My name is Ashraf Alanqar, and I am 30 years old. My wife, Widad Issa, and I have a one-and-a-half-year-old son named Bakr. We used to live peacefully in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, in a house we built just a week before the war began. I worked as a farmer and owned a large chicken farm that provided for my family.
Beloved of my heart (Bakr)
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Then the war came and destroyed everything. Our home was reduced to ashes, and our chicken farm was obliterated. We lost our home, our livelihood, and even our basic rights. We've been forced to move from place to place in northern Gaza, simply trying to survive.
My House before...
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Me.. while trying to recognize what has happened..
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The terror we feel as we flee from heavy bombardment is unbearable. The sound of explosions around us, the constant fear as we navigate through the rubble of destroyed homes searching for safety and food, haunts us every day. My son Bakr is constantly scared and suffers from severe malnutrition and skin diseases due to the lack of food, water, and sanitation.
Our beautiful memories.. :(
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We urgently need your help. I am asking for your support to fund this campaign to move my family to a safe place, provide us with a proper home, and ensure we have enough food, water, and medical care.
Baker used to play with his dog.
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Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in our lives. We desperately need your support and solidarity during this difficult time. Together, we can restore hope and safety to Ashraf and his family.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering my plea. Your support means more than words can express. Together, we can turn a story of loss into a journey of hope and resilience.
With deepest gratitude,
Ashraf & the Family
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We Love Gilmore Girls 🍂🍁
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its awesome theres a vampire on sesame street because you need to introduce children to the concept as early as possible
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Yeah I might be dropping out of university for a second time but I have a job and a husband and a house so I’m just following in the footsteps of my queen Blair Waldorf
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In Germany there are different ways to fail a class. So until 11th grade (or 10th in some cases) you have a grading system of grades 1-6, 1 being the best grade and 6 a complete failed. But a passing grade is only up to a 4, so if you have a 5 at the end of the year on the subject you technically failed the class but if your other grades are good enough like mostly, I think you can even out a 5 with either one 1 or two 2s, you still have a passing average on all your classes so you are considered doing well enough in school that you don’t have to retake anything. It does, however, pull down your GPA.
Now if you get a 6 there is no way of evening it out and you will either have to take a make up test that needs to be significantly better over the summer break or you have no choice but to repeat the entire school year. (Sounds horrible but is actually not that bad, I myself did 8th grade twice).
After that there is a point system of 0-15, now 0 being the worst and 15 the best. It works very similar to the grading system before that but instead of getting like a 3+ (which would be the equivalent of an American C+ I think) you‘d get 9 points. But within this point system you can even out everything except a 0. if you get 0 points on any of your Abitur exams (which are the big graduation exams) you will have to go and take a make up exam but if you get below 5 points (which is the passing cutoff) you get the option to take a makeup exam anyway to raise your gpa.
If you do not get enough points on your mandatory make up exam you will have to repeat your last year of school. You will not graduate otherwise
im really curious about what happens in the different school systems when you fail a subject. i think its pretty universal (but correct me if im wrong) that in college/uni you have to re-take the class, but in high school is different.
in my country, if you fail a class, after the school year ends you have two go two extra weeks, one for study one for tests. we called it "diciembre" because it takes place in december. if you pass the test, it's over, you passed but if you fail, you have two go another two extra weeks, but those are the previus weeks to the start of the following year. we called it "febrero" because it takes place during february. same process, but this time, if you fail, they arent so nice. failed subjects are called "previas". if you have more than 3, you have to retake the entire year all subjects. if you have less than 3 previas, you pass the year but every month* you have to take a test until you finally pass it. you cannot graduate highschool if you have previas and passing a previa can take years. (there are 5th year students with previas of their 2nd year. there are people who finished their last year months/years ago but dont have their diploma for a single previa, etc)
but it isnt like that everywhere, so im really curius about what happens when you fail
*not nessesary every month, its complicated, too long to explain
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"i would kill for you" "i would die for you" okay but would you forgive me if i forgot something important for the 51204th time in a row even though i tried my best to remember
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nurse the patient needs to go to the twin peaks diner for a cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie STAT!!!!
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So far:
Bella Hadid — Palestinian American model, said: "There have been so many brands that have stopped working with me. A lot of friends have also turned their backs on me," because of her support of Palestine and how she's talked about the genocide of her own people.
Nemahsis — Palestinian Canadian singer, got dropped by her label 11 Acres for her posts about Palestine and the genocide of her own people.
Melissa Barrera — Mexican actress, fired from American film franchise Scream because of her posts about Palestine and specifically for a pro-Palestine article she shared by a Jewish anti-Zionist journalist and professor in Holocaust and genocide studies. Spyglass Media Group called this journalist and his article anti-Semitic. Spyglass's CEO Gary Barber is a white South African who supports apartheid and Zionism.
Mia Khalifa — Lebanese American media personality, lost her podcast deal with Playboy because of her posts about Palestine. Playboy's CEO Ben Kohn is a Zionist who tweeted "I hope no one calls for Israel to show restraint today or in the future" on Oct 7.
Anwar El Ghazi — Moroccan Dutch football player, fired from German football team Mainz over his posts in support of Palestine. Other players for Mainz have posted in support of "Israel" and Zionism and have faced zero consequences.
Susan Sarandon — white American actress, dropped from her talent agency, United Talent, for her posts in support of Palestine. United Talent's CEO Jeremy Zimmer is a Zionist.
Guz Khan — Pakistani Punjabi British actor, fired from Our Fl*g Means Death specifically because of his support of Palestine. The show's executive producer Taika Waititi is a Zionist (And before any freaks show up in my mentions: he signed the letter in support of "Israel," saying NO to a ceasefire, and encouraging the US military to send more money and weapons to "Israel" + he liked posts about "Israel's" "military rights")
Maha Dakhil — Libyan American talent agent, was almost fired from CAA (one of the biggest talent agencies on the planet) over her posts in support of Palestine, but wasn't fired because some of her very famous clients (apparently including Tom Cruise?) stepped in and protected her. CAA's CEO Bryan Lourd is a Zionist.
Let me know if I missed any 🥴
Meanwhile, just a few examples:
Noah Schnapp — white American. Said "You either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism." Has not faced any consequences.
Sarah Silverman — white American. Said that “Israel” has no reason to allow food or water into Gaza, and that Palestinians should be "grateful" they were ever “given” water from “Israel” in the past. Has not faced any consequences.
Jerry Seinfeld — white American. Went to the "Israeli" military base/"fantasy camp" nicknamed "Camp Shoot-a-Palestinian" and played target practice with the soldiers, where the targets are pictures of Palestinian human beings. Has not faced any consequences.
Con O'Neill — white British dude from Our Fl*g Means Death. Liked, replied complimenting, and shared an article by far-right racist Zionist terf Eve Barlow, all about how "coming out as a Zionist is harder than coming out as gay." Has not faced any consequences.
Amy Schumer — white American. Made a post that said "Gazans are rapists" (not even Hamas, but all Gazans). Has not faced any consequences.
James Woods — white American (voice actor of Hades in D*sney's Hercules, executive producer of Oppenheimer). Said "Bomb the savages who did this back to the Stone Age. There are no grey areas. Kill them all. Every Hamas savage and every Hamas supporter on earth. Bury them with the entrails of pigs." Has not faced any consequences.
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I swear I care about the Netflix Christmas Cinematic Universe a normal amount.
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Currently working through draft 2, but I'm still in a bit of an emotional rut so I'm trying to take it a little slower even though the timeline isn't really allowing for it. also! I went through the WSL Fixtures and highlighted all the Liverpool matches hehehe
Currently Reading: How to Die in the Anthropocene by Roy Scranton
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Anyway, did I remember to consistently post throughout the semester? NO
Did I consistently study though? I‘m gonna go with a firm almost on that one
Since everyone seems to be in a back to school mood and I am officially a second semester student (even though that doesn’t start till early October) here have some study pics from the early days of last semester
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There are so many photos I took but forgot to post so prepare for some photo dumps and believe me when I say I’ve been studying incredibly hard
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The Banshees of Inisherin 2022, dir. Martin McDonagh
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i had shared what is happening in sudan on a long facebook post last night, but it virtually received almost little to no engagement or shares from the nearly 600 “friends” i have on the site.
this morning, my great-aunt was shot by the soldiers fighting for power, and God forbid, i lose more of my family members before eid this friday.
please read below to understand what is happening and how you can help my country. i hope the tumblr community can show more kindness than the lack of support and advocacy i’ve seen elsewhere.
يا رب اجعل هذا البلد آمناً 🇸🇩
the lack of awareness and advocacy from the African, Arab, and Muslim diaspora and the human rights community has been painful.
while Western media has done little to no coverage of the ongoing conflict in the capital city of my motherland, Sudan, it appears that the rest of the world also partakes in normalizing crimes and violence against SWANA people.
violence and war hurting the SWANA region are NOT ordinary occurrences — no one, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, religion, and gender, should experience the unprecedented amount of violence that harms my two living grandmothers, aunts and uncles, and baby cousins who live in Khartoum.
your decision to ignore reading or educating and discussing with others about what is likely to be a civil war is complicity in viewing SWANA people as individuals who regularly experience conflict and are undeserving of help.
the silence is damaging, and it is up to us as privileged members of the diaspora (or individuals living in the Western world committed to human rights) to support the people of my country and their dream for a stable, democratically elected government.
what is happening in Sudan is a fight that started on April 15 between two competing forces for power — the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) — neither groups are representative of the needs of our people. The Sudan Army is loyal to the dictator, Omar Al-Bashir, and the RSF is responsible for the genocide in Darfur.
with both power struggles backed by different Arab and Gulf nations, the two parties have been fighting for power for the last few years. While they worked together to try and end the people’s revolution, they lost. however, they are now in a constant power play of who will get to rule the nation.
this all means that war is NOT a reflection of my country — violence does not represent the SWANA people. Sudan is a nation of beautiful culture, strong women, intellectual and influential Islamic scholars, poets, and youth at the front lines of the revolution. we are a people committed to a region of peace for ourselves and the rest of the Ummah.
my family and the rest of Sudan’s innocent civilians are at the most risk, with many currently without drinking water, food to eat, electricity, and complete blockage to any mosques during the final nights of Ramadan, our holiest month of the year.
i ask that you please keep Sudan and our people in your prayers — donate to the Sudan Red Crescent or a mutual aid GoFund Me, email your representatives if you live in a country that can put pressure on either competing force of power, discuss this with your family and friends, and please do not forget to think about SWANA people — our brothers and sisters in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and many others need our love and support.
الردة_مستحيلة ✊🏾
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18.04.2023 • tuesday
despite the odds, i’m finally very close to finish the assignment i’m working on. i’m planning to finish and submit it in the evening. and then start working on the other two assignments i need to write. (╥﹏╥)
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