#i think im really showing my hand here-- heh my HAND
thenamesblurrito · 2 years
I have a strong feeling that you're implying that the modern cybertonian sizes (And the funtionism) are, in a way, influenced by Unicron (All bots having four fingers, like drones, except some size nulls (Because they're old as frag) and the heroes, and the fact that Censere, Tyrest and Archy's descriptions mention having a "boss" they can't disobey)
ohhhhhhhh anon you have NO idea how happy you've made me :3
don't you wonder where the antagonists got the Unicron virus from in the first place? don't you wonder who mutilated Censere and reduced the Magnificence to just a ball? don't you wonder why Tyrest and Archie have faces that are subtly but notably different from what i specify in my style guide? don't you wonder why clever quick little Wheelie can't just run away? don't you wonder why so much information, so much basic ability and biology seems to be lost in modern times? don't you wonder what could change an entire species over millions of years to be closer to a drone, a simple working machine, and who would do that, and why?
don't you wonder why my villain tag is "domestication"?
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twisted-king · 5 months
Hi! Hello! I was wondering if you wrote any platonic hecs in twst? If you do, can you write gn!mc always finding a away to mention/talk about her home world? Maybe add a little bit of homesickness for angst👀.
Platonic hcs with the first years pls:>
Btw I really love you writing style!♡
AAAA oh my gosh thank you so much! I have no idea what im really doing aha...
Absolutely!!! here's a key:
Epel Ace Deuce Sebek Jack You
First year friend group + Reader who talks about home
They love you
they REALLY do
But this is excessive.
"Back at the farm we used to drink hot cider after a long day out in the snow, actually one time we-" "Heh.. like how my mom and I used to..." "Used to what?" "Oh its nothing... Just a tradition. We'd get together every Tuesday and go for bubble tea" "Oh..."
Epel understands feeling far from home, and he wants to try and relate with you but he doesn't know about half the stuff you're saying.
"hahah I got a higher score than you this time. Mayeb you shoulda studied a bit harder like lil ol me~" "Shut up Ace! It's a difference of like... two points!" "Two more points than you!" "oh you-" "My friends and I used to compare scores all the time, she always asked for help studying but.. haha she always got better grades than me."
They feel SO awkward when this happens
Deuce almost feels like he's showing off in some kind of way. He wants to be an honor student AND a good friend to you, so he's trying to creatre new memories with you, he's just having some trouble.
"Hey! I uh- I learned out to make one of Trey's tart! The one from the unbirthday party you liked so much?" "Oh thank you Deuce! It's kind of funny actually-" oh no,,, "My sibling and I used to bake for each other to say sorry."
Ace on the other hand is curious, but he kind of wishes you could be with the group sometimes.
"And then Lucius was like-- On top of Deuce- get this- while he was STILL sleeping" "No way..!" "Seriously?" "Hah- how pathetic, I NEVER fall asleep in Trein's... admittedly dull, lessons." "I used to have a dog, he could sleep anywhere"
And suddenly, it's quiet again...
Jack tries to keep your mind off things
He takes you out on relatively silent runs, he invites you to track meets, you can join or just watch him and Deuce! You've been looking a little down recently so, this makes sens to Jack, Deuce enjoys having you watch him run too, his friends give him extra motivation to beat his last personal best!
But... now you're crying?
Ace, Epel, and Sebek are on their way too, they wanted to do something nice for you and suprise you and -oh no...
They drop everything.
Your friends rush toward you, maybe you're hurt? you like... NEVER cry around them.
And suprisingly, Sebek can get you through the worst of it
"You're sad. and far from home. and that is hard. Especially for a pu ny huma-" "Sebek!!" "Right, uh... But we are here with you now. And we care for you."
"You're our best friend, I don't think anyone would be 'round here if it weren't for you."
"I don't feel as alone, riding solo just... wasnt it."
"'Sides, class isnt nearly as fun without you in it?"
"We really care about you, Prefect. You're our friend."
They gather around you, peacefully letting you cry after they let you know how muhc you mean to them.
"I just... I miss home so much..!"
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rosekeu · 1 year
birthday girl : s. gojo
a/n: small drabble. im bored.
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omg imagine the first birthday you spend with gojo ever was your first year at jujutsu tech and he's a bit nervous, its been a bit over half a year of knowing each other and when you first walk into your first class its just a surprise party.
just all of your friends including your teacher, (gojo, getou, shoko, yaga)
as you walked into the classroom, all of them yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" and shoko blew on the tiny plastic kazoo in her mouth while satoru placed a puffy birthday hat on you. you held the biggest smile and everyone looks at you a bit confused... getou facepalming.
you obviously look at them with the same puzzled expression. "whats wrong?"
shoko snorts a bit and then answers. "your hat... it has the number one..." and she burst out laughing. you quickly take it off to see if its true and you look at it surprised to see a cute puffy pink cone hat with the number one on it.
"satoru was supposed to responsible for the decorations, including the hats." getou said trying to keep a straight face as he bumped gojo's shoulder. the white haired teen only chuckled as he rubbed the nape of his neck. gojo just bought the cutest ones.. he didn't know it was for a 1 year old's birthday...
"hey! its obviously because- she is-" he thought about it for a second and you raised a brow.
"she is number one in our hearts!!" he said as he held up a heart figure with both of his hands [imagine this 🫶🏼]
everyone burst out laughing.
later in the evening i think he'd be the most nervous because everyone else had given you a gift. shoko had gifted you a handmade matching bracelet. getou gave you an adorable pair of socks. even yaga had secretly given you money heh.
and you were yet to receive satoru's long awaited gift.
as you were getting ready to chill on your cozy bed and watch your favorite show, someone knocked at the door.
you opened it and were meet by the familiar energetic, satoru.
"hiya! just wanted to stop on by to see the birthday girl..haha.." you could instantly hear the pure nervousness in his voice.
"okay.. did you wanna stay over tonight?"
"uhm yes, but i came here to something else too." his voice softened as he sat down on you bed, you made your way over to him.
"what's up?"
one of his hands seemed hidden behind his back. holding something you assumed. he took off his rounded glasses and took out a small black box. "i wanted to save my gift for last... i know it's not much but-"
you snatched the box out of his clammy hands and opened it. you found a delicate silver necklace, with an infinity sign. "now i know it might be a bit cringey because of my whole infinity thing but i didn't buy it because of that, i promi-"
"i love it." you cut him off. you knew satoru wasnt that self centered. if anything you thought it was supposed to mean you everlasting friendship with him. (that might become something more..)
you held the piece of jewelry in you palm, quickly unclasping the hook. "will you put it on me?"
your hand extened towards satoru. your back now face him and you gently moved your hair to one side. it took some finicking to put on but he eventually got it.
"thank you. i really like it."
"see i was just saving the best gift for lasttt." he remarked, with a certain glint in his eyes. you chuckled, and hugged him. "i really do mean it, it's perfect."
a familiar warmth started to pool in his cheeks, and his strong arms wrapped around you.
"im glad you like it princess."
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withonly-sweetheart · 23 days
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Shades of Gray
Stylists and photographer; both such burdens but nothing can prepare you for the way Leon's arrival tips over your "shades of gray".
i was literally walking just walking you know i see that i have a notification from tumblr (if my slowass had checked the name i wouldve braced myself) but the post pops up
when i tell you i nearly hopped skipped and jumped like my friend gave me the weirdest look ever... like i cant tell you how much that art piece means to me its literally so hot im dying ahahhhhahhahhhh and i cant write smut for SHIT so future me revamp this when you learn the true smut writing ways....
tw: non explicit smut but just to be safe mdni!! also can u guess where the titles from.. heh
wc: 3.4k
“They might fire you with that attitude,” Ada muses quietly, humming to herself as she dusts off the camera lens, wiping it with such precision and care, something you couldn’t manage to do yourself.
You glare up at your superior from where you crouch at the legs of the tripod, scowling. “They can’t do that. I’m single handedly carrying this studio. How broke do you have to be to be both the one of the editors and the photographer?”
“Pretty broke,” she agrees with a small shrug.
“And it’s not even like the models are hot or anything,” you continue, exasperatedly, pinching the bridge of your nose in an attempt to shut your mouth before you say something you might regret. “I better get a promotion after this new guy.”
“Who knows?” Ada laughs, a soft, tinkling sound that seems to ease some of your tension. Between your job(s), there hasn’t been much time to relax, but the fact you storm around the studio with set shoulders, lips twisted in a frown never seems to bother her.
You suppose you should be grateful you have such a good friend. You just wish there was something worth her time here, because you sure aren’t.
“Room 3,” you read from the list, craning your neck to read the words scratched into the paper that’s plastered onto the wall. “Is that where she is?”
“He,” Ada corrects. “A guy, again. Isn’t that exciting?”
She means to sound eager, but you can hear how dry her tone is, and you can’t blame her. Most of the guys that show up are only here to have a quick session, earn some cash, try to get with one of the girls working on set, before rushing away, never to be seen again.
You place a tentative hand on her shoulder, rubbing the muscle there. “I’ll deal with it. You get some rest before the shoot, ‘kay?”
Her weary eyes find you, but they light up somewhat at your suggestion. Without another word, she nods and dips her head before walking off to the lounge. Ada’s overworked, you know that. The least you can do for her is this, right?
Ignoring the fact you’ve never actually done this before, you wipe your trembling, sweaty hands on your pants before sliding the door open.
The man sitting in the chair, eyes slicing to you from the mirror, face softening into a smile as you gawk in the doorway, unable to do much more than offer fragments of a sentence.
“Good,” he murmurs. “I thought you were the director.”
“Uhm. No.” You recognize him, a man you’ve only seen in stretched out movie posters that are plastered everywhere on your apartment block, a man only seen in the vivid ink on paper, on the pixels that cross your screen.
Now he’s really sitting here, in front of you, feet carrying you to stand right behind him. What the hell were you thinking? You meet his eyes in the mirror, too abashed to look directly.
"What are you doing here?" you blurt out in surprise. "You’re an actor! This isn't exactly your scene."
"Is that how you greet a guest?" With an arched brow, he gestures to the cluttered room. "And I could say the same for you. It seems like I'm not the only one who's a little lost."
"You have no idea," you mutter.
"Ah, there it is." Leon leans back, tilting his head to stare up at you, regarding you curiously. "So what’s happening? This your therapy session?"
You glance down and flash a tentative grin. Reaching around him, you quickly wet your hands, then card them through Leon's bronzed hair, working out the tangles and smoothing it into place.
His shoulders tense when your fingertips make contact with the back of his neck, eyes narrowing down at the ground.
"Your hands..." he murmurs unexpectedly. "They're so soft."
You pause, fingers stilling to look down, only to find his eyes closed, a faint smirk playing at his lips. You smile to yourself, feeling a flutter of pride in your work. It had been a long time since you’d done this for a friend, since Ada often recoils at your touch. "Well, you know, this is kinda my thing. Taking care of models, seeing they're relaxed."
“You’re pretty good at it,” he muses.
You feel heat sear your neck and gulp, reaching for some of the confidence that abandons you quickly. "Alright pretty boy, time to get you camera-ready." Spritzing some product, you sculpt his hair into what the director had requested - “tousled but not too tousled, sexy without trying too hard.”
Whatever the hell that meant.
Your hands move fast, eager with a purpose. Under your touch, Leon seems further away, lost in thoughts. When you’re close to finishing, he lifts his head again to meet your gaze.
“I’ll assume you already know my name,” he remarks. “You’ve watched my work?”
“Kinda hard not to.” You don’t mean for it to sound so condescending, but he just squints back up at you as you massage some kind of lotion into his scalp.
“You wouldn’t, by chance, know Ada, would you?” he asks quietly.
“‘Course,” you say with a soft chuckle. “She’s the only reason I have this job.”
Leon nods understandingly. "Sounds just like her. She’s got a way of reeling people in." A wry smile plays on his lips. "So what's next - you joining in on the shoot?"
"Over my dead body," you reply hastily. Leon tilts his head, the silent question molding into acceptance as you continue, "No, I'm just playing assistant for the day, making sure Ada and the girls have what they need. Shouldn't be too hard, right?"
Somehow, looking at Leon's amused expression, you have a feeling you’ll be in for a lot more than that. But that must be the week-old guacamole you bought from Chipotle and ate for lunch today.
The shoot seems to be running smoothly, at least on the outside, when you’re finally done fussing over the minor details, checking off a mental list and trying really hard not to let your gaze dip a little lower than it should.
He doesn’t notice. Of course he doesn’t. He’s at least twenty years older than you. It only worked one way, didn’t it? Always did.
Next to the camera, you’ve taped reference pictures of other models artfully draped across ornate furniture, all courtesy of your work. You don’t exactly know what Leon’s advertising, but you caught a hint of the lavender rosemary liquid Helena was working on last week, so you assume it must be a fragrance shoot.
You spot Ada immediately, lounging on a chaise with one leg extended gracefully. Her emerald gaze flickers over as you approach.
"Well it's about time," she calls out, clapping her hands as she stands. "Hair and makeup, ten minutes ago."
Leon cracks a bemused smile. "We're here now, aren't we? Lead the way, assistant."
“How do you even know her?” you ask, slightly curious about their past, as you usher him into the couch.
“Acquaintances from our old job,” he mutters. And you quickly notice that something’s wrong. Leon looks too tense against the soft, relaxed background, too stressed as he frowns up at you, hands clasped between his spread legs.
So you do what you do best. You kneel in front of him, resting a hand on the ball of his knee. Once again, he steels at your touch, then relaxes, and you look up at him to see his jaw working, as if swallowing his words.
"What do you think you’re doing? Leon whispers, catching your wandering eyes.
“Just trying to help,” you say casually, with a shrug. It was safe to say you know what you’re doing, and even better, you can see it’s working. The corner of his mouth bunches up into a shit-eating grin, just the look you need.
Thirty minutes later, and not a single photo has pleased the director. He sits there like a goddamn statue, flickers of emotion passing his face only when spares a glimpse to the photos Ada calmly hands to him.
Her eyes are seething but her tone is level as she tells you in a low whisper, “I need some coffee or I will choke him.”
You know what that means. So, as if you’re programmed to do it, you swing by the cafe and pick up her coffee, two pumps of almond milk and light ice; the amount of times she’s sent you to fetch her drink is so absurd you’ve memorized it without meaning to.
You’re imagining the way her face will light up at the caffeinated drink chilling your hand, switching it to ease the strain on your fingers, when you turn the corner just as someone else does.
This someone else becomes only apparent to you after you’re done scolding them for not watching where they’re going, staring down at their faintly recognizable, designer brand, worn out shoes that currently have cappuccino dripping onto the material.
You drag your eyes up, ready to glare them down, when those blazing blue eyes meet yours and immediately you realize it’s all your fault, why weren’t you paying better attention to your surroundings?
Leon seems to be frozen, unable to move, as he stares down at his dripping shirt, and due to your perfect luck, the director also rounds the corner. He pushes Leon to the side, exposing the brown easily staining the white linen.
He presses a foot down on one of the stray ice cubes, crushing it and wiping his foot back. You grimace, paling at the idea of his wrath. Is this how you lose your job?
But Leon sighs patiently before he can say anything, inspecting the damage carefully. "Well, we had a good run. Not everything can go our way, hm?"
Your boss doesn’t seem to agree. He taps his foot rapidly on the tiles, a marching tempo, voice like sharpened steel. "You have exactly one minute before I find someone to replace you. Fix this, now."
Without another condition to his threat, he storms away to fume at the rest of the crew. They’ll be singing your praises for days, that's for sure. You wrinkle your nose and stick your tongue out after him, sparking a rumbling chuckle from Leon. You roll your eyes and turn to him, jabbing him in the chest with your pointer finger.
“Why the hell does your shirt even matter when all you’re doing is smelling good?”
You quickly realize that the point of the shoot isn’t to showcase any scent. No, not at all.
The shoot starts like any other - adjusting lighting, discussing shots with the crew. But Ada's knowing smirk and the array of silky fabrics draped nearby piques your suspicion.
"Ada, tell me those aren't...?" you gesture weakly at the snug boxer briefs Leon now models, the only thing on his bare skin, miles of smooth, dewey skin, dimpled with years.
She laughs softly. "Don't pretend you're not enjoying the view. I can see it in your eyes.”
“But for the first shoot?” you whine.
“I don’t make the rules, hun. Now go powder his nose or something equally distracting."
You set to work on Leon's hair and makeup, desperately avoiding eye contact with his barely dressed form. But then he shifts, and the movement draws your gaze as his facade slips away, revealing a broad, scarred back, painted with the stories of his younger days, of memories lost to time.
Leon meets your hesitant eyes in the mirror, one brow cocked knowingly. "See something you like?"
You cough in response, flustered. "Just, uh, admiring my handiwork. You clean up well for a god, Ken- I meant, uh, an amateur model. Yeah. That’s what I said."
He chuckles, low and rich, echoing through your hollow eyes. "Whatever you say, assistant. Now, I believe we have some shots to take?"
He leaves you standing there, in a daze as you watch him saunter off, eyes fixed on a lower point of his back. It was going to be a long week keeping your eyes (and thoughts) professional.
The play of light and shadow dappling his skin, dipping into every crevice of his well-nurtured body and curving around his muscle is something you can’t keep your eyes off of.
He knows. You realize this with a sudden jolt as someone sighs nearby. He knows that everyone’s ogling, and he loves it. The arrogance only fuels his ego, you think, as a collective hush falls over you all.
And just like that, the cocky grin on his face is gone. You can at least admire how well Leon slides, almost effortlessly, into professional mode, shrugging at the director’s instructions to face the camera, to reveal sculpted plains of muscle and dusted chest hair.
Call someone to bring a water bucket, because watching him through the camera, your eyes to the world, the raw truth laid bare for you to witness, sparks flares of heat within you. You have a gut feeling that not even water can put it out.
You seek to capture the subtle shifts in expression on his face, the way his lips curve into a smile or his gaze lingers with a hint of longing. These small details, when frozen in time through the lens of your camera, seem to speak long tales of not only misery, but admiration.
And you catch exactly who they’re directed to.
“What do you mean, nothing?” Leon scoffs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “You’re pissy and this is the seventeenth time you’ve nearly pulled out my hair!”
“It’s not like there’s much left, anyways,” you snap back, equally as irritated as you yank at the strands, forcing them to separate, trying to clean the product. Against everything, you still feel the tiniest bit guilty when Leon winces.
“He’s not that old,” Ada calls out, swaying over to the cafe.
“Exactly,” Leon says, but he’s chuckling now, and he waves in greeting to her.
You can’t help but force a smile, trying to make your reaction seem genuine, your silent hatred unnoticeable. This isn’t healthy.
A man? Coming between you and your only friend in this wretched place? What are you, a teenager? But you can’t deny the disgusting, poison green envy that unspools in your stomach, catching onto the flames and turning them into toxic vapor everytime you notice his lingering eyes, her thoughtful smile, the small touches they think no one notices.
It’s hard for you not to, especially when you know he’s been teasing you all week, the bastard. You suppose you should be glad today is the second to last day of this collaboration, and that you’ll never see him after this. Pray that his movies never feature at the local theater again.
But why does he have to be so beautiful? You want to strangle the sculptor, the majestic mind that saw him in the block of hard set marble and brought him to life, all chiseled, lean body, marked with stories, the body you have to stare at with a stony expression as you click the camera. Yet the softest, most gentle touches you’ve ever felt come from him.
Soft like his fingers around your wrist as he glances up at you, evident concern in his azure gaze. "Hey, is everything okay? You seem down."
You shake your head dismissively. "It's fine. Just tired of playing assistant, I guess."
A frown twists his lips. "You know that's not all it was." His thumb rubbed gentle strokes on your skin, setting your nerves alight. "I didn't mean to lead you on if... Well, you seem so young, I didn't want to assume or make you uncomfortable."
Your breath hitches as he stares at you, awaiting your reply. Fortune favors the bold, right? In a rush of courage, you lean down to brush your lips against his stubbled cheek, just the faintest touch.
"Why don’t you come over tonight and try me?"
Leon’s always been depicted in shades of gray, through your camera, the filters of monochrome, white, gray and black sweeping him into dramatic stories. However many shades you have seen in him, more than fifty, you think absently.
When you met him, the glacier tilt of his glistening eyes.
When you shot him, iron gray, the set of his jaw in pondering poses.
The fog his breath on your bare skin, as exposed to him as he was once to you, ash in the scratch of his stubble that sets fire to every part of you it brushes, anchor to the peace bringing doves taking off against your shoulder where his eyelashes flutter, peppering your collarbone with cautious, restrained kisses.
He’s holding back. Right now, he’s the soft gray that washes over the hills in the early mornings, the gray of your tea as you stare out at the horizon.
“What’s wrong?” you whisper, brushing wisps of hair that stick to his face away. Leon glances down at you, eyes contorted in pain.
“I-I can’t,” he chokes out. You’ve never seen him cry, but pearls well up in his icy, stormy eyes, clouds of emotion raining down his cheeks.
So you kiss the hurt away. You push him into the linen bed sheets, muse something about the coffee incident, which sparks a broken chuckle from his glorious, glorious mouth.
Eventually all sorts of things are sprouting from between those lips. You think most of them are profanities, but you’d prefer that over sobbing.
You realize that you never want to see him cry.
Never see the smoky pallor of his face.
You wake to the sounds of metal creaking and strange gushing sounds that you can’t identify. Slightly concerned, you pull on the blinds, letting the dawn sun wash over your tired expression as you peer down at the hotel parking lot.
“Is he…” You squint, rubbing your eyes and blinking before looking back.
Yeah, you were right the first time.
“Why are you- when did you- what?”
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” The corner of his mouth crinkles into a sappy smile, barely visible from under the gleaming, spotless body of a motorcycle. “You aren’t the only one that can multitask.”
“You know you have a shoot today, right?" You rub your eyes, further taking the scene in. He’s definitely been working on the bike for some time, if the spread of tools was any sign.
He waves off your complaint with a huff. “That’s irrelevant. Besides, she matters more to me.”
“She?” You scoff.
"I know, I know." Leon wipes his hands, sliding out from beneath the vehicle with a half-sheepish, half-proud grin. "This old girl needed a tune-up, and I couldn't help myself. You know how it is."
You crouch to his level, sighing and wanting to be annoyed with his spontaneity but finding it hard in the glow of his expression, with the passion that sparkles in his eyes. "Just try not to get too grimy before call time, Leon. Ada will have both our heads."
Leon chuckles, unconcerned as always. "No worries. A quick shower and I'll be shining for the camera again." He waves off your complaint with a huff. “Besides, she matters more to me.”
Your brow furrows in confusion. "She who?"
Leon grins, running a loving hand along the motorcycle's frame. "Why, my precious Matilda, of course."
“Isn’t that your cat's name?”
“Yes… and?”
You roll your eyes but can’t suppress a fond smile. Only Leon would think of naming his vehicle. "Ah, now it all makes sense. I should've known no flesh and blood woman could ever compare to your one true love, your Ducati."
Leon meets your gaze with utmost sincerity, face twinged with amusement as he presses a fleeting kiss to your forehead, curling his fingers around the back of your head.
And his eyes are missing those rolling fogs.
Clear skies.
“Well, some things a man just has to do with his hands, you know?"
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junesprince · 9 months
im sorry if someone has pointed these out already but i replayed p5t again and i am in absolute SHAMBLES with these new observations. i never actually post my thoughts here but i kinda need people to talk to about p5t IM AUTISTIC AND HYPERFIXATED. anyway onto the real post, sorry if this is unorganized and messy. im just really excited
i really wanna talk about the whole event that happens in the 3rd kingdom, on the rooftop.
soo.. when the school crashes and transforms.. it resembles a clock. a train station??? and. said clock is unmoving. what struck me is the time it was stuck on. 6:00pm, or 18:00, the exact time The Train Incident (tm) takes place, and the exact time eri was pushed onto the train tracks at the station.
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i guess you could say, toshiro is stuck in the past, unable to move on and process his trauma. it's the extreme guilt of him losing his closest friend and how standing up and rebelling... just ended up in so many people hurt. he can't possibly live bearing the sin of that.
but here's when it gets more interesting... when shadow toshiro was threatening to kill erina, and when erina/eri inspired toshiro to take a stand, he throws joker's knife through the shadows hand, but more specifically, through the gloved hand, the one damaged from the train.
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then with a really good sequence, toshiro runs as fast as he possibly can (i wonder how he did that actually) and with flashing memories of him failing to save eri in between, he manages to catch erina before she falls. and... he catches her with his damaged hand. the same hand that failed to save eri, saved erina.
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remember the clock from the beginning? it STARTS MOVING AGAIN right after this.
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this whole scene is genuinely such a beautiful and symbolistic way to show that toshiro finally found his resolve, and that despite all that trauma in the past, he's ready to change for the better and move again.
oh, and one more thing. toshiros mask only has one eye shown. the left one... the one that eri lost. they have ONE EYE EACH AAAAGHHH!! their souls really are connected.
what gets me more is that one of toshiros catchphrases in combat iirc is "witness OUR power as ONE" and it makes me go insane because he basically sees eri as his hero (here ill quote a futaba dialogue that hit me hard: "natsuhara's like the undefeated heroine in toshiro's life story, huh?") and she made him feel like he's more than just a puppet of his father. she inspired him to take a stand, and while this resulted badly, it led to his LITERAL SOUL subconsciously manifesting into a being heavily based on her (erina)
he just believes that eri/erina is a huge part of who he is. so "witness our power as one"
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the fact he doesn't have a real PT outfit disappoints me a bit, but id like to think it's because eri taught him that he doesn't need to become all cool and change himself to rebel. he just needs to be himself. that's really it.
some extra things i have noticed:
-shadow toshiros 'weapon' is basically just bandages. i first thought this was a twisted more distorted version of the bandages eri gave toshiro when they first met (since shadow toshiro claims to despise eri)?? but someone in yt comments pointed out its probably made from eri's bandages after the incident. and i think that makes much more sense
-toshiro is the only persona user that has a persona opposite of his gender... that's kinda... 🏳️‍⚧️ if you ask me...heh (im trans)
-i know many know already but erinas character design is GENIUS . like ... the covered eye and the prosthetic leg?? referencing eri?? SO FUCKING WELL DONE. genuinely one of my fav character designs in persona
-not really an observation but remember the 'thank you instead of sorry' hideout talk where toshiro tells the gang about eri more?? when it was finished and toshiro said "natsuhara-senpai...um, thank you." IT TORE MY HEART STRINGS STOOOPPP
-idk im kinda unnormal about eritoshi. that's all
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spaceprincessem · 2 months
last day for robstar week and im pretty excited about this one. still set in that time of when the brotherhood of evil plot was going on. this is based around the song creatures in heaven by glass animals (which is such a good fucking song) and feels very much like a big robstar song so please go listen to it! also more robin angsat heh @robxstar
day 7 - playlist
it tears through my head, does it haunt you too?
never really said that i loved you, too
lucky, lucky you, 'cause i'm fortune's fool
such small words but they hit so huge
He’s almost there he’s almost there he’s almost there—
“You never said their tower shimmered.”
Robin’s hands come to rest gently at Starfire’s waist as he pulls away from the crook of her neck. There’s a mark in the shape of his teeth blooming beautifully against her tanned skin he desperately wants to trace with his tongue, but he tilts his head and looks out the small, attic window.
In the distance the Eiffel Tower is lit up in gold, sparkling against the Paris night sky. It’s memorizing to watch, even more so when Starfire is silhouetted in the light. She’s soft and warm beneath his touch, his fingers digging a little harder into her skin if only to hold onto this moment just a little bit longer.
He feels a little drunk.
Both from the champagne they bought and the taste of the alien space princess still hot and heavy on his tongue. 
It’s nearing three in the morning and their time is running out. Different missions on nearly opposite sides of the world hang over them like a cloud of doom. They were able to see each other only by chance and a little bit of luck and while Robin likes to follow rules when it comes to these sorts of things Starfire always seems to be the exception.
As soon as his ship lands his communicator is in his hand, the dial tone grating against his ears. 
It was a trap. 
All of their hard work — their sleepless nights and weeks apart — mean nothing now. The Brotherhood was always one step ahead, always lurking around the corner, and they were always going to beat Robin at his own game.
He has no one to blame but himself.
“Starfire,” his heart is in his throat, “are you okay?”
“I am,” she responds quickly, but slightly confused, “but I fear Argent is not.”
He waits for the rush of relief to wash over him, but it never comes. They are all in very real danger and he’s on an island in the middle of nowhere.
“Robin,” Starfire says after a moment, breath catching in her throat in the way it does when she’s nervous, “there is no one here.”
Stay where you are, I'm coming for you — is what he wants to say, but he never gets the chance. 
“I wish we had more time.” Starfire murmurs, finally looking away from the lights.
Her hands move to cup Robin’s face and he pulls her closer, the sheets falling into a messy pile around them. 
“It won’t be forever.” He says, has been saying the last couple of weeks.
Because they can’t keep living like this. It’s not good for them or any of the Titans. He knows they’re all ready to go home. He can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it’s the only thing getting him through the thought of leaving this tiny bed in an attic room in the middle of Paris with Starfire. 
“I know.”
Their foreheads touch, eyes fluttering close. 
They both have to go soon.
Robin thinks he should give them a better show. 
He should beat and pound at the glass until his knuckles are ravaged and his nails bleed. His blood should smear the prison they’ve put him in; a sign that he’s going to fight until the very end. 
Except, he’s alone right now. 
He can hear the fanfare going on through the wall and it won’t be long now, but he doesn’t really have the energy to give it his all, at least not until he’s out in the open. He’s always been a natural performer. 
Right now he lets himself fall apart.
He failed the Titans around the world. He failed his friends. He failed Raven and Cyborg and Beast Boy. He failed Starfire. And there’s some part of him, that deep aching part that lives right in the marrow of his bones, that tells him not to give up, but he’s tired. 
He lost.
Maybe he deserves this eternal punishment.
“I think I will be quite bored when all of you Titans are gone.”
Robin grits his teeth, hastily wiping at his eyes before Madame Rouge can see just how fragile he is. She waits for him to turn around, a knowing smile spreading across her face when he finally does. He’s surprised one of them has waited this long to gloat in private. He supposes the Brain wants a more public humiliation.
They don’t say anything for a while, the silence only broken by a chorus of insidious cheers from the other side of the wall. Robin’s not here to give her anything else, not that he has anything to lose anymore.
“She really was beautiful.” Madame Rouge says after another moment of heated silence. “Did you tell her that you loved her too?”
Robin’s jaw quivers with rage. 
This doesn’t belong to anyone but him and Starfire. 
He swallows back all his anger and hurt, but it doesn’t have anywhere else to go, so it sits like a weight in his stomach, threatening to drag him down to the core of the earth where he will vaporize into dust. 
“I love you,” Starfire says, kissing the corner of his mouth, “I love you.”
Robin kisses her back. He holds her tight and kisses her deeper, harder. The sweet taste of champagne mixes with the briny salt from the tears trekking down his face, but they don’t stop, they don’t stop.
“No?” Madame Rouge’s grin twists into something wicked. “Pity.”
She disappears before Robin can scream or fight or tell her to fuck off.
It’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair. Because he does love her. He loves her so much it terrifies him sometimes. It’s always been so dangerous to love another person like that and not just because they’re heroes. Robin knows grief; it follows him like a shadow. He knows what grief can reduce you to, the monster it can make you become.
But loving Starfire is worth it.
He loves her.
He loves her.
He watches her leave through the open window, their fingers intertwined until the very last second.
It’s not until the shimmer from the Eiffel Tower catches his eye does he realize he never said “I love you too.”
Robin closes his eyes, fate accepted.
He told them it wasn’t over. That he wasn’t giving up.
But he gave up the moment Starfire was gone.
I love you too.
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crimson-mage-02 · 7 months
Thoughts on Kingdom of the Planet of The Apes!
It's been a while since I posted something on Tumblr. So here it is! I am so stoked to watch the new film! Which is coming soon in 2 months. Cannot wait.
First impressions, I love Noa so much. He is going to be a true and caring leader in the making. As far as we know he's going to have an coming of age ceremony, earning his place in the Eagle Clan. Which I love! I am also so curious to see where his journey may lead to. Which made me be so curious about his origins. I had theories that he might have come from another ape clan before joining the Eagle Clan. Hence why he doesn't know much about his past. I was also thinking and believing that Proximus Caesar knew that Noa was a direct descendant of Caesar. So maybe, Noa's old family protected him from the other bad apes and that was the reason why the Eagle Clan was distant from other apes.
Maybe that was the reason why the Elders didn't tell Noa everything until his coming-of-age ceremony with his friends. He started to doubt his existence. His place in the clan and in the world. Seems like a journey to the past. Heh get it, lol. Okay moving on.
Let's talk about Mae. At first glance, I thought she is going to be the character that stands out the most as she is a mysterious human who is smarter than most as Raka mentioned in the trailer.
I love how she's there to help Noa but also have an agenda of her own. There's not much known about Mae but im truly curious to see where her character lead to. I'm also so excited to see the friendship between Noa and Mae.
As it was shown in the trailer, Noa was seen shy and cautious around Mae. It was seen when he handed the blue shirt to keep her warm. And throughout the rest of the trailer, it looked like they have a created a way to trust each other by saving each other. As it was discussed in discord with @bookishdaze.
As their relationship with each other, I can't wait to see how it expands and develops through the trilogy. Noa and Mae are each others anchors and are the future of apes and humans co-existing.
I also got this ridiculous thought about Noa's 'birthmark', seems like he is depicted as the sun.
Well, it means it symbolizes his firmness, strength and power. Those traits alone depict Noa strongly. That's who he is. Though he might grow into a mighty leader to the apes by the end of the movie.
As for the moon, well, represents calmness, beauty, and nurturing. Those traits qualifies to Mae. Despite her being mute, she's still a woman with a mission and she's not going to stop at nothing. She also cares about others around her, especially Noa. Their relationship is one the most important key moments for the film.
Both balance out so well yet so distant. That might show Mae and Noa's relationship well in the beginning of the film, maybe.
That's my thoughts on the film and on Noa and Mae. Not saying I ship them or not. I just find their friendship really wholesome! 🙈🙈 I just can't wait to watch the film when it comes out.
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secretcheesecakecat · 2 years
(Young! Sanzu, Taiju,Angry,Draken,Hanma,Yamaguchi,Makoto,Atsushi,Takuya)
" Hey uh here have some valentines chocolate... Uuuh you seemed a bit down so I hope this helps?! Here have my love letter. I hope you dont get to much hurt in your next fight bye. "*runs away*
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Young! Sanzu: Huh-!? *blushes* T-thank you [Name]- Hey where are you going come back! *waves you with your love letter and screams* I LOVE YOU TOO! ○/////○
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Taiju: Heh? Chocolate and a letter? You really gave your all, haven't you? Thanks u guess. *blushes a little* Hey!! Don't go! Don't be a chicken you confess to me, you can't just run away!?
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Angry: F-for me? *blushes madly* T-thank you [Name]! I really like them! [NAME] DON'T GO! I LOVE YOU TOO! *takes flowers and a love letter* I WANT YOU TO BE MY VALENTINE!
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Draken: Oh-? For me? *takes it* Hmm thank you very much [Name]. Here *hands you a chocolate and a rose* i thought you might like it. Wait- *holds your hand* i won't let you go. Until you agree to be my Valentine~
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Hanma: Hehehe all for me~? Well thank you little one~! *kisses your cheek* a little reward for your cute letter and chocolate. Huuuh~!? *holds you by your waist* And where do you think your going? Your mine cute Valentine today, im not letting go of you~!
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Yamagishi: F-for me? *blushes* Ohhh hahaha thank you [Name] *looks at you with love sick eyes only to see you run away* HEH!? [NAME] COME BACK! I LOVE YOU TOO PLEASE!! *runs after you* I NEED MAKOTO TO SEE THAT I CAN PULL A PRETTY GIRL LIKE YOU!
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Makoto: H-heh? Ooo thank you [Name] *blushes* D-does this mean your my Valentine? It does!? HAHA YES! *takes your hand before you could ran away* HAHAHA WE ARE GONNA SHOW THAT STUPIDE YAMAGISHI THAT I HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL VALENTINE, AND HE IS STILL SINGLE! *looks at you* and after that i we do some couple stuff!
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Atsushi: Hmm? *blushes* Thank you so much [Name]. I-i have something for you too actually. *gives you a teddy bear and a chocolate* Looks like you beat me and confess first. *blushes even more* So you'll be mine V-valentine right?
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Takuya: Mmm? M-me? You didn't get the worng person right? *blushes madly* Im glad you f-feel the same. *hands you a rose and a letter he wanted to give you earlier* fufu camon, i would like to take you for some hot chocolate.
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Hi thereee ! Im a huge fan of your work (ur writing is rlly amazing ehejeidkwiwn) and ive had this ideea for a while so like
Reader and the pjsk guys (maybe tsukasa and rui, separately) are hanging out in reader's sekai (wich doesnt have a song yet) and the boys decide to confess to reader and reader accepts their confession the song from reader's sekai gets born, what would be their reaction?
(Also this is my first time requesting sorry if i didnt do it properly!! •○•)
Awhh thank you so much! And I absolutely love this idea, it's just so so sweet!! You can say I had a little too much fun writing it so... I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
Tsukasa, Rui are the reason for readers first song
TagList: @alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
I won't tag you here since you'll get pinged either way heh
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After Tsukasa discovered that the both of you have your own SEKAIs, it definitely was his idea that you should start hanging out with each others SEKAIs. It just so happened that you mostly hanged out at your SEKAI since your was usually free and his was often crowded by his troup.
So when you told him you don't have any songs, he decided to help you find the right feelings but of course he still had friendly hangouts with you. Today was one of those days when you just hanged out but he had some more serious plans, and fact that he was stressed was painted all over him, but he kept telling you that he's alright.
When he finally felt like it was the right time to tell you his feelings, he went on one knee and took your hand in his.
"YN, I am very aware that you probably think of my only as your friend but this star cannot hold his feelings any longer! The truth is, I have fallen deeply in love with you so will you give me this honor of being your lover?"
The moment was already so unbelievable for you and for him as well once the word "Yes" left your mouth. He literally stood up and hugged you tightly once he heard this one pretty word.
What both of you didn't knew this is the fact that his confession helped you create your first song. Unlike him, you noticed it the next time you were about to hang out in your SEKAI so of course you showed him. The song described the moment, your feelings, what you saw, how nervous he was, how he felt so perfectly! And the two of you even were singed as artist even though none of you remember singing that but I guess that's just the charm of SEKAI?
When you showed him that song, he was stunned... but in a good way! He simply couldn't believe that confessing his true feelings towards you was all he had to do to help you create your song. He doesn't mind tho, after all he helped you and now got you as his lover at once!
"W-We what?! So... at the end I helped you create your first song? I knew a star like me could do it! How about we get singing that song? It can be pretty fun!"
If there are some cheesy lines in the song then he may stutter a little but he quickly tried to go back to normal since he wants to impress you and a star shouldn't make mistakes like that. But he mostly wants to just impress you.
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After Rui discovered the two of you have your own SEKAIs, he definitely was interested in yours so it's not a surprise that you hanged out mostly at there.
When you were hanging out there with him, the two of you usually just wandered around and maybe discovered some new places or things about your SEKAI. So of course he definitely noticed that you don't have any song but decides not to mention it and instead he tries to help you create one.
Today tho he had a plan in mind. He knew that you probably will hate him after it but he simply can't hold it inside him anymore. So when he felt confidence in him, he proceed to tell you what he wanted.
"YN, there's something I need to tell you and it's alright if you won't want to see me afterwards... but I really feel for you and if you let me then I'd love to be someone more than just a friend for you."
He really was ready for you to kick him out of your SEKAI and say no you don't want to ever breath the same air as he but surprisingly you agreed, and he couldn't be any more happier.
Although Rui felt like something happened right there, he thought it's just his imagination so none of you really noticed that song was created. After he left your SEKAI tho, you wandered around it alone for a bit of time and saw a song that wasn't there before, because hey you didn't had any song! And when you checked it out, authors happened to be you and now your boyfriend.
When you showed him that song, he really was shocked that his confession could create a song. But of course he listened to it and remember he'll pay really close attention to lyrics since he knows that songs are made from true feelings. So if there's something cheesy and we know there definitely is then he most likely will tease you about it.
"Awhh~ You really do have strong feeling for me, don't you? And I thought I was the cheesy one in our relationship!"
To be honest, he's a little relieved to know that you really do love him and not playing just some jokes on him.
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sunny6677 · 2 years
(I also hc that due to their little.. situation-- the crew kind of doesn't have a firm concept of what romantic love truly is.)
(And please note this is the first time I wrote a fic for DHMIS. I tried to capture Red as good as i could, so please be easy with me if I got him out of character at some parts. Thats just how I think he'd be showing affection.)
In this silly little world, of silly little things; Y/N and his friends were having fun, playing loads of games and playing with strings.
Then the power went out, and gosh, oh no! Y/N was left to sit with Red Guy all alone.
The Duck and Yellow went out to go find whatever source of power they could use for a compromise, while Y/N and Red waited together in company.
The two friends were left together, coveted in the dark, making sure they were close but apart.
Y/N held his knees against his chest, and took a long breath. "You, um.. think anyone'll come by while were alone? Like those.. teachers, or whatever." Asked Y/N, looking up at the tentacle covered man.
"Well, you never really know, do you?" Replied Red, readjusting his position. "I.. I guess not?" Replied Y/N, averting his gaze from his red friend beside him. He out a slightly terrified groan as he looked down at the ground.
"Hey.. on the bright side, at least you won't be alone if one does come along." Red said, in an attempt to cheer Y/N up from his rather depressed look. He didn't want to seem as if he held no empathy for the shorter/taller man.
Y/N widened his eyes, slightly looking up. "Well, yeah.. I know.. i'm just worried about what they're gonna do to me.. or any of you by chance."
"Dont worry too much, besides.. unfortunately, I'll be here."
Y/N looked further at the now averted gaze of his red friend, and softly smiled at the little nervous twinkle in his eyes. "Heh.. I guess I'm grateful then. Thank you.."
A moment of silence passed the two friends, as the shadows still surrounded them, an empty void all around them and tangling them up. Y/N looked down at his lap, and then his hand. He was shaking. Yet he couldn't seem to understand why. Usually he was never this afraid of the dark.
"So, um.. when are you all gonna kick me out?"
Red turned to look at Y/N, raising his eyebrow as if he didn't know what he(Y/N) meant by that. Y/N only looked down at his lap again, and his lips quivered as his hands shivered from the sheer embarrassment of asking that question washed over him like a big tidal wave.
"Well.. since you all.. don't seem to like me much, um.. I figured you were.. um.. all gonna kick me out."
A second of silence passed, and then Red spoke up.
"Well, we aren't ever gonna kick you out."
"R.. Really?.."
"Yes.. and i.. I don't believe we hate you either. As.. as a matter of fact, I suppose.."
He couldn't help but notice what appeared to be a faint pink form on his "cheeks".
"..I like.. I like your presence. I like.. I like looking at you. I like seeing you everyday. I like hearing you everyday. It's a shame, but.. there's a lot to like about you."
"Wha.. really? Um.. sorry for repeating that again, but, um.. wow. I didnt-- I didn't think you did.. erm.. sorry for interpreting it wrong, my fault."
"No, stop apologizing. You already do that enough.."
"Oh, um, sorr-- oh wait.. nevermind."
The two sat in silence again, for about a good few minutes. Y/N kept finding himself drawing his attention to Red no matter how hard he tried not to look at him. He, for some reason, was like a radiant sun to him. And he was the ocean below.
Y/N sighed. And did something to compensate for what he was feeling.
He then quickly scooted closer to Red. Red slightly glared down at Y/N, and only raised an invisible eyebrow at his sudden movement. He stared down at him like a telescope staring at a star intensely.
"Why'd you move closer?"
"I dunno.. uh.. I guess you-- you make me feel a bit safer. I-- I can move away if you want--"
"No. Dont."
"O-- Okay.."
A minute of silence passed. Y/N couldn't help but feel a gaze every now and then staring upon him, to the point where he sort of began to feel creeped out. He tucked in his knees again, and slightly whimpered.
It was a bit annoying for him to be like this. He wasn't as tough as the others, he was a little too soft in fact. He knew he should have gotten used to the world around him by now, but for some reason unlike the others, he just.. couldn't.
Y/N flinched curiously at Red randomly speaking at him.
"Look at me."
Y/N felt.. uncertain by this sudden request, but he felt it would be impolite to refuse, so he obliged and stared into the soulless eyes of the one whom requested of him do so. He felt his face warm up a bit.
The way Red was looking at him felt a bit different this time; usually his eyes would be devoid of all emotion and filled with endless sarcasm, yet he could seem to see an emotion he hadn't ever quite seen inside those black eyes of his before.
Red raised his hand, and Y/N slightly lowered his body, not having a clue as to what he could have possibly been about to do. He then felt the hand land on the top of his head, but in a soft manner. And then.. it.. began to rub. Gently.
He felt it go through the tendrils and seperate parts of his hair gently. He had to admit, it did feel a bit.. nice. Yet a tingly sensation ached in his heart; what was with this all the sudden?
"Um.. what are you doing?"
"...I don't know."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No-- no.. keep going.. if you want."
He kept rubbing his hand along his hair, then slowly moved his hand to his face. Gently, he caressed his cheek while still staring at him with a longing glitter of emotions sparkled all across. He didn't know why, but he could have sworn he saw a big blush spread across his cheeks, even in the depths of darkness.
"What-- are you doing this for?" Y/N asked, staring at him.
"...I think i like touching you."
"Oh.. uh.. okay?"
He nervously laughed, as Red then moved his arms foward. He then felt his hand go in circular motions around his back, and he tensed, but his body relieved after a second. It felt calming.. but he still couldn't understand why Red was doing this.
After a while.. he felt himself be pulled closer by of course, Reds arms. He was embracing him now, great. But he couldn't deny it, a little embarrassing as it was, it was a comforting gesture. Reds hand went to his back again, and it rubbed in a circular motion.
As for Reds head, it gently lay atop Y/Ns head, as he left his eyes closed in the softness of the moment. Y/N couldn't help but lay his head on his shoulder.
"I don't think I've ever been this close to someone before."
"Is that why your doing this?"
"...a little, maybe."
"When.. when the power comes back on, you.. you wanna stay like this?"
"..yes, at least until they're back."
He didn't know why, but even in this moment, you felt as if something horrible was going to happen to him. But he didn't mind. He liked being close with Red. And Red liked being close with him.
He.. he liked Red.
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Terms of Employment - Saul Goodman/FTM Reader (NSFW!)
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lord help me im back on my bullshit. this is a sequel to my first saul/ftm reader fic. you wake up the morning after and discuss the current situation with your boss/apparent sex partner: saul goodman
tags/warnings: office sex, rough sex, oral sex, light bondage, daddy kink, homophobic/transphobic slurs, squirting, humiliation/degradation, trans fetishization
anatomical terms: dick/cock and cunt/pussy/hole are used interchangeably
words: 4,061
ao3 link
Your head was spiraling the morning after. You awoke from a deep sleep in a bed that felt way more luxurious than your own. The gaudy decorations that littered the walls only exacerbated the pounding in your head. You sluggishly peeled the blankets off, your body aching with even the slightest movement. Wait, where were your clothes? And where the hell were you? How were you going to get-
“Rise and shine, sleepyhead.”
That answers that question. And literally every other question that had yet to finish buffering. Suddenly, the memories came flooding back. Your boss, the ubiquitous presence on every possible advertisement space in Albuquerque, Saul fucking Goodman, had given you the type of fucking that’d make a nun burst into flames. And he didn’t seem like a smug piece of shit about it, rather cautious, actually. He was standing by your side of the bed, dressed in a comfortable-looking tracksuit, handing you your clothes with a sheepish smile. 
“I, uh… I guess you’re starting to remember how we got here. Listen, I’m really sorry if it was too much. You seemed like you were into it, so I wanted to, uh… keep the hype going, ya get me? I hope I didn’t hurt you or-”
“Oh no, i-it’s fine,” you cut him off, accepting your clothes from him, “I… I really did enjoy it. I kinda like it rough.” You flashed that same hesitant smile he had given you as you put your shirt on. God, this was fucking awkward. You definitely wanted more, but you had no idea how you’d even continue working together after this. Were you just expected to never talk about it again? Probably not, since you both were talking about it now, but what were you supposed to do? There wasn’t a page in your employee handbook on what to do after you fuck your boss.
He let out a small chuckle at your response, and relaxed his posture a bit. At least you both could let your guard down a bit.  “Heh, kinda? Sweetheart, you take a beating better than some of my toughest clients. I mean, I know I’m not in the best shape but-...“ He lost his train of thought as you stood up to put your underwear on, his eyes unconsciously trailing downward before darting away not so subtly. “Ah, nevermind. So you enjoyed it, huh? Would you wanna… do it again sometime? Maybe we could make this a regular thing?”
You internally breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that his blunt nature took the pressure off you. “I’d like that.” This time, your smile was genuine and confident.
His sigh of relief was dramatic. “Oh thank god,” he exhaled, “I’d been stressing that all night. You’re a good kid. I’d hate to make things weird between us. Well… weirder, I guess. Not exactly a conventional boss/assistant relationship anyway, am I right?” 
You couldn’t help but agree with that. 
Saul continued. “But listen, let’s just keep this a secret between us, alright? I’d hate to make things difficult for you, and personally, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole ‘I just fucked a dude in his pussy’ thing, y’know?”
You snorted a little at his last remark. “Yeah, that’s fine. I get it. I didn’t think you were into men, anyway.”
“Well, you’re a special case. And besides,” he placed his hands on your hips and leaned in close to whisper in your ear, “It’ll be nice to have a cute little plaything like you on standby.”
You shuddered at his teasing words. You’d hate to stroke his ego even more, but fuck, he was good. You figured you’d better fire back to show him you can keep up. “Sounds perfect, Daddy” was what you ended up with, making sure to drag out that last word. 
“Oh ho, is that the direction we’re taking things? I can get behind that,” He replied, lust dripping from his words. Though he switched gears pretty quickly, likely not wanting to cede control to you. “In due time though, kid. Let me drive you home. We got a big caseload this week, so come in an hour early on Monday, got it? I’ll be there to let you in.”
You likewise shifted back into business mode before he walked you two out to the car. “Sure thing, Mr. Goodman.”
The weekend passed you by, and you were outside the office on Monday morning an hour earlier than usual per your boss’s request. You knocked on the glass door to the building, and heard a muffled shout from the inside.
“Just a sec!”
“Alright!” You shouted back before absentmindedly checking your phone. You heard him stumbling around inside the dark office. You’d wondered previously why he wouldn’t turn the lights on when he called you in early, but with the amount of walk-in clients he got day in and day out, you got the gist. 
Saul eventually hobbled over to the front door and unlocked it for you. He seemed strangely out of breath. “Good to see you here bright and early, kiddo. We got a lot to cover today,” He placed his hand on the small of your back as you walked in, “Have a seat in my office, I’ll be there shortly.”
“Yes, sir.” You replied. Sex was the last thing on your mind at 6:30 in the morning, but you couldn’t deny that calling him “sir” had a spicier taste now. The slightest hint of subordination to him was enough to spark your interest these days. You pushed open the door to his office and noticed an immediate roadblock to the task he had given you. “Uh, Mr. Goodman?”
“Yes?”, he asked, following you in.
“Where are all the chairs?”
The only seating in his office was his chair, behind his desk. You had a smaller desk off to the side, but your chair was gone. The chairs in front of his desk were gone too. Even that gross couch of his was nowhere in sight. Was he robbed? No, that wouldn’t make sense. Who would break into the most infamous law firm in the city just to steal his auxiliary office chairs? And he was here before you, too. He had to have known, right?
“I said,” He strode past you and sat himself down in his chair, crossing his legs and gesturing to the hardwood desk, “Have a seat.”
That son of a bitch. He made you get up at 5AM just to fuck with you. He was here at god knows what hour just to set the stage for your debasement. You weren’t sure how to feel, anger and arousal both waging a war over your psyche. You begrudgingly followed suit, plopping yourself down on the desk in front of him. You made sure to keep your legs closed and your gaze averted. You wanted to make him work for it, at least for a little while.
“There we go, that wasn’t so complicated, was it? Now, let's get down to brass tacks,” Saul traced his hand up your dress pants, in between your legs, and up to your crotch. You usually wore a packer when you went out, which evidently he must have noticed, and he gave it a not-so-gentle squeeze before he spoke. “We both know what’s going on here, so who exactly are you trying to fool?”
You gasped when he touched you, trying to squirm out of his grasp. You sputtered trying to answer him. “I’m… I’m not-”
“Take it off.”
“Si… Sir, I-”
He squeezed you even tighter. “I think you forgot your place here, kid. Your superior gave you an order. Need me to spell it out for you? I’m gonna let you go, and you’re going to take your pants off for me. Understand?”
“Y-yes, sir…”
“Good boy. Now, get up.”
Saul kept his word and released you from his grip. It was as if the praise he gave you went straight to your head and kicked you into subspace. You slid off the desk and undid your belt with shaking fingers. You felt his eyes burning a hole into you as you dropped your pants and underwear, the silicone packer bouncing as it hit the floor. No doubt your face was bright red, and you still couldn’t look him in the eye. Once your bottom half was uncovered, you shimmied back onto the desk, your bare legs squishing against the cold wood. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you like this before, but this was the first time you’d been fully cognisant of your actions, and the first time he ordered you to strip. You were too shy to open your legs for him without command. 
“Look at me,” He said, and you slowly turned to meet his eyes. He was watching you hungrily, his elbows propped on the armrests and his hands folded in front of his mouth. There was no hint of compassion in his voice. He was all business. “Spread ‘em.”
You obliged. Your eyes felt heavy, as if tears were threatening to well up, and your brain was starting to slow. Your cheeks and your cunt both felt like they were on fire, and the cold air stung as you exposed yourself to him. All you could think of was how embarrassed you were. You had never felt so fucking humiliated, but you had no idea how much worse it was going to get. 
“That’s more like it. No need to cover up your best feature. What a shame that you’d try to hide such a pretty little hole behind a piece of cheap silicone. Why don’t you uh…” Saul made an upside-down V with his fingers, “...give me a better view?”
You gulped, not wanting to risk talking back to him. You mimicked his gesture against your lips, spreading them open to show him. Much to your dismay (or was it delight?), you were starting to get wet and your t-dick was already hard. 
“Aw, are you getting excited from this?” he mocked, “No seriously, are you? I mean, it’s kinda hard to tell with such a tiny dick like that, y’know? Tell me, do you like getting treated like this?”
You did. You really did. You wanted more, but you’d dare not overstep. “Y-yes…”
“Yes, what? Go on, say it.”
“Yes, Saul. I… I like it when you treat me like this…”
“Prove it.”
That shocked you. You don’t know why. In fact, you should’ve seen it coming, but it still mystified you when he said it. You figured you knew what he wanted from you, but you didn’t want to assume. “H…How do you mean?”
“Prove it,” Saul repeated his instruction as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “Prove to me that you like being degraded like this. I want you to get yourself off right here on my desk. I wanna see you stroke your puny little dick for me like the needy little whore you are.” 
Jesus fucking Christ. You had to stifle a moan when he said that. He knew how to work you, and the bastard wasn’t even doing the work himself. You dragged your hand down to your aching cock and wrapped 2 fingers around it before you began to stroke it. You were embarrassed to make noises while he was watching, though biting your lip could only do so much.
Saul looked at you like you were about as interesting as a water cooler instruction manual. He was trying his hardest to seem disinterested, wanting to keep up the act. “C’mon slut, get into it. You said you like it, right? Let me hear you.”
You let a couple noises slip. Mainly just quiet gasps and squeaks. At one point you sighed, “Fuck… Saul…”
“You’re on the clock, sugar. Don’t call me by my first name. You should know better than that.”
“S-sorry sir…” You stuttered, speeding up your motions. “I’ll… ngh…. I’ll be good.”
“You’ll be a good boy for Daddy?”
Motherfucker. Saul was an expert at using your words against you. Part of you regretted giving him that ammunition the other day, but part of you was ecstatic to hear him say it. You replied with affirmation while continuing to chase your high, “Yes, Daddy…”
“Good boy. Y’know, you’re so cute like this. Seeing you pinch that tiny little dick of yours and try to jack it like it’s an actual cock.” You’re not sure what hurt more, his backhanded compliments or a literal backhand from him. Both left a pleasant sting in their wake. “You can’t even call it a dick, really. Just serves as decoration for that nice tight pussy you have. It’s fun watching you pretend otherwise, though. How about you shove a couple fingers inside and fuck yourself the way a cuntboy like you deserves?”
You purred at his request, eager to satisfy him at your own expense. “Ah… y-yes, Daddy…” While still stroking your dick, you slipped two small fingers inside yourself, trying desperately to hit that special spot, but failing. You wished his longer fingers would replace yours. He had hit that spot in no time. Even so, you got loud. You weren’t even trying to stifle it anymore. Shameless whining, heavy panting, the most pitiful noises escaped you as you climbed closer and closer to your peak.
“Ah… f-fuck… sir, I mean, Daddy… shit… I…”
“You’re getting close?”
“Ngh… Yes… Daddy… fuck… please… I need…”
And it all came crashing down. The climax you had built yourself up to disappeared, but not without a trace. You were still painfully hard, and your pussy was drenched. Droplets fell off your hands and it felt like you were sitting in a puddle. You whimpered softly, hoping he’d take pity on you, but he knew your game.
“Shhh…” he said, “Not yet, baby boy. You said you wanna be good for me, right? Then you gotta listen to me. Now, I want you to get off that desk and get down on your knees in front of me. Let me show you what a real cock looks like.”
You crept down from the desk and settled on your knees below him. He unbuckled his belt and placed it on the desk, making sure to avoid the wet spot you had left behind. He unzipped his pants agonizingly slowly, his obvious erection making you salivate. He fished out his cock, and it was gorgeous. A pretty decent length, and he was thick and uncut, already glistening with precum. You didn’t really get a good look at it last time, but it made sense why you were sore the next day. You shifted your position slightly, trying to get a little more friction against you.
“Getting a little jealous, huh? That’s what I thought. You went crazy over it the other day.” Saul gave himself a languid stroke, just to tease you. 
It worked. You wanted him so bad, you couldn’t help yourself. “Please, Daddy… c-can I…?”
“Can you what?”
“Can… Can I suck it?”
Saul laughed, but you saw his cock throb in his hand. He wanted you bad. “Jesus, you’re an even bigger faggot than I thought! Sure, whatever, go ahead, kid. Knock yourself out.” You went to take it in your hand, but he grabbed your wrist to stop you. “Ah ah ah, what do we say?”
That smug son of a bitch. He was insufferable in the best kind of way. “Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome, whore. Now suck it.” 
He let go of your wrist and you eagerly took him in your grasp. You spit on the tip and spread it over his length, his foreskin peeling back as you did so. You wrapped your lips around his head and began to suck, running your tongue along the underside and probing his hole with your tongue. While you slobbered on the tip, you used your hand to take care of the rest. He tasted so fucking good. His precum was salty and sweet, and his musk was driving you crazy. You pulled your mouth off the tip with a satisfying pop, and lowered yourself down to his balls. Licking and sucking on them frantically, you could hear him hiss above you as you worked him over. You were completely and utterly cockdrunk, and you’d do anything to show your gratitude. In fact, you were probably more into it than he was. 
“Look at you,” he sighed contentedly, “You look right at home on your knees worshiping a cock like this. I bet you wish you had one just like it, huh, tranny?”
You moaned into his balls as he talked down to you, feeling his body twitch in response. That slur hit you just right. You took his cock into your mouth again and started bobbing up and down his shaft, striving to please him however you could.
“Heh, I’ll take that as a yes. How adorably pathetic. I knew this would be a good idea. I figured you’d start drooling when I took my cock out. I bet that’s all you think about, right, faggot? Just how good it’d feel to have a fat cock like mine filling you up in every hole you’ve got?”
Another desperate moan answered his question for him. You enthusiastically pumped him with one hand, and tried sneaking the other one down to take care of yourself, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
Big mistake.
“Ah!” Saul grabbed your hair and pulled you off him. “Don’t think I don’t see that. You’ll get yours when I say so, hole.” He leaned over you and grabbed his belt off the desk. “Though in the meantime, this should remind you who’s in charge here.” He let go of your hair and pulled the belt taut. “Hands behind your back.”
You complied, and he reached down to wrap the belt around your wrists. Pulling the belt through the fastener, he slipped two fingers in to make sure it wasn’t too tight. What a gentleman. When he was done, he sat back in his chair and looked down at you expectedly. “Well? Tell Daddy thank you for disciplining you.”
You parroted his words back to him. “Thank you for disciplining me, Daddy.” The sick thing was you truly meant it. 
He gently patted your head, tousling your hair a little bit. “Good job. That’s my boy. Now…” He gripped your hair once more, his other hand stabilizing his cock at the base, “...take a deep breath for me.”
You knew what was coming, and began to inhale. Though before you could finish, Saul decided you’d gotten enough air, and forced you down onto him. He fucked your mouth relentlessly, spit pooling around your lips and spilling down your chin. You were doing your best not to gag, and for the most part you were successful. Except for when he’d force you down to the base and pinch your nose. He groaned at the feeling of you struggling around him, though he’d always show mercy and let you catch your breath before making you run the gauntlet again.
“Goood boy. I love fucking this whore mouth of yours. Good thing I hired you. Got my own little cuntboy to use like a fleshlight whenever I want.” He took you down to his base again, and before he could pinch your nose, you flicked your tongue across his balls. That caught him by surprise and got him to moan like a bitch. “Shit! Ah… fuck that’s good, kid…” He got louder and louder as he approached the top, fucking your mouth insatiably, “Getting close… ngh… gonn-ah… gonna cum down your f-fucking throat… yeah… take it, faggot… take it… I know you want it… f-fuck…!” He came with an earth-shattering groan, using both hands to push you all the way down. His cum shot down your throat in what felt like buckets, and he didn’t pull you off until he was empty. When he did, your throat was burning and you were gasping for air. Nevertheless, you made sure to swallow it all. 
Your efforts did not go unappreciated. You looked up at your boss and saw him slumped back in his chair, panting heavily, face flushed, and looking up at the ceiling with a goofy smile on his face. He looked spent, but his cock was still semi-hard. Remembering where he was, he tilted his head down to see you, and he gently rubbed your cheek. 
“Such a good boy… so good to me…” he sighed, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit smug from his praise. “How about I return the favor?”
You thought he’d never ask. “Please, yes, Daddy. Did I do a good job?”
“Very good…” Saul replied, grabbing you by your shoulders and hoisting you up with him. He spun you around and slid his hands down to your hips. Once he had the leverage to do so, he bent you down over his desk. “...and good boys get rewards.” A firm hand pressed your face into the desk and kept you pinned down, while his other hand went to work himself back up. When he was ready to go, he got into position and teased your opening with his cock. “Come on, pumpkin. Daddy wants to hear you say it.”
Of course he does. You wondered if it was physically possible to have sex with him without needing to stroke his ego. But you loved it. Any modicum of shame you had left went out the window as you begged, “Please, Daddy. Please put it in. I want it so bad. Please, please, please fuck me.”
He chuckled at your pathetic whimpering, though not to degrade you further. He was genuinely enjoying the effect he had on you. He leaned down to kiss your cheek before he spoke, “I got you, baby. Daddy’s got you.” 
With one hard thrust, Saul bottomed out in you. You cried out in ecstasy, finally getting the fucking you’d worked so hard for. He didn’t think to start off slow; he knew what you wanted. He pounded into you relentlessly, hitting your base with every thrust. His hips pushed yours into the desk so roughly that you thought you’d bruise. Your head was empty and your mouth hung open drooling. All you could think about was his cock. You loved it. You needed to show your boss how grateful you were.
“Th… Thank… you…. Daddyyy….”
“Aww, you’re welcome, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.” He really was. He loved how he could get you to thank him without being prompted. While keeping you pressed against the desk, he snuck his hand down to your aching cock, and jerked you in time with his motions. “Go ahead and cum for me, darling. It’s okay. Let Daddy feel you cum.”
It was all too much, how his cock filled you up so perfectly, how his rough hands took such gentle care of your dick and kept you helpless underneath him, how sweetly he’d talk you through your orgasm. You couldn’t hold on. He pulled your orgasm from you easily, your wetness squirting out against his bare thighs. From the way he groaned at your release, you could tell he wasn’t far behind. A couple rapid thrusts and he was gone, burying himself completely within you as his cum coated your walls. You both trembled at the feeling of him filling you up. Having him deep inside you, so warm and full, it just felt so right. He stayed in until he softened, taking his hand off your head and slowly withdrawing his cock. You whined as you felt his cum spill out of you, and he just stepped back to admire the sight. He knelt down and tucked his seed back into you, finishing the job by planting a soft kiss against your wrecked hole, a breathless moan escaping your lips.
Saul climbed back up to you and laid his body on top of yours. He kissed your cheek and played with your hair, enjoying the warmth and softness of your figure. You didn’t see him as much of a cuddler, but you weren’t complaining…
“Enjoy it while it lasts, kid. We got 5 minutes before our first client.”
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pagesofmiracles · 2 years
Rink of Love 💓🗯
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PAIRING. jake x (fem) skater reader
SUMMARY. after bumping into a cute girl, due to his lack of skating ability, jake makes it his goal to take some skating lessons so that it'll never happen again. little does he know, he signed up for the classes that she teaches.
WC. 0.4k written under the cut!
WARNINGS. mentions of falling
LOAD FIVE. wikihow isn't the best (written)
🛼 . . . 💌 !
let's just say the whole first impression thing was awkward. the fall, and now you have to teach him how to skate. the irony is there! you just wished that it wasn't so weird.
"sooo, why do you want to learn?" you asked.
"my friend, sunghoon, is really good, but this person i like is also good too.."
"ohh i see"
"im gonna be honest, i have no idea how to skate properly," jake paused, "wikihow isn't the best..."
you blankly stared at him, "yeah, you're gonna need some work."
after telling jake to put on his safety equipment, you noticed the way he put on his skates. he didn't even tie the laces together. does this dude lack basic knowledge? with a roll of the eyes, you started to tie his skates properly.
"o-oh uhm, thanks! my friend sunghoon helped me last time, you might know him, like, he goes here a lot, and I don't, can you tell? i think you know that, ahahahhahaha"
finishing his other skate with a double knot, you reply, "you're all good! don't be nervous, okay, I'll be by your side"
jake nodded, and you gave him a smile before skating onto the floor. jake stood there as if he was stuck in place, and his eyes showed how scared he was.
you sigh and skate over to him, holding your hand out. a simple gesture really, but to jake, it meant a lot. after took your hand, you pulled him towards you.
bad idea...
jake lands face first into the ground. you can't help but let out a laugh. afterwards, you felt bad.
"heh- that's why we make people wear helmets-" you continued to laugh while helping him up.
you could tell he was embarrassed just by the way he was avoiding eye contact, so you moved yourself in front of him. you told him how to properly stand and how he should move. slowly and safely, you guided him around the rink. a few falls here and there, but that's normal for beginners.
at the end of practice, jake had a smile on his face, "thanks for today, i think i can get really good if i practice more."
"i think so too," you hesitated before patting his back.
"next time we can work on staying on our feet," you teasingly said, and he glared at you.
"that might be hard for me," jake mentioned whole the two of you walked towards the exit.
"same time next week, right?" He asked.
"yep!" you smiled.
jake gave you a smile wave before exiting the building. although he was gone, there was a lingering feeling in your stomach.
they felt like, butterflies...?
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[ m.list | load four | bonus load ]
NOTES. extra upload because i wasn't gonna make you guys waitttt 🫰🫰
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[ @milkybonya @ilovewonyo @ghostiiess @dimplewonie @bluxjun @shinrjj @lalalalawon @mangobee @beomgyusonlywife ]
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I've done a Backstory!Post! for the first of my currently mentioned platonic yandere favorites... now I think it is time for the next one. To begin with, we had how Logan Howlett/Wolverine met his bby... so that means Victor Creed/Sabretooth is next! Let's begin this second Backstory!Post:
• Victor has not had a pretty life. Abused by his father, seen as a freak, hurt and cursed and hated, it wasn't a hard choice for him to decide to become the monster everyone expected him to be. It served them right. Everyone was the same, cowards and pigs, the lot of 'em. And if one was to survive, you had to be the meanest, the strongest, of the lot. He could count on his hand how many people he actually had an interest in.
• His bby is likely someone who surprises him. They are something unexpected, something different than the usual people he deals with. Maybe they are someone with a powerful mutation, or someone who happened to gain the upper hand on him. Maybe they have been dealt a similar hand to him, being hurt to such a degree that it leaves lasting wounds on their psyche... Either way, this bby isn't scared of him. For some reason, they don't see him as someone to revile or hate... if anything, they might be neutral, or even cordial, with him. For once, someone just treats him like a person.
• Their first meeting could be anywhere, really. Perhaps they meet on opposite ends of a fight... perhaps they are in the same group for the time being... for this scenario, I think they would both be held captive by someone. A scientist who wants to study different mutants and their abilities, and in turn make them into weapons, pawns, their own personal soldiers. This person is cruel and manipulative, playing their captives against each other, in an attempt to leave them unwilling to unite against them. Yet for the bby... they don't crack...
• And for the life of him, Victor can't figure out how they did it... how his bby stayed themself, unbroken and untamed... but no matter how they did it, he's not complaining... this is their origin story of meeting, after all, and of course his bby would turn out to be as unbreakable as he is...
• Of course it's his luck to get stuck in this situation. Another freak-of-the-week mad scientist wantin' to try their hand at mutant experimentation. Yep. Just his freakin' luck. And this one... this one is one f*cked up son uv a gun...
• You're not having a great time. Some nut-case is capturing and testing mutants... and you're one of the (un)lucky souls who got caught. Your mutation can only do so much, and this complete psycho has prepared for almost every ability there could be. All sorts of drugs, plenty of torture devices, not to mention the actual power-negating stuff... and this freak doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon. They want to break you, to squash you into nothing and program you and every other mutant here into their personal toys...
• And you happen to have gotten on their nerve this time. It's not like this is the first time you've tried... but this is the first time they actually showed any outward signs of anger. They didn't take too well to you calling their work meaningless, a disgrace to science... so it seems they've finally decided to do something about you... So here you are, being dragged into a room and locked inside until they see fit to "test you" again... but... the thing is... you're not alone in there...
• Great... looks like they brought 'im some fresh meat... Victor groans a little as he gets up. Chains hold him to the floor, shackled to a thick metal cuff around each of his wrists. D*mn it... he can't even leave his side of this prison. And he takes a good look at what the lab rats brought 'im... and he isn't very impressed. It's a kid, that much he can tell... one who looks roughed up quite a bit... heh. Seems like someone made the doc mad.
• "Heh. Looks like we're gunna be stuck here fer a while, huh, whelp? Why don't'cha come closer, so we can get better acquainted?" He watches them, as they take in their new surroundings. The fresh meat winces as they move, but, they do approach him... yet they stay just out of reach... and then ask if he's okay...
• What? Is the whelp drugged er somethin'? They seem to realize what they just asked, and rub at their neck, looking sheepish. They point out that it's a stupid question, but that they are concerned. About him. "Uh, whelp. Ya realize ya should be more worried 'bout yerself, right? The doc must be rather p*ssed with ya ta throw ya in here with me." He lets out a cackle, then regrets it almost immediately when his chest aches with every breath. D*mn that f*cking *sshole doctor, professor, whatever the h*ll they claim to be! The whelp ain't the only one who earned the doc's wrath... whatever the loon gave him, it inhibits his healin' ability...
• "I guess the doc doesn't really like us, eh? This must be "special time-out" fer us, huh, fresh meat?" He sighs, his ribs aching with the motion. The kid hasn't stopped looking at him, but... it's not with fear, or contempt... if anything... they actually look worried fer 'im... They shuffle their feet uneasily, but he can't smell fear on them. None in the least. Blood, sure. Sweat, yep. But not a trace of panic or hate. Huh.
• You watch your cell-mate with concern. He's a giant. Chains hold him back, limiting his movement and leaving him trapped to the back of the cold room. Dark, dried blood covers him, and you can see wounds where the cuffs rubbed against his wrists. Not to mention the bruises coloring patches of his skin splotches of greenish-tinged black. He looks dangerous, deadly... but you stay near, asking if he wants something to eat...
• "Ya realize there ain't any food here, don't'cha, fresh meat? Unless yer offerin' ta be a sacrifice," he huffs out. But you just chuckle, and produce something hidden within the fold of your sleeve... it's a squashed protein bar... but... it's food...
• You ask the man if he doesn't mind that this is what you were able to hide on you. Then promptly explain that it won't taste very well, but it should sate some of his hunger. That he needs it just as much as you or anyone else here needs it. You notice the shackles restrict his arms to the point he can't lift them to his face... possibly as a method to force him to rely on the scientist and their minions for everything... you ask if he's still hungry, and that you're going to have to hold it for him while he eats, if he wants it...
• "'Kay, then. I promise, I won't bite ya. Scout's honor. Now, can ya come over here? I'm starvin'." He waits patiently as you approach him, bringing the much-needed food with you. You open it, holding it up for him to eat, still no signs of panic or fear. He can't help but chuckle a little at that. Looks like ta him, you're one tough little whelp. Maybe you're worth keepin' 'round...
• He takes a bite from the offered food, and you give him a soft, tired smile...
• "Not bad... hmm... thanks, whelp. I think we're gunna get along just fine..." With that, he devours what's left of the food... this moment is how you met Victor... and he never would've guessed that he'd end up with someone like you as his bby...
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mxltifxnd0m · 2 months
hehehe HI BABY <33 how are you wifey <33 i'm here to send stuff in for your milestone event!! congrats once again!! <33
i'm interested in 🗡️: thy enemy hehehe ; i'd love to get it with supernatural! my random facts are that my fav season is fall, my signature look is also a big brown jacket hehehe, i'm 100% moon coded, i'm learning some witchcraft, i'm very artsy (visual arts + dance), i'm super silly goofy and optimistic lol, andddd i love learning languages! hope those facts work LOL i wasn't sure what to say heh
and also! 🎥: interviews! i'd really like to ask who your favorite percy jackson characters are??? are there any characters or ships that you don't like? we should just talk more abt pjo together in general hehe <33
-mari @prentissluvr
OMG HIII LOVER MARI @prentissluvr !! <33 im doing well thank you for asking and i hope you're doing great as well!! also another huge thank you bc i wouldn't haven't gotten to this milestone with your post about wet hair sam!! (then it devolved into me writing a scenario about it and now we are where we are rn ;P)
okay okay time to get to the events you requested!! (they're going to go under the cut bc i fear it might be a long one LOL)
🗡️: thy enemy event! [also implied that you're a hunter]
⟡ lover: sam winchester
where do i start? sam would one, love love love your personality! your optimism, free spirited, and silly personality is what drew him to you in the first place. it was like a breath of fresh air after stewing in dean's pessimism and the dread that hung over the two of them while hunting/ being hunters for so long. he admires the fact that you love to learn new languages and even would try to learn the one you're currently learning atm. this totally didn't happened but before the two of you started to date and found out that you loved to pick up new languages, sam tried learning one of the languages you already knew to try and impress/surprise you with. the fact that you can dance and draw makes sam fall for you even more, loving the fact that you have such a creative spirit and it shows in the doodles you give him as you absentmindedly draw on napkins from a dinner or even have the opportunities to draw on his hand or arm. it also shows with how graceful and agile you are as you hunt.
sam would be so intrigued that you're picking up witchcraft! though he would be hesitant at first but eventually open up to the fact that you are. he would listen intently to your ramblings about what you had learned as you researched about the craft. sam would smile at your fascination with the moon and how much you love fall, being to see your face brighten when you see the leaves change and seeing you bundled up in your favorite brown jacket (that looks eerily similar to one in his closet) as you guys walk together hand in hand down the bustling streets of whatever town you guys are staying in for the time being.
⟡ best friend: jo harvelle
jo would adore your silly and goofy nature! at first she'd thought that your attitude didn't match hunters at all but as you rolled through the roadhouse every so often, she found it refreshing. it was better than the gruff and brash personalities that floated in and out of the bar that she was used to and found that when you come in, a smile stretched on her face as you greeted her eagerly. from then the two of you attached to one another like glue. she can always tell when you’re at the roadhouse because of the brown jacket you always wear when your favorite season rolls around. jo loves when you get slightly tipsy enough to where you start to dance with her in the empty bar after closing to the old jukebox in the corner or when you accidentally slip into one of the languages you’re learning or fluent in. the two of you as best friends would probs make the world collapse if you spent everyday together.
⟡ (fre)nemy: dean winchester
okay i don't think you'd have any enemies in spn, but you and dean would def have a frenemy/bickering relationship with one another. at first, dean would find your optimism a little grating and just confusing because why would someone so optimistic be a hunter? he likes to pretend he's a serious hunter but we all know deep down he is a silly goofy guy and seeing that reflected in your personality makes him envious that he doesn't express it is often as he wants to. so in turn he either shuns you or makes some off-handed remarks about it. but in turn you would dish it right back at him, throwing him off but then you guys would devolve into a little bickering battle, only ending when sam has to interject like a referee and almost separate you guys (sam sends you guys to opposite sides of the motel to cool down). but after a bad hunt, you sit with dean in silence and things shifted between of you. the bickering wasn't out of malice but dean has to keep up appearances and can't show that he tolerates you (even though by the time the bickering is over, there's a small smile on his face). he'll never admit this out loud but he finds it cool that you know a lot of languages and that you are creative spirit (you gave him sketch of the impala and he still has it to this day even though he said he was going to throw it out).
🎥: interviews!
⟡ i'd really like to ask who your favorite percy jackson characters are???
OMGG i have too many, i love all of them so much!! but if i had to choose like top five it would be: percy, annabeth, leo, frank, and reyna!
⟡ are there any characters or ships that you don't like?
oof ermm that is a tough question mari 😭😭. but for one FUCK OCTAVIAN im glad that little rat bastard died in blood of olympus LMAO (octavian got what he deserved) but other than him i don't really hate any characters in the pjo universe, but i mean i could also say the godly parents bc that's a given. but sally jackson is our queen! 🙌
when it comes to ships, most of them i like but there is one where it doesn't make sense in my mind lol which is leo and calypso? its not that i don't think leo could bag calypso, he literally did lol, but like we've seen leo's perspective in the books and mans would not benefit from a relationship. another than that i like any of the other ships that are canon or fanon. i'm not a huge shipper myself but i obvs love percabeth, solangelo, frazel, and jason x brick LOL.
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literal-insanity · 11 months
I made and Au for the Amazing digital circus.
Au inspired by a video made by Akuma Demon
Here is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/XPiOlM9tHEE?si=6SnpMFGhDkyaJgds
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This Au is called one’s a crowd.
Basicly here is how it started, jax was being himself like usual, he was a jackass, espeshily to gangle, and zooble had had enough, they hold jax by the neck and shoved him through a exit door near by, keep in mind, so far only pomni went inside the exit door, and the others know nothing about it, including jax. So when pomni saw this happing she tried to stop zooble, because she knew that jax could get lost in there. But pomni failed. Once jax was inside, zooble closed the door, that was when pomni explain how it’s like in the exit door, and how it just leads to the void.
As jax got up, he laughed, “heh, vary funny guys, don’t have to be so emotional!” Jax open the door he was thrown into, but it just led to a hallway with another exit door, just like what happen to pomni. I also headcannon that the exit door, is it’s own digital world, and time works differently there, it could be an hour in the exit door world, but In the circus it was only a few minutes. Time gose faster in the exit door world, and you can physically feel time change without having to look at the clock on the wall.
So jax spent 3 hours running in circles, getting more scared the more he got lost, the more alone he felt. Then he found a door with a white light showing under the door, it was something knew so it should be safe right? No. It led to the void, max floated a few steps forward. “T-this isn’t the circus…” he sighed, he looked back, the door started to phase away, jax stares in horror. Soon he starts going crazy as the stress was too much, laughing at himself, at how unlucky he is, how he is so screwed, he messed up to much.
“Heh isn’t this just amazing!? I MEAN IM PROBABLY MISSING IN THE REAL WORLD AND NOW MISSING HERE! AINT THAT ŠÔMËTHÏÑG!?” Jax gitched out as he fell to his knees, still laughing like a maniac, he starts to abstract, as the black glitchy ink starts to come from his back, once he notice the black ink and colorful eyes on his arm he started to laugh harder, “AHAHAHAAA! THIS IS JUST GREAT AIN’T IT? GOD THIS HURTS SO MUCH AHAHHAAA!” He laughs as he gets engolfs, and puffs up, fully turned into an abstract, never will be able to return…right?
Caine gets an notification on his watch, about someone in the void, he heads over quickly, seeing the abstracted Jax. He heads back to the circus to ask about it, it seems as the others sort of forgot about him, they seemed to be having more fun then Usual, once Caine heard what happen he teleported the abstracted jax into the bunker. Of course like always the abstracted knocked on the trap door, before giving up. Pomni felt so bad, but raga tha made sure pomni knew it was really zoobles fault, who dosen’t even feel that bad. We go back to the abstracted jax, the monster seems to look around, it’s breathing became steady. Caine explain, that the void dosen’t like traces of people stuck in it, and most of the abstracted was stuck to the cubes, so he had to restart the world, like he did when pomni and ragatha glitched out thanks to the abstracted in the pilot.
Once he did the abstracted jax shrunk. And all of a sudden less aggressive knocks where at the bunkers door. The others think it’s just the abstracteds trying to escape, but Caine knew that the abstracteds never knock again once they fist got stuck in the bunker, and the knocks were less aggressive and big, as if something not as strong was doing the knocking. Can unlocked the bunker and open it slightly. A yellow handed glove came out, “j-jax?” Pomni ask, as she recognizes the glove. What was heard next was jax voice. “Ugh, my head..” as he climbed out, Caine made sure to quickly lock and close the bunker door. Jax forgot everything that happen, or atleast forgot about finding the void and abstracting. All he knew was that he was trapped in the exit door world. But something was different, his appearance changed. (The photo above)
Basically jax has to deal with knew things not even Caine has seen before. Jax black spot will frizz up when he was made, and when he is scared or nervous, the black spot spreads and he turns into an abstract, only able to turn back to normal, or his new form when he calms down. And he hears theses voices, which is the mind of the abstract speaking, telling him to do what abstracts normally do, destroy others destroy the circus and such, this could cause jax to black out, and end up realizing he hurted others and practically almost destroy the circus, his mind doing what the voices Ask, just so they could shut up. It’s not like he necessarily feels bad, about hurting others, but it’s annoying how others have to lock him away or tie him up, and he just wake up tied up, or locked in his room.
I’m running out of battery so I will try to explain more later, let me know if you want more post about this Au
And I hope you like it!
Have a nice day
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nerd-chocolate · 2 years
Adoration Spoilers:
I just make a quote about Zoé x Cosette and used the confession scene in the canon to do that also there a bonus at the end so read that please. Also I’m using @razrrosamond oc and @artzychic27 ocs so I’m just tagging them
Zoé: But Marinette is not the one I'm in love with.
Cosette: Oh! Who is it then, Zo?
Zoé: *blushing at them while gently grabbing their hand*
Cosette: … *blushing as well* oh! Oh!
Zoé: *takes a deep breath* My feelings for you grew when I came to Paris and they kept growing ever since then. I wanted to tell you for so long but felt scared too since I didn’t know how you'd react.
Cosette: … well I'm surprised you have a crush on me since I also have one on you as well. But I was never going to tell you since you deserve a lot better than me, Zoé. You're an amazing person and you deserve someone who is just as amazing as you.
Zoé: But you're the best thing to ever happen to me! You were willing to give me a chance even after I acted rude to you and I want you as my girlfriend because you mean a lot to me but that is only if you want to be.
Cosette: *smiles softly* I would love to be your girlfriend.
Zoé: … *starts crying and hugs Cosette and then picks them up and spins them around with the happiest smile on her face*
Cosette a bit is taken for a moment: … *laughs while blushing* I love you, big dork.
Zoé: And I love you too, short geek.
Cosette: So how should we tell our friends that we’re dating?
Zoé: Hmmm… I have an idea how to tell them!
Cosette: Hm? What is it, Zo?
Zoé: You just have to wait and experience it yourself, my honey pie. *gently holds Cosette’s face, kiss their cheek* See you tomorrow!
Cosette: … ‘Dang… I find the pet names really adorable and cheesy.’ …Heh, I love that dork.
~The next day~
Jean: Hey guys have you seen Zoé? She was supposed to show me the plans for the end of the year party that is happening soon.
Lacey: I don’t think hav-
Zoé: *kicks the door open while bridal carrying Cosette* GUESS WHO GOT TOGETHER!?!?!
Cosette: *blushing while doing finger guns* Heyyyyy, it's us!
The science kids: …
Aurore: Congrats, Zoé. At least, one of us disaster lesbians got a girlfriend before the year ended.
Reshma: Yeah, I’m happy for you two!
Ismael: Especially since I don’t need to listen to Cosette’s bisexual disaster self about Zoé, anymore.
Cosette: HEY!! I wasn’t that much of the disaster. *Zoé kisses it’s cheek and it blushes with a smile*
Marc: Aww, reminds me when I’m with Nath when he’s grumpy sometimes.
Simon: *Holding Denise’s hand in a very affectionate way* Glad you two got together already since you two were pinning for each other for a long time.
Denise: Especially while we’re watching the whole thing unfold ourselves.
Mireille: Which leads me to think. Who was the one to confess first?
Zoé: It was me.
Lacey: YES!! I knew it!! Raelynn owes me some money for our bet! New shoes here I come!!
Cosette: Dang Lacey, you didn’t bet on me?
Lacey: Sorry, dude but you're too much of a bisexual disaster to that.
Cosette: .. Yeah, you're right.
Jean: ‘I wonder if I can convince them to have double dates with me and Austin? I probably can.’ Also Zoé, do you have the ideas for the end of the year party? I mean I’m happy for you guys but I do need the plans.
Zoé: *puts Cosette down* Oh I do, don’t worry. I'll show you after class.
Jean: Great!
Ms.Mendeleiev: *walks in* Okay, class, let’s settle down and get started shall we?
The science kids: Yes Ms.Mendeleiev! *they head to their seats*
Ms.Mendeleiev: Also, Zoé please don’t kick my door when you want to make an announcement okay?
Zoé: Oh, yeah, sorry Ms.Mendeleiev.
Ms.Mendeleiev: It's okay, just don’t let it happen again. Now let’s get started with the lesson plan. ‘Im happy for those two. Also I totally won that bet between Jean-Pierre. Heh’
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