#i think you could tell how many fans turned out for closing because mask wearing was so much better
It’s been such a treat to talk about the shows WITH people I was there with that I just realised I haven’t shared anything about the actual show last night here!
Sam Cochrane was the understudy who posted about Joey going to see his Fringe show and he did an excellent job! He hadn’t had as much time with the script as Brendan had (but truly even with the few extra days Brendan had it’s insane how flawlessly he learned that track) but it being a comedy show meant there was a lot of grace for when things went a little wrong. Joey had to grab a prop for him or guide him into place once or twice, the famous everyone else scene had a very funny moment of “wait, what voice am I doing?”, and everyone was very supportive whether he hit or missed the sound cues
I’ve also loved the fourth wall breaks in the show, Lauren saying “don’t fucking clap for that” when Gabe got way too personal with the fake Camille boobs and she was right to, Gabe was feeling extra wild this show. He also ate some of the bread from the sandwich after which Joey covered it with the tank top but Gabe tried to go back for more
Lauren almost forgot to sing “made my brain just jizz” and laughed at herself because bby girl was not going out without a goof. It was like she got to the final number and already checked herself out for the evening and I respect that so much. Very grateful I was able to see her
And at the end Joey’s been saying his little “if you liked it we’re tincanbros if you didn’t we’re therealteamstarkid” and asking people to buy merch so they don’t have to take it all back but last night (even though they were running over) he asked people to say their social media handles and Lauren was like “what?? We’ve never done this before!!” as if he were asking her to do math live on stage or something instead she’s the cutest
Loved seeing this show so so so much I love them all
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nhothicket · 8 months
Ever create a band au even though you cant draw instruments?
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more info below the cut :>
Meet Bdubs, 38, stage name BdoubleO - Boomer is often mistaken for his first name, but is just another nickname for the pile. Infamous online, if it weren't for the fact that he makes disgustingly good music he would probably have more hate followers than genuine fans. The line between charming asshole and just asshole is one he fails to tread lightly most days, but he's mostly harmless. Let's just say the Bdoubleo could also stand for boorish. A bit of a sellout, but he enjoys what he does and many appreciate his extremely.. candid attitude. Best likened to a cartoon villain dressed as a rockstar, with the ego to match. (It's usually his unrelenting pretentiousness that gets him into Twitter spats.)
Thank you @foxden-frontier for always helping out with my stupid aus ^v^
Annoying at worst, unfortunately very charismatic at best. You could say he's a softie at heart, but that implies its at all difficult to spot. Once he's done "clapping back at all the haters", in person he's still got a temper (he thinks he has a bad boy reputation to uphold) but is enthusiastically friendly.
Etho, 32, resident keytarist of creatively named band Canadian Bacon. Joined by his two best friends, Pause the frontman and bassist, and Beef their drummer. A deceptively popular band if judging by their permanent rough draft name and their nerdy-college-student dress code. Etho himself is just a guy who likes playing music with his buddies, their hobby having blown up under their noses. Now, as an unfortunately successful touring artist, Etho's anonymity is scarce, but he continues to wear his mask to discourage widespread photos of his face. In spirit. He's concerned about having his face plastered all over fan accounts, which still occurs, but a perk of having a completely rabid fanbase is that many will defend your boundaries to their last dying breath. Like his face, his legal name is out and about online, but its similarly discouraged. Best likened to just a guy.
If asked on the subject of his scar, the entire band has various different whimsical stories, brand new everytime. His lack of internet presence means Pause and Beef are free to make up whatever misinformation about him as they please completely unchecked (in jest of course), and they do take advantage of that. Many of these alternative facts are passed around on wikis and in fan circles.
To say Bdubs is jealous of Canadian Bacon's popularity is an understatement. They weren't even trying at all and yet they're the hot shit? But instead of putting that jealousy to hatred (which he had considered of course) he's instead set himself on proving himself. And if that means impressing Etho then so be it. Why does it mean impressing Etho? Good question, never ask it again. They say keep your enemies close, and Bdubs' enemies don't deserve personal space.
As it turns out, Etho wasn't too difficult to impress or maybe Bdubs was just that amazing. Either way, they end up hitting it off. Their friendship is an interesting one, mostly because Etho's fans basically hunt Bdubs for sport online. We're talking scribbled out of pictures, get behind me, #FreeEtho. Etho thinks he seems pretty cool though, if not a bit much sometimes, so no harm no foul.
Okay, rapid fire, some other notes for this au.
> Etho's legal name is Ethel. Because it is. My heart is so set on it. But if you're boring, Ethan or Ezekiel or something work too I guess.
> Etho's keytar mimics a more traditional guitar in most cases, though he's known to experiment a lot with how far he can push that.
> Etho's scar is from a mugging in this au, not a very fun story to tell. Beef practicing his brand new razor blade throwing hobby or fighting a bear to beat Pause in a bet is much more entertaining.
> Canadian Bacon is meant to have a manager, but I couldn't think of anyone I felt fit. Just a note.
> Bdubs has a habit of grabbing Etho by his tie and pulling him down to his level or otherwise using it as a leash. Etho doesn't usually wear the tie outside of show stuff or interviews, but he wears it around Bdubs because thinks its funny. When there's no tie that doesn't stop Bdubs, collars and hoodie strings are subject to the same usage.
> Etho isn't aware of how infamous Bdubs is when they meet as they meet at a festival with a big group of other musicians. Most of which already know Bdubs as his more excitable friendly self. He only finds out later when Bdubs complains about Etho's fans flaming him anytime he mentions him.
> Bdubs still has a self-imposed curfew, 10pm every night unless it conflicts with a show. He needs his beauty sleep.
> The trigger reason for the animosity toward Bdubs is due to being blamed by fans for the split of his last band that had a pretty hardcore cult following (OOG, I've not named their band yet), and that has since snowballed into what it is today, despite his actions being relatively harmless. To note, this was not an assumption at all promoted by either party, it was entirely a fanmade judgement.
> For those who can, picture s5 jungle Bdubs mixed with drunken OOG(E) ctm maps for his approximate personality. Still goofy but with a sharper tongue and a lot worse of a temper.
> Originally I considered Cleo as Bdubs' manager so he's not all alone in narrative sense, I still think it's not a bad idea I'd love to see her chew him out for acting like a moron. Ren or Scar would be also be options for manager.
> Bdubs needs a touring band, but I'm not well versed enough in the hermits to actually pick one out. Just a note.
Okay, that's most of it! There's some more pg-13 headcanons for this au, along the lines of fuck yeah rock'n roll lifestyle, but it's not really important I'm sure just that is enough to get the gist of it. Thank you for reading this overly long note. ^v~
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eating-plastic · 1 year
Carnival Lights: Henry Barrow x Reader
Warnings: mentions of murder (come on, it's Henry), swearing, some mean!Henry, naive!reader, sunshine!reader x grumpy!Henry (my favorite dynamic lol), some fluff, probably grammatical errors
Word Count: 3434 words
A/N: This is for that anon that asked me if I wrote for Henry Barrow (assuming that they wanted me to write something for him lol). I know I said I was going to take a break from Killer Frequency, but the “people pleaser” in me wanted to get something done. So yeah, I hope this isn't too disappointing. I also hope that my interpretation of Henry is to your liking (you gotta get creative when given a blank slate like him 😆). As such, I also hope anyone else that is a fan of this skrunkly also enjoys this as well. Oh, also, this takes place before the events of the game during Marie and Henry's "national murder tour" leading up to Gallows Creek. Just thought you should know that. Bye!
Sparkling lights and the sound of upbeat music and screams of excitement flood your senses as you skip through the crowds attending your hometown's yearly carnival. You had always partaken in the festivities ever since you were a child, and the event still filled you with joy. Some of the older booth vendors and ride operators even knew you by name.
You had originally shown up with two of your friends, promising that they wouldn't get too "lovey-dovey" with each other since they were a couple, but that was broken about 15 minutes into your arrival. Feeling like a third-wheel, you broke off from them, not really caring too much. You could easily enjoy yourself here without them.
After you finished playing a game where you had to try and hit cartoon sea creatures with a water gun (and failing since your aim wasn't the best), you decided to head to something you knew you were good at: the funhouse maze.
You knew the maze like the back of your hand, and could easily make it from the entrance to the exit, so you decided to see how many combinations of routes you could go. You wanted to know every nook and cranny that these dark, black light lighten halls had to offer.
Once you got bored, you began to make your way to the exit. Once at a crossroad where you needed to turn right, you stopped when you heard a man let out a shout of frustration. Worried that they were lost, you made your way towards the noise to help them out.
'God fucking damnit,' Henry thought. He was so fucking close to getting the man his mother told him to kill. He was right on his tail and then...he was gone. Now he was lost in this Goddamn maze and it was all his stupid fault because he knew he wasn't good with mazes. It was a good idea in theory, since the man would be all alone with no one would hear him scream. But of course in practice it had to bite him in the ass.
He tore his mask off and shoved it into his large duffle bag at his side. God, was it making it hard to breathe in this stuffy prison. Not to mention how that man was probably long gone by now.
'Augh, what am I gonna tell mom?' worry began to flood his mind. She was no doubt going to be pissed at him.
Luckily for Henry, his unaware savior was approaching.
As soon as you rounded the corner, you were now facing a man of decent stature, with long hair, a black trench coat, and a large duffle bag at his side. It was quite odd attire to be wearing in the middle of summer, but maybe he was just a worker at the haunted house who wanted to try out the maze on his break. He also seems to be oblivious to your presence, muttering to himself.
"Hi!" you chirp, causing the man to jump and spin around.
"The hell are you doing, here?" he hisses.
"Uh, it's a maze at a carnival. I'm here having fun," his harsh tone was completely lost on you. "You're lost, right?"
"What do you think?" he snarls, but you just laugh.
"Yep! I thought so! Come on, I'll show you the way out," you grab his hand, noting that he was wearing black leather gloves. Also odd, but once again that could've been just another part of the haunted house attire.
The man rips his hand from your grip as if yours had burnt his. You look back at him confused, but just shrug and begin to run off towards the exit.
"Hey, wait!" the man shouts and begins to chase after you, making sure to be on your tail so he could leave.
Eventually, you and him were able to taste the fresh air of the carnival, with the added smell of fair foods. You turn to look at the man, only to be taken aback a bit.
He looked to be a boy about your age, with piercing eyes but a very handsome face. You also noticed that he was unfamiliar to you.
"Huh, I don't think I've seen you around before. Are you new?" you smile at him, but he just turns to walk back towards the crowded rows of booths. "Hey, wait up!"
You decide to follow him. If he was new, you didn't want him to be overwhelmed or lonely.
"I'm Y/N!" you grin, but he just continues walking forwards. His eyes scanning the crowds and his jaw tight.
"Oh, you don't talk much, huh? That's okay! What do you wanna do? Do you wanna get something to eat? Oh! Or we co-"
"Look, don't you have friends or something that you can go hang out with?" he asks sharply. Unfortunately for Henry, the tone was once again lost on you.
"I do, but they'd rather make out in the tunnel of love than hang out with me," your tone drops slightly which makes Henry's eyebrow quirk up. After a couple of seconds though, just shake your head and smile back at him. "It's okay though, because I met you! I love meeting new people!"
'Jesus, what was your deal?' Henry thought. You were like a Care Bear in human shape. So sickeningly sweet that it was making him feel weird. How could someone like you exist in the cruel world his mom had told him so much about? Has it not broken you, yet?
"Oh, look! Bumper cars! You wanna go do those?" you beam up at him. Henry sighed. If he put up with this, maybe you would leave him alone. Besides, you provided him good cover. A new face like him dressed the way he was all by himself may drive suspicion. So he turned his head to look at your eager face and uttered one word.
You weren't bad at bumper cars, but you also didn't win. Not that you cared though, especially since your mystery man had won. You were surprised at his skills and made sure to tell him.
Henry listening to you gush over him was odd. Not used to getting such praise from someone who wasn't his mother. And like with his mother, it made him feel good.
You continue to skip through the crowds with him at your side. He was still scanning all of the people around you, but his jaw wasn't tight anymore. That elated you, as you took it as him finally enjoying himself. You both stop when you hear someone call your name.
"Is that you, Y/N?" the voice of an older man called from a game booth. Your face brightens and you run to him, Henry following after you.
"Frank! I haven't seen you in ages!" you hug him over the booth's countertop. Henry tenses up and watches the man closely.
"You're one to talk! I haven't seen you since you were just 'this' tall," Frank levels his hand to show just how small you were when he had last seen you. He opens his mouth to speak again, but stops when his eyes fall on Henry. "Hey, Y/N, who's your friend?"
"He's new in town! I saved him from the maze!" you chirp.
"Ah, okay," he drawls, looking at Henry suspiciously. Upon seeing you look at him fondly though, he puts on his best "friendly face" and holds his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you, son."
Henry looks at Frank's hand before shaking it, still analyzing the older man. You are completely oblivious to the tension, as you look at the milk bottles that are stacked up in the booth.
"Hey, Frank! Care if we play?" you pull some tickets out from your back pocket. Frank's mood changes at the sound of your voice and smiles at you.
"Of course! You and your friend here get three shots," he kneels down to hand you three baseballs first.
You throw all three and only get three of the six bottles down.
"Oh, well! Your turn!" you turn to smile at Henry and move out of his way. Frank hands him three baseballs just as he did with you. He takes the ball, pulls his arm back, and....
All six bottles tumble down with a force that startles both you and Frank.
"Well I'll be damned! I have never seen anyone knock those bottles down like that! You play baseball, son?" the older man asks Henry, amazed.
"No," he says, shortly.
The older man clears his throat at the awkward silence before looking towards the stuffed animals that hung around the booth.
"Well, you won. Pick out your prize."
Henry wanted to just walk away, but looked at you in his peripheral. You were staring longingly at a pink elephant plush that had a cute, cartoony face. He points to that one.
"This one right here?" Frank asks, taking the elephant down. Henry nods. "Alright! Here ya go."
Henry takes the stuffed animal and nods at him.
"Bye, Frank!" you call as Henry begins to walk away from the booth.
"Bye, Y/N! See you next year!"
As soon as you both are five feet away from the booth, Henry practically shoves the plush at you.
"You wanted it. I got it. Now take it," he says shortly. You look up at him, confused, but he still continues to walk forward and scan the crowd. You take the plushie and smile at it. It was the cutest thing you had ever seen, with the softest fur you ever felt.
You squeal and pull Henry into a hug, thanking him. He tenses up and pushes you off.
"What the hell are you doing?" he scowls.
"I-I'm sorry, I-I just w-wanted to...," you trail off, hurt evident in your voice and eyes.
Your change in demeanor causes Henry to feel guilty, and the couple of eyes he could sense on him only added to that feeling. He sighs and rests his hand on your shoulder.
"Look, I'm...I'm sorry, okay. Just...just warn me before you do that again...please," his voice is now soft as he looks at you, wanting you to know that he did really feel sorry.
"Okay," you whisper, still feeling miserable about making him uncomfortable.
"Hey, why don't...," Henry thinks for a second. "Why don't we go on a ride, huh?"
"Okay," a smile forms on your face. "Which one do you wanna go on?"
"Whichever one you'd like," Henry gives you the first genuine smile you had seen that night. This causes your own smile to grow and you take his hand to lead to one of the more thrilling rides. Henry doesn't rip his hand away this time, allowing you to drag him to where you wanted to take him.
Once at the ride you wanted to go on, you handed your elephant to the ride operator and Henry hesitantly gives up his bag, before you enter the ride.
By the time the ride had ended, you and Henry were wobbling in the best way possible. Henry let out a shaky laugh. He had never felt so alive. Where had this been his whole life? You let out your own laugh at Henry's reaction, before you and him collect your belongings and go on to do more rides and games. While walking, and even making some small talk with your mystery man, he stops when he spots a phone booth.
Henry thinks about his mother, about his mission. He had to call her, to tell her about how he couldn't get a good opening. He wouldn't mention how he was getting distracted or how he was having fun with a living ray of sunshine. He knew how she would probably react if he was honest.
"Hey, uh, Y/N?"
"Yeah?" you look up at him, beaming.
"I, uh...I have to make a phone call. I-I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay! I'll wait right here!" you chirp.
He nods and gives you a small smile, before walking to the booth.
Henry enters the booth and sighs. He rummages around in his pocket before finding some quarters and inserting them into the machine. He lifts the phone and inserts the number to the motel room he and his mother were staying in. He waits, tapping his foot nervously as he waits. Then it stops, and a familiar voice speaks from the other end.
"Yes?" his mother says.
"H-Hi, mom."
"Oh, Henry!" her voice is cheerful. "Did you finish your 'assignment'?"
"No, I haven't. I can't get a good opening," he doesn't mention that he had lost the man to begin with. "Besides, this one person won't leave me alone. They're constantly following me around and bothering me."
His mom sighs on the other end and thinks.
"I'll be over there in a bit. Keep trying, dear. And remember, if you do find your opening, do what you must. Poor kid," she mutters towards the end of the statement.
Henry's stomach drops. He knows instantly what she meant. He didn't want to hurt you. You had nothing to do with...with all of this. You were an innocent, sweet person in this miserable world. Why get rid of someone like you?
"Henry, sweetie, you there?" his mother questions.
"Y-Yeah, yeah, I, uh...I was just looking around. Look, don't worry about coming over. I got this, I promise. I'll call you if I need you, okay?"
"Hm...okay," she pauses, clearly skeptical at her son's words. "Please just stay safe, okay? I love you."
"I love you too, mom. Bye."
There is a click, and then the line goes dead. Henry lets out a shaky breath and sets the phone back on its cradle. A knock at the booth startles him out of his thoughts. He turns around to see you looking at him, concerned.
He opens the door to the booth and steps out.
"Sorry," you apologize. "I just wanted to know if you wanted something to eat. Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, yeah...don't worry about it, okay? Food, uh...food sounds great."
"Okay. What would you like?" Henry thinks for a moment before cracking a smile at you.
"Surprise me!"
You nod and walk off to find a food booth. You knew exactly what you wanted to get. You had been craving it ever since you entered the carnival grounds.
Henry followed behind you, curious as to what you were going to get as you passed booth after booth. Then you stop, just what you were looking for.
"I was wondering when you were gonna show up," a woman greets you.
"Hi, Pam!" you smile at her and hand her some dollar bills. "Two candied apples, please!"
"Two?" Pam cocks her head to the side until her eyes fall on Henry. "Oh, I see."
She smirks, interpreting the mystery man besides you and how you were lovingly holding your elephant plush as a date.
A few moments later, Pam turns back to you and Henry with two candied apples in her hands.
"Enjoy, you two!" she winks at you when you and Henry take your treats. The two of you walk once more, while Henry investigates the sweet in his hand. You look over at him and laugh.
"What? Have you never had a candied apple before?"
"Uh, no actually. Are...are they your favorite?" he asks.
"Uh huh!" you nod eagerly. "I have to have at least one when the carnival's up!"
It was true. Ever since you had the teeth to eat them, candied apples had been your favorite treat, even with all of the cavities you had gotten over the years because of them.
Henry slowly raises the apple to his lips and bites down. The taste causes him to pause. He had never tasted something so sweet. It seemed fitting that they were your favorite.
"You like it?" you ask.
He nods his head, before he takes another bite.
"So you really aren't gonna leave tomorrow?" you look at Henry sadly.
"Yeah, I-I'm, um...I'm afraid so."
You had learned that Henry was just visiting your hometown on a road trip with his mom. You thought that was fun, because your family always goes on road trips every summer, and yet you were going to miss your new mystery friend.
"Oh, Y/N! There you are!"
You and Henry turn around, seeing your two friends running towards you.
"Yeah, we were really worried!"
That causes Henry to stare daggers at them. They were worried? If they were so Goddamned worried about your safety, then they wouldn't have abandoned you.
"Uh, Y/N...who's this?" they both look at the man beside you that was making them feel uncomfortable under his stare.
'Good,' Henry thought.
"Oh, this is just my friend I made who kept me company this whole time," your voice is still cheerful, but you were still trying to guilt them. Henry smirks at that.
"Oh, well, uh...it's-it's getting late. We should start heading home."
Your eyes widen at that and you look down at your watch. It was almost midnight. God, your parents were gonna kill you.
"Yeah, you guys head to the entrance. I'll catch up!" your friends look at the boy besides you. Despite being the same age as them, something about him didn't seem right. They slowly turn around and do as you told them. As you watch them go, you hear a certain someone mutter something behind you.
"What?" you turn to look up at him.
"That's my name," Henry says.
You try the name out and smile. The sound of you saying his name made his chest feel weird.
"You look like a 'Henry'," you quip.
"That a bad thing?" he quirked an eyebrow at you.
"Nope!" you giggle and shake your head. Your demeanor changes and you awkwardly fiddle for something in your back pocket.
"Here," you hand him a small slip of paper.
Henry takes the paper and unravels it, a phone number revealing itself to him.
"Just in case you wanna keep in touch, o-or you know...just letting me know if you're gonna be in town again," you sheepishly state, squeezing the elephant in your arms. You had written your number down when he went off to make his phone call. You felt silly since you didn’t even know his name yet, but you knew you liked him either way.
"I, uh...I think I'll do just that," he smiles at you and puts the paper in his pocket. You smile back.
"I'm gonna hug you. Is that okay?"
Henry laughs, before opening his arms to you. You wrap one of your arms around him and he wraps his arms around your waist. Neither of you want to pull away, knowing that it would mean the end of your night together and who knows how long until you see each other again.
Unfortunately, your friends were waiting for you and he had a mission that you were unaware of. You pull away first.
"Goodbye, Henry," you quickly press a peck to his cheek. He tenses, but then looks at you shyly.
"Y-Yeah...goodbye, Y/N," a shade of pink crosses his face. He then clears his throat before pointing to your plushie. "You take good care of him."
You giggle and nod your head, before turning and walking away from him. Not even five feet away from him, you turn back and wave both your hand and your elephant's arm goodbye. Henry shakes his head and smiles, lifting his hand up to give a small wave of his own.
He stood there, watching your figure get smaller and smaller, until you disappeared into the crowd entirely.
The man was killed swiftly in the haunted house of all places. No one suspected a thing, believing that the body was just a prop and the screams just sound effects.
Now Henry was laying down on his bed in the motel room his mother had rented. She was in the bathroom washing his knife and mask.
He could still hear the noises of the crowds cheering, feel the shakiness in his limbs after a thrill ride, taste the candied apple on his tongue, and feel your kiss on his cheek.
Perhaps when he and his mother got into the next town and had to split up again, he would see if that number you gave him was real.
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ilookbehindthewall · 5 months
Taylor Swift's new album is about herself
I only hear, "It's about Matty!" "It's about Travis" "She sings about Joe!" No, no... I think she's singing mostly about herself. Who says "he" directly refers to a lover?
I'm pretty sure many songs are about her internal and public identity. I believe none of us can imagine what life must be like as Taylor Swift. The most successful singer currently with probably the largest fan community. She's probably often told she has to pretend.
"They said, 'Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it' and I did" (Song: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart)
I think Taylor's true self has something to hide... something most people won't understand/accept.
Why do I think it's about Taylor herself? There are many clues in her lyrics that I'll list shortly. But first, let me show you something else.
Taylor Swift wrote the following on Tumblr: "When I was writing the Fortnight music video, I wanted to show you the worlds I saw in my head that served as the backdrop for making this music. Pretty much everything in it is a metaphor or a reference to one corner of the album or another. For me, this video turned out to be the perfect visual representation of this record and the stories I tell in it."
So, the Fortnight video reflects the stories she tells in TTPD. So, let's take a very close look at the music video 👀
Right at the beginning, you can see Taylor taking a Forget Him pill. The number on the bottle starts on her birthday (December 13, 1989) and ends on the release date of her new album (April 19, 2024). How can people still think it's about specific lovers? She literally tells us it's not about a man here. Did she know Joe/Matty/Travis since birth? No, I don't think so. I think it's about her forgetting "him," her true self.
Because she's Taylor Swift, she has to be perfect as everyone wants her to be without flaws, right?
April 19, 2024, represents the date the album comes out, as she's now telling us the complete story about "him." About her inner true self, because she's not taking the pill anymore. Her last sentence from the whole album in The Manuscript is "But the story isn’t mine anymore."
In fortnight, she sings about how she and he were together for 14 days. So, for 14 days, she was herself, her true self. However, something happened as it's not the case anymore.
In "Down Bad," it becomes even clearer. "For a moment I knew cosmic love. Now I'm down bad crying at the gym"
She briefly found herself but is back to square one, wearing a mask. Another line would be a hint that she's singing about herself.
"They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you"
Why would people think she's crazy if she talks about the existence of a lover?
"I loved your hostile takeovers"
That's very literal. She loves it when she's her true self and shows that to the public.
"I'll build you a fort on some planet. Where they can all understand it"
I think Taylor's true self has something to hide... something most people won't understand/accept.
"This cage was once just fine. Am I allowed to cry?I dream of cracking locks. Throwing my life to the wolves. Or the ocean rocks. Crashing into him tonight" (Song: Guilty as Sin?)
She's trapped in a cage; she wants to break free and show her true self to everyone. But showing her true self would have consequences. She describes it very well here. Her true self has something to hide that apparently many people don't acknowledge?
"What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway. What if the way you hold me. Is actually what's holy?If long-suffering propriety. Is what they want from me. They don't know how you've haunted me. So stunningly.I choose you and me... Religiously"
She hints at religion in several songs.It could be that her true self has something to hide in a religious context.
There are more clues that could be interpreted this way.But I believe that would exceed the scope.
Thanks for reading :)
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twistmusings · 2 years
Hi!! :) Could I please request the vice dorm leaders and what gets them flustered? I was thinking in a fluffy way, but I wouldn't mind if it took a more nsfw direction too lmao ;) Hope you're having a great day!!! :)
Thank you! I hope you're having a lovely day as well!
Vice Dorm Leaders - What gets them flustered?
CW: SFW, Super niche headcanons for Jade that are ALL FOR ME because I think they're cute (lol), Rook is implied to have a crush on Neige (but like a celebrity crush). Mostly fluff so nothing super intense here!
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Trey Clover
Trey doesn't get flustered often, but he's not unshakable either.
He gets flustered when he's being praised-- not so much when it's a passing compliment, but when several people are complimenting him at once, he will get a bit red in the cheeks.
He gets flustered when he has to dress up. Especially if he feels as though he's overdressed. He is the sort of person who isn't a huge fan of drawing attention to himself, so he always feels like he looks tall, lanky, and awkward in formal suits, or even fancy clothes like the ceremonial robes. It's not so bad if he's surrounded by other people in the robes, but if he's being honored for something he would be quite happy to just sink into the floor.
Similarly, he gets super embarrassed when he has to put on costumes. He would often take his younger siblings trick or treating when he was still living at home, and he would always want to wear a mask because he would turn bright red if he got caught in costume by someone he knew. Unfortunately for him, his parents really didn't often let him wear a mask for the full night because he would act as an additional chaperone for his siblings, and he wasn't really able to avoid a costume lest he disappoint said siblings, so...
Jade Leech
Jade also doesn't fluster easily. In fact, he's downright difficult to fluster in any meaningful capacity. However, and this is entirely conjecture because it's not really touched on at all in canon, I like to believe he was a lot more shakable as a middle schooler.
Hear me out... I think Jade and Floyd had braces. Do I really have any evidence for this other than the fact that Jade tends to smile with a closed mouth? No, absolutely not, but I'm sticking to my guns. I think Jade had braces and was shy about it, so he tends to keep his mouth closed more than Floyd does out of habit.
The other thing that embarrassed the hell out of him? When he first came on land and was learning how legs work, he ate shit a lot. There were many occasions where he "folded in half like a folding chair" as Floyd loves to put it. He hates it when his brother tells that story, and he gets a little flustered every time... And a strong, strong Cain Instinct.
He will tell you he's shy but that's pretty much a lie. He only really gets shy if someone is intensely examining him, and even then he finds it more unsettling than flustering.
Now, acts of physical affection? That's what will fluster him. He's used to casual touches from Floyd or Azul since they've grown up together, but to have someone else straighten his collar or give him a hug would be enough to give him the jitters. Unfortunately, he has an exceptionally good poker face, so even if he is flustered, most people probably wouldn't be able to tell.
Jamil Viper
Compliments are, quite literally, the fastest way to see Jamil get bashful. Of course he loves to hear praise about himself, and he often says it as a joke, but if he gets a heartfelt compliment he goes red in the face in an instant and has no idea how to respond. Kalim is unfortunately very honest about his feelings which means that he's very good at flustering the good Christ out of him when he tries.
Another thing that flusters him is having someone clock into the fact that he's a lot more talented than he usually shows. He hates having it pointed out, after all he's doing his best to be subtle, but if they notice and don't make a big deal of it or only mention it privately, he will get a little flustered. In a good way. It kind of feels nice to be known.
Flirt with him. That's not a joke-- he's very unused to having people flirt with him so he trips over himself really fast if someone hits on him.
Rook Hunt
Rook is a tough nut to crack. Staying calm is a huge part of being a successful hunter, so there's not a lot that someone could do that would break through that.
... Unless your name is Neige Leblache, in which case, everything you do that acknowledges him is going to fluster him. Rook has such a celebrity crush it's not funny.
If your name isn't Neige, though, the quickest way to fluster him is definitely to catch him off guard. It's hard as hell to do, but very rewarding, especially if you manage to catch him, the romantic, off guard with a pick up line. It helps to have a prop prepared, and if you want to see him swoon get him a bouquet. He finds the spontaneity romantic.
Lilia Vanrouge
If Rook is a tough nut, Lilia Vanrouge is solid stone. He's incredibly hard to fluster. Essentially take the level of calm and level-headedness that you get with Rook and crank the knob all the way up and then break it off. He's nearly unshakable simply because of all the lived experiences he has.
There are a couple of ways, though, so not all hope is lost!
The first is to court him. I don't mean hitting on him, and I don't even mean asking him out. I mean old-fashioned do their research, link arms with him, pen a letter and bring him flowers and jewelry type court. He was raised in an era where being courted and being chivalrous was very, very in fashion. He loves to be doted on, and that sort of dedication will both impress and fluster him.
The other way is more platonic, and that's to make him feel like he's family. Lilia highly values family, and it feels good to have a place surrounded by people that makes him feel like he belongs. He spent a lot of his youth at war and seeing the parts of humanity that most people would turn their heads away from. He sometimes feels like he is a monster, so having someone who can love him in spite of where he's been and what he's done means more to him than he can put into words. If they do something that makes him have that momentary realization that Oh, they love him unconditionally, it's going to fluster him. He'll get red in the face and might even get a little bit teary.
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Looking Like U Got Me
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Request: "Prompt no. 56 and 55 for Gojo \(^o^)/"
55. "You look like my husband/wife"
56. "Keep doing that and I'll marry you faster"
↠ Pairing: Gojou Satoru x Reader
↠ Warning: none! Simply fluff
↬ Word Count: 1.7k
↠ a/n: i accidentally mixed up prompts 55 and 57 ;-; but still hoping this turns out good!!
↳ from Go! Go! Gogatsu Event!
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All he wanted was to wake up in bed, next to you— who would cuddle deeper in his arms even in slumber so he'd smother you with his kisses and tighten his hold around you and drift back to sleep longer, finally free of responsibilities for once and enjoy quality time with his only favorite person. But instead he wakes up with a groan passing through his lips, supporting his back side with his hand while shuffling to his side in a different position as the light sun rays shun through the window blinds, softly fanning his eye and forehead.
Gojo chuckles a bit before wincing. His lower back so tensed that he feels himself get older by the day. Pouting at the empty space next to him, he palms the cold sheet in wonder of where you are. Up so early in the morning when you could've just stayed in for him. How annoying. His eyes shut for moment when the scent coming from outside the room intruded his senses. Ah, you must be cooking breakfast. How sweet of you.
Thank goodness it wasn't another batch of dried crackers or cup of noodles that'll enter his mouth. He was never one to cook meals when he was on solo or when you weren't around. The very thought of not only the meal was awaiting for him outside, but also you excites him that it made him feel tingly inside. Call it dramatic, yeah, but it's not every day someone gets to wake up and immediately feel this full of love in the morning. You were the only and last love he's ever wanted to have in this world. It was so surreal even to him.
Sighing before pushing himself up, Gojo yawns out the remains of drowsiness in his system and stands. He didn't bother wearing a shirt since last night, claiming that he misses how his body rubs off yours in both comforting and suggestive ways. Plus it was just you and him home, he'd rather walk naked than wear the usual long sleeved uniform on a warm day.
The scent of coffee got stronger as he closes in his journey towards the kitchen. There was faint sizzling coming from the pan as you stood there in attendance. Stuck in your own little world, swaying to the sound of the radio playing, U got Me by Yung Heazy. It was one of the few songs that reminded you of Gojo back when you were both high schoolers. The exact song you remembered playing when you both hung out on a small cafe in Tokyo. Where he was so flustered, attempted to hide his blushes with his round glasses. The little things that reminded you of that memory never fails to make your heart race.
Of course Gojo knows this one as well. Because it was on that date as well he had call you, "his" after masking his embarrassment and from obviously checking you out every minute. How could he contain himself? He was a young man who was having trouble in the arts of love. Nevertheless he was glad to have grown up from those years. If his younger self could see him now, he'd be gagging at the sight of a softer version of his older self.
Snaking his arms around your torso carefully to avoid surprising you, he places his chin above your shoulder. Salivating at the sight of thick bacon in deep frying, shamelessly letting you know he was hungry from the sound of his stomach growling. "This is a nice way to greet me." you smile at the man behind you, who had his eyes closed in delight while rubbing his cheek against yours like a cat in need of attention. "Good morning to you as well, sweet cheeks." he says after  pressing a kiss on your skin.
"You got up early." whining softly, his hair and nose tickling the side of your neck and shoulder, "I was hoping to stay longer y'know?" trailing his hands underneath the his shirt you were wearing, mapping out on all the skin he could squish and hold with his large palms. Noticeably pressing himself closer to your body, the much needed space gone but you weren't complaining. After all, this was Gojo, a man who knows no boundaries.
"I wanted to make breakfast for you. We haven't had one together since we're both busy." you say as you grabbed the nearby plate, turning off the stove as the now cooked meal sizzles softly from the pan before sliding down to the porcelain surface. In attempt to lick his lips at the now prepared food, his tongue grazes upon your skin, sending you to jolt a bit, hearing the joyous laughter from him as he places a kiss on the spot as an apology.
"W-why don't you go sit down, there's rice bowls and cooked eggs prepared already." stammering, you quickly excused yourself away from his embrace to clean out the mess from the counter. Gojo sighs out the adoration but obliges to your command. Not long after you had finally settled down in front of him. Seeing him in all smiles as he scarfs down on his food made you smile as well. Thank goodness his blindfold was off, they looked adorable twinkling in happiness.
This felt nice. To have an opportunity to be a normal couple once again. So many times you could only daydream of scenarios like this. He could say the same as now that you were present on the usual spot he'd come home to empty. Often dozing off during meetings thinking of where you were or how you were, the multiple times Megumi has fed up with his whining about how he never gets to see or have more time with you. Nobara even pointed out a fact saying, "You act as if you're both married." and Yuuji, being the happy child of the three had said something that always ponder in his mind, "Why don't you marry each other yet, sensei?"
It was a statement he's been considering for a long time. Marriage. Of course Gojo wanted to marry you after years of torment love. To have his precious students say that you both already looked as if you were married got him all heart racing, and very very happy. He's had vivid images of a life with you. Not far from what it is today, but imagine. Unlimited happiness after so long of fearing it. Perhaps maybe even tiny legs running around, giving him such big love as his grows for the family he's craved, watching you smile beside the doorway and calling them in for a meal.
If marrying you means he can have that every day, then the hell with it.
"You look like my wife."
The spoon drop echoes. Slowly his face erupted into a faint blush while staring back at your widened eyes and opened mouth. "What?" gulping down the stuck food in your throat, Gojo bites his lips watching you maintain your composure. So cute. "Y-you know you say funny stuff when you're out of it. Maybe some daifuku would help? Yeah! Wait a sec." quickly getting up from your seat and rummaging in your fridge, you breathed out the heavy puff of air from your lungs.
He did not just say that so directly towards you. Maybe you were dreaming? You wouldn't be if your heart wasn't practically being forced out. Gojo is always fun and games, right? He doesn't mean that.
Sad to think of it that way.
"Ow!" thumping your head above the fridge as you grabbed some of the take outs of Daifuku you got yesterday, closing the fridge back before returning shortly to Gojo, who seemed as out of it as you were. "You did say your brain functions best when you eat sweets. Luckily for you I bought these yesterday. That's why I cooked earlier now because I wanted to try it out with you!"
Gojo can't tell if he wants to be offended at the fact that you think he was joking or just now, cover his half of his face to hide his laughter and igniting squeals. God he wished he had his phone right now, the moment was just so priceless and precious as you were.
Muffles from behind his hand was heard. Tilting your head to the side, trying to process what he said but no avail. "What was that?" you moved a little closer next to him, tapping his hand away almost eagerly. When he does, you spot that knowing smile present on his lips and the uncharacteristic blush still painted on his cheeks.
"Keep doing that and I'll marry you faster, honey."
You've gotten more shy when his hand held yours in the most loving way while drawing patterns. Searching through his eyes if he was playing around, but you were met with ones you know of when they were full of sincerity. "I-i. You know, they were so cheap anyways and I figured you'd want them." he snorts before leaning his head on your arm and laughs hysterically. It was painfully obvious that you were in state of shock that you couldn't even process his words.
Up until now the effect he has on you was still there like before.
"Sweetie." he turns his body away from the table to face you, pulling you so that you were standing in between his legs looking down shyly on the floor. "I'm serious." his fingers reached for your chin to pull your head up to meet his features. His other hand still holding your smaller one; index finger tracing your ring finger in circular motions as if he was creating a make believe ring.
He should thank himself for falling in love and be trusting once again.
Because now, staring back at your eyes filled with the same amount of emotions as his. Reciprocating the exact thing he was feeling. Waking up just to start the day already wanting him to be there. Knowing all the littlest things he's shared. Hearing the erratic sound of both of your heart beats.
He knew he's made the right choice.
"You really do look like my wife. My future."
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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semisgroupie · 4 years
Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend
Sugar Daddy!Nanami Kento X College Student!Female Reader
Warnings: age gap, dumbification, degredation, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy), creampie, car sex, hints at a corruption kink, daddy kink, use of a vibrator, mean dom Nanami, dom/sub dynamics, public sex, light spit play, use of the word “cunny”, overstimulation
Word Count: 3.6k words
This is my contribution to the Ditzy n Diamonds collab check out everyone else’s amazing work!! A huge huge huge thank you to @aransangel​ for allowing me to participate. Enjoy!
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Kento wasn’t a lonely man. He had his fair share of women in his life but they were always after his money. He would go into a relationship and they expect him to buy them the moon and the night sky after one date. Always wanting to go on shopping sprees and wanting to be spoiled. So he took himself out of the dating scene. 
Until one day his friend offered a sugar daddy website to use. Kento had more money than he could keep track of, being the head of two Fortune 500 companies he had the cash rolling in. So he decided to just join it, not like he was going to find someone worth his time or money until he stumbled across your profile. 
You weren’t like any of the other girls on the website. You looked so innocent, so soft and so pure. He messaged you immediately after going through your profile. You were so open about everything he asked you and you were able to keep a conversation. 
You never thought you’d find yourself looking for a sugar daddy, you were in your second year of college and the little job you had was not enough to pay rent, tuition, buy food and buy textbooks. When telling your roommate you’d be late on paying your half of the rent for the third month in a row she recommended you’d look for a sugar daddy.
She helped set your profile up, putting the right pictures and making the bio perfect for older men looking to spoil a sweet girl like you. It was going well at first then you hit a snag, the men were too old or had too many rules or wanted too much for the first meeting. Then you received a message from Nanami Kento. 
You looked through his profile and he was perfect, being in his late 40s, extremely attractive and his first message wasn’t anything creepy. He genuinely wanted to get to know you. So when he offered to set up your first meeting a week after getting to know each other you jumped at the chance. 
It went amazing and when your allowance started flowing in it was even better. He got you your own penthouse apartment in one of the buildings he bought making it rent free for you. The first night you moved in he fucked you in every room and on every piece of furniture, making you scream and cream around his cock over and over again. 
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That was two years ago, that was when you first started the arrangement. A year in he asked to change the title of your relationship wanting you to be his and only his, not like you already weren’t. He still spoiled you senseless, keeping your allowance and when you were a good girl he gave you a little bonus.
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Tonight you were his date to a masquerade ball that one of his friends were hosting. Kento was helping you into the corset that went with your dress. A dress he bought for you of course.
“You look so beautiful princess and you haven’t even put the dress on yet. Ready for me to tighten this corset?”
You nodded making Kento tsk.
“What does daddy say about using your words?”
“I’m sorry daddy, I am ready for you to tighten it daddy.”
“Good girl, now breathe in for me and let me know if it’s too tight or hurting you.”
“Yes daddy.”
You inhaled and he tightened the strings on the back of the corset, hugging your curves and making your tits pop out making Kento eye them hungrily. His hands moving up and down your waist and hips moving them back to grab at your ass. 
“Daddy! We can’t do this now, the party will start at 8 and we can’t be late. You hate being late.”
He reached up squishing your face between his fingers bringing you face to face with him.
“Don’t tell daddy what he likes and don’t tell him what he can and can’t do silly little girl.”
“’m showwy daddy” you spoke with your cheeks still being squished. 
“Good, now lets get this dress on you.” 
You pouted because you’d have to redo your makeup. Kento slipping the dress up your body, zipping it and grabbing your tits from behind. You sat down in front of your vanity reapplying your makeup while Kento was fixing his tux. Once you were done you slipped on your heels and grabbed your purse while Kento grabbed your masks. 
He escorted you arm in arm to his car, a black Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ the leather interior, a dark cherry red, matching the dress you were wearing. He helped you inside the vehicle and went to the drivers side. 
“Babygirl do me a favor and look in the glovebox for me?”
He would often get you gifts every time you went out, little surprises under your car seat or the trunk or in the glovebox. He watched you open the glovebox and pull out two boxes. One rectangular box and one small box. You opened the smaller box first, your eyes widened at its contents. 
“Daddy what do you want me to do with this?”
In your hand was a small black egg vibrator.
“Are you that clueless my dumb baby? Open your legs and take that vibrator and put it inside you.”
“But daddy my dress.”
“The dress has a slit so use that to slip your hand to that sweet pussy and insert the vibrator inside you.”
You did as he told you, thankful he bought a dress with a slit high enough for you to do it. You turned to him for his next command but you got nothing, just as you were about to open your mouth the vibrations started. 
“Daddy! H-how did you—ah—do that?”
“Is my little baby so stupid to realize I had the remote for it? Now we’re going to see how many orgasms can be pulled from you until we get there—if we get there.”
“D-daddy w-what do you mean?”
“I-if I don’t end up p-p-pulling over to f-f-fuck you. Now open the other box.” 
His mocking would hurt any other girl but not you. You loved when he treated you like a brainless slut. You opened the rectangular box inside a beautiful ankle bracelet with his initials on it and covered in diamonds. He only bought you diamonds because they signified light and it was fitting for you since you’re the light of his life. He increased the vibrations to the highest setting knowing you would cum immediately.
“This is—fuck—so beautiful t-thank you dad—fuck I’m cumming daddy fuck fuck!”
He lowered the vibrations back to the lowest setting after your orgasm you leaned down and clasped the ankle bracelet on your left ankle. Kento started the car bringing the vibrations up again. 
“Don’t mess up the leather in my car, I just bought this last week. You should remember that since you were beside me as I signed off on it. But you probably forgot since I fucked you brainless afterwards.”
You nodded dumbly not even listening to a word he said. About halfway to the party and many orgasms for you later Kento made a turn into a secluded parking lot. 
“D-daddy what are—shit—what are you d-doing?”
“Use your brain princess.”
You stood silent completely forgetting about what he told you at the start of the ride. His laughter filled the car and he shut off the vibrator, a sigh of relief leaving your lips. 
“My dumb little girl, I am going to fuck you now. Then I am going to take you to one of the hotels I have a share in and fuck you in the president’s suite. Got that?”
“But the party.”
“Fuck the party, with the amount of times you squirted and orgasmed around that toy you ruined the dress. Unless you want to go with soaked panties and your slick running down your legs.”
You shook your head no.
“Now go in the backseat so I could fuck you. Hearing your moans and pleas made me so fucking hard.”
Before moving to the backseat you took a quick look at the bulge he was palming over his pants. He followed you to the backseat and laid you down along the cushions. He scrunched the dress up to your hips and pulled your panties off you throwing it to the side. 
“Fuck baby such a mess. What a dirty dirty girl.”
“Daddy stop, it’s embarrassing!”
You tried closing your legs to cover up but a quick pinch to your thigh made you open back up for him. 
“Don’t tell me what to do and what not to do dumb slut” he grabs your face with one hand bringing it close to his, his breath fanning your face the smell of mint filling your senses, “and don’t fucking dare try to keep me away from what’s mine, got that?”
“Yesh daddy” you spoke with your cheeks still being squished a small tinge of pain beginning but it turned you on even more.
He let go of your face and you went back down, as he undid his belt and pants he just stared at your pussy. Your winking hole made his cock throb. 
“Oh my dumb baby’s cunny is making such a mess. It’s going on my leather seats too” his condescending tone made you clench around nothing again, more of your juices leaking out. To say you loved when he baby talked you would be an understatement, “What did I fucking tell you about my leather seats?”
“I don’t remember daddy.” 
“You’re that fucking dense? Too busy thinking about getting stuffed with daddy’s cock to think about anything else. How fucking selfish. Wow you’re selfish, stupid and a cockslut. How lucky am I?”
Before you could say anything back, apologize for making a mess on his expensive leather seats, he thrusted his length inside you. Your back arched and you felt yourself having another orgasm.
“I haven’t even started fucking you yet and you’re creaming around my cock. Dirty fucking whore, all you’re thinking about is my cock. Look at that facial expression so fucking lewd, you look like a pornstar. Is that what you are? My little pornstar?”
He lifted your legs and wrapped them around his waist as he started thrusting into your gummy walls with a newfound speed. You weren’t sure what was turning you on more whether if it was the fact the two of you were in public or the words leaving his mouth or maybe both. 
“Fuck your cunny is so tight baby, I fuck you almost every day but you’re still so tight for me. Like your pussy is molded to my cock.”
“D-daddy feels—ngh—feels—ah fuck daddy!”
“Can’t even finish your fucking sentence, is there even a brain in your head or do you just think with your body? What am I even paying the college for? Obviously not your education, my sweet little dummy.”
“Daddy! Too m-mean!”
Tears were threatening to spill out from a mix of the degradation and how hard and fast he was fucking you. Just using you as his personal toy.
“Oh I’m t-t-too mean? Too fucking bad. Now open your mouth and stick your tongue out for me.”
You did as he told you and Kento leaned down his face hovering over yours as he collected the spit in his mouth to spit into your own. Once you felt it hit your tongue you clenched around him again.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum. I’m gonna fill you up baby.”
“Daddy please need your cum. Need it please please.”
You were babbling pleas as he gripped your hips and relentlessly pounded into you. His heavy balls clapping against your ass over and over, he looked down and the translucent white ring around his cock and it drove him mad. Someone as beautiful as a goddess letting a man like him be with you so intimately.
“Fuck baby I’m cumming—fuck!”
He held your hips close to his as ropes of his cum filled you. He leaned down and kissed you as you both let your bodies relax. He pulled out of you and shoved two of his fingers inside your pussy.
“Don’t want to let any of this leave you, want you to be nice and filled with this load until we get to the hotel. Get your rest because we have a long night ahead of us.”
“Mkay daddy.”
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He pulled his fingers out of your pussy and tapped your cheek. You opened your mouth and he shoved his fingers inside feeling your warm tongue swirl around them collecting every drop of cum. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and adjusted his pants.
He looked at you one last time before going back behind the steering wheel. You looked so fucked out and in bliss.
“Remember don’t fuck up my seats any more.”
The drive to the hotel was quick, well since Kento was going double the speed limit. You brought out this side of him that made him feel like a teenager again. He just wanted to fuck you everywhere and as much as he could.
“We’re here now. Let’s see if you listened to me again or if you were too fucked out to acknowledge what I said.”
He got out of the driver's seat and opened the door to the back of the car. He leaned in and looked at your pussy.
“Tch, messy little girl. I should make you clean this shit up. Yeah make you clean it up like the nasty cum slut you are.”
“Daddy I’m sorry, didn’t mean to make a mess.”
“Of course, now get out. We’re going to the president's suite and that pretty little anklet I got you is going to be jingling right next to my ear as I pound your sweet pussy.”
You nodded and made your way out of the car. You could barely walk from all the orgasms you had, your legs felt like noodles. Kento made his way next to you wrapping an arm around your waist as you both walked to the front desk.
“Hello Mr. Nanami, here are the room keys and the champagne is in the room on ice. Please enjoy your stay.”
As he took the keys your eyebrows furrowed trying to put everything together but your brain was like mush. As you two made it to the elevator you heard a deep chuckle from Kento.
“I can see the gears turning in your head. Maybe it’s a little more than your brain can comprehend but I planned this beforehand. Satoru throws parties like that all the time so we’ll have another night to party.”
You nodded and went inside the elevator with him. As you two went up the floors his hand on your waist traveled south until he reached the curve of your ass giving it a nice squeeze, leaving it there until you two reached your floor. He led you out the elevator and into the room. 
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Once the door shut he was on you, grabbing at the fabric of the dress pulling it down and off of you as he placed sloppy kisses along your lips, jaw and neck. Once your dress was off he untied the corset practically ripping it off your body.
“Oh looks like I forgot your panties in the car. Not like you needed them anyways.”
He took your bra off you and walked you to the king sized bed, gently pushing you on it while he undressed. Your hand roamed on its own down your body to your clit rubbing gentle circles until Kento reached down and pulled your hand away.
“Are you serious? Can’t wait for me to pull my fucking boxers down before touching that messy pussy? If you want pleasure so bad” he pulled your legs putting them on his shoulders as he kneeled on the bed. “I’ll give you all the pleasure you need.”
He lined up with your glistening entrance and thrusted inside you, his cum mixed with your slick acting as lube. He held the backs of your knees and thrusted into you, hitting even deeper than before. Your mewls and whines echoing throughout the room. Your mouth falling open, saliva spilling from the corners of your mouth and your eyes roll to the back of your head feeling his cock enter you over and over again.
“Fuck look at you. Like a desperate whore in heat. When I first met you, you were this cute little thing so innocent then once you got a taste of my cock you turned into a braindead slut. I wonder how your friends would react to you fucking a man that’s old enough to be your father. Your little cunny is leaking all over my cock, all my cum leaving you but don’t worry I’ll fill you up more.”
You closed your eyes and opened them again looking at Kento. Your gaze went to the ankle bracelet he got you, the small charm with his initials dangling and moving with each rough thrust. Your gaze turned back to Kento, his lip between his teeth, his normally perfectly styled hair falling out of place, strands of blonde and white hair sticking to his forehead.
Kento brought his thumb to your mouth and you wrapped your lips around it, your tongue swirling around it, getting it slick with your saliva. You let go of his thumb with a soft pop and he brought it down to your clit rubbing small circles on it giving the right amount of pressure.
“Daddy, daddy please gonna cum! Please please please.”
He gave a particularly hard thrust brushing against your g-spot sending you head first into an orgasm. Your back arching and a loud moan leaving your lips. He kept thrusting into you brushing against your g-spot over and over again your sensitive pussy couldn’t handle all the pleasure.
“Daddy p-please slow d-down, too much too much, too sen-sensitive!”
“Too bad, you’re gonna keep cumming on my cock until I fill you up. I don’t care how s-s-sensitive you are.”
His mocking made you clench around him again. His thrusts were keeping their roughness and speed. He pushed your legs further back and looked down to where you two were connected. The burn from the stretch adding to the pleasure he was giving you.
“Fuck baby this slutty little cunny is just swallowing my cock.”
He tapped at your clit a couple of times, the rough pads of his fingers mixed with the continuous brushing of his cock against your g-spot brought you to another orgasm. Your manicured nails running down his arms leaving red scratch marks in their wake. A moan of ‘daddy’ leaving you as the aftershocks of pleasure coursed through you.
“Let’s see if we could get you to one more orgasm before I fill you up.”
You nodded the only word you acknowledged being ‘orgasm’. He rode you through your orgasm his grip on your legs getting tighter likely going to leave marks. Kento leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth swirling his tongue around it, nipping and sucking then moving his head to show your other nipple the same attention.
His pelvis rubbing against your clit with each thrust, the roughness of his trimmed pubic hair sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. Your hands went through his hair scratching at his scalp.
“Gonna cum for me? I’m gonna cum too, cum for me baby and I’ll give you my cum.”
You weakly moved your hips gaining more friction and Kento kept his mouth on your nipples. Your back arched as you hit your peak again that night, the feeling should be familiar with how many you had that night but it just rippled through your body. Your pussy clenching around his cock and your nails running along his scalp sent Kento into his orgasm. He painted your walls white for the second time that night.
Heavy labored breaths filled the room, once Kento finished he pulled out of you some of his cum followed leaking out of you onto the sheets. He laid next to you and held you close to him both of your limbs intertwining with each other. He placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“I’m sorry about the seats daddy.”
“Don’t worry about the seats princess, I’ll send it to get cleaned tomorrow. Just remember while I say those mean things to you I don’t mean a word, you’re a smart, beautiful young lady and I love you.”
You lifted your head to look at his face, worry was spread across his face, his crows feet and small wrinkles on his face deepened as he looked at you.
“I know daddy! I love you too! Love you so much Kento.”
He leaned down, cupping your face with one of his hands as he placed a kiss to your lips. A small smile on his face as he pulled away.
“Good, now rest up baby we have quite a long weekend ahead of us. This hotel has a private pool and I want to fuck you there.”
“Daddy! I don’t even have a bathing suit and I doubt I’ll be able to move without being sore tomorrow.”
“We’ll worry about your soreness tomorrow and don’t worry about the bathing suit, we’ll go shopping for some and you’ll get whatever you desire, it’s not like you’ll need it anyways.”
Kento traced small shapes on your back as you fell asleep and soon fatigue hit him as he fell asleep right after you.
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
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WC: 2.3k
TW: stepcest, filming (kind of), masturbation, voyeurism, dubcon (connie listens without asking), oral (f!receiving), use of toys (dildo), cumming untouched
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Connie swears he’s seen you before. He’s not sure where, but he’s definitely just seen you around. How could he not? A pretty, round, sweet girl lives in his neighborhood, of course, he’s seen you before. That’s what he tells himself when his mother walks into the house with you and your father in tow. Because… he hasn’t seen you anywhere else, right? 
He can’t take his eyes off of you as you eat dinner. Something is so familiar. He’s seen your legs before, or your thighs. The way the plush fat spills out of your skirt and flattens onto the chair your sit on. He recognizes your voice, the small hum of satisfaction when his mom asks if you like the food. Did you go to the same high school as him? Did you maybe work at a convenience store he frequents? Connie just can’t put his finger on it, but he knows that living with you from here on out is going to be a pain, in more ways than one. 
It’s not like his mom realized what a babe you are, or how you fit his type to a T when she decided to marry your dad. How could she know that Connie likes his girls big and soft with pretty eyes and innocent smiles? It’s not like he’d turned to his mom and said, “Mom, I like hitting big bitches from the back and watching their asses jiggle for me,” before. But it’s almost sadistic, just how perfectly you fit his type. He’s only just met you and he wants you already, regardless of where he might know you from. 
But it doesn’t hit him till later, just where he’s seen you before, or rather, heard you. It isn’t until he walks by your room and hears your muffled whines, so eerily familiar through the thin wooden door. Connie can hear you describing what you’re doing, can hear the wet sound of whatever toy you’ve got stuffed up your cunt and the muffled look how it’s stretching me that comes through to where he stands. 
Connie has a knee-jerk reaction to it, pressing his ear against the door while his dick hardens in his pants, voice so familiar… and so strongly associated with what he feels like when he gets off. He stands for a moment, just listening, hearing the way your voice builds with tension until you give a soft cry and the other side of the door goes silent. 
He walks to his room quickly, just down the hall from yours, where he’s imagining your chest heaving while you hold the toy inside of you, coming down as you cockwarm it. Connie’s jealous. He wants to be in that position, letting you cum on him as many times as you want. Fuck, he’s been thinking about it since you first walked in. He thought about bending you over right on that dinner table, pushing the plates off, and spreading your thick thighs so he could bully his dick into you. 
It makes him feel guilty as he closes his bedroom door, leaning against it as he palms himself, head thrown back against it. Connie imagines what you looked like just then, couples your voice with images from his favorite porn creators. He spends a few minutes there, just rubbing at himself through his pants, trying to burn the sound of your voice into his brain forever. 
It’s about 10 minutes before he’s spread out on his bed, door locked as he scrolls through Twitter to his favorite account. She’s pretty and round, like you, with soft-looking thighs and a sweet voice. Always makes great content and posts consistently. He’d subscribe to her only fans if he could. Plus, people who subscribe to her only fans get to see her face, unobstructed by the bunny mask she wears that covers her eyes and nose to her hairline. Still, her content on twitter is incredible and as he navigates to her page, he gets excited at the thought of getting to associate her with his new stepsister. 
Connie starts the most recent video, posted five minutes ago. It’s already gaining traction, but it looks like a good one. She’s spread on a bed, background slightly blurry while she teases her cunt with a bright pink dildo, the one she’s used many times before. He takes his cock in his hand, hard and throbbing because of you, and clicks the volume up a few times so he can hear.
“Look how it’s stretching me.” The video chimes. She moans, followed by a soft giggle as he watches the dildo disappear inside of her. 
That’s when it hits him. This is your twitter account. He’s now watching the video that you took in your room, coupling the actions with what he imagined. It’s better, it’s even better than he imagined and he strokes his cock slowly with wide eyes. What are the odds that his sweet new stepsister runs his favorite twitter porn account? God, you’re kind of a dirty bitch, huh?
He checks the caption of the video. Guess this is what you do when you think your new step brother is hot… Connie’s eyes roll back to his head. It’s not just him. He’s coming to the realization that you were thinking of him while you fucked yourself on your toy and it’s driving him closer to the edge. He knows your name now, mumbling it like a mantra while he builds up to his own orgasm with the video until he’s spilling onto his chest with a whiney groan. 
The next few days are full of tension. Tension so thick that he could cut it with a knife. Family dinners have become unbearable and every time he gets a peek of your thigh, his mind wanders back to your slutty video, to the account that’s made him cum so many times. 
But finally, the tension snaps. It’s one day when your parents are out, a date night that they take weekly, that he hears it again, you fucking yourself on that hot pink dildo. And Connie… just can’t take it anymore. He waits until he hears you cum and then the familiar raddle of the toy being put away before opening the door. 
What he finds is… delicious. You’re in a gorgeous, lacy, black bra sitting on your bed with the matching lace around your ankles. You’re sitting up on your knees, hands flying in front of your bare cunt when he walks in, eyes so wide that it’s concerning. 
“What the fuck are you doing? Get out!” You call, voice chiming through the near empty house. 
Connie eyes you hungrily before walking over. He gives the only response he can think of.  “I’ve seen your twitter account. Posting filth about me like that.” You feel your heart fall into your stomach. He knows. You know he does. You should have been more discreet. Should have waited till you had the house to yourself to film videos. But the truth is, you’re relieved he knows because it means you don’t have to hide it. Because it means that to confirm it’s your account, he had to stand outside your door and listen to you fuck yourself to the thought of him, then watch the videos you post with captions about him. It’s perverted, but it has slick flooding your cunt. 
“Yeah?” Your response is measured, teetering on flirtatious. 
Connie rolls his eyes, giving a low groan before he crawls over you. Both of you are breathing heavily, Connie caging in your body before he delivers a searing kiss. It’s so wrong, all of it. Both of your perverted tendencies, your relationship to each other, the fact that your parents will be back in less than an hour. But he tastes so good. He tastes like something you want. 
“Why use the toy when you can have the real thing?” He asks breathlessly, kissing down your torso until he’s kissing along your hips. 
“You never asked.” You breathe, chest heaving as he creeps closer and closer to your core. 
“Well I guess now I don’t have to. Y’know, since you’re so fuckin’ loud with that pretty pink dildo of yours.” Connie offers you a smile from where he rests between your legs, kissing the inside of your thigh. You’re gonna be sensitive, he knows it. He can smell it. 
“You been listenin- for a while?” You ask, voice catching as he slides his tongue through your folds. 
Connie nods into your cunt. “Never thought my favorite porn creator would be my stepsister though. Your pussy tastes better than I imagined.” 
He smiles into your pussy, starting to lap at it with a flat tongue before sucking gently on your clit. You’re whining, hands running over his short hair but trying to squirm away. You’re sensitive from your last orgasm and every swipe of his tongue over your clit sends pain and pleasure flooding through your body. 
“Fuck, feels good.” You breathe, chest heaving. “M’sensitive…” “I know.” He murmurs. “Can feel you twitchin’ on my tongue. Wanna do a good job for you, yknow?” But he’s lost in it, starting to lap at your folds like a man starved. He’s got his big hands spread out on either side of your thighs, holding them down against the bed as he makes out with your cunt. His fingers dip into the fat their. Connie needs to be fast, your parents will be home soon, so he looks up at you from between your legs, pulling off your clit with a filthy and wet pop. 
“Where do you keep your toys?” He asks, giving you a lopsided smile at the way your hips follow him. You’re so fucking sweet. 
“The nightstand.” You point, voice shaking. You miss his mouth, the way it felt on your cunt. 
Connie opens the drawer, mouth falling open at the array of toys you have. He scans his eyes over them, taking in everything that you’re into and filing it away for later. His slender fingers run over the butt plugs, adorned with rhinestones and one with a fluffy tail. He spots a ball gag and some handcuffs as well. But he finally settles on his personal favorite, slender fingers pulling the familiar bright pink dildo from the nightstand. 
Connie settles back between your legs, pushing you upwards so he can grind against the bed while he teases your entrance for the toy. 
“You’re already so wet. Must be nice and stretched out from playing with yourself already…” He trails off, running the head of the dildo along your folds before sliding it in. 
The toy fills you well and the image of your step brother on his knees between your legs sends butterflies erupting through your stomach as he pushes it against your g-spot. Still, the suddenness of it burns and you wince, fingers balling into the sheets. 
“M’bigger than this. You’ll have to be able to take it if you want to take me, ‘kay sis?” Connie chides, mouth hovering over your clit while he slowly fucks the dildo in and out of you. 
It’s fucked up, but as his mouth collides again with your clit, you can’t shake the nickname he just called you, clenching down around the toy with a whine. Connie picks up his pace, licking circles around your clit while he nudges your g-spot with the dildo. He knows you feel good, he can hear it. You’ve never sounded like this in your videos and it has him grinding against the side of the bed. 
Connie gives a whiney moan into your cunt, muttering something about how good you taste before practically devouring it. His tongue dips down to lick at your mess on the toy too, other hand pressing firmly on your pudgy stomach, sinking in. 
It isn’t long before he’s ruining you with it, pumping it in and out of you quickly while he laps greedily at your cunt, whining into your pussy while he ruts his cock against the side of the bed. You can feel the coil winding in your stomach. Tension building and building while he continues to fuck you with the toy you’ve been dreaming was him.
He’s going between watching your expressions and screwing his eyes shut. Connie wants to get off. There’s just something about the taste of your arousal that makes him want to cum on the spot, hips grinding needily against the mattress while you hump mindlessly against the toy. 
“Ah- Connie- m’gonna cum!” You whimper out, hips moving in circles while his hand pulls back and forth, lips closed perfectly around your clit. 
“Cum then. Please fucking cum, wanna taste it.” He sounds delirious, voice high pitched and pathetic. You can hear that he’s close too, breath fanning out across your inner thighs and pelvis while he fucks you to an orgasm. 
And then you’re cumming, body spasming with a loud cry, and your back arching up off the bed to ride it out on the dildo he’s sliding in and out of your body. Connie cums when he hears the sound of you making a mess on the toy, when he feels the rush of wetness against his tongue that tastes like you. He cums with his lips pressed to your clit, smearing against it as his pace with the toy falters. You can feel the hum of his voice against your core and it ushers through the last of your orgasm. 
You both sit for a moment, Connie’s head just above your abused cunt and your hands resting on the soft hair there. 
“Hey…” He trails off. You think he’s going to tell you how wrong this is. That this can’t happen again because you’re siblings now, but instead he props his chin up on your stomach and peers at you with a smile. “Think I have time to fuck you proper before our parents come home?”
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
We got Married!; mk.l
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character: oc x husband!mark lee
summary; where you and mark join a television show as husband and wife.
genre; fluff!
word count: 5.6k
a/n; i wasn’t really planning to write a wgm ver for mark, but i had so much ideas suddenly come to me so here it is :) i think i’ve grown and has written different kinds of fics, and i feel really confident in this one! i think you can see the difference if you read the johnny one compared to this hehe :) i really hope you guys like this because i reallyyyy did!!!
also, thank you guys for 500 followers! i havent done much but repost old works, but still got followers lmfaooo 
also a little note: bold + italic means mark is in the studio watching the show together
italic means questions are being asked to y/n and mark in the interview area
enjoy you guys :)
Episode 22
“Hello, I am NCT Mark and I am 22 years old,” a smile adorns his lips as the boy next to you bow at the camera.
“Hello, I am Mark’s wife, Y/N, and I am 21 years old,” you greet, bowing politely at the camera.
“This is the first time we have very young guests coming to our show,” one of them said.
“I think many fans are wondering why you had gotten married at such a young age?” one asked.
Another continued, “yeah, I don’t think it’s common in Korea,” they said, “I heard that Mark used to live in Canada for some time, is it common to get married at such a young age, there?” 
Mark chuckles, shaking his head, “No, no, we both decided to get married young because we have always talked about spending our 20s together.”
“How long have the both of you been married?”
Mark looks at you before answering, “We got married just a few months ago, actually.”
“To be exact, it has been about 4 months now,” you continued.
“How long did you guys date?”
“We dated for about 3 years, before we both decided that we wanted to get married straight away,” your husband answers.
“Wait, 3 years? But the news of you guys dating came out a year ago, though?”
“We dated secretly~” Mark replied shyly.
“You guys are the youngest couple to be on our show, has anyone been opposed to the idea of you guys getting married at such a young age?”
Your hand lands on your husbands shoulders, “to start, of course we received a lot of hate comments online when the news came out, but we knew this was what we wanted, so we never really doubted for a second.”
Mark agrees with your words, “yeah, our parents were also a little skeptical by our plans but we were adults and had explained clearly why we wanted to get married at such a young age.”
You hum along with Mark’s words. 
“Tell us honestly, was it hard dating someone when you are one of the biggest boy group in Korea?” one of them asked Mark.
Mark though for a moment, he wasn’t sure if he should spill out the truth or just butter everything up. “Well, of course it was. I knew what I was getting into and so did Y/N,” he says, “and as expected we knew that if we get caught, there would be tons of comments about us.”
“How did you overcome the mean comments?”
“Of course, we had both shared tears because of those comments, but we promised to never leave each other because of what others think.”
The scene started with the both of you eating breakfast at the dinner table. 
The casts of We Got Married started laughing at the sight of Mark’s bed head.
“You know, we really need to go grocery shopping,” you tell your husband who was sitting before you. 
He hums, “we’ll go this afternoon, I need to get some things too,”
You swallow your food, “what things, babe?”
“Doyoungie’s birthday is just around the corner, and I wanna bake him a cake,” he tells you. 
You squint your eyes at the boy, “bake? Are you sure you won’t burn down our kitchen?”
He rolls his eyes at your words, “I’m a grown up, babe, I definitely know how to bake,”
“Didn’t Mark went trending for a while when he cooked eggs?” the members laugh. 
“I remember that!”
.•° ✿ °•.
The scene changed to the both of you in the grocery store. You were searching for ingredients that you had written down in your phone. 
You would often forget items, so before you leave the house, you would type down all the things you would need in your phone.
Mark on the other hand, would get food on impulse- mostly snacks and instant food. You don’t mind, but space is limited, every time your husband joins you, he would overspend and in the end, you wouldn’t have space to keep all the extra food.
“Baby, you know we don’t need all these,” you sigh tiredly, your hand gesturing to the different types of chips laying in the cart. “Just pick one, honey, we can’t have everything from the store,” you say exasperatedly. 
Mark pouts at you but quickly removes most of the chips until there was 2 left. You decided to close an eye since you saw one of the new chips that you had been dying to try out. 
“Have you gotten the ingredients for the cake?”
Mark raises his eyebrows at your words, his hands digging through the pile of food in the cart before pulling out a box of cake mix. 
Episode 27
“Let’s welcome the couple who has received good remarks after coming to our show!” one of them said, followed by a series of claps. 
“Wah~ I really did not expect to receive so much nice comments,” Mark says with his hands placed on his chest, “Thank you so much everyone, y/n and I spent the whole night reading all of your comments.”
“Actually, I’m curious,” one of them quickly adds in, “how did the baking go for your member’s birthday?”
“I ended up burning the cake, so Y/N helped me from scratch,” he says sheepishly.
The casts laugh in unison. 
“Did Doyoung know?”
Mark shakes his head, “I lied and told him that I was the one who made the cake, but he didn’t believed me, so I ended up telling him the truth,” Mark says, flustered.
The scene started with the both of you walking in the park. Strings of coos left the casts lips when they saw you wearing a dress with your hair braided to one side. 
With squinted eyes, the both of you tried to find a good shaded spot in the park before putting down a disposable picnic mat, placing each of your shoes on each corner to prevent it from flying around.
You place the picnic basket in the middle of the mat while Mark took a seat, enjoying the view. You took out all the food that you had prepared a few hours prior. 
“Do you need help, babe?” you hear your husband ask from beside you. 
You shake your head, “I’m good,”
After you had settled all the food down, you finally let your legs stretch before you, leaning your head on your husband’s shoulder. 
Mark’s hand that was previously resting on the plastic picnic mat, finds yours, lacing his fingers with you, “this is nice isn’t it?” 
You nod, letting out a satisfied hum. You point towards his phone, “I think you have some songs prepared for this particular moment, am I right?”
“Oh, Mark do you actually have multiple playlists for different occasion?” one of the cast asks. 
Mark nods sheepishly, “I think it just became a habit of mine,”
“I’m not surprised though- he is in the music industry after all, I think it is pretty common, right?”
“I suppose so? It just doesn’t feel right to me if the music doesn’t match with the vibes.”
Mark reaches out for his phone, clicking on a particular playlist called ‘when the sun’s out’. Soon, the first song started playing softly in the background. 
A content sigh leaves your lips, “you know, if I had to choose one thing I’m grateful for you, it has to be your taste in music,” you tell him, quickly pressing your lips against his cheeks softly. 
Mark turns red at your gesture, his hand clutching yours tighter.
“Now I’m curious, what is your favourite song at the moment,” one of them asks, turning to face Mark.
“I really like Justin Bieber a lot,” he answers, “But right now, I can’t stop listening to Good Days by SZA.”
An hour has past by, most of the food already gobbled up by you two. 
“Babe,” Mark calls, poking you on the arm. 
“Aren’t you tired?” he asks you, “you woke up super early to make food.”
A soft smile spreads across your lips, “a little, why?”
Your husband softly pats his lap, “come lie down and nap a little. The wind feels really good right now,”
You cleaned everything up and made space for yourself. You comfortably laid your head on Mark’s lap. 
“You know,” you started, “I really wish I could look at you right now, but the sun’s too bright.”
Mark rolls his eyes, “don’t be annoying and go to sleep,” he says, his finger softly flicking your cheek. 
A soft laughter left you before you finally shut your eyes, dozing off quietly while laying in your lover’s lap. 
Once Mark realises that you were asleep, he quietly raises his hands to cover your face from the sun. 
“Awww! You are such a romantic, Mark!”
When you realise the bright light was gone, you open an eye to look at your lover who was looking at his phone, with his hand still high up to cover you from the bright sun. 
A smirk adorns your lips, your eyes shutting close. You grab his hands, startling your husband. Lacing your fingers with his, you bring them down to your chest. 
“I don’t want your arms to be in pain,” you mumble, stroking his hands with your thumb. 
You hear Mark scoff at your statement, “I think I can handle it, babe. But, whatever you say.”
A few moments later, you feel his sculpted hands playing with your hair. He would occasionally massage your scalp or tangle your hair between his fingers. 
You didn’t say a word, feeling comfortable. 
The episode ended with Mark pressing a long kiss on your forehead, before pulling away. 
“This couple is too cute!” 
“It’s really unfair that I’m still single, this couple makes me want to get married so bad!” one of them agrees.
Episode 35
“After a long time, the couple is finally back again for another episode!” the cast says excitedly, “the last time they were here, the couple went on a romantic picnic date, leaving us all with envy!”
Mark laughs at their comment.
The scene started with the both of you entering the SM building. You had a cap and a mask on, hopefully to cover your identity from the fans waiting outside.
Although the news of you guys being a married couple had came out a few months ago, there were times where you did not feel like getting your pictures taken. Which, to be honest, was a rare moment for you and Mark since he is one of the biggest boy group.
You held onto your husband’s hands who was leading the way to the practice room. 
Once he finds an available room, Mark quickly puts his things down on an empty table. 
“Okay, so first we need to do some stretching so we don’t hurt ourselves when we dance later,” Mark tells you.
“Why did you want to dance?”
“To be honest, I really hate working out,” you tell them truthfully, “so I asked Mark if he could teach me some dance choreography,”
“Are you good at dancing?”
You laugh, “absolutely not! I have never danced in my life, so this is my first time.”
“She’s too adorable!”
“Babe, can we do something super easy?” you request, taking off your cap since it was covering your vision. 
Your husband nods, “yeah, we’re gonna do Kick It today.”
You wince at that. Kick It is the easiest he could think of? You didn’t say anything, following whatever your husband says. 
“Okay, so, we won’t do like- the whole choreography,” your husband enunciate. Just as you were about to let out a relieved sigh, Mark continues, “we’ll do from the first chorus onwards.”
Your mouth went wide. 
The casts laugh at your reaction.
“Okay, so the chorus kinda goes like this-” he shows you, looking at you through the mirror, “you know it right? you’ve done it before,”
You were at a loss of words, “I mean- I guess? But it’s not perfect so you still have to teach me!” you whine. 
Why is he going so fast? you though to yourself.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckles. 
For the next few hours, Mark teaches you the choreography step by step. 
Your husband was standing behind you, his hands resting on yours, positioning your hands at the right position. 
However, you ruined the romantic moment by stepping away from the male and turning to face him with furrowed eyebrows. 
The casts let out a series of grumbled sighs. 
“Why did Y/N step out? It was such a romantic moment!”
“Exactly!” the other adds on.
“Can we please take a break?” you whine, wiping the sweat that was rolling down your forehead, “I’m so tired,” you huff out, throwing yourself at your husband as he captures you in his arms. 
Mark chuckles, agreeing. He grabs your hand, pulling you to sit down on the empty chair. He quickly runs to the other side of the room to grab two bottles of water, opening one of them and passing it to you. 
He opens one for himself before gulping half of the bottle down his throat.
After you had gulped the whole bottle down, you tried to catch your breath. “I didn’t know it would be this tiring,” you confess, “is this what you go through everyday?”
The boy chuckles, “yeah, but a shorter period.”
You roll your eyes at his statement, “Okay, show-off,” you joke. 
Meanwhile, in the background, Kick It was playing on repeat. An idea pop in your head. 
“Wanna know something?” you asked your boyfriend. 
He nods.
“I’ve been practicing your rap part of this song,” you tell him, “I can rap your part word for word without any mistakes,” you say arrogantly, a smirk forming on your lips. 
“Oh yeah?” he challenges, “my part is coming up, I would love to see you try, babe.”
You stand up from your sitting position with your bottle of water in hand. Getting ready for the verse, you bring your hand that was holding the bottle to your mouth- pretending it was a mic. 
“I’m really excited to see Y/N rap,”
“Me too, she seems so confident,” the other adds on.
When the verse started playing, you rapped your husband’s part. 
Mark started laughing hysterically when you started mumbling random words. “Dude!” your husband laughs, his hand slapping his knee multiple times when you rap incoherently. 
His laughter only ceased when the music stopped. “Oh my god,” he says breathlessly, his fingers wiping the tears from his eyes. “I think you should replace me in NCT,” he jokes. 
Just as you were about to reply, you heard a group come in. You turn around swiftly, your eyes widening when you see the familiar girls walk in. 
“Oh, oh,” Wendy cheers, “what’s the couple doing in the practice room alone?”
“Oh my god, is that Red Velvet?” one of them asks, looking over at Mark with widened eyes. 
Mark laughs and nods his head. 
“Oh.. perhaps, you could ask them for their autograph the next time you see them,” they ask sheepishly, “my bias is Seulgi,” they quickly add on.
Mark laughs harder at that, “sure, if I see them around, I’ll make sure to ask for their autograph,”
“Oh hello,” you greet the girls, they bow politely back at you. 
Your husband chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he greets the girls. “I’m just practicing with Y/N”
Mark never got the chance to properly meet them in private- it was either with his members or never. Hence, he felt a little nervous seeing them in private.
Irene raises her eyebrows, “are you guys performing for something?” she asks, pointing at the both of you. 
You shake your head, “I just wanted to learn for fun,” 
Wendy nods, “are you guys going to practice some more?” she asks, looking at the both you expectantly, “cause’, if you guys want to, go ahead. Our choreographer is going to be late so we have time to spare.”
Mark checks the time on his watch before shaking his head, realising it was already pretty late and didn’t want to disturb the girls with their schedule. 
“No, it’s fine, we have to go anyway. I don’t want to steal your hour,” he says politely.
Ever since Mark had debut years ago, it was very hard for this group to book the practice room. So, whenever they managed to get the room, they would often use the room until the next person comes in.
You and Mark start packing up your things as the girls settle down and starts stretching. 
The girls bid the both of you goodbyes as you quickly left the room. 
“Oh my god,” you gasped, your hands clutching onto your husband’s arm as he looks at you in astonishment. “I just met Red Velvet,” you say to the boy next to you. 
You hit his arm multiple times, “I literally met Red Velvet! I even talked to them, babe!” you squealed, hitting his arms harder. That was until Mark grabbed your hands for you to stop hitting his poor arm. 
“Y/N hasn’t met Red Velvet?” they ask. Mark shakes his head, no. “Why not?”
“I knew she liked Red Velvet but she never really asked me if she could meet them,” Mark explains, “and we had this conversation before- meeting the other people in my company,”
“What about?”
“Y/N told me that she didn’t want to take advantage of my privilege, even though when I told her it was fine,” Mark explains. “So she never really asked about wanting to meet Red Velvet, or any of the other people in my company.”
“Jeez- babe,” he chuckles, putting your hand down and instead wrapping his arm around your shoulder, tugging you closer to him. “You were never that excited when you see me,” he jokes. 
The both of you reach the ground floor, stepping out of the elevator. 
“That’s because you’re not the prettiest girl group in the world!” you reply cheekily, a smirk playing on your lips.
“How long have you been a fan of Red Velvet?”
You hum, thinking back all the years you have been listening to their songs and collecting their PC Cards. 
“I think it was a few months after debut?” you doubtfully reply. “It was when I had just came to Korea for school and one of their music was playing in a store, and I really liked it!”
Episode 43
“Ah, our Mark Lee! Where did you go?” the cast whined, tugging on his arms. 
Mark cackle shyly, hiding his face slightly, “I’ve been very busy these days~” he says shyly, “my group had just finished promoting our recent full album,” he explains.
The casts cheers. 
“I heard you guys won first for many awards!” one of them says, “congratulations to NCT! As expected, our talented group with many talents and visuals,” they compliment.
“Thank you,” Mark gives his signature grin, “actually, I felt bad for not being able to come on here for so long, so I actually brought our albums to gift it to you guys,” Mark says, reaching for the stacks of albums in the bag. 
He hands each one of them the signed and personalised albums to the casts. 
“I can’t wait to listen to this!”
“Is Y/N featuring in any of the songs?” they joke.
This time, the show started with you in the kitchen. You were cooking dinner since some of his members were coming over. 
Mark on the other hand was sitting in the living room. He was seated on the floor, with papers spread all over the table. He had one of his hand holding a pen, swirling it around, while the other was pressed against his cheek. 
“I wanted to produce a song with my own lyrics for this upcoming album,” Mark explains to the cast since they seemed to be a little confused. 
“Have you produced a song with your own lyrics before?”
He nods, “I have, but I received help from others. This time I want to make a song that only has my own lyrics,” Mark explains.
“I never really got to ask an idol this question- but, is it hard to have your songs to be featured in an album?” one of them asks. 
The spotlight was on Mark. 
Mark nods, “it really depends. They usually focus on the music itself- since lyrics can be changed, but if the lyrics are too personal, most of the time they don’t really let you put it in a group album.”
“Did your song manage to be in the album?” one asks. 
“Nope,” mark chuckles. 
The casts laughs with Mark. 
“Because it was too personal?”
Mark simply shrugs, and points at the screen to continue watching. 
A heavy sigh leaves past the boy’s lips. He was staring blankly at the piece of paper. 
The camera manages to capture everything that was written on the piece of paper. Messy scribbles was the only thing that could be seen. 
“Babe,” you called. Mark quickly looks up at you, a pout on his lips. “Make sure you clean the table before the guys come,” you tell him, pointing to the mess on the coffee table. 
This morning, Johnny had contacted Mark saying that he misses him and wants to visit. You quickly agreed, since you haven’t seen the boys in so long.
He hums, slamming his head softly on the coffee table, a groan coming out of him when he hit his forehead a little too hard. 
A small chuckle left your lips when you heard his groans, “inspiration will come, babe,” you advise as you wipe the plates, “be patient.”
Mark turns his head so his cheek was pressed against the table as he stares at you. 
“You look so pretty,” Mark mumbles, but you hear him clearly. 
“Does Mark compliment you often?”
You nod slightly, “I wouldn’t say, all the time,” you exaggerate, “but it was definitely enough for me to know he loves me,” you giggle.
Mark continues to stare at you as you work on the food you were making. He was so deeply in love with you that sometimes he wonders what life would be like if he never met you. 
He lays his eyes on you for the next 15 minutes. It definitely didn’t go unnoticed by you- but you had forgotten about it once you were properly focused on cutting the onions. 
With heart eyes, a sweet smile spreads across your husbands lips. 
The casts all coo at the romantic scene. 
Mark finally sits up straight. With a grin plastered on his face, he grabs a clean sheet of paper and starts writing his feelings down. Surprisingly, he didn’t need a break, he continued writing for the next 30 minutes, satisfied with the lyrics. 
“Did you write a song about Y/N?”
Mark nods, “I did, it was mostly how I felt about being with her.”
“Earlier you said that the song didn’t manage to be in the album, will you be posting the song on another platform?”
Mark scratches his head, uncertain, “I’ll have to ask my company about that,” he jokes.
Episode 47
“We’re finally back with our favourite couple! How are you, Mark?”
“Just fine, I’m preparing some things with my group, so I have been a little busy now a days,” Mark replies. 
The casts sighs, “you’ve been working really hard, Mark.”
Mark simply chuckles awkwardly, unsure of what to say. 
The show started with you sitting on the familiar chair in the building. 
“Oh? The chair seems familiar?”
You had one of your legs crossed over the other with your right hand, holding your phone. You were scrolling through Instagram, hoping it would lessen your boredom. 
After a few minutes, you put your phone down when you realised you’ve been scrolling for minutes now, but nothing had caught your eye on your feed. You let out an exhausted sigh, resting the palm of your hand against your cheek. 
15 minutes later, your eyes widen when you see the familiar boys step out of the elevator. 
You quickly stand up, walking up to the boys. 
“Y/N!” they called, “oh my god, it has been forever since I last saw you!”
You giggle. Your eyes search for your husband but he was no where to be seen. 
“He’s still upstairs, talking to the producer,” Johnny says when he notices you looking around. 
You send him a smile, “I see. Are you guys going back home now?”
The rest of the boys were already walking away after tapping your shoulder to bid you goodbye without interrupting your conversation with Johnny. 
“Jungwoo and Yuta are going to get dinner, the rest of us are heading home- it has been a long day, we’re all exhausted,” Johnny says dramatically.
The boy never fails to make you smile, “I know, Mark told me about your schedule.”
Johnny smiles, “also, Mark had a rough day,” he tells you. Your eyebrows raised in curiosity. You wondered what had happen. 
“Did you know that Johnny had told Y/N about your day?”
He shakes his head, “I didn’t know, but I am thankful for him for always looking out for me.”
It was only 30 minutes later when you saw your husband step out of the elevator. Instead of his usual jog, he was stomping towards your direction. With the way he was walking and the all black outfit- it made him look even more intimidating then he already was.
Johnny was right, he definitely had a bad day today.
“Hi, baby,” you say softly, when he finally stands in front of you. You softly rub his arm, hoping it would calm him down a little, “you okay?”
Mark only hums, tugging on his bag when you attempt to take it from him. “i’ll carry it,” he says. You kept quiet, not wanting to worsen his temper. 
The both of you quietly walk out of the building. 
“Can we take a walk?” you ask, looking up at your husband.
He looks down at you and raises his eyebrows. Truthfully, he was already exhausted, but he would do anything you wanted. Mark shrugs, going with the flow.
The both of you started your walk in silence. Your husband had both hands tucked in his pockets with his lips pursed. You took multiple glances at the boy, wondering how you should comfort him. 
After hesitating for a while, you wait until he has his hands out of his pockets. When you notice that he finally has his warm hands untucked, you instantly grab it in yours. 
A smile form on your lips, when you hold on tightly onto his hands. 
“Aw, she was trying to comfort you!”
“Wanna talk about it?” you speak up, tightening your grip on his hands. 
Mark smiles, “not really, just thankful that I have you,” he says. You feel his thumb softly stroke the back of your hand, “you’re too good to me, Y/N.”
You scoff, “what do you mean? You are literally my soulmate, whenever you fall, I go down with you,” you reassure him. You nudge his shoulder with yours, “I’ll always be the shoulder you can lean on. No matter how bad it is, I’ll always be by your side.”
“How do you usually comfort Mark during his bad days?”
“He doesn’t talk about his feelings often,” you say, letting out a short chuckle. “But it’s pretty obvious, he isn’t very discreet with his emotions,” you laugh, nudging the boy next to you. 
“Depending on how bad it is, I would try to leave him alone until he calls out for me.”
“Why won’t you talk about how you feel?”
“I have always grown up with this mindset- never give off negative energy to anyone who hasn’t done anything wrong,” he blurts out. “I feel like a burden whenever I would talk about my problems to anyone- not just Y/N.”
“I feel very thankful whenever he talks about his problems,” you say to the camera. “I feel proud that I am the one he could lean on.”
Episode 50
“Mark Lee is back!” 
Series of claps could be heard from the room. 
“I heard you had received multiple awards from MAMA!”
Another agrees, “that’s right! NCT won Favourite Male Group and Worldwide Fans' Choice Top 10! Congratulations to NCT!” 
Another series of claps filled the room. 
“Thank you so much! My group wouldn’t have received the award without all the loving support from all my fans,” Mark expresses his gratitude. 
The show started with you sitting on the couch comfortably. You were deeply concentrated on watching something in front of you. 
“What is she watching?”
The camera zooms out until the casts takes notice the television planted on the wall. The casts recognizes the ceremony playing on the television. 
You were waiting for your husband’s group to start performing so you can take videos and pictures. 
After watching the ceremony, you recognize the introduction to one of your husband’s songs. You sit up straight in excitement, fishing out your phone, ready to film his performance. 
You had purposely took bad photos of your husband so you could laugh at them later with him. 
15 minutes later, the performance ended. Even though you’re backstage, you still softly clapped at the end of his performance. 
“Everytime I see Mark perform, I feel so shocked that we have such a talented guy on our show,” one of them says, making Mark chuckle. 
“He was born to be a star,” another comments.
After a few more performances by other groups, it was time for the award ceremony. 
You were extremely anxious for this. You hoped all the times that Mark had came home in the middle of the night only to leave again early in the morning or how he would injure himself but would still perform with full energy for his fans would be worth it. 
You bit your lip anxiously, your palms had turned sweaty from the long wait of the awaited name. 
“The Best Male Group of 2020 goes to...” the announcer trails off, opening the card that held the winner. 
“Congratulations to BTS for being the Best Male Group of the year!”
You let out a huff, throwing your head back tiredly. 
“You seemed really stressed,”
You nod, agreeing with them, “truthfully, I have seen Mark work really hard this year. It pained me to see him suffer so much and not being able to tell anyone.”
“Next, let’s see the nominated groups for Favourite Male Group!” says the announcer. The screen fills with different groups with their names. 
You take a deep breath, sitting up again to watch the ceremony. Your lips purse in concentration.
“The Favourite Male Group of 2020 goes to...” the announcer trails off, opening the golden card. 
A smile forms on their lips, “Congratulations to NCT for being the Favourite Male Group of 2020!”
You let out a gasp, looking at the stylists who was also watching the ceremony. 
“Oh my god!” you squeal, “they said NCT, right? I didn’t hear it wrongly, right?” you ask everyone in the room. 
The stylists nods, “its NCT!”
Your hand goes over your mouth in shock. 
“Her reaction is so adorable,”
You watch the boys walk up on stage. Taeyong is the one to step forward to give his speech, followed by Johnny in english. 
Finally your husband steps up. 
“Wow,” he starts, his fans starts to scream louder. “this is so crazy. I want to start by thanking Lee Sooman for giving me the opportunity to be part of NCT. Next, thank you to our stylist and coordinator for the awesome outfits- we would never be able to win this award without the unique outfits and make up!” 
He takes a deep breathe, “and of course, our dearest fans. Thank you for always supporting us, and giving us the opportunity to be on stage with this award,” he smiles when he hears his fans cheers. “Lastly, my wife who has always been by my side even during my ugliest side. Thank you for never giving up on me always bringing the best out of me.”
A grin forms on your lips, you soon became flustered from the coos coming from around you. 
“I can’t wait to meet our little one soon. I love you, Y/N. Thank you,” he ends his speech, stepping off stage. 
“Wait! What do you mean little one?!”
“I have been pregnant for 15 weeks now,” you say happily. “We have been trying for a baby for a while now, and we are officially having a kid soon!”
The whole casts starts freaking out. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?!” they scolded Mark. 
“We would like to ask the fans for the upmost support,” Mark adds. “With that, this would be our last episode as a We Got Married Couple.”
“This is a huge surprise!”
“We had so much memories on the show,” Mark admits. 
“I had such a fun time on here, but for now, Mark and I had agreed that we want to put all of our focus on our baby,” you added.
“Wow... this is a happy ending,” the casts says. 
“We would like to thank Mark Lee and Y/N for their contribution to the show,” they added. 
“We really enjoyed watching you and Y/N being cute!”
“Thank you so much,” Mark bow, “it was an honour to come on this show,” Mark says, “I had so much fun, thank you so much for everything.”
“Thank you so much Mark. We hope you have a wonderful journey from now on and congratulations to your first child!”
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hwrryscherry · 4 years
The one where Harry and Model Y/N go undercover in the internet
Tumblr media
characters: HARRYxMODELY/N
blurb: Harry and Model Y/N go undercover on the internet with fake accounts on TikTok and Instagram for an interview for GQ magazine on a video pre Grammys.
word count: 3.3K
HARRYxMODELY/N masterlist
author's note: HI GUYS! This is a request that I received a while ago but only finished it now because of school and all that stuff that I've told y'all a million times. Anyway, I tried my best on this request cause I think I lost my way of writing a little lol but anyway, I hope you like it and I hope that for the ones who misses Harry and Model Y/N this can be a great gift. Love y'all and thank you for the constant support and love on them💜 Stay Safe and Always remember to tpwk and that you're so golden💜💜💜
It was about 3 pm when you and Harry naturally came into the studio set on the building of GQ magazine with tender smiles on your faces covered by masks as you greeted everybody in the room in which there wasn’t many people in it. Harry was dressed in one of the many Gucci shirts he owned, with freshly washed hair that made you smell his pleasant scent from inches away just because he was wearing your favoured one and you'd always recognize it. You also detected the many rings on his fingers, including the one that you had bought for him as a 27th birthday present and by god, he was so thrilled about the ring and had a big smile on his face all day so he felt like he wanted to use it every day. Oh and how good his birthday was. You weren't able to have a party, obviously, but you still managed to celebrate somehow. In the morning, you gave him his favorite breakfast and then he, Gemma and Anne stayed on a zoom call for about an hour. You bought some yellow balloons to put in the living room just to give that birthday vibe and during the night, you had no more than four friends in your LA house, all properly protected and saved. You just ordered a few pizzas and watched some of Harry's favorite movies. It was simple but with an incredible energy, receiving a tiny group around while doing something y'all liked was everything Harry wanted most, mainly because he would have to wake up early the next day to go to the set of "Don't Worry Darling." as they were about to finish filming.
But today was another day. In earlier Febraury, the GQ magazine team reached out to your businessmen with the proposal that you and Harry would record a video together answering questions about your relationship to be published before the Grammys and after you consider whether it would be the best thing to do or not because of the many reactions you could get from it, you both agreed to do it. You’d always try to consider every little possibility when it comes to your and Harry’s relationship as the media can be very mean and disrepecftul.
Instead of Harry, you had a black miniskirt, long sleeve white blouse and a small black blazer with your Fendi plaid boots, which was Harry's personal choice for today as you’ve told him that he could chose an outfit for you to wear. You two spent a few minutes in the makeup chair doing touch-ups on your hair and makeup right before you were both ready to shoot. You walked from the makeup table to the center of the studio where you could see the crew behind the cameras and the big white background with a table and two black chairs right in the center. The table had a computer upon it only. After sitting down and having the microphones popped at you, you looked up when you heard the directors asking if you were ready and when you nod and the count is over, the camera started recording.
   ‘‘Hi, I'm Harry Styles!'’ You greeted the camera with a big smile on your face, eliciting a laugh from Harry about your unexpected "joke.". Honestly, today was a good day for both of you where you were both in an extremely good mood. Unlike the other days where you were quarantined, you were emotionally untired and in the mood to film and have a small social interaction, which is rare.
   ‘’And I'm Y/N Y/L/N!'’ Harry said joining in the joke with you and then looking at you as he waited for you to say the rest of the introductory phrase but only realizing you were smiling at the camera without saying anything.   '’Y/N!'’  Harry called calmly causing you to turn your head to face him and realize he wanted you to continue instead of continuing himself.
   '’Oh sorry, I thought you were going to continue'’    You whispered conspiratorially to him before taking a deep breath and resting your hands on the table when you returned your gaze to the camera.   ‘’And we’re gonna go undercover on the internet today!!’’
   ‘’Yeah, I'm scared!'’  Harry said when opening the laptop that was over the table and turning it on. You sat back in your chair so that you could see the laptop screen clearly and smirked a little when you heard your boyfriend's words.
   ‘’Hm... Let's do TikTok!'’   Harry said after a few seconds in silence while thinking. Harry's words made you chuckle his words because you knew that Harry doesn't comprehend anything about TikTok and didn't have an account but you both would usually find yourselves in bed watching tiktoks for hours. '’Which username should we put in?'’, Harry asked without taking his eyes off the screen.
   ‘’You should be! I’ll expose all of your deepest secrets in this video'’   You said while raising your eyebrows in a playful way eliciting a laugh from Harry, one by the way, that he tried hard to sound a little desperate for people watching  '’Alright, what should we do first?’’
   ‘’Put ‘’simp4harry’’ !"  You said with a smirk on your lips as Harry let out a nasal laugh but put that username either way.
   ‘’Okay, but how did you think of that username so fast? I think it’s very creative'’  Harry asked as he finished creating the account.
   ‘’It's the username I put on everything!'’  You answered as you ran your right hand through your hair.
   ‘’Oh yes? So is this your Only Fans username?'’  Harry mockingly asked making you laugh and take your eyes off the screen and look at his face.
   ‘’No, I don't even have an account on Only Fans, for God's sake Styles'’. You answered as mockingly as he did, '’Why? You have one?'’  You asked calmly.
   ‘’No, I'm a one-woman man!'’ Harry said to cause you to smile convincingly.
   '’Can someone get me a bottle of water, please?'’ You asked gently for the people who were on the set and smiled thanking the person who brought you.
   ‘’Thank you!'’   You answered sounding a little bit shy, even though you’re a public person and listen to compliments quite often, you still don’t know how to react to them. You took a deep breath and raised your eyebrows before using your finger to point to the laptop screen as he opened your tiktok account,  ‘’I mean, I don’t even know why I’d be one of the best ones to follow since all I post on tiktok is unnecessary and stupid things that goes through my mind during the day.’’
   ‘’So inconvenient!'’  Harry whispered playfully. You two had this habit of being sassy to each other, and everyone around you was used to it. This craze started because the first time you guys hang out together in Shanghai, you just talked like you’ve known each other for years and not just five hours.
   '’I didn't drink water today, do you want me to be thirsty? I thought you loved me!'’   You used a dramatic tone when speaking before drinking a sip of water.
   ‘’I did!'’   Harry replied in a low tone finishing logging in the TikTok feed.
   ‘’What do you mean ''you did''?'’   You answered in a loud tone holding the laugh with Harry.
   ‘’Okay, focus on TikTok! Focus on TikTok!'’  Harry said with a laugh as you now brought his attention to the screen as well,  ‘’Hm, let's look at my girl's account!'’, Harry said as he typed your tiktok username in the search bar. You took a sip of the water in the bottle and put it on the table,  ‘’AND by the way, do you guys know that this woman over here was listed by The Cut as one of the best tiktokers to follow today? And I’m so proud’’
   ‘’Well, I love how you appreciate your talents, love!'’  Harry replied sarcastically with a smirk on his lips making you chuckle. He didn't like it very much when you belittled something you did, even if it was something that was really bad, he didn't like it. Not just with you though, but with all the people in the world. Harry doesn't like it when people don't recognize their worth.
   ‘’Ok, here’s the first one! I’ll be reacting to it!'’   Harry spoke in a playful tone while clicking on the video as he knew very well it was not a react video but to answer questions. Harry clicked on the first video, this time you were propped up with your face close to the camera with folded arms dubbed to the sound that was in the background. You then take the transparent glasses pulled over the beige in a matter of color that was in front of you on the table and put them under your eyes never failing to dub the song. Then you move away from the camera and can see you are wearing leggings and a sweatshirt. And then you take your Louis Vuitton Coussin PM silver bag and place it on your shoulder before the video ends   ‘’Alright, so on this video you don’t do anything else than mimicking to the song.’’
   ‘’No, but like, seriously!'’   You complemented. '’We’ll watch some of them, and you’ll see how silly they are!
   ‘’I know that’s why I said that it stupid!'’   You exclaimed as you crossed your arms on the table. ‘’Let’s see the comments'’   You, yourself clicked on the comments area with your hand before Harry did and observed as comments poped up.
   ‘’Ok so the user @username1 asked ‘’How does it feel being the coolest person ever’’, tell me Y/N, how does it feel like?'’  Harry asked with a smirk to you as he turned his head to encounter your face with raised eyebrows.
   ‘’Oh, it feels so nice!'’ You responded in a playful tone causing both of you to laugh at your conviction, even though you knew it was a teasing tone and not narcissistic  ‘’Everybody knows I’m like, the coolest person alive so...'’  You convincingly said running your hand through a few strands of your hair and then take a deep breath and put a lock of hair behind your ear.   ‘’No, I’m just kidding. I’m not cool everyday, honestly there are days that I’m the most annoying person ever so I definetely have my good and bad days.’’
   ‘’Oh and those annoying moments'’   Harry said in an ironic tone, letting out a dramatic sigh causing you to frown and slightly open your mouth as an offense while holding your laughter as you exclaimed a loud '' excuse me?’‘ as an answer. Harry returned his attention to the comments on the screen again and frowned and brought his face slightly closer to the screen to read   ‘’Okay so @username2 asked ‘’new trend: are you engaged?’’. No guys are not. We’ve never been engaged.’’
   ‘’I feel like we’ve been engaged since 2017!'’   You said sarcastically remembering all the rumors about engagement, babies and dating. Since the first time you has met there were rumors, thousands of them, all the time but you and Harry chose not to comment on them as it would just be a big waste of time.
   ‘’Exactly and we weren’t even dating in 2017!'’  Harry complemented by looking away from the camera at his nodded face. '’But anyway...’’   Harry said taking a deep breath  '’I love how random your tiktok actually is!’’
"I know! I am planning a whole video to film on Grammys day because I'm in love with my outfit and i’m so excited for it!" You said changing the subject but being excited about the idea. After the announcement of nominations and with all the excitement you felt for Harry, you agreed you would attend the Grammys together; it was something important because not only was he running for three awards but also because you never attended any events side by side, except at the 2019 Met Gala. Then the pressures would increase but Harry knew it would be so much easier if he had you there with him. Because whether or not he took the awards home, he knew you were there and he would be grateful for at least being nominated for sure.
"Wait, which outfit did you pick? " Harry asked as he left the tiktok site on the laptop and entered Instagram. Harry selected searched for the hashtag of both of your names as a ship name on the explorer, so it would be easier to find what both of you wanted. "You showed me three different outfits but didn’t told me which one you chose!"
"Oh, I choose the black Prada one!"  You answered calmly. Harry stopped using the laptop and turned his head quickly to face his face causing you to look surprised and confused at him due to your reaction. It was his favorite outfit from the three that you had shown to him. "What?I wanna look great before you win your first award and I start ugly crying."
"Oh my god, you’re probably more excited than me." Harry said turning his attention back to the laptop screen.
"Of course I am, I cannot wait to walk around telling people that my boyfriend is not only a three times grammy nominated but a grammy winner!" You answered as you grabbed the water bottle that you had previously asked and drinking a sip.
"Anyway, let’s see!" Harry said as he started searching through the hashtag posts, also drawing his attention to the same screen. You then see a post that catches your eye and points it so that Harry can click. The post was a picture of Harry on the Met Gala carpet with ‘’Harry pierced his own ear for the Met Gala with a needle’’ written on it. "Ok, that’s true! But, now ask me why I had to pierce my own ear?!"  He asked ironically, as if he were playing a trick on you, because he knew very well you had a mini argument that day since you refused to pierce his ear with the fricking needle.
"I told you I wouldn’t do it! Do you even have any idea of how dangerous that was?"  You replied right after rolling your eyes, but your tone of voice remained calm and you didn't get heated when you spoke. "You know you need to sterilize, right? And what if you had caught an infection? Do you really think I was going to do that? You're an adult. I can't stop you, but I wasn't going to pierce your ear."
"Hey, hey, hey!" He said causing you to stop talking and look at him. Harry raised his eyebrows and looked at you with a smirk before speaking. "The thing is: I really wanted to pierce my ear, and we wear finishing getting ready in New York. I asked Y/N if she had a needle. Neither her and Alessandro wanted to do it. Literally no one wanted to do it but I was very much decided so I did it myself and my ear is completely fine by the way" Harry said the last part making you roll your eyes again while looking at the camera and take a deep breath.
"Anyway..." You said as you dived back into the posts. In one of them you read someone saying in a comment that you and Harry would probably never fight. "Here, this one says ‘’I feel like they’re the type of couple that never fights and when they do, the fight lasts for 30 seconds’’".
"Absolutely untrue!" Harry said almost that immidiately while you nodded agreeing with him.
"Guys, every couple in the world argues. It’s natural, it’s not because we don’t have big arguments and talk shit about each other on the internet that we don’t have conflicts or understatement" You explained. You and Harry are really compatible, but you still have your moments and it’s important to recognize it. No relationship is perfect and disagreeing on things is absolutely understandable.
"Yeah, specially ‘cause we’re different people that come from different places and had different experiences. As long as the disagreements are not causing you serious mental and emotional harm is normal" Harry complemented your thought. It’s important to notice when a relationship is not making you feel good anymore. If your unhappy for any reason is important to leave and to search for help if needed. "See, if you could change anything in our relationship, what would it be?" Harry asked making you pay attention to his words and face as you thought attentively in silence for a few seconds.
"I think I would probably change the fact that we’re usually really far away from each other!" You said calmly while looking at him. "Like, you’re always travelling and so I am, so I feel like it can get hard sometimes because of that and I’d definitely would change that if I could do it without like, changing our whole careers and lives."
"Yeah, I’d probably change that as well!" Harry agreed nodding to you as he was thinking as well. "I’m very grateful for quarantine on that point because we could spend more time together without being so long apart from each other. Of course I wish it was on different situations but I’m grateful for that" Harry said and you could understand that completely. You and Harry had been dating since 2018 and had spend months apart from each other and only you both truly knew how hard it could get sometimes, specially when you had the whole world to judge both of you.
"I fully understand it! Sometimes I think about everyone who spent this past year alone, and I’m really grateful for having you with me...LIke, you’re my best friend, you know this" You said looking at Harry’s face. He had a growing tender smile on his face that was starting to make you nervous and emotional on the same time as you remembered the past year. You felt your eyes getting wet and let out a chuckle looking away from his gaze. "I’m getting emotional! It’s all about my cancer rising today!"
"Oh sure, it’s always zodiac’s fault!" Harry said laughing and then looking at the screen and the crew on the backstage while gesturing with his hands. "That’s probably one thing about Y/N that you guys don’t know. She fully believes on zodiac signs and those stuffs. Actually, there was one time when she told me that we couldn’t be together because our signs were incompatible."
"Okay but like, Harry is an Aquarius and I’m a Taurus. We are incompatible when it comes to zodiac signs!" You said between giggles as you tried justifying your point even though Harry knew you were joking when you said that to him. He didn’t know at the time though he was very much surprised and scared when you said it.
"But anyway, I’m glad that we spend this time together. It’s been weird and funny at the same time like the spaghetti day!" Harry said holding his giggles as he watched your eyes widen because you knew exactly what he was talking about.
"NO, we're not talking about this!" You talked fastly while laughing at the same time as Harry as you both remembered that one night in quarantine when a spaghetti night went completely wrong and he came on the kitchen to see you and a kitchen with spaghetti and tomato sauce all over the floor and the walls and how you cried to convince him to clean the whole kitchen alone and failed. "Ok, let's finish the video here before things are leaked!" You said giggling.
"Alright, this was very nice. Thank you GQ for having us and I hope we weren't the worst guests you've ever had!" Harry said joking even though you both knew that it was quite hard to be very open in the media specially about your relationship but you tried your hardest.
"Don't forget to watch Harry peform on Grammys on sunday!" You said.
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slasherhaven · 4 years
May I request Headcanons or a oneshot with Michael and Brahms with a s/o who’s an artist but they mostly sketch them a lot?
Decided to do it for all the slashers but here ya go!
The Slashers with an Artist S/O Who Likes to Sketch Them:
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas loves your art. Thomas loves everything that you do. Thomas just loves you.
Luda May also loves your art. Might even hang certain pieces up around the house to ‘brighten the place up’ like a proud parent.
But when you start doing sketches of Thomas? Oh boy he just melts with absolute adoration.
No matter how many times you tell him that he’s handsome and that you love him, he’s going to have the tiniest bit of doubt about your physical attraction to him.
But seeing all these sketches of him like you think he is appearance is worth immortalising in your work, he’s in awe.
Some or with the mask, some are without. Your favourites are the ones without. Normally Thomas finds it difficult to look at his face, whether it be in the mirror or in a photo, but this he can look at.
You didn’t change anything to make his face more...appealing. You just thought it was attractive enough to draw and that makes it easier for him to look at for some reason.
Michael Myers
Michael acts very neutral towards your art, just like he does with everything else.
He’s more likely to admire it when you aren’t around. Yes, he does actually like your art. Quite a lot actually.
When he finds the first sketch of him, you aren’t around. He’s a little surprised but examines it closely. You did catch him though, finding him distracted by the sketch and smiling to yourself as he seemed to approve of it.
Michael would never ask you to show him your work or the sketches of him but he definitely goes looking for them, wanting to see what you’ve been working on or how you’ve drawn him this time.
He knows when you’re sketching him. Sensing your eyes on him as you sit on the couch with your sketchpad in your lap. 
He probably won’t mention it but he won’t move or leave the room, letting you work in silence.
Jason Voorhees
Loves your art a lot! And will let you keep them all around the cabin. Every time he sees them he thinks of you and it makes give the cabin a homely feel.
Could just admire your art all day, he loves it!
But then he discovers that you have various sketches of him? Omg, that’s too much for his heart to take.
Jason is in awe as he examines them, admiring every detail.
He noticed that most of him are of him wearing his mask and he realises that most of these must have been done when you were silently watching him and he hadn’t even noticed.
But a few of them are of him without his mask. No matter how long you are together, he’s still going to be a little insecure about his appearance, but this is just another thing that shows how much you really do love him.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms loves your art and how passionate you are about it.
Ever since you got to the house he had been admiring you and your artwork.
He loves watching the concentration on your face when you’re drawing or painting. He loves watching your delicate hand as you add little details. And, of course, he loves the outcome of each piece.
When you start to do more pieces of Brahms? He absolutely melts.
You must love him a whole lot if you spend so much time sketching him? God, he loves you too!
It can be difficult to get Brahms to just keep a calm arura on many days. Something about him always seeming chaotic or fidgety.
But he could see and watch you draw for longer than even he realises. It’s all worth it to see the outcome of how you’ve drawn him.
He may not be a great artist but he’s had time to do some sketches of his own and has picked up some skills here and there. So he might just sketch you in return.
Will pose for you if you ask him too.
Bo Sinclair
Bo likes your art a lot more than he lets on. He’ll give you a smile and a casual compliment when you show him a piece of work.
One of your smaller doodles will go missing. He took a liking and likes to keep it in his pocket. Shut up, he’s not going soft!
He has a huge smirk on his face when he sees the sketches you have done of him.
You must really like him, huh? God, you must be downright obsessed with him, darlin’.
Will tease you about it, making you blush, but he actually is flattered. He smiles whenever he sees a new sketch of himself but that quickly turns into a smirk when you catch him.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent adores your art!
But when he first sees the sketches of himself, he’s both a little taken back and excited.
He has no idea why you would want to draw him but he’s glad that you did. It just makes him feel so loved and makes him love you even more.
It’s what give him to courage to show you the sketches he made of you.
Cue the two of you sitting together, smiling like idiots, as you share your artwork of each other.
Whenever he catches you drawing him, your gaze flickering from the page to his figure, he can’t help but blush a little.
Vincent’s workroom becomes your shared workspace for your art. Just filled with sketches of each other. Luckily Bo doesn’t wander down there much otherwise you’d both get teased quite a bit.
Lester Sinclair
Adores your art!
And tells you that all the time!
He’s always complimenting anything you make because he really does love it all.
His face turns red but his heart grows ten times the size when he sees the sketches you did of him.
He absolutely loves them though!
Lester doesn’t really know why you would want to draw him so much but he certainly had no complaints. The more, the better!
Yes, he would like to see them all. Anything you do and then present to him, he will accept it and respond with lots of enthusiasm. He loves them all so much!
After a bad day, seeing your newest sketch of him just puts a smile on his face instantly.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba loves everything you do, he thinks you’re absolutely flawless, so of course he loves your art. He could never do anything like that, it’s so impressive!
ChopTop and Nubbins are also big fans of your art.
But Bubba is the one who gets to see your art the most and he feels a sense of pride at that.
He’ll admire any work you show him, he loves them all!
But when you show him the sketches you’ve done of him, he blushes a cute shade of pink and he babbles compliments that you can’t really understand. But you get the general idea and it makes you smile.
Wants to see every sketch you do of him. He just loves them and they make him feel loved.
Billy Lenz
Even before you knew he was in the house, he was admiring your art. He liked it a lot, almost as much as he liked you.
He loves when you show him your pieces, happily taking from you to get a closer look.
Gives you plenty of compliments on it.
But then you start sketching him or he just so happens to finally find those sketches? Oh he loves them!
Can he keep this one???
Billy is definitely flattered by your sketches and would like to see anymore you do.
Will tease you a little but in a very playful way and with a smile on his face, letting you know that he loves it so...please don’t stop making them!!
Otis Driftwood
Otis is curious as soon as he finds out you’re an artist. So is he!
If you’re shy about showing your work at first, he convinces you by showing you some of his as well. 
So the two of you can share your work with each other and get each other’s opinions. You’re both very supportive of each other’s work.
Once he learns that you have done plenty of sketches of him he has two main emotions.
One, he becomes a smug bastard. Look at you drawing him, how long have you been staring at him to get all the details right, eh? Like he hasn’t got his own sketches of you.
Two, he would be genuinely flattered that you’ve put so much time and effort into sketches of him.
He wants to see all the sketches you’ve done of him.
Otis will show you the various sketches that he’s done of you in return. Wait! Is that one of you naked?!..maybe...and he thinks it’s one of his best pieces. It’s definitely his favourite...
Baby Firefly
As soon as you start showing Baby your art or when she first sees it, she loves it!
If you ever felt shy about showing her your work, that won’t last for long. She’s so supportive instantly.
She’ll give you a whole lot of compliments! Seriously, Baby will absolutely shower you in compliments and praise for your work. Always encouraging you in everything you do.
But you get even more compliments for your sketches of her. They’re amazing! You make her look so good!
Wants to see every sketch you do of her!
Will absolutely pose for you! And in various costumes! Time to get more creative!
The Yautja may seem more a species focused on combat and the sort but they can still have an appreciation for art. Especially more elder or mature Yautja.
He also admires your passion for it.
Will always praise your work, giving you a proud purr and a gentle pat on the head. It may be a patronising gesture among humans but it’s a sign of genuine affection from your alien mate, he thinks you’re just adorable.
When he first sees the sketches of himself, he’ll have a smirk on his face. Or the Yautja version of a smirk.
He’s honoured that you’d sketch actually. You must think highly of him to bother sketching him at all, especially this much.
Will never get bored of you showing him the sketches you do. Loves every single one of them and is filled with more pride with each one you show him.
May tease you just a little but always with love and never in a way that would actually upset you.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Camboy Rantaro Head-canons
request; Do you take individual requests? If you do, headcanons for Camboy Rantaro? its totally fine if you don’t want to do this, thank you
warnings; sex toys(butt plugs), unedited, dirty talk, camboy!rantaro, praise kink, aural kink, unedited, masturbation(m receiving), mention of pillow humping, brat rantaro???? kinda but not rlly???????, this doesn’t really have a reader present.
note; I love this concept! It stirred up some brain juices in me :0 thank you for requesting this, it was fun to do! aha and I may have gone overboard with this one too-
◊ No one would have expected the Rantaro Amami, known for being very brotherly and often awkward around affection, a camboy. 
◊ It’s the last thing you’d expect from the chill, laid-back guy.
◊ Then again, he was also known for being mysterious, this secret could be one of many.
◊ Rantaro is actually pretty good at keeping secrets, however that doesn’t mean he likes keeping secrets.
◊ I head-canon that Rantaro doesn’t feel ashamed of his career as a camboy. In all honesty, he never has. He’s never found a reason why he should be ashamed; everybody has desires, why shouldn’t he have his own? And why shouldn’t he fulfill his? 
◊ That being said, Rantaro would have the same attitude to others if they had told him a kink they had, or a sexual fantasy and/or desire. Although I don’t think he’d enjoy talking about it so publicly, because even though kinks are a great thing to have and discuss, he thinks it may not be too polite to talk about it so openly.
◊ Although he definitely tip-toed around the subject and avoided it—that doesn’t come up all that often—he’s not ashamed of it one bit. He just doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable with his details of his job, and honestly, it makes him slightly uncomfortable to talk about his occupation.
◊ Now, to the actual camboy part.
◊ I can totally imagine being a pretty popular camboy, his voice and his body combined would kill anyone on sight. But if you ever told him straight-up about how popular he was or just treated him as a celebrity, he’d probably refuse the statement, saying he wasn’t as good as other camboys and girls, even dropping names of the artists he loves. In which, everyone swoons over his humbleness, only starting to praise him more.
◊ That being said, even if Rantaro doesn’t typically accept the statement of being popular, he himself as he actually very well known. And so, I don’t think Rantaro would be able to show his face on camera, as he would probably be recognized instantly. He’s always either always wearing a mask or keeping his head out the camera view.
◊ I think Rantaro would’ve chosen this career due to his repressed feelings he has from being selfless, putting others before his needs. As a camboy, he’s helping others with their own problems, and they’re helping him with his, it’s a lovely exchange. Elaborating on why Rantaro chose this career, I think Rantaro would’ve been lonely, as he lost his entire family. So seeing a few thousand people commenting and talking to him, makes him feel less alone when he’s missing the comfort of people. It makes him happy, and definitely more sure and confident of himself as millions of kinky compliments flood his live chat.
◊ Rantaro mostly does this for leisure, as he is well-off, he doesn’t really need the money. Despite what he says about his fans not having to pay him to do something, as he’ll do it for free, his charming personality definitely ends up getting him more rich unintentionally. 
◊ Rantaro’s comforting and carefree personality has viewers feeling less guilty, and potentially less shameful for indulging in things like this. His voice is definitely a huge turn-on, and a great comfort for many. It’s not uncommon to have viewers beg him to say specific things like, “Good boy/girl.” or, “Keep going, you’re doing so well for me.” Although, Rantaro says many things and moans many things, so he usually doesn’t get too many requests; he always leaves them satisfied.
◊ Rantaro definitely doesn’t end the stream until he knows everyone got off successfully, he’ll hold back and edge himself until everybody cums if he has to. However, the pained, desperate moans get everyone off quick, so he doesn’t have to edge himself for too long.
◊ When Rantaro gets hateful comments, he either tries to laugh it off- but before he could say a word, everyone’s already defending him. He’d be really glad to have people protect him like this, as the older sibling it was always the other way around. Though, he usually tells everyone they don’t have to, instead just blocking the person and moving on.
◊ I don’t think he’d be too affected by negative comments about him, or his body, it doesn’t faze him as much as he thought it would.
◊ I think Rantaro would be willing to try almost everything, he holds his viewers close to him and he doesn’t want them to be disappointed by him not doing a certain action to his body. Within reason, of course. Any request made by them, that Rantaro sees, will immediately put into action as soon as he sees it. It just gets him excited to being told to do something, despite not technically wanting it himself, the fans get what they ask for.
◊ He even sometimes begs them for a specific thing although he’s the one who controls mostly everything, he decided to give the control to his viewers.
◊ Some things Rantaro usually does when there aren’t requests, are just the occasional hand job he gives himself, butt plugs he slowly pushes in himself as he shows everyone more clearly by turning around. He puts on quite a show, sometimes wiggling his ass playfully, or playing with his nipples to tease the viewers. He can be a brat at times.
◊ The man definitely wears rings, even when they may feel cold against his skin, he wears them to show off his hands and, well, he just thinks he looks cool like that so he keeps them on. His fans do not complain, rings are hot now, it’s a trend, deal with it.
◊ The man has definitely given several thousands of people an aural kink. He probably ruined moans for people, his being the only one people can get off to now.
◊ Though he occasionally buys a new toy to try out in front of the camera, even when they aren’t requested, he buys them with his own will as he wants to keep his fans entertained(as well as wanting to try it out himself). What can I say? He’s adventurous, he likes exploring new things! 
◊ Another thing I can imagine Rantaro enjoying is praise. The man has a giant praise kink, you could praise any part of him, his body, his voice, his personality, he will be putty and cum in seconds. His fans know this, and they definitely take advantage of it; sending him praises about how good he’s doing, has whines and groans falling out his mouth as he throws his head back in pleasure of his own hand.
◊ If his viewers asked for it, he’d totally moan into the mic instructions on what he wants you to do to yourself as you watch, his voice soft, teasing but still stern. “Play with your nipples and imagine I’m the one doing it for you, and while you’re at it, go ahead and hump that pillow like a dog. C’mon, a little harder than that, yeah?” Like I said earlier, aural kink. 
◊ I also head-canon most of his fans are ones that are loyal to him, he has a charm that gets everyone attached, and so people who watch one stream of his, get attached immediately. He definitely is the type to recognize usernames, so if you ever came back to him, he’d be extremely happy and say your username specifically, thanking you for coming back.
◊ Since most of his fans are loyal, and regulars, his viewers are usually just the same ones with the same usernames. So he’d clearly notice if there was an unfamiliar username in the sea of the live chat, always making sure to greet them with a welcome whenever he can.
◊ Overall, he’s a very sweet, friendly and switch-type camboy.
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
A year of Glitter
Part 7
Glitter series
Red Hood didn’t really have a lot of work to do tonight so he was mostly just wandering around the neighborhood. It was good for people to see him so they didn’t try to decide he wasn’t worth following anymore. Black Mask was pushing back hard in some areas but as far as he could tell most of the people around preferred him in charge. It made the struggle harder for his crew but overall the people were better off with him around. The kids were fed and off drugs and those who chose to be working jobs were able to do it without resorting to crime. Those who chose the higher risk, higher reward of crime worked harder because they wanted to get somewhere in that line of work.
A door opened in the alley ahead, spilling light out and shining on the woman who had stepped into the otherwise dark space. She closed the door quickly and appeared to be trying to sneak around. Typically he would check to make sure she was safe and not followed without interacting but this particular woman made him crave interaction. He did wonder about her sudden appearance though. She could be dressed up for any number of reasons but she definitely looked like she was trying to escape a bad date.
He moved swiftly to catch up with her before she reached the end of the alley. He should have thought to say something to her before he reached her but he was more concerned with not being spotted by anyone else than considering how she might react. He reached out for her arm to guide her back to the alley but she turned back to defend herself. He was pretty pleased with her form and ability to defend herself, even if he was easily able to stop her from hitting him. He had more skills than most and she also stopped herself when she realized that it was him.
She visibly relaxed against him and allowed him to guide her along to a more private section of the alley.
“You startled me. I thought you were someone else,” she said.
“Your boyfriend?” he asked.
Marinette couldn’t tell what his reaction was to the possibility. He didn’t sound upset by the idea. She didn’t know how she felt about that. She was single and had been every time she had seen him but if he didn’t care about her dating life, maybe that meant she wasn’t the only one he was meeting with.
“Definitely not. He certainly did make an attempt though.”
“That doesn’t sound very good for him. I can’t complain though. I don’t think I would like it if you had a boyfriend.”
“So you are thinking of me then?” she asked slyly.
“Darling, I don’t think of anyone else the way I think of you.” He reached out and brushed her cheek. “You certainly look like you were on a date. That dress looks great on you.”
“I was supposed to be meeting up with a client who wanted to commission me for some accessories. She brought a friend to the meeting and then had to rush out. He was not surprised by this, they had planned the whole thing. So I wasted my night and I won’t be getting a commission out of it.”
“Do you want me to kill him?”
His voice was low and serious but Marinette was fairly certain he had a teasing edge to it. He didn’t seem the type to kill someone for trying to get a date with her so she just brushed past his question.
“That wouldn’t improve my night.” She took a step towards him. “Do you have any ideas on ways to improve my night?”
“I have many--.”
His voice trailed off as she walked up to him and pushed on his chest with her hand. He allowed her to back him up to the wall. He reached and pulled her against him by her hip. She wasn’t focused on that. She reached up to his helmet to work on getting it off him. He pushed the release behind his head to allow her to remove his helmet. He waited for her to kiss him. Based on her behavior he had expected her to do it as soon as she got it off him but she had paused. Her hand came up and rubbed at the scruffy beard on his face. He had forgotten about it. He decided it would be okay to skip shaving for a couple days, not expecting anyone to see it.
“Do you like the look, Doll?” he asked.
“Mmm.” She kept running her fingers against his beard. “I’ve never been a huge fan of beards but you might be changing my mind. You really pull it off.”
“So should I just always keep it like this? My new look?”
“No. I like it the other way too. I like the way it feels clean shaven,” she paused. “But I really like it like this too.”
“I think that just means you like me.”
He smiled down at her and that is when she moved up to kiss him. She already had his back against the wall but she pushed against him into bricks to keep him there. Their lips searched for a rhythm against each other. Marinette could think of nothing better to wash away her waste of a night. He held back and followed her lead as she kissed him desperately. Her fingers moved up into his hair but she kept moving a hand back down to feel his beard again. He smiled into her. After a moment she started to sag against him so he lifted her up to him to help them with the height difference.
Red Hood was disappointed when she pulled back but she didn’t stay away. She moved down to his neck, leaving a trail of kisses. He could barely breathe at the feeling of her teeth sinking into him. He wished away all of his armor so he could get closer to her. Since that wasn’t actually possible he just took a moment to move his hands over her back and legs appreciating that she was not wearing armor. He could tell that he would end up with marks down his neck from her attention but he didn’t care. Very few people saw him without his full suit on and none of them would say a thing about it.
When their lips met again he turned so she was the one against the wall. He kissed her deeply without pulling away for several minutes. She was gasping by the time he pulled back. He made the same path she did, down her jawline and pressed his lips into her neck. He covered all the skin with licks and small bites, sucking gently so he wouldn’t mark her exposed skin. She had a much larger area of skin available to him and he took full advantage. Her hands were digging into his hair as he moved down to the top of her dress line. He made sure to kiss at the lowest part of her skin exposed by the neckline of her dress before he returned to her mouth.
Red Hood was fully ready to suggest they move things somewhere else. She seemed receptive to moving things further but they were still in public. Unfortunately just then he heard an alert come through his helmet. He groaned at the timing. He responded close to the microphone and then went back to kissing her. Luckily it wasn’t an urgent issue so he was still able to kiss her soundly before her ride arrived to take her safely home.
He moved back to kiss her neck again and then up her throat.
“So are you ready to tell me your name?”
“What’s in a name? You won’t tell me yours.”
“It’s safer for you if you don’t know anything else.”
“Is it safe for me to tell you my name?”
He wasn’t actually sure. He knew she would be better off without him in her life but he couldn’t get himself to make that decision. He would wait to see what she decided, whether he knew her name or not. He moved to put his helmet back on but she pulled him down for one more searing kiss before he did. Then she walked away without looking back. He moved to make sure he saw her get in the car to take her home and hoped he would have a chance to check to make sure she got home safely later.
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna | @certainmuffinbagelcalzone | @jayjayspixiepop | @moon5608 | @rianoel
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
We say we're friends, we play pretend (1/2)
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem reader
Summary: Charlie and Y/N were best friends and a couple as teens, after their breakup they meet again 4 years later on the bootcamp of JATP and have to work together. Will something else happen or they are just friends?
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Charlie must have imagined something like this could happen. Since Kenny discovered her 5 years ago, she has been a really close friend to the director, participating in some way or another in almost all his projects.
In front of him after years, Y/N Y/L, his childhood best friend and ex-girlfriend. The young actor is not going to admit that he saw every single one of her projects or how moved he was by her in each one of them, many times even thinking of maybe sending her a little message saying the incredible job she did.
But he never found the courage.
It’s weird to remember how he spent most of his life next to the woman, now one of the top youth artists with multiple musicals and movies on her hits list. They always had a strong bond, every single day together. Sleepovers, music classes, dancing classes, homework, parties, movie nights, hockey, illness days, pretty much everything. At the age of 15 they began a very sweet and innocent relationship that ended at 18 when Y/N moved to New York to work in her first leading role.
The break up was on good terms but painful, so painful that both preferred to lose contact completely than to have the other from time to time opening the wound again and again.
And there she was. As beautifil as ever, speaking happily with Kenny while Madison and Owen jump up and down, Jeremy smiles and Charlie looks like he wants to throw up.
“Y/N Y/L, my golden star. She is the official composer of the soundtrack, and she will be supporting you throughout the album process as well as helping Paul and me in other creative aspects, I know she is the same age as some of you but she has a lot of experience in this and all the necessary preparation so don't hesitate to get all the knowledge you can out of her."
Everyone introduces themselves until the guitarist is the only one left, luckily for him, he’s in voice rest these two weeks so he literally cannot speak.
They both look nervous but the moment their eyes meet their complicity comes out and both smile slightly.
“He’s Charlie, he is in voice rest but we are fans of yours. We cried yesterday watching your last musical, it was just brilliant." Owen lets out hardly breathing, Y/N turns with a smile to see the Canadian boy who wants to kill his friend and then commit suicide.
“Thank you! This is going to be such an interesting experience.” The singer murmurs as she winks at Charlie.
2 hours later they had both been avoiding each other, Y/N writing in a corner while the band and Kenny discuss costumes with Soyon, in which at least half an hour has been wasted trying to understand what Charlie is trying to say with the few words he writes with an apple pencil on his ipad in his horrible handwritting.
Y/N gets frustrated and goes to where they are, approaching behind Charlie's shoulder to see the iPad. She quickly identifies the two words, one so crossed out that it looks like a doodle, but years copying each other's homework pays off.
"He's trying to say that if Luke isn't going to wear bandanas, at least consider wearing beanies." The young woman says as she leans on the shoulder of who was her first love.
Charlie freezes at their proximity, blushing a little at the feeling of being close after so long. Luckily his castmates don't realize it because all their attention is on her.
“You are just good for everything huh? Even deciphering hieroglyphs." Owen comments, smiling at her and winking exaggeratedly to make her laugh.
Charlie can't help but feel insecure with the situation. It could be a friendly thing but If Owen really tries to flirt with her, he doesn't know how he would react. Is sad enough not having her in his life anymore, having her as his best friend's girlfriend would just be too painful.
Now, he knows he’s exaggerating, and a lot. But he has to do something about it. Better safe than sorry.
He stretches his neck to meet the eyes of his ex-girlfriend, who is now only inches away. She quickly gets flustered, but hides it pretty well. The problem is that he knows every gesture perfectly and sees through her mask.
“Wh- What, Gillespie?” She manages to say, Charlie can’t help a smile seeing the way she still reacts towards him.
When you know a person completely, every facet, every gesture, every peculiarity, speaking without words is as natural as breathing. And they had both forgotten how amazing it feels to have someone in your life who is this compatible and magnetic.
They start a conversation, she answers to who secretly still believes as her person while he continues making gestures and mimics that no one else understands, writing a word from time to time to make the talk flow better.
"I know. Hey, it's not my fault! So you excuse yourself with the ‘can't talk’ thing huh? how convenient. Yeah, Ok, I will. I said I will!" Her words are the only thing that they manage to get out of the conversation that the secret ex-couple is having, since no matter how much attention they pay to him, they have no idea how Y/N manages to decipher it.
"I have no idea what's going on but I'll take it as a miracle, I was just going to suggest ignoring Charlie these 2 weeks." Jeremy jokes, everyone nods their heads.
“I mean, it’s still a good option.” Madison replies.
The 14 days go by quickly, and with the former couple spending time together daily, rehearsing Charlie's guitar solos together, with Y/N translating his horrible scribbles, or sometimes simply being close to each other enjoying the company, absentmindedly placing their hand on the other's leg or their forehead on their shoulder for a few seconds during the breaks.
Basically the whole team has noticed the flirtatious smiles and the looks, but Charlie was the weakest rival of both and the one who could release some information about it, and without being able to speak they basically ran out of an informant, since the young singer didn’t let go a word about her unexpected chemistry with the guitarist except the typical ‘we are just good friends’.
But without a doubt the energies began to multiply on Monday when Charlie arrived with the green light to be able to speak and start singing in rehearsals. Madison couldn't attend the first few hours because she was at school, so Y/N was going to cover her so the boys could practice.
“The first on the list is Finally Free, the place where we are going to record it only gave us two weeks from now so it will have to be one of the priorities. For the first rehearsal just vibe with the song and we’ll discover where to go from there. Oh, and good luck keeping up with my golden star, you’ll need it."
Y/N starts the first verse on the keyboard, and gets up to sing the chorus in the center, trying to ignore Charlie and looking up at Jeremy. She hadn’t heard him sing for a couple of years, but the same butterflies appear in her stomach and she knows that she will melt if she looks into his eyes.
Unfortunately for her, Kenny doesn't have the same plan, and just before the second verse ends he tells her to walk over to Charlie, who immediately smiles and sings the pre-chorus with much more enthusiasm. The energy they radiate floods the place, both getting closer and closer. By the time the bridge arrives, their foreheads are practically against each other, their lips only an inch apart, and with a confidence and comfort while singing to each other that makes all those who suspected that there was something between them now practically sure.
Luckily there are only Jeremy, Kenny, Owen and Paul in the room, who decide to play a game of divide and conquer now that the snitch part of the equation can speak.
“Y/N, can you come with me for a moment? I have a new idea for ‘Wow’ and a fresh pair of eyes is just what I need.” Paul says, sacrificing himself for the greater good.
“Yeah, of course, I’ll be right back.” The singer takes the opportunity to leave this staring game with Charlie and quickly walks away from the guitarist, who winks at her in a flirting way in response.
The moment they walk out the door, everyone turns to see Charlie, who has no idea what they're up to.
"After what just happened you just can't keep pretending nothing's happening. Man, that was more intense than the whole Troyella moments during all three movies." Kenny pretends to be offended for a second and then nods.
"I have never seen anything like this in all my years of career."
“Yeah dude it was electric.” Owen replies, smirking.
“She’s my person.” Charlie mumbles.
If he’s being honest with himself, deep down he always knew she was the only one for him. But that realization was freaking scary. What's next if the only person for you has already turned the page? gave up without a fight? what's left?
"What?" The three ask in unison, and Charles begins to sing like a bird.
“We grew up together and then we lost the way. Like in those romantic movies where just everyone knows they belong together except the childhood best friends and then they end up ruining their lives by being in denial.”
“From what I saw getting back on track shouldn't be too difficult, Charlie. I assure you that whatever you feel she feels it too. Her eyes don’t lie." Jeremy tries to reason with him.
“Leave your teen problems behind. You are old enough to decide what you want and find a way to make it work. But you have to stop pretending that nothing is happening first." Owen scolds his friend.
“Do you love her?” Jer asks.
“That answer is always going to be yes, I just could never stop loving her even If I tried. And I did.” He really did. The surprise he got when the second he had her close to him his heart began to beat like crazy and all he wanted was to hug her and fix everything. It was as if when seeing her eyes time hadn’t passed, as if only the day before they’d been goofing around together. That bond is so big that he doesn’t believe it’s possible to break.
“Then do something about it, bro! Go get your girl back!” Jeremy advises while Kenny smiles.
“Yeah man, it’s ‘Now or never’ like her song, and I guess ours too now? Since she wrote it for Sunset Curve? Well, anyway, it’s like our song says.” Owen exclaims excitedly.
“Ohhh, musical inspiration, let me try. ‘Get up, get out, relight that spark’.” Jeremy sings to Charlie.
“Jer, you are a genius. If you think about it wake up is actually a pretty good soundtrack song for this situation. ‘It's not what you lost, It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain’.”
They both keep singing the song until they reach the bridge, Charlie tries to look frustrated but a slight smile escapes his face.
They are right, he still hasn't lost this fight.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Hmmm I should probably wait another day to post part two of Finnick being there for Everlark / being their friend but I don’t wanna sooo. Here it is 🤗
I see my mother lead in a group of mobile patients, still wearing their hospital nightgowns and robes. Finnick stands among them, looking dazed but gorgeous. In his hands he holds a piece of thin rope, less than a foot in length, too short for even him to fashion into a usable noose. His fingers move rapidly, automatically tying and unraveling various knots as he gazes about. Probably part of his therapy. I cross to him and say, “Hey, Finnick.” He doesn’t seem to notice, so I nudge him to get his attention. “Finnick! How are you doing?”
“Katniss,” he says, gripping my hand. Relieved to see a familiar face, I think.
Finnick, who’s been wandering around the set for a few hours, comes up behind me and says with a hint of his old humor, “They’ll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you.”
Just as the elevator arrives, Finnick appears in a state of agitation. “Katniss, they won’t let me go! I told them I’m fine, but they won’t even let me ride in the hovercraft!”
I take in Finnick — his bare legs showing between his hospital gown and slippers, his tangle of hair, the half-knotted rope twisted around his fingers, the wild look in his eyes — and know any plea on my part will be useless. Even I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring him. So I smack my hand on my forehead and say, “Oh, I forgot. It’s this stupid concussion. I was supposed to tell you to report to Beetee in Special Weaponry. He’s designed a new trident for you.”
At the word trident, it’s as if the old Finnick surfaces. “Really? What’s it do?”
“I don’t know. But if it’s anything like my bow and arrows, you’re going to love it,” I say. “You’ll need to train with it, though.”
“Right. Of course. I guess I better get down there,” he says.
“Finnick?” I say. “Maybe some pants?”
He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown, leaving him in just his underwear. “Why? Do you find this”— he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose —“distracting?”
I can’t help laughing because it’s funny, and it’s extra funny because it makes Boggs look so uncomfortable, and I’m happy because Finnick actually sounds like the guy I met at the Quarter Quell.
“I’m only human, Odair.” I get in before the elevator doors close.
At dinner, Finnick brings his tray to my bed so we can watch the newest propo together on television. He was assigned quarters on my old floor, but he has so many mental relapses, he still basically lives in the hospital.
Finnick presses the button on the remote that kills the power. In a minute, people will be here to do damage control on Peeta’s condition and the words that came out of his mouth. I will need to repudiate them. But the truth is, I don’t trust the rebels or Plutarch or Coin. I’m not confident that they tell me the truth. I won’t be able to conceal this. Footsteps are approaching.
Finnick grips me hard by the arms. “We didn’t see it.”
“What?” I ask.
“We didn’t see Peeta. Only the propo on Eight. Then we turned the set off because the images upset you. Got it?” he asks. I nod. “Finish your dinner.”
“This is what they’re doing to you with Annie, isn’t it?” I ask.
“Well, they didn’t arrest her because they thought she’d be a wealth of rebel information,” he says. “They know I’d never have risked telling her anything like that. For her own protection.”
“Oh, Finnick. I’m so sorry,” I say.
“No, I’m sorry. That I didn’t warn you somehow,” he tells me.
Suddenly, a memory surfaces. I’m strapped to my bed, mad with rage and grief after the rescue. Finnick is trying to console me about Peeta. “They’ll figure out he doesn’t know anything pretty fast. And they won’t kill him if they think they can use him against you.”
“You did warn me, though. On the hovercraft. Only when you said they’d use Peeta against me, I thought you meant like bait. To lure me into the Capitol somehow,” I say.
“I shouldn’t have said even that. It was too late for it to be of any help to you. Since I hadn’t warned you before the Quarter Quell, I should’ve shut up about how Snow operates.”
Finnick and I sit for a long time in silence, watching the knots bloom and vanish, before I can ask, “How do you bear it?”
Finnick looks at me in disbelief. “I don’t, Katniss! Obviously, I don’t. I drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there’s no relief in waking.” Something in my expression stops him. “Better not to give in to it. It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.”
Well, he must know. I take a deep breath, forcing myself back into one piece.
“The more you can distract yourself, the better,” he says. “First thing tomorrow, we’ll get you your own rope. Until then, take mine.”
The camera pulls back to include Peeta, off to one side in front of a projected map of Panem. He's sitting in an elevated chair, his shoes supported by a metal rung. The foot of his prosthetic leg taps out a strange irregular beat. Beads of sweat have broken through the layer of powder on his upper lip and forehead. But it's the look in his eyes--angry yet unfocused--that frightens me the most.
"He's worse," I whisper. Finnick grasps my hand, to give me an anchor, and I try to hang on.
“You have two hours to get footage showing the damage from the bombing, establish that Thirteen’s military unit remains not only functional but dominant, and, most important, that the Mockingjay is still alive. Any questions?”
“Can we have a coffee?” asks Finnick.
Steaming cups are handed out. I stare distastefully at the shiny black liquid, never having been much of a fan of the stuff, but thinking it might help me stay on my feet.
Finnick sloshes some cream in my cup and reaches into the sugar bowl. “Want a sugar cube?” he asks in his old seductive voice. That’s how we met, with Finnick offering me sugar. Surrounded by horses and chariots, costumed and painted for the crowds, before we were allies. Before I had any idea what made him tick. The memory actually coaxes a smile out of me. “Here, it improves the taste,” he says in his real voice, plunking three cubes in my cup.
Haymitch’s footsteps are still echoing in the outer hall when I fumble my way through the slit in the dividing curtain to find Finnick sprawled out on his stomach, his hands twisted in his pillowcase. Although it’s cowardly — cruel even — to rouse him from the shadowy, muted drug land to stark reality, I go ahead and do it because I can’t stand to face this by myself.
As I explain our situation, his initial agitation mysteriously ebbs. “Don’t you see, Katniss, this will decide things. One way or the other. By the end of the day, they’ll either be dead or with us. It’s . . . it’s more than we could hope for!”
Well, that’s a sunny view of our situation. And yet there’s something calming about the idea that this torment could come to an end.
I want to run, but Finnick’s acting so strange, as if he’s lost the ability to move, so I take his hand and lead him like a small child.
"Oh, Peeta," says Finnick lightly. "Don't make me sorry I restarted your heart." He leads Annie away after giving me a concerned glance.
I'm unaware that my feet are moving to the table until I'm inches from the holograph. My hand reaches in and cups a rapidly blinking green light.
Someone joins me, his body tense. Finnick, of course. Because only a victor would see what I see so immediately. The arena. Laced with pods controlled by Gamemakers. Finnick's fingers caress a steady red glow over a doorway. "Ladies and gentlemen..."
His voice is quiet, but mine rings through the room. "Let the Seventy-sixth Hunger Games begin!"
I laugh. Quickly. Before anyone has time to register what lies beneath the words I have just uttered. Before eyebrows are raised, objections are uttered, two and two are put together, and the solution is that I should be kept as far away from the Capitol as possible. Because an angry, independently thinking victor with a layer of psychological scar tissue too thick to penetrate is maybe the last person you want on your squad.
"I don't even know why you bothered to put Finnick and me through training, Plutarch," I say.
"Yeah, we're already the two best-equipped soldiers you have," Finnick adds cockily.
"Do not think that fact escapes me," he says with an impatient wave. "Now back in line, Soldiers Odair and Everdeen. I have a presentation to finish."
Boggs told Peeta to sleep out in full view where the rest of us could keep an eye on him. He isn't sleeping, though. Instead, he sits with his bag pulled up to his chest, clumsily trying to make knots in a short length of rope. I know it well. It's the one Finnick lent me that night in the bunker. Seeing it in his hands, it's like Finnick's echoing what Haymitch just said, that I've cast off Peeta.
He weaves the rope in and out of his fingers. "The problem is, I can't tell what's real anymore, and what's made up."
The cessation of rhythmic breathing suggests that either people have woken or have never really been asleep at all. I suspect the latter.
Finnick's voice rises from a bundle in the shadows. "Then you should ask, Peeta. That's what Annie does.”
Masks go on. Finnick adjusts Peeta's mask over his lifeless face.
"I just murdered a member of our squad!" shouts Peeta.
"You pushed him off you. You couldn't have known he would trigger the net at that exact spot," says Finnick, trying to calm him.
"Who cares? He's dead, isn't he?" Tears begin to run down Peeta's face. "I didn't know. I've never seen myself like that before. Katniss is right. I'm the monster. I'm the mutt. I'm the one Snow has turned into a weapon!"
“It's not your fault, Peeta," says Finnick.
I shout a warning to the others to stay with me. I plan for us to skirt around the corner and then detonate the Meat Grinder, but another unmarked pod lies in wait.
It happens silently. I would miss it entirely if Finnick didn't pull me to a stop. "Katniss!"
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Not a total frickin’ idiot
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For the request: R x Daphne Kluger. R being a part of the original Heist Crew and also being the one Daphne approaches. They’re super flirty w/ each other and everyone knows that they like each other except themselves.
Summary: You thought you had gone unnoticed at the Met, but Miss Kluger never forgets a face.
Characters: Daphne Kluger x fem!reader, the Ocean’s team
Word Count: 1,657
Warnings: swearing!? Do i still have to put a warning for that? idk
If you had learned anything about diva actress Daphne Kluger from Rose, it was that you don’t speak unless spoken to first. 
And considering she didn’t talk to you at all during the heist, you were able to get around the entire night never uttering a single word to her, fulfilling your role on the team without any kind of hiccup.
So you were quite surprised when she had slid into your booth at your favourite coffee shop, giant sunglasses and a fashionable sunhat masking her face. You looked up from your phone and were about to comment about your booth being taken until you recognized her.
Your mouth hung open a little bit as she took off the hat and glasses. Her lips were painted a deep red and her outfit was impeccable, as always.
“Say..” she immediately said, pearly whites nearly blinding you as she smiled, “you were at the Met, weren't you?”
“I- I’m sorry?” you began. “I don’t know-”
“Oh my god! You totally were! You were wearing that adorable dress. Gosh, you looked so good.”
You were blushing hard, because in a matter of barely a minute, Daphne Kluger, gorgeous movie star, had called you adorable and good-looking all in the same sentence.
“I was there too- well, obviously you know that,” she chuckled, “and I was wearing that beautiful diamond necklace, don’t you remember? It was all over the news. Especially when I supposedly lost it.”
“O-oh? Right, y-yes I remember reading about it in the news..”
“And you know.. I couldn’t help but wonder how weird my designer was acting all night. And that lady in the black from the staff, who found my necklace? You’d almost think they were acting.”
You were almost as pale as a sheet at this point, gripping your cup in shaking fingers.
“And you know what’s funny? I saw you talking to both of them during the night. I mean, how couldn’t I notice? You looked so gorgeous, almost like you were asking me to see you.”
You gulped, “I do not know what you’re talking about, Miss Kluger-”
“Just call me Daphne,” she leaned forward, lips spread in a feline smile, elbows resting on the table and propping her head up on her hands.
“Y/N, right? I asked for your name from the guest list, I hope you don’t mind. They let me in on those sorts of things anyways.”
“That’s me,” you replied. 
“Do you know Debbie Ocean? Of course you do, you two also seemed pretty close all night, hm? You’re lucky I was the only one who noticed.”
“I’ve been approached by an investigator who seems really interested in her because the uh, necklace turned out to be a fake.”
You tried to pretend to be surprised at the news, but you couldn’t muster it, and Daphne looked at you knowingly.
“Luckily, I didn’t tell  him any  of your names, because I wasn’t sure if I was right. But you just confirmed all my suspicions anyways, so..”
“Are you threatening me?” you narrowed your eyes at her, and she gasped in mock offence.
“Of course not!” she leaned forward, giving you ample view of her cleavage, hand trailing over yours,
“I’m seducing you, Y/N.”
You didn’t know what to say as she looked at you with those deep, telling eyes. Her own eyes flickered appreciatively over your features, and you wondered if she was checking you out or if she was simply acting.
A small group of fans approached the table, chittering and blushing at the sight of Daphne Kluger in a meagre coffee shop such as this one. She smiled amicably, accepting their compliments and giving them autographs, before saying,
“You’re all so sweet, but do you think you’d be able to let my girlfriend and I have some privacy for the rest of our date? Thaanks,” she waved as the fans rushed off, gasping and gossiping amongst themselves at the prospect of the Daphne Kluger having a girlfriend. 
“Girlfriend?” you asked once you found your voice again. She only grinned and winked at you.
“Oh, don’t be like that baby. Now, are you gonna tell me about the necklace, or what?” she sipped your drink and your mouth went dry.
“Chilly,” Daphne remarked at the glances given by the rest of the group, “what about, ‘Hi Daph, welcome to the team. Let’s not all high five at once.’”
You chewed your lip, bounced your leg, avoided her gaze altogether, and tried very hard not to look at how good she looked in her black dress. You were sitting across from the couch where she had plopped down, hunched in the metal framed chair.
“Why’d y’let her get to you, Y/N. I told you not to draw attention to yourself!” Rose said to you, after you and Debbie had explained how Daphne had found you, recognized you and called out the plan. You, being the newbie in the ways of criminality, could barely think of a cover up and ended up bringing her to Debbie with a spluttering confession.
“She didn’t,” Daphne’s eyes were locked on yours, “I just noticed her myself.”
You blushed a little and looked away. Debbie looked at you apologetically, knowing you felt put on the spot.
“Plus,” Daphne continued, “I am the one who is saving your asses from insurance fraud, okay?”
The team burst into shock, responses flying left and right.
“I-I was gonna get to that,” you said hastily, eyeing Debbie, who stepped in,
“It seems that they’ve assigned an insurance investigator-”
“Who’s about to look up your asses with a flashlight,” Daphne pointed out.
"Oh, this little Columbo dude, everything but the trench coat, totally on to you.”
“His name is John Frasier,” Debbie said.
"Wha- you know him?” Amita spluttered in disbelief.
“Yes, he busted my father twice, my brother once.”
“He’s family,” Lou added.
“Lest we forget, this entire enterprise was to keep me out of jail,” Rose interrupted, worry etched on her face.
“No one is going to jail,” Lou assured her.
“We expected this, we prepared for this,” said Debbie. Not many of the team seemed to believe her, with Nineball adding,
“Yup... that’s clear.”
“We will not be the prime suspect,” Debbie said sternly.
"Then who will be?”
“Well,” you added, “we’ve got the security guys, the busboys-”
“...The shady guy who put you away,” Tammy sighed, arching an eyebrow at Debbie, who could barely contain the smirk on her face. Daphne stared at her incredulously,
“..the boyfriend.”
"Mhm,” Debbie replied, “they were gonna be looking for somebody, just had to make sure it wasn’t one of us.”
Lou nodded in approval, adding a faint, “that’s nice.”
“Wow... that is amazing,” Daphne grinned, chewing her gum in delight, “the precision, right? It’s always the attention to detail and the little grace notes that really make something sing.”
A short silence followed. Glances were cast between the rest of you, wondering what on earth had gotten into Daphne’s head.
“...Why are you doing this?” Tammy asked, clearly dumbfounded by this multi-millionaire actress dropping into their party. Daphne stilled for a moment, her eyes flickering to you for a second before saying,
“I.. don’t have that many close female friendships. Plus bookclubs are the worst, so I just thought y’know... could be something fun to share?”
“You’re becoming a criminal because you’re lonely?”
“...Who isn’t sometimes, right?”
"Are you an only child?” you asked her. Her silence told you enough.
The team seemed to accept at that point that Daph was there to stay, so they went about their usual business. 
“Beer?” Lou offered you, which you immediately said yes to, feeling a little woozy after that whole experience.
Tammy went to the kitchen and opened another pizza box, and you went to grab a slice for yourself before calculating your next move carefully, hoping your brain wouldn’t short circuit as you grabbed another slice and headed to where Daphne was sitting by herself.
You sat next to her, very very awkwardly, and offered her the paper plate.
“Aw, thanks,” she smiled, cheering up a little, “you know you don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Be nice to me because you feel bad for me. Look, I’m sorry I cornered you the other day. I didn’t mean to seem desperate or whatever.”
“You- you didn’t seem desperate,” you frowned, “and I don’t feel bad for you. Whatever gave you that idea?”
She looked at you with a mouthful of pizza, and made an exasperated gesture to your whole surroundings, indicating the events that had just occurred. She also didn’t want you to know how she had been dying for your attention the minute she had seen you at the Met. 
“Oh, well, I mean, I think your reasoning was perfectly justified,” you cocked your head at her and smiled. Then you lifted your pizza and said,
“to crime!”
The rest of the group cheered and replied with the same phrase, lifting their beers or pizza with glee. Daphne blushed at the exclamation.
“Now you,” you said, nodding encouragingly. 
“Do it! If you’re gonna be a part of the Ocean’s team, you gotta get with the rituals.”
“Rituals?” Daphne scoffed. But then she saw your dopey smile and sparkling eyes, and her insides melted. She delicately lifted the pizza and said,
“to crime!”
You laughed and sipped your beer.
“Ten bucks says they’re dating by next week,” Nineball said in the kitchen, peering into the fridge.
“I say by the weekend,” Constance offered. 
“Idiots,” Rose shook her head. “If tonight is gonna keep up like this, I say by the morning.”
They eyed you and Daphne chatting away on the couch, completely forgetting about everyone else.
“Not so lonely anymore I guess,” Tammy smiled.
“Told you, crime’s good for many things,” Debbie nudged her and smiled at Lou, who rolled her eyes playfully.
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