#i think him and tyler are in fucking kahoots i FEEL it
tautozhone · 2 years
literally can’t stop thinking about how xavier emphasized the prophecy couldn’t happen if wednesday wasn’t there and that she needed to get far away to prevent it, and how the key to resurrecting crackstone was in fact reliant on wednesdays blood. he knew something there, and he knows way fucking more than he seems to be letting on.
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thefanboyhub · 5 months
More random HeadCannons for the SBG gang because yes:
Aiden has two different music tastes. The goofy kind (party rocks for example) and then the "oh shit, he's depressed" kind. Think Pierce The Veil, Melanie Martinez, Get Scared, any kind of "I'm fucked up" kind of music.
Ashlyn listens to a lot of classical and instrumental music or like indie alternative kind of stuff. Think James Marriott, Fish in a Birdcage, ECT.
Tyler listens to guitar heavy stuff (like I said last time I did this shit) but he really likes rock/metal kind of stuff. Think Get Scared, Limp Bizkit, Three days Grace, Pierce The Veil, that kind of stuff.
Taylor listens to more upbeat things. She also likes classic pop (Gwen Stacy, Shakira, ECT.) Think Britney Spears.
Ben listens to everything and anything. It depends on his mood how much energy he has the vibes he feels ECT.
Logan shockingly listens to rock. He'll say he's a Fish In a Birdcage girly (which he is but he likes Get Scared and Nickelback more) but he is lying. He wants that head bangers that drown out everything while he zooms into shit.
Tyler would be the worst with road rage when driving.
Logan would be the most normal about driving.
Taylor would be scared at first and relax afterwards while Ben is not relaxed and generally hates driving.
Aiden is shockingly the best driver???
Ashlyn is actually decent at driving when a giant monster isn't trying to kill her and her friends.
Tayler tried to become friends with Ashlyn when they were little but it uh... Failed.
Creator has confirmed Ashlyn is autistic and has kind of said Logan has OCD and Aiden has ADHD I believe. I would like to add to this by saying: Ashlyns autism is more on the social aspect, less on the texture and touch, and HEAVY on sound aspect. Logan's OCD gets worse the more stressed he is, his obsession is intrusive thoughts and the need to be perfect at anything academic, his compulsion is auto cannibalism(chewing not his nails but the skin around them, his lips, inside his mouth, and time took a tiny chunk out his hand) and finding work to do. Aiden's ADHD is very low in the aggression and anger, he does still have it but his ADHD is more on the social and focus stuff. Aiden also has an adrenaline addiction and depression. He also has an addictive personality.
Taylor and Tyler are intersex. It's only on the hormonal level but it's still there. (Do you see the vision???)
Ben hates that he's mute. He does and doesn't have a choice in it. He wants to speak often but something just stops him, it's like a part of him has his hands around his throat just like the day he lost his voice.
Logan is actually really competitive but it has to be something he's good at to really get him going. Tyler found that out during trivia game in the back of one of these classes (they decided to not pay attention and okay a random Kahoot. Logan won.)
It is also confirmed Tyler would be in cosmetology if it want for the scholarship baseball gives him. SO. He dyes Aiden hair, he and Taylor has dyed purple hair at one point. He knows how to do piercings, he did his and his sisters. He has more than her (nose and all ear pericings possible).
None of the group is hetero. None. Ashlyn is the closest to it and that's just cuz she's be Demiromantic and heterosexual. Ben comes in second place for that and that because he's bi but female leaning cuz men scare him. (He be the opposite of most people lmao) Aiden is Pan but doesn't really understand it. Tayler is unlabeled cuz she just likes whoever the fuck. Tyler is a literal raging Bi but doesnt think about it cuz he be busy. And Logan is most likely gay or that one thing that's attracted to like masculinity.
Remember that one scene of Ashlyn popping her bones? Tyler has that when he wakes up in the mornings. He does sports. He gonna snap crackle pop.
Aiden has only had four hospital visits before, he actually more careful then people give him credit for. That and Ben stops him a lot.
Ben sticks closer to Aiden even more now because he heard and saw him die.
Aiden and Ben's sister bully each other.
Tyler once had someone ask him out randomly and he was so confused so he was like "Uhm... No? I think?" Because he was up late trying to help his mom pay bills the night before and didn't understand what she said. The baseball team would not stop bullying him for that the rest of their freshman year.
Taylor had an emo phase in middle school which made Tyler follow suit. They were emos in middle school, I know they were. The hair says it all.
The group has two sets of matching outfits that they wear randomly and somehow always wear on the same days without even communicating it. S
Ashlyn becomes a big baby on her period and me willingly let's Adien and or Tyler carry her around. Taylor just gets really mean and aggressive (becomes Tyler 2.0 frfr) or just cries randomly and it stresses our boys out.
Ashlyn knows baby sign language so she can understand some stuff Ben says to Aiden when they us ASL thinking the group isn't paying attention.
Logan writes fanfiction. I'm not elaborating.
Tyler and Taylor both were princesses one holloween and literally everyone thought they was a third one, making them triplets. People from their middle school that go to their current school still ask if their other sister is doing okay and Tyler dies inside a little every time.
Tyler hates mayonnaise. I feel like he'd hate it.
Ashlyn hates Tartar sauce. Like she will punch anyone who tries to give it to her.
Aiden forgets to eat a lot and has to eat timers to remember.
They all share clothes but Aiden and Ashlyn share more than everyone else. Specifically with each other. They trade a lot.
Logan is constantly missing his sweaters because of Ashlyn stealing them.
They all signed each other shoes on the inner left ones with their initials.
Ben tried not to stick out as much as possible because of trauma.
Logan is edging into his emo phase soon. He'd be the fancy emo, more like and e boy but less cringe.
Aiden worships Lady Gaga. No further explanation.
Everyone gives Aiden the side eye when he plays party rockers (party walkers). He just vibes. (He's actually trying to keep the memory of Ashlyn face in his brain so he doesn't fail her again.)
Taylor has a middle school relationship with a girl one time. It ended cuz she moved away and Taylor was like a sad puppy for two weeks.
That's all bye now
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jm-loves-sm · 4 years
April 21, 2020
Something snapped inside Sydney D’Amico’s head the moment The Hoff was killed by that ISIS soldier. Some say a piece of Sydney died that night. Sure, it was still October and the squadron actually had escaped from their imprisonment. But how could The Hoff die that easily? Sydney had had enough. She decided right then and there that she didn’t care anymore, and then she thought, “Well if I don’t care about the game of war, which is my life, then I don’t care what people will think if I go out Trick or Treating on Halloween.” And this is where our story begins.......
”Where are you going Sydney? And why are you dressed up like Maria?” asked Tyler Seguin.
”Well Tyler, it’s basically none of your business. But if you must know, I’m gonna go out and get some FUCKING CANDY. And if you or anyone tries to stop me, so help me God, I’ll send them to Hell” said Sydney as she walked out the door.
Tyler immediately called Taylor Davenport and told him, “Taylor, Sydney has officially lost it. She’s trick or treating and thinks the worst place to go is still Hell”
”MY GOD.....initiate Code 8” said Taylor
Meanwhile, Sydney was going door to door on Industrial Avenue. She knocked on the first door, which was a Skechers Factory Outlet
”Ma’am? You can just come in, you don’t have to knock” said Tony the employee  
Sydney kept knocking though, and Tony thought to himself “what the fuck?”
Tony then opened the door and Sydney, dressed as Maria, yells “TRICK OR TREAT!!!!”
”Is this a joke? Who put you up to this? Margaret?” said Tony
Sydney was not pleased, so she says “trick then”
Sydney then pulled out a fart capsule and broke it right in Tony’s face. Tony began to scream “I’M BLIND I CAN’T SEE”
Sydney then took 4 pairs of Sketcher for her trouble, and went to the next door: DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse. Before she could knock, a familiar voice said “Sydney, enough of this. It’s time to go home”
Sydney turns around and sees the real Maria Hollett. They are standing face to face and Tony runs down towards them pleading for someone to call 911. His vision slowly comes to and sees two Marias. He yells “HOLY SWEET SHIT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME????”
”Listen Sydney, we have all had loved ones that get killed by ISIS for no reason. Even when you tell him not to, he still does it. I know what you’re feeling. But you can’t do this Sydney, you can’t trick or treat and you can’t use fake fart capsules to trick people” said Maria
”Maria, I’ve been told my whole life what to do and not to do. I was even told to go to Switzerland. And I did it, even though I didn’t want to. So guess what? If I want to Trick or Treat, I’m gonna fucking Trick or Treat” said Sydney.
”Then you leave me no choice” said Maria, and she shoots a flare into the air. Suddenly, a helicopter is above them. Sydney looks up and sees Taylor. And behind him......GASP* IT’S TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET
”Take a look Sydney. These are execution papers. All i gotta do is sign it and Timothée is a goner” said Taylor
Timothée leans over and yells, “DON’T LET THEM EXECUTE ME....” Suddenly Taylor slaps Timothée across the face and yells “QUIET YOU”
Sydney, sweating bullets now, drops her 4 pairs of stolen Sketchers and surrenders. Taylor begins laughing hysterically while Timothée weeps.
“You know what Timothée? I’m gonna sign the execution anyways. See you in hell Timothée ahahahahahah” said Taylor
The End
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