#i think i shall allow myself to rot today i deserve it.
mishkakagehishka · 5 months
You should always think twice... i do always think twice. Seollenda me likey me likey likey likey me likey likey likey dugeundugeundugeun
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sleepylixie · 4 years
What are friends for?
College! Han Jisung X fem! Roommate reader
Imperium Universe || Jisung || Seungmin || Chan
1.5k words, Fluffy Fluff fluff,College!AU, Roommate!AU
Beware of: None other than teeth-rotting fluff and a teeny bit of swearing. Seungmin is chaotic evil incarnate but we been knew already 😂😂
A/N: the soft feels for Han Jisung hit hard 24/7, you guys. I MEAN LOOK ST THIS CUTIE BABIE I AM SIMPING. i have nothing more to say for myself. Please enjoy my offerings 🥺❤️❤️
Requests are open for SKZ and BTS! || Masterlist
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Han Jisung wasn’t used to roommates. Him and his law major friend Seungmin had neglected to apply for on-campus housing until the last minute. A freak administrative error had the both of them assigned to a certain Y/N’s room and... safe to say, the two of them had had a bit of a surprise in store for them when they met you.  
It was disconcerting for Jisung at first- to see his first impression of your appearance as a possibly reserved, introverted character dissolve into chaos the second you opened your mouth. You were a force of nature dressed in pastel skirts, a lavender-scented hurricane that had no control over her tongue or hair. You smiled like a fox- sweet and unassuming on the surface, but sharp-witted and deceptive underneath.
Jisung knew instantly that Seungmin would click with your personality. The both of you were freakishly similar, with your innocent appearance melting into sheer devilry whenever the two of you wished so. Of course, he was right.  Seungmin took to you with great interest-the two of you clicked like kindred souls, or possibly reunited twins who were separated at birth. Jisung, on the other hand... 
He was intimidated by you, and that made it slightly difficult for him to settle down around you. While you never treated him with anything beyond familiarity and the niceties of acquaintances, he could never allow himself the same sense of familiarity that Seungmin allowed himself with you. 
He wished so dearly that he could behave otherwise, for he would be lying if he said he hadn’t found you just a little attractive (just a smidgen) from the second he met you. Jisung wanted to be close to you, gain your trust and friendship, but for some reason(him scared of looking like an idiot and possibly having you judge him for the rest of his life) he could never bring himself to do it.
The three of you had been living together for a good year and a half, well into your third semester and you’d all figured out how to live with each other. For example, Seungmin would only cook if there was DAY6 music playing in the kitchen. The way you entered the house was a clear indication of your mood that day- and today, it was a loud, resounding slam followed by strings of cursing.
“This is a fucking scam. This entire university is a cesspool of money mongering bastards and greedy professors who don’t deserve a shred of anybody’s fucking respect-
“Woah, slow down there, tiger, what’s got your tail on fire?” Jisung asked you, jumping upright from where he was lounging on the couch. Your eyes flashed with annoyance as you threw yourself onto the side of the couch Jisung had just vacated.
He couldn’t help but let his eyes rove your body as unnoticeably as he could manage. Your hair looked windswept from your walk back to the apartment, one of the guys’ hoodies and jeans covering your frame. How you could look so devastatingly adorable despite having steam pouring out of your ears was absolutely beyond him.
“What happened, is my fucking creative lit professor refused to grade me up for the mid-term assignment, even though I know my piece was one of the best.” You were fuming, stark raving mad, literally one second away from shooting sparks out of your ears as your hands twisted together on your lap.
“He told me that if I worked harder at trying to become a better writer, I wouldn’t have to be begging for a better grade. AND HE SAID THAT I SHOULD TRY NEW METHODS OF BEGGING IF I WANTED IT THAT BADLY.”
Jisung’s eyes narrowed as he took in the words that were spewing out of your mouth. “Did he really-” “YES HE DID I CAN’T WITH THIS UNIVERSITY-” You burst out, letting an angry yell punctuate your sentence. 
“Do you want to go to the Dean? I’m sure they’ll be able to do something about it.” 
At that, you smiled at Jisung, the same foxy smile that had him shrinking a little into himself every time he saw it- it was a thing of rather savage beauty, very out-of-place on a face as endearing as yours.
“Not really, I handled it myself.”
Jisung stared at you, his internal discomposure melting into curiosity. “What the fuck did you do Y/N, I swear if you got one of the varsity jocks to beat him up or something-”
“I’m glad you think I’m capable of that, honestly.” You giggled, anger temporarily forgotten, swatting at Jisung’s thigh. Were those butterflies in his stomach? Gods, he would eat a knife if it got them to stop fluttering-
“She had the Dean on call when she spoke to that sleazeball of a professor,” Jisung exclaimed, amidst assorted gasps and cheers from his audience, laughing a little himself as he sipped his beer. “guess who got a new creative lit professor and full marks for the assignment.”
You laughed as everybody around you let out peals of laughter, thumping you on the back in appreciation.
Your roommates had a gang of 6 other boisterous boys from all over the campus, united by a string of unsavory events and narrowly avoided expulsion. You should probably be concerned, sure, but the vibe the 8 of them had with each other was way too nice for you to not be roped in; now you were part of all their weekly parties at Chris and Hyunjin’s frat house. 
You were situated on the armrests of one of the couches in said frat house, red cup supplied with your kind of poison- Whiskey and soda. All of the boys were gathered around the common room, laughing and talking amongst each other when Jisung took it upon himself to recount the story of your creative lit professor’s unfortunate dismissal. 
It was a rather embarrassing pastime of yours, to watch Han Jisung. He was a strange one, alright. Out in the world, he was a loud, boisterous guy with a penchant for words, knowing exactly what to say at any point of time. It earned him his reputation of being a cheeky mood maker in any setting, the kind of guy who had friends all over the campus and beyond. 
In truth, however, the Han Jisung you came to know was reserved, a little more hesitant with his words, the kind who’d allow his friends to speak up for him unless he absolutely had to. He wasn’t a pushover by any means, no. He was just a little more picky with his words when they were meant for the people he was comfortable with.
For some reason, it warmed your heart when he behaved that way around you too- it felt like he’d accepted you into his inner circle. For some reason, your heart honest to god skips a beat when he smiles, this fucking adorable smile every time you and Seungmin tease him around at the apartment because fuck, he doesn’t always smile like that, does he? For some reason, you end up noticing his eyes when he smiled like that, the way his cheeks lifted up in this devastating manner, the way he’d laugh out loud with his whole body, so at odds with his reserved personality-
Yeah, no you definitely had a thing for him. You thought you were being glaringly obvious with it too, with the unabashed way you’d notice and steal glances at him every time he walked into the room. 
Not that you’d ever tell him any of this though, you were fairly sure you’d sent him an impression of mild intimidation with your rather...loud personality.
It was probably for the best if you admired Han Jisung from afar, hoping that your fancy for him doesn’t take the reins on your behavior.
Jisung might not have noticed, but another certain somebody definitely did. Somebody who’s brain was already thinking, well-oiled cogs being put to use.
“Jisung, you should probably know that Y/N has a thing for you,”
“Seungmin what the fu-” you spluttered, neck already burning. This was not fucking happening.
“Is this what the roommate convention was for, you sneaky lil rat?” you exclaimed, doing everything you could to not lock eyes with the third roommate who was seated on your bed with the other two of you, now gawking between you and Seungmin with a rose blush scattered across his nose. 
Seungmin, to his credit, wasn’t fazed for a single second by the way the energy in the room changed, choosing to smile devilishly before continuing with his next sentence. 
“Y/N, you should probably know that Jisung has a thing for you too,”
What the fiddlesticks-
“And now, for my final trick, I shall excuse myself from this room. Roommate convention adjourned.”
Seungmin walked out of your room with a literal skip in his step. You would deal with your snake of a best friend after you were done with.. oh.
Your eyes finally met Jisung’s- warm amber eyes still looking at with a mixture of curiosity, surprise and affection that just knocked the words out of you. “Was Seungmin pranking me again?” He asked quietly, a hint of a smile playing across his lips. You sighed, trying to expel the nervousness. What the hell, might as well say the truth. 
“Not really,” the back of you neck felt like literal lava at this point- “I do like you.”
You were going to kill Seungmin.
“Good to know,” Jisung sighed in relief, his fingers twisting together on his lap. “Because uh.. He wasn’t pranking you either.” The next words seemed to take effort for him to get out, because his blush spread from his nose to his cheeks. “I like you too.”
You were going to thank Seungmin.
And then you were going to toss him into a dark room with Lee Minho and his boxing gloves, but that’s for later. 
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dekuscrybaby · 4 years
best years
pairing: semi eita x fem!reader
request: no, but darcy deserved semi content after doing god’s work
word count: 1.4k+ words
warnings: mmm semi is somewhat ooc but he has a delinquent backstory so it can be considered an au, cursing, tint bit of angst, tooth-rotting fluff, barely any plot, UNEDITED
summary: you and semi share your first dance as husband and wife. heavily inspired by 5sos’ best years off their newest album calm.
tag-list: @ktdkp​ @miyaxs​ @eitalovebot​ @anvese​ @snooshiegrape​ @hq-luv​ @rayt0rade​ @noyasbithc
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“can we please have mr. and mrs. semi come onto the dance floor for their first dance and husband and wife?” the designated dj spoke into the microphone, voice attempting to be somewhat sensual for the occasion.
hearing this, eita stood up from his chair and offered you, his bride, his hand, “shall we, mrs. semi?”
“it’d be my honor, mr. semi,” you giggled softly as you took his hand and stood from your seat, making sure to not step on your gown.
with huge loving grins on both of your faces, you strolled onto the black tiles that made up the dance floor for the night.
gracefully, you walked onto the center, your husband right behind you before you turned to look at him, your loving gaze matching his perfectly.
you slowly wrapped both arms around his neck as he wrapped his own around your waist, waiting for the music to begin to play.
just as the song’s singer began to flow softly through the venue’s audio system, semi began to sway you both softly across the floor.
“so we’re finally married huh?” he spoke through his grin.
“yeah, finally. after all the shit we’ve been through, you’re finally tied to me forever,” you laughed softly, your fingers finding a home in the short hair placed on the nape of his neck.
“i think i should be the one saying that to you though,” he said in a much softer tone, as if his mood were deflating from your small joke.
“what do you mean?” you furrowed your eyebrows, continuing the short strides in your dance.
“are you seriously going to act like nothing happened in high school? i know i had to have given you a million reasons to hesitate on my proposal, hell even my initial confession.”
“eita, don’t talk about the past. not on a day like today. today’s meant for us to celebrate our love that, hopefully, will last for the rest of our lives,” you frowned slightly.
“it’s just,” he sighed quietly, closing his eyes momentarily before meeting your eyes. “i gave you a million reasons to walk away and you did but you came back to me, when you shouldn’t have. yet i was selfish enough to allow you back into my fucked up life because i couldn’t find anyone to fill the void when you left. even after i wasted my time on people that slightly reminded me of you, you came back to me.”
“baby, that’s in the past and i want it to stay there, the future is better than yesterday. you’ve done so much to make it up to me. you’ve changed for me and i’m still so incredibly proud of you for doing so. not many juvenile delinquents can say that,” you smiled, tenderness written all over your features.
“the fact that someone like you even acknowledged a delinquent like me, makes me a little uneasy. y/n, i’ll never stop to remind you that you really could’ve been with a much better person. you deserve the world, sweetheart.” semi began to rub circles into your waist, his expression still looking rather deflated than earlier in the day.
you wanted his mood to brighten up because it was your wedding after all, it’s meant to be the happiest day for the two of you. and what better way to do that than to inflate your groom’s ego just a little?
“well how could i not acknowledge you? you were hands down one of the hottest boys at school. you looked so hot in that leather jacket of yours, and don’t get me started on the black jeans you wore that were tight in all the right places,” you snorted.
a small grin began to spread across his face, “you really mean that?”
“of course i do. it was my high school dream to fall in love with a bad boy and you just happened to be my type, so how could i not fall in love with you?”
“cigarettes and all?” he raised an eyebrow inquisitively.
“the cigarettes were especially hot, in theory of course. lung cancer isn’t exactly hot and i’m glad you’re slowly quitting that habit,” you laughed softly.
“you’re too good to me, you know that right? you’re practically an angel, how’d i get so damn lucky?” he groaned as he dipped you, attempting to spice up what you assumed to be a somewhat boring first dance.
but you had more important matters to attend to than to put on a show for your guests.
“well you can always repay me,” you suggested as semi urged you to continue with one glance.
“promise to give me the best years of my life as your wife. build a home with all the ‘broken pieces’ you may have caused and make it a home for us. i know you feel terrible for causing me tears earlier in our relationship, especially during your delinquent phase. so, make it up to me by giving your all into the marriage, make me the happiest person.”
small tears began to sting in corners of semi’s eyes. something in him refused to believe that you were meant to be his for the rest of his life, but hearing you speak to him moved something in him.
you wanted him to promise you something. you had faith that he’d keep something between the two of you. you had faith in him to keep your marriage well and healthy. hell, you even had faith that he’d make a home for the two of you. together.
and who was he to deny a request from a girl on her wedding day?
“i promise. i promise to give you the best years,” his voice began to shake as his emotions began to overwhelm him.
“darling, i promise you won’t ever regret marrying me. i know i'm basically contradicting myself at this point, but your words erupted something in me. you’re tied to me now, and i’ll make it my mission to make you the happiest so you don’t ever regret taking my last name to be your own. and i promise to never make you worry over me. any traces of my delinquency are burned out like that cigarette you saw me smoke last night.”
the slight reference to his nervousness before today made you laugh a little before you allowed him to continue spilling his heart out to you. despite your vows from earlier already doing part of it.
“i’ll never shut up about how overjoyed i was to hear the wedding officiant declare us husband and wife. i can’t wait to spend every single day of our lives together and i can’t wait to make up for all my dumbass mistakes. you’ll never know how ecstatic i am to finish growing up with you. you did so much for me when i wasn’t even half of the man that you deserved but you stuck around so let me be the man you deserve for the rest of our lives.
“let me hold your hair when you drink too much or when we finally get the opportunity to start a family of our own. let me build a home for us and for our future family. i know i’m not perfect, my criminal record is proof of a few of my imperfections, but let me attempt to be a husband you can be proud of.” he finished his speech with a breathy laugh.
not able to find any words to respond to him, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his.
salty tears began to slowly stream down both of your cheeks, but it didn’t stop you guys from sharing a passionate kiss. it wasn’t even a sexual one with tongue, just a soft kiss between two lovers to symbolize the pure love you held for one another.
eita slowly pulled away from your lips and rested his forehead against yours, his breath slightly ragged from the long kiss.
you mimicked his own actions, forgetting about your surroundings until you heard clapping around the two of you.
slowly glancing to your side, you remembered where you were. the song had wrapped up and everyone was gushing over how perfect eita was for you and you were for him.
“let’s give up to the newlyweds!” the dj cheered, subtly wiping under his eyes.
“well that was an amazing first dance, don’t you agree, dear?” semi smiled down at you.
“it would be rude of me not to, let’s not let it be the last.”
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Part 8
Summary: You finally make a decision about what to do next.
Fate Masterlist
Word Count: 2233.
“G- get him out of my site” you couldn’t bear to look at him.
“Wait, please! H-how are you alive?” Jon couldn’t believe his eyes but at the same time, deep down he knew you were alive.
“You’re not the only one that can be brought back to life” you turned your back on him.
“That’s enough. Put him in the cell” Daenerys ordered.
“How are you feeling?” Daenerys asked.
“I’m alright” you lied.
“You don’t look alright. About before, I’m s-“.
“I’m sorry for calling you a traitor. I didn’t mean it. I know you want what’s best for me” you apologized.
“And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. It’s just that I promised your father”.
“Do you think we’ll see him again?” You asked.
“I hope so. I miss him everyday. One day, we shall all be together with everyone we’ve lost”.
“That would be nice” you smiled and she hugged you.
“One more thing, Jon refuses to eat before he speaks to you” she informed you.
“Then let him starve” you sighed.
“If you want him dead, I’d be more than happy to execute him”.
“No… at least not yet. Tell him if he doesn’t eat, I’ll bring sansa’s head on a platter”.
“What did he do now?” You asked as you saw Gray Worm enter your chambers.
“Your mother talked to him and he said that he doesn’t believe you’re capable of such a thing” he informed you.
“Is that so? Bring him to the throne room” you ordered.
“Right away. I’ll inform her grace”.
“No, don’t involve my mother. This is between him and me”.
“As you wish”.
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“Don’t speak unless spoken to. I only brought you here to tell you that whatever plan you’re conducting is not going to work. If you hope to by your family more time, you won’t succeed” you were sitting firmly on the throne.
“I’m not planning anything”.
“I said do not speak until I allow you to. If you do not comply, I’ll let Gray Worm take you back to rot in that cell. When I said I’d bring Sansa’s head on a Platter, I meant it. You don’t know me, Jon. I’ve changed. The Y/n you knew died when you killed me. You’re still alive because I don’t know what to do with you yet and by that I mean I don’t know which way to choose to make you suffer”.
“May I speak now?”.
“Go ahead”.
“I didn’t come here to fight you. I am tired of fighting. I fought and I lost. You’re angry at me, I understand. You want revenge. I’m here to try and save my family. They had nothing to do with this”.
“Nothing to do with this? Sansa betrayed me, even after I promised to make the North independent again. Brann is sitting on MY THRONE! And you say they have nothing to do with this? The Northerners are stubborn, so I know they won’t bend the knee, that’s why I’m gonna burn Winterfell to the ground and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, unless you plan on murdering me again, but I can assure you, you will fail this time”.
“Please don’t do this” he begged.
“I’m not as cruel and evil as you think I am. I am a forgiving queen. I might show you mercy and spare your life once you are on your knees and apologizing for the treason you have commited”.
“I am sorry that I killed you but I won’t apologize for doing what I thought was right. You were going to murder thounsands of people”.
“So instead you murdered an innocent life”.
“You’re not innocent”.
“I’m not talking about myself”.
He was confused and you realized you might have said more than you intended to.
“Please, if you must, take my life” be begged on his knees and closed his eyes.
“You do not want me to spare your life, do you?”.
“No, just spare my family”.
“You do not think you deserve it? Look at me” you got off your throne, approached him and lifted his chin up, so your eyes could meet.
“I am sorry. I truly am and I won’t forgive myself for what I did to you” tears started forming in his eyes.
“How could I spare your family? If I do, the North will remain loyal to them. They’ll never bend the knee. And if I kill you, your family will want to avenge you and the North would never bend the knee to me for killing their king, so tell me, how do I spare them?”.
“I- I do not know, but I’m begging you not to kill them, please!”.
You were about to say something when you saw your necklace around his neck.
“You kept it” you knelt in front of him and held the necklace.
“I wanted something to remember you by” he placed his shackled hand on yours.
“I need time to think” you removed your hand after a moment of weakness.
“I do not know what to do mother”.
“If seeing him pains you, I’d execute him for you. He needs to be punished after all”.
“No. I- I don’t know why but I don’t think I stopped loving him. And I hate myself for it” you admitted.
“That’s alright. If you want to forgive him it’s your choice. Sometimes it’s better to forgive than to execute people who betrayed you. But You have to know for sure if these people deserve your forgiveness. Remember Jorah betrayed me but I cared for him and I understood his reason. I punished him but he redeemed himself and I forgave him. If you want to do that, you have to be sure of it. But I will never forgive the man who murdered my only daughter and don’t expect me to be happy with that decision. Even if you eventually choose to forgive him, you have to punish him first, as a lesson and so he wouldn’t dare do it again and for all the people to know that you’re not to be messed with” she advised.
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“But how can I still love him after he killed me?” You were confused with yourself.
“Love does not disappear overnight. It takes time if you let it. There’s a side of your father that I never mentioned to you before. The truth is I never wanted to marry him in the first place. He was savage, a brute and vicious. During the first few months of being married to him, I hated and feared him, but with time I started falling in love with him. Although he’s long dead, I’ve never loved a man the way I loved your father. Sure, I care about Daario but it’s not the same. Sometimes hate can turn into love but other times, love can turn into hate. Be careful, my child! That’s the only advice I can give you”.
“So, no matter the outcome, you’d be alright with it?”.
“Yes, I trust you’d make the right decision”.
“Y/n” Jon greeted as Grey Worm brought him to the throne room again.
“It’s your grace to you”.
“I apologize, your grace”.
“After some careful thinking, I have reached a decision. You are to become the Warden of the North after I reunite the seven kingdoms. Bran will be banished to the North and never returns South, so will Sansa. If they ever leave, they’d be executed on sight”.
“But I do-“.
“Refuse and I’ll kill your whole family. You wanted me to not kill them for their betrayal, that’s the solution. I trust you’re still the honest man you once were which is why you’ll keep your family in check”.
“What about us?”.
“Us? There’s no us. You stand under my mercy and I can take your life anytime I want. You ought to remember that. I love you but if you ever betray me again, I will rip your heart out with my bare hands and make you watch after I slaughter your whole. The only reason you are still breathing now is because of the love I hold for you, but I won’t let that love blind me again or stand in my way, do you understand?”.
“I do. I am truly sorry and thank you for showing mercy”.
“Send a letter to your brother. Tell him to stand down and return home. Send another letter to your sister and order her to surrender. I expect complete obedience from her. Tell her if she doesn’t, you will die as she watches helplessly” you ordered.
When you arrived at Winterfell, everyone was on their knees but not out of love or respect but out of fear ane hatred.
“You could’ve had it all, but you betrayed me. What a shame. Now you have nothing but regret for the rest of your life” you confronted Sansa.
“I made a mistake, your grace! Please forgive me” you could see that she didn’t want to speak those words but did out of love for her brother.
“Forgiveness must be earned and you haven’t yet. You’re alive today because of the love I hold for your brother, but even that won’t keep me from executing you if you ever betray me again”.
You left Winterfell without looking back. When you arrived at King's Landing, Brann was gone but Tyrion was still there along with the allies that didn’t betray you after your death. You banished Tyrion and rewarded your loyal allies with Lannister money. The rest of it you gave to the poor. You abolished brothels and made it forbidden. Any man who’d try or rape a woman was punished by death.
You went on to free the cities from tyrants and the part that came true from the prophecy was that you burnt cities to the ground that refused to surrender, free the slaves, children and women. Sometimes, you’d manage to get everyone innocent out before burning the city to the ground, other times, some innocents burn alongside the tyrants. It was unfortunate, but nothing comes without sacrifice.
After making the world a better place you returned to King’s Landing to rule.
Your mother went back to Essos with the two dragon babies, a female and a male. Missandei and Jorah, after the people you lost. You kept the other female one along with Drogon and Rhaegal. You called her Valyria after your origin. And with that, the new dragon era began.
You often felt lonely but that’s the price you had to pay to achieve peace in the realm.
You were sitting in the throne room waiting for some problem to solve or some duties to do when Grey Worm informed you that Jon’s here to see you.
“Jon, you’re back! What is it? Did something happen in the North? Need my help with anything?” You stood from the iron throne and approached him.
He immediately knelt and greeted you “your grace! No, I’m here because I don’t want to be without you. I love you with all my heart. I do not want to be away from you again. I am willing to do anything to earn your trust and love again” he expressed.
“Stand up! You’re willing to do anything? Would you live in the South?” You asked.
“For you, I would”.
“Just like that? What about your family? Your loyalty to your house?”.
“My loyalty is to you and so is my heart. Marry me!” He proposed.
“What?” You were shocked.
“Marry me. I never thought I’d say those words to anyone but I made a mistake and without you my life was miserable and I cannot imagine my life without you. So marry me or kill me, but don’t make me rule in the North without you”.
You chuckled “I loved you and that was my downfall.I won’t let my guard down this time or be fooled by you again. You should go back and next time you want to come South, you should inform me beforehand” you ordered.
“Please do not make me do this!”.
“I have to. There is something I haven’t told you about, but now that you insist on being with me, I will. I was pregnant with your child and I was going to tell you but you drove a dagger through my chest and I never got the chance to. I even thought of names, it it was a boy, I wanted to name him Eddard after the man who protected you his whole life and if it was a girl, I wanted to name her Lyanna after your mother”.
“I- I didn’t know. I am truly sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you. If I had known-“.
“You wouldn’t have killed me?”.
“I- you should punish me. I deserve it”.
“You do, which is why I just told you. Now, you’ll carry on living knowing that you murdered your unborn child. You should go back North now and rule in my stead until I believe you’ve redeemed yourself. That is your punishment".
“I will never forgive myself” tears started forming in his eyes.
“I know” you tried to stay strong.
“Then, I take my leave and wish you a long and happy life”.
“Take care, Jon” tears left your eyes as he left.
Tags: @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @simonsbluee @capsheadquaters @octaviareina
@winterscommander @patdsinner @doctorswife221b @marvel-addict-95 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @queenmxndes @simplyfandomish @coltonparayyko @blonddnamedhandz @ironrodgers @frozenhuntress67
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himalayaz · 3 years
The Comprehensive Radical Guide to Shoplifting
[working title]
“That white man, baby, and may his balls shrivel and his ass hole rot, he want you to be worried about money. That’s his whole game. But if we got to where we are without money, we can get further. I ain’t worried about they money --they aint got no right to it anyhow, they stole it from us-- they aint never met nobody they didn’t lie to and steal from. Well, I can steal, too. And rob. How you think I raised my daughters? Shit.” -James Baldwin, If Beale Street Could Talk
“Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks”
-Karl Marx
I love shoplifting. In fact, I would not be able to maintain many aspects of my life/style without stealing from places like Kroger, Target, Lowe’s. Shoplifting makes me feel powerful, agentic, and it helps me heal from the omnipresence of ownership. To be an entity under capitalism, is to be owned, we are each owned. When I steal a beautiful plant from Home Depot, I whisper to myself and my ancestors slyly as I walk past the check out, this is the earth, my mother and my lover, and I would be a fool to buy the earth from anyone, she does not belong to anyone, I do not belong to anyone. 
Capitalism is a religion of theft. Attempts at cataloging the breadth of what has been stolen from us populate a social-scientific discipline in their own right. The capitalist class, their progenitors, and likely their descendants have robbed us of things for which there is no process on earth that will allow for complete remuneration, there remains only a gnawing hole where our human potential should lay. As our planet screams out at us in warning of what shall come to pass if we do not win, I am chilled realizing that capitalism has outdone itself again and is attempting to steal the very future of the human race from us. 
My role on earth is to struggle towards liberation, and I will do that until I die. Our ancestors are magicians, creating and evolving so many strategies of resistance such that today, young radicals treat our work in Movement as if it were a classical art style, forever to be stylized and improved upon. Our struggle is shapeless, taking on the form of whatever is most needed and convenient to the people fighting back. There is a place for everyone in this ever evolving  movement and a strategy for each of us to practice with; there are strategies that are yet to be dreamt of, even. In my eternal pettiness and spite, gifted to me by my ancestors, my tool of choice is theft. 
Shoplifting captures all of the elements of my personal politic, especially, and with emphasis on, pleasure, developing a sense of luxury that is anti consumption and anti capitalist, and my theory of brilliance: Not only is there a better life out there for us, a better life than what has been dealt to us, but that we are deserving and worthy and willing to simply walk up to the beauty section of Target, or march to the rotunda freedom flags burning, and take it. 
At first, when I started shoplifting, it was to feed myself. Hunger, which drives so many of us to struggle and resistance, is an important part of many lifters’ stories. My first summer in Atlanta at 19 years old, I saw an opportunity in the fact that our local Kroger served Black people so naturally they were understaffed, poorly organized, and open 24 hours. At 3 am you could walk out of that grocery store with entire carts of food, toiletries, and other supplies at will. Of course, I hadn’t the courage or skill to do such a thing back then, so I started small. I’d slip small fruits in my pockets while switching aisles, and scan things the wrong way. My political development and study grew at the same rate as my gumption in that grocery store; even as I was bringing in more income, something about stealing from companies that aren’t paying their workers internationally or in my neighborhood felt like a giant fuck you to the CEOs. Regardless of the thrill of my personal disrespect, my growing skill was rooted in nothing. No politic, principle, or larger meaning. I simply shoplifted to feed myself and my roommates or to get trinkets that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford. 
I cannot pinpoint what pushed my thinking around shoplifting towards understanding it as a possible liberatory tool. With some certainty, I can admit that some of it was inspired by watching the cycle of police terrorism, rioting and looting that happens in America just about every summer. When the Baltimore uprising happened (I had just turned 18 a few months prior), it was the first time I’d ever been to a Black led protest or seen in person the level the state would go to to repress Black liberation efforts. It was also the first time I’d ever witness someone looting. While the dogs, the helicopters, the blockades terrified me, there was something so right about watching a young man grab a rock and shatter the entire glass front window of a CVS. That rightness spread from my stomach through my nervous system as exhilaration when I watched a group of people peel off from the protest route to flood that CVS -- despite the people at the mics beckoning for them to stop. America steals family members, community leaders, neighbors from us. Why should we not destroy and steal from the embodiments of that theft most accessible to us? 
My commitment to movement work is rooted in collective empowerment, which happens through mutual aid. Shoplifting sits at the axis of strategy, privilege, marxist thought, finesse, and usefulness. It is both a method of survival for many of us, and a tool we can use to radicalize our peers. It is dangerous. It is a statement to the gluttonous pigs who seek to keep us low, that we will steal as much laughter, as much joy, as many moments back from you as we do mascara, cheezits, and nice candles. Shoplifting recognizes that none of the beauty or conveniences on Earth belong to just one person or corporation, they belong to the workers, they belong to the afro indigenous descendants, they belong to the artisans, they belong to each of us. We’ll steal to feed each other, then we’ll steal to arm each other, and one day, we will reclaim this planet and our future, right as we are stealing heads.
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eyeofmud · 5 years
my holiday exchange gift to @shadesyste​ <3 happy wintersend! 
My dear Reina, 
I do hope this letter finds you quickly, seeing as you are now a remarkably hard woman to track down. It has been too long without hearing you, seeing you, so I find myself compelled to send this. I say so long, it has hardly been a month since I left Ferelden behind and I while I can still feel the chill of its winter under my skin I find my thoughts wandering to warm nights. Fortunately, there are other things to occupy my time than cleaning my dagger. 
Spring has arrived in Antiva, finally, and the streets bustle with far more activity than your Ferelden cities. I cannot say I miss the quiet there but I can say I have missed some of your noise. The docks are the loudest, with the waves and the shouting sailors vying for attention with street market hawkers. One day I shall bring you here, the port of Antiva City is a sight everyone should see at least once. It shines in the sunlight, but it is the shadows I am interested in, but you know this. The city is alive in more ways than one, though if I am successful it will not be quite so lively for long. But that is for the future and today all I wish to tell you is I have arrived back in my city and already I find myself yearning for the place I just left. 
I have missed many things, in truth. I have missed the warm sun of my Antiva more than I can describe to you but it pales in comparison to how my arms ache to hold you. I have missed the sound of your breathing next to me and the softness of your hair between my fingers. When you wake do you do so with my name on your lips as I do yours? 
Ah, pretty words are they not? I found them in a book of poetry an urchin left in an old weapon stache I should have known would be pilfered. But they are true of a sort, and if I were to add my own words they would fall short. Maybe I will keep the book, and read from it to you when I see you again. 
Until we next meet,
My dear Reina, 
Yesterday I found myself slipping through a festival held in a city square. I wasn’t on festival business of course, but one cannot find themselves in a dance without joining in no? Even before I could see it I could hear the music and smell the flowers, light bouncy melodies and red carnations littered the streets far ahead of the celebration. In summer the cities often reek of rotting fish and leather but today the only thing in the air is the scent of soft petals. Even the backstreets held an air of anticipation for the festivities. I admit I stopped and lingered for a moment, hidden in an alley near the main square. There is nothing better than listening to dancers just around the corner. Except being a dancer I suppose. Would you ever want to dance in a square surrounded by flowers and music? I doubt in the Circle you had much reason to dance, I could teach you. Just imagine in, my hands on your hips and your body close to mine and my lips by your ear. 
Can you picture it caro? Sweet carnations on your tongue, the music bright and swinging, my fingers brushing your skin as we dance. The summer sun would not be able to keep up with you, mi amor. I took a flower, one of the far too many to be missed carnations, and hopefully, by the time this letter reaches you, it will be sufficiently dried out. But who knows, I have never sent a pressed flower before. There are many things I have never done before meeting you. Perhaps you can say the same, and we can keep teaching each other. 
My dear Reina, 
I hear you have been busy making a name for yourself after I left, saving cities from darkspawn and rebuilding the Wardens from the ground up. Dangerous business for anyone else. Tell me you do not sleep with any windows open, though if you do I am sure you are never defenseless. You are a remarkable woman, amor, and I am proud of what you have accomplished even if I cannot yet tell you myself. But, soon, I think I will. What passes for autumn here is beginning to arrive and it finds only empty darkness with its chilly winds. When I am done here I will return to you before anything else. I can think of nothing else I wish for once this is over, and yet I also find myself wondering of all the places I could show you here in Antiva. A busy, beautiful woman such as yourself deserves a hard-won vacation do you agree? 
I still have the poetry book, if you are curious. Most nights I would read one or two, comparing them and thinking about which ones would make you laugh so the corners of your eyes crinkle up or the ones which would curl your lips like you do when you’re trying not to laugh or the ones you would genuinely enjoy. When I read them to you you must tell me which ones I got right. 
Soon I will see you again, hold you again. Reina, amor, it has been a long time without you but now there is no shadow over us. No darkness between us. You are a busy woman, even from Antiva I can see the tension in your shoulders. When I return  will you allow me to ease them? Have you missed me as I have missed you? It is far too late at night for me to be writing this, my candle burns low even as I try to put my thoughts into words fast enough. 
Smoothing out the last of Zevran’s letters Reina places a hand against the heavy parchment. It only arrived yesterday but he must have written it well over a week ago. Cold air sighs gently across Reina’s ankles as she retrieves her own parchment and pen, raising goosebumps on her skin. Shivering she adjusts the shawl she’d grabbed to go over her nightgown, glancing towards her now open window. When did this happen, she could have sworn she closed it when night fell. Reina stands, she needed a new ink well anyways, and crosses her bedroom quietly. 
Outside the stars shine brightly over Vigil’s Keep and the chilly breeze whistles across the scaffolding holding the tower together. Looking out Reina can’t make out much beyond the shadows of night falling across the stone and wood, must have just been the wind blowing the window open. 
“Amor, I told you to lock your windows at night.” 
In her chest, Reina’s heart stops. The letter had read soon but she never thought- And yet his voice is in her ear and hands she’s dreamt about for a year are wrapping around her waist from behind and there’s no air, no air in her lungs because Zevran has stolen it from her in a breathless kiss. He tastes like forgotten memories and starlight and Reina throws herself into the kiss, wraps her own arms around him and holds him to her like she thought she might never again. But it doesn’t matter now, how often she read his letters or how much she missed him, because Zevran returned to her. Just like he promised. 
A kiss tasting of salt, starlight falling on a pressed carnation. 
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Lie to Me (Ch. 23 of 28)
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Genre/Ratings: M eventually (aiming for a slow burn here); warnings for kidnapping and subsequent anxiety/PTSD (will be marked before every chapter)
Words: 1300
Summary: If you had to guess what the captured, traitor, trickster god Loki Laufeyson wanted or needed at this moment, a babysitter would be far, far down on the list. (Set after the events of Avengers 1.)
SHOUTOUT TO @molmcb and @jessiejunebug, I’m too tired to think of something clever to put here tonight (pt. 2)
Requested Tags: @deraniel, @iamverity,  @yasnooshka24, @wegingerangelica, @themusingsofmany , @dark-night-sky-99, @tarynkauai, @stuffandstuff-stuff, @angelicshinigami, @my-current-fandom-is, @geekysimmerthings,           @lokis-butter-knife, @help-i-need-a-social-life, @vodka-and-some-sass
Loki has stood in Asgard’s grand throne room too many times to count. Some of his earliest memories are of his small self hiding behind his mother’s skirts as he and Thor look on at various proceedings: Odin meting out cruel justice, or citizens presenting complaints, or yearly celebrations they were always turned away from once the hour struck late. This room was an idol to him, once. His endgame. Young hopes and dreams are embedded into every tile that paves the floor. As years passed, the gold that once shined so brightly in his eyes began to dull; warm words crystallized to stone and ice. It became a cancer that consumed his mind and turned his hand to darker thoughts, darker desires- something to conquer and claim rather than bow to and serve. He always knew, truly, that this throne would be his undoing, one way or another, for better or for worse.
And if he is being honest with himself, he always knew it would be for the worst. That nothing would ever end well for Loki Laufeyson.
But even as he is marched to the dias in the center of the room, flanked by thousands of citizens come to see their fallen dark prince meet his fate, his head is held high. The chains wrapping his form do not seem to weigh him down, and his eyes are alert and clever as ever. His armor gleams, his demeanor is calm, and his feet step lightly towards his doom. Because in every other face in the crowd, he sees your own- watching him with soft eyes, giving him courage where his usual boldness has failed him. He walks as you would want him to, as he would want you to see him: proudly, and without shame.
A prince is still a prince, no matter where he comes from. He may not be the prince his father wanted, the prince his mother deserves, or a prince Asgard would accept. But if he is still a prince in your eyes, even after knowing how deep his scars truly cut- then royalty he must be.
And so as he faces his father on his throne, Frigga at his side, and Thor by the other, he does so, for the first time, as their equal.
A hush falls over the crowd as he stops in front of Odin, and his escorts step away. He does not kneel. He does not bow. He simply inclines his head, and in a rare moment of understatement, speaks: “I believe you wished to see me?”
Odin’s gaze is disapproving, of course, but Loki thinks he catches a glint of amusement amongst the sadness mingling in Frigga’s eyes. Thor seems torn- his face is as unreadable as thunderclouds. “My son. It is under grave circumstances that you return to Asgard.”
“Only as grave as you wish it, All-Father. In a word you could transform this funeral into a feast. I am sure your guests would much appreciate the turn in mood.” Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the Warriors Three shift uncomfortably, and trade glances. They stand on Thor’s side, no doubt for his support, but Loki briefly wonders if they will mourn his sentencing. Perhaps not as he stands today, but for the mischievous, innocent boy they knew in their youth.
The rumble from Odin’s annoyance echoes throughout the hall. If the room was silent previously, you can now hear a pin drop. “Loki Odinson. Today you stand before the throne of Asgard for your trespasses against not only our home, but also Midgard, as well as myself and your own brother, Thor. To what do you say to these accusations?”
“I do not deny them. Indeed, I accept these charges as stated.”
The only indication of Odin’s surprise is a slight shift in his posture. “Will you not defend yourself?”
“I see no reason to, as the allegations are not false. I have wronged many and allowed destruction to befall many more. My guilt is clear, and my conscience heavy. As such, I will accept my penalty without complaint.”
“Hm.” His judge’s eyes are piercing, and cold. “It seems you have managed to maintain a mediocrum of dignity during your exploits.” For a moment, a familiar rage flares in Loki’s chest. He swallows it in a breath. “Very well. In consideration of your crimes, you shall be stripped of the immortality Idun has granted you, as well as the magic you so clearly covet. The rest of your days will be spent amongst your peers in the dungeons of Asgard. This is my decree, and this is my judgement.”
Immediately, those in attendance begin to murmur amongst themselves. To rescind one’s eternal youth is a grave penalty, and only used in the most serious of cases. The goddess Idun is the keeper of the apples which give the gift of youth and radiance, and she does not poison her prized fruit readily. Loki grimaces. He and the goddess haven’t been on the best of terms since he had a hand in her kidnapping by a giant, millennia ago. No doubt she will be only too happy to aid in his punishment.
When the double doors to the throne room open again, a breeze smelling of blossoming fruits and lavender floats in, easy and warm as the height of summer. Loki stands aside as a girl- twelve at most, with long hair braided into a crown and gauzy skirts that trail behind her- approaches the royal family and bows low in the old style. In her arms she carries a rough-woven basket filled with softly glowing apples.
Idun turns to Loki and regards him coolly. “Trickster. We meet again.”
He bristles at her use of his nickname. You call him Trickster out of fond exasperation, with a twinkle of a laugh in your voice. Her tone is not so kind. “Indeed we do. Have you been well?”
She doesn’t seem to know what to make of his casual conversation, but her face remains neutral. “My trees bear fruit, and so we live well,” she says simply. “Though it seems you will soon be excluded from such life. Are you prepared for the consequences?”
Reversing immortality is painful at best and lethal at worst. Odin could plan on torturing his son for decades in his dungeons, but there’s no guarantee that he will first survive the poison apple. “He does not have the privilege of choice,” Odin rumbles. “Prepare your spell.”
“Very well.” She inclines her head towards her king, then studies her basket carefully, eventually selecting a fruit that appears slightly plumper and fuller than the rest. Cupping it in her palms, she grazes its divine skin with a thumb, then brings the apple to her lips and begins to chant.
Aesir watch in morbid fascination as the healthy fruit begins to turn sickly and necrotic. Its golden sheen is replaced with a green-gray pallor, and it shrivels as though left in the sun for a thousand years, dripping hazy black smoke and droplets of acid that leave pockmarks on the floor as it leaks from her hands.
Even Idun doesn’t seem to take any pleasure at handing Loki the cursed apple. “May Heimdall smile kindly on your fate,” she whispers, and then retreats, as though she cannot bear to look.
Ash curls around his fingers and fills the air with a dead smell. “Eat,” Odin commands. “Accept your punishment with grace.”
Frigga looks as though she wants to cry, and Thor’s knuckles are clenched so tightly his skin has gone white. Loki looks at neither of them as he takes his first bite.
It tastes of rotted flesh, and acrid juice burns his throat and dribbles down his chin. Immediately, he can feel his stomach churn and his chest tighten as the curse works to undo thousands of years worth of magic. By the time he reaches the core and spits out the seeds into his palm, he feels as though fire is consuming his soul inch by inch.
The king nods in satisfaction. “So it is done. The All-Mother will oversee the revoking of your magic.” This time, Frigga visibly flinches. She cannot blatantly disobey her husband, but to have a hand in robbing her son of his pride and joy, a pride and joy that she herself fostered and nurtured from his infancy- it tears at her heart like nothing else. “Do you have anything to declare before you are taken into custody?”
Despite the agony curling around his person, Loki lifts his chin in quiet defiance. “I do.” He pauses, to make sure every eye is on him. “You call me Loki Odinson. You call me your son. But I believe we both know that I have ever been your son in name only, not in blood, love, or loyalty. I may die tomorrow, but I will die free, because today I declare my independence from the names that have haunted me for millennia. I am not Odinson, nor am I Laufeyson. I am Loki.” Loki’s eyes flare with pride as he fights to keep his voice steady. “I am singularly my own. I claim me for myself and no one else; with no unfulfilled names to carry with me to my grave. When I am stricken from Asgard’s history, remember me well as my own lord, master, and king.”
“GUARDS!” Odin roars, enraged by his words, but Loki simply smiles as his armored escorts drag him from the room by chains and lead him into the depths of Asgard’s castle. Yes, he may die tomorrow. But he will die liberated, with his last words ringing in all of the nine realms’ ears.
Frigga comes to visit him. He isn’t sure if she’s allowed to do this. He should ask, but most of the time he can’t do much more that shiver on the floor of his cell, arms wrapped around himself, jaw clenched to keep his teeth from rattling out of his skull.
At first, he curses Idun, but in his more lucid moments he admits she is only following his father’s orders. So he goes back to cursing Odin in between each painful breath.
Frigga can ease his pain slightly, but healing magic can only go so far when your very DNA is being re-written. She speaks with kindness, with love, and with pride, helping him through the worst nights when his stubbornness threatens to fail him and his resolve wavers as stars do in the sky.
“You spoke bravely, my son,” she whispers, her fingers against the barrier in front of her as though she might reach out and touch Loki’s face. “I have rarely been prouder. You have walked such a long road, and carried mountains on your shoulders that are all but invisible to others. And yet, you still find the courage to face your father as the prince I know you are. You have come so far.” In his chains, Loki clings to her every word. “Your love is looking up at the sky in awe, though she may not know why.”
Y/N. Just thinking your name eases a little of the sting that’s worked his way into his bones. As on Earth, you give him the hope to see another day.
“You shun the name of Odinson, and I cannot blame you for that. But I would be honored if someday, you would consider taking my own, Loki Friggason.”
Y/N Y/L/N. Loki Friggason. Two names to murmur in the dead of night to keep his heart beating until the sun rises once again.
A/N: Update 2 of 2 for tonight, sorry about that! The Idun kidnapping story is a real thing and you should def look it up, it’s a RIDE
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I was re-reading acomaf today and got to the part where Feyre touched Rysand's wing when he is flying. I was wondering if you could write that scene from Rysand's pov.
Sensitive Wings
Omg yes of course I can! Thank you so much for asking me I’m so excited!! Basically just used the book and went from there? Okay here goes. Xx
The wind rushed past us as we flew towards the snowy mountains that disguised the hellish pit that lay beneath. Cassian and Azriel kept watch on either side of us for potential threats, and Feyre was bundled into my arms. I glimpsed her rosy cheeks from the cold and hair being whipped from side to side. I had been close to asking her not to come today, because of the horrors that might flood back from Under the Mountain when she steps inside the Hewn City. The Mother knew that I would be battling the thoughts when I went inside, but Feyre shouldn’t be burdened with it. All these thoughts were swirling in my head, but then I saw her looking at me with such determination, and knew that she really was willing to help, and I couldn’t take that away from her. Not like that bastard did.
I swooped past hills and rocky crags surrounding the mountain, holding Feyre tight. I tried to focus on getting to our destination, but I struggled to stop the worry of what waited inside bombarding my thoughts when Feyre was gripping my shoulders. She didn’t deserve to relive her nightmares again, and I didn’t want her to see the darker side of me I had to pretend to be when I entered the Hewn City. I hated it, but I forced myself to carry on.
I must have been tense, because Feyre looked at my face, and said the oddest conversation starter I’d heard in a while.
“Amren and Mor told me that the span of an Illyrian male’s wings says a lot about the size of… other parts.” She said over the wind. If I hadn’t been so uneasy, I would have laughed. I almost stopped mid-air though. What on earth had made her tell me that? Was I that on-edge that she wanted me to loosen up? My eyes flitted to hers. They held amusement, and genuine wicked curiosity.
“Did they now.” I replied, trying to hold my attention on where we were going. I knew I would eventually fail, but I had to try not to become too distracted.
I almost lost it when she said, “They also said Azriel’s wings were the biggest.” She was going to kill me one day with that sharp tongue, I was sure of it.
“When we return home, let’s get out the measuring stick, shall we?” I said, letting a hint of laughter fall into my voice.
I tilted my wings down and we plummeted down through the clouds, more out of a joke than practicality with my focus now set on Feyre. Her arms clung to my neck at our descent, and she let out a small scream.  Poor Cassian and Azriel must be wondering what the hell we were doing. I let out a small chuckle.
“You’re willing to brave my brand of darkness and put up one of your own, willing to go to a watery grave and take on the Weaver, but a little free fall makes you scream?” I said incredulously.
A low hiss retorted, “I’ll leave you to rot the next time you have a nightmare.”
“No, you won’t. You like seeing me naked too much.” I joked.
Her cheeks reddened a bit more, and not from the roaring wind. “Prick.”
I chuckled again. Frankly, she was adorable when she was flustered.
As we glided over the snow-capped trees, she readjusted herself from the fall. When she moved her hands back down to my shoulders, I felt her knuckles graze over the inside of my wing. Mother above. It had to have been an accident by Feyre, but my whole body thrummed into attention. I forced my wings to keep beating, but they could have so easily snapped shut immediately. A shiver went down my spine at the contact, and I didn’t know whether to hope she would do it again or not. She was going to kill me.
I got an answer to my question, as her curiosity took over again. She ran a delicate finger along the underside of the thin membrane, right next to some sensitive nerve endings. I shuddered, the other parts she referred to minutes ago jerking awake, and I was unable to stop a groan slipping out of my mouth. My self-control was going to snap at any moment, I could feel it straining already. Mother above. is all I could think. My focus was on those wicked fingertips brushing my wing. She still wasn’t aware of the effect she was having on me. As much as I wanted her to carry on now, if she did, we would both fall out of the sky. Not to mention the jokes from Cassian and Azriel about it later.
“That, is very sensitive.” I barely choked it out. I couldn’t look at her now, otherwise I would completely lose it, so I settled for looking at the mountains. Anything to get my mind off the woman in my arms.
It didn’t stop Feyre from asking, “Does it tickle?”
Does it tickle? Was she being serious? It felt like my body had been asleep until she had brushed my wing, and then I had woken up.
I pulled her body impossibly closer to mine, and leaned into her, brushing my lips against the shell of her ear.
“It feels like this.” I whispered, and sent a warm breath cascading down on her ear. Wicked delight flooded my senses when her body arched against mine, and I could have died there and then.
I explained to her about Illyrian tendencies to protect their wings, and how volatile some males can get when they are touched.
“And during sex?” Feyre blurted, cheeks turning more red.
I couldn’t stop myself from smirking at her after she asked. “An Illyrian male can find completion just by having someone touch his wings in the right spot.” Which was almost an accurate depiction of what would have happened to me if she hadn’t stopped.
“And have you found that to be true?” She asked. I hadn’t dared to look at her until now. Now I felt slightly uncomfortable.
“I’ve never allowed anyone to see or touch my wings during sex. It makes you vulnerable in a way I’m not…comfortable with.”
“Too bad.” She replied, turning her gaze toward the mountains we would soon be arriving at.
“Why?” I asked, unsure of her response. I could tell she was trying to fight back a smile, and a flicker of amusement involuntarily cast itself down the bond to me.
“Because,” She replied, “I bet you could get into some interesting positions with those wings.”
I laughed openly. I didn’t think it was possible to love a person more, yet I surprised myself each day, falling in love with Feyre more deeply. I nuzzled her ear, and knew then. My self control had broken, at least for this moment, as I readied myself to tell her my feelings for her. It didn’t have to be all of them now, but I wanted her to know at least part of my affections. It felt like it was only us in the sky for a moment until-
My wings snapped shut as I plunged away from the dark arrow that suddenly whizzed past us.
Hope you enjoyed it! I’ve not been sent an ask before, and I’m new to writing stuff for Tumblr, so I’ll happily welcome feedback and anything you think I need to improve. Also happy for anyone else to send me asks too. Thank you @scarlet-wanda-max !! xx
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kainfamilyfortune · 5 years
Silas - Journal Entry #38-41
38. Sender of Messages.
When the amber haired, leather clad Sin’dorei handed me the small card with the inscription, ‘Celiá B. - Sender of Messages’ I knew right then that this was my ticket. Our conversation persisted throughout the night as the last call bell rang, sharing similar values of how we see this needless war. Eventually she yawned, an empty plate in front of her from when she scarfed down her meal, I told her I would contact her when the time was right as she was passing through on her way to Stormwind and then back to Silvermoon. Clutching the card, we made our way to our respective rooms in the now quiet inn.
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She had disappeared by morning, apparently much more quiet in her exit than the previous tenants. Leaving before dawn. Hmm. I dressed and continued my routine. Trail. Tavern. Bed. Laying awake, staring at the ceiling wondering how in the world I would be securing passage to Eversong. Not that I expected passage with her, but that would had been a nice gesture, although she did not know of the bounty on my head, or at least she did not give that away if she did.
Another thought still persisted through my mind - if any suspicion arose from my act of self defense, Light I hope not, I feel like I should had wiped my hands clean to someone, anyone... Gods. 
I wrote a letter to the dock-master to notify me of when the next commercial vessel would be making its way out here for Eastern Kingdoms. Hopefully I could leave this place behind me, despite loving the atmosphere, I could tell that the circumstances that lead me here were starting to drive me mad. My actions would surely have consequences. Soon. I lay out on the bed once more, letting my paranoia go - mouthing a silent prayer. I shut my eyes and reopened them to find myself back in a familiar sight.
39. Dark Depths.
The deteriorating tower loomed in the dark and sickly cyan moonlight, refracting through the dead trees of the forest. I was in the Ghostlands once again. I carefully moved towards the pitch black interior with the only light in the room coming off of the brazier, still lit from the last interaction, illuminating the two chairs that sat across from one another. I hesitated, feeling the anxiety pool into my throat but I had to continue forward. I had to talk to you.
She sat in the chair, compacted with dust, just like me, only in a much more human form. She looked young, maybe early twenties, with a combination of plate and mail armor, auburn hair that was pulled back into a pony-tail and amber piercing eyes. She grasped a small war hammer in her lap, twirling the handle like it weighed nothing, as the compacted dust shifted her form, floating out in some places as if she was not complete. She grinned wickedly at me as I sat in the chair in front of her once again, pursing her lips and tucking away at a rogue hair behind her ear. She spoke with a warmth I had not felt in long time, feeling as though they were the soothing tones of my mother, but she was obviously fixated on the way she delivered her question, “So we meet after all this time. Why now?” Her form warped, falling away at her facial features as she wrapped her fists around the hammer, I could hear the sound of her gloves clenching.
“I guess I could ask the same of you. Who are you anyway?” I retorted, now seeing the resemblances between the girl in front of me and the girl I chased on the trail. “Why did you almost lead me off a cliff?”. Her scoff was audible as the corners of her mouth dragged into a more solemn expression, “I was only trying to bring you back here. You’ve kept me waiting over a week, I think I deserve the answers first. You’ve got all the time in the world for being dead anyway-” She spit out that last line, obviously my disposition pained her in some way. She lowered her voice, looking down as if talking to herself, but I hear her just the same, “She must have it out for this one, no matter.”
I eyed the human girl with a curiosity. It seems she knows everything already about to unfold, but still dumbfounded. Or simply playing dumb; so I played along, “I don’t know you, although you seem familiar all the same. Why should I tell you anything?”
Her voice changed to a sultry tone, calming the fragments of dust floating around the flame of brazier before us, “Because, you don’t know it yet, but you are going to need this girl one day. And her body will rot here if you do not give me the answers that I need - Why are conspiring against me, Silas? Why have you come back after trading your life away all those years ago? Why have you forsaken our deal?” The words hit like bile, her form was not her own, she was possessed, that was for certain. Her eyes lingered upon my form, ever vigilant, studying everything about me. Piercing through what was left of my soul.
“I was raised by the Banshee Queen’s Val'kyr. Past that I could not tell you. I did not mean to spite you by returning to walk this plane.” I gestured my arm around the flame, sitting upright in the chair. “I’m still trying to figure out why I’ve come back in the first place. I have no purpose-” My words were cut off by her anger. The dust chaotically danced around our forms, more and more of her began to wither away. “You can prance around my words all you want, Silas. You broke our deal. No one goes back on a deal and lives, even in undeath. I am coming for your light, which should had been silenced a millennia ago, and then...” Her eyes dart from looking to me, to admiring the now fading forearm of the girl she was possessing. “...Your legacy. Your light shall be exiled from this world. In all forms.”
This girl... the soothing mother’s call. Gods, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. The sense of protection. Every priest is trained to protect those devoted to the Light, this girl, flesh and blood was my kin no less - and devoted by the details I was now noticing, worn tome on her belt, an Argent Crusade tabard, even a holy symbol. I needed to protect her at all costs. My voice no longer shook with anxiety, instead I let the light guide my heart, hopefully to feel her aura and sense her true location. If I find her. Then I find the presence that has haunted this bargain for far too long. “I can’t let you do that. I was ignorant in my youth to trust you, and if that means now that I have to go back on our deal, so be it. Light shall prevail. Light will always guide the way.”
I felt a chill down my spine, as the flame turned from a dull orange-red, to pure indigo and then violet. Her anger swelled as the holy glow of the girl was consumed into void. I had to remind myself her possessed form was merely a projection as her fading body writhed away screaming in pain. I never got a name or location of the girl, only simply that my blood coursed through her veins. That was all I needed, as darkness consumed me whole, and I fell into the pit of the void.
40. Reminders.
To Mr. K,
I hope that your stay in Rustberg Village has been well. I received your letter last night and after checking the reports there will be two ships coming into port within the next week, both are multi-purpose vessels, of which, one will be traveling south to Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale, and the other will be going to Sunsail Anchorage, Eversong Forest.
I hope for your speedy reply so that I can let either vessel know of potential passengers and arrange payment for fare in the coming week on your behalf.
                                                             Dock-master Urum
I felt drained in the following days. Drinking. Writing. Staying on my routine, but I couldn’t help but think of the dream; maybe I wasn’t meant to come back, or maybe someone else entirely influenced my return. I prayed to the Light to guide me to answers. 
The docks were quiet as the boats later in the week finally made it into the small port, the crews mingling around, unloading crates of fresh produce and some trade goods. A batch of fine mooncloth caught my eye, but I had to pass on even thinking about how much that is worth, but I couldn’t help but imagine tailoring some new armaments out of it, one day. I made my way towards the dock master’s hut peering at the dwarf seated at a small desk with a large stack of paperwork, as he was speaking with a goblin. I waited in line, picking up bits and pieces of conversation about some political unrest in Booty-Bay, but nothing too interesting, as the two persisted on for ten, then eleven, twelve minutes before the dwarf noticed me and his eyes perked up asking the goblin if they could continue the conversation a little later of a pint. The goblin nodded and leered at me as he exited the hut, I shuffled in his place and looked to the dwarf, a finely embossed desk plate read, ‘Urum, Dock-master’, and he forced a smile, not sure how to feel about my presence.
I began, “I am Mr. K, Dock-master, I apologize for the length between the letter and now but I have the coin ready to depart today. I would seek passage to Sunsail if that vessel has arrived?” He looked at me with an appraising gaze and his tone seemed apprehensive but he allowed the interaction, “Aye, lad, sure. The Valtameri arrived an’ hour ago and they are still unloadin’ her, let’s see here... according to their rates they’ve got single cabins available for ‘bout 180 gold a’night, the venture there is two days, so she’d be 360 for the trip. I can see about working them-” I cut him off.
“They aren’t affiliated like your goblin friend, no offense of course.” I asked Urum bluntly, “No, they aren’t affiliated, last I heard Captain Kyna, actually spit n’ the direction of a few of the High Magisters, she ain’t taking a fondness of this war, tha’s for sure.” His reply seemed sincere, but also curious, “Why’d you ask? You on the run?”
It took a bit of negotiating, ended up paying a “Late fee” to shut him up and to ask anymore questions. Captain Kyna showed me my quarters and asked that I be there at dawn tomorrow to cast off. No issue.
The last night in the tavern was a somber one. I spoke with a few of the patrons, one of them, a former mariner named Taoln, told me of his life and his daughter who just started teaching at Stormwind University; to which I gave him my copy of Elements of Medicine as a gift to her. Hopefully his daughter finds it as a good resource as I did when I helped write it with Dorene. I then said my goodbyes to the staff of the Heart of the Raven, hopefully I could come back here with a clean conscious and a clean record next time. Hopefully soon.
41. Valtameri.
I decided it for the best not to make friends with this crew. Simply stating my name as Mr. K if they asked. I could understand now why some of us who risen as Forsaken claimed different names in death than in life. Not that they were ashamed of their past, well the majority of us weren’t, but that they had nothing to gain from taking that life forward into their new lives. Why muddy things when you are starting up new? For me, I never understood that until now, I actually went against this line of thinking, since one of the goals of the desolate council was to eventually be accepted for our past and our future. To live unimpeded from judgement. We were no longer scourge, mindless, or unfeeling. Yes, we were dull, and maybe didn’t have organs, sewing ourselves up to continue on, or my case, nothing but dust held together by conflicting energies in endless discomfort - but we were people with thoughts and emotions and legacies. We are people. Even if we choose to leave that past all behind. I wasn’t planning to do this for long, only in the short term, but I finally understand why some would be inclined.
The two day journey was uneventful to say the least, honestly the best time for reflection I’ve had in weeks since the attack in Stormsong. I looked back onto the journal entries with the tablet, adjusting my research on the effects of having nearly been drained of all my Light. I think that’s what she was hoping for, but what she was going to receive was far more than what she bargained for. My end of deal had... yes gone unfulfilled, but that wasn’t my fault, if I was meant to stay dead - I can’t believe I’m writing this - She would have made sure of it. I feel like influence of void from the tablet may have purged a portion of the shadow from when I was initially brought back, hence why, when I was saved by Roscoe, Sol, and Lea - The void was consuming nearly every fiber of my being. When the tablet lost it’s grip on me and the energy escaped, the light immediately filtered back in, and even more so than I’ve ever had both in life or death up to this point.
I still feel like I’m gathering strength every day, despite the interactions that I’ve had with the entity I had struck a deal with all those years ago, coming back to haunt me once more, but my theory is that it shows that she knows that I’m no longer weak. I’m no longer a pawn for her to gain anything out of. I have ascended into her threat.
Light filtered into the wooded canopy. It has been nearly four years since I’d seen such beauty. Forever fall of leaves, brightly orange and red, the creme colored trunks of trees and aura of the peace. In the distance I could just barely make out the stark contrast of the scar and edge of where I knew I had to go. She was waiting there, I thought to myself as I nodded to the captain, disembarking the vessel.
(So, I know it’s been a hot minute; I was just waiting for RP partners to line up in order to ensure people were game to play out the next few sections. I’ve had this written as a draft for two weeks and it was killing me not to post anything for that length of time until everything played out. Especially when I was snowed in for a week at home with nothing better to do than to write and read and play; so I appreciate the love I received on the last section!
As always check out @heartoftheravenwra for those Monday Night Mixers, they just released the Spring menu, and it looks delicious!
Other mentions go to @hinahinagray; since Taoln was such a good sport when Silas may have gone manic in thinking he was being spied on. Fun times. Hope the tome serves the daughter well.
Lastly, if you wish to get involved as someone to help or hinder Silas on his journey, feel free to reach out to me - I can give you my discord via a DM, totally up to talk about anything and everything <3)
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absoluterpmemetrash · 6 years
below are 200+ quotes taken from FromSoftware’s 2016 video game release DARK SOULS III. feel free to change pronouns as necessary.
“The next time we cross paths, one may find the other in a time of need.”
“He's not very talkative. But don't think ill of him.”
“Without his help, I would have cursed this onerous duty long ago.
“What's happened to you?"
"Please, stop this!"
“It pains me to leave you.”
“Forgive me... I was weak on my own..."
“Don't leave me, not you... Not like the others...”
“I am well pleased to see you safe.”
“To my shame, I was snared by a trap, and we've become separated.”
“He's probably searching for me right now, with twice the resolve.”
“Please send him my word. I beg of you.”
“Have you abandoned me?”
“Thank you, we are both in your debt.”
“Please, take this. Recompense for my foolish request. And also a token of protection.”
“Please. Lend me your strength.”
“I owe this to you. Thank you. Truly.”
“Well, a newcomer I see.”
“Prithee, be careful. I don't want to see my work squandered!”
“In battle, your weapons are your only friends. Forge them well, and they won't let you down.”
“Oh, please, don't give me that look. Believe it or not, I'm quite thin-skinned.”
“Hardly a surprise is it? I've never been one for books or wise men."
“A cursed fate this may be, but hope remains, does it not?"
“It's but a small service, to pay my humble respects."
“I may serve, but I'm no slave.”
“Name thyself, stranger.”
“What beckoned thee to such a place?"
“I will grant thee purpose.”
“If I can provide thee succour, only tell me how.”
“Heridom taketh many forms, indeed.”
“Art thou a creature of the air, or other winged thing?"
“Oh, my! I imagined it might be so.”
“Then thou'rt a dragon, or perhaps a crow?”
“Well, whatever thou beest, thou'rt wondrous strange, yet strangely familiar, visitor."
"I'm ashamed to say, I know not much of anything…"
“Oh where could my dear brother be?”
“But here we are, an encounter for the ages!”
“A chance encounter should not be squandered.”
“I will not rush you. You will return, once you are enlightened.”
“Fear the fire.”
“Well, well... I've never seen anything like this.”
“Brilliant. I will never curse being old and Undead again.”
“Now, now, show it here, quickly. Let us channel them together.”
“If only I were a woman.”
“I'm afraid I cannot accept this.”
“I cannot comprehend this myself, let alone teach it to you.”
“Only one terribly afflicted, or burdened by deep sorrow, could begin to understand this.”
“When a pupil strays from the path, the master must intrude.”
“Spare the rod and spoil the child.”
“Little bird, what's to be gained?”
“Hmm, well, there's nothing forlorn about you.”
“Make the tales true, and burn this world away.”
“Surely you've seen the rot that afflicts this world.”
“When the world rots, we set it afire. For the sake of the next world.”
“Allow me to speak frankly.”
“This farewell gift is for you.”
“Is this not the calling of your kind, since ages past?"
“Please save his soul." 
“If you’ve any sense, you’ll go find a coffin to huddle up inside.” 
“You’ll face death, and it won’t be pretty.”
“You like poking around in cells, do you? How very genteel!"
“Ah-hah, taken an interest in her, have you?”
“How very quaint, pitying creatures that are beyond help.” 
“I am allied to you as long as you assure the girl's safety.”
“I just dropped in to see how she's getting on.”
“Even a broken woman deserves her dignity…"
“I tend to the flame, and tend to thee.”
“Then touch the darkness inside me.”
“Take nourishment from these sovereignless souls."
“Speak thine heart's desire.”
“Bring me souls, plucked from their vessels.” 
“I sense that he possesseth some knowledge.”
“Know'st thou not? I cannot die. “
“These will reveal, through a sliver of light, frightful images of betrayal.”
“Please, kill me, and take these eyes away.”
“I serve thee, and will do as thou bid'st. “
“This will be our private affair. No one else may know of this.”
“But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness.”
“I am not asking for charity.”
“I may be a petty thief, but I've more wits than most royalty.”
“I humbly place my faith in you.” 
“Do your part, and I’ll do mine.”
“As they say, "The cornered rat will lick the balls of a cat."”
“Cold piss, what the devil is it now?”
“Forgive me, dear.”
“Whatever trinket you need, speak up. Just don't ask me where I got them.”
“Do me a favour, and don't forget our promise.”
“You can keep the ring. As, well, a little trinket of thanks, I suppose.”
“En garde, you crusty ash bastard!”
“Everyone's dead or hollowed away anyway, right, so… I might as well fetch some weapons or treasure for you.”
“I'm ready to go thieving at a moment's notice.”
“If the tales are true, it is home to old moon-worshiping nobles, and should be packed with treasure.”
“Not a single man has returned from the castle unscathed, even back in the day.”
“I consider myself your friend.”
“I lived a petty rat, but would rather not die as one.”
“Thank you, for placing your trust in me.”
“Can't even die right. Gives me conniptions.”
“We're not fit to lick their boots.”
“The poor wretched souls… Be they lord or legend, the curse shows no mercy.”
“You should see where it leads. ...If you've the stones for it."
“I'm a deserter, I know. But I've still plenty of fight in me.”
“We'll never amount to anything, not you, not I…"
“You crawled out of the ground, for gods' sake..."
“Go on, be as bloody mad as you like."
“It's important to know who you are.
“No, no, of course you're not. That's what you mad fools always say.”
“The shackles of the Gods are fragile.”
"Oh well, another addition to the family."
"Right, onto the pile with you. You're family now..."
“The dark surrounds me, nibbles at my flesh.”
“So please, hold out your hand, and touch me..."
“Ahh, yes, there you are, so close indeed. Then I am not entirely alone, just yet.”
“If it would not trouble you, might I enter into your service, instead?"
“I thank you deeply. For your touch. I will never forget it, not ever."
“Don't worry about me. I've long dealt in dark. It is my calling."
“The gods are ever-merciful. My gratitude lies with them, and with you.”
“I am yours now. Your wish is my command."
“I would be pleased to share the tales of miracles with you.”
“These are dark tales that lurk deep within men... These stories would not please you...”
“Ahh, ahh, sweet Champion. Where have you been? Please, your touch…
touch me, one last time.”
“And kill me, as you promised you would."
“Unknowing visitor, return from whence thou camest.”
“By the King's decree. None may disturb our mistress's slumber.”
"I thought you'd all but forgotten me. How sweet."
"Good to know that a skinny little heretic can still turn heads."
"Accept my apologies, for mistaking you for one of those leeches."
"This is a land of monstrosities. And I am no exception."
"Is that something you can forgive?"
"The only thing that might interest you is my sorcery."
"You're a wicked one, aren't you?"
"Some may avert their eyes, but the truth remains the truth."
"Let it be a secret, kept between you and I..."
"There is a darkness within man, and I am afraid you will peer into it."
“Don't torture me so."
“I know, I know. I owe my life to you.”
“Today's lost are conquerors tomorrow.”
“Oh, look at you, you've got your head screwed on correct.”
“I have a feeling we're going to make a fabulous team. Oh, you'll see, you'll see!”
“Yes, I try to play it off, but i haven't a clue about my past. Who I was , or what I lived for. Not even my own blessed name.”
“I know who you are, a righteous warrior, yes, with a solemn duty to boot?”
“Ohh, look at you, you found the treasure!”
“I've got the last of my brew. Let's have our own little toast with it.”
“To my search, and to your duty. And to the joy that lies before us.”
“I know you'd never lie to me.”
“It won't be long now, before I know everything. Who I was, what I lived for, and what my name was. And I'll have you to thank for it all.”
“I swear upon my birth name that I am your friend. No matter what might come out, no matter what I was.”
“If you would do me the honour, allow me to be a true friend, always.”
“Every age, it seems, is tainted by the greed of men.”
“What's wrong, friend?
“Stop it! Oh, please!”
“I'm unbreakable! You can't crack me! I'll rot yer flesh!”
"I can see it in your eyes. If you didn't invade, didn't pillage, whatever would you do?"
"Can you even hear me? If you can, cease this at once.”
“Felt sorry for the poor thing, in all her festering glory?”
“I sowed the seeds. I'll prune the mess.”
“Fear not, the dark, my friend. And let the feast begin.”
“The world began without knowledge, and without knowledge will it end.”
“Well, this is unexpected. I don't often have visitors.”
“If you haven't any business, I've reading to get back to."
“Indeed, I am a sorcerer. With plenty to share.”
“We will learn together, it shall be like our very own school."
“...Oh you could at least act as if you are paying attention!"
“In exchange for my sorceries, you are to bring me knowledge.”
“I hope you're not one to break a promise."
“It is folly to claim lives recklessly, friend. Do not be tempted.”
“Go on. If I'm giving something away, you'd better well take it."
“With this, you can be sure to tell friend from foe from your very first encounter.”
“All of these sorceries, and you've mastered every one.”
“It's been nice running our own little school."
“I believe...I feel the scent of ash upon thee.”
“Please tell me thy name. I would name this painting after thee.”
“Your spouse awaits you, you are very near.”
"Dost thou the gods serve? Or merely that role affect?"
"Yes, yes, of course. How wouldst one such as thee do service to the gods?"
“Speak thee the name of God. Thine own god, if thou canst recall.”
“Thou'st a kind heart to speak to a captive such as I.”
“I am honoured to have met thee.”
“At once, I am the honour of the gods, the glory of fire, and the fear of the dark.”
“Is it not our sorry fate, to sup on death?"
“A lost lamb wandereth in, with nary a peep from the bell.”
“I, too, am bound by duty, but can offer you my sign.”
“I would not have made it alone. You have my deepest gratitude."
“May I take a vow? To serve you, as a knight."
“I, [Name], do hereby serve as your faithful knight. Wherever, whenever, I am needed, and even if all should turn against you… My loyalty shall never waver.”
“If we meet again, it will be as adversaries.”
“You've the same scent as that woman...”
“I've nothing for you, not a smithereen. I just like to stand here, and take in the view.”
“Why, where did you hear that name, love?”
“You're not willing to reconsider, are you?”
“It's a rare thing, to have a true duty.”
“Don't run off and die, love. It's a nicer view with you in it.”
“...My time has come, has it? Well, maybe I'll get to see an angel.”
“Well, say hello to the nice giant! He adores visitors."
“What! Where's the bloody giant?”
“Oh, I am sorry. That was my hand, as you know, but the deed, well, that was the armour's doing.”
“Be more careful! By the gods, curiosity is going to kill you kittens.”
"Have no fear, there's beauty in death.”
“I'll come clean, I did you wrong. I didn't mean it, though, not one bit.”
“You get these... urges... running the business and all... Oh, and I hate myself for it, I do.”
“Oh, for heaven's sake, no need to jest with a face like that.”
“Please, grant me death, Undo my shackles."
“To be in your presence is a great honour.”
“I will remain in this spot. Praying solemnly that you might have a change of heart.”
“Good tidings. Thy spouse is ready. The time is ripe to greet him/her.”
“I presume thy holy vows are sworn?”
“Fret not, fret not. My feet are here firmly planted.”
“I may be but small, but I will die a colossus."
“The eyes show a world destitute of fire, a barren plane of endless darkness. A place born of betrayal.”
“Choose thy fate alone. Seize it with thine own hands.”
“Please, help me. Be done with me... No, gods, no, I cannot bear it... It burns, burns, help me..."
“Oh, dear, another dogged contender.”
“You've done quite enough, now have your rest.”
“Rise, if you would... For that is our curse.”
“You remain among the Accursed.”
“This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you would like...”
“Ahh, you ignorant slaves. Finally taken notice have you?”
“Where have you gone? Are you hiding from me?”
“Come out, come out, don't be afraid.”
“You were born a child of dragons, what could you possibly fear?”
“I see flame. Flame, flickering, once again.”
“Not enough blood yet shed.”
“Please avert thine eyes. I will snuff out these ashes for good.”
“Return from whence thou cam'st, for that is thy place of belonging.”
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No Cannon Shall Sink This Ship
Summary: A collection of one shots of alternate ending, alternate episodes, and headcannons. 
Newest oneshot: Defenders of the Wing, Part 2, alternate episode. Mala says she’ll kill Hiccup and the dragon riders, Hiccup falls into the volcano, and everything goes downhill from there.
Link: on Fanfiction.net 
Defenders of the Wing, Part 2, Alternate episode
"Your people are going to die for what you've done, but first, Hiccup, I'm going to kill you myself."
Hiccup pressed his back against Astrid's, his heart beating hard in his chest. "Wait," he said quickly. "Yes, this is my fault-"
"Hiccup, it's not your fault, it's Viggo's-" Astrid tried to say, but Hiccup held up a hand to stop her.
"-But it's not my friends' fault. They are good people. They follow me just as your people follow you," Hiccup said, taking a tentative step forward, ignoring the extra spears pointing straight at his heart. "You can't punish them for doing something that I asked them to do."
"Hiccup, don't!"
"Enough!" Mala commanded, grabbing Hiccup by his shoulder and shoving him to his knees. "You have done your last evil, Hiccup."
The volcano rumbled and lava exploded from the heart of the volcano, showering down around them. "Mala, look out!" Hiccup yelled, pushing Mala out of the way and let out a scream as the lava landed on him. He took a step back in surprise and shock only to find his foot meeting thin air. For a moment, he met Astrid's eyes and she could plainly see the pain and terror written in Hiccup's gaze before he fell into the roaring lava.
"No, Hiccup!"
There was a terrified yell from Hiccup and a large shadow zoomed past everyone as Toothless shot into the volcano after his best friend. Astrid threw off the soldier beside her and rushed towards the edge, not caring who got in her way, just fighting to get to Hiccup. The hot rock burnt her hands as she looked over the edge into the heart of the volcano. She looked just in time to see the insignia of the Night Fury sink into the fires of the volcano.
"Hiccup! Hiccup!"
Hiccup Haddock III - son of Stoick the Vast, the pride and heir of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe of Berk, the Dragon Conqueror, the Rider of the Night Fury - was gone.
Hiccup had fallen plenty of times. Countless of times: falling off of Toothless when they were first learning how to fly together, the terrifying plummet when the Red Death's tail hit him, tripping plenty of times when he lost his foot after the battle with the Red Death, crashing when he started to design Dragon Fly and failing plenty of times in the war against the Dragon Hunters.
But every time that he fell, he knew that he could trust Toothless to come and catch him as he fell.
This time, there was only air between him and the fire. No Toothless, no Dragon Fly, nothing.
Hitting the ground was an unpleasant surprise. All the air was driven out of his lungs and Hiccup thought that he couldn't find it in him to scream, but a loud scream ripped out from his throat as the pain from the lava burns registered. The leather of his armour was on fire, slowly burning into his skin. With a desperate yelp, Hiccup yanked off all of his amor and threw it as far as possible from him, still swatting at the fire remaining on his tunic. He wasn't sure if it was the heat or the pain that caused tears to roll down his cheeks as he watched the rest of his armour sink into the lava.
Darkness was crowding at the edges of his vision as he heard the telltale roar of the Night Fury. A second later, Toothless landed beside him, nosing him worriedly, but Toothless's actions just caused pain to erupt all over his body and the world turned dark.
Astrid opened her eyes to darkness, finding her and the other riders back in the same prison they were in earlier that day. Everything came back to her in little snippets: going up to the volcano, Mala accusing them of treason (again), and getting knocked unconscious with the darts again. Groaning, she sat up, looking around in the shadows, mentally checking off the riders.
Heather. Snotlout. Fishlegs. Ruff. Tuff...
"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled out desperately. "Hiccup!"
Her shouting roused the other riders, but still didn't bring the one person that mattered to her.
A hand landed on her shoulder and for a moment, she thought that it could've been Hiccup's hand, but instead of HIccup's warm hand, calloused from many years working in the forge, it was Heather's slender hand that gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Astrid," Heather said, her voice void of her usual hard edge, "I'm so sorry."
"I never told him," Astrid whispered, her eyes searching the stars, wishing that she could see the familiar silhouette of the Night Fury somewhere up there.
"Told him what?"
"How much he meant to me. How much I... how much I thought he was more than just a hiccup. I didn't tell him how much I trusted him I didn't tell him... how much I love him."
"You said 'love' present tense not 'loved' past tense," Heather said, her green eyes searching through Astrid's blue ones.
Looking away, Astrid sank down to the ground. "'I can't imagine a world without you,'" she whispered. "That's what Hiccup said to me. I never thought that I would have to live in a world without him. There was never a scenario that he wouldn't be able to get out of. Even if his first stupid plan didn't work, he always had a next crazy plan. Every time he was in a life-or-death situation, I could do something to save him. I could threaten every Outcast, Berserker or Dragon Hunter, I could search through every island in the Archipelago, I could do SOMETHING to save him, but this time... he's just gone."
The riders fell into silence, Astrid's words echoing through the prison. Nobody said anything until a shadow fell across the prison and in unison, they looked up to find Mala looking down at them.
"What do you want?" Astrid snarled, her hands fisted by her sides.
For a moment, she didn't say anything as she threw a couple rations of food down to them. "We have contacted Viggo and we are trading you for the Great Protector tomorrow at first light."
"Do you think that it's going to be that easy?" Fishlegs asked from beside Astrid. "If Viggo was able to trick Hiccup on more than one occasion, this is going to be no simple hostage exchange. There's no way that Viggo and the Dragon Hunters are just going to hand over the Eruptodon."
"Silence! This is the only way I am going to save my people. you WILL co-operate!"
Mala turned to leave, but before she could, Heather called out, "Wait, Queen Mala."
"I thought I bid you silence."
Heather took a step forward. "Hiccup was our leader. He saved your life. Please allow us to send him to Valhalla in the ceremony that he deserves."
Mala surveyed them with her cold glare, her expression unreadable.
"Please," Heather said again, "If you let us do this one thing, we will not protest any more. We just want this one thing. Let us honour Hiccup once more."
At long length, Mala said, "What do you need?"
Hiccup woke up to a cool breeze against his cheeks.
That and the sticky spit of one Night Fury.
Cracking open his eyes, he smiled as Toothless warbled happily at the sight of Hiccup's eyes. "Hey, bud," Hiccup said weakly. "How long was I out?"
Toothless bounded over to the edge of the trees where they were hidden and pointed down the hill with his nose, making excited noises. Shakily, Hiccup stood up and joined Toothless over looking the beach below them where he could see Mala leading the other six Dragon Riders towards a boat.
"Come on, bud. Let's go save them."
A little while later, the six dragon riders stood on the shore, holding arrows as a boat drifted out to sea.
"The greatest dragons and gods cry for the boy who has fallen today. We ask for the safe passage of your newest einherjar, that he may fly into Valhalla and live for eternity in peace that he has brought to his people. May he hear the songs that we sing, the songs of him, our great Chief."
Astrid pulled back the string of her bow and let the arrow fly through the sky. Beside her, the rest of the riders lifted their own bows and shot a flaming arrow to the boat as well. The sparks from the fire floated up to the sky as if they could join the stars too. Through the smoke and fire, she thought she saw a Night Fury carrying a rider out into the wind.
It was still dark as Mala's ship, carrying her tribe, the Dragon Riders and herself, sailed into the sea for the rendezvous with Viggo. The two proud ships met in the waters, their leaders waiting for the other.
"Return the Defender of the Wing," Mala commanded. "We have your people."
"They are far from my people," Viggo said, "and I have to extend my deepest gratitude for taking care of one Hiccup Haddock."
Mala gave no reaction, only extending her hand again. "Give us back the Defender of the Wing."
Viggo curled his lip. "No."
She snarled back at him, "Give us back our dragon, You foul monster!
The dragon riders saw before anyone else did. Up in the masts, a Dragon Hunter raised a crossbow. On the deck, Viggo raised his hand and immediately, Astrid leapt forward.
"No! Astrid, don't!" Fishlegs yelled, but she was already leaping forward.
She knocked Mala onto the deck of the Dragon Hunters, the arrows flying over their heads and immediately, there were axes at their throats. Astrid looked up to find Viggo there, his sword pointing straight at her.
They had no choice, but to raise their hands.
The Defenders of the Wing and the dragon riders were tied up on the deck, while Astrid and Mala were on the upper deck, a little way away from Viggo who was talking to one of the other dragon hunters.
"Why did you try to save me?" Mala asked, quietly as not to allow the dragon hunters to hear them speaking.
"I didn't want to, trust me," Astrid growled. "I would've let you rot in Viggo's hands."
"But yet, you saved me."
Astrid looked away, hating the tears that were welling in her eyes. "You never knew Hiccup, but Hiccup is the kind of leader that would do anything for his family, friends... and allies. Hiccup would've saved you. So I did too."
Mala studied her for a second, before slowly speaking, "That's..."
"Noble of me? Kind of me?"
"No, that's very... Hiccup of you," Mala said, her voice soft. "He must have loved you very much."
Lifting her eyes up to the horizon, Astrid sighed, catching the sight of the last star in the sky fade away as she whispered, "Yeah. I did too."
The sun's first rays bled over the horizon, just as the Night Fury whistled through the air, carrying his best friend into battle and everyone heard the loud cry of, "Viggo! This ends now!"
"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled in happiness. Hiccup's upper arm was wrapped in bandages, the ends of his hair (most noticeably his braids) were singed, and he wasn't wearing his armour, but despite all of that, Hiccup never looked better to Astrid. Behind him, the other riders' dragons followed him.
"Hookfang! Meatlug! Get the riders! Stormfly and Windshear, get Mala's tribe! Barf and Belch, light up the catapults!" Hiccup yelled to the dragons and immediately all of the dragons burst into action. "Toothless, let's go get Mala and Astrid."
The two landed on the ship, directly across from Viggo, Mala and Astrid.
"Hiccup Haddock the Third."
Toothless growled, but backed down as Hiccup gently patted his nose, turning around and bounding to somewhere else on the ship, followed by Stormfly. Turning his attention back to Viggo, Hiccup held up Inferno again, holding the flaming sword between him and Viggo. "Viggo. Let go of Astrid and Mala"
"Before I even consider that, let's talk about the treaty," Viggo said, his voice light.
"You know what Viggo, I have thought about the treaty," Hiccup said, setting down Inferno.
"Good. Good. Then are we going to sign?" Viggo asked, holding up the map.
Hiccup smirked. "There is one thing that makes us different, Viggo. To you, everyone can be expendable, but to me, all of the dragons on this side of the line matters. I will not sacrifice the lives of the dragons on this side of the line for the peace for the people and dragons on this side of the line. I will not sign this treaty."
In one move, Hiccup sliced the map in two with Inferno, sending it up into flame. Viggo stared at burning pieces of paper and Hiccup felt a bit smug that he managed to stun Viggo for a bit.
"Hiccup. You know this means war."
"I do."
"I thought you were smarter than this."
"Oh, I am. I am smart enough to realize that the lives of my riders are worth so much more than whatever you are offering," Hiccup said, stepping away from Viggo. "Oh, and by the way. If you ever touch my Astrid ever again, I will kill you."
Before Viggo had a chance to reply, Hiccup retracted Inferno's blade and Zippleback gas billowed out from the other end. The gas exploded into flames, knocking Viggo off his feet. Hiccup rushed towards Mala and Astrid, cutting through their bonds with a quick slice with Inferno.
"Hiccup!" Astrid leapt into his arms as soon as he freed her. "You're alive!"
"Not now, Astrid, I'll tell you everything later," Hiccup promised. "For now, Stormfly!"
Stormfly swooped out of the sky, squawking happily at the sight of her friend. "Stormfly! Let's go!"
Hiccup turned to Mala and said, "Come on, Mala, let's go."
"I can not fly on your dragon, it's against the law," Mala said quietly.
"It's not on my dragon," Hiccup said, turning around, "It's on yours."
The deck of the ship exploded and a dark shadow zipped out of the explosion, followed by a large Boulder Class dragon.
Astrid gasped in amazement. "That's..."
"Defender of the Wing. The dragon that protects Mala's tribe," Hiccup said as he helped Mala onto the dragon before jumping onto Toothless. "Now, let's go."
The three dragons took off into the sky. "Dragon riders, retreat!" Hiccup called. "Back to the island!"
"Maybe I judged you wrong, Hiccup Haddock," Mala said as the dragon riders got ready to leave her village. "Your dragons did tell the truth in the trial. I apologize for not trusting you and the dragons."
"I would've not trusted me either," Hiccup said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm just glad that everything worked out okay in the end."
Mala nodded and finally gave Hiccup and the riders a smile. "Good luck on your travels, Dragon Riders. If you need our help, we will come and fight for you."
"Thank you," Hiccup said with a smile in reply.
"No, thank you, Hiccup, you saved my life, my village, my dragon. Thank you," Mala said. She gave Hiccup and the riders a deep bow and the rest of her tribe followed her suit.
Hiccup smiled and looked around at the other riders. "Come on, let's get back to the Edge."
The sight of the Edge was a welcome sight. All of the Dragon Riders celebrated that night. Hiccup was so distracted by the celebrations that he didn't notice that Astrid had slipped away.
"Come on, Bud, let's go find her," he whispered to Toothless as he managed to slip out of the party as well. It didn't take long for them to find her, standing on the beach, looking up at the sky. Hiccup gestured for Toothless to stay back as he approached Astrid as quietly as he could with his uneven legs.
"I can hear you coming, Hiccup," Astrid said with a sigh. "You don't have to pretend that you're actually sneaking up on me."
Hiccup laughed and came to stand beside Astrid. "I guess I should know better than to sneak up on you too."
Astrid smiled, but the smile faded off her face a moment later as he gaze returned to the ocean in front of her.
"Astrid, what's the matter?" Hiccup asked, placing a hand on her shoulder and turning her to face him. It surprised him to see her blue eye filled with tears. "Astrid..."
"I thought you were dead."
Astrid's voice was so soft it took a moment for Hiccup to understand what Astrid said. "Oh, Astrid... it's okay. I'm still here."
Suddenly Astrid surprised Hiccup by throwing her arms around his neck, nearly knocking him off balance. "You were dead!" Astrid said, her voice raising into a sob. "I thought you were dead! I thought that I would never be able to tell you all of the things that I've wanted to. I thought that I wouldn't be able to tell you how much I love you. I thought that I wouldn't be able to because I thought you were dead!"
"It's okay, I'm not. I'm here and I'm never going to leave you behind again," Hiccup promised. "I'm right here." Hiccup gently lead Astrid over to a fallen log and helped her sit down, kneeling down in front of her. "Astrid. You know how much I hate these braids, right?"
Astrid raised her hand to tangle in his hair, stroking the singed ends. "What happened?"
"The lava burnt off my braids," Hiccup explained. "I was running back to the Edge when I realized they were gone. Even though I hated them, I needed them back, because wearing them was carrying a part of you. Astrid, I'll fight Thor before we're separated again."
Astrid laughed shakily and leaned back far enough to look Hiccup in the eyes. "Really?"
Hiccup smiled back, holding up his finger, and Astrid raise her finger to mirror his. "Promise."
Tears were still running down Astrid's cheeks, but she smiled, leaning her head against Hiccup's chest. "Thanks, Hiccup."
"For what?"
"For everything else."
Hiccup laughed, wrapping his arms around Astrid tightly. "Anything for you, milady."
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avalindin · 7 years
The Free Bird
Coriolanus Fic
Chapter 3: The Union
Previous Chapters: 1 2
Raina sat with her hands in her lap, not out of manners or nerves but out of habit. She looked down to her hands clean of dirt and wondered if they would ever be smudged again. Her tutor sat across from her to make her recite poems and the laws of Rome. She wasn’t sure why she wasn’t filled with nerves.
Her clean skin smelled of rich oils and heavier expectations of the wedding. The journey to the new home was shorter than she had excepted. Word came of news that she would not be returning to the country home. She looked out to the new future that laid out before her. At villa laid on the edge of the city with some fields she was sure belonged to the house.
She was helped from the carriage by the new servants and made her way through the spacious front atrium of the modern villa. The servants bowed to her and smiled in her direction.
So many days ago, she was where they were and now she had gone from servant to a mater; it would be expected of her. Since she was entering a proper marriage, she would not be allowed to bring anything she owned with her but with her luck, servants held no real items to call their own. Her skin ran cold once she remembered her mother’s necklace.
Raina turned to try and stop one of the servant girls that had just passed when she crashed into Caius.
“Trying to run already, my dear.”
“My things…”
“They will all be waiting for you tomorrow,” he whispered, almost to tease her.
“No, you don’t understand. There was a necklace…”
“My son!”
Raina turned to a familiar voice that filled the villa. All of the servants bowed together as an older woman opened her arms to Caius.
“And your choice of bride.”
Her finger stretched out to lift Raina’s face by her chin. The piercing eyes were identical to Caius’.
“She is no Virgilia.”
“Mother. My mind is made.”
“Where did you find her? In that poisonous city pining to the Senators?”
“I would rather be a God General’s wife than one to those rotting fiends.”
“Oh! The little mouse finally speaks.”
Volumnia smiled for show and walked the tiled floor to a smaller atrium. Her aged hand caressed her collection of Gods at the altar.
“I will miss this place. Hopefully, you and your mouse will fill it with more children than I did.”
Raina stayed quiet but was confused.
“She will be leaving to stay in the country estates and we will reside here in the villa my father had built.”
“Caius,” laughed his mother with a sip of wine, “she looks as if she doesn’t know. Perhaps this time you will step up and keep your wife from running off with a real man.”
The silks on her skin and the gold around her wrist didn’t seem to exist at the mention of another woman in Caius’ life. Raina wasn’t being chosen, she was a replacement. She held her tongue and was led away to prepare for the wedding. Her dress hung beautifully at her shoulders with the color one she’d knew women of higher power wore. At once, she felt like someone else. One ownership only faded to another.
She looked up to Caius, sneaking from the shadows as the last of the servant girls depart from the room.
“You should not be here.”
“I am the master of this home.”
“Yes and the one at the field estate. I didn’t know about this place.”
“It is yours now.”
“But it belonged to someone else!”
Caius wanted to know why it bothered her but she would know soon enough. He tilted her face up to show her face to him.
“I was married, yes and I did love her but she chose to leave for someone else whose son I thought was mine. Do not listen to a thing my mother says. Ever. She is ambitious and made me what I am today, that including your future husband.”
He held out his hand to her. Her whole life, she worked in the role handed to her. Through that she made herself a free bird. As Caius led her through the beautiful winding villa, she knew she’d have to let her free ways go. Her eyes turned up to the mixing colors of servants and important members of Rome’s inhabitants.
They were there for the General but they were also there for her. She blushed as many eyes sized her up. For once, she was concerned of what thry’d think of her born a servant. She didn’t dare think of Volumnia. She met Caius’ eyes and was calmed with the gentle squeeze of his hand around hers.
Her eyes watched the sun as it set over the edge of the city. Her stomach was full of wine and delicious food. The world was different for her.
“Well, little mouse.”
Raina turned and was met with Volumnia’s drunken smile.
“My son is an insatiable reincarnation of Mars. Do you plan on fulfilling your role as a mater or shall he delve into a sea of fresh servants like the last estate?”
Raina finished off her cup and was happy to finally voice her opinion without the consequence of punishment.
“I know true that he did not bed them all.”
“And how would you know of my son’s affair unless you were there to watch as he took them?”
“Because,” Caius shamelessly sighed as he filled his mother’s cup with more wine, “she served under our house’s name since her birth or can you not fully remember a ones face that has served you faithfully?”
Raina couldn’t help but smile as Caius flashed a devilish grin in her direction. Volumnia strained her disappointment through her dazed breath.
“I assume she secured this marriage out of her chains through her young cunt.”
“I was taught to be proper, Volumnia.”
“Then you shall have a proper wedding night, virgin’s blood and all. Try not to sacrifice her womb fully to the Gods, Caius. You may be a General but it will be harder to secure a third wife.”
Volumnia turned bitterly with her wine and disappeared into the waves of dancing bodies. Caius tugged at his bride’s waist. His cold hand cupped the side of her face warmed from the wine.
“Come. There will be enough wine for them to not realize our absence.”
Raina let out a chuckle as Caius swept her from her feet and whisked her away. He buried his face into her neck, ignoring the candlelit halls he navigated.
“Caius, you are going to trip!”
“Never, my love. I know this place as the back of my hand.”
She clung to him as her legs moved through the air, almost comically as the women of Sabine. Caius kicked a door closed behind him with his heel. Raina looked over her shoulder to the room as she was placed on her feet. Caius was all over her skin, tugging at her dress.
Her heart pound like drums as Caius pressed his lips to her neck. All she could do was try and remember her necklace. She didn’t feel whole without it. Her new marriage wouldn’t let her keep her belongings but that heirloom was all she had left of her mother. She turned in Caius’ hold, attacked by his lips. Her hands pushed against him but her strength wasn’t enough.
Caius turned her face first into their bed. She felt the wind pushed from her. As much as she wanted Caius, she felt rage enter her blood as he twisted her arm behind her back. Raina pulled her arm away and struck his face. Caius lunged for her, holding her down by her wrists. He let out a chuckle to make her blood boil more.
“There is my free bird. I thought I lost you to my mother’s word.”
He flipped her wrist to show off one half of her mother’s women necklace. He looked at it in wonder.
“I remember it in your hand the night your mother left.”
“I-I know I wasn’t supposed to keep anything. I didn’t want to bring an omen into the house.”
“Nonsense. As I see it, I found it and am gifting it to my beautiful, deserving wife.”
He held out his hand to her and pulled her to her feet.
“You should know that once you secure your trinket around my wrist, I may not be able to tear myself away from you.”
“Then how will I know how much you want me, Coriolanus?”
“Is that all you think of me?”
Raina finished tying the necklace around his thick wrist and waited from him to ravage her.
“Don’t assume I don’t just want you, Raina. You are the only woman I’ve met to not throw yourself at my feet. You were blessed by the Gods.”
Caius pressed her body into the bedpost and sluggishly pulled her stola down her arms.
“And whom would that be,” she knew to not hold it in anymore, “my husband?”
“The night you tossed me to the ground and held a blade to my throat, you could have been mistaken for Minerva.”
A soft chill rose to her back as the dress fell to her waist. Caius held her close with his lips buried into her neck and his hands clutching to her bottom.
“There is no poetry or shape of marble that could capture your beauty. I would find a comparison to Venus would be an insult to you.”
Caius could barely stand it. There was so much delicious pain in his cock. Raina let her hand wonder between them as she wrapped her hand to the front of his toga. She watched his face flare with lust as he moved forward to her.
She was quick to turn in her step from Caius and push him to his back. He gladly landed on the bed as Raina climbed his lap. Her hand stayed closed around his cock. He pulled at his clothes in a hurry only to be stopped by her.
“Slowly,” she smiled, “I want to watch you.”
Caius lifted his hips, pulling the fabric from between her hand and his bare flesh. Raina’s eyes roamed from scar to beautiful scar. She couldn’t help but kiss at the raised bumps and healed discolored war injuries that were him, a part of him. She grabbed the fabric from his hand and tossed it to the floor. Caius was too struck to see Raina slither from his lap to between his open legs. She eased herself on her knees and gave him a single, playful lick.
Caius pressed his lips together and prayed to the Gods that he would not release so easily in front of her. She started slowly, tasting the pool of his arousal at the tip of his cock. She was scared about not being able to please Caius but she always kept an open, curious ear and relaxed her throat. The swollen, reddened color of his cock was also something she was curious about.
It was Caius’ grip around her arm that made her stop. She was pulled to the edge of the bed, filled with some worry.
“Have I don’t it wrong?”
“There will be time for that later.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You’ve done just enough but I fear I will die if I don’t have you.”
Caius saw her try to hide her worry. He distracted her with a kiss to her neck. In the short time, since the first time, the first time under the Harvest Moon. His lips refused to leave her skin as he pulled the fabric from her shoulders. His eyes darted to the edge of the fabric that caught on the curve of her breast. With the push of his cheek, the fabric was pushed away to show off her chest to him.
His tongue darted out to her. Raina closed her eyes and raked her nails through Caius’ hair as she cradled his head. The more his lips kissed and pulled at her skin, his hunger grew as harshly as his cock. He traveled down her, leaving kisses to the curves of her breasts, the skin of her smooth stomach.
He slipped from her fingers as he unwrapped the rich fabric from the surface of her warm, curvaceous body. None of them saw how their pale clothing blended together on the floor or how the fire hid the blushing of both their skins. Caius could feel the rising heat in her skin, even in the bumps on her legs as they opened gradually for him. His nose filled with her sweet smell to draw his watering mouth forward.
Raina gasped as she was filled with his tongue. She moaned and she writhed. Her legs spread wider, his face firmly pressed and lapped at her clit. Caius worked a finger into her wetness as well as a second as her wall stretched wonderfully. She grabbed the sheets underneath her and anchored her hips for more. Her voice filled his ears as her legs tried to close around his head.
Caius cleaned up her arousal with a few swipes of his tongue. There was a beat in his chest It filled not enough with the air from Raina’s gasping underneath him.
He waited for Raina to regain herself. He would make sure she would have the wedding night she deserved. She opened her eyes to Caius as his strong hand helped her legs part. He was no longer looking to her heaving chest as he me moved closer to her.
“Relax for me. I will be here.”
“I know.”
He stopped and kissed her. Raina could feel passion flowing from his lips. She molded to his hands and their bed as Caius teased her core with the tip of his cock. Raina steadied her breath the more Caius pushed his hips forward. He waited until her nails dug deep enough into his arms as his teeth grazed up her neck. Her heart raced as Caius bit into her. There was discomfort that slowly melted away. Her eyes drifted shut as her body coursed with feelings she didn’t know existed.
Caius worked his cock in and out of his wife, nearly overcome with how pleasant she felt around him. He swore then that he wanted no one else. His lips were attached to her skin. His hands held her close. Raina did what she could to hold onto Caius but instead she could feel herself drift away.
Her voice rang beautifully in his ears as she came around him. Caius’ hips shifted faster into her. His cock filled her until he emptied his seed into her. He bit into his lip to hide his groans and vulnerability. He would have a lifetime to show her.
Raina felt Caius’ body warmth move away from her, only for it to return as Caius pulled Raina to his side. It was strange to feel Caius’ hand caressing the side of her face. She had never known a loving feeling from a man as she did with Caius. The rough, callused hand that slaughtered countless enemies and conquered in the name of Rome.
He reached to his side and pulled some of the hued sheets to wipe the bit of blood from his cock. He cleaned her too but he would make sure she would be cared for in the morning and every morning until the end of their days.
“Te amo, mi liber avem.”
Raina smiled and accepted his lips.
“Te amo, mi magister…”
“I told you to call me by my name, wench.”
She grinned as her fingertips smoothed the curls on his brow.
“I did, mi Coriolanus.”
His arm wrapped to her chest as her eyes sunk shut.
Caius dreamt of her, his free bird. He didn’t dare try to leave as his body ached for her. Every turn of his body cried out for Raina. He willed himself until he was bearable to rise from their bed and usher whatever servants he could find. He clothed himself enough and returned back to the bed.
Raina could hear his voice. It was so beautiful.
Caius pushed his arms underneath her and lifted her from her bed. She awoke to feel the sheets slide from her body. He heard her voice change into a groan as she tried to move herself away.
“Try to stay still, my love.”
It was strange to hear his voice loving with the strong tone of clout she was familiar with. Caius carried her clear and bare through their new home now free of the wedding guests now in their beds. Raina was surprised to see the home have their own bath house as the servants bowed their heads and left the heads of the house alone.
Caius placed his new bride on the edge of the water and left her alone. Raina slipped her legs in the steaming water. He returned to her with a few objects and marveled in her beauty. His large finger captured a bit of her hair and cleared her shoulder for a kiss. Raina looked over her shoulder to Caius as his hunger returned with the evidence growing between his legs.
“Please to see me, husband?”
“Always but first, you must be cared for.”
He slid into the bathwater ahead of her and pulled her closer to the edge. Raina felt some nervousness as his knuckles brushed the inside of her legs.
“Trust me, wife. I would like you presentable.”
She moved herself closer to him, to the edge of the waters as she was flush to his chest. She kissed his chest, ignoring his hands as one held her close and the other reached for a wet cloth. Her legs opened for the cloth as Caius slowly cleaned the dried blood from her. Raina was curious and let her hands roam her husband’s skin. It was hers to do what she wanted. As his hands went to work, so did hers. She looked up to him to make sure his eyes stayed on her.
Caius didn’t dare rush his hand until he was sure that the blood was well washed away. He saw her skin cleaned and admired her as he smiled to her again. He pressed his lips to her neck and slowly worked his way back down. Raina tried to keep him in place but he traveled her as he traveled his lands, with hunger and unstoppable until he ended at her open legs. He held Raina back to the cold floor.
Caius folded over her, grinding his waiting erection against her. Raina wrapped her legs around his waist as he pulled her down into the water. He held her close and needed every bit of her to be close. Raina reached between them, stroking at Caius’ length to make him weak. He buried his head into her shoulder to, humping vigorously into her palm. He lifted his head to Raina and calmed her lips. His lust pulled her carefully onto his cock. Raina didn’t feel pain but was still not used to being filled. Her gasp and her digging nails with him with much excitement. He wrapped his large hand to her hip and worked her up and down his cock.
Raina did what she could to hold on to him but the bliss in her body was too… heavenly. Caius remembered every grope of his hand, every reaction of his woman to keep her wanting and on the edge of euphoria. The hot water rose in crashing waves around them with each shift of his hips. He turned himself and prayed that Raina would follow. She did as she braced her hands to Caius’ chest and rode his cock with purpose.
He shifted his hips up, filling her as her walls constricted around him. Raina’s head fell back in pleasure as Caius’ own head reached forward for her chest. His lips ravaged her chest, tasting her beautiful skin. He planted both of his feet into the floor of his bath, bucking into her until her voice rose again.
Caius held her to his chest as he groaned blissfully into his release. The colors of the god greeted him as he drifted back from the clouds to his wife still moaning into his hair. He lifted his head and played with Raina’s wet hair as she came to.
“Mmm, my free bird.”
“Husband,” she sighed.
Caius turned her on his lap and held her.
“Sleep for me.”
She didn’t have to be told twice as she was put to sleep by the warm waters and her General’s arms wrapped safely around her.
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What’s Wrong With Most Christian’s Today.
I’m 100% with NF on the factor of Christians specifically need to stop putting themselves on this holy righteous pedestal. To put it simply YOU are not God, YOU are a normal HUMAN being and if you really want to get biblical about it then God gave us free will. You are not God’s general, you are not a drill Sargent, you have no right to try and order people around or tell them that they’re less than you or that they’re some kind of disgrace because they don’t follow you to the letter. Personally, I’m ashamed that I was raised to think that we are on some pedestal, that we are better than everyone else. My family can deny it all they want to but that’s the reason I got turned off by Christianity, that’s the reason I stopped going to the churches because you’re all stuck up. You think you’re better, why? What makes you or me better than the average human being? What actually makes you think God wants someone like you? He said we should love one another, he said we should not makes enemies and that we don’t deserve a single thing he gives us. We deserve to rot in hell, but he decided to give us another shot. What are you doing with it? Putting people down in his name? Staying at people like they’re trash because you “Follow” him? No, you don’t. If you truly followed him, if you followed all those laws, if you meant what you “believe” you would be better off, further along, and happier. You’re too busy judging everyone else, you’re too busy trying to shove everything off on someone else. I’m not a perfect person, hell far from it. I don’t remember the last time I looked at a Christian and thought “hey, they’re the one we should put up above ourselves.” We should be humble because our salvation was not a right, it was a privilege. Pastor Larry Lambes I can honestly say is a role model, and honestly, he is the only man I have seen so far (I don’t know enough other people from the church to comment on them other than a good majority of the young adults are hypocrites) who deserves that title. Who I can honestly say is following that book to the letter, he’s still not perfect, he still has flaws; but he’s doing it right. Now that I am away from the hypocrisy, the “Sunday” Christian’s; now that I can look at it from another light without being told what I should believe and how I should act, I’m realizing that I was right. Back in 2013 or 2014 when I was leading myself, when I was doing things on my own, I should have stuck with it. If I had I would probably be a lot better off, I would be happier, I would have more, and I could have done so much more for the people. I let the people close to me taint my views, I followed them, because I thought that’s just how Christians were. Which a lot of them are, most of you in fact are the Wednesday and Sunday Christians that we are all warned about. I will follow, and I will do it the way we were meant to. It takes 30 days to form a habit, it takes 91 days to make a lifestyle. With dedication, commitment, and every ounce of stubbornness I can muster up, I’m not going to give in to the ways of this decaying world. I will not allow another being, human or spiritual, to taint me. You wanna live for the king? Then live for the king and FOCUS! Don’t try to fix someone else, until you’ve got yourself fixed. Don’t try to perfect or criticize someone else and put yourself above them until you are perfect. I am humbling myself, I am realizing that I was taught wrong, that I work best alone because no one else has my mindset, no one else will see what I see, no one else will admit to their flaws. After all, how can you pluck the speck of sawdust from your brethren’s eye; when you have a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite! First you must take the plank from your own eye to clearly remove the speck of sawdust from your brother’s eye. -Matthew 7:3-5 Now let me stress this one more time, I am not any better than any of you, I just get irritated when you claim to be better than everyone else. YOU ARE NOT GOD! You are a mortal human being and you will be judged by the measures in which you have judged others. I would worry about myself if I continued to follow what I was once taught, if I continued to follow the typical white Christian supremist ideals that you all seem to have. I’ve typed this out at least 50+ times over the past several years, but I feared judgement by the blind. I feared reprimands that I did not deserve, I thought I was the one who was wrong because that is what I was taught. Examine yourself, really look at what you have done. If you don’t see anything wrong with that, whether it’s the way you treat your spouse, the way you teach your children, the you your family sees versus the you that you put on display at your job and with your friends; really look deep. If you can’t find a single thing wrong, then you are a part of the problem. If you can not admit that you are not better than anyone else, you are part of the problem. We are all human, the people who work 40+ hours a week are the same as the CEO’s that they slave for. Money, wealth, shiny new things… it’s all trivial. None of it matters, once you’re dead you’ll never see any of it again because you’ll either be screaming in agony for an eternity, or living the life you wish you had as a mortal. Humble yourself before your God and fellow man, that you may live a long prosperous life. Everything you have, you job, your spouse, your children, your material things. God let you have that, and he could take it all away the very next second and I believe that’s why these storms have been so bad. People are paying their price of their sin. No one is safe, and I know that if I lose my house, my material things, that God can get it back, so long as I deserve it. We live to serve, and by serving you are rewarded. You cannot be a once a week Christian and expect to have a mansion with the newest cars, with nice things, with a comfortable life. You are struggling because you are failing your God. I’m becoming happier, I’m appreciating more of the little things in life, I love my wife more than ever because I have come to this realization. Serve your God, and you may ask and shall receive. You may knock and the door will be opened, seek and you shall find.
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