#i thought i'd write it down
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calamitoustide · 8 months ago
Lily, oh Lily I just loathe you lately...
microfic - jegulily/regulily - 1.7k
  It started with a kiss. 
One Regulus wasn’t even included in. He wasn’t even there, he didn’t see it, and yet he replays it in his head almost constantly. It’s the first thought he has in the morning, he carries it with him through lunch. White knuckles braced against the table as he stares longing towards the other side of the hall, his ears ringing and he can’t hear anything anyone is trying to say to him. His friends all make comments but he doesn’t notice them. His mind is too loud, thinking of soft skin and eyes that bite. He forgets his notes, it doesn’t matter, they’re not even there. He lays awake at night unable to close his eyes without thinking, thinking, thinking. 
He should be thinking about James. He should be obsessively counting his every step. It’s how this whole thing started. James is everything, he hung the moon, and every single star in the night sky. He walks around the halls calling out to everyone by name, his smile hung wide across his face. And yes, Regulus thinks of him. He thinks of his sweat covered skin as he skips off to the locker rooms after practice. He thinks of him drunkenly coming up to him, leaning close to his ear to whisper nonsense. Even if he can’t understand it Regulus clings onto every single word. He thinks of how he looks in the morning, a sight Regulus has only seen a handful of times and yet he cherishes it like it’s the world. He thinks of his hair all messed up, and his eyes wide and soft like an infant. He thinks of him stretching out his exhaustion and the little moment his shirt lifts up to reveal what’s underneath. He thinks and he thinks and he thinks, but he’s not looking over at him. He’s looking at her. 
The rumors of James Potter and Lily Evans finally working it out spread like wildfire. It’s embers branching out until there wasn’t a single person who didn’t know about it. Their kiss happened in the middle of the Gryffindor common room, apparently no one was there, but there are always sources. Always whispers. Regulus woke up to a burn to his cheek, and a crackling outside of his window. His friends looked over at him, pity drowning in their eyes, but none of them said anything. None of them knew how. It was Pandora who finally brought him over, holding his hands gently as she broke him the news. He can’t remember his reaction. He just remembers the moment his face dropped, but he wasn’t thinking of him, he was thinking about her. 
He never minded Lily Evans before, he barely gave her a second glance. He saw her sometimes in the library, she always sat alone, pushed in the back. Even in the darkest parts of the castle the sunlight always tended to reach her. It covered her and highlighted every freckle on her face. Her eyes were always soft with contemplation, but Regulus didn’t care for her much. He always heard about James’ crush on her, of course he did, but he never cared. He didn’t think it would go anywhere. He thought to himself Lily Evans was as blind as a person can be for rejecting James. He could never understand it. How could she get James to even so much as look at her and not truly understand what that meant. How much other people would die for him to look at them like that. Resentment climbed in his liver, it overwhelmed him. Before it was a scoff at any remark. It was an eye roll at the stupidity of Lily for thinking James would just be there when she realized how daft she was truly being. 
Though the only stupid person truly was Regulus, for James was there waiting for when Lily finally opened her eyes. He was there to chase after her, like the tail-end of a shooting star. James ran circles around her, watching her like she was everything, like she was his entire world. He held open every single door for her. He’d make himself bleed for an ounce of her attention, and she never never cared. She never cared before now, but Regulus has been here. He’s been here and Lily just walked the epitome of angel dust to smile and beckon James over to her like he’s a dog on a leash she’s holding. 
“Regulus,” Pandora’s voice catches him out of his retched mind. 
“What?” Regulus snaps, not taking his eyes off her. Her with her perfect skin. Her with her perfect everything. 
“You’re going to drill a hole in her head, you know,” She comments. 
Regulus finally releases his gaze, “What are you talking about?” 
It’s just the two of them. Barty and Evan ran off somewhere, and Dorcas well she’s always with Marlene now anyway. Pandora looks over at him softly, her eyes filled with pity, “You don’t have to pretend you’re looking at James when it’s just me.” 
Regulus furrows his eyebrows, shaking his head, “I’m not just looking at her.” 
“You’re looking at both of them?” Pandora suggests. 
“Yeah,” Regulus answers, lies dripping from his mouth. 
Pandora smiles, “James walked away five minutes ago.” 
Regulus head whips aside to find her right. It’s only Lily, laughing at something one of her friends are telling her. She throws her head back like she’s a little kid. Coated in innocence in a kind of nostalgia not many people can reach towards. Sunlight nips at her face as her nose crinkles in a laugh. Her beauty endless, it’s like a knife to Regulus’ skin. Every perfection he finds in her is a scar on him. 
“Regulus?” Pandora calls out again, as if she’s talking to a child. “Is there something you need to tell me?” 
“Like what?” Regulus grumbles, looking back down at his plate, trying to fight the pull to look over at her. It’s like he’s under a spell, he’s certain she’s behind it. She wants him to look at her. She wants for all of this. She’s out to get him. He looks up again. She’s still sitting there. Why is she still there? Shouldn’t she be off chasing after James? Shouldn’t she be at his feet beck and call? Shouldn’t she be giving him the world right now? Why is she still just sitting there? 
Pandora hums, “Nothing.” 
Regulus looks over at her, “What’s your problem?” 
“You’re torturing yourself,” Pandora tells him. 
Regulus hesitates, he opens his mouth to speak but no words come out. In any other world this would be torture. He’s staring off at the girl who’s got the one thing he’s been begging for his entire life. He’s never wanted something as much as he’s wanted James. Looking over at Lily should be torture. It should kill him. It is. It’s the sweetest kind of torture. It’s a twisted lullaby. It’s a stinging on his cheek. 
“Unless,” Pandora starts, “You want to be looking at her.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Regulus says quickly. 
Pandora reaches out to grab his hand,  “I’m gonna hold your hand while I tell you this.” 
“Shut the fuck up,” Regulus tries to cut her off but when Pandora gets something in her mind it’s hard to resist it. 
“I did it with James,” Pandora explains quickly. “I’ll do the same now. You’re in love with Lily Evans.” 
“I am not in love with Lily Evans,” Regulus argues. 
Pandora narrows her eyes, “You’re not?” 
“Why are you staring at her?” Pandora asks. 
“She’s with James,” Regulus answers weakly. 
“Why aren’t you watching him then?” Pandora questions. “Do you even know where he is? You used to always know, you used to have his schedule perfect.” 
Regulus shrugs, “I’ve gotten busy.” 
“Right,” Pandora scoffs. “So you wouldn’t mind if I called her over here.” 
Before he can even finish Pandora is raising her hand. Shouting out across the hall, “Hey, Evans!” 
Regulus scrambles for something to hold, to bring Pandora’s hand down and stop her from this, but it doesn’t do any good. Lily’s already looking over, her eyes dazzling in the sun. The rest happens like a dream as she leans over to her friends explaining that she’ll be going. She walks over on clouds and then she’s in front of him. His stomach ties itself together. His mouth opens but nothing comes out. 
“Hey,” Lily says, leaning across the bench to put her hands on the table. Her perfume reaches Regulus’ nose and it’s overwhelming, it’s making him slip back, like he’s in an ocean, drowning in all the waves. 
“Hi,” Pandora replies. 
Both of their gazes go towards him, but Regulus is only looking at her. 
Lily smiles with his silence, he wants to kill her. She looks away and he wants to kill her even more, “You still working on that potion?” 
“You know it,” Pandora tells her. “It’s close to being done now.” 
Regulus doesn’t care what they’re saying. He just watches Lily. He can’t look away. She’s the greatest thing that’s ever existed, and she’s got James Potter wrapped around her finger. Its should be him. 
She doesn’t stay long. Before she leaves she looks back over at Regulus, “Goodbye, Regulus.” 
“Bye,” he forces out, his tongue resting uncomfortably in his mouth. 
She laughs, it’s as soft as fresh daisies and she’s doing him in, “You’re cute,” she says, like it’s nothing, like it’s not eating Regulus whole. “I’ll see you two around.” 
Then she’s gone again. Walking down the hall, her hair blowing behind her like a fucking magazine ad. There can’t be someone that perfect. She’s just a person. She’s nobody. She’s the one James wants. She won his heart over. She’s the one lying beside him. And all Regulus wants is to lie when she lies. Lily Evans is poison and it’s slowly driving Regulus mad. She’s everywhere, like a call of the wind. He’s nothing worshipping at her feet, it makes him uneasy. 
“So,” Pandora breaks the echoing silence. “Not in love.” 
Regulus swallows thickly, his eyes still stuck in the last place she was, even if she’s moved on, “Not in love,” he forces out. 
The ache is endless, and bullets line his skin. A scar for every beauty, for which Lily Evans has infinite. 
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bluewolfangel01 · 6 months ago
Levi: "I don't understand why you like someone as pathetic as me, I'm not that good at anything other then being a nasty useless otaku, (insert more self degrading here)."
Mc: *blank faced, moving sneakily close to Levi and picks him up bridal style*
Mc: "Snake <3."
Levi: *Stunned silent, he doesn't move for a few moments, then his tail curls around Mc's leg, and leans into their touch.*
Levi: "Y-yeah...."
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baejax-the-great · 3 months ago
If I were a writer at a big game company working on a sequel to a beloved series and the higher ups kept telling me to make the game shittier and kept sending my work back to me to be dumbed down even further somehow, and then once most of the writing was done they laid me and my coworkers off illegally without severance, I'd probably gleefully watch as people trashed the shitty game that shipped.
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royalarchivist · 3 months ago
Pac: Oh– [Stammers] Why– I have an Ender Flu? I'm shaking! Oh my god.
Tubbo: No, Pac! You've been impregnated! 😫
Pac: IMPREGNATED?!?! Wait, what? 😨
Fit: Oh god. [Laughs] That's a new one.
Tubbo: You're pregnant!
Pac: How?!
Tubbo: I can't believe preggers Pac is on the QSMP!
Pac: Oh my god, I'm so happy! [Laughs]
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Tubbo: This is not what I want! I don't want this!!!
Fit: [Chuckles]
Pac: Oh– [Stammers] Why– I have an Ender Flu? I'm shaking! Oh my god.
Tubbo: No, Pac! You've been impregnated!
Pac: IMPREGNATED?!?! Wait, what?
Fit: Oh god. [Laughs]
Tubbo: You're pregnant!
Pac: How?!
Fit: That's a new one.
Tubbo: Uh oh, I'm about to– I'm about to not be alive much longer.
Pac: How– ahhh!!!! Wait, this is good? [Tubbo gets killed by a mob] Oh my god, Tubbo!
Tubbo: Guys? Preggers Pac, and Fit, help!
Pac: [Reading chat] "Congratulations"? Thanks guys, I didn't know, man! As always.
Fit: [Revives Tubbo] Alright, run! Ok, you're good.
Tubbo: We got his ass!
Pac: Wait, wait– What does it mean like, I'm pregnant? I'm gonna have babies?
Tubbo: It means you're gonna give birth to a beautiful– a beautiful plethora of children!
Pac: Oh my god, not– [unintelligible]
Tubbo: [Still ranting] Merciful, wonderful babies! Babies! Innocent babies will-
Fit: [Laughs] Yeah, what he said.
Tubbo: –will splurt out of you!
Pac: Oh my god. I think I saw like, Foolish having birth the other day, so I–
Fit: [Fighting a mob] Not this thing again!
Pac: Oh my god.
Tubbo: I can't believe preggers Pac is on the QSMP!
Pac: Oh my god, I'm so happy! [Laughs]
Fit: [Laughs]
Tubbo: It's gonna be such a magical time for you!
Pac: Yeah, oh my god, I have been like, dreaming for–
Tubbo: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. What do you– have you got any names? What are you gonna name it?
Pac: I'm probably gonna name it "Elton" and "John" if I have like, two.
Tubbo: Ohhh! What a beautiful name!
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kellysketches · 2 years ago
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hobie brown!!!! the man that you are!!!!
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nostalgebraist · 3 months ago
Due to recent experiences, I am feeling an urge to make an anti-drug-style PSA except it's warning impressionable machine-learning-curious teens to never, ever try a thing called "Huggingface transformers Trainer"
Not. Even. Once.
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lookforanewangle · 12 days ago
wip wednesday ✨
tagged by @fastcardotmp3 💜 finally started my orpehus and eurydice inspired buddie fic so here's a snip :]
“You still haven’t answered my question,” Eddie says and knocks their shoulders together, heat radiating from where their shoulders brush. Eddie doesn’t put distance between them this time, and Buck doesn’t pull away. “Why Lyra? How does that connect to Orpheus?” Buck shrugs, beer label crumbling under the damp of his fingers. “Jee learned about constellations the other day,” he says, “during music time of all things. She’s too young to really get it, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to brush up. She’s infatuated with her teacher’s guitar though, so I thought that would be a good place to start. There aren’t any guitar constellations, but—” “Lyra,” Eddie realizes. “A lyre.” “Yeah,” Buck says. “Orpheus’ famous instrument. He broke into the Underworld with it to save Eurydice after she died from a snake bite. Didn’t work out and he died later, alone. There’s two different stories for that, but I’ll, uh. I’ll save those for another time.” And suddenly, Eddie understands. “Buck,” he says slowly, “I don’t need saving.” “I never said you did,” Buck fires back quick, fingers white-knuckled around his bottle. He won’t meet Eddie’s eyes. “But if…when Chris is—is ready to come home—” “Buck—” “When he’s ready,” Buck pushes, suddenly meeting Eddie’s gaze head on, determination in every line of him, begging Eddie to hold onto the same hope, “if your parents put up a fight, if—if you need backup, you know I’ll be there in a heartbeat. Whatever you need, I’m there, no questions asked.” “I know,” Eddie says, voice suddenly hoarse. “I know you will.”
no pressure tagging @boasamishipper @sofa-king-lame @eddiebabygirldiaz @semperama @buckleyanddiaz @wordsonamission <333
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blot-squisher · 6 months ago
So the Entity had its favorites on both sides. Dwight, the first proper Survivor, and then Kenneth for a while. At least until Danny came along and started showing off his creative methods of fucking with the Survivors during Trials. Seasoning that fear and despair with that extra helping of good stuff, ya know?
Anyway the main point.
You know on the flip side of that, the Entity had to have a least favorite. Someone it looked at and silently questioned, 'Why the fuck did I pick you up again?' Not outright hate, mind you. Just, like, a mild disinterest. Boredom. A kind of 'ooh shiny new toy annnnnnd I'm over it. Into the back of the closet to collect dust with you' kind of dislike.
Anyway, in this essay I'll go into absolutely no detail or depth on my thought process as to why I think it was Freddy and Quentin.
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msnihilist · 7 months ago
"It's been quite a while since I got to see our counterparts like this, dearest," Anti-Cosmo remarked to Anti-Wanda. He grinned down at the three fairies in the cage beneath them. "Miserable."
"Shoot, it must've been at least twenty years!" Anti-Wanda remarked. "Longer for you two, though, huh?"
Cosmo cradled Peri's head in his lap, keeping him on his side so that he didn't choke if he vomited. Wanda sat next to her boys, rubbing a hand soothingly between Peri's wings, like she used to when he was a baby.
She felt close to tears. Her baby was so sick that she feared he wouldn't make it... And they had their anti-fairy counterparts to mock them through the whole awful ordeal.
"Don't you two have anything better to do?" Wanda snapped at them. "Terrorize someone else for a change! We're plenty miserable without you here."
"Oh, please don't think that we're trying to make you feel worse." Anti-Cosmo shook his head. "It's more like we're here to enjoy the show."
"I even made popcorn!" Saying that, Anti-Wanda procured a bag of popcorn. She held it out for Anti-Cosmo to help himself to a handful.
Wanda clenched her jaw in frustration. The smell of food just made Peri's convulsions worse. She shushed him, trying her best to be comforting as her son dry-heaved.
With shaky fingers, Cosmo brushed Peri's curly hair away from his sweaty forehead. He met Wanda's stare, his eyes tight with concern. "Wanda..." He started, but said nothing more.
What was there to say? What was there to do? They were trapped, and the situation was getting worse by the minute.
As a last, desperate bid for her son, Wanda cast her voice up to the anti-fairies. "Please, can't you at least ask Dev to make a wish? Something small! Peri has magical build-up, and he..." Wanda swallowed, unable to say it. "You don't want the same thing to happen to Irep, do you?"
Anti-Wanda hummed as she pretended to think about it. "Now, correct me if'n I'm wrong, darlin', but that ain't how anti-fairies work, innit?"
Anti-Cosmo adopted a similar look of faux thoughtfulness. "No, you're right, strumpet. I believe that anti-fairies aren't affected by their counterparts deaths, merely by any action which might undo their creation. So our precious child is going to be perfectly fine."
Something inside of Wanda shattered. All she could think was that this wasn't fair; she hadn't had enough time.
"Please..." She tried again anyway, because it was all that she could do. "Please don't let my son die."
Anti-Cosmo laughed. "Enough with the melodrama. I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of this. You ought to be used to it. After all..." He adjusted his monocle, lips curling into a vicious smirk. "This isn't the first time you two have lost a son."
His words hit like a slap to the face. Wanda was too stunned to reply — torn between the urge to sob and the burning desire to kill someone.
Not a day went by in the last ten thousand years that Wanda hadn't thought about him. And now she was going to lose her youngest son, too. What had she done to deserve this? Why was fate so cruel?
Why did love always have to end in "goodbye"?
When he didn't receive a response, Anti-Cosmo huffed and turned away. "Look on the bright side — perhaps the loss of a child to bond over will be enough to keep your fragile relationship hanging on for another thousand years or so."
Anti-Wanda giggled, looping her arm through Anti-Cosmo's and leaning on his shoulder. "Give a holler when he's ready to pop, y'all! I love me a good confetti shower."
The two anti-fairies drifted away, cackling together. Wanda felt numb. She was so angry that she had looped right back around to feeling nothing. She was completely calm.
Cosmo reached over and took her hand, entwining their fingers. "What are we going to do?" He asked.
Wanda took a deep breath. She squeezed his hand back, placing her other hand on Peri's head. "Whatever we have to do to protect our son," she promised.
She had failed once already, and once was too much. Not again. Never again.
As long as Wanda still had the strength to flutter her wings, she was going to do everything in her power to defend her family.
AO3 link.
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empressofmankind · 6 months ago
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Did you really think I wasn't going to inflict a dreadful colour scheme on him?
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cake-chad · 9 months ago
Something something Gideon always inevitably wakes up with Kremy on or curled up next to him because being cold-blooded he seeks out the literal furnace sleeping next to him every night.
Frost is usually nearby too, but only if they're sleeping outside and not in beds, he's not cold-blooded but he is a cat, of course he likes to be near a heater too.
And now that I think about it, Torbek would be there too, having gone through what he has and severly underweight, his circulation is terrible and despite having his own layer of fur, he just can't stay warm on his own, so he sleeps sandwiched between Gideon and Hootsie
Just. A whole cuddle puddle of all of them, Gricko curls up next to Hootsie, Twig sleeps under Gideons arm, and when Pigtunias around she acts as a pillow for him
I love cuddle puddles and I love characters who naturally make everyone more comfortable to sleep around them 😭😭
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journey-to-the-attic · 7 months ago
there's a moment in lesson 45 of nightbringer where mc falls off a thing (again?? is this foreshadowing?? i'm going to rule-of-three this and wait to see if it happens again) and satan tries and fails to grab their hand to catch them, but now i'm imagining the same thing happening with satan and ik except he does succeed, but it's her right hand and the prosthetic just POP comes straight off
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thegreatyin · 4 months ago
And thus, with the passing of 24 hours, Caeru's ambition truly comes to an end. Major Nemesis spoilers below the cut- we're talking endgame ambition business here. Mostly on a character RP front.
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The Doomed Scientist made quite a few... choice decisions, in the end. Killing Cups once and for all, recording his story as one of grief-
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And sparing what little remained of Mr Mirrors, leaving it free to roam Parabola as it sees fit.
Some of them, he can explain. Others, he's still left to feel... discontent.
Cups needed to die. That much was certain from the start. It was a tyrant, as all Masters are, and complicit in the bargaining and eventual destruction of four (potentially five) cities, as all Masters are. It was an obstacle. A murderer. A petty monster that felt no remorse even on its deathbed, and it went out of its way to ruin multiple lives just because it felt owed its own sick and twisted idea of revenge.
It killed his first love. It looked him in the eyes and he knew what it had done and he knew from the start it was going to die.
Perhaps, in the end, it knew too. And yet it still pleaded, and wanted to live, and-
It made a bargain.
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A bargain Caeru didn't take.
Not because he didn't want to. Gods, he wanted to. He wanted it. He wanted it more than anything else in the world. To have Greylu back, to give him the gift of life, of love, to show him the wonders of the Neath and the beauty of the correspondence and all of the people Caeru has met and loved and found home with along the way-
But. He couldn't.
Because Cups was a monster. And no matter what, it deserved to die. And he could not, in good conscience, allow it to live.
Even if sparing it meant everything he's ever wanted.
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So he's left here, now. With a bloodied traveling coat, and a bloodsoaked knife, and a favor finally fulfilled.
And nothing to live for. No resurrected lover, no charming visits to Helicon, no slow dances in the living room, no memories to rebuild and lives to live and he won't live again-
Nothing. All he has is a coat born of obligation, not to his love, but to people he's never even met. To lives he's never even touched. To a paramour, still alive, with hair of rose-pink, who doesn't even remember her own brother's existence.
Cups didn't die for Caeru's sake. Cups died for the sake of all who wanted it dead. For the revenger's court, and the ghost screaming in his ear, and the reckoning that will not be postponed indefinitely.
And Caeru, who acted as a tool to carry out their wills? Who all but betrayed his own lover, just to satisfy a cause he never knew existed?
All Caeru is left with, is regret. Regret-
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-And grief.
#yin-thoughts#fallen london#fallen london spoilers#nemesis spoilers#so! nemesis huh!#i have. a lot of thoughts#overall i think heart's desire remains closest to my heart#but that's almost certainly bc of the obvious ''you always remember your first'' bias#there's a lot of problems with nemesis that have been talked to death by other people way more eloquently than i could ever express#(the big notable stopgates littered throughout. the weird pacing at the end. the fact you never meet your actual nemesis til the finale)#but overall i still liked it a lot!! i loved it actually!!! it singlehandedly made me like cups as a master!!!!#not because of anything nemesis actually DID mind you. i just really liked making up things about it#in place of nemesis. actually featuring it.#which could either be a plus or a minus against the ambition depending on what angle you look at it from#but. yeah. i'd say i enjoyed it. i enjoyed it a whole bunch#and now that ive played 2 out of the 4 ambitions and my FL hyperfixation evidently isnt letting up#it's safe to say we're all here for the long haul#tune in (insert miscellaneous time in the future) for when i finally after like a year and a quarter#get to find out what the fuck truly goes down in light fingers#and also keep an eye out for that caeru-centric fic ive been unsubtly alluding to and still need to write.#ive got a whole outline for it and it's. well#you'll all see when (if?) i finish it#i have some ideas abt how i wanna play around with the nemesis endings + what they mean to caeru#(and i do mean endings as in both of them)#and it all may seem. insane. when we get there#but i swear i have a direction plotted in my head#i swear#scoundrelventures#<- the scoundrel isnt mentioned At All in this post but that works as a general FL oc lore tag
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laughhardrunfastbekindsblog · 10 months ago
Finished the Umbara arc tonight and...
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I rewatched this specific shot, like, twelve times 😍😍😍
Nice to have moments like this when, you know, other scenes come up...
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"Live to fight another day, boys." 💔
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"Everyone, stop firing! We're shooting at our own men! Look, we're clones! WE'RE ALL CLONES!" 😭😭😭
Thank heavens for Rex being as observant as he is, noticing the tiny bit of chin showing under the fallen clone's helmet, and going to investigate 💔
So now that I'm sufficiently sad, next up is the slavery story...
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ragsy · 6 months ago
Hey uuuuuuuuuuuh what character organization tools do people use these days? As in, somewhere to store information about them, but also somewhere that I can easily link and share that info? Is toyhouse one of those? What's the deal with toyhouse?
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veifei · 6 months ago
boxing arc of LCLA goes crazy tbh we've got qiao ling busting the boys' time shenanigans (and her not believing at first until they prove it via HER being involved in said time shenanigans); we've got cheng xiaoshi's parasocial relationship w his idol shuang hai (man is obsessed); he's shaking crying downing drinks w shuang hai cos said boxing CHAKPION has no one to confide in except two twenty something year olds who did some sleuthing for him; cheng xiaoshi's all like "im your BIGGEST fan why are u being such a LOSER right now 🥲" and lu guang is sitting there quietly except for when scolding cxs for drinking too much too fast 😭😭😭 i love this show
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