#i think there wont be trolls 4.....
mathematicaleuphoria · 3 months
He should have let Tiny drive.....
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Hes too high on that za......
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vacantfields · 7 months
(Half hesitant to ask this but want to draw fan art & troll my own oc so)
Ahem. Last question from me..(maybe?) how do u boys respond to shot ppl? Not children. Let's saaaaay a small 4 ft animatronic with a temper?.
(Don't have to answer kinda yolowing this one qvq)
Sun: Hmm.. Well if they are... nice? i think it will be fine! i love making new friends!
Moon: Everyones smaller than us so it wont be too different i suppose
Eclipse: (: new friend?
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crushedsweets · 11 months
anon... yes i like this. general disclaimer this is tailored to my au !! stuff under cut
toby likes it, thinks its fun and stuff. he's not the type to dress up beyond like, maybe a jacket and a mask or whatever, but he'll go and buy(steal) stupid ass halloween decorations from spirit or the dollar store. there r several mini skeletons sitting around his cabin. he treats it like elf on the shelf, but. . . skeletons... def will sit around and watch scary movies with a bag of halloween candy . totally carves pumpkins with whoever will do it with him
tim wouldnt really want to do much cuz he's just tired, but he probably would put out a small little pumpkin and bowl of candy outside his door. he's in an apartment so he doesnt really get trick or treaters. will prob buy some candy after halloween so its on sale
brians so annoying omfg(lovingly) he'd buy a fake arm, blood, and wig and stick it in his trunk so it looks like an arm is sticking out. yall know what im talking about. him and tim share an apartment so he'd prob try to actually put something simple around it, like some plastic pumpkins, but nothing really big. he is also a grown man with no kids, so he doesnt find himself going all out for these things
natalie. ok i recently made it where she's either already a tattoo artist, or learning to be a tattoo artist or whatever, but i could see her and some coworkers setting up the shop all halloweeny. she's so fucking tall that they'd just call her over for all the spider web stuff. she thinks its fun and she likes halloween a lot so it's cool. she'd get a huge kick out of doing halloween tattoos during october too. goes and hangs out with toby/nina for it
nina goes to parties . she HAS to get a whole new costume for every party. its super wasteful but she doesnt care all that matters is shes sexy. every year without fail she is a sexy gothic vampire for one of the parties. she works at hot topic, BUT she'd absofuckinglutely get a second job at spirit halloween for october. she's a creepy galll... def sets her apartment up super cutely, brings toby and nat over so they can carve pumpkins with her, tries to dress them up, etc. tons of halloween posts on her social medias too LOL shes so cute
jeff would prob also go to more like... weirder ( ?) parties with creeps and scary people roaming around just doing crazy shit. warehouse shit. prob finds someone to bring home and kill. he thinks its fun, its easier to just go about his days looking the way he does, he loves scaring the fucking shit out of people. doesnt decorate or wear costumes though, says its cringe LMFAO. hates how hyped nina is about it
jane and mary would totally decorate, but in a much more.. ? elegant ? way. like those tall skinny candles, swap out their doormat for something halloween themed, really nicely done pumpkins for some reason. jane would want to host a cute little halloween dinner for uni friends. probably just gets simple costumes, like she'd put on a witch hat and black dress and thats all, but its cute. takes sally (and ben, if sally asks him to come) trick or treating.
sally draws tons of drawings, loves disney halloween marathons, paints on pumpkins(doesnt like the smell of gutting them), etc. she'd decorate with jane cuz she lives w her. she loves it so much but she still gets scared of the animatronic things at stores and stuff LOL. begs ben to trick or treat w her. really embarrassing for ben
ben wouldnt do much besides like. he'd get worse w his internet trolling (scaring the fucking shit out of teens on the internet), start doing more actual hauntings bc nobody will believe his victims during october which means slender wont find out he's doing it. he would not want to go trick or treating..but he'd go with sally with a pillow case and he'd try to awkwardly stand further back but the ppl at the door would always b like 'aw dont be shy come here!' LOL
jack doesnt celebrate it, his family didnt really celebrate it much when he was human so he doesnt do it now. he does get kinda sad during holiday season though, cuz of obvious reasons, but halloween isnt the strongest Pain for him
liu is so fucking miserable theres no way. jk he'd set out like, some pumpkins and maybe get one of those lights that project ghosts onto his garage, but he wouldnt want to go all out or do anything to the inside of his house. jeff really liked halloween when he was younger so its kinda like ouch but he's getting overit. i guess. . .
kate doesnt..celebrate anything........ but when she does occasionally visit the cabin, maybe for food or a shower, and she sees toby decorated, she'd be happy to see it. she's kinda unsettling to be around, but she'd sit down and watch a movie with him in silence. then bring a massive bag of candy to the mine w her w/o telling toby. he just had to cope
ann and lulu dont do anything in the hospital. they dont really have any concept of time........... or the resources to decorate... and they dont get any trick or treaters... cuz theyre...stuck in an abandoned hospital in the woods . . . yeah..
ty for ask anoni like this one. very simple but very sweet
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dingodad · 2 months
ok im like 40% joking a8t equiusprite 8ut on the topic ov little seen troll spritez returning i am Definitely expecting ghost imagez or w/e ov one or all ov the doomed aradiaspritez from th 8ot army. itz got the dual 8enefit ov Any thorough explor8ion ov vriskaz misdeedz will need 2 acknowledge aradia anyway & ALSO james roach iz a huge aradiahead & would pro8a8ly jump at the opportunity to include her critically very funny & 8rief in canon froggy era in some kinda way. im guessing they just held off on her & tavris in this upd8 8c theyd hog too much ov the spotlight
hmm. yeah see idk ive been feeling pretty confident in my assumption that we wont get tavris, at least not in any kind of significant speaking role, bc tavris just doesn't check the same boxes the other trollsprites do in terms of purpose. erisol and fefeta both talk and have personalities and/or jokes, and can fill the niches of characters like eridan, feferi and nepeta who are obviously never coming back in any other way. vriska and tavros/prite meanwhile are already well-represented here. we do have some minor duplicates in the form of two green sprites, two nepetas and two nannasprites, all of which i feel are justified by dave and nanna having been grandfathered in as characters in acts 1-4.
i do think the premise that purrgatory could bring back ANY sprite opens up some interesting possibilities like, say, getting to see an interaction between vriska and her lususprite. but i also think there is a thin line between giving old characters new purpose and just bringing stuff back for the sake of going "hey remember x" and i think thus far all writers involved have done a really good job staying on the right side of that line. sprites are only one kind of ghost haunting vriska's personal hell and i think to avoid overplaying the "vriska and the kernelsprites show" gimmick i'd rather not see sprites become representative of the ghosts inhabiting the singularity either
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kittyb1tz · 7 days
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trolls ranked by how questionable i think their names would be irl
tier 1:
damara aradia nd aranea: just sound like reasonable things to be called, would not question
kanaya: my favorite troll name, sounds lovely, plus "kanaya maryam" just sounds like someone I could totally meet irl
meenah: real, pretty common name, not outdated or particularly odd spelling, actually there might be a meenah at my school
tier 2
rufioh horuss and cronus: real names, old fashioned but still not too outrageous, would probs go by a nickname
porrim: i dont rly like how it sounds but if I met a porrim I would just assume the name was foreign, sounds name-y
terezi and kurloz: could be variations of real names, Teresa and Carlos
tier 3
all sound made up but passable, like they probs wont get made fun of but may get the occasional comment, my mum once said vriska sounds russian
tier 4
feferi: also sounds vaguely foreign but would get fun of in spite/because of that
kankri: getting a million mocking nicknames kanker sore kankles kankrete etc
equius: most high school bullies wouldnt make the horse connection but equius still just sounds odd and pretty stuck up
gamzee and nepeta: gets giggles whenever the name is called on the roll
meulin: getting meowed at constantly, sounds like merlin
mituna: tuna
tier 5
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eboneedarkns · 3 months
okay but seriously what's going on with your quadrants.
I live wif my 4 quadm8s and our stupid cattroll hivem8. We r in difrent quadrants each perigee. 1 perigee im <3< wif K and K is <> wif C and C is <3 wif E and the next im <3 wif C and C is <3< wif K and K is <> wif E. Our vakyuum keeps going missing and im a hundred persent shure that its Ks fault but K wont admit 2 it. And the cattroll keeps eating Ks plants so we have 2 take him 2 the hospicull to go get his misery tract pumped and K was ushully the 1 2 do that but last time they went she culled the staff there and now shes trying 2 make me do it. And im like fuck off K that isnt my problem. Just thinking abt it makes me need 2 go 2 the screaming closet. Were in troll portland btw if that matters
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noellevanious · 5 months
funny story: i think scorpy wont allow me to raid anymore because if hes live i would almost always raid his stream after i finish streaming. maybe he thought i was a troll cause i always raid with only like 4 people (cons of being a streamer that Isnt funny or entertaining)
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mrsterlingeverything · 9 months
Petty rant about real life for petty bitches and trolls only
Ive known this dude for 4 years now and if anyone remembers ive referred to him as this guy who likes to try me... anyways we've pretty much become completely antagonistic to each other like if you put us in the same room together we completely avoid each other if possible because we both know we will fight and we dont want to kill the vibe... we had a big confrontation in front of all our friends about a year ago and the bridge is burned. it just sucks because i was so friendly to him for 2 years he dgaf then the third year i was like well... we are so different but we have a lot we could potentially learn from each other. But i heard from my best friend... his brother... that hes saying guy friend pays my bills and hes just like trash talking me nonstop it seems. Also i recently heard he like sexually assaulted my friend idk any of the details though. So i obviously gave up on him and at this point ive changed as a person and i wont take any shit at all so like hes made an enemy out of me. Anyways im like considering trolling him somehow because im a troll and i want ideas. Because i could just start rumors about him but i want it to be less obvious. And i dont want to air out someone elses business when i dont know any of the details. Like im not really above stooping to his level especially because he keeps antagonizing me but i at least want to seem above it in public lmfao. Im thinking maybe sign his phone number up for random garbage or like text him from an unknown number "(name) i know what you did" like this would work on my paranoid ass at least like what are they referring to... and i know hes made more enemies than just me. he really is that kind of guy who deserves to be fucked with hard and i would never do this unless it was literally 4 years coming.
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hochi-mama-1997 · 1 year
okay im posting my drdt connected to v3 theory now
and because it has spoilers for sure ill just spam image to make the cut thing cuz idk how (im stupid)
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i think thats good uh
so basic theory, that in some way, everything is fictional. connected to the v3 lore. i dont really think i need to explain much? so heres where the theory starts
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the someone being related to a canon character is kinda just something i thought was a sorta interesting idea, and i dont really believe it. theres not many connections i can make. levi has the same eye color as junko and the fashion talent and the hair kinda matches makoto or healthy nagito (though i think thats a fanon thing anyways) but since junko is dead and nagito is unlikely to have kids, those are a stretch. makoto could still work i guess? but again, unlikely.
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and of course theres obviously this
if theres anything that could work for this theory i made for no reason its this, clearly david and shuichi look very similar. and if v3 is correct and the v3 cast would be the only non fictional ones, i guess david and shuichi having some family relation would be the only thing to make sense. but again, this is like a side bonus theory just for fun so i wouldnt think about it too much.
anyways and heres where i really start v3 theory
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thats the basic logic of this theory. monotv lying about the tragedy, the false memories, reboot or just like a spin off in america, something like that
oh and i said this
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thats it for that, lets look at the other part of the theory now
so far, a lot of what i found just surrounds this
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this mv almost made ME turn into the literature girl insane
this part did remind me of v3 a lil
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part where tsumugi says that theres no place for them in the outside world n stuff
and then we get to the comments part. wow. oh boy.
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if these comments meant anything this could easily be like.. something with v3 and fiction. interestingly, the comments have dates that are back a while. 10 years, 4 years, stuff like that. i would say that either the comments are old and danganronpa is older and v3 wasnt the last and its been going on for a while, or the person who made this just didnt care about the years of the comments..?
if they do relate to drdt, the blanks for the "is the byakuya/nagito/kokichi" do easily fit to david.. that's prolly about him.
the lyrics are also interesting i think. the world wont change. the world wont give up danganronpa, the killing game wont stop. maybe.
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bit hard to read, but on the top there's 5 letters will obviously die in chapter 5. if the spaces mean anything, theres another thing for david.
i like that blank is a protag who also plays the antag? theres a lot of spaces there. too many for me to really say who it could be. similarly, theres blank and blank totally swapped places.
this has to do somehow with teruko and david. theres the thing about david was supposed to be the real protag
cuz like.. this
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the protag using he pronouns. not teruko. this could be what the comments mean?
and theres the mm blank anyone
four spaces. so.. levi, arei, whit, eden, nico.. theres a lot of 4 letter names in the cast. i dont have any mastermind theories atm, but if you do have one for any of those guys (besides arei prolly), i guess there you go.
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i dont know who this could be. uh.. yeah.
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this could just be a troll. or to say dont pay attention to these. i really dont know.
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i guess v3 has people becoming brainwashed. i dunno.
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theres something weird about this. i dont know what. but theres something. im just making note of it in case i ever have any ideas.
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this is interesting. i did have an idea about this. that maybe this was supposed to be the main cast but drdt is somehow off script, maybe teruko was supposed to die when stabbed by xander, maybe teruko was never meant to be stabbed by xander, i dont know. the important thing is whats under mai's name. it looks like mr. naegi to me. this again can be connected to v3 where the cast got false memories of makoto being the headmaster of hope's peak. mr naegi.
anyways, description of the video. this
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theres a bit more where it says i have always been a only child. the blanks are most surely diana chiem. it also fits david but thats prolly nothing.
what could this mean? well, think of v3. people had memories of their friends and family. but they didnt exist. they were just false memories.
there is no one named diana chiem. she's just fictional.
thats my take on that anyways.
i dont really have too much else. but back to teruko maybe supposed to die, it would be even more like v3. the girl protag being killed of, maybe to be replaced by a depressed blue haired guy?
i also found this theory in the comments
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this could be true. i just wanted to point it out. i already thought eden was a lil strange at times.. (also there is the 4 letter name mastermiind comment hmmm)
thats all for today. make sure to like and subscribe for more hyperlink blocked.
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trollblivion-ooc · 20 days
coleop cherie cogito 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
heso! hello! hi! what a tall order!/pos super excited..
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1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
cherie: “» Ałł ðf Tħem.” honestly, he’d rather forget the time he mauled his beloved boyfriend in front of their lusii
coleop: wants to forget the time where he spent days wondering if cherie was okay out in the barrenlands (this was pre-cherie moving in)
cogito: wants to forget the time he was a stickbug
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
cherie: he likes seashells (shiny blue ones are his favorite)
coleop: loves pecan pie. like concerningly so.
cogito: can work a palmhusk (phone) no problem.. just slaps his legs on the keys until it registers
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
cherie: fatal flaw is that hes such a fucking dickhead to everyone, he is aware of it and likes picking fights (would say his paranoia but that isnt really a flaw)
coleop: forgiving to a fault, hes weirdly religious about his Ether thing, but it causes him to just blatantly forgive people (specifically ones close to him), he is kind of aware? but not enough to stop
cogito: wont stop eating week old cracker crumbs off of the counter, very aware, will not stop
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
cherie: fights like a rabid animal (as seen by how he gets so terrified that he mauls), its so sudden that he cant exactly flee or anything else. he just mauls.
coleop: erm, no survival skills in this one honestly. possibly freeze
cogito: flee i think! when he had control of coleop he was dead set on running away, scared
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
cherie: to the end of time. if he wants it? he is GETTING it, he will tear and maul and curse and kick. ipad baby.
coleop: not far, if he doesnt need it then he doesnt mind that bad
cogito: <>_<> cogito will steal bodies if he needs one, dont test him
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
cherie: Not very easily. if at all. hes doing what he wants when he wants
coleop: middle ground, it depends on the situation
cogito: very easily, just give him an animal cracker
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
cherie: hes not as LOUD anymore… he used to yell constantly, but hes partially subdued, especially after the Mauling
coleop: erm, independent
cogito: nothing much, hes a manipulative goofy bug
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
cherie: … i think hes too messy with murder to get away with it
coleop: would not murder, cant, or wont.
cogito: yes.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
cherie: “oh and you swear to god… the fuckers out to get you” - The Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx
that entire song in general.. his paranoia, and the ironicality of it being about bugs when Coleop is the bug guy.
coleop: “Coin operated boy. sitting on the shelf. He is just a toy but I turn him on and he comes to life.” - Coin-Operated Boy (the dresden dolls)
cogito: “I don't wanna be the owner of your fantasy. I just wanna be a part of your family” - anything (Adrianne Lenker)
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
cherie: vampire!AU :)
coleop: Zombie!AU :))
cogito: human!AU (or in this case: Troll!AU), itd be interesting to see cogito as a troll, he would either be very old or very young..
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
cherie: uhmm.. he is ChainsawKind. so chainsaws, specifically duo-wield one handed chainsaws. also yes, hes used them
coleop: beetle shaped multi-tool
cogito: biting. and yes.
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
cherie: absolutely. hes so fucking self destructive. he breaks off his horns and eats them (auto-osteophagia) its not exactly his fault but still, breaking bones constantly to eat them. also he bashes his head into the wall a lot. headache hivemind
coleop: a little bit? he scratches at his skin sometimes, when hes having bad Bug Days
cogito: nah.
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
cherie: no. id be actually terrified. hiding in a corner, looking away from this bombastic animal
coleop: maybe? i dont want to talk to him though.
cogito: …. no (id think it looks cool but GOD i dont wanna be possessed by a bug)
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
cherie: as really cool and uncaring, a cool gamer who is awesome and cool
coleop: sometimes like a bug (horrified), but then he REALLY wants to be seen as a troll, his humanity is DYING inside his mind sometimes, grappling
cogito: as a fellow troll
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
cherie: no
coleop: no
cogito: 🪲 Hercules Beetle?
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16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
cherie: very high, he still feels it and sometimes he wants to curl up if he so much as gets a cut but when it comes to his horns he is used to it
coleop: …. his nerves are kind of super damaged in a love of places so his pain tolerance is fairly high
cogito: no pain tolerance :( he is a little guy.. one step and he is history
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
cherie: The Mauling
coleop: The Mauling
cogito: The Mauling
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
cherie: VERY up close and personal, he is IN people’s business
coleop: pretty neutral, but if he gets going about his interests he will be very in-your-space
cogito: so up close that hes in peoples skin
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
cherie: horrifying. maul, maim, yell, kick. cries too.
coleop: tenses up and just growls to himself, raising his hands and walking off all stompy and pissed off. also hes a crier.
cogito: oh he gets super pissed,and since hes so small hes closer to hell so you KNOW hes horrible. ramming his beetle head into peoples shoes like that one turtle
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
cherie: hmm.. not much.. maybe a little? he doesnt care i think
coleop: little bit, stares. he stares. just big eyes, horrifying.
cogito: VERY JEALOUS ALL OF THE TIME, he wants to be a troll so bad, manifests as stealing bodies
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
cherie: scoliosis, auto-osteophagia (horn eating (his own), unlabeled paranoia thing, EXTREME anxiety disorder that manifests as explosive behavior.
doesnt handle it, leans into it
coleop: dermotillomania (not constant, comes and goes), trichotillomania, amnesia (only for The Mauling..), anxiety (bro is traumatized honestly)
tries to handle first two by wearing wooly gloves
cogito: is a bug. i dont know. maybe Pica, he might eat things that arent food (he is a bug)
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
cherie: what does that mean
coleop: N/A
cogito: N/A
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
cherie: hard to process self-love, hard to express Love in general
coleop: hard to process hate, hard to express sadness
cogito: hard to process empathy, hard to express as well
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
cherie: wouldve died without coleops shelter
coleop: couldve lived a normal bug-collecting life with no trauma if not for cogito
cogito: burrowing in the soil.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
cherie: abrasive, so-himself, not afraid to be himself
coleop: the white streak in his hair.
cogito: he wants so harshly to just be
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thank yew so much for reading!
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aalien-s · 22 days
Fandom update rq:
I recently (finally) watched lmk (cuz i watched The Monkey King 2023 and loved it sm) And that wasnt enough for me so now im reading jttw and im currently 1/4 through volume 2.
im trying to stay focused by ignoring gravity falls as much as i can, but then the sonic 3 trailer FINALLY came out and now im relapsing my sonic days. (not that i wasnt already)
i will never fully stop thinking about transformers (cough cough soundwave cough) and im waiting for tf-one
i watched through all of adventure time (because i realized i either never finished it or i just didnt remember anything) and fiona and cake like a month or two ago and it still hasnt let me go
im working on 2 storyboards for 2 different warrior cats things (plus i gotta finish the book im on fr)
tmnt wont stop bothering me/pos
my friend group is splitting up the campain so we have 2 different dms for 2 different campains; one campain will follow an alternate universe while the other stays the same. which means im trying to make a new character (im basing them off of sun wukong but i have to nerf them so ridiculousl much idk how thats gonna turn out)
ive sorta let go of godzilla, inside out and trolls. (sorta. i still enjoy it)
im not even gonna say anything about how school only started 2 weeks ago
In conclusion: my mind is a tornado
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nana2009 · 11 months
why i think karkat can get Boipreggers~~
this is the theory ive been cooking up my head on how karkat(and all the vantases by extension) can get pregnant! it's very nonsensical n stuff, but what wont i do to prove a point -.- (very short so dw) so, the mutation doesn't only affect your blood and the things related to it, but also the anatomy to acommodate for all the change it causes. Said changes to me refers to the approximation of its mutated biology into ours! Also, you know how some theories say the humans were shaped after karkat's dna? Yea, i like to implement that into mine as one of the reasons why karkat has an organ resembling that of a human female's uterus.
taking from the fandom page,
"He is the trolls' ectobiologist, referencing the fact that the sign Cancer is heavily associated with motherhood."
also, the ruling planet of cancer is the moon, which is also associated with FERTILITY and MOTHERHOOD! o(>ω<)o
aaaannd thats the only reasons i got 4 meow!! although now i realize it was mostly justifying why karkat is great for kids than why he can get preggo u_u aaaahh so many instances showing how karkat is just made for taking care of grubs, i cant hold myshellf!!!! Can we add blood to the "most fertile aspects" list???? &lt;;- if u didnt understand pls save urself b4 its too late…..
bonus hehe
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skrunglebeasts · 2 years
i was possessed and wrote this whole ass thing after reading about who was in the finals for @coolesthscharacter
TEREZI: TH1S H4S B33N 4 COLLOS4L W4ST3 OF T1M3. ROSE: Agreed. TEREZI: UNO ROSE: Swap card. Give me your hand. TEREZI: B1TCH TEREZI: DONT BOTH3R. YOU W1N ROSE: On two fronts. Looks like the poll lines up perfectly with the results of our little time waster. TEREZI: OF COURS3 TH3Y D1D TEREZI: 1M L34V1NG ROSE: Don't enjoy yourself too much. I'll be moving on to hand the win over to Roxy. ROSE: Not that she deserves it any more than I do, but I figure it'll be a kind gesture. TEREZI: H4V3 FUN W1TH TEREZI: HUH ROSE: What? TEREZI: DONT M1ND M3 TEREZI: 1 JUST SM3LL SOM3TH1NG FUNNY TEREZI: H3H3H3H3H3 >:] ROSE: Ominous. ROSE: I'll see you later. TEREZI: 1 WONT ROSE: Aren't we past blind jokes? TEREZI: Aren't we past typing quirks? ROSE: Don't… ROSE: Do that. ROSE: It's weird. TEREZI: TH4TS K1ND OF MY WHOL3 TH1NG TEREZI: L4T3R LOS3R
Rose and Terezi exit in opposite directions, not bothering to spare a backward glance. Terezi's chipper mood bothers Rose for only the briefest second before she puts it out of her head. The troll loves mind games.
As she steps into the next room for the final contest, she considers a dozen different metanarrative consequences of this sort of contest and what that means for the continuity of everything. When the contest ends does she disappear? Is she shunted into the ultimate self who's story will never be completed? What does it mean for her to have even gotten this far, beating out even Davesprite. Has the cultural gestalt really shifted so much that a sad ghost boy version of Dave is no longer appealing? And is shs to be considered seperately from each of the entities that embody her? What is she? Who is…
A silhouetted figure stands against the lights of the inexplicable room. A single blue light shines from the head…
ROSE: Is that fucking Sans? SANS?: nope!!!
The figure steps forward from the convenient shadowing and reveals a familiar, red-clad troll with a messy mass of black hair. In her hands is a skull with a blue light shining from the socket that Aradia is using to obscure her face. Rose sighs, a bit annoyed Roxy hadn't made it here. Of course this is what Terezi thought was funny.
ROSE: Hello, Aradia. ARADIA: hi rose
Her chipper tone is punctuated by the sound of the skull hitting the ground as she tosses it aside.
ARADIA: funny, right? ROSE: A little played out, honestly. ARADIA: come on. you of all people shouldnt say anything about "played out"~ ARADIA: your post-canon arc is just copying the one i had as a starting point and recycling it ARADIA: not that i mind! ARADIA: i find it flattering ARADIA: after all my old story has good ARADIA: b0nes ARADIA: to build on ROSE: Make up your mind about how you're supposed to sound. ARADIA: hmmm ARADIA: n0pe 
Aradia puffs out a breath to blow some of her curling hair out of her face.
ARADIA: So did you have fun getting here? ROSE: Not really. ROSE: Your ancestor flirted aggressively with me, then got mad that I called her boring. ARADIA: yours was very nice and quite interesting ARADIA: shes both very cool and very much a dork ARADIA: i can see where you and dave get it ROSE: Hey. ARADIA: though you clearly take more after dirk so you got a higher percentage of dork genes ROSE: … ROSE: Moving on. ROSE: Vriska was Vriska about the whole thing and got upset that no amount of luck could save her from being the icon of Homestuck's ire. ARADIA: i dont think thats what it was at all ARADIA: maybe she was boring, too ARADIA: after all ARADIA: how can you find anything exciting about someone who has done nothing wrong? :) ROSE: … ARADIA: 0u0 ROSE: … ROSE: Okay. ROSE: Well. ROSE: Sollux didn't really want to interact with me and spent the whole time with headphones on and listening to a podcast. ARADIA: hehe, sounds like him ROSE: Davesprite was monumentally awkward and seemed to be in the midst of a breakdown about not being "really real" because Davepetasprite^2 was in the running. ARADIA: sounds like him, too ARADIA: first mistake of anything like this is attempting to apply any level of canonicity to it ARADIA: better to just calm down and enjoy yourself ARADIA: but i suppose he wouldnt be davesprite or any kind of dave at all if he didnt appeal to the sad boy loving demographic ROSE: Are you going to keep interrupting me? ARADIA: probably ROSE: I played Uno with Terezi. ROSE: That's it. ARADIA: neat! ROSE: Let me return the question: Did you have fun getting here? ARADIA: i did! ROSE: … ROSE: Any details? ARADIA: no ARADIA: ill leave those to your imagination ;) ROSE: That's a copout answer and you know it. ARADIA: youd be surprised ARADIA: a little goes a long way ARADIA: lets focus on the now ARADIA: how do you want to do this, rose? ARADIA: among the multitudes of possibilities, the many threads that spread out before us ARADIA: which do you wish to solidify as true? ROSE: Maybe I don't want to pick. ROSE: Maybe I also want that to be left to the imagination. ARADIA: then ill pick! ROSE: What ROSE: But ROSE: Your entire continued existence hinges on one fact and that is that you are a voyeur. A perverted observer who has no interest in dirtying your own mitts as you passively allow the narrative to continue on it's way. You do not intervene. You don't take action.
She screws up her face in baffled disgust and stabs one finger in the air toward Aradia.
ROSE: You don't choose.
Aradia's persistent, placid smile widens slightly. It still doesn't reach her eyes.
ARADIA: not choosing is a choice ARADIA: i think thats something youve always struggled with ARADIA: a lot of people do ARADIA: choosing no action at all is still an action ARADIA: existence itself comes packaged with the burden of existing ARADIA: by simply being you are acting ARADIA: your existence means nothing ARADIA: your actions are meaningless ARADIA: but they are actions nonetheless
She turns on one foot, kicking off to float up and rotate gently and slowly in the air, as if attempting a slow motion pirouette. The languid motion controlled and beautiful. It makes Rose want to throw something at her just to ruin the image in the same way a child wants to crack a perfect sheet of ice just to see it come apart. ARADIA: and my choice has always been pretty transparent ROSE: Bullshit. ROSE: Your motivations, your reasoning, your purposes. All of that has always been obfuscated. You hide behind platitudes and more plot critical figures, but you never seem to be willing to show your hand. No one knows what your fucking deal is. ARADIA: hehehe ARADIA: thats just plain wrong ARADIA: ive destroyed more lives to save a single session than you could imagine in both your attempts to break yours or to do whatever it is you were doing with dirk ARADIA: ive been a ghost, a ghost frog, a robot ARADIA: even in that period of time you say i only observed i still decided to fight lord english for the fun of it ARADIA: and i lived :) ARADIA: what happened when a version of you tried to attack lord english? ROSE: Mgh. ARADIA: theres a reason im here ROSE: And what reason is that? ARADIA: same as it ever was
Aradia floats up, arcing her back until she's hanging upside down, arms and legs hanging limply. She's still smiling. It still doesn't reach her eyes.
ARADIA: i mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart. :) ROSE: … ROSE: I want to kick your ass. ARADIA: then do it ARADIA: or dont ARADIA: either way ARADIA: i think youre gonna have a bad time ARADIA: CUE MY FIGHT MUSIC! ROSE: You motherfucker.
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phantomcellar · 1 year
My Murder Drones Episode 4 Predictions
Ok so I wanna share my theories on how the episode will go before it releases. Theres like roughly 2 Plot Ideas that I have, although parts of them could be combined or interchanged:
Plot Idea A (aka. the monster in the woods feat. AS!V & Angst):
Uzi and her class go outside camping, Uzi is probably forced to go by Khan, or perhaps she has a secondary motive to going (like looking for doll) N and V come too. Uzi starts feeling more and more warm and hungry throughout the episode and start having light hallucinations, hearing sounds and maybe even starting to see things. It also doesnt help that V is trying to push her away from N, since she is noticing whats happening (could be the source for the "its better to stay distant though, dont you think?" line in the trailer).
She then becomes so hot that she goes into the lake to cool down, it doesnt work and she sees herself with the X eyes in the reflection of the lake (the solver trolling once again), she then freaks out and runs into the cabin while the hallucinations get worse (maybe even starts hearing/seeing nori), the heat is just unbearable and she begins to feel weird.
In the cabin she begins transforming and starts going into feral mode, letting out an earpiercing scream. The campers hear this and send someone to check (poor drone), who then becomes solver Uzis first Victim (With V, who secretly followed her, watching everything, confirming her fears). After the drone they sent out to check doesnt come back N goes to check as he is worried about Uzi, who ran off a while ago (doesnt help that there are mysterious red lights coming from a random cabin). On the way to the cabin N runs into V, who starts making excuses on why he doesnt have to go into the cabin. That and V lying about being low on oil makes N finally snap at V and confronts her about hiding something. (possibly the source for the “I don’t know what you’re talking about because you wont tell me, what are you so afraid of?!” line from the season 1 trailer). This leads to V knocking N out (maybe not through decapitation this time lol) and going in to either save Uzi or to put her out of her misery. A fight obviously insues, with both comatants withing not just against eachother but also time (V with her oil being low and Uzi with sanity).
N, after coming to himself again, sees the fight happen and intervenes, causing feral Uzi to get away. After this she once again confronts V, especially after he sees that she can use the solver similarly to Uzi and Doll. (Ill explain this AS!V theory at the bottom of the post). V, being really low on oil just straight up collapses and N, panicing, goes to get food for herm aswell as looking for Uzi. While looking, N gets captured by Tessa and J, who were led here by the sound of fighting. So then V is left alone unconsious in the forest.
Plot Idea B (aka. The secret Forest lab, this one is a bit less complete):
So in this version Uzi, N and maybe V go to the forest in order to find a secret Human lab that is supposedly there. They could find out about this either from Noris ramblings (if Khan is willing to give it to Uzi, or Uzi steals them), or perhaps they find something in Dolls room. Ofc Uzi is still experiencing the solvers effects its just slower here, with her getting a taste for oil and such. So the gang explores the lab. Entering through either the cabin from the teaser or that dock area from the thumbnail of the teaser video.
The gang explores the lab, while exploring Uzi's Solver begins to act up (wouldnt help if there were perhaps corpses down there). Now this could lead to them finding out something shocking), probably related to the solver (and maybe nori aswell), although Im not sure what they could find. Uzi could also still go feral mode, forcing N and V to stop her from eating the campers, or maybe she just start transforming but stays sane and N and V could teach her about being a Dissasembly drone.
Again this Plot is a bit underbaked imo, but I think it still should be said, it could maybe even be combined with Plot A (probably gonna be the case in the episode).
AS!V abridged version (Theory by @leafyunderscore​ ):
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So this theory states that V has control of the solver similiarly to Uzi and Doll. So in ep3 we briefly see V with the solver Symbol on her eye. Now what is strange about this is that, although the Dissasembly Drones have the solver, they seemingly can only use its healing powers (N growing his head back and Eldritch J) and the Symbol never appears in their eye. So it could be possible that V has access to the full solver and not just the healing powers (could be the reason she knows so much mystery stuff).
Heres the post by leafy, may be a bit old tho.
So yeah thanks for sticking around. Im excited to hear any feedback or other theories.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 3 Destruction
(Spoilers below)
-Marinette was watching Alya's video on the ladybug and Alya caught her in 4K. She knew Marinette is worried and is sleeping over. This is good friendship
-Gabriel still being a bitch. Forcing the Kwami to help
-So learning about the rooster. He cant just copy the powers of other Kwami. So at least he isnt THAT broken.
-The kwami are totally trolling him. I love it.
-Xuppa my lovabale monkey child. KEEP TORTURING HIM
-The Kwami family defend themselves against the abusive Gabriel. HOW ABOUT YOU LEARN GABE!
-Nice Try Gabe. But their owner IS LADYBUG. Fu being smart made sure to say the guardian was LADYBUG. Look at that. Fu was actually being smart with that.
-Oh no, Gabe is using them like GOOGLE MAPS!!!
-Sabine in Pajamas... Nice
-Damn it, Tom is adorable. I will not interfere... for now Tom.
-Something seems off. What present?
-Did Marinette think this far ahead?
-OH DAMN! This is smart! They planned in the event Hawkmoth ever got one of them. Well played.
-Alya shows up and is like "I caught you creeping in 4K Hawky!"
-"Hey thats censorship." That made me giggle
-Xuppa my sweet boy. You are now my third fave kwami
-Now we at the Ice Rank
-And wipe out.
-The ice skating guy just like "Here you go sir". Like it isnt the villain of Paris.
-Gabe thinks he is being clever. Side note, this look he has is growing on me. Except the ears...
-This guy just took a selfie with Monarch like it will get him cred
-Hawk-Penguin? HE F***ING WISHES
-And now the wax meuseum
-ITS A TRAP! Well done.
-42 Halfwit Street. This is the donkey drawing of oblivio for season 5
-Oh cataclysm, and tied to him. THEY GOT HIM.
-the kwami think they are free. But its episode 3, way too early.
-LADYBUG STOP THE MONOLOGUE! You are leaving yourself open!
-Well at least he didnt try to escape during that.
-Damn, Gabriel ate a cataclysm to escape!
-Oooo, that looks painful! Damn. He deserves it
-You know what, I will give Hawky props, I didnt think he would actually do it.
-Oh s***, Chat noir feels guilt. Baby boy no. He doesnt count as people, dont feel bad.
-Well, this is Gabe's fault.
-So marinette came up with a plan in case this happened. So this is what she did. Thats a clever plan. (I wont explain it, watch it, its clever)
-Simp noir is canon and a key part of the plan. Brilliant.
-It is cute to see this more playful side of Marinette, explaining the plans
-The kwami deserve a reward for their acting
-I love seeing how they planned the pose.
-So Marinette out here playing 4d chess. She only never expected Gabe to cataclysm himself. So I dont blame her.
-I am with Alya that plan was brilliant
-The alyanette juice is great
-Oh that is a nasty mark you got their Gabe. But you deserve it.
-Oh no the ring making process is really messed up
-Nathalie, why are you helping him?
-Gabriel really making these rediculous bling for the sake of elaborate BS
-All to hide his cataclysm, he decided to look like a sterile tampon
-And The rings give him a new suit
-I do think the transformation leading to it looks cool. But its crappy costume
So I think this episode was well written, it had drama, it had comedy, and it had lasting consequences.
I like that Gabriel didnt get out of this unscathed.
I do find it fitting in the timeline a bit weird... But aside from that. I dont mind it
I still think Evolution is the best episode of season 5 so far. But this one is pretty good.
I think leaks or not, I will be willing to watch the episodes and judge them on their merit, not just the leaks
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pesterass · 8 months
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twistedEcclesiastic [TE] began trolling tawdryCaricaturist [TC]
TE: I aM herE ouT oF purE fuckinG desperatioN. I aM minD-fuckinG fuckinglY fuckinG BOREd TE: mY matespriT iS DEAd oR likE probablY sleepinG anD I donT reallY talK tO anythinG elsE?? TE: anD yourE A faT stupiD fuckinG punchinG baG anD thatS FUn. NYEHEHEHEH TC: aww im really that entertaining to you? : P TC: i thought you had lots of other troll friends karmis! what happened?? TE: dO yoU havE dementiA?? wheN diD I eveR saY I havE trolL friendS I fuckinG HATe EVERYONe TC: well they all seem to know about you! i just figured you were all friends : ) TC: so if your lying your not really doing a good job of it right now : P TE: thatS jusT becausE I makE enemieS whereveR I gO NYEHEHEHEH TE: fucK thA haterS TC: haha true : ) TC: arent you a hater though? TC: just like in general TE: yeaH duH. fucK mE fucK yoU I donT givE A shiT! NYEH TE: whateveR. I donT carE foR labelS TC: thats cool me neither : ) TC: your friends are cool though i think you should hate on them a little less TE: ugH fucK WHo arE yoU EVEn TALKINg ABOUt???!!!! TC: ummm TC: well i met rozzie the robot and the guy that built him TC: he made it sound like your friends with him : ) TC: unless he was lying? TC: i dunno he sounded kind of tricky TE: STOp TYPINg!!! TC: WHAT? TE: STOp TE: rozziE iS NOt mY "frienD". fuckinG perioD! enD oF storY!! TE: itS A triggeR happY psychopathiC littlE freaK anD thaT nerD lukE needS tO keeP iT oN A leasH TC: his name is luke? TC: you guys are aliens and one of you is named luke? TE: welL youR namE iS ryaN. NYEHEHEH TE: hiS namE iS lukeiS anywayS TC: luke is what? TE: lukeiS TC: oh thats his name? TC: how do you even pronouns that TE: whaT iS fuckinG wronG witH yoU arE yoU actuallY braiN damageD? TC: no im actually normal!! sheesh TC: anyways LUKEIS (still weird) says that hes your best friend : ) TC: trust me! TE: whaT fuckinG eveR? I donT reallY carE TC: are you sure? TE: arE yoU stupid? TC: i dunno! TC: you came to me for entertainment so you dont get to complain TC: dummy TC: hey so whats a matesprit? is that another weird word your going to make fun of me for not knowing about TE: yeS iT iS! NYEH. lonelY loseR dickwaD TE: alsO I donT knoW whaT itS likE oN youR stupiD planeT buT oN ourS wE havE A littlE thinG calleD freedoM oF insultS sO I caN complaiN alL I wanT TC: yeah i guess we have something like that! its called bullying TE: "meeeH meeH meeH mY namE iS wayaN yourE bullyinG mE becausE iM sO stupiD anD I donT eveN knoW whaT A matespriT iS oR probablY eveN hoW tO spelL halF thE alphabeT meeH meeH" TC: i didnt say that! TE: yeS yoU diD looK yoU jusT diD, weirdO TC: how come your allowed to complain but im not? thats kind of stupid TC: if your going to try to be mean you might as well be fair about it! >: P TE: therE yoU fuckinG gO agaiN beinG thE mosT stupiD persoN iN thE fuckinG universE. itS likE yourE ADDICTED TE: I neveR eveR saiD yoU couldnT complaiN itS jusT youR complaintS arE 1.stupiD 2.dumB 3.bullshiT 4.pathetiC(verY) 5.donT matteR. NYEH TE: NYEHEHEH TC: i guess but you complain about EVERYTHING TC: literally every single little thing TC: i think that makes your complaints even more pointless TC: i dont really take you seriously anymore : P TE: diD I asK yoU thougH? TE: XP TC: hehehe TE: yoU caN takE mE seriouslY oR noT, aS lonG aS yourE stilL A stupiD nobodY I wiN X) TE: yoU arE fuckinG dirT undeR mY cooL shoeS, PATHETIc TE: NYEHEHEHEH TC: suuuuure karmis : P TE: lalalalalalalA I canT heaR yoU TC: yeah you can : ) TE: whaT? TC: okay if you cant here me then i guess you wont react to me calling you a STUPID JERK TC: karmis smells like AAAAAAAAAAASS!!! >: D TE: nyeH TE: NYEHEHEHEHEHEH TE: NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH X) TC: nyehehe! >: P TE: heY thatS My THINg TWERp TC: SEE you heard me : D
twistedEcclesiastic [TE] ceased trolling tawdryCaricaturist [TC]
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