#i think there's a difference between 'safe' heights which don't feel safe to me at all
eoinmcgonigal · 1 year
3 and 15 for the ask meme!
3. Who is your favorite character? Why?
I already cheated and picked two did this one! BUT. Hm. To pick another... is kinda impossible a;lsdjf;asdjf I'd want to pick another two XD
I guess I stick with, from the show, Eoin and Paddy.
15. Would you do a parachute jump?
100% yes. I have this weird thing where I can barely cope with being on the second floor of buildings, and the thought of being at the top of a high up building makes me dizzysick, but the idea of being high up in a plane with nothing below me and the freedom to fall? Yeah.
SAS: Rogue Heroes ask meme
2 notes · View notes
megalony · 5 months
Baby-Trapped - Part 3
Here is the latest part in my Evan Buckley series, thank you all for the amazing feedback and the ideas which have helped me keep going with this series so thank you.
Feel free to send in any more ideas and let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) distances herself from Evan when the people at her college believe he shouldn't be with someone younger and inexperienced like her. But things change when she falls pregnant.
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"I do believe that's mine." Folding his arms over his chest, Evan grinned and crossed one leg in front of the other as he leant against the wall.
His eyes drifted up and down (Y/n)'s frame a few times and he felt his heart jumping in his chest when she tilted her head back and looked over her shoulder at him with wide eyes. He loved the way her lips parted in surprise and she froze, caught red handed.
(Y/n) turned away from the mirror in the corner of the room and looked across at Evan like a deer caught in the headlights. But the way he smiled at her and didn't hide the lust in his eyes made adrenaline pool in her stomach.
She glanced down and looked up and down her attire which Evan was referring to.
She was wearing his shirt.
It took a few seconds for (Y/n) to tear her gaze away from Evan who looked so casual leant up against the wall. His short-sleeved shirt showing off the tattoos littering his biceps which were tense and taut. And his work shirt clung to his chest and showed off every ridge and crevace.
Turning her head, (Y/n) looked back at the reflection staring at her in the mirror. She was wearing a pair of black leggings and Evan's white button up shirt with vertical beige stripes all over. The shirt hung limply off her shoulders and hung down near her knees due to the height difference between the couple, but Evan would admit she looked great in his clothes.
"Why're you stealing my stuff, hm?" Pushing off the wall, Evan padded across the carpet until he was stood behind (Y/n).
He looped both arms around her neck and leaned down to kiss the top of her head while (Y/n) gave his forearm a squeeze.
Evan loved her wearing his clothes. He thought she looked amazing in any of his things. Especially his shirts that she went to sleep in or his hoodies when she was cold. But she was going to class now. Evan wasn't used to seeing (Y/n) go to college wearing his clothes. She usually wore his stuff when they were lounging about at home or when she wanted to wind Evan up.
"I thought it might help… but I don't think I can pass unnoticed anymore." (Y/n) trailed her hands down from Evan's arms to cup her stomach wistfully.
She hoped wearing something of Evan's might do her image a little good. That because his clothes were always baggy on her, (Y/n) could get away with another week or two of going to class and not showing that she was pregnant.
Not that it really mattered either way because Sandra had told the entire campus and (Y/n) had to tell their class teacher, just to be safe in case anything happened. Everyone in their class knew the rumours and (Y/n) wasn't embarrassed, but she liked sitting in class and not having a reason for people to stare.
When she started to show, people were going to stare and (Y/n) hated being the centre of attention. Unless it was Evan's attention she was getting.
A gentle smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips when Evan loosened his arms from around her waist and moved his hands down to her stomach. And she tilted her head back into his chest and giggled softly when he raked her shirt up and bunched it just below her bra so he could see her stomach.
His fingertips tickled her skin as he moved his palms to cup her stomach and started to draw patterns into her stomach.
They were just about twenty weeks along now and (Y/n) was properly beginning to show.
Evan was infatuated.
He loved the new shape of her stomach and the fact that her shape proved they were going to have a baby. He was bouncing off the walls, waiting to feel the baby move and start to feel them kicking.
"I wanna see our baby and show them off." Evan tilted his head to the right and attached his lips to (Y/n)'s neck which made a shiver course down her spine.
He grinned against her skin and dragged his teeth along her neck when (Y/n) kissed his temple. And he felt her hands move down to cup his wrists as she leaned back into him. This was what made it worth it. (Y/n) knew she would be able to handle the stares at college and any remarks people threw at her. Because at the end of the day, she was coming home to Evan and they were both desperate to have this baby. That was all that mattered.
"Hm?" Evan opened his eyes enough to lock gazes with (Y/n) in the mirror so she knew he was listening. Before he closed his eyes again and went back to biting her neck.
"I think we can find out the gender today… what do you want me to do? Should I wait?"
(Y/n) almost felt bad when Evan groaned into her neck and pulled her back into his chest with his palms flat against her stomach. He was on shift today until late tonight and he couldn't get a shift swap so he could go along to the scan today.
The only bright side Evan had was this wasn't (Y/n)'s first scan. He had been to her first two scans with her and had heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Missing this scan was going to grate on his nerves and play on his mind, but it wasn't as bad as not being there for the first one or being there if (Y/n) was unwell.
But (Y/n) knew they would be able to find out the gender today and they had both agreed that they wanted to know before the birth. If Evan wasn't going to be there with her, (Y/n) wanted to know if she should wait until he was at their next scan to find out.
"I could surprise you, do a gender reveal just for you, if you like."
(Y/n) knew the moment Evan grinned into her neck that he liked the sound of that. And she felt his tongue dart across the mark he'd just bitten into her neck, soothing the slight burn he'd created beneath her skin.
She could find out the gender today and get something to do a little gender surprise for Evan. They had already said they didn't want a gender reveal party or anything like that. (Y/n) didn't even want a baby shower. They would tell the station and their family the gender when they found out, but it wasn't going to be a special occasion or anything like that.
"Okay baby, you surprise me." Evan moved one hand to cup the side of (Y/n)'s face and he tilted her head in his direction to get a kiss.
His tongue swiped at her lower lip, begging for entrance while his right hand started tracing letters and aimless swirls across (Y/n)'s stomach until she was squirming against him.
"Are we going now, then?" (Y/n) kissed him again and sucked on his lower lip before she pulled out of his arms and rolled his shirt back down over her stomach.
But her eyes rolled and she huffed when Evan leaned down and yanked the shirt back up again and pulled her closer by her hips. Her hands fell to his shoulders and she could of swooned, feeling her knees buckling when Evan leaned down and attached his lips to her stomach.
"We'll be late." Her fingers dragged through Evan's hair and she ruffled his curls, brushing them back on his head.
(Y/n) knew by now that it was pointless to tell Evan he didn't have to drop her off at college. He wanted to and (Y/n) loved the fact that he wanted to take her and pick her up and look after her. And it was easier than walking down there and working up a sweat. And morning sickness didn't combine well with a long walk from home down to college since (Y/n) was now officially moved in with Evan.
"Remember Maddie's picking you up later." Evan straightened up and pecked her temple while he curved his arm around her waist and walked behind her towards the stairs.
"Babe I can get the bus to the hospital, it's only ten minutes away." Evan dropping her anywhere was different, but (Y/n) didn't want to start bothering anyone else. And she didn't want Maddie to feel obligated or like she had to take her anywhere.
"No, Maddie's taking you. She's excited."
(Y/n) nodded and rolled the shirt back down, again, and smoothed it out around her thighs as they headed downstairs. She wouldn't refuse a lift if Maddie was happy and willing to take her, as long as she wasn't putting Maddie out of her way or ruining her day.
And it would be good to have some company at her scan, (Y/n) didn't want to go to that alone.
Closing her eyes, (Y/n) looped her bag higher on her shoulder and pushed ahead out the classroom door.
She was never usually the first to leave but today, (Y/n) didn't care. She wanted to go. She was a mixture of bundled nerves of excitement and panicked nerves that people were looking at her.
Arriving on campus had felt fine, it had felt great in fact, because Evan had dropped her off and he had put up a fight to get her to stay in the car and give him 'just one more kiss'. He boosted her spirits and as she left the car, (Y/n) could still feel his fingertips touching all over her stomach and she could hear his voice in her ear telling her she looked great. She looked sexy. Pregnant was a good look on her. He was addicted to her.
His words made (Y/n) feel elated and she made it to class feeling happy with herself and how she looked.
Sitting with Tina through both classes had been fine right up until (Y/n) could see Sandra aiming for them.
She didn't want to hang around and hear whatever slurrs or insults she decided to throw at her today. (Y/n) made sure she was the first out the classroom so she could leave campus before anyone tried to talk to her or Sandra tried to insult her.
Her eyes dithered between the hall and the corridor on her left and after a split second, (Y/n) turned left and sprinted to the girl's toilets.
It was a relief that the toilets were empty.
(Y/n) slumped her bag down on the cubicle floor, kicked the door shut behind her and crouched down just in time to throw up her lunch. It would be best not to tell Evan she had thrown up again when she next spoke to him. He wouldn't be pleased and he would start to worry. (Y/n) didn't want to worry him while he was on shift.
She would make sure she ate something substantial for tea and had some fruit and sugar to boost her system.
A groan tumbled past her lips and her knees shook as she slowly tried to push herself back up when she was done throwing up. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and rummaged around in her bag for the chewing gum she stole from Evan for this very reason.
Leaning her back up against the cubicle, (Y/n) chewed the gum and sighed quietly to herself.
Her hands moved down to cup her stomach and she glared down as if she could see through her stomach to the baby that was making her body this disorientated. But as (Y/n) danced her hands around her small bump, she huffed and dropped her arms down. It didn't feel the same as when Evan touched her stomach. It didn't feel as good.
She put the gum in the bin and hooked her bag over her shoulder but when she walked out the cubicle, she gasped and stumbled on her back foot.
One of Sandra's cronies was leaning against the cubicle wall with her hands clasped behind her back and a sickly sweet smile on her face. She wasn't as bad as Sandra, but (Y/n) didn't get along with any of their little cliché. Carla was nosey, she was the one going round telling everyone that (Y/n) was dating an older man
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Bypassing Carla, (Y/n) quickly washed her hands and moved towards the door. She wasn't hanging around for an insult.
"So it's true then. Should I say congratulations?"
Carla caught the door before it slammed in her face and she hurried to keep up the pace with (Y/n) who stormed down the hall. She wanted to leave. She had to hurry up and see if Maddie was outside so they could get to the appointment on time. (Y/n) was tempted to just run straight to the bus stop and be done with everyone here if it would get her out of this conversation any quicker.
"Does your fireman know yet? Must be a shock, being tied down to you-"
"I think my fella knows by now, don't you?" Stopping in her tracks, (Y/n) turned to the left and looked at Carla with raised brows. She moved her hands down and cupped her stomach, pressing Evan's shirt down into her waist so her bump was evident.
Evan would have to be pretty distant, clueless or pain silly if he didn't know by now that (Y/n) was pregnant. Not that it was anyone's business but theirs, but (Y/n) was tired. She was tired of the questions and the looks and the petty remarks.
No more loose clothes. No more worrying. They can all see what they like.
If they were all so interested, (Y/n) would revert back to wearing her clothes and only wear Evan's clothes when she had nothing else that fit or when she wanted to tease him in the bedroom. She would come to class in her tight, stretchy tops that showed off her stomach. She would wear her jeans and smile when they didn't zip up over her bump anymore.
She wouldn't look or panic if the girls could see Evan dropping her off at college. And she would smile and feel her heart ignite when he attached himself to her and whisper how sexy he thought she looked.
If they were this interested, (Y/n) would let them all stare. It would be better and much easier than trying to explain herself when she didn't have to.
This was her baby and she was happy to be having Evan's baby, there was no reason for (Y/n) to feel worried or embarrassed about what people would say.
"Go bother someone else Carla, I'm busy." With that being said, (Y/n) pushed ahead and hurried out the doors onto campus.
She wasn't sure what type of car she was supposed to be looking for. Evan neglected to mention what car his sister drove and (Y/n) suddenly felt too awkward to try and ring Maddie and ask if she was here and what car to look out for. But her panic was all for nothing when she got towards the drop off lane just outside the campus.
(Y/n) could easily see a familiar face grinning through the window and a hand waving and beckoning her over. Problem solved.
Hurrying over, (Y/n) opened the door and slid down into the passenger seat. It was a change to have to lean down to get into Maddie's car rather than how she had to hike up to get into Evan's jeep.
Evan had started joking that in another two months or less, he was going to have to start lifting (Y/n) in and out of the jeep.
She hoped that wasn't going to be the case.
"Hi." (Y/n) smiled softly and placed her bag down in between her feet, forcing herself not to look out the window in case any of the girls were looking. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing they were upsetting her. They couldn't bring down (Y/n)'s mood. Not today.
"Hey, are we ready?" Maddie reached across and gave (Y/n)'s thigh a squeeze before she pulled away from the curb.
Her smile was enough to brighten (Y/n)'s mood and make her feel more at ease and comfortable. She had been surprised how quickly Maddie had taken to her and accepted her as a sister. (Y/n) thought it would of been harder than this to win her over, knowing how close she and Evan were.
"You didn't have to do this, you know." (Y/n)'s voice was soft and quiet as she looked across at Maddie.
She wanted her to know she was grateful for the lift, she wasn't taking this for granted. (Y/n) didn't expect Maddie to take her anywhere, she wasn't used to having siblings or a close family connection like Evan had with his team. It was strange, but it was also lovely to meet people and find she could talk to them and maybe even rely on them.
"I told Buck I'd be happy to drop you off or pick you up. Besides, we're not having you walk all that way to the doctors, we need to look after you."
A spark of adrenaline fluttered to life in (Y/n)'s stomach and she dipped her head down, glancing at her stomach for a few seconds. She was very lucky. (Y/n) couldn't begin to imagine what it would feel like if her fears had come true and Evan's friends and family thought of her the same way the girls in her class seemed to think of her.
It didn't take them long to get to the hospital and (Y/n) sucked in a deep breath, trying to hide her smile when Maddie looped their arms together as they walked inside.
When they headed into the maternity ward and sat down in the waiting room, (Y/n) turned to look at the elder girl.
"Would… would you come into the scan with me? I don't wanna go in on my own."
She could see the surprise on Maddie's face, but it was as if she started to melt. Her brown eyes softened and her cheeks puffed up as she smiled and reached across to take (Y/n)'s hand.
"Of course I will."
(Y/n) had been into both her other scans with Evan. She didn't fancy going in on her own. She wanted someone there by her side to share the joy and the anticipation and help her feel calm.
Maddie ran her hand up and down (Y/n)'s arm for a few seconds since their arms were still locked together. But when she looked (Y/n) up and down, her smile changed into a smirk and she trailed her fingertips over (Y/n)'s shoulder and gave her collar a small tug.
"I thought I recognised that shirt." She muttered softly. She realised after a few seconds that it was Evan's shirt. That was why it looked so familiar and hung off of (Y/n)'s frame like she had shrunk and lost weight. But it did suit her. It made (Y/n) look a little small but very fashionable.
"Doesn't really hide it, does it?" (Y/n) murmured wistfully, moves her hands up and down her bump.
But she grinned when Maddie leaned over her and dared to rub her hand up and down her stomach for a few seconds.
"You don't have to hide, you're not a teenager, you've got nothing to be worried about. You look lovely, show it off."
"Evan said something similar."
It was only college and the girls in her class that were making (Y/n) uneasy about showing off her stomach. But she could feel her resolve ebbing away each day and Carla had topped it off today. (Y/n) didn't have to hide. She wasn't a young girl still in school wondering how she was going to bring up a child.
(Y/n) was in college and she was nearly done with her degree. She was in a stable relationship with someone she loved. She and Evan lived together, they were happy and they were doing this together. There was no reason for (Y/n) to feel worried or ashamed. Other girls on campus already had children and were taking their degrees at the same time.
And all the timing was working out. If (Y/n) passed her classes and got her degree on time, she would be done with college just before the baby was born. Then she could have some time off before she found herself a job at the hospital or a local doctor's office. (Y/n) could have her degree, have some time to herself to be with Evan and their baby and then get a job and be in the swing of things.
When her name was called out, the girls got up together and walked through after the nurse.
It didn't take long to run through the usual little tasks when they got in there. (Y/n) hopped on the scales, answered a few questions and then rolled her shirt up and tucked it into her bra so the midwife could check and measure her stomach.
"That all looks in order, shall we take a look at baby?"
(Y/n) kept her shirt rolled up and she smiled softly when she realised Maddie was looking over at her stomach.
She sat up on the bed and was grateful when Maddie took her hand and stood beside her. Both their eyes locked on the monitor and (Y/n) gave Maddie's hand a squeeze when the grainy grey and black image appeared on the screen.
It had been the plan for Evan and (Y/n) to get a scan photo, find a good frame and give it to Maddie as a present. That was how they were going to tell her she was going to be an auntie. That all went up in the air when (Y/n) wasn't well and (Y/n) still hated how Maddie found out, even if she had still been so excited and thrilled when she found out. Their original plan would have been much better.
But having Maddie here to witness the scan felt like they were making up for that failed plan and it made (Y/n) feel better.
"Oh, look." Maddie pressed her free hand to her chest and tilted her head to one side as she looked lovingly at the screen. That was her little niece or nephew. That was the child Maddie was going to spoil when they arrived. That would be the baby she would parade around and tell everyone was her little brother's first child.
She would take them out shopping and to play centres and to the cinema and on little dates out and about. Maddie would do anything and everything for them and she just knew they were going to have a much more loving and fulfilling home than what her and Evan had grown up with.
Maddie had tried to make sure Evan had felt loved and appreciated when he was growing up. She became his mother rather than his sister and she knew Evan was going to make sure his child knew he loved them to the end of the Earth. He would do everything for them that Maddie had done for him.
"Baby is a healthy size, and everything looks to be in order. Do you want to know the gender, or is it a surprise?"
"Can we know, please?"
(Y/n) gave Maddie's hand another squeeze and leaned up on her elbows, unable to look back at the monitor. Her gaze was solely focused on her stomach as she waited to know if she was going to be having a baby boy or a girl.
"Okay… it's a baby girl, congratulations."
A shiver coursed down (Y/n)'s spine while her lips curled into a wide smile. It was a little strange to hear a sincere congratulations after Carla's little remark earlier, but (Y/n) couldn't focus on that anymore.
She was having a girl. She was going to see Evan with a daughter in his arms. He was going to spoil her rotten. (Y/n) knew he had secretly been hoping for a little girl, although seeing him with a boy would have been a treat to see if a baby boy would look and take after him.
"A niece!" Maddie whispered triumphantly as she gave a small tug on (Y/n)'s hand and squinted at the monitor.
Sitting herself up, (Y/n) cleaned the gel from her stomach and slowly rolled her shirt back down. She gratefully took the scan copies the midwife printed, barely listening to her say about her next appointment in three weeks. All she could think about was going home and waiting for Evan to come home so she could tell him.
How was she going to tell him? What would be the best way to surprise him with this?
She looped her arm back through Maddie's as they walked out the room, both in a daze, staring at the scan photos they each had in their hands.
"Oh, Buck's going to be so excited. How are you going to tell him?"
"I don't know, I wanna surprise him somehow… what do you think?"
(Y/n) had never seen such a grin spread over Maddie's face and she seemed to pick up the pace as she steered them both back towards the car.
"I think we need to go shopping."
"What about this?"
Turning to the left, (Y/n) looked across at Maddie to see what she was holding out.
The pair of them had gone into town to look for a few things to get for the baby. (Y/n) had decided on doing a little gift bag for Evan with a few items inside to surprise him with the fact that they were having a girl. And so far, (Y/n) had found a dusty pink knitted blanket with roses stitched into each corner. She decided that once they'd settled on a name, she would embroider the name onto the blanket to make it more personalised.
Maddie had already found a lovely pair of purple dolly shoes. They just needed a few more things and then they would be all set to surprise Evan.
(Y/n) looked over to see what Maddie had found and she couldn't help the wide grin that spread across her face when she read it.
It was a men's large, jet black shirt with a circle of flowers in middle and 'Girl Dad!' written in cursive across the centre. It was a novelty shirt but it was definitely something Evan would wear and it would be a dead giveaway that they were having a baby girl.
"That's perfect."
Maddie looped the shirt over her arm and did a quick sweep round the shop and moved towards the baby clothing. "What about some of the Disney stuff?" They both knew Evan was a sucker for Disney movies so a little outfit would be perfect to add to the gift.
(Y/n) held the basket out so Maddie could place the shirt and shoes in there and smiled before she moved over to the other rack of baby clothes.
It felt good to be out and about with someone other than Tina. (Y/n) didn't have a lot of close friends and Tina was the only person (Y/n) felt comfortable going out with, other than Evan. But having Maddie as a friend and now as a big sister was comforting and (Y/n) was gaining a lot of close friends in the people Evan worked with.
She felt herself becoming lost in her thoughts and it took a lot of effort for (Y/n) to stop her hands from moving down to her stomach. She was bubbling over with excitement about telling Evan. It was all she wanted to do. She wanted to see him grin and move to touch her stomach and say how happy he was.
"Oh look, it's mummy-to-be."
That shrill voice sent shivers crawling down (Y/n)'s spine. She didn't dare turn around.
Her breath caught in her throat and her blood ran cold and dwindled down to her feet as the baby did a summersault in her stomach.
Why did they have to be here? Why did Sandra have to be here at the exact same time as (Y/n)? Wasn't it bad enough they shared the same classes at college and Sandra thought she had the right to follow (Y/n) around and tease her? Why did she have to carry it on outside of college?
Couldn't she just ignore (Y/n) and carry on with her day?
(Y/n) could feel tears prickling in the corners of her eyes already and she deadlocked her hand around one of the onesies she had pulled off the rack. She tried to push away the tears and swallow down the lump in her throat before she dared to look over her shoulder and see who was walking up towards her.
It was Sandra and two other girls, Mary and Ebony. It was strange to see Sandra without Carla, but then again, (Y/n) had never bumped into them outside of campus before. She didn't know who they hung around with and she didn't want to know either. (Y/n) wanted nothing to do with them.
"Where's your fireman?" Ebony leaned her head to one side and did a quick look up and down (Y/n)'s frame, scrutinising her.
It took all of (Y/n)'s strength not to bind her arms around her stomach to hide her daughter from their prying eyes. She didn't have to be worried or ashamed. This was none of their business.
Trying to hold her head up and keep a calm, unphased expression, (Y/n) pursed her lips and gave them one glance before she looked down at her basket.
"At work. Where's your partner?" If they thought asking these type of questions was normal then (Y/n) would throw them right back. If they could ask her and prod and be nosey then so could (Y/n).
"Will he be at graduation?" Ebony pestered, totally ignoring (Y/n)'s question.
But there was no time for (Y/n) to respond before Sandra cackled and tossed her head back as if she'd heard something funny. She looked (Y/n) up and down again before moving her hand towards her stomach. (Y/n) wasn't sure whether Sandra was just trying to point towards the baby or if she wouold actually dare to reach out and touch her, but she didn't want to find out. She took a step back before Sandra could get too close.
"Be realistic, Eb. He'll be babysitting to save the embarrassment."
That hurt.
(Y/n) could feel her stomach twisting again and she sank her teeth down into her lip to stop herself from making a noise or crying. She couldn't let them see they were getting to her. It was only a few words from people who didn't know her. People who had the nerve to talk about Evan as if they knew him intimately and knew what was going through his head.
If they only spoke to him they would realise how thrilled he was and how angry he would be if they spoke like this in front of him.
"I'm sure you'd know all about embarrassing moments." (Y/n) nodded at Sandra before she stepped around her and moved to walk away.
She wasn't sure where she was walking or which direction she wanted to be going in, but she just wanted to be away from them. Today had been a good day. Two easy classes, a capable workload to take home and work through, an amazing scan. And now she was out with someone she classed as her sister trying to have a fun, stress-free afternoon. They couldn't walk in and ruin it.
"So, you're going through with it then? Trying to keep that fireman tied to you with a baby. It'd make him look horrid if he walked out on a little girl when she's having his kid- presuming it's his, of course. Not like he's got much of a choice but to stay."
Her hand balled into a fist at her side and she spun back around to face the three gargoyles that wouldn't leave her alone.
"Why is this any of your business? Why don't you go speak to my fella, see for yourself how happy he is so you can stop worrying about him so much." Her voice wobbled and rose with the spite she could feel crawling up her throat.
This was nothing to do with them. If they were so concerned about how Evan was feeling about all of this (Y/n) would gladly introduce them to him so they could see for themselves that Evan was overjoyed.
They could find out that Evan had already told his parents and everyone he worked with. They could see that he had sorted his annual leave with Bobby so he could be home when the baby was born and spend two weeks with (Y/n) after she gave birth and be with her and the baby. They could talk to him and see that he was already starting to get things ready for the baby's arrival.
"He's happy that an inexperienced girl's having his baby? Can you even look after a child, or is that gonna be his job too?"
A shudder ran down (Y/n)'s spine when she felt a hand on her shoulder and for a moment, she coiled in on herself and shrunk down.
Panic surged through her veins at the thought of Carla or another one of the plastic squad appearing behind her out of thin air to gang up on her. They wouldn't hurt her, that wasn't their style. But their belligerent yapping and snarky, rude and hurtful words were getting too much now.
But when (Y/n) looked over her shoulder, she sighed and leaned back into Maddie.
She felt Maddie's hand tighten around her shoulder while Maddie placed her other hand down on her hip and glared at the three girls in front of them. She looked them up and down with narrowed eyes and huffed as if she thought they were nothing much to look at. She did not look impressed.
"And just what experience do you have to be talking to (Y/n) like that?"
When none of them answered, Maddie gave them another look up at down before she turned (Y/n) in the other direction to guide her away from those girls, whoever they were.
But two feet away, a sudden thought came over Maddie and she leaned over near (Y/n)'s ear. "Are they from your class? The girls Buck talked about?"
She'd almost forgotten the fact that Evan had told her (Y/n) was a bit anxious going to classes. She remembered he said some girls in class found out about (Y/n)'s private life and were teasing her because of it. Maddie couldn't believe they were in college and acting like they were little school girls who thought it was okay to pick on someone just because she was choosing to life her life the way she wanted.
"It doesn't matter. We just need something for the baby and a gift bag." Reaching behind her, (Y/n) gave Maddie's wrist a squeeze.
She felt better already now that Maddie was back with her. She felt confident having her sister with her. The snotty girls wouldn't dare say anything to her or torment her when she was with family. If Evan was here they wouldn't have approached (Y/n) at all.
But (Y/n) spun round when she felt Maddie let go of her and her heart lurched up into her throat when Maddie walked back towards the three of them.
"Excuse me."
Maddie placed her hands on her hips and began to tap her foot against the floor until all three of them turned to face her. She was older than them. She and (Y/n) were the mature people here and Maddie wasn't going to let them get away with this. If they wanted to be children, Maddie would scold and treat them like little girls.
"You do realise that to be a nurse, you can't be judgemental? I pray for the teenage mother who goes to the hospital and gets you as her nurse, passing judgements left right and centre. You won't make it very far with so little wit and understanding. Grow up."
With that being said, Maddie turned on her heels, her hair whipping over her shoulder, and walked back over to (Y/n). She linked their arms together and guided them both towards the other baby section. They were here to look for things for Maddie's niece and she was going to be proud of that.
Leaning her head on Maddie's shoulder, (Y/n) gave her arm a squeeze and cuddled into her side. "Thank you."
Opening her eyes, (Y/n) tried to clear her blurry vision. Her cheek nuzzled into the pillow and she strained her ears to listen to the noises she could hear.
The front door being locked. Loud, thudding footsteps going into the bathroomand then retreating a few moments later.
Evan was home.
(Y/n) found herself grinning into her pillow and her arms wrapped around Evan's pillow that she had been hugging for the last few hours. She wasn't sure what movie was playing on the tv, she had been drifting in and out of sleep for the last two hours but (Y/n) didn't want to lay and go to sleep yet. Not when she knew Evan would be home at some point late into the night. She didn't like sleeping without him.
She could hear Evan mulling about downstairs before she heard him jogging up the stairs. His height and stocky build made Evan heavy-footed and easy to hear when he was milling about the apartment.
She moved her hand to rub her eyes and lifted her head to look for Evan.
He moved faster than (Y/n) anticipated.
A gasp bubbled past her lips and she grinned when Evan practically ran to the bed and climbed on top of her. He crawled up the end of the bed so fast (Y/n) didn't see him move and he flopped down on top of her, hovering with his nose just barely touching her own.
"Hi," (Y/n) laughed and reached up to cup Evan's face while she felt his hands slipping around her frame.
She wriggled around beneath him, huffing as she turned to lay on her back instead of her side so she could look up at him. And Evan settled himself between her legs, pushing his hips down into hers like he was trying to imprint her into the mattress.
"Hi baby. How'd it go, you and bubba okay?" Evan leaned up a little so he could look down at (Y/n)'s stomach before his eyes went back up to hers.
He could see the tiredness washed across her face and how hard it was for her to keep her eyes open, but she was livening up now that he was home. He had been bouncing off the walls all shift today. Evan just wanted to get home so he could know how the scan went and know what they were having.
He'd messaged (Y/n) mid-afternoon and he tried to get her to ring him so he could find out how it went. All he got told was he'd have to wait until he came home for 'his surprise'.
"It went well, bubba's fine and healthy."
(Y/n) groaned and dug her fingers into Evan's neck when he kissed her so deeply he was pushing her back into the pillow.
She wriggled around, squirming and trying not to giggle against his lips when he tugged the cover down and wedged his hand between them so he could try and find her stomach. His fingers danced across her stomach and started making aimless patterns while he stole every ounce of air from (Y/n)'s lungs until she was seeing stars.' "So… can I find out the surprise now?" Evan spoke breathlessly against her lips, stealing another kiss and swiping his tongue across her top lip. He nudged their noses together and looked down at (Y/n) eagerly like a child waiting for Christmas.
He watched (Y/n) flop her arms down beside her on the bed and she tilted her head to the side to glance at the bedside alarm clock.
"Babe, it's nearly midnight… you can't wait until morning?" (Y/n) reached out to card her fingers through Evan's hair and started to untangle his curls. She smiled when he leaned into the touch and a deep groan passed his lips when she gave a small tug on his hair.
"Baby," He whined, tilting his head back while those puppy-dog eyes worked magic on melting (Y/n)'s heart and turning her stomach to mush. "I've waited all day, and Maddie knows, she's been messaging me all day. Please? I wanna know."
She had made him wait all day and she had no idea Maddie had been messaging Evan, clearly trying to wind her brother up because she knew before him. And Evan was wound up tight and hyped up like a kid on sugar. He wasn't going to be able to sleep for a while yet and he was desperate to find out.
Tilting his chin up, (Y/n) kissed him and sucked on his lower lip before she gave him a nudge and slowly sat up with him.
She swung her legs over the side of the bed and heaved herself up to her feet, feeling like she could sleep standing up. Her back clicked into place and shivers rolled down her arms but she grinned when Evan's hands found her hips.
He groaned something incoherent against her neck and squeezed her hips as he climbed off the bed behind her. And (Y/n) realised he must have said something referring to what she was wearing. She had a pair of his loungewear shorts and cotton shirts on, both of which hung off her frame and showed off her stomach.
Evan glued his chest up against (Y/n)'s back and pressed his lips down against the top of her head. He followed her lead as she headed over to the stairs and guided him down, turning the lights back on as they walked.
(Y/n) dragged her hand through her hair, brushing a few locks out of her eyes as she led Evan through into the living room and over to the sofa.
She flopped down on the sofa and curled her legs up beneath her, sinking back into the cushions while she pointed at the sparkling silver gift bag on the coffee table. It was quite lucky that Evan had gone straight upstairs when he came home. If he had come into the living room first and saw the bag, (Y/n) knew he would have ended up opening the gift without her because he was so excited.
Evan excitedly perched down on the end of the sofa and motioned to the bag with such a wide grin he could barely see. "Can I?"
He rolled his lips together and reached out for the bag, pausing for a moment when (Y/n) shuffled over and leaned up on her knees. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and kissed the back of his head, leaning against his back so she could look over his shoulder.
His hands were trembling from excitement as he opened the bag and took a peek inside, reaching in to take out the first item he saw.
It was a knitted blanket. The material was soft and stretchy and felt like it had been made with cotton rather than with knitting wool. The colour was blushing pink. It had a dark red velvet ribbon sewn around the edging and in each corner there were crocheted roses, mostly red but two were dark fuchsia.
Folding the blanket carefully, he placed it down on the coffee table beside the bag, unable to refrain from smiling as he looked back in the bag.
Purple boots. So small they barely fit in the palm of Evan's hand, with little bows tied neatly on the front.
The next item made him laugh. (Y/n) tucked her face into his neck and kissed the junction beneath his jaw, feeling the way his throat vibrated as he laughed and held up the shirt to read it. A jet black shirt with roses and flowers, some of which looked similar to the tattoos Evan had on his chest and up his arms. And right in the centre, it said 'Girl Dad' in bright cursive letters.
He looked back into the bag and took out the last item laid at the bottom. A pale silver onesie with a crown in the centre and the words 'Daddy's Princess' written across the middle.
(Y/n) sucked in a deep breath when Evan twisted round so he was facing her. His hands moved down to cup the back of her thighs and he pulled her over until she was sat on his lap with her arms curved around the back of his neck.
She could see tears in his eyes and shivers ran up and down her nerves when Evan moved his hands up and as quick as anything, he pulled her shirt off. He tossed it somewhere across the other side of the room so there was nothing in the way of her stomach.
"We're having a girl? I'm gonna have a daughter?"
All the energy Evan had seemed to push through into his voice and leave his body oddly calm. He waited for (Y/n) to nod and he grinned against her when she kissed his lips.
He couldn't wait to tell everyone. He could go back to the station and tell them all that he was having a baby girl. He was going to have a daughter. He could tell Bobby he was going to have a granddaughter, since Evan thought of Bobby and Athena as his parents. He could see Eddie and Chris tomorrow and tell them he was having a girl, that Eddie would have a niece since Evan was Uncle Buck to Chris and he wanted Eddie to be a godparent to his daughter.
If someone on a call asked Evan if he had children, he could proudly tell that that he had a daughter. At the end of each shift, he was going to have two girls to go home to.
Pulling back, Evan wormed his arms back around her waist, pressing his palms flush against her skin while he leaned down until his lips and nose pressed against the top of her bump.
"Hi baby girl."
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milos-lil-corner · 1 year
Headcanons with accompanying doodles
Below are headcanons and stuff of multiple creepypasta dudes.
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Random thought from a friend: Zalgo really not liking being summoned by either their followers or random weirdos, so he would be very passive aggressive and try to cut time short to get the hell out of there so they can go back to whatever they were doing before. Not nessacarily a headcanon, but I'd like to imagine it.
Anyways, Zalgo in a a steriotypical "I really don't wanna be here" shirt
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Since me and my friend headcanon Slender as blind ( legally, at least. It can still vaugely see shapes near itself, but otherwise can't see shit without the use of its azoth. Anyways - ), and because of their species weird thing about height, Slender might mistake a light pole to be one of its species and sort of just. Stand there, sizing it up for a couple of hours.
Imagine your walking in the woods and see a fucker the size of a two story house sizing up a lamp post.
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It's said ghosts and demons can't get to you if you are in a circle of salt. And since Sally is a ghost, I'd imagine that salt should would work on her too.
Cue, teddy bear in a salt circle. Whoever put it there, who knows - but they are an asshole.
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I haven't read LJ's story, so idk if the shit I'm saying would be technically canon or not, but I'd like to think he'd use his box as a place to sleep. Sure, he was imprisoned in the box for a long ass time, but hey - self torture and trauma can't get in the way of a good night's sleep.
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'Nother thing about LJ - I'd like to imagine he would collect those dumb plushie clowns. Whether its because he finds them cute or as a way to cope, who knows.
Also, LJ's design is different from the original cause I'd like to think his little accessories and shit can be removed. Also gives the impression of him being a plush doll, which is what he is in my mind lol.
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Ill make a post about SlenderFolk and my version later on, but here's an example of how some would sleep. They can also sleep while standing, looking like a tree from far away with their azoth just sort of hanging around everywhere to keep them upright. Course, though, if they were to feel safe enough, they can just lay down like a cat or something.
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SlenderFolk are tall as hell, so the thought of them being struck my lighting due to how high they are is funny as fuck. Depending on how old the SlenderFolk is, I'd like to imagine they would have more lighting scars or something like that. Shows the age.
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Little doodle of Slenderman as a welp. Result of a convo between my friend on the wholesome tragedy thats going on between Splendor and Slender. In the rp lore, Splendor is the oldest out of the bunch, with Slender being the second oldest. Splendor took care of himself and his brother during the evolution of human civilization, being all cute and shit before character development happened and their relationship turned sour.
But yeah! Slender as a lil cutie.
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Speaking of welps - SlenderFolk call their youth welps. Course, the person showed on the ground isn't a welp, as its one of my ocs ( mechanical limbs due to unwilling experimentation by the military - it's a long story ). Again, Slenderman being blind helps create funny ( at least to me and my friend ) scenerios that double as a way to explore SlenderFolk culture and weird cryptid lore.
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And that's about it. More to come soon :)
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hackerqueen · 2 years
I wanna be yours
pairing: Jakexfem!MC
summary: This story is about what might have happened if MC and Jake were together with the group in a cabin in the woods (episode 9)
piece of story: MC was his private religion that he silently worshiped in his mind every day and every night. Every second of every fucking day. He was at her complete mercy, but somehow he didn't have the strength to fight it.
warnings: sexual content, light dom! jake, sub! MC
author's note: pls God forgive me
The air around them thickened rapidly. The girl was standing at the desk, on which there were already two laptops, the pale light of which illuminated the semi-darkness in which they were. Her eyes were fixed on the floor, she was extremely ashamed. She nibbled at the skin around her fingernail, waiting in tense silence for developments.
Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the boy who was standing a few meters in front of her. He was standing by the open window, letting in cool, refreshing air. She scanned his legs, which were covered with black jeans, his torso covered with a slightly too large black sweatshirt. He was dressed exactly as she imagined. She finally looked at his face and knew then that she had lost. His jaw was slightly clenched, his eyes were half-closed, and his thumb and forefinger pressed against the bridge of his nose. He was angry. She was sure of it.
She sighed again and decided to speak up.
– Jake, I know I broke my promise. I know I shouldn't be here. But… – She stopped, biting her lip. Her voice was hoarse and breaking slightly as she waited for his response. However, he was silent. – Richy may be dead. You and I know it well. These words hurt her heart deeply and she tried not to cry, but the black-haired man still decided not to speak. She was already irritated by it. – Jake, I know how much it hurt you to see photos from Michael's house. Seeing all those barrels, ropes… I…
With these words, his fingers left his nose and his eyes opened. She almost shivered at the piercingness of his blue eyes. They were filled mostly with anger, but also with something she couldn't name. He was looking directly at her, and she felt as if he was looking into her soul.
– I couldn't bear the thought of how much you were hurting, Jake. I know that when we looked at those photos, you were pretty sure Hannah was dead. That's why I came here. I came here to find your sister safe and sound so you don't have to suffer anymore.
The words flowed out of her like a waterfall. She was tired of the screams from earlier, followed by a tense silence. Before they were in one of the rooms, they argued for a long time. The screams that came out of their mouths hurt each other, but they both couldn't stop.
He shook his head slightly and moved closer to her.
– Haven't you thought about how I would feel if something happened to you here? If this asshole kidnapped you, imprisoned you, and god knows what else he did, and I had no idea why you stopped texting me back? Tell me, have you ever thought about it? – he asked quietly, his voice trembling with anger. Christ, it was bad. She had never seen Jake so nervous. Of course, she hadn't seen him at all before, but the messages made him seem composed and disciplined. - Answer me!
A wheezing breath left her mouth as she looked down at the ground again. She had no idea what the angry hacker looked like, but now she could only admit that she liked him more than ever before.
I'm starting to have serious problems with myself.
– No. – she replied quietly – I didn't think that it could end badly for me. I just wanted you to get your sister back!
– But I could have lose you!
With those words, she lifted her gaze, noticing how close Jake was to her. She had to look up because of the height difference between them. His piercing gaze filled with rage and concern sent shivers down her spine. She also saw how quickly he swallowed when he saw her gaze.
She shivered as she felt his soft hand touch her cheek gently. Now she could look closely at his eyes, which seemed to engulf her. They were beautiful. God, they were so beautiful she was sure they could end bloody, long wars. One look from him and he could have the whole world at his feet.
Well he had her for sure.
Ocean eyes, enchanting with their depth, soothed her like watching the waves at sunset. His sapphire eyes have since become her favorite color of all in the world.
But then she realized something else.
– Oh my God! You shouldn't risk yourself like this for me! What if, because of my stupidity, your pursuers find out where you are and...
He cut her off by saying her name. Her name on his lips sounded so soft, so perfect, that she couldn't control her thoughts, which imagined it in slightly different situations.
– Calm down, MC. For now, they are far from finding me.
– Why are you taking more care of me instead of yourself again? – she whispered, his grip on her cheek tightening
– And why did you come here to find Hannah? – he asked softly, his voice no longer full of anger
– I already said that. I did it for you, as stupid as it sounds. But also for them. – she pointed to the door behind which the whole group was bustling somewhere. – I also wanted to protect them.
– Honestly, I'd rather send them all to meet Michael than have it be you. - he admitted, and she felt her body temperature rise
Oh my god, I got lost in him so much.
– You would risk the lives of them just for one person? Why? – she asked quietly, biting her lip because she knew the answer. She knew he was as lost to her as she was to him, but she wanted to hear it from his lips. The same ones that she had been surreptitiously staring at, because for several long minutes she had wanted nothing more than to taste their taste.
– Because it's not just one life.. it's yours. – he replied, and she breathed right into his mouth.
Their hot breaths mingled together, and she felt Jake gently leaning toward her with a dying slowness. The tension around them, the quarrel, the confession of feelings, and above all the longing and the fact that this was the first time they could physically touch each other made the warmth between her legs steadily increase.
She felt like that kiss could save her. Take away all the stress, pain and care. At that moment, her soul, mind and most of all her body screamed only one thing: his name.
And when she felt the first touch of his soft lips against hers something loud boomed, one floor below. Jake lifted his face and MC opened her eyes. The bubble burst, but even so, she noticed the hacker shivering, his breathing quickening.
Was he really as excited as I was?
This thought brought a small smile to her face. The certainty that he was equally attracted to her physically as well as through the weeks of exchanging messages gave her confidence and boosted her ego pleasantly.
– Mmh MC, we really shouldn't be getting physical. – He mumbled and removed his hand from her face
A low murmur of disappointment escaped her lips. So many waiting and so many lonely nights without a single kiss?
Pull yourself together, pull yourself together. The whole group is waiting downstairs. You can't just lock yourself in a room with him and have fun.
But why not?
Well, if you put it that way, my dear hacker, you can be sure that you won't fall asleep today because of recurring thoughts of me.
* * *
When they came downstairs, everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them. She raised her eyebrows, trying not to show her rapid breathing and pulse. How much she wished they weren't here. If only she and Jake were here and the whole world around them didn't exist.
– What? – she asked annoyed at which Dan burst out laughing
– It was so loud at first, and then it was deathly quiet. We were wondering who would have to be buried in the garden. – he said in his usual tone that made her roll her eyes
She saw Lilly timidly watching Jake, which didn't surprise her at all. Just finding out she had a brother must have been a big deal for her, let alone discovering how hot and handsome he was.
She had to high five her dirty thoughts again. Jake was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Starting with his athletic physique, because even through the sweatshirt his shoulder muscles were visible at certain moments, ending with his heavenly face and jet-black hair. A jaw that looked like Michelangelo himself had carved it, a straight nose, perfect pink lips, and those eyes. Eyes, that will haunt her every night.
– We're going to light a fire. Do you agree? – Jessy asked, giving the girl a small smile
The redhead looked even more radiant than in the photos, but her wide smile didn't reach her eyes. She knew that Richie's disappearance caused her so much pain and all she wanted at that moment was to see the happy sparkle in her eyes.
So even though she desperately wanted to continue her search for Hannah and Richie, she agreed. Because more than anything, she wanted to see Jessy happy again.
The redhead replied with an even wider smile. Jake mumbled something softly that sounded more like no than yes, but eventually walked outside with them.
How great was her disappointment when the object of her desires did not sit next to her. Brows furrowed, she looked around and saw that Jake had sat down at a safe distance from her, close to Lilly. She narrowed her eyes at the two of them as they were talking quietly, and the blonde seemed delighted.
Calm the fuck down, MC. It's his sister.
MC was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Dan and Jessy joining her. – Trouble in paradise? – the bearded man asked her with a sarcastic smile and Jessy slapped him on the shoulder. She rolled her eyes again, smiling slightly. Dan was like a brother to her, and honestly, she loved their relation. – For broken heart, I recommend whiskey with coke.
The redhead slapped him again, muttering something about how he should never drink again. However, the MC gladly accepted the glass with the drink from him, drinking it almost immediately.
* * *
Jake decided to separate himself from the MC, at least for an hour. He needed to reset his mind so that every time he looked at her, he wouldn't remember a time when they were in an empty room, lit only by his computer monitors, and all he wanted to do was touch her soft, big lips. He knew that the moment their lips touched, he wouldn't be able to control himself. It would be the beginning of the end for both of them.
So he sat next to the only person he felt any connection to. It was his sister, Lilly. The two of them sat there, the warmth of the fire warming his body pleasantly, but he felt that it was not the fire that warmed his heart. The real reason was that Lilly, a girl who had been faced with the hard fact that her father had cheated on her mother, and that betrayal had become her older brother, had totally accepted him. He expected the blonde to hate him. She won't want anything to do with him, she'll want to forget about it. None of these things happened. Lilly smiled fondly, told funny stories from her childhood, and waited for his opinion on various topics on which she spoke. He had never felt so comfortable with another human before. Of course, not including the MC who gave him hope that his life could look better. That his life doesn't have to be just constant survival, but real life. Lilly gave him a different kind of comfort. He felt like he really had a sister. He felt that she accepted him as her brother and cared for him. He felt like part of her family. He felt that Lilly was his family. The last time he felt something like this was when his mother was alive.
He pushed his mournful thoughts away, returning his mind to reality. Lilly seemed really excited because her mouth wouldn't close. He found it quite cute and was grateful that she felt comfortable around him and not awkward.
– You really like her, don't you?
Jake blinked a few times, considering his answer. Did he like her?
Sometimes it seemed to him even too much.
– Yes. – he replied quickly, feeling his cheeks heat up
Sometimes these feelings seemed to overwhelm him.
He couldn't help but look up at her silhouette. He found her immediately. She sat so that he could see her profile. And she... she was breathtaking. Literally. She was illuminated by the light of the bonfire, which only enhanced her unearthly beauty. He scanned her body with his eyes and could have sworn it had become his new private religion. Long legs, wide hips, narrow waist and roundness of her breasts. With her beauty and grace, she could compete with Aphrodite herself. He felt his blood start to boil dangerously, but he couldn't stop. Not when his gaze reached her face. Big lips the color of ripe raspberries that were now stretched into a wide smile. She was laughing. Her laughter was the most beautiful melody to his ears. Even though she was sitting quite far away, he could hear him. Then he realized that he was ready to do anything to hear her laugh every day. Because it was his favorite sound in the whole world.
Her brown hair was shiny and sparkled in the light from the fire. Christ, she was so beautiful. And her amber eyes... He could stare at them for hours. The color resembled the parchment of old books or the autumn forest. Looking into her eyes, he felt blind. Because then he couldn't see anything but her at all.
– I see that look. I think you're in love with her.
He clenched his jaw tight as he realized he'd been staring at her longer than he should have, and he'd been caught in the act.
Yes, MC was his private religion that he silently worshiped in his mind every day and every night. Every second of every fucking day. He was at her complete mercy, but somehow he didn't have the strength to fight it.
* * *
Softly humming an Arctic Monkeys song, she stood at the sink, rinsing an apple. Why did she want an apple? She had no fucking idea. Her foot was tapping the floor slowly to the beat of one of her favorite songs. She almost jumped when she heard movement behind her. She turned and was relieved to see Jake there, putting his plate on the cupboard on the other side of the kitchen. He didn't really want to have any contact with her.
He avoided her gaze. He avoided her completely, which irritated her immensely. But if he wanted to play that way, she would obey his rules.
She started toward him, and the hacker seemed to freeze to death. It was quite funny. See how much he struggles not to pounce on her at the first opportunity. He thought he hid it well, but his eyes betrayed him. They were full of lust and frustration.
She needed him so much right now. She needed his hands all over her body. She wanted to know the texture and taste of his lips. She knew full well that she would end up masturbating to fantasizing about him today.
She came to a fairly close distance, and with one of her hands began to stroke the kitchen island standing in the middle of the kitchen.
Things we could do on it if no one else was here.
– You were avoiding me, Jake. – she responded eventually with a sigh.
Jake stayed silent and sucked in a tense breath and casts a glance your way. – I avoided you as I, uh, Became easily distracted from your presence... even now. – he grunted, tearing his eyes away from you
He is so fucking adorable.
MC jumped up and sat on the counter, crossing her legs. She was cruel, she knew it, but she wanted to teach him a lesson. That he refused her, that he avoided her and fought something that couldn't be fought.
If you like your coffee hot
Let me be your coffee pot
You call the shots, babe
I just wanna be yours
She lift the apple to her lips, he seems to follow the fruit when she place it at her lips and take a bit. The sweet juice of the fruit falls upon her lips and she look down to his own. He gulped when the single drop lingered on her lip. Shit. Her mind began to imagine the dirtiest of things, the softness that was his black hair between her finger tip as she tugged on the strands, the image of his face between her legs as he looks up at her.
But she wanted to please him even more.
She wanted to hear her name come out of his mouth as some kind of whimper. She didn't want him to hold back, she wanted to give herself completely to him. She wanted him to know how much she trusted him, that her trust was so huge that she would literally do anything for him. She wanted to fall on her knees in front of him and give him such pleasure that no other girl had given him before. She wanted to be the one he would dream about at night. She wanted to be the one whose name would be uttered by him like the sweetest poison. She wanted to feel his strong hands around her throat as he took her whenever he wanted—
– You've got sauce on your cheek. – she said in a hoarse tone. Jake frowned from his lethargy and gave her a hazy look. She giggled slightly and jumped off the counter. – Here.
She rubbed his cheek with her thumb, then, keeping eye contact with him, took him into her mouth. She saw his eyes darken and his lips part slightly. Her stomach was now convulsing in sweet pain. She wanted him so much.
Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Does he want her the same way she wants him? The song in the background only made them hotter.
Their breaths merged again into one quick, trembling rhythm. MC almost moaned as she leaned in to consume his mouth.
– Ahem.
They jumped away from each other sharply as Thomas stared at them from the kitchen doorway. He seemed very embarrassed and avoided their eyes. MC tried not to laugh as Jake shot him murderous looks. MC enjoyed it twice as much because she knew how much Thomas was afraid of his brother-in-law. And after this situation, she was sure that this fear would triple.
– Did something happen? – the hacker asked, or rather growled at him, and Thomas shook his head nervously.
Just don't fucking laugh, MC.
– N-No, actually, we're going to play cards and I wanted to ask if you're up for it. – he choked out and the girl burst out laughing
Forgive me Hannah, but how did you end up with a guy like that?
– Sure, I'd love to. – she replied, moving towards the living room, and after a moment Jake joined her
* * *
It was real torture.
If hell existed, Jake could have sworn he had tasted it that night. The bitter, body-wrenching taste of the hellfire she'd ignited in him. Because only God knew how much he wanted her, especially then, in the kitchen.
Staring at her juice-moistened lips, he tried to hide his own erection. His thoughts were far from the right and polite ones. He hadn't dreamed of something as much as he did now of fucking her in a long time. He couldn't beat around the bush, he wanted it from the moment she asked his name. He then found her fascinating, which was true. The truest truth. He fantasized about her almost every night, wondering what her moans would sound like, or his name leaving her lips.
He wanted to make her scream them. He wanted to see tears on her face because of the excessive pleasure he was giving her. He wanted to cum inside her, make her his.
He knew full well that tonight he would end up masturbating to fantasizing about her.
And he knew full well that he himself had caused it. He stated that they should not get close physically because that would cause more problems than advantages. He knew what his life was like. He never knew if the next morning he would have to pack up the most important things and run away to the other side of the world. He didn't want to be the asshole who wrote her sweet promises, then get laid on the first meeting, and left her speechless in the morning. Thoughts of it kept recurring and temporarily inhibited his desires.
But wanting everyone else to hear her loud moans that prove that she is his and only his.
He almost wished Phil wasn't here.
He would love to see his face when he found out who was the only man who could give her such fulfillment.
Stop the fuck, Jake. It's fucking disgusting.
They were almost at the long table where everyone was already seated when she headed over to him.
– Good luck, Mr. Hacker. You'll need it to win against me. – she said in a low tone with a cheeky smile on her lips
– You have a very daring mouth. – he said, deflecting the baton, but her answer ignited the blood in his veins again
– It's very skilled too. If you don't believe, I can always show you in a quiet room somewhere. – she whispered so only he could hear and winked at him
He let out a shuddering breath and sat down next to Dan, who was giving him sarcastic smirks.
It's time to concentrate.
* * *
It's time to concentrate.
She made it her honor to win this game against the hacker. She thought about strategy, but she couldn't concentrate. She could still feel his eyes on her. He was focused on her chest which didn't surprise her. She was wearing a low-cut blouse, which still left a lot of room for the imagination. For the first time, the man's gaze on her body didn't bother her. However, she took her phone out of her pocket to annoy him even more.
MC: Stop undressing me with your eyes
She looked up at him, making an innocent face. He clenched his jaw, then took his phone out of his pocket and texted back without hesitation.
JAKE: And you stop looking at me like that
She smiled gently.
MC: Like what? ;)
The boy didn't manage to write her back because the game had started, but by the end of the round these two exchanged hot glances across the length of the table.
– I'm sure you miscalculated the points. What did you get in math at the end of high school? – the indignant MC asked Thomas, snatching the score sheet from him
– I think 3. But I can add 1 to 1 if you want to know. Jake won.
The girl fell into a chair, strutted. Not only was she sexually frustrated, but she also lost to a hacker, whom she wanted to piss off even more.
– So, now I wonder what our beloved hackerboy's reward will be. – Dan asked sarcastically, winking at her, which made her blush slightly. She raised her hand and extended her middle finger towards him. Jerk.
Jake seemed to get the hint too, because he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.
–I think we should go to sleep now. It's after 2 a.m. and starting tomorrow, I'd like us to get back to the important stuff. – Jessy said and everyone agreed. – Jake, your room has a sofa instead of a bed. You'll have to pull it out. – Cleo said
He nodded softly and everyone went to their rooms. The MC room was, of course, opposite Jake. Is that a fucking joke or what?
As she closed the door to her room, a shaky breath left her mouth. She had had enough. This teasing with the hacker was supposed to be fun and a lesson for him, but now she was perfectly aware of how much she had brought herself to the brink of collapse. All she wanted was to come quickly, muffle her groan into the pillow, and go to sleep. After all, tomorrow they were all supposed to go back to-
Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. Frightened, she opened them, and when she saw Jake there, she instinctively asked if something was wrong.
– MC, I need you. – he muttered, his eyes screaming. Her name.
Before she could answer, Jake entered her room and pulled her close. And then it all happened so fast she couldn't register when his lips landed on hers. She felt his kiss hard.
So desperate
So needy.
With this act, he completely took away her ability to breathe. She returned the kiss with just as much power and strength, or even more. After a moment, he turned her around and pressed her back against the door, closing the room. It wasn't the first kiss they'd imagined, but it was just as good, if not better.
He kissed her like no one had ever kissed her before. As if his life depended on it.
She felt as if in the desert, after many months of nagging drought, the longed-for rain came.
His hands tightened around her waist as his tongue slid over her bottom lip. She immediately let him in, starting a fight for dominance which she almost immediately lost.
So, you like domination, right?
Their breathing became short, uncontrollable, and ravenous. MC ran her hands over his arms, feeling the hardness of his muscles under her fingers. She finally tangled her fingers in the strands of his hair, pulling at him, making him growl softly.
His lips left hers as he moved them to her neck. Her head automatically tilted back as he sucked on the skin around her ear. She couldn't control her moan anymore, which was louder than she expected. She bit her lip, trying to silence her own urges.
– We have to be quiet. – she gasped, and in response he gently gritted his teeth against her skin. It was getting harder and harder to do.
– What if I want them to hear us? – he asked right into her ear. He wanted them to know they had no chance. He wanted them to know that she was his.
That one sentence made another mournful groan come out of the MC's mouth.
Jake returned to her lips, giving her another hungry kiss. His cool hands crawled under her shirt, sending goosebumps down her skin. Despite the coldness of his fingers, she felt it burn where he touched her. His touch sent electricity through her body.
Without waiting any longer, he took off her shirt and tossed it somewhere on the floor. He pulled away from her lips and looked at her breasts, now hidden only by a black lace bra. His trembling hands still stayed safe on her waist. She swallowed, took his hands in hers and brought them to her breast.
Jake gasped and squeezed her breasts, and she grunted contentedly. Her nipples hardened completely under his touch, which only caused the young hacker to get closer to the exposed skin on her neck again. MC arched her back, bringing her pelvis as close as possible to his, and then felt a hard erection digging into her hip. Their moans mingled with each other now, steadily turning up the temperature of the room.
– I want you so badly. – he gasped into her ear. – You have no idea how many times I have dreamed about this. About you.
Her chest was moving at a fast, unnatural pace as she tried desperately to breathe. Sweat ran down her back, and her lower abdomen convulsed in convulsions of pain.
She finally pushed him away from her slightly, and he gave her a hazy and confused look. She didn't push him away to say she changed her mind though, that would have been very cruel of her. She did it only to push him towards the bed, forcing him to sit on it. He was watching her carefully, and his gaze alone made her want to scream.
She was drowning in the blue of his eyes, but she wasn't asking for help. She was absorbed until her last breath. She's lost, but losing has never been so good.
At that moment, she believed that people wanted to lose because of his gaze.
There was a strange dominance radiating from him that she couldn't fight. Or maybe she didn't want to?
It was absolutely disgusting, she knew it. But she couldn't stop it. She couldn't help but want to please him, especially not when she noticed he wasn't wearing his hoodie anymore. He was wearing a tight black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Holy shit.
His sparkling eyes never left her. He stared at her with pure adoration and desire.
And when he saw where she was going, his slightly protruding Adam's apple quivered as he swallowed.
MC leaned down to be at the height of his neck. She began to place light kisses all the way down his neck and jaw until it reached his ear. She felt Jake hold back. She saw it when she had to show him that she wasn't afraid of his touch. That he could touch her anywhere.
– You don't have to be gentle with me. I like it when you're rough and definite. – she whispered sensually, sending shivers down his skin
The boy gasped, then tangled his hand in her hair and pulled her to him in a hot and lustful kiss. She immediately felt how stronger he became, which made her smile without breaking the kiss. Without further ado, she grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off him. She didn't mind it, it was known that tight shirts on men are extremely hot, but when she noticed the slightly outlined muscles of his arms, stomach and the letter V that was hiding behind the waistband of his pants, she could almost feel her underwear getting wet.
She kissed him one last time, then moved her kisses again to the young hacker's jaw, neck, collarbones, and torso. She could hear him struggling desperately for breath, his heart beating wildly. The soft gasps leaving his mouth made her squeeze her thighs tighter.
She slowly undid the zipper of his pants, accidentally hooking her hand on his engorged erection, which made him moan softly. She took off his pants along with his boxers, and then with agonizing slowness she began to descend to her knees, not breaking eye contact with the black-haired man. She was totally at his mercy, and every touch of her skin was like not enough heroin for her.
MC was a human of sin. She didn't believe in God, heaven or hell, but at that moment she had the feeling that one of the fallen angels was standing in front of her. And she swore that if hell existed and looked like this, she would not repent of any sin she had committed on earth.
And of them all, this one seemed the sweetest and the most poisonous at the same time. She fell to her knees before him, but never before had sin been so tempting and so good.
She stuck out the tip of her tongue to play with the head of his dick. As soon as he felt her wet lips, he growled throatily, unable to stop himself.
How thick are these walls?
– Shit, MC. You are making me crazy. – he gasped, and she smiled
She did it slowly at first. She loved teasing him. However, after a moment she closed it in her mouth, and another soft moan escaped his throat.
She began to do it faster and deeper, experimenting with how much she could take. She moved her head up and down quickly, licking and sucking on his dick. Jake was no longer holding back. One of his hands was gripping the sheet so tightly that his knuckles turned white. After a while, he tangled his other hand in MC's hair and helped her, and after a long moment he began to force her head to move faster and faster.
– You are fucking breathtaking. – He gasped, his moans getting louder. They were so sinful and so hot that she couldn't help pressing her hand against her clit. Even through the fabric of his pants, she sensed the wetness and desire for any kind of stimulation, so she moaned, sending vibrations along his cock. – Fuck.
He felt dangerously close. Her lips were too kind and her eyes too innocent when she made eye contact with him. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected that this girl whose photos he admired, with whom he had been texting for several months, would look so beautiful in real life, especially when her throat was around his cock.
He didn't want to come this way. First he wanted to hear her desperate moans, like his now. So he tightened his hold on her hair and forced her to lift her head.
She gave him a confused look as he crashed into her mouth. He kissed her hard, and she kissed him back just as hard. They moaned into each other's mouths, learning the taste of each other's and their saliva. Jake bit her lip, and a loud whimpering sound came out of her mouth. It was because of it that the young hacker got out of bed and pressed against her with the heaviness of his body, forcing her to take a few steps back. She felt the desk behind her at the same time as the boy tightened his hands on her waist and gave her a lift. She sat on the surface of the counter, feeling Jake's cold hands unzip her jeans, then he and her underwear removed them from her legs. She breathed deeply. Now they were both naked. She felt him burn as he connected their lips again, his fingers tightening on her hips. She felt nothing but his touch. Time completely stopped, just like when they were writing about their meeting.
She couldn't take it anymore. She felt that now he was taking revenge on her for the few hours she had provoked him. She needed him. in her.
– Jake, please. – she begged against his lips, knowing how her pleading affected him. She noticed it while typing with him. Like when she asked him to tell her his name – Please, fuck me.
Without saying anything else, he entered her to the root. She almost screamed, arching her body. Jake broke the kiss, throwing his head back to moan almost as loud as hers.
– Oh my fucking God – he panted, pausing for a moment – Fuck, MC you feel fucking devine.
Another mournful sound escaped her throat, which she tried to muffle by biting her lip. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him back to her mouth. After a while, Jake began to move faster and faster inside her, and keeping silence became more and more difficult. She felt him so deeply that she knew her orgasm was very close.
He pulled away from her mouth and growled in her ear. – I want to hear you. Louder, MC. – he growled, his hot breath fanning her neck
And then she forgot where they were. She had forgotten that they were at the cottage in Duskwood with the rest of the group. Because from her throat began to grow louder and louder moans, similar to his. Jake was definitely not afraid to show his pleasure, which made her immensely happy and excited.
She tightened her legs around his waist as he thrust hard into her. She didn't know if she was still on earth or if she had died and gone to heaven, but she could have been literally anywhere in that moment. Heaven, hell or purgatory? What difference does it make when he's around?
Every piece of her skin bore his name.
Every piece of his skin bore her name.
Jake felt very close. Especially when her body tensed and reached her first orgasm.
– Fuck Jake! – she cried out in delight and her eyes rolled back
Not very gently, he grabbed her jaw and forced her to look at him.
– Look into my eyes. – he whispered. She tried to comply with his request, but it was impossible due to the pleasure he was giving her. – Look into my eyes! – he said more imperiously, pressing his thumb to her lip.
However, she did. She looked him in the eye until the end. She stared into his eyes as he ruined her. When he made her his private art. She looked into his eyes, seeing the adoration he gave her.
At one point, Jake took her off the desk and moved her to the bed, filling her up again. The room smelled like sin, and they were both sure that if the Man without a face saw it, they'd both be dead.
She felt his cock swell inside her, so she tightened her leg grip so he wouldn't hesitate a second. She wanted him to fill her. She just wanted to be only his.
After a few more hard thrusts, Jake came deep inside her. The feeling was so good that MC came again. She no longer received any stimuli, she was totally absorbed in pleasure.
Their bodies were sweaty, eyelids closed and lips swollen. Their chests were sticking together, and a few damp brown strands of her hair were tangled on the liquid gold sheets.
That night, after several months of longing, Jake and MC became one. That night the world ceased to exist, to breathe. It was only them that night.
Hacker normalized his breathing a bit, stepped out of her, and collapsed into the seat next to her. They stared at the ceiling for several minutes, trying to figure out what the fuck had just happened. They both adjusted their breathing.
– Okay. – she said quietly in a hoarse tone, breaking the blissful silence
– Okay. – he replied with the same whisper, and she smiled slightly
After one more moment, the black-haired man got out of bed and put on his boxers, looking around as she thought in search of a shirt. MC frowned, guessing something was wrong.
– Jake? – she asked quietly, but he didn't answer her – Are you okay?
He swallowed hard, standing with his back to her. He turned to her, and she saw the hurt expression on his face.
– Jake, what happened? – she asked, not understanding what was going on. – You know you can talk to me.
Then questions started popping up in her mind. Did she disappoint him? Did he imagine her completely differently? Better?
– I…– he began, but he paused to clear his throat – I don't deserve you.
– What? – she asked, staring at him in disbelief. – Come here.
He looked at her and she pointed to the seat next to her. She sat on the bed, aware of the nakedness of her body. It didn't matter then. Then his feelings were the most important.
The black-haired man sat next to her, not meeting her eyes. Until she touched his arm lightly, as if she was afraid of hurting him. She squeezed his skin gently to soothe him. Hacker looked her in the eye and sighed softly. Only then did she notice that he was shaking slightly.
– We... - I mean I... I shouldn't have let that happen. – he said quietly, hanging his head
– Do you think I'm not attractive? – she asked in a slightly broken voice
Boy let out a soft, bitter laugh that hung in the air between them.
– You think you're not attractive to me? MC, you are the most beautiful human I have ever seen in my entire life. – he sighed, rubbing his face with his hand
He looked tired. Very tired.
– The problem is, I know I should never have let that happen. You know perfectly well what my life is like, I'm wanted by the government, who at the first chance would like to kill me. And not in a nice way, by shooting me in the head. And just to remind you, they were already interested in you too. – MC opened her mouth to protest, but Jake wouldn't let her. – I've been kidding myself all this time, thinking I was able to keep you safe. I'm so selfish because I thought I was coming here to protect you, but that's bullshit. I came here to see you. Because every minute without seeing you was making me psychotic.
MC's lips were parted, unable to utter a word. This is the first time he has admitted that he has feelings for her in real life. And the way he said it made it ten times more intoxicating. He looked straight into her eyes, spoke with a sincerity she had never heard from anyone before. His gaze was filled with emotion. Mainly sadness, but also something else. Something she couldn't name.
They were so stupidly in love with each other.
– The truth is, I foolishly believed that my life could be different by jeopardizing your safety. I'm fucking selfish because I know you deserve better. Someone who will give you a stable, normal life. – he cleared his throat and his beautiful, electrifying blue eyes became glassy. This sight broke the heart of a young woman who shook her head violently. She took his face in her hands and forced him to pick it up. She looked at him with power, sadness and anger at the words he was saying.
– Haven't you thought about what I want? I don't not want a stable and normal life with anyone else but you. Damn, we're in this whole fucked up situation, we met through your sister's disappearance, and I don't understand what I feel. But I feel so much for you that I can't describe it in words. – she gasped and Jake swallowed. – It won't be easy, I know! But I can't imagine my life without you anymore. And think what you want, but after we find Hannah, I'll make sure you're a free man again. God, I'll turn the whole world upside down just for you to get your happy old life back. Because no one deserves happiness more than you, Jake.
She was breathing nervously because she wasn't used to talking about her feelings. Their cheeks were red. No one had ever looked at her with such awe and adoration as he did.
– So please give us a chance. – she whispered pleadingly, feeling tears under her eyelids
Jake wasn't thinking then. About the government, about the consequences, about the Man without a face. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, burying his face in her hair. He inhaled their coconut scent, which seemed to soothe him. MC listened to the steady beating of his heart lulling her mind to sleep. Their chests were bare, but there was nothing erotic there at the moment. They felt as if in this hug, their souls were inextricably and eternally connected.
– I think I forgot what human contact felt like. – he croaked, and in response she began to play with the strands of his black, soft hair. She kissed his forehead, trying not to cry. The spoken phrase was so damn depressing.
– You said before that you don't understand how you feel. Me neither, MC. – he sighed very quietly. All the walls have come down. Only their naked, bare souls existed in that bed in Duskwood. – I want to understand, but I just can't explain it. I've never felt this before. I used to beg every day for my life to change, but I finally gave up hope. I became someone who preferred loneliness. And then you came into my life and... It's like you were the answer to all my prayers.
Those were the most beautiful words she had ever heard from someone.
– You are the promise i'm ready to keep.
Those were the last words she heard before falling asleep. For the first time in a very long time, both of them fell asleep and no nightmare woke them up. For the first time they fell asleep feeling safe.
* * *
Breakfast proceeded in a rather strange atmosphere. MC and Jake were sitting across from each other, exchanging quick and nervous smiles every now and then. Both of them were blushing, which was not like their yesterday's behavior. The tension between them was still there and grew steadily with every light touch of their hands as they reached for the same thing from the table.
– So Jake, how was the pull out? – Dan asked, grinning ironically
Jake choked on his orange juice, his cheeks burning brightly.
– W-What? – he replied nervously
– The sofa.
MC stared at her plate of pancakes, trying not to laugh.
– Good. – the young hacker said, then cleared his throat
–  I bet. *
*this dialogue is from stranger things!!
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sweetingseva · 1 year
I had this need to re-read a certain part of TBONA, the part where Eva dreams about the handsome stranger. When I did, it just got me thinking about what the guy said and I felt the need to try figure out who he was.
His description...
His back was to a post, hair tousled and dark brown. Evangeline’s steps faltered. From a distance, she’d thought Jacks had been cast in shadow, but now it was clear the young man at the end of the dock was not Jacks. “You’re a difficult one to track down.” The young man turned from the lake, and when she saw his face, her breath caught in her chest. She thought at first that he looked familiar, but it might just have been that he was incredibly handsome, clean-cut jaw, dark eyebrows over hypnotic eyes, and a charming smile that made her heart take an excited little tumble.
Now his description makes one think about this carefully. We can forget about Eva thinking this is Jacks because I doubt that is all too important. At most this character is of similar build and height of him. An important thing is that he knows Jacks though, so I'm guessing that he's definitely someone of Jacks' past.
This handsome stranger has dark brown hair. Which certain family that knows Jacks well has dark brown hair, the Valors. Now, we have all thrown away the possibility of Apollo being Lysander Valor but what if his importance comes in another form and that being the handsome stranger from Eva's dream. (I like how I'm just coming up with ideas while going along)
Lysander Valor's power is something "that involved memories", we all know that. But, since his powers are so ambiguous, it could also include him managing to force entry into someones dreams. (Now I don't remember if any other character has managed to do this, like Jacks and Lala, I feel like Lala has but I really don't remember much)
It's highly possible that it isn't Lysander since we don't have much of a description other than the fact that the handsome stranger has dark brown hair but it is a possibility.
Now for what he says...
“I can see why Jacks likes you. You’re a bit like her, you know?” “Like who?” Evangeline asked. The Handsome Stranger rubbed his jaw. “He wouldn’t be happy if he knew I said this, but if you’re not careful, you’ll end up like her as well.” “Like who?” Evangeline repeated. “His first fox.”
He first says that she's a bit like the first fox. I'm guessing he means features. This could pertain to her being the first fox reincarnate. If she has physical features like her, it could give us answers to why Jacks treats Eva differently to how he treated Tella. It's possible that Eva's nickname came directly from Jacks based on how there are hints of similarity between Eva and the first fox. Jacks treated Tella very horribly, often being rough and rash with her. Often kissing her without any care to her possibly dying from it (I think that with Legend's blood in her system she's safe but, otherwise, she was dying). With Eva he tries to put distance but keeps feeling a push towards her yet never tries to kiss her, does that not make you think? He cares too much for her to die, he saved her from death as well. But he's acting as he did with the Fox when he had the archer curse, not necessarily running away just for Eva to run after him but hes trying to keep away from her emotionally which is even harder... I think their saving grace from their doom could have been Apollo
The handsome stranger warned Eva, this was a warning so she felt compelled to find out what happened to the fox once and for all. Maybe he was trying to hint that the story curse could be involved and that she would be taken with death just like the first fox (which she was). Yes, Jacks had the stones and went back in time to rectify her death but that wasn't enough because something worse than death is losing track of what you have done and who you have become and Eva had memories from the past year taken away.
It was definitely a warning for her, there are many ways to interpret it as well so who genuinely knows what it means. Stephanie put this character in for a reason, maybe I went round in circles but I have a feeling that he is Lysander and he was warning Eva to be careful.
Hello, thank you so much for your theory! ☺️
As you have said, the Handsome Stranger was indeed warning Evangeline from to Jacks to save her life because he had noticed that Jacks wasn't acting like himself and it wasn't smart to get cozy with him.
His mention of the First Fox plays a huge role in all this and gives sense to the theory that Evangeline is the first Fox reincarnated. Jacks's relationship with Evangeline didn't start off romantic. They annoyed each other. But still their relationship changed when they started having repressed feelings for each other. Because of that, Jacks keeps his distance to keep her safe from him.
If he doesn't, she'll die.
The Handsome Stranger told her that her death would destroy him, and I'm sure he doesn't want to see his friend get heartbroken all over again.
However, the Handsome Stranger does have an identity we already know. Evangeline confirmed it to be Chaos.
From TBONA pg. 315 and 369:
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With all of the info we got from Jacks, it's safe to say that because Chaos went after Vengeance, life in the Magnificent North would be changed forever because of his new transformation as a vampire. Half of the reason. Evangeline recognizes Chaos in that scene with his mother, too 😊
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mentallyshattered · 11 months
This is part 9 of the "What if Yuu didn't want to go back?" Series!
(I, the author of this work, do not consent to this work being crossposted/translated without my knowledge or used to train an AI, ever.)
Lunch was going to be mostly sushi, but Vil went out of his way to make sure everyone is eating a balanced diet, so there's a salad, too. Grim doesn't seem to like it, but I have dressing, so the two of us eat it anyway.
"You know, one of the Heartslabyuls in our class was talking about how they have an 'unbirthday party' coming up. Apparently, their housewarden is bored, so they're throwing a huge party just because." Mandible finishes talking and takes a huge (for his size) bite of romaine. Evidently, he and Korrak are the type to eat salads one ingredient at a time.
"Wow. Ain't them folks based on bein' strict? Parties're fer havin' fun! Bet their party'll be real borin'." Epel, on the other hand, adds as much blue cheese as Vil will let him get away with and douses the whole thing in ranch.
"You know, our class has two Heartslabyuls who sit right in front of us in history. One of them is pretty chaotic." Grim attempts to lick the dressing off of a leaf and put it back in the bowl, but I shoot him a look and he begrudgingly eats it.
"That doesn't mean it's going to be fun to attend, Grim. Fun to watch? Absolutely." Having eaten all of his romaine, Mandible nabs a decently-sized chunk of blue cheese and starts turning it over in his paws.
"Small bite-ts, Mandible." Since this morning, Korrak has been talking more. He does so slowly and quietly, and doesn't say many words with the "t" sound in them. When he does, it's often a word like "nettle," where the "t" sound can be safely ignored or pronounced like "d" without anyone noticing his stutter. I'm glad he has the confidence to speak in a room full of people- chances are, we have Vil to thank.
That also explains why Mandible does most of the talking. Pretty clever fix, if I'm being honest. Also, it seems like Pomefiore is way more familiar-based than the other dorms. Not only do we seem to have more familiars than the other dorms, but Pomefiore also provides uniforms for them, and is the only dorm that does. It doesn't cost extra, either.
Ah, well. After lunch is over, we have a biology class, followed by an art course and then a lesson on improvised engineering, my favorite class. Apparently, it's a "joint class," which concerns me, as using my joints too much makes them sore.
"Hey, Yuu, do you have a joint class t-today?" I've noticed Korrak doesn't stutter on the "m," "k," "n," "a," "d," "i," "b," or "l" sounds. I think that's because they're all in his and Mandible's names.
"Do you know w-what that is?"
Epel's face brightens. "I do! Got one later t'day."
"Myaah, really? What class?"
"MacGyvering. Pr'tty damn good skill, ain't it?"
"Not on our schedule."
"Epel... Our join-t class is Improv-vised Engineering."
"Yeah, yeah, they c'n call it by whatever th' fancy fuckin' shit they feel like, but I'm tellin' ya, that righ' there's a class 'n MacGyvering."
"Epel, language."
"Ack! Vil!"
...Okay, maybe the fact that I have to actively not laugh at the sight of a terrified Epel sitting right in front of an upright, clearly displeased Vil means I'm going to hell, but can you really blame me? There has to be a foot and a half of height difference between them, and Epel's face is priceless.
"Repeat that sentence without swearing."
"Uhh... they can call that whatever th' heck they wanna, but that doesn't mean it ain't a class on MacGyvering."
"Your word choice is on thin ice, but that is an improvement." Vil leaves.
"Um... S-so, Epel, are you any g-good at MacGyvering?"
The concern instantly evaporates from Epel's face. "You betcha sweet biscuits, I am! Back at th' farm, ya don't jus' fix things, ya MacGyver 'em. Ev'ry shed's got a hinge held t'gether by a dow'l, or a nail, or sum'thi'n else. 'M pretty good at it, 'f I say so myself."
"So... MacGyvering is just using whatever to fix stuff? Sounds easy enough."
Epel laughs. "That ain't all it's about. MacGyvering's 'bout comin' up wit' creative fixes to stuff. Y'know, shit most city folk jus' don't consider."
"Um, solutions most city folk jus' don't consider."
Vil nods. "Perfect!"
"Uh, class is st-t-tarting soon. We should leave."
"Oh, shit, Korrak's right!"
"Yuu. Try that again."
"Oh, fuck, we have five minutes!"
"Without swearing!"
"Myaah, we need to go right now!"
"Yuu, not Grim."
"We're gonna be late!"
Vil sighs. "I'll accept that, but you are on thin ice. Now, hurry."
Disobeying him now would be a death sentence, so off we go!
Biology was pretty interesting. From what I can tell- aka Trein starting class with, "the only reason you have this is because most schools don't clear up the local misconceptions about other species-" the only reason we have this class is because most schools don't clear up the local misconceptions about other species.
Time flies when you're having fun, though, so we are soon off to health class- which is boring, honestly. Trappola actually fell asleep there, and Deuce had to wake him.
And then, it comes. The long-awaited MacGyvering class, taught by Crewel.
Turns out: "joint class" means "multiple classes, one lesson!" We just so happen to be going with class B, so this'll be fun.
It's here that Grim and I learn Trappola has apparently never seen an opossum before.
"Huh. That's cool." Trappola says stuff is "cool" a lot. That probably means it caught his eye more than anything else.
"Myeeh? What is? The fact that we have multiple friends in the same dorm as us?"
That gets the present Pomefiores to snicker for a while, much to Trappola's evident disdain.
"No. I meant the fact that you," he points at Grim, "are friends with a rat," he points at Mandible. "I just find that weird.
For a solid minute, all six of us are staring at a very confused redhead.
"Dude," Mandible starts, "I'm an opossum."
Trappola stands there, mouth open and eyes darting around, for a couple of seconds.
Crewel walks in, voice booming as always. "Hello, pups! Today, we will be continuing our course on using basic tools for unintended uses. To begin, you should have a group of up to five, but you may work alone if you please. Now, you need to locate the person in your group who is the most responsible and have him raise his hand." We pick Korrak.
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danizmomota · 10 months
(Brace yourselves because I typed A LOT.)
Regular Info:
Dani is... short. to say the least. (5'3) but to Kaito, he sees it as a cute redeeming quality that she has. Besides "All great things come in small packages!" Plus, Dani is as energetic as Kaito, but she is usually drawing all the time, so her energy is always spent inside. but if Dani has nothing to work on, she'll spend the day with Kaito or her friends!
Kaito is wayyy taller than Dani! (6'0) and with that height difference and his strength, comes to fun ideas. he can easily lift her off her feet, and carry her if needed to, or just for fun! They both usually talk about anything that their minds think of, like about commissions or how training with friends go!
As we all know, Kaito is (definitely) healthy. while Dani is… well, average. So in that case, he helps her workout and get sunlight on a daily! (Which she isn’t used to this change, so think of their training going something like this)
Dani used only gets those cheap “ramen cups.” (because she used to be on a budget) so Kaito changed that by making sure she eats affordable fruits and veggies to keep herself healthy. She took that advice and she felt SO much better. she couldn't thank him enough.
Since Dani is a digital artist, she sometimes makes little drawings (or full fledged pieces!) of Kaito for him. maybe even a keychain or a sticker! That’s just her love language.
Meanwhile Kaito loves to go stargazing with Dani. it's always a romantic moment between the two! they would visit the park, the balcony, anywhere! Maybe even somewhat of both! bring the Telescope to the park! Actually, he could rant all day about the stars and she'll listen!.... if she's not listening to music whilst drawing!
When it comes to physical affection, they both enjoy it. A LOT. Dani is more of a person through actions. while Kaito is both actions and words. For example, Dani could be drawing and then Kaito comes up from behind and wraps his arms around her. ...Maybe even sweet talk her to feel safe? Whatever make her heart soar will do the trick! While as for Dani, he'd cuddle of close to him on the couch or give him a small kiss on the cheek.
But how do they respond to affection?
Well Dani usually becomes flustered to any sort of affection (except platonic) that she receives. Kaito's kisses could make her melt instantly.
Meanwhile Kaito finds it cute and laughs it off. (which only makes it more embarrassing for her.) he finds it so easy to make her flustered, but she gets used to it, don't worry!
Dani isn't much of a big spender, (because of her budget) but Astronauts make loads of cash. So here and there he'll treat her to a nice date. but depending on what type of date it is, she gets super embarrassed about it. constantly asking him "Are you sure about this?" because she feels as if he's spoiling her. and she doesn't want him to do that, plus, thing's are expensive now-a-days. but he'll reassure her that it's for her to enjoy. then she'll be left flustered about it.
Usually they will go to milk tea cafes, Museums, the movies, ETC! although their most favorites are Stargazing.
Night Activities:
If Dani ends up spending the whole day drawing, that gives Kaito an excuse to bribe her, not with money, but with love. he'll offer cuddles and kisses just for her. (which, 90 percent of the time it works) But if she somehow refuses the offers, then he'll have to resort to sweet talking her till she gives in or just lifting her up from her chair and into his arms to carry her to bed with him. cradling her so she can't move away or get out of bed. it may not look like it, but she secretly loves when he does this.
Another thing, is that I (somewhat) headcanon that Kaito tends to have Insomnia, mainly because the stars fascinate him way too much... so sometimes when Dani gets up to use the bathroom at night, then end up startling each other, both asking, 'Why are you up?!" Basically, Dani is like his melatonin, as long as she's with him, he'll sleep, otherwise he probably will end up stargazing the whole night...
...Basically in short, Dani changed a lot and has received all the love she needs. and she's never been happier.
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jaybleu25 · 1 year
Part 4 of: Experiments
After Mario asked the question, Professor E. Gadd said he was more then happy to let the brothers leave. However, there was an important question he had to ask before they even attempted it. "Can you stand, Luigi?" Surprisingly to both the professor and Mario, he could indeed stand. However, it took a few moments for him to do so. Almost a minute to be exact. The process of getting up was challenging; it felt as if there was a heavy weight placed on him keeping him down. However, the moment his feet properly touched the floor, he felt slightly better. It wasn't as painful. The only downside to it was that he felt slightly lightheaded. He still felt exhausted from the machine. Once the brothers got the okay from E. Gadd, Mario helped his brother walk their way through the lab to the exit. Unfortunately, for the green plumber, his sense of balance was way off. It was hard for him to walk in a straight line, but Mario helped him through it. A few times during their walk, Luigi had to take a break since he started to feel dizzy, but Mario stayed by his side no matter what. He was patient. "The exit's not that far," reassured Mario. "We're almost there." Soon enough, after a little while (it took them almost 30 minutes to get to the exit, as opposed to it normally taking 5-10 minutes), the brothers both managed to make it to the exit. However, after opening the door and looking at the outside world, they soon realized another problem: they still needed to walk home. Luigi gave a slight groan upon realizing this fact, but Mario started to try and think of an idea. Eventually, he would get one. Mario kneeled down. "Come on bro," said the older brother. "You sure..?" timidly asked Luigi. "Yeah, it's no biggie, we've done it before," responded Mario with a smile. Luigi would then climb onto Mario's back and would get on his shoulders, and Mario would stand back up. Despite the obvious height difference between the two of them, Mario had no issue with carrying Luigi. It got a little harder to do as they got older, but with the many adventures Mario has gone on, he got stronger, which made something like this a piece of cake. By the time they got outside, the sun was just rising. A few citizens of the kingdom were awake already, but not many. During their walk back home, Mario made sure not to go too fast to make Luigi dizzy again. He went at a comfortable pace. While enjoying the scenery the kingdom had to offer, Luigi had a question pop in his mind. "How's the princess doing?" asked Luigi. His voice has been slowly getting better. "The princess?" said Mario. "I don't know...I haven't seen her in a little while." "Really?" responded the curious brother innocently. "You visit her a lot, I'm surprised." "I haven't really left the lab until now," answered Mario. "Maybe we can go visit." Luigi would be taking that information in. "Wait...what do you mean you didn't leave?" asked Luigi as concern started to slowly rise. "You said I was out for three days right..?" By this point, Mario stopped walking. The brothers were now next to a small pond. "I didn't want to leave you there on your own," confirmed Mario. "I couldn't just leave you there. What if you woke up, and nobody was there?" Luigi looked down at his brother with a sad look on his face. He didn't want to be the reason for Mario stopping his normal activities. Even worse, he hadn't gone out and talked to anyone. Mario could sense something was wrong. "Don't worry about me, alright?" reassured Mario as he looked up at his brother. "Let's just focus on getting you home safe." "Okay..." said Luigi sadly. "But we can go visit her right?" "Yeah, we can do that," Mario responded as he smiled at Luigi. "One thing at a time though, bro. You still need rest." After discussing their future plans and catching up with each other a little, Mario then continued to walk while carrying his little brother.
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/jaywiriamusu/720501148836134912/experiments-wip-ive-never-really-posted Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/jaywiriamusu/720574933093236736/part-2-of-experiments Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/jaywiriamusu/720650757219696640/part-3-of-experiments
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Tw's: mention of depression, and thoughts of self harm- (based on Harry's song- Matilda) if you're uncomfortable/ sensitive with any of those things please do not read on❤️
Y/n's POV
You were never okay. Not really. You were exhausted constantly. You had been to countless doctors all telling you the same thing "we don't want you to go on the pill for your emotions- you're too young. It won't have any benefits to you." It was continuous and it was a massive pain in the ass. It wasn't fair. It was in fact incredibly unfair. But again you were struggling, you wanted nothing more than to feel free and happy.
No one really noticed, everyone asked whether you were okay and when you'd lie they wouldn't even ask again... but you always shrugged it off assuring yourself that it just proved how good of a liar you were but deep down you had a horrid feeling. A horrible one... that no one cared.
Everything you said and did was a cry for help practically and no one really seemed to realise that or well... no one you'd think of.
It was a mass of events that lead to your emotional problems, a lot of things. People told you to let it go but you simply couldn't. You couldn't escape the way the depressive side of you held you captive. You felt dead inside. Literally. You had given up hope.
Harry was a close friend of yours but you rarely saw him due to him being on tour constantly, but you were proud of him. He was doing amazing. But that didn't mean you didn't miss him. You missed him so much. You were however always afraid to see him because however much you didn't want to admit it he could see right through your "happy" facade. He wasn't dumb and neither were you. You knew you could talk to him but you still didn't want to bother him whilst he had fun.
"Y/n!" Your mum shouted up the stairs to you and you put your phone down on the bedside table before getting up "coming!"
You made your way downstairs and practically froze, your eyes widening, your heart pounding. He wasn't supposed to be home for a year! "Harry?" You cried out ecstatically throwing yourself into his arms holding onto him tightly, the slight height difference between the both of you forcing you to stand on your tippy toes to hold onto him tightly, his arms which remained wrapped around your waist lifted you up as you held onto him tight not daring to let go of him, squeezing your eyes shut as you simply smiled. You had your best friend back. This was the happiest you had been in forever.
"I've got you" he whispered with a warm smile as he rocked you back and forth in his embrace, his arms which remained around you tightened ever so slightly to make sure you knew he was right there and wasn't going anywhere "she's missed you" your mum informed him into which he beamed happily "I missed her more." He murmured but you barely listened too preoccupied with the fact that you were in his arms once again. And you were safe. Little sniffles were the only sound that was heard from you and with every little cry Harry seemingly tightened his grip on you, supporting you further, he didn't dare let go of you as he pressed little kisses to your temple. "Feel free to take her upstairs and spend some quality time together yeah?"
Harry must've nodded as before you knew it he had lifted you up into his arms and was carrying you up the stairs. He was with you and you were with him. That's all that mattered now.
"So how are you?" He asked sitting on the centre of your bed as he held your hands in his, he knew you liked physical contact as it assured you so he kept a hold of your hands "I'm okay but I'm better now that you're here" you said with a soft smile and he tilted his head to the side ever so slightly "c'mon. I know you y/n..." he said and you looked into his eyes before sighing softly "I guess i haven't been too good" you said and he frowned slightly "mentally?" He asked and you nodded once again "yeah, doctors said they'd prescribe me with pills but never did saying I was too young" you murmured and he frowned before scoffing "they always say that. It's silly." He sighed before giving your hands a squeeze "tell me, what have you been feeling? Upset? Angry? Anxious?" He put out a small list and you exhaled "honestly a muddle of all those things" you admitted, his eyes softening as he sighed "oh darling" he whispered before pulling you into his arms so you were flailed out onto his chest his arms securing around you "it's okay to not be okay you know that right?" He asked and you nodded slightly "I know but...." You hesitated and he hummed assuring you to continue "you're the only thing and person that makes me okay..." you admitted looking into his eyes as he searched your face for anything as he sighed gently "oh y/n." He softly spoke his fingertips lightly trailing against your cheek. After a few moments he pulled back "do you want to hear one of my unreleased songs? It'll cheer you up?" He suggested and you smiled nodding "yes I'd love to" you murmured sitting back watching as he got his phone out and after a few moments he looked at you smiling "okay ready? This one's calling Matilda"
As you listened to the song your heart started pounding harder, your breathing becoming slightly unsteady along with the tears starting to form in your eyes. The song resonated with you and you resonated with it... it hurt your heart... you were able to relate to it so very much.
As you tried to subtly wipe away a tear Harry gently wrapped his arm around you pulling you into his embrace "you can let it go" he whispered into your ear as the melodic music continued to play, soothing you almost. As the song came to a stop you looked into his eyes "it's beautiful" you said and he smiled "thank you... want to know where I got the idea to write this song from?" He asked and you looked into his eyes "the actual Matilda movie?" You asked and he let out a gentle chuckle "nope... it's about a beautiful girl who doesn't realise how amazing she is" he said as you nodded listening to him "so all the fans then?" You suggested again and he smiled before shaking his head "no.... Okay want a clue?"
You nodded slightly and he hummed, thinking, before smiling "the girl I wrote the song about... well... her name is y/n and I'm looking right at her" he said making your stomach flutter with butterflies. This song was about you? Impossible... no way.
"I know how much you struggle... so I decided whilst on tour why not put together a song that you and everyone else could resonate with" he said softly and you quickly lurched into his arms wrapping your limbs around him tightly not daring to let go of him "thank you...." You whispered and he shook his head "just doing what an friend does." He said quietly laying back as he pulled you closer to him and you didn't dare let go of him
The next few days were good... great! But it was nearing the time Harry had to go back to tour again and as selfish as it sounded you didn't want him to go.
"Is there anything that you fear?" He suddenly asked out of the blue and you looked into his eyes "um, kinda... mainly worried about life.... Friends.... Not being able to see you for weeks, months, years" you admitted with a shrug and he nodded smiling at you "what if you didn't have to fear that last one?" He asked and you furrowed your brows "what?"
A mischievous grin tugged at his lips as he suddenly pulled a suitcase from beside him "your mum packed all your things..... you're coming on tour with me!" He said as you looked at your mum for confirmation as she simply nodded smiling and you let out a shriek of happiness before rushing to him wrapping your arms around him tightly "we can catch up on all the time we lost together, yeah?" He suggested and you nodded your head "I'd love that...." You said and he smiled happily
You looked at him waiting for him to continue
"And one last thing" he said and you nodded about to say something but before you could he cut you off by pressing his lips to yours in a gentle but passionate kiss as you held onto him tighter, before he slowly pulled away grinning...
"I am all yours"
Word count; 1521
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psychotrenny · 11 months
Hi! May I share your thread on TikTok? The one on how Israel isn't egalitarian in its "safe haven" for Jewish folk. It was so well written and informed. I wanted to make a similar video about how it indirectly Stokes antisemitism, but it'd would be better to highlight Jewish voices as I'm a black muslim
Feel free to if you want but to be absolutely clear that I myself am not Jewish. I just made that post to share some oft he things I've learned in response recent tide of zionist propaganda that's been all over the western media.
If your interested in a Jewish perspective then many Jewish tumblr users have made a lot of very good posts and additions that covers a lot of similar matters. Just of the top of my head there's lesbianchemicalplant (with posts like this, this and this ) and determinate-negation (i.e. this one and this one ) There's many others of course but between tumblr's awful search function and my own inconsistent tagging habits its hard to keep track of what I've read and no doubt there's many that I just haven't seen
Several of the articles I linked are also written by Jewish people or centered on a Jewish Perspective. This theme is likely most prominent in this article, which is focuses on an interview with the scholar Benjamin Balthaser about Jewish Leftist anti-Zionism in the 20s and 30s
Also looking back on that thread and its responses I've realised a number of errors, or at least points where I employed poorly chosen language. I've conflated the Shepardic and Ashkenazis Old Yishuv in ways that I don't think are helpful; as the term is one coined by Zionist settlers to describe the various Jewish people already present in Palestine at the start of the settlement process and thus includes a number of different groups with differing histories and relationships to the land. I also used the term "indigenous" to describe them. This was in an attempt to outline how Jewish presence in Palestine isn't synonymous with Zionism (i.e. the creation of an ethno-state supposedly for all Jewish peoples everywhere) but it also had the effect of implying that they are exempt from participation n the Zionist colonial project which thy are very much not. My point was that there have been Jewish people in Palestine far before the era of Zionist colonialism but in the political sense referring to them as "indigenous", especially in implied reference to the contemporary political situation, was a poor use of the word . Additionally, while my readings on the early development of modern vernacular Hebrew reminded me very much of self-indigenization in terms of how it often evoked an ancestral connection to the ancient Kingdom of Israel (thinking of quotes from Eleizer Ben-Yehuda like "The Hebrew language can live only if we revive the nation and return it to the fatherland" ) it has been pointed out that this was very likely not the primary intention considering that Zionism originated at the very height of European settler-colonialism when such downplaying rhetoric wasn't really necessary. The (frequently forced) use of Hebrew as the spoken language likely had had far more to do with creating a new common culture and stripping Jewish migrants of their own so they could be more easily integrated into the state. While it seems to me that appeals to an ancestral land connection still featured far more in even early Zionism that in any other strain of European Settler-Colonialism (which indeed often made the "newness" of the conquered land a rhetorical point of pride, disregarding indigenous claims to the land without insisting that the settlers had any more rights than was granted with their force and diligence), I suppose that the term "self-indigenisation" may not be the most appropriate in this context and would be best restricted to the more modern faux-progressive forms of Zionist apologia. I'm sure there are many other mistakes I've made in that post or things I've overlooked, but these currently appear to me to be the most important once. Overall I'm honoured that you'd consider my writing worthy of such attention but would urge caution and insist that you seek out other sources in addition to it. Thank you for your time and good luck with the video
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rebelren · 11 months
Saw this post, which mentions the movie at the end, and I just have to say:
I fucking love the Scarlet Pimpernel.
I loved the book growing up (haven't reread it so I don't know how I'd feel about it now), but I just rewatched what - to me - is The Version, the one from 1982 featuring Jane Seymour, Anthony Andrews, and Ian McKellen.
(I hadn't even realised that Chauvelin was Ian McKellen because I don't think I knew who McKellen was when I first watched the movie! So wild to see him that young!)
The movie doesn't follow the plot of the (first) book, but I don't care because I love it so much. This was the absolute height of romance to me when I first watched it, and I carry a great deal of fondness for it even now. Watching it again was a delight, and the aspects I love still worked for me despite being much more Aware of Things than I used to be.
A quick aside about Paul Chauvelin: He's got an unbudging fanatical sort of patriotism, of course, a dogged determination even when faced with what must be near-certain defeat at the end. But it also feels like there is a kind of genuine disappointment in him, an inability to understand how someone he considers a like mind could look at their reality and arrive at a different conclusion. There's a sort of fading/lost hope as the woman he loved (maybe truly, once upon a time) moves beyond his reach. I don't like him, especially the way he touches Marguerite (there's so much presumption), but I think McKellen does a great job.
But on to the things I love most.
Jane Seymour
She is just... so luminously beautiful in this role. My (deeply unaware) baby queer heart fell for her immediately, and present me can confirm that, like Percy, I too would probably fall in love with her upon our first meeting.
Not only is she stunning, she's passionate and determined and will use every ounce of her considerable acting skill to keep Chauvelin at bay. She loves fiercely and is loyal to those she loves. She will go to the ends of the earth to defend them, will stand in defiance against her country itself if it means protecting them.
Her portrayal of Marguerite is fantastic, warm and furious and bitingly cold and deliriously happy and courageous in turns. The transition from the glowing, joyous woman on her wedding day to the one who says, "I've lost my husband's love, and I don't know why..." is absolutely heartbreaking.
Once she discovers the truth about the husband she loves but has not fully understood until this second, she does not hesitate a moment to fling herself into action, risking everything to bring him home safely.
She's marvelous and lovely and brave, and my baby queer self had good fucking taste.
Anthony Andrews
Truthfully, even without Jane Seymour, Anthony Andrews alone might make this my favourite movie adaptation.
To me, he embodies the character like no other actor has (that I've seen, at any rate).
He is foppish as hell, a beautiful dandy, ever fantastically dressed and perfectly poised, the darling of society.
He is also the bravest and most daring of English noblemen, risking his life near-daily to save people from the guillotine.
And he portrays it so well, with all these levels and layers to his performance, especially in his role as popular society man Sir Percy Blakeney, baronet. (Baronet?)
I feel like other depictions I've seen have either been too foppish or too serious, never inhabiting both roles equally well, never managing to shift between them and meld them in a convincing way.
Andrews' Sir Percy can go from vacant eyes to the sharpest of gazes in a flash, can transform in an instant from a social butterfly with gloriously ridiculous affectations to a low-voiced mastermind with nerves of steel. It's like he can become a whole new person before one's eyes just from a change in stance or expression or pitch.
I swear I've not seen anyone else manage to convey so many emotions and variations in the role, and he makes it look effortless. He makes me believe, at least for those 142 minutes, that he is everything his legend says he is and more.
And who knows? Maybe it's not as good as I think. Maybe it's just that I saw it at the right time in my life and was convinced and bewitched so thoroughly that my nostalgic impression persists to this day.
But whatever the cause, whatever the reason I feel this way, I felt it all over again when I watched the movie again recently.
And that? The ability of this movie, which came out before I was even born, to affect me that way years ago and still today?
That's fucking magic.
The End.
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elendiliel · 2 years
A small follow-up to this fic. For my Transformers fics in general and this crossover in particular, many inspiration and worldbuilding credits go to @justawannabearchaeologist's "TFP Wheeljack in TFA" series, which I highly recommend. (I don't think I've used much of it for this one, but better safe than sorry.)
Peace at last.
Well, nearly. Hangar E was almost as empty as it ever got outside a more-critical-than-usual emergency. Most of Team Prime’s Autobots were off trying to retrieve more Predacon bones before the Decepticons found them; Fowler was in his office, Nurse Darby was at work and the children appeared to be doing the homework she had set them, which probably meant that Jack and Rafael were working and Miko had found a new way to procrastinate. That left Ratchet to ‘bot the groundbridge – and keep the new recruit company.
Optimus had decided that Glitch should have some time to acclimatise before joining the others on missions, and (unlike a certain rookie) she had agreed. After all, just the previous day she had found herself in a different reality, one for which she was woefully ill-equipped; anyone would need time to process something like that. Part of the equipment she did have, one of a pair of magnetic manipulators that were apparently standard medical tools where she came from, had shorted out in a rather one-sided battle against a party of Vehicons; she was repairing it herself at Ratchet’s worktable, utterly absorbed by her task. (He made a mental note to do something about the furniture in the hangar; everything was sized for humans or ‘bots Arcee’s height or taller, and Glitch was almost exactly halfway between the two.)
Ratchet decided not to disturb her for the time being. After an acute bout of homesickness as the gravity of her situation made itself known, she had rebounded impressively, playing ball games with Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Wheeljack (and responding to concerns about her stature with, “Judge me by my size, do you?” which had amused the humans), chatting to Miko about music, Rafael about computers and Nurse Darby about medicine, filling the hangar with her laughter as Fowler told the story of his conversation with Breakdown during the space-bridge raid, but Ratchet had a good idea of how much that had cost her. He had known other ‘bots like her, in the dim and too-distant past, and recognised the signs – the way her speech patterns changed as she grew accustomed to other people or when discussing a topic close to her spark, a lack of eye contact, little movements of her hands that she quickly suppressed, and other tells. He knew she wouldn’t welcome too much social interaction that day, as that of the previous evening – while by no means feigned – had certainly been energy-intensive for her, and suspected that her Cybertron was no kinder to such ‘bots than his had been. She seemed confident that that could and would change, however, and he sincerely hoped she was right.
Her mood couldn’t have been helped by the fact that she hadn’t powered down (“entered stasis”, she called it) all night, apparently deep in the data files Optimus and Ratchet had put together to help her adjust to their reality and understand their current overarching mission. Ratchet had a feeling there was more to it than that, and with a jolt he realised what it was. He had seen such behaviour during the war for Cybertron, among rookies after their first battles, afraid to power down after what they had seen and done. Glitch was no rookie, as the scars on her chestplate declared, but in her universe the “Great War” was long since over, and Decepticons were more likely to be captured than killed. She almost certainly hadn’t seen a ‘bot die in combat until the day before, let alone played any part in their deaths. He cursed himself for not realising that earlier – but then, there were few or no rookie Autobots left in his universe. The only one he had met in aeons was Smokescreen, whose training, enthusiasm and ego had carried him through those early days. Glitch wasn’t like him; though at times high-spirited or even thoughtless, she seemed to be all reckless kindness and self-sacrificing selflessness, with a species of gentleness and optimism that could easily be mistaken for innocence. Ratchet prayed that their endless war wouldn’t take that from her.
Having someone she knew she could talk to would help there, and Ratchet reluctantly concluded he was a logical choice. Optimus had the entire team to worry about, Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee had their humans, Ultra Magnus wouldn’t have been suited to the task even had there not been a certain amount of friction between him and Glitch, Smokescreen was too inexperienced and Wheeljack… no. Just no. Might as well get it over with… He made his way over to the worktable, where she was still working on her mod. “Need any help with that?”
Her hands remained steady and on task even as the rest of her jumped in surprise. She was well trained, then. “No, I’m nearly done. Not the first time I’ve done this; probably not the last. Thanks, though.” She smiled up at him, briefly. “These are only civilian-grade. Technically I’m not a combat ‘bot, so I’m not allowed battle-grade ones like my – the other Ratchet’s. Civilian-grade magnets are more sensitive, but less powerful and easier to damage. There’s always a trade-off.”
“Quite so,” Ratchet agreed. “And you can say “my Ratchet” if that’s easier for you. You won’t hurt my feelings. What’s he like, by the way?” Part genuine curiosity, part putting off his real questions.
Glitch thought for a bit. “Hard to describe, really. Worked his way up through the system to become one of the best medics on the planet, even before the Great War. Saw far too much on the battlefield, even before he became Omega Supreme’s mentor – each of the Omega Sentinels was bonded to an Autobot teacher, and Ratchet ended up being the first. Long story. Hasn’t really trusted higher authority since, and wasn’t keen on it before that. Once went against orders to treat a Decepticon survivor of a cosmic rust attack, which led to the Autobots gaining an antidote for it.”
“Cosmic rust? Is that like cybonic plague?” Ratchet hadn’t heard of “cosmic rust” before, but it sounded just as nasty as anything his ‘Cons had used in his war.
“Assuming that’s a bioweapon, not quite. Cosmic rust’s a chemical weapon that destroys Cybertronian plating. I saw a case not so long ago – Rodimus Prime.” Glitch had already explained that in her world “Prime” was only a rank, between Major and Magnus. She’d been awed by its significance in Ratchet’s universe. “He got the antidote just in time, but it still took him weeks to be able to function, let alone recover fully. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer ‘bot, according to one of his team, who’s an old friend of mine. Anyway. My Ratchet can come across as prickly and bad-tempered, he doesn’t mince his words and his people skills can still use some work – not that I’m one to talk – but he cares a lot more than he lets on, about his team, Cybertron, even Earth and its people. He almost never backs down from a fight, he’s always got our backplates, and he’ll even go against Optimus if he thinks it’s the right thing to do. No matter what I’m going through, he’s there for me. Saved my life a few times, as well.” One finger traced the scar on her upper chestplate, which cut into her Autobrand; there was a matching one on her backplate. The injury must have been perilously close to her spark chamber. Ratchet found himself impressed by his counterpart’s skill, and Glitch’s endurance.
“It sounds as though you admire him.”
“I do, and have done since I was a sparkling. Of course I know he’s not perfect, but I’m still very lucky to have him as a mentor.” She flashed Ratchet an almost sly grin he was already coming to recognise. “And that some things don’t change. There, that should do it,” she added before Ratchet was forced to respond to that compliment, meaning her repairs. She powered up the offending magnet and tested it out, levitating the Wreckers’ lobbing ball level with the top of the worktable before carefully putting it back down. “Good as new.”
Deciding that there was no point in beating about the bush, as Nurse Darby sometimes said (what did that phrase even mean?), Ratchet abruptly changed the subject to the one he’d meant to address all along. “Yesterday, was that the first time you’d seen anyone die in battle?”
She nodded once as her gaze dropped to the table, her good mood vanishing. Ratchet cursed his own bluntness, but knew apologies would be counterproductive. Instead, he said, “I thought so. Optimus told me how you reacted just to cutting an Energon line.” And Ultra Magnus had complained about her “reckless stunt, almost worthy of a Wrecker,” which had made Wheeljack grin. “It’s hard for all of us, especially medics like you and me, but you’re not alone. You can talk to any of us, whenever you need to – though I don’t recommend Smokescreen. Or Wheeljack, really.”
“Thank you.” She took a deep, shaky vent. “I trained in infirmaries, so I’ve seen ‘bots die, I’ve treated combat injuries, and I saw what Shockwave did to my Ultra Magnus, but I’ve never been even partly responsible for anybot’s death before. Didn’t know it’d hurt quite so much.”
“One never does. But as I say, you’re not alone in that. By the way, what do you have against your universe’s Shockwave? I’m none too keen on ours, but you appear to have something personal against yours. And I don’t think it’s to do with your Ultra Magnus.” Glitch really didn’t seem to like her Cybertron’s leader, which wasn’t helping her relationship with his counterpart much.
“He was undercover as an Autobot for centuries. I was in boot camp with him, trusted him to have my backplate even in live-fire exercises, and never thought for a nanoklik he might be a Decepticon.” She sounded as angry with herself as with the spy.
“If his cover lasted that long, nor did anyone else.” Ratchet filed the “live-fire exercises” away for later consideration. Glitch’s Cybertron was supposed to be at peace, but it sounded unnervingly well-prepared for war. “Trusting easily and seeing the best in people can be risky, but I for one would never ask you to change that. You have a good spark, Glitch. Take care of it.” He took a risk of his own, putting an arm around the sparkling’s shoulders. (She wouldn’t care to be called a sparkling, but on his Cybertron she would be one. Not even two million…)
“Wilco.” Glitch reciprocated the half-embrace, wrapping her arm around Ratchet’s back as best she could. Their spark-to-spark over, the two medics sat in companionable silence, awaiting the next emergency. Some things don’t change…
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maggicktouched · 1 year
Nat wants to know literally everything about Beck, I'm sorry... 3, 5, 8 (as if Beck has a choice, she says), 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27
What would your muse’s ideal date be?
Hmmm... I mean there could be a LOT. Beck likes 99 percent of things her partner will do with her. Hell, Beck likes doing things she doesn't even like doing if it is with her partner. So I'll give you an example of one specific one, but know that there are many ideal date ideas for Beck.
Take her to some sort of fair or festival. She loves the obviously scammed carnival games and attempting to beat them. She actually really loves rides in general. When the night winds down go somewhere dark and quiet in the middle of nowhere. If it is summer, strip down and hop into a creek or a river and swim in the glow of the fireflies. If it is winter, skate with her out on the lake. Take half a dozen picnic breaks under the stars and finally collapse onto the blanket next to one another. They can talk or make up stories or just lay there together. Stay up the whole night together, giggling from exhaustion but not wanting to fall asleep, not wanting the night to end. Let her feel wanted. Let her feel safe. Let her drop down her guard and open herself up.
“How easy is it for your muse to say, “I love you”?
Uhm... god that is actually kinda hard.
Depends on the person, I guess. It isn't hard with Nat. I think, especially in our main verse, it just comes out one night when they're young. A couple of months in they're in the car talking about nothing and there's a lapse in the conversation. Beck looks in the rearview and feels her entire world go fuzzy around the edges. She realizes the only thing she wants is right there with her. She feels this impossible pull toward Nat that takes away her breath and she just says it.
"I love you." And she pauses---she panics---for a moment. Then. "I'm sorry. Not that I said it. I meant it. I mean it. Just--just if it's too much to hear right now. I probably should have waited or something but I can't. I couldn't. You don't have to say anything, but I mean it."
Does your muse like a height difference with their partner? 
Lol. I mean... I guess? I don't think it matters to her in a lot of situations, but there is something kinda hot about it when the heat is turning up if you get me.
What would make your muse immediately abandon a date?
With Natasha??? Nothing short of a complete and total mental break down. Even when they're younger and things between them are a lot more tense, at the end of the day, Nat can kinda do no wrong with Beck. She lets her away with waaaay more than she lets other people away with. Nat may not talk about it, but she has been through a lot, and Beck knows what it is like to be put through hell. So maybe Nat can be a little paranoid (and that means a lot coming from her because she's pretty cautious around people herself) and yeah she's kinda bossy at times, but she also is still pretty much living in survival mode. Beck might get mad, her feelings might get hurt, but she does realize this and actively try to control herself.
The only reason she ever did or ever would leave Nat is to keep her safe.
What physical attribute does your muse find most attractive?
She's---not hard to please LOL. Beck really loves hair. Nat is a redhead which especially makes her a little weak in the knees. But Beck thinks Nat is so beautiful that she says it is a crime to single out one piece of her.
What personality trait/type does your muse find most attractive?
In Natasha specifically? Her gentleness. Beck might not always know specifics, but she knows what Natasha was trained to do. She knows people have done unthinkable things to Natasha. But Nat never tries to hurt her. It happens sometimes, but it is usually by accident. Nat never just gets mad at her and takes digs at her, and she certainly never raises a hand to her. And honestly that's what Beck is used to from most people.
What is your muse most likely to notice first about a potential partner? 
I'm gonna be honest this question and my brain don't compute very well. I tried to answer it when another person sent it in and gave a very lame answer. Idk why.
The first thing Beck noticed about Nat was how homeless she looked and that's not very nice to say lmao.
Does your muse like receiving gifts from a potential partner? If so, what?
It depends? So like it boils down to why she thinks she's getting the gift. If she thinks you're giving her something to make her stop being angry with you or because she's sad, she either feels apathetic about it or potentially may get even angrier. But if someone just likes to give her gifts? Go crazy. She cares more about the fact that someone thought about her than the gift most of the time. Like if you buy her a bit of candy or a lemonade she's going to be just as over the moon as if you bought her something expensive.
Food is usually a safe choice, though she's wary of food that have been heavily processed. Clothes are also very safe. She actually likes it when her partner dresses her on like a special occasion because she's like "oooOoOoOOoOo you think I'm pretty in this?". She's a dork.
Does your muse find the idea of a secret admirer charming or off-putting?
Hmmmm. I don't think a secret admirer would work with Beck. She can't read, so if someone sent her presents with notes on it she'd be like "Boda what does this say" and Angrboda would probably lie. Because Boda trusts no bitch and would NOT be ok with a secret admirer.
She's also like, isolated in most verses. Even in our verse with Clint and Barck (that's what I'm calling Dog!Beck now), once she turns back into a person, it doesn't matter that she's in the city she still knows almost no one. And having someone know her that she doesn't know? Very likely to spook her.
She thinks the idea is very romantic... just maybe not for her.
Would your muse prefer a spontaneous date night, or a planned night out? 
Either or. Beck's very spontaneous. She doesn't really get the point in planning things in advance when you could do them now. But Nat has a taxing job that takes her all over the world. They kinda have to plan stuff. It doesn't bother her. But she does forget a lot because she doesn't really keep a calendar. If they plan something Nat has to remind her about it the day before.
Does your muse fall for someone quickly, or does it take a bit to win their heart?
I don't think it takes long for Beck to fall. It takes longer for her to learn to trust than it does to fall in love. She is a bit of an expert on loving people she doesn't fully trust. She's had to because otherwise her life would be completely loveless. The only people she trusts completely are her familiars and her best friends and Cora---and older mentor/kind of adopted mother figure.
But Beck is emotional and feelings driven, and especially for Nat it doesn't take long at all for her to be like "well nothing but her matters now. cool."
Is your muse smooth when it comes to flirting? How do they handle being flirted with?
Yes. Beck is. My autistic ass on the other hand is not. It's something I really struggle to write so it doesn't get written as often as it probably should. It worms its way into drabbles more often than serious threads because I'm not as intimidated when I think the piece is mostly just something for me.
Beck flirts with pretty much everyone. It's just kinda how she talks half the time. And she loves it when people play along or flirt with her. She flirts with her friends constantly. But they all know it is a game. She doesn't like people that take it too far. You'll go from her giggling and twirling her hair to her hexing your shoes to the floor if you get too pushy. It's playful, it is light. It isn't meant to be taken seriously except with her partner.
Does your muse consider romantic holidays  ( such as Valentine’s )  important to celebrate when in a relationship?
If Nat were to explain what it was, Beck would probably participate in Valentine's Day. She has a vague awareness of human holidays but generally half of what she "knows" about it are just weird assumptions she's made from watching random people out of context from a distance. Anniversaries and such though she does celebrate. And remember, astonishingly.
How much stock does your muse put in first impressions? What is the best way to make a good first impression with your muse? 
Very little. Beck puts on a face/act half the time. She thinks most people lie out of the gate. Because of that there is no first good impression. She can get a good feeling about you if you're not a douchebag, but she can get a bad feeling about you if you're an angel too. She's fickle and untrusting.
Is your muse one to sit down with a new partner and formally define a relationship, or do they prefer to go with the flow and see what happens?
She's definitely a go with the flow kinda person. She'll do it the other way for people who need it, but she figures if she wanted to Properly Arrange a relationship she'd have gone to the Order of the Nine and submitted herself for and arranged marriage. What's the point? Just figure it out as it goes.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
In AUs, where Melony ended up with different members of the family, how do you think her relationship with Bela, Daniela and Alcina would be like?
I've definitely talked about Bela/Melon and Daniela/Melon before. But I can't find the post and I'm too lazy to look so...
Definitely a wholesome duo.
Melony is thriving, Daniela is so warm and soft and just comforting.
Sun and Moon thing going on.
Daniela would totally tease Melony all the time, for the sole purpose of getting her to blush because she thinks it's adorable.
The amount of face kisses Melony received would be astronomical.
Melony would always be making treats specifically for Daniela, because this woman definitely has a sweet tooth.
Heterochromic Queens.
Melony would probably feel the safest with Daniela, honestly.
Also Daniela encourages Melony's age regression/stimming and whatever and would make sure her bedroom is a safe space.
Melony probably wouldn't know how to handle Daniela dissociating very well at first, but she could learn and do her absolute best to help.
So much cuddling. Like. Constant.
Daniela would definitely kind of force Melony out of her shell more, which is a good thing.
They have a mutual love of childish things.
Melony tries to match Daniela's level of romance. She's succesful about 65% of the time.
Depressed blonde babes unite.
The equivalent of These Two Gay Kids From Morel Orel, honestly
They'd be such book nerds.
Melony would steal the honey jar out of the kitchen just for Bela.
Who's head lays in who's lap depends on which one sits on the couch first.
Melony and Bela: *Hold hands* *Blushing intensifies*
PDA is non existent, makes it hard to tell if they're dating or just really good friends (until Melony starts sleeping in Bela's room, and even then some people are like "And they were roommates.")
Honestly smooching outside of like... cheek/head kisses isn't much of a thing for them at all. They're more huggers/cuddlers.
Or even just like... cuddling naked. They don't do anything, but it makes them feel closer
Snuggle all night, probably always wake up with one on top of the other.
Kinda looks like a mother and her daughter or siblings instead of a couple.
Say it with me: "MOMMY 👏 ISSUES 👏"
Alcina would like Melony because she finds her very endearing.
She just thinks the way Melony acts is cute.
Melony's feelings are very confusing.
What draws her to Alcina is that Alcina is somehow the complete opposite of her own mother, while managing to still be painfully similar to her.
The relationship is heavily influenced by the fact Melony still subconsciously takes Alcina's love as maternal, even if she doesn't know it.
It isn't that Melony doesn't love Alcina, either, but the line between maternal and romantic love is incredibly blurred in her mind.
Which... makes the idea that Melony would still very much have a mommy kink a little more complicated. But we won't talk about that.
Melony's phycological issues and mommy trauma aside, it's probably a very sweet relationship.
Alcina adores her little maid, and would provide her with anything she needed.
Melony's love language is just making Alcina oversized desserts. Like ones that are proportioned to her.
Honestly my only other issue is the age gap. Just kinda feels weird.
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ampedupkaon · 26 days
August Writing Challenge Day 25: Gerheade/Rou
AN: I've got it in my head that there's a few nights between Rou 'joining Stigma' and the 'betrayal'. Hence, this takes place on one of those nights.
“So... do fairies sleep?” Rou asked, whispering in her ear. Gerheade nodded.
“Some for a surprisingly long time. My brother can be quite lazy.” Rou chuckled.
“The fairy king is lazy?”
“Some days he is. Some days he doesn't get out of bed until the sun is high in the sky.” She grinned. Gloxinia wasn't around to hear her revealing that particular secret (that everyone knew).
“Eh... I can understand a lie in every now and then. Feels nice, especially if you don't have to get up for anything.” Rou remarked. Gerheade knew humans were more concerned with time than fairies were. Then again, humans had considerably less time in the world than fairies did.
“Haven't had one in quite some time. We've had to be awake to get moving. And we've had to have someone on watch, every hour of the night.” Gerheade shivered. She guessed that meant Rou hadn't slept much or well in a considerable time.
“You're safe here. Let me show you where you can sleep.” She started to fly upwards and then remembered something. Rou looked up at her in confusion.
“I can't fly princess. And I'm not in the mood for climbing trees today.” She pondered that for a moment. A vine slid down from the tree.
“Then let me take you up there.” The vine waved back and forward a little. He looked nervously at it.
“You're not going to drop me, are you? I'm a little scared of heights.” His cheeks were a little pink.
“Not on purpose. If I get startled I might, so try and remain as calm as you can.” He sighed, but made his way over to the vine. She coiled it around his chest, squeezing a little.
“That's not too tight, is it?” Rou chuckled again.
“Some of my comrades hug harder than that. Let's see this bed.” The vine started lifting and he closed his eyes. Gerheade followed the vine up the tree, it going still when it reached a platform on the top. It was covered in soft moss which was comfortable to lie on. She landed on the tree top, the vine placing him down gently beside her.
“Is this a bird nest?” He asked and she giggled.
“You can open your eyes now.” He did so, seeing a lot of green under him. He rolled over, Gerheade grinning at him.
“Why did you think you were in a bird's nest Rou?”
“Because the moss feels like bird feathers. It's so soft...” She giggled, sitting beside him. He sat up, jaw dropping at the view.
“You can see for miles up here... it's beautiful.” She wasn't to know that he wasn't looking at the forest laid out in front of him, but at her.
“It does look nice...”
“You've been dulled to the wonder haven't you? Because you've saw it every day.” She thought about that for a moment, realising he was sort of right.
“I have saw this view quite frequently, but I do find sights in this forest which do make me look in wonder from time to time.”
“You going to tell me about them, princess?” He asked, looking honestly intrigued.
“When the Matangoes release their spores and the fading sunlight catches them it looks like the air is tinted gold. When the blossoms bloom on the Great Tree, every year they are slightly different; the fruit tastes slightly different too, sometimes sweet, sometimes tart.”
“It sounds wonderful.”
“And... after a spring shower... the sunlight catches the dew on the leaves up here and everything glows, rainbow sparkles everywhere.” Rou did marvel at that one.
“I wouldn't mind seeing a beautiful sight like that with you... it sounds perfect.” Gerheade's cheeks heated. The way he was looking at her made her feel rather warm. Of course, that particular look morphed into a jaw-breaking yawn. She grinned.
“Are you tired?” She asked, knowing grin on her face.
“Y-Yeah. Is it really... alright for me to sleep up here?” He asked, starting to lower back down.
“Unless you're really fidgety when you sleep I can't see a...” She squeaked, Rou had grabbed her.
“Join me.” He told her, a grin on his face. Gerheade knew her brother probably wouldn't approve, but moved to lie beside him.
“You're pretty cute, you know that?” He yawned after saying it, but she didn't doubt his words.
“And you're... um... kind of handsome.”
“Aw shucks, thanks princess.” She giggled, he was being too cute right now. His arms slid around her, and she shuddered. This was... what lovers did. She also found she didn't care; it felt nice being held like this. She settled beside him, his eyes slipping shut.
“Hope you have nice dreams, alright?” He whispered, eyes just open.
“I hope you have nice dreams too, Rou.” She whispered back, letting her eyes fall shut. She didn't see the slightly hard look on his face when she said that. Nor did she feel the light stroke to her wings before he dozed off.
AN: Gerheade wouldn't know Rou doesn't often have nice dreams. He petted her wings to remind him of how different they are. Come morning, they are still intertwined, Gerheade now clinging to him as well as him clinging to her. That makes him smile.
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talbottoresnick · 11 months
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Richard Avedon: MURALS Jiapeng Tang Richard Avedon’s “The Chicago Seven, Chicago, November 5, 1969,” on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
The photographer Richard Avedon’s exhibition MURALS was shown at The Met Fifth Avenue, Gallery 851, from January 19–October 1, 2023. Approximately 10 (with 4 murals) works that he shot from 1969 to 1971 were shown in the exhibition. The dimensions of the murals are approximately 3 meters* 9 meters (2 murals), 3 meters * 6 meters (1 mural), and 3 meters *12 meters (1 mural). The murals were installed in a long and relatively narrow gallery. When I entered the gallery, what first came into my eyes were the two giant murals pasted on opposite walls. There was no complete protection installation, such as full glasses, instead, there were only low barriers to keep viewers at a safe distance. So I could come close to the murals to see the details (but I was shocked to get closer to the mural with naked people). It was the first time that I saw such an extensive photographic work, especially when they were group portraits. I felt such a power brought by the dimension of the works, and I was surprised to find that the group portraits were more able to let me feel their atmosphere. In addition, the experience of observing portraits at such a large size was also exciting for me. To see their faces clearly, I need to stand at a distance or close distance and look up at them.
I’m particularly interested in the two murals that were facing each other. The first is “The Mission Council, Saigon, South Vietnam,” made on April 28, 1971. The objects were the U.S. generals, ambassadors, and policy experts who ran the war in Vietnam. Except for one in military uniform, the others were dressed in suits. Some looked confident with their hands clasped in front or behind; Some looked serious; Others looked a little inhibited in the glare of the camera. The frame of the photo is also interesting. The objects have different heights. I wondered why the photographer cut some parts of the objects’ heads instead of reducing the part of their leg being photographed. Also, the whole mural was composed of 5 pieces of photos, and the figures at the junction were incomplete. Interestingly, the figures in the same piece of photo appear to have a similar aura. The photographer used a stark white background for this mural. The people who can control life or death are so laid out in front of the camera for the audience to watch, giving me a sense that our power is exchanged in a way. The second one is “Andy Warhol and Members of The Factory, New York,” made on October 30, 1969. The exhibition's layout created a dramatic effect that the very serious mural of political leaders was facing the mural with a group of naked people. The people in the photo are naked, but they look at the camera calmly and show their bodies without any discomfort, which made me feel very surprised. It seems that the photographer had created a comfortable environment for his objects and had built some relationships that the objects trusted him. Compared to the previous mural, the facial expressions of the figures in this mural are more vivid. Some interaction between them can be read in their eyes. Moreover, I noticed that one figure stands naked in a wig and full makeup with male genital organs, which I believe was very bold and rebellious.
What attracted me most and triggered my thoughts were the photo's dimensions and the way the photographer organized the group portrait. I was thinking about the pros and cons of using such a large scale of photos. On one hand, it has a very impressive effect at first sight. Using such a size shows an attitude in itself. Also, making a mural with several photos that don't exactly fit together like a puzzle creates more dynamism in the work. On the other hand, the oversized photo size might be a gimmick that overrides the photo's subject matter. In terms of group portraits, I admire the photographer for preserving the individuality and difference of each figure, while being very harmonious as a whole.
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