#i think im just gonna wait until the whole season is out and then binge watch it
dmumt · 1 year
I know you like iasip have you seen the new season yet?
i haven't 😭 i've been meaning to but i've been so fixated on exo these past few months i kinda lost all touch with the iasip world i don't understand what any of my mutuals over on sunnyblr are talking about anymore .... so yeah i don't know much about the new season (im also way behind on the pod and like . what the general consensus on macdennis is rn) all i know is that there's a bowling ep that my queen artermis is in which im very excited for
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teeth-and-tea · 3 years
I've Been Hunting Slimes for the Past 300 Years and Now Ive Maxed Out My Level: incredibly long name aside, cute af slice of life that suffers Same Face Syndrome. I'm still happy to watch it because of how feel good and fluffy it is though, Im probably gonna forget about it in two or three years tho. 8/10.
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro: I found out this was a webcomic first and suddenly all the HORNINESS made so much more sense. A Femdom, Degradation, Humiliation, Dacryphilia Bullies to Lovers story disguised as a high school rom-com which, I'm not going to lie, misses SKEEVY CITY by mere inches on a regular basis. However, I'm a Dom/Switch and this entire relationship sets off my dom brain center like New York City just shy of midnight. So if you're into that sort of scene, this anime is for you. If not, it's still fascinating but you're probably gonna be a little put off by how mean the Girl!Bully is to the guy MC. Unless you find out something about yourself, in which case, congrats! Stay safe, sane, consensual, and learn about the traffic light system on top of safe words, I promise you'll have a better life in general after that. Still Ongoing, currently 10/10.
Fruits Basket: IM GONNA CRY I LOVE THIS ANIME SO MUCH???? The original anime came out when I was in... I think middle school and my parents were really strict on what I watched so I never got to experience the first wave and I never bothered to watch the show ever after I moved out of the house years later. However, now that I'm much older I honestly can say this is one of my favorite anime to date, and all the characters are charming, lovable, with their own problems that I can connect to or sympathize with, and I love the MC which is always a treat tbh. Except Akito. Akito can suck a sandpaper dick. I'm only on S2 tho so no spoilers! Anime 11/10.
Monster Girl Doctor: went in thinking it was gonna be a monster girl who's a doctor with a homoerotic assistant (her name is SAPPHY okay sue me for thinking it) and ended up watching the entire dubbed harem series. Honestly, I've seen worse and this one has consistent follow-through on interesting characters and backstory enough for me to shove aside the blatant under-monstrousness of the female monsters and the harem-ness of everything else. Dubbing is honestly really good, which is a treat, and the monster designs are not the worst and the MC is tolerable. Honestly, I don't mind having watched it! The mix of cgi and the traditional animation together work pretty strangely though, and it often doesn't flow super well. 7.5/10
So I'm a Spider, So What: Dubbed version which honestly isn't that bad. Took me a bit to get into it, but after realizing that it's got a mismatched timeline a la The Witcher, it made so much more sense. Heavily done in cgi, and you can definitely tell between the 2D and 3D animations, but not the worst in the world. I went in not expecting much but it ended up being an Issekai I can stand and even enjoy. On god has a decent story... with the spider. I'd be a liar if I didnt say I skipped some of the human parts just to get back to the best part of the show. 8/10.
Somali and the Forest Spirit: I'm so fucking nostalgic for this thing it makes me want to go and hug my dad. About a human girl under threat of being eaten with a monster-dominated world. Very obvious "humans fear what they don't understand" message but instead of the humans learning tolerance it's what happens when they get annihilated first so like, kudos for the mangaka for having the guts to do that. I cried like a baby regularly. It's really good, I watched the dub and ID WATCH IT AGAIN!!! 9/10.
To Your Eternity: Oh my god. O h my g o d. Fell in love on the first episode, ngl. About if an immortal being learned how to be a person from scratch. I love it. HOWEVER. Keep a box of tissues on you at all times because you're gonna need them. I'm only on EP7 because that's all that's out right now but just know. I love it. Not for everyone but certainly for my "what do we define as human and the human condition" ass. 12/10.
Those Snow White Notes: A sports anime without any sports. About shamisen playing which is cool because I never realized how cool this instrument was??? Its neat af. OP1&2 are by Burnout Syndrom so know theyre fire. Gonna be real, its pretty alright, but not extraordinary. You can tell they were using the characters as archetypes rather than actually characters which kinda kills a lot of the emotional value you could've had, but I'm still gonna watch it. It doesn't make me cringe as hard as other sports anime tho so I consider it toptier in that regards but if you're a big sports anime fan you might be bummed out by it. Every single musical performance is INCREDIBLE tho. A solid 8/10.
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun: THE ART OMFG IT'S SO GORGEOUS. Listen, if you took coptic markers and gave them an animation budget with some manga panel direction thrown in there, that's this anime. It's beautiful. Gorgeous. I'm in love with the aesthetic every second. Story? Really good. Characters? I love the MC and his evil little twin brother asshat. Demons? Not super imaginative but I'm carrying on happy as can be anyways. Dubbing? A bit shaky at times but I found the voices charming if a little off for some of them. I'm already waiting for the second season with popcorn at the ready. 10/10.
Prison School: I watched this directly after Hanako-kun and it was like I got slapped in the face by sweaty unwashed titties and some fedora wearing schmuck's piss kink. No character is likable or redeemable. I finished it, but at what cost? 2/10 and only because a character shit his pants and I laughed.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle: watched this right after Prison School and it was NECESSARY tbh. Its so CUTE and honestly, im not even kidding you, the fucking funniest anime I've seen in months. I watched the dub and the VAs are having the time of their lives working on this anime not just giving it their all but literally just going ham. Its great. If I read this im sure id be bored outta my mind but the VAs giving it a joyous performance make it an insta fave for me tbh. 9/10.
Sk8 the Infinity: i watched the dub with my bro and I can confirm that its a spectacular show because we both loved it and we have vastly different tastes. Incredibly SUSPENSFUL AND STRESSFUL for an anime about skateboarding but we finished it in a single sitting tbh. The last episode is not dubbed for some reason but we still loved it. Like if Free! was less obnoxious but the only fan-service here is Joe ♡ a beefcake who owns my lesbian heart. I think there's exactly one named female character tho and I legit couldn't tell you what it was if there was a gun to my head. So, over all, 9.5/10.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: I'm going to be entirely honest, I went in thinking it was going to be a boring isekai of no value. I was right about the Isekai part. It was honestly pretty interesting and focused on nation building like you're playing civilization rather than the usual "Get Stronger" narrative or "Get Some Pussy" narrative most isekais take which is delightfully refreshing. Granted there are flavors of that in this which means it doesn't alienate the big isekai watchers out there, but it's not the whole dish and it doesn't make me want to cringe the same way others do. You've got a slime MC just vibing and building a nation of monsters nbd. Does lose points for making the female monsters more humanoid than their male counterparts but makes them back by only doing perfunctory fan-service and nothing that makes me want to cry... except the butt sumo episode but in fairness it was all a terrible dream. Literally, the MC refuses to dream anymore after that. solid animation, decent voice acting, decent story, made me realize how HUGE this is in the Light Novel community???? There's like 18 fucking novels and that's WILD. 8.5/10.
Spirit Photographer Saburo Kono: a one shot special by the mangaka of The Promised Neverland! Honestly a really delicate touch of both super creepy and really touching, and I'm not gonna lie I'm bummed that this isn't a bigger project but the single chapter makes it a good taste for their style. I've been wondering if I wanna read/watch The Promised Neverland and now I think I will. 10/10
Deranged Detective Ron Kamonohashi: from the mangaka of Hitman Reborn comes this Sherlock and Watson derivative! Not even 20 chapters out yet with a sort of spotty schedule, I honestly love it even thought it's exactly as you expect. HOWEVER. Kamonohashi the "Sherlock" character uses mental pressure to kill all confirmed murderers and it's up to Toto the "Watson" character to save all those people before Kamonohashi kills them! It's just recently introduced a "Moriarty" family of crime lords (not a big spoiler don't worry it was obvious) so the tension surrounding Ron's past is amping up rn. Personally, I think the art is GORGEOUS, the characters engaging, and the story quick enough to keep my interest. Most mysteries are solved within a chapter or two so you're not stuck 20 chapters into one locked room mystery which is just peachy tbh. RN, 10/10. If this gets an anime, I anticipate a legion of fangirls who ship the two main characters along with their many friends. I've been alive too long to believe otherwise.
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: Yeah I read the manga after I watched the show. A slower build than the anime, but it works for the format, if theyd done the same with the show then I don't think it wouldve done as well. Honestly? Cuter tbh but just as horny. You dont start really LEARNING about your character until like, chap 65 tho and no real "drama" happens until like 75. A good chunk of the chapters are like 8pgs so its a breeze to get through. I love these slow burn idiots of the century. 9.5/10 because you can DEFINITELY tell the mangaka does hentai too.
Yugen's All-Ghouls Homeroom: one-shot by the mangaka for Food Wars, it's no wonder there's this constant perviness from the MC, a guy who can see and exorcise spirits. Takes place at an all girl's finishing school with KICK ASS monsters tbh, kinda bummed its not longer. The MC? Blatant monsterfucker who is also a CONFRIMED monsterfucker???? Idk i vibe with that single emotion. Everything else is hit or miss. 7/10 for monsters and cool concept, lost points for the MC very pointedly being okay with admitting he'd wait for the teenagers to be adults tho. Creepy af. Could live without that.
Hell's Paradise: I finished the entire 127chps in 3 days and I was really enthusiastic about it 90% of the time thinking about how deep it was and then I actually thought about it and I ended up being very neutral about the whole thing tbh. The art is fantastic tho, but DEFINITELY deserving of the M rating. Tits. Tits everywhere. But not tits to be ecchi over, no, monster hermit tits on beautiful women-ish figures. Now generally I give that a pass but a huge theme in the story is that men and women are "no better than one or the other" but like, lady tits are what you see 99% of the time. Men tits are few and far between. I call bullshit on most of the "deep" themes is what I'm saying, so it's like the mangaka was trying for those deep thoughts but missed the margin a little too far for my preference. That being said, the MC is a married man who loves his wife which automatically makes him my favorite character so like... idk so many good things, so many misses, but overall really spectacular themes and imagery. Unique but classic all at once. It's getting an anime and I have NO IDEA how much censorship they're gonna be doing but they're going to be doing SO MUCH. Oh yeah, and one guy is a plant/human hybrid who fucks a 1000 year old plant-hermit which makes him a canon monster fucker. And one canon non-binary character who I, a nonbinary, actually like. So like... gosh I've got mixed feelings. 8.5/10.
Choujin X: From Sui Ishida, mangaka to the mega hit Tokyo Ghoul comes this brand new manga!... Of one chapter, lol. Not really binge-y because it's just the one chapter out right now but I'm already keeping my eye on it. The grasp on anatomy in the art is PHENOMENAL and you can see Ishida flexing his art skill which is great. Can't give a true rating but I'm giving it a tentative 9/10 because I'm excited to see more.
Shag&Scoob: technically not a manga, its an ongoing webcomic I binged an subscribed to in one day and I just think it deserves more attention. Starts off funny with "what if Scooby Doo had a gun" and has been led to "what if all cartoons are aliens that survive and receive their powers by the humans that love them in an epic war with Martians." On god, its good. I finished the current series in a couple hours so it's a breezy read, highly recommend it. 9/10.
To Your Eternity: Yeah I watched the anime and then finished all current 143 chapters in like 3 days. GOD IM WEAK. I don't buy physical manga unless I know I want to remember the story forever and I'm already budgeting for the current books out. Yeah, this is a good series. That being said, definitely not for the faint of heart or those who suffer under common triggers like suicide, molestation, death, etc. It's all framed as bad and necessary to the story don't get me wrong, but it's there and has lasting affects on the characters. Incredible story telling by the creator of A Silent Voice. Keep tissues nearby at all times. 12/10.
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emmaswanned · 2 years
3 months ago I rewatched ouat and when binge watching, yeah captain swan gets together fast. They met, were something like allies and then enemies again, and they pretty much don’t get more interactions until the very last episode of s2 and just for a handful of minutes (in s2 they were still a “crackship” not for me tho😂) Then neverland’s pinning from hook and Emma obviously didn’t think it was for real, cursed for a year, Emma not wanting to acknowledge that she was into Hook and the last 2 episodes of s3 are literally captain swan heaven ending with them getting together. Back then it felt like ages😂 but we knew they were gonna get together (for me s3 made it obvious) and they might have kissed only once but they had beautiful moments in between that were much more meaningful and the pinning… 😮‍💨👌
But when you think abt it, shows nowadays are not even capable of that because like you say, they only have 8-10 episodes. And like 90% of them release the whole season the same day, so no weekly episodes or season hiatus. Maybe the waiting between seasons is 1-2yrs long but honestly the excitement is not the same, everyone is hyping for like 2weeks and then it quiets till next season comes out. Kids are not even used to watching a show of more of 15 episodes a season, I’ve heard them say “nah, too many episodes” and honestly I’m horrified 😅
So while I love captain swan with my whole heart, they’re not slowburn, if they had extended s3 pinning for more seasons we might have exploded 😂 And since ouat didn’t have a ton of seasons, Im glad they got together when they did because that way we got to enjoy them as a couple for 3 seasons (I still wanted to see them with their baby/toddler for more than 5 secs tho😭)
For example Mulder/Scully are slowburn, specifically since they were supposed to be “just friends”. Jane and Lisbon got together after 6 seasons, Brennan and Boot too, so yeah for 2000’s-2010’s that was slow burn, now it doesn’t exist
Im sorry for the long ask 🥺
No worries about the long ask anon friend!
The thing about OUAT too is it’s much more of an ensemble show than, like, Bones or Castle or X-Files, which gives OUAT less time to spend a ship like Captain Swan so they have to get together quicker than on a show like that if, like you said, they want any time at all to see them interacting as an actual couple. Now, I WISH OUAT was more of an emma swan character study than an ensemble piece but that’s another story LOL.
Anyway, I’m like you in that I shipped captain swan since early s2! That said though I STILL think they could’ve teased out the will-they-won’t-they vibes for, like, another season. They were uncertain allies/sort of enemies throughout s2 then they kiss just a few episodes into s3 and it’s really not long after THAT that they really get together. I just think they could’ve DANCED a little longer because the chase is fun :)
I really miss long tv seasons. 🥺 I miss knowing when OUAT would go into production and following the news throughout the year - I really think that’s the last show of its kind I really watched, everything else is pretty much short streaming seasons. The law and order franchise is still out there I guess… (and incidentally, rollins and Carisi on SVU are a GREAT will-they-won’t-they slow burn).
But yeah I get how the 20-25 episode season is a little too long for today’s audiences just because the face of tv has changed so much unfortunately. I advocate for compromising with 15-16 episode seasons like USA Network and TNT used to do. That leaves a chance to develop relationships over a long period of time while not dragging on too long for the tiktok teens….
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hoodharlow · 4 years
Las Cuñadas
AN: everyone thank Cal's trainer for not posting him bc now I'm back on  schedule. One of the characters introduced is dedicated to my bby @cherryxwildflower as thank you for always being down to hear me ramble about Cal and Claudia whether its a 3am or 2pm, ily. Another shout out to @karajaynetoday for sharing her Australian knowledge with me. And thank you to @d-oaks for always finding time to beta read and edit <3
Requested?: Yes by my girl @myloverboyash [AND BECAUSE IM GREEDY AF... “This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?” with Calum 👀🥺]
Warnings: smut, deadass wasn't gonna write it, pos ni modos
Word Count: 4.2k words
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Calum checked his phone again. Claudia and Ashton were supposed to be back at her house an hour ago. The night before the tour bus dropped them off in LA, Ashton hitched a ride with Calum to San Diego because Claudia invited him to an outdoor yoga class in Chicano Park. The two had insisted Calum join them, but he stayed behind with Claudia’s brother, Danny. 
“They were supposed to be back an hour ago,” Calum told Danny.
“They’re probably at Por Vida. Claudia never misses the chance to get an horchata latte,” Danny said; his eyes never left his phone. Then he lifted his head and looked at Calum for a few seconds. “Or she’s pestering Ashton for some details about your sister, so she doesn’t fuck up.”
“I told her thousands of times not to worry. My sister is going to love her,” Calum said. 
Danny shrugged and got up from where he was sitting. 
Calum watched Danny continue to text with one hand while he made a grilled cheese. He quietly placed one in front of Calum and leaned against the sink texting. He cursed to himself and placed his phone face down next to him.
“Okay, so I’m seeing someone and Claudia hates them?” Danny told Calum.
“Paco?” Calum asked, unsure who else Claudia hated. 
“What?— No!” Danny said flustered. “This girl from high school. They were rivals in almost every aspect from what clubs they ran to soccer."
"Is she the one that tripped Claudia when the scouts were there?"
"It was an accident," Danny defended. Calum raised his hands in the air, not wanting to get into it. Danny dropped his shoulders. "Sorry, Claudia is just really you know Claudia. When someone crosses her, they're her enemy for life… except for Ashton. Anyways, I'm bringing her over for Thanksgiving dinner and since your sister is going to be here, she'll have to be nice to her. Right?"
Calum shrugged and bit into his sandwich. They ate in silence. At some point Danny placed a bowl of fruit and a glass of agua de jamaica in front of him. Calum saw how similar Danny and Claudia were. Sure she may look like their mom while he looks like their dad, but their actions spoke louder. 
They both are very nurturing and protective of people they cared about. They see the best in people even when others don’t. It was amusing to watch them both act like they weren't similar when they were. 
Danny excused himself to make a phone call, leaving Calum to catch up on the first few seasons of Holiday Baking Championship. Claudia got him hooked on all the Food Network Baking Censorship shows. At the start of tour they had binged the Halloween Baking Championship.
The front door opened. Claudia quickly came in followed by Ashton. She walked past Calum and called after Danny. He looked at her walk around long enough to notice she wasn't wearing panties under her leggings. 
"I'm so glad Claudia doesn't hate me," Ashton said, taking a seat next to Calum. He sipped his iced coffee. Then he started playing with the sticker on the coffee cup. "We were at the coffee shop, and she bumped into this girl. They chatted a bit, but as we were driving back she went in. Something about how that girl ruined her chances of getting a full ride to UCLA only to get pregnant."
"She's pregnant!" Calum whisper-yelled. He turned to Claudia where she was talking to Danny in a hushed voice. She was gesturing to her stomach, motioning a pregnant belly. Danny's face paled as he listened to her. If Calum connected the dots properly, then thanksgiving was going to be messy.
Calum pulled up to Claudia's house after the show. Diego had originally driven Claudia to the show, but he ended up leaving early because he was going back to LA to film another episode of Guy's Grocery Games. Calum had been ecstatic to find out  Diego was one of the judges. He even posted how much he was a fan of Diego to his Instagram stories. While he waited for their turn to go on stage with the Chainsmokers, Calum posted a series of pictures of him and Diego. He even managed to sneak one in with Claudia in the ten slides.
There were mixed comments. Some sent Claudia virtual glares because her and Calum looked like a couple in the picture. Some recognized her as one of the radio hosts from their LA show at the Meet You There Tour. Some were just happy for him to be meeting Diego. His favorite comment was from Guy Fieri, which earned him a follow back. He was one step closer to meeting him.
"He cropped me out," Claudia gasped. She showed him her phone. It was a picture of him, Diego and Claudia's arm. 
"You think he'll follow me back now?" Calum asked before chuckling. 
"Maybe, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Took him three years to follow me back, and I'm his daughter. You're just some guy who raws his daughter." Claudia leaned over and kissed his cheek. She tugged him closer to her kiss his lips. "We should go inside. I'm getting cold."
"Is that why your nipples are poking through your shirt?" Calum joked as he playfully tugged one of them.
"No, it was because you parallel parked." She smirked.
They made their way inside the house. Claudia checked in with her parents to let them know they're home and are gonna watch a movie down stairs. She went to her room and slipped into one of Calum's sweats and some fuzzy socks before going back down. Calum was coming out of the guest bathroom clad in Claudia's greatest weakness, grey sweats and his Sensations shirt. 
Not even fifteen minutes into the movie and Claudia and Calum were devouring each other. Her hand lazily stroked his length through his sweats as Calum's hands ran over her thighs and ass.
They hadn't had the chance to enjoy each other. It had been almost a month since Claudia's birthday, the last time they saw each other. Even then Diego was with them, so they couldn't sneak off into a secluded hallway or Calum's car. 
"Here let me save this shirt of yours." Calum told her when he pulled away. "We wouldn't want you to poke holes through it. Plus I wanna love on them.” He smirked as he pulled down her shirt, releasing her breasts. He ran his thumb on her sensitive nipples.
Claudia leaned back, giving him better access, and quietly moaned out as he gently nipped under her breasts. Both of his hands were on her nipples, twisting and rubbing them. His tongue traced the pert peaks. 
She pulled his lips back to hers as she slowly grinded on his hardened cock. His hands went to her ass, letting her control their kiss as he guided her against him. 
"Want you, Cal," she said against his lips. 
"But I'm going to need you to be quiet… like not even a peep." Calum warned her. “Don’t wanna get caught like last time.”
"Pinky." She held out her pinky to him. He lazily wrapped his with hers before lifting her up just enough for him to pull down his sweats. 
Claudia greedily got on her knees and got a quick taste. "You're coming in my mouth," she whispered to him as she slipped off their sweats. 
She climbed onto his lap. She bit into his shoulder as Calum coated himself with her arousal before lowering her down his length. He pulled her arms around his shoulders. Then  his hands controlled her hips at the pace he wanted her. 
After a few minutes, Calum's hands wandered away from her hips. He lazily made figure eights on her with his middle finger while his other hand was toying with her breasts. 
Claudia pushed herself against his chest and quickened the pace she rode him. She dug her nails into his biceps as her climax neared. 
Then the front door slammed shut. Calum pushed her off him and pulled him sweats on while Claudia scrambled to get dressed. They both sat on opposite ends of the couch when Danny came by.
"What movie are you two watching?" He asked them. He turned on the lights and watched them carefully. 
"Watching a movie." Claudia shrugged as she looked onto the movie. She had no idea what they were watching until she saw Harry Styles in the water.
"Guess I'll leave you to it." He said shutting off the light.  "Oh and Calum, pick up your shirt. Don't think I don't know what you were doing. Mom and dad don't need more grandkids, Claudia."
Claudia checked the oven after letting the pavlova cool. She snapped off a little piece from the middle and went to the living room where her dad was watching Charlie Brown with his grandkids.
"Can you try it?" Claudia asked him. 
"Claudia, ya te dije que esta bueno." He told her.
"Please." She said, extending the 'e' sound.
He took the piece and ate it. He nodded, instantly loving how it tasted. 
Claudia clapped her hands and went back to the kitchen. She quickly whipped up some pomegranate curd from the leftover yolks. 
Her family left her alone in the kitchen, so she could make all of the desserts ranging from sugar cookies to pavlova; she even made chocoflan for Calum. They knew she was nervous that Calum's sister was coming over. She knew how much Mali meant to Calum, so she needed to make a good impression. 
On top of that Danny was bringing his girlfriend, which gave her a weird tug in her stomach because he always gave her vague responses when she asked about her. He didn't even tell her what her name was, so she couldn’t make her a name card. 
"¿No te has cambiado?" Soni, Claudia's mom, asked her when she walked in. The older woman was dressed like she was going to mass with her sky high heels, soft cashmere sweater and silk pants. Claudia couldn't compare in her Long Beach State t-shirt and Calum's sweats.
"I'm almost done. I just need to make some more whipped cream. Hay nomás para los pies y ocupo para esto." Claudia said, shrugging her off. 
"Vete a cambiar. I'll make it." Her mom shooed her out of the kitchen
Claudi rushed upstairs and struggled to choose what to wear. She sighed and went with a grey plaid overall dress and a long sleeve turtleneck under it. She undid her bun, letting loose her curls and clipped it with a ribbon hair tie. Lastly she did a simple makeup look. She slipped her phone in her pocket and made her way back downstairs. 
"Tía, is the poopyhead coming?" Damian asked her when she came down. 
"Yes, but can you not call him that? Just for today?" 
"Cookie and we'll see," he said in a negotiation tone.
"I'm gonna tell your mom," she said, crossing her arms. 
"Fine, but I want a cookie."
"Nomás una." 
Claudia made sure no one saw her snatch a cookie from the dessert cart. She handed it to him and waited for him to eat it, so Paloma and Guito didn't see her and asked for one too. They went back to the living room and watched the Cantinflas marathon Telemundo did every Thanksgiving. She took a seat by the window, checking every so often for Calum. A few minutes passed and Claudia watched Calum's Range Rover pull up. 
Claudia squeezed her eyes shut when she heard the doorbell. She felt like she was back at school on AP test day. The hollow ache in her stomach as it churned. She wasn't sure if she was going to throw up or pass out. 
Junior gave her knee a gentle squeeze and went to open the door. She heard Calum's laugh followed by hushed voices. 
Then she saw him. Dressed in all black as usual. He guided Mali to the living room and everyone greeted her. Damian immediately glued himself to her side and started making conversation with her. Lastly it was Claudia's turn to be introduced. 
"And this is Claudia." Calum told Mali, gesturing to her. 
"Hi." They both said at the same time. 
Mali gave her the warmest smile and reached over to hug her. The ice had melted with that gesture, and they clicked. They dove right into conversation while Calum was talking to Diego and Junior. They were waiting for Danny and his girlfriend to show up. 
Fifteen minutes passed, and the front door opened. There were hushed voices. Danny popped his head through the doorway and waved. "Hey, sorry we're late, traffic," he said. He pulled his girlfriend forward by the hand, revealing her to his family. "This is Medelyn."
Calum's eyes were on Claudia as hers were on Medelyn's belly. He couldn't read her face at all. He watched her hands ball up into fists before she stood up and left the room.
"I'm going to talk to Claudia," Danny announced after everyone greeted him and Medelyn. 
"It was nice knowing you, carnal," Junior called to him as he left for the kitchen.
Claudia was on the floor eating carne asada fries and sipping on sparkling cider when Danny came in. He grabbed a fork and sat next to her. They ate for a bit, passing the bottle until Claudia worked up the courage. "I guess you finally made a move on your high school crush."
"You knew about that?" Danny asked. 
"Everyone and their grandma knew, dude." Claudia snorted. She remembered how Paco would tease him about it. "And I saw y'all being all couply and shit at Eileen's 21st. Just didn't think much of it."
"Really? I thought you were too busy throwing drinks at Paulina to notice." He joked. 
"It was one drink!" she said defensively. "Do you remember that one Halloween when she forced you to be Danny Phantom so she could be Paulina?"
"I try not to. Mede was there, and I had asked her out before hand only for Paulina to fuck it up." 
They both laughed and continued eating. They caught up. Claudia learned that him and Medelyn have been dating for almost a year. They started talking when he ran into her the tattoo shop he worked at when she was with her sorority sisters. Things got serious between then as the months progressed. A few months ago they found out Medelyn was pregnant. 
Part of Claudia felt bad. Her and Danny used to talk about everything, but ever since her and Paco broke up, they just stopped. They’d only occasionally check in on each other. It  was around May when she worked up the courage to tell him about Calum. They spent hours talking about him. He even joked that it wouldn't have happened if he didn't hack her Facebook. The two of them looked up when they heard someone approaching the kitchen. 
"He's not dead," Junior yelled into the hallway. He sat next to them and grabbed Claudia's fork. "Why do I always find you both eating carne asada fries and sharing sparkling cider?"
"Tradition." Claudia shrugged. She took a sip and passed it to him. 
"Are you guys done with your heart to heart? Because Damian can only be cute-hungry for so long before he starts fighting." 
"Yeah, we're good," Danny said. He got up and pulled Claudia up. He picked up the locket around her neck. "I thought you lost it."
"Cal gave it to me for my birthday," Claudia said. She tucked it in her dress. 
"He's so whipped," Junior joked.
"Says the one that bends over backwards at whatever Marlene wants," Danny responded. 
Claudia left them and went to the dining room. She grabbed the empty place card next to Danny and wrote Medelyn's name. She wandered back into the living room and called everyone to eat. Calum gave her hand a squeeze and went to his seat next to Mali only to get pushed by Damian because he wanted to sit next to her. 
"Oi mate, that says Calum," Calum said, pointing to his place card.
Damian grabbed it and went to where his place card was and swapped them. "No it doesn't."
“Are they always like that?” Mali asked Claudia’s family, gesturing to the couple. 
Calum and Claudia were against the kitchen island in their own little world. Calum was toying with the hem of her dress, smiling at Claudia while she deseeded some pomegranates. She made him open his mouth so she could explode some seeds in his mouth, giggling as he playfully tried to bite her.
“Yeah and they’re so predictable,” Danny said. He pointed at them. “Watch him whisper something into her ear, followed by Claudia getting all shy and tucking her hair behind her ears.”
“I doubt that’s—”
As Danny predicted, Calum got up and towered over Claudia. His hand was on her shoulder as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear. Claudia stepped back, clearly smitten at what he said and tucked her hair back, giving him a sheepish smile. She turned away and poured the pomegranate seeds in a large plate with mixed berries.
“I think that’s enough of that.” Diego grumbled, getting up to break up the lovers' gaze between Claudia and Calum.
“Déjalos, they haven’t seen each other in a month.” Soni said, placing her hand on his chest. She turned to everyone else. “Let’s go to the living room.” 
“I’m just going to get a quick picture to show my mum how whipped her son is” Mali pulled out her phone. She snapped the picture and sent it to her mom. She laughed at her mom’s response and made her way back to the rest of the family.
Calum grabbed a bunch of pomegranate seeds and popped them in his mouth. He reached for some more only to get his hand smacked away.
"Stop, I need them." Claudia said sternly. She went over to the fridge, looking for the whipped cream her mom made. "Did I take out the whipped cream? I can't find it."
"Maybe lower?" Calum suggested to her. He dipped a finger in the whipped cream as he watched Claudia. He had a great view of her ass. Her dress bunched up enough that he got a peek of her black lace panties. 
"I swear she made it. I heard the mixer when I was chang— I fucking swear if you're making me bend down to see my ass, I'm gonna eat your chocoflan."
"Oh, look I found it."
Claudia pulled her head out from the fridge and grabbed the bowl from him. Calum rested his elbows on the counter, placing his chin on his hands as he watched her decorate the pavlova. Her hands delicately sprinkled pomegranate seeds. Then she grabbed the pomegranate coulis and drizzled it over the pavlova in circular motion. 
Calum pulled out and discreetly took a picture of her and made it his new lockscreen. He loved watching Claudia in her element. Her personality always showed in her baking. Fearless and precise. 
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Claudia asked, breaking him from the trance he was in. She walked over to him and sat on his lap. His arm instinctively went around her waist. 
"I love watching bake and decorate." He shrugged. "Gives me a glimpse of how your mind works."
"Really?" She sounded surprised. She wasn't expecting to hear that from him.
"Yeah, you're very calculating and aren't afraid of trying new things. It's one of the things I love about you."
Claudia was taken back at his confession. Comments like those always seem to find a way to surprise her. Mostly because no one's ever told her things of that sort. People usually just give her surface level comments. Calum always found a way to be sincere and deep.
"You're sweet, Cal," Claudia said. 
She leaned over and kissed him. Calum's hand held the back of her head and kissed her back. Her hand was on his cheek letting him deepen the kiss. There were no intentions to go any further. They just wanted to kiss each other. 
Soft piano filled the house, making them pull away.
"Oh god, they made Mali play." Claudia sighed. She pulled away and placed the pavlova on the cart with the pies and cookies. 
"You have a piano?" He asked. He got up and followed her out to the living room.
By the time they got there, Mali was finishing up her song. Damian was the first to clap. He leaned over and hugged her, sticking his tongue out to Felix. 
Claudia furrowed her eyebrows at Felix. She could've sworn he said wasn't coming down for Thanksgiving. He greeted Calum with a hug, joking about Mali being the talented sibling before he reached her. 
"I thought you weren't coming." Claudia exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him.
"I wasn't, but since I'm moving to London over Christmas, I decided to come visit. Then my mom sent me over to bring your parents tamales," Felix said. He leaned and whispered. "Ya vi que llegaron todas las cuñadas."
"I know, there's so much to unpack with that," She whispered back. "Also London?"
The night wore on. Junior and his family left. Damian gave Mali extra hugs and made her promise to visit soon. Claudia's parents retired to their room while everyone stayed downstairs to watch Pan's Labyrinth. Mali and Felix were off to the side discussing London and all the good things there.
“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it. So I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?” Calum blurted out to Claudia as he hid his face into her chest. 
“There’s more to it than some monster with eyes on his hands," Danny piped up. "Memo explores good versus evil versus innocence. We have a kid being forced to do 'courageous' grown up shit, but it's even scary for most adults, stripping her from her innocence. Ofelia only wants to be the princess of the underworld, but she can't because of the shit she has to do. Saving her brother from Pan and the general, then impedes her from going back to the underworld and then she dies. Don't get me started on Aragorn because that's a whole different conversation. Basically Memo is saying that in a world torn by war, there is no room for innocence." 
"My baby is gonna be so smart what the fuck," Medelyn cooed. She shifted and kissed him.
"Since when are you smart?" Claudia asked.
"Mensa, we were in the same Spanish class when we saw it." Danny scoffed at her.
"Yeah and?" 
"What does that say about you, mensa?" 
Claudia stayed quiet, unsure how to respond. 
Danny smirked and rubbed Medelyn's belly. "Your tía  is being stupid as always. Sorry you had to hear that, baby."
"Well, I'm gonna get going before the twins fight, and Danny makes Claudia cry." Felix announced. He went around hugging everyone. Calum eyed him as he and Mali talked in hushed voices. He gently squeezed her arm and left. 
"What do you think they talked about?" Calum whispered to Claudia. She shrugged and sniffled. She turned away and Calum caught a glimpse of tears streaming down her cheeks. "You okay?"
She shrugged once more, and got up, wiping her tears. 
"Ah, fuck." Danny mumbled. Whispering to Medelyn, he got up and went after Clauida. Seconds later Claudia's blubbering cries were heard followed by steps retreating up the stairs. Danny came back and sat with Medelyn. Calum was quick to get up, but Danny grabbed his arm, stopping him. 
"She's gonna be okay." He told Calum, "Let her process. Today was a lot for her." 
The movie finished and everyone settled into bed. It took a lot of convincing from Claudia for her parents to allow Calum to sleep with her, so that Mali could have the guest room to herself. 
Calum emerged from her bathroom and climbed into bed. Claudia rolled over and hugged him. He rubbed her arm. 
"You okay?" He asked her.
"Yeah, I'm just tired." She sighed. 
"I would be if I baked as much as you did." He said. He felt her smile against him. 
"Did you like the pavlova?" 
"Yeah, it was fucking good. It was nice to see something from my culture and stuff. To be honest, I was surprised to see American food."
"Thanksgiving is the only time we eat like white people. My mom goes all out with the turkey and green bean casserole."
The loud knock on her door followed by a struggle with the door knob startled them.
"You locked the door?" Claudia whisper-yelled to him, climbing off the bed to open it.
"¿Qué dije? Que la puerta sin seguro y a dormir. No que le pusieras seguro a la puerta y que estén platicando," Diego scolded her.
"I know, I'm sorry. We're going to sleep right now," Claudia mumbled. 
Diego peeked into her room and held up two fingers at Calum. "Strike two."
"What was the first one?" Calum asked, confused. 
"That little bathroom break you both had when we were in the living room. I already have one grandkid on the way. I don't need more."
"And you won't; we use many forms of protection." Calum smiled innocently. 
"That's three."
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
Chapter One:
𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓜𝔂 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴
(First chapter is a little longer than I planned oops! Sorry not sorry but please let me know what you think of the story so far in comments!)
‘God I wish I could go home.’ I thought to myself as I worked. Today I had an early morning shift, which meant I had to be up at 5 am. As a non-morning person that took a lot of effort and a lot of coffee to get me up. I mainly worked by myself so it was just me and my wandering thoughts during my 7 hour shift. My mind mainly focused on what I finished binge watching last night. The Umbrella Academy. I was shocked but also excited with the ending. Even though the thought of what happened to ghost Ben broke my heart, I still cant wait for what’s in store for season 3.
I began to wonder what it would be like to live a world such as the Hargreeves siblings. I thought it be way more exciting than my normal boring life.
My phone buzzed signaling that it was time for me to take my break. I didn’t realized how much time went by while I was daydreaming about my Umbrella Academy fantasy. As I entered the break room, I realized I was the only one with a break at the time. I sighed contently. I find it rather peaceful being alone all the time. It beats having to be in a cramped room with all your other obnoxious coworkers. My break was ending soon so I decided to leave the room and head over to the restroom. When I opened the break room door however, it wasn’t the store I worked in at all. I stared wide eyed into a blue vortex that was blowing air everywhere. I put my hands to my face trying to shield my eyes from the bright lights flashing when suddenly I felt my whole body being lifted up. Im not the type that screams when im scared, I’m the type that cant let out any noise when im truly frightened. So with a gasp, I was sucked right into the vortex.
I dropped down into an alleyway. I groaned as I laid on my stomach for a few moments as I tried to piece together what the hell just happened. For some weird reason my mind felt all fuzzy and I couldn’t exactly remember anything. I decided to get up now and take a look around. Stepping out of the alleyway I glanced around. I seemed to be in a downtown area with stores that looked..outdated? That’s really weird. I walked down the sidewalk until I stumbled upon a very familiar scene, although I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I saw a boy in a school uniform sitting on a bench next to an older man in a suit. I watched from the side as the two talked. I started to get a bad feeling, like something was about to shift. Across the street I watched as a bus pulled up to a stop. In the back of my mind I could hear gunshots. I got goosebumps all of a sudden as I rushed to the boys side.
“Excuse me but you need to move right now!” I said to him while shaking his shoulder slightly. He looked at me in confusion and with a slight anger in his tone he asked “who the hell are you?!”
I shook my head. “Please you have to listen to me! Three men are about to get off that bus and start shooting at you!”
Just then, the three men did come off the bus. They began walking towards us.
“Who the hell are those guys?!” The boy said, trying to get a good look at them.
“Shit.” The older man said as he put something in the boys pocket.
“FIVE!” I shouted. In a matter of moments the men started shooting at us. The older man had shoved a briefcase in front of us and somehow the boy and I found ourselves behind a car. The briefcase now having bullet holes in it. “How many times did I say bulletproof briefcases.” The boy said in disappointment.
“I think I’m going to be sick..” I groaned as I held my stomach. Did we really just teleport from the bench to this car?! The sound of guns cocking and footsteps nearing us made the boy grab my hand and teleport us again. This time on a roof.
“Oh my god I’m going to throw up!” I groaned again. This time we were laying down on top of a roof. The boy quickly shushed me. “If you don’t shut up they’ll find us and kill us.”
The thought of being shot to death quickly made me stop complaining. He stuck his head up a little to see if the coast was clear. When it was, he grabbed my hand and teleported us both back down into the alleyway.
I ended up vomiting up a little bit. “Sorry about that, didn’t mean to make you sick but if I didn’t, well then you’d be dead.” His way of trying to comfort me did not comfort me in the slightest. “Thanks?” I said as I wiped my mouth and turned back to face him. “Who are you and how did you know that was going to happen before it happened and how do you know my name!?” He bombarded me with a whole lot of questions. I stared back at him in confusion as I stuttered trying to find the answer to these questions i truly did not know. His attention was then directed elsewhere. He looked towards a window in suspicion. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.” He said before heading towards a door into the back of a building. “Hey wait! Don’t leave me here.” I said before he teleported away inside. “Wait here my ass..” I mumbled before following him inside. Luckily the door was unlocked. I followed him up some stairs where he knocked on a door. The door next to the other one opened up and a man poked his head out. “What do you want?” The man asked suspiciously.
“Hi I’m selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was wondering if you —“ The man shut his door without a word. Five then teleported into the mans home without a second thought.
“He really needs to stop doing that.” I said to myself as I tried to open the door. To no avail, it was locked. I sighed as I waited for them to open the door for me. I could hear the other man let out a small scream. They were talking some more until the boy finally came and opened the door for me. He teleported back into the other room where the man was. He jumped a little at how close the boy appeared to him.
“Listen to me I —“ The boy began.
“E-Elliot Elliot, m-my name is Elliot.” He said while backing up.
I looked around at all the newspapers and things plastered on the walls. Guess this guy is super into SciFi.
“Whatever, alright! I got 10 days to find them and save the world, and I’m gonna need your help to find them.”
I looked at him when he said that. Something about what he said rang a bell in my head. God why I can’t I remember anything clearly!
He turned to me. “And you? What’s your name?”
I shook my head solemnly and looked down at the ground. “I really wish I could tell you but I just can’t remember anything clearly.” I said truthfully.
“Well what was the last thing you do remember.” He said, this time his tone was more sympathetic.
“I remember being somewhere and..and opening a door, I think. The next thing I know is falling onto the pavement in that alleyway.”
“Hmm..” was all he said before taking a sip of coffee.
“I know I sound absolutely crazy but it’s true!”
“Well, my whole life is crazy so I understand” he sighed.
“I must’ve accidentally time traveled you too along with the rest of us.” He muttered before looking me up and down. “I can tell you’re from my time, your clothes don’t match the sixties fashion.”
My eyes widened. “Wait hold up..did you just say the sixties?!” I looked over at the other man. He waved at me but I just stared in disbelief. “Plus you also have a cellphone in your back pocket.” I reached down to my back pocket and pulled out my phone. “Oh shit maybe this could help me..” I tried pressing the home button but it wouldn’t turn on. “Just my luck, it’s dead. I doubt there’s a charger around here.” I said sadly as I put it back in my pocket.
“What I don’t understand is how you knew what was going to happen. Is that your power?” He asked nonchalantly. As if having powers is normal.
I knitted my brows is confusion. “My powers?! What are talking about, I don’t know! How do I even know your name? I’m not sure about that either Five!” I crossed my arms around my torso and held myself tightly. “It’s like I know you somehow..all of you. This all just seems so vaguely familiar.”
“You know my siblings names too?” Five asked.
“Yeah there’s..” I ondered on the thought for a few seconds before I could clearly say each of their names. “Diego, Vanya, Klaus, Allison, and Luther.” I said without a second hesitation.
Five looked up at you in curiosity. He’s never met anyone quite like you. Suddenly I got flashes of what seemed like memories. Of the brother Diego. He was in a hospital of sorts and he seemed to be sitting in a circle of patients, talking.
“I think I might be able to help you look for one of your brothers?” I said sounding more like I was asking a question.
Five nodded. “Where do we start?”
“I wanna say he’s in a sort of hospital or something. l don’t really know where for sure though.” I shrugged.
“She right actually!” Elliot chimed in. He went over to a desk drawer and pulled out a newspaper clipping. “Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley.” I read aloud.
“Diego.” Five muttered as we looked at the article. Five then took the paper from Elliot and put it in his pocket. “Let’s go, you’re gonna help me find all of them.” He said to me.
He began walking away towards the door, ready to start his mission.
“Woah woah woah! Hold on mister, what makes you think I should come with you? Have you forgotten about the three men that were shooting at us? There’s a fat chance that they’ll still be hunting us!”
Five turned back to me and shrugged. “They’re hunting me not us. They’re the Swedes as everyone would call them. They’re brothers and they work for my former employer at the Commission. I already know how to handle them. That won’t be our problem.”
“I don’t know Five. I might just slow you down. I’m a liability..”
He shrugged again. “Maybe you can actually fight, we don’t know that yet.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes. I decided to follow anyways.
“Key word Five, ‘yet’. And I don’t think I wanna know if we really do get in trouble.” I said as we walked out the door
In a short time we found the hospital Diego resided. So are we breaking him out of here or what’s the plan?” I asked as we went inside the large building. “I’m not entirely sure yet..” Five said.
Five talked to the front desk lady and she led us to a visiting room where we waited for them to bring Diego to us.
The orderlies led Diego in the room a few minutes later. “Five.” Diego stated as if he didn’t believe it was really him. He glanced at me as he sat down on the chair across from us but quickly put his attention back onto Five.
“Hey Diego.” Five replied back. All were quiet until Five broke the silence. “You look good in white.” He sarcastically remarked. Diego rolled his eyes. “About time you show up.”
“How’d you know I’d be back?” Five questioned.
“Because that’s the kind of shit you pull.” Diego said as if it were obvious.
“Where are the others?” Five asked.
“They’re not with you?” He said then glanced at me again. “And who’s this?” He said confused.
I smiled slightly and put my hand out to shake his. “Hi, I’m...well actually I don’t know who I am.” Diego shook my hand and gave me a skeptic look and turned back to Five.
“It’s a long story but basically when we teleported, I accidentally teleported her too. I don’t know how exactly, time travel is a roll of the dice. I haven’t exactly worked out all the quirks..” Five explained.
They went on talking to each other as I started to drift into my thoughts. Why am I here? What’s wrong with my memory? None of this is making sense. I don’t belong here. I need to find a way home. All Five seems to care about is this doomsday thing. It all just seems too unreal!
I was brought back to reality when I heard Five stand up and shout. “Guard! My brother here is plotting an escape. The bars in his room have been shaved down.”
In a matter of milliseconds Diego jumped up and pranced forward trying to strangle Five as the guards tried to hold him back. I quickly stood up trying not to get in the way. A nurse then came in and injected Diego with something causing him to knock out. Five tugged at my shoulder and leaned in to whisper something. “We’ll come back for him later.” He said and began walking away with me following right behind.
“How could you let them do that to your poor brother?” I said. He doesn’t look like he belongs in a nuthouse.
“Diego’s fine, he knows how to take care of himself. Like I said we’ll come back later.”
I sighed as we walked out the building. I gasped as a sudden flash of memories passed through my mind. I had to stand still afterwards. It had caused my head to start aching. “I need to sit down Five.” I said wearily. He led me over to a bench just outside the hospital entrance. “Did you just have another vision?” He asked with hope in his voice.
“Yeah Luther..” I groaned as I massaged my head.
“Well then let’s go.” He stood back up. Oh god how can he be so active all day and not rest for a minute?! I thought as I looked at him.
I made a tsk sound and shook my head. “No no no no, you can go find your other brother, I’m just going to stay right here.”
“What? Why!?” He frowned.
“Because Im tired Five! I can’t do this all day. I need to stop and think. It’s frustrating when you can’t remember shit!” I yelled and put head in my hands. Five looked down at me in sympathy. “I know it must be tough but don’t give up. I’m sure your memory will come back to you in time.”
“I sure hope so...” I said while looking back at him. “Which is why I think I should stay here. You said yourself you wanted to come back later on to get Diego anyways.” I said making a valid point.
“Hmm..I guess you’re right. You’re sure you’ll be fine here?”
“I’ll be good. There’s people all around here too so it’s not like the Swedes can just come up and shoot me.”
With that, I told Five the name of the Club Luther was at in my vision and he took off. Hours went by and soon it was night time. Five was nowhere to be seen. My memory didn’t come back yet either. I let out a huff as I waited on the bench. What do I do if Five doesn’t come back? I can’t break Diego out by myself. I can’t go back to Elliots because I don’t even know my way back. All I could was stay there. A few more hours went by and soon there were no more people walking about. I now started to regret not going with Five. It’s sketchy as hell out here by myself. Suddenly I saw a truck pull into the hospitals parking lot. It looked like a milk truck. Why the hell would a milk truck be here in the middle of the night? My question was answered when I saw the three men from earlier get out of the truck and load up their guns. I jumped off the bench and quickly tried to hide myself, scared that they were going to spot me. I watched as they made their way into the front doors. Shit they must be after Diego! What do I do? I don’t think I can fight. Five said Diego could take care of himself though. I trust that he can. My best bet is to try to make my way to Elliot’s home. I got up and began to walk away from the hospital.
It felt like I had been walking for a very long time with no final destination. I got myself lost. I ended up walking in a neighborhood. I could tell it was started to get very late because mostly all the house lights had turned off. As I turned down a street I saw flashing lights coming from the left of me. Police cars were surrounding someone’s house. They seemed to be arresting a man. I wondered what was going on. Before I could ponder on the thought any longer, something else caught my vision. I saw a fucking milk truck parked down the way. No way in hell thats them. The moment I saw the truck they seemed to have spotted me because the head lights turned on. “Fuck.” I said under my breathe and sprinted off down the street on my right. The car then began to chase me. I ran and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I tried to turn down every street I could so that I could loose them, but they always seemed to be on my tail. I made my way into a narrow alleyway. I took a right and then a left and then another left. To my surprise I had just lead myself into a dead end. “Just my luck..” I breathed out.
I turned to look to see if they were coming as I breathed heavily. All this anxiety wasn’t helping me catch my breathe. I looked around me to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself. Looking through a dumpster I luckily found a metal pipe. I held it up ready to swing at who ever tried to come near me. In the next few moments they came down the alleyway. With guns. How could I forget they had guns?! None the less I still remained calm with my metal pipe. As they approached me they saw that all I had to defend myself with was a metal pipe. They smirked and the one in the middle let out a small chuckle. The one in the middle that seemed to be like the leader put his gun away. The other two just lowered theirs. The leader made his way towards me. “Don’t you come any closer!” I yelled, tryingto sound mean but all I sounded like was scared. He went in for a swing but I dodged. I then went for a upper hand swing with the pipe but he quickly grabbed it. As if it were a reflex I picked up my leg and kicked him in the chest which caused him to fumble backwards. He looked taken aback for a quick second before resuming to fight me. How I had all these moves, I have no idea! I guess Five was right. Maybe I did know how to fight. Not good enough though. I went in with a high kick almost hitting his jaw but his reflexes were way faster than mine. He caught my foot before I could touch him and with the slightest effort he spun my whole body and I crashed onto the hard cement. I let out a groan and tried to crawl away to the wall to try and pick myself up. When I got to the wall the man turned me around as I stood there. I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes. “Please don’t kill me..” I said in a hushed tone as I shook my head slightly. He looked at me with curiosity. His two brothers slowly approaching from behind him. He turned to look at the taller one and gave him a nod. I looked at them in confusion. What was their none spoken agreement?! Before I could think any longer the taller one turned his gun around and knocked me on the head causing me to pass out.
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ptersparkers · 5 years
hi, peter parker
summary: the four nights spider-man visited your window and the one time he stayed.
a/n: this has been in my drafts since early 2018 and i am in love with peter parker. anyways im so grateful to get to hear back from you guys and i love seeing messages from you lot!!
warnings: none, just fluff 
masterlist / taglist 
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To think you had said no to a night out.
You sighed and looked at your phone, your friend Taylor sending you a video via snapchat wishing you were at a friend’s house party. Initially you had declined because of a stressful week at school, but now you were bored out of your mind.
‘Sorry, Tay,’ you texted. ‘Maybe next time.’
Your phone’s clock read three minutes until midnight and you figured it would be best to sleep. You scoffed at the thought of resting when your body’s clock was rendered to stay up until four in the morning - what you had been doing some nights to study for upcoming AP tests. Now that that was out of the way, it’s like your body couldn’t fall asleep until well after midnight.
You groaned to yourself and switched on the small light by your bed. The light was dim enough so it wouldn’t bother the neighbors across from your apartment. Your eyes were closed for a total of, what felt like a millisecond, before you heard knocking on your window.
“What in the world?” you muttered. You stood up from your bed and immediately saw a red mask greet you.
“Hey there! I know this is weird, but you’re the only window with the light on and I really need to stop before I fall. There’s a whole bunch of houses and I need to fix my web shooters,” said the man in the mask, which you knew to be Spider-Man.
You stared at him, unable to comprehend what you were about to do. “Oh, um, sure,” you said before opening your window. You stepped aside and let him in. Spider-Man crawled through your window and landed effortlessly on the carpet, not making a sound.
“That was almost graceful,” you commented. “I’m pretty sure my mom would’ve thought I snuck out.”
“Do you sneak out?” he asked.
“Nah. I’m too lame to try. Do you want water or anything?” He shook his head.
“No, I just need someplace to fix my web shooters. I think they got jammed,” he replied.
“Okay, cool,” you said awkwardly, balancing from one foot to the other.
“Can I sit on your bed?”
“Uh, sure.”
“Do you have a small pick by any chance?”
“I have tweezers?”
“I guess that’ll do.”
You fetched tweezers from your makeup vanity and gave them to him. He instantaneously began working on his web shooters as you stood and watched. His head shot up and he faced you.
“I’m sorry, I never introduced myself. I’m Spider-Man,” he said, extending his hand for you to shake.
“Y/N,” you replied. “Welcome to my humble abode.”i
“Thanks! I really like the board above your bed with all the polaroids. It looks so neat that I fear I might mess it up from all the way over here.”
You laughed and sat beside him. “I’ve been obsessed with taking polaroids for two years now. I made it a point to capture the best memories and fix them into some sort of memory board so I can remember the good times.”
“That’s smart. I wish I was artistic and creative, but I can barely draw a straight line with a ruler,” he said. You watched as he worked and sat in silence for a moment.
“Say, do these web shooters get stuck all the time?”
“Not usually, I just think I haven’t really been able to update them or clean them out. I’ve been busy with all this ‘saving the little guy’ stuff,” he said.
“Is it fun? Being Spider-Man, I mean. You’re practically an Avenger,” you asked.
“I’m technically not an Avenger. Well, not yet. I’ve been working with Mr. Stark for a little bit, but it’s mostly keeping Queens safe for now.”
“Sounds like you’ve got a serious job on your hands.”
You could see the eyes on his mask move like he was smiling underneath. “Yeah, I do. I’m glad people can understand that.”
“So, what kind of things do you do on your day off? I’m sure you’re not always swinging around and hanging out in the homes of strangers.”
He laughs. “No, not really. I don’t know, I hang out with friends sometimes.”
You thought about asking him more, but decided against it. His life outside of being Spider-Man was his own.
“Wow, that sounds pretty mundane. I do pretty much the same, except school’s almost over and I have a month until summer break,” you replied. Spider-Man hands you back your tweezers and fixes the web shooters back on his suit.
“Any fun plans for the summer?”
“As of right now, no, but who’s to say?”
Spider-Man laughed and walked towards your window. “I’m sure you’ll find something fun to do. Thanks again, Y/N.”
“See ya!” you say as you watch him exit the window and swing away.
Summer was just around the corner. It was another Friday night and you had decided against studying for finals because it seemed that that was all you did in your free time. The sky was getting dark out and you decided to stay in bed tonight and binge watch shows on Netflix, turning your phone on silent. You had enough snacks to last you the entire night and popped your headphones in, pressing play.
It wasn’t long before you heard tapping on your window. Curiously, you stood from your bed and saw Spider-Man.
“You again,” you said playfully as you opened up the window. “What do you need this time?”
“Honestly? I think I need a little break,” he said. “I’d also love to take this suit off, but my identity is something I’d like to keep hidden for a little while.”
“That’s fine,” you replied. “I’m not really in a rush. Not that you need to tell me who you are or anything, ugh, you get what I mean.”
Spider-Man laughed and pointed at your window and you nodded, watching as he climbed his way through.
“Can you even breathe in that thing?” you asked, pointing at his mask.
“Oh, yeah! It’s a breathable material and lets oxygen pass so I’m not always suffocating myself. That’s how I’m able to keep the mask on at all times.”
“Interesting,” you said, sitting on your chair by your desk as he took a seat on your bed.
“Studying for finals?”
“More like procrastinating. Well, all I do is study and I deserve a break,” you said.
“That you do. Final season is coming up and I’m dreading having to -”
“Wait, you’re in school?” you asked, interrupting his speech.
Spider-Man looked at the ground, the walls, and anywhere but your gaze.
“I, uh, yeah?” he said with uncertainty, scratching the back of his neck.
“If you think I’m going to look all over Queens to find out which school you go to, I’m letting you know now that I won’t. That seems like too much effort and for all I know, that isn’t your actual voice,” you replied, twirling a pen in your hand.
“Phew, thank you,” said Spider-Man, pretending to wipe sweat off of his forehead. “Damn, all of this swinging made me really hungry.”
“You should try the deli down there. It’s called Delmar’s and it’s my favorite sandwich shop. Also, asked for the sandwiches to be smushed! Don’t ask me why, but it tastes better,” you said.
Spider-Man went silent for a moment and you cocked your head to the side, thinking you either said something wrong or he was just really hungry.
Spider-Man shook his head. “Nothing, nothing. I’ll be sure to try your suggestion. Anyway, I’ll see you soon!”
And with that, you saw red and blue flying in the wind.
You were half asleep with your headphones in your ears when you heard a faint ‘thwip.’ Your parents were fast asleep and you had willed yourself to watch one more episode of Law and Order: SVU before getting sleep for your final. Currently, you were on your side with one earbud in (the other having fallen out, but you didn’t care much) and the voice of Olivia Benson could be faintly heard from the volume that could put you to sleep.
You stirred slightly, but not enough to wake you up fully.
Then came a knock on your window. Once. Twice. Three times. You yawned and rolled over to see Spider-Man standing outside your window with nothing but the moon behind him to illuminate your room. You threw the covers off of you and rubbed the sleep away from your eyes, opening the window for him to come in. With it, the chilly wind did not welcome you warmly and you grabbed a sweatshirt from your closet.
“Sorry to wake you,” he said sheepishly.
You waved him off. “It’s okay, Spider-Man. I like your company and you’re probably the only person who I couldn’t bring myself to yell at.”
He put his hands of his heart. “Wow, I’m so touched.”
“You should be,” you said, climbing into the covers and resting your back against your bed frame. “What brings you to this part of Queens at this ungodly hour?”
“It’s only nine thirty,” Spider-Man deadpanned. You shrugged.
“What can I say? A girl really needs her beauty sleep before her last final.” Spider-Man’s autonomic eyes seemed to narrow as if her were in thought.  
“Oh shoot, that’s tomorrow? I’m sorry for bothering you,” he apologized. You laughed and shook your head, patting the bed for him to rest on. Spider-Man gently put his knees on the mattress and situated himself so he was laying on his side, looking at you.
“It’s okay, Spidey. You already know I love your company. Besides, it’s only nine thirty,” you mocked. Spider-Man laughed and the room fell into a comfortable silence. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing really,” he began, but you looked at him with a knowing expression. “Okay, a lot but that’s for another day when we have more time. I’m just thinking how lucky I am to have you in my life and I’m grateful it was you whose room I stumbled into and not some mean old lady.”
“I’m happy you came here too,” you confessed. “This is probably gonna sound weird but...your visits are something I look forward to. I don’t know, I just feel like I opened up to you much quicker than any of the friends I have at school.”
“I feel the same way,” he said, sighing. “I don’t know, it’s just hard being two people at the same time. Even though you don’t know my real name yet, you know more about me than anyone else does.”
“And that’s something I will cherish forever,” you said, stroking his cheek with your hand. “I’m really happy I met you.”
“I can say the same,” he replied. But before he could make himself more comfortable, Spider-Man pushed himself off of the bed and adjusted his web shooters before seeing that you had tucked yourself in. Spider-Man smiled and his autonomic eyes grew wider as he bent down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You could barely feel his lips.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
You groaned, slamming your door shut and planted your face into a pillow, wanting to forget the world had ever existed. It was a hot summer night and your mother had just let you know that she and your father would be staying at a friend’s for the week, but that you couldn’t join them this time. You probably should’ve been happy to have the apartment alone, but the last thing you wanted to be was alone.
Spider-Man hadn’t come by your apartment in nearly a month and you had started to grow increasingly worried about the boy who you couldn’t get out of your mind. Every time you thought about the possibility of dating, you immediately shook that out of your head for two reasons: the first being he’s a superhero and you were a regular New York citizen, and the fact that you didn’t know his name or what he looked like. You’d never pressure him, but that didn’t mean you were dying to know.
The sun was almost set when your parents left and you hadn’t had the decency to move from where you flung yourself. There was a tapping sound from the window and you knew who it was.
“It’s open!” you mumbled from your pillow, where you had curled yourself so you could continue in your self wallowing.
“Who dragged the cat in?” Spider-Man asked with a chuckle. You looked at him as if you hadn’t seen him in years and got off of your bed, letting your arms snake its way around him. With a sigh, you closed your eyes and let yourself revel in this moment. “You okay?”
“I was worried,” you said quietly. “You usually go no more than a few days of being gone but it’s been nearly a month, and I know I don’t have any right to worry, and that you were probably really busy, but I was really worried.” Spider-Man let out a soft chuckle and held your body closer to his, letting his chin rest on top of your head.
“You have every right to be worried, Y/N. I’m touched that you care so much. I-I’ve been a little stressed with my personal life and haven’t been able to patrol as often and I didn’t have much energy to swing to your place. I’m sorry,” he said.
“It’s okay,” you replied. “I’m just relieved to find out you aren’t dead.”
Spider-Man laughed. “Say, what are your parents gonna think if they find me in your room?”
“Well, they’re gone this week so there’s no way that’s happening.”
“Oh, well lucky me, I guess,” he said nonchalantly as he let himself rest on your bed. He plopped himself in the middle, his back resting against the mattress as you chuckled. “Come lay with me.”
You didn’t say anything as you climbed next to him and willed yourself not to put your entire body on him, but Spider-Man pulled you to his side and held you tight.
“I had this nightmare that you needed me and I couldn’t save you,” said Spider-Man. “I was in a really weird place and felt like I couldn’t leave my house but last night was the last straw. You were falling and I couldn’t save you. I needed to see you again just to make sure.
His voice got weaker and you put your head on his chest, finding his hand to squeeze it to let him know you understood.
“Sometimes I think this gig is too much for me. I feel like I shouldn’t have been given these abilities but at the same time, I’m grateful for all the things it’s given me. Like you.”
“I’m here,” you whispered.
You both stared at the ceiling for a while, basking in each other’s company. You would faintly feel his heart beating through his suit and he was rubbing soothing circling on your hip with his thumb.
“You know,” you said, hesitantly while propping yourself up with your elbows. “You could stay for the night since my parents are gone.” Your eyes widened as soon as you said it. “I-I mean that in the most innocent way possible.”
Spider-Man laughed and looked at you with his autonomic eyes, letting a comfortable moment pass as he thought about your offer.
“I think I’d have to let some people know I’d be safe first, but I’d like that.”
It grew quiet between you two and you didn’t know what was to come next. Slowly, you moved your body to sit up and he followed suit, wondering what you were planning.
“Do you trust me?” you asked.
“I trust you,” he confirmed. You moved your hand towards his mask and you could already sense his body tense up, especially when you moved the mask up his face. You stopped for a brief moment, but he didn’t stop you. You kept lifting the mask until it rest gently above his nose and leaned in to place your lips on his.
The kiss was gentle and searing at the same time, like you both had been wanting to do something for a while but hadn’t until that very moment. It was passionate and innocent, slow and fast. It wasn’t rushed; you held his jaw with both hands, afraid that he was going to leave the second you pulled away. His lips moved in conjunction with yours and didn’t part until you both ran out of air.
“I’ve been meaning to do that for a while,” he said, not bothering to pull his mask down. You laughed and looked at him as he took off his web shooters and pulled his mask off his face.
“Hi, I’m Peter Parker.”
To say you were surprised was an understatement. Spider-Man was cute.
“Holy shit, you’re hot,” you whispered more to yourself. Peter laughed and your cheeks developed a pink tint.
“I happen to think you’re also hot,” Peter said with a chuckle before pressing another kiss to your lips.
“Hi, Peter Parker,” you said with a grin.
“Hi, Y/N Y/L/N,” he said with a grin equally as big.
“I don’t really know what I imagined under the mask, but you’re much cuter than what I had expected,” you said. “Let me go get some of my brother’s extra clothes. He lives in Los Angeles now but we still have some of his stuff!”
Peter smiled at you as you walked out of your bedroom and took the time to look around, letting himself bask in the moment that was pure bliss. How you were going to introduce him to your parents, he didn’t know. But Peter knew he didn’t want to let you go any time soon.
@kath94210​ @sessi03​ @olliekookie​ @edgyhargreeves​ @simonsbluee​ @meraki--me @sleep-i-ness​
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aqvarius · 4 years
hey again lol im the anon that didn’t like taku route. I forgot to mention that i recommended go route to you awhile bk so i’m super happy that you liked go😭 i cant wait for his season 4 as he and natsume are the only 2 that get married❤️. if you don’t mind could you tell me what you liked abt go and his route? i’am waaay too happy abt this lmao
aww yay! thanks so much for the recommendation! i’m like... waiting until i’m in the right headspace and have the time and then i’m ready to just BINGE on natsume content since his s4 came out and it’s my dream to marry him hahahah :D honestly the only marriages i’ve actually played in voltage routes are dreamy days and scandal i think?? 
ANYWAY i really thought go was just gonna be a cocky lil sh*t like kiyoto from iyat so i was like :OOO bc he ended up just being the MOST sweetheart character ever. he’s literally considerate to a fault? anyway one of the things i loved the most about his route was the way that the relationship between him and the mc just progressed so naturally. even before they actually confess, you can tell how much they care about each other and i found that the way they got to that “more than friends, less than lovers” place was really heartbreaking but also really realistic and natural (and something that i feel really speaks to me personally atm).  i liked that go and the mc could have open discussions about their relationship (at that first riverbank scene) and what to expect (or not) from it. something else i really enjoyed was that i was actually kind of surprised by what happened with the bales even though i’ve read similar storylines in like at least 10 shoujo manga growing up. anyway i liked how wholesome the whole route was, and even the drama/relationship conflict felt very in character and natural and not like drama for drama’s sake, you know? 
oh and also literally right from the start i kind of felt that go was giving me soma vibes in terms of their tone/politeness, courteousness and consideration, and then i kind of got more hints of my Best Boy in the whole not getting attached to people thing and the actual storyline where it kinda gets resolved by their ~friends~ really caring about them. and THEN i got even more soma vibes in the bedroom scenes bc they basically tease the same way???? so anyway i’m like shocked bc i wasn’t expecting go to be like mini soma but a bassist and more wholesome and i’m kind of a little in love
thank you so much again for the rec!! 
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runningwitches · 7 years
Summary: The reader is sad because they feel useless. Steve makes sure they know that’s not true and the party cheers them the heck up.
Request?: Nah M8 I’m just sad as heck
Word Count: 1819
A/N: i mean, seasonal depression and a neverending fear that nobody will ever love me and that I will die alone drove me to binge read a shit ton of steve harrington x reader fics and cry despite the fact that i havent finished season two of stranger things but im gonna write this anyways.
i guess this is steve x reader but thats not the main point of the story
idfk i just want to be loved
(umm, henderson! reader who is loved by everyone, i do not give a shit if this follows the exact storyline, ok? i just wanna be happy again) (also i do not look anything like a henderson! so reader can be adopted or some shit? maybe a cousin?  who tf knoes? not me, thats for sure !!
Warnings: Probably Season Two Spoilers, No Editing, Probably super OOC and all that because I started this at almost three in the morning and now its four and I’m exhausted but I cant sleep because I’m sad. Anyways I’m just trying to say that it’s bad but I’ll love you if you read it anyways.
I was curled up in my bed, isolating myself from everyone as per usual. After the events with the mind flayer and demodogs and upside down, I realized something pretty depressing. Nobody needed me. I mean like? Sure I was Dustin’s sister. And sure, I was kinda helpful in saving Steve’s ass from the demodogs and Billy, but it just feels as if I weren’t there, nobody would even notice. As if my presence had no positive value to anyone in The Party™.
So instead of socializing with them while they all played DnD and joked around, I sat myself in my room, wrapped in a blanket burrito, holding back tears. I had my music on in the background as I mindlessly flipped through one of the magazines my mom had bought for me. Everyone was downstairs as it was Dustin’s turn to host the DnD night, and everyone was over. I mean, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, Max, Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan, and I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if I walked downstairs to find Joyce and Hopper there too. Every once in awhile I would hear some loud laughter come up from the group, signifying how happy they were without me there. It definitely wasn’t easy for me to sit there by myself staring blankly at the pictures of celebrities I didn’t even care about, but I continued to tell myself that they would be happier without me, attempting to drown out the sounds of their joy with the mixtape I had made for myself a little while back.
As I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing, trying to force the tears that had started to pool back into my eyes, I heard someone knocking on my door. I quickly wiped my eyes to ensure there weren’t any stray tears, pulled the blanket tighter around my body, and attempted to look miserable. But miserable in a sick way and not in a sad way. If it were anybody except Dustin or Steve, I knew I was going to be able to pull off the “I’m not feeling very well” charade, so my chances were pretty good (though odds were rarely skewed in my favor).
Of course with my luck my little brother came bursting through the door.
“(Y/N)! Why aren’t you down there playing DnD with us?!” he asked, voice booming loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. As I prepared to try my excuse with him to see if my acting skills had gotten any better, I noticed someone else walking through the door. Looking up, my watery eyes met the concerned look on Steve’s face.
“Hey shithead, stop screaming. You don’t need to tell everyone in Hawkins about your sister’s lack of participation in game night,” he said to Dustin, ruffling his hair and then muttering for him to go back downstairs. Dustin looked angrily at Steve for a moment before looking between us for a second, muttered something to himself, and then left the room, surprisingly closing my door as he left.
“What’s up with you lately? It’s not like you to miss game night, but you haven’t been to a single one these past few weeks.”
“I’m just not feeling well, Steve, don’t worry about it,” I told him, looking down at the magazine in my lap and trying to will the tears away.
“Don’t try that bullshit with me, (Y/N). I know you better than that, do you really think I’d believe that crap?”
“There’s no bullshit to be had Steve, just go back downstairs, I’ll be fine,” I told him, yet I still refused to make eye contact. So when he sat down on the edge of my bed, put two fingers under my chin, and lifted my head up in order for me to make eye contact, I saw his face immediately soften.
“I’m not gonna go back downstairs until I figure out what’s wrong with my favorite girl.”
It took all of the resolve in the world for me to not break down at those two words, and it still didn’t even work. “Favorite girl?” I repeated, but only in my own head. “There’s no way I’m his favorite girl, he’s lying to me. Everyone always lies to me” I told myself. And in that second it was like the dam was broken. The tears started to fall freely from my face. I curled myself into more of a ball than I already was, which was a surprising feat of human flexibility, if I’m being completely honest. Steve’s arms immediately went around me, pulling us closer to each other, and practically pulling me into his lap.
I didn’t say a word as he stroked my hair and shushed me softly, I simply let out a series of what I would consider disgusting sobs.
He continued whispering to me, little things telling me that I’d be okay, or that he was there for me, or that everything was gonna be fine. As my breathing finally evened out, he hadn’t asked me what was wrong like I had expected, so I knew I had to speak up.
“Why are you even here, Harrington?” I asked him bitterly.
“What do you mean?” he replied, exasperated.
“Why do you even care about me?” I reiterated with a sniffle.
“Why do I care about you? (Y/N) what are you on about? It would take me ages to list all of that back to you.” I didn’t respond, but I allowed myself to relax a bit, leaning now onto his chest instead of holding myself as far away as I could while somehow still being in his lap. “(Y/N) you’re wonderful. You care so much about all of the kids, sometimes I think you out-mom even their own mom’s.” That was greeted with a sharp exhale from my nose which was (correctly) interpreted as a laugh. “You’re fucking badass. You can use a gun, a bat, a hockey stick, and pretty much anything else you can get your hands on to slay monsters, like real life monsters.” He checked my face after this comment, and was lucky he did, because he almost missed the slight curl of my lips. “You never let anybody get in the way of doing what needs to be done. Not even racist douchebags that show up and kick my ass. And you certainly don’t take shit from anyone.” A few more tears fell from my eyes, but he grabbed my face and used his thumbs to wipe them away, looking into my eyes. “And you’ve got a whole group of teenagers sitting down there worried sick about you because you mean so much to all of them.”
I sniffled again and threw my arms around his neck, whispering an almost inaudible, “Thank you.”
“Of course, sweetheart. Now let’s go get you cleaned up so we can finish that game of DnD.” I almost blushed at the pet name he gave me, if he didn’t sweep me up into his arms and carry me to the bathroom so I could rinse my face off. He made sure to grab my blanket from my bed and grabbed my hand to lead me down the stairs.
“Wow, it’s so nice of you to join us,” Dustin said the second we were down the stairs, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Steve shot him a look that said, “shut up or I’ll kill you,” while I just gave him a small smile. Before I even got settled on the couch I was smothered by two bear hugs.
“I missed you (Y/N),” El told me, gripping me in probably the tightest hug I’ve ever had. “You were gone for three weeks!”
“Yeah dude! Don’t leave us alone with these losers for that long ever again!” Max exclaimed, hugging me almost as tight as El was.
I smiled down at both of them, hugging them back just as fiercely. Looking up, I saw the smile Steve had on, but I ignored it in favor of the smiles on my girls’ faces. Ruffling their hair, I removed myself from their grips and went to sit on the couch between Steve and Nancy.
“It’s a good thing you came back (Y/N). I almost killed your brother, and not in the campaign, in real life. I’m pretty sure you’d be the only one who could stop me.” I chuckled to myself and then smiled at Lucas.
“It’s a good thing that I’m back then, huh?”
Will looked up at me this time, “Definitely! I was waiting for you to come down so I could show you this drawing!” I smiled down at him, glancing briefly at Jonathan, only enough to recognize the immense pride on his face at the fact that Will was genuinely happy and smiley. He brought it up to show me a picture that he had drawn of me fighting a monster, a cute little label that pertained to my name at the top. “Steve said you fought a monster and won! And I didn’t even get to see it. So I thought I’d draw it out for you.”
“I love it Will!” I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug and looking at the drawing again. It wasn’t until this second look that I noticed a label by the monster’s head as well. It simply read, “Billy” with a little arrow to indicate that the monster I was beating up was named Billy. I laughed at the naming of the monster and pulled Will into another hug, pressing a light kiss to the top of his head. He grabbed the drawing and placed himself back into his spot.
“(Y/N), you want to hop in on this campaign? We’ve still got a while left to go and we’re in a pretty good spot to add another character?” Mike offered, as he was playing Dungeon Master.
“Yeah, come on (Y/N)! You haven’t actually played in forever!” Dustin added.
The rest of the group added their own chorus of “Yeah”s to try and convince you to join.
“Okay, I guess. But only if I get to be a healer! I’m tired of killing the monsters,” I joked, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.
“Okay, okay, so the group walks up to the tavern in town, hoping for a nice evening away from the fighting for once. But the open the door and see, A MOM, not just A mom, it’s their mom!”
“What?” El asked.
“Mike what are you on about?” Lucas added.
“OH MY GOD, (Y/N)’S GONNA BE LIKE OUR TEAM’S MOM!” Max shouted in realization. The whole group looked at Mike in anticipation. “Well obviously, how else would I have gone about this? It’s perfect, and the perfect position to make her the healer.”
“I mean, technically she’s my sister,” Dustin announced, implying that you couldn’t be his mom.
“See (Y/N), I told you I was gonna kill him.”
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briteboy · 7 years
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(circumstantial name by @earnoodle)
there’s a LOT in here, newer questions are generally first so if you asked something a while ago and you’re only interested in that, scroll towards the bottom. also doing wcifs separately (errr i’m gonna try my hardest to ok don’t crucify me)
this mass anons post includes topics ranging from Very Sweet Things Said To Me That I Don’t Deserve, nitpicking stranger things, crying over ramona, lou theories, Cillian Is A Fucking Creep theories (true), and completely unhelpful reshade advice
let’s f0cking do this
You're right, apart from carrying his stupid brain, Santi's head didn't do anything to any of us. I apologize for anon.
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I'm pretty sure I said that already but I love Rooney and Santi's relationship so much I literally have no words for it
YO i didnt know u were a demigirl!! im a demiboy nb Buddies
hell fuckin yeah dude!! we are starting a demi club
Ok but like I really want werewolves. Like I know it sounds stupid but we have vampire and while yes I love my bat babes, I want a giant pupper friend. I have story written out and plans for a cabin to build. Now I’m waiting for EA to give me my big hairy babes.
DUDE i want more supernatural stuff too, mostly witches like I NEED MY WITCHES AGAIN!!! ts3 witches were so good. i didn’t like ts3 werewolves much but i feel like they’d be super cool in ts4, knowing how the vampires came out. i NEED it
hihi! i've been very quietly (??) following your blog for some time now and i just fawn over your characters way too much ?? anywho, i've been wanting to start my own little simblr story but ,, i'm not entirely sure where to even start? i have so many stories that i'd love to get out there, and i have the means.. butt, how did you go about starting out?? so sorry this is so long but i look up to you a whole ton!!! ty ily! :-)
i’m the (??) lmao that’s me always but ahdhghdfkshg thank you so much!!!!! i’m so glad you love them, it means the world to me ;-; and listen, that was me, i had no idea how i was going to do it because i’d only seen ts3 stories up to that point and i thought there was like a set Way to tell stories but i had no idea what i was doing so i was like y’know what...i’m just gonna do it how i feel comfortable doing it and i’m gonna figure it out as i go along. so honestly try to roughly plan out what your stor(ies) will entail and if you get stuck on planning and can’t figure it out, just jump right into it, try to make a few scenes or get the ball rolling somehow, even if it’s just random posts (i mean that’s all my blog was until i decided to commit to santi’s story.) it’s always gonna feel weird and awkward at first, but you’ll get comfortable the more you do it and it’ll figure itself out, trust me!
I read through most of your story posts the other day and now I’m rereading it again just to torture myself some more (and maybe catch up on some posts I may have missed). I honestly don’t think I’ve come across a sims story that’s so beautifully written & includes such evocative pictures as yours. I’m really at a loss for words, it’s all so stunning. & after a nearly two-month long creative block, it’s planted the smallest seed of inspiration in the back of my mind, so thank you for your art.
AHHHH AHSDHKGKDSJG WHAT!!!!! it’s always crazy hearing that 1) people actually care about my stuff, and 2) that it inspires them. like i really cannot believe that, stilL!! thank you so so much, i’m so happy you enjoyed it (as torturous as it was, lmao) it seriously warms my heart that you’re getting your groove back in the creative world, that means more to me than ANYTHING!! good luck with your art or whatever you decide to do with that inspiration!
 can i pls have your editing skill please and thank you
i owe most my editing at this point to reshade so honestly get reshade and u will probably become better than me
o added u on animal crossing and when you added me back i was so happy,, your little person is sooo adorable ((:
OMG!! thank you!! everyone’s person on there is adorable i cry i love them all so much i’m so mad tho it won’t let me add any more friends!!! it probably cuts off at like 100 friends or something STUPID
First of all, I love you. Secondly, I love your photos so much. I'm legit about to just ditch sims 3 for 4 now because of your amazing posts. 😖
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LMFAO no but really THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!!! if you can manage playing both i admire u, i’ve invested too much time and effort into ts4 to ever fully go back to any other sims games tbh
The new patch made my game unplayable! I'm crying, I miss my doggos...
NOOOOO!!! hopefully by now you’ve found a fix, i’m prayin for u
long time listener, first time caller yoooo. i like everyone love your stories and your sim aesthetic so so so much and just tbh i was offended on your behalf about that ask from that person wanting to novelize your stories. like you were way too nice. this is your intellectual property and it's fucked up that someone would think it'd be okay to duplicate it as long as they used a different medium. this is prob a bad one to repost just wanted to you to know you're an awesome, singular voice
omfg lmao this is a radio show now *z100 voice* tellem why ya mad euhhh first of all i can’t believe someone even ASKED that, i’m in shock because like what this is so foreign to me. people want to write about MY characters WHAT! like that alone...takes a long time to process. and like i know i should say no but then i feel mean but they’re also my creations so like idk. it warms my heart that you feel so strongly and would stand up for me like that i’m cryin thank u for calling in i love u
I've been up all night and it's now 11am. I'm completely binging on your stories bc I am in LOVE and need a Molly in my game asap. Do you think you'll ever upload her?
omG my freaking story inciting insomnia i’m so sorry for ur sleep schedule first of all, but at least that makes you identify with santi even more omg tho ;___; (how many times will i say ‘omg’ i wonder) i don’t think so because she is so dear to me and makes my heart ache, she is just so special, i dunno if i could ever release her into the wild like that lmao. i haven’t even shared her with my friends (not that i really ever had a reason to) but like yeah. maybe in the future that’ll change but right now, no, i’m sorry <3
To change the topic: Idk if you watch stranger things but I only managed to get to episode 3 of season 2 before I stopped watching lmao it was so bad and Billy (a certified Cunt) ruined the whole show for me
YEAH I DID! omg. i have a LOT of issues with this season (mostly in how badly they tried to retcon nancy and everyone else not caring about barb’s death, how bad the writing was in the realm of nancy and steve breaking up and then her and jonathan getting together...holy fuck it was so uncomfortable with that 40 yr old conspiracy theorist guy i couldn’t even enjoy my ship getting together lmao) also ur right, max and billy honestly did not offer anything to the story...like i loved max too but what was the point...billy acted like their presence and the reason they had to move was so dramatic when it was really nothing...unless they’re saving that for season 3 but like. the whole situation with billy was so anticlimactic. he was like a walmart version of henry from IT. like boohoo ur dad’s an asshole and then he beat up steve. good character arc. i liked max standing up for herself but really...that whole thing was so lackluster, i didn’t care about it at all. ALSO I HATED THAT THEY DIDN’T LET MAX AND ELEVEN BE FRIENDS!! i’m sure it’ll happen in season 3 but like c’mon...that would’ve made the max character feel a little more important to the story. anyway yeah fuck billy and i don’t get why everyone is lusting after him or his actor they’re both ugly! thanks for listening
I just got the sims 4 + city living and I’m so excited! I was really inspired by your stories and style in general... I was wondering what packs do you have and also what are your favourite sims 4 hairs? I’m having trouble finding ones and I love your style!
YAY I’M EXCITED FOR YOU!!! omg aww it warms my heart so much when people say i inspire them because i never anticipated that kind of response, thank you so much <3 hmmm i think i have all of them except glamour stuff and fitness stuff. and pretty much all the hairs i download are here or here. (or the subsequent ‘tf’, ‘cf’, ‘tm’ and ‘cm’ tags as well, according to age)
UHM a 19 year old and a 13 year old? Poor baby Lou... Also youre a brilliant writer i cant
😬😬😬  stay tuned ajasdhjhjsahd thank you so much!!!
My stan levels for you have increased so much? like thanks for being a good ally, clAps for femmesim!
lmao thank you, i don’t really deserve praise tho i’m just passing on the knowledge of those patient enough to teach me. just trying to do what i can with my privilege u know. ily
How do you have teeth showing in so many of your pictures of Lou and Molly, do you PS them in?
i’ve gotten this question before and it’s usually just the poses used! i do have some lipsticks that have teeth on them but i mostly use them for just rooney.
Honestly, a fight between Santi and that new guy (srry, forgot his name while typing this) would be so hot. Like, I hope Santi would win but like just watching Santi fight him for Lou would make me happy!! Also, I live for your stories💞
omG i’m about to call up vince mcmahon they both need to fight on smackdown it’s gonna happen. they’ll both be shirtless too ok and THANK YOU ILY
boi poc can be PREJUDICED against white people but there is no such thing as reverse racIIIIIIiiiiIIIIIiiiIIIIsm
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Lemme just say that you must be feeling so stressed rn. I love you and your simblr!!! Your posts light up my day!! <3333
OMg kind of. this week has taken A Lot out of me and i really just want to chill at home and play my freaking GAME but obligations. u know. here’s hoping i get a day off this week. i’m mad i’m probably gonna miss gianni’s birthday too (it’s on tuesday) and i wanted to do something for it!! i’ll probably do it late like i did last year too lmao i’m so sorry baby g ANYWAY u didn’t ask to hear about any of this...thank you for this sweet message i love you <3
why,,,, are people... coming to your blog to discuss race you are a fucking simblr WHAT
the real question is why do people go to you like its your job to educate them lmao like theres so many resources out there
SHAWDY u aint wrong reverse racism is literally a joke i am so sorry you have to go through all of this keep stepping on white feelings we deserve it
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I was wondering would u consider Asians to be POC?
I just finished Strange the Dreamer and it was fucking amazing. I cried so much and I laughed and I sat in absolute amazement at the world Laini Taylor has created. 100/10 would recommend
ahhhh i really need to read it apparently!! i’m like 10% away from being done with a dance with dragons (and then i have to wait for the next book like a peasant HURRY UP KING GEORGE) anyway this one is definitely on my list!
omgomg!! I just met this girl in my class who has eyes just like ramona's!!! But like instead of being brown w/ a little bit of blue, they were blue w/ a little bit of brown!!! Dude I was so shook I rlly didn't think ppl had eyes like that!
OMG!!!! that’s amazing! and yes heterochromia is a real thing haha. i’ve only met one person with it and he had the same color combo as ramona too, only his was full heterochromia, not sectoral.
*me in the background screaming* nO yOU LEAVE HER ALoNE baD-DAD-MaN!
every time i read some of your stories i get an ache in my heart that doesn't go away until i either cry or sleep so interpret that as you like
OMG ;_____; ok me too tho my heart literally hurts thinking about my characters sometimes...mostly santi...i hate him (no i don’t :{ )
hey uhh idk if you've answered something like this before but do you have a spotify or something bc your music taste is GOLD
THANK YOU!! you were the first person to ask about this haha and hopefully you saw my answer to the other question about it! i just made one and it’s here!
hi hi ! i’m seeing all the drama on da blog and i really want to read the whole story but i can’t get to it on mobile so i was wondering if you could link the beginning and tell me what the best order to read it in is ( i’m so confused because i’ve seen sm people y’all about a parallel story so idk if i’m being dumb !! ) i hope this isn’t any inconvenience also your sims are so beautiful sjajsjajs
hey on mobile the link is just: http://femmesim.tumblr.com/tagged/story/chrono i would honestly just recommend that order haha, it makes things simpler and it encompasses ALL story posts, or posts that give context. there are parallels in my story, lou’s is kind of a parallel of santi’s, only different...well...you’ll see. but yeah sorry this is so late! and thank you!!!
lou is wendy right? i mean, a wendy complex is someone who is overly mothering to partners, and lou is already a mother and ik that doesn't really count as foreshadowing but it seems like it could be a link to me. it'd make sense too, considering guys that go after younger girls (ew) are usually immature ie peter pan complex. it'd make the most sense that those two go together then.
heheheheh that is a VERY good observation...that’s all i’m gonna say!!
This has nothing to do with what's happening in the story rn, but whatever. I was wondering if you were going to mention lou's struggles with being a single mom and the stigma surrounding single motherhood? As a single mother myself I'd really enjoy seeing you take on the issue. Personally, my biggest problem was overcoming the generalizations people put on you when you're a single mom. People always assumed that I that I was stupid and uneducated because I had my son when I was 17.
yes! that will definitely come up. i will focus a lot on her struggles as a single mom. so far i’ve mostly just peppered in some stuff about money troubles, and that will come up again, and the issues you mention will be pretty central to her character as well. i’m sorry you have to endure that, it’s not fair. people don’t even realize how strong and dedicated single mothers are.
when you say Peter Pan, do you mean the Disney stuff or the og creepy stuff?
i mean the general themes of the story and how that translates into a peter pan complex: boy who never grows up, feels like he fits in more with younger people (haha...yikes), read the message above because that anon described the other half of the equation better than i could
Wait, hold up. That dude is cute but I feel like he’s coming onto Lou way too strong. I have a bad feeling.. Lou is like 13 there and he is 19 I mean I’ve seen bigger gaps between people, but she is not legal yet.. Where are you going with this? 🤨😅
yyyyyyep that feeling is warranted! i am going a way i don’t think you guys expect me to go...i think you’ll be very confused at the end of this part lmao. that being said, i’m not putting any of this in for shock value or to romanticize inappropriate relationships like this. (i’m probably going to be repeating that a LOT for this story but please just keep that in mind)
Hey mom wanna hear a fun as hell story? I just got back from the ER bc I fell on my razor after showering, and practically cut my nipple in half. (I am in so much pain hELP)
U gotta watch sense8!!! Apart from the v awkward sex scenes it's v good, has a lot of representation and shit Just watch that shit show, u won't regret it (And if you do I cut your throat oops)
i’ve heard it’s good! i remember when it first came out and everyone was like Wow The Representation so honestly anything with diversity has already got me hooked pls don’t murder me.
I'm calling it now. He's Fi's dad. and he's a FUCKING CREEP!! Bitch you are 19!! LOU IS 13!! BACK THE FUCK OFF YOU PERV!!
no spoilers or anything but honestly i’m with you @ cillian die
Are they gonna fucc, o no
right now? no. that would be Very Bad
oh same
Hi ! Your lastest edit (graveyard girl) is truly amazing, how did you make that bokeh behind her ? 😱😍
thank you so much!!! it’s reshade (with matso DOF)!
You've probably got this question a lot of times but i can't find the answer for it. What reshade do you use?
i gotta add this to my faq, it’s one i created myself but i started out with this one (it totally doesn’t resemble that one anymore but i think it’s a good starting point)
how do you make good looking male sims? mine always look the same and kinda girly..
hmmm longer faces, prominent chins and jaws, smaller eyes, bigger noses...generally yeah
What do you mean 9 + alt?
you gotta turn bb.moveobjects on and then press alt + 9 when an object is selected to move it upward. so what i did with those poses i made was, i selected a teleporter and pressed alt + 9 until it was at a spot i liked on the roof. that’s why releasing those poses would be tricky, ‘cause every build is different so there’s no set way to place them, you just kinda have to play around with them
You mentioned GoT so naturally, I have to chime in and express my love for Jon. Honestly, he won me over ever since the first season? I'm at season 5 now and people have already warned me so now i'm silently weeping, waiting for something to happen to my precious bby help
JONNY BOY!!!!!!!!!!! i loved his emo ass since the beginning but his arc with qorin halfhand (was he in the show??) was probably the best arc in book 2 and then his book 3 arc was just...SO GOOD, SO MUCH happens to him and i just felt like i was watching my son go through it all...i love that boy so much ;-; i’m almost at the end of the last book and i’m scared for him because of the one spoiler i know lmao and you’re at that point too so GET READY we’ll go through it together ok
So there's this game I'm playing where someone talking about another character says 'maybe you can break him from his ouroboros of self-fladulation' (I know I probably butchered those spellings but I'm not a bright egg and autocorrect isn't helping rip) and tbh it made me think of Santi. (Also I'mma scream of you get this reference jsyk)
OMG THE FACT THAT YOU THOUGHT OF HIM ;-; and it’s okay u are the brightest egg in the bunch to me. I’M SORRY I DON’T GET THIS REFERENCE BECAUSE I’M NOT A VIDEO GAME PERSON BUT I’LL PRETEND I DO KNOW WHAT UR TALKING ABOUT anyway yes santi is currently in the process of breaking his self-flagellation and embracing the oneness of the ouroboros (as opposed to letting the cycle repeat itself until he’s worn down to nothing)
do you have any favorite pose creators?
do you have any tips for taking good screenshots in game? like how to get the good angles and good quality? i play on ultra but i think when i zoom in and then use the arrows on my keyboard to move around, the pictures gets less clear and looks kinda blurry. how should i do this?
well if you’re already using ultra, there’s not much you can do lmao. sims 4 is just bad with textures in general. it also depends on the objects as well, some are better quality than others. if i zoom in far on a sim’s face, i generally know there will be some pixelation and i can clean that up in photoshop with topaz clean and the smudge tool. i am very reliant on photoshop sometimes lmao. it sounds like you already have the basics of taking good screenshots, it’s just sometimes you have to fight and work with sims 4′s less-than-hd quality.
burn it down by daughter reminds me of santi & i'm in pain
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ouroboros!!! death! birth! death again! birth again rinse repeat! also santi breaking the cycle because third time's the charm
The tattoo is an Ouroboros. It originated in Egyptian iconography, and it symbolizes recreation. My boy's recreating himself, I'm so proud.
ouroboros, the dragon eating its own tail. it's a sign of eternal renewal
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i saw the post of child molly and just started BAWLING i miss her what the fuck she's my fave character i'M CRYING
ME TOO BICH!! ME FUCKIN TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just read all of A Serious Case Of The Novembers so far and theres still tears on my face. some of the best stuff ive read in a while, great job on everything
every time you write about molly and her in heaven it makes my heart swell, like the characters were answering asks and someone asked her what heaven was like and even though it was so small short lil answer it still pulls at the heart strings, basically what im trying to say is that your writing is so good! <3
omg ;_______; me too, i feel like she has such a simple way with words and although her descriptions of heaven are brief, they are also complex and beautiful, and even just writing it chokes me up ;-; thank you so much tho i’m so glad you like it!!
Molly: out Molly tatto: also out
why did this remind me of this post:
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How did you edit in the fire in the last post? Looks cool
i searched things like “bonfire” and pasted parts of it that i wanted on the pic to make it look more realistic, then put a layer mask on the pasted pic and erased the edges and stuff to make it blend in better. the sparks and stuff i added by pasting it onto a new layer and changing the blending mode to screen! 
idk if you have every watched grey anatomy but Lou's backstory is starting to remind me of Jo (Jo is a character from the show) like Jo was in a abusive relationship and she is married to the guy but she cant get divorced or he will come and find her. So like if Lou didn't tell Fiona's dad he was a dad and Lou was married to him and cant escape the marriage (cause abuse), plus it would explain Lou's kink with being choked ;) full circle *god-like heaven music with tiniest violin is playing now*
ooh no i don’t but that’s interesting and i’m excited you even made a connection like that! i will say that it’s not lou who likes to be choked (the very opposite actually lmao) but otherwise the situation does kinda fit. i’m the violin
I have a freakin bio pre ap test tomorrow on photosynthesis and i have no idea what it is im going to fail save me
I’M ANSWERING THIS VERY LATE BUT I HOPE YOUR TEST WENT WELL!!!!!! *spongebob voice* photosynthesis
last time I installed reshade I couldn't get it to open the controls or shaders or anything in game :///// any tips?? I love they way reshade looks too!!
hmmmmm well i know the control panel opens when you press shift + f2, and then you check the boxes of the effects you want on them. i haven’t heard of this problem so i dunno what other advice to give i’m sorry :{ if it’s your first time installing it, you might have to wait a little to get it to load up.
Da puppy is so cute!!!
That dog and Romona are so adorable, I might cry
Ramona's cheeks are so big im in love
NAJKSDJGKJSD THANK YOU i love her and her chubby cheeks ;-;
SAME!!!!!!! if i could only watch ghibli movies for the rest of my life i’d be totally fine with that
ME FUCKGN TOO!!!!!!!!!! it was fate (aka me creating the wolf pup to look just like her shh i am fate)
Hope I'm not bothering you but i wondered if you knew how to make Tamo sims eyebags work on a toddler? Do I just click in s4s to work for toddler on the "age and gender flags" when looking in My CC or do I have to do something a little more than that please? Thank you.
for any skin detail or makeup, you have to go into s4s and open the package up, go to one of the tabs (honestly i don’t remember which one because i don’t have it open rn lmao) and you’ll see the different age groups and you check the box for toddler. and then save it of course. (there’s probably a better guide on how to do this somewhere lmao)
Hey :) Sorry to take up your time, I was wondering if you use win7, win8 or win10? I'm trying to decide on one and people seem to have very strong feelings about it. Also what web browser do you use? I've used Firefox, but I had some problems on CC websites. Thanks<3
i use windows 10 because it came with my laptop lmao i honestly don’t know much about windows systems at all!! and i use google chrome because it’s never failed me (even though windows keeps pressuring me to use the new internet explorer called “edge”)
i just finished all of novembers in a sitting and 1. i'm Sobbing, 2. your music taste is bomb
THANK YOU!!! my music taste is like one part indie shit, one part rap and hip-hop, twelve parts emo middle school bands
what is the size of the original unedited screenshot?
For reshade when your first install and select the reshade you want to use do you have to edit the settings? Cause last time I tried to (I didn’t know what most of the things meant lmao) but it kept saying error or something so I couldn’t play the game so I ended up taking out reshade
do you mean the preset you want to use? i mean no you can just play with that preset, you don’t have to change anything about it. i’m not sure what you mean but i followed this guide for setting it up
Will you ever share your preset?? Or maybe a preset made be you??
i’ve answered this before but the answer is Maybe
Hi!!!! How do you make the rays of light you have in your photos?? THANK U BBY <3333
that’s actually in my editing tutorial but here you go <3
is reshade only available on windows + do we need to pay for it
yes and no
Hello love! I was wondering (and maybe it's a dumb question, idk) but what life span setting do you use? I would assume you turned off aging for your story but maybe I'm wrong ;w; Thank you!!
i do actually have aging off ‘cause i’m a coward lmao even in the ts3 days when i wasn’t doing story stuff and literally just playing i had it off for the most part and just aged sims up when i wanted because i like to be in control of Everything (aries)
I really just wanted to say that I’m new I your tumblr but your stories are amazing and I love them so much!!! Keep doing what you’re doing💞👏🏼
hey thank you!!! you are so kind and i’m glad you’re enjoying everything!!
In your reshade settings where have you set it to save your SS's to and which key please? I can't find mine after setting it to desktop/screenshots :(
i just set mine to ts4′s screenshots folder because it’s what i was used to and it works for me haha. hmmmmmm did you copy the exact address or whatever it’s called of your folder’s location and then paste it into the reshade box? try doing that with another location and see if it works. if anything you can do what i did ‘cause it worked for me 
ok SO i came across this music video for this like spanish/english speaking indie band called The Marías and the song was déjate llevar and literally everything about the music video reminded me of rooney and gianni
OMMMGGG i love this so much, i cry @ music suggestions and this is so them ;-; i think i’ve heard of this band before actually!!
a little life is going to fucking ruin you,,, just a warning
great! i look forward to it
can a steal ur talent
have it i don’t need it
What app are you using to make them cool edit things??
i tagged it but it was doodle face
omg Strange the Dreamer is so freaking amazing! It’s literally one of my favorite books of all time; You’ll love it. The writing is absolutely delightful
you guys are really singin the praises for this book!! i have so many dang books to read i swear
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The Battle for Mewni: Final Thoughts and also it’s a review... kinda
So after binge watching the aforementioned episode non-stop for a week, I’ve decided to pull all my (cohesive) thoughts on it all together for this post. Buckle up kiddies this is gonna be a long ride.
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Over all the movie event was quite thrilling. There were parts where you can tell the actual episodes will be split. However, at times I thought the pacing was a bit slow (I mean, it was funny to watch, but did we really need all those shots of The Book kicking Ludo’s ass?). Overall it was a great episode! 
Now to get to the nitty gritty of it all.
Ok so Heckapoo, Rhombulous, and Omni are still alive but just need to... recharge? I don’t know. But Lekmet is dead. As in dead and gone, he’s not coming back dead? I’m not gonna lie that saddens me. He was such a good character. Plus, it’s gonna break Rhombulous’s heart. Poor crystal fool. Hopefully his snake arms can calm him down... or Star. Either way. RIP Lekmet.
(Also can we just apppreciate the Queen’s Sanctuary for a moment?)
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Just look at her! 
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I can definatley see similarities between Moon and this woman, but it looks like Moon inherited some of her looks from her father... whoever that was. Also this Queen has Butterfly cheek marks. Maybe she was the one true Butterfly before Star came along? Idk, I just thought that was cool.
Look at her!
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Look at him!
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Look at them!
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Also Mildrew... I can kinda see why Moon didn’t marry him.
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Kind of a wimp, don’t you think?
She lost her mother, who she clearly loved very much, and was thrusted into Queendom at an earlier age than most and was then given the responsbility to end a war by either continuing it or signing a peace treaty.
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Me to, girl. Me too.
However, she took initiative and made a metaphorical deal with the devil. And by devil, I mean Eclipsa. And by metaphorically I mean literally.
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And used that power to defeat Toffee’s army and excepted her role as Queen.
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And props to her for blasting Toffee’s finger as a way to go around her original deal with Eclipsa. Also Mina was there and she wasn’t as crazy... so... cool?
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Ok we saw as far back Crystal Clear that she might have been in the crystal’s in Rhombulous’s dimension but to actually have confirmation is something else entirely!
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I’m not sure if I’d call her evil just yet but she seems to be taking Toffee’s place as main antagonist... I guess I’ll have to wait until November to tell.
(Also the first she wanted once she was unfrozen was a candy bar. Like, same madame. Same)
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It was nice to see more of Glossaryck showing some emotions (though he said he had no feelings earlier in the series but that doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing)
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And I’m impressed how this show handled the book burning.
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This makes me glad that Star has started writing down her own book of spells. This means that not only will everyone have a fresh start, but maybe the years and years of prejudice against Monsters by Mewmans will start to fade...
And then their’s Glossaryck’s fate himself. I mean, first we saw him burning in Book Be Gone
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(Sorry, this is the best picture I could find)
Now Im not sure if Glossaryck is truly “dead” or if he’ll stay “dead” and hell I’m not even sure where he is or if Star can go get him but... hey we still have another season to figure all this out so... good luck, you neutral jerk...
Look at all this Starco we got! 
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And of course the safe kid finally got his wish to punch Lizard-Loki only after he realized the ass killed Star
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While neither really got the chance to actually talk about their feelings for each other (which I’m kind of disappointed they never did) I expect that to be a plot point for future episodes... Also Jackie because I’d love to see more Jarco as well.
*Starco shippers*:
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Hey! I’d love to see any of Marco’s relationships fulshed out more! So shut it.
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Just fucking Toffee guys! Ok, first of all. Moontoffee shippers... I don’t care if you ship them... I have LITERALLY seen people ship crazier pairs. I’m not a big fan of it but I can kinda understand the appeal. So... whatever. I don’t care what you people do.
Second, I am a little pissed that Toffee appeared to be nothing more than a plot device. Especially sinc he had so much potential! And now he’s dead. Yeah, sorry conspiracy theorist. His ass is grass. He’s dead. Maybe we’ll see more of him in flashbacks but honestly... I think Eclipsa’s our new baddie. Kind of a let down here, I’m not gonna lie.
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Ok, but can we just talk about how petty and extra Toffee was in this entire movie? I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m disappointed that the whole “Missing Finger thing” was nothing more than a petty grudge 
but the fucking lengths he went to get it back. I mean, first Moon blast’s his finger off.
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(How has his face not turned into a meme yet?)
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“She dramatically chopped off a small finger!”
“All hope is lost!”
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(Really Rasticore? I expected more of you...)
And his damn face. Like, it’s not some dramatic afer-battle moment like the tapestry depicted
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But more like
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*frustrated sigh*
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“Well then.”
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“This is inconvient.”
And we don’t here from him for at least another twenty years (Hey Star Crew could we get a timeline of events here?). And what does he do once he comes back?
He hires himself into Ludo’s army, convinces them to overthrow Ludo, gets Star to destroy her wand, nearly kills all of Ludo’s army, manipulates Ludo and nearly drives him insane, practically kills the Magic High Commision, taints all of the universe’s magic, practically manipulates Ludo into toppling a majority of Mewni, nearly kills Star, and destroys the Magic Instruction Book...
... just to get his fucking finger back.
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How god damn petty do you have to be to go to those lengths just to get one finger back? Like what the hell?
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And I’d like to point out that Toffee was a very excellent source for nightmare fuel in these past few episodes like...
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Toffee, stop
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This is a kid’s show, Toffee.
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And we can’t forget this little gem:
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Not gonna lie, this is the only time I pitied the damn lizard.
All of what Toffee did to me is just so funny. Like in retrospect, the concept of it all just strikes me as hilarious.
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And that is the brunt of my final thoughts on the season 3 premiere of Star vs the Forces of Evil, The Battle for Mewni. If you guys have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I might come back and update a few theory posts eventually and I’ll definatley update my Star vs episodes in one sentence posts, I just have to watch each episode indivually again to get a better feel for it.
Until then, stay weird and wild fellow fans!
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