#i think there's still a few slots available if you want to make a request
cresvalkyrie · 2 years
you know I'd love to see Erin and Hauyne Valentines fluff :3
Lmao, same XD
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dearestones · 1 year
Hiii! I would like us to be able to make requests soon, please!
On the other hand, I have some questions about certain specific matters... They are silly, but I'm curious about L's perspective. Considering that contraceptive methods are not 100% effective, how would he feel about having a child? Would he realize it from the beginning if his partner were pregnant? What would his possible reaction be? I don't know, but I believe he hates the typical latex protection. lol
Hey, Devin here!
Hahahah, I would love to open requests soon as well! The plan is for August, but since I really want to celebrate 750 followers... We'll just have to see which happens first. If I do hit the 750 follower count, I'll open up 10 slots for requests and then close them again (provided that this is before August). But I am so with you, anon!
As for contraceptive methods... I like to believe that L would be on top of all your medical records, physicians, etc., especially if you're a partner that he frequently sees.
If you're a person with male genitalia there is, of course, no risk for pregnancy, but he still make sure that you get a monthly checkup for STDs. He won't be too pushy, but I believe that despite his appearance, he does care about hygiene and he would rather not engage in sexual matters with a partner who does not do their due diligence.
For partners who have the capability to reproduce, he would absolutely 100% make sure that you can never get pregnant. Since he made it clear that his successor was to be from Wammy's because that's where all the genius children are collected and cultivated, I doubt he would leave it to chance that his partner would end up birthing a child who would be on par with his caliber of intelligence.
Furthermore, his position as the world's greatest detective means that he would have a target on his back at all times, the fact that he even has to pick a successor when he was in his early twenties signifies that a part of him knows that there is a chance he'll die in the line of duty--and at a young age, too.
So, with those factors in mind, I daresay he would take great lengths to make sure that he never has children. (He may not be overly concerned with the emotions/feelings of others, as evidenced by his willingness to commit war crimes during the Kira Case--torturing Misa and imprisoning Light for who knows how long?--but I think a part of him would recoil at the fact that a child fathered by him may face the reality that they may grow up fatherless or worse, orphaned). Therefore, I can imagine him getting a vasectomy at the earliest age possible so he wouldn't have to face the problems of a sexual or romantic partner giving birth.
However, on the off chance that the vasectomy does not take or he simply didn't go through the procedure or neither he nor his partner have used contraceptives, he would be alert and watch his partner like a hawk.
If he trusts his partner enough to engage in sexual relations with them (especially for multiple occasions), I believe that he would know within a few weeks into your pregnancy. If not, those monthly checkups that you are almost forced into enduring will make it more than apparent.
L is not an emotional person. At the news of his partner's pregnancy, he's already gathering the pros and cons of the best path forward. He'll support you in whatever decision you make.
If you want to abort the child, fine for him. It's your choice and he'll gladly schedule an appointment and should you wish it, therapy sessions if you're feeling poorly afterwards.
Should you wish to keep the child, he'll make sure that you're afforded the best gynecologists available. However, like I said, he's not an emotional person. If his partner is feeling particularly needy/craving certain things, he'll more than likely engage in active problem solving rather than provide emotional support. He's going to be busy with cases all the time and he has a life outside of his partner and they should have known this already, so please don't rely on him to come to your beck and call all the time, okay?
When his partner finally gives birth, I don't think he would be available in the delivery room. Chances are, he might have been called away to another country for a new case or because he wants to keep his identity secret, he can't afford to spend time with you or the child. He's pragmatic enough to make sure that you have security around the birthing room and that you're given every pleasure that you could have wanted.
Following the birth, I really don't see L as a loving father or a doting partner. At this point, I think L finally lets his partner go, but gives them a lifetime of money to spend at their own leisure and takes his leave. He'll check in from to time, but he won't let his partner or child know that he's looking in from the inside. Maybe a small part of him cares and that's why he sends an agent to look out for the both of you once in a while, but when the rest of the world sees his partner as a single parent with a young child, he's quick to be reassured that you're safe from his enemies.
One thing is for certain, though: if his child does end up being intellectually gifted, L will do everything in his power to make sure that his child does not end up in the hands of Wammy's House. While the orphanage may appear to be created with good intentions, that does not excuse the fact that so many of the alumni and current residents there have suffered so much in the name of his so-called noble cause.
If there's one good that he will do for his child, is that if his partner were to ever die or abandon the child, he'll make sure that they are placed in a loving home where they will want for nothing.
Thanks for the question, anon! I think you meant the question in jest, since you did say something about latex protection (and I agree, I think he would find the sensation too tight and restrictive and would definitely do away with it), but I went on a train of thought and well... heheheh.
Thanks again and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
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gatedelvers · 1 year
Devlog 1 - The Cursed Update (is still coming, we're not dead)
(Read in Steam) The latter part of this post will talk about upcoming content in patch 0.2. The early part here is a chronicle of the Fun Times we've had working on patch 0.2. If you want the latter, scroll down until you see a small crab face.
The Fun Times aka Why Isn't There New Stuff Yet
Around the start of July, someone on the Steam forums asked us when the major content updates were coming.
I, foolishly, answered along the lines of "1-2 months, unless something goes wrong :)"
This was not meant to be a challenge to existence as a whole to take every measure possible in order to stop the patch from being finished. I apologise to existence for the misunderstanding, and would like to clarify that I actually just want to make games.
To keep a long list short, in the last bunch of months our 3-person dev team has enjoyed exciting activities like: - Various health issues! - Losing a pet! - Mold poisoning! - Losing a home to a mold infestation! (i'm writing this from my mom's basement, like any self-respecting game developer) - Being harassed by fire alarm malfunctions! - Water damage scares! (unrelated to the mold thing, somehow)
At least we dodged the Unity Situation. Game's in Unreal. Thankfully. Condolences to anyone stuck dealing with that.
As it turns out, weekly disasters combined with a vague sense of time pressure do not for a good game development make. Things seem to have calmed down a bit, and we've been getting work done again, but at a slower rate (and we're still looking into that new, less poisonous apartment thing). I humbly request we be allowed to keep not getting wrecked.
That's enough venting, let's talk about the stuff you're actually here for: more roguelike dungeon crawly things!
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The Major Update: 0.2 - Fairweather Fleet
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Everything promised for the update in the little box on the main menu is still very much coming, but we've got a lot more details and some extra goodies packed into there! We're looking at:
- The new world, Fairweather Fleet. - A new playable character. - 9 new items, 7 of which are chest loot. - Seals, a new difficulty progression/challenge run system. - Scrap has been removed. - Lots of adjustments (spell rebalancing, new Librarian passive) and fixes to a lot of things.
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The patch has definitely gotten a bit bigger than intended, but I'm pretty happy with the additions!
To elaborate on one of those, the removal of Scrap: Scrap as a resource added a lot of busywork before the game would let you stack infusions on your stuff, and the choice of throwing away a cool item to get the scrap necessary to make your other items more cool was never a particularly fun one. Neither was having to pass up on infusions so your co-op partner got to use more of them, and it's not great for a co-op game if having more players reduces the amount of fun stuff the game lets you do.
Infusing things is the fun part. Dealing with scrap costs was generally not. So we decided to remove Scrap entirely and add a simpler restriction to infusion stacking: All items now start with 1 infusion slot available, and each time you defeat a boss, all items everywhere gain 1 more slot for the rest of the run.
We also added gold, because vending machines need something you can pay with. The Scrapper makes gold now. Don't think about it too hard.
So far the results of the change have looked promising (mostly positive feedback from playtesters with a few valid complaints we're working to iron out), and a simpler system is easier to get into. Infusing is one of the cooler parts of the game, so we want everyone to get to play with it! To which end, we're also adding Un-Infusers that let you undo infusions and get all the material items back. They can be found at fountains, so feel free to try that infusion you're not sure will work out! ...After the patch. Not yet.
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Thanks for reading, and playing :)
- Kalle-Eemeli "Mag" Paananen Game Designer/Programmer/Multitool Person
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candidapple · 2 years
Ahhhh! You opened a tumblr. Found you through your writing on Ao3, (tweels fic) your an amazing writer!! May I request more tweel poly I’m a sucker for Jade and Floyd. Maybe them pursing an s/o that really likes and knows a lot about moray eels? Also, do you do commissions??
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a/n: hello and thank you, new friend! i'm still figuring out how i'd like to do commissions, but i'll let you know if/when i open them up. in the meantime, have a fic. divider by @/firefly-graphics.
jade & floyd leech x gn!reader. sfw.
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You’re almost certain you’re being followed.
You halt in your tracks and whip around to look behind you, the musty old book you meant to return clutched to your chest like a shield. The nape of your neck is still prickling from the persistent sense of being watched, but the aisle you’re in is empty, devoid of so much as a featureless shadow vanishing around the corner to validate your concerns. Even so, you know — or think you know — that you weren’t just imagining it.
The thing is, this isn’t the first time you’ve felt this way. You can’t pinpoint the exact moment it began, but sometime over the last few days, in between classes and Grim wrangling, you gradually became convinced that you were being… observed. Assessed, even, like a bug under a microscope. That feeling is especially strong whenever you’re alone, which is why you almost didn’t make your usual Saturday morning trek to the library. In the end, your stubborn commitment to finding a way home despite the growing odds against you won out.
But now, with the towering bookcases looming to either side of you and casting deep shadows where there should be light as you strain your eyes and ears for some indication that it isn’t all in your head, you are beginning to regret that decision.
Of course, you can only stand around looking at nothing for so long. When no one materializes from the shadows to leap on you like a horror movie monster, you slump and sigh in equal parts disappointment and relief and turn back in the direction you were headed. The book in your arms looked promising, but it ultimately failed to yield so much as a cryptic hint for how to go about inter-dimensional travel, so back on the shelf it goes. You find the gap in the shelf where it belongs and reach up to slot it into place, giving it a nudge when it initially refuses to slide all the way in. You sigh again. So much for that, huh?
With that taken care of you, you turn to leave — but you don’t make it very far. Two long shadows rise up in front of you, and you don’t even get a chance to react before your wrists are being seized and pinned to the shelves on either side of your head. You flinch away from your attackers — oh shit, oh shit, what the hell is going on — and realize too late that the back of your skull is on a collision course with the shelf. You are spared a concussion, however, when another hand slips neatly behind your head to cushion the blow. A gloved thumb slides down the nape of your neck, and the goosebumps from earlier return with a shivering vengeance. You look up.
Well. At least now you have a pretty good idea as to who’s been following you all this time.  
“Jade!” you blurt. Your eyes slide from Jade’s smiling face to his brother’s toothy grin. “Floyd. What are you guys doing?”
“Just saying hi,” Floyd says, like they just happened to spot you in the hall and haven’t pinned you to a bookcase of all things. “C’mon, Shrimpy, don’t tell me you’re not happy to see us.”
You squirm a little, testing their grip, but their fingers only tighten in response. Great. “I’d probably be happier if you two hadn’t jumped out of nowhere and grabbed me.” You frown at them, as if they’ve ever been the sort to be moved by righteous disapproval. “I wasn’t imagining it, was I? You’ve been following me.”
“Have we unnerved you, Prefect?” Jade asks. “If so, we do apologize. The last thing we want is to make you uncomfortable.”
Somehow — you test their hold on you once again to no avail — you very much doubt that. Jade’s left hand is wrapped around your wrist, and his right is cradling your jaw to cup your skull, palm cushioning your cheek. The tip of his thumb skirts the thin, vulnerable skin beneath your eye, and you can’t help but flinch.
“Yeah,” you huff, trying your damnedest to hang on to your bravado. “I’m sure. What’s the big idea, you two? What’ve you been following me around for?”
“Ah,” Jade says, “that.” Like it’s only just occurred to him to explain. God, why is everyone at this school such a weirdo? “Once again, we apologize for frightening you, but it’s in our nature to sit back and observe that which we find… interesting. To lie in wait, one might say.”
“It’s the moray way,” Floyd adds, giggling at the awkward rhyme.
You’re still stuck on something Jade said. Blinking slowly, you say, “You guys think… I’m… interesting?”
“You are a bit of an oddity, Prefect.” You grimace. “Apologies. I meant no offense. But you are rather unique, aren’t you? Certainly amongst our peers. It was inevitable that you’d catch our interest.”
“Yeah.” Floyd leans in closer, pressing your wrist back against the bookcase and forcing you to crane your neck to meet his heterochromatic eyes. “We wanna get to know you better.”
“What,” you say, “you guys want to be friends?”
Jade’s eyes glimmer, like he’s laughing at a joke you don’t understand. “Mmm, yes. I suppose you could say that.”
“I wouldn’t say it,” Floyd grumbles. Is he — is he pouting? Is he a college student or a preschooler?
You must give Floyd an odd look, because something you can’t quite interpret flickers across his face, and then his mood swings back the other way and his pout stretches into a grin. And keeps stretching, growing far wider than you think should be possible, until all of his serrated teeth are on display and his mouth is practically hanging open. You don’t mean to, but you gulp.
Floyd leans toward you, and you lean back — not very far, considering your current position. You can see the damp inner rims of his lips, the saliva gleaming on his teeth and tongue, even down his throat. For a moment, your unevolved hindbrain is convinced you’re about to be eaten alive.
But — hold on. Your undoubtedly panicked expression morphs into a thoughtful frown, and you actually lean closer to Floyd, squinting at him. Or rather, down his throat.
“Hey,” you say slowly, “is that — do you have a second set of jaws?”
Floyd’s mouth snaps shut with an audible click of teeth, and he rocks back on his heels to frown at you. Even Jade, unflappable as he is, looks mildly confused.
“What?” says Floyd.
Now you feel like the weirdo, but you wish he’d open his mouth again. “You guys are morays, right? You have pharyngeal jaws, don’t you? I saw.”
Jade and Floyd exchange a look. Floyd frowns again, and Jade arches an eyebrow. They turn back to you, and Floyd says, “You know about that?”
You nod eagerly — then stop. People aren’t always receptive to your enthusiasm for the topic, let alone your infodumping, and Floyd and Jade probably aren’t interested in hearing facts about themselves that they already know. “Um, yeah. Back home, I was really into marine biology. Especially eels. Especially, um…” You flush. “Moray eels.”
Floyd’s hand flexes around your wrist. You don’t know if that’s a good sign or a bad one. “You like moray eels?” He tilts his head, earring swaying gently. “You’re not scared of us?”
“I mean, it is pretty scary when someone grabs you and pins you to a bookshelf,” you say dryly. “So maybe don’t do that again? But I’m not scared of you because you’re mermen. I think that’s amazing. We don’t have people like that in my world.”
You bite your lip and fidget, expecting them to make fun of you now. But they don’t, which is especially unexpected coming from Jade. The twins exchange another look, and then Floyd leans down and opens his mouth wide, tongue hanging out. He even goes “aaah” like someone getting their tongue depressed at the doctor’s.
Part of you is afraid that this might be some kind of trap, like if you get too close Floyd’s gonna bite your nose off or something. But, well — you never had a chance to observe morays up close back home, and you can’t resist this opportunity now that it’s presented itself so agreeably. So you lean up and peer down Floyd’s throat, and there they are: a second set of sharp, deadly, gorgeous teeth.
You fall back on your heels, unable to stop grinning. “Oh, wow. I’ve never seen a pharyngeal jaw in person before, that’s — that’s just so cool.”
Floyd shuts his mouth and smiles at you, his eyes sparkling like your excitement is infectious. “You really think so?”
“Uh-huh.” You smile back at him, then hesitate. “I, um. Are you sure you don’t mind me asking these kinds of questions? I don’t wanna make you feel like animals at the zoo.” Or eels at the aquarium, as the case may be.
“No,” says Jade. “No, we don’t mind.” He smiles kindly at you, thumb caressing your cheek, and warmth flares from deep within your belly. Uh-oh.
“After all,” Jade goes on, “we can certainly empathize with the strength of your curiosity.”
Oh. Right. You suppose they can. “Speaking of.” You wiggle your fingers pointedly. “Would you mind letting me go now?”
Floyd gives you a suspicious look. “You’re not gonna run away if we do, are you?”
You actually laugh. “No, I’m not. I’ll even tell you more about me, since you’re so curious — so long as you tell me more about you. Fair?”
Because when it comes to Octavinelle students, you can’t get something for nothing. Jade seems to approve of your tactics, if his knowing smile is any indication. “It’s a deal,” he says, and lets you go. Floyd does too, after a moment. He sticks his hands in his pockets and tips his head at you.
“Well? What d’you wanna know, Shrimpy?”
“How many vertebrae do you have in your true forms?” you ask immediately. “Wait, no — do you engage in cooperative hunting? Wait, wait —”
Jade’s soft laughter seems to walk down your spine like tickling fingers, and you fight back a shiver. “Now, now. We’ve already assuaged some of that burning curiosity of yours, dear Prefect. It’s only fair that we get to ask the next question, don’t you think?”
Floyd takes your hand, and Jade presses his to the small of your back, urging you down the aisle toward the library’s rows of reading tables and carrel desks.
“Now, tell us.” Jade’s fingers curl in your school blazer, gently proprietary. “Are you free this evening?”
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itadorisgf · 3 years
Hello! I dont know if your event is already full or not because your last update was a few hours ago. If it still has a slot for one more, may i please request megumi touching you (not in a sexual way, just like platonically / romantically) to get your attention? I think this was from the first promt. Thankyou!
— fushiguro megumi + touching you to get your attention
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⤷ anonymous asked: Hello! I don't know if your event is already full or not because your last update was a few hours ago. If it still has a slot for one more, may i please request megumi touching you (not in a sexual way, just like platonically / romantically) to get your attention? I think this was from the first prompt. Thank you!
note: this turned into a whole fic…the part where gumi touches you to grab your attention is rather brief, but i still hope u like this!!
ft. fushiguro megumi
warning: gn!reader, second-year!reader, fluff, blood, pre-relationship so pining!reader
⤷ the flower shop
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You are going to kill Gojo-Sensei.
Your mouth flattens into a tight line, brows pinching together to form a deep crease, as your grip on your phone tightens. The bright image pulled up on the screen of your handheld device is the cause for your ire. It’s one of a series of images that Gojo-Sensei has sent to your group chat with your fellow Second-Years of Fushiguro Megumi looking worse for wear. Though the images are all rather blurry, you can clearly make out the injured state Fushiguro’s in: his uniform is dirtied and his face is scraped up with what looks like fresh blood streaming down from his hairline. You’re sure Maki will get a kick of Fushiguro getting his ass handed to him, but you’re more concerned about Fushiguro’s current physical state.
He must not be too severely injured if Gojo-Sensei is texting you Second-Years pictures of Fushiguro all beaten up. This should help alleviate your stress, but it doesn’t. Your gut still churns uncomfortably at the thought, at the image, of Fushiguro injured, seriously or not.
You exit the images to view the chat. You roll your eyes at Gojo’s text message, which accompanies the many pictures he sent of Fushiguro.
Gojo-Sensei: Look who got beat up!!!
As a teacher, he really shouldn’t sound so thrilled at the prospect of his student getting injured, but then again, Gojo-Sensei’s not exactly a respectable teacher in your eyes. Your eyes scan the rest of the messages from your classmates. Given the time difference, you would guess that Yūta is most likely busy with his day right now all the way on the other side of the world, hence his lack of response. You make a mental note to shoot him a text soon and check in on him. You know Yūta well enough to know that he’s probably running himself ragged. Toge’s in the middle of a mission right now, which only leaves Panda and Maki available to reply to Gojo-Sensei’s message.
You were correct in your assumption that Maki would be pleased with the pictures, her text asking if Gojo-Sensei managed to get a video of Fushiguro getting beat up. Panda echoes that sentiment by responding with arrows pointing upward underneath Maki’s text. Your thumbs hover over your keyboard, contemplating if you should reply or ignore the chat.
“Is Fushiguro alright?” You hit send before you can overthink and toss your phone onto your nightstand. When your phone loudly pings, you scramble in the dark to grab it, unlocking your phone to view the response. You flip onto your stomach, burying your face into your pillow with a loud muffled groan.
Maki: Aw, are you worried about your lover boy?
You should’ve never confided in Maki about your small crush on Fushiguro. Well, it’s not like you were the one to bring it up. When Maki had casually slipped into your conversation that it’s gross how much you resemble a lovesick puppy around Fushiguro, you were taken aback and attempted to refute her observation. However, your best friend knows you like the back of her hand and bluntly stated that it’s obvious you’re pining for Fushiguro. You winced when she told you that. Was it really that obvious? The pointed look she gave you in return confirmed that yes, it was that obvious. Luckily for you, Fushiguro is one of the densest people you know when it comes to the realm of romance so to your knowledge, he’s still completely clueless to your feelings.
Your classmates all know of your feelings for the First-Year, but they don’t meddle in your love life. The most they do is tease you or give you knowing looks, which you brush off as quickly as you can while you try to rein in the resulting heat that floods your face. No, it’s not your classmates you have to worry about. It’s your idiot of a Sensei who has nothing better to do with his life than to concern himself with his students’ love lives despite being the strongest Sorcerer there is. If you could, you’d sock him right in the gut for the number of times he’s attempted to push you and Fushiguro together. The awkwardness that came from those experiences still makes you want to crawl into a hole whenever you think about it for too long.
The vibration of your phone in your hand draws you out of your thoughts. You grimace when you read the text message.
Gojo-Sensei: Don’t worry!!!! Your lover boy is alright, but I bet he’d feel better if you checked in on him. ;)
You can clearly envision Gojo-Sensei’s glee on the other end of the phone. The man feeds off of embarrassing his students. You opt not to respond anymore, clicking out of the application and turning off your phone. Gently placing your phone onto your night stand, you tug your comforter up to your chin and close your eyes for the night.
Perhaps, you will check in on Fushiguro later.
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“Oi, quit zoning out.”
You groan in pain when Maki sharply jabs you in the stomach with the end of her wooden bo staff. She gives you an unamused look when you toss a harsh glare her way.
“I’m not zoning out,” you mutter, readjusting your grip on your respective staff to continue the light sparring session you and Maki are engaging in. She doesn’t bother to restrain herself from rolling her eyes as she counters your strike, easily knocking your staff out of your hands. You’re quick in your attempt to grab your staff again, but Maki cleanly sweeps your legs out from under you, sending you crashing face first in the dirt.
“Right, and Mai and I have a wonderful relationship,” She sarcastically says, digging one end of her bo staff into the ground and leaning her weight against it. “He’s fine, you know? You shouldn’t worry so much about him. You should be more worried about me kicking your ass.”
You loudly whine when Maki brings him up and flop onto your back to gaze up at her. “Who said I’m worried about Fushiguro?” You childishly huff, propping yourself up and leaning back onto your forearms. Your expression scrunches up in distaste as dirt uncomfortably sticks to your sweaty skin.
Though you’re attempting to deny it, of course, you’re worried about Fushiguro. Although Maki already knows how you feel about the First-Year, you’d rather skirt around the subject and pretend that you’re much better at hiding your emotions than you actually are.
“Who said anything about Fushiguro?” Maki innocently cocks a brow, but smirks to herself as you murmur a low fuck underneath your breath. Damn, you walked right into that one.
“I hate you, you know that?” You deadpan, staring straight into Maki’s eyes.
“Yeah, I hate you too.”
The corner of your lips twitch up into a hint of grin as Maki offers you a hand, pulling you up onto your feet.
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You wrap up your training session not long after that since Maki claimed that she didn’t see the point in continuing to spar if you’re not going to give it your all. “There’s no fun in beating someone over and over again,” she sighed as you were knocked to the ground for what felt like the hundredth time that day. You gave her a half-hearted glare in response to that comment.
Freshly showered, you’re now lounging on one of the benches placed near the dorms, occupying your time by scrolling through social media. You try to convince yourself that you’re hanging around outside because you want to enjoy how nice the day is, but you, and everyone else, know better. Fushiguro, and presumably Gojo-Sensei, should be coming back from their mission soon. Although you know that Fushiguro wasn’t seriously injured, you also know that the tight coil of worry in your stomach won’t go away until you see it with your own eyes that Fushiguro is, indeed, okay.
“Senpai?” The sudden noise startles you and you scramble to sit up straight. You unconsciously smooth out the creases in your clothing as you meet the eyes of the person who called you.
“Fushiguro,” you breathe out, relief heavily laced in your voice. You push yourself off the bench to stand on your feet and quickly scan his form for injuries, brows furrowing when you see the numerous bandages littering his face. It’s only when Fushiguro shifts underneath your intense gaze that you realize how long you must have spent staring at his face. Great, now he’s going to think you’re some sort of creep, you think to yourself. “H-how are you feeling?”
You internally wince at your slight fumbling over your words. You’re just glad nobody else is around to witness this encounter, Gojo-Sensei and Maki would find way too much delight in your distress.
Fushiguro brings a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. A hint of redness seeps out from underneath his bandages, staining his cheeks, as he reflects on how badly his simple retrieval mission turned out. He’ll leave it up to Gojo-Sensei to explain to your class about Itadori and how he’s Sukuna’s new vessel. He wonders how you all will take it.
“I’m fine, Senpai,” he replies, grimacing as the pads of his fingertips run along the gauzy material of the bandage firmly wrapped around his head. Heat floods his cheeks when he looks up to see the genuine concern in your expression. Fushiguro’s thankful that the bandage on his cheek manages to partially conceal the flush of his skin. “Really.” He adds on for extra emphasis. You still look unconvinced, but you nod along as if you actually believe Fushiguro’s words.
“Well, that’s a relief. I was worried about you when Gojo-Sensei sent us those pictures of you all bloodied up,” you say with a sheepish grin.
“You were worried about me?” Fushiguro questions with a slight raise of his brow.
Oh fuck. For a moment, you say nothing: frozen completely still as your brain attempts to process the fact that you just told Fushiguro, to his face, that you were concerned about his well-being. Maybe, he’d interpret your words in a friendly way. Perhaps, he would think that you were just being a good upperclassman and looking out for him. If you were lucky, Fushiguro would think nothing of your comment.
“Senpai?” A sudden weight on your shoulder pulls you out of your internal panicking. Fushiguro’s hand lightly rests on your shoulder as a concerned expression lies on his face. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Fushiguro,” you assure him. There’s still a slight frown in place, crinkling the bandage stuck on the corner of Fushiguro’s mouth. You inhale deeply in order to muster up as much courage as you can for what you’re going to do next. “I promise.” Your voice softens as you gently place your palm over the back of Fushiguro’s hand.
Fushiguro stills underneath your touch and you have to restrain yourself from giggling at the intense redness that floods his cheeks. His flush deepens even more when you find yourself unable to completely suppress your amusement, your quiet laughter filling the air. He’s quick to draw his hand off of your shoulder to rest by his side.
“Good. I’m going to go rest in my dorm now. See you later, Senpai.” His words nearly slur together with how fast Fushiguro spits them out. You don’t even have the opportunity to say goodbye in return as Fushiguro swiftly turns around and rushes inside of the dorm building.
He’s awfully cute when he’s flustered, you muse. A silly grin crosses your face unconsciously as you attempt to sear the image of Fushiguro blushing into your memory. Maybe, your feelings aren’t as unrequited as you think.
“Ah, young love.”
You jolt, spinning around to face the owner of the voice. Your grin falls as soon as you make eye contact with the individual.
“Gojo-Sensei,” you deadpan. Your brow twitches in annoyance at his elated expression. Knowing him, he probably eavesdropped on your entire conversation with Fushiguro. “If you took any pictures or videos, I am going to kill you.”
His grin only widens at that.
“Too late.”
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sukifans · 4 years
Congrats on 1k!!! Can you do number 9 from 50 cliché promts and tropes with mako x reader? :)
MAKO + “there’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling”
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“Well, this is... unfortunate.”
“It’s unacceptable.” You glanced at Mako, who was visibly irritated. “First Beifong only approves one room because of ‘budget cuts,’ and now we’re expected to share a bed?”
“Relax, tough guy. I’m sure it was just a booking error. I’ll go talk to the receptionist.” You left your partner and your bag in the room with the single large bed against the wall to go downstairs and sort out the mistake. You gave the man at the desk your friendliest smile as you approached.
“Hello again,” the man said, looking up at you. “Is there a problem with the room?”
“Yes, actually. We should’ve been booked for a room with two beds but there’s only one. Could we be moved somewhere else?” You tried to sound as amicable as possible as you spoke, hoping the employee would oblige.
He flipped through the large book of records in front of him and traced his finger down a page. “Ah, yes! You reserved a double. So sorry about that—let me see what else is available.” You watched as he flipped through again, mumbling to himself. Your smile faltered a little when he frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“It appears everything else is filled for the night. I’m terribly sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.” The man eyed you as if expecting you to blow up at him, but you just sighed and tightened your smile.
“Ah, it’s okay. We’ll figure it out. Thank you for checking, though.”
Mako was not gonna be happy.
“You’re joking,” he deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest. You dropped down to sit on the edge of the problematic bed itself. “Are you and Beifong trying to pull a prank or something?”
You stared up at him. “Beifong? A prank? Really?”
“Okay, no,” he huffed. “But you’re kidding, right?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you think it’s funny to inconvenience me?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Mako.”
“Tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not joking.”
He groaned and threw himself in the threadbare armchair in the corner of the room. “Great, just what I needed,” he grumbled to himself.
“Hey, I’m not exactly thrilled about this either!” You rolled your eyes. “If you’re gonna freak out about it you can take the bed and I’ll just... sleep on the floor or something.”
“No, no. You take the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“How noble,” you laughed. “You’re the one who has a problem sleeping with me. Take the bed.”
“I—” His cheeks tinged a slight pink that didn’t escape your notice. “I don’t have a problem.”
“You sure seem to.”
“I shared a blanket with Bolin on the street for most of my childhood.”
“You must be getting spoiled with that detective salary if you can’t rough it for one night and share a bed with your favorite partner. Going soft?”
You grinned when he glared at you. “Why are you torturing me?”
“You’re easy to torture.” You stood up to rifle through your bag. “And it’s fun.”
“I’m requesting a partner transfer when we finish this assignment,” he muttered, making you bark out a laugh.
“You wouldn’t, you’re too attached now.” You straightened up with your arms full of toiletries and clean clothes. “I’m gonna go wash up so I can pass out. Early day tomorrow, and all. Catchin’ bad guys, kickin’ ass, takin’ names.”
“Uh-huh.” A small smile finally graced his handsome face for the first time since arriving at the inn. “I’ll be here keeping watch—y’know, for the bad guys.”
Once you’d scrubbed off the long day of travel and changed into clean, comfortable clothes you reentered the main room to see Mako studying the files for the case the two of you were working. His eyebrows were set into a furrow as he read through it and chewed at the inside of his cheek absently. You watched him for a few more moments once you settled down onto the worn but comfortable mattress. Something in the papers seemed to perplex him as he wrinkled his nose and flipped back a few pages. Suddenly, his warm orange eyes flicked up to meet yours.
“Why are you staring at me?” he asked with a small frown.
You shrugged. “Trying to figure out if that smell is the room or just you.”
His frown deepened. “Uncalled for.”
You hummed noncommitally and snuggled down between the sheets. “Go clean up so I can sleep.”
“I’m not stopping you,” he said, snapping the file shut and rising from the chair.
“I gotta keep watch, remember? Bad guys,” you murmured despite your heavy eyelids. Mako shook his head and disappeared into the bathroom. The gentle, steady sound of running water lulled you into a drifting sleep after only a few minutes.
You roused slightly when Mako returned, shuffling around the room followed by curling steam and the smell of his soap from the bathroom. You squeezed your eyes shut tighter and tried to fall back asleep until you felt him grab a pillow off the other side of the bed. Rolling onto your side you sleepily looked up at him.
“What are you doing?” you mumbled, rubbing at your eyes.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up.” He stood next to a blanket on the floor with the pillow in his hand, dressed in a clean white shirt and loose pants. “I was just getting set up over here.”
You squinted at the pillow he held while your tired mind tripped over itself trying to catch up. “What?”
“I told you I’d sleep on the floor,” he said, gesturing to his makeshift sleeping area.
You blinked slowly at him. “Mako.”
“Get in the bed.”
“I wasn’t asking,” you interrupted. “Come. To. Bed.”
He flushed lightly and opened and closed his mouth a couple times before looking down at his pillow he srill gripped. “I—I don’t want to make you... uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable?” you repeated blankly and he nodded. “I put my life in your hands every day, Mako. I trust you, probably more than I’ve ever trusted anyone. You’re not gonna make me uncomfortable. In fact, I’d be a thousand times more comfortable with you up here than on the floor.”
“Okay, okay,” he relented, finally moving back towards the bed. “You’ve made your point.”
“Good.” You closed your eyes again and yawned loudly. “The mattress is big enough we can both stay on our sides, no big deal. You need to rest well so I know you’re alert enough to save my ass tomorrow and sleeping on the floor does not reassure me.”
“I already agreed, you don’t need to keep working at me.” Mako carefully slid into the sheets, being almost calculating in how close he could stay to the edge without falling off. Even with the considerable empty space between you, you could still feel his familiar warmth seeping into your tired muscles.
“‘M a detective, can’t help it.”
“Go to sleep. You’ll have plenty of time to harass me in the morning.”
“You know you love me.”
If only you knew, he thought to himself as you slipped back into your dreamland.
The first thing you noticed upon regaining consciousness was the thumping rhythm next to your ear. The next thing you noticed was how warm you felt, despite the sheets being tangled down around your feet. You turned your head and buried your face into your pillow, inhaling deeply.
Soap. And smoke.
Hold on. You lifted your head up slowly and blinked blearily, taking in where you were as your brain whirred back to life.
Not your pillow. Mako—his chest, more specifically. Your eyes trailed down to where your bodies were pressed together in a tangle of limbs. The arm wrapped around you ended in fingers pressing into your waist. Your thigh was hiked up around his hip and his knee was slotted between your legs. You looked up at his face to see he was still sound asleep, lips parted as he breathed slowly.
You sat up all the way and his hand on your waist flopped down onto the bed. “Mako.”
He snorted and gave no other response.
“Mako,” you hissed, smacking his chest lightly. Without opening his eyes, he grabbed your hand and yanked you back down.
“Don’ hit me,” he grumbled, lips brushing your forehead as he spoke. “‘M sleepin’.”
Your face was starting to burn. “Well, wake up!”
He cracked one eye open to peer down at you and closed it again with a sniff. All at once it seemed to hit him and his eyes flew open as he shot upwards, knocking you to the side. You groaned as he launched himself out of the bed and onto his feet.
“What time is it?!” he barked.
“I don’t know!”
He whipped his head around to look at the clock on the bedside table. He made a small noise of panic and snatched it up as if getting a closer look would change the reading it gave.
“Fuck, we’re late!”
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thank you for the request! i hope you enjoyed it! it ended up being way longer than i thought it would be lol. i guess i’ll tag my atla list and the people who wanted to be tagged in my full mako fic lol
ATLA TAGS: @hotgirlazula @octophopi @blazedbakugou @protect-remus @akiris @sunflowerazula @wooscottoncandyhair @chewymoustachio @ohno-caroline @sunflowerr-mami @1vitamin @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @u-4iia @nymeria-targaryen @tommy-braccoli @dizzy-miss-lizzieeeeee @a-sloppy-bitch
REQUESTED TAGS: @ur-jinji @maruchan77 @songofgratitude @missturtleduck @zuko-is-the-sun @xxspqcebunsxx @atlabeth @malauri-lynn @sadskater25 @biqherosix @goodandevil18 @theeavtrkyoshi @miyonii @mcallmestiles @zutaraisendgamee @unketh @shortmexicangirl @keysvdssstuff @simmantha
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I decided to give the boyos a break from worrying profusely about Miguel this chapter and just let them do some Goofy Dumb Shit XD No trauma in this one, but don’t worry!!! It’ll be back!!! You can only escape the angst for so long >:D
Shout-out to @xgardensinspace for informing me that you don’t pump your own gas in Mexico, and sometimes, sadly, there is a bathroom fee XD Thanks to my buddy, y’all now get to have AUTHENTIC Homoerotic Road Trip fanfiction!!! No need to thoroughly fact-check me now, as I’m sure everyone was doing :P
Also shout-out to the Binary Boyfriends discord, because if I hadn’t been throwing dumb little ideas around in there and getting hearts on them I probably never would have amalgamation of vague concepts and scenes into an actual fic XD
F in the chat for the station attendant, he’s just tryna vibe at his place of work and then these two hammy dramatic gays drive in and start scaring all the customers away with their antics. RIP
As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request!
Here is Chapter 1! It’s also on my AO3 page, SummerPhlox!
Here is Chapter 2, AKA the Super Mega Angsty One!
Fic under the cut! This one is only 3kish words long, so a little shorter than the first two! Not as much of a commitment :D No real content warnings here, except that they do do some joking about sexual stuff XD As is standard protocol for teenage boys, of course!
Gas Station Proposals
Demetri leans against the side of the car, feeling the hot metal even through thick jean shorts. A dusty breeze brushes over his arm, and he makes a face.
He wonders if he’s going to develop asthma, constantly breathing in all this sand and dust and dirt—and whatever the hell else is in the desert wind—whenever he and Eli stop for gas. He hopes not, as that would mean he would have to join Eagle Fang Karate. Johnny Lawrence is, unfortunately, currently the only known man who can cure asthma instantaneously.
Demetri still doesn’t fully buy that Sensei Lawrence chucking Miguel’s inhaler across the room magically erased a medical condition, but Demetri also hasn’t seen his friend have any breathing problems since Miguel started karate. So perhaps Sensei Lawrence’s training counts for something.
A loud thump tells him the gas tank is filled up. He hears the gas station attendant pull the nozzle out and slot it back into the dingy, miscellaneous-filth-stained pump. At least in Mexico, you’re not the one who has to put your fingers all over a germ-coated gas nozzle that’s already been touched up by god-knows-who passing through the middle of nowhere.
The station attendant circles around the car, and Demetri slips him a few pesos. Demetri is about to climb back in when something in the dirt catches his eye.
Demetri breaks into a slow grin. He leans down, snapping off a souvenir just as he hears Eli’s footsteps behind him.
He turns to see his friend strutting over from the convenience store, his arms loaded with gas station snacks. “Got the loot!” he calls out.
Demetri raises his eyebrows. “You know you can ask for a bag, right?”
“Bags are for the weak,” Eli says scornfully. “Besides, I haven’t been training. How else am I supposed to keep up my upper body strength?”
“Maybe something a little more dignified?”
Already, Eli Moskowitz is starting to sag under the vast weight of the food. Bags of chips are haphazardly crinkling against one another, and various boxes and packages of candy are sliding precariously around on top of the heap. A bottle of Mountain Dew plummets from the middle, and Demetri barely manages to catch it before it becomes another dust-covered addition to the gas station’s aesthetic.
Demetri holds back a snicker. “Do you, say, want me to get the door for you?”
“Absolutely not.” Eli gives him a steely glare.
“All right, tough guy.” He smirks. “Well, you might want to put all that down, because I have something important to ask you.”
“Demetri, I think I can handle being asked a question and holding a bunch of shit at the same time.”
“Very well, if that’s your decision.”
Demetri pulls out a small tangle of sticks from his back pocket, woven by nature into an almost perfect, messy little disk. He snaps a few twigs out of the middle and holds it out, sliding down onto one knee in the most melodramatic manner possible.
The gravel is jagged and sun-baked, torturous to feel both on his bare skin and through the denim of his shorts. No matter—a touch of terrible discomfort is worth seeing the full effect of what he’s about to do.
“Eli Moskowitz.” Demetri lifts cupped hands, presenting the little circle of twigs like it’s a sacred relic. “Would you do me the honor of taking this unidentified piece of desert flora and marrying me, even with Carreterra 15D Santa-Ana-to-Hermosillo as our only witness?”
“Is that—is that a piece of a tumbleweed?”
“No, weren’t you listening to anything I just said? It’s your engagement ring.”
Eli scoffs, although his blue eyes are gleaming with almost unrestrained delight. “You are cheap as fuck, Demetri Alexopoulos. A bunch of twigs? You could at least propose to me with a weird-looking piece of cactus or something.”
“You don’t like my ring?” Demetri gasps out in mock hurt. “And after I went to all those jewelers trying to find the perfect one! After I spent half my life savings to get you only the most high-quality dead sticks out there!”
It’s at that moment that the junk food in Eli’s arms decides to give way, cascading to the ground in a shower of processed flavors and empty calories. Eli grunts disapprovingly, marriage proposal forgotten as he gets down on his hands and knees to start gathering up the party-size Cheeto bags and rapidly-melting chocolate. Demetri crawls over to help him, although he can’t resist a gloat or two about how this would not have happened if Eli had opted for shopping bags.
They end up reaching for a bag of Cheetos at the same time, and Demetri’s hand somehow ends up on top of Eli’s. Seizing the opportunity, Demetri grabs his friend’s hand and slips the loop of twigs onto his ring finger before he can protest.
“There!” He grins connivingly. “I officiated it. You’re my fiancé now.”
“Get me a better ring, asshole. I’m dumping you.” Eli plucks off the makeshift stick-ring and tosses it across the parking lot.
Demetri gasps. “You wound me, Eli Moskowitz. I can’t believe you’d dump me before you’ve even asked me out.”
Eli curls his lip. “Yeah? Well, your proposal was just that bad.”
The taller boy can only tsk disapprovingly. “You just don’t appreciate quality engagement ring craftsmanship. What, did you want one of the Seven Rings of Power?”
His friend smirks as he gathers up as many spilled snacks as he can actually hold and stands up. “That would be nice, yeah.”
Demetri whistles, picking up the last of the junk food and walking to the driver’s side. “I would not trust you with a Ring of Power, buddy. I feel like you’d set half of Middle Earth on fire just for shits and giggles.”
As he climbs in the front seat and starts the car, Eli lets out a sigh beside him. Demetri can’t tell if it’s resigned or frustrated, but it probably doesn’t make much of a difference.
“I got something for you, too.”
“Well, I hope so. I sent you in there to feed us. I was kind of expecting you’d leave some processed empty calories for your poor, exhausted driver.”
“I offered to take over driving, ass!”
“Oh, I know. I just want the pity points.”
Something bangs into Demetri’s side, and there’s a rattling as a box of candy plummets onto his seat. He glances down and lets out an offended gasp.
“Rainbow nerds?”
“Yeah. Seemed appropriate.” Eli breaks into the huge, devilish smirk that Demetri’s come to half-dread these days. Better than the full-dread of the Days of Old, but still indicative of definite trouble coming.
“It’s the perfect candy for you, Demetri.”
Demetri scoffs. “Are you—are you insinuating I’m anything other than a perfectly normal heterosexual?!”
“Dude. You asked me to marry you like…not even 10 minutes ago. That’s not very straight.”
Demetri rolls his eyes. “To quote Charlie Kelly and Frank Reynolds, we’re both men. We’d be two cool straight dudes married together. Two dudes getting married isn’t very gay.”
Eli hums disapprovingly. “You did also make out with me twice. And I mean. You cuddled me the entire night, too.”
Demetri scoffs again. “Uh, if I remember correctly, Mr. Moskowitz, all of that was your idea. And I saw you get excited when I brought up Doctor Who—you can’t fool me. So I think it’s only appropriate we share the rainbow nerds.”
Eli groans. “Don’t flatter yourself. I kissed you because I thought it would help us feel better.”
“Ah, yes! Cheering yourself up by tongue-dueling with another guy and caressing all over his scrawny little body. How very straight of you.”
“Didn’t we already establish that all that stuff didn’t count, anyways?!”
“Oh, so it counts as gay when I propose to you, but not when you gleefully kiss me silly and hold me all night in your big, strong arms?! How does that work?”
“Uh…because you had witnesses?” He glances over to see Eli giving him a look implying his point should be obvious. “There were at least like…6 people who saw that stunt you just pulled. No one can ever prove I fooled around with you on top of the car.”
“And in the car.”
“And in the car,” Eli admits. “Point is, I’m betting that gas station had security cameras watching the parking lot, so you’re the only one who can be proven, with evidence, to be a rainbow nerd.”
“Well, nice try, but I don’t recall you actually saying no to my proposal.”
“I threw your stupid ring into the desert!”
“Yes, and told me to get a better one.” Demetri grins, victorious once again. “That’s not a ‘no,’ Eli. That’s a ‘maybe later.’”
“Whatever,” Eli mumbles, as callously as he can. Demetri knows that tone—it’s the tone Eli uses when he doesn’t want to admit defeat.
Sadly, the man has always been a sore loser. Even more sadly, Demetri tended to win at most things before karate came into the picture.
Demetri can tell that Eli Moskowitz is upset about being outdone again.
A loud crinkling sounds beside him, followed by noisy crunching. “You want some Cheetos?”
This is the closest Demetri’s going to get to a surrender.
“I’d love some. But pass me a napkin too. I don’t think my mom wants orange dust all over her car.”
Eli scoffs. “God. You’re such a neat freak.”
Nonetheless, he complies. Demetri is offered not just an open bag of Cheetos, but also a generous 3 paper towels.
“Okay, I’m pulling over here. I need to pee.”
Eli responds with a long groan. “Dumbass. I told you not to down that entire bottle of Mountain Dew.”
Demetri takes a hand off the wheel for a second to wave it about in exasperation. “Well, how else was I supposed to prove I was a true gamer?! I had no choice!”
“We’re not even gaming, Demetri! You’re not proving shit.”
“I think you’re just upset that I proved I was a superior gamer to you. I’m willing to fully commit to the lifestyle.”
“All you proved is that your bladder sucks.”
“Not nearly as much as your attitude.”
Eli huffs. “Suck my dick, Demetri.”
“Oh, you’d love that, wouldn’t you?”
Eli’s fist plunges into Demetri’s arm just as he pulls into the gas station parking lot. He sticks his tongue out at his friend before climbing out of the car.
Tragically, the bathroom smells as though someone’s jalapeño-zested burrito didn’t travel very smoothly through their digestive system, and the searing midday heat does not help matters. The restroom fee only adds insult to injury—Demetri can’t help but think the gas station staff should pay him 5 pesos to come in here.
He glances at some scruffy brush nearby, wondering if it’s secluded enough for a quick vomit. Something green lying in the sand next to it catches his eye, and his nausea is quickly forgotten.
He breaks into a grin.
Demetri raps on the passenger window, leaning suavely against the outside of the car. Eli opens the door to frown at him. “What?”
“Get out of the car.”
Eli’s frown deepens. “What the hell? It’s like a million degrees out.”
Demetri smirks. “Stop being such a baby. We’re parked in the shade, you’ll be fine. Just do it.”
“Fine.” With the world’s most dramatic eyeroll, Eli unbuckles his seatbelt and steps out onto the dirt.
Demetri throws subtlety to the wind and plummets down onto one knee again. With as much flourish as he can manage, he reaches into his back pocket and whips out what he’s pretty sure was once a chunk of beavertail cactus.
It’s a bit on the mangled side, but Demetri isn’t complaining. Some desert creature did him the courtesy of chewing off the exterior and removing all the pesky spines. Probably ate the flower, too—only a tiny piece of a bright pink petal remains. The little cactus scrap is still pretty tough, but it has just enough rotten spots to easily poke a hole through the middle.
“Eli Moskowitz.” Demetri holds out the cactus piece and projects like he’s delivering a soliloquy. They’re still in the middle of nowhere—he doesn’t give a fuck who hears. “Do you take this weird piece of cactus I found to be my lawfully wedded husband, even with…” He scrunches his face for a moment, trying to remember what he read on the GPS. “…Carreterra 15 Hermosillo-to-Ciudad-Obregón as our only witness?”
He glances to the side and sees his display has gathered quite the crowd. Gas station patrons are stopping on their way in and out of the Food Mart to giggle and snicker, eager for a good show in this vast stretch of boring nothingness. It isn’t many, but at least a handful of people seem genuinely invested in how this scene is going to play out.
The Eli from two years ago would hate the attention. He would hunch into himself, eyes darting all over the ground and staying where they couldn’t accidentally meet any human being’s gaze. He would cling to Demetri’s arm and mumble anxiously and beg on the verge of tears for them to leave immediately.
Demetri is reminded very loudly and very ferociously that this is not the Eli from two years ago.
“Oh, Demetri!” Eli surges forward, clasping Demetri’s hands like they haven’t seen each other in over a decade. “I’ve never wished for anything more in all my life! What took you so long?!”
“I had to wait for the perfect moment, my dearest love!” Demetri lets Eli pull him to his feet, lifting up a hand as though to beckon to an unseen stagehand in an unseen catwalk.
“So many agonizing years! Of thinking and thinking and thinking you’d never ask!” Eli wails, clutching his chest. “How could you? How could you? All I ever did was worry you didn’t really love me!”
Demetri certainly wasn’t expecting Eli to play along this hard, but far be it from him to gripe about it.
“Well, wait no longer!” Demetri slips the hollowed lump of cactus onto Eli’s finger, watching as it leaves a sticky, dark green trail in its wake. “We shall be married in the morning!”
Without warning Eli grabs his waist and hoists him into the air, spinning him around with alarming ease. He’s reminded of Valley Fest, and how awestruck he was when Eli dragged him onstage without even breaking a sweat.
It’s strange to think it was only about a year ago. It feels more like several lifetimes.
We were different people back then.
“Oh, but Eli!” Demetri gasps in mock horror as soon as Eli puts him down. “What of the caterers? I forgot to order any!” He puts his hand to his forehead and begins to theatrically collapse.
He knows it’s bad to get as much satisfaction as he does when Eli catches him.
“And our best man is lost in Mexico City!” Eli gapes down at him. “The wedding is ruined!”
“Miguel!” Demetri howls out the name, using the hand not still pressed to his forehead to clutch dramatically at the sky. “How could you do this to us?”
Eli’s reply is cut short by and angry huffing, and Demetri turns his head to see a very irked station attendant storming over, abandoning the car next to them. He shouts at them in a thick accent to “please take their Shakespeare elsewhere.”
Eli breaks out laughing before his face falls into the ghost of a meek, apologetic smile—a look Demetri hasn’t seen in a long time, he realizes.
He used to be ashamed of the space he took up. Now, he wants to occupy as much as possible.
Demetri doesn’t mind. It’s nice to see him shine, see him embrace the manic energy he’s always had and the joy of being loud and over-the-top and shamelessly insufferable.
Granted, Demetri was not a huge fan of the manic energy when it was being utilized to stalk him through computer labs and such, but Eli was putting it to much better use these days.
“Sorry, sorry,” Eli says. “We’ll go.”
He lifts Demetri to his feet, and Demetri tries once again not to focus on how sturdy and strong his arms have become. The attendant stalks back to the other car, muttering something about turistas odiosas.
Eli threw an arm around Demetri and gave his shoulder a couple quick shakes. “All right, I’ll give it to you. That was pretty fun.”
Demetri tries his damndest not to think about how warm Eli’s touch is. He tries not to think about how even though it’s approaching 100 degrees, it somehow still feels nice.
Demetri leans into Eli’s touch, savoring the moment as much as he can. “What made you have a change of heart?”
“Well, the ring was a lot better. Besides.” He turns to face Demetri, breaking into an enormous shit-eating grin. “I realized how many people we could piss off if he hyphenated our last names.”
“An 8 syllable surname?” Demetri’s eyes widen. “You are a monster, Eli Moskowitz. But I kind of love it.”
Eli cackles. “It would take people like…5 years to type our names on letters. Or write it on forms. They’d probably always be running out of space, too. It’d be so fucking funny.”
“You may just be a certified genius.” Demetri slaps his back, smiling proudly. “I would love to be an annoyance with you for the rest of my life.”
His friend looks at him and scowls playfully. “Oh, please. I’d like to see you even try to get on my level.”
“Maybe not right now, though.” Keeping his hand on the small of Eli’s back, Demetri turns them around and starts steering his friend back toward the car. “Wouldn’t want to get banned from this Podunk little gas station, on the off-chance we need to stop here on the way back.” Eli huffs, but doesn’t fight his grip.
“After you, dear,” Demetri purrs, opening the passenger side door.
“Ah, shit.” Eli makes a face. “Please don’t tell me just because I’m your pretend-fiancé now you’re going to treat me like I’m helpless.”
“Oh, no. I’m only going to pretend to. And then when no one’s looking…”
Demetri glances around, making sure most of the gas station patrons have moved on with their days. He shoves Eli roughly into the car, and the other boy lets out a squawk as he smacks his thigh into the seatbelt buckle.
“Ow! You ass!”
Demetri pouts down at him. “That’s what you get for complaining about me being a gentleman.”
Eli flips him off, but a smile is tugging at his mouth.
Demetri circles the car, climbing into the driver’s seat. The station attendant watches him with an iron stare as he pulls away, daring him to come back for more theatrics.
“Okay, but which of our names do we put first?” Eli pipes up as Demetri pulls out onto the highway.
He considers.
“Moskowitz,” he says after a pause. “Definitely Moskowitz. It would subconsciously bother people that they weren’t in alphabetical order. Besides, it would trick people into thinking they only have to deal with one somewhat-difficult-to-pronounce last name, and then we hit them with the worse one.”
Eli barks out a laugh. “Oh, my god. You fucking evil maniac. Do you promise?”
Movement catches the corner of Demetri’s eye, and he glances over to see Eli resting his elbow on the console box, arm poised to start their handshake.
Demetri laughs lightly, something quivering in his chest. He slips a hand off the steering wheel and clasps Eli’s.
“Yeah. Yeah, I promise.”
It’s only after planning the most irritating aspects of their married life and arguing over what color suit they should make Miguel wear to the wedding and making fun of several particularly stupid-looking saguaros that Demetri realizes Eli never actually let go of his hand after they shook on their hyphenated last name pact.
Well, no matter—driving down a long, straight highway one-handed is not exactly an impossible task.
When they get to Baugo, Eli offers Demetri a handful of Rainbow Nerds. Demetri gladly accepts.
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master-sass-blast · 3 years
Care and Trust: Chapter One.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Summary: "The shockwave hits second.
You’re strolling through Avatar Korra park, out on your lunch break. It’s a beautiful, late winter day; with the sun shining high up in the sky, it’s warm enough that you aren’t shivering like a frightened kitten as you amble along the plaza.
Several people gasp, and you look up in time to see a fireball pluming up over the docks.
And then the shockwave hits.
It hits your chest like an armadillo tiger; the explosion roars through the air, making your ears hurt. You go down, grunting when you hit the snow-covered knoll behind you.
You stand with a groan, brush yourself off, then start booking it to the nearest hospital.
Shit like this always demands all hands on deck."
AKA Plot Finally Happens.
Pairing(s): Lin Beifong x Reader.
Rating: T.
Word count: 2.1k.
The shockwave hits second.
You’re strolling through Avatar Korra park, out on your lunch break. It’s a beautiful, late winter day; with the sun shining high up in the sky, it’s warm enough that you aren’t shivering like a frightened kitten as you amble along the plaza.
(But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.)
Several people gasp, and you look up in time to see a fireball pluming up over the docks.
And then the shockwave hits.
It hits your chest like an armadillo tiger; the explosion roars through the air, making your ears hurt. You go down, grunting when you hit the snow-covered knoll behind you.
Cries pierce the air. Screams of panic, exclamations of disbelief, exhortations to call the police.
Yeah, you think as you eye the thick, black smoke that belches into the air, something tells me they didn’t miss that.
You stand with a groan, brush yourself off, then start booking it to the nearest hospital.
Shit like this always demands all hands on deck.
As predicted, the injury count is high.
You run the halls of Yue General, triaging the more serious patients until things slow enough that you can start checking the ones not actively dying. It’s a non-stop frenzy of gauze, saline, and bandage wraps until you can see the blue glow of your healing whenever you close your eyes.
By the end of it, your feet are practically dead and it’s nearly four in the morning.
You drag yourself onto one of the trams and let the teeth-shaking rattle keep you awake until you’re on your block. You count your steps until you make it to the front door, then let out a sigh of relief when you step into the building lobby.
“Elevator Out of Service. Please Use Stairs.”
You stare at the placard in front of the elevator bay in disbelief, then groan. Fuck my life.
The climb up to your floor is agony.
You’re huffing and puffing by the time you make it to your apartment door. You lean against it as you slot the key into the lock, then push inside.
Some distant, responsible part of you manages to turn the deadbolt before your brain shuts off entirely. You kick off your shoes, drop your purse on the ground, then shuffle over to the couch and flop down face first on it.
When you lift your head again, sunlight’s streaming through your living room window.
“Fuck.” You wince, then peel yourself gingerly off the couch. You cringe as your body protests, and rub your hand over the back of your aching neck. You glance at the clock, but the gurgle your stomach makes is more than enough to tell you that it’s past lunch time.
You sit up, then frown when you get a whiff of yourself. Antiseptic and B.O. Not a good combination on anyone.
You need a shower. And food. And a good round of stretching.
Nice, long, hot shower. You smile as you shuffle towards the bathroom. And then take out. Narook’s. With extra squid ink noodles. Your stomach rumbles again. And maybe Golden King’s… mmm, extra summer rolls… with sweet and sour dipping sauce. Yum.
You feel more human after showering. You change into sweats and a loose shirt, put in delivery orders at Narook’s and Golden King’s, then flip on your radio before dropping down onto your sofa.
It’s too early in the day for mystery shows, but the disc jockey’s still playing music requests. Smooth jazz --something with a rolling beat and brass--pipes out of the speakers, swirling around your apartment until the mental grime of the previous day starts to fade.
You sink back into your couch and hum along. You sigh and stretch, relish in the ache in your legs as tension leeches from your sore muscles.
The radio hums, then crackles. “We interrupt this broadcast for an announcement from the Republic City Police Department.”
You roll your eyes as an announcer rattles off a report about the explosion yesterday --site is secure, no risk of further fire or explosion, the city police are hard work, stay clear of the site, blah blah blah--then relax when your music starts playing again. Thanks for telling us what we already know. You close your eyes and let yourself drift. Why do they always shove that into every single press release? ‘We’re working hard to serve Republic City and ensure the safety of her citizens--’
You gasp and bolt upright; she would’ve attended the scene. Hell, for all you know, she was one of the responding officers.
It’s probable, given her propensity for “hands on police work,” for not staying above the grime and grunge her officers have to work on.
Hell, it’s even likely. Given what you know about Lin, you’d be solid money that she’d rather work the explosion site than deal with the panicking politicians.
Is she okay? You chew on your lower lip as the thought circles your mind like water in the bathtub drain, swirling down and down into blackness.
You blink, and then your phone’s in your hand, and there’s hold music in your ear as the operator makes the connection. You gulp and palm your phone once the music stops and the ringing starts. Please don’t let this be a mistake, please don’t let this be a mistake, please don’t let this be a fucking mistake…
“Chief Beifong’s office. This is her assistant, Ryu, speaking. The Chief is not available at this time, but I can take your message and deliver it to her later.”
You blink at the sound of her assistant’s voice. “Uh… hi…” You swallow, then rattle off your name and callback number before Ryu can hang up on you. “I’m a, uh, friend of Lin’s. I was just calling because --y’know--the explosion--”
“I’m sorry, but the Chief cannot comment on an ongoing investigation--”
“I’m not calling about that,” you interject, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I’m her friend; I just want to be sure she’s okay.”
There’s a pause on the other end of the line, and when Ryu speaks again, she almost sounds… pleased? “Chief Beifong’s not in right now --but I’ll have her call you back as soon as she’s available.”
“Is she hurt?” you blurt before she hangs up on you.
Another pause. “As far as I know, no.”
“Okay.” You nod, gulp, then nod again. “Thank you.”
“Of course. Have a nice day.”
You eke out something similar, then put your phone back on the hook when the line goes dead. Your heart thuds uncomfortably hard in your chest, and you have to blink a few times before your brain starts working again.
You head back to your couch and jazz --but long gone is your relaxed, exhaustion induced stupor. Anxiety claws at your chest, threatening to snap your ribs and leave you bleeding. You inhale deeply through your nose, then force yourself to let it out slowly so your body calms down. She’ll be fine. She’s got, what, thirty years on the force? This is old hat for her. She’ll keep herself safe.
Still, if you spend the next couple hours watching your phone, that’s no one’s business but yours.
Your phone rings around seven in the evening --right as you’re shovelling leftovers from lunch into your mouth.
Go figure.
You half-scramble, half-try-to-not-choke over to the phone; you pick up the phone, try to swallow, then tuck the food in your cheek like a hamster when it’s apparent you’ve got too much in your mouth to swallow. Mom always said I ate like a pack of polar bear dogs. “Heffo?”
There’s a dry huff of laughter on the other end of the line. “I take it I caught you at a good time.”
“Lin!” You cover your mouth with one hand (even though she can’t see you) and alternate between chewing and swallowing. “I --I was ea’in ‘inner.”
“Sounds like you decided to do it all at once.” She chuckles when you grumble, then moves on. “My secretary said you called?”
“Yeah, around lunch time,” you say as you finally get your mouth clear.
“Where I’m presuming you had your mouth full of that meal, too.”
“Fuck you.” You grin when she laughs, then lean against the wall and cradle the receiver against your shoulder. “I just… wanted to check on you. With the explosion and all.”
“You heard about that.”
“The whole city heard it, Lin.” You sigh. “I worked the triage team at Yue General until four in the morning.”
“Shit.” Lin groans, and you can hear the creak of her leather office chair as she sits. “I thought you only did massage therapy?”
“They call everyone who passed a healing course when stuff like this happens,” you explain. “Besides, I had to pass an intensive injury treatment course to get my rehabilitation certification. I’m licensed to assist surgery teams, if need arises.”
Lin hums. “That’s a nice feather in your cap.”
“It pays the bills.” You manage a smile when she lets out a huff of laughter, but the anxiety that’s been circling your brain descends to your stomach. You swallow, then ask, “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” When you don’t respond right away, her voice softens. “I’m fine. A little banged up, but nothing that won’t heal. I wasn’t there when the explosion went off.”
“Okay,” you murmur. You let out a shaky breath, then mentally kick yourself to stop acting like a worried girlfriend, dammit. “Well, if something doesn’t heal, you know where to find me.”
Lin grunts, then chuckles when you laugh. “Get some rest, kid.”
“Already am. You should do the same.” You roll your eyes when she starts grumbling again --about overtime and press conferences and departmental cooperation with the city’s fire brigade--then say, “Call me when you want to keep me up all night again,” and hang up before she can react.
It’s easy to picture her reaction. Open-mouthed, wide-eyed, with that hint of a grin that she hides by smirking.
You bite your lower lip; something warm and smooth settles in your lower gut. You laugh quietly to yourself, then turn and head back for the sofa. Alright, leftovers. It’s just you and me.
You’re in the midst of changing the sheets on your massage table when there’s a knock on the door. “Come in.”
The latch clicks, the door swings open, and the receptionist for the Northern Moon Physical Therapy Facility pokes her head into your “office” (which is really just the room you work out of, but it’s yours, and that’s what counts). “A call came in for you.”
You straighten, frowning. “Me?”
She nods. “A request for on-site treatment.” She looks down at the slip of paper in her hand and recites the information from the call. “Republic City Police Department, at one this afternoon. Long session booking. A woman named Ryu called it in.”
Your heart sinks into your shoes. Fucking dammit. “And my other appointments…”
“We’re redistributing them to the other therapists. It was an urgent request.”
You sigh, then nod and grab your carry bag off a nearby office chair. “Let me pack up, and I’ll catch one of the trams.”
“They’re sending a car for you.” The receptionist smiles politely, then steps back and starts making her way back down the hall. “It’ll be here in fifteen minutes!”
You run your tongue over your teeth and do what you can to tamp down the aggravation simmering in your stomach. Well, on the bright side, I don’t have to carry the table the entire way.
Ryu meets you in the parking garage attached to the police department. She’s sleek, dressed in an impeccably pressed navy blue suit, and there’s not a hair out of place on her head.
In your loose slacks, pale periwinkle blouse, and slapdash braid, you can’t help but feel a bit… frumpy.
She shakes your hand --she’s got a strong, professional handshake--then escorts you through the garage. “Thank you for coming.” She opens a heavy metal door stamped with the police department’s emblem for you. “I’ll take you up to Chief Beifong’s office.”
Your jaw flexes as you follow her down a hall with an immaculately polished slate tile floor. “How’s she been? What kind of pain has she been in?”
Ryu looks at you over her shoulder for a long moment. Her eyes narrow contemplatively, but she turns back around before you can make anything of her expression. “I’ve been asked to let Chief Beifong explain things to you directly.”
Yeah, that tracks. You shift the strap of your carry bag onto your shoulder, then watch the floor counter as the elevator slowly rattles upwards.
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
hello do you think you could write soft echo smut please🥺
Playful and fluffy couch "fun" with Echo
Echo X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Absolutely!! I am soo sorry this has been sitting in my inbox since like November. I loved this request btw and I am soo sorry I didn’t get to it before I took my break.
Notes: I hope this isn’t bad! I am a little rusty lol
I did a Fem!Reader instead of a gender neutral one, I hope that’s okay!
Also! I know you asked for soft smut….but I made it a bit more playful! Still soft though! (if none of these are what you wanted in this request please request this again so I can write you another!)
Warnings: Before the Bad Batch era by a lot, fluff, established relationship, smut, playfulness, Echo is a considerate angel, unprotetced sex!!!BE SAFE!!!
You sat on your couch beside the love of your life, gently teasing his thick curls of hair. Echo had his head on your shoulder, enjoying your soft touches. He was so relaxed, his eyes half lidded as he struggled to stay awake.
A thought popped into your mind. You glanced at his relaxed face one again, a grin pulling at your lips. Shame…..He was adorable when he was this relaxed.
You gently scraped your nails down the back of his neck, a feeling you knew Echo loved. He shivered, his whole body seeming to twitch in excitement. He huffed, sitting up quickly, a glare on his handsome face.
Echo’s scowl got bigger when you began to laugh. He was too cute! Echo was definitely planning revenge already, but you were too busy laughing to notice.
Your mistake.
Echo grabbed your legs which were curled on the couch, and yanked. You screamed in surprise when he dragged you down flat on your back, Echo quickly crawling on top of you to pin you down with his body weight.
You struggled in a playful manner, shouting his name and pathetic pleas of ‘I’m sorry!!’ None of which worked. Echo flopped on you like a loth cat would, all of his weight was on you. He was heavy!! You gasped for air dramatically, swatting at his sides.
“You’re a butt Echo!” He gasped in mock offense, looking at you with wide eyes. “Me?? A butt? Never.” He scoffed, smiling when your glare grew more intense.
“I’ll….” You paused to think about a good way to get him off, “I’ll…...I’ll tickle you!!” Echo laughed, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Go ahead. I’m immune.” You sighed loudly and stopped struggling, giving up.
Ugh, you loved this fool so much.
You both sat there in silence, Echo’s hot breath on that one really sensitive spot on your neck. He was doing it on purpose, the ARC trooper knowing exactly what turned you on.
Echo smirked against your skin when you squirmed a bit, your underwear growing damp and uncomfortable. “What’s the matter honey?” You scoffed at his sweet deep voice. How he said that drove you insane, and the bastard knew it!
“You know what!” You squirmed more, finally hitching one of your legs around his hips, pulling him closer. Echo’s eyes widened, his pupils blowing out in lust. You brushed your nose playfully against his, drawing him in for a sweet and deep kiss.
Echo pressed his body firmly against yours, slotting his hips with yours. He stroked a calloused hand along your thigh, grabbing it and moving it over his other hip. Echo loves to be as close to you as possible, he just enjoys your warmth and the intimacy of it all.
He was also very careful as well, moving one of his arms beside your head so he could take some of his weight off of you. Echo was very considerate of your needs.
You nearly purred against his lips, your arms wrapping around his neck so you could play with the hair at the base of his neck. A small giggle left your lips when he shivered, Echo pulling away slightly so he could glare.
He made you laugh more just with a look. “I’m sorry!” You spoke through your laughing, Echo rolling his eyes in mock irritation. He sat up and pulled off his shirt, tossing it on your face. You continued with your fit of giggles, tossing the shirt onto the floor.
“You’re lucky I love you….” You smiled at his words, your laughing finally coming to a stop. “Oh I know.” You grinned cheekily, Echo helping you with your shirt and bra. Well it was technically HIS shirt……...
“Always straight to business.” You spoke, trying your hardest to mock his sexy voice. He chuckled, pressing a light kiss to your throat. “The ARC Trooper way.” He purred in your ear, his lips attacking your throat.
You threw your head back, exposing more of your sensitive throat to his incredible lips. You put one of your hands on the back of his neck, teasing the sensitive skin while your other hand ran down his side to the waistband of his sweats.
The sweatpants were dark blue with little white republic logos on them. You had bought him and Fives matching sets a while back. You yanked at his waistband some, Echo getting the hint and helping you slide them down his thin hips.
He awkwardly kicked them off and onto the floor, huffing with effort. He didn’t have on any briefs underneath, which made things quicker for you. Echo was already hard and ready, his cock head shining with pre-cum
Just looking at his cock made more wetness rush between your legs. He quickly distracted you by moving his lips to yours once again though, his cock pressing into your thigh.
His lips moved perfectly against yours, his tongue eagerly slipping between your lips to wrestle with yours. You moaned into the kiss, your eyes closed in bliss. Echo smirked against your lips when he removed your thin pajama shorts.
Both of you were very excited and ready now, so he didn’t do his usual teasing trick with your underwear. He just slowly removed it with his thick fingers instead of his teeth this time.
Once you were both finally naked Echo ran a finger through your drenched folds. He grinned, pulling away from your lips with a smirk on his face. “Don’t look at me like that trooper.” You smirked back, playfully biting his bottom lip.
Echo chuckled, nipping back at your lips as he slowly pushed a finger into you. Echo always checked to make sure you were ready and could take him. You moaned, throwing your head back once again.
He had been on Coruscant on leave for the past two days and wasn’t to return for a few more, so you two had been very….busy…. Whenever he had a long leave like this you two made sure to take your time with one another. Echo was a very fast learner.
You gasped when Echo found one of those spots that made your toes curl. He had a very good memory, and boy did you love it.
Echo quickly removed his finger, bringing it to his kiss-swollen lips to lick it clean. Your walls clenched around nothing at the erotic sight. You whined loudly, glaring daggers into your lover. Echo chuckled deeply, the sound sending waves of pleasure down your spine.
You scoffed, Echo quickly cheering you up with a kiss. You gasped into his mouth when he pushed the head of his cock into your heat, pressing your body up into his. He groaned out your name as he slowly pushed all the way into you.
Echo pressed another soft kiss to your lips as he began to slowly and deeply thrust into you. He moved his head to your neck, burying his face into your skin. He pressed a soft and sweet against your hot skin with every thrust.
“Oh Echo.” You moaned softly, your nails softly gripping his shoulders. You always tried to not scratch him up too much; but when he hit that certain spot only his cock could ever reach you lost a bit of control.
You saw stars, cries of pleasure leaving your lips. Your walls clenched him tightly, Echo moaning loudly at the feeling. He picked up his pace some, both of you getting closer and closer to the edge.
“I love you.” He panted, pressing his damp forehead against yours. You smiled, looking up into his beautiful eyes, “I love you too.” Echo kissed you again, his kiss making you feel even more excitement.
His pace started to become a little messy as you both got closer. Echo reached down between your bodies, finding your clit. His lips stayed on yours as he brought you over the edge, swallowing your cries of pleasure.
You saw spots as you came, your fingers and walls gripping Echo tightly. Echo gasped when he came, his eyes squeezing shut with pleasure. You laid your head back as he came, the feeling of him painting your inner walls causing you to shiver more.
You rode out your orgasm together, Echo weakly thrusting until he had finished. He held you tightly as your body shook with little aftershocks, pressing soft kisses to every little bit of available skin he could reach.
“We should take a bubble bath in a few.” He mumbled into your neck, his body relaxed and fit perfectly against yours. “Mmmmm…...Good idea baby.” You muttered back, the soft cloud of bliss keeping you from opening your eyes.
Taglist: @leias-left-hair-bun @iamassbutkingofhell @catsnkooks @azem-thefourteenth @colorfulloverbatturkey @blueberrybubblesandboba @ahsokatano-thetogruta @jedi-mando @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @strangebroadwaykinks @jedi-nila-rhyn @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @cherry-cokes-world @cherry-cokes-posts @darmanfi @silverinkandstardust @chewychewyque @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01 @808tsuika @commanderrivercc-3628 @captainrexstan @girlvader @ct7567329 @just-some-girl-92 @valkyrieofthehighfae @my-awakened-ghost  @escapedthesarlacc @katethecrazy @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @lightning-wolffe @dominhoe-squad @qui-gon-jinn-and-tonic​
If you’d like to be added to my taglist its on my masterlist! 
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foolish-spectre · 2 years
Opening Up Letter Requests from your Favorite Touken Danshi!!!
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❣ You’ve received a letter! From who? That’s for you to decide~
❣ I’ve decided to open up some requests for personal letters from your favorite Touken Danshi <3
❣ But before we begin, here are some rules: 
☙ Make sure there are slots available and that’s open! There will only be 5 slots for you to make a letter request. So make sure to check this page and see if there are still any slots available. If this is popular and I enjoy writing these, I may increase how many slots will be available. 
☙ When making a request, please tell me which character it will be from, remember this will only be from one character so do not request multiple characters. Then list what kind of letter it will be, platonic, familial, romantic, etc. Keep in mind if you request a tantou or any other child coded character, it will be strictly platonic or familial. If you try to request any romantic requests from the mentioned characters, your ask will be deleted. While I can make the letter a bit risque, there will be no nsfw letters for the time being. 
☙ Speaking of requests, if there is any special scenario you want the character to write about please tell me. An example would be: if you’re having a rough time with a test and need them to cheer you up. Or you want a love letter detailing how much they adore or love you? Or they want to ask you out on a date and they ask you where you think would be best? Or they tell you about their day and want to share it with you! 
☙ Please tell me a few things about yourself so I can personalize the letter as much as possible. Name you would prefer to be referred to as, pronouns, your personality, what you like and what you dislike, and other things you are comfortable sharing that would be needed for the letter. For example, if this is a letter from your favorite character confessing their feelings to you, what kind of confession do you want from them? What do they like about you, and what do you like about them? 
☙ Finally, these letters will only be up to 250 words max. since the reason why I don’t really do requests is because I get worried about whether or not I’ll enjoy writing for that long and don’t want the pressure. So keep in mind, that I’m not writing an epic here. 
☙ Other than that, send in your requests!
❣ Edit! No limit on requests, I’ll just close them once I get enough!!!!  
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
I Only Swim Free: Chapter 6
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You’ve done swimming all your life. You’ve gotten to your dream college on a scholarship for your outstanding freestyle technique back in high school. Relationships never crossed your mind however, that was before you met your swim team captain: Bela Dimitrescu.
Warning: None for this Final Chapter!
A/N: I thought I was going to make this series longer, but I decided to end it here! But, I might make some smaller stories branching off from this series if you guys are interested in that! But, thanks for enjoying this series!
As you stepped through the locker room doors, you were face to face with many people you weren’t familiar with. However, you immediately spotted Dean Dimitrescu, Cassandra, Daniela and your folks.
“Now, we would like to welcome Dimitrescu University Women’s Swim and Dive Team!” The announcer announces through a P.A Box
Aside from the cheering ringing into your ears, you also felt your heartbeat; not only in your chest but also in your ears. You often don’t enjoy that however, it being your first College state finals, you both felt the emotions of happiness and anxiety.
“First up is the 200 m Freestyle Event!” The announcer blurts out
You strip off your swim team jacket and hand id to Bela as you put on your goggles, the back straps hitting the back of your wrapped head as you step up onto the block.
“Take your Marks,” A referee announces
Lifting your bottom into the air, you use as much force to leap into the water when you hear a ‘beep’ go off in the arena. Like the watching your first initiation on your first day on the swim team, Bela watches your muscles flex every time they broke the surface of the water. From under the water, you could hear the cheers of your teammates and everyone around you. However, you begin drowning them out unconsciously.
What’s going on?... Why can’t I... Hear them?
When your fingers dive back under the water, you could feel a current ‘splitting’ between your arm. You remembered that feeling, when you went to the beach for the first time in your life when you were 5. Of course, you were in the shallow end but, you experimented the same thing you had just done with your arm.
Everything’s... Peaceful.
You weren’t sure what had happened in the last several laps however, when you spread your fingers to touch the wall of the pool, you, again felt the same current you felt when you were 5. You lift your head out of the water and look up at the time board, Dimitrescu Swim team came first.. You could hear Cassandra, Daniela, your folks and your team cheer for you as Bela helps you out of the water. You looked up at the time board again and noticed you were a whole two seconds ahead.
“How did you do that?!” Bela asks
“I don’t know...” You say, but still smiling
You watch the other events go down and you do a couple of other Freestyle events. It came to Bela’s Butterfly event, you we’re basically on the sidelines, hoping to get the best out of watching Bela. 
“Take your marks,” The referee announces
Once the usual ‘beep’ echoes through the arena, you watch Bela’s form dive into the water like the graceful woman she is. You cheer her on like the rest of your teammates but you also watch her back muscles flex as she breaks the surface of the water to breathe and propel herself through. However, you look at another team’s butterfly swimmer and they’re gaining on Bela. They manage to pass her as she smirked at Bela.
“You got this Bela!” Your scream of encouragement echoes through the arena
She seemed to have heard you as she began to pick up her pace, Like a butterfly in the wind, Bela turns the round and begins feeling the water ‘fly’ past her. 
Why do I feel like I’m flying all of a sudden? Where’s everybody?
Just as Bela’s palm hits the end of the wall, she looks at the time board for her event; she was also two second ahead of everyone else.
“Bela!” You scream happily for her, running over to her to help her out of the water
“How did you do that?!” You ask her this time
“I have no idea,” Bela gives the same answer as you do
You and Bela decided to have some alone time while your diving team was going on.
“So, let me get something clear,” You start, “You felt like you were flying as you felt the current of the water become wind-like?”
Bela nods, “likewise with the way you were swimming in your event, you felt actual water currents?”
You nod, “I just feel so at peace with water and when I’d feel a current, I have a tendency to swim faster, against or with the current.”
“You sound like a fish,” Bela teases you
“A fish you fell in love with,” You tease back
Bela leans over and places a few fingers under your chin to lift your lips up to hers. The both of you share a small kiss before the both of you hear knocking.
“You two, it’s time for the final event!” Your guide calls
Bela exits the door first, with you in tow.
“Show e a sight I’ve never seen before,” Bela teases you one last time
As your heart races, you see the first two teammates ahead of you. You were going last. You watch your backstroke swimmer plop into the water to grip onto the bottom of the block to prep her backstroke. 
“Take your marks!” the referee announces
They all lift themselves slightly; arching their backs like perfect arches at a museum, diving into the water. Your breast stroke swimmer preps herself onto the block, taking her mark; leaping when she touched the wall. You watch Bela prep for her butterfly however, he turns to look back at you and you swore your heart skipped a beat, again.
“Go captain!” You cheer her on when Bela leaps for the butterfly
You take your mark on the block, prepping for your freestyle. You take a big inhale, holding it.
“Go y/n!” Bela’s head emerges from the water
To her, you became a dolphin. You swam a whole lot faster than at practice or other meets. 
“Captain you need to get out,” Her teammate says
Bela snaps out of her daze when she notices you rounding the corner. You feel the similar current between your fingers and you begin feeling the current beginning to drag you behind. However, you begin flexing your muscles to push yourself even further.
“Go Y/N!” Bela and your team cheers
You could hear them from the other side of the water. Your hand breaks the surface of the water and you feel the wall on your palm. You finally get to stand in the water and you yank off your swim cap and goggles. When you open your eyes you could hear cheering. You jolt your head up to the scoreboard and notice Dimitrescu University Swim and Dive in the first place slot. You get yourself out of the pool and group hug with your team. 
“We did it!” Bela yells
She meets with Coach Donna to receive the first place trophy and you just stare in awe when Bela is holding the trophy, slightly showing off her muscles.
You and Bela finally decided to break the news to both the team and to both of your families after state finals during the banquet. The whole team were teasing the both of you how the both of you finally decided to make the move on each other. Dean Dimitrescu became supportive of you and basically welcomed you into the Dimitrescu family. 
“So... It was obvious?” You ask both Daniela and Cassandra
“It was,” Daniela answers for both her and her older sister
“We just didn’t want to say anything to make you guys feel pressured.” Cassandra adds
When finals hit it was a living hell. However, Bela, being the supportive girlfriend she was, got you through them all. 
“Thank you Bela,” You smile, grabbing a coffee mug from her, “Do you want to get lunch after today’s finals?”
“Yeah, I’d love to,” Bela answers you, “My treat though.”
Before you could argue with her, she tugs on your scarf and pulls you in for a kiss. You feel your cheeks heat up once she pulls away.
“Whatever you say princess,” You say breathlessly
“Now get to class kid,” She teases you
You finish your first half of freshman year with some A’s and some B’s and you couldn’t be prouder of yourself. However, you were grateful for Bela’s help.
“I wouldn’t have passed without your help though babe,” You smile, leaning back into your chair and sipping on a glass of water.
“But you were the one who managed to ace every single study session love,” Bela smiles from her mug of coffee, “How many more do you need to do?”
“Just one more, that’s tonight,” You answer, “After that I’m all set.”
“Come back to your place after,” Bela smirks
You blush, “O-Okay...”
When you finished your last final, you had decided to spend your winter break with the Dimitrescu family, of course inviting your own family for Christmas at the request of the Alcina.
“Glad you’re getting friendly with the dean y/n,” Your mother smiles, “It’s not everyday a student would find themselves doing so.”
“But, I did tell Ms. Dimitrescu to not give me any special treatment while I study at her university,” You say 
“The only special treatment I will give you is my eldest daughter,” Alcina says
You choke on your drink as your folks let out an uncontrolable laughter. You look across the table and notice Bela had given you a wink as she sips her wine. 
“Mother isn’t wrong,” Bela vouches for her mother’s words
You continue choking on your drink while everyone at the table breaks out into a laugh.
“I’m glad you finally found yourself a girl too kiddo,” Your dad pats your head again
“She absolutely swept me off my feet,” Bela continues teasing you
You try to hide your blushing, to no avail. 
Your parents leave for the rest of your winter break as you wanted to spend new years with Bela and her family. However, Alcina had to go back on campus early to prepare her university for the Winter Semester. You and Bela were snuggling against each other underneath Bela’s silk sheets and lavish blankets. 
“What’d you think of my parents?” You ask out of curiosity
“I think they’re so much like you,” Bela smiles
“Are they now?” You ask, smiling down at her
She nods as she lifts her head up as you dip your down, meeting each others’ lips halfway.
“Swim season is over,” You add, changing the subject entirely, “What do you normally do after the season?”
“Study my ass off,” Bela sighs, “But, right now, be with you.”
“What are you studying?” You ask, realizing you never asked Bela that question before
“Environmental Sciences,” She answers
You know... That actually fits her...
“That’s pretty interesting,” You say, “Anything specific you’d want to do there?”
“Not at the moment,” Bela says, “I’ll figure it out when I graduate this spring..”
You almost forgot that Bela was a Senior college student. However, despite that you were a college freshman, the both of you didn’t really care about the decent age gap.
“Are you going to go for the Captain position when I’m gone?” Bela asks
“I’ll try out,” You say, slightly unsure, “But, there has never been a Sophomore captain.”
“You’ll never know,” Bela says, “Maybe Coach Beneviento will see your potential as a leader.”
“Hmm,” You sigh, “You’re right, but I’m going to worry about my next season of indoor percussion.”
“Hoodie’s mine,” Bela mumbles against your chest
“Babe, we don’t even have that stuff yet,” You yawn
“Doesn’t matter, it’s mine,” She yawns, “I love you.”
I haven’t told her I love her yet... But she should know right? I’ve always shown her through physical affection...
You prop yourself up on your elbows, catching her off guard. You cup your free hand against her cheek and dip your head down to meet her lips again. The kiss was gentle and light but when you hear Bela let out a gentle moan, you begin growling and making the kiss more heated. 
“Damn,” Bela sighs when you pull your lips away
“I love you,” You finally bring yourself to say
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hansoulo · 4 years
thread count
Pairing: The Mandalorian/Reader (gender neutral, no Y/N)
Warnings: liek… cursing? mentions of nightmares. bed sharing. the works.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: posting this at noon bc im tired of staring at it in my drafts 🤡also i recognize that star wars decided glass is called transparisteel but given that it’s a stupid ass decision i’ve elected to ignore it. enjoyyyyy :)
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You let out a frustrated groan, your rucksack dropping to the floor with a heavy thud as you flopped back onto the bed. The one, single bed.
“It’s too late to go anywhere else, alright? We’re basically stuck here. Let’s just make the best of it, okay?” He grunted at this, still standing at the doorway gripping his disintegrator rifle. “Drop the ‘tude, tin can. Could be worse,” you mumbled as you reached to wipe a hand over your face, sinking into the soft sheets.
It was kinda nice, actually. You couldn’t remember the last time you slept on a real mattress, with real pillows and blankets that didn’t feel like sandpaper. The inn owner was sweet, a wizened old woman who’d only smiled when you asked if there were any rooms available. Just the one, she had said. Down the hall.
This was ridiculous.
The Mandalorian stepped forward, closing the door with a large hand on the rusted knob. The room was small and sparsely furnished, but it was a far cry from your usual, less than ideal sleeping arrangements, so you relished in the feeling of the pillows beneath your back before propping yourself up on one elbow, eyelids already drooping as you watched him. He looked… awkward. If you had any more energy, you’d probably laugh. “I could- ” he cleared his throat, setting the rifle against the wall, “I could sleep on the floor.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you scoffed as you reached down to pull off your boots, throwing them haphazardly into a corner. You’d helped him with the occasional bounty for years, and known him for longer than that. You could share a fucking bed. Besides, it’s not like anyone else was around to see. Minus the baby of course, but it (he? she?) didn’t really count, right? It was already sleeping. “It’ll be fine.”
“No, I’m going to just-”
“Mando,” you glared, standing up. “If you sleep on the floor, you’re gonna be even more of an ass tomorrow morning. Just do us all a favor,” you waved a hand towards the baby in its pod, “and get over yourself, alright?” You reached down to the hem of your top, tugging it above your head before you heard him make a low, distorted sound - probably a cough, but the modulator made those kinds of things hard to tell. Left in your undershirt, you crouched down to stuff the fabric - dusty and soiled from a day of travel - back in your bag. “What?”
He shifted on his feet, his helmet ducking slightly at the sight of your exposed skin. “Oh c’mon,” you groaned, your expression teasing. “You stabbed a guy with a serving fork yesterday, Mando. I don’t think this could be any worse.” If you could see underneath his helmet, you’d be willing to bet he was blushing. Funny, how that worked. How he worked.
The bedsprings creaked underneath your weight as you laid down again, pulling the blankets out from their tucked corners. The window on the other side of the room lay open, bringing in a chill that had you drawing the covers tighter around your shoulders. “Could you close the window?” you whispered, tracking the glint of beskar through half-closed eyes as he complied with your request. His armor reflected orange light - dim and flickering from a small lamp hung beside the door - before it was snuffed out by a gloved hand. You let out a quiet thanks, not bothering to fight the exhaustion dragging at your mind as he stood above you. “I’m going to sleep,” you mumbled, turning on your side to face the wall. “Do what you want.”
⫸ ——-– ⫷
Flat, white light crackled across your vision and you opened your eyes with a groan. You could hear rain beating against the windowpane, glass rattling with every new roar of thunder in a way that had goosebumps erupting across your arms. It was dark outside, inky and fogged over save for the few flashes of lightning that cast the room in sharp relief. You didn’t really mind the storm - you usually liked them - but something about the way it sounded had you on edge. It was a bitter kind of rain, unrelenting and loud and really, really cold. Bracing yourself on your hands, you lifted your head, only to knock it against the edge of something metal. “Ow what the fu-” Oh. Oh.
He hadn’t been next to you before - no, you would’ve remembered if he had - but now... now he was. Next to you. And he… had a hand on your hip and- and you were still facing away from him but you squirmed, feeling the weight of his arm on your waist, heavy and slack. No gloves. No vambrace. No pauldron. Just… the helmet. No shit, bantha-brains. The Mandalorian let out a breath, the sound low and seeping syrup in your bones. Was he still asleep? Maybe you should- “Stop moving,” he rasped, his voice hoarse.
“Sorry,” you whispered, your words thick with sleep. “M’just cold.” It was a half-truth. You were cold, but the fact that you were pressed up against one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy probably didn’t help either. Neither did the fingers digging into your hip. Or the arm tucked underneath your neck. Or the hand attached to said arm that was skimming across your collarbone, seemingly unaware that it was touching anything at all. He drew you in closer and you could feel his legs slotted into yours, your toes brushing the bare skin of an ankle (that didn’t belong to you) before your scattered thoughts were forced elsewhere.
“Then why’d you take off your shirt?” he mumbled. The rain pounded a rhythm in your head, lulling you down and allowing yourself to sink back into his arms. You didn’t really want to think about tomorrow morning. If things would be weird. There was a chance neither of you would remember this when you woke up, though, so it’s not like it mattered. Even if you did - if he did - you knew it was all business.
“Hm?” you said, tucking your chin and scooting back slightly. Your back met the hard planes of his chest, his skin hot and thrumming even underneath the thick material of his shirt. The man was like a fucking space heater. Ha. Space heater. Funny. You were funny. And tired. And- wait did he ask you something?
“Why take off your shirt if you’re cold?” he repeated. The last word trailed off as a palm moved across the expanse of your stomach, his thumb rubbing circles across the raised seam of your undershirt and burning the skin beneath.
“I wasn’t cold then,” you huffed, reaching a hand over his and guiding it below the thin fabric until it rested still on your sternum. A better version of you, more awake and with more critical thinking skills - with the power of thought in general - would probably kick you for using the Mandalorian like a fucking hot water bottle, but that didn’t really matter. You were cold - and exhausted and laying on a bed that was very, very comfortable - and he was warm. You couldn’t really be expected to take any responsibility for this. “Plus, the shirt was dirty,” you added, only dimly registering how your fingers laced with his, tracing battered, scar-shiny knuckles in your half-sleep. He hummed and leaned forward, the metal of his helmet rounding smooth against your hair.
“You’re thinking too loud,” he said, his breathing falling back into tandem with yours as you felt your eyes fluttering shut. “Go to sleep.”
⫸ ——-– ⫷
“Mando, wake up. Wake up, please.” Your voice was tremulous as you shook his shoulder, stretched over tight with desperation and knocking against the walls of the room. Your plea bounced back hollow, a high, unrelenting tone that made your ears ring. Everything was caving in on itself, crumbling slow and then all at once in a way that had the sweat on your temples icing over. You weren’t a child anymore. You shouldn’t have nightmares. “Please.”
He sat up quickly, a hand bolting out to the blaster tucked underneath his pillow and aiming steady at the enemy that had yet to show itself. “Is someone there?” he asked, graveled over but still frighteningly alert. A light sleeper, you supposed.
You shook your head, wet tracks crackling on your cheeks as you spoke. “No, no one. It’s fine.” He relaxed at this, setting the blaster down at his side. His palms were dry when they came up to your face, slightly calloused but still soft as they traced over the rolling tears.
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” you whispered, meeting the dark slit of his visor before ducking your head. “It’s nothing, I-” you sniffed, swallowing the air that was caught in your throat. “I shouldn’t have bothered you.”
“Hey,” he called out, hesitant and a bit unsure. “You okay?” You nodded, closing your eyes in an attempt to clear your vision before opening them a few moments later. The Mandalorian only stared, his helmet tilting with a cock of his head.
“Just nightmares,” you said when he remained quiet. “But they aren’t normally this bad.” The remains of a sob fragmented beneath your ribs, bubbling up in a wet cough that burned your throat. His hands came to rest at your back, flat and steady against your spine until your breathing evened. “I’m sorry,” you repeated after a few minutes.
The Mandalorian let out a quiet noise, gruff and a bit pained-sounding. “It’s okay,” he said, his fingertips pressing softly into your shoulder blades. You could only just hear him through the storm outside. “I get them too.”
You faced the beskar, gaze searching for the eyes you knew were looking at you and finding nothing but darkness. It was enough, though. To know he was looking. “You do?”
“Every night.” A beat passed before you hiccuped again, swiping at your eyes with the back of your hand. “It’s still late,” the Mandalorian whispered, his hands gentle as they reached around your shoulders. You let him pull the covers over you, feeling his words soak into your back. “Let’s just go to bed.”
permanent: @ah-callie @itzagoodthing @spookypym @opheliaelysia @watsonwise @damndamer0n @amarvelousmandalorian @bunnyart-blog @agirllovespasta @pascalispedro @pascalplease @coffeencontemplation @chelsfic @lesqui @javierpenaspinkshirt​ @symbiont13 @glowingpena @squidlywiddly87 @1zashreena1 @hiscyarika @lostingoogletranslate @keeper0fthestars @bobafvtt @halfwaythereroyal @starwarsiscooliguess @huliabitch​ 
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Hello, friends!
I have a few questions to ask and announcements to make, although quite frankly, it is mostly me testing interest for certain things. 
To start with announcements - perhaps we should go first with the least pleasant one, haha.
I realised that taking 10 Match-Up requests at a time is too much for me. I do not enjoy creating a waiting-line of work for myself, so after this round is concluded, I decided to cut down the number of slots to 5. Depending on how the fourth mini-round of match-ups go, I may take a little break after it’s done - from match-ups that is. I am not sure yet, as writing the first five was always a blast, haha.
As for nicer things, Trials and Tribulations of an Unconsenting Time-Traveller will be back on track soon, possibly even next week. I thought about it for a moment and I think we are ready for the first choice with major influence over the plot, so... I suppose, be careful of what you wish for, haha? It does not narrow it down to a single suitor (or two rivals) just yet, but it may make relationships with certain characters nearly irreparable in the long run - you will not see the results of your vote immediately. An additional choice may appear as well, although that is not decided yet. I hope I haven’t lost your attention with this series and that the hiatus wasn’t too long, haha.
Talking about past plans, I still have three fic requests in my inbox. Generally, I plan to work in one request - one thing I want to write (fandom or not) system.
Whew, now that’s out of the way, I have a couple questions to you. [Future Events and Such]
I have noticed a general drop in interest in regards to requests. I don’t know why it is a case, but oh well, I could only guess and that is not doing any good. Instead, I wanted to ask you whether you’d be interested in any of the ideas I have for the upcoming months. Because... You know, it is a tiny bit disheartening to get no reply (and I am anxious that it will happen, haha) ^^” I still intend to write the things I want to write for myself, but I also want to give something to the community.
So, my first idea was to reblog some of my Prompt Lists and just write those - that would be Fluff Prompt List , Angst Prompt List &  Awkward Sex Moments Prompt List. I think I would limit the requests to 5 per lists (no limits per person, though) and re-reblog the list if any new slots appear.  The characters available for that would be the ones I generally write for, present in my Request/Suggestion Guidelines.
Question1: Would you be interested in any of those? Can you say which list?
My second idea was to start if off on a less demanding note, with Alphabet Prompts. I already wrote prompts for Smut Alphabet (which is open, btw), but I was wondering... Would you be interested in seeing Fluffabet too? Perhaps some more so theme oriented set? I was considering putting together a Summer/Vacation Alphabet, Family AU and/or Modern AU set.
Question2: Would you be interested in any of those sets of prompts? If so, which one(s)? Should I consider some other themes?
And lastly, my third idea was the Song Event revival. The general idea of that event was that you drop me a song title + artist and I write a short fic (generally 150-300 words, although I did hit 500-ish once or so) inspired by it, with the character it brought to my mind. It’s a bit of a luck game, I suppose, haha. Fandoms would be IkeSen, IkeVamp and OM - oh, and since most of those are short, characters from outside my Guidelines could appear too.
Question3: Would you be interested in the revival of the event?
Whew, that’s about it, I suppose. Ahh, the post turned out so looong, haha. Oh well, I hope you lasted up to this point, haha.
Keep warm,
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hello my loves! i have gotten a handful of new followers in the last few weeks, and as a way to celebrate and say thank you (and also keep myself from going insane), i would like to open up a small batch of graphics requests again! they can be of any character; i prefer ocs/characters/couples in fandoms i’m familiar with (far cry 5, dragon age, skyrim, i mean like….pretty much most video games/etc) but of course am open and willing and will let you know if i need help or don’t think i can do them justice!
i’m going to be opening 5 slots (as i’m still working on one last moodboard request from my last batch) which will be first come/first serve, and will make a small announcement/rb when they’re closed. please message me via DM here on tumblr if you’re interested in snagging a spot, and don’t be shy to just!!! really load me up with information!!! not only does the more i know help me make sure i can do your baby justice, but i also just love hearing about people’s ocs. (❁´◡`❁)
i would like to open them up to some of the different edit styles i’ve done this time, so i’ll be offering either:
- 9 image moodboard (gifs, gif overlays, all stills are options available) (examples: x, x, x)
- 3-5 540x240px images, typically with lyrics and some aesthetic images (examples: x, x, x)
* i’m still not suuuuuuuper confident in my ability to make gifs, so if you wanted to have the larger image option with gifs (such as this edit i made here, or this edit) there’s a chance i’ll let you know i can’t based on what’s available of your character’s fc.
information & examples under the cut for the sake of keeping people’s dashes tidy ♡
» fandom
» pertinent face claims
» thorough information on their aesthetic/vibe/whatever you wanna call it
» if you are requesting gifs, please also have any pertinent youtube videos of interviews/shoots of your fc that you think fits their aesthetic/vibe!
not required but that makes my heart go doki doki:
» pinterest boards curated for your character/otp/etc
» pertinent tag on your character/otp
» color aesthetics, songs, etc. give me the vibes!
these are obviously completely free of charge (hence the requests) but please keep in mind, i am still working quite a bit and may be slow! also note that my skills are quite rough still and i’m unable to do complicated tattoos/scars/etc. i’d just really like the chance to try and polish up my skills and also get to know you folks and your characters better too ♡ of course, if you feel so inclined, you can support me via my ko-fi! 
» you can also explore my other edits under this tag, but keep in mind the 9 img moodboard and the 540x240 images are the only ones i’m offering at this time!
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Catch me immediately sneaking out of Medbay via vents and paying the brig a visit.
On one hand this idea is hilarious. You're bandaged in the medical bay, on bed rest for the sake of your broken body, but find yourself snapping back to consciousness in the dim stillness of the ship's artificial light. The medical bay is still, you're the only one awake and alert in the entire area, and there's no stimulus to explain your sudden wakefulness. Everything is silent, as if all noise has been eliminated in your vicinity by something more otherworldly than the medics trying to get you better.
Only your senses working in tandem allow you to understand why you are awake, and what you must do next, for the sake of universal balance. You can sense the ongoing injustice like a dog senses a tsunami. Pain matters little as you force your bruised body to act, hopping into the vents and limping at full speed to the source of the disturbance.
A bot is sad, and you refuse to let this crime against existence continue a moment longer, even if said bot is the reason you're as injured as you are now. God as your witness, he will be comforted, and you'd like to see anyone try to stop you. Fort Max is going to get a hug, and you're gonna give it to him, and then you'll get rest. But only then.
Cue your little body swan diving from the vent above Max for a tactical embrace that hits like a well aimed missile.
On the other hand this idea could be heartwarming and also tearjerking.
With all the advanced technology available to the medical staff, your life threatening injuries were stabilized in minutes, though there's still ample pain and a sizable road to recovery ahead. All present medics agree you should rest for a few days after your... "ordeal", to regain your strength before any visitors are allowed. In response to your requests to at least communicate with Fort Max, you're gently told that he can't receive prisoners or messages in the brig after his actions, especially from those who were most grievously injured by said actions. It's difficult to argue them as you are, and with Rung lying motionless on his own recovery slab, his head gone and his thumb still unattached...
But you know the big mech is hurting. Of course you're also in some considerable physical distress yourself, but unlike you, Max doesn't have anyone there for his pain. That bothers you even after everything he's put you through.
Maybe it's so easy to forgive because it all seems as unreal now as it did then. He'd burst in just as you were preparing to leave so Rung could have his session with a surprisingly early Whirl, and while you'd freely admit to having been terrified, the agony in his optics had made it clear he wasn't acting out of anything but trauma. The bot you'd befriended had obviously not been in a good place, his aura giving the sense of anything but a gentle giant whilst he tried to demand what his tormented mind thought would make the pain finally stop. You'd known he was acting from fear just as well as your fellow hostages, despite being far less experienced in the area than they. Perhaps it was because of their survivalist knowledge that it was just you who'd been caught off guard, as you hadn't known just how badly afflicted Max was until your tiny body had ended up in his trembling fist, your breaths coming in so shallow you couldn't even cry for help...
Residual fear made you shudder on the slab, but instead of deterring you, the resulting pain only made you want to act.
Being a human had a number of advantages on a ship designed for giants, and the first was that no one had bothered to secure anything against a being of your size. The hardest part of escaping the medbay was simply getting up and finding the least painful way to walk, which admittedly was far from easy with your multitude of healing ribs. Ratchet would be furious if he knew what you were doing... Come to think of it, he would probably be as angry as could possibly be once he inevitably figured out you'd been out of bed at all, so all things considered there was no point in trying to go back now. That realization was surprisingly freeing.
The vents were your obvious solution even before you laid eyes on the opening and recalled their network ran the length of the entire ship.
How ironic was it, that you'd been instructed to use these in the event of an emergency, and your first time doing so was to defy orders? If this little stunt of yours succeeded and word got out, some of the crew would probably be proud of you. The rest would vary between fury and shock at such an unexpected move from their little human.
With your all in one communication tool, map, remote control and social media device of a wristband you have no trouble plotting a route. The only trouble will be getting there in your current state, completely without detection, and then making it back with equal levels of success. Only your stubborn refusal to leave a bot suffering stops you from giving up as soon as you see the distance ahead of you. Thankfully quick thinking and planning gets you some shortcuts, namely by ducking into hallways and grabbing mercifully empty elevators, but the journey is still a long and painful one. That time unfortunately gives you ample opportunity to think about what you'll say, which leads to you recalling exactly what needs to be forgiven, and that replays a number of horrifyingly fresh memories each time.
Pressure like you'd never experienced had threatened to crush your body as those powerful digits had closed in, only stopping when a number of your bones collapsed under the strain with reverberating cracks as they broke, an experience so painful you could still see the stars it had sent bursting before your eyes. Everything afterwards had been a chaotic blur, save for an expression of horrified guilt on a familiar face and the grainy footage of Overlord beaming whilst committing his trademark butchering, then darkness as large hands had carried you to safety...
Wiping sweat from your brow, you resist the painful urge to cough as you close in on the brig, knowing that a few of the prisoners will be dangerous enough that caution will be required. It's hard not to be afraid of the very idea of being grabbed once again, but that fiery determination keeps you moving through all the pain and exhaustion and admittedly logical fear. Focusing on Max as you knew him was your primary source of strength as you moved into the much smaller vents that ran through the cells. While still roomy enough for a human, they were impossible for a bot to fit through, likely to prevent escape attempts. Hopefully that would make getting through much safer for you.
Thin slots in the airways became your windows of guidance, due to the map being more than a little vague about navigating the brig. It was mostly as big as it was to ensure each cell had ample room for its occupant, a standard right for Autobot prisoners of war you were delighted to see but found none too simple to traverse. Darkness you didn't dare illuminate also complicated your mission. Quick glances outside of your little vents revealed glowing biolights and occasional flashes of optics you didn't recognize, and while you were fairly confident you could identify Max even in the dark, you were hardly eager to do so.
Luck gave you a rare break not too far into your little spying operation, one that couldn't have come too soon with exhaustion weighing you down and aches growing ever harder to ignore in your bandaged body.
Though he was larger than any other prisoner, you recognized Max by something completely unrelated to his appearance, and it immediately made you certain your decision to come down had been the right one. There was a kind of weariness to the hulking body seated on the floor of the cell, even though they were obviously awake, as if gravity was being artificially strengthened only for them. Upon a closer look you realized there was more than just fatigue dragging the occupant down; their entire being radiated such unimaginable grief it all but choked the air around them, making you wobble as if teetering on the edge of a bottomless well. Your heart threatened to shatter at the sight of a being enduring so much suffering. Hesitation of any kind evaporated in the face of your revitalized determination to console the mech who'd endured so much, as you refused to let this go on a moment longer.
"Max? In the vents, above you, it's Y/N."
In an underwhelming touch of irony your injuries actually made hushing yourself rather easy. Max slowly roused from his fog with every word you spoke, looking back and forth before casting his optics upwards and becoming aware enough to be shocked by what he saw. His expression was like a bot beholding a ghost.
"Y/N?! You're alive?"
The exclamation makes you sad and angry at the same time; really, no one had even given him that basic piece of mind? Sure there'd been a great deal of chaos, but letting him know he hadn't murdered you seemed rather routine, even after everything he'd done.
"It's okay, big guy. I'm okay." You assured, not realizing it wasn't quite true until the pain of simply existing with your injuries hit again. Hiding a wince, you grabbed at the corners of the vent as he continued to gape, easily sliding your hands into the crevices built to keep out much larger servos. "Hold on, I know these can open from the inside..."
"I don't understand..." He said, watching you like one might watch a dream unfold, standing and raising his cupped servos to catch you as the vent swung open. Perhaps the exhaustion was making you delirious, but there was no fear as you dropped the short distance into his waiting palms, despite what had happened the last time you'd been in his grasp. Perhaps the look of restrained hope in his optics put you at ease, as he didn't yet appear willing to believe this was real. Holding you like a blessing dropped by Primus himself, the giant mech sat down on the berth pushed against the wall, unable to stand under the weight of everything seeing you was making him feel.
"I thought... I was so sure I'd... You weren't even moving." He said softly, looking away as if he didn't deserve to see you alive after what he'd done. Perhaps you just had the softest heart in the universe, but such guilt in a truly gentle giant hurt more than any of your actual injuries. It was so easy to see the full scope of his trauma in the aftermath of everything, and how he obviously had been so far out of his usual self in the fog of pain and fear he'd been unable to stifle a moment longer... You wanted to help him so badly.
"I was hurt, but I'm alive. I'm going to be just fine." You assured, words halting just a bit when you included the "going" for the sake of accuracy. Currently you had a load of internal supports holding broken bones together, but with human medicine you'd have been immobile in a brace and multiple casts, probably for weeks. Even your forgiveness couldn't simply make that all go away.
"I'm... I don't know what to say." Came his reply after a long silence, his optics finally rising to meet your eyes. Though you hadn't been amongst Cybertronians for too long, you knew straight away that he'd been crying, as the tell tale dimness of his optics and slight discoloration of the mesh around them were unmistakable. Seeing that broke your heart more as you settled into his palm. Finding his voice again, he tried and failed to manage a bitter smile, the weight of his guilt making it impossible to attempt such an expression. "A little "sorry" feels pretty pathetic right about now."
Holding back the urge to cry, as well as the urge to lie down as adrenaline failed you and exhaustion started creeping in, you tried to offer encouragement. "It's okay, Max. I know you're sorry-"
"I'm so much more than sorry, Y/N."
The interruption wasn't at all firm, but it still stopped you with its unexpected weight.
"I'm... I'm so ashamed... I took a vow to protect all life, especially organic life, and I nearly killed you just to send a message. You've been nothing but nice since I got here, and this is how I pay that back? Nothing that... that happened to me could make that okay. You didn't deserve any of this, and neither did... neither did Rung..." Fading off with a crack in his voice, he let the tears fall without a care, not even letting out a sob as they pattered onto his armored chest. "But because I can't do much else, I'm sorry. To you, to everyone, for everything... I hope that helps you a bit."
Sniffling and unable to stop yourself, you wondered how proud Rung would be of the big bot if he could see him now, and you had to emphasize to yourself that one day you were going to get a chance to tell him.
"It does, but I'm not mad, okay?" You said as you tried and failed to scoot closer, realizing that you were unable to move much at all from the pain and weariness of the injuries you'd unsettled by trekking here. Paying it little mind, you looked up into those big optics and tried to convey as much forgiveness and encouragement as physically possible. "I don't know everything, but after enduring what you did... Max, I'm just so glad you're here. We're all gonna be okay; you, me, and Ratchet says Rung will be too so long as we all put the work in. That's probably true for all of us, we just need to focus on getting better. I'll be taking care of myself, and I'll be here for you every step of the way."
"Heh, are all humans this forgiving?" He said, actually managing the tiniest hint of a smile as he spoke. "I... I don't... It's going to be a lot of work, but I'll try for you. For now I do need to stay down here though, what I did... I can't just walk. You know that, right?"
Though you were aware that things could never be so simple, you were still sad as you nodded. It seemed the truly evil bots of the galaxy were quite content to keep letting others endure the fallout of their cruelty while never facing any consequences themselves... Had Overlord ever been truly punished for all the torment he'd caused? You were entering a bit of a fog at the thought when a loud commotion at the entrance to the brig got your attention as well as Maximus's.
"-cannot BELIEVE this. I always thought they were at least somewhat responsible, but they're giving your most brainless stunts a challenge!"
Ratchet's very identifiable and very angry tone carried right to the cell you two were seated inside. Max actually gave you a full on smile in his cupped palms, something like a long forgotten feeling of mischievous delight twinkling in the back of his brightening optics.
"Guess you've been found out, eh jailbreaker?"
You'd have laughed if not for the pain and the sound of Rodimus closing in with a not at all reserved yawn of exhaustion.
"Relax, Ratchet, it's too early to be yelling... Besides the scanner says they're fine and right... here."
The two mechs appeared beyond the bars in the darkened brig, and while neither looked especially happy, one was far more actively angry than the other. Somehow you weren't intimidated in the slightest to be caught. Perhaps it was because you were completely fine going back to bed, not to mention that there weren't a whole lot of punishments the bots could really give you, but most likely you were just glad to have accomplished everything you came down here for. Well, everything but one...
"Fortress Maximus, if you would... just hand over Y/N... I need to get them back to the medical bay." Ratchet said firmly, caution evident in every syllable. Unnecessary as it may have been, Max didn't seem to take offense, likely because the medic had saved his own life after Whirl had put him down. Standing slowly from the berth, he approached the cell door with you held carefully in his servos. It was at that moment you realized the big bot was actually cuffed at the wrists. The sight combined with the fact that he'd be all alone after you left made you remember one more thing that needed to be done, which you recalled just as you were about to be handed over.
"Hold on, just let me..." In a hurry, you stood up on the bots palm and forced your legs to cooperate, hobbling the short distance to his chest that he held you so close to and throwing your arms open wide for a clumsy but genuine embrace. Barely able to talk between everything going on inside of your broken body and beyond, you croaked out a final bit of encouragement, looking up as you plopped down and were quickly but gently snatched up by the waiting medic. "See you later, Max. I promise."
"See you soon, Y/N."
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Kasumi hc please!! What would he be like if MC was a single mom!
Hello, Anon! Thank you for trusting me with your request. I really hope I'm able to do this justice and that this is worth the wait.
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He knew that you were a single mom when he scouted you, but still insisted that Matsunaga contact you and offer the residency slot at the EICU.
You showed up on your first day with a shy five-year-old daughter in tow because your babysitter called in sick. While the rest of the doctors gave Kasumi the 'I-told-you-this-was-gonna-be-a-hassle' look, the Chief of Medicine simply shrugged and told you to shadow with Kyogoku and leave your kid with him and the other doctors.
A few hours and three tired doctors later, you found your daughter sitting contentedly beside Dr. Kasumi, scribbling on his prescription pad and telling him a made-up fairy tale while he listened intently.
He allowed you to bring your daughter whenever the babysitter wasn't available, and you were surprised when the Hospital opened a daycare facility for its employees a few months after.
He knew you were a hard worker, and on days when he knew you were a little more tired than usual, he'd offer to drive you and your little one home - often stopping to get take-out food - before dropping you off at your apartment.
Because you tend to overthink inviting him inside, it's usually your little girl who does it for you. Sometimes, he'd decline, but more often than not, he'll nod and tell you both to go up and get settled while he parked his car.
You slowly find yourselves falling into a familiar routine - you'd take turns watching your little girl, taking her to kindergarten and back. On some weekends, you'd visit the zoo or the park and spend some time in his apartment with Kyogoku and the other doctors. Before long, you started having stronger feelings for him. You weren't sure if he felt the same way, so you kept quiet about it.
One day, your little girl came up to him with a letter from her school. "Won't you come with me and mommy? It's our Family day and I want to join the Daddy-daughter race!" You.exe stopped functioning, but Kasumi gazed kindly at the little girl in pigtails, and said, "I will if your mommy thinks I'm good enough to be your dad."
Since then, you became an official couple and he played the role of your daughter's stepdad to a tee - patiently tutoring her in Math and Science when she was having problems, teaching her how to read hard words, and sitting quietly on your daughter's dresser while she puffed his face with beauty powder.
One day, while you were out shopping, he told your daughter he had a little secret to share. The little girl bounded at him excitedly, wanting to hear all about his secret. When Kasumi asked, "how do you feel about becoming my daughter for real?", your little girl cocked her head sideways, not fully understanding what he meant.
After he showed her the small black box that contained a beautiful diamond ring, he asked, "will you allow me to ask your mommy to marry me?" Your little girl threw her arms around him, and nodded. "Of course, you can, Daddy! I can call you that now because you're gonna be my dad, right?"
He had to hold back his tears, and pray for time to move faster so he could pop the question to you sooner. Nothing made him happier than to see you and your little girl smile.
And that evening, after the three of you had dinner, he went down on one knee and asked if he could officially make the two of you his family.
The End.
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