#i think i deserve to be a popular character until i want merch of myself then i should be dead last
nagaruru · 1 year
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youre sick in the head
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aeoneris · 1 year
for archival reasons, and because rise has officially ended, i'm coping by looking back at the past two years and thinking about the master utsushi rabbit hole. this is based on a long reply i sent to a mutual but i think it deserved to have its own post where others can read it and i can expand further on certain details. or something. i don't know. i have no idea who will read this but if you do, please enjoy...
the ballad of master utsushi.
he was there regardless.
always watching.
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i wound up getting attached to utsushi-kyokan (master/instructor utsushi), ウツハン/utsuhan (utsushi x hunter) ship, and finding his Japanese fan community late 2021, and i've been chatting with mutuals and friends i made there since. at that time, capcom had opened up pre-orders for his nui (plushie). this plush is lovingly referred to as "Unui-kun", and people love to take him around and bring him places. here's my Unui-kun in new york city lol
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fans love to dress him up and make clothing and accessories for him. had i known just how attached i would become, i would not have set my Unui-kun to ship via surface mail delivery because it took about 2-3 months extra for him to arrive... ;;
but anyway, it seemed that his popularity was growing because they continued to make more merch of him. he seems to have more than any of the other characters.
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many of these are limited print/pre-order only, or were from specific events like the capcom cafe features. trying to get his merchandise became crazy, because scalpers started to pick up on how badly people wanted goodies of him?!
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just how popular is this guy?! what's with the character tax!!
and how did this even happen... we're playing monster hunter, not an idol game! but i think it really speaks a lot for itself how rise had such colorful characters that you could get attached to. it seems he really jives with many female and queer players, so good on capcom for that hehe. many of the japanese fans i've met are either older women, very often mothers, or gnc, which i found to be really cool. the english-speaking utsushi fans are usually the same, too. the solidarity is real...
I found out that a lot of ppl, including myself, shared a similar experience: they missed out on a majority of utsushi's flavor text in base rise bc they didn't talk to him or the other NPCs very much during village and high rank quests, and therefore didn't even think much of him until after the fact. people double-taking when going through the game again and actually catching on to his antics... I think what really got things going was when they released his DLC voice and learned about his, uh, extremely affectionate lines towards the hunter when it comes to mew mew and blowing a kiss LOL. (the "welcome back, master!" line?!?! there's so much art of him in a maid outfit... and the way he says ace/manadeshi in his sleep at the table?!?! scandalous?!?!) even for me, he got my attention only once i saw the official art of him (realizing "hey he's got a cute design actually") and eventually encountering utsushi x hunter fanart on pixiv. another thing that got me noticing him was brian david gilbert's now deleted tweet about how zac efron and utsushi are the same. thankfully, we have the internet archive to save the existence of this post and i have to make sure people experience this lost media.
once i realized how weirdly close he was to the hunter, the gears started turning
i confirmed that ppl really did notice that it was unusual for an instructor character to refer to his pupil as "manadeshi (beloved/dearest disciple)" in the manner that he does, being so close to them in a way that felt so familiar and warm. he was already popular enough that by valentine's day 2022, fans literally sent real chocolates to capcom addressed to utsushi. i knew about this for a while, but i was shook that they wound up officially addressing that this really happened during the last update video.
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after they received his chocolates, they immediately got one of the (female) illustrators on board to quickly draw that really cute valentine's day art of utsushi. the japanese tweet for that artwork had even a little bit more text than the english one…
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that "i'll always be watching over you" line…
(and while i'm here, i have to mention the valentine's day art we got for 2023- i made a separate post about THAT.)
we started to suspect capcom caught on to this niche community's love for utsushi, and they started to kind of... troll us??? LOL.
throughout the previews of sunbreak last year, they would start obsessively sneaking utsushi into those chibi artworks. and when npc followers were announced, people were scrambling to find out if he was going to be one of them, but there also was some weird radio silence about him for a bit...
in one of the earlier trailers that showed the elgado hub for the first time, there was a very short part of the clip where ppl could see someone standing in the distance at the corner of the screen. all the utsushi fans went nuts because they were taking a magnifying glass and zooming up at there wondering if it was really him, because everyone wanted him to be there in sunbreak LOL.
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of course we'd eventually find out that would be his perch for most of the game! it was only during the final preview trailer before the release of sunbreak did they finally announce utsushi as a follower, as if they were saving the best for last. and sunbreak dropped, we got to see him in elgado and enjoy hunting with him. and it didn't end there. he wound up being featured in two of the short stories released last summer, and we would not forget this incident.
when i think about how easy it is to just play through the story and miss out on following specific out-of-the-way flavor texts, let alone know about all this outside of the game, i wonder if utsushi joining the hunter in the battle against amatsu in the penultimate battle was strange, because he has such a spotlight on him, even being the one who allows you to ride an apex which was normally impossible. if people didn't acknowledge him before, certainly people would love him now.
his final line after you defeat amatsu: it's cute and silly in english... but in japanese, his line and delivery was extremely, almost unabashedly... romantic. many people were shocked because it sounded like a fervent confession.
"I'll say it once more... You are my pride, my beloved disciple."
finally, during the last update video…
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we got this line straight from the director LOL. utsushi wound up being his personal favorite character in rise, and perhaps why we wound up seeing more and more of him in sunbreak.
all in all, if you kept up with the flavor text of rise, and if you followed utsushi's dialogue throughout the base game and expansion, the emotional pay off at the end was even better! and it is a shame when this stuff is mostly optional or you have to go out of the way for it, with so much being missable with every bit of progression. but making a monhun where story and character interactions are pushed more… i think they were on to something. it's probably something that could be divisive, but personally I think they should go all in on it more in the future. Rise proved that they could make charming and memorable (not to mention, named) characters... if they lean into it more in a future entry, then i hope they do it in a way where everyone can enjoy it and not feel like they missed out. but I also hope they would make it so that people don't feel overwhelmed with flavor text... it comes down to taste, but i think i have faith that monhun can try making more character-driven stories while still keeping the core of the series in tact.
here are some more miscellaneous utsushi things that i didn't know how to fit in earlier:
he's been featured multiple times in capcom cafe entrees. here's his matcha latte dango drink:
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and for the sunbreak stories: a cake based on his fight with rathalos together with the royal guard, and then a drink that represents his... uh, struggle across the ocean to chase the hunter to elgado. because they will never let him live that down. i won't either.
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here's a t-shirt of utsushi and kagami you can pick up on amazon right now. kagami was a very interesting arc when he was first shown- he was introduced as a long time friend of utsushi, training together in the past, but eventually parting ways.
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his seiyuu in japanese is a sentai actor who loves monster hunter, so essentially, kagami is lowkey like a self-insert for him lol. he's goofy in english because he's voiced by a certain youtuber, but in japanese he takes a different direction of silly because he has a "chuunibyou" edgelord cringe way of talking. it's such a shame that kagami wasn't really in the game itself besides being mentioned in a few mission descriptions because i would've loved to see him interact with utsushi and the hunter, and i wish the royal knights and many of the NPCs had more cutscenes or something. it makes me think, if it weren't for the pandemic, could rise's story and scenario have been something more because of the DLC voice characters like hibasa/monju/kagami? anyway, a popular headcanon is that utsushi and kagami are ex-boyfriends lol (i personally like this one and adapted it for my utsuhan fanfics). but there are even those who ship kagautsu too (although it is rare because people overseas are a little wary of shipping characters who are based on real people).
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and lastly, one of my personal favorites... the diseased kyokan shirt. this is from an online capcom shop, and you can use a proxy service like fromjapan.com to order it.
if you read this all, thank you! happy hunting! with the instructor! we love that guy! the guy of all time!
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Cartoon Network Hotel Review
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If you don’t find yourself screaming this when you get here, even just in your head, then you’re in the wrong place.
But after a nice drive through Amish Country, the Cartoon Network Hotel is nice and visible right outside of Dutch Wonderland. Coming in, you see images of some of your favorite characters, right before Finn and Jake welcome you at the front.
Granted, it looks like I came off season- with fall and school just starting, Dutch Wonderland is only open on the weekends, and the hotel wasn’t exactly packed from what I can see. Which made for a good time for the indoor pool to be under renovation, so I sadly didn’t get to check that out. But hey, the outdoor pool was running just fine, although it was mostly empty, just myself and a family.
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I didn’t take any pictures of the pool, since I didn’t have my phone (but a couple of Ice King’s penguins are playing life guard duty, alongside a pretty cute girl), but I did snap a photo of the Powerpuff sprinklers! They look pretty cool, right?
But that’s jumping ahead. Anyway, as mentioned, today it didn’t seem so busy, so despite arriving a couple of hours before 4 PM check-in, I was able to get a room right away. It must have been busy enough that I didn’t get the Gumball room I asked for, but instead I got my second choice, Steven Universe.
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But I mean, look at this. I can’t complain. I was just thinking that I wanted the SU room instead, anyway.
The rooms are themed to one of six shows/franchises, the other four being Powerpuff Girls, Ben 10, Adventure Time and We Bare Bears. The former two seem to be primarily inspired by their recent series however, not their classics, so your mileage will vary there. I asked a receptionist which show tends to be the most popular choice, and she says that it rotates. Apparently PPG does get picked often by those who grew up with it, which makes sense, although those aren’t my Powerpuff Girls.
So, some things of note- there are four exclusive channels to the Hotel. Gumball and Teen Titans Go get their own 24/7 channels, which seems redundant since they’re basically all CN shows anyway. But they also have a FanFavs channel, which shows various episodes from various series, and New Shows, which I’m not sure if it shows currently unaired episodes or not. I couldn’t get that one active for long, but I did see part of a Victor & Valentino episode. I did have FanFavs on a bit as background noise, and they seem to mostly show:
Adventure Time
Regular Show
Steven Universe
Ben 10 (2016)
Mao Mao
Thundercats Roar (seriously...)
It seems like they mostly rotate from those shows, but I’d like to believe there’s more. Griz is on the cover bar for it when you connect to wifi, and you’d think they’d also show at least the 2016 PPG show as well, as that’s all over the resort.
They also do showings of cartoons in the kitchen at 3 and 9 PM, as the kitchen is closed during those times. My flight was very early, so I missed the 9 showing, as well as the Summer Camp Island-inspired bonfire that happened before, but I caught the 3 o’clock cartoons. They played episodes of Craig of the Creek, Total Dramarama, Teen Titans Go, and Gumball. Pretty cool, although these are basically the only four shows the channel plays anyway, The intro they use for the screenings shows clips from classic Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, and Scooby-Doo cartoons, but none of those were shown today. Maybe they’ll throw one in at another time? Probably not Scooby... or maybe just a movie, since they apparently play movies as well sometimes.
I didn’t stick around for most of the TDR cartoon though, as I was participating in the Craig of the Creek scavenger hunt. They hunt various CN characters around the lobby vicinity, and you try to find them in the right spot.
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This is what you get if you win- a COTC pin and a Hershey bar. But hey, you can’t argue with results, and this is about it for Craig merch.
The gift shop almost exclusively focuses on the six shows with featured rooms, and a lot of merch isn’t exclusive. I did get a couple of things though.
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The beach towel is based on the designs you see all over the hotel and has a couple of series not otherwise represented in terms of merch, like OK KO, Summer Camp Island, and the aforementioned COTC. Oh, and Clarence! Almost missed him in the bottom.
I got the stickers because there are more COTC characters, and again, the designs are nice. The SU pin was cool, and if there was a similar one for AT or Gumball, I would have got that as well. And I got the Anais keychain because Gumball merch is strangely rare despite its popularity, especially for her. There were also some pencils, notebooks, a couple of T-shirts and a hoodie. I almost got some pencils.
There’s also an arcade and an activity center, but those do seem mostly for kids, plus you have to pay for most of the crafts. I think the coloring is free at least, and there are a couple of nods to classic shows I found that I’ll share on another post.
Just as there are some nods to classics around the place, primarily the elevator and kitchen, but the people who want to see Dexter and Johnny and the Eds aren’t the target audience for this resort. Which is unfortunate, but the thing is, besides the fact that we’re getting old and today’s kids need their own shows, Cartoon Network has become a big deal internationally over the past decade, moreso than during their supposed heyday in the late 90′s-early 00′s. The six shows featured aren’t just picked for being the most popular, they’re all big draws overseas. We Bare Bears sells a LOT of merch in Asia and parts of Europe, even if it doesn’t seem that big of a draw stateside. Hopefully they can make this a tourist spot.
That said, I do hope that they consistently update things in the years to come. Part of the problem with the Nickelodeon Hotel over in Orlando was how stuck it was in the mid-2000′s. Sure, SpongeBob has remained a big draw over the years since, but when I visited the place around 2010 (didn’t stay, but took a tour), it was apparent that if your kids weren’t big fans of Rugrats or Jimmy Neutron, and they probably weren’t around that place until its last days, there wasn’t much reason to stay over.
I do think that Craig deserves his own themed room, and it may be time to swap out Powerpuff for it. Let’s admit that the 2016 reboot was a failure and move on. Or maybe just double down and replace the reboot designs with their classic look.
But hey, my final thoughts on the Cartoon Network Hotel? I had a lot of fun, and got the best sleep I had in ages. I’m not sure if I’d go again, though. At least unless it changes things up a little. Part of the thing is that this is really for the kids who love today’s new shows. And I do really love three of the six shows heavily featured here- four if you count the original Powerpuff. But I’m just not the right age for this place.
If you love any of these shows and/or Cartoon Network’s brand as a whole, I recommend checking this place out, but only if you’re near the area. Don’t make it a pilgrimage. Unless you have enough friends to make grouping up on the Steven Universe Dream Suite worth it.
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That said, look at these Bear macrons. So damn cute, and tasty, too!
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krawalito · 5 years
This post is not spoiler free. Its tagged but I don’t really give a shit anymore. I was spoiled and I am actually happy about it. my thoughts on Tros.
My fellow reylos. So here is my last post before I’ll come back tomorrow. I have another 6 hrs before I see the movie. But before I do I need to release some of my thoughts.
 I think I will find some scenes in this movie i am going to enjoy. I am not going to hate all of it. In general I am a very positive person so I think it wont kill me.
BUT here comes the big BUT. What the hell is wrong with American scripts/movies/shows? (this has nothing to do with American people but with the American film industry. Don’t get me wrong). What is this subvert expectations? What is this bittersweet shit NO ONE really wants to see? Did they not learn from their mistakes? I used to say you cannot compare SW with GOT but I was wrong. The premise yes is different, but the outcome of storytelling is still the same.
I loved GOT with all my heart. It was cruel at most times but still I had some hope that in the end everything will come to conclusion and it will not leave me totally frustrated. I didn’t expect an HEA at all but something better than the last season. I was about buying merch, I was about buying all the seasons, but I ended up buying NOTHING. This show literally doesn’t exist for me anymore. I erased it completely bc they screwed it up. Let’s face it they did. And I was not the only one boycotting everything post season 8. HBO lost revenue. Every company selling merch lost revenue. They did. And still we see the same storytelling style yet again.
What’s wrong with happy endings? Why do all of these big Hollywood companies think we want this cruelty? I don’t. and from what I read, listen and see the majority of people don’t. especially women. I am so sick that they use us, tease us but in the end, they don’t give us what we deserve. I am sick of it. The point of diving into fantasy is to forget about the world around you. The world alone is tough enough and I don’t want to be haunted by that when I watch fiction. That’s the whole point of fiction.
SW is about HOPE, always was, always should have been. JJ obviously missed the point. HE DID!
NO ONE wanted Rey to end up where she started. NO ONE. NO ONE wanted the most popular character to die like this. if you kill him then c’mon bring him at least back as a force ghost, bc that leaves a door open and it gives people hope. What the hell is wrong with JJ? Reys ending is the most ridiculous end of all times. And don’t get me started with Leia. Leia never had any luck in her entire life. And this is how it all ends for her? Not reuniting with her son? nope with whatever rey is to her. I have no words for that. this is bad storytelling. Period. There is nothing to debate about. It leaves me without any emotion.
I loved the idea of rey being nobody (if the leaks are true and she is a palpatine). That would have been the most beautiful message to all the young girls (and boys) out there that no matter where you come from you can become whomever you want to, and you can end up being strong and loved. But nope. She falls in love, she never finds her belonging bc ben is gone and ends up where she started with a fucking droid, on a dead planet. What message is that? Girl whatever you do in your life you end up unhappy and alone and some dudes who are not related to you say goodbye in a sunset. Praise the lord.
Ben Solo dies. For love. Which is a grand gesture right there and it makes his redemption arc for the GA plausible. BUT not for SW fans. And the fanbase is huge. He was the last skywalker. He was a victim. He was abused. He was the hero after all. And they fucking kill him. If you kill him JJ, make him a fucking force ghost so he can be with his family. What message do they deliver here? That no matter what you do, no matter what happens in your life.. if you are a victim and you do something bad you have to sacrifice yourself in order to get redemption. WTF how am I supposed to tell my kids that the story is just plain dumb? I am (I posted that on my blog) a teenager of abuse and I could see so much of myself in Ben Solo. Its breaking my heart.
And what about the rest? NOT important. Finn? Who? Rose? Who? Poe? Who?
So, what is the conclusion of this story? That the Dark side always wins. Palpatine wins again. That’s it that the story. Anything that came before the Sequels is pointless now. Sorry to say that but it is actually. And the only reason is because they leave us without any hope. That’s the key to SW.
 And please don’t tell me its fiction, calm down its not real. Yes, that is true, and my life goes on and I will survive it but its 42 years (for me a bit less) of a story that accompanied families and friends. Fiction has an impact on you whether you like it or not. I read books which I still think about because they touched me so deeply. Same applies to movies. MEDIA in general is important and has a huge impact on any of us. It influences young children and teenagers quite a lot actually.
So what do I learn from that disappointment? A lot. I will, and I am very serious about it, never invest so much energy on something that I do not know the end of ever again. I will not invest my money on anything SW unless its fan made. I want to know upfront if my expectations are met or not. I am 39, I grew up with Happy endings. I am not prepared for this new era of evil storytellers and I don’t want to ever get used to it.
 I want us Anti or not anti, reysky or reyfinn, reypoe, stormpilot (whatever the shipnames are.. I lost track lol) to express our feelings and let them know that we are not happy with it bc if we don’t nothing is ever going to change. We have a voice and we should use it. Use twitter, use insta, use FB, use change.org to start a petition if you feel the need to. Don’t be afraid we all feel it too.
 Last but not least… we Reylos were right all along. Reylo is canon. And that’s the tea. The last one until the movie comes out on dvd and I can see your beautiful gifs. This fandom brought so many talented people together like I have never seen before. Never forget without us there is no them. So use this power.
 Before I forget. Rian Johnson is a genius. The TLJ is a beautiful movie.
 This is my pre-watch Tros Post and I will make another afterwards but after all the spoilers now I am pretty much convinced that its all true. It won’t change my opinion on the story telling, that remains a shit show but it might change my view on the details.
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buns-is-sinning · 5 years
The 5th popularity poll results are finally out !!
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┏━━━━°⌜ Table of contents ⌟°━━━━┓
• Who did I vote for 'n why?
• Why are the results so different this year?
• What happened to Hawks and Endeavor?
• Shiggy!
• Chara placement explanation
• Poll Artwork
︵୨🎐୧┗━━━━°⌜ 目次 ⌟°━━━━┛୨🎐୧‿
Who did I vote for 'n why? -
Hawks! ..surprisingly. I knew Katsuki would make 1st place anyway (which is what I wanted) but I also wanted hawks to get on the list.
If I'd vote now I'd probably be Shiggy
Why are the results so different this year? -
• My first suspicion was that a lot of new fans started voting ...but it turns out there are actually fewer votes in the top ten this year !
• Maybe people know their actual favorites better by now, so they don't just choose who they liked best in the new season but overall.
• Maybe some charas got hyped or talked about more in events etc. In japan than here.
• I can't say for sure but it's so strange to me. Before this poll there weren't any drastic changes in the polls and most of the votes were comprehensible.
What happened to Hawks and Endeavor? -
• Hawks
↳ The last popularity roll was after he was first introduced . He immediately went on 4th place. I cannot explain to myself how he isn't in the top ten at all now. This is so damn weird .
It's not like he doesn't have fans fangirls he's extremely popular . I was already confused why he isn't getting any official merch by now but now I'm just bamboozled
• Endeavor
↳ He has been around since the first poll and was never on any spot in the list (1-20) but then in the 4th poll he went to nr.8 . Now he's gone again.
↳ I think this is because of his redemption arc it seemed like he was bettering himself but it became more and more clear that it's not really doing anything w his family.
↳ Another reason might be that we don't have as many interactions of him with Hawks as before ??
Shiggy! -
• I'm so damn happy ! - he really deserves this after the villain arc etc. ppl respecc and appreciate him a lot more .
• These are his placements from start to finish 19th→16th→15th→24th→6th
↳ Look at that big ass jump!! I think we all know why this happened but I just really needed to share it with y'all!
Character placement explanation
1. Bakugou Katsuki 💢 爆豪勝己
Why ?
↳ In my opinion there are lots of justifiable reasons for him to win and keep winning.
• Personality , character development , entertainment , looks , fangirls , waterfalls
•he is kind of an 'outcast' under the students and heroes . Which is also the reason shigaraki thought he'd be easy to 'convert to the dark side' . What i think is the important point in this is that he doesn't do that. His determination to his goal is what is so inspiring in my opinion.
•He's never afraid to say what he thinks and wouldn't lie either. Brutal honesty is entertaining to watch and sometimes you just want someone to say what you would be afraid to.
I'm sure even if you don't like him you've heard all the reasons why he's likable already, so I'm gonna move on now - If you want me to discuss why , how and what makes him so likable/popular tell me in an ask or the comments!!
Does he deserve it?
↳ This is a popularity poll.... There isn't really any debate on whether the opinion is right or wrong. I understand why some fans don't like him but seeing people get mad about a poll like this is straight up ridiculous. You don't like the chara that's popular? - then vote for your fav to be able to compete . Talk more about them and why they're great instead of just listening reasons why the currently popular character isn't.
//Tiny note - this isn't about literally everyone that dislikes him . Only people who act as stated//
• I would say because this isn't a right or wrong thing yes of course he does. Whoever wins does , because it's not about the characters actions being morally superior but his likability and connection he has with the fandom/audience.
If we wanna make a poll on which character is the most angel I'd say baby Deku wins! 🖤
2. Midoriya Izuku 🐰 緑谷 出 久.
I was actually surprised that he got on top of Shouto //no pun intended(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)// They did have more tight votes than the others .
• It isn't too wild for him to be in second place the more I think about it.
↳ He too has matured and had some major character development taking place from ch.1 to now. The major complaint from ppl who didn't like him was that he's a 'crybaby'. He doesn't cry as often now and if he does it's almost always understandable . His attitude and self-esteem has also gone up quite a bit compared to the first chapters .
He kept all the good stuff in his personality and improved on the 'annoying' stuff . ( I personally never thought he was ¯(°_o)/¯ )
• All around he has a good heart , is more likable than most protagonists , is always working on improving himself , soft boy with the goal to save people. A genuine, non-superficial , real hero at heart.
3. Todoroki Shouto ❄🔥 轟 焦凍
We all knew he was gonna be in the top 3
with all the fangirls he's got ... Mh but let's just say even the people that don't love him usually like him. I don't think I've heard a person shit talk Shouto . 🤔
• I personally didn't really pay attention to him until the U.A. Sports Festival Arc! - I know shocking .
In all the arcs after that I kept liking him more and more. I would even say he's one of my favorite characters at this point.
• There are again loads of reasons to like him. We are watching his personal journey into human/social interaction and a normal life outside his toxic household with him. There is genuine tragedy in his story that he himself didn't understand . God damn remember when he said that it was also his fault his mom is gone. We really want to support and help him, but he isn't just a sad story. We see him succeed. We see how strong of a person he is .
There's a lot more I could say about him as well but you get the point.
• oh yeah.. He's also incredibly attractive.
Poll Artwork -
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I absolutely love the way Horikoshi Sensei chooses specific themes for these. They're always something to look forward to and are a big part of what makes the popularity polls so exciting!
The designs are so creative and cool . I love that their placement numbers are discreetly incorporated into their suits - the only nitpick I could find is that the villains almost got no changes which is kind of sad in my opinion !
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These are my three favorite outfits!!
Click for higher resolution and full pic
1. Katsuki & Kirishima
My lord if you would hold me at gunpoint and ask which I like more out of these two I'd probably get shot . They're so awesome! (I'm sorry this is just me geeking out at this point) I keep trying to type why they're so cool but I just keep writing “they're just so cool” over and over again.
2. Todoroki
One thing I never liked about his normal hero suit is that it's just very blank. It makes total sense with his personality and the hero suit of his father being so different, which is why it works but just looking at it gives me the desire for more!
This. This is what I would love as his normal hero suit!
Tell me your thoughts by commenting or reblogging ^^
I am not a native english speaker
!!プルス ウルトラ!!
じゃあね 🌧⌋
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anti-mistajules · 6 years
For the aromantic asks, would you pick which ones you want, or if you could do all of them? I’ve never heard about it before but I’m really curious and would like to know more from your point of view
Well bc you’ve never heard of it before here’s a little definition I got from here (if u wanna read more about it):
An aromantic is a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction to others. Where romantic people have an emotional need to be with another person in a romantic relationship, aromantics are often satisfied with friendships and other non-romantic relationships.
What arospec label(s) do you identify with?
I’m just plain ol Aromantic
Sexual orientation?
Are you romance-repulsed?
To a degree? I don’t usually mind seeing romance in media, I just get a little uncomfortable with seeing PDA and when people view me in a romantic way I feel like physically sick.
Do you relate to voidpunk?
Do I relate to what now?
What kinds of attraction (romantic, sexual, aesthetic, sensual, platonic, etc) do you experience?
Sexual, aesthetic, and platonic definitely! Im not too big on sensual attraction and I don’t feel romantic attraction at all.
How do you like to show people you (platonically) love them?
I’m a huge ‘acts of service’ and ‘gift’ person! I do whatever I can to make things easier for my friends and try to give them gifts they love and deserve! I also like to spend time with them when I can and talk about whatever! Basically if I can talk to you on the phone or in person past 12am, I love you friend!!
Do you want to remain single all your life or do you want to have some sort of life partner?
I wanna remain single, I really need my alone time I couldn’t imagine living with someone for an extended period of time.
If you want one, what is your dream partner?
Which is your favorite of the 3 aromantic flags?
Uhhh fuck im not too flag savvy??? I like this one:
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Your opinion on soulmates?
allonormative as fuck and perpetuates the idea that you need another person in your life to ‘complete’ you which is complete garbage!
Your opinion on shipping?
Shipping is fun but I don’t get too into it.
Do you ship characters in romantic/sexual relationships, or do you only ship characters in familial and platonic relationships?
Honestly all of the above but mostly platonic and sexual.
Are you out to anyone in real life?
My close friends and my immediate family. Or at least I tried to come out to them but they were just like “you won’t get married?? Ya right lol ur stupid” and I didn’t use the word ‘aromantic’ so I guess technically im not out to them?? Its not something I hide, but when explaining it to others I don’t use the word bc I don’t wanna explain or want people to think im one of those “tumblrinas’ who ‘make up orientations’ bc there’s a lot of negativity to unpack there so I just don’t bother
How did you come out?
Once I found out what aromanticism was I immediately related to it so I told my best friend first and we had a conversation about it and then Id just be like “hey I don’t get why people date people…I don’t wanna do that” to everyone else.
Do you know any aromantic people in real life?
Nope! I would love to meet some!!
How do you feel about your aromanticism?
Honestly its so freeing…I feel very validated knowing there’s a whole community of people who feel the same way I do about romance. Im pretty proud to be aro with my friends and online but irl to my family and acquaintances Im not as open with it.
What is the worst part of being aromantic?
The lack of representation and the constant erasure. I highkey hate being grouped with asexuals so much bc not every person who is aro is ace and vice versa! They’re separate orientations but they are NEVER treated like it and its so annoying. (THIS IS NOT ACE HATE!! I SUPPORT ACES WITH ALL MY ARO HEART!!! LOVE YALL!!)
Also the constant fear that you cant be friends with the opposite sex bc they’ll always want to be romantically involved and that your allo friends will leave you for their S/O lol
What is the best part of being aromantic?
Not being in a relationship lol people complain so much about their relationship troubles and im like ‘damn COULDN’T be me’
How did you find out about aromanticism?
I found out through either Tumblr or google I cant remember which??? Or maybe I saw it on Tumblr and googled it? Either way Tumblr was a factor
When did you know you were aromantic?
I tried dating my best friend and ended it in like 3 days bc I felt so fucking weird about the whole thing like very uncomfortable??? Like I felt like I couldn’t talk to him about certain stuff anymore and just being called someone’s “girlfriend” makes my skin crawl. I always had some weirdness around romance but I thought it was just bc I haven’t “found the right person yet” but if anyone was the “right person” it was my best friend and I couldn’t do it. So I did some research and found out about aromanticism, related so hard, and have been very happy with the label ever since.
Do you have any aromantic headcanons?
What would be your dream representation of an aromantic/aro-spec character?
An aromantic character who is allosexual (preferably bi) who loves their friends and family and would do anything for them! Doesn’t go “EW!!! GROSS!!” At romance but is just like “nah ill pass, loving my friends is all I need!” and isn’t super oblivious to romantic gestures or infantilized/made into a joke for not being interested in romance. Also if they call out allonomativity that’d be tight
Who is your aromantic icon/idol?
What is your favorite song that relates to aromanticism, or is simply not about romantic love?
Analysis Paralysis by Awake at Last (At least I don’t get a romance vibe off of it??) and Sonic Youth by Crush 40 for all you Sonic fans out there. (And honestly most sonic songs are aromantic BANGERS)
What is your favorite movie that is not focused on romance?
What is your favorite tv show that is not focused on romance?
POKEMON !! Im gonna be honest with y’all I think the reason Im aro is bc I watched nothing but Pokemon until I was like 10 (I didn’t stop I just also watched other things) and it is the least romance oriented show ever like….while y’all where out watching Disney princesses ‘fall in love’ or whatever I was crying over Pikachu’s Goodbye so don’t talk to me about heartbreak. Also Ash and Pikachu’s friendship (and of course his friendship with all his traveling partners) really fucking resonated with me and I think thats why I hold my friends above all else.
What popular romantic pairing do you see as only platonic?
Do you experience squishes?
I think I’ve had maybe one or two but they went away quick once I realized that I just like this person bc I think we’d be good friends and I get excited at the thought of making longterm friends.
Do you own any aromantic pride merch or outfits? What are they? If not, what would you like to own?
I do not but id love to own a flag or two
Do you have any advice for anyone who may be questioning if they are aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum?
Just own it. I’m actually actively trying to take my own advice bc like I said I don’t use the word irl but like,,,if you think you’re aro or somewhere on the spectrum, find a label that speaks to you and just own it. Being Aromantic isn’t cringey, its a valid orientation just like any other and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Ive spent too much time pretending to be alloromantic just to fit in, I’ve embarrassed myself too many times by pretending to be allo, Ive gone too far into my life pretending to be something im not just because its easier for others to understand. Ive gone through too much to discover my orientation to have some fucking losers on the internet tell me that its ‘not a real orientation’. Im aromantic. I feel comfortable in that label and no one can take that away from me.
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fabiosofabz · 6 years
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I’m answering this as a screen cap bc mobile and I want FEATURES ok ok. (Also I forgot to answer these after I took a shower oops)
Favorite thing - honestly everything, but. I’d say how much he cares about his people, and being a good leader, and the fact that he’s just so genuinely good all around? He pretends to be badass (he is) but really he’s a softie and he knows it. Everyone knows it.
Least favorite thing: the fact that he’s not popular //shot/ and that Minekura doesn’t draw him more orz.
Favorite line - honestly, all of Against the Stream. And him screaming “Genjo” in blast. Hi, I’m trash.
Brotp - Doku/Kou and Gojyo/Kou. Because yes.
Otp - Y’all know it’s SanKou, that’s the OTP man.
Notp - romantically, Doku/Kou and Yaone/Kou aren’t my favorite? I don’t hate them, I just personally don’t see it that way and my brain just won’t wrap around that dynamic well.
Random headcanon: Kou could actually be a really good cool if he tried. But probably hasn’t, being a prince and all. But he has a knack for the culinary pursuits.
Unpopular opinion; honestly, probably my notps count but. I still think he’s underrated and severely shafted in every single adaptation until his character is barely recognizeable and. Minekura is probably partly to blame for not drawing him as much. I still adore her and still adore him but. He does get shafted and butchered often when not in Minekura’s hands (rip Kou). Also there’s NOT ENOUGH MERCH but I don’t think that one’s unpopular. None of these are unpopular they’re just salty lmao.
Song I associate with them: ok honestly. Anything Justin Timberlake but also “Space Jam” and I hate myself for it every time lmao.
Favorite picture of them: this one
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Favorite thing: her energy, honestly. That she always keeps positive and innocent, but she also has her serious moments of doubt, too. But she is always so loving towards her bro and his friends (and sassy with the Ikkou) and she’s just fun.
Least favorite thing: honestly that she’s kind of underdeveloped <_< I love her but she shows up even less than Kou, but. Also that there hasn’t been a follow up from reload yet, but I’m holding out that that will be coming.
Favorite line: from the Requiem dub, to Kou; “you’re such a weenie.” (Because it’s true. It’s very true.)
Brotp: Lirin and everyone. But especially Lirin and Goku. Also not in canon but I do think she and Kurai from AS would be great friends, so. I broship it.
Otp: I don’t actually have one for Lirin? I don’t really ship her with canon characters but. Ocs.....
Notp: Lirin and.... most of the main cast, tbh |D I mostly have only seen Lirin/Goku and Lirin/Sanzo but. I think she’s still young and it makes me feel uncomfortable? Also personal aus that made her and Goku siblings then just made me feel weird about it, but as always nothing against it. My brain just doesn’t wrap around it.
Random headcanon: she’s actually smarter than she seems at first glance, but her energy and childish nature make people underestimate her a lot.
Unpopular opinion: she’s actually a great character and deserves more story and love devoted to her, but she’s also not just a one note happy character. She has depth to her that doesn’t get explored enough.
Song I associate with them: I haven’t got a specific one but honestly I feel like upbeat dance music suits her. Also girl power anthems, just because.
Favorite picture: this one because she’s so cute?????
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wrestlingisanime · 6 years
My Wrestle Kingdom 13 Mental Preparations
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This Friday, I'm going to try to stay up and watch Wrestle Kingdom…this will be like the 3rd time I attempt to do this. Ever year around this time, I tell myself, "I'm finally going to start to get into watching New Japan regularly, starting with Wrestle Kingdom!" but it always falls through.
It's mainly the time difference that kills it for me. Even back when I didn't have a job and would regularly stay up until 6 AM, I couldn't sit still enough to watch the entirety of the show. I remember the first time I did this, I was doing laundry while watching some people dressed up like Doraemon dancing on stage or something. That's the only thing I remember about that show. 
Last year, I tried to stay up to watch it, but I had to go to work the next day, so I eventually went to bed. I remember waking up at 5 AM, getting ready for work and thinking, "I wonder who won between Jericho and Omega," and then finding out the show was still going on as I drove to work. I ended up downloading the show and watching Omega vs Jericho while waiting at the DMV to renew my license… 
Anyway, this year, I'm going to actually do it! I'm going to stay up and pay attention to the show! I have my New Japan World subscription ready. The show starts on a Friday, so I don't have to worry about getting up early for work the next day. I even plan on taking a nap Friday evening in an attempt to combat any sleepiness I might encounter staying up to some crazy hour!
Now, I will admit, I really don't follow New Japan that closely at all. I'm familiar with some of the names…Omega, Okada, Naito, Kota Ibushi, Tama Tonga… but I've never really watched their matches in full. I don't know much about any of the storylines going in. But, I think that it's important to broaden my knowledge and expand my horizons into the Japanese pro wrestling world, especially in my quest to compare wrestling and anime. I mean, Japanese wrestling is as close to live action anime as it gets, right?! 
So…I'm just going to ramble about the NJPW stuff I'm KIND OF familiar with in an attempt to prep myself for watching Wrestle Kingdom 13. So let's get started.
Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Ryusuke Taguchi vs Yuji Nagat, Jeff Cobb & David Finlay vs Hirooki Goto, Beretta & Chuckie T vs Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs  Hangman Page, Yujiro Takahashi & Marty Scurll
When I first looked at a match-up graphic of this match, I had no idea why there were so many people in a tag team match. I was confused about who was teaming with who, but I think I've figured it out.
I recognize a few names on this list, and I'm just going to detail what little I know about these wrestlers.
I've heard the name "Taguchi" said in a sexy Irish accent before…So this is the Ryusuke Taguchi that used to be buddies with Finn Balor/Prince Devitt. I don't know much more than that.
David Finlay sounds like he'd be the son of Fit Finlay…which apparently is the case! I don't know much about any of the Finlays except Fit was in one of the N64 AKI wrestling games.
Jeff Cobb, aka, the monster Mantza Cueto! I've seen him wrestle live as Matanza at the Impact/Lucha Underground show on Wrestlemania weekend last year. He's pretty freakin' good.
Chuckie T, I can only assume is that Chuck Taylor dude who was always the star of those Chikara videos I used to watch all the time, with him squealing like a little girl and yelling at children.
Marty Scurll is that "Villain" dude with the umbrella. He was a very popular wrestling cosplay at A-Kon last year. Lots of dudes with masks and umbrellas.
Hangman Page apparently killed Joey Ryan with a telephone and was haunted by cowboy boots. His original Bullet Club shirt was also a major inspiration for my Doki Doki Wrestling Club shirts, specifically Sayori's for obvious reasons…
Minoru Suzuki. I always hear how freakin' badass this dude is. Looking forward to see him wreck people.
I've heard some other names before, like Toru Yano, Yuji Nagata, and Davey Boy Smith…but I honestly don't know much about them. Hopefully that'll change soon! 
As for the "NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship" …well, I recently learned that the NEVER Openweight Championship is a title that isn't restricted by weight class. When I first looked at this card, I was very confused as how a 3-man team could compete to be a contender for a single title…but Wikipedia just now tells me that there is indeed a separate NEVER Tag Team Championship. That makes sense!
I still don't know what "NEVER" means. Apparently it's "New Blood," "Evolution," "Valiantly," "Eternal," and "Radical." Yeah, a bunch of random English words put together to form a nonsense acronym. Sounds pretty Japanese for sure. Reminds me of the notorious B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S. organization…
Kota Ibushi vs Will Ospreay
I really hope this match isn't an hour long, but…
So, of course I'm familiar with Kota Ibushi! He's Kenny's Golden Lover and he's done a bunch of crazy cool DDT matches. I think he was also in the WWE Cruiserweight Classic. And he starred in a kaiju movie that I really want to watch.
I only know Will Ospreay from that anime-as-hell match he had with Ricochet a few years ago that Vader got really mad about (R.I.P.).
Anyway, they both seem like amazing wrestlers, so sounds like it'll be a sick match…even if it somehow does last an hour.
Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado vs Roppongi 3K vs BUSHI & Shingo Takagi 
Why can't these tag matches just have 2 teams!!!
I honestly don't know much about any of these people. I've heard the name "Roppongi 3K" before, and it's a cool sounding name, so that's cool. I also probably get "BUSHI" and Kota Ibushi confused sometimes.
Oh, and I guess I need to finally look up what "IWGP" stands for. Okay, so apparently it stands for "International Wrestling Grand Prix" which is the governing body of NJPW…what. I don't know what that means. I have never heard a human utter the words "International Wrestling Grand Prix" before…huh, weird. I'd rather they just call it the NJPW championship, but I guess there's a legacy there that they want to preserve, so that's fair. Also, weird title names seem to go hand-in-hand with Japanese wrestling anyway. 
Tomoiro Ishii vs Zack Sabre Jr.
I did not know that New Japan had a British Heavyweight Championship.
Like many Japanese wrestlers, I've heard the name Tomohiro Ishii mentioned in podcasts a lot, but I can't envision a specific person or match in my head. Sorry. :(
I don't know if I've seen Zack Sabre Jr. wrestle, either. I know he was in the WWE Cruiswerweight Classic, but that's it.
They're probably both really good, though, and very deserving of whatever this Japanese British championship is.
Tanga Loa & Tama Tonga vs Sanada & EVIL vs The Young Bucks 
Seriously, do they just not have 2v2 tag matches in Japan?
I'm very familiar with Tama Tonga. He's that Bullet Club dude that used to have face paint that reminded me of the box art to Knights of the Old Republic 2. Much like I haven't played any KOTOR game, I don't think I've ever watched Tama Tonga actually wrestle. I know that he's done some goofy stuff on Twitter recently. Also, he's got a cool name that's fun to say: "Tama Tonga."
Speaking of cool names, who doesn't like the name "EVIL"? That name..it's just…so freaking good. I keep hoping there's an association with that one Sponge Bob episode, but probably not.
Also, the Young Bucks…yeah they're very popular, but, again, I don't think I've ever seen them wrestle. I just know that they superkick people a lot, they have streamers on their pants, and they're very good at selling merch. 
Cody vs Juice Robinson
Obviously, I know who Cody is. He was that dude who used to be Stardust! …man, Stardust was cool. Stardust is literally THE reason I started watching wrestling again. It was a bummer to hear that Cody didn't like doing the character. He was so good at it, though.
I recently learned that Juice Robinson used to be CJ Parker in NXT. That was pretty mindblowing, because CJ Parker was one of the standout characters for me back when I first watched NXT. Apparently he's a good wrestler, too, so cool. 
Also, I'm almost tempted to ask why there's an IWGP US Championship…but I guess "I" in IWGP stands for "International." …but why isn't the British title the IWGP British Championship??? Looking that up now…oh, so the British Championship is actually the RPW British Heavyweight Championship owned by Revolution Pro Wrestling. Huh.
KUSHIDA vs Taiji Ishimori
I remember a long time ago, I watched some clips from an older (then recent) Wrestle Kingdom that featured a team called the Time Splitters, which I thought was cool because I like the video game TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. But also, I guess this was a time traveler wrestling gimmick, and that's cool, and I liked hearing the ring announcer go "TIIIIIIIME SPLTITERRRRRRRSSSSS." But that's not even it! They had a freakin' Back to the Future Delorean entrance. And then there was one that had a dude dressed as Doc Brown…and apparently that guy was Taguchi. Huh, weird.
So, I guess KUSHIDA was one of the Time Splitters, so that's cool. I don't if he's still a time traveler or not. I hope he is. 
As for Taiji Ishimori, he's the new "Bone Soldier," and I don't really know much about that, other than Captain New Japan used to be the Bone Soldier and everyone hated that one for some reason, but they like this new one. And Ishimori might be going to WWE? I don't know! 
Oh, I just realized that all these matches have a 60 minute time limit…
Kazuchika Okada vs Jay White
Of course I'm familiar with Okada. He's the Rainmaker! And then he turned into that guy with the balloons…I dunno, but he's in Yakuza 6, so that's cool!
Jay White is apparently the new leader of the Bullet Club. I used to think he was always part of the Bullet Club because I remember seeing Jay White Bullet Club shirts a while back…but apparently he wasn't actually in the Bullet Club until recently? I don't know! I just know that people used to call him "Knife Pervert" and I thought that was funny, so I used it in Doki Doki Wrestling Club.
Chris Jericho vs Testuya Naito 
Chris Jericho is a guy who wears a scarf and dresses like a mime or something. I don't know. 
I always thought Naito was cool. I like "Tranquilo" and the eyeball thing he does. There's also that super cute Naito teddy bear plush that I would really like to have one day. I once bought a Naito keychain from an anime con artist alley booth. Yeah, I like Naito, and apparently so does everyone else…except Chris Jericho, I guess.
Kenny Omega vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
I first heard of Kenny Omega when people were sharing that clip of a grown dude wrestling a 9-year-old Japanese girl. I also learned that he was a huge nerd and spoke fluent Japanese. From my limited perspective, he didn't seem to blow up in popularity until he debuted as "The Cleaner" in the Bullet Club. Now he's like the most popular non-WWE wrestler in the world. I wasn't ever a super huge fan of Kenny, but he DID put Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon on his Top 10 video games list last year, so he's cool in my book. I wish he played fighting games other than Street Fighter, though…
As for Tanahashi, I remember on like my second attempt to stay up and watch Wrestle Kingdom, people kept saying that Tanahashi was the "John Cena of Japan." I'm assuming that's still true to this day. Honesty, that's all I know about Tanahashi, lol.
So, I assume Tanahashi is going to win and Kenny will finally have his rematch against a grown up Haruka!
And that's it!! That's all I know about Wrestle Kingdom 13. Hopefully I'll finally start to get into NJPW following this Wrestle Kingdom, because I honestly think Japanese puroresu knowledge is absolutely necessary in my campaign to prove that wrestling…is anime.
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gavillain · 8 years
What are your thoughts on queercoding in Disney villains?
Hoo boy. Okay, this is a topic that I’mprobably not the best person to ask about it because I’m notreally objective at all, being both a gay man and a big fan of Disneyvillains, so I’m not going to have some high quality discourse socialjustice approved thing here. Instead, this is going to be more aboutme personally and my perspective. And since I will say right herethat I unapologetically like Disney villains, especially ones likeUrsula who have a lot of queercoding in them, I fully acknowledgethat my stance might be one someone might find problematic and if itis, then I apologize and I absolutely shouldn’t be treated like I’m perfect or really an authority on this topic. Yet, being a queer person who has been a lifelong fan ofcharacters like this, I do think I have something to offer to thisdiscussion that maybe isn’t as talked about.
The short answer is this: I actuallylike villains who are queer or queercoded because villains on thewhole resonate with me a lot more and I like having some layer of myidentity incorporated into my favorite type of character. The longeranswer, however….
Full thing under the cut, because I’mabout to get deep into this y'all XD
So, okay, starting off, I do want tosay that I think one of the big things to consider first and foremostwith this whole debate is that people like fictional villains, andit’s kind of the point that people like fictional villains.Compared to someone like a real life “villain” likeDonald Trump or Charles Manson or whoever, fictional villains are away for us to explore our darksides in a setting where it’s notuncomfortably real. And yes, there is absolutely a divide betweenfictional villains and real life villains that I do think we need tofirmly acknowledge exists. Because fiction is a controlled settingmeant to reflect emotion, whereas real life is an uncontrolledsetting that generates emotions. They’re linked, but distinctive. Youcan’t ignore the divide between fiction and reality any more than youcan deny the link.
But before we go any further, let’stalk about Disney villains as a brand, because Disney villains aredecoupled from their source material and marketed as their own entitywith t-shirts, pins, snowglobes, dolls, figurines, and other forms ofmemorabilia. Yet not every villain is included in this brand. Despitetheir movies’ popularity, you rarely see the likes of Hans, JudgeFrollo, or Gaston crop up in merchandise. The six mainstays invillain merch are Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, Cruella De Vil,Ursula, and Captain Hook with Hades, Scar, Chernabog, and the Queenof Hearts slipping in there as kind of the second tier. Aside fromChernabog, who’s mostly there for aesthetics reasons, the ones whoget marketed the most are the ones who probably have the mostprominent queercoding in them.
(Disney villain merch for reference:)
The ones who tend to be usually keptout of the spotlight are the villains who are rooted very heavily intoxicly masculine traits like the aforementioned three. It’s also nocoincidence that Gaston, Frollo, and Hans are all very widelyconsidered to be the most deplorable Disney villains and are mostoften praised for being terrifying and dark. These are meant to berepulsive and hateable.
With the main clearly identifiablybranded Disney villain, specifically the ones who are widely marketedand contain queercoding, that’s not really the case. Like if you goto something like Club Villain or the Hocus Pocus Spelltacular at theDisney parks or even really an online discussion board of Disneyvillain fans, the tone and environment are completely different.There’s not really a culture of deplorability or repulsiveness tothese guys, but, by contrast, one that’s fun and celebratory. It’svery “let loose, have fun, and just flaunt it.”
The decoupled Disney villain brand isall about letting go of inhibitions and just being unapologetic, overthe top with aesthetic, and vicariously being able to do all of thenaughty things that normally you just can’t. There’s an elementthat’s very freeing to Disney villain brand, and I thinkthat’s a big reason why the queercoding element happens: because thattype of freeing, confident, self-expression is very characteristic ofgay culture, and so a lot of elements from one will bleed intoanother. It’s also, of course, no coincident that an overwhelming percentage of Disney villain fans are LGBT+. And yes, gay culture borrows from Disney villains a lot too– look no further than at all of the drag queens inspired by Disneyvillains….
And Disney of course creates (or atleast they did until they got on their “plot twist villain”trend) villains who play into the tropes that can feed into theirbrand. However, obviously, not everyone who sees their movies isinvolved in the branding, and so the more celebratory side gets kindof ignored in favor of seeing heteronormative protagonists taking downqueercoded villains. And for that matter, why villains in particular?Why not do the brand with heroes? And these are all valid concernsbecause we do have to consider them within the context of their ownnarrative, not being decoupled from it for branding sakes.
But, again, even within the context oftheir narratives, these villains are intended to be fun rather thanespecially deplorable. Like, sure, they do bad things like cursingprincesses and overthrowing benevolent kings and queens, but theydon’t do the really terrible and uncomfortable evil things likeFrollo does. Their evil is by and large through more of an abstract,less threatening level to where they are more paletteable, and itmakes it feel okay for you to sing along to their songs, dress up asthem for Halloween, and on some level even root for them.
And I think we do kind of have to giveDisney some credit in that though their villains have somestereotypically queer traits, they’re never necessarily demonized forthis. Their queer traits are the ones that make them fun andengaging, while their evil traits tend to be more on the level ofmore everyday vices like greed or jealousy. Ursula’s not evil becauseshe looks like a drag queen or anything to do with her beingdifferent or other in the context of the move, but rather because ofher wanting to wrest power away from King Triton and how she allowsthat pursuit of power to hurt others. No, obviously, it’s notperfectly okay, but it’s really not bad unless you’re solely looking atit in generalities.
As for why villains in particular, Ithink it really goes back to something I mentioned before: fictionalvillains are away to explore our darker sides without actually doingevil things. It’s a way to vicariously release the rude or angryenergies inside of you, and there’s also somthing kind of alluringabout thinking about what would happen if you got pushed off the deepend. It’s an enticing taboo, and because these characters are so fun,it sort of makes it okay not to bottle up and internalizing all ofthat negativity. There’s something cathartic to be able to expressyourself through fictional bad guys.
It’s also not like villains are theonly queercoded Disney characters either. Look at Timon and Pumbaa,Elsa, Pleakly, Jim Hawkins, the Genie, etc. It’s present on bothsides of the morality spectrum. The traditional queercoding traitsare ones used by and large in animation to make characters fun andlikable. So I push back on the notion that Disney is intentionallyonly queercoding bad guys because they think gayness is evil oranything like that.
Going to a more personal level, I lovevillains in general. They’re my favorite characters in fiction, and Idon’t mean “villains” like Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent orElphaba who aren’t really bad but just are percieved that way. No, Ilike the really diabolical antagonist characters best of all becausethey enrich the narrative so much and just always capture myimagination. And, again, I like that exploration into my own darkside that they offer.
And, yeah, all of my top ten favoritevillains are either canonly queer, queercoded, or I headcanon them asqueer. Because, again, they’re my favorite characters. I’m a gay man,and I like seeing myself represented and reflected in the characterswho most hold my attention and spark my imagination. A big part ofthe reason Russell Edgington and Daken became big favorite villainsfor me are because they’re queer. And usually gay villains are goingto make me love them if they show up.
Obviously, though, there areexceptions. King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph, for example, I foundto be kind of offensive in how, even in the context of Disneycharacters, he’s so extremely foppish and fae, Ralph outright callsKC a “nelly wafer,” and the point of his narrativerole as a villain is that he’s put on a false queercoded identity to run awayfrom who he is. So there’s a lot of elements there that I think areproblematic and uncomfortable. And of course, going outside ofDisney, there are more traditionally problematic queer villains likeDr. Frank-N-Furter in Rocky Horror Picture Show who isportrayed as a depraved sexual deviant who goes against the laws ofnature in his actions. And obviously, that’s not okay to me.
So, my personal line in the sand iswhen that querness gets directly tied into the “evil” or“depraved” elements or when that villain ceases to besomeone who is fun and entertaining. Obviously people are going todisagree with me on this, and that’s fine, and they’re probably morein the right than I am. However, I’m personally of the opinion thatwe need more queer characters of ALL varietis. More queer mainheroes, more queer supporting players, and, yes, even more queervillains. Because queer people aren’t just one thing: we’re allthings and all walks of life, and we deserve to be represented in avariety of ways.
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