#i think the only thing i changed was the number of stitches picked up for the thumb because why oh why do pattern designers insist on
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sea-changed · 5 months ago
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A nominally useful but mostly just-for-fun little project, using wool from the Shetland Islands kindly brought back for me by a family friend this summer. The pattern is Beeswax Mitts by Amy van de Laar on Ravelry.
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cherryblossomcowgirl · 2 months ago
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WC: 1.5k
Trigger warnings: Injury; crash, mentions of death; hospital; FLUFF
“Okay Lieutenant Commander Seresin, I am Dr. Y/n Y/l/n, let’s take a look at what we have here. Ejection from aircraft?” I flip through the chart, making my way into the small room. Concussion, bruising, lacerations, and some road rash. A feeling of worry spreads over me, an ejection? Not only does it sound dangerous, but it also sounds terrifying. My eyes rise up from the papers, meeting the bright green eyes of my patient. My gorgeous, Ken doll of a patient. He sighs, “How bad is it?” I scan him up and down, “We will need to keep you overnight for observation, but you should be able to go home in the morning. I am going to stitch you up now, your numbing shots should have kicked in.” Sitting beside him, I start to sterilize the wounds. He stares at the needle and I can see the nerves on his face. He gulps, “So, uh, where did you go to med school?” I smile in an attempt to calm him, “University of Texas. How about yourself?” The blonde man winces as I sew the first laceration closed, “Hook ‘em, ma’am.” I smile, “Born in Texas, or a transplant?” “Born and raised. From your accent I am assuming you’re the same?” A laugh escapes my lips as I finish up the second long cut on his arm, “Is it that noticeable?” “Yes ma’am. Now can I ask you something and you won’t get offended?” I raise my eyebrow, “Sure, Lieutenant Commander.” He grits his teeth as I finish up the longest cut on his leg, “How old are you? You look a little young to have graduated from med school.” I knot the stitch, “I am 28. This is my first year of residency. And you? Don’t remember seeing you around campus.” I pat his leg and he smirks, “36, ma’am. I would’ve remembered you.” I blush and start putting away my materials, “Well, uh, sir, I will be checking in during rounds. You can hit the call button if you need anything. Your CT scans should come back soon and I’ll read them for you.” As I walk away I can hear his smile as he says, “Thank you, doc.”
I knock lightly on the door before opening it, “Hi Lieutenant Commander. Your scans came back clear. We can get you out of here first thing in the morning. How is your pain right now?” He turns to me and smiles, “2/10. And you can call me Jake.” “Well Jake, let me know if you have any other questions.” He clears his throat, “Actually I do. Do doctors wear wedding rings?” I furrow my brow, confused, “Married ones do, why?” A smirk spreads across his face, “So there is no Mr. Dr. Y/l/n?” I laugh, “No, Jake. There is not.” “Well in that case, want to grab dinner once I get out of here?” Heat rises to my cheeks yet again, “Oh, Jake, I can’t..” “So there is a future Mr. Dr. Y/l/n?” I shake my head, “No, it’s just I am only 18 hours into my 72 hour shift.” He thinks for a second, “Well how about in 54 hours, I come back and pick you up? As a thank you.” I fiddle with the chart in my hands, hoping he doesn’t see how red my cheeks are, “Sure, Jake.” His smile spreads as I walk out of the room, “Press the call button if you need anything.”
When I walk in to sign Jake’s discharge papers, he is already out of his bed and dressed. I sigh, “You took out your IVs?” He laughs, “Yes ma’am.” “That’s my job.” Jake checks his watch, “I will see you in 48 hours, Dr. Y/l/n.” Shaking my head, I giggle, “You can call me Y/n, Jake.” His smirk makes my heart skip a beat, “Have a good shift.” “Thank you.” I walk out of the room, wondering what I am getting myself into. My shift flies by, like usual. I stand in for a couple of surgeries and actually get a few hours of sleep. My eyes keep peeking at my watch. That blonde Texan is taking over my brain. I have never seen such a beautiful man. Blonde hair, green eyes, tan, and oh so muscular. I clock out and change into my outfit. I curse myself for not picking something cuter. Just a pair of jeans and a fitted t-shirt. Heading to the front of the hospital, I realize I don’t have his number to tell him where to pick me up. As I exit through the sliding doors, Jake is sitting on a bench and he’s holding flowers. He sees me and jumps up, “Hey there, doc.” I smile as he hands me the flowers, “A true southern gentleman.” “I didn’t know what your favorite kind was.. and sunflowers remind me of back home.. so I thought I’d grab them.” “You’re sweet. There’s actually a sunflower field on our ranch.” He runs his hand through his hair, “I’m assuming your car is here, but would you like me to drive? I’ve never picked up a girl from a hospital before so I’m not really sure what the protocol is.” I giggle, “I’ll ride with you, thanks.” He leads me to a lifted pickup truck and laughs when he sees my face, “You can take a boy out of Texas, but you can’t take his truck.” Jake opens my door and gives me a hand up. His hand is so large and steady. He starts the engine and starts driving. Country music is playing on the radio. I feel like I am back home, nervous and trying to impress my high school crush. Jake’s hand reaches over and settles on my thigh, “Thank you for stitching me up. They’re healing real nice.” I try to focus on anything other than his hand on me, “You’re welcome. You got pretty banged up.” He pulls into the parking lot of a restaurant and turns to me, “Yeah, dangers of the job. But I hope you like seafood, this spot has the best view in all of North Island.” “Sounds perfect.”
He opens the door and I follow him in, noticing how broad his shoulders are. Our table is outside, overlooking the ocean. We sit down and I gaze off at the waves, “This is beautiful, Jake.” He smirks and hands me a menu, “Do you like wine?” “I actually don’t drink.” He raises an eyebrow, “Can I ask why?” I laugh, “No deep or interesting tale, I’m just kind of a health freak.” He leans in, intrigued, “Okay give me the rundown.” “No food dyes, no high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners, no seed oils, and I try to avoid very processed foods.” His jaw has dropped, “Okay, that’s amazing. You will be mortified to see how I eat.. a lot of freezer meals.” “Oh Jake.. we have to get you meal prepping.” He shrugs, “You’ll just have to teach me.” “Deal.” The waitress takes our orders and conversation flows so easily. Jake is smart, funny, and very thoughtful when he speaks. The food comes and it is amazing. Jake clears his throat, “I feel like I’ve bombarded you with questions, so it’s your turn.” I think, “Last serious relationship?” I regret asking it immediately. How forward can I be? He smiles, “I’ll be honest with you, it’s been years. My career doesn’t usually mix well with long term relationships. How about you?” I chew on my bottom lip, “I dated a little bit in college, but never anything serious. My whole life I have just been focused on becoming a doctor.” He nods, “I like you. You’re very straightforward.” “Yeah, uh, sorry. Like I said, it’s been a while.” “How was your shift?” I smile, “I got to assist in an aortic repair surgery and a defibrillator placement! The lead surgeon let me remove the damaged valve. I literally had a piece of someone’s heart in my hand.” “So you’re a surgeon?” “Well, first year surgery resident. Usually 75% make it through all 3 years.” His eyes meet mine with a look of genuine admiration, “You’ll make it.” A blush creeps across my face and I look down, “Thank you.” He pays for dinner and stands up, “Can I show you one more thing?” My stomach flutters and I nod, following him back to his truck.
He drives down the coast, finally pulling in to a quiet park of the beach. He opens my door and grabs my hand, “Watch your step, okay?” He leads us right past the dunes, sitting in the sand. I sit beside him, the crashing waves sending a calm feeling over me. I turn and meet his green eyes, “Were you scared when you had to eject?” He takes a deep breath, “Yes ma’am. That was the second time in my whole career. The lever jammed for a second. Didn’t think I’d make it.” Instinctively, my hand rests on his shoulder, “I’m sorry, Jake.” My thumb traces circles and I can see him relax, “You must be exhausted, I should take you back.” I breathe in the ocean air, “Just one more minute?” He throws his arm around me and pulls me in to lean on his shoulder, “As many more as you’d like.”
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listofwhyyouloveher · 4 months ago
Gang with y/n who loves putting patches on her bags and cloths, like clothes and maybe even tjere clothes
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Summary: The Gang w a Patch Obsessed!Reader Warnings: None Author's Note: None. PONYBOY thouroughly believes your patches make you look so adorable. He has never seen patches used the way you do, to decorate your clothes instead of feeling a little shameful because your clothes have holes in it. He believes that even a couple of soc girls are jealous of your patches because they're very fashionable. He lets you decorate as many things as you can, but in places he can easily remove them because he might need it removes for something. He loves the symbolic ones, because then only he and you know what it means. JOHNNY really likes when you relate him to patches. His favorite is when you put sunflowers on the insides of his jacket. He just thinks its so cute. He'll give you a matching one if you teach him how to put it on correctly. The stitching isn't as good as yours, but you can tell that he tried, and that's the beauty of it. He definetly puts patches on the lining of your coat secretly, but they're actually really well put together. SODAPOP thinks your patches are so adorable. He's able to get to know so much about you just by looking at you. He'll actually fall head over heels if you put a soda bottle on something of yours, he thinks it so cute even if the gang thinks its corny. He's always asking you to fix the DX logo on his shirt because he picks at it when hes bored and it falls off a number of times. For your birthday, he'll save up every paycheck and buy you custom patches of whatever you want. He's so excited to see what you'll do with them. STEVE thinks the patches are such a good hobby. He likes going through them and hearing the story behind each, he thinks it makes you two more connected. Although he tries not to change up his work shirts and pants, he lets you put a patch on everything else. He loves seeing you go wild with your hobbies and seeing you zoned in on something you like. He learns how to put patches on things but he's not very good (yet). You told him it would be a great gift if he put a patch on something of yours and now he's stressing about practicing. TWO-BIT thinks the patch collection is so cute. He collects beer bottle caps, and if he could hang those from his clothes without his mom getting pissed he would totally. He often zones out and just stares at one of your patches, examining the detail and intricate lines. He starts picking up patches from here and there too, returning them to you when you ask for some. He gets a little more and more interested in patches after a while. He loves when you put the beer bottle logos on his clothes, it makes him feel tuff (oh two bit i love you) DARRY thinks its just darling that you are intereseted in patches. He tries not to bother you about your hobbies too much but he loves watching you sew on some new patches, or organize them. He lets you put tiny patches all over his roofing clothes, it makes him feel close to you. His personal favorite is the Superman logo on his jeans over his hip. He won't partake in putting on patches for a long time because he can't sew without thinking about his mother, but he'll get there. DALLAS at first thought it was a bit of a safety concern. When you two started dating, he didn't want random guys knowing what you liked, so he made sure he was always there with you. He never lets you put a patch on anything he owns, except for his jacket (if your dating long enough). He lets you put on one patch on his jacket over the sleeve, and he chose the patch. He decided on the skull and is so proud of himself (and you) because it looks so good. He secretly hinted that you get a matching one on a sleeve, but he's too shy to say it out loud.
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Man finished! I rate him a solid very cute out of ten.
This guy was published as a doily insert plus edging for a linen table cloth (seen Here). The linen part was of zero interest to me so I knit him as a stand alone doily and I very much prefer him as such. Chart A (the "doily") and Chart B (the "edging") match up for knitting in the round as a single doily.
Below the read more is going to refer a lot to the charts, which I got from the amazing Ramona French. While this is the only version of the charts I've seen, looking at the Rav page it seems to also be cut into A and B charts in the same spot. It makes sense in context of the original pattern but I don't like it, both for the reason i'll get to below and also because I straight up just don't like how it looks in the original pattern.
Even without the alterations I'll propose, I think he's a good doily just as he is. The problems I have are barely noticeable/nitpicky now that he's blocked out.
Starting with the edging vs doily distinction. This problem starts with the original pattern since it has you knit chart A for the insertion and chart B for the edging around every insertion and the linen tablecloth edges. But divorcing the actual charts from the linen, the charts really should be rows 1-31 of A as the "doily" and Chart A rows 33-41 and all of chart B for the "edging". The reason I'm so specific about this is because it's focus for any changes I would make. The end of chart A and the beginning of chart B flow together perfectly. It's where the doily/center flower ends (Row 31) and the edging begins (Row 33) that is the problem spot.
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(I should've picked a darker colour foam to block this out on, sorry if it's hard to see)
The large center petals (doily) end with a yo, twisted knit 1, yo at the very tip. Then the set up row for the edging is all knits with a yarn over... that is off center of the petal. In a more personal gripe, I don't like how the mesh in the flower portion looks next to the edging. It's not bad (and would probably bother me less if it weren't off center) but it's not my favourite.
The mesh not looking nice next to the edging is an easy fix that comes directly from a doily that has a very similar feel to this one. Sechsblatt is another doily I've knit and also has a 6 petaled flower with mesh between the petals and an edging, but it's edging is separated by several rows of plain stockinette. In my revised chart I added just one odd numbered row of stockinette. I'm not 100% on this change, it's something that you just can't know if it looks good until it's swatched out.
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The change I am 100% on is centering the yarn over to be directly above the tip of the center flower petal. There's a number of ways to do so, I'm honestly surprised it wasn't done for the original pattern. My revised chart moves the k2tog on row 35 to directly over the center stitch of the petal, which required moving the start of the repeat one stitch left. This also needs swatched out but I'm fairly confident it'll line up, at least better that just being blatantly off center like it is in the original, and since the k2tog was just moved instead of being added, the stitch count should still work out.
All other changes to the chart were simply made for personal preference/printing convenience.
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Eventually I'll knit this revised version but I don't have a timeline on that yet, knitting the same thing multiple times is bad for my attention span. Regardless I would wait because I want to see how the crochet bind off holds up. I usually pin out every chain of the crochet bind out individually but I thought pinning two together looked really good on this particular doily. It made the blocking process a lot tighter. That could've been because I accidentally stretched it too much in the first place (I forgot this doily was 6 parts instead of 8) but it was incredibly funny to behold.
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boldlyvoid · 10 months ago
Where There is Love, There is Life | Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: Choice | for @elriel-month 2024
Summary: Elain trains, Azriel Gossips, and Lucien learns the truth.
Warnings: made up Daglan lore, mentions of HOFAS, history of bonds, Helion and Lucien talk
Word Count: 6k | Masterlist
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Sitting in Helion’s personal library once again, there is a sheet of paper, an ink well and pen, and a stack of books almost as tall as Elain. And that’s just what Helion has deemed important for todays lesson. The walls are covered in books, well, 3 of them are. The fourth is dedicated to a chalkboard adorned with thoughts, theories and numbers she doesn’t yet understand. 
“Now that we’ve gone over astrology, did you happen to get all the birthdays of your inner circle?” Helion asks, pushing the pen and paper towards her. 
“I thought we were doing numerology today?” Elain asks, realizing she never brought the sheet of paper with the dates on it. 
“We are,” he smiles. Today’s one of the rare hot days in spring, so her eyes dart from his smile to his big muscled arm that he has on show. The shirt he’s wearing can barely be considered a shirt at this point; it just covers his nipples and stomach… but she’s not complaining. 
“Then why—
“Everyone has a life path number, which you get by adding up the numbers of one birth month and day,” he continues. “The easiest way to learn how to calculate the number is through repetition. So, start with your own and then your sisters; we can move on to the bat boys in a moment.” 
The term makes her smile. She straightens her back, grabs the pen, and starts to write. “My birthday is May 16th.” 
“It is?” He lights up. “Well, we’ll have to throw you a party, then!” 
“Oh, no, no, it’s okay,” she waves him off. “I might go home for the day.” 
He nods, “Or we could invite your court here? There is a beautiful plot of land my Pegasus frequents. It’s lush with flowers and fruit trees; I think it would be the perfect spot to celebrate you.” 
She blushes; it sounds magnificent. “If it’s not too much—
“It would never be too much,” he assures her. “Now, May is already a single number. You’ll have to add 1 and 6 together…” 
“So 5 plus 7,” she starts to write. “My number is 12.” 
“It can also be simplified down to 3,” he smiles. “Out of everyone I’ve ever met, you radiate 3 more than I’ve ever thought possible.” 
He pulls a book from the pile, flips through some pages and slides it in front of her. “See here; people with life path number 3 are creative spirits driven by their infinite imagination. Which is why the cauldron must’ve gifted you with sight. It knew you could see the wildest visions and still decode them.” 
She continues to read the pages, absorbing the knowledge— some of it does sound like her. Like not being able to pick a singular hobby but rather jumping back and forth between everything she enjoys. She would go crazy without baking, gardening and cross-stitching. An independent, free spirit, she’s not restrained by others' expectations of her. Yet, she also loves being around people. Having friends outside of her sisters for the first time has truly changed her life. She felt so lost without Nuala and Cerridwen; she misses them so much right now. She’ll have to ensure they come for her birthday and not lift a finger the whole day! They deserve a break.
“Anything sticking out?” Helion asks. 
She nods, “a few things… I’m definitely unable to stay organized. Ask Feyre; my greenhouse is a mess on a good day.” 
“Speaking of the High Lady, what is her birthday?” 
“December 21st,” she starts to write it down. “December is 12, so that becomes 3… the 21st also becomes 3, so her number is 6.” 
“Exactly,” Helion beams. “Were you this good in school, too?” 
“All 7 years that I was able to go,” she says with a sigh. “I learned what was important, my mother said that once I was married I’d only need to focus on keeping a house together. She said I’d never need advanced math.” 
Helion presses his lips together awkwardly, “Well, at least this math isn’t hard.” 
She simply flips the pages, finding the information on the meaning of 6… which is exactly how she would describe her sister. She starts to laugh at it; it’s way too accurate. 
“As a child and young adult, responsibility was always there on your 6 Life Path, but you may have rebelled against it,” she reads. “You will learn a lot about parenting in this life time. But you are also here to create, to learn that creativity has many forms, and is not confined only to creating a biological family.”
Helion smiles. “She did make a son as beautiful as her paintings.” 
“That she did,” Elain sighs, chest full of pride. 
The 6 Life Path teaches you that you are primarily accountable to yourself, that family members and relatives do not own each other, and that love thrives when it is able to flow freely in all directions.
She’s always loved her sisters and always will… however loving them became a lot easier when they weren’t all sharing a bed. Knowing Feyre is on the other side of her massive mansion of a home, knowing she could just walk to her when she needs her, that’s a blessing. Knowing Nesta is just a quick trip to the House of Wind, living her best life with people who love her, that’s all she’s ever wanted for Nesta. 
Being apart somehow brought them closer together. 
“Nesta is April 13th,” she says, starting to write once again. “4 and 4 is 8… she has an 8-pointed star on her back.”
Helion’s eyes widen, “like the lost sword Gwydion.” 
She nods, not allowing her face to change at all. It sure was still lost… it’s totally not in Nesta’s possession.
She turns back a page, finding it interesting that she and her sisters are so close in number and yet such polar opposites of each other. That’s life, though. 
“The path of Empowerment,” she reads, filled with pride, once more… it fades when she starts to read and it gets too real. 
The 8 Life Path signifies a lifetime of investing in yourself and overcoming judgments that stand between you and your strong ambitions. Modern numerology often diminishes 8’s meaning with an almost exclusive focus on material and financial matters. Yes, 8 is the number of power on the physical plain, but it is also the number of true understanding and balance, without which personal power is superficial and material gain is easily lost.
“I love her,” she whispers, trying not to cry. “She struggles in silence and lets it eat at her until that hunger needs to bite at someone else.” 
Helion nods along, “But it’s all about balance. While she may be in her head, thinking she deserves or doesn’t deserve certain aspects of her life… she’s powerful. Not too selfish, she’s able to use her hurt and her experiences to connect. She networks and organizes, and she’s convincing. I heard about her little dance with Eris last year. I saw how she captivated the high lords during the war and managed to change even Berons mind. The bad comes with the good, making her a perfect 8.”
Elain nods along, finding her smile once more. “She is�� everything.” 
“Believe me, I know,” he teases. Still hitting on her no matter how long she’s been mated. “Now, do you remember the others?” 
“I believe so… they’re on my desk in my room,” she shares. 
“I’ll have someone bring them to us,” he assures, waving in a servant. 
She writes down Azriel’s. January 27th. An Aquarius, and after her lesson the other day, nothing fits better for him. He lives in his head, thinks outside the box, and has a deep sense of justice. He's an easygoing loner, and he’s an air sign. It’s no wonder he loves to fly. One of a kind with beautiful eyes, they say what they think with great eloquence… that’s her Az. 
His life path number, however, is 1. 
“Ah… of course,” Helion says as he reads over her shoulder. “One typically takes care of themselves, stand on their own two feet and always get what they want.” 
She smirks, blushing again. “He does.” 
Once again, on his page of the book, she reads everything… but it’s not right. “He’s not self-centred or insensitive?” 
“With you,” Helion reminds her. “At work, when he’s the spymaster, the shadowsinger… he has to put himself first; he has to not care because bringing feelings into an interrogation will backfire on him.” 
“I guess,” she continues to read. 
But because 1 is the first number, being at the top – being first – is your natural place. You will gain the maximum satisfaction from this energy when, instead of using it to compete, you use its pioneering vibrations to carve new roads in areas that interest you the most.
“He is the best at what he does,” she can agree with that. “Oh, and it says concentration is one of the splendid gifts a number 1 has. When he’s been given a command, he’s always so focused on getting the job done.” 
“No wonder you’re so happy,” Helion nudges her. 
She shoves him back. “Yes, and It says here: Practice the art of leadership by welcoming and encouraging your ‘following’, while confidently maintaining your position as originator and leader. Others soon realize that you will not be tricked into anything that goes against your grain or best interests.”
“That’s your man,” Helion agrees. Standing from his seat, he meets the servant at the door and takes her note. “The most powerful High Lord was born on the Eve of Samhain… when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. When magic is at its height.” 
“So his number would be…. October is 10, so that’s a 1, and 31 becomes 4, so he’s a 5,” she says with glee. “He and Feyre are just a number apart.” 
“5s are an interesting breed,” Helion hesitates, sitting back down beside her, he takes a deep breath. “They’re intense, both emotionally and sexually. Their body, mind and emotions are equipped to easily adapt to change… However, they either flourish with the change or are overwhelmed by it. 5s are able to change their inner attitudes and outer appearances to suit different circumstances” 
“That’s my brother-in-law,” Elain laughs. 
The book states: 5 is an active and unpredictable path. It is so filled with sudden and unusual events and opportunities that you sometimes become confused by it or afraid of it. Once in a while, these 5s do let go, or the 5 current becomes so strong that they are swept away into some kind of drama, only to miss the excitement of it all because they believe they are simply out of control. The freedom of 5 starts with a burning desire to live life as fully, freely, and openly as possible and to experience variety, excitement and adventure. And, of course, these desires can only come from within. Refusing to let go of what is safe and familiar so that you can discover alternatives is a large part of what causes a mistake to be repeated. And most 5s do seem to repeat the same old mistakes, often without realizing it. Admitting to your mistakes can be a battle in itself. Accept that mistakes are inevitable in your life because that is how 5s learn and prosper.
“I’m going to need a scribe to copy this for him,” Elain teases. “He could learn a thing or two.” 
Helion smirks, crossing his arms as he sits back in his chair. “Have you ever been on the wrong end of one of his decisions?” 
“Just last week,” she shares. “He thought it was okay to tell Az to stay away from me so he could keep a good connection with Lucien and the Human Queen, Vassa. Not taking into account that fact that I may want say in my future.” 
Helion nods slowly, “Sounds like Rhysand.” 
She lets it roll off her shoulders, “I settled it. He’s learning, albeit slowly, but he’s learning how to deal with the Archeron sisters.” 
“How does Cassian deal with you all? Being a Cancer and all,” he pushes the paper towards her. 
“July 9th…” she reads aloud. “That would be 7 and 9, so 16 becomes 7.” 
“Perfectionists, prone to secrecy, but as they get older, that need to protect themselves goes away,” Helion explains. “Knowing Cassian as long as I have, he had a hard time trusting people to be as good as he was; he did work while with his legion because he knew that he would be the one to get shit done right.” 
“And now he’s accepted that the rest of us are there to help him and he’s not alone,” Elain smiles softly. “What else?” She asks as she flips in the book. 
“Deep thinker, a cleaver planner… he’s the orchestrator. It’s why he leads armies and he will go down in history as the best warrior since Enalius.” 
She finds a passage that is so Cassian, she sits up straighter as she reads it: Your intuition enables you to sense and feel your way through life. Positive results will follow when you learn to rely on the combined voice of your thoughts and feelings. While others sit perplexed by a problem, you can produce the right answer, instinctively, in one intuitive flash. And once you have the solution, your intuition will take you inward and backward to show you how you arrived at it.
Helion nods along. “Numerology is one of my favourite aspects of divination. Numbers are everywhere, you’ll start noticing them more and more now that you’ve learned this.” 
“How so?” 
“You’ll notice that you look at the clock at specific times every day, without real reason. You’ll notice things come in packs of 3 or 8 or 12. You might even have numbers in your dreams…. And in visions, speaking of which, have you had any since you’ve been here?” 
She shakes her head, “No, I haven’t had one in a few weeks. They only come to me when they want to.” 
He hums, “okay… Tomorrow, I wanted to do some hydromancy, but I think it’s time we look more into clairvoyance and clairaudience. Both are extrasensory perception; the mother or the cauldron or whatever you believe in either whisper the future into your ears or show you glimpses of the future.” 
“I have had both,” she assures. “During the war, I had no idea what was happening and while I kept seeing the firebird who ended up being Vassa, the ravens were first whispered to me. I kept hearing ‘the ravens are coming’ and it confused me so much.” 
Helion starts looking around at all his personal books, reading the titles, but he cannot find what he wants. “I’m going to have a book delivered to your room tonight,” he explains. “You don’t have to read it all. However, it will be a good introduction to what we will be discussing soon.” 
She nods, “are you sure we should have a large lesson tomorrow, given that Lucien is coming?” 
His eyes widen, as if he forgot that was happening. “What if we meet here at dawn? You can join me for my meditation to get in the zone for the day and I’ll have breakfast dropped off here so we can begin early.” 
She nods, “I would like that.” 
Azriel’s shadows are like a second skin to him after 500 years. He almost doesn’t notice when they come and go, not until they’re whispering secrets and warnings to him. It takes a while for him to realize that his shadows disappear around Elain. They can find her, they can follow her if he asks, yet when she’s close, they leave. He’s not sure if it’s for privacy or because they know he’s completely safe with her… out of everyone in the world, Elain is the only person he’s truly safe with. 
When he returns to the day court, his shadows simply say that she’s in the library and dissipate. 
He heads to the main library, the first of many in the day court, the closest to the palace. Inside, he can’t scent her over the smell of old books… yet there is a hint of Ash. His shadows come rushing back, worried for him after everything he’s been through in the last few years. He’s been hit with more ash arrows and faebane in the last 3 years than he has in his whole life, which is saying something. 
He follows the smell, a hand on the truth teller as he approaches an alcove. He knows the female sitting at the table, at least from what he can see of her over the stacks of books: Nuan, the Alchemist from the Dawn Court. He knew she’d be here; she had been here all week, researching the Ash family to see all that it could do to the Fae. 
He clears his throat, alerting her to his presence and making her jump in her seat slightly. “Oh, hello, Lord Azriel.” 
He grimaces, shaking his hands, “Please, it’s just Azriel.” 
“Azriel,” she settles with a smile. “Is there something I can help you with?” 
He shakes his head, “I was looking for Elain, I think I have the wrong library.” 
“Ah,” she smiles, having guessed that the high lady’s sister and the spymaster were together. “Well, since you’re here, I have a question.” 
He approaches her, standing beside her work table, “What can I do for you?” 
“I’ve come across a book on the Daglan, the history of the start of Prythian and old folklore,” she explains. “Do you know anything about how they were conquered?”
Az takes a deep breath and assesses if he should tell her. Rhys would be pissed… not as pissed as when Nesta gave Bryce the mask, but still pissed. If answers come from this, however, he might not stay mad for long. 
So Az takes a seat. 
“Where do I even start,” he can’t help but laugh. 
He started when Bryce arrives, explaining their trip to the prison and the history they uncovered. Theia and her daughters, the Daglan, the portals to other worlds… how they concurred worlds and were overthrown only twice and finally destroyed by the portal-jumping half-fae who stole his dagger. He explains how the Daglan corrupted the cauldron and created the monsters now locked in the prison in the night court…. And how the same portals they used to jump worlds brought in the beasts that hunt in The Middle. Beings like the kelpie, the weaver and whatever Amren was before the war. Even Koshcei. 
“Cauldron almighty…” she swears, jaw dropped as her eyes wander, thinking a mile a minute in her mind. “Do you know how they corrupted the cauldron?” 
He shakes his head, “not fully. The original 8 Asteri— that is the Daglan’s true name. They pooled their power together and imbued it into the cauldron… they made the dread trove as well as Gwydion and Truth Teller.”
“Did you learn how to fix it?” Nuan asks, begging for answers just as he did that day he learned all this. “Learn why they did it?”
“No, I did, however, allow one of my shadows to go with Bryce to Midgard. The Asteri, when they were here, there was a tithe to absorb a percentage of our power; in Midgard, they created a parasite to infest the water and stifle their magic until they came of age. The coming of age ceremony was called the drop, once they partook they gave a portion of their power to the Asteri and their powers were unlocked. They were not as powerful as they could be, but they were just enough to live a long, long life. Those who didn’t partake faded away into nothing with age, like a human would.”
“And Bryce defeated them?” 
He nods, “She almost died in the process… which is another way the daglan took power. The power they took in the drop was called first light, the power they take after death is called second light. Once they took it, they didn’t get to go to the forever resting place some believe is out there. They became nothing.” 
Nuan slumps in her seat. Rubbing her hand over her face. “This is so much bigger than a family of trees…” 
Az laughs, “believe me, it was a lot to take in when it was happening. Now, we’re left with the knowledge and no way to fix the cauldron. We don’t even know in what ways they corrupted it; what they changed.” 
“The cauldron holds water,” Nuan reminds him. “They might’ve gotten the idea for the parasite from what ever they did to the cauldron.” 
He hums, thinking about it. “Are you coming to dinner tonight in the great hall?” 
She nods, “why?”
“Elain might be able to tell you about what the water in the cauldron was like,” he explains. “Seeing as she was the first one dunked into it, and she was blessed by it…” 
“Unlike the other sister who stole from it,” Nuan knows. The whole of Prythian knew that the oldest Archeon sister was to be feared for what she did that day. They just don’t know she gave the power back.
“Would I be allowed to see the cauldron?” She asks. 
He takes a deep breath, thinking it over. “Rhys and Feyre will be here in a few days, they, and Helion, can discuss if it’s a safe option for you.” 
She nods, agreeing. “I appreciate the help today. I um… I figured out something, I think it’s something you and Lady Archeron would like to know.” 
“Go on,” he pulls in even closer, anxious to know what she’s uncovered in her days of research. 
“While Ash wood can kill us, the blooming leaves of the Ash tree can be used as a tea. The Daglan did awful, horrific experiments on the fae, all of which were recorded… ingesting the leaves doesn’t maim the drinker. Instead, it gifts them with dreams of their one true love. The Daglan put a stop to the tea the moment they found out what it could do, and now I’m guessing it’s because they corrupted the cauldron to change how bonds work. The dreams would show a true love match; the cauldron now wants powerful offspring because the Dagaln fed from them for so long.” 
It all hits Azriel like a brick wall. “So if I take the tea…” 
“You’ll know the truth,” Nuan smiles. “So will Lady Archeron.” 
Feyre and Rhys arrive with Lucien right at noon, greeted by Elain and Helion in the golden courtyard. Helion’s hand is on Elain’s back, and she glances at him, noticing he’s holding his breath while staring at his son. Taking in all his features, noticing all the parts that are himself and what parts are Lucien's mother…, his heart breaks when he sees the scar on his face, knowing there are more scars he keeps inside. 
“Welcome!” Elain takes over for him, breaking away from Helion to meet with him. “Lucien, it’s nice to see you.” 
Surprisingly, she opens her arms and brings him in for a hug. 
He’s a bit shocked, but accepts. Holding her close, smelling Azriel on her. He pulls back with concern on his face, “Did the shadowsinger fly you in?” 
She shakes her head, “he’s been staying here during my training, assuring I stay safe after what happened with the cauldron the last time I started looking for answers.”
It's not a lie, just not the whole truth, either. 
“In your bed?” He chuckles, “I was wondering when you’d finally get together.” 
“You wouldn’t be upset about it?” 
He shakes his head, “I don’t own you; you’re free to make your own choices. I’ve been alive for over 300 years; you haven’t. I’d like to see you make your own choices and mistakes and find happiness.” 
She pulls him in for another hug. " Oh, Lucien, thank you! I expected you to want to follow the cauldron's orders.”
Lucien soaks in the hug, eyes closed as he holds her. “This is the one time I’m not going to blindly follow someone's orders. I’ve learned my lesson.”  
“It’s also why we’re here,” Rhysand says from behind them. “We’ve learned quite a few things about the cauldron, things that you should be made aware of.” 
“The uh, the dining room is all set up for lunch if you’d care to join me in there for this meeting,” Helion finally speaks. “It’s lovely to have you here, Lucien.” 
He reaches out his hand for Helion, “Thank you for inviting me. I’ve always loved visiting the day court.” 
They all agreed it’s completely up to Helion when he tells Lucien; if he ever tells him. This meeting is about the information Nuan found in her research, how to find one's true love and what the Daglan did to mating bonds. 
They gather around the dining table and fill their plates with sandwiches, fruits, and vegetables with dips, cheeses and meats. Its a wonderful spread that his kitchen staff makes on the regular. Elain is going to have to start incorporating these into her own meal rotation at home. 
“What is it you wish to tell me,” Lucien asks between bites. 
Rhysand looks to Elain and then Helion, “Who would like to explain?” 
“I can,” Elain assures, putting down her sandwich and taking a sip of her bubbly wine first before continuing. “Last spring, we had an unexpected visitor in the Night Court. She jumped from her world to ours thanks to the Harp— the 4th forgotten item from the dread trove.”
Lucien's eyes widened. “Is world jumping real? I thought it was a myth?” 
Elain sighs, “It’s very real. You need specific items to do it the right way. However, Bryce was brought here to learn more about her heritage. She was the original Queen Theia’s long-lost ancestor… it turns out that Theia killed Fionn, took the trove and opened a portal to another world that the Daglan had overtaken after they were kicked from our world. There, Theia confirmed that the Daglan, now the Asteri, are just power-hungry monsters who feed off our power. When they were here, they used the cauldron to create deadly weapons, horrible monsters they could hunt for sport, and they corrupted the cauldron to ensure that mate bread more powerful beings they could feed off of.” 
“Holy shit,” Lucien can’t believe it. 
“Nuan, who fixed your eye,” Elain continues, waiting for Luciens mind to catch up, he nods. “She has been doing research for us. The wood of the ash tree is deadly for us, however the Ash tree is a cousin of the olive tree…” 
She picks up an olive with her fork and eats it, “how can one thing kill us and the other be so delicious?” 
“That is a fascinating question,” Feyre says under her breath. 
“Nuan discovered that the Daglan discovered a tea that would allow for the taker to dream of their one true love and those who were able to could then Scry to find them,” she continues with a large smile. “Before the Daglan corrupted the bonds, all mates were assigned together for the purpose of true and happy love. They outlawed the tea because they didn’t want true love bonds anymore, they only wanted powerful offspring.” 
“Are you saying we aren’t a true love bond?” Lucien clues in, shoulders slumping. “I mean, I knew it wasn’t a strong love, I just didn’t expect it to not be true love.” 
Elain shakes her head, feeling sorry for having to break the news to him, “no, the Daglan would collect a tithe from us, taking 10% of our power that we willingly gave to them each year. They wanted a way to still take 10%, they just wanted a stronger 10% so they corrupted the cauldron to make mates who would produce powerful offspring that would satiate them.” 
“Like my parents and Tamlin’s,” Rhysand adds. “They did not love each other; they have just been born through the generations to continue to make powerful children, even after the Daglan left.” 
“How do we fix it?” Lucien asks. 
“We’re still working on that,” Helion jumps in. “Elain is still learning all that she can do with her power so we can attain more answers.”
“So far, I’ve learned basic divination, meditation and relaxation, tarot, astrology, and my favourite has been numerology,” she beams at him. “When is your birthday?” 
“Um, October 3rd,” he shares. “My mother tried to have all of us in the autumn.”
Helion stares at his plate, moving around his side salad and not saying anything. 
“So that would make you a life path number 4,” Elain explains. “Life path number 4’s spend most of their life looking for their true identity. You find accomplishment through hard work. You have great self-discipline. 4 teaches the value of determination, effort, simplicity, and dependability.”
He nods along, slowly taking it all in. “That… that sounds right. What would someone born on January 1st be?”
“A 2,” Elain answers without missing a beat, making Helion smile. 
“She is the best student I’ve ever had,” he compliments, staring right at Feyre. “I don’t want to give her back.” 
“I’ll come visit you,” Elain assures him. 
“What does 2 mean?” Lucien wonders, something like urgency on his tone.
“Um,” she looks to Helion for a bit of support. He nods his head slightly, reminding her that she’s got this. “the energy of 2 does not seek to control but to achieve balance. Those born on the 2 Life Path have the potential to lead the way for humanity through their refined powers of persuasion, their ability to inspire on an emotional level, and most importantly, their desire to bring equality and peace to this planet.”
Lucien blushes slightly, looking down at his plate. “She is going to change the world.” 
“Who?” Feyre asks, sitting up straighter. Happy for her friend.
“Vassa,” Lucien beams. “Don’t tell her, but I’m— I think I’m falling in love with her.” 
Elain places her hand on her heart, “This is wonderful news, Lucien!” 
“Thank you. I’m excited to take this tea now, to see if my true love match is her… even if it isn’t, even if it was Jesminda, I still want to be with Vassa.” 
“We’re still looking into her curse,” Helion assures him. “I’ll do anything I can to help you get to keep her.” 
“Thank you, Helion,” Lucien smiles. 
They look so similar it blows Elain’s mind. How does he not see it? It should be like looking in a mirror for him. 
“The teas will be delivered to our rooms tonight,” Elain assures. “We are all taking it. Some has even been sent back to Nesta and Cassian to check. Morrigan and Amren are taking it as well.” 
“What does this mean for you two?” Lucien asks Feyre and Rhys. 
They look at each other and smile. Rhys is quick to hold her hand above the table, “we know the truth. This love we have between us in unbreakable.” 
“I personally believe that the reason why mating has become so hard. People were shocked to find out that all 3 of us were mated so soon after becoming fae. It’s unheard of for a whole family to find a mate.” Feyre adds. “The Cauldron picked up to help it. I think the cauldron misses when it was dedicated to giving out love and life to these lands.” 
“So we bring it back,” Helion announces, holding up his glass. “No matter what it takes, we bring true love back to Prythian.” 
Everyone raises their glasses in response, dedicated to the task at hand. 
That night she sits in bed beside Azriel, a mug of steaming tea in both of their hands. “Are you sure?” She asks. 
“I want to know… even if it’s not you; even if I’m meant for no one, I want to know and love you anyway,” Azriel assures. 
“And if we do dream of each other?” 
Azriel’s eyes soften; he’s more beautiful than ever before. “Then we’ll know why we’ve wanted one another so badly.” 
“Do you think this tea will make us tired or just aid in our dreams when we do fall asleep?” She asks. 
A knowing smirk grows on his face, “Why?” 
She takes another sip and places her almost empty cup on her night table; Azriel follows her lead and does the same. She quickly straddles his hips, hands on his shoulders, “because I would like to remind you just how badly I’ve wanted you all this time.” 
Elain and Azriel are the last to arrive at the breakfast table the nest morning. Hand in hand, matching smiles plastered to their faces. 
They dreamt of each other last night. 
Feyre is sitting in Rhys’ lap, being hand-fed cantaloupe while Lucien laughs. Helion shakes his head with a smile. "Well, I take it you had good dreams?” the golden High Lord asks.
Elain nods, “We had the same dream… us and our daughter playing in the grass behind our home on the Sidra.” 
Feyre places a hand to her heart, “the same girl you’ve seen before?” 
“You’ve seen her before?” Azriel can’t believe it. 
Elain nods, “We adopt her from Illyria, seeing as I can’t have babies for us.” 
Azriel kisses her head, “we’ll create the family we deserve.” 
They take a seat side by side, across from Lucien, “So, what did you dream of?” 
“Fire,” Lucien explains, smile building. “Blinding, bright fire that took over all my senses.” 
“Your firebird,” Feyre swoons. 
He nods, overjoyed with love in his eyes, “My firebird… Helion, who did you see?” 
He takes a deep breath, thinking it over. “I saw my mate… Seraphina.” 
“That’s my… mother’s—“ Lucien blinks in understanding. “What?” 
Helion simply nods. “I met her a year before she was betrothed to Beron. We met again during the great war, and… we had a love affair that lasted over a hundred years. Beron never knew, not until the end, when she became pregnant.” 
Lucien's mechanical eye closes in on Helion, studying him. “You’re… my father?” 
Helion nods. “I didn’t know. Not until last week.” 
“Does my— does Beron know?” 
Helion shrugs, “I’m not certain. However, his level of cruelty to you, from what I’ve heard, could be explained by knowing you’re not his blood.” 
“Then where does—
“Your mother was sold to your father to ensure that the fire in her veins passed on to all his children. He wanted the strongest brood and would do anything to get it.” 
“Why didn’t you do anything about it? Why didn’t you challenge him?” Lucien begs, “You know he hurts her, and you do nothing?” 
“What do you do?” Helion challenges him right back. “Beron is not a man I would like to mess with unless absolutely necessary. Your mother asked me not to intervene. She asked me to let nature take its course, and she said when the time was right when he died, she could come back to me.” 
Lucien just shakes his head, “I wish he would die tomorrow.” 
“We all do,” Rhys murmurs, reminding the men that there are others in the room, still. 
Lucien calms, shaking his head as it all settles around him. “So I’m… I’m heir to the day court?” 
Helion nods, “you are… I’ve heard your fire is bright, almost white. That you can winnow and you run like the wind. I wonder if there’s more light to you, if when you become truly happy... if you’ll glow like myself and Feyre do.” 
“I’ve…. I’ve glowed,” Lucien admits. “I thought it was… I’m not sure what it was.” 
Clearly lying, he doesn’t seem comfortable enough to share. 
“How about we leave you two,” Elain announces, standing with her plate now filled with food. “My chambers have a sitting room; we can move there. Let them bond.” 
“Fantastic idea,” feyre is quick to her feet, feeling just as awkward as everyone else. “I’d love to hear more about your dreams.” 
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ladytauria · 1 year ago
💖 and 🧠 from the ask game <33
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
my writing voice! i used to hate re-reading my own writing but now i can do so comfortably, even when i pick up on mistakes i missed or things i would change <3
i'm also fairly proud of my imagery, lol. that was something i worked hard to develop, and while i DO forget to like... describe things still when im writing, when i do remember/go back to add that in i feel more confident in my results lol
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
i have SO MANY of these
okay. i counted up the ones i have fleshed out outlines for, since there's more to talk about, and then i rolled a die <3
so! it's a jaytim fic inspired by the lyric, "why do you make me want to leave the world behind?" from the song stardust by new politics. the rest of the song doesn't actually fit, & i'll probs end up not using that line as the title, lol.
my outline for it is almost more of a not-fic than an outline, so... i'll just paste that in here, ig. pls excuse my brackets <3
why do you make me want to leave the world behind?
Jason couldn’t tell you what the final straw was. Maybe it was the last argument he got into with Bruce. Maybe it was hearing Joker’s laugh, again, echoing through the streets of Gotham. Maybe it was the gunshot he took to the shoulder, a few weeks ago. It— The point is, it could have been any number of things. Whatever the final straw, one thing is clear: he can’t do this any more.
And it’s not that he wants to abandon Crime Alley, or his people, it’s just—
He’s tired. He’s been tearing himself apart for the mission since he was twelve. He died, even—only to come back and keep doing it. And now… He’s just… done. He wants to live, and he can’t do that when the mission controls his life. He needs out.
Thing is…
He can’t leave Tim.
Tim is… somewhere along the way, Tim has become his rock. They’ve moved in together. When Jason suits up, Tim is at his side. When Tim needs stitches, it’s Jason holding the needle. When Jason comes home, knuckles bruised and lip split, it’s Tim there with the ice pack. And when they’re finished tending each other’s wounds, large and small, they fall into bed together—sore but together.
Jason doesn’t want to give that up.
He knows Tim won’t leave Gotham. Knows that Tim views Robin/Red Robin as the most important thing he’s ever done, the thing that gives him purpose, makes him feel real. He can’t ask him to leave it. He can’t.
But he’s not sure he can stay, either.
It’s a big, tangled mess, and Jason is no closer to figuring out what to do when Tim approaches him one evening. He sits down with him, holding his tablet, looking like he’s got something on his mind. He doesn’t bother with much preamble.
“My parents bought a place in [idk, some nice coastal or country area] a long time ago. A small vacation home, I think. It was one of those things we didn’t lose when Dad went bankrupt. I think… It looks like a nice place to retire, don’t you think so?”
Jason can hardly believe what he’s hearing, even as he agrees with feeling. He has to pinch himself once or twice, as they start making plans. They’re as methodical about it as they are everything else, hashing out all the details. It doesn’t feel real; not even when they inform the others, not when they start packing. Not even when they finally make the move, or unpack, or settle into the house.
It’s not until the second morning that it starts to sink in. This is real. It’s happening.
They grow roots. Befriend the neighbors. Tim gets back into photography, dragging Jason out with him on long walks to capture the scenery. He gets a job, too, working on cars, and talks Jason into pursuing a degree, the way he always wanted.
They gets visits and calls from the bats, and their friends—some more than others—and they usually even remember to leave business out of it. It’s… everything Jason wanted, honestly—though it’s not always easy. There are still nightmares, restless nights, and times when neither of them can watch or read the news without the urge be out there. Especially when there’s a crisis.
The worst of it, though, is the itching, nagging feeling in Jason’s chest. The thing that tells him it’s too easy. Too simple. Eventually something has to break—and each nightmare, each restless night makes Jason more and more certain it’s going to be Tim. One day, he’s going to wake up and decide that a quiet life with Jason isn’t what he wants after all.
He’ll leave.
Jason keeps his worries to himself. Just—tries to bottle up the good days, tucking them close under his heart, to keep him warm when he’s alone.
Before he knows it, though, a year passes. Tim still hasn’t left. Jason wakes up first, like he always does, and puts on the coffee before starting breakfast. Tim stumbles out of their bedroom just after Jason finishes the pancake batter. Even with a regular sleep schedule, he’s still not a morning person.
He goes for Jason first; winding his arms around his waist and sneaking a kiss before he pours his coffee. He slips out of the way, leaning against the wall to sip his coffee and watch Jason. And somewhere between the first batch of pancakes and the fourth, he glances over, and—he sees it.
Tim is smiling at him over the rim of his cup, still a little hazy from sleep. His eyes are no longer laden with bags. His skin is clear, a little tan. He’s got freckles, just a few, dotting his face. There’s a light, a glow to him that once Jason only saw in glimpses.
He’s happy.
With Jason.
It knocks the breath from him. He doesn’t know what his face is doing—only that Tim is at his side in an instant, coffee forgotten on the counter. Wrapped in Tim’s arms, Jason finds himself spilling everything, every thought and fear that’s plagued him for the last year. When he’s done, Tim smiles sadly, his hold turning into something like a cradle, despite their size difference.
“Robin was the most important thing in my life for a long time. First because watching you both, knowing what I knew… made me feel part of something bigger. Something amazing. And then because it gave me purpose. I was doing something that mattered, and so that made me feel like I mattered. And being good at it… It made me feel like I belonged, like I was wanted.” He strokes Jason’s cheek. “But… It always felt like it could be taken away. There were times when I thought it had been. And then… us. Jason, I don’t need Robin anymore. You make me feel like I matter—and I don’t… I don’t have to… to be perfect, or prove myself. I can just be here, with you, and that’s enough. I’m enough. And that… It means everything, Jay.”
Jason is tearing up. Supposedly, he’s the one who’s good with words—and Tim has pages of love poetry and sweet letters tucked away that can attest to that—but right now? He has none. All he can do is kiss him, and hope that everything he wants to say comes through.
The gratitude. The awe. The agreement. Tim does matter, and he doesn’t have to do anything to earn it, because Jason loves him. And fuck—the reason Jason stayed, the reason he couldn’t just leave on his own was because with Tim…
Tim has always taken him as he is. He doesn’t ask Jason to be anything more than he is, and because of that… Jason wants to be. He feels like the best version of himself when they’re together, and to hear that he gives Tim that same feeling—
It’s everything.
Tim’s coffee grows cold. Breakfast burns.
Neither of them care.
[ fic writer ask game ]
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coridallasmultipass · 8 days ago
Knitting vent from the other night, being resolved:
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Left pic (frogged entire thing, pointing for my own notes reference ignore that), DK-weight yarn ribbing in US 4, main work in US 6. Did not feel like an appropriate appearance, imo. I measured the gauge when I was taking pics, and there's no way this was a gauge issue, seeing as how the ribbing is flaring out like a skirt at the bottom. Either way, those size needles were not it. (Using 10 fucking DPNs on the body was a nightmare - I don't have interchangeable tips in US 6.)
Right pic, redoing the ribbing in US 2 (did twice the amount of rounds as the first project but it's only 1/4" longer than the first pic ribbing), just switched to US 4 for the main work. Already feeling a lot more confident with this. The only struggle I'm mentally trying to calculate is if I will have enough yarn length to be using this size of needles. Surely 2 sizes can't make that much of a length difference when this remake is 16 stitches smaller around? I'm going off a smaller stitch number size in the pattern, after testing how small I could go with the new smaller needles cast-on to fit me. TBH, it's more like, I just humoured the complete pattern to figure out construction for this remake, bc I already know multiple things I have to edit - that blank spot in the top edge ribbing is absolutely on my list of edits. I don't understand why the author didn't rib those 5-ish stitches like 8 rounds earlier (the length of the top ribbing).
But yeah, so this is where I'm at with that rant the other night (why does it always take me days to do ribbing lmao). I did use the mini cable (the one I have is LONG) for the ribbing to do magic loop again but more easily (mini is more bendable). I still don't like doing the loop, but once I moved it onto the US 4 tips, I was able to fit my perfectly round small cable with no loop needed. THANKFULLY. This means knitting the body will go really quickly for me next time I pick this up, since I won't need to readjust the loop like 2-3x per round, AND I won't be struggling to manage 8-10 DPNs splitting yarn loops in my work as I go around it. DPNs are great for socks. I love DPNs. Don't get me wrong. It was just miserable to use fucking 8 around a 'large' project.
Side note: I say 8-10, but there were 8 DPNs holding around the work, and one free needle to work with, and one extra. It was 2 sets of 5 from 2 different brands and 2 different wood types (I didn't realize I bought the same size twice - I removed the wrong size from my cart when I ordered them), so I was juggling needles to spread whatever circumference variance there was between the two types, across the whole work at random to scatter any visible effect that may have given the work if I kept them grouped together. That's a laughable endeavor, to be concerned about a hair's width of difference, when the project was fucked from the get-go. (I'm still suffering the repercussions of locking colourwork floats on the same vertical stitches for an entire different project - one which I still haven't finished lol. So that's why trying to achieve a scattered line neutrality seemed important. Obviously using DPNs at all already gave me vertical 'lines' to contend with anyway - from where the needle facets changed.)
Oh one more side note: I just looked at the yarn label and US 6 is the recommended needle size. Why?? Those felt so big and janky when I was knitting it!! The 4 feels and looks right to me for this yarn size. Like sure, the 6 was nice in my hands, SO nice, easy to hold and move. (First time using those DPNs, too, ugh.) But for this yarn? No. Maybe I'm just used to knitting on size 2 for socks. I gotta try DK socks at some point, but I still don't think I would use the size 6 with DK!! (Why, oh, why did I buy 2 sets of a size for which I cannot find a need??) ((Maybe for worsted socks... might wind up as boots, but it would feel more appropriate with worsted. I don't know what else to use size 6 of DPNs for, like, it's such an awkward size and ofc that's the size where I accidentally acquired 2 sets! Actually, to make it worse, I thrifted a set of unlabeled 6.5 DPNs, too. [You KNOW I was so relieved when they were 6.5 and not 6 when I fitted them after getting home.] But I use one of those for my provisional cast on for socks on size 2, so it's all good for the 6.5s. Only technically need one, but they've earned their keep.))
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jortschronicles · 2 years ago
WIP: Sion Relic-Purse V - revenge of the birds
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Apparently it's time for me to start another incredibly punishing knitting project and break out the crochet thread. I picked Sion V, as I haven't done this pattern yet and the birdies are DARLING. The extant is supposed to be frankly garishly colored, beige and blue birdies alternated with red and green birdies, and purple and white interstitial bands.
“Each band is composed of identical shields, with a small star at the bottom of the space between each two shields. The bands of shields are staggered by a lateral half-drop; each carries a bird. The bands alternate: one band of beige with the shields outlined and decorated in blue, one band of red with shields in green; all bands counter-changed with stripes across the middle of the shields in which the colors are reversed. The bands of shields are separated by a narrow saw-tooth design in violet and white.” -Richard Rutt, on Sion V
I chose to change some of the colors for the preferences of the modern-day recipient while still maintaining the spirit of the wildly colored original. I swapped the beige for more white, the red for a different shade of green, and the violet for a lovely maroon. I did all this color swapping and planning in GIMP 2.8, comparing an approximation of the extant's coloration and different combinations of the colors I'd like to use. All in all I'm delighted with the way the colors are coming out.
Considering this is my third sion bag and it's been more than 3 years since my first, I'm not surprised that my tension is a lot more consistent and resulting in a lovely texture on the front of the design. I've only bothered tacking down floats on stretches of 9 or more, which only occur at 2 points in the pattern. I'd love to see a picture of the inside of the extant, to know if the artisan tacked ANY floats down, or relied on their own consistency of stitching. Is the bag lined? I have so many questions and have struggled finding answers.
I originally cast on August 15, 2023, on 2.00mm needles and 10 crochet thread. My original plan was with 18 repeats, as the extant seems to have that many. However, 18 repeats of an 18 stitch large pattern resulted in 324 stitches, a number that I struggled to keep on the needles and seemed overall unwieldy after knitting 15 rows. I then tried 15 repeats (270), which was similarly unwieldy. I settled on 12 repeats at 216 stitches (or 54 on each needle), having knit and ripped out more than 2000 stitches in the search for the Right Count.
Somewhere along the way, I seem to have knit two stitches together between the bottom of the first stripe of blue shields and the top of the first stripe of green shields. After much searching, no culprit showed, so I've included a sneaky m1L near the BOR jog. Fixing dumb mistakes is period, look at the Pourpoint of Charles de Blois.
I also finally made a needle cozy for my 8 inch us0s, since they dont fit in the cozy i use for my 6 inch sock needles. No more stitches slipping and dropping!!!
You may notice my birdies face the opposite direction of those on the shields. I encourage you not to notice this fact. One thing this project has proven to me is that even when I think i understand the geometry involved in a knitting project, I am bound to make mistakes.
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When I finish this, I think I'd like to submit it for competition unlined to show off the floats, then I'd like to line it before giving it to the recipient for use. I don't want anybody worried about messing up the bag by using it.
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gallifreyshawkeye · 6 months ago
Chapter 14 of Reclaimed and it's gonna be at least 20 total now! And to think at one point I thought I could turn my outlined plot into a narrative in only 10 chap 😆
Chap 13 <- (because I don't think I actually posted chap 13 as its own thing?)
You Probably Shouldn't Hire An Archangel as a Spy
With Gabriel pointing him in the right direction, Aziraphale finds the Metatron's full plans. But.... There's always a "but", isn't there. And when has it ever been a good thing... Meanwhile, Satan breaks all precedent. And in the aftermath, Crowley finds out that Amon has never been Earth-side and decides he needs to test the limits of the sigil on his chest, as well as further test some of his own abilities. Also, there's no whiskey in Hell, and that's a problem.
Aziraphale turned his communication device back over and dialled Mark’s number. Shielding the speaker from the wind that whipped between the rocks around him, he waited for the angel on the other end to pick up.
“Hey there, ya daft muppet!” Came Mark’s voice after only two rings, and Aziraphale was so stunned by the greeting he just sat, speechless, while Mark barreled on, “You said you were going to call me right back. It’s been at least THREE minutes ya twat!”
Aziraphale waited a beat for effect, before replying, “Mark, this is Aziraphale.”
The silence on the other end was deafening for eight very long seconds.
“Oh my god… I mean… Fuck! I mean, Supreme Archangel, Sir! Big BossMan… Your Dukeness! FUCK! I mean……” Mark’s voice changed from sheer panic to that of a mortified teenager, “...Hi? Supreme Archangel, Siiiiiiir, whaddup? Duuude…?......*very quietly* shit. I’m in trouble, aren’t I.” 
Aziraphale, who was barely holding himself together and having to cover his mouth to stifle out loud laughter at Mark’s journey of verbal panic, actually slid down the side of the rock he had been sitting on, all the way to the ground, shaking with silent laughter. How he managed to speak without breaking he didn’t have the faintest idea. “You can certainly expect to find a warning note about debauched language in your file and appropriate respect towards your chain of command. Because really, ‘Big BossMan’? ‘Dude’?! You were shown how to use the internet, weren’t you.”
“Maybe,” Mark admitted.
Aziraphale tutted into his device.
“Didn’t you use the internet when you were stationed on Earth?” Mark asked.
“Good heavens no,” Aziraphale replied, “There was absolutely no need for that cesspool of human gossip and pornography and nonsuch.”
Mark burst out laughing. “Is that all you think the internet is?” he asked.
Aziraphale prickled at the amused condescension he could hear in Mark’s voice, even across devices that were communicating between planets over four light-years apart for goodness sake! He huffed silently.
“I don’t suppose you have any alcohol down here?” Crowley asked, trying to hide that his hands were still trembling slightly. He needed a break and some sense of normalcy.
Amon shook his head. “I’ve heard of it. Never gotten to try it myself though,” he admitted.
Crowley practically gaped.
“Well I haven’t ever been Earth-side, have I,” Amon said quietly, an incredible, deep loneliness to his voice.
Crowley had to take a moment to process the reality that Amon had never left Hell, as well as the depth of the ache that suddenly just existed around Amon, stitched to him as securely as his own skin.
“That combined sigil,” Amon nodded his head toward Crowley’s chest, “It’s a control symbol, as you might have already figured out. I know I was one of the first ones he experimented on with it, and I would have to assume there are others, I just have no idea who. It’s not exactly like I go around sans a corporation and show it off, so I’m fairly certain any other demon who has one would be the same.” The bitterness in Amon’s voice was palpable. “But find a demon who hasn’t left Hell at all since forever, literally, and you’ll probably have located whoever has one of these. It’s not that you can’t leave Hell, it’s just that there are slowly escalating consequences the longer you’re away until it eventually kills you. Cross the threshold back, however, and things start to slowly reset. Slowly. But at least the kill timer stops I guess.”
“Fuck, this conversation really needs alcohol!” Crowley exclaimed, “Whiskey, to be most precise.”
Amon chuckled, “Well you can leave, especially if you’re quick. And once you have something down here you can duplicate it.”
Crowley contemplated, trying to decide whether the risk was worth it. He had built the Hell-to-Earth dimensional transport system, so using it fast enough wouldn’t be a problem. And he knew exactly where the finished barrels of Talisker whiskey were stored in their distillery warehouse. The only problem was whether the sigil also served as an alert system for Satan, in which case it didn’t matter how fast he went.
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catreginae · 1 year ago
All the chosen heroes had anxiety in some way.
It came with the trauma that the Golden Three made them go through during their adventures.
Out of everybody, Legend was the most anxious out of them all.
(Did Ravio count? Wasn't he technically a Link like they all were? If he did, then Legend is second most anxious, right behind Ravio)
Tonight only proved that he was an anxiety-riddled bastard.
The hotel was tranquil, a near insanity-driving quiet. Wind was asleep against Wild’s shoulder, who was also asleep himself. Four was pacing around the room, biting at his already short nails. Hyrule tended to Sky’s arm, the first hero’s arm bruised and still slightly bleeding. He had opted out of having any magic done to heal him, so instead Hyrule was stitching at the concerning number of fang marks that ran deep into his flesh.
He tried to focus on the book he had, yet the words would meld and bleed off the page, and nothing stuck. At this point, he was just trying to make himself look busy since he knew that if he tried to sleep it'd be a waste of time.
Time and Warriors had long since disappeared into the room adjacent to theirs. Legend had never seen Time carry another person like a sack of potatoes, but seeing him do it with Twi was amusing. He silently hopes he will never be in that position, because despite it being hilarious to witness it would most likely be horrifying to experience.
But now, Legend was trapped in his own thoughts once again. He couldnt help but stress over what could possibly be happening within that damned room.
Wars showed he was more than willing to turn any of them. That, even if they didnt want to be turned, he wouldnt care.
All of them could be turned, even Legend himself. Sure, Wars would get sick for a while if he did, but Legend wouldnt be spared if he did go on a tirade of turning them all.
And that made goosebumps creep up his spine.
Hell, he could be turning Time at this moment and they would all be none the wiser…
By the time Legend had stopped his futile attempt of reading, he noticed that only he and Sky were awake now. Hyrule had joined the cuddle pile Wind and Wild had going on, and from the one foot that stuck out from underneath Wind, so had Four.
“I wonder what happened on that page that made you look at it for thirty minutes.”
“Shut your trap, Sky.”
“You're overthinking things again, aren't you?”
A hand ruffled his hair, and Legend looked up to see Sky. He was smiling, albeit weakly, at the other.
“No, what are you talking about?”
“You know what I mean. You think Warriors will do something to harm us now that Twilight is just like him.”
Damn it, how is it that Sky can always read him like an open book? It’s as if he doesn't need to try.
“Okay, maybe I am. But could you blame me? He turned Twi without him saying yes to it, so who knows if he won't do the same to all of us?”
“I have a feeling that he won't. This is Wars we are talking about, not some psychopath who finds enjoyment in hurting others. And even if he would, he wouldn't turn us unless it was his only choice.”
“But he turned Twilight!”
“Because he was dying.”
“You're acting like this is acceptable! It doesn’t change the fact that he turned him…”
Sky simply chuckles, as he mindlessly picks at the bindings on his arm.
“No, no it doesn't. But we are now going to have to get used to it. There isn't a way to revert vampirism, last I checked.”
A sigh escapes past Legend’s lips, and he holds his head in his hands. He couldn't believe Sky was acting so calm! Everybody else was on edge, and he was being too optimistic. He was the one who got attacked out of everybody…
A set of bandages falls to the floor, and Legend almost yells.
“Put those back on! Your wounds aren't healed!”
“That they are not, very good observation,”
Sky says sarcastically, which makes Legend stutter slightly. It wasn’t often that he would act so jokingly, even if he was now digging into the stitched-up wounds he had.
“Stop that. It’ll get infected.”
But Sky just shrugs as he finally digs deep enough into the stitching to draw blood again.
“At least Twi won't have to worry about such wounds like these now. Do you think that bite wound he has from Dink will heal fully? Will it even scar?”
“Are you insane?”
“None of us are sane, Legend. The goddesses made sure of that.”
He continued prying at the stitching, making Legend grab his hand and yank it away.
“What is with you right now, Sky? You're acting strange.”
Blood clung to Legend’s hand, and as he saw that it was pooling from the wound Sky reopened.
“Please, tell me you understand why I am doing this.”
“No, can't say I know why you're undoing all the hard work Hyrule did to clean you up.”
Sky shushes Legend, looking around the room for a second. Nothing but the soft blowing of the wind outside can be heard.
“I'm testing something. Notice how there isn't any fighting or shuffling from the room where Twi is? I would've thought that the scent of my blood would get him going again.”
This crazy bastard…
“You are either stupid or insane, and I'm starting to think it's both.”
“I'm trying to get you to realize that just because Twi is now a vampire, he isn't going to attack anybody. And that whatever theory you had in your head of what Warriors could possibly be doing in there is also just your thoughts getting out of hand. Wars won't hurt anybody, so calm down.”
Legend can only sigh in frustration. Of course, Sky was trying to get him to realize everything would be okay, but it didn't help the paranoia he still had. It's not like he could just stop worrying about Wars possibly turning them all into bloodthirsty monsters!
“If I had a rupee for every time you overthink about something, we would be able to have our own rooms whenever we visit hotels.”
“Can it.”
“No, I won't “Can it.” You need to realize that you aren't going to become Wars or Twi’s pin cushion.”
“Who says that’s what I’m worried about?”
“Then what are you so ails you? I can't help if you don't tell me.”
Neither of them said another word.
That same silence that had racked Legend’s mind had returned, and he just grumbled before burying his face into his hands.
“Fine. I'm worried that he’ll turn all of us eventually.”
“Is that really it? Legend, your worries are unwarranted. Even if the worst case is to come, I doubt Warriors would be enthusiastic about turning us. He looked so guilty when telling us what he’s done to save Twilight.”
‘That doesn't mean he won't. What if he decided that it would be best if he turned all of us even if we weren’t dying? We don't know how his fucked up vampire brain works!”
“You really think Time would allow that?”
“Who knows if he isn't turning Time right now?! It might explain why it's so silent in their room right now.”
Sky chuckles. It’s a soft, almost mocking laugh with how carefree it sounded. He just shakes his head, muttering to himself in his native tongue as he ruffles Legend’s hair again.
“Well, I suppose we don't know if that is the case. You’ll just have to figure it out in the morning, won't you?”
“You are a bastard, Sky.”
“I try to be. Now, get some sleep. If anything does happen just get myself or any of the others. You aren’t alone in this, so don't try to deal with it alone.”
He leaves the room without a second thought, leaving Legend all alone with his thoughts once more.
Only the soft snores of the other sleeping heroes can be heard, the rest of the world silent besides that.
Grabbing his forgotten book, Legend joins the cuddle pile himself. He lays so that his head is propped by Hyrule’s side, and not a second passes before Four sprawls himself over his abdomen.
He tosses his book aside, and allowed himself to drift off into sleep. His mind was still uneasy, but he’d rather at least get a few hours of sleep than none.
(It's like 2 am here and I had a random spark of creativity hit me. I am never getting sick again making up school work is horrible 😭. I hope you're having a good day ♥)
-❄ anon
Do you ever just want to shake some sense into somebody but also give them a hug?
Also, not going to lie, but I've also thought about at least having Warriors justify why he won't turn his buddies. Other vampires would be curious about why only one of these heroes is a vampire and not all of them if they're so important.
It's an interesting thing to explore which is why I appreciate all these so much. The idea of any other boys being vampires was something I would only do for a dream or something, so it's fun to see somebody else take that idea places.
also somebody remind me to link all these together
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lobotomydaughter · 1 year ago
i’m very curious now—what are your favorite books? (not giving a number or genre or anything so you can list as many or as few as you’d like 💞)
livvy, this is my favorite question to be asked. like, ever. i love talking about what i read jaja. i am going to attempt to keep this list somewhat orderly and of reasonable quantity, just because i know there's so much and honestly, it's ever-changing and ever-growing because i tend to purchase a couple of books each week (and that doesn't even touch my library card).
i am... so sorry for the length of this. warning that some of these recommendations include memoirs about sa and abuse. umm this includes everything from memoirs to textbooks.
in no particular order (beyond in the dream house, which will forever be at the top of any list):
in the dream house by carmen maria machado. i own SEVEN copies of this book. i have read it in two languages. i live and breathe it. the day i don't recommend this book is the day after i died, and quite honestly i might just crawl out of my grave to shove it into someone's face one more time. it's my favorite memoir. hell, it's my favorite thing to read in general. i once carried it around in my purse for an entire YEAR despite having finished it the day i bought it originally. it has the most interesting narrative style and prose i have ever encountered. it also has a long list of trigger warnings as it's a memoir centered around domestic abuse in a wlw relationship. it's powerful & poignant. it also sucks you right in, because carmen chose to use you for her memoir instead of i.
her body and other parties by carmen maria machado. this is carmen's only other published work (she's had her hand dipped in others, but these two are the ones solely written by her; i also recently picked up a copy of carmilla that was edited by her!). i am a sucker for this woman's writing, everyone who knows me knows that, so it's no surprise that she's on this list twice. if she ever publishes a third story, i have no doubt it will become a favorite as well. she phrases things in such crazy, thought provoking ways. it's made me stop and think multiple times. you would never think to word things the way that carmen does. this one is a collection of short stories. my favorite was the husband stitch. there are horror elements. it's a collection that really makes you reflect on what it means to be a woman in a male-dominated society.
i am not myself these days by josh kilmer-purcell. a very intimate memoir, it goes into depth regarding his time alternating as an ad exec during the day and a drag queen at night. saw someone on goodreads call it as mesmerizing as a train wreck-- which about sums it up and is what prompted me to read it in the first place. it's loud, it's raunchy, it's in your face about real life problems, it's queer. it talks about the love he had for a male escort and struggles with addiction. it's honest in the highs-and lows of the glitz and glam. dark. and also written in the very early 2000s so while the issues faced aren't outdated, much of the language is.
i'm glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy. listen, i have some major mommy issues. we went no contact when i was 16. i knew going into it that this was going to be a hard-hitter for me. i kid you not, i used up multiple boxes of tissues while reading this. my copy is covered in annotations and highlights and tabs. it looks like it's been through hell and back. though jennette shares a story of shame, anxiety and various disorders, she does so with a strong voice. it's raw. probably the most helpful memoir i've ever read. i still have a lot of healing to do regarding my own childhood and it's often difficult to talk about, but reading this helped. it's like objectively i know i'm not alone in my trauma, that it's not only my mom who was bad. but it can be difficult to remember that when you're sitting by yourself and questioning 'what did i do that made it so my mom couldn't love me'.
there was a quote i particularly resonated with.
[I have no idea how to go about doing this. I have no idea how to go about life without doing it in the shadow of my mother, without my every move being dictated by her wants, her needs, her approval.]
no longer human by osamu dazai. semi-autobiographical. it's a very quick read, less than 200 pages. i think i read it in about half a day. osamu dazai remains one of japan's most well-known authors, and for good reason. the character he tells his story through, oba yozo, feels incapable of connecting with the world and the people in it. he remarks on things without sentimentality while yearning to understand those that do. it's bitter and depressive and deals with life in a postwar japan, digging into oba's relationship with his family and women, and his struggles with suicide attempts. additional warnings for misogyny, but i figure that's to be expected given the time it was written.
my husband by maud ventura. i read this one because a book reviewer i trust said that 'if you liked the tv show, you, then this is for you.' and she was right. it depicts a successful 40 year old french woman who seems to have it all. but she's obsessively in love with her husband, and is paranoid as to whether or not he returns her affections. directly from the summary:
[But she's never quite sure that her passion is reciprocated. After all, would a truly infatuated man ever let go of his wife's hand when they're sitting on the couch together?]
it's a contemporary thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat. i knew when i started the book that the wife's mindset is dangerous, and yet at times she convinced me to start rooting for her. if the stranger in stranger danger was a character, it'd be her.
white nights by fyodor dostoevsky. i'm a fiend for dostoevsky. russian lit is something that came into my life via the gayest method possible: i went to the bookstore a few years ago because i needed to read crime and punishment (also by dostoevsky...there's a pattern here), but i couldn't locate it so i asked the cashier (who happened to be a beautiful blonde with a minor in russian language and literature-to this day i still think to myself 'what are the odds') to help me find it. SOMEHOW she managed to convince me to purchase multiple other russian lit books that day, plus wrote other rec's for further reading in orange sparkly pen on the back of my receipt. i went into that store expecting to spend maybe $20 and left having spent over $100. i still don't know how that happened, she was pretty; that receipt survived a house fire (literally).
um... but i digress LMAO. anyway white nights is a captivating story set in st. petersburg. it's one of the least depressing things dostoevsky has ever written imo. unrequited love/chance love, solitude, and unflinching tenderness. this is good for the romantics. (i say, as an aro.)
know my name by chanel miller. another memoir. excellently written. i'm sure most people are familiar with her story already, but this is a deep-dive on what it means to be a woman dealing with the aftermath of assault. she was described as being the ideal victim-- there were witnesses, little room for he said/she said. and yet. and yet. she opens up about her shame, both self-inflicted and forced on her by the way society views assault survivors. very raw commentary on rape culture in the usa.
all the lovers in the night by mieko kawakami. depicts a freelance writer in her 30s, struggling with loneliness in a fast-paced city with a huge focus on work. this is a character-focused story. i know that a lot of people dropped this without finishing because it had a very slow start and, to some people, an unsatisfying finish, but to me this story couldn't have been told any other way. mieko was telling a story of mundane life. the writing style reflected as much.
our wives under the sea by julia armfield. i can't possible describe this story without spoiling anything, but take this: it's a wlw story where a woman's wife returns to her after she had been stranded at the bottom of the ocean for quite some time. classic 'came back wrong' trope. it's unsettling. this is definitely a 'you either loved it or hated it' book.
lies our mothers told us by nilanjana bhowmick. an indian woman's burden. this is a nonfiction feminist novel. this is such a powerful work that deals with topics like universal suffrage, capitalism and how it harms people (particularly women), workplace harassment and fair pay. it's radical. it talks about how the women before us fought to give us better futures, how they told us growing up 'when you're older, it will be better' and what it's like to grow up and realize that things are still bad.
a certain hunger by chelsea g. summers. for as much as i talk about cannibalism on this blog, it'd be criminal to not have at least one book depicting it on my favorites list. this features a sex-positive, confident food critic who sometimes has men on her plate, not in her bed. it's unintentionally funny.
boy parts by eliza clark. follows a fetish photographer who is very much a classic female manipulator. if you want to read from the perspective of a narcissist, irina is the character for you. plays fast and loose with consent, autonomy and safety. very violent social commentary.
rise of the necrofauna by britt wray. the science, ethics and risks of de-extinction. the author herself has a PhD and is an acclaimed documentarist, but you hear from many other talented scientists throughout reading. i don't know what else to say; it's exactly what it sounds like. if you heard about people trying to bring back dinosaurs and the woolly mammoth and thought, 'that can't be environmentally friendly or ethically sound' then this book is for you. WARNING that britt wray does NOT 'dumb' anything down. it is not an easy read. i frequently had to stop and do some research to understand what certain things meant.
plants that kill by elizabeth dauncey. a history of the word's most poisonous plants. it talks about the use of plants in medicine, warfare and rituals. complete with detailed diagrams. another text that is exactly what it sounds like. if ethnobotany interests you, you'd enjoy this. otherwise it's probably a dry read.
they drown our daughters by katrina monroe. it's queer. it's modern gothic. it's yet another recommendation of a book featuring womanhood. beautifully eerie and atmospheric. if you're looking for a haunting story with a beach backdrop and strong themes of identity and motherhood.... she's for you.
vampires of el norte by isabel cañas. follows a daughter of a rancher in 1840s mexico. it's a fast-paced historical fantasy where the monsters are both beast and man. childhood lovers separated by tragedy.
shark heart by emily habeck. in their first year of marriage, newlyweds are devastated by the husband's shocking diagnosis: he's slowly turning into a shark. i know it sounds silly and it is, but it's a story of love and loss, with an alternating timeline. the husband is cursed with the knowledge that even after he turns into a shark, he'll still remember everything. magical realism meets enduring love.
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bikegearindia · 5 months ago
Check Out Revit Jackets, Suits, and Gloves for Premium Riding Apparel
Check Out Rev’It Jackets, Suits, and Gloves for Premium Riding Apparel We should be genuine — when you're out on the open street on your motorcycle, the last thing you need to stress over is whether your gear can keep up. Rev'It is tied in with consolidating style, comfort, and well-being in their riding clothing, making them a top pick for riders who understand what they need. Assuming you're on the lookout for jackets, suits, and gloves that look great and perform surprisingly better, Rev'It has you covered.
Quality That Speaks Volumes Their gear is produced using intense materials that can get destroyed. Whether you're speeding through city traffic or cruising down the thruway, you can depend on Rev'It to take care of you. The fabrics are not only durable but also comfy, so you won’t feel like you’re wearing a suit of armor while riding.
Each jacket, suit, and glove is created with tender loving care. Think tough stitching, solid zippers, and comfortable linings — because every single detail matters when you're out there on your motorcycle.
Safety Features That Shine Now, safety is a biggie, right? Rev’It knows that which is why they pack a punch with their protective gear. Many jackets and suits come with CE-rated armor, meaning they’ve got you covered in all the right places. Shoulders, elbows, back—you name it, Rev’It has thought of it.
Also, I could go on and on about the intelligent components! Riding around evening time can be a piece dodgy, yet with Rev'It's gear, you'll hang out in obscurity. You can ride with certainty knowing you're apparent to different drivers, keeping your undertakings more secure and more agreeable.
Comfort That Lasts All Day Riding a motorcycle is invigorating, however it can likewise be exhausting if your gear isn't comfortable. Rev'It has ensured that their jackets and suits are intended for the entire day's comfort. They accompany a brilliant ventilation system to keep you cool on those searing summer rides. Also, flexible sleeves and belts let you see the ideal fit — no fluttering around in the breeze!
Also, we should not fail to remember the gloves! They're caused to feel like a subsequent skin, allowing you to grip your handlebars or bobble with your telephone without feeling confined. When you’re in the zone, you want to focus on the ride, not on uncomfortable gear.
Style That Makes a Statement Let’s talk style because, honestly, who doesn’t want to look good while riding? Rev’It has a knack for creating gear that turns heads. You’ll be turning heads at every pit stop, showing off your unique style while riding in comfort.
Built for All Weather Conditions Weather can be a wild card when you’re out on your motorcycle, and Rev’It has got that sorted too. A significant number of their jackets and suits are intended to deal with anything that Earth's life-giving force tosses your direction. They frequently accompany removable liners for those cold mornings and waterproofing to keep you dry when the skies choose to open up.
You won't have to worry about being shocked by a surprising downpour or a cold breeze. Rev'It gear is about adaptability, permitting you to conform to changing atmospheric conditions without reconsidering.
Wrap Up Along these lines, assuming you don't mess around with your riding and need gear that consolidates security, comfort, and executioner style, you must look at Rev'It jackets, suits, and gloves.
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prozac-shaped-urn · 10 months ago
htotm notes 5/19
You are a traveler. You never sit still for long. Your spirit dies all over again every time you confront the past, the one you left behind. The child you left behind.
Why do I feel like I need to apologize to the world for my ever-changing body?
You don't text me back, you don't ring me up, you check your phone when we chat… I never get to have your full attention.
bring your body, and your mind will follow
stitch 'n bitch is an actual term used since the 1940s! i wanna use it and i wanna have a man in the group bc this is taos and i can do what i want in my own story.
I feel like it progresses too fast from beth and liss connecting to beth leaving to julie finding out about stella. make that slow down some. and make a fucking decision about stella or felicity. flip a coin. something.
FELICITY I've spent decades learning to own myself. To own all of the things I've been told to hate… or told to love. What other people think of me is none of my business. It's that simple. But my perfectionism gets the better of me sometimes. Bobby Dean tells me that's the truest form of self-hatred. The mind on that boy… BETH You're a perfectionist? You don't look it. Felicity is mock-aghast. She motions to her high desert hippie garb. FELICITY Really? You couldn't tell? Beth appreciates the sarcasm. FELICITY I am. Very much so. It's part of why I live the way I do. It's a daily test of my patience and it keeps me from getting lost in the details. Perfectionism is like an abusive ex: It finds your weakest areas and exploits them. You'll never satisfy an abuser -- satisfy yourself instead.
BETH It's okay! Truthfully, I'm not sure. But I needed an escape, so I took the first one that came my way.
stella needs to break her foot and tell beth about it before she leaves for alaska
beth and liss need to stitch an embroidery together
feel like julie could be involved more
leave the satisfaction of stella and beth learning how to talk again for later in the story
beth needs to figure out why she's so hesitant to sit in the hot tub. it's bc she's afraid of being comfortable in taos bc of her losing maggie. she doesn't wanna get too attached and lose whatever she's attached to. have liss figure this out for her maybe????
beth needs to tell stella abt timothy at some point MAYBE HAVE TIMOTHY REACH OUT AND WANT TO MEET HER, MAYBE TAKE STELLA WITH IDK
the lead up to the inciting incident is chunky as all hell. FIX THAT.
Perfectionism is like an abusive ex: It finds your weakest areas and exploits them. You'll never satisfy an abuser -- satisfy yourself instead. BETH NEEDS TO LEARN THAT SOCIAL MEDIA IS AN ABUSER AND SHE WILL NEVER SATISFY IT, SO SHE NEEDS TO LET IT GO. or something like that
i keep going back and forth on how long beth was in taos so i need to make that firm and decide on the number.
maybe the reason beth turned to social media is bc she was triggered by stella being in rehab?? bc her dad was an addict??? figure that out.
"Warning" When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me, And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I am tired, And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells, And run my stick along the public railings, And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick the flowers in other people's gardens, And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat, And eat three pounds of sausages at a go, Or only bread and pickle for a week, And hoard pens and pencils and beer mats and things in boxes. But now we must have clothes that keep us dry, And pay our rent and not swear in the street, And set a good example for the children. We will have friends to dinner and read the papers. But maybe I ought to practise a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised, When suddenly I am old and start to wear purple!
Jenny Joseph
things E|L has learned living off grid for a year *Patience. stores are very far away like 30 min away. when you need something it can be a committment to go out and get it. if you have a single ingredient missing you won't go out and get it. you'll just do without. *accepting lack of control. can't control the weather (duh) so planning ahead of time doesn't help much. YOU HAVE TO BE EASILY ADAPTABLE. *plan ahead. make the most of every trip to town. *solving problems and self-reliance. if something breaks it's all on you. troubleshooting is a necessity. *learning from neighbors. share knowledge with everyone. networking is important.
need a sewing circle in there somewhere -- where we get to know more about julie and liss and their friends. one giant dinner table convo with multiple angles that everyone fucking hates doing. DONE
ok but where is felicity when she's listening to her grandma read bedtime stories like for real where tf is she SHE'S THINKING ABOUT HER CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND KATHLEEN (yeah i'm really going there) DONE
need a convo about beth's childhood bff kathleen and how she always felt super close to her until she moved away. make it very much queer coded and beth has to point out that liss is very much gay. DONE
julie needs to learn abt stella at some point DONE
have beth sit in the hot tub close to the end. maybe liss is there?? i like the idea of her being alone tbh. DONE
have beth send the embroidery to stella with a business card of liss's DONE
have beth try and fail multiple times to reduce her screen time DONE
need a solid lead-up to beth being wild and carefree. why is she so open with liss all of a sudden? need a backstory for that to make sense. ACTUALLY IT WORKS BECAUSE BETH IS BANGING JULIE'S DRUM SET PRIOR TO THAT
beth and liss need to TALK somewhere. beth calls liss and says she's gonna call again so that needs to happen. the convo needs to include fauna sounds being annoying to beth and something that would lead into them mutually pining in taos. DONE
need a carefree 12yo somewhere IN EAGLE NEST
maybe have liss show beth how to forage?? and then have them can the findings??? i like that idea. look more into that. DONE
why is slug comfortable in taos now MAGGIE ISN'T THERE ANYMORE
need a convo about body image between beth and liss so them examining themselves in the mirror makes sense. DONE i made it that scene where i stole from my own fanfic of deb and gerri
have beth buy a dumb phone but still use her computer for SPARING social media scrolling. we find the balance in this house. DONE
build up the need for beth to escape to taos?? maybe a series of shopping hauls???? DONE something where liss takes beth's phone and beth has an addict reaction. DONE
liss does laundry and gets weird looks maybe?? and that's what prompts her meltdown over not being enlightened??? idk figure that out. she needs to have a meltdown and know she's being hypocritical and beth needs to make that discovery in front of liss and tell her she's put two and two together. DONE
i dont think beth would so easily forget about liss. make her contact liss or smth. or maybe thats why she goes back to taos. incorporate something to do with the fauna sounds and how they're irritating so liss will have something to be proud of when beth's armor starts to fall. DONE
beth goes back to stay in taos with julie bc julie doesnt own a screen ????? something to do with julie and screens. BECAUSE SHE TRIES TO REDUCE HER SCREEN TIME WITH NO SUCCESS SO SHE DECIDES TO CUT IT OUT ENTIRELY AND THE BEST PLACE TO DO THAT IS JUILE'S DONE
beth needs to try and block out animal sounds IN FRONT OF FELICITY so that moment between them on the patio isn't out of nowhere SHE MENTIONS HATING THEM WHILE TALKING TO LISS IN BETWEEN TRIPS TO TAOS DONE
more of beth comparing herself to what she sees online / more comments on her life / figure out how stella plays into all that STELLA IS THE VOICE OF REASON
beth was a lively 12 yr old so make that come back MAYBE ALREADY DONE WITH THE DANCING AND CAREFREE NATURE GIRL MOMENTS
cut out some of the beth/julie shenanigans ACTUALLY NO I'M KEEPING THEM I LIKE THEM I THINK THEY WORK
why did beth's inner 12 yr old (slug) die BULLYING
A song that represents their childhood Jimmy Buffett - Margaritaville https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrF4nF8VUb4
A song that represents their general outlook on life
A song that would play over a montage of them getting ready in the morning Bob Dylan everybody must get stoned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D42FPc67lks
A song that represents their happiest moment
A song they would listen to to cheer themselves up Carole King - Beautiful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y77HwJzOv0o&list=PLG0W27j3Wle3UPTQfPJeys9K2h5q0gUJQ&index=5
A song that represents a struggle in their life https://youtu.be/-tn2S3kJlyU?si=O0e9yOs9MM-aRkHs Billie Eilish - idontwannabeyouanymore
A song they would dedicate to a loved one
A song that represents a current relationship/love interest Paul McCartney - Maybe I’m Amazed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdDPR8GzXy8
A song that represents a past relationship/love interest Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fcIVTg_mfs
A song they would request a DJ at a party to play
A song that represents their saddest moment Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gh0zFVc6S8
A song that would play over a training montage
A song they would sing in the shower
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novasdarling · 3 years ago
I just got an idea what if Feitan came home injured (like after his fight with zazan) and the darling had to take care of him a little (I love your writings by the way ❤️)
Thanks! Sorry, this is so short.
Tending To a Wound
TW: Past kidnapping, Wounds Mentioned, Stockholm Syndrome Setting in, Gender Neutral.
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He had been gone far longer than usual. Feitan told you the longest he’d be away was only a week, two weeks if things went badly. Yet, here you were three weeks later waiting for him. It wasn’t like Feitan to be so late without any notice. He had even set up a phone for you to communicate. One that he could monitor from his, the only numbers it was allowed to call were his own and a few other troupe members. He would send a text or call if plans changed. However, there was nothing, he didn’t even pick up your calls. The panic that was building was a stark change from how you were when he left. You were upset at him, for kidnapping you and always leaving you alone. Pushing him away, while simultaneously wanting some form of human interaction. Now all you craved was his touch. His conversations. It wasn't right to worry and want him, but you did.
Finally, the door opened, revealing Feitan. Only something was wrong. Walking towards him you noticed one of his arms wasn’t moving like the other. Rather, it wasn’t moving at all.
“Feitan, I-is your arm bro-”
“Get the kit.”
You knew exactly what he was talking about. He kept an extreme first aid kit in the bathroom. It had the normal material, plus more. Material to make a cast, strong medications, materials for stitches. It had it all, considering his profession it was regularly needed. It was a logical choice. Rushing to the bathroom, you grabbed the box and headed back to him. He was seated on the couch. One arm clutching the injured. You sat near him, passing what was needed when he asked. Cleaning products for the wound, wipes, ointment, and bandages. There was nothing you could really do besides helping him with the products or cleaning the wound. It was all you knew how to do.
Your mind began to race as you watched him. It looked back, cuts and broken bones. This could have been the time he didn’t come back. You could have been left to die here in this place. The food would of ran out, you would have starved. It was doubtful that any of his ‘friends’ would come and get you. Even if they did, would they really let you free? No, you knew too much about the Phantom Troupe, you’d be dead either way. The thought made everything worse, you had worried all this time about him. The thought of him not coming home scared you, but you assumed it was the lack of human companionship when he was away. Not that it was from your own desire to live.
“What happened?”
“Nothing. I won.”
Feitan needed to prove to you that it didn’t matter that he was injured. Instead, all that mattered was that he won, that he did what he set out to do. He never liked you to think he wasn’t strong, that he couldn’t protect himself. In other words, protect you. It was a matter of pride.
Before you could think, you leaned in and kissed his cheek. It was unexpected for both of you. You had never kissed him willingly. He was the one that initiated the intimacy. Although, as you pulled back. Seeing his shocked expression. You realized this was how things were going to be, you needed him to live. If he left you or died, you'd be nothing. Taking the bandages from his hand, you helped him tend to his wounds. Perhaps he needed you as well in some odd way.
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prettyyoungandbored · 3 years ago
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Eleven
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Warning: None
Taglist: dragonballluver, disgraceful-marvel-trash, barikawho, claudiahxrdy , @christianbalefanatic, @librarianafterdark​,  @rosegxoxo​
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“They’re planning a public memorial for Gillian,” Demetria announced, setting the newspaper on the kitchen island for Bruce and Alfred to look at. “My guess is they’re gonna have it in the middle of the city during the afternoon like they did for the former mayor last year.”
“The perfect event for him to attack Garcia,” Bruce remarked, setting down his latte cup.
“Do you think he’s going to be...” she pursed her lips as she tried to come up with the correct word. “I wanna say ‘subtle’ but that’s not exactly correct.”
“Considering his method of violence, it won’t be. Then again, his methods do vary.”
She let out a sigh. “I think it’s stupid to have a public funeral considering he’s going to find a way to attack there. I mean, I get they want to do the whole ‘Gotham Strong’ bullshit, but they’re really just putting themselves at risk.”
“Some people don’t let what others fear interrupt their lives,” Alfred pointed out. “Many have continued their lives through plagues and pandemics.”
“I sometimes forget how accustomed people in this city are to violence and murder,” she exhaled softly.
Bruce walked over, wrapping his arms around her from behind, kissing her cheek. “It’s still home.”
Demetria pulled out her cell phone from her back pocket. “I’m going to see if Harvey can persuade them to cancel this thing.”
Bruce chuckled. “Good luck.”
“You underestimate my skills, Wayne.” She dialed Harvey’s number, pressing the phone to her ear as it rang.
“This is Harvey Dent, District Attorney for Gotham City. I can’t come to the phone-.”
She let out a sharp “fuck” as she hung up. “Ok, I need to go to his office.” 
Bruce’s head perked up. “Sweetheart, I don’t think that’s a good idea-.” 
“I’ll be fine,” she said, putting her hands on his. “I can get in there without being noticed. I just need you to trust me on this one, please.” 
He glanced over at Alfred, who waved the white flag by turning away from the couple. He looked back at Demetria, who mumbled one last “please” before he gave in. 
“Only if I drop you off.”
“I’ll take it.”
As she made her way to the bedroom, she dialed Grace’s number. 
“Grace, hey, it’s Demetria. Listen, I need you to do me two huge favors.” 
If running in and out of cars quickly were an Olympic sport, Demetria would hold the gold medal. The second Bruce stopped the car, Demetria ran out. She sprinted toward the side back exit of the building and knocked on the door twice. 
The door opened, Hank poking his head out. 
“Hank, you’re a lifesaver,” Demetria greeted as the old man let her in. 
“For you, anything.” He pointed up the stairs. “You know where you’re going?” 
She bolted up the stairs, using any and all energy she could muster. While athleticism was not her strong suit, the urgency of the matter fueled her. By the time she made it to Harvey’s floor, the pain in her legs and stomach became a reminder that she needed to workout more. 
She paused for a moment, catching her breath and letting out a couple “Oh fuck”s and “shit”s as she tried to gain whatever composure she could without wasting any tine. When she was able to muster just enough to get her to Harvey’s office, her pace picked up. 
She burst through the door, her entrance causing Harvey and Mayor Garcia to jump out from their chairs.
“Jesus Demetria!” Harvey snapped. 
“You have to postpone the memorial,” she cut him off. She turned to Mayor Garcia. “You can’t do this. Not right now. You’re endangering yourselves and the city.” 
Mayor Garcia stood up. “Mrs. Wayne, I can assure-.” 
She rolled up her sleeve to reveal her stitches. “This is what he did to me. That same night, he threw Rachel Dawes out the window and killed Gillian and the judge. He will go after you and anyone else just to get to Harvey at any given moment. He’s more strategic than you think he is. I am begging you to wait out. Please.” 
Mayor Garcia reached toward her. “I am so sorry for what happened to you, Mrs. Wayne. Truly, I am; however-.”
She stepped back, realizing this man was not going to budge. She turned to Harvey. 
“Harvey, c’mon” she pleaded, slamming her hands on his desk. “You know it’s the right thing to do. You of all people know of what he’s capable of. Please.” 
Harvey glanced over at Mayor Garcia before lowering his head. Hope built inside Demetria, when Harvey started walking toward her. “Mr. Mayor, please excuse us,” he pardoned. 
Her eyes widened. “Harvey.”
He grabbed Demetria’s arm and led her out the door, slamming it from behind. He let her go, causing her to stumble back. 
“Don’t you ever pull a stunt like that again!” he seethed. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“I could ask you the same thing! Ever since you’ve gotten this job you’ve been so power hungry-.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re Caesar. You’re never giving up the power.” 
Harvey let out a sharp scoff. “I’m Caesar? Really?” 
“You took an oath to protect the city and its citizens. This memorial will put everyone in danger. You, the mayor, Rachel-.”
“You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!” he barked, pointing a finger in her face. He took a step forward. “You should take cues from your fiancé when it comes to dealing with matters city and just look the other way.”
His words knocked her out, her mouth hanging open. The man in front of her was no longer the Harvey she loved and adored. Instead, he was a stranger who bore resemblance to her best friend.
She shoved him viciously. “Fuck you Harvey!”
Demetria went against Bruce’s wishes and decided to take a detour home in order to cool off. She didn’t want him getting upset or even involved in her and Harvey’s argument as it would only complicate matters even more. 
She put on a baseball cap and sunglasses, blending in with everyone else in the city. She was grateful for the sunglasses that covered tears of anger and disappointment. 
The Joker had managed to destroy more than the city and its residents. He took her fiancé’s sanity and her best friend’s moral compass. And for what? What was this psychopath’s endgame? 
She went to a nearby bodega, figuring she’d grab a drink before calling a cab. As she made her way to the back of the bodega to grab a drink from the fridge in the back. 
Picking out a peach Snapple, her eyes turned to find a grey tabby sprawled out on the beer boxes. She gave it a small smile and reached her hand out to pet it. 
Stroking the top of its head, Demetria was able to smile as the cat’s purrs soothed her anger. 
It reminded her of college when she and Harvey would pick up drinks for parties at bodegas. Harvey would tease her for trying to make the bodega cat love her. 
“It’s gonna scratch you if you keep annoying it,” he told her.
She stuck her tongue out at him as she reached her hand toward the orange cat. The car hissed, causing Demetria to utter a “Jesus Christ!” as she stumbled back. Harvey burst into laughter. 
She missed her best friend, wondering how long it had been since they spent any time together. Her heart weighed heavy as she realized that maybe their friendship wasn’t as strong as she’d thought. 
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a loud voice outside declare, “7 a.m.! This is where you need to be!” 
She looked up to see a large group of Gotham’s cops gathering as their captain spoke to them. 
“If you are even five minutes late to the memorial tomorrow, you will receive a write up,” he went on. “Do I make myself clear?” 
Realizing what this meant, Demetria wandered around the store, eyeing around a security camera. Just when she was about to give up, she went to the register where it was on the shelves where the cigarettes were. 
She smiled. 
Gotham really needs to update its security camera system, she thought.
The Next Day...
“Bruce, where’s my laptop?” Demetria asked as she searched through the desk drawers in the Batcave. 
“I disposed of it,” he replied as he threw on his leather jacket. 
She shot up. “You did what?!”
“From now on, I want you using this system,” he told her, motioning to his set-up. “It’s safer than your set up. Besides, I know you can handle it.”
“Yeah, babe, that’s not the issue here.” She folded her arms across her chest. “ I told you I needed it to get access to the bode-.” 
“Screen 1, top left.” He quickly kissed her cheek. 
She looked up to see the bodega. “Well, at least you listened to me.” She turned to him. “You wiped out the computer?” 
“Not a trace left.” 
“Fair enough.” 
“I’ve checked all the databases,” Bruce told Alfred as he began to make his way out. “There are four possibles. Cross-reference the addresses. Look for a hard side, overlooking the parade.” 
“Try Melvin and White,” Demetria suggested, as she took a seat in one of the chairs. Her eyes met the computer screen where the bodge camera was. The officers stayed in place, ready to march.
Bruce turned to her as he rolled out his motorcycle. “Any sign yet?” 
“No, they’re just about to leave any minute.” 
“Keep watch.” 
“You got it.” 
“She’s right!” Alfred called out, looking at another screen. “Melvin and White. 1502 Randolph Apartments.” 
Once Bruce was gone, Alfred turned to Demetria. “How'd you know?” 
“That’s where the GCN media truck is.” She eyed him. “They always park there when covering events and there’s always police presence there protecting the van. The cops assigned to protect the van are fairly useless.”
She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to GCN’s coverage of the funeral. Her eyes reverted to the bodega where she saw the officers march. “Any way, you can zoom in?”
Alfred pressed a couple of button and the camera zoomed in. Her eyes followed every office possible. 
“Nothing yet unless he’s extremely good at blending in,” she mumbled. 
“Are you suggesting he might be posing as one of the officers?” Alfred questioned. 
“It’s one of my beliefs.” 
Her eyes turned to the GCN coverage where the camera focused on Harvey taking a seat on the podium alongside Rachel, Commissioner Gordon and a couple other city officials. Her heart sank, their spat from yesterday playing over in her mind. 
She didn’t tell Bruce about it, not wanting him to get upset over it. Throughout the night, her eyes went to her phone hoping and praying for two simple words. Two words that showed he didn’t mean what he said. Two words to make it all go away. 
Nothing came. 
She moved her eyes back to the bodega to find the ally empty. She sighed and turned to Alfred. “Anything from Bruce yet?” 
“Not yet. Now, we sit and wait.” 
She stood up. “I’m not waiting.” She pulled out a folded piece of paper from her back jean pocket. She unraveled it, revealing the city of Gotham. She grabbed pen and began marking several streets. 
“City officials are taking the same route they did for the former mayor’s funeral. That means police are following the same safety protocols. The department will have police trucks in four intersections in the event something happens.” Her fingers pointed to the four dots. “We need to find cameras in these areas. If The Joker’s not there, at least his friends will be.” 
“I thought you booked guests for shows?” Alfred questioned.
She made a face. “They had me do a lot of stupid shit that was above my pay grade.”
Alfred returned his gaze back to the computer. 
“Which intersection first?”
“West 80 and 79th.” 
She turned to see him type. The camera revealed nothing. Not even a police truck. “Try 65th and 64th.” 
He typed and the camera came up with the intersection. Still nothing. “51st and 52nd” 
Once again, disappointment. “The fuck is wrong with these guys?” she mumbled. “I would’ve though they’d been there.” She then eyed 70th and 71st.” 
“Ok try-.” 
She then heard a popping sound. Both her and Alfred looked up to see Gordon on the floor the podium floor, his body on top of Mayor Garcia. The camera dropped the ground, scattered feet running around.
“What the fuck happened?” Demetria asked, her stomach dropping.
The camera cut back to Alicia in the newsroom. “We apologize to our viewers for the disturbing video,” she reported. “As was shown, shots were fired during the funeral service, one of the bullets aimed at Mayor Garcia. It’s unclear if the mayor was hit as Gotham City Commissioner James Gordon jumped in front to protect him. We are trying to get a hold of Mike and our crew on the scene-.” 
Demetria pulled out her phone and began dialing Harvey’s number. Her heart rate picked up, stomach in tight knots. Her mind flew in a million directions as the phone rang slowly. 
“Please pick up, please pick up,” she begged. 
“You’ve reached-.”
She hung up and tried calling Rachel, only to be greeted with another voicemail. Hot tears fell down her cheek as she tried Harvey again.
After hearing the voicemail greeting for the seventh time....she went to hang up when she saw Rachel calling. 
“Rachel, oh my god!” 
“I’m ok, I’m ok,” she assured calmly. “I got out of there as soon as I can. I’m headed back to the office.” 
“Where’s Harvey?” 
“He took off. He’s fine, but he took off. He told me to let you know he was ok.” 
She exhaled, relief washing over her. “Ok...please get home safe and text me or Bruce-.” 
“I’m going back to the office. Tell Bruce I’m ok, will you?” 
“Of course. Text me when you get there.” 
She hung up and turned to Alfred, sniffling. “Rachel’s fine. Harvey’s fine. I’ll wait for Bruce to get back so-.” 
Her eyes turned to the screen where she saw the lower third bar read: BREAKING NEWS: GOTHAM CITY COMMISSIONER JIM GORDON KILLED IN SHOOTING.
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hattywatch · 2 years ago
J. Vesey - July for the Whole Year 4
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A/N: Chapter 4. Tell a friend to tell a friend. Comments, critique, and conjecture encouraged. Jimmy's looking so fine these days y'all. NYC agrees with him.
<< Chapter 3
March 2020
Jimmy: The season is going to pause, wish I was back in ny. We’d have nothing but time to catch up on GoT now.
Like I’d let you in my bubble. 
Jimmy: Who are you kidding, I’m the best bubble partner. 
No comment. :P
April 2020
Do you have toilet paper, should I send you some? You never remember until it’s too late.
Jimmy: lol, my mom sent me some. Good looking out. 
“I’ll tell you when to hit play! Don’t hit it without me!” It’s makeshift for sure, but you figured out how to watch Netflix together over video chat. Everyone has been going crazy over this Tiger King show and there’s literally nothing else to do, so what’s the harm. You haven’t seen another human in about two weeks, save when you went to the grocery store to pick up some essentials for Mr. Callahan and he waved at you as you left the package outside his door. Even that was exciting contact. Plus you’re missing Jimmy extra.
“I cannot believe you talked me into this. This looks like the dumbest thing I have ever seen.”
His laugh, you’ve missed that laugh so much. Your cheeks hurt as your smile stretches, “I miss you so much.” You don’t mean the words to blurt out like they do; honest and out there for him to hear, read into, draw conclusions from. 
Jimmy’s face is a welcomed sight, so your smile doesn’t even falter when he pokes at you. “Oh my Godddd. Shut up! You get to pick the next one. Probably going to make me watch something Boston, so I have to listen to that terrible accent for hours on end.”
“Yeah, me too. Like a limb,” his smile is a little soft, a little sad, but he’s Jimmy and he’s notoriously stoic, so he straightens up on his couch and grabs his remote, “Alright, let’s get this over with.”
May 2020
Who do we cheer for now, Brady, Kevin? An unknown third party?
Jimmy: I’m gunna flip a coin. Tampa looks good though, hate to say it. 
October 2020
Jimmy: You gunna to visit me when the borders open back up? It’s pretty cool up here, I think you’d like it. 
Only if you’re paying for Tim Hortons. 
Jimmy: Not with this contract.
December 2020
Jimmy: Did you get a package 👀👀
I have to check the mailroom when I get home, why?? Did you buy me something! 🙃
Jimmy: Maybe. Keep an eye out.  
As soon as you get in the building you rush to the mailroom and it’s there. A plain brown Amazon box, but when you open it, there's another box inside, shabbily wrapped in blue paper, tied in a white ribbon. 
You snap a photo and send it to Jimmy, 
It's here! Proud of your wrapping tbh!
Tucked under the ribbon, you start with the envelope, pulling out the Christmas card. It features a cartoon Santa proudly proclaiming "I hear there's some Hos in this house?" shaking a judgmental finger at the naughty list in his hand. 
Jimmy's tight, sloppy handwriting covers the inside of the card and your smile grows, happy he thought of you enough to fill the left panel of the card entirely with a handwritten message. 
When you finally tear the ribbon off and the paper open you're not surprised to see the bright blue jersey with the Leafs insignia on it. You are slightly surprised that Jimmy's name is across the back and his number is on the sleeve. You're warm to your toes thinking about him branding you in this way, even if you also have Kevin's jersey in the back of your closet and have never had a second thought about Hayes being stitched across your back. 
I thought you'd like this card, since I've seen your Spotify unwrapped and you've played this song more than any one person should. Freak. 
Here's a new jersey so you can remember who your favorite player is. I had to change my number, which sucks, but I can't have you representing Philly. That's gross and blue looks way better on you anyway.
I know I said I couldn't afford Timmies on this contract, but here’s a bag anyway. Their coffee is really good and I don’t know when the country will re-open so you can visit and get a real one. I got you plain, French Vanilla is superior though. Even if you disagree. 
We can’t have you embarrassing yourself at family skate again, so I hope these are the right size. Take them to the rink when it opens, have the blades sharpened and the skates baked. They’ll fit your feet better and they won’t hurt as much. Whenever I get to come visit we’ll practice.
Hope you like it, miss you. 
Merry Christmas, 
The skates do fit. He got you hockey ones so they’re chunky and black and not at all the sleek ice skating ones the rinks usually give you when you rent them. It’s so Jimmy that your heart skips at the idea of him spending time, thinking of a thoughtful gift, trying to figure out your damned shoe size, and wrapping the box alone in his apartment. 
You’re not sure when you started sniffling, but the card is damp from the few tears that have slid down your face and you laugh in spite of yourself. The distance definitely hasn’t made any of this easier. 
This is really thoughtful. I can’t wait to try them out. <3
Jimmy: You’re crying, aren’t you?
January 2021
Jimmy: Did you listen to this new Drivers License song yet? Seems up your alley. 
Jimmy: I’ll take that as a yes.
The phone only rings once before he answers. “Hello?” His camera is facing the ceiling, so you can’t see his face, but it looks like he’s eating lunch.
“Watch Bridgerton with me?” it’s not really a whine, but it’s a little pitchy. He heaves a sigh and he picks up the phone so he’s finally in frame, munching on his pizza. You continue before he has the chance to turn you down, “Please? Everyone at work is talking about it, it’s only 8 episodes, please? You made me watch all those Ben Affleck movies last year! I barely even complained even though Matt’s the better actor.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m off Sunday we can start it then,” he tears into a piece of crust. 
Smiling, you remind him, “You’re my best friend,” before you hang up and send him a calendar invite. 
March 2021
Jimmy: I take it back, you’d like Vancouver better. 
Missing me, Jimbo?
Jimmy: Maybe
July 2021
With restrictions eased up, you find yourself toying with the idea of a weekend trip to Boston. You’ve typed out about 60 messages to Jimmy telling him you may be in town, but you backspaced each and every one, because you’re a coward. 
You haven’t been in the same state in almost two years, stuck video chatting during lock down, which has become a weekly ritual that you haven’t dropped since the world began slowly opening back up. Still though, something about seeing him in person has your heart rate picking up and your palms sweating.
In the end you sleepily reveal it when Jimmy calls you to say goodnight.
Your phone jingled loudly in your ear, you could probably put it on silent while you slept, but then you'd miss these calls, Jimmy's profile picture smiling on your screen before you answer and clear your throat.
"Hey," you sigh into your pillow at the content feeling that blankets your body. 
"Hey, I'm walking home from the bar and I wanted to say goodnight."
"Okay, goodnight," you're quietly breathing into the phone, smiling to yourself at the sweet gesture. 
He laughs, "ooookay, you don't want to talk to me? You already asleep?"
"A little, but I always want to talk to you." You'll be embarrassed by your admission in the morning. In the dark it's just honest and you feel light saying it out loud. 
He's quiet now and you hear the cars passing him by as he walks. 
"I haven't seen you in forever," he trails off and your decision is practically made for you.
"I'm thinking about taking the day off Friday and shipping up to Boston for the weekend, but the hotels are so much money" you're slightly more awake now, nervous for some reason that you both will feel differently in person since it's been so long. 
He takes in a breath, "Do it. You can stay with me." 
"Okay," it's Jimmy, it's Jimmy, it's Jimmy- your heart thumps. No reason to be nervous. 
"Okay!" You can hear his smile through the phone and when you both hang up you slip easily back into sleep. 
Jimmy's laughter booms through your headphones, "What do you mean 'what if you don't recognize me?' We video chat like every day you know what I look like."
You're feeling silly and giddy and bubbly only 2 hours away from Boston according to your itinerary. 
"I should like, bring a red rose like Lorelei and Rory do in Gilmore Girls, just in case. So you know who I am." You look out the window in the train, watching the landscape blaze by. 
"Any excuse to bring up the fuckin' Gilmore Girls. I'm sure we'll be okay."
"I'm hanging up on you, you interrupted my music and now you're slandering the Gilmores. See you soon."
You cut off whatever he was about to say and hang up, cackling with delight as he calls you back immediately. 
"This is (y/n), how can I assist?"
"I can't stand you. When is 'soon?'"
"Two hours. You better be ready to eat. I'm starving."
"Okay, soon."
South Station is pretty empty, which you expected considering it's noon on a Friday. You try to call Jimmy but his phone goes to voicemail both times you call, so you stand and wait, knowing he'd never leave you hanging, so you find a bench and open your phone, scrolling through mindlessly. 
Someone sits down next to you so you slide a little to the left without looking up wondering if you should call Jimmy again, but the person clears their throat and shoves a bouquet of roses at you. 
Pushing them to the side you see Jimmy's smiling face. "I figured it's been a while, maybe one rose wouldn't do the trick if you forgot what I looked like."
In that moment, Jimmy smiling at you in a train station at 12 on a Friday, it takes everything in you not to lean over and kiss him square on the mouth. 
"So what do you want to do today?" Jimmy says around a mouthful of sushi. Between you and Kevin constantly shoving your rolls at him, he's by no means an aficionado, but he's come around. 
"I don't know. Last time I was here we did a bunch of touristy things," you pause chopsticks halfway to your mouth, "Show me Harvard."
Jimmy's too happy to oblige. 
The two of you pile into his Jeep and drive to Cambridge, stopping briefly to grab coffee. "I used to come here all the time," Jimmy places his order and lets you keep looking, "sit at that table and try to finish my papers before midnight. Is it weird that I miss it?"
"Not at all," you confirm. His eyes are fond and you're happy you're here to see this version of him. "Can I have the same?" You place your order to the young girl behind the counter, her glasses are wide and her chemistry book is sat next to her, pages face down, spine bent to save her place. 
"You're going to hate it, it's sweet," Jimmy warns, but you shrug your shoulders and nod to the barista to continue making your copy of Jimmy's nostalgic order. 
You spend your day traversing the campus, being suitably impressed by the history and slightly in awe by the IQs you're surrounded by. The art museum is a particular delight- full of classic Van Goghs, Degas, and Stieglitzes, but also housing fine Japanese art, Buddhist statues, and textiles you haven't seen before. 
He sidles up behind you quietly and you don't realize until he whispers, bent down and leaning over your shoulder, "Four years here and I never came in here. Kinda crazy."
Swatting him you answer, "Uncultured swine," and grab his hand to pull him to the next room.
It's full of earlier photography, and you stop in front of Stieglitz's The Glow of Night, depicting an empty street, glowing in the evening; only a few horse-drawn carriages sit in the distance under the glow of the streetlights. 
"I miss New York," Jimmy mumbles under his breath.
Your eyebrows raise, "You're Boston through and through, I can't believe you just said that outloud." 
He shrugs, "I love it here, I do. But I guess I miss the early years. Us and the boys, young and stupid." 
He sounds doleful and it stings your heart. "I think we all miss that," you reply gently, hand looping through his arm. 
"Do you think you'd ever move," it's close to the topic at hand, but a distinct deviation, so you think on it, staring intently at the photo in front of you. 
"I don't know. A few years ago I'd have said never..." Jimmy nods, seemingly content with your answer, but looks at his phone and notices the time. 
"C'mon. They're going to close soon, let's go home."
You're not home. 
You're about 200 miles away to be exact, but it certainly doesn't feel that way. 
Sunday morning you're sat in a hole in the wall getting breakfast with Jimmy. Your train leaves in the late afternoon and Jimmy's trying to pack as much into the day as he can, so you appreciate the quiet time at the table with him. 
He's fidgeting a little and you can't take it, a little on edge from the close proximity of the weekend. 
"Just take the bed!" He's not shouting but it's definitely as close as you've ever seen him to being short of patience. 
"No! You're letting me stay for free! I saved so much money not staying in a hotel, I'll sleep out here!" 
Jimmy picks up your bags and tosses them onto his bed. "Night! There's clean towels in the bathroom. Shout if you need anything." He gently pushes you into his room and closes the door behind you. 
His bed is plush and you snuggle in after huffing at your defeat, washing your face, and changing into your pajamas. You would have thought you'd fall asleep quickly, a long day of travel followed by a ton of walking typically tires you out, but you're in Jimmy's bed. 
You're in Jimmy's bed and it smells like him.
You're in Jimmy's bed and it smells like him and you're having a crisis. 
"Do you think you'd ever move?" His question replays in your mind. 
A few summers ago you told Gracia never, but you're not so sure that you couldn't be easily persuaded if the right person asked.
"You're ignoring me." Jimmy flicks your coffee cup. The tinkling noise pills you from your daydream and you shake your head. 
"Sorry, what?"
"I said," He repeats himself, "I'm a free agent in the fall… maybe I'll end up on the East Coast and we can do this more often…" he smirks, "you know, having breakfast and you ignoring me." 
Desperately you wish you were annoyed at his teasing, but you can't find it in you, "That would actually be awesome. Is that a possibility?" 
Stirring too much sugar into his coffee he looks optimistic, “Anything is possible.”
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