#i think i love those movies so much bc i too write that brand of sentimentality
pennyserenade · 1 month
every time i watch a jimmy stewart/frank cappa movie i fall to my knees because jimmy is so earnest and the message of the story is always something like: humanity will save you and it’s good to be so human! and my god does jimmy stewart sell it! one of the top ten events of my life was watching it’s a wonderful life in a theater full of people. it’s really that good!
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Do you think you could do headcanons for the Papas and a reader who has their own band?
Aaaaa this gave me memories of when I used to write band fics 10 years ago and I felt such a wonderful sense of nostalgia bc of it so tysm for this request!!!
Primo loves that you also have a band!!
Even though he's retired now, he likes to have little writing sessions with you where you both write song lyrics
He attends as many shows as he can
Unfortunately with his age and his body being a little more frail than he'd like he can't attend every single show
Sometimes he'll sit in on your band's practice sessions and will simply watch and listen
He doesn't give any opinions or feedback unless you ask him to as he doesn't want to overstep
If you ever dedicate a song to him during a performance, get ready for a very emotional Primo afterwards
He buys all your albums, both on CD and vinyl, as well as t-shirts and merch for the siblings at the abbey so that they can support you too
There's a little bit of playful rivalry between the two of you
This was especially prevalent when he was Papa
It was never a serious rivalry. It was a silly but fun one that pushed the two of you to be the best you could be
Now that he's no longer Papa, Secondo will frequently attend your shows
Absolutely will pay extra to buy VIP tickets so that he can meet you backstage rather than using his influence to get what he wants
Wants to feature on one of your songs but he also doesn't want you to feel like he's trying to insert himself in your professional life
Anyone who tries to say that your band is only successful because of your association with Ghost will live to regret those words
Incredibly proud of you and everything you do. He's even got a few framed posters of your band in his room (though he'll never admit that to anyone other than you)
Probably met you and your band at an awards ceremony
Definitely became one of your biggest fans after he looked up your music and videos of your performances and live shows
Frequently wears your brand's merch around the abbey when he doesn't have to be dressed all smart and formal
Offers for Special to go on the road with you to act as like a spokesperson for your band like he was for Ghost before Terzo got removed from his position as Papa
You should probably expect to find him waiting for you in your hotel room after shows he attends because he always wants to congratulate you in person as himself, not with the makeup and the costumes and the persona he puts on for everyone else
Now that he's no longer Papa, he has more time to attend any awards shows with you or events you get invited to e.g. movie premieres
And let me tell you, the cameras and the paparazzi eat the two of you up every time you attend an event together
However, Terzo makes it very clear to anyone and everyone who'll listen that your success and fame is all because of the hard work you and your band put in and nothing to do with him or Ghost
You know how we're all simps for Copia and would die for him? (Work with me here if you don't feel this way)
Well that's Copia with you and your band
He doesn't write fics or make fan art because honestly he doesn't have the confidence in himself or his skills to do it
But he loves to see all the fan art that people post online of your band
Will send you links to some of his favourites because as Papa he knows how much that can boost your confidence and reassure you that your fans love you, no matter what pissy little haters hiding behind their keyboards may say
Will hum or quietly sing your band's songs while he works, even if you're in the room with him
Puts you in touch with the costume designers and stylists for the band any time your band has photoshoots or big events
Like Terzo, he will attend events with you but he prefers to let you have the spotlight. He already gets so much attention as Papa, he wants you to have your moment to shine and bask in your achievements
I'll be honest, he gets a little jealous at first
Things didn't work out when he was the frontman of Ghost so of course he becomes envious of you and your band's success
This manifests itself a little as him being kinda snarky at first
But after a while the jealousy stops and he turns his shit around to become more supportive of you
Now he's a big supporter!!
Admires how your band have been able to be so successful where he failed in his youth
Doesn't attend shows due to his age, but he will meet you backstage at the ones closest to him to wish you luck and congratulate you before and after shows
Has vinyls of your albums in his office to listen to when he's alone
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the-cat-chat · 1 month
July 20, 2024
Cast Away (2000)
A FedEx executive undergoes a physical and emotional transformation after crash landing on a deserted island.
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Warning: Review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.
JayBell: There are so many things about this movie that I love. The first part of the movie shows how much Tom Hanks' character is on the go go go. He's all about efficiency and productivity. Everything is on a schedule, even his personal life. At the same time, he's also a bit of a romantic.
It takes a while to build up to the big crash, but it's great for character building and raising the anticipation. The plane crash scene has pretty good special effects, even by today's standards.
I'm a big fan of survival movies, so I do love watching Tom Hanks' character make mistakes, learn, face setbacks, overcome obstacles. Having Wilson as a way for his character to bond with another "person" is so smart. Although it is strange to be sad about a man's relationship with a volleyball, it's done so well. You really feel like Wilson is the only thing keeping his character sane.
Usually with movies like this, it ends when they get "rescued." I like that they show some of his character's adjustment back into society. (the seafood dinner with food carelessly leftover, the lighter, the too soft mattress, him guzzling water from a bottle).
I only have a few gripes about this movie. One, why are there zero animals or bugs on the island? Yes, there are fish. But nothing else at all? Even a small scene of him killing a bug or chasing off an animal would be cool.
And second, I do think his girlfriend moves on a bit too fast, especially without the closure of his recovered body. If you do some of the math, she basically "grieves" for like 6 months or so, and some of those months were spent still trying to find him. I agree that they shouldn't get back together in the end, but I my brain couldn't help but do the math at the same time.
But I do feel like the ending fits. Now, Tom Hanks' character isn't on a schedule, he doesn't have a plan, which is so different from how he treated life in the beginning of the movie. And I like how the angel artist lady is included throughout the movie before finally appearing at the end, as if it was "meant to be."
P.S. RIP Wilson
P.P.S. I couldn't help but notice as he drives in the final scenes of the movie, he has a brand new Wilson. What on earth is he planning to do? Create a new Wilson with a face and talk to it and carry it around in society? Use it for volleyball? Doesn't that seem disrespectful? idk
Rating: 7.5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: As this is my second time writing this review bc obviously the universe hates me and disagrees with my opinion on this ammmazing movie, this will be scathing. I hated it I don’t even wanna be nice anymore. I thought it was funny how Tom Hanks was obsessed with time and then forced to be on an island where time really is an illusion. I like the start when he’s still running fedex (totally thought he was ups but whatever) and the plane crash was really well done for the time and then when he’s on the island I start getting peeved. Has this mannnnn ever seen Naked and Afraid. Where’s the fire- it took him so long. He should’ve been a Boy Scout. Uggg. And the knocking his own tooth out. I’m triggered. And loosing Wilson. Lame. He so could got him. This is like Jack and Rose all over again.
And now my reallllll problem. I will not ever be able to watch Helen Hunt again. Okkk. So this guy that gives you a ring the last time you saw him on Christmas right as he’s boarding a plane that will crash- is stuck on an island for 4 years. Ok - Her kid is 2 years old - it takes 9 months to make a baby- ok so we’re already back in time where there’s 1 year and 2 months when she could’ve been hung up over him- soooo in the year following his disappearance- say she waited a month or two for them to find him- okkk we’re at a year grieved another 2 months- quick but okkkkkk met his Root Canal Dentist- which wowwwww- had a wonderful romance so in like 8/10 months after he was missing- I’m sooo sorry she got over him being missing grieved and dated and married this guy would is literally her fiancé nemesis and had a kid wayyyyy to quick. I mean I do t think I ever did anything so quick in my life everrrr. And I still can’t look at Chris Noth. I’m done. For my sanity I have to be. None of the math makes sense to read but you get it. After 2 months??? I think I’ve been dedicated to listening to a song on repeat longer than that.
I am glad he had his little friend to come back to- and I did like the whole angel wings artist lady plot but that veers to unhealthy kinnnnnda???
Rating: I can’t- it had 4/10- but for my mental health now it’s a 2/10 Crabs 🦀
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hexesncherries · 9 months
hex's take on: whisper of the heart
i literally can't and won't shut up about this movie
best studio ghibli movie imo
i don't know why there aren't a lot of reader/writer girlies talking about it it is literally my dream romance
shizuku is just like me fr
seiji is so cute
they are just both amazing
so if you haven't watched it, a quick summary
it is about this girl shizuku, she's in middle school not too sure about her future but she LOVES to read. she's constantly checking books out of the library right, and she notices that in a lot of the books this guy's name appears (seiji) and she does what any teenage girl would do and starts wondering what is this guy like bc a little daydreaming never hurt nobody.
she also has a talent for writing as told by her friends so then she meets this guy and it's like an rivals to lovers but it really isn't and she discovers that this guy turns out to be seiji !!?? and not only does he read he is also really passionate about violin making and he his biggest dream is to go to Italy and learn how to. so his parents sent him in like an apprenticeship to see if he could actually make a living out of it, it was meant to last 2 months so he leaves and this makes shizuku realize that while she may not be really sure of her future, the people that surround her are, and she decides that, since she is as passionate about writing as seiji is about violin making, she will write a book before he comes back.
so after that shit summary (i swear i am more eloquent and funny when speaking) i will continue
i think this movie like all of the ghibli movies carries this nostalgic feeling, it makes you feel at home somehow
this film however feels a little more close to a real life story
seeing shizuku's interactions with her family that lives in a small, crowded apartment and that have to split chores due to a lack of time give the film a sense of realness i hadn't experienced with other ghibli productions
shizuku's actions and decisions are very on brand for a girl her age and i can really see myself in her, giving it all your all and then realizing that even after you've sacrificed so much it is not good enough is something we've all gone true and i think whisper of the heart does a really good job demonstrating this, but remaining hopeful that someday it will be enough
seijis and shizuku's relationship also feels very teenaged, falling hopelessly in love and seeing yourself with your middle school boyfriend while achieving almost impossible goals is what this movie means to me, but it gives me hope, it truly does
the confessions are so heartwarming, and the love that they share, as innocent as it is, feels real
anyway those are my thoughts, i really do love this movie
sorry if I completely butchered that summary
i swear that it is the sweetest most heartwarming movie ever
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orchidsangel · 9 months
ro i just need to tell you that i love your writing so much i literally explode everytime you post and i’m in love with you i think ! The way u write jason is literally how i want my dream man! I don’t even want men! he’s so scrumdiddlyumptious and i am so glad that i found yr writing Tbh
thank u for being The Jason Todd writer ever and i can’t wait to see what else u have in store :33!!!!
(also i think i have to hear what went down between mattel and mga that caused the downfall of bratz now!! ur making me curious with that one thing on ur sideblog ⁉️)
i really don't know what i've done to get so many kind messages from all these people, it kinda feels a little surreal like woah...u like me? i am in love with YOU for sending me this sweet n kind message like, should we get married now?
i am a man hater till the day i die, but i unfortunately am attracted to them :( too bad they fucking suck. ughhhh i've written him as my dream man too (accidentally set the bar too high for myself so fml) and i'm soooooooooo glad you find joy in my writing, it means the world to me, and i hope you continue to find joy in it <33
as for MATTEL v MGA...
(this is a really shit summary and all from memory so i could be wrong about some things but this is the general gist of what happened and i'll try to find a good article or video with much more accurate info)
basically in may of 2001, MGA entertainment released the original/main 4 bratz dolls, a group of four girls consisting of cloe, jade, yasmin, and sasha. bratz, similarly to barbie, was advertised towards young girls, but the biggest differences between the two doll lines were the diversity & the fashions. where barbie was typically shown with a pale complexion, blonde hair, and blue eyes; each original bratz girl was a different race. cloe was white, jade was asian, sasha was black, and yasmin was a bown hispanic. aside from the diversity of these four girlies, they were also dressed to the NINES !! head to toe in fashions that were unique and trendy for the time period, and to this day they absolutely devour like they're on moodboards for every fashion girlie and it's literally been 20+ years, like talk about longevity.
anyway, i'll skip most of the mumbo jumbo about their releases (even though i could literally give a list of my fave bratz lines of that era), but they became BIG, releasing literally hundreds of dolls and continuously expanding the ever-rotating list of side characters to go along on the core four adventures. some of the more notable releases are the ever iconic rock angelz dolls (my literal 4lyfers), pretty n punk (which came from that same movie), tokyo a go go, slumber party and nighty nite, etc., and aside from those dolls, they had movies, merch, electronics, albums, food, cosmetics, etc. like they were MASSIVE despite so much controversy surrounding them. sooooo massive that they surpassed barbie, and one thing mattel doesn't play about is fucking BARBIE (literally nerfed monster high bc they were gaining too much popularity, and that was THEIR brand).
here's where it all goes to shit. so naturally, when faced with a fierce competitor, mattel filed a lawsuit after discovering that carter bryant was involved in the creation of bratz. who is carter bryant? well, not only the creator of bratz but a FORMER MATTEL EMPLOYEE !!! and that's why shit hit the fan; mattels lawsuit was basically over the rights to bratz. their argument was that because bryant was employed under mattel at the time of his big idea, that bratz was technically mattels property. this legal battle lasts like literal ages, and there were a lot of layers to it that i can't really understand because legal jargon hurts my brain, but there's a book that goes into great detail called 'you don't own me' i believe. mattel won the lawsuit in 2008, and ownership of the bratz brand was to be handed over to them, but at some point between 2008 and 2010, mga took their case to the court of appeals and won, meaning they regained ownership. during all of that time bratz fashions had become less stylish, releases weren't as often, the hair was shit (but that was also cuz of mattel bc those fuckers play dirty), and overall the brand just wasn't the same. imo, the best way to see the decline in quality is to go to the lookin bratz site and see how different post-2009 releases were (and even then, some of those were...like cowgirlz was, imo, the last really good bratz line, but one could argue it was dance crewz)
they continued producing dolls through 2014, even creating their own version of monster high called bratzillaz (i should also mention that myscene was mattels version of bratz). then, in 2015, they completely rebooted the franchise with a new line titled 'hello my name is'. this line featured the original 4 girls plus a new girl named raya. and that whole...that entire thing was BAD to me, but some people like it.
anyway, there was never like a "real" downfall, but they had some pretty bad years lmao. they're back tho so we up!!!! i have a collection of fashion dolls, monster high, bratz, rainbow high, and hopefully barbies soon. literally my favorite collection (i have a lot)
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1d1195 · 3 months
You’re so kind omg 😭💗thank you😭
I never wanted to undermine your own hair growth! Like you’re like the first person who has mentioned their hair grows fast bc I can never find people like that! Like I don’t do anything really to my hair, it’s just the thick hair Mexican genes hahah but I was also devastated when I found a brand that worked with my hair and they DISCONTINUED THE PRODUCT 😭 also it’s always a bit exciting to get a hair cut! Hope it goes well bestie! and the peel off base coat gives me the satisfaction of picking/peeling it off so maybe it could help?? Idk lol
The shoutouts at shows are always the best! I don’t blame you! plus Niall probably made it seem so genuine because he’s seems so sweet! And idk I think it gives off an intimate vibe since he’s connecting with the crowd! I remember when Paramore talked about my city and I was getting EMOTIONAL during it?! Also what’s your fave Niall song? Was it played?
And not your sister calling you out 💀 she kinda gagged me with that one omg lol but I’m sure you would have thrived as a violin player, you kinda give off the vibes and I mean it in a good way!
First of all, I LOVE WHEN YOU RANT!! Seriously I love when you do it! And I’ve tired to give audiobooks a chance especially since sometimes they are the cheaper option but I personally always gravitate towards getting a physical copy of a book. And I’ve also thought about getting a kindle but I fear I will just end up forgetting it since i read on my phone too lol also a really big thing that just grosses me out is ASMR so people’s voices on the audio recordings are typically not my vibe so it just ruins the vision for me 😭
Okay so I’ve never actually read any of the books and I thought it was actually just one book and movie! instead it’s actually of a full on series(13 books in total). So I’ve seen the movie before years ago but it didn’t really make me want to get into it more but the tv show is so good! It follows an older troubled journalist who is revisiting his original interview with the vampire called Louis. And basically they recount his human life and vampire over in story along with some other characters that play a big role. It also depicts queer love stories which I think is pretty neat! I also really enjoy the complexity of the characters and how they are all basically up for debate on who is “good” or “bad”! And I love watching the season in real time it’s so fun! I’ve actually heard good things about the book and I was actually recommended by a professor to give the series a try awhile ago! Though I’m thinking about buying the books second hand since there’s alot of them lol
Typically I have always been a book over movie girly! But I think it depends on the book if I read it before I watch an adaptation. For example, reading like classical stuff like Shakespeare or other classic lit, I think watching something is really helpful especially for me growing up sometimes the language barrier was a bit difficult. Like I love the Great Gatsby and I watched Baz Luhrman’s adaptation first and then I read the book. And I really enjoyed comparing what they kept/changed as well as how they envisioned! Also his adaptation of Romeo and Juliet was super cool to watch! But it could go wrong sometimes like I read My Policeman WAYYYY before it was even considered to be a movie adaptation and while I have many thoughts about it lol I genuinely preferred the book and I often felt like it kinda ruined the vibe a bit. So overall I think it depends! And you’re not dumb lol sometimes I think it can be a bit overhyped but I understand the creative aspect of writing those kind of things especially back then lol my Aquarius self loves to find meaning in anything and analyze things but when it comes to reading unless I need to do that for school, I’m not really doing much thinking while reading lol I like to feel immersed in the world/story!
I hope to stay pretty calm during the summer tbh I’m very much okay with doing nothing lol I am looking forward to going to the beach though now that I have more time! -💜
Omg don't worry! I can't believe how fast your hair grows and how long it gets! I feel like that always happens when I find a product I like! My hair is so much shorter now and feels light and summery (I do like it) but it's in that 'just cut' phase and I'm looking forward to next week 😅 I'm def going to look into peel off base lol it'll be good for my mental health 😂
OMG MY FAVORITE NIALL SONG. Well, I think it's basic but I love This Town. I'm a romantic/sad kind of music vibe on a regular day tbh 😂 I really envision a story when I hear music (or at least try to) and that is one where I just see Niall's entire love life on display, idk. I think I even wrote a trash piece about it when the song came out. He did play this one! I also love On My Own. I think it's an adorable and I like the lyric "I'll wake up at midday and marry my bed." He didn't play it but that's okay! He also played Black and White and Night Changes so I can't complain at all! It was a lovely show 💕
No my sister humbles me every day lol. But truly, I think she really is right! I don't do anything half-assed. If we wanna trauma dump for like two seconds, my family's picture is in the textbook next to addictive personalities. I think the only reason I haven't chosen stronger vices is because of One Direction/Harry/Niall taking up so much of my time. I enjoy most things in my life very passionately and I can't see myself taking up an instrument and not wanting/trying to be the very best at it until I'm literally SICK with anxiety. I have many good qualities, but moderation and allowing myself to make mistakes is really difficult for me lol so maybe in another life I would trade out one of my hobbies for an instrument, but in this one it's for the best I stuck to singing!
Thank you for letting me rant! I appreciate it! Do you have the kindle app on your phone? I get the forgetting it thing, that makes a lot of sense. My kindle app on my phone is just like 90% textbooks from grad school because I was tired of getting the physical heavy ones for a semester LOL. I like the way people decorate kindle's 😂 so I feel like that would be a fun little project for me and probs a huge part of why I would want it hahahahaha
WHAT COMMITTMENT 13 BOOKS GOOD LUCK. That's a really cool premise though! It sounds super entertaining and interesting. I often forget that we've got a bit of an age gap between us. I am SO used to watching TV series doing an episode a week. I actually prefer it that way. It's only with shows that originally dump a whole season out that I get mad when they do a two-part season (don't get me started on Bridgerton or Stranger Things. I'm THIS CLOSE to getting rid of streaming services all together). I am unfortunately chronically on TikTok so I don't like when my shows are spoiled because the whole season dumps out in one sitting so that's why like the weekly episode route hehehehehe ANYWAY I hope the show continues to keep your interest and the books hold up!
I'm def a book > movie girl too! I like the way you described it though. It took me like four years of high school English for my 12th grade english teacher to finally say "Sam, Shakespeare is meant to be performed. Of course it's difficult to read" and I was like 😯😯 So shout out to Ms. O. because I would have gone my whole life hating Shakespeare. If it's not too personal, can I ask a bit about how you dealt with the language barrier? Like did you start going to school without speaking English or very little English? I can't imagine what that was like and I think that's AMAZING that you learned a whole language and survived school etc etc. I suck at languages and am ensuring that when I do have children, quite frankly, they're being forced to learn a second language when they're young because I wish I had done that.
I love that you find meaning in most things! That makes a lot of sense for your choice of field too! :) I appreciate your kindness and I wish we could have taken a class together because I would have picked your brain for help with everything regarding symbolism.
I am hoping to hit the beach soon! I need to buy a new beach chair first hehehehe I also need to get my butt in gear and read a book. I'm thinking I might read yet ANOTHER silly romance and not this book on Norse Mythology that I have sitting in my bag taunting me.
Any fun plans this weekend?! LOVE YOU! 💕
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months
4 and 9 for the fanfic ask!!
Thanks for the ask!!!
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH THERE ARE A FEW. there’s at least two I have from back when I exclusively wrote in my notes app 🫠 Echo and Rex. My darlings. My lovely boys. They occupy my every waking thought and I am still rolling around an Echo and Rex bonding fic. I’ve written ideas as time goes on but haven’t completely gotten it written. But it’ll get there. Because I can’t stop thinking about it. Always there. Constantly. ALSO. I really want to write an Echo and Crosshair focused fic (shocked, surprised) about them right at the beginning of Echo joining the batch. Some missions. Bonding. A lot of ridiculousness. That idea plagues me at night. I get random ideas for it in the middle of the night and HAVE BEEN for about two years now 😅😅😅 I’m stubborn so I’m gonna write it. I’ll do it. I’m going to do it.
I do absolutely wonder why I’ve never written it and it does in fact cause me existential dread. The wonderful lovely ideas that go to die in my docs bc I lose interest half way through and for WHAT!?!? If you only knew the amount of ideas sitting half thought out in a document that I desperately want to write but just. Can’t. Part of it is because of the long fics I’ve been writing recently. The planning for them has been… a lot. And I’m enjoying it! I really am! It just takes a lot of my emotional and mental energy.
Other thing that you didn’t ask for but I’m saying anyway is that I found a way to start to combat this issue and I am going to share it. I got a project management software website thingy (it’s free and it’s called Trello) and I literally plan all of my writing schedule there. All of it. It has due dates. It’s color coded. I have flags for things that need editing. All of my writing goals for the year are in there. All of my ideas are there too so I have something to pick from when I want to write something new. I write one brand new idea a month. I write two chapters of my long fic a month. And I’ve been succeeding!! It’s only been three months but it’s helping with this process. Those ^ ideas are scheduled. Maybe I’ll actually write them 😅😅😅😅😅
9. in an ideal world where you’re already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not?
Oooooooh I LOVE this one. Not sure if anyone else would feel the same way but I’d have to say no! Honestly! I have SEVERAL reasons. I’ve thought about this a lot.
One is that I am just. So heavily reliant on the ✨vibes✨ I want something to have and sometimes it’s all down to the thoughts my narrator is having or the physical cues and it really builds a scene out for me. I like to get my point across and sometimes when seeing adaptations to film or tv it just… doesn’t work. I’d want my audience to be able to imagine characters and even imagine themselves in that character’s place and sometimes you lose that with screen adaptations. I honestly think that the newest Percy Jackson tv show was excellent at bringing the characters to life from the books I loved so dearly from childhood. They picked perfect actors for the characters and I personally liked changes that they made while the movie from years ago just wasn’t quite what I wanted after loving the books.
I don’t want that disappointment.
I’d honestly be more interested in seeing the fandom create. I might be biased because I write fic but I’d much rather see art and read fics than adapt anything I do into a movie or tv show.
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safarigirlsp · 3 years
What did you think of The Last Duel? Are you still going to be writing for Jacques even though he’s unequivocally a rapist?
Omfg I LOVED it!!!
Firstly, I’ve been very clear about how incredibly into the character Jacques Le Gris I am! That is now only enhanced! I’m fully and rabidly obsessed, much more so than I’ve ever been with any other character.
Secondly, the movie itself was incredible! The cinematography, direction, and performances were all marvelous! This movie and it’s cast needs to win some awards! Hands down, the best film I’ve seen in years. I’ve always been a huge Ridley Scott fan too and he absolutely did not disappoint. I wish the joust was longer, but it’s the best joust I’ve even seen in any movie. Incredible. The movie was smart and intense and just top shelf. I am not an Affleck or Damon fan, but I was surprised at how fun I found Affleck’s character. By no means in any kind of sexy way bc yuck lol, but in a comic relief entertaining way. Jodie was just as marvelous as everyone says. AD was utterly amazing and immersive as always and we now have another brand new nuanced character. He’s also more kinetic, jovial and charming than we’ve seen him before, with lots of laughs and smiles, which was nice.
I had very high expectations for this movie going in and it met them all and exceeded many in fact! The only complaints I have are that the accents were not something that should have been attempted lol, although not nearly as bad as they could have been; the fight scenes should have been more and longer; and my running objection in every movie that no one should ever get more screen time than AD and any time his chest is covered is a miscarriage of justice 🤣. I would have preferred his long hair the entire time although honestly, medieval Flip was a nice treat too lol! I personally would have preferred more ambiguity around the ‘event’ from the different perspectives bc I think that would have been more interesting and suspenseful from a story telling point of view rather than going into it knowing with certainty what happened and how it would end. I very much loved Jodie’s character too, especially when she was asserting herself. I enjoy tough women in films and media and they’re too few and far between.
I have watched all of AD’s movies and honestly, the only movies I have enjoyed irrespective of him are Blackkklansman, Logan Lucky, and Star Wars. Even those, I would watch once and maybe again after a few years and call it good. The Last Duel is genuinely a new favorite movie of mine, irrespective of AD, that I would watch and enjoy multiple times on its own!
I have now seen this movie three times with three different people, all of whom are outside the ADCU and have no stake in AD whatsoever. Only one of them even knew who he was in fact. All three objective people loved the movie too! Two men and one woman. And all of them also volunteered that he was hot as hell and that the action was great 🤣
I am absolutely going to be writing for Jacques! In fact, it will take all of my willpower not to write everything from here on out for him!! It goes without saying that he’s not a rapist in my stuff lol. But he is peak hotness, the best AD has ever looked, charismatic, charming, and a badass. He is absolutely going to be my main headliner!
If you have any specific questions about the movie, I’m happy to answer them. However, I’m not going to entertain any flack or drama over my enjoyment of the movie, AD, or Jacques. I totally get that some if not most people don’t hold my opinion, and that’s completely fine and understandable! But my opinion on the matter is pretty clear and it is what it is lol!
I’m doing a gif spam here too!
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blogger-yura · 3 years
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Entry #24 Oct 15th '21
#YurasLife #FashionFiday #OOTD #Modeling
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𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 - 𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐃
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Hello hello, my darling butterflies! It's been a while, hasn't it? Truth be told, I've BEEN BUSY! Busy bee, in deed, and haven't had time or energy at all to sit down and write anything. There's SO much I want to share! From how my brand did on it's first few weeks to some great recipes I've been trying lately to my horror movie special for Halloween! ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ) There's still a lot of time to get to that, though, so I won't rush it- But I am EXICTED let me tell you!!!
I wanted to make a quick update today to let everyone know I'm ok and alive and around again and to update you guys on what I did today! Let me know know you did today and how you're starting your weekend, hm?
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One thing I did manage to do even though I've been drowning in responsibilities, though, was hang with my friends ♡~ I've had a lot of modeling gigs lately, which has been extra tiring with all the added up work, but you know what they say, there's no such thing as being too busy for friends! Actually, I was modeling for Min LOL!!! Her clothing brand "LookAtMin" is dropping some new stuff soon and I LOVE helping her with the promos, everything is always so pretty and nice nice fits so well ~(˘▽˘)~ And the dynamic is simply different. It's really so easy for me to work with friends and understand what they're going for! It's less of a work and more of a fun time together!
It also helped me keep going through the weeks and stay energized and looking forward to new things!
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The outfits for today's shooting were all super comfortable and soft and cute and EVERYTHING!!! I think this collection is definitely of the BEST besides the high waisted jeans. Let me tell you, those pink pants Min is wearing are to DIE FOR! I'll make sure to let everyone know when the collection drops so you can hurry and get yours!
I think this is going to be it for today, lovelies! I'm really sorry I had to just disappear without notice (╥﹏╥) but I promise you all I'm back and I'll be around more often! I'll try to get back to everyone I can real soon, alright? I hope you've been taking care of yourselves, remember to always stay hydrated! Eat someting if you haven't and get some fresh air! As the weather gets colder, always remember to have a nice scarf and a hat with you! And last, but never least, I love you, you're doing great, and I'm extremely proud of you! It's always a pleasure to see you, and you make my days better! Never forget that! All the love, -Yura ♡
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🧡: @vitoria-oc @archangel-oc @shin-haneul @lunaaofthemoon @moongoddesselene @jinju-oc @ochouse @esmeralda-oc @eujun @cbville
@cb-museclub @achillesunwoo @ares-bc @warblerchangmin @mafia-chae @greenwitch-felix @unseelie-dejun @skzcbspam @betrayerjongup @ppg-3ye @moonlightchn @temptationcb @demigodnct @vampiremomo @suburbanbots @everglowcb @antiromantic-jun @roommates-bot @modelyonghee @floristyujeong @literature-bot @markhyuck-roomies @wonderlandxskteez @thexkims @eunwoo-bot @hopelessromantic-juyeon @smcoven @madmanwoodam @silvernightcb @choipaths @botuniverse @modelsora @adorbsana @richsocietybot @runawayscb @godly-bots @hwangxmaximoff @velvetparadise @berryjinnie @urown-im
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send-allmyloving · 4 years
maybe daisuke with s / o who is his fiancée?
I'm gonna do a headcanon for this one, I hope you don't mind!
Daisuke Kanbe with a fem!s/o as his fiancée
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Oh boy oh boy
idk what the fuck you did in your past life to become his fiancée but you hit the fucking JACKPOT
he spoils you rotten
fancy river cruises, private flights to Vienna, relaxing nights at an expensive spa; those are only some of all the extravagant dates he would take you on
he'd buy you all the famous designer brands you wanted even if you didn't ask for them
Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Armani, Versace, you name it, this guy's balance is unlimited so you can expect only the best shit you can get your hands on!
But of course he doesn't pay sole attention to your material desires, Daisuke truly loves you
He just wants to make you feel comfortable and happy is all
That being said, you guys do a lot together
Giving each other massages is a thing
If either of you is stressed, or even if it's the both of you, you'll both have a little spa day where you pamper each other 🥰
Ok but when Daisuke massages you he goes ALL OUT
hot rocks, essential oils, sugar scrubs, whatever the fuck else they use in massages idk ive never had one
You'll feel so relaxed you'll fall asleep lmao
Nights in are usually spent watching movies in his private theater and immaculate bubble baths complete with rose petals, wine, and a charcuterie platter yum
You also like walks around the town, wandering the streets of Tokyo hand-in-hand while admiring the pretty city lights
No shopping, nothing of the sort; just you two and the city view 🥰
Dates at small cafes are a thing, he loves seeing your eyes light up when he feeds you cake :((
And his heart skips a couple beats when he sees u get whipped cream on your mouth after drinking hot chocolate !!
Ofc he kisses it off like a cliché romcom movie star
When you guys are laying in bed he likes to hold your hand and play with your fingers + admire the ring on your finger and smile bc it just makes him so happy that he can spend the rest of his life with you 🥺💞💞
He really loves u ok
Loves kissing you all over your face
Especially loves kissing your cheek and neck
But if he kisses your shoulder.... good luck bc this man is In The Mood
dw tho he'll be very gentle
He likes having you in his lap when you kiss, it gives him easier access to you
Often slips his hand under your clothing whenever you're kissing just so he can feel your skin against his
Not really in a sexual manner but more like so he can reassure himself that you're with him
Loves feeling you up, not only does he know it makes you feel good, it's also that touching you gives him a sense of security and also makes him feel good knowing you're in his arms and that he can love and protect you 🥺
Kissing is very soft and sensual, he wants to give you every ounce of his love :(((
You'll be on his lap and he'll be slowly moving his lips against yours
Loves to play with your hair and rub your back while you're kissing him
Like I said before, he loves touching you so he's one to run his hands all over you while kissing you
Likes rubbing your arms + you love it too bc it makes u feel warm
Sorta likes to bite your lips and slip his tongue into your mouth at times while you guys kiss hehehe
When you guys pass each other around the house you'll give each other a surprise kiss out of nowhere
Walking past him? BOOM smooch on the cheek
You find him in his office? BOOM you sneak in and smooch him on the head
Smoochies everywhere
He likes to hold your hand a lot
Whatever you guys are doing, if you're next to him he'll just randomly take your hand and intertwine your fingers and he doesn't even look up from his work its rlly cute
Likes to give you kisses on the hand sometimes while he holds them
PDA isn't much of a thing but he'll always have your arm in his or you'll be walking around holding hands + sometimes he likes to pull you close and give you a kiss on the head ❤
He's also a huge romantic
Most probably proposed to you at the top of the Eiffel Tower
Loves slow dancing with you to old love songs
He just loves the pure smile on your face when you dance together, and the setting is so intimate
It's just you and him slowly swaying to the soft music while gazing at each other and it just goes to show how in love you both are with each other :(((
Hold me pls im crying as i write this
Gives you a rose on every date you go on together
The night after your engagement he got you a beautiful necklace that matched your ring
Put it around your neck romcom style before he took you out for a dinner cruise along the Seine river in Paris uwu
Also he thinks you look absolutely stunning in the color red
He just adores you and he's so happy to have you as his fiancée
Long story short you're the luckiest girl in the world and there is no doubting his love for you, he will do anything for you to see you smiling and happy ❤❤
// I hope you like this anon! Sorry this is kinda short lmao also I'm sorry I couldn't write a whole scenario, I thought a headcanon would work better bc it would better elaborate everything abt being his fiancée rather than just focusing on a section of it,, anyways enjoy!!
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Prompt : they are both famous and secretly dating.
tbh I don't know what this is or if it makes any sense at all, so sorry anon for butchering ur prompt, but I'm a basic bitch and I like my drake, so like this is gonna be pain bcuz my favourite song on the new album is just pain and I can't stop thinking about a fucked up celebs relationship to it, just ANGST AND PAIN!! 😭😭 but those lyrics hit, can't believe I wrote a song fic ugh circa Tumblr 2015 jfc I'mma write a happier ending to this in another prompt 😂 bc someone else asked for the same thing.
Fucking Fans
I'm still working on me
Eren stands at the Met Gala, holding Mikasa by the waist, giving a cramped smile for photos and keeping her close. People call their names and cameras flash and his beloved blinks, hiding her face into his shoulder as the lights overwhelm her.
He looks down at her lovingly as some jackass reporter yells about a cheating rumour and her pretty face pinches up. Eren is quick to comfort her with his touch, both hands gripping her waist reassuringly as he decides it's time for them to go inside.
"Come on Miki," he kisses her forehead and she nods, accepting. Neither of them wants to think about those rumours, the damage and the pain they bring up is too much and it's all his fault, he knows, but he can't undo it.
The guilt eats at him and she holds his hand tighter, the despair takes him and she cuddles him at night.
They're together now but sometimes Eren wonders just how it happened, how he came back from falling so far. How she took him back when he fucked up so massively.
And I'm coming back better for you
The day he shows up on her door step again is the day of the biggest awards show of the season, the one he knows she's going to kill and probably sweep several categories. Just because she's that amazing. He finds her where he expects, in her apartment, the address Armin gave him, doing her own hair and makeup, humble Mikasa just like always, ironing out her own dress. He shows up in a suit with as many white roses as he can fit into a bouquet and ready to leave if she still hates him, which she has every right to.
But he's been through months of therapy, gave Armin control of his bank account, and check himself into rehab thrice, every time he was even inching closer to relapse.
He's not fixed, but he's better, marginally, and he wants her to know it, know he still loves her at the very least.
She opens the door, beautiful even without makeup, and wearing a white slip and her pretty red mouth parts in shock.
All he can do is hold out his roses as tears leave his eyes at seeing her for the first time in months.
Most times it was my selfishness and your helplessness that I took advantage of
It was so easy with Mikasa, she was so devoted to him. So loving and sweet, always there for him.
She'd wait up, let him do what he wanted, never wanting to stifle or control him. Too afraid their tenuous relationship would crack and they'd break up.
A part of him blames her for it, for being so willing to let him do what he wanted. She'd been passive, unsure how to insert herself, had minimal complaints, letting him ruin his life party by party, late night after late night, drugs and alcohol all of it.
But he knows he can never hold her accountable for his own actions, and the day she's finally done with his bullshit is both the best and worst day of his life. She finally says no, and it begins his path to fixing himself. Because hitting rock bottom is losing the most important thing in his life, and that's Mikasa.
You sit in the house and I be out and I know you're worried, up
The problem with her passivity is he knows it's not passivity at all, she just doesn't know what to do, how to fix him. Eren has always had a temper, and she's known him for a long time, knows he'll lash out and behave worse if provoked. So she'd reacted as best she could, leaving rehab pamphlets out, asking him to stay in and watch movies, bake with her, anything other than going out to party.
But he'd stumble home every night and see her asleep on the couch, waiting. Always there to pick him up instead of a cab, not wanting the paparazzi to get a hold of him, she was always there.
And you try and block it out
They lived in a bubble, they pretended it didn't happen. They didn't acknowledge when he was too hungover to shoot the next morning. She'd brew him coffee, get him through the day, flush his drug stash when they checked, both his saving grace and biggest enabler.
Even when he's kissing her for more than just an on-screen kiss, lips drinking her in like a man starved, and the next morning she finds new girls in his bed, she keeps quiet.
They're a mess, but every time she dutifully kicks the girls out and drags him to the shower.
I'm so sorry for letting you down
When he'd first become famous, he hadn't known what to do with himself. He'd been scouted for how many movies, tv-shows, underwear commercials, brand deals. It was a whirlwind as Hollywood found their new boy wonder, handsome, smart and a nice boy.
His best friend, and female love interest in their debut movie, Mikasa, who had followed him to Hollywood on nothing more than a whim, was equally bombarded with fame and fortune. They'd always been close, always best friends, but never quite more, no matter how much they both obviously wanted it. It never progressed beyond a few acted kisses.
Still, they got an apartment together, and Eren had thought it was the start of something great, he was living the dream. Rich and famous with his best friend, the girl he'd secretly loved since he was young.
He'd been content just to stay up late and watch movies with her before work, to visit her on set and bring her donuts. They were Hollywood's shining stars, two kids sickeningly sweet in love even though they weren't officially dating, they were as good as.
At the advice of his agent, he'd started doing more, started picking up a few other gigs on the side, modelling, but he kept it small, he didn't want to overwhelm himself, and he still wanted time for Mikasa.
It had gone well, they'd taken fame okay, and Eren had been proud, neither of them had a sex-scandal or a pregnancy scare yet. They'd even been inching towards finally being something more than just friends, a few heated looks, some on-stage kisses to finally get the ball rolling.
Then Mikasa had been cast in an upcoming romance movie and her love interest hadn't been Eren, it had been Jean.
That had been the start of his spiral.
He'd never meant for it to get so far out of control, how many movies he started doing, how many promotions. Meanwhile Mikasa, smart, brilliant Mikasa stuck with smaller projects and only ever one at a time, preferring to keep close to their apartment. He was all she had, and she was all he wanted.
Nights when I just needed to hold somebody
He misses her, lays in bed awake at night thinking about her, how long it’s been, when was the last time he saw the curve of her face in person and not in a washed-out picture on a magazine. Girls in and out of his apartment, trying to fill the empty void inside him, and nothing works, nothing ever works. Because he’d fucked it up, said he didn’t need her, told her he could do it on his own, fame wouldn’t take him. Called each other names, every one in the book, screaming matches over stupid shit, if he should take that job, what she was doing with Jean, how she was eating, if she was eating enough.
The toxicity was palpable in their apartment until finally Mikasa just left and he broke.
Feeling overwhelmed, should've told somebody
Fame takes him like a drug addiction, actually it comes with a drug addiction, heroine, cocaine, molly, all of it. In trying to ditch his Hollywood’s sweetheart, good boy image he diverts his life so radically he doesn’t know if he can ever get back to where he was. He loses weight, barely gets by, he doesn’t even understand how he’s still getting booked, but people want him even more now that he’s Hollywood’s bad boy. Meanwhile Mikasa is disgraced now that he’s ‘thrown her away’ even though it was the other way around. Last he heard she lived in a little apartment on the upper east side, leaves only to work, and to fly up to see their families. He hasn’t seen his parents in months, doesn’t want to. Doesn’t want to see the look in their eyes when they realize how skinny he’s gotten, how his body lacks muscle, skin barely clinging to bone, gaunt and lifeless.
He needs help, but he’s spiraling, he’s committed and no matter how many times Armin tries to get him into rehab, he never goes. What’s the point Mikasa is gone, he’s not getting her back, all he has now is the money, the drugs, and the women.
Picturin' it's me sending chills through your body
He hears she’s dating Jean now and somehow, he gets worse.
Every fear he’d ever had comes to life and he gets angry, his temper coming back full force. The past few months he’d barely been getting by, not really living, but his rage awakens him. She’d told him no, that they weren’t dating, never so much as kissed outside of work. What a fucking lie.
How many girls he takes home that month he doesn’t know, how many paparazzi photos of women leaving his apartment, how he dreams it’s Mikasa under him, not some rando.
He sees her on the cover of some magazine, walking innocently with Jean and it sends him into even more of a rage, but under it all he wishes it was him, doesn’t matter that they were never official, that it only happened a few times, he wants her back. But Eren’s never been good at navigating his emotions, so he clings to his rage like a lifeline.
I just probably should've chilled 'til I saw you
When they ask about her in interviews, he doesn’t answer. Not until that once, when he lets it slip and he watches Armin wilt in real time from behind the camera as he spits the words, “I think it’s obvious, she’s with Jean now isn’t she, right after she was with me, figure it out yourself.”
The insinuation is lethal, cruel, mean and he knows it’s not true, but he says it anyway. He knows she didn't do it, but still the coincidence hurts too much, the very thought that there might have been something romantic going on with them before makes him want to throw up.
The interviewer looks shocked before he brightens up at the tidbit of information, like a vulture picking apart the last pieces of his heart, massacring it further, but Eren doesn’t mind the pain anymore. It fuels his rage and that’s all he has these days.
How am I supposed to get to know somebody?
When the rage wears off months later and Mikasa has done nothing, no comment on his interviews, no appearances, no angry texts, just silence, he becomes numb. Then the sadness sets in, because losing her romantically isn’t even the worst part, he doesn’t even have his best friend anymore, he’s lost her too.
She’s become a recluse, a hermit, he hasn’t even seen her with Jean on the magazine covers lately. Distantly he knows it’s because their movie is finished filming, and she was probably never dating him in the first place.
He goes to awards shows in hopes of at least catching a glimpse but she’s gone into hiding, there’s rumours she’s back in their hometown, but he’d never visit, not with the disgrace he’s become. He tries to date seriously, tries to talk to other actresses, but it’s all so vacant, disingenuous. All they want him for is his image, there’s nothing real about these women anymore, everything is fake, plastic right down to their boobs. Nothing like Mikasa, who was pure to her core, even in the face of her fame.
If we broke it off then you know it wasn't painless
He'd cried for weeks after she'd ended it, despite it being entirely his fault.
Armin had cancelled all his engagements and Eren hadn't left the apartment, curling himself up on her empty mattress, her room a barren wasteland.
He'd only eaten when Armin forced him too, and only come out of his hibernation after his mother had called to yell, Armin holding the phone right in his ear, the first time he'd spoken to her in forever.
If she got a watch then you know it's not a stainless
He’s got money, but it means nothing. Mikasa has money too, it doesn’t even matter. What has it all been for? He doesn’t even know anymore. All he’s gotten from his acting career is trust issues, more money than he knows what do with and the loss of his best friend and the only girl he’s ever loved.
It’s all a blur now, he acts, he models, he does PR. Armin makes him a schedule and he follows it. They meet with his nutritionist and his personal trainer, and he starts working out again, eating real food, not just smoking, and drinking coffee to supress his appetite.
Armin is the only reason he’s still a functioning human being as Eren hits rock bottom. The only one left to try and push him out.
I was out here fucking fans, I was shameless
He knows he fucked up, it’s why he starts therapy.
The shit he’d done, high off his own fame and arrogance, it’s messed up and he he knows it now. All the girls, all the money and the drugs, ignoring Mikasa’s concerns, dragging her down with him.
He doesn’t blame her now, he knows none of it was fair, she was justified in leaving. They were toxic, their half on, half off relationship, how he'd commit to the drugs but never her.
He can still remember the first time he kissed her, really kissed her, Eren and Mikasa not two characters on screen. It was after their first awards show for their movie, he’d been so excited, so delightfully sober, he couldn’t help himself, she’d been so pretty in her white dress, he’d leaned down before he could stop himself. The first night they’d had sex, her moans, her soft cries of pleasure, nothing had ever measured up since.
It had been bliss, for about a month or so and then they’d really been discovered, and it had all been shot to hell.
All the fans, all the women throwing themselves at him, his eyes couldn’t help but wander despite Mikasa always being the most radiant in the room. He had her love, he’d had everything, but that insidious voice in the back of his head had wondered. Thought the grass was greener on the other side, wanting to explore fame at the same time they’d finally started their relationship.
You was at the crib reading stories that they sent you
They’d kept it casual at Eren’s insistence and Mikasa’s heartbreak, his rock had been willing to allow it for him, for the chance to finally explore their relationship. But he could see how much it hurt her, the tabloids were the worst part, every day a new cover, another apartment he’d leave, another hookup in the parking lot. And he could barely justify it to himself, why he did it, why he continued to do it? He had everything he could ever want in Mikasa, the girl he’d loved since forever, finally in the palm of his hand, willing to give herself wholly to him.
And yet fame had called him more, and the people he was hanging out with only encouraged it, the famous lifestyle, drugs, sex and rock and roll.
Everyone was doing it, so why shouldn’t he?
Most of that was bullshit but some of it I did do
The rumours spiralled out of control after a while, there was nothing he could do, it was over, they had too much on him.
He'd been telling himself lies that maybe she was with Jean on the side, that she had the same opportunities as him, she could go out and sleep around too.
As if Mikasa would ever even consider it.
He’d finally given into being exclusive, seeing the toll it was taking on Mikasa, after Armin smacked him upside the head and told him he was going to lose her if he didn’t get his shit together. Eren had finally realized how irreversibly he was fucking up his relationship, but by then, it had been too late.
When they finally started truly dating, monogamy and all, it had been far, far too late. The backlog of photos the paparazzi had was ridiculous, any opportunity they got to demonize him they took.
He and Mikasa been casual at the time of all the photos, sure, but anyone would buckle under the weight of constant articles about their significant other cheating. Eren became the villain in his own story, and Hollywood loved it, ‘Bad Boy Eren Yeager Ditches Mikasa Ackerman’. He still remembers the headline, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back, she’d come home, dropped the offending magazine on the coffee table and hidden in her room for the rest of the night. He’d slept outside her door, and the next morning he’d been woken by her stepping over him to leave, bags packed.
It was sad, they’d never even officially dated to the public, they hadn’t gotten to that point. She’d wanted to reveal it at some awards show by taking him as her date, thanking him in her speech, her boyfriend, Eren Yeager. Overnight the paparazzi had singlehandedly broken them up for shit he hadn’t even done.
He had no one but himself to blame.
Hard for me to justify the women I was into
Looking back, he can’t say why he did it or what the purpose of all the models that looked eerily like her were for. Maybe he was trying to fill the empty space in his heart, maybe he felt neglected by her friendship with Jean and how obvious the man’s feeling for her were, but for one reason or another, he’d slept his way through about half of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, and award shows were awkward these days. Meeting the eyes of all the talented women he’d hooked up with in such a professional setting was uncomfortable at best.
How many more did he not even remember, to high off drugs and alcohol and his own ego?
Especially when the whole entire world wished they had you
He’d seen it in how Jean looked at her the first time they’d walked the red carpet as promotion for their movie. The tall man was a b-list actor and he’d been invited to the pre-screening, and he’d watched Mikasa the entire night. His gaze wasn’t moved by Eren’s arm wrapped protectively around her waist or his chin resting on her head, nor the possessive hand on her thigh.
They hadn’t even been fooling around back then, but he couldn’t help himself, he didn’t want Jean’s eyes on her. She was also Mikasa Ackerman, and the whole world thought she was just as beautiful and amazing and perfect as he did.
But she was his. His best friend, love of his life, his everything
If only he’d treated her like it.
Probably made you want to hit the streets on everything
She doesn't take him to the awards show the night he comes begging, but she lets him inside her apartment. Lets him help her with her hair, something he's sorely missed. Something he's familiar with, been braiding her hair since they were kids.
He helps her put it up into a beautiful twist.
And when Jean knocks at her door to take her to the awards show he lets her go, kisses her cheek and tells her how much he loves her, how she's going to win it all and he'll be waiting her when she gets back.
And then she leaves, walks away with another man and Eren thinks he deserves it, it's his penance, how many times has she felt this same way, how many women has he been through?
Probably made you want to pour bleach on everything
He discovers not a single remnant of himself in her apartment, no pictures, no clothes she's borrowed. Even his old sweatshirt, her favourite one is gone. Hell, even their award for best-onscreen-kiss is gone.
He finds it all in a crumpled box under her bed and it's his own fault for snooping, their photo crumpled up and misshapen, riddled with water damage. Probably from her tears if he had to guess.
Probably made you want to kill me on everything
She comes home that night and Eren is surprised, he'd expected her to go to Jean's. Hadn't really believed she was going to come back. Had resigned himself to sleeping on the couch and waiting till tomorrow when she'd come home dishevelled and covered in hickeys and bruises, the kind good sex gives you. The kind he'd never really allowed himself to give her.
That's when she'd really broken and he'd been so fucking happy when she'd thrown her purse at him. No more of her her silent rage, her forced smiles. She'd kicked and screamed, cried in his arms only to hit him brutally with a pillow, chasing him to the end of the couch. Hands restraining his wrists, as she curses him out, tears running down her beautiful cheeks sparkling in the moonlight, she's a vengeful goddess and he deserves every second of her wrath.
She collapses on top of him in a heap of sobs and all he can do is hold her, hating himself just as much as he's sure she does.
Yeah, trust, I know that
He wakes the next morning with her weight in his arms, and he holds her like he never wants to let go.
He's lucky she's even here with him right now, that she didn't kick him out on the spot. That she even cares enough to still fight with him. He kisses her forehead softly, he knows.
Yeah I kinda hate this but whatever have angst 🤷🏻‍♀️
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realcube · 4 years
karasuno boys spending christmas with you 🎄
;tw// christmas (?), santa ig, extreme fluff, shoplifting, underage drinking, violence, ennoshita, kinoshita and narita exclusion 😞
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(a/n): ik the gif isn’t hq but look how cute it is (○` 3′○). also i’m aware that i wrote a rather western-washed version of Christmas (despite the characters in question not being western) but as someone of an asian ethnicity, imo western traditions surrounding Christmas are a lot more..festive (?) which i hope that isn’t offensive considering that Christmas was popularised by the west. so, in short, sorry the traditions aren’t those that are celebrated in japan (or asia) but i just found it i had a lot more inspiration to write it this way. :) perhaps i’ll make a part 2 with aoba johsai or nekoma celebrating Christmas with japanese traditions
Shōyō Hinata
you spend christmas at his house bc he wants to be with his sister on the day
and any sibling that you live with, he insists that they stay over too 
but if you don’t have any younger siblings then y’all just spend the whole day spoiling natsu
hinata absolutely adores how well you get on with his sister, it just makes him so happy seeing his two favourite people having fun together 
although, it did make him a bitter when he asked natsu if she likes the doll he bought her and she said,
“Yeah, thank you. But look at the Furby (L/N) got me! It’s pink and so fluffy, feel it! And it talks, it’s eyes move and-” Then she continues to rave on about how amazing your gift was.
honestly, y’all spend the whole day pampering natsu; making sure she has the best christmas possible
y’all made gingerbread cookies with her, helped her built a snowman (or rather, a snowwoman because she insisted that it was a lady), snowangels, opening presents, christmas crackers, watching movies - the whole shabang.
probably the only time in the day were she was sad was at 10PM when hinata insisted that she goes to bed
natsu looked at you to back her up in her argument that she should be allowed to stay up late on christmas but you kinda just stood there like 🧍‍♀️/🧍‍♂️
not wanting to get involved in their family drama (unproblematic liege 😍😩)
eventually though, natsu did go to bed and as soon as she was sound asleep, you and hinata spent the night cuddling while watching more christmas movies as you were both too tired to do anything else
you ended up falling asleep in his arms and it was a christmas miracle that his arm didn’t get pins and needles like it usually did while cuddling for a long period of time
Tobio Kageyama 
i’m a firm believer that he doesn’t celebrate christmas
not that he doesn’t like the concept, it’s just doesn’t understand the hype
plus - other than going to nationals - there isn’t much he wants and from what he knows, santa can’t make that happen
but as soon as you come over to his house on christmas day with a tub filled with cookies shaped and decorated like volleyballs, suddenly christmas is his favourite holiday
he invites you inside to eat the cookies with him and you notice that he’s watching a volleyball match on the TV
you giggle at how passionate he is about about the sport and offer to cast a Christmas movie from your phone onto the TV
he says yes since this is probably the 10th time he’s rewatched the same match 
you scroll through the list of christmas movies available on Netflix, “Wanna watch Arthur Christmas?”
“How about the Grinch?”
“Eh, no.”
“Ooh! What about the Nativity? I love that movie-”
“No thanks.”
So you ended up watching Frozen and Frozen 2 (on a different streaming site) because Kageyama didn’t like any of the Christmas movies available on Netflix
You figured that Frozen kinda counted as a Christmas movie because..there was snow :) 
anyway, you already knew Kageyama tolerated Disney Movies so Frozen was your best bet
and as it turns out, he was oddly engaged by the movie which gave you an opening to slip into his arms, stifling an evil snicker the whole time
as we all know, when Kageyama is into something he is into it.
so whenever the climax of the movie comes up (or any part with high suspense) you feel him squeeze you slightly and tense up 
so yeah your christmas with him is not overly Praise The Lord but it very fun and cute since it mostly consists of Disney movies
(also Barbie: A Christmas Carol because it gave you both overwhelming nostalgia since he has a big sister who i now headcanon to be a barbie movie addict ✋)
Kei Tsukishima 
the biggest grinch™
mostly bc every year he drops hints to both his mum and brother that he wants new headphones but every year he still gets a snowglobe from his mum and something dinosaur related from his brother
even though his brother is aware that he is ‘too old for that shit’ now 
but Akiteru just loves seeing his brother’s pissed off face whenever he opens his gift (which is a similar size to a headphones box) to find something like a Jurassic Park Lego set
anyway, backstory over - in short, Tsukishima very much dislikes Christmas
So when you appear at his door with a gift, he slams the door closed
“Tsukishima!” You roar as that was quite rude - even for Tsukishima - since it was snowing and you were clearly freezing, “Let me in! I’m freezing my tits off out here!”
Eventually, he did let you in and gave you a hot chocolate as an apology but as soon as you tried to hand him the give, he refused to take it
“Why not?” You whined, clearly upset that he wouldn’t take the gift you went through so much effort to get your hands on.
“Because I didn’t get you anything.”
You rolled your eyes, “You got me this hot chocolate - now, take it. It’s seriously not much.”
Upon eyeing the wrapped box in your hand, he realised it was about 9x9″ - the same size as the tub you usually deliver food in, meaning that the gift was probably some sweet treats
“Alright.” He sighed, accepting he gift as he figured that he could easily pay you back by making Christmas cookies with you or something
He hummed, delicately unwrapping the gift and his heart skipped a beat as he noticed the present inside was in a black box rather than a clear tub which you normally gave homemade treats in
nevertheless, he persevered in unwrapping the box 
when he finally finished, his heart dropped yet he couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with joy
“Wireless headphones.” He muttered to himself, doing everything in his power to resist the smile tugging on the corner of his lips but it was challenging, to say the least
“Yeah!” You chirped, “Don’t worry about the price though, I got them on a Black Friday sale.” You lied, aware that it was usually considered rude to talk about the price of a gift you’ve given but knowing if you didn’t say anything, Tsukishima would assume you paid full price (which you did smh) and immediately empty his bank account in order to pay you back
You could almost envision the situation already; “Would you like it in cash or cheque?”
“Neither, Kei!” 
“You seriously got me branded headphones?” Non-imaginary Tsukishima asked, unable to pry his eyes off the long-awaited gift in his hands
“Y-Yeah.” You stuttered at his unusually sinister voice. “I wanted to buy you noise-cancelling headphones and Google said these were the best ones available that weren’t selling for millions of y--”
“I love you.”
You did a double-take, “Huh?”
“I love you.”
You did a..triple-take.. “I-I don’t think I heard you correctly.”
“I’m not saying it again, dumbass.”
now, tsukishima wasn’t a very affectionate person but considering you paid full price for headphones (yes, he knows. you’re not a very good liar 😐) for him, the least you deserved was forehead kisses 
plus, he was determined to make you as happy as you made him that day
so can get all the kisses you want, all the hugs, all the cuddles, all the smiles, all the cookies-  everything!
but that’s not to say that he’s not going to get you anything in return as subtly through the day he was gathering info on what to get you 
by the end of it, he had a whole list but unfortunately - after looking at his bank account - he realised that the only thing he could afford was an easy-bake oven (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Tadashi Yamaguchi
y’all spent Christmas at your house because Yamaguchi was absolutely entranced by your massive Christmas tree
he also slept over because you both wanted experience the Christmas morning buzz together 
also because your parents were working on Christmas day and Yamaguchi didn’t want you to be alone 🥺
(he didn’t tell you that though as he didn’t want you to think that he felt bad for you or anything)
after you both completed you morning routines, you raced downstairs (quite literally raced; you won.) to open the presents
the milk and cookies you both hand left out for ‘Santa’ was gone because your parents chugged the milk and scarfed the cookies before they left for work
“Open the presents I got you first!” You urged Yamaguchi, pointing to the two presents wrapped in Sanrio wrapping paper
 Yamaguchi did so; sitting on the floor cross-legged to open the larger, box-shaped gift first
“Candy!” He chirped with a smile, gently shifting through the selection of sweets you got him, his grin stretching as he did so and once he was finished, it was beaming ear-to-ear. “You know me so well, thank you so much, (L/N).” 
You giggled, a light blush crossing your features at the praise - then motioning to the second, smaller, thinner gift.
Yamaguchi accidently tore the wrapping paper off to reveal basic, charcoal face masks.
You quickly interjected to explain, “You said that you were embarrassed about how the animal-themed face masks your mum bought you were too childish and that they just made your skin more oily so bought you those; less embarrassing and supposedly good for oily skin.”
Yamaguchi’s heart fluttered upon hearing how much attention you paid during his random rants, “Thank you, babe!” He enthused, hugging the mask to his chest.
After that, you opened the gift he bought you and were over the moon when you realised that it was a box full of adorable stationary 
“I noticed how you kept complaining about your pens running out of ink during class and..yeah..I hope you like it..”
You obviously loved it and expressed that by giving him a big bear hug and many kisses (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ (*≧︶≦))
By then, it was around Midday so you had time to play in the snow for a bit before Yamaguchi had to go home to spend the rest of Christmas with his family
but of course he came back on Boxing Day to binge watch movies and cuddle with you 🥰
Daichi Sawamura
okay; I am going to say this and you aren’t going to argue with me bc I know that I’m right:
if you have any younger siblings or cousins staying in your house for Christmas (and I mean younger like 5 or less) and the kid isn’t a little shit
daichi (with your assistance) will dress up as Santa and you will dress up as an elf to surprise the child with a visit 
daichi would be like ‘ho ho ho!’ and you’d be like ‘shut up, santa, you fatass.’ 
and the kid would be like ✪ ω ✪
y’all would take pictures and shit before santa dips 🚶‍♂️🛷
after that, you both would head back to his place to celebrate a kid-free christmas 
you don’t open gifts because you both mutually agreed not to get anything for each other this year since you had ‘grown out of presents’ (tsk).
but you did get a RingFit Adventure from one for your relatives for Christmas so you and Daichi spend an hour or two playing that 
it’s surprisingly taxing though so you’re both puffed afterwards
so you decided to make spaghetti for yourself and Daichi and a Christmas miracle occurred..he got off of his ass to help you cook 🤩
usually he’d hide his fear off fucking up under toxic masculinity but today he actually let you teach him how to make food and he was a natural chef tbh
however, his habit of grabbing your ass or holding your lower back wasn’t especially helpful while he had tomato sauce all over his hands
you changed into a different pair of bottoms as the spaghetti cooled down
then, a second Christmas miracle occurred
Daichi gave you both permission to eat in the living room, on the couch, so y’all could watch a movie or something as you ate
every other day of the year, daichi would have to be killed before he let anybody eat in the living room - forget on his new couch 
but today was a special so he let it slide
originally, the plan was to watch a Christmas movie but then you noticed that a new episode of y’alls favourite show was out - House Hunters - so you just watched that instead 
hey, it made you both happy so why not?
especially with daichi’s running commentary which you outwardly expressed annoyance to but internally loved
“Andromeda will never be Suzanne, rest easy.”
“That house is so ugly, next.”
“Why’s their budget so low? May as well just buy a caravan.”
“They are so fucking picky.”
“Her face annoys me.”
anyway, merry christmas to the daichi stans and that is from me, not daichi - he actually forgot it was Christmas at noon
Kōshi Sugawara
y’all bake christmas cookies together, exchanges small gifts, bake carrot cake, watch The Polar Express, bake pudding, kiss under the mistletoe, bake-- yeah, there was a lot of baking
get ready to work out twice as much and start dieting if you don’t want to develop an illness due to the amount of sugar you consumed
to be honest, Suga was kinda lost for things to do on the actual day of Christmas bc y’all were so hyped preparing for it so he had no idea how to top that
I mean, you both went on romantic, late night car drives to buy a tree
cute couple trips to the store to purchase decorations 
planning out and putting the decorations around the house (and with both of your keen eyes for design, the house ends up looking gorgeous ofc)
you ornamented the tree in his living room but it was so tall that he couldn’t reach the very tip to put the final decoration on top
so you hopped onto his shoulders and stuck the star on top with a smile
but he wasn’t done with you yet, he rushed around the house with you on his shoulders while you clung onto his hair as if your life depended on it 
he did most of the festivities with you before Christmas but he saved one special one for the day
“(Y/N), let’s bake something.” 
You sighed, shooting him a weary smile, “Suga, we’ve been baking all day.”
“Just one last thing! It’s not even baking actually, more like assembling.”
You quirked an eyebrow at his statement, “Hm? What is it?”
“Let’s make our dream houses with gingerbread!”
Of course you agreed. Not just because he is the cutest thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on but also since it sounded rather fun
“What are those?” You pointed to the weird rectangular designs on the roof of his house
“Solar panels.” He hummed, elegantly icing the sides of his house, “I want my future house run on that energy.”
“Anyway, what’ve you got on your house?” Finishing off the final swirl on his door, he turned to look at your gingerbread home and deadpanned 
A sheepish grin formed on your lips as you noticed his blank expression towards your ‘dream home’ which has walls garnished with golden, edible glitter and sugar paper sanrio characters on the roof along with many other extremely unconventional things 
“Hey,” you shrugged, “Let me have my dreams.”
“Of course,” Suga agreed, his usual sweet smile returning, “Although, in an ideal world, I thought we’d end up living together and starting a family. However, I don’t think we can do that if you planning on putting a horse head on our front door.”
Asahi Azumane 
you both spent christmas day in your respective households, promising each other that you’d spend boxing day together 
until around 7PM when you had to come over to his house bc he called you, extremely puzzled at the fact that random mutuals from school (and the whole volleyball team) were on his instagram page, facebook, snapchat and any/every other social media platform wishing him a happy birthday
“I don’t get it.” He spoke through the phone, confusion and anxiety apparent in his voice, “My birthday isn’t for another six days. Why do they think it is today? Is this a joke?” 
“Uh, can I come over? I’d love to see you.” 
“Um, sure.” He replied, even more confused that you didn’t answer his question and instead asking one yourself
you spent the rest of the day with him, trying your very best to distract him from social media by doing various activities 
you both baked, watched movies, played board games (he’s a beast at battleships) then you moved on to other games like charades - basically every bs excuse you could come up with to get him to stay away from his phone
but that’s not to say you didn’t enjoy every second of it bc you did
he is so cute like whenever you are doing an action which he can’t interpret, his automatic guess is ‘are my beautiful gf (Y/N) (L/N) who i love very much? (= ❛ ᴗ ❛=)’
and then you are just like, ‘yes, i am, baby. but i am also optimum prime. your turn.’
anyway, by the end of the day there was no way you were able to prevent him from finding out about the joke now
so you just decided to tell him - figuring that it’d be better for him to hear it from you rather than someone else
“See.. y’know how jesus was allegedly born on christmas day? well, the joke is that..you kinda look like what people assume jesus would’ve looked like..”
Asahi had to do a double-take at what you just said, “Th-they..think I look like jesus?”
Ryūnosuke Tanaka
you’re both broke af so you spend Christmas day pretending you are a rich couple
you slept over at his house too so you could start early in the morning and by that I mean 10:30AM
firstly, you and tanaka flick through an Argos catalogue (which you found on the ground, so there were a few mud stains on it 😶) to select the gift(s) you were going to buy for your ‘children’
but really it was just you and him going through it and circling all the toys y’all wanted as kids but couldn’t afford/didn’t get
“I super badly wanted one of those kiddie monster trucks that you could control with a remote as a child so my son is going to need one of those.” Tanaka said, circling the monster truck with a marker
“Yes, of course. And I asked for Monster High dolls every year as a kid but my parents said they were everything god hates so let’s buy that because we stan satan in this house, apparently .”
“Of course, of course.” He said in his best ‘rich person’ voice which was actually just an english accent
After resenting your parents for around an hour, you both moved onto the next activity of your rich person Christmas which included reading your horoscope in an english accent
that only lasted a few minutes though because both of you couldn’t be bothered to read
you also planned to look at the stock market (just like all rich people do on christmas day, obvs) but it was so boring
you took a glance then just went ‘okay, bye.’
next, you had caviar - just like rich people eat for every meal of the day, i think.
except it was actually black pop rocks  
“ah, yes. scrumptious.” “the flavour is immaculate.” 
then, as dawn drew close, you and tanaka preformed your final rich person activity 
no, it wasn’t being rude to minimum wage workers
no, it wasn’t being ungrateful
no, it wasn’t exploiting the working class under capitalism
no, it wasn’t being generally stuck-up and cocky
instead, it was going to the grocery shop and buying everything rather than shoplifting :)
“what should we get, babe?” you asked tanaka, in awe at how many different brands of toilet paper were on the shelves. “Have you ever noticed how spoiled we are for choice when it comes to toilet paper?”
“uh, no.” he replied in reference to the toilet paper question, “Hm, how about some gingerbread men or something?”
his suggestion was just met by a blank stare and silence
“Hell yeah!” 
luckily, because tanaka looked a lot older than 17 and also since the cashier was too tired to check his ID, you both managed to buy the drinks without getting caught
“Merry Christmas, Ryū.” You hummed, fidgeting with his hand which was interlocked with yours as you walked through a rather prestigious neighbourhood and admired all the extravagant christmas lights
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N). Love you.”
Yū Nishinoya 
you and noya spent the whole day in his backyard and since it was a white christmas, you were able to spend the 90% playing in the snow
at first, you both went outside with the intention of making snowangels and taking cute couple photos in the snow 
but the weather was just so inviting that you had to stay for a little longer even when you did finish taking pictures; so you made the ‘ultimate’ snowman  
by that, it was just the biggest snowman y’all could make without it falling apart with stones for eyes, spiking out twigs for hair and an empty Monster Energy can for a nose 
once you had completed the snowman and basked in it’s glory for a moment, you went to head inside - but then you felt something hit your back
you turned around to see noya snickering, a mischievous grin on his face which you couldn’t stand
so what started out as him playfully throwing a snowball at your back, eventually turned into a full-on snowball battle to the death
there were snow forts, piles of snow ammunition, mini snow-warriors guarding the edges of your fort, a snow-princess which you were trying to steal from each other’s fort to win (basically like capture the flag but colder..) and a few brunch bars in the middle of the battle field for snack breaks 
it was all going smoothly until Noya ran up to your base, obviously with the intention to steal your princess 
“stay away from her, you fiend!” You yelled, jumping into an offensive stance - your neighbours must hate you bc of all the noise you and Noya made.
Noya screaming his battle cry as he rushed towards your fort, batista bombing you to the ground before you had a chance to attack him with a snowball
now that you were out of the equation, he scurried over to your princess which was perches on a little snow podium you made for her
he grabbed it, lifting it above his head like a trophy and letting out a loud victory cry “I win!”
he then turned to you and laughed upon noticing that you had your face buried into the snow in shame, “You have been defeated, (L/N)! And the great Rolling Thunder prospers!” 
“That’s a stupid nickname.” You groaned, outstretching your arms to allow him to pick you up, “Now take me inside, I’m tired.”
“Alright, babe.” He spoke softly, seemingly coming down from his adrenaline high. 
He strolled towards you, scooping you up into his arms - off the snow - and carrying you inside
unbeknownst to him, you had fallen asleep as he held you and once he put you down on the couch and noticed- i- my man almost died of happiness
“Oh my god, (Y/N)! You’re so fucking cute! (❤´艸`❤)” he hollered, peppering your face in kisses
“Shhh..” you hushed Noya, sticking your bottom lip out to form a pout 
Noya nodded understandingly before hopping onto the couch beside you and snuggling up 
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smol-lydia · 4 years
Subculture Appropriation: A conversation with my therapist fiancee about the Beetlejuice musical
Okay so, some context before go into this. I don’t normally like going into identity stuff but antis will come for you if you don’t so here we go:
My fiancee is a trans clinical psychologist, likely neurodivergent. However before going into clinical, they got their undergrad in social psychology and because I was a historian before I became too ill to work, I love to talk to them about culture, society, social movements, etc (my brand of historian was a sub-type called social historian, ie I studied the societies, and social movements and every day lives of ordinary people in the past rather than say, military bullshit. I fucking hate military history lol). As additional context for what I am about to talk about here, I was raised by two gay dads, one of whom was an OG 80s punk who lived in Philadelphia during the AIDS crisis. 
Also, full disclosure: I love the Beetlejuice musical. I don’t love what it’s done to the fandom but I love the musical; not all Beetlebabes hate the musical. 
Okay so:
The thing that gets my goat about the shitty hot takes a lot of gen z has around Beetlejuice comes from what my partner has termed “subculture appropriation.” Let me explain. 
Goth and punk are subcultures. They were, in the 80s, revolutionary. They were radical, and they were not accepted in the mainstream. My dad, with his mohawk and tattoos designed himself (he was a horror comic artist) and multiple hand pierced ears and chains around his neck, was not well received in my small town in NJ. When we lived there, in the early 2000s, we were the only gay family in the neighborhood. Gay marriage wasn’t legal, and I was shunned in school for being the girl with two dads. Gay rep in media was pretty much limited to Queer Eye and the L Word. It was a different time. 
Gothic subculture, even in the early 2000s, was not mainstream. My small group of friends in high school (we were all goth and emo) were shunned. A lot of us were some flavor of queer. Some of us were POC. Some, like me, autistic. A lot of us had eating disorders. We were bullied incessently, to a point where many of us had severe mental health problems and had spent time in and out of psych wards. This was also not seen as mainstream and labeled us even more as “freaks.”
Beetlejuice was the movie and cartoon for us, by us. It was a cult classic. It was not something most kids were watching, but I grew up strange and unusual. Beetlejuice spoke to an entire generartion of goth subculture. 
Nowadays, things are different. Hot Topic doesn’t play Pierce the Veil at ear numbing volumes when you go into the store. You’re likely not gonna find those hideous punk pants we were all enamored of back in the day. Instead, you’ll find Disney. Fandom. Anime. Bob’s Burgers. In the last decade, goth has been watered down to appeal to the masses (much like other nerdy subcultures) because capitialism ruins everything. So, enter the Beetlejuice musical. 
I love the musical because it spoke to me, the little girl I once was, who watched the cartoon with my dad on CN. But I noticed, once the show blew up on Tiktok, things changed. And the reason was a mainstream teen audience picked up on something very specific to a subculture. And then they made it there’s-- hence the term subculture appropriation. 
Beetlejuice has its roots in gothic literature, dating back to the 19th century (my friend magicalmolly on tiktok has an excellent “understanding gothic literature” series that covers this). One of the main tropes of gothic lit is Death and the Maiden-- aka Beej and Lyds. It is not a mainstream romance, and it’s not supposed to be. If supernatural romance makes you uncomfy, then maybe this genre isn’t for you. 
The problem is when something with tropes specific to a subculture enter the mainstream, they are going to be villainzed and misinterpreted because mainstream Beckys who think they’re goth because they paint their nails black have absolutely no sense of history, context, and nuance that the themes of the show give. As a result, suddenly the shitty hot takes pop up. And yes, age gaps are icky irl. But in this genre, they are bread and butter (Lindsay Ellis has a good video on this called My Monster Boyfriend). As a result, suddenly a bunch of kids come into a niche that isn’t theirs, demand we re-arrange the furniture for their comfort, and in general start trying to push the subculture out of its own space. 
This isn’t, by the way, gatekeeping. This is appropriation. When you go into a niche subculture created by the marginalized and try to make it your apple pie bullshit, you are appropriating a space that doesn’t belong to you. As a result, you have two choices: you can either educated yourself on the culture, its history, context, nuance, and decide its for you and dive in. Or you can leave. But it’s frankly gross af for you to barge in, try to rewrite history that in the case of the subculture, goes back decades, and in the case of gothic literature, centuries. That is the playbook of colonization (and I know you little fake woke shits are gonna derail the entire argument because of this but I haven’t seen any of y’all write a fucking 60 page thesis on nationalism, colonialism and antisemitism in France so get fucked). 
I’m bad at conclusions so if you made it this far, any OG babes feel free to add on with your thoughts bc we old ass goths gotta stick together. Thanks for coming to my historical context essay. 
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willowistic22 · 4 years
Ok so here are my famous!newsies headcanons from an a modern au i thought of if newsies were celebrities/famous yknow bcs I couldn’t get this idea out of my head and idk what to do with it other than making a headcanon list nabsnzbsvsnsbz anyways hope yall validate me after not posting any original content for like…. awhile now hehe
btw it got longer than expected. And I mean r e a l l y long. So if yall wanna read this better sit down and buckle up! 
He’s an artist on youtube
Like a modern day bob ross ig??
If yall know zhc on youtube just imagine that but not so rich (I don’t watch zhc btw but i do know that he does custom art on iphones and stuff and that is definitely not jack kelly)
Anyways Jack simply goes by Jack Kelly.
So jack does art challenges. Like does the weirdest requests from his fans left in his comment section and stuff
Or maybe challenging himself to make art from a specific theme or a specific media
Sometimes he vlogs too but his art videos are what his fans like the most
His merch is amazing because he designed the pattern/drawing/whatever yknow. It’s printed/sewed/whatever on the clothing and it’s good quality. It’s pretty lowkey for a youtuber’s merch bcs jack doesn’t like those merch that just smacks his logo on a hoodie
He’s a fantasy, YA, romance writer (he mixes it wisely ok?)
And goes by David Jacobs
Listen he’s a hopeless romantic and i’m pretty sure yall agree too
He wanted to stick to YA romance. The classic high school lovers yknow
But he wanted to challenge himself since he’s been writing about high school lovers since he was in high school
Thus the fantasy genre came in mind
So yeah he likes creating love in his own universe
Whether it’d be different worlds, universe, species, time periods, whatever.
He wanted to direct the movies based on his books, but he’s actually lowkey terrible at leading on his own. But he did stick to being the script writer and co-director (look idk how it works in the film industry i’m just making shit up)
He’s a solo jazz singer
Crutchie gives off Michael Buble and Jason Mraz vibes tho
And maybe a bit of frank sinatra? Yknow ‘cause he sings jazz
Also he riffs thank you very much :)
He goes by Crutchie Morris to everyone
He usually plays the acoustic guitar or piano on stage
Ok but he’s like really good with the piano
Makes the best jokes on stage too. Some are just sarcastic comments.
Crutchie asking through the microphone : “Oh, straight?”
A fan he’s talking to from the crowd : “Uhh… no, gay”
Crutchie : “no not you, the vodka”
Everyone at the concert : *laughs*
Crutchie, jokingly : “Oh, you’re drinking vodka! Straight? No gay”
(yes that was indeed inspired by that one video of Harry Styles and a fan in one of his concerts yall can’t stop me)
She’s a crime mystery writer
Think like the modern day Agatha Christie
Okok but she goes by Kathrine Plumber on her books :D
She chooses that genre bcs she’s a huge fan of Agatha Christie
Her favorite book from Agatha is Murder on the Orient Express
Oh and her books are sometime very gruesome alkjsfhakjsfb
Nobody check her browsing history, she’ll look like a murderer
Ok but I feel like she also has a youtube channel about books and stuff and sometimes like to vlog
She also has a writing tips series on her channel where she shares tips on some of the frequently asked questions about writing or her fans leave a specific question in the comment section and thought she could expand more to it in a full length video
Also she likes to vlog while she’s in a book convention
Her books are also turned into movies and she has done a great job directing it
Yall would be lying to me if you don’t think this kid would end up being a twitch streamer and youtuber (like vlogging yknow. I feel like his gaming stuff would strictly be on twitch)
And ik it’s widely agreed by everyone in the fandom that he’s a dancer of some sort so yeah he’s also simultaneously a dancer
I don’t think I need to explain any further bcs it’s just so in character
He goes by Racetrack Higgins
Ok so he likes to vlog on his youtube channel
Sometimes does stupid challenges
Maybe he’d drag Albert to do a challenge which he always says no
“I’ll just be your cameraman dude, dw”
Race : *angery*
Since Al and Smalls are the skateboard peeps™ race is the rollerblade dude™ bcs I say so
He has three cats named Racecat Higgins, Spot Clawlon, and Romeow (i’ve mentioned it before and I will mention it again hehe) and his fans loves them endlessly
You don’t think this kid would also end up being a twitch streamer and youtuber like his bestie up there?? Lmao you thought wrong (again, gaming is strictly on his twitch)
He just goes by Albert DaSilva on the internet
And yes he’s also a dancer because I say so
On his Youtube channel he also vlogs
Half of his vlogs starts with him riding his skateboard
“Hey, guys! Welcome back to another vlog-” *falls off his skateboard for not paying attention to a curb*
It happens way more often than he’d like to admit let’s be real. His fans make a compilation of it and memes on reddit
Always wear a snapback
Snapbacks are an important element to him so his merch store is really boosting his snapbacks
And just for the wormsie discord server he has one with the word ranga on it after it being born from a stupid inside joke he, race, and both of their fanbases combined share (@ my wormsie fam thank me later)
Oh yeah, his youtube besties are Race and Smalls just so we’re clear here :) (I’ll get to Smalls in a bit)
So I always headcanon Albert having two big dobermans. So his fans always want to see a doggy update because Zara and Zoey are everything to them.
Doggo vlogs are fun. It’s usually Albert taking the two good girls to Central Park for playtime or teaching them new tricks
He’s a solo rock singer
Is an amazing singer like wow none of the newsies expected him to have that sort of pipes to reach high notes
And he does it amazingly with no sweat
Also his instrument is the electric guitar to go with his amazing singing ajsfhasjfhajhf
Anyways he goes by Spot Conlon still
And his songs are very lyrical. Like very.
A lot of metaphors. No one knows what most of his songs means.
So basically Taylor Swift songs if it switched genres to rock. And not even like songs from speak now or red. But like if evermore and folklore songs were to turn into rock songs with a little bit of reputation vibes sprinkled on top. And his concerts has the reputation era vibes but make it spot conlon (hey non swiftie fans reading this i’m so sorry i’m pretty sure yall don’t understand wtf i’m talking abt)
That is also the only way i know to describe his vibe i’m sorry but i don’t really listen to a lot of rock alkjhfasjk
Anyways it’s a known fact that he wears tank tops daily that it becomes his signature look. And also an inside joke among his fanbase
Now just picture the merch booth from one of his shows and there’s like endless tank top designs for his fans to pick and choose
He’s also crowned to be the King of Brooklyn bcs of obvious reasons
But the joke is he’s a pretty tough hardcore guy that’s a cat person
She’s a badass female solo singer
Mostly does pop but the badass type of pop
Yes, she does go by Sarah Jacobs
Fans were really surprised Davey and Sarah are related
Because one is a hopeless romantic while the other is a total badass
Anyways she gives off Little mix, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, and Selena Gomez vibes
That is literally the only way I can describe it
She’s very lyrical, with a lot of metaphors
When she dances on stage, she d a n c e s
All while holding a mic to sing. And she hits all those high notes like it’s no ones business (a literal queen i tell you)
She and Spot are besties and has been known to have done a few collabs together
Their fans were hesitant about their collabs since their genre is pretty different from the other but they make it work and it slAPS
And among all her boppy songs with full choreography and backup singers, she always have a few songs she sings while only being accompanied by piano or guitar (Either electric or acoustic) which she plays on her own
He’s an indie pop artist with his trusted acoustic guitar by his side
Just think of music by Wallows and Lewis Capaldi were to be blended in together and Conan Gray for the cherry on top
But it has a little bit of Ed sheeran, Lorde, and Lauv vibes to it too
His concerts are simple but his songs are mostly very boppy so his fans still have fun either way
And it’s usually in small venues but there are times where he had a concert in a huge stadium
He goes by FINCH (yeah all caps btw)
Finches are a very on brand thing for him obviously
Has been known to collab with Crutchie and they actually make a very good team
Somehow was able to combined both genres to produce a few boppy songs
Ok ok but Finch and Crutchie have made a collaborative album (and maybe they went on tour????)
He’s a history fiction writer
Yes this is inspired by the fact that he’s 100% a history nerd (no one change my mind i love this headcanon aight)
And he explores a lot of different histories from different parts of the world
He actually helps a lot of students understand history even further for school through his novels
Anyways he goes by Specs because I say so
No one knows why that’s his pseudonym and Specs isn’t interested in explaining either. No one other than the newsies need to know it was born from a stupid nickname the newsies gave him :)
His research mostly comes from history books because of his genre which wouldn’t be a problem since he has loads and will voluntarily buy more if needed
Also yeah he makes a great director for the movies taken from his books
He’s a chef on youtube
Goes by Mush Meyers
So think if Gordon Ramsey and his youtube channel but make it mush
Yeah that’s it really
Ok but Mush is a jolly and friendly person
Other than just food vlogging he does cooking challenges and cooking tips too
Sometimes he does the cooking challenges with a friend (mostly henry but i’ll get to him later on in the list)
But he also vlogs his life
Which isn’t really often but he likes to sometimes
He’s that big of a foodie he has a food blog too
And also a seafood restaurant so that’s cool :D
Like Mush, he’s a chef on youtube
Goes by Henry on the internet and in general
Ajkfhajfjska I’m thinking about how ppl would address him as Chef Henry kajhfkjlashfjklasfjklsf
He mostly does the same thing like Mush actually
Food vlogging and cooking challenges (they do it together so) sometimes cooking tips
But Henry vlogs his life a lot
And instead of a food instagram he has a food blog
He has a sandwich restaurant
Yeah it is inspired by his pastrami on rye with a sour pickle line from KONY get mad about it why don’t ya (well if i’m not mistaken henry was the one that said it but idk i have horrible memory) 
He’s a youtuber
Ok so I have a specific headcanon that Blink majored in psychology but didn’t end up being a psychologist
So instead he becomes a psychologist on youtube
Who often vlogs jhgasjlfhs
The guy looks like he could cut you but his sense of humor once you get him talking is just *chef’s kiss* amazing
Which is why he also has a podcast because he’s also secretly great at talking
He just thinks mental health is very important, okay?
He’s an actor
Mostly on Broadway but has worked with Hollywood before
He’s usually a supporting character but has been known to understudy for main characters
Ok ik these bullet points are getting shorter and shorter but these are mostly bcs some of these stuff are pretty self explanatory since it’s very in character
Like are you telling me a kid named Romeo isn’t gonna be in some way very dramatic and end up turning that personality trait into his career?? Plus he’s very good at that?
Yeah you’re lying to me
Also he��s a pretty frequent vlogger on youtube
Look he’s a fun guy, what did you expect?
Just goes by Romeo on youtube
He’s an actor
Has done his fair share in Broadway and Hollywood but started in Broadway
He can dance but thinks he’s pretty average in it yknow
Which his fans has no idea what he’s talking about because on stage he can do flips and turns like it’s no ones business yknow
But he can sing really good and takes pride in it
Elmer would play characters that is really far off from his own personality that fans couldn’t believe that Elmer played that character
He has done his fair share in main characters and supporting characters on Broadway
In Hollywood he usually does indie and rom-com movies
He’s a fashion youtuber and basically an influencer 
Let’s be real this boy is a fashion icon
He’s not really a model but more like a fashion influencer and also kind of a fashion designer
His clothing line is very *chefs kiss* amazing
He designed it all and sometimes likes to design for his friends as well
He also does fashion tips on his youtube channel
His instagram game is god tier level (along with Tommy Boy and Sniper I’ll get to them in a bit) 
But yeah he also vlogs
And goes by Buttons Davenport
He’s an actor
Mostly on Broadway but has done a few movies in Hollywood
He radiates main character energy and he does become the main character most of the time (on hollywood at least)
On Broadway he mostly enjoys being apart of the ensemble because this boy loves dancing
But he does play a few supporting characters
He has released one or two albums too because his singing is top tier
But isn’t interested in doing a lot of live concerts with his albums
Since no one has the time to say Josephino Jorgelino De La Guerra he turned it into Jojo De La Guerra (so much for ‘a special nickname only for friends and family’)
Mike and Ike
They’re a pop boy band and bcs of my lack of creativity it’s called Mike and Ike
At the start of their career :
“My name goes first because I’m older than you!” - Mike
“You’re only older than me by 13 minutes, holy shit!” - Ike
But Ike slowly accepts the fact that it’ll be like this yknow
Anyways they’re pretty great singers
They have one direction and new hope club vibes
Tho unlike one direction they can dance (i love the boys alright but i really think it’s funny that they can’t dancelkhjjlh)
They like to switch from the guitar (electric and/or acoustic) to the piano
The amount of times their name is confused by the candy is too many 
But they like it like that lol
Anyways i’ve mentioned a headcanon where Mike has tattoos (not like from head to toe but it’s fairly noticeable to everyone) and Ike has piercings
So the only way their fans tell them apart is by that
But there are times where Mike has his tattoos covered or Ike took his piercings off in public alone. A fan mistakens them for the other twin but they still respond to the other name because they don’t feel like there’s a need to correct them since they’re mostly known by Mike and Ike anyways. When the fan posts it on instagram and tags the twin they thought it was the twin that was tagged would comment “wrong twin but nice pic you two”
Happens wayyyyy too many times. Their fans are officially scared to approach one of the two in public alone without their differentiating indicators on which is which
And yes it is widely known that they argue a lot when it comes to writing songs
Nothing out of the ordinary sibling squabble yknow but it’s a lot
But they do end up finding a solution to the topic of their argument and make a good team at the end of the day
He’s an actor
On Broadway, he’s one of those actor’s that is mostly good in just the acting and singing
He can’t dance to save his life sjdfghaf
So Jeremy Jordan yknow asj;oghajshf
No not really. He can dance a little bit
So he’s mostly the main character
But he’s widely known for his works in Hollywood
He does a lot of drama. Think stuff like Elite and Designated Survivor. Yeah those kinds of heavy drama (well idk i think those two are pretty heavy)
He wants to release his own music because he’s a pretty good singer but he can’t write songs to save his life either jgnjafjasf
And all the demo songs he was suggested by producers isn’t his cup of tea
So he’s no singer ladies and gents ://
The name Hotshot is used to name his social media platforms. He always adds a description in his bio’s that Hotshot is a nickname his friends and family use so his fans and the media refer to him with his name
I headcanon Hotshot’s real name is Tyler or some sort. No don’t ask me what’s his last name is because idk either lol
She’s a model, beauty and fashion youtuber (I’m pretty sure those are two different things tho idk i don’t watch youtube religiously anymore), and just an influencer in general
Instagram game on p o i n t
I know most beauty youtubers go by their names but uhh… i don’t think i’ve ever thought of a first name for Sniper but I really think she really would just go by Sniper Wah on the internet (Idk she seems like an Ashley in my head but feel free to recommend headcanon names to me)
Anyways she’s very fashionable
Tommy Boy (i’ll get to him just wait aight?) and Buttons are her fashion besties
The three of them pretty much appear in each other’s Youtube video not Tommy’s tho bcs he doesn’t have one lol
Sniper’s brand are huge sun hats
I have no idea how or why but that girl has sun hats vibes I can’t explain any further I’m sorry
Doesn’t have a clothing line but does have a make up brand of her own. She calls it Sniper. Yeah that’s it akjfhjf
She’s a twitch streamer and youtuber like race and albert
They’re a youtube trio everyone loves it
And yes she does go by Smalls
Oh and she also dances like her two stupid besties thanks for asking
Bubblegum is her brand (idk how to explain she just has the vibe)
She is skateboard chick
I’m imagining a video collab of her and Al on a skatepark doing stupid challenges
It’s her most viewed video
Tommy Boy
Ok ok he’s a model, influencer, and dancer
So think a male version of Gigi Hadid that dances
No he doesn’t have a youtube channel but frequently has made an appearance on Buttons’ and Sniper’s videos
Yes his instagram feed is also very amazing
He goes by Tommy Boy
People genuinely thinking ‘Boy’ is actually his last name and kinda think it’s strange but doesn’t complain
Tommy literally didn’t think people would think it was his last name. But they did anyways
Let’s just get straight to the point : he’s a famous tiktoker 
And yes, ppl are surprised at the fact that him, Davey, and Sarah are related to each other 
To the people that made it through this entire list. Congratulations and thank you for your validation. Have a wonderful evening and stay hydrated 
i will write at least one oneshot out of this au i promise!!
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I don't really have anything specific in mind, I'm actually kinda lost as to what to look for jkjsksjk I know I identify with some traits, like sensory issues and difficulty communicating (I do have a diagnosis of social phobia, though I've been thinking maybe autism would better explain other aspects of my life beyond social interaction). I've been reading some articles regarding late discovering of autism and mostly looking for experiences, so I can compare to my own. I feel like I should be looking for something else but I don't really know what? lmao I don't think that was really helpful, anything you can share would be good to me
This is a really long post so I'm going to put it under a read more to not clog up other people's feeds but I think the main areas to cover are:
- verbal communication issues
was your vocabulary/reading ever under/over developed as a child? Having a really advanced vocabulary is just as much a sign of autism as having delayed development in this area. Also, having a very hard to pin down accent, or taking on others' accents Really easily is common amongst autistic people. Do you ever have trouble speaking? I experience selective mutism and when I'm overwhelmed/stressed/upset I often find it hard to speak out loud and have to communicate through messages/notes, though when I'm not mute I'm very eloquent and have always had a vocabulary that was advanced, other kids found it hard to talk to me when I was younger bc they couldn't understand me, but equally comprehension/vocabulary can be delayed/compromised and you might find it hard to understand others because you struggle with that sort of thing yourself. Do you have issues with your tone of voice ever? I find that I can't read my own tone of voice or my volume, some things will come out really bitchy-sounding or angry-sounding and I won't be able to tell, or I might be shouting and not know it because it all sounds the same in my head really.
- sensory issues
do you have issues with certain types of sound? volume? quantity? volume doesn't bother me, but too many different sources of noise will send me into a meltdown so fast. Do you struggle with certain smells, bright lights, tastes, textures of food or of clothing, certain sensations, for example I get really stressed out by having wet skin/hair, and I can't stand the sound/feeling of something rubbing over carpet. I also find some tastes to be overwhelming. Under-sensitivity or processing issues can also be a symptom. Do you ever struggle to process reading/listening to something? I have absolutely awful retention for auditory information, I can't hold more than around 4-5 words in my mind at any one time, and I can't follow auditory instructions at all if there's more than one step, it needs to be written down. I also often struggle to read things because I don't process the words and they just look like meaningless letters on a page to me. I also really struggle to process my own thoughts and order them, I'm able to talk out loud but there are times where I can't write my thoughts without speaking them first because ordering my thoughts while they're still inside my head is very difficult. I also have an under-sensitive sense of smell and taste at times. I can't even smell when meat has gone bad and everyone else I know says it really stinks, and like I can't tell the difference between chicken gravy and onion gravy, for example, because they taste almost identical to me. And senses aren't just the basic five, either. Do you have a particularly high OR low pain threshold? interoception is the perception of bodily functions. Do you have trouble identifying/noticing when you're hungry/thirsty or when you need to go to the toilet e.g. you didn't need to go pee a minute ago but now you're Suddenly absolutely bursting to go because you didn't notice it earlier at all. Proprioception is your perception of your movements, balance and of where your limbs are in relation to your surroundings. Do you bump into things or fall over seemingly nothing a lot? Have you ever been told/noticed you move "strangely"? Do you ever walk sort of on your tiptoes or toes-first rather than heels-first?
- social issues
do you have trouble reading body language? facial expressions? figurative language? tone of voice? not every autistic person will experience all of the above, I know people who can't read body language but can read tone of voice, or can't read figurative language but can read facial expressions, etc. etc. Personally I struggle with tone of voice a lot, I can't tell when people are being serious or not, or whether they're upset or not, tone of voice doesn't really tell me anything about how they're feeling of what they mean. Figurative language varies, I understand metaphors and I often understand sarcasm, although I won't get it if it's too deadpan, and I sometimes miss hyperbole and think people are being serious. I also can't tell whether people are teasing me or genuinely being mean the vast majority of the time. I tend to rely on speech patterns and word choice a lot to understand people, personally. I pick up on what sorts of words they use in what moods and use that largely to inform my interpretations of their current mood based on the words they're choosing. Do you ever struggle understanding what is/isn't socially appropriate? I overshare a lot bc I don't rlly understand what is "too much information" and what isn't, and I also don't understand really how to treat people differently based on their "social role", like I treat someone like a friend regardless of whether they're a stranger, a classmate, a friend, a family member, a colleague, a boss, a teacher, etc.
- need for routine/dislike of sudden/significant change
this isn't always as clear as like needing an entire day to be a routine, it can be little things. I'll give some examples: I have to brush my teeth in a specific way - I count the number of passes of the brush over each section of my teeth, I have to eat a sandwich in a specific order of bites, many food places I will order the same thing every/nearly every time and I will eat that order in the same way, I wash my body/hair in a certain way/order in the shower every time, sometimes I get weirdly obsessed with symmetry and I have to walk in a certain way and if I step "wrong" I have to hop around on one leg until I feel "balanced" again, I have to do my daily tasks on genshin impact in a certain order, etc. etc. I could probably think of more if I tried. I will often get distressed/overwhelmed/upset if any of these "routines" are disrupted somehow. My original method of eating a sandwich applied to when they're cut across into rectangles, so I used to hate eating triangle sandwiches because I couldn't eat them "correctly" until I figured out a similar way to eat triangle sandwiches, and now I Have to eat them in that way because it's "correct" and I'll feel uncomfortable otherwise. Note that this isn't like OCD because it's not anxiety-based, it's based on the fact that it feels like the "correct" way to do it, and that any other way is simply "wrong" and you don't like doing it "wrong". The need for routine and dislike of change might also manifest in needing to plan things ahead days in advance, you also might be like me and be very capable of impulsively doing things like going out if You decide to do it, but if someone Else suggests it, then you need the preparation time. - stimming/special interests
stimming can be honestly anything. I tap my foot, I sing, I have a whole folder names "stim games" on my phone, I type, I eat, I chew gum, I flap my arms, I scratch fabrics, I smell blankets/clothing. Stimming just means self-stimulation and is absolutely any repeated action that you find soothing/cathartic in any way. Under here I'm also going to mention samefoods: foods that you feel comfortable eating even when you don't feel comfortable eating anything else. Like if too much flavour/smell/texture feels overwhelming, most autistic people will have food/s that aren't at all stressful to eat and they can default to at those times. Mine is a specific brand of chicken nuggets, I'll often fall back on those when eating anything else feels overwhelming but I need to eat Something, and I can usually handle those when I can't handle other things.
as for special interests, they are anything that you're kind of obsessed with. You can have multiple, they can change over your life, but your interest tends to go much deeper than that of a neurotypical person's and you feel a need to know everything about it and struggle to hold conversations about other topics because it kind of just takes over your brain. when I was younger some of my special interests were final fantasy, anime, hello kitty, languages/linguistics has always been a special interest of mine, kpop is definitely one, astrology is also for sure one. I fall in and out of being obsessed enough with genshin to call it a special interest. I had a friend in highschool whose special interest was the periodic table, for a while they were obsessed with the 8 times table, and then it became dinosaurs. My little brother is autistic and his special interest has always been video games, he's really interested in retro games, he loves Minecraft and Mario too, when he was younger it was ben 10 for a while, there was also a period where all he wanted to do as a kid was rewatch the cars movies. Media likes to portray special interests as being academic but they can truly be absolutely anything. A desire to know absolutely everything about trains or flowers or kpop is just as much a special interest as neurology or maths or physics or smth like that.
Another thing I've just thought of to be noted, is hygiene:
some autistic people might appear to have borderline OCD tendencies where they can't handle dirt/mess and need everything to be tidy/clean all the time. This is definitely one of the stereotypes. But struggling with hygiene is just as much a symptom of autism. If you struggle to remember to shower/wash hands/brush teeth/do laundry/etc. that could well be an autism symptom. I found out I'm sensitive to mint and especially to toothpaste, it makes my mouth feel like it's burning and like I'll actually cry if it touches my tongue bc it hurts that much lmao. I discovered a toothpaste that's unflavoured and doesn't foam up and now I can brush my teeth without pain but for a long time I struggled with consistently brushing teeth bc of that. I also struggle with showering bc of being stressed out by wet hair/skin. Sometimes it's also a memory thing, and I forget to do these things. I also absolutely suck at keeping my room clean, idk why I just Really Can't lmaoooooo
I'm certain there are things I haven't covered, these are mostly pulling from my own experiences of autism from myself and those around me. All of this might apply to you, it might not, but I hope it makes sense and has given you a good starting point of things to examine within yourself and questions to ask yourself <3 I wish you well bub and please always feel free to ask more questions and/or talk to me more about your experiences <3
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prosopopeya · 4 years
New Year’s Meme
this survey has been a tradition among my friend group for YEARS, but i haven’t filled it out since 2015 apparently. i’m not entirely sure why except 2016 was the year a lot of stuff changed for me, namely in that i finally got out of school in some form and started a new job, but i also had a few health problems that kept plaguing me (thyroid medicine being off, vitamin d) and my anxiety was all over the place. so here we go i’m doing it again and feel free to do it too if you want!!
1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? tried on wedding dresses. taught virtually. dealt (poorly) with drunk teenagers. performed in a pep rally. wore face masks all the time. i’m going to lump in living with someone. jon moved in october 2019, but i don’t think i did this quiz last year so. taught ap.
2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year? i don’t really like resolutions. they put too much pressure on me and i am a fragile person when it comes to setting expectations and living up to them. i did want to try to read more this year, and i maintained that until the pandemic, and then just kind of gave up requiring myself to do anything but live.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? i don’t think so. a coworker did.
4. Did anyone close to you die? jon’s cousin committed suicide in march or april. the circumstances were pretty upsetting. um. andy died in february, very suddenly. andy was my high school boyfriend for four years with whom i had a very... he scarred me in a lot of ways when it comes to sex and consent. it’s taken me a long time to unpack all of that. and i struggle with how much any of that was his fault or just bc he was a stupid kid too. our mutual friends had nothing but nice things to say about him on fb. anyway. he would guilt me into saying he’d kill himself if we broke up, and jon’s cousin killed himself over his girlfriend. so that was a complex part of the year.
5. What countries did you visit? none. literally the week before the quarantine, we went to asheville to visit jon’s cousin.
6. What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020? maybe a different job? or at least some peace at doing mine.
7. What date from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? march 13 we cancelled classes and had a technology training day; the 15th we had another one, and then we were virtual the rest of the term. it was such a sudden shift and while i so loved working from home tbh, it was such a relief after a supremely shitty january/february work-wise, i still had a lot of keyed-up, stressful days centered around transitioning to being the senior upper school spanish teacher. i hate it!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? writing 50k in the month of november. i have literally never done that before and actively reject nano as being typically unhealthy for how my mind works, so it was nice to do it entirely by accident.
9. What was your biggest failure? mishandling the drunken teenagers on that field trip in january.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? i sit crosslegged in my virtual teaching chair and i did it so much that my ankle hurt for the entire summer.
11. What was the best thing you bought? we put a deposit on our elopement in ireland. jon’s wedding ring. (i didn’t buy my wedding dress.)
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? my best friend at work who keeps me sane and is represented by benny in my au, which other than the fact that he is not my sidepiece, is perfect he is crucial to my survival at work and i love him so much. (also he is gay and the french teacher so the benny parallels just keep coming). everyone who tore down a statue in virginia (and other places, but especially monument avenue). everyone putting their lives on the line during this pandemic.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? guess! but aside from all the obvious, i found out a friend of mine at work voted for trump. my work bff and i had been trying for years to sway his politics, but that had us both deciding to give up on him.
14. Where did most of your money go?  food, ALCOHOL. god., our savings account. i did a pretty excellent job saving this year, though a good deal of that is because jon moved in and makes more money than me, and also we split all the bills.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? my wedding dress but strangely only when i went to try it on after it came in bc after the purchase i was so sure i’d made every mistake possible. my wedding band. wellbutrin changing my whole life. and, last but certainly not least, the gay angel and the bi(lingual) hunter. i wouldn’t have survived nov-dec in school without that distraction. the election.
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2020? the entirety of taylor swift’s oeuvre this year, maybe specifically “this is me trying”
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:  i. Happier or sadder? happier, i suppose, perhaps contrary to what should be the case, but wellbutrin is a hell of a drug. ii. Older or wiser? wiser. ii. Richer or poorer? richer.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? reading. cleaning. exercising.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? stressing. chaperoning.
20. How will you be spending Christmas? so, an update; last year was the first year i didn’t go to my mom’s for christmas. i was supposed to see her for thanksgiving last year, but she basically told us not to come bc she wasn’t feeling up to it (cool!), and we went to jon’s for christmas and my mom’s for new year’s. 
this year, obviously we couldn’t go to my mom’s. instead, we rented a little cabin by the lake. it was perfect; it was really really nice inside, the beds were SO SOFT, the pillows were the best things i have ever laid my head on, like i took off the pillowcases to try to find the brand. we had a little tiny christmas tree with tiny ornaments from walmart that we decorated. the 23rd, we went and picked up our wedding bands. we slept two nights in the (cold) back bedroom so i could wake up and look out at the lake. it snowed for christmas. :)
we opened presents on christmas eve, per jon’s family’s tradition. on christmas eve, we also went to his family farm and sat outside and hung out a little. every year his family does like a secret santa sort of thing and i got my first present in that exchange, which is notable bc jon and i are not yet officially married. i got a remote control car -- jon’s idea bc i couldn’t think of anything, and he was so delighted to hear that i loved playing with rc cars when we went to the beach as a kid.
christmas morning we facetimed my parents and opened some presents together. then jon and i marathoned mandalorian (after spending the previous few days watching several die hard movies), and then we watched wonder woman 1984 which was a bad movie.
21. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve? ok LAST year for new year’s, we were in a hotel room, so that was nice, bc it meant minimal stress with my parents. i had always wanted to go to this restaurant near us that has a special new year’s menu, so we did that. the night before or after i think we went to cheesecake factory, which was also amazing.
this year currently i’m tumbling and he’s playing pokemon, and in a bit we’ll try to time it so we finish schitt’s creek in time for the new year.
22. Did you fall in love in 2020? i re-fell in love with supernatural so that was nice.
23. How many one-night stands? 0. i submit we should randomly change question 23 each year to something more relevant to any of our life experiences.
24. What was your favorite TV program? what did i even watch this year. schitt’s creek. mandalorian. i mean obviously we know supernatural. the circle. are you the one (the queer season). pose. unsolved mysteries. we’re here! perry mason. watchmen. oh maybe that mcdonald’s monopoly fraud documentary. avenue 5. i’ll be gone in the dark. of those i think my favorite maybe is... pose or we’re here.
OKAY UM. on my 2014 version of this there were a bunch of questions about tv shows that i’m putting back in if only for the memories:
25. Which TV shows did you start watching in 2020? the haunting of bly manor, which we still need to finish. derry girls.
26. Which TV shows did you let go of in 2020? HERE’S WHY I WANTED TO RESURRECT THESE. here was my answer in 2015: “supernatural. goodbye, my sweet prince.” CAN YOU EVEN FUCKING BELIEVE
27. Which TV shows did you mean to get into but didn’t in 2020? Why? so far, queen’s gambit and that one on hulu with catherine the great. EVENTUALLY. 28. Which TV shows do you intend on checking out in 2020? fleabag. queen’s gambit. 29. Which TV show do you think you might let go of in 2020 unless things significantly improve? idk i drop things pretty regularly if they don’t entertain me 30. Which TV show impressed you least in 2020? GUYS HERE’S MY ORIGINAL 2015 ANSWER: “supernatural. :(”
anyway back to the rest of the quiz:
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? every person who refuses to listen to facts and information.
26. What was the best book you read? killers of the flower moon: the osage murders and the birth of the fbi, or the his dark materials series.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? well i knew about tswift so i’m not going to count her albums. i will count this song that jon played for me once in the car that got stuck in my head for two weeks straight and led me down into a great related-songs spotify playlist: through the roof ‘n underground.
28. What did you want and get? a wedding dress and a very specific kind of wedding band. a gay angel. a christmas getaway. animal crossing.
29. What was your favorite film of this year? idk i don’t know how many films i saw this year. maybe mucho mucho amor: the legend of walter mercado
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? i was 32. we went to an escape room with a BUNCH of people -- work bff, my old work bff and his wife (old bc he quit and we’ve fallen out of touch :(), the cool new physics teacher and his fiancee, and the aforementioned trump voter and his wife, before we knew... we went out for brunch/lunch after. it was pretty great!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? not having to chaperone that school trip in january. dean being bi in english as well as spanish. cas just ilke, appearing in 15x20. not having to physically go back to work this fall.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? no! real! pants!
34. What kept you sane? jon. supernatural (in a way?). animal crossing for a while. wellbutrin! i haven’t really been able to detail this yet, but finally i did something about tumblr and my therapist making me think about adhd. my doctor gave me wellbutrin (bc i lack any official diagnosis and was on anxiety meds anyway, and he was like let’s try this!) and it’s fucking. it’s a fucking godsend. surprisingly enough, my students. trying to provide them a safe space has been a calming thing for me.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? jensen ackles’ silence. misha collins again, i guess.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? the summer was so fucking intense. i guess though it was me trying to exert my influence in a responsible way with my students without trying to try to make them feel uncomfortable but then one kid was a vocally upset trump supporter after the election and i had to try to defuse that situation.
37. Who did you miss? my old work bff. several old friends that i’ve fallen out of touch with bc i have no object permanence.
38. Who was the best new person you met? people i met through the spn resurgence!
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020: if you manifest it in an au, it will come. no really though. maybe that expectations are only as important as i make them out to be.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: usually i have a hard time coming up with anything for this and i default to looking at my most played songs of the year. my most played song of the year received each and every one of its plays within the month of november and you can guess why. anyway see if this works
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Take me back to the night we met - the night we met, lord huron
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