#i thought i could find an image for him myself but every time i tried my brain was like
myths-tournaments · 11 months
hi!!! gayest-classiclit here. just to establish myself
anyways i heard you were having trouble with edmund? i found this pic off the RSC website so if he does win his poll, you can use it if you so wish?
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(anyways to the uh. tumblrinas. edmund sweep)
have a great day! :D
YES this works thank you!! if he gets past this round I'll use this picture going forwards 🫡
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sofiawritesstuff · 2 months
part 3
summary: When Lando's "playboy" image is setting a bad reputation for him. He's turns to the person he trust most in this world for help.
pairing: landonorris x bestfriend!reader
warnings: none (i don't think)
part 2
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It wasn’t uncommon for you to be late to plans, actually you had gotten used to it spending most of your time with Lando.
You ran through the paddock, running past as much people as you could without being rude and within two minutes you had finally reached the meeting point.
Slowing down to a fast walk you came out onto the terrace in hospitality, noticing the girls straight away as they waved you over.
“Well we’ve only been waiting ten minutes, I think that’s a new record time” Kika jokes as you sit at the table “Sorry, I was watching Lando in media, he’s just finishing up in the garage now and then filming stuff with Oscar”
“How is Lando?” Carmen asks “I seen his interview after free practice this morning”
“I tried talking to him about it but he really didn’t want to. I’m going to try when we get home”
“It’s sad that he just sees all these negative this about himself” Alex smiles sympathetically across the table
“I know, every time I tell him he just doesn’t see what I see” you sigh, running your fingers through your hair
“What’s wrong?” Carmen asks “Nothing” you shake your head “We can tell by the look on your face something is wrong, come on tell us” she encourages, putting a hand on your shoulder
“If I tell you something, can you promise that it stays between us. Like you can’t tell Charles, George or Pierre” you whisper looking around you
“We promise, what’s going on?” Kika asks leaning closer
“A few days ago, Lando came to me. He told me that recently McLaren have been told that Lando’s image outside of Formula One makes the team look really bad, Zak said that he needs to fix his “playboy” image. So they wanted Lando to go into a PR relationship, Lando refused and Zak told him that he needs to for the team. Every single girl they showed Lando he said no. So Zak told him that if by a miracle, he can find someone that is willing to help Lando and be in a relationship for a few months then that’s who he can’t fake a relationship with”
“So Lando came to you” Alex nods understanding “You’re basically already dating, it shouldn’t be too hard” Kika jokes
“It wouldn’t be hard if I didn’t have actual feelings for Lando”
The girls look at you with wide eyes, they never thought they would see the day where you actually admit it.
“When did you come to this realisation?” Carmen asks
“You know how I used to date that guy from my office?”
“The one that none of us liked? Yeah I remember” Kika laughs
“Well after we broke up, Lando was comforting me, we were lying in his bed watching a movie. It wasn’t until I woke up in the middle of the night and we were cuddling that I realised how safe I felt when I was with him and everything he did to comfort me. David wouldn’t have known any of that stuff”
“You need to tell him” Kika says excitedly “I can’t”
“Why not?” Alex asks
“Because if I tell him now, it wouldn’t be fair. I’ve w him so many times and now to switch up my feelings would be like playing with his”
“Have you ever thought that maybe you have always felt this way but you’re just now realising it? I mean you guys have been friends since you were like five?” Carmen asks “You know how he feels about you, so why don’t you just tell him?”
“I can’t bring myself to do it, if it didn’t work out I can’t risk losing what i already have with Lando. He means too much to me to loose him”
“So you think being in a PR relationship will fix that?” Kika asks seriously
“It will be the closest thing that I get to a relationship with him, guys I need honest opinions on this”
“Well I think you’re being stupid” Kika says bluntly “Kika!” Carmen scoffs “What? Would you me be honest or would you rather I lie to you? she asks turning her attention to you
“Well it’s a stupid decision if you want to continue with a PR relationship. You think that admitting your feelings and being in an actual relationship would go wrong. Doing this only to have a feeling on what could be will only give you the chance to make up stuff that could go wrong, whereas if you were in an actual relationship with him you could progress rather than having a countdown to when it’s over”
“I agree with Kika” Alex smiles taking your hand “You are thinking that it could be the worst thing when it could be the best”
“Thank guys, now enough about me. What’s been happening with you guys?”
“So how was meeting up with the girls?” Lando asks with a smile, swinging your hands back and forth as you walked
“We talked. A lot” you nod “Anything interesting?” he pries “Just how we can resolve problems” you shrug
“Any problems I could help with?”
“Nothing that we both can’t resolve” you smiles “Now tell me what you film today” you jump up and down excitedly “Nope, nuh uh. You’ll need to find out like everyone else” he laughs stopping in his tracks
“Come on I hate when you do this” you groan turning to face him “Yeah well that’s why I do it” he smiles, putting his hands under your shirt “Your hands are cold”
“Exactly” he laughs, tickling you “No! No!” you squeal trying to run away “I don’t know where you’re trying running to, I have the keys to the apartment”
“Im going home to England!”
“No you’re not!” he laughs picking you up and throwing over his shoulder “You’re never leaving me” he says calming walking with you over his shoulder
“I wouldn’t dream of it”
part 4
@harrysdimple05 @ironmaiden1313
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yestrday · 9 months
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: ̗̀➛ NOT THE EXCEPTION . yan! isagi yoichi / gn! reader
you were the fool for thinking that he'd be the only sane one in a team full of batshít crazy athletes. now he has you cornered, and the look in his eyes tells you that you should have never underestimated a wólf in sheép's clothing.
+ happy happy belated birthday to the love of my life bbg (who shan't be named) AND happy new year to everyone!!
( HOW DO I WRITE KISSING SCENES????, forced kíssing, dúbcon, n/sfw mentions, mánipulation, hárem mentions [bc it's not yester without a hárem] )
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You don't know why you thought he was the exception.
Maybe it's because, in a team full of egoists, Isagi seemed to be the only one to treat you like his equal. Shidou drapes himself all over you and leaves you icky with his séxual comments, Rin cooly glares at you and barely acknowledges your existence, you could nearly faint at the mere glare of Kunigami, and Bachira likes to play rough with your body as he clings and begs for your attention.
That's not even the complete cast. Even people like Nagi, Reo, and Chigiri came with their own set of problems. But not Isagi. You had thought it would never be Isagi. Sure, he had a tongue and attitude on the field, parading around his victory with a smug smirk and spitting poíson at opponents and teammates alike. Yet that side of his seemed to completely disappear whenever he stepped out of the field, his prédatory gaze softening into a fond look whenever you bounded up to him to congratulate him on a well-earned victory. He never tried your boundaries or let his touch linger like the others did.
He was a gentleman through and through, and thinking that was your first mistake.
Your second mistake was being alone with him in your living room. He's still wearing that soft expression and kind smile, but his hands are gripping your wrists too tightly.
"[Your Name]." He says your name in a hushed whisper, bringing up your trembling wrist to his lips so he can press a kiss on a new bruíse. You watch with wide eyes as those plush lips touch your skin and permeate an icy feeling of doom through the veins. His gaze meets yours.
"Don't you think I did well today?"
Though your gut is telling you that something isn't right, you're still a fool smitten with the gentle image Isagi had portrayed himself to be. You find yourself slowly nodding, entranced by those blue eyes that never look away from you.
"Why do you think so?" He presses another kiss on your wrist, before loosening the bruising grip so he can trail kisses up your arm.
"... Your metavision is still as keen as ever," you whispered. The television screen is reflected in his eyes, news of Japan's newest victory flashing on the screen. You can't look away. "You expertly led the others to victory; you instigated all the right chemical reactions for the perfect shot." You lick your dry lips. "... You were amazing."
He huffs a laugh into your shoulder, massaging your bruised wrist like he wasn't the one who left that mark. "You're not echoing Ego's words, are you? I want to hear your own thoughts, not that slimy bastard's."
"M... Maybe," you admit, tense with his grip on your shoulder tightening. "I don't know much about soccer, but I meant every word. You were amazing, Isagi, you really were."
His grip softens, you're still tense, and he hums contentedly. "Right. I was amazing. I devoured every single bastard on that field and left them gasping." Your hair tickles your ear as he pushes them back. "So, don't you think it's a bit unfair?"
"... What is?"
"That I have to share my trophy with the others." His hand feels cold on your neck. "Can't I have one thing to myself? [Your Name], look at me."
You follow. He smiles that gentle smile again. He thumbs your lower lip like a lover.
"Kiss me."
You read romances all the time. They had always described it as hot, passionate, fiery. But maybe you took fiction too seriously. Real life is always different, and the ice in your veins is proof of that.
You draw closer, breath hitched, and mustering all the courage and swallowing down the unease in your heart, you press your lips on his.
There is no fire like the ones described in the books. There is a heavy pit in your stomach. Is this what they call butterflies? You tremble under the scrutinizing gaze of Isagi, eyes still open even with your lips on his. Soon, he closes his eyes too and you feel his lips smirk against yours.
Returning the kiss, he pulls you in closer and takes your everything in deeply. You can't pull away, you don't pull away. In this very moment, he's devouring everything you can offer— for now, physically; soon, mind and spirit. You wince when he bites down on your lip, not even trying to be gentle about it. You flinch backward from the pain, but his hand on the small of your back allows you no escape.
"Kiss me back, baby," he whispers between kisses. "You're my trophy for the night."
You kiss with less passion than him, too nervous about making him happy. You match the softness of his lips with yours, lapping at his tongue like how he does. He laughs when he pulls away, finding amusement in the blushy and nervous look on you.
"Gosh, you're so cute," he sighs, grinning at you. It's no longer friendly, those lips. A bit swollen from your kitten bites, the way he's smirking at you feels too... smug. "Too cute. Those bastards won't have any chance now that I've devoured you."
You gasp when his hand tightens on your hip, and you shoot him a nervous look. "I– Isagi, what are you...?"
"C'mon, [Your Name], how could you possibly not have seen it?" He chuckles. "Bargin' into the locker room every time we're half naked, in those cute shorts, and you think that not one man in that room would think about taking you on the fuckin' bench? Think, cutie. But you've always been wary of them, good thing. They think they can devour you by intimidating and belittling you? Those fuckers don't know shit."
He catches your bottom lip between his teeth and laughs at their stupidity, vibrations buzzing your lip. "First, you gotta sweeten the trap with honey, you know?"
You are reflected in those captivating blue eyes, fluorescent lights illuminating your paling features. Taking you in again, he devours your lips once again, caring only for the taste of victory on his lips and your sweet sounds on his tongue.
Another victory snatched.
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klausysworld · 2 months
Very closed off reader who kinda clings to Klaus because they relate to him in the fact that he has family troubles :( she sees that he clearley does the things he does because of trauma or whatever and so does everything in her power to show him that he's got someone to fall back on.
Every time he shouts at her or retaleates because he's upset and dosent understand how soemone could be so nice to him she simply gives him a hug or a gift or just sits some distance away to show he isn't alone.
She deals with all his meanness quite well because she's used to it from her family and has learned to block it out :( one day he really has enough of her and after something goes wrong with Elena or Salvatore he really doesn't want reader around him. She tells him quite confidently that he needs soemone to help him and she would never leave him alone at which point he smirks and says something snarky before proving that he doesn't need her. He reaches into her chest and grips her heart and kinda realises he is in the wrong when she looks kinda shocked and sad so he gently takes his hand out and feeds her his blood to help with the damage he left behind. Afterwards reader is less affectionate with him and only sits with him when he is in a state, now afraid to touch him incase he lashes out but still wanting to support him cuz she cares about him :(
Thanks for reading, love your stories!
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The Betrayed Becomes The Betrayer.
Growing up on an aggressive household desensitised me to a lot of things; yelling and smashing objects especially. My parents were a mess, I'm not sure if they didn't know how to love or just didn't want to.
Eventually I realised that they were the same thing and that I wasn't wanted at home, so I left and found Hayley.
Which was how I wound up finding Klaus.
He was a broken man, I could tell. Elijah confirmed that their parents had been cruel and abusive almost as soon as we met him which I assumed they also must've become desensitised over it after a thousand years.
However when I actually met Klaus, it was obvious that he was still deeply affected by it. I could understand him, his feelings and his thoughts. I got why he wanted to be so strategic, to have the control that was taken form him. I knew why he wanted to make people hurt the way he hurt and why he was as aggressive as the the people that raised him.
I wasn't violent, or an angry person. I had learnt to be quiet and keep things to myself so that I didn't get in the way but I would think about it. How it would feel to hurt someone, to make them feel worthless and then leave them. Could it really feel good enough to do over and over?
In my head I assumed it must do but I could never bring myself to actually torment someone the way I had been.
But I could tell that Klaus was still haunted by the past and it affected his every move. I couldn't blame him, or fault him for acting upon the images that swirled in my own mind.
Often he got frustrated, angry and inevitably lash out against someone. Something would be thrown, smashed. Someone would be yelling, screaming.
But I never wanted to be mad at him, to me he didn't deserve to be ranted at for what he'd done. They were riling him up further and it was obvious, it was like they wanted him to explode and hurt someone.
So instead of pushing him off that edge, I tried to help him back up.
To begin with I would just be the only one in the room not glaring at him with hatred. I just wanted him to know that there was someone on his side. He didn't notice for a little while but after a couple arguments I think he started to feel my presence. Sometimes he would get snappy, ask what I was looking at but when I'd just tell him that I understood why he did what he did, Klaus would get less defensive.
I wasn't a touchy person, ever, but the time his mother had been back and she hurt him so bad that he cried in his room, I didn't know what else to do but hug him.
After that it seemed like I was hugging him all the time. He calmed so much easier with some touch.
Sometimes he accepted it without complaint but sometimes he didn't want anyone near him so I would go away and come back later. He knew I was there when he needed me and I learnt to be a patient person.
I also learnt not to react so when he screamed in my face I didn't yell back. He had been so stressed lately and a lot of people had died yesterday the day before. I left him alone for the night before coming back in the morning to try and be there, he didn't want to talk so I went away and came back in the afternoon. To begin with he was fine but he got angry so fast, I barely said anything before he was yelling.
I tried not to react, not to talk back or get defensive but then he pushed me. Both hands on my shoulders, shoving me backward toward the wall and I tensed and something stirred in me.
I told him he was being ridiculous, pathetic and he didn't know what he needed.
"What? You think I need you? You think I like your desperate little cuddles. I'm not the one craving touch and love. I've been fine for centuries and I don't need a clingy little thing following me around." He snapped at me and I felt my frown deepen and the hurt biting at me.
"I'm not being clingy...I'm just trying to be helpful." I whispered and he scoffed.
Klaus got close, too close and it frightened me a little. I took a few steps back and he chuckled, trapping me to the wall.
"What is it, love? No more snuggles? You don't want to tell me it's okay? You gonna tell me I should paint a picture?" He mocked, his breath hot on my face. "You think I'm pathetic sweetheart? Think I need you? All I need is for you to disappear." His voice was low but clear, eyes cold and I felt the adrenaline hit and screaming for me to run but I froze just like I used to when I was little.
The smallest sound left me when I felt something agonising within my chest. My mouth opened but no noise would come out and I struggled to breath at all. I looked down, watching my own blood seep through my clothes and drip down his wrist. My eyes were stinging and I could feel my heart close to exploding as his grip tightened. I wasn't sure if I was stood there for hours or seconds before my body reacted and my arms shot up, both my hands latching onto his wrist so he couldn't pull the organ out.
My eyes shot up to look into his, seeing them soften after a second before his hand let go around my heart. A loud cry left me when he tore his fist out of my chest, leaving a gaping hole. I panted and a strong metallic taste filled my mouth as blood dripped past my lips.
His voice sounded blurry when he tried to tell me something, nothing felt real as my legs went weak and his hands touched my sides. The touch made me cry again and I felt him hesitate before something gross was pressed to my mouth and I couldn't tell if I was choking on my blood or his.
After a moment I could feel my body healing from the inside out, physically I felt better but now my mind was spinning. I looked up at him again, I could feel the fear pulsing through my veins when he reached his hand toward me.
This time I didn't freeze.
I was up and out of the room as fast as my legs could move.
I avoided him for a few days, part of me knew he wasn't going to do anything again and that he felt bad about it but the other part of me couldn't help but worry.
It was only when he was attacked again that I willingly sat in the same room as him.
"You okay?" I asked and he looked over to me, he was splattered with blood but at least it wasn’t mine.
"Yeah...I'm okay." He whispered, nodding.
I shifted in my place and he shuffled over on the couch so I could sit on the other end to him. The silence was awkward for a while, actually the entire time.
It was for quite a lot of the times I was near him. I wanted to be there for him, show him I understood but I was still scared and I didn't want to be close enough that he could kill me or hurt me just incase he did.
It was when he was carried in my Elijah, Papa Tunde’s blade in his chest causing him to be immobile and in agonising pain, when I got close again.
Elijah dropped him to the bed with a soft thud and was moving fast. He turned, looking right at me before talking.
“I need you to feed him your blood. It’s laced with vervain, he’ll heal slow. You need to keep him here or he is going to kill Rebekah. I don’t want to burden you, Y/N, but I’m afraid you’re the only who’s even a possibility.” He directed quickly, whilst dragging the blade from his brother’s chest.
“A possibility for what?” I asked, confused and afraid. I didn’t want to give him my blood. It was like asking him to kill me.
“You’re the only person he might listen to.” He explained as he headed for the door. “He won’t hurt you.” He told me and it sounded like a promise before he left.
Klaus let out a groan and I turned, hesitantly walking over to the edge of his bed. I silently dammed myself for being concerned enough to follow Elijah when he carried him in here.
I looked down at him, wincing at the cut that hadn’t healed down the length of his bare chest.
“What…what happened?” I whispered, wanting to reach out to touch but willing myself not to.
“Elijah-“ Klaus grunted, his teeth grinding as he forced words out. “He stabbed me for her.” It was clear that rage was all he felt in that moment as he tried to push himself up, only to let out a cry of pain.
“Rebekah?” I wondered and he seethed.
“She betrayed me. Called Mikael. She wanted me dead!” He yelled, his aggression growing as I felt my hairs stand on edge.
I was quiet, watching him struggle desperately.
I understand why he was so mad, betrayal was a huge thing for him. Abandonment, paranoia. It made him this way and Rebekah used it and ruined all of their lives but I had no doubt she had her reasons…not that I’d tell him that.
“She doesn’t now” I whispered and his had snapped to me. “She loved you now, she’s here now-“
“Only months ago did she stand beside Marcellus and watch as his vampires tried to kill me. She has always wanted me gone. She’s so desperate for Marcel that she’d kill her own brother-“ he snapped and I flinched.
His voice died off when I stepped back and he grunted softly. He was taking fast but deep breaths, trying to gather some stability and I could feel Elijah’s words echoing through me. That I had to let Klaus feed from me.
Reluctantly I shifted closer again, he was quiet as I sat down on the edge of his bed. His body was laid so close to me and his chest moved with each pain-filled breath.
My entire arm shook as I held it out, right infront of his face and it made his skin dance with veins. “Love…” he muttered, his jaw clenching as he inhaled through his nose. “I’m not going to hurt you” he uttered, I could feel his eyes on my but I couldn’t look back at his. “Not again. Just…there’s blood bags downstairs”
“Elijah said I have to use mine, the vervain makes it slower or something? I don’t know…I can’t do it wrong” I pushed my wrist closer, glancing at the fangs that were pushing past his gums.
“He won’t be mad.”
“He’s trusting me.” I whispered, finally looking up to klaus’s eyes and he sighed before slowly nodding.
I almost tugged my arm back when I felt his teeth pierce the skin, the sting making me move but his hand lifted to keep me in place. His eyes stayed locked on mine as he fed, it was such a strange sensation; much less painful than a needle.
As I felt myself weaken, I noticed the wound across his body fixing itself. My eyes started to go and for a second I faltered, my head beginning to drop but his other hand caught my chin and held me up. His fangs retreated back up and something warm and wet slid across my wrist before I was leaned up against him.
“I’m so sorry, love.” He whispered into my ear. “I have to finish what they’ve started.” He told me and I knew he wanted to murder Rebekah and I wanted to talk to him but he’d taken so much blood. His eyes stared straight into mine, reaching into my mind. “You’re going to fall asleep, you’ll wake tomorrow morning and you will feel no pain from this bite. I will heal you when I return. I promise I didn’t take enough to kill you, just to empty you of vervain.”
I wanted to argue, yell or anything but my mind shut down and my eyes wouldn’t stay open. I sunk into myself completely and lay, somehow conscious and unconscious as I tried to wake myself up.
I woke the next morning like he instructed my body to do, I glanced at my wrist to find it wrapped in bandages. My head lifted to see a glass of water, tinted pink by what I assumed was blood beside a small teddybear.
Hesitantly I sipped the drink, feeling instantly better before picking up the toy.
“I thought you’d like it” a voice sounded from the doorway, I glanced to see Klaus. Both his hands were behind his back and a guilty look painted his face.
I pushed myself up, it felt strange being in someone else’s bed; especially Klaus’s.
I didn’t answer him as I got up and pushed past him, shoving the teddy into his chest and going straight to my own room.
For a man who hated betrayal, he sure knew how to commit it.
He knew I was already afraid of him, that I didn’t want to be that close again and he took advantage of the ounce of trust I still had.
I understood him, but I couldn’t do this again. I’d been in this situation too many times.
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
Self-Love Quickie!
Summary: When you finally have time alone for the first time in a week, you can find some stress relief. But maybe you should have checked the apartment first. 😗
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x AFAB!R x Ryomen Sukuna
Warning: Masturbation, oral sex, p in v, smut!
A/N: Just a late night honey drabble ft. Dr. Gojo and Fire Fighter!Sukuna!
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The second you get home from work, noticing your roommates keys aren’t there you’re rushing to the couch. You push your skirt up, running for the couch with excitement. Finally you were alone!
Your roommates keep getting sent home early, and every fucking time you go to grab your toys they barge in, or annoucce that they're home! Making it nearly impossible to get off. It didn't help that your room was smacked down between them and you weren't exactly the quiet in bed. So the fact that both of them weren't home was an opportunity you couldn't miss! The second you lie down on the couch you're sliding your hand into your panties rubbing circles around your clit.
Which wouldn’t be a problem thanks to your smutty audiobook.
You were soaking wet, fingers rubbing faster as you cried out, throwing your head back against the throw pillows. “Fuuuck~ oh my fucking god!” Your walls fluttered, toes curling as you whined into the empty apartment. “Oooh my fuck~ fuck oooh fuck.” A week without masturbating had been literal torture, and you needed to cum to be around fucking Sukuna and Gojo. The stupid sexy assholes had been coming home early every night this week. Gojo said the clinic kept sending him home because he’d been working overtime at the urgent care. And Sukuna had been out on leave from the fire department because of a sprained ankle.
Images of red and blue eyes crossed your mind as you thought back to the sounds of them jerking off through the thin walls of your apartment. God, they were so hot that it was stupid. Fucking assholes and their stupid good looks! Ugh! The least they could do was go out for the night and let you have time to take care of yourself!
“Oooh fuck.” Your eyes shut tight as you imagined the duo kissing your neck, rubbing your wet folds, making you cum. “Oooh my goood~ oh my god~ oh my fuckin’ god!” You threw your head back bucking your hips against your hand as you felt yourself getting closer and closer towards your orgasm. “K-Kuna~ ooooh fuck~ Toru~ Nnngh!” Your eyes rolled back as you rubbed your clit as fast as your hand would allow, until you arched you back off the couch. “I-I’m cumming! Cumming!! Oooh fuck me!!”
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks; the pure intensity of it had you screaming as your pussy throbbed and clenched as you rode the waves. It felt so good; your slick coated your fingers as your legs twitched and shook, as your body went lax against the sofa. God, you needed that so bad to be able to find—a spoon fell, hitting the surface of a table, interrupting your post-orgasmic bliss.
With wide eyes, you slowly sat up, looking at the dining room table across from you where Satoru and Sukuna sat. Satoru’s mouth was agape, cheeks flushed, eyes focused on the hand that was still inside of your panties. While the pink-haired man leaned back in his chair, smirking, his erection visible in his pants. The three of you sat silently as you babbled and tried to think of anything! Literally fucking anything to say in a situation like this!
Not only had you rubbed one out in front of your roommates, but you had also moaned out their names while you fantasized about them doing sexy things to you. This was it, your thirteenth reason. Standing up on shaky legs, you stumbled to the side, pulling your slick fingers out of your panties.
“I-I’m going to go barricade myself in my room! Bye, have a good night!”
“Get that fine ass back over here!” Sukuna barked out with a starved chuckle. “You can't just say my name so prettily like that and leave!
“Sukuna’s righhht~ you should listen to the firefighter and come over here so Dr. Gojo can fully examine you~”
“I would rather eat my shoe.”
Sukuna patted his lap. “Come on~ don't make me get up, Satoru said I need to stay off my foot.” You have watched as Satoru grabbed his chair dragging it to sit across from Sukuna. “Give us a hand~ after all these boners are your fault.”
“Like I said, I’d rather eat my shoe.” Your words held no heat as you stepped towards them. “You pervs.”
A shoe wasn't what you had in your mouth thirty minutes later. Sukuna pierced monster cock, however, as Satoru fucked into you from behind. Your legs were shaking as you struggled to remain straddled in his hips as he bucked into you from his chair. The head of his cock jammed into your cervix as Sukuna forced your head down further on his cock.
Both of your roommates were grunting and growling. Sukuna’s head was tilted slightly back, eyes narrowed down at you as you gagged around him. While Satoru’s head was hanging low, cerulean eyes watched his cock disappear inside of your tight cunt.
All three of you were ducked out of your mind, you especially. Satoru’s cock was hitting your cervix in a painfully pleasurable way, making your eyes roll back as your soul threatened to escape. If it wasn't for the cold chill of Sukuna’s Jacob’s Ladder against your tongue, you were sure you’d be as present as you were.
“Fuuuck yes kitten~ suck my cock~ suuuck it.” The tip of Sukuna’s cock hit the back of your throat causing tears to stream down your cheeks. “What do good fucking girl you are, sucking my cock~ like a good little fucking slut.”
“Sweetheart~” Satoru’s wishing tone had you moaning around the thick cock fucking your throat. “Oh my god, you feel so good sucking me in like that; god, your pussy is so good!”
Their praises made you feel so good, pushing you closer towards release as their movements got sloppier, balls clenching, paces breaking as they lost themselves in the pleasure. Hearing them lose it made your entire body shake as you moaned, crying louder, eyes rolling back into your head as you screamed around Sukuna as your pussy clamped down around Satoru. Both men grunted fucking into you faster and harder before Sukuna’s cock slid down your throat as ropes of cum filled your mouth. Watching both his roommates cum, hard Satoru pulling out of your smooth wet walls, jerking himself off until he came all over your back, with a shuddering cry.
The sound of heavy breathing and gasps filled the apartment as Sukuna gently eased you off his softening cock. “Let me see.” He ordered, watching you open your mouth as you stuck out your tongue, showing him you swallowed every drop of cum he had to offer. “Mhmm such a good kitten~”
“Mhmm~ the best.” As Satoru left for the kitchen, you were gently moved to rest on Sukuna’s lap. You laid there on Sukuna, humming happily as Gojo returned, wiping your back off with a warm rag. “I’ve never been so happy that I locked my keys in my car!”
“Mhmm~” Sukuna pressed his lips against your temple. “I’m glad someone was too horny. She couldn’t wait to get in her room to rub her pretty cunt.”
“Oh my god, please, let’s never discuss that again.”
You eyed both your roommates, who blinked at each other before smirking wide. “Not a chance.” And knowing both of them, they would never let you live it down. But you wouldn't be too upset if it ended up like this whenever it got brought up.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
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piedinthepiper · 6 months
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Yandere!Seokjin x fem!reader
Summary: You liked him, liked as in past tense. Liked as in you didn’t like him anymore. He didn’t believe it for a second, and he’ll do anything to make you like him again.
Warnings: Cursing, stalking, Jin is kinda narcissistic?, he’s also mean and delusional, possessiveness, jealousy, voyeurism, smut, drugging, implied kidnapping
Wc: 5.9k
A/n: based on this req! Love the idea, hope you like it!
Disclaimer: This is 100% fiction. I am in no way saying that this is how any member of bts would act. Nor do I condone the actions detailed in the story. This is purely for entertainment purposes only. If any of the warnings trigger you, or you’re under 18 ¡do not read! I’m not your mother, and I don’t take any accountability for what you decide to read online!
He met you through Jimin. You were one of Jimin’s best friends, it seemed like he had known you for a long time.
So who were he to ruin Jimin’s image of you, and tell him that you were just so annoying. You were pretty yes, but it was something about your laugh. Something about the way you talked. It just rubbed Jin the wrong way. There are some people you just don’t click with, he thought to himself. As he looked at you from across the table. Some people are just not meant to be friends, and that’s ok. The only problem is that Jimin brought you with him no matter what. It was always “can y/n come?”. He asked Jimin once why he brought you around all the time.
“She just broke up with her boyfriend. Cut her some slack man.”
He had answered. But it had been eight months. Which, in his opinion, was more than enough time to heal from a breakup. But you still showed up. Every. Single. Time.
“What are you going to order, Jin?”
You asked him, looking back at him from across the table. You were slightly blushing for some reason. Everyone’s eyes turned to him, waiting for his response. In all honesty, he had been too busy thinking about you, to even read the menu.
“I don’t know yet.”
He answered in a stern voice.
“I really like the lobster here, it’s really good.”
Jin almost rolled his eyes at your comment.
“Really? Well I guess I’ll order that!”
He said with an overly excited tone. Not being able to control the sarcasm in his voice. Thankfully the waiter came before you could answer him. Everyone started saying their order, before it was his turn.
“I’ll have the salmon.”
He said and looked briefly over at you. To see if you’d have a reaction. You looked puzzled down at the menu for a second.
“I’ll have the salmon as well.”
“Wait! Jin, wait for me!”
You yelled after him, trying to run in your high heels. He had finally been able to leave. And thankfully he was able to mostly converse with Namjoon during the dinner. He had almost made it into the taxi, but you caught him. He couldn’t just shut the door in your face. He’s not directly mean to you, at least he tries not to be directly mean to you. But god, you were so annoying! Why couldn’t you just take a hint and leave him alone?
You were a little out of breath, and needed a moment to catch your breath before talking.
“I was just- I live on the way to your place. Maybe we could, you know, share a taxi?”
He mentally cursed himself for not shutting the door in your face. Cause now he had to actually be alone with you for at least 10 minutes.
“Oh come on, I’ll pay for myself don’t worry.”
You said when you saw him hesitating.
He simply answered and jumped in the backseat. Not caring to find an excuse.
“So, did you have fun tonight?”
You asked him once the taxi started moving. He sighed. Now he had to small talk with you as well.
“Yeah it was alright.”
He shrugged. He could see in his peripheral view that you were looking at him.
“The salmon was so good! You were so right about that one.”
You tried again, once he didn’t take the conversation further.
“I didn’t say anything to you about it. You just copied me.”
You laughed, thinking that he was just joking.
“You’re so funny!”
You said in between laughs, and even went as far as leaning over him in a fit of laughter. He sat completely still. Not engaging with you what so ever. Once you realised, you sat back up.
“We should go out for dinner more together. I think it would-“
“Please y/n! Just shut the fuck up!”
He suddenly bursted out. He didn’t mean to. It just came out.
“You don’t have to talk all the time. You’re so annoying!”
He looked at you, your smile was no where to be seen. And for some reason he missed it already.
“I’m sorry.”
He quickly mumbled, hoping that your lips would turn at least a little bit upwards. But they didn’t. You looked away from him, turning your face completely towards the window. Your entire body was trying the get the furtherest away from him as possible, and it hurt him for some reason. He sighed. Your place was coming up, he would probably feel better once you left the car. Out of sight, out of mind.
“I talk so much because I like you, Jin.”
You said, barley above a whisper. He looked back at you. The taxi stopped, signalising for you to get out.
“I really liked you.”
You gave him a last devastating look before opening the door and stepping out. You shut the door in his face before he could answer. It didn’t matter, he was left speechless. And he did in fact not feel any better now that you left the car. He felt even worse.
“Liked” you said you “liked him”. As in past tense. As in you didn’t like him anymore. He was laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t sleep, and when he can’t sleep he starts thinking. It had been a week since the incident in the taxi. The incident where you said you “liked” him. Whatever that meant.
He would give you an apology next weekend. Pull you aside before you sit down at the table. Explain that he was just tired, that he didn’t mean it. In the moment he meant it, but he didn’t mean to say it out loud. He was amazed by the fact that he actually felt sorry for you. He didn’t like you, so why was he so obsessed with getting you to like him? Maybe he liked you more than he thought? Nah. He told himself before rolling over and closing his eyes. Trying to think of something or anything else.
Friday came around eventually, and he was ready to meet the boys (and you) at a restaurant. He walked in, a little earlier than usual. He had to pull you aside before you sat down, just so it didn’t get awkward.
“You’re early today, what’s up bro?”
Jimin lit up once he saw Jin approaching the table. He sat down beside Jimin, briefly looking at the empty seat next to him.
“Where’s y/n?”
He asked once he realised it was only the two of them. You always arrived with Jimin. He always picked you up, even if it was a longer route. Jin felt weird just thinking about it. What if Jimin had feelings for you? Why would he go to such lengths if he didn’t? The feeling in his chest couldn’t be described as anything but jealousy.
“She’s not feeling well.”
He simply commented.
He asked with a smug face, slightly poking him in the side with his elbow. Jin rolled his eyes, leaning away from him.
“She’s always with you, it’s not weird that I’m asking.”
He scolded his younger friend. Jimin stopped, but giggled slightly at his defensiveness.
“Whatever you say man.”
Jimin said, before changing the topic. Jin wondered if you truly was sick, or if you just didn’t want to face him. You didn’t strike him as a cowardly person. You would probably show up if you could. So the only explanation to why you wouldn’t show up to hear his apology, must be that you were sick of course.
But two weeks after that, you didn’t show. Two months passed and still no sign of you. Jin wanted to ask Jimin, but he didn’t want Jimin to think he actually cared. But he did care. He wanted to apologise for being a dick, that’s all. His conscience needed to be cleared for him to move on. At least that’s what he told himself. The first weekend after the two month mark, (not that he kept track of the time or anything), the boys went to watch a football game. It was weird that you didn’t show, considering that you loved football. You wouldn’t miss out. So Jin decided to ask again.
“Is y/n still sick? Did she fucking break her leg or something?”
He asked Jimin once they had found their places.
“I don’t know man. I asked her if she wanted to come, she said she was going with someone else.”
He said and shrugged. Someone else? Why was he hurt that you would rather go with someone else?
“Ok, I’ll go get a beer. Anyone want one?”
Namjoon was the only one who raised a hand, small excuses of work in the morning was heard from the others. He squeezed out of the row of seats. He needed to clear his head, he had to stop this obsession he had with you. After the game he would call you, and if you didn’t pick up he would go to your house. Enough was enough, he had to see you.
Your voice made him turn around. There you were, two beers in hand and the familiar blue shirt of your favourite team. Your hair was in a ponytail, so he could clearly see your entire face. And you were smiling. Smiling at him like what happened two months and a week ago was ancient history.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?”
He mentally face palmed himself for asking something so obvious. You looked down at your shirt and back up at him.
“The same reason you are, I suppose.”
He laughed awkwardly, before you both went quiet.
“Look, y/n. I just wanted to ap-“
“Hey, babe. I’ll hold these for you.”
A man’s voice interrupted him. He looked at the man who approached you take your beers. You looked at him as well before looking back to Jin.
“I’m sorry, this is my boyfriend Hoseok.”
Jin was left speechless at your choose of words to describe the man. You had a boyfriend now?! The feeling of jealousy started to spread through his chest again.
“This is Jin, Jimin’s friend.”
You told this Hoseok, when he didn’t answer. Jimin’s friend? That was it? He was offended by the fact that you didn’t view him as more. You had a crush on him for gods sake!
“I’d shake your hand man, but you know.”
He raised the beers in his hand awkwardly. Jin still kept quiet. Not wanting to utter a simple word to the man you dared calling your boyfriend.
“I’ll catch up with you, just go back to the seats, ok?”
You told your boyfriend, and he happily complied walking away from the uncomfortable situation.
“Why are you acting so strange?”
He shook his head.
“I don’t know. I just- I thought you had a crush on me. But now you have a boyfriend, so.”
You smiled at him.
“I liked you, yeah. But after you rejected me in that taxi, I moved on. It’s not that deep, some people just don’t click.”
His stomach turned into knots, he hated the way you sounded like him. He hated the way you spoke about him. That it wasn’t that deep? Well, it was really deep to him. Extremely deep actually.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I really am. I should’ve never said those things to you.”
He managed to apologise, regardless of the burning anger he felt inside. How dared you reject him? He rejected you first.
“Jin, it’s ok. Seriously. It’s all in the past.”
You patted his shoulder before taking a step away from him.
“Tell the boys I said hi.”
You said before walking away. This was not how this was going to end. He had spent two months and a week thinking about exactly how you would respond, and what would happen after. You were not supposed to be so nonchalant and run away to your new boyfriend. You were supposed to accept his apology and run into his arms. Maybe even give him a kiss and a blowjob for his effort to be so empathetic. He was going to make things right.
He couldn’t sleep again. How could he after you basically dumped him? So he started thinking. Why would you do such a thing? Why would you hurt him? He knows that he hurt you, but he apologised. So you should stop whatever prank you got going on and come back to the group. Come back to him. He really didn’t know why he felt this need for you. Before all this he literally couldn’t stand you. But now it’s like he yearned for you. And it was baffling to him that you didn’t feel the same.
Maybe you were just using that Hoseok guy to make him jealous. Yeah, that’s it. This was your payback. He laughed at the thought and sat up in his bed. Turning on the lamp on his nightstand. Might as well pay you a visit.
He payed the taxi driver before closing the door carefully. It was the middle of the night, not a soul to see in your neighbourhood. He looked up at your apartment building, he knew you lived on the seconds floor. The light in your living room was on. He quickly looked down at his phone. 02:38 am. You should’ve been asleep already.
He walked over to the other side of the road to get a better view of your living room. Trying to get a glimpse of you in your natural habitat. And to his surprise you were there. Completely naked. He felt a familiar feeling in his groin once he saw what was going on behind those walls. You were on the sofa on top of your new boyfriends dick. Your back was turned towards the window, giving Jin a perfect view of your ass bouncing up and down. Jin ripped his eyes away from you to check if anyone else was seeing this. But no lights were on, and no bystanders. What a freak you were, having sex right in front of a window where anyone could see.
Or maybe you were doing it for him? The curtains were slightly open, just enough open for him to see you. Maybe you didn’t shut them completely, for him? Maybe you hoped he would show up after the two of you met the same day? It was working for him. Mesmerised by the way your body moved in pleasure, he slid his hand into his pyjama bottoms. He couldn’t help himself. You looked so good, and you were so perfectly placed that he could see the dick going in and out of you. His only wish was hearing you. He wanted to hear you moan so bad. Suddenly you slowed down. Jin’s hand moved faster, trying to reach release before the show was over. Just one last bounce before you sank down beside him. Now facing the window. He continued, now seeing your heaving naked chest sprawled out on the sofa. He was close, very close. And once he saw you get up and walk towards the window completely naked, body glistening, tits slightly bouncing, he couldn’t help but feel a euphoric release.
Reality hit him immediately after. In the time it took for him to ride out his orgasm, you had made it to the window. Now staring directly at him. He quickly pulled his hand out of his trousers, turning around to face the wall immediately. The sticky wet spot that made the fabric of his pyjamas stick to his skin, was a shameful reminder. He didn’t know if you had seen him. He didn’t know if you were calling the police, or still looking at him. But he stood completely still, awaiting his destiny. After a few minutes he pulled his phone up from his pocket, calling for a taxi back to his place.
It wasn’t until he heard the taxi pull up he dared turning around. His eyes flickered up to the window. No sight of you, no sight of nothing. The curtains were shut completely this time.
It was Saturday, Jimin had invited the boys to his house for a few drinks and some food. Jin hadn’t gotten drunk in some time and quite frankly needed it to forget whatever madness happened the weekend before. So he gladly accept once Jimin proposed the idea in the group chat. Something he would regret.
“Can you get the door? I can’t let this burn man.”
Jimin asked and pointed to whatever he was making on the stove. Jin, being the first to show up that night was more than happy to welcome one of his mates, and walked over to the door.
“Jin! It’s so nice to see you again.”
You said and gave him a small hug as you stepped into Jimin’s apartment. He was left speechless. By you, but also by the man that followed you inside. You brought your boyfriend?
“Hey man!”
Hoseok said and stretched out his hand for him to shake. Jin just stood there looking at his hand. He couldn’t move. Too terrified that this was your way of revenge. You were going to expose him as the creep that jerked off outside your house to all his friends. And on top of that you brought your boyfriend to rub it even more in his face.
“You know what, I’m a hugger anyways.”
Hoseok laughed and pulled him in to a tight hug once he didn’t shake his hand. Once he pulled away from the hug, Jin smiled at him. He couldn’t risk getting on the bad side of Hoseok either. Maybe you told him?
“Sorry, Hoseok right?”
He asked and took his hand in his. Your boyfriend chuckled and nodded. What a ray of fucking sunshine of a boyfriend you got. Not completely different to himself, he thought.
“Oh please, just call me Hobi!”
He smiled before walking past Jin and following you inside. Jin continued to stand by the door for a second as he heard both you and your boyfriend greet Jimin in the kitchen. He had to talk to you. He had to pull you aside before you got the chance to reveal his big dirty secret. The boys would think he was disgusting, a creep, a weirdo. What the hell was he doing here? He had to run away. Run far far away and never come back.
“Are you ok?”
He got ripped out of his thoughts and realised the tall figure standing in front of him.
“Ah, Namjoon. You scared me.”
He tried to play off. As if he wasn’t standing in front of the open entrance door just staring out into the hallway.
“I’m ok yeah, but what about you? What have you been up to?”
He said and threw his arm around Namjoon’s shoulders, leading him into the apartment.
“Woah, ok. It’s only been a week since we last saw each other.”
An hour had passed. You still hadn’t said anything. Not even mentioned that night. He had taken a few shots out of agony and suspense. He couldn’t get drunk. No, not while you were a ticking bomb ready to ruin his image forever. He had to stay sober so he could defend himself whenever the situation arose. Or if he was lucky enough to get you alone so he could convince you, hell maybe even beg for you not to say anything. He would do anything for you. For you not to say anything, of course.
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
You announced, slightly intoxicated. You were so cute, your face a little red and your words a little slow.
“I have to go to the bathroom too!”
Jin quickly said, getting up quickly. The room got quiet. He realised he had said that a little loud and with a little too much excitement.
You shrugged, walking away from the table. Everyone started talking again, meaning he was in the clear. He stumbled after you.
“After you, princess.”
You said as you proudly held the bathroom door open for him. He would’ve smiled at your joke if this wasn’t a serious situation.
“I’m sorry, but I have to go first.”
You mumbled and started unbuttoning your trousers. He nodded. He didn’t even have to pee.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I didn’t-“
“I’m not drunk enough to pee while you’re watching me.”
He panicked at your words and didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Oh- uh. Do you want me to leave?”
You laughed.
“No silly. Just turn around.”
He did as instructed.
“I’m sorry, ok? I should’ve never done that! Please, just don’t tell the others y/n. I won’t recover from it.”
He started pleading, still facing the door. You went quiet for a few seconds. He gulped, anxious of what you would answer.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
You said and flushed the toilet. He turned around knowing you were finished. You were struggling with the button of your jeans, but looking at him with a confused look.
“Are you playing with me? Please if you are, don’t, I can’t handle that right now.”
You started washing your hands.
“No, Jin. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Is this about that time in the taxi again? Cause I told you it’s ok.”
“No. I mean- uh. Yes?”
He didn’t know what to say. Did you really mean it? Had you not seen him that night? A wave of relief washed over him. If you were telling the truth he was the luckiest man alive.
“It’s about last weekend.”
He tested, seeing if you would remember.
You asked puzzled. He let out a breath of relief. You were completely clueless.
“I didn’t mean to be so awkward with your- ehhh, Hobi.”
He managed to get out, not wanting to call him your boyfriend out loud. Now that he wasn’t caught and labelled a total pervert, he still had a chance to win you back.
“My Hobi, huh? You’re cute Jin.”
You said as you unlocked the door.
“You’re forgiven by the way.”
You closed the door behind you, and he quickly locked it. He had never felt more relieved in his entire life. Maybe you weren’t looking at him, maybe you were just looking around to see if anyone saw? And maybe he was fortunate enough to be well enough hidden that night to not get caught. Well, he knew he would be more careful the next time. He shook his head, baffled by his own words. The next time? He thought as he flushed the toilet. He didn’t understand what he felt towards you, but he wanted there to be a next time. He wanted the next time to be him underneath you, not your stupid boyfriend. He unlocked the door and started walking down the hallway. He didn’t want to admit it to himself before, but maybe he actually liked you. Like, liked liked you. He sat back down at the table. Taking another shot now that he could actually get drunk.
“Ooo, where are you going?”
Jimin asked you. Jin hadn’t heard the first part of the conversation, but pretended he had been here the entire time.
“This very fancy spa hotel. He said it was an early birthday present.”
You said and looked lovingly at your boyfriend.
“Wow, you’re lucky! You must really love her, Hobi!”
“You’re leaving?”
Jin asked you, ignoring Jimin’s hilarious comment, and quite honestly he didn’t want to hear Hobi’s answer to that. You nodded.
“Yeah, next Friday.”
He took another shot, drowning the jealousy that was starting to bubble inside him.
“I just don’t know what to do with the cats. I’ve asked a bunch of people, but everyone’s busy.”
“I’ll watch them!”
Jin blurted out, almost too excited.
“Are you sure? I’ll pay you if you want to-“
“No, no need to pay me. Don’t have anything happening next weekend anyways.”
“Weren’t you going out of town to see your parents next weekend?”
Namjoon asked with confused brows. Jin mentally cursed him for almost ruining his plan.
“No, that’s the weekend after. I’m completely free next weekend, ready to watch some cats.”
You smiled at him, he had missed that smile so much. To ever think that he didn’t like your smile was insane. What was even more insane was the fact that he blindly said yes to watch your cats, just to be in your house. But he’ll happily feed those little fuckers if it meant that he had full access to your home.
“Again, thank you so much. You’re a life saver!”
You yelled out the window of your car as you and your boyfriend drove away. He waved goodbye as he watched the car slowly disappear in the horizon. Once you were gone he hurried into your apartment, ready to snoop around. He only did it to get to know you more of course. He wanted to know every single little thing about you that only your home could reveal. He sat down on the sofa on the exact spot where he saw you have sex. He felt the soft fabric between his fingers, thinking of that night. He slowly laid down face first, wanting to be close to the spot where you sat completely naked. He rubbed his cheek on it, slightly smelling hints of your perfume. He could stay like that forever. Just frolicking in your scent.
But one of your cats jumped up beside his face, ruining the moment. He got up, annoyed at the grey fluffy animal. He silently pushed the cat off, but when it once again jumped up beside him he decided to look around somewhere else.
He found the bathroom, opening up the cupboard next to the mirror. Some makeup, some skin care, tweezers, tampons. Nothing exciting. He opened the door to your shower, nothing but numerous soaps. He looked over at the bin for a second and wondered if he was willing to go that low. Once he saw your dirty laundry he decided against it. He opened the lid and started digging, a mixture of your perfume and your natural scent hit him. He had never been happier. He suddenly stopped and pulled out a singular thong. It was baby pink with lace. He imagined how good you would look in it. He stuffed it in his hoodie, deciding to venture off to your bedroom.
He immediately opened the nightstand, hoping for something good. And you delivered. Toys of all kinds in different flashy colours. He smiled as he picked up the hot pink dildo. He wondered if you ever thought of him while using it. The thought alone making his pants feel tighter. He walked back to the sofa, he knew what he wanted to do now.
Jin was watching tv in your house once he heard the door open. He knew you would be arriving that day, so he managed to be on his best behaviour and not jerk off in every room of your apartment that day. Small things to make you happy. He quickly got up to welcome you.
“You got home quite late, I was starting to worry.”
No he wasn’t, he knew exactly at what time you would be home. He found a copy of your reservation at the hotel and calculated the time it took for you to get here. But he wanted you to know that he cared.
“No need, I’m home.”
You gave him a forced smile. Something was wrong. A feeling of excitement rushed through him. You came home alone, did this mean that-? Did you really break up with Hobi? He held back a smile.
“Here let me help you.”
He said and reached for your suitcase. Your grip tightened.
“No it’s fine.”
You simply said and rolled it into your apartment. He headed you sigh. He wanted to wait a little longer to see if you would break. Hoping that you would tell him the good news and not let the suspense kill him.
“Can we talk?”
You asked and looked back at him, removing your coat. He nodded understandingly as he took your coat before you could protest and hung it up. You walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. Putting your head in your hands.
“Do you want something to drink? I can make you-“
“No, Jin. Please just sit down.”
You were visibly upset, so he followed up on your request. Sitting down opposite of you. You took a few seconds before you started talking.
“Do you care to explain why you did what you did while I was gone?”
You asked and looked up at him. He froze. This was not the good news he was expecting. This wasn’t happening. How could you know?
“What are you talking about?”
He said and tried to laugh it off. You shook your head.
“So you’re telling me you have no idea what I’m talking about?”
You asked strictly. He gulped.
“No, y/n. I’ve just been watching your cats. Did I do something wrong?”
You let out another sigh before you pulled up your phone. You touched the screen a few times before your turned it around, showing him exactly what you were talking about. He watched in horror as he saw himself in your bed with his hand around his dick. The other hand was holding your underwear under his nose.
“There are many more of these videos.”
You said as you retracted your phone.
“I don’t need to see them.”
He quickly answered as you put your phone back in your pocket.
“Fine, but I want to know why, Jin.”
His mind was racing. How the fuck was he supposed to dig himself out of this one? You had physical proof now. He couldn’t deny it anymore.
“I didn’t know I was being filmed.”
He muttered as a poor excuse.
“Me neither. I set those cameras up when I didn’t think I would find someone to watch the cats. Unfortunately for you I forgot to take them down.”
He went silent again, slipping his hands into his deep pockets. Feeling around, trying to come up with a solution.
“Please tell me you have a logical explanation for all this. Why did you masturbate every single day with my stuff while I was gone?”
You seemed more upset that you couldn’t make any sense out of it, compared to what he actually did. Maybe if he just confessed you would forgive him.
“I like you, y/n. No, I actually think I love you. I’m in love with you.”
He blurted out. You were taken aback at his sudden honesty.
“I don’t understand why, I used to hate you. I never liked you. But ever since the incident in the taxi I haven’t been able to take my mind off you.”
He reached for your hand over the table, but you quickly pulled away.
“I love you, y/n!”
“So why didn’t you tell me? Why did you do this instead? You realise how fucking crazy you sound right now, right?”
You snapped back at him. Coughing slightly afterwards at your sudden outburst.
“Let me make you a cup of tea, it’ll help with that cough.”
He said calmly. You shook your head.
“I don’t want tea, I want you to leave my house right now!”
“Please, can we just talk about this like adults? I don’t want to fight with you.”
You stopped, wanting to hear what he had to say.
“Let me put the kettle on, and I’ll tell you everything. Just please, I care about you.”
You touched your throat as you slowly nodded. He quickly got up and started the kettle.
“I did it because I didn’t want to ruin your relationship. I saw how happy you were with Hobi. I thought this was my only way to be close to you.”
He tried his best to get you to feel sorry for him. He knew you would be much better off with him than that excuse of a boyfriend you had. He just wanted to pull on your heartstrings. Even if it was completely a lie.
“I just- sorry. I’m sorry. But I’m crazy about you, y/n. I’ve never felt like this before. I didn’t know what to do.”
You looked down at the table as he prepared your tea.
“Do you want sugar and milk?”
He asked carefully.
“Just sugar.”
You answered after a few beats of silence. You were clearly fighting some sort of mental battle. But it was alright, he was going to make that decision for you.
“I really care about you. I’ve been nothing but a dick to you, I know. But I want to make it up to you.”
He placed the tea on the table before you. You stirred it a couple of times as you waited for the tea to get ready.
“It’s just really uncomfortable, Jin. Yes I used to have a crush on you but that doesn’t give you the right to do such things.”
You scolded him as you brought the cup to your mouth slightly blowing at the hot beverage.
“Again, I’m sorry.”
He said and bowed his head in fake defeat. This wasn’t his loss. Sooner than later you would be his.
“I don’t know if I can forgive you. I need time to think about all this. It’s all too much for me right now.”
You took a sip, feeling the sweet warm drink soothe your sore throat. You immediately took another big sip to get the feeling back.
“I get it. I’ll give you all the time you need when we get to your new home.”
He said bluntly. You crossed your eyebrows at his comment.
“My new home?”
He nodded.
“You’ll love it there. Just you and me. We can spend as much time as you’d want to heal all the shitty things I’ve done to you.”
You shook your head.
“What? What are you talking about?”
You felt your sight getting blurry, your body suddenly felt really heavy.
“What- what have you done to me?”
You slurred as you fell back in your chair. Tears forming in the corners of your eyes as you felt yourself loosing control of your body.
“It’s ok, baby.”
Jin got up from his chair and walked over to you. In your last efforts you slung yourself off the chair and onto the floor, trying to crawl away from him.
“I’m sorry, but I had to do this. I’m sure you’ll forgive me once you realise what an amazing life we’ll have together.”
He bowed down and grabbed you. Making you look at him. Finally you would be his and his only.
“Fuck you.”
You managed to say before the drugs made you close your eyes and fall limp in his arms. You looked beautiful, he thought. Like sleeping beauty just waiting for him to save you. It would probably take some time for you to forgive him, but like he said, he would give you all the time you needed. And eventually you would realise that you were made for each other. He would make sure of that.
Thank you for reading! Do you want to read more?
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animehideout · 7 months
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Check out part 12 here
Gojo Satoru X Fem! Reader
warnings ⚠️: not proofread / abuse / SA just something vague not detailed.
a/n : I truly apologize for this late update, I was really unmotivated to rewrite it and I was struggling to find inspiration again, I'm sorry if this part didn't live up to your expectations but I read hope you like it though, I tried to make it longer but I ran out of ideas 🥹.
Music Suggestion 🎧
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Satoru stood tall, alone in the balcony, his gaze fixated on the sky, lost in the depth if his own thoughts. The weight of regret hung heavy upon his shoulders, a burden he could no longer bear.
His mind played your last fight that night on loop, making him hate himself even more. He remembered his harsh words, actions and disrespect towards you. Forcefully shutting his eyes to make those images and voices that's been haunting him go away.
Unwelcomed thoughts yet impossible to ignore. Blaming himself over and over again for what happened to you, torturing himself to madness.
"It's my fucking fault" he muttered,
In all that darkness, the image of your face in his mind was the only source of light. The delicate curve of your smile whenever you were around your students etched in his memory. He remembered the way you slept, features softened by the gentle embrace of your slumber, your passion for teaching and your daily excitement to show your students a new weapon and new technique.
You were a vision of peace amidst the chaos he was living. He realized then how life became emptier after your disappearance, the void your absence had left in every bit of his life. He realized how much he fell for you, he realized that hatred was deeply buried by the birth of his love for you.
With a heavy heart, he bowed his head, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. For three days, his eyes wide open, unable to sleep without you under the same roof as him, cuddling a piece of your clothing every single night to take into your scent, to pretend that you were there, next to him.
Clutching his fists, his knuckles turned white , whispering a plea for forgiveness, a forgiveness he might never receive.
"I'm sorry Y/n.."
. ..
"Y-yaga sensei?" said Gojo wiping his tears away,
"Can I join you?"
"Y-yeah sure"
"What's on your mind? Still blaming yourself?"
"Do I have anything else to do except blaming myself?"
"I'm sorry for your loss Satoru" said Principal Yaga apologetically,
"I didn't lose her, she's still out there, somewhere! I know it, I'm sure of it, I can feel it"
"Pain is eating you up Satoru, you know you should let go already–"
"Let go? Easier said than done. How can all of you let go so fast as if she never existed?" he said in annoyance
"The higher ups orders, to not distract the sorcerers' focus from their daily tasks"
"Bullshit, –"
"Satoru I understand your pain"
"No you don't, none of you does! I did this to her, I built the wall between both of us brick by brick till it collapsed on both of us, she got abducted by Toji and here I am suffering everyday.. I just wish I can turn back time and undo the damage I had done"
"Is this because of regret or something else?" asked Principal Yaga
Gojo looked down, not sure of what to say, mastering the courage he finally spoke,
"I– I love her, sensei! I love Y/n so much, I just hope it's not too late to realize this because I really want to fix everything–"
Yaga sensei looked at Gojo with a reassuring yet sad smile, deep down, everyone accepted that you died except Gojo., and he didn't want him to hang on fake hope.
"I know what you're about to say, but I won't let go, I won't give up even if the higher ups chain me down.... I thought she was a curse when we got married but I think I am her curse, I was her curse while she was my blessing–"
"I hope you're right Satoru, I hope she's still out there as you said, I hope you get a second chance to be a real family"
*In Mei Mei's room*
"Look at this" said Maki her eyebrows frowning in confusion,
"Who's that in the picture?" asked Nobara as confused as Maki,
Both of them examined the photograph, their eyes flickered between the picture and each other in silence. In the picture a woman smiled serenely as she cradled a baby in her embrace.
Maki shrugged equally perplexed,
"I have no idea, do you think it's a family member?"
Their senses were on high alert as they scanned every corner of her room for any sign of wrongdoing, something out of the ordinary. They found that picture tucked under her bed after they flipped the mattress while searching for anything suspicious.
"And this stack of money? Didn't know she's got all of this cash here" added Nobara.
"And this box as well"
Intrigued, they opened it. As they lifted the lid of the box, a firegun revealed itself, its metallic surface gleaming ominously in the dim light.
"A g-gun?" started Nobara as she looked at Maki in shock, "what would she use it for?"
"Definitely not hers, why would a sorcerer with a jujutsu technique depend on a gun" she pointed out.
"Good point, so if its not hers then to whom does it belong to?" asked Nobara
"There's only one way to figure it out, but now let's take the gun, the damn photograph and get out of here" said Maki as she put he mattress in its place again.
"GOJO-SENSEI" called Nobara out as she caught a glimpse of Gojo in the balcony "Sensei you need to see this"
"Hm? Nobara? Maki?"
"Gojo" said Maki as she saw Gojo with principal Yaga in the balcony "We found something–"
but before she could finish her sentence,
"Any news?" interrupted Mei Mei as she stepped in the balcony out of nowhere..
Maki and Nobara exchanged quick nervous glances, their eyes darting between each other as they attempt to maintain composure. Hiding what they took from her room behind their backs. Their expressions strain with the effort to appear nonchalant, but a subtle tension lingers in the air. Lips pressed into strained smiles,
"Nah nothing new" said Maki while Nobara nodded in agreement.
"Hm you sure about that? I thought I heard you said you found something, is it about Y/n? " asked Mei raising her eyebrows,
"What if we did? Is it really your concern?" exclaimed Maki offensively, only to get elbowed softly by Nobara,
"We found nothing important Mei Mei sensei, of course if we did we'd tell you" exclaimed Nobara, chuckling awkwardly.
"Oh alright then girls," she said luckily not giving too much important to the girls, then paused and drifted her gaze towards Gojo, "how are you holding up Gojo? I hope you're in the process of moving on" she added
Gojo's eyes burned holes in her soul, but he tried to remain calm,
"I'm fine"
"That's what all of us would like to hear, glad you let go" she said and then excused herself to go to her room,
Then moment she left, Maki ran towards Gojo and Yaga, showing them what they found,
"We found these–"
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THESE FROM?" snapped Gojo unexpectedly, his eyes widened as he snatched the gun and photograph form Maki's hands,
"Damn Satoru what's got into you, relax!" exclaimed Yaga-sensei,
"W-we.." stuttered Nobara
"How did you get these? they were well hidden"
"Well hidden under Mei Mei's bed?" asked Maki in confusion
"What? what did you just say?" said Gojo and Yaga in union
"We found these under Mei Mei's bed, the gun hidden in a box , tucked beside that photograph and a pile of cash, do you possibly know to whom it belongs?"
"These belong to Toji Zenin" said Satoru
Maki and Nobara froze in place, trying to process what Gojo just said,
"T-toji?" they said in disbelief,
"This gun was used by Toji to murder Riko Amanai, and these in the picture are Megumi and his mother–" explained Yaga sensei
"It can only be one thing" expressed Gojo through gritted teeth, "She must be behind it" he added and started walking away, thinking about confronting her,
"GOJO STOP!" yelled Yaga sensei, holding Gojo in place, "What's happened to your common sense? vanished?"
"We can't assume anything now sensei!" said Nobara
"So all of this isn't enough to assume that she's got some dirty work with Toji Zenin going on behind our backs?" said Gojo aggressively
"Okay you're right, it is suspicious but we need a plan! a proper plan, do you think she'll admit it if you confront her? she'll find a lie and you'll never find the truth, not out of her! We need to know more about her first" explained Maki
"Know what?" asked Gojo impatiently
"I mean, Toji has nothing right? not even a house, do you think if he'd take Y/n to a hotel room after abducting her? Mei Mei must have provided a place for him" she added
"So if we can't ask her, how would we know?" asked Nobara,
"We ask her best friend" Suggest Maki shrugging,
"Is it ringing?" asked Yaga sensei,
"Yeah shh it is" said Gojo waiting for her to pick up the phone, "–Oh hello" he said through the phone
"Gojo? Hi what's up calling me late at night, is everything okay?"
"Utahime, yeah everything is fine, we just need you here, if it's possible can you make here in one hour at least?"
"Well I can, but is it an emergency?"
"Um it's– it's about Mei Mei, we're preparing a party for her and we need your help"
"A party? It's not even her birthday yet–"
"It's for her service, it's a habit here in Jujutsu High to hold a party for a teacher to honor them, and this time it's Mei Mei, she did a lot for us and for the school, besides it's the higher ups orders so..."
"Oh the higher ups? sure then I'll be there in an hour"
"Don't tell Mei Mei that you're coming though, it must remain a surprise, now we don't wanna spoil it"
"So should be meet outside the school?"
"Sure yeah, you can come to my house?!"
"Oh alright then, I'll be there"
With that they hung up the phone,
"She'll be here in one hour, I hope we can get her to talk"
"I hope she's not part of Mei Mei's plan though" Said Nobara.
"Don't you think we must tell the others? Maybe we need some backup?" suggested Maki
"Yeah, but some of them need to stay here to keep an eye on Mei Mei" said principal Yaga
"Alright, I'll go and tell them then,"
*Time skip, at Gojo's house*
They sat there, Gojo, Nanami, Maki and Megumi waiting for Utahime's arrival.
"You've got a nice and big house" pointed Maki
"Yeah but never a happy house" mumbled Gojo to himself,
"Do you think she'll tell us more about her?" asked Megumi and suddenly the bell rang,
"I guess we'll find out now!" said Nanami,
"So Utahime, I hope you corporate!" started Gojo not wasting any precious second,
"Corporate? you make it sound like if we're discussing business, and not preparing for a surprise party! it's a p-party right?"
she chuckled nervously,
"Not really! you need to tell us more about Mei Mei, some information that we don't know about"
"wait? what?" she asked nervously
"Is she meeting someone? did she tell you about something?"
"Gojo wait! why are you asking about this? I mean she lives there in the school dorms as well, so I guess you know more than I do"
"I don't think so, she's you're best friend she must have told you something about her plan?" said Maki
"Plan? what plan?"
"Ah come on Utahime dont play dumb"
"No for real! what plan, I thought you had a plan with her , Gojo to push Y/n away!"
"What? NO. I'm talking about her dirty plan with Toji"
"Toji? wait what's going on?" she said truly confused
"STOP LYING AND ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION, IF YOU'RE PART OF HER DIRTY GAME I'LL END BOTH OF YOU" exclaimed Gojo angrily, making Utahime step back, growing more and more impatient.
"Hey hey Gojo calm down, what's wrong with you? I understand you're frustrated but that's not the right way to find answers!" said Maki and the others nodded in agreement,
"Megumi please take him to the balcony while me and Maki handle this, he needs to calm down" suggest Nanami,
Megumi did as he said and took Gojo to get some fresh night air,
"Geez, you really developed anger issues, you were more laid back even in risky situations Gojo" started Megumi
"Not anymore, people change and I've changed"
"Y/n sensei is dear to all of us, so I am eager too to know where she is, and I truly understand how you feel"
"No Gumi, you don't, you don't understand because I'm not just sad, I'm feeling extremely guilty, because it's my damn fault"
"I'm feeling guilty too" said Megumi lowering his head,
"Hm? what for ? you're pretty close to Y/n and you're good friends not only a student and his teacher–"
"It's my father, he's the one who abducted her and only God knows what he's doing to her, I don't wanna even think about it. Is there any greater shame than this?" he said his voice cracking,
"Hey Megumi! look at me, your father's actions has nothing to do with you, he's the one who abducted her not you! you've always been nice and kind to Y/n. Sometimes family does things that we are ashamed of and completely in opposition of it but it doesn't mean we're like them just because we're related by blood, you are what you're truly in here" he said and pointed at Megumi's heart "And I know well what's in there Megumi! I raised you and I've seen you grow up to be a loyal, strong and kind hearted man! you're the complete opposite of your father so don't ever compare yourself to him again" said Gojo with a smile,
"If it's his fault, then why are you blaming yourself Gojo?"
"Because I'm the reason she left that night! I've said too many hurtful words, no one can handle to hear, no one deserves to hear but I was too agitated, too overwhelmed by my mixed feelings, trying to push her away from me over and over again–"
"Why? why'd you push her away from you? couldn't you have tried at least? maybe after what you've been through you were destined to finally find happiness with her! "
"My heart was a messy place to make it a comfortable place for her!"
"Was? so what changed now?"
"I want to try to make it comfortable for both of us, I want t-t to– nevermind! I have to find her, I have to make it up for her"
"I understand and we will find her, Y/n is strong I'm sure she's safe wherever she is" reassured Megumi, trying to lift Gojo's spirit again,
"So Utahime, we really need you to corporate so you better put that bestie thing with Mei Mei aside cuz this is a life or death matter!" begun Maki,
"Toji escaped and we think that Mei Mei had a hand in this" added Nanami
"No way! Why would Mei Mei do that? I mean you know what Toji had done to the Jujutsu world!"
"We know, but we know that when people are full of hate are full of unexpected things!"
"Nanami what's wrong? what happened?"
"It's Y/n! Toji abducted her, and we found Toji's gun under Mei Mei's bed, even though it was well hidden.. do you still think she's got nothing to do with that?"
Her eyes wide open in shock and disbelief, her mouth hanging open, sad expressions drawn on her face,
"W-what? I didn't know I swear to God! I've – I've never thought it will go that way, I've never thought she could fall this far" she expressed her feelings, her heart crushing, she's never expected her long time best friend would do or be part of such thing, to betray the Jujutsu community.
"That's why we need your help! You know how important Y/n is to our world! we can't lose her" said Nanami "So please if you know anything, any place she owns, any small details tell us, we really need to know"
With a deep breath, she started thinking, trying to remember if Mei Mei told her anything,
"I remember she bought a house! but that was weeks ago!!"
"A house?"
"Yeah, she said she might settle in Tokyo if things went well between her and Gojo–"
"She's truly delusion" interrupted Maki rolling her eyes,
"Where is this house?" asked Nanami
"I'll take you there" said Utahime determined to help.
Despite being best friends with Mei Mei, her morals were more important! she's too loyal to the Jujutsu World and committed to the greater good, she knows about the prophecy and she can't afford to witness another loss on the Jujutsu community part.
"I'll go and tell Gojo and Megumi then– maybe Y/n is there"
[ Kill her, and I'll bring your cash tomorrow when I see her lifeless body ]
Read Toji through the message that he received,
"See! I'm ordered to kill you now! How much trouble did you cause her for her to free me from the prison just to torture you and kill you" he said with a smirk
"F-fuck you and fuck her" you said through gritted teeth as you were thrown on the floor, your body hurting from the chains that were tied around your wrists and feet.
your lips and nose bleeding after hours of tortures,
"And you still got that attitude, after being beaten up? If I were you I wouldn't act so brave.."
"You'll never be me Toji! we're both considered inferior in the Jujutsu world but I learned how to be the real me and not what others want me to be, I didn't let others to order me around and kill people–"
"Are you trying to save yourself? and convince me to not kill you"
"no, I know I can't be saved, not just now but for a long time ago, but you know the funny thing is that we actually have something else in common beside being monkeys" you joked offensively trying to get on his nerves, you're going to die anyway so why'd you not offend him, you were tired if being stepped on so why not talk back.
"what?" he said in anticipation as he kneeled down,
"Both our families are disappointed in us, I disappointed my parents and you disappointed your son, Megumi, nice kid he's nothing like you–"
And you struck a sensitive nerve in him,
You started laughing when you saw his face dropped and his expressions changed, your stomach hurts whenever you laughed he probably had broken some of yours ribs.
The you paused,
"Do it Toji. Do what you were assigned for, no one will come to my rescue anyway, do it, kill me" you said in a serious tone,
"Change in plan, let me have my fun with you before I take the light out of your eyes"
"You still have time for fun? the dawn will break soon–"
"Oh I know princess, don't you worry about it, I know I can't delay the sunlight but I know how to make the night even more darker... and you were right, Megumi's probably disappointed in me but lemme tell you something–" he paused and leaned forward, his face a few inches away from yours "That's who I truly am, a beast that preys on the weak, and you are weak Y/n no matter how hard you try to come off as strong"
he said and he reached to take off your shirt,
Your heart beats quickened, you thought he'd torture you in another way, and not attempt to do something filthy to you,
"No -no! I'd rather die" you said trying your best to break free from his grasp, but his huge body got you pinned down,
"What? you're not a fan of big guys? or your pathetic ass is loyal to a husband who's never paid attention to your existence?" he said looking you deep in the eyes, his huge hands circling around your neck, posing pressure on it,
You couldn't deny the pain and disappointment you felt. You really hoped Gojo would appear and save you, you wished he cared for you. You couldn't deny that you wanted Gojo; your husband to be your first time and not with someone who would brutally kill you after taking what he wants.
You'd die even before he kills you.
"no don't " you whispered, loosing your voice as his grip around your neck tightened, making it hard to breathe.
All what you can feel is the weight of Toji's body being removed from on top of you.
Toji's body forcefully thrown on the ground, your blurry eyes trying to focus on the figure standing right in front of you, slowly approaching you,
"Damn baby what did he do to you?" he said softly, softly brushing his finger over your bleeding lip.
"S-satoru, y-you came!" you whispered, your vision darkening and ears ringing,
"Of course I'm here with you, Y/n! Y/N !!!!!no no Y/N WAKE UP" he yelled as he held you in his arms.
Your eyes slowly fluttered opened, your surroundings sharpening into details again, gulping with difficulty.
A serum attached to your vein,
"Sensei" said Yuji "Guys she's awake"
With that all of them circled around the bed you were laying on, their eyes look directly at you, greeting you with sincere smiles.
"How are you feeling?" asked Megumi.
You tried to leave the bed but they forced you to lay back. You looked around scanning the place, you were in the hospital, Shoko must have treated your wounds, everyone was there except your husband, Satoru.
Tag list ✨
@smolbeanzzz @khaleesihavilliard @tqd4455 @black-swan-blog27 @certainduckanchor @haitanibros0007 @goldenjoyboyy @lorako123 @kunikuzushisbeloved @saiyara05 @numblytemporary @soulofendlessbook @bookswillfindyouaway @sukunasleftkneecap @ryumurin @twitabread @f1uveryysblog @sleepyyammy @olivianyx @animechick555 @allofffmypeaches @inlovewithlondonn @tw0fvced @markleeisdabestdrug @blvckxb3vutii @bol0-de-morang0 @ghostfacefricker6969
223 notes · View notes
xxblairexxss · 1 year
I’m sorry
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x asian!reader
Theme : Angst
Just a timeline of Charles’s girlfriend throughout the years, how she went from a girl who migrated to France when she was 6 years old to becoming a girlfriend of the Formula 1 driver, Charles Leclerc.
I’m not entirely sure about this one but I just wanted to clear my draft. I’m only tagging those who told me they wanted to be included in my general tag list! Please don’t be offended if I didn’t tag you because it’s not Jealousy part 3 😭 so I thought you don’t want to be tagged but please let me know if you wish to in all of my stories!
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 98,765 others
ynusername dropping a selfie bcs it’s been a while
charles_leclerc Mon amour 🧸🤎
ynusername 🤎
user3 she’s asian? can she speaks french?
user4 she has lived in france since she was 6 so yes she can
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 78,072 others
ynusername a quick stop for mirror selfie before rushing to class
charles_leclerc my pretty girl 🤎
user1 oh to be called my pretty girl by charles too 😭
user2 does she always dress like that?
user3 other wags just scream old money with class. this one..i’m not sure myself 😣
user4 lol she can wear whatever she wants
user2 i just wish she wear something more relevant since it’s affecting charles’s image too
user4 that doesn’t make any sense
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Liked by charles_leclerc, and 103,665 others
ynusername rainy season 🌧️
charles_leclerc I miss you
ynusername I miss you too 🥺🥺
user1 I love how she still look stunning without all those expensive brands
user3 is it just me or she looks so out of place compare to other wags?
user4 how i wish she paid more attention to her style
user5 too simple 😕
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Liked by charles_leclerc, and 277,231 others
ynusername loving this dress! 💛
charles_leclerc beautiful princess
ynusername love youu! 🥺
user1 meeeh tried too hard
user2 lol all those stuffs but still don’t look on par with other wags
user3 omg you look so pretty in a dress!!! AAAAA
user4 charles’s princess ❤️
user5 girl you ate and left all crumbs
“I can’t.”
Charles furrowed his brows to your answer. “What do you mean you can’t? Y/N, we have been together for more than 6 years. Don’t you think it’s time for us to start living together?”
“I got a job offer in London. I’ll be moving away in a week.”
“What? What about us? Don’t you think you should have told me first before you accepted the offer?” He blinked in disbelief, part of him was hoping that you were just pulling a prank on him.
“It was a job that my mom had always been dreaming of, Charles. She sacrificed a lot for me.”You tilted your chin to avoid the tears on your waterline to spill. “She sacrificed her life before she could play with dolls for me. I spent my childhood waiting for the sound of her keys jingling as she came back from her night shift, waking up with just a small note sticked on the side of my breakfast plate because she couldn’t wished me a good morning for having to rush to work. She gave up on her dream, crying from missing her parents in South Korea every night just to make sure I got a chance to draw my life with colours so I wouldn’t have to suffer like she did. I need to accept this job for her. Everything I have been doing and ever will do is for her and you know this.”
Charles remained silence. He had always known your mom’s struggle, raiding you alone as a signle mother and part of him had always known that if you were put in a situation where you had to prioritise your life or your mom’s life, you would always choose hers. He knew it but he was never prepared for the day to come. He couldn’t find himself to say anything else and pulled you into his embrace instead.
“And I’m tired. I’m so, so tired of the constant pressure from everyone. I can’t even wear anything that I want without getting comments about how incompatible I look, how messy I look. I– I don’t know what they– what everyone wants from me. It’s either I looked out of place, an outsider or I looked like I’m trying too hard. I don’t know what everyone expect from me. I’m happy, I’m so goddamn happy that you got to be where you are right now but the more you are building yourself, the more I’m falling apart. I’m losing myself, Charles. I feel like I have been helping you to build your garden while mine is just getting abandoned and forsaken and just full of wilt flowers.”
“I’m sorry.”
That was the last word you remembered him saying as he kept you in your arms, holding you so you wouldn’t fall on your knee from the way your body shook within every sob.
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London, United Kingdom
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Liked by charles_leclerc, and 277,663 others
ynusername took a day off to play tourist!
comments have been disabled
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lancomeofficial and ynusername
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Liked by charles_leclerc, and 377,620 others
lancomeofficial Lancôme newest global ambassador, ynusername lookingall glammed up by jaime.creates.
user3 been here since day 1
user4 She looks unreal
user5 it’s been a while since the last time i saw her in my feed 🥹
user6 still using her ex bf fame to build her name lol she’s worse than other ex wag
user7 are you high???
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✧.* tags! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando
680 notes · View notes
kirbyluvr63 · 7 months
Some Thoughts™
About art, desire and John Lennon
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If you're active on the Twitter side of The Beatles fandom you'd know that just yesterday a collage John made for Paul titled "I Only Have Eyes For You" made the rounds and scared people whom, I guess, don't think about visual arts very often. Unfortunately I don't use the word "scared" lightly. People really used the words "disturbing" and "concerning" to describe this piece, with a hint of a "What was Lennon thinking about our poor Paul to make this with him in mind" sentiment that I don't think it's quite fair.
I tried to search more about this collage´s context, but all I could find (without having to buy Julian Lennon's book in which the image was featured) was that it was made in the 50s, while John was still at art college, but to be quite frank, I don't think the exact date matters too much.
What I see in this image first and foremost is desire, plain and simple. Red is a sexual colour, we have naked women sprawled, the head with its mouth open in a orgasm-like fashion, the eyes symbolizing voyeurism. If anything, as a friend of mine also pointed out while we discussed it, this collage is proof of the way John and Paul were so close they were even free to be honest about their sexual desires to one another. Even if the collage was made for another purpose and gifted to Paul later, this sentiment still stands, because Paul was the person he thought would receive this part of himself with open arms.
Is the collage "disturbing"? I guess, in a way. The same way I think growing up in the 40s and 50s in a hyper-convervative protestant society like England and discovering yourself would be disturbing. Even more if you're not entirely straight as an arrow. But I don't think John's talking about this here. This is about his feelings for the opposite sex, and they weren't always nice. Red is also the colour of blood and guts, John was also known for having violent outbursts. Would it not disturb you that the object of your desire also brings up in you violence? I don't think we'll ever know why he felt that way, but here we see that he's aware of it. At least I think so.
I saw another analysis of this collage that somewhat agreed with me, but presented this argument as if this was a bad thing? I don't know exactly what made me think this way, maybe the verbiage, but I'll never think a person exploring the nature of their desire, be it disturbing or not, is wrong. Of course domestic violence is bad and I'm in no way excusing it, but if you're willing to engage with The Beatles, you have to bear in mind they were shitty to the women in their lives in varying degrees much like every man ever in general, and specially at that time.
As a self proclaimed John Lennon Scholar i.e. I Wanna Crack Open His Skull And Look At His Brain With A Microscope, I'm happy this exists, and I think I need a little more time with it myself.
All of this to say: I like it, I think John Lennon was a good visual artist and stop being weird about art.
To lighten up the mood, look at the gay as hell collage John made for Elton in 1975! This one deserved its own post with a lot of tin hatting on my part, but whatever! I love them so much (and yes, I WILL find a way to mention their friendship in every post I make, shut up. One day the Lennon/John masterpost will come).
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Weekend Lessons with daddy John PART 1
John, my mysterious neighbor, was a man shrouded in age and secrets. Though I never dared to inquire about his past, I estimated him to be around 65 years old. From the moment I moved in next door, he welcomed me with open arms and a warm smile. Despite our significant age difference - I was only 21 at the time - I found myself eagerly seeking out his company. John was a skilled handyman, passing on his knowledge of electricity, plumbing, and DIY projects to me with infinite patience. It may seem odd for a young adult like myself, but each week I looked forward more to spending an evening with John than going out for after-work drinks with my colleagues.
There was something about John that fascinated me - he wasn't particularly muscular or physically imposing, but there was a ruggedness to him that exuded masculinity. He embodied the classic image of a man's man - simple yet capable, full of practical knowledge that I had never learned before. But what captivated me most were his feet. Every Friday night, as we sat together watching a replay of a baseball game and sipping on cold beers, John would kick off his slippers and rest his large, mature feet on the coffee table in front of us.
It started innocently enough - just admiring the feet of a strong, masculine man. But as the weeks went by, my fascination turned into something else entirely. With each passing Friday night, it became harder and harder for me to resist the forbidden desires stirring inside of me. I tried to push them away, telling myself that it was wrong and dirty to feel this way towards someone much older than me.
But one fateful night, as I lay in bed alone with my thoughts, I gave in to my sinful desires and indulged in a forbidden act of self-pleasure while thinking about John's feet. The pleasure that consumed me was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, a heady mix of taboo and desire that left me both intoxicated and guilty.
From that night on, John's feet became an obsession for me. I couldn't resist stealing glances at them whenever we were together, imagining the feel of them against my lips and tongue. And each time I succumbed to these thoughts, the intensity of pleasure only grew stronger, driving me towards a dangerous edge that I could not escape from.
Despite my attempts to distance myself from these thoughts, they consumed me. I tried to distract myself with work, hobbies, and even dating other people, but nothing seemed to quell the burning desire I had for John's feet.
But one evening, I couldn't resist my insatiable desire… As we sat on the sofa, John's relaxed form radiating a familiar comfort, I chugged back another beer to calm my racing heart. Suddenly, his shoes were off and his toes were wriggling in front of me as he talked about the game. I couldn't help but feign interest in a coin that supposedly fell on the other side of the table. My hand brushed against his foot and I knelt down, pretending to search for the nonexistent coin in the thick carpet fibers as my face stealthily drew closer to his feet. The overpowering scent of masculinity hit me like a wave and my body reacted immediately, my pants stretching with the growing hardness between my legs. Every touch from his toes sent shivers through my body, pushing me deeper into a forbidden pleasure that consumed me completely.
My mind raced with a torrent of emotions and desires as I lingered there, my breath hot against John's coarse, calloused skin. I had never felt anything like this before - a mixture of exhilaration, shame, and unbridled lust coursing through my veins. I knew I was playing with fire, but I couldn't help myself.
A surge of shame and self-loathing washes over me as I realize the gravity of my actions. I pray that my arousal is not too obvious , ready to feign ignorance and confess to not finding the coin. But when I meet John's gaze, a new expression crosses his face - an excited smile, his hand resting on his visibly erect penis. Did he understand the true intention behind my gesture? And did the sight of my face so close to his feet elicit the same response in him as it did in me? My mind spins with confusion and desire, rendering me speechless and creating a tense silence that begs to be broken… I struggle to find the right words, while secretly yearning to ask him if he desires to see me throw myself at his feet as well…
It was finally John who broke the silence, saying these words: ''Are you sure you looked carefully? It would be a shame not to reject a glance." He looked me straight in the eyes, without leaving his mischievous smile, wiggling his toes… my eyes rested on those feet and the spark of excitement in the John's eyes twinkled brighter. It was at that moment that I realized that this was a formal invitation, and I was not going to wait another second to respond.
John's voice cut through the tense silence like a knife, his words dripping with challenge and mischievous thrill ''Did you even bother to look closely? Don't tell me you missed it." His gaze locked onto mine, a sly grin playing on his lips as he wiggled his toes in anticipation…my eyes couldn't help but trail down to those feet, and I saw the unmistakable glimmer of mischief in John's eyes. It hit me like a bolt of lightning - this wasn't just an invitation, it was a dare. And I refused to waste another second before responding, the fire of adrenaline coursing through my veins.
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oracle-of-dream · 7 months
Boy Toy
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Minors DNI
Summary: Yeonjun, the face of Vogue magazine, loves it when you come to visit him. You're the only client he'll allow to see him at his apartment, and the only one he lets touch him the way you like. As long as you keep bringing him things to keep him happy...
Warnings: Model!Boytoy!Yeonjun x Rich!M!Reader, Discipline, Degradation, Yeonjun is materialistic, Unprotected sex, Overstimulation, Rimming & Handjob (YJ rec.), Sub YJ
Wordcount: 1.9k
Your phone chimed in your pocket as you stepped onto the sidewalk. It had been a pretty busy day for you, running in and out of meetings, but the stress instantly melted away when you got the notification.
YJ: Hey, Baby! Are you still coming to see me today?
YN: Yes, Baby Boy, just stay there. I'm going to bring you something today.
YJ: Like what? Any hints?
YN: You mentioned you wanted me to buy you some clothes, so I did.
YJ: Prada or YSL? You know I don't do Gucci anymore. It's not my style.
YN: Not telling. You'll see it when I get there.
You smiled as you put your phone back into your pocket. Yeonjun hated being teased when it came to presents. He'd probably start blowing up your phone, sending slutty pictures of himself to coax the secret out of you. Just more for you to look at.
The valet opened the car door for you as you approached. The driver knew where Yeonjun lived, so you didn't bother telling him where to go. There was a shopping bag in the backseat with you. Peeking inside, were the clothes you'd promised your favorite boy toy. He was going to look delicious in it, even without trying.
As you predicted, the car ride was silent except for your phone vibrating in your pocket.
YJ: Are you ignoring me???
YJ: Baby?
YJ: That's not fair! I wanna show you my photos from my recent photoshoot. Can you please look?
You looked at his messages and could hear the sound of his voice whining and begging in your head.
YN: Okay, okay. Show me.
YJ: Okay, try not to get too hard~
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Your eyes popped at his photos.
This was pretty different from the way he described the photoshoot to me...
YN: It's a little more revealing than I thought.
YJ: I guess it was hehe! You should've been there when they started dripping honey all over me
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YJ: There was so much honey. And it was super sticky and thick. Super hot really. I complained that I didn't want cold honey poured on me, so they even warmed it. Which just made it stickier. To protect the clothes, I stripped and finished nude.
How would you not get hard from the pictures? But with that image in your head on top!? Yeonjun was covered in warm honey, hands softly spreading it over his body. His feet, his hips, even his cute perky nipples. He must've been moaning like a total slut the entire time.
You were so caught up in your imagination that you didn't realize you'd completely started ignoring Yeonjun.
YJ: Hello?
YJ: Did I break you?
YJ: Or are you mad that all those staff got to touch and rub honey on me? If it makes it better, no one touched me. I dipped my hand in honey and touched myself~
YJ: Only you can touch me like that.
You couldn't look at your phone. Every message was covered in Yeonjun's horny energy.
YJ: Are you beating your dick right now? In the car? Show me!
While you did have a reputation to uphold, that didn't stop you from lifting your waistband on your pants and showing Yeonjun his effect on you.
YJ: Oh~ Another happy toy for me to play with when you get here!
YN: Just wait till I get there, Princess.
You turned off your phone and tried to calm yourself down. Staring out the window for the rest of the ride, but every time you blinked you could see Yeonjun.
Getting to your destination, a tall luxury condo building. It was all black and covered with windows. Yeonjun's room was on the 60th floor. You paid for his apartment so you could always know where to find him. Yeonjun never forgets his obligations to satisfy you as a part of his end of the agreement.
You stride in, moving quickly, the building staff greets you politely but you pay them little mind. The elevator for VIPs was already open and waiting for you. Stepping inside, you swiped your card and pressed the floor number. The elevator moved quickly up the shaft and opened directly into Yeonjun's apartment.
The blinds were open, letting in the sunset through the large windows. The deep brown hardwood floor spread out into the living room; there was a black piano, white couches, and a soft white rug. On the couch was Yeonjun, smiling devilishly at you with a cup of red wine.
He stood and slowly prowled to you, "Welcome home, Babe."
You walked forward to meet him, "I half expected you to be naked when I got here."
"I can still do that," Yeonjun raised an eyebrow as he pressed his body against you. He wore short shorts and a large jacket, giving the illusion he wasn't wearing pants. Pressing his chest against you, he arched his back to let you look down to see he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath his jacket.
"Naughty," You kissed his soft lips, the taste of alcohol and honey mixing on your tongue. "Honey?"
"Yes?" Yeonjun cooed.
"No, you, honey," You patted his head, "I mean, you did eat honey today?"
Yeonjun smiled again, bigger than before, "Maybe? And maybe I saved some for you to have." He looked down to see the bag in your hands, "But first..."
The bag was in his hands before you could hand it to him. He skipped to the couch and laid on his stomach to dump everything out to see it.
A pair of handcuffs, a police hat, and a slutty police uniform.
"Really? Roleplay," Yeonjun giggled, "Didn't take you for the type."
You shrugged, "Seeing you wear all those cute clothes in the magazines made me want to see you in something just for me."
Yeonjun unzipped out of his jacket and slipped out of his shorts. The shirt was small and tight, with the shorts showing off his cute ass. He flipped the hat on his head and spun the cuffs on his finger.
"You have the right to remain silent, sir," He winked.
You laughed at his cute acting, "Actually, the cuffs are still for you."
He looked taken aback, but Yeonjun flipped the switch instantly. He tossed the cuffs at you and sat you down on the couch. "It's kinda backward for the cop to be cuffed," He giggled.
You pulled him onto your lap as you put his hands behind his back, looking into his eyes as you latched them around his wrists. "Well, this cop has been bad. Guilty of being a slut in front of other people, without permission. So now you have to get punished."
You turned Yeonjun to face away from you and lay on the couch face down, ass up. The way he squirmed, he loved every second of you treating him roughly. You ripped his shorts off, the sound of the fabric tearing made him shudder.
The sight you were met with was Yeonjun's hole shiny and dripping.
"What's this?" You stick a finger inside your boy toy, which slides in easily. Thrusting in another finger and fucking him with them, Yeonjun's body shook and pushed against your hand to get deeper. When you pulled your hand away, it dripped with a thick clear liquid. That smelled like honey...
"No way–" You put your mouth to it and let your tongue taste. It was honey, and lots of it invested inside of him. "Is this a surprise for me?"
"Yeah, a super special one~" Yeonjun moaned as you lapped at this hole, drinking and tasting the liquid he's stored inside himself. "E-Easy, if you're too rough..."
You paused, "You'll cum? Like that will stop me from enjoying my gift." You dove back in, holding Yeonjun so he couldn't run away from you and you let another hand stroke his cock that was leaking all over the couch.
He was trying to control himself, but Yeonjun couldn't fight against the pleasure that was climbing inside him. He started to drool as his moans got more frequent and high-pitched, "Please– Oh God! You're so good, I'm gonna cum. Daddy, please–" Yeonjun's voice caught in his throat as his cock twitched and shot cum on the fabric of the couch. It drenched your hand as you stroked him, but you didn't stop until he was almost kicking.
Stopping to let him catch his breath, you stripping.
Yeonjun tried to flip over but you pushed him down on his stomach, his cum sticking to his skin.
"We're not done here," You chuckled as you stroked yourself, using Yeonjun's cum and the honey to slick yourself up.
"I-I think we can break– Just for a moment?" He squirmed but you didn't let him up.
"You were so slutty before. Sending me naughty photos in the car, wanting me to jerk off for you in the car, and even being practically naked when waiting for me to get home." You poke your tip at his hole, "We're not done, at all."
You pushed yourself inside him, feeling the honey coat you as your toy's warm walls closed down on you.
You rub Yeonjun's shoulders as you feel him tense up, "Now, make sure you're strong for me. I don't think I should hold back anymore..."
He couldn't form much of a response, mostly whimpering your name and faintly begging for more.
Who were you to deny your lovely toy what he was begging for. You pulled on his wrists, making the cuffs dig into him, and you harshly plowed him. You could tell you were hitting the right spots from the way his mouth swung open and his eyes rolled.
"Oh? Like that? You're doing amazing, Baby Boy."
Yeonjun's legs wormed their way around you and he arched his back, letting you his deeper. You grabbed his hips to lock him in place and pulled out almost completely before slamming back into him. Knocking the breath right out of him.
"Oh, holy fucking shit– Please, wait a second–" Yeonjun begged.
But you were too far gone to hear him. You moved quicker, "I know you can take it, stay strong for me, Baby." You leaned down, pressing your body onto his back, and kept thrusting, "This will teach you not to slut yourself out to people. Only me. You're mine."
Hearing that sent your toy over the edge. The friction of the couch and you slamming him made Yeonjun cum all over, somehow even more than before.
"You came twice before I got to once?" You bite at his ear, "How unfair. Now I'm gonna fill you up, my little cumdump."
Yeonjun's reply was a strained moan, his eyes sealed shut and his mouth pouring out profanity between moans. Pressing yourself tightly against him, your arms wrapped around him, you released into him with a heavy groan. You rode out your high, still moving your hips, leaving your toy mewling.
You brushed his hair with your fingers softly as he calmed down. Still inside of him, you picked him up and laid him on your lap. His face streaked with tear-stains but he still had his playful smile.
“Always a good time,” he sighed, as Yeonjun rested his head on your shoulders.
“Anything for a toy as precious as you.”
“Am I really just a toy?”
“You think you deserve to be more than that?”
Yeonjun nuzzled into your neck, “We can be more… exclusive. I surely don’t mind.”
“But you still want gifts when I see you, don’t you?”
He pecked your lips, “You know me so well!”
You laughed, “fine then, you’re all mine then. My sweet boy.”
“Now, can you carry me to the bathtub? I wanna bath, and maybe you can wash me.”
Yeonjun giggled with glee as you moved him upstairs for a bath and maybe a second round…
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morphids · 13 days
surrender to the sea, hange zoë
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pairing: pirate captain!hange x noble!reader, they/them pronouns used for hange with afab anatomy for both
summary: your father’s shady business deals with a pirate crew lead to collateral damage.
warnings: kidnapping, pwp, explicit sexual content 18+, minors dni (consensual no dubcon here), poc friendly!! hange is a freak, r is SO down bad (same), r is dissatisfied w her life, tension, acc insane executions of gay panic, theres so much exposition before the smut im so sorry bear with me, cunnilingus, fingering, general filthiness — enjoy.
wc: 8.8k, sorry i cant stop yapping.
a.n : listen i tried to stop myself but im weak to my own devil thoughts ok hange worshippers wya
Jolting, you sat up in your bed, awakened from slumber by a whipping crash, followed by splintered glass cracking on the hardwood floors of your quarters.
Heart thumping in your ears from the shock, your head instinctively turned towards the shattered window, where the translucent fabric of the curtains were being dragged out with the cool night’s wind. Brows furrowing, your gaze turned to a small, thick object on the floor, illuminated by hints of moonlight, presumably the very cause of the shattering.
You felt an odd feeling, something in the wind warning you that you weren’t alone, you looked over your room, checking for anything out of order. There was nothing out of place, it wasn’t until your second skim over the room that you saw it. A shadow in the darkest corner, the corner where light barely hit it, something to do with the measurements of the architecture, you’d been told. It was there though, undeniably.
“Who are you?” You spoke, shakily, loud against the otherwise still atmosphere, your voice caused a small laugh to come from the unknown shadow.
“That’s your first question?” They spoke, an air of condescension about them.
“I should like to know the identity of the person who has broken into my quarters,” You steeled your voice, trying to portray an image of fearlessness though you were betrayed by the slight tremor in your hands as they clutched onto the bedsheets for any hope of comfort, “May you at least come out from the shadows?” Your fear was definitely betrayed then, as the person stepped forward, the light now casting shadows over their features.
You looked them over, noticing a slight reflection from the glass in their spectacles, a black band covering one quarter of their face, obscuring the right eye. You shook, this was no person from court, maybe not even from this city. Their hardened features, accessories and strange attire placing them from somewhere else entirely. Who is this stranger? What business have they with you?
You find yourself lacking words, having been woken up in such a way was causing a lack of signals to be sent to and from the brain. You were just staring at them, stunned to silence.
“No more questions, huh?”
“I-I just, am confused,” You responded, blinking away tears that formed as you truly grasped the situation you were in, and anything that could happen from here.
“Well, let me explain then,” they shrugged, “You’re coming with me,”
You ogled, “Coming with you, where exactly?”
“As it turns out, daughters are the best way to get a man to pay up,” They chuckled, you didn’t like the implications of this, at all. What did this have to do with your father? Last you had spoken to him, he was furious at you, having been ‘disrespectful’ to one of the countless suitors he had tried arranging for you. You don’t know why he still bothered; every time each one of the suitors had travelled and began any attempts at courting you, you’d reject them.
“I hope you know I’m not going to marry you,” you’d said to one of them, once. You could almost laugh at the gears turning inside their heads as they looked at you as if you were an entity. You’d add in a couple of comments here and there about how their attempts were foolish and in vain, how they coat their dark intentions behind sweet words and promises. You could always see through them. Plus, it was hard to deny the entertainment you’d get from seeing their flustered faces, set on denying all accusations whilst having no actual defence, before huffing and wandering away, not before having words with your father about how they would never marry such a disobedient and insolent woman. Was this your father trying to teach you a lesson? No. That doesn’t feel right, they emphasised paying up. Pay for what? You wondered, had your father been up to something?
“Unfortunately, that makes you collateral,” they paused, looking down as they adjusted the sword that was clinging onto their side, sheathed away, for now. You hadn’t even noticed it before, shuddering as you realised you were completely defenceless. Not a weapon nearby you could use, even if there was, you wouldn’t be able to formulate an attack, regardless. “So, you’d better listen to what I say, and come with me,”
After a beat, with no response, they continued, “I will only ask nicely once, princess,” Sighing as one hand moved to their hip, the other remained on the hilt of their sword, “I’d prefer to do this cordially, if you wanna make it ugly, that’s your choice.”
You blinked, truly at a loss, what the fuck was happening?
“If I go with you, will you tell me what’s going on?” You hated the way that sounded on your tongue, so helpless and lost— a feeling you resented, pride dissipating and crumbling into a tiny speck.
“You have to come with me to find out,”
Wood creaked beneath your feet, steps hesitant as the stranger escorted you along the way, your vision totally blinded as they had wrapped a cloth around your eyes. Closing your senses from the rest of the world, all you could do was rely on the sounds of hectic chatter and sea waves, a salty scent around you.
You’d been walking for what felt like miles, but your manor wasn’t too far away from the sea, that stretched out to meet a vast ocean, the only connection between your country and any others. You knew you had been taken to the coast, based on the cries of seagulls and the humming water.
The stranger’s hand was placed on the lower of your back, guiding you, as well as deterring you from any sudden moves. You probably would’ve tried to run away from them, were it not for the clang of metal that was attached to the stranger’s hip.
“Can you at least tell me your name?”
“I think you’re confused on our roles here, sweetheart,” They chuckled, “You don’t get to order me around,” They added a slight push at your back, emphasising the fact that they hold all the cards, whilst you’re just leverage. That was the only part of this you understood.
Sighing, you sneered your lip. You were starting to get pissed off, this stranger completely disrupted your sleep, blindfolded you, is kidnapping you, and you still have no clue as to why. You needed answers.
Your steps came to a halt, when you felt the stranger press you forward to nudge you, you hardened your legs to the ground.
“I’m not continuing,” A pause, “You said you wanted to do this cordially, then tell me your name,”
The stranger sighed, you could almost hear the roll in their eyes, “Look, we’re almost here, okay?”
“Just a few more steps and then I’ll tell you,”
Another nudge at your back, along with a hand meeting yours, “Watch ya step,” They spoke, guiding you up what felt like a ramp, their hand leading you.
A door slammed behind you, the stranger removed their hands and disappeared for a short time before you felt them behind you again, fingers untying the knotted cloth. You let out a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. Were they going to kill you?
Your eyes felt slightly raw after being covered so tightly for that long, after you adjusted to the air and light around you, you could take in your surroundings.
The room was slightly dimmed, lighted only by a few oil lamps that burned away in their designated corners, you noticed countless jars on the shelves, preserving different sea creatures and other things you could not recognise. Notes and maps were scattered all over the floor and the desks, piles of books, rustic and handmade, but neat and organised— in its own way. This was the room of someone who studied and researched, you could recognise the frantic illustrations immediately, could feel the passion that lingered in the room.
The stranger moved in front of you, “You just gonna stare?” Your eyes took them in now, fully in vision this time, with no more shadows to hide behind, no more cloth. Their eyes were a soft, dark brown, layers of hair falling over the sides of their face, the tips rimmed with leftover structure from saltwater. Strong jawline and a strong nose, their glasses sat atop the bridge, leaning down slightly, the black band you noticed before still covering their eye. Their attire consisted of a loose black, long-sleeved shirt, a large slit down the chest area, not tied with the laces, allowing you to see the vast black strings with pendants that made up the necklaces wrapped around their neck. You recognised it as a shirt that was traditionally stitched for men, though they certainly looked much better in it than any man could. Loose black pants which emphasised their slender waist, with dark long boots, you could see scuffing on the edges of them from wear, the laces splitting from frequent tying. You let out a sigh, before speaking.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Hange,”
“You’re not from this land,” You say, “You’re a person of the sea,”
Hange hummed, their hand meeting their hip once again.
“Are you going to kill me?”
They let out a laugh, one so inappropriate it almost made you feel stupid, “Sweetheart, if I was going to kill you, d’you think I’d have taken you here?”
“Well, it would’ve been foolish to kill me in my quarters,”
“Leverage needs to be alive to be worthwhile, that’s the whole point,” The way they spoke unnerved you, with their charismatic words and smug voice. Hints of a smirk tugging at their lips.
“Where is ‘here’, anyway?” You didn’t feel stable, the floor rocked up and down slightly, your stomach turning a little as you adjusted to the slight weightlessness of the structure. “We’re on water, I can hear the waves,”
“Don’t worry, we haven’t set sail yet,” They walked over to their desk, moving around some papers, studying its contents, “There’s still business to tend to before we do,” In other words, your father.
You watched them, the way their sword clung and clanked against the hardwood of the desk, their tall stature almost reaching the short ceiling of the cabin, hand splayed on the desk for stability. Hair tied up at the back, with strands spilling out of their tie.
“What’s my purpose here?” Your arms crossed over your stomach, fingers grabbing at the sleeves of loose fabric of your nightdress, feeling vulnerable.
“Your father’s in some trouble,” They chuckled, your heart sank, “He owes me,”
“For what?”
“You sure ask a lot of questions, princess.”
“I’m not a princess,” you replied, voice tensing. “Do not address me as such,” Hange’s lips tilted, noticing your misgivings, the tense shoulders and a quip in your upper lip. Distaste. Interesting.
“Your father’s trying to make you one. Queen Consort, as I’ve heard,” Your brows furrowed.
“I do not follow,”
Hange looked up from their pages, gazing right at you. You tried swallowing, throat dry, as they hoisted themselves off the desk and stepped closer.
“He commissioned us, my crew,” Hange spoke, “To track and retrieve the Marleyan jewel.”
“I thought that was legend, an ancient myth of a mystical jewel, passed down from stories.”
“Oh, it’s very real, my lady.” You sighed, at least they were addressing you properly this time.
“And a very dangerous job, at that.” You stared at Hange, looking for any hints that this was just an elaborate joke. None were found, though. They were serious.
“I lost two good men, almost the rest of my crew for that buffoon,” They sighed, a flash of anger in their eyes, rubbing the skin of their jaw, “We retrieved this jewel, and your father tried to rob me blind, I want compensation.”
“Why would he go to those lengths? I do not understand,”
“For you, princess.”
When you did not answer, Hange continued, “Apparently this was his golden opportunity, get the long-desired jewel to gift the King an offering for your hand to the prince. Establish power and riches, and a good suitor for his daughter.”
Your stomach churned, you knew your father was adamant on marrying you off, but this? This was something different, sinister. You knew Hange was telling the truth, the intricacies of the story fell into place too well to be a lie.
Your father was truly a despicable man, hungry for power, and uncaring of those he stepped on to get to his station. Now you were paying for his greed. You think back to your mother, wishing she had outlived him, maybe you would be different, now.
“He cost me two men, our stock and supplies,” Hange pressed, shaking their head, “I can’t have that.”
“So you take me for ransom?”
“If he is not willing to pay up, I’m taking it upon myself to make him. One way or another, he will pay.”
Tears rimmed the ducts of your eyes, you blinked them away, a futile attempt to not show weakness. You know what that meant, either in physical currency or emotional currency, even if he cared little for you, he’d be paying with the loss of a guaranteed seat. To a man like that, that’s punishment enough. You chewed the corner of your lip, nerves eating you up.
“I can’t believe he’d do this,” You could actually, it was more the disbelief of how quickly your situation had changed, “All to marry me off to a disgusting man, be done with me whilst he sits comfortably,”
“You don’t wish to marry a handsome prince? Live a life of wealth and comfort?” Hange looked amused, almost perplexed that this was against your wishes.
“I wish for nothing of the sort,” You sneered, “I crave a life of my own choosing.”
Hange’s features softened, feeling a tug of pity before shutting the feeling down. They almost related to you, almost. Before reiterating to themselves that you were the same as all the other rich nobles. Wealthy and comfortable in your ostentatious manors, with even more ostentatious dresses, whilst the rest of the population suffered, starved and fought for dregs of burnt bread and half pints of spoiled milk. You were no different. No different.
“Careful, my lady, or I’ll sail this ship with you in it,”
You let out a saddened laugh, “Better than what he was planning for me,” You snuck a glance at the circular port window, watching as people were busying themselves with tasks. Filling up crates of fruits, dried fish, barrels of wine and weapons. You mulled for a second, it could be worse, Hange could’ve killed you at the first meet, or even worse, your father successfully got his hands on the jewel, and shipped you off to live a life with a prince who couldn’t even fold his own clothes, or bathe himself. You could visualise your father sitting back, smug and content as he finally got what he always wanted. Abundant wealth and power.
“I do not wish to stay here.” You said, voice more confident than it had been the entire time. Hange looked up at you, surprise taking over their features, “You may demand whatever compensation you require from my father, but…”
“When you set sail, I wish to come with.”
Hange had left the captain’s cabin for quite some time, leaving you inside alone as you couldn’t be allowed on the deck yet, not trusted to not do anything stupid yet. They had to check on a few of the crewmates first. You were an interesting character to say the least, Hange could tell you were stubborn, though that’s normal for a high-born, accustomed to making demands and having them realised. It was easy to imagine you not mixing well at court, with your disregard for hierarchy and noble customs. They almost laughed at your conviction when you said you wished to board the ship, of your own accord. The most determined glaze over your features. That was an unexpected oversight, Hange didn’t expect you to go so willingly. A part of them was relieved, content they didn’t need to make it bloodier than it had to be. They have morals, after all. Hurting an innocent woman would provide no respect amongst their crew, not when the real fish was the father.
The crew’s respect and admiration for the captain of the ship was of utmost importance, they need a leader they could trust and admire, it was easy enough to have mutiny on your hands. The ship was passed down to Hange from their father, but the trust and good dynamic of a solid crew, you have to earn yourself. Hange had established that respect from one of their first expeditions, under their confident lead the ordeal had been speedy and efficient. Hange ordered the rewards to be split and distributed as was deemed fair. With multiple feats over harsh waters and perilous expeditions, Hange had consistently proved themselves as a strong leader, they ran a tight ship and their crew meant everything to them.
You sat there in your silly nightdress, ennui eating at your brain as you sat, wishing you could change into something else. Arms wrapped around your legs, looking around as you waited. Deciding to get up, you looked around the room, it was rather nice, for what it was.
You walked up to the shelves, sea oddities neatly placed preserved in jars, with linen labels pinned underneath. You noticed various species, octopi, starfish, eels, crabs and lobsters, and other creatures you had never seen before in your books. There were also drawn illustrations of the anatomy, their organs and bone structure— did Hange do all this?
Your eyes trailed around, landing on the maps and compasses discarded around the tables and floor, with coded markings and notes around certain landmarks, sketches of what you assumed to be distant lands. Looking in awe, wandering at all the things you had never heard of, let alone seen before. Hange must be so knowledgeable, so well-travelled, so.. free. All the things you wished you could be.
Running your fingers over the maps, you jumped back into propriety as the cabin door swung open, Hange’s footsteps filling the room. They looked at you, having noticed your sudden switch in demeanour.
“You inspecting my collection, my lady?” Their back was to you, hanging their outer coat on one of the nail pegs that had been hammered into the wall.
“I’m sorry, I..” You looked down, “I was just curious,”
“It’s alright, I’m quite fond of it myself,” They joined you, standing to your side and looking at where you had been caught touching the delicate papers.
“You did all of this?”
“Is that so surprising?” They chuckled, crossing their arms over their chest. “No,” You paused, “I have just never seen anything quite like this,”
“There are many wonders out in the world, I like to keep note of them,” “For plundering?” You joked, too late to bite it back before it slipped out.
They laughed, “Not everything is to be plundered, sometimes it’s enough to just take it in and observe,”
You looked up at them, there was something you couldn’t quite place about them, yet. They were unlike the pirates you had read about or heard bedtime stories of as a child.
“The world has many corners of beauty, they’re deserving of respect and admiration." Agreeing, you pointed at the display of jars, thinking back to your own research on botany, categorized and illustrated, frowning as you realised it was all left behind. All those hours spent bending your neck under candlelight wasted. “I have a similar collection, pressings of flowers and plants- a little like yours, illustrations and marked under their specifications: edible, toxic, healing,"
Hange looked at you, "Sounds wonderful," unexpecting to have anything in common with someone of your stature, and yet, here they were. "It's all in my quarters, so I doubt I shall see it again," You breathed out, trying to not make it seem like a loss. Hange's gaze turned towards the floor, feeling slightly culpable that they had taken that away from you.
Straightening their back up, they moved back to their satchel, opening it wide and grabbing some folded clothing, jars with some clear liquid, slightly cloudy. Moonshine, you noted. Easier to distil your own rather than paying double for liquor.
“This is for you,” They hummed, holding out their hand waiting for you to walk over and grab them.
“What is it?”
“Provisions,” They shrugged, “And some clothes, we don’t have a lot aboard, but you can have my cast-offs, they were going to be left at the port anyway.”
You looked at them like they had grown seven heads, not expecting sudden kindness from someone who kidnapped you only a few hours ago.
“This where you say ‘thank you, Hange’.” There was the smugness again, an impish look on their features, you rolled your eyes you stepped closer.
Grabbing the items from them, “Thank you, Hange,” You felt meek, under their heavy gaze as you said their name for the first time. It felt strange hearing it from your own mouth, “Any longer in that nightdress and I probably would’ve thrown myself overboard,”
They laughed, “Don’t think you’ll prefer my clothes any more, truthfully, but if you’re going to stay here for now, might as well blend in.”
“Anything is better than this,” You ran your fingers over the fabric.
“Get dressed, it’s mealtime soon,” “You’re letting me eat?”
They looked at you strangely, “I’m not letting a person on my ship starve, I’m not barbaric,” They stated as if it was obvious, it might’ve been, but not to you.
“Thank you,”
Nodding, Hange left you to get changed. Giving you privacy as they shut the door behind them, you waited a few seconds before undressing. You weren’t accustomed to wearing pants, nobility requiring you to wear frilly dresses that cut off your circulation and itched at your neck and wrists, you were rather excited to adorn some comfortable cloth, for once.
As you manoeuvred the loose shirt over your limbs, you noticed a lingering musk of salt and sandalwood? It was rather pleasant, you would normally make your own scented oils and perfumes from boiled flower petals, lavender and honeysuckle, plants native to your country. This scent was uncommon, usually gifted to you at court from wealthy travellers. You lifted the fabric closer to you, inhaling, it truly was divine. Is this what Hange smells like? You couldn't honestly say you hated it.
Slipping your legs through the pants, they were a bit over your standard size, you tucked the wide bottoms into your own boots. You were glad you opted for your hunting boots rather than your daily shoes. Not quite sure that you had put everything on properly, as the fit felt odd. Looking down, everything felt slightly too big and made you feel like a child in adult’s clothing. Frowning you tried tucking in the shirt, though that didn’t really seem to help either.
There was a knock at the cabin door, “Are ya decent?”
The concept made you chuckle, Hange treated you with a lot more respect and propriety than some of the men at court.
“Never had to knock on my own door before,” Hange joked, letting themselves in, gazing over at you in your fresh clothes. Their smile dropped ever so slightly as their eyes travelled over your new attire. Hange's poet blouse hanging on you, you had, of course, actually tied the laces at the chest, you were a Lady after all. Kinda suits you, they thought, before shrugging it away to hidden corners.
"Does it look alright? It's a little big," "You complaining?" You flustered, not wanting to come across as ungrateful, "Not at all, I-" "I'm messing with you, may I?"
When you nodded, they walked up closer to you, eyes unreadable. You stiffened up, back a little straighter when they brought their hands to the bottom of the blouse. Watching their movements hesitantly, Hange did not make contact with your eyes, they were so close to you. Catching that hint of sandalwood again, almost intoxicating as you honed your vision onto their hands. Looking for anything else to concentrate on, it didn’t help much as Hange focused on undoing the bottom three catches, revealing your uncovered abdomen. They grabbed at the two, now separate hangs of the shirt, your breath hitching when their fingers delicately grazed your bare skin, a minute jerk of your stomach as Hange began tying the fabric together so it fit tighter around your waist. So that was the trick to it, then? You must admit, it was an improvement.
You let out a heavy breath when they were done, and finally stepped away. It was harder to breathe when Hange was that close, you will not let that happen again. Feeling far too clouded upon their proximity, perhaps you were allergic to the fragrance, you reasoned.
“Better?” Their voice lowered, awaiting your judgment,
“Much, thank you.”
Mealtime came quickly after, you hadn't expected it to be so busy, or so populated. How many people does it take to effectively run a vessel of this size? Hange led you to the upper deck, evidently the largest space aboard, where mealtimes commonly occurred. A large pot of warm meat stew was being led out by a small woman from the galley, placed upon the floor as the crew grabbed portions as they pleased. Hange passed you a ceramic dish, before ladling a couple spoonfuls into your plate.
Thanking them, you looked around, spotting barely any dining tables or chairs, mainly stools or planks of wood nailed together to form a bench, most taken up by the sailors, as others sat themselves in the grooves on the ship deck, some on the rim of the ship itself. You shall not risk that, you thought, still adjusting to the feeling of a rocking vessel.
“You’re probably used to something more polished, but this is how we eat here,” Hange shrugged, “Try to enjoy the stew, Sasha truly works wonders with very little,”
“Landing at port was a godsend, I used fresh meat this time,” The brunette who brought out the food spoke, overhearing the conversation, who you assumed was Sasha. You stilled, this time? What about every other time, you thought, shuddering. Well, no time to adjust like the present. Sticking the spoon into the stew, you took a mouthful, before looking up at Hange in wonder, eyes wide, “This is delicious,”.
“Thank Sasha, she keeps us all standing,” Hange joked, placing a hand upon Sasha’s shoulder.
“What do you normally eat?” You asked, directing your question over to Sasha,
“Usually what we can grab and preserve for a long time, dried meats, beans, your city has a lovely selection of fruits so we’ve stocked some of those, too!” She smiled at you, and you found that she had quite a comforting presence, feeling at ease, you hoped you could form a friendship with her.
Hange excused themselves, as they had something to attend to with someone called Levi. You watched them as they walked away, interacting with their crewmates, laughing with them over something you couldn’t hear. They definitely knew how to command attention, their entire being was self-assured, and confident in themselves and their abilities. Dragging your eyes away, back to Sasha, who watched you with a smile on her face.
“You’re not what I expected when Hange told us the plan,”
“I hope I haven’t disappointed,” you retorted, not really knowing how else one could respond to that. Sasha simply laughed, “It’s a great deal different, but not disappointing,”.
You had remained on the deck, the crew wanting to have a little friendly spar for morale. If this was the only entertainment you could get, you’d gladly take it. Having finally secured a spot on one of the benches, you watched as different spars played themselves out.
After a few, though, it was all starting to become a bit monotonous. Feeling your eyes glaze over, you were suddenly conscious of the fact that you hadn’t had a good nights rest since Hange took you, where would you even sleep tonight?
Your attention was redirected when a crewmember called out Hange’s name, challenging them to a spar. The newly formed crowd cheered as Hange made their way into the sparring space. A smirk on their lips as they vaunted, hand clasping their sword as it was unsheathed. Finally take a good look at it, it was a fine piece of metal, sleek and thin. The handle was adorned with intricate patterned etchings.
You took notice of how Hange handled the blade, slender fingers wrapped around the hilt as they pointed it towards the opponent. No shaking, no hesitation. A sturdy, stable grasp, with an arrogant side smile that captivated you, eyes glued on their movements as the opponent tried to disarm them, unsuccessfully. Hange was slightly more agile, their body flowed like liquid, vivacious as they fought. It seemed like they could almost foresee the man’s footing and which way he’d direct an attack. They must’ve sparred together many times. A few more attempts and Hange trapped his blade, lifting his own up and twisting their arm. His sword fell to the floor with a clang, reverberating against the wooden deck.
“Damn it, Captain!” The opponent yelled out, frustration in his voice as he thought he’d actually win this time, Hange only hung their head back and laughed, the strands of hair that edged down their face slipped back, exposing their jaw and neck. A gentle smile escaped your lips as you watched, they looked so liberated, so strong. Hange truly was an enigmatic figure, they carried themselves with authority that you can’t say you’d ever seen elsewhere. They were charismatic, magnetic, you could see that they truly had the admiration of their crew.
“You’ll have to try harder to beat me,” Hange teased, sheathing their sword, a mischievous glaze in their eyes as they landed on you. Your heart picked up, unable to pull your own gaze away from theirs, almost enchanted when you noticed the corner of their lips tilt up.
Breaking away from the contact, you felt your ears grow warm. Deciding to find the wooden deck the most interesting thing around you, until scuffed boots appeared in your line of vision. Looking up, Hange had stepped closer to you, placing their hand into a pocket of their pants.
“Time to retire, my lady?”
Fumbling, you flustered, “Where am I to sleep?” Members of the crew were scattered, some sleeping on the floor of the deck, some had set up rustic hammocks, whilst others continued to wander the floor.
“In my quarters,” Hange stated as if it was obvious, “Unless you’d prefer to sleep next to that lot,” They pointed at the others, crewmates who slept on their stools with their heads resting on their arms placed on the brim of the ship. The expression on Hange’s face made it clear that they were mocking you, perfectly aware of how you would not prefer that option.
“I fear my spine would crumble,” You jested, your lie blatant.
“Come,” They nudged their head towards the stern of the ship, where the Captain’s private quarters were. Hange’s comfortable room with all the fascinating oddities. You’d much prefer sleeping there, you thought.
Following, Hange led you back to their space, all things considered, you felt rather guarded there. Strangely safe and sound. Something tugged at your mind that Hange wouldn’t stand for anything to happen to you, not even for you specifically— Hange’s crew appeared quite companionable, you attributed that to their leader. You wondered how far those pleasantries extended, what acts of horror were allowed and which were not.
Closing the door behind them, Hange hung up their outer coat on its peg, rolling their shoulders as a minor stretch. Bringing their hands up to the back of their neck, rubbing the tender muscle atop their skin.
You stood, clutching your elbows under crossed arms. The silence in the cabin contrasted the raucous crew outside, some still sparring.
“Was that moonshine?” Your voice broke through the quiet, looking towards the jar of liquid Hange had brought you as 'provisions'. "No, it's grog," "Grog?" "Rum and water," Pulling a face, you continued.
"Is it good?" "Not really, but we don't drink it for its taste." Nodding, you picked up the jar, inspecting. "Did you make it?" Hange scoffed, smirking to themselves, their arms coming to cross over their chest, "It's far easier to steal from merchant ships, they're always overloaded with stock," "I see."
"I think I would like to try it," Hange raised their eyebrows at you, a playful look struck their features. "Oh?" They continued, "I brought it for you, thought you might need a little pick-me-up, have at it."
Uncorking the jar, the aroma of the liquor invaded your senses. "It smells strong," Hange nodded, watching with a devilish face as you brought the rim to your lips. After a gulp, you couldn't hold back a cough as the force of the harsh drink burned through your throat, your lips twisting and your eyebrows squeezing together. "That's revolting," "Yeah, it's pretty bad," Hange laughed, grabbing the jar from you and taking a bigger gulp for themselves, passing it back to you. Truly, you don't know what possessed you to take another sip, but it became easier to tolerate.
A few half hours passed, and you had placed yourself on Hange's wicker couch, your bed for the foreseeable. Arms wrapped around your legs which pressed to your chest. You were definitely feeling the effects of the liquor, tolerance much lower than Hange's, who sat on the floor beside the couch. Feeling far more relaxed, your tongue was a tad looser, speaking to and asking Hange questions you would've otherwise probably not asked. Truthfully, you were curious, there was a lot you wished to learn about them. When you first met Hange, you expected a lot of things, you didn't anticipate them being quite as respectful and honourable towards you as they were. There was more to them than what was seen on the surface, you wanted to see what lay deeper.
"But why? Why do you choose to live a life of piracy? Wouldn't it be far safer to live on land?" "Not everyone is lucky enough to be born atop riches, that's an irregular gift given only to a few," Hange spoke, their words thoughtful despite having drank even more than you, "Life at sea is more forgiving than the hardships on land." "Yes, but... there must be something else, even with the hardships at land?
"No offence, my lady," Pausing, "What would you know of hardship on land? My father worked his hardest, damn near broke his back, just to be cheated and stripped of his dignity by the greed of others." Looking down at your knees, a pull of guilt struck, knowing that it was because of people like you, and your father.
"This was his way of ensuring his own future, on his own terms and not under the boot of the wealthy who build their livelihoods on the backs of others." Hange sighed, taking another sip of grog, "At least on the sea, what you see is what you get, fight for what you want and share the rewards. It's not the most honest work, yes, but it's far more honest than those sitting in ivory towers clicking their fingers for anything they desire."
You watched as Hange spoke, their words were true, honest reflections of everything they stood for. Pirate or not, Hange had more substance than you'd ever encountered in anyone else in your life. More than those who coat their words with sugar, kissing up to their higher-ups all for a sliver of what they had.
Hange passed you the jar, and you swallowed another sip, barely tasting the alcohol by this point. This was the first you had heard of Hange's family. "I understand that," you hummed, "I've always thought it unfair, why others are seen as less based on menial things such as money. I suppose my father was my introduction to that, a part of me has always despised him."
"I wondered why you came with me so willingly, though if I had your father I would probably have been similar." Laughing, you nodded, "Truthfully, I have felt disillusioned from my life, perhaps I wanted something refreshing, a different way of being."
"Besides, you intrigued me, I find you fascinating," Your words slipped out, the grog having seriously impacted your inhibitions. Hange's eyes met yours, impish and deviant. The edge of their lip quipped up, delightfully amused. "Is that right, my lady?" They leaned their weight on their right hand that was pressed against the cabin floor, as their left remained hanging off the leg they had propped up. Your skin burned underneath their gaze, and you found that your tongue shattered. Unable to respond, all you could do was meet their half-lidded stare, thunder in your chest, as it lifted up and down. Shit. "I think that's enough grog for you, princess,"
Breaking contact, you pointed at Hange's shelves, to where their collection lay, clearing your throat before speaking. "Like your collection, it-it's fascinating, I wish I could've grabbed mine," You deflected, altering the matter, anything to stop the thunder in your chest and remember yourself. Anything to stop the blaze before it spread far beyond control.
"When we set sail, you can start a new collection." They softened, "One with all the new plants you'll see,"
You felt like shit the following morning. Head thumping with each movement, you could only sit on one of the benches with your hands holding up the weight. "Grog fever?" Sasha's teasing voice rang out through your ears, "Been there."
"This is awful," "First time?" "Obviously," You rubbed your eyes, as Sasha lightly patted you on the back, "You'll survive,"
Two presences joined you and Sasha at your bench, one was shorter with black hair, and the other stood upright, with scraggly blonde hair. "This is Levi, he's the First Mate, pretty much Hange's second in command," Sasha spoke, introducing you, "Don't mind him, he's a bit of an ass." "The other is Reiner, also a bit of an ass," She giggled, finding entertainment within herself.
Levi nodded at you, a silent greeting which you didn't mind as listening and speaking were already hard enough with the thumping in your head. Reiner looked at you, before pulling his hand out to meet yours. "Lovely to meet such a beautiful lady," He declared, eyes scouring down your body, "I'm looking forward to having you aboard," His words reeked with flirtation, his cold eyes geeking you out, discomfiting, not like the handsome brown ones you melted into yesterday.
Almost as if reading your mind, Hange appeared, they had left the ship this morning, as apparently, they had some errands to run. Hange set their hands on Reiner's shoulders, carrying an indistinct countenance. "Reiner, I have matters to discuss, come," They spoke, before walking a few steps ahead, waiting for him near the stern, arms crossed.
"Coming, captain," Reiner followed their lead, you kept glancing over to them as Sasha picked up chatter with Levi. You were straining your ears to catch snippets of their conversation, a little difficult over Sasha's voice in front of you, the little you could make out came from Hange: Not this one.
As you switched your attention back to the table, wondering what the hell that was about, you had just bypassed Sasha's looking towards you, her brows crinkling and face pulling into a look of recognition. Huh, she thought, how about that?
As the day passed, the time to set sail was nearing, planned for sometime within the next two days depending on supplies and readiness. Apprehension was harder to ignore, you thought about what your father was currently doing, and his reaction upon discovering you had not been in your chambers the following morning. Mulling, you cackled to yourself, clasping your hand over your mouth to mask the giggles as the gravity of what you had done struck you. Never did you imagine your life to end up in this way.
Hange entered their quarters, hanging up their coat, "What's so funny?" " "I just can't believe what I'm doing," your laughter settled down, breathing returning to standard as Hange placed themselves next to you on the wicker couch. "Yeah? You 'n me, both," They chuckled, pausing, "Hey, uh- I wanted to give you this,"
You studied them, catching a modest element of hesitation on Hange that you weren't familiar with seeing. Hange handed you a book, of beautifully bound brown leather, the spine stitching exposed with light-coloured thread. "What is this for?" "You left your notes behind, so this is for your new collection," You gaped at them, prompting Hange to continue, "For all the new plants you'll see and learn about,"
Wordless, you looked between Hange and the book in your hands, feeling the skin at your cheeks heating up. "Hange, this is- thank you, so much," Nodding, Hange steeled, standing themselves up, nearing the door before speaking, "The shantyman is going to play for a while, the crew loves him, so you don't wanna miss it," It was customary for ships to bring musicians. They'd sing songs and play tunes to boost morale amongst the crew, to carry them through the harrowing nights, and oftentimes even spread their hopes for some romance. You definitely wanted to witness it, Hange held the cabin door open for you as you both made your way to the deck.
The musician was doing his thing, leading the crew in song, banging a drum as melodies rang through the vessel. You noticed Sasha dancing with the crewmembers. It was a little overwhelming, the events you had attended at court were much milder and reserved than this, uppity, really. People would rarely dance, it was almost taboo. This was far distant from that, it was fun, delightful even—almost hedonistic in style.
You weren’t quite sure how to join yourself with them, the dances varying from person to person made it hard to fall into a step. Hange noticed your hesitance, before clasping your hand and pulling you towards them. Their hand resting upon your waist, drawing you tighter as they moved into a dance. The air in your lungs tripped over itself, shortening your breath. Stomach pressed against stomach.
Looking up at them, Hange donned a smug smile, higher up on one side of their mouth as it hung from their lips.
“Dance with me, princess,” Hange hummed, their voice lowered. There came the thunder in your chest again, the blaze was spreading.
“I’ve told you to not address me like that,” You whispered, the contention you planned on executing in your voice was nowhere near where you had planned. Instead, it was mild, for fear that would fumble over your own words, as your tongue shattered once again.
“I can’t help it,” They grinned, skimming over your flustered appearance. You don’t know what kind of sorcery Hange held, what alluring magnetism in their blood drew you to them. You felt yourself begin to melt into their tempting gaze, as you blinked.
“Careful, don’t look at me like that or I might begin to get the wrong idea,” Hange’s head sank towards your neck, your breath hitched. Their proximity was intoxicating, you found you couldn’t bear the weight of it. Pulling yourself away from Hange, you rushed to the cabin, pushing open the door and letting yourself inside.
Letting out a bulky breath, your face was burning up, body temperature way over standard as you rested your hands on Hange’s desk. Clamouring to compose yourself. Hange knocked at the door, before entering. Shutting your eyes, you remained still.
“You okay?” Ignoring them, you relented in your stance. The tension in the room increased, heart pulsing as you heard their footsteps reach close.
“I think I have fever,” You mumbled, Hange was right behind you now. You could feel their warmth reaching your back.
“Stand and face me, dear,” An assertive hand maintained at your waist, turning your body toward them Hange held down your gaze, keeping their hand in its place, squeezing. “This is no fever,”
Their free hand came to meet your jaw, thumb ghosting over the soft skin. Hange lowered their head towards you, their face so near, your sanity was in a thick haze, heavy and clouded. "I can see the dark in your eyes, my lady," Hange hummed, relishing in the glaze in your eyes, at the darkness pooling in your pupils as you glimmered up at them, eyes doe and lips plump from biting. The heat from their voice raised your skin, touring down your spine as an ache between your thighs pulsed.
Hange's lips brushed against the velvety flesh at the base of your neck, tentative. You shivered as you felt their lips leave delicate kisses, hand tightening around your waist. You shut your eyes, reeling in the sensation as Hange's igniting touch drew shaky breaths. Thighs clenched together as their lips reached the base of your ear, teeth tugging at the skin. You whimpered, as Hange's hands grabbed at the top of your thighs, just underneath the curve of your ass as they directed you to the top of the desk. Placing themselves between your thighs, before whispering, "Will you indulge me, dear?" With another kiss on your ear, you crumbled, arms wrapping around Hange's neck as your legs folded around their waist.
"Please, Hange, I can't bear it," You panted, core clenching around nothing, as desperation took over. Hange sighed, hearing their name fall from your lips as your body trembled was a sight to behold. Their lips finally landed on yours, tongue pushing into your mouth. Quivering hands grabbed at the back of their head, tightening around Hange's hair, trying to release the buildup of tension in your bones.
Lips broke apart, "Do you know what it does me seeing you wear my clothes?" Voice impassioned, almost hoarse. The hand at your hip moved to the catches at your shirt, reminiscent of the way they grazed your skin that day. Undoing the catches, your abdomen and breasts exposed, goosebumps forming from the sudden coolness of the air. Hange observed as your stomach jerked, smirking as they watched how your body responded. Hand slipping in between the open fabric, meeting the bare skin as you gasped before the shirt slid off your shoulders and onto the cabin floor.
Hange whined at your revealed skin and dishevelled state, the most disordered they had seen you. Their hand cupped your breast, watching as your lips parted and the sweetest cries escaped. Fingers stroking at your hardened nipples, as your pants were slowly being dragged down your legs. Your hips squirmed as Hange went on their knees, head just at the top of your shins. One hand still massaged your nipple whilst the other was around your ankle, holding your leg in place as they lapped their tongue up the skin, retaining steady eye contact. As their tongue reached your inner thigh, your head hung back, and you bit back choked whimpers, hips jolting with anticipation.
"Hange," you rasped, squeezing your thighs around their head, your nails coming to meet the top of the back, "Yes, my dear?" "Please," you pleaded, you had already come this far, you needed to feel it through, you could barely sit up, losing strength in your back. "Patience, sweetheart,"
Fingers left your breasts and made their way to the hem of your underwear. Hange bit their lip at the line of the dampness that had seeped through the thin fabric. "Fuck," they mumbled, tugging the material down where it remained hanging at your ankles, so dishevelled, so messy.
The tips of Hange’s slender fingers reached your dripping heat, arousal covering your thighs as they ghosted sensual touches over your warm slit, puffed and leaking. Thighs tensing as the feeling released itself as strangled whines. Hange was obsessed, exhilarated by the sweet sounds that left your dear lips.
“Fuck, Hange,” Hips rolling into their fingers, pressing closer for more touch, chasing the sensation as it came, "That feels fucking good," "Such rotten language," Hange taunted, the tip of their finger burying into your soaking entrance, stretching the silky walls, “Looks like I’ve been a bad influence,”
Leaving a few more kisses on your thigh, Hange stood back up to reconnect your lips, teeth nibbling at your bottom lip. The kiss successfully distracted you, as more fingers entered, slowly rocking into your flesh, as bliss overtook the initial sting. Hips began to tilt, grinding against the pressure. The sounds leaving you were indecent, vulgar, as Hange augmented the pace, rocking their fingers into you. Suddenly you were glad for the singing out in the deck, obscuring the noise within the cabin. Your head fell into their neck, whining as you could only sit there and take it. Fingers stuffing your swollen centre, pressing against the squishy barriers.
The muscles in your abdomen tensed, clenching around Hange's fingers as your hips buckled. "That's it, dear, you're taking it so, so well," Your eyebrows pinched together, voice escaping you, "Taking me like such a good girl,". Hange spoke, voice purring. That was the nail in the coffin; the honey in their words, the strain in their voice as you felt your release shattering through you. Hips convulsed as your arousal spilled all over Hange's fingers, grabbing their shoulders for support. A few more pumps and Hange removed their fingers, looking down at your clenching hole at the trickling cum, their hand completely drenched.
Hange kissed you, before you broke away and uttered words that led Hange to understand they could never have their fill, "More, please," you begged, voice breathy and whiny as you tightened your legs around their waist. Chuckling, endeared Hange responded, "My, my, dear, you're truly filthy."
Hange moved themselves down to your pussy, still swollen despite its release. With a quick glance back towards you, cheeks flustered and eyes black. Desire tensed your features as your chest heaved up and down, breasts exposed and legs spread, quaking. Such a heavenly sight.
A touch over your slit, Hange spat on your folds, the sight eliciting languid moans from you. It truly was filthy. Pussy clenching with desperation as it grazed you, spreading down your slit with the weight of gravity. Hange pressed their tongue against it, carelessly lapping up the cum that had been leaking out of you. Frenzied guttural groans liberated into your centre as they sucked, the vibrations left you reeling as your hand came to clasp your breast, kneading. Trailing over your own nipple, Hange was not about to accept that, slapping your hand away and rolling their fingers over the bud.
Overstimulation left you choking, tears spilling from your lids as Hange worked their warm tongue over your sensitive folds, drinking in the saltiness as one hand played with your nipple and the other ghosted over your opening. Thighs tightened around their head, cutting off Hange's air supply as you rutted your hips over their face, pushing yourself closer against their tongue. Nose nudging over your clit as their head bounced against you.
“Hange, fuck— I’m, mhm- I’m gonna cum, please let me come,” You babbled, stammering. Needy. You took them in, nose, chin and cheeks wet from your arousal, saliva running down; their eyebrows pulled together with determination and eyes rolling with indulgence, as if you were the tastiest meal they ever had. The taught restraint you had carried your entire life totally dissipated as you surrendered to Hange’s command over your body. Fingers filling into you, knuckles deep, rubbing over the squishy flesh. The added penetration forced out the second catharsis, sucking Hange in as you released over their face, tainting their glasses.
Resting your back on the desk, breaths heavy as you came down from whatever entity had possessed you. Panting. You covered your face with your hands, as your clandestine actions struck you. The drunken, indecent impropriety you fell into and enjoyed.
“No use being bashful now, my lady,” They teased, dragging away the hands that obscured your face. Grabbing your face, reconnecting your lips with gentle touches. Kisses so tender you couldn’t find it within yourself to see anything wrong.
How could something so honeyed be perverse?
um yeah, this is my application to hell…
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Im not sure if you still take reqs so sorry if you dont but can you do yandere donnie with a reader thats really bad at taking care of themself? Like they’ll stay up until like 5am playing videogames and end up sleeping in so much they decide to skip breakfast and lunch then end up eating a snack instead of a real meal for dinner because its to much work
A/N, not important: Uhh, I think I may have done this wrong- I had an idea, but somehow this came out instead. If it's majorly not to your tastes, send the request again and I'll try again. Thank you sm to @lethelagoon for the title and for helping me with the fic! Also this is posted on the tenth and not the third because I posted smth on the first and decided I could just skip to this week. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: mention of feeding tube, descriptive, mentions of drugging, pills, needles, abuse, kidnapped reader, dark themes, yandere themes
Words: 1357
Summary: Donnie comes home and finds out you broke his rules. Again.
“Do we need to go over your schedule again?” Donnie’s smooth voice sounds from behind me. I look towards him, shrinking down in fear. I set the console SHELLDON swore I was allowed to use down, racking my brain to try and find an excuse to get out of this. It had taken me three months to convince him I was fine being left alone, three months to convince him I wouldn’t break the schedule he created for me. Yet here I was, caught with the console on and his(or ours, as he liked to claim) bed unmade, the clock shining the traitorous numbers brightly. It was three in the morning, and Donnie had just returned from a mission, catching me in the act. I gulp. This was not going to go well.
“Well?” He asks, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. A scowl was on his face, signaling his distaste to the world. I chew on my cheek, opening my mouth and closing it over and over, trying to think of something to say. I didn’t want to be drugged again. I wouldn’t let him drug me again.
“I couldn’t sleep.” I say. It was a half-truth, which is better than a full lie. He can’t prove I wasn’t having trouble sleeping. Hopefully he won’t realize I never tried.
Donnie scoffs, a scowl set on his face. “Then you ask SHELLDON for sleep medicine. That is not an excuse and you know it. Gosh, you’re so- UGH!”
I cower back, my hands starting to shake as he paces around the room, his arms flailing as he continues to rant. I was going to be punished again, I was sure of it. Images of the isolation room and chains flashed through my mind, the slick taste of pills burning my throat. I couldn’t go through that again. I never wanted that to happen again.
Noticing my shaking, Donnie rolls his eyes and crosses the room in quick succession. He scoops me into his arms, holding me close while he continues to grumble under his breath. His arms were tense, the muscles more defined due to his anger. I couldn’t help the wave of panic coursing through my veins, my mouth going dry. 
I brace myself for the sharp pinch of a needle, but it never comes. I glance at his face, his dark eyes boring into mine. He wasn’t pleased, that was certain, but I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t freaking out. Last time I did something like this, he stripped the room of anything I could mess with and kept me locked up for a month. I still remember the pills he brought in, every night at seven. I shudder at the thought, the feeling of my body shutting down and pulling me into an unwanted sleep. 
He continues to stare at me, scanning my face slowly. He sighs in irritation, adjusting me in his arms before carrying me further into the room and setting me on the bed. He sits on the edge, his eyebrows furrowed as he takes his gear off slowly, letting each glove and padding fall to the floor. His steady hands were shaking in anger, his drawn eyebrows furrowed. My chest is tight in fear, knowing what was to come. The only wonder I had was why he was taking so long. I watch his face, trying to look past his eyes and learn what he was thinking. His silence was never good, a painful indicator of how ruthless he could be. Silence was a warning with Donnie, never a blessing.
“You didn’t listen.” He says, his voice tight. He’s not looking at me, his eyes trained on the floor. His hands squeeze the blanket of his bed, his green knuckles going white from the force. My blood runs cold and I desperately try to think of a way to fix this. He looks back over at me, his eyes narrowed and furious. “Why? Do you think I’m wrong? Do you not see the way I love you and want you to improve?”
I stay silent, unable to form a response. I didn’t know how to tell him the way he loved me was wrong in every way possible. I didn’t know how to tell him I still wanted, no needed, my escape from reality. 
His eyes wash over me again, my body feeling heavier with each look he gave me. It was like every time he scanned my body, another layer of fear and shame was set on my shoulders. The room was getting smaller, my lungs struggling to take in air. My left hand crosses my chest and sits on my shoulder, my right digging painfully into my thigh. I couldn’t do this. I wanted to go home. I hate him, I hate him so much. I can’t do this, I can’t be near him. All he does is hurt, and take, and I can’t leave. I was going to die here, stuck under the sick obsession of a mutant turtle.
I feel his hand on my back and I try not to cry, panic and fear growing until I feel as if I would pop. I couldn’t live like this, not any longer. I look up, seeing the way his face had tensed. I could see his lips moving, but couldn’t hear the words. I feel my throat ache from the held back tears, my entire body thrumming in sync with my heart. It was too fast. His room was too dark.
I suck in a sharp breath at the order, my body conditioned to do as he says without question. His hand goes under my chin, gripping it firmly, but not harshly. He makes me look into his eyes, the same eyes that were unbothered as he locked me away for weeks. The same eyes that stared angrily as he shoved a feeding tube down my throat when I forgot to eat. A sob bubbles from my chest as I try to pull back, survival instinct kicking in. His grip on my chin grows tighter, his other arm looping around my back and holding me in place. He places his forehead against mine, his lips moving once more. I could feel the words around me, the vibrations in the air, but I couldn't hear them. I could understand what he was saying, but I didn’t know what he said.
I continue to cry involuntarily, the hand holding my chin shifting to cup my cheek so he can wipe the tears as they fall. It didn’t help, his thumb wasn’t fast enough to wash them all away. I sit like that for nearly twenty minutes, the world around me crashing down and landing on my chest. My vision swirls with each sob while Donnie continues to hold me and whisper useless, silent words.
My vision swims one last time before the room starts to come back into focus, a harsh ringing in my ears. Donnie’s face is inches from mine, his drawn eyebrows furrowed. I stare at them through my sniffles. I never noticed he didn’t take off his mask. I try to turn my head to look at the room, but his grip on my face is strong.
“Are you done?”
I blink at him, his thumb roughly swiping my cheek as a stray tear falls. I forgot how his voice sounded for a moment. I take a deep breath, nodding. I didn’t have any other way to tell him, and I doubted I would fall into another fit. His hands fall from my face and I lean my neck back, staring at the ceiling. I felt numb, like my tears washed away every emotion my body once held. I couldn’t tell if I felt free, or even more suffocated. It was surreal, having my body be able to go through such stress before falling back as if nothing had happened.
Donnie’s hands trail down me, as if he was afraid I’d fall apart if he let go. They loop around my waist, pulling me firmly into his lap before he shifts on the bed and falls backwards, keeping me on his chest. I don’t fight it this time, letting him press a kiss to the crown of my head while he slowly rubs my back.
“This is what happens when you don’t listen, love.” His voice is quiet, one hand leaving my back to take his mask off while the other holds me tight. I let my head fall, my cheek pressed uncomfortably against the hard of his plastron. I let my eyes close, too tired to fight him any longer. I feel his chest vibrate as a small chuckle can be heard from him. “There you go. Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up so we can discuss your new schedule. This will never happen again.”
I feel my stomach churn at his words, but I do nothing more than hum in agreement. I couldn’t fight anymore, my energy zapped. I just hoped I could sleep in tomorrow. I would delay a talk with him forever if I could. I take another breath and sleep comes for me, dragging me down into the darkness of my mind.
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thefallennightmare · 9 months
One Night: Noah's POV-three
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: lots of smut(mask play, spit play, bondage, anal, fingering, oral(m/f receiving), choking, unprotected sex), swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Noah's POV of his one night with Reader.
Authors Note: I'm so excited for this chapter because this is going to be completely new for everyone! THIS SERIES WILL BE FOUR PARTS! THE NEXT PART WILL BE THE FINALE! Something completely new and fresh, none of you knows what happens!
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @malice-ov-mercy @thebadchic @niicoleleigh @lma1986 @dsireland86 @bellaboo967 @cookiesupplier @whenthesummerdies @bngurngheart @laurpartyprogram @thisbicc @lyinginbetween @princessmarshmallowx @loeytuan98 @cncohshit @lacktoesandtoddlerants @notingridslurkaccount @calleyx13 @jessiskyee @mrscevans @spicywhenspeaking @myownthoughts12
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The door closed behind Y/N, leaving me alone in my hotel room for the first time in seven hours. The silence was loud in my mind as I let out a shaky breath, running a hand through my messy hair. My eyes snapped over to the small bar always stocked in each hotel room I stayed in. If this were four years earlier, I would have drowned myself in alcohol to forget the image of a woman leaving me in a hotel room, but now was different; I was different.
At least, I thought I was.
I told myself I’d never get attached to someone, for my own mental safety and personal issues, but here I was, drowning in self-misery that a woman I barely knew on a personal level, left me standing in the middle of my hotel room in shambles. But the second my eyes landed on Y/N, I knew that every essence of my being would be overtaken by her, no matter how hard I tried. I thought, for a moment, if I didn’t have this deal with her things would be different. I wouldn’t feel so attached but knew it wasn’t because of that. Regardless if we spent the night together or not, I knew Y/N would leave some sort of lasting impression on me.
“Fuck,” I muttered while dragging a hand over my face. “How did I let her sink her teeth in this deep?”
Deciding not to dwell on these feelings, I retreated into the bathroom to pack up my things. I needed to meet the guys on the bus in about an hour. As I stepped in front of the mirror, I took in the sight of myself; hair a mess from hands running through it, neck littered with various bites, and scratches ran down the tattoos on my shoulders and back; Y/N leaving her marks all over my physical form and soul.
I never believed in that soulmate bullshit but there was something about her that when our skin touched, everything felt right; everything clicked into place.
A firm knock on the hotel room door made me jump slightly, bringing me back to the present, and with a sigh, I opened it to find Nick standing on the other side of it. His eyes took in my appearance and raised a brow.
“Rough night?”
I grunted while letting him in the room so I could finish packing. I busied myself by picking up the discarded clothes from last night, forcing myself not to think of her, but when my fingers brushed against a soft, unknown material, I sucked in a breath.
Y/N’s shirt. She left in such a hurry, she might not have realized she threw her sweatshirt on without her shirt. Underneath the shirt was a small, black lace, garment and I realized after picking it up what it was; her choker. My cock twitched as a flashed image of her on her knees, staring up at me, with her mouth stuffed full of me. I remember hooking my fingers in her choker to keep her close to me.
“Hm,” Nick hummed. “That looks familiar.”
I stuffed the choke in my pants pockets then the shirt in my suitcase, pulling out a shirt for myself.
“It’s nothing,” I mumbled under my breath after tossing on the shirt and zipping my suitcase.
“Right,” he shrugged. “Are you almost ready?”
I nodded. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
I was ready to leave this room, forget Y/N’s scent as it engulfed the entire space, while also trying to forget the way she made my heart stop at the mere thought or mention of her name.
“Did you at least make sure Y/N had a ride home?” Nick asked once we walked out of the room.
I stopped dead in my tracks momentarily, heart stuttering in my chest before I cleared my throat and continued walking in step with him.
“She called an Uber.”
Nick gave me a sideways glance. “You didn’t even offer us to drop her off?”
“I couldn’t even offer to walk her outside before she ran out of the room,” I said as we came to a stop in front of the elevator.
“You’re insane to think one night would be enough, Noah,” Nick admitted.
“The idea of us is insane. There’s no way a relationship would work between us. She made that clear.” I swallowed the noise in my throat.
“Goodbye, Noah.”
Y/N’s parting words ached deep within me, knowing the reason she hated uttering that word. But yet, she still said it to me seconds before slipping through the door with my heart in her hands.
I’ve gone through my life making a lot of mistakes but I made the biggest one that night.
Letting Y/N walk out of my life.
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I sat on the couch in the green room of the venue, hours before our show, my head hung low as I stared down at my phone, an unsent text teasing me for never finding the courage to send it. It’s been like this for the last handful of months, me typing up a message but never sending it because of the doubt.
Me: Hey, it’s Noah. I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. I read online that you’re getting ready to publish a book. Can’t wait to read it.
The pad of my thumb hovered over the green send button, almost ready to click it, when the doubt crept in.
If she wanted to talk to you, don’t you think she would have reached out?
Y/N only wanted sex with you, she never cared for a relationship.
How do you think a new relationship would survive on the road?
I slammed the phone down on the couch next to me, yet again not sending the text, and I saw the look Jolly gave me.
“Don’t fucking start,” I warned while leaning against the back of the couch.
He let out a long breath while sitting across from me. “How many times are you going to type up the same message but not send it? That’s not why you asked Britt for Y/N’s number.”
“It’s difficult, Jolly. Trying to forget her these last handful of months has been anything but. I thought with how busy we were in Europe with shows and press it would help but it only made it worse. I expected to see her every time I looked out into the crowd. Every passing face I thought was Y/N. I’d known this girl for less than twenty-four hours and she fucking clawed her way into me.”
My knee bounced as my hands clasped together, hoping to stop the shakes.
Jolly hesitated for a moment. “Can I be honest with you?”
When I nodded, he continued. “I was afraid, we all were, for a moment after Y/N left that you’d find yourself in alcohol once again. I’d never seen you so hung up about a girl before.”
“I’m not hung up. I’m just-,” the words died in my mouth for a long second, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone which doesn’t make fucking sense because I don’t even know her.”
“Folio mentioned she doesn’t have any social media?”
I nodded, a small smile pulling at my lips. Y/N was like me in that aspect, wanting to have parts of her life so personal.
“Personal, no, but she has an Instagram where she promotes her upcoming books,” I informed Jolly.
Shortly after our night together, two days to be exact, I searched for Y/N on Google where the only thing I found was her website and Instagram which again, she only ever used to promote her upcoming books. I still followed them through Bad Omens pages, hoping for some kind of update. Almost immediately after our page followed hers, Y/N returned the follow. But that was as much interaction between us since then.
Nine months later, the only thing she ever posted was a cover page of a Word document that had six words:
One Night. Coming later this year.
The title alone made me question if she was writing about our night together but once again, the doubt that plagued my mind forbade me from asking her.
I thought about either asking Britt or Folio if they talked to Y/N, wondering how she was doing, but she wasn’t mine to ask about. Her life wasn’t meant for me to know.
“I know her leaving wrecked you, Noah. It was a dark point in your life, one we were afraid you wouldn’t pull yourself out of. I had to watch you hole yourself up in the studio for days on end when you weren’t hiding in your room,” Jolly said.
“I don’t know how to explain this feeling,” I played with the silver chain on my wrist. “We only agreed to one night together, I thought that once Y/N left, I’d be able to go back to my normal life.”
“Why haven’t you called her?” He questioned.
“She hasn’t called me,” I shot back while sinking farther deeper into the couch, this anxious feeling running through my veins never faulting.
“Do you miss her?”
My heart dropped at Jolly’s question as my voice was just above a whisper. “All the time.”
Just as he was about to respond, the door to the green room opened, a flow of people and loud voices entered; all familiar. Some old friends of Virginia followed both of the Nicks into the room and with one final look towards me, Jolly silently told me we’d finish this conversation later. I cursed myself, almost forgetting I agreed to these friends coming to the show tonight. We were a few hours from the town where we grew up and maybe that’s the reason I felt so anxious.
Conversations were had with everyone but I couldn’t focus, my mind elsewhere. Overtaken by one singular force; Y/N.
The way she looked on her knees, hands tied behind her back.
The way her pussy felt gripping my cock as I sunk deep in her.
Her pretty little moans echoed throughout the room; my name falling from her lips in a prayer.
These were the thoughts that kept me up at night, either in my room or in the small confines of the bus bathroom, hand wrapped around my cock.
She overtook every aspect of my life, day and night. There was no way to forget about her, no matter how many times I tried. I often asked myself the same question: What if I could never forget her?
What if in all my life, if I met someone new, I could never fall for them because they weren’t Y/N?
Nothing would compare to Y/N. I didn’t bother even gazing towards another woman in the way I did Y/N. None of them mattered to me in that way, the only one I wanted was Y/N.
How could you when she broke your heart?
Internally, I snickered at that word: heartbreak. No one could give the correct definition of it. Heartbreak is something you feel deep within yourself, everyone has their own way of describing it.
My heartbreak felt as if my heart was literally broken as if Y/N leaving stepped on it and shredded it into a million pieces.
Heartbreak is when you have this constant pain in your entire body, unsure how to heal it, yet it’s numb at the same time.
Heartbreak is when you decide to finally give up. Finally, figure out that maybe you weren’t good enough for her, you weren’t what she wanted. It made me feel like if I wasn’t good enough for Y/N, I wouldn’t be good enough for anyone else.
Heartbreak is when you try to forget about her, stop thinking of her, and try with all your fucking might to move on.
Heartbreak is when no matter how hard you try, you don’t forget her. You never stop thinking about her and you fall for them even though they’re not here with you.
Snapping my gaze away from the dirt-riddled floor, I noticed Folio was showing me his phone; a picture.
“What?” I asked with furrowed brows.
Until I looked deeper at the picture, realizing it was of two women, with bright smiles on their faces. I recognized the one on the left as Folio’s girlfriend, Britt. But the one on the right was the one that took my breath away; my heart falling out of my ass at the sight of her.
Her hair was shorter than the last time I saw her, almost to her shoulders, and the light behind her eyes was brighter than ever. I immediately noticed the new tattoo design on her leg, something she didn’t have that night. She was a brand-new woman. The life change was good for her; what we went through together helped her to move on. While I was proud of that, part of me wondered if she truly moved on from Jacob.
I licked my dry lips and choked on my words. “Wh-when was this taken?”
“Yesterday. For Britt’s birthday. I have plans with her next week when we are in their hometown. You should see if Y/N wants to join, double date,” Folio spoke.
There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that this was Britt’s doing, trying to get the four of us together.
“You can tell my cousin that she needs to stop playing matchmaker,” Nick chuckled.
My breathing was erratic and unstable, and the corners of my vision faded to pure white, an incoming panic attack sinking its claws in my lungs. All day I’ve felt like this, anxious for reasons unknown, but as soon as my eyes drank in the sight of Y/N, it became clear.
Standing up from the couch with a start, I rummaged through my bag, doing my best to take deep breaths, and snatched my AirPods.
“Where are you going?” Jolly wondered.
I waved him off while slipping from the green room and straight through the back door of the venue, the fresh air helping a little with the crushing pain inside of me. With shaking fingers, I searched through the Calm App to find the perfect meditation to help center myself. I quickly sat on the swing that hung from an older tree’s branch and shoved my headphones in my ears. Soft meditation music filled my senses as I let my eyes close shut, my breathing becoming lighter, less crushing.
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“This is The Death of Peace of Mind,” I gave a somber smile into the microphone as we started up the last song on our setlist.
The entire afternoon into the first few minutes before our set began, it was filled with a constant state of anxiety no matter how often I tried to breathe or meditate. I thought that performing in front of the sold-out crowd would help but my eyes wouldn’t stop staring out into every face in front of me to search for her; something I did every night. It was only the fifth show of this month-long tour but that didn’t stop me. Hell, I even did it while in Europe, thinking maybe Y/N would show up there.
We performed this song almost every night and every single time; I thought of Y/N.
I stepped on the platform next to Jolly’s side of the stage, bending at my knees. “I miss the way you say my name. The way you bend, the way you break.”
Y/N bent over the table as I tasted every part of her essence.
“Your makeup running down your face.”
Y/N was on her knees, choking on my cock, as mascara mixed with the tears over her cheeks.
“The way you fuck, the way you taste.”
Y/N’s body was exposed in front of me as I speared her open on my cock, her round breasts mere inches in my face.
I moved around on stage, singing the lyrics that at first weren’t meant for my angel, but now, I’d sing to her whenever she let me.
Once perched back up on the platform on Jolly’s side of the stage, I stood straighter and gripped the microphone tighter in my hand, closing my eyes. The lyrics poured out of my soul, as a siren cry to the one who held my heart in her hands, unknowingly.
“You come and go in waves. Leaving me in your wake. You come and go in waves. Swallowing everything.”
The moment my eyes opened, my gaze was pulled to one specific person in the crowd, a few rows back from the stage. That familiar iris’ stabbed into my soul and my jaw dropped slightly as I almost dropped my microphone.
Nearly missing my mark, I composed myself as best as I could to finish out the rest of the song; eyes jumping back every so often to the section of the crowd where I thought I saw Y/N. Except now, her form was only a vision in my mind.
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“Uh, Jolly?” I spoke while walking out of the greenroom bathroom, fully dressed in street clothes.
He looked up from gathering his things in his backpack. “Hm?”
I rubbed the back of my neck with nerves. “Ah, shit. Never mind, it sounds crazy.”
“What is it?”
Halting packing my bag, I sighed while shifting on my feet. “I saw Y/N tonight; in the crowd.”
Jolly’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
“I-uh,” I sighed again while putting on my white hat. “I don’t know. It looked a lot like her but I only saw her briefly for a few seconds.”
He didn’t say anything, but again, he didn’t have to; Jolly was apprehensive about my observation.
“Noah,” he began.
I threw my sweater over my shoulder, gushing him with a shake of my head. “It’s crazy; I’m seeing things that aren’t there.”
Yet again, before we could finish our conversation, the door to the green room opened with familiar faces of some of my friends from back home ushered us out of the room. We had plans to go to a local bar but the prospect of Y/N being in the same city as me made my heart flutter wildly. I needed to know if she really was here or if I was imagining it; like I always did.
“Where’s Folio?” I asked as we all walked through the back hallway of the venue.
“He’s already by the bus. Said something about wanting to call his girlfriend,” Bryan said as we caught up to the rest of the group.
Jealousy stabbed my heart, wondering why I couldn’t have that. I wanted to call Y/N after a show to let her know how it went and then ask what she spent her day doing. But no, I had to let her walk away. I was too afraid to ask her to stay.
As we stepped foot outside, the cool night air encasing me, I did my best to laugh along with one of my older friends at a joke he said. But something deep within me urged me to look to my left and when I did, my heart stopped dead in my chest; breath hitching my throat.
Y/N stood on the other side of the barrier that kept the fans away from the tour bus, Folio watching this interaction with a smug smile. Her hair was pulled back into two buns on top of her head, and one of our merch shirts was tied up to the middle of her stomach, showcasing her unholy skin that I begged to taste again. The jean shorts she wore were cut off just below the swell of her perfect ass and those damn fishnet tights had my cock throbbing with desire.
The corner of my lips turned up in a grin, realizing what I saw tonight was true and standing in front of me.
“Hi,” Y/N’s voice was quiet as her hands shook at her sides.
"Hi,” I said. “What are you doing here?”
Neither of us made a move towards each other.
Folio, who was still on the other side of the gate alongside me, watched our silent interaction with a lazy smile.
“She’s been waiting for you. You took so long she almost bailed and wanted me to keep it a secret,” he muttered while smacking my shoulder as he walked past.
“Not cool!” Y/N narrowed her eyes while calling after him.
My gaze burned into her, setting her ablaze as she ran her hands over her thighs; the nervous tick was something that hadn’t changed.
“What?” She asked.
I licked my lips. “I saw you tonight. In the crowd.”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah.”
I kept my voice steady, not wanting to give away about how I was feeling. Just because she was here didn’t mean I was ready to jump back in with her. My heart was still broken, needing to be mended back together, something that would take longer than one night.
“Why didn’t you reach out?”
Even though my heart was pounding in my throat, I merely shrugged. “Why didn’t you?”
“Noah, I-.”
Hearing my name being called, I turned slightly back to the group waiting for me and gave them a quick nod. As I turned back towards Y/N, she immediately threw a thumb over her shoulder.
“You know what, I should go. The show was amazing but I’ve got a long drive back home.”
Her name fell in a hushed whisper, begging her to stay, as my fingers grazed over the skin of her wrist. She looked from my hold on her up to my eyes, brows furrowed with confusion. Even this simple touch brought back the memories of our night together, of how the simple feeling of her skin on mine caused every cell to live within me.
“Why are you here?” I asked, slightly bouncing on the soles of my heels.
Her eyes shifted between mine. “I wanted to see the show.”
“Bullshit,” I scoffed, suddenly angry that she kept beating around the true answer. “You drove three hours to see us when next week we have a show that’s minutes from where you live?”
“Why are you here?” I pressed again with a slight squeeze to her wrist when she remained silent.
���I wanted to see you,” Y/N admitted with a long breath.
Hearing her finally admit to what I knew was the reason made my face twitch in a smile. “Why?”
As her lips parted to speak, Davis called for me.
“Noah! Are you coming or what?”
Mother fucker.
“I won’t keep you, Noah. It was good seeing you but I’m going to go.”
My eyes sliced into her with a look that made her locked in place on the other side of the barricade. “I swear if you keep threatening to leave, angel, I’m going to bend you over and smack that ass in front of everyone.”
Her lips mimicked a fish now as she peered up at me through her long lashes; those plump lips begging to be ravaged.
Fuck it.
Reaching over the guardrail, I grasped her hips to lift her up and over it with ease, setting her down in front of me.
“What are you doing?” Y/N squealed in delight, it echoing throughout the parking lot.
Not saying a thing, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, the familiar heat clouding us again, and led her toward the group that was waiting for me.
“Noah,” she tried to stop me by almost digging her feet into the ground.
I ignored her as we reached the group and squeezed her shoulder. “Hey guys, this is Y/N.”
Everyone nodded a greeting to Y/N, Jolly smiling at her.
“We knew we saw you tonight,” he laughed.
“Yeah, I wanted to see the show,” she shrugged.
Nick chuckled lightly. “Right, that’s why you drove three hours when we’re in your hometown next week?”
Something in her shifted and when I stared down at her, I noticed her eyes were cast at her feet.
“You guys go ahead. I’m going to hang back with Y/N,” I said motioning to my friends.
“You should go out with them,” Y/N peered up at my through lashes, her doe eyes pulling me in closer.
Biding them goodbye, I led her towards the bus, and when I took the first step; I extended my hand towards her; she took it with slight hesitation before we ascended the quiet bus together.
“You won’t get in trouble for having me in here?”
I snorted while motioning her to follow me. “Come on, there’s an area in the back that’s private so we can talk.”
I wasn’t sure what exactly we would talk about. There were a lot of things that we left unsaid the last time we saw each other but now that she was standing in front of me I had no plans on letting her not know the truth.
I fell onto the couch of the back area of the bus with a huff, quickly picking up that Y/N was running her hands over her thighs. 
“Nervous?” I raised a brow. 
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t. My heart was beating like the wings of an angel in my chest. 
The only noise she made was a low growl while stuffing her hands in the back pocket of her shorts. 
I patted the spot next to me. “You can sit. I’m not going to bite, well unless you want me to.”
I deflected my nerves with the only way I knew how; flirting. 
Hesitantly, Y/N sat down next to me, purposely leaving space between us. My eyes tracked up the entirety of the fishnet stockings and I bit the inside of my cheek. 
“Why didn’t you go out with your friends? Folio mentioned they were old friends from Virginia?”
I snapped my eyes up towards the softness of her face; the freckles that peppered her nose bringing a smile to my lips. 
“The thought of spending time with you sounded better.” 
I assessed every single movement Y/N made. Her intertwined fingers, the corners of her lips pulled down in a slight frown. The reddish hue spread across her cheeks. And the way her chest rose and fell with each deep breath she took. 
"You're staring.” 
I blinked, a smug smile on my face. “You look good, angel.”
 “Thank you.” Y/N brushed a piece of loose hair behind her ear. 
There was this burning ache deep inside of me and I desperately needed to hear her answer to help kill the ache. 
“Has he called you at all?” 
I never uttered his name, but I knew I didn’t have to. Y/N knew who I was talking about. 
She shook her head. "Jacob hasn't bothered me since that night. I think he realized I wasn't going to take him back after he heard us together."
This question rolled off my tongue before my brain caught up with it. "Have you called him?"
Usually, soft eyes, now hardened with anger, sliced into me.  "No, I haven't. In fact, I haven't been with anyone since that night. You kind of ruined the idea of being with anyone else."
Good,” a proud grin spread to my face. 
"You're unbelievable," Y/N scoffed. 
I leaned towards her, resting my elbows on my knees. "I haven't been with anyone else, either."
She snorted. "Congratulations, I bet that must have been so hard for you. Do you want a medal?"
Oh fuck. 
Hearing the sass fall from her lips made my cock twitch and I rolled my tongue over my bottom lip, humming low within my chest.  "Such sass coming from that mouth. Do I need to stuff it with something else?"
I may have been laying it on pretty thick with her tonight but I knew that it turned her on; the way her breath hitched in her throat or the way she shifted on the couch next to me, almost to alleviate some of the pleasure I’m sure was building between her legs. But as she noticed the burning desire behind my eyes, she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned farther back into the couch; remaining silent. 
"I didn't hear a no," I tsked. 
"Is that why you invited me on your bus so you can tease me?" Y/N cocked her head. 
Even though they shook with nerves, I raised a finger to brush away another loose strand of hair, tucking it behind her ear, purposely letting my fingers brush against the skin behind her neck. 
"Believe me, Y/N. I want to tease you in so many ways."
She swallowed thickly as my fingers now crazed over her collarbone. 
"You can say no but with how hard your heart is beating, I know the truth,” I whispered when I felt her erratic heartbeat underneath my palm. 
I was hoping we’d be able to talk before falling back into our old ways, my cock begging to have some sort of release. 
I tracked every movement of her tongue as it darted over her lips. 
"I need to tell you something."
My hand fell from her into my lap as my heart stilled in my chest; fear suddenly filling my senses.
"You're not pregnant, are you?" I joked.
Y/N’s eyes almost doubled. "If I was pregnant, don't you think I'd be showing by now?"
I shrugged with a chuckle while leaning away from her, back in my previous spot. "I know you're not. I'm just trying to lighten the mood."
For the both of us. 
I wasn’t used to this kind of tension between us so I didn’t know what to do to help disperse it. 
Realizing she didn’t find my humor funny, I ran a hand over my face with a tired sigh. I didn’t have to check the time to know it was late, the exhaustion of the day starting to weigh heavy on my bones. 
"You're tired," Y/N spoke quietly. 
I nodded, stifling a yawn. "Yeah, it's been a long day. We're only four shows in this tour but I'm already exhausted."
But then I locked eyes with her while pointing my finger. "If I didn't want you here, angel, I wouldn't have invited you. I want to spend time with you, no matter how exhausted I am."
"When do you guys have to leave for the next city?" She wondered, a slight smile on her lips.
"Tomorrow morning. Everyone wants to get on the road by 9 but depends on how hungover they are," I laughed a little.
There was a hint of something in her voice; something I couldn’t quite pick up on as she glanced at her phone, almost groaning at the time.
"Are you driving back tonight?" I asked.
"Yeah, so I should probably get on the road soon."
My heart fell into the pits of my stomach; to Tartarus if you will. I didn’t want her to leave yet, I needed to think of something to make her stay longer. I let her go once before, I refused to do that again. 
"Why did you come here tonight, Y/N?" My jaw clenched. 
Even though she sighed, I still didn’t let her speak. 
"We both agreed to have one night together, one of the best nights I had in a long time. It killed me to have you walk away. Ask any of the guys, your leaving wrecked me,” I admitted, almost out of breath. 
Fuck, it felt good to get that off my chest. It had been building and building for the last nine months, eating away at me like a fucking disease. 
Y/N blinked at me, lips mimicking a fish, and I scoffed. 
"Then eight months later you show up, out of the blue, expecting what?" I questioned with narrowed eyes. 
Yes, she already admitted she came tonight because she wanted to see me. But there had to have been another reason, right? Someone doesn't drive three hours just to see someone they were never meant to see again.
"No-nothing. I wanted to see you," the words stumbled past her lips. 
I ran a hand over my jaw, doing my best to keep my anger in check, but watched in slight arousal and awe as Y/N stood to her feet, blazing eyes glaring down at me.
"If it wrecked you so bad why didn't you stop me or call me?" 
It was me now who stood tall, closing the distance between us. The heat that emanated from her brought me that sense of peace that I only found with her. 
"You walked away, Y/N!" I reminded her with an edge to my voice. 
My words didn’t match the way I felt inside. 
"It's what we agreed on!" Y/N bellowed while raising her hands. 
With my hat tossed on the couch, I ran a hand through my hair. 
"We also agreed on never seeing each other again but here you are," I waved towards her.
Y/N let out a deep, wavered, breath. "Fuck, you don't make any sense, Noah! You tell me you're happy to spend time with me but then in the same breath complain that I'm standing in front of you!”
I took a small step in her direction. "Why did you come tonight?"
I needed to hear her admit the truth. I fucking needed it more than oxygen at this point.
"Oh, here we go again," she briefly pinched her eyes shut. "I already told you, I wanted to see you.
Another step towards her, I pressed my question once again. Any anger that lingered in my voice was gone, overtaken by the desperation of needing to hear her admit it. 
Y/N hesitated by licking her lips, but the fear in her eyes continued to hold her back. 
"It doesn't matter," she shook her head. "You're leaving in the morning and we'll go back to where we were before I came here tonight."
"Come with me,” I blurted out, without even thinking of the ramifications. 
Y/N blinked for several long moments. “Wh-what?”
I closed the distance between us with my fingers grazing over her exposed thigh, tangling in the web of her stockings; she shivered underneath my touch while peering up at me. 
"Come with me," I almost begged. 
It was the only option. I didn’t want her to leave but couldn’t spend time with her because I was too busy on the road. 
"I can't. I  have work and-."
"I thought you were an author and worked from home," I interrupted with a furrowed brow. 
Y/N reared back, almost in surprise that I remembered that. 
"We barely know each other, Noah. We might get annoyed with each other after the first night," she tried to argue
I grazed up from her thigh to her hip, squeezing it. 
"It's a big bus, plenty of space to have some time apart. We could use the time to get to know each other,” I ran my fingers over the exposed skin of her back, capturing her warmth. 
“Nobody knows their partner when they first start dating," I finished with a shrug. 
"We're not dating, though.” 
The corner of my lips turned up in a sly smirk. “Not yet.” 
"You seem pretty confident that I'll say yes," Y/N chuckled. 
My lips ghosted over hers, not quite closing the distance. "You came to see me tonight, angel. It's safe to say that I already have you."
She whimpered under my touch as my hand wrapped around her throat to tilt her away, exposing her neck to me. I left gentle kisses along her jaw before trailing to that one spot on her neck I knew made her weak. I made sure to keep my other arm around her back to keep her upright. 
"Come with me," I breathed. 
Y/N tried to deny me but the moan that fell from her precious lips gave way to how she truly felt.
"Wh-what would the guys say?"
I scraped my teeth along the shell of her ear. "They won't care."
It was a lot to ask of someone, to pack up their life to live on the road for the next four weeks. I wouldn’t force Y/N into doing this, especially if she was apprehensive, but I couldn’t let her leave again without knowing how I felt. 
"What if we realize that all this relationship is just sex?"
I briefly pulled away from the mark on her neck, grip still tight on her chin. "I can promise you, it's not just that. I want to get to know you, angel. I could wait until the tour's over to spend time with you but I don't think I can let you leave again. Not when I have you this close to me.” 
Y/N leaned into me but still had some resistance. I kept my strong gaze on her face, trying to read her expression. 
"I can't. Being with each other every day could push us apart rather than bring us together." Her hands were sprawled over my chest. 
It was true. But my heart began to hurt with his constant denial. If she cared about me like I thought she did, why wouldn’t she agree?
"Why are you so against coming with me?" I pulled away. 
Y/N scoffed. "Can you blame me? I barely know you and you're asking me to spend weeks with you."
"You barely knew who I was when you let me fuck you that night," I shot back with narrowed eyes. 
She averted my gaze. "This is different.”
"Is there someone else?” I wondered with rigid shoulders. 
"No, I've already told you; I haven't been with anyone else since you. You're all I can think about, Noah,” she enunciated her meaning with a stern shake of her head. 
I went to reach for her but felt my stomach drop as she took a large step away from me. 
"I should go," Y/N sighed. "It's late and I hate driving in the dark."
Not again. 
My lips parted to speak but quickly pulled in a tight line. I laid everything out on the line with her, letting her know how much I’d want her to stay with me. The rest was up to her. I stuffed my hands deep into my pockets, one last longing glance between us. Y/N’s eyes were wet with tears but refused to let them fall. 
The aura radiated from her, bringing that familiar sense back deep within my bones as she walked past me. 
Fuck it. I’m not letting her leave again. 
With one swift movement, I pressed Y/N against the door, my thick thigh between her legs. Her beautiful doe eyes gazed up at me while mine stared down at her lips before locking our gazes together; it was over. 
Our lips attacked each other in a fiery, earth-ending kiss, and Y/N moaned into my mouth. At first, it was a fight of dominance between the two of us until she reluctantly molded into me, allowing my tongue to taste every inch of her. Her teeth dragged over my bottom lip, pulling it deeper into her mouth. The door behind her rattled as I pressed my thigh against her clit, a silent invitation; one I hoped she understood. 
Y/N leaned her head against the door, a deep moan crawling its way from her throat.
"No," I said while bringing her lips back to mine. 
It was just like how it was before between us; passionate, fire building deep within our souls as they danced together in pure euphoric bliss. Y/N’s nails scratched at the skin of my abdomen and I shivered underneath her touch. 
"Come with me," I begged against her lips. 
Her movements against my thigh were erratic, hands grasping at my skin to push and pull me. Y/N’s bottom lip jutted out and I nipped at it. I knew her body like I knew the lyrics to all of my songs. I knew what she needed to finally let go and sing for me. 
My name was choked on her tongue as her body writhed against me, scream echoing through the small area of the bus; her orgasm sounding like music to my fucking ears. 
"Fuck, angel," I covered her mouth with my hand. "You need to be quiet, okay?"
There were muffled noises from the other side of the door, indicating that everyone had returned from the bar. Y/N nodded, breathing the last bit of her orgasm into my hand while I picked her up to lay her on the couch. 
As her hands reached for my shorts, our eyes locked, as I waited not so patiently for her answer. 
"Please fuck me, Noah."
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We lay on the floor, tangled in each other's webs, as my fingers traced circles over her bare shoulder. Y/N rested her cheek against my bare chest, her breathing becoming slow and even. Every part of me screamed in exhaustion, eyes begging to close even for a few moments of rest, but the nagging voice inside my mind was a pest. 
She merely hummed, unable to speak. 
I brushed my lips along her forehead, breathing in the familiarity of her scent. "I won't ask you again to come on the road with me. I told you in the beginning I won't force you to do anything you don't want to but can you promise me that when the tour is over, we can give this a shot?"
"I don't know, Noah. My last relationship fucked with my head so much I don't know how to be in something so normal." Y/N looked up at me and left an array of kisses along the tattoos on my chest.
"You don't even want to try?" I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. 
Suddenly, Y/N sat up with a sigh to tame her hair. "Like you said, maybe once the tour is over we can talk about things."
Slowly following her movements, I sat up with a deep sigh. "Sure."
Her breasts were round and perky as she took deep breaths. My tongue darted out to wet my bottom lip, wanting to taste her nipples once again. I drank in the curve of her spine, the softness of freckles that peppered her shoulders, and the tattoos that created an art piece on her skin. 
Now after the sex haze had faded, the tension returned, and I hated how fast a good thing between us was ruined all because I couldn’t find the right words to say to make her stay. 
Why do you? All Y/N did was fuck with your feelings and heart even more. 
Broken eyes watched her as she quickly gathered her clothes, and got dressed; never once looking my way.
"I should leave. It's late and I have to drive home. I'll see you later?" 
I swallowed the large lump in my throat, ignoring the way my heart ached deep within the confines of my chest. With my elbows resting on my knees, I nodded. 
"Bye, angel."
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I sat on the edge of the bed in my hotel room, phone in one hand and black lace choker in the other. Y/N left a few hours ago and we decided to get whatever hours of sleep we could in an actual bed before hitting the road once again. I couldn’t sleep, however, my mind racing so fast I could barely keep up. 
My fingers twisted around the choker, remembering how alluring Y/N looked that first night we met. I knew I should have given it back to her, the shirt as well, but a part of me felt as if she was close while so far away. The shirt was tucked neatly in my dresser back home, the scent of her fading months ago, but I brought the choker with me everywhere, almost like a good luck charm. 
Which was something I needed right now. 
I had this feeling of dread. I was missing her deeply. This is an ache that resonates within the core of our being. It's a profound sense of longing as if a vital piece of our existence is temporarily absent. Every fiber of our being yearns for her presence, her touch, her voice. That night was burned into my memory- it was never enough. 
For the first time since I had her number, I quickly dialed Y/N. The ringing echoed throughout the darkness of my room since it was on speaker, and my knee bounced with anticipation. 
“Shit,” my heart dropped when her voicemail picked up. 
I could say so many different things but only four simple words fell from my lips. 
“Please come with me.” 
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The bed next to me dipped suddenly but did nothing to wake my sleeping form. That was, until, soft familiar hands wrapped around my bare chest, lips dancing across the tattoos there. I stiffened in the embrace, one eye slowly opening to see those familiar doe eyes staring up at me. 
"Fuck, I'm so tired. Can you scoot over a bit? I'm about to fall off," Y/N yawned while covering the both of us with the blanket. 
She lay next to me, the familiar presence that I yearned for almost every night for the last handful of months, was here. She came back. 
Y/N was here.
Rolling on top of her to lock her underneath me, I breathed in the scent of her neck. 
"You came.” 
She ran a hand through my hair and then kissed my forehead. "You called."
Our lips met instantly, teeth smacking against each other, as my tongue forced its way into her mouth. I pressed my hips deep into hers, a groan sounding in the back of my throat; one that was swallowed by Y/N. 
“I missed you,” she breathed against the pulse point of my neck as she left marks along the apple and then the snake. 
I hissed in pleasure as my hands worked fast to pull at her leggings, stripping her clean of them. 
“Wait,” Y/N grabbed my hands. 
Immediately I halted my actions. “I’ll stop if you want me to.” 
“No,” she rushed out, breathless. “I’m not stopping you. It’s just-.” 
Y/N motioned to the other side of the curtain, where everyone else moved about the bus. I smirked while leaning over her, chin resting in my palm. 
“You’ll have to be a good girl and keep quiet. Can’t have them hear how pretty you sound,” I laid a chaste kiss on her lips. 
A whine-like-whimper erupted from her throat and with a quick nod, I continued to remove her clothes; Y/N soon lay naked in front of me. 
“Angel,” I breathed. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this sight.” 
She hastily reached for my shorts, and soon we both lay bare in front of each other. Heated eyes grazed over every single one of my tattoos, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. 
I patted her thigh. “Face the wall for me.” 
Doing what I asked, I laid back down on my bunk, behind Y/N, and raised her leg over my hip, spreading her wide for me. I slipped a finger between her folds, gathering her wetness to her clit, and began rubbing in small circles. 
“So wet for me, angel,” I groaned into the back of her neck.
“Yes,” she nodded. 
I bit down on her shoulder, her hissing in euphoric bliss. “Only for me.” 
Y/N swallowed thickly. “Only you, Noah.”
With a tight grip around my aching cock, I angled the head in the perfect position; between her wet folds. 
“Keep quiet,” I demanded as I fully sank inside of her. 
Keep quiet she did not. Y/N’s moans filled the entirety of the bus so I smacked my hand over her mouth. 
“You don’t want to displease me do you, angel?” 
She shook her head in my grasp. 
I rumbled low in my chest as my pace was languid. I had her for the next four weeks, and I planned on taking my time with her. 
Y/N’s pace began to meet mine, pushing herself back against me, and I groaned with pleasure, forehead falling to her back. The tightness of her gripped my cock perfectly like it did every time, and I reveled in the burn that spread across the base of my spine. With a hand clamped over her mouth still, I started to fuck her faster and deeper. 
“Touch yourself,” I rasped, gone in ecstasy. 
Y/N’s dainty fingers began rubbing herself in quick circles and she clamped down around me. My cock throbbed inside of her as the warmth spread the entirety of my spine now with my orgasm that was so close to getting me off the edge. I placed my foot on the wall of my bunk, this time getting deeper within Y/N, and she cried out into my hand when I slammed into her; the sound of skin on skin without a doubt being heard by the guys either up front of the bus or their own bunks. 
I gazed down at Y/N and noticed the screwed lines on her forehead. 
“Safe word?” I asked, suddenly worried that I was hurting her with how hard I was slamming into her. 
“No,” she ripped my hand off her mouth. “I’m so close, Noah. Please. Harder.” 
Not wasting another second, I fucked up into her, using the wall as leverage. I wrapped a hand around her throat, squeezing the air from her, as I pulled her closer to my chest. Our limbs were tangled together but she still felt far away from me. 
The actions on her clit became sloppy and I knew she was about to jump off the edge. A white haze brushed in the corners of my vision as my cock stilled inside of her briefly before I emptied inside of her with a groan. 
“You came,” I kissed the back of her shoulder blade, almost not believing that she was lying in front of me. 
I was afraid I would wake up from this dream and we’d be hundreds of miles away from each other. 
“You called,” she keened as her orgasm ripped through her in a tidal wave.
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enhyunj · 1 month
Hiii can you do a fic abt reader who is insecure about her chest being small with Jay or heesung?
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pair: bf!jay x afab!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 0.7k
warnings: mentions of body image issues and other insecurities + self-doubt :<
note: chose to write this for jay but if you want smth similar for heeseung lmk!! Enjoyyy
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You stood in front of the mirror, frowning as you adjusted your top for the third time that evening. No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t ignore the nagging voice in your head pointing out all the things you wished were different about your body. Your chest, in particular, was something that had always made you feel self-conscious.
As you tugged at the fabric again, a soft knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts. Jay poked his head in, his usual bright smile softening when he noticed the troubled look on your face.
“You okay?” he asked, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. He was already dressed in his usual effortlessly stylish way, and his presence alone made you feel a little more grounded.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you mumbled, but the way you avoided his eyes said otherwise.
Jay frowned slightly, moving closer until he was standing right behind you, both of you facing the mirror. He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. His warmth was comforting, but you couldn’t help but tense up a little.
“Hey, talk to me,” he murmured, his voice gentle as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “What’s going on?”
You sighed, feeling a lump form in your throat as you tried to find the words. “It’s just… I don’t know. I don’t feel great about how I look right now.”
Jay’s hold on you tightened slightly, his brow furrowing as he looked at your reflection in the mirror. “What do you mean? You look amazing.”
“I don’t, though,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. “I just wish… I wish I had more, you know… curves. My chest is so small, and it’s hard not to feel insecure about it.”
Jay’s eyes softened as he listened to you, and he turned you around gently so you were facing him instead of the mirror. He cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing over your cheeks as he met your gaze with nothing but love in his eyes.
“Y/N,” he started, his tone earnest, “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You’re beautiful in every way, and that includes everything about you, just as you are.”
You bit your lip, feeling your eyes well up with tears. “It’s just hard sometimes. I compare myself to others, and I feel like I don’t measure up.”
Jay shook his head, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips. “I get it, I really do. But you’re perfect to me, every single part of you. And it’s not about what you don’t have; it’s about who you are. Your kindness, your strength, your smile—those are the things that make you beautiful. And as for your body… I love every inch of it, just as it is.”
His words hit you hard, the sincerity in his voice making your heart swell. You looked down, feeling a bit shy, but Jay tilted your chin up, making sure you were looking at him again.
“You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you,” he said softly, his forehead resting against yours. “And if you ever doubt that, I’ll be here to remind you how incredible you are.”
You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips, even as a tear slipped down your cheek. Jay kissed it away, his hands still cradling your face as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him.
“Thank you,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’ll never have to find out,” Jay replied with a grin, pulling you into a tight hug. “I’m not going anywhere.”
As he held you close, you let yourself relax into his embrace, the warmth of his love seeping into every part of you. With Jay by your side, the insecurities that had once seemed so overwhelming now felt a little more manageable. You were still a work in progress, but with Jay’s unwavering support, you knew you’d get through it, one step at a time.
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
Snail I need you to know I got struck with the most heinous inspiration for a Buggy smut that I am cooking up rn but bc it will be a while let me set the scene
Picture this; Buggy so enamored with someone that he hasn't had sex with anyone else, and every time he masturbates he's imagining them.
So by the time they have sex he quickly realizes he's not going to last. He keeps trying to subtly stop and readjust without letting them know but they catch on and ask what's wrong. He confessed and they assure him that they want him - in whatever way he'll be, but he's not fully convinced.
They joke that if they are that desperate they can always just use him.
And both of them notice how much he likes the sound of that.
So they pick up again, only this time he's not holding back - he wants to cum early so he can watch them use him for their own pleasure like a sex toy. He's begging them to describe how they'd use him, and they do.
They mention his devil fruit powers and how they could always use him as a dildo, or detach his head and ride his face, or both at the same time. Just hearing them describe it makes him cum but he doesn't even let himself finish cumming fully before he's trying to talk through his moans, begging them to use him. He doesn't care if it hurts, he wants it to hurt, he wants to bring them pleasure at his own expense.
They detach his dick - still inside them - and ride his face. He's mostly just sucking their clit, he doesn't care that he's tasting himself because the more he slurps away his own cum the more he can taste them. Until they start humping his face more and he opens his mouth around the base of his dick to stabilize it for them. The image giving him fantasies of them using him another way by fucking his face with his own dick. The more he feels their frothy slit around the base of his cock on his lips the hungrier he gets to feel it himself, so he detaches his tongue and sends it up there. Shouting around himself at the overstimulating sensation of his own tongue wriggling past his shaft through the hot, tight warmth. Finally, he finds their G-spot and abuses it as they grin their clit into his nose. Not caring that the more they tighten around him the more it hurts.
When he feels them cum he does too. When all of a sudden they start squirting and he immediately opens his mouth to latch around their pussy and catch it, feeling betrayed when he realizes his tongue is still inside so he doesn't get to taste it in his mouth.
Once they stop shaking from the aftershocks his dismembered body pries their legs further apart and rips out his dick, his tongue flying to join back with his mouth before it presses tightly shut around his prize. Uncaring as his own warm spend leaks onto his face he moans as he finally gets to taste it.
The two successive orgasms plus the sudden rush of cold air on his wet dick makes him burn with overstimulation, but he doesn't care.
"Please, baby, use me more." his head tries to chase you as you collapse beside his head, legs unable to hold yourself up anymore. "Please? Take my dick with you, or take my tongue, you always say I talk too much, please-"
His makeup is so smeared.
"please, keep using me, don't leave me, don't let me go, don't care if it hurts. Want it to hurt. Wanna feel you when I walk-"
You've created a monster
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You can't just go around and say these things and expect me to go ahead and pretend that everything is fine. My goodness. SNAIL. I am absolutely amazed. Gobsmacked. This is bloody spicy. Bloody hell. Oh my gosh.
The way you've set the scene right off the bat is impeccable, truly. I was immediately left too stunned to speak. I was assembling dinner and was like: "Oh? I got an ask? Oh it's from that beautiful Snail! That sweet, beautiful, lovely Snail who always has such kind thoughts and words to share. Oh let me see what they've got to- OH, WHAT THE FUCK, OH MY GOSH, BLOODY HELL!!!"
Had to take a minute to compose myself before I got back to cooking my cassoulet 💀. I had to perch atop my kitchen counter for a bit. Heights brings me an aura of calm 👌.
When you drop the full fic, you have to tag me, love. Oh my gosh.
Everyone. Everyone. Look at what the amazing @sexc-snail is whittling. I'm still stunned.
@feral-artistry @sordidmusings @writingmysanity @since-im-already-here @lostfirefly @vespidphoenix @carrotsunshine look at this!!!
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