#i think my issue when it comes to like. AUs where they're “opposites” on a more extreme scale
shikisei · 5 months
what if..
but priest and devil
(idk which is which you pick)
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i got lost . so you get 2 demons and no priest instead sorry
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technobrain · 18 days
My Zero Day Au!
this AU started out as a list of headcanons but eventually I got carried away and it evolved into an AU!
A quick warning, this list includes NSFW, some violent mentions, and Caldre! be careful!!
Cal is taller than Andre
keep in mind these are made up as I go, so they're a tad bit sloppy! Please excuse any minor typos!! English also isn't my first language 😭🩷
ftm Cal
subdre. no comment.
Cal has dissociation problems, he never feels like he's centered and mentally *there* when he's around people, but when he's alone or with Andre he's able to ground himself and actually think
if they were to have the option to escape after zero day and live their lives afterwards as a different identity, Andre would take it, Cal wouldn't.
Andre has a HUGE soft spot for animals. Cal is indifferent. Cal doesn't view animals as sentient, living beings. He's not heartless, though. He still had love for animals, especially Mel, he just has a hard time comprehending that they're conscious.
Andre has chronic pain, it centers in his waist down and eventually gets a service dog for mobility and emotional regulation. He had to quit all sports he was in because of it. He still has a hard time coping with it.
Andre is embarrassed of his sd, often telling it to lay down and then walking away. He eventually realizes why he has it, and goes back to get it. He never goes far in the first place, mostly just meanders around the room, area, or house for a bit before going back.
Andre has anger issues, consistently has outbursts in class and storms out.
When Andre walks out, his adrenaline makes him more mobile, so he often forgets to get his sd. his sd trails behind him, poking him with it's nose and pawing him, trying to calm him down. Andre walks for a while before getting to a private area, sitting down, and only then letting his sd help him.
Cal walks absurdly fast, Andre hates him for it.
Cal cuts his shirts at the neck, and then never wears the shirt again because he hates how it makes him more feminine. Andre beats him up over it, saying how if he just didn't want the shirt, he could've gave it to him. Cal says something about how he wants the shirt still, it's a good shirt that he likes, he just doesn't like how it's cut at the neck now. Wording it like it's a design choice. Andre drops the conversation before he has an outburst.
Andre fell for Cal first, Cal fell for Andre around 3 months later.
They never really established a relationship, their friendship just slided from being platonic, to being slightly more than that, to "Hey are we, like, dating?"
Cal likes pda, Andre doesn't. Cal is also into exhibitionism, Andre isn't. Cal never acts on it, just highly praises it. Andre doesn't even entertain the idea.
Cal got Andre started on za, Cal admits he's got a *small* problem, while Andre mostly just doesn't care either way.
Cal is more of a smoker, Andre is more of a drinker.
Cal is on 7 million medications, always switching them up. Even his doctors can't keep up on what he's on, what dosage, etc.
Andre, on the contrary, is on maybe 2 medications, one of which being Advil. he just counts it as a medication because he wants to relate to Cal, failing miserably.
Cal listens to Lana Del Rey. Guilty pleasure.
Cal texts with about 10 million emojis, Andre uses proper grammar. Capitalization, punctuation, the whole nine yards.
Cal has a pet tarantula named Spike after the my little pony character.
Andres sd is named Sascha, and she's a girl. Despite Sascha Konietzko being a boy.
Cal and Rachel are cousins. Rachel often playfully threatens Cal with "IM TELLING YOUR MOTHER" if she doesn't get her way. Cal takes her a bit too seriously and gets genuinely mad at her over this, yelling at her.
Cal has bpd and adhd.
Andre has flat foot, scoliosis, and chronic pain. nomatter how many tests they do, they can't find out where the chronic pain comes from.
Andre is a germaphobe. Cal is the opposite. Cal will touch a bathroom door handle and lick his hand. Andre goes through two bottles of bath and body works hand sanitizer per month.
Andre has HFA (high functioning autism). this often causes him to not understand social queues, making it even harder for him to make friends. Another reason why he has Sascha.
Both Andre and Cal have paranoia, always scared someone's listening in, reading their minds, planting hearing devices on things they own, etc. They feed off eachother, making eachother even more paranoid.
Andre has mild visual hallucinations, Cal has mild auditory hallucinations.
Cal has vocal stims. he likes repeating things. he'll repeat something Andre said a million times., he meows randomly, he clicks his tongue, hums, etc.
Andre and Cal play in the rain together all the time, i stole this from someone sorry, only difference is Andre HATES wet dog smell, so he'll leave Sascha on whoevers porch has an overhang so she doesn't get wet. She sits and watches them play, watching Andre very closely. When he starts doing something she knows will hurt him, she'll start barking at them and pawing at the air. Andre coos at her and gives her a treat.
Cal HATES Sascha. With a passion. He says she's big, dumb, gets in the way, and is a collateral for audio trackers. Andre gets extremely mad at Cal over this and has yelled at him multiple times for dissing her.
Sascha and Mel get along really well and often cuddle with eachother!!
Sascha is a Golden Shepherd, all black, with a couple gold spots on her hips. Cal calls them her cutie marks.
Rachel loves Sascha, having to hold back from petting her every time she's around Andre.
Andre is known as "the guy with the dog" in school, he hates it. He can't wait for Zero Day so he's not known as that anymore.
Sascha hates guns. When the boys would take Sascha to their shooting spot, Sascha would circle Andre and growl at Chris, or anyone really, when they were holding guns. When Andre would get his hands on one, she would go back to normal, but continue snarling at other people with them.
Cal's younger siblings love Sascha, cuddling with her and holding her all the time when she's off-duty
Andre was a party animal, Cal was a home body. Andre fucking *loved* parties, always dragging Cal along to them, before the Zero Day plan really fell into play. after that he kinda died down and muted his interests, becoming more dull and flat as the day got closer. In the end, Andre was a pure ball of anger and frustration. Cal never changed.
Cal enjoyed living in the moment, Journaling, listening to more whimsical music, sitting by the creek and watching the water.
Cal got dysphoric really easily. He'd end up in tears over how his shirts fitted him, if they showed too much chest. Andre bought him a binder after his parents were skeptical, always scared of the side effects.
Cal was actually really popular, he was just really odd and peculiar and when he started to get close to people, he started to freak people out with stims. He was more of a drifter friend that way.
Cal LOVES roller-coasters. especially small fair ones. He loves the danger. Andre loves roller-coasters but in a safe way.
Andre likes romcoms. Cal found out and never leaves him alone about it.
☆Andre falls for internet bait WAYYY too easily.
Both of them secretly sleep with teddy bears and can't sleep without them or without eachother. They never told eachother.
The Gabriel's made sure to bury Cal with his teddy in-between his hands. The Kriegman's were actually very civil with the Gabriel's and agreed to have them buried next to eachother, but refused to have them share a headstone. (in death Andre and Cal were fucking FUMING over this.) Andre's mom snuck Andre's teddy into his coffin.
Andre and Cal swapped dog tags before Zero Day. Andre wanted to trade with Sascha's, but Cal said "it's not the army of three it's the army of two"
Andre would always joke about Sascha being included in the army of two and often had to correct himself from saying the army of three instead of the army of two.
Andre never turned down a dare. He did it, nomatter how outlandish and dangerous it was. He got hurt multiple times.
Andre and Cal are both blanket hogs and often wake up to them fighting over the blanket.
Cal can do really cool flips on a trampoline. Like, it's absurd.
Andre didn't know how to bond with Cal's siblings at further so he just showed them a bunch of magic tricks and then acted like he'd known them forever.
☆ - inspired / stolen from Caldrea
Cal and Andre would talk so much shit about people it was like a middle school girls sleepover.
♧ Cal is also a huge metal head. Been to every metal concert in the area, even if he didn't know the band. He used to drag Andre around to them, but when Andre got Sascha he had to stop going.
Cal has a doodling problem, will doodle anywhere and everywhere. He's amazing at graffiti. Andre will often spend hours at the sink washing off Cal's doodles. not before he got a video of them though. Cal stick n poke's so many tattoos into his body that he couldnt wear shorts anymore.
♧ inspired / stolen from bottledkriegman
♤ Andre would play the knife game in the back of class when he was in middle school.
Andre was actually very popular in middle/elementary school, he only got picked on by the older kids.
Cal heavily procrastinates his school work, and ALWAYS copies off of Andre. Andre doesn't really mind, and even takes notes specifically for things he knows Cal would need.
♤ 4792beretta inspired / stolen ones lol
Andre would stomp up to his room but close the door really quietly. Cal would do the same thing but he'd just slam the door.
Andre always closes doors by turning the handle, closing the door, then twisting the handle back. Andre got mad at Cal all the time for "slamming doors". Really, Cal was just closing them normally.
Andre is a fucking whiney bitch. he'll bitch and moan and complain about something FOREVER. He also holds grudges.
Before Andre got Sascha, he was HUGE into sports. He loved track, he loved swimming, he loved soccer. Him and Cal actually met while playing soccer.
Andre and Cal are in an established relationship, but they don't act like it. They think it's 'cringe'.
Anyway, Cal is a horrible kisser. He ends up giggling or kissing with his teeth or something and Andre gets extremely mad at him over it, but never expresses it.
Cal is surprisingly good at giving head though, in contrary to his kissing skills. Andre asks him how the fuck he can give better head than he can kiss.
Andre is so awkward in bed. It often doesn't work out because Andre makes it so awkward it's a turn-off. He'll just start talking and eventually they're just sitting there naked on the bed having a chat about spaghetti or something.
Sascha gets anxious when Andre kicks her out of the room to have sex with Cal. She'll scratch at the doors, whimper, and eventually just lay there with her back to the door all sad.
Sascha doesn't go off-duty necessarily. She's always by Andre. She alerts him on or off duty, and refuses to leave his side unless commanded to.
Cal is hypersexual, Andre is demisexual. Cal will often initiate but Andre will just tweak the fuck out and shut down for a bit. Cal is always guilty about it. Andre will also never initiate anything, so Cal HAS to initiate it. Andre has told him to initiate it. It's really just a 50/50 if Andre will reciprocate or tweak the fuck out.
Neither Andre or Cal put labels to their sexualities, but Andre is a cis man and Cal, as labeled before, is a trans man.
When Cal and Andre met, Cal wasn't out yet. They met playing soccer in elementary. They only got close after Cal came out in middle school.
Andre didn't know Cal was trans until they first had sex. Andre, being oblivious, just thought Cal was really feminine when he was younger. Andre was VERY shocked. Cal was very confused on how Andre didn't know beforehand. Andre had to take a break and contemplate for a bit, sitting on the edge of the bed holding his face in his hands. Cal thought he wasn't going to accept him, but after a minute or two Andre just turned to face Cal, and acted like nothing fucking happened and still took him to pound town lmfao
Cal has suggested the idea of having sex while high or drunk, Andre refuses because he deems it to be rape, doesn't matter if their in a relationship or not. "Intoxicated people cannot consent."
Andre is the definition of the ☹️ emoji sometimes.
Andre and Cal fake role play. Cal will just say some shit like "eats your toe." and Andre will reply with "DUDE WHAT THE FREAK!! THAT WAS LITERALLY MY hashtag TOE!!!!!"
Cal will FaceTime Andre crying because he dropped a bagel on the floor and is sad about it.
Cal will also FaceTime Andre when he doesn't know how to do something.
for example; He'll call him and Andre will pick up on the most peculiar predicament. Cal will look into the camera, tears streaming down his face, flip the camera onto whatever is his grievance now, and Andre will sigh and explain it to him. Cal will then fumble with the phone for a second before flipping the camera again, millennial pausing, and giving him a thumbs up with a toothy grin, tears still streaming down his face.
Cal used to pick his nose and eat it as a kid.
Andre either loves or hates being touched. Cal is a big toucher. Drake levels of touching coming from Cal and occasionally Andre. when Andre doesn't like being touched but Cal wants to cuddle, him and Cal will lay side by side as a form of bonding that'll still put them in close proximity, and keep both of them in their comfort zones.
Cal does this thing where during class activities that involve whiting things on white boards, he puts the edgiest thing ever on it and waits for the classes reaction. Nobody knows it's him that does it.
These were written before I decided Zero Day hasn't happened yet.
Andre took Sascha with him to Zero Day. She followed him around during the shooting, jumping occasionally at the loud noises. Cal goes to shoot her on multiple occasions, but changes his mind before the trigger was pulled on her because, a, what if Andre needs her, and b, Cal is still an animal lover in the end.Sascha almost stopped Andre from shooting himself at the end of Zero Day. he had to send her to a bookshelf and lay her down in order to get her out of the way. Cal asked him, "can I shoot her now?" and Andre replied "Abso-fucking-lutely not. Don't even try."After Zero Day, Sascha unlearned all her training from the ptsd, retired, and is now the Gabriel family dog, along with Mel. the Kriegman's didn't want her or Mel after the shooting. Sascha is mostly deaf, but if she does hear a loud noise she'll run to Cal's room and curl up under the bed for hours.Mel, after police came to investigate Andre's room and Andre nor Sascha came back, stopped leaving Andre's room. Not even to go to the bathroom or eat. The Kriegman's had to gut Andre's room afterwards. Not like they wanted to keep anything anyway. Nobody got to inherit anything from his room. No reporters were allowed to see his room, only police.When police got into the library, they found Sascha beside Andre, cuddled up to him between him and Cal. they thought she was dead until she lifted her head to look at them and snarl at them. when Paramedics came in, one handled her and brought her out of the school. She had unlearned her training at that point, the only hassle with her was getting her away from Andre's body.Sascha was planned to be put down before the Gabriel's came to collect her. the Kriegman's wanted nothing to do with her. "wasted money."Cal's death was taken with a lot more emotion from his family than Andre's was with the Kriegman's. Cal's parents were on site in the span of 30 minutes. the Gabriel's mourned with all the other families before it got out that Cal was one of the shooters. After that, some of the other families turned on them and started to isolate them. Others continued to mourn with them, encouraging the others to do the same. They all lost children that day. the Kriegman's didn't even show up. They knew it was Andre the second they found out there was a shooting. His mother was more emotional than his dad in the grieving process.
this is getting wayyyy too long so I'm gonna stop here and make a part 2 later!!
Thank you for reading!
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m-jelly · 6 months
Modern AU senario with cheerleader reader and sport Levi (I don't know what kind of sports he would be into besides martial arts haha) where someone on levi's team or the other side makes fun of reader saying like 'cheerleading is not a real sport.' and so on. So levi defends reader because he has a crush on her. You may make the confession any way you like! Thank you for reading this!!!
So the only sport I know really well and because of the country I live in, I'm picking rugby. I've written a fic with him playing it before.
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@ladycheesington <3
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, university AU, fluff, romance, confessions, rugby Levi, cheerleader reader, short one-shot.
While a player on the opposite team starts bad-mouthing you for being a cheerleader, Levi comes to your aid and, in his speech to defend you, confesses.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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You posed with your group and cheered for the team, Paradis Scouts. A blush heated your cheeks when you saw Levi jog by. Since cheering for him about a month ago, you have developed a little crush on him. He was just sweet and handsome.
"Fucking, cheerleaders."
You looked over at a member of the rival team, Marley Titans. "Can we help you?"
He sneered at you. "Cheerleaders, you're all a waste of space. You clog up the pitch throwing your bodies around. It's not a real sport."
You folded your arms. "That's your opinion. I don't care what you think. We like doing this, it's fun we practice often and it looks good."
"You're a waste of time."
You rolled your eyes. "Are we supposed to get upset and emotional over that? Why should we care what one guy thinks? I won't change my life because you don't like this."
He got up in your face making the other girls gasp. "You're a stupid bitch. You all should be banned from the pitch. You're a distraction."
"That's a you problem, arsehole."
"You little!"
Levi slammed his hand on the man's chest and shoved him back. "Tch, oi back the fuck off!"
The man glared at Levi. "Don't you touch me, you Paradis scout scum."
"Then don't get up in my girl's face."
The man laughed as you felt your heart race. He shook his head. "Should have known you would be fucking a waste of space cheerleader. It's not even a real sport."
Levi grabbed your hand. "Do you even know what these ladies go through? They work hard often. They train for hours. They get injuries. Fuck, they could even break bones easily. This is a dangerous sport for them; they wear no pads to protect parts of their body. You had shin guards, they don't have shit."
The man huffed. "But they're a distraction."
"I love this woman and I manage to play the match fine. As she said, that is a you problem. Everyone else seems to be playing the match fine. I think the issue is, you are just shit at rugby."
"You!" He growled. "Fuck you both."
You watched as he stormed off. "Levi, thank you."
He turned to you. "I'm sorry he talked to you like that." He played with your hand. "You deserve better."
You nibbled your lip. "So, you love me."
He blushed hard. "I ah...yes..."
You leaned closer and kissed him. "Well, it's a good job I feel the same."
Levi smiled and pulled you closer before kissing you passionately. "Please be mine."
"I'm all yours, handsome." You kissed his cheek. "Beat their fucking ass."
Levi pinched your cheek. "Oh, I will."
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 9 months
TW bipolar discussion and nonconsensual kissing, mental health discussion
So about Saturn Girl kissing Jon without his ability to consent to it: I get that she isn't actively deciding to mind control the people around her, but she does have a choice in the matter. Her family wanted her to stay home until she could control her mind control powers, but she didn't want to and left. To me that's like if I noticed I was manic (not hypomanic) and didn't go to the mental hospital... Like I can't control my bipolar but I have the choice to stay away from others when it would harm them. That's not even a good comparison though because my judgement isn't clear enough to consistently do that when I'm manic, whereas she is at baseline and is able to think rationally. I wouldn't blame someone with bipolar because they have no choice, but I'm just saying the obvious choice would be to keep yourself away from others even if it's not fun for you. I feel like I can blame her, because she has a choice.
I do sympathize with her, but I really think she's hurting others disproportionately to the distress she feels stuck at home, and that's not okay.
If you look back on the events with the knowledge that she can't turn off her mind control, you see how manipulative she is, especially to Jon, and she does high-control group tactics: love bombing, isolation, guilt tripping, not letting him have rest alone where he would have time to realize he didn't want this.
I don't like the JonDami narrative that Jon was an asshole for leaving Damian in the past or was running away from his problems, because in my view he was dragged into a cult and I can't blame him for that, especially because he was extremely vulnerable at the time. I also don't believe Jon would have left in the first place if he knew up front that he couldn't bring Damian to at least visit him.
Jon had been in a state of fight or flight for around 6 years (not just talking about the volcano because there was also his verbally abusive grandpa and their deadly adventures and being trapped in space, and then him struggling to survive on the streets and trying to find a way home after he escaped) and the first time he really got a chance to cool down was when he was talking with Damian. He really needs a long break, therapy, and medication because what he went through can't be treated with therapy alone as the stress has chemical effects in the brain that need to be adjusted.
The writers don't care about how Jon should be extremely hypervigilant and defensive and anxious. I guess that's just not brave enough for a superhero, nevermind that leaving the house and getting treatment for these things, learning to trust again, and letting people help you is so much braver than punching guys when you have superpowers. It's natural to fight when your fight or flight is activated in a protective manner, but doing the logical thing when every signal in your body is telling you not to is really damn hard. The only coward is DC for giving Jon trauma and not actually writing a traumatized character.
That all being said, Damian clearly doesn't see how Jon is being manipulated, probably because his head is full of self hatred & doubting & repressed desires to ask Jon to stay, and thinks he needs to go against his abandonment trauma by swinging the pendulum too far in the opposite direction in his speech. With his c-ptsd and abandonment issues I can see him becoming bitter towards Jon for going to the future.
That could make for a really complex fanfiction, don't you think? The conflict coming from their unique life experiences and traumas, and them learning to understand each other like they're always doing. This misunderstanding of intentions born not out of something dumb like hearing the wrong thing or being unclear in language, but from their different points of view.
My jondami au where Jon leaves the legion early is calling me lmao "Isaac we have more problems for you to fix~"
That being said I have no exclusivity to these ideas for writing.
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Brett Devereaux made an observation about Dune that I really like: that Paul Atreides and Feyd Rautha Harkonnen were probably raised with very similar values.
This isn't exactly a ship in the usual fandom sense of the word, but I think it'd be interesting to see this explored in an AU fanfic where Paul and Feyd Rautha somehow team up at the end of Dune.
I think what'd work really well for this is a scenario where Feyd Rautha somehow gets control over House Harkonnen and swears loyalty/vassalage to Paul, adding effective control over House Harkonnen to Paul's portfolio at the end of Dune.
I think that'd have really crunchy social and emotional dynamics that'd fit really well with the theme here. Paul has spent years hating the Harkonnens and seeking revenge on them for the death of his father and a lot of the surviving remnant of Paul's own house have pretty similar feelings, and now here's Feyd Rautha saying to Paul "The armies of my house await your orders, my lord," and Feyd and his Harkonnen buddies are now hanging out at Paul's court and hobnobbing with Paul and the rest of his court. If Gurney Halleck and Duncan Idaho are alive in this scenario I bet they'd hate this and there'd be some pretty tense moments when they have to collaborate with their Harkonnen opposite numbers.
Atreides and Harkonnen generals collaborating to plan the Jihad with kinda shitlib vs. MAGA chud vibe tension where the Atreides have thinking of themselves as the side of good as an important part of their self-image while the Harkonnens tend to be more casually bloodthirsty and sadistic but this is arguably more a difference in aesthetics than anything substantive, when crunch time comes they can put these cultural differences aside and collaborate surprisingly easily on shared goals because they're actually fundamentally similar people with fundamentally similar worldviews and values, molded by fundamentally similar institutions.
Feyd Rautha becoming one of Paul's closest subordinates and kind of his friend in a weird way cause they're actually fundamentally similar people and useful to each other.
I think Feyd is supposed to still be pretty young at the end of Dune, so this might work better if Paul is a bit less lucky in his campaign against the Harkonnens, delaying the events of the end of Dune by a few years but ultimately not preventing them, or something like that, IDK.
I think if I were writing this the closest I'd take this to shipping in the common fandom sense is Paul and Feyd end up kind of in a wife-loaning polycule with Irulan, though one that's asexual on Paul's side. Basically at some point Irulan and Paul have a conversation that's basically a more refined version of this:
IRULAN: "Hey, I'm tired of living a life of involuntary celibacy cause you need a political marriage to me but won't have sex with me because of your issues. Can you just wife-loan me to one of your right-hand men if you're gonna be so complicated?"
PAUL: "Fine, sure. The usual rules will apply: keep it on the down-low and don't get pregnant."
IRULAN: "Fine."
PAUL: "Did you have any candidates in mind? If not, might I suggest Utrecht or Hakim?"
IRULAN: "I AM NOT SLEEPING WITH AN UNBATHED DESERT BARBARIAN! ... Feyd is kind of hot, I guess... I'll take him!"
PAUL: "That arrangement would be perfectly acceptable to me. Pending Feyd's agreement, we have a deal. I'll discuss this matter with him tonight, after I've discussed with him the deposition of his house troops in the conquest expedition I'll be launching against the Megara worlds. I think he'll agree."
IRULAN: "Great!"
I have had one or two or three little ideas for a Dune fanfic but have never figured out what the plot would be. I suppose now if I ever actually write a Dune fanfic, it'll probably be about this premise.
I guess in a way it might be fridge brilliance that this didn't happen in the actual books, cause this is a lot like the relationship between Leto II and Farad'n at the end of Children of Dune and Farad'n reads to me as a mirror to Paul in the same way Feyd is, and the arc of the Dune novels up to God-Emperor of Dune is Leto II could do what Paul couldn't bring himself to do, so Leto II being able to co-opt Farad'n while Paul couldn't co-opt Feyd would fit with that.
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dairy-farmer · 10 months
There's an old AU written here on Tumblr about Luthor being Tim's biological Father. Imagine Luthor encouraging Kon's incest kink. Of course the most perfect husband for his precious baby would be someone he made! It's not like Luthor can't help out in removing any faulty mutations that can arise in an embryo between two siblings. Their family would be unstoppable! Luthor was softer in that AU because of Tim's influence so he's not a major villain in this. He just likes to contradict Superman sometimes.
The JL gets a message from the watchtower that Luthor is there. They are met with Luthor and Kon. Luthor tells Superman to claim Kon as his kid so that Kon can marry his baby without people judging them. Superman is more mad that Luthor made a being from his DNA without his consent. Batman put a stop to that growing fight by asking why does Clark Kent/Superman need to be involved with his kid's marriage. Luthor braggingly replied that it's because Kon also has Luthor's own DNA. People would keep on digging on who got his approval to marry his tightly guarded treasure but no one would if they find out that Kon is the son of one of the people who likes to clash with him and then they could spin it as something like a Romeo/Juliet story with Superman/Clark Kent as the villain of course and he, the best father in the world being supportive. Everyone is horrified except Luthor and Kon, who had zoned out and had been listening to his little brother tease him. Kon can't wait for the wedding they've planned to happen in a few days.
i think i've read that series!! where tim is raised by luthor and kon comes into the picture later on!!! the part of the trope that grabs my attention though is something more like this other fic where lex may have been tim's bio father. it's basically a mama mia situation but i'm imagining a scenario where accidental incest happens with tim and kon 👀👀👀👀👀.
neither of them know that they're biological half brothers and are together and fully in love and luthor, of course, being luthor figures it out! of course he could be an ass about it, throw a wrench in and ruin it for them but...he's also finding out he has a son and maybe he's feeling a little sentimental. he's old now, not as young as he used to be and maybe it gets to him a little. for the longest time his feelings on kon el have been changing because at first he was just an experiment, a product, an investment. but like he said, age has made him strangely nostalgic. realizing that both his children have chosen one another doesn't horrify him or gross him out the way it would for most other people. then again most other people are idiots.
finding out they're planning on getting married, that the two of them have made plans to tie the knot if what gets him up. his children are getting married, he's allowed to be a little emotional. lex is a planner and he's not about to let wayne be heralded as the generous patron to fund the largest wedding gotham's ever seen. so...lex might pull out some old tricks. old "supes" isn't as sharp as he used to be and he despises luthor on principle enough to do the opposite of what he wants. so if luthor slips some...subliminal messaging to push him into fully claiming kon as his son well than that was alright.
it sure is a heck of a shock when every newspaper in metropolis aside runs the story of luthor finding out he had a son and was planning on reconnecting with the child. the look on wayne's face when luthor showed up on his front steps was almost enough to make luthor want to snap a picture of it.
of course there are tears shed, mainly because his children seem to think they can't be together anymore and luthor's support of their relationship doesn't seem to help. the real objector is tim.
kon seems to have little issue with it and is just comforting his brother. while it may be invasive for a parent, luthor does keep tabs on kon's activity and is very well aware about his mild obsession with incest porn. if anything this was a dream come true for him.
however that doesn't halt the fact that there is the tiniest bit of chaos surrounding the wedding and how half of wayne's runts think the wedding won't happen. which is perfect because it allows luthor to swoop in (having booked all possible venues out for months so wayne can't even get a decent place in time) as the the father of the bride here to perform a miracle when his children realize they love one another enough to overcome this hiccup.
luthor has never been prouder
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yellowcry · 4 months
Is it cheating if I put all the fruit emojis in one ask?
Okay, fine, I’ll just put two:
Me, seeing a notification: Isa, wtf??? But considering what I'm doing to you it's pretty fair
What the funniest joke/pun/reference you put in the fic?
It's hard to tell off the top of my head. I definitely didn't put any intentional reference. I usually just run with the flow, without thinking much about the jokes. It just happens when it happens.
Tho Luisa calling Isabela 'hermanita' is iconic. Also the fact that in the first fic in TTO au Luisa makes a lot of Greek mythology references which later would be referred in the fic.
Who's your blorbo? Mischaracterization, headcanons
Luisa my beloved. Give my girl damn fan content 😭😭. So so so! In the-movie works it's much of her being a nervous wreck. She definitely has anxiety issues as we can see in the TOTS book (and I mean just look at her song. Her breathing between the lines in the first chorus is just so AHH), very emotional! And the subtle hints on her having the good relationship with Mirabel. Like hugging her in the family photo in Mirabel's room. Or the look of understanding when Mira walks Antonío to his door. They're just so sweet!
She's protector of the family! Comes in every au. Maybe except for TTO as there's not much of a family to protect, so Agustín and Luisa look out for eachother in the moment. She's definitely the one to fight whenever there's a danger. I had pointed out on how Luisa's killing Cerberus is one of the two deaths in the movie (even if it was imagination)
Mischaracterization? About her being hyper-femmine on the outside before the movie I think. What makes the pink clouds part in Surface pressure so emotional is that its a complete opposite of the facade she puts in the previous parts. It baffles me when Luisa is known as femmine before her character development. It something she hides as she supposed to be strong for the others. She would become more open with it post-movie.
Same goes with her being openly emotional/sensitive. As Jessica says, Luisa is rock of the family. Which comes to be as someone who holds things together/supports everyone. I think it's part of the reason why Luisa loses her gift first. Luisa, who supposed to be strong breaks down crying? It shows how deep the issues within the family.
Well, her love for coffee is iconic, isn't it? And I can imagine her being a fast walker, it came from a wrecked translation in TOTS book, where she said about her being fast in the moment as if she's just fast by herself. But, you can do more work if you walk faster, right? And then also comes thing about her being protective of the others.
I would probably make it longer, but I can't think of anything else
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lapetitechatonne · 1 year
Slept on Ships P1: Space Princess
Slept on Ships: Space Princess; Silent Jasmines hello!! so after taking a look at the very long Batpham shipping chart and seeing so many slept on ship dynamics, i decided to start a series all about highlighting romantic and platonic dynamics that---in my professional opinion---deserve more love. i'll be starting with the first dp/dc ship i created: Space Princess.
Space Princess: Dani Phantom/Mar'i Grayson
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Relevant Background
so, in general, if you're not knee deep in the DC Fandom, you might now know who Mar'i Grayson, aka Nightstar, is. Mar'i Grayson is the daughter of Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing, and Koriand'r, aka Starfire, from Earth-22. she appears in the Kingdom Come series, where she has her own issue and everything! she's shown as protective of her family, like her father, and just as strong-willed as her mother.
if you'd like more info on Mar'i here's a like to the wiki article: Mar'i Grayson (Earth-22)
fun fact: in Kingdom Come, Dick and Kori are actually divorced, while in most fanfic, people portray them as together. Mar'i is also part of the Teen Titans on her earth, along with Lian Harper and Irey West.
in this post i'll be reference a few head canons such as; Dani being considered a Princess in a Ghost King Danny au and Dani possibly having an ice core (we don't know what core she has in canon.)
Why is the dynamic interesting?
they are prime Sun and Moon couple energy
Mar'i who lives her life in the sun as a public figure, her powers fuled by the sun and just as bright as her, while Dani hides in the shadows of society, lurking. giving Dani and ice core adds an extra layer of opposites.
they are equal parts soft sapphic girls, and battle hardened heroes. they're both incredibly capable political figures (in a Ghost King Danny Au) who always have to put up a front, they have to be the perfect leaders their kingdoms need them to be. they would understand each other in ways that other people couldn't
i also imagine them bonding over being the child of very famous/rich parents.
they also have colorful girlfriend and grunge girlfriend vibes.
Dani deserves to run Tameran like a fortune five hundred company while Mar'i is off being a superhero. the dynamic works strangely well for them.
Dick and Kori would love Dani, and if Mar'i doesn't marry her they're adopting her
Mar'i can be scary when she wants to, just like her mom. Dani thinks it's very hot.
Mar'i inherits her mother's height, which makes her both taller and stronger than Dani, and Dani would love it.
i like to imagine Dani having purple eyes or powers later down the road (since Vlad's are pink and Danny's are green/blue) which would make them almost opposites. it could be a fun story device to use.
A lot of people compare Mar'i to her mother, but realistically, i think she would be a lot like her dad's family, specifically Tim. it would be fun to explore the dynamics between Mar'i and Tim as niece and uncle, and they dynamic between Mar'i and Damian as sort of siblings (yes, i am a 'Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne's dad' fan). it could be prime real estate for a little bit of Danny/Damian or Dan/Tim or Jazz/Cass on the side.
Mar'i inherited her mom/dad's anger, and he Uncle Tim's ability to compartmentalize her feelings until she breaks. enough said.
through Mar'i, and by extension the batfam, Dani learns what real love looks like. she finally understands how abusive Vlad was to her. this could be in the context of a Vlad trying to redem himself, or a Vlad trying to manipulate Dani back into his life, but now she knows better.
with how much Mar'i hung around Raven as a kid, it would be interesting if Mar'i knew that Dani was not normal before everyone else. maybe Mar'i even knows a little bit of magic.
Some Prompt Ideas
a photographer and model au
Dani joins the Teen Titans and meets Nightstar
Vlad and Bruce are business rivals, but neither Dani or Mar'i particularly care and get together anyways.
Mar'i sees a clip of Dani in her ghost form with her green powers and thinks she's Tameranian. Mar'i channels her inner Uncle Tim and goes all detective to find Dani.
Dani is a mechanic and Mar'i is a student who refuses to get her very old car replaced.
Mar'i gets lost in the Zone after the destruction of her universe. She had no idea what to do or where to go. Dani finds her, and together they traverse worlds they were never meant to see.
Fic Recs
(i will admit the second one is self-promotion but i'm working with a small pool of fics lol)
Our Love Will Last Us by foldingfacets (READ THE TAGS)
Dani fell in love with the hot girl who watched her smash her skateboard into a dude without care. Little did she know the girl saw her first and fell in love faster. Maybe, just maybe, Dani doesn't have to be alone anymore. Maybe Mar'i would stay.
Can I have this Dance? by petitechatonne
When Dani goes to a gala with Sam, originally intent on keeping her friend company, she meets someone who sweeps her off her feet. Literally.
Pintrest Boards
this paring has the ability to be cute and horrifyingly angsty at the same time, with a good helping of family chaos on the side!!! i will admit i'm quite bias about this one as the first ship i really made, but i also think they have the potential to have interesting and complex stories. there aren't enough sapphic pairings in the dp/dc fandom and yes, i am trying to single-handedly change that. join the revolution today!!!
-- find the wonder in creating. love, Kate💗
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noodleshark · 11 months
HCs for my found family au
under cut because this is LONG
Six is aroace and genderqueer, mono is aspec and trans, RK's pan and nonbinary, Pretty is Bi and cis, and Raine is a trans lesbian
RK, Mono, Six and Raine all have cptsd, Pretty has pstd and also npd
Six and Rk are autistic and Mono and Raine have adhd
okay now some more specific stuff
Six's special interest is music
it keeps a record player, records and a new music box in its room
Mono has amazing puppy dog eyes
Whenever he asks Prett for something, she stares at the wall because of the previous one
Pretty is awful at cooking, she can burn water dont let her in the kitchen
She's an extrovert actually
When she meets someone new she's either mean or very awkward
She does like the others(Six is excluded until they're like 11), she just refuses to admit it
She and Raine were mean to each other when they first met
"Wait, why did you name me "pretty"?" "uh, because thats the opposite of what you are!"
"Pretender" isn't actually Pretty's birth name, but the others don't know that
Her love langue is gift giving and acts of service
Mono's is physical affection and acts of service, RK's is words of affirmation and acts of service, Six's is physical affection, Raine's is quality time and physical affection
Six loves plushies
she also would love weighted blankets
Despite liking physical affection, she's more adverse to it than she used to be
Six is nonverbal, she can hum or scream if she's REALLY scared but she cannot talk
They like to draw
Some of her scars hurt A LOT occasionally, on those days she just stays in bed
The big one on its face will hurt a lot if someone touches it
This isn't THIS au specific but her meltdown in the tower was an autistic one
they'd cut their hair to their chin and keep it that way because they think having long hair makes her look to much like hinata(the lady)
They'd like sharks and dinosaurs
Them, RK and Raine are the trio of bottling everything up
RK is really impatient
He bursts with any emotion he's feeling at random
They can be snarky
He likes hugs but other than that he isnt as physically affectionate as the other protags
Understands the nomes
After like a year of only really being able to eat fish and bread at the maw he likes seafood
Is very petty about being shorter than 2 people who are 2 years younger than him
He likes bugs
Mono would love sanrio if it existed in the nowhere
Mono bites affectionately
He's also not human! He was made by the tower
Unlike Six and RK, he hates bugs
He teases Pretty and Six a lot
Whenever he holds hands with someone, he does that 3 squeeze"i love you" thing
Has dissociation issues
He has a speech inpediment because of the burn scar on his face pulls on his skin too much
When like Raine and Pretty are like 18, they move into like a house boat or something because they can't find any more food around where they use to live
they get a cat when like six and mono are 16
they have a lot of inside jokes
There's more but this is already long as hell so I will come back with more later
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obstinaterixatrix · 8 months
Oh I didn't know you wrote m*shang! (I'm censoring because considering the premise of the original webnovel it makes if you don't wanna show up in the tags lol) what do you like about it?
thank you for protecting my privacy
[HEAD IN HANDS] [SCREAMS] I LOVE M*SHANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE M*SHANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M DERANGED AND COMPLETELY INCOHERENT I LOVE M*SHANG SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay okay okay so first of all.
1) I love one-sided relationships and airplane's one-sided relationship with mbj is nigh unfathomable. his absolute most favorite guy that he made for himself and almost killed to save his own skin. WHAT a dynamic. how do you even begin to unpack that. plus the fact that mbj's his most favorite guy of all time, a guy he made up, and airplane is only ever half right about what's going on in mbj's mind and THAT'S BEING GENEROUS!!!!!!!! the thing is, aus RARELY captured how convoluted the one-sided familiarity is, it's a hard thing to translate, but I've thought about it and I think a keystone of this dynamic that needs to be kept in is that either airplane has to have some responsibility for mbj's success, or has to have a weird degree of familiarity with him that mbj has no context for. if mbj's a random hot guy airplane's obsessed with, that loses a lot of their dynamic!!!!! there's been good aus that I've enjoyed without that keystone element but I still think that connection is like. load-bearing. It's M*shang. and on the other side of things I love how mbj's relationship with airplane is like, it's pretty ambiguous when and how things exactly develop but what's abundantly clear is that mbj has never been right about what he thought was going on with airplane like ever at all.
2) the characters themselves fit an overall dynamic I'm really biased towards, I love self-sabotage disaster dumbass + guy with 0 EQ. they're both extremely emotional in completely opposite ways except when they're the same kind of emotional. very easy for them to be balancing each other out or making each other worse. plus, with all the baggage of their relationship and with the canon timeline it's 20 years MINIMUM before they even BEGIN to get to the place where they can even ENTERTAIN a romantic relationship, and even then they haven't really started by the end of sv. (well, mbj is but airplane isn't). it's such an uphill battle for them and i love that. I think some people tend to... well I can't say it delicately. I think some people put mbj in the standard box of trashy BL top, but it can be so much more interesting than that--mbj (abandonment issues) is terrified of losing airplane (again), which means he won't make a move unless there's something drastic going on. airplane (coward) is a Coward, which means he won't make a move unless there's something drastic going on. and even if (miraculously) one of them does decide to make a move, there's still so many ways both of them can misinterpret each other, or the situation. it's just so easy for things to get messy amd tumultuous between them which I think is really fun. guys who were built to work against themselves and each other <3
3) I tend to be very picky when 'this happens because a character is horny' is an explanation because it can come across as more of an excuse for smut rather than something that's grounded in character/relationship development, but for airplane in particular it works because it's internally consistent and when people characterize him well it gets REALLY funny. because his self-preservation has to trump his horniness like... idk, 99% of the time so it usually takes a backseat to whatever's going on OR it's mixed with a fun combo of resentment/envy/fear/idolization/etc.
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moetxt · 1 year
zhongven and zhongscara for the ship bingo (guess who this is 😏
i see you 👁️
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ah, zhongscara...
for me, it started with mine and a friend's determination to have our faves kiss zhongli, but i only got further enabled when someone else pointed out parallels i didn't even see initially. i'm proud to be one of the 13 people who ships it 😁
though, to be honest, i really prefer them in a non-romantic context. in my eyes, they're friends with a compatible worldview and REALLY REALLY compatible kinks. scara would never admit this to his face but he sees zhongli as one of the precious few people in the world competent enough to dom him. meanwhile, on zhongli's side, he enjoys very much how scara lets him do what he does best, to the fullest; most people wouldn't be able to handle it, after all.
i think romance is the one major thing they disagree on. scara with his trust issues cannot COMPREHEND how zhongli is still willing to put his whole heart into loving someone even after getting hurt multiple times in the past.
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now... you knew this was coming.
zhongven my BELOVED!!! they've been happily married for 2,000 years. they have an angsty on-again/off-again open relationship thing but neither of them thinks it's enough and also they get jealous. they've been mutually pining for millennia to the point that there is plentiful evidence of how down bad they are for each other in both their countries' mythology/folklore/traditions/ancient artifacts/archaeological sites but they've never once actually admitted they're in love with one another. as gods, they can't love as humans do and as divine manifestations of their elements and ideals, they're natural opposites locked in an eternal stalemate of courtship; can't tie down the wind, can't whisk away the earth. they've divorced at least 300 times. they're bitter exes and ei is the only one left alive who can tell you all about it (she will not).
unlike other ships i've been obsessed with in the past, it's hard for me to remove zhongven from their canon context, or at the very least a context where they are still divine/immortals. the divine opposites thing is just so key to me—they way they shouldn't get along, they shouldn't understand each other, but nonetheless they do. also, exploring edge cases of locality-specific or occupation-specific dual worship that occurs when morax's and barbatos' domains meet. like, how ancient northern liyuens knew to scatter dandelion seeds along with their prayers to make earthquakes during the spring and summer go away because it was probably the geo lord sulking and missing his beloved. or how sailors whisper a prayer or two to the god of wind for safe travels as where rex lapis' domain does not extend, they instead hope for the protection of his "bride" :)
actually, i am writing a whole fic about this! it's an epistolary-styled story filled with outsider accounts of how morax and barbatos just keep popping up, directly or indirectly, in each other's mythology. it's also about zhongli intentionally messing with the historical record in attempt to bring more of this to light because he's sulky about venti not visiting him for 500 years lol.
but yeah, the gods aspect is quite important to me and my view of them is so specific that i tend to be picky when it comes to fics, especially if they are AUs.
finally, as you know, i have more than a couple of crack theories/shipper delusion when it comes to zhongven and wider genshin lore. (descender zhongli and shade of istaroth venti my beloved!!!) namely, that venti warned zhongli about the cataclysm beforehand due to his god of time/celestia connections, but didn't warn the others, and that's why there was a near pantheon wipeout and the tsaritsa hates him now while zhongli carries so much guilt. also, that zhongli retired godhood at least partly due to venti, leaving his country to the humans (just like venti had done all along), and because he regretted how he always prioritized work and didn't treasure what he had until venti disappeared for his 500y coma.
"the end of godhood" is a really fascinating concept to me, as is what their relationship could turn out like in the future. they aren't gods anymore, but they're not exactly humans either, and no one else can really understand them like they understand each other. a lot of the obstacles in the way of them being together are now gone, but they now also carry new scars. i have a fic vaguely drafted centering around this too.
hehe, thanks for giving me the excuse to talk at length about them! 💞
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
Hey hi hey hey hi I am having an Emotional day so uh. Have an Apocalypse AU idea I had. Full disclosure - I uh. Actually hate stories set within and just beyond apocalypses, which is why my stuff is always set pretty far Past an apocalypse. But. I'm feeling things and I dislike apocalypse stories because of that whole Lone Wolf/Everyone Turns On Each Other mindset so many writers seem to have and this is Not That so - below the cut.
Okay so I'm less interested in how the apocalypse happens here but I'm picturing it being some kind of monster apocalypse. This is definitely gonna be a minecrafty like. low fantasy world like all my ideas so maybe the apocalypse is caused by mobs coming in the night for the first time. The struggle of stuff spawning when it gets dark - and maybe with the added difficulty of the sun not killing things. My own difficulty is figuring out like, doc and Cleo bc i still want them to be a creeper and zombie hybrid but I imagine everyone being human??????? maybe I change that. But I still don't know how to justify like doc existing like Cleo mightve gotten bitten but not become a full zombie for some reason but doc? IDK. then again im now thinking about like maybe mild hybridization okay. So maybe like. avians. Sheep hybrids. Simpler hybrids than what i usually do and everyone else [sans the hybrids] are just Dudes. Okay so
Monsters start appearing one day and it causes, understandably, mass panic in a world where monsters didn't exist beforehand. Before its all said and done, people are fleeing left right and center and no one is really keeping track of anything and a lot of things kind of fall apart. You know, standard monster apocalypse stuff. BUT. here's the thing. I don't think this is a 'government steps in a takes over' and I dont think this is a 'everyone turns on each other and refuses to share supplies' - just the opposite.
And the hermits end up being one such group of people who end up collecting together. They pool their resources and support each other and build a safe place to live - lit up, with walls to keep the new and dangerous mobs out, and houses to keep everyone safe and warm. Support. No man left behind. And it - admittedly - takes them a bit to really get their feet underneath them. Feeding a group their size is difficult and gardening and farming is a brand new idea to a lot of them who had other jobs before the apocalypse [Architects, tailors, scientists, engineers, etc etc]. And they're jobs are important and useful too, but they're got to learn to do stuff like Milk Cows, grow their own food, process that food, process animals - all of it.
And what I'm thinking is like this is both a soft and hard au. Soft in that there's a lot of focus on learning to trust their new family, learning these new skills they need, falling in love amongst themselves, and learning how to accomodate different issues everyone has. And its also a hard AU in that it's learning to fight to defend each other from the mobs and learning to explore safely and learning to protect each other and all that stuff.
But its also like - welcoming strangers who need help who may or may not stay with open arms because they're people and they need help. And yeah, sometimes people have bad intentions and it might bite them in the ass occasionally but this is a group of people who came together to protect each other they aren't just going to leave someone else out to starve or die.
Is this even coherent. Anyway just kind of a lot of thoughts about learning to care for other people and trust and build community both literally and figuratively. Learning to build houses with your hands and repair what you have and learning to farm and process and cook. Rebuilding from the ground up a community in your own image. lkhsfkdlk
@atherix @braxiatel @greatbridge @ellalily @lesbianwilby @em-mermaid @loombarrow @sparksnevadas @aceofthefandoms
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egcdeath · 2 months
You and succession anon have beautiful minds! I am excited to see where this series goes.
I saw someone bring up the open marriage thing, and I have to agree with you when I say I can't see it happening. Mostly because I always viewed Shiv asking for an open marriage as a power play. This is just my interpterion, but a large part of Shiv's character arc is the fact that she is often overlooked because she is a woman. She doesn't want that treatment from Tom (part of the reason why their relationship worked in the first place is because he is submissive), so her asking and them him agreeing to an open marriage is a way for her to maintain holding the upper hand between them. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, it has been sometime since I've seen the show, so my interpretation may be little off. Regardless, Patrick is still a man he does not have to deal with this. If he asked for an open marriage he wouldn't be re-establishing a power dynamic he'd just be asking for an open marriage.
Moreover, I think he wouldn't want one either like you said, so it doesn't make sense for him to ask. He loves reader in the AU and is also attracted to her, and again without the power play the only thing he'd gain from asking for an open marriage is having an open marriage, but he has no need for that.
So yeah he does care. I don't think he'd want her to leave him, and asking for an open marriage after your partner found you cheated is definetly rocking the boat (and quite frankly, something a lot of people would feel comfortable leaving a partner for. I'm not saying reader would leave him if he did, idk how reader would react tbh, but it's enough of a possibility that I don't think he would even bring it up....if that makes sense?). And again, i just don't think he'd want one in the first place. I think he would want a monogamous relationship. He cheated because of his own issues, with commitment not because he wanted to have a non-monogamous relationship.
Plus like you said, Patrick would hate seeing reader with someone else. I like how pretty much anyone who writes patrick x reader fics, have a tendency to make him somewhat jealous. It's basically canon at this point haha, but yeah like I said. He wouldn't be happy, and if he was the reason why reader was doing do, he would just feel worse. Although the comment another anon about reader cheating on Patrick in response made me giggle just because I support women in male dominated fields (infidelity).
Anyway, I think that's all my yapping for now :)
i completely agree!! succession anon is extremely big brained.
it's interesting that you saw the open marriage thing as a power play!! i can really see it being interpreted that way. i always viewed it more as shiv panicking over this commitment, but i think it makes a lot of sense that she would fear that their dynamic would shift with marriage and become more like the relationship she has with the rest of the men in her life where they're the ones whose voices have more of a say. in some ways it's almost like she's reasserting her power/dominance over tom and reassuring herself that things won't change, which makes how the show ends somehow even more depressing for her.
i think it's interesting applying this to the au because obviously, patrick is the only son in a family of sisters, so he isn't coming into the relationship with misogyny hanging over his relationship with reader and his family. i think the only way it would make sense to ask for an open relationship in this au would be if he were asking it to almost lessen the blow of telling you that he (spoiler alert) cheated. but i think that would have the opposite impact. also, with the way that it's written/planned out, i can't really see him asking for it in the moment. yours and his wedding night goes down slightly differently than tom and shivs but it's still similar enough.
i also love how you mentioned patrick's jealousy and it basically is canon at this point HAHA. patrick definitely has many jealous moments later on in this fic. you and him go through quite a bit of psychological torture. sometimes at the hands of the other person. sometimes at the hands of family members. sometimes at the hands of the public!! i'm excited to see what you think of how things play out!!
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salthien · 2 months
11, 12, and 15
these are going a cut because spoilers! (also they got a little long oops)
answers for the ISAT ask game!
11- any character headcanons?
give Isabeau a few years, and I think he'd settle into being a Vaugardian version of being genderfluid. I remember reading Word of God somewhere that his Change wasn't really focused on any sort of gender or body dysphoria, and more focused on "well, what do I picture when I think of the kind of person I want to be?" and that just happened to be a big, boisterous man - the opposite of everything he was currently, everything he disliked about himself. (also - "No. Not right now." on the 'which of the cast is a woman' image.) like, don't get me wrong! he's still very obviously trans, dysphoria is not necessary for transness!! I just think that once he's more comfortable with all aspects of himself, that he'd settle on something a little less rigid. I think it would be good for him! isabeau Ultimate Transgender.
i also have a (bad) habit of just tossing little idiosyncrasies of mine onto sif whenever i think of them since there's already a ridiculous amount of overlap, down to the stupid fucking breathing thing (/aff). he doesn't like windy weather because it gives him headaches, especially postgame without his hat. he's a cat person. he'll save his favorite food on a plate for last as a treat. just silly little things
12- what got you interested in the game?
this AU made me go "hmm. that looks cute." -> look at the steam page -> "haha main character looks like me bait. they're cute. yknow, fuck it. i don't have anything going on right now. i'm going to play this." -> SMASH CUT to me, one week later, sitting at my desk at 3am, having just reached credits and feeling like I just got hit by a train. whatever i was expecting it was Not That.
15 - anything you’d change about the game? be it game mechanics, a new feature, a change in plot, etc
Honestly… not really? like I sat and thought about this for A While because while there were things that frustrated me (Loop's hints sometimes being extremely vague, forgetting where a particular book/plot point advance was and having to scour the whole House for it, etc.) like. the frustration is Part Of It. the frustration is ludonarrative harmony. you are at your Most Sifbrained when you're going "I HAVE TO GO BACK TO DORMONT AGAIN?" or "wait what am I even trying to do right now." or "shit, was the latest issue of Chateau Castle 56 or did I actually find 84? or did I just hallucinate that?" so. I wouldn't change any of the stuff that frustrated me. it's necessary. everyone comparing it to Pathologic or Funger has very obviously never played either of those fucking games lol.
And then all of the unanswered questions - about the Forgotten Country, about the King, about the world in general or postcanon - I wouldn't add anything for either! think that id5 hit the perfect level of "giving us just enough to make fanfiction/theories/fanart go WILD without stifling creativity" - I love and support adrienne's stance when it comes to fan content tbh.
I WOULD love to see the dancing event that id5 keeps hinting that they wanted to add but couldn't, so. I'll say that. I wish they'd been able to add that :(
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caparrucia · 1 year
17 and/or 18 for writer ask meme, please?
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So glitter and gold started as a prompt response to @garbria, and in the replies to that post we started bouncing ideas and then I realized the idea of a fake dating AU would be hilarious. But I wanted to do a fake dating AU where the issue is not miscommunication, but kind of the opposite. Over communication. And also for the fake dating to have stakes but not the usual fare that comes with a bit of betrayal or hurt.
And I wanted to write a comedy, just something lighthearted and fun, and so the final prompt was: fake dating AU, where Nyx volunteers to be Cor's lover to get Cor out of hot water, but where no one actually believes them, while they go extra hard into it. So now Nyx and Cor have this very complicated story they've sold themselves on, but the people they're trying to con (Regis and Sylvia) have seen through them since day one, and are instead popcorn-gif-ing at the shenanigans.
The fun is the fact they're so well matched and they're very in love with each other but privately doing the song and dance about how much the other likes them and if the other is interested in like... long term relationship, as opposed to the fun back and forth of their con. And like, everyone around them can see the obvious resolution, but they've got hangups and their own stuff to work through.
And then I just keep throwing shit at them because it's fun.
Like, I didn't need to do the worldbuilding for it, but like. Why not? Why not a new world with new rules and new shenanigans? Why not a Cor that's actually a LC and then what that would mean for the world? Why not add an entire massive subplot about magic and the gods and what's going on in the world? It's a brand new romantic comedy about Cor and Nyx and their idiot life choices, written by me, why the hell not.
So there we are, bits and pieces have been shared but I don't want to spoil what's coming. I'm having a lot of fun for it! :D
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
So this is an awful passage to choose but I think it's something a lot of people missed? And it's one of my favorite bits of characterization in the sun is out, and how it anchors Cor and shows his connection to Aulea:
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Specifically, Cor declaring that he's "decided" on the answer, regardless of what the actual answer is. It's the kind of nonsensical thing you don't really expect from him. He's so solid and composed and generally agreeable. Cor is very chill throughout the sun is out, he makes a point to not get ruffled or angry. And when he is, he's very clear on why he's upset.
So this blindsides Nyx, because the whole fight over Nyx's stasis is very... it's not fun. It hurts and it's awkward and it's a solid mess. But I wanted to highlight that bit, because I wanted to show what Cor is like, when he's pushed into a corner and he's lashing out: and what he is, is basically Aulea. He treats Nyx the same way Aulea treated him, because Aulea is still the measuring stick he uses to figure out the world, and when he encounters something he can't deal with, he legitimately regresses into that dynamic, toxic as it was.
Here's Aulea's version of it:
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"I've decided" is the code phrase: it means taking agency from the other and setting the rules and refusing to negotiate. It's deeply, profoundly fucked up. Cor knows, viscerally, how upsetting it is to be on the receiving end of that.
But Nyx has accidentally triggered him and basically set his PTSD on fire without meaning to - Nyx asked him to kill him, or at least try, and Cor thought he was over Aulea, he really did, and then he remembers she asked him to kill her to, in a way, only she didn't have the decency to tell him doing what he did was going to kill her, until he was done, and welp.
It's a very vulnerable moment, for Cor, it's the closest to shattering Cor has been in the entire series. And I love that Nyx snarls and hisses and doesn't bend to it, not the way Cor did to Aulea, when she did it to him. If Prompto hadn't been hurt, they'd have been in a very precarious situation, but Prompto being hurt reminded them both, viscerally, that they're in it together, and therefore allowed them to put their feelings on hold until they were sure their son was fine. That reminded them of their priorities and the larger picture and allowed the feelings to soften somewhat.
Without that buffer, though? Oh, they would have fought horribly and possibly split up for a while before they cooled down and figured out how to reconcile, but it would have been fairly painful, because they're in the space where they'd be saying things they probably don't really mean, but they're hurt and triggered and frothing about it.
It's such a big thing for them to survive, together, that everything that comes after is just "I mean, we survived that, anything else is child's play." I had a tremendous amount of fun mapping out that fight. :D
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sineala · 2 years
Love your fics! Wanted to know your opinion about AXE now that it's finished :>
Oh boy oh boy! Thank you for asking! I loved AXE so much. It was definitely the best story I've ever read about what would happen if your house acquired sentience and hated you and decided to destroy the world.
Seriously, though -- I really loved AXE Judgment Day. I have a half-finished post where I was attempting to summarize the complete event with all the tie-ins and I should probably… finish reading all the tie-ins and finish writing that. I have an AXE Steve/Tony WIP -- the kind of fic that is basically meta disguised as a story where they talk through how they feel about the whole thing -- that is 42,000 words and I am nowhere near done yet. I honestly think it's one of the best line-wide Marvel events in a long time, which is really impressive when you consider that for the most part it's an event about the X-Men and the Eternals and I have almost no fannish interest in the Eternals and I haven't been consistently reading any X books since X Of Swords started.
So why do I like this event so much if it's not even about characters I am currently following? Well, I'm here for Steve/Tony, and I think it's a really good event for Steve and Tony, both as individual characters and for their relationship with each other, and I think the end of the story leaves them each in a really interesting place emotionally, with enough hanging threads that make it interesting to me fannishly.
We've had a few events in the past several years where Steve and Tony were basically on opposite sides -- Infinity (when you consider the fact that Tony has already been secretly betraying Steve), Axis, Time Runs Out/Secret Wars, Civil War II (when you consider the fact that it wasn't actually Steve), Secret Empire. Sometimes these events have prominently featured Steve and/or Tony, but as a Steve/Tony fan most of these weren't satisfying to me on an OTP level because they're not really on good terms. Although, yes, Secret Empire did provide a hell of a lot to think about and also some really interesting material for AUs because it did give us an evil Steve who, uh, canonically loves Tony. You should see my WIP list. But Secret Empire wouldn't make my list of events where Steve and Tony are BFFs, if you get what I mean.
We've had events where they were on the same side but the event wasn't really about them -- War of the Realms, Empyre, King in Black, Devil's Reign. (As far as I can tell, Devil's Reign never actually had the real Tony in it, either, but I will admit to not reading all the tie-ins.) Heroes Reborn was also a thing but didn't ever have Tony even meet Steve, AFAIK. So, I mean, it's nice that they don't hate each other but also they are just a couple characters in a cast of thousands. I think Empyre comes the closest, and I really enjoyed Empyre, but I wouldn't call Steve & Tony the stars of the event.
So AXE is one of the first events in a long time -- maybe since AvX? -- where both Steve and Tony have been friends on the same team with neither of them secretly being evil and where they have had big roles to play in the event itself. Both Steve and Tony have a lot to do in the mainline and Tony has an entire issue about him. Also, though I think it has its flaws, AXE is definitely much kinder to Tony than a lot of the other comics featuring Tony have been in a while. It portrays Tony and Steve as friends and as heroes genuinely trying to do good. And if you're like "isn't that what most superhero comics are like?" then you haven't been reading a lot of Iron Man comics in the past several years, although that is maybe, maybe starting to change.
I also think the setup of AXE is the kind of thing that lends itself to interesting fannish theorizing without being unkind to most of the heroes. I suppose technically it starts out as a hero vs. hero event, depending on who you consider heroes. A faction of Eternals decides that mutants are deviants and decides to wipe them out. The Avengers decide this is a bad idea and they and the remaining Eternals join in on the side of the mutants. Since Eternals have to do what Celestials tell them, the good guys (starring Tony) come up with a plan to reanimate Avengers Mountain (a dead Celestial) and it will become a god to the Eternals again and it'll tell them to knock it off with the mutant-killing. This works. Sort of. Then the Celestial decides it's going to judge the rest of humanity on an individual and a collective basis and everyone has to band together to try to stop it. Steve ends up basically leading humanity in battle and Tony ends up taking point on the strike team trying to bring the Celestial down from the inside. Literally the inside.
So, yes, as a Steve/Tony fan, I enjoy the fact that they're working together. They're friends! They're clearly coming up with plans together and they're concerned about each other and Steve doesn't even blame Tony for being the guy who arguably headed the project that started the mess in the first place.
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Also Steve makes some great rallying speeches.
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(Don't worry, Steve's fine.)
And Tony also makes some great speeches, honestly, just on a smaller scale.
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I feel like the AA references in there are very in-character for Tony.
It's been my experience that fandom tends to really enjoy events that let them sort characters based on their beliefs and powers -- who would win in a fight? Who would support Registration? And this gets you that, and they don't even have to fight each other. Because what a lot of the tie-ins are about is "who passes, who fails, and why?" and so, without even pitting your faves against each other, you get to do the same kind of theorizing. And because Steve and Tony are major characters, we get to see both of their judgments, and we get a lot about Tony's.
And it's really cool, I think, because it absolutely does not go the way you think it would go. It does not go the way they think it will go. Because Steve is one of the very first to fail -- and Tony is at his side, wondering who possibly has a chance to pass if Steve fails. So Steve basically spends the whole rest of the event clearly feeling like a massive failure and trying to pull himself together for the rest of humanity. I have feelings about this.
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And Tony, in a move that surprises everyone including himself, passes. There is a whole issue devoted to this and I really like it except for a couple of points I will detail below and also the fact that it requires us to acknowledge that Cantwell's run happened, which is a thing I was really trying to not do. Anyway, it has a great callback to The Confession.
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Tony just doesn't want to let Steve down.
The whole thing is interesting. It gives you a lot to think about. They're clearly still both unsettled about this by the end of the event, and then Tony asks Steve to go hot-tubbing with him, which. You know. There's potential there. I and my massive WIP clearly think there's potential there.
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So that's a lot of fun. At least, I think so.
This event has a downside for me, which is that it has a Did Not Do The Research problem. I think this is most apparent in AXE Avengers, the issue all about Tony, which includes such odd developments as "Tony agrees with the assertion that he likes to date people who are parental figures with strong moral compasses" (I have literally no idea where this is coming from, as I would have said that he likes to date people to try to kill him) and "the Celestial, in the form of Howard, tells Tony that they wanted him so badly but then he wasn't a great father to Tony." I feel like "we wanted you so badly" is an interesting way of describing "we adopted you solely because we needed a decoy son to save the life of our biological son." If this had been by any other writer, I would have said, oh, well, I guess they just didn't read the adoption arc. This is by Kieron Gillen. You know, the guy who wrote the adoption arc.
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There are a couple of other places in the event itself where the plot doesn't match up to itself across comics, which you would probably expect in tie-ins except… these were all also by Kieron Gillen. So after Steve dies and is reborn from an egg, naked, in the Avengers Mansion kitchen (don't worry about it), he either has enough time to get dressed and talk to Tony before the strike team heads out (if you believe Death To The Mutants) or Tony is already on-mission when Steve hatches (if you believe the mainline). These are, again, both by the same writer.
Anyway, if you believe the version where Steve gets to wish Tony well, it's very sweet:
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There is also one further instance where Not Doing The Research isn't a problem, per se, but there was one canonical reference that AXE Avengers could have made, that the entire issue was leading me to think that it was going to make, and then it got there and it didn't, presumably because Gillen didn't know it, and I was so confused because it would have made the issue so much stronger.
So the culmination of AXE Avengers features the Celestial reenacting Tony's parents' car accident, which the Celestial is using as an analogy for the disaster the world is currently going through, and asks Tony what Tony will do. Tony immediately heads to the car and starts trying to repair it and explains that it may not make a difference, but he has to try, and if he works hard enough, no one has to die in a car crash.
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It's a nice moment. It's very Tony. It's very touching. It seems like a philosophy he would espouse. It is also an established canon fact that is thirty years old.
In Iron Man #288, we learn that the first thing Tony did after his parents' death was find out what the cause of the crash was (a flaw in the brake design). Then he spent forty hours redesigning the brakes in that car model, bought the car company, and implemented his new, improved brake design. So no one else was ever going to die in a crash like that.
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So that thing he says in AXE Avengers that he would do, hypothetically, about fixing the car so no one else would die? He did it. It wasn't hypothetical. He actually 100% did that exact thing, in canon, when faced with this exact situation. So you can kind of see why I was expecting the AXE Avengers issue to refer to this, because I figured this was him describing the thing that he did. It would have been the perfect thing for him to mention. I just assumed that was what was going on here and we were leading up to that.
The issue does not refer to this fact, at all.
I don't know, I just thought it was a bizarre omission. I guess no one involved with this issue knew enough to mention it.
Also I feel like if I were the Avengers I personally would not want to move right back into living in the dead Celestial corpse as soon as it died and the fighting was over. They cannot be hurting that badly for real estate. I'm just saying.
But overall? Yeah, great event. I loved AXE Judgment Day. Give me ten more just like it.
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