lesyabb · 4 months
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♡✮⋆˙ inspired by fanfic "A Memory of Eden"
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neurolady · 3 months
Currently falling so deep into @improbabledreams900 Eden!Verse that I've forgotten I have an actual life. If you have not read Memories Of Eden, I implore read it now!
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hooffuloftootsierolls · 6 months
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Hold on tight to this time, this place,
‘cause everything you know will be erased
You were born inside your head,
and that is where you’ll be when you are dead
You are just a boy, you are no man,
and nobody you know will understand
You are just a boy, you are no man,
and nobody you know will understand
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melit0n · 21 days
"Let the tides carry you back to me." has always been among one of my favourite lines in Telomeres, and so, having listened to it again recently, a little idea popped into my head. Let me explain:
While ocean tides/currents is a very common metaphor, there's an underlying meaning to it. The ocean is a beautiful, but somewhat cruel place: tides can leave you stranded on a sandbank, or sweap you away before you even know it.
To put it in short, no object or creature that goes into the ocean comes out the same. For the tides to carry something back to you, something you've lost, it will be and always will be changed: eroded.
The cliffside will fall, the cave will crumble, etc etc.
With this in mind, we're yet again greeted with another example of Vessel asking for something he can't truly have. The person he wants will not be the same as they were before; they "collapse" into him, breaking apart, but still, to him, it's "the start of something."
His memory is warped, they are warped, and it'll stay that way.
However, what I would like to add is that, in DYWTYLM, it's theorised that instead of Vessel speaking to a second person, he's instead talking to himself.
Of course, this makes the song itself much more emotional (to me). Finding love for yourself is one of the hardest things you can do, but it has to be done to find love in others.
With that idea (stay with me here), the lyrics "Do you roll with the waves? Or do you duck into deep blue safety?" match up (generally) with Telomeres, which is mostly interpretated as being towards someone else.
So, what if some lines in Telemores are directed to himself as well?
Keep in mind, the tides don't just erode and carry objects (sediment), they also reflect. The Atlantic is one big mirror, and Vessel is staring into it's "deep blue safety" wondering what, or, rather, who, he was before he was Vessel.
Overall, the album name, "This Place Will Become Your Tomb", either being directed at Vessel or Vessel to Sleep (and being a Halo quote lmao), is more metaphorical than literal.
Who he was before Vessel sits in that coffin, not his physical body.
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marisashinx · 11 months
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Always remember!
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piecesofeden11 · 2 months
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Obi-Wan frowned at the letter again, trying to make sense of the words. All of them were in English, well punctuated, grammatically correct. And yet he simply could not comprehend them. Puzzlement creasing his brow, he looked up at Cody, who shrugged and crossed his arms as if to say: "Don't ask me boss, I'm just the messenger." "Mister .... Dogg? Would like to meet us? That is, Boga and me specifically?" "That's what the request says, yeah. Mace thought it a good idea. Great press for your last round and all that." "And Mister..." Obi-Wan double-checked the paper again. "Dogg ... is?" "Singer, producer, author, I believe. A chef, too? At least there is a cookbook, but that doesn't say much. Many people have cookbooks on the market. Perhaps *you* should write one, too!" Cody's lip quirked, a dead giveaway that he was messing with Obi-Wan now. Obi-Wan scowled and put the letter on the desk. "Well, if Mace all but agreed already, I don't think I can decline now without seeming rude, but I am still baffled, to be perfectly honest. I-" He got interrupted by the door to his office swinging open, a wide-eyed, slightly disheveled Anakin sliding in, still in his training gear, his board hooked under one arm. "Is it true?! Babe, is it true what Snips says?! We're meeting THE Snoop?!" Before Obi-Wan had a chance to respond, Anakin had swept the letter up, soaking in the contents with a brilliant smile on his face which he then aimed at Obi-Wan. "Please say I can come? I can just, hang out at the stables. Or be the muck boy. I'll muck! I'll shovel shit, if you let me meet Snoop Dogg, babe! Please! I'll be quiet, not a peep. Just want to shake his hands! Okay, maybe I should not be mucking then, but I could be like ... the groom or something. No offense, Cody. Just for show, you know. Pleaseeee~?" Obi-Wan blinked, stuck between digesting the sheer amount of words Anakin had deposited on him, trying to understand their sense and still figuring out who on *earth* Snoop Dogg was. Like so many times before in the face of Anakin's incredibly effective pleading face, he finally caved, sighing softly. "Of course you can come and meet this ... Mister Dogg. *If* you explain to me exactly, who the man is and what his ties to equestrians are." Thank you SO Much for this ask, my friend! When I opened it, I laughed out loud and was just about to simply say Thank you, when this little scene fluttered up to me! <3 Wishing you a wonderful start to your week and only the bestest of vibes!!! <3 <3 <3
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He also told this illustration to some who trusted in their own righteousness and who considered others as nothing:
“Two men went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
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The Pharisee stood and began to pray these things to himself, ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like everyone else—extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers—or even like this tax collector.  I fast twice a week; I give the tenth of all things I acquire.'
But the tax collector, standing at a distance, was not willing even to raise his eyes heavenward but kept beating his chest, saying, ‘O God, be gracious to me, a sinner.’ 
I tell you, this man went down to his home and was proved more righteous than that Pharisee. Because everyone who exalts himself will be humiliated, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Luke 18: 9-14
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originemesis · 7 months
"just let me give you the freedom- to dream, and it'll wake you up..." by goocrow
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melien · 3 months
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🌈The Astra-Fletcher cousins🌈 Gwen❤️Lydia🧡 Irene💛Taylor💚 Eden💙Harper💜
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micsmasmuses · 4 months
A plotted starer for @themosthatedbeingg ft. Adam.
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They had picked a spot away from everyone else, just the two of them as Adam and Lucifer laid under a shady tree by the lake. The taller male looking the angel over for a moment before he shifts rolling on his side to give the angel a mischievous smile.
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“So tell me, what on your mind angel? It is just me and you out here” he chuckles moving closer. One hand landing beside Lucifer’s head as he looks down at him.
“Or did you just want me all to yourself today?” He teased leaning in.
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lilacsongs · 4 months
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“sorry,  i  just  have  to  grab  something  real  quick.”  with  that,  kyungsoo  slips  into  the  master  bedroom,  before  he  catches  what’s  happening  by  the  periphery  of  his  eyes.  “oh.”  it’s  a  scene  that  he’s  all  too  familiar  with  and  he  remains  frozen  in  place,  unsure  whether  he  should  leave  the  man  to  it  or  join  him.  “.... do  you  need  any  help  with  that?”  he  asks,  amusement  palpable  in  his  low  voice.  / @artisn
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bilightningwhumper · 4 months
Whump Writing Intro
Whump writing side blog to @bilightningwriter
Generic writing blog is @bilightningwriter-writing
Masterlists for my whump lists here. Will update with links as they are written. Titles without links are in progress.
My works are majority labeled as Mature or 18+. If you're a minor and interact anyway, on your own head be it.
*if you want to be on a taglist, feel free to dm/pm me or comment on the post, as I don't update on a schedule (just whenever they're finished)*
Main writing whump tropes used:
institutional whump (partially inspired by the BBU community)
nsfw (majority of my noncon scenes are kept to whumpee's perspective only, not the whumper), more explicit in consensual situations, but I am a descriptive writer regardless
male and female whump
captive whump
creepy/intimate whumpers
torture whump (more mental and emotional than physical but I do write all of these)
Conditioning whump
Nonhuman whump
What I don't write:
main character death (unless it's a whumper)
explicit underage (try not to, anyway)
I also write LGBT+ and/or neurodiverse characters. I enjoy happy endings, so hurt/comfort is big for me. Basically a lot of whump eventually followed with a lot of fluff.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of yet another AI scraper, I put all of my fics on Ao3 as user-readers only. I know omegaverse messes with some AI generators, but this one is new to me, so better safe than sorry. Remember, you can make an account for free on Ao3 (it's not subscription based either, it's just free) with your email. So they're not gone, just user-readers only.*
My Ao3 Psueds
Main works-
The New Eden Institution series: Omegaverse institutional/nonhuman-adjacent/conditioning whump, retelling Fairy Tales in a Medieval-Modern mixed Dystopia AU with LGBT+ and neurodivergent characters (more modern than medieval, but you'll see why as stories go on)
TNEI Tumblr Masterlist
Ao3 link to series
TNEI Ao3 link Masterlist
Mangst 2024 Masterlist with this series
Shadow of a Shield: Omegaverse AU with alternate ending to Endgame where some Avengers had unknown children
SoaS Series Masterlist
Ao3 link to series (in the process of being rewritten)
SoaS Ao3 link Masterlist
Temptations of Fate: Sapphic Romeo and Juliet-inspired angels/demons story
- In progress
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tac-bat · 1 year
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“In Light there is Darkness, and in Darkness, there is Light.”
If there is Megabird for the light, then there is a being for the dark, Lethe.
Shameless oc lore HSBEJBD. Oh also they are the parent of one of my sky oc’s Yume who I drew before! :3 explains their star eyes. They both care for one another a lot.
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autopsified · 14 days
·:¨༺ ♱ ༻¨:· | | @thenightmareofyourdrems's last wish ; TUA verse starter call
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Eden really hadn't wanted to go to Reginald's funeral. She really fucking didn't. She only even showed up at all when Jonas called her to say Klaus was out of rehab and there, and by the time she threw on some clothes and grabbed all her things and got there everyone was already in the snowy courtyard waiting for her.
And thank god she did, since if she hadn't she wouldn't have believed them when they said how Five returned.
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He looks just as he had the last time she saw him. Which is weird, being older than any of the Hargreeves kids. Jonas is only a few years younger, but Eden still can't order herself a drink at the bar. They're just about the same height now, when Eden used to be half everyones size. She's whether and jaded now, at the ripe age of nineteen. And she thinks he might be the same.
His excuse of going out for a coffee might just be a way to avoid saying he needs to get away from them for a while. But it doesn't stop her from throwing her coat on and following him out the door.
"Hey, wait up!" she calls, jumping down from the top step to the sidewalk and jogging a little to catch up with him. "If you're a coffee snob, I got some you might like at my place. It's watered down or burnt everywhere 'round here, now. But a friend of mine's uncle has a coffee bean farm in Colombia, and I still have some he brought back for me. I won't even charge you for it."
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dreadseadreams · 7 days
Starter || `°•\◇《 @draconicfool 》◇/•°`
Eden had, rather unfortunately, broken his sword in battle earlier. It may have been impressive, save for the fact that the result of shattered blade had been him having to finish said battle using his body itself as a weapon. It's nothing he hasn't done before.
But he'd really liked that sword.
A sigh escapes his lips, as he stands covered in his own blood. He lived to tell and that's what matters. But he really wishes a certain someone would stop making endless requests for hunting for dangerous creatures.
Such thoughts are broken by an unnatural sound alerting him to the presence of someone—or perhaps something—else in the vicinity. Eden tries to wipe the blood off his face, but only succeeds in smearing it.
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“Uh, hey.” Eden greets whoever or whatever it is, trying to ignore the fact he's covered in blood not entirely his own.
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Music Monday
Tagged by @simplegenius042 💕💕(sorry for the double tag😭😭💕) in this case I decided to bring a song that reminds me so much of Eden <3
She ain't got no money
Her clothes are kinda funny
Her hair is kinda wild and free
Oh, but love grows where my Rosemary goes
And nobody knows like me
She talks kinda lazy
And people say she's crazy
And her life's a mystery
Oh, but love grows where my Rosemary goes
And nobody knows like me
There's something about her hand holding mine
It's a feeling that's fine
And I just gotta say, hey!
She's really got a magical spell
And it's working so well
That I can't get away
I'm a lucky fella
And I just got to tell her
That I love her endlessly
Because love grows where my Rosemary goes
And nobody knows like me
There's something about her hand holding mine
It's a feeling that's fine
And I just gotta say, hey!
She's really got a magical spell
And it's working so well
That I can't get away
I'm a lucky fella
And I just got to tell her
That I love her endlessly
Because love grows where my Rosemary goes
And nobody knows like me
It keeps growing every place she's been
And nobody knows like me
If you've met her, you'll never forget her
And nobody knows like me
(La-la-la) believe it when you've seen it
Nobody knows like me
Tag: @chloekistune @graveyard-party666 @alypink @priceseyes @themotherofhorses @justasmolbard @moosch @valyrra @starcrossedspirit @statichvm @caelums-fate @cassietrn
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