#i think she was great btw i know that may be basic but he had to get his sweetiepieness from somewhere
nyxofdemons · 3 months
you know what i desperately want more of in future episodes/seasons? stolas' family backstory. we had The Circus but i so badly wanna see stolas' siblings (especially bc he has so many brothers!!), i want to see his MOM. i want to know about stella and andrealphus' parents. goetia family dynamics drama save m
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martian-astro · 6 months
Solar return observations- Part 2
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The year in which you have aquarius AC, you will focus more on yourself, if you've been hanging out with "friends" who don't make you feel happy, this is the year when you'll get the courage to leave them.
I have noticed that a lot of people in their last year of college have capricorn in 11th. This basically means that you prefer hanging out with people whose professional goals align with yours and who you think can help in advancing your career. (you may also feel very lonely)
Everyone knows that a stellium in 1st house indicates an increased self worth but I have seen that a 2nd house stellium also has the same effect. (we were going through some financial difficulties last year, and this year my mom has a 2nd house stellium and basically all our issues got resolved and she went to this meditation and yoga centre, she has been taking really good care of herself and she looks so happy 🥺, she's literally glowing)
I have Mars in 12th this year.... And God, it is so difficult to control your anger but with this you HAVE to suppress your anger. Even if you express your emotions, nobody's gonna listen to you. (it's like when you know that someone is a bad person but everybody else loves them so you have to pretend that you like them too)
If you are someone who keeps their feelings to themselves, the year when you have your moon in pisces can be a great year for you. You're gonna be a waterfall this year, and I don't think that it's a bad thing, sometimes, you just need to let it all out. (emotions occupy space in your body, so just cry and yell)
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Last year, I had pluto in 2nd house and it was the year when I started earning money ALL ON MY OWN (and also the year when I realised that break up is not the most painful thing, it's the drdrdrdrdr sound that the atm makes when you take out money, THAT SHIT HURTS)
If you have neptune conjunct Venus in 7th in libra - that guy is not good, he's love bombing you, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN
On the other hand, The year when you have moon in capricorn in 7th, is the year when you'll realise that it's much more important to be with a guy who takes care of you when you're sick and does household chores and is clean and hygienic instead of being with a guy who wants to fuck you 24/7 (btw, it's possible to be with a guy who's both, it's just very rare)
When I was preparing for this post, I noticed that a lot of people had their first kiss when their asteroid kiss was conjuncting Mars/Venus. I guess it makes sense, but I'm not really sure. (take it as you like) kiss asteroid number = 8267
The year that my sister started her master's she had a virgo AC with a 9th house chiron and.... This girl was so exhausted that she did not even have the time to talk to me, we literally talked on her birthday, the next year 🙂. That's how busy she was. My advice to you is to eat as healthy as you can, the probability of you getting sick is high so take care of yourself. (especially if you have pluto in 6th house)
(all pictures are taken from Pinterest)
© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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fandomzwriterk · 1 month
This my first time ever requesting anything on this site, so please bear with me 💀 I have a request for any of the Mortal Kombat 1 characters (preferably Lin Kuei and/or earthrealmers) with a special other that ats like either Deadpool or Wolverine? I've been hyperfixated on both, and would interested to see how you portray it!! Thanks 💚💚 (also, love your content btw.)
A/N: yes absolutely yes! I act like Deadpool a lot so this is gonna be fun for me😂😂 Also reader with be based off of both Wolverine and Deadpool🤣🤣😂😂 Brought to you by: Ashes by Nathan Sharp
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Bi Han
-> When he first met you, which was a mission to bring you back alive, your first words to him were “come at me daddy” as you pulled out a pistol
-> Confused the man right then and there, making him freeze
-> Answered back with “what the fuck is wrong with you?”
-> As you pulled the trigger, Bi Han straight up froze it with a wall of ice
-> Of course, after you shot, you came running up with your claws unsheathed, stabbing right through the ice almost hitting him
-> “There’s a lot of things wrong with me! Where should I begin? I got tortured… A LOT. Oh I was basically a lab rat for a guy, may he rest in peace, that shot me up full of drugs to stop my cancer and now I can self heal which means I can’t die which means I’m forced to live the rest of my life knowing someone took my humanity away.”
-> Bi Han is just fighting you with his mouth wide open
-> He has no idea what to even say to you
-> “Come on bub, I’m not gonna waste my time fighting you. After all I just told you I can’t die.”
-> “Can you… suffer from other things?”
-> You answered with “yes but I grow anything back that gets cut off”
-> You pulled out a katana as he came to strike down on you with an ice blade
-> There is a lot of back forth… mostly you just trauma dumping on him
-> Bi Han is just thinking to himself “I swear to the Elder gods if she doesn’t shut up I’m gonna kill her- Crap.”
-> The fight ends with him plunging an ice blade through your chest and up making you fall to your knees, pinning you there
-> “Oh I’m not new to this. I like where this is going”
-> Bi Han just crossed his arms in front of him, standing proud as a fiery portal opened up
-> “Oh great thanks dude now I’m apparently going to hell.”
-> You tried to cut the ice with adamantium claws, still stuck in your chest considering how fucking cold it was
Kuai Liang
-> Met you on accident… really! On accident!
-> He had been walking through town when he saw you flip a 6 foot dude onto his back while the rest of the bar was going wild
-> He saw your steel like claws, cutting through everything in its path
-> He HAD to meet you
-> But you were gone as soon as he went to track you
-> “Not my first time being stalked but I will say, you my friend are terrible at it.” You answered sitting on the balcony above his head jumping for him
-> He pulled out his weapon, lighting it on fire as he swung towards you, pulling onto the rope that was holding it
-> You backflipped over his head, making his back get turned to you
-> “Ooh… kinky. Not my first rodeo with that though.”
-> Just stopped in his tracks as he turned to fight you, confusing the hell outta him
-> “I You are very strange”
-> “Eh. I’ve heard that one a few times.”
-> “From who may I ask?”
-> You showed him your bloody claws that had been retracted back into your skin previously
-> You lunged at him, making him roll to the side
-> “Oh come on I hate it when the fun is-“
-> He had cut you, seeing your blood light aflame as it spew from your arm
-> But instantly, it healed, sending Kuai into a state of worry
-> You still felt the skin slowly close
-> You did have no intention to fight or kill him
-> You were mad your sleeve had been cut
-> “Oh come on this was my favorite one!”
-> Your mood changed instantly, seeming to forget he was there as you pulled off the sleeve
-> “I uh… I apologize. It wasn’t my intention to attack you. I wanted to-“
-> “No need to apologize, I just fight everyone I come across. After all I don’t know if you were trying to kill me there. Speaking of which how in gods name did you light that on fire? I’ve been trying for years and never understood.”
-> He put away his weapons upon hearing you start to ramble about random things
-> That fight ended but he asked you to accompany him to his home base
-> And of course… you agreed. Why not have fun all the time since you can live forever?
Tomas Vrbada
-> Weirdest place he met you?
-> At Johnnys house where you had been training him in weapon combat
-> Tomas had an immediate liking to you
-> You were even stronger than Raiden, who had been there with Kung Lao
-> He was entranced by your adamantium claws, your precise aim when it came to guns, and your incredible healing
-> Not gonna lie, when he first trained with you, he was so scared when he cut you deep on your arm
-> You being chill about it and going on about your day like it was nothing freaked him out
-> “You can heal yourself?”
-> “Umm… yeah? Thought Mr Playboy Billionaire would’ve told you that.”
-> “Johnny is-“
-> “Unreliable? Difficult? Stubborn? Ignoring all my advice? Yep that’s the Johnny Cage I’ve always known.”
-> You walked off with no worry, just cleaning your katanas with a soft cloth as you went to sit down next to a small pool of water
-> It took him some time, but Tomas eventually found out who you were
-> Surprise surprise, Tomas found out you’re the legend herself, the great and mighty Wolverine
-> Johnny told him that they wouldn’t allow a female to play a dominant role even though he fought against it, making some male actor the lead and changing some of the story
-> All this time thought you were maybe Wolverine’s daughter
-> But… your personality was more like Wade’s, a friend of Johnny’s who played your other “crude” half Deadpool that was actually really you as well
-> You could be two different people, and he liked that
-> So you were real, and Tomas wanted to always have his eyes on the legend herself
-> Soon enough, about some months later and after visiting the Shirai Ryu enough times, you talked to him about your trauma
-> He told you he knew about it, but he’s not one to judge what you went through
-> After all, he lost family too
-> Secretly wants to find out what exactly you can live through
All Brothers
-> Tomas is protective of you, Bi Han wants to push you to your limits, and Kuai is the one who makes sure you do the right thing, even if you feel like a bad person
-> Tomas very much admires you and I’m sure he, Johnny, and Raiden have made a fan club about you
-> Bi Han is the one who punishes you for wrongdoings, even going as far as to hurt you to make you listen
-> Kuai Liang is the one who takes care of you on your rougher days
-> All three understand they have no place try and understand the torture and pain you went through
-> All three have thought about you fighting them in a 3v1
-> You become the most important person to them for various reasons
-> Bi Han makes you important by telling you and reminding you of all the things you’ve fought so far, how strong you are to still be alive
-> Tomas always has your back through anything, specially missions or when it’s just him and you
-> Kuai always reassures you that even if you’ve done some bad things in the past, that’s not what you always will be defined as
-> However, they know you’re technically immortal and that even if you are and they aren’t, they’ll still treat you like a normal person
-> If you ever have nightmares, each brother does a different thing depending on who’s around
-> If it’s just you and Bi Han alone, he’ll immediately come to find you if you’re having a panic attack or a flashback of awful things you’ve done and said before
-> He chills you down when you’re thrashing in your sleep and burning up
-> He knows you’re not a shitty person like everyone said you were, you’re just a broken “hero” who’s been screwed over so many times
-> If it’s you and Kuai, Kuai always stays nearby with anything you need and if you need alone time, he’s still around with food or comfort
-> Always enforces that you will always be a “hero” even if you don’t feel worthy
-> Is the one who will watch your “movies” with you
-> If it’s Tomas, he’s always by your side, never wavering or leaving
-> He’s the one who’s protecting you, making sure your bad days will be good ones in any way he can
-> He’s the one you talk about your past “transgressions” with
-> Tomas always has some sort comfort thing for you wether it be a blanket or a food you like
-> When they’re all there and you’re having a breakdown or nightmare, they’ll each find a spot to be near you with all three of them cuddled against you like you’re a child
-> You’re all snuggled together like a family even if you’re all different
-> They’ll all stay till you’re comfortable, focused, and ready to keep fighting ahead
A/N: as you can see, I’m very partial to Tomas I’m sorry🤣🤣🤣 Anyways I’m back from vacation now (my bf and I went on a trip)
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becauseimanicequeen · 29 days
Timelines and the Color Red in 4 Minutes
(I've already published this in a reblog of my timelines post. However, since I know not everyone has the energy to read through all that (since it's basically three long-ass posts so far), I've decided to add this in a separate post as well.)
First, let me summarize my thoughts on the timelines so far so that you have an idea of what I've been thinking these past 4-5 episodes. (Also, I've highlighted my theories in purple so that you can choose to ignore them if they want, lol.)
I still believe there have been at least 3 timelines present so far:
The present timeline.
The 4-minute timeline (which is Great's do-over timeline).
The real past/Tonkla's timeline.
I also still believe that both Great and Tyme are having OOBEs (and a possible third character), and that we will now get to see Tyme's perspective on what's happened. In other words, I will most likely add another timeline to my list at the end of this post.
How I've been able to see/notice the different timelines so far, has been primarily through:
The clocks/watches and the times they display.
The difference between Great's environment before vs after his 4-minute phenomenons (4MPs).
Details that change throughout the scenes (like items and their positions, lamp colors, etc.).
I won't go into detail about these two aspects in this particular post because I want to focus on something else this time. However, we did get to see the clock move to 11:03, first on Great's wall:
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And then on the news:
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There was also the way Great's mom talked to him before vs after he had his vision of her getting shot. Before he was sent back, she was almost pleading for him to apologize to his dad, while after he was sent back, she was more commanding. Also, as he came back, the gunman was ready to shoot before Great even had a chance to leave his mom and drive off, the way he did before his visions.
(This moment of precognition was very different to his previous ones, btw. This time, he only saw the things happening rather than "living" them.)
There also continue to be the smaller details that tell me there are different timelines/realities at play. Like the things on Chanin's desk in the scene where Samarn went behind Korn's back vs in the scene when Korn is scolded by both his dad and Great's mom:
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The lion figurine is facing the wall behind the desk in the first scene while it's facing the room in the second, and the framed family portrait is on Chanin's right-hand side in the first scene and on his left-hand side in the second. (Those two items in the second scene are placed in the same positions as they were in the 1st episode when Korn walked into his dad's office to talk about his new position at the company, btw.)
In other words, this episode was also consistent with the time, the differences in the before vs after Great's precognitions (even though this one was different than the 4MPs), and the other details to show us that different timelines/realities are at play.
With that out of the way, though, I want to focus on something entirely different in this post. It's still related to the timelines, obviously.
I want to see if a theory I have about a specific color is true or not, and if that specific color can help us figure out the backbone of the story (about the core events of the story). In other words, I have a theory that may (or may not) tell us which of the events we've seen in Great's 4-minute timeline so far also happened in the real past.
So, in this post, I'm going to go back for a moment before I make some predictions of where we might be heading in the next episode and onwards.
But, first, I need to emphasize Den's research, and especially what he reiterated in the 5th episode: What people go through during their cardiac arrests varies because of their experiences.
In other words, if what we've seen so far has been Great's OOBE (which I believe), then it means that (most of) what we've seen so far was his interpretation of what really happened (as well as filler content of stuff he might've wished had happened, but I won't focus on that here). And now that we're going to get Tyme's perspective (at least I believe we will, in one way or another), that will be colored by his experiences and be his side of the story (and possible filler content from him as well).
We've all heard the saying that "there are two sides to the story", which is true. But that doesn't mean either side is completely forthcoming about what really happened because the truth is usually somewhere between those two (or more) sides. But that doesn't mean there isn't at least some truth in the two (or more) sides of the story.
I want to focus on that middle ground in this post. Specifically, if the color red tells us which scenes are the backbone of the story. So, let's get into it.
Does the Red Reveal What Happened in the Real Past?
I think we all know that the color red is often used to indicate the red thread of fate (mostly in Asian media). Where I'm from (northern Europe) we also have a red thread saying, but it's used more as a synonym for theme. For example, an essay can have a good red thread if the theme throughout the essay is clear and concise.
Red is also a great color to use to capture attention (which mine was as soon as I saw the trailer). So, I've been tracking the red (and other colors) throughout the show so far to figure out if it had a specific meaning. (I even made posts for the red in episode 1 and in episode 2.)
It might.
And, it might not.
But, let's go with Great's idea and start connecting the dots with the red...
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My theory as I go into this is that the red shows us the things in that middle ground I wrote about above. Those scenes/events might be the backbone of the timelines that are at play. Let's see if that's a hit or miss (or somewhere in between).
I will only focus on a few major scenes from the currently released episodes and mostly focus on Great and Tyme's part of the story (because I only have 30 images to play with, which is giving me a headache, btw). So, let's start from the beginning and go through it in chronological order of the episodes.
When Tyme is shot in the first episode, there's a red light behind the shooter:
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And when the patient is flatlining in the same episode (whom I believe is Great), red lights are blinking:
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Whether everything we've seen so far was triggered by these events or if these events were triggered by something else, Tyme being shot and that patient flatlining is at the core of the story.
Then we see Great and Korn's dad wearing red when he gives Korn the responsibility of managing the illegal gambling sites:
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That surely happened in the real past as well, right?
Chanin also wears that same outfit during the family dinner later on in the episode. And while I don't believe Manee survived in the real past, I do believe the dinner happened, it's just that the conversation would've been different.
Then we have Great, who hit Manee with his car, where the seats have red lines on them:
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So far so good, right?
Then there are red roses when Tyme gets home and jokes about Coachella:
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He and his grandmother also eat from porcelain plates with red flowers on them when we find out Tyme's motivation for becoming a surgeon (to make a better life for his grandmother and himself), which I'm sure was part of the real past. (Unless Great, in his OOBE state, made up the story about Tyme's parents being murdered by his dad...)
Then we have Lukwa, who carries something red the first time she enters Den's office to talk about her own cardiac arrest experience.
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She clearly has an important role in the story since she's the woman in that gallery with the red lights where Great saw her. (Perhaps it's the red from that gallery that spills into the story to show us what the key events are?)
I will forego the legendary Tonkla by the lighthouse opening of the 2nd episode where he has blood splattered across his face because I feel like that's the future from our current vantage point, and right now I'm more focused on looking at the things that could've happened in the real past.
Dome clearly saw what happened between Title and View in front of that red trashcan (with a 4 on it, btw):
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Which led into this scene where we have the red lights from the car plus the red blood when Title kills Dome:
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Considering I think that most of Tonkla's timeline (at least in the beginning) is the real past, Dome was definitely killed.
There are also red folders on the desk Win is leaning against when Tonkla comes in to identify his brother's body:
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Which is probably how they met in the real past as well.
And then we have the red Aston Martin Great parks as Title barges in and accuses Great of betraying him:
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Now, what's interesting about this scene is that it only seems like Great is in the timeline where he saved Dome while Title isn't. First of all, Title already had that bruise on his face when Great got into his car that night he killed Dome:
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The other side of his face doesn't even display any evidence that Great clobbered him with the rock. That's why (apart from the red) I believe this scene happened in the real past as well. It's just that, in the real past, Title was pissed at Great for betraying him about something else rather than saving Dome.
Then we have the hacker attack, which turned their screens into a multitude of reds:
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Then we have the shareholder with the red umbrella who was, more than likely, shot in the real past as well. What impact he may or may not have on the story remains to be seen. But I still wanted to mention him here (even though I'm saving on the image limit with this one, lol).
Then there's the red tea Tyme gave to Great:
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Which he might've given Great in the real past to get closer to him (due to his family) rather than telling him to check his wound at the hospital (which might not even exist in the real past). Great might've taken that as a sweet gesture, which might've been why this scene popped up in his timeline.
After that, we have Great in the red gallery with a mystery woman (which we know is Lukwa):
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This is where things might get a little wonky. But, I think this is meant to highlight a connection between Great and Lukwa that happened in the real past, which is why they are both in that (subconscious?) gallery together. That's why I've included it here. (Also, like I mentioned before, what if it's the red from that gallery that spills into the story to show us what the key events are?)
Then we have Great driving Tyme home after their claw machine date in his red car:
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I don't necessarily believe they had a claw machine date at the mall in the real past, but I do believe Great drove Tyme home after a possible date at some point.
Then there's the red light as Tyme walks out of the operating room:
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That leads into the scene outside where Tyme tells Great to get out of his sight (before the 4MP changes things). The way Tyme acted in that scene (before the 4MP) was a lot more like the Tyme we saw in the 1st episode than Great's rizzless version of Tyme. So, that might've been the real past Tyme bleeding through in that particular scene.
Then we also have Tonkla's red cat collar, which goes even further back in time as he buried his cat while at Uni, but also now that he's thinking back to that time when he and Korn started their relationship/situationship:
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Both those scenes (burying the cat, which leads to his thing with Korn, and looking at that collar after having a fight with Korn and fucking Win) could've happened in the real past.
Why do I think this matters to the story, though? And why do I believe it's part of the backbone of the story? Well, I'm basing this off my theory that Title is Fasai's brother. If that's true, there's a chance that Title knew about Dome's brother (Tonkla) being Korn's "toy" (as Fasai put it). That could very well be the reason Title clearly hates Dome as much as he does. And it all started with Tonkla burying that cat at Uni.
Then there's the blood around Nan as she's held captive and is beaten (and later shot):
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Which, in the real past, might've led to Great and Korn fleeing town in Great's red car:
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And considering we still haven't seen the scene from the trailer where they're lying in a boat out on the water (which I think is at the same glamping site as at the beginning of the 5th episode), they're probably going back there again in Tyme's timeline. And if they're going back there, there's a big chance it happened in the real past as well (since both characters are imagining it).
The same goes for when they returned to the city in Great's red car. They likely returned to different circumstances in the real past, but they must've returned either way.
Then there are the red features on the news as they report about the accusations against Great's dad and his company (which can be seen in an image above).
I'm sure the evidence Tyme had gotten on the illegal gambling sites leaked somehow in the real past as well (it might've been Tyme who did it, which might've led to Great and his mom being shot).
Then we have the sign on Tyme's place saying "House for rent" in red letters:
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Whether he (in the real past) left because Chanin bribed him or because he just wanted to take his grandmother somewhere safer is up for debate.
But at least I'm pretty sure Great was shot (and, most likely, his mom too):
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Just look at that red splatter.
This is as far as we've come in the show right now.
So, does it make sense that the red tells us what happened in the real past and/or which events are the backbone of the story? Yes.
Do I think I cracked a code or something? Not really.
But it does make me eager to keep tracking the red in the remaining episodes to see if it will keep being the red thread of the real past/the backbone of the story or if any pitfalls will come up.
Now, let's move on to my predictions of what might come in the coming episodes.
Jewelry, Clothes, and Bruises
At first, I was going to write about the jewelry after the 5th episode because I've been tracking them (besides clocks/time, numbers, and color, to name a few things) since the start, and I think it will play a role now that the show is moving toward Tyme's perspective instead. But, @yakdee wrote amazingly about the jewelry in this post, which means I don't have to. I recommend you read that post first.
To that post, I want to add that the 5th episode ended with Tyme wearing the clothes he was wearing when he was shot in the 1st episode (he also doesn't wear any jewelry in the scene when he's shot):
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Is he still in Great's timeline here, running towards his own death so he can have his own OOBE, or is he in the real past?
Or, a third option, perhaps he's in both at the same time, which could be indicated by the bruise on Tyme's nose that he had in the 1st episode when he was shot (image above), which also showed up every other time the lights flickered in the last scene in the 5th episode:
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Perhaps the spinning of the camera in that last scene was to show these two versions merging together. Perhaps it showed one Tyme ending while the other Tyme beginning. Or, perhaps it just showed that everything is upside down.
Now, whichever version of Tyme it is that gets shot, I believe that will be the trigger that moves the show into Tyme's perspective of whatever happened in the past. Because I do believe we will be sent back into the past again (somehow) since there are scenes from the trailer that haven't yet shown up and yet would've chronologically happened in the past from our current vantage point (I'll get back to these in a bit).
(I would personally argue that the Tyme with the bruise is the Tyme from the real past. I also believe it's that version of him we'll see get shot in the next episode like we did in the 1st episode, and that will be the trigger that sends us into his OOBE timeline.)
In other words, this is where I believe we're headed.
Tyme's Timeline
I've had the theory for a while that Tyme is having an OOBE as well because there are times when the thunder has broken through into the events we've seen, which I think is his real present reality bleeding through (the thunderstorm at the abandoned place where he was shot in the 1st episode).
So, what can we expect from Tyme's timeline? Or, what will I keep my eyes open for when (if?) we get Tyme's timeline?
Again, considering the things Den commented about in his research, it's obvious that the person from which perspective we're seeing is coloring the narrative.
We might be getting a completely different vibe going forward when seeing things from Tyme's perspective. And just like @yakdee wrote in that post, there's still the scene at the bar from the trailer as well as the sex scenes Great had visions of. The vibe in those scenes is very different (in my opinion) from what we've seen so far from Great's perspective.
There's also this scene of them lying in that boat out on the water:
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Which I believe is at the same countryside/glamping site they were at in Great's timeline.
We know that these scenes will show up at some point and we'll likely get to see them from Tyme's perspective, which will be an interesting contrast to Great's.
Also, from a color perspective, Great's OOBE timeline had him in white and Tyme in black for the most part (that might not change very much in Tyme's OOBE timeline, but it's definitely something I'll keep my eyes on). Just look at that image of them in the boat, though. Great is wearing primarily dark clothes with a white jacket while Tyme (who has basically only worn black clothes excluding his doctor's robe, his gray clothes when visiting Great's Uni, and the clothes he wore when he was shot) is wearing a black shirt and white pants... (Also, look at the yin and yang they're creating lying there in that boat. It's just so visually stunning.) That's super interesting to me.
I will keep tracking clocks/time, the color red (and other colors), numbers, more tilting camera shots (which also appeared in this episode, but I don't have the brainpower, or the images left, to write about that right now), and more as the show continues.
So, if I'm to summarize the major timelines right now, they would be:
The present timeline (where Great and Tyme are dying).
The 4-minute timeline (which is Great's do-over timeline).
The real past/Tonkla's timeline (which may be the same timeline or have diverged into separate ones as the show has progressed).
And the addition I think we'll get in the next episode: Tyme's timeline (which may get another name if he also develops a supernatural ability).
I can't wait to watch the next episode and see how wrong I am.
Is it Friday, yet?
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your-ne1ghbor · 12 days
Asha's Animal Side Kick
Now presenting...
the one...
the only...
BONSAI !!!!!!!!!
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It was either between a possum, ferret, or a great eared nightjar/type of bird, but either way, I had to go with the possum.
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I liked the light brown possum a lot personally since I thought it was really cute yk??
It was also based off of this possum:
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OKOK, you may be wondering why I changed Valentino, or Bonsai into a possum.
There are 2 reasons:
Numero Uno:
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I think my friend @sewerpalette said it best here:
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Nothing can convince me otherwise. His design is just SO ugly to look at. It is not pleasing.
And it doesn't help that I wanna punch his stupid fucking face like it is so punch-able
OKAY SURE, the concept versions of Valentino is cute...but ever but I didn't like how I drew goats in my style. It could be just that I'm not good at drawing them, but I also didn't like my color pallet I did for him, which was a lot like what Bonsai has color pallet wise, and it fitted Bonsai more than Valentino.
Numero Dos:
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It is basically a repeat of what we have already seen, which I didn't like.
Just because you aged down a goat does not make it ORIGINAL.
What I'm trying to say is that Valentino feels like a refrence to Huntch Back of Notre Dom, which this movie has a thing with adding stuck out refrences instead of making it subtle. I mean I know it was a 100 year aniversary, just make it more subtle though so people can rewatch it and find refrences they didn't notice first time watching.
Some fun Facts about Bonsai:
Bonsai is actually a little dwarf, and the runt of his family. Asha adopted him when she found out Amaya told Charo (Charo is a lynx btw) to get rid of them all since she thought they were rats (even though they are fucking HUGE) (PLUS IT IS TO EMPATHESE ON THE FACT THAT THEY ARE MISTAKEN FOR RODENTS WHEN THEY AREN'T, THEY ARE APART OF THE MARSUPIALS FAMILY AND THEY GET RID OF RODENTS/EAT THEM)😭
(I might actually make him slightly bigger than how I drew Bonsai, but who knows yk?)
So Asha took the responsibility of taking care of the little Possum, since she didn't want the possum to grow up alone, and so that she can have some company.
IT TOOK A LONG WHILE for Bonsai to warm up and trust Asha, but in the end, he saw her good nature and swore to protect Asha like how Asha protected him from getting eaten from Charo. Which is why he dislikes Star Boy A LOT (mainly because he doesn't trust how this creature can literally transform into anything and doesn't want him to end up being something like Charo 😭)
He is just a little guy that wants to make sure his friend doesn't get hurt by a celestial force.
This is basically how I imagine how they both would meet:
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(Just wait till he finds out Asha likes him. He is going to be so judgemental)
To get this part out of the way, if I end up having Bonsai speak, it would sound like a child, since I DREADED when the goat started...TALKING LIKE A GROWN ASS MAN LIKE NO PLEASE NO. And it would be more adorable yk?? :3
Lastly, here is the first doodle I did of him.
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@oh-shtars @annymation @signed-sapphire @chillwildwave @spectator-zee @uva124 @rascalentertainments @tumblingdownthefoxden
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I might also go with a different color pallet for Bonsai but idk yet
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boozenboze · 2 years
*distant shouting once again*
You have full ability to reject this!
Can we get a Task Force 141 with Male Reader that's a Naga (basically a person that has a snake body below the waist instead of legs) They can transform their body from human to Naga form
The Task Force gets sent to retrieve info, while they're told someone was the demolition with no other info then their callsign being 'COBRA', yes in all caps, and not to attack the one with a blue (darkish) vest.
They run into them just ripping someone diagonally in half with their bare hands. After tearing out their victim's vocal cords with their mouth. While crushing someone into a pancake with their giant tail.
The reader is really nice btw, just a sweet Boi.
Thank You great work btw!
TF 141 x Naga!Male reader
COBRA a man in a deep blue vest.That was some of the only information that 141 had received from Laswell before leaving for the mission.The man had no other information,no name,no picture,anything that you’d expect to be on a persons file about them wasn’t there.
“Your saying not to attack this guy,why exactly?”Gaz asked as Laswell sighed on her end.
“I’ll explain later,and just a heads up if you hear slithering at any point just stay low alright?”Laswell spoke in a firm tone which made them know she was being dead serious.
“Alright Laswell,were going out.”Price said as Laswell didn’t respond, seemingly had left her laptop.
“Alright y’all heard the woman lets move.”Price said as Gaz walked swiftly behind him as well as Ghost and Soap.
“Laswell said we have to get to third floor,thats where the documents should be eh?”Gaz asked as Soap responded.
“Yeah she did.Say don’t ya think its weird we haven’t any enemies?”Soap asked as the four of them hid behind a corner.They were about to keep going until they heard a few screams,a slam and gunshots.
Ghost had peeked down the hallway they previously came from and heard a faint slithering sound.
“What the hell...?”Ghost muttered as he saw something in the corner of his eye.A tail, a snakes tail to be exact.The thing sbout it was that it didn’t look like a normal sized one it was huge.The tail moved making it’s way down the other hallway of the building.
“Captain there something(someone) over there.”Ghost mentioned as Price turned his way.He waved his hand signaling them to follow him as they wen back down the hallway they had came from.They were about to ambush the person but froze in place at what they were witnessing.An h/c haired male holding a soilder upside down,as another soilder was being crushed by the mans pure black tail.
“Just tell me where the files are and I may let you die painlessly.”COBRA spoke with venom lacing his voice.The guy didn’t say anything and only stared in fear as the males pupils sharpened before grabbing his other leg and ripping him in half.His intestines and guts all spilled out of him and 141 watched in horror.The man in the dark blue vest,standing right in front of them just ripped a fully grown adult in half.They could only watch as the other soilder continued to squirm in the males grip.COBRA tightened the grip he had with his tail as the mans face visibly turned red.Blood poured out of his eyes before his head blew clean off.
“I think im gonna throw up.”Gaz whispered as he covered gis mouth and clenched his stomach in nausea.Soap wanted to pass out as Ghost could only stare with wide eyes.Price never saw anything like this.A man whose lower body is built like a snake wasn’t anything normal.At least it wasn’t normal to him.The man let out an audible sigh as his form began to shrink.He was now normal sized,previously standing at atleast 7 feet tall and now being 5’6, now that his build was more human like.The male stood there for a moment before turning around only to be met with looks of horror,awe and confusion.
I’ll be making another part to this
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The She-Ra and He-Man Rights Situation
So today I figured it'd be a nice moment to explain the whole legal rights issues regarding He-Man and She-Ra because I still see a bit of confusion about that from time to time so here’s the whole thing as simply as I can put it. Sooo back in the 80s, Mattel made He-Man in partnership with Filmation and it was a big success. Two years later, they introduced She-Ra, but She-Ra was more heavily co-developed with Filmation and for this reason, a lot of the She-Ra characters and concepts were owned by them Marvel had a similar deal with Hasbro when they made transformers, but the difference was, everything Marvel made was owned by Hasbro themselves. Filmation... seemingly didn't have that with Mattel.
And that's where the trouble started. See, because of various factors (the she-ra toys being sold separately from the He-Man toys and the box office failure of the live action he-man movie) the franchise kinda died and at the same time, Filmation went out of business. There was an attempt to bring back He-Man a few years later, in the form of the 90s new adventures of he-man show, but that failed. (This is where Mara came from btw). And He-Man was basically dead for pretty much the rest of the decade.1 Now we come to the 2002 He-Man cartoon, which was a big hit. As some of you may now, the 2002 he-man was supposed to introduce its own new version of Hordak and She-Ra, but it was unfortunately cancelled after its second season (still great show, def recommend to spop fans)
However, Mattel only directly owns the rights to Horak, most of his henchgoons from the 80s cartoon and She-Ra herself, because they were developed together. It was filmation who were responsible for Catra, Glimmer, Shadow Weaver etc. The Filmation back catalogue was bounced around from company to company for many years and no one really cared about it, because the other two attempts to revive He-Man had failed and no one would really care about the other stuff.
Yes, the spop we all know and love came of this and I think most of us know how that went. But that's where the problem stands right now. Dreamworks could use Adora and hordak no problem... but nothing He-Man related, which is why they had to be really vague about that stuff with SPOP. Mattel also might have sabotaged the Spop toys because they didn't wanna share money. All of this is a bit awkward, because the two main new versions of He-Man now were created directly because SPOP had been the first big hit this franchise had in years. Basically, if the version of Hordak who shows up in season 2 of He-Man revelations looks exactly like his SPOP self and has the same voice, that's allowed. Same goes for Adora.... but if Adora is said to have a gf named Catra, that's when the lawyers get involved.
Tl:dr this is all because someone in 1985 forgot to put the small print in.
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I tried to watch mid but I'm really bad at caring about characters I don't know (I know it sounds stupid) I just couldn't bring myself to care.
Do you have anything new to do with Daemos culture (I'm looking at the MID wiki.)
I took forever to answer this, I’m sorry.
Basically, yeah, I have a bunch of culture stuff, but… I want to draw some of it and I can’t find my pen… so I’ll ramble about a few things in particular until I can.
Head wear/crowns.
(This is copy pasted off of a discord rant I had about it)
Daemos royalty wear these big elaborate head dresses/crowns which accentuate the height of their horns, to make them ‘more intimidating’ and to basically brag about how rich they are, but due to practical and personal reasons, Asch only has his little ring on his horn
The size/material/colour/style of these head pieces will depend on the person, their status and their general reputation. The emperor will have the largest, most elaborate one, whilst lesser nobility will likely just have horn caps made of gold or something
Asch wearing the ring crown is seen as incredibly humble, and traditional in certain Daemos’ cultures, but he mostly just chose it over horn caps because it was his mother’s. Cultures outside of the few certain ones are not fond at all of Asch’s ring crown, however.
Horn caps, btw, if I’m not being clear, are little bits of jewellery that daemos wear on the ends of their horns. They can come in a variety of shapes and styles, but are typically shaped to fit the shape of the daemos’ horns and make their horns look taller. Some, however, opt for fashion over height, though that’s not very common
For this reason, someone being referred to as having a ‘weak neck’ is kind of a way to say that they’re not a good leader/are poor. Since larger headpieces put more strain on the wearer.
Adding on, other stuff not included in the discord rant;
The ‘weak neck’ insult also carries over into an insult to call certain Daemos ugly, as larger horns are seen as more attractive, and, y’know, larger horns = more strain on the daemos’ neck.
This insult can also go the other way. ‘A neck too strong for the horns it carries’ can be a compliment to say someone is skilled beyond their social class, but it can also refer to traitors, as they often have their horns removed. It’s a way to either say 'youre cool for a poor person' or that someone is untrustworthy. it depends, of course, on context.
Asch wearing only the ring crown is seen as a bit of a bad omen amongst the nobility. He is second in line to be emperor (though many support the idea of him usurping the throne after his father passes, so that it may not fall into Rhal’s hands), and such a small crown implies that he will not amount to much, or will fail in some way. Large crowns imply greatness, and yet Asch’s is small. They worry for what it means.
Lady Grandma is referred to as The Empress Mother in my rewrite. Since… Lady Grandma sucks as a character name but I still wanted to make the idea clear. She’s the mother of the emperor, and thus Asch’s grandmother. If Asch’s father were to pass, she would become The Empress Grandmother (since Rhal or Asch would take the throne, and they’re both her grandsons). I like to think the Daemos still like to give titles to their former monarchs, or, more accurately, their former monarchs have too much pride not to have their own unique titles.
Tw for mentions childbirth, complications surrounding childbirth, infant death and death during childbirth.
Royal children whose mothers die in childbirth are often referred to as Blood Princes/princesses, or whatever their title pay be, due to a small superstition that those who are born through violent births may lead violent lives. It is, oddly, a compliment, and many emperors have pushed their wives to have unsafe births in order to birth a Blood Prince son. In a violent culture, it’s something that is sought after. Of course, this leads to a lot of infant death in royal bloodlines, as unsafe pregnancies are also unsafe for the child.
Asch is a Blood Prince. However, the circumstances of his birth were a little more graphic and violent… and whilst his father can be blamed in some part for it, his father did not actually want a blood child, and so did not seek out a violent birth for his son as many did. Alas, Asch was born through blood and misery anyways.
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harvestingsun · 5 months
This is a massive rant btw. I have a lot of thoughts about this movie
(TW: Bad spelling and not remembering any names 💀)
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Yh so I'm ranting rn
Like it was good, but not great 🕴️. Does not compare to the first 2, DEFINITELY not the second one, that one was just 🙌🏽 . And u know, that's ok, it's hard to pull a puss in boots and do better than the originals, but still the movie was lack luster
These are my points for why:
1. Plot was SO obvious. As soon as I saw that fox I knew she d be the new dragon warrior, cuz yh. Just obvious. And you know what? I wouldv been fine with that if they developed her character more. Like her bond with po SHOULDV been developed SO MUCH MORE. It felt like their whole dynamic was she was sarcastic and he went 🥺 n that's it. Like, why couldn't they have bonded more on them both being orphans ? How she feels unwanted because the world has rejected her and KEEPS rejecting her, but Po (who has gone thru a very similar thing) can teach her that yes that may be true, but that won't always be the case and once she finds her found family she can feel accepted, just like what happens to Po.
2. The villain and her daughter - so much potential but not enough done for them. Like just. I loved their dynamic, just SO MICH POTENTIAL BUT NOT ENOUGH GIVEN. There was one flashback of them meeting. That's it. There was basically only r4 interactions between them aswell: the betrayal scene, the "I'm using you" scene,the flashback and the final fight. And in NONE of these does it show how strong of a connection they have what about their relationship makes the fox betray Poe for the chameleon??? I wish we had a shi fu and tai lung type flashback where it showed the chameleon raising her and them developing a bond so that we know how hard it is for the fox to go against her orders
3. The villain herself - what motive ? U cannot convince me that "I'm evil because all the kung fu masters rejected me because I was too small" WHEN THERES A SNAKE THE SAME SIZE AS HER AND A F*CKING BUG WHO ARE BOTH AMAZING KUNG FU WARRIORS . like no. Just no. Someone would accepted her. U can't use her size as a reason for her becoming evil, just no. Instead, why not explain her reason being that she was poor/living in the streets ? A large portion of the movie is set around how there's a large group underground who have turned to crime, and poverty is often rampant in cities, so why not use that ? It also allows her to bond more with the fox as they have the same upbringing, but instead the chameleon was never able to get past how no one helped her and everyone rejected her, whilst the fox is able to accept where she is and find ppl who will accept her. Then they could've had a rlly impactful scene in the end where the fox accepts change and wanted the chameleon to change with her because SHE loves her and would fight for her, mother daughter style. Like writing that out just rlly made me think about how much they missed the mark, almost all 3 KFP movies are about father-son bonds, this movie could've had an impactful mother-daughter bond n it blew it 😩. So yh, I don't think the villains motive was fleshed out enough, I just don't think that her being small should have been the main centre for her character. Compare her to all the past villains, her motive is too simple and not developed enough
4. Tai lung and shen. NOT USED ENOUGH. How dare u bring those GODS OF VILLAISN back and not use them properly. And also have Po barely be surprised about them . SHEN IS THE MAN THAT COMMITTED MASS GENOCIDE AGAINST UR SPECIES, KILLED UR MOTHER AND LEFT U AN ORPHAN, Y R U NOT SHOCKED OR WORRIED THAT HE S HERE. And on top of that, ain't no what that peacock would simply bow and go " 🙂" and leave. He ain't bowing to Po, why would he respect him ? Shen doesn't CARE about being the dragon warrior, that wasnt his calling or whatever. Like, i could hav accepted it if he at least had a sentence apologizing for his actions, just ANYTHING that explains why he s so calm. I'm not angry that he is calm, I'm angry that it wasn't explained 🕴️(and tbh, I don't even think he needed a redemption arc much. He did horrible stuff, yes he has trauma, doesn't explain his actions. His death was a result of his arrogance and karma for his actions, I just think his character was fine (stressing him as a character was well written) the way it is, of anything this movie and taken away from his character )
And tai lung. Most of his character in this was comedy. And him going from "you are a mistake🙄" to "actually ur not a mistake 😏" within 10 minutes was annoying. I wish there was more interaction between him and Po. Then fighting together, bonding. Have them BOTH grow to move on from the title of dragon warrior together, since that title is such a grand part of both of their identities that they both have had a tough time letting go of. Once again, I'm not angry that he made jokes n was acting goofy (that was fun, I liked that), I'm annoyed that the movie didn't explain or provide context for why he was able to get over his past feelings and beliefs.
I can understand that they died and were able to let go of their actions in their mortal life, i just wish that it was addressed or properly shown. Especially shen, in his last moments he was given the chance to fess up n be good and he still refused. Bro died with u finished business, I would like to see how he came to terms with that or at least hav it b addressed
Overall, the bringing back of the past VILLAISN was fumbled. So much potential, but not used and on top of that it just kinda makes a joke of them and their original actions.
--> quick add on that I just remembered. Where r the five ? Like, I understand that they could've get the actors back or whatever. Ok find. But why not hav the chameleon capture all of them at the start and then they remain captured/past out/in a coma the rest of the movie until they R rescued :/. Like. That's such a better way of writing them out cuz a. It gives Poe even more incentive to want to take down the chameleon B. It makes the chameleon a much more threatening villain, cuz all the chameleon does in this movie is push one dude down some stairs, and then bring back so dead ppl, lick them n put them in a cage 🕴️. I would appreciate more stakes. ALSO PO SHOULDV TALKED ABOUT HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH THE 5 MORE, cuz this guy is a yapper, ain't no way he ain't talking bout them. It couldv once again been a way he bonded with the fox, if both of them had looked up to the 5 or something like that, or maybe even just about how Po can't wait to accept the fox into his found family
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: wish they developed po and the foxes friendship. I might hav said this b4, I hav bad memory. Just there could've been more bonding , wish there was but alas 😪
5. Poe s trauma ? Now, I'm a psychology student. I love seeing mental health and depth show in movies so I kno I'm being a bit picky. I just wished that we could see more of Poe coming to terms of all the stuff that has happened to him. Or at least referenceing it. I just think that he was way too jokey and light hearted the whole time. Like, there was a scene where fireworks suddenly went off next to him. I wish he flinched or anything like that, since fireworks were such a big thing (almost a trigger) for him in the first movie because of the mass killing of his species by shen. Like, even if he has gotten over it all, it would have been great to have him reference everything he s been through. It could hav been one of the things he bonded over with the fox, how yes, times get tough but you can get thru it if u r supported by the right people
Like tbh I think it wouldv been rlly cool if this movie focused on love :both the healthy and toxic types. Bringing back old villains can reference old baggage , like the toxic love between tai lung and shi fu, and the chameleon and the fox. It could be about breaking those toxic habits and changing to move past them and let the last go. Po couldv acted as the message of that, he could show his surroundings characters how to let go of the past to move on to a better future . Like, after everything he s been through that wouldv been so impactful.
Overall, just a lot of missed potentials in this movie. Still liked it tho. So here are some things I liked.
Visuals: fun visuals . Tho I do think some of the scenery wasn't as memorable as previous movies. Like comparing this villains hideout (wrong word but oh well) to shens, shens is so much more memorable and impactful. Looking at it you feel intimidated. In this movie, not so much. But it was still very pretty and u can tell some hard work went behind it, had some great animations, very smoothe, so yh :)
VIOLA DAVIS AS THE CHAMELEON 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 LOVE HER, LOVE THE VOICE ACTING JUST 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 like, the chameleon wasn't fleshed out as much as I'd hoped, but I still love her because I can FEEL that's she could be AMAZING cuz everything else was great except for the lack of backstory. Like I love her power, I love her character design, I love her voice .
The gay dad's 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I loved them. Highlight of the movie for me🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 every scene I saw them I smiled. I just loved them so much, that was so cute, I love how they cared about Po so much AND CARED ABOUT EACH OTHER!! That was so cute. Loved that so much. I would watch an entire movie of them cuz just 🙌🏽🙌🏽 loved them so much.
So yh, that's it. Gonna go rewatch all the other movies now
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realnicepookie · 7 months
i can't help but make extremely romantic cheesy heart wrenching feet kicking nails biting hair twirling cute-meets for all my parents in my drs it's a PROBLEM.
my hp dr :: my parents were both gryffindors, academic rivals/enemies to lovers (actually my grandparents all also have cute-meets it's crazy, while mine in this dr is just 7y of pining for each other even if everyone knows we like each other likeee)
my mha dr :: my dad was a new hero who saved my mom and kept awkwardly pestering her for days since they kept running into each other, until she gave in and agreed to a date
my atla dr :: my dad had a crush on her for years and she hadn't even noticed while he gathered courage for a year to even talk to her and even longer to ask her out (btw if even only one person asks about my atla dr living situation i will, just one is enough)
my winx dr :: pls a prince and princess arranged to be married early on but not really clicking and for years kind of bullying each other and trying to beat the other in EVERYTHING until my dad realises he likes her and tries to ask her out but she thinks he's just messing with her so she messes back but he thinks it's real and suddenly my mom realises they're dating? yeah
my pjo dr :: okay def less romance since yknow it's a god but so basically my dad once met a beautiful lady in a bar and had a great night talking with her when she suddenly went away at midnight and the next year on the same exact day he coincidentally went back with his friends and she was there again and they talked even longer and she vanished again. another year later it may have been dumb but he went back and yes she was there and he finally took her home and yknow a few months later, he's sad and met a woman who makes him forget a few things when all of a sudden there's a child in front his apartment door and a note saying "this is our child ¨name¨- nyx" yeah..
my own dr where i can read minds :: my mom was rich and my dad wasn't and they met at his part time job and it's not that special but it's cute
anyway this was way too long and i'm posting way too much so goodnight
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Hi! Idk if you're still taking request's but if you're doing it can I ask one about a yandere romantic halo more specifically master chief and the inquisitor (separetly or together like a rivalry youre choice) with a reader immune to the flood, (maybe she was a experiment when she was a child and escaped or just happend to be a discovery) how both covenant and humanity would view her and what they want to do with her and what her yandere would be capable to do for her... It's ok if you ignore it btw I love you're writing 🌸
I never actually knew Thel had another name depending on the country :0 Here's some short ideas about this concept, they aren't OVERLY yandere but I tried with what I was given. Hope you enjoy this! Darling is human.
Yandere Master Chief + The Arbiter with Darling immune to The Flood
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Human experimentation, Violence mentioned, Kidnapping, Isolation, Subtle yandere themes, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Master Chief/John-117
Finding out someone has an immunity to Flood spores is a great development.
Master Chief may have found you by accident, amongst a Flood infection he finds a lone human.
One no doubt traumatized due to what she's seen.
Taking you in he gets you checked out by professionals in a quarantined area.
Only to find out there's no spores in you at all.
You're an anomaly, the only known case of a human or any creature being immune to The Flood.
Even AI are corrupted by the sentient pestilence.
John no doubt sees you as valuable and useful.
Although it uneases him when scientists and doctors wish to do tests on your blood and flesh.
John may be the only one you can turn to.
He saved you... he even asks about you often.
It's strange to every other human to see the Master Chief so upset over a civilian.
Yet John cares for you, to a degree even he doesn't fully understand due to him unable to comprehend romance all that much.
He just feels like he has to protect you...
Not only are you a key to fending off The Flood, but John would hate to have you affected anymore than this.
Your mental state is already failing, while John is mostly numb to this kind of thing...
Part of him finds some pity for you due to him caring about you.
Eventually when tests are done on you and samples are taken, you're sent somewhere safe to watch your mental state.
John begins to show overprotective behavior around you.
Cortana even expresses interest/concern when John keeps asking to check on you.
Cortana even senses John's hostility towards those who work on you.
John may not see you often... but he is an important figure in your life now.
He may not know how to show affection, but he allows you to hug him.
In fact... soon he gets used to the sudden display of affection.
John has a very basic view of love.
Nothing overly intimate... he just knows he has an extreme amount of care towards you.
Your immunity can help many....
Cortana has to bring rational thought back to John at times, the Spartan always thinking about you.
John doesn't plan on letting anyone hurt you... no matter what it takes...
No humans, no Covenant, and especially not The Flood...
The Arbiter/Thel 'Vadam
This is an interesting case as we're talking about Halo 2/3 Arbiter.
Thel doesn't expect to find anyone immune to the parasite.
Even the Forerunners were not immune.
So when he hears rumors of the humans having someone who has immunity... he's skeptical.
Yet when he does find you and takes you in as essentially a hostage... he notices it.
He sees there's no sign of infection, that even when fellow Sangheili convert... Infection Forms seems to be unable to touch you.
It fascinates Thel, making him want to know more.
Let's say for this it's somewhat during the Great Schism.
Thel originally wants to tell The Prophets about you.
But as he travels with you... he begins to worry about what they'll do to you.
You're immune to The Flood... but you're human.
They could easily disect you and try to make a cure out of you.
Thel dreads the thought, ironic since he and his group are holding you hostage.
Despite such a situation... Thel still treats you with decent respect.
You may be human... but you are an important asset due to your immunity.
Thel takes time to get to know you and keeps you hidden.
Other Sangheili question his intentions, but Thel simply says you can be useful.
Thel is also overly protective of you, similar to Chief.
Eventually, when he trusts you enough and learns of The Prophet's lies, he may even be possessive towards you.
Thel hasn't had thoughts like this towards anyone, let alone a human.
He definitely apologizes for taking you hostage... but he hopes now when he teams with Chief you can be allies at the very least.
Thel and Chief understand that you are important for both of their species to survive.
So you must be protected.
Perhaps Thel even keeps contact with you during Halo 3's events.
Many human researchers look after you, Thel knows that's for the best.
Yet he often visits you, despite what human doctors and scientists say.
He makes sure you aren't hurt and even gets a bit irritated if you are away for too long.
It takes so much effort to separate him from you.
Thel takes time to come to terms with his obsession.
He isn't sure how to deal with romantic feelings towards a human.
But he adapts... and vows to protect you with his life.
Regardless on if you'll see him the same or not.
Perhaps even showing signs of courting, keeping a close eye on you all the time.
He's lost many men in battle... especially to The Flood... but you're special in many ways to him...
He refuses to lose you to anything, his most precious partner (and possible mate).
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griffonsgrove · 8 months
OC || Introductions
hello my darlings!! I've really been wanting to introduce a few of my main characters to you all!! I was thinking of possibly doing headcanons/oneshots/drabbles in the future! (May be purely self-indulgent but we'll see) That being said, This is basically a very brief intro and info dump about each character. So let's get started!!
All characters and art belong to me!! Like I've said before I'm an artist and draw scenes and characters. I have a shit ton of art of all these guys that I'd love to share if anyone's ever interested!
cw: death, murder, cannibalism? minor sexual themes (one of my ocs is an incubus), minor violence.
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I've had her the longest, I made her several years ago. She's literally just a self-insert for EVERYTHING I enjoy sshejwka. But on another note! This is Night, she's a humanoid griffin hybrid (griffins being the mythological beast, half eagle half lion). She's very sweet and friendly. She's so mom-coded omg. Like she'll bake you little treats, makes sure your dressed for the weather, and reminds you of things you need to get done.
She has this locket around her neck that she keeps close to her. This is because it contains her "soul" or "spirit" inside of it. Every griffon has one, and it's what helps her to transform. Which btw shapeshifterrrr. Her true form being that of an actual griffin. She's a gentle giant though don't worry.
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I know what you're thinking and no, he's not related to Bill Cipher. Tom is a 25-year-old art college student. He's a no-nonsense kind of guy, and very easily irritated. He's a fine arts major and does a lot of painting. He HATES his roommate (there's literally nothing wrong with him he's so nice and friendly, tom is just a dick). He's got a pet snake!! He's a hognose named Poncho! He's a total stonerrrrrrr, it's the only time he'll be chill honestly.
He and his roommate live in a city style apartment, on the first floor, complete with a basement. Unbeknownst to his roommate, Tom has a secret black market business selling organs to dealers. The basement is where he does all the harvesting, it strictly prohibited for anyone to go down there. It makes hella money though, which he uses to help pay his tuition (art college is expensive!)
Orphan btw. His mom is Night actually (an adoptive relationship) She loves and cares about him very much, the same goes for him. He usually acts more behaved if she's around.
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Roman is, well he's a--thing?? creature?? I haven't decided in all honesty but he's dangerous. He travels all across the country, making sure to be well hidden. He's a serial killer oop. His signature weapon being a bowie knife. Bros got some major sadistic and animalistic tendencies. Eats his victims btw. He can't rly show his face in public, and the mans gotta eat right??
He likes to hunt. His victims are essentially "prey" to him, and he does so enjoy the thrill of a chase. He's got a looooooong tongue (as you can see) he's accidently bitten it once or twice with those sharp teeth of his. Has a tail as well, yk what espeons tail looks like? yea it's like that. His ears are sensitive btw he doesn't like them being touched.
Can never stay in one spot for too long, constantly on the move, he's got great stamina and can run for quite a long time.
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WOOO. RUFFmEOW. BIG STRONG MAN LETS GO RAGHHH. ya so this is Damien. As you can tell I love him very much and I'm so very normal about him. He's an incubussss (sex demon basically). Literal definition of a Himbo. He's a big beefy guy who's wholesome and sweet, despite his line of work.
Super flirty, and also hypersexual. It's what he feeds off of, and how he regenerates and gets his magic. which btw, he can be summoned!
He's got a looot of body hair, happy trail for dayysss! Also has a bunch of peircings, snake bites on his face, and nipple peircings on his pecks. He's got numerous scars littered all over his body too. He's really sweet an attentive, as well as respectful! What more could you want in a man??
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BIG WOMAN. she's literally just my "villain" version of Night, however she's not a self-insert. I gave her, her own story and lore. She's the main antagonist in an animated series I'm creating. Her name is based of the Mythological woman "Alecto" Who was a fury of the underworld, she symbolizes rage and spreads it across the world.
She's very quick to anger. "hot-headed" (Pun-intended). The back of her hair is literally fire, and it can grow and change depending on her mood. Those gauntlets on her arms are strong AF and razor sharp, you do not want to get on her bad side. Ngl, she kinda feral at times, yk how Miguel O'Hara literally ran on all fours to chase after Miles Morales??? Yea she does that.
She's evil muehahshegsh, but also classy. She's also really tall!!! like about 8'6'' DAYUM. she'll crush you.
annnndd thats a wrap!! These are the main Oc's that I adore and use on a regular basis, they each hold a special place in my heart. I rly would love to do occasional drabbles or head canons with my babies at some point, but I'm not sure anyone would read/enjoy them 😭
Nevertheless, I do hope you enjoyed my small ramble about these guys, as you can see, I'm totally normal about them.
Oh!!! and if you're ever wanting any more of my art just lmk!! I mainly post my writing on this blog, but if y'all wanna see, I can def show!!
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trashlama · 1 year
Ok hear me out Yandere redson and Mei poly /team up hcs please 🙏who both fallen for macaque female apprentice ~
Mei fights her seeing as macaque fighting monkey king , which leads to MK fighting her future darling it was only when reader makes shadow clones to trap MK , that’s when Mei gets involved. 
It would have been fine if the reader didn’t have such a flirty attitude, who likes to praise Mei even when Mei sword was near her throat. 
Before Mei could do anything , reader disappeared into the shadow realm 
For Red son , I can see him teaming up with her since MK is there enemy , with his brain and her brawn , MK and his friends will be finished in no time . (Reader teamed up with his , for sine reason her mentor disappeared and she thinking rid of MK and his friends will make him praise her ) 
He did not expect reader to be so smooth and honestly praises his inventions even saying he’s amazing . 
There were so close yet MK still won , Red son thought she was gonna leave him only for her to teleport him and her to her hideout to heal his wounds before sending him back home ,not before giving him a flirty remark . 
After that an obsession grow for Red son 
While Mei she gains a guilty crush that got worse when reader decide to keep her company since MK been busy Lately, She knows she should hate it but she been feeling lonely and when reader not being flirty she can be nice even winning Mei a dragon plushie at a fair . 
What made her snap was realising Red son fallen for her darling , but seeing how there got along greatly if there difference aside , there decided to team up to make reader theirs . 
My dude —deep inhale of air— would it be alright if I made this into like a two possibly three shot series?
I love the idea and I've been brainstorming tons of ideas for this one and in each scenario I'm like damn this idea is so good. I really want to do it justice so I need to have multiple chapters. Ya know? To build the tension and really get a feel of the mindsets and what not.
As you guys are aware I have to seriously start working on this future Yan Raph fic of mine... . It's Ironic but, I reeaally want to start writing the future yan Mikey part. Mostly because I basically have that one planned out in my head. Meanwhile I got like five different possible scenarios for the Raph fic that I can't decide on. Though a few months ago I had said I was gonna do the Raph one first so to keep my word I plan to do so.
However SOMEBODY (an anon) had requested a future Yan Michelangelo fic and I'm like brooooo were you reading my thoughts? Cause they were somewhat close to what I had in mind but not quite. But the point is I need to write the Raph fic soooonn!!!
Gotta appease the masses~✨
Though guys I'm a bad Trashlama. I keep brainstorming all these awesome plots that I totally want to write— which ironically were formulated when I was brainstorming for the Raph fic.
Soooo I'm gonna do a poll so I can force my procrastinating/ADHD ass to write at least some of these.
And guys btw I'm sorry again for taking so long. I've been caught up recently with finishing a lot of other things I had been procrastinating. -Cough- Hogwarts Legacy -Cough- Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse -Cough- Adult responsibilities -Cough- -Cough-!!!
Anyways thank you guys again for sticking around to the end. I'll have that poll out soon(probably today).
In the mean time here's some memes!
Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
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natasha-in-space · 9 months
'Why do you love rika. I love rika myself as well. Tbh for me its like, the more I stay in mysme fandom the more my love and appreciation for rika grows. It initially started as me being angry at the double standards of the most asian media fandoms in general cuz i realised that rika would have been more well loved if she was a man, people would use the male!rika's trauma to justify his actions and this thought has made me angry and made me "appreciate" rika out of spite. But it eventually has grown into a genuine appreciation for her. Idk how to explain but something inside me makes me want to protect her and save her from everything happened to her leading upto the current situation. And more hate she gets more i feel the desire to defend her.
Actually my no 1 is another character and he has a place of his own which no one could take (its yoosung btw) but rika...i think she might be a close second fave i guess - anon'
I accidentally messed up your ask, so I'll be replying in this way instead!
Thank you for the question, dear anon! I'm always giddy to chitchat about these things. I do want to prelude this by saying that this is not really a proper analysis, but more of me just writing out my personal feelings. I might try my hand at actual analysis one day, but, for now, I'm just sharing my own interpretations!
Mystic Messenger is probably the only fandom I have been in since... well, since it has formed, basically. It's wild to think about sometimes. Things are very different in our little space now, compared to how it was before. Public perception of Rika is one of those things. I can totally resonate with your frustrations on that front, unfortunately. I know many folks miss the time when the fandom was bigger, but... personally, I don't. Especially as a Rika fan. It was borderline exhausting trying to curate your fandom space as a Rika fan at the time. Hell, we had full blogs dedicated to solely hating on her, a fictional character, and people who expressed their love for her. And that's just here on Tumblr. People used to full on write hate comments under every single seasonal CG with Rika in it. It was terrible, and very, very disheartening to see. Especially since most Rika fans I've met over the years are the sweetest people. Granted, there is a case to be made for practically every mm character, and how the fandom may have misinterpreted them in one way or another, so it's not just a Rika problem. Just that she was majorly disliked.
If anything, I'm very happy Cheritz still continued to include Rika in the seasonal events despite it all. Props to them on that front.
Right now, thankfully, things are much more peaceful and respectful. Rika is definitely not the more popular character, but now you can openly express your love for her in the fandom space, without fear of being harassed. I'd say that's a great win for us!
That being said, as to why I love Rika... Hm, it's interesting to put it into words. I didn't have a strong opinion on her until V's route came out. I never really shared the collective hatred of her, but I didn't love her either, you know? V's route came out during a pretty rough patch in my life, and I think that helped me get personally invested in what it had to tell. Rika actually feels like a fleshed out character with many nuances, and that instantly made me interested in paying close attention to what they wanted to do with her.
Rika is complicated, to say the least. She always was, but, with all the added content to her story that Cheritz have put out over the years, her complexity only evolved further. I love that about her. I love morally dubious characters who's mind you have to carefully study and pick apart piece by piece in order to understand them. I love how she is not really a villain in a traditional sense. She is not actively pursuing harm on anybody, not in her eyes. It is fascinating to me how different her view point is, compared to those around her. How skewed her perception of the world around her grows over the years. It's both scary and captivating.
So, it started with fascination. Appreciation for her character and a desire to delve deeper into what makes her who she is today. I think... my appreciation has grown into love when her Behind Story came out. I know many folks have very complicated feelings towards it, especially since it came out alongside V's After End and its unfortunate push for forgiveness, but I never really viewed Cheritz establishing Rika's past as an attempt to wash her of her sins. It just came out at a very bad timing is all. If her Behind Story came out a bit later, I think public opinion of it would have been different. It's a shame that their huge mess up with the message in V's After Ending sabotaged it like that.
Thing is, Rika wouldn't be as compelling and interesting as she is, if she was truly innocent. That being said, I... relate to her struggles on a deeply personal level. Not as deeply as I do with Saeran, but her story and her struggles do make me choke up to this day. Because, in a way, I see my past self in her. Being able to read through her story, her thoughts, and her feelings have really made me form a genuine fondness to her. Her religious trauma, her painful path of learning to survive in an environment that actively tries to harm you at every possibility, her fears of being the devil everyone says she is, her inability to accept and love herself, because all she has ever known is pain, danger and hatred... It hurts. I think, everyone has that little voice inside their head. Telling them that they are bad and undeserving of the love people close to them are expressing. That everyone actually hates them. That there is something inherently wrong with them. It's heartbreaking that, in Rika's case, this voice has eventually consumed her to the point of no return.
When you are an abused child, who knows nothing but the hostile world they have at home, it will follow you into every crook and cranny of your life. Even when you're not home, even when you're 'safe', your mind and body will still be on high alert, as it's natural to try and keep yourself safe from harm. Rika's fear of the world around her, her deep inner self-hatred is something I have experienced as an abused child/young teen. It's debilitating, and it's heartwrenching to think that so many people have to suffer like this.
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I think the beauty of her story to me is the sheer tragedy of it. It's a tough pill to swallow, but people are not born evil. She has done horrible, immoral and unforgivable things, and yet, in some twisted sense, her heart was not filled with malice as she did so. She believed she was saving Saeran, she believed she was providing her believers the safety and love they couldn't get elsewhere, she believed she was trying to show her old friends the truth by taking them to her side. Of course, none of those things are actually true. Her real intentions were selfish, albeit not evil. A desperation to be loved and not abandoned. That dichotomy is both beautiful and tragic to me. (Some of these are very bad quality bc I can't screenshot stuff right now)
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Of course, there's also the whole V/Rika debacle. Personally, I never put all of the responsibility onto either one of them. That takes away the beautiful tragedy of their shared bond. V - or, Jihyun - genuinely cares deeply for her. He is heartbroken at all the suffering he sees her go through during his route. Of course, it's not just his care for Rika at play, but we're not talking about him right now. While, for Rika, he was her only anchor, her light, the one person who saw the real her and accepted her instead of forsaking her. At least that's what she thought. Rika and V are two very hurt and troubled individuals who have met each other at the worst possible time. And that makes it so sad to me. Neither him nor Rika truly wanted to harm one another. Whether there was any romantic love between them or not, they did care for one another deeply. Too deeply, even. Clinging to one another in order to satiate the emptiness they had inside, each in their own toxic way. It was not healthy. But it was genuine.
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And I love tragic bonds, be it romantic or not. There is something compelling about two people who do want the best for one another just causing more harm than good. It's also painfully truthful. Not to such an extreme, but the struggle of doing what's best with no direction is one many can relate to.
I guess, to conclude this all, I'd say I love Rika for her complexity most of all. There are so many layers to her, and her story is truly a heartbreaking one to behold. But, God, is it beautiful, too.
Also, may I just add, her voice actress is absolutely amazing? She puts her all into playing Rika, and her story wouldn't be as moving if it wasn't for her breathtaking work. Her voice acting made me cry a whole lot of times.
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If 911 was a fanfic or book I was reading and Buddie got together in only Chapter 7 after some great development in the first 6 chapters and putting the pieces into place, I personally would be pretty disappointed. We may think we want Buddie right now but if we got it tomorrow, how would you actually feel? A temporary elation? Once that get together happens and we see a little domesticity and figuring things out like how to tell Christopher and their coworkers, how to deal being in danger at work on the same shift, how they feel about moving in together, dates, all of it -- where would they go from there? What more could they explore? How would it come into play on the same shift of the 118 over and over again? When one of them or both is in danger over and over again? It runs the risk of things becoming stale very quickly, because of how build-up that has been worked into their stories (and joint story) in the last six seasons.
I don't know if anyone has ever talked about this before but one thing Bathena, Madney, and Henren have in common is that they don't work the same job/shift. Something that has been remarked on before by Oliver or Tim I believe in earlier seasons (in reference to Buck's relationships with Taylor and having that person outside of the 118). Things can intersect sometimes like for Madney or Bathena but ultimately, there's a line there. Talk of all sexuality comments aside for a second, Buck and Eddie do not have that line yet. They did in season 5 for a bit but it didn't work out for Eddie too well (and neither were even close to being ready in the story line for anything more than friendship/family then). So had Buck actually taken Tommy up on his offer to train so he could do both the 118 and the air rescue, that could have been another line that got them closer.
However, saying that, there are still parallels running between Bathena, Madney, Henren, and Buddie still. There is a reason Buck is hooking up with a firefighter for his first boyfriend (yes, I heard Tommy was originally going to be with Eddie first, doesn't change why Tim decided to go with Tommy as thee guy) who is not in the 118.
And Eddie may be "heterosexual" (I don't think Ryan's comments were meant to be taken as some of them have been taken btw, I think he was talking about the moment of Buck's coming out and how important that was), but there's no viable explanation for why Eddie didn't like or got jealous of Buck's other girlfriends (Abby, Taylor) while barely interacting with the others once they started dating Buck (Ali, Natalia). And now, Buck is in a relationship with a man and Eddie is beyond cool with it, no jealousy or dislike. Tommy got the approval before Eddie either knew he would be dating Buck and Eddie isn't even thinking twice about it. Quite a turnaround considering his history with Buck's former flames, wouldn't you say?
And let's not forget that Buck has basically had the same (paralleled) thing going on with Eddie's relationships with women. He had no problem with Eddie dating any of these women but he never interacted with Shannon, he wouldn't even look at Ana, and he barely interacted with Marisol (after she and Eddie began dating). ...kind of makes you think, doesn't it?
Let's just let their story unfold organically. It will be a much better payoff when/if it happens, trust me. And you will enjoy the show that much more.
Hang in there.
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P.S. The symbolism of coffee, pizza, popcorn, and beer are still very much a thing. *wink*
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the-real-couchrat · 6 months
@toothpastecanyon proposed the idea of a post-apocalypse dragon Mizar, and it was too good to resist! May I present;
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Info and more versions below the cut!
Her name Mezra (might be changed later)
She hoards glitter
Lives in an abandoned “Michelles” (in-universe-Michaels”)
Sleeps in the yarn section
Sleeps with a few glitter bottles, they spill a lot
Keeps the feast of her hoard in a different section
Always has glitter in her scales (she likes it)
Sometimes has yarn tangled in her horns
She paints her claws (all of them) with the gold acrylic paint
Those scale patterns under her eyes are natural
Her spikes are a little bit uneven (like in the headshot)
Literally leaves a trail of glitter when she drags her tail
She does not sleep like in the picture, she rolls constantly, which is how she gets so much glitter on her
Deep sleeper
Lonely :( all the humans are scared of her
Daydreams a lot
Likes exploring areas close to home (like forests, or deep caves with lots of space)
Loves the way her scales glint in the sun, but prefers night flying because she can see the lights of the human (and other) villages. She would say hi, but she knows they would probably attack her.
Loves cloud-gazing, and flying through fog
Very excited to meet Alcor, they get along great, and she’s happy to have a friend. He wingmans (?) for her when she’s trying to befriend villages
Alcor often uses a dragon form around her (like 50/50) because I headcannon that he will tweak his appearance if a Mizar is a different species, or just looks drastically different.
Mezra loves his humanoid form, because she can pick him up and make fun of him
Her favorite food are the goats that hang around a few minutes flight from the Michelles
Because she’s a dragon, and hasn’t had much socialization, she has a lot less reservations about killing people.
It’s more of a “I think we’re gonna have to kill this guy, Mezra” “Aw man” situation.
Notes on the current era:
The apocalypse happened around 12,000 years after the transcendence.
The apocalypse was caused by a magic storm, which wiped out a TON of humanity (and other sapient species), throwing the survivors into a medieval-esque era. ( think Wizard of Lanata, I love that fic btw)
Because of the magic storm, almost all man-made settlements (towns,cities,buildings,anything really) were destroyed, except for very few patches here and there there, which is how the Michelles still exists.
Mezra hatched around 200 years post apocalypse
Alcor is in a silly crazy cycle, so there’s not really much angst despite him being really old.
More versions:
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Mezra’s personality is still a work in progress, but she’s basically the embodiment of my ADHD. She has similar traits of Mabel, but different behaviors.
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