everything is fine."
You nodded mechanically, your mind already focusing on the next inevitable step. You couldn't tell Natasha. Not yet. The thought made your stomach turn more than the nausea. What would Natasha say? How would she react? Would she even care?
Dr. Cho placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I know this is a lot to take in. If you need anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."
"Thank you," you said, your voice hollow. You slid off the bed and made your way out of the medical wing, each step heavy with the weight of the news you carried.
Days passed in a blur. You went through the motions of training, missions, and team meetings, but your mind was elsewhere. Every morning you woke up hoping it was all just a bad dream, but reality remained. You were pregnant, and you had no idea what to do.
The days stretched into a week, and you became increasingly anxious. You avoided Natasha as much as possible, afraid that your eyes would betray the secret you were desperately trying to hide. You couldn't eat, you couldn't sleep, and it felt like you were falling apart.
In the quiet moments, when you were alone, the thoughts crashed over you like a tidal wave. How could you be a mother? What kind of life could you offer a child? And Natasha... Would she even want to be involved? The uncertainty was suffocating.
One particularly sleepless night, you found yourself pacing your room, your mind a whirlwind of questions and fears. You knew you couldn't continue like this. You needed to talk to someone, to get some perspective. Maria came to mind. Maria was always a reliable presence, a voice of reason amid the chaos of your life.
With a determination born of desperation, you made your way to Maria's office. It was late, but you knew Maria often worked at odd hours. You knocked softly on the door, your heart pounding with each passing moment.
A moment later, the door opened, and Maria's calm, composed face appeared. "Y/n, what's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Can we talk?" you replied, your voice trembling slightly. "It's... important." Maria nodded and stepped aside to let you in. She closed the door behind you and gestured to a seat.
"What's on your mind?" Maria asked, sitting across from you. You took a deep breath, the words catching in your throat. "I... I found out that I'm pregnant." Maria's eyes widened slightly, but she maintained her composure. "Okay... wow. How are you feeling?"
"Confused," you admitted, your voice shaking. "Scared. I don't know what to do, Maria. And... Natasha... she doesn't know yet."
Maria nodded thoughtfully. "Considering your relationship with her... I thought things were over between you two?"
You shook your head, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. "So did I. But we... we had our moments. It's complicated. We fight, we argue, and then... well, you know how it is."
Maria sighed and leaned back in her chair. "I understand. Relationships can be complicated, especially in our line of work. But right now, you need to focus on yourself and the baby. Everything else can come later."
"But Maria, what if she wants nothing to do with it?" Your voice broke, tears streaming down your face. "What if she hates me even more because of this?"
Maria stood up and sat beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Y/n, listen to me. You are strong, and you can do this. You've been through worse and survived. Natasha's reaction is something we can't predict, but that doesn't mean you have to go through this alone."
You sniffled and leaned into Maria's comforting embrace. "I just don't know what to do. Every time I think about telling her, I freeze."
"One step at a time," Maria advised gently. "First, take care of yourself. Make sure you're healthy, that the baby is healthy. You're not just an Agent, Y/n. You're a person with feelings, with needs. It's okay to be scared and confused."
"Thank you," you whispered. "I really needed to hear that." Maria smiled and squeezed you reassuringly. "Anytime. And remember, we're all here for you. No matter what happens. Natasha... she has a complicated past, especially with family. It's not my place to tell her story, but know that her reaction, whatever it may be, is influenced by that. But for now, you need to focus on you." You nodded, feeling a small measure of relief. "I know. I'm just scared of losing her completely."
"You won't," Maria said firmly. "Natasha is tough, but she cares about you. It might take her time to process, but she'll come around. And in the meantime, you have me, you have the team. You're not alone in this."
"Thank you, Maria," you said, your voice now steadier. "I don't know what I would do without you." Maria chuckled softly. "Well, you don't have to find out. We're in this together. One step at a time, okay?"
"Okay," you agreed, feeling a new determination. "One step at a time."
Days passed, and your thoughts never strayed far from the life growing inside you. At first, the idea had been a whirlwind of fear and confusion, but slowly, acceptance began to settle in. You often found yourself resting a hand on your stomach, a strange mix of wonder and worry filling your heart. You knew you had to tell Natasha, no matter how frightening the thought was.
The moment had finally come. You stood outside Natasha's quarters, your heart beating so loudly you could hear it in your ears. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door, each second feeling like an eternity. The door opened, and Natasha stood there, her expression as reserved as ever.
"What do you want?" Natasha asked, her voice cool and distant. "We need to talk," you said, your voice firm despite the turmoil inside you.
Natasha's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing the gravity of your tone. She stepped aside and let you in. The door closed behind you with a soft click, sealing you both in the small room.
"What is it?" Natasha asked, crossing her arms over her chest. You took a deep breath and met her gaze. "Natasha, I'm pregnant." For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Natasha's eyes widened a little, a fleeting emotion, fear, perhaps crossed her face. But it was quickly replaced by a hard, cold mask.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Natasha hissed, her voice low and dangerous. "You heard me," you said, your own anger rising. "I found out a week ago. I'm elven weeks along."
Natasha's face hardened. "And you think it's mine? You think you can just throw this at me and—"
"I don't think, I know," you interrupted, your voice trembling with emotion. "You came inside me, Natasha, remember? This is your baby."
The room was filled with tense silence, the weight of your words hanging between you. Natasha took a step back, her expression conflicted. She had been trained her whole life to believe that love and attachments were weaknesses, that they were only for children. The idea of a relationship, of raising a child, was something she had never allowed herself to consider.
"No.. we used protection and you take the pill- This changes everything." Natasha said finally, her voice barely a whisper.
"Yeah, last time maybe, but not at the Party 3 Month ago..“ you replied, your voice filled with anger and desperation. "It does change everything. And you can't just run away from it."
Natasha's eyes flashed with anger. "Do you think I wanted this? Do you think I wanted to be tied down like this?" Your own anger flared. "You're not the only one who's scared, Natasha! But you can't just run away from this. It's happening, whether you want it or not."
"I was never meant to have a family," Natasha spat, her voice rising. "I was trained to be a something else, not a mother."
"And what about me?" you ask, tears streaming down your face. "I didn't ask for this either. But I'm dealing with it, and so do you. We made this baby together."
Natasha's face twisted with a mix of anger and pain. "Do you think I can just turn off everything I've been taught? That I can just be a mother, be in a relationship like it's nothing?"
Your heart ached at the sight of Natasha's struggle, but your anger didn't wane. "You're afraid, I get that. But that doesn't give you the right to run away. We have to face this together, Natasha.."
"I can't!" Natasha screamed, her voice breaking. "I don't know how! I was trained to kill, to manipulate, not to love or care for a child. I can't do this!"
"Stop saying that!" you screamed back, trying to hold back your tears. "Stop pushing me away, Natasha. You don't have the right to make that decision alone."
"You don't understand!" Natasha yelled, turning away from you. "You don't know what it's like to be told that love is only for..children, that attachments are a weakness. I can't just change because you say so."
You stepped closer, your voice trembling with emotion. "Do you think this is easy for me? Do you think I'm not scared? But I'm standing here, ready to face this with you. Y-You owe me that.."
Natasha's back remained turned to you, her shoulders shaking with suppressed emotions. "Look at me!" you demanded, grabbing Natasha's arm and turning her to face you. "Look at me and tell me you feel nothing. Tell me you don't care."
Natasha's eyes met yours, and for a moment, the cold mask slipped. Pain, fear, and something deeper flickered in her gaze. Then, with a hard swallow, she forced herself to speak. "I feel nothing for you or the baby," she lied, her voice hard and unyielding. "I can't and I won't."
Your hand flew up before you could stop yourself, slapping Natasha hard across the face. "Liar!" you screamed, your voice breaking. "You're just scared! You're a coward to admit it!"
Natasha's cheek burned, but the physical pain was nothing compared to the inner turmoil. "I'm not a coward," she hissed, anger flashing in her eyes. "I'm realistic. This will never work."
"Stop pretending you're a heartless monster!" you screamed, tears streaming down your face. "You care, I know you do. You're just too scared to admit it."
"Get out," Natasha said coldly, turning away again. "Just go." Your heart shattered at her words. "I can’t believe it.“ you spat, your voice trembling with anger and pain. "Fuck you, Natasha.“
With those words, you stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind you. As you walked down the hall, tears flowed freely, each step heavy with a mix of anger, despair, and heartbreak.
Back in the room, Natasha stood motionless, her mind a whirlwind of emotions she had learned to suppress. She clenched her fists, fighting the urge to break down. Deep down, she knew you were right. She did care. But admitting it, facing it, seemed an insurmountable challenge. For now, she remained alone with her guilt and fear, the echo of your words ringing in her ears.
You stormed down the hallway, your vision blurred by tears. You were determined to get to your room, to hide from the world and the pain of Natasha's rejection. As you turned the corner, you almost collided with Maria.
"Y/n, hey, what’s going on?" Maria asked, concern in her eyes as she saw your tear-streaked face and trembling form.
"Natasha is a fucking asshole, that's what’s going on." you spat, trying to wipe away your tears, only to smear them further. Maria gently took your arm and guided you to a nearby bench. "Sit down and tell me what happened."
You sank onto the bench, your anger and pain bubbling over. "I told her. I told her I'm pregnant, and she... she just pushed me away. She said she feels nothing for me or the baby. She's too scared to admit she cares, and she's a total coward for it."
Maria listened quietly, her expression a mix of sympathy and understanding. "Natasha has a lot of baggage, Y/n. She's been through things most people can't even imagine. That's not an excuse for her behavior, but it's part of why she reacted the way she did."
"I don't care about her damn baggage!" you snapped, though your voice softened as you continued. "I just thought... maybe, just maybe, she would step up. But she's running away."
Before Maria could respond, Nick Fury appeared around the corner, his usual authoritative presence filling the hallway. "Hill, L/n. I've been looking for you both. We have a mission that needs to be handled."
You stood up abruptly, wiping your tears with the back of your hand. "I'm in. Whatever it is, I'm in." Maria interjected, her concern evident. "Nick, I don't think Y/n should go. She's... she's been through a lot right now. It's not safe."
"I'm fine," you insisted, your voice firm. "I need a distraction, and a mission sounds perfect." Fury looked between the two of you, sensing the tension but not pressing further. "Alright then. Briefing in ten minutes. Be ready."
As Fury walked away, Maria turned back to you. "Are you sure? You're not exactly in the best state right now."
"I need the distraction," you insisted. "I need to think about something other than her." Maria sighed and squeezed your shoulder gently. "Okay. But be careful out there. And remember, you're not alone."
Meanwhile, in Natasha's quarters, Clint had overheard every word of the explosive argument between you and Natasha. He knocked gently before entering, finding Natasha pacing angrily, her face twisted with self-loathing.
"Hey," Clint said softly, closing the door behind him. "Are you okay?" Natasha looked up, her eyes red but defiant. "What do you think, Barton?" Clint sat on the edge of the bed. "You really messed up, Nat."
"I know," Natasha spat, her voice full of anger, mostly at herself. "But I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how to be what she needs."
Clint sighed, watching her pace. "You're not a monster, You've been through hell, but that doesn't mean you can't change. That doesn't mean you can't try to be there for Y/n and the baby. Your Baby, Nat, congratulations..“
"She hates me," Natasha said, her voice full of despair. "I saw it in her eyes."
"She's angry, and she has every right to be," Clint said softly. "But that doesn't mean it's too late. You need to talk to her. Really talk to her. Let her in."
Natasha shook her head, her frustration boiling over. "I can't do that, Clint. I'm not capable of being a mother. I was trained to kill, to manipulate, not to love or care for a child. I don't know how to be anything else."
Clint stood up and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look at him. "Listen to me. You're not just what they made you. You're more than that. Look at me, Nat. I have my own demons, but I have a family too. It's hard, and it's scary, but it's worth it. You don't have to go through this alone."
Natasha's eyes filled with tears, but she fought them back. "How did you do it? How did you become a father with everything we've been through?"
Clint's expression softened. "It wasn't easy. I was terrified when Laura told me she was pregnant with Cooper. But we took it one day at a time. I had to learn how to be a father. I had to let myself love, despite all the shit we've been through. And you can too."
"I don't know if I can," Natasha whispered, her voice breaking. "I don't want to hurt her or the baby."
"You won't," Clint said firmly. "But you have to be willing to try. Y/n won't wait forever. You need to make a choice." Natasha nodded slowly, a sense of determination flickering in her eyes. "I have to make this right."
Clint squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "Then start by talking to her. Really talking to her. That's the only way."
As Natasha sat in the silence of her room, you were already preparing for the mission, your mind a storm of emotions. You were determined to throw yourself into the upcoming task, to forget Natasha if only for a while. But deep down, you knew the pain wouldn't fade so easily.
Two days had passed since the explosive argument. Natasha had spent most of that time in a daze, replaying the fight over and over in her mind. The words, the emotions, the raw pain in your eyes haunted her. Clint's words echoed in her mind too, urging her to face her fears and take a step forward.
She knew she needed to talk to you, to try and make things right. She couldn't let fear continue to dictate her actions. With newfound determination, Natasha set out to find you, hoping that you could finally have a real conversation.
But as she walked through the halls of the Tower, she couldn't find you anywhere. She checked the training rooms, the common areas, even your quarters, but there was no sign of you. Natasha’s frustration and worry grew with each passing minute.
On her way back to her room, she overheard a conversation between two agents in the hallway. “Did you hear about the team that got captured on the mission a few day ago?” one agent said.
“Yeah, Fury’s trying to come up with a rescue plan,” the other agent replied. „I was almost sent with..“ Natasha’s heart skipped a beat. She stepped closer, her voice filled with urgency. “Which team? Who got captured?”
The agents looked surprised to see her. “Uh, it was the team that went out yesterday. Agent L/n was leading it.” It felt like the ground had been pulled out from under Natasha. “Where’s Fury?” she demanded.
“In the briefing room,” one of the agents replied.
Without another word, Natasha sprinted to the briefing room. She burst through the door, her heart pounding in her chest. Fury, Maria, and several other senior agents were gathered around a table, maps and plans spread out before them.
“Fury, what happened?” Natasha asked, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. He looked up, his expression serious. “We’re working on it, Natasha. We need to stay calm.”
“Calm?” Natasha snapped, her eyes blazing. “Y/n is out there, captured, and you’re telling me to stay calm?”
Maria stepped forward, trying to soothe the situation. “Nat, we’re doing everything we can to get them back. We’re working on a plan.”
“Working on a plan?” Natasha’s voice broke, her hands clenched into fists. ���We need to get her out now!”
“Did I miss something here?” Fury asked firmly. Maria glanced at Natasha and back at Fury. “Y/n is pregnant, Nick.”
Fury’s expression hardened. “What? Why wasn’t I informed of this? L/n shouldn’t have gone on the mission!” The room fell silent until Fury spoke again. “Alright, we can’t rush into this. We need to make sure we know what we’re getting into. If we go in blind, we risk losing everyone.”
“I’m going,” Natasha said, her voice leaving no room for argument. Fury shook his head. “No, you’re too close to this. I’ll assemble a team.”
Natasha took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Nick, please. I can do this. Just tell me where and when.” Fury considered for a moment, looking at the maps in front of him. “You need to keep your emotions in check, Natasha. If you go in there and let your feelings cloud your judgment, you’re no good to anyone.”
As the team finalized their plans, Natasha’s thoughts raced. She couldn’t lose you. Not like this. She had to make things right, to tell you how she really felt. She couldn’t let fear dictate her actions any longer.
The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from a single flickering bulb hanging from the ceiling. The air was thick with the smell of sweat, blood, and fear. Your hands were tightly bound behind your back, your body aching from the rough treatment you had endured.
You could hear the faint sounds of your team being tortured in the adjacent room. Their screams echoed through the walls, each cry of pain a dagger to your heart. You tried to stay strong, to keep calm for the sake of the little human growing inside you. But the fear was overwhelming.
The door to your cell creaked open, and a man stepped in. You recognized him immediately. He was a notorious interrogator, known for his cruelty. Your heart raced as he approached, a sinister smile on his lips.
“Well, well,” he said, his voice dripping with malice. “Look who we have here. And I hear you’re expecting a child. How… interesting.” You glared at him, refusing to show any sign of weakness. “What do you want?”
The man chuckled, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. “Oh, I’m not here for information. I’m here to make sure you understand the gravity of your situation.”
He crouched down in front of you, his face only inches from yours. “I’ve heard you’ve been quite a thorn in our side. But now, you’re just a scared little girl with a baby on the way. How touching.”
Your jaw clenched. “You’re wasting your time. I won’t tell you anything.” The man’s smile widened. “Like I said, I’m not here for that. I already know more than enough. For example, I know about the tracker in your shoulder. We can’t have your friends finding you too easily, can we?”
Your eyes widened in shock as he lifted the knife and brought it to your shoulder. You bit your lip, refusing to give him the satisfaction of hearing you scream. The pain was unbearable as he cut into your skin, removing the tracker with cruel precision.
“There we go,” he said, holding up the bloody device. “No more interruptions. Just you and me.” Your vision blurred with tears of pain, but you forced yourself to stay strong. “You won’t break me.”
The man laughed softly, his eyes darkening with madness. “We’ll see.”
He reached out, placing a hand on your stomach, his touch sending a wave of nausea through you. “And how is the little one? It must be hard, carrying a baby while being held captive.” Your anger flared, but you kept your voice steady. “Don’t you dare touch me.”
“Oh, but I must,” he said, his voice dripping with mock concern. “We wouldn’t want anything to happen to the baby, would we?”
He pressed the knife against your skin, just enough to draw a thin line of blood. “You see, I know all about you and your precious Avengers. I know they’re out there, planning to rescue you. But they won’t be here in time. Not before I have my fun.”
You tensed, your heart racing. “You’re a monster.” He grinned, leaning closer. “And you’re my plaything.”
Natasha moved with practiced ease through the shadows, her heart pounding as she approached the abandoned warehouse where you were being held. The intel she had gathered painted a grim picture: The man who had captured you was known only as “The Devil,” a nickname he had earned for his reputation for sadistic cruelty. His real name was Anton Volkov, a former KGB agent who had gone rogue and plunged into a life of crime and terror. The team split up and surrounded the house.
Inside, you flinched again, your body tensing at his touch. “Get your filthy hands off me!” you hissed, your voice defiant despite your fear.
Volkov chuckled, his fingers tracing lazy circles over your stomach. “Oh, I won’t harm your little one. Not yet, anyway. I just want you to understand how powerless you are.” His hand lingered for a moment before he stepped back, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure.
He turned and picked up a knife again from a nearby table, the blade glinting menacingly in the dim light. Your heart raced as you watched him, your mind screaming at you to stay calm. The knife wasn’t meant for your baby, that much, Volkov had made clear but it did little to soothe the fear gripping you.
With slow, deliberate movements, Volkov approached you again. He knelt down, bringing the knife to your thigh, and you couldn’t suppress a shudder. “Do you know what I find fascinating?” he said casually, as if discussing the weather. “The resilience of the human body. How much pain it can endure before it breaks.”
He pressed the blade against your skin, and you gasped as it cut into your flesh. Blood welled up, dark and thick, running down your leg. Volkov watched with sadistic delight, his eyes never leaving your face. “I’ve learned so much from watching people suffer. It truly is an art.”
The knife moved higher, toward your stomach, and your breath caught in your throat. Volkov’s eyes gleamed with anticipation. “But don’t worry. I won’t kill you. Not yet.”
With a swift motion, he plunged the knife into your side, just below your ribs. The pain was blinding, a hot, white flash that stole your breath away. Blood poured from the wound, soaking your clothes and pooling on the floor. Volkov’s face lit up with ecstatic fascination as he watched the life drain from you.
“Not lethal, but painful,” he murmured, twisting the blade cruelly before pulling it out. His smile widened. “Beautiful.”
Your vision blurred, the pain overwhelming your senses. You fought to stay conscious, your thoughts drifting to Natasha. Despite everything she had said, despite the harsh words and cold rejection, a part of you still hoped she would come. That she would save you.
As darkness closed in, you heard the faintest sound, footsteps moving silently through the shadows. Volkov hadn’t noticed, too absorbed in his sadistic pleasure. But you knew. She was here.
The next moments were a blur of violence and chaos. Natasha moved like a ghost, each of her movements precise and deadly. She dispatched Volkov’s guards with brutal efficiency, her eyes never leaving your tortured face. When she reached the room where you were held, Volkov turned slowly, sensing her presence.
“Why would SHIELD send their precious Black Widow for a simple rescue mission?” Volkov mused aloud, a dark smile playing on his lips. “Interesting.”
Natasha’s eyes fixed on you, her heart breaking at the sight of your battered and bloodied body. She forced herself to stay calm, but the rage simmered beneath the surface.
Volkov noticed her reaction, a glint of recognition in his eyes. “Aahh, I understand,” he said, stepping closer to you and placing a cruel hand on your stomach. "You care about her, don't you? So more than just a fleshlight..“
Natashas wondered how he knew all this. Her fists clenched, her knuckles turning white. "Get away from her. You’re surrounded." she growled.
Volkov laughed, a cold sound that echoed through the room. "So, you're the other parent," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "How touching. Tell me, Natasha, how does it feel to be so powerless?"
He pressed the knife against your stomach, drawing a thin line of blood. You flinched, your eyes pleading with Natasha to stay calm.
But Volkov was relentless. "I wonder how much more you can endure," he said, applying more pressure. "How much more before you beg for mercy?"
Natasha's resolve broke, her emotions boiling over. "Stop it!" she pleaded, her voice cracking. Volkov's smile widened. "So, it is true. You do care." He leaned closer to you, his eyes never leaving Natasha's. "See, Y/n, your lover is here to save you! But I wonder, how far will she go to protect you and your unborn child?"
Your eyes filled with tears, your voice desperate. "She won’t tell you anything. " Volkov's grip on the knife tightened. "Oh, well see. " he said, his voice cruel and mocking. "Because if she doesn't, I might just-“
"I'll do whatever you want," Natasha interrupted, her voice deadly calm. "Just let her go."
Your eyes widened in surprise. Why does she care of a sudden? Where is the Natasha from a few Days ago? And Volkov's eyes gleamed with triumph. "That's better," he said, pulling the knife away but leaving another shallow cut on your stomach. "You see, Natasha, pain is a powerful motivator. And now you'll do exactly as I say."
Natasha's eyes met yours, a silent promise passing between you. "I won't let him hurt you," she whispered, her determination hardening.
"I'm in position."
Natasha raised her hands until an arrow flew past Volkov and distracted him. In that moment, Natasha saw her opportunity. With a sudden burst of energy, she lunged at him, using every ounce of her training and fury.
Volkov, caught off guard by her ferocity, struggled to keep up. Natasha's movements were a blur, her strikes precise and deadly. She fought with a desperation that only a mother protecting her child could muster.
Clint and the team took down Volkov's remaining guards and secured the area. "Natasha, we've got them all. Get Y/n out of here," came through the comms.
In the end, Natasha overpowered Volkov, delivering a final, devastating blow that left him on the ground, barely conscious. She stood over him, her chest heaving with exertion and anger. She delivered one last, bone-crushing kick to his ribs.
With Volkov incapacitated, Natasha turned her attention to you. Her eyes softened as she took in the sight of your battered and bloodied body, but still alive. She quickly cut through your bonds, her hands gentle despite the urgency.
"Hey," she whispered, cradling your face in her hands. "I'm here. I'm so sorry. I'm here." Your eyes fluttered open, a weak smile tugging at your lips. "Took you long enough.." you murmured, your voice barely audible.
Natasha's heart ached at your condition, but she forced herself to stay focused. "We need to get you out of here," she said, her voice firm but gentle. "Can you walk?"
With Natasha's help, you managed to stand, her touch surprisingly tender. But your legs gave away, and Natasha caught you. "Alright, come here." She lifted you into her arms and carried you out.
"Let's get her to the Quinjet," Clint said, his voice urgent but calm. "She needs medical attention now." As they made their way out of the warehouse, Clint cast one last glance at the chaos they had wrought. "We'll make sure Volkov doesn't get up again," he said, his voice grim. "Let's move."
Your eyes opened slowly, the harsh white light of the medical station making you blink. You could hear the soft beeping of monitors and feel the warmth of blankets covering you. As your vision cleared, you saw Natasha sitting beside you, her eyes red-rimmed and filled with a mix of relief and worry.
"Hey," Natasha said softly, reaching out to touch your hand gently. "You're awake." You blinked, trying to sit up, but wincing at the pain still coursing through your body. "T-The baby...?"
Natasha's expression softened, a small, relieved smile appearing on her lips. "The baby's fine. Strong, just like her mother." she said, trying to inject some lightness into her tone.
But you didn't laugh. The memory of your last fight, Natasha's cold rejection of your child, still hurt deeply. You turned your head away, your silence speaking volumes.
Natasha's smile faded, replaced by an expression of deep remorse. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Y/n, I want to talk. Please let me explain why I reacted the way I did."
You remained silent, but your eyes flicked back to Natasha, a sign that you were listening. "I've made so many mistakes in my life," Natasha began, her voice trembling slightly. "I was trained to be a weapon, to be cold and distant. Love and family were concepts beaten out of me. I thought... I thought if I kept my distance, if I didn't let myself feel, I could protect you."
Natasha swallowed hard, tears filling her eyes. "But I was wrong. So, so wrong. When you told me you were pregnant, I panicked. I didn't know how to handle it. I was scared. Scared of loving, scared of being a mother. I said those terrible things because I thought it would be easier if I pushed you away."
Your expression softened, your eyes filling with tears as well. Natasha continued, her voice breaking. "I grew up in a world where love was a weakness, where family was used against you. I didn't want that for you or our child. But I see now that pushing you away was the worst thing I could have done. I'm so sorry, Y/n. I let my fear control me, and I hurt you."
She took a shaky breath, her eyes pleading with you. "I want to be there for you, and for our baby. I want to try, if you'll let me. I know I have a lot to make up for, but I promise, I'll do everything I can to make it right."
Your tears flowed freely now, but you reached out and took Natasha's hand, squeezing it tightly. "I understand, Natasha. Really. But it hurt so much to hear those things from you. I was scared too. Scared of raising this baby alone, scared of losing you."
Natasha nodded, her own tears streaming down her face. "I know. And I can't undo what I said, but I can try to be better. I want to be a part of this. I want to be a family."
You looked into Natasha's eyes, seeing the sincerity and vulnerability there. It wouldn't be easy, but for the first time, you felt a glimmer of hope. "Okay," you whispered. "We'll try. Together."
„R-Really?“ Her heart swelling with a mix of love and determination. "Thank you," she whispered. "I won't let you down."
As you both sat in the quiet of the medical wing, holding each other, you knew the road ahead would be challenging. But with Natasha by your side, you felt a renewed sense of strength and hope for the future. "Natasha, there's something else," you said, taking a deep breath. "it will probably be a girl. The doctors cannot guarantee anything, but so far it looks like..“
Natasha's eyes widened, and despite her efforts to hold them back, a tear escaped. "A girl?" she repeated, her voice trembling with emotion.
You nodded, smiling through your own tears. "Yes, a girl. Our daughter." Natasha wiped away the tear that ran down her cheek, her heart close to bursting with joy. "A daughter," she whispered, the word feeling both foreign and wonderful on her lips.
She looked at you, her eyes shining with awe and gratitude. "Thank you for giving me a second chance," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I promise, I will be the mother she deserves. And I will be there for you, every step of the way."
You squeezed Natasha's hand, feeling a new unity and strength between you. "I know you will, Natasha. I believe in you. In us."
And so, in the quiet of the medical wing, surrounded by the beeping of monitors and the sterile smell of disinfectant, you and Natasha began a new path together. A path of healing, love, and hope for the future you would build as a family.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
very specific opinion i have:
I don’t think the Lotus Hotel & Casino should automatically acclimate its inhabitants to the modern time period, because the entire point of the hotel is that it’s trying to keep people there and they will never leave, so the ideal scenario is to prevent them from experiencing the passage of time. The best way to do that would be to keep things changing as little as possible from the guests’ perspectives, and convince them they’ve spent less time there than they thought.
Even though the guests are canonically in a sort of daze, Percy specifically notes that time felt extremely distorted in the hotel, not just in the sense of “we were here for what felt like hours but outside the hotel it was a week,” but in more of a “It only feels like we’ve been here like half an hour, but i guess it might have actually been a couple hours or so- oh, a week has passed outside.”
I like to imagine the hotel is actually pretty labyrinthine when you start getting into it, and the deeper you go the older the sections of the hotel start becoming, so you get these really eerie effects when traveling through it. Especially since the hotel would theoretically shift with the other mythological locations, so if you go back far enough the hotel probably starts getting really weird, because also it’s just kind of infinite inside. People have definitely gotten lost in the depths of the hotel forever, outside of the whole never leaving the hotel thing. The di Angelo siblings might have been slightly extra resistant to the daze effect though and so were able to travel further outside their designated era wing than they normally would and start noticing that there was Something Really Weird Going On. But it still probably would have taken them awhile.
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444st4rg1rl · 2 months
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18+ , 5.5k words
tags : roommate!reader, female!reader, sorta sidekick!reader, roommate!Logan, roommate!Wade, Best Friend!Wade, enemies to lovers, harsh words, very tiny angst, smut, oral sex (f) , unprotected p in v, fingering (f), cursing. 
a/n: I couldn’t get this idea out of my head, also small spoilers to Deadpool & Wolverine. 
The one where you fucking hate your new roommate, but shit he’s also kinda hot. 
“You think Murdock is willing to take a roommate?
Wade has made himself comfortable in his bed in his room, the one out of two rooms in his apartment that is housing three people. It was nice when it was just you and Wade, best buds, partners in crime, pookie and shookie.  Whatever the fuck, it had always been you and Wade. Now it’s you, Wade and Logan. Possibly the worst fucking addition to the duo. Doesn’t he know there is always a duo in a trio?
“Gasp! Is it because of the smell? Because pookie no where deep in reddit told me how to clean up-”
You put your hand up to stop him, face full of confusion yet the sheer idea of whatever Wade has to say next kills the curious cat roaming in your thoughts. You lean on his door frame - the doors not fully open out of fear but it’s enough to not want to step foot deep in the room - and closed enough for your eyes to be saved from the atrocity he was talking about. 
“Wade, please, I can’t fucking take it anymore I am fucking loosing it. I can’t even get water without seeing that sad sack of shit mopping on our fucking couch! It’s sad, Wade, if you loved me you'd kick him out.”
The childish ultimatum is dumb but maybe the puppy dog eyes you have going on as you stare at Wade big eyed and faux sadness. Overall this is childish of you, to beg your best friend to kick out the guy who just had to fucking help you save the world seems pathetic and rude of you. But who gives a fuck? Logan is rude, an arrogant asshole, a prick, douche, down-under fucker. He is the worst hero? you have had the displeasure of meeting. But no, God strikes you down on your hatred of this old man once more; he makes him hot.
“How could you say that about a war veteran?” 
The sarcasm combined with Wade talking to Mary Puppins like a baby rather than looking at you, has you wishing Cassandra killed you herself back when she had the chance. It was interesting to say the least, getting thrown into a rag team with Wade and being told to save the multiverse was not your usual mission but hey, money is money. That wasn’t really your style, the whole big hero sham. Vigilante, mercenary, the people's people, too hot to handle, now that’s just one big umbrella term you’d throw yourself under. You met Wade when he wasn’t deadpool and you were some weird eighteen year old who was a little too good with knives and way too lucky to be alive. It felt natural then and there to just fall under his wing and have him throw you out there, figuratively and literally (there was the 32 floor incident and the scars to prove it). Your thankful for it even if it means some scars and permanent migraine because twenty-three year old you now has the confidence to throw a kitchen knife that was embedded in the wall next to you- right into Wades head and slam the door shut, something eighteen year old would have hesitated to do at first. 
“Nice clothes ya got there, Bub.”
Logan’s deep voice rattles through your system, spiking your nervous system higher than it normally is around him, (usually very high). You spin around from Wade’s door, the curse you had ready to drip off your tongue is gathered right back into your mouth after you get a look at him. Tall, dark, so big and strong; the words Karen Page had uttered to you the first time she saw Logan after you and Wade had brought him around the group you guys converse in. The words that had haunted you at night, the nights where you catch him and Wade fighting and his massive arms are on display for you to shamelessly stare at or the nights where you curse what God you might have pissed off in your past multiverses that put your very thin bedroom wall right next to the shower wall. Hearing The Wolverine, the one that you had read in comics growing up, untouchable and badass Wolverine, was the one you heard bite down on his knuckles to quiet down his deep groans as he got himself off in the shower. You close your eyes to regain what you were gonna say and look at Logan.
“Thanks, go fuck yourself.”
You turn to make the small trek to your room, looking down at clothes Logan had chosen to comment on. An oversized and stretched t-shirt that has Spider-man's logo on it, the shirt long enough to reach your thighs so like always you for-go the pants. You're not gonna change your comfiness for one person who decided to be a roach in your living room. 
Logan’s large hand on your wrist is what gets your anger sparking as he stops you from entering your room. 
“Can I fucking help you?”
Harsh words cut through your mouth as you remove your wrist from his hand, if you were to miss the warmth it provided, then well that’s later you in your bed problem. 
“Are you going with Wilson tomorrow?”
Tomorrow, a day job that you and Wade had picked up, some bullshit, go kill this person,yadda yadda, and here's the money. The main reason you're so excited? A day away from him. 
You don’t even bother to say yes, you nod your head at him, open your door, stare at him, ignore the smirk, and slam the door. Wait why the fuck did he make that face?
Now, to be truthful you should have pushed back against Logan last night. Yelled and pushed for a fight on why did he care where you were going, why did he make that face at you. You really should have, instead you chose peace. Now you live with violence in the present. Your suit clings too tight to you right now and one of your knives is digging into your thigh and oh, fucking Logan is apparently is coming. There goes any excitement you had about the day trip away from the bastard. You give Wade the silent treatment in the apartment, on the way to the car, during his shameful ‘Careless Whisper’ performance in the car and halfway to the mission. Wade drives, it’s an amusing site to watch the rather large man sit in the driver seat of the 2008 Nissan Rogue (Hondas hold too much PTSD for the group). You make yourself comfortable in the passenger and try to tune out Logan seating himself in the back.
Wade leans over, not subtly, and puts a hand cupping around his masked mouth and whispers rather loudly-
“Is this because I washed your suit too tight? Or is it your allergy to cheap soaps? I know your skin is bougie, bestie.”
You're going to kill him, you and Logan. You go to grab at the stickshift in the center console to fuck up the car but Wade knows you to well and already has a hand on the stick shift. Hearing Logan chuckle has you moving quickly. A gun is pressed right to the center of his unfortunately gorgeous forehead and takes off safely as you make direct eye contact with him.
“I will fucking pull the trigger right now.”
“Ya know you won’t Bubs, you're too much of a pussy for that.”  
The familiar nickname sends a shiver down your spine, and a heat you're too known with through the lower parts of you but the anger from his doubting overshines like usual, intrusively you unbuckle your seat belt and jump in the back seat and pistol whip Logan across the face. 
Bad choice
Logan stares at you as the gash from the pistol is rapidly repairing itself but the bloody evidence makes itself permanent on his face. He’s quick to act, unbuckling his seatbelt and going to launch himself at you.
You don’t have any fancyshamchy powers of that sort, you heal fast, just like the other two in the car but not that fast, maybe a day or two. And you're lucky, one would call it a power and someone wouldn’t. But fuck your lucky you avoid Logans fast coming fist towards your head. You duck and lean back on the seat kicking your feet out to hit him in the stomach. He gets pushed back and his head hits the widow opposite of you hard and loud. The site has you cackling, from your view as your half laid down on the seat and one leg half up and the other hanging off the seat. Logan’s broad body is pushed up against the window. Your cackling comes to a yelp as Logan is quick to pounce on you. His large body pins yours down to the seat. One arm is quick to grab your hands, capturing them in one hand that he brings above your head. His other arm across your throat pressing down hard enough to cut off your air supply.
You blame the lack of air for the thought that pushes through your mind, the sight of him above you right now all furious and heated. His thick forearm heavy on your throat should have you kicking him immediately off you but you falter. The worst part? Logan notices. You're a second to late for your normal reaction time. You watch in slight horror as Logan realizes this above you. 
“Hey! Are you guys fucking back there? Listen I know where in the middle of enemies to lovers fanfic but C’MON!”
For fucking once Wade decided to be useful these past two days, you ignore his spewing but Logan seems distracted. You get the high ground and kick him off, shoving a baby knife into his neck and scrambling your ass back into the front seat by Wade. As you adjust yourself back into your seat, the feeling of hot slick between your thighs has become a rather uncomfortable problem that has aroused. You shift uncomfortably in your seat and make the mistake of catching Logan’s eyes in the rearview mirror and he gives you a sideways glance. Fuck, fucking mutants, fucking weird senses, fucking dog boy.
If Logans being truthful, he never hated you. Hate’s too strong of a word, he does although despise you. Loathe, detest, revulse, abhorrence, those are the words Logan would use if someone asked him to describe his feelings towards you. The annoying girl who had saved the world with him and who he shares an apartment with. The very annoying girl who he wants to pummel into the ground, and then into a bed. 
Since the whole ‘we saved the universe now we gotta go back to New York and hey I guess you can come with us’ has happened to him has tested his patience. 
It’s rough adjusting to a new life let alone a new fucking universe and she makes it no better. Logan truly wants to hate her the way he portrays, he wonders if she gets tired of arguing all the time. Being so uptight and rude twenty-four seven, to have anger vibrate through her bones. Every conversation they had is laced with malice. 
“Why the fuck are you in my fridge.” - “I didn’t realize you owned the whole fridge, girl.’
“You're a reckless waste of space, I'm surprised Cassandra failed to kill you.” - “Ain’t yo whole team dead cause of you?”
“You sure Wilson’s just not pitying you, Bubs?” - “How are you over two hundred years old and you still can’t pull bitches?” 
She’s quick-witted, sharp tongued and annoyingly gorgeous. The moment Logan laid his eyes on you, he felt his blood spike faster to his heart and his dick. Pretty young girl covered in blood holding a 9 mm, he was enamored, then you opened your mouth and it was a wrap (discreet wrap). Hating you publicly and his shower thoughts is what he had lived by for the past two months yet here he sits now in the back of the car, Wades shitty pop playlist blasting, and the image of you pinned underneath of him with your big wide eyes staring up at him is burned into his head. You faltered, he saw it himself the way you went lax and the way you liked it. He’s not stupid, he bluntly watches as you push your way out from under and throw yourself back into the passenger seat. He can’t control it but he smells you, the way you have to squeeze your thigh together to get some relief. 
It sends him into a frenzy as he catches your glazed eyes in the rearview mirror, he curses himself as he feels his blood rush and his cock hardens in his suit. Fuck
You're sure Wade is the only person who enjoyed the mission, the only part you enjoyed is the fat wad of cash that was pushed into your hand. The three of you shuffle into the car that is somehow still standing. The three of you all covered in various contrivances along with Wade's now missing left arm. The car getting stained with every movement mixed with the hot interior is worse than a crowded hallway in highschool. You roll your window down and let the cool air soothe over your skin like a new layer of skin.
“I can’t believe those perverted bastards took my arm! Hope they like jerking their dicks off with sandpaper because…’’  Wade’s nonsense lulls you to a slumber that makes you ache less. 
You're a loudmouth, not as bad as Wade but you need your fix of arguing and winning. Which is what has you standing at your door thinking hard before you open it. 
Logan’s ignoring you, well, you're also ignoring him. You’ve both been trying to pretend the other doesn’t exist as one can in a 15x10 apartment layout. Just start some shit, call him fucking lazy or ugly. You psych yourself up ready to start the argument and win. The door opens and there you go sauntering out of it in your big t-shirt and no pants. Logan makes a quick glance towards your direction but otherwise seems preoccupied on the television in front of him . You stand in the kitchen behind him mouth agape as you struggle to think of the words, angrily you grab water and return back to your room.
This keeps happening, you and Logan keep avoiding each other, not more than sparing a glance. Of course, it’s Wade who says something. He catches you as you're in your room and Logans of and about in New York. 
“So did the Big Bad Wolf really eat your grandma, huh?”
“I'm gonna make you eat your grandma.”
“Kinky, but my grandma was a fierce woman.” He launches himself onto your bed and grabs your fluffy throw pillow to hold, Mary Puppins trailing in after Wade. “But seriously pookie, this is odd behavior for you two. Y’know you guys are usually like cats and dogs after each other. Oh! You think the song ‘It’s Raining Men’ took into consideration ‘it's raining cats and dogs out”…....
“I hear Logan jerk off in the shower”
You're not completely sure why that's the first thing you say to Wade, but it shuts him up. He stares at you comically before he loudly gasps and goes to cover Mary Puppins ears before excitedly staring at you. If he wasn’t horrifically scarred you could almost compare him to a teen girl right now. 
“Sexual Tension! You have to fuck The Wolverine!”
You stare at Wade like he just said he was never going to shoot again.
“The fuck are you spewing about?”
You have no other choice but to listen to Wade spew about how to fix all your problems you have to fuck Logan. You get up as Wade is on his second speech on how to suck dick 101, you push him out of your room and depressingly stare at your wall before you realize. 
After your conversation with Wade it's all that plagues your mind. The way the veins pop in his arms, how his chest looks in his wife beater. The dog tags that hand around his neck, you want to fall in front of your face and then choke him out. It catches up to you finally, after all you still share a kitchen with him. It's awkward, more awkward then a teen boy confessing his crush, it's kinda awkward where a two hundred year old mutant and a twenty three year old something of the sorts have a mutual hatred but sexual deviance of the other. 
It’s one-thirty four at night when you and Logan run into each other. You're grabbing a glass of water and he's sitting at the small Island nursing a beer. 
“Ya hate me so much Bubs you had to lock yourself away?”
You glare at him, eyes following the way he laughs at his own sentence and how his lips close around the top of his beer. You move your eyes up to catch his already glaring at you. You rack your mind to what to say, to embarrass him. 
“Bathroom walls are thin ya know, Old man.”
Got him. He freezes as he sets down his beer on the counter before continuing to stare at you, you smile at your upperhand in this. 
“Don’t know why you wanna piss me off so bad Old man, that's the only way you get it up?”
Low blow, but who cares. You certainly don’t as you watch as he racks his brain to say something. You beat him to it again.
“Why don’t you get yourself something nice, a bar, club, something. Or has it been too long for you to try anything with civilization?”
He stands up and fuck if he ain’t tall. You watch as he makes the small space in between you, he stands at his full. You reach about his shoulder so you have to lift your head to stare at him, he’s already staring down at you with a gleam in his eye. One of his hefty arms comes down on the counter behind you, caging you. His other arm rests by his side, an escape route if you still have the shreds of your dignity that tells you to leave, go back to your room and go to sleep. Yet Logan tilts his head at you and watches as his lips curl into a smirk. 
“Harsh accusations from someone-”
His words are cut off as you put a hand to cover his mouth, you just know he’s going to mention the moment in the car. Your chest are pressed together as you keep your hand tight around his mouth. Your eyes are filled with something akin to embarrassment but something else. 
“Shut it. That was a moment of weakness.”
Logan grabs your hand that's covering his mouth and holds it tightly in his hand, it’s when you don’t jerk your hand back that Logan cages you in with both arms. There goes my dignity. 
“Yeah Bubs, moment of weakness. That's why you've been avoiding me like the plague huh?” He comes closer to your face, one large hand sneaking up to grip at your chin. “Scared you might like it?”
No fucking way. You feel how your heart stops in your chest, how all you can do is have your eyes scan over his face. You push your thighs together in some relief from the feeling of molten lava being run through your system down to your panties. You lean your face closer to him. You grip your fingers hard in the marble counter behind you. Trying to hold on to whatever last bit of anger that is spurring through your body. 
“Didn’t you avoid me too huh? Don’t point fingers.”
It’s like it was a trigger that switched something inside of him. The hand that had been caging you in is holding your waist in a grip so taut you could feel the fingertip indents forming. Logan seizes your chin again, a quicker way to shut you up. 
“Fuck ya want me to, huh?” He leans his large figure down to be only inches away from each other's faces. The scowl on his face shouldn’t send a thrill down your body but any shreds of sensible thoughts have been thrown out the window moments before. Logan watches you intently, he sees how you have a remark ready to spit at him like poison. 
“I’ve watched you parade yourself around this fucking apartment like this-” he grips the edge of the long t-shirt your wearing “-and I had to do nothing about it.”
You should bunch up your shoulder, fight back, but it seems any of your usual inhibitions are clawed away when it comes to Logan. You're a simple girl at heart, your eyes catch how thick the arms that are encasing you and the moment the idea you want them to hold you while he rams from the back is when you give up any thoughts that are holding you back. 
“Why don’t you do something now?”
It’s ballsy but it’s worth it for the way you can see Logan squint his eyes and push himself harder against you, the cold counter pushed into your back a small relief to your hot skin. His hand gripping your chin goes down to match the equally harsh grip on your waist. The shitty dim light from the kitchen overhead shadows over Logan perfectly, light defining the muscles that are being pulled taunt in his neck and shoulders. He drops his head to have lips brush over your ear. 
“I hear ya too, in your room. How those fucking fingers of yours aren’t enough, you wish that was me instead huh, Bubs?” His last words come out breathy with a hint of a chuckle falling off his lips. He drops his head on your shoulder and you feel your body run hot at the amount of contact. “Fuck, I could smell ya in there all the fucking time. Knew you hear me through the walls, girl.”
You tilt your head slightly letting your plush lips ghost over his ear like he did moments ago. 
“This doesn’t change anything, you're arrogant, egotistical and an asshole.”
Logan lifts his head confused at your words before you grab his face into your hands, a laughable size difference, and push his lips onto yours. He catches on quickly moving his lips against yours rather harshly, having a hand slide to your neck to keep you in place, the other hand pushing you against him. You groan at the feeling of his hardened cock pressed up by your upper thigh. It’s quick and rough with him, the way he grabs at your skin and handles you. 
His calloused hands reach under your thighs and grunts out a ‘jump’ and that's exactly what you do. Letting your thighs hit the cold counter is a burn relief on your burning thighs. His lips run down from your lips to your neck, his beard rubbing against your skin has you throwing your head back into the cabinets that rest behind you. His hands knead your plush thighs and you pull at his hair tufts and he groans into your neck. 
He pulls away completely leaving you a confused mess. You must look like a sight, shirt falling off one shoulder and bunching at your waist. Hair a wreck framing your face and your kiss swollen lips. You go to mumble out a disoriented ‘what’ but Logans already grabbing at the undersides of your thighs and you're pulled into his arms. His fingertips grip into the backs of your thighs leaving bruises in their wake, you take the advantage to run your hands down his tank top clad shoulders and chest feeling the hard muscle ripple under your touch. 
“Say it.”
You stare at him slightly confused as he sets you down on your bed, his hands resting on the tops of your thighs. He’s looking at you so earnestly it almost hurts. 
“Say what, Logan?” You lean back on your arms before deciding on gaining a surge of confidence. You grab at the edge of your shirt and rip it over your head. Free the nipple and all that but thank fuck is all you think. It’s like a reward watching his eyes land on your bare chest and the way his breath hitches. You pull him down by his tank top. “I want you Logan.” 
The reaction is spontaneous, he’s leaning back and taking his tank top off from the hem behind his neck. You crawl back onto your bed and he follows you, in this state you could ask him to follow you to any universe and he would. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down back to your lips, his hands gliding smoothly over your torso before he grabs one of your tits in hand and pulls harshly at your nipple. He does it again on the other nipple after he hears the gasp that comes out your mouth. He moves his kissed lips down from your lips to your neck. You catch the image, his massive body crowding yours, a shield from the outside world. His lips detach from the purple hazing mark starting to form on your neck and attach his lips to one of your taut nipples while kneading the other one. You snake your hands into his hair and pull. Into the spank bank box.
It’s when his lips start trailing down your tits to your stomach, kissing and playing with the plush skin before he kisses around your thigh. Teasing on purpose, avoiding where you need him the most. He lets his thumbs enter the hem of your painties before he looks back at you. 
“You know how long I’ve waited to be here, baby?”
“Then show me, c’mon”
Logan pulls your painties off so slowly it should be a crime but with how he kisses your pussy like it’s a prize bails him out. His arms wrap around your thighs to give him better access, a forearm going across your stomach to hold you down like you're in the wrong for squirming. He licks up and down your pussy and fuck it makes you angry how good he is at it. His tongue teasing your hole and you whimper, you pull at his hair tufts and he looks at you, his eyes are teasing and his mouth and chin are covered in your juices. He maintains eye contact as he moves his lips over to your clit and sucks, he keeps his mouth closed around the bundle and watches how you moan and squirm under him. He removes one arm from around your waist to thrust a single finger into your tight hole. He doesn’t make a remark on the gasp but pulls up for where he was and stops his movement.
“Stop fucking moving, c’mob be good for me, Bubs.”
The words have you melting into your sheets as you try to stop your brash movements. The combination of the second finger he added and his tongue working wonders on your sensitive clit has your stomach forming that familiar knot. You grab at one of his arms to signal him but he doesn’t relent.
“Gonna cum ,gonna cum, Fuck!”
“I know Bubs let it out, yeah just like that baby.”
He sits up for where he was laying down, your body still spread out for him as you try to catch your breath from the orgasm. You trail your hand down his toned and muscular abs to his jean buttons, slowly undoing the button and the zipper. Logan looks down at you with a growing smirk on his face as he finishes the job of pulling his pants a little down his thighs. 
“Ya want something, girl? Ya gotta get it.”
You push yourself up onto your knees as he stands at the edge of your bed, shoving down his boxers, his cock bounces to his stomach, a flush coating the tip as pearly white precum beads out. You take his cock in hand, salivating over the happy trail in your view. You pump his cock a few times before you lean in and kiss the tip. You're a few kitten licks deep before he pulls your head back and shakes his head. 
“Another time, girl. I’ve been waiting too long to be inside of you.”
You groan and fall back, letting your legs spread for the man you hate so much. He adjusts himself in between your legs trying to make space for his large figure. He looks down at you, one hand on his cock and the other on your thigh, holding it up to his waist. He strokes at your calf in a fond way, maybe a ‘sorry i'm about to wreck your pussy.’
He lines himself up and swipes his cock head through your folds, letting his head hand forward from the feeling. You wrap both legs around his colossal waist in an attempt to have him sheath himself fully inside you. He laughs from above you and lines his fat tip against your hole. Sliding himself inch by inch, you look down and he’s only half way in and it’s too full. He tries to push in more and you whine, throwing your head back and putting your hands on his chest. He takes a hand and grabs one of your hands on his chest and sheaths himself fully inside of you.
“Yeah Bub? Too much?”
It’s cocky how he laughs above you, laughing at your whining. You shift your hips under him trying to get comfortable. His eyes watching your every move, you kick his thigh, for being cocky and a signal to move. He puts a forearm by your head and another on the thigh wrapped around the waist. He starts slowly moving his hips thrusting in and out. 
“Really Old man, c’mon let loose.”
“You don’t want me to do that, baby”
You roll your eyes from under him, you shove at his shoulders and have him fall on to his back. He stays snug inside you as you adjust yourself on top of him, watching as he gives you a one over, both his hands gripping the fat on your hips. You start lifting your thighs up and down, putting your hands on his chest making an excuse to feel on those godly abs. The grunts he gives from under you are spurring you on despite the burn in your thighs. 
Logan is a simple man, he watches the lewd faces you make as you lean forward, your tits caught between your arms as you bounce your thighs on him. He lets you do your own thing, admiring you. But the primal urge is stronger, he grabs at your hips and fucks up into you. His cock moving at rapid speed thrusting in and out of from under, you keep yourself up on this chest. Your cockdrunk on him. The feeling of him fucking into you is making you dumb, you let your tits press to his chess and attempt to kiss him. You're more so moaning into his mouth than kissing him. You let him switch places, manhandling you onto your knees. He practically mounts you like a dog in heat , his chest pressed against back. He’s got his forearm pressed to your collarbones, hand on your throat, his other hand reaches down to rub at your clit. Your a moaning mess, to fucked out to care about anything. Your whines of Logan's name has him thrusting harder into. He leans his head on your shoulder turning towards your ear.
“Yeah, you close baby, I can feel it. It’s okay Bubs, I'm here, let it out. Cum on this dick Bub.”
You let his words wash over you, coaxing you into your second orgasm. He fucks you through it, before he stills his thrust. You grab his arm- “Inside, cum inside”- he lets out a groan that rattles in your chest and shoots hot ropes of cum inside. Logan adjusts you both to lay down, your upper half on his chest, his half hard cock still cum deep in your pussy. You're tempted to fall asleep at this until Logan opens his mouth. 
“Still hate me, baby?”
You smack his chest not bothering to get up. You let yourself lay on his chest, grabbing your comforter and pulling it up to your chest, the blanket falling around his waist.
“You're still in jeans, on my bed.”
“I'll take em off for round two”
You don’t say anything just letting the both of you bask in the silence, Logan’s playing with your hair. It’s nice, up and until you hear the front door open. You brace yourself.
You forgot to lock the door, and in comes Wade.
“What the FUCK balls, without me, seriously?”
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galacticnova3 · 1 year
Since she has now flown off I am obligated to post the order of potato fairy extra large that I looked after for several days. Aka a gloriously chumby Polyphemus moth— the second one I’ve seen alive in over a decade— that decided to hang around our porch for most of its adult life. I saw the first live one on the same day, but he flew away when I tried to get close. But still, that’s a great sign that their population in my area is finally starting to recover! Anyways, here’s the wonderful big little creacher where I found her, which should probably make it clear as to why I moved her. Ants don’t mess around and I wasn’t gonna just leave her inches away from danger.
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I was pretty glad I did, as even after her wings were fully dried and extended and everything she couldn’t actually take off. See: her first “flight”.
Big fan of the loud impact PLAP sound, really added to the already very good demonstration of gravity. Worry not, she was totally fine afterwards. Here she is that night and the day after! Very cute and fuzzy, 1000/10.
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The next day I thought she had flown off, but then the day after that she was back on the porch! I could tell she was the same one because of her damaged antenna. She started laying eggs on the house and I realized that wasn’t going to be good for the caterpillars that might hatch, since it was a relatively long distance to any host plants even without including the vertical climb to reach branches of leaves. Since she clearly felt safe where she was, and I was also worried about ants and birds and possible insecticides, I ended up making a little “baby box” for her out of a thoroughly rinsed plastic container that initially held salted honey-roasted peanuts. I gave her a stick to hold on to which also gave her a route to climb out of the box if she wished, and provided various fresh oak leaves to lay her eggs on. Figured it would be a good setup because I could easily move it to a safe place once she was done, and keep an eye on the eggs until they hatched. I might even try to raise a few caterpillars if the eggs are fertile. However, during the process of me setting that whole deal up, she decided I looked like a good egg laying spot.
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You can see the “glue” that sticks the eggs to surfaces! It was cool to see up close: she’d lay an egg, wait for it to dry, and then lay the next right by it. She ended up sticking four on me before I was able to gently nudge her to the egg laying box. The stick was eventually deemed an acceptable substitute, and over night she… made an egg stalactite of sorts on it? Very weird, I think, I dunno; most of what I read online said their eggs would be laid in spread out clusters of two to three on suitable host plants. I know it wasn’t because she couldn’t get out, as when I went to check on her she had already made her way to the top of the stick and was hanging off of it outside the box. I didn’t think to take a picture of that as I needed to drive to college, but source: dude trust me. Here’s a picture of the egg sculpture I took when I got home.
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When I was done with that I went to move her off the porch where she had been staying safe for the last 5 or so days to the more wooded area of the yard, but she ended up flying off to the treetops on her own after I brought her into the open. I guess laying a bunch of eggs made her finally light enough to fly. Maybe she was feeling upset at me for not being able to pay child support and making her lay her eggs on a stick instead? Or she was just doing normal moth things or whatever. It was bittersweet to watch her go, but I’m glad she had the chance to soar the skies at least once before her time was up.
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cryobabyy · 2 months
cooper adams has a mommy kink. take this where you please
what is it finna play.........WOAH
NSFW UNDER THE CUT (lowkey a whole ass fic)
Okay so obviously, the man has some serious rules. He's meticulous, well-organized, and a master at compartmentalizing each section of his various lifes; Work!Cooper, Dad!Cooper, Husband!Cooper, and ofc 'The Butcher' (He rolls his eyes when the media starts calling him that. He thinks it's corny and tasteless lol.). It's all neatly organized into little sections that never touch.
HOWEVER, he has an urge that doesn't fit in with any of the tidy little pockets of his life he's curated. He's in control. Everything has a time and a place. So he would have to carve out time to explore the urge.
ENTER YOU; a broke college kid who has a weird little escorting side hustle. Every weekend you let some well-to-do older guy take you out to dinner, and buy you something expensive in exchange for your time and attention. Sometimes they ask you to do weird shit, like send a video of you stepping on a cake, or spitting in their mouth. Textbooks are expensive, so you usually agree for a price.
You get a Tinder message from a dude named Cooper. He has two pictures. Cropped pictures from the neck down. One with his shirt on, one with his shirt off. He's got this fit dad bod thing going on. Nice.
At his request, you meet at a sports bar.
Oh shit??? He's tall? and attractive??? You're a professional though (kinda), so you remind yourself that it's strictly business.
Cooper is extremely charming, he makes you laugh, and he tells you he's divorced and never had kids. He's a police officer, nearly retired. He shows you his badge because he doesn't want you to feel unsafe. Seems legit. He tells you he's just looking for some company, but not anything more.
You tell him about yourself, that you're a sophomore in college, you're supporting yourself, and doing stuff like this was more enjoyable than signing up for Uber.
Cooper is having a blast listening to you prattle on about your cute little life. He thinks you're adorable and pathetically naive. You believed his song and dance, and for that he respected you. He liked that, in a way, you're a hustler just like him. In another life, he would have liked to keep you in a cage like a pet bird. But he likes you, so you get to live.
You're having fun..... like maybe too much fun. If this were a normal date and not a mutually consensual transaction, you would have wanted him to throw you over his shoulder and take you home.
You share buffalo wings and a couple drinks. It's so casual, you forget you're technically working. He's a gentleman, he walks you to your car. You're kinda disappointed the night is coming to an end, so you perk up at his request.
"I'm having a great time with you, and I don't want to be too forward, but do you think we can take the party somewhere else? I can make it worth your time."
You're at a crossroads. Prostitution is illegal, but is it still prostitution if you really, really want to fuck this 6'3 silver fox? You don't even want his money at this point, you just want him.
"What is this, a sting operation?" You're only half joking. He laughs.
"I wouldn't have told you I'm a cop if it was."
You tell him you don't want his money, that you're in the back of his black SUV, straddling his lap making out and undoing his belt buckle because you want to.
He looks up at you and nods. "Yes, m'am."
It clicks right then and there.
this man wants to be dominated.
you experimentally put a hand to his throat and squeeze.
He groans in response, bucking his hip upwards. You can feel him straining against his pants underneath you.
Holy shit, this 6'3 cop wants you to make him your bitch. The plot twist of the century. You thought you were going to be the one tied up.
"You gonna be a good boy for me, Cooper?" You use your free hand to push a silvery strand of brown hair behind his ear. You've done some weird shit before, but nothing like this. You didn't exactly hate it either.
He nods eagerly, his breathing labored. "I'll do whatever you fucking tell me."
You decide to test some boundaries and give him a sharp slap across the face, and he keens like a little slut. Holy shit this is really happening.
"Watch your fucking mouth."
He's a mess, cheeks red, hair in his face. He looks up at you, and you see something that looks like equal parts hate and admiration in his eyes. It's low-key scary, but you're also soaking fucking wet.
"I'm sorry." He grits out, rutting his constrained cock against your thigh.
You move your leg away, he groans at the loss. You hold his jaw between your index finger and your thumb.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I'm sorry, mommy."
Whaaaatttt???? Okay be cool, be cool, you got this
"Good boy."
In the dark recesses of Cooper's mind, he observes the situation he's put you in as a third party. He came here to get an itch scratched, and what a fucking relief it was; to be safely out of control in a controlled environment.
He asks for permission to eat you out.
You make him beg for it. Tell him he doesn't deserve it.
"Show me how bad you want it." You tell him to touch himself.
He pulls himself out, you look down in between your mostly clothed bodies and it takes every ounce of self-control to keep your cool.
He's becoming incoherent, a breathless mess. He's begging you to let him touch you. Your resolve crumbles at the sight of him, wet lipped, dark-eyed, and heaving.
"Don't disappoint me, Cooper."
He wastes no time getting your back against the backseat door and your legs spread and your panties pushed to the side. You nearly forgot he was twice your size and could throw you around like a doll if he wanted.
He's ravenous. Like he was starving.
The man has talent for eating pussy, clearly.
You have a hard time keeping up your end of this dynamic because this motherfucker (lol) is making your legs SHAKE. You have to bite your lips to stop yourself from begging him to just fuck you.
You come in like 60 seconds obviously, the sound that rips from your chest makes you sound like a preening little bitch.
You grab a fist full of his hair to regain some control, and he groans into you.
You quite literally have to pull him off you lol
You're completely lost in the sauce at this point
You don't even know who's really in charge here??
Doesn't matter because you're already half hazardously pulling his jeans down his thighs and he's pushing your leg over his shoulder.
You use one hand to dig your nails into his ass, and the other to hold him by the throat.
Despite you being in control, Cooper sets a punishing pace, and you can't find it in you to reprimand him or whatever you were supposed to do. Instead, you just grit praises through your teeth.
"You're such a good fucking boy, Cooper. Such a- fuck. Say it. Whose mommy's good boy?"
He doesn't say anything for a second, so you plant a sharp little slap across his face. He groans.
"Answer me."
"I am."
"That's fucking right, baby." You croon.
That seems to send him right over the fucking edge.
When he comes inside you, he puts his full weight on you, wraps his hand around your neck, and makes the most intense eye contact you've ever had in your life. It startles the fuck out of you.
His final thrusts are punctuated by hissing swear words. "Fuck. Yes. Fuck."
And then??? it's just??? Over???
He pulls off of you, tucks himself back in his pants, and smooths his hair back into place.
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prinzrupprecht · 2 months
Hello, I would like an order for Ror Yandere Hades, Poseidon, Loki and Apollo with Anubis female version with the personality of Helaena Targaryen and being super overprotected because she gets lost and is autistic with ADHD, please.
Yes, this request is interesting since Halaena Targargyn’s is one of my favs from HoTD, so I’ll try to make a good interpretation on these characters. I prob fucked up Poseidon… sorry. :(
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This man would not let you out of his sight, he knows how naive you are.
When you do accidentally find his secret room and a doll that looks like you. Your mind couldn’t handle the thought of why he had that and as you tried to panic and leave, he even stopped you and refused you from leaving his palace.
He normally would shape shift into cats or other animals to stalk you whenever you’re reading or wandering around.
If someone tried to take your attention from him, even to ask you for your assistance in something, he would rudely dismiss them while you stand there puzzled and confused.
As you struggle with social interactions and being near others, Loki would always be the one to speak for you even if he says out of line phrases that you would never say.
You also have a huge habit of watching bugs in the garden and sometimes would accidentally wander too far in Odin’s garden before Loki could find you and bring you back. You had always wondered how he always finds you. Maybe he was nearby?
Apollo normally appears as an extremely narcissistic individual who never was loyal to any of his lovers, until he first laid his eyes upon you as the goddess of funerals and burials. He had to nearly beg you to get to know him, even if you preferred to be alone and to be withdrawn from everyone.
Whenever others don’t fit his standards of beauty, he looks down on them even if you’re standing beside him as he berates some of the maids and or servants in the Olympus palace.
He would always act dramatic and rant to you about his long day arguing with his servants if they don’t do things his way, Apollo gets agitated. You tend to always listen and speak if you’re asked to.
Whenever he goes to have his baths, he always puts pressure on you to join him. You felt like you had no say in the matter and agreed to these occasional baths with him.
Whenever you tried to wander the palace alone, Apollo would scold you about leaving without telling him because of how easy it was to get lost in the palace. You could go days without seeing a single person sometimes. Apollo always told you to tell him if you were going somewhere so he would be the one to accompany you. This was something that made you weirded out at first but you never questioned him.
You preferred being in solitude without Apollo rambling nonsense about his day. He was too attached to your company to let you out of his sight. If he wants a bath, you’d have to join him. It was nearly impossible to get away from him at times. He even dropped the harem of girls because he was obsessed with you.
When Adamas tried to hurt you one evening while you got lost in the wrong wing of the palace, you had thought you were alone since you left Apollo’s room without telling him. However, Apollo was already quick to tell Adamas to leave and that he was sorry for disturbing him. Apollo wasn’t mad, but he doesn’t like the thought of someone trying to hurt you and he’s not there to protect you.
The King of the Netherworld wasn’t one to find a soulmate considering he was too busy ruling Helheim, until he saw you one day in the garden of Eve with Lucifer, Azazel and Samuel stealing apples which was forbidden, however, he didn’t care about that. He rarely goes to that place but something about you intrigued him and lured him. You? An Egyptian goddess of funerals hanging out with them? He wanted to scoff knowing you could do better, with someone like him.
He knew of you, but you rarely appeared during council meetings because of how sensitive the topics were. You didn’t like the thought of destroying entire species. You took care of the dead your own way.
You mostly kept to yourself and found the littlest things more amusing to you like ants on the ground. Hades had wondered why he watched you for so long.
The moment he finally caught your attention, you looked dumbfounded at his presence while the three angles were kneeling. You were socially distant from your interaction with the Netherworld king many times before. However, he quickly declared that you walk with him in Helheim.
As reluctant as you were, Hades saw how nervous and fidgety you were around him due to his status as a chief god. He quickly asked if you’d stay with him in his empty palace and promised you his protection. You quickly thought of saying no to that suggestion, however, how could you decline that? You had your own routine and duties as the goddess of funerals. Hades promised you’d continue your usual activities only if you’d accompany him whenever he wanted. Helheim was a dangerous place where demons dwell and he would kill any demon that tries to harm you.
Whenever, you tried to travel around his castle alone or the number of times you got lost finding your away around, Hades would quickly find you and tell you to stay with him in his room instead. He even offered his entire library to you if you wanted to read. Even if you’d rather be alone, his presence was enough to make you obey him.
This man rarely talks, and mostly glares at others. His cold exterior told you otherwise to just avoid him and to never interact with him. However, as you thought he had no emotions, you were completely wrong by this. He loves his brothers and even shows you respect by not calling you a bottom feeder like he does with other gods.
He saw how Zeus was being a pervert and was spying on you in the baths and scolded him which nearly pissed off the ocean tyrant because of his younger brother’s unpleasant nature of being a pervert.
You were just an outside guest of the Egyptian pantheon and were asked personally by Poseidon to accompany him in his hall. Which was a long table and he sat at one end. He questioned you, your intentions, why you were even at the Olympus palace and other things. You were incredibly nervous and thought you were going to die. He tried walking towards you as you were squeezing your eyes shut while fidgeting with your fingers.
You were something that interested you but he couldn’t put forth as to why. Was it your personality? Or how much you prefer to be alone like him? When Adamas tried to harm you, things didn’t end well for him. Let’s say he tried to attack Poseidon the same day as well nearly killing him.
He didn’t like how much you’d rather leave when you tried to dismiss yourself. He refused to let you leave and told you to stay with him for just a bit longer. This was the longest you ever heard him speak. He was definitely more quiet when he’s with his brothers.
Even as nervous as you seem to be, you were easy to obey him.
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sugaryplum · 11 months
broken ankles and middle names
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pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader summary: after a silly accident involving the hogwarts' infuriating moving stairs, you're found by a certain quiet boy (whom you not-so-secretly adore). warnings: no good exposition whatsoever, language mistakes, chaotic+flirty reader i want to be her!!! notes: this is part of a bigger story that i will probably never finish writing, let alone publish, so if it seems completely out of context, that's why. this is also the first thing on this tumblr blog and the first written thing i'm ever showing to tumblr besides poetry!!🤭 i hope you like it 🤍 let me know
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“what on earth happened to you?”
the situation is silly and absurd, so you laugh, despite the sharp pain that almost makes your eyes water. theo is kneeling beside you with a confused expression on his face, looking from your swollen ankle to your face.
“can you help me to the hospital wing? i can’t walk.”
all you have to do is look at him and he carefully picks you up from the cold floor. you put your arms around his neck for support. “i was walking up the stairs. and then the stairs moved. and then i fell. you know, i’m glad you’re here, there’s not a single soul on the corridors at this time of day, i was just going to get some books, i have free period–”
“you should watch where you’re walking.” his voice sounds like honey and if you weren’t basically laying in his arms right now, your knees would definitely go weak. but you act unbothered. “maybe i should’ve. but then you wouldn’t carry me. maybe this is a win after all.”
“you’re infuriating.” the small smile that cracks on his face doesn’t go unnoticed, especially when you can see his lips from up close.
“infuriating is my middle name.” there’s a lot of things you can see from up close. his eyelashes are long and he has more freckles than you thought. you like how the ends of his hair twist and fall on his forehead.
“middle name.”
“stop with the middle names.”
after no more than a minute of silence you speak up again. “you’re so quiet.”
“you think so?” a normal person who doesn’t talk to theodore on the daily basis, probably wouldn’t be able to tell if he’s being sarcastic or not. but you are not a normal person. you pay way too much attention.
you come up with a response and giggle before you even get the chance to say it. “you could say that quiet is your middle nam–”
“if i dropped you right now, i bet you'd be whining like crazy.”
“there’s no need to test that.” you hold on to his neck a little tighter. “besides, you’re lucky i’m not whining right now. i’m in enormous amounts of pain.”
“i can tell. your ankle is twice its normal size.”
“you seem to know my ankles pretty well.” theo chuckles more audibly at your words and your heart flutters.
“that's my secret. i've been staring at them since fifth year.”
you gasp, pretending to be shocked. “i never knew my ankles were so desirable! now you got me worried, that fall might’ve been a threat to my beauty…”
“oh, very much so. you're lucky you had me there to carry you and take care of you in such a tragic moment.”
you never thought hogwarts' insanely big castle was exactly convenient. you’re constantly late for classes, walking takes up half of your daily life and you never know what is creeping around the corner. but now, when you’re being carried through it by the boy you like so much, maybe it’s a blessing in disguise?
“how far away is that wing?” you ask in a whiny tone just to get this attention, but in your mind and in your heart you thank merlin for the long corridors.
“don't you dare even start to complain now, after i carried you all this way.”
“i’m not complaining about you, i’m complaining about the castle. although i’m sure i could find some complaints about you…”
“oh?” he looks at you, slightly amused. “go ahead, do your worst.”
��well, for starters, you make weird comments about my ankles.”
“your ankles are my favorite thing about you.”
“that’s an insult.”
“you’re an insult.”
he sighs and he calls you insufferable and you smile. you can expect the hospital wing right around the corner, but you wouldn’t mind staying in the pretty boy’s arms for a little longer.
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girlgenius1111 · 10 months
can she make you feel like i do?
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Jealous Leila O as promised!!!! smut. this is just smut.
italics are spanish
18+. rougher sex. use of a safe word. aftercare though :) lmk if you like it!
You knew your girlfriend to be a mildly possessive person, but she'd never been weird about your friends. Something about Katie must have really pissed her off for her to act the way she did.
You and Leila saw each other a fair amount, with her playing for city and you playing for arsenal. It was your first season at the club, and she knew how nervous you'd been. Moving from Liga F to England was a big change, and she'd played a huge role in helping you adjust.
So had Katie, to be fair. Arsenal was truly like a family, and Katie had taken you under her wing, made sure you fit in and felt safe and comfortable.
The night before you were set to play man city, you'd gone out with some of the girls and Leila. You were smushed in between her and Katie, and you found yourself paying more attention to Katie than you were to Leila. It wasn't intentional; Leila was less comfortable with english than you were, especially around people she'd just met, so she was quieter than normal.
You hadn't realized it had bothered her until you felt her hand grab yours under the table, holding tightly. You broke off your conversation with the Irish woman, and turned to your girlfriend.
"Are you okay, baby?" you asked quietly, sensing the anxiety radiating off of the older woman.
"They speak really fast." She said quietly. You looked at her closer, and saw that she wasn't just slightly anxious, but a little angry. You knew there was more she wasn't telling you, but you didn't want to push in front of your friends. Instead, you smiled at her sympathetically, squeezing her hand.
"We can go soon, okay?" You promised, and she nodded, not letting go of your hand. For the rest of the meal, you made more of a effort to bring her into the conversations, and she seemed to get a little more comfortable. You didn't fully understand what she was so upset about until you arrived back to your apartment, where she was staying while she was in town.
"What's up with you and Mccabe," she asked quietly, once you'd climbed into bed and turned the lights off. You shifted in her arms to face her, realizing what the problem was. It was dark, so you couldn't really make out her expression, but you could tell her jaw was clenched, and she wasn't looking at you.
"Is that what you were so upset about?" You questioned. She nodded her head jerkily. You weren't used to this; Leila was a very secure person, and you'd never really seen her this upset before over something so trivial. You placed a hand on her cheek, tilting her head to look at you. "Katie is just a friend, my love. She's been really helpful since I got here, really looked out for me. And she's with Caitlin. Besides, why would I want her when I have you?" You said, rubbing your thumb lightly across her cheek.
She looked relieved, and like she was blushing from your last comment, as she buried her head in your hair.
"Okay. I'm sorry, I trust you, I just got nervous." She pressed a light kiss to your neck, and you settled back against her, thinking the issue was resolved.
The thing was, there were two Leila's. Sweet and kind Leila, who brought you flowers and liked nothing more than to have you lay directly on top of her while watching TV. There was also football Leila, aggressive Leila, who showed her opponents no mercy. Both of these sides of her melded beautifully together to create someone who sometimes would slowly, achingly take you to pieces, and other times, would fuck you until you could barely breathe.
It had been a bit since you and Leila had seen each other, and although you didn't have sex the night before the game, it was unspoken that you would be going directly back to your apartment once the game was over. You pushed these thoughts out of your head, though, focusing on the task at hand.
For the next 90 minutes, Leila was not your girlfriend, but your opponent, and you needed to play accordingly. You both managed it well, getting through the first half with no incidents. You were halfway through the second half when things started to escalate.
Alanna Kennedy had tackled you late, leaving you sprawled on the grass. You were fine, the air had just been knocked out of you, so you took a second to regain your breath. Katie appeared at your side, ever protective.
"You alright there mate?" She asked shooting a glare at Alanna as she the Australian patted you on the shoulder, walking by.
"Good. Just need a sec." You said, rather breathlessly. Katie nodded, remaining at your side until you were ready to stand up. You took her outstretched hand and got to your feet. You only saw Leila once you'd stood up. You'd completely missed how she'd begun to come over to you and help you up, before Katie beat her there. You'd missed how she watched with a furrowed brow as you talked quietly with Katie, as she helped you up.
You caught her eye, where she was standing with her arms crossed halfway across the pitch. You mistook her jealously for worry, and sent her a thumbs up. Her face didn't change as the game resumed.
You didn't realize Leila was upset, again, until a few minutes later. She'd gone completely for Katie's legs, her own feet nowhere even near the ball. Katie clutched her ankle, swearing loudly, as you ran over.
"Leila!" You scolded, almost forgetting where you were for a second. You bent down, resting a hand on Katie's back, and Leila scoffed at you. You looked back up at her, shocked that she was behaving this way during a game. She turned to walk away, ignoring the yellow card from the ref. You helped Katie to her feet, and she grumbled after the retreating form of your girlfriend.
"Some girl you got there, y/n." Katie remarked.
"She gets jealous." You said shortly, wanting to put your focus back on the game. You managed to do so, none of the three of you getting into anymore tousles.
The game ended in a draw, and as you waited outside the visitors locker room for Leila, you couldn't help but be a little annoyed with her. But if you were a little annoyed, Leila was fuming. She didn't know what it was about Katie McCabe around you that made her so upset, but she couldn't help it. And then, instead of understanding why she was upset, you yelled at her on the pitch, and helped Katie up. Look, Leila knew she was being ridiculous. She didn't really care.
This was evident when she stomped out of the locker room, grabbing your hand in hers and tugging you wordlessly to the car. You followed after her, a little shocked at the turn of events, but you weren't going to say no.
The car ride home was tense, with Leila not speaking a word to you. It was evident that she was upset, and honestly, so were you. You weren't sure what kind of mad Leila was gonna come out, though. Angry Leila who wouldn't speak to you, except to say goodnight, or angry Leila who had plans to rail you into next week the moment you stepped into your apartment.
You got your answer, though, when you shut the door to you apartment, and Leila was suddenly behind you, breathing down your neck, arms wrapped possessively around your waist.
"Strip and get on the bed." She breathed into your ear. You wanted to stay mad at her, but it had been so long since she'd had her way with you, that you simply nodded, and followed her instructions.
You lay on the bed, naked, waiting for your girlfriend to come into the room. She took her time, and by the time you heard her footsteps padding into the room, you were wet at the thought of all the things your girlfriend was about to do to you. She walked in slowly, taking in the sight of you. She didn't say anything, just walked to stand right by your body, trailing a finger across the bruise blooming on your thigh, from the hit you took during the game.
For a second, you saw concern wash over Leila's face, and it remained when she looked up at you.
"You tell me if you need to stop?" She questioned, voice softer than before.
"Yes," you replied, trying to keep your own voice even as Leila's intense gaze met your own. As soon as the words left your mouth, Leila was on top of you, pressing her lips to yours in a searing kiss, tongue immediately bypassing your lips and jutting into your mouth. You gasped in surprise, but she didn't let up, pressing you down against the mattress, hard. You tried to bring a hand up, and tug her tight ponytail out, but she caught your hand, and shoved it back against the mattress.
"No touching," she hissed, pulling back to speak for only a second, before diving back against you. You tried to keep up, but the feeling of her holding your hands down to the mattress, the way her hips pressed hard against yours, had you gasping for air in between kisses, unable to get enough in through your nose. She kissed you senselessly for a few more minutes, her tongue darting in and out of your mouth.
Leila pulled back, then, and stood next to the bed, quickly taking her own clothes off. She looked up at you as she did, watching your face staring at her with a hunger in your eyes. The defender climbed back on the bed, pushing you down with a hand against your chest, as she lifted herself to hover over your face.
"Make me come," she told you, and you whimpered in response, hooking your arms around her thighs to pull her down. Your tongue flicked out to meet her core, and you go right to work, delighted to find her as wet as you were sure you were. Despite the cold act she was putting on, she wanted you just as much as you wanted her.
You dragged your tongue through her center, circling her clit with it before dipping at back down, pushing into her entrance. She let out little sounds above you, pressing down harder on your face. You repeated the pattern a few times, before focusing on the swollen nub. You took it into your mouth, sucking lightly, before flicking your tongue over it, and Leila moaned loudly, her body jerking at the stimulation.
"Fingers," she instructed, and you didn't waste any time, unlacing your arm from her thigh, and bring it up to tease her dripping cunt with your finger. You knew better than to tease for too long though, and pushed in, pressing along her front wall as you did. You felt her body shift on top of you, but your eyes were closed, so you didn't know what she was doing until you felt her fingers rubbing harsh circles around your clit. You gasped against her, but kept your motions going.
Soon, one finger became two, and you were pumping in and out fast, working her up with your tongue on her as well. Her motions on you were distracting; she'd barely touched you until now, and the sudden stimulation was almost overwhelming. She pressed hard on you, and you tried to hold your legs still as they tensed and twitched.
Thinking that if you got her to come, she'd let you, you added a third finger, curling them just right against her, rapidly flicking your tongue over her clit. It didn't take much longer until she was coming on your face, leaving quite a mess behind. As she did, though, her fingers withdrew from you, leaving you pressing your thighs together.
She grinded down against your fast as the aftershocks rolled through her, before rolling off of you, and climbing down your body. Before you knew what was happening, and at an impressively fast pace for someone who had just come, she was shoving her face against you, her tongue working in and out of your whole.
"You're dripping. Who is it for, hm? Me? Or her?" she asked against you, the vibrations of her voice sending a wave a pleasure through you. She sounded angry, furious even. You didn't respond, to overcome with the sensation of finally, finally, having her mouth on you. You startled back into the present, though, when she lightly slapped your thigh, prompting a response.
"You, baby, only you"
"Hmm", she replied, bring a hand up to pinch hard at one of your nipples. Your upper body jerked, the pain of it barely being overtaken by the pleasure. She kept moving her mouth against you, tongue lapping at the abundant wetness. Leila's motions were so fast, so perfect, and you had missed her so much. You were nearing the edge, almost humiliatingly fast.
"Close," you managed to gasp out, hands gripping tightly at the comforter. As soon as you spoke, she was pulling away, pressing her hands onto your thighs, leaving you completely without friction.
"No, baby. Leila, please," you whined, eyes opening to look up at her. She was looking down at you with a teasing smile on her face.
"You don't get to come. Not until I say so," Leila told you, pressing her fingers hard into your legs. Leila didn't often edge you, preferring to make you come until you couldn't move, but when she had, it had taken... a long time until she gave in. And this time, you felt even more desperate for her, for the release you knew she could give you. She waited for your breathing to slow, looking down at you almost condescendingly.
This time, she moved back against you achingly slowly, running her fingers along your thighs, skipping over where you needed her. You did your best to hold you body still, once again shutting your eyes. She pressed 2 fingers against you, pushing in. You moaned at the stretch, not used to having her inside of you.
"Open your eyes," she told you, and you blinked them open, your eyes meeting her dark ones. She didn't say anything else, just staring at you as she slowly pumped her fingers in and out.
"Leila," you murmured, not really sure why you were speaking, but so overcome with need for her in that moment, you had to say something.
"I know, you missed me huh? This pussy is dripping for me." she replied, voice slightly mocking. You nodded pathetically, squirming against the bed, hoping your agreement would make her change her mind about your punishment. No such luck, though, as a few minutes later, when your moans increased in volume, and her fingers were sliding in and out rapidly, she pulled out again. You cried out this time, unable to form words as your legs shook beneath her.
You'd normally be able to last longer than this without getting to the point of begging, but you'd missed her touch so much.
"Please, baby I'll do anything, please just let me come," you asked shakily. Leila smirked down at you, keeping her hands pressed against your thighs once again.
"You need me that bad, love?" she questioned, and you nodded frantically. "Tell me again. Tell me how much you need me, and only me."
"Fuck baby, I need you, only you, please, you're the only one who can make me feel this good," you cried, blinking up at her pleadingly. She hummed, looking down at you appraisingly. She let go of your thighs, and you didn't dare move them, as she reached up and tightened her ponytail. You watched her arms flex as she did so, and had to stop yourself from letting your jaw drop open.
Her body on full display in front of you, muscles rippling as she worked you to the brink, was almost as stimulating as her touch.
"You beg so nicely for me. One more, then you can come. And once you start, you aren't stopping." she promised and you sighed in relief, not really processing the second part of her sentence. Your face quickly became one of confusion though, as she stepped away from the bed, instead of lowering herself back to your core.
Leila walked to the bedside table, yanking the drawer open and pulling out the harness and dildo. She put it on quickly, walking back over to you. She pulled you by your legs until they were hanging off the side of the bed, and she could easily slide into you from her where she was standing. You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching her expectantly. She reached a hand up to your face, cupping it under your chin.
"Spit," she told you, and you did. You knew she was doing it more for the display of power, to remind you that you'd really do anything she asked, than because she needed the lubrication. Regardless, she stroked the fake cock a few times, coating it in your spit, before pressing the blunt head up against you.
Leila didn't waste anytime, pressing in and bottoming out almost instantly.
"Jesus," you choked out. She fucked you hard, and you did your best to keep watching to take in the image of her. She was holding your legs for leverage, veiny hands on full display. Her abs rippled with every thrust, and her pupils were blown as she looked down at her cock disappearing into you.
"That's right, baby, taking it so well," you knew she wasn't mad at you anymore then, the words for praise increasing the feeling of heat in your lower abdomen. She pushed you right to the edge this time, until you were seriously worried you would finish before she could pull out. She did, though, and you let out a sob, overcome with desperation. You felt a tear run down your cheek, and you lay back, throwing your arms over your face.
"So good for me. Waiting like a good girl," Leila told you, gently rubbing her thumbs in soothing circles over the skin of your legs. "Flip over for me," she instructed, and you rushed to comply, resting on your stomach. Her hands pulled your waist, until you ass was up into the air. She smacked your ass once, grabbing it aggressively , and you whined.
"Alright, I'll fuck you. Come whenever you need to," she said, and you sighed in relief, the side of your face pressed against the mattress. Leila climbed onto the bed, slotting herself in behind you, pushing in slowly this time. Her thrusts remained slow, and you whimpered with need as she failed to speed up right away.
When she did speed up, it was immediate, and her pace was unrelenting. Her hands pulled your hips back to meet her every thrust, and the room was filled with your gasps for air, and the sound of her hips meeting yours. She pushed a hand on your back, making you arch more, and suddenly she was hitting your spot with every thrust. You came almost immediately, crying her name out loudly. She didn't slow, and your first orgasm bled into the second one, until you weren't sure where the first one ended and the second one began.
You had the comforter in a white-knuckled grip, as Leila continued. her breaths were coming faster and faster, and you knew the feeling of the strap pressing against her was getting her closer and closer.
"S-so good, baby, fuck," you stuttered, voice half muffled from where your face pressed into the bed. At your words, Leila shifted, bringing a foot to rest on the bed, and moving one of her hands around your front, to rub at your clit. You saw stars. Her pace somehow increased and she was fucking you even harder, your hips trying to press back into her.
"Come again for me," she told you, and you did, feeling tears spill out of your eyes. As the pleasure from your third orgasm faded, you felt the overwhelming feeling of overstimulation as she rubbed hard circled against your swollen clit, fucking into you as fast as ever. She pressed you right over the edge into your fourth orgasm.
"Leila, my god," you cried out, this one seeming to last longer. Your legs were shaking, and you could barely keep your ass in the air. Leila wasn't showing any signs of stopping though, and you knew she wouldn't unless you said something. The sensations were too much, and you knew if she made you come again, you'd pass out.
"Red, Leila, fuck," you whimpered, reaching a hand back to try to reinforce your message. Leila stilled her movements immediately, bring her hand away from your core to rub your back gently.
"Alright, baby, okay. Can I pull out?" She asked, and you whined, nodding into the bed. You felt her pull out, and you winced at the sensation. She gently rolled you onto your back, before her touch was gone. You knew she was just taking the harness off, but you couldn't help how needy you were, reaching a hand out, needing her touch you again, much differently than you needed it before. Your whole body was trembling, and the tears in your eyes were still leaking out. You felt so good, so so good, that it hurt, in the best way possible.
"Lei," you said, forcing your eyes open to look for your girlfriend. She was climbing back onto the bed with a bottle of water extended to you, and you shook your head, reaching out for her free hand instead.
"I'm here, I've got you," she said, putting the water down and pulling you into her arms. You leaned into her, resting your head in the crook of her neck, breathing deeply.
"Okay?" She asked quietly, her hands rubbing softly at your back. You nodded against her, trying to find words.
"So good, Lei." you replied, sounding so fucked out that Leila chuckled lightly. She pulled back after a moment, and you groaned your complaint.
"Drink some water for me, please," she instructed, and you complied sipping slowly at the drink that she held up to your lips. Your whole body was still unsteady and Leila was practically holding you up.
"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, concerned at your state.
"Promise, just need a bit," you told her, and she nodded, putting the bottle back down. You nestled back into her arms, pressing light kisses to her bare chest.
"Missed you, so much," you murmured.
"I could tell." she remarked, and you groaned.
"You're too good at that," you said, and she chuckled again.
"Won't apologize for it." she joked.
"I'd never ask you too," you responded, before your tone grew more serious. "Perfect for me. Always," you mumbled, aware that it didn't really match up with your previous phrase, but wanting to make sure she knew there was nothing to worry about.
"I know. Sorry I acted like that," she said. Only post sex Leila could apologize that easily. Every other version of her was far too stubborn to give in so fast.
"I love you, more than football. More than anything." You said, and the unspoken words were there; more than Katie McCabe, you idiot.
"I love you even more than the way you scream my name," she replied cheekily, and you smacked her arm halfheartedly.
"Leila Ouahabi!" You scolded, blushing. You both laughed, and you pulled yourself from her embrace, looking up at her tiredly.
"Help me shower?" You asked, knowing that if you tried to stand on your own, your legs would probably give out.
"Of course," she replied. She'd do anything for you.
straight up could not figure out how to end that so sorry if it seems abrupt :) hope you enjoyed!!!!
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deadghosy · 7 months
🦆Sorry if it’s long lol, I got inspired by the song to make this ✨
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A echoing lullaby goes around the garden of Eden. Waking up a male human who was taking a rather long nap as his eyes open.
Adam, the first man was sitting under a tree sighing as his memory of his first wife leaving him strikes him. He never thought he would be left like that as he oddly felt sad but also felt nothing as he didn’t know how to control his emotions. But then the echoing lullaby broke him out of his train of thought.
He shook his head, thinking it was just nothing. But the echoing of the melody got louder, and louder, and loud in his head to the point it was like a siren calling out for him to follow the voice. He looks up to see a beam of light strike down. Everything rumbles, making the first man fall to his stomach at the powerful shake.
Adam coughed, sitting up as he dusted himself off and stood up fully. He walked through the garden, following the enchanting melody. He closes his eyes, feeling as if the melody swirled around him. Making him him feel like dream as he flutters his eyes.
“What…is that…?” Adam asked himself as he blinked amazed at what is happening. He couldn’t believe it as he is thinking it’s a blessing from god himself.
He finally reached the section of the garden as the beam of light vanishes in a blink before it started to act weird.
The light flickers from behind the tree branches covering the view of what could be behind the cause of this blinding light and melody voice calling out for him. He lets out a breath and lifts up the branch.
He sees a glowing figure, the figure glowed so bright like the stars as the figure’s face was covered by the light that arises from its own body. He had to blink a couple of times to get use to its light.
“Who are you?” He says in a low tone to not scare whatever it is. The figure was in a sitting position, having their knees close to their chest as four pair of wings spout out of their back. Even head wings as a blinding light covers their face, making them faceless at some point. They turned to the man as they stood up, the light getting brighter as a sun in the sky. They seemed to be naked as their breasts/pecs were most noticeable in features from the light that Adam couldn’t bear much long to stare.
“Do not be afraid..”
The voice whispers, but the whisper sounded loud as Adam suddenly passes out by a bright light. He wakes up to see everything practically normal as he touches his eyes to see if anything went on with him. But there was nothing, it was like the figure wasn’t even real to say. It kinda scared Adam before the lull sky rolls in his head calming down any thoughts in the first man’s head as he heard bushes rustling to see a lady. Who he must assumed was his new wife, Eve.
Years pass as that same melody echos in his head every time he thinks about you. Usually when Adam feels pissy, that melody calms him down out of nowhere. When he feels happy, it hums in his head. When he feels sad..which is never really an issue to be sad in heaven, he would hear it softly.
It’s gotten to the point he talked to sera about it, but she didn’t really know either. That made Adam get angered as the lullaby lulls in his head making him calm down. Sera sees Adam relaxed oddly after showing his anger towards her. He found it odd at how he could calm down that instantly. That’s when sera finally realizes what’s going on.
“$!@$&/&” Sera tries to say but she grabs her throat. It was like a barrier got caught in her throat, preventing her from saying the truth.
Adam raised a brow at her, “what? You got imaginary dick in your mouth or somethin'?” He asked as sera has a panicked look trying to explain. But only nothing came out.
“Listen, if you wanna fuck with me. Then fine. Bye bitch.” He said flipping her off as sera just screams in silence gaining weird looks. Adam walks through the streets of heaven pissed off. He knew he wasn’t going crazy as he literally heard it from afar and not in his head most definitely. Lute came by him, “Sir! Sera wanted me to make sure you are alright.” Adam rolled his eyes at the angel solider beside him. “Well, tell her I don’t need to be checked on. I’m the first man for Christ sake! I can handle whatever the fuck is going on with me.” He says before flying off from Lute. She scrunched her face a bit before sighing. She also flies away.
It’s now night time as Adam sighs sitting in his bed. He couldn’t get the soft lullaby out of his head…it sucked for him as he gripped his fist, feeling the sharp nails in grave into his own palms. He lets out a shaky breath as he swore he felt eyes on his back. He turned around to find nothing there. So why did he feel paranoid? He didn’t know why but it sucked mad ass as this is heaven for crying out loud. Why should he even be paranoid. He scoffed at his own thoughts and laid down. Not knowing someone was coming to visit him.
A light shines from his ceiling making Adam squint his closed eyes at the brightness. He slowly opens his eyes to see four pair of wings sprout out gracefully as a hum enters the room. It was like a huge hug around Adam’s bedroom as the figure has their hands in a praying gesture “Do not fear.” The figure says as they slowly flew to Adam who is laying down with a “wtf” face as the light blinds his eyes. Adam sits up seeing the light had dimmed a bit as he stares into the “face” of the person he so longed to see after years. His eyes widen to grab your cheek. He felt that is was real as an echoing hum enters his tears that he heard for so long. He couldn’t believe that it was you as you slowly brought up a hand to touch the side of his face. Adam softly leaned it in, making him feel as if this was back when he first met you. Even if you practically ran away from him, it felt nostalgic to have you by him.
“Hello Adam…” you said with a loud whisper. The whisper sounded soft but harsh as Adam looks at you confused. “Who are you?..” he asked like the first time he did. You seemingly smile behind your “light” mask as you tell him your name. “ I am no one….but you can name me…” Adam scoffs but then starts to think of a name that would fit you. As he stares at you, he notices this time you aren’t naked like how he first met you. You were in a full pure white gown. “How about Y/N? How does that sound?” He asked with a smirk, proud of the name he gave you. You hummed softly with a nod liking the name he gave you.
The whole night you two talked like old friends who had plans to go out. It was exhausting for Adam as he just wanted it sleep, but he felt awake listening to you as you talked in a soft tone that could easily put him to sleep. It was like he could talk to you for hours. Yes he made some harsh remarks and comments like he usually does. But he listened and respected when you talked. It was like you had a leash on him to control on how he acts at least. Suddenly a bell rang from your watch as you stood from his bed. It was time for you to go.
“Goodbye Adam…” Y/N says as their wings sprout, making a circle above their head. Adam’s eyes widen going to grab them to make them stay. But he failed as Y/N made a praying hand gesture, their light getting brighter.
A glowing light blinded Adam as he covers his eyes. As he stopped rubbing his eyes, he looked around his room to not find the glowing figure anymore as he scoffed. But the sight of your appearance made him softly smile. He could still hear the echoing lullaby in his head as he lays down in his bed.
With one mutter of a word, he whispers the name of the figure he made for, “Y/N.”
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greatwyrmgold · 6 months
After finishing Dungeon Meshi, I had a lot of thoughts. Most of them were thoughts I'd seen echoed by other people, but there's one thing I don't think I've seen anyone else say:
Everyone hates Laios.
Obviously Kabru makes hating Laios his whole personality for a while, and the western elves think he'd be a dreadful dungeon master Lord of the Dungeon, and half of his party gets annoyed by his enthusiasm for monster cuisine. But I'm not talking about that.
Let's start with how almost literally everyone thinks he'd be the worst possible Lord of the Dungeon.
(cut this down)
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This isn't just Kabru being in his "hating Laios is my entire personality" phase; everyone assumes that Laios's desires being fulfilled by the dungeon would be bad for humanity.
To be clear, they're wrong. Sure, Laios is susceptible to the Winged Lion's temptation, but so is everyone. At least Laios's stint as ersatz dungeon lord didn't have a body count! (Unless you count the Winged Lion's clones.)
But that doesn't matter, does it? People hated him before he reveals his obsession with monsters, and they have no shortage of reasons. Laios keeps talking about monsters and asking unwanted questions, he can't hold a normal conversation, he can't read the room or understand social cues, he doesn't fit in anywhere.
Laios does his best to act normal (most obviously when he pretends not to notice the Golden Country spirit because no one else sees it), but it's not good enough. People can still tell that he's different. They hate him when he acts weird and they hate him when he acts normal. Don't take it from me; take it from Chilchuck.
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The left panel is the whole reason this post exists. It states in plain English that Laios would still be ostracized even if he only said "reasonable" things. People's distaste and distrust of him isn't rooted in how he acts or what he says, but in who he is.
Pretty much anyone who knows what they're talking about accepts that Laios is autistic. Probably also Falin, maybe also other party members, but Laios is definitely the poster boy for Dunmeshi autism. And the reasons people hate him are pretty closely aligned with his autism. That's usually subtext, but Shuro says the quiet part out loud.
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Shuro doesn't know about the monster-eating or think Laios is gonna destroy humanity. He just can't stand Laios's eccentricities. And he's far from alone.
We don't see a lot of Laios's childhood, outside his interactions with Falin...but the subtext isn't great. You don't need to be a seasoned dungeoneer to recognize that someone is "different"; any kid can do it. And from the sparse glimpses we've seen of the Thorden parents—Laios's nightmare, the little indications that he shaves to avoid looking like his father, etc—they don't seem to have accepted their son's differences, either.
I doubt anyone in the Dungeon Meshi world knows the word "autism". If you tried to explain it to the Thorden party, their reactions would probably range from "Are you sure that's a thing?" to "Come on, everyone thinks like that sometimes, right?" But you don't need words to recognize difference, or to loathe it, or to make different people's lives hell. To make them want to escape their lives, by whatever means are necessary.
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Is it any wonder Laios identifies with monsters, when so many people already treat him like one?
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boldlygoingtohell · 10 months
In a weird way, as a Jew, I can kinda take Normal Antisemitism™️.
I mean, I understand where right-wing racists are coming from when it comes to their antisemitism. At the end of the day, theirs just comes from fear, replacement theory, etc… It’s easily identifiable. 2+2=4. Yea its shitty, but I see how they got from A to B and it’s a straight line.
But left-wing antisemitism?? Like, how does that happen? I thought the left was about supporting minority groups, encouraging them to speak and be heard. But all I’m seeing from leftists these days (I myself being super fucking liberal, left, etc…) is just waves and waves of antisemitism. And yes it has to do with Israel, but these people are incapable of criticizing the Israeli government without going “all Jews are responsible!” in the process. It's infuriating.
Are all the the world’s Jews, millions of which live OUTSIDE of Israel, now responsible for Israel’s actions? I'M a stupid American! I’ve never even BEEN to Israel, much less know the intricate details of a geo-political conflict whose complexities go willfully unlearned by armchair activists in favor of yelling in all caps for 140 characters.
But what really gets me, and I mean REALLY get me about the whole situation, is the hypocrisy.
Remember how awful it was when we saw waves of Islamophobic hate crimes after 9/11, American Muslims with no ties to al-Qaeda being targeted for the faith those terrorists claimed to represent?
Or do you remember standing against the wave of anti-Asian hate crimes that was spurned on by COVID falsehoods? The “China virus” as Trump so eloquently put it? You remember being pissed about that, not blaming Asian Americans but standing with them against hate?
And hell, I’ve heard there has been a rash of Islamophobic attacks again because of the Israeli-Gaza conflict. That’s fucking awful, and I will stand against that bull shit because it does not belong here, end of story.
But now there are also antisemitic attacks, hate crimes, being perpetrated around the world. And who are the perpetrators now? The left that stood against everything else. There's no widespread ally-ship for Jews like me. There's no sweeping social media campaign, no catchy hashtag, no ice bucket challenge.
Why am I allowed to be condemned for what a country on the other side of the world is doing, when I have nothing to do with it? Why can I have the finger pointed at me when I don’t want the fighting in the first place? Why must Jews be allowed to be the target of this ire when it's already been decided that other ethnicities/religions don't deserve it either?
Now, I am PROUD to be Jewish; it is my culture, in my heritage, in my literal blood. It is in my genetics, my bones, my spoken language, it is in the holidays I celebrate, the philosophies I live by.
But it is also in the generational trauma of my mother insisting I have a passport as a young child, not because we were traveling, but in case we had to flee. It is in her inherent distrust of the government; a card-carrying Democrat all her life, she would always remind me, "if you don't think the government can't turn on you, you're kidding yourself." It is her constant reminders that as a Jew, our assimilation is conditional, our acceptance is political. I felt these, but never as strongly as she did. Not until now.
I am third generation American, and yet I feel like an outsider in the only country I have ever known. People who I thought understood, who were my friends, who marched with me against the injustices of the world, are now calling after Jews to answer for Israel's actions.
I say I don't want the violence to persist and I'm told that I'm, "one of the good ones". I'm told hurt Israelis don't deserve sympathy because, "all Jews are rich anyway, right? Who cares." I tell them my fears about the rising antisemitism and wearing my star of david necklace out. I'm told, "it doesn't matter, you're white anyway."
For the first time in my life, the racists aren't just some crazy KKK members. They're not just Nazis marching around with beer bellies and ill fitting helmets. It's not just some screeching street preacher who claims I'm going to hell after he caught the glint off my star of david necklace. If needs be, I can kick and punch my way out of those. They're just idiots. Isolated, concentrated incidents. It'd be a good story to tell at a bar the next day though a gap-toothed smile and a sling on my shoulder.
But now, both sides are coming after me and my people. Now, it's not just idiots who have all of their views backwards; it's people I thought I could trust to have my back, to go down swinging with me against those Nazis. Right. Left. It's everywhere. There's no escape.
It's coming from all sides. It's coming from social media platforms, from dinners with friends, from posters on street lamps.
I live in one of the safest, most Jewish neighborhoods in America, and for the first time in my life I am truly scared.
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