#gojo and rinko au
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*Preview* Bittersweet Memories
Hi there. I said I might post a preview or blurb of this, so I decided to go ahead and do that. IDK if or when I'll finish this. It was more of a spur of the moment thing I started that's spiraled in my drafts. It's heavily inspired by The Vow, except Satoru is the one who loses his memory. I don't have timeline or anything else really mapped out, so this preview is a bit choppy. But essentially, they were married, and there was an accident(haven't determined what) that caused him to forget her and getting married, so they got divorced. Again, all the details haven't been figured out yet, but she's in charge of a Tokyo branch of her mother's bakery now. I haven't decided if it'll be something she always did or if she quit her job to do it after the divorce.
It's pretty damn angsty, tbh. But I'd love to know what you guys think!
Kiko's Masterlist | Buy me a coffee ☕️
*Preview* Bittersweet Memories
The bell above the door jingled, and Rinko called, “Welcome!” over her shoulder, “I’ll be right with you.”
Finishing her task, she turned quickly, her heart immediately thundering in her chest at the sight of Gojo Satoru staring at her in surprise.
Had he remembered? Was he here because he wanted to talk to her?
“This place is so cute!” a woman exclaimed, wrapping her arms through his and leaning into him. “Thank you for treating me, Satoru.”
The sharp pain in her chest stole her breath, and she swallowed thickly as she blinked the tears away. His memories hadn’t returned, or maybe they had. It didn’t matter now. What did matter was that he clearly didn’t want her anymore. He’d already moved on.
Smiling as brightly as she could, she forced enough air into her lungs to speak.
“Welcome,” she repeated, avoiding Satoru’s eyes by staring at the wall behind him. She could do this. She could keep going. She needed to keep going and accept that their marriage was over. That he wasn’t hers anymore. “What can I get for you?”
“A dozen of those.” Satoru pointed at the caramel miso butter cookies, his brow furrowed in thought. “And whatever she wants.”
Rinko ignored the ache in her chest, keeping the smile in place as she packaged the cookies.
He remembered that he liked the cookies, but he didn’t remember loving her. She guessed it made sense. He’d always had a sweet tooth.
She had to accept that he wasn’t hers anymore and that he never would be. He didn’t want her. He would never want her again.
“What do you recommend?” the woman asked, staring at Rinko curiously. “Everything looks so delicious. I heard that you’re based out of Kyoto?”
“My mother opened the main location in Kyoto,” Rinko confirmed, swallowing around the giant lump that appeared in her throat. “She decided to expand to Tokyo this year.”
“That’s precious,” the woman gushed. “This must be your dream, then. Following in your mother’s footsteps?”
The only difference was that she didn’t have a child like her mother did. Tears stung her eyes but she blinked to dispel them again.
“Something like that,” she finally replied. “We have some seasonal chestnut filled manju right now. I’d recommend those.”
At the woman’s excited nod, she placed a few inside a box and closed it carefully.
Stacking the containers, she accepted the cash Satoru held out, her skin burning when his fingers brushed against hers. Her chest felt hollow at the blank look he gave her as she handed his change back.
“Have a great rest of your day. I hope you enjoy the sweets!”
According to Shoko, it wasn’t anything serious. He was just dating again. Getting back out there. The knowledge didn’t comfort her. Though she didn’t know why she thought it might.
“Rinko-san,” Megumi called, sticking his head out from the back. “I finished sorting the inventory, so I’m gonna take a break.”
“Thanks, kid,” she replied absently as she rested her chin on her palm. “You can make yourself a drink, if you want.”
“Aunt Yuzu is gonna get onto you if you keep letting me have things for free.”
“Your Aunt Yuzu would be giving you even more things for free, and you know it.”
He grinned, disappearing into the back again and she heard the coffee machine just a moment later.
The bell on the door jingled, and she turned her head to welcome them. Her voice stuck in her throat at the sight of Satoru shifting his weight as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Um, hi,” he greeted awkwardly. “I’m– those cookies were really good, so…”
Of course he was back for the cookies. He’d almost given himself diabetes because of those damn things.
“They used to be your favorite,” she informed him as he trailed off, “so that doesn’t surprise me.”
“About the other day, if I’d known that this was your place, I wouldn’t have come in here.”
The air left her lungs as if he’d punched her, and she struggled to keep the hurt from showing on her face at his words. It stung. He really wanted nothing to do with her now.
Move. Get him his fucking cookies so he doesn’t have to look at you anymore.
Blinking, she felt her body moving, going through the motions of retrieving a box and placing cookies inside it.
“I meant– I meant if I’d known this was your place, I wouldn’t have– I wouldn’t have brought a date in here.”
She nodded mechanically, finishing her task and sliding the container across the counter toward him.
“I don’t see why you– if you want to buy your date dessert, there’s nothing stopping you,” she stated, wondering if that hollow ache she felt at the sight of him would ever fade. “It’s not like we have rules against couples here.”
His hand brushed against hers as he leaned closer across the counter. She tried not to flinch away.
“Listen,” he began, his voice quiet as his cologne filled her nose. The same cologne that still clung to some of her favorite shirts. “I’m sorry that I don’t– I’m sorry I’ve hurt you.”
“I’m sorry I don’t love you,” was what she was sure he stopped himself from saying. “I’m sorry that losing my memory also meant forgetting whatever made you lovable in my eyes.”
She always knew something like this was a possibility. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t remember whatever it was that made him think she was worth marrying when he’d never wanted to get married before. Losing his memory just solidified that whatever loose screw made him think she was the one for him had finally been righted.
Just like she’d always known would happen.
Finally mustering the courage to meet his eyes, she felt her chest split open at the sight of the azure depths staring back devoid of the love she’d grown so used to. She gave him the most genuine smile she could manage.
“I’m just glad you’re well enough to have your sweet tooth,” she replied lightly. “All that matters is that you’re happy.” even if that means you don’t want me anymore. “Have a great rest of your day.”
The door opened before he could grasp the handle, and Satoru’s eyes narrowed at the sight of the woman in front of him as hers widened in clear panic.
Why was she at his parents’ house?
“What are you–?”
“Rinko, you forgot the– Satoru,” His mother came into view behind her. “I didn’t realize you were coming over today.”
“Decided to drop by,” he replied, his eyes still on Rinko’s face. Why was she there? “Didn’t realize you still–”
“She’s my daughter, whether you accept that or not,” his mother stated firmly. “Rinko, dear, you almost forgot your food.”
“Right,” Rinko squeaked, turning briefly to accept the bag full of bento boxes. “Thank you again for lunch. You didn’t have to–”
“We wanted to,” his mother soothed, wrapping her in a tight hug. “Thank you for bringing the cake. Happy birthday, dear. Have a lovely weekend with your mother. Please tell her we said hi.”
“Of course,” Rinko agreed, extracting herself quickly and rushing past him.
“Be safe going home!”
Once she was gone, his mother turned to him, and he rolled his eyes slightly at the look in hers.
“Don’t start,” he sighed, running his hand through his hair. He really didn’t want to deal with one of her lectures. “I get it, you’re pissed that you lost the perfect daughter-in-law–”
“I’m not angry with you at all,” she denied, stepping aside so he could enter. “I’m just sad.”
“I know you wanted me to stay married–”
“It had nothing to do with you being married,” she cut him off. “I wanted you to give yourself some time, to give her a chance, before you decided to divorce her just because you didn’t remember her. It’s not your fault that you don’t remember marrying her. But Satoru, you loved her more than anything else in the world. If you gave yourself some time to know her again, I have very little doubt you’d love her just like before.”
“You’re forgetting that I never wanted to get married,” he stated, following her into the kitchen. He spotted part of a strawberry cake sitting on the counter, immediately locating a fork and taking a bite. “Why was she here, anyway?”
“Did you not listen earlier?” His mother sighed, exasperated. “She’s still our daughter, whether you’re married or not. And it was her birthday, Satoru. We invited her over to have lunch for her birthday.”
He swallowed thickly, glancing down at the cake.
“She brought this, then?”
“Yes, she did.” She let out another sigh, quieter this time. “You know, the very first time you introduced Rinko to us, you pulled me aside and said that you were going to marry her if it was the last thing you did. You stood right there with hearts in your eyes and a giant grin on your face as you told me you never wanted to be without her.”
At this point, she should just accept that she was self-destructive. Nothing about what she was doing was healthy. It did absolutely nothing to help her move on with her life. But maybe she didn’t want to move on with her life. Not when her heart still fluttered every time she saw him, even if it left her feeling hollow and empty afterward.
Her heart had certainly already shattered beyond repair by now. So really, what did a bit more damage matter?
The bell above the door jingled with his entry, and she greeted him as she always did, the crack in her chest chipping open a bit further.
“One or two dozen?” she asked, used to the routine by now.
His weekly visits were something to both dread and look forward to. It stung that he still loved the cookies so much but felt nothing for her. But what wasn’t to love about her mother’s cookies?
His gaze still held no sign of warmth or affection for her when he met her eyes, something she’d finally grown used to after his first few visits.
The obvious suspicion when he’d seen her at his parents’ house had shaken her more than she expected. Going there had been a mistake, regardless of whether his mother had invited her. They weren’t married anymore. There was no reason for her to spend time with his parents. She still loved them, and she knew they still loved her, but it didn’t mean she could just cross boundaries he’d clearly set.
She didn’t want to put a strain on their relationship, or be in the way when he found someone else and wanted to introduce them.
After all, he was getting back into the swing of life. Back to work, enjoying it like he always had, hanging out with friends and helping some of his students on the weekends. He would be happier now without her in the way.
“Just one dozen this time,” he replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
Nodding, she grabbed a box.
“Any plans for the weekend?” she asked instinctively.
What was she doing? He didn’t want to talk to her. He didn’t want anything to do with her beyond getting his cookies.
“I have a date,” he replied absently, his eyes going wide when she froze. “I’m– I mean– no big plans. Just–”
“That’s–” Her throat went dry as she tried to keep her chest from ripping open any further. She couldn’t risk whatever was left of her heart spilling out in front of him. Not when he was moving on. He deserved to move on and be happy without her holding him back. “That’s good– great, I mean. I’m glad you have plans. You– you seem happy. I’m really glad you’re happy.” without me.
She needed to stop talking. Forget being self-destructive, she was probably making him wildly uncomfortable.
Placing the container with his cookies on the counter, she tried to pretend he was just any other customer as she smiled.
“Have a great rest of your day.”
“All that matters is that you’re happy.”
“I’m really glad you’re happy.”
Her words echoed in his head as he approached the bakery, guilt beginning to creep up like it had every time since he’d stupidly blurted out that he had a fucking date when she asked him if he had plans for the weekend.
Fucking idiot.
He’d replied without even thinking about who he was talking to, but he’d regretted it as soon as he saw the look in her eyes.
He might not have wanted to be married, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He didn’t want to make her suffer.
At least, that’s what he told himself despite the fact that he knew he’d broken her heart and looked the other way when she cried because he didn’t want to believe it was true. He hadn’t wanted to believe he’d completely forgotten years of his life. Years that apparently involved him getting married. The documents and pictures really didn’t lie, though. He knew his family wouldn’t lie about something like that, either.
Everyone said it wasn’t his fault. They said that it wasn’t his fault he didn’t remember her.
What he did remember was the look in her eyes when he’d asked her who she was when he woke up. Asked her why she was in his hospital room and why she was so close to him. The look in her eyes when he’d said he wanted a divorce because he’d never wanted to get married in the first place, and he couldn’t believe that he’d ever changed his mind on that. The sobs she’d tried to conceal as she packed her bags and left without a single protest.
She erased herself from his life so quickly that he’d wondered if she’d always planned on doing so. If she’d been waiting for a way out.
And then she’d appeared again in an instant, standing in front of him in a bakery his date had wanted to try.
Her face had filled with so much hope when she saw him, only to crumple in the next moment when she saw who he was with.
But yet, even after everything he’d done, she still greeted him with a smile and told him she just wanted him to be happy. That she was glad he was happy.
Who wants you to be happy? Who asks if you are okay?
The questions always died in his throat before he could voice them. It felt wrong to ask. Like it was a line he shouldn’t cross because it would be insensitive. Who asked their ex-wife, that they didn’t even remember getting married to, if she was okay after they’d broken her heart without even a second thought?
She clearly wasn’t okay, but she pretended to be. At least, she tried to pretend. But how the hell did he even know that? What part of his psyche just happened to remember what she looked like when she lied?
What he was doing wasn’t just mean. It was cruel.
“Welcome!” she called cheerfully when the bell jingled above his head.
Her voice made his heart speed up, and he blinked at the feeling.
She did have a very pretty voice. He’d noticed the first time he’d heard her speak when he woke up in the hospital. The relief that bled through her words when she saw him open his eyes had confused him at the time. The hurt that colored her tone when he’d asked her to leave still haunted him.
He was suddenly struck by the desire to remember how they’d met. What had he said to her? How had they ended up together in the first place? He’d never really been the relationship type. What had convinced him?
“One or two dozen?” she asked, her question pulling him back to the present. Her smile seemed forced, not reaching her eyes.
How did he know that? Why did he suddenly remember that her real smile made her eyes shine and crinkle at the corners? How was it that he knew her eyes looked like polished jade stone in the moonlight when she was excited?
“Wait,” she said, frowning. “I– sorry, I forgot I don’t even have a full dozen right now. But if you don’t mind waiting just a bit, I can get you a fresh batch?”
Why would she go out of her way to do that?
“Don’t you only have a half-hour till close?” he asked, checking the time. Wouldn’t that waste cookies? “I’ll just take whatever you have left–”
“It’s– I bake them by the dozen anyway, so I’d throw in the couple I have left and call it a day.” She pursed her lips to the side. “But if you don’t want to wait, I understand. Sorry, it was rude of me to ask. I can just–”
“I don’t mind waiting,” he rushed out, taking a seat at one of the small tables. “It’s not a big deal to me.”
She nodded, ducking into the back for a few minutes before reappearing.
“Coffee or tea while you wait? Do you still like–” She cut off, her voice cracking before she cleared her throat. “What would you like to drink?”
“I’m okay,” he stated, that familiar guilt threatening to boil over again.
Should he start a conversation? Or would that give the wrong impression? He didn’t want her to think he was… trying to get too familiar. But he felt bad. He felt like he should say something when she was going out of her way for him. Why did she do that? Why did she seem to care so much about his convenience at the cost of her own?
Before he could say anything, she disappeared into the back, leaving him alone in the small cafe area as the guilt ate away at him.
Was he crazy, or had she lost weight since she’d moved out? Her clothes seemed to fit her differently than they had months ago. Was that why his mother had given her extra leftovers?
Why did the idea of her not eating enough bother him so much?
He jumped when she placed the box on the table in front of him. His chest ached as he watched her step away quickly, retreating back behind the counter before he could even stand. Why did that bother him? Why was he suddenly wondering if she had moved on yet? Why did the idea of seeing her with someone else make him inexplicably angry when he was dating other people?
“On the house,” she informed him, waving him off when he pulled his wallet out anyway. “Since you had to wait.”
He’d barely noticed the time passing because he’d been so stuck in his own head. The warmth that seeped from the box into his hands felt nice. An oddly familiar sense of comfort filled him knowing he’d get to eat fresh cookies even though he couldn’t remember having done so before.
“It wasn’t a big deal,” he argued, peeking into the box to see two dozen cookies neatly stacked. “Let me pay–”
“You know, they say time is money,” she joked, her smile faltering when he just frowned. “Really, Sa– Gojo-san, don’t worry. Thank you for being patient.”
The way her voice quivered as she corrected herself made his heart drop to his gut, and he sighed reluctantly.
“Fine,” he conceded. “But I’m paying for them next time.”
He’s happy, and that makes me happy.
She repeated that to herself over and over as she forced herself to take deep breaths.
He’s happy, and that makes me happy.
Because she loved him, she just wanted him to be happy. Even if that meant he didn’t want her anymore. Even if it meant he didn’t love her.
He’s happy, and that makes me happy.
That was all that mattered. His happiness and well-being were the most important.
Life never worked out exactly as planned. So what if her entire future was completely different now? At least she’d gotten a few years to be the happiest she’d ever been.
He’s happy, and that makes me happy.
She would be content knowing he was living his life the way he wanted.
“Just one date with me, Kurisaki-chan,” Satoru implored, leaning towards her as they stood at the bar. “Just one date, and if you don’t have a good time, I’ll never ask you again.”
Her skeptical look drew a chuckle from him. He liked when she looked at him like that. Something about it made him want to tease her more. He gave her a small pout.
“I’d be so good to you,” he implored, debating getting on his knees and begging. Everything about her made him want to know her more, made him want her to know him more.
“Your history doesn’t say that,” Rinko replied, tilting her head and pursing her lips to the side. He was dying to kiss her. “We both know I’m not your type, Gojo.”
“What’s my type?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “What do you think my type is?”
“One-night stands,” she stated bluntly. “No strings attached, no feelings, no relationships.”
“I have feelings for you,” he informed her, his heart racing when she snorted. “Gimme a chance, Kurisaki-chan. I promise I won’t break your heart. I’ll take such good care of you. You just gotta promise not to break my heart, yeah?”
“Promise not to break my heart, yeah?”
The words repeated in his mind over and over and over again as he emptied his stomach into the toilet.
What kind of moron had he been?
Of all the things for him to promise. Of all the promises for him to break.
How could she even stand the sight of him after what he’d done to her?
“I promise I won’t break your heart.”
The look in her eyes when he’d told her he didn’t know why he would get married when he’d never wanted to before flashed through his mind. The hurt she made no effort to hide when he asked her to leave the house they’d apparently shared for years. He hadn’t just broken her heart, he’d shattered it and then walked right over the pieces so he could get cookies.
Avoiding her eyes, he shifted his feet uncomfortably while he waited his turn.
“How many today?” she asked lightly, her voice sending a fresh wave of guilt through him. “One or two dozen?”
“Whichever,” he replied, still unable to meet her eyes. How could she talk to him so casually? How could she just pretend he hadn’t hurt her so deeply? “Doesn’t matter.”
Her quick intake of breath had his gaze snapping to her face. The practiced smile paired with the sadness in her eyes made him feel sick again. He might vomit right in the middle of the bakery.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” he blurted out, his gut dropping when she jumped. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she let out a shaky laugh.
“For not knowing how many cookies you want?”
“I promised I wouldn’t break your heart,” he croaked, his throat closing as his shame threatened to choke him. “I–”
“It was a silly promise,” she cut him off, her brow furrowing as she pursed her lips to the side. “You couldn’t have possibly known what would happen.”
He’d never fucking deserved her love before and he sure as hell never would now.
“I knew you weren’t being serious when you said that,” she stated, shrugging. “I– I already told you I don’t regret marrying you. I don't regret giving you a chance. I don’t regret loving you, either. I just– I just hope you don’t–”
“I don’t,” he rushed, swallowing around the lump in his throat. “I’m– I don’t regret it even though I don’t… remember. But I wish I– I wish I could take back how much I've hurt you.”
AN: I included more in this preview than I originally intended but I got carried away and here we are. What'd you guys think? It's a lil angsty, huh?
#gojo satoru x original female character#gojo satoru fanfic#gojo fanfic#gojo satoru#gojo x reader#goinko au#goinko angst#goinko preview#bittersweet memories#goinko bittersweet memories#gojo and rinko#rinko and gojo#gojo x rinko#gojo angst#gojo satoru x reader#gojo and rinko au#gojo and rinko angst#goinko drafts#goinko au drafts
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by 得寸不进尺 (RinKo)
夏五,PWP 人形战争兵器五,机械维修师夏,大概是这样��paro 或许是赛博朋克AU
Words: 3871, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Getou Suguru, Gojo Satoru
Relationships: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru
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kiko is having thoughts... 👀
yakuza thoughts.
hear me out...
the three clans
rinko being naobito's lil bastard kid
ogi ordering toji to kill yuzuki to protect megumi so he takes rinko under his wing and teaches her everything she needs to know to eventually take the clan down
meeting gojo 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
him realizing who she is 👀👀👀👀👀👀
the angst, the spice, the trauma 💀
guys please someone send help i can't start another au but it's too late i already have

#kiko saying dumb shit#kiko rants#kiko woke up and chose violence#gojo/rinko au#gojo and rinko ideas#gojo and rinko au#someone pls help me#kiko is cookin
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*Sneak Peek* Before I Love You (an angsty Gojo/Rinko AU oneshot)
This is just a lil taste of the angsty piece I've been working on... It's not finished yet, and I still don't know if I'll post it, but here we are, I guess??
This is not related to Another Level or Physical Paradox other than the fact that it's still Rinko and Gojo lol
BUT I think that they're pretty different than I usually write them?? Maybe??? WE'LL SEE???
“We should grab dinner sometime to catch up,” he said casually, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Wanna hear about how you’re-”
“No thanks,” she didn’t bother turning to look at him. “I’m pretty much always busy. Sorry.”
Not a lie. She spent a lot of time with the twins when she wasn’t working. They practically lived at her place now.
Anything to get away from their parents.
“Come on,” he reasoned, a frown in his voice that had her rolling her eyes. “Just to catch up.”
“Not interested in catching up with you, Gojo,” she stated bluntly, finally turning to meet his eyes. Staring into them, she noted the surprise at being turned down twice. “I’d say I’m surprised at your nerve to even ask, but that’d be a lie because it’s you. Everything’s always been a joke to you.”
“Didn’t realize you held such long grudges,” he muttered, a pout pulling the corners of his mouth. He hadn’t changed a bit. “That was years ago. Things are- different now. And I’m not- I’m not asking you out on a date. Just want to catch up as- old friends. Wanna hear about what you’ve been up to."
“Please, just- I can explain. It was a mistake-”
“Which part?” she cut him off, stepping further away. “Planning the date? Going on it? Your hand on her leg? Your tongue in her mouth? Or was it just this entire thing? Was that the mistake? Me?”
The tears broke free, and she wiped her eyes furiously.
“Baby, that’s not-”
“Don’t fucking call me that,” she hissed, running her hands through her hair. “Don’t pretend to give a shit. Just- don’t.”
“I- I do care, Rinko,” Gojo wrung his hands together. “Please, I just- I-”
“How long?” she asked, watching his eyes. “Those nights when you were too tired to call the past couple weeks, were they all because you were busy with someone else?”
He said nothing, staring at her, his expression filled with guilt.
“You were the one who wanted this,” she accused, glaring at him as his eyes pleaded with her. “You said you wanted-”
Can I call you mine, Rinko-chan?
The sob escaped before she could stop it. She grasped her hair, pulling it slightly as reality crashed into her once again, and she realized just how stupid she was.
“We were never going to work,” she stated, watching the smile drop. “We both know that. You didn’t want a relationship, not really. You never did. It was just something you thought you wanted because it was the only thing you didn’t have from me.”
“That’s not true,” he argued, frowning. “That’s not what it was at all. I- I wanted to be with you. I- I still do.”
She snorted, somehow not surprised.
“You want to be with me now because it’s a challenge,” she rolled her eyes. “Because it’s something you don’t have. Something that-”
“That isn’t- do you really think I just see you as something to obtain?”
Pursing her lips to the side, she nodded.
“Yes,” she admitted, taking a small sip of her latte. “It’s what our relationship was. You saw something you didn’t have, something that I could give you. And once you had it, you got bored of it. The sex wasn’t enough, so you wanted a relationship, but then neither of those were enough, so you-”
“Please don’t- please tell me that isn’t what you’ve thought all this time,” he whispered, his face crumpling. “Rinko, please tell me you don’t think it was because you weren’t enough.”
#gojo satoru x original female character#gojo satoru fanfic#gojo/rinko sneak peek#gojo and rinko au#gojo fanfic#gojo satoru#he wears the lost in paradise outfit though
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Imagine this with Goinko but they’re actually married and it’s just his way of seeing her whenever he can

#gojo satoru x original female character#goinko aus#goinko ideas#gojo satoru fanfic#gojo and rinko au#gojo and rinko ideas
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*Blurb* Before I Love You continuation
Hi, I need this reminder almost daily, and it's one of my favorite things I've written for anything Goinko-related since I wrote this months ago. IDK if/when I'll post part 2 for Before I Love You, but this interaction between Rinko and Yuzuki is something that I think is incredibly important for everyone.
Before I Love You, Part 1
“You are enough, my gem,” Yuzuki murmured, running her fingers through her hair. “More than enough. You are my most wonderful blessing. And just because someone else doesn’t see your worth does not mean that you are any less.” She wiped her tears, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Do not let someone else’s broken lens distort your view of yourself.”
“It hurts, Mom,” she cried. She clutched her chest, desperately wishing she could reach inside and rip whatever was causing the excruciating pain out. “Why does it hurt so much? Why won’t it go away?”
“Because you’re heartbroken, darling,” her mother replied sadly. “I know it hurts. I know it does. And I wish I could take it away from you so you didn’t have to feel this way. But it will go away. Just give yourself time.”
As someone who has struggled with my mental health and my own worth for as long as I can remember, and I've realized over time that it's partially influenced by a deep-seated fear of abandonment due to being adopted, the line from Yuzuki about not letting someone else's broken lens distort my view of myself is something I didn't realize I would need so deeply until after I wrote it.
So, this is everyone's reminder that someone else not seeing your worth never makes you any less. It says more about them than it does about you. You're beautiful and deserve love, no matter what anyone may say or think 💕
#before i love you#goinko blurb#goinko angst#rinko and yuzuki#kiko rants#kiko saying dumb shit#gojo x reader#gojo and rinko angst#gojo and rinko au
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omg Kiko, the yakuza fic, RINKO USING KNIVES STILL!! and how would gojo fight? guns? maybe he's an awesome sharpshooter, the strongest? also a fucking good manipulator/negotiator/scary dude bc of his freaky eyes ?
i have so many THOUGHTS
also the fits 😭 they would all dress so well aaaa
would nanami be a yakuza too? which clan? no clan? independent badass kind of guy? maybe a contract killer or sth?
the brainrot is brainrotting
Rinko will still have her knives 😏
Here's a lil taste of possible interaction below the cut!
“I came here alone, just like you asked,” Gojo said, his voice low and threatening. “Bit uneven since you seem to have backup.”
“We’re in your territory,” Toji countered immediately, nodding his head toward her. “Like I said, she’s here to contribute to the conversation-”
“And those stilettos between her tits really send that message,” Gojo’s eyes were on her chest as he spoke. “Sexy, I have to admit, pretty girl. Wouldn’t mind a closer look at those later.”
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So, quick trigger warning, going through some shit.
Hospice has informed me that my grandpa is likely going to pass within the next few hours to day or so- pancreatic cancer. So I was wondering if you had any head cannons within Physical Paradox for how Gojo might comfort Rinko during down times- nothing super angsty. Just in dire need of fluffy comfort stuff with these two. Maybe it's when she's got the flu or feeling down when pregnant or something, idk, but if you have the time and energy I'd love to know your thoughts <3
First of all, fuck cancer.
I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa. We lost my grandmother to uterine cancer fifteen years ago, so I can only begin to imagine what you're going through. There aren't really words that can be said to express how I feel for you, but I hope that you're doing as well as you can be 🩷
As for how Gojo would comfort Rinko when she's down? Funny enough, I wrote a piece last week that's set after Gojo and Rinko started dating, while they were living in different cities for their grad degrees.
Rinko had a rough week, and she just really missed him, but she didn't want to admit it because she didn't want to get in the way of his weekend plans (that he didn't have but she still felt guilty). So what did our boy do? Hopped on a flight from Osaka to Tokyo and showed up outside her apartment in the middle of the night in the middle of winter to check on her because he is just literally the best.
He then proceeded to give her snuggles and cuddles because that was really just what she needed 🥹
So, I have provided a lil sneak peek of the cute and silly fluffy installment below the cut!
“Go back,” Rinko cried, wiping her eyes. “I don’t wanna ruin your weekend.”
“Baby, you could never ruin my weekend-”
“Please just go,” she whispered, and he sighed. “I already ruined your weekend enough-”
“Then open the door, baby. Help me make it better by getting to see you.”
“You don’t wanna see me. Not right now,” she mumbled.
“I always wanna see you.” Gojo was quiet for a moment. “Rinko-chan, I’ll sit outside your door as long as it takes for you to open it. You know that I will.”
“You’ll freeze to death-”
“Guess you’ll have to open the door before that happens, then,” he called. “Please open the door, baby.”
She just sniffled again, wiping her eyes angrily as she tried to get the tears to stop falling.
Gojo let out a loud sigh, his voice louder when he spoke again.
“It’s really cold,” he called dramatically. He shivered loudly, letting his teeth chatter audibly as well. “Already freezing to death. Can already feel the frostbite setting in. Dunno if I’ll make it another minute.”
His voice was still getting louder, leaning against the wall beside her door heavily while he pretended to wail.
“Guess this is it for me,” he lamented, moaning in pain. “Sure wish I coulda seen my super smart, pretty girlfriend before I died-”
Blinking through her tears, she fought the smile tugging at her lips as she slowly pulled the door open just a fraction.
“You’re dumb,” she informed him quietly. “And really loud. My neighbors probably hate you right now.”
“You’re really pretty,” he said, pouting as he leaned closer. “Baby, let me inside, please? Wanna hold you.”
If you haven't already, you can read Physical Paradox on AO3 💕
#sweet asks#physical paradox ask#physical paradox#gojo and rinko ask#gojo and rinko au#rinko and gojo fluff#gojo satoru x original female character#physical paradox sneak peek#gojo satoru fanfic#gojo fluff#gojo satoru fluff
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You can read Physical Paradox on AO3 💕
“Didn’t realize that we were being taken over by the physics department today!” Touma’s voice called as he entered from the other side of the room. “Everyone out! Quick! We’re being invaded. The hard science nerds are coming in to usurp us and take our nicer building!”
Gojo snorted and jerked his head toward the drink carrier behind him.
“Pretty sure you do more hard research than I do, kid,” he countered, watching Touma grin as he grabbed his coffee. His hand went to his back pocket, and Gojo rolled his eyes. “Put your fuckin money away. It’s a damn coffee.”
“Oh, so sorry,” Touma joked, taking a sip of his drink. “My mistake for thinking a coffee could break your bank account.”
He plopped down behind the desk and propped his feet up before calling out.
“Kurisaki is running a bit behind, but she’ll be here soon. So just hang in there, guys. I’m your TA, Yoshido Touma, by the way. Nice to meet you. I’m amazing, Kurisaki sings my praises daily. She is also great.”
#rinko/gojo professor au#gojo satoru x original female character#gojo satoru fanfic#physical paradox#physical paradox sneak peek#TOUMA IS ALIVE#YOSHIDO TOUMA#I DON'T CARE IF HE'S AN OC HE WAS RINKO'S STUDENT AND HE LIVES IN THIS AU#gojo fanfic#gojo satoru#rinko kurisaki#gojo and rinko au
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hear me out
This is mainly a question for @changingchances and possibly @isammydodger: Physical Paradox Gojo on the AuDHD spectrum?? (And if neither of you have thoughts, that is totally fine btw.)
more details below the cut!!
He's kinda anti-social but can get along with people very well (so he's good at masking when he needs to), incredibly smart, straightforward, and doesn't really do bullshit... it could also explain a sensitivity to light and why he likes to wear sunglasses.
His sugar addiction could be because of his adhd (seeking a brain stimulant), and could also be one reason he's so bored all the time????
Because he makes sense for ADHD, in my opinion, but I'm still learning about my own autism and don't want to make wild claims. But I feel like he just fits.
And it would be so fitting for Rinko to at one point just be like: "you have adhd. and you also might have Aspergers(because this is before it was a spectrum so they still called it that). did you know that?" and Gojo just be like *surprised pikachu face*
It could also be different in that once they're dating, Rinko realizes that he has literally no clue, so she sits him down and talks to him about it and it's a cute lil soft conversation??
#physical paradox#physical paradox research#gojo satoru x original female character#gojo satoru fanfic#gojo and rinko au
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Hi Kiko! I know you've already stated where gojos lotus tattoo is however I just want you to picture gojo with a throat lotus tattoo. Because when the thought crossed my brain, I'm pretty sure I short-circuited. It doesn't help that when I thought about it I also envisioned him wearing rings and his hand covering part of his face 🥵 (is there something wrong with me in the head? Potentially. Do I care? Not really.)
Separately, please absorb the adorableness of this picture I saw earlier today.

And lastly, this tiktok just reminded me of you 🤣🤣🤣 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJoDK9Lq/
Have a great day/evening!
I considered having his crest on his throat! But I felt like having it somewhere that he has to purposefully show it off is a bit sexier? Like, essentially, Gojo is a fucking peacock, but like a slightly subtle one? Their crest is the only one of the big three that doesn't have the Kanji in it. Basically sending the same message that he told Rinko in the teaser "you already know who I am" You don't need the Kanji to know that the crest is the Gojo crest, because they're just so fucking important.
But I do agree the idea of his crest being on his neck/throat is very sexy 🥵
That picture is adorable, and I love it. Hear me out: That's him with Eiji 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
That tiktok is an attack on me and while it might be accurate I don't APPRECIATE THIS (i love that the caption is literally 'this is mental illness' because BRUH 😭)
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Picture this: I'm on a lil mental health walk (love those), iced coffee in my hand, warm sunset glow in my eyes, music playing through my earbuds-
And then the music is juuuust right and I'm hit with the oneshot in my mind--and all I can see is Rinko screaming and crying and throwing shit into a box and the absolute heart wrenching breakdown that was condensed into one, short paragraph--and then the whole story flashed like a damn MOVIE in my mind I tell ya
Wild stuff! and it wasn't even a particularly angsty song (Somewhere Only We Know by Keane). It just felt right, the slow build up of the music and emotions... as Rinko runs to the train station trying to keep it all in, rushing home a compete mess, confronted with just how much of him is in her apartment and then having to go through all of it... whoa! Great soundless mental movie visuals with music in the background 👌 👏
I've always liked the way you give us little snippets in time (vs something more linear). And the mental circling back to particular dialogue ahhh... I find it very imersive and it hurts so good for angsty pieces
TL;DR you're so cool :))
I cannot describe the range of emotions I went through while reading this 🥹😂😂😭
I do love mental health walks! I need to go on them more often, tbh
Also, thank you! I also love the non-linear story, showing the snippets. I feel it helps provide the context or needed information without bogging the story down with unnecessary filler. Which can really kill a story, tbh.
Also, I'm really happy with how the back and forth between 2017/2011 turned out! Having the groveling right before him groveling again hit just right 😭
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sorry for yelling:)
Have a lovely day/night!
#sweet asks#sweet anons#gojo and rinko ask#gojo and rinko au#gojo and rinko ideas#gojo/rinko yakuza au
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I’m 1000% on board with you doing AUs of Rinko and Gojo and friends & fam. I would also be 1000% on board with Uncle Nanami babysitting Rinkojo babies, just sayin’.
(Btw, love Gojo being Yuji’s emergency contact in latest AU)
Uncle Nanami definitely babysits Physical Paradox babies when he can! The only issue is that he lives in a different city :/
As for Gojo being Yuuji's emergency contact in Before I Love You??? I also love it, and I felt it showed a bit of Gojo's growth and maturity from when he and Rinko were together 😊
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*Preview* Before I Love You (an angsty Gojo/Rinko AU oneshot)
I'm sharing this to let you all know that I finally included the Lost in Paradise outfit, guys. Will it appear in Another Level or Physical Paradox as well? Most likely. But for now? It's in this angsty piece 😂
I'm gonna post it soon.
“Ya know,” a voice said, the familiar drawl causing her to jump. “This is the last place I expected to see you.”
She whipped her head to the side as they spoke, her eyebrows shooting up.
Gojo Satoru sat next to her, his bright blue eyes shining behind his dark shades as they swept down her body and back up. The years had been good to him. Still lean but clearly muscular, and his stark white hair was almost ethereal in the early afternoon sunlight. His ridiculously long legs were covered in a pair of teal pants, a short-sleeve tan button-up half tucked into them over a long-sleeved white t-shirt.
He looked good. But he’d always looked good. And he’d always known it, too.
She blinked a few times before shrugging, turning her eyes back to the soccer game just as the crowd of parents cheered around her. Mai was backing away from the goal, throwing her fist in the air as the goalie slammed her own into the ground.
#gojo satoru x original female character#gojo satoru fanfic#gojo fanfic#gojo satoru#jujutsu gojo#gojo au#gojo and rinko au
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😔🤚 I'm a huge bitch for angst so I have to say I was foaming at the mouth for that sneak peak
I've just been in such an angsty mood lately 😩
Which is rough because I'm not gonna write angst for Another Level. Those two fuckin got their happy ending and we're NOT TAKING THAT AWAY.
Physical Paradox is some angst, but those lil inspiration fairies don't wanna go near it right now 😭
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