#i think this answer is super incoherent and rambled
eliza-makepeace · 2 years
You know what's interesting is I don't think the Jedi actually make a big deal about the Chosen One thing in canon. Qui-Gon presents the idea and the Council is skeptical about it, and even Obi-Wan isn't sure. Qui-Gon has been established in canon novels to have had a special interest in prophecy that the other Jedi did not share. The other Jedi believe the future is always in motion and while visions of the future may come to pass, destiny does not supersede personal autonomy and assuming the certainty of a potential future is extremely dangerous— see: Anakin being certain Padmé will die in childbirth with only a dream for evidence, and Padmé ultimately giving birth in extremely fraught circumstances she would not have ended up in if Anakin had taken the dream with a grain of salt.
I don't think we give enough credit to how weird Qui-Gon is supposed to be, because his wise old man routine obscures the fact that he's a wild card. He's the Jedi equivalent of a moon landing truther who believes in astrology. The Jedi don't believe him when he insists the Sith have returned, and their skepticism is by no means unreasonable— the Sith have been extinct in the galaxy for about as long as the Vikings have in the real world. It's much more likely that Maul is a wannabe Sith LARPer or some other dark side wielder rather than the genuine article. A Sith LARPer is still dangerous, of course, and there is a slim possibility that Qui-Gon's actually on the money this time, so they don't brush it off, but send him to investigate. By the end, it's pretty clear that Maul is indeed a Sith.
I think this is what convinces the Council to allow Anakin to be trained. Qui-Gon was right about the Sith, maybe he's right about the Chosen One— maybe. They're not going to do a 180 and take this as a sign of the prophecy's validity; they'll train Anakin like any other Jedi (much as they can considering his background and late start) and if he happens to bring balance to the Force somewhere down the line, fantastic. Yoda initially thinks they're foolish for doing even that much and doesn't believe their assessment of Anakin should change. He could see that it was extremely risky to train Anakin, and he doesn't approve of the Council moving forward with it on the hope that he'll fulfill some prophecy. (Interestingly, Yoda isn't head of the Council at this time— Mace is.)
Throughout the movies, we always hear the prophecy referenced in questions and if terms. The Jedi aren't completely certain that the prophecy will come to pass. Qui-Gon says, "He is the Chosen One," but the other Jedi say, "Is he the Chosen One?" or when they're feeling confident, "Isn't he?" Yoda even posits at one point that if it is real, it might not mean what they think it does. For Anakin's part, I can't remember a time in the films when he brings it up himself. Still, the Mortis arc makes it clear that the prophecy does refer to him. It's just that in Star Wars, prophecies only present one of many possible futures. Obi-Wan's heartbroken lament mourns this reality— instead of bringing balance to the Force, Anakin plunged the galaxy into darkness.
Anakin does ultimately fulfill the prophecy, not because of predetermined destiny, but because of his own choice. He doesn't kill Palpatine to destroy the Sith, he kills him to save his son. He realizes that he's always been able to choose his destiny. He may have been Chosen by the Force to overthrow the Sith, but it was not the Force's choice to make. The dark side represents imbalance; the Force wishes to be balanced. If it were up to the Force, I don't think Order 66 would have been allowed to happen. It was always Anakin's choice to doom the galaxy or save it, much as that choice can fall to one person. I think that's a really interesting subversion of the Chosen One trope
This whole debate about the nature and consequences of the Chosen One in canon is fascinating. I don't exactly know what I think about it, truth be told.
For one, I've seen interviews of George Lucas stating that Anakin is the Chosen One, and there's this strange aspect to him that is fundamentally linked with inevitability. His own name, according to Jett Lucas, is based on the Greek goddess of inevitability, Ananke. George Lucas has said Anakin was always the Chosen One, even as Darth Vader, and he was always supposed to be Darth Vader, and saved by Luke. So there's that. However, I still think it's also Anakin's choice to do it as he did, and he didn't kill Palpatine as the Chosen One, he killed him as a father who wanted to protect his son. So that's an interesting debate, about the degree that Anakin fulfilled his role as the Chosen One because it was prophesized he would or because he chose to (no pun intented).
Granted, the characters don't know that he is it. I think, rather than having doubts about the existence of the Chosen One, the Jedi have issues concerning his role, what that Chosen One might cause. The Force does warn, through a prophecy, that there will be a Chosen One. The question is: what will he do? What will he cause to the world as the Jedi know it? And therefore, will he keep the ideas of the Jedi or obliterate them? That's the question, the fear.
Which brings me back to the Jedi and their consideration of Anakin.
Anakin is a huge problem for a number of reasons, and I think that's the real issue:
1) no one knows what the Chosen One really should do, because "the prophecy could have been misread". The existence of the Chosen One isn't doubted, I think, but their nature, what the prophecy really says about them.
2) no one knows how Anakin as a person will deal with stuff because he has been living as a force sensitive non-jedi for 10 years, is incredibly powerful and has attachments. The Jedi distrust him because he has been raised away from the dogmas and considerations of the Order.
3) His "patron", biggest supporter, and also new attachment, is Qui-Gon Jinn. Aka the guy who isn't in the Council because he moonwalks in and out of the council chamber while telling everyone very nicely that maybe they should reconsider what they're doing. So the Jedi aren't really leaping with joy about him in general.
And the thing is, when Anakin is firstly introduced in front of the Jedi, and gets rejected, it is established that the main reason he's there is because Qui-Gon thinks he's the foretold chosen one. And they still reject him. Anakin suddenly is away from home, taken from his mom, Qui-Gon inadvertently puts a lot of weight on him by saying he's the Chosen One, and the Jedi don't want him. When they finally do allow him to join the Order, it's obvious their initial doubts are still there. The only reason they keep him is because, firstly Qui-Gon insists, and then, he dies and Obi-Wan insists for him. He practically threatens Yoda, "I will train Anakin, without the aproval of the Council, if I must." And because, in case he really is the Chosen One, it's better to keep him where we can see him, just in case. And if he's not, he's still very powerful, so we'll still keep an eye on him.
As for Anakin thinking he's the Chosen One or not, I remember (although I can't really say where I've seen it or which of the many) one interview of Hayden, where he talked about Anakin truly believing he's the Chosen One, and it's that sort of idea that he's a savior that makes him be so obsessed. He needs to save all the people, he just has to. It's his duty. And what kind of a Chosen One, a Hero With No Fear could he be, if he can't save his own mother, or his own wife and child? This isn't really stated in the movies, so obviously we can decide by ourselves whether or not we consider it canon. I myself do, because it clearly affected Hayden's performance to know that, whether or not there was dialogue to support it. But I also believe he believed he was, because, at least when he arrived and joined the Jedi, his being the Chosen One was both what, in general, allowed him to stay, and also kept him away from the other padawans and people around him.
So, yeah... I think there's this flip side of the coin, between Anakin's inevitable role as the Chosen One, and his own choice to be so. I think they're not mutually exclusive.
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p-receh · 6 months
I need someone to vent to. Incoherent rambling starts here:
So! From the season finale issue we all know hang kasa cared for ratna, right? (He's in love with her, HE'S IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED WOMAN, HE'S—) (the ship's doomed even before setting sail) We see how devastated he was when he came back to gurlatan and found that she's dead. WHAT IF their feelings were carried on to the next incarnation (boboiboy gempa and boboiboy halilintar) (not the 'in love' part per se, but the deep profound care especially towards hali from gempa). Then BAM! BBBMV2 happens. Hali is taken from gempa once more (to the same alien even). Then BAM! Gurlatan arc happens. If only gempa didn't change to halilintar, then perhaps halilintar wouldn't be stolen. If only gempa didn't trust kirana so easily. If only— DO YOU KNOW GUILTY HE FEELS THEN??? THREE TIMES THE LIGHTNING ELEMENTAL WAS TAKEN FROM THE EARTH ELEMENTAL! AAAAAAAAAAA the angsttt
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Hold on lemme just digest your ask first. Be back in minute—
*reading the ask box thoroughly*
Waaaaaaaiiiit, but how's that even—
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Lmao I am speechless, anon. No one, I mean no one even from many fans in my country had this theory. This one by far was really wild, and I somehow blessed what you came up with.
If that's what you say about Hang Kasa and Satriantar. I might want to add that Kuputeri shared the same bond with them. But in my perspective, I would think He cared about their partnership since one of his goals was to gather all elemental masters to become the "Guardians of the Galaxy" per se.
And I really reeeeeally love the interaction between Hang Kasa, Kuputeri, and Satriantar. I could almost see their resemblance in the Ori Trio. So it super duper makes sense if Monsta did that on purpose (even if it's unintentional).
Heck there's a fan who mostly draws these three and makes some headcanon to it(oh I really recommend this account if you are into these three :333)
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WHAT IF their feelings were carried on to the next incarnation (boboiboy gempa and boboiboy halilintar) (not the 'in love' part per se, but the deep profound care especially towards hali from gempa). Then BAM! BBBMV2 happens. Hali is taken from gempa once more (to the same alien even). Then BAM! Gurlatan arc happens. If only gempa didn't change to halilintar, then perhaps halilintar wouldn't be stolen. If only gempa didn't trust kirana so easily. If only— DO YOU KNOW GUILTY HE FEELS THEN??? THREE TIMES THE LIGHTNING ELEMENTAL WAS TAKEN FROM THE EARTH ELEMENTAL! AAAAAAAAAAA the angsttt
To be fair, in my own selfishness. I'd rather choose either Gempa or even Angin's 3rd Tier, Beliung, as being the one who helps gain back the Lightning power from Ki'rana lol.
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(Maximum angst right guys? 😏)
It goes back to their personal past and how emotionally affected they are by what happened throughout Gur'latan's arc!
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OOT Gempa is the perfect candidate for being the angst ambassador of how much he witnessed such tragedy in front of his eyes. He is truly an embodiment of his original owners lmao😅
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freckliedan · 10 months
Hi!!! I just wanted to talk about how Dan and Phil as a brand is so relatable to neurodivergents in the way that they've been treated recently. So DnP built their careers off of being "weird" and "quirky" and socially awkward. That was Their Thing. Dan spoke for years about being violently bullied (quotes such as "being punched in the head by dickheads" stand out as a pre-BIG example of just how violent it got at times), Phil had the Why I Was a Weird Kid series, they both were frequently talked about as being "weird" and "awkward" by other YouTubers - they WERE the "weird" ones of the vlog group. The ones that awkward teens could relate to. Unfortunately, this got the attention of the #imsoquirky crowd who talks like they're experiencing all of these things while also being the same people who would mock me for my autism.
And that's the crowd now saying Dan is too old to be posting catboy photos or saying that the two of them "give the ick now, idk why." And I just can't help but notice how much I relate to that as an autistic and ADHD person. So many times over the years, I've made "friends" who were slightly into my interests, but then got weirded out by how hard I went into them. I think what we're seeing is the same thing happening to Dan and Phil. Drawing cat whiskers on your face to answer questions? Well that's "so cute and quirky"!! (/s). But actually playing as Catboys in JRPGs, dressing up in cat ears, making animal noises (which the two of them always did but ig this group overlooked), etc? Well that's "too far" and "so weird."
I think Dan especially got hit with this because he has more subscribers. When he talks about being bullied, most people can relate to that. But then when he goes and honks a horn in a game repeatedly (which tbh I've done before myself, very ADHD coded of him) or talks about hiding behind vending machines to avoid talking to people, that is suddenly "too annoying/weird" for some of the audience that got into him for his "relatably weird" content.
Sorry this is such a long ramble, but basically Dan and Phil have accidentally become the perfect examples of how kids with autism/ADHD/social pragmatic disorder/nvld/dyspraxia *insert other neurodivergencies that can cause atypical socialization* are treated. People might find your initial "quirkiness" relatable because everyone feels awkward or socially anxious at times, but it's when they see that you are Actually Just Like That and it's not to be #relatable that they turn on you and start saying that you're "too much" and "too weird."
Dan and Phil were the "weird" ones of the British vlog scene, and those of us who tuned into the younows or watched their older videos knew this, but someone who only subbed after watching a meme review or the two of them playing undertale might have assumed that they were the "right" kind of quirky/weird.
This is probably incoherent, but I hope you get what I mean.
this isn't incoherent! just such a well thought out ask i don't have anything to add. there's really specific ways i'm comfortable talking abour dnp + neurodivergence & neurodivergence in general so it's not something i've ever done super in depth posts abt!
i've actually gotten a few really lengthy asks like this over the last few weeks, so this is to you and to my other askers: i really appreciate that folks want to share their ideas with me but sometimes i genuinely don't have enough to contribute in response to add on to what's being said! and that makes it pretty impossible to answer asks like this.
so this is to everyone: feel free to @ me in the replies on your posts! (doing that leaves things cleaner than @ ing in the body of a post, which in my experience means folks are more likely to engage, if that's what you're looking for). especially loop me in about dnp + neurodivergene or dnp + gender!
this isn't a promise i'll rb or even see things, this website's functionality is shit, but like. it's actually way easier for me to see and support than if yall are sending me essay length anons, and this way i + others can find more people who share the same opinions as us! make ur own posts & ppl will follow u i prommy
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shsl-heck · 1 year
So because I've seen it compared to Worm, I started reading The Boys by Garth Ennis. It's bad! Like really bad! It feels like what would happen if you let an edgy anti-feminist atheist youtuber from 2015 write a comic book. I finished the first volume of the omnibus in large part because it was a train wreck I couldn't look away from, and am debating starting the second since I hate myself. The most interesting parts are actually the little forewords. Through them I learned both that it was supposed to be a comedy, and also a critique of the military industrial complex/police (or at least that people read it as one). This was surprising to me since it is neither funny nor incisive. Anyway, now I want to ramble incoherently about my problems with it because this goddamn comic broke my brain.
Okay, so one of the most common ways it shows you which characters you aren't supposed to like is by having them do comically "gross" sex stuff. Notable examples include cocaine fueled orgies, mentions of shitting during sex, bestiality, masturbating in public to the sight of disabled people, and a little person using sex toys. One that shows up repeatedly in this context is characters being bisexual or gay. Now, I don't wanna get controversial, but I think any claims that your work is a critique of capitalism, police, the military, or whatever are rendered moot when your villains are a group of secret hedonistic sex-freaks. Like we can't pretend that doesn't sound a lot like regressives and their obsession with "degeneracy". Sexual assaults, misogyny, and slurs also appear pretty often, mostly as the punch line for jokes. Victims are rendered down into objects and denied any sense of interiority so we can instead focus on what really matters (gore porn, and middle school 4chan posters' sense of humor). Never once does Ennis deign to explore the actual impact and trauma of these things, or ask why he views these things as material for jokes.
That incuriosity is I think the real problem with The Boys. There is no actual coherent thought about why things are bad. Superheroes hurt people and are wrong because of their personal moral failings as selfish perverts, not because their whole job is to violently enforce the will of the state. It's like if someone agreed that all cops are bastards, but only because all cops just so happened to be "bad apples". The main characters literally work for the fucking CIA, and yes, I know the titular Boys are at best meant to be anti-heroes a la the Punisher. My issue here isn't that they're hypocrites who are frequently also horrible. It's that this premise for is absolute nonsense if you think for half a second. Superheroes do not function without the legitimacy granted to them by the state and it's monopoly on violence, so why would the CIA need these 5 randos with zero oversight working to take out the supers? Is the force Homelander and the others can bring to bear so great that even the apparatus of that state can't deal with them? If so, why does this group of assholes change that? Normally I'd be willing to give the story a lot more of a pass when it comes to questions like this, except I'm being told that this story has things to say about systemic problems involving the government and corporations! So I have to ask, where? Where is the commentary? What does it actually have to say about the state of the world circa 2006-2012? The only answer I can come up with is "not a whole lot". It's a story which dares to ask the tough questions like "what if the world was made of pudding" and then ignore answering those questions so it can instead recite Ellis' favorite slurs in alphabetical order while showing you a woman's tits.
On a lighter note, it's also just not very good. The plot (as mentioned) falls apart under any amount of scrutiny, pacing is bizarre in a bad way, the characters aren't compelling, themes remains stubbornly unexplored, and Ellis is allergic to doing anything interesting or creative with the premise he's decided to base a whole comic around. I genuinely do not know what people enjoy(ed) about this comic.
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hi kane !! if u were in charge of writing the story for a cars 4 movie, what would u want it to be about ? 🤔 (@dmclr)
Ouughh. Ohhmgugish. I don't know why I'm like all "you're asking ME??🤧"
GENIUNELY NO ONE IS OBLIGATED TO READ THIS. I know the whole "I yap a lot" thing sometimes but this is geniunely like a rediculous length. I mean no one is obligated to read any of my posts but yknow.
I need like two read more bars for this post yall. I don't know why I'm yapping so much. In case it wasn't clear I had a lot to say here and thank you for asking me this(<- more thankfulness filled than I can properly express at the moment, so sorry). I didn't proof-read much of this I'm so sorry if it's like incoherent and has the punctuation of the "I'm eating, Grandma" vs "I'm eating Grandma" grammar tool.
Okay I'm like. Blaming the fact I messed up my sleep schedule and it's 11:27pm and I just woke up like an hour and a half ago and I side-tracked myself like absolutely crazy but keep side-tracking myself into different rants or tangents so it is just a forever increasing ramble, but TL;DR, I actually prefer media that is dead or left alone because I get so anxious when new stuff comes out cause I'm afraid of what they'll do to my faves or if they'll butcher them or add slap-stick love interests, etc., and when Cars on the Road came out(idk how aware people are that it exists), I spent the whole first watch through not really enjoying and savoring it cause I was so anxious over what was gonna happen that I spent the whole time making sure it was 'safe' and I wasn't going to have a pit in my stomach. Which, it turned out lovely and I actually have some things from it that I super love and adore, but I have actually unironically predicted my F/Os so strongly(among other listful factors) that I'd rather them finally put it to rest before it starts getting into beating a dead horse territory, cause I don't know if there's really much of anything left for them to expand on anyway.
My serious answer?: I'm not entirely sure, but I would enjoy seeing them just expand on some more smaller stuff, and I'd like it better if they didn't try to do 'revivals' of characters from past movies(ily Chick but Cars 3 was a bitttt of some injustice to you), I know they're supposed to be more action-y movies but I love slice of life stuff and I'd totally just watch an hour and forty minutes of Lightning just like playing around Radiator Springs or something(every Cars game ever). Though my ultimate ideal scenario is just none at all.
My slightly less serious answer that probabblyyy isn't gonna happen but the odds are never zero(he says humorously)?: They should spend the whole time doing documentary style movie about how it would've gone if I was in the previous movies +sketches/storyboards or reanimated scenes of small moments but I'm thrown in there. ALL IM SAYING IS Cars 2 would've been SO funny if I was in it okay. Would've been exhausted running around the entirety of Europe(+like US and Japan for a moment) nearly the entire time and someone watching would've been sick to their stomach cause the movie WOULD CONCLUDE with it all ending via the power love, and I'm not sorry. Would've had my 'Mary Sue' moment of like nearly every major(and some minor) cast role having SOME sort of feelings for me, most typically romantic. And it being reciprocated. You want an action movie?? There, now tell me THAT ain't action-packed. I refuse to believe the outcome of anything would be predictable. Every last interaction is gonna leave the viewers asking "what the HELL is going on and what will happen next". Pixar(and Disney) I am right here but it's okay if ur busy cause I'm busy too.
The stuff under the cut is basically the same thing I said here(mostly focused on my 'serious' answer bit), but veryy elaborated upon, so it's fairly lengthy. PUTTING MY PHONE DOWN AND HITTING POST NOW BEFORE I SOMEHOW ADD MORE. BUT THANK YOU THNAK YOU FOR ASKING THIS I DIDNT THINK I WOULD WRITE AN ACTUAL ESSAY I AM SO SORRY.
I don't know how much I really mention this, cause I think it a lot but I don't wanna like drive my blog viewers nuts if I say it so much over and over again, but I get like so anxious over whenever knew stuff or content of my F/Os come out believe it or not! There was only like.. one or two medias in the past where I was actually like.. excited whenever the person posted new stuff! Somehow I've had the luck of most things that I F/O from are dead upload-wise. I get so anxious that it'll go down hill(especially if the media has been going on for a while now, which.. Cars starting in 2006 I'd count that) cause I've watched some shows just go downhill or randomly butcher characters or add slap-stick romantic interests that it just makes me far too anxious!! Honestly, I thought Cars WAS finished and through with, but for whatever reason there was the release of Cars on the Road(don't know how many people know of that) and DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVED IT and I still do and think about it fairly often, I actually really really love and adore some of the qualities they expanded on with Mater and Lightning but that's a whole thing for another time probably-, but what I didn't enjoy was being so anxious over it that when it came out I practically spent my whole first watch through making sure that it was 'safe' and something wasn't going to happen that makes me feel like I swallowed a rock and my stomach sinks. Which thankfully didn't happen at all, I loved how it turned out and still rewatch it occasionally, I think they nailed it, but I didn't like the so nervous experience I had in the first place😅
I've heard some people talk about someone who did an interview with someone who supposedly works on the Cars stuff about how they still had stuff in mind they wanted to do with the characters, I'm HOPING I don't somehow jinx myself wildly but honestly I'd muchhh rather prefer it just gets dropped and they let Cars just be what it is for now. Sometimes I question if they just do this stuff because they milk a crazy amount of money out of how well the diecasts sell, which is why they have so many one-off diecasts like the off-roading ones or the glow in the dark ones, or just random sorts of themes. Which, entire tangent for another day, can't BELIEVE they put Jackson anywhere CLOSE do a dirt racing series even if it was just the diecast. But anyway.
TO ACTUALLY ANSWER YOU QUESTION... I'm not super sure!!! I've heard some people talk about seeing more stuff about how Cruz and Lightning race together would be interesting, I think I'd prefer something like that as opposed to a revisit of characters from previous movies or such(ily Chick but they tampered your voice in Cars 3 and I'd argue your personality a bit as well), truthfully I'm not super sure, I've never thought about it so much before!! They should include me in the movie(/hj). Truthfully, normally each movie has been sort of centered around Lightning having some sort of character development arc he has to go through, I'm not sure what else he could be put through! Don't get me wrong, he's absolutely not a perfect character, which is what makes characters so enjoyable in the first place, but he doesn't have as big of a staple thing to go through like he did in the first movie where he was a "I can do it all by myself" i-use-my-ego-to-hide-my-feelings rookie. I don't entirely like how the third movie took it truthfully, with the whole "McQueen is getting older..😢😥..how will he still race?!" Cause like one of the staple differences between F1 and NASCAR is that so many NASCAR racers(especially if they made it good) stay racing until they are like in their 60s+ or their hairs are graying(which, arguably could happen whenever but for the sake of my point, stereotypical age-related graying). And Lightning is like in his mid-30s in the third movie at the LATEST. So I don't know what any of that was about. I know there was the whole new gen of racers thing but he honestly wasn't doing too bad keeping up with them until things got into his head and he freaked himself out(on top of the crash, and the like. Literal depression he falls in to). And then there's the whole thing of he actually had it in him the win the last race in the movie at the Flordia 500 blah blah blah but he wanted to switch out with Cruz so she could have her moment, which, I'm not entirely ecstatic over how they paced Cruz's development, I wish they let it marinate a bit more but I get they had crunch-time in the movie.
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crazycafinecat · 10 months
What was Space Morty's dynamic like with the other Smiths? Has he made an friends since going into space? :0
omg i totally forgot to answer these sorry....
i planned a bunch of comics to explain space morty's backstory but I've been really busy so it's probably gonna take a while to draw all of them, so I'll just explain it roughly now and then go into more detail in the comics eventually.
ok so this universe is actually very similar to the main one in the show in terms of family dynamics and stuff. the big difference here is that morty comes out as transfem (she/her pronouns btw) and things kinda derail from there?? like summer is super supportive and their relationship actually improves, rick is supportive (because he's also trans in this universe but he's stealth so no one knows) but he doesn't show it very directly, beth is trying her best and jerry is confused and refuses to understand.
so that's what makes morty run away, she's alway felt like her family never really appreciates her or like she's the unwanted child (even tho that's technically summer lol) so seeing her dad not even trying to understand something that's important to her, and her grampa's usual apathetic behavior on the matter (which she interprets as unsupportive) make her snap and she impulsively runs away.
she's kinda emotionally unstable since she ran away so she hasn't made any friends, and avoids other ricks and mortys from other dimensions because she tends to not get along with them and she's been to the citadel before it got destroyed and stole a random rick's portal gun lol.
she did meet morty prime tho, he got lost in space and she helped him find his grampa or something like that, and they kinda become friends after that even tho she refuses to admit it. i was also thinking about a possible interaction with evil morty but they're so similar i dont think they'd like eachother.
sorry this is so long ahshdh i think it's all but I'll add more if i realize i forgot something. thanks for reading my incoherent rambles🫶
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senseiwu · 1 year
BRIIIIIIIIII can u tell me about wu. headcanons. favorite pictures. ships. random facts. your own AUs. ANYTHING. LAV U <3
I'm sorry I answered this a little late, I was hoping to type up a nice coherent answer on my computer, but,, you said anything so,, mind I ramble? 👉👈🥺 I love this silly old man
Sorry if it's a little incoherent
Headcanons. Okay, so. He has golden eyes. He's associated with yellow and gold a lot, because of creation, but he prefers another colour. Not sure what.
Man's super short. Like, 150cm. Here is him next to Ray and Maya.
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He's very fit, but not super toned and muscular. However much you'd need to be doing what he does.
More headcanons... like his dad and brother, he can purr, and is more flexible than most people. (Cause, yknow. The old fandom thing of dragon + oni= cat), and they also all have soft, floofy hair (an Oni trait). Because the dragon side is more dominant in him, he's relatively cold-blooded, and more susceptible to the cold than most people. (Makes having an extra warm best friend/boyfriend even better 🤭)
A more serious headcanon, he was relatively closed off after his father died. He was always more of an introvert, but Iza dying made the realisation hit him, that he's going to outlive people. He didn't really have many friends, until Ray basically decided this dude needed a friend. Ray got him to move past this fear, to live enjoying the now, rather than fearing the possibilities of the future. I think I worded that right. Anyway, they've been super close ever since. Unless it's an AU with Goldsmith, the only other person he's even remotely that close to is Misako.
There's only one more HC I can think of at the moment, and that's that he enjoys creative things, like art and stuff. His element probably plays a bit into that. He used to really like to paint, but doesn't do it much anymore. (There was a book that said Misako liked to paint... maybe they'd paint together and chat and have tea,,,)
Favourite pictures,, ough,, these are probably some of my favourites :)
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Ships... I have quite a few for him hfhdjdje
There's the obvious ones, like Wusako, Spark, Goldsmith (AND. COMBINING THOSE. idk what their name would be, but,, maya/misako/ray/wu,,,), Waith (I think I've also seen it called Hopeshipping, which just makes me 🥺🥺🥺🥺), Wu/Libber, which one of my friends dubbed "CreativeShock". I'm sure that there's probably some more I might have forgotten.
I may have accidentally given him kids for three of those ships- Accidentally, because they all just popped into my head and refused to leave
I don't know if I have any random facts at the moment... apparently his favourite tea is white tea. Which I believe is the least processed type of tea. I think that might’ve been said in Wu's Teas, though, so take it was a grain of salt. (Or, since we're talking about tea.... a grain of sugar? :D)
I have,,, so many AUs focusing on him.... theres
Glacier dads au. Where Cole and Zane take baby Wu during S0G and go into hiding and just. Become his dads. It's very soft and sweet, most of the time.
Mermaid AU. Wu is a mermaid, as well as his family. He befriends, and TOTALLY doesn't fall for two humans (Ray and Maya). (But it turns out, Maya actually has mermaid ancestry, and eventually, can change forms between human and mermaid (she's an octopus mermaid, I can't remember the proper name at the moment.))
There's also a future part of that AU, where they're adults and have three kids and a house that's partially underwater. The kids can all change forms at will too. Nya is a regular mermaid, and Kai and Lar are octopi like their mama)
Band AU. Wus in an up and coming rock band with Ray, Maya, Lilly and Libber. They're called "Elements of Creation" or something, but I don't think they actually have powers fhdjsjm. This AU also has Goldsmith. They also have a little tuxedo cat whose name I forgot that Maya found and they rescued as a kitten.
Ice skater AU. Wu and Ray are together, and are figure skaters. However, duo competitions tend to be between male and female duos, so they search for another couple to have some partners for completions. Enter Maya and Misako. Begin them all falling in love 🤭
Family AU. An AU that goes along with the timeline of the show, the biggest difference being that Maya, Ray and Wu are all married. Kai and Nya live with Wu in the monastery after Ray ans Maya get taken away. Before being taken away, though, Maya had found out that she was pregnant again. She didn't get to tell her husbands before Krux took her and Ray while Wu was away, though :(
HAPPY Family AU. An alternate version of Family AU that branches off at around the time of Garmadon's banishment. He doesn't get banished, Ray and Maya don't get taken, and as little angst as possible happens. Lar gets to grow up with his siblings, who get to grow up with all three of their parents. Zane and Morro also get adopted. The kids get to spend lots of time with their cousin Lloyd. Oh, Ray's mother is also still alive, so the kids have their grandma! They call her Nanny :) that's what we called my paternal grandma, and. I think autumn deserves that honour :)
Alternate Timeline AU. Garmadon doesn't sign Wu's letter, and this event prompts him to leave Chen. Wu and Misako adopt Morro, and get married. Jun is in this AU :)
That's all the recent ones I can think of off the top of my head. There's also the LCA AU, Canon Divergent AU and Fantasy AU, but I haven't really touched those in years. OH and the Superhero AU. I'd like to get back to some of those but. Idk they kinda make me cringe since they're from like. Four years ago.
OH he's also heavily involved in Single Mamasako AU. He helps Misako with Lloyd whenever he can, even when he starts training the ninja. ....there's also an alternate version of that AU where he and Misako get together,, and I have also been thinking of a kinda AU that goes along with the show, where they become a thing .... around after s10? Idk I only thought of it the other day because. I love them. Wusako is cute and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
...okay I think. I've rambled enough dhdjsje sorry. I just. I love Wu and he occupies my thoughts constantly.
Love you too friend 💖💖
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I only have one wu hug gif 💔
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melodyofthevoid · 1 year
Random ass Ocean Idiots questions cause it's Friday night and I got nothing to do (/j): Is there any kind of like Ocean Idiots creation myth? I'm sure there isn't any super developed creation myth since you guys do this for fun and probably don't rly think all that much abt details like that, but i am indeed curious
Also, is there some kind of legendary hero in Ocean Idiots? Some guy or gal who's rly famous for some kind of heroic deed (kinda like Cu Chulainn for example)? I think that'd be fun
Finally, do the gods have some kind of realm where they all hangout (Kinda like Asgard or Olympus) or have you guys just not rly paid much attention to that sorta stuff?
Sry for the extremely incoherent rambling i've just rly been wanting to ask you abt this (and also just felt like sending an ask lolol)
No prob, I'll do my best to answer!
Not really? We haven't really considered a central creation myth yet. I think I doodled a hypothetical fusion of all the powers once but haven't given it much thought beyond that.
Again, not as of now. It's an interesting concept but there's not really a figure that we've thought of or had a real grasp on. However I think Mariza might gain a rep as the "mortal who became a god" and get hero status post ascension. That could be neat.
Sort of? I think Samira's half dream realm might work as a means for that.
Sorry for the lackluster answers on these, we're all kinda taking our time/a bit of a hiatus rn. We've got other stuff that's taking priority or what have you. Not to say I won't answer questions! It's just a bit quiet atm.
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istj-hedonist · 2 years
@strawberryss1​ gonna make this into an extra post so that there is at least some educational value for others
(seperated from the answers to the former post https://istj-hedonist.tumblr.com/post/697216762641547264/do-you-still-subscribe-to-the-eyelid-space-theory)
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(about Trump) I don’t even know where to start with this, this is so wrong on so many levels. since when is Fe = smooth talker?? if that were the case you wouldn’t have these tons of foot-in-mouth cringe ESFJs. and since when is a tert function a good function? even if we would go with your logic of “Fe = good talker” that would mean that ExTPs are bad at it because it’s only their third and not the dominant or secondary function. and people finally need to stop with this dumb “eyes roaming around” shit, it means nothing. i’ve seen "moving eyes” being attributed to everything.. Se, Ne.. and now Fe?? you guys need to make up your mind. Trump is tone-deaf simply because he’s a rich nepotism baby sx/sp 8w7-core and doesn’t give a shit about anyone.
it’s just wild to me how you can look at any random interview and not see the super obvious aux Ti in him. which xxTJ would ever ramble so incoherently like he does?
also that Salman Khan guy in the video you linked is not even an ESTP what is that video supposed to proof?? (lol ok i just looked it up and apparently pdb types him as 8w9 ESTP lmao when he is a super obvious ENFJ, i swear pdb is filled with the most brainless idiots who think everyone is either an xNTJ or 8-core or both)
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so/sp ENTJ. tritype probably 953, -extremely- phobic contraflow vibes
bigass forehead that he tried to cover up with hair
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dude deadass looked like that Henry child from Stranger Things lol
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mothwithteeth · 1 year
moth!! can i ask about the possibly super fucked up dark fic idea?? i am intrigued 👀
YES YES YES YES YES THANK YOU i have been reading this lovingly at work all day waiting to have my computer to answer the way i want to (in a rambling and incoherent way that's just easier to type on a keyboard)
i just finished mexican gothic and that was the exact level of fucked up romance i like, i have been listening to all kinds of music about being the problem (my sibling showed me blame brett by the beaches and i have been replacing the lyrics bc my ex's name fits perfectly), and i've been feeling super toxic lately
putting in a read more and a tw for noncon, kidnapping, coercion, and the like. proceed w caution
so the idea is for dabi. and basically it's toxic!reader has a one night stand with him, and basically kicks him out of bed as soon as they're done. and that drives him nuts because that's his job. he wasn't going to stay the night or anything, but how dare you?
so now he's following you. you're not interested in double dipping. you're in your ho phase. single use pp only. even less interested in feelings. really in a heartbreaker bitch era. so he sees that you don't care at all when he tries to chat you up again, and it makes him even crazier.
basically i want him to get more and more obsessive as he watches you flirting with other men and women, but go home by yourself. but then you want dick again. new dick. hawks dick.
bam! another one night stand. and it goes exactly the same
and here's where the options begin. it could be a funny romcom but it could also be a yandere horror (frankly the only difference sometimes is framing) and i think we all know which way i lean. and if we don't it's towards the horrifying dark stuff
now that i'm thinking about it, hawks could have the same reaction. i'm still spitballing but i have all kinds of ideas
idk if i want it to be quirkless or if i want the reader to have a fireproof quirk bc i also like the idea of the reader being completely immune to dabi's main source of intimidation. like really like. really really like. and if i do that then he might recruit someone to help him. maybe in exchange for a little help, shigaraki can get a taste when dabi finally decides he can't let you continue to distract him (shortly if not immediately after you fuck hawks)
oh my god he might ask giran for a favor. oh. that would be indulgent but oh that could be fun
it could just be so fun and there are so many nasty, nasty possibilities
i might be too excited about this lmao
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I’m late as FUCK but I also took a look through your dgs liveblog tag and WHOOH. Congrats on finishing such a life altering game 🥺
What did you think of the game? Any favorite characters? Any ships? And I also happen to talk wayyy too much about this game so if you ever need to yell or scream incoherently my dms are always open! I WILL yell back
Also I am legally obligated to ask what you think of susato. Thank you, and have a nice day/night :)
I'm tentative about talking one on one with people before i really know them just because I am a very awkward and socially anxious person and tend to warm up to people easier in group settings-- however!! i'd love to chat with you! you seem cool i'm just a lil guy who needs to be approached slowly like one would approach a wild cat therefore if you ever wanna chat at me through asks and stuff i love talking to people that way so i'm always down to hear your thoughts or if you ever wanna ask me more stuff <3
1] What did you think of the game? I LOVE IT IT'S ONE OF MY TOP TOP FAVOURITE GAMES OF ALL TIME???? IT'S. IT'S. Okay what you need to know about me is 1) I LOVE extremely linear plot-heavy games. I have somehow never played a visual novel before ace attorney despite the type of game I would most enjoy being the ones you're basically just reading instead of playing. 2) I have been super interested in murder mysteries ever since I was very young but NEVER found anything that I felt I could get into before finding ace attorney. mainline AA already filled so many niches there but DGS just completes something in my soul. that's my house. that's my home. i live there. I love it SO much it's so perfect it's everything I've ever wanted in a game, being able to put things together and figure things out as I was playing was SOOOO fun and it was SOOOO . just. GOOD. HJOUOUOUUOGGHH.
2] Any favourite characters? IS IT . CAN I SAY ALL OF THEM??? HFJDKFKD. I have several friends who are still playing DGS and every time they get to literally any character I'm like "that's my blorbo ":3" every time. to all of them. I love all of them they're all my beloved family you couldn't possibly make me choose. Anyway it's Kazuma my favourite is kazuma. JKFDHDFKJKGJFE. Like yes I love all of them completely equally and this is the complete and utter truth however I have been so emotionally attached to Kazuma since several months before I ever even touched the game. I have openly cried on the couch in the dead of night over Kazuma several times. Before I touched the game. I'm dead serious. He means a lot to me <3 However everyone else is an honorable mention and by everyone else i DO mean everyone else. EVERYONE in the main cast + my obscure side character blorbos (haori and inspector hosonaga i love you)
3] Any ships? eehh?? Kind of? I don't really do shipping in the way that fandom does? Usually I'm not as invested in ships much because I care way more about the platonic relationships. so there's a lot of ships that i just kind of shrug and go "yeah, sure! i'll take that as headcanon" and accept it without being invested, and otherwise most other ships i'm just neutral on. when I AM invested in romantic pairs i still am like. completely chill with them not being romantic it's more of just an investment in that pair and their dynamic lol
THAT BEING SAID. Asoryuu. Susahao. Ginasusa. Uhhhh. whatever the ship name for holmes & yuujin is. Those are the ones you'll see me reblogging. I'm either very invested in them or at least have them as my headcanon depending on which it is but! those are them <3 susato polyamory real. everything else is generally just a "eh not for me" or "yea sure why not"
4] Thoughts on Susato My thoughts are uuummm she's me! HSDJKHF. I'm usually pretty quiet about kin stuff on tumblr but. [gestures to my tag masterlist with one of them labelled "kin tag" pretty openly] not necessarily hiding it either lol lol. Hi! She's me <3 I'm her <3 i am incapable of pretending to be a normal average person about dgs. those little guys in there are my family. I mean this so genuinely
That fact that I'm kin with her aside though I think she's a really good character I'm just like. kinnie lens makes character analysis interesting lol. To an outsider's perspective though I suppose she'd technically be my favourite character? I'm gonna write a whole ass fic going over the entirety of the events of the game from susato's point of view just to put all my thoughts somewhere so. FKJDFDLK if that gives you any idea of how frequently i am thinking about her.
Come talk to me about her introductory line in 1-1 that is just "in my darkest hour, with nowhere left to go, she appeared like a bolt of lightning." i'm SUPER fucking normal about it i'll wax poetic about it for hours. honestly i'll wax poetic about ANYTHING re: susato for HOURS because listen. listen. i have the insider knowledge. i have so many thoughts all the time i'm bark bark bark
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hunter-sylvester · 1 year
🧡🍀 for the lgbt asks if you’re comfortable
Thank you so much for sending these ^-^
I'm kind of gonna focus my answers to these more on the trans side of my queerness rather than sexuality cause it just kinda works better for them I think.
Sorry if this is a mess, I re-wrote these so many times. Also they're not super long but a bit wordy so I'm putting them under a cut.
🧡 - How has the way you presented yourself (ex. Clothing, hairstyle, etc.) changed since you realized you were queer?
I really tried to make the whole girl thing work before. Whole nine yards. Wasn't normal about it, tho. I've looked alternative one way or another since I was like...12? So that didn't change. But I did go from looking pretty goth to looking like a metalhead. I hopped around a lot of styles before as well just trying to find...well- me, I guess.
I guess maybe it has changed a lot. It just feels so normal now that I don't even think about it.
I changed my hair, as you when you realize you're trans. Tried short first, that didn't quite do it for me. (Stopped dyeing it as well, it was dyed black for years.)
Didn't know what to do with it for ages after that. I was just sort-of letting it grow out because I didn't know what I wanted until one night I stuck on a silly little movie I wasn't expecting much of. I've said it before but the side shave really has been the most gender affirming haircut for me personally. It feels like me.
🍀 - What thoughts or emotions that didn’t make sense to your past self make sense now that you know you’re queer?
Even when the girly outfits were kinda fun it always somewhat felt like a costume. Also hating my birth name. I really tried to make myself like it, because it's a nice name. But turns out it just wasn't me.
There's a lot to be honest, some of it I'm still sorting through mentally. So I'll probably keep it at those for now.
...I hope I haven't rambled too incoherently ehe
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Okay I feel like this is going to be a long one, so i'll go ahead and turn my response into an incoherent list of observations, answers to questions or statements that probably don't require them, or to no question or statement in particular and maybe even an incidental unrelated fact or opinion:
Yes, it does suck, but also I decided to use a grater to make thin little flakes of chocolate just for the flavour.
Sucks you can't eat chocolate, are you lactose intolerant? 
Commas are, indeed, very important. Did you know they use commas in musical notation to tell singers when to breathe?
Related to that, singing lessons (or even singing in a choir or something similar) could help with your reading aloud and breathing issues for sure. Although I don't know if you have any singing experience so I'd understand if that's not your thing. I wish it would be everyone's thing though.
Just to throw in a completely random fact, as I am not about to jeopardise the promised incoherence of this list: In medieval times red hair was believed to be a sign of beastly sexual desire and moral degeneration. I assume by your blogname you too are a redhead. I read this today and thought it was wild.
Aching muscles are a sign of hard work, so good job, although it is very important to rest said limbs!
Great job for still going out and facing things you get anxious about, I imagine thats not an easy thing for you. I also hope you have help and/or coping mechanisms to deal with the anxiety you're experiencing.
You're description of the "heartbreak angst fic" is (probably intentionally) quite vague, but I can make out several points. 
I get not wanting big time jumps, although it could be fun to make a jump and then have R reflect what happened in between those moments in time. Could be a tad chaotic, but then again, you know me. 
R crossing paths with their ex sounds rather angsty, so my answer to that is: yes please.
Have you already thought out part 4 completely? I guess (without any context) I'd end exactly where part 4 takes off, but very open. A cliffhanger of sorts, without falling into too much of a cliché ending.
I'm sorry if my answer is too long to post. Although we were going to stop apologising for rambling so scratch this.
Sending you all the love my friend (can I call you my friend now?),
-Chaotic Anon
it's the way i read this, processed some answers but ended up having a nap, then dinner and i just- wow suddenly it's half an hour to midnight...
i can eat chocolate, it's just when i'm stressed my jaw and teeth hate me and it makes biting solid foods a bit grimace-y, y'know, i love chocolate, just not gooey stuff like gooey caramel stuff, don't like goop, it's a texture no no for me sksks
i did not, music was one of the very much underfunded classes when i was in school, before they started cutting hours subjects to make more room for maths, english and sciences. my confidence is on the floor with speaking, singing is... i can hum, humming is better for me, my friend liked my humming once.
yeah, i'm a natural redhead, which means that i need more anaesthetic if i go for any medical procedure (there's research to back it up, we're hard to knock out) and i think only 2% of the planet have red hair, so i stick out like a sore thumb and red heads are barely anyone's type unless it comes to Natasha Romanoff from Marvel, so that's fun... times change sksks
yeah we had to demonstrate that we could do cpr on a dummy for a minute, i fell over trying to stand up after, so that was great too.
my coping mechanisms for my anxiety are messy and depend on why i am anxious, but my psychology degree plus the cbt i've had in the past mean that i am super aware of my thought processes, but it's hard to stop my body from freaking out e.g. racing heart, clenching my jaw in my sleep... when i can sleep, etc
yeah i forgot the name of the fic, is Secret Love Song, my recent one, i have part 2 down, part 3 just feels stuck because i don't know where to end it, or when to post part 2, but R's development in part 2 and part 3 is key to the endings and I just... i'm stuck. also the only way R would cross paths with their ex is the ballon d'or ceremony... and i don't even know where to go with that, so... yeah...
no worries about longetivity, my fics have been in the 5k+ range before so... i have no shame sksks
sure, sure, if you want to be internet friends red haired anxious pineapple such as myself😅🤔 you don't have to be though.
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risingsouls · 2 years
🦎 You've probably already talked about an AU like this, but with the concept that the Cold family never enslaved the saiyans and planet vegeta was never destroyed, what kind of king do you think Vegeta would've become?
🦎 For My (work) Thoughts || Always Accepting!
[Actually. I don't think I've gotten much chance to talk about anything like this and I've been sitting on this for so long (in large part because I save these for work and this was my first week back after a week off) and I'm very excited to ramble incoherently about some ideas!
With how entrenched the Cold Empire became with the Saiyans to the point we don't really have a solid idea of how the Empire influenced Saiyan life and culture, this is almost difficult to answer. I have my own ideas obviously, BUT. Really digging into what would be different in general for Saiyans and therefore their rulers is tricky but fascinating.
My first thought is that Vegeta would be an ambitious king. Even without the Cold Empire, I think he would be keen on expanding the Saiyans' influence in the universe really for no other reason than the power of it because I don't think he'd care much about wealth and status (in the way its often linked to wealth and whatnot) except in ways a king HAS to as much as he would care about the universe knowing that the Saiyans are a force to be reckoned with. I've talked before somewhere about the Saiyans having the idea that the king remains planetside to rule while the prince conquers, and I think this would remain true and spark that desire to cement the Saiyans' might in the minds of all in the universe. It would definitely be more difficult without the technology the Cold Empire gives them canonically, but considering, at least in my understanding of things before Super came and changed/added their own spin, they did have the tech from the conquered Tuffles that allowed them to begin going to other planets to fight stronger people/conquering them before King Cold, there was definitely already something growing in that realm foe the Saiyans without Cold influence/aid.
Vegeta would also likely break the tradition of the king only remaining planetside btw. He's entirely too controlling and restless to leave EVERYTHING to others. Plus he's a Saiyan too, and he definitely reveled in his freedom to help with conquering planets and fighting way too much to just retire that part of his life entirely. His lust for battle is too strong for me to comfortably say he would shelf it completely just because "that's how things have always been." Plus he's too proud and haughty to not want to make a bigger better name for himself than every Saiyan ruler before him.
As for like what he would be like as a king in general, that's so tough to answer because we know for a fact that Frieza had a TON of influence on him since he was a child, and since we know very little about his life before that or even his parents and upbringing, its difficult to make any like super confident assumptions. But here are a few things I've considered and have been sort of able to parse out that might be like genuine Vegeta without Frieza influence.
I think it goes without saying that Vegeta wouldn't be a kind, benevolent king by any stretch. He would be firm and incredibly goal oriented with very little tolerance for shenanigans. However, I don't think he would be a cruel king, at least not to the Saiyans in the sense he wouldn't needlessly kill or torment people just because or for some minor infraction. The reason i say this with certainty is that, until shit started unraveling for him, he kept Nappa and Raditz alive despite them being far weaker than him. This showed that even though he did think of them as weaker and I'm sure they crossed him PLENTY, Vegeta does recognize that needlessly killing other Saiyans wouldn't be beneficial to ruling his people or an empire. So basically he's definitely going to be as callous, haughty, and blunt as you would expect, but I don't think we would see any Frieza-esque or unnecessary cruelty from him AT LEAST toward other Saiyans unless it was warranted.
That said, I've also thought about like....would Vegeta change anything, namely things like the rigid caste system in any way or try to ease tensions between the Saiyans toward the royal family stoked by his father and probably at least his father's father. I think for the latter, considering his ambitions, I think he would be forced to try and regain the trust of as many Saiyans as possible even if he didn't really WANT to. And, because I think a lot of the unrest and friction came from the caste system, he would likely have to face making changes to it at the very least. Again, I don't think this would be a willful or something like clearly on his agenda, but once he sees how the needless drama it causes gets in the way of what HE wants, I think he would be more open to adjusting it in SOME ways like at least making it more fluid/easier to climb through the ranks as soldiers grow stronger and offerent better opportunities to those who do start at the bottom of the food chain. Abolishing it would likely be out of the question because then it COULD jeopardize his claim to power if they somehow managed a movement to change the government's structure outright, but he would likely be confident in his own power to adjust some things to make it better at least because he wouldn't see anyone ever challenging his power (which makes me wonder if that would probably be his undoing someday as it is in canon, BUT).
Anyway. I know most of that is really vague but I hope it makes some sense? I def didn't touch on everything I could have, like coming to mind as I type this part is considering how things would be different in regards to how, at least imo, the whole sending weak Saiyans off to conquer weak planets as babies was a Cold Empire influence things and what that could mean for Vegeta if anything, but yeh! It also got really long but that was really fun to think about kwhfbejfn.]
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shadowynn · 2 years
Can i just say I really appreciate your answers to people’s asks like you always give really thoughtful responses I love hearing what you think about what us as readers think of the story and you also expand on topics too tysm <33
Awe, thanks! I always kind of feel like I’m rambling, to be honest. like, it just feels like a lot of rambling, run on sentences that I’m just mushing together. And sometimes I’m like, wow, these people might think I’m a fake because the asks are always rambling thoughts and not great grammar and incoherent and then ilal isn’t. Like it’s not perfect, but I promise it’s me guys. ilal just has about four rereads/rewrites/edits before I post. 😅
But I really do love conversing with you guys! One of the reasons I’ve come to love writing on tumblr is the ability to connect with you all and it feels more like a community than anywhere else. So, never feel afraid to send an ask my way, honestly, I get so excited every time I see one in my notifications. And it can legit be about anything, my writings, my hobbies, my interests, or even yours. I love hearing about you guys too! Like I’m a shy introvert in person, so conversation in real life is hard, but there’s just something else about chatting online and I love getting to connect with you all! You’re all super sweet and lovely! :)
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joodeegemstone · 11 months
How do you think the Gaang would react if Iroh was forced to face a war crimes tribunal for his actions during the war?
Well, this ia super intense for the literal first ask I've gotten on this account and I don't even know how to answer lol.
I feel like there would definitely be some mixed feelings there. Obviously Iroh did some genuinely horrible things during the war before he turned his life around. The gaang has only personally interacted with him after all that, though, and they like him on a personal level. I know they do believe that people can change given the whole situation with Zuko, but the things he had done were not really on the same scale.
I guess it comes down to how they'd feel about whether or not Iroh had actually atoned for his past actions, and we don't really get enough interaction between Iroh and most of the gaang for me to have a good sense of how exactly they'd all react.
I'm a little tipsy at the moment and I'm very much not a writer, so this probably comes across as incoherent rambling (which it probably mostly is) lol.
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