#i think i would have enjoyed them more as a kid
markrosewater · 2 days
Hi Mark. With a lot of talk recently in the online space about the unreasonable outrage and horrendous death threats towards the Commander Rules Committee and Commander Advisory Group, I want to thank you for being the proverbial "shield" for some of the most heinous and grotesque backlash towards WOTC as the unofficial public representative for MTG. I know it can be absolutely draining for your mental health to receive harassment in this position, so I just want to say I am grateful and empathize that you are in this position. With that being said, as one of the most prominent faces of Magic, is it possible if you could say a word or two about the aforementioned harassment towards the RC and CAG to deter these harassers and possibly share your own experiences regarding unconstructive hate to help the victims of such depravity (if you're comfortable sharing)?
There are advantages and disadvantages of being one of the faces for Magic. When people like something we're doing, even when I had nothing to do with it, I get lots of praise. Most players only know a handful of Wizards employees, so they tend to assume that the people they know are responsible for the things that are happening.
There is, of course, a downside to that. When things happen people dislike, I'm also the light rod for complaint. Whether or not I had anything to do with the issue in question, I get the blame. I am Head Designer. Many times, I did have a hand or a say in what happened. And when I'm responsible, or partly responsible, for something, I try to own up to it.
Players are not a unified front though. When we do thing X, some of you will like it while others will not. I often will get complimented for the same thing I'm being yelled at for.
From time to time, we do something a majority are unhappy with. At times, we do things a majority are *very* unhappy with. That's when things can get a bit ugly. There are a lot of civilities built into daily life. There are just things you don't do or say to another human being. Most of that goes out the window online.
For some reason, the anonymity combined with just how social media has evolved has emboldened people to do and say things they never would in person (and I should also acknowledge society has changed in ways that even what's acceptable in person has changed).
What this means is I get a lot of negativity, some of it very personal. I'm not just talking about people criticizing the in-game choices I've made (or often didn't even make), but comments on me as a person, about who I am and what they think of me. People tell me that want bad things to happen to me. Not just getting fired (although that's a popular one), people vocalize, sometimes quite graphically, about things they want to happen to me.
The first few times this happened, I took it pretty hard. Having lots of people attack you online, saying horrible things about you, is tough. Humans look to other humans for approval. It's just built into our DNA to want others to like us. Having people attack you hurts. You have trouble sleeping, eating, it just weighs on you emotionally.
I was bullied as a kid. This really isn't much different except its much higher in volume and very public.
With time, I learned to adapt to it. It's not that I enjoy people saying nasty things about me. It still sucks, but I've found ways to process it. I came to realize that someone being nasty is more a commentary on them than me. And I adopted a philosophy of looking past the words to the message behind it. Most people complaining didn't like a choice we made about the game. I could focus on the feedback and less on the delivery method. But that took years, and it has a lot to do with who I am as a person. I enjoy the things I get to do with a public profile, so I accept what comes with it.
I've made the conscious choice to build a thick skin and weather social media, so I can continue doing what I love. It saddens me that I have to.
I say all this because I don't know if people really process the harm they're doing when they get negative online, especially towards another person. Most people do not have the years of processing angry messages like I do.
Words have an impact and that doesn't matter whether you're speaking them directly to someone's face or typing them in the privacy of your home.
Bullying is not okay. Cruelty is not okay. Making a conscious choice to belittle another human being, especially because they made a choice you disagree with about a game, is not okay.
When you use ugly words, you are doing harm to another human being (sometimes many human beings). Imagine if someone attacked you like that, or a loved one, or a friend. Don't do something to another human being that would cause pain if it was done to you.
That doesn't mean you can't communicate unhappiness. It doesn't mean you can't vocalize that you disagree with a decision made. I would stress two things. One, make it about the decision and not the person who made the decision. Explain why and how the decision impacts you, not what you think of the person because they made the decision.
Two, watch your language. As I said above, words have power. They can be used to build or to destroy. Is the language you're using designed to hurt? If so, don't use it. Use other language. If you need to take time to calm down, do so.
Community is what we as individuals choose for it to be. One of the things I love about the Magic community is how kind it can be, how accepting it can be, how uplifting it can be. But that's because we each individually choose to do that. The Magic community can get ugly, but only if we allow it to become so.
So please, the next time you're making a message designed to do something destructive rather than constructive, take a moment to reflect. Why are you doing this? What is your goal? Is it your intent to hurt someone? Because that's what negative language does.
I ask the Magic community to be better. I know we have the potential. I've seen it.
Be part of the solution, not the problem.
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caramelkoo · 2 days
be still my heart — jjk [one]
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the one in which you get a sex dream about the grouchy hockey player you work for.
genre : childhood best friends to enemies to lovers, physical therapist!reader x hockey player!jungkook, slow burn, smut, fluff, angst
word count : 4.3k
chapter warnings : strong language, mature, slight smut (because im a tease), reader’s name is Destiny, jungkook is a bit grumpy towards her (she makes him nervous leave my boy alone), fat shaming (not by any of the main characters), oc had daddy issues, mentions of allergy. that’s about it, please let me know if i missed something.
a/n : here it isssssss drumrolls please because im so excited for this. jungkook as a hockey player??? *deep breaths* enjoy my lovely people. you’re so so loved. asks, reblogs and likes are much appreciated. kisses <3
“Babe, you know you're not going to win right? Don't be wasting your breath.” Bella challenges.
You’re sitting on the chair in your office going through the personnel file of the players. Verifying their names with their contact numbers and photographs which, you’re not going to lie, look like mugshots. Jeez, does smiling a little bit cost them? Anyways, once you’re done you close the file and look up at your assistant bickering with her boyfriend. Phone pressed against her ear. 
You mime hanging up the call and she lifts her index finger, indicating for you to wait. She throws in words like hmmm, yeah, you don’t know what you’re saying, yeah i love you too. Once she’s done, she drops the phone on the glass table in front of you and leans back in her chair. 
“He thinks I will let him get away with anything just because I love him”  
You chuckle, “What’s going on?” 
“You know, I’ve been wanting a cat for so long I even made a pinterest board for that. Last Sunday he surprised me with one and when I told him that I lowkey manifested it, he was not having it. I even showed him the mood board and I NEVER show it to anyone. Evil eye is real.” she all but cries out. 
That’s Bella for you. Highly spiritual and a firm believer of the universe. She claims that everything happens for a reason. She’s like a little ball of sunshine. Ever since you joined the Ice Dominators’ hockey team as a physical therapist, she’s been assisting you and you couldn’t be more thankful seeing the lack of female workers here. Seriously, there's no other female worker here except yourself and Bella which is so diabolical to you.
And it’s not like the men on the hockey team are a bunch of misogynist jerks. On the contrary, they act like they’ve known you for years. It didn't take you long to feel like home here. They are obedient, friendly and pretty nice. Few of them are married with kids while the rest of them remain single. They’re not like a bunch of teenagers, they know what they’re doing.
Except one, what’s his name? Jeon Jungkook. You would describe that man as crude and closed off to a pathological degree. You still remember when you asked him to come to your office so you can look at any possible previous injuries, he lied to your fucking face. Claiming he doesn’t have any when you could clearly see him hobbling sometimes just a tiny bit when he walked away. Years and years of dedication towards your studies have made you capable enough to catch that it is an old injury.
Despite your better judgment, you blamed it on the fact that his team lost the game that day. Poor guy was having a bad day and took it out on you. Big deal. 
“Earth to Destiny” Bella waves a hand close to your face and you shake your head as you look at her.
“Leave the poor man alone” You plead and then ask, “Any details about the new player? I’ll have to add it in the file” 
“Not yet, as far as I know they’re still contemplating the guy named Park Jimin or something”
That gets you real quick. Park Jimin. The name feels like acid on your tongue .The last game being unsatisfactorily resulted in the federation trading one of the players. It was cruel but was done for the better. Bound to happen sooner or later. You had expected it but what you had not expected was you both sharing a same room, sharing the same air.
“Alright then. We’ll cross that bridge when it’s—”
Knock, knock
“Miss Kim, sorry to interrupt but the manager is asking for you” Taehyung’s head pokes through the door.
You stand, picking up the file and sliding it into the tableside drawer, running a free hand over your scrubs. Bella does the same as she plucks her phone from the table and puts it inside her back pocket.
You look at him. “Sure Tae, thank you for informing”
He flashes you a quick, pretty smile before leaving. Bella turns to you with a worried look on her face.
“What do you think it is for?”
You bite your lip. “I have no idea. I wanna say it's about the new player but who knows?”
You hope it is and as unfortunate as it is for you to discuss him, you will have to hold your own. You know better than to be invited into the manager’s office. Though, judging by the temperament of him you would not predict anything. Last time when he called you, it was about Jeon Jerk, asking you to be more serious about your job as if it was your fault the man spared you the necessary details.
The asshole asked YOU to do your job better by virtue of HIS player not being sweet enough to listen. Maybe, there is indeed a misogynistic asshole going around and it’s the manager. No wonder women don’t volunteer to work for him.
Since, You love your job —god knows you wanna keep doing it— you kept quiet and took every jab he threw at you.
“Wait, Do I have time to pray? Should I pray?” she’s clearly panicking and you pat her on the shoulder.
“Just hope my job is still intact” you say, warily reaching for your purse. You both head out.
“Miss Kim, have a seat” James nods at the chair before him.
Once you’re settled, he continues, “I asked for you to join me here regarding the upcoming game. Care to fill in about the status of injury assessment?"
You clear your throat, “Absolutely, I was planning on getting on that today” 
“Well, I would love for you to do it soon as you know we have a new player in the team with us now”
You jerk, leaning forward. “We do?”
“Yes, and if you can please hurry with the assessment I would be grateful. You can do that right? Not too much of a work for you, eh?” 
Someone give him a medal from the way he's trying to hide the venom in his voice.
“Sure I can” you give him a firm nod. 
James Adams is an entitled, self centered asshole who thinks he’s above everyone else just because of his position. You reckon he does anything for the team besides talking bullshit. He kind of reminds you of your dad who also has the nasty habit of thinking the world of himself.
You’re all about self love but when that self love turns into chronically demeaning everybody in their close proximity, it boils your blood. This man in front of you is no better than your father. What's that saying? Out of the frying pan into the fire.
So you say nothing further and excuse yourself. You would have barfed in his face if you stayed there a second longer. Actually that's not a very bad idea. Bella is standing outside waiting for you as you close the door behind yourself.
“What did he say?” 
You bark, “Bunch of horseshit” 
There is a buzzing noise somewhere around Jungkook. Fuck, his head hurts. He frantically searches for his phone, still not opening his eyes. When he finds it, he slides his thumb on the screen and picks up the call. 
“Dude, how big do you want your coffin to be?” He loves his best friend but right now he would rather be sleeping than listen to him bark in his own ear. 
He finally squints his eyes open, “What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“Have you looked at the time?” says Taehyung.
“What time- FUCK!!!” he shrieks as he looks at the clock.
Somebody kill him right now. No wait, he’s gonna die either way so why bother. If he didn’t scream loud enough before, he does now. He all but jumps off the bed when he sees the blondie on the other side sleeping like she fucking owns it, wearing nothing but a thong. She must have heard him malfunctioning because soon she stirs, groaning as she slowly wakes up like a Disney princess. Who the heck is she and how did she get in here? Then it comes to him.
“Please Jungkook just take me to your room and fuck me. Show me what those hockey hands are capable of.” 
He wants to swallow a fistful of iron nails. Speaking straight from his shoulders, he has made plenty of bad decisions throughout his career and this is not his first time bringing a puck bunny up to his room but it has never come to this. Missing his hockey practice because he was too exhausted to get his sweet ass up and run to the academy. 
Taehyung screams from the other side of the line, “Are you there? Hello?” 
Shit, he forgot he was on a call. 
“I’ll be there soon. Cover for me until then.” With that he presses the red circular button and ends the call with him muttering some curses.
He glances back at the blondie, “Why are you not gone yet?” 
She’s looking at him with those fuck me eyes she had last night but right now when he’s well aware of the fact that he’s in hot water, they don’t do shit to him. Coach will have his head on a platter today for sure. Honestly, they wouldn’t have done shit to him if it was not for the great deal of alcohol last night.
“I thought of you as a morning sex person” she twirls a strand of hair with her finger, sitting up now. Her tits hang free and he can see his hickeys decorating her chest.
He wants to laugh. She’s not even close to his type. His type is the woman in blue scrubs with her brunette hair slicked back in a ponytail. His type is the woman who looks like she could be watching grass grow rather than to look at him. His type is the woman who walks into a room and lights it up. His type is the woman who is too bright for him and his mundane personality, who has a face worth millions. His type is Kim Destiny. 
“No need to waste your precious time thinking about me. You can go” 
He places his phone back on the table and saunters over to the bathroom, not bothering looking back at her. He has boundaries and he intends to keep it that way.
He quickly goes through his routine of taking a shower, making a cup of coffee, sliding into a pair of sweatpants and the Ice Dominator’s jersey with his name on the back. Not in that order, of course.
The girl is thankfully gone by the time he finishes. Once he’s done with his coffee he picks up the car keys and a protein bar from the kitchen counter and heads to the academy hoping his limbs remain intact by the time he’s home.
The Academy is bustling as usual with players keeping themselves busy with hockey and their gym sessions. He heads straight for the rink not even bothering to change into the uniform. He needs to see for himself that everybody is still on the ice. Everything comes after that.
Surprisingly, he sees not a single guy when he reaches there. His heartbeat stops.
“Hey Pixie, where are the boys? Did they already leave?” he asks the brunette kid who looks like he just saw a ghost. Or it’s just Jungkook who he saw.
He shakes his head, “They’re all in the gym. The doc called them earlier, said she had something important to get done with them” 
Jungkook gives him a quick thanks and walks towards the gym. What could be so important that she had to call the boys mid practice? Is someone hurt? Is she hurt? His heart leaps in hid throat as he runs. Fuck, please let him be wrong.
The first thing that he sees as he enters the room full of equipment are his teammates. Taehyung and Yoongi are in the corner lifting weights, Namjoon is using the treadmill as he runs on it. The rest of the boys are all scattered around doing their own thing. He still can’t find Destiny anywhere but her assistant, Bella, is talking to Namjoon while holding a file so he lets out a sigh, relieved that nobody is in fact hurt and in need of help. 
“Do you wanna get a tattoo on the peni— oh look who’s here. Jeon Jungkook as I live and breathe.”
Taehyung drops the weight on the ground before walking up to him. He’s dressed in a black tee and sports shorts. The man looks good in everything. Bet he’d look in a sack too. 
“Whoa!! Why do you look like you wanna kill somebody or wanna get killed? Is everything okay?” 
Jungkook lets his face relax, focusing more on the eyebrows which had gone tensed due to his unnecessary anxiety. “Yeah, all’s good. The practice ended early?” 
“The practice ended just on time. It’s you who’s late” he pats my shoulder. 
He runs his fingers through his hair and walks towards the bench, dropping his bag on it. Taehyung follows him ignoring Yoongi who’s calling him back for the weightlifting. 
“Doc wanted to assess our injuries for the last time before our game if you’re curious which, I know you are. You’re always curious about her” 
He winks at Jungkook and he punches him on the chest. Taehyung laughs as he rubs the spot.
“Keep your voice down, will you?” 
Bella’s voice echoes across the room, “Jeon, you’re up next” 
He takes out his water bottle, takes a swig and stands. A wince leaves him as he gets a flashback of the last time he had to face her. It didn’t go very well and he’s sure she hates him now. He would too. After all, he not only talked to her rudely but also lied through his teeth about his injury. It’s pretty old so he had not felt the need to mention it. 
He sees a guy coming out of the office just before he’s about to enter. He has brown hair long enough to reach the nape of his neck. Even from where Jungkook’s standing, he can say the man doesn’t reach above his shoulders. Who the fuck is he? Oh wait, he must be the new player that got traded down here. The guy must have sensed him making a hole through his head by the way he’s staring because he’s begins walking towards him with a bright grin.
“Hey man, you must be Jeon Jungkook? Heard a lot about you. I’m Park Jimin” He holds out his hand, asking Jungkook to shake it and he gives it a firm handshake. Word to the wise : never give someone a weak handshake. His grandfather has been asking him to do that ever since he was 15, said it doesn’t leave a strong impression and he’s be lying if he says he was wrong.
He offers Jimin a nod, “Nice to meet you. Excited to get on the rink with you.” 
He takes his hand back. “Oh the feeling is mutual but—”
“Jungkook, please join me inside” 
Destiny’s voice cuts him off as she looks over to both of them with an eerie expression on her face. Her eyes bounce between them, resting a second longer on Jimin. Does she know him? Do they have a history? Wait, are they a thing? Even if they are, why does it bother him? Jungkook couldn’t care less about the pretty physical therapist who wears her blue scrubs like armor and white crocs with strawberries on them.
He gives Jimin another nod and follows her into the office. Although, he’s not sure if a massage table and a stool resting beside it counts as an office. The room which she works in is much better. This one is just for examinations and massage therapy so he guesses it doesn’t need that much of an upgrade.
She gestures towards the table, “Please sit”
He says nothing and settles himself up, clearing his throat.
“Look I know we got off on the wrong foot last time and it could have gone so much better, but we can still start over right?”
Destiny takes a deep breath, filling her chest with air. She’s wearing her hair in a bun today. It sits at the top of her head and some strands are set loose cascading down her face. God, she’s pretty.
He looks down and back up at her. “Sure”
Her face shows her annoyance with the one word response. He doesn't blame her. He'd be pissed too.
She’s quiet for a moment, “Why don’t you tell me about your knee injury to start with?”
“What are you talking about?”
She sighs, “You know what I’m talking about Jungkook. Please don’t make me work for it. It’s my job to know about your past and present injuries, if any. The manager has already given me crap about it”
He freezes. His hackles rising and his relaxed face long gone.
“What did he say?”
He levels her with a stern face, “What.did.he.say?”
She’s not obligated to answer him. Hell, she could just slap him in the face and leave but he needs to know what went down with that son of a bitch. When and if she decides to let him in the details and it turns out something wicked, he’s gonna hunt that man down and make his life miserable.
Much to his surprise, she takes a step back and starts talking. "He called me in his office today and," she halts,
"Well let's just say there were some words thrown around which clearly meant he thinks of me as a feather brained bitch"
He might look unbothered from outside but the indignation inside him could just about burn the whole city down. He tries to keep calm and pries some more.
His jaw clenches. "What else?"
Destiny shakes her head, shuffling on her feet. “Jungkook it’s really not that seriou—”
“It is serious. You work for us, you tolerate our asses and in return if we fail to give you the respect which, you deserve by the way cause it’s the bare minimum, we might as well save everyone’s time and money by giving all of this up.”
“Why do you care?” she shakes her head.
He takes a step forward, “Because you— Because you work for us, Destiny. You look out for our bodies, our injuries, our fuckups. Is that not enough?”
She barely reaches his shoulders. It’s cute how she has to crane her neck up in order to look him in the eye. She keeps looking at him for a long minute, searching his face.
“You think I don’t know that? Do you really think I don’t have what it takes to ask for my own dignity?”
He takes a long step back. This conversation was as unforeseen as they come. The room gets filled with heavy silence and he can hear Destiny’s heavy breath. He can tell she’s trying to calm herself as if his words have blindsided her.
Needless to say she’s a tad bit taken aback. Jungkook would be too if someone who never bothered to speak a word to him and when he did, there was nothing pleasant about his tone suddenly started to care.
But that’s where she’s wrong, nothing about his care or concern for her is sudden. He still remembers the day she accidentally drank the almond smoothie Bella brought not knowing the fact that she’s allergic to it. She’d started choking the second it went down her throat. He also remembers how Yoongi injected the epipen against her thigh as she came back to life.
Meanwhile, he stood behind shaking in his goddamn boots. Too scared to let her out of his sight and too pathetic to hold her close. Yeah, he’s not proud of that.
He sighs, “You know that’s not what I meant—”
Namjoon walks inside with a hand towel around his neck “Doc, you about done? The boys are being incorrigible over there. If you don’t hurry, one of them is gonna call a tattoo artist and get their dick tattooed. Right here”
The room falls silent.
“Jesus” she looks over to where the guys are bickering about something, propping her hands on her hips. “Yeah, give me a minute.”
“Sure” and with that he walks away.
She picks up a blue file from the stool, not looking at him. Why is she not looking at him?
“If you don’t want to tell me about your injury right now, that’s fine. Since, I know it’s pretty old and It’s unlikely that you’re gonna get affected by it in the upcoming games, there’s no need to worry. However, I would still suggest you be careful. Anything can happen out there and your knee is in a vulnerable position. Don’t pick unnecessary fights, don’t let the opponent know your weak link.”
She glances at him, dropping the file back to where it was.
“You can go”
Without a preamble, he heads outside, passing Taehyung. He hears him cracking a joke about penis tattoos and piercings with his girlfriend’s name on it. Destiny cracks up and Jungkook wonders if she would have done the same, had he been the one cracking the joke. Only, he doesn’t crack jokes. Not around her at least. It’s not like he's some grumpy bastard who wants nothing to do with anybody around him and thinks of him as omniscient.
There’s just something about Destiny which puts him at loss of words. Knotting his tongue it in such a way where he can’t get an expression out. Only look at her and god, does he look at her. He's not stupid. He knows it’s a crush but she’s like a mirage to him. She’s unreachable, forbidden and so fucking beautiful.
Does he want to make her his? Yes, Is he going to risk his career and hers over it? Absolutely not. So, he makes use of the only right nobody can take away from him. Not even her. Admire her from afar. Fantasize more about tasting her, licking her slender neck and worshipping the ground that she walks on and one day if she lets him, Jungkook will do anything to turn all of that into reality.
He finds Yoongi seated on of the benches, scrolling on his phone.
Facing him, Jungkook speaks in a low voice. "Do you have any idea where James is?"
Never have you ever wanted to run away as much as you did when you saw Jimin in front of yourself, standing all tall and proud. You had wished it to be a dream, wished you just had a nightmare about him joining the same team you happen to work with but reality is a goddamn bitch and it bites hard when it does. He had grown out his hair longer but he still has the same smile, same eyes and the same charm he used on you back then. Park Jimin is a man people don’t ever forget once they see him. He has an aura which traps everyone so hard they can never escape. How do you know? You have been a victim yourself.
You meticulously go through the consequences and eventualities of being in the same room as him again. You seeing him everyday and him reminding you of every single detail you have tried so hard forgetting about, the boys finding out about you both and putting you through the wringer or worse, him. The possibilities are endless and you feel the sudden urge to square everything with him.
Contrary to what you had thought, he reacted pretty normally when he saw you as if somebody had already told him about you. You had expected him to get shocked or at the very least pretend to be shocked.
Having said that, he just gave you a single nod as if you're someone he passes by every morning at the park. Are you this forgettable? Are you someone people just brush aside like that? Your father’s words echo in your ears like loud drums,
“You know, nobody will love you if you keep looking like this. Eat less”
“Girl, do you ever stop eating? Every time I see you, you're stuffing something in that mouth of yours!!”
“Don’t come running back at me when no guy gives a shit about you”
You were 10 and he was an asshole. He still is.
Thanks to him, you now have a tendency to cook when you're stressed over anything. It brings you comfort and diverts your mind from the excessive overthinking. You would go bald if it puts the voices into silent mode.
After already wasting half of your life speculating what to eat, counting calories and whatnot, you came to the terms that you can’t actually operate that way and began eating whatever the fuck you wanted. Yet still, you need to go a long way in order to fully love yourself and your body. It's a journey and you're moving ahead step by step. One day at a time.
One would even say you're hot. You have received compliments from several people over the course of time except you don’t have a thigh gap, your arms jiggle and you also happen to have a love handle. You would have adored them if it wasn’t for your dad making you feel shitty about having them.
A knock on your door stops you midway as you're kneading the dough. Biscuit runs over to you, jumping on the counter.
The knock comes back again, this time slightly louder.
“Oh my god wait I’m coming”
The door swings open and you gasp. “Mina?”
She passes by you, dragging her suitcase along with her.
“Hey bestie”
You close the door and follow her further into the hall. “What’s going on? What’s with the suitcase?”
Your best friend’s sudden arrival must have caught you by slight surprise but your cat is rather pleased to see her. Traitor. She starts clawing at her feet excitedly.
“What a good girl you are? Yes, you are” Mina coos at her and then glances up at you from where she has biscuit nestled in her lap,
“I need a place to live for a few days because my shitty boss kept rejecting all my articles and I really wanna bring her something worth the front page. Apparently, writing about the famous coffee shop around the corner and their secret ingredient being maple syrup wasn’t good enough.”
You round the counter and continue kneading the dough for your strawberry pie. It’s not unlikely for Mina to show up unannounced. In fact, she has done that plenty of times but the suitcase was never involved. This one is new.
“So you decided to barge in here without even asking?” You tease.
She flashes you a dramatic look. “Look at us, Destiny. Aren’t we the same girls who giggled about living together after college? With matching slippers and movie marathons?”
“Okay okay you dramatic bitch. How long are you here for?”
Biscuit runs to do her business and she gets up, setting her suitcase to the side.
She sighs, “Not sure. As long as it takes me to come up with a new topic to write about–HEY— why don’t I just write on the hockey team you work with? What are they called? Ice…ice”
“Ice Dominators” you fill in for her.
She slaps her thigh. “That’s the one”
You shrug, “I mean you can, but you’ll have to call in on the coach first. He operates everything inside and outside the team”
Coach Ian is too nice to turn her request down. He’s one of the most genuine people in the federation. Maybe this is why the team is so strong and united. He respects every single boy and receives it tenfold. It's a mutual thing.
“Shit, How come I didn’t think about that” she bites her lip, her enthusiasm replaced by nervousness.
“Don’t worry. He won’t make you work for it. Ian is as nice as they come” you assure.
She takes a deep breath and lets it out. As you watch, she opens your fridge, taking out the box of frozen blueberries and pops one into her mouth.
“Do you want me to give you a hand?” she mumbles while chewing.
You point towards the bathroom, “Go and take a shower, right now. You stinky”
You duck the blueberry she throws your way, laughing as you do. Giving your cheek one last kiss, she excuses herself.
Warm hands roam over your thigh, squeezing them. You muffle your moan with your palm and take every thrust. 
“Yeah, you like that? You like how I’m pounding into this ass right now?” 
You gasp. 
“Such a good girl” he praises.
The man behind you presses a kiss to your naked shoulder as he rasps in your ears, “Were you walking around all day dripping for me?” 
He pulls his cock out and thrusts again. You meet him with equal passion and hunger. 
“Tell me” 
You nod. 
“I need your words, Destiny” 
You cry out, “Yes Oh god, Yes. I wanted you in me so bad” 
He cups your pussy and rubs your clit with his palm until you're rolling your eyes to the back of your head and squirming. Thrust after thrust he brings you to your sweet release while talking dirty things in your ear. You're about to melt into a puddle of goo. He’s got you totally at his mercy. 
“So beautiful like this. Taking my cock so well huh?” 
“Ahh it feels so good, right there. Just right there, don’t stop” 
He bites down your shoulder, “Come for me and let everyone outside hear the name you’re screaming, you dirty whore” 
Your heartbeat picks up as you squeeze him with the tight ring of muscle, orgasm crashing over. 
“FUCK. Oh my god Jungkook!!”
Your eyes fling open and you sit up so fast your head starts spinning. Everything around you is pitch black. Wait, where am you? 
Mina is at your side in an instant, “Destiny, are you okay babe?”
You look around and release a sigh of relief. You run your fingers through your hair, ruffling them. 
“Yeah um… I’m fine. It was just a bad dream. Go back to sleep.” 
Except it wasn’t. It was one hell of a dream where you were getting fucked into oblivion by your player. You're not even going to lie and say that you didn’t like it. C’mon you're a woman of needs, it’s just that, him fulfilling those needs was not on the cards for you even if it wasn't real.
You check the time on your phone and wince at the bright light flashing up at you. It’s 2:45 am and you just had a back breaking sex dream about a man who you want nothing to do with. Who, as beautiful as he is, annoys the hell out of you with those one word replies and grumpy face. An edgy feeling threatens to rise.
Oh god it’s going to be awkward now. It’s only normal to walk on eggshells around someone people have these sort of dreams about. You have read your fair share of books where the female character gets a sex dream about a man and then they don’t talk to each other for the rest of their lives. Okay, that's a bit of a stretch but it might as well not be.
Yeah, you admit you guys don’t talk to each other a lot as it is, or are longtime best friends tiptoeing around their feelings, but you're afraid you're gonna have to ignore him forever for the sake of your own sanity. 
I’m so fucked. You think.
tags - @httpjeonlicious @lovingkoalaface @rpwprpwprpwprw
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belqva · 3 days
₊˚⊹౨ THE MORNING (R.C.) ৎ ₊˚⊹
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warnings: drugs, alcohol, toxic friends, intoxication, language, dealing, one mention of reader skipping meals
summary: At a wild party, you confront a tense reunion with Rafe Cameron, your best friends ex, while reluctantly buying drugs for a friend. The events of the night leave you more confused than ever.
pairing: rafe cameron x female!reader
word count: 1.6k
a/n: I definitely wanted this to be longer but oh what can I do 😔🖐️ it’s becoming a habit of mine to write fics and leave them on a cliffhanger lol sorry !! I feel like it gives me motivation that I’ll write a sequel in the future yk? Anyway the reader is in a really toxic female friend group and two of the girls are named Taylor and Anya but you can just ignore that if u want to <33 as always I hope u enjoy!!🤍
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The overwhelming smell of weed, alcohol, and expensive, overly lavish perfume filled the dimly lit room of the massive mansion hosting another one of the infamous Friday night parties. A party isn’t a party without booze and molly, right? Some spoiled rich kid was celebrating nothing in particular, just throwing a party because they could. The entire house was packed with girls in their skimpiest outfits and boys flaunting wristwatches that probably cost more than your monthly salary. You could barely hear yourself think as loud trap music pounded over the constant chatter and drunken shouting. The dim house flickered with occasional strobe lights, the only real illumination being from the ceiling light, modified to shift between dark blue and red.
It wasn’t really your scene. You weren’t a party animal or particularly popular. You hovered somewhere between the Pogue and Kook worlds. Your family wasn’t exactly poor, but they didn’t have enough money to land you the "full Kook" status either. However, most of your friends were full-on Kooks—girls who got Range Rovers for their sixteenth birthdays. You had known them since kindergarten, and despite your differences, you’d tagged along with them throughout middle and high school. You fit in well enough, thanks to your natural looks and careful attention to fashion—even if it meant skipping meals to buy a nice dress.
So here you were, like many Friday nights before, out with the same group of girls. Most of them were either drunk, high, or both. The only one who wasn’t fully wasted was Anya. She was the closest thing your group had to a leader and the main reason you hadn’t been kicked out of their tight-knit circle. Anya was smart and stunningly gorgeous, with her silky blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She was effortlessly perfect in a way that made everyone want to be her. And, as you’d noticed tonight, she was completely off her game.
She sat beside you on the expensive beige couch, her mood noticeably different from usual. She’d had a few shots and maybe smoked a little, but nothing more—uncharacteristic for her at a party like this. Concern tugged at you, and you leaned toward her.
"Is everything okay, Ani?" you asked, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulders and resting your chin on her.
She shrugged, her icy blue eyes avoiding yours. Anya was wearing a pink tube top, a mini leather skirt, and platform heels—an outfit far too gorgeous for a casual party. It was obvious she was dressing to impress someone. You knew her well enough to see that something was wrong.
"Come on, tell me," you pressed, trying to lighten the mood. "Future Anya will be mad if I don’t cheer you up because, as you’d say, 'we only have a limited number of Friday nights in our short youth.'"
Anya cracked a small smile. "Yeah, you’re right," she said softly, "she would be mad."
"So, what’s going on?" you asked again. "You can tell me. I won’t say anything to the others."
She hesitated, fidgeting with her fingers. You watched her closely, sensing her inner turmoil. Finally, she sighed. "Did you see who's selling the sugar tonight?" she asked quietly, referring to the drugs.
You shook your head. "No, I haven’t really walked around much." You felt uneasy. The last thing you wanted to get involved in was drugs, even if most of your friends were on a first-name basis with dealers.
Anya bit her lip. "It’s Rafe."
Your heart skipped a beat. Rafe Cameron. The name brought back a flood of memories. He was the golden boy, the heartbreaker, and for a while, he was Anya’s. They had dated for a few months during senior year, and she had been head over heels for him. But Rafe had shattered her heart, and she had never fully recovered. Now it made sense why she was acting out of character tonight.
"Rafe’s here?" you asked, not sure how to feel about the revelation.
Before Anya could answer, Taylor—one of the drunker members of your group—stumbled over and collapsed into your lap, giggling uncontrollably. You caught her before she fell completely, but the interruption was enough to break the moment between you and Anya.
Anya’s expression hardened immediately, her walls going back up. "Great," she muttered under her breath, getting up from the couch abruptly. "I’m going to get a drink."
"Anya—" you started, but she was already weaving through the crowd.
Taylor, oblivious to the tension, grinned up at you. "Why so serious, babe?" she slurred, patting your cheek playfully. "Come on, have some fun!"
You sighed, helping her sit up properly. "Maybe later," you mumbled. Your mind was still on Anya, on Rafe. You couldn’t just let it go. If he was the one dealing tonight, no wonder Anya was upset.
As if reading your mind, Taylor handed you a crumpled hundred-dollar bill. "Can you grab something for me? He won’t sell to me anymore, I’ve been back too many times."
Normally, you would’ve refused. But this was your chance to figure out what was really going on. "Yeah, sure," you said, standing up.
"Really? You?" Taylor blinked, surprised at your sudden willingness. "Well, okay! Don’t get lost, babe," she teased, giving you a playful shove.
Ignoring her, you made your way through the crowd toward the back of the mansion where the drug deals usually went down. Your heart pounded in your chest as you neared the area. And then, there he was — Rafe Cameron.
Rafe was seated at a table surrounded by his usual entourage. His shirt was crisp and white, his hair neatly shaved, and he looked more muscular than you remembered. He had a dark, commanding presence, the kind that made it hard to look away. He was cutting lines of powder, expertly dividing them into neat little baggies.
You swallowed hard, your nerves on edge. This was a bad idea, but there was no turning back now.
As you approached the table, Rafe’s sharp blue eyes locked onto you, freezing you in place. He raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting you.
"What are you doing here?" His voice was cold, and for a moment, you wished you could disappear.
"I—uh—I’m here to buy," you stammered, your voice barely audible over the music.
Rafe’s eyes narrowed, scanning you from head to toe. You felt vulnerable under his gaze, like he could see straight through you. After a tense moment, he leaned back in his chair, a smirk tugging at his lips.
"Since when do you do this shit?" he asked, his tone dripping with skepticism.
"I don’t," you blurted. "It’s not for me. One of my friends asked me to—"
Rafe cut you off, holding up a hand. "Let me guess. Taylor?"
You nodded, feeling even more ridiculous. Why was he making this so hard?
Rafe let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. "Of course. Always sending someone else to do her dirty work." He leaned forward, his eyes still trained on you. "You shouldn’t be mixed up in this, Y/N."
His use of your name surprised you. You hadn’t thought he even knew who you were. "I—I’m not. I’m just doing a favor," you muttered.
Rafe reached for the hundred-dollar bill you were holding out, his fingers brushing against yours for a brief second. His touch was electric, sending a jolt through you that you weren’t expecting.
"Here’s the thing," Rafe said, his voice low and dangerous. "I don’t want to see you coming back here again. Got it?"
You blinked, caught off guard by his sudden shift in tone. "What?"
Rafe leaned in closer, his gaze piercing. "This isn’t your scene. You don’t belong here, and trust me, you don’t want to get involved with people like me. Stay away from this stuff, Y/N."
You didn’t know how to respond. There was something unsettling about the way he was looking at you, something that made your pulse race for reasons you couldn’t explain. Was he really concerned about you? Or was this some twisted game he was playing?
Before you could say anything else, he handed you the tiny baggies. "Take this to Taylor. And remember what I said."
You nodded quickly, snatching the drugs and turning on your heel, eager to escape the intensity of his gaze. As you weaved your way back through the crowd, your mind was racing. What had just happened? Why had Rafe Cameron, of all people, decided to lecture you? And why did it feel like he cared?
Back at the couch, Taylor greeted you with a sloppy grin, grabbing the drugs from your hand. "You’re the best!" she slurred, not noticing the dazed look on your face.
But you couldn’t stop thinking about Rafe. The way he had looked at you, the way his voice had dropped to a low, dangerous whisper—it all left you feeling more confused than ever. You shouldn’t care about him. He was trouble, the kind of trouble you had no business getting involved with.
Yet, deep down, you knew this wasn’t the last time you’d find yourself in front of Rafe Cameron.
The night drew on, but you couldn’t shake the encounter with Rafe. His words echoed in your mind, conflicting emotions pulling at you. You should have been worried about Anya, about her unresolved feelings for him, but your thoughts kept circling back to his piercing gaze, the way he warned you. It was almost as if he had seen you, really seen you, beyond just another party girl.
And that was dangerous.
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the sun + the sand - pt. six - the proposition
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↳PAIRING: bff!rafe cameron x fem!reader
↳SUMMARY:you have a stalker, but your best friend rafe won't let anything happen to you, even if he has to come clean about how he really feels.
↳WARNINGS: mentions of stalking, blackmail, inappropriate behavior (not from rafe), protective!rafe, etc.
↳A/N: this is a repost from my old blog @illicitfixations + @lovelornanonymity. all of my works are being reposted to this one + the previous blog has been deactivated.
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The aluminum of the boat you sat in swayed back and forth, the ebb and flow of the current beneath it creating a rocking pattern against your skin. It had always made you nauseous – being on the water. There was something about the unsteady, uncoordinated movement of the waves that reminded you how much you were like them, floating through life with no destination. You had always followed what everyone else was doing and when you were drowning, Rafe clung to you; he had always been the life vest protecting you amidst the water trying to permeate your lungs. The nausea was overwhelming as you listened to Pope spew facts he had learned at the science camp he had spent the first few weeks of his summer at; his obsession with becoming a coroner shining through as he led the conversation. You couldn’t quite wrap your mind around what was being said the same way John B’s arm draped around your shoulders, you should’ve been enjoying affection from a boy, especially one so sought after. But, you couldn’t because really, it all felt wrong. It always did when you spent time with this crowd. Though the blue and pink hues of the decorated cotton candy sky was a nice addition to your sunset boat ride, you still felt out of place. You knew you would no matter what. Even after John had practically begged you like a puppy to join the gang for this rendezvous, promising JJ would be nowhere in sight – it still felt odd and wrong to be there, to be amidst his friends, when all you could think about was Rafe. You were torn away from the thoughts that your brain was creating at the speed of light as your phone chimed. 
Unknown: you look so beautiful today. 
The screen read a sweet message and you wondered who it was from, it couldn’t be Rafe. If he was going to say something sweet, he wouldn’t text you from a private number. You quickly closed and locked your phone thinking it must be nothing more than a wrong number, even though the compliment gave you the resemblance of butterflies in your gut. 
Unknown: don’t ignore me. 
This time as your phone chimed, the message changed in tone and you decided to reply – a snarky, sarcastic comment for the person who remained anonymous was what you dished out. 
To unknown: It’s hard to reply when I don't know who I’m speaking to. 
As quickly as you had hit send, another message appeared in the queue. 
Unknown: watch your mouth or I'll gut you like a fish. 
You swallowed thickly at the words that littered your screen, unsure of who was behind them. You couldn’t think of anyone who would talk to you like that unless it was one of your boys playing a joke. But quickly pushed away the thought. Surely, they’d never speak to you that way even if they were kidding, or so you hoped. 
“Are you alright, y/n?” 
John B’s voice echoed against your ears as tears pricked your eyes and panic rose through your chest, the walls of your heart contracting simultaneously, you subconsciously recognized the tells of an anxiety attack creeping its way up your throat. John B’s lack of awareness, lack of knowing you the way Rafe did was just one more reason why you needed to be away from him. 
“R-rafe, take me to Rafe. Please.” 
You begged and he nodded though reluctant, wanting you to trust him and confide in him the same way that you did Rafe. He wanted you to be his peach, to regard him in your heart the same way you regarded the Cameron boy, though part of him knew it would never happen. Girls like you weren’t meant to end up with guys like him and even if you loved him in the same way he loved you, he knew Rafe Cameron would die before he ever let it happen. 
John B barely had time to get the hms pogue adjacent to the Cameron’s dock before you jumped off the ledge, clearing the width between the aluminum and the wood of the pier. You needed Rafe and you needed him now, it left no time for pleasantries and frankly, you didn’t care about the routledge boy enough to provide him with a false sense of comfort, a false sense that you were his when you weren’t. So, you did what you knew how to – you ran. Your feet padded against the wood of the dock as fast as they could, your breath uneven as you made it to the end and scoured the property for your person. He stood by Kelce and Topper at the pool, his tan skin stretched across broad shoulders, muscles contracting as he laughed and sipped from the red solo cup in his hand. You made your way toward him, almost knocking him over as you latched on to him like a child after losing their parents in the grocery store. 
“I know those arms, anywhere.” 
He chuckled against you, leaning into you as you hugged him from behind. You stilled against him, muscles retracting in relief as just his aura brought you an immeasurable amount of peace. His laughter stopped as he felt tiny drops hit the skin at the middle of his spine and before you could protest he turned around, taking you in. His blue orbs searched you for injury, it wasn’t like you to look so panicked, especially in public settings. This behavior was not like you in any sense and he couldn’t figure out for the life of him what was going on. So, he did what he did best. He picked you up, guiding your arms and legs around his neck and torso in a koala like hold and carried you to his bedroom, knowing that whatever was plaguing you couldn’t be shared in front of the other two stooges. As he entered the threshold of his bedroom, he placed you onto the blue satin sheets that you loved so much, the coolness against your skin was already soothing you as Rafe parted your knees and wedged his body between them, balancing on the balls of his feet. Your eyes remained focused on the tan skin of his chest, his pectoral muscles built to such a degree that it made him look like a c-cup. You smiled briefly at the thought. 
“Peach, baby, what’s going on?” 
He asked, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and rubbing his thumb across the skin of your cheek. 
“I-, were you and the boys sending me weird texts earlier?” 
You stuttered as you asked, afraid of his answer being yes, but also afraid of it being no. You wanted so badly for it to be a practical joke and for you not to have a reason to be scared. 
“No, baby. Why would you ask that?” 
You didn’t respond, simply handing over the phone, placing it in his hands and watching as he took in the conversation. His eyes darted back and forth as read the contents of the screen, stopping only when he was finished. 
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” 
He questioned, remaining in his spot between your legs. 
“I’m fine – that’s the last thing I need to hear right now, Rafe.” 
He swallowed thickly before retorting. 
“Well, what do you need to hear? What am I supposed to say about this? About you showing up on my doorstep every time you’re in trouble?” 
His words stung – he knew they had, shit, they had felt like vomit expelling from him, the twist of his insides after he lurched over the toilet ever present. That’s what he felt as he watched your face contort in sadness. 
“I don’t know, tell me this is fake, that it’s a joke, that I don’t have a reason to be scared. I mean, this paired with all the other weird shit, it just, I don’t know, okay? Sorry – I’ll go. I just didn’t know what to do. But, hey – I’ll figure it out.” 
You said, swaying on your feet as you stood, preparing to walk away from the room of the boy you loved. Your brain didn’t process any of what he said in normal emotion, it only registered that he was sick of you and you were adding stress to him and that was the last thing you ever wanted to do. He pulled you in by your wrist, making your face collide with the muscles of his chest as he rubbed your hair away from your face and craned his neck to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean that the way it came out. I want to help you, okay? You are not going to navigate this by yourself, peach. I’d die if something happened to you. Now, I think I may have an idea.” 
You pulled your head away from his chest, meeting his eyes with question laced in yours. 
“What did you have in mind?” 
You asked, moving to sit on the bed again and Rafe followed your lead, plopping down parallel to you before turning to face you. 
“Well – it seems like all this stuff is related, that weirdo at your house and these texts. I’m worried someone is stalking you, sweetheart.” 
He said, blue eyes boring into yours and you had to fight the urge to laugh at him. 
“Stalking? Come on, Rafe – as if. I’m not special enough for someone to stalk me.” 
You muttered.
“Peach – yes you are. Just because you can’t see that, doesn’t mean it’s not possible, baby.” 
He replied, grabbing your hands in his. 
“Okay, so what’s your big idea? I mean what are we supposed to do? We don’t even know who it could be.”  
You stated matter-of-factly. 
“I think we should be boyfriend and girlfriend.”
He replied and you were shell-shocked, the question and confusion written on your face. 
“Huh? Like for real?” 
You asked. 
“I mean – I need to protect you and come on, it’s not so far off for us, is it? The idea of being your fake boyfriend for a while, I mean. No one will come near you if you’re with me, sweetheart and it just means more time with my Georgia peach.” 
He said, smiling from ear-to-ear. 
“How long are we supposed to keep this up?” 
You questioned. ‘Forever, I hope’ he thought as he stared into your sweet face. 
“As long as it takes.” 
He replied, pushing his thoughts down. 
“Okay, but we have to make it look real, Rafe. People will figure it out otherwise, we can’t just act like we usually do.” 
You said and he curled his eyebrow upward. 
“What do you propose, Peach?” 
He asked.
“I mean – we could kiss?” 
You said, almost in the form of a question and he leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours. You were shocked, mostly because it felt the way it was supposed to, the way you had always daydreamed about, electricity running from your mouth to the tips of your toes. You pulled away after a moment and looked at him. 
“Just practicing.” 
He said, a smirk lifting on one side of his mouth. You couldn’t help but smile and wished so badly that one day, this would all be real. 
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as always, if you'd like to be added to my taglist, please let me know <3
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@maybankslover @inthelibrarybtw
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aceistheplace86 · 1 day
Can i request headcanons please? Of ford with a single mother reader with a Child that is friends with dipper and mabel(they probably meet bc of the kids), they are in the town bc reader's ex is an abusive prick that couldn't handle the divorce so they go to gravity falls to start again.
I just really like the thought of ford helping reader to deal with the burnouts and erasing her doubts of being a good mother, also i like to imagine that ford can get very protective over reader and her kid when her ex is around.
Im having a total brainrot😅
//Sorry this took so long! I got busy! I hope you enjoy it, I might turn this into a Drabble of sorts because I don’t think I did protective Ford enough justice 🫡
-you meet because Stanley kicked Ford out for almost blowing up half the house. Ford decided to spend time with the kids so he took them to the Greasy Diner
-Mable was the first to spot your kid and was absolutely drawn to you guys because there weren’t a lot of kids their age around. Ford tried to excuse Mable’s behavior and give you two space but you both insisted.
-so the kids sat in one booth and you and Ford sat in another.
-he didn’t talk much about himself other than mentioning his brother and the kids. He listened to you intently though
-You are the first non family member he has talked to in a really long time. He’s nervous as hell but he wants to impress you
-You guys start hanging out more, anytime your kid comes over to hang out with Dipper and Mable, Ford makes an effort to chat with you (Stan teases him each time after you leave)
-you and ford start to hang out more without the kids and that’s when he learns the reason why you’re here and about your past relationship
-it makes him angry. He doesn’t understand why anyone would be so violent. Especially not to you. You’re so nice and sweet to him.
-he is always there for you and your kid. He takes all three kids out so that you can have time alone. He takes them to the park and to get ice cream
-he is always there for you when you need him. He has stayed up on the phone late nights with you just reassuring you that you’re a good mother. That you are doing your best
-he gets advice from Stan about how to best comfort you during those periods where you feel like you aren’t good enough (Stan has had enough experience feeling like he wasn’t a good caretaker)
-oh man. The day Ford saw your ex was something else
-you two and the kids were at the park. The kids were occupied with a game and that’s when you saw your ex. Ford felt you tense up and noticed who you were staring at
-“I’ll handle it if they come over here. But for now just focus on the kids”
-yeah that didn’t last long because your Ex started making their way to your kid.
-ford was up off that bench expeditiously he wasn’t going to make a scene in front of the kids but he made sure your ex didn’t get any closer to the kids line of sight.
-let’s just say Ford is a man of few words in these kinds of situations
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changingplumbob · 2 days
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Glenn showed Silver where he could shower and where he'd parked his stuff. As the werewolf went to clean up from his stint in the woods Glenn decided to take a quick stop at the tower. If he stayed at home he would just pace awkwardly. He thanked the watcher his grandfather was currently off with Phoebus and he didn't have to explain who Silver was or what had possessed him to let the werewolf in. But something about Silver just felt... safe.
Henri had left the tome on the potion of plentiful needs out so Glenn decided to read it. Not too many ingredients, and it was apple based which he managed to grow plenty of. He would need some pleasure though, just a few drops. But doing that with a guest in the house felt weird, especially when Silver was that fit. How could he do it and not think of him? But maybe Silver would want to help? They could sleep together and Glenn would get the pleasure for the potion when he- NO. No. He was Grayson's brother. The right thing to do was not throw himself at Silver simply because he was there.
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Silver meanwhile enjoyed a nice hot shower. He didn't dislike the rain if he was in human form, no water to flick off fur. When he was done he went to brush his teeth, watcher help him if he had bad breath right now, only to break the sink... sometimes his strength still got the better of him.
Silver searched and found a toolbox downstairs, luckily Glenn wasn't back yet. Wait, did he think Silver needed a super long shower? Focus. Fix the plumbing, done it a hundred times. When he was stressed he could still hear his dad in his head.
You're doing it wrong Silver. Your brother was a disappointment but he could do more press ups than you with you sitting on his back. You'll never be fit for anything if you don't improve. What woman will want a wolf who can't defend her.
Well haha, jokes on you dad! Silver was bisexual so there was every chance he wouldn't want a woman anyway!
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With the sink fixed Silver had a look around Glenn's room. He'd always liked when Glenn talked about plants on the show, he was so passionate! Of course that could have been editing? He had to make sure he got to know Glenn as a person rather than assume he would be exactly like how he was portrayed.
Looking at the bookshelf he saw some well read volumes that he knew centered around occult characters. When he was growing up there had never been any occults in literature, they were borderline illegal after all. But over the last few decades there had been more popping up in literature and he had to acknowledge the books had no small part in overturning the hunting law. He was flicking through one when Glenn came back.
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Glenn: Was everything okay with the shower?
Don't mention you broke the sink.
Silver: It was perfect. I don't mind the rain though you know
Glenn: Me neither, it's nice. But I do love a good long shower. What you reading?
Silver: I was just checking out your selection. Did you read them growing up
Glenn: Yeah. I mean, we moved a bunch and there wasn't many kids for me to talk to so yeah. If it was sunny I was outside but with rain I had books to entertain me. What about you?
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Silver: Grayson and I were always running around, mom had a hard time keeping track of us. But after... everything, dad kept me pretty busy with physical stuff. I didn't get much book time until long after that
Glenn: Yeah Grayson didn't tell us too much about what happened with him leaving the pack, just that he got the scar. I didn't want to pry by asking more
Silver: Very thoughtful of you
Glenn: I know! I am the soul of thoughtfulness, one of my many talents *stomach rumbles* Another one of my talents is cooking, can I interest you in dinner?
Silver: Just us?
Glenn: I mean... why would you need anyone else if you have me?
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They headed downstairs and Glenn got out some leftover toast and eggs for them to eat from the fridge. Tucking in Silver was surprised to discover they weren't stone cold.
Silver: They're... still hot? But we were just upstairs, you had to have made these hours ago
Glenn: What can I say, I'm magic *winks* Oh by the way I've cast a barrier over the house so we don't have to worry about the others hearing you're here
Silver: How would they hear me
Glenn blushed and looked down at his plate. Silver worried he'd missed something. The way people talk had changed so much over the last century.
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Glenn: Eating noises, I meant eating noises
Silver: No you didn't
Glenn: That's my story and I'm sticking to it
Silver shrugged and began to eat. The food was good, really good. He hardly had much hot food on his travels. Hot food normally required vendors that wouldn't look at you sideways and question your occult status before serving you. Sure he could lie but he'd never been very good at lying, except for that one time. But he'd never told anyone about that so the lie was the truth of those events now.
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dee-writes-anime · 17 hours
He Was Gone and So Were You
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FEATURING Touya 'Dabi' Todoroki x Reader
SUMMARY You won't leave him to die alone again, not when you're right there, not when you can stop him or go down trying.
CONTENT WARNINGS HEAVY ANGST (buckle up y'all), kids being kids, Touya's backstory, familial abuse, death, murder, suicide (?), descriptions of injuries, fire, it's just straight pain below the cut.
AUTHORS NOTE the new episode of MHA has me so fucked up I decided to be cruel and force you all to join me in my pain. Enjoy! :)
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The afternoon sun filtered softly through the cherry blossoms, casting gentle shadows across the grass where you and Touya sat. The pink petals floated down like delicate snowflakes, a soft breeze swirling them around you. The world seemed perfect in that moment—quiet, untouched by the weight of the Todoroki household or the burden on Touya’s small shoulders. Just the two of you, together, in your secret spot beneath the largest cherry blossom tree in the yard.
Your fingers traced the rough bark, feeling the grooves where Touya had proudly burned your initials into the tree. T+_ enclosed in a heart, scorched into the wood with a steady hand and a bright spark of his flame. You smiled as you looked at it, a reminder of all the promises you had whispered to each other under this very tree.
“I’m going to be the strongest hero ever,” Touya declared, his voice tinged with defiance. He sat cross-legged beside you, his fiery hair wild from the wind, his bright blue eyes shining with determination. “I’ll be stronger than my dad, and... and I’ll never treat you like that. I’ll be different.”
You blinked, your heart swelling as you met his gaze. “What do you mean, Touya?”
He looked away, biting his lip, his small hands clenched into fists on his knees. “I won’t be like him. I won’t ever make you feel the way my mom feels, or... or the way you look when you talk about your dad.” His voice was small but filled with a fierce determination beyond his years.
You reached out, gently placing your hand on his. “I know you won’t. You’re kind, Touya. You always protect me.”
He glanced at your hand, and his fists slowly unclenched. “Yeah,” he murmured, his voice softening. “I’ll protect you. I’ll marry you one day, y’know?” He turned back to you, a shy grin spreading across his face. “I’ll be a pro hero, and we’ll have a house, and I’ll never... never let anyone hurt you.”
Your cheeks warmed at his words, a small laugh escaping your lips. “You really think you’ll marry me?”
“I know I will,” he said firmly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “We’ll live together, and we’ll have this tree in our yard. And...” He paused, leaning closer to the bark, brushing his fingers over the burned heart. “No matter how strong I get, I’ll always come back here. I promise.”
For a moment, you sat in silence, the weight of his words settling between you like a secret. His dream seemed so bright, so clear, and in that moment, you believed it too. Touya would become a hero, he’d marry you, and you’d have that perfect future together. The world hadn’t been cruel enough yet to make you doubt it.
But then, Touya’s smile faltered. His bright eyes dimmed, and he turned his gaze downward, tracing the edges of the grass beneath him. “Dad said I wasn’t good enough again today.”
Your heart ached at the way his voice cracked, so quiet and defeated. The confidence he had held so fiercely just moments ago crumbled before your eyes, and your chest tightened at the sight of it. You knew how hard he tried, how he practiced for hours, pushing himself until he could barely stand—all for his father’s approval, and yet... it was never enough.
“Touya...” you whispered, scooting closer to him, your knees brushing against his.
He sniffed, his hands balling into fists once more. “He says I’m not ready. Says I shouldn’t use my quirk anymore, that it’s too dangerous.” His lips trembled, and he bit down hard to stop them. “But I can do it. I can get stronger. I know I can.”
“I know you can too,” you murmured, reaching up to gently cup his cheek, turning his face toward you. “You’re the strongest person I know, Touya. One day, your dad’s going to see it too.”
He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch, and for a moment, the tension in his small frame eased. “Do you really think so?”
“I do,” you said softly, your thumb brushing away the tear that had slipped down his cheek. “But you don’t need him to see it to know it’s true. You’ve already shown me how amazing you are. Every time you show me your new moves, I can see how much stronger you’re getting.”
He opened his eyes then, staring at you with a quiet kind of hope. “You... you like seeing my moves?”
You nodded, smiling brightly. “Of course I do! I love seeing you in action. You’re going to be the best hero, just like you said.”
His lips twitched into a small, bashful smile, and he looked down, rubbing the back of his neck. “Maybe I’ll show you some new ones soon. I’ve been practicing. Just don’t tell anyone, okay?”
You laughed softly, crossing your heart with your finger. “I promise. I won’t tell a soul.”
Touya’s smile widened, and he looked up at the tree again, at the initials he had burned into the wood, and then back at you. “You’re always going to be here, right? Even when I get strong... even if... even if Dad never sees it?”
“I’ll always be here,” you promised, shifting closer so your shoulder rested against his. “No matter what.”
And there, beneath the cherry blossom tree, with the sun setting and the petals swirling in the breeze, the two of you dreamed of a future that felt so certain, so full of hope—a future where Touya would be a hero, and you would always be by his side...
But that future had burned faster than your young lover's flesh on Sakoto Peak barely a month after that.
And now here you stood, years later, the flowers you had spent hours arranging, as you always did, trembling in your hands. The petals you had fluffed meticulously now pale against the gray of the sky as you knelt beneath the cherry blossom tree. The wind whispered through the branches, tugging at your hero’s cloak, and for a moment, the world felt frozen in time.
It haunted you, the moment when you found out— sitting in the break room, sipping on cold tea, the faint noise of the broadcast playing in the background. You hadn’t thought much of it at first, too exhausted from the latest mission to care about anything but the quiet that followed a hard day. And then, the screen flashed. A name you had tried so hard to forget. A face you had mourned every day for years.
The breath had left your lungs in an instant. You watched, horror-stricken, as Dabi—no, Touya—spoke with that same fire in his eyes, but there was no joy, no warmth. It was rage. Pure, untethered rage. He talked about his father, about his hatred, and each word was like a knife twisting deeper into your chest. This wasn’t the boy you had known. This wasn’t the Touya who had dreamed under the cherry blossom tree, who had promised to protect you, to become a hero alongside you.
This was someone else.
And now, you sat beneath that very tree, clutching a bouquet of cherry blossoms in your hands, your heart breaking all over again. You had been coming here every week since the day they told you Touya was gone. Every week, you brought flowers, laying them at the base of the tree as a quiet tribute to the boy you had loved, to the future that had been stolen from both of you.
You had believed he was dead. Everyone had. They found the ashes, the charred remains of what was once a child, and you had wept for him. Wept for the boy who had been denied his dreams, for the boy who had burned so brightly that the world couldn’t handle his flame.
And now, all these years later, you still brought flowers. Even after learning the truth, even after watching the broadcast, after hearing his voice, twisted and cruel, you came. Because for you, Touya had died. The boy you had loved, the one who carved your initials into this tree, the one who swore he would be different—he was gone.
A sob clawed its way up your throat, the grief too much to hold in any longer. You pressed the flowers to your chest, your fingers digging into the soft petals as your tears fell silently onto the grass. “Why?” you whispered, your voice barely audible over the rustle of the wind. “Why did it have to be this way?”
The cherry blossom tree swayed above you, the branches creaking softly in the breeze. It had grown over the years, the initials you and Touya had burned into the bark still visible, though worn with time. T+_, a promise etched into wood, a promise of a future that would never come to pass.
“I... I thought you were gone,” you choked out, your vision blurring with tears. “I thought you were dead, and I—” Your voice broke, and you clutched the flowers tighter, trembling. “I became a hero for you, Touya. I tried to live the life you wanted, the one we talked about.”
You laid the flowers at the base of the tree, your fingers brushing over the initials, and a fresh wave of grief crashed over you. You had done everything for him—trained, fought, bled—all because you thought it was what he would have wanted. You thought it was what he would have done if he had lived. But now...
Now he was out there, burning everything in his path, destroying lives, hurting people. Everything he had promised he would never do.
“How could you?” you whispered, your hands shaking as you pressed your forehead to the rough bark of the tree. “How could you let this happen? You were supposed to be different. You were supposed to be better.”
But the only response was the wind, carrying with it the distant echoes of your childhood, of the days you spent dreaming of a future that no longer existed.
Your heart ached in ways you couldn’t put into words. The boy you had loved—the boy who had burned so brightly, who had been so full of hope and determination—he was gone, replaced by someone twisted and broken. Someone consumed by anger and hatred. And it hurt more than anything, knowing that the person you had once sworn to stand by was now so far beyond your reach.
Tears streamed down your face as you sat back on your heels, staring at the flowers you had laid at the base of the tree. “I still love you,” you admitted, the words bitter on your tongue. “I still love the boy you were, but I don’t know who you are anymore.”
And that was the cruelest part of it all, wasn’t it? You had loved Touya with everything you had, and even now, knowing what he had become, some part of you still clung to the memory of him. But the boy who had once held your hand beneath this tree was gone, and the man who stood in his place—Dabi—was nothing more than a ghost of the past, a shadow of the boy you had once known.
“I don’t know if I can save you,” you whispered, your voice cracking as you stared up at the cherry blossoms, the pink petals swirling above you like memories you couldn’t quite grasp. “I don’t even know if you want to be saved.”
You sat there for a long time, the silence pressing down on you, the weight of everything too heavy to bear. The world had moved on, continued to fight, but here, in this quiet corner of the past, you were trapped. Trapped in the memory of what once was, of what could have been.
The boy you loved was gone, and you were left with nothing but the echo of his promise, carved into the bark of a tree that stood witness to your shared dreams.
And still, despite everything, you brought flowers. Because for you, Touya had died long ago, and even now, you couldn’t let him go.
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No matter how badly your heart ached at the news of Touya being alive, you had promised another that you would support them no matter what. A boy who became a younger brother to you, one who became your anchor in your own family storm after the loss of Touya.
Which is why, after cleaning yourself up from your visit to the cherry tree, you found yourself at the hospital, the sterile scent of antiseptic hanging in the air as you walk down the hospital hallway, the sound of your footsteps muffled by the tiles beneath your feet. The world outside was loud—sirens, chaos, and the aftershock of Dabi’s broadcast still rippling through the city—but here, in the quiet, all you could hear was the soft hum of machines and the distant murmur of voices from other rooms.
Your heart raced, a hollow ache spreading through your chest as you neared the door at the end of the corridor. Shoto was inside. Alone. The weight of everything that had happened—the reveal of his brother’s identity, the trauma it had brought to light—was more than anyone could bear, let alone someone who had already suffered so much. And you… you were barely holding it together yourself.
For years, you had been a constant presence in his life, stepping in after Touya’s supposed death. You’d watched him grow up in that cold, abusive household, doing everything you could to be the older sister he needed, to offer him comfort when his own family couldn’t. But now, after everything, you weren’t sure how to help him through this. How could you? How could you possibly console him when you couldn’t even make sense of your own grief?
The door creaked open under your hand, and there he was—Shoto, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, his back turned to you, his shoulders hunched beneath the weight of everything he’d just learned. His hair, a stark reminder of the family’s fractured history, glowed faintly in the dim light of the room. You paused for a moment, your breath catching in your throat as you saw the tension in his posture, the way his hands were clenched into fists on his lap.
“Shoto...” you whispered, your voice trembling, the grief you had been holding back threatening to overwhelm you.
He didn’t turn at first. For a long moment, he remained still, as if frozen in place, staring at the floor. But then, slowly, he exhaled, his shoulders sagging. “You saw it too, didn’t you?” His voice was quiet, a hollow echo of the boy you had once known.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and stepped closer, your hands trembling as you reached out to him. “I did.”
His head bowed further, his hair falling over his eyes. “He’s alive. He’s been alive this whole time, and... and now he’s—” His voice faltered, and he shook his head, biting back whatever words he couldn’t bring himself to say.
You didn’t hesitate any longer. You closed the distance between you and Shoto, sinking down onto the bed beside him, your hands gently resting on his shoulder. The contact made him flinch, but he didn’t pull away. Not from you. He never had.
“I’m so sorry, Shoto,” you whispered, your voice breaking as the weight of the truth settled over both of you.
For so long, you had both believed Touya was gone, a bright flame extinguished too soon. But now, the reality was so much worse. He hadn’t died—he had become something twisted, something filled with hatred and pain. The boy you had loved, the brother Shoto had lost, was still out there, but he was no longer the person either of you had once known.
Shoto’s breath hitched, and you felt his body tense beneath your touch. “I... I don’t understand,” he muttered, his voice raw. “Why didn’t he come back? Why didn’t he... why didn’t he tell us?”
The anguish in his voice was palpable, and it shattered whatever composure you had left. Tears welled in your eyes, and you moved closer, wrapping your arms around him, pulling him into an embrace that you hoped could somehow shield him from the pain, even if just for a moment. “I don’t know, Shoto. I don’t know.”
He stiffened at first, his body rigid against yours, but then, slowly, the tension began to seep out of him. His fists unclenched, and before you knew it, he was clutching at you, his fingers digging into the fabric of your clothes as if holding on for dear life. He buried his face against your shoulder, and for the first time since you had known him, Shoto let himself cry.
Silent sobs wracked his body, his chest heaving as years of grief, confusion, and pain spilled out of him. His tears soaked into your shirt, but you didn’t care. You held him tighter, your own tears falling freely now, mixing with his as the two of you wept together.
You had always tried to be strong for him. Ever since Touya had “died,” you had stepped in, trying to fill the void, to offer him the love and support he had never gotten from his father. But now, you realized you didn’t need to be strong. Not right now. Right now, Shoto didn’t need a hero or an older sister trying to hold it together—he needed someone who understood, someone who shared in his grief.
“I thought he was dead,” Shoto choked out, his voice muffled against your shoulder. “All this time... I thought he was gone.”
“I did too,” you whispered, your throat tight with emotion. “We all did.”
His grip tightened, and his body trembled against yours. “I don’t know what to do,” he admitted, his voice so quiet you almost didn’t hear him. “He’s my brother, but... he’s done so many terrible things. I should hate him, but... I can’t.”
You nodded, tears streaming down your face as you held him close. “I know, Shoto. I know.”
The truth was, you felt the same way. You had loved Touya with all your heart, and even now, after everything, some part of you still did. But the boy you had loved, the boy who had once dreamed of being a hero, was gone. And the man who had taken his place—the man who called himself Dabi—was a stranger, consumed by anger and hatred. It was a betrayal that cut deeper than anything you had ever known, and yet... how could you hate him? How could you hate someone who had been broken by the very people who were supposed to protect him?
“I don’t know if we can save him,” you whispered, your voice trembling as you spoke the words that had haunted you since the broadcast. “But... we can’t give up on him. Not yet.”
Shoto lifted his head then, his tear-streaked face pale and drawn, his eyes red and swollen from crying. “You still believe in him?”
You hesitated, your heart heavy with doubt. “I... I don’t know,” you admitted, the words bitter on your tongue. “But I have to try. For the boy he used to be. For the brother you lost.”
Shoto stared at you for a long moment, his expression unreadable, and then, slowly, he nodded. “I don’t know if I can ever forgive him,” he said quietly, his voice raw with emotion. “But I want to understand. I need to understand why he became this way.”
You brushed a tear from his cheek, your hand lingering against his skin. “We’ll figure it out together, okay? You’re not alone in this, Shoto. You never have been.”
He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch, and for the first time in a long while, you saw a flicker of something in his expression—something like hope. It was fragile, but it was there.
The two of you sat in silence for a long time after that, wrapped in each other’s arms, letting the weight of your grief settle between you. The world outside was still in chaos, but here, in the quiet of the hospital room, you found a moment of solace. A moment where you didn’t have to be strong, where you could just be two people, grieving the loss of someone you both loved.
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Even from where you stood, the heat from the flames was unbearable. Smoke billowed into the sky, thick and suffocating, the air heavy with ash. Chaos surrounded you, the sounds of battle—a chorus of destruction—filling your ears, but all you could focus on was the fire. That familiar, haunting fire.
You had been with the civilians, guiding them to safety, trying to keep calm amidst the panic. But when you saw those blue flames rise above the villa, something inside you broke. Touya. It was him. He was here, and you couldn’t stay back any longer. Your feet had carried you forward before you even realized what you were doing, your heart racing in your chest, driven by a force you couldn’t fight.
When you reached the battlefield, it was worse than you could have imagined. The destruction was immense, flames licking at everything in their path. And in the center of it all—your breath caught in your throat—stood Touya, his once-bright eyes now burning with hatred and madness, his face twisted in a sickening grin.
“Touya!” you screamed, your voice breaking as you ran toward him.
He didn’t turn at first. His focus was on Endeavor, his father, who stood barely able to move, his body scorched, his face a mixture of pain and disbelief. But you didn’t care about Endeavor. You didn’t care about anything except the boy you had once loved—the boy who had been consumed by his own flames.
“Touya, please!” Your voice cracked as you pushed yourself closer, ignoring the searing heat, ignoring the way the smoke clawed at your lungs. “Stop! Don’t do this!”
Finally, his head turned toward you, and for a moment—just a moment—you saw something flicker in his expression. Recognition. A trace of the boy he used to be. But then it was gone, replaced by that sick, twisted smile. He threw his head back and laughed, a sound that sent chills down your spine.
“Isn’t this perfect?” he spat, his voice laced with venom as he turned his gaze back to Endeavor. “The mighty number one, brought to his knees by his own sins. This is what you deserve, old man.”
“Touya!” you screamed again, your throat raw from the smoke, your heart pounding so hard you thought it might burst. “Please… don’t do this. You don’t have to do this.”
He ignored you, his eyes fixed on Endeavor like a predator about to strike. His body was trembling now, his flames raging out of control, the heat so intense you could feel your skin burning from the proximity.
But you couldn’t let him do this. Not again. Not after everything.
“Please… come back to me,” you whispered, your voice breaking as tears filled your eyes. “Come back to me, Touya.”
He stiffened at that. For the first time, he turned fully toward you, his eyes narrowing as he stared at you, really seeing you. His chest heaved with labored breaths, and you could see the strain in his body, the way he was struggling to hold himself together. His skin was charred, his lips cracked and bleeding, and you realized with a sickening dread that he was dying. His flames were consuming him, just like they had all those years ago.
“Touya,” you sobbed, your hands trembling as you took a step closer. “Please… please don’t do this. You don’t have to hurt them. You don’t have to hurt yourself.”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he tilted his head, his gaze distant, almost unfocused. And then, in a voice so quiet you barely heard it over the roar of the flames, he whispered your name.
Your breath caught in your throat. He hadn’t called you by your name in years. The sound of it on his lips, broken and hollow, tore you apart. And then—your heart skipped a beat—he said it. The nickname. That stupid, silly nickname he’d given you when you were kids, when the world had been simple and full of dreams.
The world seemed to freeze around you. Cherry. He had called you that because of the cherry blossom tree you’d always meet under, the one where you dreamed of your future together. The one where he had carved your initials into the bark, sealing a promise you both thought would last forever.
The memory hit you like a wave, and for a moment, you were back there—back under the tree, laughing and planning a life you’d never have. But the boy who had made those promises was gone. In his place stood this hollow shell, burning himself alive with hatred and anger.
“Touya, please!” You sobbed harder, clutching your chest as if you could physically hold yourself together. “Come back. Please, come back to me.”
But he wasn’t listening. His body was trembling violently now, his flames growing wilder, out of control. You could see it in his eyes—the way they flickered with a madness that wasn’t his own. He was losing himself. The Touya you had known, the boy you had loved, was slipping away right before your eyes.
“I can’t stop,” he whispered, his voice strained, as if he were talking more to himself than to you. “It’s too late.”
“No!” You shook your head frantically, tears streaming down your face. “It’s not too late! You can still stop this, Touya! You can still—”
“I don’t want to stop,” he growled, cutting you off, his eyes blazing with fury. “This is what I was meant to do. This is what I’ve become.”
Your heart shattered. The boy who had once dreamed of being a hero was standing before you, consumed by his own hatred, by the fire that had once been his gift. And no matter how much you begged, no matter how many tears you shed, you couldn’t bring him back.
“Touya… please don’t leave me again,” you whispered, your voice barely audible, choked with grief.
He looked at you then—really looked at you—and for a brief, fleeting moment, you saw it. The boy you had loved. The boy who had once promised to marry you under the cherry blossoms, who had vowed to protect you and never let you feel the kind of pain he had witnessed in his family. But that boy was buried beneath years of anger, hurt, and betrayal.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice so soft you almost didn’t hear it. “I’m sorry, Cherry…”
And then he turned away. His flames flared one last time, roaring into the sky, and you watched in horror as he prepared to release everything. He was going to explode, to burn away what little was left of himself in a final act of destruction.
“No!” You screamed, rushing forward, reaching out to him, your heart breaking into a thousand pieces. “Touya, don’t! Please, don’t do this!”
But it was too late.
In the last moment before the flames consumed him, you heard him whisper your name one more time, and with that, the flames roared to life, brighter and hotter than ever before, threatening to consume him completely.
“No!” Without thinking, you threw yourself forward, ignoring the pain as the flames scorched your skin, burning away at you. You didn’t care. You couldn’t let him go. Not again.
Your arms wrapped around him, pulling him close, and despite the heat, despite the agony, you held on tight. His body trembled against yours, his flames raging out of control, but you didn’t let go. You couldn’t.
“I won’t leave you again,” you sobbed, burying your face in his shoulder, the smell of burning flesh filling your senses. “I’m not leaving you, Touya. Not this time.”
His body stiffened, his breath catching in his throat as he struggled to speak, to move. But you held on, your heart breaking with every second that passed, with every sob that wracked your body.
“You won’t die alone,” you whispered, your voice trembling. “I swear… I’ll stay with you. I won’t leave you. Not ever.”
He didn’t say anything, but you could feel the way his body trembled against yours, the way his flames flickered as if they, too, were struggling to hold on.
And then, for the briefest moment, you felt him relax in your arms, his head leaning against yours, his breath shallow and ragged. His flames were still burning, still consuming him, but they weren’t as wild now. There was something almost peaceful in the way he held onto you, like he was finally letting go of the hatred that had consumed him for so long.
But you knew. You knew that it wasn’t enough. That no matter how tightly you held on, no matter how many promises you made, you couldn’t stop what was coming.
He was going to die. And this time, you couldn’t save him.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered again, his voice so faint you could barely hear it.
Tears streamed down your face as you clung to him, your heart shattering into a million pieces. “I love you,” you whispered, your voice breaking. “I’ve always loved you, Touya.”
And then, just like that, he was gone... and so were you.
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*Preview* Bittersweet Memories
Hi there. I said I might post a preview or blurb of this, so I decided to go ahead and do that. IDK if or when I'll finish this. It was more of a spur of the moment thing I started that's spiraled in my drafts. It's heavily inspired by The Vow, except Satoru is the one who loses his memory. I don't have timeline or anything else really mapped out, so this preview is a bit choppy. But essentially, they were married, and there was an accident(haven't determined what) that caused him to forget her and getting married, so they got divorced. Again, all the details haven't been figured out yet, but she's in charge of a Tokyo branch of her mother's bakery now. I haven't decided if it'll be something she always did or if she quit her job to do it after the divorce.
It's pretty damn angsty, tbh. But I'd love to know what you guys think!
Kiko's Masterlist | Buy me a coffee ☕️
*Preview* Bittersweet Memories
The bell above the door jingled, and Rinko called, “Welcome!” over her shoulder, “I’ll be right with you.”
Finishing her task, she turned quickly, her heart immediately thundering in her chest at the sight of Gojo Satoru staring at her in surprise.
Had he remembered? Was he here because he wanted to talk to her?
“This place is so cute!” a woman exclaimed, wrapping her arms through his and leaning into him. “Thank you for treating me, Satoru.”
The sharp pain in her chest stole her breath, and she swallowed thickly as she blinked the tears away. His memories hadn’t returned, or maybe they had. It didn’t matter now. What did matter was that he clearly didn’t want her anymore. He’d already moved on.
Smiling as brightly as she could, she forced enough air into her lungs to speak.
“Welcome,” she repeated, avoiding Satoru’s eyes by staring at the wall behind him. She could do this. She could keep going. She needed to keep going and accept that their marriage was over. That he wasn’t hers anymore. “What can I get for you?”
“A dozen of those.” Satoru pointed at the caramel miso butter cookies, his brow furrowed in thought. “And whatever she wants.”
Rinko ignored the ache in her chest, keeping the smile in place as she packaged the cookies.
He remembered that he liked the cookies, but he didn’t remember loving her. She guessed it made sense. He’d always had a sweet tooth.
She had to accept that he wasn’t hers anymore and that he never would be. He didn’t want her. He would never want her again.
“What do you recommend?” the woman asked, staring at Rinko curiously. “Everything looks so delicious. I heard that you’re based out of Kyoto?”
“My mother opened the main location in Kyoto,” Rinko confirmed, swallowing around the giant lump that appeared in her throat. “She decided to expand to Tokyo this year.”
“That’s precious,” the woman gushed. “This must be your dream, then. Following in your mother’s footsteps?”
The only difference was that she didn’t have a child like her mother did. Tears stung her eyes but she blinked to dispel them again.
“Something like that,” she finally replied. “We have some seasonal chestnut filled manju right now. I’d recommend those.”
At the woman’s excited nod, she placed a few inside a box and closed it carefully.
Stacking the containers, she accepted the cash Satoru held out, her skin burning when his fingers brushed against hers. Her chest felt hollow at the blank look he gave her as she handed his change back.
“Have a great rest of your day. I hope you enjoy the sweets!”
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According to Shoko, it wasn’t anything serious. He was just dating again. Getting back out there. The knowledge didn’t comfort her. Though she didn’t know why she thought it might.
“Rinko-san,” Megumi called, sticking his head out from the back. “I finished sorting the inventory, so I’m gonna take a break.”
“Thanks, kid,” she replied absently as she rested her chin on her palm. “You can make yourself a drink, if you want.”
“Aunt Yuzu is gonna get onto you if you keep letting me have things for free.”
“Your Aunt Yuzu would be giving you even more things for free, and you know it.”
He grinned, disappearing into the back again and she heard the coffee machine just a moment later.
The bell on the door jingled, and she turned her head to welcome them. Her voice stuck in her throat at the sight of Satoru shifting his weight as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Um, hi,” he greeted awkwardly. “I’m– those cookies were really good, so…”
Of course he was back for the cookies. He’d almost given himself diabetes because of those damn things.
“They used to be your favorite,” she informed him as he trailed off, “so that doesn’t surprise me.”
“About the other day, if I’d known that this was your place, I wouldn’t have come in here.”
The air left her lungs as if he’d punched her, and she struggled to keep the hurt from showing on her face at his words. It stung. He really wanted nothing to do with her now.
Move. Get him his fucking cookies so he doesn’t have to look at you anymore.
Blinking, she felt her body moving, going through the motions of retrieving a box and placing cookies inside it.
“I meant– I meant if I’d known this was your place, I wouldn’t have– I wouldn’t have brought a date in here.”
She nodded mechanically, finishing her task and sliding the container across the counter toward him.
“I don’t see why you– if you want to buy your date dessert, there’s nothing stopping you,” she stated, wondering if that hollow ache she felt at the sight of him would ever fade. “It’s not like we have rules against couples here.”
His hand brushed against hers as he leaned closer across the counter. She tried not to flinch away.
“Listen,” he began, his voice quiet as his cologne filled her nose. The same cologne that still clung to some of her favorite shirts. “I’m sorry that I don’t– I’m sorry I’ve hurt you.”
“I’m sorry I don’t love you,” was what she was sure he stopped himself from saying. “I’m sorry that losing my memory also meant forgetting whatever made you lovable in my eyes.”
She always knew something like this was a possibility. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t remember whatever it was that made him think she was worth marrying when he’d never wanted to get married before. Losing his memory just solidified that whatever loose screw made him think she was the one for him had finally been righted.
Just like she’d always known would happen.
Finally mustering the courage to meet his eyes, she felt her chest split open at the sight of the azure depths staring back devoid of the love she’d grown so used to. She gave him the most genuine smile she could manage.“I’m just glad you’re well enough to have your sweet tooth,” she replied lightly. “All that matters is that you’re happy.” even if that means you don’t want me anymore. “Have a great rest of your day.”
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The door opened before he could grasp the handle, and Satoru’s eyes narrowed at the sight of the woman in front of him as hers widened in clear panic.
Why was she at his parents’ house?
“What are you–?”
“Rinko, you forgot the– Satoru,” His mother came into view behind her. “I didn’t realize you were coming over today.”
“Decided to drop by,” he replied, his eyes still on Rinko’s face. Why was she there? “Didn’t realize you still–”
“She’s my daughter, whether you accept that or not,” his mother stated firmly. “Rinko, dear, you almost forgot your food.”
“Right,” Rinko squeaked, turning briefly to accept the bag full of bento boxes. “Thank you again for lunch. You didn’t have to–”
“We wanted to,” his mother soothed, wrapping her in a tight hug. “Thank you for bringing the cake. Happy birthday, dear. Have a lovely weekend with your mother. Please tell her we said hi.”
“Of course,” Rinko agreed, extracting herself quickly and rushing past him.
“Be safe going home!”
Once she was gone, his mother turned to him, and he rolled his eyes slightly at the look in hers.
“Don’t start,” he sighed, running his hand through his hair. He really didn’t want to deal with one of her lectures. “I get it, you’re pissed that you lost the perfect daughter-in-law–”
“I’m not angry with you at all,” she denied, stepping aside so he could enter. “I’m just sad.”
“I know you wanted me to stay married–”
“It had nothing to do with you being married,” she cut him off. “I wanted you to give yourself some time, to give her a chance, before you decided to divorce her just because you didn’t remember her. It’s not your fault that you don’t remember marrying her. But Satoru, you loved her more than anything else in the world. If you gave yourself some time to know her again, I have very little doubt you’d love her just like before.”
“You’re forgetting that I never wanted to get married,” he stated, following her into the kitchen. He spotted part of a strawberry cake sitting on the counter, immediately locating a fork and taking a bite. “Why was she here, anyway?”
“Did you not listen earlier?” His mother sighed, exasperated. “She’s still our daughter, whether you’re married or not. And it was her birthday, Satoru. We invited her over to have lunch for her birthday.”
He swallowed thickly, glancing down at the cake.
“She brought this, then?”
“Yes, she did.” She let out another sigh, quieter this time. “You know, the very first time you introduced Rinko to us, you pulled me aside and said that you were going to marry her if it was the last thing you did. You stood right there with hearts in your eyes and a giant grin on your face as you told me you never wanted to be without her.”
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At this point, she should just accept that she was self-destructive. Nothing about what she was doing was healthy. It did absolutely nothing to help her move on with her life. But maybe she didn’t want to move on with her life. Not when her heart still fluttered every time she saw him, even if it left her feeling hollow and empty afterward.
Her heart had certainly already shattered beyond repair by now. So really, what did a bit more damage matter?
The bell above the door jingled with his entry, and she greeted him as she always did, the crack in her chest chipping open a bit further.
“One or two dozen?” she asked, used to the routine by now.
His weekly visits were something to both dread and look forward to. It stung that he still loved the cookies so much but felt nothing for her. But what wasn’t to love about her mother’s cookies?
His gaze still held no sign of warmth or affection for her when he met her eyes, something she’d finally grown used to after his first few visits.
The obvious suspicion when he’d seen her at his parents’ house had shaken her more than she expected. Going there had been a mistake, regardless of whether his mother had invited her. They weren’t married anymore. There was no reason for her to spend time with his parents. She still loved them, and she knew they still loved her, but it didn’t mean she could just cross boundaries he’d clearly set.
She didn’t want to put a strain on their relationship, or be in the way when he found someone else and wanted to introduce them.
After all, he was getting back into the swing of life. Back to work, enjoying it like he always had, hanging out with friends and helping some of his students on the weekends. He would be happier now without her in the way.
“Just one dozen this time,” he replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
Nodding, she grabbed a box.
“Any plans for the weekend?” she asked instinctively.
What was she doing? He didn’t want to talk to her. He didn’t want anything to do with her beyond getting his cookies.
“I have a date,” he replied absently, his eyes going wide when she froze. “I’m– I mean– no big plans. Just–”
“That’s–” Her throat went dry as she tried to keep her chest from ripping open any further. She couldn’t risk whatever was left of her heart spilling out in front of him. Not when he was moving on. He deserved to move on and be happy without her holding him back. “That’s good– great, I mean. I’m glad you have plans. You– you seem happy. I’m really glad you’re happy.” without me.
She needed to stop talking. Forget being self-destructive, she was probably making him wildly uncomfortable.
Placing the container with his cookies on the counter, she tried to pretend he was just any other customer as she smiled.
“Have a great rest of your day.”
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“All that matters is that you’re happy.”
“I’m really glad you’re happy.”
Her words echoed in his head as he approached the bakery, guilt beginning to creep up like it had every time since he’d stupidly blurted out that he had a fucking date when she asked him if he had plans for the weekend.
Fucking idiot. 
He’d replied without even thinking about who he was talking to, but he’d regretted it as soon as he saw the look in her eyes.
He might not have wanted to be married, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He didn’t want to make her suffer.
At least, that’s what he told himself despite the fact that he knew he’d broken her heart and looked the other way when she cried because he didn’t want to believe it was true. He hadn’t wanted to believe he’d completely forgotten years of his life. Years that apparently involved him getting married. The documents and pictures really didn’t lie, though. He knew his family wouldn’t lie about something like that, either.
Everyone said it wasn’t his fault. They said that it wasn’t his fault he didn’t remember her.
What he did remember was the look in her eyes when he’d asked her who she was when he woke up. Asked her why she was in his hospital room and why she was so close to him. The look in her eyes when he’d said he wanted a divorce because he’d never wanted to get married in the first place, and he couldn’t believe that he’d ever changed his mind on that. The sobs she’d tried to conceal as she packed her bags and left without a single protest.
She erased herself from his life so quickly that he’d wondered if she’d always planned on doing so. If she’d been waiting for a way out.
And then she’d appeared again in an instant, standing in front of him in a bakery his date had wanted to try.
Her face had filled with so much hope when she saw him, only to crumple in the next moment when she saw who he was with.
But yet, even after everything he’d done, she still greeted him with a smile and told him she just wanted him to be happy. That she was glad he was happy.
Who wants you to be happy? Who asks if you are okay?
The questions always died in his throat before he could voice them. It felt wrong to ask. Like it was a line he shouldn’t cross because it would be insensitive. Who asked their ex-wife, that they didn’t even remember getting married to, if she was okay after they’d broken her heart without even a second thought?
She clearly wasn’t okay, but she pretended to be. At least, she tried to pretend. But how the hell did he even know that? What part of his psyche just happened to remember what she looked like when she lied?
What he was doing wasn’t just mean. It was cruel.
“Welcome!” she called cheerfully when the bell jingled above his head.
Her voice made his heart speed up, and he blinked at the feeling.
She did have a very pretty voice. He’d noticed the first time he’d heard her speak when he woke up in the hospital. The relief that bled through her words when she saw him open his eyes had confused him at the time. The hurt that colored her tone when he’d asked her to leave still haunted him.
He was suddenly struck by the desire to remember how they’d met. What had he said to her? How had they ended up together in the first place? He’d never really been the relationship type. What had convinced him?
“One or two dozen?” she asked, her question pulling him back to the present. Her smile seemed forced, not reaching her eyes.
How did he know that? Why did he suddenly remember that her real smile made her eyes shine and crinkle at the corners? How was it that he knew her eyes looked like polished jade stone in the moonlight when she was excited?
“Wait,” she said, frowning. “I– sorry, I forgot I don’t even have a full dozen right now. But if you don’t mind waiting just a bit, I can get you a fresh batch?”
Why would she go out of her way to do that?
“Don’t you only have a half-hour till close?” he asked, checking the time. Wouldn’t that waste cookies? “I’ll just take whatever you have left–”
“It’s– I bake them by the dozen anyway, so I’d throw in the couple I have left and call it a day.” She pursed her lips to the side. “But if you don’t want to wait, I understand. Sorry, it was rude of me to ask. I can just–”
“I don’t mind waiting,” he rushed out, taking a seat at one of the small tables. “It’s not a big deal to me.”
She nodded, ducking into the back for a few minutes before reappearing.
“Coffee or tea while you wait? Do you still like–” She cut off, her voice cracking before she cleared her throat. “What would you like to drink?”
“I’m okay,” he stated, that familiar guilt threatening to boil over again.
Should he start a conversation? Or would that give the wrong impression? He didn’t want her to think he was… trying to get too familiar. But he felt bad. He felt like he should say something when she was going out of her way for him. Why did she do that? Why did she seem to care so much about his convenience at the cost of her own?
Before he could say anything, she disappeared into the back, leaving him alone in the small cafe area as the guilt ate away at him.
Was he crazy, or had she lost weight since she’d moved out? Her clothes seemed to fit her differently than they had months ago. Was that why his mother had given her extra leftovers?
Why did the idea of her not eating enough bother him so much?
He jumped when she placed the box on the table in front of him. His chest ached as he watched her step away quickly, retreating back behind the counter before he could even stand. Why did that bother him? Why was he suddenly wondering if she had moved on yet? Why did the idea of seeing her with someone else make him inexplicably angry when he was dating other people?
“On the house,” she informed him, waving him off when he pulled his wallet out anyway. “Since you had to wait.”
He’d barely noticed the time passing because he’d been so stuck in his own head. The warmth that seeped from the box into his hands felt nice. An oddly familiar sense of comfort filled him knowing he’d get to eat fresh cookies even though he couldn’t remember having done so before.
“It wasn’t a big deal,” he argued, peeking into the box to see two dozen cookies neatly stacked. “Let me pay–”
“You know, they say time is money,” she joked, her smile faltering when he just frowned. “Really, Sa– Gojo-san, don’t worry. Thank you for being patient.”
The way her voice quivered as she corrected herself made his heart drop to his gut, and he sighed reluctantly.
“Fine,” he conceded. “But I’m paying for them next time.”
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He’s happy, and that makes me happy.
She repeated that to herself over and over as she forced herself to take deep breaths.
He’s happy, and that makes me happy.
Because she loved him, she just wanted him to be happy. Even if that meant he didn’t want her anymore. Even if it meant he didn’t love her.
He’s happy, and that makes me happy.
That was all that mattered. His happiness and well-being were the most important.
Life never worked out exactly as planned. So what if her entire future was completely different now? At least she’d gotten a few years to be the happiest she’d ever been.
He’s happy, and that makes me happy.
She would be content knowing he was living his life the way he wanted.
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“Just one date with me, Kurisaki-chan,” Satoru implored, leaning towards her as they stood at the bar. “Just one date, and if you don’t have a good time, I’ll never ask you again.”
Her skeptical look drew a chuckle from him. He liked when she looked at him like that. Something about it made him want to tease her more. He gave her a small pout.
“I’d be so good to you,” he implored, debating getting on his knees and begging. Everything about her made him want to know her more, made him want her to know him more.
“Your history doesn’t say that,” Rinko replied, tilting her head and pursing her lips to the side. He was dying to kiss her. “We both know I’m not your type, Gojo.”
“What’s my type?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “What do you think my type is?”
“One-night stands,” she stated bluntly. “No strings attached, no feelings, no relationships.”
“I have feelings for you,” he informed her, his heart racing when she snorted. “Gimme a chance, Kurisaki-chan. I promise I won’t break your heart. I’ll take such good care of you. You just gotta promise not to break my heart, yeah?”
“Promise not to break my heart, yeah?”
The words repeated in his mind over and over and over again as he emptied his stomach into the toilet.
What kind of moron had he been?
Of all the things for him to promise. Of all the promises for him to break.
How could she even stand the sight of him after what he’d done to her?
“I promise I won’t break your heart.”
The look in her eyes when he’d told her he didn’t know why he would get married when he’d never wanted to before flashed through his mind. The hurt she made no effort to hide when he asked her to leave the house they’d apparently shared for years. He hadn’t just broken her heart, he’d shattered it and then walked right over the pieces so he could get cookies.
Avoiding her eyes, he shifted his feet uncomfortably while he waited his turn.
“How many today?” she asked lightly, her voice sending a fresh wave of guilt through him. “One or two dozen?”
“Whichever,” he replied, still unable to meet her eyes. How could she talk to him so casually? How could she just pretend he hadn’t hurt her so deeply? “Doesn’t matter.”
Her quick intake of breath had his gaze snapping to her face. The practiced smile paired with the sadness in her eyes made him feel sick again. He might vomit right in the middle of the bakery.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” he blurted out, his gut dropping when she jumped. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she let out a shaky laugh.
“For not knowing how many cookies you want?”
“I promised I wouldn’t break your heart,” he croaked, his throat closing as his shame threatened to choke him. “I–”
“It was a silly promise,” she cut him off, her brow furrowing as she pursed her lips to the side. “You couldn’t have possibly known what would happen.”
He’d never fucking deserved her love before and he sure as hell never would now.
“I knew you weren’t being serious when you said that,” she stated, shrugging. “I– I already told you I don’t regret marrying you. I don't regret giving you a chance. I don’t regret loving you, either. I just– I just hope you don’t–”
“I don’t,” he rushed, swallowing around the lump in his throat. “I’m– I don’t regret it even though I don’t… remember. But I wish I– I wish I could take back how much I've hurt you.”
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AN: I included more in this preview than I originally intended but I got carried away and here we are. What'd you guys think? It's a lil angsty, huh?
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valeovalairs · 2 days
Smiles, here’s a Legend of the Riptide Pirate AU character lore dump (slash info about them just compiled into one place)
The “Riptide Pirate”
Uses his bandana to appear alive and eternally 19, despite being undead and being an actual skeleton at this point.
You know that meme, how do you do fellow kids? That’s how I envision Chip in this AU. He desperately wants to still appear young and cool once he meets the girls and warms up to them but he is an old man in a modern world. My guy is struggling.
He is very sad.
He kept the Albatross busy and alive with people for a very long time, at least a good hundred years, until it became too painful and he stopped letting people on. That’s when he became more of a legend, when he retreated into the shadows.
He still hangs out in Zero. He tries to spend most of his time there because he wants to enjoy what time he has left with Ollie, but sometimes he’ll get restless and go off on the Albatross.
He has grey streaks in hair- because when he realized Jay and Gil had both started greying and looking older and he still looked 19, they all got really sad and he gave himself grey streaks and said, “look, we match now.” There were tears.
He’s alive!
He is a very very old man though. Like maybe even 200ish probably (half-elf’s can exceed 180 which is probably for them what 70 is for humans).
He did travel a lot with the Riptide Pirates in his adulthood, but eventually settled in Zero.
Chip still comes to visit him and his family, who know him as “Uncle Chip”. A lot of them also traveled with the Riptide Pirates at one point or another while he still had a crew.
He has dementia:( Sometimes he’ll see Chip and ask where Gill and Ms. Jay are and it hurts Chip every single time.
Guys she’s dead, I’m sorry.
She traveled on the Albatross for decades before retiring/settling (with who, idk, but I do really like clockwork/birdbolt wives, so with Ensa maybe?)
I don’t know if she had kids (definitely not bio kids but maybe she like raised some kiddos at some point idk)
She still would join Chip and Gil occasionally on the Albatross until she physically could not anymore, and then Chip would visit her.
She died of old age.
He’d dead, but I don’t know what happened to him.
I mean it’s Gillion Tidestrider do we really think this guy is going to live his entire possible 200 year lifespan? No. Because it’s Gillion Tidestrider. He’s going to die heroically in some way. Maybe it’s before Jay, maybe it’s after, idk. But he was too slow. That’s what happened he’s gotten older and one day he was too slow. 
Fnc? Im more leaning towards this au being one sided fnc on chips side but there is for sure a whole other kind of angst potential for fnc being an established thing in this au.
The Ferin!
A descendant of one of Jay Ferin’s cousins. (The Ferin’s feel like a big family too me, one with lots of cousins and twice removeds and stuff like that)
One of her parents, the not Ferin, was never too fond of the Ferins practices and so they tried to keep Phoebe distanced from them. (This included the name thing but they caved and allowed her to be called Phoebe May Ferin) And her Ferin parent agreed, despite having been in the Navy themself, that their family was a bit intense.
The family has pushed her to the point of joining the Navy academy, and her family wasn’t given much of a choice, so she was sent off.
She’s heard about the Riptide Pirate, through stories- but her favorite part is that one of his earliest companions was also a Ferin. She hears rumors that he’s still around, being spotted at various docks and Zero.
She decides to risk it and run away, looking for the Riptide Pirate. She escapes the evening the Champion is in the city as all attention will be on that. She panics when she realizes that the champion is also trying to run away.
She knows how to sail (small crafts) I feel like she’d canoe and paddle and know how to man like one of those tiny sail boats.
She has reddish hair but it’s a lot more mute than Jay’s. She also has darker eyes and a stockier build.
Class wise, she’s a fighter, I think. I’m not one hundred percent sure.
Edyn is also still alive!
She’s “The Champion’s” grandmother
I think she never returned to the undersea, and ended up settling somewhere on the surface. She ended having kids. The Undersea found out about this, and at someone point sent some people up for them, and offered the kid (now an adult) money, status, community, as long as they returned to the undersea. All they want is for them to sire a child to be “the chosen one”, someone from the same lineage as the original. They like seed some distrust in their head and it turns into a whole argument with Edyn and they never speak again.
She hears about the Champion coming to All Port as part of some diplomacy delegation, several months before, and she really wants to see her granddaughter, get to meet her, so she ends up getting a job for the place they’re staying at as like a maid or an attendant or smth under a different name, and no one suspects anything of a sweet old lady. And they end up promoting her to serve the Champions room because a) sweet old lady b) shes a triton and a triton who has never been too the surface will probably be more comfortable around another triton.
Edyn gets to speak to Calypso and reveals first of all that she is her grandmother, and second of all that she is not actually the chosen one.
The “Champion”!
The “Chosen One” who is not actually the chosen one! Just a person meant to replace Gillion as a religious figurehead after his “failure” she and most other people do not know this (they pushed Gillion under the rug and waited for people to forget about him before trying again)
She is a Tidestrider
Her thing is mostly the Elders trying to remain relevant in an increasing secular world.
Her training is less strict and started at a much earlier age than Gillion’s, and it followed a lot less combat and fighting and more religious and magical 
She’s literally just for ceremonially purposes, they keep harping about the prophecy and destiny but the elders all know it won’t come to pass for her. She does not.
She goes as part of a diplomacy thing to All Port and there meets Edyn. She had already been discontent with the undersea and uncertain of her place and she had thought about the possibility of leaving but Edyn finally sows the final seeds of distrust and she leaves- Edyn helping by creating a distraction and letting her slip out the window.
She realizes she has no idea of where she is going until she meets Phoebe. They put the dots together and once Phoebe understands she offers to bring Cal along with her, to join the Riptide Pirate. She follows.
She has a crown of coral that looks a lot like Gillion’s but it’s a crown that she can take on and off. It’s not real.
She has lighter hair than Gil and she has a more willowy build (she is also taller than he was)
Class wise, I thought about her being a paladin, but with there being less focus on combat and being a holy warrior, I think she’s a cleric (my heart is telling me she’s a cleric)
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I don't know if this is something you'll be able to answer, but it's something I've been wondering for decades and I think you have the knowledge necessary for it.
So I used to ride horses for around 10 years, and when I first started to ride when I was around 8, when a horse was being super stuborn and didn't want to move. The riding instructor said it was okay to kick the horses as hard as I could (while I was sitting in the saddle) to get them moving, that they would bearly feel it cause they were so big, and their skin was thicker than ours.
And as a kid I trusted the adult instructor, but as I got older, and the more I interacted with horses and learnt how sensitive they could be to touch, I started to wonder if that was really okay, or if the only reason the horses seemed chill about it was cause they were used to it or something?
oh I just remembered a second thing I was wondering about, that same ranch also had a super old horse, I think he was in his 30s when I stopped going, was allowed to just wander around the ranch once he was retired, which I always sorta wondered if that was okay you know? he never seemed interested in leaving the ranch even tho there was nothing stopping him, and the part where cars could go was extremely small and they never went that fast anyways so I don't see why it'd be a bad thing, but I just couldn't shake the feeling it wasn't okay you know?
(I know these questions aren't about marine animals or even zoo animals, but I hope its okay for me to ask anyways, feel free to ignore if you want obvs)
Hi there! I don't mind horse questions - I used to work with them a lot and used to have my own horse!
I understand that feeling so well - there were so many times where I felt pressured to use excessive force with horses. Even with my own horse, because I was at the mercy of people who I thought knew best.
That's why I left the horse industry to work in the zoo and marine mammal field - so I could learn how to correctly, effectively and ethically apply positive reinforcement based training methods.
The last time I had a riding lesson was about a year ago. I wanted to give it a try again because I missed horses and it had been going fine. But the last time I was there, I left in tears because they put me on a horse that seriously needed to be retrained from the ground - and not be a lesson horse because he clearly hated it. I was not about to bully the horse into submission for the sake of getting my money's worth. I refused to "ride through" this horse's learned behaviour of stopping at arena corners and running my leg into the side of the arena. He wasn't listening to leg aids or rein aids. People had been riding him so inconsistently that he didn't even know what those signals meant anymore.
That's when people often will get out the whips and spurs to escalate those "aids". Because if all you're using is negative reinforcement/positive punishment and the aversive isn't working, you have to make that aversive even more uncomfortable/painful and "make them do it!". That's where things start to get really nasty, that's when conflict behaviours come up like rearing, bucking, bolting.
This animal was stressed, I was frustrated. He wasn't in a state to learn, he needed a break. He needed a chance to relearn those skills and be taught how to enjoy being ridden again. I refused to get into a fight with this horse. That isn't how I train and it won't be how I ride, either.
But horse riding is so heavily aversive based that escalation of aversives is just standard practise in riding schools.
When you were asked to kick harder, you were being asked to escalate the pressure for a horse that probably had become desensitised to softer leg aids. Lesson horses put up with so much incosistency, it makes sense that they get so "dull" to the aids.
There's also the issue of learned helplessness. When animals (and people) are put in a situation that they can't escape from, they give up trying to do so. They just sort of... tune everything out and become dull to any sort of learning process. It's sad because a lot of horses that people say are "bombproof" are just in a state of learned helplessness.
Horses absolutely do feel those kicks and they do not actually have "thick skin". They have thinner skin and even more nerve endings in their skin than we do!
The escalating use of force for "stubborn" horses is a symptom of an outdated industry that's still stuck in eltist tradition and would rather put a piece of twisted wire into a horse's mouth and spurs on rider's boots than re-teach skills from the ground or use positive reinforcement (treats are so taboo with horse people - they way they react, you'd think you'd brought a weapon into the yard and not a bag of carrots lol)
As for the wandering around? It's not ideal, sure. There's a certain amount of complacency in just expecting a free roaming animal not to leave the area. I guess as long as they're not standing in traffic/being a hazard/getting hurt it's okay but definitely not how I would be keeping my animals.
Anyway that was kind of long winded but I hope that helped!
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mouser-is-a-goober · 2 days
rtc au but instead of them being in the choir they’re band kids.
the instruments i think they would play (under the cut)
jane doe: she would play string bass. why? ‘cause i believe people outside of band, if you asked them about band usually wouldn’t think about the string bass and she was the forgotten member of the choir and joined late. (and also, electric bass is usually forgotten about so there’s also that.)
ricky potts: he would play trombone. why? ‘cause he just seems like a person who would enjoy gliss (glissando) and i don’t really have much of a reason for this one he just seems like a trombone player.
noel gruber: he would play saxophone, alto saxophone to be specific. why? ‘cause saxophone was popular in post war france.
ocean o’connell rosenburg: she would play the flute. why? ‘cause flute is an instrument played by more girls than boys, (google says 57.04% of flutists are female,) and also in my head flute and good grades are associated together and i don’t have a reason why, so yeah.
mischa bachinski: he would play trumpet. why? i honestly don’t have a reason for this expect for he gives off trumpet player vibes.
constance blackwood: she would play the clarinet. why? ‘cause clarinet is most similar to recorder and her recorder solo in sugar cloud.
-a band kid
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I really do hope for Buddie to become cannon but Tommy and Buck are so cute together and I am afraid of how they would (will, I am pretty sure they will) break that up. I don't want them to make Tommy a bad person and they obviously adore each other so like what else will the do. Kill Tommy? Obviously I don't want that to happen either but also I don't think the show at this point would do that (though that could be a buddie bonding moment...). So are they just gonna fall out of love? Idk I'm just curious and also a bit terrified of whats to come.
Lol, same! I am still excited for the possibility of Buddie, but I am really loving BuckTommy...honestly, I'd be pretty satisfied with either for an endgame at this point. I just really want Buck to finally get his Happily Ever After, WHATEVER form that takes.
Honestly, though, even if/when Buck and Tommy break up, it doesn't have to be traumatic. I think there's a real tendency for people to view a relationship ending as it having FAILED, and that's just not the case. Sometimes people really are just meant to be in your life for a short time, and there's nothing wrong with that. It would totally be believable that as Tommy and Buck get more serious, they encounter things that just ultimately make them incompatible.
I see the big one being a disagreement about wanting kids--Buck is MEANT to be a father, and I will die on that hill. That boy wants a family, wants to give a kid all the love that he never got as a child and I don't see him staying with a partner who doesn't also want that. We have no idea how Tommy feels about kids, but I could see that being the easiest way to give them an issue big enough that they part ways. Career moves would also be a good way to give them something that's a "dealbreaker". I could maybe (MAYBE) at this point see Buck be willing to leave the 118 for a relationship--move somewhere else in California or the surrounding states where he would still be able to be a regular part of everyone's life. But what if Tommy gets a great job offer somewhere back East? No way Buck would be willing to move across the country.
And that's just the low-hanging fruit. Ultimately, if BuckTommy does break up, I think it's important for Buck's character growth that it IS something mature and adult--no cheating, no vicious fights, no one's the bad guy. Just two people who care about each other a lot, but ultimately want different paths in life.
I've said a lot that my true OTP in this show is Buck/Happiness. I love the idea that he could find that with his best friend and the kid they've been raising together since Eddie walked into the 118. But I also really like that he's got someone who is so clearly just SMITTEN with him (like seriously, how Old Hollywood Charm was the phrasing "you're a vision" even tho the actual sentence was ridiculous? Like, yes, those two are engaging in super kinky sex, but they also slow dance in the kitchen and buy each other flowers just because, you can't tell me otherwise) and am eager to see where they go with this. Ultimately, I trust Tim, and trust that Oliver Stark loves Buck enough to fight for a satisfying storyline for him and I'm just going to enjoy the ride.
Seriously, kids, multishipping is fun!
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ravers8fantasy · 23 hours
🗯Von Kaiser head canons!!
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Help spoilers for Marley and me😭
Sorry if there are any mistakes!! I made this when I was rlly tired and Im gonna go to sleep after I post this💫
Is 42 so Im gonna say he joined around his mid/late 20s (hell yeah he's one of the boxers who has been around the longest)
Has a military background, dad was in the army and that kinda influenced him growing up
His time managment for example is immaculate, you will never catch his ass being late
Keeps an extra pair of pre polished combat boots in his locker
the W.B.V.A tried to get him change his foot wear to something more approproate for the ring but he ended up intimidating them so they let him keep the boots
Kaiser doesnt realise how intimidating he can be sometimes, no one has pointed out how bad his resting bitch/angry face is yet (he is also like 6'10 and flippin hench so)
He can be unbearably quiet, especially if he's meeting someone new bro will NOT talk first
Kaiser might look tough, but he is sensitive af. Saw 'Marley and me' and started bawling his eyes out when Marley was put down
The children he teaches sometimes challenge him to a match of football after the boxing class is done
he just cant bring himself to say no to them and well, the class is all done so whats the harm? (he has somehow been knocked over by a kid multiple times)
Honestly such a father figure and role model to them, Kaiser would risk it all to protect those kids
Forgets to take care of himself sometimes and ends up mega burnt out
I think he would definetly have a secret massive sweet tooth, gets excited when christmas comes because it gives him an excuse to devour a pack of lebkuchen (he loves them sm)
He would be veeery interested in learning about languages and different culture's , especially after seeing all the boxers from different countries
I like to think he is a bit of a linguist because of this: he is fluent in deutsche. Dutch, English and Frisian. Knows abit of Turkish and French and wants to learn Hindi and many many other languages
Drives the most beat up car the W.B.V.A have ever seen, he says that if it still works then whats the point of getting a new one
The most stubborn mf you will ever meet, he hates change in routine and hates losing an argument
Sneezes so loudly its like an explosion has gone off
Head canoning that there is a museum near the minor circuit arena and Kaiser is a regular to the modern history exhibit (is interested in the cold war mainly about the fall of the berlin wall)
shaved his moustache off once and immediately regretted it, he cancelled all his boxing classes because he knew the kids would laugh at him
Sometimes when he gets comfortable around people his voice slowly gets louder until he is subconsciously shouting
It happened once during an interview after a match, he got so embarrased after the interviwer pointed it out he walked RAN away to the locker room's
he sleeps like a sick victorian child on their deathbed. The children he teaches caught him napping once before a class and genuinely thought he passed away
Prefers colder months to warmer months, his favourite season would be winter because he gets to go back to Berlin and see his parents for christmas.
Again!! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or if smth doesnt make sense! I kept falling asleep whilst making this😭😭
Hope u enjoyed! Disco is next😈
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machveil · 2 days
its getting close to my birthday so the thoughts in my head are what kinda stuff Konig/Ghost/Horangi would do for m!reader's birthday
uwah!! happy birthday (whenever it is), anon🎉✨
Ghost is more low-key towards events. I feel like he celebrates his own birthday by just going to a pub or a dingy restaurant he likes. but for you? well, he has to try because, unless you want to celebrate the way he does, he wants you to have a good time
Ghost isn’t beating around the bush, he’s asking what you want to do - he’ll make it happen. you want to go to a restaurant? he’ll book a reservation. you want to see family and friends? he’ll drive you. you want to spend the day at home? don’t lift a finger, he’ll get anything you need. please don’t play the ‘oh… I dunno, anything is fine’ card, he just wants to do something he knows you’ll enjoy
Ghost buys two types of gifts, no wiggle room. you’re either getting something extremely practical or a gag gift. he’s like a dad in that regard, you’re going to be using his gift or you’re going to be laughing at it - we know his humor is pretty dad-jokey from the games
König usually spends his birthday with his family, they always make sure that he can catch a flight back to Austria in advance (mostly his mother’s doing). so, if you’re close to your family, König is more than happy to awkwardly sit with them - he’ll warm up eventually
König is okay doing other stuff though! he does prefer a more ‘stay at home’ birthday himself, so he’ll try to do that for you. he’ll invite your friends over via invitations - he’s not great on non-work related calls, get your favorite foods, and make sure everything is comfortable. if you’d rather go out? he’ll let you drag him wherever you want: drinks, dinner, an event you’ve been wanting to go to
König gives homemade gifts - this man makes his own masks, he’s creative. I like to think his mother is a seamstress, König would watch her as a kid and eventually she taught him how to sew. as an adult, he mostly uses the skill to patch his clothes, but he can make you shirts and pants no problem
gambler man Horangi<3 he usually spends his birthdays around a table with friends for poker and drinks. when it comes to you though? he’s getting his hands on everything he knows you like
Horangi is a surprise party thrower! although, when it’s a surprise party every year it gets a little… less surprising. please pretend to be surprised though, he eats it up when people are shocked over parties he throws - deep, booming laugh and a pat to your shoulder after you open the door. he’s got all your favorite people in a room filled with balloons
Horangi likes to gift you time with him - but not just some casual hangout. no, Horangi is buying you tickets to see something with him. sports, concerts, movies, whatever you’re into he’s buying two tickets. he wants you to brag about going to see something with him. the physical gift was seeing something you love, but he just likes giving you the opportunity to say ‘I went to this and it was great’
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urdreamydoodles · 7 hours
Hello hello hello darling!!
How are you? Well,i hope?
Introducing myself,I am Nina or weewoo,self proclaimed platonic asker!!
I saw your requests for X-Men were open,so i jumped right in,as it's my current hyperfixation!! So here it is:
Could i pretty please have Wolverine,Scott,Jean,Kurt,Ororo,Remy,Anne-Marie,Hank,Kevin,Lucas,Charles and Erik with a Child!Gn!Reader (if you don't want to write a child!reader,an adult reader is fine!) that's literally a ball of sunshine,always being positive and able to light up a room,always being clingy- but after a really bad mission/day,they just- dim? They become a hollow version of themselves,becoming scared,silent and depressing,distancing themselves from the others and overall just being the opposite of what they were? And the X-men are just trying their best to cheer them back up and are just so relieved to see them slowly go back to normal? Just a little hurt/comfort :3
Anyways i hope you enjoy writing this ask!
Feel free to tweak it (if you don't write for certain characters,If you want to write for more/other characters etc..)!!
Don't forget to eat,drink and have breaks!
Stay Proud,
-Nina <33
X-Men x Child!Reader
You lose your zest for life after a traumatic event
After a traumatic mission, your usually bright and positive self becomes withdrawn and distant, leaving the X-Men concerned and heartbroken by the sudden change. Each mentor steps in to offer their unique form of support, helping you gradually return to your true self, offering a blend of quiet understanding, strength, and unwavering care.
Characters: Scott Summers, Logan Howlett, Jean Grey, Kurt Wagner, Ororo Munroe, Remy LeBeau, Rogue, Hank McCoy, Kevin MacTaggert, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr & Lucas Bishop
Hello, Nina! What a lovely message you left me here ♡ It made my day. And this is the first time I've been asked for "obscure" characters and I'm so happy, I hope you like my take on them. As I said, I've read almost all of the X-Men comics, so don't be afraid to ask me your "obscure" character, I will gladly make them. And same, I think everyone has noticed that X-Men comics are my hyperfixation. Hope you like it ♡ — Love, Marie, your friendly marvel fangirl
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Scott Summers (Cyclops)
- Scott Summers has always been a strong, dependable presence in your life. You’ve always looked up to him, not just because of his leadership but because of the way he’s always made you feel safe. You’re the bright, cheerful kid who lights up the room when you walk in, and you’ve always been attached to Scott. He treats you like his own, encouraging your optimism, even when things get tough. You’re constantly clinging to him, whether it’s holding his hand or sitting next to him during training sessions.
- But after a particularly bad mission, something inside you changes. You’d witnessed something you shouldn’t have, something that shook your sense of safety and security. For the first time, you were scared. You pulled away from Scott, stopped seeking his comforting presence. You became a hollow version of yourself, quiet and withdrawn. Scott noticed immediately, his heart breaking every time he saw the light in your eyes dimmed. He tried talking to you, but you brushed him off, not wanting to burden him with your fears.
- Scott wasn’t about to give up on you. He knew what it was like to carry fear and trauma, and he wasn’t going to let you go through it alone. He’d sit beside you quietly, offering a hand that you didn’t take, but he never pressured you. He’d talk about his own struggles when he was younger, hoping that sharing his experiences would help you feel less alone. Slowly, he started to break through the walls you’d built around yourself. Little by little, you began to open up again, but it was a slow process.
- The turning point came one day when Scott took you out to the training field. He didn’t ask you to train or talk; he just stood with you in the quiet. After a long silence, you finally spoke up, telling him about the fear you’d been carrying. Scott listened intently, reassuring you that it was okay to be scared but that you didn’t have to carry it alone. His steady presence, the way he never wavered, slowly helped you regain your confidence. Over time, you started clinging to him again, your light slowly returning.
- Scott’s relief was palpable when he saw you smile for the first time in what felt like forever. He never stopped watching out for you, always ready to offer a hand or a kind word when you needed it. He knew that you’d never be the same as you were before, but he also knew that you were stronger for it. And he’d always be there, a guiding presence, whenever you needed him.
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Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
- Logan wasn’t exactly the warmest or most outwardly affectionate person, but somehow, you managed to break through his tough exterior. From the moment you arrived at the mansion, you’d latched onto him, following him around like a little shadow. You were this bright, positive ball of energy, always finding the silver lining in any situation. Logan would grumble about you being clingy, but deep down, he didn’t mind. In fact, he found himself getting used to your constant presence, and it brought a rare smile to his face.
- Then, one day, after a brutal mission, everything changed. Something happened out there—something that left you shaken to your core. You came back to the mansion a different person, quiet and distant, a shadow of the child you once were. You stopped seeking out Logan, stopped clinging to his side. You barely spoke, and when you did, it was just to say you were fine, even though Logan knew you weren’t. It was hard for him to see you like that, and it tore him apart inside.
- Logan didn’t know how to handle it at first. He wasn’t good with feelings, and he didn’t want to push you, but seeing you so hollow hurt him more than he’d care to admit. He’d sit outside your room sometimes, just to be close to you, hoping you’d open the door. He tried to give you space but also wanted you to know that he was there. One day, after you’d been sitting alone for hours, Logan finally came into your room without a word, sat down beside you, and just waited. You didn’t speak, but his presence was comforting, like an anchor in a storm.
- Slowly, Logan started taking you out on little trips—nothing fancy, just walks in the woods or quiet moments by the lake. He knew the outdoors had always helped him clear his head, and he hoped it would do the same for you. It took a while, but you eventually started talking again, first in short sentences, then longer conversations. You told Logan about the fear you couldn’t shake, about how the mission had changed how you saw the world. Logan listened, not offering advice, just being there for you.
- Over time, you started to come back to yourself. You clung to Logan again, and even though he grumbled about it, he didn’t push you away. The first time you laughed after the incident, Logan let out a relieved breath he didn’t know he was holding. He wasn’t the best at showing emotion, but you knew he cared. And in his own gruff way, Logan made sure you knew that no matter what, he’d always be there for you, protecting you from the world—and sometimes, from yourself.
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Jean Grey (Phoenix)
- Jean Grey was the one you always went to when you needed comfort. She was warm, nurturing, and could always make you feel safe, no matter what was going on around you. You adored her, always hanging around her, basking in her presence like a little ray of sunshine. She never minded how clingy you were—in fact, she found it endearing. You were her little bright spot in a world that often felt heavy, and she cherished every moment with you.
- But one day, after a particularly intense mission, everything changed. Something happened out there—something that shook you to your core. When you came back, the light in you had dimmed. You didn’t seek out Jean like you usually did. You didn’t smile or talk as much, and when you did, it was clear that you were trying to hide your fear and sadness. Jean noticed immediately and was heartbroken to see you so withdrawn.
- Jean didn’t push you, but she made sure you knew she was there. She’d gently knock on your door, leaving little notes or snacks she knew you liked. She’d find subtle ways to be around you, like sitting quietly in the same room while you read or worked on something. It was her way of reminding you that you weren’t alone, even if you didn’t want to talk about what had happened yet.
- One evening, Jean invited you to the rooftop garden, a place that had always been special to both of you. You hesitated at first, but eventually, you agreed. As you both sat under the stars, Jean spoke softly about her own struggles with fear and trauma, telling you stories of times when she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. She wasn’t trying to make you feel better by comparing your pain to hers; she just wanted you to know that it was okay to be scared, that it was okay to feel overwhelmed.
- Slowly, with Jean’s gentle care and understanding, you began to open up again. It wasn’t an overnight change, but little by little, the light in you started to return. Jean was patient, never rushing you, always offering a kind word or a soft hug when you needed it. She was so relieved the day she saw you smile again—really smile, not just out of politeness. Jean knew you would never be exactly the same as you were before, but she was proud of how strong you’d become. And she promised herself that she’d always be there to help you find your light again, no matter how many times it dimmed.
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Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
- Kurt Wagner, with his kind heart and unwavering faith, had always been like a father figure to you. From the moment you arrived at Xavier’s, he took you under his wing. You, the ever-cheerful ball of sunshine, found his gentle nature comforting, and you admired his ability to remain positive despite everything he had gone through. You’d often cling to his side, your laughter echoing through the mansion as you teleported around with him or listened to his stories about his life in the circus.
- After a particularly difficult mission, however, everything changed. You had seen things that no child should ever witness—things that tore away at your innocence and light. You returned to the mansion quiet, no longer the beacon of joy you once were. You distanced yourself from Kurt, spending more time alone in your room, and when he tried to comfort you, you’d give him half-hearted smiles, pretending everything was fine. Kurt knew better, though. The light in your eyes had dimmed, and it broke his heart to see you retreating into yourself.
- Kurt, being as patient and understanding as ever, didn’t push you. He respected your space but never let you feel abandoned. He would often leave little drawings and notes for you to find, hoping to coax a smile out of you. One evening, as you sat alone in the chapel, lost in thought, Kurt quietly joined you. He didn’t say anything at first—he just sat beside you, offering his silent presence as comfort. Eventually, he began talking about his own struggles with darkness, reminding you that it was okay to feel scared and lost but that you didn’t have to go through it alone.
- Slowly but surely, Kurt’s unwavering kindness and gentle patience began to reach you. He never demanded that you return to your old self but instead encouraged you to take things one step at a time. He took you on small trips around the mansion, teleporting you to peaceful spots in the garden or the attic, where you could talk if you wanted or just sit in silence. With each little outing, you felt a small part of yourself begin to heal, the weight of what you’d seen slowly lifting.
- The first time you laughed again in Kurt’s presence, he nearly cried with relief. It wasn’t the carefree laugh he was used to, but it was a start. Over time, you began to cling to him again, seeking his presence when you needed comfort, and while you weren’t the same person you were before, you were stronger. Kurt made sure to remind you every day that no matter what, he would always be there for you, a guiding light in the darkness whenever you needed him.
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Ororo Munroe (Storm)
- Ororo Munroe, with her serene presence and deep connection to nature, had always been like a mother to you. You admired her strength, her compassion, and the way she carried herself with grace despite the storms she had weathered in life. You, with your bright personality and endless energy, often found yourself attached to Ororo’s side, soaking up her wisdom and calm demeanor. She adored your optimism and always took the time to nurture your cheerful spirit.
- But after a harrowing mission that rattled you to your core, the light inside you dimmed. You had witnessed something that no child should ever see, and it changed you. You became quiet, withdrawn, and stopped seeking Ororo’s calming presence like you once did. You no longer smiled or laughed as you once had, and Ororo could see the pain in your eyes. She didn’t push you, but the change in you weighed heavily on her heart. She knew something was wrong, but she waited for you to come to her when you were ready.
- Ororo, with her natural maternal instincts, made sure you never felt alone, even as you distanced yourself. She would leave flowers by your bedside, small tokens of beauty and life, hoping to lift your spirits. One afternoon, when you were particularly down, she invited you to the greenhouse, knowing how much you had always loved spending time with the plants. At first, you were hesitant, but Ororo’s gentle encouragement convinced you to go. The peaceful atmosphere and Ororo’s quiet presence made it easier for you to open up, and little by little, you began to talk about what was troubling you.
- Ororo listened with endless patience as you finally shared your fears and the things that haunted you. She didn’t try to force positivity on you; instead, she acknowledged your pain and assured you that it was okay to feel the way you did. She reminded you that even the sun needs time to rise after a storm and that, like nature, you would heal at your own pace. Her words comforted you more than anything, and you found solace in her gentle wisdom.
- Slowly, over time, you began to recover. Ororo took you on small walks through the gardens, showing you how the flowers bloomed even after the harshest winters. Her presence was a constant source of comfort, and she never left your side, encouraging you to take things one day at a time. The first time you smiled again, Ororo felt a wave of relief wash over her. You were healing, and while you weren’t the same child you were before, you had grown stronger. Ororo made sure to remind you every day that, like the weather, you could weather any storm with time and support.
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Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
- Remy LeBeau, with his smooth charm and playful nature, was someone you had always looked up to. He treated you like his little shadow, always making time for your endless energy and positivity. You adored him, clinging to his side during missions or downtime, laughing at his jokes even when they weren’t that funny. Remy loved the light you brought into his life, and he always made sure to keep that spark alive, teaching you card tricks and letting you tag along on adventures.
- But after a mission gone wrong, the light in you dimmed. You had seen something that no child should have to witness, and it shook you to your core. When you returned to the mansion, you were no longer the bright, bubbly child you had been. You avoided Remy, retreating into yourself and becoming a quiet, hollow version of who you once were. Remy noticed immediately, and it worried him deeply. He tried to coax you out of your shell with jokes and games, but nothing seemed to work.
- Remy wasn’t the type to give up easily, though. He knew you were hurting, and while he didn’t want to push you, he also didn’t want to let you carry that burden alone. He started leaving little notes and gifts in your room, hoping to make you smile. One day, when you were sitting alone in the mansion’s common room, Remy sat down beside you, quietly shuffling his deck of cards. He didn’t say anything, just sat with you, offering his silent presence. Slowly, the two of you began to talk, and Remy listened as you finally opened up about what had been bothering you.
- Remy was patient as you worked through your feelings, never once rushing you to be “your old self” again. He shared stories of his own troubled past, reminding you that even the brightest lights can flicker sometimes. He encouraged you to take things one day at a time and reassured you that it was okay to feel sad and scared. With Remy’s gentle guidance, you began to feel a little more like yourself each day.
- The first time you laughed at one of Remy’s jokes again, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. It wasn’t the carefree laugh he was used to, but it was a start. Slowly but surely, you began to cling to him again, seeking out his presence for comfort. While you weren’t the same child you were before, you were stronger, and Remy made sure you knew that no matter what, he would always be there to help you find your way back to the light.
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Rogue (Anna Marie)
- Rogue had always been your big sister figure, and you admired her so much. She had her own struggles with her powers, but you never once saw her let it dampen her spirit. Her tough love and protective nature made you feel safe, and your bright and bubbly personality often drew her into fits of laughter when the two of you hung out. She’d ruffle your hair and joke about how you could probably light up the whole mansion with your smile. Rogue was always there for you, and you adored her for it.
- One day, after a mission that went horribly wrong, you returned to the mansion feeling completely shattered. You had seen something that no child should ever have to see, and it left you feeling broken inside. Your once vibrant and clingy self faded into the background, and you withdrew from everyone, even Rogue. You avoided her, choosing instead to lock yourself away in your room, barely eating or speaking to anyone. Rogue knew something was wrong, and it broke her heart to see you retreat into yourself.
- Rogue wasn’t the type to let anyone suffer alone, though, especially not someone as close to her as you. She tried giving you space at first, but when it became clear that you weren’t coming to her, she decided to come to you. She knocked softly on your door one afternoon, waiting for you to let her in. When you didn’t respond, she simply sat outside your room and began talking to you, her voice gentle and filled with care. She didn’t push you to open up right away, but she reminded you that she was there, whenever you were ready.
- It took a while, but eventually, you came out of your room and found Rogue sitting on the porch, watching the sunset. You sat beside her quietly, and for a long time, neither of you said anything. Then, with a shaky voice, you started to tell her about what had happened during the mission, how it had affected you, and how you didn’t know how to deal with it. Rogue listened intently, her usual sass replaced with a quiet understanding. She wrapped an arm around you, careful with her touch, and pulled you close. “You ain’t gotta deal with it alone, sugar,” she said softly. “I’m here, and I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
- Rogue didn’t expect you to bounce back overnight, but she made sure you knew she had your back. She’d drag you out of bed on particularly bad days, forcing you to come on walks with her or just sit in the sun. Slowly but surely, you started to feel a little more like yourself. The first time you cracked a joke, Rogue’s grin was so wide it made your heart swell. You weren’t completely back to your old self, but Rogue never rushed you. She was just happy to see that spark returning, even if it took time. You knew with Rogue by your side, you’d find your way back to the light.
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Hank McCoy (Beast)
- Hank McCoy was a father figure to you in every sense of the word. His intelligence, kindness, and calm demeanor made you feel safe, and you always loved spending time in his lab, watching him work. Your bubbly and energetic personality balanced out his more serious side, and he often said you were like a ray of sunshine that could brighten even the darkest of days. You adored him, following him around and asking endless questions about science and the world, to which he would always give thoughtful and detailed answers.
- But after a traumatic mission that left you shaken, your once-bright personality faded. The light inside you dimmed, and you found yourself retreating into the shadows. You stopped visiting Hank in his lab, stopped asking him questions, and started spending more time alone, lost in your own thoughts. You didn’t want to burden him with your problems, so you kept everything inside, but Hank noticed immediately. It hurt him to see you withdraw, and he knew something was wrong.
- Hank, ever the patient and understanding mentor, gave you space but never let you feel alone. He would leave small notes in the places he knew you frequented, little reminders that he was there if you needed him. One day, when you hadn’t come to the lab in weeks, he knocked on your door. You were curled up in bed, barely acknowledging his presence. He sat down beside you, his large, gentle hand resting on your shoulder. “You don’t have to talk if you’re not ready,” he said quietly. “But know that I’m here, always.”
- Eventually, you did open up to him, telling him about the horrors you had witnessed during the mission and how it had changed you. Hank listened with the utmost care, his heart aching for you. He didn’t try to fix everything right away, but instead, he reminded you that it was okay to feel lost and scared. He shared his own struggles with you, times when he had felt out of control or burdened by his powers. His empathy and understanding helped you feel less alone, and little by little, you started to find your way back to yourself.
- Hank knew it would take time for you to fully recover, but he was endlessly patient. He’d invite you to the lab again, not to work but just to be in each other’s company, and he would leave little experiments for you to do whenever you felt ready. The first time you smiled while working on a project, Hank felt an immense sense of relief. You were healing, and while you might not be the same child you were before, Hank was proud of your strength. He made sure you knew that no matter what, he would always be there for you, guiding you back to the light whenever you needed it.
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Kevin MacTaggert (Proteus)
- Kevin MacTaggert, or Proteus, was a complicated figure in your life. Despite his dark history and unstable powers, there was a part of him that cared deeply for you. You, with your infectious positivity and boundless energy, had managed to form a bond with him, one that even he didn’t fully understand. You saw the good in him, even when he couldn’t see it in himself. Kevin often kept his distance from others, but with you, he allowed himself to be a little softer, a little more vulnerable. You clung to him, always finding ways to make him smile, even if it was just for a brief moment.
- But after witnessing something truly horrifying during a mission, you changed. The light inside you dimmed, and you no longer sought out Kevin’s presence like you used to. You became quiet, withdrawn, and scared. Kevin, who had always been sensitive to the emotions of those around him, noticed the shift immediately. It unsettled him to see you like this, and he didn’t know how to handle it at first. He wasn’t used to caring for others, but seeing you suffer made him feel something unfamiliar—concern.
- Kevin wasn’t the type to offer comfort easily, but he couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. He sought you out one day, finding you sitting alone in the mansion’s courtyard. He didn’t say much at first, just sat beside you, his presence enough to let you know he was there. After a while, he quietly asked what had happened, and for the first time since the mission, you opened up about the trauma you had experienced. Kevin listened intently, his usual sharp demeanor replaced with quiet understanding.
- He didn’t know how to fix what you were feeling, but he knew he didn’t want to see you in pain. Kevin began spending more time with you, trying to coax you back to your old self in his own way. He wasn’t great at emotional support, but he’d distract you with stories or small adventures around the mansion. You slowly began to open up again, and while Kevin wasn’t the warmest figure in your life, his presence was comforting. He didn’t push you to be happy, but he made sure you knew he was there, in his own quiet, protective way.
- Over time, you started to feel a little more like yourself. You weren’t the same child you were before, but you had grown stronger. Kevin, in his own way, had helped you heal, and you could see that even he had changed a little, softening around the edges. The first time you smiled again, Kevin gave a rare, genuine smile of his own. You were healing, and though the journey was long, you knew that with Kevin’s quiet support, you’d find your way back to the light.
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Charles Xavier (Professor X)
- Charles Xavier had always been a guiding figure in your life. He was more than just the head of the school; he was like a father to you, someone you could look up to and trust. Your boundless positivity and energy were a constant source of joy for him, and he often said that your presence alone could brighten his day, even when things were difficult. You clung to Charles, always seeking his advice or simply spending time with him, knowing that he understood you in ways few others could.
- But after a particularly harrowing mission, something inside you broke. You weren’t your usual self, no longer the bright and happy child everyone knew. The trauma of what you had seen had dimmed your light, and you withdrew from everyone, including Charles. You stopped seeking his guidance, and instead, you stayed silent, choosing to avoid him altogether. It pained him to see you like this, but he respected your space, understanding that healing took time.
- Charles didn’t push you to open up, but he was always there, silently offering his support. His telepathic abilities allowed him to sense the depth of your pain, but he never intruded on your thoughts. He waited patiently, hoping that one day, you would come to him when you were ready. In the meantime, he left small reminders around the mansion—a favorite book, a handwritten note—letting you know that he hadn’t forgotten about you.
- It wasn’t until you broke down one evening, unable to contain the weight of your emotions any longer, that you finally came to him. You found Charles sitting in his study, and without saying a word, you collapsed into his arms, tears streaming down your face. He held you gently, his presence calm and reassuring. He didn’t ask for an explanation, knowing that you would speak when you were ready. “I’m here, always,” he whispered, his voice steady and full of compassion.
- Over the next few weeks, Charles made it his mission to help you heal, guiding you through meditation and mindfulness techniques that would allow you to process your trauma. He never rushed you, never expected you to be your old self right away. Slowly, you began to come out of your shell again, finding comfort in his wisdom and kindness. The first time you laughed again, Charles smiled, his heart swelling with relief. You weren’t fully back to your sunny self, but with Charles by your side, you knew you would find your way back to the light, in time.
Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto)
- Erik Lehnsherr wasn’t the warmest of mentors, but he had always taken a special interest in you. There was something about your bright personality that intrigued him, something about the way you could remain so positive in a world that was often so cruel. You admired Erik for his strength and conviction, and despite his often stern demeanor, you knew he cared about you deeply. He was like a father to you, though he’d never say it out loud. You often joked that you were the sunshine to his storm, a balance of opposites that somehow worked.
- After a mission that went horribly wrong, you weren’t the same. The bright, bubbly child that had once brought so much light into Erik’s life was gone, replaced by someone who was quiet, withdrawn, and afraid. You couldn’t shake the horrors you had witnessed, and you distanced yourself from everyone, including Erik. You stopped seeking him out, choosing instead to hide away, not wanting to burden him with your pain. Erik, however, noticed immediately. He wasn’t the most emotionally expressive man, but it hurt him to see you suffering in silence.
- Erik didn’t push you to talk about what had happened, but he kept a close eye on you, watching from a distance. He understood trauma in ways that most couldn’t, and while he respected your need for space, he also knew that you couldn’t go through this alone. One evening, he found you sitting by the window, staring out at the night sky, lost in your thoughts. Without a word, he sat beside you, the silence between you heavy but comforting in its own way.
- After a long stretch of quiet, you finally opened up to Erik, telling him about the mission and how it had changed you. Erik listened carefully, his usual sharpness replaced with a rare gentleness. He didn’t offer you platitudes or try to diminish your pain. Instead, he shared his own experiences, his own struggles with the darkness that often consumed him. “We all have our demons,” he said quietly. “But you don’t have to face them alone.”
- Erik’s approach to helping you heal was different from others. He didn’t coddle you, but he was always there, offering his strength when you needed it. Slowly, with his guidance, you began to find your way back to yourself. The first time you smiled again, Erik gave a small, almost imperceptible smile of his own. You weren’t completely back to the bright, sunny child you had been before, but with Erik by your side, you knew you’d find your way back to the light, even if it took time.
Lucas Bishop
- Bishop had always been more of a protector than anything else. He admired your optimism and saw in you a kind of light that was rare in his world of war and survival. To him, you were a reminder of the peace he fought so hard to protect, and despite his often stoic nature, he grew deeply attached to you. You, in turn, saw Bishop as a big brother, someone who would always keep you safe, no matter what. You often followed him around, your endless curiosity and bright energy a stark contrast to his serious demeanor.
- But after a particularly brutal mission, everything changed. You weren’t the same bright and positive child that had once been a beacon of light in Bishop’s life. The trauma of what you had witnessed left you hollow, and you withdrew into yourself, barely speaking or acknowledging anyone. You stopped following Bishop around, stopped asking him questions, and instead, you stayed in your room, avoiding everyone. Bishop noticed immediately and, while he respected your space, it tore him apart to see you like this.
- Bishop wasn’t one to talk about emotions, but he wasn’t going to let you suffer in silence either. He didn’t force you to talk about what had happened, but he made sure you knew he was there, whenever you were ready. One evening, he found you sitting alone in the mansion’s training room, staring blankly at the ground. Without saying a word, he sat down beside you, his presence steady and reassuring. You didn’t speak at first, but eventually, the silence between you became too much to bear, and you began to tell him about the mission, about how it had changed you.
- Bishop listened with the same intensity he brought to every mission, his focus entirely on you. When you finished, he didn’t try to fix things or offer you easy solutions. Instead, he put a hand on your shoulder and said, “You’re not alone in this. I’ve been through it too, and I’m here for you.” His words, simple as they were, carried a weight that made you feel less alone. Bishop had seen horrors too, and knowing that he understood made it easier for you to start healing.
- Over the next few weeks, Bishop kept a close eye on you, making sure you didn’t retreat too far into yourself. He didn’t push you to be your old self right away, but he did encourage you to get back into a routine, to start training again, even if it was just for a few minutes a day. Slowly, you began to regain your strength, and while you weren’t the same bright child you had been before, you felt a little more like yourself each day. The first time you cracked a joke in Bishop’s presence, he gave a rare smile, a small but significant sign that you were on your way back to the light.
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underqualified-human · 12 hours
Pets I think the Punch Out Characters would have:
Glass Joe:
Hear me out: a very violent cat that hates everyone except him
It hisses at anyone who enter his house and has peed on someone before
Totally chill if it’s just him
Von Kaiser:
He owns two absolutely massive Great Danes and named them something like ‘Daisy/Fifi’
He goes on runs with them daily
Disco Kid:
He’s the type of guy to have rabbits, me thinks
Also a bit of a pet collector.
Has probably had most types of house pets at some point in his life
King Hippo:
Owns a parrot and that’s the only thing anybody knows about it
Piston Hondo:
He has multiple rats (all named after days of the week) with ample enrichment in their cage
Yes, he gets depressed every time one of them dies. No, he will not stop getting more. 
(Not so fun fact: Pet rats are very likely to get cancer, or my friends have very bad luck)
Bear Hugger:
The squirrel is enough.
Great Tiger:
This is going to sound very random but: starfish
He has five of them in a tank and can easily tell the difference between all of them
Don Flamenco: 
He has two Yorkies with separation anxiety. 
His neighbours hate him
Aran Ryan: 
He has one(1) very calm Husky and one(1) very hyperactive cat that enjoys attempting to ‘fight’ the Husky (both are rescues)
He used to have a lot of fish in a massive tank when he was younger but after an … incident he no longer has that fish tank (or the fish)
Soda Popinski:
Honestly? Pomeranian.
There is nothing to elaborate on.
He has a Pomeranian and he gave it a spiked collar.
Bald Bull:
He has a snake and takes its care very seriously
Constantly monitors its behaviour and adjusts things in the enclosure if he sees something is up
Super Macho Man:
This mf has a poodle and or/ a tiny purse chihuahua
It’s  purebred and, at the very least, has been properly house (/purse?) trained
Mr. Sandman:
He has three tiny budgies that love him dearly
He gave them People Names so whenever he talks about them people can’t tell if the conversation is about pets or children
Honestly, just seems like a bird guy in general
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