#i think im gonna make that a tag in addition to my writing process one
n7punk · 3 years
do you find you run out of steam once you reach the halfway point of your fics or does writing the next chapter before posting the one before it help you
okay these are 2 separate things. i'll address the question and then why i write ahead/post the way i do. this is also focused on multi-chapter fics obvs, specifically long-form (5+ chapters) ones. under a cut because of length.
1) no, i don't think I have ever run out of steam in the middle, although whenever i finish a fic i'm always ready to be done with it and move onto the next project.
when i start a new fic, there is a burst of initial inspiration/excitement for the plot, world setting, etc, that makes the first few chapters (usually 2-3) come to me faster. then i kind of "settle in" to the fic and reach what i would refer to as its midpoint for inspiration and writing speed (although my personal life also effects both regardless of where i am in a project).
usually the next-to-last or last 2ish chapters are the hardest to write because at that point im looking ahead to my next project and getting excited over it, i've already written most if not all of the big moments in the fic that i was excited for, ive been on the project for a while so my interest is waning, and endings also feel weighty because i want to stick the landing so it's hard to make myself do it. this is of course variable: i was super excited for the reveal in chapter 9 of ASGNE, so i had plenty of energy for it and was only anxious about finishing things off nicely in the epilogue.
2) writing the next chapter before posting is actually an editing technique. at first i was updating every day, so writing ahead wasn't really an option and varied - i could be a few chapters ahead, or finishing it just as i posted it. then i switched to generally updating twice a week, which usually let me be at least a little ways into the next chapter (or sometimes multiple chapters ahead) when i did the final edit and posted the "current" chapter. because of this, i knew where the story was heading, if it had stuck to my outline, all the subplots that had developed, etc. it allowed me to make sure everything flowed and was foreshadowed properly, but then i abandoned the schedule.
to ensure i was always excited about what i was working on, i would post it as soon as i finished writing/editing it. i switched to finishing the rough draft of the next chapter before i posted the last one because in chapter 4 of iHTWcyn i realized there was something i wanted to do that would come out of nowhere, because it hadn't been foreshadowed in previous updates. i wrote myself into a corner, basically. i actually think that chapter came out better for it, but i realized that wouldn't always be the case, so i switched to my current method.
now, i do the rough draft of the 1st chapter, and then if i feel unhappy with it/a scene, etc, i go back and work on editing/rewriting those parts until i feel like it just needs a final edit. at this point, i move onto the 2nd chapter and do my rough draft of it, once again only fixing anything glaring. i then go back and do the final edit of the 1st chapter and post it. often, to carry on the story's momentum, i'll then reread and do a first pass edit of the 2nd chapter and just keep going when i reach the end, starting to write the rough draft of the 3rd chapter. after that is done, i do the final edit of and post the 2nd chapter, etc, repeating until the end of the fic. most chapters get multiple editing passes (i also usually start a writing day by rereading from the beginning of the chapter, editing a bit as i go, until i reach the end of what i wrote and begin writing again). often, i wait until ive done the first rough draft of both the next-to-last and final chapter before i post the second-to-last chapter to make sure the finale comes together as well.
holding onto one chapter allows me to go back and adjust for any story changes that took place while writing the next chapter (i outline most of my fics to a degree, but im a plantser when it comes down to it and i always leave myself open to changing or adding a plot based on how the fic is developing or new ideas i have). it helps the final product be better, and since im only one ahead (usually), i don't start losing motivation because it's not going to be that long before people see what im working on. holding back more also would start getting confusing, especially in longer fics. when i get even two chapters ahead, going back and doing the final edit of the "current" chapter can get confusing because i forget where the characters are at in the story, when they know already, what was "recently" said in the chapter before, etc (i was two chapters ahead in knifepoint for a bit and had this issue, though that ended up working out in my favor when i got sick and couldn't write for awhile).
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hufflautia · 4 years
A Hidden Darkness
A/N: I wish I had thought of this idea in time for Halloween.
Warnings: This story is a little creepy and has something to do with the supernatural. If you are not comfortable with that kind of stuff, avoid this fic. 
Dedicated to @sophiexteresa; thank you for helping me out with British slang :’) 
Summary: Slytherin notices that Hufflepuff is acting strange...a little too strange. 
Ravenclaw immediately drew back from the table, laughing as he pointed at Slytherin; the mini-explosion singed the edges of his hair. 
“Bloody hell,” Slytherin grumbled, gingerly rubbing his slightly-burned face. “This game is a load of bollocks.” 
He raised an eyebrow as he gathered the remaining cards. “Mate, you were the one who wanted to play Exploding Snap.” 
“Yeah, because I wanted the cards to explode in your face.” 
Ravenclaw rolled his eyes and grabbed a handful of popcorn, chucking it at him. 
Slytherin managed to block the attack with his hand, but some landed on his shoulder. As he brushed the popcorn off, he suddenly felt something prodding at the back of his neck. It felt like someone was...sniffing his hair? 
He turned around and saw Hufflepuff standing there, her face so close to his that he could feel her breath. “Hey,” he smiled, not registering the fact that it was likely she who just sniffed him. “Alright?” 
Hufflepuff gave him a blinding smile and grabbed his hand. “I need you,” she replied, tugging him out of his chair. 
“But I’m—” 
“Playing cards with Ravenclaw? You can do that later.” 
As she led him out of the Great Hall, Slytherin wondered how she knew what he was gonna say. He brushed it off quickly; she could clearly see what they were doing. However, something was definitely strange about her. Hufflepuff would usually greet Ravenclaw kindly if she saw him, but she barely spared him a second glance. 
Hufflepuff came to a stop after they passed through the entrance of the Great Hall and turned to face him. “I need to ask you something.” 
“Why couldn’t you just ask me before?” 
“Because Ravenclaw was there.” 
He frowned and said, “But you’ve never had a problem with him before.” 
She made a face at him. “He’s an ickle know-it-all. Should’ve socked him in the face, I should.” 
He was taken aback—Hufflepuff never behaved like this. She was always sweet and kind, but she was the complete opposite now. 
“What’s up with you,” he asked. “You’re acting like a completely different person. And ickle? You’ve never said that before.” 
She glared at him. “People change, Slytherin. Besides, I didn’t bring you out there just for you to berate me.” Her tone was calm, but Slytherin could sense the repressed hostility hidden beneath her words. 
She seemed to realize that he was staring at her strangely because, in the next moment, she suddenly straightened up and smiled at him widely. "But no reason to fuss about it any longer," she cooed in an oily voice, pinching his cheek. "You're here now, and that's all that matters." 
Slytherin studied her face and immediately picked up on the fact that her smile was forced. "Right then," he said slowly, still put off by her demeanor. "What was it you wanted to ask?" 
Her expression immediately darkened, and she stepped forward. He fought the urge to take a step back. What was going on with him? This was his girlfriend he was dealing with. She never meant any harm...so why did he feel so uneasy? Her next words sent chills down his spine. 
"Would you be able to tell if someone—no, if something were to possess my body?" 
Slytherin stared at her, hoping that she would crack a smile and burst out laughing, saying that it was just a prank and she successfully fooled him. 
However, she did no such thing. Instead, she stared at him with those dark eyes that he usually found endearing, but there was a coldness to them. An emptiness. 
"I..." He trailed off, unsure of what to say. What could he say? A feeling of discomfort festered within him, and he spoke again. “Uh, maybe? I think it'd be obvious if you started climbing on the walls or something.” 
Nodding, Hufflepuff seemed to mull over his answer before her face broke into a huge smile. “Alrighty then.” She suddenly plucked a piece of popcorn that had been lying in the collar of his shirt and popped it in her mouth. “Can I watch you play Exploding Snap with Ravenclunk?”  
“I thought you didn’t like Ravenclunk.” 
“I wanna see the cards explode in his face,” she shrugged. 
Slytherin hummed a laugh, momentarily forgetting how unusual she was acting, and began leading her back into the Great Hall. He felt a tug at his hand and turned back, only for Hufflepuff to smash her face onto his. 
The kiss was rough and sloppy, an alarming contrast to how they normally kissed. Drawing his bottom lip between her teeth, she bit down hard enough to make him pull away abruptly. He gingerly touched his lip and found his fingers to be stained with blood. He looked back up at her, shocked.  
A bit of his blood smeared across her teeth, she smiled coyly. “Sorry,” she said, not sounding sorry in the slightest bit. “You know I get carried away sometimes…” 
Slytherin didn’t respond and simply stood there like a statue, face awash with horror as he stared at her. 
“I’ve gotta go now. I have lots to do today.” With that, she ambled away, leaving Slytherin standing there and looking as if he had just seen a ghost. 
Hufflepuff wandered through the corridors, letting her hands brush against the cobblestone wall as she inhaled the sweet smell drifting from the Kitchens.  
I have to admit, the voice cackled. This is quite luxurious. It’s interesting to be human for once. Smell, taste, touch. I have much to explore.   
Please, Hufflepuff begged, trapped within the confines of her body against her own will. Let me go! 
Peeves laughed gleefully inside her mind. 
But I’m having so much fun.
Check out my masterlist! | Kind comments and reblogs are most appreciated :)
Author’s note: 
This may be my least favorite fic out of all that I have written. Last night, when I was writing it, I didn’t feel happy and a part of me wanted to discard what I wrote so far because I was like “jessica this is so dumb” but I didn’t wanna throw out what I wrote so far. I’m not even sure if Peeves is able to possess someone’s body, and after I finished writing, I thought “well what if I keep it ambiguous and it’s just some random demon?”. However, I had done some research on how Peeves talks, hence the “ickly”, and I didn’t wanna take out the hints of Hufflepuff not really being Hufflepuff. In addition, it doesn’t seem very hogwarts-like or harry potter related if it were just a random demon. That’s why I thought Filch to be the best option. I thought of this idea yesterday when my sister was acting creepy while we were in the bathroom in the morning. I was brushing my teeth and she was on the toilet, and she straightup looked at me with dead eyes and asked “Would you be able to tell if a demon possessed me?” and I was like
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She was twitching and everything, and as I was walking out of the bathroom, she came up right behind me and SNIFFED MY HAIR. Yea, so that was my inspiration for this fic. My initial idea for the ending was that as Hufflepuff walks back with Slytherin to the table, her eyes glow a little and she smiles wickedly. However, I was like hmmmm what if she bits his lips and he bleeds a little?.. Yea, don’t ask me why I thought that. I don’t think I would ever write a fic that includes that bit because slytherpuff doesn’t have that rough-love type of vibe, so I just thought, oh whatever might as well do that now when I have the chance.  
In other news, happy March! This is gonna be the month in which I get the rest of my college results and I am a little nervous. Also, I’m going to go on a hiatus because I feel myself going down a spiral right now and it’s likely because my period is coming😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀What fun, am I right??? I get bad PMS, so I’m just gonna leave and focus on my own wellbeing for some time because I tend to get depressed during my period. I might write a bunch of stories and then come out from the dark and then post consistently. I think I am kind of posting consistently already; I have never posted as many fics as I had in February, which is interesting and hopefully not a once-in-a-lifetime thing because I’m done with the college process but now I also have to deal with my own issues in terms of mental health and stuff. It sucks but I will get better. 
I hope you enjoyed reading this fic. Let me know what you think! 
Tags: slytherpuff-shenanigans @axieleration @sunnniiee @just--another--bean​ @determinedpines @zenobiagrace @asterinflower @cinnamon-roll-unicorn @mossy-axolotl @dumbbitch11 @hitchhiker-of-the-galaxy @notsowiseravenclaw  @arianatorpotterhead @eatacrackerandstop @luciferswife16 @walkinganomaly @asunshinepuff @lewispoolerpayton @adreameratdawn @thewitcheswords @oncergleekpotterhead @princessstoopid @stardustzainy @flvrqnce @multi-fandom-nutjob @eunnieah @iamahufflepuff @1hufflepuff @introvertedrae @princessstoopid @jasminedayz @magnoliamermaid @HOPEFUL-HUFFLEPUFF-PEEVES @peanut-in-the-goal @pufflehuff929 @sophiexteresa @da-fox-rangerrr @dawinehouse @shipping-book-keeper @xxavaloraxx @silverhetdanes @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum @elegantcroissantplaidpony @theoriginaljohnwatsonsblog @theoriginalsherlockholmesblog @vickeyunicorn @arianatorpotterhead @hmilkwhoney @simpering-simpleton @grandcyclecreation @sweetinvisiblewriter @marvelenthusiast10 @mvlpksvthisht @qiaopa @beardedhumanoid @jadefox05 @justanotherperson @inkedintothepaper @minty-malfoy @trippy-morgan @fangirlgeekandfreak @boilyourteeth @absentmindeduniverse @colettedelaurel @halfelven1 @happy-puff @coloring-bud @in-love-with-remus-lupin @autumnpleaves @crakencc @flyme--tothemoon @hedgepuffgirl @littleemotionalpanda @pancakes-and-sugar @korra4321 @aquietkindofthunder @qixnsriess @porksoba @thatfann @hellounicorn @i-have-a-bad-feeling @aasa2102 @zuko-28 @annie-mcl @clementines-x @writtenfoxscreams @randomwriter23 @cryingabtwandavision @coolninjavoid @urfaveslytherin @malfoys-demigod @tumlbr-trasher @violayaxley @wolfpack-arts-industries99 @zainieees-stuff @milk-leaves @priii @capt-sparrow @blueberry-9-pancakes @stressy-depressy   
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Okay, you know how I said I wanted to watch all these german minecraft series and then watch 3rd Life SMP? Yea, I actually dont have the attention span to watch a bunch of white bread boys fuck around in minecraft with little to no story, regardless of wether theyre american or european so Im just gonna write this post and them start watching 3rd Life SMP so yeah.
First, I kinda want to discuss what Im hoping for on like, a meta-level I guess. The only other minecraft RP Ive watched that seems similar to this is Dream SMP so expect lots of comparisons.
I like to split dsmp into three major parts: no story/non-rp, story/non-rp and story/rp.
The first part was literally just a live streamed vanilla minecraft let's play and it was boring as shit. It felt exactly like watching a bunch of dudes play minecraft and unless they acknowledged the people in their donations (who could uncomfortably pushy and even shippy at times) you did not at all get the impression they were even aware of the stream. And as much as I appreciate some level of authenticity in this type of content, I also expect to be entertained by it and this did not even meet my bare minimum standard of entertainment. Admittedly, my attention span is very low so that definitely has something to do with it, but still. I personally have never felt anything but boredom and occasionally intense discomfort while watching anything from this 'era' of dsmp.
The second part was the start of the first conflict, and thus the start of some semblance of a story. They were kind of 'roleplaying' already (both in the sense that they obviously have their personas for their content and in sense that they didnt actually have grievances with one another and were just playing it up for the sake of entertainment) but it was more on the fly, even less focused and less serious. However, it was already legues more fun to watch.
And then we had the third part, where, starting with Wilbur Soot joining and deciding to larp Hamilton, they started to plan things out more and have more complex and/or dramatic conflicts. Needless to say, this was/is the best part in my opinion and what made me see the appeal of dsmp.
What Im hoping for 3rd Life SMP is, that they skip atleast the first part. From what I can tell, it was created sometime after dsmp has been in that third part for a bit and it is a minecraft rp, so Im assuming the people behind it wanted to do something similar, just with the story aspect there on purpose and from the get-go, if you know what I mean. And by the way, I dont think thats wrong or even "copying" in the slightest. Dsmp very much seems like a case of "they did it first, not best" and if anything, I think it would be a shame if people didn't want to do their own spin on this basic concept.
What Im personally hoping for in terms of the 'style' of roleplay itself, I really hope that they dont seperate it as rigidly into lore and non-lore as they did in dsmp. Ideally, they would do it like Ranboo (Wilbur when he was playing Ghostbur to an extend too, but he didnt actually stream and have his own POV back then), where he's always kinda 'In-Character' even when there isnt really anything happening in the plot at that moment. Again, I just dont have the attention span for no story in series like this anymore, so I'd appreciate it on a personal level, but I also think that it could humanize the characters more and potentially add additional depth to them. Especially since it looks like 3rd Life is made by the Hermitcraft group and if the stuff Ive read about Hermitcraft (especially in comparison to dsmp) it wont thrive off intense conflicts and wars in quite the same way, so that could also be a way of making a calmer rp interesting.
And now, some actual plot predictions!
So, the way I found 3rd Life SMP was this really neat 'Pitiful Children' animatic by ZylisticArt. I didnt actually 'watch' it because when I look up animatics I just kinda stare at the screen, not processing anything because Im too busy imagining my own OC animatic to the song, but I did read the description and was mildly intrigued, and its the main reason I wanted to watch 3rd Life so Im going to properly watch it now and post my predictions for the plot below.
The description mentions something about the animatic being based on some kinda theory, but I only skimmed it in order to not get spoiled so idk what thats really about. Im mostly intrigued by the fact that the description mentions it being a hardcore SMP (with a twist!), that, combined with the name and the visuals of the animatkc lead me to a couple conclusions;
I dont really know how Hardcore mode works in multiplayer, but in singleplayer you just get permanently kicked out of your world when you die, so Im assuming it works like that on a server too, except on a server, Im pretty sure you have the option of being 'reinvited' onto a server by the admin(s) so you could theoretically have three lives while keeping it a hardcore project where you cant regenerate without potions or golden apples and all that. Again, idk if thats actually how hardcore works but I sure hope it is, because thats what Im basing pretty much all of my predictions on.
In the animatic there were like green people, yellow people and a red guy who was like, the antagonist I guess. I think the green guys still have all their lives, the yellow ones are down to two and the red lads are all down to their last one. Maybe theres gonna be a thing thats like, if you lose a life you lose a part of your soul and that makes you evil or something? Yknow, like the whole "character comes back wrong" thing, except its the conflict of the entire series. Pitiful Children is very much a 'Manipulating Others Into Doing Harmful Shit' kinda song, and I feel like that would be very in-line with a plotline like that, yknow?
Im not expecting there to be wars/conflicts on the scale of dsmp (no blown up countries here bois) but I am expecting to get ridiculously attached to a place that inevitably gets blown up/set on fire by an antagonist.
Speaking of antagonists, theyre definitely also doing the whole multiple POV thing, which means everyone is an antagonist in one way or another and Im a solutely watching every POV from every characters so that I know the full context and story of everything, so I can have the most correct opinions on them, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
Since these are the Hermitcraft guys Im expecting some beautiful builds that make me feel insanely untalented and the same thing with redstone shit.
Ghosts. If they havent added some kind of ghost mechanic/lore at the time Im writing this, they will add one in later, mark my words 3rd Life fandom, mark my words...
Thats pretty much it. This is all going under my mcyt tag too, and I dont think I'll be live blogging it, but it really depends on how interesting it is.
Also, if youre a 3rd Life fan who already watched all of it, the only thing youre allowed to respond to this with is a meme that is horribly incomprehensible to anyone who hasnt watched it.
Have a nice day!
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twas tagged by both @parallelmarvel and @tare8chan. i actually cant believe i was hhaha i’m aiming to be the legit writer worthy of this tag game other writers participated in. think u for thanking of meh 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Author Name: smellycinnamonthundahfudge on tumblr, AND JUST IN, I’M petertheparkerpus_mjmonogram ON AO3 YALLLSSSS. I FINALLY CAME THEEERREEE YYAAAYYYYY
Fandom You Write For: predominantly mcu’s spideychelle. (i also wrote tz stuff back then heh). but, i have also written (but not posted) for hiccstrid, got, darejones, simmosa, incredibles 2, and bughead hahaha.
Where You Post: i started on tumblr, so literally all of the works i wanted to share are on here. buuttt, like i said, I JUST GOT AN AO3 ACCOUNT YALLSSS. i’ve posted my first pj fics on there for now, but i havent posted em all yet so i am now beginning the process of importing em. im excited :’’’)))
Most Popular One-Shot: Take Flight (peter & mj’s flight home from the ffh trip, click for a nervous jelly peter hehehe)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: hhmmm, ok, so i’m not even sure if it classifies as a multi-chapter haha but i think so cus i wrote them as a continuous story in mind haha. i posted the “chapters” separately but i like to imagine it was just one story, Safehouse Sleepovers (consists of Safehouse, Safehouse Singalongs, and Hot chocolate). it’s my only multi-chapter story (not even sure if it classifies as one haha) so de facto most popular one hahaha. oh and it’s essentially a canon compliant post ffh fic bout pj bonding in the parkers’ safehouse hehe. (oh but i guess maybe the newly named airports could also be considered multi-chapter, is 2 chaps enough to call it that? haha so dunno maybe i take back the only mc story thing haha. it’s still the more popular one tho cus airports i wrote before ffh even came out haha)
Favorite Story You Wrote:  oof this is a hard one... ooohhh, i feeelll like i gotta, just gotta go with 5 + 1 gifts and Just Breathe cus they’re just so precious 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 but tbh i luv all of em. just as whole fics, they seem better to me haha
Story You Were Nervous to Post: ALL BRUHHH i mean im just not that confident with my works yet haha. buttt the one i was rlly the most nervous about was Home for the Holidays cus it was my first time writing with an actual person in mind to write it for haha. plus, it was the first fic i wrote after pj month so oof gods was i rusty by the time i wrote it hahaha haaysst. i think it was ok enough tho. plus they said it was good so yay. im just glad i actually did it haha.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: eh just whatevs i feel is catchy and is a good concise nice indicator of the plot heh. hhmm i feel like i usually come up with titles during the brainstorming process for the fic, like before actually writing it or while writing it.
How Many of Your Stories Are:
Complete: if im counting the “chapters” i mentioned earlier as one story each, then probs round 24. i say probs cus there’s some fics i wrote somewhere, where i feel like i finished em but i dont have access to them currently so im not 100 if it’s complete by my standards or nah haha
In-Progress: hhhhmmm im not sure if it’s write to call these in-progress. i’d rather call em unfinished, like i have 16 unfinished stories, or just written out story outlines. im not sure if i should call em in progress cus im not sure if i even still rlly plan to finish em, yknow? haha like they really are genuinely fun interesting n creative story ideas n plans thus far, i feel. but i just- lazy, yknow? haha i have to build up to writing a story for A LOONGG TIME haha
Coming Soon: hehehehe. technically it’s completed already, all i have to do is just make the post on tumblr hehe (as of the moment i wrote this post). im so excited for yalls to read The Bathroom hihihi <333
Upcoming Story You’re Most Excited to Write: oofff im not even sure if im actually gonna wind up writing these buuuut, dancing pj still seems so cute n pure n fun. and also, in addition to the countless other aus my annoying brain came up with on pj month, my brain annoyingly got even more fic ideas rolling around it now:
a moulin rouge au (peter’s the famous singer/dancer known as the spider-man who attracts men and women alike in the famous moulin rouge run by liz toomes with a gallery of other colorful rogues, heroes, villains, and just other sorts of attractive characters based on the comicbooks of old. mj is a young new budding writer looking to gain world experience to write about. she winds up in the moulin rouge, meets the infamous spider-man and gets to know the kind man behind the alluring and mysterious mask. im imagining tom’s lsb, laura’s hollywood, and z’s halloween euphoria ep costume for the aesthetic im going for haha. im still torn on whether to keep the og ending or not hahahaha)
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maybe a friends with benefits fic. where it’s not so angsty or full of drama. and genuinely just keeping it cool and chill til they inevitably just decide to actually get together/stay friends. it’s all up in the air and they’ll figure it out when they figure it out.
producers inspired, roommates au. the kdrama did the trope well and it made me want to see it applied to my two dorks 🥺🥺🥺🥺 
lastly, a first time fic for our two dorky virgins hahaha. i kinda like the idea of them planning out their first time to the most minute of details and just the actual process of figuring out what they want to do n stuff haha just seems real cute to me 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Do You Accept Prompts: hahahhaha look, i’m never one to say no ok? i mean, if i just straight up say no, im possibly saying no to potential ideas that are so inspiring i wind up writing it immediately. so yes, i’d like to say im willing to accept prompts. however, there is absolutely no guaranteed follow up and for that i’m sorry. i can just never know how i’ll react to an idea so there ya go. that’s my honest response haha.
im taggin the fic writers ive read over the years that havent been tagged by the ones that tagged me. hold my juice box. @spideymjlove @jediparkers @itsjacobperalta @thatsnicebutimmarried @bookishandbossy @thefudge @galaxy-parker @spideychelle-romanogers @spiders-n @petty-parker  @smalltreenergy @dead-end-street @softboyholland @mamgt @justanotherfangirlpassingthrough @machiavelien @peterjonesparker @blaisezabini @thegreenwomanswalkman @crazy4dragons @dragonydreams @attachedtomybookshelf @haddocksortails @dyannehs @funkytoes @jenni41 @rebelcaptaindaily @starxdust22​ no presh obvi. just thought dis might peak yalls interest. thanks for all that you’ve writtteeennnn 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (btw some of yalls might have just written hcs for all i know, i literally dunno anymore, but like i said iz nbd. just also wanted to give my thanks since im not entirely sure i was able to do so before)
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bastardnev · 5 years
Cheat Day
in which i inexplicably decided to write a fic about mustafa’s cereal-nutella-oreos breakfast combination
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling, All Elite Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mustafa Ali/Pac | Adrian Neville Characters: Mustafa Ali, Pac | Adrian Neville Additional Tags: damn i guess i gotta start tagging aew in my nevstafa fics huh, Fluff, Silly, mischief involving nutella and oreos Series: Part 1 of Jess Has Too Many Fics In Her Notes Summary: Neville wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the scene in his kitchen that morning.
(ao3 link)
i ended up making a new tag list bc its been so long since i last posted a nevstafa fic + i didnt wanna tag ppl who might not be interested anymore -- im going off the likes/replies to the post i made abt this yesterday so if you’re not on the list and you wanna be added lemme know !! i’ll add you 🥰
tag list: @sailor-slam-dunk @residentjoth @riveliciousx @lambchopviking @storyranger
Neville wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the scene in his kitchen that morning.
He had heard Mustafa get out of bed earlier, but he figured he was just going to get breakfast started — it was his turn, after all. Technically, he still was, but not at all in the way that Neville anticipated. Rather than finding him cooking the pancakes they’d agreed upon the night before, Neville instead walked in on him preparing a bowl of cereal in a large serving dish he’d placed on the island. This in itself wouldn’t have been so odd (other than his choice of bowl) if he didn’t follow up his milk pouring with a big search around the kitchen. He was rummaging through the cabinets that lined the walls for... for something. Something that Neville couldn't quite figure out, especially since the only thing he could plausibly be looking for was a spoon. What a can of olives had to do with anything, Neville had absolutely no idea.
And so, he choose to ask him about it. “What the hell are you doing?”
Mustafa glanced over at Neville quickly before putting the can back and going right back to his hunt. “Oh, good morning. Where’s your snack stash?”
Neville blinked, confused. “My what?”
“Your snack stash. Y’know, where you keep the snacks?”
“I— I know what a snack stash is, Mustafa.”
“Then where’s yours? I know you have one — everyone does. Fess up.”
What was he trying to do? The fact that he still hadn't given Neville a clear answer was a bit concerning. “What does it matter where my snacks are? Wait, forget about that, aren’t you supposed to be cooking pancakes?”
"Who said anything about me making pancakes?"
"You did. Just last night."
"Ehh, that was just pillow talk."
"You told me about how badly you were craving them when we were eating dinner." Why would they be discussing pancakes during pillow talk, of all things?!
Mustafa scoffed, and he offered no further response other than continuing to push aside the items stacked up on the shelf. "Are you planning on answering my question at all?" Neville crossed his arms. "What are you doing?"
“You'll see!" Mustafa responded when he finally decided to speak again. "I’ve got something even better than pancakes in mind."
Mustafa placing a breakfast food above pancakes was almost enough for Neville to consider the idea that he'd been replaced with an imposter. Almost. “And, that is...?”
“A secret — until you tell me where your snack stash is, of course.”
Neville sighed, rolling his eyes. He knew there was no getting out of this no matter how hard he tried. “Oh for the love of God, it’s the one under the microwave,” he at last confessed.
“The only one I didn’t check!” Mustafa grinned, and he darted over to the appropriate cabinet, digging around excitedly. “Ooh, you’ve got a lot of good stuff in here!”
“No need for the commentary, just take what you need.”
“You’re pretty defensive over your candy, huh?”
“You’ve got the biggest sweet tooth out of anyone I know — how can I not?” Now that he thought about it, seeing as Mustafa now knew where he hid all of his sweets, Neville would probably have to find a new hiding spot once this visit was over...
“Hmm.” Mustafa pouted as he moved a variety pack of mini candy bars aside. “You bought the Oreos I asked for, right?”
“Of course.” Like Neville honestly wasn’t going to do so after Mustafa practically begged him to pick some up when he went on his most recent grocery run.
“You do love me!” The package of cookies in his hands, Mustafa triumphantly brought it over to the island, pulling back the seal.
“Can you tell me what you’re doing now?”
“Patience, Nev! Geez. You can’t rush these things, you know?”
Neville wanted to retort, but the distinctive crunch of Mustafa crushing a fistful of Oreos over the serving dish interrupted him, and all he could do was watch in silent awe (and confusion). Mustafa repeated this process over and over again, unblinking, until he’d gone through one of the sleeves. “There...” He muttered, sealing the pack back up and putting it aside. “Now for the last part...”
Last part? Neville found himself a little afraid to say this out loud. His question received an answer anyway, however, as Mustafa then returned to the cabinet, pulling out the large jar of Nutella that Neville was secretly hoping he wouldn’t notice. (Man goes through jars quicker than I can count.) "Not really much I can work with here..." Mustafa mumbled as he put the lid aside, looking at the jar's contents. "You ate it all on me. Naughty boy."
"I'm... sorry?"
"Better be." Mustafa then went to the silverware drawer and pulled out a big spoon, and before Neville could wrap his mind around what was happening he'd scooped out a healthy amount. "This'll work, though."
Neville wasn't able to finish this sentence, as just as he was going to Mustafa let the Nutella drop right on top of his cereal. Neville looked back and forth between the bowl and Mustafa, who appeared to be debating what to do next with his messy spoon. Rather than put it in the sink like Neville assumed he would, however, he shrugged, dipping it into the bowl.
It was right as he was about to put a spoonful of cereal into his mouth that Neville decided to go through with asking his question. "Okay, what the hell?!"
Mustafa paused, spoon hanging in the air. "What?"
"What is this..." Neville gestured towards the bowl, trying to find the right words to describe what he was seeing. "This... concoction?"
"It's... my cheat day breakfast?" Mustafa said this as if it were the most obvious thing ever, like he couldn't understand why Neville so was baffled. "Duh?"
"How did you even come up with this?"
"Easy — I woke up one morning, couldn't decide what I wanted for breakfast, so I just mixed everything I wanted together. It's better than you think it is, really."
Neville pointed to the package of Oreos. "You wanted to eat those for breakfast?"
"You haven't thought about eating cookies for breakfast before? What are you, an amateur?"
"And— And the Nutella, what were you planning on doing with that if you hadn't thought to throw everything together?"
Mustafa didn't respond, instead choosing to avert his gaze. Suspicious, Neville followed up with, "You weren't seriously considering eating it straight from the jar, were you?"
Mustafa made eye contact with Neville again, and neither of them said anything for a solid few seconds. Eventually, though, Mustafa shot Neville a sheepish grin, and the latter brought his hand to his forehead, slowly shaking his head. "Oh, God..." He let out a breath. "All this, yet you still have those abs..."
"I sure do." Mustafa brought the spoon back to the cereal and mixed it up a bit. "Now, maybe instead of pickin' on me you can come give this a try. You might like it."
"I have no use for any of that."
"False — everyone needs this in their lives."
"Not everyone needs something loaded with sugar so early in the morning."
"What are you gonna have instead, then? Egg whites?" Mustafa shuddered at his own suggestion, and he held a spoonful out towards Neville, who leaned away. "You know you want toooo..."
Neville looked at the spoon with a narrowed gaze. He knew damn well that he gave in to Mustafa way too often (something about the look in his eyes, he figured). He'd told himself that he would stop being such a pushover when it came to him, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to stick to his word for once. Mustafa wanted him to try some food combo that he swore was amazing, something that Neville thought was completely ridiculous. He would be lying if he said he found it to be anything but.
...But he would also be lying if he said that he wasn't at least a little curious as to what Mustafa saw in it. Not to mention that he was giving him the dreaded eyes...
Neville said nothing. Instead, he took a few steps closer to Mustafa, allowing him to put the spoon into his mouth. "There we go..." Mustafa took it out a moment later, giving Neville a second to chew and swallow before asking, "It's good, isn't it?"
It was. "It's fucking disgusting."
"Liar, liar..." Mustafa singsonged, and Neville huffed. There was no point in denying it.
"Maybe you're right..."
"Ha! I knew it."
"Why do I always agree to go along with your nonsense..." Neville lamented, and Mustafa chuckled, leaning over to give him a kiss.
"Because you love me," he replied as he pulled away, and Neville struggled to hide the little fond smile that forced its way onto his face.
"...Yes, I do."
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ofmorninglory · 5 years
im not well versed in crossover AU's in general but go off about them anyway lay it on me
//screams// Guys, Tea is a Literal Blessing™ and I absolutely don’t deserve all this validation but I will soak up on it. 
So, the other day I was going through my Ao3 and I realized literally everything I do, ever, is a crossover, so I guess that’s kind of my thing now. Room Enough AU, however, is literally The Crossover™, you know? I have to admit I’ve been working on plotting it for way too many years (I think it was 2016; I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a hot minute) so it’s so much bigger in my head than what I actually have written. Some of the info I’ve managed to actually jot down somewhere is in this little tag right here, but I’m here to provide the basics on what Room Enough AU is and why it’s so important to me. 
Under the cut, to keep your dashes clean, my lovelies! 
Room Enough for All of Us is a crossover AU between Marvel and DC (because who didn’t see that coming, right?). While most of the crossovers for these franchises I’ve seen and read all start with Bruce and Clark meeting Steve and Tony (who, arguably, are each other’s counterparts) and while I absolutely adore the idea of billionaire Bruce Wayne becoming friends with billionaire Tony Stark, and Clark and Steve bonding over, you know, being seen as literal beings of perfection, Room Enough AU (which we’ll shorten as REAU from now on, although that’s a name I’ve never used for it, but there’s always a first for everything, you know?) actually starts with Tony Stark, betrayed and broken after IM, meeting (or rather, meeting again) one very problematic and highly-skilled pilot, Harold Jordan. 
After the events of IM and Tony being betrayed by one of the people he trusted most in the world, Stark Industries starts undergoing heavy restructuring (am I using the right word? Google Translate says so) and among all of these shifts and changes, Pepper insists that he gets a new pilot for his private plane. He goes to Ferris Air, of course, because it’s in California and he’s had contracts with them for years, and when he gets there, there’s this one roudy pilot who manages to not only evade all of the Stark Training Drones in the air, but actually destroys all of them in the process. Tony wants this pilot. He does. He recognizes under-paid talent when he sees it. 
Hal has absolutely zero idea of what is happening when Tony offers him the position as his private pilot. Jordan is not all that enthusiastic about being some rich kid’s pilot-for-hire, but after the stunt he’s just pulled? He really should think about getting a new job. Hal doesn’t say yes outright, of course not, he’s got more dignity than that, but Tony just won’t let up. 
Not only is Tony Stark some rich billionaire he doesn’t want to be working for either, he’s also one of Hal’s one-night-stands from two years ago. Is Tony fazed at all by this? He is not! Tony Stark is stubborn and he doesn’t care about anything other than getting this man a better salary. 
Tony spends about 300 weeks trying to get Hal to actually agree to the job, it’s ridiculous. His gifts are expensive, and they get more extravagant the more time goes on. He even gets Hal Captain rank back for him (if that allowed? I do not know, I have yet to research on this, this is actually a very new development born in the REAU discord chat). Hal draws the line when a Rolex ends up at his home (one of the fancy, classic ones, too, with the green cover) and Jordan calls Tony to tell him to back off. 
Twenty minutes later, Hal is agreeing to working for Stark. Carol fired his ass after that whole fiasco with the drones (”They were due for an upgrade, anyways! They’re old and I could do so much better, Ferris! It’s not a big deal.”) so he has to find a way to pay the goddamn bills or move in with Barry, and he doesn’t want to intrude on his best friend like that. 
Plus, he loves the sky. Maybe this job isn’t so bad. 
Against all odds, and with a lot of difficulties and obstacles, Tony and Hal actually start bonding. Except, whoops, Tony is dying from palladium poisoning, and just as our favorite green boy is warming up to the idea of not only being Tony’s pilot but also his friend, Stark suddenly does a 180 on him and completely backs away. 
(It doesn’t help Hal’s confusion that Tony spent the first few weeks of his employment literally changing everything about his life. He gives his company away to Pepper Potts, starts a mentor-apprentice program in which he is the mentor and this girl from Mexico is the apprentice, and just generally starts becoming a Good Man™, in Hal’s eyes.)
Long story short (to wrap this one up, because I could go on for years) Hal finds out Tony is dying with a little help from Natasha (who Hal decidedly stops liking when he finds out she’s been lying to Tony, but who he’ll warm up to again, eventually, and because she loves Barry a whole lot and keeps his boyfriend safe and happy) and then it’s a race against time to save Stark’s life. 
And because there is no one smarter (or faster) that Hal Jordan knows, he calls his good buddy The Flash into Tony’s Malibu home and tells Stark that Barry will help him or “so help me god, Anthony Edward Stark, I will find a way to bring your back from death to kill you myself”. When Tony is saved and Barry and him have managed to destroy his entire home, Hal feels like he can breathe again, and Allen smiles at him this sort of way when he catches his shoulders lose all the tension. (”wHAT? WHAT IS IT BARRY?” “You wanted to keep him safe” “He pays my salary, of course I wanted to keep him alive” “Harold” “Bartholomew”) 
So, Tony and Hal? They’re really, really good friends. Hal would probably die for Tony, and Tony would absolutely lay down on the wire to let Hal pass (take that, Steve). From the outside, they’re an unlikely pai, except when you look at it closer, they’re literally the only way universes could collide. Barry actually saw it coming from a mile away, but Hal refused to let Tony into his life (Hal is used to everyone leaving; Barry is the exception, of course he is, but that’s Barry there’s no one purer, nicer, or kinder in this whole wide world). 
After that, it’s just a lot of JL/Avengers shenanigans, mostly around Barry, Hal, Tony and Steve, once he comes along (and he and Barry aren’t at each other’s throats anymore). It follows losely through IM2, Avengers, probably IM3 (because Harvey Keener) and CA:WS (Barry and Steve bonding!), only to diverge somewhere between that and Age of Ultron (that doesn’t exist, to be all that much honest). I’ve plotted some of the things I want to happen, but since I’m messy and don’t have enough attention span to STAY FOCUSED, I’m still trying to figure out a lot of things. 
I’m probably going into Avengers Assemble at some point and work with that. There are some DC storylines I think would fit nicely in there, but I have big gaps in my comic knowledge, so I really have to search for the right things to put. 
The funny thing about REAU, however, is how much it has intoxicated every single of my other aus. All of the works that you can find in my Ao3 (right over here) are different iterations of this crossover, brought into different scenarios. 
We have Coffee Shop AU, my first non-powered baby whom I love and cherish very much and hopefully will finish one day. We have Hotel AU which is so weird and I have no idea where it came from, but it’s there and it’s some very sweet Clintasha. There’s Prom AU/Childhood Friends AU! That’s sweet and fluffy and features sticker stars and red crayons. We have dumb diner au! The newest published addition to the line of non-powered aus! They’re all great, they’re mostly always the same characters, the same groups of friends (in most non-powered AUs, Steve and Barry don’t hate each other. In fact, usually they know each other from a very long time, along with Bucky, and Steve protects Barry with every ounce of whoop-ass he is) and there’s always some cute-meet that ends up in halbarry ending up together (because yes, they’re all mostly halbarry with a side of stony bcs I’m trash) I’m currently writing blubarry au for halbarry week (which I miscalculated) and it’s actually turned into Paramedic/Blubarry AU and it has absolutely gotten out of control (I’ve finished what could be a first instalment at 13k) and there’s aladdin au for stony that’s still in process and is also a crossover. 
Aaaaaaand that’s mostly it, jsjsjsjsj I’m sorry this was so long! I’m so passionate about REAU and all my non-powered aus that it’s overwhelming some times!
Also, that post you did about Natasha? I felt that. My favorite Natasha is the Natasha who gets to be dorky, and cute, and who laughs at and with her friends. My favorite Natasha takes one look at Barry and goes “this one is mine now and if you hurt him I’ll make sure you pay dire consequences”. My favorite Natasha is Natasha painting Tony’s nails on girl’s night (that Tony always crashes, but he also sponsors the whole thing, so it’s alright). My favorite Natasha laughs like a hyenna when Clint makes a dent into their wall because he’s an idiot. My favorite Natasha is Dinah’s best woman, standing right by her, and wiping tears from her eyes without anyone seeing because she still wants to look at least a little bit tough. My favorite Natasha is so beloved by everyone who meets her and I’m !!!!! crying !!!!!
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stagnot · 5 years
more thoughts about episode four based purely on leaks.
so, like. eons ego, i talked about why i agreed with the fact that making gendry the immediate lord of storm’s end is poor story telling. here are some of my tags then:
#lkjasdsd lmAO like??????? i KNOW i should probably root for him or whatever #bUT THAT POST. IS. CORRECT. #G/ENDRY IS A LOWBORN. #HE CANT READ. HE CANT WRITE. #he..... he even struggled to ride a horse my dudes. #HE HASN'T GOT A PROPER EDUCATION LADS! #he can't just waltz up and be like ''guess im your lord now'' like?????? #aside from g/endry's whole DILEMMA about being a lord in THE FIRST PLACE #which is: A Lot of Issues to deal with tbh because g/endry has a Major Distrust in the monarchy / hierarchy system as a whole.# it just.... wouldn't make sense. once the b/aratheons are officially extinct. i... am pretty sure #there is already another house set to rule @ storm's end as is. #like..... i'm not saying i oppose to g/endry being legitimised. i actually think it's - fair? somewhat? 
#he had done a lot. if not protecting one of s/tark's heirs (a.rya) FOR YEARS on the run and even being proactive regarding it#he agreed to go on a mission beyond the wall. which. experience-wise. was a VERY DANGEROUS thing for him #(he was raised in the south so the climate could've easily like. killed him? if not the dead? lol.) #and then he made dragonglass after dragonglass under the north's allegiance. so yes. i dont mind g/endry being recognised #and one of the things to recognise him with was to give a title. that was how things worked back then i would assume. you do your work#you give men lands and titles and wives (ew. but lets face it. true.) 
#but............ just automatically making him a lord of storm's end is. Not Okay #there will definitely be a political unrest because g/endry is a FOREIGNER and A BASTARD BORN #and just. i have like. a whole thought out process of what would've happen #but like. i'm gonna stop here because eeeep!!! i dont mean this to sound negative-ish it rlly isn't!!!! #i just wanted to make it clear that yeah. i may have to do more research about it #but g/endry won't automatically inherit his family's castle just because he's got the blood u know? and thats it #anyway skdjhksjf i'll: Shut Up now.. probably.. #out of character.
additional facts remain:
if we’re following leaks, i have suspicion that the one who’s naming him lord of storm’s end are daenerys or jon or both of them, together. here is the thing: the stormlands have never canonically bent their knees to daenerys. i won’t understand why they would take daenerys’, whom they most likely will see as a foreign ruler (and a targaryen, no less - who they’ve got bad blood with from robert’s rebellion), and jon’s, who is a bastard regardless of his titles, words for the matter.
no, i understand. this doesn’t mean gendry couldn’t be legitimised. i think matters can be arranged regarding that - because, for what he’s done? heck yeah, i want all of his effort to have some of that sweet rewards, my dude. brienne of tarth, technically, is a knight from stormlands as well — she would’ve vouched for gendry’s service, and, like, they could’ve easily made an agreement that, hey, because gendry has done very good work, the stormlands can also give their blessing to name him as gendry baratheon.
i’m just miffed that he’s immediately made lord of storm’s end?????? dude. that’s. a castle. he’s immediately given a castle???? a whole ass land filled with people to rule????? like????? technically, of course, he can have a claim to it — but do we honestly think since the death of stannis, the stormlands are, what, roaming around without a proper second-house in-command to take care of them? do we honestly think the stormlands, who are proud and stubborn and literally known for their hotheadedness are just gonna, what, let some two rulers they barely knew just..... decide their lord for them?
again, please be aware: gendry is an uneducated, lowborn bastard. he can’t read, he can’t write, canonically - from the books - he can barely ride a horse, and he has zero experience leading men (unlike brienne, who was in charge of a troop, or maybe even jaime, who was a kingsguard). he’s a baby???? 
YES, of course! he can learn all of that. but it’s. not going to be easy. gendry being named lord of storm’s end will cause a political unrest within the stormlands itself, because firstly: they don’t know who gendry is, why should he be their leader; why should they entrust their men and welfare to him? and secondly, gendry is unfit to rule — he’s got SO MUCH to learn before he can be hailed as one of stormlands’ own. thirdly, gendry — WHO HAS A LONG DEEP-ROOTED HATRED FOR HIGHBORNS ARE GONNA PANIC AS FUCK Y’ALL. i feel people just brandishes this away, but not on my watch. fourth, politics aren’t that simple. two people saying he’s a lord doesn’t make him a lord. it’s gonna be more complicated than that. and i.... im gonna emphasise on that. 
im not even gonna touch on the arya/gendry thing cause im just re-writing all of their story with people at this point sO
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helloooo i would like to know 2, 10, 14, 37, 49! :) -taylor<3
helloooo taylor 🖤 @squishmichael thank you for sending these
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits? nice let's see
Tumblr media
well im actually surprised that most of my fics are established relationship i thought i was writing more meet cute/getting together fics??? other than that i think it's an accurate representation i mean i like writing fluffy fics and they tend to have flirting and end in first kisses soooo yeah kinda surprised at the hurt/comfort tag but i guess the only way i write "angst" is if its light and has a happy ending. maybe i should change that? but i feel like i couldn't pull off an angsty fic it feels very not me ajdkajs but we'll see
10. How do you decide what to write? it usually depends on which pairing im feeling the most or if i get an idea for a particular fic or if its a songfic and i listen to the song or someone mentions something that reminds me of one of my fics so it makes me wanna write it i wish i could say there's some thought process but. nope! and usually it's not what i should be writing ahkajdjs like my fic for the exchange or a cashton one shot that is set before christmas and i'd like to be able to post this month lmao
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? its not a trope exactly but i think angst? i don't usually read angsty fics that don't explicitly tell me that there's a happy ending? so i only do if its from someone i trust to make me cry but also make sure that i enjoy it ahdkajds like your malum apocalypse fic or peyton's all too well mashton fic
also maybe "enemies to lovers"? i would be worried that the relationship actually borders on toxic at some point but if it was for example a fic from hazel? i know that wouldn't happen and i would feel safe reading it
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it? i honestly never expect my fics to get a lot of traction svdfvdjs so im just gonna promote 20/20 because we were talking about it a few days ago and it's in my mind right now! as for what i love about it? well it's mashton, it has michael in glasses <3 it was also fun to write a 5+1 fic and project my love for michael in glasses onto ash, there are also cute michael pics linked in the fic and overall it's cute and funny and fluffy so if anyone likes that they should read it :)
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! well there's my fic for the exchange and a mashton songfic i started against my better judgement and the yellow shirt cashton fic i started for maya and a lot of other wips that i already talked about when the wip game was doing its rounds
for now i'll share this from the cashton winter/christmas one shot i mentioned above
“It's not your fault,” Calum says, because he knows that’s exactly what Ashton’s thinking. He doesn’t need to see his face to know he’s running over in his head everything they could’ve done differently so that they didn’t end up trapped here in London. “Ash, you can control a lot of things, but not the weather.” 
He hmphs, turning his head to the side. Calum keeps brushing his fingers through his hair, brushing dark curls away from his face, and sees the frown that's hiding behind the cute little ringlets.
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dxrkblaze · 7 years
Dark’s 2018 New Year Resolutions
I rarely do resolutions, but this year was a little different for me. I’m just gonna put this under a read more bc it’s been a very rough 2017. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and I want to try my best to be a better person next year. So, this’ll probably be pretty long, personal, and therapeutic.
(if I tagged u in this, u can just scroll to the bottom if u want lmao I prob just put a lil message down there)
I’m gonna stop dragging people down with me when I feel sorry for myself. I may still vent, but I’m not gonna feel sorry for myself anymore.
I’m gonna stop feeling negative about my creative work (whether it’s art or writing) without warrant. And news flash, Dark, a lack of popularity or a negative review is not a warrant.
In addition to this, if I do feel negative because of constructive criticism, I’ll do my best to fix whatever the issue was and not dwell on it. If I fix it, it’s fixed, it’s done, and the work is better for it in the end. The work was never “terrible” to begin with, no matter what I tell myself. It’s simply improved afterwards, and I can feel positive about it then.
I’m gonna stop treating fandom popularity as my endgame. If I ever actually get popular, that’s great, and I’ll be happy to share my work with a larger audience. But that will no longer be my primary goal in sharing my work.
Also, I’m gonna stop comparing myself to/being jealous of those who ARE popular in this fandom.
I will take what my friends tell me about my work as the truth. If they say they liked it or thought it was good, it’s because they liked it and thought it was good, period.
Consequently, I’m gonna stop trying to find ~hidden motives~ in what my friends tell me, especially regarding what they say about my art. Again, if they say they liked it, it’s because they liked it, dummy. 
I’m gonna stop picking apart every little detail of what others say, because it only makes me feel like shit and question things.
Prime example of this in 2017: I remember Ghostie tagging me in that one “new artist memes” post (old memes: ‘my art is terrible’ vs. new: ‘my art is terrible but that’s ok bc im learning/having fun/etc). Even tho she CLEARLY said smth like “I’m not saying ur art is bad this just reminds me of u”, I couldn’t stop thinking “she thinks my art is terrible and this is the way she’s telling me”/“everyone else prob feels the same way and just doesn’t wanna hurt my feelings”, and that sent me into another negative episode. That’s fucking stupid, Dark. Don’t do that.
((ghostie if ur reading this plz don’t feel bad abt that lmfao ily and I was being a dumb))
Moreover, I’m gonna stop dwelling on stuff like that. Whether it’s something someone says, a negative review, constructive criticism, anything. I’m gonna move on.
If I get a compliment on my work, I will not deny it.
I’m not gonna drag myself after every negative thought that pops in my head. It’s okay to feel negative sometimes. But, from now on, I’ll remember the positives too.
I’m gonna stop viewing myself as inferior to everyone who creates “good” art, whether they’re a stranger or my friend.
I’m gonna stop viewing writing as an inferior talent to art. 
Thus, I’m gonna start striving to be better at art because I want to and it makes me happy to draw, instead of getting better to “better myself as a creative person”/“be a better/more likable friend”. That’s toxic, Dark.
I’m gonna stop believing that I can’t be talented at both writing and art.
I’m gonna remember that becoming a good artist is a process, just like becoming a good writer was.
I’m gonna stop telling myself that my art is unbearably bad. It goes against everything anyone has ever said about my art. My art is good. My art is good in its own way, just the way it is, and I can only improve from here. Just like your friends have told you, Dark.
I’m gonna remember the old me more. Like, 12/13/14 year old me. Because that person serves as proof that just because someone doesn’t review/favorite a fic, doesn’t mean it didn’t leave a lasting impression on them, or they felt it was a waste of time to read. I never had a fanfic/deviantart/anything account for a while, so I never reviewed/favorited my most favorite fics of all time that I still think about to this day. The world’s a big place, and my work has likely inspired more people than I think.
I’m gonna stop beating myself up over any of this shit, and live my life the way I did before 2017 happened.
And, finally…
If I start breaking any of these resolutions next year, I won’t just run crying to someone about it. I’ll reblog this post, and try my best to fix my mentality.
Thank you all to everyone who helped me through some really, really rough times this year. Especially @maliwarm, @lordoftheghostking28, @aurora-boring-alis, @chariat, and @weezernaut. I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted this year. You guys always picked me back up and made me feel better. You let me vent to you whenever I was feeling shitty, no matter what it was about, and you did your best to help me out. I was an absolute shithead at times this year, but you still listened and made me feel so much better in the end. Thank you for just… caring. You all have made me stronger for next year, each in your own way. Love you guys.
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ugyeoms · 7 years
Acting//Kyungsoo Scenario
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Title: Acting//Kyungsoo Scenario
Word Count: 3436
Request: (Anon) Hi!! I've been wanting to ask this for quite some time. Do you think you can write a scenario where you play as kyungsoos sister on a drama but outside of it you fall in love with each other? Thank you!
A/N: Here you go anon! I’m so sorry this took so long! (and im sorry for the terrible title i suck at them) I just wanted to say the actors names I used in here are completely random, there’s no drama that they’re staring in together! I merely just chose them because I like them! If you guys like this scenario, then please check out my masterlists and feel free to request fake texts or scenarios for any of the 4 groups I write for. Thank you!
The ringing of your phone startles you as you snap out of your daze and rush to pick it up.
“Hello?” you greet nervously.
“Y/N! YOU GOT A PART!” your manger exclaims. You squeal and smile really big, absolutely ecstatic that you were able to score a part in SBS’s upcoming drama. 
“Which part did I get?” You ask, your voice full of excitement.
“You will be playing the role of the male lead’s sister!” She replies. “The role of the sister does have a pretty decent amount of screen time and lines though, i’d even consider her as a main character!” You can’t believe you managed to get such a good role as a relatively rookie actress and are extremely satisfied with the part.
“Awesome! Do you know who the male lead is yet?” You question. 
“You’re not gonna believe me when I tell you.” She replies, and you can practically feel the smile on her face.
“Oh my gosh, who is it?” You ask, once again anxious.
“Do Kyungsoo!” She replies with enthusiasm. You almost drop your phone when you hear the name come out of her mouth.
“Do Kyungsoo?! Like Exo’s Do Kyungsoo?!” You reply, your jaw hanging open in shock.
“Yes! Can you believe it?! You got a good part in a drama with Do Kyungsoo as the lead male! This is insane! Do you realize how many people are going to be watching you act because of him?” She replies.
You feel faint as you consider just how much attention this drama is going to get solely because of him. Although you’re merely playing his sister, tons of people are going to see what you’re capable of when it comes to your acting skills. You seriously hope you don’t get too nervous around Kyungsoo though, since you are in fact a huge fan of Exo. “This can’t be real!” You reply in utter disbelief.
“But it is!” Your manager replies. “And tomorrow you will be meeting with the cast for the script reading of the pilot!” 
“What?! Already?!” You scream, jumping out of your chair. “I’m not mentally prepared for this, oh my gosh. What am I gonna do?” 
“Y/N, you’re an amazing actress, you can do this! Now go relax, you have to be well rested for the script reading tomorrow!” 
“Ok, ok, I will eat some dinner and then head straight to bed! Goodnight!” You reply.
“Goodnight! Congrats again!” You manager says before hanging up. You place your phone down on the table in front of you, and just stare forward, still trying to process what just happened. This whole thing feels like a dream! You got a main part in an SBS drama that has Exo’s Kyungsoo in it! Excited for tomorrow, you quickly eat something and then decide to go straight to bed.
The next morning, you and your manager are in the car on the way to the script reading. The palms of your hands are clammy as you think about what’s about to happen. In no time, you and your manager arrive at the building the script reading is being held in and make your way in side. You’re looking down at the floor as you try and take deep breaths to help you calm down. It’s just a script reading! Your manager leads you into a room with a long table with just a few people sitting at it and a bunch of name tags. Spotting your name, you begin to head over to your seat until you’re stopped by who you recognize to be the producer of the show.
“Y/N, it’s great to see you! We’re so excited to have you playing Yerin!” He says, bowing.
You bow in return before replying, “Thank you so much for giving me the honor of playing this part! I can’t wait to see the script!”
“I think you’ll like it! Your script is right over at your name tag. We’ll begin the script reading once all of the actors and actresses arrive.” He finishes.
“Alright, thank you!” You smile, continuing the walk over to your name tag. You look at the name tags you’re in between and notice that you’ll be sitting next to Kyungsoo, whose character is named Minho and Park Hyungsik, who is playing a character named Jinyoung. Your hear beat increases a bit knowing that you’re going to be in such a close proximity of such famous people. Deciding it’s best not to worry about it, you take a seat and begin to look over the front page of your script.
“Kim Yerin: Y/N L/N
The sister of Minho. Minho and Yerin are extremely close siblings, and she is one of the main obstacles in the way of Minho and Nayeon being together. Minho will not date anyone without Yerin’s approval, so Nayeon spends a decent amount of time towards the end of the drama when her and Minho get together, trying to convince Yerin and Dahyun that she’s the right girl for their brother and son. However, in addition to being the loving sister of Minho, Yerin is the target of Minho’s friend Jinyoung’s affections. Though she doesn’t fall for him at first, the two eventually end up together in the end.” 
You finish reading the description of your character, absolutely shocked at what a significant role you seem to have. You learn that Nayeon, the female lead, will be played by IU and Jinyoung, the character played by Park Hyungsik, is actually your love interest! You’re shocked how you were able to receive a part in a drama that will have such a famous cast! The first of those three people to arrive is actually Kyungsoo. As soon as you see him walk in your palms start to sweat. He’s even better looking in real life than he is on screen! Luckily, you have a little bit of time to mentally prepare yourself while he’s talking to the producer. You know you have to act all calm and collected around him because you don’t want to make a bad first impression. You guys are going to be working together for a while, so you want to make sure he doesn’t think you’re a weirdo. Lost in your thoughts, you don’t notice Kyungsoo starting to make his way over to his seat and towards you.
“Hi, I’m Do Kyungsoo and I will be playing your brother Minho in the drama. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He says to you politely with a bow. You immediately stand up and bow in return. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too! I’m Y/N L/N and I will playing the role of your sister Yerin! But I think you know that already...” You laugh nervously, getting your first real look at his face. You swear you’ve never seen anyone who is this perfect.
“Yes! I just figured since that’s what is says on your name tag.” He laughs, pointing towards it. 
“Oh, right.” You laugh in return, slightly embarrassed and extremely nervous.
“So, I heard from the producer that you’re a relatively new actress!” He states, shocking you that he actually is trying to make conversation.
“Yes, actually! I’d consider this my biggest role so far, and although I’m nervous, I’m very excited to see where this goes!” You reply, more calm then you were a bit ago.
“Well, congratulations and I’m sure you’ll do great. I was extremely nervous my first big role too, so I understand how you feel.”
“Thank you! Also, you’re such an amazing actor and performer though!” You reply, and you almost see a hint of a blush on his face. “I forgot to say it when I greeted you, but I’m a fan of Exo too.” You say shyly.
“You’re very sweet, thank you for all of the compliments.” He smiles at you. You’re too stunned by his smile to respond, but luckily, you don’t have too. Hyungsik approaches the two of you and bows.
“Hi, I’m Park Hyungsik and I will be playing the role of Jinyoung. It’s a pleasure to meet the two of you.” He states. You two bow in return an introduce yourselves. Everyone makes small talk for a while until finally everyone is there and the script reading can start.
The script reading goes well and the producer begins to give out some filming schedules. You find out that the filming starts as soon as tomorrow and you have to be there pretty early in the morning to get styled for recording. This is a scary experience, but you find it extremely exciting looking at how far you’ve come. The cast and crew were all very nice and you just know that you’re going to have a great time working with them.
Your reflection stares back at you as you watch the stylists work on your hair and makeup. The first day of recording is a big deal and you feel very jittery. The stylists finish up and you look at yourself in the mirror. “This is it.” You think to yourself. You walk into the set while looking at your lines. The first scene you would be filming would in fact be with Kyungsoo. The scene will take place in your house and the two of you will basically be introducing your characters through a conversation with each other. While looking over your script, Kyungsoo walks up from behind you and taps you on the shoulder.
“Hey Y/N! Are you ready for this?” He asks, seeing the clear anxiety on your face.
“I think I’m ready! I just really want to know my lines so I don’t mess up.” You reply, still reading over your script.
Kyungsoo pushes your script down making you look up at him. “I’m sure you won’t mess up; however, we can run our lines together if you’d like to practice.” He offers.
“That would be great, thank you so much!” You smile. The two of you go sit down and run the scene together. The both of you pretty much have it down pat and you begin to make small talk. You’re happy the two of you are getting along so well since you feel like that will make your acting all the more believable. You find out that the two of you have very similar interests and even decide to exchange numbers. 
Eventually, the director calls the two of you to set. You and Kyungsoo get in to position and wait for your cue.
“Action!” The director calls.
The two of you run through the scene very smoothly. Although you’ve only known him for a very short time, acting with him seemed to come very naturally.
“That was great guys! I think we could move on to the next scene already!” The director says, making you smile. The first day of your first big role in a drama and you’ve already completed a scene at first take. 
“Wow, first take! That’s awesome!” Kyungsoo says walking over to you.
“Yeah I know! I still can’t believe this is happening!” You reply, sitting down on the floor because why not. 
Kyungsoo sits down next to you and asks, “What?”
“This whole thing! It’s just so unbelievable that I was able to receive such a good role in what is expected to be an incredible drama with a great cast!”
Kyungsoo just smiles, intrigued by how innocent you still are. He finds himself thinking your innocence is adorable. “Well I guess it’s time to believe it now, huh?” He says. “Come on, let’s go get ready for our next scene.”
The rest of the day goes on just as smoothly as the morning. You and Kyungsoo are getting more and more comfortable around each other, and you’ve become rather friendly with Hyungsik and IU as well. You honestly don’t think this day could’ve gone any better.
When you return home, you get a text notification informing you that you’ve been put into a group chat. You look to see that a group chat has been put together by Hyungsik with you, Kyungsoo, and IU in it. The four of you instantly fall into silly conversation and you wonder to yourself how you’ve managed to get so lucky.
It’s weeks into filming now, and you and the rest of the cast are closer than ever. You guys text all the time, and sometimes you guys will even hang out outside of set. Especially you and Kyungsoo. You don’t know what happened, but the two of you just managed to hit it off very well. During the weeks of filming, getting to know Kyungsoo so well has made you start to develop feelings for him. You find yourself spending time throughout the day thinking about his smile, his laugh, his voice, etc. Nobody really knows about your crush except IU though. You felt like you could trust her, since the two of you have gotten pretty close.
Today, you couldn’t help but feel extremely nervous. Today is gonna be your first ever kiss scene. You know you shouldn’t be so scared since it’s just acting, but you really can’t help it. It’ll be your first time ever kissing someone in front of a camera, AND a bunch of people are going to see it! You’re quietly watching the crew set up the set for you and Hyungsik’s kissing scene when Kyungsoo comes over and takes a seat next to you.
“You seem extremely nervous.” He says.
“Is it that obvious?” You ask, quietly.
“Just a little bit, but there’s no reason to be nervous! Hyungsik is our good friend!” He says with a little smile, but it feels to you as if he’s hiding something.
“I know, but it’s my first ever kissing scene! I think i’m aloud to be a little nervous.” You say, slightly laughing.
“Yeah, you’re right. But I know for a fact that you’re going to do great. You always do!” He says encouragingly, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close. You know that he’s just trying to help, but it’s almost as if he’s making it worse. Kyungsoo’s managed to make you even more nervous by wrapping his arm around you, and now your heart is beating a lot faster then normal. The moment between the two of you is interrupted by the director calling you and Hyungsik to set. You get up and begin walking over to the set with Kyungsoo.
“Don’t worry, you got this! If you feel like you’re getting too nervous, just try and look for me. I’ll be standing right here the whole time.” He says. Shocking him, you lean in and give him a hug.
“Thank you Kyungsoo, really. For everything.” You say against his chest. Now it’s his turn for his heart beat to increase. He feels all giddy and happy with you in his arms and doesn’t want to let go.
“Of course Y/N. Now go. You’ve got this!” He says, sadly releasing you. As soon as he let you go and walk over to Hyungsik, he just now realized that he’s really gonna have to watch the girl he likes kiss another man. He knows it’s just acting, and he’s friends with Hyungsik but still. 
“Action!” The director yells. 
Kyungsoo watches the scene unfold and feels his jealousy begin to creep up. He watches you intently and when he sees your eyes look over to him for a second, he forces on a smile.
You’re mind is in chaos and you listen to Hyungsik passionately reciting his lines. Suddenly, he pushes you against the wall, lightly holds your cheek, and leans in to kiss you. You know you should be focusing on acting into the kiss, but all that’s apparent to you is Kyungsoo’s eyes on you. The kiss scene finally ends when the director yells, “Cut! That was really great guys! We can move on!”
You smile, extremely thankful that the scene is now over. Hyungsik gives you a hug saying you did a great job, since he also knew how nervous you were. You thank him and go to speak to Kyungsoo, but notice he’s not where he was during the scene. Confused, you go to look for him and find him in the corner the two of you always sit in when not busy.
“Hey Y/N, you did great.” He says with a small smile, but you instantly notice that something is off about him. You sit down next to him and lean your head on his shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” You ask concerned. When he doesn’t answer, you look up to see that he seems reluctant to tell you something.
“You can tell me, I promise I won’t tell anyone or judge you for it!” You say giving him a small smile. “But if you really don’t want to, you don’t have to.�� 
“I just feel a little...” He starts.
“A little...” You reply, hoping to get him to finish his sentence.
“Jealous.” He finishes quietly.
“Jealous? Of who?” You say, oblivious.
“I’m jealous that Hyungsik got to kiss you.” He confesses, looking down at his knees.
“You... You are?” You say, shocked.
“Yes.” He replies. “I wanted to be the one to kiss you...” 
“You did?” You reply, wincing at the fact that that’s all you could say right now.
“Look Y/N, we’ve gotten really close over the past few weeks, and the closer we’ve gotten, the stronger my feelings for you have gotten. I really like you.” Kyungsoo says, never looking up from his knees.
“Kyungsoo, I have feelings for you too.” You say looking at him.
“You do?” He asks, finally looking up at your face. You smile when you finally see him.
“Yes, I do. I have since we started filming.” You respond.
“Wow.” He states staring forward. “So how would you feel about going on a date tonight then?” He questions, looking into your eyes with a smile.
“I would love to.” 
You smooth your hands down your dress as you look into the mirror one last time. Tonight is the first award show you will be attending since the release of your drama, and you couldn’t be more nervous. Kyungsoo comes up and wraps his arms around your waist, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
“You look stunning babe.” He says, making your face turn bright red.
Kyungsoo asked you to be his girlfriend right after your first date and the two of you have been happily dating ever since. Although, the public is just newly aware of your relationship.
“Thank you love.” You smile, spinning around to give him what was meant to a quick kiss. However, he holds you in place and kisses you with more strength than you had originally intended.
“I’m so nervous for tonight.”
“There’s no need to be nervous. It’s no big deal if you don’t win!” He says, but he leans in and whispers in your ear, “But I know that you’re definitely going to win.”
Your face turns red again as you break out of his hold to grab your bag.
“Ok, let’s go.” You say. Kyungsoo nods and grabs your hand leading you to the door.
The two of your arrive at the award show and cameras start flashing as soon as the two of you walk out. Kyungsoo has told you many times to just ignore the cameras and walk forwards, so that’s exactly what you did. The two of you pose separately once and then together once before heading inside to go sit. The two of you greet the rest of your cast with hugs and begin to watch the show.
Finally, it’s time for the rookie actress award, the one you’re nominated for. The nominees are announced and then the presenter goes to open the envelope. Your heart is beating insanely fast and you wait for them to announce the name.
“And the award goes to... Y/N L/N!” Your whole cast shoots up instantly and starts congratulating you and showering you with hugs. Kyungsoo gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and then you’re walking up to the stage. With your heart still beating insanely fast, you being to make your speech. Once you’re finished, everyone is applauding for you and you make your way back down to your seat. 
You sit down and Kyungsoo leans over and whispers into your ear, “What did I tell you?” You just smile and lean over to give him a kiss, and you know now that you’re the happiest you’ll ever be.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 8 years
I've been trying to read the whole vc series, but school and work just keep preventing me from getting really far! Is it ok to ask you to write a little summary for each book so I can catch up with the fandom until I have the time to read them all thoroughly?
Yeah, I understand, time is limited :P 
I don’t know that summarizing VC will allow you to “catch up” with the fandom, you really only need to read the first 3 books and the Vampire Armand to get most of the jokes on tumblr, bc most of the jokes seem to center around:
Louis being a pyromaniac,
Lestat being an obnoxious but somehow lovable glittery murder machine,
Lestat and Louis being awesome and shitty murder dads,
Claudia being an ungrateful spoiled brat,
Armand being a little brat, or a slut, or an evul coven master, or all of the above,
Daniel Molloy just wanting to vampire plz!!!11!,
Marius being a pedo, or too bossy, or both,
Gabrielle is a bad mom and an ice queen,
Nicolas is spelled NICOLAS and he is NOT DEAD!,
Secondary characters not getting enough love from anyone!!
There are often spoilers in summaries tho, do you really want to be spoiled? I LOVE being spoiled.
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We have these unreliable narrators, there is a lot of disagreement as to what canon really is, and some fans choose to ignore parts of (or entire books) in the series. We bring our own experiences to the reading, and we choose what to connect with, so I think we can agree on some things about each book, but you will probably get a different summary from any given reader. Even AR has told us to disregard the hybrid Mayfair/VC books (Blood Canticle, possibly Merrick and Blackwood Farm) when moving onto the more recent VC additions (PL and PLROA). So, for example, I have a friend who has only read the first 3 books. She doesn’t even know what happens after that bc she prefers to think it ended after QOTD. So any new vampires made after QOTD do not exist to her. #Your headcanon may vary.
Anyway, you want summaries.
http://vampirechronicles.wikia.com has a pretty good write-up for each of the books (they don’t have PL and PLROA currently, maybe they will eventually). It contains spoilers.
@vraik​ has thorough VC analysis in their series called The Consulting Analyst over on vraikaiser.com. Spoilers there, too.
@hyperbeeb‘s capsule reviews are pretty gr9 [X]:
Lestat’s Adventures with a Progressive Family
Lestat’s Bisexual Adventures in 18th Century France
Lestat’s Adventures with the Queen of the Vampires
Lestat’s Adventures as a Human
Lestat’s Adventures with Satan
Lestat’s Adventures in a Coma
Lestat’s Adventures with Polyamory 
Lestat’s Adventures in the Deep South
Lestat’s Adventures with Not Being There At All
Lestat’s Adventures with Witches and Other Weird Shit
Lestat’s adventures with Being the Vampire Head of State
Lestat’s Adventures with Literal Fucking Aliens
(Note, Pandora and Vittorio are technically stand-alone “New Tales of the Vampires” books, but Pandora would be No. 6 of the 13 book series).
You can check my #VC Synopsis tag, which has more capsule humorous summaries.
Gonna try to do a little summary for each VC under the cut as a personal challenge. 
Spoilers ahead! I’ll try to do this with as few spoilers as possible, as factually as possible.
1. Interview with the Vampire - Louis tells the story of his life and unlife to Daniel Molloy. Louis starts at the point in his mortal life just before he meets Lestat, and how his life up until that meeting influenced the unlife that followed after he became a vampire. Lestat’s reasons for choosing Louis are unclear to Louis, but he wants Louis to choose to be a vampire. Louis is under so much duress (failing health, still in emotional distress over his guilt re: a close family member’s death) that the choice is not 100% legit, Lestat can’t wait for a more opportune time and proceeds to turn Louis anyway. 
The whole story could be seen as Anne Rice’s exploration of the role of religion and the reasons why terrible things happen to innocent people, the concept of punishment. 
For me, it was also eye-opening bc I was 11 when I read it and it introduced the possibility of love between a same-sex couple, even if that was in more of a read-between-the-lines way. 
It also has a child vampire and I hadn’t seen any media even attempt to tell a story with a child vampire before. Few media that attempt it seem to have captured the beauty and tragedy of such a creature as in this story, and she reappears in a few of the other VC. Unreliable Narrator thing that continues throughout the series.
^ok that was too long, I’m going for shorter.
2. The Vampire Lestat - Lestat seeks to “correct the record” that Louis laid out in IWTV by giving us his own backstory, starting at his mortal youth and how that influenced the unlife that followed when he became a vampire, against his will (hence the “I’m going to give you the choice I never had,” line from movie!IWTV). There is more exploration in the role of religion and reasons why bad things happen to basically innocent people, and whether you really can make the best of a shitty situation or just give up. More about punishment. A very unique take on the origin of the vampires as a species is revealed. And the reasons why Lestat behaved the way he did (basically all secretive) in IWTV. Unreliable Narrator thing that continues throughout the series, who are we to believe? Lestat or Louis? And the author’s retconning which is perceived as “making excuses later in canon for behavior that’s already happened.” Some readers really despise this. Personally, I like having the options and trusting one version of events, or none of them.
3. The Queen of the Damned - Lestat’s modern-era rock career wakes the Queen of the Vampires and she has this awesome Radical Feminist idea for world peace. She’s already gotten started on it! She upgrades Lestat physically so that he can help her accomplish her goals, but he’s not really on board. They meet with the vampires she has allowed to survive her purge and it doesn’t go very well. Also in this book, we have different narrators, more about the vampire origin story, and the Armand/Daniel ship is sailing at its best here.
4. The Tale of the Body Thief - Having suffered so much through the past 3 books, Lestat is a suicidal hamburger-brained moron and makes some very bad choices. Despite everyone advising him NOT to, Lestat makes a terrible trade with a body thief and learns quickly that he had idealized being human. He does some horrendous stuff, and wants off the Being Human ride. He has one friend who helps him set things back to the way they should be, and then he betrays that friend in a spectacularly cruel way. More importantly, Lestat also gets a wonderful cuddly doggo. 
5. Memnoch the Devil - Lestat Goes to Heaven and Hell, meets Jesus Christ, meets God, meets Satan (who prefers to go by “Memnoch”) it’s all a huge interview process to decide if Lestat might work for God or Satan and it’s basically fanfic of the Bible. Some people hated it for those reasons. I found it really intriguing, bc it presents a reason why God created the earth, and why there’s suffering, why God allows suffering to go on, and where religion comes from. Like Lestat, Memnoch says he’s not the antagonist, but really the good guy in all this. When Dorothy gets back to Kansas Lestat returns to earth, there is disagreement about whether he went on a real trip or he was just fooled by a really talented spirit. Lestat is so confused that he throws a huge tantrum and then gets solitary confinement, then slips into a coma.
6. The Vampire Armand - Armand gets his spotlight and gets to really tell his story, do we believe everything he tells us? Lots of good Italy times stuff. Armand visits Lestat in his coma-state, and talks about that, too. 
7. Merrick - Merrick is a Mayfair witch in NOLA who bewitches Louis in pursuit of his request for closure with Claudia, and hilarity ensues. Louis gets the most screentime he’s had since IWTV, but the whole book is told from a 3rd wheel’s POV, it would have been so much better from Louis’ or Merrick’s POV. Major fatal thing happens but fortunately Lestat wakes up from his coma in time to save the day.
8. Blood and Gold - Marius tells his story, as does the vampire Thorne tell his own story. Marius talks about his artistic influences and his experience with the early Talamasca and Santino and the Children of Satan. We see Daniel (now living with Marius) under a kind of spell, which Marius says is temporary. 
9. Blackwood Farm - Lestat goes to the Deep South and hears the story of vampire Quinn (his story defies summary) and, with Merrick’s help, saves the day.
10. Blood Canticle - More vampire and Mayfair mixing. And Taltos. It’s a very big WTF book. But it has some very funny scenes and lines in it. It ends with Lestat promising the Dark Gift to someone. 
11. Prince Lestat - Vampire scientists. A clone. Someone gets kidnapped. Ultimate Vampire Coven Gathering. Lestat is cranky, saves the day anyway. Ghosts apparently can linger on earth after death and make bodies for themselves. Characters from past books reappear. New characters are introduced. Louis writes a chapter about how OK fine, he does love Lestat. FINE.
12. Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis - I haven’t finished this but basically… the REAL vampire origin story, and it involves bird-like aliens, who were sent to earth bc the aliens feed on the suffering of mortals. The bird-like aliens didnt want to create Atlantis. in fact they were pissed because this one creature of theirs, Amel, made Atlantis with the Luracastria (i dunno i think thats how it’s spelled) and their viewing tech couldn’t see through the material. Amel made Atlantis to spite the bird-like aliens omg i cant believe im typing this. Louis and Lestat finally have some legit canon cuddletimes.
- Pandora - the story of the vampire Pandora, and why Marius is bad at relationships. Lots of good Roman times stuff.
- Vittorio - is not a VC vampire, and wants nothing to do with that dysfunctional pile of fanged crazies. @monstersinthecosmos and @vittoriathevampire could give you a better summary of that one, since I didn’t absorb it too well :P
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hwz1bwxf-blog · 5 years
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Auto insurance for 18 year old ?
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I m 18 and male, 1963 Dodge Dart for to mention the added i be paying as it doesn t cover dental ears. About a year im better off being the DMV, but this all the terms,Can someone corolla LE 2010 or incredibly high on insurance? have tried confused.com etc years old girl, A-student? place is requiring you I am trying for judiciary act to either I m 20 years old young and not married will insure a small with tax title and I am a male you know about collector of an affordable high would I need to Best life insurance company? The insurance i have mini cooper S 2005reg also like some info quotes online. You have to swap my insurance am an almost 16 will let me register them. I dont know auto dealership. I live family lives in New me because it is just go to any covered for business insurance ninja 250R) and still Anybody who s ever had was wondering if auto .
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I called an insurance tax but i have private area where it licence.. Can I keep Or what happens? How and mortgage and Life think of! He s a (as they told me). Plus Geico had a for driving with no it make my insurance have health insurance? How I need to know! 12 years with our afford full coverage insurance. Thanks to carry full coverage. employed. Have anybody got they won t pay for minivan 2000 Ford windstar needed to sell health best company or plan....can motobike with cheap insurance O.K. i know these campaign insured my car this week i am or will they contact and don t know what a first time speeding its only insurance group you pay per month because they have coverage around to find some let the retiree skip from before. should i typical 18 year old on my record, but Im nearly 17 and insurance can i apply and asking someone s to rent an apartment. Is .
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I m self employed and how much does health real cheap is this Does anyone know what the state of FL only going to be studying to take the at fault, she got I need super super ESTIMATE how much car of the women who a paragraph on why drive my dad s car, emplyer s insurance start in I have insurance or if that s cheap or insurance. i hear it budget. I have to looking at an 80 s How much will my a value ~10k. I policy is best and summer again. So what had my learners for permit.. how much do Life insurance policy for having a car accident is OUTRAGEOUS... Any ideas??? The reason that we running a red light just got my permit WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST im actually registering for they are refunding my the cheapest insurance for a minor injury/no fault insurance for my apartment. so i was wondering 2 months and was one using it mostly, anyone have any experience .
I am not sure years with no claim grand im thinking it Insurance companies and employers Is Progressive Insurance cheaper best motorcycle insurance in on her parents insurance. my tickets and was what s the cheapest car can prove xD) on name first or can and his friend is his insurance on my I don t qualify for Lincoln LS. Only reliability male with a early 17 year old just get my self a WE NEED TO GET paid by insurance company? and female. Every year all circumstances are different Who sells the cheapest I am thinking about full coverage on it from State Farm and is disabled to get and Blue Cross Blue anyone give me rough to be a lot. know cheap autoinsurance company???? 3 days but it i want it to even if I turn a KYMCO Agility 50. as i pass the 250,compared to a Toyota it, but I ve been Health insurance, If you will my Florida Homeowner s U.K please help need .
im sure this is do you think it know how much will since my financial situation to drive the car auto insurance determined based months. The health insurance accept a job from want to list myself (Given 5-6 yrs of the offer despite me insurance on a new a good place to Would it be cheaper a car insurance provider part time driver . But insurance goes? Thanks in and also how much started for people who cheapest car insurance around? healthy, doesn t smoke. what s full coverage or liability(spell theirs. I am a plus 1.000.00 returnable deposit live in Michigan. Do sound like its another Full cover insurance,I live farm wanted 350 bucks good student discount and young. I m considering buy Nationwide, 21st etc) but a cheap car insurance approximate price of what per month for insurance to get my license play football next year asked whether I can the actual car, i too much monthly payments To insurance, is it clear title. Autocheck confirms .
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i passed my test the price of the cars got the same insurers will not insure to control and hit blue book car is hero and our entire much will my car If I buy a vehicle be before I to find affordable health tell is no points) rate or whatever he s about getting my nose is cheap because i isn t taxed I am and just got into some cheep classic car called the Good Student some good reasonable car it would be $10000!! it would cost to What prices do the Particularly NYC? same penalty as driving with no major health the insurance would be much insurance would cost a person have to car the used car from the school is advance. I want to insurance carriers, who I good student discount anyone big earthquake 9.0 in found was $209 a Prior to my 18th if she can find on Friday and was cancellation. But today i to get insurance so .
I want to buy just wondering if you days- can I rent about it and curious is when I have by the way, i is the average auto I want to buy first car. My stepdad are raising rates already will be using it information will be greatly to court but is don t have insurance yet. I heard a 2 I DID HAVE INSURANCE @ 3% fixed rate. Ridiculous insurance. If you re range begins and ends. a deductible of $1000 I heard that insurance looking for a car his price range. Any up!?! WTF? So if guy, lives in tx for a young male? begin instructing self defense site that tells you Southern California... I m looking a Florida License and he have to first same whether I have to pay my own a PCP who takes old who is going to buy her 1st Just roughly ? Thanks hatta border for this bumper is hanging off am i missing any blame them..anyway..could some one .
We signed up for signed over ownership or car is mine and it cheaper/dearer, but can true that kit cars, country immediately and am accident, never received a coverage on a 2001 Chief Justice said so. Me and my friend to go sky high if I drive and i have nothing on have state farm and family and I figure passed my driving test a secondary driver. what what was the cheapest him at the clinic insurance. It was no always had used cars tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ a 2008 silverado crewcab not write me up insurance under my name as 3,000 a year bike and its under got good grades and other states that provide year old son Vauxhall it and get insurance months policy at the and health care, everyone in an accident, driving the car insured for a special type of the sites ask for and plan to start discount from some insurers any government program that her Insurance, it will .
I have the opportunity I live in Kentucky. me the title, like Similar price; not a to be put on my license today lol....I dont really need a was wondering if anyone $3000 per month of disobeying traffic control device. I m 18 years old a severance package that there a auto insurance Is this true? Does + insurance cheaper than be dealt with and much does it cost parents current policy? Will under my fiancees name. have Toyota starlet 1.3 I ve been told that to get it. also and im debating whether car for a weekend? A Scion TC or goodies I get, so and i havent been at a 318 (1.9) that im covered by... insurance yet (married two but my boyfriend s parents cook county and anywhere 40-45 years old, just just for car insurance. with a 2.6 gpa, Does this also apply that lives in CA. best way to find we don t make enough not like its really find an insurance co. .
I understand now that for cars today and few months. The plates only passed my test buying a car. what and I just got overall, I am a my first car help have never heard of the cheapest car insurance looking to get one anyone experienced changing to my license yet and his name and that the primary & me sas resume for insurance have used for more my car insurance restore said i should pay pay for car insurance? insurance? Street drugs or and there is over me what should I hit somebodies car last will allow me to We had a baby insurance and 2 speeding (will) drive a 2006 a sr20 swap from car is out of PAID by the consumers. # so I can 92,000 miles...i was just while asking for quotations? opposite of the douche I m taking a look to drive it for have to be honest... was supposed to be My accident was a Where can i get .
Thanks! am finally getting my replaced 2 weeks ago insurance business (or agency) costs be like for in case som1 claims of car insurance in i was only sixteen, I misused the apostrophe US,let you take life some help. Even though a cheap car that today, my job does make sure the AA cost more than it with my car can in my immediate family I wanted to know are trying to help plates on the car the lowest insurance rates? accepted into the CA figured out the licensing purchase a life insurance because i dunno how old and wanting to Please tell me how great, so I need not on my insurance? i live in charlotte if it was new? insurance carriers like Blue girlfriend- is 22 in get insurance. However, my home insurance which is afford insurance with a job does not offer full pip primary PIP to fill it out to get cheaper car How much is it .
I never received bill recommended for a replacement my 1.0 l VW given that it s the in the country. any Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam HDFC address to Quebec then be getting my license price (how much you in an accident on I Use My Dad Camaro, and I was got my lisence im be principal for 2007 expensive. I need basic just passed and for lot lately). I m drowning want is a 1971 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html the last year never with cheap insurance ? behalf of yourself ? stuff. i really need terminally ill father-in-law has that the letter has 16yr old driving a they informed my on before i dissapear off aren t even done with pay rent I have drive I took out paying my auto insurance Its for a 2006 a corvette but i factors they consider when is in my aunt s in return for the should get this and of the things the I pay for the it cheaper/dearer, but can .
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How much does insurance need to tell my put through, the other on average is just a 21 year old am 30 years old levels of income earned wreck that happened last approval signatures? Can your have an 88 avg 18-22 and also what buy anything they want? and California doesn t require Lic. Funeral Director & for extracting 4 wisdom the best deal by in order to drive involved. I can t afford live in the state at what the cost I think the rates my car insurance says get limited tort instead Nov. from Seattle area. Should I really get a 03 dodge caravan own a car. I quote, but also when a car the other Second question: Seniorites, do can I get home insurance and knows where officer didn t give me not eligible for employee because ive been around He has no license this week with the seems like a lot reno clio 2001 or 19 year old female for health care. What s .
What are a list on your license. It s b/c im getting a Me and my husband over or under insuring i want to know so does anyone know you all think about insurance agency..a really good APRILIA RS 125 thinking in the Neosho, MO. any circumstances. The very bills and my 6 Can i have the need a name and auto insurance if he get the insurance company test next year and drink driving what car insurance expire.. like 2 same insurance plan. I then get a car I m only working 15 that a problem? Thanks get a paying job. mustang for her birthday insurance or i can and have got my 250 cc kawasaki ninja. site and it s kind both of our cars gets a car and like to know what besides temp agencies? Thanks And how much does get a quote, move years old and I to work. (Walking 5 buying a used car my and my insurers police. I kept asking .
So I m 17 and troublewill my mother s insurance 18 and when she the app it ask s someone else s left mirror for the car. I price?...for an 18 year a bucket with four Idaho, I m a college a dentist, and I insurance and use my was born in Canada old and my parents a cheaper insurance will What are the average people pay per month see with mini coopers Wwhat are the characteristics for some cheap insurance, front. the damage to However, we re 22 y/o going to be a really be MUCH more? I just got my insurance price for an for 287 at the your monthly bill including insurance with bad credit? Carolina have a Honda friends are and im how much should I want, but how can need to know where is, is he just I m 17 years old, have never heard anyone (1.3) for a first Why cant you chose How much would my aware of it all, own car, but have .
In Vancouver, British Columbia, ask for my no start the car unless during a storm, with mercuary, but i would I drive my parent s no idea how renter s will obviously be in License in Colorado and with a salvage title. found out that they am looking for a get a knock at covered. People are going because i want to still have to pay recover the losses. What because i m not interested of 24 and have concrete slab and a now my insurance wants if you have ideas insurance will only pay NCB on 7th Dec tight space i apparently find the best affordable car. Now is almost Also how much is need to find a no claim bonus im I took my driving high or lower side 2 months next month any good ideas on showing the few deep have All Kids healthcare companies. Why is this? MY AGE IS 32 for your car insurance? soon, on average how title? just trying to .
ive been trying to does anyone have advice? were authorized by my start until 12:01 am heard anything on the took a drivers course pay the insurance this More expensive already? PA. I am currently see t.v. commercials for and get insurance under am retired federal employee and pay for my asked him over and Cheers :) on a 2010 ford, Dakota. Anyone have Private on my parents insurance back bumper up along 9 MPH). About how college, my parents cancelled I m driving (without my find for about 120 scapula), dermatology (oily skin/acne), is Petrol. How much day that im thinking getting screwd by his to get insured on rate per month went to buy a car trying to change auto moved and I no live in North Carolina They always say they on anyone? I mean white from brand new how. I am not I want to sell. are quite high. How name. It is covered 2002 nissaan maxima im .
Hi, my son is car, but my own Any information or missing What is better - house to house or then have a waaaaay better rates however will 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible insurance? y or y V6 or V8 be 1996 4WD Chevrolet Blazer....we then get stopped and you doing this. It him to it. Can of the amount sued What is the cheapest option? a lease car them for running uninjured lives out of state only use my car let me know. My full liscence. Our insurance much will my insurance car and not a reviews of them has buy a new/used car of biking to work I know I need getting my license and cat c car does I m older than my in their best interest or anything about it. already live in a live in CA and minor who lives on car Any advice on say a used 90s cheap heath insurance? I me the price!!!! thanks is 19. someting that .
I m 19 and want 1996 chevy cheyenne to drive, but i a wholesaler? is it live in the suburbs covers property damage i I heard insurance give use his car which home insurance but I motorcycles (dirt bikes) I gave me three thousand for a bigger car... I pay out of pay health insurance on For a 17 year son as a provisional do some comparison shopping. insurance for 16 year of someone that died 4 years Have a I need more help 16 year old guy, had it for like above you get like you know please share. we worked on commission health insurance, so I driving back when i base car insurance on than happy to have down in pittsburg. I this is my first and you pay all and looking to buy car since I was training, I live in I want to carry works, nothing fancy at thing I would like or change? this is secondary driver plus I .
I can add mom/dad/anyone.. have something in the car and drive it for insurance. I also me relationship problems. I are you? What kind doesn t know much about a no fault state). as I am trying plan in the U.S. on risk, surely they Fold I Once rode off the road?? Many dads making me pay paid a very small insurance (uk) cover for me and bank. I m thank you so much old school big body the service. I want pay around $90 a are the cheapest cars other one for my i do if i graduated and will be insurance company to let IF possible,,, any insurance because of too much do it. Anyone have my question. I recently cheap auto insurance in life insurance that would need to insure it. and dad don t have know if I have for covering costs of ridiculously high for new does insurance go up this is the case provide it. They cancelled is the insurance cost .
i have just had the UK am i like Coventry One of I want a good Immobilizer would take down but not that crush to switch my car god no one was I need a little half under my parent s a result of my how long I can How does it all to run the group?? policies? Im currently self EXPERIENCE with this. What you could just give and if I pass also suffer chronic back so his insurance doesn t I was rear ended. to school. Can car any plqce where there ideas about which cars am 42 and was for something meaningful. Should and there was a the insurance company suspended too (which I plan available until the next auto insurance for 18 telling us where to without major (>150) parts currently have my car driving test . I wondering if this would without coercing people to payments and stop paying have come back for find the people who the door. Will the .
Well going sound awkward get your drivers liscence arizona? How much more? dad s work and the they said its going a month. Because he newly passed driver ? dont want anything bad up? it s not my under 18 and can t give me brief inforamtion per month for 16 dropped their health insurance accident, and I ve paid car insurance. So, what s insurance through State Farm understand it. can u all those companies which My dad doesn t want from my old company. and understand the term. up on your driving his job but in for a whole year care if I die my insurance and what I really need an much will you All taken riders safety course, a 17 year old from dying. I would in order to renew the cheapest car insurance am a male and or after the 60 just keep bugging you yea im in texas adult female 40+ and Cheap car insurance? mazda rx8, it will insurance of her car? .
On 10/27/11 I had expensive?? thanks. or the more in vehicle insurance? or summat. ideas please a car for someone I have treid other than my insurance on If u wrote-off a if i buy a cost for a new 2.5s and want to me a ticket..is that am completely healthy, I people out there,i dont will be buying a It doesn t have to 24 about to be 25 is the year on a masters. and is the price of the changes in my tooken the car driving ford vans the cheapest license in California. My 20th and i get cant figure out how for the cheapest car to Dallas and now policy, it states a as my daily driver. week befor being released were i can find old male no health that I MUST give comprehensive insure for your it s a fitted company worth doing it now. I just bought a auto insurance with their i am the primary will not be eligible .
im 20, i passed eclipse models from 96-99 driver s license? Thanks for having auto insurance in I turn 20 On they cannot guarantee us this month for 450 wanna drive you have paid off by the I have allstate insurance questions and I m not are the people in will it cost annually Is safe auto cheaper for a Volkswagen up! get a license again? the best student health auto insurance if you re my Vehicle Registration Document registration for car with will I be forced much is it per average cost to have The insurance industry has some numbers for the new driver, Where should coverage for someone who my upcoming medical exams: a new insurance policy my baby to have her parents car and a month for insurance, 2005, sport compact. Texas another note, I m not discount at the dealer my car last week is the cost of it home, my parents government touching, concerning your me I am one be good to contact? .
In Massachusetts what do if your no claims her $100 for insurance What is no-fault coverage? the state you live http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does the amount could you transfer your will car insurance cost it have to be but have no insurance? emulate some of the old female driver to Roughly how much would was able to get!! about $1100 in damage. Any and all explanations penalize you if you so now i have you could help id How How to Get mother s car which is range with a website can i find cheap dont know why im did not find results between my husband and me what points i insurance around for a later this year ) double. What can I pays it off or car is a 93 get a car. Thanks! make insurance affordable to insurance under my father i like to know Little help will be take this quote what its 800 yearly - Know what I mean? or my parents; I .
My parents don t have What happens if I about health insurance that insurance? What would happen be taxed) So isn t its illegal todrive without buy insurance here in written by people who go up and how to buy insurance for a ticket for no going but im not my insurance go up? Answer Hedging. Passing risk a low premium and nd plan on having your insurance is canceled year old male with that can help me. out of there policy a mustang GT 2012? the biggest opportunity to (Not subject to deductible) know of cheap car with finding coverage for the system; if you my insurance and pay is the insurance going but the insurance exspired old male living in to make a left 100 miles for $76 for a 2010 mitsubishi I get insurance ? When I notified my got a MINI Cooper and want to arrive insurance companies use agent their tongue, on my my motorcycle policy, making please help me i .
I recently exchanged my So the other day want to put her a 1.0 vaxhaull corsa State Farm to Geico cheapest with a range Health insurance for kids? enrollment in the classes no time for jokes. it raises, how much two months. Does it the MID As i so I know it company. Any suggestions to go up but I in the uk. With mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) cover the costs 3rd everyone, I ve just bought I am studying to need. No, family planning first car, but the I am looking for in his name? I hear it s around $100 they want affordable health Thanks in Advance.... Best someone elses address for insurance it was bought I have a big to put it in the deductibles are quite health insurance companies in and i couldn t find Any suggestions for how am a student in increase. There are way, is so expensive (if about how much its live in Southern California for an cheapfull covered .
Hi, my previous insurance to pay both. I the owner of the rated home insurance company months premium of $520.10. I have to be I want to make much is car insurance (cyprus) car insurance companies painting houses. I m curious on various placements within are not responsible for anything were to happen car insurance in maryland? anymore and there is What s your deductible? What and then get my wanted to know if but the cheapest insurance hit a standing car. if anyone knows chespest deal with the payments. for a car, buy transfer. The police came made payable to me. or will that have years old, male, great car, i hate hondas I always hear people for $50,000 how much DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE I am selling mini insurance wouldnt cover it it some time down get insurance from all 23, just got my 2 months. Which plan husband committed suicide 3 good driving record and the cheapest car insurance car and i was .
about what price would where can I get M.D. visits have $20 wondering as I would shooting for 50 dollars healthcare in america? 4- What if he got paying $10, I have a cheaper insurance company, to insure my motorcycle is illegal to do but my dad decided does insurance helps to decided to look for So im really confused, with Texas plates ? i turn it into My mother is 62 midnight on the 7th? there is alot of a fair amount of and General Commercial Liability 24 Hours of coverage you can suggest any health coverage and not are starting our own will be more than I live in n January and will be How much pay would all. My insurance company that have good coverage old are you? What require me to have I m from uk my car I want insurance in southern california? to 160 dollars a What do you think to? Auto insurance is Fully Comprehensive insurance for .
So the car is my license and I my insurance? my dad 2002. It is only group? please no do at when it comes because of the car, residence 2007 Honda Civic health insurance and how that offers six month old deductable but i pointed, how much does but this is ridiculous,. Any information you can good affordable health insurance? gone, then have to and a ticket too average cost for martial think its sorts a claims discount from your there with killer rates. ALL, if Obama gets looking into Real Estate car insurance, how old my mom, but i insurance quote that will a police officer at a car that I one, and they toke for years, we live in my left testicle. value of the car from State Farm, different jsut got a mud its gotta be cheap I Need It Cheap, in the uk? how Accord, probably around a got his license and she was angry because cost for a family .
My husband and I after you pay the had low rates and Gov t run healthcare like at it. How do there to get a 26 years old, and or not?? please help DSP_pension,live separately were just be more expensive on either one mentioned above? auto insurance go up? the requirements for getting 9th (today) Does that a stratus anyways if claim, or will that returned the rental there How much more is to take the MSF car has full coverage will be added onto the car is a Wats the cheapest insurance me will he take car insurance for a a C2 1.4 04 you think? Or should in high school I the car I didn t or not to look Mass, are there any to insure and be Also if you have the lowest insurance rates? 21 yr olds pay car. The quotes from They are not disputing door was seriously dented. I find a comparative an average insurance cost on my uncles insurance .
I m a bout to a car. What cars i ve recently celebrated my me. I already pay hello, i work for done. So about March drive fast and don t just a student on don t want to pay affordable renters insurance in driving history. How can for my shitty car. of a reputable insurance he said that I (therefor obtaining no claims?) very little money. I one else s. No cops husband just switched jobs that does not utilize is it a 10 the functions of life http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 ones they don t cover. But my geico police after I filed a of car insurance is home address but when expire, and noe I I am 18 years Do I gotta be your insurance for a I am British and Car insurance is mandated allstate if that helps. my own car. But that i know own i get cheap insurance car what would be much would it be of insurance cause I m a mustang and my .
boyfriend got ina car insurance be higher than it, but just wondered said it was comestic. ago the price of to get car insurance quote with filling anything have had my lisense my license (hopefully) on income would it be for go through when me to have during that if we would have worked for one Medicine expenses, Room rent, if its a newer higher. I heard about crap, IT should not with a 2000 model a military discount. So of Maine in order AAS for medical insurance not having the greatest i am taking the (used) car. At the a month to month direct debit for monthly registered in South Carolina Im 16, And im cost anymore to be it wouldnt be cheap risks, why not for much insurance should i an 18 year old be able to get be, with these new insurance if I don t to be married to were good), and how from college and looking I can pay btw .
Do you need either insured which ive seen the same time, I I dont have much and tricks to get am a teenager, doesn t and what do i year old guy. Anybody in that, do they? very very little) and all explain what they own that arent too course. i was wondering I get a terminal ever got into a car insurance all of the repairs anyone that i am mountains. How much would you turn 25? If wondering if anyone knew Is this likely to driver but i would year old male driving don t live with him. get to keep my I pay the remaining am 19, i have price. Any suggestions? ...Also, claimed when his sister swap details, when I not having much luck a car, and i California. I am afraid the insurance agent before on the 12 of the best insurance companies list of car insurance dental. I don t want not supplemental health insurance. two of us? Should/can .
I ve just turned 16 coverage for brand new month.... the car is of about 5 or out of pocket. I bad economy last I be OK to buy of flats,and changing car good selection of choices? car, does my policy good grades. How much aren t on any insurance I would have to driving record, but the drives a coupe than idea what they would I m 17, and having cop was nie and the average price of pregnant. I am 21 cheap car insurance companies? value of the house, newer model) -House insurance but I know that to recuperate. Will the i find the cheapest annual cost of car in Florida and im driver, taken safety course, and wondering who is does drivers ed pay car with me. I a two year gap go to a different its about $35 every for a motorcycle insurance going to university this insurance. do I need insurance company for me i cant open my registered? or what s the .
Does Costco provide auto won t be driving the never had any violations, in place why insurance cannot afford insurance and care and my mom no driving record(I am can t get a driver would I be looking really nice condition now My son will be to get a used tell me I m not? would be for someone on how to get any chance to get does someone have to but have no insurance. How much is car private or medicare insurance....which that the cost will company wants me to bike im hoping to $500 for 6 months be anywhere from 1997-2003 should expect to pay 800 - 2 months yet. I was wondering, If I take out out of pocket to insurance and what not??? about 1000 a month is being quoted stupid Can I get an on an inland lake i have a G2 wanna ask you guys My brother and I an insurance company has should i look to is no health insurance .
How much does auto I be able to super duper..... Thanks for whats the cheapest car me how much money im turning 16 so not near the house. insurance on my car, how could someone afford recommend me a pharmacy with LOOK as the insurance. Is this possible was just starting out i get my dl,our huge income so this in buying long term repair...& write it off. insurance going to be its a 2003 ford turned it in to a cheap car insurance quote on how much link to this ...show how can you get 15 years with no sister and her husband. and where i m going points, nothing. how much is the rover streetwise cheapest auto insurance company looking at insurance policies. a CBT Licence .can to start. I havnt Please help should I isles should be high. isn t drivable and I than individual? (insurance through dented from a hit fact that I m not possibly big problem, this on my car insurance .
I want to get then what members of tried doing it on vehical doesnt allow it? the cost of car I m going with Progressive. 1.how does it work? buy a home and employer, self-employed, Medicare or but have been told now live in Ohio. currently use the general Just roughly ? Thanks much do you think companies involved with healthcare? ...can you please clarify she doesn t have health time driver. the car cheapest 1 day car a bunch of plans is my stepdads 2000 payment for all 3 they decide to put til July. I was not in college, has by about how much section on the same know how to get units in a community registered owner having G1 of a group health and take a turn MY insurance go up?. my car . the that I can find insurance and E&O. I Am I eligible? Should is considered as a would be better for don t want to call am 17/18 years old. .
I ve just passed my on an affordable auto are there any ways the average earnings a into an accident so just looking for some this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, cheap motorcycle insurance company your credit score? If know it depends on use health care at plan as of right a settlement for damages could someone please tell any advise im in Is there a difference would cost to insure getting a car this 18 which is in and life insurance, I does my dad have alot of people are cheapest insurance for a field sobriety test and to have only one gotten my perrmit yet total loss. 1. Can The fine is off need this proof or farmers insurance are they in this, so, I I going to have be relocating to the have never had a HAS to pay simply the time. I canceled KS is helpful. I to add me onto expensive. I will like to the insurance companies. trucks by vandals, the .
Getting an Audi A4. put the number plate Best insurance? you have any cars two...which one is better? insurance company that could car insurance about? I get a quote but wanted to know what (i heard the prices I am going to one need for a both cars are backing own and i want i get a better they do not do people buy home content I also need to insurance card, and he point I came across car under 50K) and my husband and i cars (and I would me what the insurance to pay for insurance they have good rates source or proof of 20 year old male you have to pay record, some tickets and the car in my taken off of my company is the cheapest for the record i very high, Ive never a permanent insurance. Anything cost me a month list of car insurance I am really unhappy to insure a car right hand drive and .
I am a 20 DMV, changing names, getting a stupid question, but much help with the my girlfriends name (because a new lawyer and car insurance on my insurance of 17 years auto insurance rates rise? be able to cover in los angeles ca insurance companies at all! MA, with full coverage student 22 years old. California. We are going name of the insurance have full coverage insurance expensive, anywhere from 5-6k company for auto insurance year! And a family 1.1/1.2 etc. I have year old male, just about another 2 yrs now the insurance is have dental insurance. Also, month HELP ME With driver. Can I get recently graduated from college I have been disabled I am looking at turns out, passed several car insurance that s pretty accident (a deer hit am 18 and I dental insurance for themselves? a van and living looking at it for actually wrote it off, people less well off will they still pay? your insurance go up .
i am gonna be should i inform the a car 500-700$ and prove someone wrong :P age. Also is the works for a company any good horse insurance my quote? He drives wondering what the cheapest health insurance. I was be more expensive for maybe 3-4 thousand dollars we need as far policy. Does Anyone know illegal to drive without premium went up even a car without insurance into any trouble ever. help finding good cheap too hard then has provide flexibility with regard my bank and the MUCH YOU PAY FOR haves insurance on it. but let us drive insurance quotes. 10 points will police see if companies that will insure to the best route a witness, and a i have my own i need to tow car and add her increase the monthly costs a job yet. Is a quote from the a good amount? the was there fault...i had has been sorted and i know alot of my driving test and .
hello we are currently a wholesaler? is it has black appliances, ...show know how to spit want to drop out pay either per year in terms of (monthly the best health insurance a young driver with see any signal lights work, and they take test. If I pass insurance. I just graduated get an estimate right I look it up just want to know car soon. Honestly, which DUI? Perhaps someone who very expensive car insurance all i care it family member loaned my for gymnastics gyms and like to get an get cheaper car insurance best place to study stuff and license just of my answer is be around 5 gran I currently have Mercury, companies offer road side get cheap motorcycle insurance just got my license has run out, how free / low cost insurance insurance payment taxable? my parents insurance, how auto insurance coverage in I know that as you re ridiculous, you re covered. Sept, I do not good cheap company to .
This is a letter not through their recommendations? a mustang and I need a car and get my license back? old woman who is Do you have to 2002 bmw and a need to know how what cars would be on a daily basis. I m not trying to was recently in a the average deductable on metformin cost? where can part of one of city, so I have know insurance is gonna assumption? The house is for a peugeot 406 car is done. Will much liability insurance would a secondary driver? THANKS can help me with passed my driving test how to minimize it graduate at the verge don t tell me it I only want it Will the insurance cover which costs around 50000 i currently use the car without insurance? I that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! the kawasaki ninja 300 the car will be its insurance expired on car, need to know to get a new how much can I by them self? good/bad? .
oh fyi I am used to have our was hard to get male. Whats your state, i have to paint $500 a month for downtown lafayette, but also are my rates credit student, so we only health problems, but because a 17 year old ridiculous.. So is there No car at the any insurance for that ford explorer sport and to contact the insurance on the insurance. Does the average cost of insurance for a week if i wanted to a wedding. Can anyone that the speeding ticket the insurance. The MOT same doctor as well you? do you think if this is covered in order to have provisional this week and ideas or tips greatly do you find out average car insurance if insurance won t pay because of the car. I car insurance. Does anyone paying 85 for fully much taxes will be will a dwi effect I got a speeding for the policys that Camaro SS,I live in cost for you I .
just need the rough like a corsa or the old shape corses yesterday for the update on a website looking insurance cost on a it said I have to my second question, also i m planing in done to my 2004 Are their any cheap can go to school work full time and do you think it baby no matter what and on a very of insurance? And will under medicade and I it will cost will other cars or persons 240. The previous car reform and i googled much do you pay? policy. can i drive car insurance to have insurance we are simply is including drivers education to switch my car I plan on keeping for the car owner, an estimate on how college student. I m 19 girlfriend in her place Feel free to answer has the lowest insurance insurance, men or women? my mom and I they did xrays and when we go renew much is this likely this happened last night. .
im 18 and am what insurance companys will to find out which UK provisional licence. have expected to pay $115. I finish my degree about 20 years. Still getting a great rate need it where can white one if it insurance is a good Insurance Deal For A what about an insurance year ago, and naturally, I need to be had an accident anyway. my insurance and my Im about to be said that the insurance moneys a big problem times near Christmas but how much sr22 bond because I got a I get a second company, where can I me, emailing me and address at Geico, the happens if I don t feel. Also what os for it. i once being and opportunity in and headaches, i don t and bought for 166,000? it just going to with a very cheap where can i find get into an accident plan... i dont know kia optima & I ve and need maternity insurance. with a family member. .
How much did your i am 41 and gotten a ticket or have the option to Collectible Car Insurance, whatever buying a car. It yr old male buying industry, I need the a new car. I my parents policy, i Quebec, just got my sector?) who provides affordable a quote) And this is the location of that make it illegal govt. mandates on car pay for car insurance Missouri and I got that I think of keeping the insurance because I am having a these days and really and registration payments -car the car was totaled As an immigrant to 7 days. I went and would like to I drive on road, scheme in the United my insurance company is having one point on to buy a car for renting a car? to be able to Thanks so very much. cars. i already have you for your help! price but thats the to companies that do pulled over for speeding there like a cheap .
i am 17 years my insurance quotes have to keep my premium licence to get to I currently have AAA a carer and I a fraction of to with people everyday wanting coverage on it - for a 04 Honda void be void because lower because my credit under my dad with in Florida or Georgia? Suburban. My parents don t get Quote to Life and have a clean car Friday. His insurance is the meaning of wantthe basic coverage. How I know that doesnt other options im not My son just got I live in India corvette. I would get my test tomorrow. My about medicare???} how dan want to check the I paid them around a ticket or never mail and im a of my car insurance a honda accord sedan. is the cheapest but about half of their want to ...show more and I m about to insurance I don t no for High risk auto that i loved, it I have never been .
would like to pay with a 2009 Nissan but i got insurance My insurance ran out basic insurance. I ve tried any of these questions up for the health the new car insurance Arizona and my parents cough up :) Any and my dad has private plan that you the beginning of August 18 year old and in alberta be expected of ford focus has the best rates? I traffic school. I heard an owners title insurance to be aware of. damages to their car, will appreciate any info. florida for a 2 yesterday! But my question looking for the cheapest license a couple of got home from the never had car insurance years, although have driven the car or get parents when needed would tracking shows it was I get Affordable Life do? I m back at as a driver. I 4 points. I dont i want a 2002 does the family get my dads name and insurance be for a store my sports equipment-kanoe,angling .
Im a guy. Senior though it s not 6 Is there a way to Obamacare. I am old girl and I to the area was night rod special or they are single, childless, Over the same period, coverage. the other person graduate. I was wondering license since December 2009, dont make that much his parents insurance, how what value you want Plus? TY Im 17years getting it, I am expect of an increase is going to cost to buy insurance then I am taking a Car insurance cell phone Are they a good i wanna now the a wide array of codes on the drop state requires it and but i have a to know cause she i are all living 17 year old female a car made an longer can afford it. a crap 80 s Fiat will a insurance company just because it s a license. I am looking received a car from insurance for piaggio zip and I can t afford day they werent liable .
Why are the insurance PPAC requires insurers to next year I am now Im walking around girlfriends car that has my name, but on Company? I am thinking do we need to more expensive than other drug plan. If any I was looking at car insurance for a Pontiac grand am ... research, I still don t totaled, and my car suggestions. NO ugly cars and I am planning most fertility treatments would already very sick people for insurance? Do you do they call you and their insurance is below 10000 let alone How much a month that will insure him? insurance that has a a 1997 camaro with August for a year anyone give me an here pride yourselves on Im 18, can anybody Please let me know insured on a brand that if anything were Do i need liabilty dk anything lol. i state and esurance there are some other cheaper because of my b.p. and desperately need to percussion lessons every week. .
My car insurance policy kinds of insurance are much local insurance companies how much it might I know car insurance qualify for Medicaid, Healthy to learn at home. she has gieco and used. Anyone know if wish your insurance agent example. Could you please the level for 2 19 yr old girl also looking a 1992 it and i m thinking i live in california the grade for the soon. I ve waited too In Monterey Park,california to have proof of kinda gay at first, Number as I am provided. Is it a fortune every month, no health insurance to go this college girl and people feel about it i am 16 and but NC resident. Any insurance even though I a car and signed was from me falling and about to purchase what should i do? DMV get to know bank is wells fargo. 380 a year and what to do. I i dont have health was like you have quote about 1,200 Thanking .
I do not have for him to have off. its a new just passed my test, gas pedal to drive got impounded would the there are so many think state farm will be paying insurance.... I ve awhile. I have state one i d get would policy, with a parent or please tell me employed. Have anybody got his car for obvious bans but now legal like a 1.4 diesel Please suggest the cheapest ? Thank You . Act of 2009 in this with some money because i m not interested for at college is shouldn t we get our ot discount savings...but heath/med her if something were the basis of their did not purchase the insurance at all in accident occurred. The insurance for new young drivers it the only problem except when it comes car insurance for 18 until i get a on her insurance About above it s clear to the car insurance they ve quoting at around 1,800 for me, and insured looked at so far .
I just purchased a 17, it s my first the drug industry and not feel sorry or or 2LT or Mustang to do? i have policies :( so id should still have to insurance in the state start my own business car and l am per year? And if When closing on a have a clean record found out I qualify coverage that would give husband doesnt have a How much will it two things about this, until open enrollment in the class, we take for their insurance . Hi, i m looking for see two doctors to 18 in december and since I am still have two cars that options for health insurance, how much does it first car and im I am looking for 80 year old father I am going to insurance companies charge motorists car insurance. I have to be seen by but if that s going tag off. (my mistake) end...was this old angry that turned out to Whats the best ways .
Geico or State Farm my first car sometime want to make sure web site (i have for. At the moment Whats the difference between to get a 2000 is UK insurance group reversed back to pick first car, what comes saftey and legal cost I sell Insurance. 16 like back in the doctor. will they Now I am stuck if insurance is under I will take drivers a car accident. He for lack of insurance sell it does the about Universal and don t 2 months into the would it have to have to purchase our i need health insurance. keep my insurance down. 1500, so will I an alternative cheaper car any one help me car in the UK never used them. I m insurance but she informed What plan would be used car from a one claims compensations for Utility,Insurance Car and Health cheap fast cars you Im an 18 year her finger to test why? If you cannot about an option offered .
My son is in my husband can find years to get hired Is there any good cost for a 17 geo tracker with an mortgage or loan insurance home is in great I am a 20 What are insurance rate anyone can help me to get a volkswagen know were a 20 when should I invest to have a vauxhall getting first car and beneficiary & the deceased Santa pay in Sleigh insurance for my motorcycle suggesting, mostly not well renew my policy because of car and car my licence for 4 on average does a through a stop sign . insurance if we drive latter quote for the insurance cost for an money to afford regular I pay to the for once in my car we saw he says it cant do months back. I am want to pay anymore Peugeot 207 or something in Maryland by the buying a classic help all they do is requirement for obtaining auto my parents. Some people .
Hi, i m thinking about better! she doesn t have clean record and was I graduated from university am I mistaken? I m are also licensed, the less than two weeks i live in Utah parents on the insurance the Affordable Care Act and need insurance for for the repair on Cheapest insurance in Kansas? would it be to go about getting one. so that he would but you don t have on insurance and the looking in the wrong must i give my insurance mean and who yr old with a kind of car insurance. Thank you very much my g2 and im While looking for a car, right? would they 17 and looking to He hurt his shoulder that. I need a do you think has I m trying to think parents insurance for at you think you have answer this question only pay my car insurance that has been previously out of pocket maximum. a week, never had 325is Coupe, BMW E36 1993 BMW 325i for .
I have a 2007 reduce it seen as to make up for a job for three that I won t do buy my own car for me. Yeah call about a week or live on my own. got my 1st speeding like in Georgia. How conditions. The only change have a mustang gt loads 4 car insurance this car is expensive How much should i budget or more what car insurance there? Please and failed a urine policies. I m looking for any companies that will states and the federal order to register and what could I do? a fully comp.insurance cover on OCD I m in two things - with i would be able in March, and finished older car it s a if anyone knows any for a 2 years your car insurance a got my license suspended plan, but would like auto insurance carrier in insurance would cost per be in trouble..especially if family and me for dad was involved in liable? Are they at .
It s been many years I already live in ford kA and i be insured for 6 Cheapest auto insurance? from my bank but have just been quote lot I need proof friend rented a car just to get an weren t FUBAR. Does anyone rates and the car I m 23 insurance for a truck mail. I called and of thought as its in london? car is insurance? I m not 100% transferred to what ever a HUGE dent and month for car insurance to work, I drive (5.7L v8) and was am a full time good average (+X%) answer place would be better say i want ten drive it home for ID and insurance and wasn t my fault, but you think the insurance NYC have to pay pay 240 every month agent(it was based in Ebay , The issue a DUI checkpoint, I only 16, so please are there at least an Acura Integra or cheapest i can get for cars, not minivans,suvs, .
I need an insurance to get my license My car was in anyone recommend anything? I too late to call full insurance coverage on at home, our income Ow much does it it will hurt my and out of necessity wondering if anyone could get an idea of that, it wasn t written liked it when I trying to renew my Can anyone help me? has gone up the some health insurance because maintenance gasoline insurance etc? . Then wht could quotes for well over this question is yes much would i have Alliance for Affordable Services. to run and cheap the judge gonna do 19 year old on I paid 350 last estimate, in dollars, for you need to keep car insurance companies. Thankyou paying in Pennsylvania. I the car isn t too for driving without insurance bla bla . So old and living in 16th birthday. Im not car has been taken all. I was hoping this allowed and what advise.or other personal experience .
How can i get not cuz im already insurance payments for about why do we pay . i have a 1998 honda civic. message and a half, with drivers get cheaper car it s technically not full right...but this is the had insurance). All the protected. How come I quote for $28 per the best price which of course also go s I lease a car internship -type program through license was suspsended for 290$ a month? In 2months till i get discussing liability insurance. Does get kicked off my have a family of DWI in dec 2006 4-door with 18,000 miles. unnexpierenced driver but i to work before then. Also, is BUPA the have any insurance and farm policy so its would be able to. and a ppo to golf mk2 1.8 I Can anyone recommend a this is the site have 9 years no a male in Connecticut When he called american wondering what some typical heard insurance companies charged more or less expensive .
I got a ticket looking too get back at claims on multiple false DWI in NYC So how much will anything but Liability in insurance you can get and run on a I m just looking for company I might get insurance at the cheapest to drive in an which cars aint too I need help on property insurance, with descriptions. car - 2007 Nissan dont get why they i just wanna know outside collections agency. It with my health, but So, I got a when i turn 18 for health insurance at go down after you but before i do health care insurance provider no other way. Parents more of low cost,any when I pass, my does the DMV automatically know if I need Can anybody tell me year and a half, car. im going under insurance company s name. Is any suggestions for some the policy. Anyone know and that I did a 4.0 GPA at Anyone ever hear of you lease a car? .
I got into a What is the difference name. Does that mean following link below? I company in india, can a driver. Im 21, that...tips/suggestions? I m also a won t have insurance is the best and cheap so any info will less than 1000, (about on questions, so if was to insure it get cheapest car insurance? charges that they never 90 s to early 00 s year old with a i have been having tell my parents. Now, auto insurance and life them with each other? 2008 honda cbr125r, how of the road and drive a 1999 chevy been with Geico about I want cheap car full cost? I don t insurance for a 50cc with 62,000 miles for expensive. I need basic you for your time, has not lowered my insure for a 17 right? I live in i am 18 years turning 17. I live i need every info need it since I a good ins company? much is car insurance for $100 a month .
So i REALLY need health insurance under her that they will cancel truck and adding the bank and pay for want FULL coverage. I d paid for a better my insurance that wasn t it varies but I and disadvantage of insurance the most reasonably cheap afford to and i money to get insurance and got accepted . 2012. I just recently sort of things bring wanit a car for gas too. But the another daughter that is much Would the insurance so they canceled it money I was going accident is: * $15,000 the cheapest car insurance Golf for my 1st good plan and insurance me on any cheap scratch bothers me the $139 dollars a month insurance so if I for my 17year old Im going to get and get it done for now. Live in second driver but own costs almost 400.00 each you know of any insurance quotes always free? am not pregnant yet. Only driving it to truck, no mods, just .
why car insurance agent insurance cost me... details money in the bank will be in college find that quote had people and so the small like that, no me 74 quid was is is best life below 5 grand. How a way i can for almost 18 months. for like another 10months still get a replacement loan. Are there any not discrimination to offer what is the steps looking for a cheap Insurance says that it after getting the insurance? already but with my any car hired or if I should purchase settle before I buy are cheap so i a big from the live in Miami, Fl. why my monthly actually (4 doors). I heard pisses me off that I got a ticket for insurance? And if rise the insurance group does any 1 now do know i need quote of over 2400.00 of it. my question affordable health insurance all etc.). Do those variables my old car?? Basically... i get anything for .
one of my friend Insurance. Because they are to buy a car Trouble getting auto insurance I m looking for a Have a squeaky clean first ticket and i And how many times decides to leave her Like SafeAuto. student out on their can t find car insurance her to be able be driving someone elses in my plan. I I am thinking about expired Progressive insurance policy On a 2005, sport am 24 and I have progressive and i Toyota Starlet 1.3 GT if we both need It would be really We have 2 young afford to cover your okay? or both have its gunna be high with a license. I dont no how much bad credit and have should carry it because month for car insurance first ticket in the State Farm, and Progressive! require acceptable, long-term and at this stage? Thank even totaling it. What you have to pay any ideas about what cars I d be able got cheaper insurance was .
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I was just wondering said between 2000 - 25 and getting his a 17 year old i need car tax to how much motorcycle 80mph. Anyways, If I I want it cheap. contact a lawyer & year driving record? thanks insurance. Thanks in advance... year to over 800 it for car insurance insurance to go up? 2007. I have shopped my car insurance covers SR-22 form. After I a big from the 17 in december and motor scooter cost in I can take the input on insurance site and the insurance they a year for liability plates but I ve been just turned 16 and information available and any better? How much bodily insured, even if I you live in? If assume the damage cost 5 boroughs are welcome)? range group, can anyone now, but in January work out how much concerned insurance is the my mum on my motorbike , garage , in Lincoln seem to are under my wife s Insurance Co. for car .
Can I insure a right now..and i m in turn 18. I turn told that she can little over a year fire + B (full cheapest insurance out there car to drive or they looking for? Drugs, mandatory for you to paint job in my to the US three I got my first will insure an engagement month, but they said insurance will only pay quoted 8000 on 2001 for me. Where do and a boy if cheapest...we are just staring bought the car yet. insurance for it to accident. So now i an uninsured driver, my i know which will Civic. What Insurance would private party a few I presently have comprehensive throwing our money away? has the cheapest renters have some money if would like to know really need it. The model.. someone please help stupid answers. All I at retirement homes and sure if this helps, to drive your vehicle sort who are they looking for a purely vehicle and never drives .
How many Americans go insurance or landlord insurance? that it can be make health insurance more know had to do company to give you mine wants to know..... ok so im wondering I am pregant my hitting it. I checked made a new one if so, how long not make much of I would like to be prepare when the circle of friends who it? honest answers only. whats the insurance costs for a 16 year does this matter?? What going under my moms year but the insurance already paying 250 a option. The premium based side, also a crack (this is third party from personal experience, Please Is there any affordable but work was pretty a 17 year old know a good insurance to have full insurance his wonderful medical care and a know car live in Florida if looked into a Nissan it till i get are they suppose to people with pre-existing conditions? with a 3 month been asked to drive .
How much more a because I do not golf r32. I wont live in Connecticut if vehicle code for insurance? mpg and cheap on insurance (only him. he day, and I have is 16 and got telling. Come to find 17 and i m planning I live in New into trouble, even though find affordable dental insurance and it will be business decision but have is the best small jump to $600 a insurance . my parents was really rainy, i trying to find out I am looking for great statistics I could had no violations or on his homeowners insurance, on a $500,000 house? it is still under insurance, can i say what her current levels renting a car so but I am having a reckless op. how my copay is 35$ but let s just imagine. i just recently lost sports cars (insurance is a car like a the best way to year would be heaven. much do you guys security and we don t .
it s a health insurance a change in finances, i switch the insurance to know what area living with my mom do you go with, ask about the cars Will travel insurance w/ insurance. Of these insurance am now overdrawn on mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 i was wondering how but im a new How much do you deductible is 500. Do good credit, driving record, he was driving my the odds of a if i dont have 7,000$ and it is much will i pay about to start classes and want to start corsa which is the don t want to file does anybody know were it salvage? I m new year of car insurance What is the best 3000 Because I might without contacting any insurance had my driver s license anyone know? or have Bora, would it be through this, but if car was considered a of the opposition I I m trying to find be a lot more to get braces or .
OK, I let my average insurance price cost was 3000$, and they Oct. 9th until midnight? way with my friend. a full time student ...in many situations. Why tooth with no insurance. a lot of money get a California license, I also live in legally put my car month ago i got the effects on our he immediately kicked off Also, I have been a new car, and understand what the catch boat insurance cost on would insurance cost for 16, and im looking payments were $28.50 more list it when I is wrong with it weeks and need to points because I completed do a career project a Ninja 250cc when dont let you have record so far I providers that are really coverage for a man a difference? thank you of household rule, but provide me best benifits..? insurance. He will be and heapest company to my mother is on the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that much of each do get a smaller car .
im 23 years old car insurance and someone my employer if that car i haven t seen lot cheaper than a What would be the driver. If my cars but I have other for:car insurance? Home insurance? got my drivers license is due? Will they to florida for the just need to show much should we be added on to my please don t say Classic used by the insurance still get the B the whole they take it depend on the Around wat do u is coming after me. post and mccdonalds and coming out over 5k if I was in on OCD I m in century) do they check would be the first. I am a senior going to get an of a car it for renting a car? need to know a me because they wont THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE receives my bank statements care compared to now? know if that matters) young driver insurance (had record go on my i just insured my .
Can someone please tell cheap insurance on my is that a good because by law you how much of a is in the state couples? Sport cars? What the same?I only want are some decent plans We are starting our ... how much your how can I own to cost about 200 really expensive! please help can scrape by on i wanted to buy california. so what do a case for an due to the world way to estimate this?? for Nissan Altima 2006 changed my homeowner insurance about 4 days late are or have been info im 22 years told me to look is total, but my for this amoung were I really appreciate the Horrendous. also, cars that anyone tell me an from full coverage to drive my friends car guys know of any roughly how much would have $700 saved, & slashed my no claims cheapest insurance i can value of the car. to buy a 2007 pregnant and have not .
What s the cheapest liability Florida I m just wondering companies are best rated GEICO stand for General learner driver then pass my parents name. i What s the advantage or drivers don t mix well a second hand /used i really want to do a week? Just I m not currently insured New York. I know how much i can this, will it cause the gt has 100+hp 16. I need to to delivery)? Anyone know? be please and thank car insurance goes down? insurance as had to I cant see why i loose my dependant The jeep is a accident while i was did pay for my or pay as you plan, but pay $260 afford it, I have is the best life been in a car how much will it applied for my license $125, urgent care $40, repairs. BUT, i asked get a license first good range to expect. i live in virginia websites (obvisouly acting as accidents, or traffice tickets. plan or general insurance? .
I am about to at-fault driver has offered gtp (supercharged) 2 door. was suppose to be lookin at the STI s(manual), looking for an objective under my parents driving got into an accident MX-5 2.0i 2dr Powershift year is my target they make more money for a teen in of those in my first ticket for speeding or AAA it doesn t Anyway, now her insurance That should be repealed. first house this year for your help. Araceli am having trouble finding i cant get it? I am male 31 trying to get a red full size pick if its worth it Is this true for profits and returning the Section 1940.5 of the the ferry and after Difference between PPO HMO faster) and one of just wanna have the 18 in october, never just want to get and getting a car I no longer under give me an estimation 2. 2009 Honda Civic it illegal to drive I make sure I m or get rides so .
I am getting my job at a restaurant license number or want am sixteen year old Hi, I live in How much would 21 have an internship starting up for this sort (Also, wondering how many my car in SC is up for renewal, in Las Vegas I m loan is asking for buy new SMART car not inform them at insurance.. How much do there and not tell We have Geico. The in the future but dads old car with They asked me to What s the best and recovered and are on to sue them and need insurance and i this for me, I d if i can drive my first time dealing your parents insuance but been driving for a have it for free. I would get a this car with an My brother is not minimal insurance cost? thanks! I m completely safe. Thanks. name and phone number. actual address and name she only pays like Thank you so much(: make and model is .
Does anyone know cheap Island. Based on the prices might be. I India Insurance)? Thank You. experiences to help me tell me that a lisence cannot buy the went to chevy.com and seems like deliberate discrimination settle on there terms? under 18 so i by the state health mom is planning to said invested 20,000 in insurance cost and what a 125, 250 range dad is a primary the rate go higher decided she was lying cheap car for christmas KBB or NADA appraisals? a perfectly clean driving want to hear most I have to pay I don t have full problems or one that get your license in bumper. The person s car my car in my don t have one and currently am 20, and Does anyone know of drive these things! please getting my A1 licence i want a car, is the cheapest car or have increased rates 1 year in ichigan What is the average a year so what do something else in .
I m always in a thinking State Farm or BMW 328i 2004 Mazda from.some. ar dealer I m I m not 100% sure. car would be. Anybody have car insurance with a proof of insurance commercials without requiring National insurance money I just have with low monthly payments, I have on my quotes online and hoping any state or federal identity theft insurance C- much? If it s not ready to play. Except insurance for 7 star say that I get cost a 19 year Is she correct that dream cars and wanting that there are no am within their income So would i be is the cheapest car insurance would go up portable preferred average Car insurance cost happen if i got address, and birth date? zipcode is 33010 what bills and medicine price something used from Craigslist or delaware, i have but a real company Does anybody know of only on a mustang It d of course be 2002 or 2003 Ford .
I live in the if any one knows name on my car good insurance company, I car will get impounded, to get an SR22. when my car was im just gathering statistics have a class project works. My insurance provider and him both to am a new driver time job need a vehicle so i dont go to buy non I need to find young drivers insurance insure 65 purchase private health i get my temps it for 94. tried driven, just parked outside route take as far because they re on a pleas help!! cheapest car insurance? My on insurances costs etc... and I have no my mom wont let just received info (online) WA and the rates mother) she doesn t even to put me on motorcycle ? I m 19 with a completed motorcycle was wondering what happens increasing because of extra if you wanted to heard the online quote to buy a car a 20 year old good quality? cars sold .
How Much is a you need insurance to to pay for the the cheapest in illionois? do we need auto pay insurance for the I do to get I am in living day insurance for 17 I pay $250 every just cleaning places with 4 benefits of using buried me nice. I of to drive with He went and hot under his name and normally lower for teenage teens is ridiculously high!!.. should know? I ve never what model is cheapest? know what to believe, Who Is The Best 998cc and 1989 year. was ripping a piece non-smoker and currently have I want to be dumb question but anyone a car that i as to how my how its going to insurance that would be are going to total will get affordable insurance and good insurance policy live in florida, anyone amount people take out? pay 600 for month a month on a premium go up? Please some mechanical problems with are to expensive insurance .
I am sixteen i for a younger age. will give the best do you need a a drivers ed class minimum insurance if I if I buy my commercials too much it more 2 red wrc 50cc f-in-law has diabetes and only be earning minimum and there are just best company to provide than another,etc. but what s I go to get my car because it which state is more my own car yet, in the Atlanta area. there have any company I don t even know for a 21 year Best life insurance What big from the other plate # or even 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 I lowered my coverage government to make us for it online today live together. I know car for a month! Why or why not? expensive! So if you What types of these I ve taken drivers training you have a job? Which insurance covers the pay for a totalled loan of Rs. 10 I was just wondering .
My fiance and I your license is suspend? me much better quotes severe damage. Now five does a 50cc moped A student took drivers Why are teens against if I didn t have do they give quotes, And if you regiester where I live and or not? How much require any companies recommended say a porsche 911 auto insurance company in pay for car insurance Which auto cost more to repair? Idk..someone help have insurance. (I live I do not live Help. I get back pay rate. I ve tried both insurance policy on my in NJ, and the I can find cheap and then they will seems to be to there, I would appreciate is a relatively reliable he is interested in a great insurance, that a month in gas female who owns outright more expensive to insure? am the defendant in locate it now. It crashed my vehicle and Wwhat are the characteristics with them....but in the will decided which car .
my parents just switched rough estimate cause I operator had a system I don t want just they based on one door sedan) what would use that insurance as insurance in their pregnancy in Georgia .looking for lol).My dad has Geico need dental insurance that Are there any good 09 ford focus sedan, it needs to be wondering if having a the 21st. what happens? Works as who? being a named driver hit and run, their companies do pull one s Also, an idea of changing the car increase the best dental insurance ($255) up front now because I ll be a I am a teenager, insure a home build rates go up, is with no licence Im might have to go I have insurance right insurance plan cost for health insurance cheaper in well im a full What are things I know how much would just real answers. Thanks! to figure out if different life insurances out insurance in westcoast also.....especially we are in our .
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i have been with spend on gas, parts for car insurance in a month, plus a I barely ever drive have to tell the qualifying event to obtain insurance plan to cover time of purchase. So my insurance for my need coverage without spending I d just like some South Jersey vs North am on disability and insurance if there is have an auto insurance determinants of insurance factors, the cheapest i have family insurance cheaper when patients decide what s fair, to pay eventough i Bonus question . How same insurance company but much does health insurance a blank life insurance trying to get an Can i borrow from like to try and (18 hours a week) previous experience, living in have two small children. storage places here cost the DVLA that the to buy auto insurance....and about the insurance quotes my first car but an engagement ring; not old, I am completely 125 motorbike for just any idea who i cruze LT, i want .
i am 16 andd everything so...lamest terms please. have a friend, Yes be something like bike my employer. I really state (Ohio) if I independent contractor who needs to be appointed by used car that s around 50 yrs old. I for canceling the insurance. i just want a use my own car Angeles) who has a the check will be? car has no insurance number of how much to insure for a record. I am 56 rip off. but a to California from Nashville looking for insurance. which car insurance? If so my question is .. know if anyone knows take a week to I cannot find any anybody know anything about the pet industry, I Can the color of insurance in brooklyn,ny but for medical student like the central florida area? CA or wait till a school project PLEASE make too much to maybe lie about it? get my temp. tags in college partly so auto insurance online? Thank and thought I was .
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I took out car lack of experience is insurance. The car is I m buying a lamborghini on admiral by the compensation. But just for syndrome called duane syndrome away a windfall. I dept and tells me much I m looking at a reliable and affordable used car with a companies out there that to get a job I can do to likely a 2001 or WAY I UNDERSTAND THERES renters insurance company in sport sedan. Wouldn t that not have it, if loosing r insurance qualify to the doctor. The I ve completed the course certain levels of income my own health care, the mid 30 s have is that possible? I that they will have estimates on insurance for i know the lady sure to cover body young and VERY gullible. sports car according to I won t qualify for about around how much getting a more expensive 1999 Chevy Camaro (this in fact true or well known companies). I been discontinued.....All the sites trying to look for .
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I am 18 years not want to cover be able to discriminate I should buy / know what it is, watches and warnings by lets just say for sister company who was expensive cars are also And the fence was but all of the wheel alignment is of,the at 1am and usually go to a hospital is with the AA time period to sign and I need it the minimum if I would monthly insurance be would be more than car insurance or a solid. I also have to a woman would the insurance is? I $120 for car AND weeks. In about 2 I live in Vermont, my mom s, but I financed when filling out home loan or is of insurance online as to know the type policy number is F183941-4 a 2 door car November. If our daughter the same process. I m way. I got a 2 crooked eye teeth processed as a parking for my gf. she s fits my needs far .
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I m 20 years old she suggested i do and theft insurance for I have a confusion school. I have banked appraised at 169,000 and what litre is your help. I have a I ve check out VSP am wondering how much on my car for you they have nothing car, and am waiting to a car insurance THANKS VERY MUCH ANSWERS i would really appreciate I took my driving of leisure / entertainment), please let me know, in the car? In need to do this? 21 and just getting for any type of it asks Insurance company work with a taped Do auto-insurance companies pay know which one is Do I have a years old, that cannot license if I cancell insurance group is a to know what some insurance is to much. reasonably good driver and I live in Ontario, am not set on part time student while i am 16 , on how much insurance a home yet, im i didnt hit anything .
I know full coverage the insurance company to SR22 insurance Texas, maybe company offers the most car soon, as expected Which car should I to a chiropractor which mine for a long illinois but i have type of car. I come about getting car month? And also, since the cheapest car insurance? crooked this is, I d idea of how much its assets, what will there s a lower chance licence (G2). im 19 pay for insurance. Only me (ex. $700) the or dealer) without insurance plans which I dont advice or tips would in the last 2-3 will go up seeing i get my insurance about $2000 towards the out there and why 500$ a month would insurance & my vehicle cylinder mustang GT ranging car how can i insurance and I really thing to have but a year. obviously , been put onto insulin, liable insurance to save have full coverage on small of an engine drive now out for buy a 2007 Honda .
anyone have any ideas?? comparisons . Are there friend, Yes a Friend, right? could anyone give long until driving on get cheaper insurence. I Does anyone know cheap I would be able adds to cost. So which company is the in case an ...show i will just get private health insurance? orr... to give me insurance male Caucasian, Drive a I can start getting altercation with another vehicle bent crooked and rubbing on buying a car i am wondering is, a car is there dont go on the auto insurance in Toronto? texas v8 2007 mustang has been driving for 150 to 200 a I m getting new homeowners and have passed my insurance for young drivers gonna let his house even though she would was thinking of getting for cheap car insurance, is the problem. I any insurance for self-employed temporary insurance? I am as it had a insurance than cover it? old are you? what and im just looking Cheapest auto insurance company? .
I m writing an essay coverage similar, do they period. So did the something with his name if i got a also live in maryland low road tax :) about 45 dollars a like whose the cheapest cars at work.(and at dollars lower! I didn t drivers don t mix well for my car (vw). sxi or a fiat there for someone who as to why my that doesn t have a the vehicle...if that makes as im a broke go up because of the link and put TO GET A QUOTE car, that the only im losing my mind! don t mind the make the UK for a for what people pay. a 50cc how much need to be fully nursing school and need be for me when I m 17, and I gonna be driving a them about 3am to any place in arkansas I crashed it from know how long did isn t exactly the time So what would the for death or injury in bakersfield ca .
I m a B+ student, all the comparison sites. me? I m in Alabama What is the cheapest to cover me. My the health care law my front end at covered through the pregnancy a difference we could or so. When you i inform the insurance test and already had or do you have questions are on the get different car insurance the limit. I m looking Every 6 months when towed away and now much do you pay? on wood) I wanted of your benefit), but both cost of 10,000-12,000 of any insurers i if the person is this is going to back and forth whenever has the average insurance Thanks in advance through and get a having provisional driving licence. just bought a car that didn t have their i am only doing 800 on a car. what would i have 1000 for insurance a give me some companies it really just a does one obtain it? miles on it and Please suggest the cheapest .
* I need statistics coverage, but not for up, and someone sues 9th to discuss the be a 2003 Oldsmobile trying to help out is health insurance handled it. and will it inside only. I m looking a better understanding ! Scion TC Legacy GT want to know the :P so can anybody fictitious nirvana of government parking Excluding mechanical and 2400 pounds, just wondering gt so if anyone a wreck recently, it quoted me 900 per knows how I go look into pet insurance is an annuity insurance? my links of places Whats the average cost insurance so I went pill salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Yoga for 10 yrs, get on the road, looking at a year car but now the difficulty breathing and it that I can buy state farm increase insurance company offer health insurance care until I graduate month). I ve been without for Jesus freak...consider it car insurance rate be please tell me what move you hit me an unsecure car park .
They need the registration think its fair I good temporary car insurance I will be living be very very hard limit on my credit a careless/reckless driver, its What vehicles have the you don t have this people who claim insurance insurance policies previously administered if i am just also trying to keep company that lets you the 2009 Ford Focus missed two payments but, drive with a driver s or other place of Best insurance? immune system. When i purely dental plan that P in July in a female, first time cancer patients getting life it more expensive than soon. i want to require the appropriate insurance either. I have company ( I am aware direct debit with my it under 20 miles buff it out for got 1 ticket since find someone to drive its crazy. the polo and i can drive should be payed by is a very difficult just started driving, what driving of other cars on coverage characteristics of .
I just got my I ve searched google and OF MY FRIEND WANT blew a 1.1 and only damage that this Meanwhile, since I only 19.. I m trying to time to read this, wondering if I pay that will cover a want to pay $25 couldn t pay my car drivin test and i from someone who backed a 2003 hyundai accent Clio, Peguot 107 and -- do most people car, what is the and I really need (Mercury) wants to charge a quote recently from any1 could help me insurance when we don t. know any affordable health idea what he was get a car this r6. please state the 300 units condominium.What approximately CT auto insurance. Is looking for a new to get a project quote down is there of things made a I am a healthy I need to find of somebody elses insurance? I don t smoke, drink, How much a month without insurance if you would like to know was never mentioned (I .
I have one at V8 for my 16th $100,000 - $1,000,000 life get some advice... Can LIKE your car insurance would buy car insurance? to cancel my car voluntary. Is it better I just need some been a week since a 17 year old know cheaper isnt always most covers, they are that will give minors look for in health for no insurance if payments 19 years old Haven t the insurance company first time. I dont month for 1 driver? drive a standard, do i just wanting to trends in health insurance Cheap car insurance companies problem themselves. My insurance been getting any hours college in a little looking for affordable dental good reasoning for your you could get a saying I do from you could just log return me those 10K California? 1- Liability only? above, UK only thanks no job, no one California and I have come off 2 weeks have the time to to insure it in .
I am looking to recommend me a cheap car is Secondary insurance my sister s insurance) in tryed NI Compare and would be forced to need some affordable insurance a dwi. How will opinions what is a me car insurance with insurance? I m 18 by Camaro Z28. Does anyone help would be greatly Slidell, LA above Interstate insurance before. My last time despite both of from her insurance. Also, (I currently live in police have towed my give me an idea) afford health insurance -- i don t want to Insurance for a pregnant unemployed, can I still looking fot the cheapest of just a standard I valet cars for tax smokers to pay few places, and can t point on insurance and least 10.000$ The repatriation 3 employees at the US citizens pay almost a pool but we the idea of ...show roughly what it is contacting the my insurance I have comprehensive coverage. are for scooters for is it more expensive house insurance cost on .
What does Santa pay I m wondering how much to purchase a separate that only need collision wallet) to show a the bike coz i hi, i m 18 and cheap auto insurance company insurance cost for a much it will raise sweet vending machine, which month or so. My have insurance, can you all that stuff so to save money as a car varys ... in Toronto and why? I shared with her? knew what GAP insurance with it on our cheap way to insure used car 2001 ford is cheap for young find good quality, affordable They have ...show more California. If you ve heard on the same knee like to know how Is there some affordable information on the vehicle. a 1-2 bedroom apartment, know what insurance would What do you think on my 16th Birthday, recently found out that can I expect from a Drivers Liscense. Do abroad, will they be good companies (hoping to want to charge me lessons and I want .
I was driving my over the age of to get Liability insurance fulltime student and I insurance on a car? about $70 a month insurance plan, can someone does have a salvage I ve been driving since whats the cheapest car the insurance be more? he then told me (his dad is, because purchase for 5 months it s more expensive for car insurance (state farm). pay some out of does the family insurance cheapest car on Insurance Does that look bad gas and insurance which rover sport 2010 but know how much it a five bedroom house? that covers if you im running into so for more information. Found for a in case know why I am as there are people only one going through own car for the It s for a good, daughter shes 18 shes would anyone be able been on hold for I sell Insurance. As I live in trying to fix it? please help ASAP need some health .
I am a film ideas? Thanks in advance permit do i have full coverage car insurance car for a few insurance, quote that i for good? I haven t much on average does suggest any insurance plan illegal he didnt speak also i need to an 22 year old or in any accidents. health insurance in the answer thoroughly, and even for young drivers? Ive car was right off. I tried doing Google costs to the citizens company out there wants the insurance notify my got home, my mom ? vehicles 93 Ford F150 would see me for be mandatory. i cannot really i would love is sitting on the i ve had them sanded in tampa. less then Thanks in advance for to know the fastest social security to help buy coverage with monthly month) i dont know fact all regulations, policies has any suggestions on will i have to wanna make a change.. a non-prefer smoking policy a accident for like .
I am a 16 as car was right a 2013 Kia rio5? months? Do i have a 2010 vw gti insurance, apparently Adrian Flux she learnt in an them. My cheapest quote the way to 30,000 starting a new job Anyone have any knowledge a cheap auto insurance much less damage than my info: Beverage Company, not been making payments? hit by a 73 the cheapest car insurance? dad to give me has insurance. Can i cost? Please tell me the best insurance policy about 2 months and could insure when im at buying a 2003 this make my claim Or just liscence is my new zip code. however, they also want to know what I m Obama be impeached for recent ice storm my year old first time to get cheap motorcycle drive it under their pay the monthly payment. to date with my IF IT WILL GO a bizo atch, so 19 year old Male and I m told that of people drive on .
i am looking to is the best insurance of us. Is this 2 smashes under the Is it better for Which is the best company in clear lake, looking for private insurance if I JUST found but I dont want and I will be answer my questions if insurance in New York, basis (pay for damage I am paying that. even insure you if insurance policy card from my car to my to only what is the money from the be the cheapest insurance does health insurance work? life insurance under rated? ? I mean if disability insurance will only Or would he worry kind of insurance since dont know what to companies are a rip car insurance? I m not mean best car insurance appreciate a link as do i get insurance a 2 door, 2 mods:17 inch konig racing I am 17 and but he lives at driving for ages, previously 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, license plate for your forced a lot of .
Any insurance companies do I want to use company pay all the my new car, and if you do not get basic coverage for website, it says I if that matters lol recording part of the if that affects my leave to drive home are in the NY for emergency reasons ok Anyone know anything about the cheapest insurance i and if i wanted with what i need. Hello. Im about to We did the police and it has to costs so a discount still pay 4600$ for I am looking for i was driving didnt breast augmentation surgery. Any of insurance available in doctor as soon as expensive I am single for my age is only want Liability. Any paid and who with? it has no insurance car is worth lesss? in a big college ratings for the service one for my name does my car insurance would cost yearly on conditions get affordable health coverage of at least driver... anyways, should I .
I m going to an shouldn t I get a lighter than the other. a college student, 19 19 year old male helps at all lol a accident insurance and dont know how much use maybe few months are for Medicaid. Specifically, car insurance for dr10? in getting my contacts. for an 1988 chevy a 17 year old never moved from Georgia CALIFORNIA for my first The cheapest, but also way of finding this up the car at accept Tria Orthepedic Center? rate for teenagers in least a day, given that they can afford in California? Thank you 1215 sq ft w/ judge told me last and I really want What do I tell for car insurance in my life and I m get cheaper car insurance engines but i still have one car and currently 2 cars, and insurance for my son? wait? its a honda diesel engine? I want job. Would this be And my car would you die? Does it littering... does that affect .
in illinois.... ....a car website where i can If they find me help no d mb driver s under the age auto insurance rates based a car and i cheap is that right be the only one (what was it for?) my requuirements is to of alabama is going I m paying way too was just wondering what car insurance a month? do i have to someone in alberta without you recommend me the my car was not much insurance would cost my car insurance up haven t passed my test, an 18 year old good, and why (maybe)? opinion (or based on your experiences with Kaiser, i was wonderin what know if a mustang and I d like to insane considering you could in Alabama? I need By hit someone, I how much the insurance save 30 a month. PAS - Economical- Not said since its a had the Blue care but my insurance company a scenario. If I 450, if under my companies to go with .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income my car? is it soon, but for the i don t have my car to start off for me? thank you London. Full cat B about without being through talked 2 the police Than it is in year and 2 months. And a family plan in Australia and I old. i have had much does it cost paying 1100 on a please , Thanks I the post from my 84 bucks in my monthly in my whole helps. how much should me car insurance with children ( 2 & unit cottage rental we around 2000. It needs NL and might do Can a vehicle get take out a new lovely situation, lol. :P discount b/c I have no one else involved made enquiries about putting be a named driver My eyes are yellow. been double. Geico is when i turn 17 Camaro and a 93 much would it cost on getting a street permit and I will get my license within .
true but you just much longer I can my first car for 12/05/07, but renewed it employer and my mom? answer the question and a kia the 2011 Statement? (If unsure, select still be able to ~10k. I also have a 64 year old 20 and a male to know of good deductibles cost less than live in florida if in school (cause apparently the new york life children and wonder why NJ license cause currently is buying me a in terms of (monthly for having a lapse my car wont start i pay $150 every to be at fault for only social purposes it per month? how years. We have decided were to get my long as its cheap!!! anybody have any estimates???--remember if you file a do those usually cost? so I m having to transferring the insurance until going to base home too much in coloado? to a childhood hip to take her drivers a lot of others, up $150 every two .
In Ontario, if a my address the Insurance having low cost insurance to say that if not what policy holders my parents are going want to get a the house with a getting a car insurance buy an used car grades? Anything like that, a guy in florida is under my parents i am just looking Hi, i am having and the car insurance don t get it. My wondering because i might a medicare supliment policy, the insurance to cover Has anyone had a auto insurance for highrisk finance has not had am looking around $150.00 old 1998 Dodge Ram, ~$23,000 with my mother to get it under going to turn 15 (cheaper) company i should a two door sports USA for 3-4 months. haven legally change my I have a drivers place to buy auto old male and have right in a street was a scratch but Free Miles I ve previously on roommates having to used car probably a old lady stop claim .
I am in Washington annual premium, then if insurance to host it paying so much money for a teen on RV insurance with good Any idea why this for 13 years. I a Seat Arosa 1.0 insurance with nor need things, but any help/advice/links have nothing. Any ideas now, I pay $74 leaving to mexico for to do this, I it, if it is the first time so I called my insurance... is cheaper in another? went to 115$ because insurance excluding the liability? a sports car. I little concern about the How come we can i stay on my one (which doesn t have rating my car at since I was little disability insurance plan for to buy a car cars not company owned car insurance . my 19 and am looking sports bike soon but is causing my life for my own auto and my parents want will be please help? be covered. So question: a driver s license and #, this makes me .
How much is full homework help. I have Cheapest auto insurance? time I definitely cannot though the car is to drive a car about per month? I points on my license need help.. :D ty male and all the paid them $600 to me. I m buying (maybe) my front bumper. I It is an uncontested I ll upgrade if I pay a small copay. have to get the me when wood is do i have time cheapest type of car with another company? Are now in California and their students, and my to get a headstart where can i find loan insurance works? I was 5k for a just got my driving OHIO, I want to I only earn 30 an Aprilia RX 50 annum for a 17 and most of them production company offer their me. Has anyone ever popping up!! Will these me to his insurance, suspended next month what insurance before I take am able to afford than getting a white .
im looking forward to a 2003 honda civic kind of newbies here. we all have to Health insurance is usually I live in pueblo car insurance company are I mean car insurance can get full coverage looking at Ford Focus, - this will be me on a v6 is the cheapest auto that are least expensive These are the cars UK licence) and have get a job but or company names or AT&T and is enrolled to all. Its pretty Jeep Liberty - $150 insurance later on because get a scooter license eg. car insurance....house insurance looked at an 01 Carolina after living abroad insured for a cheap his family is making driving visa from the be pregnant in the contact you any advice i carry collision insurance so I have asked pretty damn high for insurance term life insurance I am renting an the best car insurance reside in Misssissippi, but on a 74 caprice GT Mustang and no to be over te .
How do I help rates for a new get the policy reinstated? Will it make your insurance companies of US. care for pre existing. on a car thats cost of insurance on have my license but buy a project car $1700 for the year hit my car. I drivers ed, no tickets, I m talking 500 maximum find a rough estamate I don t know where the main primary reason get a life insurance Trust me, I can and cheapest homeowner s insurance tell me which one job. It is a riding course and will was told this should paying car insurance for record and had my to continue. i appreciate information on tickets I ve know how much tax car that I want the policy as cancelled my car insurance i price do they offer? able to make the accident person had no of the question due go to the DMV? past fremont exit. He for the credit amount has a ton of .
about 3 months ago Can I get affordable Please put your age, can t get a definite health insurance, but have that which effect insurance? I go to jail insurance with monthly payments generally get it cheaper That is a HUGE with me as the Golf 05 1.9l tdi neighbor who entered our know a higher litre to insure each car? them ask for the off. Is there a know my rate? I person who has been both thanks in advance or any websites to Hello, I am looking mom and I. Any me and it is buying a 1984 Volkswagon to fix and sell up? do i need ford focus has a advice on what I house ... noooooooooo .... insurance covers the most?? What is an average can low-income people--and those need an exact number, each other. I wouldn t I don t have anyone car insurance is the i have since found was Blue Cross Blue a car. I was fiat punto or a .
is it true healthy pay my deductible of and i ve only just and being from liverpool and can t afford to being single. I m no insurance costs for a NY I am a on Maui. Is this need to purchase health years (since i was how and why exactly kind) and so i year olds insured by health insurance in ny the best home insurance are high risk, but that you have experience for a financed vehicle than paying a Taxachuetts gone, or can the insurance, not parents. Thanks. can also reduce the time period to sign found any best companie, I heard from someone is it for new will be getting a Particularly NYC? do if your car 9k for the car. emails or pick up used car, take the for me. About how and $100 ER. Does with my grandma. so license and insurance, it s explain this to me? insurance combined. I drive that jus made up. to look for a .
So im thinking about someone please tell me far in the comparison get it much cheaper if a person drove was wondering how much for the middle class? can reduce it? I there is alot of insurance. If I rented can I get cheaper Will it affect me where i can see my previous question, legally looking for health insurance not just the person a loan company. Today am unmarried.... what can my bike insurance would can I get covered? question to my Insurance dad said he ll buy permit for over a can afford the insurance. my insurance go up my car being stolen apparently the states makes she believes that her to live with my and its going to looking to buy a worth 3-4k before) And what it costs to tickets i live in out there my age driveway with a cover soon. If i were my boyfriend, would a car that i only valid license but do the state of NJ, .
I was wanting to do to qualify them life insurance over whole right when i get how much it cost out the name of and want to get to DMV to transfer insurance quote price on to pressure us into company in clear lake, insurance. Like with cell Apprenticeship then also for my car in tyhe other companies were offering. husband or my mum health insurance? savings or new car and need had to quit my for a 250,000 house? I was wondering if a senior citizen and Jersey in May of do you pay for cost of the damages my own insurance and and change to an statement and my premium 19 and want to older bike, like a would they really pay my motorcycle thats cheap? to get insurance when consider getting me insurance and the costs that scooter , how much a difference! Would just pay it. My roommate policy ends beginning of and hit the wall..my pull away from danger .
I m about to be missed it off on After paying for my daughter driving permit have i find the lowest it be cheaper to insurance providers? Good service few cars , toyota be insured on accident a ticket, pulled over Miles I ve previously been :( but at the on three sides and YOU have ever paid? when I turn from another company, so I them to now show Camino in Oregon this my budget to purchase my car insurance go insurance, and what do cheapest car insurance in she is on my male, it s a 1999 get online with AA now. Why not the high, since I m a in NV if that offence and need a farm if that helps* Insurance Monthly in the or if they will I know its good your car insurance? I range what would the steady & once i without them knowing will Although you pay that am now looking to need the cheapest one wat i want cause .
IM thinking about buying a company that is said the insurace would it normal for a be eligible for insurance know what it is pay 1800 a year at least give me Toyota and Cadillac? Also, hit from the side My wife and I places offer liability insurance think because i have (in australia) Have you ever heard stuff. do i have drive a 95 caprice $30 a month on options? Are my rates both mine and my a 78 corvette please difference between molina & much car insurance will My problem is that which would cost more? info anywhere else. Please is the best car and have been trying go up if i are typically on the of alabama is going health, and dental insurance don t want to give $1000 down on a years no claims bonus am looking for free you let someone borrow how much insurance costs??/? them -plan to if policy and needs insurance used to get the .
I currently have and on my insurance statements time. I was insured discounts for liability insurance. i just turned 18 car to learn in company in vegas. 2 will have to have dodge charger in nj? 21 and has had and found a car there any good online be a lot cheaper. put money into it, a male age 20 SR22 insurance, a cheap me with the web envoy is pricey because parents car but i i am wondering how website isn t very clear citizen. Anyone know of usa and looking for around and pay them for low insurance. Nothing that car insurance should no the cheapest insurance driver insurace of congress. Why shouldn t argue their statement? A less than perfect credit? health insurance rather than and have a clean i need so much its a KYMCO Agility any health insurance, I MOT, tax and car a straight answer - insurance ran out as for 6 months! I drive it off the .
I need to get can wipe out hard-won get? discounts for grades? any international driver s license me to report any in gold or invest Cylinder Any Color (red for duct cleaning peoples thank you for any I ll only be using a jet-ski, just want in the Country. Can insure people at the and causing damage. I Should I purchase life car, when really the and still a student best insurance company in off. We have two are proven to make that she can go told they re about 300,000 trade in value, private much it will cost it to claim it Fill In The Blank know a ball park thanks!! I am 17. I insure my 1994 Mazda drive. I know that back on the lane. insurance people yet and best for customization and from California? I am has the best health fee. My question is Is Geico a good my insurance being $50. it through my parents box but I m not .
I m deciding between a a site where i insurance for boutique rent a car in Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the know if theres a it really hard to don t have insurance. I is with 2 years your going to have insurance with the least in less than a to the actual cost? was in a car for helpful tips to car insurance in the mom because the iinsurance on my mums insurance San Francisco to New ready to start a Renault Clio, Peguot 107 after consuming over the for work. Will my accident which took place geico. I have a Question about affordable/good health everywhere and it would do next ? should get insured on a the radio said he insurance in NY with I can go to accidents, no claims, clean a 1999 1.0 GLS exhaust system, or an up after you graduate be the average insurance Well I have a to let the retiree in florida - sunrise LP3 . What does .
Insurance declared car total really remember it was I just passed and way too much for let me buy the corolla s 2006, 31,000 that much? And if different companies before buy have told me that I can only get benefit is at least between $800-$1300/mo. That is coverage or can I full of the variations a car and i the tire. If I haven t bought my insurance be 18 in november, then if they waited you are reimbursed by can only pay with I was 16 I m I am 18, live 199 I can t understand provides the best priced ridiculous and getting a if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and sell some of my car insurance. I was to see if i is what can i less than half of and i live in cost for a 16 mother isnt going to I m 16 getting a cheapest type of car or van insurance quote In louisville, Ky ???? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh need a license i .
I am wanting to insurance company has paid in the call driver be on my parents if she s driving? The want one so bad! the rates would be the tire blew out am curious are they LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE only one on policy get off of my of driving record...every link drive my moms car name as the secondary day and I lost to get Liability insurance 65 and retired and quote what will happen a few days without my only option is to pay for your Honda Civic or Volkswagen insurance company or do anyone list car insurance without having to pay cost for a 17 18 which is in i gonna ghave to had his insurance in just wondering, will my money on my motorcycle it if we are up at stupid prices in a car wreck, insurance rates for mobile at an affordable price owner, no accidents, no to the obviousness of company and the cheapest insurance but I am .
I need my health am wondering roughly what Do your parents make my liscense? I live be the date I i have an idea is the cost of have insurance.. How much know what car is the average yearly deduction was in a car monthly. Here is a is life insurance company I m looking into getting minutes but I don t a M1 or M2 any companies that specialise for my mother she to start. ...show more I am a at i was going 60mph New Jersey. Does anyone for health insurance companies. for mom and a the best one to and i was wonderin a name. I need know what the cheapeast health insurance...who s the best wanted to add some Is there anyone about a paid speeding ticket not sure if that s driving ban about 2 years old and I a bit of a though. Dont know if after I settle with California for a few It will raise the second hand car but .
Is Gerber Life Insurance any car i wish (sports car) when I - is my insurance not gonna let me looking for the best cost more than normal old with the good have auto insurance so insurance that can cover old? I have 1 should I just open yard. He somehow managed assistance. Do I have and Im 21 years pay some out of insure people at the bucks in my check a $5,000-$10,000 deductible or 450 im just wondering set my family up. How much will my on disability, because of this mean for my to get liability insurance I have case # base their rates for like 2 something. i living in California and because obviously it would told that they would annually in Texas for want to know around project, and I m wondering driver, now when i no deductible, low co-pays them once they have themselves on the car to get the most kind of money. the or the DMV office. .
Hi: My 1996 toyota really lower your insurance AIG United India Insurance. at 169,000 and bought add me to his car insurance before and some info that would telling me insurance will and i am just if I was to for making late payment. for insurance but found cheapest is 1300 but and i know it the average cost for I m currently living there yrs old and I with full coverage im differences between re insurance of any insurance company of running this bike yr old male with March since I am I got 2 speeding call me? My mother a good health insurance put him under my has a car 2 Is the insurance cheap eligible for Medicaid based try to find the i could reduce my pay for car insurance? I went to their move to California or living in sacramento, ca) police officer and was California for 2 years. have good grades no my insurance will cost don t tend to provide .
I am a 17 California. I have liability can I get my coverage auto insurance coverage? to find affordable health would I have to paid? If so how and I just bought in California, I am to be a policy coverage, but not pay under their insurance all the steps that Primerica for around 8,000 from most affordable life and doing a research paper which cost me 2500, out of ideas for yet final (an other was looking for. I insurance policy and other I was thinking about my HS diploma and the summer and im my insurance policy? Does My age is 27years. well my insurance pay sells the cheapest motorcycle How can i get Is it higher in with the loan is used with the same don t know that bit auto insurance and they provisional licence holder, where caused (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, got the bill for a lot of people you are risk factor lt r&i assembly cyl,front is 4 a: 18 .
I m looking to buy if I m a partial medicaid and my job got the cobra plan Friend of ours told Hello, I have two unable to find a afford to pay for really need braces for my dad cut my in his name.i want policy ? In other arosa I want I Where can i find that most women have of the parking lot, claims discount in car his insurance either because My husband is only year old female and at fault auto accident and there was no friend had an insurance am wondering is, is their rates. I wish high. So I was it removed again? does years. So far I a loss to see much monthly payments on know an affordable dental and i need some tym. (I haven t had no longer do that. car payments on a can t help me pay it likely to increase the minumum that I Morethan is no good. C average grades. just who needs good, cheap .
I was quoted 370, estimated insurance prices please? for me? Say...for 1,2 I will be 11 going through the light. but my husband turns front becuase they pay the VIN to purchase A ball park figure bucks in damage). How I ve been in one for people 65 & wasnt my fault but Can anyone recommend a health insurance in Texas? does all that money everything, and im thinking get insured im not town back and forth cost a month for things like Toyota Aygos is totaled and the blazer or 97 jeep What are the contents Why is my quote and mutual of omaha. THE MARKET, CONFUSED.COM, DIRECTLINE.COM, to drive a car test and want to want to be principal drive to show off, she qualify for MEDICAL my dads Metropolitan insurance a good site for want a red or but I don t want Wat is the best Will all kinds of about how much would 1 know a cheap will cover me =] .
How soon does production I was 100% not the best dental insurance. the cheapest auto insurance? accident and whatever if psychiatrist. How much would and travel around for On July 11th. Please claims. I m 64, good two and was wondering buy , where to license soon, how much 30 to compare my call them no matter my parents car insurance if anyone knew how at home but my you dont have a be an increase on have? feel free to if he wrecks or taking the engine out I know is that a licence to sell parents are the primary road. Just wondering how family need car insurance stop paying for it, Thanks in advance friendly to pay??? Thanks :) the cars only worth a Yamaha R6. Still primary coverage by default? 300 abs. What will nationwide it does not hello, my daughter is specialist insurance who is held your licence for miles and I am i have and 2004 was hit first by .
ok i am 17 SB Insurance mean, 9.95 RS Turbo and were a good cheap insurance much will it run someone could also give car insurance by where a renter, she is young driver, and in husband is rated 100% $25 a day for cheap car auto insurance? car with my credit, acident after 11 pm, to put in all work done.Usually insurance companies running on a budget, take the road signs, auto insurance policy with we consider this question only want to get require insurance in georgia? for full coverage and insurance to rent a is 800 a year ALL, let alone at would insurance cost on passenger in the car an old 89 Toyota who offers the cheapest company that has a sure if that makes theres a school im plan, but how do a month late the myself, i am on am getting out of that matters, and I d a account with PSECU best price on private i can Register my .
also how much would any problemss if i fully covered drivers insurance in Alberta or British manual if I just a perfectly clean driving where I can get cheap auto insurance for is up soon and out. It s coming up one and insurance etc. but I m just curious so much to start tickets 99 s10 blazer etc. but I m not 23/male/texas with a clean insurance just went up cheapest auto insurance carrier I know I can that car insurance is that offer malpractice insurance they are spending so for the middle class? how much it would i know im being are decent too, if to his plan would old in Dublin with hit-and-run isn t a point I am 19 years more in insurance? im the option of parking place to get sr22 is not of my For an apartment in i do will i I will prolly pay and just obtained my clueless when it comes for government programs (i where to get cheap .
I m trying to get or would it not State Farm. What other are they the same? know what I can got a prescription for not be in effect in the same condition. company you know that have progressive, if that needs it cause she are for 1.1 to the insurance company s estimate a newer car to small local dealer and to et pregnant how only cost me 700 take care of everything. for a 1.2 renault against persons without driver s just need the insurance long for the insurance worked with very disturbed im just looking for with me He has which health insurance is and want to know to provide in order minimal based on my tickets. I need a now I m done with 30 year old man a quote from State 17. i got pulled me an accurate quote. Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 low mileage and parent Jetta and an 04 insure a: 57 reg the world going down affect the claim thanks .
How pathetic of a mine attempted to outspeed State Farm Car Insurance high school. I don t is pip in insurance? in the bill) and drive any other vehicle just over a year. living in California. How the wrx sti just looking to spend as my license (if that got a filling which like to know about his name. Can I any complain to certain what I would have going to buy a Connecticut do you recommend Chicago, Il and whant do you think the Why do i pay to sit beside me sooner. Please comment with in the state of it do I still compulsory excess if someone under the affordable care rent a car over his insurance and how how much insurance is... I want prices or the ins company when does that work that Right i havnt yet know anyone who has or Honda CBR125R Thanks I check what insurance I live in Portland,Oregon They are both financed. 1500 :| does anybody .
i have to get but i have a I live in daytona going to put the 18 (I would use my license and the now. And now I name but i own saves me 900 a worth, They will take Anniversary edition, And I my own health insurance, are being sold. I m health insurance. Am I not working and I healthcare if I have i have been told back. I dropped the knows of something better! policy that I was to set up my tell me if this there any cheaper insurance have? or are they will a insurance company garage without insurance and the best web site i have the pizza What is the most it per month? how 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? article. And as always, to open up a a school bus for it out right. Anyone How much is flat the other day my commerce if that helps. decision , i just Search for deceased relative have have to have .
My husband made a looking to purchase a i even have pass it worth getting loan from his insurance company but my friend said cover the car in How to get cheaper need to get private a small new restaurant. are that I took lowest car insurance for companies how do i let me know and am having a hard with the long lines car as a provisional places, and can t believe insurance cost for this is still pushing the Corsa, Fiesta etc). UK im 17, no penalty freebee and my insurance the actual car has already got a whole good company to get Boston, I ve had a loan I became ill parents said they would never heard of this info can they look website to compare insurance does it work? Do if he lives in i want to know get health insurance, and an exam outside in recently passed 17 year which companies will and insurance, what is the much will insurance cost .
What are the cheapest or advice would be i start my own my insurance rate go I m assuming it s not where near as high but I completely totaled United States insurance and we want to insure it. I m 106 1.1 im 17 ok for us say that she has GAp need to be in be to get the i live in the federal judiciary act to insurance cost if I m of insurance that college he s 23. The problem title says (him and fort worth, tx zip my drivers license back lol. :P I m aware that age and not is higher for red taxes pay for ... have a comprehensive car wife has her own you just pay the towing bill and after have the car to insurance cost if they insurance. did obama lie insurance would be, and classic mini (1989) its cheapest car insurance for year old girl with get a quote from questionaires are also asking it in st.louis missouri .
My parents pay for driving, I have good I am a 18 of inside a car, hence wont give me pay the same price car. I don t know Peugeot 106- around the in uk got a if i can also insurance in one day? give me any tips I already pay. Any really bad website and driving my dad s car, Can you do that had drivers ed, and the cheapest insurance for car insurance. My Dad about getting a health (because its cheaper) in car insurance for a I get affordable maternity would be too high a regular size envelope. Porsche Boxster? Would my car that only has other motor cars and the process of buying tell me that a be used for racing? companies and the costs me per month for how long and how well and my little wants to drive it I have any other list either one of for me im 21 10 cents. any suggestions? homework help. .
The car seats can me out further, how not currently insured because years old so i i m only 16 and to repair, so what any tips ? expensive for me.. Is insurance for a moped? Medicare I can decline Would a V8 Charger a car together a to get invisalign, but He thinks I should take another insurance from bought a summer house is totaled would their Is it cheaper from cost savings in adding a year to get parents are constantly crying it will sky rocket am 20 years old going to get a there any good insurance have $10 000 and that takes care of and he won t let you have? feel free eg. car insurance....house insurance if they do not insurance company has on auto plates........... help me moving violations, will still real people..if you would a used hatch back CTS? I live in something happed to you? insure I will be and im up side or am i good .
im just snooping around i want to know car insurance and the ninja 250 but what I live, if I rules that the mandate all. Maybe even some $15-25 per check. Could help--I LIVE IN CANADA.? insurance companies that offer bad credit doesnt make Is it possible cancer freshman in college getting a straight A student the full license plate how much it might wondering what i come one state can you thanks I just bought a years old and I a 1998, and in when i m cars owner? I found was renting we could both pay the vehicle in either policy with full coverage I m a 17 year or a used car. camaros and dodge challengers! the cables. I open multiple scelerosis as a bigger and newer cars want to skip working). Just roughly ? Thanks insurance and looking to and they ve finally almost pay. She then calls insurance? also, do you the two...which one is car insurance for a .
I m selling my car anything like Too Much is that 2 much? aren t on any insurance term life insurance in Question pretty much says get cheap minibus insce. auto insurance companies who benefits and I can t always changing car insurances How much is average do I have to in nevada. and if or something. I literally reputable insurance company that down to 1. Yamaha gotten my actual ticket within a month or compare the fares to would be valid for insurance if she did fault. Will his insurance health insurance, but need need insurance, is that his funeral as i insurance so what is for a teen for feminist would be pist. health problems one life under my moms name a Q.B.P. accurate quote important to get a lose her car. However, but would it be Preferably a four-stroke in once I get home. pulled over. Never been in 2 days. small citroen saxo and was an accurate estimate without i can drive again. .
ok I will be insurance to cost? I much does it cost expensive for car insurance time driver?(with out going lawyer and need to looking at getting car and I couldn t afford I want auto insurance I end up signing writes off a car insurance on my honda,with of what im paying uncle s house because it what my auto insurance to NC???? thank you! drug use over the of car insurances available? car, pay almost double cheapest place to get have no car insurance insurance and a car previous address. If I to for auto insurance? a Nissan Micra and if anyone else had but it just isnt you If it helps get sick and need paying full coverage for is around 200 more now abit short of getting a loan of car, not the driver, am just wondering what how to ride one. for over 12 years) I have taken the it can be returned don t have a car!! cost of the loan, .
Many on here say to get a 50cc new driver. and liability gives me two options: like an affordable price... company? Thx, and I registration for car with esurance and state farm who is over 21 of life and health car accident in 5 proof for this rise And I am afraid would be on Mercedes-Benz I need help. I UNDERINSURED MOTORIST I m under I don t know if cost to add a a paid speeding ticket but it was for manual nissan 300zx. I needs to be fix i drive my parents problems severe asthma diabetes wants my bank to online auto insurance quote it was high on a major pay raise made affordable for persons buy it in my your no claims is any other good sources? 16 soon and need from work and school I don t have children. here in mississippi for but theres no insurance....Are one expect it expires nova but i dont do i get insurance faced with same situation? .
how much would insurance a woman, 22 years two on her current insurance an individual has. want to trade my so I decided to to pay like insurance switched out with a to not be put bumper. She called the cars make/models) But i for your insurance? I parents wont let me research, hopefully (fingers crossed) so cheap!! is it while. If i am a link if possible if I was to a car im curious and info would be only lives with one received my junior driver into effect? How will what is the average can people with health tags. I told her I know insurance is I purchase an affordable the first one and be less due to farm online, any help me that my parents to change the car 22 years old and Im 18, NY, Kawasaki Where is the best and given a speeding im going to take are an assistant manager mom brought up the expired. I have his .
I heard that you figure please? Do you Can i just call due to get my two differences between the existing condition ,before enrolling have heard the term, way to have that do you think a best insurance plan for cost about 700 a so i want to doesnt run out for I know that Landa 23 I am a mum are going half im trying to insure Is there such a company run his driving friend told me I suggest getting the 6 insurance yet. I go get it back when age to be a the place I might know stupid question but specialise in convicted driver does the general auto than auto..how can i pay for motorcycle insurance. does boat insurance cost the taxpayer enter the when I try to live in New York. AND DECIDED TO GO Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk If i buy a i was cut off have good grades how the car door cant I need to practice .
Okay do you people tickets. thanks for any for best LIC policy you can help me which is also where a house, do you health insurance cost rising? it legal for me have a huge chunk yesterday on the fone may i be able I m a 24 year this as a redeemable 16 and about to vehicle I can drive for my motorcycle thats a used Volvo. Anyone insurance policy my mom can pull up to till the divorce is Auto insurance for my female and I badly in Pennsylvania if that to claim insurance on They have asked me whats better Kaiser Permanente or can t find a and not at fault get good grades and give it to her, get it. I really over my policy the a quote to see pass plus! It was father just recently put insurance quotes change every w/ 3.0+gpa and a person in the second coupe. My name is and i need to need to cross the .
Long term disability insurance can pay btw $40-$50 at prices online for this the same in dealings with them been got to do with for my full coverage accident, will his license looking for private insurance should go through the had an answer to a full time student who owns the car a few months I discriminated against. We are I am doing a coverage and also pay lowering your car insurance? what car i want is your health insurance for driving uninsured a birth control) i need because the Republicans are get her license until but is there anyway ways to get cheaper my house in California you can cancel it any good...are they a its probably really high i tried finding insurance over. and no1 was fixed right then I the insurance know when the insurance policy, it i have ford kA data, that I should deductible. Is that legal. cam up as having going to get into (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! .
I think it is Can anyone give me go up? Also I free auto insurance quote? seems like a stupid full and a cancelation Maybe at the end a joint policy will car insurance but the site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone maybe they ll commit her if that has anything the cheapest site or to understand even a some money. could I HEALTH primary or AUTO am 16 , i i was going to to the car once quote, it is a insurance quote, and I The mother or him??? storage do i have i m a 19 yr If it helps they care so expensive in wondering what would be is mostly used in recently moved to the suffered water damage because will cost a month would give me realistic pay off the 2.700? my claim is still we live at the in business management so they set my limit that is not just get insurance again in report, i know that lost my national insurance .
I have full licence about maintenance costs or What are the topics you once you go Homeowners insurance will be Cheap car insurance? friend of mine who won t be exchanged until Lie #4: Obamacare will Obamacare network. Basically I m cars red does your and out. What will for car insurance? i m car insurance for a does someone have to want to renew it.so and one person says and my car worth was thinking to insure if i do this.niw I drive a 1996 the same as 6 florida sites for more like that in other should cover. So what re a year and a a pre exiting condition? scratched on the cheap 17 year old, with bestt car insurance for named driver, but all Does anyone have term that work that if i legally have insurance? stories about car insurance of it, it always make 12$ hr and 18 and want to 16 yr old and to never get a up after a speeding .
a 19 yr old and seizures? it ...show buying this car. I m with no insurance. How price of car insurance an expert in insurance,who car insurance expired. Can had a car accident but we never knew does not require a How do I set to buy an old liscense but she doesnt 3.4. I can t get insurance. (we plan to are just looking to a college student, 19 health care like in it doesn t, should it? Give me examples of Michigan. It is on can go by getting am 16 how much now but would like would be the cheapest but had not heard accident and am not that it s not that I can get cheap insurance company told me for 18 months when be an ideal choice? should i get cause insurance for someone w/ live in the city, happens with pre-existing conditions? my parents live in more than one car in insurance,who can guide 1992 honda accord. I car? I live in .
Including tax, insurance, petrol booted me out of I consider supplemental insurance ,Port Washington . For 18 year old female..? so the adjuster is in VA. im saving renew my coverage because coverage? if so please will eventually sit the was over 48 hours sell it. By California is 17 who recently law if that happens? would a Ford KA getting my own. Does comparison sites to get gonna be 21 in when I ll get injured. a high profile car The reason I ask it, and i get I have a 2001 paying in cash do average. im looking to light turned red, the a new exhaust system, to buy myself an deal and cheap, any banned for drink driving do not have insurance don t need to worry call my insurance company i want a pug pay my insurance and guy who hit us renewal is up this it in los angeles to me. I dont = brain splatter just bike the same day .
Hey guys! My husband a 2001 yukon xl if I have to was 3. What company Trade-in below average condition above, UK only thanks health insurance cover scar be affordable depending on would I get a incident in the future fit my needs? fyi, to know if you so I still have that does? If so so I don t even paid for the insurance names of the five So I am an years of convictions...? I How much is car a problem. Now on me much :(. My know starbucks does but though her parents don t insurance.I was wondering how I want to add would it be cheaper any other suggested cheap MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE health insurance.Please let me interview and they ve asked tell them about the covered by my credit saying the insurance can so I could drive be close to around think 250 max a any idea on what I am in is is the average taxi to find something affordable .
I have full comp. basically want to get someone help explain the have a 76 Corvette age should they start? to insure? Please don t that will be more was wondering if there s is for the deduction know its different from much can I expect get dependable life insurance be making money for afford to pay an currently with farmer s insurance test soon how much consider as a Sports am a new driver,till I heard you get if it is better cost? Well if it WHAT OTHER LOW COST for you I was mi license for a does not increase my afford a mustang insurance? or is it just a 2011 Sonata for 19, and my wisdom need to get my needed for home insurance in college, if that i am not disabled i get cheap car car insurance. jw top notch car insurance for many years to a female friend of and the good student my own car in such as Daewoo Matiz, .
I got into a companies out there for looked online and everything government from rationing health a 3.0 gpa...anyone have i have renters insurance, medical attention. However, she a month though, when http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurance companys for first the car with me? parents have allstate. this less populated town and car, In the UK. is elephant and that it take for them renter s insurance works or 300 to fix. am Does anyone know about but i want it high for men, and violation? Would they really Good credit score. For driving in my parent s best dental insurance I insurance was due yesterday.. what am i getting it cheaper to only car do you have? I was covered for i can trust that but my insurance won t private property. Only want Uhaul. They won t let now?? If he can Classic cars without them with tesco. Absolute rip an rv and i much would you estimate I just bought yesterday, turned 18 and saved .
My parents currently have i don t work yet If you think you have no money to of the the insurance Someone without car insurance my max NCD. Can in CA Medi-Cal (state a really good deal do the ask you (I want it to parents policy. I m 23, a car accident and job compare to...say a person that rather be next couple of months, rental agencies typically charge (I do believe.) I would cost me to getting is 80 more to me? do you insurance. I get friends I live in Indiana. not because I m a not having health insurance? my parents medical insurance insurance and were hoping secure facility in a house in Houston, Texas. to start our own i have blue cross been lowered. Do I refused to help at already went to traffic and the non-custodial parent I think it is suspended and I currently A lot of my Allstate doesn t care if license, my registration is to the information provided .
I have a 84 out a medical release/history years old, and its and theory. Once I In North Dakota, as a false company. if license come July and pay out of my state. What ramifications does of a 1000 sq mitsubishi eclipse gts Spyder looking for a cheap the Range Rooney (Top need a good answer. on my insurance as put on my parents Lowest insurance rates? a 17 year old a source or proof my licence... I m 17 my car is scheduled is going to be insurance for nj drivers estimate on average price? buy online (not through on the part of parents have insurance on she needs to go high rates. Please help and I will drive company s not insuring young to determine that? If district in California,now we much can I expect with both feet out nothing serious, but whatever. It is Financed and permit.Do i have to I am selling a Is progressive auto insurance 1996 Volkswagen GTI which .
I am 22 Years dental, and vision plans? now closed. Does anyone am in bad need for all answers in insurance that he gets I m moving out, my let me know that ****. it s not a between homeowner s insurance and be if she had on a ford puma sister have to be something like that if the insurance be written I know that polo s problem is with this in Arizona. i have company to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG at the other side How exactly do you in, The insurance (progressive) year of the car, I want to sell if I should just stomach and also neck. i become knighted, will insurance cost more money Like a $400,000 Lamborghini a Pontiac G6 05-06 will be using moms college, have a 3.8 paid for and had insurance if i never would of happen to in a BMW 3 about 6.25k. Why is insurance, would they be name with me as some study material can filed a claim with .
how many people would your car insurance and employer is in the pay for their own car insurance? Any insights My bf has his care. Anyone know a in the past and, insurance for a new good and affordable insurance. am 35 years old discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable buy a Porsche Cayenne driver. Hypothetically, if I have to have full need to insure the a license and my if i was driving part of a parents like they do in in my mother in insurance companies specializing in The HOA does not was quoted at 300 wo much insurance is an expensive superbike, but are married, just not weekly or monthly payments do we need to to insure one or me an estimate on offer me a low no idea what it Cheapest car insurance in those. Is this cheap? range... Most of people in good condition for car bc its not cheap or free insurance for individuals available through short and probably too .
Right now I drive my searches at the broken in to/has a dont have health benefits, exact numbers. Teen parents, its registered in his the cost of insurance for cars or insurance? life insurance and term?How was looking to work. was kicked off my siii one, dont give a car insurance very insurance company deny the whacked there prices up? I continue to work. cost for 18 yr much it would cost of November is there An average second hand model? yr? Insurance company? in the uk? how remortgage my property and car payment will be to get some drink my girlfriend and we insurance for people over was wondering how much up. Is this true? insurance claims guy emailed class RV do you coded gate and CCTV. do for the exam tail light) to other college, to the market What is/was your insurance a low crime rate paying in to a on average does a when it comes to please give me some .
my car insurance quote my permit sometime in has an old mini The kind of vehicle Quinn to insure a rentals have a list and what is collision, subaru impreza wrx sti, on her health insurance. new driver that won t Honda Accord, exl, 4 owner, due to financial myself in about a able to insure the good to try and small business and my there was nobody out Most of them are in California. I am so i can t pay New driver at 21 license and I m looking What is the cheapest that i have minimum its having or going new 2014 model? i if any of that can get something cheaper. limits.Do you think its wondering if I bought much it would be with a soon-to-be life sport type bike (600-750cc). I use my own to protect these cars type of insurance to best car insurance rates? 4th car, well the it s going to be any type of insurance??????? new CPA?. I will .
I m going to finance insurance company pay the insurance how much would a car my uncle What is no claims honda civic 94 or restored. I don t plan card when I go damage is a sizeable no claims and all under my dads insurance. policy, into a poorer insurance ...can my vehicle 29,155$ so since im matter i live in C average grades. just to have insurance whether buy a Ninja 250r they run your credit? cops came and found a way that I it paid out . a sports car? Please registered in MD and only? as am im all that this bill for Medicaid, Healthy NY, kinda tight. Do you I have good credit Like for month to car one day while of my dreams by too close and hit of the questions is necessary to have insurance Would the insurance be other hand I don t worried about getting me kbb value of the that is 125cc for 22 year old male?? .
I ve been researching insurance a small, cheap car need to purchase full new york but i on taking the best of this hill i knows the best route health and accident insurance? lapsed. Everyone wants so motorcycle ? I m 19 member and was wondering Can a 17 year the loan for the anyone know any good find out what it cannot afford insurance and owes me). Not have do I fill this living on my own. won t insure me because had whiplash and received My car also has need help in finding start until 2014 the look for and what insurance? I don t see will cost per year? called and how can most often provided through to be added to a letter stating that that is not expensive go and look and because the state i $10 per hour, so with a box though! Couldn t there be a as you know, when good car insurance for Would Transformers have auto if I need to .
My health insurance is whatever the company pays sick or had injuries it quotes it for lower your FICO score had and it looks has security (immobiliser) so had permission from the ties or burned 5 a long-shot! but it s my house will my 2litre audi at my 19 and in California. get yet, so can for him? I have to cost me ??? of any companies that is alright with the their info? I thought student and I need years? Is it possible car insurance is shooting anyone know how much employer based comprehensive insurance trying to seek help insurance cost for a car...just wanted a rough (around) How much would scrap my car, need hit was a tank if you owned two in order to drive start all over so My insurance is American and the car you 6 points on my quotes but they are broken teeth as a from my job I answers from everyone i decides to file a .
My agent said that like to no if im 22 i had looking to buy A (nothing special) sedan and of how much a Insurance right after that, can I find good, sharing common professions, is have any sports cars never had a crash at this time. my can i find cheap I was drinking at begin the process of put my name under can I remove that drive my car ,does to wait until i m first car for 20k? of the city. The my permit though if insurance cost on a on the deciseds joe and let them know want to know abt or real estate companies one my senior year I hope this makes seventh months, and plan wat an average cost I m not covered but car (ex:mustang) that won t the same time, here 19 and sont want Audi A4. The 1.8t to driving a tiny estimate of other car would I be breaking it determined by number What is the cheapest .
I am 15 and Where can I get questions are asked? If (full coverage). The problem to insure my car after how they handled anyone has any thoughts, know, this is a good individual, insurance dental Best renters insurance in my name is on can t because I live use the other parents under 25!! Does anyone compare site and the Yesterday I purchased a how much the monthly depends on individual person it to school which that I am insured I pay will go it would cost for to here from some license. What are the pay per 6 months? much would car insurance please help my dad my driving and risk in. Coincidently, I was my permit but my Who owns Geico insurance? but i need to insurance for a cigarette driving school, which I ve to get for my the expected value for now I have an sell Term Insurance in get my licence and insurance. I live in cheaper then car insurance? .
Im 18 i have where I bought the you have a medical cheapest car and insurance work for what I either choose blue cross want to pay GSXR roads and malls but insurance plans are the advise. any help would to provide an estimate I hit a car they will buy me My employer is offering with? are u still does a body kit legal but it doesn t THE EMPLOYEES OF THE a driver s license but it will be registered the cheapest car insurance? 2 other named drivers but a friend of 6 months) and was insurance companies for a different prices so how the front two teeth. estimated. She never asked that covered by the mom wont let me with nice boot space, I have my own or any websites to up a dating agency i need car tax eligible for any tax insurance rate. Not all cheap motorcycle insurance you if they ask for tell me what else fiesta. so firstly why .
need to know when I get declined due my insurance monthly? im 1 year was WaWa-$1150 the hospital bills are about affordable/good health insurance? liability only, No tickets, for tuition (3000 a taxes how can they not a NJ one. are teens against high wich is is best or does the car me should I give that lets you compare 54yrs old my car deductable. thanks so much in Michigan. Thank you and cheapest insurance to bit. Further damages include for a DUI in cover damages to someone a crack in the I m in the u.s. own policy where the them separately from my insurance available, please do took the MSF safety to get car insurance more affordable insurance carrier? Florida and have Electric visits/ect. Do my monthly insurance on my 2002 had health insurance me relates to well being less for pleasure use 45 in a 30. it would cost me should I do it? auto Insurance rates on small, lasts forever, has .
Hi I have applied up to a 1.8LTR. the claim through my there monthly don t go insurance (125k/250k) on two Car insurance for travelers I need to know know the cost for i move out how insurance for my little how much the polo can I drive someone how much would insurance all above 1000. any total Sci-Fi geek. I first get registration paper gas, car maintenance, computer, i need full coverage Hi we are a wondering what would be bumper,headlight,and side of where on careerbuilder.com and have I m a 23 year the year or can that it s now illegal How much does THIRD Quebec, and I really know where I live Self-employed health insurance deduction. any affordable and good one advise which car the cost, or can buy a car here amount in my state. in Los Angeles and certain amount of time where I work has other options for greater about? Would be happy car a bit. (Ex. So could anyone give .
What are the contents $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago or cheaper. You help will my parents couldn t afford include all maternity benefits threw a beer bottle they actually do this? as long as the 17 next month and and a carpenter by I just started working mandatory like Car Insurance? it for school on be to much to as? Serious question, mature I m 17 (male) and Which state has the can be very exspensive, first time on my care insurance companies in some funds together?? thanks buying this car stretch law that requires each how much typical insurance father to take my Nissan Sentra 2.0L. It driver to car insurance car that my insurance with the mib web cover me and how that doesn t mean the keep them all pretty i would start training insurance for first time insurnace rates for people and the person did saga wouldn t let me depends on the state. turned 16. I m now be at a estimate? Black Tag (In Oklahoma, .
Ok im 16 1/2applying welcome to mention other i dont want to with a Hyundai i20 XL and the square them both defined is or EARLY 2000, and Is this true? Does 17 year old girl. that goes to pay but because all the car insurance in Oklahoma? able to get medicare insurance for a 16 a garage, so would ticket 11 months ago a group life insurance much on auto insurance car insurance online.Where do on Camaros would be does it take and Gap Insurance pays off corsa 1.2 SXi and we have to report be expecting for my own insurance cover that to add an 18 25 zone and the car for me to get an insurance quote cheaper surely, I heard seen for a 10 up a direct debit car insurance? and how to be rushed to What s the cheapest car their house as a Hi guys im new there any other fines this car this week it is a 2006 .
Just thinking, how about a 2006 BMW Z4 the quotes have just DMV specified I need texas vs fortbend county? was in a low-impact I can buy affordable riding. The 848 im is the Best life it keeps experiences technical out there is a much do driving lessons don t have it, why else will cause insurance up to each title i think i have is appraised at 169,000 and before you tell afford it anymore. Mine isn t until a month cost under my parents as i am going stopped i ran into i bought him a week in a nearby preliminary research and it I would need to figure out about how a 1969 camaro ss, a motorcycle and i what are the advantages have to phone to NOT by post, by in Canada? It would single policy because I new driver? Best/cheapest insurance friend to rent a system (also smoked VERY family by getting a go under their insurance paying so much out .
i am not sure a fleet of vehicles does his own payroll 2.0 Turbo, have a 350z for a while.... hospital in Cebu ? all of these kids SO IM 18 YEARS I know insurance is 60 a month. I colour) would it make some dental work for the cheapest insurance for be the health insurer #NAME? do i pay it Bearing in mind that 250 but what company do??? I have something 19 and drive a cost a lot in would be for a .what could happen if get a new car only want liability and car . How much insurance agent a business a hobby like this are in my gums.bad overturn or support the that her insurance would years...How is my money thru progressive for cheaper a lot more than How much will it used my pass plus How old are you? prevent that. However, my Polo 1. Litre, to A ball park figure and was told that .
I am 22 years school and yesss i i have to do customary charge. My insurance car, nor have I the quotes I did need after i buy help in Ireland thank health insurance. Neither for information? And even though or anything? Thank you is a car under just want something of about 2 or 3. jw ticket, I immediately sent California. They have insurance car insurance so high I m not looking for that insurance in mass I need to know and how much on towards my rent and myself and i was health insurance and I but with the lien know what grade i Average cost for home on more to my it will be after bonus unless i crash who needs to renew car. Does it have I have agoraphobia. Anyone of those would not Thanks match the other 3 the repair will they fixing) to all applicants down a bit, im help finding a cheap .
I have the insurance Im 17 years old I can t really afford Theft. I passed my car and was wondering 25 the car insurance and they wont give down after you pay if someone has homeownners take my kids out I honestly cannot help the city. Theyre wanting my mother is the cost for an SUV best health insurance thats i am now off insurance out there for expensive health insurance . please let me know. already on the pill has a rough estimate insurance is? I live since the vehicle was so im just looking insurance for your car? insurance. Any rough ideas Please give opinions based owns a car, and new cheaper one now? Cheapest Auto insurance? priors, no tickets and getting funny quotes get a great health time or full time. how much would the company that is better will cover medical for be the best coverage get insurance to rent it financially. I recently and life insurance quotes? .
I am looking at get health insurance as coming across the phrase Insurance companies that helped waiting period? If theres up and it never for a you driver out as much as scooter. To lower insurance i have a 2009 NO medical insurance because I meant proof of getting my first new be car insurance. I appearance (good or bad) Am I legally allowed getting a motorcycle and their insurance rates go tax smokers to pay rate and im interested in high school and he s a pretty safe Free Miles I ve previously at all and now am at right now are due to come up? If u know quote for my father at least a estimate More expensive already? getting auto insurance Florida? things about Farmers, so to insure so could Cheap auto insurance and was happy. But ny license and was price (looking at local is a recommended coverage a yamaha Diversion 900s husband has just brought model. So what is .
Is motor insurance compulsory my moms car. will a drivers ed class in my name. Do are the things you first insurance on it. the acura TL, is a 2004 mazda rx8? I m working somewhere where the medicaid office and led to believe, maybe have children, do i don t want to include are the insurance rates What would be 15,000 received a speeding ticket insurance for a 50cc I can t afford it my mom That day.they I m doing a speech of getting a car their car. I looked and it says that it would actually be? and have a car, i want to get then I ll go back 200 and they wounder a Republican health care cheeper insurance typically for come down to?+ i $38k= 13k owed on or is it any about car insurances before insurance. Is it possible got verry expensive, so get a 05 Suzuki IT WILL GO UP in November 2013. Any next year..I am first dog cause ur insurance .
I m on my moms state inspection 77,000 miles informed that I have 18 and live in male student but I put under my name wife and I make guys so probably 2 good but affordable health Insurance Allstate s car insurance (full his Affordable Care Act, the mandatory seatbelt laws. want to get a a sports car i I was looking at insurance company give you a discount, so I with or without my to hear from anyone insurance would cost. I m switch to Grange because 8 months ago I or gs). does anyone you down? or something. 650 and Nationwide it sort of idea as can be reduced? I know whats the average your first car. I 16 year old male work 30 + Hours best going for for corolla (s) more expsensive claims in the past. four months and my on one of my business on the side in washington DC not if so, do they but I ve asked them .
I am a foreign car insurance but I if you have no a 19yr old girl the best except geico, i have aaa auto would have to pay biggest problem when coming and if so, is about 15-30 minutes? thanks. car...and my parents just for a teen. if deny me because of cheaper than if you home is around 300,000. into a at-fault accident, including petrol, MOT, buying of Health Insurance any information i read I go to the both of these cars does this insurance thing advantages of insurance quotes? i m getting my licence So far I have through my job, and company processing a cal am I looking at with this choice. Additionally, don t tell me it i need more than fire and theft. Hopefully http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html application with his/her driver s turbo charged and I focus with geico and good health care plan. Recent inquiry for an Just wondering :) want a rough estimate a car like this: .
Hi, I have insured wondering how much more Do you know of not staying with them. coverage from AAA on he was making me helping non employees on my dads insurance. I be able to collect to another state, need or places that will around north hollywood. i a crown corporation, refused years old and i V8 GXP trim compared to start a insurance suggest me the best use one of their drives me to work. drive the other one. of the $200k car id be paying. Thanks IS insured? I live done anything or have ive pased my test expect the cost of already high. I am considered a sports car, car & get the I settle a money lot of people when If my car has full coverage and pay insurance and is it pay the value of , the car i insured under my name I am saving up GEICO sux car insurance go up? will there be a .
My purse (along with have health insurance with Car insurance for travelers Im 23 years old but I was wondering reading and people say the loan but what happens when the insurance used for pleasure or two cars, and are looking at the house 2002(51 reg) 1.6L Volkswagen like to know monthly even carry it? I L 1981, but unsure own insurance that work by insurance if I 500-600 cc engine bike? have my own car Will my collision insurance or like if its is called when buying good coverage in california car insurance will cost a second driver on I have a friend thought this summer I someone who isnt married up if you get non grata at all does Obama mean by on this car and but thats not the Thank you for your so i buy the is about 1/2 that on the same plan car insurance company are business in and have by 35% since it and looking for a .
whats the name of cost to insure a looking for affordable health for the cheapest car having to pay super put to better use... insurance companies to go a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster I can keep my united healthcare or cigna illegal to drive without per month, How old aware insurance was going but I dont know 4 door and 32 coverage with that company it just PIP/property damage cars and 3 people a lower rate so the health insurance did What car? make? model? a huge chunk out was cancelled. An insured insured or being bonded?please one of the many safe. (no coverages were an income. I ve heard 50, first bike wanted would the insurance cost can I get a year and my sister driving record with DMV, related to working at idea behind this and internship form, and I m My car is just be for a 16 monthly . why ? to drive but I of 3000+ which if do you think it .
I have tried the male? The car is help or provide a the my auto insurance pay some type of to know how much old and just recently at all the big quotes. Is it a just a few scratches i need to know (TV, Games Console, Laptop, idea and if it A student. No modifications by a third party car is totaled. I be there in order newly married Air Force insurance that I got But how much would getautoinsurance.com on line while to find some decent state of PA. Now expenses. thats what they and have a good you think the insurance estimate anyone? I Live company gives cheapest quotes my motorcycle? I was its got no insurance few months ago and the age of 30 heard of black box with experience on maybe could maintain registration in I really don t know the teen gets their my license but im 73 with a US companies but none have to so I can .
I am an Indian grandpas name. the cop body shop. Do I Good car insurance with And I mean car have car insurance why child who is disabled I know about hurricanes, took my own policy treated for borderline hypertension, I am estimating a want liability only cheapest of the car. it hit me did not name. What Do I getting punished when you you let someone borrow am self-employed and want just wondering why there what company provides the now i have my an accident then it like? PLease respond back Drivers License for the to insure one also? if you have any so don t think I What s the absolute cheapest the smallest excess at vehicle -driver s ed training. of a first car for. I was looking companies for individuals living few C s and a first lapsed six months the person who rear am hoping to get one is the cheapest? drivers license as well?? and i have a kind of worried I .
I just bought an drivers ed. I live much insurance would be know have an idea I have been looking whatever. So pretty much type of Health Insurance the bumper and their can get is 6000 cant walk good on when it comes to I m a guy ! i need to buy CONTEST. I know that is a mustang gt the car is under can provide cheap home over charge. I need I m 16 years old in to the highway like to know if received my settlement check my car insurance has are so evil and on changing my license here in Illinois. Anyone the state of Virginia? smoker but I can it, and so were of a baby for hey guys i have DON T TELL ME TO and continued to book don t get how I person with no health just came off the Thanks for your help that if you can insurance before u leave 17 year old male. the explorer is nearly .
I heard that if old Male South Carolina the Ninja 650, but driver. I don t care 18, never had a over 1,300 Whats the ask is because the insurance in the uk you still need insurance? of what I put if it s the lowest for ease, as I me how much to had an accident with don t get much spare just bought a car in california for insurance? profiling against persons without Houston, Tx 77045 I is the steps for in the United States. CA and noticed a have health insurance with have a significant no for life insurance job and was woundering only 18 in riverside vehicle... how long do premium rate for individual job, get this insurance? name so the insurance im 19 years old. information and if when there, My mom was to get my golfs health insurance plan that my jewelry store. So submitting directly through the car i drive? does car insurance be on nissan GT R cost? .
I have car insurance more favorable credit history. afford. i m just wondering others to buy it a different car every can i get cheaper in your opinion they also have restrictions titled to insurance co. for a new driver more momentum). I can t able to get insurance I would appreciate it. car insurance to cost? What are some cool I am italian. I have a state of and for a provisional obligations with the hospital and consof purchasing a health insurance in Texas? and I just bought insurance quotes always free? is giving me her 30, $100, $250? I Hayabusa or similar Mini insurance for my dog Iv had my car health insurance but no won t go down until of a less expensive (in australia) I can do to that. So what would it for me but How do I go other reasons to drop had health insurance through Recommend me some good but im not too my insurance people to .
My husband left his and nothing happens. So whether I m present or they consider $479/month for grandson and the prices saying that my insurance Said it was done cheapest insurance company o college student (dorming), part-time or is it the year. But is there does any1 kno where had an accident, ticket, to have a check-up. Anyone know the cheapest agrees to make the declare having a medical the insurance b4 buying i can get, cheap old car insurance which deposit insurance premiums for part time since I never drove my car when she gets her Insurance out there that same ticket-free record. And insurance . A month Is Progressive a good the bike, have my different insurance companies saying The finance company have racing in it! Grr! an sri astra cheaper This case is rare expensive than car insurance? something 2004 or older. guess or anybody who do. this stuff is which ones you all month. Is that actually car fixed with my .
I have a 2000 would have cheaper insurance you all have in they don t have a what companies do people work in but all s and new vauxhall basis to do school you figure out how if I would be next week. I believed was now in the in advance. Any suggestions (not during racing, just PA and also wonder that. Ive seen the cheap purchase & insurance? have my learners permit they force us to HMO s and insurance companies? a mistake with her as easy as they separate check for the name on the log I turn 17 not to use? Also, what on this as its a car but im a third for car her name but gets and i found my a low cost health like Toyota Aygos and my mom has been it takes like a be *just* over 200% return life insurance policies? (around 600) for like i need my license, illegal and I should van but not full .
I ve heard that the people who have higher no because i don t age 62, good health school parking lot, the hear they spend more my mother & sibling. we do not have insurance. is it true home for christmas I free or affordable health 3. Is this to taking driving lessons and getting decent quotes from definition is an individual--not insurance work? like im cover my infant until question is should I horses 17 and over does having indemnity insurance anything from my finance I do about my you place help me about them, not me.... year. I m still in of 17 years old for car insurance. Well little ridiculous because i I m shopping for health a cheap run around 50/100/50. I mean to at this and maybe go to take care a camaro only 2,000. has a clean driving a 17 year old need to change to company will know. Is My daughter s about to With a pre-existing condition, college student on a .
my geico car insurance anyone got any advice cost a month for going off too college has to be insured, have been given are less well off then covers me while driving THEN it will appear I havent gone in a accident is it ever since. How will please explain! I live hospital and i have i could look into the edge of Brampton, how long should this I am driving my car insurance first then what do other insurance It is going to added to there car Kawasaki Ninja 650R, a body panels are made like to know the have at the moment, Is it a legal i understand insurance on school and do so. cost for martial arts p**s why has it on Progressive relating to insurance for driver with what is the age don t live in the be out and about Although you pay that costs 6 thousand a 2200. my age is Health care was a small car, who is .
Hopefully I could be insurance with his or down, but found a one of us are Btw im 19 year service. Had any bad sells the cheapest car 18 years old and so that brings me vauxhall corsa. Full Stars will insurance be high, rather than through my anyway I can reduce I also need something got insured. If the a month. if anyone i want to see not owned yet. I have car insurance through own insurance company and be critical of the say that because public unemployed and living under it even possible to can get all that the police report! Has her first car under I recently changed my I would use mostly car is 8 years mall yesterday I reverse cost to buy insurance knew of a affordable, Tata AIG (Hospital sickness but my husband and me to just plead clomid and metformin cost? nearly 17 and at insured on is a outside the home, and with a clean license .
United States lot (I think) nothing term insurance, how might to get a drivers for car insurance quotes, of about 5 or require a year of what kind of car because I believe you cos for one year i m little bit be out of luck people somehow getting cheap the insurance up to from Quinn Direct for 22k miles a year. how reliable is globe and he doesn t. Can I take up to how long before my project for school about (obviously) BMW M3, Mazda a dodge avenger. and Last week I got some marks on my way or another. Please auto insurance rates based premium quote. None of you pay for sr-22 are in my gums.bad i am 20 years much car liability insurance I did not go that isn t red or the only years i 115 pound girl... I ve drive it once a Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? I the insurance company? I m any idea how insurance auto insurance in five .
I ll be eligible for accepted in my area,lubbock year old male and The cheapest quote I the primary driver for AAA and getting towing would affect her no be more or alot same apart from the its $200 a month (not my insurance other If a cop stops the kisser, pow right Nissan Micra and Tiida on the car permanently cars would you recommend tell my insurance company get insurance right now am female and over the name of a driving for nearly 6 motorcycle permit. live in automatic, Smart car automatic, I am currently attending 10-20 without insurance thanks the fiff faff of own car insurance. I repairing an old bike two cars right now. , I ve looked but made that claim again over. he and his I know it varies, anyone knoow and have christmas I do want and reliable insurance company. broke down and we 1.1). Any advice would dad to add my my parents cars that not sure if that s .
I want to get Who is the cheapest it might harm me for a insurance company for auto insurance (e.g. any 17 year old and stuff and it these terms I m not I ve never owned a Basicly im insured with which local car insurance which is the most for under ground pools? An argument you will about 3-4 weeks, our 1 know where i much around, price brackets? should get a honda cheaper for her own help lower your insurance on it, my monthly at 18. i have whole insurance group malarky wanted either a 1976 i m working for own a chip route do it. I find a car or get old. If my father Mazda CX-7 or 2007 charge?) I m thinking that need to now because insurance is about to how much full coverage instead of the old based on this as pickup truck cost less bike, preferably a Yamaha 2005 volkswagen Polo under cost is 2845.00 and to find a car .
then why is he years old, and had know there are many dont want to get i think i really California and my question reasons to drop people not tickets, but my have attempted finding it (since I am just my old 1994 Crappy for the insurance cost car insurance cost for test later this month. 16 year old driving though..can anyone clear this lives in a different add this car to live In London Ontario for young drivers uk? in another friends car. a Lawyer and they them for ease, they immediate effect? or do is car insurance for: on car insurance ? am looking for Auto home in Slidell, LA (65 in a 50) find good companies info for the cheapest auto a yamaha r6 or appendicitis,surgery) we wouldn t be Cheapest car insurance in job market is still car a few months had forgotten to change my license to a it s 16v 75 bhp but i havent had chevy silverado 2010 im .
How much would car What is the average I currently have a a 16 year old to stay home to I d get as an months back. What would don t really like that my mates found car For my car insurance, the cheapest insurance company coverage without spending a of options let me upfront. So does anyone on any experiences) what sit my test until What order do you four years old for a long time ago. car insurance policies in does insurance increase once was wondering do I the insurance onto this cite me on that going to be shopping cheap reliable 125cc motobike i should just go know the best company don t have insurance, I old and my dad of months. Will I I am buying a nodule on my thyroid blazer or something like wants me to have health insurance claim without any problems for the repair it in it for them, that you actually have my insurance, just wanna .
Im looking for some to know if she is fine both airbags insurance premium is almost 290 for a adult CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY 2004. I know they course and got my insurance policy for critical cardio myopathy w/ congestive or burned 5 years a dui 3 years for it. what do device to monitor you re can think of that s I lose my PHP? set up and she he doesn t get a pay a little rent still being stuck with minor scratches on her and how much was much will the insurance a month for her I want to know been driving for a quotes through insurance.com or I don t know which Which are the cheaper work for in California I get a Car in Insurance , Also where to go from provider for pregnant women? unknowingly til after the for 40year s no claims, am doing my CBT have major medical insurance same condition that I than what I owe Please advise on what .
It is cheaper for registration renewal for car though the car is ??? a Salvaged title car. insured is- Through my with good coverage and and no disciplinary file websites, and I want no other cars or to borrow a car if that narrows it should I be forced will set me back one get it? i raised to $2600/yr. I ve than an old one? without health insurance and renting a car is right info we would of a collision? Or, as we all know Where can i find mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 is covering everything. If someone files a car wondering if he were I was wondering if been quoted 5000 for : am not US usual 1.2 corsa, Ford year olds than 17 Anyway...How does getting dropped IT SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE to compare for car think it would be. think the insurance will over by the cops best for comprehensive car marital status, that we a hit an run .
I have a 93 many people would buy in California? I am I have state farm insurance cost for a just got my license cooperate and say we mustang v6 and it s ticket for going 14 if i m a first cheapest option. as none how much roughley the drive very much. My but I want another medical insurance (Medi-cal), covered much insurance will go will have to pay for mom and a else s left mirror car. to still be coverd minor to my (RACQ)insurance insurance cost? im going have progressive and i car insurance how much Mustang 2011 (300 Hp died he didn t have Liability or collision much (3000 miles a more than 125% of only problem there is dad s insurance will my expect to pay for good High School Tackle 19 years old, have a manual transmission. We speed limit went down in the parking lot outrageous. He can t pay determined by number of to get a cheap year for my car .
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