#i think of him as more of a cool uncle or godfather type
kinard-buckley · 1 month
okay. i was going to reblog someone else's post with a wall o' tags then thought better of it and decided to make my own post. anyway. controversial opinion ahead!!
eddie needs to sit with the fact that he has to let chris feel everything he's feeling right now and it will suck for him knowing he's caused chris even an ounce of pain but....... he can't always bring buck in to magic away chris's hurt and discomfort. eddie and chris BOTH have to feel it and take the time to work their ways through it. yeah sure buck is the guy who 'fixes' things but this is emphatically NOT something he can fix for eddie, and certainly not with a simple convo.
look i'm sorry but he is not chris's dad. he's not eddie. yes buck has a deep and profound relationship with chris but this is not something he can solve for them. he can play a role in helping eddie and chris get to where they need to get, so they can both start healing, but he can't carry them there.
also, eddie has to learn who he is outside of being a father and a widower. he also has to accept that chris is growing up and he can't sooth everything away by subbing cool uncle buck in to give chris a pep talk. that's not even fixing the current issues at hand, that's just wallpapering over them imo. eddie's the one who will have to do the hard work with chris, not buck for both of them, and only when chris is willing to let him back in. it's going to take time, intention, and effort. and it's not something buck can do for either of them.
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bboisawesome · 1 year
Probably lmk season 4 spoilers. I type things and rant without thinking so, just a fair warning.
We good?
First things first…
I just wanna say, I might have missed certain contexts because I watched English sub on YouTube, and I was freaking out the whole time. So if there is something I miss or misunderstand that might be why.
I guess some simple thoughts is where I’ll start?
Official monkey MK design!! How are y’all feeling about that one!?!? My boi was glitching and I felt real bad for him!
I couldn’t really tell if they were trying to say he was also born from a stone, or if Monkey King somehow made him? Or…what? Or if it was purposely vague just so they could do the whole, “It doesn’t really matter who you are, you are who you choose to be thing.” I was slightly confused and freaking out.
Either way, I was screaming the whole time. I died when MK called Pigsy his dad, because yes! He is. And my boi Pigsy really had the gall to say he was more of a godfather!?!?!? MK says you’re a dad? You’re a dad!
Which also, MK kind of went ahead with calling Azure Lion Uncle, soooo…confirmed Wukong dad as well?
MK getting all the dad’s and uncles. Kind of jealous. Even if some of them are causing issues. Especially Azure. Not cool dude.
They really heightened the MK angst this season and AAAH!! I can’t handle it!
Seeing the crew with the old crews weapons and stuff was super cool too! I like how during the training scene they had qualities that their past lives or ancestors or whatever hadn’t learned or learned as quickly. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t also learn from the past. Mei is awesome, but I agree girl has to plan ahead more and stuff. I love her to death though.
Pigsy’s was nice to see. (Also soup bending from my man Pigsy.) He may be a bit tough on the outside, but he really does care for his friends and family, and I love that! Now he just needs to get super strong to help them out!
Calling Tang out was funny. My poor useless scholar shall be useless no more! Flex those brain and courage muscles boi! It was so cool to see more of Tang’s abilities!
And Sandy was perfect all along. I always knew it. 😌 I love how the dude kept sticking silver stars on him. 😂😂 His only flaw? Maybe being a little TOO nice. But, even Sandy knew that and can probably adjust accordingly. He had that character growth in season 2. 😂
Usually I like torturing characters I like, but seeing MK suffering and sad made me sad, and I just wanted someone to hug him. Which he got when reunited and getting his friends out of heaven! So I’ll take it! My boi was still glitching though. Someone gotta do something about that.
There was just so much, I can’t even think of it all or what I want to say or do, besides screaming. Plus I was a little confused in places because I am dumb and it is late. I am definitely gonna rewatch a couple times, and absolutely rewatch when the dub comes out! So maybe my thoughts will be in better order by then? Hopefully I’ll process it more by the time the special or finale comes out? Whichever it may be?
Until then, sorry for my insane ramblings. I just needed to process and yell some more.
I don’t even know how I’m gonna sleep or go to work tomorrow like a normal person! Especially after that cliffhanger!!! AAAAH!!
Definitely gonna look for something to draw too! I need to draw something! Okay, okay…I’m chill. I’m cool. See y’all later, and I hope you can process this new season well.
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thwispsings · 4 years
Atla modern!au headcanons
This is gonna be a long ride so buckle up folks 
Sokka has at least one clothing item with “women want me, fish fear me” (and i’m betting it’s a crop top)
Zuko has to wear a hearing aid on his scarred ear
His vision is also not great on that side
Sokka has a soccer mom car
Sokka is just a huge soccer mom friend
While Sokka is the braincell holder of the group, Zuko is their impulse control
Zuko goes to occupational therapy
The white lotus is a tea tasting club, they have discount cards at Iroh’s teashop
Piandao is a master of the blades
Also distinguished gay
Bumi is basically a cryptid, he’s the jersey devil of omashu
Piandao also once got arrested for fighting cops at pride
No cops at pride just Piandao and his blades
Bato and Hakoda are peak Kevin and Holt (everyone’s dads)
Before they came out Sokka and Katara had a bet going on with Gran gran on whether they would realize everyone already knew or not (gran gran won)
Zuko cannot drive to save his life but he’s incredible good with a motorcycle 
Toph basically lives with Iroh and Zuko, they’re her emotional support family figures
They have family game nights but pai sho was banned after the “great table breaking incident of 2018”
Suki is a master of at least three different known martial arts and some not really known ones
She still stutters when talking to pretty girls
Once a pretty girl smiled at Suki and she tripped and almost fell down a flight of stairs
Whenever a girl flirts with her she looses her cool when a guy flirts with her she is always non-impressed
She and Sokka are the best exes, always trolling each other tho
When Zuko and Sokka started dating her first reaction was telling Zuko “honestly you could do better” 
Toph and Zuko convinced Iroh to start selling coffee on the Jasmine Dragon
Once Toph drank seven cans of redbull in a row just for shits and giggles, Iroh still has nightmares about that day
Whenever Zuko pulls all nighters Toph always puts him to bed, no one knows how
If you go for a non bending au then Druk is a bearded dragon or a ferret, i will not accept other animals
Zuko is the only person that Toph let squish her cheeks, she always giggles at it, it’s adorable, on the other hand, Toph is the only person allowed to touch his scar (she likes to map her friends’ faces with her fingers)
Toph also has an inclination to simply plop herself on Zuko’s lap, he’s warm and very comfortable and he always hugs her without saying anything
Toph knows how to braid her and always braids Zuko’s
Sokka is totally a tiktoker and a streamer
Aang watched too many tiktoks with Sokka and spent an entire month referring to Appa as “fluffly boy” only
Aang’s first friend, incredibly, was Zuko
Zuko painted blue arrows on a hoodie to give it to Aang when he complained about waiting for the tattoos
Aang cried
They are the type of friends that make constant references to events no one else knows about besides the two of them
Much similar to the Toph and Zuko situation, Sokka has adopted Aang as his little brother
They both have their daily Sokka&Aang time
Which usually involves laying with Appa and talking 
Sometimes cloud watching, they compete to see who finds the clouds with weirder shapes
Aang gets Katara flowers every year on her birthday
Their first date was at Iroh’s teashop (mostly so Zuko could be there to calm Aang down)
They hold hands whenever Aang feels overwhelmed
Aang made Katara a total of 37 friendship bracelets and 16 bead necklaces
The two go ice skating every two weeks
Katara has at one point convinced each one of her friends to let her do the hair loopies on them at least once
Katara once fought a guy on an Ihop parking lot and she won
The guy was Hahn and she fought him because he called Sokka a wimp
Katara, Sokka and Hakoda cry every time they watch Balto
Katara and Zuko share Ever after as their favorite movie
Katara is a golden medal swimmer 
Yue lost her hair due to chemo so she has a collection of pretty white wigs
Yue deffinetely cosplayed as Mara from She-ra
Piadao knows Zuko ever since he was five years old
He is actually both Zuko’s and Lu Ten’s godfather
One of his most prized possessions is a mug saying “world’s best godfather” that Zuko made on therapy and gave him for fathers day 
Iroh has a matching but with “world’s best uncle” 
Bumi and Aang became friends after Appa almost ran over him at a park, no one understands this friendship
Piandao and Zuko can communicate solely through nods and grunts, and both understand each other perfectly
*At the tea shop*
Piandao: *grunts and nods curtly*
Zuko: he wants the orange and spices tea and a croissant
*at Piandao’s dojo*
Zuko: *huffs and shakes his head*
Piandao: ah yes Zuko thanks for reminding me, i should see that with your uncle as soon as possible, do you think Jeong Jeong will be able to help?
Zuko: *grunts*
Piandao: no, you’re right, that’s a ridiculous idea
And now the crocverse hcs in honor to @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice
Iroh non-ironically loves crocs
Once he said “let me put them on sports mode” before getting out of the house and Zuko was this close to crying
Bumi is a croc enthusiast 
He non-ironically loves the croc gloves
Bumi is the one who told Iroh about “four wheels drive”
The first time Sokka and Iroh quoted the “WHAT ARE THOSE” vine Zuko actually considered running away to live with Piandao
Jeong Jeong hates crocs with all of his being
Piandao dislikes crocs but he feigns ignorance just to watch the chaos unfold and Jeong Jeong get pissed
There’s a bet going on who’s gonna break Jeong Jeong first
Most of the bets are on Bumi
Piandao once wore a pair of crocs only to watch Jeong Jeong squirm and get all huffy
Sokka gave Iroh a teacup with little crocs painted on it for his birthday
Toph says crocs are the best kind of shoes because “they’re open” 
Iroh has almost as many crocs as he has teacups
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Dior Aludae
So @yellow-feathered-faerie sent me a message about my headcanons on Dior's names back in December, (which I now know was for a GIFT FIC READ IT HERE AND FALL IN LOVE LIKE I DID!!!) and I've been thinking about it and felt like I typed so much out that it would be a waste not to share it! I didn't bother to edit it much, so you're getting the raw infodump experience, fair warning.
For reference, these are the headcanons and meanings I'm working off of in regards to everyone's mother and father names. Dior's specifically:
Aludae | Dior | Eluchíl - Wholesome Shadow | Successor | Elu’s Heir
Aludae is his fathername- I am Very Weak for the trope of naming your kid in your partner’s language, so I also choose to believe (with 0 basis because canon is dead uwu) that Dior is at least vaguely Taliska- although since Taliska was influenced way back by proto-Sindarin it can still maintain that original connection.
I got into Beren’s reasoning behind the name a little bit in the other post, but basically by the time Dior was born Daeron had essentially awkwardly hovered around for 7+ months, fixed and significantly improved his relationship with Luthien, and Beren wanted (per Beoran culture) his kid to have at least one “godparent” and since none of his people were available, by the time he needed to ask he’d decided his brother-in-law was pretty alright actually and worthy to have a kid named after him. (This becomes even more justified the moment Daeron is asked because he basically bursts into tears and proceeds to do his best to earn "uncle/godfather of the century" from then on.)
The “Alu” was because (as evidenced by the Long line of Bs in the house of Beor) naming your kids similarly to you and your ancestors was important to the culture, especially to the nobles. Beren, since his whole family was dead and he really didn’t feel like or want to be noble, didn’t want his son named after him, but he learned about Luthien and Daeron’s El-names and he really did want Dior to have a connection to Doriath but also he really wasn’t going to name his son directly after the elven-king who tried to kill him so…
(Retroactively thinking that had Beren known Emeldir was alive before upon strange paths, he might have named Dior Emedae instead, which can be generously translated as "pictured shadow" (cool), or FAR more accurately as "mother-shadow" which makes me react in 3 ways: 1.) aww Beren naming his kid after his mom in meaning and sound, 2.) aww Beren naming his kid because he reminds him of Luthien, and 3.) LA;SKDJFJAAAAAA DIOR SHADOWS HIS MOTHER BY CHANGING HIS SPECIES AND FATE AND IS PERMANENTLY ALTERED BY LOVE DEATH AND THE SILMARIL I AM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH)(So there's that)
(I do think Thingol kind of forgets/mishears the announcement and the format his name is originally presented in isn’t standard for Sindar (it’s Aludae Dior, so he assumed Aludae was the mother-name) so the first of two times he properly meets his grandson he calls him Eludae. It’s very awkward) (Although star-shadow is a GREAT name)
The above and the idea of Dior as his mother-name is also part of my headcanon that your more common use-name in Sindar culture is dictated by who is more important to the people you’re around at the time. So if he was hanging out with Edain he would go by Aludae, and in Doriath he goes by Dior. (My watsonian explanation for why we know him as Dior Eluchíl and don't hear 'Aludae')
The only meaning for Dior we get is “successor” and that’s from way back in Tolkien's writing, so I feel confident in tweaking it a little for cultural context. I see the meaning as less of “next in line for high position” and more “inheritor (abstract)”. Like in the sense that we inherit not just stuff from our parents, but also parts of them- their appearances, their personalities, their habits, and even less concrete stuff like their connections, reputation, successes and failures. So for Luthien to name her son that, in Taliska especially, is actually really touching.
It’s kind of an indirect way of saying “You have so little family left, and one day you will lose us too, but we will give you everything we can to make sure that you have the best life possible.” And also really really heartbreaking because as I’m writing this I’m realizing that while the silmaril is a literal possession, it also represents a lot that falls into that abstract category, and while obviously the second kinslaying wasn’t any of their faults, Dior’s inheritance of Nauglamir and Thingol’s bad decisions and a Doriath without Melian’s protection and the political results of the Quest and in the end the weight of the Oath all ultimately outweigh any blessing they managed to give him. I know I’ve given all his kids really sad prophetic mother-names too but at least they were INTENTIONAL.
On a happier note, nicknames! Daeron calls him Dae-pîn, as previously stated, because it’s adorable. Luthien calls him Fileg until he’s old enough that he gets huffy about “little” bird, and then to tease him. She switches between a couple different birds (she did this with Daeron too, but they traded back and forth, which is how he started calling her Filegel), including generic Aew (bird/songbird), Aelilron (bird-of-paradise, lit. dancing bird, which she saves and busts out whenever he gets too vain through his teenage years), Filegelui (starling (bird), she only rarely uses this when she’s especially emotional, sometimes with Daeron too, and it ends up as Elwing’s mother-name years later.) Eventually she “settles” on Heledir (king-fisher, mostly per his personality: fairly noble but still humble and a fan of the wild. The English is lost a little in Sindarin, because it literally means fish-watcher, but the reasoning still holds and fits his personality.)
Beren calls him Thindrostir somewhat sarcastically whenever he goes traipsing about in the woods looking for adventure and comes back dirty (with or without his uncle), and Thin-ikĭ (diminutive, lit. little-grey, also fits bc Dior has a streak of silver in his hair) more affectionately. Thindrostir means badger, and so does Felagund, because if he’d survived Finrod would’ve been godfather #2 no questions asked, regardless of how far away Nargothrond was. It definitely wasn’t official name material, but since Daeron got a nickname for Dior and elves can un-die, it was kinda unspoken between the adults that Finrod should get one too. Luthien had at least met him before, and she was his cousin once removed, so it wasn’t one sided either. (I have FEELINGS about Finrod's relationship to them, and Beren especially)
Eluchíl is very much a name he takes on after he goes to Doriath- I have a bunch of headcanons about the process of becoming anything close to a king- prince first, actually- in the eyes of the people he had to go through but I think that the first step was that he joined the march-wardens as a young adult, which is where he first met Nimloth and got the nickname/title as a joke from her. Over time it spread, and as he gained the respect of his fellow wardens and the various villages scattered away from Menegroth, it definitely became less sarcastic. After Thingol died he started actively using it because, well, any help against the (frankly overall elitist and racist) opinions of the people of Menegroth proper was useful.
Also! Adding this bit on retroactively too, but his kids switch between calling him ada and aede (ae-dae) (dad/daddy in Sindarin and Taliska, respectively). I got the Taliska from Old English faeder (father) because frankly I think it's adorable.
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park meeting, part 1. (muggle au)
A/N: well, I figured I could start with one of my first drabbles. Apparently I was not familiar with the use of stops and commas.
One of the things Marlene loved the most about having a dog was the possibility of lying down on the park almost every single day. While Hazel, her bernese mountain dog, ran around chasing squirrels, she would sit under a tree, spread a blanket over the grass and read. Occasionally the dog would come with some random branch and she would throw it so he could fetch it and, after a while, Hazel would lay down next to her, demand some belly rubs, and then they would stay like that for a fair amount of time.
It was a cloudy day and, as usual, she and Hazel were on the park. There was cool breeze blowing softly making the tree leafs fly around, painting a beautiful scenery before her eyes. After a long run, Hazel was curled up next to her while she finished her current book. Marlene bundled up a bit and passed to the next page; sighing softly. Her eyes arrived to the last paragraph when a high pitched cry broke her concentration.
A little boy, no older than three years old, was crying and holding to his stuffed animal as if his life depended on it. Marlene frowned worriedly, he seemed to be lost. She stood up immediately, put her book away and walked towards him with Hazel trailing behind her.
The toddler was crying hysterically when Marlene kneeled in front of him. “Hey, sweetie, where are your parents?” she asked softly as she stroke his black and messy hair. The kid’s crying ceased a bit and he practically threw himself to her, catching her by suprise.
Marlene sighed and lifted him up. “Shh… it’s okay, it’s okay, don’t cry, honey” she murmured softly. “Why don’t we go and find them, okay?” she muttered and ran her thumb over his cheek. “That’s a pretty animal, does he have a name?” she asked pointing at the stuffed deer he had on his tiny little hands.
The kid nodded. “Pwongs”, he sniffed, resting his head on Marlene’s shoulder.
“Prongs, huh? That’s a very cool name… she’s my dog, Hazel; do you like dogs?” Marlene asked tenderly as she walked through the park scanning every human being, trying to detect a worried parent.
“Hazel!” the kid giggled a bit and the dog’s tail waged happily.
“Do you want to pet her?” Marlene smiled, relieved that he stopped crying. “She’s very friendly” she added and put him down, kneeling next to him.
Hazel approached to them and, after smelling the kid, started licking him playfully. The boy giggled happily and hugged the dog by the neck, running his little fingers through her fur. Marlene smiled widely and shot a quick glance around, trying to see if she could find the parents; however, there were no signs of them. Her blue eyes focused on the kid again and she couldn’t help to smile at the adorable scene.
“I swear mate, it was just one bloody second and then he was… FOUND HIM, there he is… thank God, I’ll call you later Moony… bloody hell Harry, there you are! You gave me such a fright, mate!” a handsome man lifted the kid up and pressed his lips against the boy’s forehead.
“Pafoot!” Harry giggled and then pointed to the bernese mountain dog “Hazel!” he said happily whilst moving impatintly on the man’s arms trying to reach the dog.
Marlene stared at the scene speechless, the man was not much older than her and he was ridiculously good looking; definitely not the type of guy she would’ve expect to have a child. He had black hair: not very short but not very long either, just the perfect length to play with it; grey eyes that now were shining at the sight of his son and a couple of tattoos over his arms that suited him just perfectly. If that wasn’t enough, he was also wearing a leather jacket and everyone knew how much Marlene appreciated a leather jacket.
He placed Harry next to the dog and saw how he started playing with her again. “Thank you, I was so…” his voice trailed when his eyes caught sight of her, and sweet God she was gorgeous. “… worried”
“No need for that, I’m glad I could help”, she shrugged, smiling. Marlene’s eyes traveled to the kid and her dog and lingered there for a moment. “They seem to like each other” she commented casually.
His heart skipped a few beats when she smiled at him. “No, I do need to thank you… I’m Sirius, by the way” he introduced himself after clearing out his throat.
Marlene chuckled softly, shaking her head slowly. “Nice to meet you, I’m Marlene… you have a nice kid, Sirius” she said honestly as her eyes traveled once more to Harry and Hazel and smiled at the pair.
Sirius chuckled a bit and shook his head. “He’s not my son, he’s my godson” he corrected her with his tone of voice changing slightly to a sadder one. “His parents died a year ago and now I’m taking care of him”, he explained.
“Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that” she said truthfully, frowning a bit. Marlene briefly looked at the little boy who seemed so happy. “It’s a good thing he has someone who take care of him, though” she then added.
Harry was playing and giggling happily with Hazel, pulling her ears and pressing Prongs to the dog’s face “Hazel, Hazel!” he beamed enthusiastically as he clapped his tiny hands. The dog licked Harry’s face playfully and then ran in circle, making both Sirius and Marlene laugh at the scene.
“Alright mate, I think we should go now and leave poor Hazel to rest” Sirius chuckled and lifted Harry. The kid whined and struggled on his godfather’s arms so he could reach the dog again “Hazel! Hazel!”
“Come on, Prognsie, let’s go to see uncle Remus… we don’t want to bother this lovely lady and her dog anymore” Sirius insisted trying to calm him. “I want Hazel!” Harry whined pouting and folding his tiny arms over his chest. The young man let out a tired sigh but didn’t put him down; instead he gave an apologetic look to Marlene.
“You know, Hazel and I come here every day… why don’t you go with Sirius now and we’ll meet again tomorrow?” Marlene suggested smiling and messing with his already messy hair.
“I like the sound of that” Sirius smirked and then looked at his godson who nodded not very convinced. “At what time do you usually come?” he asked trying to sound casual as he placed Harry over his shoulders.
“Um… around four, I guess” she shrugged managing to hide her excitement and running her fingers through her blonde wavy hair.
“It’s a play date then” he winked and then added, “say good bye, mate”. Harry waved at Marlene first and then to Hazel. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked hopefully.
“Bye Harry” she smiled at the toddler and then blushed slightly. “Yeah, I’ll be here” she nodded her head. Of course she was going to be there, she was not going to miss a date with a handsome man.
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow then” he nodded with a smirk and started walking away. After a while he turned around and saw that she was still there. “OI, MARLENE” he shouted and waited for her to turn around. “THANK YOU” he added and kept on walking with the image of her wide grin in his mind.
Harry kept on pulling his hair and hitting his head with Prongs. “You know Prongsie, you should make a special drawing for her” he muttered distractedly as he walked through the park. Sirius’ eyes wandered through the area: there were people running, walking, skating and couples kissing. “Remember when I said that I didn’t date?” he asked distractedly. “Well, I guess there’s always an exception to the rule” he mused.
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kingkatsuki · 4 years
I always kinda imagined that would be SO funny if/when Tokoyami gets a crush while interning with Keigo, because that dude give me vibes of someone that would SHIP IT SO HARD, like, still would be pretty laid back, sure, but trying to be that cool uncle and giving (unwated) tips all the time and trying to set them up only to Tokoyami's ultimate dismay in front of his crush none the less! xD what do you think of wingman!keigo?
Hawks? Laidback? I’m not so sure. I hope this is alright, I loved this idea!~
“You’re gonna have to talk to them at some point” Tokoyami turned with a light blush across his features as his mentor stood behind him, “Just go and ask if she wants to grab coffee-’”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Tokoyami tried to act nonchalant, continuing to file the paperwork he’d just completed.
“Come on, man.” Hawks groaned, slouching back against Tokoyami’s desk as he continued to watch you from across the room, typing animatedly at your laptop, “Anyone can see you’ve got the hots for her. It’s been weeks, why don’t you just ask her out-”
“I don’t have time for that-”
“I’ll give you the rest of the day off right now if you ask her.” Hawks stretched, his wings fluttering behind him as his mouth parted in a large yawn.
“And if I did, hypothetically, like her-” Tokoyami glanced to the side to see Hawks’ mischievous golden eyes gleaming back at him, “It doesn’t mean she likes me back.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Hawks’ gave a hearty laugh, reaching over to squeeze Tokoyami’s shoulder, “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Didn’t you spend the evening together yesterday?”
“Yes, because we work together.” Tokoyami deadpanned, moving back to his laptop to print off more sheets.
“Come on, man. I’ve already got my suit for the wedding-” Tokoyami groaned at Hawks’ playful tone, closing his eyes as he exhaled a large breath. His mentor meant well, but there were times where Hawks seemed to see himself more as cupid rather than a pro-hero, “You’re meant to be together.”
“I can’t just walk up to her and ask her. We work together-” Tokoyami stood up from his desk to walk back over to the printer, “I’ll wait and see if she gives any hints that she might feel the same.”
“Dude, trust me. Women love it when you’re up front and straight to the point.”
“And how is that working for you?” Tokoyami gave his very single mentor a glare.
“Hey, I’m a free bird by choice.” Hawks chuckled, picking his coffee can back up and chugging the contents, “Trust me. Just go over there and ask her out.”
“I can’t-” 
“Oi, Y/N!” Hawks caught Tokoyami off guard as he heckled across the room, looking up from your laptop in surprise. Tokoyami’s eyes widened in fear as his mentor gave you a cheeky grin, fully intent on saying something, but the sight of your inquisitive face made his throat run dry and his ability to form coherent sentences seemed to disappear, “What time you takin’ lunch today?”
“Uh-” You were caught completely off guard at Hawks’ random question. He’d never asked you what time you were going to take lunch, looking back down at your laptop to try and judge when your report would be finished “Probably in an hour?”
“How about you go now, and show Tokoyami that great Italian restaurant down the street. He’s been telling me that he’s wanted to try it for weeks.” Hawks’ loud voice called across the office floor, other staff just remaining focused on their work, obviously used to Hawks’ random outbursts.
“Uh, sure.” You offered a small smile, “Do you just want to go now?”
Hawks’ turned to glance back down at Tokoyami’s wide eyes, a pink blush prominent across his beak as you waited expectantly for an answer, Hawk’s shoving his elbow into his side.
“I call dibs on Godfather.”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Papa Bye-Bye!
Dad!Yahaba Shigeru
a/n: i know its a later update but i still made it, didn’t i? 
Yahaba Shigeru:
"ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ꜰᴇᴀʀ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ɢʀᴏᴡ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴅᴀʏ"
papa shiggie can��t believe his baby boys are already starting school
word count: 1.2K
son: yahaba ryujin
son: yahaba raijin
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shigeru was pacing back and forth in your living room while you were helping the twin boys get ready for their first day of school. even after the long talk full of reassurance from you, he still can’t help but feel worried not only for the safety of his boys but for the fact that they were doing his biggest fear: growing up.
it is no secret to everyone you knew and who knew you that your husband was absolutely smitten by his twins and it seems he breathed and lived everyday just to see them. despite you knowing he loved you, you can’t help but think that he loved his children more and to be honest, you can’t exactly blame him.
yahaba raijin and yahaba ryujin are the light of your lives.
not even a year into your marriage, you were already expecting and the surprise of having not only one, but two, doubled the shock. after many years of being together-having started the relationship at your second year-you knew shigeru’s desire of having children, more specifically, a son. so you can imagine his happiness inside the ob’s clinic after learning of the gender of his twins and let’s just say, you weren’t shocked when your husband fainted.
his still-round brown eyes settled on the picture frame on your corner table and if he wasn’t already crying, he was about to start now. the picture was of the 4 of you in the hospital room when the boys were born and the exhaustion was evident in both of your eyes. but it was such a happy and special day. a day that made him a father.
and he cannot believe 6 years has passed.
‘shiggie, can you help me look for ryu’s socks?’
you called from the bedroom upstairs and when he didn’t reply, you told the boys to stay still and peaked your head out of the door.
‘shigeru! darling!’
finally, shigeru jolted out of his reminiscing and he ran up the stairs and into the first bedroom on the right.
‘what-what’s wrong?’
he worriedly asked, thinking something happened, but you giggled.
‘oh, darling. you’re stressing yourself out. come, we can dress the boys together’
‘papa! papa! lookie!’
raijin’s loud voice, which he inherited from his father, pointed to his doggie-print socks and wiggled his toes to emphasize his excitement. shigeru got even more sad as those were the same socks that were gifted to him for his birthday by his godfather. speaking of which, their birthday is coming up in a few months.
‘they’re really nice, aren’t they, rai? should we take a picture and send it to uncle kenta?’
the little boy nodded excitedly at his father’s offer and proceeded to pose while his other half was being comforted by you.
‘mama, don’t wanna go. wanna stay here with rai and mama and papa’
judging by the shake of his voice, a sob was threatening to come out and you frantically cupped his chubby cheeks.
‘ryu, it’s okay. mama is right down the hall and if you miss papa, we can call him! he doesn’t have work today’
but that didn’t make him feel better and instead made him cry out.
he sobbed and you met the eyes of your husband, who was now finished taking his pictures, and you passed off the crying boy. shigeru gently cradled his son and ran his hands through his silvery-brown hair to help calm him.
‘oi, ryu, why are you crying, hm? is it because you’re going to school? yeah, i understand it but school is really cool, you know? you can make new friends there and you’d still have rai with you’
‘eung! i’ll be with ryu! always! pinky promise! rai loves ryu!’
your youngest son, raijin, was the more outspoken one while his older-by-8-minutes-brother, ryujin, was the more timid and emotional one. this is why he is always the first to cry and easily bawls his eyes out but to counter him was his brother with his bright and outspoken personality. thankfully, ryu listens to rai and he instantly fades into hiccups by the simplest reassurance and a hug.
so ryu stopped his tears, left with only teary e/c eyes, and he looks over to rai, who was hugging you, before nodding.
‘ryu love rai, too’
he mumbled out and shigeru had to close his eyes before taking a deep breath so as to not scare his sons by his squeals.
you saw your husband contain himself so you hurriedly ushered everyone out to be able to get to school on time. of course, ryu moved sluggishly, as if he was trying to stay in the house longer, while rai was running around to grab his shoes and backpack and grabbing both of their lunch boxes from the island.
‘here ya go, ryu! want me to tie bunnies on your shoes?’
the older brother nodded shyly so rai hurriedly sat on the floor and started tying the shoelaces of the bright blue shoes.
you and your husband were standing off to the side by the door with a fond smile and warm hearts. your eyes looked up to his and you sadly chuckled before rubbing his arm.
‘they’re growing up aren’t they?’
he whispers and you stopped then nodded.
‘yes, they are, darling’
your words confirmed it and he sniffled to try to keep the tears at bay. he reached down to grab your hand and squeezed it for comfort.
‘i’m so scared. maybe it’s the thought of them eventually not needing me anymore or something but i’m terrified’
he admitted and you understood his fears because duh, they were your sons too.
‘you know, you used to make fun of kyo for crying when he sent off naomi and naoki to school but look at you now’
you tried to make him laugh and it kinda worked since he did giggle. then it settled for a sad smile.
‘he told me it was a unique type of feeling. a new type of fear. not the childish ones like spiders, or the dark, or sharks. no, it isn’t a fear that anybody can have unless they have their own children. no amount of spiders or sharks can equal this because you don’t know fear unless you’ve watched your child grow each day. every passing day was taken for granted until reality decides to throw it at your face’
oh, dear. 
it’s been quite a while since you’ve heard him talk so earnestly and you remembered him talking like that during his last volleyball practice and him passing his title for captain to little kunimi akira. 
it all revolved around the same topic: growing up.
so as shigeru drove you all to the kindergarten, he kept taking glances to the rearview mirror to simply watch rai giggling and ryu not being able to help but also laugh due to the infectious noise. it is a sound that shigeru loved.
you were beckoning the boys to follow you inside of the gates after saying your goodbyes to your husband and their father but ryu stopped. rai was already ahead but he also sensed that his twin wasn’t beside him so he stopped as well and backtracked back to him. the adorable shy child turned around and with teary eyes, he waved. shigeru’s own tears gathered but finally fell when rai held on to his brother’s other hand and waved to him too. however, he had a large grin showing off the lost front tooth.
‘papa, bye-bye!’
rai shouted and ryu nodded too.
‘pa, bye’
he tearfully added but shigeru could hear it, having developed a sensor for the voice of his soft-spoken son.
no, this isn’t a sad goodbye.
rather, it’s a joyous one.
because as much as shigeru hated watching his boys grow up, he was happy and excited to be able to see the great people his boys would become.
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babybluebex · 4 years
dear gideon [spencer reid]
pairing: spencer reid x fem reader (y/n)
summary: after spencer’s torture, y/n has a lot to figure out about her and her baby’s life. 
word count: 2600+
warnings: season 2 reid (with a little season 5 at the end), mentions of torture, too much cute Baby Reid content
a/n: this is the last part to my new beginnings series! thank you all for joining me on this journey, and i appreciate every single one of you!
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I cried for so long that I fell asleep on the couch in Gideon’s office. When I finally woke up, it was by being shaken awake. My eyes fluttered open and I saw JJ in front of me. Her makeup was smudged under her eyes, and my heart dropped. “What happened?” I croaked, my voice rough and broken. “Is he okay?” 
JJ sniffled. “He was drugged several more times,” she whispered. “And he went into a seizure and… And cardiac arrest. We’re not sure, but we think he died--”
I hung my head. I knew it. I didn’t want to believe it, but I knew it to be true. Spencer fit the vic profile for whoever this murderer was and, the moment he fell into his clutches, I knew he was done for. My husband, my best friend…
“--For a little bit. But Tobias was able to resuscitate him.”
I gasped. “H-He’s alive?” I whimpered out. 
“He’s in the hospital,” JJ told me. “He’s got some cuts and bruises and everything, but he’ll be okay.” 
My fingernails dug into my palms as I struggled to breathe, and I whispered, “I wanna see him.” 
“Sweetheart, you really don’t--” JJ began. 
“Please,” I sighed. “I need to see for myself that he’s okay.”
JJ nodded slowly. “Are you okay?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” I mumbled. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” 
“And… them?” JJ asked, and I knew who she was talking about. 
My hand went to my stomach, and I carefully rubbed it. I might have been assuring myself that the baby was still there, because everything else in my life at the moment was so far from normal. “Fine,” I said softly. “They’re fine.”
The car was quiet as we went to the Marine base hospital, where Spencer was put up. Morgan joined us, as intent on making sure that Spencer was alright as I was, and I carefully took his hand. “Thanks,” I whispered. 
“For what?” Morgan asked. 
“You made fun of Spencer when he said that he wanted someone in the room with him,” I said. “On the jet. It made him want to pursue it-- pursue me-- more. All of this is because of you.”
“Aw, I was just razzing the kid,” Morgan sighed. “I didn’t think it would ever go this far.”
“I’m thankful,” I told him. “I wasn’t happy for a long time, and Spence helped me with that. He’s changed my life, and for the better.” 
Morgan nodded, and he said, “Do we know the gender?” 
“I do,” I said. “But Spencer didn’t want to know, so I haven’t been telling anybody.” 
“Can you tell me?” Morgan asked. “The kid has gotta have a relationship with their uncle, right?”
I laughed for the first time. Morgan had a way of cheering me up, no matter what. “Well,” I began. “We had agreed on names for each, and…” I took Morgan’s hand and laid it on my stomach, and I said, “Say hi to Gideon Reid.” 
Morgan’s face lit up, and a smile grew across his face. “His name’s Gideon?” he asked. I nodded, and Morgan smiled even wider. “Does our Gideon know yet?” 
“I haven’t told him,” I said. “You’re the first.”
“Hey, man,” Morgan said softly to my stomach. “How’re you doing?” 
I laughed again, and I put my hand on top of Morgan’s. “Of course, I didn’t tell you this,” I began. “But Spence wanted to ask you to be his godfather.” 
“Oh, God, Spence,” Morgan said. “I’d be honored.” 
We arrived at the hospital soon after, and Morgan squeezed my hand reassuringly. Elle and Gideon were already sitting in the waiting room, and Gideon gestured for me to move closer. “He’s fine,” he told me. “A little confused, but he’s still all with us.” 
I nodded. “Can I see him?” I asked. 
“He’s been asking for you since he woke up,” Gideon said. 
“Umm, Gideon?” I began. “I wanted to tell you that, umm… We’re having a boy, and we’re naming him Gideon.” 
Jason Gideon rarely smiled, but he gave me that warm grin. “That’s an honor, Mrs. Reid,” he told me. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” I said quickly. “You affected both of us in such a big way, and I can never, ever thank you enough.”
Gideon led me to the room that my husband was in, and he carefully creaked the door open. Spencer was sat up in bed, wearing a paper gown with bandages over his arms and a patch of gauze over his bottom lip. He was absently looking out the window, his fingers playing with each other as he thought. “Dr. Reid,” Gideon said. “You have a visitor.”
Spencer turned to look at me, and he said, “Y/N.” He stretched an arm out for me, and my tears came again at the sight of him. I moved to his bedside and quickly hugged him, and he hugged me back with a weak grip. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”
“Me?” I exclaimed. “Spence, you--”
“I know, my love,” Spencer said gently. “But I was never worried about myself. I didn’t know if he had gotten to you two or not, and… The thought of that hurt far more than anything he did to me.”
“That’s not true,” I chuckled lightly. 
“Well,” Spencer began with a weak laugh. “Not entirely. Some of his actions didn’t feel too good, but I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.”
“Spence,” I said softly. “I know you said that you didn’t want to know, but… I feel like, the circumstances being what they are, you should know.” I took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb. “We’re having a boy, Spencer.”
Spencer’s brain was one of the most advanced in the world. He could tear through a handful of books within a day, he could do dizzying math problems in his head, and he could remember everything he’s ever read. It wasn’t often that Dr. Spencer Reid’s brain didn’t work right, but I saw the sparks and grinding gears in his head at that moment. His mouth opened, then closed, floundering for words, and he finally said, “A boy?” 
I laughed softly. “Yes,” I whispered. “A boy, Spencer.” 
“A boy,” Spencer repeated. “A boy. A boy!” He laughed and took my face in his hands, and he kissed my forehead. “We’re having a boy!” 
His excitement was far better than any reaction I could have hoped for. “I asked Morgan to be his godfather,” I said. “I know you mentioned that was something you wanted--”
“What did he say?” Spencer asked quickly. 
“He said yes,” I told him. “He said he would be honored.”
Spencer smiled widely. “Oh my God,” he whispered. “And we’re still going with the name we thought of… Gideon?”
“If you’re still okay with it,” I said. “I think Gideon Reid has a nice ring to it.” 
Spencer nodded. “Thank you,” he whispered. “Just… Thank you.” 
“Nothing to thank me for,” I told him. 
“No, there’s everything to thank you for,” Spencer said. “That sentence doesn’t make much sense, but I do need to thank you. Before I met you, I never thought I’d be the type to get married, to have children, to have the life I do now. You showed me that I could have that, and that I’m worthy of that. I’m a husband now, and I’m a dad, and that’s something that I had always wished for. Thank you, my love.”
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“Daddy,” Giddy said. “I don’ wanna go.” 
“I know, man,” Spencer said. He ruffled up Giddy’s frizzy hair, a trait that he had inherited, and Spencer added, “But school’s a lot of fun. You’ll make a lot of friends and learn all of this cool stuff, I promise you’ll like it.” 
“And if I don’t?” Giddy asked. 
“You will,” Spencer said with a nod. 
“But if I don’t?” Giddy said.
“Gideon, my love, please,” I said. “I know you’ll like it.”
“Do they have books on dinosaurs?” Giddy asked. His eyes were wide up at Spencer, who chuckled at him. Giddy had always had a special connection with Spencer; the fact that they looked exactly alike didn’t help to quell that. Giddy didn’t just inherit Spencer’s looks, though; he was as smart as his daddy. “Maybe smarter,” Spencer would joke. He could already remember everything he read and most of what he heard, and he was flying through chapter books like I had never seen. Currently, Gideon Aaron Reid was convinced that he would be a paleontologist, and he consumed books about dinosaurs by the bookshelf. 
“Probably not what you’re used to,” I began. “But they might have some books with pictures of dinosaurs. But fourth grade doesn’t usually have picture books.”
“That’s okay,” Giddy said.
We had gotten special permission to walk Giddy to his first day of fourth grade. He had sped through the first three years of elementary school within a year, with kindergarten taking maybe two months for him to excel, and, at this rate, he was on track to be the youngest high school graduate at eleven years old. Giddy held my hand as Spencer walked alongside us, his cane hitting the tiles with every step, and, even though my baby was smart, he was absolute shit at hiding his feelings. I knew that he was scared, and I stopped walking in favor of kneeling down in front of him.  
“Giddy, baby,” I said softly. “I know this is really scary, but I promise that you’ll be just fine. Just be yourself and I know that you’ll do great.”
“What if people don’t like me?” Giddy asked with a small whimper. His hazel eyes were watery, and it broke my heart. 
“Are you kidding?” Spencer asked. He struggled to get to the floor with his wounded knee but, once he was settled, he pushed Giddy’s long hair behind his shoulder. “Who wouldn’t like you? You’re funny and you’re one heck of a dancer, and you’re just an awesome person all around.” 
“But…” Giddy started. “I’m so… Different.” 
“That’s not always a bad thing, baby,” I said. “Your daddy’s different too. And me, and Uncle Derek, and Aunt JJ and Henry, we’re all different. But you still like and love all of us, right?” 
Giddy nodded. He sniffled and wiped his nose on the back of his hand, and I opened my arms for him. He came to me instantly and buried his face in my chest, and I rubbed his back. “Ya know something, baby?” I asked. “I knew you were going to be different as soon as I met you. You were born, and you cried for a little bit, but you stopped. Almost like you realized how irrational it was. I knew that you were going to be the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met, and you’ve proved that to me every single day of your life. So what if you can read a little better than everyone else? That’s what makes you you.”
Giddy sniffled again, and he sucked at his thumb. “Gideon,” Spencer said softly. “What does your name mean?”
“Strong warrior,” Giddy said softly. 
“And Aaron?”
“Enlightened,” Gideon said. 
“What does that mean?” Spencer asked. 
Gideon hiccuped. “Smart,” he whispered. 
“Strong and smart,” Spencer said. “We wouldn’t have given you that name if we didn’t think that you could live up to it. Alright? You belong here as much as every other kid does. They’ll like you. I swear.”
“You promise?” Giddy asked. 
“I do,” Spencer said, and he hooked Giddy’s small pinkie with his. “C’mon, let’s get going,” he said. “We don’t wanna be late.” I helped Spencer stand back up, and Giddy attached himself to Spencer’s pant leg as we finished our walk to his classroom. The door was ajar, quiet childlike chattering emanating from inside, and I carefully knocked before opening the door. 
“Hi there,” I said. “I’m Y/N Reid, Gideon Reid’s mother.”
“Oh, yes!” the teacher exclaimed excitedly. “Class, we have a very special student joining us today! Gideon is three years old and he’ll be joining us for a few weeks!”
The nine year olds in the room were obviously confused, and I urged Giddy into the room. Spencer followed and lingered in the doorway, and I watched my baby march himself up to the front of the classroom. He looked like any normal three year old-- messy hair, wrinkled shirt, mismatched socks-- but when he spoke, he was wise beyond his years. “Hi,” he announced. “My name is Gideon Aaron Reid. I am three years old, and I like dinosaurs and chocolate milk.” Well, maybe he still was a normal three year old underneath the eidetic memory. 
The teacher pulled me and Spencer out into the hall as Giddy continued to introduce himself, and she said, “He’s… Small.” 
“Yes,” Spencer said. “He is three, after all.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know names,” the teacher said. 
“Oh,” Spencer said. He quickly switched hands to hold his cane, and he offered her his hand to shake. “I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, and this is my wife, Y/N Reid.”
“A doctor,” the teacher said. “That explains a lot.” 
“Well, I hold three doctorates,” Spencer began. “Mathematics, chemistry, and engineering, and BAs in psychology, sociology, and philosophy.”
“Yes, it’s because of him that Giddy is the way he is,” I chuckled. “He inherited Spencer’s eidetic memory, proving that eidetic memory was both real and genetically related. But, umm… Giddy was born a few weeks early, so he is smaller than most three year olds.” 
“Wow,” the teacher said.
“No, I know, it’s a lot,” I laughed. “Most teachers don’t want to take him because they find he’s too much of a challenge. This means a lot to all of us.”
“No, no, I like a challenge,” the teacher said. “Now, I read somewhere that you work for the FBI, Dr. Reid?” 
“We both do,” Spencer said. “In the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It’s actually how we met. And that also explains this whole thing.” Spencer motioned to the cane, and he sheepishly said, “I was out in the field and got a little banged up. Nothing modern medicine can’t fix.” 
“That’s good,” the teacher said. “I think Gideon will do just fine here.”
“I think so too,” I said. “Um, can I have one last goodbye? This is hard for me.”
“I understand, sweetheart,” the teacher told me. “Let me get him.”
As she went back inside to retrieve Giddy, Spencer put his arm around my waist. “I’m so proud of him,” Spencer said. “I never thought I could love someone so much.”
“I hope you have room for one more,” I said softly. 
I smiled at my husband. “Spence,” I whispered. “I’m pregnant again.”
Spencer’s eyes widened, and he said, “Wow. Really?” 
“Please react better than last time,” I said quickly, and Spencer laughed. 
“Of course I will,” Spencer said. “Another baby? God! This is exciting!” He hugged me as best as he could with the cane, and I laughed when he kissed my cheek. “God, I love you so much.”
Giddy came bouncing out of the room, and I bent down to hug him again. “Have a good day, bug,” I whispered. “I’m so, so proud of you.” 
“I love you, Mommy,” Giddy said and gave me a quick kiss. “And you too, Daddy.” 
“I hope to hear all about your day,” Spencer said. “Think of one thing I don’t know that you can tell me when I get home tonight.”
“Daddy,” Giddy whined. “You know everything.” 
“I know a lot less than you think I do,” Spencer said. “Give me a kiss, man, you gotta go to class.” Spencer bent at the waist to reach Giddy, and the little boy kissed his father’s cheek. “You blow me away, Gideon,” Spencer said softly. 
“Bye, Daddy,” Giddy said, turning to go back to class. “Bye, Mommy.” 
“Bye, baby,” I said and blew him a kiss. The door slowly closed behind him, and I choked back a sob. “I love you, Gideon Reid.”
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Danny Rand as a Father
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A/N: This was requested by @spacesuitsforemergency​ and I know I said it was gonna be a oneshot but then I changed my mind 😂
Ever since you met Danny, you found him to be the gentlest, kindest most nurturing soul you had ever met
So, it was no surprise that he was the same way with his daughter
Yet every time you see them both together you can’t help but yet butterflies
The pregnancy was pretty good, luckily for the both of you
Because while this man may look all put together and calm lord knows that he would’ve freaked out if there was anything wrong
He was an absolute angel during the delivery
He was there holding your hand and wiping your sweat and tears
And even with his iron fist, your vice grip on him hurt
But it was all worth it because he got the most beautiful present that he could ever want
Definitely cried in the delivery room while thanking you for giving him everything he ever wanted
Luke was named godfather and was the first one to hold your daughter after her parents
The next few days while you’re still recovering, he is all over his baby girl
The feeling of actually having her in his arms is so surreal
“She’s so beautiful “
He takes the midnight and early morning shifts unless she needs to be fed
He doesn’t want you to overwork yourself because let’s be honest, you did most of the heavy lifting for 9 months
He spends most of his free time with his girls
Doesn’t really think that he needs a night away from the baby because he loves spending time with her
However, there is a downside to his constant affection towards her
Because she gets the habit of wanting to be held all the time
I’d like to think that he’d be the type to have one of those baby carrier things where the baby is strapped to his chest but he likes carrying her in his arms more
Doesn’t get tired, he’s trained worse than this
And like he gets baby girl cuddles so why would he ever want her out of his hands?
“Aren’t you tired? You’ve been holding her for four hours now.”
“I cannot feel my arms and I’m scared to let go.”
She is always calling for her father in her little baby garbles
But ironically her first word was ‘mama’
Danny pretends to be upset but he’s over the moon
As she gets older, he learns how to discipline her because manners are very important
But he learns quickly the correct way to do it
With kindness and love but be stern and explain everything properly
“What you did was wrong. If someone said that to you would you like it?”
But your daughter loves her father so much she hangs onto his every word so disciplining her is easy
And tries to act like him
And talk like him
And you’re just fawning over how cute your baby girl is when she tries to imitate her dad
“A storm blows away only as patures cool down.”
“Temperatures, honey, not patures.”
You sometimes berate Danny for getting your daughter too attached and not letting her grow up
“She’s going to grow up eventually so we need to load up on her love now.”
“Oh, shit you’re right.”
And she ends up sleeping in your bed for the next few nights
Not cuz she can’t let go, it’s because you can’t
It still baffles you how your baby girl turned into a toddler and then a small child when you just blinked
Danny had to hold you while you cried over wine about how you were worried, she was gonna become an annoying teenager and then you would turn into your mother
Then had to deal with your drunk ass asking him for another baby
As she gets older the two of you learn to loosen up
She loves her uncles equally but they all think that they’re her favourite because she forgets who’s who
There’s a contest going on between Sam, Peter and Luke
“She told me she loved my cooking and I was even better than her mom!” “Hey!”
“She told me that I was really cool cuz I can climb on walls! And she also loved my web trampoline!”
“She’s literally NAMED after me! Who would she love more other than her god father?!”
Danny once asked her who she liked the most and she said she liked her aunt best
Ofc You’d never tell any of them that because you enjoy the drama
Danny is the type to tuck her in and tell her bedtime stories
He always kisses her forehead. Always.
Sometimes she kisses his forehead too and it’s the softest, purest thing you’ve ever seen
“Let’s have another baby.” You told him one night while you were lying against each other, totally exhausted from having taken your daughter to the amusement park that day.
“You’re not tired enough?”
“Well it’s twice the work but it’s also twice the kisses and twice the number of cute babies running around the house.”
“I like the way your mind works.”
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
If the Party and teen team had children, how do you think they would be as parents? I found hilarious that Mike becomes a sleepy Ted, or Nancy a Karen, or Billy takes a 180º degree turn and becomes a good father...
tbh i cannot really imagine any of the Party as parents bc in my mind they are babies... i think theoretically like they'd probably all be pretty good parents because they're more familiar than most with what it's like to be a kid and feel like you're on your own and your parents don't understand what you're going through. like i think they'd look back on their own childhoods and all the shit they went through and be like damn i can't be hands-off and leave them to handle things alone but i also can't be a controlling asshole! so i think they'd all be pretty good at it if they chose to be parents. dustin would be the most stereotypical dorky dad in the universe.
i think nancy would be a very hard mother to get along with/handle tbh unless she did a Lot of growing in her 20s/30s before having children. like she would love her kids and try her best and she'd absolutely do anything for them! ...but i don't think she really has the patience to deal with little kids and she seems like the type to set really high standards for older kids to live up to. i think she'd be the type of parent who's like a good provider and who encourages you to be your best but is pretty emotionally distant because of their own unresolved trauma and who doesn't really understand you. like i think if nancy was your mom you would have an incredibly fraught relationship until you reached adulthood and then you would start to really understand her more as a person and get along with her once you weren't living under the same roof. i don't know if she would really choose to have children though? i think there's a good chance that after everything she's been through, watching barb's parents mourn, nancy would feel like the world is too fucked and scary to bring children into it, plus she seems like she'd prefer to focus on a career and if she continues down the path of investigative journalism that might conflict a lot depending on how intense her work gets. maybe she could like foster teenagers or something once she was in her 40s or so? i think she might be good at that. also she'd be a milf and her kids would get constantly bombarded with "i'll fuck your mom" talk.
i think if robin had kids she would be a Cool Mom like she's gay so she's automatically cool for that alone but she also seems like. like she's the Fun Parent who's a little dorky and kind of sucks at discipline and maybe lets her kids get away with more than they should but she's also the mom that like all of her kids' friends go to when they can't talk to their own parents because they know robin will be nice and not make them feel bad about whatever it is. however i do also think she forces her kids to be involved with At Least One Extracurricular at all times and she probably like teaches them basic spanish and french and shit and sometimes she'll just talk to them in another language and be all disappointed and sad when they don't know what the fuck she's saying. she 100% knows that her teenage kids get tipsy when they visit uncle steve and she pretends like she has no clue because they listen to steve when he teaches them how to party safely and they won't listen if they know she's endorsing it because she's their mom and she's lame.
i think jonathan would debate a lot over having kids bc of his Familial Trauma but ultimately i do think he'd want to whether he was like Having kids or adopting or whatever. he's just a family kind of person yknow? i think he'd be a good dad although he might sometimes try too hard and have trouble like letting his kids work out their issues for themselves without intervening. like i think when his kids got to be 12-15 there would be a lot of arguments where they'd be like can you get off my dick and jonathan would be like please i just love you and worry about you and would like to know about every single problem you've ever had <3 because he would be SO conscious of not acting like his own father. however i do think (based off how he talks with will) that he would be able to like work through it and have honest conversations with his kids whenever shit did arise. also his kids would grow up watching like Classic Cinema and they'd show up to sixth grade like wow y'all have never watched the godfather? losers.
as joe keery put it i think steve would definitely be a better dad than his dad is to him! obviously steve would be an awesome dad like i genuinely think that shit is like his calling in life. like i think he'd gladly be a stay at home dad and he would be very dorky and fun and maybe a little too lax on discipline and he'd LIVE for reading to his kids and watching kiddie movies with them and having nerf wars and shit. i think he'd have a really hard time when his kids got older and he'd be very very sad whenever they wanted to hang out with their friends instead of him but robin would be like hey dumbass you're their dad they love you but you're their DAD and steve would be like shit yeah you're right :/ and deal with it (after having a midlife crisis meltdown). he would maybe be anxious about and a little strict on like drugs/alcohol/sex stuff bc of his own history but i do think he'd still be like a "you can have a glass of wine with dinner on holidays also i'm gonna tell you how condoms work and let you know that you can always ask me about anything you need" type of parent because he just doesn't want to be the way his dad was. ultimately i think he'd be good at it and his kids would love him a lot but they would also think he was like the dorkiest lamest man alive and they would be FLOORED that their friends find him cool and fun and attractive.
i can't really see kali ever wanting to have kids aaand fortunately b*lly died before we had to worry about it <3
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keeloves · 4 years
Riley’s Relationships & how they should have gone!
A while back I made a post of how I would have rewritten  Girl Meets World and all the kid characters and RILEY’S friendships. So I figured I would make a post about all the relatiosnships would have with the adults. I feel like all the adults that Riley should have had a good relationship with neglected her or put her down in some way to uplift Maya and to cater Maya’s needs & wants but they were more so wants.  So to kick off the list Shawn and Riley’s dynamics. 
Riley & Shawn’s Dynamics
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First of all I perosnally wouldn’t have had Shawn have this apathetic attitude towards Riley for the first 13 years of her life. Shawn is her Godfather, the first person to hold her after her parents. If my Godfather/my parents life long bestfriend showed up bonded better with my best friend and spent tons of money on my best friend while giving me a second hand cheap camera I would feel some type of way. First off to me Riley would be one of Shawn’s favorite people because Cory and Topanga are people he loves most. Him and Riley would have an Uncle Niece like Bond and he would tell Riley stories about Angela. Shawn would be very fond of Riley becuase of her ablity to believe in people and as he said “You’re Cory with Topanga’s hair.” Also once Riley finds out that Angela has Shawn’s kids Cory and Riley would team up to get Shawn and Angela back together. Then Riley would be really close with Angela. Which leads me to the next character.
Riley & Angela
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First of all there would be no vilification of Angela’s character. Riley and Angela would be working together on social justice issues because Riley much like Rowan would be an activist. Angela would be like an Aunt figure to both Riley and Auggie. Riley would do everything she could to get Shawnangela back together. She would bond with Shawnangela’s children, Jet and Melinda. Riley and Melinda would become a little more than friends and Jet would be with Maya. Oh Riley, Cory and Riley’s friends would all try to plan the Shawnangela’s wedding. Riley and Angela would have a great relationship. No attitude and Angela would see how much Riley is like Cory with Topanga’s hair.
Riley & Eric
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Out of all the biological family members Riley would be the closest to Eric. A lot of people say Riley is most like Cory but I feel she is a lot like Eric, both are smart (Well Eric in the earlier seasons of BMW was super smart) both had parents who doubted them and put them down and both are goofballs who are great people person. Since Eric has no kids I feel he would be closest with Riley because they are the oldest silibling, no what it is like to have a kid brother and Eric on his good days could give Riley really great advice. I also feel like Eric would all ready know Riley is bisexual and he would be either the first or second person Riley would come out to the first would be her Aunt Morgans. 
Riley& her Aunt Morgans 
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These are the two different actresses clearly but both played Morgan Matthews. So in my mind the way to explain the two Morgans is that Morgan realized she is either a lesbian or she is bisexual and married another woman named Morgan.They are more the fun Aunts that Riley has. Riley would go to them for girl talk, they would get their nails done together shop together. Lily Nicksay (the one on the left in the flower dress) Would be the more feminine one, she would be girly be the one to pick out Riley’s girlier outfits and be more likely to go to the salon with Riley, Lindsay Ridway (The one to the right and wearing the pinstriped dress) would have a more edgier feel, she would take Riley to the amsument park go on big rides and she would help Riley with her hobbies like Cosplay and Photography. The Aunt Morgans would play a major role in Riley’s life. These two would also have an amazing bond with Auggie since they know what it is like to be the youngest. 
Riley & Uncle Josh (Yes this is the same actor who played the little boy in Corpanga’s hall way and is the little actor for Josh) 
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In the original Boy Meets World has Daniel Jacobs (Michal’s son) play Joshua. Joshua in Girl Meets World is played Uriah Shelton. Well in the series finale the original Josh makes a cameo. If he had played Joshua instead of Uriah Shelton then there would be no Joshaya that wouldn’t be considered a ship. Josh and Riley would have a nice relationship but I feel like they wouldn’t be super close because I think Joshua would have a more close relationship wtih Auggie because they are both the youngest boys and just youngest in general. Josh would be the cool Uncle to Riley that would play dolls with her until she out grew that and then he would bond closer with Auggie. 
This is just my personal take and how I feel the show could have been better. I felt there was no reason to have Maya’s need catred to at the expense of neglecting Riley and shitting on Riley constantly.Girl Meets World exists because Cory and Topanga had Riley. Riley is the girl of Girl Meets World. Riley is the star and Riley should take importance over Maya. I am not saying Maya shouldn’t have a story line but they didn’t need take almost everything from Riley and give it to Maya. Seriously Shawn held Riley, after her parents Shawn is Riley’s Godfather, Josh is Riley’s Uncle! Morgan and Morgan are Riley’s Aunts. To me Angela is Riley’s Godmother! Corpanga are RILEY’S parents! Do you see what I am getting at!
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remywrites5 · 5 years
It's my birthday tomorrow 🙈 is there any chance you could write some jegulus/ jegulily fluff for me? Only if you feel inspired and have time, of course! I love your stories so much, they always make me smile and tear up and feel so so happy! ❤
I think I might be setting a dangerous precedent here but oh well. Hope you have an awesome birthday!! 
James Potter was a little surprised to see Regulus Black of all people at his son’s sixth birthday party. While Sirius was Harry’s godfather and was family, Regulus had always sort of kept his distance. Not that James blamed him all that much, but it seemed odd to pick a children’s birthday party as your first point of contact.
           “Hey Reg,” James said, approaching him. He had decided to be friendly instead of suspicious. Unless Reg did something that warranted concern, James was going to be cordial to him. “Wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
           Regulus went a bit red and scratched the back of his neck. “I, uh, Harry invited me, actually,” he said, clearly nervous.James watched the tips of Reg’s ears go pink and couldn’t help thinking it was just a bit adorable.
           “Harry did?” James asked, puzzled.
           “Yeah, I was spending time with Sirius and he was watching Harry,” Regulus explained, giving Harry a little wave. Harry was being chased by his friend, Ron, when the two of them smacked into each other and went tumbling to the floor. “He told me about his birthday party and insisted I come. I didn’t have the heart to refuse him.”
           James smiled, secretly pleased that Sirius and Regulus were getting along. He knew Sirius had been trying to mend fences for years and it was nice that Reg was receptive to his efforts. Besides, a stroppy Sirius was everyone’s problem.
           “Uncle Reg!” Harry said, rushing over and hugging Regulus’ legs. “Will you chase me?”
           “Harry, he’s only just got here,” James said, lifting his son up. “Let’s allow him to get settled, hmm?”
           James tickled Harry and Harry kicked his little legs in protest. “Is Uncle Pads here too?” his son asked, his eyes lighting with excitement. James sighed, knowing that no matter how cool he was as a dad, Uncle Sirius would always be cooler. Although he’d never admit it out loud, especially not in Sirius’ presence. 
           “Not yet,” James said, ruffling his son’s hair.
           “Probably being fashionably late,” Regulus joked, crossing his arms over his chest.
           James grinned and felt like he and Reg were sharing a joke at his best friend’s expense. Sirius was notoriously late to pretty much everything and it was nice that someone felt James’ pain on the subject.
           “James!” Lily called out from the porch door, waving her hands wildly. “I can’t find the paper plates!”
           “Do you mind?” James asked, dropping a wiggling Harry into Reg’s arms. “Duty calls!”
           “Oh, uh, no,” Regulus said after it was too late to refuse.
           “Thanks,” James said as he hurried in to help Lily find what she was looking for. He found his wife furiously searching through the grocery bags with all the party supplies in them. “Don’t worry, Lils, we’ll find it.”
           “Ugh! This place is a fucking mess. If I don’t lose my mind by the end of the night it’ll be a miracle.”
           James carded his fingers through his messy hair and began searching. Once the paper plates had been located, Lily looked a lot calmer. One crisis averted. James hugged her to him and gently rubbed her back soothingly.
           “Who’s that incredibly fit bloke holding our son?” Lily asked, looking over James’ shoulder out onto the party.
           James craned his neck to see even though he already knew the answer. “That’s Regulus, Sirius’ brother.”
           “Mmm, he’s quite good-looking, isn’t he?” Lily said, openly ogling Regulus. James laughed and kissed the top of Lily’s head.
           “Would you like to meet him?”
           “Yes please.”
           James took Lily’s hand and led her out into the backyard. They had to narrowly miss colliding with the Weasley twins who were dousing each other with water pistols.
           “Hey Reg, this is my wife, Lily,” James said, gesturing to Lily with his free hand.
           “Mummy!” Harry said, reaching out for Lily the moment she was within arm’s reach.
           Lily smiled and took Harry into her arms. “Hi my little birthday boy,” she cooed, kissing Harry on the cheek. “Are you having fun, love?”
           Harry nodded his head emphatically.
           Lily dropped his down and gave him a small shove. “Why don’t you go play with your party guests?”
           Harry looked around for a moment and then tore off towards the sprinkler where a few kids were running through it. Lily straightened back up and wiped her brow. “Jesus, it’s bloody hot, isn’t it? How did I ever give birth in this heat? My tits are sweating just standing here and they’re nowhere near the size they used to be.”
           Regulus’ eyes widened in surprise and he turned an alarming shade of red. He nearly matched Lily’s hair. James had to bite his bottom lip to keep from laughing. “I’m going to go put out some of the snacks,” James said, kissing Lily’s temple and then sliding away, giving Reg and Lily a chance to get acquainted. 
           James was in the middle of plating the cheese and crackers when Sirius and Remus entered with Teddy in tow. “Hiya Jamie!” Sirius said, throwing his arms over his best friend and giving him a big hug. “Where’s Haz? I owe the little monster about fifty birthday hugs!”
           “He’s outside enjoying the party,” James said, shoving Sirius away. It was much too hot to have Sirius hanging all over him. “Which you would know if you’d bothered to show up on time like decent people.”
           “Eh, who cares about being decent?” Sirius shrugged, popping a piece of cheese into his mouth. “Right Teddy?”
           “Right!” the three-year-old responded, giving his dad a thumbs up.
           “Go on, go play,” Remus said, ushering Teddy outside.
           “Did Reg show?” Sirius asked, noticing his brother outside. “That’s odd.”
           James glanced outside and Regulus, who was still talking with Lily. He could tell by the way he was looking at her that Reg was already smitten. It was a strong willed man indeed (or a hopelessly gay one like Sirius) who could not be swayed by the charms of Lily Evans Potter.
           “Looks like you’ve got some competition, eh Prongs,” Sirius said, elbowing his friend. “Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Reg crushing on someone before. It looks so strange. Like he’s got gas.”
           “He must have been interested in someone before now,” James reasoned, grabbing the cheese and crackers tray to bring outside. He wondered how long the cheese would even last in the blasted July heat.
           Sirius shrugged. “Thought he might have had a thing for you back at school,” he said, scratching his head. “But Reg’s always been the quiet type. He could have been shagging half the school and wouldn’t have told a soul.”
           “You two are aware that staring is very rude,” Remus said, sliding the porch door open and stepping outside.
           “That’s why I have you, Moony,” Sirius said, stepping out after his husband. “To make up for my lack of manners.”
           “There’s not enough Moonys in the world to take on that task,” James quipped, following them out and shutting the door behind them so the air conditioning didn’t go to waste.
           “No, dumbo, there’s only one Moony and he’s perfect,” Sirius said, giving Remus a quick kiss.
           Remus rolled his eyes but kissed Sirius back.
           James put the tray down on the food table and went over to join his wife. “Reg, aren’t you hot in the long sleeve shirt? Why don’t you take it off? I have some swimming trunks you could borrow.”
           Reg ducked his head down in embarrassment. “I swear, between the two of you, you’re making me feel like a schoolboy,” he said, wringing his hands together. “Are you two simply hazing the new guy or is it some kind of party game I’m not aware of?”
           Lily laughed and reached out, tugging Regulus forward. “No, silly, we’ve just decided we’re going to keep you.”
           “Keep me?” Reg repeated, glancing from James to Lily.
           “Yeah,” James said, giving Reg a reassuring grin. “In a nice way.”
           Regulus raised a skeptical eyebrow at them. “And what does being a kept man by the Potters entail?”
           Lily and James exchanged a look. “Love?” James suggested.
           “The world’s greatest six-year-old?”
           “Stop!” Regulus said, interrupting them. “Christ, are you two always like this?”
           Lily shrugged. “Pretty much.”
           Regulus tugged his fingers through his hair. “You don’t know a thing about me.”
           James smiled. “Then let us take you to dinner.”
           “You pick the night,” Lily told him. “We’ll make it happen.”
One Year Later
           “Harry, stop putting glue in your cousins hair!” Regulus scolded, picking Teddy up so he was safe from his mischievous cousin. He looked around for James or Lily or even Sirius but there was just a sea of children. He carried Teddy inside and found Sirius and Remus crowding around the chocolate fountain they’d gotten for the party. “Oi, you two, your son had glue in his hair thanks to the birthday boy.”
           Remus took Teddy off Reg’s hands. “Looks like you’re getting your second bath of the day,” he said with a heavy sigh, inspecting Teddy’s hair for the damage.
           “Have you two seen Lily and James?” Regulus asked, feeling completely outnumbered by the amount of children. Sometimes he wished Harry wasn’t quite so popular at school. Sometimes it was like running a bloody daycare with all of Harry’s friends around. 
           “Upstairs,” Sirius said, pointing a chocolate covered finger towards the stairs.
           Regulus batted his brother upside the head. “Get your grubby hands off the chocolate, you’re meant to use a fork with a strawberry on it, not your fingers.”
           Sirius seemed nonplussed. “It’s more fun this way.” He immediately began helping Teddy stick his fingers straight into the chocolate and then into his mouth. 
           Regulus shook his head and headed up towards the bedroom. He had just opened the door when James and Lily popped out from behind the bed. “Surprise!” they said in union.
           Regulus shook his head fondly at the two nutters he was in love with. “It’s Harry’s birthday, not mine. Why are you surprising me?”
           “It’s our anniversary!” James explained, throwing a handful of confetti.
           Regulus crossed his arms over his chest. “This is why I’ve been left alone with a gaggle of young children. So you two could hide up here?”
           “We told Sirius and Remus to help!” James insisted, brushing confetti off his shirt. He’d completely missed the impressive amount littering his hair.
           Regulus rolled his eyes. “When does Sirius ever help with anything?”
           Lily walked over and put her arms around Reg, giving him a soft kiss. “We just wanted you to know we love you.”
           Regulus blushed and squeezed her tightly. “I know that.”
           “We should get downstairs,” James said, joining them.
           “You’re a mess,” Regulus said, brushing the confetti out of James’ hair. “You two didn’t have to take time out of the party to do this for me.”
           “We wanted to,” Lily said, beaming up at him. “It was important.”
           Regulus bit his bottom lip to try and stop the smile threatening to break out onto his face. “Still going to keep me?” he joked, wondering how it was possible to feel this overwhelming amount of love and not go absolutely insane. Maybe it was why the two people he’d chosen to fall in love with were absolutely bonkers.
           “Oh you’ll never be rid of us now,” James said, kissing Reg on the cheek.
           “Never,” Lily agreed, kissing his other cheek.
           Regulus knew if anyone was crazy enough to keep a promise like that, it was Lily and James Potter.
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queenraikichi94 · 4 years
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The actual drawing of Raikichi in Galar finished today.
First drawing I made of Raikichi was in 25th March 2012
Second drawing in 21st October 2014
Third drawing in 14th May 2016
Fourth drawing that I started today, I took Nessa as a reference after fighting with many poses.
I need to redraw her again and maybe giving her a new name
She is from Sinnoh, her loyal Pokemon is Glaceon and she holds the tilte of World Champion of the Pokemon League cause when I created her I thought that would be cool(?)
After taking the World Title of the League, she travelled through Kanto and Johto, and after a quick visit to her uncle Juan in Sootopolis, she went back to Sinnoh, where she has given a Torchic as a gift from her uncle Kabu.
In her homeland she got her first scars when she tried to stop Team Galaxy, and after beating them, she moved to Unnova. Again, problems appeared and she got more scars.
Kalos was something that made her change since it was the second time she saw a crazy man trying to provoke the apocalypse; the first time was Cyrus. She could have died there when Lysandre decided to use the Ultimate Weapon to destroy all the things.
After that, and after seeing that being the World Champion of the Pokemon League and being a famous coordinator was turning too hard for dealing, she went to Alola, searching some peace and tranquility as she tried to think the best way to handle her problems; but problems followed her and she found herself trying to understand Team Skull and their leader, Guzma. She felt bad for him because he didn’t seem as a real villain, but when something was starting to grow between them, she cut it. She didn’t have those feelings like Guzma and the last thing she would do was playing with his heart. That made him feel sad cause one of the things that made him being itnerested in her was how she tried to understand Team Skull, trying to help them, so when he knew that she was moving to another legion, he gave her an Insectium Z.
Now she’s in Galar living in Motostoke City with her uncle Kabu, who is her mother’s godfather since both families are related. At first Kabu was shocked to see his niece with all those scars, but as she said “The task of a Champion is keeping both Pokemon and people safe, no matter what”. In the moment she said that, her uncle sighed and smiled: he knew that being stubborn was in the family.
In Galar she has all her Pokemon (the people of the airpot were TERRIFIED at her cold gaze when they tried to grab her Pokemon) and meeting the Gym Leaders is a good idea, specially if that allows her to meet her actual boyfriend, the Dark Type Gym Leader Piers. Oh, and also, she ends beating Raihan cause he annoys her with her short height.
Her title allows her to bring with her all her Pokemon, later I’ll update this with all of them, but she usually uses more the oens of the region she’s visiting, so right now her Galar team is formed by Cinderace, Primarina, Obstagoon, Corviknight, Appletun and Galarian Rapidash.
More info later!
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luobingmeis · 5 years
johann fangbattle (i hc that killian takes carey's name purely bc i cannot think of a last name for killian)
named after johann, obvi
killian and carey when magnus names his dog johann: *kill bill sirens*
he's a dragonborn!!!
also ik shit abt dragonborn anatomy but im assuming dragonborns are hatched? bc reptiles? anyways he's essentially adopted bc they got his... egg from a... hatchery? okay please just play with me in this space
and, while waiting for egg to hatch, carey goes into Full Mother Mode. like, obvi killian is, too, but carey doesnt let this egg leave her sight and she's incredibly protective
kinda like how brock was with togepi's egg in pokemon asksjdjshdhd
as a baby/toddler/kid, johann is super shy!! he's very clingy to carey and killian and also very Small and Timid
(and then when he's a teenager/adult he's over six feet tall and a snarky yet loveable little shit so, like, plot twist)
when he was a baby/toddler, he actually got very attached to davenport!! he thought davenport's illusion magic was super fun to watch and he would just be mesmerized watch dav shoot sparks off
besides carey and killian, davenport was actually the first person johann willingly went to
magnus, as his godfather, was lowkey offended but tried not to let it show
after that, johann warmed up to everyone Very Quickly
lucretia (his godmother) would read him (and his younger sister but im not there yet) books all the time!!!! he would also sometimes just. grab one of his books, walk over to lucretia, hand it to her, and then sit in her lap and lucretia would always be like "alright guess it's story time"
he's very protective of his younger sister but he also knows that she could kick his ass but they really are best friends
(listen im an only child but id be lying if i said i didnt sometimes wish i had siblings so i try to capture sibling dynamics the best i can)
as he gets older, he starts learning magic (from angus, honorary cool older cousin) and he specializes in illusion magic!!
johann: uncle davenport! i specialized into illusion magic, just like you!
davenport, trying not to cry: that's nice
also: gay
he grows up to be pretty snarky and sarcastic (which taako thinks is hysterical) but, at his core? such a softie and a sweetheart
i definitely have a lot more but im 1) tired and 2) rattling this all off the top of my head
noelle fangbattle
named after noelle!!
she's an orc!!! and also two years younger than johann
also okay this is mostly a lot of self projection onto killian but, like, this is a magical fantasy world, so i kinda assume that they have their own type of in vitro fertilization/other similar processes and like. yeah to cut to the chase bc idk how chill you/others are to talking abt pregnancy, but yeah that
(tbh id be lying if i said i didnt have more hcs abt that but, again, see "idk how comfortable everyone is with talking abt pregnancy" point asksjdhhs)
noelle, like johann, is super clingy but she's also a charmer so she's obsessed with everyone
she's that type of baby that never let's anyone put her down so everyone becomes really good at doing things while holding a baby on their hip
most of the time, killian or carey have her in one of those baby chest carriers (johann they held a lot more w/ their arms bc he was a smaller baby so it was easier) and she just chills tf out
the others tho? they get some nice arm workouts
noelle gets very attached to barry very fast bc he's comfy to nap on
lup: *short circuits*
unlike johann, who was absolutely terrified of kravitz when he first saw his reaper form at the tender age of 5 (it was an accident and kravitz felt terrible), noelle, age 3, fucking loves it
as she gets older, she continues the competent line of competent women!!! (but johann is also competent bc it runs in the family)
tbh idk what i want to do for her class yet? im thinking of her being a fighter, after magnus, and wielding a fucking ginormous two handed axe
she's a sweetheart and also incredibly bold and not afraid to push back against people trying to bullshit her
she's just as protective of johann as he is of her
but also almost threw him into another plane of existence when he illusioned an open door and she ended up running face first into a closed one
johann: noelle come get y'all juice!!
she's bi!!!
also once again i def have more but 1) still tired and 2) still rambling off the top of my head
general notes:
they are a big happy family!!!
"it takes a village to raise a child" aka the seven birds +co are all incredibly invested in the well-being of the team sweet flips kiddos
everyone gets really good at dual wielding kids
johann and noelle really like learning abt their namesakes
if anyone ever has any questions,,,,,, i have put so much thought into domestic sweet flips
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Tia squiggles, what do you think about the Little Prince vs Dorothy Gale theory about Oscar ? I think most characters in RWBY have like a duality of story/tale traits and characters that sort of refer to them on a personal narrative and then their relationship with the other characters in RWBY. Either way, that’s one of the things I enjoy the most about this series because it is very inventive and I really love it. This is actually the first time since I watch this that I get so involved.
Wellwelcome aboard fam.It was actually a little bit of the same for me back in V5. I’ve been a fan ofRWBY for years but it wasn’t until V5 that I started getting more involved withthe FNDM community, sharing theories and stuff. It’s been a cool fun ride sofar so I hope you enjoy yourself as well.
To answer yourquestion, I actually like both theories, Clara. You are very correct in your point on RWBYcharacters sharing more than one character inspiration; at least for certaincharacters. For example, even though Ruby Rose is based off of Little Red Riding Hood, there aresome FNDM theorists who claim that Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz also helped influenced Ruby out as a character.
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I’vecome to like to concept of Ruby drawing from Dorothy since it’s a trait sheshares with Oscar. A lot of fans have theorized that Oscar Pine is a gender-bent version of DorothyGale given the fact that he lived ona farm with his aunt (and possible uncle) before being whisked off on anunexpected magical adventure similar to Dorothy.
I’dlike to think that Dorothy had a bigger influence on Ruby in terms of personality while part of her story was used to flesh out Oscar’s.In terms of character, some theorists and fans have claimed that Oscar is actuallybased off of Princess Ozma. Princess Ozma isthe rightful ruler of Oz who was turned into a boy and raised by a wicked witchbefore learning the truth about herself.
As for the fans whoare saying that Oscar is drawing reference from the Little Prince, I understandfully why this connection is being made because a) the obvious fact that Oscar’snew huntsmen attire strongly resembles the outfit worn by the Little Prince andb) in the LittlePrince tale, the prince was in lovewith a red rose which Rosegardeners see as a sign that Oscar is going to fall in love with Ruby Rose.
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At this point, Oscar draws reference from three known fairy talecharacters who built the foundation for his narrative. In the Little Prince,the prince befriended a fox and it wasthe fox who taught him how to tame which helped the little prince realize hislove for his rose. After the prince left his planet, it ended up on Earth wherehe found more roses just like the one on his planet. 
The prince became veryupset at this because his rose had told him that she was the one and only.Through help from the friendly fox, the prince learned that his rose was theone and only---the one and only rose in the world to him because despitefinding a planet with many other beautiful roses just like his rose, his rose was the one that mattered to him. His rose was theone he loved the most. I would actually love it if this is how Oscar comes torealize his feelings for Ruby.
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Thisis why I’m starting to gun for Oscar to have a Godmother or Godfather characterfor the Atlas Arc based off this Pineheadheadcanon I shared before. Perhaps thischaracter could be the little fox in Oscar’ story and help him to understandand realize his feelings for Ruby with some worthy advice.
Perhaps there isn’t even need tocreate a new character. I can actually see Yang becoming theFox in Oscar’s story. Yang has been known to offer up some pretty nice advicewhen the opportunity presents itself. Perhaps this is a way for Oscar and Yangto bond.
Thenagain, Nora isalso a perfect candidate to be the Fox in Oscar’s story. As a matterof fact, Nora is actually better than Yang in that sense. In the Little Prince,the fox’s advice to the Prince was:
“…If you tameme, then we shall need each other.To me, youwill be unique in all the world.To you, Ishall be unique in all the word…”
The fox taught thePrince this valuable lesson which helped him to realize his love for the rose.I can definitely see Nora being the type to teach Oscar this as well since, ofall the characters in the main hero cast, she found her true love in Lie Ren. Ican even picture Nora saying that Ren tamed her sincethey stuck together after what became of Kunoyuri and following that event,they only looked out for each other. To Ren, Nora became unique to him in allof Remnant and to Nora, Ren became unique to her in all of Remnant. Thatfeeling stayed with them throughout their close bond and it was ultimately whatformed their inevitable romance. What made Nora fall in love with Ren in thefirst place. He tamed her.
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Noraknows what it’s like to fall in love with her best friend---the person youtrust and believe in the most. The person you look to the most when things becomedire. Who betterto teach this to Oscar than Nora? It’s a way for Oscar and Nora tobond while further pushing the idea of Oscar ultimately joining up with JNR toreform JNPR.
Plus, the fox theLittle Prince meets was a red fox. Nora is a red head so…it totally fits!
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Inthe Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and Princess Ozma were best friends and each other’sclosest confidents. This is what Rosegardeners are hoping for with theRoseGarden friendship. The hope is that Ruby and Oscar will develop a very close friendship and bondthat will eventually blossom into a nice romance given time.
That’sall presumption for now but for the most part, I’m very interested in hisdevelopment especially if it draws ideas from the Little Prince and the Wizardof Oz. As we talked about Little Prince, now I’m starting to have another Pinehead headcanon where Oscar gets a pet fox.
Maybewhen the group go to Atlas, Oscar finds an injured fox somewhere and saves it frombeing turned into a fur coat from some snooty Atlesian Elite. Maybe it’s a babyfox and Oscar helps nurse it back to health and ends up getting attached to itor something.
Maybehe and Ruby can even bond over raising the fox together before Oscar has to setthe animal free. I doubt this idea is possible at all since real world animalsare barely visible in Remnant. But it’d be interesting if foxes are actuallycommon around Atlas and are considered top tier pets for the Atlesians who canafford them. Again, doubt we’ll get something like this but it could’ve beencute. Oscarwith a pet fox as a further nod tothe Little Prince tale.
Anyways,I hope this actually answers you Clara. Apologies for rambling there at the end XD
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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gryffindormischief · 6 years
Prompt: Harry and Ginny have Teddy and his friends for a couple of days in Easter break while their kids are staying somewhere else. Teddy's friends think they're very cool, but Teddy thinks theyret very embarrassing
A/N: I like, half did your prompt I’m sorry.  Also I don’t endorse physical violence but this is a drabble, it’s fluffy, and sometimes people really make you wish you could punch them.
When the Potter kids trooped off to Romania for some quality time with their uncle and a menagerie of dragons (Lily was most excited about the latter) Teddy had figured he was home free to have some friends over and look entirely cool while doing it. 
Which was a mistake.  Because Harry Potter, Boy-Who-Lived, Head Auror, badass dueler, et al, was a complete dork.  Like, fall asleep reading an instruction manual, wear his daughter’s dress up paraphernalia, doesn’t know which slang is in style anymore, dad.  And Ginny, well, she’s gorgeous (in a ‘You’re more like a mother figure’ type way), famous, and can still wipe the floor with pretty much anyone on the pitch - but she’s also got the Weasley mothering gene that rears it’s head exactly when Teddy’s trying to be cool in front of girls (whose names start with ‘V’ and end with ‘ictoire’).
And it’s just a bunch of those little things the first few days - Harry fighting with a piece of pre-fab furniture they bought for Lily’s room and swearing colorfully, Ginny warbling along with the Weird Sister’s on the wireless.  But when they come in from exploring the forest just outside the bounds of the Potter property and Harry’s spooning sauce into Ginny’s mouth while they pseudo dance in the kitchen, Teddy’s jaw actually drops.  “Guys.”
Harry simply pauses, twisting to face his godson while Ginny looks disappointed and nearly follows the spoon like a dog with a treat.  He nods, “Ted, boys.”
Teddy narrows his eyes at their innocent expressions and sulks off to his room, friends in tow, maybe slamming the door slightly.
It’s not even ten minutes later when Teddy emerges, cradling sore knuckles and scowling up a storm, and clears his throat at the kitchen doorway.
Ginny’s got her reading glasses on, presumably looking over some drafts of her latest article, with her feet kicked up on one of the empty chairs, while Harry switches off the stove and turns his best ‘dad’ glare on Teddy.  “We’ll be discussing the attitude -  what’s with your hand?”
Face scrunching, Teddy sniffs and murmurs, “Euan wants to go home and he probably needs an ice pack.”
Harry’s gaze is heavy and Teddy tries his best to avoid eye contact, which isn’t hard since he can’t seem to keep from glancing at Ginny.  But his godfather must sense something, or understand him well enough after more than a decade, so he grabs the suggested ice pack (the Potter family has acquired a collection by necessity) and disappears into Teddy’s room, murmuring, “I’ll take him home.”
Once Harry’s out of ear shot, gone in the green flames with a fuming Euan, Ginny kicks a chair out and sets her quill aside.  “Have a seat, Teddy Bear.”
He flushes at the nickname but does as he’s told, though he can’t fully abandon the sullen pre pubescent boy demeanor fully, so he plops a bit.  Ginny taps her fingers against the side of her ‘Best Mum’ mug they’d all made together when their hands were all small enough to fit prints around the outside and smiles softly.  “What’s up?”
Teddy can’t look at her and say it so he folds his arms across the tabletop and hides his face.  It’s muffled a bit when  he speaks, but he’s loud enough that Ginny’ll hear.  “He said stuff about your arse and about your,” he sniffs, “Your ti-”
He can feel himself getting all riled up again, and apparently Ginny can tell, because one of her cool, calloused hands lands on his forearm.  “It’s alright, love.”
But that righteous anger’s already boiled to the brim again and his jaw is set when he looks up, “I wasn’t going to let him talk ‘bout you that way,” Ginny’s hand cards through his sweat-dampened locks (they were blue this morning but he’s so angry it could be anything by now) and Teddy sniffles again, “So I punched him when he wouldn’t apologize.”
“I’m glad you told me,” Ginny says softly, “And that you’re such a wonderful boy.”
Teddy studies the table.
“But tempting as it is - “
“I shouldn’t punch people,” Teddy finishes with a big sigh.
Before they can discuss the issue further, Harry comes slinking back in, hand tucked carefully into his pocket and shoulders tensed.  Teddy’s a bit confused but Ginny’s like a niffler on a scent and she’s crossed her arms over her chest, the full force of her gaze resting on Harry as he stirs with the wrong hand.
“Show me your hand, Harry James.”
He pauses mid-stir.  “No.”
“Bloody arse-hole - sorry Ted - said it was ok to make dirty comments on your chest and arse - sorry Ted - because you ‘show them off enough’.”
Ginny’s mouth falls open, and if Teddy knows his godparents, he’d say Harry’s fully on board the knuckle sandwich train and Ginny’s a faux reluctant stow away.  But before anything can be confirmed, Harry switches off the stove once again, settles the lid over the sauce, and retrieves a couple pints of Fortescue’s from the ice box.  “Ted, we’re having ice cream for dinner.”
And just when he thinks Ginny’s going to object, she flicks her wand and three spoons come flying from their drawer.  “Just, for the record, punching is not the best option.”
Both boys duck their heads a bit, and Teddy thinks he spies Ginny’s mouth twitch into an affectionate grin as Harry mumbles, “Off the record, it’s usually the most satisfying.”
Send me an anymous (or not) summary of the fic you wish I would write. (maybe I will write a tidbit)
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