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Ooh violence. How about 22 and 24, VC
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I guess my answer to this is more like "my favourite part of canon that I feel is deeply unexplored", and that has to be the night of the Cow Palace concert in TVL - what happened in the early hours, where Loustat were reunited? did Lestat have to persuade Louis to change into a stupid matching costume, or did he turn up like a cute little groupie? what did the band think of Louis and how did Lestat introduce him?? - and then, what happened in the last late hours, where Lestat and Louis and Gabrielle were all hanging out together? what did Gabrielle have to say about Louis, meeting him for the first time? what did Louis think of Gabs after reading Lestat's book? and why on earth did Gabs and Louis decide to sleep separately from Lestat???? I want to know EVERYTHING
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
dskjlgdslgjkdsglkjds this fandom can form rancid discourse out of thin fucking air, but obviously it has to be Monsieur le Rockstar himself. him or Marius lmao
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@vraik replied to your photoset “is this… not just IWTV though.”
me, gesturing meaningfully at my sketchbook: IT CAN BE BOTH VRAI
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vraik replied to your post “literally qotd tries to say so much about the ~state of humanity~ or...”
THE OVERSIGHT IS A WASTE. And yet Louis is STILL the only character to so much as pay lip service to “I know that was wrong now” for like a single second, meanwhile there sits marius like “anyway then I had my slaves pack up my stuff” and nobody says jack on a character or meta level. (Like obv all the major dudes are racist up to me including Daniel, they were all white when they were alive. But Anne isn’t capable of even beginning to consider that)
i def think louis and the wasted potential of his racism is still better than whatever was going on with marius. i guess it gets me because louis is actually a good character and that the racial aspect was considered in the first place meant in another world there was genuinely a chance of it being explored in a substantial way instead of weak lip-service that still manages to be racist.
well i guess marius owning slaves would have had potential too in a world where anne rice didn’t want to fuck him but whatever man....................
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vraik replied to your photo: here’s a version of that other piece for all the...
Corny I don’t go here but I’m pretty sure you’ve drawn me a Lestat so ��✨
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via @vraik
#my favorite shit tbh#see also the passionate king of the hill sub vs dub debates#fandom stuff#shenanigans#where are the deep cut japanese daria fans
I personally want to see the Japanese version of weebs who just idolize Texas as this fantasy-land of tough, bold, freedom-loving folks of goodwill. As far as American cultural exports go, I'd love to see how and why they love Hank Hill as the icon he is.

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 “I don't talk well but I hope none of you ever think my ass is out here...”
No one could ever think that, dude. But also like, fuck y’all whippersnappers acting like the first three books aren’t the reason the rest of aaaaaaaall that shit exists. RESPECT (and complaints; many complaints. And fuck Anne Rice in particular)
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vraik replied to your post “My Go-to Youtubers”
Seconding Sailor J; I think you might also like Kyle Kallgren/Brows Held High and Dan Olson—they’re friends and colleagues of Lindsay’s and also film essayists (Jourdain Searles, who’s Kyle’s partner and appears in some of his vids sometimes, is also a v solid podcaster and writer). Oh, and GenghisKait (and Shaw) are a pair of Canadian YouTubers who mostly LP old adventure and horror games. They’re really soothing and charming.
Sounds awesome! I’ll check them out.
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People call Anne rice crazy and as someone new to the fandom can you explain? Also everyone says the books get bad could you explain?
Thanks for the question! First off, though, as a disclaimer: I am nowhere near an Expert on Anne Rice Fandom Shenanigans, as in the relative scheme of things, I am an infant in this fandom’s timeline (I’m twenty). Asking the lovelies, @vraik or @anton-mordrid or @i-want-my-iwtv would be best, as they’re Certified and Respected Olds and were around in the Dark Ages of the Internet, for the Spec Massacre. Certified Olds or people with more Know please add to this post if I’ve missed something or to add your two cents.That being said, the reason why Anne Rice is a bit quarrelsome (I don’t want to use “cr*zy”) is because, well, the kindest way to put it is that she’s a bit of an ego-maniac.Â
During the fledging days of fan-fiction on the World Wide Web, Anne Rice declared that all fan fiction was stunting to her writing process, illegal, immoral, (*insert here*) and all fan-fiction of her works should be PERMA-BANNED 5EVA. To the point she had a team of lawyers sent Cease-And-Desist letters to fan-fiction writers and FanFiction.Net pulled all works in the Vampire Chronicles tag and still doesn’t allow works to be published under that category. That’s also where the putting-disclaimers-before-fics originated from, btw. You can read about it on the FanLore.org page.Â
It’s funniest because Anne Rice literally wrote Jesus Christ fan-fiction and Sleeping Beauty BDSM smut AUs. (Both of which are awful, sorry, I’d rather read sexier and much better written fan-fiction).
I’m not sure exactly when she dropped the whole fan-works issue, but when I initially went searching for VC fan-fiction as a fledgling in 2010, I found absolutely nothing outside of snippets on DeviantArt or hidden within ancient late 1990s dot.com websites and geocities pages. Â
She even put a full-page advertisement in a newspaper urging people not to see the Interview With the Vampire movie because it starred Tom Cruise as Lestat, which she quickly redacted.
She also straight-up refuses to have an editor. For any of her works. As someone whose been writing since I was about eight-years-old and is currently doing a Creative Writing degree and hoping to do a publishing masters, this is mind-boggling. Anne Rice refuses to have an editor at all – she has an “agreement” with her editor that she isn’t to touch “a single word” of the manuscript or change it in anyway. This is phenomenally stupid and the complete opposite of what an editor is supposed to do. If you ever want to publish – DO NOT DO THIS. We are here to help, not hinder. It’s probably why all her novels starting at the Tale of the Body Thief have weird rambling plots, no to little character development, out-of-character behaviour of key characters, and a sense of naff about them. (Though this is my opinion and you can have a different one; I’m just Salty). EDIT: to answer your question, there is a consensus the series seems to death-spiral worse and worse either with TotBT or after TotBT; I’m in the with category. It does come down to opinion, I love the Pandora and Vittorio novels, but other than that, I don’t consider any others “true” VC novels.Â
Nowadays, Anne has mostly stuck to being a dictator on her FaceBook page with her “People of the Page”. She replied to one of my comments once, but I honestly can’t remember what. It’s not uncommon for people to get blocked and banned from her Page for the most benign of comments, and she occasionally reposts fan-art of her characters she likes.Â
With the new VC television series in the works, a lot of people (myself included) are waiting in a sense of trepidation about new fans coming into the fandom – not because “ew new fans!” (I love new fans, please come, we want you) but because of how they’re going to be received by Anne. New Fandom is different to Old Fandom, and fans are more comfortable creating works and sharing them more boldly than the Specs of Old, and also with holding content creators and their works Responsible for “wrongs” or whatever – both of which should be said, Anne’s works are kinda racist, kinda sexist, sometimes feels it fetishises homosexual men, and sexualise teenagers/children.Â
How she’ll react nobody knows. But previous behaviour dictates it may warrant some popcorn and a jumbo-cup of something strong.
#anne rice#fandom#i-want-my-iwtv#anton-mordrid#vraik#vampire chronicles#vc#discussions#please add anyone your two cents#shes not a horrible person#shes just a person#but#that doesnt mean you have to worship her#text#i take everything with a grain of salt
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via @vraik
discworldgood work everyoneplease sell maladict gender fluid for his coffee
now im imagining what pride events in ankh morpork are like
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vraik replied to your post “the gay ass anime masterpost*”
But have you considered: Tokyo Godfathers (trans woman, main cast) Tiger&Bunny (with the director being canonically all "that's a valid interp!+Nathan, quality queer rep after a rocky start) Also in the shit tier there's Corpse Party (unrequited dead lesbian in every version)
oh my god how could i forget hana and nathan i watched both of those. corpse party sounds like a wild time thoÂ
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I was indeed on that wild roller coaster from the word go. What a time it was.
Oh man I’m jealous. I wish I had heard about it when it was airing.
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From @bagheerita
#gankutsuou#gankutsuou: the count of monte cristo#you won't see me coming till I strike#it's one thing for The Count 'foreign rich person' to decry the state. but for Edmond. who was vulnerable and deserved protection#but *wasn't* protected and at every turn betrayed by those he should have been able to trust ... this really stuck out to me#anyway#happy 4th of july
Alternately - it's telling how, once he achieved a means of insulating himself from that kind of vulnerability and protection, he uses his powers to exact vengeance rather than justice, i.e. make the people who wronged him suffer rather than preventing them from doing further harm or altering the social systems through which he himself was abused.
Of course, this would undercut the Revenge Thriller narrative of Le Compte de Monte-Cristo, or the coming-of-age psychological thriller that is Gankutsuou. The entire point of the story is watching this ordinary man, transformed by injustice, transform into a vengeful badass who runs circles around the idiots who crossed him. But, from a broader perspective, I find it interesting (dare I say telling) that a wronged man in Bourbon France (or the far-future equivalent) finds his happiest end-game in exercising power over evil people to ruin their lives.
It's especially neat, given how Gankutsuou is far more critical of the revenge narrative and is very clear that M. Compte is not a good person. (For a fabulous examination of this, I recommend Anime Is Lit's fantastic Two Part examination with @vraik )
It's not dissimilar to how I call Malcolm Reynolds of Firefly as 'justifiably libertarian', given his life experiences - even though I find the show's politics are often at odds with my own. Mal believed in an ideal kind of government, lost badly and suffered immensely for it. He stopped focusing on his high-mindedness, and preoccupied himself with the basic survival needs and using his ingenuity and grit to get paid and maintain a personal modicum of freedom rather than bend the knee to a Federalized political victor.
This is, of course, because Joss Whedon wrote him after reading Civil War novels that proved play a major role in rehabilitating the military reputations of a notorious Confederate general.
The politics of the story and how it informs characters' plights illuminates their personal histories so well, even as we in the audience can also see the decisions they make as characters inform us as to the limitations of the author's worldviews, or an indictment of the characters'
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo "Act 3: 5/22, Stormy"
#gankutsuou#the count of monte cristo#gankutsuou: the count of monte cristo#I'm probably being rambly#but I love how on rewatch we're built to have both this love for poor maligned Edmond dantes#and a loathing for the coldly indifferent Compte/Gankutsuou#It's so well done!#god I love this anime
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vraik replied to your post “merry christmas here’s my fav vc claudia comic”
O NO I assume it is about that puppy’s extremely fragile mortality
yes! so each time the puppy starts to grow lestat takes it away and brings in a new doggo which spares him and louis the trouble of having to explain to her the concept of growth and when louis gets upset about it they argue and claudia catches on but never tells them she knows and lestat continues to do this for several years until the last doggo dies (ostensibly eats something poisonous by mistake while out on a walk with claudia but we know the truth)
#vraik#reply#*gestures wildly* lestat on the piano says 'just get a new dog then lmao haha' and if that isn't such a rue royale lestat thing to say i'll#neneko talks about stuff#cw animal death mention
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vraik replied to your post: holy shit, i’m 30
Happy birthday! Hope it’s a happy one. Welcome to the Adult Horizon
Thanks!! It HAS been good so far - beautiful art presents from Jey and Ezra, went to a park and watched frogs and fish and a turtle, now we’re about to go out to dinner and have cake later (and probably watch antiques roadshow because I’M OLD).
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 “vraik replied to your post: “tho tbh you cant really convince me that...”
I LIKE TO DREAM. I mean Louis is the only character where she even BOTHERED to put in the tiniest hand wave of “I owned people but I know that was wrong now,” even if he’d still certainly be racist because. Fucking of course he would be. But he’s also a character I can imagine putting in the legwork to grow.
i just??? i mean louis is one of the characters thats remained the most human, and even tho he’s a dumbass product of his time sexist and racist during interview i think he would have taken in the several social movements he lived through
i mean the boy is closet gay and all.... despite his long love affairs
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Thank you, @another-little-hippie!
Last song: "Ex's and Oh's" by Elle King
Favorite color: turquoise
Currently watching: nothing, really, at the moment.🤷‍♀️
Spicy/Sweet/Savory: savory, definitely. That being said, I'm always a slut for dessert.
Relationship status: single
Current obsession: "From Eroica with Love", Led Zeppelin (the latter was a gateway to the former)
@ledbythreads, @the-may-queer, @skyblep, @ri0thouse, @theoriginaleppieblack-blog, @vraik, @strsmn, @keepcalmandcarryfire, @brownskinsugarplum76 and anyone else who wants to join!
9 people I'd like to get to know better
Thank you so much for the tag @lil-melody-moon and @frampk 💛✨️
Last song: 'One night in Bangkok' by Murray Head
Favourite colour: I don't have one
Currently watching: The X-Files
Spicy/sweet/savory : depends on the mood I'm in
Relationship status: in a relationship
Current obsessions: nothing
tagging: @behindthebrokenframe @ladyofthestayingpower @zippozeppelin @lara1606 @celestial-dragoness @bijouxcarys @m-faithfull @jimmypage7 @jonesyjonesyjonesy
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