#i think i mentioned this before my friend is also applying to vet school
tahdashi · 2 years
IT WAS SO FUN omg we ended up buying 2 pumpkin pies (': and it randomly snowed too so thats fun!
I SAW THAT YOU'RE HOME AAA HOW DOES IT FEEL?? do you have thanksgiving plans? my entire family is coming over tomorrow night and then again on thursday and then we're gonna do black friday shopping tgt lol
ooo got you i didn't realize you were both undergrads that makes sense!! and it's so cool that you're doing like different things you know?? y'all are so cute
vet school apps are stressing me out i kinda have no idea what i'm doing because my advisor has been so busy BUT i'm just gonna pretend that doesn't exist and stuff my face with pie HAHAH
-- sunnie hat nonnie
HI NONNIE omg pumpkin pie is GOOOD and snow !! i’m glad you had a good time <33
it feels. so. good. i don’t have to worry about my roommates or laundry or cooking or dishes i feel v grateful to be home and just relax yk??? sadly i have no thanksgiving plans :,) OOH i hope you have fun i wanna go black friday shopping so bad but i’m bad w crowds so maybe i’ll go online shopping hehe
yup yup we’re almost done w undergrad :,) idk what our plans are gonna be after college but i don’t like thinking too far into the future it stresses me out !!! YEAH i love hearing him talk about his work and research and telling him about what i’m learning about <3
oh gosh you’re applying already?? or just prepping stuff for the next cycle? pls take a break for a few days :(
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thepsychvet · 5 months
Feeling stuck in life at the moment...
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So let me break this down...
Career-wise, I'm starting from scratch. Why? because when I started my vet med journey, I stayed with the company that has no career progression but pays well so I can fund my studies and still support my family. But when my partner and I decided that we would like to explore the opportunity to live abroad, we decided that I would pause my vet med journey and focus on gathering funds for our plans. So now, while waiting for offers for my partner to come, I'm currently looking for a job that will give me more experience and exposure, but I'm having a hard time looking for one because the current salary that I have does not par with the current employment experience that I have with my current company. Some companies are shocked when they see my salary versus the responsibilities that I have at my current company. And it saddens me because there are times when I really like the role, but they won't choose me because they can't offer the same salary that I currently have. Now I'm still job hunting sending my resume left and right finding the right employer who will take me.
And since I already mentioned my vet-med journey, I will also put it here. I'm still sad that I have to take a pause on my vet med journey, and I can still remember how painful it is when I have to let go of my 3rd year white uniform and sell some of my vet med materials because I know it will take some time for me to get back. Now I'm trying my luck applying to vet schools with scholarships internationally, so I do not need to worry a lot about how I will pay my tuition fee. I'm hoping that I can get back as soon as possible. 
Financially, I'm still far away from my goal, but I'm slowly getting back on track with my finances. Cutting back on some expenses and focusing on what really needs to be spent and on our savings to grow, our current goal this year is to pay off our house and save enough for renovation. Hopefully, before we leave our condo, there will be some improvements. We are also saving for paper processing once we receive a job offer.
Sometimes I find myself comparing my life to others; some of my college psychmates are already big in the field, taking their MA's, getting promoted, and having a good role in the corporate world. My vet-med batchmates are already on their way to their fourth year. Some of my friends and other batchmates have settled down to building their families. Though I know I shouldn't be comparing my life to others, sometimes I just can't help it. But every day I try to remind myself the excerpt from Matt Haig's book The Midnight Library is one of my favorites. "Every second of every day we are entering a new universe. And we spend so much time wishing our lives were different, comparing ourselves to other people and to other versions of ourselves, when really most lives contain degrees of good and degrees of bad."
I'm so thankful to my best friend/accountant/gym buddy/food buddy/partner in crime/partner for keeping me sane with all the things that are happening around me and my super-wired brain thinking everything at once. I know he also has a lot of things on his plate, but he still has the time to keep up with my craziness and all my mood swings.
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writeforfandoms · 2 years
How did Jack start up with his dragon ranch business? Was Champ his first dragon? How did the rest of the gang end up there? Also is Jack the tour guide when kids come on class trips or does he have "farmhands" for that??
*picture here a dragon breathing fire and screaming MORE* **Do they breathe fire in this AU?
Ah Sam. I am so glad you asked. Because I have some thoughts about how this all got started...
As for the breathing fire... Well, there's no evidence for it here... But no evidence against it either... So who knows? 😈
Part of the Tangled Up 'verse. Find my masterlist
Warnings: dragons, swearing, mentions of past dragon abuse, mention of injuries, mention of medical/vet stuff but nothing explicit.
Word count: 1.9k
Since the story line began
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Jack took the news… about as well as could be expected. 
He was being discharged and gently urged to retire. 
But he was too young to retire. He'd gone into the military straight out of school - he had never had to apply for other jobs. And he was still young, still fit, still had time. 
Which was about when he heard that Champ was being retired too. 
The big old dragon had been a huge help, bringing supplies in and occasionally helping to move people (once even shoving an enemy off a roof in defense of one of his people). 
Jack definitely had a soft spot for the old guy. And dragon ranches we're just getting started really, but he'd heard of the concept a few times. 
It didn't take long to find a big piece of land for sale outside a city. He had just enough saved up, and he sold the house he'd bought before–... Well. Before. 
He didn't need a house like that, now that it was just him. 
The next step was to ask Champ. The big old dragon was officially retired but hadn't moved yet, as paperwork was still being processed and a place was still being found. 
(And Jack tried hard not to think about that, to think about how willing the army was to simply ship Champ off, to let people go with no net once their use was done.) 
"Hey, big guy," Jack greeted, holding out a hand. Champ gently pushed his head into Jack's hand, blinking slowly at him. "I know they haven't found a place yet to send you, and I was thinkin'..." He paused and swallowed, uncharacteristically nervous. This was a big change, for both of them. "Well, I bought some land, and I was thinkin' of startin' up a, uh, ranch? A dragon ranch." 
Champ puffed out a gentle, warm breath and nudged him, encouraging him to continue. Jack couldn't help but grin, scratching the dragon's eye ride with affection. 
"You wanna come live with me? Don't think it'll be exciting, but we might get some visitors." 
Champ rumbled and nudged him again, moving his head to tuck Jack under his chin, and Jack laughed. 
At least he'd have a friend with him, no matter what. 
Getting official custody of Champ was easy. Getting him to the new place was easy. 
Which was about when Jack realized he'd made an error. A big error. 
There was no house on the property at all. 
Jack was fairly certain that faintly wheezy noise coming from the dragon was what passed as laughter. 
Grumbling the whole way, Jack went back to the city to grab a tent and a few supplies. Clearly he had work to do. 
The house was the first addition. It wasn't large, really a bachelor's house, with only two bedrooms. But it was big enough for him. 
The first people to come visit the ranch as it was were tourists, excited to see a dragon. Champ had very little interest in them, which didn't seem to matter to them - they gaped at him and asked a few questions before they left again. 
Pretty easy money, really. (Jack ignored the niggling feeling of this being more akin to a circus attraction, and promised himself he'd make it better given time.) 
And then… well, then came Ginger. 
He got the call late, after dark, about a dragon needing to be rehomed, as she wasn't suitable for her current position. They offered him a good chunk of money for her transfer and care, which should have been the first red flag.
Curious and not yet experienced enough to be wary, Jack agreed. 
Ginger arrived in a cage. She had no name. She was half the size she should have been for her age, and nearly feral, hissing at anybody that got too close to her. Jack could see some scars across her belly in the brief flashes he got. 
He didn't yell at the delivery people only because they were a third party freight company. 
He did absolutely document every single sign of abuse, everything from the cage to her scars, and reported the people to the Bureau of Dragon Management. 
He'd seen enough abuse that he hadn't been able to do anything about. This much, he was determined to fix if he could. 
Ginger got her name within days, both for her color and her temper. And boy did she have a temper. She snapped at everything that got too close to her, and "too close" seemed to change from day to day. More than once, Jack had to back off in a hurry, or dive to the side to avoid sharp teeth or claws. 
But he didn't blame her. He didn't get mad. Hell, he'd probably be defensive as shit if he'd been abused like that, too.
So he was calm and patient. He brought food out to her. He gave her space. He sat, usually with Champ as his backrest, and read to the two dragons, giving Ginger a chance to relax and get used to his voice and scent. 
He also devoured every dragon behavior book he could get his hands on. Trips to the library became more common, and he got to know the librarian pretty well, to the point that she would request behavior books for him when she saw them. 
The certification process had just been put into use when he finally got Ginger to start warming up to him. She still didn't much like him (or anyone else), but she stayed away when he had visitors, and she had stopped trying to attack him. (He was counting that as a win, for sure.) 
It was easy for him to get certified - he knew more about behaviors than the interviewer did, having now worked with multiple dragons. (Champ and Ginger, of course, but also some from before.) 
And then he got signed up for the first aid classes, learning how to treat the most common injuries in dragons. Dragon vets were a thing, but still uncommon, usually overbooked, and expensive. That added another mark under his certification. 
Before he really knew how to deal with this, someone dropped off a baby dragon and left. Abandoned, looked like. It was under weight and listless, barely bothering to fuss at him. 
So Jack did what he was quickly becoming good at: he helped. He nurses the baby back to help. He got Champ and Ginger involved (although he less got Ginger involved than she barged in on the scene demanding to be included). 
And that's about when he discovered the real problem. 
Ginger was too damn smart. 
There was not a thing that would keep her out if she was determined, as evidenced by the splintered front door when Jack had the baby sleep inside to keep warm. Ginger apparently disagreed, because Jack walked into the main room that morning to find Ginger's head and neck stretched into the house with the baby dragon curled up next to her, both of them peacefully asleep. 
(It took him days to clean up all the splinters and get the door replaced, and he grumbled the entire time.) 
He was still rehabbing the baby when he got a call for a school group. This was new territory for him, but he agreed, after making sure that the teachers would agree to listen to whatever he told them to do. He doubted the kids would listen so easily, but that was a problem for another time. 
And then he called up a friend. 
"Harry," he greeted when the call connected. 
"Jack," came the smooth reply. "What's the occasion?" 
"Well… I need some advice."
The silence between them was deafening for a moment before Harry huffed a soft laugh. "What can I do?" 
And that was exactly why Jack had kept in contact with him even after all these years. "Well, I was hopin' to ask for some advice." 
Harry sighed, amused, and there was a brief pause. "I'm sufficiently prepared with a drink," he agreed. "Go ahead." 
“Had my first school group come by today.” 
Harry hummed into the little pause that Jack left. “Anyone get eaten?”
Jack chuckled. “No, nothin’ like that.” He paused again for just a moment. “How do you… What safeties do you have? For the kids?” 
Harry sighed, and there was a brief pause. “None.”
“None?” Jack repeated, flabbergasted. 
“They’re dragons,” Harry told him, dry as England never was. “You can’t bloody well expect them to stay behind a fence. Children are wont to cross fences too, regardless.”
Jack sighed. He’d known this. He’d figured it out for himself, but he’d hoped that Harry would have something to add to the conversation. “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled. “Useless Brit.”
“Helpless Yank.” The smirk was clear in Harry’s voice. “Just keep the kids away from any dragon you don’t trust around small, squishable, probably tasty children.” And there was a click as he hung up.
That kind of behavior deserved a drink for dealing with and not calling him back just to swear at him. So Jack rewarded himself. 
It took him a couple months to really be comfortable with the school groups, not that he ever let them catch on. He was the gracious Southern host he was raised to be, always with a smile, quick to joke, always keeping an eye on the little ones. 
Rather to his surprise, Champ was, well, a champ. The big dragon laid flat (as flat as he could) on the ground and patiently acted as jungle gym for the children. He let the children climb on him and poke at him and screech and laugh and play with nary a twitch. 
Which was great, because the children loved him. Every time. All of them. 
Apparently there was some magic to being able to crawl all over a giant dragon. Who knew? 
Ginger typically stayed away, or only got close enough that the kids could see her but not really approach. Which was fine - she placed and enforced her own boundaries, and Jack was fine with that. 
Tequila was the last of the trio to come to him. Tequila had worked as more or less a glorified pack mule, carting goods to a distillery and hauling waste away. Easy work. Simple. Straightforward. 
But he'd gotten into trouble one too many times for being a bit… rambunctious. 
And so, odd to the ranch he went. Rambunctious, Jack thought, was putting it mildly. The dragon had tons of energy, considering his size, and frolicked with any babies on site. 
He also got himself swatted more than once by Ginger for being too energetic. 
But for all that, he was a gentle giant, more like an overeager puppy. He had to be reminded of the rules… and he wasn't the sharpest tool… but he was sweet. And good with the kids. 
So Jack had no problem letting him stay. 
He had his three constant dragons, and a rotating variety of rescue babies, rehab patients, and the occasional in transit dragon, staying a few days between destinations. For the most part, everybody behaved. Ginger grew to like him. The school groups were fun. 
And he thought that was enough, would be enough.
He was wrong.
Taglist: @blueeyesatnight  @fandom-blackhole @sarahjkl82-blog @cannedsoupsucks @liviiii98 @adriiibell @pbeatriz @oonajaeadira @kiizhikehn-cedar @green-socks @withakindheartx @linkpk88 @anditsmywholeheart @ohheyitsokay @amneris21 @myguiltypleasures21 @javierpinme @grogusmum @eri16 @pintsizemama @pedrostories @kirsteng42 @alexxavicry @elegantduckturtle @pjkimrn @trash-dino-5000 @mswarriorbabe80 @magikfanatic @luz-introvertida @hb8301 @saradika @bruxasolta @lowlights @seasonschange-butpeopledont @princessxkenobi @chaoticgeminate @thirddeadlysin @beskarprincessjenny @evyiione @eri @the-feckless-wonder @janebby @idreamofboobear @jaime1110 @recklessworry @hotchlover @bowtiesandsandshoes @scorpio-marionette @buckybarneshairpullingkink @snarwor @borinquenasoy @practicalghost @beecastle @quica-quica-quica @queridopascal @littlemisspascal @phandoz @tintinn16 @avatarkanemi 
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Shit Talk - JJ Maybank
Request: Hi !! can i please get a boyfriend JJ Maybank x kook!reader, she decides its time for JJ to meet her kook friends knowing that they’ll like him but they ended up liking him a little too much because all they did was flirt & compliment him and they also kept embarrassing reader infront of JJ to make them seem better than her? Basically fake friends trying to steal your gorgeous boyfriend out of jealousy and reader starts to cry because of this and JJ gets angry!! 😭❤️❤️
Outer Banks Masterlist
JJ slammed the door on your suv as he got out, eyes already on the large plantation style home you were parked in the horseshoe driveway of. Despite the sunglasses he was wearing he shielded his eyes as he stared at the opposing building. “Can we talk about why you’re forcing me to come to this party if you hate all the people here?”  
“Cause they’re my friends from school. Sarah will be there too, I don’t hate Sarah.” You reasoned, grabbing the card for your friend’s birthday and making sure you had everything else on you. Keys tossed to JJ over the hood of the car as you slammed your own door shut. He slipped the lanyard around his neck.  
“No, but you constantly bitch about everyone else.”
“It’s cause they’re the worst.” You shrugged. And they were truly the worst people you knew. Like all the mean girls from every teen drama rolled into one ultimate evil entity, these girls were literal demons but you were obligated, through school hierarchy and the desire to not ruin your social standing, to attend social gatherings like birthday parties. And you’d been blowing them off lately to spend all your time with JJ.  
“But we’re going?”
“I’m so confused.” JJ confessed, “you know if you don’t like someone, don’t hang out with them.”
“Says the most likable person I know.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the front door.  
“Hey, just cause everyone likes me but that doesn’t mean I hang out with people I don’t like. Except you…but I really needed a new phone so-“  
You stopped to turn and smack his arm, a fake gasp leaving your lips as if you were truly offended by his teasing. “JJ! Shut up. You’re such a jerk.”
“And yet you like me.”
“Maybe.” You shrugged, “I’m good at faking it.”
“I’ve seen you with people you don’t like…you’re incapable of fake nice.” He replied.  
“Prepare to be amazed.” You leaned up, closing your eyes and pressing your lips to his for a kiss only to be interrupted by the door opening and the distinct squeal of your most hated friend. You pulled away and turned around so fast you practically gave yourself whiplash.  
“Oh my god you made it!” Scarlett bounced out of the house, wide smile on her face as crossed the threshold and wrapped you in a tight hug. Despite dry hair and skin that looked like she’d just applied a layer of body shimmer her bikini was slightly damp against your cover-up.  
“Hey! So sorry we’re late I was halfway out the door when I saw myself in the bathing suit I was gonna wear and had to change…it was not cute.”  You lied, returning the hug. You’d pit stopped first to buy a last-minute card and take money from the atm and then to get coffee. As you had reasoned with JJ, there was no way you were surviving this pool party without caffeine in your system.  
“Lies, you look good in everything.” Scarlett insisted though she’d definitely sung a different tune in the past. Her eyes landed on JJ as she stepped back and she smiled, “whose this?”
“Oh, duh, this is my boyfriend JJ, I figured when better to introduce everyone than at Ashley’s party.” You offered, stepping aside so you weren’t blocking him.  
“For sure,” She did a once over of him like he was merchandise and JJ only smiled, biting his tongue to stop himself from saying anything you would be pissed at him for. He would save his comments for the sanctity of the car. “Well I’m Scarlett, there’s a lot of people here so if you forget just let me know and I’ll tell you.”  
“Awesome.” He replied. Scarlett grabbed his free hand, pulling him away from you and beginning to drag him inside the house as you followed behind. He looked back at you, mouthing an ‘I’m gonna kill you.’
‘Airpods’ You mouthed back, ‘and you love me.”
He shook his head, a grim expression on his face but you knew he was only joking.  
Despite the entire crowd being contained to the outside pool deck and yard you lost Scarlett and JJ relatively easily. Or, Scarlett lost you so she could spend quality time cozying up to your boyfriend. While you felt bad leaving him to the wolves while you found the drink table and chatted with Sarah, you weren’t too worried about him otherwise. You had heard all about JJ’s past womanizing from a wealth of jealous pogues but you didn’t have any doubt that he was faithful.  
He was a great boyfriend, better than any guy you’d dated before. Too good to be subjected to a round table of Scarlett, Ashley, and their friends. So you grabbed yourself a drink and headed over to save him.  
“Oh my god and one time-” Scarlett’s voice died off as she saw you getting closer to them and she smiled at you in faux excitement, “oh hey!”
“Hey,” you nodded at her before turning to look at JJ, “hey there you are.”  
“We were just getting to know JJ. You know, vet him and all.” Scarlett replied, leaning over her armrest to grab JJ’s arm. He shrugged her off and shifted in his seat.
“You wanna sit?” He asked, tilting his head back to look at you, pleading eyes begging you to sit down.  
“Oh I don’t think there’s a chair.” Ashley piped up, looking around the table. Four other girls occupied the chairs around them.  
“No problem, I’ll make do.” You tapped on the arm of JJ’s chair, smiling at Ashley when he moved the chair so that you could comfortably sit on his lap. He put and arm around your waist to keep you secured and laid a kiss on the side of your neck.  
“Oh, good.” Scarlett forced a smile, jaw tense. “Anyway, I was just telling JJ, do you remember that time in 8th grade when we went on that double date to the ice rink on the mainland.”  
You paled almost immediately. She was really going to play that game. “Uh…no.”  
“Oh my god!” Scarlett turned more toward JJ, wide smile on her face, “First of all, she was so chubby in 8th grade like thank god for hitting the gym and doing those CrossFit classes cause you looked like a potato. Plus she ate like everything! Do you remember that? You had like a hotdog and fries and ice cream and then we were skating and she said she didn’t feel good and she blew chunks all over the guy! Who was it, I can’t remember his name?”  
“I have no idea.” You replied.  
“Oh my god I totally remember that!” Ashley laughed. “Someone videoed it and put it up on the school’s insta...it was hilarious.”  
“Doesn’t really sound it.” JJ said, grip tightening.  
“You’re way cuter than he was anyway,” Ashley mentioned, “I think he was like a family friend or something. And you’ve stuck it out too, how long have you guys been dating?”  
“Three months.”  
“It’s good it’s the summer. You can get out before you have to experience hibernation weight.” Scarlett added and the other girls around the table laughed at the joke. You smiled nervously, trying to look unbothered by what they were saying. You should have known that the moment you sat down the attack would start, Scarlett had her eye on JJ the minute she walked out of the house.  
“What?” JJ was not laughing.  
“Oh my god, I don’t know what she does but she always gains like…what is it? Like 15 pounds?”
“Yeah.” You nodded.  
“Like 15 pounds in the winter.”  
“Yeah get her while she’s still cute cause you are way too hot to spend time stuck with someone who bloats up every winter.” Ashley replied.  
“I can’t believe I haven’t seen you around, Ashley’s right you’re super hot.”  
Suddenly Ashley smiled, reaching across the table to tap the space in front of you and get your attention. “Oh, oh my god do you remember okay, so this one time-“  
“Actually, I gotta go. I got work.” JJ said, cutting her off. He bounced his knee to signal for you to get up, “babe,”
“Yeah, of course, I’ll see you guys later.” You stood, trying to remember if JJ had told you that he had a shift today. You couldn’t think but then your mind was swimming with their insults. You were only vaguely aware of JJ grabbing your hand.  
“Seriously? You’re ditching in the middle of the party?” Scarlett asked, offended that he was leaving and even more so that he was leaving with you.  
“Yeah well,” JJ shrugged, looking over at her, “if I stay any longer I’ll probably punch one of you in the mouth so, not really in the mood to sit around and listen to you bullshit about my girlfriend.”  
“We were just joking!” Ashley insisted, “Weren’t we joking?”  
“I wasn’t laughing.” JJ replied. He tugged on your hand when you didn’t move, “come on.”  
The two of you excited the backyard and made it all the way to your car, JJ slipping in the driver’s side as you sat in the passenger seat, still trying not to have an absolute meltdown in front of him. And in front of the security cameras they would probably check later just to see if they made you cry.  
“Thanks…” You muttered, leaning against the window.  
“You weren’t kidding, they are the worst.” JJ replied as he backed down the driveway. In the santity of the car he could say what was actually on his mind and it was extensive.  
“I know.” You did know, you’d been dealing with it since you were in kindergarten and Scarlett told you that you had fat thighs. “Scarlett’s known me forever so she has years of embarrassing stories.”  
JJ nodded. He took one hand off the wheel and reached over to hold your hand. “You know I think you’re beautiful right?”  
“Yes you know and believe me or yes I don’t want to talk about it anymore so I’m agreeing with you?” He asked, glancing over at you.
You bit your lip to stop from smiling, “if you know which one it is, why are you asking?”
“Cause I want it to be the first one?” He said. “Those girls are seriously the worst.”  
“Well I hang out with them less now that Kie goes to school with me but I still have to see them sometimes. I can’t avoid it.”
“Yeah I know.”  
“Thanks for coming, and for saying you’d punch them in the mouth.” You said, laughing a little as you recalled the horrified look on Ashley’s face when he said that.  
“Them and anyone else who talks shit on you.” He replied.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes@millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles@tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27@dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days@jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana@tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready  @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl@mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii@oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn@pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @jolomez @timotaychalabae
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itsmeanyango · 3 years
So incase you guys don't know, the sun is malefic and that's what we are going to talk about on the last day of Leo season which is Sunday and the Sun is Leos ruling planet.
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Virgo season starts tomorrow and this is what you need to know.
Virgo is a dual sign, the M and the fish at the tail. To me, it means Mother (the M) and child(the fish). Virgo represents facts and order. The Sun is how you see yourself. Most of the things I mention below are going to be your own doing.
If this does not resonate with you its okay, this is a general interpretation which has not taken into consideration every single persons birth chart. But these are the themes you are bound to meet.
I will expound more on my Patreon, join to support me. Thank you in advance.
The first house is the house of first impressions. Virgo in the first house means you come off as very orderly and well put together. The Sun transiting Virgo first house means people may see you as the person with facts and very organized during Virgo season(when the sun is in Virgo). The sun will be highlighting you in peoples eyes. You may feel like everyone has got their eyes on you, they probably do because you are acting jittery. If you make a mistake, everyone will know(or in your head you will convince yourself that everyone knows). If you do something good even if you are unaware of it, it wont go unnoticed. You may feel heavily scrutinized by the public or be in a place where everyone is checking your work ethic. Peoples expectations of you may feel like your hand is in fire but you can't remove it.
The second house is the house of your money and survival needs. The sun transiting Virgo in the second house may mean if you are not organized then all your sources of income or survival will be burnt and you will have nothing left. Always save up and in different accounts! I bet people who had this transit before the pandemic began found themselves spending a lot of money or losing money. They may have also had a boost but failed to save so when the pandemic was made official in the news, they were struggling!
The third house is the house of communication. The Sun transiting third house Virgo means your communication may be taken the wrong way. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, Mercury rules communication and is in this house. Virgo as mentioned is a dual sign! What you intend to say may not be received but instead the opposite will. Be very very clear in communication, do not use ambiguity and do not leave room for guesswork! We are in a very digital age! If you are not clear with your communication get what will happen to you online? Your image will be tarnished, burned!
The fourth house is the house of roots, it also represents home. Everyone has their own definition of home. Sun transiting Virgo in the fourth house means you need to be careful making a home purchase if you have this transit as you may get scammed! You may also fail to follow all the procedures for the purchase. You may still buy the home but fail to notice certain things and now your dream of owning a beautiful home is burned! You may also burn very important bridges or have important bridges burnt that are related to your roots due to the discovery of certain factual information. This house is ruled by Cancer(a water sign), so you better check the drainage and water supply in the area you want to purchase a house/home in. Also find out the rains in the area because they might just sweep your house away. You may want to avoid having a house in a valley or near a water body.
The fifth house is the house of romance, love affairs, fertility and self expression. The Sun transiting Virgo in the fifth house means that you may find yourself nitpicking on matters related to this house. You may be doing everything robotically or 'scientifically'. You may act like you have OCD when it comes to dealing with the matters of this house. Rest, don't be so calculative.
The sixth house is the house of health, fitness and organization(order). This is Virgos house. The Sun transiting a Virgo sixth house means that your schedules will be on fire. You may put too much on your plate or insist that you must change your whole life in this month because you want to become a better you. You want to rush the process. So you enroll yourself into gym, you create a packed daily schedule that you force yourself to follow from morning till bed time, you change your diet or suddenly change your routines. Burnout will catch up with you and you may end up spiraling backward. Unless you have an intercepted house, Virgo sixth house means you have a Libra seventh house. If we look at it the Sun transit way, you won't be able to regain balance. You may start overcompensating. However, you probably have another planet in your seventh house which may be beneficial to you. Take things one step at a time.
The seventh house is the house of Relationships and contracts. All types of relationships and not just romantic. The Sun transiting a Virgo 7th house means you need to be very careful of the contracts you sign and relationships you get into because they have the potential to burn you or you them. Use facts and not assumptions or first impressions that look good. First impressions of the matters in this house may be very attractive like gold they end up blinding you.
The eighth house is the house of merging. Anything that is joint is here. Joint is also shared. So whatever you have joint ownership, CUSTODY or partnership of is under highlight over here. The Sun transiting Virgo eighth house may mean: Please keep your legal documents very safe away from fire and water! If you have any critical information as a softcopy, back it up and back it up and back it up more! Keep records!!!!! These records will save you when you are about to be drowned(the 8th house is a water house) in boiling(Sun) water! Triple check your documents, do not let just anyone see them because you never know who wants to get you. The most innocent of souls could be the one to get you! Like your child may accidentally spoil your computer/phone/USB stick/external storage. Be careful around water. Keep your hardcopy documents in waterproof packaging.
The ninth house is the house of travel, higher learning, ethics, and critical/fast thinking. The sun transit ninth house Virgo means you need to have the right documents on matters related to this house. If you have many or any assignments to submit at school, do them very well. No plagiarism at all, this assignments can either break or make your life during this transit. Double check your travel documents especially your covid tests and certificates. Ensure you have carried them when travelling. If you are applying to schools(University mostly), please please check the percentage of OPEN SOURCES THE SCHOOL OFFERS otherwise when doing your thesis you will have a very very difficult time. If possible, visit the school environment and see if it is worth it, some school environments are tough especially for students who will be looking for housing near school. Research on the countries you want to visit, please stop going to countries where minorities are suffering because of tourists due to increase spread of the virus and pollution. Be kind. Find out if your ethics are really ethical, you may be very oppressive with your ethics.
The tenth house also called Medium Coeli(MC) or Midheaven, is the house of career, long term goals, structure, experts and father. The Sun transiting Virgo tenth house means someone may be excited to become a dad. Someone might be looking into paternity because they either feel skeptical that the child they are raising is not theirs or their father is not their biological dad as they have been made to believe. I like saying that the tenth house is what they mean by 'things that have been put together in heaven, no man can put asunder', so do not force things or interfere with things in this house. Just do your part and leave the rest otherwise you will be wasting your time and energy. During this transit you may feel like everything is falling into place but you may need to think twice. Virgo is facts and order, do you really have the facts or you think you do and you are just going with it? You may be thinking that things are meant to be, everything may be looking real good right now or real harsh right now when they aren't. Go back to the drawing board and check that your facts are not twisted.
The eleventh house is the house of groups, friends, humanitarianism, technology and the future. The Sun transiting Virgo eleventh house may mean your social circles and activities need vetting. Do you really know these people or do you think you know them? For some, you may not even need to do the evaluation because things will happen in your life that shows you who these people really are. You will need to be very specific about any pieces of technology you buy during this transit, research on it. Then go to reputational shops to buy and not just anywhere that claims to sell. CHECK AND KEEP THE WARANTY. Scan and print receipts because they fade, scan and print the warranty too. Keep soft copies of the warranty and receipts. Take a video of you unboxing the technology so you can catch any damages on camera and return it with proof that it was not your mishandling(this is if the business delivered it to you otherwise they can say you damaged it while transporting it). Check that your anti virus(not those free ones, they are fake. Buy a legit anti virus) is up to date and you do not have any security threats. If you love yourself, please stop clicking ads, stop allowing people to plug anything into your PC, TURN OFF BLUETOOTH DISCOVERABILITY, stop using public WIFI and please close all tabs and running apps when on zoom (or any other such platform)because when you share screen you may not know that your information is out for everyone to see-some of which may be very sensitive-. How humanitarian are you? And do you do things humanitarian in a human way or analytical way just because its what needs/has to be done? You may need to significantly drop the statistics and analytical things when dealing with people face to face. What is your plan for the future? Revisit it and make the necessary changes. If you have none, start writing down one.
The twelfth house is the house of endings, spirituality, dreams and the subconscious. The Sun transit Virgo twelfth house may mean that you need to have detailed end of life plans, pay for them now or start saving up for them now. It doesn't matter if you are just 18, start. What do you need to let go of? Your sick relative who is willing to go but waiting for you to let go of them? A friendship? A job? A house? Unhealthy eating habits? Unhealthy coping mechanisms? Several things you are hoarding? Write down things that need letting go of then start letting go of them bit by bit this month. Have you been doing things subconsciously? Start recording them, you may need to see something. Like a pattern which may be as a result of trauma or your instincts getting stronger or something else. You may need to stop looking at spirituality like a science experiment. You may not find the facts you are looking for but it does not mean people who are spiritual are lost. You may however, find that some things just do not make sense because they conflict each other. Someone may be starting to learn something spiritual. Your dreams, write the down even if they do not make sense.
These are the messages I am able to channel, I have been writing for over an hour. It is 20.22(which is cumulative numerology 6 and Virgo is the 6th Zodiac sign) EAT right now. I have written this through two Horas! I hope this helped.
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study-van · 4 years
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Start your scholarship search by making a list of everything that makes you you: your academic interests, your extracurriculars, your cultural heritage, your hobbies, etc. There are scholarships out there for just about any quality and trait you can imagine, so it helps to make a  list of things you might search for. For example, you'll find scholarships based on your heritage or on your foreign language proficiency. There was even this one scholarship for non-Japanese Japanese speakers, the possibilities are limitless.
Check out your student résumé or portfolio. In this aspect my counselor was really helpful and made a list of things that set me aside.
After making your list/brain map/etc you can ask your high school counselor and/or the financial aid office at your (intended) college(s) for their help in getting your search started. You should also look for scholarships offered directly from your (intended) college(s) or university; your school might even have their own scholarship search page or board.
Your future major and career plans are also a big factor. Do you aspire to be a vet? Are you on the pre-med track? Or is environmental science your thing? Look for related professional and academic organizations to see if they offer any scholarships; they’ll often encourage students who are on specific paths by giving them money to help.
Also it doesn’t hurt to check the scholarships that organizations at YOUR country give. For example, in Turkey, Muhtar Kent Vakfı gives out big scholarships (yes, sometimes even 100%). You have a higher chance of getting those scholarships than the international or university wise ones because the pool for applicants is much more smaller.
There are also plenty of websites that let you check scholarships, albeit small ones (nearly all the universities have a list of them at their website). However, someone from my school completed her 55k$ tuition just by getting small 1k to 10k scholarships so seriously try your luck with them too.
For USA, there is also need-based and merit-based scholarships that each school gives. I honestly have no idea what sets you apart from all the other accepted students to get the merit scholarship but I did receive it from three of the universities I got accepted from so you never know! (To see what I did in high school you can check the ask here)
For need-based scholarship, there are seriously so many paperwork to do so get started on it as soon as possible. My friends started on the paperwork the summer before our senior year and was done by October and at least had that off of his work to complete.
On the topic of paperwork, regardless of the scholarship start on it as early as you can. Even before you apply, it will seriously help you relax just a bit.
So now onto some hot essay tips because most of them demand an essay from you. (The essay is most of the times what stands between you and the scholarship)I will link an answer by @mr-entj​ right here because they summed it up really well and I think there is no further thing to say!! Most of the time you can write any kind of essay if you can answer those two questions in the answer.
Lastly, some scholarships from your country will conduct an interview. Don’t be nervous about it but still take it seriously. Their main goal is to see that their money is not going to waste on a kid that doesn’t have any aspirations or will just spend their time partying and all.
During the interview, be firm about your goals and what you plan to accomplish. Again referring to @mr-entj​‘s answer they will want you to answer the two main questions: Why do you deserve the scholarship? Why do you need this scholarship? Make sure beforehand that you have a clear answer on both. If you can try to practice your answers with a friend for these two. Other than that they might throw in some questions that have no relation at all with the scholarship. (My interviewer asked about my coffee preferences) This is just to see that you’re also a person and not just this academic monster. You’ve to be human, this also goes well with the point of being yourself, if you want that scholarship don’t try to make yourself look perfect (don’t do that seriously).
Also be respectful to your interviewer, their impression of you may save you a little bit even if you fail to give a concise answer to some of their questions.
Just one last caution, as I’ve mentioned in the post, if you’re an international student, your chances for most scholarships are lower than local students so instead of solely relaying on them prioritize scholarships from your country.
Most universities/colleges will claim they’re need-based but they find loopholes so have a backup plan (independent scholarships) if you can’t get their need-based scholarship.
I guess this is a pretty neat summary as usual if you guys have further questions my asks/dms are always open!!
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peanutpinet · 4 years
Nine Percent Scenarios for @ninepercent._.forever on IG
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Cause she chose majority soft pics, so here is a soft group pic of the boys uwu <3
Cai Xukun
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Can I just say one more time, silver hair Kunkun is *chefs kiss*
Alright, for this, I’d imagine that Kun was attending your graduation (high school or university, whichever you’d like) and when it was finally your turn to go up and take your paper/medal/diploma, etc; Kun would instantly smile, pointing at you/wave at you when you turn around to face the audience. I would also feel that Kun would brag about you to the people around him (if it’s your parents then he’ll be like ‘she’s so amazing’).
“That’s my girl!! Yeap!! That stunning, breath-taking, kind-hearted, smart girl is mine. You go sweetheart!!”
Chen Linong
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Alright!! For this one, I feel that you guys are roommates and were heading back when you guys noticed this cat that doesn’t look alright. Nongnong (being the animal lover he is) would go over to the cat and pet it. When Nongnong said that the cat seems to be sick, he would suggest to bring it to the vet; which you agreed, without question.
After getting checked, the vet gave Nongnong a prescription and Nongnong just held the cat in his arms, soothing it and telling it that it’ll be alright. Upon the sight, you just can’t help but die of cuteness and just had to take a picture of him.
“Don’t worry lil guy, I got you. You’re going to be just fine!!” *insert is uwu smile*
Fan Chengcheng
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Alright, alright, for this pic of Chengcheng, I feel that he was bored at home and was like “Hey!! (Y/N)!! Let’s go out!! I’m bored” and since you were also just being a couch potato (mind you, a hot couch potato), you were like “ehhh, I don’t see why not”. Especially when Chengcheng is the one picking you up and dropping you back.
So, the two of you went out the whole day. Had brunch together then went to the mall to do some window shopping/actual shopping, whichever one you are. Afterwards, you guys just decided to walk along the streets for a bit before going back home. Along the way, it started to snow and you were mesmerised by it and didn’t noticed that Chengcheng was staring until you turned around to see him (cue the pic).
“Isn’t it pretty Cheng?”
“Sure is” (looks at you)
Justin Huang Minghao
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Anyways, I imagine that you guys were just hanging out since it was finally winter break. So, Justin decided to celebrate your winter break by inviting you to join him for a little outing. Like, he’s so full of energy, he wants to go out and just move!! So, the two of you were now walking along the park when you started to feel tired from all the walking and decided to take a break by just sitting down on a bench, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of you. When Justin decided to sit next to you and look at you and you were a bit taken aback when he gave you that face (the picture).
“Wh-what are you looking at?”
“You. I never noticed how much your eyes are glowing. It’s pretty. And not to mention your smile. It’s just contagious. I hope that you would smile often from now on”
Lin Yanjun
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Alright, I have no idea why she chose this pic of Yanjun. Clearly, you wanted to kill me huh, Aliya? Anyways, we’ll see what scenario I got
For this specific pic, since my dear friend wanted the boys to either be your guy friend/boyfriend, this is what I came up with. You and Yanjun were childhood friends; with Yanjun being like 4-5 years older and was the heir to a company which you decided to apply for. Of course, you still had to go through interviews and everything; Yanjun believes that you can never take the easy way out. 
However, the difference between you and your co-workers is that Yanjun would always asks you about your job at the end of the day which he knows that you worked hard since he heard it from your supervisor. Working under Yanjun was tough but he would never give you work that he knows you can’t handle and every now and then he would definitely treat you by taking you to your favourite restaurants/cafes at the weekend.
You have been working so hard and slowly climbed your way and was now Yanjun’s secretary. However, there were definitely some workers that were jealous of that. They’d be like “how can she become his secretary?” “just look at her! She doesn’t even look that good” and many more. But, it never really bothered you since you knew that dealing with those people are just a waste of your time and childish.
Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. Sure, you tried your best to not care. But when those people started being physical, it was just too hard to handle. You were constantly dozing away and easily distracted that Yanjun himself became worried. He would asked you every now and then but you didn’t tell him, you didn’t want to bother him since he was basically “shouldering” your expenses.
But fear not!! One day, he finally caught the workers red-handed. You were just about to get lunch for both you and Yanjun when the elevator didn’t work and so, you took the stairs. However, those jealous workers caught you, some of them purposely bumped into you, making the food you brought fall onto yourself. But little did they know that Yanjun was passing by since he forgot to handover a document to his management team. At first, Yanjun was already ready to come in and fight. But when he saw that it was you, he didn’t hesitate one bit. He shouted at the workers, scaring them and you.
To say that the workers were scared was an understatement. Nope, they were petrified at this point. Yanjun was walking down the stairs, hands in his pockets and his gaze, colder than ever. He went to your side, asking you if you were alright but all you could do was let out a little hiccup. Noticing your state, Yanjun pulled you into a hug, looking back at the workers and told them that he’ll deal with them later and he hope that they have cleaned their belongings from the office.
“Sshhh, are you alright? Is this why you’ve been dozing off lately?”
“ *sigh* I’ll deal with all of you later. Oh, and I hope that by the time I call you to my office, all of your belongings are packed”
“Is alright, I got you (Y/N). Please tell me the next time this happens”
“B-but...you just fired them?” 
“(Y/N)...you’re too sweet sometimes, you know that? I hope you know that things like this shouldn’t be taken lightly. I care about you, you know. Now c’mon, let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll order some food for us, your favourites, kay?”
Zhu Zhengting
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Mama Ting holding a big fluffy panda?! Welp, time to fly over to visit him (JK)
So, I feel that the two of you were hanging out all day, just a normal day of at your place, cooking, baking and watching TV shows/films all day when suddenly, the sun finally sets and it was night time. Since the both of you were too tired to cook, Zhengting suggested you guys have dinner at a nearby restaurant which of course, in the end, mama Ting paid for everything.
Whilst walking you back home, you both saw this place with a claw machine and you just so happen to see a huge panda in there. Determined to get it, you spent quite a pretty penny on it but failed to grabbed it. However, mama Ting decided to step in and get the doll for you. Which he finally did, after 7 tries.
“Th-the panda...Let me have the panda...please!!”
“Step aside (Y/N), I’ll get it for you!!”
“I GOT IT!!! Uhh, can I cuddle with it until we reached your home?”
“Is alright, since you got it, it should be yours”
Wang Ziyi
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Can I say, Ziyi, multitasking to a new level man!!
So, for this pic, I thought that it’s been a while since you and Ziyi went out to grab a bite or catch up because he was very busy. However, since it was your birthday, he really didn’t want to cancel anymore plans. So, instead! He just cancelled meetings and all but he still brought a few work with him; works that he can easily finish in a short amount of time. Though he would apologise first-hand that he still had some unfinished business to take care of before you even got a chance to ask him.
“I’m really sorry that I had to bring some work with me today, (Y/N)”
“It’s fine Ziyi. I’m just happy that you even had the time to take me out”
“It’s your birthday. I wouldn’t miss it for anything else. Even though I’m technically somewhat working right now”
“I said it’s fine Ziyi. I’m happy that you’re here to spend the day with me”
“Aishh, you’re too nice (Y/N). Eh, eat up, the food will get cold! I just need to sign a few of these then I’m all yours for the day :)”
Xiao Gui
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It’s been a while since I saw a soft Gui but hey!! I aint complaining!!
For Xiaogui, I feel that you finally graduated from university and was on your way back home. Well to be exact you were already back, it’s just that Xiaogui hasn’t had the time to see you. But!! He made it his mission that when he does see you, he would give you a surprise that you would never thought of.
He texted you saying that he had some free time and would like to meet up at the park that you guys used to hang out back in school. But little did you know that when you walked by the park, you saw Xiaogui, sitting on the stairs with a bouquet in his hands, a smile slowly formed on his face the minute you came into his sight.
“Kai (Wang Linkai, yea), wh-what’s all this? Are we going somewhere? OOH!! Is it for a special someone?”
“They sure are. You!”
“That’s...wait?! Me?! Wh-what?!” *cue blushing mess*
“Of course!! Congratulations on finishing your degree!! I’m proud of you (Y/N). Sorry that I have been very busy but, I wanted to do something special since you always send me something special. So, dinner?”
“I’d love to!! Thank you Kai!!”
You Zhangjing
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So, this is another slightly hard scenario to think of. But, here goes nothing. So, I imagine that you guys decided to have a date night since it has been a while you guys had like an actual proper date night. HECK!! Zhangjing even went all out and booked your favourite restaurant and brought out his suit for crying out loud!! Anyways, the date night, as you’d expect, was lovely. Zhangjing made sure that you get whatever food/drink you’d like then of course, Zhangjing being the responsible gentleman he is, brought you home. However, on you way back, you guys saw this bush with roses on them. And you know what Zhangjing did?
“Hey (Y/N)!!”
“Hmm? What is it Zhangjing?”
“Roses are red, violets are blue. I may not be able to rhyme but there is nothing prettier than you”
“OMG ZHANGJING!! STAWWPP!! Or more like, stop asking Yanjun for pick up lines for crying out loud!!”
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ladyjenise · 3 years
This has been big news in Canada, but folks in other countries might be aware of this “charity” too since they operate globally. I’m talking about Canadaland’s White Saviours series on WE (also known as Free the Children.
Last year, during the pandemic WE charity took a bunch of money to run a program to help students find volunteer work. It was a LOT of money. Like almost a billion dollars. And it wasn’t opened to other non profits to apply to. Here’s a BBC article that gives an early rundown of what happened.
Up to this point, WE had a reputation as a “good” charity… to everyone except those who worked in the international development sector and a bit beyond into non profit in general.
Like most sectors, international development is a fairly well-connected sector of workers and a handful of large and medium charities who generally work with GAC (Global Affairs Canada) to develop and deliver international development programming. This is programming developed in partnership with organizations like the UN but even with local grassroots community partners. Goals are set, long term plans are funded, communities are strengthened. Its a far from perfect sector, but it tries.
WE pretended to belong to something like this sector, but it really did not. It wasn’t a member of international development groups like Cooperation Canada (you don’t HAVE to be a member - some small groups aren’t but WE was totally NOT a small group). They always had the capacity to reach out and partner with other like minded orgs. They never did.
Why? Because they were frauds. People in the sector talk, and it was known through the whisper networks that anyone who wanted to do actual international dev work should steer clear of WE. Their work was shabby voluntourism, they treated their staff and volunteers like cattle, and they regularly broke employment rules in the province where they operated.
Because of this, they routinely hired young, fresh, ignorant employees to work for them, and recruited volunteers out of schools after guilt tripping them (also a strategy the sector is trying to move away from - you know, the “starving child in Africa” trope).
When the pandemic started, my then-fairly new employer got concerned that the WE charity receiving so much government grants for programming would put our org in a lurch. I said to worry. Knowing what I knew about their sheer lack of competent staff and the rate of burnout, I said they wouldnt produce anything of quality and the government would be displeased. Little did i know that I wasn’t the only one side-eyeing the payout.
You have to understand that WE was a player in a sector with much more well-established players (maybe a good warning story about NOT letting a fucking 12 year old start a charity). These older players are decently connected with each other. Theyre not “competitors” per se. That’s considered gauche. But they are experienced and not afraid to speak up when they see some cray shit go down. And a few of them are part of collectives, as mentioned before (like Cooperation Canada).
Now, I can’t say for sure, but all those other charities saw the federal government drop money into WE ‘s grotesque lap and realized there had been no wider call for proposal. Sure, the pandemic meant things needed to move faster, but if you think only WE has the capacity to submit a proposal AND deliver in a quick time frame, you don’t know the charitable sector. What probably happened was the whisper networks kicked into overdrive and all these charities realized they were being fucked by WE and put a call out to the media.
The unwritten rule in the charity sector is you don’t generally shittalk other charities unless you can prove something. We knew FOR YEARS that WE was a rotten, useless, money hoarding and shallow organization. But could we prove it? No. That was the media’s job. But every time a media outlet went to publish a story, WE intervened with lawyers and high placed “friends” in media and government. Corruption. Instead, us workers sat back, realizing we’d have to wait for WE to fall into the noose themselves. And so they did. And the lure was a billion dollar closed federal grant.
If you were a kid in school that fell for WE’s pitches, don’t feel bad. It was designed to prey on you. I’ve seen them likened to a cult but the vibe was almost like multi level marketing. The fact this “charity” was never vetted before being allowed into schools to pitch their terrible voluntourism ideas was a huge societal failure. Not yours.
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momentofmemory · 4 years
FICTOBER 2020 - day fifteen
Prompt #15: “Not interested, thank you.”
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Lydia Martin, Allison Argent (mentioned)
Words: 1000
Author’s Note: Lydia has an important letter she needs to show her best friend. It’s just as hard as it always is. Post-canon. Lydia POV.
>> i never said
It’s been ten years since it happened. Five, since she was last here.
It doesn’t feel like it.
There might be a little more overgrowth on the fence, a little more wear and tear on the headstones. Other than that, it doesn’t look that different.
She wishes it did.
Lydia steps off the path and slips through the grass, mindful of the way the wet blades cling to her ankles. It’d rained all through her drive into town last night, so she probably should have considered wearing something more suitable than a pastel dress and white ballet flats.
She’s had worse stains before. At least this time, they’ll be brown instead of red.
Lydia sinks down, down into the slick mud at the foot of the gravestone without thinking twice.
It’s quiet but for the sound of the wind whistling through the trees. That’s the thing about graveyards: the only public place free for entry in a capitalist hellscape, and no one wants to go.
Lydia arranges her dress over her knees, like it matters. The letters spelling out Allison’s name dance on the gravestone, mocking, laughing; but Lydia knows it’s just the refraction of light against the water in her eyes.
She blinks it away and clears her throat.
It feels as stupid as it did the day they lost her, and the gravestone stares reproachfully up at her. Irrationally, Lydia thinks about a twelve-step program.
Hi, my name is Lydia.
“Hi Lydia.”
My last visit was over fifteen hundred days ago. I haven’t been because I’ve had to live my life, and because my therapist says you’re not actually here, and because you only died because I couldn’t—
“I guess you should know the pack’s doing well,” she tries. “Stiles finished up his forensics degree, and he’s applying to FBI, proper, now. Malia’s still Malia. Scott’s finally kicking ass in vet school instead of, you know, kicking actual ass. Or werewolf. Still haven’t come across any wereasses.”
She runs out of words, so her voice trails off. She licks her lips in search of more.
“You know your dad dated Mrs. McCall, right?” It’s a non sequitur, and Lydia snorts at her own expense. “One last crack at getting the McCall and Argent lines to mix, I guess.”
She’s honestly not sure how Allison would’ve reacted to that, if she’d still been here. Probably not well. Then again, it probably wouldn’t have happened at all if she and Scott had—
“You made it hard for him, you know,” she says. “It’s hard to move on from someone when their last words were that they love you.”
More silence.
Time’s supposed to make this easier, but the truth is, time just makes it hurt differently.
“I’m sorry,” she blurts out, then immediately curses herself. She’d promised she wouldn’t go there again.
She can add it to the list of promises she hasn’t kept.
“You’d probably say it’s not my fault, if you were here. Or that this is what you chose.” Lydia pauses, angrily wiping at her eyes. She sucks in a shuddering breath. “But that’s bullshit, and I’m not interested, thank you.”
She knows all the lines they’d told themselves when it happened. All the ones Allison herself probably believed.
They’re a lot harder to stomach now that she’s twenty-seven and Allison’s still seventeen, and that gap is just going to get wider, and wider, and wider.
Lydia swallows. “I just wanted to tell you—I mean, it’s just—”
Lydia doesn’t dream about that night anymore.
The first time she realized she hadn’t had a nightmare in weeks, that she finally felt okay when she woke up in the morning, she cried for hours and missed every single class and study session she’d had lined up.
It’s been like that for every milestone, which.
Well. That’s why she’s here.
She digs her fingernails into her skin, eight perfect crescent moons, and starts over, because she came here for a reason.
“I haven’t told you about me yet,” she says, and the graveyard is quiet.
It’s okay, though. Allison would’ve gotten quiet if she’d said that when she were still around, too. She was always good at listening.
Lydia pulls a white envelope out of her bag, the seal already broken.She runs the edges across the pads of her fingers.
“I got in,” she says.
The tears come back.
“The PhD program at MIT accepted me over the weekend, and I know I still need to actually do the work, and there’ll be research, and a defense, but—I got in, Allison.”
Lydia breathes sharply past her constricting throat, and leans over to set the envelope against the grey headstone. Her hands curl in the mud and she sinks deeper.
“I never said it,” she says. “I never said it, but it wasn’t Stiles. Not just him. He noticed I was smart, but you’re the one that showed me that it was okay. To be brave and beautiful and smart and afraid all at the same time.”
But you’re also the one that showed me how young we were, because we shouldn’t have had to be all that.
Lydia reaches out and her fingers ghost over the carved letters, hearing the echo of her own scream in their crevices.
The first day after losing her was hell on earth. Every day after that has been a slow, dogged attempt to bring a bit of earth back into hell.
Go to the mall.
Kiss your new lover.
Go to college.
Get a new best friend.
But Lydia’s done them all the same, because she has to. And because once the crying is over, she’s not left alone.
“I guess, I just wanted to say—”
Lydia pulls back and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, flailing for words in ways she hasn’t since she was a teenager.
It makes sense, seeing as she’s talking to one.
“….Thank you,” she says. “And I miss you.”
(I love you.)
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willowistic22 · 4 years
Smokey : #2 Newsies OC
So I made this from my blood, sweat, pain, and tears.  I had this all written and drafted but then suddenly idk what the hell happened and it just disappeared. So i cried because it took me like four days to write this and tumblr decided to not work in my favor the day i finally wanted to post it and just delete the whole draft :D But i picked myself up and rewrote the whole thing once i’m over with my breakdown and was fortunate that i remembered most of the thing I’ve written already. (((As a warning: mentions of fire, panic, panic attacks, and nightmares. If there are more I forgot to mention please let me know!)))
Basic Info :
Name : Tristan Deveraux 
Birthday : September 20th 
Gender : male (he/him)
Heritage : Afro French 
Family : His parents wanted to stay in France but they needed to escape from some dangerous people and ended up starting a new life in Brooklyn. Smokey’s mother was only five months pregnant at the time. In time, those dangerous people found them again. Alas, his parents thought it’d be safer to give their son away to a church.
Appearance : Skinny at a first glance but very muscular in reality. Well over six feet tall. His skin is a tone of dark copper that makes his green eyes stand out even more. The yellow freckles in it glow like lanterns and it captures people to be sucked in his charm. Small frizzy curls in a shade of dark brown, serving as his magnificent crown that he proudly flexes as it bounces up and down when he walks. His face shape is strong, especially in the jawline. His teeth are a bit crooked but the smile is still pleasant. 
Further description :
- specifically canon : 
Smokey, mostly being raised in a church, grows up to be a good kid. He’s still quite mischievous at times but it’s nothing more than what the nuns wouldn’t expect from a boy his age. He makes friends with some of the newsies that passes or sells by the church. He thinks working as a newsie would be fun. But he knows the struggles those newsies face, for a kid his age at least, and he’s quite grateful that he still has the nuns that looks out for him. Until the fire happened. Him and the rest of the kids were sound asleep but was awoken by a lot of screaming. He was the only survivor and in the middle of saving himself, he ran into one of the newsies he befriended that goes by the name Spot Conlon. They were both just 9 years old. Since he has nowhere to go, Smokey follows Spot back to the lodge.
There he reunites with all the newsies he made friends with plus a couple of others he’s never interacted or even met before. The former newsie leader and all the other older kids helped him out. They taught Smokey the ropes of surviving on the streets as a newsie. Since he’s a fast learner, he was soon able to sell on his own. Smokey usually sells either by Brooklyn bridge or the local market. His charming nature came into good use for his occupation. And once he’s done selling, he’ll hang out with the rest of the Brooklyn newsies by the docks. Sometimes he’d be sitting around watching them swim or dip in the water along with them.
When the strike happened, Smokey was 16 along with the current leader Spot. He understands the worry Spot expresses with bringing his boys to strike but he strongly agrees with the Lower Manhattan’s idea on striking because he believes in fair pay for fellow newsies. So once Spot changes his mind about striking, he was fully on board with the idea. By the end of it all, he grew quite close to the Lower Manhattan newsies. To name a few: Albert, Specs, Romeo, Finch, Tommy, Crutchie, Davey, Henry, Sniper, and even Kathrine.
He loves little furry animals. He likes to spare some food from his lunch to give to the birds, squirrels, cats, or dogs he passes by on the street. If they seem friendly, Smokey would dare to pet them before going about his day again. His little adoration stuck with him even after he’s moved on from being a newsie. After being a newsie, he works at a small bakery and often throws away the leftovers from baking to the stray animals.
- specifically modern : 
He was also raised in a church before it burnt down. After that unfortunate incident, he was moved to a group home. He hated his life there. He met Spot in school when they were 9 and he talks about all his problem with him. Spot was a shoulder to lean on and his parental figure soon became Spot’s uncle. Spot was raised by his uncle since his father died when he was 10. Spot’s uncle welcomed Smokey to their home any time and he’s grateful for the hospitality till now.
His love for animals led him to work and get a scholarship to a vet school. With the support from his friends, no one was surprised he got it. He grew close to Crutchie from there, as a fellow student in the same school. They often do a lot of studying together. As time passes on, Crutchie was able to open up his own clinic and animal shelter. He made Smokey his right hand man and Smokey is forever honored.
Though he didn’t meet the Manhattan newsies through Crutchie. In his teen years, he was a street racer like his fellow Brooklyn friends like Spot and Hotshot. Since they are friends with the Manhattan newsies, Smokey is also friends with them. He had also met Albert since he’s also a fellow street racer but never gotten the chance to form a proper friendship with him till later on in their lives. And Smokey clicked with the Manhattan boys just fine.
- applies to both eras : 
Smokey got his nickname from a sarcastic joke Hotshot made the first time he tried a cigarette. He ended up coughing up a storm and never tried it again his whole life. Hotshot made a quick joke and called him Smokey. It made all his friends around and Smokey himself laugh. Soon, more kids started using that nickname. With the knowledge of his past, Hotshot slowly thought it was a bit insensitive to make that comment in the first place. But Smokey reassured him that it was okay. He actually likes the name rather than having the other kids calling him by his real name. Other variants of Smokey are Smoke or Smokes.
The fire incident shook him real good as it happened when he was quite young, but he never really shows it therefor making everyone think he’s fine. And for the most part: he is. Fire doesn’t necessarily scare him. Bonfires makes him a little uneasy and nervous. Bigger fires than that can make him panic as much as causing panic attacks or even nightmares. But with years of dealing with this, he can easily calm himself down.
Smokey is generally charming and cool. Unless he needs to use his voice, he’s usually quite calm and quiet. But he’s very friendly and caring to his friends. He also has an adventurous nature but always careful when the urge of going on an adventure is strong. Canon era: he’ll take a long walk around the whole city to discover the small details he missed the first time he was there. Modern era: he goes on road trips in his car getting lost in the remote places, upstate, or going out of the state. If that’s not possible he’ll always make the best out of a small situation because he appreciates the small things in his life. He’s also quite sensitive but doesn’t really show it because he’s shy about it :)
So he’s quite close to some of the Manhattan boys. But he’s closer to one than the other, and it’s Henry. The first time they met, Smokey found himself instantly intrigued by this boy. Nothing ever gets pass his calm and cool nature. He can keep his cool even when he’s in a middle of a fight and it impresses many people. But if he sees Henry doing something he finds a little cute, his stomach turns into a field full of butterflies and he’ll start to stumble on his words. In short: he’s gay :) It took Henry some time to figure it out, but in time he does realize. And when Smokey could get a grip of himself, Henry gets sucked into his charm and slowly starts to fall for this guy as they discover things about each other a little more. Some things they discover ends up making the other fall even more.
(I got more headcanons for him but like this has gone too long for one post. Feel free to ask anything y’all like to know abt Smokey!! ❤️❤️)
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perspective-series · 5 years
Zapped Perspective (5)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Slight fear, arguments, and mention of treating someone like a pet
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
“How do you think the switch happened?” Patton found himself asking as he cooked the two of them dinner. He had decided to make hamburgers, since it would be easier for Logan to handle.
“That’s a fairly loaded question.” Logan had taken a cross-legged seat on yet another section of the counter, finding the surface very uncomfortable and missing his platform as he craned his neck back. “I believe it has something to do with astrological physics and a burst of unexplained energy between a dimensional void.”
 “You mean, like magic?” Patton asked, flipping the burger.
“Magic is mere fiction.” Logan scoffed. “I meant science.”
 “I don’t know, ‘burst of unexplained energy’ sure sounds like magic to me.” Patton shrugged, turning the stove off and placing the meat on a plate. He went to go grab a bun and some stuff to put in it.
“I take it you’re not a man of science, then?” Logan rolled his eyes. “What exactly is your profession?”
 “Oh! I’m a vet...well, a vet in training, anyway.” Patton chuckled.
“Oh.” Logan was quite surprised to hear that his assumption had been incorrect. “That’s quite admirable.”
 “Aww, thanks! Helping out animals has always been my passion.” Patton grinned. “Oh! And my training dealing with small creatures came in handy a few times with Virgil too!” 
“Really?” Logan found that surprising. “But isn’t the anatomy vastly different?”
 “Well, yeah, I meant more the actual handling of him. But I also learned a few things about humans as I went along in school too, which helped as well.” Patton explained.
“Well, I would imagine.” Logan informed him, sounding serious as though he thought Patton might be unaware. “You are, after all, human.”
 “That I am!” Patton exclaimed, before coming towards Logan and setting the plate down on the counter. At this point, he was used to eating standing up, as Virgil always preferred to eat where he didn’t need to be picked up. 
 He cut off a small piece of the burger, handing it over to Logan. “There you go.”
“Thank you.” Logan remembered his manners, delicately handling the greasy food.
 “You’re welcome.” Patton said, taking a bite out of his own burger. 
Logan bit into his food, cautious not to make a mess of himself.
 “So...how do we get you back? How do we get Virgil back?” Patton broke the silence, staring down at his burger. He really missed his friend.
Logan was quiet a moment. “I am… uncertain. Were you or Virgil engaging in any odd behaviors that may have triggered the phenomenon?”
 Patton shook his head. “No, nothing like that. We just had dinner and then went our separate ways for bed.”
“Nothing out of the ordinary happened on our end either, as far as I can recall.” Logan said thoughtfully, taking another bite.
 “That’s so weird.” Patton murmured. “How are we supposed to fix it if we don’t know what caused it?” Patton sighed, setting his burger back on the plate. He wasn’t feeling very hungry all of a sudden.
“I am uncertain that we can.” Logan admitted, feeling a similar uncomfortable sensation.
 “No, no, we have to! Virgil is probably already terrified out of his mind, he can’t stay in a world like that!” Patton spoke, tears appearing in his eyes.
“The implication that we need to act does not negate the fact neither of us has any viable course of action!” Logan’s voice began to raise, his own frustrations bubbling to the surface.
 “I know!” Patton yelled and then winced. “I-I mean, I know, I just...s-sorry.” That was the second time he had yelled at Logan. It must be his worry for Virgil that had him so high strung.
“It’s...fine.” Logan set his meal to the side, his appetite gone. “I understand your concern.”
 Patton nodded. “Virgil doesn’t deserve to be a pet. And...neither do you.” Patton spoke softly, looking at Logan sadly.
Logan took a deep breath. “Your concern is noted. But I live, or perhaps lived,” (Logan gave a slight shudder), “a comfortable life there. Roman is kind; he will take care of your Virgil.”
 Patton let out a long sigh but it seemed pointless to go back and forth with Logan on this. “I hope so...even so, Virgil is probably terrified. He’s not used to other humans knowing about him.”
“I imagine it will be a difficult adjustment for us both.” Logan murmured.
 “Wait, why are you talking like you’ve just given up? We can’t give up! We’re going to figure this out.” Patton thought for a moment. “Maybe...maybe I can look it up?” He was already taking his phone out and pulling up google.
“By all means, though I doubt there will be any information pertaining to our immediate circumstance.” Logan slouched inwards, no longer caring about his perfect posture.
 Patton typed in dimension switching and all other variations of but Logan was right. Nothing but old sci-fi movies had come up. He placed his phone on the counter and rubbed his hands down his face. “Why did this even happen? Why Virgil?” Patton cried softly. His heart was going out to his borrower friend.
“I have no idea why your friend and I were chosen.” Logan frowned, uneasy with emotional outbursts from strangers. “Please do not be upset.”
 “I-I’m sorry,” Patton wiped his tears away. “I just can’t stand the thought of Virgil being alone or-or never seeing him again.” And the tears were back.
“Virgil is not alone, although your other concern is valid.” Logan cringed. He didn’t see the benefit in crying over a problem with no solution.
 Patton let his head hang low for a moment. “I just...it seems like there really is nothing we can do.” 
“We are dealing with powers beyond our control.” Logan shrugged, unfortunately used to the sensation of not controlling his own fate. -
 “So...that’s it then? We just give up? You live here and Virgil is stuck being a pet to this Roman guy?” Patton asked quietly, not liking the idea of that at all.
“He’s not a pet!” Logan snapped, and with a jolt he realized he had let his emotions get the best of him. Logan took a deep breath, reeling himself back in. “I apologize. It’s just… that is not how arrangements function.” It could be a touchy subject.
 Patton was taken aback by Logan’s outburst and he bit his lip. “Then...how does it function?” Patton asked, wanting to understand.
“The term ‘pet’ comes with certain connotations.” Logan pushed up his glasses. “It implies a submissive nature, a possible willingness to serve, and a training period, none of which are what my life entailed. If anything, such practices apply more aptly to Roman’s life.”
 Patton blinked. “So, Roman is...your pet?” He asked slowly, very confused. That didn’t seem right though.
“In a manner of speaking, one could put it in those terms.” Logan seemed quite amused by the notion. “He was required to attend a training session in order to understand how to accommodate for someone of my stature, and is quite eager to see to my every need. However, once again the submissive nature fails to apply- both of us are rather strong headed.”
 “Wait...so borrowers really aren’t pets in your world? You have the freedom to do what you want? How did you end up with Roman, then?” Patton asked, more curious about this world now that he was having second thoughts about it.
“Freedom is a generous term.” Logan admitted. “There are still precautions that must be taken; after all, we live in a primarily human world. To go out without a human companion could be disastrous. Have you seen the proportions of native wildlife?”
 Patton winced. “Yeah, I can understand why that would be a bad idea.” The whole arrangement still sounded...sketchy, at best. “So you’re basically required to be with a human. And they...care for you in turn?”
“Affirmative.” Logan nodded. “In terms of your prior query, I began coexisting with Roman after he chose me from the agency.”
 Patton’s eyebrows furrowed. “Did you get a say in whether or not you went with him?” Because that didn’t sound right.
“Legally, no.” Logan explained. “That decision resides entirely in a human’s court. However, prior to such a decision a human must meet privately with a borrower they wish to reside with and the borrower may voice their opinions on the matter.”
 “But if a borrower doesn’t want to go with the human and the human chooses them anyway, there isn’t anything they can do.” Patton said, less of a question and more a statement.
“Yes, that is a potential outcome.” Logan nodded. “Although I have not heard of such a scenario in a few years. The closest case to that would be my own.”
 Patton’s eyes widened. “Roman took you home against your will?”
“No, but originally he was close.” Logan corrected. “I was not… overly fond of him, shall we say. However he has a sense of stubborn determination, so despite my efforts to drive him away he continued to visit me at the agency in an attempt to win my favor. I found our arguments to be a refreshing change of pace and over time realized he was not the conceited airhead I originally mistook him for.”
 That...didn’t sound too bad. “Logan, you make it sound like everyone is, for the most part, in agreement with all of this. But...can you really tell me that all borrowers in your world are happy with this arrangement? Happy with the humans who have claimed them?” Patton asked, frowning in concern.
“Of course not.” Logan answered. “I cannot speak for all borrowers, just as you cannot speak for all humans. The very notion is absurd.”
 “So, you admit that just because you’re happy and fine with your own arrangement, that doesn’t mean that any other borrower is.” Patton said, trying to get Logan to see how bad this still was.
“No, that does not imply that every other borrower is content.” Logan stood up. “There is an important distinction in our wording, in that my statement implies that the general consensus is that borrowers are content whereas there may be some exceptions, but your statement implies that the majority of borrowers are uncontent.”
 “Can you prove to me that they aren’t? I’m just going by everything I know about borrowers here and I don’t think any of them would be happy with that sort of arrangement. And...unfortunately, humans have been known to take advantage of things that are weaker than them. It’s a fair assumption to make, that a lot of humans would treat their borrowers like...like pets.” Patton said, wincing a little as he did. Humans could be cruel, that was for sure.
“Once again, your concern is noted, but unnecessary.” Logan shook his head. “Granted I am not a particularly social borrower by nature but I have yet to come across a borrower who was truly miserable within their arrangement.”
 Patton sighed. “Well...either way, I guess the only thing that really matters right now is how Roman is. And...I mean, if you say he’s okay, then at least Virgil will be in good hands. I doubt he’s still happy with the arrangement though.”
“I doubt that as well, if these are his origins.” Logan glanced around the room again. “Although I certainly hope he enjoys the precautions I put in place. It took me years to develop such a complex system of transportation.” Logan gave a small sigh. He was going to miss his contraptions most of all, both for their convenience and sentimental value.
 “Wait, transportation? You mean, you built stuff all over the house to make it easier for yourself?” Patton asked, looking around his own home and picturing what Logan could mean.
“Indeed.” Logan looked pleased with himself. “Assistance from Roman included, of course. It consists of a collage of platforms, escalators, elevators, walkways, ladders, conveyor belts, ziplines…although the most efficient form of transportation is, naturally, human hands. The equipment is more so for when I am left to my own devices.”
 “Oh wow…” That sounded amazing. Also complicated. He would have loved to do all that for Virgil though.
 ...Maybe he still could.
 “I’m not giving up.” Patton declared suddenly.
“Giving up what?” Logan tilted his head.
 “On getting you and Virgil back to your own worlds! If you truly are happy with Roman, I’ll help you get back to him as well.” Patton said. The world might not be the best suited for borrowers in his belief but by the sounds of things, at least Roman was one of the good ones.
“How exactly do you intend to do that?” A curious Logan asked, enjoying the sentiment but realistic about the probability.
 “I...don’t know yet.” He thought for a moment, an idea coming to him. “But I might know where to start! You said that you just woke up in Virgil’s bed after going to bed in your own last night, right?” Patton asked.-
“Yes?” Logan was not a fan of where this was going.
 “Well, maybe, if you go to bed tonight on Virgil’s bed, the two of you will switch back!” Patton exclaimed with a grin.
Logan glanced back at the location where he knew the hole was waiting for him just beyond the wallpaper.
“...I don’t think that’s a particularly sound theory.” Logan tried to quietly shut Patton’s idea down, hiding his true feelings on the matter.
 “Huh? Why not? It makes sense if you woke up there, right?” Patton asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“None of this makes any sense.” Logan retorted. “I understand your logic, but I do not want to test that hypothesis.”
 “Why? Do you...wait.” Patton frowned. “Are you...scared of going in the walls?”
“It’s a perfectly reasonable concern.” Logan shifted on his feet. “I am in an entirely new dimension, and have none of the skills of my ancestors. I don’t know what awaits me in those walls- how would I defend myself should a rat get in? Or some other infestation of insect, perhaps? Not to mention, it can hardly be sanitary, and I have no way of knowing the layout of the area as my eyes will not adjust to the darkness and it smelled unsettling when I was there only briefly and there is certainly no chance I could ever fall asleep under such troublesome conditions.”
 Patton blinked. “Okay, yeah I-I get that.” He supposed it was just strange hearing that come out of a borrower's mouth. “I’d be scared too.” Patton thought for a moment. “Well, maybe you don’t need to be in Virgil’s bed. Maybe you just need to go back to sleep? You can sleep in my room if you want?” Patton suggested.
Logan doubted it could be that easy, but the stress of today had left him exhausted enough for sleep to sound wonderful. “It’s certainly worth a try.” Logan agreed. “I thank you for your hospitality, Patton.”
 Patton grinned. “Of course, kiddo.” Patton turned around. “I’ll meet you in there.” He said, already heading towards his room.
“Now wait a moment!” Logan was quick to raise his voice, rushing along the counter edge to try and keep pace with the human. “Just where are you going?”
 Patton paused, turning to look at Logan again. “Huh? Oh, uh...to my room?” He answered, looking confused.
“I thought you offered for me to accompany you tonight.” Logan looked a bit hurt.
 “I-I did.” Now Patton was really confused. “I said I would meet you there.”
Logan glanced around. “I see no ladders, or platforms. How am I meant to travel to your quarters? Not to mention the fact I have no knowledge of where your bed may lie.”
 Patton felt heat rise up to his cheeks. “O-Oh. Right, sorry, I’m used to Virgil going around on his own.” He felt awkward as he went back over to Logan. “Uh...need a ride?” He asked as he set his palm down in front of Logan.
“That would be greatly appreciated, yes.” Logan paused a moment, looking at Patton’s hand. He had been carried by many humans in his life, but for the last several years it had only been Roman. To once again be putting his life in the hands of a stranger left a strange hollow feeling in Logan’s chest as he stepped onto the waiting palm.
 The feeling felt strange and Patton was nervous as he slowly lifted his hand up, cupping one side to keep Logan from being jostled. He had only ever held Virgil a handful (pun intended) of times. And two of those had, unfortunately, been against the borrowers will. He made sure to hurry but still be careful as he made his way to his room.
 When he got there, he realized he didn’t know where to put Logan to sleep. “Uh, where would you like to sleep? I can share my bed or I could set something up for you on the nightstand…?” Patton suggested.
Logan had hardly considered it himself, forgetting for a moment he was in a dimension without the usual amenities. “I suppose a makeshift bedding would be ideal.”
 “Right.” Patton placed Logan down on the nightstand and then started scouring his room for stuff to use. He found a small blanket and wrapped it in a way that created a little nest. He set it down next to Logan nervously. “Er, how is that?”
“It’s...satisfactory.” Logan decided. It certainly wasn’t his comfortable handmade bed, but it would function for the night.
 “Alright, well...do you need anything else before lights out?” Patton asked.
Logan just shook his head, attempting to make himself more comfortable in the folded fabric.
 “Okay.” Patton climbed into bed and turned off the light. “Goodnight, Logan.” He really hoped it was as simple as having to go to bed...he really wanted Virgil back. And out of that world.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Are you between the ages of 30 & 40? I still have to get through nearly another decade to get to that decade.
What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon growing up? My favorites were The Wild Thornberrys and Little Bill, both on Nickelodeon. My sister and I also enjoyed this wacky show called The Upside Down Show but it wasn’t a cartoon.
What was your favorite toy as a child? I liked any toy that had a lot of buttons or features within it - dollhouses, kitchen sets, cash registers, toy phones, anything that could make me test how much it could do.
In High School did you wear acid washed jeans? No. It’s not a style I would be drawn to, then and now.
How much was a gallon of gasoline when you first started driving? I don’t know; I never paid much attention to gas prices, honestly.
What was your first car? It’s a 2014 (or 2015?) Mitsubishi Mirage I’m still using today, though it was my dad who paid for it and he’s the one who takes it out for oil changes and stuff.
Who taught you how to drive? My dad taught me a few times around the neighborhood, but he also enrolled me for like three classes in a driving school so that I got to learn how to drive in a highway.
What was your high school mascot? Both of my schools didn’t have any. My university does have a nickname for our varsity teams, but we’re simply just ‘Maroons’ and not an animal like what I usually see.
Did you go to your Senior Prom? We had a junior prom, nothing for senior year. I was invited to go to the senior ball in another school by Mike, though. That feels like ages ago; everything is so different now.
What did you do after graduation? After my high school graduation I went straight to college like most kids here. After graduating college, I immediately started looking for jobs; I landed an internship after a month and got absorbed into the company two months after.
What was your first job? I’m currently working as an associate at a public relations agency. This is my first job and for now, I’m content in staying in this career. This is where I set out to be when I was in college and I don’t feel the need to change paths any time soon.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an astronaut more than anything else, but I remember also wanting to be a firefighter or a vet.
Any posters on your bedroom walls growing up? I had a handful of wrestling posters that my mom was never a fan of. It was never her business since it’s my room, but she always made it the case.
Do you remember the first time you drank a beer? It may have been at Marielle’s debut, five Julys ago. She served beer at the afterparty of her 18th birthday party, and I think I had taken my first sip then.
Did you ever try cigarettes? Yeah, I started this year actually. I’m about to reach my first anniversary of trying my first cigarette :/ I don’t have a lot of them though and I haven’t smoked since like February or March, I think.
How did you spend your summers growing up? At home. My parents were always busy with work, so I had no choice but to myself occupied at home. Luckily I had siblings and cousins, so we were always playing with each other. My summers were never productive until I was in college, when I started making the effort to go out more.
If you could change anything from your teenage years, would you? Ahh idk man I wish I wouldn’t have spent as much time by the computer as I did, and maybe hang out with friends or something instead. < Yeah this hits the bullseye pretty much. I was a very introverted teenager. Not to mention the internet and social media started to blow up during my tween/early teenage years, so I was hooked to my laptop and kept people away as a result. I didn’t start feeling like a teenager until I was 16, when I gained friends and got invited to more stuff.
Do you remember your first time? Yeah, it was during one of my 18th birthday celebrations and she was around.
Ever look back and wish some things were still the same? I do it a lot these days. I do try to stop, because I don’t know what I can gain out of doing so anymore, and because there’s always the danger of being left behind from looking back too much; but most days I can’t help it.
After high school - straight to college or straight to work? University, because you kinda need that credential where I live. It’s unfair, but it’s our reality.
How much did you make per hour at your first job? We don’t really calculate that here...I’ll try to do math for y’all lmao aka Google it, which says I make $2.34 an hour. Wow when you put it that way, it really does not sound high :/ I’m honestly okay with my pay though. I live with my parents so I contribute to the bills and stuff now, but even then there’s more than enough left for me. Favorite home-cooked meal growing up? My grandma’s kare-kare. It was/is always reserved for special occasions; and out of all her grandchildren I was also the one who got attached to the dish especially as I got older, so eventually kare-kare also became the family’s ‘Robyn is coming over so we better prepare this’ dish. I think I’m her only grandchild that she has an allotted dish for, so that makes me feel special :)
Favorite place to eat out growing up? The local Burger King, back when it had a play place for kids. 
Did your parents live in a different country before you were born?: No, they have always lived in the Philippines. My mom has always wanted to migrate but my dad shoots it down every time.
Do you have a preferred coffee brand?: When it comes to coffee, no. I wanna try out everything. But when it comes to coffee shop ambience, Starbucks all the way.
Have you ever dated someone who was terrible with money?: No. I remember Gab as always being very cautious, responsible, and conscious about money. Her parents sustained her debit card and I’m pretty sure they always gave her a little bit extra, but she never took more than her weekly allowance from the ATM.
If so, how did it affect the relationship?: Money was never an issue, mostly because the money we received during the course of our relationship wasn’t even ours lol; we both received set allowances from our parents. If one of us was running out of cash, we never hesitated to cover for each other first, and we never pressured one another to pay back immediately.
How often do you paint your nails?: Never. 
Do you know anyone who's related to a current or former world leader?: Yeah, I went to high school with a relative of Duterte. She’s super secretive about it, which is pretty understandable. I’m friends with/went to classes with people who are grandchildren of senators and other politicians as well.
Do you do your own taxes, or do you hire a professional?: ...I have no idea how to do that...I always just assumed it’s already taken care of when a part of my salary is deducted lol. I may have to ask my parents about this, whoops.
What is something you don't have any natural talent for?: Anything to do with music. Reading it, playing it, singing, writing songs, etc. Also art and anything to do with creativity.
Did you watch this year's Eurovision?: Ah, my favorite time of the year to mute all my overseas mutuals on Twitter at one point lmao. No, I never caugtht up with it.
Have there been any periods in your life that could be described as being chaotic?: Senior year was a big chaotic war zone. The death of my grandpa and my first breakup coincided with all the crucial college entrance exams. Speaking of college, it was also a period of a lot of heavy decision-making due to me having to make choices of what course I wanted to take in every school I applied to. I barely cried during those few months and it still shocks me to this day how I did it. That was the most I’ve been on autopilot.
What is something you frequently forget?: Where I place my car keys and/or glasses last.
If I looked in your fridge right now, what would I find?: Bread, eggs, a bunch of condiments, butter cheese, vegetables, leftovers, and the grazing box I received from my workplace yesterday. I’m sure there’s more, but I haven’t really stopped and stared at our fridge for a while now.
How do you feel about your body?: I used to feel fairly confident about it; like it was never an issue with me. But truthfully, after being dumped, I’ve started to feel insecure over everything about me.
Who is someone you would like to get to know better?: My teammates at work, Bea and Ysa. They both seem like cool and funny people both in and out of work, and I’d love to get to hang out with them.
If you had to move to a new city, where would you move?: Idk, just somewhere with a lot of opportunities to try new things and meet new people.
Have you ever traveled on a double-decker train?: Nope. I’ve never been on anything double-decker, if I remember correctly.
What's your opinion on assisted suicide?: [trigger warning] I’ve looked into it, but it’s a dead end where I live. That’s all I’ll say, as I don’t want to give others ideas.
At what point do you consider a relationship to be 'long-term?': Fuck if I know anymore. We reached six years and it was a point where I was comfortable and didn’t feel the need to doubt anymore; everything turned out to be a lie in the end. I don’t know anymore. I don’t think about these things anymore.
What jobs did your parents have when you were growing up?: My dad has always been a chef, so he went through all the ranks throughout my childhood until he finally got an executive position when I was in high school. I remember my mom being a receptionist.
Do they still have these jobs? Or different jobs? Or have they retired?: My dad is still in that career path but he doesn’t cook in the kitchen anymore, or at least as much as he used to. He does all the menu planning, evaluating, etc. My mom has shifted to becoming an executive secretary, but she’s still in the hotel industry.
Do you own any winter sports equipment?: I don’t. There’s no reason for me to have any.
Do you have a cell contract plan, or are you on a pre-paid plan?: Prepaid.
Would your parents be okay with you dating someone of another race? I can definitely see my mom reacting, but I know she knows I won’t let her get away with saying anything mildly offensive. My dad would just go on with his life and will care more about the fact that I’m seeing someone, lol.
Do you like when friends stop by unexpectedly? No. Schedule it ahead and let me know. I’m not always mentally okay and them showing up as a surprise might just make me more stressed than grateful.
Where are the following people and what are they doing: mom, dad, sibling(s), best friend, significant other, ex, and last person you kissed? My entire family is under the same roof in their bedrooms, either sleeping or having just woken up. Angela is in Parañaque, probably at a cousin’s place; no significant other; I have no idea where my ex, and also the last person I kissed, is. She doesn’t really have anything to do with me anymore.
How strong are your feelings for the last person you kissed? They’re there. I’d still take a bullet for them if it comes down to it, the usual shit. Let’s move on.
What was the last thing someone else bought for you? My workplace gave me a grazing box as the company Christmas gift.
If your parents looked in your purse/book bag would they find anything you don’t want them to see? What about your bedroom? Do you have anything hidden in there? My vape pens. I came home from Starbucks last weekend and my mom thought my breath smelled like cigarettes and she almost got super pissed until I was able to convince her the only thing I put in my mouth was coffee, so I know my 22 year old, employed, self-earning ass would for sure still get in trouble if I was discovered to be vaping.
How close are you to the last person you hung out with? Can you be your complete self around them? It was the first time I met them and they are also my bosses, so I can’t exactly be my complete self around them yet. I had to act super reserved and to essentially make a good impression first before I start whipping out my jokes or whatever.
If you decided to call your ex right now, do you think he/she would answer? How would the conversation go? No, she’d reject it and tell me to text instead. If she was feeling snappy she would also tell me I’m no longer in the place to contact her that way. Sigh. Who is she anymore and why is she so different from the person I was with?
Are you attracted to the last person you exchanged numbers with? No.
Is music a daily part of your life? It’s not. Videos, more like.
Yellow nail polish: yes or no? Bright or neon yellow is a no, but I suppose more muted shades like mustard yellow can work for me.
What do you think of country music? Eh, not a fan. I would skip it in a second, and I never think about it.
Have you ever ended a relationship but wish you could’ve kept it a little longer? I’ve never ended a relationship.
Did you go to your high school’s graduation? Yes...that’s not an event I would’ve wanted to miss out on lol. That was a nice day. My grandparents came to watch me, and we had dinner at a revolving restaurant after.
If you could live the last three months over again, is there anything you’d change? Everything went to shit exactly three months ago, so this hits home very hard for me. Yes, I would change a lot of things for life not to have gone the way it has.
Who was the last person to message you on Facebook? What would you do if that person told you they have feelings for you? My mom. I would be creeped out and tell my dad immediately.
How did you feel when you woke up today? Melancholic.
Who was the first person you talked to today? What did you talk about? I haven’t talked to anyone yet today. I was thinking of replying to Aliyah’s comment on my Facebook post, but in the end I didn’t think a response was necessary.
When you apply your make-up, do you do it in a specific order? I don’t wear makeup.
Did you do anything sexual last night? No.
Do you think the last person you Facebook messaged is a virgin? She has three children, me included.
Did any of your friends lose their virginity before they were 16? If so, did you feel pressured to do the same? I don’t think my friends did, but I probably know other people who did. My baby asexual ass definitely didn’t feel the pressure. I was even scared shitless for my first kiss when it came time for it and I had kept putting it off that night.
Has someone of the opposite sex made you smile today? No.
Does it matter to you if your significant other smokes? With my previous relationship, it did in the beginning; eventually I just stopped caring.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? I think it may have been Andrew.
Do you like where you are in life right now? No. I don’t know if a new year would make it better, or if it would help give me a healthier mindset. I just have to wait and see.
Do you hate it when there is a fly around you? Very much.
Is your mom overbearing? She can be.
Is there snow where you live? Never.
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lettersandinkstains · 5 years
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WIP Re Introduction | The Three Steps of Romance
genre ; romance, slice of life,  lgbt, contemporary, contemporary romance themes ; navigating adulthood, unconditional love, semi found family, companionship, desires to escape, main female roles, main lgbt+ roles, loneliness, lgbt+ issues, self acceptance, transgender issues and rights, wlw romance, pride, longing, finding place in the world warnings ; some lgbt+ issues brought up -- mentioned homophobia and transphobia, but not from any main character (or loved ones), fluff, short romance, swearing, drinking.
pov ; dual first persons - alternating chapters progress ; planning stages, developing characters
#threestepromance #tsr
summary: “new town, new me” is a cliche mantra people say when they head somewhere new -- knowing they have the chance to reinvent themselves and leave their ghosts behind. for artemis, this saying is entirely true in every sense of the word. since her transition during vet school, she had always dreamed of getting away from the town she lived in and live entirely as herself even though her friends, family, and now ex girlfriend had been supportive of her. and when she found an opening for a needed vet in a small coastal town, she had immediately applied.
ember has always lived life through the camera, always off in her own world on an adventure in different parts of the world. there had never been a time in her life where she had felt at ease where she is, always bored and seeking thrill and daydreaming of meeting her future wife in a grand and unforgettable way. yet, she knows how impossible that is and knows that soulmates don’t exactly exist and questions the love at first sight notion.
until she meets artemis one night in a bar.
characters ;
artemis - 28 years old, lesbian, trans. she’s a laid back woman with a go getter attitude. she is a fan of olden day horror movies and works as a vet. she prefers dogs over cats, rainy days, and being able to sleep in. may or may not have a minor addiction to coffee.
ember - 27 years old, lesbian. a spunky woman with a heart of gold. she has a habit of talking too much, burning her food, and running late. the camera is her best friend, and lives entirely in a daydream. she wants to work for national geographic, but currently works for the local newspaper. has difficulties reading the atmosphere at times, and can be quite dramatic.
sky - 27 years old, bisexual, non binary. they’re ember’s closest friend, and has been since childhood. they tend to keep ember more grounded, and are generally supportive of her future dreams. they’re snarky and work as a vet tech at the same veterinary hospital as artemis does.
mason - 30 years old, gay, trans. newly engaged and always up for an adventure, mason is ember’s cousin. he tends to encourage embers’ more hyperactive side without meaning to. he works as a math teacher at the local high school.
ezekiel - 31 years old, gay, cis. he’s mason’s soon to be husband, and has kept his rebellious streak from his teen years. he absolutely loves conspiracy theories and shares a love for old horror movies. a flirt by nature, anything he says can make most people swoon and blush. he works as a chemistry teacher at the same high school as mason.
aurora - 28 years old, lesbian, cis. artemis’ supportive ex girlfriend and confidant. they broke up due to growing apart over the years, and due to aurora’s job as a flight attendant. she’s kind and quite shy.
paisley - 25 years old, asexual, cis. just graduated as a pharmacy tech, paisley has a dream of opening up her own pharmacy one day. she works at the local hospital currently and is in a relationship with sky.
eliana - 26 years old. aromantic asexual, cis. eli has a few novels published under a pseudonym. she hopes to make it big in the writing world one day, but so far, no luck. she had recently moved to the small coastal town of lakewood just a year prior, and enjoys hiking and sporting events. she’s currently working as a barista but hopes to get hired as a history teacher at one of the two high schools.
nova - 30 years old, lesbian, cis. nova works at the local gay bar as a bartender -- she knows her way around the kitchen and makes a mean drink. she’s been married for the last five years of her life, and acts as a mother hen to the younger patrons. she and her wife are currently hoping to adopt, and have a two year old. she is also a drag king in the local drag scene, and goes by Miles.
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The bar is nicely lit, with a large rainbow flag hanging behind the bartender, and the atmosphere is calm -- much calmer than I had expected it to be. But I guess large cities and smaller towns have different vibes, and at least here, there’s no expectation to get wasted.
“I guess I’ll have an aviation,” I tell the bartender as I look around. I’ve been here two weeks, and this is my first time actually going out and socializing. My only outlet before this had been Aurora and Zatanna, but dogs aren’t much for conversations and Aurora had been on a trip to another country and couldn’t talk very much or for very long. And as much as I’d like to call my parents to let them know I made it, I’m still not quite ready to speak with them.
When I announced that I was moving, mom had cried, saying that she had always dreamed of her family always being close by and coming home for Sunday dinners but now, that would be impossible. Dad was a little more supportive -- but asked if it was because of another woman, and when I told him no, he was slightly disappointed.
“So, are you new around here?” The bartender asks as she sets the drink down in front of me. When I give her a quizzical look, she gives me a sheepish smile. “Just haven’t seen your face here before.”
“Oh. Ah. Yeah, quite new,” I rub the back of my neck. Why is talking to women so hard? “Decided to check this place it. It’s quite chill.”
“Yeah, it is,” The woman agrees. “I’m Nova, by the way.”
“Hey, Nova!” A voice calls out and I turn to look at the speaker. A woman stands close to me, hands on the counter, her hair falling over her shoulders, messily and there’s a ray of light shining around her. I can’t help but stare. “Could I order a pink vodka lemonade and two whiskey sours? Mason just got engaged so I’m treating him and Ezekiel tonight!”
“Sure thing,” As Nova works on the drinks, this seemingly angel takes the seat next to me and watches her intently. “So, newbie, what brought you to Lakewood?”
“Work,” I answer as I take a sip of my drink. Red hot alcohol races down my throat. “And needed a do-over, I think.”
“Makes sense,”
Angel-girl looks at me, her pretty brown eyes wide. “Oh? You’re new here?” Before I can answer, a large grin breaks across her freckled face, and I feel mine heat up. “I’m Ember!”
Ember. Ember. 
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improbabledreams900 · 6 years
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Welcome to my Eden!verse playlist!
If you’ve read the series, you’ve probably noticed that I’m a bit of an overachiever, so here’s a 48-song playlist covering the events from A Memory of Eden to The Redemption of Eden (the entire series). So yes, there are spoilers!
If you fancy a listen, you can check out the playlist on Spotify here or on YouTube here.
A lot of the songs apply to multiple scenarios/characters, so getting them all into some sort of order was a challenge! @doctortreklock​ helped a lot with that, and several songs were suggested by @manlymirrors​ and @idkipoststuff (hymlumé). Thanks, guys!
For the above playlist image in text form and with individual YouTube links, see below the cut. Links to the honorable mentions are also below the cut, though they aren’t on the assembled Spotify and YouTube playlists.
A Memory of Eden
Stand By You · Rachel Platten Through all the perils to come, Aziraphale and Crowley will stand by each other.
Two Story Town · Bon Jovi Crowley is restless in Midfarthing. Aziraphale can take the hit but can’t take the Fall.
Something I Need · OneRepublic* If Aziraphale is going to die, he wants to do it with Crowley.
Original Sin · Meat Loaf How Crowley likes to think Eden went down.
From Eden · Hozier How Eden really went down.
Everything You Want · Vertical Horizon Aziraphale begins to forget Crowley.
Who Wants to Live Forever · Queen Crowley and Aziraphale take a trip to London.
Loch Lomond · Peter Hollens Aziraphale takes the high road and Crowley takes the low road.
Pray · Sam Smith & Logic Crowley goes to Midfarthing’s parish church.
Hurts Like Hell · Fleurie† Losing Aziraphale is so much worse than Crowley anticipated.
Coldest Winter · Pentatonix On the first Christmas Crowley spends alone, he can’t imagine ever loving again.
Under the Milky Way · The Church On a rooftop on a remote island, Crowley admits that he doesn’t know what he’s looking for.
Stuck Like Glue · Sugarland We ship books like Barnes & Noble.
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper · Blue Öyster Cult Aziraphale meets Death.
Spirit in the Sky · Norman Greenbaum Meanwhile, at the End of Eternity…
A Thousand Years · Christina Perri Aziraphale reflects on his relationship with Crowley.
Until the End · Quietdrive* Crowley and Aziraphale won’t forget each other.
Ghost · Ella Henderson Aziraphale goes to a river to try to distance himself from Crowley’s ghostlike presence in the mirror.
The Inheritance of Eden
Heaven is a Place on Earth · Belinda Carlisle Now reunited in Aziraphale’s Earth-like Heaven, Crowley and Aziraphale consider trying to find heaven on Earth instead.
Unconditionally · Katy Perry As Aziraphale and Crowley share a corporation, Aziraphale reassures Crowley that he accepts him as he is, and that there is nothing to be afraid of.
Snakes · Deva Mahal Crowley and Aziraphale return to Eden.
Last Kiss · Pearl Jam Now that he knows Heaven is real, Bert reminisces on Ann.
Keep Yourself Alive · Queen Aziraphale rushes the serpentine Crowley to a vet.
Through Heaven’s Eyes · Brian Stokes Mitchell (Prince of Egypt) In the Beginning, God made a Plan.
Born To Be My Baby · Bon Jovi God made Crowley and Aziraphale as complements to each other.
Miss You All the Time · O.A.R. Lucifer has spent eternity missing Ishtyr.
Mars · Sleeping at Last Lucifer arranges for the surrender of Hell.
Can’t Help Falling in Love · Elvis Presley A special song for a special dance.
Time in a Bottle · Jim Croce Crowley and Aziraphale reach an Understanding.
The Redemption of Eden
Somebody to Love · Queen Whoever said domestic bliss wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be?
Just One Yesterday · Fall Out Boy The Metatron wants to return things to the way they were before Crowley unFell.
One of Us · Joan Osborne Bert discovers a secret about Father Gilbert.
Hey Brother · Avicii Golgoth urges his fellow demons to rediscover the road to Heaven and seek Redemption.
Secrets · OneRepublic Zephrades confesses his sinful past to Golgoth and asks for his help.
You Say · Lauren Daigle Feverish and exhausted in Eden, Crowley trusts Aziraphale blindly.
When There Was Me and You · Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical) Ludwig confused his feelings for Richard with the truth.
Unchained Melody · Righteous Brothers Bert has been waiting to see Ann again.
Heaven · O.A.R. Golgoth hears a rumour that Heaven won’t let him in when he unFalls.
Bleeding Out · Imagine Dragons Michael confronts the Metatron.
Help! · The Beatles The Fab Four offer Crowley some much-needed help.
Be My Escape · Relient K Redemption is coming for us all.
See You Again · Wiz Khalifa & Charlie Puth Lucifer misses Ishtyr; meanwhile, Beelzebub has been a friend to him all along.
Listen to the Sound · Building 429 Zephrades begins to unFall and finally finds hope of his own.
Coming Home · Skylar Grey Golgoth unFalls.
This Goodbye · Beth Crowley Beelzebub decides to leave Hell.
Hold Onto Me · Mayday Parade† Shaken and plagued by nightmares, Crowley asks Aziraphale to stay near him.
Losing My Religion · R.E.M. Oswald Osbert Osprey struggles with his guilt.
Bless the Broken Road · Selah & Melodie Crittenden Despite the arduous and circuitous Plan, Crowley and Aziraphale are happy they ended up together.
Honorable Mentions (not included in the main Spotify/YouTube playlist)
Wish You Were Here · Neck Deep† Wake Me Up When September Ends · Green Day Running Up That Hill · Kate Bush† All of You · John Legend Who Says You Can’t Go Home · Bon Jovi Up the Ladder to the Roof · Everyday Rapture Don’t You Worry Child · Swedish House Mafia
* suggested by ManlyMirrors † suggested by Hymlumé
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yeastofeden · 6 years
Hello! Your Traitor Uraraka theory was an amazing read! I want to dive into the world of character/story/literary analysis too, but I dont know where or how to start... Any advice/tips you could share?
Thanks so much! I’m honestly flattered you would ask… I’m ahobby writer so a lot of what I know about analysis is what I learnedin grade school, on my own, or adapted from what I know about artcriticism & analysis….. Since you’re not sure on the start,I’ll just talk about all the core things I feel helped me getinterested in this.
Read If I had torecommend anything specificfor reading, I’d say lookinto classic literature – not because its “critically acclaimed,”but because a lot of the time classic literature has been analyzed byprofessionals in their fields, so it can be a nice way to see howother people handle character interpretation, storytelling, worldbuilding, and so on. I liked Shakespeare a lot, and you probablywouldn’t be surprised to hear that people analyze the shit out ofShakespeare. I probably picked up the most of my understanding ofcharacter analysis from indulging in Shakespeare alone.
Don’t like Shakespeare? I’d say look into stories that are just over 50 years old; Lord ofthe Rings, Catcher in the Rye, Pride & Prejudice, Lord of theFlies…. So long as you can find actual scholars analyzing it,you’re golden. Read things you enjoy; if you like anime and only care about that…maybe check out textbooks on classic anime.
Alongwith looking up how others analyze, start being critical with all themedia you consume. Movies are a great way to do this because it’sshort format and easyconcumption. You can stayfocused on critical thinking for a couple of hours while enjoyingsomething–I also think movie reviews are a good way to experiencecritical analysis. And don’t just watch good movies… watch badones too, and figure out why they’re bad.
WriteActuallywrite. Take all the interesting things you learned and apply it tosomething. Don’t just think about it; the tragedy about onlythinking is that nothing really solidifies like it does once youfinally put it out there. Talkto friends about it if you can drag them into aconversation;a lot of my analysis started out because I was talking with otherpeople. If you don’t have anyone to talk to about a series or don’twant to bother people with your miscellaneous thoughts, get a sidetumblr or a dreamwidth and just write things there to get themdown–ifyou’reshy, just don’t tag things.Tbh, sometimes I just write things out and then delete them when I’mfinished just so I can get the thought out of me. Writing is just apowerful tool tohelp organize thoughts into cohesive opinions.
Butdon’t just write thoughts only… build on them. Write your owncharacters and stories just for fun. Write fanfiction. WriteAlternate Universes. Really just explore your own taste in fictionand the kind of things you yourself want to see. If there’s onevery easy thing I could suggest… take your favourite characters orship and slap them into story that already exists. I wrote one of myOTPs a few years ago into HasChristian Andersen’s theLittle Mermaid,andit was interesting andfuntrying to suit different characters into the roles of the story.
Writingand reading as a combination are just good things for you; they helpbuild competency with literature and language, andby just indulging in the two of these while remaining critical canjust naturally better your ability to read deeper into things.
ResearchAlongwith the earlier mentioned analyses that you should look into, it’sworth it to look into like extra resources. Check out interviews withyour favourite authors; look at like Ted Talks about creativity andwriting; read into tropes and motifs; find creative people you likeand follow their work and look for trends; lookinto writing concepts and themes.Storiesare just made up of patterns and once you start finding the patterns,you can start exploiting them. A Hero’s Journey is one of the mostfundamental patterns we can follow in storytelling, and with someabstract thinking we can start to predict the events that will occurin a story. A lot of my theory is built up on observing patterns.
IfI could point you toward one single video, it’s Kirby Ferguson’sTED talk “Embrace the Remix.” It talks about the idea thatnothing is original and all things are just remixed versions of eachother. This is part of why tropes exist;  you could go look attvtropes.org and hit random and start learning about these patternsright now. Granted, I don’t recommend using tropes as a foundationof an argument, but knowing tropes can help you connect the dotsbetween series.
IfI had to suggest any non-literary research that’s worth lookinginto….Check out psychology, art, and/or culture. Psychology is just morepatterns, I use Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs when I write andobserve survival horror. Art is another way to tell a story and isespecially useful when observing visual media. Culture can help youunderstand why people write the way they do, becausethere is a difference between Eastern and Western media andstorytelling trends.
“Personality sections”Alittle back story on me: pretty much all of thereading/writing/researching I do thesedaysis because I do a lot of text-based roleplay on Dreamwidth. I’vebeen doing this for about8 years.Overthe years, I’ve written out easilyover 30 “personality sections,” which are basically 500-2kcharacter summaries–for characters like Sakura from Naruto, Makotofrom Free, Jake English from Homestuck, and so many others–as apart of a way to “prove” that I understand the character I’mroleplaying whenjoining organized groups.I’ve also read literallyhundredsof these personality sections because I joined vetting teams forsaid organized groups, and have written many rejectionresponses to help people understand where they can improve.A lot of people I know hate writingthese personality sections… but I love them.
Youcould join RP and get a feel for it thesame wayI did, but that might not be your thing. But the process of writingthese “personality sections” wasbroken down to a science byroleplayers,and can be seen as a base form of character analysis. Wetalkedabout a character’s personality, what shaped them to be that way,and sometimes how that affected them in the future of their story.When I led a vetting team, these were the requirements I set:
Mustbe at least three paragraphs long for minor characters, fiveparagraphs long for main characters. Players should be able to conveya good understanding of their characters, but just describing apersonality isn’t enough. Make sure that when you explain aparticular attitude that you back yourself up with some canon proof,otherwise mods have to wonder where you are getting this informationregardless of our knowledge of canon. Be sure to explain clearly andconcisely, organizing your paragraphs so related subjects aretogether. Avoid explaining the personality in such a way that itreads like a history section - generally this is determined byunnecessary use of chronological order.
Andthese are the same guidelines I hold myself to when I work on my ownpersonality sections. Some people have broken down personalitysections in such a way that they are formatted “three positivetraits, three negative traits” withsome variance.Some like to talk about important relationships aswell.I always defend that personality should be backed up with actualcanon evidence. “Uraraka is kind,” I could say, but I should backit up with an instance where she showed kindness, such as when shesaved Midoriya from tripping when they first meet.
TheorizingIfI’m honest, I don’t much like theorizing. I like to read theoriesand I like to think about things, but I’m not actually partial totrying to predict the future of a series because I feel likeserialized stories are too choppy to be worth my time, and there’snot much sense trying to predict the future of a story that’sfinished. I’m more inclined toward theorizing about the past, orwhat’s already happened but wasn’t explained.
Mydisinterest in theorizing kind of shows….I’ve only written twotheories for Tumblr–Urarakais the Traitor (My Hero Academia), and Both Shiros are the Clone(Voltron). I think I ended up being right about the second one butI’m not sure where the interview isthatproves it, justthat it was SDCC stuff.Thereason I’ve written any theories at all is because I personally wasmotivated by frustration–I didn’t know why people weren’ttalking about these things. SoI made a post to try to get people to talk. BeforeI posted my theory, no one would have looked twice at Uraraka andthat drove me nuts.Now I’ve made a following strong enough that Uraraka seems to beone of the highest contenders in terms of just… gossip. Which,thanks guys. I’m floored.
So…. Myadvice would be to pick a subject you think should be talked aboutand go for it. Do the research. Canon-review. Takenotes. Search for patterns outside what you’re trying to analyze.Writeand rewrite and rewrite again, becauseanalyzing is basically high school but fun.
And…lastly…. Prepare to be wrong. You have a different sense ofstorytelling than anyone else. I have been bitten right in the assbecause I viewed and loved many-a character because I saw them theway I wanted to, and the author clearly did not share my views.And people might not like your theory; people might super hate iteven, and that’s not such a big deal. In the end it’s just fiction and we’re all just here to enjoy a story we love.
I…know that’s a lot, but Ihope it was at least helpful information! Ithink in the end the most important part is just to be critical andremain open-minded. Never stop learning. Choose your battles. Write about what you love.And don’t worry so much about being wrong. 
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turnertimeline · 7 years
A New Job
Collection: Tim and Annie
Year: 1966
Characters: Annette Thompson, Shelagh Turner, Violet Buckle
Content Warnings: none
Rating: K
Style: Prose
Summary: Set after Annie’s been kicked out of school, before she’s officially living with Tim.
Shelagh hadn’t planned that visiting Violet at her shop would turn into possibly having found a job for Annie. Something that could be done at home, and maybe become more permanent after Annie had given birth.
At the haberdashery, Violet had mentioned to Shelagh that she had been thinking of taking on an apprentice of sorts. She was finding it more difficult to mind the store all day on her own. And an extra set of hands for alterations would be helpful.
“I might have someone who would fit the bill.” Shelagh tells her as she places her purchase on the counter. “She’s a wonderful seamstress already, and I’m sure she’d be thrilled at the opportunity.”
“This wouldn’t happen to be the young lady your Timothy has been bringing around, hmm?” Violet says as she places the buttons in a bag and takes Shelagh’s offered money.
“One in the same. She really is a wonderful girl, and I know she’s looking for work.” Shelagh smiles, taking the bag.
“Bring her by next time she’s visiting.” Violet returns the smile. She wouldn’t mind giving the job to someone vetted by Shelagh. And it would save her the hassle of placing an advert.
Shelagh brings it up over breakfast one morning when Tim and Annie had visited for the weekend. She tells Annie she needs to do some chores, pick up some supplies from the haberdashery and that she’s welcome to come along if she likes.
"And I'm sure we could acquire some cake on the way back." Shelagh adds with a cheeky grin.
Annie happily joins Shelagh in her errands, even without the prospect of cake. She enjoys walking around Poplar, doesn't have to look over her shoulder constantly. And the weather is warming up, so it's quite nice out. People have started greeting her too, and knowing her not just as Tim Turner’s friend.
Shelagh does a little food shopping and things, and then goes to the haberdashery. At the tinkling of the bell on the door, Violet bustles out of the back work room and greets them brightly.
"Hello, Violet! I hope you're well. I'm afraid I need more buttons, Teddy keeps losing his." Shelagh says, walking up to the counter.
Violet laughs and grabs a pack of buttons from the shelf behind her. "Like father like son, those boys of yours are keeping me in business with these buttons."
It's an old joke between them. It seems as if Shelagh is there every other week for more buttons.
Shelagh grins. "Patrick's the worst of them too!"
Annie has drifted to look at the fabric patches and things.
"Tim's just as bad, but at least he fixes his own." Annie adds, looking over her shoulder at the older women.
Violet grins. "You taught him well, Mrs Turner." She turns to Annie. "Anything for you, dear?"
"Oh, no. I think I'm good for the moment. Though I'm sure that it won't be long now until even my altered clothing doesn't fit." Annie jokes, putting her hand on her belly. She knows Vi is part of the Nonnatus family, had met her at Christmas. So she doesn't feel the need to avoid talking about her baby.
Violet looks sympathetic. "That's probably true. Do you do the alterations yourself?"
Annie nods. "Yes, buying all new clothes is not very practical, so I've just altered what I've had. Shelagh and Trixie also gave me some of their maternity things to work with."
Annie's more than just a little proud of her sewing skills.
"May I have a look at how you did them?" Violet asks. "If you don't mind, if course. It's always good to see how other people do things. You can come through to the changing area if you like."
Annie follows Violet behind the counter and through to the changing room.
While they're discussing Annie's technique, Shelagh busies herself with looking through patterns.
Shelagh is so happy, she can hear the murmurs of their voices if not what they're saying, and Annie sounds happy and energetic and enthusiastic
Shelagh lingers especially long over the baby patterns
Violet offers her the job - or a bit of work as and when she wants it - right there in the back room, admiring her neat even stitches and how she can barely tell there's even been an alteration.
Shelagh is so pleased.
"What were you and Violet whispering about in there? Not planning a coup, I hope?" But she's teasing and her eyes are dancing
Annie grins at her. "No coup. Violet offered me a job, helping her with alterations and tailoring. And possibly minding the store once the baby is born."
Shelagh grins and squeezes her shoulder. "That's brilliant! Are you going to?"
"Yeah, I think so. I mean, I need the money. And it's something I can do at home with the baby."
Shelagh nods. "Violet is lovely to work with. And you already know Fred." (Annie is bemused by but fond of Fred)  "And you seem to enjoy it, too."
"I do enjoy it. I used to make little doll dresses for me and my sisters when we were small." Annie smiles fondly.
"I'm sure Angela would be happy to help," Shelagh says with a wink and squeezes her wrist. "That's wonderful, Annie. I'm so glad."
"It'll be nice to have money coming in. My savings won't stretch to cover everything this little one will need." Her voice goes quiet. She doesn't like really talking about how hard it's been to even just afford basics.
"We'll help," Shelagh reassures her. "And you know Sister Julienne won't take no for an answer. Or Trixie."
"I guess." Annie mumbles. "It's just......I grew up having more than I needed, never needing help. It's not something I'm used to."
"Everyone needs help sometimes," Shelagh says softly. "People want to help. Especially if you help them back."
"I had to apply for benefits...I can't even afford food right now." Annie's voice is laced with shame. Many years of hearing her father talk down about people who needed assistance.
Shelagh makes a soft noise. "Oh Annie. That's what they're there for. To help people who need it. And I'm sure Fred has some veg going spare."
"Tim's brought some home with him before. Says Fred doesn't let him leave without taking some." Annie gives a little laugh, trying to seem positive.
"Fred's fond of our Tim. Proud he was one of his Cubs. Besides, the vegetable garden is for the community, and you're part of the community now."
"I know, it's just hard, I guess?"
"I know." Shelagh is very familiar with the urge/need to do everything herself and not ask for help or burden anyone. Shelagh bumps against Annie's shoulder. "But, you just got a job, so things will start becoming a little easier."
Annie smiles at her, relieved. "I hope I don't let her down."
"I'm sure you won't. She wouldn't have offered you the position if she didn't think you could do it." Shelagh wraps an arm over Annie's shoulders as they finally approach the Nonnatus steps.
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